File: 1593587275949.png (427.89 KB, 486x692, 1593585425629.png)

No. 1000276
**Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in and edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: sage when there’s no milk, no nitpicking and/or blogposting and please try to curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots from other cam girls. This is a Shay thread.**
Last Thread:
>got dumped and got back AGAIN with her bf ALL within the span of 13 days before the Great Fupa Reveal >>988453 >>988456 >>988458>during this time, Shayna threatened to stop taking her psych medication even though it was a dealbreaker for her bf Fupa >>988512 >>988609>refused meds and used ~mental health~ to manipulate Fupa into taking her back >>989310 >>989302 >>989301 >more emotional blackmail >>989312 >>989311Then the Goddess saw that farmers were good and said "Let there be cream"
>Shayna admits publicly on Twitter that she HAS INDEED BEEN ON AND OFF DATING KYLE NATHAN PERKINS all along; tinfoil anons rejoice. >>999248 >>999251>Accuses Kyle Fupa Perkins of being abusive, isolating her and making her pay rents on two separate places. Says she needed to tell the truth to "move on".>Quickly baleeted the statements, presumably it pissed off Kyle Perkins since their sekrit relationship violates Kyle's kids visitation agreement.>He broke up with her ass; Shayna copes by """overdosing""" on anxiety meds >>999552 . Attempted to check into an inpatient facility; upset when said facility does not make a special exception for Princess Shayna Luther King Clifford to keep her cellphone.>More ~overdosing~ and suicide baiting on main, all crytyping falls on deaf Fupa ears. >>999935 >>999914 >>999908>A couple hours later, Shayna is supposedly going to inpatient after all, but not before extorting people of pity money >>1000042 . What about Noodle and Ribmeat? Literally who knows.Less excitingly,
>claimed to have made some friends >>988659 , still complains about having no one to talk to>wants to break lease and move to LA >>998565 >>998568>made ass pimple popping porn >>992921>E-begged a car for her birthday, raised $200 >>996567 >>988543>turned 23, bragged about rich-bitch birthday at some fried chicken restaurant, night in sponsored by Ubereats and White Claws >>996635 >>996185>more virtuesignaling about BLM and defending pedoshit >>989702 >>991795 >>989788>continues to be a sad alcoholic fat bitch, SNAFUStarring:
https://dollymattel.tumblr.comhttps://irldollymattel.tumblr.comhttp://thesaddesthoe.tumblr.com ← CURRENT ← SFW ← CURRENT threads:
(1 deleted)
>>>/snow/538195 8:
>>>/snow/98071555: >>>/snow/988449
No. 1000326
File: 1593601382700.gif (9.14 MB, 300x169, wwesupermarket.gif)

I leave this thread for a few days because it was stale and come back to the best milk all year. I knew it was Fupa! Too many coincidences from both their dumbasses. Nice job on the new thread OP anon. May this thread be extra, extra milky and flow nonstop. Cheers!
No. 1000335
File: 1593602968499.jpeg (188.35 KB, 1242x939, 1593592747457.jpeg)

no idea why the anon put this in the other thread when this was already created so i'm reposting it here.
No. 1000342
File: 1593604498128.jpeg (127.8 KB, 640x649, 1A15387C-EE77-42E1-A129-F79F36…)

god I want Kyle Nathan Perkins to fucking share the vids while Shayna is inpatient. It’s going to be boring if she stays for a week.
Tinfoil; what if she actually has an epiphany during inpatient realizes she’s been a delusional addict and moves back home and ceases sex work.
That being said, Kyle we need those vids as a last hoorah.
No. 1000373
>>1000360Regardless of whether or not all of this is her fault (it 100% is), I said that I do feel a twinge of empathy for someone who lost the only relationship that mattered to her. Fupa was the only person giving her any emotional and physical validation for years. Online orbiters aren't the same.
She needs actual help, though. As you mention, Shayna has managed to make every
wrong decision possible. She needs to completely reevaluate her life and come to terms with the fact that she isn't the
victim in all of this: she's the cause of her own problems. Always. What a sad fucking existence.
>>1000368I guess we can't know. Only time will tell. I'm not holding my breath, but she clearly needs to go.
No. 1000376
>>1000368I just thought about this, too.
I think Shay would say she is done with social media, I don’t think she’s smart enough to bait ppl into tipping her while she’s inpatient for like a week. She could not stay away from validation that long.
In her mind the attention she’s getting from inpatient will probably suffice. Its all speculation we won’t know until we know.
No. 1000393
>>1000360same, she chose to be with him and not have any friends, and while it may suck to have a relationship end, what kind was it where she had to be a secret. she's just trying to manipulate sympathy as usual; i remember a time where she asked for money to go to a therapist or something and then once she had it she was fine.
like, i'm trying to understand what exactly she thought was going to happen from the twitter reveal. did she believe he'd just be like 'oh, i'll claim you publicly.' two weeks ago she posted that her "heart was hurting so much" b/c they broke up and here we are again.
No. 1000420
>>1000414she's still on her parents' insurance, if she goes to a hospital that accepts that insurance it could be a lot cheaper.
She's absolutely going to call her dad from the hospital. I wonder if he'll offer to pay it for her, and I wonder if one of his conditions will be that she has to move home.
No. 1000523
File: 1593629729062.gif (1.73 MB, 327x327, eugh.gif)

No. 1000574
>>1000526Omg this hahahaha. I was one of the anons saying that, too!
Fuck you Kyle Perkins
I mean I guess occasionally it could've been a rando having to put up with her manipulation. But maybe safe to say "Daddy" was codeword for fupa. Which is still so fucking gross.
No. 1000645
>>1000637Mia is in a special detox/rehab center, specifically for drug and alcohol use. Depending on the severity they usually allow patients to have their phone, or access to it for a certain amount of time. Sometimes it's given as a privilege after successful detox.
Specialized rehab/detox centers for drug and alcohol tend to have different rules than your normal behavioral health hospital. Local mental health wards in hospitals have even stricter rules. I'd bet anything she's not going inpatient, and if she is she's most likely going to a behavioral health center with her parents insurance. She wouldn't last 2 hours in a real mental ward.
No. 1000670
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No. 1000691
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No. 1000707
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Ok I know this is not a popular opinion but Fupa definitely fucked this girl up. I’ve had a few opinions about Shay but never shared them because it’s like crazy as fuck in this thread. First of all Shay is hella young, young and dumb and still has time to change. We no not know if she had an abusive childhood and I hate y’all that say that because she wasn’t poor that it wasn’t abuse? Rich white republicans can be abusive. I don’t know about you, but I dont think sane, normal people get into ddlg so that to me shows me she’s fucked up. Fupa is a whole grown as man with a million kids and y’all wanna act like him and Shay are the same? Gtfo of here with that. Yea she’s dumb, immature, makes BAD decisions but this old asshole preyed on a young, dumb girl for idk to feel cool? He’s 100% disgusting and that’s proven with how he treats his ex and children. This man is the real villain and further stunted ANY growth Shay could ever make. She is HEAVILY dependent on him and it fucking sucks, this happens to a lot of young girls, and it will make your mental illness worse if your partner is some old loser like Kyle. I feel like Shay has never had not one positive role model in her life and that is very obvious. Does she suicide bait a lot? Yes. Do people kill themselves over breakups? Yep. I think Shay is a lot more fragile than she wants to be perceived at, and she does sound like she has bbp honestly which fucking sucks. She obviously can’t do this on her own but realistically what are her choices? Going back to Massachusetts? Also ps kyles baby momma, stop trying to force your loser ex into being there for your kids. You had MULTIPLE children with this man and act all surprised when he’s a deadbeat, my guess is he always was. Your children will be better off without his drama, as for making him hide his relationship from you? Grow up. You’re not his momma or his wife anymore, let the man self destruct and be with whoever he wants to be with. My guess is Shay has nothing to do with him being a shitty sad so stop trying to put it on that, hold HIM accountable. Ok another thing is the obvious physical downfall of Shay, the most physical manifestation of this whole debacle…. people don’t gain that much weight because they’re happy. It’s always been obvious she wanted to be ‘thicc’ for Fupa and it’s obvious she’s miserable because of it. She ruined her body and eating habits for some broke ass ugly ass deadbeat dad. I hope she’s inpatient. I hope it’s a breakthrough. I hope it changes her life. I’d much rather watch the dumb pink Barbie bimbo make a fool out of herself than what she’s turned into. She should quit drinking. Break up with Fupa. Lose the weight. Move to California (doesn’t have to be LA), go blonde, find some cute girl-friends and just have fun. She’s young, she should be having fun, making memories. Anyway ok that’s all I wanted to say lol
No. 1000717
>>1000707I literally stopped reading when you insinuated she had an
abusive childhood. At least read the threads.
No. 1000725
>>1000707The fact you start going off on his baby mom lost me. SHAYNA'S mad she's a secret, the baby mom just wants to know who her kids is around.
And who blamed Shayna for making Fupa a bad father? This comes off as a orbiter trying to blame everyone but Shayna for her own life choices.
No. 1000727
>>1000707If more happened in Shayna's childhood we'd know by now, she didn't have this horribly
abusive childhood because her parents are
abusive repubs and "rich" (which they aren't).
And no normal people DONT get into DDLG, but Shayna 100% got into it for ATTENtioN. Not because she's this abused poor little girl, not because she's so mentally broken, nope ATTENTION.
She was agasint DDLG in the beginning but that changed when she realized she could get attention.
I see is a bunch of excuses, Suicide Baiting is wrong, period. I don't care how many people does it, I don't care who it's beening done to.
Being "young" is not an excuse, she's an adult. Stop making excuses, she knows better.
No. 1000730
>>1000728right? I kek'd at
>>as for making him hide his relationship from you? Grow up. You’re not his momma or his wife anymore, let the man self destruct and be with whoever he wants to be withSounds like exactly something a orbiter would say, "how dare you care about who he has around your kids! Your not his momma or his wife anymore!!"
and the fact they said She made Fupa hide the relationship is hilarious.
No actually, someone from here exposed the whole thing, FUPA was lying to his wife about who Shayna was.
Fupa lied about what she was doing for a living, until someone told his ex-wife the truth.
Trying so hard to cape for Shayna but don't even know the lore.
No. 1000738
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>>1000707Oh honey, no. I can tell you’re young and see yourself in Shay. But no. Baby momma is doing everything right. Shay is an ADULT, even tho she wishes she wasn’t.
Just so much wrong in this ball-sucking essay I’m just not even going to touch it more.
No. 1000750
>>1000734I don't think so; I agree with this anon:
>>1000741She would follow the PnP route and talk about her ~ clients ~ or ~ daddies ~ all the time on Twitter if she were really whoring.
No. 1000755
Hi shay.
(hi cow) No. 1000757
>>1000707As someone who grew up knowing my dad was involved with prostitutes, I understand why she would want to keep her children away from him and Shayna. It is harmful. She has two teenage boys and a young girl. I can respect her for not wanting her children exposed to sex work and DDLG shit. It's absolutely fucked up that one of her sons could google Shay's name and find her threads filled with all the degrading and humiliating porn she's made over the years.
>>1000734Didn't she used to meet up with old men she met on tumblr? I doubt she does it now though. With all her complaining about not being able to make friends in Tulsa I'm starting to think that what she does online is public knowledge. With the Fupa reveal, it would sense that if people know what's like, then they could be taking the side of Fupa's ex and shunning her.
No. 1000777
>>1000717Exactly. The full extent of her abuse was being forced to babysit and lying about a high school rape. Her DDLG pedoshit was 100% pornsickness from being on tumblr.
Fucking newfags.
No. 1000802
File: 1593650590591.jpeg (Spoiler Image,396.71 KB, 2048x2048, 386F8AE2-3048-4BFB-935B-35B3EC…)

Wow such a sex icon truly thriving kek
No. 1000816
File: 1593651697112.png (207.32 KB, 540x509, 03434B26-1E02-4D01-BCE8-61F397…)

>pic related, it’s Shayna
There is nothing redeemable about shay kek fupa is gross but that in itself says loads about shay… all my years of laughing at shay I’ve never felt an ounce of sympathy for her: because she’s a vapid, stupid, delusional clown. You wks have to be her like 3 Twitter stans, naive and young smh
Shayna is going to be one of those cows we can point and laugh at until she’s Raven Spark’s age. People like Shayna don’t change, that’s why she desperately wants to be famous because even she knows there’s nothing inside her, and if she “gets famous” that’ll prove to her that she is an interesting individual .
TL;DR I just want to see the damn drunk videos of her acting a fool and for the WKs to go back to sexwork Twitter.
No. 1000858
>>1000855Or she leaves the second withdrawals set in and blames the clinic for "making her react so badly she puked"
I hope the place tests for covid before admitting people at the very least
No. 1000867
>>1000852I hope she learns from it but realistically she’ll probably fall deeper into a pit of bullshit than before. And the ironic shit of all of this was now she’ll actually have some legit trauma instead of just ~my parents made me babysit, her relationship with men is going to become even worse, same with her relationship for women since the baby daddy was the reason her and fupa couldn’t be together, becoming a full blown alcoholic and having severe attachment issues.
Of course this will all become part of her
victim persona, so she’ll only become more of a cow
No. 1000871
truly done". Sorry for this hard to read post.
No. 1000909
>>1000889Ooooh good point anon. I keep forgetting how young she is. A stay in the loony bin is the perfect ammo fir her mom to get her stupid ass back home.
I could see Mama Clifford pulling a "Shayna, if you were thriving you wouldn't be racking up thousands of dollars of mental health medical bills to be covered by MY insurance because you're soooo depressed. Get your ass offline and come home or you can pay for your own insurance from now on."
No. 1000913
>>1000734>In the last thread she retweeted something about being a sexworker but having aversion to body fluids was hard.I think the other girl was talking about how she gets *sooo many requests~* from guys who want to do scenes with her. I guess Shayna just wanted to act as if she got that too. And because she did that facial once she totally gets the struggle.
Other than the other anons I don’t think she‘d brag about genuine whoring though. If she was doing escort work and taken to fancy restaurants, then yes she‘d definitely brag about that. But I don’t think she‘d brag (or even complain publicly) about having to whore for money to pay rent.
>>1000802I don’t even have a dick but seeing those teeth hurts me just from looking at it.
No. 1000934
File: 1593678111823.gif (Spoiler Image,84.59 KB, 275x207, 7B1A9B4D-9DBA-4FC7-9742-5DE840…)

Fupapa please post the video of Shayna being an abusive drunk.
No. 1000965
File: 1593689347759.gif (499.86 KB, 500x282, SilkyCourteousArthropods-small…)

Me and every other farmer right now that only checked on Shay's thread only once every few days due to no milk
No. 1001073
>>1000982Fupa is a pornsick ugly fuck that acts like a teenage girl. He uses women and discards them when they’re no longer useful. Even his OWN MOTHER talked about what a piece of shit father he is to his kids.
That being said, I still want to see those blackmail videos of Shay acting like a drunk
abusive cunt. He’ll never post them because they will just give baby momma more ammo to take his kids away, especially if Shay was violent.
But, if his rights as a parent get stripped, I could see Fupa being the big POS he is and dropping them here cause what does he have to lose?
No. 1001285
>>1001185Tbh I truly don't think she actually went inpatient and is just seeing how much pity money people will send her.
She's probably watching the threads and getting wasted.
No. 1001298
>>1001296Oh absolutely. From the trend of things 75% of the donations/tips she makes are from her female orbiters. She's despised in the SW community so aside from the ones kissing her ass no one will donate to her and the men following her won't pay a dime unless they get something in return.. and most of the time they don't even get that. It's a wonder she's not been banned from the camming sites before she quit them because guys would tip off her menu and she'd never give them what they paid for.
Scammy Mattel all day every day.
No. 1001351
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Kyle Nathan Perkins I will pay for the videos of Shayna being an embarrassment
No. 1001418
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Any idea who she was referring to as her best friend of all time?
No. 1001432
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>>1001351>>1001378>>1001393I‘m in. I neeeeed to see her drunk ass embarrass and harass people.
No. 1001523
>>1001517I'm reeling over the fact that this
>>652476 was LAST YEAR.
she really let herself go, holy shit. What did she do to her body?
No. 1001528
>>1001463Yea because we’re all following the rules and saging our BS and tinfoiling. The new thread has been linked two or three times in the old thread.
Do we think she will emerge today? It’s been 72 hours right? Isn’t that the minimum?
>>1001496Get help.
No. 1001529
>>1001523ItS tHe MeDs anon!!
The meds and NOTHING ELSE. Duh.
No. 1001604
is Fupa's ex now kekeke.
No. 1001615
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No. 1001617
They're both so cringe
No. 1001629
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>>1001615truly I love how Shayna physically became Kpezzy kek
No. 1001715
>>1001695kek i wouldn't be surprised if that's the case
>>1001706wouldn't she need to do something extreme for someone to call the cops like threaten to jump off a balcony or something? if she actually went into a hospital i think it was mainly to guilt fupa into taking her back
No. 1001719
>>1001706No one called the cops on her anon, that's a reach. She's just overdramatic and is probably at home drowning herself in booze and sleeping all day.
Shayna is not the type to face her issues, because that would mean accepting that she's very unstable and kind of an all around horrible person. She'd have to accept her flaws and actively work to fix them. She's not willing to do that, but she is willing to use mental health to manipulate people around her.
No. 1001746
>>1001738It was filmed this March, iirc.
>>941354I began reading these threads after she wasn’t with Fupa anymore so I need to go back and read literally all the threads to see if she acted this crazy when they first broke up or if she’s just deteriorating more and more.
No. 1001768
>>1001663Anon you're fucking retarded. One, because that's touching the poop. Two, because are you 13? You aren't going to get medical info like that over the phone (legally) but you will NEVER get mental health information like that. Dumbass.
>>1001715She would be taken for evaluation if she seemed to be a harm to herself or someone else. Even a concerned orbiter could have called.
My guess is she gave her contact information to the "inpatient" MHC she called, and if she admitted to overdosing like she claimed, they might have put her on a 72 hour hold. Would make sense with the timeline of her last post. She still had her phone until she was processed.
Or, she has enough weed, booze and attention from Kik or other "anon" means to fake a 72 hour hold for appearances.
As a BPD fag I do hope for a temporary hold. She's smart enough (kek) to be discharged after the mandatory period but it might get her in contact with a real shrink/therapist. She's not ready to do the work, but a first step starts somewhere. Shay is a totally unsympathetic shit person, but a shit person is even shittier to themselves & others if they have untreated mental illness/personality disorders.
No. 1001807
>>1001663Sage your bullshit and calm down. You are wayyyy too invested, you sound like cow material yourself.
I personally believe Shayna probably checked herself in, it’s not unthinkable and it plays into her
victim narrative. She’s super impulsive and has made way more drastic decisions than this. (Dawn saga, anyone?) I’m sure she will be out in a few days.
I honestly would love to see a 12 step/ sobriety saga. Can you imagine her in AA? I don’t think it will happen because she is so dependent on booze and weed but it is an amusing thought experiment.
No. 1002045
>>1001721but was it really confirmed that it wasn‘t fupa? the dick looked at least similar to fupas afaik
>>1001724ofc it‘s archived, i went through all the threads in the last days and remember that shitshow well. fupa broke up with her after that too kek
>>1001695what makes me believe that she is inpatient is that she disappeared from social media. this bitch tweeted her frozen meals and everytime she broke up with fupa she went batshit on twitter. she has such terrible impulse control that she has to tweet constantly when she experiences bad emotions. she wouldn‘t be able to not tweet just to pretend to be inpatient, especially if she sits at home binge drinking. i doubt she locked her own phone away from her. but i also doubt that going inpatient will change anything for the good for her because her intentions are getting fupa back. let‘s just hope it produces some milk when she‘s back.
No. 1002050
File: 1593860218989.jpg (37.6 KB, 528x640, 16649244_692801484199_46759455…)

Think of it this way:
A) Shay's really in a facility and has to go without her phone, weed, and alcohol and actually listen to people telling her what to do for days. (She couldn't even listen to doctor's orders when she had difficulty breathing before)
B) This is all just a giant ploy to get Fupa back which means she's stuck watching this thread and her Twitter for days without the ability to clapback at anyone when they're glad she's gone and probably can't even leave her apartment for more booze/weed because Fupa might spot her and realize it's all a sham.
Either way Shay's next few days are going to be Hell for her so it's a win/win.
No. 1002052
File: 1593860830174.png (152.61 KB, 1110x650, Screenshot (100).png)

>>1001786yeah just some orbiters commenting.
No. 1002139
>>1002116she posted this
>>1000042 over 72 hours ago now, so the clock begins. it's not unusual to stay longer especially if they keep her through detox. she also LOVES not having any responsibilities. she'll be fed, medicated, listened to, and put to bed on a schedule. basically all she wants in life, so I wouldn't be surprised if she stayed more than the minimum.
No. 1002194
>>1002189I don't believe she dated that dude, only used him to get back at fupa. I recall she also tweeted one time after her bf broke up with her for the umpteenth time, about how she was going to do the work she wants to do now that's single, and asked who's going to be the first to come to her new house when she moves and get their balls stomped on. She quickly deleted it and they were back together in no time.
Also I just remembered her mystery tumblr bf, letsplaymurder. It was probably fupa.
No. 1002210
>>1002194kek "get their balls stomped on"
I would like to see Shayna attempt to transition from camwhore to dominatrix. THAT would be hilarious.
No. 1002285
File: 1593909747909.png (567.97 KB, 497x646, kylefupa.png)

Fupa was posting today about his daughter on facebook, is that the apartment Shay used to be in?
No. 1002298
File: 1593910532478.jpg (521.91 KB, 1080x1049, 1588883399428.jpg)

>>1002285I can't tell for sure but it looks a lot like this photo of her new place
No. 1002313
that is the exact same layout, windows, wall color, blinds, etc.
What the fuck is going on???
No. 1002314
File: 1593912433809.jpg (16.28 KB, 720x669, Screenshot_20200704-212500_Sam…)

>>1002275It's gone you fucking retard. The streamable links dont work.
>>832228>>832230 No. 1002329
File: 1593914373186.png (637.57 KB, 499x818, kylefupa.png)

>>1002285full pic, I think it's possibly the same apartment complex
No. 1002338
>>1002332I think Anon means that when Shay was at her shitty old place, Fupa was too
And now that she's at this new place, Fupa has his own apartment at the same place too
No. 1002341
>>1002325makes even more sense why she wants to break her lease and get out. it's one thing to be in the same city as your ex for another 10 months, it's very different to be in the same building/complex and be worried about running into them constantly.
if this is all true and they are in the same place, that's fucking sad to think about. like a drunk, college dorm booty call every night. what a relationship.
No. 1002342
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No. 1002352
File: 1593917257991.jpg (386.78 KB, 2289x2289, PicsArt_07-04-09.43.10.jpg)

it's the same aparment. there's an outlet on the bottom right corner of the right window.
No. 1002354
File: 1593917423566.jpg (450.2 KB, 2289x2289, PicsArt_07-04-09.49.14.jpg)

>>1002352fupa's on the left and a photo shay posted on the right for comparison
No. 1002420
File: 1593932294659.png (1.15 MB, 1534x874, inside.png)

>>1002401LMAO. You can use google maps to look inside of some the apartments.
No. 1002477
>>1002426She goes live on OF now but she said she stopped camming as much because she got fat kek. She was camming the whole time she was in Seattle and when she lived with him so I highly doubt he cared.
I DO think, that maybe the new dude might have had issues with parts of her job though because she posted about that frequently and fupa didn't really give a shit about that kind of stuff
No. 1002605
>>1000965Too real lmao
>>1000707Kyle and shayna are both utter trash, none of us have ever said differently. We literally rag on them both hard as hell all the time. You can leave his baby mama out of it, granted if I was her I'd tell Kyle to hit the road and not have him around the kids but it's her choice for her kids to have contact with the other parent. His dumbass behaviour isn't her fault or responsibility
No. 1002741
>>1002678>>1002696Yeah it sounds like Fupa only gets weekends and holidays, in which case it matters heavily who he has living with him. Shay isn't exactly subtle about her binge drinking and heavy pot use.
Those alone would be enough for a mom to say she doesn't want the kids around. Add that she's a SW who majors in pedo pandering, that's something she could tell the court and he could lose all contact until she gets the boot.
No. 1002775
>>1002743She does now, but back when they had to "break up" and she ran away to Colorado they were living together
I'm sure Fupa just kept telling her it had to be secret bc he was scared of his ex and ashamed of her after that
No. 1002842
>>1002784I mean Shay herself said she had to be kept a “secret” because the ex wife threatened to take his kids away. And that his life could be “ruined” (so dramatic kek) if found out they were dating.
I mean it could be Fupa just said all that crap just because Shay really was THAT embarrassing but he wanted pussy. Or he just hated the fact that we roasted him on the daily. Who knows. He’s a piece of shit either way and Shay is a manipulative dumb ass.
No. 1003131
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>>1003104Fupappy lives on the other side of town, he uploaded some pictures of the lawn.
No. 1003161
>>1003151Man, just imagine it:
>have codependent meltie publicly and release 'le big bad secret' about your cringelord 'daddy', because any attention from them is better than no attention>it backfires>publicly 'overdose' in an attempt to force him to give that attention>it backfires>you try to blame your mental health/addiction/somethin', cuz fuck acknowledgement of fault/personal accountability>you go to psychward, either because he says you have to shape up or ship out and you think this is the only way to get him backOR
>you go to try to get his attention since suicide 'attempt' OD lies didn't pan out and you're a one trick pony >his only care is posting pics of his shitty apartments patchy lawn in response to lolcow Big W E W
Jillybean could learn a thingerydoo or two about mymuhbeepeedee-tier symptoms from this saga lmao
(Pls note I am not armchairing Shatna, nor affirming her supposed diagnoses, just making a joke on the manifestation of these behaviors having a shallow likeness to bpdfag's)
No. 1003185
>>1003166If she is still detoxing she won't want to leave. She'll be miserable, and they will have to taper her down off benzos before she goes.
>>1003124They'll see a young alcoholic suffering from mental illness and a personality disorder. Her manipulation tactics are bottom-tier compared to some BPDfags. She is a basic crazy bitch which they see every day. They'll probably have her working with a women's support group in & out of the hospital because of her sex work. She will also be receiving substance abuse counseling. If she complained about her meds,they may be trying new combinations. Get that bitch a mood stabilizer stat.
They likely won't keep her too long, inpatient placements are usually in high demand and she isn't seriously mentally ill. After her inpatient, she will transition to IOP (intensive outpatient) which can range from full-day but going home at night, to a few hours a couple times a week.
No. 1003187
>>1002775The funny thing about the Colorado/dog-fucker chan saga was that Dawn Willow straight up told Shayna that it was a deal breaker if Shay was in a relationship. Dawn kicked her ass out under a month cause she was STILL fucking around with Fupa. Shay decided to post up this whole rant and boo hoo-ing and crying like she does about how she's the
victim and Dawn abused/controlled her and SHE'S TOTALLY SINGLE!!1!!1!! Just go ahead and lie and drag a fellow sex worker's name through the mud.
We all said that Dawn could have helped Shay's career and Shay probably would have been happier in Colorado but Shay and Fupa legit can't stop being selfish animals and they fuck up their own lives. You reap what you sow.
No. 1003206
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>>1003201Someone is tweeting from her account…this is 15hrs ago from now.
No. 1003211
>>1003202They’re probably relieved. Maybe a little stressed but honestly, if I was her mom, I’d feel much better knowing she was inpatient getting help. Shay is a mess and desperately needs help, something her parents have been encouraging her to do.
She still hasn’t hit rock bottom yet. She’s close though. Her parents will take her in at anytime so she will never really hit rock bottom until they stop enabling her.
No. 1003225
>>1003200Ayrt. Benzos are used as first line treatment when detoxing from alcohol abuse, because it can prevent the seizures that can be caused by detox and help the patient feel a bit more comfortable. It's a controlled acute use only, she isn't going to stay on them.
>>1003209True, but her excessive MJ use & alcoholism are pretty common among mental health admissions, and also "soft" drugs. She's in treatment with people who are addicted to hard drugs: meth, heroin/opiates, crack/cocaine, etc. Or have been alcoholics for 20+ years. Those are the type of people to be held for longer. We may think she is a druggie fuckup, but she's actually not that bad compared to some users that these professionals see everyday.
No. 1003255
>>1000276tinfoil but i don't believe shat is inpatient. probably a 72 hour hold because she posted sus shit.
she'll be back tomorrow/next day like it never happened
No. 1003303
>>1003291>2 weeksLol you’re being way too generous. This is a girl who excuses her work load because there’s clouds in the sky. Who wrote out cam schedules every week and didn’t stick to a single day. Who said she was going to stop bitching, specifically on her work Twitter, and didn’t last a couple hours.
She will act enlightened for a day at best.
No. 1003315
>>1003308I think they’re both underhanded enough to get back together/fuck around and lie about it another round. But this time they’ll learn from all the tells there were and just be even better liars.
Or, they’ll stay apart and we’ll never believe they’re actually split up and tinfoil forever.
No. 1003318
>>1003208i like how she's getting more likes on auto tweets than her own content lol.
wonder who is taking care of the the dog and cat if she is actually inpatient. also was thinking about how she deleted all her tweets. like she's done it a few times, but this last one, besides hiding all the drama and stupid shit she said, what if it was also b/c she was giving away things about being with fupa and was trying to cover her tracks.
No. 1003357
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throwback from an old thread kek. Thought you had zero reason to hide Shayna, fupa?
No. 1003360
>>1003318I know that some shelters have emergency fosters or boarding for hospitalized patients. Or as
>>1003350 said they were taken to animal control. But I'd hope Fupa would step up. He does spend time with the animals when he is with Shay so unless he is heartless or other arrangements were made he could at least stop by 2x a day. She could also have found a pet sitter to drop by and walk etc. Can be expensive, but she does have the money.
Sorry for blog, plz no ban, but I have a friend with schizophrenia who is pretty stable, but when she has been hospitalized and I was out of town the social worker at the mental hospital helped arrange care for her macaw. But she's a ward of the state & lives in subsided housing so maybe it's different.
No. 1003584
>>1003510lmfao y'all are wild
She's not bad enough to need to be "knocked out for a few days" are you fucking retarded? Have you only ever seen mental health patients on TV? this thread is ridiculous with the medfags who don't know wtf their talking about.
It was funny at first now it's just pure autism.
No. 1003602
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Idk what her subs were at last week. Had she hit 1k yet?
Well anyway her OF is $5 now. Not sure if shes gaining or losing subscribers, but I think it's funny that her twitter feed is showing shes making more sales from vids rn than ever before. They're consistent. Part of it could be pity buying, but I'm just saying. She typically doesnt have that many vid sales when her page is clogged with her bullshit drama posts and "FrEe nUdEs iS hOw YoU gEt CuStOmErS"
Wonder if she'll keep her OF at 5 bucks now.
No. 1003642
>>1003627Tbf it's the beginning of the month. Hard to say if it's because of her going inpatient and not just typical people trying her $3 sub for the month and then not re-subbing like a lot of people do. But shes gonna be really upset when she sees it regardless because it's all about numbers for her kek
Sorry Shay, your thousands of reposted nudes and vids are only worth $3, better give up on charging $5.
No. 1003686
>>1003584Nobody said she had to be sedated because of her mental state though.
She’s been mentally unstable even without withdrawal symptoms. And she’s not only detoxing from alcohol, but weed as well. We don’t know how much she’s actually been drinking either. So it’s not too far fetched to assume they give her benzodiazepines. Anon simply said how she would exaggerate that on twitter and turn it into her being knocked out because she was such a severe case.
Also what
>>1003681 said.
No. 1003696
>>1003584how do you know anything about it either? you're either sitting on milk for no reason or you're a salty vendetta-chan. the fact that you think shayna is capable of keeping herself offline for an extended period of time is already pretty funny–which is it? is she retarded and addicted to SM or is she not?
p.s. medfags know what they're talking about. autists means they're sperging bullshit. get it straight.
No. 1003702
>>1003647I wonder how much shes gotten in tips. Aka people just giving her money without anything in return. Seems like she typically only gets tips when she advertises giving nudes for them and such. Occasionally she gets $10-20 for food from neckbeards hoping for a crumb of attention kek.
People buying her vids to "support" her tough time is funny because they're getting something out of it and she doesnt get the full amount and like anon said, her vids are already dirt cheap.
No. 1003715
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>>1003602She was at 1k last week.
No. 1003825
>>1003810I said "if she needs to be knocked out for days". What I suggested was that if she posted about about being sedated for an extended period of time then that would indicate that she went through delirium tremens because that is how it's treated. Delirium tremens is a serious medical condition that affects alcoholics when they withdraw from alcohol. So if she does experience delirium tremens and needs to be sedated with benzos, that then tells us that she is physically dependent on alcohol. She's been drinking daily for over a year and used to appear drunk on cam. There's long been speculation on if she's an alcoholic. This would answer that question.
>is shay and alcoholic?>not sure>did she go through delerium tremens and need to be sedated?>yes? Then she's at the start of chronic alcoholism>no? Then she doesn't have a physical dependence on alcohol and is not an alcoholic. No. 1003943
>>1003937 They don't, they're inferring this based on the fact that they appear to work at some sort of rehab center.
They're just saying that if she's experiencing actual alcohol withdrawal, it's probably worsened by also detoxing from weed at the same time. Drug withdrawal often makes people nauseous, weed can actually combat this (and soothe other withdrawal symptoms, depending on the drug you're coming off of), so coming off alcohol and weed at the same time probably has her puking her guts out, as she is thoroughly addicted to both from what we can tell.
That said, it's not uncommon for them to hand out promethazine to seriously nauseous patients, which is a really strong anti-nausea medication that is effective as hell, but will also knock you out. This isn't a county jail, they're not gonna let her just sit there puking for hours, that can lead to serious, sometimes life-threatening dehydration requiring actual hospitalization to treat. Not to disappoint those of you who seem to be gleefully implying she's been hung out to dry, but rehab places generally try to keep you pretty comfortable. Addicts are mentally ill, and you can't even begin to treat that illness while their head is in the toilet or they're having seizures and shit.
Sage for wild speculation and medfagging.
No. 1003951
>>1003947She seemed like she had the option to "shop around" for different hospitals (thanks to mommy and daddys insurance) so she may be at a rehab center where she detoxed in one area of the hospital, then was moved to behavioral health or something. That sounds the most reasonable, and happens frequently. Unless she was violently withdrawing (not likely due to her health and age) she wouldn't be in a regular hospital.
She's either at home, or is comfy in a nice rehab/behavioral health hospital her parents are paying for.
No. 1003957
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The witch is back
No. 1003960
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>>1003957i'm ready to be entertained again
No. 1003962
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No. 1003970
>>1003963Just got out of a mental hospital, is already blaming it on her meds.
I just…can't with her.
No. 1003972
>>1003963aka "Fupa is also back talking to me, because my medicine is going to fix all our relationship issues now!'
Also a PSA on what? Her boyfriend broke it off, she snitched about the situation and then flipped the fuck out.
She can try to make it about how it was her medicine but everytime she has an episode it's because Fupa or some bullshit happened.
No. 1003990
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The shade
No. 1003996
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>>1003991"just wanna take my life easy" LMAO like it wasnt easy before.
No. 1004000
>>1003991Unpopular opinion but I'm glad she got some professional help and seems to have benefited even slightly from it. Time will tell if anything sticks but taking a first step to get help, no matter how messy, is a good step.
Shayna is a fun lolcow but if she's able to improve her life situation
at all, good for her. I don't think mocking her efforts is fair. She'll probably still be milky, but trying to help herself is not milk.
No. 1004011
>>1003991>those first two days were probably some of the worst days I've ever had in my lifenot having weed and alcohol and being forced to talk about how awful her life is to strangers. apparently she was involuntarily held for a couple days at the least.
>>1004005exactly, she NEEDED help and definitely still needs a lot more (no shatna medication won't cure you, you have to work to get better as well) but this is a good first step. I wonder if/when we'll be hearing about her parents.
No. 1004014
>>1003996Inpatient IS taking it easy. All of your responsibilities are removed and you have a team of people helping you. The hard work to better yourself and deal with your issues starts now.
>>1004000when she checked in I genuinely found myself rooting for her. But her discord messages aren’t exactly shining with self-awareness. Time will tell I guess.
No. 1004017
>>1003996"i don't want to over exert myself
shayna is truly allergic to doing things lmao. the excuses and shit she says is hysterical.
No. 1004019
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with that money she‘s probably gonna buy a big bottle of cheap pink wine and a cheeseburger to celebrate her victory over >muh bipolar
No. 1004023
>>1004018She's openly talking about having to self reflect and how hard it was to accept some things. I know we want milk and it's been boring but this thread is not making any sense right now based on what she's said in the last hour. She's not blaming anyone, anything or saying she shouldn't have been there
Also, I don't know if anyone caught it, but this was involuntary. She said she was held against her will. I think they adjusted her meds and she realized she is the issue, not everyone else. We'll see though.
No. 1004078
>>1004070I guess what I’m trying to say is that freelancing and working from home in any way is going to weigh on you mentally if you’re not good at keeping a schedule and you’re constantly battling your own laziness. Not everyone is cut out for it. Having to be accountable to a more typical employer can really help.
And yeah, what
>>1004076 said.
No. 1004085
>>1004082That's a feeling not a fact and because you don't agree with it doesn't make it true. You just hate sex work and the only way you rationalize it by saying obviously people that are in the business are all mentally ill. I'm not a sw but it's really not a
valid argument
(derailing) No. 1004102
>>1004085HAHAHA ur so funny anon, just google this two words "depression prostitutes" i cant even count how many sexworkers are mentally ill is it a coincidence? dont think so,if u post your tits and makes u feel powerful or whatever the fuck,fine good for you but remember u are on Shayna thread not on ur facebook so anything type her is not for you personally.
Other thing,just now Pornhub got a lot of a attention about all the videos of rapetorturerevengeporn get uploaded in 2 seconds?,or the formal pornstar Mia Khalifa didnt she exposed bangbros? how she got manipulated and all that stuff? but hey everyone, SeX wOork Is NorMaL wOOrk rEsPecT iT We aLL sAnEEe!!!111!!!1
(nEwFaG) No. 1004116
>>1000276Wonder if it feels weird for her, after a week in
relative normality, to whip out her clunge again? I mean, now she’s seen that not everyone spends all day fucking their ass with a butt plug. Just a thought.
No. 1004120
>>1004019It's pretty telling that the first thing she decides to tweet is how much pity money she received from different people.
It's just beyond distasteful, have some fucking self awareness for once.
No. 1004122
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"look how much pity money people sent me for being MeNtAlLy IlL!! Send me more to make me feel better uWu!!!"
I hate her so fucking much
No. 1004129
>>1004126They can extend it if she wasn't evaluated by the resident doc or if she lashed out. They can extend to 5 days
And if she got a diagnosis from a doctor, I'd take that over medfagging anons that have never even met the girl.
No. 1004139
>>1004126Not technically true. In OK there’s emergency detention up to 5 days, excluding weekends, and a step above that is involuntary civil commitment which requires a hearing and can be indefinite (in other states they re-evaluate every 30 days, not sure about OK.) It’s usually for the schizophrenic legitimate danger-to-society types, but it’s also for people with Bipolar I. That is to say, if someone cared enough and she was officially (albeit incorrectly) diagnosed bipolar at some point, they could lock her up against her will.
Irrelevant now since she’s out, but.
No. 1004155
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Shayna’s fatass because she’s out of the nuthouse kek
No. 1004160
>>1004145It's only difficult to treat if you're not willing to put the work in. It requires alot of specialized therapy (dialectical behavioral therapy is usually what is recommended) as well as regular one on one talk therapy. It also requires alot of change, in terms of changing coping mechanisms, habits, etc.
Shayna is not at the point in her life where she's willing to put that kind of work in. She wants to take a pill, make it all go away, and have a therapist tell her how great and wonderful she is. She wants asspats and a quick fix.
No. 1004174
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Tinfoiling, but I really do not believe she was actually hospitalized. I think Kyle Perkins of Tulsa, Oklahoma told her to stay off Twitter for a few days as punishment for spilling the beans about their relationship, and she abided because she'll sadly do anything to keep his stinky, valueless chode around.
She's a nasty, fat attention whore, and I guarantee she would've posted some proof of her stay by now. Once she sees this post while lurking, she'll run off to Amazon and buy a prop medical bracelet or something to show her haturrrrz it was totally true and not a ploy to rake in sympathy bux and keep Fupa around.
>>1004019>feeling ecstatic for being a deranged e-prostitute receiving $20 for her alleged stint at the loony bin literal bums panhandling for change on the sidewalk have more compelling sob stories, more self-respect and more financial success as beggars than Shatna
No. 1004192
>>1003963>changed my meds n now im better :)1 week is barely long enough for old meds to leave her system let along to know if new meds are working. I was hoping she would actually get some real help but I guess not
>>1004017The only thing she was over-exerting before was her butthole
No. 1004197
>>1004080Tbf shes only been in the new place a month or two max.
Anyway. So shes really gonna keep blaming her meds for everything shitty in her life, huh? Shes only been on them a year and she has in fact changed them a few times. Aside from parroting Self Help 101 shit "wow I gotta face my problems! I didnt realize until being at the mental hospital!" I don't see her learning a damn thing. Shes convinced herself and maybe even the staff that the meds are the cause of her problems. Then first thing she does when she gets back is "I'm bAcK aNd HoRnY" and flex about how much pity money she got, yet needs more. Oh but she cant work because it's too much rn. Gross af.
No. 1004206
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For anyone doubting her having periods of mania, must not remember her meltdown at the Fupa Mansion a year ago.
No. 1004235
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she obviously learned nothing from being locked up
No. 1004261
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I’m sorry to anyone who actually thought she would change.
No. 1004295
>>1004287honestly really for a girl who posts her every stupid thought no matter how
toxic or crazy on the internet I find her speech on the matter to be so off. How do we catch her in a lie…
I have no hope for this girl lol
No. 1004317
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Thought she was taking a break lol. It's like she never left. And you can't even see her face in these but they are a big yikes
No. 1004327
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>>1004324It wasn't even posted 20 minutes ago and she's already bitching. She's not changed at all
No. 1004354
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So is she going to blame her new meds for weight gain after this?
No. 1004357
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She's going to milk these ass pats for weeks
No. 1004363
>>1004317wondr what happened to her hand? I kind of thought she'd take a break but I guess not.
I hope it helped though. I just have the feeling she's back with Fupa so she's "fine" now.
No. 1004364
>>1004357Jesus. Capitalize “ME” every time you tweet to highlight your narcissism. I am hating this saga already.
Also… bruises/scraping on her knuckles from punching walls? tinfoil. Violent white trash Mattel isn’t too far-fetched though.
No. 1004371
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No. 1004426
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No. 1004470
>>1004287Yeah, I am really starting to think she didn't go either. She is being way too vague with details. It's like she doesn't want to say too much because she could easily be caught in a lie. Now I'm wondering if she lied about going in order to try and win Fupa back. Or maybe he demanded she take a social media break, and she needed a lie to try and garner pity.
She loves oversharing and there is no way she wouldn't be spitting out every tiny detail.
No. 1004570
>>1004354As someone who partakes in booze and the occasional bong/edible, I agree wholeheartedly that Shayne should stay clear from it. Or at least do her best to reduce it and reserve it to a sort of once a week treat.
I’m all for people making informed decisions about drug use, especially legal ones, but it’s glaringly obvious that people with jobs like sex workers should be cautious with drugs, just because the work from home and intermittent money aspect is not great at helping keep a track of a routine.
If any of her orbiters were really caring about her they’d obviously call out the elephant in the room. But I’m mainly preaching to the choir here. I’m just really annoyed at potheads like Shayna giving the image that you can’t a) use alcohol and pot responsibly and b) discourage the use of it when you see people who shouldn’t be partaking in it for their own health, even if you’re in favour of it.
(blog) No. 1004580
>>1004442Tbh I think fupa or her real dad just didn't pay her phone/internet bill and made her get offline for a few days. Or fupa told her they could get back together if she stayed off the internet for x amount of days, as punishment for her twitter meltdown. Or maybe her parents forced her home. Or she was jailed kek
Idk all my wild tinfoils are more plausible in my mind than the idea of her actually going to inpatient
No. 1004598
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to answer that another anon her OF is back to $3
No. 1004614
>>1003963I feel like she's kinda outing herself here. If they didn't pick up on her AD-induced mania then she's not going to therapy as often as she claimed in the past.
Bipolar 1 and being prescribed antidepressants without any mood stabilizers is suss too.
No. 1004618
>>1004248Pretty much this.
I was genuinely hoping she was telling the truth about getting help and I was genuinely hoping she'd actually work on herself. I was extremely skeptical knowing her track record and knew it was highly unlikely but still hoping.
I've been reading Shay's threads for years and as much as I love watching the shitshow and derive entertainment from it I don't want her to suffer. She's a horrible person without a doubt but I guess I always hoped she could maybe change and be less
Anyway as soon as I saw those Discord posts I knew she was full of shit. If she was inpatient you know she'd be going on and on about how it was so scary, how a certain nurse/fellow patient was a bitch, how the art therapy she did was actually fun, how they let her sit around in her pajamas, how they took her jewelry, the food, the room, how traumatizing it all was, SOMETHING, ANYTHING about the stay itself. Like seriously, this bitch thrives on attention and a need to be unique and special and milk everything she can for money or asspats and you're telling me all she has to say about it is this nonspecific vague bullshit? She's absolutely full of it. She's trying to sound like she's healing and she's some super woke mental health warrior now but she's full of shit, there's no way in hell she was actually inpatient with nothing more to say about it than THAT.
And then she's back to smoking weed and posting her horror nudes online within a day? Yeah. Full of shit.
I'm disappointed but not at all surprised. Part of me will still hope she can change just so there's one less
toxic leech in the world but I'm not holding out hope for it.
No. 1004619
>>1004218Can't believe I actually miss this version of her compared to now. She's awkward and rambling here but yeah I wouldn't call that a manic example either.
>>1004580Agreed. She had a wittle time out I bet kek
No. 1004632
lmao at the bleeding heart anons who were trying to shut everyone down for saying she won't change. she proved you wrong within less than 24 hours.
>>1004598change your orgasms to what? non existent? literally noone can be getting aroused looking at her content at this point except people with thing for women at rock bottom, like the degenerates who were buying luna's pics
No. 1004634
>>1003962>>1004019>>1004235>>1004357>>1004371This is so fucking embarrassing. Why the fuck anyone think it's a good idea to tweet like this on a business account? Even if her business is being a messy wreck, this is so gross.
Doctor/nurse kink is pretty common, but not like this lmao.
No. 1004669
>>1004218These are the videos I remember her posting. Yeah, she's flailing around and obnoxious as fuck but it's way better than the stiff, robotic shit she's been posting for months now. And it went with the "I'm a dumb, quirky bimbo uwu" aesthetic. The vids she posts now are more "Blink twice of you're being held against your will" aesthetic.
I'm super on the fence about the tinfoils. Part of me agrees with anons that say she can't stay away from the internet. Maybe Fupa PHYSICALLY took her phone(s) and anything with access to the internet as punishment. Who fuckin knows. She'll let something slip eventually. "All good things come to those who wait." - Fupa Tinfoilers.
No. 1004690
>>1004658>>1004669Ny guess is also that he basically said dont come back to social media for a week, otherwise I'll never talk to you again or something like that. She'd do anything to stay in his good graces after outing them.
Shay sucks but I'm more furious at every single orbiter she has. Clearly no one gives a shit about her because her inconsistencies never get called out and no one has ever given her an ounce of tough love. She has no self-awareness.
Also weird q, has she shown her face at all since coming back?
No. 1004692
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Weed and junk food make her life whole. Kek
No. 1004701
File: 1594304001053.jpeg (214.1 KB, 1125x688, D4D3806C-16F8-4834-AD09-53941E…)

Why does she keep saying PSA? It makes no sense?
No. 1004714
>>1004701She's narcissistic enough to think people actually care what happened while she was in the "psyche ward"
She's taking time to read through the thread, take notes on what anons said happens while being held, and will parrot it back on the vid kek She's already doing it with that tweet listing what she "takes advantage of"
No. 1004720
>>1004240hard agree.
kind of fucked, because weed is basically legal now, even in states where it clearly isn't. most doctors allow for the fact that their patients smoke. having said that, there is absolutely a note in shayna's medical records that says she smokes even though she's on psych meds and every doctor she ever comes into contact with will try to convince her, gently or otherwise, to stop smoking. people don't want to hear it but pot is bad for people with mental illness, period.
No. 1004722
File: 1594308334724.jpg (85.78 KB, 1080x518, Screenshot_20200709-162353_Twi…)

Why would they remove her piercing?
In case she ripped it out her own face in a form of self harm?
That's all I can think of.
A septum would look awful on her. Do it Shay!
No. 1004728
Agreed with the other anons on she never went inpatient, and I'm voting on that either fupa took her phone or just shut down here WiFi. Also on the weird scratch on her hand, I would assume American hospitals don't use thicker needles for IVs, so it should leave a way smaller mark. Not sure about the position either cus it seems to be on the side of her knuckles, which is kinda awkward (for example I've had an IV connected by the side of my hand because of a more accessible vein and it was in a position where it wasn't near bone).
>>1004722She had that nose ring longer than a week, right? No way it closed up that fast when it was already healed in that shape, she is making shit up.
No. 1004746
>>1004722Ahh yes because a septum piercing just
screams "baby bimbo Barbie"
No. 1004760
File: 1594314718917.jpg (689.09 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200709-121147_Chr…)

Yikes her OF is dropping quick
No. 1004761
>>1004692>>1004701>>1004722Yea I’m going to go with the tinfoil she was never at inpatient. She can tweet about all this dumb shit but has to make a video about her experience? You’re already doing it in your tweets in the vaguest way.
You needed to stay in a hospital to make you appreciate your dog and your bed? Lmao. How about- staying in inpatient really made me self reflect and understand how
toxic my life choices are?
I feel bad for the farmers who always have a little bit of sympathy for cows when they “hit bottom”. It’s like when a women gets beaten by her BF and he goes to jail for a couple weeks and says “I’m so sorry I’m such a terrible person” and she takes him back, only for her to be beaten again. People don’t change overnight. Get real.
No. 1004815
File: 1594322958213.jpg (21.51 KB, 434x503, photo_2020-07-09_14-25-30.jpg)

>>1004598shaynas making more than you guys think.
most girls with a low subscription price make most their money off of PPV sales and tips.
If she' was at 1.7%, that puts her at over 6 k a month. She said she dropped percentages. I would guess in about a week of little to no earnings she would drop down to about 3-5%. That's a guess though.
This pic is fairly accurate
No. 1004823
>>1004821I just went from 10% to 1% in a month and they've been accurate along the way.
I am also in multiple group chats with other SW where we compare earnings and percentages and these are pretty accurate. It's hard to exact because it's based on the past rolling 30 days not month to month

No. 1004825
>>1004692If she was inpatient (which I still don't believe she was), does she have an explanation for where Noodle and Rib were when she was gone? She talks about missing them but where WERE they? At her apartment alone shitting all over the floor with no food, or…?
I don't think she ever actually was in the hospital, I'm just wondering what her explanation for this is.
No. 1004829
File: 1594325117872.jpg (553.95 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200709-150504_Chr…)

Kek, she finally updated her OF rank. Surprised she's no shrieking yet
No. 1004830
File: 1594325190627.jpg (Spoiler Image,563.1 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200709-150600_Chr…)

Also no video yet, but she did drop extremely low res nudes 1/3
No. 1004831
File: 1594325213565.jpg (Spoiler Image,602.55 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200709-150605_Chr…)

No. 1004833
File: 1594325262139.jpg (Spoiler Image,628.38 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200709-150608_Chr…)

3/3 Warning this one is still nasty. Wonder what happened to her quality. First no face, now super zoomed blurry nudes
No. 1004905
>>1004862You could still use the camera on the phone even if he did cancel her plan. I think they’re just front camera photos.
She’s probably just panicking because her rank is dropping, doesn’t want to spend the time to blur all her cottage cheese and butt acne, so she’s taking low res photos to appease her shrinking sub numbers.
No. 1005018
>>1004847I agree. Mine closed in a day.
>>1004833The way she blurs everything just melts into one.
No. 1005138
File: 1594394128584.jpg (214.76 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200710-101433_Chr…)

Back to being impulsive and not putting out videos shes already announced
No. 1005149
>>1005138she only yalks about getting a car when Fupa breaks it off, next she'll talk about moving.
Or maybe her and FUpa just aren't togeather.
Regardless she's going to get a few DUI's.
No. 1005198
>>1004057>more depression than mania is bipolar 2No. I think you're confused because bipolar 1 is the manic type and bipolar 2 is the depressed type, but not in the way you think it is.
Bipolar 1 = Mania. Maybe major depression.
Bipoar 2 = Hypomania. Definitely major depression.
You can be severely depressed 99% of the time and have bipolar 1. What matters is whether or not you experience full mania.
>>1004825She'd be begging for money if she'd boarded them, so presumably she either let them use her apartment as a toilet for a few days, or she dumped them off on someone - probably Fupa, because he's like the only person she knows around there and he did seem genuinely good with Ribmeat.
No. 1005252
File: 1594407707833.jpeg (Spoiler Image,494.5 KB, 1536x2048, EclhC-XXsAQxtBS.jpeg)

Crusty lip Mattel
No. 1005294
File: 1594413707113.jpg (199.8 KB, 1080x824, Screenshot_20200710-144736_Twi…)

And back to the excuses
No. 1005305
>>1005294Kek I don’t know which is funnier…the anons who thought she would change or the fact that she clearly lied about going inpatient and is using ~it’s cloudy outside~ to avoid working.
Shay is a failure through and through and will never change.
No. 1005308
>>1005305Avoid working Again
*Also to add to the tinfoil she never went, you know for a fact she wouldn’t stfu about it if she really went. She loves being a
victim and babied. I’m honestly surprised she’s never gone the spoonie route.
No. 1005310
File: 1594414914596.png (Spoiler Image,1.24 MB, 2048x1863, Screenshot_20200710-170101.png)

This video is hilarious, she sped it up so it sounds likes she's farting, and check out her shoving her fingers down her throat in the beginning.
What a fucking nightmare. No. 1005443
>>1005294I've never seen someone use the weather to get out of work like this. And she deleted the excuse and other mentions of working today?
Bitch you're inside filming a crap quality short porn. You dont have good audio in your vids anyway and you dont edit the audio quality. Even if there was actual audible thunder.
ItS a LiTtLe ClOudY gUyZ sOwRY cAnT fIlM a 6 mIn ViD mAyBe tOmOrRow
Like it has to be exactly 70 degrees and no clouds in the sky for this bitch to film herself using her Hitachi in a different outfit in her grimy corner ffs
Just stop making schedules and hyping the vids. Just fucking do them and put them out.
No. 1005632
File: 1594509492188.jpg (318.06 KB, 1079x1058, Screenshot_20200711-181752_Twi…)

Fresh out of in patient and back to preaching
No. 1005633
File: 1594509525624.jpg (308.56 KB, 1079x969, Screenshot_20200711-181735_Twi…)

Sure Shay. Let's see what excuses she comes up with during the week
No. 1005645
>>1005632She's been saying the same thing weekly at this point.
Sidenote, I'm going to assume she's with Fupa or they are talking at least, what do you think she's going to do next time they fall out? She already snitched, she "Overdosed" and been to the hosptail.
whats next?
No. 1005657
>>1005632I fail to see how this makes any sense.
A painter sells a painting based on its worth. They aren’t going to sell paintings for a few dollars because it entices a few people to buy their artwork.
It’s one thing if she has an OF for $10 and occasionally drops it to $3. But she knows she’s not worth more than $3 so she copy/pastes this notepad spiel to feel better about being a dollar menu whore.
>>1005633Showering for the week for the one retard-porn tier video she will throw out.
No. 1005675
File: 1594516234303.png (54.16 KB, 422x418, Screenshot_20200711-174341_1.p…)

She's always so close to self-awareness…
No. 1005680
>>1005657Shes just trying to make herself feel better because she tried to do OF for $5 while she was gone and all she did was lose subs all week and came back and had to go back to $3 kek
>>1005667Yeah she literally bold faced said the opposite a month or two back
No. 1005681
>>1005633Not film, just lay a blanket out in a corner and move a dildo to it. "Getting the workspace ready!"
Idk Shay it might be partly cloudy this weekend you might have to wait for the perfect conditions outside to film you're oh so high quality high effort prons
No. 1005710
File: 1594523869377.jpg (157.02 KB, 1080x671, Screenshot_20200711-221751_Twi…)

Yes Shay, we've already known this
No. 1005965
>>1005876Yeah exactly. This ain't a moment of self awareness. She's just trying to make a quirky tweet for likes.
She has never once actually, with seriousness admitted her weight and other aspects of her shit life are because of her own choices and actions. She has never admitted her alcoholism and weed usage is even a little
problematic. Never says her weight is from lack of excercise or eating strictly fast food, take out, and processed junk. It's always the meds or because of someone else basically. She even blamed the meds on Fupa. Like her getting therapy and meds wasnt her idea to help herself, it was him and for him. Its gross.
No. 1005994
File: 1594581696900.jpeg (101.18 KB, 1196x426, 43F3880E-FEE1-4931-8644-6B70E6…)

>>1005876These are from a month ago…can’t wait for the next 1-2 months when she‘s magically “at the top of her game”.
We’ve seen so much change already! /s
No. 1006058
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No. 1006147
File: 1594602169425.png (634.61 KB, 1080x1068, Screenshot_2020-07-12-20-59-19…)

She should just transition to costume/parody porn instead of this dumb bimbo barbie pink schtick tbh
No. 1006158
File: 1594604824722.jpg (175.1 KB, 1080x554, Screenshot_20200712-204707_Twi…)

Shay, this is all you do EVERYDAY
No. 1006159
File: 1594604848624.jpg (179.42 KB, 1079x737, Screenshot_20200712-204622_Twi…)

No it fucking doesn't Shay
No. 1006160
File: 1594604890160.jpg (129.2 KB, 1079x604, Screenshot_20200712-204635_Twi…)

>>1006159The comments underneath. Shay, you only hate men when they make you take your medicine and hold yourself accountable for your actions
No. 1006163
>>1006147How sad that a year ago she would’ve been perfect for this costume (blonde, skinny)
But bow she’s just going to like if peachette were a garbage can
No. 1006181
>>1006159why be such a pick-me when the only men she interacts with are the handful of “wow sexey girl love 2 folow” dudes that follow her on twitter, and why does she act like men are universally hated and she’s such a fantastic incredibly unique martyr for…liking men? That’s like, their whole thing. The world as a whole thinks men are “better”.
Also, the only “man” she’s ever had in her life had a fupa pouch, hid her for 2 years, and got a boner when she acted like a diaper wearing toddler. If that’s all it takes for her to love something so vehemently…that’s uncomfortable.
No. 1006198
>>1006147idk why this bitch chose peach, a blonde, when there’s a fucking brunette princess in the mario universe she could pick
oh wait it’s daisy and she’s not as recognizable and she doesn’t give you an excuse to stuff your pimply double chins with candies you don’t need shay lol
this bitch is so lazy she can’t even do the bare minimum to help herself
No. 1006303
>>1006159She's such a blatant "pick me". Odds are the complaints are all about time wasting men that are too cheap to pay where as Shay strikes me as someone who will spend 20 minutes chatting and sending preview nudes to a time waster who will compliment her then dip without paying.
I'm starting to believe that Shay isn't in this for the money or even the "fame" but because she's just desperate for male attention and she's already proven she's willing to ruin her livelihood for it by giving up Dawn's management and moving to Bumfuck, Nowhere for a man.
No. 1006386
File: 1594659029042.jpg (412.19 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200713-115013_Chr…)

Speechless, but not surprised
No. 1006411
>>1006386Wtf is she even planning to do with them, try take a bath in them?
Wonder how much money she wasted on whatever this dumb idea is, can't wait to see it.
No. 1006413
>>1006386If she thinks 20lbs of gummies are enough to fill a tub even 1/4 of the way…l
Calling it now-
>not as many gummy candies as I expected >scrapes the idea >does a cumshow in her stupid outfit>eats all the candiesUnless it’s cloudy outside and then she just won’t do it.
No. 1006448
File: 1594672457976.jpg (Spoiler Image,368.93 KB, 2048x1619, IMG_20200713_213350.jpg)

Lmao, it's even worse than expected
No. 1006450
>>1006448Obvious blur tool usage on her labia and her head looks like it's on the wrong body.
>>1006449inb4 she shoves them up her vag or asshole
No. 1006454
>>1006448If she succeeded we'd be screeching about yeast infections, but this is really bad. I didn't even notice the dirty shoes (why the fuck isn't she barefoot, she's not wearing shoes in most of her pictures, right?) because the towel was too much. WHY put candy into your bathtub on a towel? It's not hard to clean up.
It could have been okay if she was really submerged in it (naked, but covered by candy) but instead she went with… what exactly? What is that picture trying to do? Why take a picture of yourself on a towel next to sweets?
No. 1006457
File: 1594673684913.jpeg (216.41 KB, 828x1331, 8768111A-FF91-4B99-8FB0-B62812…)

After a possibly fake stint in inpatient, she’s back to her old ways. This hoe is hopeless.
No. 1006473
File: 1594674865732.jpeg (148.04 KB, 1125x942, E074B314-64A9-44CA-B064-70F59F…)

No. 1006486
>>1006485I dunno why she chose the tub. She could have laid the candies out over a pink or white background and space and done a cute pose on her stomach
But instead she squeezed into a tub. No one is gonna look cute in that pose
No. 1006489
>>1006448>>1006457Lmao. Called that shit.
I think the worst part about this is the shoes. And, honestly, her weight has nothing to do with how revolting this looks.
No. 1006493
>>1006473By friends she means other sex workers. Sad.
I hope a larger girl who Shay has attempted to be friendly with calls her out as she's basically saying fat is gross, skinny is beautiful
No. 1006494
File: 1594676905572.jpg (77.94 KB, 1080x438, Screenshot_20200713-224741_Twi…)

>>1006476Looks like it. Fupapi is the only person in her life, this is obviously about him.
No. 1006496
>>1006494KEK! I was right! (then again, it's not hard to be right)
Fuck you fupa, you have no spine!
No. 1006499
>>1006457>princess paunchkekekek she should not have said this, this is too good not to use again. she hasn't made me genuinely laugh before
>>1006494the problem comes when you get upset with him for not devoting ALL of his time/energy to you, like you do to him. even fupa has other people in his life and she hates it
No. 1006506
>>1005710>>1005867Lol too much credit. Shat says this+rehashes her sex worker motivation/advice in hopes of:
1) seeming like a good person
2) likes/shares/desperate to go viral
There's 0 reflection or deeper thought or whatever. It's also why she constantly contradicts herself and looks like a massive retard on repeat; she mistakenly thinks it's some kind of tactic
No. 1006511
>>1006473I bet her plus sized followers feel GREAT reading this.
I’m surprised no one has called her out on this shit
No. 1006513
>>1006508WTF if it is about Fupa SHE and Fupa are trash. who cares about some petty ass fight, when his ex wife just lost her house where his kids are.
Man thats fucked, hope they recover.
No. 1006533
>>1006448I've seen better photosets come out of the infamous Katsucon gummy bear shoot.. which is probably where she got the idea. That photographer's stuff went viral.
>>1006457Surprised she's actually admitting something looks horrible for once.
No. 1006534
>>1006508I wouldn’t post any screenshots from the ex wife unless it directly involves fupa (since he’s now confirmed to be Shay’s “daddy”.) But that is super sad to hear. Hope the kids are ok physically.
But I wouldn’t put it past shay to throw a pissy fit. She’s done it before when Fupa put his family before her. I think it’s hilarious how mad she gets when she’s not first in his life. Uh, you’re the one with a daddy fetish. You should know, you’ll never be put first over someone else’s kids. And if you are, you’re dating a sociopath and good luck with that.
I wonder if Fupa will get emergency custody since mom is homeless. That would REALLY piss Shay off.
No. 1006537
>>1006448could she not…. seeductively eat a real peach instead?
tbf, however, this is shay and I don't think she knows what 'seductive' is.
No. 1006544
>>1006448i know it's because of the way she blurred this but she made it look like there are stretch marks on her ballsack. she hasn't shaved her legs in a bit. this whole thing is too uncanny valley. did she put folded towels or something in the tub so that she could sit on it? why not cover the towel with candy so that it would look like, you know, she was sitting in peach gummies? which is i think what she was going for?
everything about this makes my brain hurt lol
No. 1006545
>>1006542oof, yeah. forgot about those for a second.
sorry for that.
No. 1006546
File: 1594682467680.png (337.52 KB, 2048x1117, Screenshot_20200713-192058.png)

Shayna, that's not cute or quirky. That's just depressing.
No. 1006549
File: 1594682650987.png (1.83 MB, 2048x1788, Screenshot_20200713-192341.png)

I don't know how, but she manages to look more and more like a non passing trans woman with each new costume. No. 1006564
File: 1594684197350.png (221.38 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200713-194645.png)

>>1006549This was a reply. Even her simps are put off by that horror show
File: 1594684253680.jpeg (317.86 KB, 1125x2029, C37A0FF5-4C52-4723-9F4F-B8AF08…)

Repost accidentally left icon
No. 1006568
File: 1594684640335.jpg (Spoiler Image,712.17 KB, 1079x1811, Screenshot_20200713-185629_Twi…)

This is terrifying
No. 1006573
File: 1594685242810.jpg (Spoiler Image,200.86 KB, 1008x611, Screenshot_20200713_200628.jpg)

No. 1006574
File: 1594685279955.jpg (Spoiler Image,92.84 KB, 1080x531, Screenshot_20200713_200613.jpg)

Of anon
That. Cellulite tho….
No. 1006591
>>1006573This bitch was involuntarily held at a psych ward and non of those professionals sat down with her and brought up the fact spreading your asshole and humiliating yourself for $5 could contribute to having poor mental health and bad self image issues?
Its shocking how not even a week later she's spread eagle thanking her simps as if they actually give a fuck about her mental health. It genuinely disgusts me how stubborn and unself aware these SW cows are. They will complain about having the shittiest mental health but then advocate for sex work like its the cure all to their problems when it's clearly only making their issues worse.
Sex work isn't the end all be all. Theres a reason why prostitution is a centuries old job but you don't here anyone talking about how great and feminist brothels were (even the ones owned by women pimps). Its misogyny repacked to fit a digital age full of "boss babe" women.
No. 1006615
File: 1594691908605.png (2.81 MB, 1440x2048, Screenshot_20200713-215809.png)

look at her trying to hide her gut. She's going to go out in public with these isn't she?
No. 1006616
File: 1594692013780.png (2.44 MB, 1520x2048, Screenshot_20200713-215953.png)

I wouldnt believe this was a woman if I hadn't seen her disgusting snatch 100+ times
No. 1006620
File: 1594692445188.jpeg (Spoiler Image,371.93 KB, 1483x2048, 385F27B6-F1D1-44D1-8D4F-74958B…)

Oh no…
No. 1006637
File: 1594693258810.jpeg (81.38 KB, 828x590, AA06DCA0-D195-4E8E-8FCB-4D96B1…)

>>1006625Kek anon
I wonder if she gets whiplash from being like “reeeee muh weight” one minute to this the next minute
No. 1006640
>>1006634This is what bothers me most about the whole thing. No effort to style the wig or even order one that remotely looks like peach. No fucking lipstick or blush. Just low effort low effort low effort and she really wants people to feel bad that she spent $150 on bullshit and couldn’t even shave her legs or at least blur tool out the hair like she does to her nasty vagina.
Oh man. She’s just so unbelievably frustratingly stupid. I also definitely don’t think she went to the psych ward and it shows with her shit attitude.
No. 1006647
File: 1594694275039.jpeg (282.14 KB, 1120x909, 753D2BE7-3122-438F-ACC4-AFD345…)

This is just a god damn mess
No. 1006648
>>1006486She did it cause she is clearly imitating belle delphine. shayna truly believes she's cute enough to execute dumbass ideas like that kek the delusion
the thing is too if she's disappointed with the outcome she could just save the candy and order more to fill the tub better and try again. Like, learn from what didn't work and improve your content maybe? instead of wasting $150?
>>1006615Her gut goes out farther than her boobs holy fuck
>>1006620>those neck rolls>trashy wine aunt leopard print matched with hippy flower head bandwhy
No. 1006693
>>1006448>>1006457Ok like other anons have said, she could have made this work with a little bit of fucking effort. Honestly though. She could have cropped, edited, or staged the candies properly and posed differently. Her weight isnt even what's wrong in this pic. It's the bad angle and prop staging which at 4 years in someone who claims to be so detail oriented should be able to do properly. Also those shoes are nasty she should have absolutely known that.
>>1006565Except for the last couple times when she did boast about how great promos are and how she made her money back + really quickly but go off Shay. Like which is it??
No. 1006697
>>1006534wonder if he maybe did lend them a hand in some way which shay interprets as doing something to upset her. like i can see her having a bitch fit over him giving his attention elsewhere and then running to twitter to make herself the
victim as always.
No. 1006703
File: 1594699760110.jpeg (226.36 KB, 1242x1352, AF678E0B-B399-4B58-8C90-5278C9…)

Did she use the blur effect on her legs so she didn’t have to shave?? Kek I’m all for woman choosing not to shave but isn’t her whole brand being a barbie bimbo? Bimbos don’t have hairy legs and party city wigs. They also don’t wear dirty shoes and have a yeast infection.
No. 1006737
>>1006620Looks a little like Momo
But honestly I would rather see actual Carole Baskin naked than this Casserole Bakin bitch.
No. 1006748
>>1006737'Casserole Bakin' top kek anon. You made my night.
The princess peach idea was so poorly executed I almost feel bad for how lazy she is. Less weed, and more effort Shayna.
No. 1006754
File: 1594709721895.jpeg (249.01 KB, 2048x1041, 55D44BC4-34A6-4A4C-A381-4072B4…)

>>1006593A bit late but I got you anon.
No. 1006831
>>1006621This girl will never in her life
1. Get a decent wig
2. Style a damn wig
All she wears is Halloween Express wigs that make her look even more autistic. I liked when she fucked off the internet and didn't make people look at this tragic mess. Please leave again, Shayna.
No. 1006872
>>1006457it's too good when she drags herself like this.
No. 1006895
>>1006866She is nowhere near slim. Her gut, back fat rolls and her general bloat won't magically go away with just some stomach crunches.
> she'd feel way better about herself even with the extra fatI mean given what she does for a living she either needs to embrace being fat and market herself as fat or get dieting, right now she's buying costumes that are a size too small and crying about being fat on twitter. If she wants to go full on 'bbw' she can do that.
No. 1006909
File: 1594740325636.jpg (Spoiler Image,608.72 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200714-102455_Chr…)

>>1006620>>1006621Here's the part not posted. Carol Baskin parody confirmed
No. 1006928
>>1006866Sorry but she is fat now. She passed the threshold of "skinny fat" months ago. Shes not obese. But she is continuing to get bigger. Please see pictures where she doesnt edit well and you can see her massive arms, her vids where you can see her cottage cheese ass and thighs and pics like that Casserole Bakin one like
>>1006909 that keep getting posted yes we know its Carole Baskin we get it anyone that's seen the show gets it. She looks busted tho
No. 1006938
>>1006909Idk how she looked at this and went "yeah that's sexy and really gets the character across"
All she does is take basic bitch pussy pics and that's it. I don't know if she's ever gone one day without spreading her pussy on the TL for free. It's like she needs the attention it brings. Even after 4 years I really don't think she knows how to model or cares to learn. She doesn't know any camera techniques/tricks or even how to do makeup. Why does she even continue bothering with sex work when she's clearly getting WORSE at it?
No. 1006944
File: 1594742956319.jpeg (Spoiler Image,106.52 KB, 828x754, F536D3BB-42A1-407B-8C51-4597C2…)

>>1006938Kek I just read this comment and go to her twitter to find her doing exactly that
No. 1006971
>>1006955People still buy her OF because it's cheaper than a big mac kek
Its nothing to toss 3 bucks away for some more porn content if you're somehow into whatever she does kek also ass kissing orbiters are fine donating their pocket change too
No. 1007004
File: 1594752894335.jpeg (47.88 KB, 640x482, D32958D3-58D7-49EE-BEC8-943D86…)

>>1006955True. She pretends she’s creative, and she insists she has so many ideas and a good attention to detail… but what is any of that without effort or actually putting money into it. If she put a lot of work into these, she might actually be recognized and have it be her thing. But her problem is that she comes up with all this stuff, then goes onto Amazon and finds the cheapest shit that shows up on a quick search, buys it, throws it on, calls it a day. Why does she not invest into learning cool makeup that could go with the theme (easy to learn on YouTube, there are endless video tutorials), put some actual money into buying nice wigs and clothes that actually fit? If she would stop diving into Dollar Tree/Claire’s/fast fashion bargain bin shit, maybe she’d be more content with the end result. But she’s too stupid to see why she keeps hitting a wall, or too egotistical. So the posts on Twitter of her self-aggrandizing followed by self-loathing will continue. It seems the help she got never stuck, or the “meds” actually haven’t been fixed. She definitely should have kept with therapy, if that was even helping.
No. 1007026
>>1006919NTA but me kek. When I saw it out of context posted above she is so late to the tiger king meme and I was so horrified by how she looked that it went over my head.
I swear she somehow got bigger since before she had her meltdown.
These "cosplay" photos are a new type of entertaining because she is so bad at it, oh god. It's better than her boring gross nudes.
>>1006977>>1007001I'm crying
No. 1007046
>>1006928ok ayrt and yeah I guess y'all were right to call me out on being blind, she must have been fooling me with the editing for a while because I just looked at
>>1006621 and it doesn't add up. I really had a glimmer of hope that she'd come back even a little bit better but no it's somehow just gotten worse
No. 1007121
>>1007101Fair enough if you didn’t get the reference but it’s very obvious to a lot of us clearly, what’s the point in that weird tinfoil.
Heaven knows why Shayna thinks cosplaying a decidedly unsexy old lady is a canny career move. Still waiting on her Dog the Bounty Hunter video she begged for money to buy the outfit for… god she is so retarded. Sadly, at least there’s a market for her pedo pandering porn of the past. Now she’s put on weight she’d definitely be able pass for a fat toddler
No. 1007153
File: 1594769410268.jpg (174.63 KB, 1080x1307, Screenshot_20200715-002718_Twi…)

Shay tryna make everything about herself again.
Why can't she feel empathy without having to relate everything herself. It's always "this is sad cos I can relate"
Also that kid got a 5k tip for streaming, Shay could never lmao.
No. 1007156
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No. 1007172
>>1007153what's the context of the video she quote tweeted?
>>1007121i feel like it's so weird and gross to do porn while cosplaying real people in the first place. even ignoring the fact that there's no real target audience for this shit, it's just so fucking weird to do in the first place
No. 1007177
>>1007172In the video the dude got a 5k tip from someone and called his mom to ask if she was proud. His mom just said she really doesn't care.
Shayna is trying to act like that's how her mom is and it's somehow comparable.
No. 1007182
>>1007177thanks! that really is completely incomparable. of course her mom would react like that - she's showing her dirty pussy and ass pimples online to pornsick straight misogynistic men.
what the fuck would she even be able to say? 'congrats on earning 5 grand through the act of giving yourself piles by fucking yourself with a dry dildo for strangers'?
No. 1007235
>>1007191It was awkward that he put his mom on the spot yeah, but I guess he was just trying to get some recognition from her like "hey mom this can make me money" kind of thing but she just didn't care.
It's still not comparable to Shayna's mother in any way though.
No. 1007289
>>1007153I don't get why she's saying this her mom is a horrible racist that she wouldn't call anyway. Secondly, she'd be calling her mom to say "see ma? I made 5k selling my ass!" instead of whats going on in the clip. Her mom already hates her job.
She'd be calling to prove a point and brag, not give her mom anything. So this is dumb all around & Shayna not being able to sympathize without making it about her.
No. 1007322
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No. 1007356
>>1007322Yesterday she was depressed and boohoo-ing about being a fat lard
Now today she posts a badly edited close up of her cottage cheese thighs going on about how tHiCc she is. The "chunkiest, tree trunkiest" thighs is kinda self aware though. It ain't a good thing on you Shay
No. 1007361
>>1007322Lol that cellulite blur is so obvious.
Also it’s so sad how she thinks she’s some kind of *~*~*trendsetter~**~*~ 6 months too late on the tiger king meme. Normies have forgotten all about that shit. She’s so basic and boring lmao
No. 1007439
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>>1007356What anon was referring to
No. 1007468
File: 1594802078076.jpeg (195.44 KB, 864x1080, 5k2tWE6P7gjtWGNDHKvBHJvQxJoFcs…)

>>1007439Lmao. Shayna you're not "thicc." that term implies curves, which you don't have. Thick women don't have waists larger than their hips, small-average breasts, and no ass unless they're contorted into absurd positions. Thick also usually implies some muscle to give the body shape, and you have none of that either. You just have chubby thighs.
No. 1007528
>>1007439>>1007468Well, she is THICK in more ways than one. Thicc? Never.
Body-wise mostly just pudgy.
No. 1007568
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No. 1007570
>>1007439So she‘s gonna go down the chubby/feeder route à la Momokun or…
Her constant flip flopping between things (first ‘im baby’ and attempting findom, now she went from ‘omg I feel so fat it’s depressing’ to ‘thicc kween’ within a day) is so annoying. Jfc just make up your mind about what you want your brand to be and
stick with it. Maybe you’ll finally build up a consistent audience then, too.
No. 1007618
File: 1594829291083.jpeg (410.71 KB, 1242x1069, AC5FF823-A24C-4F5E-9CF8-C08BC5…)

Literally what she did last time. Let’s see if it lasts. Or happens.
No. 1007625
File: 1594829830168.png (Spoiler Image,1.37 MB, 1505x2048, Screenshot_20200715-121641.png)

Wow, such creativity. Different pictures of your gross looking pussy. Really makes me want to buy your OnlyFans so I can get 200 more of the same picture.
No. 1007642
>>1007625WHYYYYYYY does she think pulling her labia so far apart that it looks like a genuine wound and making her vagina gape is sexy enough to do it for every single fucking post, oh my GOD. even just boring pussy pics or her making herself look like she has a bad tuck would be better than this. this is just so nasty
>>1007618ah, yes, the epitome of health: eggs and bacon every single day for breakfast. has she ever heard of like… oatmeal
No. 1007646
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Shes also claiming she wont work until shes "proud" of her body again.
No. 1007647
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No. 1007659
>>1007568what you ordered from Wish vs. what you actually got
idk maybe she wouldn't have to sell her shit for $3 if she didn't try to pass that right pic for content
No. 1007728
>>1007676I've never watched one of her vids with sound, but can you hear the toy actually going?
There's so many stills of her with her hand right one the tip and I find it hard to think she could hold it there if it's running at any speed. After years of using it she probably lost all sensitivity to it as well. Girl would need a jack hammer to get off now
No. 1007736
>>1007661>>1007647This. Theres almost nothing she owns that fits. Is she just implying she ordered more size SM/Med shit again except now it's too hard to squeeze into? Just buy the right fucking size Shayna and learn to pose in flattering ways.
Literally each day she goes back and forth on being body posi/happy to be "tHiCc" to bitching about how much she hates how fat shes gotten. Which btw is really considerate of chubby/fat SWers lol.
Good on her for finally admitting she needs to diet. Doubt it will last more than a week as usual. But thing thing is… shes too big now for just dieting. She needs an exercise routine too. I said it the other day, she let herself go too much so it's going to take more dedication, time, and effort to drop the weight now.
No. 1007744
>>1007618This lasted a whole week last time. Eggs and bacon for breakfast and…almonds all day? Lmao. So what’s for dinner? Oh right the usual. I don’t know how people can genuinely function without the basic skill of cooking. Her parents really did fail her.
>>1007646So it’s her content but without the stupid costumes and retarded story lines? Uwu my step brother caught me playing with my holes uwu
No. 1007752
>>1007646 Yes Shay, your WEIGHT will be what you're ashamed of when you look back on the content you made. Sure. Totally. Definitely not the fuckton of other retarded, disgusting things you've shat out onto your Twitter page. It'll be the chubbiness.
Press x to doubt.
No. 1007759
File: 1594844550268.jpg (215.45 KB, 1080x650, Screenshot_20200715-152224_Twi…)

Of course she looks up her own name
No. 1007777
>>1007618ah yes, eggs and turkey bacon for breakfast. Chicken, rice, and carrots for dinner. Truly the pinnacle of healthy eating.
There are so many good nutrition websites/info, but god forbid Shay google something other than herself
No. 1007781
File: 1594848843742.jpg (271.02 KB, 720x1154, 20200715_143015.jpg)

I'm laughing because the suggestions are so out of Shays capabilities and comprehension. A glazed smoke salmon, seasoning and cooking chicken?? Kek Shay cant make anything that doesnt come in a microwaveable freezer bag.
Again, good on her for trying. Anything is better than what shes stuffing herself with now, it's a start. Still needs to incorporate exercising if she wants to actually drop the weight though. Changing her diet will just slow down her gaining at this point.
No. 1007798
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No. 1007799
File: 1594851201051.jpg (476.08 KB, 1079x1071, Screenshot_20200715-171250_Twi…)

Wasn't this supposed to be done days ago?
No. 1007800
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Wasn't it her dad who bought her a membership or something to hello fresh?
No. 1007802
>>1007798she shouldn't ever show her teeth but whats worse are her damn eyebrows what the fuck is going on with them
was she going for k.k. slider or…?
No. 1007803
>>1007618she's so proud of her self for eating something not smothered in cheese or chocolate or alcohol that she had to brag-tweet about it twice, aww!
everyone speculating that she'll go full ana is wild. girl gained 50 lbs out of boredom in a few months, there's no stopping that weight gain train. i think she gets a little fatter and then plateaus, or just keeps going with the feeder lifestyle. weight wise, shes a lost cause.
No. 1007838
File: 1594854199973.jpg (152.77 KB, 1052x612, IMG_20200716_080303.jpg)

It begins
No. 1007843
>>1007799She never takes pictures of her ass without spreading her legs like that, shoulder length apart. If it looks pitiful even doing that, I can’t imagine what it’s like just normally. That pose is her version of Momo’s one leg standing on her toes to try to not look fat.
>>1007802Thank you for finally verbalizing what her eyebrows remind me of.
No. 1007881
>>1007849and to add (i'm a different anon), almonds are really high in calories and fat. i'm betting her estimated daily expenditure is pretty low just because she's most likely very sedentary. almonds are going to fill out her daily budget super quick if she's not careful. she'd be better off getting fruit, some yogurt, and loads of fresh veggies for snacks.
but then, i'm a "volume" eater - so i'm way more interested in a huge bowl of veggies for 100 calories vs 12 almonds for 100 calories.
/end ana-chan food rant
No. 1007883
>>1007849I agree it's a step up, but again no turkey bacon. Her diet is a step in the right direction, but there's not much nutrition in it and some of her choices are just empty calories. She should do egg whites instead of just eggs as the yolk has a lot of fat with little nutrition to balance it out. Rice itself is super sugary, substitute it for brown rice in a small portion. Carrots don't really offer anything great, substitute it for broccoli, zucchini, and squash and it'll be much better. Also, not a whole lot of greens in her 'diet', a simple kale/spinach salad, and some grilled chicken would be a decent lunch so she doesn't eat a can of almonds a day. It's just clear like everything else in her life and her content itself, she put zero effort into it.
Sage for diet sperging.
No. 1007909
>>1007900Fupette and Fupa. What a match made in hell.
Dressed as a dog…humping a stuffed animal. Who likes this stuff? Who is it catering to? Fur fags?
No. 1007915
>>1007618She is absolutely not going to stick to this. We've seen it all before.
Almonds would be fine for anyone else starting a diet, but she eats so much that a few almonds to snack on her is probably 50 almonds (aka way too many calories for a 'snack').. Almonds are fine when there's a level of self control and portion control. But for someone like her, who has been uncontrollably drinking alcohol and eating garbage, she's going to end up overeating the almonds and losing no weight.
No. 1007929
>>1007900Why is she fucking the dog, dressed as a dog.
Fucked either way.
Those things are supposed to be cute, no one wants to see someone pretend to have sex with a cutsey plush toy
She's lost the plot.
No. 1007957
File: 1594867200952.jpg (187.2 KB, 1080x677, Screenshot_20200715-213910_Twi…)

How many "work spaces" does this bitch need? All she does is lay on her back, vibe on clit, and something up her ass
No. 1007958
File: 1594867238755.jpg (507.61 KB, 1080x1372, Screenshot_20200715-213943_Twi…)

She's wondering why she hasn't been given to a better home
No. 1007968
>>1007958Not to nitpick and it's not the nastiest environment she's dwelled in. But after just a month or two, you can see how this bitch lives. Theres a starbucks bottle and other random shit on the floor, a box in front of a door in the background, etc.
But hey, she has a couch and tv on a stand now! Moving up in the world! Speaking of tv… what's she wearing in the reflection or wtf is that??
No. 1008044
>>1007646Inb4 "reimburse my healthy food shopping haul"
>>1007958Noodle is hoping for a new owner probably
No. 1008065
>>1007781Food poisoning Barbie when?
I wouldn’t even eat food that was cooked by her if I was paid for it. Just remember the state of her toaster in one of the past threads. And of all the things she could be doing she’s choosing fish and chicken?
That’s sure gonna be interesting. Maybe she can get some inspo from some Anachan cooking queens like n2f on this.
No. 1008164
File: 1594905491945.jpeg (832.26 KB, 1242x2021, FC7E934A-DC55-4856-9DC8-E6A707…)

Wtf is this “I bought things now give me money” mentality.
No. 1008170
File: 1594906658013.jpg (73.61 KB, 247x370, no taste.jpg)

>>1008164I love how just like her shitty, bottom barrel props, she seems to buy the cheapest, low-quality decor and furniture as well. A few hundred? lel. This shit will not last long and will end up in a dumpster next move… if it even lasts
that long.
No. 1008200
>>1008176Yeah, even her dad knows she cant feed herself properly so he got her that meal box subscription a year or so back. Like he had to get her something to sustain her existence that she (probably, hopefully) couldnt use for porn. Unfortunately for her mom, that bed that is also a necessity it's sad their daughter didnt have would be used for porn because Shay is a nasty bitch.
Anyway. I agree Shay needs a meal box/service subscription. Because shes one of the laziest, dumbest bitches I've seen.
No. 1008203
File: 1594913550243.jpg (Spoiler Image,151.47 KB, 695x612, 20200716_083115.jpg)

Wow so creative and exciting! The exact same post/pose from yesterday but with the same buttplug shes had for years and always wears.
No. 1008210
>>1008051if you have the self control to just not eat while high, the munchies dissapear and it's super easy to lose weight, weed relieves the anxiety of making a big diet change
for someone who uses food as a crutch weed can fill the void lmao
Shay though? she uses food, weed, alcohol, male attention and the internet
No. 1008249
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No. 1008253
File: 1594918450758.png (663.32 KB, 1455x2048, Screenshot_20200716-125224.png)

Everyone knows you didn't pay rent in the Fupa McMansion, that you claimed he bought just for you. In reality it was a shit tier rental house in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma.
and kek, everyone knew you were just letting him fuck you you braindead retard. You're that desperate for any attention.
No. 1008284
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No. 1008296
>>1008284she's so retarded, I swear. Why even admit this dumb shit? "He made me want to kill myself!" right after calling him
abusive when she KNOWS she's told multiple stories about her ass doing wrong to the point she could'nt make herself the
I can't stand neither, but it's obvious she's gearing up to try to make him seem like some horribly
abusive man.
It's even more fucked up she's talking about this, while the baby mom JUST lost her house.
People are supposed to feel bad she lets some asshole fuck her? Then she said SHE got broken up with, but he's so
Fuck off, Shayna. I'm not on fupa's side but I know where this shit is going.
No. 1008298
>>1008253And you are the dumb bitch spending money on a man, begging him to come back EVERYTIME HE BROKE UP WITH YOU, pretending to want to die, and letting him fuck you then bragging about it.
Now she's all mad? If he never broke it off she'd be 100% fine.
No. 1008303
>>1008298Right, she thought it was so kinky with their anal dates and tweeting every cream pie and dAdDy sAiD tHiS tEeHeE all the time but now shes acting like she didnt know she was being used for sex or something kek oh please. You lurk the thread Shay. We done told you he just wanted a dumb bitch to raw down. So many times.
Also if she did spend a lot of money on him that's even funnier and more pathetic looking on both of them. I assume she just means their cHeEmSbUrGnEr take out "dates", but still. This sad mess of a retard was paying for crumbs of attention from a loser chode for the last couple years with actual cash and her body. Big yikes.
No. 1008305
File: 1594923237328.png (217.46 KB, 1425x1325, Screenshot_20200716-131218~2.p…)

Mania anyone?
Get upset,rant and act like an emotionally abusive person on Twitter then make big financial decisions that you'll later regret? Seems logical and healthy.
No. 1008308
I can't stand when people do this shit. Suddenly you realize he wasn't shit? Suddenly you're over someone you just said you wanted to die over?
Either she'll get under some other guy and will possibly make sure the relationship is as visable as possible to piss fupa off or she'll be back with Fupa.
>>1008305Everytime she does the "I wanna move, I need a car!" it's because shit's gone wrong with Fupa. I worry for everyone in her area that quite possibly this drunk/high girl will be on the road.
What makes it worst is she's only getting a car so she can go, "I really don't need you now!" meaning she wasn't getting one before because she wanted another reason to have Fupa around.
No. 1008310
>>1008305Don’t you need the details of the car to get insurance? Like VIN etc?
Also it’s so funny looking back knowing when she’d brag about her boyfriend getting her Goldfish crackers from the store, it was Fupa bringing his retarded womanchild some snacks to shut her up.
No. 1008313
>>1008309As far as I'm aware, you can't. Because the type of car will affect your rates.
I'm so mad I didn't get caps, but right around the time she started sperging about a car, she said she was going to buy out her lease and move back up north by her family. But she already deleted that kek this is clearly a ploy to get Fupa feeling bad
No. 1008318
File: 1594923744481.jpg (128.24 KB, 1080x1845, Screenshot_20200716-192057_Twi…)

Seems she immediately scrapped that idea as she's deleted the tweet.
Also if she wants to leave OK then why get a car there. How dumb is she?
No. 1008319
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She's so impulsive and manic, it's gone past funny into scary zone. She doesn't care about herself enough, so I doubt she will be careful enough not to endanger the lives of everyone else on the road.
No. 1008320
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No. 1008348
File: 1594925247010.jpg (321.42 KB, 1077x776, Screenshot_20200716-114558_Chr…)

This bitch is going to be the EASIEST target for a predatory sales person. She is so fucking embarrassing kek
No. 1008360
>>1008284>>1008292agreed. why would anyone believe this tard has actually broken up with Fupa when they pulled the same "boohoo we really broke up!! so sad!" stunt previously when they needed to conceal their relationship.
i still don't believe she was actually in patient, and she is transparently crafting a narrative that makes it seem like the ~~last straw was totally broken, u guise~~ even though she's been suicide baiting about Fupa ever since she moved to Oklahoma. she's just backtracking as hard as she can because she spilled the beans. i highly doubt anything is going to change because they're both absolute retards with complete brain rot from porn.
>>1008305>>1008348>>1008318can she even get a car or car insurance considering how long she had (has?) an outstanding warrant related to speeding incident? i wouldn't put it past her to push this "i'm getting a car! i'm really gonna move!" schtick in an effort to throw the scent off of her and Fupa's continuing relationship. even if she doesn't get a car, it'll give her a new excuse to e-beg and inevitably have the money go towards booze, weed and junk food instead of bills.
No. 1008365
File: 1594926567040.jpeg (41.12 KB, 480x481, BD66B9D4-A3D9-423F-B3C7-0637AF…)

>>1008348What is that posture in that right pic kek
No. 1008368
>>1008360She’s going to get scammed and wind up paying 400$ a month for five years on a 2010 Chevy with some absurd interest rate. If she even gets a car. Car salesman will pretend to flirt with her to make her not question the absurd price. Expect lots of tweets about ‘car salesman was so hot and he really liked me!!!!!! He gave me a great deal cause I’m such a hot baby bimbo, 30% interest!!!!!’
You forget she lives in Oklahoma, they’re probably used to white trash.
No. 1008379
File: 1594927751317.jpg (50.34 KB, 1080x420, Screenshot_20200716-202720_Twi…)

Bitch is moving at 100mph. Who wakes up one morning like I'm just gonna go get a car putting absolutely no thought into any of it.
Also if she actually went in that outfit with unwashed rat's nest hair.. oh dear
No. 1008459
File: 1594937533517.jpg (85.88 KB, 1080x1047, Screenshot_20200716-231145_Twi…)

A mysterious friend appears
No. 1008470
>>1008459Obviously she seduced the car salesman and drove them both home in her new hot car!!
No. 1008490
>>1008391Lmao I 100% believe this. I don’t even think she could get insurance. Isn’t her license suspended from that unpaid traffic violation? Unless she paid it I guess but I remember it had been like a year and it still wasn’t paid.
>>1008459What friend? I thought she had no friends? This is like straight high school shit. Just saying shit I hopes your ex is lurking, trying to make him jealous. Grow up shay.
No. 1008501
>>1008494she deleted because a few people from schizo twitter retweeted saying they would scam her lol
she's so thinskinned
No. 1008509
>>1008459It's sad and disturbing to think this bitch is making up all this shit just sitting at home. Going out to get a car, having a friend over, etc. All to make Fupa jealous but I'm sure he doesnt even care and knows shes full of shit anyway.
Shay, you know the rule: pics or it didnt happen.
The only pic shes ever posted of something close to hanging out with a friend is those girls at the bar a while back. And that was the first and last time.
Other than that there was that vid with a random dude.
Also no pics from the car lot or update on that kek
No. 1008510
>>1008504I've gone through a similar weight thing as Shay and I can tell she don't like it but she seriously can't find the motivation to change. Any half assed attempt don't last.
Shay embrace being a fatty or get serious.
No. 1008534
>>1008530my point is he went from pretending to care about her mainly because it was Kink based "Daddy" shit, that he could use for "clout" and "attention" but also to get off to, to not even seeming to care once everything got outted and it got boring.
Feels like now all she is, is some easy ass. They both are shitty people, Shayna is not his responblity, but it's funny how we've watched how much Fupa seemed to "Care" go away the moment they could'nt use their relationship for attention.
No. 1008540
>>1008422> because it’s too cloudy/sunny/windyKek. "Yeah, so outside exists so I'm not gonna film today. I'll just do a cumshow on OnlyFans instead :3"
>>1008471Damn. Imagine being the biggest pick me bitch and he still don't pick you. Sucks to suck.
No. 1008554
File: 1594946147145.png (Spoiler Image,2.4 MB, 750x1334, 68BAF8C4-38EC-40E9-82EF-B805BE…)

>>1008516It’s wild seeing how far they have both deteriorated. All of this over a tumblr dom lol. Was going through older Shay threads at the beginning of her relationship with Fupa and wow. Sage bc old milk but let’s not forget the gross shit these two got up to together
No. 1008567
Just imagine finding out your own dad has a fetish for girls acting like babies. Finding out anything about your parents sexual thrills is weird but if it was all to do with dummies, diapers, baby grows and all that, fuck i wouldn't be able to face them again. It's disgusting.
No. 1008604
>>1008554Yeah not to sound like a scrote, but in comparison she almost seemed attractive/decently hot back then (which was only a year-2 years ago lol) and what's more sad is aside from the snapchat filter saga, she never edited her pics. Now even editing for an hour cant make her look good. She absolutely let herself go and rather quickly. Everything caught up to her at once and she just kept eating the same garbage and drinking more alcohol.
I'd be depressed too if I wrecked myself that badly for a loser dude, but she made the choices she did. And against good advice. Blonde & skinny Shay was her peak and even that peak wasnt so grand, but she wont be able to reach it again.
No. 1008658
>>1008635Because it was all bullshit lol
I'm still wondering if the car insurance and test drive was completely fabricated and if so that's kinda crazy person behavior. Maybe she got denied or something and was too embarrassed to say. But you'd think she'd milk the pity points. If it did happen, I have a feeling this is going to be like when she was trying to move and get an actual house kek
No. 1008666
>>1008554This is a highly cursed image.
>>1008635Just like with saving up for a house, a laptop, gaming computer and streaming equipment – all manic delusions that never end well or happen lol just delete it once you either get attention or beg for enough money.m, Shayna. You fucking scammy mattel.
No. 1008673
File: 1594961828225.jpeg (Spoiler Image,327.91 KB, 1070x1086, 5268DC6C-27F2-4780-AC47-3CB47B…)

>>1008604Her blonde phase was horrible yet she somehow got even more ugly and disgusting. Kek.
No. 1008689
>>1008673She went from looking like a rat-goblin to looking like a fat tranny and went from horror-cow porn to retard porn.
Honestly I don’t know which is worse.
No. 1008753
>>1008729She doesn’t necessarily have to.
Just 5min with a sales rep and he’s talked her into buying whatever he tries to sell.
I’m not convinced she did any of the things she’s said for real either, and also believe she only sperged about them for attention from Fupa.
But saying it’s made up because ‘you can’t get insurance without a car’ when that’s simply not true is just stupid.
No. 1008822
File: 1595004511042.png (1.55 MB, 2048x1805, Screenshot_20200717-124755.png)

It's just a basic bitch rose gold PS4 controller. Wow.
No. 1008847
File: 1595009238342.jpeg (Spoiler Image,373.66 KB, 750x881, 2168A3C3-73C7-48CB-B76A-51C42E…)

more fat toddler pics
No. 1008855
>>1008324>>1008313>>1008309If you are looking at a car, along with a date that you anticipate buying it, you can set up a policy based on the Year, Make and Model.
To finalize the insurance, you'd have to call in with the VIN (super long awk looking ID no) when you pick the car up.
sage for car anon
No. 1008866
>>1008847god, you can tell this lingerie is so fucking cheap just by looking at it. it looks so shapeless, and it's made worse in turn by the fact that SHE is just as shapeless by being so porky.
i'm glad she's moving into trying to wear actual sexy clothing instead of dressing as an animal or a literal toddler, but jesus christ, why not actually buy something a bit less obviously cheap?
No. 1008869
File: 1595012098711.gif (1.59 MB, 480x197, 38613ff8-c6cf-468f-9626-10c5c5…)

>>1008847I know it will never happen, but damn girl at least try to do like 5 squats per day or something
No. 1008884
>>1008847Okay but is it just me or does the fat distribution (mostly her stomach and boobs) make her look kinda pregnant?
Obviously she has gained weight all over, but the way her gut has grown even more noticeably over the last… what, 2 weeks now? and pokes out like in
>>1006615 …
Not wanting to tinfoil that she
is pregnant, she obviously isn’t (a pregnancy belly wouldn’t budge like this
>>1006621), but she very much
looks like it.
No. 1008898
>>1008847>fat toddlerCareful anon. She probably considers that a compliment. /gag
For real tho the fuck is this. Is this sexy to men? Are men’s standards really -this- low?
No. 1008906
File: 1595016937475.png (969.29 KB, 987x743, 54E446CD-C05A-4435-A15A-A0A03A…)

She almost looks cute here from a year ago, wearing those horrible pink shorts that are now Luna Slater status and don’t fit her anymore kek. Her glow down is epic.
No. 1008935
File: 1595019297105.jpg (467.5 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20200717-134853_Chr…)

Did she finally actually get a new white sweater and pink shorts??
Also OT but can someone explain the waistband rolled down thing? She did it in both this pic and the black shorts from yesterday and I had a personal cow who would do this same thing except she was bulimic skinny and so the band was folded over a couple times lol
Is this just a weird trend styling thing or is there supposed to be a purpose?
No. 1008975
File: 1595026221601.jpeg (667.56 KB, 1242x927, 8FF4ECB5-21AB-4A48-9E67-47488C…)

>>1008935Looks like she‘s sporting some stretch marks on her legs now.
She‘s genuinely on her way to become Momokun 2.0 (except she‘s doing porn already).
No. 1009008
>>1008847What's frilly here?
Shay, hun, I think you meant
No. 1009010
File: 1595030553139.jpg (493.61 KB, 1079x1081, Screenshot_20200717-190216_Twi…)

No. 1009142
File: 1595049945771.jpg (Spoiler Image,306.69 KB, 1080x1436, Screenshot_20200718_012137.jpg)

Of anon.
The latest
No. 1009143
File: 1595049989780.jpg (Spoiler Image,195.99 KB, 1080x1022, Screenshot_20200718_012253.jpg)

Of anon
No. 1009144
File: 1595050121905.jpg (Spoiler Image,227.43 KB, 1080x1171, Screenshot_20200718_012225.jpg)

Of anon
No. 1009147
File: 1595050288012.jpg (Spoiler Image,126.91 KB, 1080x531, Screenshot_20200718_012210.jpg)

Of anon
No. 1009158
>>1009144Oh. My. God.
I am…speechless.
>>1009143Jesus Christ I thought this was granny porn for a second.
No. 1009176
>>1009171Seroquel also knocks you out within an hour of taking it, if she combined it with weed and alcohol she'd be sleeping for 16 hours a day.
Non-American anon here, does Shayna have her license at all? Is it normal for people her age to? Because she seems like she'd be a really dangerous driver.
No. 1009185
>>1008365Bless you anon, I just realized that this is who Shayna reminds me of. Haven't been able to make the connection myself lol
>>1008673She honestly looks like a mixture of Gabbie Hannah and woahhvicky. And that's not a complient since both look exactly like the retards they are.
No. 1009204
File: 1595064244649.jpg (341.67 KB, 1079x1389, Screenshot_20200718-022225_Dis…)

Couple days old but her orbiters have been trying to help with her diet in her Discord and she's just been ignoring them/mia
No. 1009205
File: 1595065712749.jpg (175.12 KB, 883x649, 20200718_044717.jpg)

Tbh looks like your old man neighbor is thirsting for you.
No. 1009207
>>1009205Wha–what was this supposed to be? Funny, quirky?? Sexy??? I'm so off put by this pic. Its disturbing af.
Same with all of those pics tonight. Her make up skills are really lame but honestly she looks like absolute shit rn and kinda needs it. Her body is huge but it's the face that's really wrecked in these. Big yikes
No. 1009227
>>1009209As awful as the pussy boil bottle-blonde saga was, she looks leagues better then than she does now. I still have trouble seeing her old pictures and recognizing that it's the same person.
If Shay has trouble getting money now, I can only imagine the rock bottom she'd hit if she couldn't rely on the sales of her old content.
No. 1009230
File: 1595071557699.jpg (43.47 KB, 743x285, 1595050288012.jpg)

>>1009147all i can see lol.
No. 1009268
>>1009230fuck this is hilarious. next thread pic pls
>>1008906even just seeing her with clean, washed hair is surprising at this point, even if the pic is old
No. 1009279
>>1009147even her FUPA has cellulite, never seen that before
>>1009176>>1009237should lurk old threads, she has had her license and got pulled over for doing 82 in a 65mph zone (iirc) and the license was suspended. which eventually led to the bench warrants for her arrest when she failed to pay the ticket and/or kept driving without a license
No. 1009305
>>1009288NTA but I think they were talking about Shay specifically.
She even had her eye liner and brows done when she was sick and didn’t bother doing her lashes. I don’t remember the last time she neither had make up on nor that stupid filter alter her face to hell and back.
So for
her not wearing make up
might be a symptom of manic above-average confidence or carelessness.
Especially considering that she’s cried about how looking at her content and how fat she was made her not want to upload anything until she’s lost weight and yet here she is blatantly showing off her fupa.
No. 1009323
>>1009144I think I’d break down sobbing if I saw a picture of me looking this horrible posted online. How is she willingly advertising these? It’s really sad that every time there’s a picture of her where everyone agrees that it’s the absolute worst she’s looked, there’s another one next week that’s somehow twice as bad. Get it together girl, what the fuuuuck.
Unrelated but sad thought, I wonder if her family knows how horrible she looks now. I have a feeling they don’t like to check her Twitter, and that she doesn’t send pictures of herself to them. They’re probably going to cry when they see her next. Imagine not seeing your kid for a few months and then she rolls up on Christmas looking like a heroin addict buttergoblin, triple chinned and cellulite riddled, straining against the seams of her forever 21 Barbie shirt. Ouch.
No. 1009360
>>1009269i instantly thought of ALR when i opened
>>1009144it's uncanny
No. 1009362
File: 1595092120355.jpg (499.57 KB, 1073x1118, 20200718_110750.jpg)

How am I not surprised she scammed people after they gave her "money for healthy food" she didn't even try this time with eating healthy.
No. 1009366
File: 1595092961974.png (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 1713x592, shay_17-20.png)

>>1009147Her mons pubis looks like it's developing a gunt of own.
No. 1009368
>>1009366Not only do we get to see the sad time line of her looks, but also of those white shoes.
No. 1009374
>>1009366that's why it's called a fupa, anon
seeing those last two pics side by side is shocking, I might go find a no-makeup pic from a year ago for a more accurate comparison at least
No. 1009387
File: 1595095700355.jpg (103.42 KB, 1080x758, Screenshot_20200718-190738_Twi…)

I swear she's still talking to fucking fupa..
No. 1009441
>>1009366This is what I mean. Yeah her pussy boils were horrific before, but the rest of her body and face were passable for the "blonde porn girl" schtick and she was much closer to BiMbO bArbIe. I could understand dudes being interested.
But this year… I have no idea unless it's just a somehow lower level of neckbeard losers and dudes with a kink for girls who wreck themselves and are unaware of how humiliating they are. Shes so far from bAby, BiMbO, and BaRbIe now it's not even a funny joke.
No. 1009448
File: 1595102645206.jpeg (Spoiler Image,327.48 KB, 1064x1600, 663CFEF1-D83B-430E-979E-882FBF…)

>>1009441Ah yes because ballsack barbie was so much better before. She was never passable, she always had pimples on her ass and vagina and never showered. She’s a horrible sex worker. She just went from two extremes methhead trailer park mom to jessica yaniv’s twin sister.
No. 1009470
>>1009448It looks like her clit is trying to escape.
This photo always knocks the wind out of me. And not in a good way.
No. 1009476
File: 1595104585368.jpg (386.28 KB, 720x960, 20200718_133332.jpg)

Bare with me. I'm not a scrote or a wk I'm just being realistic. I'm saying she fit a trope before that I could understand dudes being attracted to. Though yes, as I said the boils were hideous and that part I dont understand. But again, neckbeards and incels have low standards. Her face looked decent sometimes and tits were good. She was skinny albeit unfortunate shaped still.
Basically yeah the bar was low for her and she was average at best but lawd did she fall a lot lower and harder kek
No. 1009502
>>1009486>defending Lol. Ok.
Everyone is only comparing her to how she looks now and how she looked when she started sex work. Are you a legit retard or, as the other anon said, do you have poor reading comprehension?
I don’t think anyone has said “wow, Shay was so hot and sexy when she started sex work!”
No. 1009513
>>1009481Kek at her pussy being haunted
God those nails are so bad. Remember that awful hotdog looking French manicure she had for ages? She’s always been fucking grimy but these days whew child.
No. 1009519
File: 1595108458022.png (51.56 KB, 717x435, Capture.PNG)

Just waiting for the day Shay retweets this without any sort of realization.
No. 1009528
>>1009525you sound like a
triggered pot addict. learn to sage
>>1009448christ, never in my life have i seen a pussy look like this. her labia look so deflated. also, did she take/edit/post this picture? i know her photoshop is insane now and that she's never been able to leave her pubes alone for long enough to not look like she has a severe STD, but WHY did she post this with all her nasty ass bumps from dry shaving visible?
No. 1009549
File: 1595113563131.jpg (459.24 KB, 1078x1482, Screenshot_20200718-180542_Twi…)

And her she is again being a simp for men
No. 1009612
>>1009519Speaking of obsessing over numbers
I cant see her sub count on OF anymore?? Did she hide it because shes embarrassed by how many she lost? Did she realize it wasnt because of her 4 day "inpatient" stunt but rather shes not worth re-subbing to after the initial 3 bucks because shes become an ugly fatty posting gross pics like earlier kek
No. 1009651
File: 1595129278218.png (6.74 MB, 1242x2208, 1533308180004.png)

Came across this in one of the old threads. The whole situation is so sad, not that they don't deserve each other but this message is manipulative as hell and Shay fell for it hook line and sinker.
At her age I would have fallen for this kind of grooming behaviour as well, but she really…moved states for some ugly-ass guy working in a call center who dropped her the second he couldn't use her for attention, and spent 2 (?) years in Tulsa with her entire life focused around this asshole instead of doing something with her life? Does she realize, at all, that Kyle is never going to change? Does she have any life goals at all that don't involve him?
No. 1009680
File: 1595132371861.jpg (203.16 KB, 1080x776, Screenshot_20200718-231913_Twi…)

More like fat bitches
No. 1009689
>>1009680Speaking of the car fund and stream fund scamming
How 'bout that "send me monies for healthy food" ??
Tomorrow she'll be depressed about her lard ass, but today it's just so quirky to be an unhealthy dumb bitch. Can't believe she posted those pics on OF this morning with no regret. Thought for sure she'd have a pity party about hating her body after that. Honestly amazing the level of ignorance she smokes and drinks herself to sometimes.
No. 1009712
>>1009680This is sad. She tweets about every single event in her life, and it seems that 80% of those events are just “I’m eating (blank)! I’m monching a weed infused (blank)! Yummy just had a (blank)!”
Like all her tweets are just her talking about how fat she is and then talking about the trash she’s eating. The dissonance is superb to watch from an outsiders perspective; I’m sure she thinks she’ll be a skinny queen in no time! Where are those almonds and turkey bacon again? Kek
No. 1009720
>>1009366so in short, she used to make sure everything else looks ok but didn't bother atleast shooping the fucking boils from her ass. now she only shoops her cunt to oblivion and back to the point where it could as well be just blurred out but ignores everything else lmao
>>1009448I can fucking feel the ingrown hairs and dryness. scrotes really will jack off to any leper hole
>>1009549>they have no idea how to carry that labeland you do?
No. 1009777
>>1009651it's so cringy to me to have a fucking tumblr boyfriend at age 21 and post shit like this or pictures of him eating you out on tumblr (remember that shit?). their relationship was weird af from the beginning and as soon as they lost relevancy bc tumblr got purged it went downhill fast. actually shaynas life went downhill with tumblr being deleted kek
i feel like fupa fueled shaynas complete lack of motivation to achieve anything in life by letting her play out her uWu i'm bAby fantasy where she has a literal caregiver. they have always been a terrible couple
No. 1009872
>>1009870"Hey, why is having women's genitals be inflated and potentially destroyed in a disgusting way any good?"
"prudEfAg enTErS the CHat"
No. 1009882
>>1009874Seriously. She wrecked her pussy doing that shit, making gross porn with gross dudes for other gross dudes to jizz at.
Before she got this fat, you could see how weirdly wrinkly her outer labia became, and they really weren't like that before the whole pussy pumping thing. They may look like dolphin lips now but they looked like a goddamn scrotum back then, I swear.
Shit like that, paddling her pussy right after a wax, dry-shaving it on her bed, letting some weird porn guy bite her nipple so hard it legitimately was hard to watch – Shay gives zero fucks about her body beyond how it can make her money.
No. 1009890
>>1009651>>1009679Lol shit I forgot until now but remember how it came out that she never even had his real phone number? She moved states for some random guy she found on tumblr, to make it worse, a cringy edgy "dom" sex tumblr. Honestly it could've ended up worse for her. But imagine wasting
years and ruining yourself and your life for that dude and still going to this day.
I can only imagine they are talking again already because she's magically cured.
No. 1009944
>>1009910She blurs the hell out of it. She doesn’t even have labia in that lo res photo because she’s shooped and blurred it to hell.
Lmao..a labiaplasty. Bitch can’t even afford a car. What’s with all the newfags commenting dumb ass shit?
No. 1009975
>>1009965for years Shayna has posted her pussy online and sometimes daily, do you think this bitch would get work done and not say anything & no one would notice?
Who cares about this shit honestly?
No. 1009996
>>1009931Please tell me you’re a man.
This has been discussed so many times already…
She used a pump, she has gained a significant amount of weight which obviously will affect her labia too AND the position she’s in in the older pic is very unfortunate. She hasn’t taken pics in that position in forever so obviously we haven’t seen her pussy like that in a long time either.
Also: If it wasn’t due to position etc her pussy would look like that in every single pic from around that time. But it doesn’t. It’s never been pleasant to look at, but that picture in particular is especially revolting, which is why it’s brought up as
the example of how bad she looked back then.
No. 1010027
>>1009965Are you talking about the tissue around her vaginal opening??? That’s not a labia…..
Clearly you have never seen a vagina up close and personal.
No. 1010054
>>1009327Bipolarfag here. Anon is right. A symptom of mania is enhanced confidence. Therefor no makeup, filming horrible looking videos, etc. Also, some antidepressants are terrible for Bipolars. They can make you a lot worse (but what antidepressant cant?) Normally Bipolar takes really long to diagnose, but Ive heard that the US just hands out diagnoses like candy. Either way antidepressants can be a fucking bitch, so coming off them could have helped whether she is BP or not. I dont wanna be that person, but I got quite mad at her shitty attempts of "uwu I overdosed and Im sad". Could you try harder to not whore yourself out please?
Sorry for the medfag/blogposting
No. 1010124
File: 1595227066366.jpg (207.1 KB, 1080x749, Screenshot_20200720-013711_Twi…)

Just waiting for her excuse for not doing the video