File: 1618948322744.jpg (287.3 KB, 500x500, 1618652900248.jpg)

No. 1213075
Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in and edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Sage when there’s no milk, no nitpicking and/or blogposting and please try to curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots from other cam girls. This is a Shay thread.
First Thread
>>>/snow/344490Last Thread
>Milk from last thread:> Shay begging for a car after blowing her moving funds >>1206664> Finds more excuses not to work>>1207548> Making mass shooting/gun violence about herself. >>1207829> Supposedly hanging out with a "friend" >>1210209> Wanting to move once more after getting dumped by Fupa Again >>1211092> Got the second vaccine >>1212018>Got dogpiled by a bunch of radfems for a hot take nobody asked or needed. >>1212087 Links Threads
>>>/snow/1204635 No. 1213081
File: 1618948663329.jpeg (546.67 KB, 828x928, 20D74FCC-5E45-48F6-8D93-D15C58…)

This bitch ordered party sized doughnuts
No. 1213095
File: 1618949297316.jpeg (327.5 KB, 1242x1148, 96F156AF-21AC-4516-8B67-554FD7…)

No. 1213097
>>1213081it’s gonna be gone by today
I’m guessing each donut is like 200-300 calories each but treat yoself shayna I bet you can stuff all of them inside your mouth
No. 1213107
File: 1618949906646.jpeg (Spoiler Image,232.14 KB, 750x555, 895B15CD-FA63-4D11-AB27-A097E7…)

Kek at her “fans” sending screen shots of her channeling full retardation fat boy face.
No. 1213114
>>1213081I hope Fupa is over because she really ordered that many donuts for herself? She just does not give a fuck huh? Shayna PLEASE just do naked eating mukbang/feeder content. She'd probably make more money being the female Nikocado then what she's doing now.
You know how she used to say,"I get paid to do what you do for free?" Well the same can go for eating, she could get paid for doing something she actually loves to do and people will actually pay for her meals and probably "reimburse" her.
No. 1213141
File: 1618952880532.jpg (128.23 KB, 1080x439, Screenshot_20210420-071949_Twi…)

Like you're one to follow rules Shay
No. 1213162
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Shayna Luther King's twitter page is full of these
No. 1213181
File: 1618956616002.jpeg (978.33 KB, 2048x2048, 1B6124A6-565B-49BB-B43D-7FC92A…)

I think it’s funny that she was too lazy to put these on and do a photoshoot so she just took pics of underwear
>>1213114Anons always say she wouldn’t be successful on YouTube but she is a train wreck and YouTube loves that. She’d be like a less obese foodie beauty
>>1213135I sincerely hope she sees this and goes for it because I would much rather see her eat herself to death vs stretch out her asshole to prolapse and the point of needing a diaper
>>121316please I’d love to see her attempting to flash for a twitter vid while getting tear gassed
No. 1213187
>>1213145I would argue that she wouldn’t post such an ugly fucking picture of herself if it was a fake.
But then again she got no problems posting unwashed dollar-store whore content nearly everyday. The bimbo larp gets funnier with every donut/edible/rosé binge and Amazon shopping spree.
No. 1213197
>>1213135Good god, she can combine this with weed reviews. What weed strain goes best with whatever doordash slop she scrounges up in Tulsa. All while babbling naked like an idiot.
Got me feeling like a highschool career counselor.
No. 1213244
File: 1618963555171.jpeg (224.59 KB, 1242x881, E62061D6-E9EE-48DF-91DE-D3C7FF…)

Shayna is so fat and lazy
No. 1213262
>>1213244This would be out of character, indicative of a vaccine dose…
…if she wasn’t such a lazy sack of shit all the time. This is a tweet that could be posted by Shay any day of the year and wouldn’t be out of the ordinary.
No. 1213294
>>1213244I'm more annoyed with the fact that she's been going out to bars and restaurants without being fully vaccinated first. With how braggy she's been about going to places I thought she'd already gotten her second shot.
$5 says by this weekend she'll be out at the bars again thinking she can't get COVID.
No. 1213325
>>1213320this thread sucks, lacks effort. the picture is stupid.
also, who randomly eats a fucking box of donuts on a fucking weekday when there's no special event or holiday going on? WHO FUCKING EATS LIKE THIS, SERIOUSLY? an entire box, good fucking lord. her gluttonous useless life can't get any worse. she needs to be sent to the fields.
No. 1213339
>>1213325>the picture is stupidThe OP picture is the saving grace of this thread, wtf. It was well received last thread.
But, re: doughnuts, I'm also just absolutely fucking floored. Doughnuts go stale quickly, so it's not like she can claim she's saving them or anything. This fat sow is eating T W E N T Y F I V E doughnuts by herself over the course of probably one to two days. Shay, please, for the love of god, eat a vegetable. Her teeth must be horrible.
No. 1213343
>>1213325Make the thread next time you fucking sperg. The OP is fine and the picture was the best submission from the last thread.
>>1213114She could do this and probably should because it's better money but refuses the give up her disgusting porn to show the haters and her mom. Her whole existence is hilarious and bleak.
No. 1213348
>>1213325Agreed, thread info sucks and the image is garish/poorly done and not in a fun way like most thread images are.
And I hate whoever took up the last post last thread to post a random screenshot. What idiot doesn't know by now that there are 1218 posts per thread, leave the last post for the next thread link, dumbass.
>>1213081Mini donuts but still seens like an absurd amount. Fupa and fatty bond over food, such true love kek
No. 1213378
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No. 1213379
>>1213348guess you're going to make the next thread it will be perfect then?
OP, thread is fine. Thanks for making it.
No. 1213388
>>1213378She just not wanting to interact with or take care of Rib or Fupas cat at all then? Because Rib just hides all day anyway. And she hides the other cat herself. Those things are more for people with actual jobs and lives. Shay has zero obligations on any given day, she has time to fill the cat bowl jfc.
Literally nothing but filthy laziness from this moron.
No. 1213400
>>1213378What a terrible pet owner. She can't even clean up her own cats' shit or interact with them. Like they have to be scared of her.
>>1213244Wanna know something? Even though it "hurts," going out and walking and getting some Vitamin D and endorphins going through your body will make you feel so much better than taking 3 fucking naps in your obese body.
Last… omg to one of the last photos on the previous thread; I thought I was looking at a GD Arby's commercial.
No. 1213403
File: 1618989160923.jpeg (196.71 KB, 714x719, A561F69A-288E-4255-8ED7-6FEB11…)

>>1213325>>1213348I'm afraid you ladies don't know afroman
No. 1213414
>>1213403I think they're just bitter the thread isn't up to their standards and their preferred OP pic didn't get chosen. "Garish," lmfao shut the fuck up. It seems like one person that is wierdly invested.
>>1213378I honestly think this might be one of her better choices, if only because I don't think she actually changes the litter. She normally tweets every little though that crosses her mind, and I don't think I've ever seen her mention that.
No. 1213513
File: 1619015002397.jpg (299.66 KB, 1079x1616, Screenshot_20210421-092244_Twi…)

And what's wrong with that limited edition Xbox your "sugar daddy" bought you awhile back?
No. 1213542
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>>1213527yeah it’s basically a 2 year pay off plan where you get “all access” to a console and tons of games. but she literally has a gaming pc so I don’t get it.
No. 1213565
>>1213513Bitch has to be absolutely manic to be spending money like this every day. She’s been dropping hundreds of dollars a day on stupid shit. She could have used all the money she has spent this month on a car that she so desperately begs for every year on her birthday.
I’m still laughing at her spending $2500 on a gaming PC and NEVER using it.
No. 1213587
>>1213576because Fupa wanted a xbox kek, imagine seeing her flex about buying a xbox on a plan, then beg for money to move when her and fupa are off.
She's clearly back with him.
No. 1213591
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>>1213575I went back 14 days and tracked everything she's bragged about with proof. Not included: all her dates with fupa, any extra ubers included when she got her vaccine, and any other food or spending she didn't brag about. Talk about spending outside your means.
No. 1213610
>>1213591An excel chart of all of Shayna’s retarded purchases
Bless you, anon. I love it
No. 1213611
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No. 1213613
>>1213591she's been buying something almost everyday it seems like. I'm starting to think she saved like 1k and her parents sent money & she's spending that as well.
Just like that check her mom gave her to move the FIRST time never got mentioned again. Scamming her own damn parents, to spoil her fat baby daddy boyfriend.
No. 1213615
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No. 1213634
File: 1619028597121.png (1.95 MB, 1236x893, 2021-04-21 14_09_19-Window.png)

the disgusting rug is totes aesthetic, shayna
No. 1213643
>>1213619It's essentially afterpay but not really. It's a service offered by Microsoft and retailers, it's really a good deal because you get gamepass ultimate for two years and shit.
But shatna only bought it for Kyle Nathan Perkins, so she's a dumb bitch.
No. 1213662
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No. 1213669
>>1213666And literally everything in her hovel looks like this too, does she not care?!?
also sorry to reiterate what everyone else is saying but she seriously bought an Xbox lmao… fuck man. How many days until she’s crying about how she needs money??
No. 1213705
>>1213662I don’t get this? Is it to appear like a dumb bimbo? To let all her 3 scrotes that she doesn’t do laundry very often?
Such bimbo vibes.
No. 1213729
>>1213611Kek what a gamer
Anyone remember last thread/the thread before when a scrote on her stream asked if she played any Fallout games and she thought Fallout was just one game?
Sage for Fallout sperg but for fucks sake, Shayna, it's one of the most prolific series in gaming. Even casual gamers know about it.
I just wish she'd pick a niche and stick to it. She's trying to mash stoner/bimbo/gamer/fetish pandering into one character and she's failing miserably at all of them.
No. 1213748
>>1213542This bitch could literally just use a VPN and pirate PC games FOR FREE as well, she justs wants to try and pass as a gamer
Its incredibly sad
No. 1213764
File: 1619039127191.jpeg (339 KB, 1242x1153, C235E74E-7C8E-4C08-9EEB-D4B0C3…)

Get ready for another Fatty Mattel video nonnies
No. 1213795
File: 1619044690803.png (338.79 KB, 750x1334, 29107442-9BF3-4DD7-A056-2E9ED2…)

of all things to focus on…
No. 1213797
File: 1619044957079.png (418.73 KB, 750x1334, 6ADF60E4-F6CF-4A4D-B275-80A34D…)

>>1213764how tf are you going to talk about your “pup anal punishment” video and then immediately launch into some fake story about your irl dog???
No. 1213799
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>>1213795i guess this is the new priority instead of moving
No. 1213800
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No. 1213811
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No. 1213812
File: 1619045921637.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.09 MB, 3464x3464, 5F031E2A-5F84-4CD0-9A36-F30A72…)

Fatty thinks discharge is cum
No. 1213821
>>1213799Things she could do towards being a "bimbo" that cost $0:
1. work out
2. practice her makeup skills
she's going to be a fat, lazy slob that spent money to put rhinestones on a pile of shit. Ugly rat face, just throw some lashes on it.
No. 1213841
File: 1619048382815.jpeg (801.18 KB, 1212x1444, 62CBBF2F-5D18-4B22-8AA3-730435…)

woof is right… ugly ass bitch
No. 1213896
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No. 1213897
File: 1619055080004.jpeg (Spoiler Image,86.34 KB, 676x965, 353BC86E-3835-475E-AC20-C99D86…)

That stomach damn
No. 1213898
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No. 1213909
File: 1619055715613.jpg (154.2 KB, 1080x996, Screenshot_20210421-204133_Sam…)

She makes no sense. She's always "uwu my fat pussy"
No. 1213950
>>1213075>>1213896you know shayna, if you have pink and white ears you could have used some of that new makeup, with tons of pink in it, to give yourself a pink nose instead of a shit brown one. but yes please continue to talk about how you are
soO0o creative.
No. 1213988
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>>1213934yes it’s the same kek
No. 1213992
File: 1619065328490.jpeg (Spoiler Image,108.96 KB, 960x960, F8E2BF5A-C76A-4419-8FAD-0BB41B…)

>>1213988What happened to the pet ears and tail her ~uwu Splenda daddy~ got for her? She literally did the same video with these exact ears and dumbass bone gag . All she did different was add ugly poo brown lipstick on her nose
No. 1213993
File: 1619065445396.jpeg (Spoiler Image,792.02 KB, 1242x1473, E986463C-F16B-4E9E-8AA6-2F86FC…)

The whole “yOuR dAd” shtick doesn’t work when you look like an overweight mom
No. 1214226
>>1213911Fits in with her new scat theme perfectly, naughty Nathan will be sorry he missed it.
Has she got the dog dildo yet? (I feel gross typing that out) makes no sense doing these videos before that arrives.
Then again it's Shayna, nothing she does makes sense
No. 1214276
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No. 1214280
File: 1619118118615.jpeg (229.41 KB, 1242x870, 8F8AD055-42E6-4B69-A1E6-2AF73A…)

>>1214276Did Shayna redirect him here? Lmao nobody cares about scat boy Nathan fucking degenerate
No. 1214286
File: 1619118381764.gif (Spoiler Image,3.86 MB, 960x960, FEEC327D-F9FF-4E30-B26E-5D8DD8…)

Pure autism
No. 1214289
File: 1619118485995.jpeg (Spoiler Image,537.33 KB, 1039x677, 3D5B0877-70D3-43E7-B75B-769651…)

Nice ass pimples Shayna
~ so bimbo ~
No. 1214299
>>1214286Ok ladies…hear me out
What if she and nicocado avocado made a sex tape together? And they where selling it for £20 a pop would you buy it?
I know he’s gay as hell but maybe she could peg him.
No. 1214314
File: 1619121013580.jpeg (1.01 MB, 3464x3464, 01F07303-99EF-43C0-A6BE-08DCEC…)

How big Shayna’s arms have gotten…. shocking sage for no milk
No. 1214342
File: 1619123441073.jpeg (Spoiler Image,52.99 KB, 525x461, 01FA922F-664F-4EE1-B73A-98140F…)

>>1214267Wtf is the opaque, yellowish puss coming out her asshole at 00:27??
Unspoiler at own risk but like…is it shit mixed with lube?
No. 1214366
File: 1619125046490.gif (Spoiler Image,3.56 MB, 268x480, 5DC85638-2C7E-43BA-AD04-B9BB6D…)

>>1214342That would be what Shayna calls a work snack.
No. 1214370
>>1214342Real answer: She has been having a lot of white discharge lately because all she does is eat sugary or greasy food and smoke weed. Probably discharge mixed with lube and ass liquid.
Or she probably lets her lube expire and it congealed with her ass liquid.
No. 1214371
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>>1214366>>1214342no way I just saw that with my own two eyes
No. 1214392
>>1214389Why are you upset
nonnie? Shayna is just having an afternoon low calorie snack
No. 1214412
File: 1619128848729.jpeg (160.33 KB, 1242x670, 237E3786-9E4D-4AD0-B6DC-3D876D…)

When your big ass crusty yellow feet are bigger than your head. ~uwu little girl bimbo barbie~
No. 1214418
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>>1214411>>1214412She's absolutely repulsive. In fact, shes VOMITROCIOUS
No. 1214424
File: 1619129807065.jpeg (564.48 KB, 1080x724, 7279B358-904A-405C-954D-5BC49F…)

>>1214279She should go the feeder route since she’s obese and ugly. Here’s the perfect ball gag for you Shaytard
No. 1214452
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>Like clockwork
No. 1214454
File: 1619133390626.jpeg (299.57 KB, 1242x1050, 0C9A4A50-325E-495A-955A-A67B9F…)

You mean sit on your fat ass and order more doordash like the ugly obese hog you are
No. 1214458
File: 1619134020022.jpeg (393.12 KB, 1242x1244, 540425D1-1317-478C-8346-A4CB29…)

okay anons place your bets
Will Shayna come on cam????
No. 1214481
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No. 1214485
File: 1619137039803.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 1170x1581, IMG_2502.jpg)

can't wait till shay gets lash extensions and doesn't wash them like you're supposed to and gets lash mites. lol
spoilered bc holy hell it's disgusting
No. 1214492
>>1214490i don't think i can either… but we all know it's going to happen.
and then she's going to blame it on the salon and put them on blast on twitter.
No. 1214494
File: 1619138241653.jpeg (290.07 KB, 1242x734, EF7C954D-D903-48B2-9FEB-6E8921…)

This ugly fat hog had a pigsty even before COVID
No. 1214496
>>1214494The only person that came to her house was Fupa, she never cleaned her place up because I'm sure Fupa is so used to how she lives. Remember she was saying "I was just getting used to sleeping alone"
Meaning Fupa was laid up on her pillow case free pillows and dirty ass house. Seriously, I don't think Shayna has had any vistors to where she lived besides fupa in years.
No. 1214514
>>1214512No I agree with
>>1214508Because if Shayna and Fups broke up she’d be crying and talking shit about sex workers and their content. Shayna is still getting Fupa’s chode wet
No. 1214516
File: 1619140402082.jpeg (416.86 KB, 1242x930, 3D9473A7-BA25-4536-A457-084949…)

This isn’t self care or “having good mental health uwu” it’s called being an adult you obtuse whale
No. 1214521
>>1214516Lmao. This nutjob said she throws away plates rather than cleaning them like that's normal. That's just insane.
So I guess she washed a plate today woooow
No. 1214528
>>1214516remember when she said moving into this apartment would be the first step in getting her mental health back to normal? and that it was going to fix all of her problems because she was sooo unhappy in her shithole of a hovel before?
lolcowfarm remembers
No. 1214538
File: 1619142852529.jpeg (499.98 KB, 1242x1568, D416C535-92B3-4970-AF6F-E59154…)

is she that damn lazy
No. 1214540
>>1214538So, safe to assume that "doing my dishes for the first time in forever" meant throwing them in the dishwater without rinsing the dried gunk that had been sitting on them for weeks.
Come onnnnn shay. I know her shtick is uwu dumb baby bimbo, but she can't really be that stupid right? (Rhetorical question, I know she is that stupid)
No. 1214541
>>1214538I mean if you rinse them off and put them in the dishwasher as soon as you’re done with the dish…it wouldn’t be an issue.
Dish washers aren’t meant to scrub off week old crust and rot.
>>1214516All you need is a sponge and all purpose spray. How is she a complete utter failure at life?
No. 1214553
It makes me physically sick knowing she uses the same rug to take pics of her shitty new makeup in
>>1213634 after she's wiped her pussy and ass all over it.
Imagine how disgusting that whole room smells!
I wondered why there was a lack of animal hair on the rug, but her pets are probably as repulsed as we are and steer clear of that room
No. 1214579
File: 1619148664786.jpg (131.81 KB, 630x1200, Shaynas apartment.jpg)

>>1214516I bet her sink is moldy as fuck. She's living in Joe's Apartment.
Can someone shoop shatna and fupa on this poster
No. 1214585
File: 1619149042315.jpeg (192.44 KB, 1195x771, B8FAE4BB-8562-4D71-B98E-DC7B3F…)

I doubt she is off her lard cottage cheese ass she probably picked up the rose pedals from Valentine’s Day and called it a night. If she did clean I doubt it will stay clean for long
No. 1214597
>>1214587That's definitely what's happening.
Guessing she didn't buy laundry detergent to clean her clothes and bedding or she'd be harping on about that too. At this point she's better off paying a professional cleaner
No. 1214611
File: 1619153379606.jpeg (1.4 MB, 3464x3464, 28D57880-BD20-416D-86B1-3EBB6B…)

This is just embarrassing for her and her these coomers… imagine being on some crusty incel’s phone as phone wallpaper
No. 1214825
File: 1619189137034.jpeg (337.21 KB, 750x868, DFAEBA9A-A698-489D-93DD-D0DDAE…)

the brain damage is real.
No. 1214832
>>1214825other girls are your competition. Shayna got
triggered someone who actually puts effort in was "mean" now she's throwing shots. She's so jealous, I doubt the girl even did anything.
No. 1214864
>>1214825I mean aside from actually dressing cute, she just described herself so…
But shes not a bimbo. Shes dumb in a "weed fried my already underdeveloped, idiotic brain and I've been coping with said weed and alcohol for years now because I continue to ruin my life with sw ad not be able to function like a normal person outside it" way. Not a ditzy, airhead way.
No. 1214890
>>1214825>making girls feels like your competitionwhat is she even talking about? did she see someone more attractive than her with better engagement and got demi levato level
triggered because she perceived it as not fair?
first of all, she’s admitted multiple times how competitive sex work is, especially in the OF era. I feel like simply existing would be enough for Fartna to feel threatened.
No. 1214896
>>1214835She's stupid, but far from a bimbo or bimbo aesthetic. Her shit makeup, greasy tendril hair, unshaved bush, buttery teeth, terrible fashion choices and downright awful attitude make her just as much of a "
valid bimbo" as Kevin Gibes
No. 1214899
>>1214825Didn’t she say a month ago that a bimbo is whatever you want it to mean? Kek
She’s so insecure.
No. 1214900
File: 1619195108841.jpeg (653.35 KB, 828x1312, AA2E6382-50BF-4F92-BE3F-55BA62…)

This is rancid
No. 1214919
File: 1619196279752.gif (1.49 MB, 480x270, CABEEEE5-563B-4470-9D0C-3D765C…)

>>1214890>Fartna I cackled
No. 1214927
>>1214900This shit is the ugliest item I’ve ever seen
The eyeballs and the texture of it makes me want to barf. It’s so ugly. I get that it’s probably an art piece rather than an everyday item but it’s so fucking ugly
No. 1214929
File: 1619196584802.jpeg (353.4 KB, 1242x1581, 5D218598-3052-41E0-97AF-C57494…)

No. 1214935
>>1214909Shayna is a mean girl at heart, but she knows she's not attractive enough, well dressed enough and does not have enough fans or fame, to be a mean girl without a care.
She's only nice because it looks good, if she could be mean and could have a bunch of loyal orbiters attack anyone who called her out she'd love that.
>>1214929this is probably Fupa paying back some money he owed her, kek.
No. 1214937
File: 1619197013375.jpeg (377.28 KB, 1242x948, E7BF6D16-8916-499B-83AF-056B67…)

Why tf does this fat greedy hog need an iPad ????
No. 1214945
>>1214940i should have wrote, "She only pretends to be nice
The only orbiter she has thats willing to really get involved in her shit is Bratty. The few scrotes who interact just send her some dumb bullshit or Monster Inc Gifs.
No. 1214951
>>1214867Elle is supposed to be a counter to the stereotype that Blonde, well groomed, girly girls can be smart AND NOT BIMBOS.
I wonder why Shayna adopted the Bimbo persona? She's clearly bad at it and had a decent following as a stoner. She dresses so poorly and does pink so badly because she doesn't really like any of it.
I know she's gross, but sexy stoner girl in flannel and 90s fashion and "omg trippy" quirky
>>1214900 could be pulled off more naturally. It'd still be terrible but the grungy appeal would be more natural. Is the pink Bimbo just so she can ask for money for doing nothing? "OMG I'm so helpless please sugar daddy. me like the movies!"
No. 1214957
>>1214825Shayna: girls need to build each other up! uwu positivity!
Shayna every other day: "bitches on this app, bitches, you're all bitches"
>>1214841>she’s so desperate to feel like being a fat camwhore in Oklahoma is actually being part of some special, exclusive clubjust highlighting this for emphasis. she really feels like she's at the center of the world, when in reality she had 15 minutes of "fame" YEARS AGO on a website used primarily by children and NEETs, and somehow
that was her peak. And she's OKAY with it admitting it was her peak. she has never had to live in the real world, she's just stayed fried since high school on her parents' dime.
No. 1214962
File: 1619200250345.jpeg (Spoiler Image,677.46 KB, 1284x929, 6042932D-8E77-4D2C-B515-752604…)

if my math is right, that means each full length video is .52¢ a piece. what a high class, expensive bimbo.
No. 1214963
File: 1619200296219.jpeg (827.44 KB, 1242x1541, 710343A4-8262-4DFF-9C10-45FD18…)

>worth over $600
No. 1214972
>>1214963Lmfaooooo Discount Dolly hard at work.
(Worth $600x5) $3,000
(asking $100x5) $500
I stg one day her asshole is going to pop out while she's on cam and ask why she ruined it this bad for the pennies.
No. 1214973
>>1214516am i insane? cause i remember that at some point she had meds to take which means she had to be in some sort of therapy. that
is self care for good mental health. but im asking if this really happened, cause i genuinely have not seen mention this in so much time i dont even know anymore.
and we all know, if she was taking meds or going to therapy, she would tweet about it every single time like she did gym etc
No. 1214974
>>1214961I think Shayna would gain more fans and money doing what she loves, smoking, eating, listening to old music, drinking and talking about memes. I know she can't smoke on cam, but this bimbo/barbie/baby shit comes off so try hard and thats why she's not getting anywhere.
It's not her, it's fake and does not at all match her body.
No. 1215030
File: 1619205137100.jpeg (507.64 KB, 1242x1611, CC35E07C-C18B-4883-943A-5132A3…)

Lmaoo shayna is never going to move she’s a broke bitch and she cannot afford a car either
No. 1215031
File: 1619205162868.jpeg (146.62 KB, 1242x292, 87804A64-1F9F-479E-9AA0-1CC083…)

more like
>just thinking about Fupa, doordash, and cheemsburgers
No. 1215070
>>1214496I'll never forget when her dad came to visit her grungey apartment in OK and she had to take down all her sex toys nailed to the wall (because according to this retard that is home decor) and she literally had no furniture so he had to chill on her children's day bed that she fucked herself on for a couple dollars. I knew her father must have been dying inside.
>>1214825Shayna: Don't be a Regina George, be an Elle Woods!
Also Shayna: I'm the Regina George of sex work.
Shayna, I will literally pay you to not contradict yourself and not be a massive hypocrite for 24hrs. She's so fucking stupid.
No. 1215072
I know it’s early but “eating vag boogers for profit???” for the next thread name.
No. 1215194
>>1215176But if her look was horrible disgusting slob with no personality and she advertised it correctly the scrotes will come filing in.
There is enough of them who would prob get off to it.
She wouldn’t be popular but she would be more successful then doing this “bimbo” act.
Imagine the milk if she had money to botch herself.
No. 1215202
>>1215176i 100% agree
>>1215194look at PnP, she pretty much markets herself as exactly what you're saying, has a better body than shaytard and still has less engagement
you guys just need to admit it's a total loss kek
No. 1215214
File: 1619219753249.jpeg (650.42 KB, 1218x2208, 5E100AAF-62A1-4ED8-9333-53A4DA…)

>>1214579>>1215107I tried to do it nonnies I’m sure another anon can do a better job kek
No. 1215228
File: 1619220609988.jpeg (528.15 KB, 1242x766, 9B21DDD6-F1E8-4007-8FAC-EFF547…)

No. 1215234
>>1215214KEK I love it.
Although the “edition” should be something else for the next thread picture because if this isn’t the OP pic I will never forgive this place.
No. 1215237
>>1215234calm down it’s not even good kek
i get having a laugh but some of you need to raise your standards
No. 1215239
>>1215214I laffed. Thanks anon. This level of quality is perfect for Shatna.
>>1215234I second this vote.
No. 1215255
File: 1619223274415.jpg (245.13 KB, 1080x721, Screenshot_20210423-191422_Twi…)

Please God no
No. 1215256
File: 1619223304930.jpeg (1.06 MB, 812x1424, A0162119-7405-4CF5-ABFF-1128D8…)

>>1215234Graphic design is my passion Anon here. I made some changes but it still isn’t that great kek
No. 1215258
File: 1619223379875.jpg (285.25 KB, 1080x841, Screenshot_20210423-191512_Twi…)

No. 1215265
>>1215258Isn’t this with everything she likes tho?
Bimbo, gaming, anal, sex work.
She just likes the aesthetic but doesn’t know fuck all beyond that. Just parade them around on the internet to make it seem like she has a personality.
No. 1215274
File: 1619224886867.jpeg (609.52 KB, 1242x1487, 77050F88-F05B-4BBA-8BFE-0F0524…)

What the actual fuck
No. 1215275
File: 1619225010351.jpeg (179.72 KB, 1202x404, 4387B18D-41E5-4AEF-A312-0FAA17…)

So no MFC cam show. Figures…
lazy ugly bitch
No. 1215286
>>1215274why do grown women shop at places like this and forever 21? there’s no way anyone can feel sexy in a dress that cost $9.99, wrinkled at the bottom of a bag. I feel like as women get older we should invest in ourselves more. What is the point of acquiring a bunch of cheap clothes that will have holes in them in a years time? She could’ve gotten a few well made basics from a nicer place like Los Angeles apparel for the same price.
I always wondered what type of adult woman shopped at forever 21 well into their mid 20s, now I know.
No. 1215289
>>1215280by the time half that shit comes she might not be able to fit it considering she buys shit way too small and how much she eats.
Shein can take forever sometimes.
No. 1215308
>>1215298Anon you give her too much credit.
Trash castle is for the bougie rednecks, she just got a trash hole.
No. 1215330
>>1215274I know Shay isn't ~WoKe~ enough but a lot of people nowadays know fast fashion is
problematic. And Shein is one of the most known ones. But she also shops at DollsKill so I guess I'm not surprised. I would say that I pray she at least ordered her actual size, but the sizing is gonna be bungled anyway because cheap, sweatshop garbage.
Wants to be a bimbo, living luxuriously. Can't seem to buy proper fitting clothes that are decent or nice quality. Incredible.
No. 1215341
File: 1619232199865.jpg (256.22 KB, 1080x1147, Screenshot_20210423-214313_Twi…)

No. 1215342
>>1215286whenever i see her spending hundreds on shit that will fall apart after a few uses i have the same thought. like why not take that money and put it towards something that isn’t mass produced as cheaply as possible? she could definitely afford to invest in a few higher quality clothing items every once in awhile. or she could put some money towards a couple of nicer furniture/decor items for her apartment. literally she could even take the money and treat herself to a nice bottle of wine and a fancy dinner instead of $5 pink moscato and bar food
but ultimately it’s all about the dopamine rush she gets from each purchase. when your only source of “happiness” in an otherwise empty life comes from buying material goods, it probably seems more fulfilling to buy 32 items for 300 rather than 3-4
No. 1215346
File: 1619232545702.jpeg (728.08 KB, 1058x1418, 1DB57E8F-2D33-436C-8B88-C7A16E…)

Throwback to this meme that anons edited to make it look like her kek
Man she’s so lazy she doesn’t even work or have a job it’s more like a charity fund
No. 1215350
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No. 1215362
File: 1619234333330.jpeg (732.49 KB, 1120x2134, 3B03F2DC-3610-4BC4-977B-AB6B19…)

No. 1215371
>>1214591this has cracked me up since she was humble bragging about being a 20-something sex worker with a house, and even tried to keep the charade going like when she put some ratty blanket on the ~porch~ that one time.
then she outs herself like this
>>1214516 though we've known she's been in an apt since she moved in it and we barely see anything other than her 'workspace' b/c the rest is a disgusting mess.
>>1214899she says that to justify her laziness or when ppl here point out things she does aesthetically which aren't in the bimbo category.
No. 1215374
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No. 1215404
File: 1619236970800.jpeg (345.7 KB, 1242x724, DE254F66-48C8-4871-8596-DB60AF…)

Gee I don’t know… maybe you wash your stinky ass and get clean???!?
No. 1215409
File: 1619237114253.jpeg (658.41 KB, 1242x1285, ADB8FBD6-7AA2-43E0-8F67-C6E64E…)

Did Fupa call her out? kek
No. 1215448
>>1215425I think she’s too brain dead at this point to strategize and build alliances to grow
her following. iirc, she was going to hang with bratty at one point (obviously not going to happen, but it was still mentioned), but now she’s in her own warped version of reality because she can’t face anything herself. She won’t get a car because she has a (likely) expired Massachusetts learners permit kek and she can’t cope with the thought of taking a test to get licensed in OK. Tickets/warrants aside, she doesn’t have the motivation to go to the DMV because they don’t stock edibles or hard seltzer. She’s incapable of lying about being committed (receipts or it never happened, she can’t even fib properly because it never occurred) and the fact ole’ Fupa won’t acknowledge her even halfheartedly.
No. 1215455
File: 1619240518467.jpeg (143.37 KB, 1242x294, 87652729-849F-461A-A17D-565A6F…)

No. 1215479
File: 1619241983229.jpeg (316.98 KB, 1242x787, 2E0F3F00-73B3-4FDE-AB14-2D34C0…)

What happened to her “bathroom nudes”? Did she realize how fat and gross she is ?
No. 1215565
>>1215256Gj anon. Poor Noodle and Rib!
>>1215490She can cry all she wants while the rest of us openly laugh at how stupid she is.
No. 1215575
>>1215274I don’t wanna “eurofag here” but I’m assuming this is stuff for her videos… why does she insist on buying all her video costumes from f21, SHEIN, Amazon etc and never see her doing hauls from places like love honey, bondara etc?!
Is this her thinking she’s a more or a bimbo because she’s “not like the other SW’s/girls”
No. 1215672
>>1214972And all this because she RECEIVED money, which
triggered her need to impulse shop for useless crap.
She must be seriously broke when her first thought upon receiving money is "I need to spend this right now".
No. 1215709
File: 1619283069436.jpeg (302.48 KB, 2048x1152, 4CB0D2B2-FEC3-40A8-BB34-8C87DE…)

1/ 2
No. 1215710
File: 1619283109536.jpeg (15.33 KB, 680x383, 1E4D1174-77E5-4D1A-AE08-BDF573…)

2/2 she’s the most predictable and unfunny bitch I can’t
No. 1215766
>>1215758Shut up retard. Stop sperging about forever 21
Wow we get it you’re so rich and better than regular young adults. Fuck off asshat. The fact you have to brag to anons on a Shayna thread that you think you’re better is peak autism
(infighting) No. 1215785
>>1215709for what reason did she get an xbox for? seriously..
did fupa take the ps4 or something
No. 1215797
File: 1619289217997.jpg (104.49 KB, 1080x1440, Jesus christ .jpg)

This bimbo is oozing with sex appeal
No. 1215801
File: 1619289365484.jpg (122.5 KB, 1036x1382, High class bimbo.jpg)

Men trip over themselves to hold doors open for her
No. 1215834
>>1215760I'm starting to have theories about the lights always being off in this apartment because they were never off at the last one.
a)She just likes them off and I never noticed. b) She turns them off to hide the mess for the vid then turns them back on after. c) she is broke but at this point needs booze and weed so tries to save money by keeping them off. c) She's trying to hide her rat face and thinks this looks good. d) combo of the above
No. 1215869
>>1215834It's a depression hovel, anon. There isn't some big expose needed.
Plus, being stoned/drunk all the time or recovering from being stoned/drunk all the time means dim lights and soft sounds.
Also, like every light bulb is LED now and costs literally less than Shay's monthly sub to run it for an entire year.
No. 1215887
>>1215881You’re forgetting the tinfoil is about the queen of all retards. I can totally see her freaking out every month at her electric bill and thinking “I’ll keep the lights off to save” to try to remedy it while at the same time spending $500 on dog dildos, cheap clothes and weed.
Its the exact same rationing she uses for why she doesnt buy a car but spends hundreds on ubers every month just to go get ice coffee and wine.
This is shayna we’re talking about anon. She defies logic.
No. 1216002
>>1215760shes so fucking stupid marketing herself. people following her in snapchat are coomers. literally just sad pathetic coomers. there arent any girl friends to talk about rpdr there. cause its a straight girl shit. and theres obviously no gay man to talk about it there either. but she has no friends, so she posts this to her coomers, who will absolutely have no idea or interest in any of this.
i doubt she got like replies about this at all. and if she did, they were just simping, but not actual discussion of rpdr, because why the fuck would a coomer be following a sex worker on spanchat for rpdr content
No. 1216003
File: 1619311438095.png (127.67 KB, 1182x232, 01.png)

>>1215709This reply killed me
No. 1216004
File: 1619311558750.jpeg (291.52 KB, 1242x1059, 7BD0B79F-4500-445E-9189-A8AB97…)

she has such a low IQ
No. 1216047
File: 1619320084471.jpg (114.76 KB, 1080x1440, Ohmahgerd.jpg)

>>1216004The switch comes with an hdmi cord, how is she this braindead?
No. 1216079
>>1215801>Men trip over themselves to hold the door open for herLmao Shay is Vicky 2.0 with her delusional "I'm the type of woman where men hit sign posts looking at me"
Guarantee Shayna will be in her thirties still on her 15 minutes of fame high 2 decades ago jumping from house basement to basement stealing rolls of toilet paper and with creepy men talking shit about the absolute squalor she lives in but it's totally Da HatURrrS fault just like ol Vicky.
No. 1216268
File: 1619368530051.jpeg (Spoiler Image,699.72 KB, 1242x1373, 9E9F6E16-E93E-4B28-98CF-B63960…)

No. 1216282
File: 1619369901320.png (3.92 MB, 828x1792, 8A6DC1C7-4AD2-4636-A6BC-04CB0D…)

She has to be lying about not knowing her switch can broadcast on her tv if she has it next to her tv? Also is this dust or the color of the wood? And if it isn’t dust, tinfoil of cleaning up her place for fupa to come over and play on her xbox kek
No. 1216292
File: 1619370993178.jpg (59.11 KB, 715x645, 20210425_101356.jpg)

Just saw this random but relevant meme. If it ain't Fupa and Shay tho kek
Fupa be hanging out at crack trailers and shit, but sounds like he doesnt want to stay over at Shays anymore. Probably because her house is not only trashy but filthy. Pumps n dumps her then leaves her no pillow case having pimpled ass lol
No. 1216295
File: 1619371281380.png (8.54 MB, 1242x2208, EC414DDE-61F7-45AC-8AA5-1181BF…)

This brunch looks so ghetto
No. 1216296
>>1216295Well, context is everything. If this was a snack or small meal someone threw together, fine.
Deeming it a photo-worthy plate of food is a bit sad though, as is the fact it seems like a half-arsed attempt at charcuterie which isn't exactly brunch.
No. 1216301
File: 1619372062710.jpg (778.39 KB, 1080x1315, 1600729927094.jpg)

>>1215960She is a cave goblin. Throwback pic related.
I remember her posting this as some kind of "you knock at the door & catch me" roleplay, but it just turned out so… bleak. The hanging gut, the glassy bug eyes, the dark room with blinds pulled behind her contrasted with the full sunlight outside, her ratty pajamas, the fact that she thinks this would be an attractive thing to stumble upon and isn't just incredibly visually sad
>>1216282Guess this is why she prefers to live in the dark
No. 1216305
>>1216286I didn't even notice, that's so disgusting. but she's uwu so quirky and has the best taste in music. I wonder how many times that record player has been turned on. Not in the last 6 months from the looks of that caked-on dust. More likely not since she's moved in.
Such attention to detail. should keep her "bitches on this app need to clean their rooms before posting pictures, I'm better than all those bitches" tweet on hand because it's a daily issue for her at this point.
No. 1216322
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No. 1216326
File: 1619374299515.jpeg (274.96 KB, 1242x773, 713A405C-56A6-468C-8FDE-41293F…)

Onlyfans chicks are the most annoying losers on the internet. It’s not a job stop trying to convince random people online that it is. You don’t need to market yourself just spread your pussy out and you’ll get money. Men are degenerate coomers that will fuck anything. I don’t see how that’s an achievement or how that’s considered a job
No. 1216341
>>1216322I love how the idiot responding to her goes, "Sex work can be empowering" and then says, "People will miss you if you disappear" and talks about how sex work benefits everyone else mentally and literally does not "empower" anyone.
If you believe it's a job, then it's a job. For once I agree with Shayna, people selling it as "empowerment" are trying to make young girls think selling ass shots for $3 is something deeper then selling ass pictures for $3.
No. 1216372
>>1216322>tfw you have to sell your ass to keep the lights onYeah nothing comically dystopian about that and everyone should think that is acceptable.
>sw brings light, pleasure, and gratitude to your fans. Isn’t that empowering?Ohhh empowerment means elevating and empowering men.
Why are whores so fucking stupid.
No. 1216457
File: 1619388640107.jpeg (547.96 KB, 1790x988, 781B59FB-8B32-4174-86F8-FAB134…)

Someone seems upset.
No. 1216477
File: 1619390548383.jpeg (678.94 KB, 1242x1689, 06C0EA4D-52DC-4962-96C8-B02DF9…)

No wonder shatna is up this bitches ass. She’s just as retarded. I wonder how she would feel if she saw shays tiktok clown stunt.
No. 1216479
File: 1619390788694.jpeg (537.14 KB, 2048x1152, 821C8ECC-8D06-41AF-8253-FB024F…)

God, she is so fucking nasty. Look at the carpet and then the couch, how can she think this looks ok. Especially after her “deep clean”. She’s the stupid fat bitch who’s always covered in animal fur and smells like b.o.
No. 1216481
>>1216457I love when she gets upset because she sees women making money doing what she does for free on twitter. Thats what this is about. It's not about the "childern", if it was she would'nt be like, "Men get banned for sexual gestures!" they should be. Thats a good thing.
They should be banned for sexual gestures and twitch hoes should be banned for twitch hoeing.
She saw a oppounity to shit on girls who take their clothes off, make what she makes in a month and to cape for men. I see she's still interacting with racists trump lover indigo.
No. 1216483
>>1216282god there are abandoned buildings that are less dusty, take out the tv and food and you’d never think a person lives there. but yeah, I’m sure once her Lysol arrives it’s over for us.
>>1216301as sad as her porch and beach pics were, at least she used to go outside
No. 1216486
>>1216474exactly, like I said before, Shayna would be fine with outwardly being a bad person 100% of the time instead of 70%, if she could make money and gain fame from it. If she wasn't lazy and had people who'd throw money at her for being on twitch halfway dressed, she'd do it and be like, "guys, my stream has a 18+ warning before you click, children shouldn't be interacting". This has nothing to do with her. Disgusting women abusing the twitch rules, has nothing to do with disgusting Shayna on twitter showing her asshole for free and sexualizing children shows and toys.
She just hates when women are more successful than her, especially women who are doing bad things.
No. 1216499
>>1216457God this comes off as so petty and bitter. None of them would give a shit if they could do it and make that money too. jealous ugly whores just mad because they have to spread their asses for chump change while girls skinnier and hotter can tease with underwear and bikini and make bank. Work smarter, not harder ladies!
Anyway. On the flip side, yeah this shit isnt supposed to be allowed on there. I would like it if Twitch stayed anti-whore and they should. It's about game streaming content. And yeah, there are minors. I thought there was a sex work twitch equivalent anyway?
No. 1216500
File: 1619392637203.jpeg (493.6 KB, 1142x907, DC37C00E-A734-4C36-827B-2BEBF9…)

Shayna and indigo are both women hating pedo pandering pieces of crap. They post their porn on social media and expose minors to their degenerate porn. Shayna is friends with indigo because she knows indigo isn’t a threat to her because she’s just as ugly as shay
No. 1216530
File: 1619396469624.jpg (Spoiler Image,373.09 KB, 1080x1091, Screenshot_20210425-192102_Twi…)

No. 1216536
>>1216514it's why sw hate when celebs join OF, they know most are just going to post tame shit, meanwhile they are showing everything for less then what it takes to buy a mc donalds meal.
Shayna has a hate for girls who can make money with clothes on. She hates attractive girls can post a fully dressed selfie and get more attention then she gets in weeks.
She knows even before she was chubby she was never going to be that girl who made it big outside of tumblr, based only one looks.
No. 1216558
File: 1619398344829.jpeg (517.48 KB, 1242x1544, 4D625EA7-B86B-4F7E-AEC4-214240…)

If I saw Shayna’s lard cottage cheese ass in public i would barf
No. 1216566
>>1216530she’s either a) only going to do 1-2 of them or b) do all of them less than half assed
excited for her scheduled train wreck though
No. 1216633
File: 1619406232328.jpg (148.35 KB, 1079x682, Screenshot_20210425-215207_Twi…)

What is the point of this status?
No. 1216684
File: 1619415452907.png (349.63 KB, 540x370, asfwewe.PNG)

>>1216282I know I'm late but wtf is that shit?
No. 1216736
File: 1619422087608.jpg (66.31 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-184342977-612x612.…)

>>1216684Maybe the flat pack parts?
No. 1217014
File: 1619458492309.jpg (241.64 KB, 1080x785, Screenshot_20210426-123448_Twi…)

No. 1217019
>>1217014So…. let me get this straight….
needs an iPad but doesn’t need acne body wash for her assne…
a pumice for her yellow feet…
face wash for her raggedy skin
some whitening strips for her yellow teeth
some floss for the plaque in between her teeth
and she doesn’t need a duster for her filthy broom closet she calls a house….
Okay Shaytard
No. 1217057
File: 1619461069252.jpg (729.06 KB, 1080x1594, Screenshot_20210426-131737_Twi…)

Shayna Luther King at it again
No. 1217141
File: 1619466115080.jpeg (111.01 KB, 750x635, 9C17A649-86F6-4FDE-8A13-5792E7…)

Hahahaha I started following that page after they mentioned shatna and here she is again with her retarded tweets. Wow more engagement than she ever had!
No. 1217149
File: 1619466619888.jpg (401.76 KB, 1080x1440, Screenshot_20210426-144929_Twi…)

You mean you got yourself flowers
No. 1217150
File: 1619466673933.jpg (469 KB, 1080x1244, Screenshot_20210426-144922_Twi…)

Always keeping it classy Shay
No. 1217174
>>1217172Noodle is actually a girl
thank god cause Shayna just ordered a “dog” penis replica dildo god
I feel like a degenerate just typing that out And I thought that was a ramen noodle on the ground but it could be spaghetti. It’s probably a microwave meal or take out.
No. 1217240
File: 1619473122697.jpg (229.38 KB, 1080x1044, Screenshot_20210426-163817_Twi…)

Get ready everyone
No. 1217242
File: 1619473152621.jpg (191.33 KB, 1080x856, Screenshot_20210426-163829_Twi…)

No. 1217275
>>1217150okay its actually fucked up she is interacting with a childrens show twitter with her sex work account! this is exact why this dumb bitch needs a SFW personal twitter.
its not even a casual comment, she is clearly promoting herself here. ON A TWITTER AIMED FOR KIDS.
I cant even imagine some poor kid clicking her profile and seeing her gaped asshole.
No. 1217310
File: 1619478221453.jpeg (756.53 KB, 1242x1726, FFC3748F-D191-44EA-91F8-122A0C…)

I almost had a stroke reading this
No. 1217324
File: 1619479910186.jpeg (283.51 KB, 1242x982, 896EA4D1-8392-430E-A254-0EE0C6…)

Bruh is Fupa going to do this?
No. 1217364
>>1217362From normal and understanding to femcel
As if every scrote dates whores lmao
No. 1217373
File: 1619482851607.jpeg (244.63 KB, 1242x561, 7E4E53A2-B0E8-4368-B78C-777DF9…)

> a nice soft blanket
You mean the crusty disgusting star blanket shatna
No. 1217379
>>1217242this proves that she lurks here. 5 days ago she was talking about getting electrolysis
>>1213795 but anons explained why laser would be a better option
>>1213804 >>1213834. I doubt she figured it out on her own, and it's unlikely that any of her followers privately messaged her about it.
No. 1217380
File: 1619483149326.jpeg (400.73 KB, 1242x1745, 894372ED-8E26-43F5-8D5A-4989AF…)

>>1217369Fatty can go to Chick-Fil-A afterwards and get some free food.
I’m placing money she is going to buy and try to squeeze her lard cottage cheese body in that ugly overused e-whore cow bikini
No. 1217383
File: 1619483290990.jpeg (418.61 KB, 1242x1056, 6F27358A-F3C5-4171-B8C8-88595C…)

Kinda like how you were when radfems were arguing with you and you told them to take dick up their ass when some of them were underaged..
No. 1217386
File: 1619483415677.jpeg (379.29 KB, 1242x1312, 0782AE96-D15C-4F1C-A8DD-F6F487…)

>>1217383Samefag but why does this bitch always talk about how people who criticize her want “the world to burn uwu” no dumb bitch we just can see through your bullshit and we know that you’re a selfish, woman hating pedophile
No. 1217399
>>1216479Bon Apple teeth haterz.
Y’all just jealous of how stunningly well she is doing.
No. 1217401
File: 1619484427053.jpg (33.29 KB, 583x438, 18dkxe.jpg)

>>1217383You tell em Shayna
No. 1217411
>>1217257congrats but no one in this thread cares how often you get waxed
>>1217310did Fupa tell her to get help again?
No. 1217416
File: 1619486002892.jpeg (Spoiler Image,55.96 KB, 275x163, 96EF2255-638A-4CDF-9F71-748243…)

>>1217406Watching her sad hank hill ass march over to the door when she suppose to be “sexy” is traumatically funny.
Truly on brand for her.
No. 1217440
File: 1619488853609.jpeg (498.69 KB, 1242x1296, D69160E2-96B7-46C8-8CE1-241CC4…)

She’s gonna vacuum noodle’s barf….
No. 1217441
File: 1619488890842.jpeg (Spoiler Image,632.73 KB, 1242x1284, 29830047-2BBA-439E-9F3B-C65749…)

These ruined my appetite thanks shay!!!
No. 1217458
>>1217450Right??? I don’t know why this prevents her from filming we all know damn well she isn’t going to take noodle to the vet or take care of her. Shatna can easily do the video in a different room but nah she’s lazy as always.
my bad forgot to sage
No. 1217466
File: 1619491258897.png (7.14 MB, 1242x2208, 1A499C1F-9D47-4D29-9BFB-C1ED33…)

>instead of cleaning my disgusting couch I am just going to put my dirty pink blanket over it to hide the filth
Shayna Logic™
No. 1217510
>>1217240omg this reminds me of the Instagram ads where the girl is fat and bald and smelly but the game only gives you options to add eyeliner or dye her hair pink
>>1217339not everyone who is anti sex work is a rad fem puritan. do you chicks not realize ex sex workers exist too.. you retard baby sex workers think women who have more experience than you and want to warn you are just “radfem haters” it’s pathetic. keep trusting scrotes then, they definitely have your best interest at heart
>>1217448kek what can she really do to fix that though other than plasty? have you seen those surgeries they are literal horror shows I don’t want her getting one she won’t be able to practice after care
>>1217509and this is everything that is wrong with feminists. they are willing to excuse women’s behavior even if it is nefarious or harmful just because she is an “uwu boss babe fighting the evils patriarchy!!”. using that logic Ghislaine maxwell would be a girl boss icon. I mean she was the very first famous female predator in Hollywood, historical
No. 1217511
File: 1619498136335.png (319.88 KB, 1146x448, 01.png)

>>1217450This is still my favorite excuse though
No. 1217616
>>1217577i dont really think women can draw the line in the sand in sex work and say “well im not a real prostitute!”. Whether its full service or not, sex “workers” are all in the same boat. At least thats how the majority of people feel about it in real life/offline. And when people like Shayna and the OF girls try to groom underage girls into this lifestyle, they leave them hanging on the slippery slope of whoredom while at the same time promoting an industry to the mainstream that truly hurts the majority of women working in it. But none of these girls are capable of thinking of the long term consequences of their actions.
How exactly can Shayna climb the ladder in her “career”? By becoming an escort? Like… sex work is so bleak.
(derailing) No. 1217623
>>1216326“I just love Facebook and being on Facebook is a REAL JOB.
Is it a sales job? I sold an old couch on marketplace - yes!
Is it a photography/videography job? Have you seen my cat pics - yes!
Is it an editing job? I run filters over my selfies and add a watermark - yes!
Is it a marketing job? I am an admin of cat facts group and its grown 20% last quarter because I shared it! Yes!
Is it a customer service/responding to messages/office job? I manage at least 3 group chats with family and friends DAILY - yes!”
You could literally make anything seem like work if you try hard enough.
No. 1217640
nonnie but I hate that she calls herself a “content creator” when all she does is take low effort pics/clips of her arsehole. Am I a content creator when I take a picture of a new mole I have?
No. 1217714
>>1217711and will probably not empty the vacuum after. barf.
also a little confused why she has a wet vacuum but clearly doesnt have a regular one judging by every photo we’ve seen of her carpets and upholstery.
No. 1217880
File: 1619544093558.jpg (338.72 KB, 1080x1526, Screenshot_20210427-122039_Twi…)

It's either Jason R Womack or that Grey haired dude
No. 1217887
>>1217880i feel like womack is the only one truly low IQ enough to say he "loves" her multiple times kek.
other possibilities that wouldn't surprise me:
1) shayna sent it to herself
2) fupa's buttering her up and for some reason used her dumbass stage name
No. 1217893
File: 1619544985565.jpeg (560.37 KB, 1242x1200, 6DE4D39F-1767-4724-A6A4-72A841…)

Why tf does she need an Apple Pencil, she doesn’t even draw??
$700 down the drain
No. 1217915
File: 1619546647628.jpeg (272.88 KB, 1242x643, B62A7B21-AB40-4A98-8342-BF6AA7…)

Now she’s talking about moving kek
No. 1217946
>>1217915she's makin excuses, I don't think her and Fupa are off, she knows it looks bad for her to be e-begging for a $700 ipad, plus accessories when she said she was saving up for moving.
Now she "hunting' but she can't find anything.
No. 1217979
>>1217688Seethe more.
>>1217880This has Womack vibes. He types in low IQ run on sentences like this
No. 1218027
File: 1619553606861.jpeg (Spoiler Image,614.05 KB, 1242x1397, 616E3D66-52D6-4994-B8F0-0F4AFD…)

No. 1218029
File: 1619553641514.jpeg (456.75 KB, 1242x1599, F06462B9-0218-4FBF-B8C0-1B73BE…)

This bitch really said productions kek
No. 1218036
File: 1619553999934.jpg (163.54 KB, 1080x809, Screenshot_20210427-150543_Twi…)

These fucking prices
No. 1218038
File: 1619554056395.jpg (135.07 KB, 1080x964, Screenshot_20210427-150552_Twi…)

No. 1218043
File: 1619554154091.jpg (116.15 KB, 1080x1088, Screenshot_20210427-150608_Twi…)

No. 1218045
File: 1619554197722.jpg (143.79 KB, 1080x1070, Screenshot_20210427-150621_Twi…)

No. 1218048
File: 1619554226742.jpg (261.07 KB, 1079x1456, Screenshot_20210427-150533_Twi…)

No. 1218084
>>1217915>>1217893Hey Shatna, did you know that if you would have built up your credit over the last 4-5 years and saved your scam money you could possibly be in a starter home where you wouldn't have to worry about places not accepting your filthy animals? Sure you would be in Bumfuck, Oklahoma but you know you're not going anywhere anytime soon because of Fupa.
She is beyond financially illiterate. Imagine wasting thousands on electronics that you never use, thousands more on clothing and cosmetics that you never wear or use/wear only once because your putridness destroys it, and God only knows how much on drugs, alcohol, junk food, and ride shares. Her scams may be stupid and she has to beg all day long but it works on scrotes. Why waste it all on a crappy life when you can put it towards a somewhat better one?
No. 1218211
File: 1619561487677.jpg (137.08 KB, 1080x622, Screenshot_20210427-171119_Twi…)

No. 1218266
>>1217440okay so we know she never brushes rib so I'm sure rib constantly has hairballs (like at least 1 a week probably) plus surely little orange dude has puked at least once in her care. Idk about how often dogs puke but does she just pick up the chunks from the hair ball and leave the rest without cleaning the carpet?! same goes for noodle, if it wasnt in her work room would she just have left it? ew wtf sorry anons I just made myself want to puke hope none of you were eating
>>1217868omg i don't even want to consider this possibility but she would/will probably do the same "cleaning"
No. 1218318
File: 1619567754947.jpg (220.54 KB, 1080x659, Screenshot_20210427-185510_Twi…)

No. 1218320
File: 1619567821297.jpg (249.37 KB, 1079x955, Screenshot_20210427-185628_Twi…)

Funny, cause when you look at her MV activity on her MV profile, there's no notification about a custom video sale
No. 1218347
File: 1619569130658.jpeg (166.46 KB, 750x326, 7656C753-3545-4B6F-B703-FC302F…)

>>1218332google is free. this is literally from latisse’s official website faq. move on.
No. 1218379
File: 1619570556973.jpg (306.32 KB, 1080x899, Screenshot_20210427-194211_Twi…)

Well you're real name is all over Google attached to your OF and these threads. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to find it Shay
No. 1218421
File: 1619574207385.jpg (225.98 KB, 1080x688, Screenshot_20210427-204258_Twi…)

>>1218379Major kek. A male OF creator too
No. 1218424
>>1218421she just going to hide it or rage?
Lets place bets now kek
No. 1218428
>>1218318Did she just get to cleaning up Noodles throw up or shit or whatever??
Bet those fake petals are still on the floor though kek
No. 1218441
File: 1619576053819.jpg (323.05 KB, 1080x1196, Screenshot_20210427-211350_Twi…)

As usual
No. 1218444
File: 1619576091637.jpg (505.57 KB, 1536x2048, 20210427_211332.jpg)

Her new rug
No. 1218445
File: 1619576125904.jpg (165.01 KB, 1079x802, Screenshot_20210427-211458_Twi…)

Can't wait to hear her heavy breathing from trying to bring her foot to her mouth
No. 1218468
>BDSM 14.99>Blackmail 19.99>Ignore fetish 19.99>In the bath 19.99she… does realize that BDSM is way more popular than those other categories and that its more effort than you know, "ignoring you" niche shit?
>Double Penetration 29.99>Say My Name 49.99B-but double penetration will actually require effort, saying someones name wont. how can you be this fucking stupid?
beyond fucking retarded.
No. 1218470
File: 1619577753942.jpg (74.6 KB, 800x513, cursedimage.jpg)

>>1218450>Oh jeez, they have their phone numbers and addresses available online!KEK did you shit your pants in fear the first time you heard about the phone book?
No. 1218472
>>1218464Right??? I said that about some of these lol
>>eating fetish>>foot fetish>>ignore fetish>>smoking fetishAnd then theres
>>fetishesLike, those are all fetishes dumbass..? Sooooo, why not flat rate those.
Scammy but ignorant
No. 1218488
File: 1619579744668.jpeg (146.1 KB, 750x739, ED878153-3D4C-4985-A21A-4E706A…)

always keeping it classy and clean
No. 1218490
>>1218423i think she has a pair of gloves but just /c she said they are latex doesn't mean they are.
>>1218441can't wait for it to look the same as always or a hot mess that doesn't go well with the faces she makes in vids.
No. 1218492
File: 1619580236260.jpg (Spoiler Image,75.35 KB, 676x832, 20210427_222347.jpg)

No. 1218497
>>1218492I wish we had a super autistic
nonny who could compile a monthly catalog of her weight gain. I wish I could but it being on mobile sucks trying to navigate the threads. It would be amazing and depressing to see.
No. 1218515
File: 1619583535536.png (260.91 KB, 1080x1468, PicsArt_04-27-09.16.48.png)

Man, if they're flipping burgers at burger king, seeing Shayna's thriving career will really give their ego a good boost. At least they ain't spreading their cheeks for .10 cents
No. 1218524
File: 1619584478098.jpeg (268.46 KB, 1084x874, C35E3078-9C39-4EF9-A45E-7CC910…)

this is garbage but I don’t want to look at it anymore
No. 1218584
File: 1619595182325.jpg (Spoiler Image,377.38 KB, 1339x1080, Shatna'sDreamHovel.jpg)

>>1218524Can a
nonnie please remove the Barbie kek
No. 1218598
File: 1619597231449.jpeg (356.75 KB, 1190x949, 1284EB17-6C98-4E55-9B6C-0F39E0…)

>>1218588>>1218590>>1218591>>1218592I tried my best ladies
Any other anons feel free to make a better version
No. 1218622
File: 1619600825102.jpg (348.3 KB, 1354x1080, ShatnasShitHouse.jpg)

>>1218598I added two alternative texts also
No. 1218720
File: 1619617662299.jpg (635.21 KB, 1080x1711, Screenshot_20210428-084738_Twi…)

No. 1218730
-dumb scrotes using their real name
-dumb scrotes using the same username/alias for everything, so she recognize it
-dumb scrotes messaging her (not subbing) asking if she's Shayna Clifford from highschool with a lol, then her getting
triggered from it.
No. 1218732
>>1218598lmfao anon, this is amazing. the oldman grey gif gets me every time.
>>1218444this looks a bathmat from wish dot com. she will buy the cheapest fucking shit just to try to keep a "pink aesthetic"
No. 1218919
>>1218515it was probably ONE dude, but she loves to over exaggerate and it probably was a coomer who followed other coomers/sex workers who reposted shayna's daily tard nudes. I doubt they were trying to "find" her. If they were, i'd guess it was like a "Oh shit, remember Shayna? She's selling ass pictures on onlyfans lol" kind of thing.
Either way they are looking down on her.
No. 1218935
File: 1619631662362.jpg (243.28 KB, 1079x972, Screenshot_20210428-124034_Twi…)

No. 1218937
File: 1619631690222.png (21.84 KB, 730x126, Capture.PNG)

Just outed herself. She ordered food to Fupa's place and now she can't even go get it. Also how much food did she fucking order to be worth the cost of an outfit?
No. 1218962
File: 1619634084880.jpg (175.44 KB, 1080x793, Screenshot_20210428-132104_Twi…)

No. 1219020
File: 1619638492864.jpeg (358.11 KB, 1242x1162, 050D9303-EF9B-46A5-B7DC-7AE8F7…)

Now she mentions looking at apartments lmao
No. 1219022
File: 1619638544156.jpeg (791.44 KB, 1242x1344, 49D6CAAE-E901-4A66-8031-A21100…)

No. 1219053
File: 1619640378759.jpg (529.89 KB, 1080x1794, Screenshot_20210428-150539_Twi…)

On today's episode of what didn't happen
No. 1219077
>>1219064Her life seems so fucking boring, everytime she interacts with someone she posts about it, whenever she tries to friendly interact with someone (like Fupa's friends) 90% of the time it's a disaster and she doesn't want to say why.
But she can talk about putting a wrapper in her purse.
No. 1219103
File: 1619642409884.jpg (235.81 KB, 1080x987, Screenshot_20210428-154002_Twi…)

She really can't be this stupid
No. 1219109
File: 1619642947802.png (26.29 KB, 594x412, 2021-04-28 16_48_53-Window.png)

>>1219103she's trying to seem cute and ditzy but even the coomers have lost patience
No. 1219129
File: 1619644307512.jpeg (182.53 KB, 1242x424, 8516C07A-576B-4ACA-A0A4-7EEE6E…)

I bet rib loathes Shatna
No. 1219130
File: 1619644439514.jpeg (229.72 KB, 1242x888, 1C31204F-D10C-49D1-944B-85F880…)

>>1219129More like you’re a lazy piece of shit who is a terrible pet owner
No. 1219149
>>1219129What's the fucking point of having pets if you cant do the bare fucking minimum. I feel so bad for them jesus christ.
>>1219020Plastic kiddie pool for porn content? Not only is she creepy, but too broke and white trash for a real pool, like an actual bimbo should have. She might as well just live in a trailer and become trailer trash barbie, it's more ideal for her image.
No. 1219155
>>1219140You’re asking why shay doesn’t have a baby? Are you fucking serious? And why she doesn’t profit off of it?
I…what….are you insane
No. 1219163
File: 1619646341830.jpeg (266.13 KB, 1125x753, 54D40C52-E786-4B85-8559-8730B4…)

coping with her spending addiction
No. 1219164
File: 1619646410774.jpeg (56.21 KB, 500x375, 0C944F79-E581-49F4-B628-3C7B58…)

>>1219140Ew that’s disgusting I don’t even think Shayna can get pregnant. Which is a good thing. Imagine having that obese woman-child as a mother. She’d probably sexualize her child and take their pacifiers and diapers and shit
BARF>>1219149Shayna is going to look like pic related if she gets a kiddie pool
(medfagging) No. 1219180
>>1219167I know anon. That saga was disgusting her pimples covered coochie and the pedo pandering arm floaters were just gross. I’m saying it’s going to be her
again just fatter and she’ll put it in her living room and act like it’s luxurious and uwu bimbo.
No. 1219186
File: 1619647908421.png (14.31 KB, 586x172, 2021-04-28 18_11_11-Window.png)

commenting on nickelodeon posts on your sex work account is totally cool though
No. 1219210
File: 1619650095953.jpeg (87.64 KB, 750x514, 38318F4E-E928-4404-9FCE-5F896E…)

Having a clean litter box, water and food isn’t being spoiled you careless retard
No. 1219229
File: 1619652903889.jpg (238.32 KB, 1080x1344, Screenshot_20210428-183446_Twi…)

No. 1219245
File: 1619655280660.jpeg (Spoiler Image,417.59 KB, 883x1060, A80D3751-FD44-4100-B639-74A2C8…)

Such sex appeal
So bimbotastic
No. 1219251
File: 1619655769685.jpeg (Spoiler Image,452.45 KB, 766x753, 279572E4-14F9-4F1A-811A-37C3C3…)

>>1219237this is extremely autistic I’m sorry
No. 1219263
File: 1619656840242.jpg (141.96 KB, 1410x793, hidethepainharold.jpg)

>>1219245Okay, but the "hide the pain" smile though. kek
No. 1219277
File: 1619657521090.jpeg (Spoiler Image,134.25 KB, 1124x612, 01F81F6F-26C3-43C8-974C-E64BAE…)

This may be kind of nitpicky but the yellow feet make be ill.
Also, you can kind of see something stuck to her foot, did she not clean this Amazon rug before sitting her naked ass and vag down on it? Most of amazons shit is made in countries with little to no regulation. She could actually catch something. Nasty. You’d expect her to notice her dirty feet considering that this is literally a foot fetish video and they’re the focal point.
No. 1219316
File: 1619661416968.jpg (Spoiler Image,38.91 KB, 446x405, 20210428_185517.jpg)

I guess I'll spoiler this because it's just gross to look at kek
No. 1219321
File: 1619662301970.png (Spoiler Image,2.4 MB, 1136x640, 0A52BF6D-9B20-44BA-931D-08C0AF…)

This is nightmare inducing. She has the worst angles.
No. 1219324
File: 1619662835970.png (Spoiler Image,350.38 KB, 598x317, Capture1.PNG)

>>1219237She legitimately looks like some creepypasta character.
No. 1219363
>>1219341>>1219354Not to medfag but Shay is so close to prediabetes based on her lifestyle choices and the way/places she gains her weight. Plus her daily alcoholism will fuck up her hormones and any egg that might take hold.
She has already established her periods aren't predictable (likely an excuse but taking her at her word). I know she isn't honest about herself or lifestyle, but just basing this on her self-reported lifestyle, symptoms and observation.
(medfagging) No. 1219379
File: 1619667684142.jpg (40.64 KB, 828x600, FB_IMG_1619667658335.jpg)

Just saw this on fb and it is totally Shay(not milk)
No. 1219381
>>1219363go to any walmart and count how many 300-pounders you see with infants and toddlers
you may be surprised at how many
No. 1219488
File: 1619691625731.jpeg (85.04 KB, 749x413, 1617417198907.jpeg)

>>1219237It's the gagging on her own foot for me.
(twitterfag) No. 1219527
File: 1619702510498.jpeg (Spoiler Image,597.29 KB, 1213x656, 3D0FA75F-330B-4485-8AB8-A9A863…)

>>1219488Probably because it tastes like shit because she can’t reach her feet to wash they in the shower. Kek, fucking fat-ass.
It’s the torn up soon-to-be hemorrhoid asshole for me
(twitterfag) No. 1219560
File: 1619705805939.png (51.5 KB, 733x446, Capture.PNG)

We know, Shayna. Then you dirty delete when you get called out on the shit that comes out of your mouth.
No. 1219625
>>1219316this should be new thread picture, she's censored her cockeyed tits for us already and it's fucking hilarious
>>1219527this on the other hand is bleak as hell. her face just reads "I am so high I can't think because that's the only way I can get in front of a camera". the angle, the fact that she's STILL ON THE FLOOR, her expression, all just creepy and pathetic
No. 1219686
File: 1619716386315.jpeg (63.27 KB, 750x362, F43F4208-341B-416B-AC88-4C0757…)

And here come the excuses
No. 1219712
>>1219686I have said it before and I'll say it again. It's the weed and the booze. This woman spends 80% of her life intoxicated. Muh medicinal cannibais is just an excuse to get high. Her life won't improve until she gets sober. It's killing her motivation.
She's a different person now even to when she first appeared on the website.
I have met plenty of people like her and they always end up speaking and acting like ozzy osbourne.
No. 1219717
File: 1619718824309.jpg (85.72 KB, 925x693, Totally a diva.jpg)

How can she retweet this bullshit when she takes more days off than she actually works?
No. 1219778
>>1219717One of the most annoying thing to me about Shayna is this, she'll retweet or make some corny ass "PSA" about something she just done, has done or will do.
"Hey guys just shove all the shit out of the frame! It makes the picture looks more professional" then a day later, she's taking pictures of shit covered in animal hair with filth in the background.
"Hey guys, numbers don't matter!" but then, "I'm looking with someone with 50K followers or more for promo , I'll pay!". I truly think she's retarded.
No. 1219807
File: 1619725991296.jpeg (Spoiler Image,496.02 KB, 1242x1477, 514CD809-2BC1-4E84-BFA4-73CD09…)

Shay is really twice the lady she used to be ain't that right @GNotold ? kek
No. 1219834
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No. 1219837
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No. 1219838
File: 1619727969232.jpg (352.05 KB, 1080x1373, Screenshot_20210429-152441_Twi…)

This is just sad
No. 1219842
File: 1619728438940.jpeg (1.18 MB, 3464x3464, 486AC59B-5368-477D-8608-55403F…)

>>1219836The farms will always remember
No. 1219850
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No. 1219860
File: 1619731114731.jpg (253.98 KB, 1080x1183, Screenshot_20210429-161833_Twi…)

No. 1219922
>>1219882You can binge out on cruises
She just can’t handle being away from pot
No. 1219933
File: 1619735903241.jpeg (142.31 KB, 1284x397, F11D0888-4FB8-4A8B-A11F-3F86AD…)

this idiot really thinks an apple pen is the same as a regular cheap stylus. it sort of is but it has more features meant for digital artists. she just wants it for the name.
No. 1219937
>>1219933Constantly outting herself as a greasy pig.
And yeah she’s a dumbass. She has no need for an apple pencil whatsoever when she’s just gonna use as a stylus to click and scroll. Like .. you can literally just buy a cheap stylus for the ipad…
No. 1219946
>>1219933dumb bitch won’t even consider a screen protector for her $1000+ tablet that she’s probably just going to watch videos on and tweet from????
no no no, she needs an additional $100 accessory instead of the basics. god she’s fucking stupid. news flash, you’ll still have to tap the damn screen sometimes even with the pencil.
No. 1219950
File: 1619737345967.jpg (232.62 KB, 1080x941, Screenshot_20210429-180142_Twi…)

Didn't she post something similar not top long ago?
No. 1219958
Bother you,
No. 1219965
>>1219950She makes pointless tweets like she has a quota to meet every day
How does she not understand that she would get better engagement and retain more followers if she kept her feed even a little more focused
No. 1219985
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Oh please Shay
No. 1219996
>>1219985thick thighs save lives
flabby thighs just block traffic
No. 1220007
File: 1619746107344.jpg (Spoiler Image,437.17 KB, 1079x1307, Screenshot_20210429-202809_Twi…)

Is she posting an old pic? Or did she rip her acrylics off?
No. 1220009
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No. 1220059
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and we’re back on this apparently
No. 1220113
>>1220059So Shayna isn’t going to give her mom a present even though her mom is actively trying to keep Shayna in her life??? Her mom buys her a bed, buys her Christmas gifts, even shipped those Hello Kitty ornaments (apparently), and gives her checks so she doesn’t end up homeless because she’s a failed pornstar.
Just because it’s trendy to tell boomers that Shayna has no brain of her own she knows nothing of politics, she’s the dumbest piece of shit . At least most democrats know
why they voted for Biden. Shayna has no idea what she voted for and what policies she agrees with. Just because you disagree with your mom politically doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be nice to her. Shayna doesn’t give a shit about people. Shayna is probably too broke to give her a gift, doesn’t need her mommy’s money, and is back to hating her for Shayna Luther King oppression points
No. 1220115
>>1220083She never, ever, talks bad about her dad. Which is SUS.
Shayna deffo wants to have sex with her father which is absolutely disgusting.
>>1220068Shayna doesn’t have “mommy issues” she’s just a fucking bitch to anyone who is a female. She loves her father even though he doesn’t agree with her lifestyle.
And she has sexual feelings about her dad which is highly expressed in her shitty pornography videos. If I were her parents I’d change my phone number or block her number, block her on social media, and just never talk to her again. Shayna would end up homeless without her mom and dads help. I wish they would cut that bitch off.
No. 1220191
>>1220181anon we’ve seen multiple text conversations between her and her mother and she seems like a reasonable enough person. shayna herself essentially said her “childhood trauma” was having to babysit her younger brother sometimes. she’s just a sociopathic retard that hates her mom because she thinks it’s edgy.
unless you have some kind of insider info? sounds like you’re projecting your own experience with your shitty mother.
No. 1220200
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she’s fine with her mom as long as she’s getting something out of the relationship. same way she is with fupa and any other person she’s leeched off of since the beginning of time.
No. 1220333
>>1220059When will Shayna finally realize that her desire to stick it to the man is ruining her life? She's not even making a decent wage for sticking things in her asshole. She could get a simple office or receptionist job and make the amount she makes now without shoving things in her asshole.
She needs to get sober and clean, change her name and go and live back at home with her parents.
Maybe we will see her in the tradthot thread in a decade with some ugly loser having her first kid at 33.
No. 1220347
>>1220333Lol as if that dumbass could hold any job from her brain being fried.
Also she'll be too old and dried up for the ugly scrotes who want a tradthot.
Some of you guys hold out too much hope for her narcissistic ass.
No. 1220352
>>1220347Its honestly really sad. Not even hating on SWers because some actually are smart with their money and do treat it like a real job financially and not just something to brag about. But its obvious she has NO SAVINGS from years of sex work and I pray she starts seriously thinking about her financial future considering she sees herself as pornstar and not just a casual OF girl.
Becausd of her lifestyle of smoking weed and alcohol, she’s going to age out faster than usual and will have nothing to fall back on in terms of retirement savings or even just good investments like a starter home, education, stocks, a god damn reliable car?
some girls think they can spend their whole lives living off their bodies, but men are pigs and as soon you age out you either quit because you cant support yourself/lifestyle anymore or you get sucked into an even worse, even more inescapable lifestyle.
No. 1220376
File: 1619796176070.jpeg (582.13 KB, 1242x1449, D159875E-ECA4-4081-BA6C-3189AB…)

Face reality Shayna you’re a $3 whore
No. 1220381
File: 1619796526027.jpeg (411.77 KB, 1242x950, 0B826D05-8D9A-44B6-A5C3-A094B5…)

I don’t think any mother that is mentally sane wants their child that they carried for 9 months and raised for 18 years to gape their asshole for less than a McDonald’s meal….. at least high-rated pornstars have money that makes their job somewhat worth it. They can buy their parents a house and pay their bills, but Shayna has nothing. No house, no savings, no investments, no future plans. Lmao. Not even a slither of clout. Shayna will never be a “Mia Khalifa”
No. 1220384
>>1220376>what does that say about how you see sex workersIt says exactly how it is, you’re just material for some gross dude. You’re not a doctor or anyone who brings value to the world. I don’t know why she puts so much value on her sexwork. She acts like she’s doing the world a huge service by posting her sped porn on Twitter for the world to see.
And yea, any loving and caring mom/parent would want BETTER for you than you devaluing your body and selling scat porn for a few dollars.
No. 1220396
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No. 1220403
>>1219842just wanna point out that a lot of cp websites use the term "child model" to describe their abuse
victimsVery gross, Shay, ruined my day
No. 1220442
>>1220428the same, she'd probably throw more shots at her mom still for not being supportive and
abusive when she was around, but she'd still act like they are the worse people in the world one mintue. Then post about missing holidays with them and gifts they brought her. If something were to happen to her mother (I hope not), she'd make a post later like, "I miss my mom even though she didn't support my job" or something backhanded.
>>1220381Her own boyfriend doesn't even respect her or value her but she expects random scrotes to? Thats her fucking issue. She lives in this Lala land where she thinks scrotes are like, "Damn she puts so much effort into this, I truly love Dolly Mattel" rather then them skipping to when she starts playing with her dry snatch and moving onto the next.
She really thinks these dudes give a fuck about her, respect her job and value her work. NO! You are nothing but another chick showing her pussy for Dollar General prices.
Fupa fucking hides her from everyone who matters but she still loves and protects him from people talking shit. Not her own mother though.
No. 1220445
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She really can't keep her mouth shut about anything
No. 1220476
File: 1619804831506.png (647.88 KB, 1035x1257, PicsArt_04-30-10.44.47.png)

Kek more shatna rants to come
No. 1220478
>>1220381This is actually very telling about the demise of her relationship with fupa.
She clearly is not able to compromise with people. In this exactly her mother. It's 2021 - you cannot EXPECT your own parents to ever be 100% in favour of their children doing sex work. Being supportive doesn't mean 100% support. It means compromise for what makes the other person happy, and thats exactly what her mother has done time and time again.
It's either 100% support everything she does or you're the enemy, and this probably exactly the same type of scenario that happened between her and fupa (not necessarily sex work, but a situation she wanted someone to compromise on without her doing the same in return)
No. 1220489
>>1220483She bases her value on likes, retweets and online attention more so than money.If she felt scrotes spending money on her equals her worth, she'd be charging a lot more and never posting nudes or anything for free.
I feel like if she could be twitter famous, she'd trade that for sex work anyway. If she could post a picture and get 100ks of likes she'd gladly mooch off her parents or start doing other things besides sex work for money. She thinks the attention scrotes give her means more then what it does. Meanwhile, she takes scraps from Fupa but expects 100% loyalty, support and respect from customers/her parents/other sex workers. It makes zero sense. She expects more from random men than she does her own boyfriend.
No. 1220491
>>1220476this is an obvious farmer cowtipping.
account created april 2021. no followers, following no one.
also bitching about how she only has 5 regular followers and how many likes? no scrote cares enough.
No. 1220492
>>1220489>I feel like if she could be twitter famous, she'd trade that for sex work anyway.she absolutely would kek. look how miserable she looks when she has to do anything remotely sexual the 3 times a year she cams.
we could've gotten a taste if she would've actually put her $2k computer build to work and tried out twitch, but i guess maybe she came to terms with the fact that she wouldn't be cut out for it?
No. 1220493
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No. 1220494
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>>1220493What's her problem today?
No. 1220504
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>>1220494This is a hidden reply on this post
No. 1220511
File: 1619807357935.png (76.16 KB, 606x853, 2021-04-30 14_28_59-Window.png)

>>1220491if it wasn't obvious before kek
No. 1220579
>>1220445>men paying me 4 being hotYou don't get paid for being hot, Shayna. You've said that many times. Other girls get paid for being hot. They get thousands of likes on selfies where they're fully clothed. They can make onlyfans pages & make the same monthly income as you without debasing themselves in any way. You don't get paid for being hot. You get paid to spread your asshole.
And the appeal to men is that you have no self-respect.
No. 1220633
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a relapse didn’t happen kek, it never stopped to begin with
No. 1220636
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No. 1220762
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i mean… is it really that different though? this is coming from someone that’s made diaper and pacifier porn.
No. 1220763
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>>1220762she literally perpetuates pedo culture though? like…
No. 1220769
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That big ass honker for a nose(nitpick)
No. 1220771
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No. 1220780
>>1220762One, I hate when she puts someone on blast but says it like it's a public service announcement. We know someone did this to YOU, they asked you to act like you were 14. Just fucking say it.
Secondly,seeing A woman who dated a man with young children who wanted her to draw child-like pictures, act like a toddler, fucked her with a teddy & pacifer and got off to her calling him "Daddy" isn't the same as those men she's talking about? Shayna clearly pretends to be a toddler/young girl but she does not say she's underaged, so in her eyes that means she's not pedo-pandering.
If you can understand men wanting to blur the lines, then you definetly know dressing as a toddler in a onsie, with a pacifer or as a underaged character pretending to be fucked is the same damn thing. The people she's calling out is her own customer base/fupa.
No. 1220793
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>>1220771The resemblance is uncanny
No. 1220797
>>1220777She's basically saying "I'll do it but won't say it aloud"
Operating under plausible deniability. "I never said I was pretending to be underaged, I was just acting like it along with themes and props to support that"
No. 1220807
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>>1220771>>1220793Shatna is their child