File: 1533082789326.png (948.61 KB, 1080x720, 1532396574495.png)

No. 652799
Previous thread:
>finally bought a bed after sleeping on a piss stained rug for months>edgelord bf has returned from his visit to see her and there's potential trouble in sti paradise>"daddy punches so hard", leaves no real marks on her, confirms tumblr dom status>still no alien porn>more clips/videos from hardtied and lovinglyhandmadepornography have come out, just as crusty and cringy as everyone expected she'd be>trying to charge $100 for advice on sexwork>still allowing minors to follow and comment on her social media>continues to beg for money while spending it on things she doesn't need>finally growing her pubes out to hide her infected vag>professional shoots in la to make he feel like a "real pornstar," keeps underwear on the whole time because everyone lives in fear of her vag>her arby's rost beef vag looks horrible in hi-def>her and fupa are moving into a house together>fupa confirmed for father of three, does shay even know?Follow the rules:
- no doxxing
- do not include or harass Shay's family
- remember to sage posts that don't contribute to the milk
>>>/snow/595275http://youvebeenwarned.tumblr.comOther threads:
>>>/snow/344490>>>/snow/405758>>>/snow/457531>>>/snow/489642>>>/snow/520702>>>/snow/538195 there really is a lot of golden milk in this thread
>>>/snow/551438>>>/snow/576753>>>/snow/596387>>>/snow/634221 No. 652811
>>652802 — how did sleuth anon find him?
No. 652817
Please be aware that there is another Kyle Perkins in Tulsa who is 32.
>>652811>>649738 was the most info we got.
No. 652823
>>652811Recently someone speculated his last name started with a P because his Kik name was kpeezy or something. Maybe that, coupled with the fact that he claimed relation to Anthony Perkins, gave the anon the idea to Google "Kyle Perkins".
I think it's hilarious he's from Tulsa. It's a fairly ghetto, industrial city and not somewhere I would want to buy a house or start a family. It makes sense he is from there because it has like the lowest cost of living in the nation and it's easy to be a nobody and find a decent (but ultimately dead end) job there.
No. 652831
File: 1533084315256.jpg (164.83 KB, 1073x648, wompwomp.JPG)

So he also doesn't own a house and I for one am SHOCKED he would lie about such a thing!
No. 652863
File: 1533085787254.jpeg (267.68 KB, 1600x900, 44A53CA0-753A-46C0-8EE7-8861CE…)

Too bad I didn’t make this in time
No. 652870
File: 1533085977608.jpg (10.29 KB, 232x293, 1495930605170.jpg)

>>652863holy shit anon that's beautiful
No. 652878
File: 1533086252102.jpg (24.31 KB, 364x706, tumblr_opl1ktKxf01wnchz7o1_500…)

Photos he reblogged his first day on Tumblr (New years eve of all days lol) yet he's so triggered by Xanax
No. 652885
File: 1533086529511.png (1.12 MB, 1833x443, Screenshot (181).png)

Interesting, he was reblogging shay the first day he had this tumblr
No. 652894
File: 1533086920350.png (105.34 KB, 1596x274, Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 9.27…)

aaaaand Kyle Perkins from Tulsa Oklahoma, who works for directtv and posts about murdering women online, has deactivated his twitter. this milk is amazing
No. 652897
File: 1533087117304.jpeg (471.6 KB, 1242x1673, 1980B8A5-3A68-47E0-AD11-288E9D…)

Cares about:
It looks like his professional career is exclusive to DirectTV, having started with them in 2009 as a Technical Support Representative
No. 652900
File: 1533087238321.png (444.26 KB, 1098x522, Screenshot (183).png)

Fupa's monthly income back during the divorce
No. 652911
>>652899Isn't his middle name anthony? Since that's how the anon found him & it fits with search results.
He's 33 apparently but not sure on his DOB
No. 652917
>>652916Ah sorry this
>>652915 is probably right then
No. 652927
File: 1533088490786.jpeg (154.37 KB, 1136x197, 15129BE0-E2FA-4D69-8FAE-46B41C…)

No. 652928
>>652926Y'all, he ain't even an orphan and it's looking like his sis didn't die of a Xanax overdose. I'm not going to post the link, but Google his full name with the middle and it'll turn up a relevant obituary.
Or am I losing my mind, and he never claimed to be an orphan?
No. 652930
>>652926She can just pack up her teddy bear and diapers and go with him.
Ugh. Joking obviously but the thought makes me gag.
No. 652932
>>652928He definitely claimed to be an orphan, no relationship with his family, lived in group homes, dead sister, etc.
Facebook says otherwise.
No. 652935
File: 1533088800649.jpg (30.33 KB, 369x404, Untitled-3.jpg)

His birthday is September 15th 1985.
This is a post from his mom who is still very much alive, the obituary posted previously is his dad who is dead but I can't find any evidence of another sister who died, he just has two
No. 652942
>>652935damnnn…this is some luna-tier shit. Who knew Fupapa was an actual cow himself?
ily anons, this milk is so fucking rich
No. 652943
File: 1533089159585.png (166.36 KB, 1350x1286, Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 10.0…)

pretty sure fupa didn't build this place/have it built considering how many times it's been bought and sold. is there anything kyle nathan perkins didn't lie about?
No. 652961
File: 1533089945829.png (277.59 KB, 1008x1386, Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 10.1…)

also, good luck getting a place in boston when you can only afford a 1,000 square foot house in OKLAHOMA. Even people making 200k a year in Boston still live in 600 square foot apartments. there's no way with his income, paying 1k ish a month in support, could ever easily move there. lmao.
No. 652972
File: 1533090376476.png (11.13 KB, 442x90, Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 10.2…)

>>652819lmao this fucking retard probably used almost the exact same kik username as his email. that's probably how.
No. 652976
>>652949his mom does look pretty rough tbh but she's pretty open on her Facebook and nothing mentions drugs or recovery
She's also been using Facebook pretty consistently since 2014 so she's not been in prison for at least 4 years and that's even if fupa was telling the truth about her being in jail a lot when he was younger
No. 652980
File: 1533090606033.gif (1.94 MB, 342x360, 1531534792826.gif)

holy fucking shit, is it christmas? this is the best find!! the fact that he deleted his twitter is more than enough proof that he lurks, too. what a dumpster fire!
No. 652989
>>652983oh wow, really? that's seriously a shame. i would've loved to see him figure it out all on his own.
but in other news, what do you guys think will come of all of this? do you think shayna already knows?
No. 652997
>>652989I'm pretty sure shayna knows he has kids. She probably just doesn't give a shit/prefers to pretend they don't exist
>>652993Eh lots of people have step parents, it's very different to being an orphan, he was just straight up bullshitting
No. 652999
>>652988Don't feel bad for this piece of shit. He followed/reblogged Shay months before they got together according to his Tumblr archives. He knew exactly how crusty and gross she was on the outside, the inside could only be worse.
Also he glorifies murder, abuse, drugs, etc and chases women 10+ yrs younger than him on Tumblr. He deserves no sympathy just because he got found out.
No. 653005
File: 1533091302098.jpg (Spoiler Image,155.4 KB, 713x587, asdfgh (2).jpg)

Fupa just now
No. 653030
File: 1533092442144.jpg (39.34 KB, 648x256, house.jpg)

No. 653044
>>653030These two fucking dweebs are made for each other honestly. There’s a part of me that wants to feel sorry for them in the same way that you experience secondhand embarrassment but at the end of the day, I can almost guarantee that Shay feels special that Kyle spends time with her over his kids, and I bet he’s fed her nasty lies about his past as well. She wanted to fuck people’s dads and, here we are. You reap what you sow and she did all of this. This is EXACTLY the quality she deserves.
There’s no coming back from this. Everyone knows now. All they can do is not draw attention to this on tumblr so that more people don’t find out.
No. 653046
>>653034That’s not possible. You’re blocked.
How long ago did you first follow him? Have you ever sent him an ask?
He might just be blocking anyone who starts following him right now, because he assumes (perhaps correctly) they’re all farmers.
No. 653055
>>653053I feel like he has to be lying to her. Unless he is getting a subprime mortgage, a mortgage that he will be stuck paying for forever (and even then that takes time), or he is going to find an excuse to get something cheap.
Either all of that or they are gonna fall apart before they meet again in 40 days or so.
No. 653072
>>625999Idk about y’all, but I’d be a little concerned if I saw my senior hiring manager reblog pictures and videos of women basically being abused, and saw a video of him slapping a 21 year old girl.
Also all of his various posts about wanting to leave her tied up crying somewhere, or wanting drug and fuck her while she drifts in and out of consciousnesses. I’d be pretty skeeved out.
He’s also done straight up porn, which people get fired for all the time.
No. 653091
>>653059Tinfoiling but what if this isnt his first tumblr? What if he made this one to be a big bad tumblr dom and appeal to Shay so he can fuck a young aspiring porn star? If
>>652872 is true then hes been on tumblr the last 7 years but this account was to fuck Shay
No. 653097
File: 1533098307725.gif (2.35 MB, 200x200, tumblr_p9b9rlFsFh1r8aczvo2_250…)

it will never not disgust me seeing a man with 3 at 35 with a 21-year-old girlfriend who dresses like a literal infant and calls him "daddy."
do they not see how fucking nasty that is? hello? am i in the twilight zone?
No. 653109
>>653095Even if she knew about everything, that doesn’t change that he was listed single on Facebook.
It’d be one thing if he just didn’t have his relationship listed, but he was PUBLICLY advertising he was single.
You’re going to move in with this girl, and you haven’t even mentioned a thing about her to your friends and family?
Shay, he’s playing you hard.
No. 653175
File: 1533104427947.jpg (1.39 MB, 1920x3414, inCollage_20180801_021939009.j…)

Still going on with the house hunting plans lol
No. 653306
>>652935The other Kyle's birthday is a few months earlier.
Admin should probably delete all references to the other Kyle.
No. 653330
File: 1533115672620.jpg (94.12 KB, 600x600, IMG_2959.JPG)

Holy shit I just woke up to this glorious glorious milk. This is hilarious kek you dun goofed fupa.
No. 653508
File: 1533137716114.png (Spoiler Image,678.29 KB, 1313x615, Screenshot (22).png)

Shayna has another photoset up on of the same shit it looks like
No. 653510
File: 1533137876231.jpg (Spoiler Image,698.79 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180801-103722_Chr…)

Wtf is going on here
No. 653511
>>653508yeah that one has been up, there are no full sizes without paying tho
not that i need full sizes of any of those thumbnails. her ass looked especially heinous in LA.
No. 653551
>>653482I think you’re right, anon.
I guess the whole “i fucked ur dad” thing’s got some truth to it after all, which is the messed up thing. It’s like this whole time her personal slogan was meant to be shouted at those poor three kids’ faces.
No. 653553
>>653551>>653549>>653546Could it be possible he deleted for some other reason but when he had the previous blog had been following her and then refollowed when he made a new one? I've remade my blog before and reblogged people I liked right away
You could be right could be reading into it either too much or the way you want to see it.
I'm just saying it could be a different reason and it just is a coincidence
No. 653567
File: 1533143066475.png (Spoiler Image,146.69 KB, 847x915, 2018-08-01 13_03_27-Dolly Matt…)

so i have no clue what this website is but it looks like someone goes through and archives all the places certain "porn stars" photos appear and this has a comprehensive list of where all shay's LA photos ended up. looks like atk splits them up onto different pages for whatever reason. No. 653575
>>653559Fupapa is a fucking psycho and just the type of guy who'd rape and kill someone one day
Can't believe this
No. 653581
File: 1533144039762.jpeg (Spoiler Image,177.22 KB, 682x1024, 18E2FD7B-4E9D-47DD-8530-FDD746…)

There are more coming
No. 653582
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No. 653583
File: 1533144099732.jpeg (Spoiler Image,148.48 KB, 682x1024, 1192DFD0-5085-458A-B4E6-F2FBD4…)

No. 653584
File: 1533144129776.jpeg (Spoiler Image,184.39 KB, 682x1024, E8D7029D-2CAF-4E8E-953F-124C89…)

No. 653585
File: 1533144173948.jpeg (Spoiler Image,19.16 KB, 135x200, D2F1F5D0-AA8D-4763-94F6-416273…)

No. 653590
File: 1533144290139.jpeg (Spoiler Image,150.92 KB, 1024x682, 8C34BB10-B1CB-490B-ADCF-8C7112…)

She should really evaluate her facial expressions. She just looks constipated most of the time
No. 653664
File: 1533149494916.png (Spoiler Image,388.16 KB, 600x284, 05onfire1_xp-articleLarge-v2.p…)

No. 653666
File: 1533149668722.gif (499.03 KB, 480x228, tumblr_inline_n235oh9QTr1sp5uu…)

>>653664Absolute perfection, Anon.
I would've said to vote this for the next thread pic if this wasn't so nsfw lmao
No. 653667
File: 1533149752947.gif (9.5 MB, 380x214, Jpi9CvA.gif)

>>653664wow anon, I had a hearty kek. This is quality.
No. 653674
>>653670Um excuse you anon how dare you, that’s her PERFECT PUFFY PUSSY. Don’t be jealous.
(jesus though it does look like a small ballsack in the 2nd pic. Fupa put his face in that)
No. 653718
>>653693I legitimately hate Fupa. I have no hatred towards Shay, I think she is just legitimately stupid and lost and maybe she will learn her lesson, maybe not. But I cannot stand Fupa.
>>653714I thought that was one of the worst ones. Her smile looks so off-putting there.
No. 653733
File: 1533153718434.png (Spoiler Image,353.12 KB, 536x440, 2018-08-01 16_00_54-Tumblr.png)

No. 653734
>>653718I dislike Shayna, but even she deserves better than Fupa. He’s a gross dead beat dad, who lies to her and probably planned cheating on her (listed single on fb, removed her from his bio until he was called out on it).
I legitimately feel bad for her. She’s really convinced he loves her and is buying her a house when he’s just using her for sex and popularity.
I would love to see Fupa ruined, and hopefully losing his job because of all the gross borderline rape shit he posts.
Although that will probably never happen, and he’ll just go after some other young thing on tumblr.
No. 653747
>>653741Not WK, bc I think he's utterly disgusting and I agree very much with
>>653734 and wish his life falls to ruins, BUT.
It's entirely possible he has not seen this thread yet, and doesn't actually know that you can find all this heinous shit when you google his name.
Inb4 he deletes his Tumblr and either vanishes or makes a new one but its "secret".
No. 653769
File: 1533155563158.png (14.2 KB, 295x416, ddeaddbeeat.PNG)

Shay is going to set up all of her weird "I am a baby" stuff in their new house.
So I guess Fupa won't be seeing his kids anymore? I can't imagine them coming over to be around that. I feel really bad for them. Not trying to drag them into this, but that is wrong. Kyle Perkins is a terrible father. Picking some random 21 year old to be with after preying on other young girls, lying to people.
For some reason I would not be surprised if Shay knows he has kids and thinks that is hot. Remember all of her edgy "I took ur college fund from ur dad" posts on tumblr?
No. 653772
File: 1533155690024.jpg (19.43 KB, 239x239, iphonex.JPG)

imagine her trying to figure out a DSLR, kek.
she actually has one on her wishlist and id love to see her try and figure that shit out, lmfao
No. 653779
>>653776hers is beyond just roast beef, its like full on ground beef at this point.
a groundie, if you will.
No. 653830
File: 1533159016803.jpg (1.38 MB, 1440x2465, Screenshot_2018-08-01-16-27-39…)

>>653817yes it does .
(crossed out non fupa related shit)
No. 653837
File: 1533159156573.jpg (Spoiler Image,315.82 KB, 988x632, yeehaw.jpg)

No. 653844
File: 1533159579870.png (254.62 KB, 576x951, Capture.PNG)

I love how Kyle Perkins from Tulsa, Oklahoma still keeps his tumblr active but deactivated his Twitter and LinkedIn account.
No. 653849
File: 1533159784540.png (163.96 KB, 291x760, nice.PNG)

Oh, Shay finally cares about Ribmeat's well-being/s
Would have been nice if she could have shown any amount of concern for her beforehand.
I guess it's a good thing that she's moving in with Kyle Perkins, he can keep an eye on Rib.
No. 653851
>>653809He did that because someone cowtipped. Not because lurking.
If only he was able to find out he was outed through lurking……
No. 653854
>>653844I guess because this his only none personal page and probably thinks his name isn't linked to it but it is now, silly Kyle Perkins. Obviously he has no life that he's hanging onto his Tumblr rather than his real life accounts. He'd be bored to death without his Tumblr I bet.
I shudder to think what his co-workers would think if they saw his Tumblr and fucking a 21 year old who dresses and acts like a child. Id never wanna go near the creep again.
No. 653870
>>653855Honestly, I felt like Kyle Perkins was a nice guy. Heck, I respected his dedication to not putting his face on the internet fully even when they were in Mexico. But imagine, if you may anons, being the kinda of arsehole that has 3 kids and would rather spend your free time cracking on with 21 year olds on tumblr, flying out to meet someone who (okay I admit she’s cute when not in “I’m a real porn star!” Mode) and then moving her in. I get people are aloud new relationships after a marriage break down, I get “this is my new partner” is hard to explain to kids, but Jesus h Christ, imagine coming round to your daddy’s house and seeing a play pen but told it belongs to his new girlfriends?!
On the milk side ‘cos this is risking blog posting - he’s also deleted his “skimaskdadl” snapchat…
No. 653873
>>653851He definitely does lurk though, he complained about "bitches saying he wears a compression top" on snapchat (id provide the pic but he seems to have done a massive purge and I got deleted kek)
I agree that it would've been funnier if that anon didn't cowtip though sigh
No. 653875
>>653870lol kyle Perkins from Tulsa, Oklahoma is doing some pretty desperate damage control, too bad his face and gross blog are already out there.
>>653873I don't think Kyle would have acknowledged it either way, since it would send his followers here. It probably wouldn't have been much different if he'd found out for himself.
No. 653879
>>653870Kyle Perkins was never a nice guy. He is a confirmed deadbeat.
Shay is not cute anymore. She has wrecked herself and has to do some significant fixing if she wants to improve.
sage your shit.
No. 653881
File: 1533160787485.jpg (35.48 KB, 825x167, 785421458.JPG)

I can't access this since I'm not from the US, but maybe some of you can and check out if its pertaining to the situation.
I googled "Kyle Nathan Perkins, Tulsa OK"
No. 653884
File: 1533160900147.png (13.27 KB, 947x85, poka.PNG)

>>653881 I just checked, apparently the Perkins this article is referring to is a town in Oklahoma.
No. 653888
>>653884Damn, it would have been priceless…
But oh well. Thank you kindly.
No. 653902
File: 1533161565819.png (774.78 KB, 472x971, 1533077830258.png)

No. 653910
File: 1533161933516.png (41.83 KB, 640x535, IMG_2098.PNG)

kyle perkins is finally sounding logical (just posted)
No. 653914
>>653906Girl shut up
>>653908Can you imagine being the kid who finds out "my dad was into beating women & DDLG"
Three kids jesus christ
No. 653921
>>653910Either that or Kyle Perkins' doesn't think he's rushing into moving Shayna to Tulsa, Oklahoma with him and actually thinks he's giving out good advice lol
>>653911I feel like that (like most of her 'personality') is bullshit. The fact the neither of them have mentioned the kids speaks volumes
No. 653934
>>653922Was just thinking about that actually, imagine the horror of finding out something like this about your own dad.
>>653921 Maybe he's actually being smart on purpose about one thing in his life, it's completely unnecessary to post about your kids everywhere. Especially when you pretend to be a tumblr dom, and you "date" a camgirl.
Either that, or he's just an extremely deadbeat dad.
But I do feel like if Shay could talk about them she would play up the "hot stepmom" thing.
No. 653947
>>653879Agreed, this is the pig who posted ana-chan looking dead looking chicks chained to pipes to a public tumblr and who calls his baby bimbo Shayna kiddo, which I’m sure is a thing he’s also called his daughters. Fuck this guy’s life. He’s shit and I don’t feel sorry for him at all.
Milky af.
No. 653956
>>653945He posts regularly about house hunting and (bullshit) marriage plans, so it wouldn't be that weird for him to just establish that he has kids? I don't mean posting pics of them etc lol. He's just a deadbeat
>>653950Agreed, and it seems like we'll be on the next thread pretty soon
No. 653975
>>653967>>653969don't kinkshame guise!!
just kidding kek
>>653972yeah, the dumb ho likes all of this. she finds it a-okay.
No. 653982
>>653974>>653975>>653976How does she think this is going to work out swimmingly? If someone at my job saw that kind of shit on an employee’s page they’d be fired.
I can’t believe he engaged so hard and poked the hornets nest repeatedly. Didn’t he give a single damn about his children? Also, please, did he really think he wouldn’t be found out?
I honestly feel terrible for his daughters and I hope they never see this because this shit is sincerely traumatizing. It’s insane how fucking dumb this dude is.
No. 654006
Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, OK who has a daughter half his bimbo’s age and kept a disgusting rape/necro/dom tumblr as
youvebeenwarned, fucking sickening.
>>653902next thread pic
No. 654038
>>652863 needs to be the next thread pic (which you know is coming very soon)
No. 654044
>>654036Is it cow tipping to send screenshots of Kyle Perkins shit to AT&T in Tulsa Oklahoma?
I’m not going to do it because I don’t care enough, but I would be concerned if I found out my training manager was posting rape/snuff fantasies on the internet. I would be really uncomfortable being trained by someone knowing they have a dominance/rape/pedo fetish. Especially knowing he has 3 children…
No. 654071
>>654044there is no email address to send those to sadly. I was tempted enough to check. Even if you would like to cowtip there is no way of proceeding.
Hope Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, Oklahoma crashes and burns anyway.
(cowtipping) No. 654128
File: 1533170942436.jpg (Spoiler Image,127.8 KB, 576x508, gfds.jpg)

his full face with her being gross
No. 654152
>>654141>>654144>>654145>>654146>>653747>It's entirely possible he has not seen this thread yet, and doesn't actually know that you can find all this heinous shit when you google his name.Called it, now I'm just waiting for him to delete or make a new tumblr and come up with some ludicrous excuse as to why, if even that.
He seems reluctant to delete it for whatever reason, any guesses as to why?
No. 654169
File: 1533173443342.jpeg (720.57 KB, 1242x1834, C1ABAF50-C3E9-41C2-92F5-951B5F…)

No. 654187
>>654169Gosh, she's so desperate. I know they want to make a joke to prove haterzzz wrong (because they know we're gonna discuss that) but they're failing miserably because we know how Shayna is.
I love how Kyle Perkins from Tulsa Oklahoma has 3 kids, an average but good job at direct TV / At&t, and still, he prefers to spend his time on Tumblr reposting rape porn and pictures of his disgusting girlfriend (who only met twice but it's enough to move together) or lurking here. Dude, take care of your family and cut out the bullshit, it's unbelievable that you're as milky as Shay and her gross vagina, congrats.
No. 654205
File: 1533175374593.jpeg (373.06 KB, 640x1096, CD6FDEBE-F4A8-4263-8627-A16FC8…)

Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, OK’s archived Facebook: No. 654209
File: 1533175801936.jpeg (21.77 KB, 368x368, 74A21DB0-B65B-4C47-B6A7-77421F…)

He legit looks as rough as Shay. A white trash match made in nuclear waste dump heaven.
It’s not just his age either. I know plenty of early-30s who look simultaneously youthful and distinguished, with cute grey hairs and little crows’ feet. Not Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, Oklahoma, though.
On the bright side, Shayna and Kyle have matching forehead wrinkles.
Also, Sleuth Anon is my new goddess.
No. 654221
File: 1533176702585.png (3.18 MB, 1242x2208, B33B0FE9-0548-40D3-B0B2-032B59…)

Fupa is hoping this will all just fade away
No. 654262
File: 1533178800029.jpeg (100.53 KB, 1242x721, D30D7067-1BE1-4E91-863C-FC2E91…)

I know this is stupid but I was just floored that Shay’s idea of fashion is wearing a beret kek. I know she’s tacky and doesn’t own a lot of fashionable items but could she really not come up with a better example than beret? Shay if you’re lurking delete that or at least change the tags. It’s embrrassing.
No. 654266
File: 1533178936468.jpeg (375.56 KB, 640x1090, 7127997E-2C03-4A4B-89BB-7C851C…)

This is page two of an incognito Google search, kek.
No. 654270
>>654087I’m sorry but no the police shouldn’t be contacted what the fuck is wrong with you.
This is CLEARLY a middle aged man trying to act big and bad. He’s not a dom, we SAW him “beating up” shayna. It’s been discussed here so many times how he’s not scary st all. I highly doubt he masturbates to any snuff he reblogs. He’s just a fatty trying to get attention and look hard.
Just because we found out he has kids, doesn’t change that at all.
No. 654277
>>654083Why is it now that we found out he has children that he is threat, when half a thread ago we were all laughing at the fake dom front he put up. Why is it now that “he’s so dangerous”
He’s still a fake dom.
He’s still a soyboy.
He’s definitely not masturbating to snuff porn.
It’s all a front for attention.
We’ve come to the conclusion he’s a dead beat. So what does it fucking matter?
No. 654278
>>654274Kyle Perkins whose 33?
I thought Kyle Perkins who was 32 years old was the other one (not fupa)?
Bc the info I found was for Kyle Perkins aged 33
No. 654279
File: 1533179947761.png (467.69 KB, 554x554, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at 10.1…)

No. 654281
>>654079>>654121>>654106>>654196>>654187Let's not forget that there are more than one Kyle Perkins in OK, so please can we maybe just also use his middle name, Nathan, so noone innocent is potentially linked to this and accidentally gets into trouble?
It is (at least slightly) plausible that someone in a hurry could mistake this because there are some seriously dense people out there.
No. 654285
File: 1533180433482.jpg (41.59 KB, 596x628, 343.jpg)

>>654279Holy udders that is… cringingly hilarious!
No. 654302
File: 1533181709856.png (Spoiler Image,752.85 KB, 1015x455, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at 11.4…)

She's finally on!! At least she's talking to people
No. 654312
File: 1533182248787.png (Spoiler Image,238.76 KB, 455x343, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at 11.5…)

No. 654321
File: 1533182864013.png (Spoiler Image,253.06 KB, 472x347, Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 12.0…)

I admire her flexibility kek
No. 654324
File: 1533182930858.png (Spoiler Image,241.19 KB, 454x342, Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 12.0…)

slapping her snatch with a baby voice
No. 654325
File: 1533182986626.jpg (Spoiler Image,267.78 KB, 720x1280, IMG_1490.JPG)

No. 654329
>>654303I don’t know anyone who gets off to snuff imagery?
>>654310Oh my god, I wish I could hear their conversations right now.
No. 654372
File: 1533186392263.png (Spoiler Image,244.29 KB, 463x347, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at 11.5…)

No. 654399
File: 1533188121330.jpg (Spoiler Image,296.66 KB, 1536x1536, IMG_1503.JPG)

No. 654468
File: 1533194582310.png (Spoiler Image,1.85 MB, 750x1334, A6E7C5F1-8EA6-432E-B625-D89B51…)

Y’all this doesn’t even look like shayna…
No. 654513
File: 1533200369517.png (Spoiler Image,58.62 KB, 338x137, awhileback.png)

>>654468i had to go look for myself, thinking 'has she finally taken the advice from here and changed the claws?' but no, it's just a year old pic.
No. 654540
File: 1533205794064.jpeg (20.03 KB, 200x200, A3A19058-6845-4241-87EF-4FD1C4…)

>>654209literally looks like this
No. 654563
File: 1533212045325.png (65.49 KB, 720x593, Screenshot_2018-08-02-08-12-42…)

No. 654565
File: 1533212181570.png (Spoiler Image,390.27 KB, 720x1058, Screenshot_2018-08-02-08-12-31…)

Knowing what we know, this statement on these pictures just makes me feel even more sick..
No. 654582
>>654321wtf is going on with her ass???
i guess the anon who said it was going to get worse after the diaper vid was absolutely right.
No. 654595
>>654590It's a bruise from the striking of Kyle Perkins' hammy, small fist.
He had to prove he's a daddy dom to Shay, since he can't be a real dad to his children.
No. 654639
>>654356She has a definite, eh, not exactly tomboy thing going on, but you’re right, she’s not super duper girly and in no way a uwu small porn princessu ~~
Probably going to sound p gay but she reminds me of a snarky groupie. I don’t know, some eighties person probably because of how fried her hair is but yeah. Her image and personality are so at odds with one another.
Her vulva is badly discolored at this point. Maybe she should be moisturizing it, those creases look like seams in a football, it’s so sad.
No. 654653
File: 1533223636804.png (Spoiler Image,11.58 KB, 308x224, IMG_3337.PNG)

She's on cam and the state of her ass is still horrible but what did I honestly expect
(Sorry I forgot to spoiler kek)
No. 654654
File: 1533223652601.png (Spoiler Image,214.39 KB, 584x439, Screenshot (44).png)

diaper rash
No. 654672
File: 1533225554160.jpg (269.49 KB, 625x701, tweedle-dum-and-tweedle-dee-th…)

The way this guy wears his pants… but then again, it must be hard containing a fupa
No. 654680
Is anybody else surprised Kyle Perkins has kids just because it's surprising this dude has even had sex at least three times before Shayna? He acts like he has never touched a vagina before
>>654287>brony friendzoni kek anon
No. 654686
File: 1533227548777.jpg (561.59 KB, 1080x1760, Screenshot_20180802-122501_Tum…)

>>652799this has to be one of the most unflattering pictures of shay. sage for no new milk since we all know she already looks like shit but
girl these deep wrinkles, scaly dry ass skin, wonky lashes, boil on the side of your nose. love yourself, christ…
No. 654690
>>653904>>654325>>654327Totally underrated lmao. Thanks for the good giggle.
>>654686Also, what the hell is this state of skin even? Looks like a legit meth user. So crusty.
No. 654805
>>654734Wasn’t Shayna; this would’ve been a few years ago. Kyle and his ex were about 30 then, and she posted a meme implying this woman was much younger than that.
Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was also emotionally abusive, and told his ex-wife that no one would ever love her because of her body, her three kids, and her C-section scar.
Such a disgusting sack of shit.
No. 654817
>>654734I bet it's a tumblr chick.
I can see Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, Oklahoma being this disgusting and leaving her for a girl he met online.
No. 654833
>>654817There was another tumblr girl before Shayna. If you look through the past couple of threads you will see more detailed info but basically this girl is super young too, and didn't want to rush to meet Kyle Perkins from Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was a lot sweeter and nicer to this girl in particular compared to Shay.
He left her for Shay cos Shay is young too, more "popular", and wouldn't meet him so quickly like our dumb cow did.
After he left this girl, she got a lot of support from tumblr anons and friends about how dumb Kyle Perkins was to leave her for Shay.
Kyle Perkins also may be the culprit behind random anonymous tumblr messages that were sent to this other tumblr girl a few weeks back. The messages consisted of things like "I miss you" and "you're better off without me".
No. 654843
>>654833I tought about her in the first but- he met her?
(i am too lazy to read on the past threads sorry)
No. 654850
>>654833Noooo. Kyle Perkins never met this girl. She wasn't dumb enough to meet this random tumblr idiot after a month like Shay.
And really you should read through the threads. There is relevant information that we don't want to keep rehashing simply because you are lazy. This information isn't even that old so you would have no trouble finding it.
No. 654852
>>654805Wow seriously? What a piece of shit
Like he's in a position to judge people's bodies l fucking mao.
Disgusting sweaty fupa obeast
No. 654858
>>654850I just tought he didin't meet her and I wasn't sure and wanted to make sure so we can take her out of that list.
And I will keep this in mind and check all of the threads.
Also this girl was living with him (from what the ex wife said somewhere) but he denied it tho the ex figured it out.
No. 655030
>>654922Well, she’ll hit Kyle Nathan Perkins’s age limit in under a decade, so I hope she enjoys it while she lasts.
Wonder if he’ll knock her up several times and then shit on her post-baby body and the fact that she even has kids first?
No. 655033
File: 1533247905841.png (109.67 KB, 750x769, IMG_3350.PNG)

No. 655050
>>652799this is fucking disgusting. Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa Oklahoma is a fucking predator and sick.
I really hope his 3 kids have no contact with him
No. 655070
I don’t give a shit what Kyle Nathan Perkins from Tulsa, OK, & Shayna do to each other at this point. But it’s so upsetting that he has a very young daughter, a mother, sisters, niece(s), plus female coworkers who are forced to be around him, and an ex who still has to deal with him—yet he feels the way he does about women. Whether or not it’s all an act, he’s still promoting so much sick shit. Pedophilia, rape, physical & emotional abuse, torture, straight up murder.
Seriously, fuck this guy. I hope his life is ruined.
No. 655112
>>655070Same, I can't relate to anons who say Shay deserves better when these are the men she herself seeks. B4 anyone wants to start the "she didn't know!!" Sorry but no sane mid 30's dad type would ever
ever fuck a 20 something and be just a kind man who beats you up occasionally for funsiez UwU
Shay has talked
ALL this shit about how she steals ~ur dad~ and lives off of the fantasy of being rich deadbeat dads trophy hoe of the month, well she got it.
Not the rich part ofcourse thats for the thots who fly to dubai and whatnot, but it
is the exact type of man shes been fetishizing since she started banking on her pussy.
After all these threads of Shayna saying every anon is a jealous bitter hater, it feels fantastic to know that I among alot of anons according to OT boards make significantly more than they very own love of her life splenda daddy.
(I almost busted my lung catching up on two days worth of drama cause I have a cold when I saw his employment status y i k e s private IT mY ASS)
No. 655136
>>654805Jesus, he's hating on the woman who bore his children because of a scar from giving birth? Not that this is ever right but he isn't remotely good looking enough for that to work. Not to mention he has repeatedly put his face into blue waffle over here. How disgusting, though I'm sure Shay's age made it worth it to Kyle Nathan Perkins, the everlasting piece of shit
I can't wait for this relationship to explode, and here's to hoping Shay learns to be more careful with strangers willing to fuck her for free after his abusive nature comes out. I'm sure she'll be less happy once her life has an actually mandatory schedule and she isn't allowed to do what she wants in her career
No. 655142
File: 1533255002454.jpeg (31.74 KB, 640x162, 25780891-6A28-4FD9-98E7-77589D…)

No. 655143
File: 1533255084398.jpeg (333.21 KB, 640x742, F6E145C0-53BE-4D7E-9F60-40D612…)

He sounds absolutely ecstatic.
No. 655149
I think I mentioned in the last thread that Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, OK, probably expects Shayna to take care of him and wait on him hand and foot once they live together, because he’s the Big Strong Man and deserves a waman to cook and clean for him and be his mother, like all these Tumblr dom types. And at the same time, Shayna will expect him to take care of her because she’s a stupid, helpless widdle baby who can’t take care of herself, and also a high-class, high-maintenance sexy bimbo princess who shouldn’t have to.
His ex said that while they were together, she felt like she was taking care of another child, always having to clean up after him and do everything for him, while he was busy being a narcissistic, alcoholic, abusive, cheating deadbeat.
And Shayna really is either incapable of taking care of herself, or just doesn’t care enough to try. Her hygiene is horrible, her apartment is filthy, and she thinks boxed mac & cheese with a side of Goldfish counts as a meal.
I seriously hope they move in together. The milk will be full fat and delicious.
No. 655157
File: 1533257129635.gif (Spoiler Image,9.15 MB, 750x421, 97F3E840-BEA6-46F7-BEFF-0DE108…)

I have so many gross gifs from Shayna’s last couple of shows. Sorry for the upcoming spam but this bitch was really scratching her ass, picking at her backne and scraped the shit out of her claws after…ON CAM
No. 655158
File: 1533257205119.gif (Spoiler Image,16.98 MB, 750x592, 7B045339-EC30-4ED2-A560-C0326F…)

No. 655164
File: 1533257468869.gif (Spoiler Image,4.62 MB, 750x421, E550BCBA-ECA8-426F-AF34-F12F45…)

She just reeks of sex appeal y’all
No. 655241
File: 1533266091506.png (Spoiler Image,607.12 KB, 843x475, Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 11.1…)

She's on MFC and she just announced her new video
No. 655244
File: 1533266252630.png (234.27 KB, 467x343, Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 11.1…)

talking about booze and drugs as usual
No. 655249
File: 1533266561894.png (11.08 KB, 854x102, tattoo.png)

>>652799Looked at her MFC profile and noticed this interesting post on her wall. Someone apparently helped her with a tattoo two years ago. Does she actually have any tattoos or did they give her money for no reason?
No. 655257
>>655253So $33.30.
What was it for? She only charges like a nickel to punch herself in the face. Can’t imagine what she’d do for $30.
No. 655261
File: 1533267026123.jpg (Spoiler Image,187.33 KB, 775x676, shaynaattemptingtodance.jpg)

No. 655262
File: 1533267073291.png (Spoiler Image,199.81 KB, 466x341, Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 11.2…)

Pimple shot
No. 655263
People having nails that long is already enough of a sanitary hazard, but I know shay never washes her nails properly, and I doubt her scratching her ass here was out of character for her. Disgusting
>>655249She doesn't have any tattoos on her stomach so clearly she never took this guy's advice for what to get and where to put it
No. 655264
File: 1533267136126.png (Spoiler Image,225.35 KB, 465x361, ppppp.png)

No. 655298
File: 1533270073536.png (Spoiler Image,431.15 KB, 582x441, oil ass.png)

Yes, rub some oil into it. That'll make the pimples go away.
No. 655299
File: 1533270090284.jpeg (Spoiler Image,49.38 KB, 621x455, 7121C5FF-37A9-4AEC-9CA3-D6053E…)

She will rub body oil all over herself but she doesn’t use lube???? Shay wtf?
No. 655314
>>655299I swear her butt never looked that gross before. Everything about her gets nastier and nastier.
>>655233It's because the nipple discoloration literally did not appear until that fucked up hardtied shoot she did where the fat dom bit the fuck out of her nipple and stretched it away from her body. There were comparisons done in before and after format in one of the older recent threads that show her nipples looked fine before that particular hardtied shoot. There is also a screenshot floating around on these threads of the fat dom from hardtied biting her nipple. He fucked it up.
No. 655331
File: 1533272534753.png (Spoiler Image,557.22 KB, 797x577, Screenshot 2018-08-02 at 11.54…)

No. 655336
File: 1533273021836.png (Spoiler Image,678.94 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot 2018-08-03 at 12.07…)

No. 655338
File: 1533273115744.png (Spoiler Image,797.58 KB, 1013x768, Screenshot 2018-08-03 at 12.07…)

No. 655339
File: 1533273188373.png (Spoiler Image,810.26 KB, 1023x768, Screenshot 2018-08-03 at 12.07…)

No. 655345
File: 1533273779792.png (Spoiler Image,297.23 KB, 518x512, Screenshot 2018-08-03 at 12.21…)

No. 655347
File: 1533273835536.jpg (23.42 KB, 399x453, FB_IMG_1451948782826.jpg)

>>655262Omg eww the huge bumps on her labia! How does she get on cam or shoot any content looking like that? She needs to sort shit out. She's looking particularly haggard tonight, sickly even.
No. 655352
>>655339its clear shes been crying in this one
>>655340i was gonna ask what she could possibly be doing to make pimples show up in an almost perfect line like that kudos for having experience?
No. 655383
File: 1533278787009.png (Spoiler Image,747.24 KB, 836x1182, 1502330619425.png)

>>655314>the nipple discoloration literally did not appear until that fucked up hardtied shoot Nope. Found this picture in the thread from 11 months ago. Sometimes they're fucked up, sometimes they look normal, but it's not new.
No. 655393
File: 1533280365694.jpeg (Spoiler Image,78.75 KB, 750x506, 282A6D95-AB96-41C0-AF73-F5A875…)

Someone posted a similar photo so I’m saging. Shay being hella cute at the end of her cam show
No. 655485
>shape>size>colour>probably hardness tooEtc
Its every single warning sign that HEY YA DUMB BITCH maybe just fucking maybe getting a mammogram and seeing a gyno before going to get the rest if your skin checked out by a dermatologist is a good choice.
S2G most cam girls are lowkey so gnarly with personal hygiene, its like they don't understand that they're on a daily basis fiddling, touching, fucking and generally keeping so much contact with their body that you can't just have a normal routine. (Which even that shay doesn't have)
You have to pay extra attention, its not just a quick shower and all is good, but living in ignorance until something goes bad is the motto for most.
No. 655553
File: 1533307773746.png (2.57 MB, 1242x2208, 9984815D-D1F7-4C4A-8CAC-EF4AB9…)

No. 655555
File: 1533308102346.jpeg (243.98 KB, 1242x711, 4BFE1598-F492-4191-8A43-DFA0DF…)

No. 655556
File: 1533308180004.png (6.74 MB, 1242x2208, 909D7E45-B6D3-4FED-B19C-B0500C…)

and 3/3. she’s fucking delusional. he’s a predator grooming her a la her ~daddy issues~ and honestly it’s really sad.
No. 655560
File: 1533308526009.jpeg (249.73 KB, 1242x781, A4487A3F-F1D6-43FF-B024-14D6CA…)

also, i think we’re right. i bet he’s gonna think shayna is gonna be a proper little house girl and cook, clean, take care of everything while he does his super private super high paying call center job for the *~*~uwu big rich daddy buck$$$ uwu~*~*
No. 655567
File: 1533308890213.jpeg (330.11 KB, 1242x886, C255FD1A-BD78-4097-89A4-43F8B6…)

>>655553>>655555>>655556he responded and it somehow got even worse.
No. 655601
>>655577it's been said 100 times now but they're basically perfect for each other.
>uwu baby bimbo has actual parents but seeks a sexual relationship with a "daddy" figure>fupa has actual kids but seeks a sexual relationship with a woman he refers to as "kiddo"they're both fucked and the only hope i have lies in the fact that they are subjecting each other to their behavior and not innocent bystanders
No. 655631
>>655620I agree. I wouldn't be surprised if Fupa has other secrets. He could be on a phone plan like
>>655624 said, but nothing about this idiot Kyle Nathan Perkins has turned out good so far.
I bet he's a lot more milky than we even know so far and that is saying a lot. Especially since he has abandoned his children to pretend play daddy deadbeat dom with some nasty broke cam ho on the internet.
if he is capable of being that gross, I wouldn't be surprised if there is more to the story with him. I still find it really weird that he had all those women's products in his bathroom. That Shay has not once seen this man's home in person but he has seen hers.
That's just me though.
No. 655637
File: 1533314748355.jpg (13.13 KB, 239x134, kek.JPG)

she is SO DESPERATE holy shit
No. 655644
>>655620>>655631This is what I was kind of getting at with
>>655575I realized we should have looked at if he is friends with Shay on his facebook or if he was following her on his twitter or she was following him. I think it's very suspicious. They're supposedly moving in together but he doesn't even want her connected to him on social media. Once he starts posting photos of them together on his real social media and not just his roleplay tumblr dom blog I'll maybe change my mind.
No. 655687
File: 1533318050099.png (24.55 KB, 293x409, Capture.PNG)

>>655637Jesus. She sounds like she is trying to convince everybody how perfect he is because of how terrible Kyle Nathan Perkins is in reality.
"look everybody…. he's not really a bad guy! Look at how ~perfect~ he is uwu"
Sorry Shay. This guy is only perfect for you because you both suck ass and nobody else like your ex and his ex-wife should have to be put in harm's way due to your shit ever again.
Have fun in Tulsa!
>>65564040 days or so. I saw Fupa saying 47 days on his tumblr like a few days or a week ago.
No. 655714
>>655556>>655555>>655553>this man took me into his arms, into his heart & into his life & i saw that with this one message. It's evident Shayna has never really had much of genuine relationships or human interaction, rather. In addition to already having ridiculously low standards, if she saw all that in this message.
>>655614>>655631I thought they were "going to get a penthouse in Boston". Is it confirmed they're moving to Bumfuck, OK?
No. 655722
>>655556>>655714Also, "proud of her work"? He's just pushing her delusions further. But maybe he'll finally be that person to tell her that having open sores, pimples, boils, and nasty acne scars on your pussy and ass isn't a good look nor is it good for business for
Telling her he likes pubic hair just so she can use it to hide her nasty breakouts is a great start!
No. 655733
>>655724I think she knows he's named Kyle 𝘢𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘵.
But I don't think he told her his family name.
No. 655763
File: 1533323186442.png (8.48 KB, 533x141, aug.PNG)

I haven't seen Shay talking about going back to LA even though she totally is in 7 days. Is she embarrassed about it all now lol?
No. 655765
>>654242Yet here you are??
"Real customer" my ass.
No. 655769
>>655765I've seen several of her past customers here. It's a trend. She's horrible in business on top of
scamming these poor fucks out of money, and them getting mad when they see her nasty open sore riddled pussy/ass in the content they buy.
No. 655772
>>655716It's funny that she's basically been a discount date for Fupa, but she's lacks the class, taste, or the intelligence to even be aware of it. She prob thinks everything's so great, when the reality is much more dire.
"Traveling the world" Mexico "vacation", "great opportunity"
REALITY: Flew herself to Mexico. Stayed in a hotel room paid for from his work, ate/snacks from daily work stipend, did nothin but wait for him to get back.
"Going to move to Boston, MA and get a penthouse"
No penthouse, Not going to be by her fam, instead his in bumfuck Oklahoma.
No. 655773
File: 1533323748895.png (31.65 KB, 691x447, Screenshot (50).png)

>>655763Boy-girl is gone from her profile now too?
No. 655781
>>655773ahhh good eye anon. Didn't even catch that. Looks like Shay and Kyle Nathan Perkins did have a disagreement over the boy/girl stuff. Kek. He took her name out of his bio over it and I am assuming he would have broken up with her.
I bet she still did boy/girl stuff before that was taken out of her bio and I bet she won't even talk about it when it's released. That's fine, anons here will find it!
No. 655789
File: 1533324721993.png (94.91 KB, 1080x752, 20180803_151733.png)

She definitely has to have a studio apartment if she doesn't have enough room for her dog kennel and her princess tent.
And a picture of her supposed bed has been posted recently. (Of Rib under it.)
No. 655797
>>655789Yeah, she said she has a 6 month lease studio apt. It's super small and dirty, hideous br and kitchen, Tacky af ghetto cabinets with weird haphazard saw cutouts "that make it feel like two rooms"
She also said she paid over 1k for it here >>>/snow/591066
No. 655859
>>655556Many parents don't even feel comfortable giving their kids the sex talk, less even want to know when, how, or if their kids are having sex (beyond worrying about them during the teen years). Why the hell would you think your dad would want to talk to you about camming? Or your latest disgusting ""bdsm"" shoot
Shay keeps saying that doing porn involved sacrifices that she was willing to make but that's probably the biggest lie she's ever told. Clearly she hates that she has no contact with her parents and doesn't understand why parents won't actually support all your decisions, not that your parents sometimes really do know what's best for you. Stigma around sex work exists for a reason and it isn't just slut shaming ones.
No. 655890
File: 1533332595660.png (Spoiler Image,961 KB, 474x1072, 2018-08-03 17_41_38-Diaper Bum…)

omg i can't even post the last image in this set in good conscience. she's pulling a dildo with fake cum away from her vagina covered in baby powder :|
No. 655895
File: 1533332762961.gif (Spoiler Image,2.1 MB, 540x304, tumblr_pcwmfiwMR81rmiw96o4_540…)

No. 655906
>>655895>>655896>>655890She's getting awfully
creative in the ways she's covering up her boil covered pussy.
Gotta ba tiring to cover up all this shit
>>645943 No. 655907
File: 1533333228717.png (Spoiler Image,785.95 KB, 822x482, 2018-08-03 17_51_52-Dolly Matt…)

>>655905ummmm first of all :10-:12 is an absolute horror show
second of all, she looks so strung out
No. 655922
>>655917Is it possible for her to go more downhill from here? She looks fucking wrecked to shit. In every way. Efukt prime material I swear. Fucking creepy and disgusting.
Bitch needs to get help.
No. 655926
File: 1533333973279.gif (2.19 MB, 540x304, FBB07674-83F5-4A41-9D2A-45952F…)

The image of a grown ass woman wearing a big onesie and 3” long nails, pulling out a giant diaper which she’ll put on herself is seriously cracking me up.
Anyway, this is even more disgusting than I’d anticipated. Great job, Shayna!
Doesn’t she claim to be a CSA survivor? Has she ever given any more detail than that?
I know these ABDL freaks all claim to be ~working through trauma~ with this shit, but that doesn’t mean you have to fucking film and sell it.
No. 655946
>>655926It's really disgusting. I remember reading a post a while back that people need to stop sexualizing children's items. Diapers, binkies, baby bottles - these are all items used by infants, toddlers and children.
No matter how you look at is, it's pandering to pedophilia and I hate how people argue that it's "kinkshaming". I'd rather kinkshame than sexualize children's items.
No. 655952
>>655895All I can think about is dusty moldy bread
>>655896>tight fertile cunt>tiny pussyShayna…no
No. 655992
>>655966I suspect the pacifiers might have less to do with a suggestive aesthetic and more to do with how prevalent MDMA was in the late 90s.
Just to save this post from being OT, I'm really curious why some farmers seem to have a problem with the news that Kyle Perkins, of Tulsa, OK, has children. From what's public, he never lied about being a father, so at most, all this latest revelation suggests is the obvious- that he was trying to keep his personal persona away from his private persona (which doesn't necessarily make him amoral in and of itself). For all we know, he may have told Shay. As far as sticking his chode in someone whose shtick is DDLG, is there really anything to back-up that Kyle Perkins, of Tulsa, OK, shares that fetish as much as Shay claims to? It looks more like he just plays into it because he's desperate for puss, the same way Shay panders to it because she's desperate for attention. I could understand being concerned about his children if his tumblr feed was post-to-post child models/DDLG but seeing as he has a history of nudging Shay into adopting more of an alt-aesthetic, something tells me that Kyle Perkins, of Tulsa, OK, for all his other failings, doesn't seem to be credible a threat to actual children.
No. 655995
>>655992Because he would rather hang out with this dumpy cam whore instead of his own kids. At least for me, I don't mean to speak for anyone else. He doesn't have anything to do with his kids. It's totally understandable that someone would want to keep their kids separate from adult oriented stuff. But he literally keeps them separate from his life in general. He doesn't see them.
I've seen his exwife talking about how fucked up Kyle was. He hasn't been around his kids in a long time. His own mother apologized for his shitty behavior towards his exwife and children.
I am not going to defend that nasty DDLG shit either. I don't care to what extent he actually enjoys it. That stuff is not normal, so he shouldn't be enjoying it especially when one of his kids is an actual little girl.
Gotta love how Fupa is bringing up the other tumblr girl now. The same one that he clearly liked more than Shay and continued to bother after he linked up with Shay.
No. 656000
File: 1533338302727.png (46.88 KB, 566x686, woooooow.PNG)

>>655995samefag cos I forgot a pic
No. 656027
>>655946There are such things as adults diapers FOR ADULTS. Onesies are for everyone.
Pacifiers and bottles are 100% for infants/toddlers though.
Literally a shaved pussy doesn't contribute to the pedos though either. Shaved pussies are more acceptable than non shaved now a days.
No. 656031
>>655995Almost every woman who has been scorned by the man of all three of her kids would talk shit about him regardless if he actually is a bad Dad or not.
He is not present in their lives and that's what makes him a bad Father.
Does even send them gifts/money/child support?? (Or is that not a question we can ask?)
No. 656032
>>656027I'd say this is fair, if she wasn't acting as a fucking baby while wearing a diaper.
Also I mentioned nothing about onesies or a shaved puss lol
No. 656039
>>656027Adult diapers don't have Hello Kitty or cutesy designs on them, stop excusing disgusting shit.
>Onesies are for everyoneWere your parents related? Like before they were married?
No. 656040
>>656032"Who fantasizes about a dick coming out of a bald puss"
But the baby powder and acting like a literal baby is too far. Mentioned the onesie part cause it was mentioned earlier by someone else.
No. 656041
>>656040You replied to my post and I didn't even say that, the heck are you on lol
Regardless, she's pandering to pedos so stop trying to WK her
No. 656044
>>656039Lmao onesies are for everyone, have you checked sizing? Do you go outside at all?
Nice, trying to make blood relation go with what to wear for night time. Your parents must have been blood related by how retarded you are.
No. 656056
>>656052Fucking thank you.
Literally the people here talking about what design they come in, don't even fucking know about them.
No. 656059
>>656055I understand the baby powder, talking like a baby and how wearing the onesie is wrong, especially since she's obviously using it for the aesthetic and porn.
But don't shit on the people who legit like onesies just cause they're cute and the people who actually need diapers because of certain reasons and get the cuter designs.
No. 656066
>>656062Literally Shayna uses the "kink" for aesthetic, reblogs, likes and money. Nothing alike lmao.
But get pissy cause I'm defending the kink lol. Not the person.
No. 656067
>>656059If someone is using adult diapers for legit reasons like incontinence, they’re not buying them with fucking baby bottles and duckies on them.
Y’all need therapy.
No. 656077
>>656069Didn't make it about me, you did lmao.
Shayna is a gross bitch who uses children items to make porn and money, and the people who actually use those items, such as diapers and onesies, in the proper form look bad cause of her.
All I'm saying.
No. 656080
File: 1533342894536.jpeg (210.43 KB, 640x582, D82C50F9-17EC-43A6-AA73-656AFC…)

>LittleForBig Printed Adult Brief Diapers Adult Baby Diaper Lover ABDL 10 Pieces - Nursery Pink(Medium)
>Why grow up? Be a little big kid forever in LittleForBig's all-blue nursery print diaper. The sweet design, with its baby-printed contouring, will make any little feel extra cute.
No. 656097
File: 1533343287823.png (162.18 KB, 745x1182, IMG_3368.PNG)

Anyways she posted the beating up videos
No. 656100
File: 1533343436106.png (870.23 KB, 1080x1221, 20180803_204310.png)

Beating herself up again for money. (Barely.)
No. 656148
>>656127It IS very misogynistic.
>dumb ugly cunts Saying things like that while even mentioning the feminist community is hilarious.
No. 656161
>>655932It's actually quite common to be fully booked for new models within agencies, especially ones from out of town / or who have only have set dates and only in LA for an allotted time period to shoot. They only have a few dates to fill and are pushed more by their agencies to book their week in LA. It'd be more surprising for someone like that to
not get any or only a few bookings.
Shayna's problem won't be
getting booked. It's going to be
re-booked especially to quality studios, and NOT getting a bad reputation/blacklisted for having genitals in such a horrific state /something ridiculous amounts of airbrushing won't be able to fix. She won't be worth it. Word travels fast in the industry.
Let's see if she gets booked with some really good studios for film, and not photos. Photos can be easily edited like her agency photos were, even though she was riddled with acne, open sores and scars all over her pussy and ass, they hid most of it, by making her keep her bottoms on and posing from the sides.
No. 656186
>>655966pacifiers have been a rave thing since the 90's, most teens were using them as rave wear. people at raves would use them for oral fixation after taking molly or ecstasy. the pacifier thing doesn't bother me as much because its pretty much in the mainstream.
the diaper thing and pretending to be a "baby" for "dada" is fucking creepy though.
No. 656237
File: 1533357268761.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1271, 20180804_003001.png)

The fucking caption.
No. 656241
File: 1533357578761.jpeg (493.41 KB, 640x1093, 6E5BE80D-97D6-4544-B526-E82AD2…)

>>656237babby tingz uwu~!~!
No. 656244
File: 1533357682449.png (Spoiler Image,1.84 MB, 1378x786, infectedroastbeef.PNG)

The MV preview for her stupid beatdown barbie video:>>656243plain and simple.
No. 656245
File: 1533357826655.png (22.98 KB, 300x587, Capture.PNG)

No. 656247
File: 1533357972472.jpg (135.48 KB, 1125x1108, Djt-DupU8AAt6Ek.jpg large.jpg)

Shay is wearing her old clothes. She took this today.
No. 656248
File: 1533358090694.png (1.36 MB, 1666x676, crackedoutmattel.PNG)

Aaand cracked out mattel is on cam looking sweaty and grimy as per usual
No. 656249
File: 1533358174816.png (617.53 KB, 639x664, alcoholism.PNG)

Drinking straight from the bottle like a baby bimbo would.
To a room with 19 people in it and singing "Like a Virgin"
No. 656255
File: 1533358687167.png (Spoiler Image,757.54 KB, 835x631, comegettheseboilsbaby.PNG)

Oh my god I wish I knew how to capture video for these shows. Cos the "striptease" she just did was horrific.
The way she revealed her ass boils was truly incredible.
Come on get these boils babyyy
No. 656256
File: 1533358700912.jpeg (Spoiler Image,78.96 KB, 740x587, 74C782E5-29A6-43B0-BB74-DCEBA7…)

How did her ass drastically get sooo much worse in just 24hrs since she was on cam last night?!
No. 656258
File: 1533358943812.png (Spoiler Image,1.35 MB, 1676x670, depression.PNG)

No. 656263
>>656256Oh my god.
You’re right. Dis bish fucking Papa Nurgle on the side.
No. 656292
>>656228I think since she isn't even into any of these kinks she just puts everything she thinks is part of the one kink together. Likely she looks at people into ddlg and assumes everything they're into is part of the kink, not realising that there's a spectrum of that depravity. Some people don't do sex things and get off to pissing in diapers, some like putting vibes to diapers, some like the baby aesthetic but fuck normally, etc. Not to mention they might include utterly seperate kinks from ddlg into their sex
>>656247You know, this clothing actually suits her really nice. If she could model at all it'd look cool with a nice sultry look with her hair down and messy. Even better if she had her natural hair instead. Everything neck up looks pretty bad unfortunately here
No. 656420
>>656416That's because she is far away from the lens and it's low res. We have seen her in actual photos and she doesn't look like this.
A model kek jesus christ
She had the resources and support to do something better with her life but she ain't model material.
No. 656427
File: 1533396953261.png (31.86 KB, 259x281, Screenshot 2018-08-04 at 10.32…)

her favorite way to wear her hair is "damaged to the point that it looks like hay and thrown up in braids because if she tries to brush it, it'll all fall out and break off"
No. 656510
>>656186but shay is clearly not on ecstacy at a rave, so that point is completely moot.
she's using pacifiers and diapers to look like a baby. did you read the description for the video? it's so obviously a video for a pedophile.
No. 656561
>>656510A pedophile with an impregnation fetish at that. The tags are like, “baby,” “impregnation fetish.”
Shayna, you don’t have to say yes to everything, even if you
are broke.
No. 656585
File: 1533413832986.png (15.6 KB, 304x386, girlstopew.PNG)

Shayna is truly insufferable.
She was just drinking wine last night. She barely did shit this week. It's infuriating to me that she considers herself a hard working person and Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, Oklahoma also supports this notion.
This bitch is the definition of lazy.
No. 656653
>>656585she 'works' for about 3 hours a day at most, and her work consists of playing video games and shaking her gross pimply ass at 7 men and 10 anons. but noooo poor shayna works sooo hard she needs to have a break for her health! i know shay is one of those people who does 10 minutes of work then gives herself an hour break as a reward. or if she worked a normal job then she'd reward working 4 hours with clothes that cost way more than 4 hours wages.
i find it so funny that shay is acting like Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa OK is really pampering her. a sandwich and 2 beers? wow she's such a spoilt princess thanks to her 'dada', he's really showering her in gifts. maybe next week he'll buy her an apple? and a bottle of coke? or would that be too much? fupa's really pulling out all the stops to lavish shay in gifts.
she's really sunk so low in her standards. in the past she used to fantasize about an attractive, older man who would 'take her to italy' and buy her a car and they'd eat caviar every night and drink champagne. it's so funny that she's ended up with fupa: a fat, ugly tumblr dom who actually looks younger than shay does and buys her weed and goldfish crackers but can't afford her nails, let alone fancy holidays or decadent food. i always laugh reading her thread. top kek shay
No. 656669
File: 1533419165065.jpg (1.36 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180804-164529_Tum…)

I highly doubt they gave her that napkin
No. 656683
>>656674I can just imagine the bartender's confusion as he serves Shayna her beer and then watches as she rifles through her purse with her disgusting talons. Then she pulls out this napkin, sets it under her beer and proceeds to take a picture of it.
Ah, to be a fly on the wall.
No. 656709
>>656669Pretty sure she’s at Hale’s Ales and that they
don’t do little girls’ birthday parties.
No. 656712
File: 1533422186096.jpg (25.95 KB, 800x450, e02e5ffb5f980cd8262cf7f0ae00a4…)

>>656669Imagine carrying around children's napkins in your purse for months on end so you can stage photos like this.
No. 656723
>>656585She doesn't even do any work other than camming on those days. It's not like she films nearly daily or edits at all. She doesn't think of or buys new toys for her vids or photosets. Filming is all in one take and she supposedly posts a new one once a week so that's either already done a day before or she'll have to use her day off to film and edit it. But yes, what a good Dada who clearly knows what's best for his girlfriend. I can tell Kyle Perkins wasn't the one to teach or discipline his kids at all, he's fucking clueless
>>656653Oh, but here's the best part, nowhere does it say he even gave her the money for it. He just allowed her to drink a beer (or two as if shay is an actual lightweight child) on a Saturday night and buy a sandwich. How kind of him
No. 656726
File: 1533424573348.png (67.76 KB, 1337x447, Capture.PNG)

even fupa agrees that shay lives in filth.
No. 656729
File: 1533424960793.png (1.89 MB, 1314x1247, Capture.PNG)

>>656726pt 2 of that.
>"be 12">"adopt me already"fucking disgusting.
No. 656733
>>656726>>656729I know we have been over this so many times, but I can't get over the fact that Kyle Perkins would rather play "dada" with this messy, nasty, dramatic ho as opposed to being with his own children.
Can't wait for this to fall apart.
No. 656734
File: 1533425253743.png (4.87 MB, 1242x2208, 231E23F6-B1D8-4A40-B567-B6FC98…)

They actually did give it to her
No. 656737
>>656723I don’t think Fupa has ever bought her
anything other than a bowl of noodles. Otherwise she’d brag about it. She writes posts about this stuff sort of
implying he paid for something, but won’t directly say it, so she’s technically not lying. Her trip to Mexico (she paid for her flight and his job paid the room and per diem), Mexican mall haul, and now the sandwich & two beers come to mind. I’m sure there are other examples. Has he ever bought her a gift?
>>656729Shayna, Kyle can’t even take care of or afford his
actual kids. No. 656738
File: 1533425418394.png (19.09 KB, 298x467, isthisnormal.PNG)

Is it normal for acrylic nails to break that easily?
Everything about her is rancid and cheap.
No. 656741
>>656734She could have pulled off the paper napkin ring and slid it on the pink napkin, or just asked for a new napkin ring.
It’s nitpicky, but I just don’t believe a word she says.
No. 656743
>>656726I wonder if this is him clumsily setting the stage to eventually say "we can't live together yet, we should do that once you start living cleaner"
It's a bit late considering he's never cared before and she needs a place to live, also useless advice today since he told her not to do anymore work tonight
Kyle Perkins is also starting to show his dickish nature to shay. He decided that now, while she's drunk and emotionally vulnerable, is the time to indicate that he might not want to live with her publicly while also shaming her living situation. Instead of any other time they've talked while she was sober, online or private. Shay might actually be messy, but this feels very planned, manipulative, and the red flag of a guy who enjoys hurting you
No. 656750
>>656744She mentions using super glue to stick any broken nails back onto her nail, is that bad for you? I would assume it is but I figure you'd actually know
>>656729Ew, god her ageplay is all the more disgusting when she associates a specific age to it. And age 12 of all ages! This bitch honestly repulses me, and it pisses me off to see this normalized in any way. (also what fucking 12 year old says "Dada" and uses diapers?)
No. 656754
>>656750Yep, it's horrible for your nails. Tl;dr- nail glue and superglue are essentially the same but superglue is methyl cyanoacrylate (breaks down real easy in water too) and nail glue is ETHYL cyanoacrylate, which is water resistant and medical grade. She seems to have had acrylics consistently for several years, so her natural nails are very thin and very damaged. So not only is she ruining her nails. she's allowing really toxic chemicals into her body as well.
tl;dr again- she's a fucking idiot for having cheap nails that long and using superglue for repairs.
No. 656758
>>656738Shayna has tried to lie saying she gets "the most expensive set" even though they clearly are very cheap acrylics and not even gel.
She likes to pretend she is something other than trashy and frugal by lying about the price she pays for them, or saying things like "I don't remember what I get… something gel polish…" Even though she claims to get them done frequently. She just doesn't want to admit how cheap she is, and like mentioning the word "gel" makes her inexpensive set any better. Gel polish is different than a gel set.
Also, I doubt she even leaves a good tip for her tech, if one at all. I've heard her say her manicures are $40+ or something, they are NOT. Every set she's ever had look like $10-$20 acrylics with polish.
No. 656760
File: 1533427032222.jpeg (310.44 KB, 1242x1239, 8FECD426-E310-4984-A0BA-8DF232…)

uh oh
No. 656762
>>656759Exactly anon! She's mentioned forever that she hates her hands, and having nails makes her feel better and confident. But they only draw more attention to the fact that her hands are eerily large and long.
I think she took her set off bc her hands exceeded the length of Fupa's hands. Even with them off, they were the same size. Kek! She was insistent on takin photos with him on his Seattle stay.
I can just imagine her getting all worked up and insecure about his lady hands and her man fingers, and ripping her cheap nails off just to take some pics. Ghagha
No. 656765
File: 1533427720003.png (Spoiler Image,4.48 MB, 1242x2208, FED37143-F19A-4BD2-B269-A1079F…)

reblogging other cam girls now
No. 656768
>>656726This is hilarious bc Shayna is a pig. She is seriously such a dirty, unhygienic person and always has been. Any photo she takes on that rug, you can see literal debris and large pieces of dirt. Gross!
>>656761Gel nails are still more expensive than acrylic applications, even if it's with gel polish. I agree also! Her nails are shit.
>>656764No way those are gel nails. She gets acrylics that are bulky af. It's super obvious if you've ever seen a photo of her hands. Also have gotten my nails done for years, as well as have a friend with a fam who owns a salon.
No. 656769
File: 1533428155729.jpeg (Spoiler Image,942.47 KB, 1242x1090, 87B11BD0-6F3F-450A-A22A-6B0AFB…)

What…what is that face she’s making in the pic on the right?
No. 656778
File: 1533428799951.jpg (Spoiler Image,700.83 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180804-171953_Tum…)

>>656772This was today, I believe
No. 656782
File: 1533429203529.jpg (27.13 KB, 546x293, lol.jpg)

>>656738>>656758Here she is lying about her nails. I know nails, I've only ever seen her wear cheap acrylic sets on her hands, and regular polish/ maybe gel polish on her toes that she rarely ever gets done.
She gets really insecure about being called cheap/frugal. Back in the stoner days, someone called her out for having a "shitty car". Ever since then, she stopped showing the "Honda" decal on her wheel. KEK.
Her nails / hair have been discussed here several times before, she use to mention very low pricings for her nails and hair. Ever since it's been pointed out how cheap her hair/nail salon visits were on the thread, she's increased her "prices" that she says she spends at the salons(pic) but still, her nails/ hair has stayed looking the same. She's a blatant liar. Always have been.
Watch her actually get a real gel set/pedi next time and video/take a photo just to prove she's not a lying cheap basic btch. LOL! Hi Shay
No. 656786
File: 1533429575736.png (4.35 MB, 1242x2208, 7F5B5DA0-4772-4D1A-9039-243B3F…)

She’s so fucking proud of that napkin
No. 656788
File: 1533429713834.jpg (34.33 KB, 534x312, acrylics.jpg)

Looked a little further and saw this, confirmation from herself that her nails are acrylic.
Therefore the prices she mentioned paying here:
>>656782 are incorrect. She lied.
Acrylic sets are the most inexpensive, with what Shay gets on her nails, those prices of paying $100 for her mani/pedi are BS.
No. 656790
File: 1533429805271.png (4.21 MB, 1242x2208, 85819EFE-97B9-4C33-A1A5-2CBA75…)

She looks busted af as she is whining about having to clean lol
No. 656794
File: 1533430034079.png (3.4 MB, 1242x2208, C9534206-30E3-4084-BE39-9895F4…)

Daddy said she can take a bath as long as she’s doesn’t fall asleep! Yay!!111 ol shay here has a record of falling asleep in hot water tho as she says.
Also kek at those teeth
No. 656802
>>656734We can clearly see a napkin ring in
>>656669Then in the second picture we cannot see the pink napkin thats being used for her drink.
My guess is she used the one napkin to make it seem like everyone thinks she's a ~uwu pwincess~
No. 656868
File: 1533439876024.jpg (Spoiler Image,235.55 KB, 861x644, 20180804_203049.jpg)

She's online
No. 656869
File: 1533440007690.png (408.86 KB, 720x1101, Screenshot_2018-08-04-23-31-44…)

No. 656875
File: 1533440703315.png (Spoiler Image,80.36 KB, 325x179, Screenshot_889.png)

No. 656881
File: 1533441033820.png (610.86 KB, 688x524, Screenshot_891.png)

This is not sexy, Shayna.
No. 656890
File: 1533441647482.png (165.5 KB, 663x512, Screenshot 2018-08-04 at 10.56…)

i didnt say or do anything, i didnt even screenshot. literally walked into a different room to get a drink and came back to this. kek okay then. good thing i wasnt a potential customer.
No. 656900
>>656890lmao think of the actual potential customers she must kick out because she’s so paranoid
oh Shay, you deserve it
No. 656906
>>656904I literally pulled the stream up and then went to get a drink. It isn't like i've just been steady sitting for an hour or something.
Was i supposed to desperately jump at giving her a nickles worth of tokens? shes so fucking daft.
No. 656910
File: 1533443433333.png (Spoiler Image,691.56 KB, 756x561, Screenshot_895.png)

No. 656917
File: 1533443750766.png (Spoiler Image,570.47 KB, 722x535, Screenshot_896.png)

No. 656923
File: 1533443989323.jpg (Spoiler Image,35.38 KB, 594x462, kek.JPG)

Her fake moaning is so gross. I want to slap this dumb ho.
No. 656927
>>656919Cause they just leave for a girl in the recommended section. It's like in restaurants, people don't tend to complain when the food is bad, they just never go there again
>>656905Does this chick not know her own tiers? All she knows is the spin (cause you're guaranteed something at a higher value so everyone choses it) and her higher ones cause she only expects those
>>656906It's like tumblr, she expects to be paid for everything and immediately. If you don't "support" her in the very specific way she wants she removes you as a potential client forever. She will never learn that she needs to give reasons to pay for things. There are hundreds of other cam girls, tumblr hoes, and free porn pics and clips online. Why should a person chose her? That's the question she should always keep on her mind
No. 656930
File: 1533444426519.png (237.85 KB, 435x394, Screenshot 2018-08-04 at 11.46…)

soooooo sexy, Shay.
No. 656931
File: 1533444522510.png (Spoiler Image,576.7 KB, 696x534, Screenshot_897.png)

my eyes
No. 656932
>>656930she really has no idea how to hold herself in a flattering way, does she?
you can do that pose without putting your double chins on display
No. 656938
>>656931Her butt has overnight pimples and her vagina has two giant lumps next to each other and what looks like another one higher up. She only knows this one angle yet it's the actual worst. If she wasn't restricted to her phone on a shitty tripod that she can barely change the angle of she could at least do a couple more angles, like one from above. Anything to hide her nasty lower half and still look appealing enough for guys to stay
Side note, this bitch shouldn't have baths, I bet that is contributing to her body not getting better. She likely doesn't shower after them and dirties up the water of the bath ruining its ability to at least clean her a touch (and just spreads it into her vag). I wouldn't be surprised if she's getting yeast infections and tons of UTIs to the point that she's practically immune to them or just doesn't notice
No. 656954
File: 1533446228165.png (Spoiler Image,937.41 KB, 855x645, Screenshot_901.png)

No. 656957
File: 1533446314166.jpg (Spoiler Image,390.96 KB, 720x962, IMG_20180805_131508.jpg)

Work bitch by britney spears came on and she was like "this is to all my haters!!" And proceeded to do some alward as fuck dancing while singing along. She makes the dumbest ass faces and the way she talks is so unengaging she sounds like she's whining any time she opens her mouth. like honestly
No. 656963
File: 1533446655652.png (516.32 KB, 870x626, Screenshot_902.png)

No. 656975
File: 1533447250769.gif (Spoiler Image,2.41 MB, 600x534, 980B0C13-1321-40C6-BEC2-18A67B…)

Does she know this is what her ass looks like?
No. 656980
File: 1533448126872.png (Spoiler Image,862.7 KB, 874x666, Screenshot_904.png)

No. 656989
File: 1533448961872.jpeg (Spoiler Image,81.25 KB, 750x523, 5AE096D3-4D23-4179-898C-A82D52…)

Shay wtf? 1/2
No. 656990
File: 1533449026285.jpeg (Spoiler Image,77.96 KB, 750x525, 001A4701-4C98-4663-B7BE-C79D46…)

No. 656993
>>656942Ok 1, that camera angle doesn't work
2, she's showing off her lack of kink by acting super in charge and sexy (not saying she's achieving that of course)… While wearing a submissive ball gag. Those two don't go together like that. It's not bratty, it's not cohesive jailbait, it's not following orders like the good enthusiastic sub you are, it's just two things that don't mesh well together.
3, that wasn't sexy even if I ignored her face
>>656923My tinfoil and bet is that shay is one of those girls with super sensitive clits who didn't work her way up to a Hitachi/actually can't enjoy extreme vibration directly on her clit yet turns it into max cause that's what the porn stars do (and she's a moron who thinks starting at ten means she's "hardcore"). It would explain her pained expression here and total lack of enjoyment. At least if you're enjoying yourself you should be able to force a real moan or two even if you're not a vocal type
No. 657010
File: 1533452940622.jpg (40.24 KB, 634x650, laugh.jpg)

>>656910even that is bigger than fupa's chode kek
No. 657075
File: 1533461931613.jpeg (606.47 KB, 750x1071, 14B21E38-DB0A-43F7-A8C2-18F84B…)

fupa really does have such feminine hands omg. his hands and shays are the same size, idk how he can fool himself into thinking she’s a ~petite small princess~ lol
No. 657198
>>656513I seriously stopped lurking her threads for a long time because I would always feel sick. Right now I just don't click on her spoilered pics anymore. It never happened with any other cow/flake on this site. This is the absolute state of Shayna, her threads are like a trip on Rotten
>>656669And the whole train clapped…
No. 657241
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No. 657278
File: 1533489816965.png (3.72 KB, 569x57, cap.PNG)

>>657075The caption on this photo.
No. 657301
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e w
No. 657430
File: 1533506976933.jpg (274.41 KB, 976x1920, tumblr_pd07rwBBfb1rmiw96o2_r1_…)

Shay's "work schedule" update for this week
No. 657437
File: 1533508247859.png (Spoiler Image,90.53 KB, 202x260, rorofemaleversion.png)

>>657430more insex vomit inducing material nooo.I hate to dog on shay's life decisions, but she is making streetwalker money to make this garbage and get knocked around and show off her pussy boils.
No. 657450
File: 1533509757502.jpeg (69.27 KB, 655x960, 448AE158-9B06-4AA7-9A91-1DC666…)

>>657352Kyle’s LinkedIn and Facebook made no mention of college. Plus one or both of them would have bragged about how he’s
college-educated. So I doubt he ever went, even for 12 credits.
No. 657462
>>657450I'd be surprised if he even did well in highschool. I feel like since he's in his 30s he got the job in his early 20s and over the course of 10+ he eventually made it to trainer level.
I'm not from the us so can anyone tell me what kind of an education you would get in highschool there? The information I got was that it's in 47th place in terms of quality ranking, but I'm not sure what that really means. I've heard horror stories on the news that some schools in the USA don't teach evolution but I have no idea if that is even common or would be in the not dead-last state. All I know is that sex Ed isn't really a thing in Tulsa despite having quite high teen birth rate. Looking at Kyle's misunderstanding of bdsm and sex in general I think he's a good representation of the effects of less education in that area
No. 657497
File: 1533513475656.jpg (33.02 KB, 520x326, 5g5.jpg)

>>657206Could his septum ring be fake? He did forget about it once.
No. 657513
File: 1533514517772.jpg (Spoiler Image,290.83 KB, 1600x1274, DollyMattel_29072018_0907_MyFr…)

Caps from a recent camshow in her cage.
She always sits so far from the camera to hide her ass/pussy boils, pimples, scars etc. Even in shitty low def you can see how bad her outbreak is the one frame she gets close to the cam.
No. 657519
File: 1533514854805.jpg (Spoiler Image,230.19 KB, 1600x1274, DollyMattel_29072018_0806_MyFr…)

>>657513Same thing with these.
No. 657520
File: 1533514924351.jpg (61.53 KB, 386x258, ewwww.jpg)

How does she think her nails look remotely cute/sexy? This is just ridiculous. WTF
No. 657526
File: 1533515739932.jpg (35.2 KB, 534x223, enj.jpg)

Shayna def had a hissy fit about Fupa not wanting to make porn with her the first time in Mexico. Since she talked about looking forward to making "cute and gross" stuff with him before the trip, then not posting anything with him.
Then them finally making nasty low lighting/some pubic hair porn in Seattle to hide her boils.
For Fupa kek's. Her "daddy" tag No. 657527
File: 1533515933644.jpg (16.3 KB, 209x275, okshay.jpg)

from a previous thread.
she definitely knows the state of her ass and pussy, she just doesnt care enough to actually do anything about it, because it involves cleanliness and putting the work into getting the shit cleared up.
No. 657535
>>657527OMG that's so fucking scary that she said that. Does she
really think people aren't
put off by it? Like does she think everyone and their moms are horrified by her genitals for no reason?
How can she think that? I'm not trying to be mean at all, but her downstairs area is VERY off putting to the point that it's offensive. It looks really bad and is always in bad shape. To be honest, it does not look like ingrown hairs/acne, it looks worse. Especially in porn, nobody wants to see that. People DO care!
People buy her content bc it's not visible until you see the full video. The preview photos and 30 sec clip doesn't show the extent of how bad it really is.
No. 657538
File: 1533516872291.jpg (278.51 KB, 976x1920, c4e82855-33e7-45f2-9158-f658de…)

I guess she changed her schedule
No. 657571
>>657543Shouldn't she tell her agency that? I am assuming she signed a contract with them and they are expecting her on the 10th. That's pretty odd.
Not surprising though. Whatever happened to being a pornstar, shayna?
No. 657580
File: 1533520177879.png (125.33 KB, 546x480, k.png)

>>657520uwu bimbo barbie nails
No. 657589
>>657538I don't get her style. It's some weird mishmash of alternative/hipster/skank/girly girl?
That headband doesn't go with that… velvet top and short combo? What even is this. She does have some cute outfits, why doesn't she actually plan out what she's going to wear when she takes photos.
No. 657598
File: 1533521296598.png (Spoiler Image,502.6 KB, 665x493, Screenshot 2018-08-05 at 9.06.…)

No. 657666
File: 1533527623188.png (3 MB, 750x1334, 76F4CC26-CA98-453A-B2E9-41CCC7…)

Oh god
No. 657705
File: 1533532496137.png (70.81 KB, 231x198, why.png)

>>657666Okay seriously, what the fuck is up with that hand? I will never understand how she thinks those fucking claws look okay.
No. 657716
File: 1533534246464.jpeg (52.18 KB, 578x695, 0486864E-181E-4BEB-91C9-22C293…)

>>657520wtf is this Ze do Caixao look, smdh this girl is just trash
No. 657768
File: 1533546692382.png (34.77 KB, 686x163, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 4.10.…)

was lurking through old threads and found this, past anons hit the nail directly on the head.
No. 657855
File: 1533561936656.png (518.97 KB, 535x723, 2018-08-06 09_24_12-Tumblr.png)

lmao is this new or did i miss this?
so bad.
No. 657889
File: 1533565169524.png (736.12 KB, 563x787, 2018-08-06 09_21_31-Tumblr.png)

eugh the tags
No. 657901
>>657855This is how Kyle Perkins LARPs, I guess.
>>657889>itJesus christ
No. 657908
File: 1533567733663.png (124.55 KB, 750x924, IMG_3397.PNG)

Stay classy shay, Kyle Perkins probably googled top 10 fancy meals and chose the first one he came across kek
No. 657921
File: 1533568672193.png (93.26 KB, 572x870, wow.PNG)

What an incredible relationship!
No. 657944
>>657908I love how the fanciest dish he can think of is fucking pasta Alfredo with garlic bread.
These two are such white trash.
No. 657957
>>657908>>657944it's like he just threw buzzwords together, you should never put an alfredo sauce on radiatore lmao
i'm just picturing them eating sad overcooked pasta with frozen texas toast and $3 barefoot wine and laughing my ass off
No. 658010
File: 1533579125815.png (585.81 KB, 480x601, couplegoals.png)

No. 658019
File: 1533579954528.gif (363.76 KB, 500x281, s5H05QU.gif)

Every time a pic of Shay's nails gets posted I think about this
No. 658020
>>658010please god let this be new thread pic
>>658019>>657580im in tears, it's so accurate
No. 658264
File: 1533595557013.png (2.41 MB, 1354x1603, 1.PNG)

No. 658268
File: 1533595618943.png (126.11 KB, 1330x1073, 2.PNG)

i'm disgusted lmao. this is the first time he's called himself "dada" and i just…no.
No. 658283
File: 1533596243086.jpg (26.73 KB, 522x198, kek.JPG)

still giving excuses as to why she can't stick to her schedule.
No. 658286
File: 1533596458339.jpg (17.03 KB, 540x147, hmmmm.JPG)

its amazing how this one sentence says so much about Kyle Perkins and his character. he doesn't want to be liked, so he just lies to everyone so people will give a shit about him. how sad. he's literally the male version of Shayna.
No. 658292
File: 1533596628738.jpg (14.66 KB, 158x275, 2felr6.jpg)

No. 658295
File: 1533596712683.jpg (75.39 KB, 445x750, 2felz5.jpg)

>>658292 i know it an old meme but i couldnt stop myself
No. 658302
File: 1533596880665.jpeg (59.67 KB, 913x685, F2DF659D-4B84-402D-9D76-656E0A…)

>>657666>>657855>>657859>>657908>>658268>>658286Everytime I check this thread, it makes me physically recoil.
>>658010 captured their relationship perfectly; trashy, backwoods midwesterners desperately trying to be something they are not.
No. 658310
File: 1533597498430.png (437.81 KB, 345x872, isthisajoke.PNG)

Shay used a filtered Snapchat photo to introduce herself to Kyle Nathan Perkins kek
No. 658312
File: 1533597608972.png (38.87 KB, 569x612, incredible.PNG)

Never stop finding a way to shit on your parents, Shayna. I am sure Kyle Nathan Perkins has your best interests at heart.
No. 658316
File: 1533597731602.png (32.86 KB, 554x509, kek.PNG)

No. 658321
>>658283I do believe her that the construction is loud. When I lived in a studio, they were doing construction outside my unit and the machinery is loud. They start at like 6am and don't stop until maybe 6-7pm depending on the day.
That being said, she can still film/cam after they finish construction for the day. There really is no excuse when she has no other priorities lol
No. 658445
File: 1533608299904.png (Spoiler Image,1.13 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-08-06-22-15-50…)

I wonder what its like to post a video like this, only to know it'll never leave the web and that any one at any time will forever see this pedo bait???
No. 658492
>>658485Yes, but at their mom's house.
I get the feeling he's barely even an every other weekend type of dad.
No. 658512
File: 1533621006741.jpeg (38.27 KB, 750x168, 3783D6A2-4EAC-41D7-B50B-E99A05…)

Unless he can dedicated all of his time to ensuring he can respond quickly she’s going to end up with a UTI on top of everything else she’s got going on. It’s sort of sad to see the lengths she’s willing to go to keep all of someone’s attention on her. She’s willing to damage her bladder permanently just so he has to respond to allow her to use the restroom. This isn’t uncommon in BDSM relationships but considering the state of her vag there she probably shouldn’t do anything to potentially make it worse.
No. 658516
File: 1533621340815.png (2.17 MB, 1125x2436, 469856CE-85FB-458A-A8A9-494640…)

>>658512Asking for everything? Okay, let’s see how this works out.
No. 658520
>>658505most pedophiles are not attracted to children for their looks alone, but the power dynamic involved when an adult sexually interacts with a child.
pedophiles are paranoid sorry ass cockroaches (and rightly so.) a pedophile afraid of getting caught with CP would absolutely pay an unscrupulous crusty idiot like Shay to simulate the power dynamic they're attracted to, as the next best thing to real cheese pizza.
nitpick: that's not how you use "nonetheless."
No. 658536
>>658532It’s grammar, anon. Not grammer. This whole post is embarrassing
>>658516Not gonna lie, it’s really sad seeing her gush over him when he’s just manipulating her and will probably break her heart.
Then again it’s what she wants. I can’t wait for them to move in together, and watch it all fall apart.
No. 658684
File: 1533654335614.jpg (137.6 KB, 720x651, IMG_20180807_230245.jpg)

oh boy
No. 658698
>>658512Lol I've tried doing this before and literally it makes no sense, like it's better to just roleplay it or ask most half of the time. What are you gonna do when he's not around and you need to shit? Retarded.
>>658692Some chicks do mention outside relationships but not to the extent this girl does. Even those that DO are already making decent money/have a steady group of loyal payers/beta orbiters. It doesn't seem like Dolly has any repeat customers despite doing this for so long.
She really needs to keep her personal life separate.
No. 658700
File: 1533656083610.png (7.5 KB, 268x268, 2018-08-07 11_33_18-Mozilla Fi…)

why does she act like people are constantly hounding her with questions? i seriously doubt she gets that many asks and even fewer that are asking for legitimate "advice"
No. 658729
>>658700>>658721 samefag
She's literally charging people 100$ for sex work advice? Did you really think that was going to work?
I can just imagine someone actually paying her and her just freezing up.
>>658725>the girl struggles with things as simple as basic hygiene. No. 658751
>>658745Yes, cause reading about pedos in order to know how to notice those pieces of shit makes me a pedophile.
What the fuck is wrong with you anon.
Besides, read a single anti ddlg feminist podt and it will say the same thing. Are those women potential pedophiles too in your eyes?
I realize you might be baiting but what the fuck
No. 658762
File: 1533660874218.png (84.12 KB, 1374x550, Whoa chill.png)

Uh oh.
No. 658776
File: 1533662732471.jpg (23.28 KB, 243x305, cantconnect.JPG)

okay, if she doesnt connect with people that well, why the FUCK is she in a job field that is 100% customer service oriented?
No. 658792
File: 1533664716674.jpeg (112.57 KB, 750x467, 4E4820FB-75C8-43A7-9FF5-BEE948…)

>>658776The tags are the best part of this. Shayna’s feeling edgy this morning
No. 658793
File: 1533664758610.png (30.28 KB, 1334x328, Capture.PNG)

No. 658815
>>658807well her schedule on
>>657538 said she was shooting with insex on saturday (assuming that would be in LA but idk), so the timeline matches up. weird that she's not begging over it but who knows with her.
No. 658855
File: 1533669826450.png (Spoiler Image,476.09 KB, 720x737, Screenshot_2018-08-07-15-21-12…)

Possibilities here, if you go onto her twitter youll find this 3-piece picture set with these tags. Clicking the link of the company will say to take their main page and that leads to
No. 658856
File: 1533669900310.png (Spoiler Image,282 KB, 720x1146, Screenshot_2018-08-07-15-21-21…)

They don't look professional and shay fits right in, none of their talents look worth a second glance lol
No. 658862
>>658861Link is safe.
God she’s so pathetic in this… you paid $40 for this?
What was your request? Just her talking about her sad life?
No. 658873
>>658866Number 20 she says she’s humiliated by how her pussy looks. So at least she’s aware I guess.
>>658870The link looks weird but it just leads to pornhub. Is pornhub not allowed? Just asking for future reference so I don’t link from there if it isn’t allowed.
No. 658877
>>658861>>658870here are some slightly less cancerous links:
part 1 - 2 (leads off with her saying she's humiliated by the way her pussy looks - No. 658883
>>658880Her voice isn't bad when she doesn't act it up
She should do stuff appropriate for her age.
Also, blood and piss from anal?? What the fuck
No. 658889
>>658883I'm willing to bet that she made that up
Either that or her ex didn't know what he was doing and she also didn't use lube again
No. 658890
>>658889She talks about pissing herself a lot. Like way too much for a grown ass woman
On top of anal just being painful for her. Why does she do it so much if she clearly hates it
No. 658903
>>658877She says she has a huge medical fetish.
Bitch, where? Sounds like half of what she's sprouting is shit because she doesn't have 21 humiliating stories to tell.
No. 658907
>>658894 offtopic
But if you clean your toilet all the time it may be from the chemicals.
No. 658913
>>658880Her dad found her dog cage and automatically knew it was some kink shit? If I was a father I'd just think she was secretly keeping a hound.
But knowing her it's probably obvious.
No. 658914
>>658880this bitch is a nasty mess. so apparently a customer bought her a nikon camera as payment, and she received it in the mail while still living with her parents and presumably while underage.
and her mom brought it to the police station.
so this is really why her parents grew so concerned. She omitted that part in all of the shit talking she does to make her mom seem like ~such a bitch uwu~.
What a dumb bitch.
No. 658923
>>658914I know right. She was making underage porn, her parents had every right to be concerned about their daughter.
She's a dumbass for admitting that she starting camming underage.
No. 658924
>>658877Anon did you delete this? The dropbox link works fine so I am not complaining, but I noticed the vids are already removed from streamable. I wonder if they got reported by someone?
>>658923Exactly. Another reason tacked onto the already long list of reasons why it is difficult to have any sympathy for Shaynasty. She got paid 40 dollars to reveal something she should have just kept to herself. I am glad she is dumb though and spilled the beans on herself cos milk.
No. 658935
>>658930she was not locked away. anon put that phrase in quotation marks.
>>658933what the fuck sage this. shay shouldn't have any personal responsibility in the situation, eh?
No. 658940
>>658936I dont think its about anyone trying to give parental advice, its about the fact that she claims that she was so abused and unloved.
No parent would want to find their child making underage porn and having things like a camera sent to their house for their child to make said underage porn.
Protection isnt abuse.
No. 658942
>>658940but anon she
WANTED to make porn! her parents just wouldn't let her do what she wanted, noone was
making her do underage porn her parents are just awful and abusive for not letting her do what she wants tbh
No. 658963
>>658880Here's a rough transcript of this video. Sorry for the huge block of text.
"One time I got fucked with my head in a toilet and got my hair all wet, and I lost an eyelash in the toilet. And that was pretty humiliating. Uhm that's one. There was one time I was filming one of my videos, my piss puppy video, and I accidentally pissed myself while the camera wasn't rolling and like no one was even there and it just felt like really, really humiliating. Uhm my first pro-shoot I did with another model, I didn't realize I was going to be working with another model so I didn't shave. And yeah that was not my favorite look on camera and it was not… it was just like… not cute and I was like, really humiliating cause like
incoherent disgusted noises. Uhm, I mean it's pretty humiliating how, how bad I am at putting dick in my throat to the point where I literally cry and throw up and that was my first blowjob that I gave my ex-boyfriend. Yeah like, I yeah I got laughed at pretty hard when I uhm threw up all over my ex-boyfriend's dick. It was pretty bad. Uhm so that's four. Oh another thing that happened with me and my ex-boyfriend, the first time we met was uhm, he took me to like a really nice hotel and that was the first time I did anal and the sheets were terrifying afterwards, there was just like blood everywhere and like piss. Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. I was absolutely fucking humiliated
groan and uhm, oh my god
sigh. So that's five. Uhm, at my friend's uhm kinky New Year's party I was being beat up by like two girls at once and one of them was holding a leash that was attached to my nose and the other one was like pulling on my nipple and stepping her heel into my leg and I accidentally pissed on the floor because I was trying to focus so hard that I got scared and pissed myself. And that was– I just pissed myself on a hardwood floor in a really nice mansion in front of like twelve people. Uhm there was one time, I went out to the grocery store and dinner with my friend without realizing I had cum all over my t-shirt until she pointed it out to me, and yeah, that was fun. That's seven. Uhm one time I filmed an entire video without realizing I had period blood all over my leg. Eight, uhm, oh my god this is awful. I'm such a dumbass. Uhm, let's see, I started camming when I was underaged, that's nine. And on top of that for number ten, I once had some guy pay me by buying me a nice Nikon camera and I had it sent to my house, and my mom found it and brought it to the police station.
laughter That's humiliating. Uhm, I had to film my first anal video for Manyvids three times because
long pause I kept crying, it hurt so bad. Uhm twelve, I used to lie tie myself to my bed when I was a kid because I liked feeling helpless. Thirteen, uhm I also used to like, when me and my friends would play pretend I would always
long pause ask if like, they would tie me up too. Uhm, uhmmm, oh my god this is so many, it's so humiliating. Uhm fourteen, I used to fuck myself with an electric toothbrush
incoherent squealing. Uhm fifteen, I
rolls eyes I was really confused about why I loved touching myself so much for like a really long time because I had like sex-ed really closed off from me and my family, so I would like just spend hours in my bed just touching myself and rubbing my clit to the point where now I feel like that's the only way that I can cum, by rubbing my clit. Sixteen, uhm I used to get a lot of surgery, I had surgery about like five or six times when I was younger and I think that's a part of the reason that I'm like extremely into like, like I have a huge medical fetish and I'm like really humiliated and ashamed of. Like, and it's weird cause I like hate going to the doctor but like, oh my god. Uhm the thought of like, I don't know, just being someone's like experiment sounds hot, I guess? I don't know. I don't know. Ahh oh my god this is awful. Seventeen, uhm oh my god
sighs and shakes head. Seventeen, uhm the first time I ever did a camshow on MFC– er no, the first time I ever did a cam show from my ex-boyfriend's house, I accidentally left the shades open and his mom was out in the garden and she knew I was camming before my ex-boyfriend. Uhm, eighteen, my dad found my dog cage in my bedroom at his house, that was pretty embarrassing. Nineteen, my dad asked me if I punch myself in the face for money, that was pretty fucking humiliating. Jesus christ, uhm
scoffs. Uhm, twenty, I guess I'll give you a big one since we're near the end here, uhm I'm absolutely humiliated by the way my uh pussy looks, and I do porn. There you go. And to top it all off for number twenty-one, I'm extremely humiliated by the fact how wet I am from talking about what a humiliating life I've lead thus far. Thanks for being patient with me, I hope this was worth it cause I sure feel disgusting."
No. 658976
>>658975Half of it sounds fake, the other half you can tell she's ashamed of the choices she's made in life.
I don't feel sorry for her, just wish she'd make some changes in her life to be happier and healthier. This video is proof she knows how disgusting her pussy is too.
No. 658978
File: 1533678968800.png (22.61 KB, 246x241, Screenshot 2018-08-07 at 4.54.…)

Maybe if he was a better father, his kids would have art on his fridge.
Guess he's just too busy playing "Daddy" to be one.
No. 658982
>>658880holy mother of milk! she actually does a good job at what you asked her and she looks nice in the video? wtf
that being said there's so much fucked up shit to cover here i'm feeling overwhelmed. the way she sexualises her childhood quirks irks me a lot
No. 658993
>>658880it's very interesting how her demenour changed for the last few. it's like all of a sudden she realised 'oh shit, this is supposed to be a sexy video! let me just say i'm wet and turned on!' when the whole rest of the video she was complaining about how hard it was to come up with stories (makes sense why half of them are either fake or pretty standard normal stuff. ex: lots of people masturbated as kids, that's no big deal shayna), or just sounding bored as hell.
tbh i did enjoy the last few. there was something really satisfying about hearing her say that she knows her pussy looks a mess. but also, she was just more engaged. if she kept that up the whole video, maybe it would've been worth the money. i've never seen her cam (i live in a completely different time zone) but if she acts as bored & uninterested as she did in most of this video, i have trouble understanding why anyone would ever want to watch her. come on shayna this is like camgirl 101. god, she's dull.
and she's such a bullshitter. her body language also changed when she was being truthful, if any of you guys noticed that. i've briefly studied body language (with psychology) in the past, and you can see she displays a lot of signs of ppl that are lying with some of them. touching her face, looking confused, looking up to the left. i noticed that for a couple at least.
No. 658996
>>658963 this anon already has