File: 1642955215472.png (816.34 KB, 921x1175, DEDD73F5-78F6-413A-8909-FDEC8A…)

No. 1424700
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/1411538Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos already posted zoomed in is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Real the rules before posting. Sage when there’s no milk. No nitpicking and/or blogposting. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting sceenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread
>>>/snow/1363903 Do not reply to spergs. Do not mention /Fupa/Soy/Ellen/Womack/ whoever shes involved with at the moment unless relevant. Do not sperg about Shayna’s pets. Do not give Shayna your money.
Last thread:
> Shayna gets told she’s fat >>1411548, tells haters she loves shaking her chubby (fat) body and tells them to suck her fat cunt >>1411549, >Anons find more Shayquash photos from her trip to the lake >>1411576, >>1411573, >>1411560, >>1411557, >>1411696, beer gut and cellulite on full display >>1411698, >Anons posts SFW close up of her fat face showing how fat she has gotten >>1411816, >>1412830>Shayna gives unsolicited advice on sex work since she’s ~successful and thriving uwu~ >>1412086, >>1417674, >>1420602, >Shayna Luther King welcomes “girlcock” as an attempt to be woke and attract troons >>1412552,>Spergs about “abuse” from Fupaul >>1412908, says she’s happier now >>1418960, yet brings him up all the time >Sexualizes domestic violence >>1421555,>Shayna’s hot dog nails are causing an infection and they are bloody >>1413120, >Naked bathroom chicken dance >>1413323, >>1413383, >Shayna tweets about how minors should stay off of NSFW Twitter because it’s “yucky” and talks about how she was a minor (an attempt to secretly pedo pander to coomers) when she joined and it’s not worth it >>1413749, >Defends pedo pandering >>1418465, yet posts tweet sexualizing shit parents do with their literal children >>1419422, >Shayna’s “house” (apartment) has ants and need to take her pets to daycare ??? >Anons are confused why doesn’t she just buy ant traps and throw old food wrappers away instead. >Shay doesn’t mention ants again >Gets called fat and ugly by edtwt and tweets about it. not thinking about how embarrassing it is since she is indeed fat and ugly >>1414017,>Spergs about the harassment from lolcow >>1414044, >Complains about one sided relationships as if she’s not a greedy leech who only cares about herself >>1414574>Arguing with scrotes on Twitter will really get moids to buy your content >>1414912,>Hitler coochie >>1414919, >Fatty wears horrid too small outfits >>1415083, >>1415078, looking like Benjamin Franklin >>1417480, >Shayna’s big nose without filters and facetune >>141749, >Jason R Womack continues to pay Ellen on Venmo like a cuck >>1415526, >After Shayna gets her booster shot, >>1416829, she goes to the hospital with what Anons assume is from a hangover >>1416694, >Continues to tweet for attention even though she’s “extremely” sick: >>1416753, >>1416795, >>1416994, >Goes back to the ER taking up hospital beds from people who are actually ill like the greedy fat inconsiderate bitch she is >>1418368, and sexualizes her trip there >>1418693, >>1418475, >Shayna wants to win ManyVids contest even though she lost every since one >>1421038, votes for other sex workers as a sad attempt to get votes back.>Jason R Wocuck spends all his money voting for Fatty Lardel >>1424415, >Continues to have boils on snatch and ass >>1422749, >>1422917, >Wears same skirt from when she was skinny >>1422880, >>1422909, looking like a trailer park mother of 4 >Abustedpixie makes mermaid drawing of Shayna, anons remix it making it more accurate >>1421175, >>1422026, >>1422604, Maychup saga:
>Says her clit is in her ass (for the millionth time) and she produces a lot of “butt cum” >>1415048, >>Shayna posts video of her “butt cum”>>1417293, it’s brownish yellow, >>1417510, she swirls it around her asshole with her finger >>1417534, >Butt discharge looks like Mayonnaise and Ketchup hence the thread name being Mayochup Mermaid Edition Links: (need ID to join) "Patricia" Dresel (Shayna's "gf")
Seattle/Renton, WA Nanny Thread:
>>>/snow/344490Recent Threads:
>>>/snow/1411538 No. 1424793
File: 1642963235870.jpeg (192.83 KB, 750x1201, C571FE3D-B445-4B30-852D-A22065…)

She’s still got Womack throwing all his chump change at this contest. There’s 6 hours left and she’s stuck in 8th, shes dead in the water and she’s gonna have a meltdown on Twitter over it later. She seemed extra desperate to win this one
No. 1424797
File: 1642963546110.jpeg (267.89 KB, 750x614, BE866A90-8993-4424-9CB8-077DBB…)

She’s made this tweet multiple times now. Boo-hoo, let it go being bitter won’t fix it
No. 1424811
>>1424793She's been in 8th for days now. Shayna, when will you learn.. the only contest you can ever win is fave cow. Just be flattered you at least have that.
Like another anon said, she'd have been better just pushing actual content sales or begging for tips for no reason. At least she'd have more doordash funds.
No. 1424835
>>1424811Even if she made the nominees stage the MV staff would obviously never pick her, she makes them fuck all money.
She's made less than 30 videos the entire year. What a star!
No. 1424875
File: 1642969989906.jpeg (389.44 KB, 868x777, 65B8650B-67D8-4CEA-BE60-7A45FF…)

>>1424793She’s behind Mohawk Molly….the bar for this contest is so low even Dogfucker Dawn is 2nd place
No. 1424900
File: 1642972480491.jpeg (858.8 KB, 1170x1607, C42EEA4F-5541-41F6-BB60-F34173…)

>>1424797Shay, those comments you made are not the only reason why other SWers don’t like you
No. 1424998

>>1424875She placed once in 2020 when going for anal star and that Mohawk Molly lass won lol. Seems she's won a few.
And other nominees have full on prolapses. Yikes.
No. 1425086
>>1424935don't forget get sober because damn does she look like a completely fucked up mess in her pfp
>>1425034I'm absolutely horrified at that dog and step bro thing that i need eye bleach so I can unread that. I missed the dawn saga and have put off reading it but I can't imagine anything more bottom of the barrel than these two
No. 1425115
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She’s fucking insufferable. This is why she will never find real love.
No. 1425127
>>1425115It’s actually funny reading this, and then you remember that she always bought
fupa games, food, concert tickets and seemed like the one to always pay for his shit and not the other way around.
No. 1425141
File: 1642987305636.jpeg (191.98 KB, 1024x1559, 890C9977-2D7D-479E-AC97-7DE23C…)

What a waste of time and money
No. 1425148
>>1425115It's funny because there's an infinite amount of women who are prettier than Shayna who cook and clean because they respect themselves and their space. Bragging about it is so braindead especially when she can't afford to hire someone to clean her house like the high-class bimbo she envisions herself as.
This is just her professing her true status as a nasty alcoholic who thinks nothing of being mean to other people when her feet are black from the filth in her own apartment.
The dishes from her cooking breakfast the other day are probably still sitting in her sink.
No. 1425156
File: 1642989834341.jpeg (Spoiler Image,788.89 KB, 1170x1484, 4DA68B98-5E71-4C3A-ACB2-A6E8B3…)

Yeah, when you use heavily filtered pics
No. 1425161
File: 1642991910044.png (575.62 KB, 720x1024, A4640BFD-4730-4FF1-B25E-CF9B9F…)

>>1425156Comes off so forced and just…defensive when you compare it to when she used to make these kinds of posts…
No. 1425169
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No. 1425171
File: 1642993971315.jpeg (577.55 KB, 1242x1689, C2DC581E-AF82-4BDE-A490-BEAFD7…)

I hope she doesn’t go out in public wearing that ugly onesie. It will never be socially acceptable to wear pajamas at 4 pm Shayna
No. 1425189
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Oh please
No. 1425198
File: 1642998526759.jpeg (318.43 KB, 750x869, FFA94868-5F75-468B-AC5A-C3CAF6…)

>>1425196 no just an ugly tranny with 5 followers
No. 1425258
>>1425147>it's not too late to throw in the mayochup covered towel on sex workYes it is kek. She's turning 25 this year and has absolutely nothing on her resume. Not even some banal volunteer work or a sfw hobby. It's a completely blank page. Unless she wants to add "CEO of Fucking my Butt Inc". Knowing Shayna, she probably would too, thinking that a resume is just a longform tweet.
This woman is stuck on this path for life now. Or at least until Womack finally flies away.
No. 1425380
>>1425258her dad and stepmum told her they will pay for education or training
so she actually does have options, she’s just too dumb and lazy to use them
No. 1425477
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No shit, you get fatter, uglier and older everyday. Time to throw in the towel. Like clockwork these contest always make her want to quit because her delusion of being the best gets shattered
No. 1425496
File: 1643046630674.jpeg (56.73 KB, 640x360, 09EA3F25-C3FE-444E-AD58-373BD5…)

>>1425495Honestly, the best thing Shay could have possibly done for herself was to marry the first man that was interested in her, because the trajectory has literally been straight downwards. Shown above is boyfriend number one, who used to make her smile and eat yummy salads.
No. 1425497
File: 1643046744581.jpeg (160.52 KB, 925x934, 616C6E74-42FC-43F1-BD87-703AF3…)

>>1425496Here’s boyfriend number two, an old fat ginger cunt who still manages to be less insufferable than Fupa.
At this point, the only option she has left is Womack. Take it, Shay, because I don’t even want to find out what’s worse than Womack.
No. 1425499
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No. 1425500
File: 1643046928182.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.21 MB, 3264x2724, D1621EFE-6484-4F76-8BB7-E0ED4D…)

>>1425477Hmmm, why is one of these women doing better in porn than the other????? I’m gonna need to put on my thinking cap for this one.
Could it be that scrotes also have “childish beauty standards”? Could it be that almost everyone does, and that being a fucking landwhale blimp is objectively an eyesore? Hmmm…
No. 1425505
>>1425500can you spoil that shit? we don't need ANOTHER comparison picture, we all know.
>>1425503the obsession with womack dating shay is weird.
No. 1425507
File: 1643047065884.gif (Spoiler Image,2.29 MB, 540x304, 420AA6A6-B18F-435A-AAD7-1BEE76…)

>>1425499Yeah, I think you were a lot less critical of your self image when you looked like this. I’m pretty sure being an ugly, fat heifer makes you critical of your self image. Maybe consider that those criticisms are absolutely fucking correct and do something to fix them.
No. 1425520
File: 1643047776643.jpeg (169.78 KB, 750x1287, 98690CB0-6E8B-4562-BA65-CC78C9…)

No. 1425525
>>1424700I hate seeing that gif so much now, I reuse some meme's every now and them but fuck its only ever that one gif
Its ruined monsters Inc. for me
No. 1425544
>>1425520I can't imagine having a way out of this but I'd rather give up on life because I didn't win a stupid sex work contest. This happens every year. She says she knows it's based on money but its not like outside of these contests she's doing amazing. None of this matters cause all a xoomer has to do is give her 10-100 dollars and she'll be like, "Im so grateful everytime I want to give up you guys show me…".
Not like she was offered a free education and doesn't have a family she can depend on … wait…
No. 1425644
File: 1643055262838.jpeg (72.8 KB, 700x875, 395481BF-78B6-4E62-B7AD-1974E1…)

>>1425500She was ugly when she was skinny too, and about as dirty. She still had boils and pimples all over her. And I’m sorry to say, but her big nose on her fat face makes it look smaller, when she was skinnier she looked like one of those ugly dogs with the Jew nose. It’s sort of an optical illusion, now her nose just looks bulby and fat, before it looked witchy and haggard. her face has always been ugly.
No. 1425647
>>1425644> She still had boils and pimples all over her.ew anon kek
>>1425500why has this been up for 2 hours and not spoilered?
No. 1425703
File: 1643059448219.jpeg (263.83 KB, 1242x1137, 1D6BA676-3EE4-4881-9E97-D0C739…)

you know big chungus is desperate for money when she sells her bundles of videos, lies and say it’s worth over $300 kek
No. 1425704
File: 1643059480638.png (Spoiler Image,5.84 MB, 1242x2208, 0F620710-5816-4E08-906D-E67EFB…)

Big ol belly
No. 1425708
File: 1643059685702.jpeg (496.74 KB, 1080x2288, C19B4FEA-BA0B-432E-8BC5-8AF3B6…)

An excellent facial expression to being out your wrinkles, good job shay
No. 1425715
File: 1643060008536.png (482.96 KB, 1182x994, Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-24 um 2…)

Fatty was featured on "OnlyFans Girls Posting L's"
No. 1425722
File: 1643060368829.jpg (29.94 KB, 333x333, fat ugly buddha belly.jpg)

>>1425704Rub her belly for bad luck, pussy boils, and smelly pits.
(autism) No. 1425732
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>>1425704Her body is now Homer's face
(Unsaged autism) No. 1425757
File: 1643062239095.jpeg (1.34 MB, 3464x3464, E1DE331A-B9C0-4DD0-967C-A39877…)

Idk what’s worse her natural expression or her forced straining bug eyed mouth open expression
No. 1425758
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No. 1425759
File: 1643062408035.jpeg (508.13 KB, 1242x1308, 82A17DD6-345C-49A0-A95E-700B0C…)

>deffo not straight
Kek what a pick me stop pretending to be pansexual to impress twitterfags
No. 1425782
>>1425606nah, nobody hiring a medical technician (for example) is Googling them to make sure they didn’t do gross sex shit in the past
she could absolutely train for a well paying career of some kind where her sex shit would never come up
she’s just too dumb and lazy
No. 1425796
>>1425708god wtf is this look? what kind of “baby” wears a onesie with stripper heels? what kind of “baby” has the facial wrinkles of a 46-year-old?
for someone who’s constantly going on about muh style, muh attention to detail, pay me 2 shop 4 u, I’ve never seen her put together a decent look
No. 1425823
File: 1643065712204.jpeg (Spoiler Image,760.8 KB, 1125x1185, 584766F7-9159-47F5-B2E5-39A993…)

>>1425520I refuse to believe that she looks at her content and thinks it’s 5 star quality. I legit pulled this monstrosity from one of her older videos and boy is it cursed. She has to be mentally stunted or such an extreme narcissist she thinks she can do no wrong it’s the only explanation.
No. 1425862
>>1425715“Assholes are like opinions. Not everybody is interested in hers.”
Is my favourite reply omg
No. 1425864
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No. 1425878
She's so far gone mentally that getting assaulted and beaten by a man is fine as long as she gets some cheez-its and washed so she doesn't have to do it herself.
No. 1425910
File: 1643072121484.jpeg (289.96 KB, 828x950, D0ECD379-DD1A-4B96-84BF-DF97FA…)

>>1425759>implying she loves Ellen >>1425704God
DAMN her belly button looks like it’s smiling. Asking why she posts ugly as sun things is a useless rhetorical question at this point.
>>1425772Wow anon you’re right these scrotes are
hilarious — these were the only kind of funny ones
> so get skinny???> Assholes are like opinions. Not everybody is interested in hers.> Sounds like she has a great relationship with her father. No. 1425913
File: 1643072386407.jpeg (164.57 KB, 750x1257, 82B7CF5E-35E6-4E51-B06C-49AC83…)

The fucking monsters inc gif again
No. 1425960
File: 1643076060451.jpeg (72.99 KB, 750x598, 44BE154D-8C71-4A45-8E6A-510E1E…)

What kind of retarded message is she sending by posting her sad 50 tip??? Why would coomer pay her a decent “wage” if she’s freaking out for such a pathetic pay out?? Truly scraping the bottom of the barrel.
No. 1426046
File: 1643084694980.jpeg (381.81 KB, 828x1292, 3F60F84D-ABE0-4576-A208-29E219…)

>>1425910Kek if she thought farmers were mean she’s not ready for twitter edgelords
No. 1426061
>>1425757ive literally never seen anyone with those diagonal wrinkles she has on her forehead. It's shocking to me that even with these threads talking about it for yrs she's never made a point to stop making that raised eyebrow expression. Especially knowing that it would become permanent eventually; it happened so fast too!
>>1425759maybe i'm reading too much into this but it's weird she didn't mention her girlfriend. She's always going out of her way to mention "the dad(s)" but lately seems to avoid mentioning ellen at all costs
No. 1426429
File: 1643129272080.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1125x1498, 86536CC9-D37B-4F78-8ADD-4820BB…)

Why does she look like this, her face scares me
No. 1426430
File: 1643129381994.jpeg (716.15 KB, 1101x1016, CF429DFD-1495-42A6-BB9A-F98A3F…)

The awkward as hell smirk she’s always adamant on making , the wrinkles, the huge witch nose, the bows in her hair when she looks like she’s approaching 40 or 45 years old, she is the creepiest looking sex worker i’ve ever fucking seen
No. 1426489
File: 1643132900585.jpeg (244.85 KB, 750x1383, 80ED4F84-CB84-41C2-BBC7-728641…)

It depends what she defines as sex, she hardly has PIV sex, maybe Connor, first Seattle guy, and Fupa for sure, Mia sadbaffoon fucked her with a strap on, the old man stuck his toe in her pussy, she sucked Sol’s dick, and Ellen and The Dad kinda just slap her around and finger her so I really have no idea what “sex” is to this bitch
No. 1426623
File: 1643144046196.jpeg (451.01 KB, 750x1247, E79DF19D-7788-469E-A561-55A735…)

No. 1426628
File: 1643144289426.jpeg (69.99 KB, 672x412, DA1DB52C-3701-49DE-81BD-853322…)

why did she say too 400 then say top $300? she's so stupid.
No. 1426630
>>1425496>>1425760>>1425775>>1425792>>1426466This is going to be an unpopular opinion but I think that Shayna is very average looking. Most women are dumpy and lumpy looking with their clothes off and have a lot of imperfections. If you go to any public place half of adult women are about on the same level as Shayna face and body wise, it's just that they don't take their clothes off for all to see in jarring, unprofessional lighting when hungover or dress like a cheap auto-pedophile.
I think Shayna really needs to take the offer of her dad paying for her education. She needs to get off the weed and alcohol and move back in with her dad and change her name.
The anons advising her to marry Womack are completely retarded. As if all any woman's life is worth is to marry some scrote, even some white trash stoner pervert that adds nothing to anyone's life. Kek.
She definitely shouldn't have married any of the men she dated in the past. They all encouraged her weed habit, which I don't think gets nearly enough clout in these threads because muh legal high. I think we have forgotten about how bad being a stoner can be.
Shayna's decline is even more mental than it is physical because of the weed, alcohol and untreated mental health problems. I mean, she's a little fat like a lot of the world is nowadays but I actually think that's the least of her problems. She's barely caring for herself and she's barely able to function on a day to day basis. She is going to end up dead at a young age if she doesn't find a way out of this self destructive lifestyle.
She's the most depressing cow on here. I'm past finding her amusing at this point. I think I need to take a break.
(blog) No. 1426656
File: 1643145625948.jpeg (205.23 KB, 1170x582, 69F3B184-0710-4D60-B1C1-5A05F9…)

>>1426489she’s slept with 5 people apparently
No. 1426685
>>1426630I definitely do think that the end is near in terms of Shayna's rebellion against her conservative parents. She is going to quit by the time she turns 30. She's already waking up to the fact that she's not getting paid much and is miserable, although she's still in denial and is clinging on as much as she can to the lie that she's living her best life.
This is a bit of a tinfoil but I think she will go full tradthot wigger nationalist in the next few years. She's already made that Hitler comment and has been complete excluded from the sex work community because of it. She's going to go full circle and become an online trad waifu for incel attention and she's going to find God all of a sudden.
No. 1426744
>>1425782They may not be looking for gross sex work shit, but they will be looking for someone halfway competent. Shayna has the gross sex work past, AND no work ethic or common sense. And also a lot more jobs are doing background checks and googling potential employees as a new way to justify not hiring someone.
>>1425792Why would anyone pick Shayna's resume with her weird ass porn history behind her over someone who's probably better equipped for the job and doesn't have a weird ass internet history like hers? I feel like this debate happens every 3 or 4 threads and her future just gets bleaker and bleaker. At best she could land some shitty call center job and lose it 2 months later because she can't do anything without being cross faded, and being cross faded at an actual job isn't very cash money
No. 1426774
File: 1643152827469.jpeg (96.59 KB, 750x259, 21085C75-A6E0-4E1D-8FB9-123DFC…)

She’s been having a “bad mental health day” for the past few weeks. She hasn’t “worked” since the beginning of the month.
No. 1426779
File: 1643153165382.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1242x1571, AECFB60F-3601-4A9E-B0FB-B61906…)

No. 1426780
File: 1643153207119.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1006.3 KB, 1242x1347, 342CA2C1-4B17-4B05-A597-42113A…)

I hate this outfit almost as much as her Benjamin Franklin 1800’s school girl
No. 1426781
>>1426774And that’s when she said she was going to cam once a week up to 3 times a week and one video a week. She couldn’t even keep one of those goals. Not to mention all the crap she bought to start twitch.
I wonder what it’s like literally doing nothing all day for years on end. I’d look like a wet rock too.
No. 1426782
File: 1643153310108.jpeg (Spoiler Image,750.39 KB, 851x1301, 8C418E59-7686-483C-984E-1D49F5…)

>Cockeyed boobs and mismatched nipples, discharge in her wrinkled vag, turd braids, big nose, cheap necklace on top of her neck rolls
No. 1426797
>>1426782Why the fuck does she have wrinkles literally on her vagina
How does fhat even happen unless you’re 50 or so years old? Even if you look that old, FINE, why dress yourself as a child? It just looks so tacky and is all so poorly done. I honestly think she has a learning disability or is just developmentally stunted and her brain doesnt work right. Theres iust no other way at this point because any other normal human being would have quit doing what theyre doing by now but she just keeps going
No. 1426958
File: 1643162963992.jpeg (Spoiler Image,91.45 KB, 1205x1475, FJ_hcLdVUAEoaip.jpeg)

Posted on twitter. It's so filtered but you can still see the boils kek.
No. 1427006
File: 1643166045370.jpeg (278.44 KB, 1600x1200, 0CB99D42-5C28-42DF-B9E0-74F5B7…)

>>1426958Adam Sandler Click cover levels of airbrushing
No. 1427038
File: 1643168728550.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 1154x1552, 0CF48788-663E-48C5-936C-4EF93B…)

>>1427006Her ass without blurring is horrifying
No. 1427040
File: 1643168826426.jpeg (1.36 MB, 2590x3147, 9E92FADC-39C6-4678-B5E1-3B92AE…)

Ten miles a bad road
No. 1427097
>>1426815I’d be surprised if she were counting Mia OR Ellen; she’s probably too much of a misogynist to consider sex with women “real sex”
She’s probably counting Connor, Seattle ginger scrote, other Seattle scrote, Fupa, and current old man
No. 1427114
>>1427099>charming lmao
She looks like an old lady trying to copy thot makeup for the first time and got caught laughing at her own fart.
I've never seen a woman in their mid-20s look so
No. 1427144
>>1426994>All the people who she probably is trying to impress in her head (highschool people, former competition) have moved on a long time ago.Personal tinfoil is that Shayna's current meltdown was
triggered by her realizing that she has no one irl who cares about her enough for her to suicide baiting to work anymore. She's still trying of course. But telling OldGrey "might kms idk haha" just doesn't pack the same punch as sending the same message to Fupa.
Suicide baiting used to be an easy way for her to get attention. Now there's no one left to manipulate. Her attention supply has run out now that she's chased away everyone who cared about her irl.
It's easy to say "I'll kill myself at 27 teehee" when you're still a bpd teen getting who's getting showered in coomer attention. Now that she's getting close to 27, no one is watching her anymore to care.
No. 1427197
File: 1643189860516.png (1.41 MB, 1686x1520, airfryer.png)

No. 1427250
>>1427197Why that hideous fucking smirk, why
There’s really not one thing cute about her the only way she’s been pulling teeth as a sex worker is because of the free asshole pics she posts, i dont think even womack finds her actually appealing he’s just too stupid to know any better and scrotes will really fuck anything
No. 1427340
>>1427251Sure, Shayna is ugly, overweight and trashy but would hardly be considered the "worst case". She's not cracked out, pimped out living in a tent on skid row nor the product of incest. She's drunk constantly and rambles on Twitter but still more coherent than the truly paranoid schizos.
It would be milky if she was featured on there, more black and white photography of her for farmers to gawk at, kek
No. 1427605
File: 1643230228060.jpeg (578.36 KB, 3268x1647, DC254B10-4520-4255-9817-9D5834…)

How it started vs how it’s going
No. 1427866
File: 1643247717583.jpeg (151.33 KB, 1205x1747, FKEnT6nVIAIpcq0.jpeg)

She got her hair dyed. Says she's a "dirty blonde" now
No. 1427868
File: 1643247808600.jpeg (155.22 KB, 1205x1785, FKEnT6pVcAIDBoH.jpeg)

>>1427866Officially in her Grandma Barbie era
No. 1427882
>>1427771>bepimpled asskek
Also, I don't think it's that deep. I truly think she is deeply ashamed of herself to the point to where she feels like she can't do anything else and she doesn't want to be embarrassed by the absolute state of herself back home with her parents/people she grew up with. She has literally ruined her own life and refuses to take accountability for it.
No. 1427883
File: 1643248717330.jpg (103.26 KB, 1000x1000, 61Kpjfek3oL._SL1000_.jpg)

>>1427869I'm hoping she'll slowly ease into "milf" content because nothing about this screams barbie, bimbo or youth. Just cut it short, get side bangs and larp as a "trophy wife step mom" like she did when skinny. It'd probably make her more then what she's making from this diaper shit. She looks the part. Why not go all the way blonde?
No. 1427899
File: 1643249888488.jpeg (485.89 KB, 1535x2048, 77F7DBB0-61AF-4758-9B2C-485EE7…)

Face tuned and filtered going extra hard
No. 1427903
File: 1643249940993.jpeg (406.36 KB, 1535x2048, D12AD58D-F571-4114-8420-19ED14…)

No. 1427921
File: 1643250678914.jpeg (429.27 KB, 1012x1133, B96F8B28-89AE-4A41-B3DF-8A66BB…)

Of course she got it from Dolls Kill
No. 1427932
>>1427903Just when you think she can’t possibly get any trashier… She posts this ugly ass outfit. Why would she buy this shit?? It doesn’t match her ~aesthetic~ at all and she has never expressed any interest in Bugs Bunny. And the worst part is it says “what’s up Doc?” in rhinestones across her flat pimply Hank Hill ass. The epitome of white trash smh
>>1427921It hurts me to know that she spent $100 for this Walmart-esque garbage
No. 1427943
>>1427903She really thinks this is a serve. Girl… lmfao.
She needs to go back to this salon and get her shit fixed. How could it be possible that she pays for beauty services that consistently come out looking terrible? Is it just her?
No. 1427952
>>1427866I think I've developed Stockholm Syndrome, because I think she looks pretty here. I know the filter's working overtime, but the color is cute on her. MILFy, yeah, but cute.
>>1427899Wait, never mind, I was wrong. She looks like your friend's haggard, chain-smoking, alcoholic mom who hits on all the teenage boys that come over.
No. 1427986
>>1427921Their clothes have always been ugly garbo but jfc the bar is really dropping so low and Shay is just eating that shit up. What happened to her being so woke and shit. She damn well knows theyre
problematic because she admitted it, asked for alternatives, then immediately turned around and starting buying up all their shit. At first anons thought she was buying resells on depop, but it became clear she's buying direct and probably on payment too kek
And as usual she buys shit that looks ugly on thin and attractive models so it just looks that much worse on her crusty fat ass.
No. 1428071
File: 1643265871988.jpeg (190.42 KB, 750x1434, BD9C55D9-E3D3-44E3-88B9-94E0FA…)

She’s shooting tomorrow with Russell Harmon from lovinglyhandmadepornography again, he’s literally not even gonna recognize her.
No. 1428076
File: 1643266204597.jpeg (Spoiler Image,144.27 KB, 1280x720, 28462F46-27CB-4F0C-B39B-896016…)

>>1428071This is what she looked like last time they filmed together. Far from attractive but not even the same person
No. 1428083
File: 1643268082154.jpeg (Spoiler Image,113.49 KB, 1280x720, C02674B2-B9AC-411E-A5FC-FE642B…)

>>1428077She’s so fucking awkward when she works with other people, like clearly uncomfortable so she acts like a sped to try to make it less awkward but it makes it worse. Plus she can’t control the angles or use filters. At least abdreams edited her pimples out and stuff, last time she filmed with this guy he put her pussy and ass boils on full display, it’s going to be a disaster.
No. 1428084
File: 1643268336422.jpeg (62.56 KB, 683x205, 7E26CA95-9806-4C6B-9CFE-D5F429…)

it's so fucking gross to me how she has to sexualize every single person she interacts with.
No. 1428087
File: 1643268545158.jpeg (132.77 KB, 750x340, 83FDD244-A767-43A5-8186-E7A4F3…)

>>1428084We’re just trying to do our jobs. I’m horrified that some tranny is out there doing this to woman
No. 1428102
>>1428091She really does look like a single mother who does sex work to support her and her 3 but still pretends to be some sort of spoiled baby. Girl you got 2 10$ tips for the month of January and embarrass yourself posting that thinking it’s a lot of money. you’re the online equivalent of a raw sex at the back of the car for 10$ crack value hooker who looks like a middle aged mother of 4.
Also i find it sad how she’s always so active online never missing a day to post only to profit from it from womack and old grey while the rest of her audience is there for the free asshole. Her life is so bleak in a particularly unique way because any , and i mean any one would have quit by now but this bitch just… never does
No. 1428115
File: 1643272138012.jpeg (253.99 KB, 1069x1646, 3A72F1F5-3F4B-40D3-AA06-092C3B…)

>>1428083She’s always been a crusty ugly sped
No. 1428118
File: 1643272556621.jpeg (892.87 KB, 1232x1062, E030E106-E2EC-4354-A069-6F9CCE…)

>>1427914She’s scary to look at
No. 1428119
File: 1643272612254.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 877x1703, 573DFBE6-DE5E-4C31-B818-4B18BB…)

It’s always the “I’m baby bimbo” bitches that look haggard and old as fuck
No. 1428120
nonnie >>1427921This looks like something you’d see at Walmart. It’s not even cute just dumb
No. 1428373
File: 1643307103110.jpeg (254.71 KB, 750x1349, D4A0B2F5-C9A9-4965-9558-1AF2E3…)

The way she calls other woman cunts really doesn’t sit right with be, she hates other woman so much.
No. 1428382
File: 1643307400651.jpeg (357.98 KB, 750x969, 1E429772-D0F7-4149-8AB1-A16B10…)

This is what set her off. “Mistress gore” is 100% a farmer
No. 1428384
File: 1643307461550.jpeg (403.09 KB, 750x963, 2C8554D7-89EE-480B-85E2-08705A…)

She involved herself in the Sol drama as well, try to make it less obvious next time you go and cowtip
No. 1428390
File: 1643307863413.jpeg (383.78 KB, 750x892, 67DB79B8-2813-449E-9157-1D4B2C…)

>>1428384I’m sure she’s one of the anons in here calling Shayna obese while she looks like she’s 2x as fat as Shay
No. 1428403
>>1428373How is she just figuring this out if she’s been following/interacting for like 6mo?
>>1428390I hope she’s smart enough to be a catfish bc if not…..girl work on yourself first kek
No. 1428414
File: 1643308960696.jpg (159.41 KB, 1080x1079, Jesus fuck.jpg)

>>1428406No way that Hamson girl isn't here typing about shayna with her sausage fingers KEK
No. 1428429
File: 1643309730222.jpeg (212.25 KB, 750x535, 08E44636-6A99-42EA-986D-1C5CDA…)

Ellen better watch out, Shayna loves to post photos of her bruises and brag about getting beat until she decides she hates you, then it’s abuse and she will never let it go
No. 1428436
>>1428429>>tweets about wanting to be kidnapped, taken advantage of and beaten daily >>I had a bad experience with my Ebil ex and it scared meEllen should watch out, this is the same chick who accused her ex of being
abusive because he wouldn't get her weed. She claims to love all this kink shit but when they break up suddenly she realizes how fucked it is. Until she gets with with another person with the same disguating kinks person and then the cycle repeats. I'd love for her to turn on Ellen's nasty ass just so I can see two bags of cottage cheese agrue.
No. 1428441
>>1428429She throws so much shade at fupa but always had such great things to say about how he was taking care of her and now she really tries to frame herself as a
victim. I don't believe half of the shit she says.
No. 1428443
>>1428436Narcissist always change the narrative so that they are not the abuser. She admittedly was getting drunk and acting a fool in front of people and probably was
abusive towards him too. She needs to move on jfc he lives in her head rent free
No. 1428454
File: 1643311086736.jpeg (179.87 KB, 750x557, A66D0AEA-2A0A-4DA2-B881-178911…)

She gets so in her feels whenever she’s about to have a shoot with another person. Probably because she starts to feel insecure so she takes it out on other people (fupa and that farmer whore)
No. 1428462
>>1428443Even if Fupaul was
abusive(he was), I'm sorry but I don't care. We've seen Shaynas behavior and we've seen her be
abusive and manipulatuve. She doesn't give a fuck about
victims of abuse that she sexualizes, her disgusting girlfriend stealing pacifiers of childern she's supposed to care for and she's a disgusting selfish person. She surrounds herself with
abusive people. She could be in school or even at her dad's getting herself together. Whatever happens to her is her fault. She has a way out but she rather squeeze mayo out her asshole and drink piss. While sexualizing children, following weirdos and in general being a idiot. No sympathy. They were
abusive to eachother
No. 1428463
File: 1643311403410.png (Spoiler Image,492.37 KB, 558x597, cow.png)

>>1428382Cowtipping shayna to give her style advice when you look like this and you're failing even harder at the same "job" she does.. the delusion kek
No. 1428472
>>1428462Very well said. He WAS
abusive, no man should ever be punching a woman in the face, let alone going around randomly punching her in public with absolutely no warning. BUT you absolutely cannot feel bad for her, and if they were still together she would still be flexing her face bruises. She’s doing the same with Ellen’s bite marks and bruises from punching her ass and thighs. She attracts and welcomes abuse.
No. 1428473
>>1428429The experience and care put into face punching kek of course you’d be afraid of having your face hit, why does she act like she was treated abusively after begging for it as a kink and then turns out to be actually traumatized. Isn't that just a sign that it’s not actually sexy or appealing in real life to be physically abused, but she still tweets scenarios where she’s a
victim and wishes for nonconsenting perverted things?
No. 1428480
>>1428425LBR, Pixie is in these threads too. She very obviously used to self post to compare herself to Shay all the time. Luckily Shay can't rub her two brain cells together and realize that though.
>>1428454Some sort of wrinkled abomination with a belt skirt that you are busting out of, I'm sure.
No. 1428562
File: 1643317512097.jpeg (Spoiler Image,140.77 KB, 750x893, 877A05D3-FC29-4057-8E05-42D4A8…)

Hmmm surprise surprise
>>1428463I wonder why these ppl are overweight… Maybe it’s bc all they do is eat and drink and smoke all day while taking pictures of their assholes like it’s some piece of art they spent 3 days on. Might as well just take a pic of their mum.
No. 1428585
>>1428565The only fans thread:
>>1363903 aka fugly sex workers against shayna thread
No. 1428597
File: 1643319382390.jpeg (334.92 KB, 750x757, 34294729-0877-48D9-8C8C-ECE9E9…)

She better not be wearing the fucking track suit for the video, but I’m sure whatever else she has planned wouldn’t be any better
No. 1428604
>>1428593Her interactions directly with Shayna are fine, it’s these kinds of posts
>>1428562that are irrelevant and belong in the e-whore thread
No. 1428748
File: 1643327948939.jpeg (255.41 KB, 1189x2048, FKJDPVYVEAAX1qm.jpeg)

Her thumb looks like a toe(nitpick)
No. 1428805
File: 1643330439860.gif (13.7 MB, 414x414, 73569212-5B68-48F8-B5A3-5F4EAA…)

>>1428684>>1428721your wish is my command
No. 1428840
File: 1643331416374.jpeg (210.93 KB, 1180x1080, 5B9F16AE-B1A0-4E9D-BABE-DA94D1…)

This is definitely a worse look then the track suit. A old looking bitch dressed as a trashy mom works a lot better then an old bitch dressed as a child
No. 1428843
File: 1643331521826.jpeg (285.69 KB, 750x670, 0DBE1CB2-C7A6-4C26-A866-98272D…)

She’s gonna pine over this guy for days now just like the did with Sol. She’s so unprofessional, it makes her look sad and desperate
No. 1428851
>>1428840agree but the color looks good on her. doesn't wash her out like every other shade of pink she has in her closet. i was gonna list some other stuff that she could do better with this look but honestly it would involve redoing everything. she got
one thing right.
No. 1428882
File: 1643333815411.jpeg (225.86 KB, 750x808, BAFE21DF-2F25-4AFB-A187-1250A6…)

Her fawning over this man is so embarrassing he couldn’t give less of a fuck about her
No. 1428899
File: 1643334373623.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 3265x3244, 7CEC5557-ED0F-40B0-BCD4-117F24…)

Wow to celebrate 100 threads of Big Shaynus she truly out disgusted us with the Mayochup leakage coming out of her ass. From scat, to asshole discharge, you’ve come a longggg way shay
No. 1428902
File: 1643334482781.jpeg (919.52 KB, 1066x1791, C7F48CA1-87D2-4061-A761-2CB5AE…)

>>1428840Kek of course clearance dollskill clothes
No. 1428942
File: 1643336916568.png (144.04 KB, 310x301, holy fuq muffy.png)

>>1428899Pretty vomitrocious anon jfc
No. 1428964
>>1427903how can someone fresh from a salon visit still look like their hair is greasy?
also, why does she "side part" like this? its so messy, at least comb out the parting properly jfc
No. 1428978
File: 1643341215074.jpeg (1.21 MB, 943x1757, E2471F2A-FCE8-4D58-AA69-E5ADCD…)

No. 1428979
File: 1643341265342.jpeg (1.19 MB, 958x1783, CCF08893-4C3E-4AD1-B498-746BEF…)

I’m so tired of seeing this ugly polyester circle skirt
No. 1428981
File: 1643341331102.jpeg (1.23 MB, 969x1742, 657B4DF4-B7FA-4CC8-849A-5B0CA4…)

No. 1428987
File: 1643341790148.jpeg (81.12 KB, 750x668, D6D07B5B-DA9A-4FDF-9274-1547D1…)

>>1428382She deleted kek, dont dish it out if you can’t take it fatty
No. 1428990
File: 1643341898959.jpeg (476.26 KB, 1170x1861, F8303E3E-B4E7-41D0-9C54-FE0499…)

Truly pathetic
No. 1429002
File: 1643342792983.jpeg (206.5 KB, 750x416, 43E78261-3D60-4C9A-B8CC-5335F9…)

>>1428981Looks like she only put one set of falsies on, instead of five, so that’s an improvement. I don’t know why she does that shit with her eyebrows, though, and the shape of the bows combined with her head and her witchy face shape just makes her look like an actual ogre.
No. 1429007
File: 1643342995293.jpeg (2.37 MB, 3429x3429, 74CD8A27-9139-435A-A342-D8FA0C…)

This thread has some of the best art nonnies ty for all the laughs, ladies
No. 1429009
File: 1643343231131.jpeg (76.04 KB, 270x275, 865E3DBE-ADD4-44E5-8A5C-6ABBD2…)

>>1428987why is it
always the ugly troons and landwhales who ruin black lipstick for everyone else
No. 1429072
Maybe try to not plaster name and mug on every platform if you're gonna be a cunt online
No. 1429148
>>1428981>>1428978I think most of her sheer ugliness is bad styling at this point. Many people will disagree with me that Shaynus is extremely average looking but I will stand by that point. I understand she's trying to appeal to an audience of filthy coomers who like little girls (not that I agree with this, but ethics aside) but she wears that stuff in public. Even if she wore her ugg boots or fila sneakers and some black leggings or work out pants and a big grey t-shirt or sweater or a flannel, you know, a no effort, casual outfit in neutral colors she would look 10x better.
It's the dressing like a child that really bothers me. I have never been a fan of 'kawaii' fashion and I don't think any adult woman can make it cute, let alone a woman who weighs close to 180lbs and is in her mid 20s (still young of course,but definitely far away from being a teenager). The pigtails hurt to look at. For a start, dollskill is a hideous website. Everything there is tacky.
Shayna, if you are lurking here dressing like a 14 year old that doesn't fit in and thinks she's special for watching spirited away combined with a cracked out prostitute is not a good look. You look ridiculous. Please take the pigtails out.
(hi cow, no1curr about your blog) No. 1429150
File: 1643364038165.png (674.15 KB, 720x731, Screenshot_20220128-115717~2.p…)

This piece of artwork actually looks exactly like her. Unlike the rest it's not even a funny charicature at this point. Props to the artist.
No. 1429157
>>1429148Its not just bad styling, her facial features are so low level tier and poor. Her heavily skin, witch looking nose, hair, tiny eyes, lips, are all the lowest caliber of female beauty. She is very plain and very frumpy and dumpy.
not unique physically, intellectually, nothing. She honestly reminds me of a female coomer like the ones who pay her pennies to keep sharing her asshole. Big shaynus, IS them.
No. 1429242
>>1429148Why do anons write fucking essays on how Shayna is not “that ugly”? Kek like no one cares what you think. Shayna isn’t going to listen to advice if she did we wouldn’t be on thread 100. I feel like hambeasts and other sex workers see themselves in her/have similar body/face features and get
triggered by it
No. 1429322
File: 1643390397870.jpeg (112.15 KB, 933x690, BF26257F-0F8B-4448-83D4-6E30AF…)

Shayna’s nail be like:(retarded nitpick)
No. 1429360
File: 1643393959259.jpeg (733.46 KB, 1256x3398, F5E3C846-4C16-4F81-8B2E-62F443…)

Shayna preaching to her 10 active followers, she’s so annoying with her “advice”
No. 1429362
File: 1643393986295.jpeg (40.98 KB, 618x360, 864FA9EA-648A-4528-9182-2FA0B7…)

>>1429231I don’t understand why she won’t do low pigtails like every porn star ever. She’d still look nasty, but with the wrinkling and protrusion of her forehead as is, the addition of pigtails just make it look like she has two large, horn-like lumps/protrusions high on her forehead where the pigtails/bows are. I mean, it’s actually remarkable just how much she resembles a full-on fantasy ogre. That’s what she should really cosplay as next.
No. 1429376
File: 1643394374821.png (7.44 MB, 1242x2208, 2F66658D-A08F-4E35-9B26-325A58…)

>>1429362She did do that she looked bad but it’s better than the high ponytails
No. 1429383
>>1429360Isn't her "career" at this point just pity sales tho honestly.
You should not go weeks without a sale if you are actually working: creating and promoting your content. Camming. Making good, desirable content.
If you make 1 vid a month and spend your day ranting and being retarded on Twitter maybe posting some free nudes that look the same as all the rest, then yeah, I guess you won't make sales. Then you end up having to guilt your followers and gush over 10 bucks.
No. 1429477
File: 1643401974807.jpg (124.41 KB, 634x951, 37DB548B00000578-0-image-a-31_…)

>>1429468>>1429339Shayna has always reminded me of British actress Natalie Cassidy, especially since she's gotten chubby. Natalie dresses a lot better though.
No. 1429478
>>1429449Hmm interesting theory but Phoebe actually gets social media interaction and tries to go out to events such as concerts (although she will REEE about wheelchair accessibility) and vegan festivals (well, until the allegations of the unwanted sexual contact with the girl at the UK vegan campout came out)
Shayna seems content with her Doordash lifestyle and the occasional face punching visits from her gf/ bf kek
No. 1429589
File: 1643411300141.jpeg (Spoiler Image,353.18 KB, 1936x1936, 10C527BA-6F99-448A-B526-A6A380…)

Can’t remember if I posted this already, but I got a good angle for pre and post weight gain Shayna to really drive the point home.
>>1429375agreed, I thought she had a symmastia lol No. 1429600
File: 1643412281538.jpeg (185.65 KB, 750x550, 4E40E687-EF57-42B0-9BD0-036FC7…)

She can “want to” do all that stuff, but will she actually put in the effort to do anything to change her situation? Never
No. 1429684
File: 1643420576440.jpeg (Spoiler Image,244.86 KB, 750x1664, E7F99B33-419D-45F6-95B6-C62E19…)

eek her lips, that looks painful. Is drinking water and using chapstick really worse then having your lips look and feel horrible?
No. 1429697
File: 1643421687657.jpeg (527.29 KB, 723x1284, 06A0A716-B3F0-4316-A43A-FAB80E…)

She was panting trying to get this on
No. 1429718
File: 1643422843086.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x2152, FC33EBBC-B6A8-4351-9C64-3B05D8…)

Shay, please drink some fucking water
No. 1429727
File: 1643423624109.webm (3.17 MB, 320x586, screaming.webm)
>>1429697Her breathing is something else, I’d be concerned if I were her
No. 1429729
File: 1643423766504.jpeg (378.88 KB, 1310x1231, 08A842F8-8AA2-4DEC-B2FE-8D2565…)

>>1429717She went back for even more shit. A fool and her money soon parted, kek
No. 1429775
File: 1643428148183.jpeg (190.08 KB, 750x450, 3A6070C6-4614-4598-8368-BF07E0…)

>>1429763Neither of the people she’s “dating” even want to hang out with her, unless it’s to use her as a punching bag. She’s alone on a Friday night getting drunk and watching kids movies.
No. 1429787
>>1429718What the fuck she looks like the fucking crypt keeper.
I know she’s always been ugly, but has she ever been this…ghoulish before? Does she have fucking cancer, like stage 4 or worse??
No. 1429788
>>1429775Or even better she could be camming tonight. Making some money from her “hard earned audience” so that she’s not relying on $10 tips 3 times a month. Not made a sale in 2 weeks? Get on fucking cam and earn some money instead of tweeting about it.
How is it possible to be THIS BAD at sex work?
No. 1429816
File: 1643434308189.jpeg (358 KB, 1242x897, 3D02FCD6-CEDE-4EBE-AFF5-55D0C8…)

Cow crossover
Big Shaynus is still butthurt about the whole Cindy Lou Who drama from years ago.
No. 1429818
>>1429816Shayna must be so
triggered that a porn star got a chance to make it on that popular tv show while she is still spreading her hemorrhoid acne covered ass for pennies.
No. 1429820
File: 1643434597648.jpeg (Spoiler Image,645.55 KB, 1242x670, 052CAE86-D52E-4E05-BB07-83127A…)

>>1429684She looks crusty
this was posted on OF No. 1429832
File: 1643438595238.jpeg (138.15 KB, 750x1187, CBB234C5-385C-4480-B3A4-6A55E9…)

Does she expect them to agree with her or..?
No. 1429850
File: 1643441844018.jpeg (135.02 KB, 750x1009, CD7B40AF-6C59-429B-9AF1-00E2D9…)

She needs a friend. Or a journal. Coomers don’t give a fuck about your live-blogging about Disney princess movies
No. 1429901
>>1429717LMAO this fucking sends me.
Just knowing how broke she is, and how her normal clothing budget is $12 for a two-piece set from shein on afterpay.
She's gonna wear this thing for like 2 videos before she shoves it into her closet with the rest of her mottled pink hoard.
She was just saying that she hasn't had a proper sale in weeks, and she has been fawning all over a couple $10 tips.
And yet she dropped $250 on this… thing.
No. 1429906
File: 1643449923815.jpeg (121.99 KB, 822x1465, comfyfattravels.jpeg)

>>1429718yo wtf her eyebags are on another level. This looks like a jumpscare zombie.
She has that untreated diabetes look, like J Aprileo.
No. 1430082
File: 1643474779661.jpg (16.55 KB, 300x300, uncle shayna.jpg)

>>1429718She looks so much like Uncle Fester, its wild. Her eyes, nose, lips, teeth, double chin and pasty ghoul skin is unreal
No. 1430106
File: 1643477567916.png (529.38 KB, 746x986, shayna.png)

No. 1430121
>>1430106100 THREAD PIC PLEASE
Ty for this anon, god bless you. I hope everything good happens to you. I’m fucking crying.
No. 1430126
>>1430106Next thread pic omg ily
nonnie this is spot on
No. 1430164
File: 1643482747299.jpeg (295.66 KB, 750x752, 711B6447-C893-4DEB-A007-184B60…)

No. 1430189
>>1430164Vile pedo bitch. I will never understand anons who feel bad for her
>>1430106This is pure art nona, thank you
No. 1430231
Are you the anon that did the monokun art that ended up on t shirts? Kek
No. 1430241
Thank you nonas, Shayna is such a muse.
>>1430231Yes I am lol
No. 1430244
File: 1643489032538.jpeg (Spoiler Image,405.2 KB, 1200x818, E46EB1A3-059E-433A-8FDE-16C969…)

She makes no effort no wonder she barely makes any money
No. 1430268
File: 1643491732042.jpeg (980.09 KB, 1170x1770, C36FFF6A-3619-41CE-A50D-7C13F2…)

She’s the worst
No. 1430317
File: 1643495160262.jpeg (145.93 KB, 750x449, DAD77A8B-6E36-48D6-AE22-4DBA34…)

She acts like she stuck there. She lives right next to a very active city with so much shit to do, she just chooses to hole up in her dirty apartment 24/7, only leaving when old men want her around to violate. Get a job, a hobby, a friend, go for a walk, take your dog out. Anything
No. 1430357
>>1430106The fucking bleeding nails got me.
This is perfection and I’m glad you still doing art. You did a great job with Momokun’s art lmao. I hope Shayna makes shirts of this one too.
No. 1430360
File: 1643498104212.jpeg (44.13 KB, 667x171, 32927DF5-3E13-43AE-9337-F8F7A4…)

she deleted this
No. 1430414
>>1430268this is like those white trash moms who say that videogames make people into murderers.
you can't want to live life as a bimbo princess and shit all over disney saying they give people questionable morals.
No. 1430438
>>1430106her heal is too round. 0/10
jk it's great
No. 1430443
File: 1643505284204.jpg (Spoiler Image,31.05 KB, 600x505, getout.jpg)

>>1425758This pic really takes me back to old internet days kek
No. 1430455
File: 1643506385979.jpeg (604.63 KB, 724x1154, 9B73527C-95E2-4009-BC40-762F11…)

Uncle Fester all dolled up
No. 1430468
>>1430317Isn’t this statement completely contradicting her
uwu wanna be a captive bullshit?
>>1430164 No. 1430479
>>1430470It’s the way she facetunes to slim her giant jowls too. I (as I’m sure many other anons) constantly wonder how she looks at these pics and thinks they look good. Mega mind is sending me, though.
>>1430455Seriously. She has barely worked this month whatsoever and is crying about her interaction and sales.
No. 1430491
File: 1643509720054.jpeg (895.14 KB, 1170x1481, F4F408EA-9181-4B08-B2CD-F35984…)

No. 1430517
>>1430454I don't even understand why she wants a car..
Where would she go?
And more importantly when would she ever be sober enough to drive legally?
No. 1430528
>>1428454Does she know you're not supposed to eat much before a shoot? or maybe at all if you're doing anal porn?
No. 1430765
>>1430455That 80yo granny whoring herself out for money to look after herself and her disabled adult son has more sex appeal than her
She needs to retire this skirt that can’t feel good
No. 1430769
File: 1643555886230.jpeg (69.72 KB, 320x314, fetchimage.jpeg)

>>1430455omg look at how much her back fat is spilling out the top of that skirt. I'm surprised she can even fit it over her body anymore
No. 1430899
File: 1643571754272.jpeg (204 KB, 750x613, CC8414BD-E78E-43DB-B714-68A414…)

This guy seems almost as insufferable as her. Every time she quotes him it’s him saying something rude to her and she acts like it’s so kinky or whatever but he just seems like an asshole
No. 1430989
>>1430899Some random ass old man can insult her and she floods her basement, but if her parents who are probably around the same age try to encourage her to improve her life, it's
abusive. The cope of it all
No. 1431109
File: 1643592441890.jpeg (462.6 KB, 1170x991, 0D746F64-2CFF-4D83-BB7B-0A2055…)

Who pissed her off this time?
No. 1431110
File: 1643592489093.jpeg (193.7 KB, 1284x577, F5CDAF5D-2090-4FD6-B073-6490A3…)

so all those past claims of CSA were in fact lies then? nice job outing yourself as usual, Shatna.
No. 1431122
File: 1643593461797.jpeg (67.4 KB, 675x337, A2CB4AB0-0D6B-443B-A407-2BC622…)

She deleted this but how exhausting for Ellen to be her only source of entertainment and only friend. I mean its really the only reason Shay keeps fat ugly ass around.
No. 1431138
File: 1643595226331.jpeg (372.79 KB, 828x1229, B0E843E7-E5F7-4462-B093-855847…)

Presented without comment
No. 1431142
File: 1643595502720.jpeg (434.12 KB, 1242x985, FE4AD2EE-39A5-4C1A-AE71-98BB7E…)

She really thought she did something
>diapers are for adults
Yeah if you have a bladder problem why tf would you willingly put on a diaper if you can use the toilet? fucking retards
No. 1431147
File: 1643595762362.jpeg (704.51 KB, 1242x1697, 8CC798D5-7655-4E26-A374-A24AAB…)

Uggo #1 and #2 defending pedophilia and rape
No. 1431162
File: 1643597691708.jpeg (920.34 KB, 2941x2092, C99A26D5-48B6-4596-8D08-C09190…)

Stop wasting money stuffing your fat face with doordash and spend it on new teeth, flushed away looking ass bitch
No. 1431163
>>1431147I dunno why it's so hard to understand why people find it disturbing/unsettling.
Seeing childlike activity/objects/clothing immediately makes you think of CHILDREN. Sometimes you think maybe they just have no interaction with kids at all in real life and they're just blissfully ignorant but then there's Ellen…
Why would you want to appeal to a person who finds it hotter when you dress/act/look like a child. How isn't that paedo shit?
A normal person not into that nonce-sense could see the person they think is the hottest in the world to them but them in a diaper with a pacifier tryna look like a toddler would be ew; why?
No. 1431183
File: 1643599968588.jpeg (297.55 KB, 750x776, A18CD3C0-EE5B-479A-8856-72F058…)

Keep coping Shayna, it won’t make you any less of a disgusting pedophile at heart
No. 1431194
File: 1643601300837.jpeg (404.91 KB, 1242x1149, 1CA67988-C177-4394-931A-7A1B9E…)

No. 1431218
File: 1643603685883.jpeg (314 KB, 828x922, CCF0D7CB-E4AF-4520-BCA6-178572…)

>>1431208Surprised she hasn’t sperged hard at this person yet, he is right about people who are into this degeneracy needing to be on a list
No. 1431221
File: 1643603717732.jpeg (70.02 KB, 694x489, 6F9EF529-257E-454B-B0F6-80A917…)

Both deleted quickly
No. 1431245
>>1430455So late to this but ffs Shayna buy a corset like every other fat e-girl and spare us the spare tire. She’s so uwu kinky but doesn’t even own a shitty Amazon corset. But sure, everyone wants to see you in …bondage mittens.
>>1431221Oh boy maybe we’ll get a sad drunk meltdown tonight. It’s been a while since she really went off.
No. 1431249
>>1431208Don't bother anon, applying logical thinking 2 the situation takes the fun out of being a pedophile for Shayna
>>1431218>Surprised she hasn’t sperged hard at this person yetIt's because it's a man. She only gets really vitriolic when speaking to/about women because she hates women
No. 1431250
File: 1643608469021.jpeg (83.77 KB, 750x208, ECF7E4DD-4B96-44C2-B45F-6FCCAB…)

>>1431245She is getting sad drunk. Meltdown incoming
No. 1431254
File: 1643609150611.jpeg (37.42 KB, 598x261, 90E4BDCA-95B4-404A-9551-A72EAD…)

>>1431249Awww but I wanted a remake of picrel with her telling the black guy that he doesn’t understand what it’s like to be persecuted kek
No. 1431266
File: 1643611061157.jpeg (114.44 KB, 750x411, 690D2554-FE69-40C7-828D-C2F711…)

Someone with tinder plus find her profile
No. 1431287
File: 1643614110697.jpeg (114.57 KB, 957x956, 6BC7E9E6-8739-4A47-95DA-5481F0…)

This is what happens when you have 0 life outside of porn
No. 1431289
>>1431147>diapers are made for adults tooyeah, but eg. most geriatric people don't wear literal kid's clothing and go goo goo ga ga to accompany the diapers so I assume you're not pretending to be one.
also these fat fucks probably don't remember that actually fucking children is illegal so ofc degenerate scrotes will rather look for legal adults dumb enough to emulate their paraphilia.
>>1431183if she really thinks it's all good and there's nothing to be ashamed of, why the fuck is tubby so bothered then? the hit dog hollers etc.
>>1431250suck on your own, ballsack barbie
No. 1431305
>>1431194the BPD “self diagnosed DID” tiktok era
No. 1431356
>>1431276She probably only got
triggered into this rant because some little teeny boppers called her porn gross and it hurt her feelings extra because they're younger & hotter than her & don't need to do anything degrading.
>>1431287Lol I'm ready for her to sign up & realize after sending a dozen OF links that tinder coomers get really aggro if they think you're just there for followers.
Also she'd have to face up to the fact that no one hot matches her back, but I think she already knows that.
No. 1431357
File: 1643627522439.jpeg (819.43 KB, 750x1174, 738B3F61-93B1-4F10-A49B-EF73CD…)

she's such a loser in every sense of the word.
No. 1431423
>>1431357Her life really is becoming more
bleak with every passing day
>>1431352I mean she
could but she won’t because she’s a flaming misogynist, just like Vicky Shingles who spergs at women for breathing in her direction but licks incel ass
No. 1431538
>>1431357She types like a pop-up ad bot from the 2000s - “cum find hot bimbos in ur area!1 - click here-n-sign up”
Imagine joining a random Apex lobby - and hearing her slurred wheezing into the mic. Just a rando joke response to her gamertag.
Did she ditch the payment plan XBox in the move?
No. 1431582
File: 1643652366458.jpg (215.98 KB, 1080x1772, Screenshot_2022-01-31-17-02-42…)

>>1431538Yeah she's on it. With her 1 game lol.
No. 1431631
File: 1643658812479.jpeg (461.08 KB, 828x1040, 062376F5-01F3-46BF-B1AC-31EF6D…)

>>1431582Kek I can imagine her slurring through the mic about how she’s a ~sexy successful Barbie bimbo pron star~ just for the people on the other end to look her up & see this
No. 1431679
File: 1643662882173.jpeg (Spoiler Image,70.86 KB, 622x800, 5F8BFB3F-1E44-46A1-B241-FD496F…)

This doesn’t look like her yet it’s still ugly
No. 1431786
>>1431109>>1431110>>1431138>>1431142>>1431183>>1431218She has
really been sperging the fuck out about “I’m not a pedophile!!!!” lately. Seems like she’s starting to realize that she is…this level of cope is excessive even for her.
It’s amazing that she thinks if she just says she’s not a complete sick fuck enough, it will become true. Or she describes herself as “sick” or “fucked up” like it’s kinky or something. This shit is way, way past “oh, I’m so dirty/naughty/bad, teehee.” The shit she’s into is straight up evil, and she can’t Jedi mind trick her way out of it. Pick something other than LITERAL FUCKING CHILDREN to fetishize. I’d respect her more if she were out here talking about her foot/clown/denim/fancy silverware/cheap scented candle/literally anything that isn’t a fucking child or an animal fetish.
No. 1431812
>>1431653Nevermind she's playing a game that's pretty much dead and dying due to the amount of times it's been raided/servers get hacked along with overall shit support from the devs and constant ingame lag or issues.
Girl, please stop bragging on these shit dead games. How is she so late to every trend, even in gaming?
No. 1431845
File: 1643675010321.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 1242x1555, 9A404C12-0286-49F1-8BD7-44508A…)

How many of the same photos is she going to send/ post? I’m tired of seeing this outfit
No. 1431857
>>1431845She's gotta stop wearing material that wrinkles to hell since ironing (or doing laundry at all) is simply not in her skill set.
Shayna is home all day every day and can't take care of her place or herself. Chronically online with nothing to show, not even up to date with anything. She got wetbrain
No. 1431904
>>1431845her makeup looks pretty good here, but she needs lip balm badly
her facial expression is so goofy though kek
No. 1431908
>>1431892Bet the only reason she tweets about Apex is some delusional hope that he’ll be interested in her again - what’s the point of the Switch and the PC then?
She knows Twitch would tear her apart - which is hilarious cause it’s cheaper to larp an ‘uwu gamer gurl’ than whatever sped ‘am baby’ shit she’s wasting money on.
No. 1431916
>>1431266>>1431287I'll pay for tinder plus just to find her. Someone tell me how to use it.
No. 1431924
>>1431923you must've missed her being very proud of herself for buying a bluetooth dongle so she could hook her controller up to her pc
she's a moron
No. 1431944
File: 1643686241032.jpeg (315.66 KB, 1170x731, 968A023C-BBD8-4B18-9B20-7D652F…)

Love how she loves put that at the bottom so people don’t come for her
No. 1431948
>>1431944This is what happens when you form your sex drive around
being desired instead of actively desiring someone else. Tragic. No hope for women.
No. 1431984
>>1431948I honestly cannot comprehend how it’s possible for her to simultaneously be
so fucking lacking in sexuality and
such a fucking degenerate who chooses to make a living (if you can call it that) by LARPing as someone who enjoys sex. I’d put money on her never having experienced arousal in her life. She can’t even tell the difference between healthy secretions and diseased discharge for fuck’s sake. She is a living example of why comprehensive sex education should be on the curriculum at every school.
No. 1432004
File: 1643693333483.jpeg (277.24 KB, 828x893, 0A02A0D7-5C83-4D11-B5C4-2E422D…)

Yes Shaynus, that’s because the only people who buy your porn are pedophiles. The bottle emoji in this disgusting poll really is the icing on the degenerate cake, I hate this cow so fucking much.
No. 1432010
>>1432004Yep, it’s almost like your entire audience is pedophiles because you’re one of the few willing to stoop to their level and they know that better looking girls would rightfully take them to task. She
has to be willfully ignorant, there’s no way she’s actually stupid enough to think that calling it “ageplay” makes it okay.
Sexualizing children and childhood is always wrong, the end. I genuinely don’t understand how anyone could feel anything other than total agreement with this statement. Jesus.
No. 1432012
File: 1643694002295.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.74 MB, 1242x1538, 52C3B116-C1DD-4FB6-81A9-99A928…)

Megamind looking ass
No. 1432019
>>1432004NTA, It would be interesting if she had something like “anal play” as an option, as a control variable to see what specifically people want about the “age play anal”
Also, maybe add “age play piss play” just to really solidify the data
No. 1432024
>>1432013Thinking about the smell made me gag
This bitch is ill
No. 1432162
File: 1643730694288.jpeg (Spoiler Image,794.6 KB, 750x1540, 9ADBEF02-7850-43EF-9121-022D95…)

Big cankled Shaynus says she is top 4% on OF
No. 1432186
>>1432162She owns a million pairs of tacky shoes - are these sissy stripper heels the only pair that fit now? Kek - the ankle straps really are about to burst.
You’re fat Shat - accept it already, it’s way overdue. Top 4% barely makes 2k (nowadays much less) a month - and that’s if you’re actually putting in any effort to keep content interesting. Knowing her laziness - no way she’s even pulling that much per payout, since she e-begs every month. Such a failed life she’s oddly proud of.
No. 1432247
File: 1643739140057.jpeg (432.75 KB, 750x973, 96CDE5C9-E116-4A59-9D87-1DFD95…)

No. 1432249
File: 1643739342642.jpeg (221.81 KB, 750x1142, 5B54D4BD-BC22-4611-87C2-AEB8B0…)

>>1432247It is really autistically good fan art, you didn’t need to tag her though but I don’t see her real name or lolcow linked in the tweet like she’s talking about
No. 1432250
File: 1643739592262.jpeg (274.22 KB, 750x732, 5319FDCB-9223-44A8-A760-9B96FC…)

>>1432247Stop being cheap cringey whore, go home, better yourself, go to school, get a job, change your name, take advantage of the privileged life you were born into
No. 1432253
File: 1643739811350.jpeg (276.07 KB, 750x780, 671CC84A-3961-458F-8338-66F90A…)

It’s not even offensive fan art it’s quite flattering, she should see the one that got posted a few days ago kek, she’s right tho it is kinda cringe though to put that much work into her image
No. 1432259
File: 1643740185371.png (2.69 MB, 1550x2048, E568596F-9C2D-487B-99C8-0166D7…)

No. 1432261
File: 1643740295508.jpeg (89.38 KB, 828x272, 33FE1358-8D60-4E99-B55B-B5ADE5…)

She already deleted the tweets about the drawing
No. 1432264
File: 1643740395515.jpeg (225.71 KB, 828x916, 0E76B477-43C2-4CC9-9598-018797…)

Bitch you’re ugly and weird
No. 1432270
>>1432254Kek. Way to out yourself porky - we know you lurk, you do literally nothing all day but scroll these threads and sob about yourself. But do you do anything about it?
>>1432261Nope - clearly not.
No. 1432292
>>1432283Hey i’m curious, being in the top 10% really means you’ve made more than 30$? Holy shit lol.
Why do ewhores even bother with only fans, they’re just making minimum wage if even that. Why embarrass urself online with your blown out genitals when you can make the same money without strangers who don’t give half a fuck about you seeing that shit
They really think that what they do is better or superior than working an actual job lol fucking schizos I swear.
The top earners are celebrities anyway and sorry to break it to you shayna but you have so far attracted 3 loyal coomers who are all retarded.
No. 1432294
>>1432292No no no FIFTY (50%) is over 30$ but under 100$. Basically if you sign up and use it you’ll be in the top 50.
To be at 10% you’d have to hit at least around 900, so her being at 4% is maybe 2k but that’s pushing it. Again haven’t checked the stats since Octoberish tho so take these numbers with a grain of salt lol
No. 1432295
>>1432274The best part about all of this is that the longer sex workers stay in their degenerate career path ; they end up morphing into the very coomers who coom to them and still don’t realize what’s become of themselved and think they’re sexy bimbos. Like,
>>1432283Hey i’m curious, being in the top 10% really means you’ve made more than 30$? Holy shit lol.
Why do ewhores even bother with only fans, they’re just making minimum wage if even that. Why embarrass urself online with your blown out genitals when you can make the same money without strangers who don’t give half a fuck about you seeing that shit
They really think that what they do is better or superior than working an actual job lol fucking schizos I swear.
The top earners are celebrities anyway and sorry to break it to you shayna but you have so far attracted 3 loyal coomers who are all retarded. look at the way she was when she started and look at her now. She literally became fucking girl Womack in physical appearance to a T lol. Who the fuck even talks about their day like “im gonna go smoke weed and masturbate”. These girls literally destroy themselves and end up becoming the very people they try to make money off of. Everyone hates those guys, no one likes coomers. They have no value or worth. But people like shayna is the very example of the worst case sex work nightmare come to life. I love to see it, it’s hilarious as shit
No. 1432327
File: 1643744634056.jpeg (211.55 KB, 750x594, 7461DE18-5B8B-4678-8072-2863A1…)

Mad she can’t talk about “baby cunt” anymore
No. 1432330
>>1432293What's funny is she's just going to point people to this site. Where we talk about how she dates a woman who stole a baby's pacifer and involved a child she was supposed to be caring for in kink. Or how Shayna told screamed at a sex trafficking
victim for having having different opinion.
No. 1432333
>>1432327Poor shayna she can't say Baby on a pornsite. Almost as if there's a reason for that? If only someone offered her her education or she had a loving family who'd gladly help her fix her life.
If only.
No. 1432335
>>1432249This isn't even insulting, it's more flattering than the images she posts herself. She must be upset that someone dared depict her as her actual weight instead of the rake thin bimbo that she thinks she is.
Also lol at her automatically assuming that lolcow =
Rent free.
No. 1432385
>>1432380she's genuinely retarded, she's mad she was drawn in the context of being a cow when that's literally all she is. she's mad because it doesn't fit into her delusion of being a famous bimbo pornstar.
she should be flattered since the artist made her more attractive and put her with actually successful cows like nigri
No. 1432398
File: 1643750625283.jpeg (327.77 KB, 1170x665, 07AA6B2D-8B15-4123-887F-0CDA3C…)

Oh please Shay. You bitch and complain about everything
No. 1432402
File: 1643751066581.jpeg (240.06 KB, 750x1946, 6EBE7BC2-F4DD-4703-99B3-463A09…)

No. 1432407
>>1432398Everything about her is so unlikeable that you even want to puke at the tweets she likes lmao.
This girl is truly my worst nightmare and the reason i keep coming back is because i’m simply in disbelief lol.
I’m not a supporter of sex work really but have seen lots of sex workers who were , despite being degenerates and not that attractive , elicit my sympathy/empathy and I find them to be okay people in a tough situation but not shayna.
She’s just… zero charisma, zero redeeming qualities, looks like a construction worker on meth cosplaying as a pornstar, and zero sense of beauty/aesthetic. Zero talent whatsoever. I can’t figure out this girl. How does she manage this lol even that old grey monsters inc retard is more likeable and probably has more aesthetic sensibility.
I do feel bad for her because I can’t imagine living in her shoes knowing all these people online are showcasing her the truthful way we do. This is peak nightmare
No. 1432414
File: 1643752354543.jpeg (875.43 KB, 1242x1307, DA072436-DE19-4486-804A-B20A20…)

>>1432407Her life is like a groundhog day black mirror episode come to life.
>what her life consists of: buying weed, barely inhale it, drinking alcohol alone in her dumpy apartment, complain on Twitter, lurk, order doordash, put on clothes that she is bursting out of and barely fit her to take pictures, highly edit those pictures (badly) and cry herself to sleep No. 1432531
File: 1643763358472.jpeg (225.43 KB, 1170x576, 58FE73AF-7E1E-49E0-B033-86BF91…)

She changed her pinned tweet to this. I can’t with this bitch
No. 1432536
>>14325316 likes lmao, my favourite part about her twitter is her regular thoughts and more or less “real self”, if u wanna call it that, get such minimal engagement you’d think she was just a regular girl on the internet who didn’t have that many followers and wasn’t selling her asshole for 3$.
Her coomers truly do not give a rats ass about her and just want her to shut up and post more free butthole
No. 1432619
File: 1643774340594.jpeg (389.06 KB, 750x976, 44F4C6F8-0F37-47BC-8B0E-8D1978…)

Holy shit she just put up an apology video on Twitter
No. 1432621
>>1432619Such a good time to be browsing the thread.
“This video is just as important as the things I create- if not, more so.”
No. 1432624
>>1432593I know you are being facetious anon, but it's not unfathomable lol; she is simply lazy. There's plenty of jobs with minimal barriers to entry that wouldn't care if she has a disgusting mayochup filled many anons have suggested she work as a budtender or waitress? She could even enroll in a cosmetology program and learn to do her own hot dog nails kek
It's not even like she does anything productive when she's not "working". She does not clean or exercise regularly.
The income from a real job could supplement what her 3 coomers give her. She could even have a car by now…
But we know fatty would rather demotivate and victimize herself
No. 1432628
>>1432619Shayna once again conveniently forgetting she as an adult requested someone to buy her a “dark skinned dildo” so she could fuck herself while wearing a trump mask or some shit.
Apparently though she has moved on from racism because she now focuses her hate on women and telling minors to take a dick up their ass
No. 1432637
>>1432619To quote The Office:
“The press wants a story, I will give them a story.”
“Oh, did the press ask for a story?”“Some companies still know how business is done.”
No. 1432640
File: 1643776396929.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1242x1577, 815EFFA0-7813-4A01-B29B-353C58…)

>>1432619I’m cackling. Literally no one cares. She really thinks her words has so much impact that she had to make an apology. No one watches her besides us. The only reasons sex workers attack her is because they are dumbass twitterfags who want wokie brownie points for cancelling a ~uwu wacist bwully~
Also her face at the end jfc
No. 1432642
>>1432634I think she jumped onto what was popular on Tumblr at the time, which WAS that 00s Paris Hilton tracksuit/ Lana Del Rey sugar daddy aesthetic. She got comfortable/ complacent in her sex work "career" after dating fupa. She started ballooning when going on countless cheemsburger and beer dates.
Combined with increasing alcoholism and pornsickness, we have current day Shayna
No. 1432649
File: 1643777110501.jpeg (839.56 KB, 1170x2220, 484E8E23-9518-48BB-A7AD-0A190B…)

This bitch literally uploaded it to MV too
No. 1432651
>>1432648Everytime i think it can’t get worse, it just does lol. It’s almost like she made that video for farmers because her coomers sure as hell are NOT watching that since her tits and asshole aren’t out. The rest of her followers on twitter seem to not engage with her either so. Yeah that video will only be watched by the people here
No. 1432662
>>1432640This cunt has the gross smug of someone that doesn’t really believe they need to apologize. She’s just doing this to feign any sense of learning from her mistakes.
She looks like absolute shit, sounds like absolute shit - and in the end is nothing but an absolutely shitty person.
This ‘apology’ is as tasteless as she is.
No. 1432668
>>1432665was thinking the same nonna
also tinfoil but didn’t her and Micky have a cow crossover a couple days ago on Twitter? Is she being ‘woke’ for Micky?
No. 1432675
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>>1432649She must be getting desperate for rent money if she publicly humiliated herself like this. She convinced herself that the only reason she isn’t making more money is that the ~mean sex work girls~ cancelled her. Shay, no one gives a fuck about your apology. The world doesn’t revolve around you. No one pays attention to her anymore except maybe Womack kek. She isn’t making any sales because shes an unattractive cunt but she is too in denial to realize that. It’s time for her to face the music and quit sex work
No. 1432694
>>1432538This. It makes me think of that one ero gore artist Trevor Brown who said: “I’m not even particularly sexually attracted to children at all. Well, physically, not until around the age of 14, but even then intellectual immaturity would make them fall short of desirability for me, although 14-year-old female fans that have written to me haven’t sounded exactly stupid.
I love 18-year-olds who look 12! The way things are going, it won’t be long before that is illegal too! It’s utterly ridiculous setting the age of consent, etc, at 18 and anything below that is ‘child abuse’ territory. Girls are most sexually ripe at around 17 — my wife said this! — and they are no longer kids at that age, so they shouldn’t be treated as such. I don’t have solutions, but clearly we just need a little common sense to prevail here, unlikely as that is.”
Like… these people really do incredible mental gymnastics to justify sexualizing children and children things. They'll call it anything but pedophilia.
No. 1432701
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>>1432640Deadass looks like Spike from Lamd Before Time
No. 1432711
>>1432649THE EMBARRASSMENT. Bitch no one even cares except other waterbrained pedo-loving whores on twitter. Clearly, she just made this in an attempt to negate their fixation on making her out to be racist because they are literally no better or even worse cows than she is. What a hilarious waste of time as those girls do not care and will not stop, they get off on seeing groveling exactly like this Shay.
Now how about you apologize for being a pedophile rapist enabler, misogynist, ungrateful cunt and go home to your mother.
No. 1432716
>>1432706Oh my god A SINGER. what an absolute delusional idiot.
She reminds me of people whose passion is acting or whatever meanwhile they have litterally ZERO acting talent whatsoever.
Her porn career has been more than dead and it isnt going anywhere as she gets older.
she needs to throw in the towel ASAP and take the L gracefully before she starts doing heavy drugs to numb herself harder and becomes an even uglier and fatter Full service escort
No. 1432761
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>>1432644LMAO she fucking does, my sides nona
>>1432620I fucking hate twitter so much, “muh learned behaviour, muh allegiance to the woketards!!1!!11!!”
No. 1432779
>>1432407>the reason i keep coming back is because i’m simply in disbelief lol.same here, i stumbled into her thread a couple years back and just can't look away because i have to see how it ends.
i've never known anyone to live in groundhog day for so long!
No. 1432789
>>1432706>>1432716This thread is making me lol hard. A singer…
I don't think I've ever heard her sing, talk about singing, play an instrument, make any kind of music, or demonstrate any interest in the music industry whatsoever beyond playing basic bitch dad rock for her coomers.
She really has no interests in life kek. This is a perfect example to show young girls on the internet what will happen to you if you have no ambition or talents and refuse to cultivate any.
I would love to see what she looks like from her own perspective. It takes some serious mental photoshopping to imagine herself as some kind of stage thottie. Even when she was skinny & young, Shayna is too common-faced. And she just radiates lot-lizard.
No. 1432810
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>>1432254the replies to her kek
No. 1432821
>>1432619She is so stupid. If anything, people are just going to bring up the things she did as an adult under this/recall attention to them and she’s going to be cancelled alllll over again and cry about it.
>>1432810Holy shit topkek
No. 1432827
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Shayna Luther King back with the retweets to show she’s an ~ally- to degenerate trannies, top fucking kek
No. 1432831
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>>1432825She did in her original tweet
>>1432249but then deleted it and replaced it with picrel (presumably because other farmers itt pointed out that she shouldn’t have tagged Shatna
No. 1432855
>>1432842She has zeroooooo charisma, she doesnt pull u in or make you curious about her image or anything about her personality and real self.
she repels you and makes you sick from the jump. Im sure even her coomers feel this way but scrotes will fuck anything, a lamp, landwhale, a rat, a breakfast sandwich, just anything.
No. 1432863
>>1432842I watched her apology video and saw it had ONE RETWEET. Scrotes and her followers DO NOT CARE. All the views were from farmers and scrotes who clicked and exited after the first few seconds due to no nudity.
The way she talks is nothing short of a 14 year old girl in highschool who can’t express herself articulately
That took me aback the most. Once more everything she does is a massive gross fail that doesn’t garner sympathy or make me intrigued. All i feel is JUST disgust.
How the fuck does she survive in her body and mind
No. 1432911
>>1432825The artist tagged it #lolcow
>>1432254 but that's a term that existed before this site was even created. The artist never mentioned
No. 1432920
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>>1432855I've seen videos in these threads where she's more passionate talking about buying chicken nuggets than she is talking about her wrongs toward le basketball Americans kek
No. 1432958
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The fucking bootleg aliexpress hello kitty onesie topkek
No. 1432960
File: 1643821867329.jpeg (Spoiler Image,154.16 KB, 1146x2048, AE659EFB-33BA-4AE4-8006-B5C2BD…)

She looks so haggard and greasy. Like a trailer trash middle aged mother going to Walmart in her pajamas
No. 1432962
>>1432797She didn't even allude to what she she said or anything. People could think she said so much worse than the edgy "Hitler is my daddy" edgy shit lol.
Also not going to address her misogynistic remarks to sex traffick survivor and several other females that politely disagreed with her or made comments that weren't sucking her bepimpled ass. Portraying a very clearly child character losing her virginity. Exposing minors to her porn when she switched her blog on tumblr and also when she tags and comments on children's shows and things on Twitter. The scams.
Love her timing for the "I'm totally not racist guys please don't bring that up anymore I'm the greatest ally to all now" for black history month kek
No. 1432964
>>1432773Yes, and also her apology video is an apology to the tubby liberal twitter SW whores, not her coomers. The scrotes replying to her probably agree with the shit she's apologizing for. Shay just wants to sit with the "cool" twitter whores because her brain hasn't developed past a middle school level. Twitter libs still probably wont forgive her because they love to dwell and need something to feel like the
victim about kek
No. 1432977
>>1432965She's definitely got a hospital saga in her near future. She's unhealthy af and keeps having to go to the urgent care for hush hush reasons.
She'd have to actually have sex for pregnancy scares. She's definitely going to keep getting fatter though.
Hard drugs are a big maybe. I think that one will be her true hellish rock bottom. She'd have to get involved with someone in that scene though and her depressing life hasn't yet completely spiraled there.
No. 1432991
>>1432987Honestly i just can’t believe she even is a living concept. She’s by far the worst case of mentally ill and unlikeable whore on the internet i’ve seen.
Like this is truly brilliant
As i said before you try to dig into her real self or her personality to try and find maybe there is something kind of cool or interesting about her that makes you curious or empathize with her, and you find absolutely nothing. She is completely dull, talentless, has zero potential. Like she is truly bad at EVERYTHING she does and I honestly think even if she went to school whatever she’d pursue she’d be the worst at it. She can’t even take the L correctly. She is completely untalented in every sense of the word. Being a lolcow for us is her biggest accomplishment because just look at all of us approaching the 100th thread on her still with open mouths in disbelief. What a travesty
No. 1433002
>>1432985soft white underbelly anon stfu
No. 1433004
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Too bad no one gives a shit, you’re not gonna be martyr for ending racism after all
No. 1433015
File: 1643826267202.jpeg (260.42 KB, 1170x847, AD199B9B-C231-41B7-B9E4-02341B…)

All the comments are from your coomers. So of course they’re positive
No. 1433027
>>1432672What you have to realize is that she’s still normalizing sexual narratives that are pedophilic. Even if people watching her videos don’t think she’s a child, they are getting off to a “story” (a very generous description of Shay’s videos, I know) in which someone with a child’s understanding of sex is violated. They’re being told that it’s totally normal to become aroused by things explicitly associated with children and childhood.
Yes, Shay looks like she’s spent the last 45 years in an Oklahoma trailer park pounding cigarettes and coke and cranking out kids. But once you accept ALL the things surrounding her in her porn, it’s not that hard to just swap her out for someone else. Let’s be real, no one is watching Shayna’s porn for the Shayna anyways.
No. 1433037
>>1433027>Let’s be real, no one is watching Shayna’s porn for the Shayna anyways.This. Coomers only watch her cause she will forever stoop to their level. Once she draws a boundary or veers away from extreme pedophilia, they will drop her like a sack of potatoes and hunt down some newer, younger porn actress to goad into doing taboo shit / borderline sex crimes for change. I don't think she understands that even on a sex work level, she is the cheapest, bottom of the barrel whore. You last resort's last resort. Great Value Barbie does not have inherent worth like she prides herself on. She only attracts the types that love seeing ugly, fat women in pain and violent situations. They want to make her suffer for being an ugly, useless woman who does porn. They can't physically beat and rape her calling her a fat pig and worthless piece of shit, so they'll pay the chump change to watch some other equally ugly mother fucker beat her. She thinks that the sweet "caring daddy" shit is the center of the whole relationship when really it's .00001% and men only put on the act so they can get back to letting them know how they
really feel about her. Hope she realizes they get more out of the beatings she gets than her own body or acting. Even when she verbalizes her liking the abuse you can tell she just wants normal love and sex and someone to like her for her. She's trapped now though, that will never happen and all she has to cope is gaslighting herself into thinking these pigs care in any capacity beyond getting to hit a woman. Tell Shart that though and she'll have a Lifetime movie moment in the shower again, kek.
Like her brain could even wrap around what I said… No. 1433046
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No. 1433064
>>1433027I feel so bad for the fact that she can’t get traction any other way other than stooping to rejects who have probably never seen a human female in their lives.
Nobody would wanna be friends with her if she was a SFW creator. She has NO appeal.
Like it’s SO easy to get followers for showing ur asshole, we ALL know that. But she has to go above and beyond + showing her asshole. You know, people have been asking how does she not see shes ugly, but this made me realize she absolutely does. She knows it and that’s why she does this.
U see her peers just existing and people In awe of their impressive styling and sex appeal and she’s just this frumpy weirdo who won’t quit
No. 1433071
>>1433065Her mental illness and delusion is so extreme I’m truly surprised she even has the energy to post so much. People with BPD, depression or whatever don’t post this fucking much or take this many pics of their asshole or their face.
The successful beautiful girls she hates and envies dont post as much as her and like, they could cause other girls and scrotes everywhere wants to see their content but they kind of stick to a certain schedule and keep it fairly organized and lowkey/strategic/planned and effortless.
This bitch is so chaotic, frantic in her postings, lazy, desperate. And like, with no improvement and it always failing . I really think her life would make an interesting horror film tbh. We’re all here for so long, netflix needs to pick this up
No. 1433077
>>1433004>”wow I’m so surprised no one gives a fuck about me”Truly shocking.
Her ‘influencer’ larp is one of the most pathetic things about her - she could easily just not flash her sad tits or loose butthole.
But even she knows she has nothing interesting to say in general - RIP to whatever fever dream “Dolly Matell-ivision” was supposed to be. That was probably the easiest “out” she had from sex work.
No. 1433118
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its a little shocking to me how much more lopsided her weird tits are in videos. this collar is ugly as fuck as well it looks like a neck brace
No. 1433149
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>>1432958kek at the vagina area looking like an actual vagina, clit and everything
(spoil this shit) No. 1433158
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>>1433155girl it's on the homepage… just delete it
No. 1433164
File: 1643836725503.jpeg (722.6 KB, 1170x1557, C341C48F-9314-4B19-ACF0-A1146B…)

This bitch has never been a “safe space.”
No. 1433165
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These are your lovely followers Shay
No. 1433205
>>1432947Once she hits 30 she’ll go hard on the “I used to pedopander but now I see how wrong it is and how men controlled me with money I’m a
victim” shit and lash out at any younger, prettier girl who does the same shit she’s doing now. She’s a classic type bitch who will profit off horrible shit now just to condemn it when she no longer can.
No. 1433213
>>1433197That’s one of the most pathetic parts of the whole thing—she TRIED to do full on porn. Between her gross diseased vag, ugly face, and some weird Fupa jealousy, she couldn’t make it a couple years and about 100 lbs ago. At this point, she’s older, fatter, and has a shitty reputation for being unprofessional and a train wreck—she literally
can’t do pro porn.
No. 1433220
>>1433214She did, what, one g/g scene and one promotional photo shoot? But yeah, she was dropped from her crap-tier agency for being unprofessional.
The thing is, if she wasn’t worth the trouble when she was younger and thinner, I can’t imagine she’ll be worth it to any agency at this point. Even weird, skinny scrotes won’t work with her at this point, kek, she literally struggles to find other non pro OF whores to make content with her. She paid to suck some guy’s dick and didn’t even get to sell the content. In no world is pro porn an option for her.
No. 1433221
>>1433217I’ll bet she could actually make pretty good money doing feeder porn. I think that being gross/sloppy/unwashed is actually part of the whole fetish, so…yeah, it’s pretty much
made for Shay.
No. 1433225
>>1433208I keep asking this, how does she look at herself? Her life is truly unbearable. She HAS to know there’s literally 100 whole threads about her online. How does she stomach this? How do u wake up and go to sleep knowing people are literally laughing at her existence every day?
She’s such an anomaly and i dont wanna hear the “drugs and alcohol is whats keeping her numb” excuse. Its bullshit
even drug addicts or alcoholics have more self awareness than this. Even drug addicts and alcoholics display qualities that make you sympathize with their situation. But NOT this one.
I think she truly is just hopeless and is passionate about porn because it gives her attention and some sort of praise, where she has not gotten ANYWHERE else in her life. Porn is all she has and its her entire personality and heart. She has nothing else in her life, to her, she’s such a boring vessel. Showing her butthole is the only thing that gives her a sense of achievement
No. 1433230
>>1433221She may be fizzling on her last legs in the kiddie diddler category, but the feeder category is a wide open door where the grass is unironically greener.
She could squeeze 5 more years out of her porn "career" if she made the switch now. She might be an old hag in her current category, but she could become the young, new, up & coming babyphat gainer.
No. 1433253
>>1432797You did it, Shayna! Now that you've totally redeemed yourself, lolcow won't make its 100th thread about you and woke Twitter whores will finally accept you into their mean girl cliques and you're gonna be Uber famoos and rich now and you can finally quit SW and lay around stuffing your face while your hundreds of sugar daddies pay your bills and your family will finally love you.
Except not really. Go find a foundation that matches your skin tone, retard. You're 24, no excuses for this amateur shit.
No. 1433277
File: 1643845113337.jpeg (140.68 KB, 750x544, 941B3249-718E-4926-9BB9-B5A6D8…)

omg did big shaynus meet someone on tinder?
No. 1433327
>>1433277Her pick-me tweets are so fucking pathetic. Just scraping every barrel bottom hoping some trope sticks. Bitch can’t stick to a theme long enough for any true brand identity.
Also Kek - what the fuck is the point of the pc then? She’s so retarded she won’t bother doing basic editing on a desktop - what does she literally do all day then? Look at her hoard of streamer gear and sob over take out daily? Dumbass could just re-sell the deck/ cap card/ the whole pc setup if it’s just gathering dust and grease.
No. 1433330
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>>1433217absolutely. it’s that sunk cost fallacy lol. she’s even admitted it before. picrel is from 2019 i believe. it’s just sad honestly
No. 1433333
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She’s such a bitch he just gave her a compliment, flirt it up make a sale retard
No. 1433335
>>1433330This is so stupid. Every cautionary tale since the 90s has been about how your work isn’t worth your friendships and relationships, even if you’re making 6-7 figures and getting all the perks.
She threw it all away for internet fame she hadn’t even achieved by then and she can’t face the fact that it was all for nothing.
No. 1433338
File: 1643849858406.png (223.72 KB, 786x609, Untitled 2.png)

For my fellow SWU fans…
No. 1433348
>>1433335The thing is: even
if she admitted failure and quit this whole SW shit… where would she go?
Yes, she’s barely paying her bills, but she does get by somehow. And she has to put zero effort into her work.
Sure, if she had a regular job she’d get minimum wage guaranteed and would get to keep her dignity (or what’s left of it). But she’d have to
actually work. Like she admits in
>>1433277 she uses her phone to edit her porn, so she literally ‘works’ from bed. She doesn’t even need to shower as her greasy pony- and pig tails have proven time and time again.
That’s why she won’t quit. Not because she ~loves what she does. And I don’t even think she’s too stubborn and proud to admit that she failed. She’s just too far gone at this point to actually get off her ass, take care of her BO and leave the house and most importantly not get drunk or stoned off her ass on a regular basis.
No. 1433480
>>1433089She used to go by Bambi or some shit because she fell into that uwu ddlg tumblr shit. But she definitely stole the Mattel thing from that drag queen from RPDR Trixie Mattel and then added the Dolly shit because she's uncreative as all fuck. I think in the beginning of the name change she was like "I'm Barbie's little sister" because anons forget she has always been a pedo pandering disgusting bitch. Just check some of the earlier threads for better context.
But yeah,ultimately it comes down to her having no imagination or creativity, putting no effort into shit, and just pulling from other popular people and things but making it trashy and gross. Aside from liking pink, she's nothing like a Barbie - the very opposite rather - but she can't think of any other aesthetic or image to cling to so she keeps going with it out of laziness and mental ineptitude.
The Barbie thing is so done, but it's got 2 types of girls that are into it: the ones who go obsessive and everything in their life is pink and Barbie Dream house and they spend tons of money on it on top of moding their bodies and faces and hair to look like a weird doll… then there's the fat, ugly, average broke bitches who for some reason use the Barbie name despite not looking like or living like a doll whatsoever. There's no in between really. Obviously Shay is the latter.
No. 1433518
File: 1643865843303.jpeg (Spoiler Image,994.29 KB, 1242x926, 46EE6C2F-AA99-4BCB-AA3F-8BB4AB…)

woof her skin and hair
No. 1433519
File: 1643865938438.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1242x1736, E3056534-C7B9-41EC-BF2D-84E9AD…)

Sfw crop
The two strands of hair looks like retarded sideburns
No. 1433522
File: 1643866119088.jpeg (Spoiler Image,862.53 KB, 1242x1337, 67E4D7D0-9F4B-4123-9416-A67928…)

>>1432649The audacity to film a coomshow right after her apology she didn’t even change outfits or anything kek
No. 1433525
>>1433522"So anyway… I'm gonna fuck my butt and cum and you guys are gonna watch!
retarded laugh and thumbs up"
No. 1433532
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The way she spreads her ass and her vagina is cringeworthy and unsexy
No. 1433535
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She never shows proof of any decent gifts from him. Why tf is he being referred to as her sugar daddy? They’re literally just dating
No. 1433551
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Sage for pointless autism but googled shayna and found this gem of a reddit comment from a couple years ago. No. 1433566
File: 1643870988078.png (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 1303x740, 6B274D06-75DF-4BBD-96E0-388912…)

No. 1433584
>>1433509I went back and checked out the single digit threads at another anons recommendation and it’s all the same shit. She’s still making the same “I’m sexy baby ur dad loves me uwuwu” posts she did three years ago, the only difference is the platform.
You can do so much shit in three years. People get degrees in three years. Most couples who have been together for three years are thinking of getting married, if they’re not already. You can change your entire life with three years of hard work and dedication, and yet she’s stagnated, moving backwards if she’s moving at all.
She’s exactly where she was in thread #7. No friends, no hobbies, no fupa, no growth from the years she’s lived. If she wasn’t so deeply unbearable and didn’t have the options to do other things, I would feel sorry for her. Her brain is obviously goo from smoking weed every day since she was 15, but even the dumbest nastiest girls I know have had things turn out better for them than Shay. She wants so badly to be famous, but the only remarkable thing about her is how empty her life is.
No. 1433659
>>1433356Fair enough. But even going to uni would require her to do more than sit on her ass and get high/drunk 24/7 and shove something up her ass once in a while. Plus, I doubt she even has enough brain cells left to pass even one exam.
And even if her parents continued paying her rent etc once she stops, I doubt they’d continue doing that forever if she doesn’t do anything with her life.
I think at this point she’d genuinely have to go to rehab before achieving anything because once the constant instant gratification of ‘here’s my asshole now give me attention’ is gone she’d probably smoke and drink even more to cope with the emptiness. Because she doesn’t have
anything else in life.
No. 1433687
>>1433659>unimy guess is that they were offering more of a community college thing or even a vocational training course
Shayna could never do an actual four-year degree and her stepmum must know that
No. 1433754
File: 1643906316440.jpeg (344.65 KB, 1170x999, 1A4DFCE1-A958-45F0-BD53-34F3C2…)

Shay, you are single and monogamous
No. 1433768
>>1433761She's always so cunty to her customer base. She always publicly blasts them and it's so retarded.
"The least sexy thing you can say to me" when he said she's beautiful and he just wanted to tell her that, though he's not into the kinks she posts. Couldn't have said it nicer and he complimented her ugly ogre ass. But yeah that clapback on Twitter for 3 likes from some other failure whores is worth it I'm sure.
Like other anons said, she should've been like "I do have other vids that aren't focused on those kinks or you could buy a custom that fits your fantasy!" and moved on. Imagine being Shay and thinking you're in a position to be a bitch to everyone including the coomers that pay for her food.
But then she let's the Twitter freeloader scrotes tell her shit like "get back to posting porn, whore" and misogynistic shit like that.
No. 1433773
>>1433768ugly chicks always get mad for some reason when you call them beautiful. but then they think they’re hot shit anyway, so you wonder why they get so pressed.
it’s weird lol.
No. 1433780
>>1433773Her only take away from it was that he didn't like her pedo pandering content so she got offended and couldn't rub her last 2 braincells together to try to make a sale.
She loves to screech about respecting people's kinks, but if other people aren't into the gross shit she pushes, she can't handle it. Because she's always trying to convince herself wearing a diaper and posting fantasies about sexual assault are totally normal.
No. 1433789
>>1433780Honestly I really do think she knows shes hideous now and that’s why she does the pedo pander because it’s extreme and gross and “out there”. Her regular self is so fucking useless that it can’t elicit any attention.
There is no way she looks at herself and think she resembles some youthful underage girl. Pedophiles, actual pedos, would not fall for it. Those people are truly sick, they’d make fun of her and think she looks like an absolute idiot. Hell, they’re probably amongst us here on lolcow themselves in absolute awe thinking she is pulling off this kiddy act. She needs to quit sex work because this was not meant for her in any form, i’m waiting to see what’s goinf to happen next though and cant look away. This shit really is black mirror
No. 1433809
I am going to be controversial here: Shayna works quite a bit. None of the work she does is good, but she still manages to crank out her porn at a pretty even pace. It is time-consuming for low payback. In addition to the pictures, videos, scripting, editing and styling, she does engage with her audience somewhat. Doing sex work doesn't seem to be easy. She puts in effort into something fruitless and pretty self-destructive.
Shayna has a supportive family that pushed / pushes her to be more well-rounded as a person by getting further education. If she would be a totally lazy fatsack, she would have kept on being a stoner first, let go of sex work to appease either parent and half assed her way through a GED before taking a handful of classes at a community college. She could have used her online clout to land a job at a dispencery that employs hot girls who are stoned on the job to attract customers. Being a stoner is much more bearable than an incest pedo pandering camgirl. Stoners can have jobs and fulfilling relationships with others; weed alone doesn't explain Shayna's stupid life choices.
Honestly, I think the money she made provided by a bubble of yes-coomers doomed her. She could produce content without direct contact with the people that paid her, giving her the possibility to move out. She has no friends or people close to her in her life that could show her the range of what life can look like. She has isolated herself in her grotty pink bubble, a life without hardships she has been used to for years now. She probably views the porn she does as a small price for the life she thinks she has. What has struck me with her is how lonely she is. This probably makes her very unhappy but she hasn't processed just how deeply she has isolated herself. The rejection from fellow sex workers really seems to distress her. Not just the Twitter brigade, but her inability to successfully interact with fellow camgirls. She spends so much time alone the times we have seen her to more mainstream porn like that VR lesbian atrocity or the mega manyvid camgirl event really show how inexperienced she is. Other porn performers seem to have the advantage of actual lived interaction and know how to engage on camera whereas Shayna is so stilted and wooden in person.
At this point, she probably doesn't even know how to not live like she does. She hasn't known anything else really. What would even be a constructive future? I am sure she views herself only through the lens of her own pornification. Would she now have to move in with a parent at the condition that she quits sex work, I don't think she could do it. She'd move in but always take nudes of herself. She will probably do it even if she wouldn't get paid. At this point it isn't about attention anymore, but her own sense of self-worth.
No. 1433823
>>1433809If you aren't joking with that first paragraph… not even gonna finish your autistic essay.
She is inconsistent af with her content. When was the last video she made? Or the last photo set that wasn't the weird colonial whore top and pink skirt pics?
Getting dressed in ill fitting shein clothing doing her shitty crusty makeup and taking 50 of the same pics to post over the next week is not hard work. Anyone can make an OF for $3-5. And a lot of girls do. She has been doing this for 5 years so she has accumulated a ton of bots and some followers but you can see on her non porn posts, she gets a few likes is all so her follower count is bogus. She makes minimum wage if that.
Shes not the complete nobody whore making like 100 bucks a month but she sure af isnt even in the upper middle range of hot girls that are making an actual living.
She constantly has excuses for not working. I think she literally only makes and releases vids when she gets custom requests and it's been like that for a couple years now.
Not sure how you could seriously say taking nudes and posting on Twitter is hard. When there is real life in person sex work, strippers, and actual porn stars that do actually hustle and have to deal with a lot of shit.
Go back to sucking mayochup out of her ass.
No. 1433829
>>1433820Yes anon, there's more to life than a monogamous lifestyle nowadays. I'm not a poly person myself, but I have seen healthy and
toxic poly relationships just the same as mono ones. What a weird bone to pick.
(derailing) No. 1433830
File: 1643912973077.jpeg (407.73 KB, 828x584, 8480E2CE-450F-48F5-960E-B357E9…)

More crap for her garbage shelf
No. 1433840
>>1433809You are being way too generous to her. She hasn’t elicited anything to deserve it, she literally has zero talent or personality. Everything she is , is a copy of something else. She steals tweets and pastes them for RT’s, her style is absolutely pitiful trash, her face is, well i dont wanna even bother with saying anything about that. She’s boring, lazy, and the list goes on. If she had 1 brain cell left , SHE WOULD FUCKING STOP DOING SEX WORK. This shit isn’t meant for her, she’s a lazy hog who thinks the world owes her something and she doesn’t have even one thing about her that makes her deserving of that something.
No body needs her butthole, we’ve all seen it about 1 billion times and thats a generous estimate. Scrotes don’t even like her and see her as just a cheap wank they wish they didn’t wank to. She’s just one of those people who are nasty and makes your face shrivels up in disgust when you hear or see of them. I have no sympathy for her and i dont think she deserves a crumb of it
No. 1433845
File: 1643914272534.jpg (460.27 KB, 1535x2048, FKsKpBEVgAAjaUx.jpg)

>>1433830>trash shelfAbsolutely. What a strange amalgamation of random stuff.
No. 1433849
>>1433833She's not even that well known of a cow. She's just a fan favorite on this site specifically and despite having nearly 100 threads, will never even make it to /pt.
Chris Chan is the king retard of cows. And even then only known by a certain generation/internet culture.
No. 1433850
>>1433845you know somebody sucks and makes you disgusted when even a pic of their fucking shelf grosses you out
she loves live tweeting her life as if she’s some personality or influencer that people care about and want to learn more about their day to day life when literally nobody gives half a shit and those posts end up getting 2 likes, this is too depressing
No. 1433852
>>1433809tldr, this anon suggests shay should work at a dispensary and be paid to be a stoned cute girl, also suggests she is reliable, take as you will
I agree that a dispensary would suit her, though it would require not setting her own hours which is a main draw to online SW for her it seems. I even feel that she enjoys the "sorry can't do it today" style posts because grayhair and whoever else act like they will miss her "presence" that day. I wonder what the next era will be
No. 1433953
File: 1643925812985.jpeg (256.03 KB, 1125x939, 1414D55D-5366-473D-9727-4523A6…)

All this bitch does is beg for money and show her infested asshole
Nothing she does makes me feel interested in her or sorry for her, she’s just a leach with no redeeming qualities. Scrotes truly are an embarrassment to give someone as low level as her a single dime
Imagine being such a loser that you need to beg for 2$ for iced coffee
No. 1434005
File: 1643931418305.jpeg (198.78 KB, 750x580, E57E3860-75D8-4E15-B963-9D669C…)

She hasn’t “worked” in nearly a month jfc anon who claims she works hard must be trolling
No. 1434052
>>1434046she doesn’t need to starve herself, tard, she could just eat a normal healthy diet and get some exercise
ha ha of course she will never
No. 1434053
File: 1643936172192.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1 MB, 965x1675, 6F209A78-A753-4971-86A9-D6E4DC…)

I know y’all are sick of this photo shoot (I am as well but she won’t fucking stop posting 1000 identical pictures from her 1600s Ben Franklin schoolgirl outfit) but her fucking troon smirk is too funny to not post
No. 1434057
File: 1643936395919.jpeg (Spoiler Image,820.32 KB, 1158x866, 500EE4AF-826B-48B1-9679-3DE87F…)

>>1434053Part 2
All this editing and she can’t make her fat face thinner?
No. 1434060
File: 1643936463484.jpeg (550.46 KB, 932x1201, DF8D40B8-CEBD-453C-B591-860CA3…)

she can’t see down there anyways with her fucking beer belly
No. 1434061
>>1434005why does she always act like anyone wants to even see her content like she needs to edit her ugly pics to make a post for the day as if we’re so interested in her pathetic failure of a chaotic schedule and daily routine.
Christ she’s literally just posting for her audience of 95% farmers , womack and grey hair this is nuts
No. 1434066
>>1434053That smirk is so hideous I honestly think part of her face is paralyzed now, theres no other way. She looks like a transgender lizard cartoon
Shes incapable of smiling or looking like a normal human.
No. 1434077
>>1434057Its so sad how she leaves the skirt on in her nudes to hide her gunt
God what a fucking nightmare , at least embrace how fat you are shayna. You just look embarrassing.
No. 1434080
File: 1643937817201.jpeg (346.31 KB, 750x871, 81B28715-8C07-45CD-AF86-3E3678…)

she's a freak and does shit and diaper porn. what about that is a safe space
No. 1434083
>>1434080God she’s so nasty i just want her to fuck off the internet, she’s so unwanted and useless
What the fuck does it feel like being seen as nothing but a pair of 2 holes? None of her coomers notice her face, no one looks at HER. how does somebody do this to themselves
No. 1434088
>>1434084why do people keep saying that she even pedo pandering
This lady looks like everyones 50 year old aunt, like, she is parody porn at best. I feel like criticizing her for pedo pandering is out , look at her coomers. None of them are pedos they’re just weird dudes who like fat ugly women
No. 1434090
>>1434076she isnt comparable to ready to glare. At least ready to glare actually puts effort into her videos and has significantly more of an interesting personality and can speak articulately
Shayna is a special breed, out of all the lolcows ive seen, every single one of them make me sympathize with them but she’s the ugliest one on here
No. 1434097
>>1434088Asked and answered earlier
in this thread.People accuse Shay of pedopandering because she normalizes the sexualization of children and childhood. No one is watching Shayna porn for the Shayna, in case literally every picture of her ever hasn’t made this clear yet. They’re taking the sexual script and the plot and just mentally editing her fat ass out.
No. 1434099
>>1434096Exactly!! she isn’t a fucking pedo panderer, that criticism is dead and everyone here needs to drop it. She doesnt appeal to anyone but mentally challenged manchildren who can’t tell left from right
this bitch looks like a fucking 40 year old man who came back from war, has ptsd, bells palsy, transitioned into a woman from brain damage , then for some reason decided to get into porn and make an only fans
No. 1434103
>>1434098again, criticizing her for pedo pandering isn’t the move anymore because ZERO of her followers are pedos. Actual pedophiles would vomit in their mouth and upon seeing her and not pay for content; they’d BLOCK her from disgust.
she looks like a pedophiles WORST nightmare come to life
Shayna is a mentally deranged cheap hooker pandering to the same kind as herself, its not pedophilia. Look at her fucking face lmao
No. 1434107
>>1434062kek at the greasy tufts of hair sticking up at the back
>>1434099>everyone here needs to drop itno lol
No. 1434109
File: 1643939220210.jpeg (Spoiler Image,691.92 KB, 1031x1112, A8EBB4FF-B426-43CC-8F27-EF1487…)

No pedophile on earth is falling for this terrifying sight. None.
She is 100% parody porn without even having any self awareness of it
No. 1434113
File: 1643939764078.jpeg (55.1 KB, 500x500, artworks-zgicnSyVO2yDuxz8-0sRK…)

>>1433892"I think it's supposed to look
suggestive. I'm afraid it's meant
for the coomers."
No. 1434119
>>1434109Spoiler this twitterfag. Shayna is still
problematic for trying to sexualize rape, incest, and underaged (just not saying it directly but implies it) roleplay
No. 1434123
>>1434106I mean….they technically
do even if those standards are children/women who look like children. it’s pretty clear shaynas “fanbase” sees her as severely mentally i’ll and willing to do nearly anything for cheap. that’s why they like her.
No. 1434134
>>1434128Remember when Shayna got on tumblr and tried to compare herself to Britney Spears. And the lyrics from her song
“Piece of Me” ? Kek she was saying everyone was always watching and judging her when it was just like 50 farmers at most. She’s such a delusional piece of shit
No. 1434142
>>1434088>>1434103>>1434109>>1434115>>1434123No one is under the delusion that she's a convincing actress nor that she looks underage. Sexualizing child-adjacent things is always disgusting and wrong. It doesn't matter if she has 10 viewers or none.
>who cares if this 45 year old looking woman wants to wear childrens clothesShe's not just wearing children's clothes. She pisses in diapers, refers to her 'mumma' & 'dadda', calls her vagina her "baby cunt". Her girlfriend has stolen pacifiers from the children under her care to use in their fetish play. She concocts long-winded stories for her porn descriptions about "daddy-daughter time", about being shared between her dad and brother, about her dad molesting her at Disneyworld etc etc etc
No. 1434146
File: 1643940714267.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1235x1631, 08F46FF4-B7FB-4776-A8BD-A462E7…)

Not her fatass still using stale snacks as decor jfc her apartment still looks like a dump
No. 1434161
>>1434155Trust me, no pedophile will be interested in her. She attracts a totally different audience and is too fucking retarded and brain dead to comprehend that everything she does aesthetically FAILS because she sucks at everything she does.
You can only be what you actually are, and she is an ogre looking lady in childs clothing who attracts men who like how cheap trash she is and willing to degrade herself for basically no cost. She attracts the sadists who think she is a comical disgusting atrocity. They coom to her filthy content and afterwards wonder why she even exists.
She doesnt embody fantasy, she doesn’t embody a desire to date her or be interested in her on any level. Nobody wants her, not as a girlfriend or as a sex object. she embodies disgust and repulsion. That’s fucking it, and her coomers except for womack and grey hair ALLLLL see this. Womack and grey hair are developmentally stunted and have some form of autism. You can’t even blame them
No. 1434169
File: 1643942463948.jpg (15.08 KB, 276x384, 864dd5a48219327ef6cf54a138ef15…)

>>1434060Sorry for the autism
No. 1434194
File: 1643945106621.png (94.88 KB, 1080x452, Screenshot_20220203-212141~2.p…)

Bitch we are out here working 48-60 hr work weeks at brick and mortars to bring home barely 60k a year of course WE are tired
No. 1434215
File: 1643947917388.jpeg (Spoiler Image,125.16 KB, 1206x1809, 6409762E-6042-46AC-BC9B-1D24B4…)

She can’t even play off being young anymore, she looks like a 45 year old trailer park mom trying to make some quick cash
No. 1434290
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No. 1434294
File: 1643956940530.gif (970.36 KB, 400x226, 3191A668-740C-4397-94C5-07009C…)

>>1434290>let’s not blame the ladiesBut you just did.
Just do meth. Lose weight and you’ll be more productive!
just kidding sort of No. 1434316
File: 1643960871666.jpeg (235.66 KB, 1242x862, 190DD897-1E53-4F71-AC70-6CF048…)

Shayna reached her $100 tip goal on onlyfans ; so now she’s going to post a full length coomm show
No. 1434494
>>1434272Straight up yes. Everyone that’s been trying to say she’s too old and ugly to pedo pander has made long, autistic rants and apparently read half of one thread before posting them, given it’s been explained ad nauseam in this thread. We know she looks like a 45 year old late stage cancer patient. She’s still legitimizing and validating arousal as a response to fucking baby bottles, are you serious??
Stop outing yourselves, ewhores, and stop pretending sexualizing children/childhood/children’s things isn’t completely fucked. It’s always gonna be benchmark evil, you’re just making yourselves obvious. Everyone that isn’t actual human garbage is repulsed by you. Leave society.
No. 1434543
>>1434535I didnt do a survey but I’ve researched the whole thing enough to know
Shayna is not only a pedophiles worst nightmare but even a regular joe coomers worst nightmare with the exception of womack.
She looks absolutely terrifying and i cant imagine anyone looking at her and fantasizing about genuinely being in a relationship or having sex with someone this obviously nasty. She literally looks like an alcoholic walmart cashier whose worked at walmart her entire life, had enough of life and wants to kill herself. Her empty eyes give it all away.
As stupid as coomers are, they know she’s trailer trash and don’t value her. Pedophiles would 100% puke in their mouth and/or die laughing at her.
She is, the epitome, of the cheap 30$ blowjob at the back of the car hooker.
There are millions of girls who are talented and more attractive in sex work. As fucking stupid and degenerate of a job it is. Shayna is the bottom of the barrel of sex work. If you want to criticize girls for pedo pandering, go to the girls who are actually attractive and young looking to pull it off, not this failure of a hambeast
(stop) No. 1434544
File: 1643996203549.jpeg (406.36 KB, 1209x1493, 4E3B98B4-D7B0-44CA-B324-856BF9…)

She loves wasting money. Has she even used her fuck machine? Why tf does she need another one? She has the mentality of a scrote.
No. 1434545
File: 1643996405472.jpeg (31.31 KB, 275x241, 42B4DF4F-872E-4AA8-8201-51E362…)

>>1434543She still normalizes it and promotes it. All pedopanderers are garbage. The only reason you’re arguing that she isn’t one is because she got fat. When she was skinny she would still be considered what you call a “pedo dream” this fucking rant is autistic. Shayna is a fat piece of shit who normalizes rape and puts ideas in perverted moid’s heads that women like rape and want to be molested by their brothers/fathers. In conclusion: Shayna is ugly; but moids have no standards
No. 1434546
>>1434544She’s literally a woman scrote, she doesnt have the mentality, she is the scrote lol.
She’s been selling her boring self and unwanted butthole for a decade. That shit will turn you into the very thing you hated from the start. She probably began her sw career not liking the guys who pay for her, but she became those very guys but 10,000 times more disgusting. I honestly would rather spend time with shaynas scrotes than shayna herself
No. 1434548
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No. 1434550
File: 1643996576085.jpeg (493.25 KB, 1242x1193, 20525220-ACC0-4ADA-9A5F-DC02C1…)

she’s so annoying. keep talking shit fatty. you’re just mad that the average normie makes more in 1 month than you have in 4 years.
No. 1434551
File: 1643996629275.jpeg (289.13 KB, 1242x713, 3FA424F2-F3AD-4769-AFCC-F554DC…)

>adorable lil baby
No. 1434560
>>1434545Girl how could you look at this hambeast and have any thought of “pedo pandering” run through your mind. I see her for what she is, not her failed attempt of a persona.
There are plenty of women who i will absolutely agree and say they are pedo pandering and encouraging pedos to be who they are.
she is literally just an ugly fat woman in kids clothing making a fool of herself. Her pedo pandering isnt pedo pandering. It’s her severe mental illness and hanging on for dear life to any cheap nasty gimmick she can in order to gain traction. The guys she makes sales from are sadists who like wanking to fat ugly women and once theyre done look at themselves in the mirror in absolute shame and misery wondering how they got to this point
U know that phrase “i cant believe i nutted to that”. THATS SHAYNA
No. 1434563
>>1434545Also when she was skinny she didnt look like a pedos dream either, she looked like parody porn from day one. Her eyes are and were always completely empty, but even then i never felt bad for her cause she doesnt have anything to her that makes u empathize. Its almost like she isn’t human. Its kind of bizarre.
there was never any essence of “youth” in her aesthetic. She looked like a weird trailer park stoner from day one and never progressed past this point
No. 1434592
File: 1643999123871.jpeg (500.89 KB, 1170x869, 004BEA59-2ADA-4B51-AF68-B7AC4A…)

Wow, a whopping $75
No. 1434617
>>1434565Autistic experts on the “pedo dream,” please read what this based
nonnie ^^ wrote and stop your sperging.
No. 1434631
>>1434606thread 100
>shay solves racism in ManyVids editionor even better
>Shay genuinely cant imagine having a real fucking talent Edition>>1432380 No. 1434642
>>1434606"100 threads of complete (or utter/total/etc.) Shat" with this
>>1430106 as the image
No. 1434662
>>1434433Because she does nothing. When you get up and move around, work, go outside, and just do things it gets your blood pumping and endorphins released, etc. But when you just constantly lay around and eat and smoke weed all day you feel like a lethargic sack of shit.
>>1434606I think a Shay then vs now pic would be more appropriate for #100, though the artwork that anon did is really good
No. 1434663
>>1434544She would never be able to set them up to work that way and I can count on one hand how many times shes used the fuck machine she has had for years.
She should use it more to do proper POV fantasy content, but she's too lazy and she probably doesn't like how it feels honestly.
Not sure why she needs more legwarmers they're ugly and pointless for her besides hiding her cankles. They look retarded on her. And just like the straight jacket, how is she gonna use the bandage bench by herself?
>>1434550Lol "actual work" please. I'm all about people being self employed and hustling and whatever. But Shay could never work a real job. Requires you to be on a schedule you have to actually stick to and be off your ass. She shouldn't disrespect 9-5 workers when they make her daily doordash meals and then someone delivers it. Or the sweatshop workers that are forced to make her shitty clothes, then the Amazon workers that package and deliver it. It's so distasteful and ignorant to think taking pics of your asshole and being on social media all day is "actual work" and that people that work 9-5 jobs out here don't know what working really is.
No. 1434717
File: 1644006135613.jpeg (75.4 KB, 750x219, B66DDEEA-45DB-4323-8C6E-349D94…)

And yet…
No. 1434737
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No. 1434740
File: 1644007449577.jpeg (228.13 KB, 1241x972, 0CCDFB55-C16A-475C-ADF5-5970B8…)

>>1434717Guess no one did, since she is spoiling herself with lush even though she barely showers
No. 1434834
File: 1644016284765.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 998x1670, D2783EC4-21AF-4934-A867-E7055E…)

More cellulite turd bun bathroom selfies
No. 1434835
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No. 1434872
File: 1644019289781.jpeg (354.92 KB, 750x737, F304DDEC-8CF7-4227-A7F1-0B6125…)

She absolutely does not need this many scrubs masks or a toner. They’re just gonna dry her skin out and make her look even older without a moisturizer. She got a lotion but I don’t know why she can’t moisturize her face. Her obsession with exfoliating is from when it used to be trendy but we have grown as a people past that and realized it’s not all that great in excess
No. 1434876
File: 1644019602580.jpeg (336.3 KB, 1242x863, 820F9BDB-91F2-43C2-BC62-990B43…)

>>1434872The few orbiters this bitch has thought shayna got her obese ass ice cream kek
No. 1434883
File: 1644019833933.jpeg (2.03 MB, 1242x1971, 0F16BCC1-1CCD-43E2-8F5F-4FFC91…)

>>1434874For real chap stick as well as some head and shoulders shampoo for dem hair flakes geez
No. 1434890
>>1434886Bimbos don’t use hand soap,
nonnie! They use tjmaxx clearanced old perfume for their hands!
No. 1434892
File: 1644020516104.jpeg (338.27 KB, 1242x983, 8C8F3E5C-B89C-4417-AE97-6D6A79…)

$15 a month….. wtf she never even talks about this page just her onlyfans
No. 1434941
>>1434543Can you post sources then? Something that will back your research?
Everybody specially on the internet says they do researches to back the crap they say, but NEVER post anything, no links, no books, nothing that can back their bullshit because it’s a lie.
No. 1434972
File: 1644028551753.jpeg (874.32 KB, 1170x1838, BDD5E644-447C-4330-B474-1990FD…)

What has she done to change as a person though?
No. 1435174
>>1434883She really needs to do something about that honker and her nonexistent white girl lips
How is this bitch been a sex worker her entire life and not look at her face and be like you know what l need to get this mess sorted out
It’s just unheard of. She really lives her life like an ugly man with no hygiene, attractive looks who thinks he can get by this way. Shayna has zero display of normal female behaviour. If she was actually a man she’s be a deadbeat coomer who cooms to porn all day and then sleeping. She’s so gross, bitch is an insult to women everywhere
No. 1435431
File: 1644085882468.jpeg (630.93 KB, 750x927, 165EB32A-3A42-402C-8DCA-714E1F…)

Is she gonna eat it or put it on the trash shelf?
No. 1435574
File: 1644097836625.jpeg (206.09 KB, 1170x916, C50F7C25-3091-4C1C-BF80-DB6B83…)

seriously begging for weed again after 4 days?
No. 1435631
File: 1644102286895.jpeg (335.29 KB, 1242x1483, F99FEC7A-35ED-4864-B200-B2573D…)

>>1435574Kek no replies just 6 likes and a “me too”
No. 1435662
>>1435631In capitalist America, the canary in the coal mine of impending financial collapse is the lament of the lone coomer. Softly speaks he into the twitter void. As per usual, he has been called upon to simp; and yet today he simps not. The be-diapered thot hungers. Asshole agape, the portly siren professes her destitution.
Quoth the coomer, "ayo me too".
No. 1435672
File: 1644105252073.jpg (30.2 KB, 443x437, wojak shakespeare.jpg)

kek I wrote that so long ago but yes that was me. Literature is my passion.
No. 1435674
>>1435662Kek I love you poetry anon. Are you the same one who wrote this twenty threads ago?
Late upon a midnight fleeting,
While I doordash'd (also tweeting),
Leaving dildoes, never sweeping,
Strewn upon the dirty floor.
Quoth the Shaynus, 'nevermore'