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All threads posted here must revolve around some sort of literature, music, game, film, show, or image topic. e.g “pictures of cute animals”.
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K-idol spam threads to be merged at the next bump limit

No. 47997

Any race related posts or discussion is prohibited per global rule 7.
Repeat offenders are subject to a permanent ban from /m/.

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No. 432044[Reply]

All drama-related discussion go here: >>>/w/319720
Escaped dramafags will get graduated from life

What is a vtuber?
>An online entertainer or live streamer who is typically represented by a digital avatar generated by computer graphics such as Live2D.
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No. 465121

looking like who did it and why. pandering to pedos is her only way of feeling liked i suppose

No. 466268

I don't follow DEV_IS much, but I know we have Aofags.

No. 466333

I'd really love to know her viewer statistics because this is a Rika Pokemon level of girl x girl yoombait.

No. 467150

>Shion graduating from hololive citing conflict with management
Now with Shion, this is unsurprising given how long she's been in hololive, but i really don't understand having a corpo oshi in 2025.
After my oshi graduated, I just started watching indies. Nice not having to pay for overpriced merch that delivers in a year, and to know if my oshi decided to stop streaming it'd be 100% of them and not because of some outside forces influencing them.

No. 467391

Shion graduating… I feel like this is one everybody saw coming. I think it's healthier for her this way, both she and Haachama started way too young.
If I'm honest I more or less left the hobby after my oshi graduated even though she reincarnated right after. I didn't just like her, I liked having an oshi within the Holo setup. So it didn't feel the same watching her all on her lonesome. But with the way corpo careers usually go, it's not worth finding a new oshi, either.

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No. 465284[Reply]

Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo/Hoyoverse. The game features a fantasy open world environment and action based battle system using elemental magic, character switching and uses gacha game monetization for players to obtain new characters, weapons, and other resources.

>Redeem codes without having to login



>Build Simulation/Optimization


>Database filled with pretty much everything found in game

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No. 467266

Aether is so fucking ugly

No. 467309

The theories are that he's the third descender who was originally a woman. Either they split the characters somehow or they change him into a woman. They would take advantage of female players buying merch >>467264 and then fuck them over later after years of getting their money. There's no way they would let a man be important to the story so I can see them doing some shit like this to spite female players. It would be stupid but you know the troon himejoshi would defend it.

No. 467336

I feel a primal rage whenever one of my husbandos are shipped with this ugly faggot. I would genuinely rather ship Haikaveh than ever even suggest Aether would look good with any character. I hate him. I despise his female fans the most. He’s UGLY.

No. 467383

He looked like such a scrote in the bath art hoyo posted and he always gives off subhuman energy in the harem/gary-stu fanart. He was cute once but became every moid who self-inserted into him.

No. 467389

Does anyone just wish the game would end now so you could lose your attachment to your favorites? Every theory only makes me angry now because I know all writing choices will be influenced by the incel audience. If the game has to flop, I want it to fully flop. No more theorists coping or people arguing that it's deep and meaningful. No more people trying to argue that their incel pandering is actually respect for women. To think I actually tried Genshin because it felt like one of the few omnipandering gachas where women wouldn't get screwed and your favorite guys wouldn't be shafted as they often are in most other games I played. For a moment they didn't seem to hate that there were guys who were popular with women, but now that's over.

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No. 426267[Reply]

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No. 467329

He doesn't look like the shotas that gays are into; his face is too moe for that. I think the mangaka's art style just became more generic and she made him have similar facial proportions to the female characters. The anime just went with the later art style, he was already looking like that in the manga before the adaption even came out.

No. 467334

No, homos got this very specific type of shota thats akin to bara and it looks very similar to how he looks. I cant find examples but they are also 'moe' but with more boyish traits and one of those is the ugly spiky hair.

No. 467335

Idk I don't agree. The manga has that scrote shonen manga look. The anime designs are cuter.

No. 467388

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I just finished my rewatch of Welcome to the NHK and loved it but I forgot how every character in it is a genuine garbage human being besides picrel.

No. 467390

I don't think his face is "moe". Just having big eyes and a cute face doesn't mean it's moe art style. It looks like generic shounen protagonist + some female-made shoujo manga influence. I'd say the real problem is that the anime artstyle looks completely different and might've been chosen to appeal to the mainstream shounen anime demographic since I've seen several popular shounenshit shows that look like that. That, and TV anime just looks more stiff than manga even if they try to stick to the original style as much as possible.

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No. 410975[Reply]

Share crappy memes, whether coomer, boomer, nonsensical, cringe, offensive or just unfunny
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No. 467024

Who's the amerindian?

No. 467099

>I remember when a moid told me that exact argument about how women shouldn't complain because they get ugly moids with muscles in games. As if the average woman is even into those walled characters and as if they're even objectified in the same way as the female characters are.
I mean, there's a reason why it's not considered weird by society when a man walks around shirtless (he may look like an idiot but nobody would think "sex", unless he was a beautiful young demigod-looking hunk) but when a woman does it, all people can think about is sex. Even when an ugly old woman with dementia (for example) walks around topless, it's seen as much more disturbing than a male doing the same, somehow. So the average shirtless moid in a game is not made to be sexually appealing because the character designers most likely don't see bare male chests as sexual.


No. 467364

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This fool needs to be locked up

No. 467384

Wtf is with moids and their obsession with race and ethnicity, is this what happens when you don't have a natural oppressor?

No. 467387

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>mfw I read "prosperous and advanced societies"

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No. 191784[Reply]

A thread to discuss old, new and timeless visual novels of any kind.
>talk about what you like
>talk about what you hate
>share your favourite VNs
>share recommendations
>ask for recommendations
Also pls no infighting pls pls
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No. 463551

You took the words out of my mouth with this whole post! I didn't know that about Blue Shartchive - but I'm not surprised.
I hate this mentality, if I didn't enjoy VNs, I wouldn't read them in the first place, and that goes for 99.99% of readers. Men are incapable of accepting, let alone understanding, difference of opinion or nuance though, so it's not shocking they react like children.
I thought her boobs had merged together when I first saw it kek, it's such an odd design choice…

No. 464977

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It's dumb, moids have always said that Black Cyc or related brands have "strong female characters". For example, in MinDead Blood, there's a singer who masturbates on stage… but she's acktually super wise and philosophical! It comes off as you said more or less, stronk heroines who are constantly in compromising sexual situations.
I agree Dead (End) Aegis was wasted potential because the setting was potentially interesting. Have you considered playing Gore Screaming Show? It's the only other long game directed by the artist behind Dead End Aegis. However, it does have a loli character. The really violent scenes are confined to the bad ends, which are retardedly easy to dodge, despite each of the three starting heroines having 2 bad ends and 1 good end. It's getting a remake soon, so I guess that'll be interesting. It actually manages to be pretty scary at points despite how goofy the titular antagonist is.
I'm currently beginning Dead Days, which I don't have high expectations for, really. That's a big issue with these edgy games; they're painful to read but maybe have a good true route ending.

No. 465000

I played this a decade ago, there was barely anything yuri as far as I recall. It's a short story about a girlfailure. Try reading r/piratedgames' megathread.

No. 465143

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That sucks about MinDead Blood, I always thought it looked really cool. I'm not exactly surprised, but I didn't expect that kek.
I have read through GSS actually! I enjoyed it overall funnily enough, I thought the cast was likable, story was alright and I love Gore (the character). I wish more VNs had freakish monsters like him, or even media in general. I didn't like the true route's end too much, they were too soft with Yuka. I know the point was that she truly died and went to rest in peace, but it felt like Kyoji was too flippant about her being responsible for rape, murder and cannibalism. Still, I had fun reading it. I'm partial for works that talk about the importance of love and have love itself be what overcomes challenge though lol. I wonder what the remake will be like, I'm betting updated art, maybe music too, and a script rewrite. Nothing too much. Would be cool to have new content, but I doubt it. If they do add content however, I hope there's a route where Yoshiki lives, he was my favourite character, it sucked he died every time.
I agree edgy VNs can suck but can really pay off sometimes. It's why I love Nitro works so much, they're edgy, but really fun and intense at times. Please update us on Dead Days if you feel like it nonna!

No. 467382

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Yeah Yuka's route felt rushed and I didn't have much sympathy for her. I felt depressed in her bad end where Kyoiji becomes Gore, but yeah she needed more cathartsis in her route. Maybe the remake will add some extra stuff for her character arc? Who knows!
Kiruru is such a fun character so far in Dead Days, her bad ending was pretty brutal for the annoying moid mc lol.

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No. 275890[Reply]

Wasn't sure if this was more suitable for /m/ or /2x/ but post away.
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No. 342364

What I've seen is that a bunch of people did all 4 routes in like one or two months after 3H got released, which is baffling to me because after doing Dimitri's and Edelgard's routes I was pretty much done with the game. Even the devs didn't expect that and though people would take their time doing one route and talk with other players who did other routes before doing other routes.

>Looks like someone only played the BL route.

I did her route too, she's the same character in both, just more present in her own route for obvious reasons. I still can't believe you only get like 18 or 19 chapters in hers and the conclusion happens offscreen. The whole game is so halfassed that looking back it didn't deserve its hype. I gave up when I learned that Rhea and Claude's routes are like 99% the same except for the last chapters.

No. 342405

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homestuck is a troon magnet but to me Rose would def be a radfem. I can't even explain it, one time I saw a TiM complain that the ship between her and her canon wife gives "terf vibes" and I just haven't been the same.

No. 342416

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> doesn't like being touched by men
> canonically in love with one of the female characters
People headcanon that she's some flavour of gendie or trans because she states that she doesn't want to identify as "masculine" or "feminine" and wants to live as herself but I disagree. I think she would be a TERF because she'd hate that TIMs reduce being a woman to wearing makeup and dresses.

No. 467139

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She can't tolerate crimes against humanity and state-imposed cruelty.

No. 467381

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For sure she kills moids only. She'd even date and befriended the ghost men of the other world instead of here in our world where most moids are pieces of shit. Dislikes narcissist men and ones that are full of themselves. Definitely a terf too.

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No. 460862[Reply]

ITT post shitty art. This can include:
>shit anatomy
>confusing compositions
>bizarre, autistic subject matter
>uncanny valley faces
>incompetent technique

Do not:
>Post loli, shota, or any other kind of fetish art depicting children
>Post porn or fetish material. Shitty fetish art now has its own dedicated thread ( >>>/m/166120 )
>Post AI-generated images. ( >>>/m/385404 )
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No. 467376

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No. 467378

I'd say that's already an improvement. They probably only started rendering recently.

No. 467379

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This made me do a double take while scrolling because I nearly thought it was the jotakak ocs kek. Both characters are originally a yaoi ship so in a roundabout way not that far off.

No. 467380

Props for not giving him top surgery scars.
The stuff coming out of their mouths (coughing?) is a fetish isn't it?

No. 467385

The new is on the left, not right. And it is possible to have a notable and positive improvment in 4 months (if you work at it)
but that isn't the case here.

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No. 386291[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/m/379810
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No. 467310

Don't be such a downer, out of like 40 entries the vast vast majority isn't gay moids/queer propoganda shit whatsoever

No. 467321

There are two drag queens there

No. 467330

what a mess lmao this is embarrassing for us croatnonnas

No. 467366

He's bad but everyone in italy likes to suck his fag dick. But I guess he was the best choice of the Sanremo finalists, but it's obvious they didn't want women to win because their songs were a lot better than this shit.

No. 467374

the singer is the only woman afaik

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No. 462640[Reply]

Post the worst of the worst character designs you can find. From the uncannily realistic to terrible reboots to oversexualized. It doesn't matter if it's from movies, TV, video games, comics, just has to be awful.

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No. 467367

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Harvest moon ds cute had such criminally ugly bachlors compared to the bachelorettes… had a hard time finding an image with both together

No. 467368

Wtf kek. Truly heinous.

No. 467369

Late post but HOW are the alien designs and the settings so unique but we are still using FUCKING round clay hyperealistic beanmouth humans!!! I actually think this could be a good movie and it's an original, but holy shit the rage I feel from seeing beanmouth human #1005785 makes it unwatchable. Please for the love of god can we stop doing this.

No. 467371

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It's obvious the girl versions were an afterthought, so much that DS Cute allowed you to marry the Mineral Town bachelors without ending the game AND added a completely new guy.

No. 467377

Jesus christ, the psyop is in every corner of this earth

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