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No. 956737
Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in and edited are not milk and you will recieve a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: sage when there’s no milk, no nitpicking and/or blogposting and please try to curb your enthusiam when posting screenshots from other cam girls. This is a Shay thread.
Summary of recent milk:
>shay still claiming authority on keeping minors out of nsfw spaces, seems to forget she exposed minors to adult content after she changed the nature of her years-old tumblr blog>shay makes awful alien porno she's been planning for years, squeezes into outfit she bought 40lbs ago.>bad dragon alien dildo covered in possible dog hairs and tooth marks>her boyfriend of 6 months leaves her and she kicks off on twitter>her therapist gives her a variety of new coping mechanisms for her "bipolar" including deleting twitter's app when she's "manic">of course shay doesn't do any of this and continues to rant and harrass people and threaten to kill herself on twitter>shay is upset she wasn't nominated for mv awards anal star, so she nominates herself>changes twitter handle to buttstuffbarbie and goes obsessive over anal, even though she barely does any anal videos>shay starts editing her photos beyond recognition>admits that she's self conscious about her body…but uses this as an excuse not to work! what a surprise!>plans to eat healthy and go to the gym one day, back to eating garbage and sitting on her ass the next day>shay makes another pedo pandering vid>shay lives vicariously through her sim, showing that what she really wants is to be an online influencer >she gets bangs>continues to start online drama while preaching how positive and above it all she is>wants to move into a 3 bedroom house despite having no income but e-begging>is she actually moving or is it all a scam? who knows? >she's definitely not moving yet because she doesn't understand how leases work>gets 1000$ tip, definitely not from her dad>takes so many unflattering photos>continues to balloon in weight>talking constantly about being in quarantine while regularly going to the store>shay's finally decided to accept her weight, but still only wears size S clothes and only has size S on her amazon wishlist>shay gets ready to move, holds moving sale, is unable to work due to boxing things up>oh wait she didn't even get the place, way to jump the gun>but now she's super sneakily moving somewhere else. tinfoil is it's with her new bf, could be very milky>hopefully this next thread will cover her moving saga!Starring:
https://dollymattel.tumblr.comhttps://irldollymattel.tumblr.comhttp://thesaddesthoe.tumblr.com ←– CURRENT <- CURRENT threads:
>>>/snow/948843 No. 956780
File: 1586528368482.png (Spoiler Image,895.47 KB, 1114x1072, Screenshot 2020-04-10 at 13.27…)

i'll kick off this new thread with a pic of shay that's so facetuned she barely looks like herself (spoilered just in case because she is naked)
No. 956787
File: 1586531003050.png (479.42 KB, 1080x1194, Screenshot_20200410-110039~2.p…)

Why does she need new furniture every time she moves? Kitchen tools when she can't even cook?
I think this retard just likes playing house like a toddler.
No. 956789
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She's so fucking embarrassing
No. 956790
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Kek Dolly Hartley
No. 956792
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Shayna saying her "ass tastes good" when sucking on the dildo that was up her grimey, zit infested ass.
No. 956799
>>956797you think she'll ever use a cheese grater? she has no need to cut pizza, restaurants slice it for you. she's never gonna use a garlic press. she's never going to peel a vegetable. she might open a can of soup once a month, but that's about all I can give her.
she's even admitted that what she really needs is cutlery since she constantly throws it away. better off asking for that.
No. 956806
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>>956799The only type of cutlery that would suit her life, right down to her "iconic" style.
No. 956869
>>956789where? yes we know your laundry is dirty but your dialogue is not.
anyone know if she did the cumshow last night? she's apparently doing another tonight. also making her easter content even though she talked about doing it fucking weeks ago.
No. 956908
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Why is she always so late to any trend. The Ariana Grande bunny mask craze was 2016. If Ariana Grande is Starbucks Frappuccino, Shayna is off-brand instant granules you found at the back of your cupboard from 10 years ago.
No. 956910
File: 1586555255060.jpeg (220.48 KB, 1125x489, 68841BDE-E0AF-474A-ACA2-F2153F…)

In case we forgot she’s Not Like Other Girls
No one wants to flirt with or fuck you- it’s just their job to sell sex; like yours should be. Stop broadcasting all over you SEX WORK twitter that you’re sex adverse.
No. 956923
>>956910does shay think those girls' sex work personas is what they're really like? that's their job. they put on those sexy personas for work and then they "nerd out" about shit on their private accounts.
but of course shay thinks like this, her sex work persona is her whole life and she can't distinguish it from who she actually is.
No. 956925
>>956910You know whats funny? Shayna hates women, but when she does promote sex workers she promotes women, why doesn't she promote male sex workers?
And whose flirting with her? When she does get a reply its from the same weird dudes or other sex workers. None of them flirt with her.
Isn't one of her orbiters a gamer girl? Is she not her friend anymore?
And last point, you can do that so many places dumb ass, your discord, reddit or anywhere that allows that discussion.
Issue is going beyond her discord and twitter is going to make her feel less special and like a nobody.
She needs all the attention on her at all times.
No. 956932
>>956908Also, maybe if you had a SFW account and you used it to have those conversations, instead of doing it on a page where you have a picture of your asshole one tweet and you whining about bullshit in another, Maybe..just maybe you wouldn't have this issue?
If this is even true?
If only she had something like that…
No. 956978
File: 1586564575392.png (Spoiler Image,1.51 MB, 2048x1800, Screenshot_20200410-202205.png)

>>956977If that were me I'd be too embarrassed to publish this
No. 956989
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damn this is the funniest shit I ever seen. she really think she's a model with those fucking neck rolls
No. 956991
File: 1586568602774.jpg (Spoiler Image,506.5 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200410-212858_Sam…)

she did the leg kicking thing again. all I'm have to say is ew
No. 956994
>>956989for someone who has done this for years she can not make a decent facial expression for any photo she takes or video. her old stoner blog photos have more charm then whatever this is or uh this?
>>956211 >>956977am curious about the sudden ariana grande skin walking all the stuff but i realized that she is really trying for the babie bimbo stuff now. girl can't even skin walk right. the body suit aint bad but its still likely cheap and same w/ the gloves. the head band is wilding tho it looks out of place w/ all the pleathery stuff and i think a 18 year old stan twitter runner could do better lmao.
(the fact that is a good way to describe her older music makes me wanna die).
ariana grande but make it trailer trash
No. 957012
>>957004with that
bad corn rows and spray tans to look black saga when? (i am joking)
No. 957026
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>>957020yup. found em. 13 dollars.
No. 957045
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>>957026Oh please! Based on her waiting weeks at a time for an item or set of items to arrive and being a cheap fuck in all regards stinks strongly of ebay. I don't think her beefy ass spends more than $10 per costume/set. She doesn't have the self-reserve to spend money on anything other than chemicals, be it food or drugs.
No. 957046
>>957024In a way she reminds me of Trisha with the way she fixates on one thing and bases her entire personality on it.
I'm surprised she hasn't gone full e-girl yet, but then again she is a little late with trends so maybe 2025 will be the year of e-girl shayna.
No. 957155
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No. 957158
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Her a month ago: "if you charge pennies for your content, it makes it look cheap. charge what you're worth!"
I hate you so much Shayna
No. 957159
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What you want vs What Wish sends you
>>956989Hope you know that Ariana doesn't cover her whole ass lid in liquid liner and doesn't binge on Cheetos and chug Dr. Pepper, but if you're happy being trailor trash dollar bin Oklahoma Ariana, then you do you. Oh wait, you ain't doin you, huh? Funny how she was tweeting about "so happy to be no one else but me" but even her header on Twitter looks like Ariana. It's bizarre.
No. 957174
File: 1586623647892.png (288.01 KB, 2048x817, Screenshot_20200411-124719.png)

Then why do you do it all the fucking time you braindead cunt
No. 957185
>>957158>>957174i dunno man… as fun as it is to watch the sheer speed at which this brainless moron generates milk, i've kinda had it up to
HERE with her insane hot takes. if her brain wasn't fried from the years of substance abuse, i would suspect she really looks up her old tweet rants and then deliberately contradicts them word for word simply to get our blood pressure going
No. 957337
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No. 957360
>>957350Because she has no idea what the fuck she's talking about and she's just trying to put together a bunch of words, hoping they'll go viral.
I think she's saying that usually the boy is playing the game and the girl sucks him off.
It's so cringe when people do this. She's a sex worker who doesn't know how to be sexy and brags about sexual accounters like a 15 year old boy. She doesn't tell, she brags. She's retarded.
No. 957391
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lol guess this means her mother has officially given up on her
No. 957394
>>957391“my mommy was nice to me once! time to pour out my guts to my sw orbiters and males looking to jack off!” what happened “to keep it sexy” shay? talking about the mom you’ve pinned as “
abusive” for years on your sex work twitter is an A+ strat for drawing in men
is she drunk again? i assume she’s at least always mildly tipsy; when you’re that far in like she is you always have to keep a mild buzz going or the hangover is killer so dumb question ig lol, i guess she’s heavily sedated with thc.
when she gets sloshed enough she’ll change her tune and wail about her mom being oh-so-
abusive and neglectful.
No. 957434
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No. 957471
>>957434lmao I don't know which to comment on, is it the "I swear it's the meds making me gain weight" or is it the idea that she'll 1 actually do yoga and 2 she'll do it at an intensity/frequency high enough to lose weight?
if she can't go to the gym to work out there's no way she'll have the discipline to work out from home. why wait to move? buy a yoga mat and start working out from home now, dumbass
No. 957476
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Well you put everything out almost 89% for free sooo
No. 957555
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resemblance to Bobby hill at this point is uncanny
No. 957576
>>956737>>957391Ah yes Shay inbetween photos of your gaping asshole I’m sure people were waiting for your tragic backstory
No. 957712
>>957434If she was smart and educated on health, she would know to only keep ingredients and whole foods in her house. Hard to binge eat when you have to cook 3-4 meals a day. Binge on salad and dried fruit. Stop stocking your cabinets with Mac n Cheese and goldfish. It’s not that fucking hard to cook, it just takes more effort than opening a package and shoveling food into your mouth.
And lol at her thinking yoga is going to shed the lbs. if she was serious about it, she would just throw a towel down on her nasty carpet and open up YouTube. She’s practically reliving living new year day with all these stupid statuses about being healthy and changing her diet and working out. She just likes the gratification of people cheering her on rather than the goal itself.
>>957584Yea because no one cheered her on about her fake yoga goals. Pretty sure her followers are onto her shit.
No. 957784
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Imagine thinking Shayna's actually going to use the yoga mat (and clothes she going to beg for to exercise in) to actually get in shape and not a prop for identical porn.
Anyway, I think she's truly getting into being a "gamer girl" so get ready for a million tweets about how dorky she is and how she's "not like other girls"
No. 957785
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No. 957788
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>>957784The predicability
No. 957792
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Has she ever promoted pornhub shit? kind of weird.
No. 957800
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Garlic is poison to dogs you dumb fuck
No. 957807
>>957800Yeah it's actually waaay more
toxic than onions so…I hope it was a tiny amount noodle ate
No. 957810
>>957800Is no one gonna talk about how
she is mad she left her food UNSUPERVISED with a more or less untrained dog? Fuck off Shayna you probably feed her so little since you smoke so much.
No. 957812
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"Dream house" kek
No. 957813
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Has all these toys and uses the same in every video
No. 957814
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Yes Shay, you DO have a problem
No. 957815
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Looks like someone told her. Now she claims the dog "didn't eat a lot" then why complain?? She's switching the story cause she knows noodle ate more than a little
No. 957817
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No. 957822
>>957438she's a baby anon, you can't expect her to feed herself like a regular adult lol.
>>957792occasionally, i don't think she puts any exclusive content on there though.
>>957817confirmation that they're going to be living together? i like how she went from saying that her new places isn't what she really wanted to now claiming it's her "dream home" and like she actually owns it being a 22 year old internet 'pronz star'.
No. 957823
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I remember that from the earlier threads
No. 957825
>>957817So romantic this is totally normal. I don't think this is "sexy uwu" talk, I 100% believe he expects sexual favors for every little thing he does for her, because hes a scumbag and I don't put it past Shayna to use sex as her way to get what she wants.
As small as the shit he does is. Shes a fucking retard
No. 957835
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Her current Easter Sale to help her furnish her new place
No. 957838
>>957817"eating well" for her just means eating a lot of takeaway or simple carb filled meals her shit bf makes
>>957800come on this is hardly among the worst things she has done regarding noodle, i'd be more concerned about how she smokes constantly with the dog around, probably leaves edibles within her reach, never gives her enough love, and definitely only walks her once a week, if that (plus she's a fkn high energy cattle dog so even worse for her)
sage for rambling
No. 957839
>>957838how is it hardly among the worst things when garlic is
toxic to dogs? that's the same as leaving edibles around.
No. 957848
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No. 957850
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No. 957851
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Lol remember how awful these shoots were?
No. 957858
File: 1586748942796.jpg (217.26 KB, 1076x693, Screenshot_20200412-223530_Twi…)

What a cunt
(Waiting for her to delete this)
No. 957861
>>957858What a selfish little greedy ass attention whore in a crisis, typical…
No, you don’t need another $2 pink g-string
No. 957862
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No. 957921
>>957813>>957814Bitch practically has more vape carts than she does sex toys kek
Also yeah why do we only ever see the same 4 toys in every vid? I've never seen her use another vibrator or wand besides the big old gross Hitachi one. Uses same boring anal plug despite being AnaL QuEeN. So stupid. She finally traded the pink dildo for the flesh tone one and that's all she uses now with the same wand when shes not just using her grimy stubby fingers.
No. 958013
File: 1586784071915.png (133.08 KB, 1117x597, Screenshot (17).png)

>>957800kinda weird that she was talking about noodle being sick in her discord a few days ago, sounds like the dog eating things its not supposed to happens often. maybe dont leave shit lying around that the dog can get to
No. 958023
>>958013"So I gave her goldfish crackers"
Ffs I feel bad for this dog.
No. 958036
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Neither is hating women or being an addict Shayna. But here you are.
No. 958076
File: 1586794069374.png (782.32 KB, 1419x2048, Screenshot_20200413-120724.png)

If this is you at "full ability", Shayna, then I'm worried for your life.
No. 958152
>>957858so much for her whole it's ok if you can't spend money on my content right now bs.
>>958023me too. instead of trying to figure out what's wrong or doing something to actually help or comfort the dog, she's complaining in her discord and completely ignores the suggest of chicken/rice, as if she had or would make those things for the dog.
No. 958189
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The tinfoil that she has a working laptop is confirmed. Or she's lying to this person and sending them a broken laptop. Either way, Shayna is a horrible person.
No. 958225
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Don't think he should be coming and going during s global pandemic in the first place.
No. 958230
File: 1586812346858.png (205.66 KB, 833x561, Screenshot (20).png)

shes really made a whole other onlyfans for 'advice'
No. 958233
File: 1586812678053.png (60.65 KB, 981x380, Screenshot (21).png)

>>958231>>958232for groundbreaking tips like this no less.
No. 958234
File: 1586812713850.jpg (348.45 KB, 1080x1267, Screenshot_20200413-161757_Sam…)

This is the first post on her page. And you can see it without subscribing
Some Grade A advice right there
No. 958236
>>958232Soooo her porn costs 7 dollars less than her advice lol..
Here's all Shay knows. People buy cheap shit.
No. 958247
>>958225I was wondering if he was quarantining with her or was he just popping in for sex
This confirms the latter and invalidates her "boohoo self-isolation sucks" shit. Since it isn't self-isolation if your BF is coming over regularly
No. 958251
>>958234This is really the worst opening advice ever.
Be yourself, but don't make it your whole personality. You can't show too much of yourself or you'll wind up like Shayna who's entire life story is plastered around the internet.
No. 958289
>>958231Why does she think she’s like Jenna Jameson or some A list porn star? She lives in a dirty apartment and has nothing that would make someone envious of her line of work. No car, no furniture, nothing of value or anything worth bragging about. Except the only things she has to brag about is her tumblr “fame” from 5 years ago and a photographer told her she had a fat pussy.
Shay’s life is one of the most pitiful I’ve ever witnessed.
No. 958304
File: 1586817613919.jpg (414.63 KB, 1080x993, Screenshot_20200413-164240_Twi…)

Shay, you will NEVER be worthy of Twitch
No. 958363
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No. 958458
File: 1586840108087.jpg (468.54 KB, 1080x1482, Screenshot_20200413-235351_Twi…)

Wasn't she just ranting the other day to watch what you retweet and think "will this give my fans a boner" and she retweets this
No. 958523
>>958504I was thinking this as well. I can understand typing like that on Twitter because of the limited characters, I guess, but she says “my mommy says I’m 3smart 2 do porn” yet she chooses to type like that on an entire thing dedicated to giving advice? I bet she’s like “it’s my brand” to type like a dumb bitch because ~*~bimbo~*~ or something stupid like that.
ffs step out of character if you’re going to be instructing people. oh, wait, it’s not a character, she’s a dumb cunt all the time.
No. 958542
>>958363don't want to get banned for nitpicking, but i think even our boob connoisseurs can understand that the veinyness of her tit is pretty distracting and noticeable (especially when she blurs it out, but then sometimes doesn't). and one thing that always confused me is anons repeating the whole "her skin is pulled tight on her boob from weight gain" explanation, because that's only true for one of her tits. not saying it's impossible to be like that at all, but always found that weird.
>>958523lmao exactly anon. i honestly don't understand how she can type like that, she's used to it because she's been doing it for years, but i personally couldn't even take a day of that.
No. 958582
File: 1586875148686.png (826.68 KB, 1293x2048, Screenshot_20200414-103849.png)

Blaming her failed relationships on sex work and not herself.
How fucking pathetic.
No. 958609
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No. 958612
>>958582Anyone find it fucked up she hates her parents for not accepting her job and isn’t understanding at all on their reasons, but when it comes to a man suddenly she’s a lot more understanding and cares about why they feel what they feel instead of dismissing it, and running on social media blasting them?
Bitch has more respect for assholes using her for sex then her parental.
No. 958621
>>958609It says you can't have more than 2.
Y'all are fucking retarded.
No. 958631
>>958582>i literally make men want me and my body>it's hard not knowing i did something wrong until after>i break my own heartshayna please stop because i am going to burst a lung laughing this hard
>>958583hopefully then we'll finally have one reason to pin the veins on
No. 958650
>>958582It's odd that she's never discussed boundaries with her supposed BF.
if you're a sex worker you should know to talk about these things. It's your own fault that you didn't, Shayna. You didn't even bother to ask him what he was comfortable with and have the audacity to play
victim when he calls you out for crossing the line.
This bitch needs to grow the fuck up and act like an adult.
No. 958651
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kinda sad. kek at her saying this as if she hasnt been eating like shit & drinking all day
No. 958656
File: 1586883611727.png (807.1 KB, 2048x1996, Screenshot_20200414-125831.png)

Check your privilege, Shay.
You had 50k+ followers when you started sex work. You are white, and you were skinny and young. It made it vastly easier for you to do well in sex work already having a reach like that.
A chubby black sex worker starting with no following is not going to have it as easy, period. Privilege fucking exists.
No. 958674
>>958656nobody’s calling you “pretty” anymore, shay. and lol “defeatist attitude” says the serial suicide baiter when her latest fupalite doesn’t answer or she can’t get her weekly cuck bucks to smoke and drink her insecurities away until the next day.
you made low-effort cam content because you got big on tumblr being “aesthetically pleasing” skinny blonde white stoner girl #374949573 and now you’re washed-up in a shithole in tulsa locked to your vices, whether they be chemical or attention-based.
i’d almost feel bad for her if she weren’t so self-aggrandizing and victimizing at the same time.
No. 958755
>>958742it's so funny seeing her doing this now because, she's constantly saying the opposite.
I feel like maybe someone said something like, "you are only popular because you are pretty" or she saw someone say that about her once and now she thinks that everyone thinks she's pretty and that she doesn't work hard. Even though she doesn't think she's pretty deep down.
No. 958779
File: 1586897762405.png (Spoiler Image,2.2 MB, 2048x1320, Screenshot_20200414-165601.png)

No. 958782
File: 1586897855665.png (Spoiler Image,2.49 MB, 1550x2048, Screenshot_20200414-165657.png)

"I look incredibly hot today"
"My makeup came out dangerously adorable"
has the same makeup on but with even thicker wings now
No. 958785
File: 1586897946598.png (683.17 KB, 2048x1520, Screenshot_20200414-165848.png)

lmfao she really thinks she's a popular internet personality.
No. 958802
File: 1586899730053.jpg (165.69 KB, 1080x590, Screenshot_20200414-162641_Twi…)

So now he's back to "bf" and not "daddy"?
No. 958805
File: 1586899994076.png (779.08 KB, 1560x2048, Screenshot_20200414-173300.png)

No. 958808
>>958742Seriously. In the beginning threads, I thought she was a meth user. Even when she was blonde and skinny, she still had the face of a bridge goblin.
>>958782She looks like a thumb. And it’s the same make up and lashes she’s done for the last year at least. When has her make up ever consisted of more than eyeliner and falsies?
>>958785Sad, pathetic people enjoy other sad, pathetic people because they feel a little less pathetic knowing there’s someone else out there who lives a similar grimy life-style. And if you’ve got a following for having a sad life, well that’s just appealing to some.
No. 958810
>>958805shayna is the living definition of a 24/7 Big Cope™️
she feeds herself delusional desperate lies while demeaning everyone else because she knows she's so grotesque and has such a sad cheap "life" that barely anyone even likes her let alone thinks she's "perfect".
No. 958817
>>958802I'm wondering if her bf is that fat loser in one of her most recent dick sucking vids. cause that guy was soooo hot omfg lol
he and shayna would be a great match
No. 958820
>>958805As if 85% of sex workers even know who the fuck she is.
They probably took her advice and blocked her because she constantly had drama in their feeds.
Why care so much?
No. 958822
>>958820She really takes it personal, when in reality when they block her they are just sick of her shit, they don't even think about it anymore.
her? She blocks people and probably unblocks them a few days to see if they noticed, when they don't she freaks the fuck out because they aren't spending every single mintue of the day worried about someone they blocked.
The point of blocking is not to deal with someone anymore. So again, why does she care?
No. 958827
File: 1586901153418.jpg (Spoiler Image,523.59 KB, 1080x1246, Screenshot_20200414-165057_Twi…)

No. 958828
>>958810For real. From the tweets she posts, it seems like she just looks in the mirror and tells herself how amazing and sexy and pretty she is…
then goes and cries and binges on fast food because she knows none of it is true and she has nothing lel.
No. 958843
File: 1586902913157.jpg (188.26 KB, 1078x618, Screenshot_20200414-172059_Twi…)

Yeah Shay, you TOTALLY look like a teenager
No. 958870
File: 1586905294411.jpeg (203.73 KB, 828x965, C17CEFB0-01C6-43AE-8B36-F8894A…)

No. 958871
File: 1586905316551.png (Spoiler Image,2.21 MB, 828x1792, ECA40B73-25AB-4D09-9A26-839147…)

No. 958872
File: 1586905353189.png (Spoiler Image,1.36 MB, 828x1792, CC4CCB87-F4E5-4975-81CB-EA9F27…)

No. 958882
File: 1586906391304.png (24.97 KB, 600x181, Capture.PNG)

"i'm self-conscious about my pussy now, because someone photoshopped it on a dolphin, not because I have pictures with all kinds of weird rashy red bumps on it, or not because I did professional shoots with my pussy looking disgusting, nope because someone photoshopped it!"
She's going to milk this for all it's worth. I
No. 958884
File: 1586906470079.png (20.44 KB, 599x183, 3.PNG)

No. 958886
File: 1586906635578.png (43.54 KB, 598x314, 5.PNG)

No. 958897
>>958779>>958782FaceTune doesn't know what to do with her chins so it just blurs them all into a manly jawline. Looking like David Hasselhoff here. And eyeliner has taken up what room there would be for shadow, if she owned any.
>>958884no one on Twitter makes fun of her pussy, so she's just alluding to her daily lurking. She's so desperate for attention though, it's not surprising she comes here to read negative attention too
No. 958909
>>958870Nothing about this is gaslighting. Why do people that play
victim love to throw that word around so much? Saying sex workers joke with each other isn't fucking gaslighting.
No. 958919
>>958913100%. Shay’s the real bully/clout chaser here lol. Her referencing gaslighting is such a reach to purposefully vilify this orbiter and make her look as
abusive as possible because then in contrast Shay gets to be the biggest
victim ever uwu
No. 958927
File: 1586910699641.jpg (420.84 KB, 1080x1644, Screenshot_20200414_203117.jpg)

No. 958936
File: 1586911654379.jpg (118.98 KB, 1080x499, Screenshot_20200414-194214_Twi…)

Doesn't she do this every night?
No. 958937
File: 1586911692208.jpg (177.43 KB, 1080x665, Screenshot_20200414-194306_Twi…)

No. 958941
File: 1586912594853.jpg (167.88 KB, 1080x578, Screenshot_20200414-200208_Twi…)

She's never going to drop this
No. 958945
>>958941Nope. When she feels she's the actual
victim of something she obesses over it and milks it. She'll be making a tweet about this for weeks now, making sure no one forgets that someone hurt her feelings.
Best part about this? Is it's another example of her hypocrisy, "Don't call people out, You are a clout chaser! Don't warn people about other sex workers! I hate drama! Drama isn't sexy!!"
She wants that retarded sex worker to suffer and she does not want people to forget what that person did.
Thats how shayna works.
No. 958962
>>958871Hilarious but also why is she embarrassed? Dolphins are cute. I don’t get it. A guy called her pussy fat and she will not shut the fuck up about it to this day. But another sex worker says her pussy looks like a dolphins mouth and she’s embarrassed??? Girl….there are multiple photos out there that you personally have put out, that should embarrass you.
I swear she’s just milking this for all it’s worth because a female sex worker did this. If A guy was like “It looks like a dolphin” she’s be like awe thanks ! Dolphins r so cute uwu my pussy is cute
No. 958970
>>958968She'd made this tweet
>>958882 (The Dolphin Mattel joke) had a man made the joke.
No. 958978
File: 1586915537157.jpg (174.23 KB, 1074x671, 20200414_205117.jpg)

No. 958984
>>958962>>958968This, 100% this. If her boyfriend told her that, she’d tweet about it like it’s the cutest thing in the world and every girl should be jealous because her boyfriend is da best.
BUT SINCE IT’S ANOTHER FEMALE ofc she’s offended and going to be a cunt, because she’s threatened by other women. That’s why she surrounds herself with men and not girls, because she knows girls can call her out on her looks, personality, etc. and men ain’t going to do that because they’re only interested in her sexually.
She tweets all day about how fat her pussy is and how it’s gr8 and so sexy, yet this happens and her little house of cards tumbled down real quick. Almost like the shit she talks herself up with isn’t reality.
No. 958987
File: 1586917432008.png (1.65 MB, 760x6583, Screenshot_20200414-214332.png)

sorry for long screenshot, but she also ran to her orbiters for sympathy as well. and started grilling one of them why they were interacting with the tweets. I can post those screenshots but don't wanna spam the thread
No. 958988
>>958987She, her boyfriend and her orbiters who hang in that discord all day are fucking retard. Imagine sending your boyfriend that shit.
She's crazy.
No. 958992
Shayna has the sense of humor of an intellectually stunted teenager and talks about it publicly and makes it this whole I’m so quirky shit but she can’t handle a funny picture. Imagine that. Tarantula pussy suits her better anyway, dolphins are way too cute.
Time for drunk crybaby
Victim Mattel to suicide bait over a mutual being such a MEANIE and apologizing after lmaooo. “I was just telling my bf how much she’s grown” because she really thinks she’s queen SW and gets to decide who is doing well and who isn’t.
Honestly discord anon I’m down to see the other screens lol. I hope she makes a drunk fucking fool of herself tonight.
>>958927We need a side by side of this vs her facetune abominations lmaooo. Look how crusty and greasy she looks compared to
>>958779 No. 958998
File: 1586919516286.jpg (421.75 KB, 1080x974, Screenshot_20200414-215832_Twi…)

That chick posted this
No. 958999
File: 1586919586989.png (815.13 KB, 760x3472, Screenshot_20200414-215003.png)

>>958992ask and yee shall receive. a couple more incoming.
No. 959000
File: 1586919615695.png (479.96 KB, 760x1892, Screenshot_20200414-215359.png)

No. 959001
File: 1586919661972.png (1.12 MB, 760x4362, Screenshot_20200414-225710.png)

and this the most recent, the link is to the other girl's twitter I assume
No. 959002
File: 1586919696159.jpg (199.95 KB, 1074x699, Screenshot_20200414-220021_Twi…)

No. 959004
>>959000This guys a fucking loser lmao. Just be straight up and tell her you thought it was fucking funny, because it was. “Nonono!! Dolly uwu it’s only funny if u say it’s funny!!!!!!!!!!”
LMFAO he doesn’t want to get blasted like Shayna is doing to this girl rn.
The girl obviously feels attacked bc people who follow both of them are tweeting shit like “I’ll break their kneecaps! Who is BOOLYING U!! I WILL KILL THEM” like come on.
No. 959007
>>958996lmao I didn’t notice that. Ew.
>>959001Wtf, the girl is basically admitting she feels bad. The cat has tears ffs, why would that make her “o NOW I’m mad?” the girl seems like she’s being civil.
No. 959008
File: 1586920422752.png (47.7 KB, 597x419, 333.PNG)

No. 959014
File: 1586921043183.jpg (179.78 KB, 1080x750, Screenshot_20200414-222257_Twi…)

Is she back to pretending to be a huge wrestling fan?
No. 959017
File: 1586921798205.png (70.31 KB, 603x517, 11.PNG)

>>958978So mrs. "Everyone can change" does not even want to give the girl a chance to explain or defend herself. AND one her orbiters was being rude to her.
No. 959019
File: 1586922080252.png (53.04 KB, 613x468, 777u.PNG)

"I haven't seen anyone attack her"
Also, why is it okay for Shayna to check her mutuals every 2 hours, whine about people who block her, brag about blocking people who block her, but someone posting from an ALT when multiple people are shit-talking her to defend herself is "stalking"?
No. 959020
File: 1586922191674.png (39.67 KB, 610x455, fhs.PNG)

No. 959024
File: 1586922650880.png (47.38 KB, 591x514, djdjdj.PNG)

I also found this funny, I almost thought i was a farmer fucking with her because everything this person described was Shayna.
Also what a hypocrite.
No. 959058
File: 1586929940691.png (493.64 KB, 760x2055, Screenshot_20200415-014332.png)

>>958992>I hope she makes a drunk fucking fool over herself tonightyou called it
No. 959059
File: 1586929966799.png (43.61 KB, 760x200, Screenshot_20200415-014409.png)

>>959058*of not over. whatever.
No. 959064
>>959058LMAO when is this dumb bitch going to realize that she is the problem and not whatever her circumstances are? you do not consistently have this many problems with people around you without being incredibly
toxic irl. even fupa 2.0 is sick of the drunk antics already.
No. 959075
>>959058>I got drunk and angry and started to yell at my Bf and he’s using that against me!! Girl. Get help. ASAP.
Also, shays bf- pussy and ass ain’t hard to come by. How desperate are you?
No. 959078
File: 1586932117747.jpeg (1018.35 KB, 4000x3000, 473BFC00-3453-42B4-9E3A-A8B73B…)

No. 959080
>>959059>he’s the only person i haveNot the best person I know, the most valuable person… the only person. Showing she’s only with him out of desperation and need because if she doesn’t have him to help her be an adult, she’s nothing.
>>959058yikes. However, if he recorded her and threatened her with it, it sounds like she was doing/saying something psycho/incriminating/crazy.
>>959078…and confirmed.
>be an abusive cunt about itShe’s not innocent like she says. There’s a difference between getting in a fight with your S/O and being a bitch, but openly admitting you want to be
abusive when they make you angry…? Her discord circlejerk will excuse her and blame him 100% but Shay is fucking
toxic as well from what she’s said about this.
No. 959088
>>959078So what I gather from this is that she heard him saying something on the phone about how she drinks too much and she flew into a rage? How is it not obvious to her she has a drinking problem, this is absolute alc behavior.
Watch her not end up moving because things are going south with this guy, there's no way she was getting a house on her own.
No. 959089
>>959078OPENLY ADMITTING TO HAVING DRUNKEN ANGER ISSUES?? But trying to frame it in a way like, “omg!! I’m dolly Mattel!! I have no other option at this point than to be this way!! It’s everyone ELSE’S fault!!! WAAH!”
help anons I’m dying
Would she call it flirting with other girls on his twitter if they were sex workers like her?? Hmmmmmm
No. 959108
>>959078"I just want people to be nice to me or I get angry"
THATS totally NOT manipulation or
abusive behavior…
No. 959117
File: 1586937972530.png (442.46 KB, 760x1677, Screenshot_20200415-040512.png)

>>959087this is all she said after that.
I'm wondering if she's so drunk she won't even remember by tomorrow, and she'll have to reread what she wrote when she comes to lurk here in the morning.
No. 959124
>>959117I genuinely am wondering if she has been on and off again with this same dude since she “embarrassed him in public in front of his friends” I really want to see how she acts drunk because I feel like we have only gotten the surface scratched on her completely fucked up and acting a fool.
disappointed we were going to get some heavy cream and got skim milk. Thanks discord anon you are a peach. surprised she hasn’t lurked and freaked the fuck out about it tbh. Is she that fucked up?
No. 959169
>>959156extremely unpopular opinion.
imagine dating someone who constantly gaslights you, drinks like a fucking fish, and posts free nudes of herself everywhere and has no REAL job. (not shaming SWers but shay can barely be considered a camgirl anymore, at this point she's just an online beggar)
No. 959172
File: 1586951948687.png (38.89 KB, 789x252, lol.png)

No. 959183
>>959172She will be back with him, but I think they are both
toxic and fucked up. She won’t learn if she goes home she will meet some other asshole and do the same thing.
It’s sad. She clings to jerks and puts her all into them
No. 959188
>>959156He probably filmed her alcoholic
abusive rage because she was so drunk he knew she’d either claim not to remember it in the morning or legitimately was black out drunk. She wasn’t having a breakdown, she was admittedly being an “
abusive cunt” to him, as she said herself. Sounds like dude went over there because she’s been whining on twitter wanting to see him, he gets there and she’s sloppy pass out drunk. She overheard him venting on the phone about her wasting his time and goes into a drunken rage when he tells her to sleep it off. Idk, dude is probably trash too but I think she’s trying to make him seem worse in this scenario.
No. 959199
File: 1586956933152.jpeg (109.48 KB, 750x337, CDE006C9-57EC-4F91-A985-A16958…) There it is.
Aby bets on how long before she gets back with him?
No. 959202
File: 1586957067545.png (35.19 KB, 796x178, Screenshot (27).png)

>>959199is she implying she is gonna start IRL sex work?
No. 959203
>>959172this just makes me think she was planning to move in with the her boyfriend if they are even still in a relationship right now, but he obviously changed his mind after the argument. don't want to sound too sympathizing towards the dude because he definitely went in knowing there's nothing more to her than sex, but shayna by her own words is being
abusive towards him. at this point she is literally the stereotype of the drunk angry abuser, but instead of physical abuse it's emotional.
>>959188her idiotic idea that it was for blackmail is really annoying. anyone could see that he did that to make her realize how he behaves or at least just to have proof when she will later deny any of that happening.
No. 959211
File: 1586957389430.jpg (229.68 KB, 1075x728, Screenshot_20200415-082830_Twi…)

In response to someone talking about her "job" being an issue to him
No. 959212
File: 1586957992598.png (594.01 KB, 2048x1223, Screenshot_20200415-093858.png)

Like clockwork. She hopped right on that pity parade and she'll be on it till she manipulates the dude to coming back. Ahh, the cycle of abuse.
No. 959215
>>959212i don't know about you guys but nothing is sexier to me than a woman suicide baiting on her sex work profile.
No. 959217
>>959215Fucking kek
Gee, Shay, maybe you're doing so poorly cause when guys go to your Twitter and see you being a whiney, suicide baiting baby, they're not getting boners. Maybe you should work harder and be sure to be fun and sexy on your profile! Amirite, Shay?
No. 959218
>>959211She really sounds like a classic abuser. Goes into a psychotic rage and when the partner is like, "aight, imma head out" she turns into the "wow, I really messed up/ I'm so
abusive and a piece of shit/I overreacted/ I hate myself/ I just made a mistake, it'll never happen again, I promise!" Like we haven't heard all that before.
No. 959221
>i wanna bash my head in concrete>i don't even want to be alivefor months this idiot has been alternating between "my life is amazing because of this man" and "life is pointless. i want to die". i'd say any meaning/paranoia this ever held for her boyfriend has long evaporated
i hope we get that sweet sweet milk lmao, kinda bummed that he seems to be above this (at least till now). had this been fupa we'd have received that video last night
>>959215lol i was gonna say. this kinda weepy baiting on a sex profile where the pinned post is a video of fingers being vigorously stuffed in a dry pussy? hot hot hot
No. 959223
File: 1586959176215.png (149.7 KB, 3307x2480, Cycle_of_Abuse.png)

Get your shit together, Shayna.
No. 959224
File: 1586959322679.jpg (164.48 KB, 1080x614, Screenshot_20200415-090052_Twi…)

Yeah drinking with meds, awesome Shay
No. 959225
File: 1586959381099.jpg (159.03 KB, 1080x681, Screenshot_20200415-090133_Twi…)

No. 959246
>>959078"that's them being rude"
Pointing out that your girlfriend gets drunk and passes out randomly is not manipulation or abuse. It's saying she has a fucking problem.
No. 959253
File: 1586965382432.png (629.65 KB, 1438x2048, Screenshot_20200415-114253.png)

It's disgusting that even her followers fall for her abuse
No. 959260
>>959256She herself even admits she’s wrong,
abusive, and that she overreacted. But her orbiters are stupid af, and don’t even listen to what she says, they just immediately jump into hugbox mode. So basically, they reward her for being in the wrong and she allows it. If you go back and read the tweets and convos she admits in a few of them that she’s the problem. She even says in that tweet about boundaries that this recent instance isn’t about her career, it was about her overreacting.
No. 959261
>>959260Yeah it's gross to see people tell her that she deserves the world after she admits to being an
abusive person. it's no wonder why she's so delusional because even when she admits to wrong doing everyone convinces her that she's in the right.
No. 959281
File: 1586967658707.png (355.06 KB, 2048x472, Screenshot_20200415-121931.png)

She woke up to take pills and drink, just to fall back asleep.
She has a substance abuse problem, period. She's the stereotypical boyfriend that gets drunk and abuses his wife, but instead she's doing it to her BF. How fucking pathetic, and then to go and cry to people to give you money. Fuck you Shayna, you are worthless and deserve to get the shit beaten out of you.(a-log)
No. 959294
>>959253oh look it's a woman standing by her and supporting her yet again after a man "broke her heart". just like her female orbiters in her discord. these women are total idiots for standing by shayna. even if she wasn't
abusive, she'll be making misogynist tweets about how women are big meanies within the week again.
>>959267yeah i don't really get how she all of a sudden found out he was talking to other girls on twitter. did he tell her while they were fighting? seems really convinient for her that she can tell everyone he's cheating so really he's the bad person and not her.
No. 959308
>>959294She’s been trying to alternately praise and trash this guy for months. Remember when he got pissed at her for tweeting shit about him being
abusive because he told her to chill out and take her psych meds instead of smoking so that she would stop spiraling? Yeah it’s so
abusive that he suggested she take her actual meds instead of smoke weed. I’m sure the guy is no prize because he’s dating Shayna after all, but the second he stands up to her instead of enabling her she runs to twitter and discord implying abuse. Seems like he cared about her well being at least a little bit, sometimes. She talks about him like he’s nothing but a penis to fuck and someone to cook for her.
I find it weird that she didn’t know his twitter before. Maybe he really was being shady behind her back but damn, they’re off and on so much it’s hardly a surprise.
No. 959327
>>959314Yeah I don't think she was just being verbally
abusive. I think she was legit beating on him and he filmed it so she couldn't deny it or tell police he was the aggressor. ESPECIALLY if she's known to act that way when she's drinking
No. 959333
>>959327I agree. She is absolutely not above physical violence. she probably thinks it's like foreplay or something. so fucking
mystery man please upload that video and show us The Real Dolly Mattel
No. 959335
>>959211I wonder if she’s just being dramatic when she says “a situation I can’t come back from”. I assume she means she has no chance of salvaging the relationship. If that’s really true she must have done something even worse than all the times before. And he has video proof.
Guess we will find out if/when they get back together.
No. 959380
File: 1586977834866.png (475.79 KB, 590x570, je.PNG)

Jealous Mattel is always so worried about other people's actions, maybe if she worried about her own she wouldn't be having a freak out with her boyfriend every other week.
Thank you for being supportive of sex workers Shayna.
No. 959381
File: 1586977874178.png (47.59 KB, 604x507, y.PNG)

No. 959384
File: 1586978053385.png (38 KB, 588x387, r.PNG)

No. 959385
>>959253Shit like this pisses me off because she's so obviously manipulative not only to her ex but to her followers. I hope he drops the video because she deserves it. It's funny that this comes right after she was manipulating the situation with that girl to be a
victim. She wouldn't be able to weasel her way out of video proof of how shitty she is. If her career weren't over before, it sure will be if how
abusive she really is came out.
She has dropped no hints talking about the situation that her ex was the problem or did anything wrong, even when she was trying to get sympathy. Yeah he was flirting with other girls, but how do we know he wasn't just fed up with her shit?
No. 959386
File: 1586978139054.png (35.54 KB, 579x396, 5.PNG)

>>959384Don't you love when a bitch goes from wanting to die, to talking down to other sex workers within hours?
I assume her boyfriend gave in and they are back together, so she's back to preaching and starting shit.
Any sympathy i had for her is gone.
No. 959390
>>959385The best thing is I bet she'll hate men after she's done with this boyfriend, I have a feeling he's going to expose her ass, because there's only so much someone can take.
Eventually, he's going to just call the police on her when she suicides baits or flat out expose her and never speak to her again.
No. 959393
File: 1586978446929.png (70.17 KB, 611x547, 222.PNG)

oh look shayna talking shit to someone
No. 959401
File: 1586978741463.png (479.54 KB, 2048x1092, Screenshot_20200415-152511.png)

Why does it bother her so much how other sex workers run their business?
No. 959403
File: 1586978841585.png (33.66 KB, 586x404, Capture.PNG)

>>959386So this is why Shayna made this tweet, the bitter asshole, decided to bother this random nobody, talked shit to her, then talked shit with some other person, then decided to post aboutit again on her twitter.
a fucking bully.
No. 959407
File: 1586979252149.png (45.02 KB, 592x403, eee.PNG)

No. 959409
>>959308i think she's making up the twitter "he talked to other girls"
she's psycho and needs reasons to show the world she's not wrong for abusing him
she's truly a monster, and i'm surprised she hid it so well. it's strange how lax she's being lately with letting everyone know what a massive pile of shit she is
No. 959431
File: 1586981564454.png (397.19 KB, 593x493, 444.PNG)

Hope this is about her boyfriend and I hope he drops that video. does anyone else have a feeling Shayna's about to have someone dunk on her ass and she won't be able to get out of whatever it is? I do.
She's been rea bold on twitter.
No. 959442
File: 1586982292232.png (35.34 KB, 556x362, Capture.PNG)

No. 959448
File: 1586982785237.png (96.91 KB, 1080x2009, Screenshot_20200415-162908~2.p…)

(fake caps)
No. 959452
>>959448Hahahahaha and she deleted it. Gold.
Give us the milk, Fupa.
No. 959460
>>959448fake caps.
what do we call this? soy milk?
No. 959466
>>959442Shayna just SHUT UP and move your shit, it doesn’t require this much thought. “Hmm what do I move first” you have like 5 boxes at most and some electronics and 3 items of furniture lol. Just fucking do it.
Also don’t you have to schedule movers? You don’t just call them and say “come over and move my stuff right now bc my bf bailed on me”
No. 959467
File: 1586983748918.png (Spoiler Image,629.75 KB, 1071x2149, Screenshot_20200415-164821~2.p…)

(fake caps)
No. 959470
File: 1586983985163.jpeg (95.52 KB, 750x765, 3C4604F9-6A4C-40A2-BFA0-B58F63…)

Jfc shes manic as hell today
No. 959472
>>959156keep in mind she straight out said she was having urges to "be an
abusive cunt" to him after he left though
No. 959473
>>959467I call bullshit. You said it was deleted, but if it was posted at 12:55am this morning and it's still there 15 hours later, that means I should have been able to see it earlier today.
Stop pushing your fake screencaps.
No. 959480
>>959470she's horrible. She knows this is messed up.
She's not manic because this tweet->>959431 was made making me feel like shit was good for a while, but then they started arguing again.
so now she's doing what she always does, threatening to hurt herself. Funny how she's supposed to be moving but she's on twitter being a manipulative asshole
No. 959481
File: 1586984376652.png (18.18 KB, 595x169, dm.PNG)

No. 959486
>>959481Lol does she think if she stops taking them she's suddenly gonna drop weight?
Also being slim isn't gonna make her happy.
No. 959490
>>959486How long has she even been on these new meds? A month or two? And taking them with alcohol AND weed every day?
Delusion in its highest form.
No. 959498
>>959481Girl. Only YOU can change who you are. Taking medication doesn’t just change you. It’s a fucking life long process of therapy and changing your behaviors. Medication is just a helping hand.
This statement right here is why she will never, ever succeed in life. She’s like Moo. Wants a quick, instant fix.
Fucking spoiled ass bitches man. Cautionary tails on why you don’t spoil or enable bratty ass children.
No. 959502
This tweet has the same format for the date.
>>958225Just saying.
No. 959508
>>959502not with a period after "Apr"
y'all really be out here with zero attention to detail
No. 959510
File: 1586987581520.png (672.95 KB, 828x1792, 96AC7833-9EEA-4C7D-8D57-F9CE4F…)

how many times is this dumb bitch going to keep blaming her meds for her weight gain? you eat nothing but junk and drink on a DAILY basis, shay. maybe take your poor dog on a walk once in a while to burn a few calories.
No. 959511
>>959224She’s definitely an alcoholic (breaking news). This guy dumped her the first time because she got drunk and embarrassed him. She got drunk yesterday, had a huge fight with him because she passed out FROM BEING DRUNK… and what does she do not 12 hours after the whole drama? Drink. That’s not fucking normal. I wonder if she binged on alcohol last night to the point of passing out because of the girl from Twitter lol.
>>959308I don’t buy she didn’t know about his Twitter, she said before he’s read her tweets. Unless he just lied about seeing them and not having an account but I doubt that.
>>959225>>959470And right here is the classic manipulation tactics. She knows already he can read her tweets, so she tries to guilt him for I guess not driving her to the new place and her, god forbid, having to get an Uber. It’s his fault she doesn’t have a car/drive.
The meds thing, we all know for a fact their last obvious and big fight was because he was trying to convince her to take her medication, so threatening to stop take them is another tactic to try to get him to reach out since it’s obviously a weak point with him and her.
>>959397Guilting a man into being a relationship with you ain’t it, ya dumb bitch.
No. 959514
File: 1586988050287.png (Spoiler Image,2.34 MB, 750x1334, 89AA2BF3-DE14-49CC-BCDF-30F5FA…)

she’s posting new pics of her apartment on twitter. this one is zoomed in, but is that a huge bruise on her hip or what??
No. 959517
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No. 959518
File: 1586988239218.jpg (414.13 KB, 1079x1127, Screenshot_20200415-170310_Twi…)

The kitchen she will never use and the livingroom that will be trashed
No. 959527
>>959521Eh, I think it’s safe to assume her dad took pity on her and is going to pay her rent or at least a part of it. What I want to know is how she’s going to furnish that apartment. She’s got the children’s daybed, the bed her mom bought her, a dog cage, a bunch of crusty pillows and a stool maybe?
Shits going to be so empty.
No. 959535
File: 1586989472971.jpeg (219.46 KB, 828x1464, EF3A30F2-A4EF-4E44-A944-4FC38C…)

>>959526Looking at the pet fee; I doubt this is her apartment since you have to pay 400 for each animal + a fee each month.
No. 959543
File: 1586989781918.jpeg (344.39 KB, 750x706, AD76B2C2-A679-4A6C-92C9-AE4656…)

And she’s back to calling it a house. You're really going to play make believe with your orbiters huh Shay
No. 959545
File: 1586989881476.png (452.27 KB, 597x1072, Screenshot (30).png)

she just posted a video of her naruto running?? around, idk how to make a gif but she looks like some kind of cryptid omg
No. 959551
>>959518It’s nicer than her current place, that’s for sure. She was paying, what, 900 for her last place? So this place has to be like 1300? 1400? I don’t know Tulsa prices- only that it’s cheap as fuck.
How sad she took an Uber to her new place with a box of old dildos on her lap.
No. 959552
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>>959545here you go anon kek
No. 959567
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And here's the begging
No. 959568
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No. 959586
>>958785i know to us this is just another instance of shayna being a dipshit humble-bragger with "uwu im an internet personality butrlly im just like u normal ppl 2!!"
but man this is a bad tweet to put out for a public audience. go find some e-personalities to talk to about this shit with. dont directly establish with your audience that youre fucking boring.
No. 959590
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No. 959601
>>959567Porn that she posts for everyone to see on Twitter for free. I doubt she’d actually do customs unless they pay a good amount at once.
Also, betting the “necessities” won’t be necessary stuff at all.
No. 959618
>>959613He’s already kind of shown that through his actions. It’s probably why he filmed her, and why he was so upset in the past with her tweeting about him after they had fights. He knows that if she’s pissed, she has the power as the female and as a female with a follower count to try to twist things in her favor one way or another. I don’t blame him trying to get proof by filming her.
Some of her weird shitty tweets make more sense now if you take into consideration that she’s tweeting them to get at him.
And to top it all off we know nothing about this dude other than what shay has posted about him on twitter or discord, and we have seen how wildly that swings depending on whether he has enabled her lately or not. She has control over how her followers perceive him.
No. 959676
>>959526I still don't understand why she'd rather pay $1000-$1200 a month to live in the shitty suburbs of OK rather than pay a similar amount by splitting an apartment with someone and live in a trendy city geared towards her lifestyle like Denver or Austin. Hell, she could even rent a little studio in L.A. for the same amount of money and would actually live by herself and in an area relevant to her """career"""
Also, all of the 2 bedroom apartments are listed as being 2 bath as well. She clearly was or is still intending on living with her boyfriend. There's no reason she'd need another bath in addition to another bedroom just for herself.
No. 959684
>>959514the only thing that kitchen will be used for.
>>959601she's like so good at decorating though, she totally needs a bunch of cheap junk for her video backgrounds that we'll get to see over and over again.
>>959680like when she put that stupid curtain and stuffed toys in the bathroom when she was with fupa for ~aesthetic~ twitter pix.
No. 959700
>>959526It has a gym. Literally no excuse for her to keep sitting on her ass and complaining about being fat, but we all know she's never going to set foot in it.
What's she going to do about furniture? All she owns is a bed and a children's daybed. She doesn't even have a couch, and in her old place the TV was just on the floor.
No. 959731
I don't understand why she doesn't just move back where anyone in her family is. (Besides pride of course.) She moved to OK for the ex, Fupa, right? If they're not together anymore, what's keeping her? She doesn't have a job there, no friends, she has[d] a boyfriend but what's really tying her down there? Nothing, really.
Most people don't move because they can't afford it, have friends they don't want to leave, a job they can't just up and quit, or family. She has none of that, she even just finished a lease only to start up an even more expensive one there, so she could've afforded to move to any city she could pick from for the most part. Hell, she even hired movers ffs. Not cheap - she's absolutely capable and has the means.
Only thing I can think of is she's content in being unhappy so that way she can keep complaining about her mentulz helths yet won't actually do anything to change it because then she couldn't bitch and pretend to be a victim of circumstance or something.
No. 959732
>>959731>Only thing I can think of is she's content in being unhappy so that way she can keep complaining about her mentulz helths yet won't actually do anything to change it because then she couldn't bitch and pretend to be a victim of circumstance or something.this is correct.
but it's likely also because of the cheaper rent (i'm assuming?) and legalized weed, if i had to wager a guess.
No. 959769
>>959732I'm certain the cheaper rent is a factor, a place like her new one would cost 2-3x as much anywhere that wasn't bumfuck oklahoma. In L.A. for example, that would easily be a $2500-3000 apartment. Shayna wants to have the appearance of living a lavish lifestyle, but she'd rather spend her money on weed/booze/food/ill-fitting clothes than on the rent on a nice place.
it's really sad that she's referring to a 2-bedroom apartment that would be most people's starter place as her "dream house"
No. 959781
>>959769The kitchen in her new place is tiny like a miniature ikea display lol the living room looks small too. You can tell she’s already coping a bit by bragging about ~muh high ceilings~
I mean at least the fridge looks pretty updated and it looks more modern than her last shithole place.
No. 959833
>>959732Weed is recreationally legal (anyone over 21 can buy it) in MA, so that's definitely not a factor in her being in OK. Rent is definitely cheaper depending on where in MA she'd be living.
>>959769in the responding tweet she says "please don't take this too seriously" but, it's obvious she's hoping people will be like "omg goals!!" so she can feel validated
>>959781tiny kitchen isn't a problem for her as long as the freezer and microwave work.
No. 959847
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This happened today and she's going off on one of course.
No. 959848
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No. 959849
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No. 959850
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No. 959859
File: 1587046004991.jpg (207.13 KB, 1080x1008, Screenshot_20200416_100205.jpg)

Shayna, no one is impressed or even thinking about your new shitty tulsa apartment. You're making pedo porn to cater to the most degenerate losers.
No. 959860
File: 1587046316190.jpg (618.58 KB, 1080x2044, 20200416_151138.jpg)

it was a few girls calling her out again
No. 959861
>>959850It's funny how just yesterday she was doing this to another sex worker, and now today it happens to her and she's screaming about how sex workers need to leave each other alone.
Practice what you preach Shay and maybe people won't be so eager to come for you.
No. 959868
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What’s the tea?
No. 959869
File: 1587048081969.png (402.45 KB, 740x714, Capture.PNG)

>>959868An orbiter started tagging people that spoke out about Shay over the Cindy Lou Who porn
No. 959872
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>>959869>>959870Apparently they googled her.
No. 959877
File: 1587048595012.png (39.78 KB, 731x268, Capture.PNG)

>>959869Is this Noah woman from her discord? Shay's only acknowledged her.
No. 959878
File: 1587048905118.png (85.7 KB, 741x655, Capture.PNG)

>does canon age porn of Cindy Lou Who
>makes all the lines canon age sexual innocence
>"Why am I the pedophile?!"
No. 959882
>>959878>>959869are these orbiters actually trying to say that because other camwhores are pedo pandering morons that it absolves shayna of any wrongdoing? no one said she was the first to pander to pedophiles, in fact she’s one of many in the “sex work community”
these bitches have worms for brains i swear to god
No. 959885
>>959680>>959769It’s a nice apartment but Shayna is a dumb fuck who can’t even save $500 to her name and thinks she needs to spend her entire income on rent to look like she ‘made it.’
She would be making a better case if she actually worked on building a foundation. What’s going to happen when her porn is no longer selling and she has no education or skills?
No. 959887
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>>959884From what I found the tweet that started all this. Weren't kidding about old as fuck. Bet the discord is interesting right now.
No. 959891
>>959887"so do you have a problem with ddlg?"
yeah, most normal people do.
the people defending shay are fucking idiots.
No. 959893
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No. 959898
>>959893it's funny because shay's pedo-pandering ass makes sex workers look bad. the lack of self awareness.
>>959847also i have no idea why these female orbiters promote shay all the time when she never does the same for them. like obviously she's insecure as fuck and doesn't want prettier girls stealing her business. you've gotta wonder if they only promote her because she's ugly and her content is shit (i haven't looked at this girl's twitter though so she might be a dog too). we've seen her onlyfans…these kinda posts feel so dishonest
No. 959901
>>959887what is with this bitch and the fucking whataboutism? other people do something so she's immune to criticism? you have to call out literally every person on the planet before you call out her?
imagine going like "b-but what about becky???" beyond the age of like 10 years old
No. 959902
File: 1587051177998.png (343.55 KB, 736x244, Capture.PNG)

>>959898This is what her orbiter Noah looks like. I've yet to see anyone good looking support Shay and I doubt Shay would let anyone good looking near her. Too much competition.
No. 959906
File: 1587051447731.jpg (657.33 KB, 1080x1792, 20200416_103646.jpg)

>>959899Looks like this girl found the threads and for some reason even used her last name
. Let the milk flooow!
No. 959911
File: 1587052097319.png (35.65 KB, 736x375, Capture.PNG)

Look who's getting senpai's attention now.
Shay's retweeting a bunch of promos for other SWers and tweets defending ageplay/ddlg as being kinky people and not pedos.
No. 959919
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No. 959931
File: 1587055711065.jpeg (76.81 KB, 500x500, 6739C612-1F2D-48F2-875E-2B9548…)

these people are all so boring. unfortunately there is no real difference between “Dolly Lou Who” and the rest of this crowd and its dazzling array of ddlg ahegao pedo-pandering ass content. twitter SW types are so eager to position themselves as morally superior while they all use the same tactics for the same end goal: to please smarmy men under a guise of self-empowerment
No. 959933
>>959848>implying her apartment will make her porn better than everI know she’s delusional but wow. How the hell is a different apartment going to change the same shit you do? You’re going to string your lights up on the wall behind your child’s bed, nail dildos to the wall and display your musty dirty pink pillows while you jam your vibrator on your public bone and pretend to have 10 orgasms in a minute.
Sometimes I envy her delusional mind set- what a world to live in.
No. 959936
>>959931Exactly, like I said there's so much current shit they could call her out on, but either they don't know, don't look into Shayna and only are hanging on to the shit they knew before they stopped fucking with her or they think the other shit she was doing wasn't a problem.
>>959933It's funny how there's people who could do something in the same room, at the same time, witht he same clothes on, but if they are entertaining then no one fucking cares.
Not only is Shayna herself boring, not that attractive and unsexy, but her backgrounds are as well.
No. 959966
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No. 959969
File: 1587061950153.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.26 MB, 810x10386, 20200416_133236.jpg)

Here's the discord group she ran to. She deleted some of her posts before I could get a screenshot. No NSFW, it's just a long picture.
No. 959975
>>959966Did she really find a mutual and run to them and say they’re following this girl to try to get them not to anymore? What a sniveling cunt. Her running to her discord is cowardly and weak af, too.
She’s one of those girls that talk all big and try to get into fights yet bring five of their friends with them to fight one person. Guess what? The world doesn’t just pause when you have good things going on and wait until an “appropriate time” to throw shit on you. If she ever had any real life experiences, she would know that. She’s such a brat, and not in the cute way she thinks. She’s a brat in the insufferable little bitch way.
No. 959978
File: 1587063156080.png (20.21 KB, 600x326, Capture.PNG)

in other news…
So she's realy going down this gamer girl route huh? I'd love to see this girl get banned off twitch her first day for flashing her pussy or showing her content on stream
No. 959979
File: 1587063190821.jpg (285.39 KB, 1079x1271, Screenshot_20200416-135227_Dis…)

Laughed out loud at "court is just so expensive" bitch couldn't even pay her ticket, let alone try to sue anyone.
No. 959990
>>959979>court is just so expensiveWhich is Shay speak for "I'm too chickenshit to do anything"
Shay will never take anyone to court no matter how many SWers post her hypocrisy. She'd sooner cry about it in her discord and then go drink.
No. 959993
File: 1587064853432.png (91.03 KB, 736x722, Capture.PNG)

Is this her way of telling Noah to fuck off for making the drama worse for her by making it public?
No. 960003
File: 1587065815159.jpeg (354.74 KB, 1242x1654, 2CE16201-9E0F-487D-9336-3D54C3…)

Omg I just read her exchange with that annie girl and I think I have brain damage.
Shayna really thinks everyone is a farmer lol.
No. 960007
>>959966shay doesn't even make sextpanther money, why would they give a fuck about her twitter drama
>>959996i wish this was her demonstrating removing herself from the nonsense like she said she would this morning. but since her playing
victim fell apart it's just a cover-up. she's so weak
No. 960014
File: 1587066337696.png (347.59 KB, 778x709, Screenshot (32).png)

>>960006its her lol.
all shes doing is bringing more attention here lol, pretty sure shay will love that
No. 960017
>>960004I love how you think this thread isn't made up of tons of people and is just a few folks who hate Shayna.
If Shayna wasn't a fucking wreck with constant milk, she wouldn't have over 50 threads at this point.
No. 960020
>>960004you know she doesn't give a shit about your ugly self, right?
>>959913lmao i thought the same thing
No. 960023
>>960012She doesn't have the money to sue this chick and she doesn't have the balls to report her either. I doubt Sextpanther will care so long as one of them is making money.
>>960014>>960004This chick is turning out to be Shayna 2.0
Wanted senpai's attention and now she's going the same
victim route too.
No. 960045
>>960014does she not understand that promoting a website in your tweets that has a longass thread on shayna and all her ridiculous antics is very very stupid. at least shayna refers to lolcow as a 'message board' or whatever.
also, this is so fun. i wonder how much of this is gonna be deleted tomorrow lol
No. 960048
File: 1587067596741.png (28.53 KB, 740x271, Capture.PNG)

>>960045She already deleted it but she did leave this.
No. 960053
>>960048God she sounds like shayna. “When people just up and decided to hate me” uwu I’m so misunderstood
Surely couldn’t have been your own fault, considering your shining personality
No. 960078
>>960072It's gross as fuck to portray a child character in a porn period. There's so many adults you could do, but a child? yeah thats fucking gross. Normal people don't think like that.
They also don't make porn in diapers pretending to be a baby or act like childern during sex period. It's gross. All of it is and everyone who does it and puts it online for others to see.
Shayna constantly sexualizes anything to do with childern.
No. 960086
>>960048honestly this girl's an attention whore who's coming here and piggybacking off shay's drama because men won't pay for her ugly ass. we shouldn't give her the attention she craves.
it's pretty obvious that shay only likes ugly orbiters she isn't threatened by. i mean look at pixie.
No. 960106
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>>960014lmao that forehead is tragic.
No. 960109
File: 1587073015084.jpeg (52.93 KB, 1280x720, 51D048B1-4642-449C-8C2B-39A71E…)

>>960091Shut the fuck up I literally thought she was 50. She looks like the Saw puppet pic related
No. 960111
File: 1587073093102.jpeg (184.23 KB, 911x772, 221E7388-6D18-408A-9894-04473B…)

“The Dolly Mattel experience”
No. 960127
File: 1587073597419.jpeg (212.64 KB, 1124x1472, 2E7BBC63-E5FE-4395-9F1D-D708BA…)

Orbiter has a face like a magic eye poster. Bitch put on some chapstick(derailing)
No. 960130
File: 1587073843013.jpeg (310.07 KB, 737x887, EF561630-5127-4FFA-B60F-57CEC0…)

>>960120but her eyebrows have never been shorter!? Did you mean eyeliner?
No. 960138
>>960014Kek Another Down Syndrome lookin ass bitch. Shayna, come get yo girl for copying. We all know you're the queen of making retard porn, with ya Gypsy Rose looking ass.
>I make money by being prettyThis why your OnlyFans fucking FREE, my dude?? Someone come send this bitch to church. She need saving.
No. 960151
File: 1587075100815.png (234.9 KB, 405x416, shayb.PNG)

>>960130no anon you're right, for some reason i was thinking about her earlier pictures but her eyeliner is definitely not doing her any favors
>>960139still amazing! i'm digging the addition you made to noodle
No. 960154
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No. 960155
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No. 960156
File: 1587075481668.jpg (196.33 KB, 1080x765, Screenshot_20200416-171352_Twi…)

She's going to beat this Tiger King trend to death like she does with everything else
I feel bad for whoever who is going to Skype her, since we've all seen her cam shows
No. 960157
>>960127wtf is supposed to be sexy about this, 45 year old moms casually upload pictures like this to facebook on their beach holiday. it's not even that she is so ugly, the face tuning and shitty filter helps mush her face a lot, but it's extremely boring and there's nothing to it.
>>960130holy shit, it's starting to feel like she is drawing them shorter and shorter, like she is trolling us. one day she'll just go no eyebrows and then that will be the end of the thread because we all collectively loose it.
No. 960160
File: 1587075533288.jpg (201.29 KB, 1079x760, Screenshot_20200416-171214_Twi…)

If she thinks her "haturz" are mean, just wait for the Twitch fans
No. 960162
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No. 960165
File: 1587075637609.jpg (231.79 KB, 1080x1155, Screenshot_20200416-171334_Twi…)

She most likely re posted the same pic
No. 960174
>>960165shayna please. you have been viciously humiliating yourself for years + you have so much hardcore content and your pussy all over the internet for free, there are girls who easily get 500$ for much much less weekly lmao. as in real sugar babies.
it's just annoying how she's obsessingly bragging over this acting like it's the most rare incredible thing ever
No. 960175
>>960166No, Shayna's shit will be boring. Especially because she's not that attractive enough to get views. There's a shit ton of better-looking girls, who play games, who are actually entertaining, shit there's even girls who dance in front of the camera badly, who make what shayna makes in a month in a few days.
She will either have a dead fucking channel or it'll be full of sex workers.
No. 960180
>>959933i feel like she said the same thing when she moved in with fupa and then again when she moved into the apt she just left. all she's done so far is run around like an idiot, lay on her counter and engage in twitter drama, after which she's complaining about the stuff she "needs" for her 'house'.
>>959969>a young girl can't grow and change and make mistakesuh, she's in her 20s right? like ok she's maybe young but not a girl, she's a damn adult no matter how much she says ~i'm baby~ and she's fully aware of what she's doing for her content. she hasn't changed or grown; saying she does to trick ppl isn't the same as actually doing something to be better.
No. 960197
File: 1587077055609.jpg (310.09 KB, 1080x1086, Screenshot_20200416-174412_Twi…)

Can't wait for this milk and trainwreck
No. 960204
>>960197Lol no one wants to watch someone getting pissed off and upset on a stream.
Also fortnite is probably the most streamed game so she'll struggle there and others she says she plays are not very interesting to watch especially if the person is boring.
Presumably there is no weed allowed shown on twitch? How will she cope?
No. 960213
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No. 960214
>>960160ah, yes, these are the “necessities” for her apartment that she begged for tips for yesterday.
>>960180Yeah, it’s funny how her orbiters excuse her behaviors as uwu innocent mistakes but they don’t give other SWers that call Shay out on her shit that kind of leniency, they gang up on them to defend their rat queen. By their logic, these girls they attack for Shayna are just young girls that don’t know any better, right?
>>960197Has this girl ever been on the internet? I can’t wait for her to be in cringe complications because (normal) people don’t think it’s cute for girls to be a idiots on stream. Only coomers eat it up, the rest of the people on the platform are going to think she’s a fucking joke. “i’m babby uwu” and pretending you’re a delicate flower by crying unironically isn’t going to fly.
No. 960244
File: 1587082418344.jpg (381.59 KB, 1077x1710, Screenshot_20200416-191306_Twi…)

Wow, that's something to be proud of Shay
No. 960250
File: 1587083113563.jpeg (112.8 KB, 1280x720, 0D0D99F4-AD30-4802-B525-BA2D86…)

>>960151Bruh why does she look like Anne frank here
No. 960257
File: 1587084384802.jpg (371.69 KB, 1075x1471, Screenshot_20200416-194452_Twi…)

>>959510But it's definitely the meds
No. 960264
>>960197let's goooo i'm SO hyped for twitch saga, chat gets nasty
can't wait for the bitch fits and her saying poggers every 5 second like with every meme she's late to
who knows, maybe ending up on LSF will give this washed up whore some exposure
No. 960269
File: 1587086526171.jpeg (Spoiler Image,409.96 KB, 2048x2048, 75582117-802B-4E0F-A71E-488D3A…)

fatty mattel ™ but it’s totally the meds
No. 960272
>>960269Her nose is kind of red near the nostrils and she kind of look like Brianna Wu, looks like she'd been crying or she's super high.
Regardless, why? Why the leggings, why the tiny shirt? I wish she'd dress for her size. Does she know there's tasteful clothes that look sexy, trendy and…just not childish and tacky?
Oh and in her size?
No. 960282
>>960274I always thought she looked better with brownish blondish hair, long hair and curly. She seems against having all her hair down nowadays.
I know as you get older you can't carry weight the same way, but it's sad to know that this weight gain is 100% from depression. Drinking, smoking and over eating all to cope with bad life choices.
No. 960292
File: 1587090182061.jpg (163.01 KB, 1080x672, Screenshot_20200416-212251_Twi…)

Lol no Shay, we all know your toxic trait: suicide baiting
No. 960293
File: 1587090226873.jpg (230.24 KB, 1080x828, Screenshot_20200416-212241_Twi…)

What about that $500 you made Shay?
And these groceries most likely are: alcohol and junk food
No. 960331
>>960282>>960269It’s not from depression, though. Or the meds. Those are just her cop-outs for not doing anything to change it. She has an unfortunate body type, and she’s lazy and makes terrible food choices. She admitted herself that when she was skinny she didn’t eat and just lived off of wine and weed. Plenty of people her age drink and party and eat crap because they’re college students or whatever, but most of them don’t balloon like she has, and most carry the weight they do gain much better. Most people who are as thin as she used to be actually look better when they gain weight, she just has really unfortunate genetics. She has a body type that will only have a chance of looking better if she actually started seriously working out. She still had a fridge body when she was thin (just a mini fridge instead of a side-by-side) so obviously losing weight won’t help.
Sage for mini-rant but I hadn’t seen a full body photo of her actually standing up like this since the weight gain and it really shows how unfortunate her body is. She’s literally a straight line from her armpits to her knees, no curve to her boobs, waist, or hips. Maybe try using that free gym in your new complex, Shayna.
No. 960352
File: 1587097872356.jpeg (30.41 KB, 275x258, CAC3F282-AE78-4874-83DE-D256C7…)

>>960138>>960031>>960082>>960144LMFAOOO she says she gets her bag but her OnlyFans is for free, holy shit only the dumbest follow Shayna, I can‘t with these hoes.
No. 960353
>>960031But your only fans is free? kek how desperate for attention do you have to be.
At least you have the self awareness to know no one is going to pay money to look at you
No. 960365
File: 1587099618657.jpg (209.92 KB, 1080x757, Screenshot_20200417-000017_Twi…)

When is Noodle and Rib going to move in?
No. 960372
>>960292The coffee at 9PM isn’t the
toxic bit, it’s the alcohol at 9AM.
No. 960376
>>960374true for many/most when moving in the same town but she made her current place out to be such a
toxic mouldy shithole that was affecting her greatly which if it really was you would think that she would be more motivated to get out. This is the same girl who lived on a child's daybed until a month ago. While I don't doubt that it's a shithole I feel like she greatly exaggerated how bad her mental and physical health were effected (obviously).
>>960375nothing but that is what I gathered from her tweet here
>>959442 unless by "now" she meant that she actually has furniture to move?!
No. 960385
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No. 960388
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No. 960433
File: 1587116688501.png (54.96 KB, 747x367, 1.PNG)

Didn't she do this posting her pics as a "child model" ?
No. 960513
>>960433You could tell she wanted to go off by her response but you could tell she, 1. knows that Bratty has her back and has actual followers and 2. she can't think of anything to say to defend herself.
If this was any other sex worker Shayna would've said something or subtweeted them on her twitter.
No. 960514
File: 1587136330808.png (357.75 KB, 2048x992, Screenshot_20200417-111157.png)

Bitch you're a stoner every day what fucking PROPS do you need?
No. 960526
>>960514“Roll your weed on it” underwear
Weed socks (that she has anyway but any excuse to buy more crap from amazon)
Rasta colour beanie hat
Cheap plastic, green background sheet (if she pushes the boat out)
No. 960552
>>960526I swear I think she has all that stuff already
>rasta hatnaw, it'll probably just be some basic-ass beanie that says "weed" or something equally stupid
maybe the issue was that none of it was pink
No. 960560
File: 1587143603899.png (500.6 KB, 2048x1236, Screenshot_20200417-131235.png)

Or, you could actually put up and run your "business" like an actual business and keep track of that shit like you're supposed to.
No. 960570
>>960560Not only is this unprofessional but it's been years, years. She has nothing else she could be doing other than making content.
She has no other jobs, no friends, nothing taking up her time. Even if she did, the way she preaches and talks down to people you'd think she wouldn't need to be "reminded" or "checked in on"
We know she does not have thousands of people asking her for shit. Imagine being the gross retard to buy something from Shayna and see her twitter.
You see her ranting, doing a skype call, starting drama, and doing everything but what you paid for.
Then the funniest thing is between all of this, you see her telling people how to run their business and chastising other sex workers.
Meanwhile, she has not reached out to you or gave you what you paid for. Trash
No. 960572
>>960560That's what happens when you offer weekly customs to people who pay you $50.
Fucking retard. How can she go around telling other sex workers how to do their jobs when she can't even keep track of content she needs to make that's been paid for?
No. 960579
File: 1587145828062.png (1.94 MB, 1911x2048, Screenshot_20200417-134956.png)

She also hasn't posted anything to her paid "advice" page since she's made it, yet is still charging money for it. Retard.
No. 960581
>>960573Now imagine how she'd react if someone else did this?
"I don't know who needs to hear this, but seeing sex workers tell paying customers 2, "remind them" of work they owe them is very unprofessional, imo u should not take on more work then u need 2, ur customers should not suffer because u took on more than u could chew! Remember 2 take care of yourself and customers!!"
No. 960590
>>960581This sounds exactly like her too. She's so predictable.
Take your own advice Shayna.
No. 960625
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No. 960627
File: 1587152720080.jpg (462.87 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200417-144452_Chr…)

This definitely makes guys hard Shay. Didn't even know she had a laundry room, so I can only imagine how bad it is
No. 960636
File: 1587153279981.jpg (518.17 KB, 1080x1864, 20200417_145419.jpg)

>>960633>>960625You weren't kidding, the one she got is $150. She has no impulse control
No. 960654
>>960641Tinfoil that her BF is a big gamer and a gross neck beard (probably whacks it to Momokun), has been telling her all the things she needs and maybe said he can help her set all this shit up.
He probably thinks she can do well because he’s as delusional as her and thinks she has a huge following.
No. 960660
File: 1587155054583.png (57.92 KB, 802x404, Screenshot (33).png)

>>960654she said this girls been helping her. i do think she started playing up the ~gamer girl~ personality for this bf tho
No. 960663
>>960662she has no personality. So it makes sense. Once all she was, was "girl who smokes weed and takes pictures", then she did porn and she was "Girl who does porn" and now she thinks because she plays games she's a "Gamer girl".
Every single hobby becomes her whole focus and personality. I'm just waiting for her to meet a guy into tattoo's or hard drugs, because no doubt Suddenly Shayna will be getting a bunch of tattoos and trying harder shit.
No. 960670
>>960660She started the gamer girl shit cos she noticed how popular it was making other girls.
That's literally it.
Plus Lana Bee is a cow herself, she tried to make a thread about herself because she wants one so badly. It's fucking sad.
No. 960679
File: 1587156500411.jpg (206.15 KB, 1080x784, Screenshot_20200417-154502_Twi…)

So is she back with the dude?
"Free porn", remember when she was with Fupa and preached about partners of sex Workers not getting free content?
No. 960694
File: 1587157464612.png (32.57 KB, 724x164, aaaaa.png)

>>960686at the rate she procrastinates, never lol.
No. 960713
File: 1587158959773.jpg (123.19 KB, 1079x598, Screenshot_20200417-162713_Twi…)

Oh, so it's totally ok for Shay to make jokes about a derogatory term and not get backlash, but she attacked another sex worker for making a joke
No. 960718
>>960704I can see Shayna and Lana becoming very close. Lana will probably Host Shayna, I assume Lana's viewers are coomers and other sex workers so maybe she'll gain some regulars or even subs, but Shayna isn't going to stream for long if it does not work fast in getting her attention and money.
That's why she no longer does pro work or cams. She makes money being lazy as fuck & doing identical porn, why do more, especially if she doesn't feel like it and she isn't looking her best?
>>960713 I love how the people who watch Shayna shit on women all day, are cool with it but the moment she comes for men, they are like, "no don't do that"
No. 960728
>>960704Yeah exactly. It's just another frantic grasp at straws for her in any attempt to avoid living a "normal life" with a "normal job". She sucks at everything though because she's a braindead lazy basic bitch. The irony of her wanting to be so sPeCiAl and not like other girls is that shes so fucking boring and dumb. Her looks and content and personality are average at best and horrifying at worst.
She won't get anywhere streaming. It takes 1. Knowledge of the community, games, and the technical aspects 2. Being good at gaming or at least hot/entertaining enough to be decent and pass and 3. Dedication. She has none of those things at all. Playing Fortnite and Sims occasionally doesnt make you a gamer much less an entertaining one.
If she couldnt succeed and stick with camming idk why she thinks she'll have a shot at game streaming. Bitch doesnt even wanna stay in her sEx WoRkEr lane anymore. I think honestly she knows she cant go any further in it at this point and even shes bored/done with it. I think she knows her looks rapidly declined and doesnt feel comfortable making content or camming now. She never really liked it in the first place. She just wanted the attention and to be in on the trend and to be a big ol pick me I'm not like other girls. She only posts heavily filtered and edited nudes now for validation/attention. Shes a narcissist. But deep down she knows her existence is pathetic and shes not hot. Shes getting by on her OF payout right now because it's easy money now that she built up the content (repetitive) on it and priced it so cheap. Shes a hypocrite to say this kind of SW isnt easy. She just wants to gatekeep Sw because shes an entitled cunt despite not even being very good at it herself. Anyway sorry for the rant.
No. 960731
>>960729She just hops on whatever meme is going around and over uses tf out of it or just completely misuses it. Same with hot button words like "gaslight" and shit.
I didnt know what simp meant but i googled it a few days ago. It's pretty fucking easy to avoid looking like a fucking idiot.
No. 960739
File: 1587160907831.jpg (Spoiler Image,463.09 KB, 1079x1234, Screenshot_20200417-170012_Twi…)

That fucking hair piece
No. 960763
>>960738damn my low iq couldn't keep up with our intellectual queen
but seriously i'll bet money she had to google simp and is now stuttering "i-it was a joke bruv haha"
No. 960783
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No. 960813
File: 1587166837183.jpg (258.24 KB, 1080x930, Screenshot_20200417-184031_Twi…)

Wtf is she talking about
No. 960866
>>960388yup, i knew that's what she'd be using that kitchen for. when you have a ~house~ but no furnishings so you repeatedly defile a surface meant for eating lol.
>>960812she posted some dumb shit earlier today but prior to that she hadn't used it since march 23.
No. 960869
File: 1587172908896.jpg (236.19 KB, 1080x927, Screenshot_20200417-202100_Twi…)

Ummm what about all these
>>957814 No. 960872
File: 1587173076991.jpg (268.22 KB, 1078x838, Screenshot_20200417-202406_Twi…)

>>960812Her recent posts on it
No. 960877
>>960872You know what
triggered it. The same thing that always
triggers it, twitter drama, suicide baiting your boyfriend when he gets sick of your shit, drugs and alcohol.
No. 960952
File: 1587183556545.jpg (199.95 KB, 1080x627, Screenshot_20200417-231823_Twi…)

No. 960954
File: 1587183583874.jpg (510.69 KB, 1080x1094, Screenshot_20200417-231918_Twi…)

Does she really fucking need this?
No. 961000
>>960739She's been doing this for so many years, yet she still can't take a picture where she isn't making that rotten fart sniffing face. It's not cute, Shayna. You just look even more special needs than usual. Also, her eyebrows keep getting worse, it's like she's just taking the piss and drawing them on with a sharpie now.
>>960877Her vicious cycle is as predictable as Amberlynn's at this point.
>>960923She hears these words she likes, and she starts using them without actually knowing what the fuck they mean.
>>960956She really thinks she's rich now. "My marble counter" LMAO
No. 961010
File: 1587192262368.gif (Spoiler Image,19.88 MB, 640x1164, 015BD7C3-7ACA-46AA-83C2-72582F…)

from her ~cumshow in her new house
No. 961117
>>961017I wasn't going to look as I'm eating, but I had to after reading this comment… and holy fuck I didn't expect it to be that accurate.
Laughing so hard right now, choked a little. Thank you, Anon
No. 961124
File: 1587202775360.png (1.17 MB, 2048x1220, Screenshot_20200418-053656.png)

Oh yeah, so hot, totally Barbie, very cute.
No. 961131
>>961001So why not spend money on shit that makes her look good? She's cheap when it comes to clothes, props anything that makes her look better, but she spends so much on weed and alcohol. She's a fucking porn star and it seems her looks is the last thing she cares about.
I know she's probably thinking, "i look like this and still get money" but she doesn't feel good and compared to a lot of the other girls she looks busted.
Then she's always bragging about her looks, I do not get why she does not have thousands of nice clothes, wigs and make up. It makes no sense to me why someone who calls herself "barbie" and "Dolly" wears the same tacky dirty shit over and over when she has more then enough money to be buying clothing. It's so retarded to me.
There's so much nice barbie tacky barbie shit. So many nice wigs, so much shit she could do, yet she's dropping $200 on weed.
No. 961160
>>960872damn so basically she has two accounts for complaining about her declining mental health that she herself caused.
>>961010it's probably the bloating, but god does her head look way too big.
No. 961193
>>961010This is disgusting, disturbing, and beyond half ass.
If you're going to show off your new home, wait till morning when the light is nice or wait till you bring your lighting equipment (lol as if she actually uses it) and take NICE pictures.
Not gross grody dark shadowy pics of you stabbing your dry vag with your stubby fingers.
Also why is she always out of breath? Is getting up on the counter and rubbing her cunt that exhausting?
No. 961194
>>961010Is this really the video she's using to show off her new house and how she's thriving and doing so well??
This is why people make fun of you Shayna.
No. 961196
File: 1587222851579.png (3.52 MB, 1754x2048, Screenshot_20200418-111306.png)

>>960526KEK anon youve gotten one right so far
No. 961234
>>960956I'd put money on those countertops being faux marble. Really doubt the rental place would put in real stuff. She really thinks shes fancy now rolling her rank pussy on the kitchen counters? Kek. I mean it's probably the nicest place she'll ever rent. I think it's probs a townhouse thing. Hence why she says it's an apartment sometimes but really tries to act like it's a house. Regardless it's a fucking rental apartment (not a house Shat sorry!!) in OK. Sure it's a step up from the last place. But shes going to trash it and pick up and move again in another year. She just thinks moving changes things but it doesnt. She's still a rotten person who refuses to work on herself.
Also wonder how her pets like the new place/are adjusting.
No. 961238
File: 1587230696716.png (Spoiler Image,1.16 MB, 1488x2048, Screenshot_20200418-132252.png)

There are 60 year old women who are more flexible than this, Shayna. You can't even do a split.
No. 961245
>>961238"See how flexible I am on only fans"
You mean to see you do this pose 100 times? Also it's time for her to freak out, subtweet or a fight with her boyfriend to make her start suicide baiting.
Maybe all of them. She cannot go a few days without doing one of those things, so I wonder what it'll be today?
No. 961265
>>961238I’ve seen girls in porn flexible enough to perform oral on themselves so no Shay you’re not flexible.
Saged for sperg
No. 961319
File: 1587243315454.jpg (422.71 KB, 1079x1132, Screenshot_20200418-155432_Twi…)

Shay's been lurking. She hasn't been advertising her other account
No. 961320
File: 1587243343397.jpg (217.65 KB, 1080x931, Screenshot_20200418-155359_Twi…)

This video is going to be beyond sloppy
No. 961326
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No. 961348
File: 1587247122631.jpg (192.93 KB, 1080x854, Screenshot_20200418-165800_Twi…)

Adding "baby" to this makes it creepy
No. 961394
>>961295she's brought her ankles to be about level with her belly button, and is even using her arms to push them to that point. If you can sit with your legs straight out in front of you, and don't have a huge gut, you can do this pose.
>>961234She hasn't moved the pets over to the new place yet, she was impulsively talking about moving her beds (only furniture) over there ASAP but realized those shouldn't move until she's going to sleep in the new apartment. The counters are 100% fake.
>>961348weird thing for a self-proclaimed bottom bitch to say
No. 961406
File: 1587255639982.jpg (145.59 KB, 1080x531, Screenshot_20200418-191912_Twi…)

So it can sit on the floor like your other one?
No. 961440
File: 1587260360225.jpg (Spoiler Image,455.68 KB, 1080x1268, Screenshot_20200418-203913_Twi…)

No. 961456
>>961417Oh you mean like most normal middle class people?
>>961440I know it was a typo but I love that she said "for my need house". It ain't a dream house it's a need house. Shays needy begging ass not actually a house kek
And yeah she used the children's day bed as a couch up until now. She just knows she has jack shit for furniture so shes trying to fill in all the empty space in this townhouse apartment.
No. 961519
>>960970why, it's not like she's going to use them for anything else lol.
>>960993this is so vomit inducing, her thinking it was a good idea to film and post is painful.
>>961462don't forget that time she had red lips for her ~blowup doll~ video and it looked terrible.
No. 961539
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No. 961541
File: 1587273630051.jpg (158.49 KB, 1080x611, Screenshot_20200419-001747_Twi…)

The concept will probably be the same as that step mom video did, where she masturbated on her counter
No. 961545
>>961541i mean, at this point we could write her scripts for her
>laughable attempt at dirty talk>pulls up/down the hoodie/crop top>looks like she would rather be eating while she says stuff about wanting her daddy's/brother's/slave's/master's/grinch's cum in her "fat pussy"> violates herself with a tiny buttplug/hitachi against a wall/on the floor/on the bed/against a different wall/now for fresh new content, on the counterif you do something a million times over you're supposed to get
better at it. how is she regressing
No. 961552
File: 1587275985102.jpeg (9.64 KB, 278x181, download.jpeg)

>>961550>>961124Samefag but she looks like the female orc from WoW. Just needs the green skin and tusk fangs tbh
No. 961581
>>961539she has this "I'm fucking disgusted" facial expression in every photo. this makes me thinks she's a raging bitch IRL. the eyes don't lie.
she can't look peaceful/serene/nice in even her more inebriated photos
bitch has no soul
No. 961603
File: 1587286566129.jpg (14.89 KB, 420x240, Blobfish-ugly-470.jpg)

>>961552Nah, orcs are muscular. Shay's stomach looks like a blobfish
No. 961610
File: 1587288508267.gif (1.75 MB, 575x389, 15270306-2778-425C-AD79-B617AE…)

>>961581I think it’s her jowls/nasolabial folds that make her look disgusted always. She looks like an old witch.
No. 961752
File: 1587322197282.jpeg (Spoiler Image,431.31 KB, 1080x1920, A8ACC566-49BA-4ECD-BE9E-98D79C…)

>>961552Went looking for this gem because of this post lol
>>961577Weird ass forehead
Also she’s been wearing that ugly hairpiece for like 2 or 3 threads already and I just can’t.
No. 961783
>>961319Why the fuck does she choose to rant and have meltdowns on her main sex work twitter when she has a SFW one? Fucking idiot
>>961752Anon you had to post this again and make me remember it? God what is wrong with her head
No. 961811
>>961752LMAO how'd I miss this beaut and why wasn't the dildo shopped to make it safe and the thread pic
Potential was wasted here kek
No. 961844
>>961836Fucking lol
Truly the missing Hartley Hooligan
No. 961856
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No. 961858
File: 1587330972923.jpg (466.59 KB, 1080x1520, Screenshot_20200419-161528_Twi…)

Complains but buys a shit ton of weed
No. 961859
File: 1587331017256.jpg (247.89 KB, 1080x778, Screenshot_20200419-161512_Twi…)

No. 961860
File: 1587331044649.jpg (224.72 KB, 1076x870, Screenshot_20200419-161442_Twi…)

So the same as every video, just high
No. 961866
File: 1587331202268.jpg (543.52 KB, 1080x1090, Screenshot_20200419-161456_Twi…)

No. 961880
File: 1587331779821.jpg (160.2 KB, 1080x601, Screenshot_20200419-162828_Twi…)

No. 961881
File: 1587331855669.jpg (147.34 KB, 1080x590, Screenshot_20200419-162843_Twi…)

She was literally just advertising having someone come to her new place a couple days ago
No. 961904
>>961858>posts a million excuses as to why she can’t work>2 likeslol her engagement is terrible. I don’t know why she bothers posting 6 times about all the reasons she can’t work. Suddenly she’s having allergies? Stop saying when you’ll do things and just do them. Instead of saying “I’ll have this video out tomorrow!” Just stfu and film, and hve it out when it’s done. It’s like she just enjoys talking about what she WANTS to do and then never does it. It’s the weirdest fucking thing. She will talk ALLLLL day about doing xyz and then the next day, spend the entire day giving excuses as to why she can’t now.
Nobody fucking cares, Shay. Just do your job. No one needs a timeline of your day and your excuses.
No. 961911
File: 1587333621781.jpeg (Spoiler Image,347.43 KB, 1631x2048, del.jpeg)

Just posted these on twitter. She looks like a who with a botched boob job (1/2)
No. 961922
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No. 961939
File: 1587335612388.jpg (172.16 KB, 1080x603, Screenshot_20200419-173246_Twi…)

Shay, we KNOW you don't bathe
But if this is true, I hope her high ass drops her shit in the tub and ruins it all
No. 961947
File: 1587336634667.jpg (546.03 KB, 640x795, IMG_3515.jpg)

>>961939listen, i know talking about shayna's eyebrows is like beating a dead horse at this point, but for some reason i keep thinking about this chart of garfield's eyes becoming longer and imagining the same chart but with her eyebrows becoming shorter
No. 961958
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No. 961971
>>961957Lmaoooo I wish the dolphin pussy pic wouldn't get spoilered as a thread pic cause knowing her lurking ass she'd fucking seethe since she was SeW eMbArrAssEd.
Still love she had a whole meltdown cause a woman made a joke but a man made a snide remark about her zombie tit and she didn't get mad. God forbid a woman has a sense of humor kek
No. 961978
File: 1587340313456.jpeg (218.54 KB, 1200x1800, 97DCD6B7-C9B1-4579-880E-1DFCE3…)

Sorry it’s a wip I just had to
No. 961998
File: 1587342226003.jpeg (17.55 KB, 570x570, 68994212-A368-4E6A-BAB7-43E8D0…)

>>961922I guess this dumb bitch doesn’t realize they make brow products that are the same applicator as eyeliner but aren’t fucking jarringly dark? Of course she doesn’t because we’ve all seen her horrible brows.
No. 962052
File: 1587348594455.jpeg (62.42 KB, 380x794, D0C671E8-EFF7-4B42-9635-ADFD54…)

>>961539why she lookin like Poot though
No. 962066
>>962064>>961322No but seriously lmao "this mindset is
No. 962102
>>962064If someone says they're flexible, they should be able to back it up with more than putting their legs up like most any average person can do. That's not a
toxic mindset. If someone says they're thin, they shouldnt have a bunch of fat. It's just logic. Doesnt really have anything to do with them being a sex worker or not. If you make a claim, back it up. Shay just spews bs all the time for attention/to make herself feel better.
No. 962120
>>961860>So the same as every video, just highso… the same as every video? she's always high.
>>961958yeah, shocker, you're not 18 and can't pull off the "I'm hot shit" vibe anymore because you've declined so much in looks, mentality, and lifestyle
No. 962320
File: 1587404895419.jpeg (57.51 KB, 1124x317, 2BECAFDB-8314-4065-AC3C-C5ABC7…)

Her 420 content isn’t even allowed on OF anyway
No. 962325
>>962320Probably for the best anyways. Whenever she films herself letting out her hit (that she didn’t even breathe in) she makes a face like she got kicked in the balls, while smelling a pile of shit.
All of her expressions are terrible, but it’s definitely a top 3.
No. 962402
File: 1587412722578.jpg (158.69 KB, 1080x606, Screenshot_20200420-145839_Twi…)

No. 962472
File: 1587419056824.jpeg (296.81 KB, 1125x1034, 0459805E-23AE-40FE-913C-F6B4E0…)

I can’t wait for her to start streaming on twitch because it’ll be mostly us watching live the train wreck that is shay
No. 962475
>>962472Do we know what kinda capture card she ordered? A good amount of PC capture cards are internal, and they ain't going in no laptop.
But knowing her she probably ordered an el gato or something plug and play, this is still gonna be so awful I can't wait to laugh.
No. 962516
>>962402>>962434Sorry for derailing and all but … how has a virus that causes primarily respiratory infections anything to do with the way people wipe their asses?
Like, I‘m absolutely pro bidet, too because TP is gross and helps spread germs. But isn’t SARS-CoV-2 transmitted through droplets, so I don’t get how it has anything to do with the way you clean yourself after using the toilet? (Yes the virus has been present in stool samples, but afaik not to an extent that would allow the assumption for it to be contracted through smear infections. At least not to a mentionable extent.)
Can someone fill me in?
No. 962520
>>962516It's because of people panic buying toilet paper so there's a shortage. Some people have gotten DIY bidet kits instead.
>>962472How does she expect to stream video games on Twitch with a laptop? There's a reason streamers have actual desktops.
No. 962539
File: 1587422803986.jpg (485.82 KB, 1080x1154, Screenshot_20200420-174651_Twi…)

No. 962544
File: 1587422927823.jpg (492.63 KB, 1071x1152, Screenshot_20200420-174641_Twi…)

No. 962579
File: 1587424526998.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1242x2248, B5519A04-2E9A-4D32-804C-0809BB…)

This clip is. Bleak.
No. 962581
File: 1587424576873.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.34 MB, 1242x2215, 87546842-FF46-4EC5-AC85-95369F…)

>>962579Every time she smiles it looks like she’s trying not to cry.
No. 962587
>>962586I also don't see her and that dumb Lana bitch being friends long. Every time someone tries to help Shayna and become "Close" with her, she falls out with them.
Lana seems like the type that'd love to have drama with anyone, so I could see that being interesting.
I see Lana helping Shayna out, hosting her, being a mod, promoting her basically going the extra mile for Shayna, all for them to fall out.
No. 962600
>>962579Honestly? Even if her make up looks like she slept in it, she looks so much more comfortable and normal in these clothes. She looks like if she had stayed in her stoner girl days, maybe she'd had a personality by now and wouldn't be where she is.
It's also weird seeing her smile normally instead of the "Uwu" faces she normally makes.
No. 962607
>>962579The grease on her hair. Girl is using that hairpiece in lieu of washing her hair, clearly. I’m not sure if the hairpiece is better or worst than her gross crusty braids.
>>962600She definitely is wearing yesterday’s eyeliner. You can see where the lash glue took some of the liner off, and girl didn’t bother fixing it when she glued her lashes back on this morning. My eyes are itchy just typing that out.
No. 962683
File: 1587431816637.png (915.9 KB, 1878x2048, Screenshot_20200420-211522.png)

Okay but Shayna she's right. You should slow down on the smoking. Especially if you have asthma. She reminds me so much of that trainwreck Tana Mongeau.
No. 962691
File: 1587432995924.jpg (264.1 KB, 1080x939, Screenshot_20200420-203242_Twi…)

I feel like she only retweeted this so people won't think she's racist
No. 962704
File: 1587434869947.jpg (13.25 KB, 582x96, ew.jpg)

>>962579so after all the 'hype' this is the 4/20 content she put out? wow. this is also the "amazing makeup" she did in 20 min, lol.
already asking if she should make porn in her new gaming chair. and what is it with her making videos on her counters?
also she's made a couple tweets about bringing things to the 'house'; she's still staying at her old place and i'm going to assume sleeping there since it doesn't seem like she has anything but the floor to do that in the new place. which means she's going there to what, make content and get high all day instead of moving?
No. 962722
File: 1587438437243.jpg (171.16 KB, 1077x560, Screenshot_20200420-220604_Twi…)

I fucking can't with her
No. 962723
File: 1587438559855.jpg (330.63 KB, 1080x1304, Screenshot_20200420-220617_Twi…)

Imagine how fast this would be trashed
No. 962724
File: 1587438588858.jpg (170.83 KB, 1080x691, Screenshot_20200420-220643_Twi…)

Now she's hoping on the anime bandwagon
No. 962736
>>962724We predicted this. Anime and vidyagames and cosplay is her next attempt.
When is she going to realize she ordered a 15 key streamdeck instead of a capture card lmfao pleeease I cannot wait
No. 962737
>>962723sorry for nitpicking but what the fuck is this jetsons ass couch. shayna you have shit taste
also what the fuck is with all the "QUICK someone send this unreasonable amount right NOW" lately?! she's completely dropped the pretense that she charges money for a """service""" and she's just going for that bratty panhandler angle full-tilt, aint she
>>962736lmao i can't wait for her to have a public meltdown on her business twitter like "on god some sex workers just want others 2 fail! what am i going 2 do now, i am ruined, send money blah blah"
No. 962746
>>962737Remember a week ago when she acted like she felt bad asking for tips.
Also yeah this couch is ugly. Like she could at least stay on her flat brand claim and find a pink one or something quirky stupid.
What's she need a couch for anyway? To put her rash gash on and take pics for porn? Pass out drunk on watching spongebob instead of in her "bed"?
No. 962748
File: 1587443774221.jpg (276.86 KB, 1076x923, Screenshot_20200420-233525_Twi…)

The last time she had a carrot was probably when she fucked herself with one
No. 962749
File: 1587443817171.jpg (199.78 KB, 1080x796, Screenshot_20200420-233538_Twi…)

Oh Shay, so heckin hilarious
No. 962753
>>962744>>962746While this couch is ugly as sin, it’s honestly a breath of fresh air from her normal pink garbage lmao
>>962748It’s really embarrassing to admit publicly that you just now realized carrots are tasty. Please eat more vegetables, Shay.
No. 962759
>>962595Sorry for semi OT/medfag but this sounds like pneumothorax, it might explain why she always sounds so out of breath too.
The only real cure from it is to stop smoking which we know won’t happen, so enjoy having collapsed lungs Shayna.
No. 962761
>>962749sorry shayna but when you say shit like "laugh at my joke" all i can see is
>>962581 this face like you're about to cry at your reality
No. 962768
>>962683after watching several people almost die in the emergency department from asthma attacks
triggered by someone else blowing smoke near them (and one little girl nearly dying from walking into someone else's perfume cloud) SHAYNA YOU LYING BITCH YOU DO NOT HAVE ASTHMA. you would be dead on your fucking floor with the amount you smoke if you had "asthma"
show us your peak flow meter and your collection of rescue inhalers if you have asthma you lying bitch. show us the way you showed off all your shitty weed supplies
STOP PRETENDING you have health problems when your only problem is that you make bad decisions. you lay around rotting, eating garbage, shoving dirty germ-infested things inside yourself, smoking yourself retarded
fuck off with your fake illnesses. and stop pretending to have a bunch of different mental illnesses when you are in fact, just a lazy, entitled, selfish, manipulative ASSHOLE
(blog sperg) No. 962823
File: 1587463415997.png (Spoiler Image,998.7 KB, 1244x1206, Part 1.png)

Entry number one million in an ongoing series–"You posted THIS to your sex work account?" (1/5)
No. 962824
File: 1587463444053.png (Spoiler Image,1.54 MB, 1038x1356, Part 2.png)

No. 962825
File: 1587463511630.png (Spoiler Image,3.19 MB, 1844x1368, Part 3.png)

This just gets more and more bleak the longer you look at it. (3/5)
No. 962826
File: 1587463578288.png (Spoiler Image,1.7 MB, 972x1332, Part 4.png)

Still thriving (4/5)
No. 962827
File: 1587463695820.png (Spoiler Image,1.67 MB, 1008x1360, Part 5.png)

Can't believe anyone could be delusional enough to post this. Even with all the makeup and filters in the world, she still manages to look like a cross between a bloated alcoholic aunt and an autistic child. (5/5)
No. 962878
File: 1587473939730.png (1.01 MB, 1352x883, Screenshot (35).png)

>>962724not to tinfoil too much, but fupa posted about watching Hi Score Girl on his FB a few days ago. I cant find the post now tho. They also both made picrew pics on the same day which i know is weak "evidence" but.
Maybe she just stalks his facebook lol.
No. 962879
>>962823seeing her tit vein makes my boob ache
also FUCK, SHATZ CUT YOUR HAIR literally just do it yourself it can't get worse than it is, those ends
No. 962897
File: 1587478874974.jpg (30.03 KB, 640x279, mwcz9hp87za11.jpg)

>>962325Kek she really does make the stupidest face letting out her hit. Thomas the Train moon face lookin ass.
No. 962903
>>962722So predictable lol We've been saying she'd do this for months now.
Late on hopping on the trend for being a weeb GaMuR gUrL. She sees people like Belle can literally sell her bath water for 1000s of dollars but she's EXTRA fuckin delusional if she thinks she can get on that level.
No. 962904
File: 1587479361534.png (109.04 KB, 1176x458, haha.png)

>>962823saged for no milk but fucking lol
No. 962913
>>962759Lmao dude you don't live a normal life if you have a pneumothorax, are you fucking retarded? A collapsed lung would have you in the hospital immediately.
Jesus some of you on this thread are so fucking stupid it's mind blowing. Is that why you're so attracted to Shay?
No. 962933
>>962914Ok public nudity, sure. Walk around your place topless, you'll probably be fine.
But EXPOSING YOURSELF SEXUALLY is illegal. If someone saw, especially a minor, she would get in trouble.
The main point is it's another thing shes a hypocrite about. She does pussy flashes in public often enough for her to not be able to tell people "hey dont do nude stuff in public!! Other people cant consent to being subjected to your kinks!"
No. 962941
>>962913chill bro, you angry af anons are way worse than poor tinfoil
while i'm at it, i'll never understand the need to call people "retards" and other derogatory names on this site (inb4 "go back to tumblr". it's shit and lazy.)
(>>>tumblr) No. 962958
File: 1587487747150.png (832.08 KB, 1273x2048, Screenshot_20200421-124816.png)

No. 962959
File: 1587487849144.png (448.37 KB, 2048x915, Screenshot_20200421-124830.png)

No. 962961
File: 1587487974947.png (520.18 KB, 2048x910, Screenshot_20200421-124900.png)

No. 962962
File: 1587488077460.png (763.19 KB, 1344x2048, Screenshot_20200421-125148.png)

No. 962964
File: 1587488162910.png (761.6 KB, 2048x1438, Screenshot_20200421-125207.png)

This girl is fucking clockwork. She calls out someone and has a public mental breakdown at least weekly, then a few days later goes back to this. How can she not see it?
No. 962972
>>962962Please let another sex worker call her ass out. Not only did she get in multiple dramas last week, but posted about them all on her sex worker account.
In fact, this IS a fucking call out post. I think the reason why she loses so many mutuals because people get sick of hearing her say the same shit and her hypocrisy.
She JUST called out another sex worker for a fucking meme.
No. 962984
Sometimes I wonder if Shayna is truly retarded or does she seriously not see that she's not only saying the same thing weekly sometimes twice a week, but she does every single thing she tells others not to do.
I really fucking hope that if she starts streaming she runs into a bitch just like her.
I cannot wait for her to stream 4 times and then start going, "Anyone who says or thinks that streaming is easy money, is going to be sadly mistaken"
We already know she will start gatekeeping and acting like she's the spokesperson for twitch thots everywhere.
>>962903Shayna probably hates Bella, just like she hates any woman who is smarter, better looking and gets attention doing so little while it's 4 years and Shayna is STILL trying to chase fame. Shayna is a literal "who".
in fact i'm surpised Shayna didn't go on a rant about Bella making a mockery out of sex work or something.
No. 963001
>being a fat, aging man in your mid-thirties with two children with a piccrew avatar. when will he come to terms with reality and stop acting like an edgy 16 y/o fuckboy? he has brain damage. >>962878interesting that a link to this exact piccrew was posted a day ago in /m/ as well
>>84384the couple that lurks together… shamefully and fearfully refuses to publicly acknowledge one another.
No. 963023
>>963001Fupa lurks. Not just here but I have absolutely zero doubt he’s a regular poster. Dude is a 16 year old girl at heart.
>>962967The irony has never been lost on me in the shay threads. It’s amazing.
No. 963037
File: 1587500505948.png (722.24 KB, 2048x1812, Screenshot_20200421-162126.png)

Shayna, for once in your life take your own goddamn advice
No. 963042
>>963037Imagine being this retarded. Someone must be talking shit and she doesn't know what to do about it.
How many ways can she say the same thing? I just don't see how braindead you'd have to be to orbit this bitch.
She repeats the same things over and over, does everything she claims to be agaisnt. If someone did something she didn't like she'd post about it getting her ugly orbiters to fight her battles.
The fact people don't see this lets me know they are just as fucked up as her. Then again they are sex workers so I don't know why I expect more.
No. 963055
>>963054But could you imagine if Shay did go after Bella. That milk would be amazing.
But you are right; she tries to only bully and pick on people when she knows she can win.
No. 963058
>>963055Oh, that milk would be the sweetest and it would be EXACTLY what Shayna deserves. Maybe Shay will get a big head after streaming one whole ass time and start thinking she's the pioneer of female streamers (just like she does with sex work) and begin subtweeting about people like Belle.
If Shay thinks a woman first and last name dropping her is considered doxxing,then she'll be in hot trouble if she fucks with psycho scrote fans who main /b/ if she thinks she'll talk any type of shit about queen bees like Belle there kek
No. 963078
File: 1587506196393.jpg (328.33 KB, 1080x1161, Screenshot_20200421-163537_Twi…)

Sounds like someone's rank is dropping
No. 963079
File: 1587506233343.jpg (259.46 KB, 1080x2007, Screenshot_20200421-163548_Twi…)

No. 963082
>>962959How would she know? She’s never had a “vanilla” job.
>>962961The fucking irony. Twitter IS her diary, she has no room to be telling anyone this.
No. 963085
File: 1587506845391.jpg (562.24 KB, 1080x1466, Screenshot_20200421-170719_Twi…)

No. 963092
>>963078It definitely is dropping.
I've seen people who use OF casually being like "I was 60% now I'm 90% lol" so I'm sure she's taking it personally and it's killing her ego
No. 963097
File: 1587507601960.png (Spoiler Image,470.03 KB, 815x648, 1.png)

she posted this with that big bruise on her hip
No. 963098
File: 1587507663346.jpg (Spoiler Image,335.51 KB, 1636x2048, 2.jpg)

>>963097the bigger image, looks like a bite mark to me
No. 963139
File: 1587512931015.jpg (Spoiler Image,569.9 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200421-194445_Sam…)

sitting on the counter like this really makes her look like a troll
No. 963147
File: 1587513965537.jpg (310.92 KB, 1080x2001, Screenshot_20200421-190544_Twi…)

Wonder why she deleted this
No. 963203
>>963168lol exactly what I was thinking, anon.
It’s just further proof that her sole priorities are weed and alcohol. She begs for rent money, begs for reimbursements on “work purchases”, she begs for FOOD money. She gets checks from peddling her sad bloated body and rashy puss on various cam sites, and what does she spend it on…?
She needed essentials for her apartment and bought the cheapest shit she’ll find. I’m sure we’ll have a tweet begging for reimbursement incoming soon (and I’m sure she’ll make up some astronomically high price so she can buy more booze and dope).
No. 963205
>>963203a thought i just considered: maybe she's so stupid she really believes her counters are real marble and she's so white trash that she thinks her plastic marble imitations are still
basically the real thing lol
No. 963208
File: 1587520939249.jpg (32.16 KB, 570x570, 50871562276c3dfc6854360a091651…)

>>963139I know it's been said a thousand times she looks like that one Hocus Pocus sister but now she's even making the face
No. 963210
File: 1587521007520.jpg (Spoiler Image,409.89 KB, 1080x1075, Screenshot_20200421-210132_Twi…)

Why does it look bruised?
No. 963212
File: 1587521090194.jpg (270.76 KB, 1080x953, Screenshot_20200421-210145_Twi…)

No. 963246
>>963085honestly surprised this isn't all pink tacky hello kitty/barbie stuff but lol at the cutting board and multiple plates like she's actually going to use them.
>>963124have been wondering the same thing, she's so keen on showing off her basic shit and posting free twitter nudes that she hasn't even mentioned bringing anything over or the pets.
>>963212rip that chair, it will get more use as a prop than for actual gaming.
No. 963256
>>963078Lol she’s so bitter people are making OF accounts and likely making more money than she is.
I wonder what it’s like seeing girls make 10gs a month just starting out while you scrape by 4 years later. Explains all her pissy posts.
No. 963257
>>963256Yeah I really don’t get why she’s so salty. Most of the chicks making them right now are just doing it on a lark and probably won’t stick around forever, but they will bring their gross fanboys and traffic. If anything it’s GOOD for her that it’s getting more mainstream and less stigmatized but you know. She can’t seem to think past her next meal so I’m sure this never occurred to her.
I cannot wait for the twitch saga. My body is ready.
No. 963281
>>963085this is the first time i've actually felt sad at a post in the shat thread. it's so pathetic that she feels buying a matching dustbin and fucking soap dispenser is something to show off to thirsty neckbeards and orbiters lmfao
truly thriving, shay
No. 963290
>>963085True, they're all fake!!
She really thinks the marble pattern is classy. I remember she had that faux marble pattern coffee table and that bed set. Such a basic bitch. Her new apartment looks like a 2 star motel. But even a motel wouldnt do so much plastic marble. Hilarious how this is peak "class" for her. Is marble print her new personality? What a uNiQuE aesthetic.
No. 963296
>>963037She is like unashamedly talking to HERSELF
….or at least she needs to be.
No. 963383
File: 1587562697441.jpeg (261.85 KB, 750x755, A23A0A4C-22E2-41B2-BAC2-F84DA3…)

No. 963386
File: 1587562890832.jpeg (191.72 KB, 750x513, DE3F3306-52AA-4BAD-9CB6-2B679C…)

I really thought shay wasn’t being an ass kisser towards men for once but then she tweeted this shit as if men are the only people who are falsely imprisoned or something
No. 963387
>>963386Love how instead of talking about all the sex working females who get locked up for sex work, she jumps to defending men.
Lord knows that they are the true
victims in this, also, apparently women are the only people who think that way according to Shayna.
She's so selfish. She does NOT care about sex trafficking
victims, she only said this so she could defend herself and men.
She's disgusting.
No. 963390
File: 1587563573724.png (57.78 KB, 612x459, 11.PNG)

she's been called out wonder when she's going to delete the tweet?
No. 963393
>>963386and the tweet is gone. Wonder if she'll subtweet about "people loving drama" or maybe go on her SFW twitter to talk shit hoping this person doesn't see it.
Either way, whats the point of this? She says something dumb, she can't play the
victim or explain herself and she deletes the tweet.
No. 963395
File: 1587563989235.png (17.73 KB, 581x226, Capture.PNG)

Oh look she's exploding because someone dared to criticize her and respond to her tweet in a way that wasn't, "Yes, woman are so toxic and the worst!"
No. 963397
File: 1587564249982.png (43.93 KB, 592x443, ll.PNG)

No. 963400
File: 1587564283516.png (714.92 KB, 1285x2048, Screenshot_20200422-100425.png)

Shayna no one cares.
Stop playing victim and just kys
No. 963403
File: 1587564415458.jpg (43.89 KB, 1080x268, Screenshot_20200422_100557.jpg)

Someone victim of sex trafficking politely share her story,
No. 963404
>>963400wait so this bitch made a post about sex trafficking, targeted women, had a
victim of sex trafficking comment on the post, deletes the post, made a post on her work twitter AND her SFW twitter (like I said she would), playing the
victim ALL because she had a conversation?
Now she's trying to make an
victim of sex trafficking who commented on a post she made seem like the bad guy?
Basically trying to guilt trip them, but doing it on her deader twitter so they won't defend themselves? Wow.
No. 963408
>>963403She's about to start a lot of shit for NO reason. I bet she's going to block that person. Wow this is low even for Shayna. Nothing about what happened was crazy or even all that wrong.
All shayna had to say was, "Oh I had no idea, I respect your expereince-" or some shit, she's making it bigger then it needs to be.
Now there's another thing in the lists of fucked up things shayna has done. This could've been avioded 100%.
No. 963412
File: 1587565015466.png (18.79 KB, 533x188, Screenshot 2020-04-22 at 10.16…)

like fucking clockwork
No. 963416
>>963400Oh look, she's reminding everyone she's in therapy just like she does when she has drama with her boyfriend. She never mentions therapy or her mental health unless she's in drama or wants sympathy.
Shayna, how about you apologize to the person and to anyone you offended and move on?
>>963412Oh nevermind, this is the mature way to handle it. Make the person who you possibly
triggered and offended feel bad for daring to politely comment on a post you made.
I wonder if Bratty will go scream that person next?
No. 963417
File: 1587565358112.png (31.7 KB, 532x236, Screenshot 2020-04-22 at 10.22…)

she just posted this, does anyone know if shay follows her bc if she does she's gonna be PISSED lmao
No. 963418
File: 1587565533418.png (19.03 KB, 577x284, 44.PNG)

sorry for all the double posting. I'm really disgusted by her, when that bitch posted that meme, she flipped her shit, whenever anyone does anything to her she gets her mobs of orbiters to attack them and plays the victim.
Why can't she just say sorry? Or if she's going to delete it just not talk about it anymore? Now she's going to start talking about her mental health and/or run to discord. This is retarded.
No. 963420
File: 1587565686562.png (55.43 KB, 797x393, Screenshot (44).png)

>>963386>>963412lmao literally just yesterday she was saying shes gonna stop posting her dumb opinions, couldnt even go that long huh
No. 963427
File: 1587566584112.png (81.88 KB, 596x361, ii.PNG)

This is the tweet that started it all, funny how Shayna is calling someone out AND can hold a conversation when someone is agreeing with her, yet she can't take being called out.
No. 963432
File: 1587566857889.jpeg (Spoiler Image,294.67 KB, 960x1280, 60EE588C-824B-4E18-9B01-3CCF72…)

>>963383>>963386since she's someone who is constantly glamorizing and normalizing forced sex both implicitly and overtly, she just needs to shut the fuck up.
SHE is one of the women facilitating the perpetration of sex trafficking, not any radfem boogeyman she's referencing.
>inb4 cumbrains say "b-but it's onwy wapepway" when porn is proven to influence how people act out their fantasies in reality keep stanning sexually violent men, Shay. they'll tottallllly pick you one day– just keep trying and you'll have another fat, lazy fuck manipulating you into blowjobs and anal in exchange for a cheeseburger in no time! maybe if you keep flaming women as a nebulous concept on the internet even harder, he might stick around this time too!
No. 963437
File: 1587567491620.png (18.81 KB, 505x245, Capture.PNG)

So she's going to use her personal account more because
1. she can't stop talking shit and venting, plus Shayna doesn't want conversation, she wants likes, retweets and empty praise.
2. she has a small amount of followers so she can scream into the void and not have any pesky sex trafficking victims question her when she starts talking crazy!
No. 963441
>>963400>>963391The person was giving her a different perspective and expressed their pain/uncomfortable feeling with the topic. Even assured the bitch she wasnt coming for her. And what does Shay do? Apologize and demonstrate maturity and sympathy? Haha fuck no she makes it all about her! Its SO HARD to be Shay everyone haTeS her and she just wants to be a good person but people wont let her. Jfc. Insufferable bitch.
Instead of trying to prove you're such a good person heres a hot take:
Mind your fucking business!! Instead of running your mouth, run your "business" proper. Take your own advice and stop complaining and ranting all the time and just make your stupid content. Don't encourage drama.
No. 963443
>>963420They're not hot takes you retard. They're
toxic little rants you constantly post on your sex work account because you think you have such unique thoughts and important things to say. When really you just want attention because you're insecure af. Delusional bitch.
No. 963444
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No. 963450
>>963444I've always wondered if Shay tips when shes out. Bitch ubers and eats takeout every day, drinks at bars, etc. Hell even dispensaries take tips and she spends hundreds there. We've never really gotten confirmation on how she is about that. We've seen her send 10 bucks or less to a few sex workers is all and I think she mentioned tipping while eating out once but it was like e begging money for the meal and so she could leave a "big tip".
Since Shay makes people provide services for her so much, she better tip all the time. Especially right now. If she doesn't, she's even more of a hypocrite and a shithead.
No. 963464
File: 1587574371602.png (799.24 KB, 1397x2048, Screenshot_20200422-125237.png)

Shayna just stop with the "woke" posting. You keep landing yourself waist deep in more shit.
No. 963465
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No. 963468
File: 1587574748879.png (1.01 MB, 2048x1693, Screenshot_20200422-125905.png)

Shayna has gone beyond cunty with this
No. 963469
File: 1587574825638.png (793.13 KB, 2048x1935, Screenshot_20200422-130029.png)

She is fucking insufferable.
No. 963471
>>963465nobody was a cunt to her? both people who replied to her stupid woke posts were actually overly cautious about not upsetting her???
>>963464even deleted & apologised after shays hissy fit lmao
No. 963473
>>963465Wow, she keeps going lower and lower.
>>963468What the fuck fruitcake is based and what is Shayna talking about?The person is just telling her to stop doing what she's doing. Guilting people. Someone said one fucking word to her and she's whining about it, now she's saying she wants to die.
She's starting a lot of shit for herself.
No. 963475
File: 1587575209371.jpg (73.86 KB, 500x500, the ride never ends.jpg)

Shayna is a legit bully. A fragile, suicide-bating, sympathy-grubbing bitch. The moment she's not on her hugbox getting her orbiters to lick her asshole, she's nothing and falls apart.
Can't wait for the manic discord rants.
No. 963477
>>963476Shayna is a narcissist and an abuser. She forces those around her to walk on eggshells constantly to not make her explode. But even when they do, she still explodes on them and makes herself to be the
victim. They can be as careful as possible and she will still find a reason why THEY are wrong and not her. She's never wrong, she never takes accountability. She blames everyone else for her lack of emotional control.
No. 963478
File: 1587575481851.png (41.17 KB, 841x227, Screenshot (51).png)

Because it IS your fault, idiot.
No. 963483
File: 1587575625540.png (61.15 KB, 667x496, 222.PNG)

and then her orbiters came to fucking bother the person.
No. 963487
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>>963459I doubt she apologized lol
No. 963500
File: 1587577181426.png (20.1 KB, 589x171, Capture.PNG)

See this? The only reason Shayna is alive is because of other people, if you are mean to her then she's not going to want to be alive or gasp she may actually do something to herself.
So be nice to her, don't ever make polite comments on things she posts disagreeing with her. Never. She's alive because of random twitter users being nice, her boyfriend being around and sex work. Whenever those things are fucked with then she's going to want to die, she'll announce it and it's ALL your fault!
No. 963502
File: 1587577493904.jpeg (Spoiler Image,400.45 KB, 1242x1603, 02B01E22-9C51-4319-BA83-29937D…)

She couldn’t even wait 15 minutes lol. She doesn’t know what “logging off” is.
No. 963509
File: 1587578200101.png (Spoiler Image,1.09 MB, 1370x2048, Screenshot_20200422-135630.png)

No. 963511
File: 1587578254428.png (Spoiler Image,1.05 MB, 2048x2015, Screenshot_20200422-135450.png)

(Saged for repost)
She looks like a transvestite who does too many drugs No. 963513
File: 1587578327369.png (Spoiler Image,3.22 MB, 1242x2688, F68543E2-732B-4CD8-8E97-4E3FAB…)

Just came from the nikacado thread
And bitch looks like a mix between him and Jessica yaniv
No. 963514
File: 1587578339425.png (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 1295x2048, Screenshot_20200422-135846.png)

>>963511She touches herself in the most unsexy and uncomfortable ways possible.
No. 963517
File: 1587578435879.png (Spoiler Image,442.76 KB, 1080x1279, Screenshot_20200422-135622~2.p…)

No. 963518
>>963514When she tried to run her hand over her body and it stopped at her gut, I died
She really needs to cut down on the food, her gut is huge
No. 963527
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>>963483Shay's followers are just as bad. They attack people for her, then subtweet about them just like she does
No. 963528
File: 1587579582272.png (Spoiler Image,895.69 KB, 1242x2688, 6D243664-D2F1-4EFE-AF59-285C95…)

It’s really sad that she always brings up the dead site tumblr and how she used to be well known and now is just punching her face for pennies
No. 963529
>>963469Shatna: if you call me a bitch, you're a bully
No. 963536
File: 1587580082892.jpeg (269.11 KB, 1242x794, FB1A5251-B1F9-4EA8-B6C5-0D5505…)

OF anon pleas deliver
No. 963551
>>961836 or this
>>963139 just cover her pussy
No. 963552
File: 1587581759535.png (26.74 KB, 506x165, Screenshot 2020-04-22 at 2.55.…)

she can't fucking stop lmao
No. 963553
>>963547new thread pic should be
>>961010this gif and cover her bits with a dolphin
No. 963558
>>963386And here she is defending men. Not women. Not the women who are
victims of the industry because of men, but go off Shay.
No. 963562
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No. 963573
>>963562This is great! Can you add the microcephaly burger in as well???>>961978
Would be nice if we had some choice suicide posts as well
No. 963574
File: 1587583853934.png (Spoiler Image,412.96 KB, 601x881, Capture.PNG)

No. 963575
>>963574Meanies? Shes only had a trafficker
victim set her straight…meanie
No. 963576
File: 1587584081585.jpeg (Spoiler Image,339.85 KB, 2048x1538, 8DCB8225-D797-48E7-996B-42315B…)

>>963560Holy shit, now that you mention it, her body reminds me of this one tranny SW in particular (neo vag and everything).
softerangelic on twitter if anyone cares.
lmao she‘s such a trainwreck
No. 963585
File: 1587584691591.png (988.43 KB, 800x800, seamless-pattern-dolphins-vect…)

>>963573here anon lol it's funny but it looks pretty bad to me so anyone else feel free to come up with something better. idk when to stop myself
No. 963586
File: 1587584708609.png (36.82 KB, 525x250, Screenshot 2020-04-22 at 3.42.…)

potentially irrelevant but the other girl is still subtweeting shayna(self post)
No. 963587
>>963574imagine calling a sex trafficking
victim, the people you claim to care about, a meanie because they criticized you and called you out for suicide baiting
No. 963593
File: 1587585229334.jpg (355.08 KB, 1080x2039, Screenshot_20200422-144902__01…)

>>963552I found this account because they commented "gross" on one of her tweets & they were tagging her in their posts right before she made those tweets.
No. 963595
>>963586I can't wait for Shayna to go, "I think it's really messed up to accuse some1 who battles a mental illness every day or her life of "Suicide baiting"
She brought all of this on herself.
No. 963597
>>963593yeah, this is childish and kind of fucked up. It's also going to give her reason to play the
victim. If this is a farmer they are an asshole.
No. 963609
>>963386?????? this is.. literally the most retarded thing i've ever read.
shay, your tiny brain is officially fried. this barely makes any sense. what does any of this have to do with the poor bby mens getting falsely convicted??? misandy where you jealous deluded cunt??? i'm lost. good luck shay, you'll need it. you're out to lunch.
No. 963621
File: 1587586990998.jpg (155.06 KB, 1079x511, Screenshot_20200422-162236_Sam…)

Wheres her cat??
No. 963624
>>963391Fucking THANK YOU. It's mostly MEN who are abusers, mostly MEN who are rapists, mostly MEN who sex traffick women, other men, and children. Shut the FUCK up, with your MRA Barbie self.
>>963395FUCKING GOOD! That's what everyone on the sex work community WANTS you to do! Who constantly preach and harp on about shit you HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT OR HAVE EXPERIENCE IN.
I swear to God I wish someone would knock this bitch out.
No. 963630
I've never seen someone react like this who wasn't autistic or something.
She seriously caused all this shit today and she's not going to let it go. Tomorrow shes going to be talking about being cancelled and she's going to make this same tweet again.
>>963625And Shayna is a "rape
victim" but she blames women for EVERY fucking thing. I've never seen a dumber take in my life.
Then she went in that other tweet, "i feel like I have to prove i'm a good person"
This was her chance. She could've easily turned this into a postitive expereince. Instead she deleted the tweet tried to guilt the person after deleted it and ran to her other account to talk shit.
No. 963635
File: 1587588549856.png (24.21 KB, 616x175, 111.PNG)

"how dare people get triggered by an uninformed bitch like, me talking about a very sensitive topic that personally effected someone! I'm Dolly Mattel!! Only i can get upset about memes and being bullied! No one else can question me or else I'll want to kill myself!"
No. 963636
>>963635No worries baby…you only
triggered people who have been trafficked…no biggie
No. 963637
>>963635I don't even think anyone said they were
triggered, they just disagreed lmao. But when you have the emotional regulation of a five year old from pretending to get fucked as one all day anyone not giving headpats is totally a
triggered cunt.
No. 963645
File: 1587589520066.png (34.27 KB, 632x271, nn.PNG)

They are teaching her how to whore herself out on twitch, she's probably going to get banned in a day.
No. 963651
File: 1587590136816.png (54.74 KB, 946x196, Screen Shot 2020-04-22 at 4.14…)

Shay claims she's going to be a Twitch streamer and admits she hasn't even done any basic research lol. She also said she can't show skin, does she really think people are going to stick around for her personality if she isn't able to flash her tits every two seconds?