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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

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No. 1936427[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1481070

>What are moovie nights?

When a host is available we hold a "moovie night" where we unite and watch movies together. Please refer to the announcement posts per event to see when they are scheduled. Everyone is encouraged to host!

>What is Tunesday?

Tunesdays are days when we listen to music, often according to a theme. They are held on Tuesdays, but you are free to hop in whenever and organize your own! Everyone is allowed to add music to the playlist. The host will alternate by who added what so everyone gets a chance to listen to their picks.

Timezone Resources
March-October: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20230713T190000&p1=tz_aet&p2=tz_awst&p3=tz_eest&p4=tz_cest&p5=tz_bst&p6=tz_et&p7=tz_ct&p8=tz_mt&p9=tz_pt
November-February: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20231214T190000&p1=tz_aet&p2=tz_awst&p3=tz_eet&p4=tz_cet&p5=tz_gmt&p6=tz_et&p7=tz_ct&p8=tz_mt&p9=tz_pt
Hint: when in doubt, update the date to the current one on the site linked above, it will let you know if daylight savings is in effect.


We have a dedicated room for Moovie Nights here:
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No. 2409340

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TODAY and starting in 1 hour!

Productivity Stream
> Let's be productive together! Calm lo-fi music and timers for productivity.

Fr 12:00AM AEDT / Th 2:00PM CET / Th 1:00PM GMT / Th 8:00AM EST / Th 5:00AM PST


No. 2409373

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Productivity Stream
>let's get things done together!

No. 2410459

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Fast & Furious Friday is rolling ahead tonight with Furious 7 and Fate of the Furious!

Sa 5:00AM AEDT / Fr 7:00PM CET / Fr 6:00PM GMT / Fr 1:00PM EST / Fr 10:00AM PST

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No. 1575241[Reply]

Previous Thread >>>/ot/1337722

Come draw together with anons! Nobody else in? Leave a doodle before you go! Everyone welcomed, artfags or not. Drawings of board-tan highly appreciated.

>How it works

Every doodle board has a theme to encourage creativity. There are currently 4 main boards that are cycled through, and when the current board is nearly full a poll will be posted for users to vote on the next theme. Polls stay up for about 2-3 days, and they are your sign that the board will be cleared soon. A picture of the completed board and the new theme name will be posted. Occasional reminders will be posted with the link and theme of the current board. Miss the previous theme? That's alright! Just go to the previous board and add your doodle. Make sure to post it to the thread when you're done.

If you have any theme requests, please post them! We always appreciate new theme suggestions. Themes are merely a suggestion, you can draw whatever you like on the board but please keep in mind that we have a shitpost/no theme board.

Aside from the main board(s), there may also be multiple active side boards at any given time. These side boards have themes such as coloring book, vent/horror, shitposting/no theme, etc.

If you make a new layer and then leave the board you may not be able to access that layer again due to restrictions put on the boards to protect against raids and defacing. In this case, feel free to ask in this thread for your layer back and an admin will assist you.

In general, please do not be afraid to ask for help with anything. Admins cannot be active 24/7 but we will try to help you work out any issues as soon as possible.

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No. 2408779

I think those are the marks from when she let some dude whip her with a switch at a kink convention. It left marks on her reminiscent of medium rare steak.

No. 2408987

I was wondering what this could possibly be referencing so cruelly but the protruding boob vein made my resting face drop into a frown instantly. Shayna orbiters are something else kek

No. 2409512

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going to be busy for the week, if anyone wants to collaborate and draw sty-chan feel free to draw over the sketch!

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No. 2159378[Reply]

We have created a page which lists all the posts with missing images (ordered newest to oldest) to make it easier for any anons who may have the images to help out.
Click here to see them!

Due to an incident on August 29th 2024, all the images on /ot/ were deleted. We managed to restore the majority of the images through various methods. To read more about this, check this thread:

Current recovery status:
Only 627 missing images remaining out of 320,118

Updates were slow for a while as we worked through the forensically recovered files, which required some manual work to do effectively. Unfortunately, some images couldn't be recovered. As far as we can tell, many of these were lost well before the incident. The oldest posts appear to have been lost when the threads were moved from /g/ to /ot/ many years ago.

If you have any of the missing images, you can send them in bulk to admin@lolcow.farm, or you can report a post with a missing image and put an image URL as the report reason. We appreciate anyone who can contribute!

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No. 2297525[Reply]

Previous >>1978406

Thread to discuss the phenomenon of "fujoshi", the women that identify as such and the women who criticise it.

To a latter extent, discuss also the phenomenon of "yumejoshi" and "himejoshi", especially when it comes to the yume vs. fujo feud.

Discuss the history of fujoshism, speculate on its reasons, argue your opinion on it and exchange intelligent views with other farmers.

Topics include:
>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
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No. 2410456

I wish yuricrap was less popular. But its literay everywhere because moids make most media and its a popular fetish qith moids.

No. 2410508

these retards never wanna see true dykery just animu girls uwuing at each other while their tits jiggle in the breeze I hate males they never draw or write their own shit. female creatives in fandom spaces have been writing and drawing f/f but because most are about women and not caricatures of the idea of a woman these troglodytes don't care about it. literally most himejoshis is see complain are just teenagers or the obviously retarded, but they are a minority when compared to the agp. the agp is a leech, the enemy of the well adjusted fandom female. a himetroon will look at a woman creating art for other women to enjoy and scream misogyny. On the rare occasion a troons does create something it is vile faggotry no fujo could hope to create or the most violent and degrading heterosex imaginable. I hope they all 41%

No. 2410520

You're the smartest anon in the thread. You've broken down this entire retarded phenomenon.
And I hope they do, too, anon. I hope they do, too.

No. 2410846

Agreed, I don't consider this AGP to be representative of himejoshi. He doesn't actually give a rat's ass about misogyny, he just wants to shame women for not making more slop for him to goon to.

No. 2410906

Seems a bit unfair when the parallel version is always carted around as the absolute representative of all fujoshi everywhere.

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No. 495717[Reply]

post your predictions of what might happen in the coming decade!

I think were gonna see another 2008-style economic slump , a likely resurgence of rock music and Onision finally going to prision
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No. 2382279

Lizzo ozempic era

No. 2382281

Dead internet is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

No. 2382284

There's going to be a HUGE technology/social media "outage" all over the world at some point in the next 5 years, and it's going to have lasting effects.

No. 2382492

God, I can only hope. The last time social media was "fun" was probably 2014 when we could post cool stuff or art without being slammed with ads and "THINGS I DIDNT KNOW ABOUT X" content farm bullshit.
Twitter was 140 characters and great for brief, weird one-liner jokes, I miss Weird Twitter.
Facebook was cool before they allowed everyone to sign up for an account.
Bring back the old web.

No. 2410904

A lot of influencers, streamers, content creators are going to be outed as money launderers.

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No. 2394510[Reply]

A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly and the merely confused.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2374760
Please follow all global rules and remember to report and ignore bait: avoid infighting.

If you want to ask random questions and hear other anons’ personal answers, check out the Random Questions thread instead. This thread is more for asking silly questions and getting concrete answers.

Random Questions thread: >>>/ot/2361589
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No. 2410804

No one on lolcow does this shit

No. 2410826

when you accidentally skipped a pill did you just not take it at all? if so, next time take the pill as soon as you realized you've skipped it and it shouldn't be a problem as long as it's within 24 hours. if you didn't take the pill at all then until you start your next pack i would suggest using a back-up method just in case. the pill works most effectively if you take it around the same time each day. it's not advisable to take it at wildly different times, like in the morning on one day and at night the next.

No. 2410848

how do you deal with underboob sweat?

No. 2410852

I know some women put antiperspirant under there, but you need to make sure it fully dries or else you can sweat it off before it sets.

No. 2410903

Why are there so few consistent artcows despite artists being so spergy?

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No. 2409031[Reply]

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching

Previous thread >>>/ot/2404404
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No. 2410867

One of my old friends was like this and we had a falling out. The last time I saw her she was crying over something stupid he did then some months later she literally ghosted me and wouldn’t tell me why. I don’t know if her bitch bf blocked me or if it was really her. They ended up breaking later but we were drifted apart by then. Also their relationship literally started because HE wanted to make this other girl jealous (we were like 18 at the time) So stupid, he clearly didn’t like her but she refused to listenl

No. 2410892

All of the husbandofags or honestly the entirety of /g/ with the exception of the very few lesbians have been so psyop’d into loving gay male shit like big asses/big tits it’s so disgustingly apparent they’ve been exposed to perversions at such a young age. They would usually flock to you saying that you should accept their “female sexuality”, there’s no difference between you and a gay man constantly getting horny over a disgusting gigantic ass full of poop and shit. What the actual fuck is happening to people

No. 2410902

Autists should stop engaging in discussion with anons. Just shut the fuck up and lurk because you’re too retarded to understand anything being said.

No. 2410905

the ib would immediately die

No. 2410907

You would be left posting alone and atp just get a journal

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No. 2386148[Reply]

Hail Sonic, hear our prayers
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No. 2410738

should i go to the thing tonight

No. 2410798

can i do it pleasee

No. 2410894

Should i go to work?

No. 2410896

Well should i ?????

No. 2410899

Will my enemies finally suffer

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No. 2397894[Reply]

Mundanity is in the air edition

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events from your everyday life.

Previous thread: >>2381717
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No. 2410844

I've been really trying to get into kibbe typing because as I'm getting older I'm starting to look silly in some cuts and silhouettes and I want to look a bit more professional but man it's a bit difficult. Also I think there should be a kibbe cow thread, it's so woo woo and crazy sometimes and there is a very clear unspoken hierarchy of the types even though it's only meant to be a guide on how to style yourself. Romantic, gamine, and classic are clearly what everyone wishes they were and natural is disliked for being "mannish" even though a natural is the most common type of body. And even classics get the short end of the stick sometimes because they aren't as comical/theatrical as romantics and gamines, literally look up any "classic" type of fashion inspiration and it's all grainy pngs of fugly mid 2010's twee fashion.

No. 2410847

Isn’t it just necrophilic porn

No. 2410873

what did you do?

No. 2410877

My hair

No. 2410898

seconding cows thread it's so nuts

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No. 2342535[Reply]

ITT: Post random things you hate and explain why you hate them. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) so long as you don't come here to start a retarded in-fight with your personal issues.

Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbours, coworkers, etc., use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread.

Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2276512
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No. 2410858

Yup. Then they suck each other's dicks about it and call each other handsome and manly because they're gay kek, or just delude themselves into believing the majority of women are actually into it.

No. 2410865

He's got a good foundation under that nasty ass beard, pair of pedophile glasses, and baldness. What a retard.

No. 2410881

I hate that combo so much. Whenever I see a moid with shaved/buzzed head and beard/stubble my fight or flight response kicks in. I think it's because it instinctively reminds me of Chris Watts. Family annihilator phenotype.

No. 2410897

The fact this thread >>>/ot/1628600 is inactive compared to this one and all other hate threads. I love to hate but it reminds me that people are animals and ready and quick to dog pile you over the slightest things, ready to drag you down and make sure your spirit is completely wrecked and gone. That is probably why I prefer being alone

No. 2410900

This is unironically the worst thing I have ever read. Only a male could have the audacity to abuse such a beautiful wild creature and encourage its abuse.

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