File: 1686241718080.png (167.74 KB, 908x510, 1686009247737.png)

No. 1842861
Previous Thread:
>>>/snow/1833931Shayna Leigh Clifford; 25 year old failing prostitute, porn sick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.
>>>/shay/159974REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blog posting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread. Shut the fuck up about her necrotit and take it to the Shaynatorium.
Summary of last thread:
>>1834569 does lots of IG lives lately, doing her makeup or whatever she calls that
>>1835078 is flying to vegas in a few days to see the sTD guy she shot that barbie porn with and seeing Robert Plant
>>1835133 throws a fit that someone is "copying her" but she's so NIce and Positive and Happy all the time, u guise.
>>1836228 Her new website is something to look at, that's for sure. The layout is awful.
>>1836984 gets absolutely blasted in her cam show - some nonnies are worried.
>>1837150 Shayna smoking weed after talking about quitting weed in the same camshow. Now she's begging for a laptop again saying she'll cam more if she gets one.
>>1838408 finds out people have been "actively talking shit about her for days"
>>1841465 obsessed with her brunch
>>1841024 realizies shes going to be even more lazy after her boob surgery and gets responses from other whores about how she'll "be completely fine for fetcon"
>>1841031>>1838853 puppikuma keeps trying to cancel shay for being a nazi
>>1838414>>1838657 has to quit smoking weed for the surgery and twitter whores tell her she will be fine
>>1838680>>1838588 Soy Boy Sol has been on the chopping block and whores are lumping lumpy old shay in with him because he "fucked a literal nazi"
>>1837855 Baldi Gaysics AKA KenTheDoll Kendall J Cox is on the chopping block as well and Shay is saying how uncomfortable
>>1837782 she was working with him yet had him back a second time
tbh after the surgery was confirmed the last thread was kind of boring.
Links: TikTok: irlbarbiedolly (BANNED)
No. 1842865
>>>/snow/1826178 (Boob Implant Confirmed)
(for next time)
No. 1842872
File: 1686243378322.jpeg (95.81 KB, 828x776, CCC8F6A3-AD77-4F06-B870-D62287…)

stop doing kink on your balcony you weirdo
No. 1842873
File: 1686243579002.jpeg (Spoiler Image,128.43 KB, 1170x1429, 602EF1B1-DBA6-490D-B5B5-C78A05…)

Horror movie tier screenshot from her new pig in the slaughterhouse dungeon video
No. 1842888
File: 1686245418622.jpeg (41.21 KB, 750x350, BB8EF9D1-FBB0-4C66-B663-C8DCF1…)

she deleted this the other day
No. 1842893
that post was made by this threads OP. I have seen other threads get shit on - i automatically assume any one I make will too- especially if its 3+ days since the last thread was made. i dont think i did a great job, therefore im sure others wont either. I hate going through the previous thread milk to find updates - even with hide saged posts on I had not a lot to work with and i wasn't going to sit there for an hour reading every single post - i got shit to do. but no one else was stepping up to make it- so i did (i said i would yesterday but i got busy with my life)
people always come out of the wordowrk saying "this shit sucks" the post was simply a forward to a potential "this shit sucks"
if you dont like it, make it yourself next time, is all im saying. not YOU specifically but you as in generally.
i dont want to continue to derail by piggy backing off of your derailment so thats that.
No. 1842907
>>1842872Gurl take your own advice. Jfc I wish someone would call her out for this dumb shit.
Also thank fuck
nonnie that you finally made this thread,hate using Shay on the phone.
No. 1842921
>>1842877Jobless behavior
>>1842873I need a screenshot of the part where she puts a plastic bag over her head. That shit has to be requested by a would-be serial killer.
No. 1842943
File: 1686253430238.jpeg (Spoiler Image,112.49 KB, 1170x1348, C49E4E5D-05F9-477D-91A8-760FEF…)

Behind the scenes pics but it’s the same shit from her trailer. I’ll post the pull pics
No. 1842944
File: 1686253524994.png (Spoiler Image,465.71 KB, 1170x2532, 894B057F-D4AF-4906-83F5-5E3859…)

Behind the scenes close up of porky Shay being taken to the butcher
No. 1842945
File: 1686253619272.png (Spoiler Image,494.16 KB, 1170x2532, FCB30576-AC6F-4FFC-BCAA-6997A9…)

“Behind the scenes” Same shit
No. 1842991
>>1842945It’s actually crazy how much better her body was like 5 years ago when she wasn’t a fat pig yet. Her face was always kinda unfortunate but gaining weight just aged her by 20 years.
What’s dumb is she could literally get back to that figure just by losing 30-40lbs (which you can do in like 2-3 months without even dieting that hard) but Shayna has the self control of an obese toddler and can’t stop wolfing down the burgers for 5 seconds so she’s immortalized as a fatso forever.
No. 1842993
File: 1686258383567.jpeg (24.03 KB, 314x565, 888D1D3C-92C5-4437-8356-E9467C…)

>>1842991Literally all she needs to do is lose 15kg and she will be back to this normal weight but no she lives to embarrass herself as not only a disgusting person but a flabby fatass too
No. 1843015
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No. 1843020
File: 1686260223919.jpeg (9.4 KB, 223x275, 1686228229061.jpeg)

if she just lost like 10-15 pounds she could be beyewtiful again nonnies(sage your shit)
No. 1843024
>>1842991>40 lbsTry 80. She said herself that she used to be around 110 lb.
>you can lose 40lb in 3 months without even dieting that hardLmao doubt. You'd need to be close to fasting to get those kind of weight loss numbers longterm.
No. 1843053
>>1842993I don’t know, she looked good but she had no definition and just sat around and smoked weed and ate like a neckbeard we all saw it coming.
>>1843028She could dermaroll the cellulite away or go get a tummy tuck, she isn’t too far gone oml
No. 1843074
>>1842944She shoots this on a CAMERA?
How is her quality so shit when it comes out?
I am literally SHOCKED to learn this.
No. 1843095
>>1843074she shoots it on her iphone,
No. 1843106
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No. 1843114
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kek not me knowing this was her right away when I was looking for a new nail salon (i live in her neighborhood)
No. 1843117
File: 1686268495449.jpeg (139.32 KB, 796x1511, 1F70A384-58B0-4BB6-8ABF-FD6C33…)

She’s been stuck at the same donation amount since the 1st even though she’s actively been getting donations from her coomers. Who thinks she’ll actually hit her goal by the 15th? I’m surprised she’s not more panicked right now.
No. 1843201
File: 1686274121225.jpeg (181.67 KB, 1170x1938, BD5FEB77-C865-4614-B139-A448F5…)

Shayna’s coomer- it’s just so hard to talk to e-whores with respect sometimes
No. 1843228
>>1843201Hate Shayna but I agree with her here. Moids are awful for sexual passive aggressiveness.
Everyone knows the memes about that guy from class texting to ask for homework then quickly devolving to ‘so are u a virgin/do u finger yourself haha’.
Men love to ask women deeply intimate and personal questions about their sex lives and genitals to make them uncomfortable while pretending it’s just innocent curiosity, they know exactly how it makes women feel but they do it anyway because they
want women to feel invaded and uncomfortable, thats the whole point.
That being said coomers are scum of the earth and anyone with a brain knows this, you can’t associate with moids who are the equivalent of filthy rabid flea ridden dogs and expect not to get bitten.
No. 1843266
File: 1686282095419.jpeg (Spoiler Image,187.28 KB, 1170x1808, IMG_2995.jpeg)

New video
No. 1843437
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No. 1843493
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Filming with Scott Hancock’s diseased cock again
No. 1843542
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No. 1843589
File: 1686332351027.jpeg (165.9 KB, 1234x2067, 28E6E921-9FD1-4A91-9DCB-3F5ADA…)

>>1842993She’s just like latto with her leopard bra like she always wears the same pair
No. 1843591
File: 1686332647980.jpeg (289.17 KB, 1152x2048, 90C192BC-6808-4CBB-A319-7DA642…)

So ugly
No. 1843592
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No. 1843593
File: 1686332786436.jpeg (38.97 KB, 567x700, 95DC605F-909C-4318-8EA1-5158E3…)

This outfit does not fit her anymore kek
No. 1843627
>>1843514He clearly has been love bombing her, but I also think it's because it went "Well". Shayna likes to work with certain scrotes a lot when the scene seems "Easy" and doable. I bet you she's probably going to re-do the "I'm a barbie thing" and because of that, she can just be stiff.
It's like Micky mouse scrote, when she's comfortable with people she will make identical content over and over with them.
No. 1843633
>>1843591she really doesn't have any shame wearing the same CHEAP Bra, I'm going to point out it's cheap, because it's not like it's some amazing expensive push up bra. No it's one out of a three pack from Family Dollars thats $5.99. Instead of buying a bunch of cheap bras, she wears this outdated leopard print one and constantly has it showing.
She doesn't care how dirty it makes her look, she probably doesn't even wash it, so it's probably dunked in sweat, smoke and musk. She's been wearing this three days straight it feels like. I bet even after the surgery she's going to be pulling this bra out.
No. 1843776
>>1843241This pisses me off because pride should be about celebrating overcoming adversity and community not watching a bunch of ugly people walk each other on leashes or whatever. Like no one in the street adults or kids want to see that.
I hate how sexualised pride has become, first kink now we have to accept polyfags
No. 1843785
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No. 1843786
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No. 1843792
>>1843786I thought she had drool on her chin but it's just her weird mouth lines and her lips are so dry that they look bloody kek.
I'm happy she discovered that she can put her limp greasy hair into a high ponytail!
No. 1843814
File: 1686357849461.jpeg (81.75 KB, 1170x539, IMG_3037.jpeg)

Sure Shay
No. 1843815
File: 1686357925175.jpeg (128.79 KB, 1170x1217, IMG_3038.jpeg)

No. 1843828
>>1843786Kek why has she edited the whites of her eyes like that?
We all know you're still stoned Shay.
No. 1843845
File: 1686360705116.jpeg (Spoiler Image,206.23 KB, 1170x2042, 65156B52-38D5-483C-89CC-93FBBE…)

So fat you can’t even see her vagina behind the fupa from this angle
No. 1843863
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No. 1843879
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>>1843493>>1843496What the fuck is this expression, my first thought was this kek
No. 1843880
File: 1686365347339.jpeg (171.58 KB, 1400x788, IMG_1212.jpeg)

>>1843863 More like “breeding ur defunct animatronic band”
No. 1843885
File: 1686366288350.jpg (27.53 KB, 480x360, piginsem.jpg)

>>1843863Factory farm pig in a cage about to be artificially inseminated.
No. 1843895
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No. 1843896
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No. 1844245
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No. 1844246
File: 1686427744865.jpeg (69.5 KB, 1170x830, AE1226C8-593E-485E-8CB4-D565ED…)

10 dollars kek less than hourly minimum wage some US cities
No. 1844288
>>1844245She's had months to organise herself and figure things out to make things easier, why she hasn't done so is a mystery, she's literally causing herself stress manifesting in nightmares and she still hasn't worked out its because like always, she tries to rush things last minute in the most unorganised, chaotic way possible.
She also hasn't quit smoking so her healing time is going to be prolonged, I don't doubt that's also weighing on her.
She causes herself anxiety but does nothing to alleviate it and everything to make it worse.
I won't be surprised if she ends up with botched looking tits because she didn't organise herself, didn't quit smoking and plans to be moving/lifting too soon and she'll probably get back on the alcohol asap which also won't do her new set any favours.
No. 1844321
>>1844245Almost a rhetorical question at this point but does she really not have
anybody in her life whatsoever that could help her and be supportive during her healing time? Like jesus christ will Ellen not help her with her damn bags at least, or even her parents? Absolutely depressing for her.
No. 1844329
File: 1686437742952.jpeg (240.04 KB, 1170x1833, IMG_3060.jpeg)

Shay, you CONSTANTLY give every one and every piece of drama attention
No. 1844411
File: 1686445324061.jpeg (Spoiler Image,213.25 KB, 1170x1827, IMG_3065.jpeg)

No. 1844439
File: 1686447411208.jpeg (25.68 KB, 750x205, 2DD695F2-FC10-4F12-99C0-8BA3FD…)

she deleted this right away
No. 1844448
>>1844424Kek it does seem more racist, like why as a white girl would you put a black dick on a strap on? It seems like an deliberate choice because she normally doesn't use this one. It's looks fucking ridiculous,anyway, i hope she gets cancelled by retarded busy bodies kek. I'm sure there some retarded twitter post like
>yt women shouldn't use black/brown dildos at all,it's fetishizing black and brown menWhat a funny fucking imagine, then she makes that tweet about removing the black dildo from the harness making her feel like she has a phantom limb, kek. Wow.
No. 1844460
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No. 1844467
>>1844431in her mind, she probably expects someone to see her struggling and immediately want to come over and help a silly beautiful bimbo like her. she creates these stories all the time because she’s delusional AF and doesn’t interact with people IRL. she thinks she doesn’t have to do anything because people will see her and
want to do it for her. it’s beyond bleak seeing a 26 year old think this way.
No. 1844468
>>1844459I know you're joking
nonnie, but Shay obviously picked a brown dildo because she's doing some sort of "BBC" video…where she pretends to fuck someone with her "black dick". There's literally no other reason she'd do this at all, the Nazi accursers are gunna love this kek
No. 1844479
>Pride month>shayna decides to make a video using a strap on>targets the video towards "subby boys" into femdom>chooses the only realistic black skintoned dildo she hasShe's trying to be extra woke, I legit think it's the same thought process she had with the trump video
>fuck trump hate>hmm what is even more woke?>ahh yes, trump hates black people so I'll wear a fuxk trump hate and fuck myself with a black dildo! That's a fuck you to trump!Its just retarded and weird. Not to mention she just looks so funny kek.
No. 1844613
>>1844246*most U.S. cities and states. I still don’t understand why Shayna doesn’t just get a job or side hustle to do along with SW since she would get so much money. She doesn’t need all the time in the world to record videos of herself dressed as a child shoving dragon dildos in her loose vortex of a vagina. There’s no reason why she can’t work at least part time, she’s just a lazy hog who chooses to not make money at the expense of her well being.
>>1844329Shaypig the “uwu I’m so innocent and don’t deserve this”
victim card is long gone after recording dodgy rape porn dressed as a child or in some weird sex dungeon. Also what the fuck is with the weird typing style where she writes a bunch of 2s, it makes her sound even more retarted. I also don’t buy that she doesn’t lurk or even occasionally post
>>1844411There is so much fucking wrong with this
No. 1844675
File: 1686496167360.png (684.89 KB, 2532x1170, E1D889F2-186B-4241-8AA3-45D3AD…)

If twitter didnt get mad last time she used a black dildo i dont think they’ll care now
No. 1844676
File: 1686496201829.png (Spoiler Image,824.01 KB, 2532x1170, 9FEF1649-05CD-48EA-AE74-F158BD…)

shayna taking bbc
No. 1844678
File: 1686496246348.png (Spoiler Image,901.64 KB, 2532x1170, 2EC272A3-69EA-47D4-9DC1-03EC53…)

shayna chokes on mexican dickito(Sage goes in the email field)
No. 1844708
>>1844683You guys are posting an pitch fucking black dildo vs. A realistic brown dildo that's clearly supposed to look like the real thing. It's just weird that she decides to whip out the hyper realistic black dildo, while making a video for "stubby boys" during pride month. She's trying to pander. Plus it's fucking funny, she looks so retarded with that dildo over her clothes looking fat and ugly.
Like what the point? Nobody is offended. It's just so stupid and silly looking. She's been pandering hard asf lately
No. 1844733
File: 1686506184855.jpeg (48.69 KB, 750x701, 093B5647-D3F6-47FC-AD53-A8F58C…)

>>1844708Nta but isn’t the bbc fetish (aka “raceplay”) more common among white republican moids?
then again I doubt Mike slack and friends are into pegging so she’s just fucking stupid reallyAlso the source of picrel “data” is from aellagirl, I’m skeptical of it myself.
No. 1844746
File: 1686507316338.jpeg (Spoiler Image,38.56 KB, 750x523, 1F60F018-47B4-4C11-83AE-630F47…)

she needs to buy new clothes and stop being delusional
No. 1844766
>>1844671again no one cares that she has a brown dildo and uses it. that's fine. it's that shes using it to film raceplay material.
not all mixed race porn is raceplay shit. it's a whole fetishistic thing that's very obvious if you know the script. probably thinking it can't be racist if the black dick is big and satisfying tee hee.
its getting off to black people being objects for white pleasure. literally fantasies left over from irl plantation era sex abuse.
she probably has no clue about all that because she's not much of a reader or a thinker. but yea people don't take too kindly to raceplay if they're social justice minded. if she was relevant enough twitter would not be happy
No. 1844804
>>1844460These nonnies
>>1844459 >>1844468
>>1844473called it.
>>1844675Oh Goddamnit, this fucking outfit again?
No. 1844819
File: 1686519894915.jpeg (87.61 KB, 1170x1334, 22A21BA8-D371-4883-86B7-4606C8…)

Why is she so nervous about going to vegas? Bc she has to have sex with the Big Bleak Girls moid and remake her parody tier sex doll porn?
Plus she’s supposed to go to come concert too so you’d think she’d be happy about doing something fun before her boob surgery.
No. 1844857
>>1844459>>1844468the reach is embarrassing. she probably just bought some new cheap dildos because hers melted together (something she mentioned happening on camera). Unless Shayna is in the video saying “im fucking you with my big black cock” than im not convinced this has anything to do with racism and twittards wonts care. The dildo is brown? Pretty sure these
>>1844411 two
>>1844678 are the same dildo.
No. 1844902
>>1844857>>1844855Nta but you guys could just do a cursory Google to find out about raceplay or something, it's not that hard.
Do you really think Ms. Will-Change-Dirty-Diapers is suddenly doing super innocent non-degen videos? Kek.
Shayna doesn't have to be throwing out slurs for it to be raceplay. I agree with the other anon that this stuff is easy to notice if you know what it is. Random fat blonde white women don't pretend to have massive black dicks 'just because'- are you dense?
It's literally BBC fetish (which is raceplay). Being white and strapping a massive black dildo to herself says it all. She chose a dark skinned dildo for a reason…for the video for her 'subby' guys who want a white woman to force them to take a big black dick.
I'm not understanding what you guys don't get? It's quite simple and a commonly known kink so not really a tinfoil at all.
I think Shayna is a dumbfuck so probably doesn't get all of the racial implications, but even she isn't so dumb that she's never heard of the phrase 'Big Black Cock' before. She literally makes pedo and diaper porn for rednecks- you think she doesn't have guys who are into BBC raceplay?
(learn2integrate) No. 1844911
File: 1686531544265.png (127.85 KB, 539x960, eiz643FnDo.png)

how does she have the same date over and over, why the aquarium every time
No. 1844930
File: 1686534904860.jpeg (192.78 KB, 1170x1632, IMG_3089.jpeg)

But you’re so worried about money, right Shay?
No. 1844933
>>1844902This is such a reach, it’s not raceplay imo
She hasn’t fucked a black dude for porn
Despite I guess wrestling with one in her skivvies
Another anon had it perfect she probably bought that one in attempt to “I can’t be racist I have a brown dildo” classic white move
No. 1844939
>>1844411Looking at the dildo I don't even think that it is black, it looks more like her shitty lighting making it appear darker than it is.
>>1844678 it can clearly be seen that it's pink and here it looks like a standard white dildo.
No. 1844985
File: 1686544977514.jpeg (54.62 KB, 750x782, F382C75A-EDD7-44AC-9F5B-A0A449…)

she's so lame
No. 1844990
>>1844746//HEY EVERYONE\\ This is another angle of the "BBC"
>>1844411 people have been crying about from the same photoshoot. You can clearly see it's not suppose to be a black person's penis. It's just one of those "Realistic" dildos with shading and stuff. It looks olive toned and pink here. Are we still outraged if it's Latin cock? Shayna is just terrible at editing her photos and films in a poorly lit bedroom. The penis did look darker then normal but holy heck you guys look silly being upset over a slightly dark looking dildo and it's "deeper meaning" when there are actual racists you could be wasting your breath on. And there's plenty to hate Shayna about other than what shade of dildo she chooses to use in her dollar store porn.
No. 1845014
>>1844245bitch shut the fuck up, you're getting a balloon put behind your boobs. some of us carried a child for 9 months and then had to go through major abdominal surgery for delivery just to go home 3 days later and take care of that baby day and goddamn night, getting up all the time and not sleeping
you are getting elective cosmetic surgery and whining about having to do things FIVE WEEKS LATER, shut up bitch!!!! people have surgeries all the time and live their lives!!!!!!!!!!
(calm down!!!!!) No. 1845196
>>1845014are you one of the
ass eaters? You should go take your baby to the park and touch grass
No. 1845202
>>1845076Lmao this thread is off the rails lately
Crunches to prevent a c section
This is the most anachan thing I’ve ever seen
No. 1845262
File: 1686587171004.jpeg (Spoiler Image,248.51 KB, 1170x1687, IMG_3102.jpeg)

No. 1845293
>>1845277Not all radfems, there’s a special breed of farmers that are particularly hostile to mothers but also other farmers in general. Only jannies can really determine who is who— assuming you’re responding to a radfem is pointless and retarded. People on the internet are deranged and that can include terminally online “radfem” women as well in my experience.
Of course their annoyance is also because you’re bragging about something unrelated in a cow’s thread. No1currs about your personal victories in a thread for cataloging the downfalls of a fat pedophile.
(derailing) No. 1845299
File: 1686589776551.jpeg (224.98 KB, 1170x2047, IMG_5082.jpeg)

>>1845262Houston in November means she’s going to that fatass spanking party again. Can’t wait to see her take on the theme night outfits like last time
No. 1845418
File: 1686601309135.jpeg (217.14 KB, 1170x1588, IMG_3107.jpeg)

No. 1845430
>>1845423yes weed is legal in nevada
you guys that really think she’s going to “wake up on the table” need to chill though kek
No. 1845538
File: 1686616191052.jpeg (57.45 KB, 1170x483, IMG_3112.jpeg)

No. 1845539
File: 1686616259927.png (220.72 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_3110.png)

>>18455382/2. The account her comment was responding to
No. 1845549
File: 1686617295556.jpeg (72.33 KB, 1170x984, IMG_3113.jpeg)

I’m surprised Shay isn’t talking about this for more sympathy
No. 1845572
>>1845549Shay doesn't care about her so called girlfriend, she just likes the attention and financial boost
Her leaving tweet says how she missed her pets already but not Ellen kek
No. 1845689
File: 1686634027787.png (65.63 KB, 720x404, JimmyoldMeg.png)

>>1845418>"breakfast and drink"why does she need to inform everyone she drinks every day and with every meal? she is in her late 20s now, it's really not cute and is rapidly getting more pathetic.
"bimbos" have reps as party girls who get too drunk with friends at clubs, etc. not sad chubby alcoholics who chug pink wine alone and need mimosas to stop the DTs.
No. 1845696
File: 1686637066679.jpeg (94.11 KB, 1170x1279, 76BA5F19-6111-4D4E-A25A-90D92A…)

I wonder if her tummy ache will keep her from doing her degen porn shoot
No. 1845795
>>1845696Makes me laugh when she says
>hi everyone!>hey guysBecause it feels like she’s addressing the farm
No. 1845883
>>1845851Yeah, I've heard of weed
triggering psychosis but this is the first time I've heard someone say combining it with ADHD meds would cause it.
Girl needs a low dose of Vyvanse.
No. 1845899
File: 1686672544252.jpeg (66.59 KB, 828x905, 64120891-5144-49CA-808C-576C5E…)

>>1845883OT but adderall psychosis is really common in people who dont have adhd abusing stimulants.
No. 1846217
File: 1686706374342.png (368.85 KB, 828x1792, IMG_6239.png)

she’s with Scott
No. 1846256
File: 1686709796780.png (7.6 KB, 474x210, Shayna joins Greta.png)

Interesting development. Noticed this comment in Scott Hancock's twitter @akascotthancock where he is trying to sell his Management company called Greta that is based in Vegas to some other e-whore. Is Shayna possibly joining "Greta" and soon to be under professional management? Shayna in Brazzers??
No. 1846258
>>1846217So instead of doing new content, she probably asked him to take it it so they can reshoot. I do not believe for a moment she will do another scene that's different. She probably didn't like the first and asked him to take it down and she will reshoot.
Just like she brought Kendall back a second time.
No. 1846507
>>1846493at this point it’s not like she has that going on for her anyways
>>1846258It’s shayna so it makes sense to her, and her repeated plots. I thought she was going to do the new set that he has tweeted her afterwards though. ice cream or something o think?
No. 1846513
>>1846508she’s doing it because she’s delusional and thinks she’s an
actress. she thinks everything she touches turns to gold, and then when it turns to shit she blames the other party. i’ll bet anything she doesn’t take her clothes off in this one either, even though every other model did.
No. 1846570
File: 1686767859758.jpeg (91.65 KB, 1170x737, IMG_3152.jpeg)

But you posted a photo of the “barbie” set on Instagram yesterday?
No. 1846611
>>1846598It’s possible that she has a stomach bug like she said
>>1845696 here because there’s some bad ones going around right now, but I can’t imagine that her most likely being hungover or withdrawing is helping things
No. 1846613
>>1846570Hahahahaha i fucking love it. Im like a slip and slide here. If Shayna had actually taken a tolerance break from weed back when she was first really talking about it a month ago she would be past the really bad first week of withdrawal and would have been totally fine by now. As for the alcohol, she could have cut back slowly and survived off one or two drinks of hard liquor a day on her trip and been fine (trying to be realistic with these goals, obvs total sobriety is best). But nah, she just fucked herself over like usual and probably wasted tons of money. Hope the concert is just as miserable and she has to leave early.
>>1846570She just posted that as a “im in vegas” check in, probably for the farms or her small degenerate circle. the set was obviously not in use considering the lights were off and props were scatted in the corner. she was probably just visiting him and his management team. i mean, he’s obviously the one who recommended she get an IV of fluids considering shes never done that before. Shes easily influenced and wants to show off.
(no1currs why are you even talking about how wet you are) No. 1846746
File: 1686792245191.png (3.25 MB, 828x1792, IMG_6273.png)

No. 1846762
File: 1686794728612.jpeg (255.96 KB, 1170x2074, IMG_5005.jpeg)

No. 1846787
>>1846772I'm pretty certain it's part of the scrote's dress up clothes for his influx of whores.
It's sad enough they're all in the same several outfits in the porn vids but Shay wearing it for a normal public outing is hilarious
No. 1846799
File: 1686800008011.gif (Spoiler Image,9.09 MB, 312x238, small gulp.gif)

Let us never forget the "big gulp" she took from the scrote. Smallest. Cumshot. Ever.
No. 1846824
File: 1686802778170.jpeg (19.09 KB, 377x394, E7329EF5-CC39-490B-86B1-E54EA5…)

>>1846762>>1846752Bro looks fucking 47, she needs to stop calling herself a baby bimbo and make some homely middle aged unsatisfied Brooklyn wife porn. Bitch looking like Adam Sandlers sister in Just go With it, so hideous!!! if I were that fucking fat I would wear a poncho or cloak, NOBODY WANTS TO SEE THAT! She is grotty. She is deplorable. She is humongous and growing like a goddamn malignant tumor, waddling around at a hootenanny with a walking balding STD , Scott Hancock of Big Gulp Girls in Las Vegas is the Mucinex mascot but for Genital Warts. She looks like a weathered lot lizard.
No. 1846826
File: 1686803004755.jpeg (67.92 KB, 750x537, 7D6299D0-3D2A-4577-94E7-4D8DAA…)

just watch the concert you fat blob
No. 1846850
File: 1686807083543.png (760.28 KB, 794x650, 04596167-B088-4168-A819-A8E587…)

shes at the pearl theatre in las vegas
No. 1846983
>>1846949It's also the only way she can still pretend "am baby", since she's now the same age as the guys she used to consider to be "daddies" lol
>>1846817It makes me kek how she has a second, bigger muffin top floating above her first muffin top. If she gains any more weight her sides are going to go full Zoidberg.
No. 1847015
"Scroll up"
As if I didn't read the thread? Your reply makes no sense.
No. 1847054
File: 1686847548055.webm (18.08 MB, 1280x720, RoPl.webm)
>>1846989Here they are, Nona. I’ve combined them all into one video as to not flood the thread.
Please excuse the quality, due to the file size limit, it’s not the best. No. 1847055
>>1847017Yeah I read that?
(infighting when should be lurking) No. 1847062
>>1847055Nta but did you really?
Because yesterday anons were talking about how she is saying it’s a stomach bug, but everyone else seems to think its just withdraw symptoms since it happens all the time. An anon even said she mentioned it on cam
>>1846643 No. 1847090
File: 1686851836910.gif (1.06 MB, 244x184, jim.gif)

>>1847085I… didn't wanna know that…
I bet shayna is gonna lurk and make porn of this No. 1847123
File: 1686858210339.jpeg (37.16 KB, 750x541, EE8A6734-B091-476F-B0E5-66E5E3…)

No. 1847139
File: 1686861095478.jpeg (98.68 KB, 828x1204, B325B00B-6483-425C-AC68-05C09A…)

>we will miss you
whys she tweeting like shes already dead
No. 1847178
File: 1686865851735.jpg (121.9 KB, 1096x548, verno.jpg)

>>1847176I am absolutely crying at the way Shaynus says "Holy shit…. HOLY SHIT!!" around the 12 second mark. She sounds exactly like the fat kid Vern from Stand By Me.
No. 1847199
File: 1686869040670.jpeg (114.87 KB, 828x884, IMG_1777.jpeg)

bet Shayna loves picrel
>>1847176I’d be fucking pissed if I traveled multiple states for a concert and the moid who invited me put us in the nosebleed section. good thing it’s just some nasty old fuck who doesn’t matter (Robert Plant I mean, but the scrote who brought her is gross too)
No. 1847232
>>1847199Ntayrt but remember the Girl Scout kidnapping porn? She definitely would take bits and pieces from that assault story in picrel if it meant she make money from it.
That reminds me that her video plots at one point were literally taken from murder cases. I wonder why she mellowed out rather than getting progressively worse. Maybe she read on here, kek.
No. 1847318
>>1847176Followed by pickledpetshop1
Cow crossover
No. 1847321
File: 1686885269078.jpg (93.05 KB, 1469x769, weekend with dad.jpg)

She will be spending this weekend at her dad’s which probably means her mom will be the one taking care of her during her recovery, right?
>>1847318They’ve interacted a few times, mostly about being featured here.
No. 1847329
>>1847321it’s really disturbing that she refers to her
actual real life sibling as “lil bro” on her porn twitter, and also uses the same term in her actual porn videos.
No. 1847346
File: 1686888810278.jpeg (256 KB, 1170x1673, IMG_3175.jpeg)

Well maybe you should’ve been saving your money
No. 1847353
>>1847338I don't get why she even mentioned him. Okay her dad? Whatever. Her mom? Whatever. Her little brother does not seem to be a big part of her life at all. There's NO reason for coomers to know exactly what she's doing, who she's doing it with, and the exact amount of time she and her brother are spending at her dad's house.
It's just weird, and I cannot be convinced that Shayna & other sex workers who mention their irl family members while making incest porn, don't expect or even like when people sexualize it. "Lil bro" is literally shit she says in her porn.
And YES I know regular people talk about their brother this way, but they also don't make porn where they use the same fucking kind of phrases, "Lil Bro, Lil sis". There's literally no reason for her to post this, even if she thinks coomers are waiting for an update on her life.
Simply say
>I'm going to stay with some family for the weekend, I'll post it x, y and zLike I know she has no respect for herself but can she at least respect her fucking brother? Last time she saw him she posted about the sippy cup shit sexualizing a interaction with him.
Every time she mentions her family on her sex work account, it feels like a weird violation. Mainly because nobody cares but us, so who is it for? Or is it just what it's always been. She must share every single thing in her life, that she doesn't care about, because she has this "Weird pressure" on herself, that posting shit like this is "Work".
So saying, "hey i'll do this" is work and scrotes are sitting around their dick dorms waiting for Shayna to post when she's dropping hot porn, and she's a failure if she doesn't. So they must know exactly WHY she's not working or not focusing on work. She's doing things you see.
No. 1847375
File: 1686896836169.png (319.77 KB, 521x486, 78AA8713-3A58-470A-A0B8-826D09…)

I saw this dumb meme and the SpongeBob personified reminds me of shaynas ramen noodle hair phase kek
No. 1847459
She’s about to get her ass handed to her when the painkillers wear off from surgery.
It’s not wake up and BAM new boobs.
Plus I literally can’t imagine this lazy pig doing the aftercare required of a boob job.
No. 1847491
>>1847474I’m with you, that made me feel so sad.
>>1847476Sensitive nonas unite. I don’t think her suffering is funny, it’s how unaware and ridiculous she is that makes me come back. Like… she has no friends so she has to tell bottom barrel twitter how she’s feeling and life updates that she should send in the group text with friends. It’s not her misery that’s funny, it’s how absurd her situation is and that she constantly picks the worst possible option for everything.
No. 1847592
>>1847579no because her parents would probably make her get
some job and Shayna would never. 1) because it’s beneath her and 2) her full name is attached to… (gesturing wildly) all of this
No. 1847617
>>1847614Her tits being botched or her fucking up the after care so they look worse than before would be the
chef's kiss of schadenfreude.
No. 1847669
File: 1686942111727.jpeg (136.65 KB, 1170x1525, IMG_0746.jpeg)

Has this been posted yet?
No. 1847722
File: 1686949293763.jpg (161.27 KB, 602x1600, IMG-20230403-WA0009.jpg)

>>1847697Thanks for reminding me about this anon
No. 1847783
>>1847338>>1847329And yet with her retard comedy porn we almost never see sister/brother, it's always dad/daughter.
>>1847378>pushing 30She's turning 26 nona…
No. 1847853
File: 1686963556627.png (622.22 KB, 988x812, SHAYNAS.png)

>>1847840>>1847813>>1847783She does sibling incest porn all the time. Highlighted examples are all from the last month or so.
No. 1847859
File: 1686963996519.jpg (264.12 KB, 1280x1280, 1532486996175.jpg)

(unsaged old milk )
No. 1847860
File: 1686964020836.jpeg (74.72 KB, 573x990, 1533080292336.jpeg)

No. 1847861
File: 1686964051974.jpg (124.65 KB, 650x1280, 1532455711103.jpg)

(unsaged old milk)
No. 1847862
File: 1686964122341.jpg (Spoiler Image,23.2 KB, 540x278, 1532439385263.jpg)

(unsaged old milk)
No. 1847868
File: 1686964488661.jpeg (93.67 KB, 750x743, 46A8B6B0-8CCD-4905-AE96-7F520B…)

Idk if this is milk but she was active on her ABDL/diaper Twitter either while she was traveling in public or while she was driving with her younger brother yesterday yesterday. She might have even retweeted it today but I can’t tell. Is there a way to tell what time/day someone retweeted a tweet? June 15 is when the original tweet was posted.
No. 1847871
File: 1686964599979.png (66.5 KB, 683x631, KYLE.png)

No. 1847879
>>1847853>>1847840>>1847813AYRT, my bad nonas.
>>1847877Must be the same anon who spammed ShayFupa upthread.
No. 1847899
>>1847579Maybe. But the only scenario I can see that happening with is if she has a major mental health crisis surrounding this surgery, from (theoretically) having to be sober for the first time in probably a very long time and having to actually look at her life and not grab a drug to sooth herself. That whilst dealing with dysphoria/anxiety that can happen following aesthetic surgeries.
When do you think the last time she had been completely sober, for like 24 hours, was?
No. 1847902
File: 1686968329460.jpeg (208.15 KB, 1170x1562, IMG_3197.jpeg)

No. 1847964
File: 1686979578778.png (87.36 KB, 2220x1182, autistic evidence.png)

>>1847868There's no way to tell on Twitter but according to this spreadsheet, she was the first one to retweet it on the 15th. So probably not too long after the time the tweet was originally posted considering she lives on social media and was tagged in it
No. 1847973
File: 1686981937727.jpg (125.95 KB, 624x846, 36584302845.jpg)

>>1847965Wait how do you know it's her dad's house? Because here's the same place posted by some random online, and you can see the top of the cash register at the bottom.>>1847970Rows. There's a retweet tracker template No. 1848014
>>1847491That and she can be really goofy and mismatched. Tacky. But for some reason I want her to stay afloat.
No. 1848182
>>1848110nta but they just mean fat when they say work out lines.
another cow, pixyteri, one time replied to a comment under one of her photos (where her fat was spilling because her bra was too small) asking shy she had an extra set of boobs under her boobs. Her reply was that it they weren’t boobs, they were “work out lines”
No. 1848313
File: 1687038518838.jpeg (Spoiler Image,293.29 KB, 1170x1617, 484F73BF-FCE3-4CCE-B280-9A189D…)

this looks like a shaynatorium edit
No. 1848346
>>1848301Do we seriously need to include his picture here? He clearly hates being her brother as it has been stated before.
It’s not his fault to be her brother….
No. 1848347
>>1848301ugh this is why Shayna should'nt post about her family at all, because retards can't help but include these innocent people into her retarded threads. First her step sister (who I had no idea she even had at first) and now her brother again. It's a violation imo
>>1848313This scrote has very low standards, but then again, looking at him you can tell why. It's easy to simp after some average looking cheap woman then it is to get attention from desired women.
No. 1848350
File: 1687041885914.jpeg (200.59 KB, 1170x1412, IMG_3215.jpeg)

No. 1848495
>>1848350Ugh sharing this on her sw Twitter is gross.
No. 1848508
File: 1687066141016.jpg (164.88 KB, 1470x1447, 2hr bukkake double anal orgy.j…)

She posts this so often you’d think eventually it’d click in that she hates this “job”. It’s also funny her they contribute to the demand and popularity of >2hr bukkake double anal orgy
No. 1848605
File: 1687090633816.jpeg (Spoiler Image,160.01 KB, 802x1068, 831B8F2C-51B7-4755-8F60-002BCC…)

She’s such an idiot. There was plenty of raunchy porn in the 60s, it just wasnt as easy to access as porn today. There will ALWAYS be women attractive enough to make guys unexpectedly nut just from them rolling around naked in bed; Shayna just can never fathom that she is not one of those girls. She is proudly the bottom barrel girl who has to do the 2 hour bukkake scene because her face, body and personality isn’t enough. And topkek that
>>1848508 called it out exactly, she is directly contributing to the increasing degeneracy in porn when she offers men a chance to buy a vid of her “sucking 7 fantasy cocks pretending its my brother Ryan” or “little baby gets bottled forced up its ass by big daddy Shaun” for a dollar a pop just so she has weed money that week.
No. 1848658
>>1848653Hmm I don’t know
nonnie maybe because it’s a black and white picture? Stop derailing and projecting your own insecurities, this is a Shaypig thread.
No. 1848802
File: 1687114671850.jpeg (Spoiler Image,189.51 KB, 1170x1531, IMG_3224.jpeg)

Lovely Shay
No. 1848902
File: 1687124917278.jpeg (Spoiler Image,90.25 KB, 1170x871, IMG_3231.jpeg)

It just keeps getting worse
No. 1849039
>>1848902I’m starting to think Shay got molested by her dad.
Imagine seeing this on your daughter’s public Twitter nestled in between posts about you on Father’s Day. Now imagine you’re just a perfectly normal dad who
didn’t molest his daughter and you find out she’s publicly telegraphing Father’s Day daddy daughter rape porn from your house. Imagine wondering how many people wonder if you raped your daughter or not. Then realising moids actually jerk off to your daughter simulating being raped by you. The bleakness truly knows no bounds.
No. 1849048
File: 1687144126496.jpeg (Spoiler Image,195.31 KB, 1170x1872, IMG_3252.jpeg)

No. 1849096
>>1849046I agree I think she wants to be molested by him and have some weird Freudian romance. Freud would have a field day with her.
Honestly though it is incredible twisted how much she wants to be a
victim of violent sexual crime, domestic abuse, pedophilia. I wonder what a psychiatrist would be able to dig up on her that would explain this.
Before someone says she’s just a pickme, not into it, she likes attention blah blah, I know but at the root no normal person yearns for these things.
No. 1849331
File: 1687188881352.png (140.71 KB, 864x1384, Screenshot_20230619-083600.png)

No. 1849337
File: 1687189174188.png (47.49 KB, 863x580, Screenshot_20230619-083751.png)

She's with her mom
No. 1849367
>>1849101I'm really sorry you went through that,
nonny. I hope you're doing well.
No. 1849382
>>1849003Her dad and stepmom know by now that she pretends to be a baby getting raped by its own parents and they do not care at all. I don’t care that she’s their child; she is a willing participant in making this type of content when she could have college fully paid for and a number of other conveniences that most people will never have. They are almost as bad as Shayna for enabling her knowing how sickening her content is.
I bet her family never even brought it up. Shayna probably only freaked out at the time because she saw the cowtipper wrote on lolcow about what they sent but it’s pretty clear her dad didn’t actually do anything because she still uses the Diaper Dolly account (which some anons suspected she would shut down) and is still staying with her family while also promoting on her porn accounts at the same time. Her step sister endorses her too and “loves her no matter what” so only her younger brother really deserves your sympathy. Fuck these disgusting pathetic people.
No. 1849402
File: 1687196364270.png (176.59 KB, 864x1094, Screenshot_20230619-103949.png)

No. 1849422
File: 1687198033096.jpeg (45.54 KB, 750x383, 07E59A90-F308-4F4C-A33B-3AEC54…)

No. 1849441
>>1849408>She's a enablerI don't think shayna is close to her step sister and vice versa. She has never mentioned her. I think the sister is grossed out, feels indifferent but love towards shayna and doesn't want to know what she's doing. She may support sex work, 8n the basic way that collage students do, but they'd never live that life and don't think much on it.
Nonas are weird in thinking she's cackling or dealing anything but disgust or just, "why are people sending this to me?" Its cruel to do to her family.
Shayna doesnt care and she'd risk relationship with her whole family for this job.
No. 1849484
File: 1687203607423.png (765.63 KB, 750x917, 44EB21C4-6128-4317-A373-1531BB…)

>>1849465Well a
nonny was discussing it here (link) so my tinfoil of her family using the tit job as an opportunity for an intervention still stands.
>>>/snow/1771377 No. 1849489
File: 1687204020973.jpeg (167.54 KB, 1170x1541, IMG_3258.jpeg)

No. 1849491
File: 1687204087587.jpeg (90.12 KB, 1170x591, IMG_3259.jpeg)

No. 1849493
File: 1687204186581.jpeg (56.82 KB, 1170x386, IMG_3260.jpeg)

No. 1849500
>>1849452She wants conflict. I also feel when she's with her dad/brother they barely talk. They just go chill at the cabin, drink, he probably doesn't do much with the kidd. When shayna sees her mom, I think she tries to actual
gasp speak to her and hang out. I legit think shayna watches everything waiting for something tweetable her evil mom is doing.
She doesn't like her so everything she does is wrong, if shaynas mom was so bad shayna would have thousands of stories and nobody would be able to fact check it, but they are the most mundane bullshit.
She may be a little annoying but it's never nothing horrific. Shayna brings up politics or bitches about the fox News being on TV. She baits her mom, she doesnt want to change her views, she wants more reasons to hate her because she really doesn't have any legit ones. Even the "they don't support sex work" isn't seen as scandalous or unique. She knows she can't whine about that endlessly.
No. 1849501
File: 1687204425843.jpeg (31.02 KB, 750x299, D13C3F89-DE22-4C58-B8CC-25C5A7…)

she deleted this earlier. it's crazy she was going to try and do another banking scam. like when she said someone was using her card despite it being in her wallet. she probably just got drunk and forgot she bought something.
No. 1849506
File: 1687204674200.jpeg (37.01 KB, 750x556, 17D3EB14-4019-4713-B72D-B3FD3B…)

shayna is a creepy weirdo. the people who argue she isn't a pedo are being willfully ignorant. sorry for old milk
No. 1849508
>>1849491Shayna brags about shit that 12th graders brag about when they get a $50 vanilla visa gift card for Christmas break and make their first online purchase. She wants to buy cheap jewerly, Purses and perfume, so it makes it even more kek. Somewhere, the rare gross sex worker sold her ass for a Chanel purse, got a trip and is just as worn out mentally and physically as shayna is.
While shayna is saying she's worth a $200 purse, small bottle of Baths and Bodyworks perfume.and cheap seeing jewelry. There's women who have done less offline and online who get more, shayna is doing more and it's everywhere, while bragging/begging about the cheapest or most childish overpriced bullshit in the world.
No. 1849512
File: 1687205430120.jpeg (105.71 KB, 1170x1110, IMG_3262.jpeg)

No. 1849559
>>1849556I’m assuming they’re funding the majority of it and her begging is mainly to cover her living expenses while she isn’t working but this is just a guess. It’s also possible her surgeon convinced her insurance to cover two implants - no proof of this but some doctors really do go out of their way to bully insurance into covering things they don’t want to. Arguing medical necessity for two boobies might be difficult but I doubt it would be impossible.
The main reason I’m assuming she’s contributing very little, if anything, towards this is that she’s never been able to save up for anything, ever. She has no car and had no furniture for a very long time so I doubt she’d be able to save for this.
No. 1849560
>>1849556I am 100% sure the insurance pay for it.
Does someone remember how she admitted she will fall out of her parents insurance soon, because of her age? It is not a coincidence she is getting the surgery right now
No. 1849617
File: 1687215981968.jpeg (579.99 KB, 1536x2048, 1C070B55-1626-4613-A6FD-3C0FBD…)

Apparently it’s
> dress - $80
> lush - $55
> f21 - $80
> sanrio - $30
No. 1849618
File: 1687216035946.jpeg (269.25 KB, 1152x2048, BD46DD8E-996B-4D06-87AB-317A51…)

A new ring that she’s claiming was $120
No. 1849630
File: 1687217605680.png (23.76 KB, 1119x303, She should stick to candy ring…)

>>1849618Jewellery fag here, 120$ is extremely cheap for anything not made out of sketchy or imitation materials. I tried to find something that could closely compare to that ring in shape and stone quantity wise and a good quality (not luxury) ring is way beyond 120$. Her ring must be copper or if lucky silver, coated in yellow gold and with cubic zirconia, moissanite, or yag incrustations. you can get those fake ones on etsy for half KEK.
No. 1849646
>>1849623a) Her dad is buying this for her, he clearly took her on a spree because she's probably acting all anxious and spooked and needy around him. Dudes probably throwing money at it instead of actually nurturing and comforting her.
b)She is tho retarded for showing it off. She could easily post that in a week in bed and use these last couple days to just grift. But im guessing she already reached her actual goal awhile ago and the one she advertising is just a fake goal to entice coomers to donate more and just extra padding for her at this point so she doesnt really care to advertise or try anymore with her surgery 2 days away and he legit daddy spoiling her with a shopping spree (a pitiful one at that).
No. 1849649
File: 1687218906700.jpeg (637.32 KB, 1536x2048, 3C982D30-D961-4218-813A-9E0A31…)

>>1849617At least the jacket is a size large
No. 1849710
File: 1687224875645.jpeg (103.04 KB, 1170x1109, IMG_3270.jpeg)

Oh so now everything is okay with you and your mom?
No. 1849719
File: 1687225840895.jpg (208.34 KB, 1080x1887, Screenshot_2023-06-20-02-50-06…)

Lmao wtf is she on about?
Shayna Clifford the big red hog getting put down?
No. 1849862
File: 1687246688709.jpeg (647.55 KB, 3465x3465, 1CDC315E-9F79-45B7-B8EC-7DDF4A…)

The resemblance is shocking
…. holy shit. E-begging 24/7 over a blue lit screen for 5+ years and being a shut in who binge drinks all day ages you quickly
No. 1849933
File: 1687262596185.jpeg (165.76 KB, 1170x1506, IMG_3271.jpeg)

I can’t with the dumb “humor”
No. 1850043
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No. 1850195
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No. 1850380
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does anyone else think it looks like she's inside the shower taking this pic?
No. 1850400
>>1850380This bitch is in for the RUDEST awakening!
Can’t wait for the painkillers to fade and she start puking because she ate shit & booze less than 24 hrs before a major surgery.
No. 1850429
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>>1850223>>1850195rail trail in hudson, ma. shay technically being a local cow is always hilarious
No. 1850524
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do you think ellen would post on shaynas twitter if she died?
No. 1850562
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imagine going into work and catching your coworker making paperclip art for a fat pedo sex worker
No. 1850566
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No. 1850583
>>1850533It's funny how you think she'll go the first few days no drinking.
As soon as that cow has pain shes going to be lighting up or drinking if not both ontop of the pain meds.
No. 1850584
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>>1850566This will make her spiral
No. 1850613
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>>1850566shes so stupid her coomers have to point it out….
No. 1850627
>>1850595It’s gonna be a shit show.
We see how she abuses the ER every single time her lifestyle causes her the slightest discomfort. She is going to abuse & blow through her painkillers and then go over the edge when they won’t give her more & tell her to take a fucking Tylenol. I can’t stress enough how alcohol harms a body that needs to heal. She’s in for quite the ride.
No. 1850666
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she should be out of surgery by now…. can't wait for her high tweeting i know she can't resist oversharing on twitter…
No. 1850683
>>1850676Not to someone who lives out of state with no established PCP.
She’ll get (if she’s lucky) 10 really good ones. Then it’s Tylenol that bombs your stomach and liver and suck it up buttercup.
No. 1850712
>>1850666I think it would take longer for her. Taking out the old implant, putting in a new one, then doing a lift on the other boob.
I hope she's fine.
No. 1850730
>>1850718Yeah, chances of her taking care of it properly are slim, but maaaybe she has some memories of the last time and will try to match her previous effort. OR at least she could let someone else help her. Or let them nudge her. She should be done around this time so here's to hoping.
As for alcoholism, I don't know much but can't withdrawals be dangerous?
No. 1850759
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>>1850195Her skin texture gives me the ick
No. 1850780
>>1850759that tongue, it looks like she is eating it in her sleep
>>1850763it obviously different from person to person, but she drinks for at least one year and that daily, she will get sick and I think the psychological side effects of being sober for the first time in a long while will make her drink and smoke again. Imagine waking up from your mind numbing addiction and seeing what your life is truly like for a moment, everyone would find alcohol or other drugs as fast as they can in such a situation.
No. 1850796
>>1850777hmm maybe you are right, I forget, she probably has been drinking daily for a LONG time and when she can't smoke or tries to quit, she probably drinks more. Now that I think about it, there hasn't been a time where she wasn't drinking, while there's been a few days/weeks when she attempted not to smoke or didn't. So maybe she would get sick. She probably doesn't even think her drinking is "that bad" because she only gets hungover, not sick when she doesn't smoke and she doesn't "crave" it as much, because she's always done it never holding back.
I guess my view of someone who'd get sick if they don't drink is more extreme, but thinking about it this way, Shayna drinks everyday (and posts about it).
I bet she thinks she can do without drinking instead of smoking when the truth is, she never did without drinking, so maybe I'm wrong and she would get sick.
No. 1850803
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No. 1850837
>>1850824an absolute case of shayflation as
>>1850830 mentions. probably more accurate for shitty dress + like two beers.
No. 1850839
>>1850763She is. Even if you only take minimal amounts of a substance, your body and brain chemicals adopt substances and regulate them for survival, as if they are a natural substance in your body. Even if one was to use only a
little bit of drugs everyday, your body gets use to functioning with those drugs so when you come off of them, your body exhumes withdrawals symptoms (PAWS).
This surgery is a major event for Shaynas future, with threats from both post-op depression and the probability to become addicted to opioids. Some Americans who don't face addiction before surgery will still developed addiction to painkillers- and once the prescription runs out they turn to street drugs. She'll be in Renton flipping her shit unable to work soon. While I don't wish for her demise, there are too many people that actually deserve pity than this cow. That being said, BLEAK DIE LMAO
(alogging) No. 1850841
>>1850814Nah. Nurse’s are overworked and underpaid. They will not have empathy for such as open degenerate. A grown ass woman checking into elective surgery with a dirty stuffed animal.
She did this nasty pedo ass leaning shit herself.
Recall all her “sure,Jan” stories with flight attendants.
No. 1850924
>>1850918Wine is harder than fucking white claws though even though rosé is the weakest of the wines.
It's easy to drink cocktails, I don't think binging cocktails is very "alcoholic". Of course none of it matters it's just about how much booze she is actually consuming. But honestly I think her laziness comes into it. She'd rather have ready out a can than even having to mix 2 whole liquids together lol. I don't think she knows how much is in a shot etc
No. 1851000
>>1850992Yeah, also I'm sure this isn't the first time doctors have seen a grown woman bring a stuffed animal or a comfort thing during a surgery.
I went to the dentist and there was an normally dressed woman with a toothache and a bear. It's attention hungry for sure but for some people they do like comfort. I assume the doctors didn't care or understands. I donthink it's kinda odd how anons constantly act like every single normie who comes across shayna with zero context of who she is, sees her as disgusting gross pedo panderer. Like walking around the airport in a tacky outfit, that's 5 different pinks, lopsided nipples put and a big ass bow, with bell bottom jeans in giving her a muffin top? Sure she gets looks.
Going to surgery with a teddy? There'a 50/50 chance she did it or the nurse did the tape thing.
She also never said the nurse did it. Could've been her mom or something.
No. 1851017
>>1851016I know a post-op nurse and she's got her heart on her sleeve and does shit like this if she hears something even remotely close to a sob story. Considering these nurses only knew Shayna for all of how many hours, they probably got some story about her being nervous and took pity on her like any other person would
But I would think it's her mom and not a nurse. Some hospitals have pre-op and then post-op nurses. There's a chance she had entirely different attendants post op
No. 1851018
>>1851016I know a post-op nurse and she's got her heart on her sleeve and does shit like this if she hears something even remotely close to a sob story. Considering these nurses only knew Shayna for all of how many hours, they probably got some story about her being nervous and took pity on her like any other person would
But I would think it's her mom and not a nurse. Some hospitals have pre-op and then post-op nurses. There's a chance she had entirely different attendants post op
No. 1851036
>>1851029You might need to touch some grass
nonnie and I say this out of love
No. 1851150
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No. 1851151
>>1851148Bit of a reach I’ve never heard this idiot sperg about bluey, beyond that flop is a pretty common word and putting a ey sound at the end of a word isn’t that deep. It’s a flop ear bunny
nonnie pull it together shayna doesn’t grow her interests she just spergs about SpongeBob and other tired 90s children cartoons
No. 1851153
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No. 1851170
>>1851166Lol I'm sure that's what it is. Mom is just treating her like an adult and she had a melt down that mom had plans or a job she had to get to and can't be waited on hand and foot.
I hope her tits float to her back for being such a cunt.
No. 1851173
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No. 1851182
>>1851153She’s acting like an ungrateful cunt, her mum probably sees Shayna smoking and drinking her life into a stupor, whoring herself out for pennies and is still expected to baby her? Shayna is 25 there are so many people who go through surgery with no one looking after them at home.
Breast surgery is considered low risk in terms of recovery.
No. 1851183
>>1851153I get that the post-op process probably sucks a lot, but she could’ve just made sure she had all the shit she needs close to her, instead of buying plastic and a dress that she doesn’t even know how will it look like after the implants do their thing.
At this point she just uses anything as a reason to be a
victim and cause drama in her family, because I’m sure her being a bitch to her mom has to make her family fight or at least make annoying comments.
Just why is she staying with her mom at all? She keeps insisting on pestering that woman when she knows she prefers being with her dad for whatever reasons.
No. 1851189
>>1851153Is almost like they have real jobs, with real lives, and real places to be?? She really thought they were going to put work on hold to take care of her? lol Jesus Christ.
What exactly is your dad supposed to do? You're going to get the same treatment from him that you're getting from your mom? Ans i guarantee she won't bitch about him doing this. Absolute weirdo behavior.
No. 1851200
>>1851150You're not supposed to lay in bed to rot fatty. She's acting like she just had a C-section. Even right after surgery they make you walk so you don't clot up. If she thinks her dad is going to be more attentive than her mother, she's in for a shock.
Men don't really to the empathetic caretaker thing that well. And her dad seems like the "give money, not affection" type. If her stepmom takes pity on her she'd be the caretaker,but if I was shaynas stepmom I'd be pissed off and refuse to do anything other than give her water sometimes. Shayna, a real sugar baby would either pay for a recovery house or pay a nurse to attend to her. (Sponsored by the man who bought her boobs)
No. 1851224
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No. 1851231
>>1851224it'd be hilarious if her mom got sick of her shit and kicked her out. Again, Shayna you got a boob job. It's major surgery but it was elective this whole time. You're an adult, if you want someone to wait hand and foot on you, you need to pay them. Otherwise you better suck it up and try to be as independent as possible. Seriously, she's been nothing but a burden on her parents her whole life and now she's crying about being the bigger person. Tons of people, farmers included would have been completely cut off from our families had they found out we were producing pedo pandering porn and shitting out Easter eggs like Shayna. Hers are taking care of her after elective surgery she got to make herself more marketable to coomers.
How the hell is she convinced she's being the bigger person in any scenario? Reminds me of the tantrum my ex threw while on oxycodone. And I bet it's the oxy putting this bratty ass battery in her back. I hope she keeps going till her mom tells her to GTFO
No. 1851238
>>1851230This bitch…
Sage for blogpost but I had surgery on my spinal cord, had to lay flat for 2 days, had severe nerve pain but was still up moving as soon as they let me, sprung a leak a week later, the day before I was meant to go home resulting in a 2nd surgery. Was more upset I couldn't go home kek.
She is definitely gonna milk this surgery for all she can.
She is just pissed her usual shtick isn't working on her mother.
(not your personal blog) No. 1851254
>>1851224fucking ungrateful brat. guess where youd be without mom, cunt? trying to heal alone in your stink dingy apartment with your pedo coomers sensing your Monsters Inc GIFs for moral support. Like can she TRULY not understand why this wouldnt be a stressful situation for her mother? Let me spell it out for retard:
1. Your parents covered half if not all of the costs for your optional surgery. You didn’t plan this whatsoever and threw it on them last minute, guilted them that “this is a medical emergency”, and just expected them to have the money. You had 10 fucking years to plan how you would handle your Poland’s Diseased tit, yet you did this on a whim and expect the world to be your wonky ass jobless schedule. Your mother is the ONLY person in your 26 years of life who offered to take care of you. Not even your precious father who you think is better couldnt be assed to move around his schedule for you. Yet she did. She moved her fucking life around so you could have matching tits.
2. You have known for years that both your parents, but especially your mother, does NOT SUPPORT YOUR DEGENERATE LIFESTYLE. She has TRIED TO SAVE YOU multiple times. Despite you being the most ungrateful, embarrassment of a daughter - SHE STILL LOVES YOU, COMMUNICATES WITH YOU, AND PAYS TO KEEP YOU OFF THE FUCKING STREETS YOU WHORE. She gains ABSOLUTELY nothing from being your mother. You bring NOTHING to the table as a daughter. Infact, your life and existence actually makes your mother and father’s life WORSE. I wouldnt be shocked if both of them were hoping you’d just die on the table Wednesday so theyd stop having save you from yourself every month. You would be DEAD if not for your mother, have some fucking respect for her idiot.
3) If you didnt decide to get a second fake tit “to match” you wouldnt be in this much pain and be this disabled during healing. YOU CHOSE THIS SHAYNA. Why is it your Moms fault you did NO RESEARCH about a major surgery that will change your life forever? Why is your moms fault she is the only person left willing to care for you? Be fucking GRATEFUL.
4) You just went through optional cosmetic surgery and COULD HAVE DIED. Shes still your mom. You still could die from complications. She is fucking concerned about you making this dumb ass decision and risking your life just to post pics of your gross pussy in a diaper online for pedos. There was no reason she needed to get the new fake tit. If she wasnt a whore it wouldnt matter if her tits we’re slightly different sizes. Thats literally normal. Whats not normal is butchering and scarring yourself to impress people like Mike Slack.
5) In line with point 4, YOUR PARENTS KNOW YOU DID THIS JUST TO SHOW OFF YOUR TITS LATER ON THE INTERNET FOR PENNIES. So yes, its fucking stressful when your offspring risks their own life to be a prostitute.
6) Your mom has her own fucking life youre interrupting. She has that right. Especially when you have no real communication with her expect when you need something. Especially when you dont even attempt to understand her and her life. Especially when she still has you there after you have posted her texts and every info possible to make her look back on the internet on accounts linked to your real name. Yes, its stressful to have a fat stink embarrassment ringing a bell in your home expecting to be waited on
sorry gotta work will finish this later
(kinda true, but chill out nona) No. 1851259
>>1851224>a really traumatic surgeryroutine breast surgery isn’t traumatic. you weren’t rushed to the ER needing intense emergency surgery. she wants to be traumatized so bad, she wants to be a
victim so bad. it’s pathetic and disgusting.
No. 1851270
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I’m not even a mother myself but this reply triggered me a little. God forbid her mother isn’t perfect right? She’s such a whiny brat.
No. 1851271
>>1851254shayna's mom wrote this, kek but you're right nonna and you should say it
>>1851263this. you can tell she never grew out of the mentality that she has to "get back" at her parents and "harm" them by rebelling but in reality all she does is hurt herself. there's no chance her dad takes care of her and helps her recover at all.
No. 1851286
>>185126 nodders
Nonnies should make a thread in /shay/ if it doesn't already exist
No. 1851288
>>1851254Damn, anon, you snapped keke.
But let me add this in:
The only reason Shay hates her fucking mom is because she was actually a parent to her. Lbh, her dad probably only saw her on a limited basis and bought her shit to make her happy. He never had to tell her no, keep her from killing herself on a daily basis, let alone have to directly care or feed a kid that he made. But because poor Shayna had an actual fucking parent, she latches onto the "fun one".
God, I don't blame her mother for wanting to snap her own neck. Because the moment, she goes over to her dad, watch he ain't gonna do shit for her. It'll be his wife waiting on fatso hand and foot because he can't be bothered. Of course, he'll give her food and entertainment but never the actual care she's too fucking stupid to do herself. I give it by october before fatty starts blaming her mom for the rough recovery and hideous dark scars she'll have because she neglected her body again. God lbh, staying with her mom is probably the most she's bathed all year alone. On top of not sucking down wine and whiteclaws by the gallon just because fatty got bored.
I'm shocked she didn't just throw her out the moment she started chimping out. If she likes her dad so much, she might as well go find out firsthand why the man is divorced
No. 1851289
>>1851153Would her dad even bother taking care of her if her mom isn’t? I doubt the step mom would too..
>>1851173more hideous things she doesn’t need, and when she is so concerned about not working. classic shay
>>1851181most people that get BA are at least able to do basic stuff anon, but that’s asking too much of Shayna
No. 1851305
>>1851189Shat is so pathetic. She's has this like weird main-character-syndrome thing going on and forgets that other people aren't just her pawns or npcs. They are people with very real lives. Even if something really bad did happen to her, I still don't think she would ever learn… she would just keep playing
No. 1851307
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>>1851224Good god this bitch makes me want to a log so bad. She’s really kicking up a fuss because her mom called her an
ass, when Shayna was most definitely
being an ass. Complaining about having a “traumatic surgery” - a surgery she had years before and clearly seems to have gone completely normally. Dear lord what would she ever do if she had to actually go through
any kind of traumatic experience. She
is being an overdramatic crybaby.
No. 1851309
>>1851173In her self paralyzed state and being chronically online she’s about to spend so much money on stupid shit due to her shopping addiction. It’s only day one of being “bedridden” and she’s already spend 100 dollars on garbage
The totals will tally up fast hopefully accounting anon is watching
No. 1851327
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>>1851322NTA but at least look it up. Info from Houston Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. This fat lazy sow only needs two days to chill. If she did the bare minimum prep of having her necessities near the bed then she wouldn't be waking her mom up for stupid shit. Shaynus is a scam artist trying to put off work longer, it's been her MO from the jump. She's a sex worker that hates sex and work.
No. 1851337
>>1851323I genuinely believe the "goal" was a farse, and i think insurance covered her frankentitty (they cover under medical issues) while her parents paid out of pocket for the other. She just wanted money to spend, and if you calculate what shes spent since dishing out her goal information… Shes blown it on unbelievably stupid and miscellaneous objects.
She's gonna need money for rent, bills, etc. Because her rent is 2,200 a month right? Her goal was what, 4K? Or was it 8k? Its changed so many damn times.
No. 1851369
>>1851359What does Shayna even do regularly that she'd more than like 2-4 days max to recover from? Not take her dog on walks? Not excercise or cook healthy meals? Not touch grass. The bitch sits around all day anyways it's not like she's got a job or kids.
She'd probably be fine to do whatever the hell it is she does all day since she's a sendendary creature. Maybe she wouldn't be able to film her sad porn till the two week mark, but she barely does that anyways.
No. 1851382
>>1851379I find it so off how shayna often thinks posting what someone does to her on hee socials is a punishment. She ran to tell her dad on her mom/mom's boyfriend. She constantly does this, she doesn't just vent, you can tell she thinks that everyone is like her. That their "bad deeds" being posted online makes them want to kill themselves vs. Them being like, "why is this idiot posting about what I said to her to coomers on her sex work account?".
Her worst nightmare is being called out on Twitter and canceled. That's why she feel validated when people hate on her mom.
I wonder of this is run off from Fupaul? He was the only person in the shayverse who seemed to have bitch fits when she talked about him on Twitter.
Her mom,dad or step dad won't see this. And if they do they probably aren't going to say shit. It's so weird. She real thinks random coomers making comments about her mom means something
No. 1851393
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>>1851359I gave the source because I didn't want to shit up the thread with a bunch of screenshots but fatshat absolutely can mosey around without pestering her mom at 7am. Her "work" is taking nudes.
No. 1851470
>>1851455I agree, but I wonder why her mom even offered to keep her phone on. Not to white knight, but her mom seems like the type to promise things and never follow through. Shaynus needs to accept this, grow up, and stop throwing temper tantrums. They have a really
toxic relationship and I don’t think her mom’s a saint either. I mean, look who she raised.
No. 1851489
>>1851455Didn't she once go mental at fupa cos he wouldn't give her her weed pen and he filmed it. Boy I wish we got to see that one.
Also find it funny that all that was said is that she's "an ass". Not like her mom called her a useless cunt or something a bit more legitimately mean.
No. 1851492
>>1851395I am also confused. She obviously should be able to get up for a piss. How did she manage to hurt herself? Kek
Girl you had a tit job not a fucking hip replacement
No. 1851499
Shouldn’t her parents have realized she’s an alcoholic or addicted to weed by now? There’s no way her dad wouldn’t have noticed because I recall her talking about drinking in the morning the other time that she was at his cabin.
>>1851479This dynamic is fairly common among divorced parents so you’re probably right.
No. 1851501
Shayna treats her mom as she treats every single woman, she expects unconditional care/love no matter HOW she acts from women. She expects women to form a circle of protection around her when she needs it, but fuck off when she doesn't. She expects them to love her and help her in anyway possible, while she does nothing of the bare minium.
I bet you she told Ellen she's an better actual mom then her own mother, because only a retarded lonely idiot woman would literally be a grown woman's emotional slave.
And in the end, even if a woman/her mom is nice to her or does so many amazing things for her, the one bad thing makes her evil.
Meanwhile, Scrotes can literally treat her like dirt and she'll write paragraphs like.
"I know he was a bad person who abused me, but I still love him! i told him so much and he does have good qualities!"
With women/mom it's all or nothing, either you be my emotional slave forever and shut the fuck up, or you are my enemy. Until I need you again. Her mom loves her, so she'll always be back for Shayna (for now), so they can fuss at eachother but Shayna knows her mom isn't going anywhere (for now).
Ellen is retarded thristy and lonely, but i promise when she finds a stable relationship with a moid, she'll dump shayna and she'll be fucking evil to Shayna.
Shit, in a way, I'd say how she deals with men and women, is all based on her mom/dad issues.
Her dad doesn't seem that involved with Shayna. Seems like they only drink and hang in the same room at times. I feel her mom tries to talk to her and be engaged, but they both can't stand eachother.
It seems like both are waiting for a reason to be angry at the other. Shayna's mother seems more direct with her.
Probably had to deal with Shay full time while dad started a new family and dealt with shayna half the time.
No. 1851577
>>1851546I find it funny that now shayna is so "don't ask me to say I'm underaged!" Now, When she literally made a video for a moid about humiliation where she spoke about her being in and out of hospitals when she was underaged. I forgot the exact words but we now know for certain the reason she was In and out of hospitals was because her breast issues. She never had a medical fetish but Shayna tries so hard to be not like other girls, she will use legit traumatic situations in her life to get moids off. Her life is so mundane and focused on this "career" every single that happens is put into her porn.
It honestly is kind of sick when you think about this fake med fetish she claimed to have. It's weird how she has to sexualize most things in her life to cope with them.
No. 1851601
>>1851592Totally. Beggars can’t be choosers, and she’s a literal beggar. OnlyFats whores are a dime a dozen, and while they’re all degenerate trash the pretty, thin women can make sales doing the bare minimum. There’s no way Big Shaynus with her cottage cheese in a grey burlap sack body, festering pussy boils, popcorn textured skin, beady black shithole eyes, witch beak, crusty cracked papercut lips and teeth like a third world cemetery can compete with women who are attractive and put effort into their appearance. I’m sure she knows it too, hence doing the disgusting shit that she does. I mean this putrid fat fuck doesn’t even shower or wash her clothes, she’s visibly filthy, that in itself is probably a fetish for some pornrotten moids
No. 1851637
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No. 1851671
>>1851637If her mom was a narcissist she would have dropped Shayna ages ago since she makes for a terrible narc supply and her career is embarrassing and pathetic. They like to play the
victim but Shayna plays it harder and keeps it up longer, a narcissist mother would have moved on to someone else and came up with excuses for Shayna to not recover in her home. Or flat out told her no whores allot.
No. 1851697
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opiate addiction saga when?
No. 1851702
>>1851697Lol so this retard really called her mom in the middle of the night trying to wake her up so she could open her pill bottles?
>i honestly expected 2 be in a lot worse shapeSo does your family every time you come home to visit
No. 1851709
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Editing her vile sex work in her mom’s house.
No. 1851746
>>1851697Can’t wait till this vapid cunt blows through her supply of pills and goes over the edge when they tell her to take a fucking Tylenol.
If her mother had any sense she’d stick the out of pocket bill in a birthday card & tell her to fuck off after this crap.
No. 1851748
>>1851285her dad owns a business; her mum is a city clerk, and the surgery is probably covered by her insurance (public employees in Mass usually get good insurance)
she is the most ungrateful cunt
mum’s boyfriend is the mvp here, telling Shayna to stop flapping her yap
No. 1851757
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Anyway so I hope the lollipop scars look like shit and she makes even less money than her broke ass does now.
No. 1851797
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Another thing that doesn’t need to be on her SW twitter
No. 1851808
>>1851797Aside from how disgusting it is that she’s posting this on her $3 e-prostitute account (where she regularly posts incest fetish porn), this just randomly happening after her argument with her mom is a little too coincidental. Big Shaymu probably texted him that their mom is being
abusive and narcissistic and whatever other buzzwords she could think of, and her brother probably feels bad for Shay because she’s recovering alone since all of the adults in the family have jobs kek.
No. 1851828
File: 1687545467965.jpeg (62.7 KB, 750x636, 37294106-FD8B-429A-ACD9-B6DE1C…)

She posted this before the brother tweet like an hour ago.
It says a lot that with all the time in the world rn to be lazy, she’s choosing to fight imaginary strangers online when she could just be binging tv shows or movies.
No. 1851843
>>1851150Leaving a lot of info out are we?
>>1851153>>1851224Called it.
No. 1851849
>>1851797>Using baby talk- "Breffest">Telling coomers her mother went back to work>"Good kid"Even if Shayna wasn't a sex worker this post would raise my eyebrow, she's purposely speaking like a retarded baby. This isn't the first time she used this tone.
Remeber her brother said her cup looked like a sippy cup and she ran to post about that? This comes off so gross and he's not going to see it, coomers don't care. Why does she constantly give extra details? Why do coomers need to know the mother she just talked shit about "Went back to work". Why? It's so fucking wrong, I really hate this shit.
I don't think she cares when retarded nonas post pictures of her family, it bothers her more when we call her ugly or fat vs. calling her a pedo panderer, public flasher and disgusting.
Again, who is this for and who cares? She knows what she's doing. I'm going to say she does this on purpose. She wants scrotes to build some "Sister/brother" incest storyline from this shit.
This is content just like her, "Imagine-" Blocks of texts. Your brother doesn't think you are a bimbo baby retard. You are recovering and he's simply helping you.
It's crazy she only loves people when they do things for her, but when they aren't they are the devil in her eyes.
No. 1851868
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No. 1851870
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No. 1851873
>>1851870Just came here to post this kek Shayna is ridiculous. I’m sure her mom is trying to push her to get out of sex work and actually do something meaningful with her life, and all Shatna can take from it is to go running to tell her coomers about how
mean and abusive her mom is. How is she not embarrassed to be posting these things?
No. 1851892
>>1851870This cunt deserves a botched boob job.
It was same day surgery & she hasn’t mentioned drains… so I can’t even imagine how they fixed her busted tit to be at least halfway symmetrical with the other.
No. 1851923
File: 1687555811471.jpeg (47.94 KB, 750x510, D889F5CD-E16B-45F8-AD94-4AC605…)

ewwww is this the guy who shayna had over to her house? with the gross teeth?
No. 1851924
>>1851870>>1851904Is Shay really so retarded she genuinely thinks her mom saying "Just kidding!" Meant she was kidding about the politician thing? Or am I retarded because I read that as her mom saying "just kidding" about not voting for her? Either way lmao Shayna is so goddamn sensitive, like girl the things you keep getting your camel toe twisted up about really arent that deep. Its like she
tries to set her mom up so she can throw a tantrum anytime the woman opens her mouth lol
No. 1851967
>>1851966at first I thought you meant how soon she was showering after a surgery until I remembered it's shayna and you mean showering at ALL
gave me a good kek
No. 1852058
File: 1687571805085.jpeg (81.82 KB, 750x867, DFB480C8-D9FE-4562-AE2E-B704DB…)

Shay tried to clown on some tradthot earlier today and got her ass handed to her. Not a self-post btw, I have no idea who this person is but they’re actually right in calling out her hypocrisy.
No. 1852059
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No. 1852062
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>>1852058She also liked this response from a misogynistic coomer moid. Violent threats and misogyny are so funny when it’s towards random stranger women that Shayna doesn’t personally like.
im aware the woman (just pearly things, I think) being discussed is trash but why would you support a misogynistic moid making threats toward her? retard No. 1852067
File: 1687572807915.jpeg (Spoiler Image,202.41 KB, 1170x1724, IMG_3375.jpeg)

Love that this is what she was editing at her mom’s house
No. 1852081
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No. 1852096
File: 1687575471974.jpg (163.43 KB, 1447x1358, pill bottles.jpg)

>>1852066It was amusing to me too but then this other harlot said it was a thing, so maybe it is?
No. 1852102
File: 1687575609748.jpg (125.91 KB, 1449x1687, they get to keep their pride, …)

And lastly, Shayna will go to extreme mental gymnastics to normalise her choices.
No. 1852111
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what is this face
No. 1852115
File: 1687576606374.gif (2.8 MB, 375x278, A4rG.gif)

This is how I'm picturing Shay's apparent self injury
I mean what kinda tard doesn't know how to open a child safety pill container? The instructions are written on it. The safety protocol is literally for children so young they can't read
No. 1852130
>>1852128I was joking >>1852125She's unable to speak about anything unless it relates back to sex work, even her own family. People struggling at jobs, "and people say we are selling our bodies!" But you are, probably for the same price or less.
Also you have to literally beg the most shitty people in the world for it.
No. 1852133
File: 1687580677085.png (20.2 KB, 200x200, IMG_1212.png)

>>1852111The rate at which she’s becoming increasingly hideous is proportional to how much more degenerate she’s getting and it’s glorious. The arianka ponytail does her no favours, she clearly didn’t learn the first time as per picrel
No. 1852136
File: 1687581955915.jpeg (112.33 KB, 828x938, IMG_1726.jpeg)

The way she behaves like a total cunt to her pitiful “fan base” never ceases to confound me, how is this stinky, ugly, fat retard this fucking bad at her “job”?
No. 1852149
File: 1687584104833.png (106.35 KB, 654x566, IOWGN8EEHSUZ1614290110513.png)

>>1852111She literally looks like a fucking goblin. Her complete lack of top lip here is taking me out.
No. 1852152
File: 1687584463768.jpeg (105.1 KB, 897x1078, IMG_1727.jpeg)

>>1852141kek Big Shaynus and Gorlock the Destroyer, separated at birth
No. 1852170
File: 1687589575061.jpeg (225.68 KB, 1242x1770, 6E7360A2-1CFA-4175-94E1-5F81B3…)

>>1852102They’re literally just stretching. Why is she sexualizing what appears to be young teenagers at their summer job to justify her whoring? This fat unemployed piece of crap is always jealous whenever other people go viral fully clothed and her blown out ass hole pics get less than 100 likes
No. 1852174
File: 1687589740219.gif (3.1 MB, 480x270, 6066ECC9-9D5C-4DC4-ACE1-C7D99E…)

>>1852136I’m surprised she didn’t bring up the retarded SpongeBob Kevin the pickle joke. Hurr durrr hi Kevin
obese laughter No. 1852175
File: 1687589929826.jpeg (159.25 KB, 1242x1758, F7890B07-509D-4FF2-83BF-5EA85F…)

>>1852170>>1852170Same fag or is she trying to say that they have bad working conditions and they’re also selling their bodies the same as her?? Anyways the replies to her comment are giving me brain damage. I wish she would stop commenting on random things and spouting off her shitty opinions cause every time she gets ratio’d she bitches and cries on her Twitter
No. 1852177
>>1852152I don’t think she looks anything like this but okay
She hasn’t shared any information about her augmentation right? Like no one knows what kind of filler she got or if they’re under or over muscle?
No. 1852178
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>>1851797Sweet Home Alabama
No. 1852181
File: 1687590679743.jpeg (Spoiler Image,50.55 KB, 890x562, 109CC751-E22B-4269-A876-6C3526…)

>>1852111She always look like a tub of lard whenever she’s fully naked laying on her bed. She sucks at being sensual. Like she looks like some fat hick sister wife trying to seduce her inbred husband from their other partners
No. 1852187
File: 1687592124119.jpeg (141.41 KB, 1000x1057, BABB3EFC-80F0-4487-936D-9F56F7…)

Why is she still called “theirlbarbie”? she’s obese with mousy brown hair. she’s delusional she probably thinks she looks like Margot as Barbie whenever she’s out and about in her crusty pink outfits and her giant big foot corn heels stuffed in her dirty heels
No. 1852188
File: 1687592174376.jpeg (666.57 KB, 3465x3465, 2C22D2FB-7B19-48BE-9012-EBFE7C…)

The new porn trailer is a mess. Kek.
No. 1852190
File: 1687592374476.jpeg (20.07 KB, 509x548, 12DFBA5E-CD10-4595-848C-82DBF1…)

This white outfit is so tacky. I wish she would throw it away.
No. 1852205
>>1852067The fact that this tweet currently has 9 likes and 2 retweets (one of which is herself) after 6 hours of being up when all her following tweets that are completely unrelated to her actual “content” have at least double the likes is absolutely embarrassing. Nobody gives a fuck about her as a person and nobody gives a fuck about her as a
sex worker her coomers don’t even care for her piss poor content. She got more likes and responses on her tweet begging for some validation about her shitty trailer.
No. 1852216
File: 1687602185912.jpeg (32.42 KB, 750x406, C62ED0A1-3535-4389-997A-BD3F98…)

old milk but i never realized how much she looks like grimes
No. 1852246
>>1852062>>1852058I want to a-log myself for even remotely having the same pov as Big Shaynus but I'm pretty sure she's replying to a SS of a justpearlythings tweet in that image, and Pearl is also a moid pandering useless excuse for a XX chromosome. Kek they have that in common now that I think about it, just different flavors of hating other women.
But she's only doing it because a big (cow) YouTuber did a "takedown" on her very recently, so fuck off and go drain your fake tits Shay.
No. 1852340
File: 1687620725589.jpg (96.08 KB, 1436x1038, Jason R Womack of Oklahoma, @o…)

He’s baaaaack!
No. 1852397
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No. 1852429
>>1852397Shaybas dad is the problem. Also thanks for the live update. I legit feel bad for shaynas mom. Maybe I'm reaching but she pisses me off. She's a adult woman, she acts like a teenager. Keeps calling her brother "lil bro" to sexualize him, yes I'm saying it. There's no reason for her to refer to her brother as "lil bro" or "kid" on the same account she admitted to finding incest porn hot, and loving making it
The same account she uses "lil bro" in her porn, or how she likes scrotes to call her kiddo. I think I've figured out why Shayna is a pick me, every male in her life seems really fucking passive. While the only outspoken person is her mother. Shayna probably treats her d