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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 2440815[Reply]

What are Moovie Nights?
Moovie Nights are events taking place in our dedicated moovie room: https://cytu.be/r/moovieroom. These include movies, themed videos, and livestreams that we all enjoy together.

What is Tunesday?
Tunesdays are days when we listen to music together, often according to a theme. They are held on Tuesdays, but you are free to hop in whenever and organize your own! Everyone is allowed to add music to the playlist. The host will alternate by who added what so everyone gets a chance to listen to their picks.

We have a dedicated room for Moovie Nights here:

Anytime! Tuesdays are typically on Tuesdays and we have no "set" schedule beyond that. If you want to see a calendar of events that nonnies have already planned to host, you can check it out here and subscribe anonymously: https://moovieroom.github.io/host-helper

1. Be nice!
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No. 2458552

No. 2458632

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Starting Now!- Spring Equinox Stream

grab your mat, grab your journal, we're going to welcome spring together

No. 2459109

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Spring Equinox Stream is still going!

Chill vibes, fun music, come on in

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No. 1575241[Reply]

Previous Thread >>>/ot/1337722

Come draw together with anons! Nobody else in? Leave a doodle before you go! Everyone welcomed, artfags or not. Drawings of board-tan highly appreciated.

>How it works

Every doodle board has a theme to encourage creativity. There are currently 4 main boards that are cycled through, and when the current board is nearly full a poll will be posted for users to vote on the next theme. Polls stay up for about 2-3 days, and they are your sign that the board will be cleared soon. A picture of the completed board and the new theme name will be posted. Occasional reminders will be posted with the link and theme of the current board. Miss the previous theme? That's alright! Just go to the previous board and add your doodle. Make sure to post it to the thread when you're done.

If you have any theme requests, please post them! We always appreciate new theme suggestions. Themes are merely a suggestion, you can draw whatever you like on the board but please keep in mind that we have a shitpost/no theme board.

Aside from the main board(s), there may also be multiple active side boards at any given time. These side boards have themes such as coloring book, vent/horror, shitposting/no theme, etc.

If you make a new layer and then leave the board you may not be able to access that layer again due to restrictions put on the boards to protect against raids and defacing. In this case, feel free to ask in this thread for your layer back and an admin will assist you.

In general, please do not be afraid to ask for help with anything. Admins cannot be active 24/7 but we will try to help you work out any issues as soon as possible.

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No. 2447828

No. 2456448

I'm so thankful for this page, and it just occurred to me that you wouldn't be able to have anything like it on a scrote-filled website. it would all be vandalized

No. 2457241

Admin here!,I read too fast and almost got a heart attack thinking the boards were vandalised.its all thanks to the amazing doodle anons who contribute here ♥ Theres going to be a game poll at the end of the month so please do participate!

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No. 2458042[Reply]

Previous: >>>/ot/2435593

Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-Do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread
-Screencaps are necessary while talking about milk
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No. 2459773

Maybe she got kicked out? Earlier this year she said that she was looking for roommates and a kitchen that can be safely gluten free because of her severe allergy

No. 2459780

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this lacryboy wannabe copycat became popular overnight and I dread her art. there is nothing to it except uninteresting problematic yaoi. Hopefully I’m not the only one

No. 2459788

>Yet another "lesbian" fujo
This phenotype needs to be studied.

No. 2459808

This is why i am not worried about AI. It can never replace true human autism.

No. 2459816


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No. 2352326[Reply]

Screech into the oblivion. A place to say how you really feel without other people feeling entitled to give you shit for it.

>Don't respond to other people's rants. It's not about you, you vain bitch.

>Don't reply to the anon above you with a vague comment either. Even if you don't directly quote their post, you will be banned.
>Newfags please follow this rule and integrate. You will be reported if you insist on responding to other's posts. Previous threads had anons banned because of this.
>Not everything is about you. Stop schizofoiling.
>Don't forget to copy paste the OP onto the new thread.
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No. 2458814

I'm not going to tell you what happened and give you the satisfaction of playing hero, you just want something to gossip about which is the whole reason things went badly for me in the first place. Your doubting, negative energy on my relationship that you spoke the end of into existence instead of just being happy for me. I will never open up about the good things in my life again, this always happens. So stop being fake and asking me what's wrong or what happened, you don't really care. You're not my mom and never will be. I made the mistake of trusting you in the past but you're a judgmental, gossipy bitch. We will never be close, you ruined that for yourself already.

No. 2459309

Hmm I thought you could trust sociopaths, remember? Thought they would never dox you because they don't care enough, remember that?

No. 2459561

This isn't some "big twist". It's the first thing I said when I found out about the secret gfs with kids and a literal grandmother. I was never "blind" to this and now that you're being honest I'm just figuring out how I'm going to deal with it

No. 2459792

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There's a non-zero chance that you've read my schizoposts here because despite apparently being just the BUSIEST woman on the planet you've somehow got enough spare time to lurk every single thread on lolcow. If that's what scared you away, you don't have to worry anymore, I'm gone, you can go back to posting there if you want, I'm done with lolcow, nothing here interests me anymore. Sorry to everyone else, no hard feelings you're all very nice but things just never went beyond surface level pleasantries. You did introduce one positive thing into my life and I'm thankful for him at least. Bye.

No. 2459814

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No. 2454743[Reply]

Post things or pictures of things that make you laugh.

Previous: >>>/ot/2224766
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No. 2459432

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No. 2459569

AnDy Darling could go in the cringe thread as well, but she's so terrible that I kind of love it.

No. 2459596

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This dude's tragic hair loss. With greasy hair like that, maybe he deserved it.

No. 2459812

Insufferably early 2010s humor but I howl every time at the saxophone riff.

No. 2459815

Three spermlet sons. Don't forget the actual budding serial killer that is Manny.

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No. 2452317[Reply]

>don't be stupid
>be a good citizen
>no non-americans

Previous threads #35-25:
>>2274262(/pol/shit op)
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No. 2459210

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Doordash has partnered up with klarna, allowing people to loan money for delivered food. I know this isn't unlike paying with credit cards, but it just feels wrong. What a world we live in.

No. 2459245

The worst part is so many retards are actually going to use this for 50 dollar chipotle orders.

No. 2459503

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Seems like a way to claw more profits in the face of more people consuming less because of an uncertain economy. Tiresome, hope it blows up in their faces

No. 2459665

Why do places always have stupid fucking "payment plans" before lowering prices? Its one thing if it's a big, once in a lifetime purchase like an appliance, then it went onto luxuries like vacations, and now we moved onto food delivery? Like did they ever think lowering prices could possibly be more profitable than the millionth payment plan?

No. 2459811

This is going to trap so many people. They're going to take out a food loan (because my baby deserves to have the best for her first birthday party!), they'll set the payments to come out of their credit card, and then they'll only make the minimum payments on their credit card.
This should not have been allowed to happen.

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No. 2149920[Reply]

A place full of attention seeking, bra stuffing, body filters, fake stories, elsagate spamming, fake doctors and coomer bait, cringe fuel etc. Anyone else find this side of the internet to be particularly cancerous?
Thread #1 >>1291087
Thread #2 >>1417602
Thread #3 >>1573244
Thread #4 >>1707886
Thread #5 >>1879378
Thread #6 >>1986698
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No. 2459705

Right, that's why I added I don't do shit during weekends, I finally have free time for two days in a row but have to do errands and get some rest and that's the case for most people. I have no idea how people can work out on a regular basis when working fulltime unless they really enjoy practicing sports and working out as opposed to doing it because they have to.

Do men make this kind of videos as often as women? The closest ones I've seen are from fit men imitating Patrick Bateman's morning routine and not realizing they look stupid.

No. 2459708

I feel like people really underestimate exhaustion and fatigue. Unless you're old or disabled you're expected to have basically unlimited energy, unless you're a trust fund baby you have to work 3 jobs, be in school, have a 100% clean house, laundry and dishes always done, make all 3 meals from scratch, and now you have to find the time to work out in-between everything so you don't get fat. At some point we need to take a step back and realize we are humans and not robots

No. 2459742

I saw my mom watching this a few days ago, it scares me how few people notice that it's ai

No. 2459758

Women also have a 28-day (ish) hormone cycle which affects energy levels, fatigue and cravings so applying male weight loss tips is stupid after a certain point. That’s not even counting known and common hormonal disorders like PCOS or an invisible physical disability that leaves you deprived of energy most of the day. My gf and I live together, cook together and work out together 4 days of the week and she was still fat while I was not back when we were in university because she had PCOS and I didn’t. Doctors just told her to lose weight and exercise more whilst not addressing the reason she can’t lose weight in the first place. Only this year she managed to find an endocrinologist who took her seriously (who was a youngish woman, no surprise there) and surprise surprise, she’s now lost a lot of weight since Christmas.

Every gym bro and anachan who bullies fat women online saying they’re ackshually just “concerned about their health” and screams to put down the cookies is a retarded liar who needs to stir up conflict to feel better about themselves cause it’s all they’ve got and women are easy targets. Do something more useful with your time and go laugh at a man’s hairline.

No. 2459803

>because she had PCOS and I didn’t
I know skinny, fit and obese women with PCOS around the same age range, maybe it's also a matter of severity? I don't know how it works in detail but the obese woman I know needed surgery to remove an ovary when she was a teenager and never knows when she'll have her period, and it can last for months in a row if she has it, the skinny ones I know may have less severe symptoms. On the other hand she has a sedentary life style and eats way more than she should. It's a chicken and egg situation because both of us don't know if she's always hungry because of her hormonal issues or if overeating makes her hormonal issues way worse, or if it's because of something else. I also knew teenage girls with PCOS where we were all hospitalized on a regular basis long ago and none of them looked the same.

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No. 2439028[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2414025

Last thread was pretty uneventful this time around, just…
Kanye melting down and being predatory >>2418215
Sabrina Carpenter asking her 12 year old fans if they’re horny for her >>2416120
Bhad Bhabie receives immense plastic surgery >>2419223
Justin Bieber admiring his wife, but looking disgusting whilst doing so >>2419813
Michelle Trachtenberg dead at 39 >>2420007
Azealia looking dehydrated >>2420966
Gene Hackman, 95, and wife found deceased in their home, after being dead for 9 days >>2421258
Tom Holland flexing hard on all the scrawny moid celebrities >>2421536
Halseys 5th BDSM themed music video over the last decade >>2421920
Sabrina Carpenter performs at the Brit awards >>2426136
Chappell Roan dedicates her award for Intl. Artist of the Year to trannies >>2426409
Megan the Stallion dresses ugly, whats new >>2427110
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No. 2459727

looks like a pic out of a 1993 wedding dress catalogue

No. 2459730

she has "iphone face", like the kids say

No. 2459798

It is impossible to exist on either side of the political spectrum as a woman without completely debasing yourself and pandering away all of your personal integrity. Nice to see normie libs are using feminism as an insult now, I guess I don't have to pretend to have any respect for them either.

The Media is just an extension of the sex industry, they stay in business by appealing heavily to youth (ephebophilia), and promoting gender and relationship tropes to give normals a sexual self-template. Look at the women in this thread, freaking out when a woman in her 40's doesn't have a teenagers skin. And said women in her 40's is a notorious coquette wannabe, it's turtles all the way down.

No. 2459800

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Does Meta and Sheryl Sandberg belong here?

Source is from the book Careless People which Zuckerberg and Sandberg are trying to sue out of existence

>Lean In

No. 2459802

She looks beautiful, but definitely not right for the role.

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No. 2458663[Reply]

Are you a fat loser? Do you want to argue because that's how you learned to get attention in your dysfunctional household growing up? Do you have no friends? Well then, this is the thread for you!

Come here to bait and infight! Post something really stupid, and other anons will fight you about it! Prime topics are: abortion, clothing, eye colour, lesbianism, really anything that you can fight over!

Remember that everyone that disagrees with you is a man, so make sure you call them out for being men!

Last thread

The "rules" are:
>no racebait
You can still do it because jannies are absent for 12-14 hours a day!
>no infighting
This one isn't a rule we only added this so we don't get put on autosage like our last thread, Dumbass Shit!
>don't reply to bait
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No. 2459760

Seeing rich and celebrity women with their loser bfs/husbands should be kind of an ego boost if you’re having a hard time in the dating world. Like for example Hailey Bieber and Selena Gomez, both pretty and famous. One is dating an unwashed crack head and the other is dating someone who looks like a burn victim. It just makes me think “well even the best of women can’t find someone decent to marry so maybe the problem isn’t me”

No. 2459783

Am I the only one who finds the terms "male gaze" and "female gaze" extremely cringy?

No. 2459791

It's Rihanna for me. I may not be a rich and beautiful woman like her but at least I'm not publicly dating an ugly retard who embarrasses me in court and who's getting me pregnant before proposing.

No. 2459794

I think they're cringe terms and that female gaze doesn't have any significant meaning because women don't have the same stranglehold on media that moids do (and women routinely disagree on what constitutes media tailored for our tastes. inb4 ugly moid psyop I just mean normal crap.) But I do use male gaze as a pejorative observation that a work is too moidy and oversexualizes female characters.

No. 2459813

I noticed when people say female gaze it usually means some shit that looks dumb or ugly but male gaze is more conventionally attractive things

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No. 2449812[Reply]

A thread for venting about difficult, weird, or stupid stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>>/ot/2437755

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & do not reply to bait.

Please, do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
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No. 2459796

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I got my period and it hurts so fucking bad my fingers are trembling just typing this. and the work day just started so its not like I can go home. Fuck fuck fuck I feel like I'm gonna have diarrhea. My stomach hurts so bad I can't concrentrate on anything

No. 2459797

Rock climbing gyms, that’s the answer.

No. 2459799

It sounds good until you imagine how many freakish men are stalking her IRL and making deepfakes of her. I thank god i was too shy to ever post my face online publicly

No. 2459807

>I wish I couldve been an e-whore but my parents wouldnt let me
Uh, be grateful you have caring parents that let you live with them and care for your wellbeing to not let you whore yourself out online for pedoscrotes? Most of those girls got groomed like hell. You sound kind of underage and dumb

No. 2459810

Teenage acne sucked but teenage ear pimples were the most satisfying pimples to pop. I miss them.

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