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No. 596387
The Story So FarPreviously had a stoner blog known as shay-gnar and switched over to sex work when it became popular. (while still having minor followers
>>>/snow/548764 )
!! ⦁
Recently changed her handles from DumDolly to Dolly Mattel, after watching RPDR for a week.⦁ Definitely lurks the threads about her
⦁ Below average looking
problematic tumblr / camwhore.
⦁ Got wasted on drugs and got caught cheating on her boyfriend and cried rape.
Claims to be a CSA and rape survivor and uses dd/lg and rape fantasies to work through her trauma. Recently posted that she wants to be raped >>
>>>/snow/595159⦁ Begs people online for money and gifts that she claims she is entitled to it because she's a porn star, even though she supposedly makes 55k a year
⦁ Uses drama as a way to market her content
⦁ Meets up with old men from tumblr for sex and films it.
⦁ Whenever anybody disagrees with her she plays the victim card and throws a tantrum.
⦁ Admittedly doesn't wash for weeks on end.
⦁ Has made numerous racist jokes, including calling a jewish person "baby hitler", and making a parody of Trump's "grab me by the pussy" claiming it to be satire.
Starts drama and throws a pity party when people call her on her shit saying every one is jealous of her "bomb ass porn"⦁ Her niche is "i will fuck your dad" and punching herself in the face for 50 cents
⦁ Labia looks like a breeding grown for -something- due to poor self hygiene and over-waxing with no exfoliation and same day masturbation. (
>>487910 ,
>>487913 ,
>>487926 ,
>>487935 ,
>>476771 ,
>>480326 )
⦁ Born in 1997 but still considers herself "19" for the last two years
⦁ Serious daddy and abandonment issues due to her always saying she will fuck your dad and your grandpa and is constantly viewed as a sex object by men. Speaks volumes to how replaced she feels. Someone "stole" her daddy. So she fantasizes about doing the same to other people.
⦁ Gets mad about her own contradictions making her look like an embarrassing hypocrite
⦁ Calls people out for wanting to get out of abusive living situations using a GoFundMe after she was just begging for donations to fix her hair right before the "most important thing for her career" up in Montreal (which she never managed to complete before the trip) (MV loft - all the other models seemed to be annoyed with her obnoxiousness) the way she speaks about abusive situations and people who were abused tells a lot. She fetishizes them and their abuse, no sympathy or empathy.She chastises people who live in abusive living situations and ask people for help, but exploits abusive situations in order to get people to give HER money. ( acts like it's different than making a GoFundMe because she compensates people with her "porn".)
⦁ Asked for donations and tacky wishlist items for her new "studio apartment" but never a bed
⦁ Claims to be gay/lesbian but showed disgust on cam when asked to go down on her "Gf" only caters to being a lesbian for guys and a shock factor She’s bi for the attention. She looks disinterested in any gif or other media that involves another woman.
⦁ Visited another dumblr whore Mia (Sadbaffoon) and looked unprofessional the entire time (at least she made Shay bath and shower)
⦁ Has a n(ew) BF? Neckbeard FUPA (Fupapa)
⦁ "Dates" a 60 year old man she calls Sir
⦁ Dry fucks herself (ass and pussy) without any lube and is lazy about all of her videos
⦁ Does the same thing in every video, just with a different outfit
Makes exaggerated sex faces and looks very disinterested in a lot of her videos ⦁ Frivolous spending as soon as she makes any money and then complains and asks for money right afterwards
⦁ Forces a baby voice in all of her media when previous stoner videos of her she's talking normally >>⦁
Constantly preaches "support girls supporting girls" and "don't support sex workers who bully other sex workers" when she literally does that almost once a week. ⦁ Her "fans" savagely attack any one/thing that is against shaynas word with absolutely no evidence as to why they're attacking someone
⦁ Thinks everything she says is important and worth saying(Shayna voices her illogical, hypocritical opinions.) She always rants about things, and a week later, she's voicing the complete opposite. She's done this countless times to the point that it's her personality.
⦁ Constantly tries to be edgy but just makes herself look even more (stupid and) embarrassing.
⦁ Has been gaining weight but still insists she's smol and skinny uwu
⦁ Sleeps on the floor in her "Studio apartment" has a giant tv but no bed not even an air mattress. Sleep on a pink(piss and shit on) rug on the floor
Recently bought an Iphone X but still no bed⦁ Previously filmed with hardtied and insex >>>/snow/547159 (I'm not quite sure what else to say about that subject)
⦁ allows minors to follow and comment on her instagram and tumblr
⦁ claims she was a child model and a ballerina dancer (was this before the "abuse" of being grounded?)
> 100% lurks >>>/snow/540546⦁ **Recently went to mexico to visit Fupapa while he was "on job" should be visiting Shay in Seattle sometime soon?
⦁ Claims they are ~in love~ **
⦁ Recently started wearing a bit more dark clothes and claiming to be a "goth gf"
⦁ Still has sores in the nether regions
⦁ Still hasn't filmed the alien porno, in fact she's barely pushed any content since she started "seeing" Fupapa
Her Sites:
http://dollymattel.tumblr.com http://pinkpussypopped.tumblr.com
>>>/snow/595275 archive photos: >> Threads
>>>/snow/344490>>>/snow/405758>>>/snow/457531>>>/snow/489642>>>/snow/520702>>>/snow/538195 there really is a lot of golden milk in this thread
>>>/snow/551438>>>/snow/576753**4.1 Don't post personal information that leads to real life harassment. No street addresses, phone numbers, or places of employment, unless the subject has published that information publicly on their social media.
4.2 Do not share names, pictures, or social media of people unrelated to the drama being discussed, for example family members, friends, or coworkers.**
Violating the above rules will lead to a swift permaban.
it is recommended to not be eating while viewing this thread
archived answered asks- theres so much more than these but just wow. (taken from previous thread)
>>>/snow/520071(welcome to her blog-y she hates her mom -if ur new) they found her blog) how her parents found out about her camming) her mom doesnt understand her n how she shoved misogyny down her throat and how she doesnt get that shayna wants to be a cam girl n how her mom send her emails/txts for schools and jobs- boo hooo soo abused by an awful bitch) literally makes me want to vomit- asked how her mom found her blog- she literally says "she’s the type of person to try and dig up dirt on me so she has an actual reason to be mad at me other than just being a bitch"-wow shayna) such a shitty mom… makes up but then proceeds to still bash her to her followers) she is courageous for sticking up to her mom- lulz) y she's a strong person bc of what she went thru w/ her mom) her blog was private/ brother backs up mom) asker u dont need parents- more about her mom and how she compromised their lives- her mom lost her poarents when she was only 12) thes dumblr loser minions perpetuate her delusions and warped thinking)
asked y her mom is such a bitch and how they better be blessed w/ a child like her!! other pples mom like her more her mom is jelly) boo hoos and how her mom told connors mom about the camming) justifying her blog to her mom) from her awful parents… blog or us) about suicide, her experience w/ her parents n what they were doing pushed her) other archived links from the deleted threads:
This ones long, talks about her childhood and rape highlighted is of an ASK where she mentions kinks to overcome rape) rape & mentions shaving her head) eating disorder weed allergy No. 596591
>>596387alright so I was curious about those other Tumblrs that she made when she was trying to run away from being called out on her main blog. I figured since new thread I would check in on them and give an update…
she hasn't touched "thesaddesthoe" since September 7 of last year, I guess she abandoned it after the ""drama"" died down.
"pinkpussypopped" hasn't been touched since January 28th of this year. not sure why she abandoned that one. Honestly that URL makes me want to HURL because we all know what her pussy looks like (red, not pink) and I don't even want to imagine which part(s) of it are popping at any given moment.
also how did we learn about "themosthatedgirlonthisdamnsite"? because there's only one post on there that says "it's me" so did she advertise this blog at some point? it seems super strange to me that she would make and claim this in the first place. like she just decided one day that she deserves this title, and that she's famous enough that everyone on tumblr must know about her and hate her. I'm not saying it's not her blog, because she is deeeefinitely a big enough narc to do that shit, but I'm just like, are you really proud of being hated? do you ever stop to think that even HALF of those people who actually do hate you have a GOOD reason for it? and instead of trying to fix yourself and your shitty attitudes towards women and sex workers (and life in general) you just make a stupid throwaway blog with one post on it to make yourself feel better?
No. 596597
>>596591also samefag but she's still describing herself as 19 and 5'3 on her MFC profile. not to mention listing a Twitter that has been suspended :) last time she broadcasted was May 16, so two weeks ago while fupapa was at work, but I guess she just never updates her profile.
I still wanna know what went down with her "girlfriend" from Tumblr whom she dumped and then IMMEDIATELY got with Fupapa after claiming that she was totally done with meeting people through tumblr. cannot WAIT to see how this newest relationship blows up in her face.
do you all think it will fall apart before or after he comes to visit and sees the shit ass place/way she lives? place your bets now
No. 596662
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She's honestly delusional.
No. 596686
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Shayna needs to stop reblogging minors content and promoting these children's accounts to her entire audience and the dangers it consists of. Shayna keeps driving innapropriate traffic to CHILDREN and MINORS blogs and accounts!! Traffic from her own blog consisting of her audience, followers and her customer base consisting of people who get off on porn of her looking like little girls, age play fantasies, getting hit and punched, non-consent, rape, etc. towards the accounts and blogs of children and minors. She's helping real predators find them, placing them at risk. This is so wrong and needs to stop! This isn't the first time she's done this, she does lot of things that keep endangering minors, this is just the most recent example. By Shayna reblogging minors content, she causes a surge of inappropriate blogs including dangerous people, and unwanted traffic to this poor child's account!
Shayna's entire "thing" is sex work, age play; looking like a child, lolita, pandering to old men who are aroused by her type of content, and she is driving this innapropriate traffic towards them. Shayna does porn. Her entire gimmick is jailbait, dd/lg, pandering to pedos. She has stated herelf she uses her blog to market her porn. Shayna isn't just a nsfw blog, or even just a porn blog. Not only is she starring and producing pornography, it is her pornography's theme, it is done on an account she uses to MARKET and PROMOTE her content. An account she uses to INTERACT and grow her costomer base. Her target demographic are the last people she should be driving towards a child's blog who just likes to post pink things they like.
This is so wrong. Shayna has been called out for endangering minors by encouraging them to not only follow her, but to also interact and ask her for advice on various serious life topics and questions. Even her mother has pleaded with her telling her she is endangering these kids (links in thread description). The same account she uses to market her pornorgraphy with jailbait, dd/lg , incest, ca themes. It's one thing for her now as an adult to make the type of content/porn she does, things she tags as "age play", acting like a child, dressing like a child, etc regardless if you agree with that or not. But it is whole other thing for her to actually to keep putting REAL children and minors in harms way.
No. 596687
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>>596686Shayna makes this posts about who people reblog from, so she's completely aware and awake to the fact of where her images could come from. Yet she still reblogs content from minors and drives traffic to their accounts.
If she's going to go out of her way to acknowledge where and who people reblog from, and get on a soapbox and talk about minors in kink, she should heed her own advice, be responsible for once, STOP ENDANGERING MINORS, and stop driving her pedo traffic to their accounts.
No. 596697
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>>596662>>596665She didn't fly, she's talking about being on the train. "Business-class" on train transit isn't anything to brag about, but it seems doing random normal things makes her feel special since she's so white trash. So this shit is prob huge for her, you know like paying rent, getting groceries, and upgrading your old ass phone.
No. 596711
>>596698 Her hair doesn't curl the same since she's fried it and chunks fell out. She does french braids in pig tails and that is how it crimps like that.
>>596700>>596698She has incredibly bad wrinkles. They are very very deep, and will just keep getting worse with time. If she does ever get botox, it will just worsen and make her face even more
problematic. Botox when you're young will always end up fucking your face worse than how it looked before. She's fucked.
>>596708Maybe she shouldn't lie, scam, start problems and drama, and do other really fucked up shady shit.
No. 596811
>>596760don’t be mean to autistic people by lumping Shay in with them, so rude.
Shay isn’t autistic, she just thinks she’s edgy and business savvy when she’s actually just a greasy white girl who makes half ass porn vids for a few bucks.
No. 597010
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>a sim that looks like you
Challenge accepted.
No. 597012
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even sim fupa is a pervert, look at that hand.
No. 597023
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There, that about does it for her room. now they can live in squalor.
No. 597059
>>597023It's funny cos it won't let her sleep on that rug, nor even sit on it and all the pink kitchenware is legit useless, it's just decor.
Take a hint from your sim Shay, rugs are not for sleeping on.
No. 597236
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This cornball is trying to subtly show off her iphone X that everyone already had 8 months ago lol
No. 597497
Does anyone remember when Shayna used to talk about her "deformity" ? Don't know if it was her leg (with the really bad discoloration and scar), or if it could be something else like her tits. She said she used to feel super insecure growing up bc of this "deformity". I remember people asking her about it, all she'd reply was "I don't feel comfortable talking about it". It was a long time ago.
No. 597530
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she’s going back to her more alternative look and we all know it’s bc it’s fupapa’s favorite. it’s kind of sad shay. just be who you want to be.
No. 597560
Fupa Daddy has been silent on Tumblr since he was called out for that pointless lie about Anthony Perkins
No. 597597
>>597530Tbh I'm not mad at it lol
We've all been saying for months how she should go back to this look. A shame it took fupa to convince her but whatever it's a step up from the pink baby bimbo aesthetic she tries to portray
No. 597790
>>597560kek he's back and he deleted that post, but it's still here: what else he's lying about?
No. 597797
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oh boy. looks like he's sick of her. shay, what do you think?
No. 597801
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and these two. not sounding so enthusiastic about everything there fupapa
No. 597807
>>597794I did too. I also commented on the post earlier today that it's not possible, and then he deleted it.
What an idiot, kek.
The only person who reblogged it is literally 16. She's a Shayna stan too. So much for aDuLtS OnLy. These people are vile.
No. 597822
>>597801Shay must really be that insufferable for Fupapi to already be sick of Shayna and all that comes with Shayna.
Kek, good for you.
No. 597893
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what happened to the ~*sass*~ fupapa?
No. 597894
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pt 2
No. 597936
SHAYNA, YOUR EYELINER WING ISNT SUPPOSED TO TOUCH YOUR EYEBROW. Please do something other than super thick wings and fake eyelashes with your eye makeup. Your foundation is too dark, your blush is too dark, and red isn't really the color for you when it comes to lipstick. Please apply a very basic and minimal amount of eyeshadow BEFORE you do your liner. Please reduce the thickness of the black liner on your eyelid, because the thicker it is, the smaller it makes your eyes look. The fake eyelashes are tacky and unnecessary, but if you want to wear them, find ones that are thinner and are going for a more natural look. Do not contour your nose because it just winds up making it look larger. You would look good with mascara on the top and bottoms lashes, and a light amount of mascara on the bottom lashes. Go for thickening mascara, and/or lengthening mascara. I would suggest a light brown shadow for your crease, and a light white/pastel color for your inner corner and do a simple gradient from the ends of your eyes, to the middle, and then apply the lighter color to the tear duct. Do not put eyeliner on your waterline, unless you are doing a light/white color. The dark makeup is shrinking your eyes. Also, please use eyeshadow for your brows instead of a pencil/gel/whatever you're using. The more natural the brows look, the better. You don't have the correct facial structure for such dark/defined brows. Lastly, your lipstick would look great in a nude/mauve color. Apply LIGHT contour on your cheeks and LIGHT blush, do whatever you want with your highlight on your cheek bones. Only apply a very small amount on the bridge of your nose if you apply it to your nose at all. Lastly, look for undereye dark circle correcting concealer to apply BEFORE your foundation. Again, your foundation needs to be at least two shades lighter. Lessen the thickness of the top lid liner. Use a moisturizer before applying makeup as well. Please take my advice!!! You would look so much better without the super heavy eye makeup(autism; emoji)
No. 597984
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She posted it originally over a month ago, but re-posted again today.
>>597801 Lol, taking a break from tumblr? Saw that coming. Poor Fupa. When you try to join an ol community and want to explore
"bdsm" dynamics and roles as a dom, but ends up with
"that girl with frizzy hair hipster stoner who now thinks she can do porn with her pimply boiled infected cunt" who piggy backs on "kink community" to attempt to disguise the reality that she's just a selfish fuck who can't handle the fact her real daddy replaced her. But fupa's stuck playing daddy, is that what he really wants? It's obvious he isn't down for Shayna's leech-ness shit. Now that he's got an "audience" he's gotta be nice about it. Poor guys prob crying for help inside, but from his "gym motivation posts" with haters, he's one to "prove people wrong" so now he's stuck. How is he gonna get out of this shit. He's prob so happy they live in diff states, and he has the excuse that "he's busy af"
No. 597989
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No. 598004
>>597936She wears lashes everyday, it's her security blanket. Her problem is, she doesn't know how to apply make up, she's talked about it numerous times, any attempt at changing it up, she does weird shit like literally copies a drag queen. If you think it's bad now, you should have seen it then, she's regressing back to drawing her wings too big, it's already touching her brows so idk.
>>597989How can anyone even show this to the world? Like who lied to you and said porn was a viable option? Like who can even respect FUPA when they know he touches
THAT? gross!
>>598000Exactly anon! When the pussy is the most disgusting thing that needs the most antiseptic and washing in the photo. Okay, I'm starting to think that Shayna is farsighted, or that her laptop's screen, her last phones' screen and this phone's screen is busted, cuz you can't explain ANY of the shit she posts.
No. 598007
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They're raging.
I don't understand who can fap to this shit.
No. 598008
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>>597989Filth really is her brand now. She's like fucking Divine these days
No. 598009
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No. 598010
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When you put a sheet over a dog cage bc you have no furniture and you need somewhere to set your things on.
No. 598011
>>598007a couple of them are looking more like warts and they're clustering together. Yeah there are some ingrowns but that's not all that's going on down there
>>598009 Her smile and optimism; gone. She's dead behind those eyes, I can forgive the brows because it's just so sad
No. 598016
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Good portrait, makes her look 50
No. 598019
>>598011Yeah ingrown hairs don't link together like that, something is wrong, why won't she see a doctor?
If my pussy looked like this I'd be straight to the doctor and definitely not show the whole damn world.
No one wants to see that in their porn.
No. 598024
>>598016Whoah the accuracy!! Makes her look?… she DOES look 50! This is forgiving though, at least the left out her deepset forehead wrinkles.
>>598020that's just a sheet over her dog cage silly
No. 598039
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She's notorious for sitting super far from the camera lens to hide her nasty pussy.. but you can't hide that shit, a filter wont even help a little. EW
No. 598049
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My eyes are screaming at the texture of her vag
No. 598050
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This is the saddest existence. At least she knows she's not much of a speaker, she's not much of a looker either, and her pussy… dear lord. Ignorance is truly bliss. So sad when you'll do anything for attention, even when people are looking at you in disgust.
#2, when you don't ever buy groceries, so take photos when you do. kek.
No. 598078
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>>597999Sadly anon she walks back home
to do this gag
No. 598116
>>598110I don't know about herpes because it'd hurt like a bitch and be more red I think, but yeah, it's gotta at least be a fucking yeast infection or something wtf
there's no way those are just irritated ingrowns, right…?
No. 598163
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>>597100>>597095>>596705But it's meant for filling in scars, apparently. She could use it on her wrinkles. unless they make something else, I don't think thats' it
No. 598179
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> conveniently hides the gross titty in most pics
>I'm so proud of my veiny tiddies they make me speshul
No. 598190
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>>598163The one I was referencing when I said Dermaflage is literally a heavy concealer, my mother uses it for veins on her legs. They make multiple products including full coverage concealer palettes, she could however use this on both her wrinkles and veins. Dermacol is also extremely high coverage so she could use that if she buys the real stuff not the oil knock off.
No. 598269
File: 1527740897714.png (886.04 KB, 720x1055, Screenshot_2018-05-31-00-25-57…)

She's kept the curls/braids since fupapa, wash your damn hair girl.
No. 598491
>>598366>>598461>>598290>>598139Honestly though, what kind of self respecting man would ever want a pussy like that. How the fuck could he ever show his face? Oh wait… he doesn't show his face! He's prob so fucking happy he can hide behind cropped photos. He can justify being with her bc noone really knows he's with her. Can you imagine how big of an embarassment he would be to his friends when they discover what Shayna looks like, then her pussy… OMG!! He would be he biggest fucking joke. He thinks he's something for dating a pseudo "pornstar" even though her "porn" is vomit fest, and a fucking joke. For now he can hold on to the delusions and think people say these things about her for other reasons. But what's he going to say when his own friends gag when they see her "porn" all those pimples, boils, whiteheads, and infections all over his "pornstar's" pussy? If her obnoxious and cringey personality doesn't turn them off first already.
Seriously, he says he's never looked at her vids, but that's a fucking lie. He's def seen it or at least the previews! He just doesn't want to admit that he has because then
people will know, that
he knows that her pussy is wreckt and rancid with boils and infections all over it. It's fucking sad how not only will he not acknowledge her pussy, but how he'll go out of his way to put it out there that he hasn't seen any of the videos of her diseased cunt. An attempt to put distance between him and he fact. He plays dumb, like bro, we've seen it. We know. From the looks of her most recent shit, it never clears up. Honestly, there's no way he could ever show his face now, I bet 1000% he would never be out and open with Shayna. He will NEVER want his identity be exposed with her. And not for the negativity, but because I don't think he's proud of her or being with her if people really knew one bit. On his blog and to her, he can say "fuck the haters". But he's not that dumb. Shayna doesn't realize it bc she lives her life on her blog, but he is hiding her, and hiding himself and any attachments to her. For now, he get's the good things, while not having to deal with any of the real bad shit, like people knowing who he really is, and his real self being with her. Aside from those snaps Shayna took of him, before all the shit blowing up, you think FUPA will ever be out in the open with her, take uncropped photos with her, etc… Cuz that's what Shayna wanted at first. To have someone to make content with also. How sad he uses excuses like "it's her thing" cuz he doesn't want to be seen with her and get sucked into her black hole.
It's seriously hard to comprehend how a sane, normal, seeing-able, self-respecing, self loving person could do this to themself cuz its just so horrific. But then I remember it's FUPA. That's why.
No. 598494
>>598491Reality and Shayna's reality can never collide for FUPA, or he's fucked. Try keeping her nasty pussy a secret when Shayna's fucking obnoxious self always needs to be the center of attention. If it does get serious, you think she'll say she does something else for Fupa's sake and saving face with
his family. If she couldn't even keep it together with her own mom, and kept forcing her mom to accept her as a camgirl or not in her life at all(links in thread description).
No. 598566
File: 1527787011600.jpeg (Spoiler Image,283.76 KB, 719x1280, 2F7A8E2B-653F-48D4-BAD5-9C8A36…)

Idk if it’s old but wtf ?isn’t she ashamed fr
No. 598817
File: 1527803496637.jpg (126.34 KB, 675x1200, tumblr_oy71fqCCmA1rmiw96o1_128…)

~ Crunchy 40 yo realness ~
No. 598839
File: 1527804429255.jpg (85.39 KB, 1080x1091, Screenshot_20180531-001248_Tum…)

Fupa didn't answer my ask lol(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 599019
File: 1527818851325.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1242x1233, 4FDED2E6-316F-49DB-A3E1-09FA35…)

Honey those glasses need to go
No. 599022
File: 1527819440550.png (76.25 KB, 231x586, Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at 10.1…)

No. 599070
>>599067ahh yes, looks totally legit!
god shay is such a fucking dumbass…
No. 599087
>>599067That petite girl she shot the hardtied shoot with is signed here.
"i asked her a lot of real advice on the business" damn girl, leech off of everyone and not do the work yourself.
Kek I can't wait to see where this goes.
No. 599093
>>599022>Dreams have come trueDoes she not realize how many other girls get chewed up to be spit back out in this industry? There's nothing special about her she's not going to go anywhere with this. A few videos and that's it, that'll be her ~dream come true porn career~
Kek good luck being a professional porn star, Shayna
No. 599105
File: 1527824166469.png (Spoiler Image,814.85 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180531-203608.png)

So official~
No. 599107
File: 1527824187799.png (Spoiler Image,719.5 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180531-203615.png)

No. 599124
>>598190I'd consider that more like theatre makeup lol
I completely forgot it existed
No. 599223
File: 1527830428955.png (17.93 KB, 695x48, lolcow.png)

Awkward. I looked at another site (Twobigmeanies) that the guy run to see how much the girls get paid. I feel like this is incredibly low for having videos of yourself getting. abused and fucked on camera. You don't even have any powers on the content after that :/
No. 599271
>>599243God I know exactly what video you’re talking about. I’ve (shamefully) seen it many times, it does get me off. No I’m not biologically male, thank you. I didn’t realize Donna didn’t consent to all of that, thought it was just a hardcore act. Obviously have some problems I need to work through… used to be a lot like Shay, and thought I wanted that level of abuse.
Just curious, did Donna herself come out about the abuse in that one or are you just assuming? I don’t know much about her and never thought to look into it
You’re right. Shay will be in that position sooner than she realizes, and the worst part is she thinks it’s something she wants
No. 599296
>>598007I do, It is a FETISH
This is sad. Her feet look filthy and does anyone know what the sores are? There is a fetish for this type of porn, so she probably earns more $ doing these sets than what an attractive teen would. Ditto 500 lbs and over women that do Nudz. Never underestimate the fetishes of Men. The bet is filled with shaven teens/young adults, less so with women that show off their sores/ infection and filthy feet and surroundings - Trailer park/Homeless chic is probably harder to find.
No. 599380
>>599022ahahahahahahhHSHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!I used to think she was somewhat smart for staying indie, but she's just really dumb AF and had been trying, and just now getting signed. The delusion is real. She's officially lost it. Shayna, do you not realize how many girls get signed to agencies. As soon as production and house sees her fucking pussy, she is so FUCKED! You're already the laughing stock of tumbler, MV, and hardtied! The shock factor and allure of getting to see someone humiliate themselves and have a diseased boil, pimple, whitehead infected snatch and still make "porn" is basically what kept ur lights on and fed you!!!! MV, handmade, and hardtied already knows this girl. You shouldn't even be paying for a single thing for LA! Not air fair, room/board, or costume, makeup… anything! What kind of ghetto directory are you shooting for!?! If she's going there out of her OWN expense, all they are doing is gladly taking her on to take a bigger cut out of the shit she does and will do than whatever MV took, or her own production cost ever took out. Of course they'll still keep her on, to do the bottom of the barrel work no other girl will want to do. It'll be interesting to see if she'll be eager to please everyone on production or be entitled where that shit don't fly… mixed with her floor licking status, and her obnoxious and annoying personality, yikes! Obviously Shaynas whole "gimmick" is getting punched/hit/bottom of the barrel/nasty vagina/ so you already know this over eager rodent will do anything and everything, but will she complain the whole way or suck it up and just break down on her flight back to her pissed on carpet. Except you best bet, she will be added to EVERYONE'S "NO LIST". Working with her is literally the worst thing anyone can do. Career ending. She posted that "drawing blood" post shortly after her trip with Fupa. BBuahhaahahahah oh Shayna, you really haven't experienced much real love in your life have you? This obese hick with a Fupa, who got made fun of his whole adolescence, and been ostracized his adult male life, that he'll revel in the attention random girls and 16 yr old followers send his way on his tumblr blog, and will gladly tell his "gf" to get into the REAL porn industry, and not just that, but BDSM porn. His girlfriend that says she's been a VICTIM of RAPE and CHILD ABUSE/ CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE, AN EATING DISORDER, WAS TRAUMATIZED by bein grounded and being home alone, and all the issues from when her real daddy replaced her etc. etc.. (links in thread description).
(pure autism) No. 599447
>>599380>>599407Lower tier is right. She's such scum-licking status. This just shows how bad she's been doing. She isn't getting crazy offers and haven't been asked to be featured on larger productions, or else she'd be doing it on her own and make more money. She's been actively seeking out production houses and agencies to sign with because she needs the work. She hasn't done shit. She rarely cams anymore. She doesn't know how to engage with an audience. Worse, she often gets called out for sitting too far from the camera to hide her infected pussy, and when she does sit closer, she gets asked and called out about her infected pussy. Her personality on cam is shit. She has zero cam regulars, her rooms never fill up at all, and all she does is complain. Her comfort zone is MV and tumblr. And what's even worse is, her being notorious for having outbreaks on her vagina is sadly what pays for her bills now. Although all mostly negative, the curiosity, the shock factor of a trainwreck or freak show is what's pushing her content now. She only engages on tumblr, where she already has the reputation as a joke. She really has a false sense of success and security. With MV, she had control and was able to edit herself and was able to present her best, and even that was shit. Shayna is not photogenic. She looks truly awful on camera, especially on video. On MV she can control what the audience sees. On every single one of the shoots she's ever done where someone else produces, she
always looks so bad to the point she wont even promote any of this "professional content". People in porn aren't picky, you have to look the part, you have to drop clean, and anyone can do it. But judging from any of her "pro porn" she does not shoot well, and the camera def does not even want to be her friend. Any frame from the shit from MV, the shit she records and uploads herself could be a reference photo on venereal diseases.
No. 599466
>>599223There's no way she's doing it for that. Even for her! Is this a guess, or is this what she's really doing it for?
>>599423All this attention, albeit negative, has really gone to Fupa's head. Tehe! Bro, nobody wants you or Shayna. You're "gf" has been plastering and perpetuating humiliating shit of herself on tumblr, rebloging each post 10000 x a day 10000x for over 6 years. ALMOST 7 YEARS! More fucked up, she was a hipster stoner blog for YEARS, and subjected her EXISTING and UNSUSPECTING followers (containing children and minors) to her porn and SEX WORK. It's math. People ARE going to see it, by choice or not. And if you did happen to see it, sorry that people happen to be offended, disturbed, horrified, or find it amusingly entertaining. Fupa loves the horror genre, he should understand this concept. It's hard to look away from a trainwreck, freakshows are oddly fascinating, and like watching a horror flick, people wanna know what happens to characters. Like watching Hoarders, My 600 lb Life, or watching to see if they can fix someone's fucked up face on Botched.
No. 599472
File: 1527865801098.jpg (101.89 KB, 750x1125, tumblr_oxjj37PIwE1rmiw96o1_128…)

She just re-blogged this from 7 months ago, but damn does she have bad cottage cheese on her thighs. Her cellulite is just going to keep getting worse and worse with time.
No. 599473
File: 1527865821257.jpg (Spoiler Image,93.54 KB, 714x1072, tumblr_oxjj37PIwE1rmiw96o5_128…)

No. 599484
>>599472She could have such an amazing body if she would just spend some time at the gym and eat more healthy.
Hell, even that light case of cellulite could be fixed in less than five months if she would just MOVE HER LAZY ASS SOMETIMES
No. 599653
File: 1527889062464.gif (5.23 MB, 320x240, popcorn.gif)

>>599022this will be a disaster that I can't wait to witness.
No. 599711
>>599518The only girls I know who are that thin with cellulite that bad (everyone has a little, Shays entire backleg is gross and lumpy)
a) used to be fat
b) are naturally thin but have the diet plan of an obese woman
Shay, like someone has pointed out before, is textbook skinny-fat
No. 599785
File: 1527900235434.png (849.49 KB, 594x854, Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at 8.44…)

>>599660super ot but those extensions… oh honey
No. 600055
File: 1527938407038.jpg (14.22 KB, 257x185, lolll.JPG)

>>600053well, I see no lies here lmao
No. 600233
File: 1527962949110.png (148.48 KB, 1826x1302, Screen Shot 2018-06-02 at 2.08…)

kind of tempted to apply just to see how easily i'd be accepted lol
No. 600242
File: 1527963377230.jpeg (Spoiler Image,74.42 KB, 750x555, A3C1860F-92D0-495B-AEC2-D1D04C…)

She’s back on cam. How does her body look this bad?
No. 600251
File: 1527964150970.jpeg (Spoiler Image,282.6 KB, 750x556, 701F7C7E-7808-4A69-A214-B89BC7…)

No. 600261
File: 1527964805528.jpg (Spoiler Image,196.9 KB, 1057x789, hiding.jpg)

Dolly Mattel camming, but like always, sitting far from the camera, and consciously hiding her boil infected pussy the whole time.
No. 600276
File: 1527965649037.jpg (Spoiler Image,277.29 KB, 1424x1120, 4tr5.jpg)

These were capped about 5 mins apart from each other(span of over 20 mins). She's still hiding her pussy. Yes, people have came and gone in the chat as well as greeted her.
No. 600288
File: 1527966674919.jpg (Spoiler Image,117.39 KB, 1505x547, dfgf.jpg)

She got up to move around started doing some ridiculously embarrassing "dance"?. Very awkward, mostly swaying back and forth with her back turned to the camera. She's still trying to hide her pussy and trying her hardest not to turn straight forward and face the camera directly. Even going as far as to twist awkwardly to pick up the wine bottle and to drink it.
No. 600290
File: 1527966762960.jpg (Spoiler Image,390.36 KB, 1465x1273, 344t.jpg)

More of her on cam, …still hiding her pussy.
No. 600292
File: 1527967001068.jpg (Spoiler Image,38.65 KB, 555x530, fgt.jpg)

Got a glimpse of what she was hiding when she was turning back to sit down.
No. 600349
File: 1527973222819.jpeg (61.21 KB, 540x540, C6D4223A-FD0B-491C-A9BB-244230…)

that rat face tho
No. 600395
>>600389That's what keeps her man attracted to her, she's obviously gonna keep doing it lol
The hair hasn't left curl mode and she's kept her bangs on the side. Funny part is that she is claiming her hair is naturally curly, when a few years ago she told her blog she always braided it when it would be wet so she could have curly hair lol
No. 600465
Shayna's "foot over her head pose", the only one she ever does… during her cam sesh earlier, she was taking pics of herself and someone commented "nice pose" when she had her foot over her head. She said "Thanks, I've been like working on doing it since before I can even remember."
Just kinda gives you an insight into her head. She must have thought it was impressive since childhood and made it a goal to be able to do it so she can show people. Along with the other shit she does, being obnoxious (voted most loud, annoying everyone at MV trip), exhibitionist, blog, porn, speaks volumes about to how bad she needs to "show off" to people and have attention, of any kind.
No. 600478
File: 1527987547032.jpg (55.21 KB, 518x652, i73.jpg)

Shayna has always been saying and doing dumb shit that she thinks makes her look cool and edgy for attention. Hitler @ age 15, then shoving easter eggs up her ass and shitting them out on the carpet she sleeps on @ age 20.
No. 600485
File: 1527987974290.jpg (88.55 KB, 581x455, dreamsandwishes.jpg)

Her dreams and wishes and aspirations 5 yrs ago.
No. 600618
File: 1528001984913.png (999.21 KB, 1136x856, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at 12.5…)

she looks so exhausted, please shay get some rest
No. 600621
File: 1528002097135.jpeg (651.89 KB, 1242x913, 78B921EF-A8BE-4196-B52B-225F61…)

22 people. What a killing.
No. 600622
File: 1528002128308.jpeg (609.02 KB, 1242x906, 52C63E5B-40B4-488F-86AE-B9B82A…)

Her only pose
No. 600641
File: 1528004977208.jpeg (Spoiler Image,89.4 KB, 640x718, 6BF9348B-CA70-426A-8778-7939CB…)

Her ass is so flat/weird looking it looks like a shoulder
No. 600643
File: 1528005090759.jpeg (Spoiler Image,82.54 KB, 640x723, 61D1A68F-F821-424C-951C-29BB6D…)

Also there she was pretending having trouble putting her shorts over her ~big~ hank hill ass but all we could see was the pimples all along her crack
No. 600684
File: 1528012411931.jpg (50.36 KB, 542x594, Screen-shot-9524492.jpg)

>>600478>>600566More on her reason
why she idolized Hitler.
This along with dropping the "n" word, talking about drugs, her "drug dealer", sex, claiming to always be high or drunk, and other shit that she thought made her looks cool back then.
She hasn't changed much at all. It's just going from different gimmicks of shock factor. Must feel inadequate to always have to do something "shocking" and "edgy" just to get people's attention.
No. 600685
>>600487If she shamelessly and voluntarily posts photos and vids of her diseased pussy looking the way it does, I don't think she worries much about anything she's posted on her blog, and there's a plethora of things.
She legit got into sex work using the same account she's had for 6 years, using her existing followers(including minors) as a customer base. She lives in a bubble of self perpetuated delusion, and tumblr's the main component. She even sacrificed her relationship with her family bc of it. So it would take a lot for her to ever delete her cherished tumblr. Morals, ethics, and family was never a big enough reason.
No. 600686
>>600622>>600643At least she kept her clothes on this time, instead of consistently trying to strategically hide her crotch.
Whatever happened to Shayna's gf? I thought she was only going on vaca,
No. 600956
File: 1528048956717.png (52.11 KB, 655x439, what2.PNG)

No. 600989
>>600640I think her eye bags (or face wrinkles in general) are kind of a lost cause to be honest. I don't think her skin could bounce back no matter what.
She could be a butter face though if she wasn't so lazy.
No. 601152
File: 1528058617792.png (547.96 KB, 344x914, Capture.PNG)

I know Fupa wants her back to her old aesthetic but I can't help thinking that this is not the best way to go about it. He spams her with this shit. Fucking idiot. Probably hiding a marriage and going after immature women on tumblr, trying to mold them like some controlling freak. I wish Shay would stop trying to be with anybody and just work on herself. Especially since this guy is a fucking idiot.
No. 601155
File: 1528058710310.png (632.22 KB, 433x883, Capture2.PNG)

>>601152And more, just to show how obnoxious he is being about it.
No. 601163
File: 1528058821840.png (11.65 KB, 473x251, kekkkk.PNG)

No. 601221
File: 1528061767536.png (601.45 KB, 720x805, Screenshot_2018-06-03-17-33-09…)

A pool float… And a tablecloth…
For what!? Her dog crate and a new accessory for her carpet?? Lmao
One-time useless material items that will never see the light of day
No. 601276
>>600618It's not sleep problems making her look that rugged.
I know people laugh at her "supposed weed allergy"… but this picture makes me want to cry seeing how exhausted she looks. She probably hasn't mentioned the chronic diarrhea that usually is a part of CHS, but this girl is no doubt spending every morning and large parts of her day vomiting and sh*ttin her guts out. Her body doesn't get a chance to absorb any nutrition, not just because the food she eats doesn't have much nutrition to begin with, but her GI tract being out of control.
She'll keep looking more tired and more thin, and eventually she'll balloon up…
No. 601429
>>600934>>600939>>600950 For as desperate and as hard as she tries to always do things for shock value, Shayna's fucking boring af. Anytime she voices her opinion, or tries to be "intellectual", it's cliche, or illogical, or contradictory and always laughable. She's just not very intelligent, nor does she have any depth. & it's not just bc of this "dumb-bimbo" aesthetic, she just trully isn't. She's tried so hard her whole life to be "special" and dreads to be "vanila", yet she's so basic.
>get to know me & realize… then don't wanna be around me anymore She should really take some self inventory if this is the case, especially if it's become a trend. Maybe they just see her true colors, and realize all that psycho, selfish, entitled, delusional shit is real when they get to know her. That's really fucking sad.
No. 601437
>>600957>>601414>sex work is my savior… sex work was my bravery… sex work was my compass in chaos. How very convenient she also uses "sex work" as a reason and excuse to attempt to explain and justify the shitload of her selfish decisions and shitty behavior. Why she can behave the way she does, without taking any accountability, and even as far as to blame ohers for her own actions consequeces.
Her gift of always playing the victim, putting the blame on others, and her ability to live and uphold these delusions is astonishing.
No. 601711
File: 1528124999822.png (145.4 KB, 720x706, Screenshot_2018-06-04-11-05-12…)

Welp.. That girl/guy called her out on here for not actually shaving her head and now this gets said lol
No. 601754
>>601743>>601711She doesn't have a face that could pull off a bald look
It works with some people. Maybe with an English or Irish heritage but I couldn't see her being able to pull off a good look. Especially not with the makeup choices she has.
She definitely hides with her hair and she would always have that atrocious wig on, albeit it would probably look a bit better with nothing to bunch it up over her head.
Shaving your head forces you to look at other qualities of your face.
She could try though, it's just hair. It'll grow back and be back at that length within three years
No. 601768
File: 1528129507562.jpg (34.88 KB, 522x336, 6t3.jpg)

No originality whatsoever. Didn't she already do a video with frosting and baked goods? & Pink fur coat? WTF, it's hideous, we've already seen it.
No. 601780
>>601768Yes shay that’s a great idea.
(tbh I just want to see her ruin her shitty faux fur coat and then complain about how she “needs” a new one)
No. 602025
File: 1528150703217.jpeg (827.02 KB, 1242x1291, 281CB09E-2F79-46C2-B8D7-270A85…)

hey Shayna, in case you didn’t know, most dolls don’t have eyebrows that touch their eyeliner wings. Just saying.
No. 602026
File: 1528150731149.jpeg (872.74 KB, 1029x1309, 963DE0D7-E173-4150-A660-13D05C…)

We have come full circle….literally.
No. 602032
>>602026kek she looks like she has dirt rings around her neck.
Also, Shayna, if you look like such a doll, why not post without the filter?
No. 602110
File: 1528159204685.jpeg (136.08 KB, 1242x326, FB11A7A5-1AF9-4B87-93B3-E8B123…)

okay but where are like the 4 other videos you claimed you were editing and would come out soon? Like the two from Mexico, or the spacegirl one, or any of the others you claimed you were shooting?
No. 602124
File: 1528161387979.jpg (185.37 KB, 1029x1309, shay_meitu_1.jpg)

>>602026I tried, I think I made it worse
No. 602129
File: 1528162022074.png (Spoiler Image,354.49 KB, 720x786, Screenshot_2018-06-04-21-24-09…)

I just……
No. 602130
File: 1528162048135.png (490.76 KB, 720x414, Screenshot_2018-06-04-21-27-10…)

..only see this
No. 602135
File: 1528162514979.png (Spoiler Image,352.4 KB, 639x372, ohgod.png)

>>602129I should really know better than to unspoiler anything in this thread while eating.
>>602130uncanny though.
No. 602136
>>602129I just don't understand how or why this is sexy or some shit.
All it does is make me think of someone jerking off to an anatomy text book… kinda. Or a graphic life-drawing class pose.
Not a damn thing sexually appealing about this.
No. 602142
>>602135I am too high for this, i am crying and laughing too hard and now this image is forever burned in my brain lmfao
Round of applause and acceptable knee slaps to you! Haha
No. 602144
File: 1528163457794.png (Spoiler Image,148.46 KB, 681x312, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at 9.49…)

How adorable! those sores and pimples are so barbie like .
No. 602162
>>602153She’s already been reposting shit from her past life as an emo stoner tumblr queen, so it’s clear she’s moving back into that to appease him. plus, he never tags her as anything but “part time GOTH gf”, very clearly showing that he doesn’t exactly enjoy the pink bimbo persona, but puts up with it so he can get his dick wet.
Tbh they’re both sad attention seeking people. And once they both are out of the puppy love/tumblr cute relationship phase they’ll start seeing each other’s true colors. They won’t be able to validate what horrible people they are anymore.
No. 602213
I can
maybe believe some of her sores are just ingrowns, but some of them last so long, like these
>>602144. No fucking way those are just ingrown hairs.
No. 602214
File: 1528175877528.png (271.25 KB, 638x368, ohgod (1).png)

>>602135>>602168>>602172>>602173ten minutes in MS paint created this. I made another cover that's just a huge gaping mouth over her bits but this one stays true to the Pale Man theme
No. 602218
>>602129it looks so dry and not aroused in the slightest
Why do people who don't actually like sex/jerking off get into sex work? It baffles me
No. 602222
File: 1528177162249.png (Spoiler Image,341.07 KB, 639x372, stillhorrifying.png)

>>602135>>602168>>602172>>602214I don't know if there's a way to maker this SFW.
No. 602230
>>602144I tend to get ingrowns when I shave, but they dont look like… that. They just kind of look like red bumps and go away in a few days.
Hers are very large and very raised, and look like warts or a skin infection. Please Shayna, go to a doctor. They will help you.
No. 602265
>>602230>>602144This! Where do all you people see ingrowns and sores?
That shit is FULL GROWN WARTS!!! Fucking genital warts. It's an STD, do something about it girl
No. 602376
File: 1528209697882.png (Spoiler Image,765.48 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-06-05-10-40-14…)

How can you do sex work… And only be able to swallow an inch??? Lmfao
No. 602380
File: 1528210400015.png (Spoiler Image,836.01 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-06-05-10-40-19…)

It only gets worse when she starts beating her meat kek
No. 602431
File: 1528215929689.gif (Spoiler Image,2.29 MB, 540x304, seizure.gif)

She's convulsing! Fupa help her!
No. 602433
File: 1528216008242.png (Spoiler Image,618.56 KB, 1045x555, hahahaha.PNG)

No. 602434
File: 1528216082606.png (22.19 KB, 266x660, wwhat.PNG)

Everything about them is repulsive.
No. 602435
File: 1528216131821.png (11.63 KB, 276x385, alrighthenny.PNG)

No. 602436
File: 1528216245629.png (32.5 KB, 496x551, dummies.PNG)

Rape "play". shay is not a kid, you lardy fuck.
No. 602437
File: 1528216415628.png (30.57 KB, 451x396, ummm.PNG)

Is he joking? There are cam models busting their asses working 12-24 hour days regularly or churning out 6 videos or more in a day. When this stuff is over for her, she's gonna have a real hard time adjusting to the normal notion of hard work that doesn't involve leisure time on tumblr or smoking weed all day long. Shay is not a hard worker. She does the bare minimum, and Lard Ass praises her.
No. 602439
File: 1528216660048.png (Spoiler Image,1.39 MB, 1402x629, wahahah.PNG)

Her butt is so funnily shaped to me. I haven't ever seen anything quite like it.
No. 602443
>>602437I want to believe hes joking but I doubt it. She has to be his first cam, porn, whatever she thinks she is to believe that.
I know Cam girls who travel for shoots for their patreons, go on cam at night and work on customs and cips in their spare time. THAT is hard work. This girl would cry her first hour into the daily routine of any actual hard working cam girl.
No. 602445
>>602436"she does a great job of caring for me, and I do a great job at making her laugh"
"shes a really good kid with a lot to offer."
"im just happy i get to hang out with her"Yeah shay…. No red flags
at all No. 602446
File: 1528216976668.png (Spoiler Image,894.73 KB, 853x590, mmmm.PNG)

No. 602451
>>602446Her elbows look like they’re bending the wrong way wth
And seriously who chooses this angle? You’re giving a blowjob why would you want the camera that far away? I have a feeling she doesn’t even practice angles and just puts the camera wherever and goes “I’m a porn star who cares” and just shoots it not giving two fucks.
No. 602452
File: 1528217787637.jpg (63.02 KB, 380x750, sleptin.jpg)

looks like she slept in her makeup and just went over it with more makeup in the morning, kek.
No. 602517
>>602452this video made me really sad because of the clash between her image and what she actually seems to like. she's a naturally goofy, dorky person, even her o-faces are more parodical than sexy, she has some taste in music and an okay body that looks much better in alternative fashion. she has strengths that she can play to and niches she can effortlessly succeed in if she wants to make money off of sex work this much. if she played to them she wouldn't even seem this dumb or talentless because she'd be in her element. yet she willingly insists on swimming against the current, adopting an aestethic she doesn't look good in, can't properly follow and frankly doesn't care to know much about/is unequipped to perform well. it's so obvious her heart's not in it from everything she does. why does she insist on it? does she think being a contrarian with an ill-fitting gimmick gives her character? shay, you already have some of that, better build on it instead of going against the grain because otherwise you'll end up with actual psychological and financial problems in your later years.
sage for pitying a gormless chipmunk because she played Trollstigen in a random video.
No. 602676
>>602445Definitely sounds like he's not actually that into her, but can't do any better. So here he is trying to downplay the relationship and string her along to keep her on the bench for future potential sex dates as well as to feed his ego, as he "needs to feel loved". You just know he's sliding into other girl's DMs trying to find other hookups on his travels. Not to mention his potential girlfriend/wife situation at home.
>>602446Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't she not be ingesting the water in Mexico? Even if it is her just licking it off a dildo?
No. 602780
>>602676yeah, even if you go to a really expensive tourist area/resort, the hotels will have warnings not to even wash your tooth brush with the tap water - use supplied water bottles.
there are usually signs all over touristy areas saying not to consume the water, icecubes, don't get it in your mouth, etc, etc.
usually the consequence is severe diarrhea, iirc there's even a common joke that it's the curse-revenge of some old god or something lmao
so yeah, she has to be pretty dense not to know that (and why wouldn't fupa know/tell her? idk)
No. 602954
File: 1528252998969.png (116.98 KB, 718x327, Screenshot_2018-06-05-22-42-33…)

"does someone feel like giving me birthday presents because i cant afford to treat myself or"
No. 602957
File: 1528253031733.jpg (14.48 KB, 277x111, lolll.JPG)

lol shes scrambling for money rn
No. 602962
>>602431first off, why would you make that face? or even think that face is sexy? second, how does rubbing your clit with those witch claws feel good in any way? wouldn't you just be rubbing it with your fingertips while your giant 2 inch long nails stab your vaginal opening? that doesn't sound or look pleasant in the least.
for fucks sake at least do practice shots. instead of just taking any old shot from any old angle, using the first take, and then calling it top quality content that you worked soooooo hard to make. actually RIDE the dildo don't just sit there and slightly bounce while stabbing your vag with your witch claws. this girl is the epitome of everything NOT sexy, how does she keep making money?
No. 603301
File: 1528294919939.png (1.15 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-06-06-10-21-00…)

Please tell me this isnt sitting on top of that damn dog cage with a mf tablecloth…..
Girl… Just quit. Lmfao
No. 603324
File: 1528298524900.png (5.82 KB, 589x218, Opera Snapshot_2018-06-06_1622…)

She does mean to eat right?
No. 603394
File: 1528306017247.gif (832.4 KB, 245x185, 797bac76eb08481399f3d179d56721…)

>>603336She says they are the first cakes she's ever made. Shay can't cook, can't do her makeup, can't dress herself, has horrid hygiene, and she's dumb as hell. What does this girl do well?
No. 603459
File: 1528313654129.png (817.18 KB, 434x880, roughassnigga.PNG)

>>603419If she was raking in thousands of dollars scamming or something, I could believe that. But the bitch pays her rent and bills and buys weed, then begs. I don't know how that qualifies as successful at getting money. Just saying, no offense.
Here is everyone's favorite, Fupapa. Looking R O U G H
No. 603465
File: 1528313841140.png (104.15 KB, 275x271, F845E3A9-6E26-4C7D-BB08-5DE5B8…)

>>603459He’s one ugly fuck even without showing his eyes
No. 603469
>>603459Good God. He looks 45 with the fashion sense of a 15 year old
You got some choice taste, Shay
No. 603483
File: 1528314767891.jpg (24.29 KB, 460x346, emodad.jpg)

>>603459He legit looks like if the emo dad meme got chunky and grew a beard.
No. 603546
>>602129>>602144>>602265These 2 frames are from the same video!? I agree it looks like DollyMattel could have vaginal warts. She is clearly strategically covering her infection? boils? warts? with her fingers in the first frame, and uses that frame as the thumbnail to sell that video. Yet even in the preview, you are able to see the boils and warts in the other scenes.
>>598007>>598011This isn't even funny anymore, this is false advertising. Her paying customers have already complained of feeling scammed, wanting their money back, some even in these threads. Yet she continues to make porn while she has these infections and flareups, and uses advertises the video with gifs and photos where it isn't that noticable. She hides her pussy during cam sessions, she hides it during her self produced videos, what even is this anymore? You cannot have a career in the adult industry if you're constantly hiding the main asset its built around. Look for an alternative means of income, and if she's adamant in still doing porn, wait until the infection clears!
No. 603587
>>603363Her solo videos are laughable, and the last thing close to sexy. Her hardtied video with kenzie, was awful. She does not know how to work with other talent. Her selfishness and entitlement transcends her personal life, and is obvious in her scenes with other people.
For her pussy to look the way it does, you would think DollyMattel would try her hardest to compensate in other areas. Like learning how to reciprocate and eat a pussy or learn to suck a dick. Her scenes with Kenzie were huge turn offs. She just looked gross, fake moans that got irritating, and her lack of any effort made me want to X out several times, if it wasn't for shots of Kenzie's glorious ass. Lucky for DollyMattel, her scene partner did great and salvaged what she could.
No. 603589
File: 1528320839076.jpg (176.92 KB, 649x1280, cake.jpg)

too bad she looks like a crackhead who poorly photoshopped her face.
No. 603599
File: 1528321322420.jpg (15.73 KB, 502x273, x.jpg)

Rude? No. True? No. She goes out of her way to take photos from angles to make them appear larger, and uses filters in all her photos that distort her face to do the same. She doesn't think it's rude, she loves hearing this. She always talks this way in attempt to hide her ego.
>>603589>>603594She need's the filter. It's become a security blanket.
>>603597She literally has no friends. None.
No. 603615
File: 1528322433325.jpg (38.33 KB, 469x242, xd2.jpg)

She reblogs these photos from when she was shooting her hardtied video, but she doesn't ever promote the ACTUAL photos, videos, or anything of the ACTUAL shoot, and took days to a week to even post a link after it was already released, and only after being called out on hiding it. Yea it's because she looked humiliatingly bad in them, and her pussy had another outbreak of boils. What is she going to do when she can't cherry pick her own content?
No. 603621
>>603459He seriously looks like he smokes a pack a day and drinks cheap beer like it's water.
I love that he and Shayna both look like they're 45.
No. 603640
Also, I spy what looks to be a decent Halloween tattoo on fupa. What a shame, I love that movie but people like him make it tacky.
No. 603730
File: 1528332415349.jpg (34.8 KB, 277x556, bulimia is cool.JPG)

remember kids, bulimia is COOL.
No. 603733
>>603730Last year on her birthday she was begging her followers for money to buy props to film her bday video, she also baked cupcakes she ate by herself, at home with no friends. This year she has done the exact same, except a cake, and threw it up. Still begging, still no friends. The only thing that has evolved are the baked goods.
Also what happened to her hair? Did more of it fall out? Why does it look like that?
No. 603737
File: 1528333207963.jpg (24.54 KB, 515x213, yh34.jpg)

wow, her life is so sad
No. 603780
>>603363TBH I can't wait for the first videos to be leaked already, I wonder when her first shoot is
>>603589that cake is BURNT no wonder she puked it up. how awful.
No. 604088
File: 1528375260893.jpg (107.03 KB, 537x989, tumblr_p9xph9F8GU1rmiw96o2_128…)

Her feet
No. 604239
File: 1528385558059.jpeg (132.11 KB, 1242x784, 4C3F5B5D-A7A8-4F74-9D40-CCD72D…)

No. 604240
File: 1528385572014.jpeg (121.46 KB, 1242x778, 9700B5CD-6E41-4D83-9638-E13CBB…)

No. 604259
>>604240Ohhhhh so they're both racist fucks, cool and edgy!
Idec after this comment for anything he spews. He could've been professional and gave a real damn answer. But, instead he shafts poc for…… Shay…. Who has no color whatsoever. Unseasoned dumbasses. This doesn't make you edgy, this makes you look like a racist pos. Congrats, a donald trump/Hitler lover and a racist fatass. 'Merica
extreme eyeroll No. 604274
File: 1528386887652.png (698.57 KB, 720x891, Screenshot_2018-06-07-11-49-04…)

When you have no food to eat and no real man's attention, of course you believe your Trixie.
But, maybe.. Just hear me out.. Maybe you're just a broke bitch with pride too high to admit your failing miserably?
No. 604277
File: 1528386953353.png (20.66 KB, 476x371, stoplying.PNG)

Haha, Shay cannot ride dick dude. We know it for a fact.
No. 604279
File: 1528387001593.png (Spoiler Image,517.1 KB, 428x708, um.PNG)

No. 604284
File: 1528387096614.png (Spoiler Image,23.53 KB, 457x433, bwahahah.PNG)

Hahahah except total power exchange and this consensual non-consent shit aren't the same thing you fat fuck. Go find a different definition, lardy.
No. 604287
File: 1528387180134.png (Spoiler Image,9.91 KB, 478x230, play.PNG)

No. 604292
File: 1528387351903.png (Spoiler Image,594.09 KB, 754x936, sunshine.PNG)

Look at who Fupapa is reblogging now kek.
No. 604299
File: 1528387499749.png (504.42 KB, 348x797, whitetrash.PNG)

Shay looks so trashy. Holy shit.
No. 604312
>>604291Maybe, but I think those are just big gross calluses, which are often also yellow.
I can't believe how bad this bitch is at upkeep.
No. 604316
>>604299what is she smoking that's so opaque?
this is my own ignorance about stuff that can be smoked but it looks like she's hurling mayonaisse
No. 604345
>>604299Her neck is so discolored from not showering properly/at all
I feel like I can smell her stank from here
No. 604446
>>604347Wouldn’t that be more a stretch for your hamstrings?
Well he wouldn’t know, he doesn’t do leg day.
No. 604504
>>604316>it looks like she's hurling mayonaisseLaughed entirely too hard at this, thanks anon.
>>604343Oh shit, I think you are right? This is both hilarious and sad. Just how old IS fupapa?
No. 604533
File: 1528404844320.jpg (27.87 KB, 549x220, whatsignorant.JPG)

why is someone asking you to post more people of color, ignorant? his blog has mostly white people on it, whats ignorant about asking to post more poc? i don't get it.
No. 604581
>>604572The thought of someone touching her crotch with their mouth makes me want to cry. That's so disgusting.
How are they ever going to do close ups of her? Seriously.
>>604533LOL! "there's tan people in there! just scroll!" He does not discriminate, there's all shades of albino, beige, white, cream, & translucent.
No. 604594
>>604533i scrolled through his blog. only found 2 POC. one asian chick and one possibly black girl. i guess that covers the quota, he's totally NOT racist.
what an idiot
No. 604627
File: 1528411341016.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.35 KB, 537x603, face.JPG)

cut her face out, take off the awful over filtering, and its actually a good picture.
No. 604650
File: 1528412803892.jpg (Spoiler Image,75.88 KB, 488x246, 20180607_190454.jpg)

yea she should have went with an edit closer to this if she is trying to make it look aesthetically pleasing and not harsh on the eyes
No. 604674
>>604533>Look through my blog.'s 99.98% white, but okay. So woke.
Like idc, it's your blog, post whatever you want, but don't lie, FUPA Daddy.
No. 604676
File: 1528414513488.png (41.4 KB, 499x239, Screen Shot 2018-06-07 at 7.34…)

kek she has these beady little rat eyes, I don't know why people keep lying to her.
No. 604685
>>604650This is pretty "aesthetic" minus the fact she looks weirdly bird chested here for some reason. Usually her boobs look alright ish though.
>>604677She looks better with minimal makeup tbh, minus her dried out looking skin. I don't know what it is about her makeup, but it's way too harsh for her features and makes her nose look larger and everything look rough. Total Baby Jane vibes every time.
No. 604702
File: 1528415819533.jpeg (798.54 KB, 1242x1260, FB00B35A-F302-4CB5-AAA7-972B5F…)

No. 604759
File: 1528419868852.png (Spoiler Image,656.08 KB, 720x1142, Screenshot_2018-06-07-21-00-56…)

Isn't she supposed to be back in Mass for her birthday??? So like… Why not bug your real life dad for birthday gifts? We all already know that fupapa isnt going to do anything for you lol
This girl is delusional to believe anyone is going to actually gift her anything purposeful
No. 604872
File: 1528428812821.jpeg (95.89 KB, 608x1200, 3B5FCD29-EBCB-41BA-8F34-FE80FB…)

ffs, fix your damn dark circles girl
No. 604879
>>604872Well if thats not proof shes sleeping on the rug.
Lights, check
Pillow, check
White sheet under her ass, check.
Buy a damn bed with all of them coins ya got girl. Lol
No. 604906
File: 1528433954570.png (97.49 KB, 1080x935, Screenshot_20180608-005737~2.p…)

At least she knows she's a cow kek
No. 604935
File: 1528437172096.png (117.45 KB, 720x1075, Screenshot_2018-06-08-01-49-29…)

I don't even have to type out all of whats wrong with this… Lol
No. 604946
File: 1528438275423.jpg (339.7 KB, 2048x1038, IMG_8932.JPG)

You guys think she'll make Fupa boy food on her bedroom floor like she did with this mess? Also peep the cake batter all over the blanket 😩
No. 605072
File: 1528460414740.jpeg (Spoiler Image,194.18 KB, 750x907, D59DED73-3FBB-4F58-BF6F-43E918…)

As if you don’t already do that all the time Shay
No. 605252
File: 1528478188012.png (13.34 KB, 287x428, shutuupshay.PNG)

No. 605253
File: 1528478256454.png (10.46 KB, 274x329, Capture.PNG)

How does she keep working with Infernal Restraints? She clearly has some form of infection on her vagina. I am surprised they haven't had her clear it up first.
No. 605255
File: 1528478336046.gif (Spoiler Image,2.16 MB, 540x304, wtf.gif)

I think she is fucking a dildo in this, but the angle is all wrong and she looks so fucking weird WTF? Is there too much nudity in this to make it a banner?
No. 605256
File: 1528478431137.png (9.23 KB, 289x399, riiight.PNG)

Ahh Shay bet you can totally relate to this! Your childhood was SO rough sorry.
No. 605257
File: 1528478467594.png (16.78 KB, 273x406, selfsent.PNG)

No. 605261
File: 1528478588520.png (7.94 KB, 269x276, um.PNG)

Her bathroom isn't cute enough for her to put the puke scenes in, guys.
No. 605263
File: 1528479143016.png (31.82 KB, 543x577, bwahahah.PNG)

V inspirational, fat ass!
No. 605266
File: 1528479344107.png (390.58 KB, 534x837, Capturedd.PNG)

Nah, you've been pushing Shay to change the way she looks for real. It hasn't been a joke, my lardy.
I have such a strong feeling that Fupapa is married and this is some outlet for him to pretend he's young and cool.
No. 605268
File: 1528479465219.png (769.57 KB, 427x879, jeez.PNG)

And then right below it, this stuff again. I don't know how Shay stays with some old ugly man who constantly brings up her old appearance. Regardless of whether or not it looked better on her, no boyfriend should be doing that. She has really low self-esteem in order to allow this.
No. 605270
File: 1528479549176.png (90.27 KB, 462x663, neckbeards.PNG)

Shay's neckbeards are a weird bunch.
No. 605273
File: 1528479639589.png (467.62 KB, 462x850, righhht.PNG)

That's why you respond with low-effort gifs. You are stringing her along, dude. And I don't know how you manage to do it. But y'all are pretty much made for each other. Two huge dumpster fires.
No. 605275
File: 1528479745346.png (11.09 KB, 485x254, youloveitthough.PNG)

Yeah, except you love the attention Fupa. And you wanna know what's weirder than that? Living a double life to fuck an infected pussy from tumblr. And even weirder than that? Your fupa, dude. It's weird and gross as hell.
No. 605280
File: 1528479991788.png (806.26 KB, 733x556, thelips.PNG)

Mmmm those crusty ass lips!
No. 605281
File: 1528480133333.png (1.02 MB, 803x652, eatthatcake.PNG)

These faces are too good.
No. 605282
File: 1528480217198.png (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 1121x585, nightmarefuel.PNG)

No. 605283
File: 1528480253622.png (Spoiler Image,1.37 MB, 1113x742, nightmarefuel2.PNG)

No. 605284
File: 1528480276816.jpeg (85.76 KB, 640x493, A2854633-2874-49AD-AC80-5884C2…)

Aww he doesn’t even realize she doesn’t have a bed. Won’t he be in for a surprise.
No. 605288
File: 1528480540308.gif (965.69 KB, 312x312, 41B6A280-B919-4986-BB99-2D979B…)

Yikes @ those thin crusty lips yet fat full face.
No. 605294
File: 1528480899246.jpeg (289.97 KB, 1252x1252, 78FA515B-5B1D-4362-B6A6-318D86…)

>>604685hahaha so true anon
No. 605305
File: 1528481611050.jpeg (101.47 KB, 640x873, 57B5B97D-F4CB-4D90-9C4C-60F96E…)

LMAO he really doesn’t know…
No. 605306
File: 1528481716493.jpeg (70.9 KB, 394x750, 6596947B-8578-4E17-AA73-7E85F7…)

No. 605374
File: 1528486079182.jpg (661.04 KB, 1080x1735, Screenshot_20180608-201150_Tum…)

I've not seen the furniture that her cat is sitting on before, could it be her elusive bed?
No. 605433
File: 1528490045114.jpeg (58.2 KB, 640x187, 672600AE-77ED-4509-9D5A-576310…)

No. 605445
>>605444He’s so crusty and gross too.
Looks like his diet is monster and Doritos, and has lunch lady arms.
No. 605507
File: 1528494879893.png (405.33 KB, 720x1081, Screenshot_2018-06-08-17-52-55…)

No. 605523
>>605521Samefag sorry but they’re not on her wishlist anymore.
Maybe she finally did spend her money right for once.
No. 605542
File: 1528498009533.png (118.9 KB, 750x912, IMG_3012.PNG)

>>605374If this is furniture, it's grey and makes me think she bought a cheapy fouton off Amazon.
No. 605582
File: 1528502624285.jpeg (Spoiler Image,393.09 KB, 1563x1563, 3FB04ACC-4D8F-4695-8904-4FBE0E…)

This is from her Snapchat story a little but ago. She literally posted these right after the other
No. 605585
File: 1528502823665.jpeg (Spoiler Image,759.72 KB, 750x1333, B49E66DA-50CB-45EE-BA6D-5E5F2C…)

Oh and also this one where she attempts to shop out the sores on her asshole and ends up just blurring the whole thing out
No. 605619
File: 1528506858854.jpeg (64.57 KB, 520x1024, 1C0738D4-914A-4DC4-8951-FE58CB…)

When you try to blur out your dark circles but just make yourself look more washed out. Just use fucking makeup girl it’s not that hard.
No. 605625
>>605619It's kind of sad, because even though this is so heavily edited, you could kind of see that she has the potential to be cute if she had just taken care of herself, Instead she's got dark circles halfway down her face, dry leathery looking skin, and premature wrinkles.
Hey, at least she's not doing that god awful winged eyeliner that connects with her overdrawn eyebrows anymore though, I guess?
>>605306Can you imagine taking as many gym and "after workout" selfies as this dude and still look this doughy and undefined? What exactly is he even doing at the gym?
No. 605920
File: 1528555214917.png (108.58 KB, 720x881, Screenshot_2018-06-09-10-27-19…)

According to Fupapas lard ass we are; Abused, Bullied, no self esteem having losers.
Yeah, okay. Little news flash fat fuck.
Bullies exist so snowflakes like your rat faced, pimple infested, infected coochie having, straw haired cum dump of a girlfriend can be put in their place. Shes NOTHING but a walking talking infection. Nobodies jealous of that.
You're walking, er waddling around acting as if you're dating a well known porn star when in fact she's a walking posterboard for who NOT to sleep with.
"Why are you doing this?"
"Why Not?"
(even though it doesn't mean shit, im still saging here too incase it doesn't work)
No. 605922
File: 1528555321283.png (135.55 KB, 720x998, Screenshot_2018-06-09-10-29-38…)

No. 605931
File: 1528556151525.png (112.9 KB, 717x363, Screenshot_2018-06-09-10-47-49…)

>>605582>>605585Uh oh, she's talking about you kind anon lol
No. 605938
File: 1528556986738.jpeg (26.42 KB, 352x242, tennis-walker.jpeg)

>Anonymous cowardsHe's the one hiding his face. Cropping it out or covering it with cringey stickers in every photo. If he's so brave, show your ugly face then, Lardy!
>>605931Maybe anon didn't buy it, and just had it added from one of the times it was leaked. And if they did… it's the same reason that people watch shows like Hoarders, 600lb Life, or Botched! Just be happy someones actually buying your shit. You don't always buy tennis balls to play tennis, you can also use them on your chair legs / walkers.
No. 605958
File: 1528559400001.jpg (19.66 KB, 517x186, dr.jpg)

Didn't she say she wanted to take Fupa to her to MA.
No. 605996
File: 1528562925832.png (124.41 KB, 1440x976, Screenshot_2018-06-09-11-47-28…)

wonder why she took 'em off. maybe she's finally taking yalls advice.
No. 605999
>>605996Think about all that nasty build up on her nails and under. Shayna's so gross. She doubt she even washes her hands.
>>605261Wait… so she doesn't take pics of her bathroom bc it's "ugly"… but she'll take photos of her pussy looking the way it does…
Must be a hideous bathroom.
No. 606014
File: 1528565439532.png (845.77 KB, 437x869, okayfatty.PNG)

No. 606016
File: 1528565552435.png (18.43 KB, 540x347, eggy.PNG)

Oh Lardy, you low IQ edgelord. Can't wait for your wife or girlfriend to find out what you have been doing.
No. 606017
File: 1528565654157.png (32.71 KB, 541x531, what.PNG)

No. 606018
File: 1528565747655.png (15.45 KB, 542x317, ummmm.PNG)

You let your girlfriend buy cheap clothes and didn't take her into Mexico City when she visited you. She stayed holed up in a hotel room. But yeah, get back to that money because you clearly need it lardy.
No. 606019
File: 1528565852915.png (19.19 KB, 542x328, lame.PNG)

No. 606020
File: 1528565930578.png (21.91 KB, 526x340, yourreality.PNG)

Your reality is being fat, ugly as fuck, hiding a wife/girlfriend, fake flossing, and fucking ugly dumblr whores. Checkmate, your rat faced fuck.
No. 606022
File: 1528566107893.png (221.89 KB, 507x872, Capture.PNG)

Anon asked Lardy if he was a "programmer" on tumblr, and then this happened.
Fupa's job likely does not require him to expend much brain power. That is a good thing because he is dumb.
No. 606023
File: 1528566165345.png (795.93 KB, 512x804, ipuked.PNG)

What are you hiding behind your fat torso and large blockhead, Fupapa?
No. 606024
File: 1528566271371.png (7.59 KB, 266x270, surejannnn.PNG)

No. 606025
File: 1528566381311.png (11.1 KB, 256x356, yuck.PNG)

Damaged goods. Yikes. She is so fucked. This "I am a baby" mentality grosses me out.
No. 606044
File: 1528568017432.jpg (Spoiler Image,93.53 KB, 531x603, 456.jpg)

the type of shit Fupa's been reblogging. Better keep him away from your non existant g/f or friends Shay, or you'll have a repeat of walking into your bf and gf cheating on you with each other.
No. 606074
File: 1528571282495.jpg (91.21 KB, 590x738, ced54fa410d78f35c9228e4e217b4c…)

>>606023I bet he has eyes like pic related.
Mouth-breathing creep, he'll need a CPAP machine as he ages
No. 606076
File: 1528571435222.png (5.65 KB, 293x227, hmmm.PNG)

She claims she has been blood tested. Not sure why her vag looks like that then.
No. 606077
File: 1528571523500.png (21.55 KB, 282x580, k.PNG)

I wonder if her dad knows she calls some fat, likely married loser "daddy" too.
No. 606277
>>606271Then why fucking post about it?
Nothing is more annoying then
>I HAVE INFORMATION YOU GUYS WANNA KNOW>just kidding can’t tell you for my own sakeDon’t fucking post about it to begin with if you can’t provide proof.
Don’t be that guy.
No. 606282
File: 1528585174174.jpg (732.56 KB, 1440x2446, Screenshot_2018-06-09-17-54-08…)

What am I supposed to do? Post pictures of his family that I don't have? This is his kik if that is any kind of proof.
No. 606289
File: 1528585593243.gif (1.91 MB, 333x200, 5okv.gif)

>>606282Got more info then??
No. 606312
>>606297that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
Either post proof or gtfo
No. 606322
File: 1528586546336.jpg (246.27 KB, 1679x848, oldshit.JPG)

this is just a quick screencap of her blog rn. shes back in MA and mass reposting her old stoner hipster shit, kek.
No. 606333
File: 1528587134671.png (205.45 KB, 368x376, lmfsoafdjkn.png)

>>606018people who say "this money" do not have any money it's a fact
he seems like the type that got bullied in high school and was a virgin until he was 27
he looks like amberlynn reid's girlfriend lol
No. 606343
File: 1528587603010.jpg (23.62 KB, 640x360, 1009-en-yuucas-lvshooting-1415…)

>>606282He looks like the Vegas shooter
No. 606345
>>606342kek HI FUPA
>>606343Holy shit, you're right. He loves serial killers though. I'm sure he thinks that's a compliment.
No. 606363
>>606282Using Kik when he loves Shayna ~so much~. Kek what a sleaze bag.
Congrats Shayna he’s cheating on you
No. 606366
>>606300He did say in a previous post that he's lost a lot of weight, if I recall correctly. It was in regards to us making fun of his fupa. He was saying he had lost a lot of weight, he doesn't have a fupa, but it was the compression leggings pushing up the loose skin?
Makes you wonder how fat he used to be considering he's still pretty doughy, yet thinks he's hot shit. His body type now reminds me of those old alcoholics you'd see with the skinny legs, beer guts and man tits, and weird scrawny arms. What a babe.
No. 606410
>>606253Yeah, I doubt he's married. Just cuz he's in his 30's doesn't mean he's married. There's a higher probability he could be, but I don't think he is… look at him.
I think he lives with his sister. He mentioned something about it in a super old post.
No. 606414
File: 1528590890843.jpg (29.71 KB, 264x354, 6y.jpg)

When you add the last part in to just to prove that Fupa IS willing to touch your genital warts and boiled infected pussy.
No. 606415
File: 1528590928622.png (3.88 KB, 519x180, whysomad.PNG)

No. 606417
>>606371She has an iPhone.
He's supposedly getting money, but he's still using a poorfag Android? KEK
>>606396He only changed his display name; you can't change your username on Kik. No one here can spam him based off what we can see in the screenshot. That's why Kik anon scribbled out his username.
No. 606442
File: 1528593447296.png (Spoiler Image,1.72 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (7).png)

who really finds this sexy? why does she make these weird faces?
No. 606507
File: 1528599333540.png (103.05 KB, 720x330, Screenshot_2018-06-09-22-52-19…)

"y'all care about me more than i care about me."
No. 606513
File: 1528599791797.png (1.11 MB, 1356x925, poshmark.png)

Apparently Shayna is selling some of her old stoner wear on poshmark. Maybe this is where she bought those secondhand outdated prada heels after all?
Note that she's hasn't updated her tumblr link or profile photo, but the listings are all new as of yesterday. No. 606533
File: 1528601641391.png (87.79 KB, 500x756, Screen Shot 2018-06-09 at 11.3…)

from a long time ago but truly a gem when you compare to her current state
No. 606586
>>606322seeing old pics of shay frustrates me a little because we all know she was spoiled and had everything she wanted in life while living at home and she gave it all up to get
insecurely naked on the internet and ruined her chance at ever making a comeback. She really threw a life of opportunity away lol.
No. 606591
>>606507Nobody ~cares~ about your life Shay, shit if I was you I’d legitimately kill myself. We don’t care, we just think it’s mildly entertaining watching you single-handedly destroy your life for absolutely no reason. When you’re a little older, unable to find work, aged like rotten milk, regretful and ashamed, you’ll understand exactly why you were a giant laughingstock cow (and you’ll realize you were never “famous”).
Nobody is jealous of you. Nobody cares about the life you are choosing to destroy lmao
No. 606758
File: 1528640975530.png (349.5 KB, 720x871, Screenshot_2018-06-10-10-20-33…)

So her prices are all fucked up because she's a dumbass you guys. Lol
Shayna, you can't do math because you're dumb. You have literally trained yourself to be a dumbass. Being dumb or incapable is NOT attractive. No man wants a dumbass girlfriend/wife. If he does want someone like this, its because hes toxic and good for nothing.
You literally cry when people slur you using the word cunt, but you turn around and slur others with the same word. You now call yourself dumb and claim its because of attractiveness?
You're only of the most average girls ive ever seen… And i live in the Midwest LOL your looks and your attitude have NOTHING to do with comprehensive situations.
You don't know math because you didn't apply yourself, he passed your ass because HE didn't want to be stuck there through HIS summer. This world doesn't revolve around your disgusting axis-shaped ass. Grow up and stop the dumbass shtick.
How the fuck are you expecting women to support you or swers after seeing you and your medicore masturbation material? You make it seem as if swers get into this job for easy cash and freeloading homed goods. If someone is jealous of that, they're in a worse off position than you Shay. You give off this persona that swers live in their aliases, and its simply not true. Get it together you dumpster fire.
No. 606759
>>606533>>606751Fucking disgusting. Lack of ethics, lack of morals, incredibly selfish. She's only ever cared about herself. Encourage children to ask her for advice about life and boyfriends/girlfriends, then fucking exploit them for sex work. Absolutely cruel, deceitful, immoral, pathetic, vile, and disgusting. Don't let that little blurb she spat fool you. She said that for herself so she can get away with doing and saying dumb and harmful shit without getting "Schooled" and "put into place" from people in the community. Like always, not wanting to take accountability for anything. It's not about the "kink" Shayna. It never was. It's
No. 606760
>>606758She's capable of understanding she's not good at something… why is she so incapable of grasping that this industry is NOT for her. She looked hotter with her clothes on and thinking about what she could look like naked was left to the imagination. Knowing how diseased and boil infested she is is seriously a sin and an outright crime on humanity.
Calling her "porn" mediocre!? You're very kind anon. Her "porn" and very sight of her nasty vagina would make any phallus retract back into one's stomach, and dry out any pussy and fuse itself shut.
No. 606766
File: 1528642030256.jpg (238.5 KB, 720x1002, 2018-06-10_10.44.38.jpg)

>>606760Its not "being kind" its being honest.
Medicore, at best.
No. 606786
File: 1528645222094.jpeg (186.32 KB, 1242x602, 59817309-18BE-4849-B5E2-19F0EB…)

once again, Shay trying to make her ED “hip” and “cool”. Wtf girl you said you wanted to help women and support them. Going around talking about how cool your ED is is not fucking cool???
No. 606820
File: 1528649027789.jpeg (355.61 KB, 1242x997, 5A8D6310-C29C-4039-80A8-F5C808…)

was this really warranted fupa? I don’t think they were being rude, so wth? Most dons would be happy to talk about how long they’ve been interested in bdsm and how they got started.
No. 606834
File: 1528651853151.jpeg (177.61 KB, 1348x1238, 3F2CDA1D-9225-4339-B7E1-545CDE…)

>>606545Shay, if you are reading this:
Please use aloe vera gel or other moisturizer after you shave. You make your living with pussy so take care of it
No. 606843
>>606827Triple this, Bc i think we all know the outcome. Lmao
we r juss jellous hattrzSorry for bursting bubbles, but shes the only apparent "barbie" who has an IQ of 79. Meaning she will never be an Astronaut, Doctor, Lawyer… She has no qualities or qualifications worthy of any of those fields. Its sad that the only reason she looks up to barbie is because "barbie can be anything she wants", ya know… Cause it has nothing to do with the fact shes plastic and has no feelings or emotions. Shay is out here being one of those people who believe she's deserving of a trophy for coming in last place.
She rubs her pussy on a carpet full of mud and debris while shoving shit in her ass. The only difference between her and any other person doing it is the fact shes not afraid to film it, but really she should.
If you're willing to post pictures of your infected coochie, the entire world has the right to see it. Dont want to be made fun of? Keep it offline lol
No. 606865
File: 1528655492263.png (940.16 KB, 720x1143, Screenshot_2018-06-10-14-26-54…)

>>605996"i ripped my claws off for Fupatty so i could finger my dittle for
onnnlllyyyyyyy him
#nobody will ever see my fingers in my puss but him"
Ya ok lol
No. 606912
>>606282That proofs nothing lmfao he used the same username as Tumblr so it wasn't even hard to find him.
Also, I'm pretty sure he mentioned having kik in one of his tumblr asks some time back
No. 606934
>>606920You don't have to do any actual digging,
just search the previous threads, they have all the links to her videos.
No. 606950
File: 1528662294413.png (71.68 KB, 720x1109, 20180610_162439.png)

>>606513Her poshmark has been deleted. Lmao damn
Lurk much shay?
No. 606988
>>606901You can too just rip them off wtf. Yah it might tear up her nails a little but it’s not going to rip them off. Jesus y’all just wanna find any excuse to call her a liar.
>>606865There’s no regrowth on her nails. This is probably a new set she got for her birthday. Y’all are fucking reaching lately.
No. 607063
File: 1528671022337.jpeg (Spoiler Image,383.82 KB, 1600x1200, EE3FD7FD-12B6-42B2-B819-BE5EFF…)

Judging from her fake nails basically dangling at the tips of her fingers Shayna’s nail beds are small (pic related) so the surface contact with the acrylics wouldn’t even be that much therefore easy enough to pop off
She could also just be wearing press on though since they’re so darn tacky /nail sperg
No. 607080
File: 1528672781171.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1242x1577, E2FC0B3B-C831-4FE5-8D7B-0E77BF…)

No. 607081
File: 1528672806542.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1242x1574, 1735D1A2-3BCC-4B1C-A8FE-82A541…)

No. 607104
File: 1528674605624.png (838.24 KB, 720x973, 20180610_194857.png)

>>607101Yes she looks ridiculous. One day she will look back ans cringe at the way she's doing her makeup (and dressing herself)now. Her eyebrows should stop where the red line is.
No. 607132
>>606766Calling her porn mediocre is more than generous.
Her porn is laughable, it's lower than mediocre. It's slapstick comedy.
>>606820Bc he's not a dom.
>>607080She looks like a rodent. Wasn't she referred to as the internet ferret starting a few yrs back? Very fitting name.
No. 607133
File: 1528679090471.jpg (22.13 KB, 513x245, les.jpg)

Finally admits it. Maybe pretending to be a lesbian/bi isn't edgy enough for her anymore.
No. 607146
File: 1528679502490.jpg (27.01 KB, 258x325, 56y.jpg)

Perhaps, she knows and is completely aware that she makes a joke out of herself attempting to make "porn" with her boil, genital warts, diseased and infected pussy. But feels too compelled to do the opposite of popular opinion. In that case…
Please keep it up, and keep making comedy shorts with your disgusting rancid pussy and all of its pimple, boil, warts, and whitehead glory. Please Shay! You're doing such a great job!!
No. 607183
File: 1528683536056.jpg (41.29 KB, 286x468, daddy.JPG)

its sad that a girl who isn't even 21 yet doesn't want a relationship, but instead wants someone who will take care of her, like a CNA does for an elderly person. she wants someone who will do everything for her and tell her what to do. she doesn't want to have to make decisions or be a fucking adult. how can you claim to be a professional who runs their own business, yet want someone to literally wipe your ass for you and brush your hair and tell you how to live your life? if youre incapable of making simple normal life desicions, why would you think you're capable of running a business?
its also super creepy that she WANTS someone to do things to her without her consent (while shes drugged/sleeping, or both). its pretty clear that she views rape as good, like they want you so badly they just HAVE to rape you kind of thing. like shes just SO irresistable that rape is the only option. no CSA or rape survivor would ever have this mentality, sorry. i know plenty of rape and csa survivors use CONSENSUAL BDSM as a coping skill, and thats fine. but hers is not consensual.
its also pretty annoying that shes all suddenly back into reblogging her old pics, when before she wanted to pretend like those weren't her and told people to stop harping on it. but now that shes with fupa shes trying to act like she loves that part of herself again and is all into serial killers and snuff films. pick a fucking personality, shay.
No. 607184
File: 1528683724924.jpg (26.63 KB, 289x217, KEK.JPG)

this just speaks for itself. kek.
No. 607219
File: 1528689558241.png (Spoiler Image,1.51 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2018-06-10-23-48-01…)

Found her real nails, kek
No. 607223
File: 1528689908312.png (1.91 MB, 1440x2544, Screenshot_2018-06-10-23-49-51…)

Also her eyebrows used to be better
No. 607258
File: 1528692783601.png (Spoiler Image,230.08 KB, 640x217, 1486062389487.png)

i regret lurking and finding this, i'm gonna go bleach my fucking eyes out of my head. This is straight nasty.
No. 607263
>>607223She was definitely cuter during her stoner days. It's only been a couple years and she looks so awful now in comparison. No joke, is she doing any drugs other than smoking? I don't get how she got so dried out and diseased looking so quickly.
Her living situation and video settings are sad in comparison now too. She used to have a cute, comfy looking bed. Now she lives in a sketchy looking studio apartment with a bathroom so dirty, she's embarrassed to show it on cam. This is the girl who will show her pussy boils and muddy feet with no shame, filming and sleeping on a filthy, matted rug on the floor. Just how disgusting is this bathroom?
No. 607328
>>607258I personally prefer a vagina that looks like it's attached to a woman, and not a prepubescent girl, and I'm trying really, really hard to focus on that instead of that giant, weeping pustule. Mother of Christ, that's gross.
She genuinely has no shame. Did she, at one point? I wonder.
No. 607533
File: 1528724537534.jpg (100.22 KB, 550x930, haha.jpg)

Lol @ the tag! When you're gawking at photos of beds on tumblr bc don't own one.
No. 607535
>>607352Well I have no right to tell you that what you had wasn't an ingrown hair, I'm glad you think she just has some sort of infection that unfortunately decided to strike on her genital area. You can't be having sex with people, protected or not, when your vagina is in the state that Shaynas is always in. Because although I don't think it's an STD, certain non-std skin issues that affect the genital area CAN STILL SPREAD FROM PERSON TO PERSON LIKE AN STD. Shayna, it is very clear that you lurk on this website. Ignore the hate and please read what I'm saying. You need to go to the gyno. I know you're afraid they're going to tell you that you have an STD, but honey, it's better to find out and receive treatment then continue to do what you've been doing. I know that you probably have a lot of tenderness and pain due to the bumps on your genital area, and as an adult in the sex work industry, you owe it to yourself AND to OTHERS to get tested for STDS. You would be better off finding out you have herpes, go on the antiviral, and get the pain to go away. It would clear up your issue faster and protect others against catching it from you a lot easier. I don't think it's herpes, but it's not fair to others that you insist there's nothing wrong with your vagina when there CLEARLY is. I'm not saying this to be mean. As a woman with incredibly sensitive skin, I get razor burn and ingrowns a lot. It never looks ANYTHING like what you have going on. Please go to the gyno. You are responsible for that in order to protect yourself and others. No one deserves an STD because you can't be responsible and go to the damn gyno.
No. 607554
>everything about this bed… like the fact that its existent
>>607531I've seen her popping her ass zits live on cam before. No wonder why her infections spread and never clear. There's a screenshot of her popping it on and be cam a few threads back.
No. 607715
>>607693Lol that’s not what a fupa looks like anon. Literally all women have that little pouf at the bottom of their tummy because that’s where normal female organs are. You know, the womb? A fupa would be lower. She’s not and hasn’t ever been really overweight or anything, so she wouldn’t have one anyway.
No. 607721
>>607715>all women have that little pouf at the bottom of their tummy>you know, the womb?not that anon but what the fuck are you talking about
your womb shouldn't be causing a hump in your anatomy wtf you might want to see a doctor or check your birth control, anon
No. 607724
>>607721Lmao read a damn book. It’s extremely average and normal for women, skinny or fat, to have lower belly pooch. If you don’t, you’re lucky. But it is very common and is not the same as a fupa.
Go look at some non photoshopped average women for once.
No. 607737
File: 1528740979250.png (18.32 KB, 506x399, wow.png)

There you have it folks. All that traumatic "grounding" and "babysitting" Princess Gonorrhllea had to face and the story of her boils, warts and varied venereal diseases. It's a mystery/horror/comedy genre.
No. 607754
>>607219That photo of her without a set just shows you how dirty and disgusting her nails are underneath. That is a lot of visible dirt. She doesn't wash her hands. She doesn't clean herself. All that build up and a breeding grown for bacteria and germs then plays with herself.
>>607583>>607695I had the same reaction anon! Put the glove back on!
No. 607755
>>607746no, I mean the little bit of belly fat TONS of normal, average women have on their lower stomachs, not the pubic mound. it’s normal for women to have a bit of extra fat in their lower bellies. It’s NOT the same as a fupa or a pubic mound.
Seriously, a quick google search will help you here.
No. 607758
File: 1528741938472.jpg (27.1 KB, 498x273, part2.jpg)

>>607737Part 2 of if she was a Disney Princess
No. 607766
>>607757I gotchu fam.
Okay, so thinking about this since the amazing news broke, but. You have to wonder wtf her new agency thinks about the state of her puss. I mean, all they had to do was look at literally anything she’s posted online so I guess they’re just hard up for talent who don’t know what they’re actually supposed to be paid? I still don’t get how they hired her when she is so obviously not interested in taking care of her business.
No. 607771
>>607766It's porn. There's a very low standard and a very few mandatories. Test clean, and that is it. Regardless of how she looks, she's just another cow to milk. Also, the "agency" she signed with is very very small and virtually unknown. Most likely, they saw that she already put out her own content, and that she's been doing it for years, compared to a girl that's got no experience, that prob looks appealing to them for now. The proof will be in the work. Shayna shoots and tests really
badly. She looks awful on camera. Even if she looks like shit, they still won't think they're taking any losses. Just more cows to make money. There's also "no lists". If certain production or people aren't willing to work with her. But it's gotta be real bad for someone to turn you down in porn.
No. 607786
>>607770This is seriously how she views her life. The delusion is grand. Almost diagnosable. It's actually such a haunting thought to think of her delusion broke.
>>607775Tbh, getting into porn is very easy. Drop clean and be willing. There is no aptitude test, or a psych screening. If you go in and you have all your teeth and no track marks you'll get a job. A lot of girls seek it out on their own, and a lot also get recruited. There is never a shortage of willing and eager young girls looking to get into the industry. It's interesting that she's actually paring with an agency. Staying indie if you're good enough and are able to network, book, and make the connections yourself is a much better option and gives you the most freedom without having to pay out &'s to anyone else.
No. 607888
>>607771Right, but when everyone can see the kind of lame porn she puts out on her own…I don’t know. The other people in the ‘agency’ don’t look nearly as filthy as she does. This is a chick who can’t even be assed to wash her neck half the time. I can’t see people chomping at the bit to do scenes with her. I don’t know much about the actualities of the porn world, are talent allowed to have a list of people they won’t work with or is that only for bigger names?
Also, are there anons here who do work in porn? It kind of sounds like it. Would any of you work with her?
No. 607917
>>607724>>607755that's not from the womb you retard, that's literally just fat ? she's skinnyfat, aka thin but not toned
I think you're the one who needs to do a quick google search, jesus christ
>>607756I never said she had a fupa? but your WOMB doesn't cause you a skinny fat pouch under your stomach what the literal hell
No. 607962
File: 1528754778745.png (349.13 KB, 720x1137, Screenshot_2018-06-11-17-02-10…)

No. 607969
>>607961Are you illiterate? I'm not saying it's abnormal, I'm agreeing Shayna is skinnyfat. But if she worked out and ate properly she wouldn't have a pouch, it has nothing to do with having a womb. The only reason women get fat there is because female hormones can distribute it to that area (literally "female fat distribution") just as men can be prone to 'beer bellys'. But it isn't a fucking bump caused from the position of your womb – which if you would read up the quote chain - was what was being replied to.
I honestly can't tell if you're trolling, confused or just blind. I'll happily accept the infighting ban if it means educating you on female anatomy or reading comprehension - the punishment is worth having one of our users being slightly more intelligent.
No. 608047
>>608015no one here is even talking about what you're sperging on about, anon. we honestly don't care about you defending your stomach pouch, or anyone else's
>>608017lmao at this point they should just come up with some kind of bdsm humiliation play where the start of every video is them doing special effects make up to create boils on her pussy, so everyone thinks the real ones are fake. no amount of slapping/punching can mimic the inflammed mess that is her infected looking puss
No. 608085
>>608047Hey look we have an incel over here raging because he’s never seen an average thin woman who has
gasp lower belly fat! And can’t fathom that it’s normal. Get off the thread douchelord.
(derailing) No. 608132
File: 1528764720055.png (224.74 KB, 720x940, Screenshot_2018-06-11-20-50-47…)

Jesus Christ
No. 608151
YouTube. Not Instagram.
No. 608261
File: 1528771897902.png (451.48 KB, 720x1035, Screenshot_2018-06-11-22-44-58…)

Can someone please tell me how its worth it to be a sex worker if you're constantly having to beg for dollars and coins to do even the basics??
No. 608262
>>608261Samefag, but i completely forgot that she's turning 21, she's gotta pay for a new ID and she's planning on going to the dispensary for the first time.
Sad she calls people out/harasses those who earn/raise money to leave abusive situations, but she tries to earn money to blow on liquor and weed
No. 608272
>>608268And she’s flashing it around like it’s
really something to be proud of. She’s so fucking toxic it’s unreal.
No. 608283
File: 1528774087877.jpg (Spoiler Image,605.76 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180611-222756_Tum…)

Hold on, is this new? Does she have a bed??
No. 608284
>>607804Shayna must really hate herself every time she goes to Mass, and is reminded of… the truth and reality. Where she's just an entitled attention whore that got replaced by her real daddy so she'll settle with getting attention from disgusting men with wider hips, bigger tits, and higher pitched voices than her. AKA, FUPA.
Even the internet knows of the delusion she lives in. Like that's fucking sad. When you run out of people and places you can lie about yourself and your life to. She's lucky she found an ostracized obese goth kid who gets a chubby from any sort of attention. TBH, he prob already knows how fucked up and delusional she is, but is still willing to do it bc this is the most he's felt special in years.
No. 608516
File: 1528805593637.png (1.04 MB, 1440x818, Screenshot_2018-06-12-08-04-59…)

No. 608652
She's so fucking annoying.
I cant believe she calls this is how she markets herself.
>>584795Who the fuck would want to buy her SC after that?
Super obnoxious, and if that's not bad enough, she shows her pussy with several visible boils and that's in bad lighting. Who the fuck would want to see that shit in lights.
This girl is embarrassing when she drinks.
No. 608824
File: 1528831528864.png (31.48 KB, 640x409, IMG_1942.PNG)

Maybe she's starving because you never actually have someone watch her while you're gone.
No. 609032
File: 1528847527223.png (697.83 KB, 1024x576, hatchetface.png)

>>608516Why she look like hatchet face though?
No. 609285
File: 1528871082582.png (183.37 KB, 720x1139, Screenshot_2018-06-13-02-24-14…)

This shouts volumes haha
No. 609428
>>608358>>608357>>609152>>609110I agree anon! At least her 2nd video with hardtied was with someone. The first one she did solo was so bad. She looked weird with a gag on, it made her double chins worse. Even the cameras and production kept cutting away to it from the parts of her pussy bc it was such in a bad state with all the boils, pimples and warts. It lacked all the closeups and "money shots" of pussy that are always in a porn, so Shayna's seriously so lucky she had that other girl as a scene partner. The other girl however had to suffer bc of Shay.
That Kenzie girl looked great and salvaged what Shayna lacked and ruined. Those moans and noises from Shayna didn't even make sense. Kenzie was way too short being matched with Shayna for the type of rigging and rope work they did. Shayna was way too tall to be partnered with her, plus Shayna's selfishness and lack of awareness for what they were doing made it even worse for Kenzie. Did Shay not realize she was rigged with someone else and were dependent and at each other's mercy? Their looks clashed so bad. Kenzie needed the heels to get her height closer to Shay's, but Kenzie's sexy/sultryness made Shay's "look" even more awkward and out of place. Like Shay's dumb feet positions she prob thinks are "cute" and her super cringe facial gestures that make her look like she has downs.
No. 609535
File: 1528907240853.png (94.15 KB, 640x804, IMG_1944.PNG)

Aw, she's asking for a new bed for her birthday! She spilled juice on it! Not to mention piss, sweat, mud, and tears!
No. 609564
>>609535If Fupa is making so much money, why cant he buy her a new rug for her birthday?
Who wants to bet he gets her nothing or just some cheap ass crap and spend the whole day talking to other girls on tumblr?
No. 609600
File: 1528911819567.png (401.21 KB, 750x1334, E9CC0353-26B3-4FDF-8901-0A3BA4…)

>>609535What’s worse is it’s literally $22 like come on girl that’s shit you get for yourself in the meantime, while you wait for someone to buy you a nicer one. That’s coming from someone with a way smaller group of clientele
No. 609709
File: 1528917549168.jpeg (447.04 KB, 1242x893, A1E5D628-3106-487E-BD13-CA692F…)

She is so god damn desperate and clingy. I wonder how quickly fupa will get annoyed with her.
No. 609725
File: 1528918569893.png (12.4 KB, 621x224, splendafupa.PNG)

At least Fupa is planning on getting her something. I hope he buys her some soap, water, and vegetables.
No. 609835
>>609725Lmao now if that's not an ask written by Shayna herself I don't know anymore.
No. 610128
File: 1528944336957.jpg (20.45 KB, 255x307, hhah.jpg)

This girl is boring and basic af. The only thing that remotely garnered interest was from once being hipster/stoner blog from 2014 that started posting nudes with her huge hairy bush. That was a while ago, after starting sex work and shaving it off, the only thing to hold your interest is that the same of a trainwreck and the curiousity if they are really boils, pimples, warts, or what, and the trully baffling thought of… why? The novelty of this dumpster fire wears off fast.
No. 610133
File: 1528944582552.jpg (136.08 KB, 650x1280, eddrugs.jpg)

she looks like a true trailer trash bulimic meth head in this pic. #aesthetic
No. 610328
File: 1528964182869.png (Spoiler Image,1.35 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2018-06-14-04-15-07…)

And pull the trigger
No. 610331
File: 1528964628197.jpg (39.34 KB, 700x700, IMG_2462.JPG)

>>610328there's no possible way this can end badly for shayna, not sketchy behavior from "daddy" at all /s
No. 610362
>>610328The sheer thought of Fupa taking out the clip but forgetting the bullet in the chamber wether its airsoft or real is sending my sides flying if they end up a true whitetrash liveleak video, but atleast Shay would finally get her pussy destroyed from the inside like shes wanted rather than just repeatedly slapped over er already festering vagoo.
Fupa make us proud
No. 610595
File: 1528998305210.png (Spoiler Image,496.42 KB, 531x828, 55kayear.PNG)

Since you make so much money Shay, go get your nails done on your own dime. Why do your followers have to send you money for shit you should be able to afford yourself?(images like this need a spoiler)
No. 610598
File: 1528998381328.png (11.41 KB, 261x325, fifty.PNG)

I feel like that is kinda cheap for the length she gets and all. I go to a really expensive place for nails though, so I could be wrong.
No. 610604
File: 1528998713502.png (7.7 KB, 267x265, nails2.PNG)

Cheap ass bitch. No wonder your nails look so jacked all of the time. The forms are always hideous.
No. 610607
File: 1528998812119.png (986.34 KB, 857x926, daddyissues.PNG)

How does one still have dark circles after using this filter? She does look a lot better, but it's hard to truly believe that when she always filters her face.
No. 610610
File: 1528998876417.png (13.97 KB, 212x506, notinhighdefinition.PNG)

Not in high definition, Shay.
No. 610612
File: 1528998947343.png (16.4 KB, 220x480, iwasaslutinhighschoolteehee.PN…)

"oh yah when I was young I was a freak too tee hee", bitch seek help.
No. 610616
File: 1528999120383.png (7.31 KB, 221x255, thatsamazing.PNG)

And you haven't acquired a single skill that can be marketed outside of sex work, like video editing, social media strategies, affiliate marketing, etc. She's gonna be so fucked when she can't market herself like this anymore lol.
No. 610619
File: 1528999238895.png (31.49 KB, 230x851, creativity.PNG)

So creative! How does she come up with this stuff??
No. 610626
File: 1528999499985.png (19.29 KB, 255x603, whatthefuck.PNG)

Girl, people your age are in college or graduating it. they aren't thinking about how smart they were in high school anymore. it's sad that she hasn't moved past that yet. your high school grades are not a marker for your current intelligence.
>>610625that is true.
No. 610628
File: 1528999593402.png (7.93 KB, 269x296, businesstactic.PNG)

Not a very good business tactic if you have to explain it's usefulness, eh shay?
No. 610630
File: 1528999648501.png (13.88 KB, 265x422, okay.PNG)

I love how she just alters her past to suit whatever narrative she has in her own head.
No. 610634
File: 1528999724444.png (5.32 KB, 279x227, Capture.PNG)

No. 610640
File: 1528999892102.png (13.56 KB, 437x264, butithought.PNG)

>>610636Funny you mention that.
No. 610643
File: 1528999941811.png (10.42 KB, 448x235, bwahaha.PNG)

No. 610647
File: 1529000014229.png (595.3 KB, 462x706, boardboy.PNG)

He could be a hunchback. So lean and hot!
No. 610650
File: 1529000192713.png (745.9 KB, 445x875, fatboyangles.PNG)

>>610647btw fupa, I can still see your titties.
No. 610765
>>610647He's posing so hard here compared to other photos. Did Shay teach him? Suck in that gut and flex those fupapa!
>>610650At least it's not the HotTopic bargin bin anymore, but the khakis/blue button down combo is pretty ugly too. The shirt would probably be alright with different pants though.
No. 610794
>>610650He's really trying so hard
What 40 year old regularly posts selfies to hipster websites?
I love how he keeps trying to prove to us wrong sadly he's failing.
Fucking disgusting freakshow
No. 611050
File: 1529023052286.png (53.32 KB, 1080x677, Screenshot_20180614-203548~2.p…)

she will be on cam soon, can someone take screenshots?
No. 611066
File: 1529024026732.png (1016.76 KB, 1200x597, Screenshot_814.png)

No. 611074
File: 1529024940772.png (Spoiler Image,599.09 KB, 709x551, Screenshot_817.png)

No. 611075
File: 1529024976479.png (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB, 1139x717, Screenshot_818.png)

No. 611082
File: 1529025303886.png (570.79 KB, 713x546, Screenshot_819.png)

>>611080shes doing more than just rolling a blunt, her whole show is around smoking.
No. 611085
File: 1529025411847.png (89.26 KB, 321x165, Screenshot_820.png)

I am uncomfortable
No. 611088
File: 1529025556915.png (102.95 KB, 330x206, Screenshot_822.png)

No. 611089
File: 1529025637137.jpg (Spoiler Image,114.65 KB, 1057x1013, Screenshot_20180615-022026_Chr…)

No. 611101
File: 1529026807719.jpeg (10.05 KB, 275x178, B27CE2E4-66EE-421D-9083-2C0072…)

>>610794He’s 40? Bitch WHAT THE FUCK
No. 611104
>>611088>>611089She can't hold my attention, I always click on the hotter girls that are listed on the side. She needs to resort to punching and pissing herself.
Before clicking off, she said she only had one towel, and it was pink. BARF!
No. 611122
File: 1529027343216.png (Spoiler Image,292.65 KB, 626x538, a.png)

there's nothing going on, she shook her butt and was rolling blunts for a while but she's just sitting there doing nothing now. not engaging her audience much or anything. she needs to step it up and maybe then she'll stop e-begging
No. 611125
>>611116shes been listening to songs from the fallout soundtracks….
ANNND now she just randomly turned off cam for no reason. Okay. Great work ethic there girl.
No. 611129
File: 1529027561308.png (495.38 KB, 698x526, Screenshot_826.png)

Attractive, Dolly. Very sexy.
No. 611133
File: 1529027731465.jpeg (220.08 KB, 1242x826, F43CD4B4-1730-4425-A549-F526EC…)

Very um…flattering? position
No. 611154
>>611133So awkward. She's gawkishly taller than she leads on. No wonder she loved standing next to Coll and reblogged those photos nonstop.
Her real voice is cringey when she she drops to it from her fake baby voice.
>>611146It's hilarious how she'll makes posts regarding everything discussed, same day to a couple days after. She also tries to "rewrite history" and talk about something in a completely different way than it actually happened, or contrary to her
own words she said previous.
Can't blame her though about the pro porn. She looked really bad, and not just her vag, everything looked bad.
No. 611155
File: 1529028992096.gif (1.39 MB, 302x357, 52c.gif)

>>611133All I can think of is this.
No. 611161
File: 1529029228908.png (Spoiler Image,556.42 KB, 629x613, Screenshot_828.png)

No. 611162
File: 1529029313692.jpg (Spoiler Image,396.39 KB, 1841x1361, dd.jpg)

No. 611168
She's talking about her video anal bitch "i don't remember but it was a popular one"
here's some caps from that vid
WARNING: vomit inducing
>>487926>>487927 No. 611194
File: 1529031379062.png (Spoiler Image,408.07 KB, 679x530, Screenshot_829.png)

No. 611202
File: 1529032242935.jpeg (Spoiler Image,65.01 KB, 651x651, 7E7553EE-5ED0-44AE-882D-7DC250…)

>>611179Kinda nsfw and gross, but here’s an example of the compression wear stormys ex had.
It can work wonders. It definitely looks like Fupas wearing it.
No. 611259
>>611202I didn't understand why you all called him fupa. But that is a truely disgusting gut. Is there a possibility that it's composed of loose skin? Fupa has the mentality of a fat man who lost weight and is now living it up.
Imagine the sound of that inflamed vagina slapping that skin.
No. 611274
File: 1529038630214.png (570.09 KB, 1821x570, itsinthethreadpic.PNG)

>>611259Girl, look at this pic again. Also,
>>611202 is Pumpy's ex donning compression wear. Which is what it looks like Fupa is doing here
No. 611306
File: 1529041494476.jpeg (73.4 KB, 572x415, 0E65B29A-1437-4145-8F27-720A9E…)

I think fupa is married. Look at the women’s hair products in the background of this recent pic. I doubt he’s using Herbal Essence hairspray and Paul Mitchell shampoo…
No. 611312
File: 1529041826377.jpeg (306.12 KB, 1020x1613, 50C30CA9-A115-46BA-8D89-6B0F57…)

>>611310Samefag sorry but I found it
Those shower curtains don’t look like his taste either
No. 611319
File: 1529042812699.png (105.66 KB, 640x1032, IMG_1950.PNG)

I went to the notes from that picture and saw this. I'm pretty sure he was still publicly flirting with this girl right when he and Shay got together lol
No. 611321
File: 1529043167536.png (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 1280x718, tumblr_pac4si5d2D1rmiw96o4_128…)

No. 611322
File: 1529043212349.png (Spoiler Image,815.13 KB, 982x544, tumblr_pac4si5d2D1rmiw96o1_128…)

Different pics from that grotesque cake video she did.
No. 611323
File: 1529043278512.png (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1280x716, tumblr_pac4si5d2D1rmiw96o3_128…)

She looks like she's having a nervous breakdown in these pictures. they are weird, and not in a good way.
No. 611325
File: 1529043333568.png (Spoiler Image,768.83 KB, 972x544, tumblr_pac4si5d2D1rmiw96o2_128…)

A grown ass woman.
No. 611513
File: 1529075611455.jpg (53.05 KB, 716x528, 66p.jpg)

No. 611516
File: 1529075934989.jpg (516.74 KB, 1624x2024, wtf.jpg)

No. 611522
File: 1529076791133.jpg (48.75 KB, 572x604, fff.jpg)

No. 611527
File: 1529076970588.jpg (138.78 KB, 984x736, h4.jpg)

Left are with the filter she always uses, right is without.
First 3 and the one on the left are from her caps from her camming where she can't use the filter.
It shows her real face shape and how much the filter changes it. No wonder she uses it on all her photos now.
No. 611536
>>610650Optical illusion. It's the angle of the photo. Just look at the size of his head compared to his body.
>>611519Sry, wasn't done at the time, it only lets you upload one photo at a time, had to get the others and the comparison side by side.
She's not going to be able to use that filter on her shoots, she's fucked.
No. 611540
File: 1529078289755.jpg (Spoiler Image,247.29 KB, 1517x1600, c667590f1a37e8f4b78e2f0fc27ab7…)

>>611322What she's wearing reminds me of shitty satin and lace stuff Sissies and some adult babies wear.
No. 611546
>>611522>>611516>>611513>>611527Kinda scary, gives you an insight into her version of reality and how she keeps up these delusions in her head.
She literally takes all her photos with this filter. I have't seen a photo without it in a very long time. Floating hearts and skin smoothing is one thing, but does she not realize you can't just shave 4 inches off your jaw, nor do your eyes grow.
No. 611559
File: 1529079828374.png (22.13 KB, 484x409, alskjdlf.PNG)

No. 611560
File: 1529079880676.jpg (162.98 KB, 649x1280, rough.jpg)

No. 611568
I vote
>>598007 (someone edit her vag with something funny)
>>605702>>600251Any of those would be hilarious
No. 611570
File: 1529080667775.png (Spoiler Image,1.09 MB, 1873x722, impressive.PNG)

All of those vids she's released from the Mexico trip ones to the Cake ones haven't done shit for her score. Damn Shay, you really suck at this! Whatever happened to caring about your MV rank? We know you let your cam score tank.
No. 611575
File: 1529080955859.png (Spoiler Image,458.04 KB, 1176x548, ew.PNG)

She gets bonus points for having the same poop eggs and rancid piss panties in her "studio" still. Throw that stuff away, girl. You can't keep it for that long.
At least tell Fupa to buy it or something. Hey Fupa, when you lurk here, ask Shay if you can take these off of her hands. They've been in her apartment for months.
No. 611698
File: 1529089076562.png (118.03 KB, 640x1098, IMG_1952.PNG)

No. 611701
File: 1529089160414.png (171.81 KB, 640x1091, IMG_1953.PNG)

I'm imagining him moving to Boston and Shayna desperately moving back home
No. 611708
>>611559Prob a home he inherited. Makes sense that he lives with his sister. Like he said, he's in his early 30's. He should already be having his own home, and working towards a lot more. Not getting his ego inflated by 16 yr old followers or his tumblr joke of a gf, who's known for being a compulsive liar, and her disgusting pussy and ass boils.
>>611695She's not bloated. That's just how her face is. Look at all the other photos above that one. The filter just changes her face
that much. It's sad.
>>611701Hha! You mean move back to the town where everyone knows what a massive joke she is. Where she can't lie about the past, and where she has to deal with the people that she was replaced with. She turns into the biggest bitch whenever she goes back to MA.
No. 611805
File: 1529096954444.png (23.19 KB, 501x468, okaygurl.PNG)

Fupa better teach his dumb girlfriend how to spell properly then too. Oh wait, Shay's stupidity is merely an "act".
No. 611820
>>611694Because he tells people on tumblr? i.e
>>611559 I know that doesn't mean he's telling the truth but that's probably where that anon got that number
No. 612367
File: 1529157443566.jpg (353.91 KB, 1494x1586, chins.jpg)

Another comparison of her face with and without the filter.
She reblogged the photo on the right today. The ones on the left were from the same day on cam.
She's basically uses the filter to thin her face out, shave inches off her jaw and make her eyes larger, on top of smoothing the skin.
It's crazy how drastic the differences are especially in this one.
>>611527>>611522>>611516>>611513The filter is supposed to be an exaggeration of the face, it warps your features, elongating, enlarging, and pinching. It's supposed to be a novelty. Yet she's developed a mandatory need for it on every photo she takes of herself.
No. 612376
>>612367Also adding that not everyone uses SC and know about the filter and what it does.
It seems as if it's finally dawned on her that she needs to work on her appearance and health. But instead of fixing her makeup, adopting some hygiene habits, washing her pussy, she'll just use a filter and pshop/ftune her face and boils out.
>>605582 and
>>605585 No. 612439
>>612376because she thinks she’s perfect and doesn’t HAVE to do those things, she’ll just get someone to do it FOR her. She has delusions that her life is perfect and her vagina is healthy and that she doesn’t have to do the mundane everyday life tasks that her version of “average peasants” do, she’s sooooo above that.
It’s pathetic how highly she thinks of herself, while literally letting her body rot in the process. Keep drinking that alcohol and vomiting Shay, I’m sure it will keep your skin glowing and your vagina in its best condition.
No. 612462
File: 1529168315214.png (144.92 KB, 440x434, no.PNG)

No. 612464
File: 1529168405511.png (29.71 KB, 440x586, kek.PNG)

No. 612465
File: 1529168484446.png (541.74 KB, 434x683, lolllll.PNG)

This fat fuck makes me laugh. Why does he pretend to be so tough on tumblr of all places?
No. 612467
File: 1529168542419.png (518.4 KB, 424x715, nothingisscarierthanyou.PNG)

This man is so gross. Kill it with fire.
No. 612469
File: 1529168653838.png (9.13 KB, 274x279, teeheesokawaii.PNG)

No. 612470
File: 1529168719639.png (3.87 KB, 273x198, dude.PNG)

Yeah I bet this is exactly how your mom would speak to you. Why do you lie about her for pity points, you sad bitch?
No. 612472
File: 1529168805255.png (11.47 KB, 259x339, wowbitch.PNG)

So you would fight a girl over some cheap ass wannabe daddy domme? Ew bitch.
No. 612642
>>612367>>612436>>612439What is so sad, is the fact that she
knows that she
needs to use the filter on every photo. Even though it's meant to overwarp and exaggerate one's face and features. It's for novelty use. She still continues to use it even
after being called out… that's really sad.
Her using the filter incessantly is just her acknowledging and confirming her deep insecurities, and the fact she knows she needs it.
I bet you her psyche will crack if she doesn't use it on a photo. Really fucking scary on how her head works and her perceptions of
No. 612657
File: 1529187185900.png (311.44 KB, 1028x453, no.PNG)

Okay girl.
No. 612658
File: 1529187221650.png (1.47 MB, 1280x1137, tumblr_pafnxvd9bH1rmiw96o2_r1_…)

No. 612667
>>612455I think I remember that, she was crying about being used or some shit by everyone she ever meets. You know, one would start doing some self inventory when it happens multiple times, but she probably still thinks it's
them not
>>612464 So if your shitty person of a s/o got a burger from the person they cheated with, exchange of goods and services, would that count?… What about gas or a 10 dollar bill? lol..jk
It's sad. He's supposed to be a dom/daddy role, and her significant other… he still lets her work, which I have no qualms about, and there shouldn't be a problem with. He can't say that she can't or give her rules
now, or else he'd have to replace any money/goods she'd be getting otherwise. She did say that she did some "sugaring* in Seattle. Shayna's a prostitute. Full on. She's always been, sleeping and doing shit in exchanfe for drugs or for clothes and money. Fupa isn't going to recoup her losses. It was so pathetic and sad to see her get so excited and boast about "traveling the world", and the reality is her crashing in the hotel room he already had from work. Like you might as well stayed in your shitty apartment on the ruined soaked and shit stained matted rug.
No. 612846
File: 1529197118210.png (1.2 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1964.PNG)

i thought she couldn't be uglier than she is in her current state but her old video that was reblogged really frightened me
No. 613099
>>612749that's something i don't get. why does she uses tunnels? that's not barbie-ish at all. and yes, if she wants to keep them she should use those that don't look like tunnels.
also to be barbie-like she def needs a freakng tan. i think that's the only way pink would look good on her
No. 613235
File: 1529245634895.jpg (64.59 KB, 445x750, fupadaddy.jpg)

close your fucking mouth moron
No. 613243
File: 1529245885045.jpg (68.67 KB, 421x750, holokek.jpg)

>>613242dumbass didn't post the pic
No. 613245
>>613239she only buys clothes for her "porn", and rarely goes out anywhere. she shops at walamart, h&m, forever 21, a&e, and shitty stores that sell crappy clothes that she thinks are good quality because of the price tag.
once again, shes basic AFFFF.
check out that duck face and crop top, shes got instagram model written all over her dumb face.
No. 613257
File: 1529246457422.jpg (9.36 KB, 117x117, 20180617_094108.jpg)

What is happening with his arm here?
No. 613289
File: 1529248997258.png (369.63 KB, 654x367, 499D1E97-AA8D-4095-9426-A0F401…)

>>613286In five years he’ll be Clive Anderson.
Keep working on that upper body, I’m sure a Kronk style body structure will really work well.
No. 613324
File: 1529251674112.jpeg (157.04 KB, 1041x908, 20A994CC-10C7-434B-BD64-F1A2C3…)

>>613235You might want to lay off the soy, fupa
No. 613550
File: 1529270876523.jpg (119.36 KB, 515x873, hr84.jpg)

Aside from the obvious cringe, the state her rug is in is even more disgusting.
No. 613551
File: 1529270938498.jpg (257.87 KB, 887x1920, tumblr_pahfqkUCxT1wkuxmho1_128…)

Better photo of rug. Ew! I'm cringing!
No. 613562
File: 1529271327838.jpg (29.07 KB, 507x277, 9366126.jpg)

If it wasn't for this concept and for this thread, Shayna would never have a reason to ever step foot in a bath/shower. She literally had to be hospitalized for her to finally take one, and Mia literally had to use that as a reason to get her to clean herself before ever touching her.
Second, why tf would you be holding you pee in while you cleaned, go to the bathroom. She seems like the type to always get uti's.
No. 613565
File: 1529271393385.png (31.09 KB, 293x759, afdgs.PNG)

No. 613730
>>613565>>613576Yeah I noticed that too. When you try to be cute and have a convo on tumblr, but all it does is makes you look pathetic. She legit was super obnoxious and said I love you like 4 times, started the convo, got a response, and then she even had to reply to that, yet he didn't even say it back to her.
Watch her now make a post of him saying it after she reads this. lmao!
No. 613732
File: 1529283400183.jpg (64.18 KB, 338x600, IMG_1966.JPG)

Wash your face, hair, rug, floors, and socks you grimy broke hoe
No. 613737
>>613576>>613730Oh and also, look at this other convo between them:
>>613550He says
>I've never had someone make me feel so loved in my lifeBut he never says "I Love You" to her.
>>613732Eww! Put the filter back on!
>>613734 No. 613807
>>613565>>613576>Aww you're so sweet kiddo>lucky to have you in my lifeYikes, his response reads like when a dude gets publicly friendzoned by a girl "best friend". So awkward. Shay is literally fuckzoned.
>>613739Nah, they were from a shoot and were more sheer and lacey, these are an entirely different pair of filthy, dirty socks.
No. 614148
File: 1529341483696.png (15.45 KB, 314x418, potcallkettle.PNG)

Shay, you don't have any room to talk. Shut up bitch. You constantly expose minors to your bullshit, you even interacted with them from your blog this year in a post on tumblr. So shut up.
No. 614149
File: 1529341558106.png (Spoiler Image,21.37 KB, 266x443, brokedumbassbitch.PNG)

Give it up, shay. You suck at this. Always begging for money. Should have gotten a real sugar daddy instead. Oh wait, you aren't smart, driven, or attractive enough for that. Oops. Enjoy being a perpetually broke bitch honey.
No. 614156
File: 1529342286904.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.16 MB, 1080x1920, tumblr_pahtegm3UM1rmiw96o2_128…)

I made this for you, Shay.
No. 614225
File: 1529347138576.png (12.22 KB, 268x366, butyourestillbrokebitch.PNG)

Your content and editing growth is mediocre at best, stagnant if we are being honest Shay.