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No. 709096
Previous thread:
>shay feigns a nervous breakdown for fupa's attention>coincidentally cured of depression when amazon giftcards and debit card come in>still trying to make sure everyone knows she showers>began doing instagram lives because she "gets more attention than on cam">still drinking daily
>Fupa slaps Shay in the face publically and runs off laughing like a 12 year old boy, posts it on snapchat >shay is totally not adjusting to Oklahoma, surprising nobody>same exact shitty cam setup she had in Seattle>"3 hour shower naps"Follow the rules:
- no doxxing
- do not include or harass Shay's family
- remember to sage posts that don't contribute to the milk
http://dollymattel.tumblr.comhttp://thesaddesthoe.tumblr.com (deleted) (suspended)
>>>/snow/595275http://youvebeenwarned.tumblr.comOther threads:
>>>/snow/344490>>>/snow/405758>>>/snow/457531>>>/snow/489642>>>/snow/520702>>>/snow/538195 there really is a lot of golden milk in this thread
>>>/snow/551438>>>/snow/576753>>>/snow/596387>>>/snow/634221>>>/snow/645637>>>/snow/652799>>>/snow/659029>>>/snow/670334>>>/snow/684027>>>/snow/692588>>>/snow/701865 No. 709102
For newfags:
Not bathing/showering
>>>/snow/520071>>>/snow/520080>>>/snow/520118Lying about abuse/trauma
>>>/snow/494432>>>/snow/495408Childhood, rape, shaving head, ED, weed allergy
>>>/snow/494583Genital Sores
>>>/snow/639470>>>/snow/494260>>>/snow/487927>>>/snow/487927>>>/snow/487930>>>/snow/487935>>>/snow/480326>>>/snow/645936>>>/snow/645941>>>/snow/645943Begged for customers and followers for money and giftcards to get a new camera for work. Then posts this
>>>/snow/492093but didn't use it for that reason either.
Begs for money incessantly, but criticizes people for creating internet fundraisers like gofundme.
>>>/snow/476865>>>/snow/476867… then sets up a fundraiser for hair a month later… for hair after doing it herself and having chunks fall out!
>>>/snow/490875>>>/snow/490882Giveaway scam
>>>/snow/482690 No. 709131
File: 1539201719045.jpg (79.12 KB, 640x431, IMG_1048.JPG)

God she looks leagues better with dark hair, even a wig
No. 709137
>>709131Still channeling that Baby Jane face though.
Any bets on where she'll shove an apple? I'm hoping she'll use it like a gag and just look like a luau pig instead of shoving it up her ass like she did the Easter eggs.
No. 709146
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>>709138>>709143those half palm short gloves are a thing.
No. 709151
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>>709131This costume is literally the FIRST OPTION when you look up “Snow White lingerie”
How fucking lazy. Also, BOTH are under $30. I’m betting the cape, gloves, and now were a set, most likely under $15. Really breaking the bank there you lazy piece of manipulative shit. I’m really wondering where she’s going to use all those amazon cards, cos all of that isn’t going towards props based on the fact that she gets the laziest cheapest bullshit there is.
No. 709163
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1/2 Wigs are pretty cheap.
No. 709164
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2/2 and guessing her, she probably bought the cheap cloak.
No. 709180
File: 1539205517132.png (Spoiler Image,2.64 MB, 2208x1242, 0DBD53E7-DDB5-4518-901E-128D6C…)

KEK, the second part of her real time bondage show is out. And here she is in the trailer, scratching her nose. Oh shayna.
No. 709181
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No. 709182
File: 1539205595555.png (Spoiler Image,2.59 MB, 2208x1242, 797FA016-7152-4BE7-8354-E0B2F3…)

(3/3) pure sex appeal.
No. 709184
>>709180I love how she acted like it really was
her show but was then just background scenery
No. 709197
>>709184>>709182>>709181>>709180just for clarification – this shoot where she is a "prop" was featuring alex more
her solo feature is a different video and an anon dropped some footage from it a couple threads back, it's not out yet.
No. 709209
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>>709180Graphic design is not my skill but I couldn't pass up the chance.
No. 709220
>>709181lmao at the main girl's face, she really looks like she's regretting some life choices
i too would be questioning my purpose in life while being saran wrapped to a pole. is this a kink for retail people who receive large orders? pallets of boxes are tied up with saran wrap just like that kek
No. 709223
>>709209kek this made me laugh, thanks anon!
But seriously, that's the laziest fucking costume ever. She could have bought mixed bits and pieces of lingirie and really made it her own but nope, not our lazy Shay.
No. 709411
>>709392She's totally gonna be one of those older women who resents hot, younger girls, and who is constantly insecure that their husband/ bf is cheating on them/will leave them for someone younger.
She has such weird body proportions and face. She's got thick leg like tree trunks, a boy torso with no waist, huge fat neck, and already has a double chin. It's not gonna pretty when she gains weight, or just gradually gets older. She's gonna continue to have a fat neck and have a shapeless mass of a body.
No. 709416
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Lol how can you do 3 DIFFERENT strip teases when 1) you can’t even do a simple strip tease, 2) you cant dance and 3) you have no creativity?
whoever has her snap needs to get this milk. watching her do her pathetic “dance” is one of the funniest things ever because she actually thinks she’s good at it.
No. 709444
File: 1539218546922.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1242x1634, AE963CA0-7DBD-49F3-AE1A-D922BB…)

This little fucking liar omg.
She said she didn’t have the costume/props necessary to make the Harley vid, but magically it all came in when people gave her money! also she said she was making the Harley vid first, but now it’s Snow White because she claimed that’s the costume that had just come in. But apparently she already had all three costumes + props, so she just wanted more money.
No. 709450
>>709444she always has what she needs but figures out idiotic reasons to not make the video. Example; she had everything she claimed she needed for her alien vid, people even gave her gift cards to dolls kill for the outfit and shoes. First she claimed the dildo was too big. Now she claims that she needs “more props” and a “cool background”.
People need to stop giving their money to this scamming cunt.
No. 709473
>>709456Yep, she was literally saying yesterday that she didn’t have the rest of her props and costumes and needed amazon gift cards to get them. Then today she posted that “some of her stuff came in” but in reality she had already purchased/owned everything she needed and just wanted more.
She’s a lying scammer and doesn’t deserve people’s hard earned money. She doesn’t deserve sympathy.
Tbh I’m extremely bitter about it because I fell for the scam. I sent her a $100 amazon gift card and she said I would get a Skype session and 2 videos. She never followed up on the Skype session and gave me only one video that I asked for, the other was not the one I asked for and she said “oh sorry! Well you have 2 vids now, I’m sure you’ll like it!” (This was when she went by Bambie, mind you)
No. 709525
>>709473It seems as if a lot of people from these threads are previous costumers of her that have been turned off by her bad business practices, lack of ethics, flat out scams, and incessant lies.
She never follows through on anything, and she changes prices, and rules on people who have already purchased.
No. 709595
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don’t see why it matters, she didn’t clean the tub before using it for the very first time, why would she clean it after that. she sits in her own period blood and films it shamelessly….
No. 709762
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No. 709787
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Huge content going on in the shay stream
No. 709817
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and then she said "i don't know what to do, though," confirming my theory that she never watched any cam models before deciding to do this full-time
it's pretty basic camming 101 to watch other models before starting yourself so you know what you're doing
No. 710018
>>710010>>709817Truthfully I can see the logic behind not wanting to watch other cam models? You don't want to make yourself a copy of someone else because they're making $$$ and what works for them might not work for you. That and with how many models there are being yourself/having your own style might be better.
But when it comes to Shay what's working for her really isn't working at all so maybe she should actually watch some shows.
No. 710145
>>710123chiggers are like a kind of mite, they're normally super small and they like to chill in tall grass and shit.
they're all around the creeks in my area and my sister got them in a new tattoo once.
They itch like all fuck, and sometimes there are bites like a mosquito bite or "patchy" and they can look like a rash.
pretty sure theyre an arachnid.
i doubt it was chiggers, because she always scratched herself in Seattle too.
i think the girl just constantly itches as an impulse kind of thing.
No. 710160
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(1/3) giving out rude “advice” I thought people were supposed to pay $100 for that vital groundbreaking advice?
No. 710161
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No. 710163
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No. 710194
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Fupa following in Shays footsteps and getting added to blocklists
No. 710309
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“Necessary props”
Shayna stop being such a scamming liar and then revealing the scam. At least try to be a good scam artist.
No. 710312
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(1/2) Snow White is supposed to be a naive, young, innocent character. Not a brazen alcoholic auntie with puffy dark undereye circles and wine red lipstick.
For fucks sake at least TRY to emulate the character you are cosplaying. Capture the innocence, use it to your advantage. Isn’t she all about being a sweet innocent baby? This should have been easy for her.
No. 710314
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(2/2) she’s losing weight too, at least in the stomach area. yet her face and neck are still bloated from all the alcohol. Her body basically looks like she barely eats and just drinks alcohol constantly. That and sugary Gatorade. Healthy and thriving, this one.
No. 710328
>>710099>chiggersaugh you gave me shivers, I haven't thought about them in years
on an unrelated note, TIL I learned that everything I knew about them was a myth.
I was told that they burrow into your skin and you had to suffocate them with clear nail polish
I did that for so many summers
I feel betrayed
No. 710345
>>710314>>710312Idk why anon pressed about her attempting to be “sexy” or “not innocent enough” or whatever
Who gives a shit about portraying Snow White true to character it’s rp porn not a broadway production. I’d take alcoholic aunt trying to get her limp dick husband to fuck again over the disgusting crackhead daddy fucks me toddler shit any day
No. 710349
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She’s on cam
No. 710359
>>710345Well because her whole shtick is “innocent dumb baby” and Snow White is the epitome of innocence you’d THINK she would go for that. But instead she went for this brazenly sexual version which just seems odd, both for what she claims is her brand, and also for the character. Watch her try to play Harley Quinn all innocent ~**uwu baby**~ daddy love me bullshit.
An innocent nun would be hot. an innocent Snow White would be hot. A crazy, openly sexual Harley Quinn would be hot. You feel me?
No. 710392
>>710388 Shes so fucking dumb. Is she aware that there are camgirls much more popular than her and it's not difficult to find
their general location. It's not like anyones giving out her town or exact address
No. 710403
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I just entered her room while she was attempting some sort of dance or strip tease and I've been laughing hysterically for like 3 minutes.
No. 710408
File: 1539290709950.jpg (Spoiler Image,164.01 KB, 824x1800, puke.jpg)

When she turned around, I got a good look at her crotch and almost puked. Seriously, why is she a cam girl. Those are some bad breakouts
No. 710424
>>710417she’s previously told people to either talk with her on Snapchat or twitter if they haven’t received content that they paid for. She basically forces them to either purchase her snapchat or make a Twitter in order to get content they’ve already paid for.
It’s been said already, she’s a scammer.
No. 710450
>>710424So she couldve just PMed these people the links, but instead she's making them et a twitter, or forcing them to buy her snap, just to send her a message about the videos that they already bought, that she wont read.
WTF. The guy paid for it, give him his vids. He's the only on who tipped you, now ur gonna scam him?!
No. 710452
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Someone just asked if they gave her all their tokens, would she edge 9 times
She said "how much do you have.i'll only do it for 1000"
When her goals says: 426 til edging 10 times.
she totally forgot what her tipgoal was, and tried to scam some guy out of 1000 tokens.
Now she's begging for someone to end the countdown.
No. 710453
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No. 710582
first time watching her live today and it was just…wow. Can't believe i used to feel bad for her lol
>>710578I think anon meant the one in the OP?
No. 710645
>>710643Not to tinfoil/armchair but I think you've got a good theory there
All the more reason for her to see a therapist instead of self-medicating
No. 710655
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No. 710662
only appeal she ever had was being a stoner blog for years and the prospect of seeing her naked. But after posting her below average nudes/porn, and show casing her disgusting pussy, there's NO allure left. None. Non-Existent. Also adding, she had a giant bush when she first started doing porn, then she shaved it off and exposed her breakouts.
Her body's not hot. She's built like boy with trunk legs, no waist, no shape, no tits, uneven nipples, and the worst is the boils and pimples all over her pussy and the constant asscne. You would think for someone to pursue a career in porn, that they'd have attractive/healthy looking genitals. Instead of a ballsack pussy riddled with boils, zits, and whiteheads she constantly picks at.
All she really has is an over inflated ego and shit ton of confidence that she got from yrs of tumblr use, where everyone tries to hit on you and calls you hot.
No. 710664
>>710653Yeah that's the point I was trying to make. It's really not hard, especially over the internet, to mimic behaviors that you KNOW will garner attention and sympathy from people. With Shay, it's easy to see how it would be faked because of how easily she can turn the sadness/destructive behaviors off when she is given attention/money.
I know a lot of us felt bad or concerned when she was having meltdowns and vagueposting about having issues. Keep this all in mind next week when she's "horrible depressed" and drinking herself to sleep.
No. 710665
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Can't believe they're calling her back.
No. 710667
>>710666It's so cringey. I get secondhand embarrassment after reading anything she writes. That's the typing style you grow out of after you finish junior high school.
Then again, that's the age range she's trying to emulate sooooooo
No. 710671
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It's ridiculous when she tries to jump on this like it applies to her. Sex work is work, true. Cam work can be and is a lot of work, but Shayna, doesn't work very hard. She about puts the same effort as someone getting ready in the morning picking out clothes. She thinks picking out backdrops and props on amazon is work. She can't even manage to tolerate 2 full hours of stream time. She has no people skills, and her customer service is nonexistant.
She EXPECTS money because she's naked. She doesn't WORK for it. She thinks just bc your broadcasting nude people HAVE to pay you. Her audience get so bored that they're the ones suggesting activities.
No. 710673
>>710669if you're younger than 23 and not from the US, chances are it's just not something you ever heard/read
>>710667It's an outdated writing style that was only used by teens in the late 00s/early 10s. extra cringey imo
No. 710678
She sees all these sex work positive posts, and automatically feels as if they shield her from criticism that she doesn't put in effort.
Her stint at olive garden pretty much best describes her work ethic. She was a server who got up and quit. She expected to make money just by the act of serving food, totally ignoring the whole aspect of customer service, hospitality, dining experience, etc..
She's the same way in her sex work. She sits in a room, and thinks just bc she is on cam that people automatically have tip her, and gets angry when they don't. Completely ignoring all other aspects of the job. Like having a personality, activities, showing off, dancing. She's incredibly lazy. For someone who doesn't have the looks to use a crutch, she shouldn't be so lazy.
No. 710684
>>710669Oh god don't give her ideas. We all know she has an affinity for shoving shit up her ass, regardless of cleanliness or safety.
Imagine, if you will, "Dolley Mattel in Fishy Barbie" over a gif set of her shoving cocktail shrimp up her ass.
Excuse me while I dry heave.
No. 710695
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>>710692She's on Tumblr being bitchy to asks.
No. 710701
>>710695lol pretty sure the anon meant that if her ads aren't actually reaching a wide audience, she must not be making a lot
which is true when it comes to camming
No. 710707
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Was browsing the cams available under Dolly's nonexistent one and this one cam is literally showing The Mask and has 116 people in it. Dolly can't even do something that basic as show a film and just sit there raking in tips.
No. 710728
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coming online soon
No. 710730
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>>710725That's twice now she's been an hour late and needed Asks to remind her. Starting to wonder if she's given up on liveshows or if Fupa is trying to get her to stop doing them.
No. 710735
>>710707What's sad is that she doesn't realize how boring she is to watch. She thinks that just showing up and sitting on cam means people should tip her to get naked. That's it. She expects people to tip her because she's on cam lol.
Like the whole point of camming is to engage with a live girl, otherwise people would just go watch porn. Flirt, play games, have conversations, etc. She just sits there answering questions rudely in monotone and then complains about how hard her life is uwu won't someone tip her to drink wine that's already drinking?
No. 710738
File: 1539317468581.jpg (26.84 KB, 437x329, jenga.JPG)

She's talking to her entire audience of 20 guest farmers about her Jenga set.
>Do I have to do this myself? I don't want to do anything by myself!
No. 710752
File: 1539317797500.jpg (24.76 KB, 430x321, oops.JPG)

I was trying to cap that I'm pretty sure she's not wearing underwear (said she "didn't want to change") and she went "Oops, that's not good" and shut her cam off. Did she knock the wine over?
No. 710753
>>710751omfg kek x1000 I was wondering where she went already. I am dying
>>710752she's wearing black panties I think
No. 710760
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Yikes. With her tossing stuff left and right to 'clean' the area, I'm not surprised.
She's back and on the nasty old rug… and now she's gone again.
So she was an hour late, shut cam down due to spill, and then left to go downstairs.
No. 710765
File: 1539318136476.jpg (25.51 KB, 435x326, wine.JPG)

Spill your last glass of red wine on the blanket? Time to open a new bottle.
No. 710767
File: 1539318234602.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.62 KB, 423x325, yikes.JPG)

>>710761Confirmed, she's not. Said she didn't want to change before stream so she was likely late due to Fupapa sex.
No. 710768
>>710767damn her ass crack is just black as night then because I coulda sworn I saw a black thong.
also, ew. even though sex with him probably only lasts 10 minutes max.
No. 710769
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>I had an ex boyfriend of mine try to get the cork out of my wine with a screwdriver and broke it and it went into the bottle. I was like there's floaties in my wine and I'm literally going to whine.
And she's back to scratching herself. So far no tips and only her female followers are chatting. Says she's going to do a video soon in the hoodie she's wearing.
No. 710779
File: 1539318733653.jpg (96.03 KB, 1105x417, why.JPG)

>How do I have 36 guests here? Like why are you here? What do you want?
As opposed to her Tumblr followers? The only people that show up for her shows are her female followers and farmers. The only tips she gets are from Harley and Silver.
No. 710817
>>710772Pretty sure I’ve been in her room before when she said she
wants to go to Italy. That was in the past couple of months.
No. 710824
>>710820right? like there's NO incentive to tip for it, it will take 20+ tips before it will fall. so people are just supposed to throw money at her to play a normal ass game of jenga? hoping that it will
eventually tumble?
No. 710880
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very not surprising
No. 711002
>>710920>>710923pretty dumb if she is lol not even supplying milk or interesting commentary
anyway it's certainly not unheard of for a cow to pop into their own threads
No. 711028
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No. 711077
File: 1539356108379.png (13.63 KB, 454x314, 2018-10-12 10_53_02-Tumblr.png)

lmao why is he such a little bitch about everything
No. 711099
File: 1539359586735.jpg (17.6 KB, 239x232, liar.JPG)

Says she's getting her nails done 'tomorrow' >>710894 but then posts half an hour ago that a regular just surprised her with money to get her nails done.
No. 711101
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No. 711116
File: 1539361898566.jpeg (671.23 KB, 1242x1049, 6892C4F4-92B2-4D85-8B04-5DE5F6…)

She’s been on cam for about 30 mins and this is her deciding what to do with her nails. It’s fucking annoying
No. 711118
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And now she’s texting. Riveting entertainment.
No. 711129
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No. 711134
File: 1539363425597.jpg (19.39 KB, 345x260, Capture.JPG)

>Now who's going to tip me to get drunk before I go to the salon? Fine. If no one is going to tip me I'll do it anyway.
Still slapping like a seal and no one is tipping.
Someone commented
>You’re a country girl from dicksy land
And she put on a hick accent and went "Like Wizard of Oz? This SURE ain't Dicksy land anymore!"
No. 711136
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Isn't harley the landwhale bdsm chick?
No. 711139
File: 1539363913983.jpg (20.17 KB, 354x263, grannyshay.JPG)

>You ever see people posting overly cringey shit on the internet and you're just like.. giiiirl.
>I know it's the internet but it's just like.. I don't know.. I just feel bad sometimes. Like noooo. Noooo.
>Like this girl.. She posted "Whenever I put on cute clothing and my boyfriend complains about it and I'm just like I want to be cute" and everyone is like dump him! And she's like "But I love hiiiim!" and I'm just like aaaaah.
Sounds familiar doesn't it, Shay?
No. 711143
File: 1539364034322.jpg (77.26 KB, 912x348, schedule.JPG)

>I've been getting more people in my room.. more people chatting.. so I'm going to try next week to try 1 to 3-4pm and then a couple night sessions? I'm not sure yet.
No. 711144
File: 1539364073459.jpg (17.14 KB, 548x43, uhh.JPG)

Just how old is Harley?
No. 711147
File: 1539364288624.jpg (76 KB, 774x353, tips.JPG)

>It's just been a weird week.. like I don't even know. It's just been a weird week. Like the last time I moved times I lost all my regulars. And the time before that when I moved I lost all my regulars. Even when I kept the same times!
Got tipped $1 and didn't even notice because she was on her phone.
No. 711160
File: 1539365345458.jpg (18.59 KB, 352x256, slap.JPG)

>If someone ends this countdown right now (458 tokens) I'll give you porn. I'll give you 10 free videos to get me naked. I just want to get naaaaaaked.
Completely silent chat and no tips. She just sits there scratching, singing along, and ignoring everyone that comes in until they leave a minute later.
>Believe it or not I have not done my makeup today. I want to take a shower and get ready to get my nails done. This is so slooooow!
Someone finally tipped 22 with "Let's see where this leads.." to spin the wheel. They won 'pussy spank'. Poor bastard.
>Ooooww that hurt! There's totally a wet spot on my shorts. Oopsie!
The baby voice is making me die inside. But the tipper liked it and she's just giggling and then ignoring him again and his attempts to get her to talk to him. She's already singing along to songs again and making no attempt to coax him into tipping for something else.
I've noticed the common theme here is that if the person talking isn't one of her fangirls she gives them 5 sec of interaction for tip then ignores them until they tip again.
No. 711162
File: 1539365449383.jpg (40.62 KB, 555x194, what.JPG)

>>711160He finally had to ask how she was today to get her to talk him. He's got a sub and everything and she's ignoring the conversation starter to talk about getting her nails done.
And then this guy showed up?
No. 711165
File: 1539365707067.jpg (19.57 KB, 346x263, shaywhy.JPG)

Okay so her top tipper paid to spin the wheel and got slap face and she said "You can respin for 5 tokens" despite him being there when she offered the other guy a respin for free.
Scammer Shay at it again.
I'll admit she's making more money this show though and 75% of it is from this one guy.
And then she goes on a 3 minute talk about how hot she is to herself and how everyone should get her naked.. before picking hair and lint off her dildo then getting up to go wash it off. All the while this guy is still waiting for his tip reward.
No. 711169
File: 1539365919814.jpeg (Spoiler Image,843.43 KB, 1125x1608, E1979C1D-8464-4B49-9BA9-C6BBBC…)

Lmaooooo whos grandma is this?!
No. 711170
File: 1539365968825.png (150.71 KB, 617x462, 8744658456864584568.png)

No. 711174
File: 1539366120601.png (Spoiler Image,246.23 KB, 577x435, yikes.png)

No. 711177
File: 1539366236442.png (Spoiler Image,242.49 KB, 613x451, 48469465.png)

Looks like she's really enjoying herself.
No. 711184
Shay high/drunk is so obnoxious to watch.
>scratches arms>scratches legs>messes with chest>cracks knuckles>slaps thighs>picks at skin>>711181She wanted tippers to chip in as well to replace her $200 piece. Yikes girl.
No. 711185
>>711182Whenever she puts more than the tip in this
>>711170 is what you get. It's a lose/lose situation lmfao.
No. 711196
File: 1539366942411.png (162.7 KB, 528x453, 5.png)

dear god the way her shorts are like riding up her diseased snatch and it's swallowing them whole is truly revolting…
For the love of god PULL THE SHORTS DOWN holy shit.
No. 711197
File: 1539366974819.png (200.65 KB, 413x323, yikes.png)

oozing sex appeal as always
No. 711198
>>711197Also can you even see her "wet spot" she keeps talking about?
Because to me it looks like the fucking sahara.
No. 711530
File: 1539389761576.jpeg (127.55 KB, 1242x413, CFD3FE37-F454-47C6-BD8A-AC64A4…)

She starting drinking at 10am, wtf Shayna get it together
No. 711596
>>711074>>711051That was my post, it's plug in/ browser extension called Social Blade. Here's the live link to that post
Here's to the plug in No. 711618
File: 1539396578230.jpeg (104.49 KB, 1242x911, 4CBDB999-8E61-40C0-A9A4-B7524E…)

Why would you ask the pussy pimple queen how to prevent acne? U cray.
No. 711623
File: 1539397065007.jpg (49.23 KB, 660x330, alcoholic.jpg)

>>711620I have visions of future Shay.
No. 711628
File: 1539397339766.jpeg (146.44 KB, 1242x678, F3051A44-26C2-4E56-81C9-75CECF…)

Truly just drinking all day.
No. 711632
>>711614She talks about ho she doesn't want thinspo blogs interacting with her, but yet she just made a post about how much she loves them. She always contradicts herself and makes herself look like an idiot.
>>711618I'm pretty sure that's a troll. Most her nice asks are people trolling her.
>>711623This is uncanny. Whoah
No. 711647
File: 1539400276406.jpeg (124.49 KB, 1242x943, 010F99ED-B29D-48D4-A387-B1C447…)

LMFAO, he “corrected” the anon even though they used the correct term. What a fucking moron.
No. 711667
>>711647he appreciates that she will do things for him, especially sexually. that's it. he's ashamed of her in public.
still says you're single on your facebook there buddy, how does shay feel about you hiding her?
No. 711699
>>711647Good lord there is absolutely nothing I hate more than this fucking bitch boy. I don’t know what is is about him, everything he does is just disgusting. You’re a grown man. The amount of validation he needs at “30 something” is outstanding. Also who tells someone who had YOUR KIDS that they’re too fat, while you yourself, are fucking over weight.
She picked a real fucking winner, he got you a cardboard box. I hope it’s worth a life time of solitude and abuse.
Sage for speging, it’s been building up.
No. 711705
File: 1539405547711.jpeg (93.12 KB, 1242x579, A9FAB039-3E80-4544-B352-2124D5…)

No one says superb unironically. Why so cunty Fupa.
No. 711758
>>711705Peep that wet-napkin personality.
Could have said something like “I’m living like a king, with my cute girl and a beer in my hand. Stuffing my melting face with whataburger cause I’m a fat fuck with a tiny cock. “
Like…use that opportunity to totally brag about your awesome new life with your new house and girl???
They both seem very, very happy.
No. 711799
File: 1539426562785.png (196.78 KB, 456x461, d35.png)

No. 711881
>>711647>>711653>>711685Exactly. Regardless if the anon was wrong, especially considering how Shayna types lykE DizZ. It's ridiculous.
It's just so weird how Fupa listens to 19 or 20 yr old music like lil peep or juice wrld. How is he as 30-something yr old father of 3, ex obese, even relating, it's just fucking weird. Just as weird as the whole, "no I don't do drugs, especially xanax, don't bring it up, cuz it's a touchy subject my sister died from it", but while he glorifies it, reblogging a shit ton of pics of xanax and drug use.
It just looks like a midlife crisis, and it looks mega pathetic.
No. 711912
>>711910plus Shayna has a long history of saying whatever the fuck she feels is gonna have shock value, and not apologizing for the people it affects. Saying shit like “get me a black dildo and I’ll fuck it while wearing a trump mask” or, “I think hitler was a brilliant man” or “people who make gofundmes to get out of abusice situations are stupid”
She doesn’t give a fuck and thinks it’s just ~*baby bimbo tings tehe*~
No. 711924
Glorifies phsyical violence in sexual/romantic situations
Chases men older than her and has spent
years underlining her attraction for literal fathers
Constantly blames any negative impact in her life on either being due to her suddenly suffering poor mental health (you cant blame depression when you have never seen a therapist in your life) or because anything other than herself is to blame
Has had no issue throwing rape allegations towards her boyfriend and as loud mouthed about her "traumas" as she is, being sexually abused of any kind has been kindly swept under the rug yet the narrative of her having abusive parents who never supported her "career" choices she still mentions.
Has now been going on for years making it a point that hurting her turns her on
Theres no reason to sit and scream abuse when she has done nothing and i mean NOTHING, besides saying she wants this type of relationship and then when she has to live with it 24/7 shes upset cause being a live in cum rag isn't as fun as she thought it was. She has always been a self destructive mess and her amping up her drinking says nothing other than shes once again dissapointed in her life and is acting out.
They both cheat, take excessive amounts of substances, lie, fabricate alternate personas for themselves, act out, self destruct.
Personally they're a great pair for each other and are on equal level intelligence wise and emotionally, anons tinfoiling that hes some grand sadistic manipulator really miss the point that both are pretty much equally toxic but Kyle Nathan Perkins has had the unfortunate events of getting children in the middle of his dumb Assery.
Rip his fugly fucking ass to shreds but dont try to cape for shay at the same time, cape for the ex wife who probably gets bottom dollar from that guy in child support while Shay drinks her own dildo collection in wine while sobbing cause she broke her bong.
No. 711927
>>711924tbh I think shay is a better manipulator than he’ll ever be. he’s just a wanna he edgelord who thinks he knows anything about being a sadist/dom. He thinks being a dom is just telling your sub what to do, making them fuck you whenever you feel like it regardless of their physical and mental state, and making them sleep in a puppy cage as punishment while posting XXXTREMEEE rape, gore, and other disturbing things on your tumblr.
Basically, he’s a full fledged idiot with no real personality. Shayna is an idiot with no personality, but knows how to manipulate her audience into thinking she’s the
one true victim and nothing is ever her fault and she’s just a hurt cinnamon roll who keeps having bad things happen to her. She’s really good at her victim game, she knows it works and knows that people will garner sympathy and give her money.
I’m pretty sure they’ve both come up with these ideas of each other that haven’t planned out and now they’re both upset that the tumblr fantasy life they dreamed of isn’t actually real. She’s not really a tiny cute babygirl who understands little space, she’s just a gawky 5’5 twink of a woman who thinks wearing baby clothes and saying daddy is what little space entails. While he made himself out to be this super sadist dom who likes trying new edgy bdsm practices, but in reality is a fat slob who works at a call center in Oklahoma and has an ex wife and three kids and fantiesies of raping someone. I’m sure in their heads they are still trying to make the delusion real, so they drink and drink until reality blurs with delusion enough to make the other seem somewhat attractive.
The whole relationship is a train wreck quite frankly.
No. 711932
File: 1539451135789.png (559.16 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181013-131755.png)

Sorry about the screenshot, too lazy to edit
No. 711943
>>711932The label being on the mesh is
triggering me
No. 711945
>>711932Why didn’t she crop this at all? Why all the dead space?
Oh yes,
aesthetic No. 711951
>>711932She literally used the exact same makeup from the Snow White video omg.
If she’s going for “real nun” like she said on cam (she talked about how she wanted it to seem like she was a regular non-blasphemous nun and you’d only find out once she revealed the red thong which doesn’t make sense since the outfit is already super revealing) then why would you wear red lipstick and fake lashes? She never thinks anything through but claims she’s such a perfectionist.
No. 711954
File: 1539453071977.jpeg (542.2 KB, 779x1555, A19C1605-882A-490B-AC14-B4CED7…)

what the fuck even is this pose?
No. 711971
File: 1539454692383.jpg (213.29 KB, 1600x1274, DollyMattel_13102018_1746_MyFr…)

Such a sad setup.
No. 711990
>>711971My god this screams pathetic. Look at my huge house! So many rooms! But I’m stuck in an
empty closet making my makeshift porn
No. 711992
File: 1539456040311.jpeg (123.72 KB, 730x1214, 75ADB87F-8F6E-4F5D-BCDE-4DCFB7…)

>>711972It’s dollskill. Seeing it on the model really demonstrates how poor fitting Shays is
No. 711994
File: 1539456110370.jpeg (439.17 KB, 1242x778, 3847918B-392B-4195-9F10-282352…)

you cannot tell me this doesn’t look like a teenage twink trying on heels and a tight dress for the first time.
No. 712007
File: 1539458061207.jpg (96.62 KB, 539x960, IMG_8759.JPG)

>>711993>>711996Nah she's had this since her shay-gnar days. Took me forever to find it but here she is in the same costume a few years ago.
No. 712021
>>712007And this
>>711954Is not the same person
No. 712023
File: 1539459856132.jpg (47.77 KB, 476x527, Capture.JPG)

No. 712061
File: 1539463102202.png (8.4 KB, 272x36, Screen Shot 2018-10-13 at 4.37…)

>>712049No, that looks like pic related.
>>711596 explained that it's SocialBlade.
No. 712096
File: 1539466968013.jpg (Spoiler Image,293.45 KB, 1125x1152, 115bc738-54fa-4e61-81da-159251…)

>>712023Better quality one
No. 712115
File: 1539468480845.png (267.28 KB, 456x810, 1.png)

No. 712116
File: 1539468495363.png (291.49 KB, 456x810, 2.png)

No. 712117
File: 1539468507850.png (275.71 KB, 456x810, 3.png)

No. 712127
>>712115In reality you have a ballsack pussy covered in boils and a pimpled ass. You sit on a dirty rug in a cardboard box in bumfuck Olkahoma and scratch yourself while drinking cheap wine.
Don't flatter yourself too much, darling.
No. 712137
>>712115Here's the original milk and links all about how she started camming, how her family found out, and all the shit about her mom. She lied to people pushing the narrative that her mom was abusive for attention, when she never was.
(welcome to her blog-y she hates her mom -if ur new) they found her blog) how her parents found out about her camming) her mom doesnt understand her n how she shoved misogyny down her throat and how she doesnt get that shayna wants to be a cam girl n how her mom send her emails/txts for schools and jobs- boo hooo soo abused by an awful bitch) literally makes me want to vomit- asked how her mom found her blog- she literally says "she’s the type of person to try and dig up dirt on me so she has an actual reason to be mad at me other than just being a bitch"-wow shayna) such a shitty mom… makes up but then proceeds to still bash her to her followers) she is courageous for sticking up to her mom- lulz) y she's a strong person bc of what she went thru w/ her mom) her blog was private/ brother backs up mom) asker u dont need parents- more about her mom and how she compromised their lives- her mom lost her poarents when she was only 12) thes dumblr loser minions perpetuate her delusions and warped thinking)
asked y her mom is such a bitch and how they better be blessed w/ a child like her!! other pples mom like her more her mom is jelly) boo hoos and how her mom told connors mom about the camming) justifying her blog to her mom) from her awful parents… blog or us) about suicide, her experience w/ her parents n what they were doing pushed her) No. 712173"my brothers friends thought it would be necessary to tell my brother they saw me camming, which is funny considering my mom got more mad at me then she did at my brother for having scummy friends lol that was expected though"
She seriously referred to the cam audience, the people that pay her, as 'scummy' … wtf?
No. 712185
File: 1539473553248.jpeg (147.17 KB, 480x426, 6043E8DD-D847-4147-A9A2-9581B9…)

>>711971 Reminded me of some creepy basement/sex trafficking ring lol
No. 712196
>>712180What responsible gun owner just waves
Around a loaded gun like that, playing with the magazines?
Also if you’ve never shot a gun before it’s usually not the best idea to try a handgun first. Usually it’s better to try a small bore rifle to get used to the sensation and control.
No. 712201
File: 1539475708571.png (294.62 KB, 298x478, goblinmattel.png)

>>712180>>712188>>712196The fact that fupa, a dude who has a history of being an abusive scumbag with violent rape fantasies owns a gun is concerning. Especially with him waving it around like that.
Thanks again though snapchat anon!
No. 712203
>>712198Didn't she claim to have a really weak grip due to the "flu shot"? Can't wait for her to drop the gun from the recoil.
Also, how are those fopur inch long fingernails going to fare in all this?
No. 712204
>”I should probably fuck you with this”>”I’m down”Yes fuck your girlfriends already infected pussy with a gun you keep in the sweatiest portion of your pants and probably never clean.
Such BDSM. very goals.
No. 712257
File: 1539480855501.gif (1006.34 KB, 500x288, 29D28A56-2307-47A3-B52D-671DE4…)

>>712180Wow, in this short video Fupa managed to break all three of the most basic gun safety rules.
1. Always treat a gun as if it were loaded.
2. Never point at anything you aren’t prepared to kill.
3. Keep your finger off the
trigger unless you are prepared to shoot.
Fupa is every “”big man”” who goes to a shooting range on the weekend to feel masculine but wouldn’t know proper gun safety if it shot him in the face. I hope the range operator sees him and kicks him the fuck out.
No. 712261
>>712180The first thing I see is just boils all over her pussy. It's super concerning that she ALWAYS has a never ending breakout. Like I've never seen her pussy NOT have boils, or pimples. Fupa's acne St. Ives tip isn't helping Shay.
Their interactions are so boring, awkward and cringe. Worse angles for her. Her giraffe is showing. Nails still looking cheap. Her her is wrecked.
No. 712263
File: 1539481559884.gif (1001.15 KB, 322x236, 17788634.gif)

>>712180every time shay shows fupa on camera he looks so uncomfortable. is he standing because they only have one chair to sit on?? lmao
pic related. shayna shooting a gun
No. 712269
File: 1539482538235.jpeg (113.46 KB, 750x557, 22839206-5A57-4FF7-B0C4-8378DB…)

Unless the private took like…4 hours or more she still didn’t have time to slap together her windows movie maker unedited footage? Editing her videos can’t take longer than a couple hours and she can let it render while she gets wasted.
Side note: I really hope they film her shooting this gun. Bless you Snapchat anon
No. 712316
File: 1539490283438.jpg (644.98 KB, 1080x2219, 20181013_231105.jpg)

God I couldn't even read it all. Notice her tag claiming consent lmao
No. 712343
>>712341Accidental shooting, baby**
FTFY anon.
No. 712356
>>712336>>712332Ah shit, my bad. I had waited but clearly not long enough.
Anyway back to boils McGhee, any recent info on her poor cat? Last time she was mentioned she was fearfully hiding in a closet.
No. 712405
>>712389it's funny to me that she's trying to shit on people playing fortnite, when twitch streamers easily make more money than her. like… way more money.
and people who play esports are making bank. they do their jobs and work hard, more than can be said for miss ballsack pussy.
No. 712407
>>712389 Not to mention how people don't view playing video game professionally as a 'diseased' profession. Even if you fail or have minimal success, you can for instance put it on a resume. Games are also more fun and have an inherit quality of being consensual to all participants.
The stigma of being a loser gamer covered in dorito dust and Mountain Dew is still less damaging than being a camgirl.
Also, doesn't the pimple pussy performer herself play games on steam sometimes?
No. 712462
>>712272I always thought Shay would fit more into the Jerry Springer Show. But Fupa and Shay def deserve to be broadcasted on some trashy talk show.
No. 712491
File: 1539525895394.gif (819.15 KB, 245x245, 1523133180700.gif)

>>712316My face the further and further I read this.
So let me get this straight.
>sucks him off while he's sleeping>he wants to cum in her ass>she doesn't seem into it>says it's going in there whether she wants him to or not>fucks her ass without lube>she cries>he ignores it and finishes anywayDisgusting.
No. 712498
>>712491But it’s all
consensual as she says
No. 712545
>>712523maybe not on purpose, but it's reminiscent of a lot of CSA victims stories. Being called a good girl for going along with it, being told to watch a kids show and let it happen, crying while being fucked. i'm not saying it was fupas plan but i can see why anon would think that.
the whole ddlg thing is inspired by child abuse imo, it's no wonder so many people are into it ~~~~~to cope with csa memories
No. 712548
>>712523i mean..she literally refers to herself as a little girl
thats what they stupid fucks are simulating when they do ddlg shit
no "little girl" can consent to sex, hence why the abuser will often try to give a distraction such as a toy or tv show while raping or molesting them
No. 712551
>>712548yah you’re looking way too into it…for real.
It’s a common power dynamic within bdsm. Shayna is just a disgusting pedo panderer who doesn’t actually care or give a shit about bdsm ethics, she does it for show.
But no, nothing in that post is simulating child abuse. Y’all can go sit down.
No. 712558
he tries so so hard to seem badass but obviously the overcompensating is for
some deep insecurities it’s so cringe what father acts like this? reminds me of greg lmao. trying to be edgy at 30+ is just, jesus
No. 712581
>>712561role play is simulation
they obviously roleplay her being a little girl getting fucked by a "father figure" and that is simulation of child abuse period
stop being obtuse and trying to normalize this shit as if them being consenting adults makes it any less fucked up
No. 712609
>>712599when it comes to actual child abuse, there are way worse things on the internet. Shayna in particular appeals to old fat men who want a little dumb schoolgirl because yeah, it’s a fantasy. It’s a fantasy to want someone way younger than you who’s still a Virgin yet at the same time slutty as hell. It’s all just wrapped up in the fantasy we have of keeping girls pure forever yet wanting them to act like whores when they do finally have sex.
It’s not child abuse and tbh of you wanted to view simulated or even real child abuse you could probably find it.
No. 712648
>>712639Except there’s no research proving that. Almost ALL forms of media can be said to “promote violence and sexual abuse” but it’s just not true. You can read a book about brutal murders and never go out and do it. You can watch a rape scene in a movie and not think “oh that sounds like a good idea”. It’s about the person, not thya media they are consuming.
So go back to your concerned moms meeting, Sharon.
No. 712653
>>712590lol i like how somehow the people casually pointing out that shay and fupa are basically recreating child sexual abuse (which is obvious factual information like.. the bitch wears diapers, uses baby items, fupa acts like a rapist-molester towards her during sex all the time) is people "fake psychotherapists diagnosing"
retarded. just admit that what they do is sexualizing children and child abuse like… how is your brain this deluded? shocking. that's all i have to say on this hot debate though lol
No. 712662
>>712653it’s all speculation though. We ALL know shayna is a huge fucking liar. We ALL know she makes shit up fo shock value. Sorry you can’t see though her very very thin veil.
She’s simply trying to pander to old fat men who want a submissive dumb child to turn into a whorenjust for them. Grow the fuck up, Shayna has way more milk on her than the fact that her porn is terrible. And if you can’t separate porn from reality (like her) you’re gonna have a real hard time.
I highly doubt they’re doing any of the ~*uwu baby bimbo daddy wuvs me*~ shtick on a day to day basis. They have boring ass vanilla sex and claim that since she’s holding a stuffed animal it’s “bdsm”. All of you are fucking dumb as rocks if you think anything shayna and Fupa do represent anything DD/LG.
Cos here’s a hint: IT DOESNT.
If you want some disgusting DDLG shit look up binkie princess. That’s some shit that’s genuinely promoting sexualization of children beyond porn. There’s so much more beautiful milk on Shayna I have no idea why every thread some anon has to spurge about his bullshit.
No. 712663
>>712607Of course it does. Are you mentally challenged? Porn promotes sexual violence and encourages people to view human beings as nothing other than objects. You can find hundreds of “daddy fucks stepdaughter” bullshit videos on pornhub alone.
The porn insustry is all about the promotion of gross fetishes and violent sex. It’s an industry, it will do whatever it’s customers want in order to turn a profit. And when disgusting pedos are part of that customer basis, the porn industry has no moral qualms about giving them what they want.
No. 712665
>>712663Maybe look up some research on this and you will find you’re completely wrong.
No. 712679
>>712316Why does she feel the need to share the most mundane shit. This is the
naughtiest thing? KEK. They're basic vanilla.
>I started whimpering & crying… told me to just watch tvWhen he doesn't wanna look at your face when he cums cuz your crying. LMFAO!!!!
No. 712694
>>712684I've never seen her do a single thing that was sexy. She makes people go dry af, and boners retract.
I seriously have never thought of ANY of the content she releases as porn. She's so bad at it. The facial gestures, boring af concepts, same shit in every video, barely any close ups bc of her breakouts, and when there is a close up, you just wanna vomit.
Like I'd feel bad bc you can tell she
really, really, really wants to do porn, and it's a dream and fantasy of hers, but she really needs to face reality. Or at least take a break, let her pussy sores heal and clear up. Then come back with better shit. Bc it's been a dumpster fire that she just personally keeps feeding for the past few years.
No. 712695
>>712690lol probably because so many people were bringing up how they basically stopped talking to each other on social media once they moved in together, and Fupa was being super…weird. She was probably like “you need to let my followers know what a gr8 dada you are so always be on my snap and let me post fake stories about how we fuck and make sure you say you love me allllllll the time”
and his cuck soyboy ass was like “well I don’t have anyone else to fuck so I guess so”
No. 712699
File: 1539545296106.jpg (70.03 KB, 274x599, 4689.jpg)

Way to advertise where to get some free snaps of yourself? kek
No. 712704
>>712699Also, way to tell people that you don't even use or post to your public snap(that you also tried selling before)
>>712701No she does, in her head she legit thinks she's a
Pornstar. She's delusional AF.
No. 712759
>>712752>>712754She drinks beer with her meals, drinks wine from the bottle before and during her streams, drinks beer in the shower, drinks beer recreationally with Fupa. Drinks to cope. It seems as if Fupa has a bunch of beers around, there's nothing wrong with that, but Shayna is just is taking it overboard.
Yep, it's about daily. It starts like that, then it'll take her more to get buzzed/drunk.. she's already went there several times, by guzzling, and getting in a hot shower (effects faster/ stronger). Also by chugging red wine, she said during stream she hates it, but loves it bc it gets her drunker and faster.
Wait til she moves on to hard liquor. And if she doesn't, she'll have packed on the weight and developed a protruding gut with the beer.>>712754
No. 712760
>>712713>>712735>>712739why are you so obsessed with raping children, anon?
>>712756I honestly wonder if she gets the shakes by now if she doesn't drink.
No. 712762
>>712760Has she even gone a day without to where she feels the effects of withdrawl?
She's a wreck, she needs to stay away from hard drugs. She's got the personality to spiral quick. Not even a full month in Bumbfuck Oklahoma and she's becoming an alcoholic. She's already got serious alchy bloats.
No. 712770
>>712762She isn’t becoming an alcoholic. She’s been one tbh. She’s just becoming more and more dependent on it which is super typical.
I think because alcohol is so normalized it’s kind of hard to see where the line is but the biggest tell tale sign from the get go was always that she drinks alone. She’s by no means a social drinker and she drinks constantly and by herself. Not that going out and drinking constantly would be better for your body, but she doesn’t even do that. She drinks in the morning, she drinks on cam. She drinks when no one is watching or there.
Shayna is 100 percent an alcoholic and I also don’t think Fupapa realized that before she moved in honestly. She couldn’t stop drinking if she tried but she’s not gonna try.
No. 712777
>>712770He claims he’s taking care of her, yet can’t even notice that she clearly has a drinking problem. She doesn’t need an enabling sack of shit like Fupa who doesn’t even use lube when he fucks her. He’s not looking out for her best interests, he just wants what’s best for him in the end.
Remember when he talked in length about what it takes to be a caregiver and all that bullshit? Maybe he should take his own terrible advice and be a fucking caregiver.
No. 712836
File: 1539557619340.jpg (15.07 KB, 259x236, shaynasty.JPG)

You were eating nasty discharge, Shay.
No. 712885
>>712518>>712492ARE YOU FEELING IT, MR. KRABS
(i know this joke is lame but i literally could not help myself)
No. 713125
File: 1539599746460.jpg (27.58 KB, 341x584, wee.JPG)

snapchat anon here with fupa
No. 713138
File: 1539601472232.jpeg (629.15 KB, 915x1612, FE7DBF95-31C3-4E80-833D-F03C98…)

that face. it’s so obvious he doesn’t care about her. she’s fucked up on something other than alcohol and weed. this is so much worse than i thought things would get and so much faster and i can’t look away lmao
No. 713141
>>713139same anon as
>>713138 what i meant by more than weed and alcohol was more so along the lines of adderall with her behavior
No. 713150
>>713145I didin't sage bc I tought
>>713138could contribute to the milk
No. 713152
>>713145just wanted to point out i see why you think i’m an idiot. i’m the anon in
>>713138 not
>>713133. similar typing styles but not the same. you’re infighting with someone who didn’t even post the first unsaged block of text.
No. 713238
File: 1539612537378.jpg (31.84 KB, 270x324, 7yg78.jpg)

Yep, pretty much drinking daily, then blackout drunk on weekends.
No. 713287
>>713153I think she’s going to end up like his ex wife and it’s something we need to watch for, but right now this is what shay signed up for. Her whole life revolves around sex and her ddlg persona, so when we call her his sex toy, or see him slapping her in public. They decided on a 24/7 dynamic. Or at least one that portrays being constant when they’re in front of a camera. The only think they’re doing wrong is showing their kink to anyone in public who hasn’t consented.
Regardless of if shay really likes being beaten or fucked whenever however. She’s the one who decided to tell people that she’s into bdsm. Kyle Nathan Perkins hitting her or making her suck his chode when she’s anxious is what shayna asked for. It’s all consented too even if she didn’t go hey yeah you can fuck my ass today.
No. 713289
>>713287We don’t have to watch out for shit. Sorry anon, but I’m here to laugh st the bitch who scammed me. I could care less if she got herself into a toxic relationship.
We’re not here to fix her problems, we’re here to make fun of her.
No. 713298
>>713290 I mostly just meant she consented to a 24/7 bdsm relationship where she has little to no say in what happens because she’s “too dumb for words”
Let’s not forget shayna has rape fantasies of her own and has repeatedly said she wants that kind of sex.
>>713289 I’m so sorry you got scammed out of her pimple porn, but what happens when she inevitably gets pregnant and now she and Kyle are fucking up someone else’s life. Should we just watch
No. 713307
>>713298Yes, we should just watch. Because it’s not our responsibility to keep her life from going down the drain.
If you like her so much why don’t you go buy her content and sniff her ass like her other retarded customers?
No. 713310
>>713298I don’t know if you realize what kind of thread you’re in. We’re not here to take care of her. Since when is it the internet’s responsibility to watch out for someone who’s scammed loads of people and is all around a disgusting person?
It’s like saying it’s the internet’s responsibility to have kid friendly platforms and make sure kids don’t see anything questionable. Well guess what, it’s not the internet’s responsibility it’s the parents responsibility. I’m not here to guide Shay through life, nor is any other anon.
No. 713328
>>713310>>713307Okay. Let me try this again because y’all are fucking dense. I do not care about shay. I am not trying to protect her. If you read more than the first line of my original post. You would see that.
I am concerned about her having to pump out 3 of kyles kids and them being subjected to their parents fucked up ways. That’s what we should watch out for. We don’t need to protect her. I literally said she asked for all this herself. She’s a grown women making her own choices.
Y’all some dumbasses.
These threads have gone to shit.
No. 713329
>>712936Gail Dines could do with her own thread, tbh. At least sage your shit.
>>713298"should we just watch"
serious question: where the fuck do you think you are?
No. 713348
>>713328Sweaty, the only dumbass in this thread is you for telling us that we should watch out for her.
I didn’t come on this thread to look for red flags for a chick who I hope gets thrown back in a dumpster.
No. 713356
>>713349>”i am concerned about HER having to pump out 3 of kyles kids…”at least read what you write, damn.
we all know you like to sniff her ass, anon. Maybe this thread isn’t for you. Move along.
No. 713364
Jesus Christ what is happening to threads these days…
I don't even think she's drunk, just trying to act like it. And not to say that she doesn't have an alcohol problem because she clearly does, I get the feeling she does fakes being plastered quite a bit, just like she fakes her over the top "orgasms" after 2 seconds of edging on cam. I actually felt embarrassed for Kyle Perkins of Tulsa, OK
>>713361This. Like Kyle wouldn't force her to get an abortion because that what "dada" wants
No. 713367
>>713356Who else is going to pump them out.
The next sentence is “and then being subjected to their parents fucked up ways” don’t try to pick and choose what’s being said to fit your narrative.
>>713361>>713364I don’t doubt her getting an abortion either. But they’re both seriously neglectful and you can only get an abortion for so many weeks and it cost a lot of money.
No. 713370
WELL IM DEAD took what, a year for it to come out? And its all just the same shit.
No. 713378
File: 1539623153021.png (89.76 KB, 1280x888, tumblr_pgkokpJe6n1rmiw96o1_128…)

She's hoping back on the Findom train again. Incoming dump.
No. 713379
File: 1539623189484.png (Spoiler Image,207.5 KB, 1280x864, tumblr_pgkokpJe6n1rmiw96o2_128…)

>>713378She already has a good camera. Does she think an even more HD one is going to make her look better?
No. 713380
File: 1539623237369.png (Spoiler Image,201.59 KB, 1280x788, tumblr_pgkokpJe6n1rmiw96o4_128…)

>>713379Fupa must not be happy about this. Accuses her of looking for other men and here she is selling texts.
No. 713400
>>713364…but he pulls out and nuts in her ass guys… KEK. They're such hillbilly fucks. I really wouldn't put it past her to not be bc.
I agree, she does fake a lot of shit.
>>713379Yeah, these are def old, but she reblogged it recently though. So ridiculous bc she makes fun of any fundraiser platform, and the people in need that use them, but then gets on a soapbox and rants against it. Then not even a month later makes one for hair.. and a camera.. that she never even got.
No. 713426
File: 1539628087277.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1242x1452, E11E94A2-48EC-45BA-B497-FC587E…)

No. 713437
>>713426These thumbnails look like she has a fuckin hitler stache
At least she's attempting to wear a wig? I guess?
No. 713440
>>713436well she has said that she admires hitler so I wouldn’t put it past her
~*baby bimbo hitler barbie tehe!*~
No. 713463
File: 1539630735213.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1242x1651, EB78EBC9-FD9D-46FC-8351-DE5FFE…)

She signed up for CB again I guess? Even though she already has an account there? Idk but it looks like she’s gonna try Chaturbate. Ya know, since it’s cleary the viewers fault that she’s getting no tips.
No. 713464
File: 1539630907229.png (756.95 KB, 812x593, 2018-10-15 15_13_06-ɘ__Ǝ-ɘiɿdu…)

>>713426is she trying to be sp00kybabyyy? lol
No. 713494
File: 1539632899237.jpg (17.75 KB, 266x214, Capture.JPG)

Did it take them that long to make her look presentable?
No. 713507
File: 1539633990075.jpg (44.09 KB, 507x578, 1.jpg)

No. 713512
File: 1539634656417.jpg (36.48 KB, 431x578, dollymattel.jpg)

No. 713602
>>713507this isn't goth. this is 13-year old emo kid who went to hot topic lol
at least market yourself correctly, shay.
No. 713679
File: 1539646855381.jpeg (504.36 KB, 1125x1836, 172E9D2C-D6FB-4602-B84A-A2096B…)

Who here thinks the anon is shay lmaooo
No. 713710
>>713704That would be HAVING a gag reflex.
Everyone has one, anyone who says "don't have one" is a retard. Obviously if you do something often enough you can change the function and convince your body it's ok but you have a gag reflex for a reason, you don't have to stick a dick down your throat for it to be any good.
No. 713742
File: 1539650079948.jpg (19.8 KB, 269x264, Capture.JPG)

Scamming again
No. 713754
>>713679sooo hardcore bdsm babby doll but can't fit a dildo this size in?
learn how to prep yourself. probably too used to taking fupa's chode that anything bigger that his 2" is soooo big uwu
No. 713792
>>713752Ya they're all just dead accounts and porn blogs, it's not like literally 150k people there
>>713754Isn't the video called anal loving goth gf too lol
No. 713915
File: 1539662755778.png (105.85 KB, 640x888, IMG_2267.PNG)

scrolling through my dash and saw this lol
No. 713942
>>713923Messed up how?
I wasn't on when you posted, but I see a lot of duplicate posts in other threads from around that time which has been happening for about 2 weeks due to 50* server errors.
No. 713996
File: 1539673706664.jpeg (221.33 KB, 622x1080, 13E26064-B623-4578-BA35-BBAF88…)

No. 714028
>>713996Oh fuck let this be the next thread pic.
P l e a s e
No. 714088
>>714074It's not even funny honestly
Whatever happened to the art anons we used to have in these threads? Jumped ship with the rest of the sane people I guess
No. 714178
File: 1539706179619.jpeg (539.59 KB, 1125x1355, 971335BB-DA59-4009-96C0-31CB3C…)

Out here spouting absolute BS
No. 714191
File: 1539707082827.jpeg (526.79 KB, 1242x947, CB6A8AAC-382F-435F-B668-E04DF0…)

Oh she’s a scene girl now.
Didn’t her customers choose anal loving GOTH gf? GOTH girl? Shayna I think you read these threads far too much sweaty.
No. 714194
>every couple months i try n commission someone 2 draw me or make me something cuz i think its so important 2 pay creatorsokay so where are all of her commissioned art pieces then? if she's paying for art wouldnt she at least reblog it to support the artist and show it off?
she's too busy e-begging for materialistic shit that i HIGHLY doubt she'd even consider dropping money that she realistically probably doesnt have to drop, on something so non materialistic.
No. 714199
like aspergers
No. 714298
File: 1539718751477.jpeg (449.29 KB, 1125x1366, 780B42E1-C397-406A-B3F0-CB2950…)

this could be old but I don’t recall ever seeing this
No. 714313
>>714298i am someone from instagram that told her she would look much better in black and i am apparently blocked??
i wasn't even trying to be mean lmao
No. 714318
File: 1539721458864.jpeg (866.64 KB, 1242x1401, 9D2A6FEE-553C-4A2A-B3D4-A71570…)

>>714298nah that’s pretty old. But this is another new post from psy-faerie.
No. 714323
File: 1539721967400.jpeg (507.38 KB, 1242x1648, 8A73B066-5817-4AAF-B5D5-34E449…)

that’s…that’s rape. you can’t consent to being penetrated while youre asleep. That’s rape. I can’t believe she actively promotes rape.
No. 714348
File: 1539724727989.png (16.48 KB, 277x207, Screenshot 2018-10-16 at 5.18.…)

>>714347from the iced-nipple guy. just a weird ass fan, not a relationship. Saging because it's not really milk or that relevant
No. 714395
File: 1539728052462.jpg (44.41 KB, 500x254, tumblr_pgpovqBBKC1rmiw96o2_500…)

Schedule is out.
No. 714396
File: 1539728230686.jpg (20.56 KB, 482x94, thisbitch.JPG)

>>714395This bitch right here! Way to tell that you're lurking here Shay.
>>710707 >Was browsing the cams available under Dolly's nonexistent one and this one cam is literally showing The Mask and has 116 people in it. Dolly can't even do something that basic as show a film and just sit there raking in tips. No. 714400
>>712639"You guys porn encourages child abuse and women abuse uwu"
You are seriously this dumb, are you a feminist and came to this post just to spout bs?
This is about Shay and Fupa, not your "revolution" against porn lmao.
No. 714404
>>712663Welcome to the real world Sharon, where industries will always make money off of anything they can.
You are as dumb as Shay with all the crap your spewing. Pretty sure all the actors/actresses in porn condone everything, so your point is invalid.
No. 714447
File: 1539733132945.png (Spoiler Image,281.43 KB, 1080x566, 20181016_193803.png)

Seems to me she had no problem fitting it up her ass and LOOK AT THAT FACE LMAO.
No. 714449
File: 1539733222733.png (29.73 KB, 155x158, 20181016_193828.png)

No. 714462
>>714447Is she using lube???!?
Cause the toy looks kinda shiny compared to the rest of it.
No. 714472
>>714465Dying at ooo fart wth is that.
Also is that… Fake,,, discharge?? Like its literally not coming from her vagina it's like dripping from a weird place. You're fooling no one shay your vagina is the desert
No. 714487
File: 1539735839058.jpeg (Spoiler Image,541.52 KB, 1242x733, 290D3944-4A43-4A09-A940-467697…)

How did she think this was a good angle… also the black background plus all the black she’s wearing makes her look like a floating half head.
No. 714491
File: 1539735915718.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.13 MB, 1920x2560, 18-10-17-01-22-02-396_deco.jpg)

She really needs to work on her faces and angles (and everything tbh)
No. 714511
>>714439since when did Shay try to sell bottles of discharge? I know she tried to sell her panties at a ridiculous price.
>>714318for someone who "doesn't follow up" on what Shay does, she sure talks about her a lot.
No. 714530
File: 1539737737076.jpg (80.89 KB, 1600x900, clockwork-orange-watching-reco…)

>>714447>>714476Uncanny. Just with a Hitler stache slapped on there for good measure.
No. 714531
File: 1539737772050.gif (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB, 540x304, 03CF22AF-5220-41AA-B0DA-C9F3BD…)

She looks like she smelled something bad.
No. 714533
File: 1539737833579.gif (Spoiler Image,1.24 MB, 540x304, 223A5C52-6E85-4ECD-94BB-52D34B…)

>>714530Ah yes mein fuhrer
No. 714548
File: 1539739082292.jpeg (306.16 KB, 1242x804, D057A11F-3147-41EE-B391-0BB58C…)

Can we talk about this description though? Like a goth thing to say is that life is constantly fucking you?
No. 714565
>>714563to be fair, no one who uses the goth gf knows what goth is either. Shay actually should've done a girlfriend experience video if she wanted to use the "goth gf" thing, it would at least be different than every other of her videos.
Also, I really hope she didn't go ass to vaginal with the dildo but knowing her she probably did
No. 714576
>>714559I don't think anyone thinks she's actually super fat, just that she's getting fat/ter/
>>714565Lmao watch her do a girlfriend experience now after reading this thread
No. 714583
File: 1539741742788.jpg (78.57 KB, 900x1200, shayna2.jpg)

No. 714595
File: 1539742491295.jpg (353.92 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-76119681.jpg)

No. 714597
File: 1539742769181.jpg (575.55 KB, 1064x804, dictator.jpg)

No. 714630
File: 1539744403513.png (213.84 KB, 444x449, 1457997163200.png)

>>714597Please use this as next thread image. My sides are gone, anon
No. 714645
File: 1539746051437.jpg (52.4 KB, 335x344, Untitled.jpg)

we live. she's in the closet
No. 714647
File: 1539746340984.png (356.86 KB, 616x502, thecrowsnest.png)

jesus christ look at that fucking mess
No. 714650
File: 1539746499417.jpeg (620.5 KB, 1100x838, 429EB415-B5CF-473E-A29B-D942E6…)

>>714647It looks like she’s on like the worlds worst green screen
No. 714652
File: 1539746657840.jpeg (702.93 KB, 1242x866, 96C6D99E-7F1C-43D7-A833-4FE215…)

>>714650Someone mentioned Betty from Riverdale and she legit just acted like she’s never heard that as a name before. “That’s a cute name. Sounds like a 1950s pinup name”
No. 714655
File: 1539746908416.jpeg (695.84 KB, 1159x864, 587EB68B-BAA8-4629-B0A1-1CA9F4…)

>>714652Coming at you live from the closet of despair. Being huffy and cunty to costumers already, acting so offended that no one is tipping. She just blocked a guy for asking if she was horny. Good business practice.
No. 714663
File: 1539747181630.jpeg (650.83 KB, 1242x927, F8902506-F3D1-4440-BD60-A8B74C…)

Jesus Christ Shay
No. 714665
>>714664she doesn't make much at all though lol
i think she only still gets a little because she used to have a somewhat more attractive persona and she has some desperate hambeast tumblr stalkers now too like that harley thing etc
No. 714670
File: 1539747505824.jpeg (757.94 KB, 1215x913, C71EF345-CF85-444E-83F0-66EFF3…)

Talking about how she filmed for 3 or 4 hours yesterday then edited for 5 hours today. She had to work really hard on the light and color correcting and contrast correcting and stuff. So what we see was a massive effort apparently.
No. 714675
File: 1539747782664.jpeg (652.59 KB, 1208x889, D9CA32B7-2990-4F39-ADCB-C4897A…)

Enthralling. Fake crying because she has no weed. She also just threw something out of faux frustration and immediately was like “sorry Dad”. Now back to thigh slaps and Black Sabbath.
No. 714677
File: 1539747929068.jpeg (747.64 KB, 1242x924, AE1C8F3D-0D5D-44E0-9E67-18D11D…)

She has zero self awareness in regards to what her body looks like on cam
No. 714682
File: 1539748137339.jpeg (817.46 KB, 1232x926, C5D980E2-22C6-411F-B25C-4316AB…)

I feel like she has the same eyemakeup on from yesterday
No. 714685
File: 1539748517190.jpeg (657.52 KB, 1213x923, B6F8E3E6-2087-439E-AF05-4DC021…)

Talking about how maybe her ass is growing with her current diet… sure Jan
No. 714699
File: 1539749200533.jpg (24.56 KB, 332x260, Capture.JPG)

>Another blank one? What the hell? There's only like.. 14 pieces with nothing on them. Two blanks in a row?
It's called being a lazy bitch, Shay. There's like what, 20 blocks in it?
No. 714701
File: 1539749294186.jpg (25.82 KB, 341x260, Capture.JPG)

So for her Snow White she got a strobe light, fog machine, and fake blood?
>So here's my basket for my Snow White. So I'm going to put apples on the bottom and then put in a dildo and then layer more apples so when I pull an apple out it's like DILDO AAAHH!
No. 714703
File: 1539749362780.jpeg (660.17 KB, 1242x903, D3B3DA5B-B75C-49A1-927A-0D28B5…)

She is legit mixing up red riding hood, sleeping beauty, and Snow White. She’s god a picnic basket, and said she’s going to eat an apple and go into a crazed cock hungry state before falling asleep. Ok.
No. 714704
File: 1539749433796.jpg (25.96 KB, 346x258, fogmachine.JPG)

>>714703All the while she burns down her 'studio' with her fog machine.
No. 714707
File: 1539749542454.jpg (28.65 KB, 401x302, drunkauntie.JPG)

She just tried to Vogue and then started doing the drunk auntie bounce to Madonna.
No. 714709
File: 1539749642857.jpg (23.74 KB, 410x308, zits.JPG)

Someone tipped her 250 to get into the cage.
No. 714712
File: 1539749705676.jpeg (757.32 KB, 1242x910, A788668F-0579-4CAE-B87E-F1FCCC…)

You can’t understand a word she’s saying from the cage. She’s trying to talk to guests and sell shit but is inaudible cuz of the loud music. Amaze.
No. 714716
File: 1539749853089.jpg (28.79 KB, 405x304, cage1.JPG)

>if you become premium and tip me here, I'll give you a free porn video.
It's not free if they're tipping you first?
No. 714721
File: 1539750335409.jpeg (484.44 KB, 1242x924, 978B8985-89E5-4A54-AEA8-82090B…)

She just played the preview on her phone… on cam. Talking about how the camera guy laughed while filming her. Cuz she was SO funny. Sure Jan again.
No. 714727
File: 1539750682314.jpeg (774.88 KB, 1213x911, 92443FC0-5909-430C-9E65-45D0C7…)

Naked time
No. 714728
File: 1539750720803.jpg (29.96 KB, 404x301, wow.JPG)

Someone tipped her to get naked. That's the first time in days.
No. 714730
File: 1539750955097.jpg (26.37 KB, 397x308, strip.JPG)

Someone tipped her to strip and she's wasted like 3 minutes already.
No. 714732
File: 1539750981990.jpeg (675.23 KB, 1242x893, C0D1BA73-2CD3-4FCD-BF0B-71D043…)

She can’t figure out her striptease light etc setup. And we get another “vogue” dance.
No. 714735
File: 1539751091726.jpg (24.84 KB, 399x295, strip3.JPG)

>i can't strip to this song. As much as I love it, I can't strip to it.
Still hasn't stripped. Changed songs three times and adjusted her lights and cam a dozen times.
No. 714739
File: 1539751278928.jpeg (Spoiler Image,710.19 KB, 1242x926, B001E06C-997E-479D-9F6D-C6F0F8…)

No. 714741
File: 1539751381221.jpg (Spoiler Image,26.57 KB, 406x309, strip5.JPG)

No. 714746
>>714744And then she complained about him leaving and "How come no one has a ManyVids account? You have to have one! My porn is great this is the only place you'll get it!"
Maybe put your videos on the site you're ON RIGHT NOW, dumbass.
No. 714747
File: 1539751803643.jpg (Spoiler Image,29.38 KB, 452x341, jfc.JPG)

Not even joking her viewers went down during this.
No. 714748
File: 1539751806721.jpeg (Spoiler Image,644.58 KB, 1242x900, 16986687-3CE6-4B19-BF7C-522229…)

>>714743She keeps spinning her wig like this and making it look more and more ridiculous
No. 714750
File: 1539751860408.jpg (19.39 KB, 480x360, clerks.jpg)

>>714739She's like the perfect specimen for "skinnyfat". Weird and boney in some places, soft and doughy in others. This pose is really accentuating all the bad.
>>714743She looks like Jay from that one scene in clerks here.
No. 714751
File: 1539751907156.jpg (33.92 KB, 443x338, sfw.JPG)

>I can cover my nipples with this hair so it's automatically safe for work.
No. 714755
File: 1539752163497.jpg (12.42 KB, 422x42, harley.JPG)

Presented without comment.
No. 714763
File: 1539752375506.jpeg (Spoiler Image,650.19 KB, 1232x906, 4411BC1A-7B42-4C8F-B8A9-FE4A8B…)

The height of class.
No. 714764
File: 1539752377164.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.78 KB, 448x339, thriving.JPG)

No. 714765
File: 1539752432543.jpg (Spoiler Image,35.48 KB, 454x343, 7783.JPG)

Her vagina literally looks like someone took scissors to a ballsack.
No. 714774
File: 1539752993806.gif (1.26 MB, 443x259, 1527453028296.gif)

>I've not seen many girls with pussies like mine since I've been in the business. I didn't know mine was special until like July.
No. 714776
File: 1539753038862.jpg (Spoiler Image,31.31 KB, 447x341, thepeach.JPG)

>See this? This thing they call it a peach but I think it looks like a ballsack but apparently people really like it.
No. 714781
File: 1539753446653.jpg (15.06 KB, 450x42, 999.JPG)

Can't imagine why..
No. 714785
File: 1539753762611.jpg (Spoiler Image,33.11 KB, 450x336, 99.JPG)

No. 714786
File: 1539753784691.jpeg (Spoiler Image,786.2 KB, 1242x1022, B3621E47-3B92-48EA-BA9B-A0C439…)

Someone tipped her 555 tokens (fox whoare you) and this was her idiotic response
No. 714792
File: 1539754319810.jpeg (Spoiler Image,694.75 KB, 1232x1010, A279DAD7-AA1F-4ABD-A7DA-AAB6B8…)

It is pure luck that she is getting tipped tonight. She is acting like an idiot.
No. 714795
>>714792Talking about how in January she broke off all her poly relationships because she couldn’t do it any more. “The only time
Poly was ok with me was when I had other relationships and my partners didn’t”. At least she admits that wasn’t healthy of her to do.
No. 714868
>>714818Hard liquor, here we come!
>>714807Appears to be. She needs to clean that tub. Spa tubs are notorious for harboring bacteria and mold in the jets as they sit damp.
>>714776Her outer labia look like PNP's lips.
>>714728>>714763Top kek caps!
No. 714904
>>714866Ya it definitely could have been.
Also not visible in any of the pics I'm seeing from her cam show.
No. 714958
File: 1539780817438.jpg (21.19 KB, 258x485, panties.JPG)

She's STILL trying to sell these!
And in a stream a few days ago she was still trying to sell her candy bra and panties as well. This stuff has to be toxic waste by now.
No. 714975
>>714655I don't get it. If she really reads this thread and follows some advice from here, why doesn't she take advice on her customer service? Does she think we're lying and that blocking someone for asking a camgirl if she's horny is actually good business practice??
How can she read all these comments and not understand or at least consider them?