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No. 1902155
Previous Thread
>>>/snow/1889244Shayna Leigh Clifford; 26 year old failing prostitute, porn sick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.
THE SHAYNATORIUM IS NOW OPEN FOR ALL YOUR SHAYTISTIC NEEDS: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blog posting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread
Last Thread:
>in a feat of delusion claims to be 144 pounds >>1889251>shitting her pants for only 100 dollars >>1889323>her "partner" got her some shitty jewelry >>1889421>she's still a big greasy bitch with "ADHD" >>1889896, >>1889897, >>1889899>called out by sarah gregory for being on weight watchers >>1890144>spanking video from a few months ago is released, show's shes a big bitch (maybe she has lost weight) and reveals a ton of cringy (made up) stories from her past >>1890430, >>1890433, >>1890441, >>1890447, >>1890465>transcript of video >>1890540, >>1890541>full spanking video >>1890617, >>1890619>new vent account >>1890992 >she has fat hands and cheap jewelry >>1891285 >claps back at a customer >>1891464, >>1891464 >"sugar dad" tries to end things with her and she gets attached >>1893339>video with ABDL couple is finally released >>1893507, >>1893508>compares her body to that of adam sandlers, an accurate description >>1893635>retard goes axe throwing >>1893894, >>1893925>prostituting herself for dinner again >>1894225, john only fucks her legs for only 600 dollars >>1894264, >>1894289, despite that nose is red and has no foundation as if she kissed him/sucked him off, or was snorting something >new "blonde" hair, must've not been able to afford appointment >>1894718, >>1894724, >>1894784>boobs are absolutely botched, potentially looks infected >>1895283>went to a "kinky fair" thats obviously someones backyard >>1896179, >>1896180>her mom only wants the best for her >>1896351 shayna makes it out like abuse >fat girl sushi >>1896700>"goff girl" pic >>1897310>more ABDL porn >>1897484>potentially shaynas "partner" >>1897634>fat girl brunch that's 1400 calories >>1897657, >>1897758>retard paintings with ellen >>1898330>potential sugar daddy or partner >>1898388>shayna goes out of town with ellen >>1899214, 1899372 gets sick afterwards, another mysterious case of post trip illness>3 month update on boobs, still botched >>1900876>threesome with dirty footed couple >>1901021 Links: TikTok: No. 1902184
File: 1695357721706.jpeg (Spoiler Image,482.33 KB, 750x1005, 3330B94C-1FD8-47E6-8528-4BFE72…)

she's so creepy
No. 1902186
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No. 1902199
>>1902186>>1902184shay staying relatable as always, don’t we all get off on learning about a heavily pregnant woman being murdered and dumped in the sea by her
abusive partner
No. 1902216
>>1902184>>1902186And this is solely
one of the reasons why she doesn't deserve any empathy at all.
No. 1902325
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No. 1902326
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I’m not sure if this was posted in the previous thread. Sorry if it was
No. 1902405
>>1902325Gave herself a whole new face lmao
>>1902326I can't believe there is even a market for this. At least this is just gross and not straight up physical abuse?? Idek anymore
No. 1902465
>>190245020s and pregnant, you sound like a moid
>>1902201I wonder if she was truly attractive would any of this have happened? To some extent she's pandering to men who have no-one else to "satisfy" such grotesque fantasies, assumedly for the attention because it doesn't look like easy money to debase oneself like this for so long
(taking the bait) No. 1902569
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do we think this aruba trip will bring milk?
No. 1902620
>>1902569Can't wait to see her botched boobs in Aruba. Hopefully she doesn't get sex trafficked. But Shayna might give us another milkmas this December after all. Wonder if whatever dumb shit she does will land her cow of the year again.
>>1902441>If she ever did end up like that, who would even talk about her positively in an episode of dateline?For the sake of appearances alone, I'm sure her parents would speak kindly enough of her. She's a little failure of a human being in any sense of the word, but they haven't cut her off yet, so they don't see her like that. I'm pretty sure Jess at the very least doesn't hate Shayna, so I could see her saying something nice. And Ellen would probably squeeze out a few high sodium tears for some camera time. What will be the true tragedy of the dateline episode juxtaposition between the shayna they portray, and her reality. Pictures of her hovel, Twitter feed and a few cherry picked LC posts will flash across the screen as her mother's disembodied voice laments over how Shayna always said she wanted to be a rockstar or photographer.
>>1902450Sorry scrote/pickme retard, but having kids in your 20s isn't actually ideal for the average modern woman who's capable of being more than a bangmaid. Lots of women regret having kids too early, less seem to regret having kids at older ages. And also being 30 and single isn't too much of a bad thing either, get better material.
No. 1902684
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No. 1902705
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Look at how dirty the other girl's feet are from walking on shaty's nasty carpet- this is part of why she refuses to take off her socks
No. 1902817
>>1902574IIRC Aruba has a big problem with sex trafficking with the
victims mostly being South American women. But who knows what kind of shady people Sarah Gregory is connected to.
No. 1902907
>>1902850Shayna is not confident in the least bit. Confident sex workers don't do the shit she does. Shayna hates herself, and she's only willing to go full throttle and screech at people who are lower hanging fruit than her, like vivi and that faggot Sol. Sarah could easily get Shayna drunk, then take her phone and passport and now shayna's trapped in a foreign country with no way to tell anyone. Did you see how sloppy she was at fatcon? I'm sure Sarah took notice. Shayna treats her work trips like a vacation and anyone with ill intent can easily manipulate her into doing the most foul, degenerate shit ever. And it wouldn't even be that much of a reach for her, the bitch basically dabbled in all the major nasty human toilet like "kinks". She'd be a great target for a sex trafficker, the only thing that doesn't make her the perfect target is the fact that she's an upper middle class white girl with parents who haven't given up on her yet.
But, she's also got stupid luck so she'll probably just get a sunburn and tummy ache, but otherwise she'll post about how she had such a great time and can't wait to go back. And also, she'll start another video "sale" and start dry begging for sushi.
No. 1902968
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apologies in advance if this was already covered but the film that shayna and kiki got spanked for during fetcon just got released, preview is on sarah's twitter. topkekw at shay's dangling fupa
>At FetishCon, Dolly and Kiki asked Johnny if he could cane them hard, as they want to be marked. He said, "Alright!" and we decided to make a film about it! They each get 24 strokes broken into two sets of 12. He uses his special "bitey" cane which will be sure to leave lots of deep welts and bruises. The two girls are giddy with excitement for their caning. They wear cute matching outfits and are eager to start… as is Johnny!. Once the caning starts, they immediately realize just how painful this will be and think maybe they made the wrong decision but they still want to see it through competitively as a test of their endurance. They each cry out in pain as the cane strikes their bare flesh. As the title of this awesome film suggests… They should be careful in the future about what they wish for.
No. 1902971
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>>1902968webm for off-grid nonnies
No. 1903007
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>>1902971Her rear end looks like someone dropped a bowl of jelly on the floor.
>>1902991I doubt that she's even on a diet anymore. In the recent bathroom selfies that were posted on /shay/ she looks as big as ever.
No. 1903073
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No. 1903134
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>>1903119it's definitely grits, it's from Toulouse Petit
No. 1903142
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how many times has she 'quit' now?
No. 1903182
nonnie I gotchu ♥
No. 1903424
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Previous to the brunch date
No. 1903425
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No. 1903505
>>1903503Only thing is shay actively chooses to perform these painful kinks that involve her being beaten, let’s not forget fetishizing rape and incest in her free time on her personal social media. She makes light of murder/rape
victims by saying the true crime documentaries make her horny. She’s not a newcomer who got tricked or coerced into this, she’s just choosing to inflict harm on her body whether it’s via someone abusing her or abusing her own body through lifestyle.
No. 1903518
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No. 1903543
>>1903522Here is a list of 25 things that could happen to Shayna is she continues to bring Johns into her apartment for sex:
1. Death
a) Point Blank (Gun, Stabbed, etc.)
b) Raped and Murdered
c) Prolonged torture and Murdered
2. Rape
a) See above for various scenarios
3. Info leaked to sex trafficking circles
a) Kidnapped, Raped, Tortured, Murdered
4. Stalkers
5. Hit or Beaten if she says the wrong thing
6. Hit or Beaten if she tries to blast the wrong John on twitter
7. Address discovered by one of her John's spouses and confronted
8. Complaints from Neighbors who do not want to live beside someone doing full service prostitutions
9. Evicted if Landlords found out
10. Stolen from -
a) Physically held down while her apartment is ransacked
b) Info leaked to the wrong circles and her apartment gets looted while she posts on twitter she is away
c) Shayna passes out (Alcohol/Drugs) and has items stolen from Johns
11. Drugged & Date Raped
12. Hidden Cameras installed in her Apartment by a creepy john
13. Possessive or Jealous johns confronting eachother or fighting
14. Held at knife point or John brings weapon
15. John brings multiple men and a gang rape ensues
16. John shows up saying wife left him and he needs to stay there
17. John shows up saying he killed someone and needs somewhere to stay until the "the heat cools off"
18. Blackmailed by one of her Johns using her home info, possibly printing and posting her nudes around the apartment
19. Fraud or Scammed using her personal info found in the apartment
20. Angry John confronting her after she gives him STDs
21. Cats or dog kicked, killed, or raped by a deranged moid
22. A fake party thrown and a bunch of drugged up people show up
23. Pets stolen or poisoned
24. John forcing extreme kinks like piss drinking, poop, beating, puking, dry anal, etc.
25. John won't leave after the deed is done. What do you do when a 40 year man just says "no. im not not leaving". Call the cops and saying you were whoring?
No. 1903741
>>1902994absolutely no one is paid millions (of usd) for that, lots of blatant lie. ACTRESSES draw in millions of people to the theaters like Angelina Jolie don't get that kind of payout for working unreasonable hours for months and months.
The Facebook post your referencing was about a black woman. If it was a true story and not some urban legend tier shit (no pun intended) those monsters were racist and humiliating a black woman was part of the fetish. they would never in their lives pay any more than they had to to humiliate people they view as inherently inferior (women of color).
and that's if anyone got paid the amounts discussedat all, those guys can refuse to give you what they promised and they do. unless you think that prostitution is 'real work and that there's some kind of way' and think you can get foreign police to force those guys to pay.
be real
No. 1903826
>>1903775>she doesn't realize these males do not respect her at all and don't view her as a person.%100 she legit thinks that she is in control because she's
"choosing" to be abused. Absolutetly mental.
No. 1903869
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No. 1904007
File: 1695652186082.png (Spoiler Image,1.65 MB, 1293x1390, Crazy Indeed.png)

> crazy how nervous i was 2 get my boobs done cuz goddamn i love them so much they're inCREDIBLE [Loudly Crying Face Emoji] [Face Holding Back Tears Emoji] [Pink Heart Emoji]
Considering how she has behaved during her recovery, I am convinced her nervousness stemmed from us noticing and discussing the surgery and not the surgery itself.
No. 1904009
File: 1695652249777.jpg (Spoiler Image,77.9 KB, 1024x576, ˌʤiːzəs ˈkraɪst.JPG)

>>1904007Focusing on the picture that had not been posted previously.
No. 1904036
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She’s literally just dating her “sugar daddies” for gifts and boyfriend dates. This is so fucking embarrassing. Imagine willingly hanging out with some old crusty moid because you have no friends (besides Ellen). If you’re going to whore yourself out at least do it for money to support yourself.
No. 1904063
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>>1904036"Words are very unnecessaShayry they can only do harm"
No. 1904132
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>>1903634 Bull Ponderosa plot line
No. 1904244
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>>1904100Lmao no. They went woke.
(derailing) No. 1904311
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>time 2 make porn [Pink Heart Emoji]
No. 1904349
>>1904311The forehead wrinkling is reaching Sharpei levels holy shit.
>>1904342KEK accurate
No. 1904375
>>1904244they could still discriminate on looks if they wanted to, because it’s a “performance role” and therefore legal
they just can’t get enough thin and attractive women to work there, plus redneck moids love chubstresses
No. 1904379
>>1904132KEK ANON
>>1903543>22. A fake party thrown and a bunch of drugged up people show up Is this a thing?? Sounds scary.
No. 1904395
>>1904379No it’s not a thing anon has no life experience;
She’ll probably just get an STI from prostitution maybe a pimp who knows
No. 1904434
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>>1904311And this is how she’s advertising said porn. Putrid skin texture aside, she looks like an actual retard. You cannot convince me that the coomers buying this don’t have a sped fetish
No. 1904501
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Nice try dirty deleting this, Shay
No. 1904502
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No. 1904555
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No. 1904685
File: 1695756815189.png (569.15 KB, 1080x1661, 20230926_222946.png)

>>1904637Well what do you know. But who throws the fake party that turns into cuckooing Shayna's situation?
No. 1904724
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>>1904722KEK I can't believe her twin has more lips that her.
No. 1904757
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As if she doesn't do this to get out of working. Any guesses on who she's referring to?
No. 1904796
>>1904792she has said that
but it is literally physically and psychologically impossible to have both on the livestream she said her mother is bipolar and she passed it onto her.
as the cunt shayna is No. 1904821
>>1904685I’d assume
>>1904637 means one of her Johns could try to cuckoo Shayna. The only problem with that theory is that when they say vulnerable person, I think they’re referring to someone with developmental delays or heavily addicted to substances who’d be (in theory) easier to manipulate and probably more isolated than Shayna.
No. 1904822
>>1904796 You can pass on bipolar, autism and adhd. It's super common when a child goes for testing either/both parents will be recommended their own test, due to their own difficulties they are more likely to not see the child's issues, since "doesn't everyone do this/have this problem?"
These diagnoses are similar and this can make them harder to specify and diagnose the correct one. About 60% of women with autism also have adhd. Bipolar and adhd can have very similar symptoms which sometimes end with a wrong diagnosis, though if a bipolar is given adderall the misdagnosis should be easy to see as it should spur a manic episode. Bipolar manicness can sometimes be misdiagnosed as adhd impulsivity. There are so many more things that can be very muddy when trying to diagnose any of these and if she's only reading symptoms online and decides "uwu im bipolar" when its actually adhd/autism.
I would not be surprised if she is actually autistic, the way she acted on that recent interview with the creepy scrote felt very telling to me. Problems with plans changing, doesn't like water because its "slimy". Turd braids, hair touching neck is likely uncomfortable. Her godawful diet. Randomly pulls off her acrylics. Doesn't use any skincare, probably because of the texture it leaves. Not showering/doing the bare minimum for hygiene. Sorry if I used bad grammar not native.
(medfagging) No. 1904854
>>1904853you're too kind
nonny! send you hugs kek.
No. 1904883
>>1904879Thank you. What
>>1904876 said is unhinged as fuck, but I agree. Moids are everywhere but if there’s some pedo pandering pick me retard out there allowing these scrotes willingly in my general living vicinity I would want to know.
No. 1904902
File: 1695780477551.png (Spoiler Image,53.36 KB, 280x456, 1685154870881.png)

I'll use this one and put her service menu on the back. $200 anal kek.
No. 1904903
File: 1695780493004.gif (1.13 MB, 320x240, IMG_5790.gif)

>>1904888Yeah but maybe there are people whose door you’d slip a pic under and their young kids will see it before them…or maybe there are men in the building who would then try to assault Shay (not trying to start a fight about what she does or does not deserve) idk I just am gonna go on record and say I think this is weird and cowtippy. I get the idea behind it and I get why it would be funny but there are also a lot of reasons it wouldn’t.
No. 1904942
File: 1695783368753.jpg (538.12 KB, 1080x1277, 5.jpg)

self portraits
No. 1904980
File: 1695788091341.jpg (947.58 KB, 1080x1652, 4499.jpg)

She's trying to wish up a relationship so bad.
Forgot picrel
No. 1904983
>>1904876I know some of the anons in this thread are shaytarded by proxy from watching this cow so long but this is just Too Much. Forgetting the first rule of lolcows: don’t touch the poop. Look but don’t touch. It’s the retard museum, you idiot not a touch pool at an aquarium. This is like the moid who sent the porn to her family and the email anon.
She does this shit to herself. Let it happen naturally. All this shit that has given us milk has been Shayna’s doing without any farmer interaction. She’s the one cow who milks itself with ease. She won’t stay quiet like she is for long, girl has never shut up for long.
>>1904980 I wonder how many sugar daddies she actually has. I feel like it’s never the same one every time rn (or at least the recent out to brunch where they were sitting at the bar was a new). There was the old creep who put together furniture for her while naked then there was Applebees dude so I always feel like it’s one of them kek. She also may totally be lying and only have one.
No. 1904994
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No. 1905036
>>1905021>>1905033She doesn't beg for those things, it's common among sex workers to ask for "reimbursement" on their random daily purchases. It's not because they literally can't afford a $7 coffee.
It looks like she's making at least somewhat decent money, but sex work is come and go, it's not a astable income, so she will likely be broke again soon. Why anyone would choose such financial instability beats me.
No. 1905043
File: 1695799447773.png (52.32 KB, 714x480, just work at a sex shop shay.P…)

>>1905039for real. She could make 1.8k easy a month in renton with a minimum wage job.
No. 1905102
>>1905057I doubt she makes much money from either OF or MV. If she was earning an adequate income from online sales she wouldn't be prostituting herself in real life. She used to boast about her OF ranking and how much money she was making, now it's complete silence.
With the increase in the cost of living, men aren't going to be as generous with their favourite OF whores when there's free porn available.
No. 1905132
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No. 1905162
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No. 1905164
File: 1695822001496.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1170x1220, IMG_5410.jpeg)

No. 1905187
File: 1695823715226.jpg (355.1 KB, 874x1004, lardtard.jpg)

>>1905162The smoothing filter she's using makes her face look like melting lard.
No. 1905190
File: 1695824641275.jpg (74.37 KB, 1290x697, Again?.jpg)

But her life is going to great, right? I’m pretty sure she has written this before.
No. 1905203
>>1905187I will never get over her eyebrows. I know there’s so much more about her face and overall appearance that sucks but good god those brows
trigger me every damn time.
No. 1905282
File: 1695836056173.jpeg (438.83 KB, 750x1179, C50AC2C8-6EFC-4D89-A998-61AD0F…)

ellen and some 14 year old are following shayna on her personal account. why doesn't she block minors? this is like the 3rd or 4th time
No. 1905384
File: 1695849679221.jpg (276.86 KB, 1080x1125, b.jpg)

how many times has she seen this?
No. 1905458
Bless you for this nostalgia, nona. Brandon Quinn was
chef's kiss No. 1905464
File: 1695857596753.png (1.53 MB, 1280x1438, Tweet.png)

> bouncy boobies in the uber
> call it a boober
No. 1905469
File: 1695857780622.mp4 (1.85 MB, 1280x720, 01.mp4)

>>1905464The road seems bumpier than Shayna’s legs.
No. 1905496
File: 1695862914664.gif (947.87 KB, 250x208, IMG_5789.gif)

>>1905458Ok this is all I’ll say so we don’t shit up the thread but HEHE I was hoping there would be one nonna who knew the show. He basically gave me my Werewolf thing by being so cute on that show. Maybe I’ll go post about it somewhere in /ot/ or /m/ lmao here’s a gif for u tho u lil darling
No. 1905600
File: 1695875673169.png (258.98 KB, 1293x562, El internet las cría y lolcow …)

Cows colliding. I love how the lolcow Twitter whores have made themselves a little support network. Shayna has also interacted with Ariana and Mickey.
No. 1905791
>>1905187Her hair is so fucking nasty, shower you filthy bitch.
>>1905469>>1905470Hilarious how the necrotit is still solid as a rock
>>1905600Beaky would NEVER stoop so low as to interact with Shaynus but I seriously hope for milk regardless.
No. 1905935
File: 1695932760198.jpg (518.05 KB, 1080x1148, 3rd.jpg)

She looks worse with each visit to the movies
No. 1905957
>>1905951I know it gets said all the time but it's true, she legitimately looks like a special needs adult that escaped the group home. Dry, damaged hair crudely put up in a child's hair style, clothes that are clearly too small makes her look like her intellectual functioning isn't high enough for her know how to dress appropriately and she looks nearly 40 while carrying a plush toy.
No one is looking at her and thinking "wow what a sexy kinky bimbo", they're thinking "wow what a retard" and probably avoiding getting too close to her.
No. 1905970
>>1905938this is possibly the most actual retard photo she’s ever posted
>>1905957 I would 1000000% full honesty believe if I saw this IRL that this is someone who is special needs. The cross eye on top pulls this together.
No. 1905976
File: 1695937431873.jpg (873.81 KB, 1080x1776, Screenshot_20230824_232040.jpg)

>>1905970>the most actual retard photo she’s ever postedShe is yet to beat this one anon
>>>/snow/1887918 No. 1905997
File: 1695940521507.jpeg (53.99 KB, 519x543, IMG_0989.jpeg)

>>1905936The outfit, the shitty shoes, the awful hair, how fat she looks really is giving Jennifer Coolidge from legally blonde doing the bend and snap/Florida vibes; picrel
No. 1906002
File: 1695941171831.jpeg (412.09 KB, 1536x2048, 1691179391671.jpeg)

>>1905976Reminder of the first time she went to see the movie
>>>/snow/1869513It really seems to bring out her inner sped.
No. 1906083
File: 1695951317534.jpeg (333.48 KB, 750x446, E47FFE91-A2BA-4E04-B711-BCAA06…)

No. 1906124
>>1906113She reposted to
add the Ellen mention. iOS notifications display in reverse chronological order. Look at the timestamps.
No. 1906175
File: 1695967213691.jpeg (430.05 KB, 750x1093, F9C556DA-F20C-43FD-8BE8-956BB3…)

No. 1906238
>>1906175so is she responding to
>>1905297 ? sad that her last remaining boundary seems to have vanished.
No. 1906501
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No. 1906520
File: 1696016706861.jpg (712.9 KB, 1080x1499, Screenshot_20230929_154442.jpg)

No. 1906537
>>1906484she's serving miss trunchbull realness
>>1906520inb4 seafood boil post a few hours later
No. 1906557
File: 1696021940300.jpeg (599.05 KB, 1170x1106, IMG_5443.jpeg)

No. 1906560
>>1906471Well it's not very ~uwu baby bimbo~ to win your Daddy at something. Her johns are total losers already.
>>1906523I was wondering this too. Is it a stoner thing? To watch beautiful fish swim while being high.
Or are they seeking arrangements?
Maybe this is their only date place that doesn't serve alcohol so Ellen can enjoy sober Shayna.
No. 1906582
File: 1696025232296.jpg (363.05 KB, 1080x1181, whore2.jpg)

>>1906557she continued adding onto those tweets.
No. 1906584
File: 1696025850577.jpeg (183.21 KB, 828x1234, FCA3F0BA-2B44-4F7E-B179-DD49F4…)

>>1906557>>1906582Old screenshot from last thread but I wonder if it's this guy.
No. 1906591
>>1906557>>1906582absolute kek it definitely has to be this moid
>>1906584 she just can't help herself, but a mess of a life.
No. 1906603
>>1906584Holy kek, she definitely caught
feelings feelings for this moid. Imagine being a prostitute and thinking you're in real relationships with these men.
No. 1906656
File: 1696034528437.jpeg (125.96 KB, 750x477, IMG_4232.jpeg)

No. 1906657
File: 1696034558439.jpeg (227.65 KB, 750x667, IMG_4231.jpeg)

No. 1906681
File: 1696037029558.jpeg (463.37 KB, 750x1092, EBFEA909-3A69-4575-A358-502700…)

unloveable? shayna they are johns paying you for sex
No. 1906694
here is the thing, rape "fantasies" fall in only 2 categories: 1. for self-harm disguised as coping and 2. for scrotal attention. Shayna does it for scrotal attention and sometimes money, while doing this she is helping and aiding in the normalisation of engaging in said "fantasy". Which, regardless of how anyone feels about it, it ends in women getting abused, regardless of "consent" . Can you imagine the type of moids that want to "help" a woman "fulfil" her "fantasy" of getting raped? One of the most violent and perverse act known to humanity? An act that is used in war for controlling and demoralising both moids and women, an act that leads people to suicide because the pain it inflicts is too much to bear, an act that is perpetuated on women almost freely as not society, nor the justice system, or the family unit, hell even friends and colleagues, give a fuck. I'm not saying she is "asking for it", I'm saying that "cuz u like to play the rape n' torture victim for funsies and monies u better not come crying after one of the most horrendous crime on earth happens to you, hog". No. 1906742
>>1906713maybe she can’t afford to since she’s no longer on her parents’ insurance and hasn’t mentioned getting it for herself.
it hurts to look at; could not imagine taking/posting pictures like nothing is wrong.
No. 1906860
>>1906757Honestly. They always ask where youre going (for some reason? Like its right on their gps) and, for example, ive said ___ bar and they sometimes ask where thats at. Like what part of town or whatever so they can see if its familiar and it makes it easier to navigate if they have a general sense of where theyre taking you. And yeah if you just abrubtly wanna get out, theyre gonna wonder wtf is wrong with you and maybe even see if youll be ok or just look for their next pick up while parked.
I feel like she overreacted as usual. Her interactions irl are so weird and usually exaggerated or fully fake.
But yeah tbf there can be weirdo drivers.
No. 1906872
File: 1696077971577.gif (8.01 MB, 500x551, 5455D0DD-FFF5-4161-9A09-ADCD78…)

>>1906860Probably just wanted to make sure she got home safe to her parents because he thought she was underage, he was a daddy who wanted to protect his dolly.
No. 1906888
>>1906523It sounds like it is "their thing" which honestly, good for Shay. The aquarium is in a part of town with tons of attractions, shops, dining, etc so they're probably making a day trip out of it. A visit to the Aquarium could only be an hour or two, followed by wandering around Pike Place Market (where they throw the fish, it's the other thing in pop culture about Seattle besides the Space Needle, rain and Starbucks) and then dinner.
There's other options they could go to, but 'tism be 'tism.
No. 1906891
File: 1696081855137.jpeg (Spoiler Image,583.4 KB, 1170x1078, IMG_5466.jpeg)

No. 1906897
File: 1696082589709.jpg (92.39 KB, 981x392, 446.jpg)

The cycle continues
No. 1906900
File: 1696083100384.png (948.46 KB, 1104x794, shroll.png)

>>1906891She's morphing into a troll doll.
No. 1906959
>>1906891>>1906898I'm about to alog this bitch is so dramatic and gross conflating her voluntary participation in whoring with lyrics about being trapped in an
abusive relationship, this filthy pig needs to stay away from music made in this century I'm about to have an autistic meltdown
No. 1907005
>>1906947they look very sunken in. probably because of alcoholism.
combined with her eyes being the dullest, flattest shade of brown imaginable, it really makes her look like she has butthole eyes.
No. 1907034
>>1906891>>1906656>>1906557This is so fucking cringe she's acting like a dramatic teenager over a fucking john. Maybe her johns would stick around if she was more desirable and not so desperate and easy. Im not gonna wk a porn sick moid that pays for sex but holy shit she can never see shes at least part of the problem and that getting so emotionally and weirdly invested in prostitution and going out with johns is wack as hell.
It's sex and superficial companionship for pay. Nothing more. If youre desperate or arent what they want, theyll move on.
At least they paid. Some whores get ripped off.
Its annoying af that Shes acting hurt for being used and tossed aside by some loser scrote when thats literally what is the "job" of prostitution. If youre "good" at it you can keep regular johns, but im sure even whores on their game have johns that fuck around once or twice then bail. Its like these dudes only want sex and validation so wild
Also Im sure posting all this emotional instability and moid blasting will help her draw in more committed johns!
No. 1907057
>>1906891This is the first Shayna pic that made me cackle out loud, all this over a fucking John?! Imagine taking a picture of yourself crying and naked with crusty ungroomed dog hair next to edgy song lyrics. Like what is the thought process there.
>>1907034You're right, it's unbelievably cringe. She can't keep a single coomer to save her life. It makes me wonder if how she acts IRL can scare Johns away too, like when she embarassed herself in front of Fupa's friends that one time
No. 1907066
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No. 1907119
File: 1696112964430.jpg (124.76 KB, 1300x953, common-black-rat-rattus-rattus…)

>>1907118she truly has the eyes of a rodent
No. 1907158
File: 1696119838038.png (1.54 MB, 956x1182, Donny.png)

>>1907155Here anon are you happy now
No. 1907179
File: 1696128973348.jpeg (202.57 KB, 750x504, CCF10F40-8B40-4D1B-AAD0-80B54B…)

any guesses what overpriced ugly stuff she got?
No. 1907326
If any of the nasty scrotes she has shown on her twatter ate soy they wouldn't look so vile. Those are junk food and artery-clogging animal product scoffing down ~boys~ at best.
No. 1907330
File: 1696173206282.jpg (1.11 MB, 1600x3194, MYXJ_20231001111031693.jpg)

>>1907268there's been documentaries on sugaring shit, esp as it's done on sites like seeking arrangement and ashley madison. Commonly involving college aged girls and much older predators. The scrotes get off on these women wearing the most uncomfortable feet-ruining shoes with them to grody parties and in some cases will take them to these parties because they have a shit ton of other women being exploited to show them that they can easily be replaced. So there is definite pressure to do sexual shit so you don't lose that source of income.And women who have had enough luck that they were able to do something else did not speak of the experience as a positive, It is obvious that it makes all the women involve feel like pieces of meat. the kind of scrote who is attracted to this shit is by default an exploitative,rapey creep. much like every other sexpozzer freak out there nowadays.
I would find it hard to believe that this isn't another name for an escort. It absolutely is and considering the amount of times that Shay talks about sex w her johns, this is literally just prostitution but with extra stipulations. "It only took x to make him cum" is insanely telling, first off. Shayna is too dumb to not out the encounters as transactional on her social media despite insisting that she's not an escort on her site.
I'm curious as to who would pay $300 a week to talk to such a vacuous, uggo idiot. I came across that video where she supposedly applies makeup (Why is it paywalled?) and she gives the most aggressive mean girl vibes. Do scrotes get off on sexually abusing the girls sho bullied them in hs? yikes
there's also spelling mistake on her prostitution form. "sesson"
No. 1907346
File: 1696176084441.jpg (512 KB, 667x1000, Untitled.jpg)

>>1906688she doesn't have to actually work to get her measly few hun in cash whoring, though. Sure the trade off is STI risk, no retirement plan, no security along with fearing for your safety around johns who could easily kill or seriously injure you, lifelong trauma, irreparable damage to your ability to enjoy sex, have a healthy sex life, self esteem, etc but MAKE THAT MONEY HONEY!
No. 1907377
File: 1696183976534.jpg (469.12 KB, 1080x1017, Screenshot_20231001_140822.jpg)

>$600 shopping spree
No. 1907378
File: 1696184070731.jpg (300.3 KB, 1536x2048, 20231001_141324.jpg)

No. 1907380
>>1907377guess and VS are what middle school girls around here get as gifts from relatives.
and she looks like she's been crying. so spoiled….
No. 1907391
File: 1696184854248.jpeg (Spoiler Image,27.33 KB, 440x583, 1912551016.jpeg)

>>1907378shes so shamelessly sucking in here its not even subtle. cant even photoshop the gut out she has to stop breathing to look even the tiniest bit like she has a figure. literally just exercise shayna you could take the picture without the contortionist shit.
jeez, no wonder we don't get her camwhoring anymore…
No. 1907399
>>1907380the only people I've seen in my entire life thinking vs is something fancy are teenage girls. it's cheaply made crap that gives out after 2 washes. these days, the designs aren't even interesting.
the only men who buy it are men who want to buy their wives lingerie but a) are too poor/just don't want to fork out for decent lingerie like la perla or agent provocateur or b) have zero clue about lingerie (understandable for a man ig)
more proof that her sugar daddies are actually just salt daddies
No. 1907415
>>1907375I think you mean WAS a pretty nice neighborhood?
It got torched and never fully recovered.
No. 1907424
>>1907184Seriously. Maybe have some discretion. I dont think her johns want her sharing every detail and she shouldn't be so openly admitting to prostitution.
She thinks it's a flex but for most people they'd rather just work their normal job, get a paycheck, buy things for themselves
and not have to hang out with and fuck a random gross moid for $600 and some mall trinkets.
No. 1907450
>>1907377Where the hell did she go shopping at? The local middle-class mall? I think it would probably be better to go to a luxury mall with a Nordstrom and shop there for some quality items and bras that actually fit? Actually I'm pretty sure she went to Westfield Southcenter mall and that mall has a Nordstrom.
Shayna if you actually want to impress us then start hauling actual luxury stuff from the Bravern shops or Bellevue Square.
No. 1907483
File: 1696198273827.jpeg (577.55 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_5495.jpeg)

What she’s wearing to the aquarium with Ellen. Apparently she still doesn’t own a lint roller
No. 1907485
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No. 1907486
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We get it Shay, you wear black
No. 1907730
File: 1696253023750.jpg (237.01 KB, 1050x960, Screenshot_20231002_092330.jpg)

Missing a lot of key info on this list.
No. 1907731
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No. 1907732
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No. 1907733
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No. 1907747
>>1907731good lord. she's dressed how I used to dress as a teenager who was on the riot grrl revival part of tumblr in like 2014. except none of the tumblr girlies wore pleather (?) durags with their peter pan collar dresses and docs.
it's honestly kinda jarring to see someone dressed like this in 2023. the tumblr version of kinderwhore/riot grrl fashion hasn't come back into fashion (too recent) so she just looks outdated, like she's stuck in early-mid 2010s tumblr.
No. 1907756
>>1907731In b4 she starts saying "oh my goth"
This bitch wearing the most basic Ross dress with cheap ass clunky shoes calling herself "goth" is fucking killing me.
No. 1907766
>>1906537 called it. seafood boil after the aquarium
No. 1907849
>>1907732So that seafood boil is $70 on its own. Add drinks and they probably got appetizers. That's ridiculous and I know anons say "people eat burgers at zoos" but its really not the same level of weird and fucked up as a table full of boiled and buttered sea creatures after the aquarium.
Ot but at the zoo youre not eating zebra steak or pengiun wings. The aquarium and seafood place its literally like they could scoop up a creature you were looking at from the aquarium and cook it up and serve it to you next door lmao thats just weird idc what people say.
No. 1907853
>>1907730Nobody asked and no she hasnt lived off sex work soley. There's no way her parents haven't helped her with rent and more. And being at the mercy of disgusting moids being interested enough to pay you to degrade yourself so you can hopefully make money is still a fucked up dynamic.
>>1907486Shes so petty and just wouldnt includer mothers day even though it fit better. But also this ",goff" shit she does i cant fucking stand. When is she gonna listen to goth music and go to clubs for the subculture? She's just gonna keep wearing the cheapest tackiest black clothes and enforcing the retardism of scrotes fetishizing goth and alternative girls with her cringe behavior. You can wear black without making a big deal about it.
No. 1907872
File: 1696277133974.jpg (9.69 MB, 5897x5247, Whistlers_Mother_high_res.jpg)

>>1907483looks like a spirit halloween "sexy" version of Whistler's Mother
No. 1907892
File: 1696280280094.jpg (346.55 KB, 1536x2048, 20231002_165652.jpg)

Hot dog nails once again
No. 1907904
>>1907892These look like shes used chemicals and dried out her fingers horribly on a set thats already had a week or 2 of grow out. Her nail tech is shit and does her dirty. I hope shes lying about paying $150 or whatever for this kind of shit.
Not to blog but I pay $90-100 with tip for quality and design sets that are done proper. No way would I pay that for that garbage like that. I wonder if she goes to the same place or just tries different low quality salons
No. 1907916
>>1907892Nothing of her nails annoys me more than the miss match between where the tip starts and her jar nail white tip does it’s SO jarring.
I only have short French tips and I’m like: please make it look natural to my nail no matter if I’m going a few mm above my normal bed
No. 1907929
>>1907849sage for who cares, but I know for sure you aren't asian
not judging, nothing wrong with not being asian, just sayin
(no1curr) No. 1908064
>>1908025shit tastes and refuses to spend money. shaynus absolutely goes to the “super cuts” of nail salons instead of building a working relationship with a tech who gives a shit and would at least try to guide her away from snausage fingers.
bonus round: most of these $25 mani/pedi chopshops engage in human trafficking. fun!
No. 1908088
>>1907929Not to continue this detail but yeah my Asian Nigel was like “sometimes looking at the fish makes me hungry” all that said unless you’re vegan I don’t think you could make the argument that it’s weird.
I hate every “gothtober” she does she wears the exact same dress I’m surprised it’s even still intact. She looks so ungoth it’s painful. Can’t wait to see the rest of her new black clothes, I’m sure we’ll see the same ones for years to come.
(blog) No. 1908114
>>1907927can you share the comments in the shaynatorium
No. 1908222
>>1908090I don’t agree, she posted these
>>>/snow/838238 a few years ago and while not “done” these were her nails 10 months ago
>>>/snow/1697715 Shayna makes horrendous decisions in regards to everything in her life, nails aren’t an exception
>>>/snow/1415747 No. 1908225
File: 1696341076547.jpg (540.65 KB, 1080x1342, Screenshot_20231003-145011.jpg)

when cows collide
No. 1908328
>>1908311She may have lost a small amount of weight. I can imagine her being frightened enough to half ass a diet after seeing how huge she is the images from fatcon. I think she may have also become a bit smarter about her angles, posing and editing.
>>1907731 she initially looks slimmer because of the pose and because she's wearing black, then you notice the size of her legs and realize that she's still a big bitch. Another possibility is that she's started wearing gunt control underwear.
No. 1908360
File: 1696363505980.jpg (275.34 KB, 1079x1131, Screenshot_20231003_160431.jpg)

No. 1908363
File: 1696363652140.jpeg (735.52 KB, 954x1147, 5110788D-13D3-4331-93AD-5FF8E8…)

>>1907733Trying so hard to be uwu cute and quirky. She looks old and haggard. Give it up Big Shaynus .
No. 1908367
File: 1696363956222.jpg (720.41 KB, 1000x2395, MYXJ_20231003161213042.jpg)

pic of her "poly partners"
No. 1908439
File: 1696373324766.jpg (823.98 KB, 1080x1753, Screenshot_20231003_184813.jpg)

What the fuck is that top
No. 1908442
>>1908152Based, fake nails are ghetto and dirty
>>1908360Is the cute sissy the coomer eraser head with the fucked up yellow teeth
No. 1908452
>>1908225What cracks me up about this is that shayna is borderline horrorcow and still racks in more money than kathy. Shay making money and isnt even as nice looking (not pretty, by any means) as kathy.
Would you rather go on a date with a fat pedo pandering literal prostitute? Or a whiney balding bird woman? These men, so lucky. Kek
No. 1908462
>>1908452If I were a moid going on a sugar daddy date I'd pick Kathy easily. She's annoying and looks dumb in her plastic wig, but Walmart Dita Von Teese would be less embarrassing to be seen with than a retarded bimbo hippopotamus who last bathed three weeks ago.
Plus with Kathy you could at least do something a little entertaining like going to the ballet or whatever else she does. A date with Shay would be getting greasy food or buying her tacky pink shit, then fucking in the corvette.
No. 1908493
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>>1908363Reminded me of this
No. 1908524
File: 1696386177161.jpg (255.41 KB, 1080x840, fake.jpg)

Shouldn't she post this and other things that didn't happen on her seperate account?
No. 1908601
File: 1696399630005.jpg (436.47 KB, 1638x2048, 20231004_020606.jpg)

>started off october right n went 2 see bram stokers dracula this evening [vampire emoji]
No. 1908611
File: 1696403763085.jpg (373.99 KB, 1080x1422, Screenshot_20231004_031336.jpg)

This is exactly why she had a breakdown over Shane Pierre Sonnier of Wichita, Kansas and other scrotes.
No. 1908676
>>1908611You guys are talking about how stupid this makes her in past relationships without realizing the implication of why she posted this is because
tinfoil she’s probably hoping she’s dating her John. She seems to be seeing him frequently and she’s now thinking it’s not a money arrangement as much as it’s moving toward a relationship
No. 1908745
>>1908661>fat lunch lady arms I guess.You sound like a moid. Nothing wrong with fat on the arms.
>>1908725My guess is she likely makes enough to pay her rent, feed herself and feed her pets. However she lives outside of her means (nails, tacky outfits, consumer garbage) so she's constantly stressing about money.
No. 1908790
File: 1696427203927.gif (499.2 KB, 245x138, IMG_8432.gif)

>>1908688unless her john is frank reynolds i don't think shes gonna have any luck there
>>1908655i wouldn't say she looks great but that picture is an improvement as it barely shows any of her. her lips are still chapped as hell but appear less chapped, maybe she really has quit smoking.
No. 1908844
File: 1696435975918.jpg (657.31 KB, 1592x1305, 1661645981133.jpg)

>>1908745>Nothing wrong with fat on the arms.A healthy body fat percentage for women is around 25%. Shayna is closer to 40%. She has minimal muscle mass because she's too lazy to ever exercise which means her girth is almost entirely fat. There is something wrong with it because she is increasing her risk of diabetes and fatty liver disease.
>>1908748I suspect that her income is highly variable and like a retard she spends any excess money she has on hoarding pink landfill fodder instead of saving it. I don't think she earns enough from OF to sustain herself which is why she has been trying and failing to different types of sex work.
Pic is from august last year when the thread was trying to work out her earnings. IIRC at her peak she had over 2k OF subs, as of august 2022, she was down to less than 330 subs. It's probably even lower now. Notice that she doesn't even bother to shill her OF content on twitter anymore.
No. 1908846
>>1902155You're brave nona coming here talking like that kek
But fr, black suits her better than pastel piggy colors. Unstraightened noodle hair hides the damage she's done bleaching a bit better too. But the tight faux leather miniskirt is atrocious, especially on her porky body
No. 1908847
File: 1696436603931.jpeg (379.84 KB, 828x820, IMG_1057.jpeg)

I- speechless
No. 1908849
File: 1696436625717.jpeg (161.71 KB, 828x1094, IMG_1056.jpeg)

No. 1908850
>>1908688I lowkey disagree I know they’re not interested in having relationships with their whores but previous anon is right
>>1908678 he’s just posturing for free sex. Some sadistic loser men get off on a total dependent loser woman wanting them. Even if they don’t actually want them. Wish I knew more about the John.
>>1908772Was wondering if I was the only person who noticed this, even when it’s spelled out in the previous post her stupid coomers show how retarded they are.
No. 1908872
>>1908844or maybe money shayna gets dissipated once it hits her bank. she has to pay rent, expenses, and various other bills. even though she dresses like a broke bitch she somehow has money to buy. she’s either being supported by her parents or she’s not paying for anything
>giant teddy bears>$60 record player >expensive seafood>expensive flights >sex comic con ticketsplus doesn’t she have a roommate? so she’s most likely paying half on those bills and rent expenses.
No. 1908976
>>1908873> reads threads, presumably > thinks all Shayna is doing is goo-goo-ga-ga-ing in her diaper and bonnet Nothing is stopping you from joining Shayna and all the other degenerate paedophilic
content creators, Nona. Just remember, it’s not stable income
and definitely not real work.
No. 1909000
File: 1696461317711.jpeg (255.41 KB, 762x429, Let's Go Ewhores.jpeg)

>>1908997lmao the e-whores are in town!
No. 1909004
File: 1696461831099.jpeg (769.42 KB, 808x1330, IMG_1060.jpeg)

Imagine being on a diet and drinking shit like this
>>1908895Anon stop shitting up the thread and take your fucking pills
No. 1909014
>>1909004>Grande Iced Caramel Macchiato224 kcal
>Vanilla Sweet Cream230 kcal
Total - 454
The gunt is going nowhere so I guess we will be entering the impending BBW saga soon enough
No. 1909034
>>1909027She is very clearly not loosing weight. In her most recent pictures
>>1907731 and here
>>1908601she's still as big as she ever was. In the first image she is leaning forward to hide the gunt only for her big legs to give away her true size and in the second image the cheap plastic skirt is serving as gunt containment.
We will know how huge she is if she ever streams again. I doubt she will because even a low self awareness retard like Shayhog must realize how humiliating her last few streams were.
No. 1909177
>>1908611She's so retarded I swear. Like idk just ask? This reminds me of that Childish Gambino song, "Are we datin'? Are we fuckin'?
Are we best friends? Are we somethin'
In between that?
I wish we never fucked, and I mean that." Every dude she's ever been with says that last line lmao
No. 1909249
>>1909242It's not a nitpick if she's claiming to be on a diet like she has been. Other people who drink shit like that typically have decent diets otherwise.
It's not like she can't get low fat or low calorie substitutions for her weird little concoctions, but she has the palate of a toddler and insists on getting caffeine through these gross milkshake things.
No. 1909262
File: 1696517360237.png (39.03 KB, 255x316, slop.png)

>>1909249>she has the palate of a toddler and insists on getting caffeine through these gross milkshake thingsThis is her problem, her choices are fucking retarded. She basically drank a McDonalds double cheese burger.
No. 1909343
>>1909184They didn't even have PIV sex, she just gave him one of her really bad blowjobs with teeth which you know was especially bad because any sex on camera is worse due to your focus going towards what the camera is capturing.
>>1909261Nta but did you actually go up to her and introduce yourself as a fan?
No. 1909394
File: 1696536306751.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x1674, IMG_5598.jpeg)

Can’t wait to see what milk comes from this
No. 1909420
>>1909405Wtf dude her concealer is yellow and her tits are fugly and red and look like they’re gonna burst and her downturned arrow to hell nose is huge and red and her eye bags have bags that have bags and the marionette lines and I see she smoothed out her decorative autumn squash skin, her forehead normally looks like a 3D map of Utah, now it just looks like 4 faint wrinkles tho we all know there’s like 87, why does she have a nose ring, it looks like a wart on her witch nose. The absolute worst part tho is THE
TINY BLACK EYES homegirl looking like a peanuts character but without the cuteness or charm just a fucked up meatcanyon rendition. She enlarged them and lightened them but we all know what they really look like, shallow swollen pools of sick cholera shit in a portapotty toilet. One of her mismatched boobs looks dead it probably is and her fat arms are as wide as her shoved together boobs. Fowl.
>>1909420my favourite takes from this rant:
>her downturned arrow to hell nose is huge>her forehead normally looks like a 3D map of Utah>One of her mismatched boobs looks dead it probably isKEEEK
No. 1909471
File: 1696545992964.jpg (301.3 KB, 1536x2048, Bugs Bunny Tracksuit.JPG)

>>1909465Not that you’re wrong but the photo was probably from
>>1908439. Here she is at the airport.
No. 1909472
File: 1696546041803.jpeg (857.64 KB, 1296x4765, Tweets.JPEG)

>>1909471Accompanying Tweets.
No. 1909478
File: 1696546755747.jpeg (216.13 KB, 1001x717, IMG_6245.jpeg)

>>1909343>>1909369Nta but I remembered her story too and here it is
No. 1909509
>>1908452Neither Shay nor this Kathy are unsightly. They're both trying to pander to moids. Shay's face is very full and pancake-tier while Kathy has a witch from the wixard of oz chin.
Shay got some unfortunate phenotype hailing from the Roman colonizers, probs.If she doesn't have southern euro family.
Which explains her flat ass, odd fat distribution and general wideness. She doesn't have the trendy body type that looks like it was based off SSA women.
No. 1909512
File: 1696552369673.jpg (210.39 KB, 1152x2048, 20231005_203235.jpg)

She's in CO now.
No. 1909513
File: 1696552408454.jpg (92.32 KB, 1169x935, 20231005_203330.jpg)

No. 1909516
>>1909514Polyester tends to be a magnet for all kinds of pet hair.
OT but the texture of that horrible thing looks like a towel. That can't be comfortable to wear.
No. 1909674
>>1909405Her face is fucking ugly even with tons of editing and angles. She has the ugliest eyes ive ever seen tbh. Not just the color, the shape, the butthole bags around them, the soulessness and intoxicated numbness, etc. Her smirk is infuriating. Her cleavage looks like she copy pasted her armpits.
Literally the only positive is that her hair looks better when its not put up in a retarded style and grease slicked straight.
No. 1909682
>>1909649Drinking 550 calories of fat and corn syrup is not normal outside of America. I'm European and I think what she eats and the amount she eats is grotesque.
While not a milk fountain, her claiming to be on a weight loss diet as she continues to shovel down high fat, high sugar food is mildly milky because it shows how fucking stupid and ignorant she is. Her colossal weight gain over the years is milk. Seeing her go from being slim with great figure to being a hulking heifer is a major feature of her threads.
No. 1909737
>>1909600Trashy white girls and tweakers love track suits and Looney Tunes.
>>1909513That key is so fucking degenerate. It doesn't even look like a cute piece of jewellery, it looks like she's a tard that has to wear her house key around her neck otherwise she'll lose it.
No. 1909745
>>1909682Europe is virtually as fat as America unless you live in Italy which has a slightly lower obesity rate. Look at the statistics.
Starbucks, McDonald's, Costa, burger king, KFC and hesburger exist.
Can we stop all this 'no one is fat outside america' bullshit. It's outdated. Most of the world is fat now.
(derailing) No. 1909784
>>1909745The complete saturation of fast food restaurants and other assorted slop merchants is not normal in Europe outside of major population areas. My nearest Starbucks is over 80km away. This is all offtopic when the point which is relevant to the thread, is that Shayna is drinking 550 calorie sugar shakes while claiming to be on a diet.
Foods that also contain 550 calories
-8 eggs
-5 rashers of bacon
-150g of ground beef
-200g of cheese
-9 tablespoons of honey
-2kg of mushrooms
Everyone else being over weight doesn't excuse Shayna being a fat sow and drinking an entire meal worth of calories in one drink.
No. 1909804
File: 1696602158583.jpeg (930.36 KB, 1297x5842, Tweets.JPEG)

- Shayna asks for “reimbursement” for her and Kiki’s dinner and debuts (?) a new filter.
- One of her followers was shayfishing someone.
No. 1909807
File: 1696602324184.jpeg (366.23 KB, 1169x3293, Shayfished «Victim».JPEG)

>>1909804The «
victim» demands answers.
No. 1909810
File: 1696602372136.jpg (223.93 KB, 946x2048, ivybrowning.999.JPG)

>>1909807The supposed Instagram.
No. 1909811
File: 1696602475921.jpg (168.6 KB, 946x2048, @Ivybrowning999.JPG)

>>1909810The supposed Twitter.
No. 1909829
>>1909810>>1909807Kek tbh I do understand why someone would shayfish, she's not supermodel or what most coomers probably view as average porn star hot. As long as they don't send their
victims any of her most degenerate shit, I can absolutely see how they'd fall for her as just some crazy nlog with low standards and morals.
No. 1909877
File: 1696611050344.jpg (180.24 KB, 1080x620, Screenshot_20231006_125027.jpg)

No. 1909895
>>1909884this is probably a pathetic begging attempt. she's hoping her johns will send her money to get it waxed/lasered, which she will inevitably use to buy more fried greasy slop.
>>1909891you know she'd tip nothing if she didn't have to post receipts. the fact that she feels no shame posting such a shitty tip only confirms this.
No. 1909901
File: 1696613583879.jpg (551.35 KB, 2048x1536, 20231006_133241.jpg)

with Kiki. Wonder why it took her so long to post it.
No. 1909941
File: 1696619698104.png (638.82 KB, 1038x644, twins.png)

>>1909938They're so similar that they look related.
No. 1909972
File: 1696621837171.png (66.79 KB, 484x131, teeth.png)

>>1909941Replying to my own post because I just noticed that even their teeth are nearly the same
No. 1909980
>>1909941Kiki just looks uggo
Shaynus looks a combination of dry and greasy and crusty and caked up.
Like she tried to try but still looks ugly. Lipstick on a pig energy.
No. 1910023
File: 1696629500943.jpeg (Spoiler Image,462.18 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_1091.jpeg)

Despite Shaymu going to Colorado you retards are still sperging about Starbucks and calories and America just stfu.
Retard filmed spanking video with one of the most disgusting moids I’ve seen her work with.
No. 1910024
File: 1696629647589.jpeg (Spoiler Image,297.34 KB, 828x1451, IMG_1092.jpeg)

@michaelmasterso if anyone cares
No. 1910087
File: 1696636468738.png (3.32 MB, 750x1334, IMG_9640.png)

retweeted from that Masterson guy… just yikes
No. 1910101
File: 1696638479974.png (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1080x2050, Screenshot_20231007-012137~2.p…)

No. 1910103
File: 1696638610597.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.34 MB, 1110x1658, IMG_7859.jpeg)

titty update: looking worse than ever
No. 1910153
File: 1696644777626.jpeg (Spoiler Image,875.02 KB, 1170x1641, IMG_0090.jpeg)

>>1910139From 2 years ago
No. 1910196
>>1910187Didn't a nona say that she had to "pay" for surgery, so she paid for the other tit right? I assume she paid for the bare mininium? I'm not a doctor (Shaytarded) and don't know much about surgery.
Does she have to pay more for them to do more to the breasts? Or did she get a breast lift and a implant in the other tit? Do they ask shayna do they want to do anything about nipple size?
No. 1910219
>>1910208I'm at 90% sure the only way they correct nipple sizes is by tattooing the small one bigger or by removing skin from the big one to make it look smaller
>>1909682>the average American woman is fat>um well I'm European and-Ayrt yeah and I'm also European. I can still register that the average American woman does in fact drink high sugar coffees and is statistically overweight. The issue is that you're autistic and can not grasp that average things are not interesting. Her coffee order is no more interesting that any other 20 something American woman, so why are you crying about calories in a thread about someone who has multiple noteworthy traits to make fun of that are significantly worse that a pink coffee made by a faggot? Low hanging fruit like dating multiple nonces and having botched boobs but you want to talk about Starbucks.
No. 1910220
>>1910202what you said was confusing.
Necro Tit = New Implant through old incision
Lopsided Natural Tit = Lift + Anchor Incision
Anyone else feel like she has totally different implants in each titty? It's so weird to me she went with two different styles. She wasn't in a medical emergency - why not save up so they both have same incision scars? I guess the necro tit didn't need to be lifted though. Her natural tit was so saggy they had to cut around her nipple to pull the tissue up. Still… like.. just cut around the necro titty nipple just so they look the same KEK
No. 1910231
>>1910219>pink coffee made by a faggotnta but this made me chuckle
I’m also a non-Burger and don’t understand the appeal of Starbucks but I don’t see how it’s worthy of discussion, let alone sperging Back to the topic at hand, is it common practice for surgeons to tattoo a smaller nipple to match a larger one as part of the boob job “package” or is it something she’d have to request? I’d have thought it would be a no-brainer but this is the morally and ethically bankrupt American healthcare system we’re talking about
No. 1910235
>>1910231Ayry I'm not an expert but my info is coming from seeing breast augmented discussed in relation to restoring breasts after cancer related surgeries. It seems that while it's fairly common in most places to have a follow up where you
can ask about nipple correction and get that sorted, most people just don't. Shay is a sex worker so I'm surprised she hasn't gotten a correction done. A lot of women say they never bothered with the correction because realistically speaking it didn't effect their life enough to dump money on it
No. 1910241
File: 1696663284426.jpg (151.38 KB, 969x533, Screenshot_20231007_032028.jpg)

Dr. Shayna handing out advice again.
No. 1910301
>>1910087 she looks like the den mother that sex traffic
victims are deposited to for brothel training. Purple knees like battle scars.
No. 1910312
File: 1696686500280.jpeg (229.14 KB, 1170x805, IMG_5631.jpeg)

So edgy Shay
No. 1910313
File: 1696687070563.jpg (526.73 KB, 1080x1790, Daddy Dom Classic.jpg)

Looks like the Sol Salvatore starter pack to me.
No. 1910324
File: 1696689782664.png (628.44 KB, 1344x576, foul.png)

holy shit the state of her feet in one of her latest vids she's advertising on twitter… absolutely foul.
No. 1910342
File: 1696693061737.jpeg (76.66 KB, 998x933, IMG_1877.jpeg)

>>1910324Jfc not only are her foul callouses on display, she’s also got fucking plantar warts (HPV). She bangs on about how much “work” she does but she’s either too lazy or too sloppy to edit out parts of her body that are literally diseased
No. 1910346
File: 1696693475618.jpg (36.25 KB, 680x540, 93f.jpg)

>>1910313She's right tbh, it's always these mfers with usernames like "DaddyBearDom" posting cringe all over tiktok. I thought this shit died out back when they were used as the cover pics for mafia Harry Styles fanfics where he buys you (you being a messy bun plain Jane 5sos fan)
No. 1910385
>>1910241This is rich coming from her since she doesn’t even know what “bpd” is, she says she’s bipolar but no one calls bipolar “bpd”. No one should take advice from this narcissistic retarded pedophile.
>>1910313interesting bc I’d say that these cringe scrotes are her counterpart and the actual moids she throws herself at
No. 1910392
File: 1696702951350.jpg (556.48 KB, 1080x1342, 140.jpg)

Shockingly no lint or pet hair on it. Also $140 at Trader Joes? Is Kiki going to cook for her?
No. 1910434
>>1910430tiktok made juicy couture trendy again. teenagers are making it a mission to bring back all the worst trends of decades past.
juicy couture would make sense for a "bimbo" zoomer into the pink y2k aesthetic. shay is already too old for this to be cute and looks haggard beyond her years anyway so she just looks outdated like a tired middle mom who hasn't updated her wardrobe since 2005.
No. 1910449
File: 1696713971122.jpg (48.3 KB, 720x721, 84f7e49db7fc406cc8266a043d2af3…)

>>1909941Shayna is the color of Kiki's teeth and Kiki is the color of Shayna's lips
No. 1910487
>>1910470Why can’t you guys read up thread they’re keys for her moid sugar daddy’s penis cage, I’m SURE he’s keeping it on the entire time she’s gone
Besides why would she have a diary when she just spergs out online whatever she’s thinking?
No. 1910503
nonny I was trying to be funny kek
No. 1910541
File: 1696730876562.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1478x6538, Tweets.JPEG)

No. 1910590
>>1909902Shat is a hopeless pickme who can't stoop low enough for coomerbux. She is using that language b/c she wants to pander to them. It's awkward and it sounds weird.
But, so does everything she writes on her site. ~I exist for yr pleasure dADdy~ is THE least empowering thing you can say. Unlike an arguably consensual relationship where you dictate what you're comfortable with and what you want, there's zero self respect or autonomy involved in hooking.
She's pandering to the most degenerate and sadistic scrotes b/c she hates herself and is a moron. She knows that she won't make decent money doing less degrading stuff looking like what she does. BLEAQUE ASF
No. 1910605
>>1910543ae they buying actual diaper coverings in the childern section? Can you imagine? Biracial Fiona from Shrek and gender flipped The Situation without the Gym, tan or laundry putting diapers up to themselves giggling?
>"DO you think I can fit thisBig Little Sis? Hehehonk honk, snort"I bet they smell like spit and mildew
No. 1910632
File: 1696747840337.jpg (377.65 KB, 1080x1372, Screenshot_2023-10-08-01-32-40…)

>>1910605It's worse than that, nonna. I think they're at ABDLR, a brick and mortar in CO that specifically carries ABDL fetish gear and hosts munches. You can see the lil comforts branded stuff on their website. Gross as fuck.
No. 1910677
File: 1696759903609.mp4 (2.94 MB, 720x1280, Retard store.mp4)

>>1910632I can see why they need those rules. Their customers are retarded on top of being degenerates.
No. 1910679
File: 1696760421222.jpg (321.35 KB, 1080x1521, 20231008_131812.jpg)

>>1910658Well they need specific rules for their picnics too. Imagine going to a park and seeing diaper freaks there.
No. 1910783
File: 1696781722284.jpg (Spoiler Image,489.52 KB, 1080x1695, Screenshot_2023-10-08-01-29-37…)

>>1910677I don't want to fall into derailing, but that particular dancing retard is the founder of lil comforts, the company that makes the diaper covers shaynus was begging for. Unsure if milk about them should go in the shaynatorium threads or the cam whore threads or just get wiped from my gallery, it's all awful. Spoilers because I don't think anyone here needs to see a photo of a grown man getting changed by his ogress.
No. 1910873
File: 1696792712516.png (478.33 KB, 601x588, 2023-10-08 15_18_01-Dolly Matt…)

No. 1910896
File: 1696798206158.jpeg (305.02 KB, 1170x670, IMG_0859.jpeg)

>>1910873She’s going to fuck up her botched boobs even further doing shit like this.
Also kek at her liking this.
No. 1910901
>>1910783I dont even think I want to know the answer but… do yall think they typically are literally shitting and pissing in diapers and someone is handling that and changing the diapers because of that??
Or my niave hope is that they just like to pretend and have the simulation of comfort in being changed and babied? I mean thats still absolutely degenerate and foul, but its hard for me to wrap my head around them all shitting themselves and someone even for some money willing to clean them. Disgusting. Shaynus really sunk to the lowest of the low. Beastiality, pedophilia, and diaper shitters are the worst of porn sick retard freaks.
No. 1910945
>>1910927Shayna really likes Kiki, idc I still think it's because she doesn't see her as competition. She is older and facially she's on par with shayna. Even if her body is better I wouldn't be surprised if delusional shayna thought they had the same body type. Plus Kiki is just like Shayna.
She probably treats her like a charity case. There's other reasons I think shayna really likes Kiki but imma put that on /shay/. Shayna didn't like vivi and vivi's dirty ass said that shayna made a comment about wishing she had her boobs.
She must feel comfortable about Kiki, her bf and in her house.
No. 1910946
File: 1696807868891.jpg (472.48 KB, 1472x2077, eww.jpg)

>>1910945I agree she likes her. She’s there for Kiki’s boyfriend’s birthday. It feels as though they planned it to coincide with it and Shayna might be a “gift”. Who knows with degenerates. I don’t think she ever liked Vivi and can we blame her? Vivi’s a significantly trashier Shayna while Kiki seems to be more on par with her
, down to bulking up after starting their “careers”. I’d believe if Shayna saw her as a kindred spirit. Lastly, I don’t know if I 100% believe Vivi.
No. 1910948
>>1910935Anons are retarded. She just wears her clothes like this because she’s white trash she doesn’t care who sees her she even thinks it’s sexy.
>>1910927>clearing the fridge before she leftFucking kek. The boards were so spammy that day I didn’t remember this detail did it really happen?
No. 1911035
File: 1696825108219.jpeg (Spoiler Image,372.48 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1125.jpeg)

I hate this guy. He’s so fugly I can tell. Please nonas let’s find him.
No. 1911043
>>1911035So far we know he is a Colorado moid, Caucasian with possibly brown eyes and a very shitty black and white tiger(?) tattoo. If we find out either his
"business" address or Kiki's area code we could easily find his Facebook. We know these retards don't know shit about online info protection so I don't think it would be too hard.
No. 1911049
File: 1696830605227.png (1.1 MB, 1176x916, Screen Shot 2023-10-09 at 4.50…)

No. 1911059
File: 1696834283407.jpeg (Spoiler Image,219.32 KB, 828x1305, IMG_1127.jpeg)

>>1911043Think it’s meant to be a jaguar lmao with bamboo? Jesus it’s bad
Seems he’s probably in his 40s and I’m assuming maybe divorced due to some of his posts unless that’s all part of the larp
No. 1911061
File: 1696834606629.jpeg (297.76 KB, 828x1099, IMG_1129.jpeg)

>>1911059There’s also this picture where he’s in a crunch fitness and there are only 4 in Colorado and I’m guessing if he sees Kiki much it’s probably the boulder location as it’s the closest to Denver.
No. 1911076
File: 1696838249237.jpeg (Spoiler Image,167.99 KB, 637x850, IMG_1137.jpeg)

>>1911074Sorry I meant gut this isn’t milk sorry but yea
No. 1911078
File: 1696838854295.jpeg (Spoiler Image,451.82 KB, 2484x1863, IMG_1140.jpeg)

This is the best I could do to show his face some but you get the idea
No. 1911111
File: 1696850457171.jpeg (535.42 KB, 1752x2048, IMG_0944.jpeg)

No. 1911115
>>1911111 wouldn't it make more sense if shat was facing the other direction? Why do we need to see her double chin and up her nostrils. Also
oof @ kikis bald spot.
No. 1911126
>>1911050>>1910873She's editing herself a new face while she's with Kiki, but that honker is still honking.
>>1911111Kiki is such a butterface, and
what is that hairstyle, kek. She looks like she wrapped a sock in her hair.
No. 1911164
>>1911133Yes his skin tone makes me thinks he is possible hispanic or arab. Please note this was before I saw this pic
>>1911061 he looks pretty white here but in other pics he is dark olive toned skin like Kiki. Possibly mixed brother.
No. 1911170
>>1911160You’re here too baby literally so retarded when anons act like it’s okay for them to be here but not others because they think it strays from topic just report and let the mods decide, anons like you are what make this thread so gay
>>1911166literally hes relevant hes making porn with shay
thanks for my ban dont fucking care
No. 1911177
>>1911171think about why they would leave it in view
I'm mean, don't, actually, it's awful
No. 1911226
>>1911111So is this Kiki's pedo playground room or a moids?? The giant baby room set up would almost be comical if it wasnt so disgusting.
Im not sure if this is worse or Shaynus "work" room that she intentially makes look like a childs.
No. 1911228
File: 1696874853918.png (975.22 KB, 1080x1449, Screenshot_20231009-140436.png)

Pretty sure this hasn't been posted here yet. Was Shaymu the only girl she could recruit for this??
No. 1911237
>>1911170I agree with you, nonna. We’re all on this thread so there’s no reason for anons to gate-keep. Half the time they’re talking about Starbucks and analyzing how brown Shayna’s eyes are. Are they protecting this guy or something? Seems
No. 1911242
File: 1696877298408.jpg (Spoiler Image,604.54 KB, 1802x2048, 20231009_143007.jpg)

No. 1911273
File: 1696886434503.jpeg (Spoiler Image,431.62 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_5709.jpeg)

No. 1911294
>>1911273There’s so much in this photo I can’t unsee with Shay. She looks high as fuck and stiff as if she’s uncomfortable. Her wrinkles are very apparent. Kiki has on lipstick/gloss but it seems she doesn’t. That forced smile. Kiki has her hand on her leg while Scrote has his hands on their shoulders. Outfit looks like it’s smallish. Her hand looks a different color than her body but also so do her legs. Her boobs look red and painful. She’s botched.
Just. The camera quality (plus lighting) is telling on her with this. Not nitpicking I am just in so much awe at this. Every time it happens, it tells on her. The quality of photos she takes of herself vs what others have taken of her. She gloats about the attention to detail she pays (while using all the filters she can) while others call her out on accident with their own equipment.
At least it has a skin smoothing filter on or has been touched up…?
No. 1911311
File: 1696891499896.jpg (Spoiler Image,442.45 KB, 1068x1953, screenshot.jpg)

>>1911078>>1911069>>1911061not to add to the shaytism but this screenshot was on his fetlife, he was too retarded to crop it. With all the girls he fucked I wouldn't be surprised if Kiki or Shayna catches something from this walking STD.
No. 1911313
>>1911290it’s only because Kiki can edit. that’s why her legs and skin looks smoother as well. don’t be fooled by editing,
No. 1911360
File: 1696898744824.jpeg (206.22 KB, 828x1079, IMG_1143.jpeg)

Well he apparently gets really mad when people say he has a gut lmao
No. 1911361
File: 1696898813689.jpeg (Spoiler Image,205.06 KB, 828x1016, IMG_1144.jpeg)

Also this is totally unrelated but seems to be his ex girlfriend he calls her his girl in multiple posts, not sure if it’s a lead in the manhunt
No. 1911377
File: 1696901134578.jpeg (229.83 KB, 828x1199, IMG_1164.jpeg)

>>1911360Is it possible that he’s an English teacher on his fetlife it says he’s a teacher and on his Twitter he says something about how he’s a grammar nerd and the only people I know who are gay about grammar are English teachers, if so it would explain his need for anonymity
No. 1911401
>>1911377Idk nona, when I read that I thought that he just sounds like every dusty on a dating app who claims a handful of job titles as opposed to just saying he’s unemployed. He sounds like a delusional creepy man who is lying about his work/life experience because he wants to fuck younger women and figures that he can get away with it. A nona posted a screencap of him saying he’s in his 40s
>>1911059 but he claims to be 33 on FetLife? I would not be surprised if he’s lying about his age. I don’t wanna stress for a pedophile but Kiki should be careful if she’s actually dating this guy. He seems shady as fuck.
No. 1911413
File: 1696905314488.jpeg (482.71 KB, 1060x1573, IMG_4281.jpeg)

So I stalked that guy’s Twitter thoroughly and here’s what I have gathered
> 42 year old moid with “Spanish roots”
> former high school English teacher in the “C-Ville” area, also has bartended
> may “help” disabled people find jobs with sex work (which is so skeevy/predatory) but I’m just guessing
> was married with cats but his wife (who was a former stripper/dancer) left him
> he had a porn problem during his marriage and then turned to buying prostitutes during his divorce which made him go broke LOL
No. 1911416
File: 1696905506184.jpeg (382.57 KB, 750x812, IMG_4277.jpeg)

>>1911413Picrel is another nasty addition to hate this scrote even more, where he talks about a “summer fling” with a 21 year old girl at 35. Just disgusting. I hope that woman got therapy for whatever issues she has.
No. 1911435
>>1911391He’s not ridiculously fugly so they probably think it’s cool that he flirts with them young girls want to be cool so bad
>>1911418Maybe he still is a teacher and he’s just saying he’s not so no one digs into it
Anyways I’m really gonna manifest that his ex wife ends up here and tells all
No. 1911439
File: 1696909751870.jpeg (190.02 KB, 828x1342, IMG_1166.jpeg)

>>1911428Born in New Orleans in Metairie
No. 1911441
>>1911439Lol, Nola anon dying at someone from Kenner calling herself Cajun.
If he's from Metairie he probably isn't aribic and doubtful hes that spanish unless its many generations back. The only real spaniards here are creol and he looks too white for that. Probably of some mix of irish and italian descent if his family is from the area for a few generations, most in that area are.
No. 1911447
File: 1696911422313.jpeg (388.91 KB, 1242x945, 4EA1A282-7AF8-46E8-BB9E-3CFAA3…)

The “massive melons ” in question
>>1910103 No. 1911459
File: 1696916074798.jpeg (185.19 KB, 828x1327, IMG_1168.jpeg)

>>1911457I dont think this is him nonna, I reverse searched Robert Clark (name of the YouTube) against things like New Orleans, teacher, language arts, English, Colorado and got nothing.
Also I am retarded I had to adjust my search features but once I did I got a hit on the cville thing and I presume it’s virgina, as the whore he’s replying to is from virgina (picrel); most likely trying to get some attention or validation from also being from Virginia from her. She did not reply.
No. 1911462
File: 1696916808206.jpeg (74.64 KB, 828x602, IMG_1169.jpeg)

>>1911459Okay so if you go with that it’s a c ville in Virginia, and that would be Charlottesville Virginia; then you add that it’s a boarding school it looks to be there are only 3 (from a very light search maybe there’s more) boarding schools of which leaves 2 of the schools as a grammar meaning it’s k-12 and only one school is 8-12 grades which would be American high school, which he is Adamant about being a high school teacher. Best guess currently that he is a former employee of Miller school of Albemarle
No. 1911466
File: 1696917483791.png (1.9 MB, 1300x1772, Autistic Warfare 2.png)

>>1911462so this is where the school is located, in the middle of bumbfuck nowhere, so commuting to work was a must for him, So these background houses in picrel are either before leaving kiki's house or just arriving at where the moid lives.
No. 1911488
File: 1696919838999.png (4.02 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_1944.png)

>>1911466The moid lives in a neighborhood with houses, I creeped his Twitter and you can see the roofs/siding in the pictures of his cats. His house has light gray siding.
No. 1911493
File: 1696920378598.jpeg (64.72 KB, 828x580, IMG_1171.jpeg)

>>1911490Shay nazi thinks that discussions about Starbucks and how poor Shayna is are more interesting. THEY TRIED TO SILENCE US WITH THE TIT TINFOIL.
It’s ultimately so funny how you shay Nazi will complain about derails like that adds anything interesting to the board other than taking up a post space. Fuck off you really want to see 300 pictures of shays boil flat ass or borderline child porn? You need to jerk off or something?
Not sure it was posted but the ex wife was a stripper this is the name of the club lannies clock tower Caberet which is located in Denver.
(derailing) No. 1911494
>>1911493I guess they tuned out when we exposed Shane Pierre Sonnier of Wichita, Kansas.
Nice find nonna, imma look it up,
No. 1911515
>>1911508i can't wait for a new Shayna thread to take 3 days to show up because ya'll couldn't take your obsessive (but saged!) scrote doxing to an appropriate thread just so you could post this totally milky photo of a cat
>>1911488 sleeping on some rocks.
No. 1911516
>>1911515>stop using up posts anon!!!! Reeee>uses a post to sperg out about it I guess we should have been talking about how shayna looks exactly the same, like shit.
Oh anon, if you don’t want to wait 3 days for a thread make one yourself instead of complaining incessantly.
No. 1911517
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>>1911515I'm gonna be petty cause u r being kinda annoying and schizo, breathe a little before posting, let the mods handle it.
No. 1911525
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>>1911521Yes Nona, your infighting is saving the thread
Is this the milk you want Nona? Should I unsage like you?
No. 1911528
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The phone number on his cats tag goes back to a 33 year old woman named Nicole Gaff.(doxxing)
No. 1911531
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This is definitely not who I want teaching my kid in high school how to use an Oxford comma.
No. 1911537
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Man anon you are really seething, mini modding is tiring work don’t forget to eat some carbs
Someone asked up thread is Shay got her top from SHEIN or if borrowed from kiki and I guess it’s borrowed from Kiki because this is an old video. this discussion is far more interesting than a man who used to teach high school making paedophilic porn.
No. 1911539
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>>1911537telling on yourself that you'd much rather talk about a "man who used to teach high school making paedophilic porn" than what the thread was made created for. Are you so obsessed with learning more about a pedo that you're this pressed? No one is saying you can't be a weirdo, just go be a weirdo in your own thread. If you think Shayna is so boring, go make a thread where you and your fellow autistics can talk about pedo shit. normal anons and meta think you're weirdo too. hey, did you know autistic people have a strong sense of justice? kek.
No. 1911541
>>1911539What part of Shay threads do you like
This is hardly the weirdest thing in these threads, and why shit on one woman for being an e whore but the rest should be protected?
You went crying to meta because no one agreed with you here
Weird projection tho, if I have a strong sense of Justice what do you call this? Just stop posting and I will too idiot
sus that you are defending this moid so much
No. 1911548
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>>1911546this is always an option
No. 1911558
>>1911556>2 dayswhat are you even talking about kek my first post was 2 hours ago
>>1911469. Yall the weirdos derailing for 2 days. At point do you guys stop to think "hey this isn't about Shayna"
>>1911428trust me i know nona,
>>1911488, i love when shayna scrotes get exposed. but isn't yet, and until someone has actual solid milk about who he is then it isn't relevant to the thread unless he's interacting with shayna. thats literally how it's always been in the threads. yall screamed and pissed for /shay/ to exist and now don't even want to use it for it's main purpose. to contain these extra autistic posts that are just photos of a hallway or cat. we come here to talk about shayna not obsess over a random guy
>>1911435 there are literally million disgusting pedo scrotes like him out there. we hate men here, stop exposing me to this bullshit. I come here to hate on Shayna and laugh at her misery.
No. 1911575
Look at the thread summary in
>>1902155Ffs it’s 90% nitpicks about her appearance (hair, weight, nose, wrinkles, boobs, fat) just proves these threads are completely worthless dogshit.
No. 1911582
>>1911574This is bigger than him now
nonnie. I will not stop until main thread is dead because Hitler mini mod had to come shit on everyone enjoying their night finding clues about a moid shatna is gonna fuck and probably fall in love with because she’s retarded and then claim he was too rough later.
No. 1911586
>>1911581I ask not for who the derail derails; it derails for me. It’s really a question of philosophy:
What is a derail?
A talking about the identity of a moid that Shay is gonna fuck as we have many times before (fupa, Shane, soy)
B Starbucks talk and what you get and what she should get and how many calories she could save by getting soy milk
C telling everyone to stop derailing constantly like some sort of anxious bird
No. 1911595
File: 1696928573578.png (7.09 KB, 436x167, kek never change.PNG)

>>1911591there you go again, take a breath