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File: 1727392311872.jpg (234.58 KB, 731x1078, doup+.jpg)

No. 2039082

Previous thread: >>>/snow/2024632

Shayna Leigh Clifford; 26-year-old failing prostitute, pornsick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid-filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents’ help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.


REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread

>starts out with problems with her flights >>2024650, >>2024651, >>2024653, >>2024680
>first thing she does at home is get a seafood boil with ellen >>2025211
>considers going to chicago for a retarded scrote >>2025722, >>2025731
>a john is letting her drive his jeep wrangler >>2026344
>shayna is totally a sex siren you guise >>2026568
>she wants to get in a physical fight, which she would definitely lose >>2027620
>quit weed yet again >>2028344
>kept her nasty femboy bf in a "cage" for ten months >>2029943
>she might not be living with traniel according to this tweet? >>2030311
>she moved and she quit weed and shes very depressed so not putting out much content. claims she lost weight kek >>2031040
>first nude in her new room >>2031196
>seems like it could be in traniels, not quite sure they look similar >>2031912, >>2031961
>shayna fleshlight drops >>2032220
>went to disneyland >>2032225, >>2032229, >>2032246
>dropped another porn with the black guy >>2032285
>expert axe thrower moment >>2033332
>she has terrible trigger discipline, shoots a gun >>2033726, >>2033737
>another seafood boil >>2034008
>back to vegas >>2034532
>doup+ shoot drops >>2035747, >>2035876
>more bad matronly shots from this photographer >>2036171, >>2036427, >>2036643, >>2037030, >>2037308, >>2037480, >>2038438, >>2038440, >>2038599, >>2038644, >>2038647, >>2038652, >>2038653
>new porn with retarded looking guy >>2036792, >>2036794
>more pedo pandering with strictmore >>2038884

New TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theirlbarbie

No. 2039083

Previous threads:
1: >>>/snow/344490
2: >>>/snow/405758
3: >>>/snow/457531
4: >>>/snow/489642
5: >>>/snow/520702
6: >>>/snow/538195
7: >>>/snow/551438 (Fupa Saga Begins)
8: >>>/snow/576753
9: >>>/snow/596387
10: >>>/snow/614734
11: >>>/snow/634221
12: >>>/snow/645637
13: >>>/snow/652799
14: >>>/snow/659029
15: >>>/snow/670334
16: >>>/snow/684027 (Oklahoma Move)
17: >>>/snow/692588
18: >>>/snow/701865
19: >>>/snow/709096
20: >>>/snow/715014
21: >>>/snow/724405
22: >>>/snow/734200
23: >>>/snow/743129
24: >>>/snow/751241
25: >>>/snow/765135 (Fake breakup Saga)
26: >>>/snow/767057
27: >>>/snow/771525
28: >>>/snow/775889 (Dawn Saga)
29: >>>/snow/778588
30: >>>/snow/783044
31: >>>/snow/793016
32: >>>/snow/795348
33: >>>/snow/801973
34: >>>/snow/812233
35: >>>/snow/820903
36: >>>/snow/830379
37: >>>/snow/841938
38: >>>/snow/849463
39: >>>/snow/856484
40: >>>/snow/868478
41: >>>/snow/874933
42: >>>/snow/880007
43: >>>/snow/888251
44: >>>/snow/899588
45: >>>/snow/907942
46: >>>/snow/913353
47: >>>/snow/920447
48: >>>/snow/929239
49: >>>/snow/939312
50: >>>/snow/948843
51: >>>/snow/956737
52: >>>/snow/963665
53: >>>/snow/972184
54: >>>/snow/980715
55: >>>/snow/988449 (Fupa Reveal/Breakup/Psych Ward Saga)
56: >>>/snow/1000276
57: >>>/snow/1010401
58: >>>/snow/1020582
59: >>>/snow/1034150
60: >>>/snow/1048616
61: >>>/snow/1059375
62: >>>/snow/1070454
63: >>>/snow/1079389
64: >>>/snow/1088260
65: >>>/snow/1093837
66: >>>/snow/1102826
67: >>>/snow/1111610
68: >>>/snow/1124714
69: >>>/snow/1135364
70: >>>/snow/1147881
71: >>>/snow/1165926
72: >>>/snow/1168586
73: >>>/snow/1174600
74: >>>/snow/1181871
75: >>>/snow/1193334
76: >>>/snow/1204635 (Breakup #2)
77: >>>/snow/1213075
78: >>>/snow/1221034
79: >>>/snow/1230291
80: >>>/snow/1236555
81: >>>/snow/1242857
82: >>>/snow/1252175
83: >>>/snow/1261047
84: >>>/snow/1268266 (Final Breakup)
85: >>>/snow/1275849
86: >>>/snow/1281545
87: >>>/snow/1291177
88: >>>/snow/1302140
89: >>>/snow/1311832
90: >>>/snow/1321423
91: >>>/snow/1332441
92: >>>/snow/1343274 (Sol Saga Begins)
93: >>>/snow/1348876
94: >>>/snow/1354593
95: >>>/snow/1371423 (Sol Drama/Callout Saga)
96: >>>/snow/1371468
97: >>>/snow/1384465
98: >>>/snow/1400293
99: >>>/snow/1411538
100: >>>/snow/1430106
101: >>>/snow/1434677
102: >>>/snow/1449168
103: >>>/snow/1466923
104: >>>/snow/1501752
105: >>>/snow/1505674 (Vivi Saga)
106: >>>/snow/1511330
107: >>>/snow/1520151 (Mike Slack reveal)
108: >>>/snow/1541357
109: >>>/snow/1541357
110: >>>/snow/1570948
111: >>>/snow/1571184
112: >>>/snow/1585094
113: >>>/snow/1599657
114: >>>/snow/1612892
115: >>>/snow/1626398
116: >>>/snow/1633907
117: >>>/snow/1651457
118: >>>/snow/1662748 (Ken Doll Saga)
119: >>>/snow/1670692
120: >>>/snow/1680778
121: >>>/snow/1694852 (Shane P. Sonnier Saga Begins)
122: >>>/snow/1706052
123: >>>/snow/1718262
124: >>>/snow/1729371 (Shane's Visit)
125: >>>/snow/1736432 (Shane P. Sonnier Saga Ends)
126: >>>/snow/1742119
127: >>>/snow/1748256
128: >>>/snow/1756585
129: >>>/snow/1768423
130: >>>/snow/1777076
131: >>>/snow/1781399
132: >>>/snow/1790716
133: >>>/snow/1803371
134: >>>/snow/1808965
135: >>>/snow/1818194
136: >>>/snow/1826178
137: >>>/snow/1833931
138: >>>/snow/1842861 (boob Job saga begins)
139: >>>/snow/1855512
140: >>>/snow/1864686
141: >>>/snow/1873964
142: >>>/snow/1882752
143: >>>/snow/1889244
144: >>>/snow/1902155
145: >>>/snow/1911665
146: >>>/snow/1919147
147: >>>/snow/1927647
148: >>>/snow/1937135
149: >>>/snow/1945497
150: >>>/snow/1956944
151: >>>/snow/1970047
152: >>>/snow/1980824
153: >>>/snow/1988578
154: >>>/snow/1998168
155: >>>/snow/2011841
156: >>>/snow/2024632

No. 2039086

i love you nonna

No. 2039091

missed opportunity for "Doupy Mattel," tbh, but good pic choice

No. 2039101

File: 1727397090685.png (Spoiler Image,1.41 MB, 947x1942, mvm-photo.png)

Link to the photographers profile on a modelling site

No. 2039115

in the bottom left photo, it is driving me crazy that both the dom and the sub have their mouths taped. why would the dom do this to herself. is this a NOH8 photoshoot?

No. 2039217

Ahh watch out there's a spider running around!

No. 2039228

Someone should update the OP next time. She isn't 26 anymore and "Recently moved to Seattle" is also not really correct?

No. 2039231

Kotakoti bangs, I repeat

No. 2039368

Yep. There should also be a note in the threads where she had to move from her old apartment in Seattle to whatever living situation she's in now.

No. 2039385

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No. 2039389

I just read the intro for the first time in a while and realized something. My other favorite cow is Heather so maybe my cow perception is skewed, but it's interesting how little we see of Shay's FupaQuest since the Shane saga. She really isn't that desperate to date, and she's kind of chill and unattached about her 'partners' (probably because they're icky even to her). Maybe it's because she really hates sex that much, but I find it interesting in a bpd-chan to see almost no messy dating sagas anymore.

No. 2039395

we miss the tulsa era too, shay.

No. 2039402

5 years and she still hasn't figured out how to put on chapstick

No. 2039405

all this proves is that 5 years ago she was already looking like a 40 year old trailer trash whore. bad skin, dry lips, dirty moles on the neck, bad makeup and ugly hair. nothing has really changed

No. 2039421

Definitely go back and read the “psych ward” saga. She was talking about wanting to her kill herself and stop taking her medication because Fupa dumped her

No. 2039432

Shayna isn't chill she's just given up on her love quest at the moment. Probably because all of her johns are nasty old men and not emo edgy bois like her preference is.

No. 2039445

She’s implied that she’s dating older men (aka- her johns) currently. She’s always on the hunt. She’s just learned to keep it mostly private because of our autism and thirst for milk.

No. 2039497

wow she looks like shit.

No. 2039517

and I think because Shay is getting all she needs out of a 'relationship' with these Johns and Traniel. She just wants some dude to find any tiny amount of value in her, kek. And these guys pay her and simp for her, so she doesn't need more. she isn't a normal person seeking a normal relationship, all she wants is some moid to pretend that fucking her is like, the best thing ever. sad.

No. 2039748

Sage for retarded but I had a dream that Fupa killed himself by tying himself to a log and drowning in the ocean, and all I could think about was if it would be in poor taste to continue to use the gif of him with his tiny lady's driving gloves.

No. 2039773

this is what the shaynatorium is for (I also have shatna-related dreams sometimes)

No. 2039852

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No. 2039858

File: 1727551331167.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1333x2000, IMG_1739.jpeg)

No. 2039862

I'm retarded, what does she even mean by that statement? Putting on the cross makes it sacrilegious because they're filming porn or what?

No. 2039877

It’s ok nona, what she’s trying to say is retarded. If I’m getting this right, she’s saying the only way he could put a dress on her that bad looking was also by having her wear a cross so that it’s “sacrilegious”.. Essentially she’ll only wear the ugly dress if it makes her a uwu naughty church grandma

No. 2039879

actual footage of shayna checking her thread here

No. 2039880

she looks like she just farted and is waiting for someone in the room to notice

No. 2039881

nonna I'm WEEPING kek too accurate

No. 2039919

damn, even the photographer didn't wanna have to see her wear the schoolgirl costume? kek

No. 2039966

You made me remember how anons suspected she’d read her thread while streaming on MFC back when she actually streamed. She should start streaming again.

No. 2039968

File: 1727571615396.jpeg (322.71 KB, 1170x767, IMG_2817.jpeg)

like you ever could shat. kek.

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