File: 1537449942580.png (611.4 KB, 720x537, 1537115029667.png)

No. 692588
Previous thread:
>finally bought a bed after sleeping on a piss stained rug for months>edgelord bf has returned from his visit to see her and there's potential trouble in sti paradise>"daddy punches so hard", leaves no real marks on her, confirms tumblr dom status>still no alien porn>more clips/videos from hardtied and lovinglyhandmadepornography have come out, just as crusty and cringy as everyone expected she'd be>trying to charge $100 for advice on sexwork>still allowing minors to follow and comment on her social media>continues to beg for money while spending it on things she doesn't need>finally growing her pubes out to hide her infected vag>professional shoots in la to make he feel like a "real pornstar," keeps underwear on the whole time because everyone lives in fear of her vag>her arby's rost beef vag looks horrible in hi-def>her and fupa are moving into a house together>fupa confirmed for father of three, does shay even know?>made the most disgusting pedo pandering video on the planet, complete with impregnation fetish and diapers>apparently 86 dollars is the most she's ever made on cam in one night. pathetic.>didn't go to LA like she said she would, instead made a video with lovinglyhandmade where she got a heated metal rod shoved in her asshole>thinks that her and kyle nathan perkins have found "the one" house in tulsa, oklahoma and plan to move in next month>openly admitted to lucking kyle nathan perkin's month old dried cum off of a t-shirt >badly photoshopped shrink porn!>fupa's bought a house! all shay's dreams are gonna come true!>moved in with fupa in some nowhere neighborhood in oklahoma>thinks she's a "suburban goddess" in her ugly dirty mcmansion >fupa's ex & mother to his kids now knows about shay & that she's not a "graphic designer"Follow the rules:
- no doxxing
- do not include or harass Shay's family
- remember to sage posts that don't contribute to the milk
>>>/snow/595275http://youvebeenwarned.tumblr.comOther threads:
>>>/snow/344490>>>/snow/405758>>>/snow/457531>>>/snow/489642>>>/snow/520702>>>/snow/538195 there really is a lot of golden milk in this thread
>>>/snow/551438>>>/snow/576753>>>/snow/596387>>>/snow/634221>>>/snow/645637>>>/snow/652799>>>/snow/659029>>>/snow/670334>>>/snow/684027 No. 692595
File: 1537450215405.png (Spoiler Image,149.06 KB, 584x446, 1537416214010.png)

from old thread!! shay in her new dingy dirty house with her patchy pubes living her best life lol
No. 692608
>>692467Oh shay and her great customer service skills.
>Customer says he likes a feature of her body (her bush)>Shay shuts it down saying she doesn't like it and is getting rid of it instead of being nice or keeping him down a path of happiness and tips>Shay then comes up with vague reason that it looked good when asked why she had it if she didn't like itGod what an idiot, even with her nasty vag she could be making money on stream but nope, she ruins her own career very well by not doing her job. Honestly I'd say that's why she suddenly goes "Dom" on her customers, she wants to play up a barbie but actually hates her customers so she also wants to treat them like shit (and pretends it's her kink)
Final note, Shayna, for the love of God put something on your walls and wash your piss rug. The blank wall with the rug and pink accessories looks worse than if you had nothing at all
No. 692621
>>692608that's such a good point. we all know she's faking her kinks anyway, and that she doesn't like being beaten. tbh shay seems like she's completely vanilla. which isn't bad at all, and it's pretty shitty that girls think it's 'cool' or 'edgy' to be into bdsm when naturally a lot of people aren't into it. (therefore vanilla sex is seen as 'uncool' which is the shitty part).
shay hates being dominated and she hates even being looked at sexually by her customers! which is part of her job! so she tries to turn on her customers and says the things she wants to say to them all the time when she's a 'dom'. but it just all seems very confusing and offputting. if she would just take some time out of porn and get therapy (and get her vagina looked at by a doctor), she could decide what she actually likes. and then she wouldn't end up with a creep like fupa as well, whose creepiness is actually the only thing going for him in her eyes. she likes him cos he's a daddy dom but she's overlooking that he's fat and ugly and has an ok job but nothing special. also he's a deadbeat dad. but she won't do that, she'll just continue forcing herself to be into it cos she's got nothing else going for her and she's only worth something as a punching bag in her eyes. not that i think she's great. she's an idiot.
No. 692653
File: 1537455862658.png (77.18 KB, 1075x824, Screenshot_20180920-105457~2.p…)

Her Baby girl thing is not a fetish…it is her twisted reality. She should get her tubes tied- this bitch should never ever procreate
No. 692657
File: 1537456020200.png (Spoiler Image,390.16 KB, 1080x1138, Screenshot_20180920-105743~2.p…)

From fupas Tumblr…
You. Have. A. 5.year.old.daughter.
I hate him so much.
No. 692660
File: 1537456136260.png (Spoiler Image,869.33 KB, 1064x819, Screenshot_20180920-105605~2.p…)

Everytime I read "daddy" or "dada" I full body cringe. And that bottle emoticon, I can't….
No. 692662
>>692660>just a baby with her giant hands
>n her daddywith his tiny girl-like soyboy hands
No. 692687
>>692653What she wants isn't even a kink, she just wants someone to do everything for her and treat her like a child, giving her everything and letting her ignore her responsibilities. She's just a very immature young adult
>>692660Tbh, shay actually doesn't look horrible here. If we didn't know that she thinks the actual act of fingers in mouth is "hardcore" then this picture on a porn blog wouldn't be that bad. HOWEVER, fupa looks just awful here. No emotion, not Dom, not turned on, just focused on the camera as if he's thinking "if I get the angle right all the tumblr 13 year olds will think I'm actually a cool hardcore Dom". He utterly ruined a picture that could at least have been decent enough for shay to tease on her professional tumblr by being a total nothing who takes up too much of the shot while also being ugly
No. 692708
>>692608mte i'm not a cam girl or a sex worker but shouldn't exhibitionism kinda be something you're into? I mean you are preforming in front of live audience who happens to be horny men jerking off to you (GASP HOW DARE THEY SAY SEXUAL COMMENTS WHILE YOURE BUTT ASS NAKED SHAY) i don't see why she acts like she's some random hot girl on Tumblr getting unwarranted sexual asks, you're someone who's supposed to be selling a fantasy but I guess in shay's case nobody is interested in her boiled coochie or horrible attitude KEK
also the derailing when someone actually compliments a part of her body is stupid and her constant "findom" (uwuwuwuw give me ur $$$ or ill fuck ur dad xD) shit makes no sense aren't u a "subby baby"???
No. 692756
File: 1537467181664.jpg (Spoiler Image,814.02 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180920-141202_Tum…)

Nothing like blue Gatorade before/after brushing my teeth
No. 692770
>>692756god that bong made her body look 10x better from hiding everything
can't fix that face tho…
No. 692809
File: 1537469550426.png (1.33 MB, 720x1280, received_311776506044266.png)

No. 692817
>>692809why does he always look so crusty?? that beard does no favors but we know he has no chin under there
also for someone who works out so much why is he still so…fat?
No. 692818
>>692809So she's on her own at the house getting high whilst he's at the gym.
Such couple goals
No. 692830
>>692822but like… he's a dude, why wouldnt he know he needs core strength and cardio to have stamina and actually loose weight? Put on real muscle? actually be able to punch shay and make it hurt? doesnt he want those gains boy?
can't even work out like a alpha, gatta fucking half ass it like the soyboy he be i guess
No. 692860
File: 1537471925620.png (24.15 KB, 368x721, 55253563326.PNG)

From colleen's tumblr. for some reason I get the feeling shay sent these to colleen. shay's response posted below. it just seems like shay sent these to colleen for attention tbh.
No. 692866
>>692864she thinks it's cute and baby-like to type like that on tumblr. she doesn't realize it just makes her look dumb as fuck.
also, I wanted to add that colleen was posting pictures of herself having a great time with another friend of hers who strikingly looked like a prettier version of Shay. so I truly believe she got jealous and had to stake her claim via anonymous tumblr asks to fish for that validation.
No. 692876
File: 1537473118302.png (3.79 MB, 1242x2208, C998C88E-A7E1-4CAD-A2D8-241ED2…)

already started
No. 692906
>>692876does she make money anymore?
>>692877This. and clearly he isn't making as much money as he tries to act like he does because they can't even afford furniture.
basically whenever Shay or Fupa need something that would normally be bought by hard earned wages, they will beg via Shay's tumblr. I mean, Fupa even took the name Daddy Mattel. So they are leaning on dumb tumblr cucks to fund their lives via donation.
What a sad life.
No. 692957
File: 1537477266246.png (908.7 KB, 611x782, 2018-09-20 16_58_13-Instagram.…)

2 things:
1. i like how she put 2 of the same pic side by side to make it look like she has more than she does
2. peep the grimy ass slides in the bottom left
No. 692969
>>692957Wow anon at first glance I didn’t even realize it was the same photo, you’re right.
I honestly think some of them are pretty cute but let’s be real, Shay will only wear that one 5 dollar pair of dirty ass white canvas shoes to everything for the rest of her life.
No. 692985
>>692977I think a lot of things are aesthetically pleasing, it doesn’t mean I’m interested in wearing them myself, and it doesn’t mean that paired with something not pink ( like shayna constantly refuses to do) a few of those pairs couldn’t look nice on someone.
All I was saying was that even though she has all these shoes that match her “ uwu baby” aesthetic, she’s still gonna wear the dirtiest pair non-stop ( until she sees this, that is)
No. 693124
>>693112it’s like he wants her to stop but doesn’t want to tell her to stop Because then people won't like him as much, kek.
The only reason anyone follows him or puts up with him is because they like shayna. He knows that. He knows that his popularity is all from her, and if he wants to keep it he has to act like he loves all the dumb annoying shit she does.
Tbh the whole relationship is one big clout chasing mess.
No. 693137
>>693112>”you’re ridiculous, I’m not a morning person at all”aaaaaand Shay is? That’s why you needed to tell her to go to bed at a certain time and wake up at a certain time?
Oookkkkayyy Jan.
also, are they really just finding these BASIC ASS things about each other, now? You fucking moved in with each other and you don’t know basic shit like that?!
No. 693140
>>693134nah, it’s just an optical illusion. Her hair is up in a high bun, and she’s closer to the camera.
He’s only two or three inches taller than her though, he’s about 5’8” to her 5’5”, although in her mind he’s 6’1” and she’s 5’
No. 693141
>>693112Fupa is so ashamed ahahaha. he’s realized that maybe he should have just paid for pussy from some 18 year old hooker, it would have been less humiliating
Shay, despite all that entitlement, is just soooo glad to have someone put it in her away from her dark damp festering hole of an apartment
No. 693155
>>692876Your "daddy" buying you a McMansion isn't exactly all that impressive if he can't even furnish it
>>692877I'm betting that what happened is his last place with his ex (not his wife but the girl he got right after) was hers which is why he got nothing from it, not even a tv. I wonder what they're sleeping on, do any snapchat anons know?
No. 693163
>>693112thanks snap anon, this is pure gold lmfao
fupa looks like he's screaming for help, that soyboy does not want to be there. if the camera wasn't rolling we all know he'd be telling her to stop
No. 693168
>>692708She often espouses tumblry stuff about catcalling/unwanted sexual attention etc. and I THINK she believes that shutting men down when you aren't interested is empowering and necessary. The problem is that she's applying these beliefs to a 'career' that's totally incompatible with them.
Nobody should feel forced to perform sexually for others, but in the context of sex work you set that expectation on yourself. People will naturally feel cam show chat rooms are a safe space for expressing their sexual desires because that's what they're supposed to be. Even if paying clients want to be humiliated, they expect enthusiasm and to be interacted with. They don't want to be shut down or ignored.
As long as she's unwilling to engage with her clients they're going to be turned off by her. If she can't get over that the she needs to just give up the ghost and get a real job, because she's humiliating herself and she's not even making a living wage to make up for it.
No. 693492
File: 1537536238869.gif (Spoiler Image,7.75 MB, 600x338, 1536113918735.gif)

>>693168What she doesn't understand is that she's given her consent for people to talk lewd to her. Her blog is for porn and her asks are on, that's consent unless she explicitly states that this blog is not for customer interaction or if it were her personal blog, not her professional one. Cam shows are also consent because she got on and could leave at anytime. I mean shit, that's honestly what people on tumblr think too
>>693248Who would though? Shay's just jumping from a weird angle thinking that's what people do to show off their butt (but looks like a spastic bunny instead). I had to stop the moment she started waving her arms, it got beyond cringy. At least learn how to be sexy shay since clearly it doesn't come naturally to you (gif related)
No. 693498
File: 1537537052691.jpg (2.62 MB, 4032x3024, 9DEE1EAB-C253-4D89-A475-41E377…)

her set up
No. 693510
>>692595Honestly, the patchy pupes are an improvement over that inflamed mess she had going on before.
>>693011Shayna's weed is by
far the least unsafe thing in that household.
No. 693538
File: 1537541313602.jpg (330.18 KB, 717x1153, 2018-09-21_10.48.17.jpg)

No promotion??
No. 693540
File: 1537541473786.png (505.06 KB, 720x1093, Screenshot_2018-09-21-10-50-39…)

She also has a gif of her twerking as her invite to cam earlier (the gif wont save, but you get the point)
No. 693542
File: 1537541748138.png (489.75 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-21-10-53-36…)

Her new house looks dope, I'm jelly
No. 693545
>>693538This pic is old
>>693542This pic is also old
Check the old thread before you post, anon. The dumpster is not from her new house, and she did retweet the MV Mag thing.
No. 693548
>>693545You seem to be more stale than old bread…..
… It was a joke, that the dumpster IS her house.
And i don't always keep up on these threads, i posted the MV because i didn't notice the timestamp and i only seen that she like it, if she was proud of it she'd promote the hell out of it.
No. 693554
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No. 693565
File: 1537543895424.jpg (7.75 KB, 210x240, winslow-catdog-2.8.jpg)

This girl looks very much like a rodent. Kinda like Winslow from Catdog. Especially with that snout and ratty teeth
No. 693674
>>693535Honestly I think he did know what he was getting into. He never seemed like he really wanted to move in together in the first place, but that’s only judging by his reactions to all her dumb tumblr posts and his total inability to take care of anyone but himself.
My tinfoil (kind of?) is that he just felt totally backed into a corner because of pressure from Shay’s followers. Imagine if he’d said no to her? She’d cry about it nonstop on tumblr to anyone who would listen, call him abusive and accuse him of assault, then not only would he lose all his e-fame but he’d have all her little (pun not intended…) clout-chasers tearing him apart. His manchild feelings wouldn’t be able to handle it. Better to just pay for cheap-ass house, milk the relationship for as long as possible, and let nature take its course.
No. 693711
>>693137that's what happens when ppl 'date' online and only meet up twice. they're going to get on each other's nerves in no time and it will be hilarious.
>>693674yea, they wanted to convince ppl they were such a great couple and haven't put out any content to show that, much like when he visited and stuck his chubby lady hands in her mouth to show how ~dom daddy kiny~ he was.
No. 693742
File: 1537562210445.png (52.77 KB, 552x374, 63256326.PNG)

Shay sounding depressed as hell lmfao.
That is what you get for moving in with a man child, you dumbass.
I also wish Shay's ugly ass fans would stop suggesting Shay do anything that involves filming/taking pictures of herself. She is ugly and crusty and lacks sex appeal severely.
No. 693744
File: 1537562312331.png (8.3 KB, 271x263, 693556992.PNG)

Ew imagine receiving dusty fishnets from Shay in the mail.
So many porn bot followers, inactive accounts, much tumblr famous.
No. 693747
File: 1537562455567.png (4.06 KB, 249x170, 6322599999.PNG)

Yeah except your followers won't be sending shit to him. She ruins whatever measly appeal she has by always bringing him up. Her customers surely will not be getting gifts for Fupa, and she will have to beg for anything to be sent to her.
Incoming "I am sad and need material things pls send me stuff that I am too lazy to work for myself" post from Shay
No. 693749
File: 1537562635538.png (320.41 KB, 460x944, texasthemidwest.PNG)

My god she sounds like such an idiot. Reading this makes me cringe sooo hard
No. 693793
File: 1537568205857.jpg (Spoiler Image,178.03 KB, 650x1280, tumblr_pffeepTZGX1rbth7u_1280.…)

Posted this on dumblr
Crusty bong confirmed
Still can't fill the tub more than 1/2 way
Why the fuck is there a stuffed animal by the bathtub??
No. 693799
>>693793Her head looks huge, that bathroom looks filthy and I can smell the mildew on that teddy bear through my phone.
Her bong may be black glass on the bottom but that doesnt excuse that ring of resin and grime.
No. 693824
>>693793she still has that random ass sore on her back that she got from when she saw the self hating Jewish girl and made content with her. I thought she went to the doctor for that.
Shay's body is a petri dish for bacteria and viruses to grow on.
No. 693844
File: 1537572232294.png (4.2 KB, 453x134, 6321452258.PNG)

Fupa and Shay living in perfect harmony.
No. 693847
File: 1537572307800.png (45.06 KB, 460x270, wtf.PNG)

>>693844Then this weird ass response. Fucking cesspool, Tumblr is.
No. 693995
>>693747i dont think she understands that this "daddy and me" shit appeals to her girl fans (who most definitely arent the ones shes getting the big money from) and not her male fans. aka the ones that will actually buy her porn and will watch her cam and etc.
its almost like shes less of a porn star now and just a ""famous blogger"" like she thinks shes an insta-thot who can get money/donations/gifts just by talking about her life. no, shay, youre a SEX WORKER. start answering your asks in ways that appeal to your customer base. stop talking about fupa ALL the damn time. do shit other than just post bad naked photos.
No. 694002
File: 1537591992324.png (1.14 MB, 720x1280, received_341628579743470.png)

Snapchat anon here.
No. 694024
File: 1537595342496.jpg (Spoiler Image,579.94 KB, 1080x1611, Screenshot_20180922-014446_Chr…)

>>692588Fupapa aka Kyle Nathan Perkins from Tulsa, OK should embrace the bimbo plastic life and invest in some fillers
pic related because thats all i can see when i look at him
No. 694027
>>694024I legitimately had a good laugh.
For real tho, mother fucker looks ROUGH. He was pretty fat before tho. It’s like on 600lb life when they lose all their weight and their faces sag from all the loose face skin. Dude should look into face taping if he’s going to show his face now.
No. 694064 she is sleeping. with. her. makeup. on.
(snap story of fupa but it's a video)
No. 694092
File: 1537609044281.jpg (775.18 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180922-053517_Chr…)

This dirty already? :x
No. 694111
>>694092Well, it wasn't clean at the first place either. They never cleaned the whole house when they moved in, so they live in the filth of the people who lived there before ew
Fupa can't even bother to iron his hot topic shirts. It's prob not hardcore enough to do it.
>>694064I bet fupa loves it when Shay sleeps the whole time, so he doesn't have to deal with her lol.
No. 694124
File: 1537612982378.jpg (1.05 MB, 2400x1920, inCollage_20180922_064208580.j…)

These cringe-asses….
No. 694141
>>694092>>694096>>694098>>694111>>694125If you look on the picture of her in the bath
>>693793 you can also see the marbling on the wall. Granted its pretty ugly and bad choice for the colors but its definitely marbling.
No. 694155
File: 1537621276909.png (791.85 KB, 735x1043, ithurts.png)

This is my reaction whenever a fellow farmer posts a new picture of shay
No. 694219
>>694155that disgusting ass lmao
Well done, anon.
No. 694400
File: 1537652466192.png (331.54 KB, 456x789, 6965665599.PNG)

Shay shouldn't try to act like she hasn't always been a cheap cam model lmfao. She punches herself in the tits and face for a few nickels all of the time.
And Fupa the Cuck backs his cheap whore girlfriend up. So cute. Goals.
No. 694442
>>694426ew and she scraped it off with her nail while filming herself.
listen to fupa talking about how they are going to a different suburb "where people make less money but still enough money. it's still nice there. it's just nicer here." he is not a rich baller. sounds like such an annoying piece of shit.
and he goes out with her with visible bruises on her face? that doesn't seem potentially dangerously abusive to people outside of their relationship, eh?
i am disgusted.
No. 694447
File: 1537655679306.png (29.29 KB, 459x467, oldbutgold.PNG)

>>694441posting this old but goodie again in the spirit of this post. Fupa is a deadbeat piece of shit who loves the idea of Shay taking his kids place. He literally supported it on his tumblr. I hope his ex-wife's lawyer gets to see this.
No. 694455
>>694442 >>694426
Lol gotta love hearing these two ugly, dirty white trash losers who have no life outside of embarrassing themselves on tumblr make a note of how they're going to the "part of town that makes less money than us". Plus shay's deep 45 year old crackhead man voice and big flaring wide nose on the screen was the cherry on top.
No. 694458
>>694426can't wait for him to smack her in public and get the cops called on him lol. would love to hear shay explain how 'her dada is just hitting her because he loves her'.
also the fact she calls him dad when he has fucking kids is still gross. fupa is gross for allowing it too, like jesus christ…
No. 694464
File: 1537656615829.png (10.73 KB, 460x198, 96544885.PNG)

How many times has Shay said this and went right back to being a lazy cunt who begs for donations?
"fund my nasty videos"
No Shay, factor in a budget from the money you supposedly make. I thought she was a professional. She sounds like she still has no idea what the fuck she should be doing after two years of this. She really should stop doing what she is doing if she can't even afford cheap amazon props for her stupid videos. Just like she couldn't "afford" moving boxes (which are free anyways), or tape, or money to move her stuff to Tulsa, or plane/bus tickets to LA from Seattle(which is close as fuck to LA).
That reminds me that she clearly gave up on the porn thing. She must realize how terribly she embarrassed herself. Now give this jig up too, nasty mattel.
No. 694477
>>694426Soyboy loves it, slapping a girl who can't fight back. He must seriously think he's won the jackpot by getting a girlfriend with enough self hatred and daddy issues to let him abuse her under the guise of a "kink".
Prediction: he will do it more and more often, and harder, and even Shay won't consider it amusing or "hot" anymore. I'd run if I were her.
No. 694545
File: 1537662773570.png (192.51 KB, 283x369, dt6OG0z.png)

I can't believe this is what's going to show up at our dad's funerals and take our college funds ;((((
No. 694557
File: 1537664166509.png (47.71 KB, 469x644, whattheufkckkkk.PNG)

my eyes help my eyes
i will never be the same after reading this. this shit is so disturbing
No. 694564
>>694557nothing better than someone sexually taking advantage of my emotional state /s
this is fucking horrible. she starts to cry and he just carries on? and then she brags about it on tumblr?
this is going to end really badly, i can feel it. this guy isn't bdsm, he's an abuser.
No. 694568
>>694557yeah because when im anxious and pacing, i definitely want my partner to put his chode in my mouth instead of trying to talk to me or care for me.
this whole post reads as toxic as fuck.
No. 694574
File: 1537664933183.png (34.83 KB, 245x438, 896563255.PNG)

>>694557I also love how her followers don't see anything wrong or unhealthy about this. This shit is not "goals".
No. 694576
>>694557sure Shay… everybody's jealous of your obviously healthy, safe, loving relationship.
she's going to end up hurt, and there's going to be no one there to help her.
No. 694593
>>694557She screams from anal so you think spitting on her ass and putting it back in while she cringes is going to help?
this is such a red flag relationship, dear Lucifer.
No. 694602
File: 1537667052458.jpg (38.79 KB, 500x467, tumblr_p7tor3I0001uwbcv4o3_500…)

>>694557>boy i sure do love it when my pedophilic deadbeat "dada" takes advantage of me when i'm emotionally compromised and fucks my miserable rash-rancid ass without lube!they're actually fucking retarded and it's the funniest shit i've ever seen
i can't wait for them to both get infections!
No. 694606
>>694596her asshole must be a mess, she's dry fucking it so it's going to be ripped and bleed, and then she shits and makes those wounds even worse. it must feel like she's shitting razor blades, like use lube and stretch yourself you fucking moron.
it's not "hardcore" shay. you're just retarded.
No. 694622
>>694557It's just incredible that she's willing to post twisted shit like this but get pissy when she gets asks about her sexual experiences or fantasies.
I really don't understand what's going on in her head, this isn't sexy in any way, it's creepy and manipulative. If my husband tried to put his dick in my mouth when I was clearly distressed I'd never be able to look at him the same way again.
No. 694631
>>694124rolled my eyes so hard at this i think i lost one. i'd be concerned if i was out bowling and saw someone with their face all beat up.
>>694586yup, abusers will directly go to 'but they were ok with xyz' to excuse abuse and considering he had a history of being shitty to his ex i'd say it won't be long until that part of his personality is directed at shay.
No. 694650
>>694586Honestly I'm scared for her. I'm scared she's going to
get anally raped and beaten regularly but she's being almost brainwashed to think its normal.
No. 694680
>>694557jesus i know everyones said it, but holy shit this is depraved. fupa is in his THIRTIES. he has experience in bed, what man in his THIRTIES isnt aware that going in dry could hurt someone, like actually injure them??
its bc he DOES know. but hes a sick, abusive fuck that wanted to rape his girlfriend. jesus.
No. 694685
>>694557Uuuuuh this is why you don't move in with someone after meeting them twice?
She's so fucking retarded but I feel bad for her. She really thinks this is normal.
No. 694700
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Her dark circles are horrifying, what is she doing to herself? Not only that but I genuinely feel bad for her at this point considering fupapa aka "DAD" (I cannot get over how fucked this relationship is) is an abusive rapey creep. How long before he beats her on the reg? Nevermind the fact he gets off to the thought of raping and killing her. I certainly don't like her at all but I can't laugh watching someone being abused. She's in danger. If he's slapping her like that in a public environment what the fuck must he do to her in private?
No. 694722
>>694712I agree. She's always consented to "abusive" situations involving porn or attention or whatever validation she needs. It doesn't make it right but she is a damn adult that needs to grow up.
BDSM fags will WK her while they go home to slap their own partners lol
No. 694726
>>694723i dated someone like this when i was her age; it very quickly devolved in to him beating when if I wouldn't make his dinner or bake some cookies the second he told me to.
he ended up throwing me down stairs over the cookie thing, but I couldn't afford to leave him. i ended up moving in with another guy just to have an escape. it's a nasty cycle that's incredibly difficult to get out of it you don't have the financial resources, or people near by who can and will help you.
she's put herself in an awful situation, and while i think she's a pathetic excuse for a human, she doesn't deserve this, or what's likely coming. no one does.
hopefully she wises up before too much permanent damage is done.
obviously saged for slight but relevant blogging.
(blogging) No. 694731
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Right back to being an insufferable cunt. She completely lacks self awareness.
No. 694752
>>694557Why does she always feel compelled to share the most mundane shit?
I just feel bad for her every time she does this, and she does it a lot. What a sad, sad, life.
No. 694763
>>694436Lol sorry but what do you think bdsm is? Shayna can eat shit but porn isn’t “public”, Walmart is public. No ones calling the cops on porn lmao some legit bdsm relationships are 24/7 and some people love and consent to bruises. The more u know~
It’s not as fun to drag on Shayna when I know this bitch will absolutely laugh at how clueless some yall are while she feels like she so “xxxhardcore” so best don’t feed into the delusion
(no one cares) No. 694835
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>>694557God, the way she writes is killing my brain cells.
How long until shay starts to hate all that? Being fucked when you asleep, getting punched without warning and just for the lulz and forced to give a blowjob when you feel stressed. It's been around 2 weeks now and she already looks super done
>>694545 >>694700 .I don't feel sorry for her, but I don't want to imagine what kind of shit is going to happen to her in the near future. And who is she calling for help when DADA starts beating the shit out of her 24/7? Damn. I guess we will see some fucked up shit tho.
No. 694839
what a fucking mess
she's not even a month moved in and he's smacking/punching her everyday, she doesnt do anything but lay around and get high but thats not new but she does even less, getting rapped in her sleep, getting coerced into sex while she's having a panic attack
but shes sooooo happy speshul bby gurl yay~
they dont even act like they like each other, she acts like she loves the abuse and he acts like she's a literal fuckdoll, i really can only imagine what life must be like when she isn't posting it on snap because i bet its 10x worse, i dont even feel sorry for her im just confused, why do this to yourself man? why hate yourself this much
also is it just me or is her canine tooth like dissolved into a fucking spike in her mouth?
>>694545 because ouch
No. 694864
>>694763actually bringing your "scene" in a public space is a big nono because, get this, random bystanders have not consented to seeing your fucked up kink! how is some random person on the street supposed to know that it's okay for this guy to hit his girlfriend because uwu kink?
if i saw a guy hit a girl in a public space i would be super upset and probably call the cops, thats a normal reaction
No. 694993
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Someone should suggest a pussy pimple popping video KEK
No. 694996
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>completely alone and on the verge of tears
No. 695017
>>694996Don't be sad, Shay. Fupa will come home and make you suck his tiny dick again to cheer you up! Truly such a caring person!!1
>>695009But anon, she thriving and making big life moves.
No. 695020
>>695009She does it to manipulate people to feel bad for her, so then they’ll give her money to “feel better”.
That’s why I can’t feel bad for her, even if she is an abusive situation. She manipulates people and lies and tells people she was abused, now she’s actually being abused. It’s called fucking karma and if you feel bad for her you’re just as deluded as she is. When you cry wolf to get attention as often as she does, people won’t believe you or have sympathy anymore.
No. 695034
>>694557God people this just gets worse and worse, doesn't it.
Shay, bitch, get outta there. Holy god. Move back with your parents. At least it's somewhere to stay, drop the stupid ego-driven grudge against them and let them actually take care of you, cuz you need serious mental help. And by mental help I don't mean getting this flubby old man's chode in your ass. Wtf?
I think you're a dumb ass but I don't want to see you being sexually coerced and abused. You don't have to maintain this stupid lifestyle you clearly don't enjoy, like it's not worth it for the internet points, hot shit.
He doesn't see you as a person. You're just a fucktoy to him to use, abuse, and I -would- say flaunt but he seems to be ashamed of you. He doesn't respect you or anything you do. This isn't him just being a "guy" or an uwu daddy dom, he is legit a predator. Ugly ass, chode dick ass, mall goth looking Friday the 13th ass child support dodging abuser.
I am quickly disliking Fupa more than Shay as these threads go on. Unlikely contender for biggest piece of shit in the Shay drama saga.
This girl seriously needs to disconnect from the internet and do some serious introspection.
Sorry yall this just took the fuckin wind outta me.
No. 695042
>>694996She's dating a guy that gets off on randomly slapping her across the face without consent while they're walking around, so no surprise she's unhappy.
It's fun to laugh at her for being an idiot making terrible porn, but this is just going to be ugly.
No. 695047
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Isk if this was already posted
Buuuuuuut she JUST moved… Why tf are you so sad???
You moved in with your "Dada" to that HausOfMattedCarpet and you're <i>t r i v i n g</i> suck it up and suck on some more chode, you'll feel better with the repressed memories later huntyyy
No. 695075
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why is she so sad though?(spolier)
No. 695101
>>695096There’s a lot of info in the last 2 threads. She [his ex wife] once said that after she had their kids, he would tell her she was ugly and fat because of stretch marks and that she needed to go to the gym to get in better shape for him. She described him laying around and always being expected to clean and cook and take care of the kids while he played video games. Even his own mother said he was a bad person and that she was grateful his ex-wife got away from him. How shitty of a person do you have to be for your own MOTHER to say that?
He’s a disgusting human being who treats women like objects under the guise of bdsm.
No. 695145
>>695119She’s probably realizing this is going to be the next at least 30 years of her life if she really sticks through with it.
She likes it now because she’s still young and in the honey moon phase.
But it gets old very quickly.
how is she going to feel a year from now? Or even a month from now?
He “bought” the house too, so she’s stuck in that big dingy empty cookie cutter house for the rest of her life. Alone for most of the day, and then being sexually abused every night. Even while sleeping.
It’s probably all hitting her at once and she’s having a breakdown.
No. 695156
(calm your autism) No. 695176
>>695075 Tinfoil, but am I the only one who finds this story really weird? Maybe it’s because I’m a former abuse victim myself, but it sounds like the kind of far fetched explanation you come up with when you try to cover for your abuser.
Maybe she’s just being dramatic, or maybe they had a fight, he hit her, and her ankle got hurt when she fell?
No. 695235
>>695176nah I don't think so because if fupapa actually abused shay or hurt her to that extent I'm sure she would post about it and try to paint it in this "omG DadA HiT mE He LuVs mE sO MuCh" scenario
honestly I dislike shay but I won't be surprised if she comes out suddenly with accusations (rightfully) claiming fupa as abusive and manipulative. she's old enough to know better but she's literally being taken advantage of by this disgusting creep god
No. 695318
>>695303Lots of people sprain or break their ankle by trying to walk on a leg that had fallen asleep and rolling their ankle. Especially if they stand up and begin walking before they are fully aware of how asleep their leg is.
The rolling of the ankle part of this story isn't what should be ringing lie-alarm bells. It's the sleeping on the floor of the closet, as if that's a natural, normal thing for a sad girl to do. To just go into the closet and sleep because "a thing happened."
Given their dynamic, the closet floor nap makes me wonder if he gave her a time out like one does to a misbehaving five year old and she fell asleep while being punished and he didn't wake her because he was on a power trip or relishing the silence. That or he pushed her down the stairs or otherwise did something that caused her terrible injury that cannot be explained by their bizarre and unsettling take on BDSM dynamics so she created this story.
On a somewhat related note, does anyone remember Delia Day, the woman who was in a total power exchange/violent BDSM relationship with her husband? The disturbing pics of the things he made her do to her body are still out there in cyberspace and it's believed that the LiveJournal she maintained to discuss how much she loved her life as a sex slave was actually written by her husband. It was bad, very bad, how south that BDSM relationship went - like violent beatings followed by total mummification so she couldn't move to relieve pain. Like she was forced to walk everywhere, even if it meant taking several on-foot trips to the supermarket to get weekly supplies. Like being forced to sleep outside. Like padlocking her labia majora together with locks so enormous she could barely wear pants (imagine walking in the heat all day long with an enormous padlock in your labia). People considered them the gold standard of ethical total power exchange relationships and had it been part of the parlance then I am sure some people would have considered them "relationship goals," as some of the dumber Tumblrites do with Fupa and Shay.
After Delia's husband decided to force her to wear an even larger, heavier padlock in her labia, she resisted and while all the details are not known, it is known that she shot him to death and the police deemed it self-defense.
Fupa is beginning to remind me of her husband, but he's not even as intelligent because he treats all of this like it's a game, as shown with the public slap while giggling. But he seems like the sort of shitty little man who, when given an inch, will take a mile. Shay's been there two weeks and he's already manipulating her into anal with only spit as lube (she best pray he isn't an HPV carrier or she may end up like Farrah Fawcett). He's already pushed her into sexually gratifying him when she needed comfort. And that's just what she's shared.
I hope that his quick escalation becomes too much and she gets out soon. Delia Day's husband had a slower build-up so she was like a frog who was put in a pot of water that was gradually brought to a boil. By the time she really understood what was happening to her she had a hard time getting away due to having kids (that he sent to private boarding school because he wanted uninterrupted access to Delia at all times) and having been cut off from all means of social and financial support. Shay could return to her parents but she is still pretty cut-off, with no real friends and a family she personally dislikes. She's very isolated and dependent on Fupa.
It probably won't get that bad before she leaves or he moves on to someone else but it's really disturbing how fast this is going bad for Shay.
No. 695489
>>694996Shay is such a dumb idiot but I feel bad for her at this point. From reading her blog I'm pretty sure all she wants to do is be taken care of by an older guy that slightly mistreat her from time to time, a la Christian Grey. Not full on slap her for no reason in public like a fucking redneck.
She doesn't want to hustle for her own money, just flash her tits and be popular without having to do the grueling cam work and beg for amazon gift cards.
She's trying to delude herself into thinking that Fupa making her give him head while she's in a bad space is caring when it's not. Dude just wanted a blowjob and fucking you in the ass, didn't care if you cried or giggled. Even a Dom would be legit concerned and not put his own sexual needs first.
You can tell she has this fantasy of being a trophy wife and always talk about taking someone's college fund, so clearly she's expecting to be given hundreds of thousands, not just being taken out bowling once a month (although it's probably an upgrade in her mind at this point, before she realize you can find a bf that takes you out without punching you in the parking lot). She probably saw all those sugar babies of the internet living their dream life and flashing this lifestyle she thought she'd get without working a day in her life.
She honestly chose the worst "Dom" and for all of her troubles he's not even attractive.
Good Lord Shay, go back to your parents and try to go to college. Your self worth wouldn't take such a nosedive everytime you get upset if you had real accomplishment to lift you up.
No. 695495
>>695491Shay's a shitty person in a shittier situation. Say what you want about her, and it's probably true, but she likely hates herself more than you do be trying to convince herself and her dead followers that her current situation is 'goals'.
if someone has a rape fantasy, then gets raped for real, would you brush that off as 'they probably like it'? no? that's called compassion, and if you can't apply it to someone you don't like, you're kinda fucked in the head.
No. 695530
>>695506i feel for her in the same way i would sympathize with any other person caught up in a self destructive lifestyle, but at the same time you just know she's gonna drag it out just to prove a point and avoid the inevitability of having to go home and admit she was wrong.
i hope if shay's lurking right now she realizes she needs to get out sooner than later, i know we mock fupa a lot but i'm worried that he might try to kill her one day. you never know with abusive men, hopefully this is a wake up call for her
No. 695535
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the amount of hate she's slowly building up is great(spolier)
No. 695549
>>695535It took me forever to realize this wasn't on her blog haha.
Seriously why does she show everything right away? What would the point be in buying content when you can already see her nude on her blog?
No. 695614
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>>695601OKLAHOMA where the Shay come stinkin' down the plain
No. 695618
>>695601She looks like a 30 year old in the 80s trying to be hip. Her hair is atrocious
>>695610But he’s her dada anon.
No. 695649
>>695614This is hilarious lol
And the image name is even better
No. 695698
>>695601This is such an awful awkward interaction…
And he’s obviously filming just to try and prove us wrong. The way he demands her to “Say Hello” is so fucking creepy and rapey…
They have nothing to talk about except alcohol, weed, and sex.
She just looks uncomfortable, and his voice sounds like he’s hitting puberty.
No. 695729
>>695318JFC, that was a wild read.
I don't think Fupa is intelligent enough to manipulate someone slowly, or patient enough to go that far, like you said he's just pushing the boundaries and so far she's letting him. He's just an average abuser taking advantage of a girl that's not very savvy, insecure, essentially jobless and has no real friends or family. She's the perfect target.
No. 695734
>>695601love the way he's talking down to her and it's not even playful
then he demands her to say hello and she just kinda stares at him "woah, what was that tone? are you mad?" then stupidly stumbles out uh h-hellooo"
shay, girl, i think you are the most disgusting anus on legs walking but you dont even deserve this, this is just pathetic now
No. 695754
>>695601"whats this face???" "say hello.."
everything about this interaction is so odd…fupapa will try to defend it and be like "but im her dada uwu I gotta discipline and tell her what to do" but based on shay's reactions even she looks confused. shay has already made it a thing that she can't separate her sex life from her personal life in public so her reaction makes me a little nervous run away from the McMansion shay hurry
No. 695772
>>695768are you the anon that thinks it's okay to display your BDSM kink in public because no one should care?
no normal person would act like that in public, it's off-putting, weird and offensive, i sure as fuck wouldn't let any man talk to me like that, or smack my face in public no matter what dynamic we had at home
No. 695785
>>695780the tinfoil is pretty hard reaching, but the stuff they show off in snap and being in public, and the stupid fanfics she writes for her tumblr set off all kinds of redflags that suggest this is going to get worse, not stay the same or get better
this isn't awkward we only just met relationship stuff they've been together before, he's just an asshole and she's too spineless to stand up to him, not that far of a reach to say with what we've seen, he's abusive to her
No. 695791
>>695785part of me just wonders if they are TRYING to rile us up
i mean given their egos…
No. 695813
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>>695601She reminds me so much of the white trash mom from Matilda it's insane
No. 695846
>>695601What doesn't change is that Fupa is over 30 and has worked before, his ex wife has presumably worked her ass off too, or at least took care of the kiddos.
Guys who like to go out with girls a decade younger don't LIVE with them. Sure Kyle Perkins is immature and disgusting for his age, but there's a world of experience between the two. He's working, bought his own (mediocre) house and at some point took care of a family. Shay literal dream is to do nothing at all and be pampered. She's an immature lazy ass and a goofball like other anon said. She doesn't have much hobbies besides smoking and browsing tumblr, doesn't have much of an education, doesn't go out or seem to have friends.
Wtf is he gonna talk to her about ??
Idk I may be reading too much into it but to me he looks clearly annoyed and they haven't even been living together for long. Now on top of that because of her infamy, we brought his name to the front page of Google and his ex now knows he's living with a cam girl and his face is out there eating out diseased pussy. I'd be pretty mad if my kids could see their cum donor fuck a random girl for likes and reblogs.
Dude is gonna realize he could have just paid a hooker here and there rather than be stuck with an attention deprived one in his own home.
No. 695853
>>695846When even calling her "camgirl" feels like a big stretch.
She's failed at her attempts in porn, even a simple trip to LA to take your clothes off. She ruins it with her boil-covered pussy. Even producers and post make her cover her genitals, pose from the side, or edit/crop it out.
Fuck, even calling it
porn feels like a big stretch too. KEK
No. 695871
>>695768The abuse part was mainly brought up after that huge text post she made. I agree, anons may be reading too much into the videos, but that text post clearly showed abuse. She said she was crying and screaming and was really anxious but all he did was spit on her asshole and go back in dry again. She said she was anxious and pacing and he cuddled her and shoved her head down towards his chode to “make her feel better”.
So that’s where most people are getting abuse claims from.
No. 695880
>>695874What was funny? What was she laughing at?
The awkwardness between them just makes me uncomfortable. It’s like two people going on their second date who are kind of meh about each other.
No. 695884
>>695873i felt like the text post was false too, but still fucking hilarious and pathetic that she would post something like that. She took the time to type that out, and obviously it's for attention.
Shay feeds off of people seeing her do shitty stuff to her cos she needs their sympathy to fund her life since she can't do it the way the rest of society does for some reason.
I find it difficult to have any sympathy for her. Not because I think she deserves being abused. But because it's clear she has been lying and exaggerating to make herself into the victim. She has always tried to be the victim. It's nothing new. It's almost like she enjoys being in difficult situations because then she will get to milk the sympathy card for all it's worth. No matter how shitty the situation. She puts herself into these situations and then wonders why it's so bad.
She was warned about her dumb decision before she made it so she can't feign ignorance.
No. 695904
>>695884I don’t think the text post was completely false, Shay is known to over exaggerate for notes. So yah I believe that he did force her head down to suck his chode because he thought she would “feel better”. I believe that yah they probably did have anal and he probably did go in dry because they’re both dumb as fuck. But I don’t believe the nuances in the story.
Not false, just fabricated.
No. 695905
File: 1537804640659.png (29.45 KB, 459x467, shutthefuckup.PNG)

Shay playing victim on tumblr again. Anything for attention.
I wish she would realize how much her actions and behavior and attitude led to her life being at this point.
But why should Shay take any responsibility for her actions, amirite?
It's just everyone else's fault.
No. 695913
>>695874Every fucking one of my alarm bells went off when she said it was his side ho. The reaction he gives. The initial eyebrow furrow. The blasé “oh yeah it’s mg side ho” i have seen every ducking one of those reactions from my serial cheater boyfriend.
Even if it wasn’t a side ho, he’s got secrets.
No. 695959
>>695905>I don't have time for snakesbut.. but you moved in with one
>>695913Me too, anon. He couldn't even take the obvious joke. They're so awkward together.
Her life is going to be so miserable.
No. 695960
>>695874he didnt even joke back, he couldn't be bothered to laugh and go "oh yeah, mah side ho i got like 80 of em what one?" like come on Fupa, at least try to not look like an asshole
ive noticed he's always on his phone ignoring her in her snaps, like he doesnt even hold conversations with her just talks to the camera when its in his face to shit her up.
also even if she is being abused, i have no sympathy, she's just even more pathetic for putting up with it after everyone told her this would happen
No. 695987
>>695601Notice how he suddenly breaks into """natural""" laughter after pressing record. We are having such a good time!!!!
She smiles sweetly and the socially defunct human he is doesn't recognize the expression and says "what's that face?"
Like. It's a smile you retard. She looks cute in that video. It's so awkward, they do not vibe together at all.
I had a similar thing happen to
>>695784This anon, and I think the tumblr interaction and the whole internet life they have is confusing and obscuring the issue. They have no natural chemistry at all. Never mind the horrific text posts about what he does to her.
No. 695994
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sooo what does shay do all day while fupa is at work if she's back to only working 3 hours a day??
No. 696024
>>696015You make more money during certain times. It’s usually between 8pm-2am.
Depending who else is online, lots of popular girls cam fri/sat/sun, and unfortunately it takes attention away from other girls who are not popular.
Shay has admitted her room is dead because the top MFC were broadcasting.
She made good money on MV streaming live I don’t know why she doesn’t do that more often.
No. 696041
>>696024i dont get why she even cams at all at this point
like just put out more interesting content so people buy your snapchat or commit to making videos more often
it's like she wants to do both half-assedly
No. 696055
>>696048Spoiler that shit ew
No one should be subjected to Kyle Nathan Perkins face that close to them
No. 696066
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Not sure if posted yet
No. 696074
>>695874The way he constantly looks around to make sure no one is looking, kek. He's so flustered to be seen with her.
>>696066Jesus fucking Christ, he's such a gross edgelord.
No. 696109
>>696041A lot of fandoms pop in and out of rooms, and so she has a better chance of hiding things live and setting her own limits of what she is comfortable doing that night. Like if her pussy is rank, she usually will not offer a cum show, she will just beg.
oppose to when someone looks through your porn to figure out what they want to purchase and see you posted a video with her bag in the state it is (goth girl gets fucked) why would anyone wanna buy it? Everything she puts out is promotion, so when promotion sucks, sales don’t go up.
No. 696122
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i thought of sylvia from ice age when she was making faces
No. 696173
>>695874you know i haven't really spent a lot of time looking at these sludge monsters but wow, shayna's nose is really hideous. she has these ugly flared nostrils that make her look like even more of a busted crackhead troll doll.
Kyle Nathan Perkins, father of 3 from Tusla, OK is a trashfire all on his own but damn, shayna's super white trash.
No. 696181
I admit there was a bunch of tinfoiling in my tl;dr discussion of Delia Day and how fast these sorts of relationships can go south. Sorry about that. The actual evidence to condemn Fupa is pretty much open to interpretation because Shay is, as some have noted, an unreliable narrator. I have to think that if she was outright lying that Fupa would call her out, so there may be some truth in her depictions of her increasing depression and anxiety, the weird closet nap/twisted ankle story, the unlubed anal and the horrible blow job text. None of that bodes well but there's plenty of distance between smacking her in the face on the street and abuse so bad she ends up shooting him.
I think what may be causing some of the tinfoil is that many of us are realizing that Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, Oklahoma, is the far worse person in this duo. Shay sucks in so many ways but Jesus Fuck Fupa is a piece of if shit. I can't even look at his bloated face, enormous trunk, spindly legs and arms, clad in the finest edgewear from 2004, and not want to just run him over with a car. It's really shocking to realize even Shay could do better.
No. 696186
>>696181Agreed, Shay looks and acts like a trash monkey but she can do better and quite frankly, SHOULD do better for herself.
They are both terrible, but Kyle is the worse person in this relationship. He's older so there's a power imbalance, now has a financial power over Shay due to the house being his, openly hits her in public, unlubed anal, blowjob to "comfort" her, raped her in her sleep, like this is just the stuff that she's posted or we know by default.
It's gonna get worse.
No. 696206
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>>695601his entire look is tragic. the septum, the beard, the gauges, the tee, the voice. is he also genuinely happy with her when not on camera?
No. 696254
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>>696206Both of them have such terrible fashion sense. They dress too young and it ages them terribly. Also, that septum ring really emphasizes how Smurf-like his nose is.
Pic related, Fupapa living his edgy Smurf fantasy.
No. 696265
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"I used to do big and chunky Amy winehouse wings" Bitch you still do????
No. 696316
>>696269Imagine kissing that. I’m going to barf thinking about it. He’s probably one of those guys that has such a small dick that his pubes grow up his chode and he doesnt bother to trim it.
Just typing that out makes me want to barf holy hell Shayna
No. 696338
File: 1537843381993.jpg (219.43 KB, 1439x846, Screenshot_20180924-223322_Tum…)

Oh dear, is Fupa not giving you attention Shay?
No. 696361
>>696338are hugs too vanilla for Kyle Nathan Perkins or something?
Go he’s such an awful dom.
When you’re out of a scene you should be taking care of your sub for all the shit they went through during the scene.
But Shay probably told him she was too good for after care or something.
No. 696370
>>696361Well she has said multiple times that she doesn’t take after care. Not to be
that anon but I’m starting to feel sorry for her. It went from cringy tumblr daddy dom kink to full on abuse in a matter of weeks.
No. 696444
>>696361He seems to think they're in a scene 24/7.
She really shot herself in the foot moving out to OK to live with Kyle, She makes peanuts on cam and had to beg her followers for money to ship her things, so it's not like she can pack up and leave easily.
No. 696571
File: 1537890653577.jpeg (42.87 KB, 499x561, FF6FCF63-7B1C-4329-AAE3-0B534F…)

>>695611Don’t do Dolly like that, anon. Shayna wishes she could be as lovable as Dolly.
No. 696644
File: 1537900448608.jpeg (222.88 KB, 1242x632, B8CDE9B7-455A-4FE0-8324-84D212…)

Lol, she just moved there and already needs a vacay. Kek.
No. 696653
>>696648It’s not that she doesn’t know, it’s that she thinks certain things are the key to her happiness. For example, she thought moving in with him would be all sunshine and rainbows and a beautiful mansion all furnished and cleaned just for her, where she can lay around naked all day and do whatever she wants and be praised for it. She realized that no, that’s NOT what life is like and things are not that easy, so she’s back into depression mode and can’t figure out why because she lacks self awareness.
She knows that she can be happy, but that involves hard work and effort, two traits shayna does not yet possess. Until she’s willing to get out of her porno fantasy dream life, she’ll never be happy. She’ll never be happy until she realizes that these things take time and effort, and starts being more realistic.
The girl needs a lot of mental help and time away from the internet, tbh.
No. 696659
File: 1537901739628.png (660.79 KB, 568x645, doormat.PNG)

a doormat is what makes them official, everyone. now everyone on the block will now how creepy they are because of THIS DOORMAT.
No. 696677
>>696644Why does she look like gollum in her twitter picture
She looks retarded and has her stomach crunched into a bunch of rolls and she has a weird dark strip going down the middle too. I just think it's weird that she chooses such retarded looking selfies to represent herself on both twitter and tumblr.
No. 696686
>>696681I'd say you have a heavy duty boring plain thing outside the door and something like what she's posted inside.
Sage for talking about fucking doormats!
No. 696763
>>696744Is that the new “mall goth” term?
>>696659This is definitely something a young adult buys when they get their first place. I remember buying a “go away” welcome mat for my first house. It’s acceptable to be a little immature once in awhile with each other, but they Constantly act like children.
I fully expect a papasan chair and amazon wall tapestries in the living space.
No. 696930
File: 1537922836236.png (22.61 KB, 571x310, dumbass.png)

take your own advice, shay. you're nasty but fupa is complete psycho. you need to run back to your parents and get a real job
No. 696999
File: 1537929589315.png (9.84 KB, 539x149, nervous.PNG)

she just moved in with her "dream daddy" into her "dream house", so why is she so upset lately?
No. 697004
>>696999I can't help but think that maybe Fupa's ex-wife is beginning to raise hell (rightfully so) for Fupa and Fupa is likely stressed out as a result.
I guess it doesn't feel to good to shack up with a deadbeat waste of flesh once it actually happens.
No. 697015
File: 1537931306891.jpeg (114.15 KB, 750x361, AB4C1631-EB08-42A9-AAB7-2D1C2D…)

she can’t even commit to her 3 hour work day schedule because every day has been a bad day since she moved in to “the haus mattel” she may say her “dada” takes away all the depression and anxiety she has but it’s no wonder she’s been a wreck since he’s apparently gone all day at work but no worries guys little basic chik fil a turns her whole world around and she’ll be on super soon probably covered in chicken grease
No. 697034
File: 1537933373377.png (1008.47 KB, 1022x764, Screen Shot 2018-09-25 at 11.4…)

"I have all the time in the world" sounds like she's bored already
No. 697039
File: 1537933710584.png (244.73 KB, 367x336, eSPKEAD.png)

No. 697043
File: 1537933900519.png (105.45 KB, 192x222, 0bhoAMD.png)

how I feel sitting here watching her bounce around like a sperg
No. 697066
File: 1537936949551.png (261.15 KB, 471x356, Screen Shot 2018-09-25 at 9.39…)

>>697050when your "dada" says he's going to take you to chik-fil-a after he fucks your dry pimply ass
No. 697305
>>696515yeah i bet he sits around reading these threads and jacking off to all the anons thinking he's "abusive". he's a fat soyboy with a girl's voice and a 2 inch chode. if shay actually was into bdsm there's no way she'd pick him as her dom. he apparently gives her soooo many beatings but her face is never bruised.
fupa is clearly one of those guys that hates women cos his fat ass has been laughed out of bed many times. instead of trying to improve himself he turns to trying to prove he's hard online. but it's so transparent that he's got a huge napoleon complex. you're not a hard daddy dom fupa. it's so weird that he looks like a 15 year old & she looks about 35. like exactly the opposite of how they want to appear.
No. 697320
>>697305lol he doesnt look 15 other than the way he dresses
his face looks 55
No. 697362
File: 1537970297029.jpeg (183.42 KB, 1280x720, 1_dzrVuk2rB30x6S6dI21j3Q.jpeg)

>>696687>they have said their neighbors are horsesDamn Shay, I wish mine were too.
Thank you for making me giggle, based anon
No. 697367
>>697362What is this, a crossover episode?
fr who would have thought I'd see Bojack Horseman in a cow thread kek.
No. 697437
File: 1537975815993.jpeg (50.87 KB, 600x600, AEB9E715-39D2-4E3B-A553-8B0E45…)

>>697406Fuck. I just love puns. I feel so fowl.
No. 697566
I have a small tinfoil that they're so far out in the boonies that there are no Ubers, so she's completely reliant on Fupa, and since he's apparently never there, she's bored out of her fucking mind.
You'd think she would take some of her "$55,000 a year" and invest in a vehicle now that she's out of the city
No. 697589
>>697575Really need to stop reading these threads while eating lunch…
anons have mentioned her driving either her father's or connor's car before. There's pics of her in the driver's seat of an old car somewhere that was apparently "hers" but I'm having a hard time finding it
No. 697608
>>697589>>697575A fuck ton of her old smoking pictures from mass are in her car, it was definitely hers. A gift from her “evil parents”
>>697566I can’t speak for where she is, but we have Uber’s out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere Texas so I don’t see why they wouldn’t there, but I also doubt she’s been making enough to pay for an Uber and I really don’t see fupa paying for one for her and I can see him telling her “you can wait until I get home baby’s too stupid to go by herself”
No. 697613
File: 1537989591511.jpeg (53.3 KB, 640x360, 0D1EA578-2F69-464C-A145-5445BC…)

Collected just a few photos of her in her car for proof, she also looks so much better in these
No. 697614
File: 1537989603788.jpeg (68.8 KB, 640x853, 6315908B-BBF4-41C3-BDC5-C76098…)

No. 697616
File: 1537989615706.jpeg (124.77 KB, 540x960, 8F3F0EF5-B56C-4E25-9229-68925F…)

No. 697644
>>697641Not only that, but the whole ddlg thing does NOT fit her at all. She's too tall/lanky looking despite what her actual measurements might be, and she has ZERO "cutesy" features. Looking at this
>>697616 she actually looks really good. This kind of style suits her. She almost has a sliiiight androgyny thing going on.
But no, she had to try to fit into a mold that was never, ever made for her
No. 697653
>>697647Can we not with the meth tinfoil. It’s over played. It’s not meth. She’s not aspeckamongdots.
If she’s on any other kind of drugs it’s probably Xanax or pain killers. Don’t be dumb.
No. 697666
File: 1537993439635.png (2.97 MB, 1242x2208, 47EE0272-2049-4999-868F-A0662F…)

Totally agree. Found this while searching her old username. Gotta say looks tons better and very attractive compared to “baby dolly teehee”
No. 697674
>>697662Her eyeliner isn't completely obnoxious, for one
You're right, her nose looks completely different. I wonder if she was contouring or something
No. 697737
File: 1537998693500.png (168.32 KB, 474x639, 96655622.PNG)

Shay's going to spank her ass with a meat cleaver. Kek.
No. 697738
File: 1537998785853.png (18.99 KB, 466x291, 5546461613.PNG)

No. 697740
File: 1537998856182.png (32.89 KB, 481x473, 654513135.PNG)

This idiot needs some reality smacked into her stupid head. She still thinks she is successful and has accomplished so much lol.
Ah Shay, never change.
No. 697747
File: 1537999480580.png (12.02 KB, 460x208, 665256255.PNG)

So full of herself.
>>697741>>697746It's shit like this that prevents me from having a shred of sympathy for Shay. She doesn't give a fuck about anything around her. not even her poor cat. I doubt she is comforting Rib much.
No. 697748
>>697666and to think anons would call her the same things they were calling her now for looking like this.
come on shay, be a sex worker if you really want to, just do the thing you look good and feel comfortable doing.
No. 697753
>>697748So no criticisms of Shay outside of her looks hold up then? People here and on tumblr have been critical of Shay for far more than just her looks.
Why are people in here cheering this dumb bitch on? I really don't get it. She does not deserve it. She is terrible.
No. 697785
>>697738I'm honestly worried. Sorry for blog, but I just moved cross country with my cat and when we first got here she was super reclusive, she wouldn't eat, or drink. She had hepatic lipidosis and she's fine now but it required round the clock care, it was pretty intense. It happens to cats when they're highly stressed and I've read a lot about people who move cross country with cats and it happens to them.
Shay I know you read these threads, please keep an eye on your cat. If the skin in her ears is looking yellow (jaundice - can also show around the gums and eyes) then please take her to a vet.
No. 697798
File: 1538002920725.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 1242x1238, CD6F7347-6B37-4605-9286-68D243…)

When she smiles with that filter it looks like she has a beak. Her nose is so ugly.
No. 697820
File: 1538003621022.jpg (39.69 KB, 500x375, greek-masks.jpg)

>>697798Agreed lol. Whenever she does that smug smile all her features become so harsh and she reminds me of this:
No. 697839
>>697798The cute cheeky smirk doesn’t work for you Shayna. You’re just a bitch and you’re not cute.
It’s like when Madonna tried to recreate Eartha Kitt’s cheeky tone in “Santa Baby” but failed miserably.
No. 697913
her hair looks sort of better, I like the color but it looks fried, imo she would look better with dark brown or black hair + extensions, and a hot oil treatment if she is going to go with straight hair, and getting rid of those bangs and the head band
for her makeup, she should exfoliate her damn face and lay off the eye makeup and put less emphasis on her brows, it would make her look a lott younger
her body, shayna see a damn gyno, get medicaid if you can, the put aloe on your razor bumps, do kegals and moisturize and exfoliate, you can make a scrub with just oil and sugar. Drink more water and at LEAST exercise, she has a good base to work with and nice tits so she can easily go for a slender petite look if she tried, and do butt exercises and bike, stick to a good skin care routine and get something for your wrinkles, not from aliexpress shay
drop the nails, go for darker colored nails and less long ones, stick to natural nails
her style, shayna, for the sake of christ PLEASE drop the pink shit, go for a more 90s/ french kinda aesthetic, get rid of your nasty clothes, clean your shit, maintain your clothes well, simple stuff shay
in all honesty, I don't think shay looks as awful as people claim, her face is decent and her body is decent, she just can't take care of herself
>inb4 people start spazzing out because I said a cow wasn't ugly
No. 698008
File: 1538016319670.jpg (62.42 KB, 600x800, hhhhhhhhhhh.jpg)

this crackhead probably put that thing back in the kitchen when she was done with it
imagine tenderizing your food with a hammer that's been near a pustule-encrusted ass/ballsack
No. 698050
File: 1538019833628.jpeg (Spoiler Image,671.91 KB, 1242x808, 440CEBF9-014E-4639-AD0D-1F7F7E…)

>>698025I just wanna remind everyone that this was happening at the same time she looked so “hot”
No. 698056
File: 1538020463047.jpeg (731.82 KB, 1242x895, 9794E6E8-D80F-472C-85F6-447215…)

>>698055She looks
Soooooo happy tho right
No. 698075
File: 1538021352704.png (382.49 KB, 484x366, DhtS0Xr.png)

No. 698078
File: 1538021426769.jpg (165.69 KB, 1440x843, 20180926_230952.jpg)

But her parents were sooo abusive??
No. 698094
File: 1538022405286.png (Spoiler Image,377.97 KB, 564x432, lol.png)

Her nether-regions are looking a little less inflamed and infected than usual
No. 698097
>>698094i mean, it's also low quality live camera feed
it might not look like that with a DSLR up against it
No. 698109
File: 1538023298622.png (Spoiler Image,5.03 MB, 1242x2208, 6FDD91B1-F821-44F3-BA2C-308960…)

She looks like she’s gained some weight.
No. 698135
File: 1538025783190.jpg (49 KB, 467x412, man-thong-beach-china-04.jpg)

>>698093>>698093Her butt is disgusting, this video of her actually
triggered my gag reflex. She's actually the type of girl you skip over when you're trying to watch porn. She has the body of an out of shape twink
No. 698177
File: 1538028024349.png (36.4 KB, 640x640, IMG_5419.PNG)

her twitter's gone again.
No. 698180
>>698177huh. wonder what
triggered it this time 'round.
No. 698191
File: 1538029038754.jpeg (Spoiler Image,158.24 KB, 1241x926, DB03CDF9-7679-4262-ABCD-54FF39…)

Some times I wonder if the vibrator is even on.
No. 698192
File: 1538029051519.png (Spoiler Image,174.68 KB, 579x390, 1590809538109850918590.png)

she got into this horrifying position and then a ton of people left her room
No. 698194
File: 1538029124053.png (Spoiler Image,269.19 KB, 472x347, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at 11.1…)

>>698185why did she leave and then come back
also god this is tragic
No. 698196
File: 1538029205395.png (Spoiler Image,162.56 KB, 426x285, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at 11.1…)

she looks dead inside
No. 698199
File: 1538029288998.png (Spoiler Image,377.45 KB, 571x432, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at 11.1…)

>>698094You sure about that?
Also, she just admitted to being "very insecure" about her vagina.
No. 698203
>>698194This angle is so unflattering, it looks almost like granny porn. Really highlights how flat and awkwardly shaped her ass is.
>>698198I'm pretty sure she started bringing this up because she's gotten so much shit for it. She's trying to "own it" like a lot of cows do. If she really cared so much she'd do something about it, she just wants to feel like she's shead of the game and proving the haters wrong by "accepting" her major flaws.
No. 698220
File: 1538030894300.jpg (11.08 KB, 275x236, 1528573188842.jpg)

>>698199>>698198if she's insecure about her topographical nutsack then why doesn't she, uh… fix it? go to a fucking gynecologist. why wouldn't that be her first step, considering her "job" consists of her having her pussy out most of the time.
all of that hair bleach must've fried her last remaining brain cells along with the three strands she's still got on that fucked scalp, lol
No. 698270
>>698078>my irl dad not daddy mattelThe fact that she even had to clear that up kek
>>698198Fucking hell, she should just stop camming at this point. A part-time job at walmart is less humiliating.
No. 698304
File: 1538038863387.png (1.13 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180927-110923.png)

He's at the gym again.
No. 698404
File: 1538051627146.png (711.48 KB, 424x900, 2018-09-27 08_31_17-Tumblr.png)

>>698304lmao is this not the same exact day/outfit/pose as pic attached from weeks/months ago?
No. 698416
>>698404Am I a cool workout bro? I have my protein drink, my trashy gf, AND my bulls hat on at the gym. Am I a
true alpha now?!
He’s so pathetic
No. 698495
>>698304He is the epitome of gross. He looks like he smells , and the fact we've seen he is abusive towards women is the icing on his shit cake.
>>698365Leave her family out of this. It's not their fault they're related to trash barbie.
No. 698496
File: 1538061177838.gif (1.23 MB, 444x250, 147745-weird-al-yankovic-sippi…)

>>698304>mfw he'd rather be at the gym than with Dolly Not-My-Wife MattelSo how's life in the dreamhouse, Shay? Everything you hoped it would be?
No. 698522
File: 1538063531555.jpg (213.83 KB, 1280x1280, https_//…)

>>698497>>698512>>698304>>698404tinfoil theory, but what if fupa made several photos at the gym so he could repost it on his Instastory while actually not being at the gym and spending his time with other girls? I mean he keeps Shay secret most of the time and he does not seem to be the faithful dream husbando anyway.
No. 698556
>>698522I wouldn't be surprised if he yes did all that but was just hitting the bar for drinks and bar food so he can get away from Shay
he seems pretty boring irl and i doubt most girls would be willing some dirty fupa have at then unless drugged… or Shay
No. 698579
File: 1538067903980.jpg (101.38 KB, 476x442, (7) Tumblr - Google Chrome 927…)

No. 698589
>>698579he must LOOOVE having someone constantly on his ass about spending time with her, constantly validating her, constantly needing attention
Bet ya he thought that was cute online, different in real like isnt it Kyle Perkins?
No. 698635
File: 1538072649413.jpg (61.35 KB, 618x410, purge1a.jpg)

think he is trying to say he is Shay's "God" cos her life revolves around him.
Honestly good for her. He is a piece of shit, so is he. Let them fester together. Glad she picked a deadbeat instead of someone who is redeeming and interesting and attractive (as if she could get a decent partner like that in the first place).
No. 698637
File: 1538072772015.png (217.8 KB, 341x912, 66556245.PNG)

No. 698647
File: 1538073219953.png (33.11 KB, 629x355, 66559628965.PNG)

"Create unnecessary chaos in our lives" ha, Shay could write a book about how to do exactly what she is warning against.
No. 698702
File: 1538075752412.jpeg (Spoiler Image,89.86 KB, 750x1334, A74A7EF8-D494-44F3-95CE-96079D…)

That silhouette is sooo sexy shaynut. You really reek of feminine sex appeal here…
No. 698711
File: 1538076358474.jpeg (237.13 KB, 1125x813, 9B7907B5-56DB-4363-BE7D-BA72D0…)

Spoiler alert, it’s bc of who you’re dating
No. 698717
File: 1538077218958.jpeg (246.11 KB, 1242x448, C1C4A7C0-DE90-4961-8BC9-439A6A…)

What’s ironic about that? You’ve had tumblr for what, 6 years? And you’ve had twitter less than a year? More than half of those 150k followers on your tumblr are deactivated, inactive, or bots. If they weren’t then it would be clear in your interactions/notes, but you can barely reach 100 notes without reblogging it at least 3 times. She’s so fucking delusional about a god damn number on a DEAD PLATFORM.
No. 698725
>>698719Lol you can just delete the "
https://www." at the beginning to bypass the security thing btw
No. 698746
>>698522He's lucky he got a handful of women to fuck him in his lifetime, Shay is probably the best he can do right now.
>>698717Tumblr is far from dead imo, but if we're talking about her platform in particular then yeah, it's gone.
No. 698804
>>698803Does he really not know how to interact with her besides “I’m your dom, your my sub”?
She wasn’t fucking talking down to him. She wasn’t testing his “dominance”. She was making a stupid joke. Why is he such an asshole?
No. 698820
>>698803That was cringey to watch. He really is a piss baby. Which is weird because you'd think a dude who has the physique of a Mr Potato doll, an income stretched thin with child support payments, and the dress sense of Fred Durst back in 2002 would be grateful for any women who deigned to speak to him. Not Fupa. He really does think highly of himself and his role as a dom. Ugh.
Shay is reaping the whirlwind right now. This was such a mistake on her part and her increasing anxiety and depression will only be getting worse.
I feel like a hopeless optimist when I say that maybe this could be the nudge she needs to end this gross life and begin anew. Go home to her parents, take a few months to de-skank herself, pay for a name change, enroll in community college, achieve some positive life goals so she's not so needy and desperate. Of course that's about as likely as her running for president or using lube on her wrecked anus, but it's nice to think about.
No. 698831
>>6988031. What the fuck is wrong with shay's voice and face
2. Why is this ugly fat old man such an asshole? He really is rude and I felt miserable just hearing him talk like an emotionally abusive prick. He truly does talk and act like a psychological abuser, I can say that from experience. I hope he dies tbh I'm not even going to pretend like he's a person worthy of living
No. 698853
>>698803If I was Shay and filmed this I would not post it, and ask him like why you being a dick?
He doesn't seem to understand that being a Dom doesn't mean just being a prick. She wasn't even being demanding or anything, she was fucking joking.
God fupa you are an actual joke.
No. 698860
File: 1538087859453.jpg (34.73 KB, 600x335, daniel-bryan-breaks-down-annou…)

Fupa has a beard like Daniel Bryan. He got those super pink lips with a beard that seems to pertrude out his actual lips rather than chin.
No. 698868
>>698803He became a whiny pissboy the second he even delusionally thought his fake dominance was being challenged. That’s the sign of a fake ass dom right there.
It’s sad to see Shayna go from a good loving relationship like the one she had with Conner (that she royally fucked up) to some scummy Internet edgelord. That’s what you get for whoring yourself out on the internet.
No. 698870
>>698804Isn't making a compliment to someone a submissive move in itself? I think he is genuinely a bit slow and that's why he tries so hard to be the "bad" tough guy to disguise it. He's also too stupid to see how it comes across. Doms are supposed to be intelligent and charming, two traits he is lacking (among many).
He seems like someone who literally never speaks to other humans other than ordering takeout or a coffee or whatever, too.
No. 698875
File: 1538088508418.png (28.84 KB, 542x386, whydontyoujusttext.PNG)

why don't these two just fucking text each other? do these mundane everyday conversations really deserve a social media post?
No. 698903
File: 1538089595698.png (79.39 KB, 141x209, when you realized you made a b…)

>>698803>>698804her faces in the video and then trying to play it off despite her literally making this face is tell all for me.
poor shayna can't even make a silly joke without "you're a submissive not a switch" as a response to a joke to her boyfriend.
shayna seems to be getting the things she didn't expect. she seems to expected a cute relationship with someone and settling down if "uwu stealing ur daddys money" counts but in return has gotten this treatment that we have seen of "you must be submissive 24/7 + being shitty to her is love." i think (more hope) shes becoming self aware
No. 698907
File: 1538090056655.jpg (31.57 KB, 484x189, closet.jpg)

No. 698911
>>698902this is not playful conversation. we have seen a lot more of the snap videos and this is the most off putting one. she made a joke, complimented him and he in return shut her down + continued to come off as aggressive/angry. read the body language anon. look at shaynas face and how she instantly was like "oh okay what." and then played it off like nothing while he continued to insist upon "youre a submissive not a switch.". his tone, the way he overall looks tense and just doesn't come off as playful.
i think this is the least nitpicky thing anons have brought up and is actually off putting. nitpicking on this thread is bad enough but i don't see how any person would see that as playful and how it counts as nitpicking. nitpicking is most of the thread talking about shaynas appearance and talking about the silly non-milk interactions between them. overall i agree w/ u but i think this is the most off putting thing yet.
No. 698920
File: 1538090844009.jpg (73.76 KB, 488x411, gross.jpg)

Shay doesn't know how to keep sex out of anything, everything in her life is sexual even her bathtub.
No. 698923
>>698917This is tragic. She said it was. Depression nap therefore she is not happy with this. She's way overhyped her "kinkiness". She might like a bit of a slap during sex but if she's crying in a closet that her bf told her to get in then wtf is she doing?
Nothing wrong with not being the freakiest bitch Shay.
No. 698967
File: 1538094004033.jpeg (911.87 KB, 750x1334, 80ED0F42-1B90-4886-8637-1075B1…)

so get a fucking real job and shut the fuck up????????
No. 699007
File: 1538097015571.jpg (54.26 KB, 478x420, selfawarefupa.jpg)

At least he knows he's an asshole
No. 699026
File: 1538098825218.jpeg (48.08 KB, 800x450, 894E3FB6-FAF2-484E-B529-DAC624…)

>>699007> people that are sexually forward to quickly> has a fucking porn blog> dates a dumb trash whore “I D0nT liKe it IF YouRe SExUalLY foRWarD”
No. 699034
File: 1538099151281.png (25.2 KB, 697x301, um.png)

>>699029And one of her clout chasing female followers bought it already. Not weird at all.
No. 699055
>>699029She recently mentioned wanting to get spanked with a meat clever and I just realized this is what she meant.
That's a meat TENDERIZER, Shaytard.
No. 699057
>>699029Wow I laughed incredibly hard at this stupid shit.
I wonder what she will be doing in ten years? Maybe by then she can come up with a decent idea for a fucking video. She shouldn't be showcasing her butt acne like this lmfao. Pick something flattering, Shay.
No. 699097
>>698920These edgy cross-stitch/embroidery decorations are so fucking tacky, I hate the whole wine-mom aesthetic.
This is one of the worst one's I've ever seen though because the phrase isn't even snappy or clever, and it looks cheap like it's machine made and the frame is flimsy.
No. 699120
File: 1538108393464.png (176.2 KB, 581x384, 86458543246874531246312.png)

lmao wtf
No. 699121
File: 1538108441700.jpg (33.72 KB, 540x467, tumblr_pek768lXjv1rgns5p_540.j…)

>>699007>People that are sexually forward too quicklynigga… you're dating a crackwhore. hello?
>Shitty eyebrowsok so he either doesn't have eyes or they're both hitting the crack pipe. considering he looks like a wrinkly beige sofa butt imprint in the face i'm gonna go with the latter.
>I'm not a naturally nice person. I really have to put effort into it because I have a very combative/aggressive demeanor by default.oh damn that's edgy… too bad no one's scared of your "combative personality" when you look like a dusty ass geriatric with three kids and a job at a fucking AT&T store. pay your child support. foh pussy ass nigga.
No. 699132
>>699123>>699131tbf a lot of cam girls make tons of money taking shots
she's just failing by not charging for it
No. 699139
File: 1538109573629.png (216.24 KB, 472x351, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at 9.38…)

I just got in but what is going on. she just burped in the middle of a speaking, there is only one non guest in the room. so bizarre what is happening.
No. 699144
File: 1538110114955.png (Spoiler Image,166.03 KB, 332x254, pleasestop.png)

She looks dead inside.
No. 699149
File: 1538110344877.png (Spoiler Image,50.83 KB, 176x136, Screenshot_3.png)

It kills me to see her foot on her crotch.
No. 699152
File: 1538110406664.png (Spoiler Image,145.16 KB, 307x213, Screenshot_4.png)

No. 699154
File: 1538110435269.png (Spoiler Image,32.74 KB, 130x104, Screenshot_5.png)

So flattering.
No. 699156
File: 1538110525991.jpg (Spoiler Image,385.73 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180927-215430_Sam…)

Thriving as usual
No. 699158
File: 1538110692885.png (Spoiler Image,47.01 KB, 165x126, Screenshot_6.png)

Stop touching your feet, gaaaaah.
No. 699159
File: 1538110738891.jpg (Spoiler Image,456.61 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180927-215749_Sam…)

She keeps grabbing her stomach rolls and toes too…also just said "I love to watch people suffer." That doesn't seem very sub like..
No. 699165
File: 1538111244760.jpg (Spoiler Image,437.06 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180927-220722_Sam…)

That ballsack
No. 699168
File: 1538111454467.png (Spoiler Image,305.8 KB, 621x436, shaytard.png)

No. 699169
File: 1538111479245.jpg (Spoiler Image,57.24 KB, 247x247, 02.jpg)

lmao, check this out. remember when she was amping everyone up for her big real time bondage show with insex? well guess what? she was barely in it. in almost all of it shes fully clothed and on the side in stocks. that's all she does. yet she hyped everyone up saying she was starring in it and blahblahblah. her name isn't even mentioned on the poster, she's only mentioned in the trailer and is called a "decoration". shes so fucking delusional about how important she thinks she is. she looks like a fucking monkey in the pic
No. 699173
File: 1538111672683.jpg (Spoiler Image,51.66 KB, 759x567, disgust.jpg)

>>692588>burping>talking about how bored she is>talking about how she has no friends>only friends she had were people she bought blunts from or the grocery store people (of course in seattle.) (she has yet to leave the house alone to make friends)shay…honey. get a JOB. and a life.
No. 699193
File: 1538112762506.jpg (67.98 KB, 585x306, Shayptid.jpg)

>>699168>>699187the resemblance is uncanny
No. 699215
File: 1538115451834.gif (Spoiler Image,1.66 MB, 303x303, 12a46ae5-f6ba-4e66-aad8-4efd6e…)

So hot
No. 699217
>>699215She looks like gumby.
I hate her hair style. She would look so much better with long hair with a bit of a wave. She so long and lanky it would look flattering on her. Not that hot fried mess on her head.
No. 699222
>>698902That's not playful banter. You have to be somewhat quick-witted and funny to do that
>>699166I think "24/7 BDSM" is pretty unusual/extreme, and most people who do it are just in abusive relationships and refuse to admit it. You can't have a healthy adult relationship if you force a constant power imbalance.
No. 699257
>>699209I’ve just been a casual observer of these threads, but lately I’m becoming increasingly worried about Shay. I’m so afraid to see what’ll come next for her. I was a cam girl and moved to be with an older dominant man I met online, too. It turned abusive. I regret the things I did on cam. Almost killed myself trying to get away from that situation.
Jesus Shay please just listen to someone who’s been exactly where you are, step by step. Just leave before it gets worse, because it will.
No. 699259
>>699257She's been determined to fuck her life up no matter what anyone in these threads say. Not saying this to be rude to you anon, but Shay was warned by many here and on tumblr not to go live with Fupa because of this exact shit we are seeing now and she didn't listen.
She had every opportunity to live a decent life and could still turn it around despite all of her fuck-ups but she still refuses. Don't be surprised if she continues to ruin her life. She seems motivated to do that more than anything else.
No. 699264
>>699246Idk about you anon but washing a bong is real easy and I never let my bongs or atleast not bong water get that gnarly and just keep loading the bong? She clearly never washes the glass period, getting that kind of build up is nasty af and I don't take hits from glass that dirty.
Get some salt and alcohol yikes.
No. 699367
File: 1538143809780.png (390.32 KB, 986x734, Screenshot_2018-09-28-07-07-14…)

>>699215I see that and see this without fail
No. 699386
File: 1538146323019.png (162.63 KB, 590x297, CRYPTID SPOTTED.png)

not the best, but i gave it a go.
No. 699454
omg thank you anon
No. 699507
>>699386I had a good laugh over this, bless you anon.
Already my early thread pic vote.
No. 699612
File: 1538165797530.jpg (5.58 KB, 210x240, UPIM9P1.jpg)

No. 699621
>>699616You’re still not saging…
Just read the fucking rules like you’re supposed to before using this site.
No. 699678
>>699654>>699644>>699637But I mean they met two times before that and it was def enough to get to know each other so living together would be so fun!!!1
idk I feel Shay thought she will get some pink uwu real life barbie house with expensive shit but all her dream were crashed when she realized that her life will be super "normie" and if not even worse with fupa and that cheap ass house with an empty fridge lol
>>699654This. I only worry about the cat and that's about it.
No. 699680
>>699654i think we should just all be thankful that they aren't at the stage of blatantly airing their dirty laundry yet
because you know they only talk via tumblr reblogs
No. 699691
>>698199She has a lot to be insecure about. I'm sure people would actually feel bad for her if she wasn't so insufferable. She's a delusional compulsive liar, who attempts an elitist/narcissistic persona, but nobody buys it bc she doesn't posses and traits or even material objects that would garner that. Her status has always been pretty much low class white trash basic btch after she devolved from her stoner days. She's always been a scammer, liar, obnoxious, attention cow from the very beginning, but at least the 'hippie stoner' aesthetic bought excuses for her lack of hygiene and her huge bush hid her pussy.
What I don't understand is for someone who's into dollification and being perfect, or someone who wants to portray the facade that they're "better than you" why does she do the complete opposite. She's with some ugly high pitched obese beta cuck who's an even bigger cow than she is. Everyone thinks he's a joke, and he's the farthest thing from a "Dom". And dolls don't have blistering pimples and boils all over their parts. Hide that shit until you cure it, if that's even possible.
No. 699693
File: 1538169626712.png (151.45 KB, 640x1136, BF05084B-F8B6-4956-A3E5-50C3A6…)

No. 699695
>>699688>>699693i wonder how fupa feels about her posting shit like this constantly,because its not like it shines a good light on their relationship or dynamic, therefore making him look bad in turn.
you know he's probably fed the fuck up with his fuck doll having emotions and then blasting how miserable she already is all over tumblr, where people are going to assume that it has to do with their situation.
No. 699705
>>699693She put anons back on bc she's
that desperate for any sort of attention and validation. I wonder if Shayna knows that Fupa reads as a submissive- beta male, but still just tries to pretend he's some sort of dom bc the internet. Kek.
They are biggest joke.I hope they stay together forever LOL!!
No. 699709
File: 1538170265766.png (139.45 KB, 640x1136, B4A27AE5-C4CA-4C28-ACC4-44201B…)

Because it’s an honour to get your blog checked out by her. Facepalm.
No. 699710
>>699637Uh oh…she's getting drunk to the point of "falling asleep" in the shower? And fupapa doesn't even have the decency to check on her when she's in the shower for THREE HOURS? Both of those things are seriously troubling. If there was something clogging the drain then she could have drowned. Is the passing out a new behavior? If so then that's also a red flag as to what's going on in the household, binge drinking/alcoholism aside.
>>699654She's a haughty dumbass, but she doesn't deserve to be in a situation like this. It sounds like she was naive about what fupapa's 'dom' nature actually is (abusive), and the fact that her dickriders were egging her on didn't help.
>>699709Yeah, this is seriously not good. Hopefully the cat is at least being taken care of. :( Poor kitty is the biggest victim here.
No. 699715
>>699709she did the same tactic for people to add her on twitter (new one)
No. 699728
>>699721I agree, she's always been a leach. She did the same thing to every one of her relationships until they kicked her out.
I remember she made a post one time about how conner drew her a bath even though he was the one that was extremely sick and needed to be in bed. It's sad she uses a kink to mask the fact that she's a lazy, shitty person with no will or drive to do anything except get praise and attention for doing nothing.
No. 699736
File: 1538171284982.png (62.35 KB, 597x380, 3c899d199dd51c61d53bfc405079ea…)

I sent one asking kek. I feel like she's just gonna spam herself with asks, like this one. No one thinks your fried shit is "cute" Shay.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 699741
>>699710oh nah i wasn't trying to say she deserves to be abused or whatever - Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, OK is a rancid pile of pedophilic, rape-fetishistic dog shit and we been knew - i'm just saying i don't feel sorry for her.
she's had a lot of opportunities to correct her mistakes, and she threw her hands up and brushed all of them off. Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, OK abusing her is absolutely unacceptable, but she had a LOT of chances to break out of the cycle before it even started.
i care more about ribmeat in this situation, too.
No. 699759
File: 1538172378828.png (303.02 KB, 640x1136, C768E64A-CA58-42EB-8ACE-192F2F…)

She is spiralling so hard or this is all a sick ploy for money or attention
No. 699773
File: 1538173132611.png (62.26 KB, 587x432, fdd4b54a10462df19d172c63aa511f…)

>>699767lol nope, she's only answering ones that suck her ass like this one. doesn't she hate her dad? or does she mean her "dada". Kek, she even knows he's a beta bitch who couldn't save himself.
No. 699779
>>699693Honestly the more she posts, the less bad I feel for her. She posts about getting drunk and falling asleep in the shower, being miserable and passing out on the floor of her closet, but then turns around and goes "don't ask me about it though!!" when people show concern.
If you don't feel comfortable sitting down your worthless meat man in private and telling him that you're going through a bad time and that he can't constantly berate you and dry-fuck your ass then that relationship is clearly doomed already, don't indirect him on tumblr 5 times a day.
No. 699780
File: 1538173389484.png (1.08 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_1135.PNG)

No. 699791
>>699780It's bc she's slowly realizing the gravity of her actions, she legit moved to a hick bumble fuck town,.. the fact that it's Oklahoma makes it 100x worse, versus her LA dream, she's in some hick incest loserville where everyone else dreams of leaving. Her house is small, dirty, outdated, and needs tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars of replacements and work. Her barely present boyfriend is the last thing to the word "dominant", prob goes to the gym to avoid her. She's living NOBODY'S dream.
I would be falling asleep in my shower, chugging wine, looking for attention/validation on tumblr begging for asks too. kek
No. 699814
File: 1538175254617.jpeg (48.4 KB, 253x615, B5AADEFD-35D3-4B46-BD32-470C9F…)

>>699780I love how literally just two weeks ago she was talking about how she was so “stress free and happy” because of him. I can’t roll my eyes hard enough at how delusional she is about the her situation.
No. 699915
File: 1538183951603.gif (133.55 KB, 340x340, hehehe.gif)

>>698820>Which is weird because you'd think a dude who has the physique of a Mr Potato doll, an income stretched thin with child support payments, and the dress sense of Fred Durst back in 2002 would be grateful for any women who deigned to speak to him. I just wanna say I love you for this deprivation, anon.
No. 699921
>>699908I agree, they seem like the type who just have to let her make her own mistakes so she'll fucking learn, but if she called them for help they would come get her. She always paints them as awful, yet she still talks to her dad? If I had abusive parents and was an adult, I'd cut them out of my life.
Shay really needs to understand that she's fucked up, she's a narc but christ does she just need to give it a rest already
No. 699953
File: 1538189058396.png (78.91 KB, 640x837, IMG_2243.PNG)

fupa is annoying and tries to be young and cool so badly.
No. 699992
>>699693The way she worded this makes it sounds like she's trying to imply she's bipolar, self dx saga when?
>>699921It's a bit of stretch to say that her parents couldn't have been abusive just because she still talks to them. Plenty of people try to have relationships with people who are toxic, sexually abused them etc.
Shay's retarded and thinks her parents not giving in to her every whim was "abuse", she's said so herself. We don't need to reach for every tiny bit of "evidence" that her parents weren't really abusive lol
No. 700044
File: 1538204773835.jpg (965.52 KB, 1080x3470, Screenshot_20180926-232043_Tum…)

Surprised she hasn't thrown a fit over this. It's hilarious
No. 700057
File: 1538206495612.png (175.25 KB, 590x297, shaynalapolus.png)

>>699386great job anon! vote for next thread pic. i added the blur so we can use it without spoiler
No. 700060
File: 1538206787757.jpg (261.8 KB, 1600x1274, DollyMattel_28092018_0631_MyFr…)

Photo dump. It's caps from her recent camshows
No. 700061
File: 1538206806822.jpg (Spoiler Image,256.46 KB, 1600x1274, DollyMattel_27092018_0648_MyFr…)

No. 700063
File: 1538206817319.jpg (Spoiler Image,247.33 KB, 1600x1274, DollyMattel_28092018_0810_MyFr…)

No. 700064
File: 1538206829628.jpg (183.29 KB, 1600x1274, DollyMattel_28092018_0639_MyFr…)

No. 700065
File: 1538206842788.jpg (Spoiler Image,261.99 KB, 1600x1274, DollyMattel_27092018_0834_MyFr…)

No. 700075
File: 1538207314587.png (Spoiler Image,233.53 KB, 638x450, excorsit.png)

she legit has the worst o faces.
No. 700084
>>699921A lot of people talk to their abusive parents, that's not really evidence of anything.
>>700063What does she even do on cam anymore besides sit there naked and talk, and shove the wand between her legs?
No. 700121
Shayna was never abused. All evidence are in the previous threads. She considered being grounded "abuse". And having to babysit "losing her childhood". She even abruptly stopped those abuse claims after being called out so much about her lies.
>>700084Her cam set up is just pathetic. Thinking about her rolling around on that disgusting floor would make me vomit, if it wasn't for the fact that she's so use to being in filth. You were able to see just how bad the condition of the carpet was from his walk thru. Huge heavy dark staining everywhere and rippling from all the previous use. Now she's rolling around and rubbing her pussy in it. Gag.
No. 700124
File: 1538218580237.jpg (255.77 KB, 683x607, 983453.jpg)

>>700064LOL! is that one of those FAKE stainless steel refrigerators? Like where you buy the roll to stick to the front (kinda like foil with sticker backing) .
Look at the rippling and denting
No. 700177
>>700064“The lighting is so amazing in my new house”
Sure Jan
No. 700179
>>700177"My house"
She is so delusional. Her names not on the lease, she didnt pay a dime into that house. Its fupas house and shay is just there until fupa gets sick of her one day and kicks her ass to the curb.
No. 700194
>>700191i keep seeing people say this and i don't understand why
he ran away from his first wife and all his kids, i don't think he's too pressed for someone to stick around
honestly i'm more convinced he's already sick of her and trying to keep away from her as much as possible (based on her attention-starvedness this week)
No. 700406
>>700396Sorry to be newfaggy but I had no idea she did that what the fuck. I must've joined in the threads after that happened
That is the most disgusting thing I've read in months
No. 700514
File: 1538259622759.png (48.49 KB, 544x540, idiotfupa.PNG)

Fupa talking about "how to be a perfect dom" even though he's already shown that he doesn't follow his own fucking advice.
plus, not all doms are caregivers, Fupa. not all doms and not all bdsm relationships arer 24/7, some really are JUST in the bedroom at that's it. he pretends to be this big educator and leader but I doubt hes even been mentored or even has any local bdsm ties. hes just a sad little edgelord.
No. 700646
File: 1538271375739.png (Spoiler Image,869.12 KB, 645x720, ??.png)

Old milk but she just reblogged this on her tumblr & it was new to me
Okay 1) Wtf is that inside her vagina and 2) "Daddy's Baby" ????
The degeneracy is unmatched
No. 700664
>>700650Anyone still have that post where she threw a bitch fit about people tagging her pics as dd/lg and how horrible the dd/lg community was? kek
Pretty sure she only made that post to be petty about littlestaviabug anyway.
No. 700687
File: 1538275145425.png (32.69 KB, 646x589, lmfao.PNG)

No. 700688
File: 1538275214772.png (20.31 KB, 638x357, dumbass.PNG)

If you know this, Shay, then why do you continue to perpetuate your own misery?
You are so fucking dumb.
No. 700690
File: 1538275348461.png (Spoiler Image,463.5 KB, 638x659, 35416063.PNG)

No. 700691
File: 1538275430234.png (Spoiler Image,548.77 KB, 623x890, 5434315.PNG)

Kyle Perkins acknowledging a love for not only rape fantasies, but straight up rape as well!
No. 700692
File: 1538275542186.png (234.52 KB, 635x691, 3513613613.PNG)

I hope this fat nasty neckbeard edgelord gets rekt lol.
Who would you kill, Fupa? You weak soyboy bitch, you would get your ass beat by a real man.
No. 700694
File: 1538275616795.png (19.42 KB, 626x310, 354315131.PNG)

From Kyle again. I wonder how he deals with Shay lol. Sorry for the dump.
No. 700698
File: 1538275692448.png (21.64 KB, 636x301, 35431313139.PNG)

Such a great boyfriend
No. 700990
File: 1538323822481.png (216.68 KB, 517x638, Screen Shot 2018-09-30 at 12.p…)

her tags lmao we get it shay, fupa is ignoring you and life is spiraling
No. 701006
>>700514>It's a full-time jobNo it's fucking not, what? Not everyone is unhinged and tries to live out their fantasies 24/4. He really should not be giving any advice.
>Her needs are just as important as yoursKek.
No. 701021
>>700737what are you talking about lol? Where are these duplicate posts that you speak of?
I am careful not to post duplicate posts. Why don't you stop trying to infight? Same with
>>700861. Focus on Shay and stop bitching about how the thread doesn't go the way you want it to, kek.
No. 701112
File: 1538332420711.jpg (209.26 KB, 1052x619, SmartSelect_20180930-143131_Tw…)

(Back to the milk pls guys)
Anyone else not believe chick-fil-shay has never had mcdonalds before?
No. 701165
>>701010I get the feeling she just stands in the shower and doesn’t actually wash herself.
>>701021Dude you posted two things that have already been posted in previous.
You’re not giving us any milk, just repeating shit we’ve already been over.
Don’t be such a piss baby.
No. 701193
>>700514Wow!!!! He just proved with this that he doesn't even know what a dom is. WTF??!? What an idiot.
This is lip service of what he thinks will garner him some community clout, but it doesn't, bc he;s an uneducated Beta Cuck!
No. 701198
>>700990Just like with everything, she's a revisionist. She's talking about showers and pushing that narrative in attempt to erase the well established, well known, and well documented, (multiple years)long running fact that she does not bathe or shower.
Whenever it would be discussed that she didn't bathe here, she would make a post her once a year shower/bath photo 'to prove people wrong'.
*remember guys, this is the girl that had to be hospitalized in order to take a shower
No. 701328
File: 1538350596781.jpeg (193.04 KB, 1242x350, 05389894-E6E4-4516-BEB3-6FAE19…)

I kinda feel…bad. But at the same time I don’t? Because she’s a huge fucking liar who likes to play victim so i can’t decide weather I should have sympathy because she basically asked for this?? And now she wants everyone to fix it for her while she pretends like it’s not happening. Keep drinking shay, I’m sure it will help with those deep set wrinkles and infected cooch.
No. 701386
>>701328>>701329Exactly, seems as if that's been her only entertainment or diet lately.
She's going to get so bloated and fat. She already has double chins, a fat neck, puffy cheeks on top of her unfortunate body shape. With no waist, and tree trunk legs. She's gonna balloon up real quick.
No. 701523
>>701509they're both so revolting. someone needs to break it to shay that there's no market for unshowered special needs crackhead porn
also lol at "fupa mattel™". has he become self aware or does snapchat just allow you to edit the names of your contacts?
No. 701538
>>701523Yeah, I changed his name!
I couldn't turn the sound on since I don't live alone but fupa was moaning with his woman voice the whole time. Oh, and Shay said "I love you Daddy". They are so edgy,
No. 701549
File: 1538377796550.png (498.53 KB, 564x1046, Screenshot_2018-10-01-00-07-17…)

>>701509My favorite part was when he panned down her body to see her ass, and there was nothing to see.
No. 701553
File: 1538378297196.jpeg (20.4 KB, 248x270, 52DD588C-7615-4A38-9963-1009AA…)

>>701549I cry-laughed at the” Fupa Mattel “but I just about lost my shit when I realized that’s shay’s body I’m looking at.
I legitimately thought this was one of fupa’s soyboy arms and the Black was one of those stupid wrist sweatbands that were popular in 07.
No. 701571
File: 1538380439155.jpeg (390.75 KB, 1125x1583, 07F0FC45-37ED-466D-B7BF-2B52C6…)

Kim Petras must’ve been inspired by Shay
No. 701578
>>701509Her man hands make his chode look even smaller. This is just sad. She needs to learn how to suck dick? What even is this? Remembering that barelychub is attached to Fupa makes me wanna vomit.
Glad there isn't any sound. I can't stand Fupa's woman voice, it is an octave higher than Shayna's natural voice man voice.
No. 701581
File: 1538381960320.jpg (Spoiler Image,356.27 KB, 392x1006, 467u3j.jpg)

I can't believe she still reblogs and promotes her "Goth Girl Gets Fucked" video. (
>>645943 ).
Why promote that horror show but not her "pro porn" or anything she did in LA?
She's been mentioning a lot lately that she's insecure about her pussy, if she's aware of how horrific it looks, why does she still insist on making porn with boils, pimples, scabs, and scars all over her nutsack pussy?
No. 701582
>>701549>>701553Holy hell, I also couldn't tell this was Shay and thought this was a gross close up of Kyle's chubby arm in a sweatband cupping his "bulge" or something. How sad.
>>701571Uncanny. Still will never understand how Shay thinks those nails look good in any way.
No. 701651
>>701509I wonder if he's wearing his girdle/shaper under his shirt. Are his tits bigger than hers? Does his excess skin hang over his stomach from being obese? It just looks so awkward he has it on. She can't keep it in her mouth for more than a few secs, and she doesn't even know how to jack it off.
It's funny how Fupa put that on his public snap.
All they have done is prove how unbelievable sad and pathetic their lives are. Shayna's pussy is so gross on its own, with all the boils and pimples, and his dick is so small and chodey. They just can't win. Their sex life is the sorriest, at least maybe her fake moans would give Fupa some false sense of accomplishment and validation. Both their insecurities her obnoxiousness/ cringeyness/ neediness, and his desire to prove people wrong is gonna make his pseudo dom existence so miserable.
No. 701654
>>701509Man and I thought I sucked at giving blowjobs, holy cow this is the shittiest head I've ever seen. Makes me more confident in my own game, thanks Shay.
>>701549 Had to watch the video to figure out what that's supposed to be. Sad.
No. 701667
>>701509wtf… this looks like some kind of hidden camera footage of a prostitute's first day on the job.
what the hell is she doing with his penis…? it's not made of clay, shayna.
blows my mind this is the same girl that thought she was gonna be a big porn star in LA a couple months back.
No. 701681
wow already at 1100 posts?
next thread pic vote -
>>700057 No. 701694
File: 1538400431713.gif (495.61 KB, 500x282, 1474254381473.gif)

>>701509she looks like she wants to puke and isn't enjoying it at all, such a submissive.
Then again, can you imagine how gross it must be to suck his dick? Probably taste and smells like rotten cheetos.
No. 701718
>>701638This is a real thing. It's still a funny joke at Shay's expense but it's a legit diagnosis.
I have …personal experience but not gonna blogpost about it
No. 701745
>>701509Lmfao he has such a small dick. Wow.
And she literally only sucks the tip. This is real?
No. 701754
>>701743prob smells like bleach and buttermilk
i'm sure fupa has similar hygiene habits to shay
No. 701757
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No. 701771
>>692588what infuriates me the most about her whole shitty ~persona~ is she barely qualifies as a bimbo, goth gf, etc.
all of her outfits are wiki how to's on "how to be ___"
she's just a cross-faded yellow goblin who hates herself lmao
No. 701802
>>701793kek yeah it's pretty obvious that the majority of her followers are porn bots. fupa's definitely are too. tumblr is overrun with porn robots as it is, but with shay's blog content hundreds of them must follow her everyday.
>>701509this is the funniest thing ive ever seen like fupa why would you publicly post a video of your dick if it's that small? unless he's one of those guys that gets turned on by ppl talking about his itsy bitsy penis. but that doesnt really go with the "dom" image
No. 701805
>>701802not only does he have a small dick but you would think he'd be embarrassed by shay's lack of technique lmao
he probably hasn't had enough women brave enough to come face to dick with him to know the different tho
No. 701863
>>701509Suitcase pimp.
Shayna, less hand, more mouth, jesus. It looks like she’s going to yank it off.
No. 701944
>>699150Realizing im a little late to the party, but those shorts are the
LEAST SEXY THING EVER for her fucking tooth shaped body. Dear god stop wearing those immediately, they make you look like a pre-pubescent boy. There is
NOTHING sexy about them what so ever.
Also they make her ass look like less than what it already is. It looks like an indent, she has indenta-bum. Watching her dance, and no less strip"tease" in that thing would have shriveled up my penis into my body if I had one.