File: 1727392311872.jpg (234.58 KB, 731x1078, doup+.jpg)

No. 2039082
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/2024632Shayna Leigh Clifford; 26-year-old failing prostitute, pornsick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid-filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents’ help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.
THE SHAYNATORIUM IS NOW OPEN FOR ALL YOUR SHAYTISTIC NEEDS: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread
>starts out with problems with her flights >>2024650, >>2024651, >>2024653, >>2024680>first thing she does at home is get a seafood boil with ellen >>2025211>considers going to chicago for a retarded scrote >>2025722, >>2025731>a john is letting her drive his jeep wrangler >>2026344>shayna is totally a sex siren you guise >>2026568>she wants to get in a physical fight, which she would definitely lose >>2027620>quit weed yet again >>2028344>kept her nasty femboy bf in a "cage" for ten months >>2029943>she might not be living with traniel according to this tweet? >>2030311>she moved and she quit weed and shes very depressed so not putting out much content. claims she lost weight kek >>2031040>first nude in her new room >>2031196>seems like it could be in traniels, not quite sure they look similar >>2031912, >>2031961>shayna fleshlight drops >>2032220>went to disneyland >>2032225, >>2032229, >>2032246>dropped another porn with the black guy >>2032285>expert axe thrower moment >>2033332>she has terrible trigger discipline, shoots a gun >>2033726, >>2033737>another seafood boil >>2034008>back to vegas >>2034532>doup+ shoot drops >>2035747, >>2035876>more bad matronly shots from this photographer >>2036171, >>2036427, >>2036643, >>2037030, >>2037308, >>2037480, >>2038438, >>2038440, >>2038599, >>2038644, >>2038647, >>2038652, >>2038653>new porn with retarded looking guy >>2036792, >>2036794>more pedo pandering with strictmore >>2038884Links: TikTok: No. 2039101
File: 1727397090685.png (Spoiler Image,1.41 MB, 947x1942, mvm-photo.png)

Link to the photographers profile on a modelling site No. 2039385
File: 1727454675449.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1170x1537, IMG_1733.jpeg)

No. 2039517
>>2039445and I think because Shay is getting all she needs out of a 'relationship' with these Johns and Traniel. She just wants some dude to find
any tiny amount of value in her, kek. And these guys pay her and simp for her, so she doesn't need more. she isn't a normal person seeking a normal relationship, all she wants is some moid to pretend that fucking her is like, the best thing ever. sad.
No. 2039852
File: 1727550102754.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1170x1547, IMG_1738.jpeg)

No. 2039858
File: 1727551331167.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1333x2000, IMG_1739.jpeg)

No. 2039968
File: 1727571615396.jpeg (322.71 KB, 1170x767, IMG_2817.jpeg)

like you ever could shat. kek.
No. 2040008
Has she completely given up releasing content lately? There's been no new uploads to her MV since the 6th of September and now there's been no new content on her OF for nearly a week. What happened to her snow pig video that she was supposed to release last month?
>>2039852The side part with bangs is truly special needs tier.
No. 2040119
File: 1727615855588.jpg (Spoiler Image,681.15 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-09-29-14-14-17…)

She bought her own pocket pussy thing
Lmao it's bright red, got that bit right as it often looks inflamed.
No. 2040120
File: 1727615986160.jpg (Spoiler Image,656.74 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-09-29-14-15-22…)

>>2040119Here she is showing how it looks nothing like her vagina featuring toilet paper scraps.
Kek what a disaster
No. 2040129
>>2040120They both look so unappealing but in entirely different ways. Why the fuck did they make it so red? Who's nasty fetish is this and can we get them all put on some sort of watchlist?
>>2039852Ah, so shayna is aware of how matronly it makes her look. I'm pretty sure the idea behind the church granny dress was that something like this is what you'd put a 1940s or so teenaged girl in when its time for church on Sunday. Hence the cross necklace and old lady heels. And then the other look, her catholic school girl outfit. It's disturbingly accurate. Shayna doesn't look young by any means but that definitely looks like a Catholic school girls uniform. Exactly like they bought one from a uniform supplier. And ofc shayna was excited to wear that. She didn't like it the outfit that a woman of any age could have technically worn and not raised eyebrows at. The coomer pedophile had to bribe her with the blatant pedo pandering and bastardization of religion
(which does a good enough job of that on their own. The Catholic priests don't need your help fat shat)I really hope for 2025 we'll stop getting nonnies who write fanfiction about how shayna could just change and be normal. She's too far gone, someone like her is a threat to the general population, let her rot with her fellow pedos and other degenerates. Just imagine her as a McDonald's cashier and she gets all hot and bothered because some Catholic school girls walked in to get McFlurries and fries after school.
No. 2040170
File: 1727628002814.jpeg (130.33 KB, 881x1007, IMG_9514.jpeg)

>>2040119The faces she makes in this video, she looks like that hillbilly skit from the Amanda show
No. 2040172
File: 1727628111796.mp4 (10.38 MB, 480x852, Snatch1.mp4)

The video of her unboxing for those who don't want to go to her twitter. She acts so retarded.
No. 2040173
File: 1727628208561.mp4 (Spoiler Image,4.94 MB, 480x852, Snatch2.mp4)

>>20401722nd part, spoilered for gross pocket pussy. Notice how her voice in the beginning goes from fake baby to her normal voice?
No. 2040222
File: 1727635070213.png (104.53 KB, 485x235, ouch.png)

>>2040120her tits look painful
No. 2040234
>>2040172She's trying so hard to come across as a bubbly energetic cute girl but instead is just being annoying af.
Also kek at those thick ass bangs and thin ass turd braids.
No. 2040262
File: 1727640215772.png (91.85 KB, 362x212, uwu.png)

>>2040119kek did she really confuse the ahegao face with the sanpaku eyes?
No. 2040280
File: 1727645137632.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1284x2216, IMG_9412.jpeg)

>>2040172is this supposed to be funny/endearing? she looks like a squirrel with down syndrome.
No. 2040286
>>2040280tbf she always looks like a squirrel with down's syndrome. like that's her default state. I agree though, she's looking especially retarded in these shots. Always amazes me how incapable she is of taking a normal photo, face-wise. Her body's a lost cause but like, how hard is it not to cross your eyes, scrunch up your face, or smile like you just smelled a fresh turd when you take a selfie?
also I forgot about Kiki and the toilet paper, god. How is it possible to be this gross while constantly taking, looking at, and editing photos of your body for a "living"? Like, honestly. She'll filter her face but won't shoop the toilet paper outta her vag?
No. 2040417
File: 1727669349953.jpg (347.66 KB, 1080x1825, 747.jpg)

Doubt. And imagine her in these outfits, kek.
No. 2040539
File: 1727706139440.png (403.65 KB, 762x995, 1000020797.png)

>>2040120her breasts look worse and even more asymmetrical than they did pre-surgery. one of them is sliding off her body.
>>2040172the fake voice is so bad but at least TRY to maintain it, she sounds even more awful mixing it with her naturally deep voice. can't even consistently sell the illusion of 'cute' that she's going for. also holy shit that thing looks like cheap Halloween decor of an amputated limb. actual horror-tier. picrel there's a moment when the disappointment flashes across her face when she realizes how awful it looks.
No. 2040640
File: 1727725914064.png (616.16 KB, 744x791, Screenshot 2024-09-30 215022.p…)

chile anyways so who is "older bf" now? traniel? the bald headed scrote? i'm losing track here(sage your non milk)
No. 2040649
File: 1727727261431.png (1.17 MB, 750x1334, 1000025967.png)

>>2039385It's just crazy to me how she's looked like a chain smoking 37 year old lot lizard her whole life.
>>2040640She needs to get her "older bf" to pay for weekly salon visits, the state of her nasty ass hair.. looks greasy and dry at the same time.
No. 2040664
>>2039968chappig crossing over with all of the cows
>>2040120Her rodent face at this angle is so offputting. She angles herself like she's some clickbait youtuber
No. 2040671
>>2040627what this
>>2040647 anon said was right, there were two threads of the same number so the count was off for years. just adjusted now. thats why it went from thread 154 to thread 156 last thread.
No. 2040716
File: 1727738882180.png (Spoiler Image,3.03 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5505.png)

>>2039858what the fuck is on her thigh? i thought it was rope burn from
>>2038440 but i dont think the placement matches. looks like a rash
No. 2040730
>>2040614I’m sorry but this made me laugh so hard that my sides are hurting
>>2040649Her face is absolutely hideous here jfc. I think she would have had a pretty successful career if she made stoner girl porn instead of pivoting to the AliExpress barbie garbage. She could have hid some of her boils with a bush.
(sage your shit ) No. 2040738
>>2040614I don't know how to tell you this, but I don't think it's common no matter how long you read these threads.
>>2040417Black would be an improvement so I hope her gross Johns open their wallets just one more time.
>>2040220It's a tinfoil but I think you might have solved it anon.
No. 2040761
File: 1727746096630.jpg (138.53 KB, 822x1024, 81.jpg)

New room photo. Thought that was a bedspread until seeing it's just another cheap blanket that will soon be covered in filth.
No. 2040812
File: 1727758868253.jpeg (907.67 KB, 1242x1482, 21A9133F-60D3-48E9-91AF-8485C4…)

She’s definitely pegging him or something. This relationship is so odd
No. 2040813
File: 1727759088136.jpeg (Spoiler Image,566.19 KB, 1242x706, 2631DB56-F2B5-48B5-A3DF-0C6093…)

>>2040808I’m glad she threw it out it was with her since she was skinny
No. 2040814
File: 1727759146327.png (8.46 MB, 1242x2208, 1A9B1A8A-8793-4FC1-9641-6AA4B7…)

>>2040417This style would suit her better than the tween bimbo pedo shit. But she would have to lose more weight
No. 2040815
File: 1727759181867.jpeg (1.65 MB, 1242x1644, CB315073-E48F-4BA1-A8C0-AC0206…)

>>2040649She’s always been so unfortunate
No. 2040886
File: 1727782760118.gif (121.74 KB, 474x177, picasion.com_jhAP.gif)

The hog's earning report for September.
Item sales - $0 bleak
Video sales - $191.79
Tips - $0 bleak
Subs - $657
Total - $848.79
Daily Income - $28.29
Calculations for video sales include the 40% percent cut taken by MV and subs include the 20% cut taken by MV.
Estimated OF sub numbers including the 20% taken by OF
50 subs = $200
100 subs = $400
150 subs = $600
200 subs = $800
With 200 OF subs her total income would be $1648.79
With 100 OF subs her total income would be $1248.79
With 50 OF subs her totol income would be $1048.79
No. 2040887
File: 1727783122334.jpeg (449.87 KB, 1170x944, IMG_1771.jpeg)

Oh poor poor Shay
No. 2040890
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>>2040887>she thinks people are staring at her because she's wearing pinkThe real reason why they're staring at her is because they think a special needs adult is outside of the group home without a handler
No. 2040892
>>2040776>stare at a book for hoursher fans are retards lmao
>>2040887thought i was in heathers thread for a minute kek these bpd lunatics really don’t have a personality outside of their clothing. just because your wear all pink or all black doesn’t make you interesting or unique. also no one actually gives a shit what you wear unless you’re a supermodel or a celebrity, but both shat and heather have delusions of grandeur and think they’re more popular than they are so there you go.
No. 2040898
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No. 2040948
File: 1727794979049.jpeg (428.32 KB, 1170x1066, IMG_1776.jpeg)

Soooooo edgy Shay
No. 2040970
>>2040948Love how this comes off like she's jealous over some completely innocent person (possibly a woman) getting a gift of a bottle of red wine from this "john". kek
>>2040886Spent all her videos sales on tacky new tjmaxx bedding too.
No. 2041058
>>2040886So bleak, even when you account for whatever pennies she gets from prostituting herself. Speaking from experience, you can easily make this kind of money from a single client as a freelance content writer (even without a college degree). Retain multiple clients and you'll actually make a living wage! You don't even have to expose or permanently damage your genitals!
Obviously, Shat could never, but it cracks me up to see her ~thriving~ like this, bragging about being her own boss and shit when there are tons of freelancers/independent contractors out there who are actually thriving, going to conventions that aren't full of diaper weirdos, and making a living wage. Congratulations, Shayna. 8 years in sex work and you now qualify for food stamps. (Nothing against food stamps, shit's hard right now for everyone. Just saying most people living below the poverty line aren't doing it while exposing their wounded asshole to the whole world.)
>>2040887Christ, what a literal attention whore. Imagine dressing yourself every day not with the goal of making a nice outfit that fits your taste, feeling comfortable and attractive, or showing off your personality, but with the sole goal of getting attention of any kind from literally any person.
>>20408901. wtf is this outfit, omg. Bitch lost weight and still can't dress herself. 2. The Polly Pocket purse next to the gigantic everything else is sending me.
>>2040906I'm assuming he's showered, just with the cage on. Still gross, but honestly hilarious because even Traniel's degenerate, diaper-pissing ass evidently cares more about hygiene than Shay.
>>2041054This. She's so disgusting, fuck her. Instead of just saying "Sorry, you've got the wrong number. I'm a rosé kinda gal!" she has to be absolutely foul because the idea of literally anyone but her being gifted wine by a loved one/show any sign of being in a relationship makes her see red.
(learn2integrate) No. 2041067
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No. 2041079
File: 1727816534900.png (320.73 KB, 438x474, shaggard3.png)

>>2041067This looks like the pictures a serial killer took before he murdered some 50yo street hooker.
No. 2041212
>>2041193Genuinely curious, a scam for what?>>2040970
>>2040812It looks like its from Five Below
No. 2041234
File: 1727844541888.jpg (Spoiler Image,506.77 KB, 1536x2048, 75.jpg)

She is totally doing the edgy biker middle-aged mom look for her sugar daddy or "bf" she claims to have.
No. 2041235
File: 1727844692420.jpg (378.26 KB, 1080x1518, Thriving but on her time.jpg)

That's what happens when you have no work experience.
No. 2041318
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>>2040866shes truly in her janice era
No. 2041350
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>>2041234Her teeth look like they are starting to rot in the back fucking gross
No. 2041355
Has she mentioned Rib or Noodle since she moved in with Traniel?
>>2041234Nice gunt
I guess her weight loss was just another shaylusion.
No. 2041536
File: 1727916084700.mp4 (Spoiler Image,2.46 MB, 720x1280, Smoke break.mp4)

Oh, to be able to see into Shayna’s mind and understand what compels her to make these faces.
No. 2041537
File: 1727916410471.mp4 (Spoiler Image,4.67 MB, 1080x1920, Locktober.mp4)

>>2041234In motion.
>>2041114> the first time she's ever made it actually look like she had an assAnd immediately ruined the illusion with her video, kek. May she never change.
No. 2041541
File: 1727916779068.png (6.93 MB, 2048x2048, “bat booty”.png)

> needed u guys 2 see the bat booty [Bat Emoji] [Two Hearts Emoji]
No. 2041556
>>2041537she has the flattest ass and barely any waist. The only thing making her appealing to her coomers is the fact that she is many decades younger than them and stupider which is a good thing in their eyes. and not stupid in the retarded bimbo way, stupid because she is in her fucking 20s and these are old predatory men.
I just don't understand the confidence she has. this is humiliating crap.
No. 2041559
File: 1727921887472.png (Spoiler Image,589.35 KB, 840x1464, negative_ass.png)

>>2041537Her ass is non-existent.
No. 2041561
>>2041453more like an embarrassing woman in her twenties who has obsessive people online who find her face irksome and is followed by cyber bullies…
I find it amazing that she's still alive. her life seems depressing and dangerous.
No. 2041565
>>2041536that is awful. I bet the only reason the other heifers are calling her cute is because she's just not attractive enough to be a lot of this beautiful although it's not like people have weird tastes or desires to suck up. you just know that women only refer to you as cute because they don't think that you look that way and they don't want to hurt you.
does Shayna think that she's appealing to anyone but the worst sadists who think that she's an easy
victim because she keeps throwing herself at them?
half the angles that she's recorded at are unflattering as hell
No. 2041571
File: 1727924168374.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1179x2099, IMG_9301.jpeg)

>>2041536 I had to go back because WTF
No. 2041681
File: 1727962505892.png (1.4 MB, 852x1110, Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 9.32.…)

HOW is her hair this fucked, oh my god. Bitch needs to put down the pink wine and start drinking Olaplex. This is an unedited still from that video. Her hair literally looks like a deep-fried meme.
>>2041605She vapes just like Luna, kek.
No. 2041692
File: 1727964705008.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1170x2077, IMG_1856.jpeg)

How does she think these faces are attractive? (Screen grab from a clip of her and that lingerie dude)
No. 2041735
File: 1727974352134.jpg (Spoiler Image,115.14 KB, 840x1464, ass bestowed by karma.jpg)

>>2041559Worse: it's concave.
No. 2041752
File: 1727975397837.jpg (143.25 KB, 538x586, Screenshot_20241003_130558_Fir…)

>>2041537This is not a 27 year old woman. I can't believe it.
No. 2041753
File: 1727975482115.jpeg (919.29 KB, 1170x1374, IMG_4841.jpeg)

>>2041536Look into my eyes and tell me that this is the face of a 26 y/o woman, I dare you
No. 2041833
File: 1727990894391.jpeg (799.27 KB, 1170x1860, IMG_1858.jpeg)

Imagine her going to this
No. 2041840
>>2041830I mean it's possible he has a real job, or he let Shay borrow his car again while he stayed home, then texted her regarding the shower. That said, I feel you. I won't be 100% convinced she lives with him until we get proof.
>>2041833What in the proper fuck is a "van-based" kink convention? Christ, these people are so weird. Praying she goes so we get some milk lmao.
No. 2041860
>>2041840As a pnw-chan the meaning of 'van based' was fairly obvious to me but I'm having an unholy kek at this scandalized
nonnie thinking it's a convention held from a van. Not that I would put it past Shat and Traniel to still be intrigued.
No. 2042006
File: 1728023406122.png (317.28 KB, 1196x804, twt.png)

posted a message from a "customer" that reads like it was written by an orbiter, and definitely not a male
No. 2042063
File: 1728041662069.jpeg (511.52 KB, 1170x992, IMG_1871.jpeg)

Okay Shay
No. 2042134
File: 1728058506115.png (17.38 KB, 580x87, 1967.PNG)

>>2042063if he was 3 when microwaves came out, (since he says he can remember it), he is, at the absolute youngest, 55
No. 2042215
>>20421791. Her parents and people around her praising her for mundane shit like getting B on a test or being pretty giving her false notions of accomplishment and superiority.
2. Early on internet exposure including tumblr, grooming by moids and porn.
3. Starting smoking weed really young as an everyday activity developementally stunting her.
Everything wrong with shay is all her doing aside from the unfettered interenet access, that could have been stopped by her parents but she grew up in a time where the internet was unknown and misunderstood by our parents so they didnt know much better. But seeking out porn, moids and weed are all character flaws of her own.
No. 2042226
>>2042216It's what she deserves but God, its pathetic. She's letting old men give her worms in exchange for trinkets your highschool boyfriend would get you for Valentine's Day and a fake and gay story for Twitter. I get why she's always got a John, she's not just cheap, she's damn near free.
>>2042215The saddest part is that there's thousands of young women her age who grew up the exact same way as Shayna but they at least have enough self respect to not let aarp members use them as cum dumps for the low low price of discount build a bear plushies. Even other e-whores/ "sugar babies". Pickmeism is one hell of a drug, I've never seen a case this extreme when the woman in question has an active father.
No. 2042246
>>2042226For reals though. I could blogpost about that shit all day.
Honestly that scrote attention must be filling a void her real father never did. Im wondering if she is so warped in the head that she thinks him not molesting or SAing her as a child is where she is missing out and means he doesnt love her? Hence all the ddlg bullshit and actually actively seeking out men old enough to be her father? To fill her voids that he never did??
vomit Fucking autopedophile to the extreme…
No. 2042359
File: 1728099751338.jpg (498.3 KB, 2048x1402, 85.jpg)

Her new photo reveals she still hasn't learned how to use a lint roller.
No. 2042378
File: 1728103389502.jpg (Spoiler Image,407.84 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1325.JPG)

>>2041889There's a few photos on his twitter that show the inside of his apartment including the kitchen. The crystal doorknobs to the bathroom/s match. Doesn't 100% confirm to me she's living there but something to keep in mind.
No. 2042379
File: 1728103473409.jpg (Spoiler Image,369.52 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1326.JPG)

>>2041889Second bathroom. Spoiler for nasty Traniel.
No. 2042387
File: 1728104462255.png (183.07 KB, 699x494, sydvicwtf.png)

Fairly certain the older bf she keeps mentioning is this guy. He's the right age and seems to be referring to himself under this
>>2040640 post. He works in some sort of car related job so it checks out. This is the same guy who took her and Sophia on a trip
No. 2042391
File: 1728105408228.jpeg (7.1 KB, 225x225, tinfoil.jpeg)

>>2042378sorry this is so shaytistic but i vividly remember shay getting shit on by farmers for the shampoo and conditioner she used which is the same (whole blends yellow bottles) in this pic. out of all the hair products to choose from he'd choose that? CASE CLOSED!!!
No. 2042393
File: 1728105637953.jpeg (774.79 KB, 1536x2048, looksmatch.jpeg)

>>2042387as a reminder this is what he looks like
No. 2042407
File: 1728114119629.png (723.7 KB, 1440x2826, 1000046535.png)

>>2042391Traniel mentioned having a job in the post about re-pissing in a used diaper. He's living in a house even if he's renting. Crystal doorknobs are a relic of older home design. Big in homes built from the 1920s to the mid 1940s. Not common at all these days. Not found in apartment buildings anymore. Plaster walls rather than sheetrock are also a dated thing. Traniel has a distinguished place. And Shay is really careful to only show shots of her bed area. And there's a pic of his kitchen.
No. 2042413
File: 1728118841292.png (1.82 MB, 1836x1244, 813914682.png)

>>2042407photo shat posted on OF on august 23 compared with your photo of traniel's bathroom. it's the same room but is this HIS bathroom? doesn't he do the whole maid cleaning your toilet thing with anyone who will let him in their house
No. 2042488
>>2042381Ew, shayna does house calls.
>>2042446I'm right there with you
nonnie. Usually the kitchen in a place has the most natural lighting and windows, but his kitchen just looks.. damp and rank. He apparently had a house warming recently, but i think it's just a basement converted into some sort of apartment. He probably rents it out from whoever lives in the actual house. And if that's the case, I don't think shayna could live with him full time without her needing to be added to a lease, which i imagine neither of them would want to do. He just lets her crash there sometimes. What will give it away is if she's constantly flying out/"flying out" every few weeks (iirc the max time a person is allowed to stick around your place as a guest without needing to be added to a lease is two weeks). I also noticed that she only painted one wall pink and the others are the same eggshell white. The tranny is probably allowed to customize the place a bit, but he himself probably doesn't plan on staying there (or letting shayna crash there) for too long. Painting one wall back white isn't that much of a hassle, and she uses it as her backdrop so it doesn't look like they're in the same place. I'm really just curious about what she did with the pets.
No. 2042494
File: 1728138856733.png (1.48 MB, 666x896, 1558313729100.png)

>>2042381>>2042378KEK this is just like the time nonas discovered she was back with fupa just from the reflection in her sunglasses
No. 2042538
File: 1728149096746.png (62.94 KB, 228x218, Screenshot 2024-10-05 at 1.23.…)

>>2042378does anyone know what the heart tattoo on traniel's arm is?
No. 2042545
File: 1728150465407.png (2.11 MB, 2468x1622, Screenshot 2024-10-05 at 1.46.…)

>>2042544ty anon, reverse image search didn’t really work for me. kek this sounds like linkin park.
No. 2042552
>>2042538>>2042545>>2042546Sounds gay. Traniels is all fucked off and ugly. Cheap prison looking tattoo.
The way the guy talks about "heart hop" or whatever sounds exactly like something trannies would eat up. "Gotta stay true to myself and be the most authentic version of myself. Even if it means missing opportunities or losing people"
Exactly how trannies sound when they give a spiel about why they transitioned. Fags, all of em.
No. 2042555
File: 1728154517250.png (Spoiler Image,514.01 KB, 1440x2826, 1000046643.png)

A full year of this. Ultra bleak.
No. 2042632
>>2042179being a well-adjusted adult has nothing to do with having both parents around or your socioeconomic status growing up.
being stupid and willing to fuck yourself over is part of why she is in this situation but it really does not need to be said that the reason any of these women end up in thendegrading,
abusive pron industry is because they need the money. If all of these women were given a UBI or like a base amount of money for nothing not many of them would be resorting to selling their bodies or dignity or whatever the hell else they have to sell.
I'm sure being abused as a child or being demeaned and hurt your entire life much like some of you are hell-bent on doing to her here probably doesn't help convince you that you shouldn't do this. shat must have some seriously low self-esteem to let men abuse her even if one of the reasons she's doing the repulsive BDSM shit is because it does not involve penetration which is riskier or because it's a niche that makes her money whereas normal porn scenes pay little and become harder to get a call for after a month or two in the industry because the novelty factor has worn off.
>>2042476>>2042476any style she opts for will inevitably be influenced by the disgusting men she needs to pander to to survive. she needs to be sent to some kind of makeover show that would force her to dress like a boring office lady.
No. 2042664
File: 1728180795581.jpg (1.3 MB, 3464x3464, 1000012648.jpg)

Sage for no contribution but anons, she's finally doing one of the four items on her self bettering journey! It's over for us bitches!
No. 2042858
>>2042799I doubt it. Shayna isn't the greatest person alive, but she doesn't seem to be the kind of cruel sociopath to willingly give away her dog to a kill shelter.
It's true she hasn't mentioned Noodle recently, but maybe since we're talking about it, she will magically post something soon
No. 2042885
File: 1728233629891.png (754.9 KB, 1360x697, 1000040929.png)

>>2042378>>2042413For all it's worth, I noticed the shampoo and conditioner bottles to be the same ones Shayna had in her bathroom
>>>/snow/1983063 No. 2042927
File: 1728243505342.jpeg (120.46 KB, 900x1200, IMG_0939.jpeg)

>>2042926Same anon, these look more like shayna’s bottles, and you could argue that since they’re from the same brand, it’s a good enough proof but like idk, just wanted to point out how traniel’s bottles dont 100% match so i guess it’s more of a tinfoil than definite proof
No. 2042928
File: 1728243767017.jpeg (310.79 KB, 1290x607, IMG_9893.jpeg)

>>2042748This was posted on the 15th to her side account, but its the only recent thing i can find
No. 2042970
File: 1728255403582.png (2.69 MB, 1440x3120, 1000046644.png)

>>2042927>>2042885>>2042926Why would Traniel even need conditioner? Skin products and scrub too? Dubious that he'd know how to buy products made for women.The dumbshit wore a baby bib over the plasticy maid dress. He's clueless about feminine things. Diaperfag in normal male mode for once.
No. 2042978
File: 1728256798509.png (1.72 MB, 1440x3120, 1000046647.png)

Pink walls behind her. Bathroom connected to her bedroom?
No. 2043005
File: 1728263008593.jpeg (147.32 KB, 828x297, IMG_7740.jpeg)

E-begging about to kick into overdrive
No. 2043009
File: 1728263801683.jpg (Spoiler Image,294.89 KB, 1678x2048, MtF.jpg)

>>2043005The photo attached to the tweet is probably her worst shoop yet.
No. 2043064
>>2043005Idk, it seems totally unlikely -she- would break up with a moid who’s paying her. I think this is just an attempt at e-begging/trying to be funny for engagement.
I know she “broke up” with Shane but she even admitted it wasn’t for real and only to get his attention.
No. 2043079
File: 1728278813542.jpg (220.57 KB, 1080x728, 84.jpg)

>>2043005Definitely was the scrote that ended things since Shayna probably started acting like they were in a real relationship.
No. 2043087
File: 1728280758986.jpeg (158.2 KB, 1290x954, IMG_0282.jpeg)

Imagine not even being able to talk to your mother about a breakup because it’s a gross prostitution relationship and you can’t be civil with her for 5 minutes.
No. 2043227
File: 1728318940373.mp4 (Spoiler Image,9.62 MB, 480x852, Wrangled Swine.mp4)

More footage from that bondage shoot, looking bloated and severely autistic. Her acting alongside the scrote's creepy crusty fingers is repulsive.
No. 2043234
>>2043041Gross. Big dogs don't belong in apartments period. I know all of her neighbors hated her.
>>2043190Every time one of her moids gets revealed there's at least one anon saying the ugly bastard "actually isn't that bad looking". Fucking gross. He looks like he smells like funions and mildew.
>>2043227This woman doesn't have an erotic bone in her body. She's acting like the dude is trying to cut her clit off. The moids into her porn need to be taken out back and shot at.
No. 2043356
File: 1728345490973.jpeg (205.55 KB, 666x896, IMG_3150.jpeg)

>>2042494she cud have be beauty full if she listen 2 farm
(fanart) No. 2043440
>>2043356I'm sorry about this getting red text this is one of the funniest things I've seen here in a hot minute
No. 2043449
File: 1728362292362.jpg (1.48 MB, 1440x3120, 1000046700.jpg)

Traniel's kitchen is in the reflection on the mirror on the door. We know it's his kitchen because he admitted that he doesn't change his fucking light bulbs. The zoomed in shot of the mirror was from his photo dump on his birthday. You could see that little green Palmolive bottle on the other side of the microwave by the sink.
No. 2043450
File: 1728362396834.jpg (1.17 MB, 1440x3120, 1000046694.jpg)

Everything looks identical. I don't know why she's so secretive about where she lives. Unless it's affecting her ability to keep Johns. It's not like she's afraid of the ridicule here because she'll get that regardless of whether we know where she's living.
No. 2043539
>>2042885If she lives with him, these are 2 bathrooms and this is another
>>2042379. He'd have a pretty big place to have 3 full bathrooms in Seattle! Her bathroom also doesn't have a tiled back like the other 2 he appears in. So I don't think "hers" as taken at his place. It would be weird for whoever built it to make one so different.
No. 2043552
File: 1728399915111.jpg (419.84 KB, 1080x1450, 1000048249.jpg)

>>2043539However Ellen's tub is the same white as Shay's but different style. Same hair care.
No. 2043687
>>2043192My money is on boat-geezer
Oh noooo no more jetski pics and living her best pro bass shop life
No. 2043765
File: 1728440597576.jpg (Spoiler Image,238.61 KB, 1242x1914, Wax beans.jpg)

The editing is out of control. She did Ozempic levels of reducing her width yet kept the jowls and bingo arm.
No. 2043770
File: 1728441159850.jpg (144.93 KB, 1080x1350, 435235044_1219565032353602_511…)

Big mama Shayna's puppy sub is 21yo Spencer Chadwick, born August 25th 2003. Spencer Chadwick of Seattle, Washington has manually deleted his entries on multiple people search sites, proving to have at least a few IQ points on Big mama Shay's past flames. He is registered to vote in his hometowm of Bellevue, WA. Spencer Chadwick is currently "employed" by Doordash, creating an even deeper multi-layered symbiotic relationship between him and Shayna.
No. 2043782
File: 1728444675596.jpg (2.79 MB, 2956x2692, 1000048285.jpg)

>>2042978Oh she definitely lives with him, great eye. Sorry for multiple posts but I'm mobilefagging. 1/2 this is the floor trim when she was painting her wall
No. 2043783
File: 1728444716324.jpg (253.74 KB, 1536x692, 1000048286.jpg)

>>2043782Compared to the one he posted 2/2
No. 2043814
File: 1728452291043.jpg (314.77 KB, 1080x1110, 68.jpg)

Kek she acts like she isn't living in someone else's basement.
No. 2043914
File: 1728477597507.jpg (139.06 KB, 1080x616, Stank.jpg)

This is just confirmation that her breath is likely horrid.
No. 2043923
>>2043897>working a minimum wage job would probably make her more money than doing SWHer earnings are already below that of a part time McDonalds employee that works 12 hours a week.
>>2043914>cap'n crunch is my fav cereal>42g of sugar per 100gAnd that's one of the many reasons why she will forever be a tub of lard.
No. 2043987
File: 1728492443807.jpg (460.28 KB, 4320x2104, 20241009_124606.jpg)

>>2043770Speaking of voter registration, Shaynus is currently registered… In luxurious Burien, kek. That tracks for a location for that shitbox of a basement apartment.
No. 2043991
File: 1728492945252.jpg (86.7 KB, 1080x276, Screenshot_20241009_125357_Fir…)

>>2043987From the Zillow. Keks increased.
No. 2043994
File: 1728493137037.jpg (342.25 KB, 1079x713, Screenshot_20241009_125629_Fir…)

>>2043987And a very familiar shower from the real estate listing. Well then nonas, it seems she's likely living with Traniel Spencepants. I'm gonna go have lunch.
No. 2044010
>>2043770I find the irony in Shayna's life so fucking funny to me.
>Spent her whole adulthood chasing older scrotes who she wants to have a relationship with where she is the spoiled young hot gf they take care of and show off.Instead she gets
>A older gross lonely "girlfriend" who treats her decently and she's maintained a long relationship with>a 21 year old sissy sub, whose not romantically/sexually interested in her but does shit that she WISHES older men would do for her and lets her stay with him when shit is rough.She can only attract the opposite of what she wants, kek. No older man wants a legit relationship with her, nor do they want her to be their "puppy sub". I bet Shayna never expected she'd be 27 and subbing some 21 year old moid, instead of her being 27 and being the sub to some ugly motherfucker in his 50's and being paid/"loved"
The people shayna fucks don't want her around for long, but she fake dates her friends for some reason.
No. 2044021
>>2043994wow same bathroom as here
>>2042378 for sure. good work anons. she's definitely living with traniel!!!
No. 2044027
>>2044010You forgot the 50y/o scrote who broke up with her assumingly for another whore thats better than her.
Its because she is incapable of having regular friendships that arent sexually deviated. It all started when her friend got her into camming. They went from friends, to girlfriends, to doing camshows together. That has forever warped her idea of friendships into something deviant and sexual. Further proof is how anytime she has a new "bestie" its all sexual and business and then she is dropped and forgot. No real bonds, no meaningful connections.. just porn.
Im not blaming the friend (was it her tall friend? I honestly cant remember), since her friend is probably well adjusted, has a regular job, regular relationships and regular friendships now. While shayna is forever stuck at her edgelord 15y/o mentality.
No. 2044031
File: 1728496877342.png (1.56 MB, 1080x1747, Screenshot_20241009_135831_Ins…)

>>2043770Correction, Traniel works at The Original Pancake House where he spends a lot of his time packing up doordash orders.
No. 2044035
File: 1728497225566.png (456.69 KB, 563x1056, Screenshot_20241009_140557_Ins…)

Serious gay face
No. 2044038
>>2044027i thought she started camming at 17 at Conner's house and his mom caught her. I remember Shay camming with that ugly Colleen knockoff girl but I thought that was a bit after that.
>>2043190>Uhu,he is not ugly when he isn't cosplaying Buffalo Bill.anon, please see
>>2044035 and say he isn't ugly again
No. 2044051
>>2044035His arms are half the size of Shayna's. Both of them need to stop spending money on degenerate shit a get a gym membership.
>>2044045It was probably because LC found Kiki's boyfriend Ricky Delgado and Kiki decided that Shayna wasn't worth it.
No. 2044098
>>2044076>>2044084imagine being so committed yo hating a woman that you claim that a 21 yo degenerate who used dirty diapers to get off is better off than Shayna. whose livelihood is hinges on pretending she likes diapers for sick fuck pedos like this 'femboy'.
as soon as she finds someone with more money she will dump this guy. or else he will retreat further into the background because "she'll be busy".
No. 2044102
>>2044099he wears bibs ffs. this is clearly a degenerate bdsm fetish involving sexualizing infants
where the fuck do you even begin to describe this shit?
No. 2044223
>>2044035Ew, he looks inbred. He’s got that Alabama phenotype with a serious case of gay-face.
>>2043994Same trim as
>>2043782. The fact that this house is severely outdated is what did her in kek. I had a feeling it was the tranny.
No. 2044239
File: 1728543138742.jpg (427.62 KB, 1080x2036, 1000014377.jpg)

Kek at this text that's definitely from Shay on his page
No. 2044242
File: 1728543653764.jpg (225.67 KB, 1152x2048, pornaddict.jpg)

>>2044099He hangs out in playgrounds dressed in baby fetish gear. If that's not pedo-adjacent, I don't know what is.
No. 2044249
>>2044242I hate to be this autistic, but the fresh yellow grip on the swing makes make think he may be on a school playground
I guess it really doesn't matter; it's clearly a children's public swingset during daylight hours
No. 2044254
we've seen some compelling evidence
>>2043991 >>2043994 that Shayna is living with Traniel aka Spencer Chadwick in a basement apartment. It appears that Traniel is likely living in sydvicwtf's basement, because Shat is 100% living at her 'older bf's house. shaytistic dump incoming
No. 2044255
File: 1728551552618.png (19.32 KB, 710x137, 045331.png)

>>2044254first off, the owner of the house where Shay is registered to vote is one Eric John Thompson, born June 4 1968, aka Syd Viscous her older bf. The age and birthday match what he has posted
No. 2044257
File: 1728551722019.png (2.71 MB, 1004x1162, shackedupwithshrek1.png)

he has also posted a several pics that match real estate postings of the house
No. 2044258
File: 1728551810234.png (3.09 MB, 1765x1340, shackedupwithshrek2.png)

sorry for shitty collage but you get the point
No. 2044259
File: 1728552205855.png (879.96 KB, 1037x758, ugly trim.png)

and finally this pic he posted of his guest room. The beige trim is bang on. The black and white floor tiles in the corner also match the bathroom here
>>2042378 No. 2044290
File: 1728561188409.jpg (279.64 KB, 1044x794, Damnation.jpg)

>>2044275Because this probably does happen..
No. 2044302
>>2044242I concede, they're all nasty ass pedos who should be publicly stoned to death.
>>2044295Shayna is definitely blowing whatever money she saves on rent with food, trips to Vegas and buying those biker mom fits. If one of her sugar daddies or whatever the fuck own the house, then at least she probably gets to keep the pets? So that's the real silver lining.
>>2044254Ew, Shayna really ended up in some sort of fucked up tranny polycule nightmare from hell. I wonder if she started dressing more like a biker mom because the tranny is a skinnier pink bimbo than her.
No. 2044310
File: 1728564700263.png (1.25 MB, 1266x753, 193273123.png)

>>2044302AYRT, I'm not totally sure if Traniel is living in the same house or not, but seems plausible. Shat herself is definitely living with Eric John Thompson of Burien, WA though kek. he also has dogs of his own and has posted pics of them with Noodle prior to the move-out saga, so I guess that explains who has been watching the dog as she takes a bunch of trips she can't afford
No. 2044370
File: 1728576420579.jpeg (1.81 MB, 1170x2016, IMG_1916.jpeg)

>>2044310He also posted a pic of Mr PB
No. 2044372
>>2044342Pardon me for not being able to identify a high-quality photo of shaynus's entire dog after years of only seeing its goofy face via poorly-taken closeups from Shay's shitty phone. I've been here since thread 1, calm the fuck down.
>>2044365I feel so bad for that cat. Long-hair's aren't even high maintenance, just brush the thing a few times a week and don't overfeed it to the point it can't reach everywhere to groom itself, give it a bath here and there, and it'll be fine. I generally don't feel compelled to pet-sperg, but I truly feel so bad for Rib being stuck in a house full of degens AND all fifteen of their pets. Poor thing must be so stressed out. Even PB has giant pupils and the "stressed/mad ears" stance.
No. 2044381
>>2044365I'm hoping when they do fall out that the coomer just keeps the pets. Which is incredibly sad because shayna attracts the worst quality humans in whatever area she occupies, including dog fucker dawn. Hopefully this coomer is only attracted to humans..
>>2044372Rib must be suffering in that house. And the saddest part is, she probably still "loves" Shayna unconditionally. When she was adopted she was supposed to be an only pet, and for a long time she was, but now everyday is probably loud and annoying for her. Genuinely hope she runs away again and finds a good home to take her in. Doesn't stress physically affect cats very negatively? I hope rib doesn't end up sick because she's in constant flight of fight mode.
No. 2044395
>>2044381>Doesn't stress physically affect cats very negatively? yes 100%. i can't remember how old rib is but i think he's reached senior age almost, stress for animals is always bad but seniors especially don't handle it well. i don't get why she persists on keeping them when she's always moving, travelling and isn't responsible enough to take care of one pet, let alone three.
>>2044239i kinda doubt this is shay from the typing style but if it is it's really funny for traniel to say that, it sounds like shay's inconveniencing him a lot kek
No. 2044401
>>2044395This–I saw a photo of a cat that had stress-groomed itself almost entirely bald because its owner was in an
abusive relationship and even though the cat was never harmed, it was so stressed it groomed itself near-bald. (It recovered after she left the abuser.) But yes, stress can really harm cats.
No. 2044427
>>2044420She doesnt even take them in for routine visits or dental cleanings. If she did you know she would use it to beg for pity-me-money and loser scrotes would pay for it instead of chastising and harassing her for not being able to afford her pets like they should. She surrounds herself with yes-men and enablers. Thats why she never experiences personal growth for the better.
If she actually lived her pets she would have rehomed them a long time ago. Sadly she is selfish and void of any kindness so everything she does is for herself. She wanted a cat, she wabted a dog, she wanted another cat. Want want want i i i. Time will only tell where she is headed and where she will be in 5-10years. Kek i cant wait.
No. 2044428
>>2044414>>2044426Oh okay, for some reason i thought it was text messages. But if its shay, who is josh? Why would he say that about someone named josh in the caption? Im still confused.
Does shay follow him on instagram? Why would he post that if she does?
Either way, what an attention seeking ass lil bitch. Only stupid people make posts like that on social media.
No. 2044439
File: 1728589448168.jpeg (251.75 KB, 1179x1914, IMG_1783.jpeg)

>>2044428It is definitely shay. Let’s use our brains, Nona, there are 7 other photos in this post. One is about josh.
He does not follow her on IG, and she doesn’t follow him.
No. 2044467
>>2044439lmao. so she stops typing like a valley girl when she's talking to her coomer "bf"? It would be bonkers if that was actually her. does he know any other content producer? truly this is a person he would promote on his Twitter? I mean… can't imagine anyone traveling to find work other than the likes of shay or a journo.
him talking about firing this Josh makes seem like this is probably shat
No. 2044482
File: 1728597042565.jpeg (926.62 KB, 1170x1860, IMG_0984.jpeg)

>>2044239April 2nd was the day Shayna announced drama with Sheincock, When that
nonnie cow tipped sheincock said shayna had disappeared for 2 days. Also funny enough she posted about wanting to go to Disney. Why does it feel like he's a little annoyed like she owes him money and/or maybe he's watching her animals and she's explaining why she's away? This does not seem like a check in it seems like a
>Change of plans, but I swear I'm making money Am I the only one whose on this Shay wave or am I reaching too much?
No. 2044484
>>2044439Well im actually retarded and am not gifted with the tism like the investigative nonas, kek.
Is shay dating/fucking the man they live with?
>>2044255>>2044259Unless his love is someone else. But a hand written letter is the exact cheapskate shit shay would pull. Does the "C" he is reffering to mean clifford? Is that shays code name? Or chadwicks?
No. 2044509
File: 1728604885211.jpeg (1016.49 KB, 1170x1614, IMG_1921.jpeg)

>>2044255And there he is. He posted this responding to some age thread
No. 2044522
>>2043986someone who had a comfortable job in IT would not be associating with Shat. and that guy looks very young. he would not be making 60K a year while in his early twenties and likely still in college. It was easier to find work early in the pandemic when many people just weren't applying for work, I guess. plenty med related work was available for recent graduates back then
I can't believe that he is spending DoorDash money on this shit. these photos will be out there forever. He's not going to be able to find any reputable work. how do you people know that he's living with shay? somehow I don't think that this grandpa she's with would want like four pets and two extra people in his 2-3 br home.
No. 2044528
File: 1728608869507.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1170x1546, IMG_1922.jpeg)

And here is where this
>>2041234 look was inspired from
No. 2044564
File: 1728614865046.png (33.72 KB, 569x571, 1534885916137.png)

I wonder if this 57 yo lgbtqasdgghf+ ally bf is aware of her history.>>659035 I mean when you're that fucking old and going after people quite literally half your age you can't be all that great of a person yourself. is this obese old man spending a college fund on you, Shay? is being raped by gross old men worth the pennies you make
No. 2044575
>>2044482I took it as he’s horny and she has his stupid cock cage key. I doubt these two retards are financially entangled, considering they both probably have zero dollars and live rent-free with that old pervert. It is all some nasty Washington polycule, i suspect. That diaperfag looks pretty damn gay, as does the old sugar daddy. Too funny to imagine Shay is the one watching
them fuck…she’d absolutely hate being a cuckquean kekk
No. 2044580
>>2044575are you a scrote,
nonnie? what's with your obsession with calling moids gay
(scrotefoiling) No. 2044651
>>2044549lmao, one person didn't recognize a full-body shot of Shay's mutt who we've only seen up close and haven't seen in ages, calm down. Several of us still don't understand how a text that sounds like shay but has someone else's name on it is supposed to be shay. Sue me I guess because I don't even understand the text/ instagram thing. Those buttons in
>>2044528 are holding on for dear life though kek, wtf kind of costume is this supposed to be, Nazi biker except German Nazi instead of skinhead?
>>2044510>how do you people know that he's living with shay?Read the thread
No. 2044673
File: 1728632164311.jpeg (250.35 KB, 1214x1080, Picsew_20241011033257.jpeg)

>>2044651Does this help spell it out for you? She was supposed to leave Vegas Saturday, March 30th, she changed her flight to Wednesday, April 3rd.
No. 2044688
>>2044651Shay has posted full body shots of Noodle plenty of times, what are you talking about. lurk more
>>2044677Not beating the retard allegations kek
No. 2044717
>>2044522A programmer socks tranny is the exact type of person who'd associate with Shayna. I just thought he was in his late 20s like her, didn't realize he was so young. Gross.
>>2044575Yeah, that sounds about right. Doesn't he have to pay her by the day for her to keep his cock cage key?
>>2044439The funniest part is that they're basically roommates but don't follow each other on IG. Ew, so that means when shayna was "so honored" he invited her to his basement apartment warming, she was getting sentimental over meeting a bunch of early 20s smelly dweebs. He probably really did introduce her as dolly, but refused to elaborate on how he met her. Embarrassing.
No. 2044752
>>2044717Traniel is not paying for sex services from shay anymore. What would be the point of him getting "BF" status? On top of that, in a way, he is allowing her to crash in that basement with him, he probably covers her part of the rent in exchange for her keeping the key and taking part in his kink.
When was the last time we seen shay even MENTION rent?? Beg for it?? Not in awhile, that or i totally missed those posts. She hasnt said "getting food send for your princess" even, so you know that scrote lets her eat his food. Probably the only reason she has lost even a little weight. She isnt eating doordashed fastfood 10 times a day.
No. 2044753
>>2044528We have already seen this pic but i forgot his username so this didnt click! Holy shit ugly scrote.
Why he dress like he goes to school with jojo from jojos bizzare adventure or mob psycho 100? Like could he have been any more cringe? Not to mention those clothes arre so tight the buttons look ready to pop. Atleast him and shay can have that in common.
No. 2044756
File: 1728659116154.jpg (33.91 KB, 640x640, 34f49b43-9dfa-40ed-9f13-d44e8a…)

>>2044428giving boomer "do you know this person?" vibes
(derailing) No. 2044868
>>2044759 To the confused nonnies: It's a screenshot of a message (written in a way that suggests it's Shat) posted on a Traniel's Instagram, with other images included in the post (not pictured), and a caption about someone named Josh getting jokingly "fired." The dates in the message line up with Shay's trip, which is why it's been posted here. There are other images in the caption that the "firing Josh" caption, presumably, applies to.
No idea why anyone expects people to perfectly understand that at first glance when the full images haven't been posted and the caption is misleading, or why we've got sixteen "hurr durr u retard" posts instead of anyone actually clarifying it, because at first glance it absolutely just sounds like he's talking about some dude named Josh. Regardless, I hope that clears things up.
No. 2044874
>>2044868tbf the nonnies flinging around r accusations is unfortunately to be expected but I guess if you're not really contemplating why traniel would attempt to conceal shay's identity on his main social media then it is confusing because he openly associates with her…
do we know if his family knows about this Instagram account? If he doesn't care then he has other obvious reasons for wanting to hide who Shay is, considering the nature of the relationship.
(do not self censor) No. 2044906
>>2044874Family does know, he follows and is followed back by who looks to be his sister in some old photos. She tags his account in a few family photos.
The posts go back yearrrs, safe to assume it’s a very public very family and real friend known about account.
No. 2044907
File: 1728694840980.jpg (48.57 KB, 474x711, cafe racer.jpg)

>>2044753I think he's part of the cafe racer subculture. This is a biker subculture that originated in Britain in the 1960s. They typically ride British bikes (the bike he's sat on is a Triumph Thruxton), wear open face helmets and goggles with leather gloves, leather jackets, jeans and leather boots.
No. 2045170
File: 1728752375502.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.38 MB, 1170x1693, IMG_1928.jpeg)

No. 2045175
File: 1728753069585.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1170x1552, IMG_1929.jpeg)

Looks like Noodle’s been hanging out at his house for awhile
No. 2045213
>>2045170Her shade of mousy hair only looks good if it's very natural and glossy, otherwise it doesn't look good on anyone. She looks so much more… alert… with black hair (can't say anything pretty adjacent kek). I know if she dyes it it's going to be flat and crunchy, but I dunno how she can stick with that dead mouse colour so long.
>>2045175I'm not a dog fan but I do feel sorry for them when they have fat homebody owners. I hope Noodle is getting to run and play and be a dog, even if everyone does think she's retarded kek.
No. 2045250
>>2045170Did she balloon up again?
No. 2045253
>>2045202right? like I'm so happy for Noodle, she's getting her life together lol, really rising above her raising
I hope she moves up to a good family with a big yard soon
No. 2045350
>>2045213I hate that people mock light or mediumish brown, a color that isn't all that common outside of Europe, the ME and Russia as 'mousy' or even more egregiously like a 'dead mouse'. It's a nice tone that tons of women in East Asia use dye to achieve. feeling like you have to use
toxic dyes b/c asshats have stupid nitpicks is awful and that's why I hate people bitch about hair colors.
what shat need to cut out is getting those generic yellowish ash blonde streaks that I have seen on countless white women. I don't like the greenish tone some blonde hair has personally and I don't understand why you would dye your hair that color. but shat has always had the most generic tastes imaginable, she pays extra to look basic. I hate French manicures and most of her other style choices. It's just not cute to me.
No. 2045351
>>2045170the raschel lace cups that cannot even reach her pepperoni nips and the raschel lace gusset are some of the most tragic things I've seen all week. not to mention that I doubt that she's properly washing any of that so God knows what kind of shit she's introducing to delicate areas of her body.
she should have never gotten larger breasts, they make her look fat.
I could literally nitpick the whole look but I won't. shat will shat
No. 2045360
File: 1728780040475.png (Spoiler Image,332.53 KB, 784x426, disgusting-bedding.png)

>>2045170She can't even be bothered to wash her bedding before filming. It's covered in what looks like dirt, dog hair and pubes. Spoilered because it's disgusting.
No. 2045385
File: 1728783756235.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x1841, IMG_1933.jpeg)

No. 2045387
File: 1728784209121.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1012.1 KB, 1170x1428, IMG_1935.jpeg)

No. 2045394
>>2045386kiki is looking pretty manly in the face there. the photog didn't even edit out the acne scars, classy. this whole industry is just disgusting
>>2045361>>2045352"glossy" hair isn't natural dumdums. you need to use a bunch of fragrance and probably not very great for your products to get that affect so the health of glossy hair is debatable. shat's natural hair texture and color are normal. yall are just weird
No. 2045422
>>2045394Nona I'm sorry you don't understand how hair works but please take it to /ot/. All you need for glossy hair is Olaplex and a finishing product, depending on your hair type (only speaking about white girl hair in this instance). Fragrance is not involved unless you're traveling back in time to an Herbal Essences commercial, and the fragrance in that did not make hair glossy. Shat's hair looks like shit because she constantly abuses it with flatirons and no heat protectant, plus years of bleaching, all while refusing to wash it.
>>2045416Something about "Lone Star Spanking Party" is so hilarious yet so bleak holy shit. I'd love for Shaynus to get a "True Life: I'm An Unsuccessful E-Whore" episode kek. Still can't believe she hasn't chimped out over her living situation being exposed.
>>2045202You know she's living away from the only person she's ever known and being taken care of by a geriatric degen, right? We already had tinfoils Shat was using the poor thing in videos, idk why y'all are celebrating the poor thing living with a degenerate moid. I'm sure her needs are being met better in some ways, but that doesn't matter if he's anything like Shaynus, god know what kind of weird shit he does. I wouldn't let that man near any kind of animal, woman, or child, ever.
No. 2045425
>>2045422>Olaplexcase in point.
shit's probably sensitizing and shat's hair looks fine
No. 2045428
>>2045426nonna, look at some historical photos, I beg of you. women who probably did not touch hot tools and most definitely weren't using them everyday had a frizzy hair texture because that's what's natural for some of them.
Shay just has curly hair. It looks normal in the areas where it's not dyed and a fixation on having hair straight from a freaking hair commercial is bizarre and fueling insecurity. natural hair isn't smooth and ultra glossy like chemically treated or heat treated hair looks like in media. That's what I'm trying to convey to you people.
No. 2045452
>>2045386kiki has to
hate shay for posting this, my god… you can SEE her pimples and assne scars. like the other anon said its unbelievable how much she looks like yaniv kek
No. 2045460
File: 1728807623680.jpg (103.94 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1728807307575.jpg)

>>2045443They're two freaking peas in a pod, caveman brown and everything.
No. 2045461
>>2045428Retard. You started the hair sperg and somehow can’t shut up about it. I don’t know if you noticed, but we live in the 21st century, a time where there are hair care products that will genuinely improve the health of your hair, making it look better (Not just “chemicals”) You somehow contradict yourself by saying shayna has nice hair, but also that she doesn’t because of the way she dyes and treats it. Pick one! Nobody mocked her hair color, just said her hair doesn’t look great because of the -fact- that she abuses heat tools and goes for ugly bleaches. Please good god nona stop your autistic rants about “ackshually women in the past” and “olaplex? shits sensitizing”
Sage for hair retardation
No. 2045497
>>2045350I'm sorry for contributing to the derail but I just want this
nonny to know that even in my european country where this natural hair color is very common, it's colloquially known as "dirt road colored" kek. Because it's a very basic and mousy color. That doens't mean it can't look nice.
No. 2045521
File: 1728823942940.png (160.32 KB, 850x668, no-mv-sales.png)

She hasn't made a single sale on MV for 20 days.
No. 2045585
File: 1728838880682.jpeg (368.67 KB, 1170x844, IMG_1943.jpeg)

No. 2045639
>>2045632they're not easily translated imho, unless you're immersed in the culture you don't really understand why or how they're used.
for example "ruddy" or "reddish" in English is not really seen as having a negative connotation but the same word in another language can have a pretty negative connotation because it's used in a derogatory way.
for example, the word that is generally used to refer to people who have light blonde hair essentially translates to "pasty" in English because those kinds of people are usually pale-skinned and the super light blonde hair just washes them out more. Google translate thinks that the word means "turn off" tho
although the word could also translate to freckled because people with light hair are often so pale that they burn easily and freckle.
No. 2045709
>>2045706using noodle how? imagine abusing a dog knowing full well that any recorded evidence of abuse can be used as blackmail. she doesn't get paid enough to do that shit. or else she's not in the kind of situation where she could be coerced into it. somehow I don't think even someone like shat would be so desperate that she would willingly give moids blackmail material. It's easier to just go back to your fucking parents at that point, but really who the fuck knows what she's doing. she's so fucking stupid.
No. 2045735
File: 1728877872667.jpeg (260.29 KB, 764x481, IMG_2636.jpeg)

>>2045727You're fine nona, just make sure to follow the rules and don't let her see
No. 2045736
>>2045727>is this cowtippingno
>weird in generalyes
No. 2045757
File: 1728881938967.png (Spoiler Image,1.66 MB, 1170x1428, 1728784209121213.png)

>>2045387such an unfortunate pose, i thought her arm got reattached onto her leg. horrifying
No. 2045767
>>2045761you're a bigger person for this
not, like, as big as shayna, but you know what I mean
No. 2045829
File: 1728909955546.jpeg (421.67 KB, 1170x749, IMG_1959.jpeg)

No. 2045856
>>2045836She must be going out with that Syd moid because she’s been channeling her inner Gemma Teller lately. Unironically looking 40 but also much better than the baby bimbo crap.
She shrunk her nose so much tho kek.
No. 2045883
>>2045848everyone here is so insanely anti shat that they are willing to lie and say the most
toxic shit which the other dumb women in here read and allow to affect them just to be an asshole idiot themselves.
she does not look 50, get a goddamn grip. find some group therapy for adult bullies or something.
>>2045836this is probably one of the more flattering photos of her out there. filters or no, It wouldn't be noticeable or something that I immediately disliked if this wasn't an an attempt to pander to the most disgusting scrotes.
No. 2045887
File: 1728922547653.jpg (339.73 KB, 1309x1745, Project (20241014091523).jpg)

>>2045386I love how on brand it is for halloween. Straight up two withces coloring page.
No. 2045905
>>2045898she looks like a haggard person in their twenties, then.
I follow people in their 50s on social media and they look like they're fucking 50.
No. 2045976
File: 1728938640742.jpeg (2.71 MB, 4000x4000, IMG_3250.jpeg)

(learn to sage and find your way to the shaynatorium)
No. 2046009
File: 1728941545835.jpg (Spoiler Image,420 KB, 3840x2160, Healthy Woman.jpg)

Screencaps from her new video looking greasy and fat as usual.
No. 2046051
File: 1728944477705.jpeg (41.33 KB, 579x437, IMG_4388.jpeg)

>>2046009Lol well at least this vid has got some derpy faces, because it sure doesn’t have any sex appeal.
No. 2046092
>>2046055nonna she's obviously doing it for that almost 60 yo scrote who was a teenager in the '80s and is pressuring her into larping as the girls in hs he fapped to kek
everyone remember the dolls kill dress in black with the puffy detached sleeves? shit is literally out of the '80s. her fucking haircut is out of the '80s. she is changing her entire look to appeal to the old ass moid she is rooming with.
cringe asf
>>2045962clap clinic …. nonna. you may be onto something.
No. 2046097
File: 1728949933686.jpeg (1.12 MB, 2047x3300, IMG_1428.jpeg)

New thread pic?
No. 2046128
>>2046121Why are there British pounds in there lol
I think the noodle macro is better
No. 2046136
File: 1728958404606.png (Spoiler Image,515.52 KB, 1017x512, return-of-big-shaynus.png)

>>2046009Big Shaynus is back.
No. 2046145
File: 1728959331601.png (Spoiler Image,447.84 KB, 729x528, sped-faces-double-chin-collect…)

An assortment of sped faces
No. 2046147
>>2045999It looks like whoever took that photo didn't even do the most basic color balancing. at least this is showing them exactly as who they are. I word respect them a lot less if they edited themselves into oblivion or to the point where they look creepy and unnatural like some other people do (Asianfishers on tiktok).
still. I can edit out acne in the Windows photos app in like 5 seconds
nonnies making a collage out of shay faces is weird, tho ngl
No. 2046148
File: 1728959914402.jpg (227.21 KB, 549x975, Screenshot_20241015_033233_edi…)

Damn. 6 rolls.
Last one is subtle, but it's there.
Maybe let's say 5.5 to be nice
No. 2046255
>>2046136Shaynus Logic: If I cover my arms I'll look less fat
Shaynus' Gut:
Exists No. 2046259
File: 1728990886586.jpeg (1.9 MB, 4000x4000, IMG_3260.jpeg)

>>2046005its not AI, idiots
(derailing) No. 2046300
File: 1728996966159.webp (24.38 KB, 530x340, IMG_2105.webp)

>>2046206Ugly stepsisters or the Queen of Hearts like picrel kek yes
No. 2046348
File: 1729002556529.jpg (132.16 KB, 984x437, What.jpg)

She deleted this. Shay pretending to be a businesseswoman again despite taking weeks to film anything.
No. 2046427
>>2046299Anon the second edit made her forehead taller, eyebrow ridge more prominent, chin pointier, jaw wider, cheekbones higher and more prominent, her teeth slightly more protruding (lips less flat). On top of removing her forehead wrinkles, making her lips thicker, and making her nose bridge and nostrils/tip smaller (nosejob). It’s a completely new bone structure. There are hundreds of photos of when she was younger and thin on here- she will never look like that. Even if she got a fuck ton of filler to make her cheekbones/chin/etc more prominent she couldn’t achieve that look. Filters “alter” your bone structure by adding shadows and warping in areas that you couldn’t with plastic surgery (unless they invent a plastic surgery to lengthen and shorten your face bones), the edits of how Shay could look with a glow up are pointless because she couldn’t look like that
>>2046413Filters are quite advanced now anon. It’s not just changing color levels anymore. Faceapp and meitu editing are synonymous with filters now since there are so many filters on instagram that do just that
No. 2046441
File: 1729015130586.png (28.09 KB, 715x285, WHO IS SHAYNUS.png)

I asked ChatGPT who Shayna was. Ouch!(unsaged autism/take it to /shay/)
No. 2046442
File: 1729015215485.png (25.52 KB, 674x347, SHAYNUS IS WHO.png)

>>2046441part deux
(unsaged autism/take it to /shay/) No. 2046455
File: 1729016955568.mp4 (5.62 MB, 1280x720, Shayna dot em pee three.mp4)

okay, who made this?(unsaged autism/take it to /shay/)
No. 2046743
File: 1729054073689.jpg (408.29 KB, 1152x2048, Just fuck my shit up.jpg)

Her new hair, which looks absolutely destroyed.
No. 2046755
File: 1729056387294.jpeg (Spoiler Image,453.15 KB, 1290x2019, IMG_0662.jpeg)

She’s never been attractive but it’s so jarring seeing her side by side from years. I wonder how her coomers feel seeing them now get the even cheaper, fatter, lazier version of her(spoiler this)
No. 2046757
File: 1729056462417.jpeg (37.93 KB, 480x640, IMG_0663.jpeg)

>>2046743Tell me this isn’t inspired by the Chimp Crazy lady
No. 2046787
File: 1729068968055.png (15.17 KB, 592x186, of-on-sale.png)

>>2046755>OF back to $3She must be desperate to increase her sub count.
No. 2046817
File: 1729089621758.jpg (702.47 KB, 1080x806, Screenshot_20241016_153948.jpg)

The grey stripes down the tard bangs are giving skunk
No. 2046838
File: 1729096356367.png (Spoiler Image,1.46 MB, 1432x2388, 1000046897.png)

Traniel must have gotten paid. Shayna gets her hair done, diaperfag gets a new dress. The fact that he's so public about his child larp is terrifying. Flashing diapers on a public street, then the playground. That @ account link too. He's probably the most disgusting of all of them. He's stuck in that awkward male puberty and Shay is starting to look like his stepmom. She didn't trim the tard bangs this time either.
No. 2046859
>>2046832i’m guessing yes
this style of highlights aren’t really done anymore. looks like she got a full head of foils done. her bangs lifted faster and lighter because there’s less, if any, dye on them. It looks like they just did a ton of large weave sections and left no slices out. This was popular in the early 2000’s but died out for more natural style that grew out needing less maintenance. Not even a root tap to blend those tiger stripes?
i’m guessing she went to some hole in the wall where a lady who graduated cosmetology school in 2005 and never took any further education works. I don’t even think she did any color formulations, she just toned her whole head with the ashiest toner she had.
No. 2046929
>>2046661because it looks like an actual diaperfag made it
we do not laugh with the enemy
No. 2046976
File: 1729117761489.gif (261.49 KB, 220x124, rolled-ice-cream.gif)

>>2046743Gag I want to scrape all the grime and makeup off her face. She looks so disgusting. Wtf
No. 2047071
>>2047044KEK I was going to say same thing, fellow tism-chan
>>2047060She doesn’t look great, she looks better than usual because a) the bar is in hell for shat and b) it’s edited
No. 2047091
>>2047017Say that again after seeing this
>>2046743 nona. She looks as crusty, bloated, and haggard as usual.
No. 2047215
File: 1729170938558.jpeg (900.78 KB, 1170x1537, IMG_1982.jpeg)

No. 2047219
File: 1729171668407.jpeg (151.25 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_1984.jpeg)

No. 2047221
File: 1729172399183.png (779.46 KB, 1152x2048, bad-to-worse.png)

>>2047219What the fuck even is this?
No. 2047315
File: 1729188183627.jpeg (590.96 KB, 1170x1189, IMG_1985.jpeg)

Since when does Shay care about minor safety? As she constantly interacts with the SpongeBob Twitter page from her 18+ account
No. 2047387
File: 1729197244758.jpg (458.76 KB, 1536x2048, Barf.jpg)

No. 2047429
File: 1729200435632.jpg (425.68 KB, 1080x1961, Screenshot_20241017-172401__01…)

you make of fun of this idiot for seemed like she's special needs where she probably doesn't have any actual intellectual disability when women who are disabled and vulnerable have sexual abuse rates there are sky high. and under reported. as far as I know with the current abysmal report rates, The only other group that faces this kind of victimization is women who are 18 to 24 and not in college i.e those who are poor and most at risk for abuse.(derailing)
No. 2047441
>>2047436no one wants to see it? girl please… why do you think we wear it? men and women love it, it’s sexy, we’re all adults and sex and dressing slutty IS already normalized sorry bout it. sex and being slutty has been normal since ancient times. ancient greeks were showing midriff, AND some of them were chunky. you bitter hoes are the only ones with a problem. so repressed you can’t even imagine feeling sexy for one minute.
>you gain nothing from it other than feeling insecure about how you look because there's so much showing.projecting hard with that “the only feeling you can ever have dressed like that is insecure” yeah telling on yourself right there…
(infighting/derailing) No. 2047445
>>2047441You're telling on yourself by being retarded enough to get defensive about this.
wearing cancer causing chemical covered shein crap because you can't stand not being trendy or objectifying yourself for the pleasure of a misogynistic society is not freedom or indicative of high self-esteem. it's indicative of being desperate for validation.
cover up your stomach. If you're fat shaming shay who essentially looks like the average woman in the west, I doubt that many of you are bone rattlers yourselves. it's statistically unlikely.
(derailing) No. 2047447
>>2047436>>2047398not everyone is so dripping with insecurity that even the sight of another woman owning her sexuality makes them seethe so hard. shaynas fat and kinda mid. so? and? why does that bother you so much? she’s out here feeling sexy regardless? does that make you so mad because you’re slightly above mid and still feel hideous? because you know you’re “”objectively”” more attractive than her yet you could never imagine feeling sexy in your life because you’re so uncomfortable in your own skin?
>>2047445>wearing cancer causing chemical covered sheinchin up queen… your tinfoil hat is falling kek.
(infighting/derailing) No. 2047461
File: 1729202435523.jpg (1.47 MB, 1620x2160, MYXJ_20241017175724187.jpg)

>>2047447>>2047450making me do this is annoying asf
No. 2047465
File: 1729202642589.png (585.31 KB, 1024x576, milk.png)

>watching one of the hog's orbiters trying to desperately defend her in her own thread
No. 2047488
>>2047485oh okay so you wanna just deny i’m a girl and you don’t want the proof i am one kek. alr. keep chirpin away in your echo chamber about how much better you are than a poor mid who changes a guys diapers for a living….
you guys are so sad that this is the ONLY person you’ve ever felt better than in your life so you have to fixate and capitalize on that feeling. the only person in the world you deem below you is a mid porn creator who changes diapers. that’s it. your inferiority complex is so huge that you deem 99.9% of the rest of the population as above you. or you wouldn’t go frothing at the mouth so hard to point and laugh and go “SEE LOOK, THIS LOSER SUCKS DOES EVERYONE SEE IT?”
it’s genuinely sad.
(unintegrated whiteknight) No. 2047497
>>2047488You probably are the sissy sub. If not, you’re another sex worker and I’m willing to bet does irl bdsm. I’m not mad at you bc I’m also a SW and sometimes rooting for Shay. She looks good in her last couple outfits. Her bangs look like shit. She is fat. That’s probably why she’s comfortable going out like that in the PNW right now…because most women would be way too cold. Her. Bangs. Are. SHIT.
She should have kept her hair a simpler color because the highlights are hard to maintain. She needs better life habits because her skin is shit. Happens to all of us.
And frankly, as fat as she has gotten, she looks prettier now because her skin is more glowy. Her skin was ashy at her skinniest. Shittier. The weight fills in her face because she looked haggard back then when 18 or whatever.
Stop shitting up the thread, nonna. She’s fat, she’s weird, she can be sexy if she wants, and she really looks the best she ever has. But she also has pedo tendencies, as does her boyfriend, and a superiority complex against women who don’t share her lifestyle. A sex worker showing puss is a dime a dozen. Maybe a penny a dozen by now. There’s a reason she’s a focus- and it’s because she insists her lifestyle is holier than. I say that as a sex worker who does bdsm. She’s an anomaly. Fuck off now.
No. 2047554
>>2047546>little miss 1mm labiawe definitely need a nickname for the diabetic lard-ass and her gross pussy. here's some contenders:
1. Labia-less Wonder
2. Tiny Flaps of Failure
3. Shrinky Dinks
4. Labia Lite
5. Petalless Flower
6. One Milimeter Wonder
7. Minuscule Membrane
8. Microscopic Mound
No. 2047630
>>2047560The ratio of random weirdos to scrotes posting vag is like 1:10 nonna, be real. some nasty scrote collecting the nudes of 15 yo girls he grooms is exactly the kind of person who would frequent these threads.
I am betting my money that that's exactly who was posting random vag in here in the past couple of years. It all feels very revenge porn in vibes. do people remember that one weirdo was sharing photos of someone with a darkly pigmented pubic area despite the fact that we have seen what shat looks like and it wasn't like that?
the idiots who think that dressing like a conformist drone who was desperate for attention is peak sexuality are exactly the kind of person who would end up tangled with one of the strotes trolling these threads. keep at it losers. You're definitely making us feel sorry for you.
No. 2047636
>>2047497a penny a dozen would be more rare than a dime a dozen, nonna. unless I'm misunderstanding statistics?
>>2047501those other women but especially belledelphine were essentially involved with misogynists and eventually ended up making violent gonzo pron when they had no real financial incentive to as they were already making a ton of money pandering to pedophiles and fetishsists who prized them for their youth and looks. what Shay and these other women have in common is fucking grooming. I love how we like to pretend that Shat doing everything out of her volition & that she could just quit at the snap of a finger when everyone here knows that it's never that simple. granted, the kinds who get offended at you for claiming that these women have agency and they should be held accountable of what they're doing are not any better but still. The point is that the money is a coercive factor. being groomed and abused by degenerates is another element in here that eventually leads to tragedy. shat would be better off being broke and not posting pictures of her fat rolls online. but she has shown no intention of stopping, even though she suicide baits often enough. begging stingy, rapey old scrotes for rent money is not any way to lead your life and probably not great for you psychologically. If any one of you have experience with scrotes you'd know that the fantasy that these men are just paying Shat to exist is a laughable lie. they respect the women they paid to abuse far less than any other woman in their life and this is evident by how they're treating her. none of these men would pay anymore that they'd have to end the pay is essentially limited to them forcing shat to do shit which they realize is demeaning and not something that she would do without the pay hence why they're paying her to do it. they get off on mistreating women and many of them have a grudge against women. or else they realize on some level that paying to get sex out of the vulnerable is bad but because they're scrotes they don't fucking care.
but by all means, keep attacking women who are trying to talk some sense into you as lesbians who don't understand having sexuality better revolves around pandering to moids which sounds like such a scrotey thing to say. just because fems have no intention of capitulating to a society that demands their compliance to sexist norms. remember that no oppression can persist unless it's accepted, gals. peace out
No. 2047641
File: 1729233466303.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1134x1532, IMG_3316.jpeg)

>>2047560The pickme saunters into the Shayna Clifford thread, full of herself and her half-baked opinions. When she realizes she's not impressing anyone, she stoops to posting her ugly pussy as proof of her femininity. The whole internet erupts in laughter, and she becomes a meme. Even her feeble protests that someone else posted the pussy fall flat, and she's eventually banned for her troubles.
No. 2047715
>>2047679Providing sexual gratification for a moid is degrading. Some acts may be less degrading than others but all acts are still degrading.
If Fat Shat was still thriving and was able to pay the rent on her old apartment, she would not be doing this.
No. 2047718
File: 1729259221819.jpeg (107.22 KB, 390x428, IMG_0863.jpeg)

>>2047387I truly thought this was Katherine McMahon here for a sec and had to do a frantic double take. It's the exact same pained, grimacing wink that she does.
No. 2047750
>>2047457Not to reply to derailing redtext, but i promise you its not 100s. Kek if i had to wager i would say there are atleast 30-50 but even thats generous. As for regular posters and commenters go, that number drops fast. Im sure its somewhere in the ballpark of around 20 regular milkers+regular commenters.
But yes. She should be so proud of her spread asshole, herpe like sores, embarrassing relationships, degrading sex work, all posted here and semi-permanently documented on lolcow forever and eternity. Kek be SO proud shay!
She lives in a scrotes basement rooming with another scrote who shits himself and is a cuck while probably fucking the old ugly fat one for discount rent. Who do you think youre fooling with these tryhard comments trying to gas shay up like she reads her own thread religiously? She stopped obsessing over her thread awhile ago. Realizing that it was bad for her mental health, i know she probably pops in occaisionally but its nowhere near her tumblr days.
Go back to twitter or wherever you came from.
No. 2047828
File: 1729278847487.jpg (1.35 MB, 1049x2213, Retarded.jpg)

Noodle has another issue. With what we know now I bet the old scrote noticed it and not her.
No. 2047845
File: 1729280219037.png (1.55 MB, 750x1334, 1559082107347.png)

>>2047828This makes me so sad. Noodle deserves a better life rather than rotting with Shat.
No. 2047852
File: 1729281423519.png (90.87 KB, 275x225, IMG_0075.png)

>>2047718She looks so normal there though vs pic attached. I actually can’t wrap my head around how this isn’t an edited pic
No. 2047867
File: 1729283712625.png (762.05 KB, 484x1318, symetric-shat.png)

>>2047852The symmetry in this image always creeps me out. It's uncanny and looks AI generated.
No. 2047870
File: 1729284166826.jpeg (520.09 KB, 4096x2730, 0871D54A-9E9C-413F-B979-4AD5C0…)

>>2047718You have to admit, she looks a lot better here than a year or two ago. We make fun of the bangs but every single one of her worst photos she doesn’t have any. They might be saving her.
No. 2048021
File: 1729317503455.jpeg (219.2 KB, 1290x1400, IMG_0730.jpeg)

The amount of filtering here almost make her look pretty. Too bad her neck rolls, giant mole, chapped lips, and general disgusting aura ruin it
No. 2048045
File: 1729327052133.png (52.03 KB, 350x370, Screen Shot 2024-10-19 at 2.36…)

>>2046743>>2048022no money for rent, needed to dye her hair into multicolored mop kek
No. 2048193
File: 1729367975661.jpg (Spoiler Image,551.58 KB, 2048x2048, 8384.jpg)

She looks like 5 different people since getting this hair.
No. 2048194
File: 1729368073774.jpg (71.22 KB, 970x457, V.jpg)

Dirty deleted this subtweet about whomever.
No. 2048239
>>2047513All the cool stuff happens when I’m offline!
I missed the cursed image! Seeing the nonnies reaction itt I wanna see it now!
>>2047548 can you plz post in shaytorium?
No. 2048249
File: 1729378553397.jpg (27.53 KB, 460x276, bush.jpg)

>>2047513>>2047548a third anon's vag has hit the shay thread.
No. 2048250
>>2047636This! As a result of grooming,
victims are often treated as they had their own identity as a teenager. People who are younger really don’t understand how wild the internet truly was before Google owned the internet, it was truly ldifferent than it is today.
I’m not brushed up with my belle history, but as a person that’s read the threads on shay, it’s evident that shay was the perfect
victim for online predators to groom and manipulate. Parents split, mom having to take care of the kids and work too much, dad abandoning his family and remarrying another woman and treating her kids way better, mom too busy to be involved in Shay’s shenanigans, drug use, and other impulsive and reckless behaviors. In a study that took different personality disorders and studied their mating habits the researchers found a pattern with the BPDs tend to become more promiscuous, engaging in more sexual relations with more “Machiavellian” men for resources and protection.(Machiavellian, in short meaning manipulative, lacking moral compass, etc.) It’s quite shameful that we often overlook the importance of adolescent development, and how much it can affect that child into adulthood.
I believe shay doesn’t understand that she was groomed, that her mental state and substance abuse are self medicating behaviors, along with her self harm stuff, it’s tragic her father kicked her out instead of getting her therapy. Her father should be helping her financially, since he decided to abandon her at a young age, if he actually gave a hoot about her she wouldn’t resort to violent sex acts on camera for nickels and dimes, she wouldn’t be homeless living with Buffalo bill or thinking that the attention she deserves is that of the braindead moid coomer that only wants her for her body.
Absolutely do not blame her for not wanting to live with her father and step mother, they’ve probably treated her with disrespect and disgust. We are all aware she’s not a child, but the trauma she endured hasn’t hit her, and probably won’t for a few years. I hope when she finally comes to realize the men that she trusted and were supposed to protect her, hurt her that she’s able to seek help and get her life on track, for her own peace .
(medfagging essay) No. 2048252
File: 1729379171309.jpeg (60.84 KB, 620x387, IMG_9132.jpeg)

My morbid curiosity after reading itt that a new gash invaded the thread
No. 2048292
File: 1729389002046.jpg (316.07 KB, 1080x1954, Screenshot_20241018-021305.jpg)

>>2048250belle is currently estranged from her parents because of the violent porn she made. these gals tend to ruin their relationships with family and friends because of the gross coomer pandering, which ironically makes them more dependent on
toxic moids than ever.
It all reeks of self harm
(joining derail) No. 2048298
>>2048250Kek please stop diagnosing her with bpd, she doesn’t have any childhood trauma that would cause that and her emotions & attachments are flat as fuck. Honestly I don’t know why it seems like she always has to have a personality disorder according to some anons, I think some anons itt are just obsessed with certain PDs and think that Shayna is a member of their most despised PD. In reality she’s just a spoiled brat with no childhood trauma and has some narcissistic traits like all of the other middle class pickmes who choose to do OF & throw other women under the bus. There’s so many women exactly like her and not all of them have PDs, they’re just shitty people who choose to be shitty even despite coming from better life circumstances than most.
Also I can’t take anyone seriously who says what she does is self harm kek, this bitch is clearly into substances for the high and also into sadomachism shit because she thinks it gets her ugly ass special attention over other women who are better looking (common among polyamorous and/or BDSMfags who are also usually hideous fatties). When has this fat whale ever actually self harmed herself except lying about it for attention (like when she lied about having an ED)?
No. 2048337
>>2048303She had bipolar disorder diagnosed not a personality disorder, she’s honestly likely not either of the two. I think she just faked psych issues for pills.
She’s just lazy, spoiled and delusional. Reminds me of Ash Trevino who is just Mexican 37yo Shayna who dates prisoners and has 0 self awareness to do better
No. 2048629
>>2048303As other anons mentioned, she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She's just retarded and thinks bpd is the acronym for bipolar. However, you cannot diagnosed with other mental illnesses when you have alcohol/ substance abuse disorder, because alcohol and substances can mimic symptoms of mental illness. I'm sure Shay isn't truthful about how much and how often she drinks to doctors. It's clear Shay has alcohol withdrawal when she doesn't drink and that causes irritability, anxiety, depression, auditory/visual/tactile hallucinations, and nightmares. Fuck drinking period causes depression and anxiety.
sorry about the blog, but I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when I was an alcoholic and addicted to benzos and opiates. But now that I've been sober I don't have any of those issues. And of course I lied about my drinking and drug use to my doctor. I can see through that with Shay.All shat has is substance use disorder. Though, everyone around her just enables her drinking. She's gonna have to hit a rock bottom where she wakes up with the shakes and can't afford alcohol before she even admits she has a problem to herself.
No. 2048642
File: 1729468446553.gif (3.44 MB, 192x340, 1539199932703.gif)

>>2048300The respectability politics aside, The likelihood that she will give up the crumbs she gets from coomers when she knows that alternative is working a minimum wage job and no longer begging for money online or giving out the pathetic amount of socialization that she gets out of gross kink events and interacting with these degeneres is like non-existent at this point (stop talking about people you don't know in order to knock a woman who has bigger problems than you ranting about her online ceaselessly down a peg)
I think the reality that a lot of people are going to not want to associate with her if she's going to be isolated and broke if she drops the degeneracy has hit her a long time ago. she was never very bright but she's desperate enough to cling to what she's worked like 8 years to get even if it's disgusting and undesirable. like the other
nonnie has said, the reality of her trauma and how humiliating what she does is hasn't hit her yet. she pretends that she gets off to this shit because It's a defense mechanism in a way to deflect. her coomers wouldn't appreciate the reality. imagine having to be very careful about what you say so you don't piss off the worst scrotes imaginable. I'd rather neck myself
No. 2048689
File: 1729474857955.jpeg (912.26 KB, 828x1176, IMG_7789.jpeg)

Trying so hard to cover up that hammy arm lol
No. 2048697
File: 1729476534611.png (Spoiler Image,4.86 MB, 1536x2048, eyeareaEYEAREA.png)

>>2048689The arms are the least of her problems.
No. 2048708
>>2048697Jesus fucking christ, her skin and teeth make me want to throw up. She really has the ugliest beady little black rodent shit eyes I’ve ever seen. I love how the other degen is concealing her double chin (no such luck here though, lmao
No. 2048712
File: 1729477902054.png (279.66 KB, 484x572, face.png)

>>2048697This is horrifying
No. 2048872
File: 1729520602214.jpg (Spoiler Image,446.96 KB, 1862x2048, 19.jpg)

I like how both of them are strategically hiding their gunts.
No. 2048889
>>2048689Is the purple haired one trans?
>>2048712Wow, what a fresh faced and pretty looking 20 something.
>>2048861Atp, saying she looks like an alcoholic 50 year old is an insult to the alcoholic 50 year olds. Shayna looks like she's got her big toe in the grave.
No. 2049056
File: 1729550600576.jpg (484.08 KB, 1080x1619, Broke.jpg)

More unnecessary travel for a party that won't make her money. Like usual she can't afford it.
No. 2049066
File: 1729551830479.png (Spoiler Image,3.81 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8283.png)

>>2049056I’m really confused at to what in the shooping hell is going on here
No. 2049102
File: 1729556717081.jpeg (Spoiler Image,285.19 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_2011.jpeg)

No. 2049163
File: 1729567804061.jpg (74.71 KB, 984x488, haha.jpg)

KEK Shat can't even hold a poly relationship. She dirty deleted this so it must be her talking about herself.
No. 2049176
File: 1729570050692.jpeg (241 KB, 1170x567, IMG_2454.jpeg)

>>2049163This one is still up though, how long before she starts begging for gibs so she can move house again?
No. 2049194
File: 1729574548387.jpg (165.63 KB, 1080x1395, 73.jpg)

She is so dramatic.
No. 2049261
>>2049176Yeah, this confirms its about some old coomer. I doubt she's sexually attracted to the tranny, and Ellen is just a friend who randomly slaps and bites her atp.
>>2049223I thought the other time was about some different pensioner she lets finger her in parking lots? Either way, she's managing to be more and more pathetic everyday. Sex workers who still desire romantic relationships with men after seeing how shit they actually are first hand can't be saved. She's got terminal pickmeism and will continue to get played by the geriatric community until they're not interested in her anymore. And then she'll shrivel up and die from the lack of scrotal attention.
No. 2049265
File: 1729602858131.webp (17.75 KB, 360x582, droopy.webp)

>>2049102face AND tits resembling droopy dog
No. 2049277
>>2049176>goes for bottom of the barrel lowest of low men>gets treated like shit>meltdown ensueswhat did she think was going to happen? the men surrounding her don't respect her or care about her. she should know this by now, being a sex worker for nearly a decade and all.
>>2049267shay just doesn't grasp her situation properly. she doesn't learn from past experiences, heavily idealises/romanticises relationships but lacks emotional maturity and doesn't realise that the guys she's going for are not going to be like her shaylusions. they'll just treat her like shit just like every other guy she's dated has, not learning a thing and the cycle repeats.
No. 2049287
File: 1729607432591.jpg (223.72 KB, 1080x759, K.jpg)

>>2049220Some incel scrote responded to her original tweet with this. But he has a point at the end, she always has a type.
No. 2049308
>>2049287Shayna is a whore who's getting with the exact type of man she deserves. This incel doesn't have a
valid point, bad women getting with bad men is just how nature works. She's a pedo pandering whore, no half way decent scrote would want anything to do with her,just like how no half decent woman wants a greasy incel who wanks to fatshat for a partner.
>>2049277Its sad but you answered your own question there. Shayna's too permafried and retarded to realize that she's quite literally a lowly bottom of the barrel whore who's looks are rapidly deteriorating. She got too much attention online too young and bought into the "sexwork is empowerment" sjw rhetoric at an impressionable age. She was probably always on the lower end of intelligence, so she's just going to be stuck circling the bottom of the barrel until she finally sinks.
>>2049307She's right but she shouldn't lash out at her fanbase like that. All of her incel coomers think the same exact way, that's why mike slack the pedo can only be assed to send an emoji or the same monsters inc gif.
No. 2049345
>>2049308>>2049316i feel like mike slack consciously chooses to keep using that same emoji because he, like many others, have seen how unpredictable and unstable Shayna is emotionally. she cannot handle opinions other than her own and she cannot handle not being treated like the
victim in every situation. by using a simple monsters inc. gif he keeps the illusion up of interaction and “support” without having to question about setting her off on a bad day with a misinterpreted comment. she’s done the same thing with every single one of her followers. they either:
1) Use her once or twice then immediately bail never to be seen again
2) Have a fear of commenting or interacting with her in anyways as she will block and argue with anyone isn’t agreeing with or who isn’t actively sending her money.
No. 2049467
File: 1729644174243.jpg (670.73 KB, 1080x1422, 1000041758.jpg)

>>2046165Kek nona I see it
No. 2049547
>>2049487This is what I want to know. Moving in with a coomer was already a last resort for her. I don't think she has the money or credit to rent a place of her own anymore. And if she didn't move in with Ellen before then that's likely not an option.
So now what? Is she just seething in this man's dank old basement? I bet that she is holding herself back from going full bpd tantrum because she knows he could kick her out & leave her sooo fucked on no notice.
Thinking back on the move-in knowing she was never destined to stay longer than a few months makes it extra bleak… she spent like a day painting it pink & setting up her pedo nest to try to make it seem less like a sad prison. Turns out she didn't even need to unpack.
This is exactly why you never let a moid have control of your housing situation. Let alone a gooning degenerate moid. They WILL try to pull the rug out from under you when they get bored.
No. 2049670
>>2049547Interestingly enough, he isnt pulling any rug out from her. All he did was hangout/fuck/kiss/gave attention to someone without letting shay know or keeping it secret from her whatever.
She is the one being dramatic about it. She is the one getting all pissy and in a way, if she isnt careful, that will make him want to kick her out. There is no rug pulling in this situation. That usually means you dont see it coming and the other person had no reason besides pure malicious intent when they do it.
What the hell does she expect though? She is a nickel and dime whore in a polycule who is living in HIS basement. We dont know if she pays rent in pennies or pussy… she hasnt begged for rent in some time honestly so it has me wondering. Shes doing services for one of these moids for free in arrangement for living digs. Whether thats domming traniel so he covers her portion, or fucking the ugly old moid, we dont know. But in either case, she has no upperhand. She has no cards in her hand. Sshe doesnt even have anything on the table. Where in the hell does she get the audacity to police and dictate a moid she is living with, that is housing her or paying her rent. Whether its traniel or the old scrote she has no room to talk. She needs to chill the fuck out and stop getting so attatched to these ugly degens.
In her proffesion they should just be wallets with dicks. But since she has ruined her relationship with her entire family and left while her brain was still developing, she will forever look for replacement family in her friends. Putting way too much pressure on them and setting all her eggs in baskets that dont owe her anything, even if its just the love you give to a family member simply out of the fact they are family. She doesnt have that. She needs to move back home and restart her life before she hits 30 and people are less forgiving to her.
No. 2049687
File: 1729708397934.jpeg (360.71 KB, 1170x864, IMG_3812.jpeg)

she retweeted this.
No. 2049718
>>2049670>There is no rug pulling in this situation. That usually means you dont see it coming and the other person had no reason besides pure malicious intent when they do it. Yeah, you're right. I guess I am anticipating a few days ahead. I do not forsee her being able to bite her tongue and pander to this moid for long when her bpd brain says that she NEEDS to yell at him. She might be able to keep quiet for a day or two, knowing that her housing likely depends on it, but the next time she gets too wasted she will air out her grievances at him. And I anticipate that he will kick her out immediately with no time to scramble for a new place.
But you are right that the rug pull hasn't happened yet… just making predictions based on how moids typically operate.
I eagerly await the next time she gets too drunk to contain her thoughts. Can't be long now.
No. 2049732
File: 1729718949304.jpeg (885.7 KB, 1170x1422, IMG_2022.jpeg)

Another Vegas trip
No. 2049738
File: 1729720290790.png (89.27 KB, 964x829, shit-head.png)

>>2049732Her hairstyle is literally this
No. 2049742
File: 1729721047742.jpeg (239.09 KB, 681x1196, IMG_2031.jpeg)

saw this on twitter and instantly thought of shayna(off-topic)
No. 2049745
File: 1729721265971.png (64.05 KB, 262x289, b86.png)

>>2049194I will never understand why she insists on surrounding herself with an ugliest most degenerate moids, Even when they appear to offer her nothing of value like Traniel. how much disposable income would he even have? not enough to make someone like that worth keeping around. All her choices reek of desperation.
>>2049732worst hairstyle. what the fuck are those literal stripes of dye. she's frying her hair into the most hideous style just to piss us off.
>>2049307I find it ironic that she would talk about this random on Twitter being a loser when she is quite literally begging the nastiest, most rapey and unattractive old men for a place to crash at and literal nickles. she associates with pedo losers and she's a loser herself. something in her is keeping her going and it's probably her alcoholism and addiction to weed because I can't imagine not killing yourself if you end up like this. everyone remember that Korean actress or whatever it was who killed herself after leaving a note saying that she was forced to have sex with men by the people who managed her or something? what a horrible life. All for being the Sicilian venus angelic with no less of a tragic life and nowhere near enough shitty losers to help you pay your bills. It seems like the brit majority whiteys in the west who would be her audience don't enjoy the Italian phenotype. which is ironically backed by some research. It's not that there's anything particularly wrong about her mug, she's just surrounded by people who don't look like her and who therefore aren't biased towards that appearance. which is something that I've unfortunately witness first hand and I think it's literal bullshit. If I had the money I wouldn't be living in murrica tbh
>>2049718holy moly this is an unprecedented amount of obsession. what the hell is wrong with you? like how can you even assume anything when she doesn't tell you jackshit about what she's doing offline which she realized was the way to go a long time ago. something tells me that you are talking about your own personal experience here. seek therapy
No. 2049761
>>2049308love how hetties pretend that there are so many "good men" out there instead of men who know how to keep their fucking mouth shut so you don't realize what the fuck they're like until they get you pregnant at which point they realized that you can't just leave easily anyway and then they just behave like the worst people imaginable.
trashy coomers a dime a dozen nowadays and you're more likely to come across one of them if you're under 25 then someone who's actually not horrible and pornsick.
That's pretty much what all of the data available seems to indicate. three waves of data over 3 years pretty much concluded that teen boys have totally fucked on their sexuality via porn consumption.
(baiting) No. 2049782
>>2049716I know, I agree with you
but last time I said that she’s been raped, some retard came in here and said I was disgracing actual rape victims by saying that prostitution is paid rape. The specific scenario I can imagine is that there likely has been a moid she has filmed with and/or a John who has ignored her boundaries and assaulted her. Apparently that happens all the time in porn and prostitution, so I would be surprised if she hasn’t encountered it once in 7/8 years of sex “work”.
No. 2049808
File: 1729735103877.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB, 1170x1650, IMG_2025.jpeg)

She must be desperate if she’s entering an MV contest. I don’t remember the last time she entered
No. 2049812
File: 1729736571417.png (Spoiler Image,567.77 KB, 1440x2826, 1000047135.png)

My God, I know that goofy old fuck wears glasses, but do they even work? They're all in the same social circle. Is he fucking that elephant too? How does the old man tie in with Ellen? Is he part of the polycule or just a friend? Is Shay losing her shit because there's some interpersonal jealousy going on? She fucks people for a living. Why is it any different when her partners do the same?
No. 2049815
File: 1729738852255.jpeg (1.19 MB, 2982x1244, Tweets.JPEG)

>>2049687She also retweeted this (1 in picrel). In other news, a guy was probably catfished
(or claims to have been catfished) (2 and 3 in picrel) and Shayna interacted with him.
No. 2049857
File: 1729753491999.png (13.28 KB, 526x192, tranielvote.png)

>>2049757>>2049769He voted for her too. It's possible he's trying to get back in her good graces? Can't imagine hse'd care much about Ellen as she regularly shares her unwanted submissive moids with her. Still suspect it's about the old fat biker moid.
No. 2049870
File: 1729756168992.jpeg (560.93 KB, 1280x720, IMG_9162.jpeg)

>>2049825 Denial isnt just a river in Egypt
No. 2049895
File: 1729767175960.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1170x1587, IMG_9164.jpeg)

>>2049881>>2049871And her bumperbangs are inches thick,,not to mention her hair would be hella thick if she stopped actively doing everything to make it flat/ straight/ thin.
I imagine her hair would look cute if she were to let it curl; like Ellane Benes’ or young Marian carey (1/2)
No. 2049901
>>2049745>Sicilian venus angelic>italian phenotypewhat the fuck are you talking about
nonny? shayna has the most britbong council estate face and body i've ever seen on an american.
No. 2049903
>>2049901Shat has the most phenotypically Italian / Mediterranean looking face you will find,
nonny. If she looks British to you then you're associating her with the descendants of Romans in Britain.
she looks like Sylvester Stallone without makeup
No. 2049917
>>2049904>pseudoscientific term coined by racisteither this is bait or you are a literal retard. regardless, shayna does not look stereotypically mediterranean beyond her giant beak. echoing what
>>2049901 said,
she looks like the archetype of an inbred chav
No. 2049924
>>2049917>her giant beakstfu troglodyte. you people are such irritating, dull trolls that you can't even be honest with yourselves about the fact that Shat's nose is smaller than many other people's, including women who are as blonde and as blue-eyed as you can fucking get (ie northern Europeans).
population genetics are fucking thing and just because you have ethnic blindness or some stupid shit like that doesn't mean that everyone else does.
(infighting/racebaiting) No. 2049927
File: 1729775156691.webp (9.6 KB, 532x398, rCQRvSN_d.webp)

>>2049926imagine basing someone's ethnicity off of their teeth and then calling me stupid.
No. 2049928
File: 1729775216592.jpg (541.6 KB, 1080x1788, Screenshot_20241024_150544_Blu…)

Think I found Traniel's key on Ellen's bluesky
No. 2049995
>>2049782Shayna chooses to be a whore because of her ego, she wasn't forced into sex work due to trafficking or lack of resources. She can quit any day of the week and her parents will happily clean up her mess of a life. She's not a
victim of anything other than her on stupidity. Consent can't be bought, you're right, but every day she logs on to her degenerate OF account or diaper dolly twitter she consents. She wasn't forced into this lifestyle, she willingly chose it. (Albeit she was young when she made the choice, but like i said, she can quit any day and her parents will cover her. Her situation is unique amongst sex workers, she shouldn't get the same compassion that trafficking
victims and women who were financially backed into a wall should get.)
But, i do agree she probably has had an encounter with a John who took things way too far. Statistically its more unlikely that she's never had to deal with that.
>>2049825She can't see herself irl unless she's staring in a mirror so she probably forgets how busted she looks until she goes to take a selfie.
No. 2050019
File: 1729796246556.jpeg (Spoiler Image,449.11 KB, 1170x970, IMG_9168.jpeg)

>>2049951> she looks like Janice Soprano and that's allNona please, Janice sopranos face card never declines. She would’ve smoked these manyvids hoes and won all these contests.
Put some respect on her name.
No. 2050161
File: 1729828318048.jpeg (741.99 KB, 1170x1591, IMG_2489.jpeg)

>>2049808>were in the top 100!>will end up at the bottom of the list And it’s Groundhog Day. Also the way she says “we’re” instead of “I’m” is irrationally annoying to me. Yes Shayna, we know you take up two seats on the plane but referring to yourself with the royal “we” makes you sound extra retarded
No. 2050205
File: 1729838658266.png (93.32 KB, 1196x398, Screenshot 2024-10-25 at 5.42.…)

wonder if ellen is also moving into the hog den
No. 2050790
File: 1730000993919.jpg (941.33 KB, 1080x2280, Lie.jpg)

>my fav girlies
She said this last time in Vegas and we have yet to see these friends. If it was true she would be posting constant photos.
No. 2050792
File: 1730001585678.jpg (120.96 KB, 736x1100, dogs-shihtzu.jpg)

>>2050790She's back to looking like this again.
>>2050791Fat girl angle and filters.
No. 2050815
>>2050790Is she moving away from the baby bimbo retard shit? Or is this only because it’s October? I feel like she’s dressing less like a sped. She’s still looks like a trailer park mom but it’s not pink, it’s not 3 sizes too small and it’s somewhat age appropriate.
I wonder what goes through her mind as she drags the size bar down to the lowest setting when she edits her nose.
No. 2050819
>>2050815Yeah, I can't remember the last time she said something as foul as some of the horrendous shit she was saying before about drugged milk bottles or whatever. Far be it from me or anyone else this high in the shaytosphere to give her any positive reactions but she really does suit trashy trailer park lot lizard way more than creepy DDLG bimbo. Both visually and just ethically it is
less disgusting. If she truly doesn't do any more nasty baby shit, and she's just a washed up chunky prostitute on Twitter…I'd dare say she may not even warrant a thread for much longer.
No. 2050843
>>2050792The dog's eyes are bigger than hers despite its entire body being like 1/20th of hers kek
(I know you mean the hair tho which is spot on of course)
No. 2051046
File: 1730074414708.jpeg (619.8 KB, 1170x1493, IMG_2059.jpeg)

No. 2051079
File: 1730080107160.png (Spoiler Image,293.95 KB, 664x533, mv-cap.png)

New MV video new. She makes pig noises while writhing around like a fat person trying to get out of a low chair.
No. 2051082
>>2051046it is wild to brag about being really convincing while making porn that's basically the fetishization of kidnap/torture/rape.
>>2051079lol at the boils from getting her fupa chafed by her too-tight clothes and jeans
No. 2051148
File: 1730103239035.png (Spoiler Image,1.18 MB, 1198x918, Screenshot 2024-10-28 at 19-13…)

>>2050881sorry i'm not american kek i didn't know what state it was in. regardless that's where she is and she doesn't have any other friends
(spoiler this) No. 2051236
File: 1730132218050.jpeg (161.52 KB, 482x478, IMG_2504.jpeg)

>>2051148Imagine posting a picture of yourself looking this fucking hideous when you’re advertising your “work” and seeking collaborations.
No. 2051318
File: 1730153459490.jpeg (Spoiler Image,754.82 KB, 1170x1165, IMG_3522.jpeg)

No. 2051340
>>2051318are you ok
nonny? lol
and is…that not her skin? if it was discharge why tf did none tell her? she looks like a troon here
No. 2051366
File: 1730161729960.jpeg (334.76 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_2063.jpeg)

She’s back shooting with that lingerie dude
No. 2051369
File: 1730161800345.jpeg (348.68 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_2064.jpeg)

No. 2051383
>>2051366This looks is very 1980s chain smoking cheap hooker who hunts for clients at the dive bar.
If I didn’t know her I’d assume she was a 55yo woman who didn’t take care of herself and wants to remember the prime of her life
No. 2051471
File: 1730198406673.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1170x2006, IMG_2065.jpeg)

Who is this attractive to?
No. 2051486
>>2051409the forehead wrinkle or caveman brow ridge comments must be getting to her kek
>>2051471lmao what is this??? guys, aunt sherry is drunk again
No. 2051527
>>2051486you guys are so unoriginal that you call the flattest fucking forehead that you've probably ever seen "a caveman brow ridge".
>>2051471imagine doing shit like this when you don't even get paid for it. It looks like she has no lips and her beady eyes are literally engulfed by that thick eyeliner.
No. 2051579
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No. 2051580
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No. 2051638
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>>2051610it’s very 1980s J. C. Penney underwear ad (a cheap US department store)
No. 2051640
File: 1730234660456.webp (12.83 KB, 550x550, Euro-50L-Stainless-Beer-Keg-Be…)

>>2051579>>2051580BIG SHAYNUS
She's built like a beer keg.
No. 2051677
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>>2051527>flattest fucking foreheadNona pls
No. 2051705
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No. 2051777
File: 1730268662718.jpg (70.8 KB, 861x453, Screenshot_20241030-020731.jpg)

>>2051705her eyes look…uneven. and she's wearing a mismatched cheap lingerie set. those underwear were the ones a john got her, right? why can't she buy ones that look decent? the tope heavy look in the full coverage Grandma bra is unflattering, too.
No. 2051780
>>2051778I honestly thinks everything she wears looks bad regardless of whether it's poorly fitting shorts that cut into her paunch or ugly 1940s shapewear garters. All of this could look a little bit better if the wardrobe was higher quality and maybe did not consist of literal grandma clothes that do not flatter her. personally I think that anything lacy can look more elegant than the opaque stuff but it's still trashy as hell on her so it doesn't really matter. this is definitely the scrote's fetish which is ick.
>>2051646posting an unflattering frame from a video does not prove anything please stop embarrassing yourself No. 2051794
File: 1730276465076.jpg (56.63 KB, 1200x266, img89283.jpg)

tinfoil but does anyone else think shay and ellen broke up? they were both moving at the same exact time in july, and the last 2 mentions i could find of "gf" (both in september, seafood boil and getting nails done) total nothing posts but have inexplicably disappeared from shay's twitter.
perhaps ellen was fronting some of shay's rent, it was speculated when she moved to WA that ellen was on the lease due to her being able to pick up the keys alone, and real shayheads will remember womack used to transfer "dolly's rent" directly to ellen. could be partially why shay could no longer afford to live there
No. 2051796
>>2051794I buy this tinfoil. We know that Shayna hasn't been earning enough to cover her rent as far back as April from her earnings reports. If Ellen co-signed for her apartment, it could be that Ellen was forced to make up the difference, which then could have left her without enough money to pay her own rent and living expenses. It might be why Ellen needed to find a new apartment if she was evicted for being late paying her rent. Shayna being the fat selfish sow that she is probably didn't care that she was fucking over the one friend that has stood by her for years.
To add to this, the decline in Shayna's relationship with Ellen might be why she was looking to move to Vegas. One of the reasons she moved back to Seattle was to be closer to Ellen.
No. 2051827
>>2051782I'm dying to know what
nonny would feel if someone just took a random unflattering screenshots of her face and started posting them on the public forum for years. you deserve them as much as she does. being a sadistic, spiteful pos online isn't something that you can just stop being if that's who you are, tho. I bet this shit has real life consequences for many of you but you don't care.
(whiteknight) No. 2051875
>>2051610It's a little too edited & airbrushed to look 80s, imo, but yes, the styling is on point in terms of fitting the 80s aesthetic to a T.
>>2051801This is the best styling for her that I've seen and I've been here since the 1st thread. She looks so much better with a vampy lip and curly hair. The dye job is bad, but I do think the blonde looks better and benefits with the contrast of lowlights. The toning is terribly done, though. I think the old lingerie looks far better on her figure than her regular garb because it is more structure and covers her "problem" areas.
>>2051838I think she may be a DC. She looks awful in loose clothing, she needs structure, and I don't see kibbe width (DCs are generally slightly "wide" in the traditional sense, and that she is). The height limit for DC is 5'7'' and it has some vertical, which I get, but I don't think Shayna has a totally obvious vertical. I say this only because imo in videos of her, she doesn't look mega tall, but she does look slightly taller than her height.
No. 2051882
>>2051804Shayna hasn't been unlucky (or desperate) enough to get married to a violent moid, lol? tf is this
>>2051857this is legitimately one of the worst things I've ever read in these threads. stop
>>2051838The body type astrology chart shit is genuinely perplexing. people don't know what Italians look like in here but they pay heed to what is probably an incredibly oversimplified generalization about body types that was probably created to sell crap.
No. 2051886
File: 1730304623604.jpeg (343.09 KB, 1365x2048, 1699399698569.jpeg)

>>2051871She has a prominent brow ridge. I don't know why there is now some sort of cope denial about it when it's been documented for years.
No. 2051898
File: 1730307165804.jpeg (652.88 KB, 828x1415, 1704112685885.jpeg)

>>2051892>She has A brow ridgeYes she does and it's prominent brow ridge.
No. 2051935
>>2051906she doesn't seem to care what she looks like but she also doesn't repost that shit like you people do multiple times a year.
poing is, these threads are
toxic and you're stupid. bye
keep wasting your time sniggering on here or w/e.
(bye) No. 2052029
>>2051580Yknow what freaks me out is the panties OVER the garter. There's only one reason for that and it's to have sex in said outfit. For aesthetic especially this photography shit it should be on the right way.
So. Is the moid just that retarded or is she fucking them?
No. 2052059
>>2051899NTA but porn production companies at most scales are either blind-eyeing obvious substance abuse on set or actively encouraging it and providing alcohol or cannabis to keep performers "loose". Shayna getting drip-fed cocktails by some loser is probably safer in that they'll run out before she's truly shit faced.
t. I know two people who shot studio porn. Sorry if you don't believe me, it's a troubling thing to contend with.
No. 2052078
>>2052029The garter is supposed to be worn underneath, when it was a more popularly worn garment it was worn that way for convenience when going to the bathroom and stuff.
The fact that they went with this combo is just realistic 1940s homely woman.
No. 2052085
File: 1730355808669.jpg (Spoiler Image,109.26 KB, 720x808, Screenshot_20241031_011803_X.j…)

>>2052080That you think shayna using a cocktail as a degradation prop is some kind of new low when she was shitbagged and farting on chaturbate on the regular is a little surprising. That you would cede CYA to pornographers makes me hope you keep a husbando for your own safety. Men who are involved in producing amateur porn are typically at minimum underpaying their models, holding unwanted photos hostage for sex act ransom, and coercing women into caving on pre-negotiated limits. More typically, they are trafficking their girlfriend are other models, actively and intentionally. I'm amazed that you think the guys who shoot with the ABDL dog sex woman are above that. I hope you are never proximal to any sex workers, the reality of the porn industry's lax stance on workplace safety would probably kill you. She used to get strung up and gut punched on camera ffs. Sorry for anyone who saw shaynas rack before I remembered to spoiler, taking meds now
No. 2052088
>>2052085Nayrt but you seem borderline illiterate, that anon was referring to how stupid it is from a WORK standpoint.
If Shaynus were to take this moid to court saying she was tricked into it while intoxicated, there's already literal photographic evidence.
No. 2052099
>>2052085IThe amateur shoots don’t pay well and will low ball you in anyway they can, sometimes the dudes running the shit will try to fuck you first to make sure your good enough for the camera (gag). The director will even ‘lovebomb’ you into talking on licks on the side or being their ‘sugar baby’ and keep an entire catalog of your shoot (along with many others). Or they’ll be lonely incel dudes looking for a GF. I’ve heard of girls going to places like Baltimore or NYC for a shoot (this is way before OF) and the “director” they meet up with is actually a group of guys that prostitute you out to dudes and get you hooked on drugs. Moids fucking suck.
I hope shay is safe, because she actually goes all the way to the moids to shoot, and it’s always crazy violent shit.
No. 2052121
File: 1730375251284.gif (94.73 KB, 626x117, picasion.com_jnUC.gif)

The hog's earning report for October.
Item sales - $0 bleak
Video sales - $0 bleak
Tips - $0 bleak
Subs - $660
Total - $660
Daily Income - $21.29
Calculations for video sales include the 40% percent cut taken by MV and subs include the 20% cut taken by MV.
Estimated OF sub numbers including the 20% taken by OF
50 subs = $200
100 subs = $400
150 subs = $600
200 subs = $800
With 200 OF subs her total income would be $1460
With 100 OF subs her total income would be $1060
With 50 OF subs her total income would be $860
I'm not sure about this. Did she really get zero video sales? It wouldn't surprise me as her video sales were already below $200 and have been declining for months. She also doesn't upload fresh content on a regular basis which may prevent her videos being pushed to new coomers by the MV algorithm. Maybe she just stopped uploading video sales to the club tab so that her income in no longer visible.
No. 2052145
File: 1730382171652.png (141.19 KB, 364x396, Popuko.png)

>>2051899Wow, I sure am glad that there are such strict standards of ethics in porn and that the production companies are always so worried about being sued by the notoriously powerful and wealthy Pornographic Actor's Guild!
>I feel like it's standard to make a point of asking about it >I feel like it's standard>I feel like>I feelepic story, sis
(infighting) No. 2052177
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No. 2052328
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No. 2052329
File: 1730432030644.png (87.42 KB, 225x518, 105.png)

>>2052160MV only pays out a 60% cut of paid contest votes and she's not even in the top 100 so I doubt it was more than a few hundred dollars.
No. 2052342
File: 1730435864296.jpeg (509.59 KB, 1170x1039, IMG_9229.jpeg)

“SC” is a 26 year old female presenting to the emergency room with a laceration to the neck when a knife was used during filming for her onlyfans, here’s what happened to her upon admission to the hospital.
No. 2052353
File: 1730438408229.png (16.63 KB, 750x613, payout.png)

>>2052121How can you even tell if she does or doesn't sell something? The likes and views don't mean purchased and not all purchases are publicly thrown onto an x-timeline. Even logging in as if you're a creator doesn't show that information to other users publicly. Your calculations also don't include PPV content through OnlyFans which is another number you don't have access to. Customers like here on MV
>>2052329 OnlyFans only takes a 20% cut and MV takes out at most 40%. That's not what they keep on the right-hand side. That's the creator's cut.
No. 2052366
>>2052353>How can you even tell if she does or doesn't sell something?The club tab on her MV page displays video and item sales as well as any tips received. See image. It doesn't show income made from customs which is why customs aren't listed in the calculations. She usually whines on twitter about having to make custom videos and eventually posts them publicly. Neither of these things have happened recently, so it would be a fair assumption that she isn't secretly earning thousands from customs.
>Your calculations also don't include PPV content through OnlyFans which is another number you don't have access toWhich is why her OF income is estimated and is specified as such. I'm not subscribed to her OF but other anons in the thread are. If she really was doing anything on OF beyond uploading fat, unwashed, crusty nudes, the thread would know about. She used to post her number of OF subs publicly on her twitter, she stopped because her sub numbers dropped below 300.
What we don't know is how much she earns from doing shoots like skidmark and how much she earns from whoring IRL.
No. 2052420
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No. 2052425
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No. 2052452
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No. 2052663
>>2051882Ayrt top comment - The married part of 'wife' is irrelevant in this context. "Mob wife" is a fashion aesthetic build around clothing and attitude. I said Shat would "choose Slob Wife every time" to emphasize how her poor hygiene, boring personality, and underdeveloped sense of style will always exclude her from the aesthetic, barring parody.
>>2052420 looks like she's modeling a "Sexy Crime Spouse Wig" for Spirit Halloween & the photographer's about to tell her they only need a head shot. I do agree that the Kibbe shit is dumb as fuck though KEK
>>2052452How can one woman be so rectangular, anyway? She's like patient zero.
No. 2052761
>>2052554>>2052724Photographer anon here. Body shoop comments are totally
valid, but i really don’t think he touched her eyes. Based on how bright the light is on only the upper half of her body, and how intense the shadows are in some pics, he’s using one unfiltered spotlight directly pointed to her upper half. Aka a super bright white light that would brighten the shit out of her dark brown eyes and yes, show as a white dot in her eyes themselves. Sorry for sperg
No. 2052771
File: 1730576913841.jpg (288.37 KB, 1080x1667, Screenshot_20241102-154524.jpg)

>>2052425the skin smoothing is extreme in the hallows of her eyes, you can even see where the moid didn't blurr. get honestly just looks so unnatural because it's really heavy-handed.
No. 2052827
File: 1730594896165.jpg (61.49 KB, 597x476, tumblr_0c3205c9a42cb4d2554f85f…)

>>2052776>>2052777>>2052785waste of trips tbh
please stop acting insane
No. 2052880
File: 1730622108628.jpeg (887.99 KB, 2560x1707, log-pile-scaled.jpeg)

>>2052877>>2052776>>2052777>>2052785>an actual photographer makes a neutral observation about her eye color>a bunch of alogs sperg all over the threadImagine being so invested in a fat whore having "ugly black rat turd eyes" that you have to act like a retard about it. Her eyes appear light brown and even somewhat greenish in intense professional lighting. Some of you are weirdly invested in shay being literally the most grotesque and weird looking person that even mild observations that don't actively portray her negatively is taken as whiteknighting. Not to sound like a zoomer but some of you could really benefit from closing this thread and going outside.
No. 2052891
>Some of you are weirdly invested in shay being literally the most grotesque and weird looking person that even mild observations that don't actively portray her negatively is taken as whiteknightingkek. whatever you say, coomer
>closing this thread and going outsideanon, do you know where you are? no1curr. go back where you came from, coomer. take your own advice and close this thread if it bothers you that much.
(infighting) No. 2052907
>>2052880That photographer you speak of literally said her eyes are dark brown but looked light brown due to the intensely bright light and never mentioned anything about hazel or green at all, can you read? She was debunking a reply where someone said the photographer shopped white highlights onto her eyes, nowhere did she say that Shay's eyes are in fact hazel instead of brown.
Shay has posted literal thousands of pictures of herself over the years and there's not a single one where her eyes look hazel or green. Even the pictures she takes outside in natural light her eyes always look medium brown at lightest.
We point out that her eyes are common dark brown like most of the planet because she attempts to convince herself and others that they're hazel or even green so she can feel more special. It's no different than usual pointing out her hair is mouse brown unlike the Barbie blonde she describes herself as having or making fun of her for pretending to be a hawt bimbo when in reality she's sloppy and below average, or pointing out that she's the exact opposite of petite and cute when she goes on about being a dainty little baby girl. Bursting shaylusions is fun and it's not going to end just because you've decided to take it upon yourself to argue in favour of Shay having hazel eyes.
Why are you so mad we're calling her eyes brown? Are you a brown eyed person who squints into the sun to try and delude yourself into thinking there's a speck of green in them?
(infighting) No. 2052935
File: 1730640255886.jpg (1.05 MB, 1000x3955, MYXJ_20241103082101568.jpg)

>>2052880people on the site think that being a sociopath is a cute quirk. or at least they treat it like that.
>>2052907at this point I am ready to believe you're just jealous of her. I know that stupidity is common in here but you cannot be so committed to trolling that you just never let this shit go, it's embarrassing and weird.
(derailing) No. 2052954
File: 1730644814057.jpg (498.09 KB, 1080x1923, bleak1.jpg)

Casual breakdown in the middle of the night. [1/3]
No. 2052958
File: 1730644979766.jpg (166.97 KB, 1080x1144, Bleak3.jpg)

She'll never admit defeat for this pointless lifestyle considering she's aware that only she can help herself.
No. 2052964
>>2052962he usde a high transparency skin color brush only where her hollows are so it mattified the area but left the shine on her cheeks alone so you can see exactly where he applied it. It's shoddy work and what tips you off that he's edited the photo. everyone edits skin but you can do it in a way that looks less amateurish. you also don't have to get rid of all the skin texture so someone looks like a porcelain doll.
>>2052958she is so freaking whiny and annoying. I don't think she finally came to the realization that online prostitution is a shitty thing to engage in I think she's always known that and she hasn't done anything to grow or change in any meaningful way and now she's doing this passive aggressive shit on Twitter. grow up. this petulancy is ironically very childish which is the kind of shit that she sexualizes for the degenerates in her audience. very on brand, Shay.
No. 2053095
File: 1730682703559.jpeg (336.2 KB, 1170x934, IMG_2132.jpeg)

Idk if this was posted the other day
No. 2053120
>>2052958God she's always so close to getting it but simultaneously so far. It's sad.
>>2053040She won't quit porn because she likes it. This is just the sad truth. What she doesn't like is being unsuccessful at porn and a broke bitch. I guarantee if she was still making good income, she wouldn't be doomposting on Twitter.
No. 2053211
File: 1730726222789.jpeg (262.33 KB, 1170x432, IMG_2140.jpeg)

What about when Fupa recorded you driving his car drunk Shay?
No. 2053265
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>>2052955What a load of self-pitying garbage. She has successful and loving parents who will pay for her living expenses if she goes to school or takes up a trade. She won't accept their offer, of course, but this is literally a non-issue. Most people can't boast this privilege.
No. 2053333
File: 1730747342278.jpeg (552.44 KB, 1170x989, IMG_2139.jpeg)

No. 2053373
>>2053320I’m agreeing with you nona!! One can never be “too old” for a life change. They can, however, lack the discipline and motivation to
commit to a life change, and the only thing Shayna has ever committed to was the psych ward.
No. 2053512
>>2053494this. admitting defeat is admitting that she is an idiot who is wasting her life. she said multiple times that she has no tolerance for menial labor and as someone with no work experience you are not going to start off in the most desirable positions there are. she doesn't want to work, she wants to self harm and get paid for enduring rape. just fucking stupid and she doesn't care what harm she's doing to other women by enabling the worst men out there and
toxic attitudes.
>>2053452but she doesn't want to do jobs that are difficult and that will force her to work long hours on top of requiring a second job to be able to pay your bills.
she couldn't last a single fucking shift as a waitress for a fast food restaurant. she doesn't want to actually do something that maintains her dignity she wants to continue embarrassing herself and making "porn" That's not just awkward and uncomfortable to watch but looks like it's exploiting someone with cognitive delay. lmao you'd have to have like literally no shame or any sense of self preservation to do what she does and she's shown plenty of willingness to demean herself for literal nickels. instead of getting professional help or joining a support group or something. I mean she just whined on Twitter about her problems and then begged the disgusting losers who follow her for support. moids Don't care about women like her, outside of getting their kicks or hurting them because they hate them. Shat needs to actually hit rock fucking bottom before she realizes how deep the doodoo she's in is. her parents need to stop enabling her and stop having a relationship with her as long as she makes pedophilic porn, too.
No. 2053515
>>2053211when the fuck did that happen anon? not asking to be spoonfed, just doubting that this happened at all. does
anyone else remember fupa recording her driving drunk or anon from an alternate universe?
No. 2053521
>>2053512>but she doesn't want to do jobs that are difficult and that will force her to work long hours on top of requiring a second job to be able to pay your bills.To achieve the same income as she has now, she would need to work twelve hours a week in McDonalds. I know you're right and she will never get a job regardless of how many hours she has to work but she could double her income and get herself out of the utterly dire financial situation she's in. She needs to realise that her career as a sex worker peaked years ago and her income is only going to decline.
>>2053515I'm almost certain that she did get convicted for a DUI while she was in Tulsa. I don't remember Fupa filming it though. He filmed her when she was drunk and screaming at him. I could be misremembering.
No. 2053542
>>2053494Even so if she changed her name and deleted all her socials, the milk would entirely dry up. No milk, no threads, even if a autismo detective anon finds her again. The reality is and has always been, she has a way out. She just doesn't want to change. So many lifelong cows stay cows for as long as they do because the refusal to change, but we've seen many a cow leave the pastures too. As long as she continues chasing her delusions of becoming a pampered baby bimbo sugarbaby, she will remain miserable and one of our star cows.
>>2053521It's only going to get worse for her too. She's already gone as low as prostituting herself out for boat rides and cheap dinners. If she stays on course all the lot lizard and trailer trash jokes might actually become her reality. Almost any entry level job would be a better option for her rn, but it won't happen.
No. 2053630
>>2053480Shayna is literally drunk 24/7 so no, you wouldn't hire her.
>>2053482I think prison guards require you to be able to pass a drug test. I don't believe she gave up weed but if she did she's swapped it for booze and possibly pills. You guys are too optimistic.
>>2053470Shayna is the type of employee no one likes and while i can see her getting hired for a shitty McJob like all the other stoner burnouts, she'd lose it immediately because she's only used to flopping her tits out for money. She'd come to work drunk/hung over and some annoyed co-worker would eventually google her and find her pretending to be a child being raped on her balcony in front of a school.
No. 2053696
>>2053521imagine coming home from a shift at McDonald's, covered in fryer burns so you can chat up some old man and pretend to be a Barbie bimbo.
shat only does what she does because she thinks it's easy money and she's essentially sunk cost fallacied herself into a corner. she doesn't have to drive anywhere, she doesn't have to deal with shitty co-workers, bad managers or people who don't give a fucking shit about her in general. getting a real life job regardless of how poorly it pays requires discipline and I don't think her ego could handle an entry-level job. I mean she literally made gross fucking pedo porn straight out of high school, I don't think she sees what some of you see as a downward spiral as that, she begs for validation and attention from 21-year-old degenerates and doesn't hang out with anyone outside of the porn world. she has no reason to do what normal people do. unless she literally ends up in the street she will keep doing what she does regardless of how little money it makes.
No. 2053732
File: 1730846119994.jpg (383.77 KB, 1080x1791, L.jpg)

Not sure what's more hilarious- her expecting every part of the trip being covered, or the troon recommending a fattening seafood spot.
No. 2053798
File: 1730857992780.jpg (247.45 KB, 1152x2048, D.jpg)

Travel dump icoming.
>got a double shot of don julio reposado before my flight to texas. send $30
No. 2053830
File: 1730862503233.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1170x1983, IMG_9268.jpeg)

Is this an event by the strictmoore people ?