>>464977That sucks about MinDead Blood, I always thought it looked really cool. I'm not exactly surprised, but I didn't expect that kek.
I have read through GSS actually! I enjoyed it overall funnily enough, I thought the cast was likable, story was alright and I love Gore (the character). I wish more VNs had freakish monsters like him, or even media in general. I didn't like the true route's end too much,
they were too soft with Yuka. I know the point was that she truly died and went to rest in peace, but it felt like Kyoji was too flippant about her being responsible for rape, murder and cannibalism. Still, I had fun reading it. I'm partial for works that talk about the importance of love and have love itself be what overcomes challenge though lol. I wonder what the remake will be like, I'm betting updated art, maybe music too, and a script rewrite. Nothing too much. Would be cool to have new content, but I doubt it. If they do add content however, I hope there's a route where
Yoshiki lives, he was my favourite character, it sucked he died every time.I agree edgy VNs can suck but can really pay off sometimes. It's why I love Nitro works so much, they're edgy, but really fun and intense at times. Please update us on Dead Days if you feel like it nonna!