File: 1703093264593.jpeg (281.22 KB, 1837x1229, sarahburns.jpeg)

No. 1945497
Previous Thread
>>>/snow/1937135Shayna Leigh Clifford; 26 year old failing prostitute, porn sick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.
THE SHAYNATORIUM IS NOW OPEN FOR ALL YOUR SHAYTISTIC NEEDS: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blog posting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread
Last Thread:
>she spends her first day in aruba drinking and running on the beach like a sped >>1937142, >>1937143, >>>>1936966>anons discover that sarah has a timeshare and has brought tons of girls on this trip over the years, no repeats >>1937436, >>1937438>sped dancing ensues, ft. sarah burns now classic tina dancing >>1937588>shay does sarah dirty by only facetuning herself >>1938019, >>1938108>more tina dancing >>1938499>harassing married old men on vacation >>1938516>another gunt control bottom, causing anons to speculate that sarah has made outfit choices for shay >>1938901>feeling herself with VERY heavy filters on a boat >>1939123, >>1939124, >>1939127, >>1939133>she extends her trip a couple days, leaving her pets alone even longer with ellen (reminder that after one of her last trips noodle got an extremely painful UTI) >>1939406>shows off new marks in bikini photo >>1940145>looking dorky with sarah in water shoes during a "sexy" shoot >>1940161>even more sped dancing >>1940200, >>1940201, >>1940202, >>1940229>3 degenerates can't figure out how to use a video game system for children >>1940801>continues to post drunk sped dancing >>1941266>rant about how REAL brats don't even enjoy BDSM >>1941448>out in public with the dirty plushie again >>1941920, >>1941921>posts sarah with a strap with some weird facial expressions >>1941995>last day in aruba >>1942386>first thing she does out of sarahs grasp is buy a plushie and booze >>1942413>more fake plane stories, doesn't realize that they card anyone who looks under 40 >>1942475, >>1942479, >>1942496>extremely drunk on the plane >>1942527>brags about abandoning her pets more >>1942539>drinking even more during her layover >>1942548, >>1942581, >>1942587, >>1942615, >>1942631, >>1942634>finally made it on the plane >>1942644, >>1942649, got her own row >>1942663>anons find stuff from sarahs "little" past >>>/shay/166643, and this beautiful edit is posted >>>/shay/166680>reveals that she usually doesn't get carded because most people assume she is over 40 >>1942772>posts one of the most disgusting pedo fantasies ever >>1942981>posts a compilation of her time in aruba with the weirdest music choices, comes off as a parody >>1943212>reveals she wants to start tanning, breast still looking enraged >>1943223>back in renton, ellen buys her a gift for children >>1943476>looking like the baby grinch >>1943794>weirdest spanking photo yet is posted >>1943922, >>1943942>reveals she doesn't even have 200 subscribers on her OF >>1944244>can't afford to buy her relatives gifts and ebegs >>1944325>goes out to bellevue for christmas activities, wears retarded "bimbo" outfit >>1944485, >>1944488, >>1944490, >>1944508, >>1944538, >>1944576>free from sarah burns claws, she starts posting her calorie laden slop again >>1944630>shows off how she lets her cat eat plastic which could greatly harm it >>1944714, and how old and greasy ribmeat is looking >>1944782>enters another contest she will lose >>1944901>now she's off to massachusetts to visit family, leaving her pets alone or with ellen once again, we will see how she crashes once she's home again Links: (DELETED/BANNED)
New TikTok: No. 1945634
File: 1703114630315.png (1.99 MB, 634x3515, Adult look.png)

Shayna traveling without the nasty key around her neck and stuffed animal that make her look like a sped. Not showing cleavage either. She looks like a normal woman her age who's having a terrible hangover.
No. 1945642
File: 1703116420421.jpeg (909.93 KB, 1473x4820, Tweets.JPEG)

Tweets from in between threads. She once again suddenly got her period at the time some custom videos were due.
No. 1945645
File: 1703116803335.mp4 (Spoiler Image,5.69 MB, 1280x720, Sarah Gregory and @theirlbarbi…)

> Super excited to release this HOT as fuck film! See @TheIRLbarbie get fucked for the first time ever with a strap-on from her bestie in "Fucking My Bestie in Bed" [link]
Sarah released this trailer for their Aruban collaboration.
No. 1945680
File: 1703124584867.jpeg (284.09 KB, 750x988, C5AAB281-2F27-42F5-9A0C-B397A1…)

poor lol
No. 1945693
>>1945680>$500 for a 15 minute custom video if you buy it bundled Or
>custom vid at $8 a minute which would make a 15 minute custom $120 if bought unbundledShe’s so stupid it’s actually unreal
No. 1945732
nonnie, it's a 'girlfriend experience'
No. 1945756
File: 1703141488953.jpeg (Spoiler Image,652.54 KB, 1170x1322, IMG_0585.jpeg)

>>1945701In her “likes”, goddess give me strength not to a-log this putrid pedo porker
No. 1945757
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>>1945680Shay, just get a job in Starbucks.
No. 1945759
>>1945680I dont know whats more bleak; not getting a present because no coomer was interested or generous to Shay last minute, or getting a present basically from a coomer because they were deranged enough to pay Shay.
Also bleak she had no problem spending on overpriced airport drinks and melody backpack but is crying about finances.
No. 1945763
>>1945683It's not her actual number. even shay knows that it's unwise to not have a burner phone/google voice # to hand to the potentially dangerous or predatory scrotes who might bite.
I scrolled through this girl's 2 yo "sex work" crap on twt in the other thread and I have questions…
Was she so unsure of what her shtick should be that she tried to rip Belle Delphine in those awkward photos with a switch and a weirdly shaped wig? even her attempts at a dollar store Belle were awful. The switch felt out of place and her lack of confidence and poor execution literally made the thing look like another fatty awkwardly displaying a new purchase.
One of her other pics is her sitting down naked with a huge ass drink. Again, what is she 12 and thrilled that mommy got Starbucks for her? Who is so unimaginative that they think getting a photo with a huge sugary, overpriced colored water is a vibe? Speaks more to her puerile mentality than anything else.
Guess this all fits with the general no self awareness vibe she's got going on. Shayna's not an idiot in a way that complements the bimbo aesthetic. She makes weird faces and misses the target every time. she has a trend in mind but the way she tries to be sexy is what you'd expect an actress to behave in a parody. If she was hired by a studio they would never publish videos of her making those unsightly facesbreaking into an uproarious the situation tier side smirk. Well, not more than once and as a joke b/c scrotes are assholes.
No. 1945767
>>1945645>>1945764Omfg what in the actual hell. why does she sound like a dying baby deer ffs
I bet the "daddies" paying to rape her enjoy the thought of abusing the intellectually disabled. Sick
No. 1945770
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>>1945756Sage for slightly off topic, although it is shaylated, recently I have seen a surge in all this direct incest filth. I made the mistake on looking up the manyvids competition yesterday and I thought I could get a chuckle out of all the contestants. Instead what I saw horrified me. Almost every older woman on there would have titles like "bio mom gets surprised by evil son" (incest rape porn) or "giant mommy teaches tiny son a lesson". Young women would have 'sister' and 'daughter' in their video titles.
I swear that a few years ago you didn't see this. The furthest it went was 'step___'.
How many scrotes are jacking off to this thinking of their mom, daughter or sister? It's horrifying and I feel a little traumatized.
No. 1945821
File: 1703153971888.jpg (Spoiler Image,187.1 KB, 1080x1730, Screenshot_2023-12-21-10-16-42…)

>>1945756I looked on this scrotes page and regretted it immediately.
He actually has a teenage daughter he is actively horny for erghhhh! Could you imagine if your dad was like this, this is sick and dumb bitches like Shay encourage it.
No. 1945844
Does this man actually have kids? Fucker deserves to have this shown to their mother/s.
No. 1945892
>>1945864they always cover for themselves by saying it’s not actually
their kids they would be into, and they would never
actually do anything about their fetish, and even if they had the chance they would never ever ever do anything about it and the online porn is just a healthy outlet with no
victim. It’s sick and these kind of men say this sort of stuff over and over again.
Speaking of sick, I wonder what bad news Shay got before her flight was delayed. Someone theorized something about Noodle but I wonder if her financials/rent are finally too far gone and her parents informed her they are no longer supporting her in 2024. I could see the Aruba trip being the final straw for Ma Shayna. Going out of the country with “friends” to make “videos” and get “drunk” set off our alarm bells, I can’t even imagine what a conservative middle aged mom must think, and there’s no possible way that Shay hid her trip from her mother.
No. 1945922
>>1945645ik its autistic and nitpicky to notice but she does this thing with her voice that she didn't used to do when she's speaking where she does this weird whiny nasal "hmm" sound after everything she says like "you look really hot-hm but that's not my vibe-mm"
I first noticed it in one of her IG makeup videos in an older thread where she at the beginning she goes "I have an idea-hm"
>>>/snow/1833469idk where it came from and why. its so fucking annoying after I noticed it
No. 1945925
>>1945756You cannot tell me that the "girl" in this video is not designed to look like a 5 year old. I am sick. How can you 'like' footage of simulated children being raped? And the kicker is that she'll never look like that because she's a tall obese woman!
Is it a case of grass is greener where she feels undesirable unless she looks like a child? Is it really something 'desirable' to try and appeal to pedophiles?
>>1945821I'm the anon who found Ricky Delgado and I'm getting ideas now anons…
No. 1945935
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No. 1945938
File: 1703184362059.png (Spoiler Image,336.01 KB, 731x832, KILL_HIM.png)

>>1945929He's 55, born on May 1 (year is likely 1968) and lives in the UK
No. 1945941
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>>1945938This is the last thing I'll post here about him, he's married apparently
No. 1945959
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this is what she's wearing out with the family
No. 1945987
>>1945986ok moid.
did mommy forget to make lunch today or something? is that why you're so angry
(infighting) No. 1946016
File: 1703205203762.png (936.21 KB, 864x1143, 1672107569548.png)

>>1946014this was her last year flying to family, nona. they are definitely used to her being fat and disheveled by now.
No. 1946024
File: 1703206558544.mp4 (Spoiler Image,3.22 MB, 640x360, Ughhuhh.mp4)

>>1945645What in god's name was that noise she made? I'm dying.
No. 1946038
File: 1703209243412.png (2.64 MB, 828x1792, IMG_0214.png)

at her dad’s
No. 1946084
>>1946068 said he lives in NH, which is cheaper than MA.
>>1946060I think with inflation now even rural MA (if Shay's dad actually lived there) you'd need close to 100k to live comfortably as a single person, and probably over that if you have a family to take care of.
No. 1946121
>>1946068Can confirm New Hampshire is a very expensive place to live.
>>1946114If I recall he did pay for Ireland. He also offered to pay for college/university.
>>1946117I think her dad supports her because he doesn’t want her homeless or sex trafficked. He sounds like a nice guy who wants his gross degen daughter to be successful but that clearly isn’t happening anytime soon.
No. 1946221
>>1946209>>1946213OT but it boggles my mind how expensive USA is. Like $100k or €9k per year is considered something that won't get you far, holy shit. I can't even wrap my mind around having that much money. And the fact that people have to pay for university additional thousands, plus medical insurance because healthcare isn't supported by government taxes. It's fucking insane the large amount of money being swindled around. Terminal capitalism.
t. eastern euroanon
(t. derailing anon) No. 1946224
>>1946065i read somewhere that secretaries in San Fran make 100-150k. i imagine that that's for a reason.
>>1946122anyone not staging an intervention is enabling her. but she's more or less said that her father doesn't care about her. apparently, as long as she's employed he doesn't want to know what she'd doing. It's her mother who is disturbed by the pedophilia and lack of dignity.
No. 1946240
>>1946084according to MIT's "living wage calculator", an adult with no children needs to make at least $17.23/hr to cover basic expenses in NH, in MA it's $21.35, but hovers around $18 in the "blue collar areas".
California's living wage is $21.24 but I have no idea what the housing situation's like over there. The living wage in san fran is $23.72.
No. 1946244
Massachusetts is a weird place. I live in a town where million dollar homes on park-sized lots of land are a few streets away from the middle class homes that probably go for no more than 400-500k.
>>1946236I'm starting to wonder about property values being increased by people choosing to build absurdly expensive homes in previously middle lower class areas. The only pro to living here is the significant distance between you and your neighbors and the fact that there are so many trees blocking out the sun in certain neighborhoods that you don't even need AC in the summer.
New England is gorgeous in the fall, and we get a ton of tourists during that time. The beautiful trees feel therapeutic and are healthier to be around than all the smog in urban areas.
(derailing) No. 1946271
File: 1703263564450.mp4 (Spoiler Image,4.86 MB, 852x480, Sped.mp4)

Follow-up part to the spanking video she shot with the geriatric crew. She looks completely retarded bouncing around and then jumping onto Tubaman.
No. 1946323
File: 1703274029091.png (339.35 KB, 590x624, vile.png)

How fucked up do you have to be to be going on about how aroused you are by "dad bods" after very publicly sharing you are currently visiting your biological dad.
No. 1946324
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>screaming bc i got myself these glasses back in june when i was here getting my boob job & fully thought i lost them & was wicked sad but apparently they’ve jst been chilling on the windowsill at my dads house this whole time lmao
No. 1946351
>>1946293>institution for special needs adults Kek. My thoughts exactly. Shayna looks legit retarded bouncing on that nasty couch.
The Strictmoor Academy photos look like American Horror Story.
No. 1946363
>>1946323i love her cope, wasn't shay's first few boyfriends (not fupa) that we know of youngish normal looking men her age? Like the one in the poly relationship? She started this cope of wanting old men and loving dad bods because she thinks thats all she can get and the men who are in shape/her age don't want shit to do with her.
Even though these dad bod fucks, Fupaul, Shane, Womack and sugar daddies quickly discard her. Her being in her 20's and sexually open, doesn't mean shit to them like she thinks. She still hasn't learned dating older men won't make her the "prize" nor will it make a rich older man want to take care of an below average out of shape 26 year old woman who clearly doesn't like sex and has no redeeming qualities. These men are just as fucked up,selfish and disgusting as she is.
No. 1946371
>>1946366Shayna thinks every older man is a "Dirty old pervert who'd do anything for a crumb of vagina from a woman in their 20's". She still hasn't realized she's dealing with SEASONED manipulative fucked up Johns, who aren't whatever retarded goofy tumblr trope she has in her mind of
>Uwu older daddy who takes care of me and tells me to drink water, but also slaps me around (but in the kink way) and then calls me a good girl!Then secretly, he's just so obessed with the 26 year old girl, who blessed him with the gift of using/abusing her body, but it's all just kink, he's just a dumb old man, just in love.
No, he's an old (older than you) creep, who probably spent his whole life taking advantage of women, shit half of them probably have wives. Shayna thinks her youth and personality is all she needs to be seen as Desirable, I often wonder whats going to happen when she hits whatever is considered "Old" to her.
I wonder when it'd hit her, that you aren't going to date "up" by dating gross older men because you think they are all the dumb horny idiot from tumblr or the movies, instead they are truly used up dicklets who don't view you as anything but a prostutute or a stupid woman they can use until they go home to their wives (Shane) or leave you and attach themselves to a more functional woman they can abuse/use and they aren't ashamed to be seen of.
Even if Womack had access to shayna i don't think they'd work, shit, the fact they seemed to have break ups in the little relationship they have lets you know.
Shayna's dating pool is very small considering she's a prostitute porn star who does niche gross porn, and she's not attractive enough for disgusting scrotes to look past that.
No. 1946376
>>1946370it's so one-sided too kek, they worship these old fucks, who never worship them and quickly throw them away for a younger women. They don't value you they value youth. Meanwhile Shayna thinks these men deserve all this gushing, when the older men she attracts are broke baby daddies or old retarded fucks like Womack, kek.
How are you doing all this advertisement for older men, meanwhile you have to beg for these same men to buy your porn because you can't afford something thats $200, while you are also selling as to IRL older men?
It's so hilarous, Pick me's are so retarded.
No. 1946424
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>>1946390I hope she one days realizes these men are paying her for what they think she is worth. And surprise, surprise, it isn't a living wage. They are perfectly fine lowballing these women into doing these messed up videos for the lowest possible price they can convince them to do it for. What's even crazier are the men who become sex workers to further con women into doing "trades" where they don't pay them at all, and just let each other use the content filmed how they want as payment. And you have absolutely fuck ups like Shayna agreeing to it with a smile (ex. that skinny guy who did this with her at an air bnb).
No. 1946451
>>1946424KEk I'm so glad someone else saved this gif. This along with the one where she just fucking disappears in the middle of a scene always take me out.
>>1946419I think for ~professional whores~, findom pays more. We already know pornsick scrotes will throw thousands of dollars at ewhores, and you'd be surprised how many of them have a thing for being "bullied." Pedoscrotes, though, all seem to be broke. Women that larp as children are a dime a dozen online but still can't advertise themselves on most fetish sites that attract wealthy moids because what website wants to be known for hosting grown women that shit in diapers and act like literal babies. That leaves them with Twitter, which is where the poorfag scrotes gather kek.
No. 1946540
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>>1946323Any time she or Kathy cape for older men and Dad Bods I remember that line in Cat Person where the narrator describes having sex with her fat old bf for the first time and how his erection peaks out from underneath the hairy shelf of his belly or something to that affect. Any woman who favours a flabby old moid over a fit well groomed guy their age either has zero self esteem or is genuinely brainwashed.
No. 1946613
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>>1946499i fucking hate how common place it is for men to be allowed the courtesy to hide their face in porn. at least 50% (probably more) of porn i’ve seen you cannot see the man’s face or it is straight up blurred while the woman is on full display being sexually humiliated. Ricky Delgado is prime offender, example shown in picrel, like he is covering his face with an actual christmas tree the whole video while every inch of kiki is shown. How can these idiot whores not see the farce that if these men truly supported them and sex work they shouldn’t have any issue with showing their face. they are ashamed of people “in real life” finding out what they do to earn their income. yet these women think they can find stable relationships with men who want to keep that side of their life hidden.
(this is the shay thread) No. 1946674
File: 1703370800951.jpg (448.07 KB, 1080x1128, 2 DAYS BEFORE.jpg)

She seriously must be in some shit. STILL begging for shekels to get gifts and they won't even be there for her relatives for Monday.
No. 1946729
File: 1703382829457.jpg (551.42 KB, 1920x1080, 20231223_203918.jpg)

>>1946540The picture that was linked in that image is a body gays fetishize. that man probably has some muscles under that layer. regardless I think it's incredibly cringe for a woman to fetishize shit gays obsess over.
I'm always in all of the difference between the pose and edited pictures she advertises her garbage content with on Twitter and the candids from the geriatric porn she's in. she's so top-heavy. who has that knock kneed still?
No. 1946796
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>>1946451kek, i haven't been able to get over that one.
No. 1946850
>>1946769nah, Shayna totally wants to fuck her actual father
there is nothing sadder than a daddy’s girl whose dad just isn’t into her
peak pickme tragedy
(autism) No. 1946851
>>1946729 to
>>1946796I think she's the same size
No. 1946912
>>1946893I think about 90% of what she says online is probably embellished or exaggerated.
Even ddlg freaks have their limits. I don't think Shayna would condine incestuous abuse, even though it is hard to believe that someone would let any man abuse them at all. she desperately needs to find something better to do. she can't be dumb enough to think that she's only negatively affecting her own life here.
No. 1946958
File: 1703450312182.jpeg (608.27 KB, 828x1022, IMG_8912.jpeg)

she's back at her moms. her dad couldn't even handle her for what was it like 3 days? suprised shes not bitching about having to spend christmas at her moms more. sidenote her moms dog is so fucking cute
No. 1947005
>>1946227If anything, her dad is at most cordial with her. When Shayna had her tits replaced, her mom was her primary caretaker,
not daddy dearest; despite the fact that Shayna tried to have a teenager-esque tantrum and storm out on her mom when she wasn't babying her and go to dad, he had no tolerance for her shit (or her at all, iirc).
>>1946912I'd argue that she condones it for the sake of her getting off – this
is the same woman who says that incest porn is her favorite porn to make and just tweeted days ago about piss and used the word daddy in it
the 'hole inspection' one.
No. 1947189
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No. 1947234
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No. 1947246
>>1947240her parents have flown her around the world multiple times and offered to pay Shay’s way if she would just quit sex work and go to college. Shayna views them as
abusive and oppressive because they don’t support her literally whoring herself out. her parents seem like middle class New Englanders which is more money than most Americans and certainly more than women forced into sex work. Shayna was only “forced” into it in the sense that she realized she needs money in the real world and this is one way to get it without getting a job.
No. 1947301
>>1947240you should read the early threads, she chose this career on tumblr at the height of every girl thinking she could become a rich indie porn star in part cause she was already popular back when "popular girl on tumblr" meant something. not much but something.
>>1947234for all her bitching her parents clearly know her well and love her enough to gift such personable gifts when they obviously know shay would be happy with cheap pink shit.
also didn't know anything about the beach boys so I initially thought she'd been given one of those "pet cover" albums and imagined her dancing to a dog bark cover of Rhonda before being sorely disappointed this was a real album sung by actual people No. 1947590
File: 1703633064963.jpg (519.44 KB, 828x3584, IMG_0321.JPG)

afternoon drinking
No. 1947721
File: 1703664218259.jpeg (581.09 KB, 750x998, D4CBA1D9-52CB-48FB-A832-4A8E1B…)

she really needs to stop mentioning her brother on her sex work twitter account where she's stated multiple times that incest is her favorite porn to make and consoom.
No. 1947723
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No. 1947873
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No. 1947883
>>1947881she looks like a wicked witch and that's after putting the instagram filter that changes your entire face on the picture. a lot of the time I think people are being harsh/overly critical when they talk about how ugly a cow is, but shay is honestly hideous.
she lurks here too and has complained about people mocking her approach before, so she must know about her many physical defects, but she does nothing to counteract them like dressing better, living a healthier lifestyle, or bathing regularly and instead deluded herself into thinking she's gorgeous and everyone is just a hater
No. 1947923
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No one will ever consider you a prize or trophy Shat.
No. 1947929
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>>1947923I can see it Nona
No. 1947944
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headed home
No. 1947957
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No. 1947958
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No. 1947960
>>1947949I don't know how she consumes multiple of these in a row. It's not even about the alcohol. They're just heavy in other ways.
>>1947721She's really so low on money that a phone charger is breaking the bank. Tragic.
No. 1947963
File: 1703729406872.jpg (94.73 KB, 1080x373, 775.jpg)

Too bad she only wants them for pedo-larp instead of fixing those haggard snaggleteeth
No. 1947965
File: 1703729582572.jpg (209.01 KB, 1080x801, 7.jpg)

How in the world is every single flight she goes on delayed?
No. 1947971
File: 1703730659338.jpeg (1.39 MB, 828x3584, IMG_0CFD3836D168-1.jpeg)

drunk and high at the airport
No. 1947975
File: 1703731196434.jpg (174.82 KB, 1170x1762, Crackhead.jpg)

>>1947971Full photo because what the fuck
No. 1947996
>>1947883it legit sounds like the shay thread is full of moids or ppl who think like moids and obsess over women's looks as if the avg man isn't 'hideous' according to subjective opinion anyways
this is getting boring
No. 1948011
File: 1703741114645.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.44 MB, 3464x3464, F279E57E-CBE0-44AC-B52B-1D5F92…)

Sage/ spoiler for non contribution
Looking through old threads and this aged well
No. 1948040
File: 1703757652467.gif (4.33 MB, 640x560, pig-fat.gif)

>>1947929Pigs are cute and cuddly. Shay is a slovenly low wage prostitute living paycheck to paycheck.
No. 1948049
>>1948040I clicked this image from the front page because I knew I would taken to the shayna thread.
>>1948043>I think a lot of the anons here are pick me histrionic sex workers just like shay who come here to feel more attractive.I agree that she was wasn't ugly, she was average and probably could have been considered unconventionally attractive by some. That potential is gone because of her own lifestyle choices. Alcoholism causes permanent damage and if she looks this rough and haggard on the outside, the state of her internal organs is far worse. I've seen it happen to alcoholics IRL.
No. 1948063
>>1948055what are you even talking about? i haven't even posted in this thread until
>>1948033. not everyone who thinks shay is a fat conventionally unattractive alcoholic is a moid, someone who spends their life on here, or another ethot.
(infighting) No. 1948089
>>1948043>everyone who thinks shaynu is ugly is a twitter whorei want to live where you do where obesity, botched tit jobs, deep cavernous forehead wrinkles that not even insta filters can fully smooth over at 26, ginormous eyebags, giant alcoholic noses, hotdog nails, troon smirks, greasy limp hair, outdated makeup from 2016, cheap outfits mainly consisting of mismatched shades of pink, and eyebrows that look weird because of not doing aftercare for microblading, are features that can be found on average looking women. cause I want to move there and go from a 6 to a 10 by default of not having any of these traits.
just because used to be average before years of awful life choices doesn't mean she isn't below average now.
(infighting) No. 1948179
File: 1703799463827.jpeg (97.71 KB, 500x500, 58BF991A-5C90-49CB-8DA7-F55E3B…)

>>1948173Tinfoil: some of it is kiki.
No. 1948182
>>1948179this is probable. or could be any other really short person coping.
wanting to be small and weak as a woman is not cool. I don't understand how that mentality emerges. men hate you why do you want to be even easier for them to yank around? Why internalize your own subordination.
>>1948005repost bc linked to wrong toast
taking pride in being short as fuck is weird. you sound insecure. I'm tall but I wish I was taller so I could kick more ass. lol I don't understand the men who are fucking massive hulking giants taking E. like imagine willingly trying to nerf yourself
(derailing) No. 1948209
File: 1703808265250.jpeg (Spoiler Image,654.99 KB, 1170x1528, IMG_7647.jpeg)

Oh Lord
No. 1948210
File: 1703808322687.jpeg (495.36 KB, 1170x1223, IMG_7646.jpeg)

Ok Shay
No. 1948211
>>1948207yeah, it's the same reason we point out that she has black eyes. not because we think there's something wrong with black eyes, but because she keeps trying to delude herself into thinking her eyes are hazel or green.
shat herself frequently shows how jealous she is of shorter women because being short goes along better with the tiny dainty baby larp. so of course people will naturally point out how she not only isn't short but usually towers over other women in pictures. which isn't very smol bb especially as she's so wide in addition to being tall
No. 1948246
>>1948005This is the
Nonnie you’re replying to. Nick is an alcoholic that hates his wife and children. He’s drinking away his life and wants to die. I think Shay becoming his play piggie would be a match in heaven kek.
>>1948209Did someone send this out of spite?
No. 1948289
File: 1703835560772.jpeg (201.19 KB, 750x868, 02CC5138-C8CC-40B1-9F2C-D9FE6D…)

No. 1948360
File: 1703860640931.jpeg (1.06 MB, 828x8960, IMG_0372.jpeg)

she saw The Dresden Dolls live last night
No. 1948365
File: 1703861301374.mp4 (4.12 MB, 222x480, ea02a2a7-e35c-494b-ba4c-c9e696…)

her videos of the concert
No. 1948382
>>1948360Like pork wrapped in a black garbage bag.
>>1948372After following her for years, it's noticeable that she recycles certain clothing items that she's owned since she first started sex work. I doubt that it's a financial issue because she either buys Shein landfill fodder or knock offs from Amazon, she has no standard for quality when it comes to clothing. Instead I would speculate that she has deluded herself into thinking that she doesn't need to buy new clothing in a larger size because she's going to loose weight and fit into her old clothing.
No. 1948393
>>1948365Samefag omg I totally walked past her at least once and didnt even fucking notice.
I went up on the balcony at first for Sex Changes. Then I was down to the left of the lighting guy.
I swear I did see some chick in a black pleather get up but it was a portland concert so i didnt think twice.
Thats hilarious because she pretends she gets so much attention when she leaves her hovel and thinks shes so special and hot. Even wearing shit like that she blends into the scene.
But also I was there to see the show. Not record on my phone and being an attention tard.
No. 1948395
File: 1703869208438.jpg (2.94 MB, 4624x3468, 20231228_212510.jpg)

Sorry for triple post but heres ref and proof kek
No. 1948423
File: 1703875855394.jpeg (Spoiler Image,566.66 KB, 750x1105, 0820860D-5078-4FEF-97A6-84EE1A…)

the way sarah and shayna say bestie to each other sounds so unnatural
No. 1948437
File: 1703878980283.png (1.76 MB, 828x1792, IMG_0404.png)

what a lewk
No. 1948441
File: 1703881099474.jpeg (733.91 KB, 828x3584, IMG_0409.jpeg)

at the bookstore, presumably on a “date”
No. 1948442
>>1948437Is it… even cold enough for those ear muffs??? They would be pointless anyway with the crop top?? Shay can’t dress herself for shit but this is just confusing even for her. She also has to be hung over if she’s casually wearing those sunglasses. The hair says it too.
Also those doc martens have been through a war. Most people don’t have those or the knock offs of them anymore.
Shay’s style is so stuck in 2014/2015 but when she tries to do more modern she fails just as badly.
>>1948441 I can’t imagine taking Shayna on a date to a book store…
No. 1948465
File: 1703884851545.jpeg (237.3 KB, 1170x646, IMG_3243.jpeg)

Only in Shat’s mind is this a compliment
No. 1948468
File: 1703884985840.jpeg (5.19 MB, 828x10752, IMG_3FD1E9EC4C1F-1.jpeg)

more fatty food and alcohol
No. 1948494
File: 1703889549188.png (357.4 KB, 613x1271, sped_in_tight_jeans.png)

>>1948437Those jeans are at bursting point. I'm surprised that she can manage to still walk.
No. 1948498
File: 1703890559266.jpg (450.58 KB, 1416x2048, 20231229_175658.jpg)

>lovely lil day trip 2 portland [black heart emoji]
No. 1948508
>>1948468How is she not shitting herself all the time… I guess this is why she takes so many bathroom selfies.
>>1948466They went to Canada a few times for concerts. They go hiking sometimes (but obviously not enough to maintain fitness levels). I swear they went to CA one time but maybe I'm shaytarded kek. Anyway, they do go on little daytrips here and there but Shay never seems that hyped about it. She's more excited to take a drive in a Corvette or go to a mall with 'old men' bc she's 100% straight and Ellen is just a friendship that she's tried to kinkify for the male gaze.
No. 1948619
>>1948494Damn super tight skinny jeans are really dated. I used to wear nothing but skinny jeans, but I've found a more relaxed fit and my ankles makes my legs look really nice. Skinny jeans look fine, but those skin tight (and ill fitting) ones just make you look shorter. Shay is fat, so these make her look so fucking stumpy.
It's well known that Shay has no taste and cares more about a letter 's' or 'm' on a tag than looking nice. But it's just so baffling. Sure, black looks better on her. But this outfit is fucking hideous. There's good quality vegan leather (though shay might as well just buy real leather since she's clearly not an animal right activist).
(blogging about jeans) No. 1948621
File: 1703928391742.jpeg (46.55 KB, 680x680, IMG_3382.jpeg)

>>1948437it looks like this whole outfit is kirkland signature from a costco back in oklahoma, and one of the beefy food court hot dogs slithered into it
No. 1948675
File: 1703943996364.jpg (36.44 KB, 735x702, da50b5171e4417fd502a790842f689…)

>>1948465Shayna when she responds to coomers
No. 1948708
File: 1703951524066.jpg (578.61 KB, 1079x2155, Shit.jpg)

>Am I weird because I listen to one of the greatest bands of all time?
No. 1948713
File: 1703952122464.mp4 (Spoiler Image,3.59 MB, 852x480, Linebacker Alt.mp4)

More from the Tubaman spanking mess. An alternative angle that nobody asked for.
No. 1948718
File: 1703952390405.jpg (99.57 KB, 564x753, Wide1.jpg)

Screencaps he posted advertising the video. Cropped the spanking out.
No. 1948751
File: 1703957476773.png (4.53 MB, 2500x1876, bd91bl-hub-pekingese-adult-sta…)

>>1948713She looks like such a sped. She's just sat there making fake reactions and it's so awkward. That hair style also does nothing for her, she looks like badly groomed dog.
No. 1948863
File: 1703981895240.jpeg (Spoiler Image,414.73 KB, 750x1085, 965E130B-641E-4076-A567-8021F4…)

ewww and also poor
No. 1948867
File: 1703983263573.png (297.87 KB, 1080x1809, Screenshot_20231231-003828~2.p…)

>>1948863Pity party continues. Looks like constant vacations somehow don't generate cash. Who knew!?!
No. 1948882
>>1948867I really hope she gives up or at the very least goes quiet. Bad for this thread, sure, but i'd be impressed.
>>1948873She has to be self-aware of this right? Imo, her weight gain has seriously destroyed her ability to make money being e-whore as it is.
No. 1948950
File: 1703996280581.png (Spoiler Image,1.83 MB, 750x1334, 805A9B06-FB0E-434F-894D-0B3CFF…)

idc what another nonnies say, shayna is butt ugly
No. 1948980
File: 1704003285420.jpeg (45.77 KB, 564x544, images (24).jpeg)

>>1948964next threadpic pls
No. 1949166
File: 1704052017251.jpeg (450.19 KB, 1170x1068, IMG_7693.jpeg)

No. 1949168
>>1949166After traveling non stop for "work" she's broke as per usual. Also I guess all her sugar daddies are broke and/or that's over with. Imagine selling your body off and online and being broke every month. I saw some nonas say they don't believe shay is broke and she scamming.
Look at her lifestyle. She spends money as soon as she gets it, constantly Flys to "work" and is always broke.
It's not at all unbelievable she's truly struggling.
No. 1949177
>>1949166Wouldn't going quiet make her loose more money? The less she interacts with her few remaining coomers, the more they're going to interact with other OF whores. We all know these women are crabs in a bucket and will fight over the gross assortment of simps on twitter.
>>1949171The cost of living crisis is relatively recent compared to how long she's been doing sex work. There have been times where the US economy was doing well and she didn't save money or invest in some form of asset such as a car or even some real gold jewelry. Nothing she owns is of any value. Most people when they're in a dire financial situation will have something they can sell, she just has bags of stretched out polyester clothing.
No. 1949188
>>1949168I think her cooomers realize that she's a scammer. She has a horrible personality and does not come off as interesting or charming. She's crass.
Shay risking getting murdered (FBI statistics show that men who kill women prefer to kill them at their own place) by pimping herself out to rapists until they get tired of her, decide they don't want pay for whatever the hell Stallone jr's offering and/or get too sketchy and disgusting to be around, then it's on to the next one.
I don't even want to imagine what kind of horrible shit she has to do to get the money. No scrote is just going to hand over money to a strange narcissistic woman.
doubly so when they refuse to do that for their own fucking children and family.
No. 1949263
>>1949171If you move out of your parents house the moment you turn 18 and take on a bunch of responsibilities before being financially stable, no shit you have no savings.
>>1949195Shayna talked so much shit about people who go college and have normal jobs. The only reason why she doesn't just throw in the towel right now, when now is the perfect time to end it for good, is because she is stubborn and doesn't want to be wrong.
No. 1949269
>>1949263Not that anon, but I feel like 10k is a
lot to have saved up for most young adults not in tech or in a well paid position. The thing is that Shat seems to have, quite literally,
zero savings. Not a thousand, not a couple hundred, zero. She's living paycheck and a half to paycheck. I'm still convinced she doesn't actually have a bank account and just uses cashapp. I'd really give my left tit to see her actual finances.
No. 1949276
>>1949171Most people living paycheck to paycheck haven't ruined their chances of getting normal, real jobs by plastering their base asses and full names all over the internet. Sex workers don't get promotions or sick pay, if they don't manage their money well they're fucked. Shayna has had to resort to bringing johns into her home to fuck her, and she's making pennies. If you're going to put yourself at serious risk of being murdered, kidnapped, robbed, raped, or trafficked, you would ideally want to make more money, and have more in savings, than the average part-time fast food worker.
>>1949249Moids who get off on women humiliating themselves for Doordash giftcards and $5 tips.
No. 1949336
>>1949263Shayna can't "throw in the towel" when she
a) has poor judgment
b) all the decrepit abuser scrotes she meets are her main source of income and compromise most of her social life;
c) she needs the money – she's unlikely to get a non-entry level, bottom of the barrel tier job with her history.
If you're working for $16-17 a hour part time, justifying spending $25 on eyeliner at Sephora is hard. When your weekly check is $200-400 usd, spending 200 there in one trip is stupid. Shay will not be able to afford the tacky shit she wears and decorates with while actually working.
even poor people have to scrimp and save. Shay doesn't want o live in the real world, she wants to live in a world in which she's a "celebrity" (lol) who's gonna be famous and die at 27 from partying/alcoholism. Well. She might not make it to 60 if she keeps up her heart disease inducing diet and inebriation habit.
No. 1949356
>>1949314She definitely couldn't mentally handle a call center. The best job for her would be at a shady weed shop. She'd have to bathe everyday but she can dress as slutty as she wants, she's around weed all day, and it's mainly scrotes who go to smoke shops anyways so she'd get her precious male attention fix.
>>1949171Unless those kids were sitting on inheritance or a trust fund, no… You don't. That's not possible for someone who works minimum wage, especially if they live on their own. Shayna's financial position is pathetic, but like I think half of all Americans live paycheck to paycheck. The main difference is, the average American works at a real Job and they can use the work experience to get a better one. Shay's not even good at whoring even though she's been doing it her entire adult life.
No. 1949378
>>1949308Someone must have signed her dad up for a session on her website.
But honestly if her parents gave her any sort of ultimatum, it's probably very generous and much more than any "survival sex worker" could imagine. They're probably not just offering her to pay for college but also to set her up with a job working with her dad or another family friend.
>>1949311A job in fast food would give her a social life at least. She'd have trashy friends and potential love interests!
No. 1949397
>>1949394you can clearly see how much money shay wastes.
as soon as she gets a couple hundred from one of her prostitution sessions, she goes to spend maybe $200 on her hair and however much she spends on nails that she asks her scrotes to "reimburse" rofl.
her lifestyle is unsustainable for people making $40 an hour never mind her. she's an idiot and incredibly spoiled regardless of how cringy and cheap everything she's involved in is.
No. 1949437
File: 1704142508121.jpg (243.83 KB, 1046x910, Ha.jpg)

No. 1949494
File: 1704150312818.png (886.09 KB, 1080x1418, Cleansing spell.png)

>>1949437The replies. Kek at cleansing and protection spell.
No. 1949517
>>1949478That was my exact thought when I read her tweet.
>>1949482It wouldn't surprise me that it happened. She was probably in a restaurant at midday where there were families having celebratory meal for New Year's. We know that she thinks it's acceptable to wear a cheap white strap top with her cockeyed nipples protruding out and the rest of her outfit was likely to be equally hideous.
No. 1949528
>>1949415Atleast it’s better than selling your body and letting moids abuse you for mere pennies; she can’t even buy a meal from McDonald’s out of one onlyfan subscription.
atleast they get paid regularly and get worker benefits such as medical and dental. (former McD cuck in high school)
(sage your McShit) No. 1949567
File: 1704163070944.png (491.62 KB, 1080x1587, 1000007284.png)

Wow imagine spiraling on the FIRST DAY of the new year.
No. 1949589
>>1949567parents who are willing to pay for her college or let her come home if she gives up prostituting herself and making pedo content
>I just don’t know what to doshe is so pathetic and stupid it is almost impressive
No. 1949613
>>1949567Calling herself talented is so fucking funny looking at the past 8 years. But I'd be depressed if I were her. I don't think this is post-vacay sadness, I think this in increased whoring depression. FSSW makes people want to die and Shayna really has no out. She can't do better then minimum wage work because of her history. Plus she has no work ethic at all so I don't see her actually getting it together and getting herself out of all of this.
When she was 18 she probably thought she would be married to a man with some amount of money and retired by 25 at the latest. Her standards are so low she probably could have found some awkward ugly man with weird enough fetishes he'd be her full time wage slave husband in exchange for getting to do weird shit. Fupa really fucked that up for her and now her chances of that get lower every year.
Now she's looking down the barrel at a life of poverty with a host of ugly partners like Ellen and the polycule who, despite also being poor and fuck ugly, won't even actually commit to her. (I believe that Shayna is a monogamist who is poly out of lack of options). This is the rest of her life. And as time goes on everything around her will cost more and what she can sell herself for is going to continue to decrease.
No. 1949614
File: 1704172478604.png (538.04 KB, 1080x2058, 1000007287.png)

Jesus Christ, is she really gonna start suicide baiting her coomers now? Absolutely pathetic.
No. 1949621
>>1949618This isn’t her first spiral and won’t be her last. She often spirals around this time and spews the same shit. Being around her family and reflecting on the nothings she’s accomplished in the year always make her want to an hero.
Don’t waste your energy feeling bad for her. She will be “fine” in a couple days and continue to pander to pedophiles like always.
No. 1949625
>>1949623>>1949621>>1949618It would be so cool to see shayna quit sex work, move back to her parents, go to college, get a career. Or even if she just moved back and got a regular 9 to 5. Its not often you get to see a cow graduate cowdom and become boring and obscure.
Her narcissism, degeneracy and lifestyle disgust me and make me hate her. But its never too late to change.
No. 1949631
>>1949522Whatever she was wearing must have been bad because she didn't even post a bathroom selfie.
>>1949613Even if her aim in life was to succeed in porn, which isn't something anyone should aspire to, she wasted every chance she was given. She acted so unprofessionally that she was dropped by an agency, which ruined any chance of her being anything other than an OF whore. She refused to do b/g content until she became desperate because her OF subs were dropping and by then her small pool of coomers didn't care. If she had done b/g content when she had 2000+ subs on her OF, she could have had considerably more money and actually bought something worthwhile like a small apartment or a car. Her situation is entirely her own fault and that's what probably hurts her the most.
>>1949625I honestly think she's too far gone. Before she could start college or a job she would have to quit both weed and alcohol. Depending on the severity of her alcoholism she might even need to go through a rehab program.
No. 1949633
File: 1704176457424.png (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 750x1334, 61E3F0F3-0B53-402D-9CBA-D4ABF4…)

holy shit , creepy key guy posted some unedited shayna pictures. her skin is so bad and she's so extra ugly it's insane
No. 1949635
File: 1704176563985.png (Spoiler Image,1.49 MB, 750x1334, 7B5FF6C9-8171-4CE1-9702-E8EE8C…)

how drunk is she? she looks so different in this.
No. 1949640
File: 1704177190168.png (83.69 KB, 1293x321, Likes.png)

>>1949633Confirmation the key is for @onesubbyfemmeboy’s cock cage and not coomer Eraserhead with the yellow teeth.
No. 1949644
File: 1704177339833.jpg (Spoiler Image,548.41 KB, 1536x2048, Bleak.JPG)

>>1949640The other pictures @onesubbyfemmeboy shared.
No. 1949645
File: 1704177399704.jpg (Spoiler Image,493.65 KB, 1536x2048, Bleaker.JPG)

>>1949644>>1949642> I regret opening thisThen you might one to skip this one, Nona.
No. 1949648
File: 1704177728149.jpg (Spoiler Image,152.8 KB, 538x628, ¡¡!!.jpg)

>>1949633It really is something else when she’s not in control of her image.
No. 1949649
>>1949629Was going to reply the same. As soon as some dude pity pays her a hundred or so bucks she’ll be waving it around to show off. It’s been a while since she suicide baited but it’s happened before and it’s always the same, she’ll get over it once some coomer gives her attention and money to buy ugly clothes and alcohol. Then it’s going to be posts about how sex work has changed her life and made her successful and able to live a wonderful life, oblivious to the constant mental breakdowns she shares.
It’s like all sex workers have to keep up this facade of defending their life choices so they don’t let the naysayers win by admitting it’s horrible and doesn’t make them empowered or progressive. Also, she’ll never get a normal job. She’ll continue being a kinky anal bimbo whore forever because she’s made that her entire personality and giving up would mean she loses what she believes makes her special and talented.
No. 1949656
File: 1704180705059.jpg (55.08 KB, 623x494, EXq-ydYWsAIvLQZ.jpg)

>>1949648Kekk who dared to post this? She's shaped like a plank, yet that cottage cheese thigh is popping out and the skirtbelt is hanging on for dear life with the gut spillage and old man bellybutton above it.
Sophia and her look like picrel
No. 1949720
>>1949648Her face looks better there. Probably because she's not making that the situation face she does from her really weird downward angle. She really needs to stop wearing stuff that isn't made for her body type. I cannot fathom the level of narcissism it takes to think that putting unflattering clothes on is "saw hawt".
>>1949656>>1949668She's not manly she just has really weird body proportions. She's trying to dress like ginger spice without the poor girl's huge ass.
She looked bad when she was emaciated and she looks no better with those arms now.
No. 1949760
File: 1704211093763.jpg (100.41 KB, 1080x560, Screenshot_2024-01-02-15-54-33…)

>>1949614Does this reply from her "daddy John" confirm he buys scat porn from Shay?
(learn2read) No. 1949846
File: 1704223984611.jpeg (885.89 KB, 1170x1657, IMG_7734.jpeg)

No. 1949887
File: 1704229174703.png (1.42 MB, 1721x1482, Shaynchmas.png)

Shay retweeted a new spank video from Sarah's site and its legit cracking me up with how retarded Shayna is acting. So talented and undiscovered. Censored her bare ass to show this fucking face kek
No. 1949897
File: 1704229936477.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 2316x3088, IMG_6784.jpeg)

>>1949846Tinfoil but I don’t think she’s struggling to make rent if she’s sucking off johns behind dive bars, she just really needs money for the botched tit job revision since it’s been 6 months time they make you wait between procedures.
No. 1949912
File: 1704231260403.mp4 (Spoiler Image,9.44 MB, 1496x1120, HogInspection.mp4)

>>1949887Full video- Warning, shot of Shayna's full asshole towards the end
No. 1949935
File: 1704233207013.gif (5.52 KB, 150x150, IMG_7040.gif)

>>1949887Real caveman features
No. 1949943
File: 1704233829238.jpeg (1.18 MB, 828x3584, IMG_9043471947ED-1.jpeg)

she's proud of this hairstyle
No. 1949952
File: 1704234590735.jpeg (438.53 KB, 1086x775, IMG_9389.jpeg)

>>1949887Next thread pic please, holy shit this might be the funniest thing she’s ever tried to sell as porn. Her face is making me laugh so hard I might cry, how tf is she confused as to how she’s not making money
No. 1949968
>>1949961NTA but she's had her Twitter account deleted as well as her Snapchat, TikTok, among others. Even when platforms (OF, Twitter) have previously announced that they'd start banning porn it wasn't enough of a wakeup call for her to quit but instead became a whinefest of how sex workers are being persecuted. I think aside from the "glamour" and laziness, she loves the
victim status that comes with being a sex worker.
No. 1949992
File: 1704240934984.png (722.7 KB, 1086x775, special.png)

Had to add
No. 1950073
File: 1704254754222.jpeg (581.38 KB, 1068x1128, IMG_7688.jpeg)

I’m howling
No. 1950110
>>1950025exactly what I said kek
not the crossover I was expecting but I support it
No. 1950191
File: 1704286235624.jpg (36.15 KB, 623x623, Dd_FHnkU0AAXYY0.jpg)

>>1949912who are they filming this for? i realize moids are lowly creatures that will jerk off to literally anything but i refuse to believe there is a large enough customer base for this goofy shit to actually be profitable
No. 1950210
File: 1704287516102.jpg (204.72 KB, 700x904, FrankMonster.jpg)

>>1949887>>1949912This whole video, the scientist/doctor lady in the white coat, like she's in some sort of medical research setting. It's giving me female Frankenstein's female monster. I'm expecting her to insert the thin into Shay's ass and start spanking and to yell "IT'S ALIVE!".
No. 1950295
File: 1704301793129.jpeg (814.81 KB, 1170x1470, IMG_5670.jpeg)

She posted a new “foot and worship” video. All I see is Janice Soprano
No. 1950402
File: 1704320567519.mp4 (Spoiler Image,995.22 KB, 640x360, fjd5VlwgfUrpT8fW.mp4)

>>1950295Here's the actual video preview
No. 1950425
File: 1704324830819.png (1.64 MB, 2515x1724, Screen Shot 2024-01-04 at 10.2…)

Some screenshots from her vid with Sarah Gregory
No. 1950443
File: 1704327594619.mp4 (218.28 KB, 336x306, Shayna Sherry.mp4)

>>1949912Truly it’s a mystery why this “talented…, special” actrice hasn’t been discovered for mainstream success yet. With a facial range like this, clearly she should’ve been cast in the Euphoria role instead of Chloe Cherry. Who tf is she looking at?
No. 1950529
File: 1704339506894.jpg (478.63 KB, 4783x3349, cocker.jpg)

>>1950425That hair style does no her favors.
No. 1950537
File: 1704341071591.mp4 (Spoiler Image,2.1 MB, 1280x720, eeaee.mp4)

>>1950425The video preview.
No. 1950571
File: 1704347942726.jpg (241.54 KB, 1080x1192, Tryhard.jpg)

She's a complete fail at being sexy. What the fuck is this even supposed to mean.
No. 1950575
File: 1704348234156.jpg (184.89 KB, 1080x671, Hypocrite .jpg)

Says the pedo acting as Shayna Luther King Jr.
No. 1950580
File: 1704349330584.jpg (Spoiler Image,525.36 KB, 3840x2160, 8284.jpg)

>am i the cutest girl in the world yes or yes
No. 1950824
File: 1704400833083.jpg (77.79 KB, 720x951, Screenshot_20240104_143959_X.j…)

>good morning
>it's noon
>big asshole baby
>big asshole baby
No. 1950831
>>1950824Shay, you encourage this sort of behavior. You practically beg men to message you stuff like this. And since you’ve chosen this career path, you have to message him back to try and get money out of him.
Or maybe she’s so stunted that she read it not as a typo (it’s probably “love YOUR big asshole baby”) and is seeing it as some sort of “cutsey” “I love you and think you’re an asshole and also a baby” which of course she’d fawn over
No. 1950848
>>1950831she definitely didn't realize it was a typo kek
reads very esl
No. 1950882
File: 1704411408078.gif (423.57 KB, 400x223, IMG_3871.gif)

>>1950824she’s getting messages from borat kek
No. 1950884
File: 1704411601835.png (277.95 KB, 280x390, vickypollard.png)

>>1950073instantly got this image in my head
No. 1950911
>>1950864that reminds me. how
is shayna advertising herself and her prices as an escort? backpage? in onlyfans dms? just the occasional tweet?
No. 1950948
File: 1704429778841.jpeg (608.82 KB, 750x1101, 0A5A4140-E7B9-4A4F-A584-DE8E53…)

she looks so weird here
No. 1950955
File: 1704432366107.jpg (Spoiler Image,227.43 KB, 1080x1171, 1697287854955.jpg)

>>1950948She's brought back the Fantasy top from her no make up porn era in Tulsa.
I think she looks so weird because the jeans are so tight they're distorting her body shape and the foundation she's used is too pale.
No. 1951076
File: 1704469162083.jpg (53.6 KB, 474x593, 8-892ed6d6ca1449528c99c1673535…)

>>1951056People have said this before but an ombre or melt colour would be a much better way to go blonde but not wash herself out so much. Blonde alone just isn't her colour at all. Darker looks better overall on her. Her hair coming out almost looks like a melt at this point. Not a good one, but enough that if you squint it's at least better than the bleach
No. 1951142
File: 1704481144989.jpg (175.13 KB, 1080x653, Yard.jpg)

No. 1951190
File: 1704488794059.jpeg (202.39 KB, 1205x1644, sped mattel.jpeg)

>>1951175I think soft grunge is a good look on her and the black helps hide the gunt as a bonus. 1000% better than pink shein. Recently she's been dressing like a woman her age when going out rather than an AGP who wishes he was a 14 year old anime girl so maybe she's finally learnt something??? Sage for clothes sperging but she needs to throw out everything pink ASAP. Unfortunate that everything she owns isn't even fit for Goodwill because it's Chinese polyester but it is what it is.
No. 1951220
>>1950580so she will gaussian blur her entire face and body so it looks like it was run through AI but she won't get rid of the underboob irritation ruddiness?
it looks bad.
>>1951190i hope she doesn't walk around the city like that. she's so fond of looking hammy.
No. 1951312
File: 1704505797602.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1170x2016, IMG_3762.jpeg)

No. 1951326
File: 1704506970235.jpeg (150.07 KB, 1280x514, CA0662D7-1752-487C-BACA-564DF3…)

>>1951312How do her lips look so thin then randomly thicker?
No. 1951346
>>1951343if a guy is giving her money for sex… in what world is she
not a hooker?
No. 1951355
File: 1704511278908.jpeg (Spoiler Image,624.81 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_0515.jpeg)

>>1951142She posted this with her OF link
> come outside & play [two hearts emoji][pine tree emoji][pink flower emoji] No. 1951363
>>1951360Pretty much. But i feel like this could eventually into the man she is seeing becoming her john very easily or trying to trap her into a relationship.
>>1951361Hopefully nothing bad will happen to her, but it sounds like he is trying to rip her off a bit.
No. 1951371
>>1951365Yeah I agree, I think a lot of these sugar babies aren’t savvy enough in “dating” these moids to really be the winners in the end. You’re getting traumatized by a sexual deviant for a steak dinner, a weekend at the Marriot, and a pair of shoes kek. God forbid these women actually get attached and develop feelings for these scrotes. Yikes.
>>1951363It sounds like she’s staying at his place which is…not safe?
No. 1951372
File: 1704514215743.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1814, IMG_0516.jpeg)

No. 1951394
File: 1704518391388.jpeg (30.06 KB, 236x236, IMG_5672.jpeg)

>>1951384KEKKKKK This dumb bitch is getting rinsed by these salt daddies
No. 1951409
File: 1704523730148.jpeg (729.46 KB, 1170x1741, IMG_0646.jpeg)

>>1951372LMAO even if it’s real Michael Kors (which is absolute white trash burger hideous garbage anyway) those watches are so cheap, she’s acting like it’s a fucking Audemars
No. 1951419
File: 1704525191465.png (1.89 MB, 1080x1948, 1000007297.png)

She's been posting on IG stories but this pic in particular. Woof.
No. 1951420
File: 1704525312154.png (1.47 MB, 1079x1955, 1000007298.png)

>>1951419The AUDACITY to go from this overly filtered/edited pic to the pic from the previous post. The Shaylusion is real.
No. 1951421
File: 1704525580616.png (2.26 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0518.png)

>>1951419She posted a pic of the menu of the restaurant she’s at like she’s trying to have some crazed stalker find her. It was the first picture out of the various meals she posted so some freak moid would have had time to get there and approach her.
She also posts multiple pictures of the same drinks and meals which is either because 1) she’s broke and embarrassing herself and/or 2) she’s too drunk to realize she already posted pictures of the same drink at a different angle kek
No. 1951530
File: 1704552761514.jpg (248.4 KB, 1152x2048, Leave the pink in 2023.jpg)

No. 1951535
>>1951530going out in public with cockeyed nipples peeking through the thin polyester top with gunt and cottage cheese thighs spilling out in early january
same shay different day
No. 1951561
>>1951355The stained crusty slippers are sending me.
>>1951530Any and all possible weight loss has been undone.
No. 1951564
>>1951530Holy shit that gunt she looks 5 months pregnant
Also kek at the way too big and ultra tacky watch, splenda daddy couldn’t even bother to take her to a shop and have it resized or at the very least help her adjust it to her wrist?
Her spoiled uwu bimbo larp is so fucking lame
No. 1951573
File: 1704562656564.png (115.16 KB, 589x493, gunt_exposed.png)

>>1951530I adjusted the image exposure to reveal the true extent of her gunt and it's actually not that bad. She's still as fat as ever but the skirt is the correct size. She probably wore it because it's one of the only clothing items that fits her and allows for post meal bloat so she can stuff her face herself at the moid's expense.
No. 1951621
>>1951530Is this skirt supposed to be sorta high waisted or did she like find herself a new gunt skirt?
>>1951573I also feel like she didn’t buy it herself. It fits. Nothing she ever buys herself clothing wise fits
>>1951607 since she left Kiki’s a while ago she has just degraded. She was drunk all of Aruba. She basically was also drunk during Christmas with her family. She went out with a Splenda dad. Got drunk there too. We have called her haggard for years but she truly is now
>>1951450 I feel like the shaytards do this. Finding Shayna in the wild should be a natural occurrence. Remember the Starbucks anon recount of seeing her irl kek
Why does she always go to places with sushi? This place is pretty fricking pricy so at least we know Shayna isn’t paying… food looks good tho. They got a cool little mousse dessert that’s a mushroom.
>>1951573 do anyone of you think shape wear would be a god send for this girl or do you think it wouldn’t help the gunt control.
No. 1951626
>>1951623 she’s delusional I am sure she could gas light herself in thinking it is kek
>>1951622 that’s true. If she decided to I feel like she would look for some with butt pads.
No. 1951654
File: 1704576745231.jpeg (2.1 MB, 1170x2158, IMG_0521.jpeg)

She might be still with that scrote from last night
No. 1951741
>>1951654I have zero clue what sort of pairing this is. It looks like a very thin curry with steak strips on top and
some kind of sushi with like, fried onions on top? And she's pairing it all with a mimosa? This is like a demented death row meal.
No. 1951754
File: 1704590592639.png (457.55 KB, 1080x887, Screenshot_20240106-191908~2.p…)

>>1951654Not super interesting, but this is what she is ordering from Earl's Kitchen. There are a few different cuts of steak to choose from, that change the price from $33.75-$59.75
No. 1951759
>>1951421So it's fucking 2013 again and we're showing off our saved up fast-food checks? Kek I can't w this bitch, acting like it's a Weisz. Who is even seen w MK
current year, is it part of the confused Y2K revival and I'm too old to see it? Or is she just being a loud, tacky bitch as usual?
No. 1951773
>>1951421Her new clearance Michael Kors watch from TJ Maxx goes great with her Target bracelets. So bimbo
>>1951759She is trapped in 2013
No. 1951800
File: 1704600232554.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1170x1306, IMG_0647.jpeg)

>>1951754This disgusting hog is living well beyond her means, the prices at the restaurant (even though it is a chain) are extortionate. She probably ordered the 60 dollar cut of steak too. She lives in the 6th most expensive area in the country, no wonder she is always poor and miserable, the meagre amount of coomer shekels she receives are nowhere near enough for her to be ~thriving~ in Seattle
No. 1951831
File: 1704609269418.jpg (183.59 KB, 1080x641, Gross.jpg)

No. 1951832
File: 1704609356096.jpg (246.68 KB, 1080x1707, Rect.jpg)

No. 1951848
>>1951831Not that I want to, but Im trying to picture this weird shit. Like is he fucking her thighs from behind or the front or what the fuck?
And based on this leggings fetish thing its the same john she's had for a while who clearly has weird kinks that she probably cheaply caters to. And hes a sub type one it sounds like. I wonder if its the same john she stayed with last night?
Hard up for cash to spend 24 hours with a disgusting moid. And I really doubt he just fucks her legs and she does nothing else.
No. 1951893
File: 1704629115055.jpeg (119.66 KB, 1272x661, rock-of-love-contestants-today…)

Omg, I wish this was them olden golden days again because shay would have been amazing on a show like rock of love
She's a bit too fat but everything else checks out
Pic related
No. 1951939
File: 1704640569444.jpeg (206.73 KB, 1170x730, IMG_0651.jpeg)

>big eyes
No. 1951948
>>1951688that's b/c she's still eating garbage alongside the same middle aged man. he "treats" her like once every two months?
is the shit on top of the sushi fried?
No. 1951951
File: 1704642888418.jpeg (475.04 KB, 1170x1385, IMG_0522.jpeg)

> Dammit let me type like I’m retarded!
No. 1951952
File: 1704642973278.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1170x2128, IMG_0523.jpeg)

No. 1951961
File: 1704643575276.jpg (466.97 KB, 1080x1666, Lies.jpg)

She literally does the opposite but okay
No. 1951964
>>1951951to be fair to her, it's absolutely awful how autocorrect (at least on iphone) actively works to police your speech
whenever I try to type out "kill myself" it always corrects to "kill mussels", or "mentally ill" to "mentally I'll". It's so frustrating
i guess it is for a completely different reason though sorry i just had to vent bc that shit pisses me off
(weird blog) No. 1951967
>>1951807she's buying $4 knock off tops on aliexpress that are chock full of heavy metal contaminants and made with plastic but thinks a $60-100 carcinogenic red meat and low q raw fish with white rice is worth the money?
>>1951831knowing her, she probably tried to pass off $2 "stockings" for something high end.
also, ew.
No. 1951968
>>1951961She has no self-respect so I’m curious what she thinks boundaries even are. I imagine for one, someone with decent boundaries would not get dragged into a “sleepover” randomly with a client.
> b-b-but he bought me a Christmas presentYeah a watch that’s a measly $160 for a moid who probably earns $200k+ in a VHCOL city. The amount of money he’s spending on her is practically loose change left in the crevices of a car compared to his probable income and assets. I’m not a sex worker but I would honestly be unimpressed tbh, not to blogpost but I’ve gotten $100-200 jewelry from minimum wage student exes as a college student. An old moid with an established career and enough disposable income to pay for rape definitely has enough money that you would expect around $300-400 on a gift. I think because she’s so broke she doesn’t know any better.
No. 1951977
>>1951967BPA-chan, you're still here?
>>1951968I still wonder if her johns are even 'normal' tech worker dudes though. I feel like they're JiffyLube technicians or something, kek. Not every moid who lives in Seattle/Bellevue is a Senior Software Engineer.
No. 1951979
>>1951886It was one night? I dont know how retarded your cats/dogs are but usually they can be left alone for one night. Even apartment pets as long as noodle is potty trained.
The retarded animals are fine.
No. 1951981
>>1951968Off-topic, but please stop offending rape
victims by calling what is done to Shayna "rape". Rape is non-consensual, forced sex or sexual contact.
If you call Shayna's prostitution "rape", you are implying women who genuinely got raped are prostitutes like Shayna who intentionally slept with a moid.
I would expect only a gross moid to think like this.
No. 1952011
>>1952001Are you a moid? Calling a woman "predator", lmao. You sound like those scrotes that desperately try to pretend women are dangerous rapists too (so they can get access to
No. 1952024
File: 1704655603701.jpeg (54.22 KB, 640x480, 93305D64-F38B-43AC-AA65-B72390…)

>>1951831This is how I imagine it goes down
No. 1952026
>>1951977One of the guys she’s following on Instagram is an actual software engineer that she likely met on Seeking Arrangements so I think she may actually have some clients with more money than the typical low earning moid.
>>1951981How the fuck do you read my post and really tinfoil that I’m a moid? The nerve to say that with your damn Reddit spacing… you’re obviously replying to a woman and most women are
victims of sexual assault (myself included) so fuck you.
Sex work buyers are rapists who buy access to women’s bodies that would otherwise not sleep with them if there were no financial desperation. Sex work is rape for pay. Regardless of Shayna’s privileged background, she is literally strapped for cash and is having sex with these moids for money. That by definition is not properly consensual but I don’t think Shayna will ever be sober or self-aware enough to realize what she’s doing to herself. I’ve seen “choice” sex workers who say that they feel disgusted and traumatized after sessions because they would not have had sex it if it were not for the money. What do you call that? Regret? “Regret” is something that an actual moid would say and is often a disgusting argument used against actual rape
victims. Learn2integrate before posting btw, thanks.
No. 1952027
>>1951981coerced sex IS rape. Shat wouldn't go near old scrotes or get hit hard in the behind for money if she won the lottery.
She copes by not being honest on socmedia as that would not entice moids to buy her shit and showing off every 100 dollars her johns send her for demeaning herself. She tries to pass off the fact that the man paying to sexually abuse her (and who is therefore the one in control and the one who gets to call the shots – displease a rapist john and you lose a meal ticket) as it being about her being in charge.
she's being raped, is too stupid to quit this shit and every single woman in her boat (esp those who started young) came out as traumatized and unable to enjoy relationships with men. the ones with a substance abuse disorder were the worst off, b/c they often used alcohol and drugs to escape their day to day life.
No. 1952030
>>1952026Just how mysoginistic are you? If you're not a moid, you're even worse - you're an idiot.
First off, I'll Reddit spacing how much I want, because I like that.
Second thing, you keep being a mysoginist fuck by saying
1) that women do not have their own agency and don't know better, like children. This is what your woman-hating self implies when you claim Shayna does not realize what she's doing when she's fucking moids for money.
2) Again, rape is non-consensual sexual assault, you dumb fuck. NON-CONSENSUAL. But I bet you're one of those stupid fucks who think a creep touching your butt on a crowded station counts as "having been raped". In the name of all women who were subjected to rape, fuck you.
(derailing/infighting/learn2integrate) No. 1952031
>>1952027Sooo…. if Shayna is a rape
victim who's being abused helplessly by moids, why are there 150+ threads about mocking her and making fun of her?
No. 1952051
>>1952011Because Maxwell wasn't a predator, she was just poor little
victim by epstein uwu.
Women can be vicious predators too but with that not said they do it even a 10th as often ad men.
No. 1952059
>>1952030Any radical feminist will tell you that money is coercion and prostitution is rape. You cannot consent fully when you are being paid, when it is your livelihood. You are gatekeeping the word 'rape' because you think it should be reserved for only the most deserving, suffering
victims, but realistically rape can be mundane and normal (eg men pestering their gf into sex until they give in). When you start on this 'you're insulting the REAL
victims by calling it rape' tirade, it's not far from people who think only violent back alley rape done by a stranger counts, and that marital rape or rape by deception or date rape are not legit enough to be 'real rape'.
It doesn't mean we have to suddenly treat her like a
victim with no control over her life, as far as I'm concerned defining these things as rape is more about identifying the men as rapists than the women as having been raped. She might not feel that way at all.
No. 1952063
>>1952027The hog is not a survival sex worker and she was never abused. She is from a middle class family and all her siblings have been successful in life.
She's not having sex with moids so she can buy basic food items in Dollar General and afford to stay in a grungy motel for the night. She's having sex with moids so she can afford $2500+ rent for her two bedroom apartment and get taken out for steak and sushi. She may be a retard but she is perfectly aware of what she is doing.
She could go back to her parents at any time and they would pay for her to go to college, instead she chooses to do what she does.
Comparing her to women that have no choice but to resort to sex work is insulting.
No. 1952074
>>1951961The fact that Shay thinks she’s in any place to give advice about sex work is just… hilarious to me. I would understand it if it was Grandma Gregory because she does seem to be reasonably successful for what she does, but Shay is always always always broke begging and crying about how she should just give up.
It seems like other sugar babies do things like make their johns pay for fillers and Botox, hair and nails, gym memberships, and investment quality fashion. Shay gets trashy watches and purses with no resale value, and fattening dinners at LuXuRy restaurants. She’s wasting her time and doing sexual acts for virtually no long term benefit. She has no business acumen, no common sense, virtually no idea of opsec, and has nothing to show for her efforts other than a damaged relationship with her family and an apartment she can barely afford. She’s no expert in anything other than a wasted life.
No. 1952087
File: 1704664709534.png (Spoiler Image,279.02 KB, 587x505, Screenshot 2024-01-07 215823.p…)

Looking back on old Shayna threads, why tf did her butt look much bigger / rounder when she was thinner? Picrel.. Her butt seems to be bigger when she was 40lbs lighter.
No. 1952088
File: 1704664740251.png (Spoiler Image,379.36 KB, 667x591, Screenshot 2024-01-07 215839.p…)

>>1952087Images from #4th Shayna thread btw
No. 1952096
>>1952092It’s to prove she’s ~thriving~
She actually thinks others will be jealous of this
No. 1952112
>>1952069Yeah baby that’s beautiful it’s like poetry
>>1952092All she had to do was let a moid hump her! (Everyone’s nightmare)
No. 1952133
File: 1704672357723.mp4 (Spoiler Image,3.48 MB, 852x480, Ham.mp4)

>Exhibitionist Slut Caught Playing Outside [shush emoji]
New video. Someone please make a gif of her popping in the seat out of thin air KEK
No. 1952144
nonnie thank you
No. 1952146
File: 1704674527022.jpeg (Spoiler Image,341.58 KB, 1156x1024, IMG_7418.jpeg)

>>1952087>why tf did her butt look much bigger/rounder when she was thinner?Because in those pictures she’s intentionally posing to make it look like she has an ass. Also because of her weird fat distribution, when she gained weight like none of it went to her ass and a ton went to her thighs, mostly on the front giving her the front butt, but the back of her thighs expanded too making there less of a noticeable difference between where her ass ends and her legs begin like in the pic on the right
>>1952133Lmao at the way she lumbers into the frame with her hunchback. Reminds me of when she clomped around on that hike in the woods and the anon edited tuba music over it
No. 1952149
File: 1704674961377.jpg (116.95 KB, 1080x503, trying to go viral.jpg)

No. 1952159
File: 1704676265075.gif (Spoiler Image,643.56 KB, 600x338, Easy Ham Surprise.gif)

>>1952133>>1952137She materialises out of thin air onto that blue chair too.
No. 1952172
File: 1704680213546.jpg (54.15 KB, 541x273, 1000011784.jpg)

>>1951831>"made my sugar dad"KEK
>"my sugar dad asked to fuck my big meaty legs because nobody pays to fuck flat pancake asses on fat girls, otherwise they'd just fuck other men" No. 1952175
>>1950955Leave her single pair of ill fitting high waist jeans from 2018 alone!
Id personally be SOOO amused if she learned about low waist jeans and began a muffin top era
No. 1952185
File: 1704682346469.jpg (247.68 KB, 1080x904, veg.jpg)

No. 1952266
File: 1704697475307.jpg (1.01 MB, 2048x2048, Wtf.jpg)

>jst thinking abt what a good boy my caged sissy puppy is & how much he does 4 me & the amazingly cute n perfect things he got me 4 xmas !! [various emojis]
No. 1952267
File: 1704697585954.jpg (196.58 KB, 1080x580, Sketchy.jpg)

Is she implying he has access to her apartment when she's gone?
No. 1952287
File: 1704702264748.jpeg (118.03 KB, 459x320, ED4C82A2-4E3D-49AA-BDF0-DAC6D0…)

>>1952185Ok Patricia Ellen Trunchbull. Very Unsexy hambeast doin too much moment.
No. 1952299
File: 1704705070999.jpg (Spoiler Image,404.75 KB, 1875x1067, Screenshot_20240108_101017_Chr…)

That troon hump.
She's getting paid to be SeXy, why is she walking like that.
Also, I think about you often baked potato-Chan
No. 1952326
File: 1704711371431.jpeg (315.2 KB, 750x1009, 082EEC6C-654C-4CE4-A75C-BC3D28…)

5.99? no wonder she's so broke all the time. people must not buy her videos a lot if she's bragging like this
No. 1952455
>>1952059anon we have over 100+ threads of this woman willingly exploiting and degrading herself despite having more options than many people do to get her life together. most people do not get offered free rides to college, most people do not get to live reckless, borderline lifestyles such as hers and their family not disown them. she is a bonafide walking definition of
white privilege in more ways than one and i am not saying this just cause. there are people who deserve sympathy for the shit hand they’ve been dealt in life; she is not one of them.
she also hates other women, so writing a literal feminism 101 dissertation for someone who despises her own gender and has gleefully shown this on multiple occasions is a waste of everyone’s time. save your empathy for women who do not have the choice to be a whore nor the privilege to escape a lot of the consequences that come with this line of work. No. 1952471
File: 1704743235460.jpeg (777.41 KB, 1242x1626, A7B5AD63-1390-4DED-9904-F0A8DC…)

>>1951955She mad about having beady eyes. And baiting for compliments from her two active followers. And I’ve always found her eyes to be rodent like even when skinny
No. 1952472
>>1951419She has such an ugly mug
>>1952133The fucking discolored looking yellow lingerie looks horrible on her flabby cellulite ridden body. And the ugly stained 4 year old ugg boots make this look so trashy. Crackhead porn. And she thinks she’s talented and has potential to be successful???
No. 1952575
File: 1704761446211.jpg (92.31 KB, 707x1044, 70 yo shayna.jpg)

POV: You accidentally walked in on grandma undressing
No. 1952582
File: 1704762414088.jpeg (90.94 KB, 665x724, IMG_1215.jpeg)

>>1952471lmao keep coping, shat
No. 1952584
File: 1704762598545.jpeg (21.62 KB, 223x275, IMG_1213.jpeg)

>>1952471She’s definitely lurking and seething, kek. Shayna, your eyes are one of your ugliest features. Nothing will ever change that.
No. 1952631
>>1952455you're not helping yourself by internalizing (moid constructed) misogyny, sis/moid.
Shay has always been an idiot, the options she's had are unclear to us. her mother is unsupportive of her putting herself at risk like she is and she would be broke save for the john moolah.
No. 1952636
>>1952146she has a masculinized body shape.
>>1950277she looks like a little like this
No. 1952644
File: 1704771448940.jpg (250.51 KB, 1080x865, What.jpg)

No. 1952680
File: 1704777987952.jpg (134.41 KB, 982x425, stfu.jpg)

No. 1952757
>>1952649Disregard that, dumb 'murican kids love to call anything autistic.
Autism is a severe and untreatable psychiatrical disease that makes people unable to function socially and that only about 0,00001% of the population has. Which means it's absolutely not profitable, so 'murica decided that "autism" now means "socially awkward", and about 60% of people are socially awkward. Profit!
(autism) No. 1952768
File: 1704803409212.jpeg (187.44 KB, 1170x874, IMG_3373.jpeg)

>>1952644She’s so cool and edgy.
No. 1952774
>>1952768it's nauseating that she makes content that simulates CSA while enjoying true detective, a show where the first season featured
a cult that filmed themselves raping children and two child characters that were abused so severely that one died and one was rendered catatonic. she is sick in the head and i don't understand how she sleeps at night
No. 1952872
>Watching true crime while being a pedo pandering whore. It's like she's got absolutely no self preservation instincts at all. Doesn't she know most of the time serial killer target sex workers as their
victims because usually they don't have anyone outside from other SW that care about them?
>>1952458It's both. Mainly from being middle class, though.
No. 1952972
File: 1704844190109.png (689.73 KB, 1867x981, Jesus vampyrpiss.png)

Shayna's fans are not the best people. I really hope this guy doesn't have a real girlfriend. And if he does the gf needs to break up with him and call the cops immediately.
No. 1953081
>>1953080The threads are for milk and /shay/ is more for memes, tinfoils, discussion of other people in the shaynaverse, and just general stuff that's fun to talk about but would clog up the threads very quickly if allowed here.
And not to mini mod, but why was this unsaged?
No. 1953172
File: 1704879713059.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1170x1572, IMG_0673.jpeg)

Goddess give me strength to refrain from a-logging, she’s fucking disgusting
No. 1953295
File: 1704900583338.jpg (109.37 KB, 800x800, EkzHAzZU0AAtGxu.jpg)

>>1952972Oh come on now at a certain point this shit is just hilarious. Pray to my god and his cock???????
No. 1953459
File: 1704921912133.jpg (250.01 KB, 1080x786, Retarded.jpg)

No. 1953509
File: 1704930515787.jpg (669.14 KB, 1079x1810, Broke.jpg)

She couldn't even buy a 20 year old used car and even that's a reach
No. 1953518
File: 1704933246190.jpg (455.48 KB, 1050x1733, moid.jpg)

No. 1953522
File: 1704933356655.jpg (663.7 KB, 1080x1787, Shaped Like Gabagool Like Shat…)

No. 1953523
I spent like an hour making a shim yesterday and finally posted the results in /shay. She isn't going to fit in my game at all and I would burst out laughing every time I saw her walking by but who knows, maybe i can find some role for her. I hope I don't spend more time fixating over getting her looking exactly right, I have a bad habit of doing that.
(attentionwhoring, fanart) No. 1953568
>>1953081Nta but another important thing is that /shay/ was originally a shaypril fools joke from the mods but they kept it after shaytards begged them to. I’m glad they did because we accumulated so many funny posts when it first kicked off and it would have been a shame to have lost them all.
>>1953522I hate women gassing up fat old men but I have to say it kind of checks out with her Zumiez gorilla employee dating history. That picture of Tony would probably look similar to Fupaul Italianified with an AI filter.
No. 1953616
File: 1704955415789.jpeg (495.95 KB, 828x1394, 984D096C-FAEB-46E4-BFF5-CA270A…)

>>1953605Just two from what I can find. One for speeding and another for not wearing a seatbelt.
No. 1953618
File: 1704955794492.jpeg (45.93 KB, 340x255, IMG_5698.jpeg)

>>1953606Kekkkk yes thread #16 memorialized the plastic bag scene with this thread pic
>>>/snow/684027 No. 1953620
File: 1704957823614.jpeg (Spoiler Image,109.75 KB, 1307x621, IMG_9250.jpeg)

>>1953618horrifying pic. reminds me of the blob
No. 1953627
File: 1704961545093.jpeg (678.56 KB, 828x1435, E12006FF-1D29-466D-98A6-351A0F…)

Taken at midnight. Hair greasy and lifeless. Looking drunk as hell. Probably alone with her tortured pets. That post holiday crash is apparent in every wrinkle and crinkle of her skin.(this isn't milk, sage it)
No. 1953632
File: 1704962939877.png (876.26 KB, 828x1435, lint_roller.png)

>>1953627Her sweat pants actually fit her which is an achievement as she's usually averse to buying clothing in larger sizing.
No. 1953678
File: 1704977112520.jpg (390.94 KB, 1536x2048, not sexy.jpg)

>>1953627She thought this was a look
No. 1953681
File: 1704977337259.jpeg (78.57 KB, 1500x500, IMG_0679.jpeg)

>>1953678The way she pulls on her pigtail like an actual fucking retard makes me irrationally angry. She really thinks this shit is cute, the absolute delusion
No. 1953683
File: 1704977827329.mp4 (Spoiler Image,7.1 MB, 464x742, Horror.mp4)

>lil piggie princess [pig emoji]
The awkward pause when she's struggling to put it on. 2024 is really her year of parody porn.
No. 1953709
>>1953670For general skin care, diet makes a bigger difference than topical creams. Eat plenty of good quality meat for the CoQ10, collagen and amino acids.
Shayna's skin is so bad because she does everything wrong
>eats processed shit fried in seed oils>drinks alcohol instead of water>doesn't bathe and lives in a filthy environmentHer using skin cream would be like putting a ribbon on dog shit.
(derail) No. 1953750
>>1953709man, this
nonnie is trolling the shit out of this board, it seems like.
coq10 is not something that anyone shayna's age would need. afaik, those nearing middle age might require supplementation and might is the key word, here.
I've been shopping for supplements lately and even on a restricted diet, you really should not rely on supplements. women in general may need a B12 supplement, and if you don't consume meat or dairy products dha/epa because the body does not convert what you consume efficiently enough. everything else should come from your diet barring maybe vitamin D3 if you're not spending a good amount of time outside and live in areas where the population has been deficient historically (the northwest of Europe), esp. during the winter and fall months.
(derail) No. 1953959
>>1953683is this supposed to be sexy?
I really can't tell anymore…
No. 1953976
File: 1705016935790.jpg (Spoiler Image,928.48 KB, 1079x2583, BREATHE.jpg)

From this morning. Sucking in and posing isn't hiding that double fupa no more.
No. 1954045
File: 1705032486932.jpeg (487.69 KB, 1170x1145, IMG_7889.jpeg)

No. 1954081
File: 1705040725881.jpeg (642.12 KB, 1170x1470, IMG_7891.jpeg)

What about when you blew up on that dude you dated from that convention?
No. 1954092
File: 1705043342729.png (350.58 KB, 1080x1632, 1000007330.png)

No. 1954197
>>1954045I can't wait for this grotesque porno to come out. She's going to look absolutely retarded.
>>1954163>>1954156The type of coomer into this shit gets off to ugly dumbasses absolutely humiliating themselves for scrotal attention and pocket change. The sexy part is how little self respect she has.
No. 1954206
File: 1705073426741.jpg (434.56 KB, 1080x1614, Stupid.jpg)

Wait until she finds out lack of sleep affects her weight and process to think clearly
No. 1954207
File: 1705073502750.jpg (604.63 KB, 1070x2562, Face tattoo.jpg)

No. 1954208
File: 1705073567361.jpg (88.47 KB, 986x618, Hits home.jpg)

Speaking from experience?
No. 1954212
>>1954206probably not nightmares, it's insight into how shitty your life and choices are.
>>1954209kek the farmers remember.
No. 1954237
File: 1705081505260.jpg (568.29 KB, 1079x1912, 1000011844.jpg)

>>1954207It'll look like picrel
No. 1954275
>>1954208Lmao why is she
SO opposed to being seen as "dominant"? This sounds like a very contrived form of self-loathing. Shay wants to be a tiny sweet ditzy "baby bimbo" bambi nymphet DDLG princess or whatever. In reality, though, she's hulking, angry, aggressive, selfish, greedy, and bitchy, and her coomers pick up on this and try to sexualize it as her being "dommy." She clearly hates her coomers for seeing through her wannabe DDLG princess shtick to her real personality lmao.
No. 1954276
File: 1705086413932.jpg (200.99 KB, 1080x714, Sad.jpg)

Kek they probably make more sales than her
No. 1954280
File: 1705087488620.jpg (137.86 KB, 1080x679, Thumb.jpg)

Can't run to the hospital no more.
No. 1954286
>>1954275Her "real personality" is "normal woman". I mean yeah, she's self-centered and stupid, but so is most of humanity.
The problem is that she roleplays as a cutesy silly dizzy bimbo, and no real human being is that.
No. 1954374
>>1954081I'm curious to see what she's gonna end up with past 30/40 years old
Years of being the ultimate pick me will reward her with a good husband and a healthy life for sure
No. 1954380
File: 1705100968185.jpg (234.2 KB, 2048x1536, P.jpg)

>@ my shoot [happy with hearts emoji, black heart emoji]
No. 1954421
File: 1705107220194.jpeg (1016.47 KB, 1170x1885, IMG_0680.jpeg)

I fucking hate this fat pedo hog so much
No. 1954444
File: 1705112781451.gif (757.59 KB, 220x220, FB5FECFE-32A5-489E-BD2E-29E42A…)

>>1954380Can’t wait to compare these to snapshots from the videos wherein we get to see the physique of an extremely sedentary fat pedophile who drinks alcohol like it’s water and eats nothing but greasy fat and carbs. Why are all the pedos fat? EDP and Shayna collab when? It’s because the fat is eating their brains and making them wanna molest kids.
No. 1954454
File: 1705115131291.gif (915.31 KB, 500x278, aw man naw man naw.gif)

>>1954380the fat girl angles are winning
>>1954437what does this have to do with her cutting her thumb
>>1954453she hates herself enough to get beat up for chump change and she can't go a single day without sedating herself with alcohol, weed and/or whatever else she can get her hands on.
truly. this is THE LIFE worth living. deplorable
No. 1954460
this is worse than like, actual p-in-v hooking, right?
No. 1954592
>>1954453she just got done reflecting on how badly she was mistreated by her ex and then turned around and let another moid do this. whenever she gets close to realizing that the way she permits men to use her is damaging and unacceptable the revelation seems to frighten her so she copes by pretending to get off on it.
>>1954453that would require being with someone who respects her and sees her as a person to share intimacy with rather than an object for them to degrade so i doubt it. the only time i've ever seen her look like she was actually happy was the video she made with the bald moid where he was caressing her. she is extremely touch starved and desperate for affection.
>>1954453she likely didn't orgasm at all. i don't believe she actually obtains sexual satisfaction from any of this shit.
No. 1954642
File: 1705159408994.jpg (33.71 KB, 503x251, 20240113_172119.jpg)

>>1954453>hands tied behind back>hands tied to anal hook>anal hook also tied to mouth gagI second the nonnas asking how any of this is sex.
No. 1954657
File: 1705160879058.jpg (249.94 KB, 1080x877, Delusion.jpg)

No. 1954671
File: 1705164086755.jpg (Spoiler Image,854.4 KB, 1268x1220, shayna.jpg)

>>1954453incase anyone was wondering how the physics of this scenario worked
>>1954671Guaranteed this poster is that creep scrote who was posting the
woman inserting steel wool scrubbers to herself and nailing of labia or nipples or whatever or you’re the most autistic woman on LC kek
No. 1954760
File: 1705180109259.jpg (154.26 KB, 1080x553, Lonely.jpg)

No. 1954783
File: 1705182810592.jpg (259.48 KB, 2047x1372, 20240113_165416.jpg)

I can only imagine living as one of Shayna's pets. She really should just give them up so they can have a better life.
No. 1954791
File: 1705184475697.jpg (467.99 KB, 1080x1676, Cold.jpg)

Everything is an inconvenience to Shayna.
No. 1954817
File: 1705187775737.jpg (127.08 KB, 987x1156, Tryhard.jpg)

This whole "I love pain" shit is so pathetic.
No. 1954825
>>1954474Personally think shes kinda sex repulsed so vanilla sex would probably be uncomfortable and awkward for her.
Its easier for her to get drunk and high and let people smack her around while she pretends shes into it.
No. 1954851
File: 1705198690759.jpg (909.24 KB, 1080x1773, B.jpg)

No. 1954852
File: 1705198730363.mp4 (770.59 KB, 480x842, Idiot .mp4)

No. 1954887
>>1954671I don't want to scrotefoil but why the fuck would you even waste your time making this collage? kekkkk I guess if you wanted to enlighten us with this awful anal knowledge you could've used one photo only. Maybe
>>1954688 is right and you're just incredibly autistic. Bless you nonna.
No. 1954979
File: 1705240800952.jpeg (703.62 KB, 1170x1610, IMG_0551.jpeg)

No. 1954982
File: 1705241058667.jpeg (288.41 KB, 664x1579, IMG_0554.jpeg)

No. 1954983
File: 1705241117445.jpeg (107.34 KB, 1170x664, IMG_0546.jpeg)

No. 1954988
>>1954979And yet no man has ever loved her. Curious.
It sounds like she should just date herself.
No. 1954991
>>1954982One thing about Shayna is that I can't remember ONE TIME she's praised a man for any aspect of his personality, she doesn't care about looks at all because she knows she can't get attractive moids.
Her whole life is cope, old men because she feels they are "Easier" to get, when they still dog her out (kek), ugly dusty men because she thinks they are "easier" yet they treat her like shit.
All a scrote has to do is be short, ginger, have some tattoos, a wife/ex wife and kids, tell one or two dad jokes and Shayna is hooked.
No. 1955035
File: 1705251251836.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1242x1543, 7716EDBF-5F6F-4ADD-AF70-7F9249…)

She’s so fucking fat kek her body is just flabby and untoned she’s not ”thic” and she looks overweight. She doesn’t even have an ass to match just big fat girl thighs that curve upwards like a fury suit
No. 1955065
File: 1705255772931.jpg (93.09 KB, 500x562, 8cbpyc.jpg)

>>1954979>>1954982Why is she this pathetic? Did something actually bad happen with the violent john and she is trying to make someone reach out? She needs more than Monster's inc gifs.
No. 1955126
File: 1705264869690.jpg (96.55 KB, 853x1023, Trashy.jpg)

>good morning dollhaus !! i am awake & getting ready 2 make porn [sun emoji, two hearts emoji] wud appreciate sends 4 coffee & breakfast 2 help start my day [happy with hearts emoji]
Pictures you can smell
No. 1955133
File: 1705266539320.gif (227.41 KB, 220x258, 1648832867361.gif)

>>1955035Lol! I tought that was her ass before enlarging the pic. Like she was holding her hand over her asshole really awkward. But no, it's just her front ass. Kekek
No. 1955139
File: 1705268830794.jpg (132.51 KB, 1170x805, Tf.jpg)

>my room
No. 1955143
File: 1705269826103.png (1.27 MB, 1178x1240, Screen Shot 2024-01-15 at 9.05…)

No. 1955233
File: 1705294265659.jpg (137.82 KB, 1152x2048, Pig.jpg)

No. 1955234
File: 1705294397125.jpg (Spoiler Image,475.49 KB, 1536x2048, Hammy.jpg)

I'm surprised she can still squeeze herself into that cage.
No. 1955236
File: 1705294906515.mp4 (Spoiler Image,2.74 MB, 854x480, Hammy Dog.mp4)

>>1955234The preview. Her fucking tongue out is repulsive.
No. 1955305
>>1954887>>1954975Autistic women don't behave like pornsick degens and it's rude asf to suggest that.
Smells v v scrotey. If u catch my drift.
(I wonder if the scrote posting random women's vags is behind this, too) No. 1955306
File: 1705320535398.jpeg (196.44 KB, 640x322, 006918F1-5B17-4C8A-8733-A32A24…)

>>1955239Goofy chubby pothead moment
No. 1955338
>>1955335This is also likely why she only interacts with low-functioning, borderline retarded pillhead pedo women. To be fair, those are the only women who can stand to be around her. But I can't even think of the last time she's interacted with a normie woman. I think her step-sister is the closest that she's gotten after high school.
She lives with blinders on so as not to break her delusions of grandeur, but a side effect of that is that she is completely oblivious to how low tier she is in every aspect of her life compared to normal women.
No. 1955344
File: 1705331890561.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.68 MB, 1170x1824, IMG_7997.jpeg)

We already know she doesn’t stick to schedules
No. 1955349
File: 1705333337954.jpg (Spoiler Image,580.86 KB, 1595x2048, Facetune.jpg)

This looks AI generated.
No. 1955351
File: 1705333422347.jpg (207.8 KB, 1080x774, Throat.jpg)

8 years of degrading yourself would have you assume she would've solved this issue by now
No. 1955354
File: 1705333850880.jpg (93.44 KB, 1018x575, Vids.jpg)

No. 1955388
>>1955349Unlike some untalented hacks out there, Shayna doesn't need AI to produce the same shit over and over again. She's an alcoholic!
There really is nothing more satisfying than a youth-obsessed pick me aging like a salt-soaked slug on summer concrete.
No. 1955534
File: 1705359766005.jpg (522.85 KB, 1536x2048, Plastic.jpg)

No. 1955539
File: 1705360085328.jpg (396.74 KB, 1080x1488, 1.jpg)

>I can have it for u by the 24th
She needs 9 days to make a 10 minute video?
No. 1955607
File: 1705376568365.mp4 (Spoiler Image,5.47 MB, 850x480, Cringe.mp4)

>Giving Ur Ex-Girlfriend a Love Potion
No. 1955618
>>1955534Why is there so much of it kek.
A bimbo "potion" composed of jelly slime, sugar and sparkles would only be cute in tiny increments. The fact that she's downing pink gelatin slush in 500 mL helpings as though it's water is hilarious to me.
No. 1955715
File: 1705401979175.png (Spoiler Image,981.99 KB, 1160x1708, Screen Shot 2024-01-16 at 9.45…)

Drunk dancing video posted
No. 1955717
>>1955607KEK oh wow this one has layers. Shayers if you will. Mark my words, she’s gonna start trying to baby trap a scrote when she turns 30 because she sees it as her last bastion of value to her coomers. Vile.
>>1955641LOL probably yes
No. 1955765
File: 1705413109255.jpeg (121.42 KB, 1162x522, IMG_3488.jpeg)

No. 1955766
File: 1705413180827.jpeg (388.71 KB, 1170x1628, IMG_3489.jpeg)

No. 1955781
File: 1705416471235.mp4 (Spoiler Image,2.88 MB, 720x1280, xO4aqkdYfBBIukOm.mp4)

>>1955715Here’s the video
No. 1955783
>>1955781it is time to stop and find a betaprovider if you're really never gonna go home
she has aged out of porn and is literally irl hoing now
she should have just let Womack be her bf, that was her last safe branch to grab on her fall, and she couldn't admit it to herself in time to at least secure the bag, meager as it was
now even if she realizes that's her last hope for not living at home or being homeless, she's gonna have a hell of a time finding a provider who won't be scared off immediately if they ever google her
I guess she could delete everything, never go online again, throw away all if her gross clothes, and legally change her name, but even then, she's been isolated with pornocreep content for years and years now, how could she possibly act normal enough irl to trick anyone?
No. 1955785
File: 1705417875100.jpg (245.81 KB, 1080x894, Wtf.jpg)

No. 1955790
File: 1705418039075.jpg (Spoiler Image,21.98 KB, 632x632, Mysterious slab of skin.jpg)

>>1955781Continued to brag about her back dimples and willingly used this photo as evidence
No. 1955794
File: 1705418641806.gif (876.11 KB, 640x640, laughing.gif)

>>1955785>giantess porn requestShe must be aware now of fat she really is.
No. 1955800
File: 1705419519701.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 1134x1860, 9C367AFA-160F-4909-85A0-F794B5…)

>>1955781Why is one nipple so fucking huge and one is so much smaller
No. 1955806
File: 1705420001740.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 1242x2208, 48072C92-7539-4629-BA93-676637…)

>>1955781The flat ass, the fat stomach pouch, the mismatched boobs, and the protruding furry suit thighs. I’m surprised this bitch didn’t tweet about her new years resolutions being to lose some weight. I guess she’s given up
No. 1955853
>>1955843She's a porn actress and yet somehow so naive.
Then again, she's not a nerd so she doesn't know nerd things.