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No. 2087357[Reply]

Lately milk is very skimmed and cows are more silent than usual, but we still had some interesting posts and additions.
Previous thread: >>>/snow/2045809

Momsfav: she’s under strict observations of some nonnies that are waiting for her to drop at the usual skeletal state. We shall see

The Twins: an anon asked about them 6 times in the thread, but they’re alive and well (for their standards).

Fi: she’s silent, more than she ever has been (is she breathing tho?)

Lavipop94: everything she posts is more confusing than the previous and that makes it difficult to really understand what’s going on.

find.ingrfances: she was (and probably still is) admitted at death doors and the stress of it made her headbang so hard some anons didn’t even recognize her. She proudly displayed it on ig, along with her birthday pics where her family look utterly done with it.

Jaycie: she thinks we’re obsessed with her and that we’re eagerly awaiting for her to post some other shitty lies. She still didn’t loose any weight or change in any way.
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No. 2095024

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matchamii posting old photos (this one can also be seen in her highlights)

No. 2095100

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Yup she looks really different these days. She must think her audience is so dumb

No. 2095102

She looks almost the exact same, she must have left against clinical advice from res

No. 2095104

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what is it with cows thinking people are anxiously awaiting on their update? this girl deadass wrote out a whole essay on her laptop to explain her ‘crazy life’ also KEK apparently she’s been kicked out of psych ip w a diagnosis of EUPD, at least the shrinks are starting to see through the larping bs

No. 2095108

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It sounds like Nelly_stankar96 on TikTok has passed away. It’s pretty hard to confirm as I think TikTok was her only platform but it’s not hard to believe unfortunately

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No. 2094652[Reply]

Zoe Simone Lorange is a 20 year old pedo-incel pandering, hard drug addicted, self-proclaimed "denpa menhera girl", cluster B pickme e-girl streamer from Burbank, LA. She has been actively destroying her life for over a year now in an attempt to gain online attention. Zoe has been known within e-girl and otaku online circles for several years now, primarily due to her sanrio/anime consoomer bedroom and fabricated obsession with Ruby Kurosawa from Love Live, but rose to noteriety among the IP2 community at the start of 2024 after she started dating homeless meth addicted IP2 streamer IncelBinLaden and screamed "nigger" at Scientology protestors on Hollywood Boulevard. Ever since, her life has been rapidly going downhill and only seems to be getting more hopeless as time passes. Her streams have primarily consisted of hanging around with middle aged scrotes in a homeless shelter RV, tweaking out on meth in run down motels, getting into fights with her boyfriends/fellow tweakers, showing off her hoard of lolicon anime garbage, or on the rare occasion that streamed IRL, screaming slurs in public and being a general nuisance. Nowadays, she is hated by the IP2 community and has mostly resorted to spending a large chunk of her time desperately baiting for attention in incredibly depraved ways, such as suggesting she cosplays as 11 year old Natsumi Tsuji for her OnlyFans, or asking her incel followers if they would let her overdose so that they could rape her dead body. Despite the poor abused homeless larp, Zoe's parents are very well-off, with one working in the medical field. They have given her countless opportunities to get help and turn her life around, even offering to pay for her to study abroad in Japan, however Zoe feels no shame and only continues to act this way, as her desire for online attention, positive or not, is insatiable and comes before all else. Her cowish antics are known to have been going on publicly since at least 2020 and are incredibly extensive at this point, but unfortunately poorly documented.

>In April of 2023, former incels.is moderator Komesarj/Walter went viral for "ascending" and leaving the incel community, resulting in articles by several news outlets including Rolling Stone, as well as a KnowYourMeme page. It was later revealed by Zoe that she was the woman who he "ascended" with. She moved to Colorado to live with him 3 months after meeting through the incelsPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2095087

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pirel, when you search Axel's old users you find this too. If you curb stomp pedos why do you keep this one so close to you?

No. 2095090

i’ll always love you zoe/dex

No. 2095092

Retarded ass doesnt even know lolicon is the japanese word for pedophile. So saying youre a lolicon is straight up saying youre a pedophile. Japanese people dont sugarcoat things like that. Is what it is. Anime child or not, youre a pedophile.

No. 2095093

She acts like Japanese lolicons don't do pedo shit like obsess over junior idols and consume junior gravure. "Muh drawings aren't real nobody's hurt pls no tip to FBI!!111!!"

No. 2095109

Given the fact that she was an idolfag, I wouldn't be surprised if she was into that shit herself.

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No. 2070352[Reply]

Last thread: >>1874473

Recent drama: Too much to summarize, search Dexerto for your favorite streamer(shit thread, don't make one if you don't want to summarize the last thread.)
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No. 2095000

They were like that anyways, nothing was going to stop them. His time is coming. I have a hard time believing the men that have gotten grossly excited and gone full mask-off with this new Musk and Trump era will leave this period unscathed.

No. 2095041

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She's just making shit up to try and get out of participating in the dumpster fire that is Anisa and Ian's Creator Clash 3.

No. 2095060

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Well she posted the video on her twitter

No. 2095082

Would love to see Anisa put her money where her mouth is and get in the ring with a troon.

No. 2095103

>just making shit up
How do you know? If she doesn't want to participate in lame-ass e-celeb boxing with the worst, most hypocritical garbage promoters out there, it's be pretty easy to just deflect and ghost them lol. No one will bat an eye because no one cares about CC3 outside of the loser participants and their small echochambers. Also, if anyone's making excuses to fight it's Anisa lol.

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No. 2074306[Reply]

The previous 14 threads were about Grimes and Elon Musk. Elon and Grimes are no longer together, so their threads will be separate from now on.

>>2028186 claire reveals herself to formally be “the single pro patriarchy bitch on the planet”


Serial sexual assaulter And frequent grimes collaborator/ good friend nusi quero thankfully kills himself

>>2032721 Apparently he was making a porn time capsule with claire and showed her private pics to other girls, and one of his last tweets was talking to her on her private about hanging out (she knew he was a rapist atp)

>>2032954 Constantly replying to elon on twitter instead of texting him like a normal person with a private relationship

>>2033664 Claire unedited singing voice revealed, its hideous.

>>2034786 Claire dyes hair her leelo orange
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No. 2095078

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From r/redscarepod lol

No. 2095081

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Extremely hot? She looks ugly as fuck

No. 2095083

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Botched hag

No. 2095086

Lmao am i missing something? Even bleeding heart liberals struggle to not hate Indians.

No. 2095094

>Yet there's no anti-Semitism intended in using the name. Indians just think Hitler was a strong guy — and kind of a curmudgeon. Also, Shaftel points out, when Hitler's campaign in World War II weakened Britain, it also expedited Indian independence.

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No. 2095050[Reply]

Dana Christine Hare, from Florida, now living in Tennessee, age 31, is an ebegging, drug and alcohol addled polyfiend with a pattern of inviting live-in "partners" under the guise of equality, only for these arrangements to collapse in predictable drama and social media call-out posts. Still legally married to Matt Hare, alleged rapist of almost a dozen women, Dana now lives with her current partner Eli and young child of Matt Hare.
>Dana tries to prove her sobriety by taking a drug test >>>/snow/2074250 , more drug shenanigans >>>/snow/2074263 >>>/snow/2074338
>claims people are showing up at her house >>>/snow/2074277
>admits to using AI to generate her "educational" video scripts >>>/snow/2074528
>defends the decision to not change her daughter's last name that she shares with a serial rapist Matthew Hare >>>/snow/2074641
>claims to be friends with Blackbear >>>/snow/2075309 >>>/snow/2075380
>photo from her wedding resurfaces >>>/snow/2075825
>the dental surgery happens >>>/snow/2075876 >>>/snow/2075877
>TikTok response to her saying the n-word >>>/snow/2075980
>Eli responds to the shitstorm for the first time >>>/snow/2076850
>mother of he year Dana keeps getting wasted Post too long. Click here to view the full text.(shit thread)

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No. 2089259[Reply]

Thread for discussing Red Scare, Cumtown/TAFS, Dimes Square, the remains of the "dirtbag left", and the entire "post-left" and Silicon Valley "rationalist/postrat" sphere and their orbiters/backers, including but not limited to Mencius Moldbug, Peter Thiel, and the so-called "dissident right" (Bronze Age Pervert, The Perfume Nationalist, and other faggots). WARNING: this scene is crawling with Nazis, pedophiles, child porn advocates, sex pests, rapists, troons, and other degenerates.

Milk from thread #51:
Hegelian e-girl Nikki Deletes Twitter
A wheelchair bound Matt Christman appears at the Chapo live show
Aimee quote tweets Kamala campaign and uses the word "niggardly"
Anna posts legs
Anna posts picture of her son, refers to him as a "groyper"
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No. 2095053

this is supposed to be unattractive? and you think meg is hotter than her? lol

No. 2095055

none of these fucking eugenicists own a mirror or they would all Kurt Cobain

No. 2095058

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No. 2095075

Does Sean Baker winning an Oscar mean this scene is finally legit?

No. 2095079

sean baker has nothing to do with this scene

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No. 2091522[Reply]

>>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans"community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/2351915

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
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No. 2095034

No. 2095039

libfem sex-worker actually

No. 2095051

I'd run over this fat fuck of a troon immediately. "Are you a MAGA bitch?" I like how as soon as she got out her car, the troon went to run to his car. All bark no bite

No. 2095052

based stacey. handled this with dignity and grace until he got threatening

No. 2095106

that man is so creepy, i'm glad she wasn't hurt. also notice how fast he calls her a bitch, disgusting.

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No. 2076941[Reply]

Billionaire exploiting his workers whilst neurotically dog whistling on Twitter and abusing various drugs.

>Names of X’s investors are revealed >>2028853
>Musk sexually harasses Taylor Swift after she endorses Kamala >>2032438
>Azealia Banks defends Taylor Swift against Musk >>2033097
>Errol Musk “exposes” his son on a podcast >>2036000
>Musk attends a Trump rally >>2042640
>More Musk cringe at a Trump rally >>2051551
>Musk galvanizes male MAGA voters >>2053683
>Musk publicly flirts with his ex, Grimes >>2054029
>Errol Musk praises his son for embracing Apartheid family heritage >>2063091
>Musk spends Thanksgiving with one of his baby mamas, Shivon Zilis >>2069394
>Musk declares war on his own fanboys >>2071527
>Musk double downs on his support for Indian immigration >>2071530
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No. 2095023


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2095063

Holy shit how much Ketamine do you think he takes per day? He seemed high the whole broadcast… but ketamine is short-acting, and the whole video is like 3 hours.

If EElon's high, it must be on something else. What do you think it could be?

No. 2095089

Autistic women have astrology whilst autistic men have race science

No. 2095091

kek even Toe Hoegan knows this nigga tweakin

No. 2095107

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If someone creates the new thread before I do can you please use my edit(picrel)

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No. 2083115[Reply]

After several threads filled with blogposting, infighting, and the posting of off-topic (yet still effusive with milk) cows due to low pro-ana cow activity, nonnies of the Pro-Ana Scumbag threads were finally able to agree on something: we need a separate thread for these Cluster B(itches).

This psych ward is open to: diagnosis-in-bio oversharers, headbangers and scratchers, revolving door patients (not munchies), cows with personality disorders, lurkers/posters, and probably some other criteria that are yet to be determined.

Do some of these cows have eating disorders? Yes. Maybe. Kind of.
Does the majority of their milky behaviour have to do with their eating disorder? No.

The Pro-Ana Scumbags thread will inevitably have some cow crossover with the Cluster B(itches) thread from time to time, but please refrain from posting cows whose antics aren't primarily related to their eating disorder in the Scumbags thread.

Last thread: >>>/snow/2054439

Laura: https://www.instagram.com/flourishingfxiry/
Posted a 4 month “glow-up”. Such an incredible difference! A photoshopped and filtered picture compared to an unedited one! Laura reunited with Dween, her ex girlfriend, no, friend, no, lover. Whatever their relationship is, it’s weird.

Enara: https://www.instagram.com/enaralouise
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No. 2094605


No. 2094778


No. 2095003

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What’s new

No. 2095066

Medical PTSD that she gave to herself?

No. 2095068

>Medical PTSD
>obsessively chases and seeks medical experiences despite not being ill in any capacity whatsoever

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No. 2062735[Reply]

This thread concerns creators, artists, voice actors and others who work or are connected to the modern Western American animation and comics industry, filled with cows, hacks, groomers, woketards and self inserters who all know each other and/or have dated.

previous thread: >>2032879

Mark is fat and ugly >>2037045
Steven Universe artist tried to sell Rebecca Sugar's NSFW drawings >>2037190
Twitterfags tried to cancel a MLP artists for drawing a horse's hair wrong >>2039352
MLP G5 is ending, leaks for G6 are out >>2040579
The pixar lolicon vtuber tried to rebrand >>2041394
Velma is cancelled >>2043740
Bolhem Bouchiba, a top animator at Disney & Pixar ordered the rape of hundreds of young girls (ages 3-15) in the Philippines through live streaming >>2044443
Lackadaisy creator accused of defending a transphobe. >>2049879
Blackgryphon wrote a song about fucking sweetie belle >>2053151
Zeurel released monkey wrench episode 4, no one cared >>2056127
episode of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur got scrapped because of Donald Trump winning the election >>2056654
Aang made a response to Jane(weird troon who might have molested his 5yo sister) >>2058896
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No. 2094997

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She is definitely just going to pander to the fandom. Hopefully this means if people complain enough she'll change the chibi-esque artstyle

No. 2095040

unfortunately true

No. 2095043

> I also notice that in a way she wrote him to be sort of pathetic.
nd another thing, wokies never create serious antagonists, even their so-called 'powerful female' characters are nothing but "fashionable" women with ZERO depth or substance

No. 2095064

Nitpick but I don't like that their names rhyme. "Zira and Aika" sounds uncomfortable and like a mouthful. Character names are very important imo. Phone autocorrected Aika to Akira.

No. 2095105

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The ship definitely exists but it's not as popular as Danny and the middle aged incel.

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