File: 1517518081523.jpeg (145.43 KB, 565x958, 1515017901944.jpeg)

No. 489642
Read the rules before commenting, especially 4 and 3.5b.
⦁ Previously had a stoner blog known as shay-gnar and switched over to sex work when it became popular.
⦁ Below average looking
problematic tumblr / camwhore.
⦁ Got wasted on drugs and got caught cheating on her boyfriend and cried rape.
⦁ Claims to be a CSA and rape survivor and uses dd/lg and rape fantasies to work through her trauma.
⦁ Begs people online for money and gifts that she claims she is entitled to it because she's a porn star, even though she supposedly makes 55k a year
⦁ Uses drama as a way to market her content
⦁ Meets up with old men from tumblr for sex and films it.
⦁ Whenever anybody disagrees with her she plays the victim card and throws a tantrum.
⦁ Admittedly doesn't wash for weeks on end.
⦁ Has made numerous racist jokes, including calling a jewish person "baby hitler", and making a parody of Trump's "grab me by the pussy" claiming it to be satire.
⦁ Starts drama and throws a pity party when people call her on her shit saying every one is jealous of her "bomb ass porn"
⦁ Her niche is "i will fuck your dad" and punching herself in the face for 50 cents
⦁ Labia looks like a breeding grown for -something- due to poor self hygiene and over-waxing with no exfoliation and same day masturbation. (
>>487910 >>487913
>>487926 >>487927
>>487935 >>476771
>>480326 )
⦁ Born in 1996 but still considers herself "19" for the last two years
⦁ Serious daddy and abandonment issues due to her always saying she will fuck your dad and your grandpa and is constantly viewed as a sex object by men. Speaks volumes to how replaced she feels. Someone "stole" her daddy. So she fantasizes about doing the same to other people.
⦁ Gets mad about her own contradictions making her look like an embarrassing hypocrite
⦁ Calls people out for wanting to get out of abusive living situations using a GoFundMe after she was just begging for donations to fix her hair right before the "most important thing for her career" up in Montreal (which she never managed to complete before the trip) (MV loft - all the other models seemed to be annoyed with her obnoxiousness) the way she speaks about abusive situations and people who were abused tells a lot. She fetishizes them and their abuse, no sympathy or empathy. She chastises people who live in abusive living situations and ask people for help, but exploits abusive situations in order to get people to give HER money. ( acts like it's different than making a GoFundMe because she compensates people with her "porn".)
⦁ Asked for donations and tacky wishlist items for her new "studio apartment"
⦁ Claims to be gay/lesbian but showed disgust on cam when asked to go down on her "Gf" only caters to being a lesbian for guys and a shock factor She’s bi for the attention. She looks disinterested in any gif or other media that involves another woman.
⦁ Dry fucks herself (ass and pussy) without any lube and is lazy about all of her videos
⦁ Does the same thing in every video, just with a different outfit
⦁ Makes exaggerated sex faces and looks very disinterested in a lot of her videos
⦁ Frivolous spending as soon as she makes any money and then complains and asks for money right afterwards
⦁ Forces a baby voice in all of her media when previous stoner videos of her she's talking normally
⦁ Constantly preaches "support girls supporting girls" and "don't support sex workers who bully other sex workers" when she literally does that almost once a week.
⦁ Her "fans" savagely attack any one/thing that is against shaynas word with absolutely no evidence as to why they're attacking someone
⦁ Thinks everything she says is important and worth saying(Shayna voices her illogical, hypocritical opinions.) She always rants about things, and a week later, she's voicing the complete opposite. She's done this countless times to the point that it's her personality.
⦁ Constantly tries to be edgy but just makes herself look even more (stupid and) embarrassing.
http://dumdolly.tumblr.com http://pinkpussypopped.tumblr.com Threads
>>>/snow/344490>>>/snow/405758>>>/snow/4575314.1 Don't post personal information that leads to real life harassment. No street addresses, phone numbers, or places of employment, unless the subject has published that information publicly on their social media.
4.2 Do not share names, pictures, or social media of people unrelated to the drama being discussed, for example family members, friends, or coworkers.
Violating the above rules will lead to a swift permaban.(if the synopsis is missing stuff I apologize)
No. 489853
File: 1517529040856.png (346.76 KB, 548x385, Screen Shot 2018-02-01 at 3.50…)

from her camshow earlier. she lowered her prices since nobody was tipping… still nobody tipped kek
also someone thought she had dreams bc of how dry and dead her hair looks
No. 489858
File: 1517529548073.png (Spoiler Image,4.35 MB, 2208x1242, 88D7F049-917A-4595-A856-D09E8F…)

The fact that her pussy is so dry she can only put in 1/4 of her dildo, even after shoving it, should be indication she needs to use lube.
No. 489911
File: 1517531826421.jpg (Spoiler Image,490.28 KB, 2044x1544, Stupidbaby_20052017_0721_MyFre…)

>>489872Here you go: Shayna with the markers up her anus.
No. 489949
File: 1517533751091.jpg (Spoiler Image,192.39 KB, 719x1280, dafuck.jpg)

people pay to see this. why.
No. 489989
File: 1517536263074.jpeg (141.41 KB, 1242x777, 9B9B272F-DD9E-4E5E-AFEB-6244D2…)

Good GOD
No. 489998
File: 1517536585911.jpg (47.01 KB, 512x302, 55763.jpg)

Notice how she said "sugar twin". Just like "sugar daddy/sugar mama". Shayna expects "friends" to provide for her and give her money. LMFAO. So typical for her to say. That's just fucking pathetic tho. Then she's always crying how she has nobody.
She'll consider you a friend only if you have blind loyalty, are willing to give up your back bone and dignity, and if you can offer and give her things, cover the check, pick her up, provide the weed, pay for lunch, let her stay at your place, or help in furthering her status. If you don't contribute to her bank account or ego, she will drop you, just like she dropped her fake gf when she realized people thought she was ugly, regardless if she bought her so much shit. Shayna can't let your inferior status bring down the total average, ya dig? Unless she needs a place to spend the night and there are no other options.. last resort.(Robin)
Almost every "friend" she's ever had now can't fucking stand her bc they know her true colors. She is a self absorbed, lying, scamming, manipulative leech. She uses people for everything. If you have something that could possibly benefit her, she will latch on to you until she has what she wants, or until you have absolutely nothing left to give anymore.
She used Connor for years. Living off his family at their house, never contributing, just using him for place to stay and for other needs while she herself didn't stay loyal. She even used her fake gf. Receiving gifts and money from camming, yet didn't reciprocate. (Also never gave connor a blowjob, and refused to go down on her gf until was finally called out and put on the spot to) She always wants to "colab" but yet offers absolutely nothing in return. She's been doing this for years even before she became a camgirl. She will only talk to you in exchange for something. If you call her out on it, or if it's time for her to reciprocate she will block you ASAP. She seriously has no shame. She always plays the victim in attempt to garner sympathy then shows people to her amazon wishlist or reminds them of her circlepay account.
Begging people for money is her career of choice. She's always begging her blog for things and she always has some sort of crisis to where she NEEDS money for something, yet she doesn't end up getting/using it for what she initially said it was for. Like when she cried saying she couldn't afford and was too broke to fix her car, yet after a few people helped, she makes a post that same night bragging of the lingerie she treated herself. She doesn't keep her word. She still owes people things: content and for other items she "traded" for but never holds up her end of the deal. If you happen to be someone who ever got her anything- she will continually ask for more and expect you to maintain your generousity. She still owes someone the prizes from winning her giveaway from over 2 years ago! She manages her "business" so poorly that people don't get what they paid for, and is constantly changing prices up and down depending on if she can afford the things she has in her amazon cart atm.
She cries about not having anyone that genuinely cares for her, and says how come she's not "enough" for people. Yet when she does have good people in her life, she takes advantage until they're repulsed by her. Even her "minions" turn on her when they realize what a cunt she is. The people she has left are people who don't know her well enough and of the fucked up shit she does, but soon they will. They somehow still want to fuck her/ want attention from a quasi popular-ish kink blog, or … are as delusional as her with interest aligned so good luck stroking each others ego.
No. 490008
>>489998Oh, and her "tall mean gf" ended up the same height as Shayna, and I swear this was a large factor as to why they didn't work out as fucked up as that sounds.
Also same reason as to why Shayna is so jealous of and why she hates Jess.
… I'd say that's why colleen is the only one left lol, but Colleen is way too sweet … even if Shayna is that bad.
Colleen just posted pics of her and Jess most recently than her pics with Shayna in the snow.
No. 490020
>>490012>>489998She says she wants
this but do you think Shayna could actually manage a situation to where her and another girl are receiving money and attention from the same guy? That girl prob has to be ugly and super tall or fat for Shayna's insecurity to take a seat.
No. 490022
File: 1517537996501.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.81 KB, 590x583, 48847.jpg)

No. 490123
File: 1517545058673.png (535.48 KB, 748x682, Screen Shot 2018-02-01 at 11.1…)

Her vulva sores have been discussed extensively but I notice her lips constantly looked chapped and/or scabbed as well. It's mostly visible when she's not wearing lip color like here.
No. 490140
File: 1517545759452.jpeg (Spoiler Image,214.01 KB, 750x471, C392B9DD-ADDA-4E6B-B557-1849C1…)

>>489911Bless you anon
>>490025OP for butt-marker pics, I found some caps I hadn’t seen before while looking for those, enjoy
No. 490151
File: 1517545954747.jpeg (Spoiler Image,69.36 KB, 434x268, 585BA841-32A3-4BA8-B7AA-DCCFE0…)

BIG apologies for potato-tier quality but if you look at the last two caps on the bottom you can see the one I just posted comes immediately before eating out her “gf”
No. 490152
File: 1517546001739.jpeg (Spoiler Image,80.11 KB, 750x409, A29C1C78-EB15-4EA0-AC52-DDDDB2…)

No. 490157
File: 1517546264017.jpeg (Spoiler Image,243.01 KB, 750x384, 50652B2B-1933-4022-996C-3AA904…)

No. 490158
File: 1517546278841.png (Spoiler Image,1.31 MB, 1334x750, 0740B0B8-A44C-4938-9645-55B10A…)

No. 490452
File: 1517582496828.jpeg (125.64 KB, 1242x754, 94F07450-F047-4665-B39F-568266…)

Lmao what a fucking liar. Or maybe she’s not lying and she really has ~*never*~ watched anything besides lesbian porn and that’s why all her porn sucks beyond belief! But I’m pretty sure she’s just trying to be shocking/edgy as usual.
No. 490455
File: 1517582612701.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.53 MB, 1242x2056, 20A1E3E5-01F3-471A-A23A-C9329B…)

lmao but she loves supporting women and sex workers right? but she’s never bought a porno in her life? Support sex workers tho right? Pay for your porn right? Okay Shay.
No. 490494
>>490473and her saying she ~*only*~ watches lesbian porn is obviously just a comment to get a reaction out of people. if you look that grossed out by eating pussy it’s hard to believe you
only watch lesbian porn.
No. 490873
File: 1517607507513.png (4.53 KB, 376x170, clgefund.png)

I wonder if her dad pays for her stepsis's university.
Also prob why Shayna always has to take the time to post or rant about how going to college is stupid or a waste of time and money. And how she's super successful and everyone else will be in student loan debt while she brags that she already makes sooo much monies (but can't afford to dye her roots, right?) . Not here to debate, but those people in debt will at least have a degree that will help them in a very competitive job market, where people with your resume (of only a highschool diploma and working at olive garden for a month) won't even have a shot at. They'll have a career to where their growing salary will far surpass yours and will have job security, benefits, etc and a career they can do for a majority of their life. Compared to you doing DD/LG bedo bait porn, where you already look burned out and look too old to be doing it. Those "idiots" you made fun of will pay those loans off bc of the great job they got from furthering their education, and consequently also have credit built up and have a better understanding of finances as well as good money saving and spending habits. As to where you will live worse than paycheck to paycheck.. You will sit there begging people for money, keep dropping your prices to your snap and vids bc noone is buying, scouring the internet for victims and people to use, still be paying rent and have nothing to your name except for the tacky pink shit from amazon. You'll get older and loose all your sugar daddies you rely on bc youre too worn out and old and your nightmare of a younger version has replaced you has come true.
No. 490875
File: 1517607684630.jpg (665.15 KB, 1040x1692, 864893.jpg)

Reason why she wears that ridiculous plastic wig. She tried to save money and did her hair herself but ended up frying her hair completely and damaging it more than it already was and it all broke off.
This was her post begging for money for hair extensions… lulz. Shayna I thought you made 55k a yr? LMFAO! but you can't afford 600? You couldn't even afford to get your roots touched up professionally? You're a fucking joke!! You're a prostitute who can't even do their job because now your hair matches your diseased pussy.
She set up a fund for her hair extensions. But yet she'll criticize people for doing Gofundmes for legitimate reasons. Hypocritical.
No. 490879
File: 1517607772371.jpg (1.1 MB, 1100x1676, 864886.jpg)

She already has wrinkles. She's really 20? I don't buy it.
No. 490904
File: 1517609459223.jpg (Spoiler Image,492.58 KB, 2044x1544, Stupidbaby_10112017_2235_MyFre…)

>>490875>>490879>>490882Some pics of her w/out her wig. The pieces of hair that frame her face all completely broke off and stick out. She tries to hide it behind the headband, but it's still really bad.
No. 490906
File: 1517609486084.jpg (Spoiler Image,498.19 KB, 2044x1544, Stupidbaby_10112017_2059_MyFre…)

No. 490908
File: 1517609524909.jpg (Spoiler Image,489.82 KB, 2044x1544, Stupidbaby_10112017_2043_MyFre…)

No. 490913
File: 1517609719783.jpg (Spoiler Image,589.59 KB, 2044x1544, Stupidbaby_01022018_2234_MyFre…)

Her most recent cam session from "grandpa's dungeon" the other day. Her hair still looks fried, it prob hasn't been growing due to poor nutrition.
No. 491042
>>490913The way she keeps her dildo on the floor before she shoves it inside her body is
triggering me dear god Shayna why
No. 491457
File: 1517650913535.png (9.83 KB, 556x256, nosis.png)

>>490873Except now she's not the only girl. She has a step sis.
>>491080Yep. Only time she's ever directly mentioned her is when her step sis french braided Shayna's hair while on vaca. and Shayna posted a pic of her hair.
And another post where she felt left out and described how she didn't feel included in some family thing her dad and his "new family" were doing.
No. 491460
File: 1517651392056.jpg (75.32 KB, 278x794, 576756.jpg)

So she's gotta write an essay about her sessions for grandpa now.
No. 491578
>>491460If you must, just say you've been drinking and smoking. You don't get cool points for counting how many dabs, bowls, and bottles you've consumed.
Why does grandpa always sound like a middle school kid, first wanting to feel her up and now giving her a journal to write him notes.
No. 491606
File: 1517671180446.jpeg (655.72 KB, 1242x1042, 6FB547B5-2154-4AEE-872B-DED78D…)

Lmao she deleted her whole twitter bio and you can’t even see her follower count anymore lmfaoooo
No. 491626
File: 1517672340862.png (206.48 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180203-073719.png)

She could have changed the settings to more private
No. 491635
File: 1517672740999.jpg (773.37 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180203_074532.jpg)

No. 491789
>HECK>>490882O REALLY? LMFAO fix mop if so? You ugly cheap dirty lying….. keep sucking 70 year old dick for free!
>high schoolersOBSESSED
No. 491797
>>491790Thank you, the lies are ridiculous, I have no sympathy for this bullshit>>491400
That rat face cannot be saved with vitamins.
No. 491868
File: 1517686434235.png (536.36 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180203-103029.png)

She's known this old guy for quite some time. If you look at her tumblr, his dungeon that she took her recent pics in is the same one where she was tied up in bondage upside down hanging from the ceiling
No. 491887
File: 1517688185283.png (337.36 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180203-103018.png)

Here's a pic from her most recent session with this guy for comparison
No. 491981
>>491960Lmfao sage your fucking attitude you terrible prude, it wasnt about how "i was better" it was using an experience to throw out why shayna might be doing the shit shes doing…. But i forgot, you come here to complain about her nails, her hair and her veiny tits. You wanna sit and shit talk, but have you actually tried assesing why she's doing it? Im an actual CSA survivor and ill be damn if this little trollup can run around and actually tell people shes survived a traumatic experience like that. Her behavior looks really fucking familiar, logistics of the story. She's doing what she's doing because she doesn't fit in with her home life and had no sort of female guidance, so the only other people she could look up to were all of the dumb ass stoner clique girls on Tumblr (but fun fact, none of them are exactly the healthiest either) she seen a bunch of girls who she assumed to be of less quality than her making a nice chunk of money from showing off their pussies and titties. She said "hey, im hot. People beg me all of the time to take off my clothes. Im doing it." She's a narcissistic, disease filled blister on this forsaken green and blue rock, and to be quite honest, darwinism will pick her scab off this earth just like it will with the rest of them.
So back to the actual trending topic, Shaytard.
>>491734>>491766>>491786She's always on the controversial bandwagon. Regardless if she understands the subject or topic issue, or if she even agrees with it. As long as it's "risque" and she thinks it makes her look "cool, badass or edgy", she's gonna do it just for the attention it brings. Like Trump, pedo bait, rape fantasy, and basically everything she does. She doesn't realize that it just confirms that SHE confirms that she knows she's nothing special and only needs to do this shock factor/ gimmicky shit bc without it, she's not even mediocre at best. Shayna stripped of all her gimmick/shock factor ornamentation, is a bored, pathetic, lonely woman, with shitty skin and hair, bad hygiene, below average looks, but a huge and insatiable need for attention and a lack of dignity that she'll happily dry fuck her diseased holes dressed as a pig or dog in exchange for pizza.
>>491887You were able to see her look off and talk to someone most likely grandpa next to or behind the camera while she was camming on mfc. When she was setting up she said "You don't have to say anything". He prob expected a good show but it was just Shayna looking awkward, anxious and bored while barely anyone entered her room or tipped her. She paddled her tits a couple of times, but it was so boring I started looking at hotter girls who actually knew what they were doing.
No. 492093
File: 1517700976644.jpg (44.18 KB, 557x305, 48y.jpg)

>>489998>>490875>>491400Where here she is using the cards she lied told people that she was gonna use to buy a better camera for better quality content and using it for "apartment stuff" when you know she'll probably buy pink salt and pepper shakers, the rest on tacky pink clothing, and prob some oil, even tho she has a THC allergy.. right? She always does this shit, where she lies and cries trying to get money for one thing, then never gets that item after people donated. The money she gets never go towards the things she says. She's a fucking scammer!
She's completely happy with the low quality photos and videos from her current camera and her shitty porn(literally). She's most likely worried of how much worse her diseased, pimply, scarred, pussy will really look when she upgrades her camera and you see her shit in high quality. At least right now she can finagle her settings and sit a little farther on cam in attempt to hide her disgusting snatch. Who really wants to see these in 4k quality?
(SPOILER: NSFW. links are to video caps of close ups of her disgusting vagina)
>>487926>>487927>>487930>>487935>>487913 No. 492135
>>492100>>492093The way Shayna takes her photos is by screen grabbing videos she takes. Whether it's her phone or camera. She really needs to learn how to do things better, bc frames from a video are less quality than a singular photo taken. She's actually not very photogenic. This is why she videos herself doing a million poses and chooses frames by screen grabbing them. Instead of placing it on timer and/ or times sequential shots. She prob gets one or two good photos from one video. She used to talk about having to retake vids so many times just to get pics. All her "professional photos" or photos taken by other people are really bad. She doesn't know her angles or how to pose. Most likely why you barely see her pro pics reblogged less than the ones she takes.
She still shouldn't lie and tell people to send her money and giftcards saying it's for one thing, then using it for another. She did this with the car, and with hair extensions. The people who helped her were most likely her actual buying customers who thought they were getting better quality videos and photos by giving her money and giftcards. They got scammed instead.
Her Job and income come from a photos and videos she makes. Yet she decides to get more pink things to decorate her apartment with? She already begged and got a bunch of shit for the first time she moved to WA remember? She can still use them. You dont need 2 pink sets of everything.
No. 492164
>>492093It seems Dolly's Moving Sale isn't going so well after all. People don't even want to buy her videos when they're 75% off.
If she has almost 1k in Amazon gift cards she could have bought the camera she wanted by now. The truth is she never had any intentions to buy it, she just wanted the money for other shit.
No. 492266
File: 1517708958515.png (21.8 KB, 654x156, 4fbc7c928e5920157f953f2c63b385…)

sorry, posted in old thread by accident. she has no impulse control.
No. 492341
File: 1517712498746.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1242x2136, A8E9BD0F-736A-4BD5-B8F2-8B0074…)

I would love to know where this will fit in her STUDIO apartment. Has she even seen the place she’ll be living?
No. 492356
>>492341it might fit if its her only piece of furniture. top fuckin kek, can you imagine her coming home after a long day of napping in a cage and daddy sticking his feet down her pants to crawl up her sad, shitty child's bed that she barely fits on in order to curl up and sleep
what a sad life
No. 492363
>>492356lmfao it’s pathetic tbh. she has no idea how to seperate her work from her life. she needs to constantly incorporate sex work and her sex work “aesthetic” into her every day life or she’s not validated.
“and what did you do today?”
“well a 70 year old man took me out of a dog cage, stuck his foot down my pants and then I went home and slept in a $700 child’s fabric play castle. Cos Im a porn star duhhhh”
No. 492460
>>491981Lmaoooo "sage your fucking attitude you terrible prude" is the best thing I have heard all day. I DID sage it. and I'll sage this too for being off topic and also that person won't be seeing it anyway but I still laughed through that whole response.
some people can't handle hearing that no one cares. they have more in common with Shayna than they think.
No. 492501
File: 1517727104490.png (21.66 KB, 541x250, lmao.PNG)

No. 492504
File: 1517727181913.png (25.99 KB, 548x311, sectionalyouguys.PNG)

a pink sectional you guys
No. 492602
>>492506Don't forget her mom also called her career choice dark disturbing and DANGEROUS. Shayna decided to make it into a joke on her tumblr even though her mom is right.
I will also never forget the time Shayna stole some pink flowery panties from her mom and took a shit ton of pictures in them
No. 492819
File: 1517770055761.jpg (Spoiler Image,189.81 KB, 1061x965, 84864J.jpg)

No. 492830
File: 1517770491316.jpg (Spoiler Image,124.2 KB, 581x697, 46474.jpg)

She's running another promotion. Getting really desperate for money. She sucks at her job. She changes her prices daily, up and down depending on how much money she needs that day. Bad business practices. She charges people different amounts for the same things. I msged her a long time ago about her blog/snap. She gave me a higher price than the price she had written on a post she had just posted 3 hours before talking to her. People should really be warned of this SCAMMER!
No. 492839
File: 1517771343960.jpg (31.25 KB, 257x364, responsible.jpg)

No. 492840
File: 1517771357415.png (Spoiler Image,538.22 KB, 993x893, Screenshot_2018-02-04-11-09-07…)

>>492602>>492602These ones!?!?!?!?
No. 492858
File: 1517772136909.png (496.75 KB, 1018x851, Screenshot_2018-02-04-11-12-16…)

Shay in hi def
No. 492874
File: 1517772935837.jpg (18.37 KB, 549x216, daddaddy.jpg)

No. 492876
>>492819Why does she always get in these unflattering positions? You'd think a cam girl would know how to pose, this isn't as horrid as her other ones like the front facing hunch back that makes her look like she belongs on nat geo
If only she knew how to take care of herself she could be at least a 7 or 8, especially if she gets rid of that horrid trailer park trash hair color and drops the bimbo act
No. 492901
File: 1517774604300.jpeg (66.8 KB, 1242x605, 1CD2E182-83FB-479D-BED6-2300F3…)

>>492830It’s also super confusing that she charges different rates for custom videos on manyvids and iwantclips. It seems that depending on the platform she completely changes her prices.
No. 492902
File: 1517774631928.jpeg (69.17 KB, 1242x459, 038BB8EE-293C-4852-8414-6BE30F…)

No. 492904
>>492887Imo she was never actually pretty, but she also wasn't naked in the stoner photos; spread eagling her ratchet clam.
Content def plays into desirability.
No. 493234
>>492904idk, the picture of her with no makeup/brown hair was kinda cute in a "girl next door on the volleyball team and makes good grades" type of way
if she worked out, did squats, took care of her skin, dyed her hair brown, styled it right and got a repair treatment and learned how to dress and do makeup, and most importantly dropped the entire act she's been doing for the past few years, she would look great
No. 493402
File: 1517800466393.png (Spoiler Image,3.87 MB, 2208x1242, EDBCF218-99B6-4C53-924D-51873E…)

Fuckin kek
No. 493405
File: 1517800677189.jpeg (134.24 KB, 674x1200, 43EFC4F7-91DC-4EB2-9233-539A19…)

Shay the dumpster clown.
No. 493407
File: 1517800688855.png (1.04 MB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2018-02-04 at 10.1…)

Looks like she's got a cold sore
No. 493420
>>493387>>493390To think, just last week we thought her saying “I guess for now the best you can just do is watch” was funny. How quickly the awkwardness progresses.
>>493403She looks like she's about to read my fortune in the nude
>>493405Queen Neanderthal right there
No. 493584
>>493200maybe try vlc media player?
>>493369mumbly joe over here
>>493386she also looks uncomfortable as hell
>>493403 LMAAAOOOOOOOOOOO>>493412 i agree i was surprised to see her without the headband but i can definitely see now why she wears it with the wig. does she even know how to trim a lace front properly?
>>493405>>493413 Her eyeliner touches her eyebrows it kinda looks like a mask or something No. 493594
File: 1517812151863.png (132.49 KB, 512x458, baby-pleasehurtme.tumblr.PNG)

pretty sure that blog thats posting as shayna and asking for stuff from people is a lurker here :)
No. 493630
File: 1517817016847.jpeg (Spoiler Image,268.55 KB, 1557x1025, 1508797615963.jpeg)

>>492887>>492876>>493234Can the fans leave? Is it Shay herself? All this shit can stop
Imagine looking at Shay and thinking "cute"
No. 493636
File: 1517817782939.png (Spoiler Image,487.51 KB, 876x450, Screenshot 2018-02-05.png)

No. 493713
>>493630because looks are apparently objective now and because you find her ugly and no hope means everyone else has to as well
I hate shay, but she isn't THAT ugly in a way that "someone called the shay isnt hideous police" that comes out everytime someone doesnt agree shes ugly, she has potential to be cute if she tried, she isnt deformed or obese
No. 493735
>>493728depends anon, like if you live in a movie with almost always beautiful women walking around she will seem subpar, she has a shit personality that makes her ugly but lets take it out of the question at the moment
say she fixed her hair nice, did her makeup normal and wore basic white girl at the mall attire and you saw her just walking by on the street, chances are you won't think "THAT HIDEOUS CRETIN! NOTHING CAN SAVE THAT HORRIFYING FACE!" unless you have that insane elliot rodger level standards, she's just a background type of girl, nothing to be splurging over how awfully hideous she is then policing anyone who says "you know she could be kinda cute if she___________" but at the same time no one is saying shes the most beautiful woman to walk the planet
No. 493768
File: 1517838108372.png (875.65 KB, 992x709, Screenshot_2018-01-22-16-44-31…)

No. 493781
>>493719>She's not all that pretty but some of you people act like she looks like fucking Jabba the hutI might be wrong but I havent seen anyone call her actually overweight.
>People tear apart her looks as if that's the worst thing about herthese threads are full of posts talking about her personality. She is such a crap person, that I dont really care what people decide to critisise
>>493735>say she fixed her hair nice, did her makeup normal and wore basic white girl at the mall attirebut she is not dressing like that. her makeup is ugly, she does not talk care of her skin, she dresses in cheap, ugly clothes, and her facial expressions are naturally so strange and unflattering. And on top of that her personality is absolute trash, which really makes her ugly
No. 493902
>>493719when you’re ugly on the inside, it manifests on your outside. She was a cute, average stoner girl until she decided to hop on the sex work trend and completely change who she is for validation and attention. Her personality is disgusting, she treats everyone like trash and still expects to be treated like a perfect royalty. She grossly exaggerates and sometimes just makes up stories and situations to show how “helpless” she is. And people fucking buy it.
Her business is terrible, her porn is terrible, yet she thinks she’s some savvy business woman who worked her way up from the bottom. When all she did was ride off her tumblr popularity, she now claims she’s famous.
So yes, she is no longer the cute basic stoner chick. She’s turned herself into something else, and that something else is a horrible narcissist with entitlement issues. Even if she isn’t the ugliest thing on earth, her personality is what ruins any good looks she may have.
No. 493928
>>493902She's always been ego driven, she always scammed and used people, she never bathed or showered, she still posted pics of herself with her ass pimples. she still lied about going thru "child abuse", she was still contradictory and hypocritical, she was still illogical and uneducated, she would still send her minions to harass you if you didn't agree with her or made her looks stupid, she still begged people for things and expected shit for free …all as an average stoner girl. And don't forget, she subjected all of her weed followers to her rape & pedo bait porn, people who never wanted or signed up for seeing her gross shit, including her UNDER-AGED followers because she is a selfish, inconsiderate, bottom of the barrel scum. She's always been disgusting regardless if shes wearing pink or a classic rock T, or if she'll move on to another mask bc she's already outgrown her current ddlg little girl persona by looking lie a 40 yr old gremlin.
No. 494095
>>494081omg that shit actually freaks me out. why would you destroy your asshole for the sake of porn? it’s not going back 😳
she just needs to start using lube and she’ll be fine. I’m not sure why she thinks it makes her edgy to watch her dry fuck her asshole.
No. 494251
>>493369BAHAHAHAHA!! Dear Lord. I can't stop laughing. Dirty stained socks. Cheap dollar store props and bedding. Her fried hair, and ridiculous ugly face and expressions mixed with the baby voice that is soooo far from her normal deep, low voice that I really can't take it seriously. She does NOT know how to be sexy or how to talk dirty. It's so fucking awkward. You can still see the outbreak she's trying to hide w/ her skirt and sitting so far away from the camera per usual. kek
>>493403>>493405She legit looks like a fucking tranny. LMFAO!! But I think she
meant to look like a transvestite, so good job Shayna. But wow, that's so sad that even men are hotter women than she is.
No. 494252
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No. 494257
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No. 494258
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No. 494259
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No. 494260
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No. 494261
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No. 494263
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No. 494264
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No. 494265
>>494260is she trying to cover up her genital sores with duct tape
also link pls
No. 494425
File: 1517874629691.jpeg (166.21 KB, 1242x1824, E5E35C07-FEE1-406F-9644-977AFA…)

This is the third one she’s posted. Do we really think people are sending her these? If so what the fuck am I doing wrong people aren’t just throwing money at me on Tumblr?
No. 494432
>>492489>>492506Shayna always pushed the narrative that she had a very trumatic childhood and is a child abuse survivor, and how her mother was the one doing all the abuse. She used to make so many posts about hating her abusive mother and being the victim and survivor of child abuse, but those posts started to slowly cease when people realized what a liar she was when she couldn't come up with anything abusive that her mother actually did. People started calling her out for being a compulsive lying attention whore that played the victim for attention.
The following is an entry that was from one of the
deleted threads. Since they are no longer accessible, I'm reposting it from the archive to here because they include links that will give you a better understanding what the "abuse" was that Shayna was talking about. Go thru them, read them all to understand the timeline. Includes how her parents found out about her blog and camming and nudes, etc.
Anonymous No. 326862
the milk is overflowing… if u were undecided on this girl, u wont be now.
she's always called her mom a bitch in countless posts and anytime she is mentioned or referred to, it is in the most awful/vile way, she always said her mom is who "abused" her and how she is a victim of CA(child abuse)… i stumbled on these.. wow… her thinking is really warped.
archived answered asks- theres so much more than these but just wow. u guys be the judge.
(welcome to her blog-y she hates her mom -if ur new) they found her blog) how her parents found out about her camming) her mom doesnt understand her n how she shoved misogyny down her throat and how she doesnt get that shayna wants to be a cam girl n how her mom send her emails/txts for schools and jobs- boo hooo soo abused by an awful bitch) literally makes me want to vomit- asked how her mom found her blog- she literally says "she’s the type of person to try and dig up dirt on me so she has an actual reason to be mad at me other than just being a bitch"-wow shayna) such a shitty mom… makes up but then proceeds to still bash her to her followers) she is courageous for sticking up to her mom- lulz) y she's a strong person bc of what she went thru w/ her mom) her blog was private/ brother backs up mom) asker u dont need parents- more about her mom and how she compromised their lives- her mom lost her poarents when she was only 12) thes dumblr loser minions perpetuate her delusions and warped thinking)
asked y her mom is such a bitch and how they better be blessed w/ a child like her!! other pples mom like her more her mom is jelly) boo hoos and how her mom told connors mom about the camming) justifying her blog to her mom) from her awful parents… blog or us) about suicide, her experience w/ her parents n what they were doing pushed her) so much more… sooooo much more but jfc… boo hoo… my childhood was soo bad, boo hoo, my mom abuses me… how horrible.. really?
this is what child abuse looks like? this is why her mom is such a bitch? someone making dinner for the they found out about her drug /& naked selfie filled blog… and then the fact that she cams… and her reaction to it makes her the worst mother ever?. wow what a bitch! someone who checks up on her daughter, who even sends emails/txts for job applications, schools to help her further herself, offering an alternative to her current choices… because she disagrees with her choices with camming- that makes her a bitch? because any REAL loving mother would support their daughter getting naked broadcasting to strangers punching urself sticking things up ur butt, and ur offended that she is hurt and offers u links to places that are hiring… to schools? maybe bc she believes you have unfulfilled potential and believes you are capable of so much more- how dare she?! maybe she just wants you to have a future with as many oppurtunities and possibilities and stability that camming cannot afford. maybe bc like you said, her parents died when she was 12… and maybe she just wants the world for you and everything she lost and didnt have… what a bitch! maybe she told connors mom about the camming because, idk- you cam from their home- and you were already aware some people knew ur location(mentioned in a post she made)… maybe because she thought it was unsafe and was just informing his mom bc you were living under their roof. ur brother even agrees. ya shayna… you had/have it so bad, being cursed w/ a bitch mother like her- i wouldnt ever even wish that on my worst enemy. kek.
No. 494444
>>494432from>if she was a real loving mother, she’d love me and make that known regardless of what I do on the Internet. and she says that the things I post on here are making her depressed and traumatized, but that’s not my problem, she’s physically choosing to type in my URL and look at everything on here. she’s the reason she doesn’t like what she sees. I don’t give a fuck what she thinks of me anymore. I’ve been called too many names by her, I’ve felt too alone at the faults of her, I’ve wanted to kill myself because of her, and she doesn’t give a flying fuck. so I don’t give a shit.Shayna is a piece of shit daughter. This is so gross. But it is very telling of how manipulative she is since she would say this about her own mother and make her out to be some kind of enemy to Shayna.
No. 494459
File: 1517876115459.png (135.65 KB, 275x247, 1517185819257.png)

She already admits she doesn't shower or bathe. Not only does she not clean herself, she doesn't clean her toys. And she also pops her disgusting ass pimples/boils. She really shouldn't do this, especially with her dirty fucking hands and bacteria infested nails, this is how shit spreads. She didn't even wash her hands after, or clean the sore she just popped, just continued with her cam session. Finger fucking herself with her as pimple puss all over it spreading that bacteria around and inside herself and her already diseased pussy. No wonder why it never clears.
Also, is that why she made her pinkpussypopped blog? Because she pops her ass and pussy pimples? I'm confused.
Thesaddesthoe… Prob got inspired by Mia? I've noticed Shayna's been wanting to be her friend for a long time.
No. 494583
Some other archived links from the deleted threads:
This ones long, talks about her childhood and rape highlighted is of an ASK where she mentions kinks to overcome rape) rape & mentions shaving her head) eating disorder weed allergy No. 494632
>>494583“Having to be an adult at a young age”
If that was actually true Shayna, you wouldn’t be nearly as immature and frankly stupid as you are now. You had a basic ass life and you know it. Trauma doesn’t make you stand out, it’s not meant to make you cooler or seem more damaged. Trauma is fucking real and fucks people up. I’m sick of her taking real life traumas that people deal with and turning them into nothing means to sell her stupid “brand”.
No. 494790
>>494583>I had working divorced parents>this is obviously abuse guysHigh school rape isn’t csa.
Also not 2b anachan but 15lbs under normal (19-20 bmi) weight range wouldn’t even qualify you for anorexia dx leave alone a “destructive” one.
No. 494889
>>494432Shayna's whole 'i fucked ur dad' thing feels like such overcompensation to me. I'm sure her actual father is disgusted by her behavior. I was reading about this porn star once who said that once her dad's friends realized what she did, he became depressed to the point of hospitalization. Shayna is just appallingly shitty.
I don't even want to get into the horror show this must be for her mom.
No. 495165
File: 1517937066649.jpg (26.53 KB, 521x218, porn.jpg)

Looks like she might sign under a website. LMFAO. keyword: phone interview. I wonder what they'll say once they see her diseased and stretched out holes in person. What's so funny is that adult entertainers have a hierarchy and Shayna is happy to be at the absolute scum scraping bottom of rape & pedo bait porn. Basically a route to cater and market to pedophiles. She's so disgusting. For someone who lies about her "traumas" and endured "abuse", I wonder if she's even thought about the real children who were abused or sexually abused, or the real victims of c porn that she love to fucking exploit. God she's gross.
No. 495194
>>495165Wow, porn that fetishizes slavery sounds absolutely not
problematic at all
No. 495207
>>495165I’m surprised she didn’t do more research into working with a company. Porn companies/directors/producers are known for exploiting new actresses or newbies from the amateur scene. I have a feeling she’ll agree to anything to get a few extra bucks, without even thinking about the repercussions.
She’d probably lay in a mud hole and let people finger fuck her in mud. She doesn’t care if it gets into her vagina cos she’s a ~*porn star*~
No. 495354
File: 1517945835648.png (Spoiler Image,417.38 KB, 576x1269, Screenshot_2018-02-06-11-36-44…)

Jumped 24 spots
No. 495376
File: 1517947418931.png (16.87 KB, 498x179, Screenshot 2018-02-06.png)

>though what i went through was extremely depressing, horrific, traumatizing>i feel that i can say i am a better person because of itFucking gold. I had no idea Shay could attempt coherent typing
No. 495393
>>495203I think you may be on to something, anon, Hookup hotshot seems right up her alley. It reminds me of insta-hoes meets O-mighty clothing meets Max Hardcore, plus Gozzling calls himself Daddy (puke)
>>495183>>495207Ofc because that’s what garners the most attention. I wonder if she’d stoop to Facial Abuse levels
No. 495408
File: 1517948864304.jpg (290.16 KB, 1138x892, 8436784.jpg)

>>494432>>494583Some people calling her out when she couldn't come up with real "abuse" that happened
No. 495591
File: 1517959202647.gif (638.15 KB, 500x370, tumblr_msizozxGUu1sghdzno1_500…)

>>495376What the actual fuck….THIS is her "traumatic" childhood story?
I want to die
No. 495620
>>495591“I had to take care of my brother after school”
Wow. Just wow. Maybe if her parents had abandoned her and her brother and she literally had to raise him and be his parent, I could see how that would be traumatic. But seriously? This is pretty common, older sibilings needing to take care of their younger sibilings until parents get home.
Way to just laugh in the face of actual trauma survivors Shay.
No. 495739
File: 1517969715197.jpg (22.92 KB, 530x203, 768368.jpg)

I can imagine the promos now… "day before rent is due" sale every month.
No. 495750
File: 1517970123284.jpg (19.96 KB, 520x195, laundry.jpg)

>>494260How fucking gross, She's finally doing laundry on her clothes she never washes, and her first thought is to try to sell off her crusty moldy ass fishnets.
No. 495783
File: 1517971408010.jpg (Spoiler Image,360.13 KB, 1288x1764, octo.jpg)

Back when noone knew what was really under all that bush.
No. 495840
>>495783If she just kept it trim, maybe like a landing strip even, it would have looked fine. I guess she only has two extremes: completely bald or full un trimmed bush, no in between.
Kinda tells a lot about her personality too tbh
No. 495875
File: 1517973990542.jpg (35.32 KB, 527x331, wow.jpg)

WOW. She thinks she doesn't sexualize children.
No. 495876
>>495859Just by looking closely I can see some bumps and whatnot. But nothing NEAR as bad as what she's sporting today
sage for not posting a zoomed in pic
No. 495879
File: 1517974120173.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1242x1440, DDB9347B-C7EA-4651-85F4-3EB38D…)

This looks like a pic from her MV Loft shoot. Can anyone tell what she’s holding? It looks like a joint but I honestly can’t tell wtf it is.
No. 495880
>>495783God I hate to say it but this is almost refreshing to look at compared to anything recent
>>495874Also yes, they’re pretty cheap on amazon and make you ~so edgy because it’s not dick shaped
No. 495893
>>495881is it just anhorrible glare? Why would the photographer keep that pic if there’s a glare like that?
Maybe he liked it cos it helped cover her face lmao
No. 495903
File: 1517975296768.jpeg (985.57 KB, 1242x1555, C6F9E908-98C8-4895-B9A8-09B629…)

lol she’s advertising it like the article is about her. when all it is is an article for MV’s new instagram.
No. 496016
>>495879She needs to learn how to blend if she's going to contour. Also wtf is up with her eyebrows and roots? She said she spent all her money getting ready for the trip. But she showed up looking like white trash with those roots and the same daddy shirt she always wears. /7 Had to beg for shuttle money or else she had to take the bus. So WTF did she spend her money on?
>>495893The article said the photo was provided by Bambie Doll.
No. 496456
>>496016When you get a photo shoot done, the photographer almost always sends the model, or the models agent, copies of the edited pics. some photographers will send photo proofs and let the model choose which photos they like and want edited.
So yes, it was provided by her. But she didn’t take those pictures, so I’m wondering why the photographer would have wanted to keep a photo with what I’m assuming is a glare like that.
No. 496645
File: 1518026875814.png (148.13 KB, 1007x987, Screenshot_2018-02-07-10-07-19…)

Either her sale ends in three days or she moves in three
No. 496842
>>496820Was just offering a possibility to anon's question as to why they'd have a photo with a glare on their IG. The other photos aren't the typical glamour shot either, they're all "artsy"
>>496645She's moving today. Regardless what she says, she always extends promos and changes prices. I doubt she even has enough to buy a couch.
She's gonna be pissed down the road that she got everything in pink. If how she decorates for her porn videos are indicative of how she'll furnish and decorate her apartment, it's going to be cheap and tacky. She has low class taste.
>>496724Her pussy is the most disgusting thing I've seen and her ability to take that dildo without any lube and without wincing or moving a muscle is her true talent. Hotdog thru a doorway. Prolapse is in her definite future. How she has no shame and continues to embarrass herself and show it to people is beyond me.
I think she may have sores inside her pussy and inner lips. Makes sense why she stopped doing close ups and vaginal penetration. Her pussy and ass have always looked disease, but she stopped right around the time it started to get really really bad. She did get cheated on, he could've given it to her if she didn't have anything already.
No. 497098
File: 1518052410743.jpeg (Spoiler Image,52.23 KB, 459x401, 9BE07A2E-47BC-46C9-8551-05D300…)

hank hill. also that “paddle” she’s using looks like the wooden thing we’d use to serve bread & cheese at the restaurant i worked at.
No. 497102
File: 1518052463508.jpg (Spoiler Image,185.98 KB, 875x488, not a good angle.jpg)

wtf is this angle? and why does she have hair on her inner thighs but not her labia? why would you take close ups of your pimples and sores?
No. 497113
File: 1518052759301.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.12 MB, 3921x4385, bahah.jpg)

When she finally does a close up, and she covers it with clothespins and hitachi. LMFAO that face!!!
No. 497126
File: 1518052939350.png (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2018-02-07 at 8.21…)

Wrinkle pimple puss
No. 497137
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No. 497209
File: 1518057472519.jpeg (Spoiler Image,244.82 KB, 1242x1328, 4C3BEFBE-7F4F-4DBF-95C3-FB736D…)

I watched just some parts of this, with no sound, and it was even embarrassing then. I think this face pretty much sums it up.
No. 497210
File: 1518057546526.jpeg (Spoiler Image,221.78 KB, 1242x1296, 128FD384-70E2-493F-A66E-198951…)

Also, further evidence of dry AF anal: her toys just stay put. Even when she moves around and does other things. If they were lubed they’d slide out naturally when not held. Good god.
No. 497218
File: 1518058103273.jpeg (61.97 KB, 623x713, shaggy-face-57f446dd4a0ec.jpeg)

>>497183>Like I have a lil scar on my kitty from snipping her when I first started shaving down thereThis is a bad sentence, anon. Are you one of those ddlg freaks too?
No. 497219
>>497210All she did was rub the dildo on her dry pussy for 5 seconds before dry penetrating her ass with it. She never seems wet or like she's actually aroused or enjoying anything in her videos, and her orgasms never appear real.
>>497216Anon it's not that bad. I mean compared to "doll parts" kitty is pretty benign.
No. 497241
>>497213Even porn stars who gape and prolapse don’t just have shit falling out of them. Calm down.
I guess I just have less experience with beaded toys. I rarely do anal play, and when I use dildos they are well lubed and get forced out by my sphincter muscles unless I hold them in. /shrug
No. 497254
File: 1518061264771.png (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1280x800, heart shaped box.png)

She needs to upgrade her camera but at the same time it's clear why she doesn't.
No. 497382
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(spoiler this next time )
No. 497697
File: 1518112565469.png (Spoiler Image,2.26 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6172.PNG)

Strange how she used the same 2 toys in every video yet owns all of these
No. 497735
File: 1518114056409.jpeg (511.42 KB, 1222x1738, 4C0563FF-235E-4D66-B49C-EE83A1…)

What the FRESH HELL.
No. 497742
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No. 497743
File: 1518114442368.jpeg (501.23 KB, 1242x1173, BE1B2F2B-3825-43ED-9FFC-237598…)

>>4977422/2. So does she not get how ironic this is? Like oh that gross older man. Yet I’m still going to call myself a young dumb Barbie and only go after old men who can take care of me and are smarter than me.
No. 497849
File: 1518120371253.jpeg (179.36 KB, 750x1071, A20F1883-81E7-4816-A380-20C683…)

She’s now begging for money for groceries. What happened to that 55k?
No. 497905
>>495150Actually kegels tighten the entirety of the pelvic floor. That includes the rectum. Even gay men who have loose anal muscle tone will be asked to do kegel exercises if it’s mild to moderate. Don’t underestimate the power of the lowly kegel.
t. ob/gyn nurse
No. 497977
File: 1518127536042.jpg (57.16 KB, 531x357, 48679376.jpg)

Who has her snap?
No. 497998
>>497735At least Mia/sadbaffoon admits dd/lg is a "safe" avenue for pedos to express their urges and attraction towards children.
>>497742>pedophiles aren't going to shame themselves and say "oh well since liking children is wrong I'll just pay attention to adults who like to dress and act a certain way…[ahem, dress and act like CHILDREN]
>…and fit a certain label and therefore cater to my sick fantasies" no.>I've been told many a time that my porn is designed/catered for pedophiles when we all know that "free", stolen, and always non consensually filmed, kiddie porn exists, sadly.First off, I hate how she calls it kiddie porn. It is child pornography and it's morally reprehensible and very much against the law. Don't give it that "cute" name.
Secondly, pedophiles don't give a shit about right or wrong, they are concerned about not getting in trouble with the law. Since dd/lg porn is not illegal, it would be a safe outlet (legally) for them to explore their desires and fantasies.
No. 498192
>>498029Okay but there’s a huge difference in wanting to fuck an ACTUAL child, and wanting to fuck an adult ACTING like a child.
I’m not sure why some people can’t seperate the two. One is an actual child, the other is an adult playing pretend. If you’re a pedophile, an adult dressed and acting as a child is still a fucking adult. pedophiles want ACTUAL CHILDREN.
No. 498200
>>498029even if you act like a child, and engage in sex while doing so, in the end you’re still an adult. your age doesn’t literally change. if someone pretends to be a dog they’re still an adult human, they didn’t magically turn into a dog with their imagination. which is why pet play doesn’t encourage beastiality, because that person is still a human adult.
sorry some of you are dumb as shit and can’t understand that a person’s age doesn’t change based on what they pretend to be.
No. 498274
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No. 498490
As for Shayna and the pedo argument, I'm not usually one to defend her, but she legit looks like a 40 yr old. Obviously she is not a real child. That said, it still does not change the fact that ddlg porn DOES cater to pedophiles. Regardless of it's intent. It is a sickness, and although the whole argument is they want actual children, the fact is, the material that seek is illegal and a lot of ddlg material ends up contributing and perpetuating the huge problem of real pedo porn. That's what the problem is. Noone can stop a person from their sickness, but it doesn't help that there are people who have no problem creating porn with every intent to look like a child, and with every intent to make money on making porn with every intent on looking like a child. They are shamelessly EXPLOITING a sickness. Contributing and perpetuating such a large problem. Underlined, regardless of your intent, the materials and content you are creating and selling and spreading do cater and pander to pedophiles and it does exploit their sickness. Yes you are a consenting adult, a consenting adult that is consenting to creating pornographic materials fully intending and consenting to sexualizing children and sexualing and normalizing child sexual abuse, etc.
No. 498504
File: 1518158902194.jpg (15.25 KB, 541x172, 8765445.jpg)

looking for victims
No. 498511
File: 1518159669284.jpg (46.55 KB, 590x234, 467.jpg)

>>498500She's an idiot, 1 pair of panties and one custom vid.. when the regular prices are way less than that. She doesn't understand how to run a "business". She fucks herself in a corner by having no consistency. People know they'll just get her shit at a high discount every "crisis" she has which is 4 x a week. Or for free via google search.
No. 498516
File: 1518159775683.jpg (Spoiler Image,92.71 KB, 1280x718, DVkz9yxVwAIIMbh.jpg)

No. 498551
>>498192I don’t think there is a “huge” difference, and that’s why people find it disgusting. Some of the girls who do DD/LG are young and look it; to capitalise on that by dressing in a nappy and paci and acting like a little girl IS making legal material for pedos.
>>498200>adult humans have all been children>no adult human has ever actually been a dogYeah people are dumb, wonder why they care less about pet play than they do pedo play.
>>498279Grim. /OT
No. 498615
>>498551This shit happens in every thread holy shit some of you are retards.
If you honestly can’t see why an adult playing pretend is different from an actual real child, you’re absolutely stupid.
Let’s get back on topic of our fave dumpster fire.
No. 498697
File: 1518187747792.jpg (143.45 KB, 640x1136, 07ade071-368c-482d-bd68-aa2052…)

Just found this gem reblogged by weed-breath
No. 498799
File: 1518194319607.png (113.08 KB, 640x858, IMG_7952.PNG)

Photo-dumping some old pics of shayna. From her Tumblr circa 2013.
No. 498801
File: 1518194363808.png (134.52 KB, 640x987, IMG_7954.PNG)

No. 498803
File: 1518194382474.png (146.03 KB, 640x1004, IMG_7955.PNG)

No. 498805
File: 1518194400139.png (1.09 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7956.PNG)

No. 498806
File: 1518194437709.png (148.59 KB, 640x993, IMG_7953.PNG)

I wonder how conner's doing these days.
No. 498825
>>498515>pussy juicebitch where. She literally seems painfully dry in every photo and video
>>498806How long it's been? 3 years?
No. 499014
>>498981plenty of women orgasm and don’t cum. for men it’s different, whenever they orgasm they cum.
For women, you can orgasm and not cum; but when you do cum it’s usually from an orgasm. does that make sense? Having an orgasm doesn’t necessarily mean you came. Cumming for women is a lot different than for a man.
No. 499029
File: 1518209401772.jpeg (95.45 KB, 675x1200, 455BE20F-EC8F-4605-897B-153C76…)

I don’t think she’s capable of taking a face picture without using a filter. She is so clearly self conscious but tries to over inflate her self worth to make it seem like she’s not self conscious. Her confidence is 100% false.
No. 499060
>>499036I really don’t think she understands the difference tbh. I don’t think she’s ever cum before, which is pretty average for a 20 year old. But don’t say you’re doing a cum show or claim that you cum multiple times in your video when you literally don’t cum at all.
Some women can’t ejaculate and I understand that. But don’t claim something in your video to get people to buy it if it doesn’t even happen!
No. 499084
>>499060>>499014>>499018Literally no one expect ejaculation when “cumming” is in context of female lol many don’t even know that girls can ejaculate (squirt maybe).
“cum/come” are used colloquially to refer to orgasm/climax by p much everyone. Reach less.
No. 499167
>>499100>>499127Don't give a fuck about defending SHayna. But arguing that "cum" doesn't just mean ejaculation and saying that it's a lie bc of that is retarded. She obviously fakes orgasms/cum. ANd if you think workers/entertainers don't fake cum (convincingly or not) all the time, well boi I got news 4 u.
>>499104Never said they couldn't?? Read.
No. 499171
File: 1518218908427.gif (884.85 KB, 500x281, 5F3C85E7-99B6-4BA4-B95B-3F23E5…)

>>499167shut the fuck up and stop defending shayna
No. 499174
>>499167lol “performers fake cum all the time”
you mean a creampie dumbass. Not really sure how you can fake your pussy contracting and cumming. But if you figure it out let me know.
No. 499264
File: 1518225534852.png (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1254x711, Screen Shot 2018-02-09 at 8.18…)

Another goddamn period and/or shit stain in her panties jfc
No. 499270
File: 1518226110196.jpg (22.8 KB, 531x189, 098765.jpg)

No. 499276
File: 1518226699636.jpg (142.12 KB, 515x941, 876575.jpg)

No. 499292
>>499127Fwiw I'm on your side here and think shayna is full of shit and imo hasn't climaxed in a vid but thought you might find it interesting to know that I've known of pornstars freezing cubes of milk and popping it up there so that when it melts and comes out it looks like that. Yes, disgusting, no I don't understand how someone could bring themselves to put a milk ice cube inside themselves but hey maybe shayna will start doing it too
Has she released that alien video she was going on about yet?
No. 499298
File: 1518228384563.png (Spoiler Image,4.51 MB, 2208x1242, 4FBECCC9-5917-434C-BC1E-D67FF2…)

this has to be the funniest video yet. watching her attempt to give a sexy blowjob and then hank hill ass shot for over 3 minutes? lmfao
No. 499299
>>499292Frozen milk cubes? Dear god. You learn something new everyday.
No alien video yet and I doubt it's ever going to actually come to fruition.
>>499295She apparently wanted to rub some of that period stain on her coochie.
For anyone who may not know (Shayna), hydrogen peroxide is your friend for removing blood stains.
No. 499300
File: 1518228615474.png (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 1253x689, Screen Shot.png)

>>499298This is her ultra sexy blowjob face
No. 499307
File: 1518228884888.png (Spoiler Image,1.45 MB, 1211x624, nolube.png)

fuckin cringe
No. 499310
File: 1518229003784.png (Spoiler Image,4.58 MB, 2208x1242, 5CA2279B-A913-46BC-BA8B-F338AF…)

She looks like a 35 year old mom who hasn’t sucked dick in over 10 years and is trying to be sexy again
No. 499456
File: 1518238495574.png (Spoiler Image,65.29 KB, 587x639, IMG_6441.PNG)

She knows 1/1
No. 499457
File: 1518238563582.png (Spoiler Image,62.81 KB, 608x599, IMG_6442.PNG)

She was okay with this in her video 2/2
No. 499508
File: 1518241789345.jpg (212.36 KB, 1186x1372, 456465786.jpg)

No. 499612
File: 1518253500991.jpg (477.65 KB, 1072x1844, thesaddesthoe_hashtag.jpg)

Just a sample of Shayna's psyche: Some of her notes(the tags) from her sideblog.
No. 499614
File: 1518253617441.jpg (Spoiler Image,283.4 KB, 529x2137, thesaddesthoe02.jpg)

2/2 So she has to be the smallest, youngest, and now the only blonde?
No. 499966
File: 1518293544357.jpeg (104.26 KB, 750x581, 15E304E2-318C-48BF-A4EB-FC7C5B…)

Is she implying that Connor is looking after her cat? I highly doubt that seeing as she used and cheated on him.
No. 499968
File: 1518293567254.jpeg (196.11 KB, 750x1249, AF92B1A7-3C46-481B-92FD-DAA0C3…)

Do we think this is the guy she went on a date with?
No. 499978
File: 1518294114346.jpeg (219.7 KB, 1242x906, ADE20330-8526-45FA-8B94-0E51FE…)

>>499968Sounds like it. So she went out with a hick in a beat up truck. really sounds like you’re living a lavish life. probably went to a high class fast food chain and then went muddin in his shitty truck kek
No. 500184
File: 1518306543239.jpg (38.52 KB, 516x326, 65.jpg)

Look at the tags. Working with people and dry fucking yourself solo in your apartment are completely different things. I feel bad for her future coworkers. Also, I wonder if that company has even seen how gross her pussy looks yet. Tumblr is her life. I wonder what getting "away from the tumblr crowd" means to her.
No. 500209
File: 1518308679832.jpg (709.43 KB, 1640x2376, 84644.jpg)

>>499990>>499978>>499968That tumblr has been active since 2014 so I doubt it's a fake account. I don't think that's the person she went on a date with tho. That account has been commenting creepy shit on her posts before, prob just a "fan".
No. 500210
File: 1518308799650.jpg (116.68 KB, 719x1280, DVtr8SxVMAANt4f.jpg)

No. 500323
File: 1518319909459.png (2.47 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6035.PNG)

No. 500366
File: 1518324297622.jpg (1017.17 KB, 970x1645, shay.jpg)

No. 500421
File: 1518330396318.png (Spoiler Image,2.43 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6270.PNG)

No. 500596
File: 1518367877977.jpeg (564.81 KB, 1242x1976, E74F9A57-9036-4443-B119-B81CCC…)

when you think this is all findom entails cos you’re dumb as shit (1/2)
No. 500597
File: 1518367900281.jpeg (94.46 KB, 1242x428, CF755E5F-FC9C-4DA1-A2EF-03DF5D…)

No. 500631
File: 1518371784955.jpg (30.71 KB, 300x300, not-this-shit-again_fb_1224286…)

>She sounds like a sexually abused child who grows to enjoy the feeling.
She literally just sounds like she's trying too hard to look cute. Stop trying to link everything she does to csa, for fucks sake
No. 500746
File: 1518381726538.png (197.58 KB, 750x1334, 00A72F31-6FEF-4B9A-833A-E820CD…)

No. 500769
File: 1518382919573.jpeg (1019.86 KB, 1231x1370, 42A7EFE9-EBF2-4689-A259-58B34A…)

>begs for a couple hundred to buy new TV
>buys at least $400 of weed
No. 500780
File: 1518383520815.png (4.33 MB, 1242x2208, 299FBFDB-BE81-418A-B3C9-355EA1…)

>>500773Why do these girls think this is attractive.. I don’t understand stoner tumblr girl culture
No. 500821
File: 1518387641633.jpg (71.64 KB, 531x429, 4567.jpg)

What exactly can she do now that she couldn't do before? Be a fssw and bring random men home. Watch Shayna blossom into her dream of becoming a prostitute this yr!
>>500769This is where her "hair extension/broken tv/new camera/pink apt things" money has gone to… Funding her "THC/Cannabis allergy".
>>500784Shayna doesn't give a fuck. She's uneducated and uninformed. As long as it's aligned with her getting money, she's gonna jump on the bandwagon.
No. 500825
File: 1518388165699.jpg (167.06 KB, 809x897, 345.jpg)

her "findom" tag on her blog
No. 500826
File: 1518388185875.jpg (357.55 KB, 744x1628, 465.jpg)

No. 500827
File: 1518388198798.jpg (12.65 KB, 539x169, 3465.jpg)

No. 500866
Link to Full Length Video (pls have adblocker/antivirus on jic)
Bambie Doll - School Girl Suck & Fuck No. 500880
File: 1518392032316.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.22 MB, 3920x4408, 74r56t7.jpg)

Eww. She pussy fucked herself with the same dildo she just did dry anal with. No wonder why her sores never heal.
No. 500884
File: 1518392344754.jpg (158.84 KB, 1001x885, nudi783.jpg)

Such low stats. She definitely doesn't make anything by "camming". If you go thru her cam lifespan, she hasn't broke half minimum wage on average. That's truly pathetic. She solely relies on e-begging via tumblr.
No. 500890
File: 1518392791567.jpg (193.14 KB, 1029x1301, nudi784.jpg)

No. 500986
File: 1518399905774.jpg (99.11 KB, 551x541, 4589iuytr.jpg)

She needs a trigger warning to save her from horrible flashbacks of being grounded. lmfao. She asked people to untag bc it made her uncomfortable because it actually DID NOT happen.
No. 501034
File: 1518403993993.png (Spoiler Image,3.66 MB, 2208x1242, 3719780C-B3BA-41C3-A3C6-E84CFE…)

okay I lied, THIS is the funniest blowjob vid ever. (1/3)
No. 501036
File: 1518404020018.png (Spoiler Image,3.81 MB, 2208x1242, 798EB63E-8422-48BD-92E8-7A4F8D…)

No. 501037
File: 1518404060879.png (Spoiler Image,4.01 MB, 2208x1242, 413E2D49-F9A1-425F-9179-2A608B…)

she looks like she really enjoys it. lmao (3/3)
No. 501545
File: 1518458442702.png (1.86 MB, 750x1334, 29D571AE-CBE1-413E-879C-8B6CDC…)

No. 501546
File: 1518458454343.png (1.86 MB, 750x1334, 4AE17064-6A7E-418F-94F6-7911F3…)

No. 501548
File: 1518458467227.png (Spoiler Image,1.77 MB, 750x1334, 0487321D-440C-4DAA-971D-14B268…)

No. 501550
File: 1518458529429.png (Spoiler Image,1.78 MB, 750x1334, 047DBBAC-F7F4-49F4-A3EA-682B88…)

She tried to line up the holes with her clit then kept putting her hand over it.(spoiler images like this)
No. 501551
File: 1518458549175.png (Spoiler Image,1.33 MB, 750x1334, F3B6D526-18EF-4368-9C19-CCA6DA…)

No. 501552
File: 1518458562857.png (Spoiler Image,1.26 MB, 750x1334, 17DA70FE-8E27-4395-A8AE-51A424…)

No. 501554
File: 1518458615528.png (Spoiler Image,1.25 MB, 750x1334, EE454D9D-484E-4A45-92CD-8D2BEE…)

No. 501555
File: 1518458624945.png (Spoiler Image,1.28 MB, 750x1334, 2990ADD8-9EE2-4C37-A929-035E63…)

No. 501558
File: 1518459020583.png (296.54 KB, 750x1334, 4CC9CFCC-6213-4EFA-AA4D-C944AA…)

But all she ever does is use her wand and dry shove a glass dildo up her ass. Literally in every video. Tell me that’s not masturbating.
No. 501560
File: 1518459071184.png (452.28 KB, 750x1334, 3557D60E-5CC1-4B9E-94D4-B24A7F…)

we know sweaty we get the idea
No. 501564
File: 1518459264218.jpeg (60.75 KB, 750x501, 285DCEE1-7C91-492A-8880-BE0E4A…)

I wonder what games she’s into. Could you see her slaying dragons in skyrim or zapping mirelurks kek
No. 501813
>>501791that and when you’re wearing actual little girl pajamas that are significantly too small for you, you’re gonna rip the seams. you can even tell they’re too small, look how tightly stretched they are when her legs are barely stretched, and look how short they are on her, they’re basically like capris.
overly acidic pussy + not wearing panties + wearing clothes that are too small = the fabric wearing down and ripping seams. how glamorous.
No. 502120
File: 1518567109111.jpg (100.62 KB, 561x621, 7546909382.jpg)

Her "image"!? LMFAO! I bet you they finally saw what Shayna's pussy and ass really looked like, and noone wants to "penetrate" her. Can she even pass an STD test?
No. 502121
File: 1518567123003.jpg (40.22 KB, 248x395, 765.jpg)

No. 502132
File: 1518567991513.jpg (22.9 KB, 257x247, 678oi.jpg)

No. 502153
File: 1518568830270.jpeg (95.75 KB, 750x808, BE2B9839-3AB5-4573-BDBA-474723…)

This idiot always goes off about littlesativabug another ddlg scum. She even called her baby Hitler this summer and tried to make a thread About her and now she’s reblogging posts from her gf. How fucking stupid can she be.
No. 502337
File: 1518580773714.jpeg (427.02 KB, 1242x1427, 7AB7CEC3-1AAC-46FC-A81C-32D3E1…)

So… she’s supposed to be at school? Jerking off on her bed? With the wand again?
No. 502494
File: 1518597292560.jpg (23.29 KB, 512x254, 456788765.jpg)

I don't know what's worse her std virus ridden panties or the toys she never fucking cleans.
No. 502497
File: 1518597437637.jpg (54.41 KB, 526x347, 356.jpg)

No. 502501
File: 1518597649783.jpg (38.77 KB, 528x316, 3456.jpg)

So she's pansexual now guys. She only "labels" when it's beneficial to her. She's pansexual but she legit was in a 4 yr monogamous relationship where she leached off a guy and wasn't loyal to him. But she moves cross country for another guy, and cries abuse and says he's a bad partner bc she isn't his mono partner. LMFAO!
No. 502502
File: 1518597708064.jpg (23.81 KB, 529x245, 4567898.jpg)

Wasn't she just selling skype calls… for like 10x that price?
No. 502739
File: 1518630203085.jpeg (117.34 KB, 640x734, 7FBFA2DE-AA32-4070-AF44-3B0011…)

No. 502956
File: 1518645188904.jpg (62.83 KB, 265x611, 47485.jpg)

What her goals are.
No. 503230
>>503012Exactly. My best friend really got into the porn industry and when I asked her about herpes she basically said if you’re in porn herpes is a “when” not an “if.”
>>503013This! I shot a scene with 3 other girls and I literally found out the “plot,” attire and other 2 actresses the day of. More like the hour of, lol. The only girl I knew going in was because we drove there together!
No. 503849
>>503748It’s really not but even if you’re just a carrier and don’t have breakouts herpes is still damn contagious. but this is why a porn actor can go on a set having syphallis and no one questions it.
Like you said, she doesn’t have to worry about the std portion of it. she should be more worried about the exploitation that happens constantly to young new girls in the industry. they don’t give a fuck if you leave, that means they don’t have to pay you. They don’t give a fuck if you bad mouth them since you are no body. Shayna has no agent, no connections, and no common sense. I said above that I’m certain this scene is going to turn into a full on kidnap rape simulation, with oral and vaginal penetration.
No. 504808
File: 1518783751071.png (Spoiler Image,893.63 KB, 640x1136, CF9EF23A-EE53-4A35-A09D-42CF63…)

Yes Shay, that dark line in your butt complete with poorly placed heart speck looks so sexy. /s
No. 504825
File: 1518786886027.jpeg (Spoiler Image,48.39 KB, 540x257, 22BCA632-5D1E-4CB5-8B4D-F32297…)

Someone’s been watching too much drag race
No. 505382
File: 1518816416650.png (37.48 KB, 744x60, Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 4.20…)

No. 505384
File: 1518816457405.png (13.2 KB, 236x30, Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 4.25…)

2/2 reasons she should keep dumdolly
No. 505553
File: 1518825284665.jpg (165.65 KB, 530x876, dollymattel.jpg)

She's rebranding. A simple google search of "dumdolly" or any other names she uses pretty much explains why. She can't run away from the well documented disasters she made and caused herself. Noone will want to work with her with all the bullshit she comes with. Noone reputable will ever want to work with scum like that. But it's not like she even aimed at Playboy or anything like that. Her dream is to be a stripper in LA… only she'll have to dance further down the highway, out in "hole in the wall" clubs, just so she can feel like a princess competing w/ c-section scars and meth teeth getting splinters in their uneven floors instead of dancing at the better establishments with of the "hotter, younger, shorter, smaller" girls that are the stuff of her nightmares where she can't even afford to pay house or the housemom.
She doesn't understand any aspects of business. First this girl goes into sex work using the URL and account she's used in her personal life for 5+ years. The user name is actual birth name, but then cries because she doxes herself. Then she just copies popular exisiting names/urls because she lacks any originality. She can't even stay consistent in the names she chooses. She prides herself in being so business savvy, but she can't even manage to keep the spelling of her own name/brand consistent or correct.
>>504834Not sure as to the specifics Mattel has trademarked, but let her learn the hard way. Her new name makes her sound drag queen/ trans entertainer. I get she's going for some barbie-esque thing, but it sounds like shit.
No. 505562
File: 1518825700474.jpg (71.37 KB, 254x638, 6748j7f.jpg)

But yet she couldn't be bothered to spend money on getting her roots done professionally, so she ends up fucking it up herself(
>>490875 ,
>>490904 ) so now she has to wear that hideous wig.
Doesn't matter how much make up you buy, if you don't know how to apply it.
No. 505582
>>504899>>504839She doesn't realize, she's a dime a dozen. Her face is already below average. Her body is nothing special. The only positives she comes with is being WILLING be degraded and abused, hopefully that outweighs her disgusting vagina and anus. Regardless if it's an STD or what. Aesthetics wise, nobody wants to see that gross shit. I never understood why
she never understood the correlation of how someone's business looks down there to the money and business they attract & make. Like she legit has no shame.
That shit was something else when she was some tumblr hippie stoner that could attribute bad hygiene and not bathing to a fad. But she's moved on from that image a while ago, and this no shower/no bathing/ unkept shit is just bad business.
It's going to be a rude awakening when she realizes the volume of content she has to make vs the division of %'s. She's gonna have to pay for photog, studio, distribution etc. She's going to have to "compromise" her image just to be able to keep up.
No. 506103
>>505553God she is SO uncreative.
If she spent more than 10 minutes bainstorming doll related names she could have had.. so much fucking more and she's really limiting herself by having "dolly" in her name at all as well as by having it as her first name.
She could've gone with so much more shit that is catchy, less dragqueeny and fits the aesthetic she's trying to get
>moll doll>daisy dream girl>dixie dolle>polly-anne plaything>pixie plasticfuckign anything shayna come onnnn
imo combining the bimbo and doll aesthetic just isn't in her realm. she can't gracefully combine bimbo and doll-like "perfect" aesthetic with her weird baby play and puppy pissing everywhere schtick. she's a mess.
Shayna, pick a decent name, rebrand yourself properly, fucking wash yourself and scrub yourself and wash and dry your hair, invest in a good camera, watch more makeup tutorials and stop spelling like a retard. Even if she just reblogged doll-ish stuff and sex related shit with the odd hint of "uwu hurt me daddy" mixed in but kept it polished looking it'd be more put together fml i hate her nonexistent work ethic so much
No. 506531
File: 1518906111798.jpeg (96.47 KB, 750x887, A3B29DE7-315B-4079-B1A9-864B58…)

so idk if this is actually her but I found her on plenty o fish (1/4)
No. 506532
File: 1518906137023.png (118.24 KB, 750x1334, C413AA64-C8C8-4918-875D-35C3C4…)

No. 506535
File: 1518906167480.jpeg (127.9 KB, 750x695, 11BAFF74-2165-4104-B6AB-7D68FD…)

No. 506537
File: 1518906202869.jpeg (24.36 KB, 220x220, 5C0A6305-5F2C-40B5-8ECA-48DFAC…)

(4/4) that was the second and only two photos on the profile
No. 506539
File: 1518906265343.jpeg (158.85 KB, 750x889, DB2A1FE6-7BC1-47BA-8E0E-F7F3A8…)

Apparently her dad just got a huge new really nice house. She said she’s jelly on her snap. Do you think she’ll hang it all up to go live with her pops again?
No. 506542
File: 1518906416254.png (205.28 KB, 750x1334, 1F3B946C-DC62-404A-88B4-BF864A…)

Is that her admitting her whole image is a lie? A sham? Phony?
No. 506543
File: 1518906449527.png (681.63 KB, 750x1334, 4AE4D713-7EB6-4A9F-BFCE-A01D5B…)

Idk if this is accurate but found this too (1/2)
No. 506544
File: 1518906468268.png (153.12 KB, 750x1334, B3C20738-FA1E-47D4-B13E-2BAE7D…)

No. 506546
File: 1518906669323.jpeg (163.91 KB, 750x1011, D8DBD3C3-91AF-4482-B434-743252…)

Anyone know if this is a direct quote? Cause I can believe it. She just said people ask her every single time she goes to the nail salon how she does anything. She proudly responds with “I don’t” i couldnt imagine being her friend. I guess it would boost my self image knowing I couldn’t possibly be as dumb and stoop to such a level if I tried.
No. 506592
File: 1518910272632.png (374.56 KB, 750x1334, 15E7F2FB-1969-4D10-8D48-9AA185…)

the tags tho lololol
No. 506599
File: 1518910701944.jpg (158.36 KB, 936x838, 456u.jpg)

The hair she fried off by being cheap grew a little and she started curling them. Look ridiculous, but good job for mustering up some effort to do something with it.
No. 506609
File: 1518910978666.jpg (39.06 KB, 573x279, g7yt.jpg)

This is just fucking sad.
No. 506611
File: 1518911367100.jpg (29.19 KB, 609x225, fdeg.jpg)

Girl, you already know you're NOT a D cup. Depends on what kind of bra. Victorias Secret run very inconsistent! How tf does she not already know this? You've been wearing lingerie for how long?.. Most likely because she buys cheap ass shit from amazon that only give you a s,m,l option.
No. 506616
File: 1518911723712.jpg (69.45 KB, 534x412, vfr5tyh.jpg)

Maybe bc she's always the one causing drama and ending up having to put her foot in her mouth and embarrassing herself that of course she'd love to just forget about it. But people remember Shayna… She tries to pass it off as she's so chill and doesn't care for drama, when in reality it's just her not taking accountability and waiting for it to pass to add to her growing abyss of embarrassing, shameful, and fucked up shit she'd like to forget.
No. 506630
>>505815Anyone get any caps? Shayna always has super milky nights and vomits out some really sad shit about every 2 weeks. It's actually pretty pathetic and sad, and definitely makes you pitty her, but she ends up deleting it as soon as she sobers up and remembers being human isn't her aesthetic.
>>506539How much you wanna bet Shayna only went home to MA so she can ask her dad for $$ and furniture. Bc you know she's incapable of saving or spending her money on the appropriate items she said she'd spend it on in exchange for whatever gross shit she did for it.
She doesn't know anyone out in Seattle, so she's leaching and sucking the blood out of everyone she could possibly come in contact with back "home". Makes sense that her dad bought a bigger house, last time Shayna was in MA, she had to sleep on random people's couches most likely to avoid seeing her step sibling that she has nightmares, and has developed a "mean, brunette sister kink" about.
No. 506631
File: 1518912666369.jpg (Spoiler Image,166.47 KB, 1204x852, tgvuyge.jpg)

That face!
No. 506639
File: 1518913073192.jpg (34.41 KB, 542x269, fgbvc.jpg)

>>506609Read the tags! LOL!
No. 506648
File: 1518913761454.jpg (36.2 KB, 559x382, frt.jpg)

So her ex is abusive? She's been saying this for quite a while now. I wonder if there's any validity in it, or if it's just her being Shayna playing victim and pointing fingers.
No. 506676
File: 1518916176010.jpeg (127.28 KB, 1242x709, 72C5D372-8505-4A8F-9538-569549…)

>>506630Sadly I didn’t take any caps of the MV awards mini melt down. I’ll be more vigilant next time. She basically said it was awards night and she did her hair 6 times to distract herself and asked people to send her dog pics to help distract too. Then when she didn’t win, she deleted everything and kind of had a meltdown night.
I did catch this earlier that has since been deleted.
No. 506695
File: 1518917715294.png (5.96 KB, 299x282, huh.png)

she has some issues she needs to work out
No. 506811
File: 1518926214006.png (3.05 MB, 1242x2208, 0DACFABE-BF93-437A-AC72-ABE33E…)

What is the new hair choice though… it’s he worst of both worlds. Aka the wig + headband and the natural hair worlds.
No. 506956
File: 1518935503891.png (102.87 KB, 800x779, AC_Isabelle_7XU6aGu.17345b1513…)

>>506811Her hair looks like some kind of cosplay wig for this animal crossing character…
No. 506994
>>506975We don't ruin anything.
She ruins it herself. She still has the same tumblr she's had for the past 5 or 6 yrs. Her new name sounds weird. I don't think a lot of people will understand what she's going for. She sounds super white trash. She's probably going to keep changing names on other platforms once she fucks up and gets suspended or deleted again for not abiding terms of use.
>>506848the percentage of active followers for her is prob 30%. Having the same account for 6 yrs, a lot of those are definitely bots, inactive, etc. Out of that 30%, more than half is from her weed days that she subjected and forced her gross shit on to and stayed. The true count is her IG and her Twitter which is nothing.
No. 506998
File: 1518937989230.png (237.05 KB, 750x1334, E441C975-7A64-4A47-8D08-85A417…)

she likes to squish into a lot of things that don’t fit. Why bother starting at comfortable lingerie?
No. 507000
File: 1518938342707.jpg (Spoiler Image,212.29 KB, 934x1082, 74gbf8.jpg)

Is this the type of content she plans to do in March? Hmm.. Is this the site?
No. 507001
>>506998It's gonna look so trashy if she really gets pink everything. She already has cotton balls gracing her baseboards. This girl has NO class.
Just because it's all pink, doesn't mean it matches.
No. 507008
Could this be the site she's gonna shoot for in March? posted about it (
>>507000 )
It's also based in Seattle, WA.
No. 507254
File: 1518972408619.jpeg (Spoiler Image,125.64 KB, 1200x1200, DE549AD7-BEF0-4451-98A4-B28D12…)

she looks like a drugged out mess
No. 507328
File: 1518977371119.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.92 KB, 421x750, tumblr_p4cr3zPfyw1rmiw96o1_500…)

This photo and thought of her crotch makes me want to stay away from VS. She's so gross she probably didn't try it on over her underwear.
No. 507376
File: 1518980487865.jpg (63.75 KB, 583x529, srghb.jpg)

"anything helps since I cant work right now" ?
But she can meet up with randoms for food, drugs, and lingerie? She cams once a month, and her shitty porn has minimal effort and has 5 fade cuts max and a pan down title screen for editing. Lazzy af.
No. 507446
File: 1518983853907.jpeg (65.92 KB, 750x387, F9C5BAAE-965F-45A3-8AE2-CE1356…)

No. 507472
>>507369Sage for dumb but people try on panties?! I would never in a million years, sani thing or not. Bras yes, but panties? Hard pass
Knowing people like Shay do shit like this in dressing rooms makes me not want to try on ANY clothing ever again
No. 507512
File: 1518986950196.jpeg (347.63 KB, 1242x1173, BACEBBFE-3132-486C-B0FF-CB74D6…)

why does she always feel the need to mention her follower count?? congrats, you’re still broke
No. 507525
File: 1518988110360.jpg (Spoiler Image,223.6 KB, 1078x1651, IMG_20180218_160610.jpg)

She does not, in fact, wear her own nor provided sani panties. This is so disgusting.
No. 507531
File: 1518988384622.jpg (62.07 KB, 524x742, IMG_20180218_161211.jpg)

Idky but she totally reminds of cruella de ville here. Maybe with a couple of face lifts bit ya, her skin looks like stretched uncomfortably over face, not naturally.
No. 507817
File: 1519001048117.png (1.08 MB, 1798x1080, dsfdsfdsmom.png)

more on her "abusive mom"
No. 507830
File: 1519001280967.png (576.12 KB, 1612x1080, shay-gnarcam.png)

using her real name/ account name tied to her personal life with 5+ yrs of archives as her porn/cam/sexwork name.
No. 507839
File: 1519001567290.png (650.3 KB, 1698x1080, ed2.png)

her "ed"
No. 507840
File: 1519001589290.png (633.32 KB, 1632x1080, ed_2.png)

more on her "ed"
No. 507852
File: 1519002039730.png (705.39 KB, 1668x978, jess.png)

some anons from when she was fighting and talking shit about jess where she calls her a "pot smoking loser"
or "judy" as in judge judy, for being judgemental
Jess has had "peace love & empathy" written on her tumblr header for yrs.
No. 507854
File: 1519002065089.png (19.49 KB, 563x316, jess2.png)

jess's tumblr header
No. 507859
File: 1519002181929.jpeg (23.19 KB, 275x271, 9B04643F-452A-4556-91A3-78793E…)

>>507817So she got grounded?
No. 507865
>>507859Yep. that's her super traumatic abuse survivor childhood. For more "abusive mom" lulz:
>>494432 No. 508214
File: 1519021253887.jpg (Spoiler Image,109.45 KB, 622x1162, IMG_4748.JPG)

Can't believe she Already has a sex toy line
No. 508368
File: 1519048989395.png (592.64 KB, 640x1136, IMG_8008.PNG)

>>507376I know we've talked about how she has zero consistency regarding her pricing. Here's some proof. What is the price supposed to be for her Snapchat? Lmao.
No. 508956
File: 1519085381691.jpg (Spoiler Image,88.52 KB, 750x1334, tumblr_inline_p4f2e2bjmK1rbth7…)

Her face!
No. 508967
File: 1519085637909.jpg (31.59 KB, 266x274, tgd5.jpg)

She has another date with grandpa
No. 508976
File: 1519085897077.jpg (63.37 KB, 253x532, gty.jpg)

No. 509185
File: 1519098071427.jpg (74.97 KB, 627x452, sdfghjmnb.jpg)

because she's allergic to thc and all…
No. 509187
>>509130No clue, but she's been advertising this her twitter.
No. 509263
File: 1519106758186.jpeg (275.96 KB, 1242x652, 834B99C2-A315-4B54-8F28-E98D09…)

Tinfoiling probably but crownvetch laying down some Shay shade again? Post was in response to an anon asking a SW how much she makes. Those taaaags
No. 509276
File: 1519108278930.jpeg (51.51 KB, 640x480, B916C261-6C49-4226-97E8-DCC65A…)

>>509263Stop trying to make crownvetch happen
No. 509292
File: 1519109774213.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.3 KB, 572x504, erggf.jpg)

No. 509792
File: 1519162699184.jpg (52.08 KB, 612x612, df1ed8c774102ed858d666c7892437…)

>>509768the only doll you could say she looks like is Cynthia from rugrats
No. 510122
File: 1519178863107.jpeg (132.13 KB, 750x684, E8E12A20-3CDF-4D3F-85E2-D4758E…)

Holy yikes her hair and she’s wearing uggs with this outfit barf
No. 510138
File: 1519179795116.png (249.65 KB, 281x504, hm.png)

>>509292>>509467What a cute twink
No. 510208
File: 1519183455613.png (2.7 MB, 1242x2208, EF44B550-8876-416D-8592-282242…)

Please. For the love of all that is holy. Go watch this video before she deletes it. I’ve never heard her voice before. This is… a lot to process.
No. 510216
File: 1519184104712.gif (Spoiler Image,4.37 MB, 421x750, DE7CE43A-C61F-4D78-8AA8-4CF8EF…)

shake ya ass
No. 510218
File: 1519184190784.gif (10.4 MB, 421x750, 0AA61E04-605B-4FF1-92CE-C2A482…)

No. 510246
>>510208I am uncomfortable.
Can some anon better than me save this?
No. 510262
File: 1519187659751.jpg (Spoiler Image,922.48 KB, 2812x5000, Untitled.jpg)

So unfortunate
No. 510287
File: 1519189693082.jpeg (470.01 KB, 1242x1795, 338DA38A-16D0-4299-B2B4-8C0481…)

Where to start here even…
1) what rope class has someone getting put in a cage during?
2) that “class she demo’d for” was well after the first time she went on a date with/played with him in his basement..
3) just because someone is a teacher doesn’t mean they’re safe
4) doesn’t she constantly get fucked over by people… where was intuition then?
And finally not even gonna touch the random sidenote because wtf
No. 510347
File: 1519193049922.jpeg (245.3 KB, 750x1119, 6D1EBDCA-1CF3-48EB-936C-A31114…)

No one wants to touch that vagina
No. 510372
File: 1519195529280.jpg (Spoiler Image,165.22 KB, 903x1011, fhgj.jpg)

pretty positions where he can't see your face.
No. 510377
File: 1519195841257.jpg (54.55 KB, 500x456, tumblr_p4h9pmuDTc1rmiw96o1_500…)

God those curly pieces around her face…
No. 510380
File: 1519195948789.jpg (396.18 KB, 1434x1280, fhgj2.jpg)

No. 510574
File: 1519223109986.png (3.33 MB, 750x1334, 19807D89-63CE-43EF-8AC7-C48410…)

Her roots are so bad that her fringe looks clipped on LOL
No. 510575
File: 1519223184166.png (2.74 MB, 750x1334, C5E18AA8-32BF-493C-9149-9640E7…)

also paused on this moment and I don’t think I’ve ever felt more uncomfortable by someone who is supposed to be ‘sexy’
No. 510806
File: 1519240464570.jpg (9.88 KB, 248x313, shaygnar.jpg)

>>510122reminds me of this.
No. 510867
File: 1519244711132.jpg (550.43 KB, 2528x2704, fgbv.jpg)

>>510575 video is so awkward, everything about it is just pure cringe. Especially with it captioned "i think i looked rly cute yesterday". The way she talks in her fake voice, and what she is actually saying. It's not cute or bimbo-y like she intends to, she just sounds fucking stupid. She's been doing this for years now, yet she looks awful, her hair looks dirty and dingy, does she really think curling the pieces she fried off is an
improvement? I mean I guess they at least sort of hide her wrinkles, but not those huge bags under her eyes. She looks late 30's. The only thing saving her are her "chipmunk cheeks" she wants to get plastic surgery on. The poses she does and the awkward ways she holds herself and all her body movements in attempt to cute are so uncomfortable and cringe. But nothing beats those faces and the chin and neck pudge! Yikes!
No. 510898
File: 1519246810938.jpeg (329.75 KB, 1200x900, 708530F5-7063-48FF-9535-03D169…)

>>510867She looks like Bea Arthur in the fucking Golden Girls, omfg.
No. 510902
>>510575She could spend tens of thousands on her face and nothing is going to change. Her eyes alone age her up twenty years.
Girl is rugged.
No. 510904
>>510867She looks like a suburban mom of four in the seventies, scrambling for the last Valium in the bottom of her purse. Lay off the smokes, holy shit.
Shayna, real talk. This look does you no favors and it is not cute. You look like a fifty year old.
No. 510912
File: 1519248158610.jpg (Spoiler Image,291.35 KB, 1920x1080,…)

Screen cap from Bambie Doll - The Puppy Princess
No. 510972
File: 1519252708900.jpeg (166.88 KB, 1242x660, 41EC240E-B156-474F-87BC-A4B949…)

She’s super duper gay again guys just remember. maybe next week she’ll be super into old men again.
No. 511043
File: 1519261031945.png (3.72 MB, 1242x2208, B085047C-B006-4961-8818-9AC854…)

Just needed to post a zoom here. Shay is serving Aly level wings, with some seemingly crunchy Luna hair. Magnificent.
No. 511195
File: 1519275954081.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 1242x1439, 77E188E5-690A-49D3-A13A-F34493…)

Ok but. Does she legit not have a bed? This is just the same place on the floor she keeps shooting on…
No. 511412
File: 1519313669853.jpg (Spoiler Image,62.98 KB, 333x400, joliearmDM3010_468x563.jpg)

>>510912I hope the dark streaks on her vag are just regrown hairs and not veins
No. 511726
File: 1519336650077.jpeg (492.71 KB, 1242x853, 2647143F-0FAB-4074-981B-DD2F5D…)

If she looks this rachet with a filter, imagine how she looks without it
No. 511781
File: 1519339855586.jpg (21.05 KB, 300x300, 02_nimoy_sq-d9fd4e8c2f72fba47b…)

>>511726dear god shayna why
No. 511919
>>511564Wow! Did anyone get a cap of this? Did she mention what those 3 incidents were? Shayna got caught and called out for her stories being inconsistent, she dropped the whole subject for a while, and now she's saying it's 3 different things possibly to help dig her out of her previous lies and inconsistencies… but people remember Shayna.
Makes sense why she'd delete it.
>>511772Those aren't clip on bangs, those are the pieces of hair she fried off and fell out that she started curling.
No. 512017
File: 1519351763519.jpg (135.09 KB, 599x933, hgn.jpg)

So she was a tumblr pot smoking hipster, then she was hospitalized and told everyone she was allergic to weed. Then her ass got dumped and she started smoking weed again… Then she found a guy who didn't want her smoking (when she was making posts about mr man/mr big) so she stopped "allergies again". Now that her ass got cheated on and dumped again, she's back to not having it. So fucking inconsistent.
She was broke, people sent her money for her hair/tv/apartment, and outta nowhere she starts buying tons of pot. But yet none of the items she said she was gonna get with it. She's a lying sack of shit.
No. 512098
>>512087Thanks a lot anon. I'm spooked
I'm hoping it's the filter doing this?
No. 512173
>>512087>>512098Shayna has always had long alien man hand fingers. She used to talk about it a lot, why she always gets manicures, she says she's really insecure of how her hands and fingers look without it.
starts at 1:03 to end No. 512180
File: 1519359770648.png (1.09 MB, 1280x800, jf38ghf.png)

>>512173Screen cap from this vid of the freakishly long man fingers
No. 512187
File: 1519360177960.jpeg (400.82 KB, 1242x1516, 7A0A389B-142E-45F9-90D3-EF94E3…)

Good god.
No. 512191
File: 1519360323207.jpg (Spoiler Image,147.34 KB, 1280x719, 1.jpg)

I'm gonna be the first to say, she has a mullet. the state of her hair is tragic.
No. 512193
File: 1519360437189.jpg (Spoiler Image,151.1 KB, 1280x719, 2.jpg)

2/2 She also had fried hair fall out in chunks at the bottom of her head too
No. 512258
>>512230>>512224>>512216They are pieces that broke off from doing her hair herself in attempt to save money. Explains why she wears that particular type of head band, there's breakage everywhere. These following posts chronicle her hair problem. She also begged people and set up fund for money to get extensions. Then spent the money on weed and pink shit from amazon.
how hair broke off and asking for money
>>490875 cheap wig, first post she says she feels confident in after frying her hair
>>490879people making fun of her
>>490882pics of breakage
>>490904more pics
>>490906>>490908>>490913 No. 512267
File: 1519365457526.jpg (25.03 KB, 517x271, rtyjh.jpg)

she wants to be someones trophy wife and a stepmom to his kids around her age
No. 512276
File: 1519366239375.jpg (Spoiler Image,350.17 KB, 977x1461, fry.jpg)

Yep, even the bottom of the back broke off, not just the pieces around her face. She did go to a salon professionally a little while after and they tried fixing what they could, like trimming it so it at least grows evenly.
No. 512285
File: 1519366654838.jpg (379.43 KB, 505x1088, fried.jpg)

Close up
No. 512303
File: 1519368021254.jpg (224.28 KB, 719x1280, tumblr_p4lbm4kjE41rmiw96o1_128…)

her current apartment set up she calls her "studio"
No. 512304
>>512303So did her dressers and bedframe belong to her old roomate? Even the mattress?!? This girl doesn't even have a blow up mattress? She legit sleeps on the floor…
but you brag about making 55k a year? LMFAO!!!!!!!!
No. 512334
File: 1519372466464.jpg (87.77 KB, 504x455, rtghb.jpg)

asking for money to boy childhood toys… when she doesn't even own a mattress
No. 512335
File: 1519372507423.jpg (37.22 KB, 521x340, ertyhj.jpg)

more inconsistencies with prices and promotions
No. 512378
File: 1519380635174.png (102.35 KB, 944x1207, 1506629428414.png)

>>512087>>512173>>512180Anyone remember the time she said she used to get made fun of for having "tiny hands"…
No. 512383
>>512335Only $5 per video? Her prices keep dropping lower and lower, they can't get any cheaper than this.
>>512303>>512304>>512320>>512326What has me dying is that she put her watermark on it as if someone is going to steal this photo to use as their own.
No. 512409
>>512378That's just her trying to convince herself that she has small hands.
She's a hypocrisy queen.
No. 512655
File: 1519411109074.png (62.64 KB, 255x520, Screen Shot 2018-02-23 at 1.37…)

No. 512656
File: 1519411140470.png (49.91 KB, 255x371, Screen Shot 2018-02-23 at 1.38…)

No. 512847
File: 1519423330251.jpeg (156.52 KB, 1242x516, EE932AEE-CC23-44BE-8789-2D4152…)

Confirmed: she has no furniture
No. 512896
File: 1519427863419.jpg (Spoiler Image,177.81 KB, 719x1280, tumblr_p4mkmqTfIK1rmiw96o1_128…)

Either that's an unflattering shadow or a stain on her shirt right over her tit. It makes it look like she has massive nipple under there. Don't even get me started on this hairstyle.
No. 512974
>>512655HA! she deleted this!
It's because she lies and presents this facade that she's some bad bitch that really wants "to be in a cage while I watch my gf fuck other guys". She legit said that, the couple weeks before her arival, and during, she kept putting out that her fantasy was to be put in a corner and tormented by watching others, and to be "used and abused". Shayna, stop lying. Stop playing victim now because you're the one who put everything into play.
No. 512979
>>512896 Her clothes are so fucking CHEAP! That hair!
oh and this was her "gf" No. 512990
>>512896Her shoes being all over her makeshift bed bothers me more than it should. Why doesn't she take them off when she gets inside so she doesn't ruin her carpeting?
Also anon, I think that is her nipple, not a stain.
No. 513223
An old clip from a cam session when she still had the bush.
(please have adblock/antivirus on jic)
11 mins 51 sec video is kinda sad and pathetic. You can tell she wasn't getting tipped. The way she looks into her computer screen waiting for someone to do something while she edges makes you pitty her. She's always made dumb faces, but they at least looked genuine. Now the faces she makes are so dumb and fake and completely unappealing.
No. 513230
File: 1519463444961.jpg (Spoiler Image,300.08 KB, 1645x1237, shayna_naked_ribmeat.jpg)

Shayna nude on cam with her cat Ribmeat. Isn't it against rules to cam naked with animals? There were pics of her with a dog before
No. 513233
File: 1519463983458.jpg (Spoiler Image,466.74 KB, 1640x1840, shayna_naked_ass_plug_with_cat…)

More pics of Shayna on cam naked with Ribmeat
Shayna naked doing human pretzel while drinking wine next to her cat
No. 513329
File: 1519486003311.jpeg (370.58 KB, 1242x855, 3D4F1D4B-CF0E-4FE1-AA66-FE8AC5…)

Idk if this is about us here but Shay, if you read this: Get your life together and people would probably leave you alone. Take care of your health, your vagina, your hair, everything. Take pride in your work and your appearance. Grow up. This isn’t high school and you’re not being picked on for being some outcast or nerd. Some people here actually feel bad for you and want to help you improve.
No. 513370
>>513329Awwww! Pussy Boil Barbie is mad that we don't like her tacky "retro" strung out crack baby aesthetic?
Get over yourself Shayna. Nobody feels sorry for someone who has deliberately acted the way you have and then expects positive attention.
No. 513419
File: 1519493214628.jpg (74.21 KB, 545x445, yhg.jpg)

No. 513422
File: 1519493618907.jpg (269.43 KB, 1252x1440, rg.jpg)

Missing a nail and look how dirty and disgusting her sleeve is. I doubt she's washed that hoodie since she got it a couple weeks ago.
No. 513425
>>51322311:40 “I don’t really care what you want me to do, just pay me”
Plus you can hear her real voice
No. 513431
someone wanted her to get in a thong when she was already naked?? poor girl
No. 513451
>>513438Those look more like glue on nails because the entire thing came off
>>513422I really just can't deal with her shitty bangs and this 50s music she's listening to and this whole bimbo rockabilly aesthetic she's trying to morph into. My guess is she's trying to appease this old geezer she's been seeing lately
No. 513803
File: 1519524033586.png (1.69 MB, 1242x2208, 85D96B34-3DC6-4E12-9251-D65838…)

Once again. Stellar priorities.
No. 514020
File: 1519547820387.jpg (41.69 KB, 253x353, sdfg.jpg)

under trance with grandpa
No. 514021
File: 1519547849697.jpg (82.33 KB, 263x749, dg.jpg)

No. 514022
File: 1519547860313.jpg (30.19 KB, 256x412, df.jpg)

No. 514462
File: 1519600496983.png (Spoiler Image,868.88 KB, 1136x640, IMG_6684.PNG)

She's currently on cam for the first time in her new studio apartment/dog kennel
No. 514493
File: 1519602032198.jpg (15.22 KB, 391x35, Untitled.jpg)

gets called out for tiny smokes. lol even as a tumblr store qween, Shayna always got called out for her shitty smoking vids and not inhaling enough
No. 514496
File: 1519602307316.jpg (155.16 KB, 851x635, Untitled2.jpg)

i meant *stoner qween. this is her tip menu. i've already clicked off 3 times bc of hotter girls available. and shayna is sitting with her dirty foot's heel shoved up to her vagina. cringe.
No. 514503
File: 1519602540445.jpg (Spoiler Image,537.81 KB, 1076x900, Untitled3.jpg)

No. 514506
File: 1519602863190.jpg (Spoiler Image,569.03 KB, 1077x878, Untitled4.jpg)

k ive had enogh, noones tipped her, n shes boring
No. 514509
File: 1519603119009.jpeg (Spoiler Image,376.47 KB, 750x816, F27E7389-64B8-427B-9462-C89373…)

No. 514514
File: 1519603639406.jpg (Spoiler Image,419.41 KB, 1042x728, vg.jpg)

No. 514520
File: 1519603878379.jpg (Spoiler Image,438.1 KB, 1048x747, c.jpg)

No. 514522
File: 1519604054691.png (Spoiler Image,325.62 KB, 518x455, Screenshot 2018-02-25 at 6.11.…)

snapchatting "daddy" about how she needs her cunt waxed.
No. 514524
File: 1519604076478.png (Spoiler Image,318.49 KB, 514x427, Screenshot 2018-02-25 at 6.10.…)

No. 514528
File: 1519604218286.png (Spoiler Image,316.99 KB, 495x436, Screenshot 2018-02-25 at 6.16.…)

No. 514552
File: 1519605300646.png (Spoiler Image,287.89 KB, 476x348, Screenshot 2018-02-25 at 6.34.…)

No. 514629
File: 1519609648206.png (Spoiler Image,634.2 KB, 1136x640, IMG_6732.PNG)

She had laid back for a minute and this is probably what bedtime looks like
No. 514984
File: 1519657218696.jpg (Spoiler Image,142.31 KB, 719x1280, tumblr_p4ri0a76n61rmiw96o1_128…)

Looking worse than usual. It's clear she's not getting any quality sleep on the floor
No. 515037
File: 1519662158033.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.73 KB, 539x960, IMG_8046.JPG)

Her tits look so baggy……she's going downhill so fast.
No. 515074
File: 1519665379167.png (Spoiler Image,586.75 KB, 806x603, Screen Shot 2018-02-26 at 12.1…)

Her too small bra because she had to get it in white and not blue/gray
No. 515101
>>515090I agree, her tits are the only good thing about
But lolcow likes to bash her tits like they do with all tits, since tits are the easiest thing to bash because unless a woman has plastic surgery, no woman will have perfect tits
She probably has the best natural tits out of all the other lolcows, except maybe mystery but I'm pretty sure mystery has had plastic surgery
No. 515213
File: 1519674895719.jpg (48.98 KB, 543x477, njj.jpg)

So now her vibrator is "broken" just like her tv. She needs to come up with new tricks.
No. 515214
File: 1519675116414.jpg (58.42 KB, 607x560, njj2.jpg)

The vibrator she never cleaned and stored with her shoes
No. 515222
>>515096Compare it to the way this one
>>506811fits where her titties aren't smushed at all. For someone who hates bras, she should get one that fits right.
No. 515228
File: 1519676226198.png (154.09 KB, 433x735, Screen Shot 2018-02-26 at 3.15…)

No. 515318
>>515310Knowing her she’ll probably shoot 3 in one night, post them all in one day with sloppy editing and then come up with an excuse as to why she can’t make the last two.
“The bad dragon hasn’t arrived yet :(“
“I got really depressed”
“Im a stupid baby what do you expect”
No. 515343
File: 1519684610241.png (96.35 KB, 257x682, Screen Shot 2018-02-26 at 5.33…)

No. 515347
File: 1519685029077.png (Spoiler Image,506.93 KB, 453x800, Screen Shot 2018-02-26 at 5.35…)

Her gag that is too loose. She mentioned in her cam show yesterday she is going to have grandpa add another hole with his leather hole punch so she can wear it tighter.
No. 515467
>>515118Her body isn't BAD, but the thing that frustrates me to no end is that she has the potential to have an AMAZING body if she would fucking exercise. It's not like anything is stopping her
Her arms are looking massive though. Munchies?
No. 515564
>>515487? workout clips?
1) she doesn't even work out
2) who the fuck would want to look like her
3) she can't even sell her existing porn and rarely musters up any effort to make new ones
No. 515669
File: 1519716461839.jpeg (127.5 KB, 640x327, 61F81981-8CDD-4222-93F2-E1DCC4…)

I thought she said she wasn’t doing penetration in her video shoot?
No. 515671
>>514516Maybe rapid weight gain is due to pregnancy? Probably not the case, but I'm surprised nobody else suggested this. Has she talked about ever using condoms?? We know she doesn't see an obgyn so I doubt she's on birth control.
Sage for speculation
No. 515739
File: 1519726177259.jpg (86.2 KB, 541x640, rtyt.jpg)

Yep. She's definitely shooting with
https://lovinglyhandmadepornography.comother clues (
>>507000 ,
>>507008 )
No. 515789
File: 1519737028938.jpg (20.11 KB, 303x309, 0920 - vWIEGvF.jpg)

>hot steel rod shoved up my assshay please love yourself.
No. 515900
File: 1519749348162.jpg (194.23 KB, 535x1169, sdf.jpg)

Wow… just wow.
Shayna's such a hypocrite. Is she even capable of logical thought? She's always so quick to vomit half thought out opinions that contradicts everything she does/says.
No. 515906
File: 1519749561598.jpg (85.04 KB, 532x610, hs.jpg)

Her talking shit about some people from highschool
No. 515907
File: 1519749795367.jpg (49.44 KB, 505x381, hgr.jpg)

Begging for money as usual… lol for a pedicure. Has she even gotten a mattress yet?
No. 515990
File: 1519756823481.png (241.38 KB, 532x471, Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at 1.33…)

I know this is just part of what she does and not any different than the children's clothes, toys, etc, but it just is really bothersome that she would reblog an image of what are obviously little girls' shoes on her NSFW blog amidst all her porn.
No. 515994
File: 1519757010966.png (31.27 KB, 503x178, Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at 1.43…)

No. 516009
>>516006except she does the same thing. She has posted pics of dudes that have been known to be sexually abusive, with captions like “Daddy please?” “I’ll be a quiet good girl, you can hurt me” and shit like that.
She has no place to speak on the subject when she herself fantasizes about traumatic situations like rape, and has talked about how much she enjoys it. She thinks it’s okay for her to do it because it’s part of her “brand” so it’s okay for HER, but it’s bad when others do it. She’s a fucking liar.
No. 516011
>>516006she’s also mentioned scenarios, quite often, where she is drugged. once the person is unconscious, weather from alcohol or drugs or otherwise, they cannot consent. That means the scene is over OR if the other person continues its actual rape. She condones that, and has made posts before about how she WANTS that.
She needs to shut her fucking mouth and think before she speaks.
No. 516350
File: 1519783198265.png (Spoiler Image,79.33 KB, 523x258, hvr7f89er.png)

Posts so far about how her shoot today went
No. 516364
>>516354She admitted here
>>474767 that she does not get off on sex, she gets off on pain and attention
No. 516649
File: 1519814637134.jpg (137.96 KB, 526x481, cvv.jpg)

No. 516650
File: 1519814668544.jpg (60.2 KB, 527x216, fg.jpg)

No. 516777
File: 1519834682597.jpg (171.69 KB, 522x856, shayasgf.jpg)

She has a gf
No. 516782
File: 1519834905992.jpg (54.41 KB, 511x391, dfgb.jpg)

No. 516783
File: 1519834929958.jpg (19.8 KB, 269x281, hg.jpg)

She deleted this already idk why
No. 516792
File: 1519835512467.png (Spoiler Image,900.71 KB, 1021x801, Screenshot_2018-02-28-08-32-05…)

No. 516851
File: 1519839234215.gif (420.68 KB, 220x224, 1FDE950D-2BF8-44D5-9C00-C0D376…)

Hey Shay,
No. 516873
File: 1519841065123.png (25.89 KB, 258x193, Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 1.03…)

She is on a roll today with these creative stories of scenarios that never happened
No. 516882
File: 1519841986883.png (655.85 KB, 984x680, Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 1.18…)

No. 517017
File: 1519851328714.jpeg (185 KB, 1242x644, 58A5C8F2-D7F7-4B5B-8F08-52AE9E…)

Doesn’t that make the check void. like isn’t blue or black ink only a thing. Shayna you’re paying bills you don’t need to Barbie-fy it.
No. 517104
File: 1519856153348.jpeg (280.1 KB, 750x1181, C7CD6B0C-C4BF-416E-ADAA-5ABA58…)

Is this her new gf?
No. 517149
File: 1519859838918.gif (Spoiler Image,1.76 MB, 400x400, tumblr_oxu3anylKI1te7edjo2_400…)

Shayna's "gf" for anons who are curious
No. 517194
File: 1519862755683.png (18.9 KB, 260x159, Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 7.05…)

lmao shayna thinks that since they don't sell pink vacuums on amazon that they just don't exist
No. 517203
File: 1519863311525.jpg (6.75 KB, 225x225, STUPID BITCH SMH.jpg)

>>517194she's fucking retarded
No. 517246
>>517226I could be wrong but I think Jess works at a fast food chain and lives with her boyfriend so this
>>515906 is probably not specifically about her, but Shayna does definitely consider Jess to be one of her peasant ex-friends from high school though.
No. 517301
normally shayna would die at any opp to blab about her tol hot mean brunette gf~~ but now she isn't, I can't help but feel bad for the girl
No. 517321
File: 1519871875869.png (Spoiler Image,97.95 KB, 527x455, Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 9.33…)

In the first ask here Shayna is describing the unique experience of having a hot steel rod shoved up her ass! She also confirmed who she shot the porn with.
The next ask she is saying her girlfriend has been involved with her for a little while now, possibly more as a friend before.
No. 517360
>>517321We already knew that. They had a creepy AF interaction on her tumblr (posted above) already. More importantly, how often is she going to say sexual things made her feel like she was going to pee? Cuz that’s x2 in 24 hours. Shay do you have a UTI?
And seriously feeling bad for this GF now. Not one mention? After a year? Even when telling full lewd stories?
No. 517384
File: 1519876467330.jpeg (109.71 KB, 639x662, 4938EBB5-5C55-46E0-96CD-EEC3C2…)

Sounds like fun, Shay. I love that she subjects herself to this shit because she deserves to get treated like garbage
No. 517453
File: 1519881769207.jpg (75.3 KB, 533x542, tg.jpg)

No. 517473
File: 1519882601220.jpg (137.06 KB, 1334x750, DXI8Rb2UQAEqLF6.jpg)

No. 517477
File: 1519882944972.jpg (35.93 KB, 680x283, dgf.jpg)

Her Instagram got deleted again. Unless she changed her name.
No. 518319
File: 1519957694265.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.34 MB, 1242x1822, 4BD4A7F0-38DB-471F-A84D-F50C43…)

Shibari sperg anon here again and as usual I can’t stand this. Great description of tying a futomomo there Shay. Refreshing to see a glass toy, gagged, self spanking, pink filled video. Wait….
No. 518350
>>518319that’s not how you tie a futo, shay.
in the preview she sounds super tired and kind of high tbh. but it’s just her usual routine. and there’s like 14 seconds of preview in the beginning where it’s just frozen on a frame??
No. 518378
File: 1519962776589.jpeg (887.77 KB, 1242x894, 338A54D9-E8DF-441E-9240-D6F59C…)

girl, put on some undereye concealer, some mascara on your lower lashes, and some eyeliner on your waterline. you look tired, drugged out, and basic AF.
No. 518390
File: 1519963589258.png (Spoiler Image,1.28 MB, 1280x800, rv7e8.png)

No. 518406
File: 1519964704171.png (Spoiler Image,334.59 KB, 503x603, Screen Shot 2018-03-01 at 11.2…)

That's a very imaginative story Shayna but it would have been way better if you said you told him you couldn't get to the door because you were a little tied up. Maybe next time.
No. 518446
File: 1519968100542.jpeg (Spoiler Image,252.94 KB, 1242x1602, C01343F1-2307-4C2E-89FD-7E0EFC…)

At least her vag looks like it’s healing… maybe? Kind of?
But yeah yet again. Gag. Glass toy in ass. Paddling. Vibrator. Same story. Shay please switch it up.
No. 518448
File: 1519968162520.jpeg (Spoiler Image,292.49 KB, 1242x1925, F208807C-54D1-4A05-8866-27EE1E…)

Is looking drugged/fucked up the goal? I just….
No. 518511
File: 1519976915958.png (Spoiler Image,338.57 KB, 429x752, Screenshot_2018-03-01-23-48-03…)

And also couldn't resist
No. 518826
File: 1520014302689.png (Spoiler Image,260.67 KB, 430x323, lawl.png)

No. 518829
File: 1520014424696.png (134.73 KB, 187x353, Screen Shot 2018-03-02 at 1.12…)

>>518826Comments about her blow job skills
No. 518913
File: 1520021882166.jpeg (162.33 KB, 750x1305, FBE4E26F-EABB-4D53-8DE4-C3F4A2…)

has anyone taken a look at her custom prices? No wonder she makes no money.
No. 518915
File: 1520021926168.jpeg (112.2 KB, 750x1289, 27DC0D52-F8FE-4852-8A4C-F3325B…)

No. 518918
File: 1520022197663.jpeg (120.98 KB, 750x1294, 9E6BC10B-F342-461E-863A-715804…)

Without having any of her extras, for a 15 minute video, for my eyes only, and to get in a reasonable time (one week) it’ll cost $200. Like who in their right mind!?! (3/3)
No. 519281
File: 1520049580748.jpeg (131.34 KB, 1242x637, E1A2502B-786A-48B6-B296-BE72DE…)

Shay if you read this we don’t want to exile you we just want you to GROW UP. Improve. Take care of yourself. Be an adult. Own your work and your “business”. If you turned your shit around people here would genuinely be happy for you! These posts are more frequent now. Rock bottom is coming. Pick it up and turn it around girl. find yourself.
No. 519284
File: 1520049674235.jpeg (116.66 KB, 1242x471, CE00E037-FA55-4DA3-A883-9B9C46…)

Another tip: stop wasting money on delivery ice cream and pink shit on amazon. Act like you care about your body. It’s literally your job. Buy a proper bed! They’re not that expensive and you need to start getting ACTUAL sleep.
No. 519475
File: 1520075139375.png (45.5 KB, 256x347, Screen Shot 2018-03-02 at 8.43…)

>>519281>>519284She posted this (pic-related) last night as well and then deleted it before making those other two posts
No. 519503
File: 1520082840593.jpg (Spoiler Image,243.27 KB, 1068x1428, dollymattel_herpes_mystery_sor…)

She definitely uses a filter. It comes as an option in the mac editor on her laptop. You can tell it's lightened more and very low contrast to give a "bloom" effect and hide flaws, blemishes, and in her case her sores on her vagina
No. 519505
File: 1520082908045.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.64 MB, 3825x2709, dollymattel_gross_pussy_diseas…)

Here's caps from "naughty naptime". Filter on/Off
No. 519506
File: 1520083014858.jpg (Spoiler Image,218.85 KB, 961x1325, naturallight.jpg)

natural light, and her other vids she didn't use a filter on, you can clearly see what she vagina really looks like. You can still see how bad it is with the filter, but it isn't as bad as without it.
No. 519507
File: 1520083090019.jpg (Spoiler Image,837.64 KB, 1961x3289, 1517390523636.jpg)

no filter, anal bitch cap
No. 519508
File: 1520083114373.jpg (Spoiler Image,927.18 KB, 1924x3252, 1517390314019.jpg)

no filter anal bitch cap 2
No. 519509
File: 1520083150942.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 1936x3256, 1517390241761.jpg)

no filter anal bitch cap 3
No. 519512
File: 1520083410267.jpg (Spoiler Image,908.17 KB, 1665x980, nofilterwith.jpg)

i fucked your dad with filter.
No. 519517
File: 1520083883437.jpg (Spoiler Image,863.23 KB, 1832x2000, 9883774773.jpg)

If you look and compare her videos, it's obvious which ones she used a filter on.
It looks like the videos she filmed in natural light or day light in her room are the ones where her privates looked the worst, you can tell she started using the effect to lighten it up and lower the contrast. But you can still see the texture in different angles, or if you adjust the contrast, you see what it really looked like before.
No. 519521
File: 1520084481688.jpg (Spoiler Image,356.71 KB, 1902x1080, gothgrl.jpg)

different brighter lighting, Goth Girl.
No. 519528
File: 1520085364775.png (286.37 KB, 790x314, shayna.png)

No. 519543
File: 1520086814596.jpg (Spoiler Image,239.67 KB, 1550x1024, summerpartybarbie.jpg)

natural light summer party barbie
No. 519662
File: 1520097107891.png (172.86 KB, 500x705, Screen Shot 2018-03-03 at 12.1…)

No. 519663
File: 1520097128935.png (56.7 KB, 258x481, Screen Shot 2018-03-03 at 12.1…)

No. 519665
File: 1520097147463.png (68.39 KB, 790x234, Screen Shot 2018-03-03 at 12.1…)

No. 519687
File: 1520098715697.png (19.07 KB, 258x197, Screen Shot 2018-03-03 at 12.3…)

Always looking for some ca$h
No. 519688
File: 1520098748443.png (39.54 KB, 261x372, Screen Shot 2018-03-03 at 12.3…)

No. 519689
File: 1520098761916.png (84.66 KB, 506x390, Screen Shot 2018-03-03 at 12.3…)

No. 519690
File: 1520098815798.png (41.22 KB, 264x449, Screen Shot 2018-03-03 at 12.3…)

No. 519800
>>519689>someone full of happiness & positivity & love & lightShe is fucking delusional if she thinks that’s how she comes across. I don’t even hate on her because of her atrocious self care, I just think she’s nasty af as a human being. Go start drama with someone, Shayna, like you do almost every single day, catty bitch, and then come crying about how meaaaan everyone is.
She needs to get off tumblr and focus on building her amazing porno brand. Just fuck off.
No. 519813
>>519690It’s always someone else’s fault in Shayna’s world. It’s always someone else’s fault that YOU didn’t get YOUR work done. It’s always someone else’s fault that YOU missed YOUR deadline. It’s always someone else’s fault you’re feeling the way you do, it’s always someone else’s fault and problem that YOURE broke.
Grow the fuck up shayna.
No. 519899
File: 1520117844721.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1739, 10F0633A-ED77-4901-BC0C-F4DA0B…)

Wait was this on her list of “to-do” shoots? Or did she actually take advice from us? Also note how she’s tagging things with “sugar baby” and “sugar bowl” now. Hoping someone finds her that way? Unlikely…
No. 519901
File: 1520117914944.jpeg (286.02 KB, 1242x1194, 9899E4D2-C614-442C-8AF6-B36933…)

This is def the person you wanna get workout tips from 😂 show me how to get that hank hill ass and the skinny fat look, shay!
No. 519927
File: 1520118812106.jpeg (283.17 KB, 975x517, E23DA4E1-14EB-4B9A-95CD-76C40A…)

No. 520033
File: 1520128906922.jpg (151.96 KB, 517x629, Untitled.jpg)

trying to post badly angled pics to trick people into thinking you have an ass. good try.
No. 520038
File: 1520129026455.png (31.32 KB, 99x133, Screen Shot 2018-03-03 at 8.58…)

>>520028Not to burst y'all's bubbles but I'm pretty sure her doing the feet-behind-the-head trick will be part of this workout barbie video. You don't think she's actually going to workout in the video? It is highly likely though that she changed the name of the video and expanded on the concept from reading this thread.
No. 520071
File: 1520130949807.jpg (181.24 KB, 516x1442, dollymattel_bad_hygiene_says_s…)

>>519986The first original threads have since been deleted, but the first time it was discussed that shayna didn't bathe or shower (supported by the first time screenshots of her saying "i don't like to bathe/shower/go weeks without" etc) she started posting bath/shower photos.
No. 520080
File: 1520131196208.jpg (197.39 KB, 569x821, dollymattel_weed_allergy_showe…)

>>520071Also, when she was "hospitalized for her THC allergy" she only started feeling better after taking a long hot shower in the hospital. No. 520101
File: 1520131710240.jpg (Spoiler Image,287.54 KB, 1429x1933, shower_post.jpg)

>>520080>>520071She started posting shower/bath photos after people started bashing her for having bad hygiene.
No. 520108
>>520087I could not imagine not showering for weeks. When I was very depressed when I was a teen, I'd only shower once a week and I'd smell awful.
I can only imagine what Shayna must smell like in person. Probably a mix of BO and weed.
No. 520113
File: 1520132008420.jpg (Spoiler Image,137.91 KB, 683x1265, first_bath_post.jpg)

>>520101>>520080>>520071Her first time posting bath photos. She says she doesn't bathe
No. 520118
File: 1520132202379.jpg (27.06 KB, 664x232, i_hate_bathing.jpg)

>>520113>>520101>>520080>>520071Read the tags under the last photo! Lol! She never showered/bathe, and only started to after it was first discussed at length here.
No. 520144
>>519665>>520106>>519662>>519663At first people think that people just make fun of her and nitpick random things and assume like she
looks like she smells and doesn't clean herself? But everything discussed here are first stated by Shayna herself. Straight from her. This is just opinions and commentary. She's the one who releases photos/videos of her diseased pussy. She's the one who vomits illogical ill formed opinions and gets into arguments with other people and whatever ridiculous shit she does. This girls a shitshow.
She says she doesn't do anything to receive so much hate, but doesn't she realize when you yourself circulate and perpetuate the shit she does on a platform that is MEANT for circulating media and posting opinions, people are going to do those things. If she does the shit she does because she craves the attention, she's going to get the attention, but it's not always going to be positive.
It's like saying "I'm going to say and do these obscene and ridiculous things and show it to the world and I want everyone to share it and talk about it and tell me what they think, but I'll get mad, throw a fit and play the victim if people share it and talk about it and tell me what they think"
No. 520153
File: 1520134157136.jpg (13.57 KB, 521x243, fbdsnf.jpg)

She used to say she was 5'3. Then people started discussing how she lies about her height and how she's insecure around "shorter/smaller/younger" girls on the thread. She is now finally saying she's 5'4. (Another adjustment she's made after being discussed here)
No. 520162
File: 1520134504093.jpg (177 KB, 719x1280, tumblr_inline_p4zj1buAa21rbth7…)

Her cabinet. Look at the bottom left corner. How fucking run down is the apartment she was able to get. If her cabinet looks like that, what does her baseboards look like. Is that what she's hiding behind those cotton things
No. 520220
>>520071I’ll defend her on not washing her hair every day. Having naturally curly, thick dry hair…washing it constantly is horrible. I can go a week and it’s not greasy.
That being said…who the fuck doesn’t like a hot ass shower? You don’t have to wash your hair (shower caps? Hello) but your body still releases oils regardless if you sat around all day watching TV.
Your skin isn’t doing you any favors right now, Shay. Maybe try washing, and buy a nice soap.
No. 520308
>>520071>I don't do that much physical activity so it's not like I really need to showerShe doesn't clean her toys either. You can see her picking pieces of dirt off her dildos and plugs before/after using it and picking debri out her mouth that was stuck to her toys before she put them in her mouth to "clean and warm them up".
THIS! is why DollyMattel has the grossest pussy ever with constant outbreaks of infections. This is why Dolly Mattel has herpes sores or whatever those purple/red puss filled boils are that are always around her vagina and ass.
No. 520309
File: 1520154323197.gif (Spoiler Image,1.93 MB, 540x304, tumblr_p520qvcWmn1rmiw96o4_540…)

No. 520313
File: 1520154931900.jpg (230.09 KB, 1187x929, rth.jpg)

No. 520323
File: 1520155698742.jpg (133.12 KB, 676x742, 1520155315115.jpg)

So that's where she stole her name from… I never watched the show. Of course she couldn't come up with anything herself.
No. 520326
File: 1520155982694.jpg (Spoiler Image,515.78 KB, 2044x1544, DollyMattel_02032018_2005_MyFr…)

Screen shots from one of her cam shows where she did her make up. She did it exactly like the drag queen she stole her name from.
No. 520330
File: 1520156989307.jpg (115.41 KB, 614x395, lol2.jpg)

No. 520332
File: 1520157020395.jpg (925.47 KB, 1031x1187, lol.jpg)

No. 520357
File: 1520165434425.png (43.23 KB, 252x337, whites only.png)

ahh the good old days of the Jim Crow era and separate establishments, schools, housing, etc for whites and blacks. what a great era to really romanticize, it was truly a great time for everyone.
seriously though, this is funny.
>has a bleaching accident
>loses chunks of hair
>styles it into weird bangs
>I tried bangs and they turned out really well!
No. 520359
File: 1520166563879.jpg (Spoiler Image,410.17 KB, 894x3024, Bendy.jpg)

Bendy Barbie is Workout Barbie, although I personally would call it Special Olympics Barbie
No. 520361
>>519512I don't understand how any guys are willing to pay for such a disgusting body / vag
clean your toys and yourself more often girl.
This is true nightmare fuel
No. 520381
File: 1520172871035.png (Spoiler Image,118.48 KB, 327x300, oop.png)

Oops! It's looking like we may have a little piece of toilet paper (??) stuck to the vag in this one. Watch closely and you'll see it move around in the preview.
No. 520433
File: 1520181584239.jpg (147.72 KB, 270x627, elite.jpg)

she really believes that since she "figured out sex work all by herself" (which she didn't) that she's some elite in this business. sex work is fucking easy, shay. you don't really need a personality to masturbate on cam and keep stupid men and their dicks entertained.
No. 520474
>>520071Late, but this in part must explain her festering vulva and butt. Apart from the smell that would develop from someone not washing once a week, just think about the sweat or general moisture that would accumulate in any folds. Times it by ten for genital area. The dead skin that would build up from not being exfoliated off by washing becomes perfect food for the bacteria growing in that warm, moist environment. I feel sick. Also
>>520433 almost feels like Shay is trying to indirectly address earlier comments in this thread about her not having what it takes to be a sex worker not only because of her hygiene but her general attitude, and trying to big herself up.
No. 520492
File: 1520187171002.jpg (28.09 KB, 273x197, stfu.jpg)

shut the fuck up, Shayna.
No. 520496
File: 1520187375474.png (Spoiler Image,315.87 KB, 688x470, lmfao.png)

No. 520503
File: 1520187928042.jpeg (Spoiler Image,93.28 KB, 750x377, DEEDB357-A492-415D-89B8-C879D1…)

>>520496LOL Review for Dumb 4 Daddy
No. 520504
File: 1520187956503.jpeg (96.9 KB, 750x416, 0393802B-C467-49DA-AA7D-112B11…)

>>520496Review on heart shaped box
No. 520525
File: 1520190279299.jpeg (Spoiler Image,155.35 KB, 1242x838, 4F2CFCB2-3A52-431A-89D2-B20A58…)

How do you look at this and think it’s cute and put it out there trying to sell this???!!
No. 520527
File: 1520190344778.jpeg (61.7 KB, 1242x396, E3494CC6-1918-48AE-8BED-B7B7F7…)

Also this comes off as so desperate. Have some pride. Stop with all the freebies constantly.
No. 520581
File: 1520194434270.jpeg (199.82 KB, 1242x790, DC0FADAB-44C9-433C-B090-9AD901…)

Being a slave not edgy enough for you? Try being a baby slave (TM dollymattel) !
No. 520607
File: 1520196305110.jpg (135.2 KB, 719x1280, tumblr_p51d5t9xml1rmiw96o2_128…)

>>520359This is literally where she sleeps. Right there. On the blanketed floor.
>New thread photo?>>520349 No. 520689
File: 1520203154495.jpeg (256.58 KB, 1242x1142, DD3175DA-776F-478E-BBC0-72D81D…)

She’s SUPER gay tho right?
No. 520692
File: 1520203383494.jpeg (Spoiler Image,177.09 KB, 750x1191, DC7C24E3-FE14-417A-B872-AB7055…)

Went to see if her insta had been deleted by instagrams big sweep, and found this instead it’s a catfish account of just awful pics of her.
No. 527447
lmao her "goth girl gets fucked" video anyone can understand what shes saying let me know