File: 1583073478215.png (1008.37 KB, 1167x1278, 1582851066716.png)

No. 939312
Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in and edited are not milk and you will recieve a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: sage when there’s no milk, no nitpicking and/or blogposting and please try to curb your enthusiam when posting screenshots from other cam girls. This is a Shay thread.
Summary of recent milk:
>shay still claiming authority on keeping minors out of nsfw spaces, seems to forget she exposed minors to adult content after she changed the nature of her years-old tumblr blog>shay makes awful alien porno she's been planning for years, squeezes into outfit she bought 40lbs ago.>bad dragon alien dildo covered in possible dog hairs and tooth marks>her boyfriend of 6 months leaves her and she kicks off on twitter>her therapist gives her a variety of new coping mechanisms for her "bipolar" including deleting twitter's app when she's "manic">of course shay doesn't do any of this and continues to rant and harrass people and threaten to kill herself on twitter>shay is upset she wasn't nominated for mv awards anal star, so she nominates herself>changes twitter handle to buttstuffbarbie and goes obsessive over anal, even though she barely does any anal videos>shay starts editing her photos beyond recognition>admits that she's self conscious about her body…but uses this as an excuse not to work! what a surprise!>plans to eat healthy and go to the gym one day, back to eating garbage and sitting on her ass the next day>shay makes another pedo pandering vid>shay lives vicariously through her sim, showing that what she really wants is to be an online influencer >she gets bangs>continues to start online drama while preaching how positive and above it all she is>wants to move into a 3 bedroom house despite having no income but e-begging>is she actually moving or is it all a scam? who knows? >she's definitely not moving yet because she doesn't understand how leases work>gets 1000$ tip, definitely not from her dad>takes so many unflattering photosStarring:
https://dollymattel.tumblr.comhttps://irldollymattel.tumblr.comhttp://thesaddesthoe.tumblr.com ←– CURRENT <- CURRENT threads:
>>>/snow/929239 No. 939327
File: 1583076028199.jpg (189.29 KB, 1080x929, Screenshot_20200301_101509.jpg)

>>939312Shayna you're a pedo pandering cunt. You are part of the problem when you fetishize kids. Also wtf keep this off your work twitter
No. 939439
File: 1583095530648.jpg (195.91 KB, 1077x784, Screenshot_20200301-144346_Twi…)

No. 939440
File: 1583095558992.jpg (490.68 KB, 1080x1403, Screenshot_20200301-144409_Twi…)

So who's this guy now?
No. 939453
>>939439Not surprised she’ll take whatever she can get. We know you hate women, Shay. Enjoy being a pick-me your entire sad life.
>>939342They were definitely back seat photos.
>>939407People who hate Shays threads will argue that it’s 46 threads of nitpicking her goblin face and sad old man vagina. And they would be mostly right.
No. 939464
File: 1583099982955.jpg (31.45 KB, 729x786, FB_IMG_1583099847723.jpg)

Just saw this on fb and immediately thought of Shay's stupid ass. Can a Photoshop anon please slap her under that ugly wig?
No. 939489
File: 1583106278988.jpeg (232.14 KB, 750x719, 8DEF0F69-ABFE-4A01-8EF6-F6C1AC…)

>>939463lmao where does she find these people?
No. 939493
>>9394391. don't you love how she never talks about men hating, abusing and hurting women?
2. Bitch you will never love a good man, because no good man will ever be with you. Only losers fuck with you. Every man you've been with so far has always wanted you to act like anything but yourself.
So fuck off with this "pick me' bullshit, you are a "rape
victim" yet you out here dismissing people who have good reasons to hate men.
Then again, she does pander to men who want to watch her degrade herself and act like a child, so of course she's a "pick me" MRA Barbie
No. 939506
>>939489Lmao. Yea sex workers are the unsung hero’s of our time. Thank god for people like her and Shay, spreading their asshole and putting content on their OnlyFans for the greater good.
Nothing against sex work, but people who delude themselves into thinking they’re anything but jack off material…girl please. Unless she is saying this particular sex worker ALSO has a job in helping the mentally retarded…
No. 939515
File: 1583112333007.png (Spoiler Image,1.94 MB, 2048x2010, Screenshot_20200301-202444.png)

trying really hard to hide her pudge body
Hint: this ain't it, Shay
No. 939526
File: 1583113078874.png (28.57 KB, 410x128, Screen Shot 2020-03-01 at 8.35…)

She deleted this
>>939440 tweet. I also noticed she tweeted earlier asking who was paying for brunch. Like is old man not paying for you sis or
No. 939531
>>939506Sage here, but i think she means actual sex workers that have sex with handicapped people as they want sex to, like as in someone who is disabled might have a harder time finding someone and has needs.
But no need for them to go all social worker pedastle
No. 939738
File: 1583157580487.jpg (528.97 KB, 1080x1453, Screenshot_20200302-075915_Twi…)

Cause this is exactly what you need Shay
No. 939761
File: 1583161622237.jpeg (380.74 KB, 1227x1102, 951BBB3C-B836-4F7C-AD5D-C9C145…)

I can smell the must from this tweet… disgusting
No. 939767
>>939761Why does she think it is a redeeming quality to “supposedly” stink up a club with your own vaginal funk? Considering she doesn’t shower and her hygiene is poor, the smell would be sour. Like men’s balls after the gym. /gag
I don’t believe for one second her rancid puss fumigated the club. But why she’s trying to sell this idea suddenly is gross and weird. (FYI shay, even full nude strip clubs don’t smell like pussy. Go to your obg)
No. 939771
File: 1583163629238.jpg (93.18 KB, 1080x681, Screenshot_20200302-153853_Twi…)

Why does she out herself like this?
Is anal phase over?
No. 939784
>>939771Old Mood Stabilizers: dry pussy, no sex drive, impossible to cum
new Mood stabilizers-dry pussy, no sex drive, impossible to cum
No. 939805
>>939489>needed and been around foreverI really hate how somewhere down the line men tricked women into thinking showing their entire asshole to the internet for free is "just being body positive guys"! And that SWs somehow are the most feminist because "it's a necessity" for strange men on the internet to see naked women. Like what kind of misogyny rebranded as women empowerment is that?
How could you look at the kind of self destructive behavior Shay has and not see its directly related to her unhealthy relationship with porn and sex? She can barely go a month without publically showing her vagina or getting naked in fitting rooms just so strangers can give her 10 dollars for lunch. Her only hobby is getting drunk and degrading herself on camera. Its depressing af and not "a noble and needed respected career uwu".
No. 939809
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Anyone else notice the banner change.
No. 939814
File: 1583169052774.png (18.65 KB, 716x82, Screenshot (246).png)

>>939810i'm not sure its based on earnings, pic related is from OF FAQs and just says 'account perfomance' then on another website found
>Since it has not been announced how they measure this scale, it can be based off of earnings OR followers OR possibly some formula that includes both! This ranking is completely private to your dashboard and is not shared with other models or customers, which is a great way to implement this feature to minimize “competition” and unfriendly attitudes.could it be based on the amount of stuff she posts?
No. 939842
>>939830She thinks "making the room smell like pussy" is the same as a room smelling like sex afterwards
When it doesn't. If a pussy can smell up a room, that pussy is rank and not a good thing.
It just makes me think of being on your period and how you can smell yourself and it's horrible
No. 940077
File: 1583198411442.jpg (578.99 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200302-201845_Twi…)

you can tell from these tweets that she actually just sat on her ass all day and tried extremely hard to not tweet for 16 hours until it was painful just to seem like she has a life
No. 940078
File: 1583198593037.jpg (Spoiler Image,652.94 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200302-202218_Chr…)

she says she got her hair done "all day today" all day??? but .. it looks like this? what fucking salon
No. 940084
>>940078I used to think the fat child's body critique was just nitpicky, but this picture…damn. Dolly for your own sake look at how other girls your size pose, I'm sure they're not doing this.
Or better yet, stop doing sex work and get a normal job at a McDonald's or something. You can still get male attention by just being the cutest girl at the drive-thru, and you don't have to show anybody your "fat pussy".
No. 940098
>>940078Maybe they just did a blunt cut of her deadends and washed it?
Other then that, I can't see a difference.
No. 940101
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>>940098supposedly what she had done.
i bet the stylist did her bangs normal and she was upset they didn’t look like a roll of quarters like how she photographed them once she got home.
No. 940163
File: 1583208892723.jpg (99.11 KB, 718x481, Screenshot_20200302-201349_Chr…)

"Ambitious" super kek. Ya or shes just manic rn. The only time she ever does any work.
No. 940297
>>940163Are these other swers taking the piss? They
have to see how awful her content is and how fake her 20 orgasms in a minute are.
No. 940351
File: 1583252712242.png (716.18 KB, 2048x1870, Screenshot_20200303-112351.png)

has Shayna not yet realized that she looks like a non passing trans woman? Especially with her horrific makeup and fridge body?
Here's the answer Shay: the waiter thought you were a man.
No. 940353
File: 1583252923660.png (941.63 KB, 1490x2048, Screenshot_20200303-112809.png)

It's only ever cancel culture when it's you, right Shayna? This whole post just makes me furious.
No. 940356
File: 1583253039418.png (819.2 KB, 1512x2048, Screenshot_20200303-112931.png)

Sorry to break it to you but it's really not like that for most sex workers. Most girls that have an OF either have a second "vanilla" job or are a full time sex worker and don't only use OF for income.
Not every sex worker is retarded like you Shayna.
No. 940359
File: 1583253201282.png (506.43 KB, 2048x1317, Screenshot_20200303-113304.png)

Does she realize women don't have prostates or…
No. 940389
>>940353so what's the situation here? Is this freak trying to get "unexperienced" girs to fuck them? I assume it's a Troon (I think i notice the name), fuck Shayna but if she's speaking out about this (if that's the situation) then I'm with her hypocritical ass.
Even if Shaynas gross as fuck. Also Shayna please stop pretending like you had 100s of sexworkers shit on you and cancel you.
No one cares about you but us.
No. 940393
>>940391Oh so Shayna's jealous that she's not picking an "vet" like her to be one the show? I thought it was some creepy shit but seems slightly less creepy now.
Why do sexworkers like Shayna who literally sexualize childern items, pretend to be a child, shit on women constantly pretend like they care about other girls?
No. 940397
>>940395Hmm then they have a point. I doubt Shayna cares, I feel she's just jumping on someone she probably is jealous of and we know she loves to talk down to people.
So there's a reason to be concerned but Shayna isn't doing it because she cares it my point
No. 940401
File: 1583257432916.png (225.38 KB, 598x770, vgfgfgf.png)

>>940397>>940398she pretended to care for 0.5 seconds but then started making fun of the girls friend lol
she should just admit she loves drama
No. 940405
>>940401Someone calls Shayna Ugly- Spazzes out
Shayna picks at someone- "it's okay because-"
What a ugly, troon looking gross bully
No. 940406
>>940353Something no one brought up but I bet if this was a dude doing what this person was attempting not only would Shayna not say anything but she may have even defended it in the name of "stop cancelling people!" i think she didn't like this person in the first place.
And we know she loves to be shitty towards women, even if what she's saying isn't really all that wrong.
No. 940415
>>940356Smart people have savings accounts, and also a plan B or a back-up plan. Literally ANYONE ANYWHERE can lose their job and their livelihood. Like…what the fuck is she talking about lmao. An Uber driver could get into an accident and total their car. And now they don’t have a job. See? You’re not a fucking frail uwu sex worker so oppressed.
Also, your mom or dad will take you in the minute your sex work career dies. So shut the fuck up.
No. 940488
File: 1583275130623.jpg (Spoiler Image,416.68 KB, 1080x1076, Screenshot_20200303-163710_Twi…)

>>940487Her new video coming
No. 940490
File: 1583275229629.jpg (Spoiler Image,458.86 KB, 1080x1262, Screenshot_20200303-164011_Twi…)

Weren't they planning on making content together awhile ago?
No. 940491
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No. 940492
File: 1583275288757.jpg (159.84 KB, 1080x681, Screenshot_20200303-163923_Twi…)

That money will be blown
No. 940564
>>940492So she's 'trading in' her computer and then saving up to buy a new one, with no computer to edit/work/upload on in between?
That's not trading in, Shay. That's "I'm broke and had to pawn it"
No. 940594
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No. 940600
>>940572She admitted recently that she films and edits on her iPhone
And it isn't like she cams anymore so does she even need a computer
No. 940654
File: 1583294621294.webm (Spoiler Image,8.95 MB, 1694x960, DumSluttyMutt.webm)

Dumbest shit you'll see today. Dolly Muttell, dumb slutty mutt. The second hand embarrassment is strong here.
No. 940822
File: 1583333964839.jpg (Spoiler Image,446.7 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200304-095719_Twi…)

well what do you expect? your videos are all exactly the same but with different outfits, and you post it all for free on Twitter anyway. why would anyone pay for that?
No. 940900
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more proof and now explanation of her retarded vendetta against women in her life.
No. 940901
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>>940900here's what she was replying to
No. 940902
>>940900double post, but let's just remember this is coming from the girl who consistently tries to shit on other sex workers claiming she has "shit on all your faves" and price shames and other bullshit.
Don't throw stones in glass houses Shayna.
No. 940928
>>940904it's not.
and the sad thing is this is shayna is literally incapable of seeing that that's the real gag.
No. 940937
>>940900So because
some women bullied her ALL women are bad, but she has an issue with people saying all men were bad…because…what?
bitch you were raped by a man, but whatever go off
No. 940939
>>940921exactly when she feels like shit she runs to women sex workers/ women in her discord. Not the men buying her porn that she protects so much who do NOTHING for her. Reminder this is a girl who claimed she was "raped" but seems to hate her mom/other women more then the dude.
Its okay for her to hate women but not okay for women to hate men.
No. 940943
>>940940at least we look at Shayna as a person, those men DO not. people keep saying it but she's more likely to be seriously harmed by some fuck boy she invites into her pussy then anything lolcow can do. In fact I'd say we care about this bitch more then her orbiters/sex workers friends do, because even if we can be mean people here give her sound advice.
We don't kiss her ass and feed her lies
No. 940950
File: 1583355176381.png (2.24 MB, 1834x2048, Screenshot_20200304-155211.png)

She's…she's not serious about this right?
No. 940955
File: 1583356004320.jpeg (266.93 KB, 1241x1482, FE66574D-3CA2-4084-BEB4-929664…)

"extremely smart/aware"
… whatever helps you sleep at night.
No. 941010
File: 1583362431714.png (616.37 KB, 1645x2048, Screenshot_20200304-175341.png)

So, more dildo chewing? Cool.
No. 941057
File: 1583367382425.png (2.13 MB, 2048x2018, Screenshot_20200304-191505.png)

based on the setup, it's just gonna be another dildo chomping adventure.
If it's a dude, idk what idiot she got that would want to sit on a pink children's day bed with stuffed animals while getting his dick chomped by a goblin.
No. 941063
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Her new header
No. 941065
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No. 941072
>>940490LMAO PIXIE IS UGLY TOO FUCK sage for autism I understand why she never had her face in pics, she looks like Venus with down syndrome.
Tbh at least Shayna is kind of trying now? I feel like we really hit a low point over the last 6 months and she's starting to improve. Shay honey, if you put dry shampoo on your Amazon list I'll send you some.
No. 941100
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No. 941102
File: 1583372008725.jpg (174.37 KB, 1080x773, Screenshot_20200304-193308_Twi…)

She sounds like a pleasant person to take to dinner
No. 941109
>>941010>>Big Money>>941100>>$100kids get more then this on their birthday or for allowence.
>>941102yes what else would a man talk to you about over dinner? You're day, interests? Thoughts, dream? nah just sex because thats all you are to them. I bet the dude gives one word answers to everything thats not sexual.
No. 941119
File: 1583372928815.jpg (143.44 KB, 1079x697, Screenshot_20200304-194725_Twi…)

Cause you have nothing to offer Shay
No. 941128
File: 1583374645969.jpg (273.4 KB, 1080x1199, Screenshot_20200304-201719_Twi…)

No. 941170
File: 1583379793598.jpg (163.43 KB, 1080x862, Screenshot_20200304-214129_Twi…)

No. 941171
File: 1583379803917.jpg (Spoiler Image,217.92 KB, 1075x593, 20200304_224209.jpg)

this looks like a fever dream or a nightmare
No. 941172
File: 1583379939202.jpg (452.16 KB, 1080x1305, Screenshot_20200304-214300_Twi…)

No. 941173
File: 1583379981018.jpg (188.85 KB, 1080x577, Screenshot_20200304-214402_Twi…)

Oh PLEASE Shay. You argue with people so you can have your orbiters praise and back you up
No. 941175
File: 1583380163648.jpg (Spoiler Image,511.31 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200304-224711_Chr…)

the way she grips the dildos with her weird clammy, stubby hands is so unsettling
No. 941177
>>941173Coming from the same bitch who said "haha I have receipts on all your faves! All your faves are
problematic and I could show you but I won't because I love stirring up drama tehe!"
Nothing about Shayna is positive or respectful.
No. 941180
File: 1583380586574.png (1.04 MB, 1739x2048, Screenshot_20200304-225506.png)

So Shayna claims to hate cancel culture and claims she's not a bully, but here she is actively participating in the bullying and attempted cancelling of the woman who raised thousands of dollars selling her nudes to donate to Australia wildfires.
But sure, you're totally a positive and respected member of the sex work community.
No. 941224
File: 1583391762786.jpeg (396.22 KB, 2048x2048, ESU1AMGWkAE4bEA.jpeg)

OF anons come through, is this her fake jizz again? Lmao at those eyebrows
No. 941241
>>941224this reminds me of when she applied lube like a fucking lotion to her entire face and claimed it was a facial kek
it has got to be fake
No. 941354
File: 1583430293185.png (Spoiler Image,1.58 MB, 2048x1768, Screenshot_20200305-124407.png)

Lmao that dude is a complete retard. Hope he had fun getting his dick scraped in front of a pink children's daybed.
No. 941358
>>941354 You called the price drop to $75
>>941115 anon
No. 941361
>>941354I'd probably change my name and never speak to Shayna again if Shayna was my daughter, there's something so fucked up an gross about her. She's literally a fuck toy to this dude, it's crazy how you can just tel that he gives no fucks.
Probably ony came because she said she'd suck his dick, buckled up his pants and left her mentally ill ass.
with his linty ass shirt you can tell he's a dusty fuck boy.
she truly disgusts me.
No. 941374
>>941354if this isn't fupa, she definitely attracts a "type" lmao
dude didn't even pull his shirt up…?
No. 941377
>>941359Oh she did a handful of threads ago
Pandering to MRAs who call it genital mutilation
No. 941383
File: 1583434873251.jpg (Spoiler Image,428.19 KB, 809x1860, Screenshot_20200305-130049_Chr…)

Why does it say "itsdollymattel"? And why did she screenshot her own tweet and tweet a picture of it?
No. 941450
File: 1583442430331.png (Spoiler Image,201.86 KB, 437x247, dddd.PNG)

>>941444and i Love how his dick looked somewhat decent sized in
>>941383but just looks so smol and uninterested in the video.Kek at that belly and her face.
No. 941474
File: 1583444449334.png (2.54 MB, 2048x1820, Screenshot_20200305-164016.png)

Fatty bought this cake so she could depression eat it herself and have an excuse, bet
No. 941478
>>941405Not the thread to discuss this
>>941450Upside to small dick dude is he probably feels big when Shayna gags on half an inch
No. 941480
>>941474"happy birthday boyfriend! let me put this on my porn/work twitter in a bra so other men who don't give a fuck can see!"
I bet you he's spending his birthday with family and friends and will stop by for some dry puss/ ass and go home.
No. 941483
>>941440I was wondering why that guy has his shirt pulled so far down over his mound, the video shows obvious compression wear… Is this Fupa or Fupa 2.0 ??
>>941443Pathetic. Low test coomer confirmed.
No. 941485
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No. 941488
File: 1583445218651.jpg (Spoiler Image,447.21 KB, 1080x1251, Screenshot_20200305-155328_Twi…)

No. 941492
File: 1583445715912.png (101.55 KB, 192x273, ddddd.PNG)

is this the outfit from that shoot she did a while back? The fur one (also yaniv smirk)
No. 941494
>>941376was fupa circumcized?
>>941450Strega Nona and the Night of the Orzo Dick
(I would call it spaghetti but it's not long enough)
No. 941509
File: 1583447860275.png (Spoiler Image,2.9 MB, 750x1334, 1531115956242.png)

>>941494he wasn't
I went back to previous threads and found this picture of fupa's dick, just for comparison. and he also had compression tanks just like
>>941383 No. 941523
File: 1583449089886.jpeg (Spoiler Image,190.67 KB, 1125x624, F0A54230-E829-4261-B39D-60B2EF…)

No. 941555
>>941548>was fupa circumcized?>no he wasn'tyou're not reading what was written. no one is saying he doesn't.
I'm still not convinced Fupa ever left the picture for more than a month or two at a time. he was paying her phone bill only a few months ago. why would she not be looking to move out of Tulsa?
No. 941630
>>941614I think this recent dick has a different shape, but I don't really want to go into detail.
>>941624Oh god no, let's hope Shayna is not that gross.
No. 941650
File: 1583455874362.jpg (341.91 KB, 1076x1346, Screenshot_20200305-185038_Twi…)

Lol like a TV is an important thing to have
No. 941652
File: 1583456082488.jpg (579.72 KB, 1080x1871, Screenshot_20200305-185048_Twi…)

No. 941653
File: 1583456110305.jpg (496.68 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200305-185058_Twi…)

I guarantee that one of her female orbiters sent this
No. 941655
>>941650Right. Cause your mom never gave you those things. Lmao.
Are her mommy issues so deeply seeded that she hates all women?
No. 941657
File: 1583456216771.jpg (452.45 KB, 1080x1199, Screenshot_20200305-185019_Twi…)

But isn't there somewhere in the thread where she had people tip her to answer the door naked?
No. 941673
File: 1583457613731.png (255.54 KB, 750x1334, DB4D719B-6C87-4A00-B9E1-85E1E9…)

i thought all your weight was going to your boobs, shaytard?
No. 941706
File: 1583462175711.jpg (Spoiler Image,366.69 KB, 1080x1279, Screenshot_20200305-203556_Twi…)

Why? It's literally like every other one she's made
No. 941715
File: 1583464767218.jpg (299.56 KB, 1080x1299, Screenshot_20200305-211903_Twi…)

Didn't she already have shirts made? And they didn't sell?
Also, she's probably not paying this person
No. 941728
File: 1583466552792.jpg (163.23 KB, 1077x737, Screenshot_20200305-214733_Twi…)

Is she talking about those girls she posted on her snap before?
She'll get drunk and forget to post the vid
No. 941799
>>941787She’s completely delusional and thinks she’s some famous big-deal ~porn star. She thinks people want posters of her on their wall because they bought her porn once.
Her fake stories of men paying for her snacks at the mini mart and everyone claps, or men shouting “dolly!” Out the car window as they drive by, or delivery guys being speechless when she answers the door. She’s living a narc fantasy.
No. 941861
>>941800I know it’s splooshing of the cake, I’m also pretty sure that’s what this fetish is called. (Side note: I’m also pretty sure it’s common with larger camwhores to do this and plays into the feedee bbw kink)
It sounds like she farted during that lol, so sexy shay /s
No. 941893
>>941800she always acts so aloof and sarcastic, like she did the same thing in her pig video. "why would i sit on it? sure, i'll sit on a cake for your birthday" like she may as well just roll her eyes because she's acting so unenthusiastic.
also i swear she's done the cake thing twice before this, so she's just recycling old videos again & again.
No. 941895
File: 1583504041083.png (99.06 KB, 1180x324, Screenshot 2020-03-06 at 14.12…)

yeah men spending $3 to jerk off to you degrading yourself is so very wholesome lmao
No. 941912
File: 1583507964987.jpg (Spoiler Image,196.77 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20200306_071831.jpg)

Absolute fucking nightmare
No. 941914
>>941895You could get the same validation and pride selling knitted socks on Etsy to hipsters.
But keep degrading yourself to men for the price of value meal, I guess.
No. 941933
>>941800I'll never understand why she takes on a rude disgusted tone. "You want me to sit on it?!"
isn't this supposed to be like you're the viewers girlfriend? Why would you sound offended and disgusted when he asks you to sit on his dick?
No. 941939
>>941933She's either fucking up a whack attempt at being a "domme" as usual or fucking up a whack attempt at being a brat. Just comes off as bitchy and lazy.
I think her attitude from her last vid carried over and she's just too stupid to realize it's not sexy.
No. 941970
File: 1583519177861.png (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 2048x1160, Screenshot_20200306-132600.png)

No. 942060
File: 1583535217952.png (2.71 MB, 1760x1510, retard1.png)

Please be patient I have autism
No. 942061
File: 1583535270092.png (3.29 MB, 2798x1534, retard2.png)

So bleak. Why post this? It isn't cute.
No. 942128
File: 1583542954881.png (83.45 KB, 598x431, Screen Shot 2020-03-06 at 8.00…)

She claims to have been supporting herself with sex work since she was 18 yet here she is saying it took her years to make sex work a living source of income. What is she talking about? She is on this senior veteran sex worker know-it-all kick lately.
No. 942129
File: 1583543031021.png (127.81 KB, 601x500, Screen Shot 2020-03-06 at 8.00…)

2/2 - Also claiming to make hundreds of dollars hour. Yet she is stuck in a shitty hole in the wall apartment in bumfuck Oklahoma. um ok
No. 942146
>>942128The more she gets
triggered about people saying "it's easy and fast money" the more she shows that she is ashamed that for a lot of women IT IS THAT.
Shayna you do NOT make it look easy, I'm here to tell you. It's been what? 4 or 5 years for her? She still does not have a car ro anything to show for it whatsoever.
It kills her there are women out there who can do sex work for a month, get what they need and never do it again. Shit some can do that in a day.
She feels that any woman who uses their body for money HAS to become a sex worker full time or they are invalidating her as an "hard working sex worker" when there's always smarter, prettier and more hardworking bitches out there then you Shayna.
Everyone doesn't want to ruin their lives trying to do twitter sex work for years.
Some people actually have lives. Sorry sweetie.
No. 942152
>>942129>>claims she makes hundreds an houryes shayna looks and lives like someone who makes hundreds an hour. This person begging for money to move, this person who was begging for a computer, this person who dresses as she does,has hair that she has, has the make up looks that she has, has the house that she does. Sure. It's almost WORST if she's telling the truth because you are living like that but making hundreds a hour? Damn. and your job is all about how you look yet you aren't putting money into it?
The fact she can't think of any other job shows how fucking sheltered, dumb, drunk/high she is. She really thinks she's special.
No. 942187
File: 1583551126881.jpg (49.1 KB, 1080x226, Screenshot_20200306-211755_Sam…)

The tags for the video
No. 942205
File: 1583553911240.jpg (538.27 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200306-220350_Twi…)

"She wouldn't be alive today." Oh PLEASE. She's still being financially supported by her parents who have been offering her a FREE place to live
No. 942228
File: 1583556499991.jpg (Spoiler Image,477.97 KB, 1080x1274, Screenshot_20200306-224808_Twi…)

You can tell this is EXTREMELY edited
No. 942303
>>942205I love how this Coomer is basically saying Shayna is so fucking weak and fucked in the head that she'd DIE if she wasn't doing porn or if porn didn't work for her. Thats not a compliment Shayna, thats just this nigga saying you are weak as fuck and have nothing else to live for.
"a best friend" what? This shit is creepy. Funny how sucking cock verbally gets her more interaction then showing herself sucking cock fake and real. I bet most the people liking this shit don't/won't buy her porn.
Also we SHOULD make fun of men who pay for porn, because we know for a fact they aren't doing it because Shayna makes good shit or is worth the money, it's weirdos like this, lonely people who think she gives a fuck or cares about them. That she'll notice them and become their girlfriend. There's so much free porn out there that there's not one reason to buy porn, period point blank. If you are spending money on porn you deserved to be mocked and WILL be mocked.
No. 942413
File: 1583603927136.jpg (172.22 KB, 1080x1147, 20200307_125728.jpg)

honestly probably from her digging in her asshole all day and never washing her hands, seeing as she doesn't go out enough to have caught something
No. 942431
>>942413“Probably from digging in her asshole all day”
No. 942475
>>942413So what is twitter supposed to do about it? Lol. Most people are asleep. I’ll never understand people who do this.
Incoming hospital bracelet picture.
No. 942494
File: 1583613257464.jpg (364.98 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200307-143251_Chr…)

This comment fucking kills me, but beyond that, I love how Shay says she's super sick and throwing up followed by saying she's going to take a 125mg edible. She's so brain dead kek
No. 942498
File: 1583613426778.jpg (77.29 KB, 810x424, Screenshot_20200307-143609_Chr…)

>>942494Also love her response, like accidents don't happen and people don't get pregnant "only doing anal"
No. 942500
>>942494I just had a horrible horrible thought of what Shayna would do porn wise if she was ever to get pregnant. Thankfully, Shayna has said she doesn't want kids, but with how fucked in the head she is I can 100% see her keeping a child to trap a dude, but I doubt that dude would be trapped.
Ugh, seeing Shayna and Pregnant in the same sentence makes my head hurt even if it's phrased in a very very unlikely "what if?" situation.
No. 942517
>>942498I love that she isn't mention BC or condoms. Just "I do anal"
Could be an STI since those can make you feel flu-y but most likely just her body hating her for her shit diet
No. 942565
File: 1583622807836.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.25 MB, 3152x2364, A6112863-C526-4EB6-9A10-67FDA8…)

sorry ladies my hand was forced
No. 942583
>>942517It's probably a combination of shit diet and alcohol consumption. Gastritis and vomiting isn't uncommon in chronic alcoholics.
No. 942591
File: 1583628254434.jpg (Spoiler Image,582.02 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200307-194247_Chr…)

i can smell the pig sweats more than usual in this vid. Shay, instead of doing whatever this is, please go to a fucking doctor
No. 942592
File: 1583628519715.jpeg (93.91 KB, 750x441, 4A7F0613-EB9E-40C8-AD0A-C05816…)

No. 942593
File: 1583628540588.jpeg (141.87 KB, 738x772, 4D4FB4E0-7B73-4FAF-8484-EAB7B2…)

No. 942595
>>942593>>942592lmao hysterical. yesterday she wouldn't shut up about how amazing men are and today now that one has "wronged" her they're also horrible just like women. she's such a flaky see through moron.
and what the fuck does she mean by "harassing"? literally makes no sense. she knows she's an insufferable irrational brain dead cunt and for the billionth fucking time is putting all of the blame on someone else while playing hardcore
victim. love how vague all of this is, she gives zero context or real details besides claiming she's the innocent perfect
victim as always and that someone else is manipulating and harassing her, she pulls this pathetic act daily online and now her boy toy who uses her for anal is getting it too kek.
No. 942599
File: 1583629535619.jpg (395.97 KB, 1080x1337, Screenshot_20200307-190404_Twi…)

No. 942601
>>942592This ain't it sis. Don't make your boyfriend out to be an
abusive asshole because he's looking after your well-being. Smoking weed won't fix your anxiety. You DO need to admit your problems are your fault.
This dude is actually trying to help her and she's calling him
abusive for it. I really can't take the idiocy.
No. 942602
>>942593>>942599>>942592Can someone explain to me why she’s boohooing? Is she saying it’s
abusive that he’s telling her to take her meds and not smoke weed as cope?
No. 942603
>>942599Yes that
is what someone would say if they cared about you because they want you to take your meds and take care of yourself.
No. 942604
>>942602She's saying that him telling her to take her meds and not letting her get her weed pen is
abusive because he's trying to manipulate her. It makes literally 0 sense.
No. 942609
>>942599>>942593>>942592One after after she posts a vid for sale of him cumming on her face. Almost like having no line between your work and real life is bad for a relationship?
Also lol at her throwing a tantrum and calling him
abusive for asking her to take her meds and maybe not smoke a shit ton of weed
No. 942612
>>942599If he didn’t care he would never have bothered in the first place. She’s an idiot.
She ends up wanting to take them anyways. What a tantrum throwing child.
Shayna someone begging you to take your medicine isn’t
abusive. Wtf.
No. 942614
>>942610gee i wonder why someone wouldn't want their mentally retarded asshole narcissist partner posting how
abusive and evil they are and tweeting over and over how he's making everything her fault and "crying on the floor" etc lol. probably just doesn't appreciate shayna's psychotic lies she's clearly telling. this mystery man isn't a good guy by any means but we know how shaytard tells these identical fantasy tales about everyone including her own mother.
No. 942629
File: 1583632667626.jpeg (585.33 KB, 828x1214, 5473B434-9BB0-4F50-83BF-5650A7…)

Y’all she’s retweeting thinspo
No. 942630
File: 1583632808206.jpg (329.79 KB, 1080x926, Screenshot_20200307-195811_Twi…)

It's hilarious how MV uses this super old pic to advertise her account
No. 942632
File: 1583632899851.jpg (Spoiler Image,450.07 KB, 1080x1692, Screenshot_20200307-195744_Twi…)

Cause you're just so clever Shay
Doesn't she realize most people go to work sick?
No. 942635
>>942632This is insanely tone-deaf with the current climate where the issue is people CAN'T call in sick to work bc they'll lost money/their jobs
It's been a big subject of debate with Covid-19 on the rise and general flu season
No. 942669
>>942663omfg. she seriously has such unfortunate genetics, like, she's not even
that chunky yet she's completely covered in cellulite and now also has (not almost, but fully has) developed cankles.
she's always been curveless, but at least before she was skinny enough to play it off as underdeveloped pedo-pandering for her work. now she's aged and bloated and crusty all over. I feel like we'll be seeing a huge decline towards (if not hitting) rock bottom by her 24th birthday a little over a year from now.
No. 942702
>>942669She does have unfortunate genetics, but a lot of that also has to do with the fact that she’s
completely sedentary. Most people, even if they don’t exercise at all, at least have jobs or lives that require them to move around somewhat. Shay literally stays in bed all day and only gets up to get more weed, food, or booze.
No. 942856
File: 1583700113785.png (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 2048x1154, Screenshot_20200308-163905.png)

She's fat and flat in all the wrong places.
No. 942899
>>942870I think those anons realized that Shay is a lost cause. She will never see the error in her ways and will forever chose to be a
victim in life. She’s one of the biggest hypocrites on this site in my opinion. I’ve never seen a cow sperg out about several topics and then, literally in the next breath, do exactly what it is she’s “so against”. Attacking SWers for cheap content, protecting minors from SW, gofundme’s/handouts, cancel culture…it goes on and on. Some cows might have something they preach but don’t practice (like icky vicky’s pretend love for other women) but Shay is the extreme. It’s weird.
Also, shay is extremely privileged and acts like she is helpless or unloved. Which is far from the truth. She has parents that would take her in RIGHT NOW rent free. And a father who pays her bills. That pisses off a lot of people- especially those who actually have nothing and parents who likely disowned them because of their job.
No. 942941
File: 1583723322601.jpg (570.9 KB, 1080x1859, Screenshot_20200308-220759_Twi…)

Nice to know she takes Noodle for walks while she's drunk
No. 942960
>>942634You really think he'd stick around if she wasn't a cum dumpster willing to indulge all his gross fetishes in exchange for a greasy hamburger and a pat on the head?
He begs her to take her meds and holds her weed pen hostage because it's the only way to make her slightly less of a psycho. He's willing to stick his dick in crazy, but he wishes she was less
annoyingly crazy.
No. 943026
File: 1583762583756.png (291.99 KB, 1517x1872, Screenshot_20200309-095855.png)

Lol Coming from the girl that was basically accusing her boyfriend of abusing/manipulating her like one day ago.
That Anon was right. The speed of which she preaches about a subject and then goes right on to do that exact thing she was condemning gives me whiplash. She's fucking brain dead and I wish Twitter would just kick her dumb ass off.
No. 943060
>>943026She always makes it come back to her and how much of a
victim she is. It's pathetic narcissistic bullshit. Get over yourself, Shayna.
No. 943061
File: 1583766919145.png (1018.92 KB, 1580x2048, Screenshot_20200309-111430.png)

KEK. you think she's gonna come full circle and start throwing herself into fat fetish porn? She's already talking about fatphobia being used against her.
I fucking can't this has to be a joke.
No. 943066
File: 1583767292259.png (502.11 KB, 2048x1034, Screenshot_20200309-111948.png)

HAHAHAH okay but?????? You're constantly bitching about how people haven't forgiven you after you apologized and say you've ChAnGeD?! Yo, I'm convinced. She's fucking retarded and probably the biggest hypocrite to Grace this fucking site and that's saying something. Fucking scum.
No. 943067
File: 1583767492166.png (346.72 KB, 2048x688, Screenshot_20200309-112411.png)

>>943061A rare moment of clarity and honesty from this fat cow.
No. 943073
>>943061"waah waaah my mood stabilizers!"
obviously they aren't working for you, shay. you've gained weight because of your shit lifestyle, not because of your meds.
No. 943074
>>943070She's just about 5'5"
The only reason I know is because it used to say it on her model page when she was with an agency, who did all her measurements when she was there so she couldn't lie about them.
No. 943075
File: 1583767958135.gif (1.8 MB, 527x250, ded.gif)

>>943061>mood stabilizers made me gain 30 pounds>mood stabilizers>30>>943067did she just call herself doughy i can't stop laughing
No. 943079
File: 1583768199553.jpeg (85.82 KB, 672x416, 82F8EFF4-9B3F-4071-A6F8-41C7D4…)

i wouldn’t be surprised if she’s over 140 as she used to claim on her mfc profile that she was 105
No. 943082
File: 1583768825456.png (288 KB, 2048x896, Screenshot_20200309-114417.png)

She's really on one today kek
I don't know if Twitter shows who voted for what but I'd die if people voted that she was hotter when she was thin. No one's gonna be really honest tho. We all know the real answer here, Shayna.
Women who weight 140 can be hot but the fact that Shay has zero curves, fat boy tits, lunch lady arms, doesn't work out at all resulting in her "loaf of bread" body with a shit ton of cellulite is not attractive.
No. 943087
>>943026>other women aren’t victims, I AM A VICTIM UWU>>943061Girl…are you for fucking real? You are constantly posting old photos of you when you were skinny. Of course people are going to compare…you’re giving them the fucking ammo.
>>943066Learning life lessons from cartoons like a true retard.
>>943082Her constant need for validation and reassurance on the internet is pathetic.
I honestly think I need a break from Shay. Her hypocrisy and idiocy is too much for me to handle sometimes.
No. 943089
>>943082"dont say "when you were skinny" thats fataphobic! But also, be honest was I hotter when I was skinnier?"
She's a piece of shit and she's really losing it today
And NO one cares about what she's been "Cancelled" for she bring it up so fucking much. I feel she truly thinks that trump shit ruined her career, not her.
No. 943095
>>943026 She's truly a piece of shit. This is a "rape
victim" by the way, a
victim of abuse from her trump loving mother, a
victim of "cancel culture"
Yet here she is, sticking her nose in some shit that has ZERO to do with her. Trying to tell people what to do.
Comparing someone being accused of rape/abuse to the shit she's been through, which NO ONE knows about or cares about because she is a nobody!
Didn't she say she had shit on a lot of female sex workers? So if Shayna exposes that we should 100% believe and cancel, but if another woman talks about abuse from a man? Shayna has an issue with that.
She's truly disgusting.
No. 943100
File: 1583770930133.png (18.24 KB, 593x229, Screenshot (251).png)

>>943096i screenshotted after
>>943093 asked, wasnt sure if it was considered cowtipping but ill post since she deleted it
No. 943104
>>943099i was already sending that message when the anon said she deleted it lol.
>>943100i shouldn't be surprised even when having anonymity they still answer coddlingly, but i'm still surprised a 100 actual people follow her to vote on this poll.
No. 943120
File: 1583774453122.jpeg (382 KB, 750x782, 4569C72F-7908-4BB2-9869-5D206F…)

she’s so deranged
No. 943142
>>943134and she's not going to change either. she'll run to twitter whining about the experience, then she'll continue to go out her way to shit on other women when they share their own experiences.
she's constantly policing what people can say or do, but she hates SJWs? I've barely seen a man or a male sex worker defend her ass either.
Only women. I'm just waiting for someone to tell her to shut the fuck up, because she does this every week.
Ads her two cents when no one fucking asked. She loves drama.
No. 943160
File: 1583780956616.jpeg (189.64 KB, 1242x431, C99706E1-E734-42DF-89D9-B0065A…)

Not sure if this was posted, jesus christ she’s so insensitive. People are dying Shayna, they probably wouldn't but your porn in the first place.
No. 943190
>>943160Thats a horrible Joke for her to make. reminder this is the same person who lost her shit about someone "joking" about "stripping" to get animal crossing.
I'm sure some of her regs have to be other sexworkers. Trash as fuck, joke or no joke.
No. 943253
File: 1583796544138.jpeg (74.72 KB, 504x556, F8210B9E-9223-4ADF-8D46-7BE015…)

She’s so stupid, you still have to work in exchange for a tip Shayna. You can’t just lie around all day and expect one.
No. 943280
File: 1583799957163.png (380.4 KB, 2048x892, Screenshot_20200309-202501.png)

First she posts this
No. 943282
File: 1583800013033.png (628.17 KB, 2048x1933, Screenshot_20200309-202329.png)

>>943280And then she tries to go for a domme angle with this? She sounds so fucking retarded. What submissive man wants a domme who self identifies as a baby who can't take care of herself?
No. 943285
File: 1583800779714.jpg (445.98 KB, 1080x1693, Screenshot_20200309-193920_Twi…)

How long will she use this excuse?
No. 943286
File: 1583800811009.jpg (Spoiler Image,505.62 KB, 1080x1495, Screenshot_20200309-193903_Twi…)

Those nasty feet
No. 943287
File: 1583800857448.jpg (308.45 KB, 1080x1871, Screenshot_20200309-193826_Twi…)

How long is she going to keep this up
No. 943291
File: 1583801350815.png (352.28 KB, 2048x512, Screenshot_20200309-204820.png)

She literally complained about it all day and then goes out and gets Chipotle. The lack of self awareness is astonishing.
No. 943324
>>943316You'd think a parent that didn't care at all about their child wouldn't bother to send them nice Christmas gifts. But alas.
Don't feed Shayna's delusion that she has terrible parents, she'll just believe it more. Her parents do seem to care about her and tons of anons speculate that her dad sends her money sometimes.
No. 943325
>>943287Shay is quick to use beaten to death meme formats, as usual.
>>943286She really need to choose a better photo for her fAt pUsSY posts. We've said it before, but it legitimately looks like she's just squeezing a ball sack between her legs.
No. 943335
File: 1583809207617.jpg (169.39 KB, 1080x1699, Screenshot_20200310-025643_Twi…)

Tinfoil but maybe Shayna's bf is in this band as she has never expressed anything about local music nor does she go to local gigs. Also tweet is now deleted. This ain't just some random local band she likes. Something is fishy.
No. 943340
>>943319She semi-outed herself bc she posted about someone sending her the amount she needed for rent basically (and other amounts that were large) but it was via paypal which she doesn't advertise and never has. Plus no comments like "for dolly"/etc
So the general consensus is that her dad was sending her money. Her Dad seems to just give her money and her mom sends her big gifts or takes her places (ex. Disney on ice)
No. 943341
File: 1583810275057.png (1.05 MB, 1351x2048, Screenshot_20200309-231714.png)

Keep milking how sick you are, shayna, while refusing to go to the doctor. Next week you'll have another excuse.
No. 943352
>>943347No this was probably 4-5 threads ago. Like it was obviously not cashapp or whatever. it was paypal, hence the tinfoil
>>943346When they eventually break up we'll find out. She'll say the band is shitty or end up going to a new bar
No. 943357
File: 1583810756028.png (3.64 MB, 1910x2048, Screenshot_20200309-232437.png)

>>943335They look like the kind she would go after tbh
No. 943358
File: 1583810764714.jpeg (591.92 KB, 1125x707, 28FC7E66-8660-43BD-B04C-DCF494…)

>>943353You don’t think plaid shirt could be Fupa 2.0? I hate to tinfoil but I’d love her to have slipped up like this
No. 943365
File: 1583810990836.png (368.38 KB, 2048x710, Screenshot_20200309-232854.png)

>almighty porn princess of Tumblr
Sure Jan.
No. 943374
>>943357Where there any identifying factors in that god awful blowjob video?
>>943365Lmao your 5 minutes of fame is over Shayna. You’ve peaked. You’re done.
No. 943383
File: 1583812084363.png (4.03 MB, 1242x2208, 18D4AD27-F046-4318-A4A7-144C73…)

>>943376Don’t know if this is hers, but it’s inactive either way
No. 943423
File: 1583818027403.png (438.76 KB, 750x1334, 6EF63866-1D9E-4E56-BBDC-6E0326…)

lol… i bet
No. 943437
>>943341here she goes again with the " the thing about being a sex worker…" tweets, that are not fucking unique at fucking all to sex work and show hoe sheltered and dumb she is.
You'd think Shayna was pumping out fucking 20 videos a day, not just retweeting old tweets, taking 15 pictures with 10 of them being identical and talking shit/getting into drama.
The past few months Shayna has been doing the same thing shittier each time.
The same video ideas but looking worst/doing wotrst. The same tweets but more tone dead and confusing. She's literally contradicting herself everyday now.
She has SO much downtime and she DOES and WILL not do fucking anything if she's having a fit, so stop acting like you have some strict scdule or goal for the day. You take days off because you feel "fat".
No. 943440
>>943423Wasn’t she going to do her dolly mattelevision every Wednesday and it lasted exactly 2 Wednesdays lol
I’ll give this exactly 1 Wednesday.
No. 943567
File: 1583854966042.jpeg (585.82 KB, 1125x1490, 98E50DE6-484F-4275-8937-7FF687…)

She gotta defend pedo-pandering now after she got called out so bad for that grinch porn, huh?
No. 943574
>>943567Newsflash Shayna, normal people are weirded out by that stuff. The condom scene was meant to be off-putting and gross
But also lol at her comparing fake 17 year olds to her sucking on a pacifier, pretending to be a baby getting fucked
No. 943575
>>943567this got me really incensed for a bit until i remembered in her brain this stuff is actually on the level of porn lmao
like how sex-obsessed/braindead/both do you have to be that you don't realize the boundary between cinema/tv shows and onlyfans?
No. 943576
>>943567she's such an idiot. i don't remember any part of mean girls where we see regina getting her ass drilled by her bf or a close up of her pussy. same with those other 2 movies/shows she mentions. also daenerys' age is changed in the show to make her older, and she's raped as a young teen in the books.
a depiction of 2 17yr olds having sex, shown in a non-graphic way with no nudity is totally the same thing as a grown woman sexualising a child, wearing a pacifier and acting out a fantasy where she's fucked by a father figure. yeah definitely the same shay /s
No. 943594
File: 1583857164498.jpg (534.27 KB, 1079x1568, Screenshot_20200310-111853_Chr…)

She already has enemies in OK, besides Fupa I'd assume.
No. 943596
File: 1583857206767.png (1.93 MB, 1990x2048, Screenshot_20200310-121939.png)

She really loves digging up her past drama. She's talking about Dawn.
No. 943597
File: 1583857256966.png (704.81 KB, 2048x1472, Screenshot_20200310-122053.png)

No. 943601
File: 1583857399467.png (522.39 KB, 2048x590, Screenshot_20200310-122303.png)

Trying to convince people she's being forced to live in her apartment. What a fucking retard.
No. 943603
File: 1583857459362.png (41.87 KB, 591x339, Screenshot (254).png)

>>943596not dawn lol. not sure who else it could be lmao
No. 943606
File: 1583857569204.jpg (95.93 KB, 1080x876, Screenshot_20200310-162449_Twi…)

Here she goes again, miss "I hate drama and call outs".
Also the tweet isn't deleted, she probably blocked her lol. Lying cow.
No. 943617
File: 1583858640666.png (166.03 KB, 1104x534, Screen Shot 2020-03-10 at 9.43…)

>>943606why are you lying, shay? she never deleted the comment. sorry someone is calling you out on the fact that you use people.
No. 943623
>>943567Tv Shows aren't fucking porn dumb ass, also they aren't really having fucking sex. This is so fucking dumb on SO many fucking levels. Is she serious? People aren't supposed to be jerking off to fake fucking sex between actors, porn is meant for people to jerk off, when you base porn on a fucking child's likeness thats fucking gross.
She's a fucking retard.
No. 943626
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No. 943627
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No. 943640
File: 1583860744941.png (41.98 KB, 598x462, 33.PNG)

Bitch you aren't relevent. You JUST got a proper bed, no car, no funiture, you'"claim" you are making "hundreds a hour" but you can't even get decent hair styles, clothes, back drops or make decent porn. You've gained like 50 pounds, you don't leave ur home, you have a fuck boy who breaks up with you every week, you have NO friends, ur family are disgusted by you, you are addicted to weed and alchol and NO ONE fucking likes you.
You are a NO ONE. You'll never be famous or respected. Shut the fuck up.
She really blames whatever those sex workers did for her own fucking decline. It's not all the reasons above why she's doing worst mentally and physically then ever, it's those dang sex workers!
You have NOTHING to show for YEARS of degrading urself. Even people at mc donalds have more in a YEAR then you do.
No. 943666
File: 1583865293074.png (652.82 KB, 2048x1365, Screenshot_20200310-143412.png)

Has she already forgotten that someone paid her to make a PUBLIC video about the "humiliating things she's done"?
Remember Shayna, the one where you admit you did porn as a minor?
No. 943676
>>943640They aren’t relevant because that was years ago and people eventually grow up and move on. Like…what? Is being relevant in her mind the worlds best accomplishment? Cause bitch you ain’t even relevant. Just fucking stupid.
>>943666Lmao WHAT?! She’s already done this….why would she think it’s a hater? And no hater is going to pay hundreds for you to do what you do on a daily basis- drink and say dumb shit. Her new meds are burning her last remaining brain cells I stg.
No. 943683
>>943666Every mintue she's spending "owning" the haters could be used making actual content and doing anything else productive. The more she does this the more content she's giving Lolcow and haterz
I guess she thinks she's defending herself, but she's really making herself look like a drama hungry crazy person.
No. 943759
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No. 943763
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It's called the FLU Shay
No. 943771
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No. 943785
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No. 943803
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No. 943809
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No. 943811
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No. 943819
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Needing some sympathy
Also, if her mom is such a terrible person, why did she call her?
No. 943825
>>943819How dare they be busy and have lives? How dare her
abusive horrible parents NOT be available for their poor poor abused respectable daughter. How dare they.
She's such a fucking entitled bitch.
No. 943836
File: 1583888256044.jpg (203.17 KB, 1075x721, Screenshot_20200310-195720_Twi…)

Wasn't she supposed to be taking a break cause she's "uwu so sick"
No. 943837
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>>943819I wonder what changed
No. 943839
>>943837Damn how she let go of all that abuse she suffered from her? being grounded once,taking care of her brother because her mom worked, having her mother not want her to do sex work, buying her a bad.
What the fuck? I'd never forgive my mom if she was that
No. 943851
File: 1583889568976.jpg (130.85 KB, 1080x607, Screenshot_20200310-201923_Twi…)

Get ready for begging
No. 943853
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No. 943867
>>943861You didn’t even sage. Type sage into the email next time.
Or just look over the rules altogether.
No. 943898
File: 1583895490222.jpg (448.2 KB, 1080x1418, Screenshot_20200310-214630_Twi…)

So her complaining about being sick and begging for money is considered working "hella hard"
No. 943908
File: 1583895978476.jpg (389.6 KB, 1078x1341, Screenshot_20200310-220004_Twi…)

Major KEK. "Internet personality"
No. 943917
>>943908she has so much false idealization over being a nobody
No. 943922
>>943898Yeah I don't even get this. Literally working for yourself doing something like this particularly, you are more fortunate to pick your hours and you actually can take a sick day. Your content is still out there to be sold. You can still make money. Like honestly doubt they're missing much by not posting a fresh pic of their asshole. She's so privileged. Meanwhile people out in the "real" world are at risk of losing their jobs if they dare call in for one day. They lose their pay. And if they do go in, they put the public at risk.
Literally what the fuck does she mean. Sorry but the sex work she does is nearly the least demanding shit ever. And it's not like she gives a fuck about schedules or quality of content so it just makes her statements like this extra fuckin rich. Whens the last time you cammed, Shay? Funny how she had the nerve to post about the cam awards when we can count on our hands how many times shes been on the last year.
No. 943946
>>943908Every time she reminisces about tumblr it gets sadder. She’s the exact definition of peaking in high school.
>>943853Why is she saying “flu” so many times? It’s like she wants everyone to know it’s in fact not coronavirus lol
No. 943957
>>943908We get it bitch you were *~tUmbLr FamoUZ*~
Write that shit on her gravestone
No. 944003
>>943341The fact that she's a sex worker by choice makes this even more tonedeaf imo.
If she was actually succesful a sick day wouldn't be the end of the world? First of all she would at least be living paycheck to paycheck rather than day to day.
And her old content would still bring in a steady stream of money I'm sure. When people are actual fans they are typically willing to help entertainers get through a rough time in any way they can.
She's just vad with money and scheduling.
No. 944124
File: 1583943500806.jpg (540.6 KB, 1080x1055, Screenshot_20200311-091722_Twi…)

She wants to make sure we know fupa 2.0 is doing the absolute bare minimum for her
No. 944127
>>944124no but isn't he
abusive and tells her she's crazy while
crying on the floor?! lord, the whiplash!
No. 944128
File: 1583943957672.jpg (200.46 KB, 1073x1420, Screenshot_20200311-162421_Twi…)

>Made ramen
What so he put the kettle on and poured it in a pot? What a guy! Such hero.
No. 944130
>>944127honestly anon, if i were dating shay i would probably call her crazy too.
>>944124my bet is that she got all of this for herself.
No. 944137
>>944127Yeah she's def the
abusive one here. As much as he's probably gross af for tolerating Shayna, she doesn't deserve him. Making sure you're taking meds and eating isn't an abuser. You're just a fucking brat who uses people
No. 944154
>>944124>>944128her standards for men and for her partners are so fucking low they're beneath the dirt. congrats, he went to CVS and bought you $12 worth of shitty snacks.
>>944135i highly doubt his intentions are pure and that he actually cares about taking care of her. i'm sure there's some nasty kinkshit at play here considering he bought her princess goldfish and other kawaii ugu snacks. incoming "Daddy bought me snacks and cummed in my butt uwu" post. filth.
No. 944163
>>944124>>944128This dude does the barest of miniums and she's like, "dhdjdkeje he spent $20!!! He brought me snacks!!! He made me noodles!!! He took 20 mintues out of his day before making my sick ass suck his dick to repay him for the small favor!!!"
This is why i don't believe he does much for her, because every time he does ONE fucking thing she brags about it.
No. 944169
>>944154Yeah, i'm not sold he's not a fuck boy asshole using her for quick easy sex. So what he asks her to take her pills? Yeah, because he doesn't want to have to deal with her bullshit.Also, he doesn't make sure she fucking eats. Shayna eats on her own. Don't fall for the, "he's my world, he's my favorite person, I don't know how to eat! I'm unstable without him!" When shayna's always smoking and drinking on meds and she's always unstable.
If this dude is supposed to be taking care of her, he's doing a shit job, stuffing her with junk food and only caring about her mental state because it effects HIM.
If he cared he'd be trying to get her to cut down smoking, drinking, trying to get her to get out the house etc.
We know he doesn't because if he did Shayna would 100% be bragging about it. If anything Shayna's doing worst with this fuck boy(s) "caring" for her. She's more isolated, unstable, angry and unhealthy then she ever was.
No. 944170
>>944154i think what most anons are trying to get with that is that he is nowhere near as bad as shayna is describing him (especially when she fluctuates between liking and hating him constantly). he's absolutely not perfect, but he's definitely not
No. 944171
>>944124This is like the last thing you should be eating if you’re sick…a bunch of refined sugars and garbage. She should be eating rice cakes and bananas and some apple sauce, fucking avocado toast or eggs.
My meds are making me fat uwu
No. 944186
>>944174I didn't even notice that. He's doing a great time making her fat tho, I mean the medicine. It's ONLY the medicine.
No. 944295
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No one would buy it if she raised the price
No. 944297
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When all she does is post the same pictures
No. 944298
File: 1583969892148.jpg (147.02 KB, 1079x743, Screenshot_20200311-183545_Twi…)

Shay, when have you EVER tried to help sex Workers without dragging them?
No. 944299
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"Romantic", more like comedy
No. 944302
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No. 944303
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Doesn't she realize that there are MANY Dolly's in porn? Especially ones more famous than her?
No. 944304
File: 1583970189773.jpg (Spoiler Image,362.39 KB, 1080x1210, Screenshot_20200311-184038_Twi…)

What the actual FUCK is going on in this pic?
No. 944306
>>944303Her name is an awful choice because when you Google it the majority is Trixie Mattel and dolly parton together lol.
Except these threads of course.
No. 944313
File: 1583972490207.jpg (Spoiler Image,479.69 KB, 1080x1244, Screenshot_20200311-192059_Twi…)

Back to spamming with old pics
And it's hilarious that she thinks anyone would spend their child's college fund on her
No. 944379
>>944295ahahaha, yea it's so ppl can afford it and not b/c you know they won't pay more. also there's plenty of free porn that's probably better than what she puts out but wow, she'd doing such a kindness sell her stupidity for three whole dollars.
>>944303is she humble bragging about being infamous, lol. that's not a quality worth having.
>>944313she has never in her life 'financialy ruined' or 'drained' anyone, we've seen her tips and i'm always suspect of anything over two digits. no one has ever taken money they have saved for their children to spend on her, idk why she's so stuck on these things while living the way she does, begging for petty shit.
No. 944436
File: 1583989263815.jpeg (200.36 KB, 750x712, 63FEABC7-04D8-4F40-BDC1-F2369F…)

another hot take from shaytard
this is in response to one of her discord orbiters saying she would do sw but is a teacher and wouldn’t want to lose her career
No. 944438
>>944436i'm curious as to why she thinks the world can't do without her nuggets of wisdom
also now i kinda want some stupid bitch to throw away a respectable, stable career in favor of showing your pussy online. like if you think shayna's advice is worth taking, it is probably what you deserve
(disclaimer: don't actually do it you stupid ho)
No. 944513
File: 1584016647481.png (57.96 KB, 780x360, Screenshot (257).png)

>>944436not sure what "big companys" she worked with but lmao looks like she actually lost money doing her 'pro' stuff.
No. 944532
File: 1584022102853.jpg (457.85 KB, 1080x1592, Screenshot_20200312-070649_Dis…)

This is too hilarious not to share.
No. 944536
>>944532Oh yeah. I can imagine this being true actually.
Hey, be careful with this one, she's y'know… "special".
>>941171 No. 944538
>>944532well yeah they wouldnt recruit many people if they told the truth
"yeah youll get a couple of skeevy gigs at most, wont make any money, arent gonna get famous since theres no shortage of more attractive girls willing to do 'more' than you."
No. 944543
>>944532it's also pretty funny how she completed ignored her orbiter's dumb story. i have no idea why they even talk to her when she only talks about herself lmao
but they were blatantly lying to you shay & they tell every girl that. she's both narcissistic and so gulliable
No. 944565
File: 1584027285720.png (214.57 KB, 1080x1253, Screenshot_20200312-113042~2.p…)

She changes this story so fucking often. First it was the flu shot and she claimed it weakened her entire right side, and she had to get a breast implant. Now it's a chicken pox shot and they "never figured out what was wrong"
It's such a lie. If your nerve endings died you would have no feeling in your breast or right arm. If your tissue stopped building your right side wouldn't have grown since you were 10. She is really really retarded. It's just from the skin on her chest being pulled tight from getting boobs. LOTS of women have this, hers is just more prominent. But of course she needs a fake ass pick me story for it.
No. 944576
>>944543lmfao i was going to say.
>shay: muh sex work though>orbiter: muh laundry thoughtruly, members of the same discord
>>944565why do i feel like she thinks her stupid tit veins add to how SpEsHuL she is? it's no secret how far up her own ass she lives, i think she changes the story so often because it makes her feel great for any part of hers to be talked about, even if it's just… tit veins
what a thrilling life she must lead.
No. 944616
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No. 944619
File: 1584035140330.png (13.64 KB, 585x107, fjfjf.PNG)

She's been doing the same shit over and over more than usual lately.It's really sad how little she has to show for the years of doing this.
can't even spend money on better props, backdrops anything. Same ideas with a slight twist.
No. 944634
File: 1584038243195.jpg (Spoiler Image,220.46 KB, 1080x1648, Screenshot_20200312-183512_Twi…)

She tweet deleted this.
It's public porn from street to library. You'd be rightly "cancelled again".
Few people replied saying it was gross and wrong and I guess that's when she deleted it.
No. 944663
>>944652and she said she was thinking about changing her name to this. It probably was a joke but Shayna is that out of touch with reality.
>>944634Okay can someone explain to me why Shayna thinks she's "cancelled", how many people are talking about that old as Donald Trump shit? Does she REALLY think that the few oddballs who care about that means she's "Cancelled", when she STILL somehow has fans/orbiters who are sex workers?
I sometimes feels she thinks everything bad that happened to her is Lolcow/ her being "Cancelled", oh and that ONE girl who leaked her content.
So yeah, we make her drink/smoke on meds. We make her pick fuck boys and treat them like shit. We've given her mental illness, we've made her make bad choice after bad choice,we've made her isolate herself. We've made her chase this dream of being famous.
being "Cancelled" is her catch all for, "i did nothing wrong" shit in an way, it's her saying that the shit she did wrong she's not sorry for. We/twitter are the ones who are wrong for not forgetting not her for doing it.
The shit is annoying. Let it go. People here at least, aren't shitting on you because that trump shit, you do shit daily that makes you come off like a judgemental, depressed, jealous woman hating bitch.
No. 944749
File: 1584054191322.jpg (Spoiler Image,481.45 KB, 1080x1299, Screenshot_20200312-180253_Twi…)

Why would she put "teenage" in a post that shows and talks about her pussy?
No. 944756
File: 1584056136717.png (247.51 KB, 720x1059, PicsArt_03-12-05.32.40.png)

'Kay, but why would someone want to pretend to be her while linking her actual only fans? (the "catfish" had a tweet basically promoting her actual only fans) Seems stupid someone would want to catfish her yet wants her to have all the money?
No. 944809
>>944798It looks like that because she has to hold her breath and tense up to orgasm. Lots of women who don't know how to have a regular relaxed orgasm will do this. I used to when I was younger until I let myself relax and have a real orgasm.
These are known as tension orgasms and they kind of suck, tbh.
No. 944822
>>944817a tension orgasm is just when you hold your breath and tense up your muscles. It makes you orgasm pretty quickly but it's just a short burst and its gone. It doesn't linger like a "true" orgasm, so it kind of sucks.
It's like using whippits, you get that quick burst of a high and then it's gone.
No. 944833
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Her tags on her sextpanther. How is she going to label herself "submissive" and then have the other domme roles?
No. 944844
>>944798i mean good for her that she's making vids more often now but if they're all going to be one horror show after the other…
i wonder how many farmers fall off the thread every time she posts a video. this is vile lmao
No. 944919
File: 1584093225099.png (404.47 KB, 499x801, Capture.PNG)

>>944833>#284 cam modelYeah she's not even making enough for the payout threshold with a rank like this. I can't imagine she's good to text with either considering how her Discord looks.
Her spergy description makes it even worse
No. 944977
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how about you report these accounts? Instead of bitching about them?
No. 944981
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No. 944988
File: 1584109059117.png (Spoiler Image,219.83 KB, 620x432, wqq.PNG)

So whats the point of her having this second account? As a back up in case her old one gets deleted? Because not only does she post non-work on her work twitter (and drama) but she's posting gross fucking pedo pandering porn on her SFW account.
There's NO reason to have it.I guess when not talking about sex work she has NOTHING else to share.
No. 945021
File: 1584116363026.png (265.28 KB, 2048x604, Screenshot_20200313-121841.png)

Then why post it? That's fucking gross Shayna. I'm sure your subscribers love to hear you hack and cough while shoving your grubby fingers in your ass.
No. 945074
>>945056Are you new to the internet? Lmao.
Shay may be scummy and a low life, but she’s not the only one.
No. 945147
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>>945143I didnt say she banned me for no reason. I said I didnt get kicked for cowtipping. I'm kicked now, so it doesnt matter if they find out? Or it could idk. I'll take the ban here too if I must.
File: 1584139085095.png (2.03 MB, 760x7757, Screenshot_20200313-182500.png)

>>945151seriously. it's the literal definition of cowtipping, interacting with the cow in the hopes of stirring up milk. stupid and pointless and I hope they do get banned for bringing it up here.
She deleted the posts already but I managed to snag em anyway. sage because it's really not milk at all. just tinfoiling from the cowtipper.
No. 945172
File: 1584143853887.jpg (Spoiler Image,398.43 KB, 1080x1056, Screenshot_20200313-185707_Twi…)

She claims to cum from anal, then why the vibrator?
No. 945194
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No. 945196
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She seriously can't go a day without weed
No. 945218
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Does she count putting it in warm water as "cleaning it"?
No. 945249
>>945229Her thumb looks like a toe.
Whatever happened to diet attempt #23? All she seems to be eating lately is candy, chips, and other garbage tier snack carbs. She's bound to put on another 20lbs at this rate.
No. 945383
File: 1584197855511.png (765.47 KB, 1374x2048, Screenshot_20200314-105609.png)

Shayna is so fucking tone deaf
You ever think that maybe, just maybe, people are talking to companies like that because they want CHANGE? And if you're an independent sex worker you don't work for anybody, you are not an employee. How fucking dumb can you get Shayna?
No. 945398
>>945383How has she been doing this for 4 years and doesn't understand that she's not an employee at ManyVids or OnlyFans? Is she really that retarded? You don't get chosen and hired, you just send in your info and you're allowed to post your shit. You
give them money to host your content. I'm started to believe Shayna is actually mentally challenged at this point.
No. 945402
>>945383So here she is vaguely calling someone out with her bitch ass. I wish she'd mind her buiness.
sometimes I do wish Shayna was actually popular and someone who had a lot of interaction on her dead twitter account.
Because if she was, then she'd get called out for all the tone-deaf bullshit she regularly says.
She's a MRA and a boot licker. Probably doesn't even fucking understand why the person calling the company out is responded that way but she has to comment because she has no buiness of her own.
>>it's no wonder some of u have 2 run ur own businessesWow, this is so fucking stupid in SO many ways.
No. 945403
>>945402Also, this same bitch is constantly throwing fits when she can't get her money from Only fans.
I wish she'd actually @ the person/people she's talking about instead of doing this, it's so fucking weak and petty.
No. 945405
File: 1584202330092.png (22.95 KB, 582x226, nnn.PNG)

wow the hypocrisy
No. 945579
File: 1584231498928.jpg (299.43 KB, 1080x1109, Screenshot_20200314-191816_Twi…)

She's just asking for another scandal
No. 945584
>>945579Every bandwagon she jumps on she always make the WORST video, it's going to be the same as ALL her videos. Her talking at the camera, maybe coughing, "uwu you won't sneeze on me if I suck your dick? You won't give me the virus if I let you fuck me in the ass? uwu, Okay but please hurry up!"
Or some other dumb shit that the dude watching is going to skip because they DO NOT CARE.
No. 945588
>>945584>>945579It's not even the popular bandwagon either.
Most sexworkers are doing a "quarantine sale" instead of making Corona porn. But Shay's stuff is always on sale so she has nowhere to go there
No. 945609
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Hilarious that she retweeted this
No. 945645
File: 1584240453019.jpg (218.1 KB, 1080x937, Screenshot_20200314-214657_Twi…)

What happened to her not being a domme?
She's already shoved fake eggs up her ass and fucked herself with a carrot. What's the next idea?
No. 945691
File: 1584245689934.jpg (319.02 KB, 1080x1321, Screenshot_20200314-231440_Twi…)

Lmao yeah right. She can't even stick to a cam or work schedule
No. 945700
>>945691this sounds so sad lol
it always sounds like one of those stock loyalty mails companies send buyers, what's even marketable about this?
she's just avoiding putting up a real photo banner because she knows just how horrifying she looks these days
>>945579why the fuck did i call it
>>944934 No. 945710
File: 1584248094638.jpg (229.74 KB, 1077x865, Screenshot_20200314-235358_Twi…)

And you live for people calling you out
No. 945711
File: 1584248120758.jpg (198.77 KB, 1076x929, Screenshot_20200314-235417_Twi…)

Just wait till she drops fans and her percentage
No. 945764
>>945483She's driving me insane with this gaming laptop shit. If she thinks she can find a laptop that runs any of the modern video games for under 1k she's a moron. But we kinda know that already after all these years.
Not like she's gonna play anything else than fornite anyways
No. 945784
>>945691She acts like it’s hard. my OF is $15 with 130~ subs and I’m in top 10% like girl, it doesn’t mean you’re an “uwu sex work queen” it just means you have more traffic. My monthly earnings currently is like $800 without tips. It’s supplemental income at best. She’s not raking in cash for a weekly paycheque.

No. 945841
>>945823Not a SWer but Shays pathetic dumpy life makes me feel better about mine when I’m having an off day rofl
But it’s always been known there’s tons of SWers here. Not really a tinfoil.
No. 945847
File: 1584287829318.png (129.56 KB, 296x296, Annotation 2019-09-24 104909.p…)

>>945784damn, good thing you're better than the girls who think theyre better than shayna…
No. 945865
File: 1584290581869.png (752.81 KB, 2048x1898, Screenshot_20200315-124219.png)

maybe its because you're not funny and no one likes your content except desperate neck beards.
No. 945867
File: 1584290739089.png (780.32 KB, 1645x2048, Screenshot_20200315-124508.png)

Incoming "other sex workers are sooooo mean and I've never done anything wrong!"
No. 945868
File: 1584290797383.png (925.01 KB, 1282x2048, Screenshot_20200315-124639.png)

No. 945875
>>945868>>right nowBitch when has pedophila or racism NOT been a big serious issue? Esp. Pedophila? I wish she'd shut the fuck up.
She does not care about racism or pedophila, she only cares because she's been accused of brushing shoulders with those things.
shayna you should follow male sex workers and have them orbit you, oh wait, they don't do that shit at all. Women are cool when they are fighting your battles and patting ur back telling you "it's going to be okay' but any other time?
Girls are so mean.
yet you get pissed when people say "men are men/bad?" She says the same shit everyday.
No. 945884
File: 1584292070712.jpg (45.89 KB, 524x499, 3sp7ei.jpg)

>>945879(forgive me for using this meme but thier isn't a better way to describe shayna)
No. 945890
>>945867gee moron i wonder why you and other girls who make a living off of showing your holes on camera for 3 measly pathetic dollars are immature simpletons
again shayna thinks a few fellow camwhores on twitter = all females ever of all time.
No. 945897
File: 1584295238779.png (322.83 KB, 2048x764, Screenshot_20200315-140017.png)

So, a disgusting sickly cough and a voice that sounds like an elderly woman who smokes? Sounds sexy.
No. 945898
>>945892>>945895these are good points. Shayna will never get it, I also have no fucking idea what she means by "normalizing".
Every day she bitches about being cancelled and everytime she does it, I'm confused if she's talking about here, which only talks about what she puts out or…some random sex worker who cares enough to make a tweet about Shayna.
I know it's both, but when have we "cancelled" Shayna?
No. 945949
File: 1584304452872.jpg (452.25 KB, 1080x1181, Screenshot_20200315-153306_Twi…)

So she's not going to talk for the ENTIRE video?
No. 945950
File: 1584304484486.jpg (163.53 KB, 1080x626, Screenshot_20200315-153318_Twi…)

No, you're not doing it because you KNOW people will go after you for it
No. 945951
File: 1584304524203.jpg (Spoiler Image,599.32 KB, 1080x1568, Screenshot_20200315-153233_Twi…)

Didn't she already do a fairy type video years ago?
No. 945956
File: 1584306238433.jpg (323.81 KB, 1080x1315, Screenshot_20200315-170055_Twi…)

>>940084I know this was posted earlier but these voting results…
No. 945961
>>945949I wouldn't be surprised if it sells better than videos where she does talk, her dialogue is so bad.
>>945959I'd be interested in seeing her without the heavy FaceTune. Looks like she's taking pointers from Moo when it comes to her jawline
No. 945965
>>945961Yeah she blurred it so much in the top pic she made it disappear into her neck
She really would look better with a more natural color, letting her real hair grow out into it
No. 945975
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No. 946006
>>945975Is it normal for SWers to never talk about anything in their lives without involving sex/genitals/cum?
At least now, since she lost that stupid contest, it’s not anal anal anal. But jfc…she’s so void of a personality that sex is all she has. Which is something every living creature does. She doesn’t even pretend to be good at anything else. Even icky vicky pretends like she’s a sword swinging vixen that can tattoo.
Shay? Can have sex.
It’s like that episode of family guy when the whole family gets super powers from radioactive sludge. Everyone gets really cool abilities and then there’s Meg who can only grow out her fingernails really long.
No. 946007
File: 1584316284177.jpg (Spoiler Image,508.39 KB, 1080x1286, Screenshot_20200315-184955_Twi…)

No. 946008
File: 1584316326981.jpg (Spoiler Image,424.12 KB, 1080x1055, Screenshot_20200315-185021_Twi…)

So is this supposed to be a kidnapping thing?
No. 946024
>>945949i mean when she does it's super cringey so this might be a very small improvement.
>>945951even though this is edited/filtered, look at the difference between these pix and the tardy profile pic. she should do relaxed facial expressions a lot more often.
No. 946025
File: 1584318561587.jpg (297.35 KB, 1076x1095, Screenshot_20200315-192905_Twi…)

Probably because all of her junk food is gone
No. 946030
>>946025maybe if you had a career, education or literally any experience that prepared you for any semblance of existing in the real world you wouldn't be left so shell-shocked everytime you weren't existing in your ~*seks werker~* bubble.
also top keks at throwing around the idea of flippantly making porn parodying the pandemic for quick thotbux, but when the actual consequences of a deadly virus affect you, your fat cankles are shaking in their boots. get fucked, Shaytard.
No. 946038
>>946025nah, I feel like junk food is the only thing left on the shelves
so I don't think any of this is actually affecting her at all, now I think about it
No. 946042
File: 1584321480818.jpg (196.92 KB, 1080x781, Screenshot_20200315-201727_Twi…)

On today's episode of "what didn't happen"
No. 946096
File: 1584330946950.jpg (Spoiler Image,467.16 KB, 1077x1360, Screenshot_20200315-225522_Twi…)

No. 946098
File: 1584330968683.jpg (344.77 KB, 1080x2007, Screenshot_20200315-225538_Twi…)

Her new Twitter pfp. What a catfish
No. 946117
File: 1584334793272.jpg (Spoiler Image,431.99 KB, 1077x1360, 1584330946950_mh1584334739485.…)

omg looks like a giant fat dick
No. 946128
>>946103Breaking news: Shay's vagina looks like a vagina
Smh no wonder mods banned vagina spergs, it's like you guys have never seen a human vagina in your life
No. 946146
File: 1584343719771.png (1.51 MB, 1182x1086, Screen Shot 2020-03-16 at 2.25…)

(namefag, offtopic) No. 946166
>>946006From what I've seen it's not really normal. Even on 'work accounts' SWers will incorporate their normal lives by retweeting memes or related content or just give random updates on them traveling, their hobbies, or just stuff they bought recently for personal use. Shay is one of the few that seems to never have anything to say that isn't sex, drama, substance abuse, or mental illness.
Then again what else would she have to talk about? She doesn't go anywhere, she has no hobbies, and she has no friends that aren't sex partners.
>>946042>>946070No I can actually see this happening. It's called Shay getting high before she goes to Walmart, nearly crying in the middle of the snack aisle, and then giving herself a pep talk through the security camera at the self-checkout.
No. 946207
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No. 946208
File: 1584368482075.jpg (Spoiler Image,920.55 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200316-101925_Chr…)

No. 946226
File: 1584371150692.png (69.56 KB, 782x421, Screenshot (2).png)

yeah that $3 is gonna save lives
No. 946230
>>946208glad to see the knife-on-pussy pose is back
3edgy5me shayna
No. 946235
File: 1584372505267.jpg (516.7 KB, 1280x925, tumblr_inline_p9s2nvFo0N1ttrj3…)

>>946098She's really out here looking like Eddy with that neck.
No. 946253
File: 1584377452030.png (876.92 KB, 1457x2048, Screenshot_20200316-125023.png)

who. the fuck. cares.
No. 946262
File: 1584379267957.png (1.5 MB, 2006x2048, Screenshot_20200316-132026.png)

More basic pussy rubbing and Hitachi bullshit. Idk how she considers herself a fetish model, she's vanilla as all hell. No. 946270
>>946208 Yeah, no, I fully understand now the hate people have for this thread.
Shayna was a mistake.
No. 946285
>>946208so… if she's a kidnapping
victim, with tape over her mouth, why is SHE the one holding the knife????? never adds up
No. 946295
File: 1584388571526.jpeg (Spoiler Image,833.94 KB, 1242x1054, EAFB5DB4-5F6C-4167-BC7F-CFD81D…)

Happy… st Patrick’s day….
No. 946296
>>946295is this a joke
looks like utter and complete cheap trashy shit, she looks like she went dumpster diving behind dollarama and just took every st patricks day item and slapped it on
No. 946298
File: 1584389128719.jpg (467.46 KB, 1080x1536, Screenshot_20200316-150405_Twi…)

Again, something that DIDN'T happen
No. 946300
File: 1584389164711.jpg (186.21 KB, 1080x601, Screenshot_20200316-150348_Twi…)

No Shay, just @ you
Other sex Workers have lives and actually leave their houses
No. 946304
>>946298Mmm subjecting non-consenting people to your kinks, especially in a work place, how sexy
>>946300Why does she constantly forget that escorts, strippers, etc exist. Not all sex workers make a living on the internet dumbass
No. 946315
>>946295"I'm like, soooooo sick you guys!!"
Mmmmkay Shay.
No. 946333
File: 1584393664464.png (1.48 MB, 1971x2048, Screenshot_20200316-172013.png)

Her trying to stretch her leg is the funniest fucking thing.
Girl you're not obese, this shouldn't be difficult for someone who brags about getting their legs "behind their head" all the time. No. 946352
File: 1584397001535.png (109.29 KB, 1086x388, shaythephilanthropist.png)

why do i get the feeling that she's doing this as some attempt to go viral instead of out of genuine compassion for others? a few bucks could literally mean like $3 as well.
No. 946353
File: 1584397256246.jpg (357.2 KB, 1080x1147, Screenshot_20200316-171932_Twi…)

No. 946357
>>946352Because nothing she does is genuine. It's either virtue signaling or trying to go viral. Or both at the same time, like this. She saw other popular sex workers doing it and thought "oh people will think I'm nice and generous if I do this"
It's all about what other people think of her.
No. 946376
File: 1584407492507.png (309.28 KB, 2048x490, Screenshot_20200316-195346.png)

Yes Shayna we all know you over edit.
No. 946380
File: 1584407630537.png (1.2 MB, 1991x2048, Screenshot_20200316-195412.png)

>>946375She could pass for early 30s. No one would believe this is a girl in her early 20s without her heavy editing.
No. 946390
File: 1584409353760.png (2.08 MB, 2048x1830, Screenshot_20200316-213951.png)

More proof that she won't do something unless she thinks it will make her go viral.
You don't go from the Sims and stardew valley, to playing CoD. They're two way different kinds of video games. If she had any personality or things that she liked, she would stick to games she actually likes, not ones she think will score her internet points with the gamer boys.
Women like her are the reasons girl gamers get called fake all the time.
No. 946393
>>946391I didn't mean people can't enjoy different stuff.
It's just, who goes from playing the Sims and stardew valley to suddenly being interested in a game like CoD? You'd think she'd try something like Skyrim or Red Dead maybe before CoD, if she wanted to try different genres, ya know?
No. 946399
>>946393Anon clearly doesn't game as a hobby. Tons of people switch between games, even within hours of playing a different genre.
I get shay is a retard but this is the dumbest nitpick I've ever seen.
There's a thousand other things to rip her apart for other than
>she's not playing the same genre she was a week ago!!t. gamerfag
No. 946400
>>946399This is Shayna we're talking about though.
The only reason she's playing is because she wants uWu
real gamer points and asspats from neck beard gamers in their basement. She's only doing it because she wants to be like Lana and Vivi, two of her orbiters who are popular on twitch and as gamer porn girls. She's just hopping on a trend as usual.
This is literally a thread ABOUT Shayna. You'd think it was obvious I'm talking about her and not using it as a generalization.
No. 946402
>>946096her stomach looks like a fucking face, i can't.
>>946262long over detailed description is long and over detailed, dead at the cum leaking out of her "like a waterfall" and putting the tape on her to keep whatever's left in.
No. 946453
>>946384Bold of you to assume that she’s actually sick…
>>946380>with that being saidDoes she think this phrase makes her sound insightful?? She never uses it correctly and her jerky, shovel like hand movements make her look full autist. Mostly
Unnatural person I’ve ever seen in front of a camera
No. 946466
>>946298How come this is the first time we're hearing this story? She posts everything online, even the shit that makes her look bad. She really thinks this tall tale passes for anything more than fiction she dreamed up while diddling herself in her current hovel? Shayna please.
>>946333The fuck is this look. Did she raid the dollar store for a st paddys theme?
No. 946520
>>944981Shay really needs to update on this. Someone who currently has corona posted on Twitter their symptoms and it was all pain when breathing that even inhalers and medicines just made worse.
Not that Shay could get corona since she only goes out to crowded bars and practices no hygiene… oh.
No. 946551
File: 1584457177266.jpg (271.32 KB, 1080x902, 20200317_095755.jpg)

Can't wait until she sees how basically everything is gone, or the store is only doing limited items.
No. 946565
File: 1584459602628.jpg (326.81 KB, 1080x1882, Screenshot_20200317-103840_Twi…)

Lol she says she's trying to help people, but only sent $10
No. 946566
File: 1584459648985.jpg (383.16 KB, 1080x1865, Screenshot_20200317-103850_Twi…)

"I hate that I can't send more." No, you just don't want to
No. 946599
>>946565It's so fucking transparent what she's doing. Yes it's a kind (very very small gesture) but we know she's doing it JUST for attention, JUST to go viral.
Why Shayna? Do you think if you go viral you REALLY won't be cancelled? The more people looking at you means the more people who'll actually speak up when you are on ur fuck shit. She wants fame so BAD but she does NOT understand how weak willed she is. How if she actually had a bunch of active followers how many of them would come at her ass for the shit she pulls.
No. 946605
File: 1584466476237.jpg (1.31 MB, 1080x2220, 20200317_122902.jpg)

>>946566She can't send more because she spent $75 on shit she doesn't need and will never reuse again.
No. 946618
>>946599The only other person I've seen have such an innate lack of personality that no matter what they did they'd never go viral or manage a real audience online is himezawa
I really do not understand the delusional world Shayna lives in. We know her flat ass reads here so it's not like she doesn't see the honesty and criticism to just not be aware of it.
I think part of why I love reading her threads is that I'm so fucking baffled by her stupidity and blandness. Like she seems to sincerely have 0 interest or personality yet she clings to these ideas that bring her nothing for an image she can't cultivate. The only fascinating trait she possesses is how extremely unfascinating she is… I know you all know what I mean but it's so uniquely shitty there's gotta be a specific term for it.
No. 946620
>>946605for the last time, your impulse buying is NOT YOUR CUSTOMER'S RESPONSIBILITY.
you're not a findom, this shit doesn't work for
uwu submissive babies She loves to pretend to be a findom but then shits on other models for trying new things.
No. 946621
>>946618To put it simply, Shayna is
painfully average, with no capability to ever be anything but.
No. 946662
File: 1584473515733.jpg (111.61 KB, 675x1200, whathappened.jpg)

>>946622Let's not forget this is what she used to look like. I'll cut her a little slack, she has potential to be quite cute. But for her to leave her hair alone, go on a diet and stop drinking so much, do her makeup how she used to and buy nicer quality clothes would be too much to ask of her. Sad, but she did this to her damn self.
No. 946673
File: 1584474373729.png (295.26 KB, 2048x869, Screenshot_20200317-154537.png)

fucking kek.
No. 946674
>>946673Shayna doesn't have the creativity to cosplay. She tried Harley once and failed miserably because she's probably never even seen the character of Harley Quinn besides internet memes and in passing.
You usually
like the characters you cosplay.
No. 946678
File: 1584474916887.png (Spoiler Image,3.56 MB, 1919x2048, Screenshot_20200317-155433.png)

looking gray, lumpy, and washed out. Yikes.
No. 946685
>>946673I (and other anons) called it, get ready for Anime Fuck Doll Mattel, she's going to badly start cosplaying.
Next up- "hey guys since I'm stuck in the house, can you recommend any good anime shows?"
then she'll get into an very popular one and do a bad cosplay and bad porn using an underaged character.
No. 946691
>>946685Gaming, anime, and cosplay?
Yeah I'm 100% sure this is because she wants to go viral, not because she actually enjoys it.
No. 946722
>>946691I'd love to know one thing that Shayna enjoys that she hasn't tried to make it her personality, porn or a way to make money or get attention. I can't think of anything.
Every interest she has she makes it into a personality and yes, Anime, gaming and even cosplay are very common, but we know Shayna does shit with going viral, getting attention and making money in her mind first and foremost.
Just like porn. She'd do shit she does NOT enjoy JUST for attention and money. She wants a gaming laptop because she wants to start doing twitch, for what? Attention/fame.
So if Shaya gets into cosplay and anime, it won't be because she has an genuine interest, it's because it's something she can sell, get attention from and HOPE to go viral. It's popular. Shayna's enjoyment of things is always the last thing she thinks about when she wants attention imo.
No. 946728
>>946722The only thing she genuinely ever showed interest in was the doors, Jim Morrison, and weed. Not much really, but it was
Then she became popular on Tumblr for a picture of a weed chocolate bar and some bong pics and threw any personality she had out the window to trade it in for Tumblr aesthetic.
No. 946756
File: 1584485375949.jpg (352.61 KB, 1079x1431, Screenshot_20200317-174803_Twi…)

No. 946757
File: 1584485427634.jpg (123.34 KB, 1080x531, Screenshot_20200317-174818_Twi…)

Easter porn will probably be her shoving something up her ass
420 porn will probably be her fucking her ass while she takes a Bong hit
No. 946758
File: 1584485468193.jpg (589.03 KB, 1080x1699, Screenshot_20200317-174840_Twi…)

That lol moment when the drawing is better looking than her
No. 946775
File: 1584489808849.jpg (247 KB, 1080x928, Screenshot_20200317-190227_Twi…)

So I'm confused. You pay $3 to get her OnlyFans and then you get what for $50? What happened to her wanting her content affordable during this hard time?
No. 946776
File: 1584489852764.jpg (222.96 KB, 1076x836, Screenshot_20200317-190143_Twi…)

Yes Shay, your birthday is totally what you should be worried about right now
No. 946777
File: 1584489894015.jpg (338.84 KB, 1080x1099, Screenshot_20200317-190206_Twi…)

What happened to that work space she set up in that one bedroom?
No. 946781
>>946777i know she was fucking deluded, but????
bro there is so much shit going on right now, nobody gives a fuck about your mundane ramblings and small apartment right now.
No. 946785
>>946756makes a tweet about how it's ok if ppl can't subscribe to/buy her content, then asks for money for who knows what. like, just b/c she says she bought props/costumes doesn't mean she did, she probably spent the money on stupid shit and will pretend someone gifted it to her.
>>946775for $3 you get the subscription which probably just includes pix and some videos. the rest is what you're getting for $50 and she won't keep up with it b/c she's lazy and already behind on her custom content.
No. 946787
>>946776>>946777"I just said I had to go to Urgent Care cause I was SOOOoooOO concerned and now Corona virus but I hope it doesn't ruin my birthday or my moving plans. Send money, thanks!"
Sometimes I wonder how she's even real. She's like a parody of a Karen or something.
No. 946790
File: 1584492115129.jpg (317.42 KB, 1080x1086, Screenshot_20200317-194133_Twi…)

And she just now realized this?
No. 946796
>>946790lol and only 2 weeks late to the party
guess that's what happens when you're in your own bubble of narcissism 25/8
No. 946818
File: 1584497617170.jpg (525.45 KB, 1080x1468, Screenshot_20200317-211255_Twi…)

Yeah cause she needs those big boxes of cookies and goldfish
No. 946819
File: 1584497650958.jpg (241.32 KB, 1080x934, Screenshot_20200317-211237_Twi…)

Shay, you were literally just out shopping
No. 946820
File: 1584497697950.jpg (634.96 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200317-221256_Twi…)

this person is genuinely unable to function and take care of herself. jesus fucking christ, all you have is time shayna, learn how to cook or somesomething.
No. 946826
File: 1584498472313.jpg (Spoiler Image,957.69 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200317-222636_Chr…)

editing somehow made her ass look even flatter
No. 946837
>>946826Yeesh Moo tier editing
No. 946844
File: 1584503043478.jpg (1.09 MB, 1080x1718, Screenshot_20200317-224332_Twi…)

No. 946846
File: 1584503238012.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 1080x1737, Screenshot_20200317-224342_Twi…)

No. 946849
File: 1584503361703.jpg (448.1 KB, 1080x1412, Screenshot_20200317-224854_Twi…)

Of course you are Shay
No. 946856
File: 1584504181214.jpeg (207.87 KB, 1290x1935, F12B0046-D6B0-4E0D-A1D4-BDC394…)

>>946847who looks at this and thinks it’s okay to post as advertising for sex work. She looks so miserable (let alone unkempt, exhausted etc), she looks at the camera like she can’t wait for this clip to be over
No. 946864
File: 1584505299033.jpg (422.45 KB, 1080x1419, Screenshot_20200317-231951_Twi…)

She is one of those people who can't stop living in HS
No. 946873
File: 1584507407989.jpg (496.37 KB, 1080x2007, Screenshot_20200317-235457_Twi…)

Of ALL people, Shay should NOT be giving medication advice
No. 946923
>>946864Does she not realize 2015 was 5 years ago?
>>946820I mean if there's food shortages I can understand just grabbing what you can but this is the same shit Shay gets every time she claims she's going to "eat healthy and get fit" so odds are she bypassed all the actual healthy food still in stock for this stuff.
No. 946932
>>94675710 bucks says she shoves her bong up her ass
also would put money on shay getting covid, as long as she stays inside it'll be the funniest train wreck + she will get hell fat
No. 946967
File: 1584538549274.jpeg (Spoiler Image,31.15 KB, 334x528, 1858217D-E7BE-48D8-933E-67AE46…)

>>946847why does her asshole look like that
No. 946988
File: 1584544547471.png (582.82 KB, 1197x2048, Screenshot_20200318-111442.png)

once again, this is not sensory overload. Seeing a bunch of articles about corona might give you anxiety, but it's not the same as sensory overload.
Stop fucking using buzzwords so people will feel sorry for you.
No. 946991
File: 1584545204738.jpg (382.62 KB, 1080x1279, 20200318_152620.jpg)

God damn that's sad/pathetic
No. 946994
>>946991basically, she has to look at her followers every day to make sure the people she thinks like her, really still like her.
What a sad existence.
No. 946996
>>946988she uses "sensory overload" to mean "anything that makes me uncomfortable." like people whispering to themselves (which she fucking does and is a hypocrite for judging), being in a supermarket, or looking at the news.
>>946991yes, it is frowned upon to force others to touch your hands when the biggest thing recommended right now is not touching other people's hands. so stupid
No. 947007
>>946991Wow. Thats really sad. So this is why she's always whining and shit, every time she checks, someone unfollows her and she starts throwing those weird subs while she tries to figure out why they unfollowed her.
Which is funny because she's said many times that she unfollows people for drama, yet in the same breath she feels everyone should stick around no matter what.
She really needs to realize these people do NOT give TWO shits about her.
No. 947013
File: 1584548893236.png (652.35 KB, 1602x2048, Screenshot_20200318-122522.png)

Another day, another scam.
She will NOT get on cam. What even happened to her laptop? Also, super inappropriate time to be begging for $800 but stay trashy, Shay.
No. 947105
File: 1584560162573.png (368.84 KB, 2048x839, Screenshot_20200318-153515.png)

God damn she is retarded.
No. 947121
holy shit
No. 947141
File: 1584566460900.jpg (480.98 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200318-162028_Twi…)

Her new pfp. Back to being a cat fish
No. 947142
File: 1584566490290.jpg (Spoiler Image,1018.41 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200318-161745_Twi…)

That editing
No. 947143
File: 1584566514012.jpg (Spoiler Image,547.29 KB, 1080x1117, Screenshot_20200318-161804_Twi…)

Yes, put your dirty ass boots on your bed
No. 947144
File: 1584566543384.jpg (Spoiler Image,477.28 KB, 1080x1223, Screenshot_20200318-162013_Twi…)

Shay you are definitely not tiny and that is not a big cock
No. 947167
File: 1584569928496.png (Spoiler Image,1.94 MB, 2048x1161, Screenshot_20200318-181707.png)

>>947145Why even bother doing blowjob vids? That fucking noise she made is going to haunt my nightmares
No. 947191
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No. 947198
File: 1584575400987.jpg (39.59 KB, 386x500, ruben.jpg)

>>947191>renaissance styleI think she means Rubenesque
No. 947246
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No. 947252
File: 1584582645024.jpg (431.92 KB, 1080x2007, Screenshot_20200318-205013_Twi…)

More junk that will rot in her apartment
No. 947269
File: 1584584430046.jpg (592.03 KB, 1080x1240, Screenshot_20200318-211920_Twi…)

But it's TOTALLY her medication making her gain
No. 947271
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No. 947276
File: 1584585269961.jpg (257.19 KB, 1080x817, Screenshot_20200318-213410_Twi…)

Oh God, please no
No. 947303
File: 1584587990844.jpg (739.1 KB, 1080x1322, Screenshot_20200318-221012_Twi…)

You're not in quarantine if your dumbass keeps going out
No. 947304
File: 1584588459665.jpg (Spoiler Image,709.13 KB, 1080x1738, Screenshot_20200318-222647_Ins…)

Her dumbass really posted a naked pic on instagram
No. 947313
>>947276she was just harping on being the loudest in class five fucking years ago so how can she be expected not to talk or whatever so her voice gets better.
>>947272definitely, followed by begging for money and saying how her meds are making her fat lol.
No. 947441
File: 1584632715660.jpg (329.85 KB, 1080x938, Screenshot_20200319-104415_Twi…)

"I need money too." Says the girl who just bought a bunch of junk food
No. 947458
File: 1584636091489.png (32.48 KB, 887x196, uber.PNG)

>>947441Uber doesn't even work that way though? You pay a set fee for Uber that they quote you before you even get in the car. What a dumb thing to lie about.
No. 947459
File: 1584636449939.png (17.81 KB, 735x175, Capture.PNG)

>>947441>>947458Just noticed Uber support commented on her post and she never responded to them. Uh oh.
No. 947491
File: 1584644661141.png (Spoiler Image,1.59 MB, 1875x2048, Screenshot_20200319-150007.png) know, this could have actually been a cute video if she knew how to move sensually and touch herself in a sexy way. She moves like a brick and looks uncomfortable touching herself.
The whole look is cute with the flowers and leaves but please learn how to look and act sexy, Shayna. You can use as many props and costumes and wigs and makeup as you want, but if you can't play the part it doesn't work.
No. 947494
File: 1584644764207.png (Spoiler Image,1.87 MB, 2048x1158, Screenshot_20200319-150515.png)

warning: not for the faint hearted.
vaginas shouldn't look like this.
No. 947521
File: 1584648150118.png (Spoiler Image,1.46 MB, 1080x1404, Screenshot_20200319-160106~2.p…)

Her bush can't even grow back properly because she waxed it too much…how embarrassing.
And can someone explain why, even when she has her legs open only a slight bit, her vagina always looks like a gaping mouth?
No. 947530
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No. 947550
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No. 947553
>>947523if you wax frequently, after a while the hair will start to grow back sparser, more patchy if you will. So it will seem like your hair is growing in "thinner".
It's something you need to think about before doing it constantly, because it won't look at all the same when you try to grow it back. It doesn't help that she shaved in between waxes either.
No. 947559
>>947557it won't
stop the hair from growing back completely, but any good waxer will tell you that if you wax regularly (every 4-6 weeks) after a while the hair will grow back patchy and not as full. It has to do with the hair follicles.
She regularly waxed her pussy for over a year, so it's gonna look weird as fuck if she's trying to grow it back.
No. 947575
File: 1584658081190.jpg (Spoiler Image,478.19 KB, 1080x1415, Screenshot_20200319-174722_Twi…)

Still wearing that wig
No. 947578
File: 1584658368922.jpg (198.4 KB, 1080x606, Screenshot_20200319-174953_Sam…)

"Small fairy doll." Please Shay
No. 947592
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No. 947593
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No. 947598
>>947578>both squirt fairy juices>bothSo the guy is a giant fairy in this scenario?
>>947592Lol that humble brag. Wasn’t she just offering only $3-$5 the other day? And some girl showed a screen shot of Shay donating $10. Now she’s dropping hundreds? Doubt.
No. 947630
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No. 947631
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Wow, your bf is so awesome
No. 947646
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No. 947651
File: 1584666684238.jpeg (32.07 KB, 452x679, F9A9CDE1-E849-4DE0-A006-02A7D2…)

I haven’t been on this thread in about 6 months and wow! Looks like she’s morphing into one of the witches out of Hocus Pocus
No. 947669
File: 1584669257608.jpg (443.64 KB, 1079x1373, Screenshot_20200319-205314_Twi…)

She donated $10 to someone who is off work, but is asking for $50 to give advice
The advice she would give is to have people cancel you
No. 947691
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No. 947692
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No. 947695
>>947691why get the machine in the first place if your current space doesn't allow for proper use? she's acting like she has a one room apt., having a whole house isn't going to make her videos any better. they're still going to feature cheap props, bad angles, worse talking and all the other terrible things her vids are known for.
>>947692her face really didn't need to be in these. i know we pick on her makeup but yikes, that face with those poses. looking like pulled taffy lol.
No. 947707
File: 1584676937122.jpg (181.59 KB, 1080x754, Screenshot_20200319-230049_Twi…)

Sure, this totally happened
No. 947716
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No. 947720
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No. 947721
File: 1584678998851.jpg (404.27 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200319-233521_Twi…)

Pretty sad that her orbiters want to spend $50 just for an hour
No. 947769
>>947716That first one is about as bizarre as her tweeting that she spent an entire flight muttering "anal" on repeat.
>>947734I think the point is no one BUT her orbiters would pay her and they're only doing it because she won't acknowledge them otherwise. What possible advice could she give?
No. 947788
File: 1584703165579.jpg (Spoiler Image,42.07 KB, 640x360, EThR21TWsAAX_Mg.jpg)

This is actually frightening and nightmare-inducing
No. 947818
ok is it just me or has she posted the first tweet in
>>947716 way back when? i coulda sworn
also isn't this
>>947692 the same wig she wore to her MV thing? if so it's old as balls, and we
know she's never washed it
serving disgusting cheapass nostalgia, shay, wow
No. 947823
>>947818shes always re-posting tweets/old tumblr posts in hopes to go "viral"
>>947788this is so unflattering lol, it looks like she used some weird lens or is she actually built like a linebacker
No. 947984
File: 1584742249541.jpg (271.87 KB, 1077x883, Screenshot_20200320-170739_Twi…)

Shay he probably said something like this just so you would stfu
No. 947985
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No. 947987
File: 1584742305390.jpg (Spoiler Image,481.06 KB, 1080x1248, Screenshot_20200320-170721_Twi…)

HOW is this Easter?
No. 947988
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No. 947995
>>947987absolutely hilarious that the best photo she's taken as of late covers half of her face and all of her festering vagina
>>947788>>947987is bent over the only pose she can do now to hide her flab?
>>946756>>947987a pair of gloves and rabbit ears cost her $170? sure, jan.
No. 947999
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No. 948010
>>947984but shayna i thought he was an emotionally
abusive manchild last week, now he's back to being a perfect loving boyfriend lol
No. 948019
File: 1584749567506.jpg (667.24 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200320-190950_Sam…)

Why does she write these super long descriptions
No. 948021
File: 1584749610250.jpg (169.23 KB, 1080x615, Screenshot_20200320-191013_Sam…)

Why bother watching the video when you can literally just read what happens in the entire thing?
No. 948032
>>948019"So heated you could probably get an egg on her head"
No. 948043
>>948021I kek. And agree her description is terribly written and not very sexy for erotica.
But, most every male is more stimulated by images, even if they are of ScammyMattell, than words. They pay for vids/pics. Thinking otherwise is some virgin-level reasoning.
No. 948049
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Alcohol and drug addicts should NOT come to Shay AT ALL
No. 948050
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No. 948058
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No. 948066
>>948050laughable that she waits an hour and 10 minutes to smoke weed after waking up. she posted pictures of her bong on the windowsill next to her bed, she's getting high as soon as she opens her eyes.
Also she should still be pretending not to be smoking (instead eating edibles) if she doesn't have a voice to make videos with.
No. 948068
File: 1584759473822.jpg (592.98 KB, 1080x1407, Screenshot_20200320-215632_Twi…)

How many times is this bitch going to the store? She has been leaving her house a lot more ever since this crisis happened
Also, she literally needs to be center of attention anywhere she goes
No. 948069
File: 1584759523800.jpg (656.68 KB, 1080x1343, Screenshot_20200320-215616_Twi…)

But it's the meds causing the weight gain, right Shay?
No. 948071
>>948019just stop it, no one cares about the word salad that lays the whole video out. also she said she hadn't gotten her voice back yet but doesn't seem to have a problem talking in this.
>>948068ppl are trying to get things they need dgaf about your nipples, she is so attention starved.
No. 948082
File: 1584763522473.jpg (Spoiler Image,650.02 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200321-000024_Chr…)

VERY rough
No. 948084
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No. 948085
>>948082The whole "phatpussy" thing doesn't really work when the entirety of you is fat. Her fupa extends far past it now?
>>948084her arm looking thicc
No. 948087
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No. 948088
File: 1584765602401.jpg (319.41 KB, 1080x1186, Screenshot_20200320-233823_Twi…)

"Thanks for supporting me! Now send me gift cards."
No. 948089
File: 1584765881285.jpg (Spoiler Image,616.11 KB, 1080x1721, Screenshot_20200320-234320_Twi…)

No. 948108
>>948104Good eye; I almost forgot about this guy
>>948084You aren't wrong… They could be 'sisters'
No. 948190
>>948119Isn't William Control the guy that raped a literal infant?
Good job, Shay.
No. 948201
File: 1584809047614.png (20.17 KB, 592x163, jjj.PNG)

No. 948202
File: 1584809121749.png (469.94 KB, 584x476, f.PNG)

No. 948212
>>948208oh yeah, you're right. my bad. control's a rapey loser in his own right still, though.
>>948211I think the youngest to accuse william of anything was a 12 year old. legal action was attempted, but police or prosecutors felt there wasn't enough to make anything stick.
Either way, this is absolutely the type of man Shayna would choose to support.
No. 948214
>>948212No doubt Shayna would. Remember she was whining about people accusing people of being "pedophiles" and bad behavior, sauying they were only doing it because they wanted to cancel the person and not like them?
Also she responded to some tweet where someone was like, "if you say someone is X, then I'm going to believe you"
with some, "We don't know all the facts, this is dangerous!"
She 100% would defend someone she likes if they are male and accused of fuck shit.
Who knows, maybe she has in one of her weird "cancel culture" rants.
No. 948250
File: 1584819563483.jpg (434.08 KB, 1080x1454, Screenshot_20200321-143852_Twi…)

Lol I love how she thinks working retail is "easy money"
No. 948252
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No. 948256
>>948250There's so much I can say about this tweet, but is she seriously saying that people have to make sex work their career? Who is she to tell people what they can and cannot do?
This tweet is so fucking retarded. She's a fucking idiot and now she's shitting on people's jobs calling it "easy money" but gets upset that there's women who can do sex work and move on because for some it IS EASY MONEY.
No. 948262
File: 1584820390266.png (20.9 KB, 645x296, called out.PNG)

No. 948265
>>948262>>948252>>948250She gets one bad response and she deletes the tweets. Why does she even say shit like this? I just can't imagine telling someone who needs money, whose low enough to do sex work, "don't do it because it makes us look bad if you don't make it a full time career! think about ME! While you are trying to pay a bill, get off the street or eat, think about Dolly Mattel! It's not quick money! Reeee"
she just hates that there are women who cn make more then her doing less then what she does. Women who don't give their whole life to sex work.
No. 948267
File: 1584821161830.png (12.23 KB, 569x118, ooo.PNG)

Also, why does she keep acting like her life has changed in any way due to corona?
She's been leaving the house MORE now, but other then that? She's just doing what she's been doing. Sitting around her house, smoking weed, drinking, spazzing on twitter, she has no friends/vistors that can't come see her because of this, besides that fuck boy.
So her life is literally the same.
No. 948269
File: 1584821204512.jpg (17.64 KB, 512x436, wot.jpg)

>>948250??? she's joking, right? she has literally zero self awareness.
>stop using sex work as a last resortwhy do you beg your customers to pay your rent? your moving fees? your bills?
>stop using sex work 2 get money when u need itagain, she constantly begs her followers for money for weed, for her nails, for her hair, and all the other frivolous non-necessities she always wants
>stop perpetuating the idea that all sex workers have mental illnesseshalf of her tweets are about being MeNtAlLy iLl and not taking her medication for her mental illnesses
>or issues w their familyand the other half of her tweets are about her evil mommy or inappropriately divulging about her relationship with her father on the same page that she has her festering pussy agape no less than a hundred pixels below
>if I wanted easy money I'd go get a job at Hollister then do it if you think you could lmao. she literally can't get a normie job because has NO recent experience she can put on a resume. googling her name brings up pages upon pages of embarrassing, grotesque porn. she can't even commute to a job in a mall because she doesn't have any means of transportation. is she going to spend half her paycheck Ubering back and forth everyday?
making tacky, kitsch porn that's on par with parodies is not difficult, and there is no reason to for her to keep feigning that "ITS MAH PASSION!!111!!" when everyone knows damn well she has no other choice at this point. she knows that she's dug herself into a hole with sex work. it IS her last resort. she HAS to beg to get what she needs. she is the embodiment of mental illness and family issues. truly, projection at its finest. wow.
No. 948270
>>948250How dare she say retail is easy money- especially in the current climate where food shop workers are having to deal with queues out the door while constantly stocking empty shelves and all the time being seriously underpaid, long hours, on their feet all day actually working for what they earn.
> stop using sex work 2 get money when you need itShe’s so tone deaf, outing herself as a retarded, privileged skeez. Most people “work to get money”, some people who’ve been fired due to the pandemic would love to “work to get money”
No. 948283
>>948250this is so disgusting. how privileged does this cow have to be to tweet dumb shit like "sex workers using sex work as a last resort or to get money when they need it is making sex workers look bad" like holy shit, how unaware are you?
the vast majority of sex work has been a last resort, for women to get money when they need it. i'd love to see her say this shit to a working girl or sex worker that isn't an online e-thot, she'd get her shit rocked.
just because you're able to make money selling nudes to orbiters doesn't mean that it's the sex workers putting their lives on the line to get a livlihood that are making you "look bad"
No. 948287
This bitch is literally upset that people are doing sex work to get paid.
>>948270Spot on. I think she's probably upset because there may be people trying out sex work because the virus and they are making more money then she does, look better and people are paying more attention to them.
Shayna, you've been donng this for YEARS. Newer fresher girls do sex work EVERYDAY, most of them are smart enough NOT to do it four years and ruin their lives.
She keeps saying the same shit over and over again. Everytime she makes less and less sense. It makes her rage that women use what she focuses her whole life on for quick easy cash.
When she has to do all kinds of gross shit for a couple of hundreds.
No. 948296
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No. 948342
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She probably didn't make this up. She more than likely saw it somewhere
No. 948383
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No. 948388
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No. 948400
>>948296I was wondering when the "uwu positivity" would come up again. her twitter has been constant bitterness for weeks, only right that she should cycle through to "omg vote 4 me for MV'S most positive!!!" sooner rather than later
>>948342drunk tweets. also yeah you went out LAST NIGHT, don't act like you're actually quarantined.
No. 948401
File: 1584845387163.jpg (387.84 KB, 1080x1248, Screenshot_20200321-214853_Twi…)

Why should ANYONE be nice to Shay? All you do is drag and degrade people daily
No. 948410
File: 1584847316847.jpg (438.71 KB, 1080x1829, Screenshot_20200321-222045_Twi…)

Please fucking don't
No. 948411
File: 1584847355626.jpg (192.98 KB, 1080x680, Screenshot_20200321-222115_Twi…)

I can already picture the train wreck
No. 948439
File: 1584855708078.jpg (209.9 KB, 1080x1016, Screenshot_20200322-002743_Twi…)

This is on her other twitter. Surprised she hasn't deleted the tweet yet
No. 948444
>>948439Why is she obsessed with telling other people what they can and cannot do lmao.
She acts like how she portrays her mom to be- an over-controlling rule maker.
Chill the fuck out.
No. 948538
idk i really think someone needs to create a masterpiece with these pics, preferably with her face covering her vag:
>>941970>>942060>>942061 sorry would do it but I suck at editing
No. 948551
File: 1584892597092.png (44.03 KB, 585x208, Screen Shot 2020-03-22 at 11.5…)

Firstly, bitch quarantine where? She's gone out in the past two weeks more than ever. Second, symptoms of flu and food poisoning are vastly different, so what is she even talking about?
No. 948558
File: 1584894732382.jpeg (538.71 KB, 1125x1261, 636A33F9-4243-46FD-825F-749D21…)

hmm, ok shay like you don’t go outside topless or to the grocery store and airport without a bra on
No. 948559
>>948558didn't her boyfriend make her get in a doggy bed? didn't fupa slap her in public? Didn't her BF make her bring teddy bear and she didn't want to? Didn't she flash her pussy in the puppy park?
Doesn't she take pictures of her hard nipples when she's out? Remember she'd go on those dates dressed like a retard? Walking around topless?
come on shayna shut the fuck up.
No. 948562
>>948558Shayna. You filmed your ex boyfriend slapping you in Walmart, and told a story about picking out a dog bed and how your "daddy" made you lay on them in the aisles.
But go off about other people exposing their kink in public, retard.
No. 948563
File: 1584896234103.png (1.21 MB, 1877x2048, Screenshot_20200322-125622.png)

Shayna should just stop talking.
No. 948569
Lol someone take the top tweet from this
>>948563And paste it next to this
>>948068And get one of her gross goblin face and we have our next thread pic.
No. 948635
File: 1584909431382.png (2.79 MB, 2048x2028, Screenshot_20200322-163631.png)

bitch put a frozen bag meal in a skillet and calls it cooking, kek
No. 948636
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No. 948638
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Major kek
No. 948662
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No. 948713
File: 1584921295465.jpg (402.74 KB, 608x1154, Screenshot_20200322-185334_One…)

>>948662How does she think this is cute or attractive in any way?
No. 948714
>>948713"Guys I think I'm getting sick again"
goes out during a quarantine and buys white claws and bluntsShayna logic.
No. 948717
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No. 948724
>>948636never in my life have i ever heard of someone refer to taking money as drying out a wallet. hers is drier than her customers'.
>>948717yes, i think it's an extension piece so she probably just plopped it on top of the dumb bun she made and didn't bother to do anything else to it.
No. 948727
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No. 948739
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No. 948753
File: 1584929995878.jpg (Spoiler Image,434.62 KB, 1071x1244, Screenshot_20200322-211918_Twi…)

Surprised she didn't say "fat pussy"