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No. 110612[Reply]

/g/ is for all things girly, bathroom talk for advice, lifestyle, fashion, cosmetics, makeup, periodtalk. Anything you would ask and talk about with your female friends.

>/ot/ is for offtopic, discussions, debates and sperging

>/m/ is for image spam unrelated to beauty or vidya and movie talk
Do not post porn, talking about porn or sexual preferences is fine though.
You can see all the rules here https://lolcow.farm/rules

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No. 355199[Reply]

A home to post your nerdy crushes here. Whether he just wears nerdy glasses, or if has nerdy hobbies, or is just, a plain nerd.

Previous Thread: >>287864
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No. 511016

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No. 511021

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He’s definitely drawn cuter than he is kek IRL he ugly tbh

No. 511064

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No. 511138

Radiates "epic bacon" vibes, well done nonna

No. 511693

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No. 511080[Reply]

Flat Luigi's Basement Dungeon Adventure Edition

ITT: Post pictures, new developments and conversation about Luigi

Previous threads:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.(spoiler)
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No. 511685

Yes, we would all claim him. He’s also never allowed to cum or even piss without permission cause his dick would be locked up all the time. He would stare up at us all teary eyed and beg us to take the sounding rod out, which would earn him a swift kick to the balls

No. 511687

I think Luigi is telling us to go fuck ourselves and we're never getting shit out of him, this is such a quiet week. Please drop an appendix , I'll do anything!

No. 511688

yeah. that little faggot.

No. 511690

I hope he stops with the letters, he needs to isolate himself. He is too spoiled, getting free female attention. Unfortunately he may still be reading letters and masturbating to the self esteem boost.

No. 511692

kek yes. does he even have any privacy to jack off in prison?

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No. 433552[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/378038

This is for diet and fitness related things only.

-Post your goals, your current state, like your weight or measurements;
-What you're going to do to change it and your methods (Weight training? Intermittent Fasting? Running? Raw eating? MyFitnessPal logs?);
-And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measurings.

Feel free to post charts of your progress! If you're doing daily reports, remember to sage.

Reminder that we're all human and we all have our ups and downs. Don't blame yourself for failing and don't get fixated on small missteps. This is a marathon, not a race. Self-sabotage will only make things worse. Try to stay positive and think of the positive steps you've made to get here and keep moving forward!

Don't get fixated on numbers and give yourself adequate rest days and rewards to keep yourself motivated.

No ana, please.
875 posts and 86 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 510201

How do you masure your body fat percentage? I always read about dexa scans being the best method.
I had the same problem on lexapro. I tried tianeptine, it doesn't increase appetite.

No. 510932

I hate the days I'm suddenly weak for no reason. Why must my warmup weight make me huff and puff when it didn't 3 days ago?

No. 511009

Can someone recommend a clear and well explained gym arm workout? Idk what the fuck to do, looking stuff on youtube gives me bullshit 10 minute workouts with no weights. I mostly wanna tone the batwing area.

No. 511037

You mention gym, so maybe find a few arm weight machines to cycle through? The bat wing area is probably the biceps/triceps, and there are usually machines for those at most gyms. Some of the machines that target the shoulders or upper back can also apply to upper arms too. I'm still a gym newbie myself (going 2x a week since the start of the year), but I've just been sticking to weight machines so far. I try to put on as much weight as I can do 3 sets of, at 10 reps each and have it feel like a bit of a challenge.

I'm trying to branch out into dumb bell exercises, and there's lots of websites that show you the form you're aiming for depending on what muscle to target.

My scale at home supposedly tells me my fat and muscle % too, but I never know how accurate that is. There are sites that let you plug in your body measurements and weight, and gives you a fat % that way. Those sites give me a slightly lower number than my scale.

No. 511691

It could be because of your menstrual cycle and hormonal changes.
Okay, I ordered a bodycomposition scale. It even has a handpiece (?) I hope it's accurate.

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No. 432617[Reply]

Post women you find overrated or ugly when they're shilled as beautiful. Is it her awful personality shining through? Is it her weak bone-structure or weird thumb? Is it her PR team brain-washing the whole planet into worshiping her?

Lesbians, bi and straight women are all welcome to contribute!

Previous threads from oldest to latest.
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No. 510719

She's a satanic occult cunt. Look up Kimberly Thompson and the lawsuit she filed against her.

No. 511559


No. 511684

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Love her but she looks like a fat single mom who works overnights at a Chevron in Greenville Mississippi

No. 511686

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she lsot weight and she looks cuter now

No. 511689

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I'm glad she found ozempic but also she's got the makings of a very inconspicuous cow considering her background of really milking the "I'm a plus-sized MODEL" thing for years. She was so pretty during her tumblr girl era.

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No. 444697[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>393926
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No. 510879

How do I tell my roommate to clean up after herself? We’re both students, but I work, she does not. She stays in our shared space all day, only leaving for class. Our living situation is a bit odd, we basically share one large room with a small bathroom, so there is no private space, and I can see her side of the room at all times and vice versa. She rarely cooks, and when she does, she does not immediately wash her dishes and plates, instead letting them pile up on our dining table. When she runs out of dishes and cookware, she starts to only eat microwave meals, and the trays and trash from that pile up on her desk. I used to be nice and do her dishes when they blocked the sink, but I got fed up of taking care of someone else my age (she also never said thank you, but maybe it was because she was embarrassed). For a while, she was doing pretty good, but just this past week or two the dishes haven’t even been put in the sink, they’re just sitting on our small dining table, and not only is it an eyesore, I think it along with the desk trash could be attracting little gnats or fruit flies. I should mention that she’s openly mentally ill and has trouble with executive dysfunction, and has openly discussed how difficult it is for her to do anything at all, from her classwork to showering etc. I don’t think she’s ever vacuumed or dusted, I do that all because I want to. I don’t know how to tell this adult woman my own age to wash her dishes and take out her trash, as I’ve never been in this situation before. Any advice is appreciated on how I can approach this? I want to be sensitive to her mental issues, but at the same, I don’t want trash and bugs in the place we have to share and look at together.

No. 510886

I still think that you don’t deserve fruit flies or cockroaches because “much mental health”. Tell her to clean up after herself because you don’t want an infestation.
She already doesn’t clean, the minimum she can do is do her fucking dishes nonna, stop being a doormat.

No. 510887

And tell her openly that you also take a big share of the chores already while she does nothing.

No. 511655

How do I make my dating app profile more appealing to women if what I'm looking for is casual sex? Suggestive pics?

No. 511666

I am actually about to ruin my life through my unwillingness to study and it's killing me
Why why why can't I just sit the fuck down and study

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No. 445663[Reply]

Discuss goth music, makeup, fashion that you love. People you admire, gossip, news, etc.

previous thread:
482 posts and 139 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 511358

I have never worn band patches but all these street fashion crowd people are making me want to cover myself in patches to stand out from aesthetics only crowd.

No. 511619

it still is a wrong thread for your issues withe that person

No. 511626

I don't really have issue with the person per say outside of that, I just thought that the discussion of goth poser was inline with the thread. If it was the wrong thread to post this in, then my bad. I'm assuming I probably should've posted the clip in the Altcows thread so again, my bad.

No. 511658

No. 511662

also search for "70s kaftan skirt/dress" on ebay

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No. 475475[Reply]

Post men who are unconventionally attractive, gross, unattractive, average, ugly, creepy/weird, or shameful for their reputation.

Previous thread: >>>/g/470594
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No. 511611

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Fuck I know that Im not even remotely original in liking this guy but Im going crazy over him, I have islam makhachev derangement syndrome. Theres so many reasons as to why I like him I think I could go on forever. I usually hate autistic moids but he has that right amount of mental retardation where hes cute and charming instead of annoying and stupid. Theres something about him that other ufc moids lack I cant quite put my finger onto it. hes lakian/lak which is a microculture that Ive been obsessed with for a while, and I think its also that Im into men of eastern complexion in general. He always has that look on him like he just woke up its like resting TBI face i love it. Its cute how he doesnt understand english that well, he sounds way less retarded in russian I think thats whats tricking most people into thinking that hes stupider than he really is. Ive once printed out a picture of him and ate it. I carved his name into my bedframe, I have photos if anyone is interested. Its so hot how hes so evidently shy and awkward especially in the older interviews. fuck. I wanna give him flowers and embarras him publically infront of his friends. Id humiliate the shit out of him but like in a cute teasing way. I hate biology for making it impossible for me to pump him full of cum and swell with my babies, but alas Id still peg him and play with his nipples, and then Id take him out to a nice restaurant and lovebomb him with compliments and make him blush and hide his face behind a menu. Its a shame that hes a muslim but thats okay Ive conjured a gigacope in my head that it was khabib who groomed him into islamic faith, fuck khabib btw i hate that retard

No. 511612

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>Ive once printed out a picture of him and ate it. I carved his name into my bedframe, I have photos if anyone is interested
Yes please. This whole post is strangely fascinating.

No. 511621

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Outlined with a pen for readability. Ignore that Ive mispelled his name I cant fix it since its wood. Its really small, I hide it behind a pillow so that nobody can see it

No. 511646

I was about to make fun of Muslims for naming their kids "Islam" but then I remembered what one of the most consistently popular names in the West is.

No. 511656

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I want to bully and kiss him

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No. 437064[Reply]

You know the drill
Previous thread >>>/g/404050
1049 posts and 146 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 511620

Scrotes are intimidated by real women's real bodies and their natural functions, including periods. Especially periods. Moids are the ones that shamed women worldwide into being perpetually ashamed of it, and in some religions they even consider periods sinful or some shit, which makes women spiritually dirty or something retarded like that. Gachaincels threw a collective mantrum over a game for women introducing a period tracker feature, calling it degenerate because they don't even understand what a period is, when there's literally nothing sexual about the feature and there were countless other parts of the game that were actually sexual that could've triggered them before, but no, the period tracker was what set them off. Of course kiwincels would find your post as offensive as incest or rape posts. Even though I know for a fact that there are moids who have sex with their girlfriends while on their period and they don't give a fuck.

Also your period blood-eating vampire fantasy is mega based and makes perfect sense to combine it with a vampire fetish. I've been thinking about the concept ever since I read your post.

No. 511636

this is me but with men, i want a tiny man to have nice non-threatening sex with where i have full power and control

No. 511642

Like I said it's not the exact same thing. Also I'm not linking it but it's an original work (i.e. not fanfiction of anything) and it takes place in a gas station bathroom. That should be enough to find it.

No. 511643

>As in, he’s making fun of you for being a horny loser
yeah basically, in a affectionate/horny/taking advantage of it way

No. 511682

i want an older woman to tie me up, drug me and molest me. i just love the thought of a woman twice my age fucking me against my will, eating me out and thinking I'm cute for struggling and telling her to stop. i have a crazy hard fetish for women in their early-mid 40s. It's embarrassing how much of a turn-on older women are for me. I want wrinkled, perverted cougar lesbian rapists who coax me into a false sense of safety reeeeee

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No. 444331[Reply]

Welcome to the Emergency Room! Experiencing symptoms and need some quick guidance? This thread is here for anyone looking to discuss health concerns, symptoms, or urgent questions. While this isn’t a substitute for professional medical care, farmers can share insights and personal experiences to help you navigate your next steps. But remember, when in doubt, always seek immediate help from a healthcare provider!
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No. 506611

Can respiratory infections mess with your period? I had an infection with coughing and all for 2 and a half weeks I am infection free now however my period is 11 days early. I never had that before! Usually period starts sometime between 27 and 30 days. Anyone had something similar before I am confused

No. 506635

I know covid can do that, apparently by binding to ace-2 receptors that are present in ovaries and endometrium. Some women even get thrown into peri-/menopause due to covid. It's possible other viruses/infections can affect your cycle too, it's stress on your body after all.

No. 509287

What is wrong with my digestion? No matter what foods I eat, no matter how much fiber I consume, I am chronically constipated to the point of injury. After trying everything else, I started taking daily osmotic laxative to prevent severe issues. This lead to me discovering what I think might be the first clue. There is an 8-10 day lag between when I start taking the laxative, and when i see the result (passing softened stool).
So that means my digestion for anything I eat takes 8-10 days until it makes it out the other side! That isn’t normal, right?
In addition to that, I have the following symptoms
>I often feel full almost instantly after eating just a tiny amount. I can’t eat anything between meals (not even like 40 calories), or else I won’t be able to eat the next meal because I will feel full
>I get heartburn at inexplicable times. I never get heartburn after eating (as is expected), and instead only experience it when I’m starving.
>I cannot burp. I have never burped in my life and can’t even when I try. Yes, this is uncomfortable.
I really do not think this is a diet issue. I eat an extremely healthy and well balanced diet, and have even tried shifting it in one way or another to relieve symptoms, with never any results.

No. 509370

No that isn't normal. Full digestion (food to poop) should take like 1-2 days and osmotic laxatives generally take 1-3 days. How sedentary are you? Exercise or even just a brisk walk can help with constipation but your issue seems really severe. Constipation, heartburn, and early satiety can be a sign of IBS + GERD or gastroparesis, not being able to burp may be R-CPD, but severe constipation can also be a symptom of other things like a bowel obstruction, etc. Please go see a doctor. Colorectal problems are no joke and your digestive system seems really fucked

No. 511640

Why does my stomach keep rumbling? It sounds like air bubbles moving along or something. It usually happens after I drink something and then sit down. It's just so weird and I want it to stop

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