File: 1554564968674.jpeg (663.92 KB, 1800x1800, 1554530558065.jpeg)

No. 795348
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/793016Previous Milk:
>Shay moves in to a hole-in-the-wall Tulsa studio apartment complete with air mattress and dog cage for ultimate thriving sex worker vibes>Releases new video full of pink shit that camgirl orbiters gawk at "sO aEsThEtIc">Shay implements daily begging goal and accidentally doxxes donators in twitter screenshots >>793258>Shay dyes her hair "rose gold" which ends up a horrid flaming cheeto color >>793460 that she proceeds to bawwww about on twitter, saying she can't work>This includes begging for money to "fix it" at the same shitty salon. Color settles on a fried orangey-pink>Ass boil continues to make appearances on the rare occasion that she gets online >Fupa makes moody teenage FB posts that allude to the idea that he and Shay are broken up >For April Fools, Shay decides she's goff Barbie dream girl and continues the facade, opting for black clothes instead of pink (the epitome of goth) >>/snow/793869>Shay drops $200 on video props, including a severed sex doll torso for "cute lesbian content" that is unlikely to ever be made>More begging while pretending to be a domme>Tweets "cancel culture is cancelled" along with a rant that is picked up by SW Twitter and she's subtweeted across the platform by essentially nobody SW'ers>This causes her to "cry for 3 hours" have a headache and "reapply her makeup 6 times just to cry it off" so she can't work >Much thriveFollow the rules:
- no doxxing
- no vendetta
- do not include or harass Shay's family
- PLEASE remember to sage posts that don't contribute to the milk. This trainwreck belongs in /pt/. Seriously, the unsaged nitpicking and milkless bumps to the top need to stop. We don’t want to be autosaged for all the sperging!
- This is not a thread to blogpost about your opinion on DDLG or other activities Shay is involved in.
https://dollymattel.tumblr.comhttp://thesaddesthoe.tumblr.com (deleted) (suspended) (deleted) (deleted)
KYLE NATHAN PERKINS (alias: Fupa; Fupapa):
>>>/snow/595275 (deleted)
Other threads:
>>>/snow/344490>>>/snow/405758>>>/snow/457531>>>/snow/489642>>>/snow/520702>>>/snow/538195>>>/snow/551438>>>/snow/576753>>>/snow/596387>>>/snow/634221>>>/snow/645637>>>/snow/652799>>>/snow/659029>>>/snow/670334>>>/snow/684027>>>/snow/692588>>>/snow/701865>>>/snow/709096>>>/snow/715014>>>/snow/724405>>>/snow/751241>>>/snow/771525>>>/snow/775889>>>/snow/778588>>>/snow/783044 No. 795410
File: 1554581832262.jpeg (241.53 KB, 750x599, E7A5AB47-C784-47C0-BC28-BAAF16…)

Hungover and admitting to catfishing
No. 795419
File: 1554583709502.png (18.62 KB, 521x152, Screenshot (438).png)

No. 795451
File: 1554592373351.jpg (236.07 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20190406_190336_com…)

No. 795453
File: 1554592549440.jpg (437.28 KB, 1080x2030, Collage 2019-04-06…)

No. 795455
>>795453>bitching about transphobia and fatphobialol.
hope all the camwhores ITT are aware that cowtipping is against the rules, that includes these retarded callout posts.
No. 795471
>>795470I think that is most of the problem. Its that she will 'apologize' then take it back and then keep doing
problematic shit. If she had actually apologized and done better, dont think people would hate her as much.
No. 795483
>>795469I'm really not trying to promote infighting but
>>795451 kinda strikes me as a self post.
And imo screenshots of random camgirls talking about her on Twitter isn't milky. sorry if it sounds like I'm policing the thread but I agree with anon
>>795455 No. 795484
File: 1554598914724.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1229x1937, A49EF640-F2CB-4BC0-AD02-F77901…)

Oh look, I found some trash inside an even trashier bar
No. 795490
File: 1554599820343.jpeg (164.79 KB, 1040x2048, D3gwGc9XsAEi9TW.jpeg)

>>795484You forgot the special need one, who tf goes out dressed like this??
No. 795496
>>795490I think it's kinda cute,
I mean by no mean is she dressing her age, but it's better than than the barbie bimbo crap
No. 795535
File: 1554609408791.jpeg (796.18 KB, 1242x922, 92D50853-C9CE-4F85-BFCE-AFF96A…)

She’s on cam rn
No. 795538
File: 1554609648798.png (648.43 KB, 1242x2208, 49F448EE-6BB2-4BCE-8CB8-1400F6…)

I think it’s happening. She’s trashing the uwu baby bimbo so smol n pink image.
Thank god because honestly, that shit was horrible on the eyes.
No. 795541
File: 1554611243333.jpg (152.48 KB, 1024x839, Screenshot_20190407_002713.jpg)

No ass just a leg
No. 795543
>>795540Why have those things on the wheel if you hate them?
Why do sex work when you seem to be so annoyed with every aspect of it outside of never having to leave your home?
No. 795550
>>795410Shay may be a greasy alcoholic, but at least she has a lot more moments of self-awareness than the average cow
>>795453This is absolutely retarded, anon. Going on a self-righteous keyboard crusade against some random disgusting camwhore whore is somehow more pathetic than being a disgusting camwhore.
>>795469But why was this posted here? It contributes nothing to the conversation; it's just some nobody trainwreck trying to make herself feel good by picking on another nobody trainwreck who happened to do a couple things that allow for twitter-sanctioned bullying.
>>795484Shay's going to blend in perfectly with the other Southwestern trash in that part of the country in a decade or so on the off chance that she doesn't end up back in NE with/near her parents. It's like she was born to be a roadside casino hag.
>>795542Anyone who has to look at Shayna to make themselves feel better needs to work much harder to fix their fucked up life
No. 795551
File: 1554616350426.jpg (229 KB, 1080x1757, Screenshot_20190407_015123.jpg)

Is Fupa flirting with a really pretty girl on FB???
No. 795563
File: 1554620411740.jpg (283.38 KB, 1080x1839, Screenshot_20190407_025943.jpg)

No. 795567
File: 1554623854384.jpeg (272.95 KB, 1080x1618, F5691322-F6D8-492B-9E7D-22B4DB…)

Not to be off topic but I had to post this because whoever made it must have had Shay and fupa in mind.
No. 795568
File: 1554624288920.png (Spoiler Image,745.42 KB, 720x999, Screenshot_2019-04-07-00-58-43…)

I can't seem to upload the other bit, but there's a comment from some horndog calling her pp trap beautiful. Can he not see the zits on those cheeks?
No. 795635
>>795567That's spot on.
I'd rather soak in bleach than let a neckbeard try and "dom" me lmao (or touch me at all yikes). They're the most unintimidating and embarrassing people ever.
(apologies if blogpost-y. saged for ot)
No. 795638
>>795496Her outfit is pretty standard for a early 20s thot tbh.
>>795538After years of lolcow telling her she should drop the baby shit. Thank gawd
No. 795656
File: 1554665258400.jpg (851.39 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190407-142628_Twi…)

Still doing that baby bimbo
No. 795657
File: 1554665298053.jpg (960.55 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190407-142641_Twi…)

Very attractive Shay
No. 795658
File: 1554665354776.jpg (219.27 KB, 1080x871, Screenshot_20190407-142712_Twi…)

Still thinking she's a domme
No. 795661
File: 1554667581736.png (20.32 KB, 522x213, Screenshot (439).png)

Doesn't she have Massachusetts blocked?
No. 795670
File: 1554671324249.jpg (522.33 KB, 1080x1232, Screenshot_20190407-160829_Twi…)

She won't use it
No. 795692
File: 1554680786468.jpg (Spoiler Image,161.49 KB, 750x1334, IMG_20190407_203926.jpg)

>>795688It's there, it's still in the original packing so it's bound up together with the elastic on it. She clearly never used it. I'm guessing she's finally using it now because she thinks people have forgotten she intended to make a video with it ages ago. Ten bucks says she won't be able to figure out how to use the cum feature on cam and will either give up or get mad at people for suggesting she do it
Ten more bucks that she won't actually stick to this schedule of when she's going to use the dildo
No. 795694
File: 1554680882501.png (152.47 KB, 1060x928, Screenshot_2019-04-07-20-40-26…)

Double posting to share this beautiful example of a total lack of self awareness
No. 795704
>>795692what's the appeal of a buttplug that makes your asshole look like a black hole
>>795699giving it your all to shay is just to sit there quietly idling on cam, texting and not ever interacting with the viewers but still expecting to get paid… for existing
there are zoo cam live streams on youtube that just show animals doing nothing that are more entertaining than her
No. 795745
>>795652>>795646It sounds like Fupapa is giving Ribmeat the care she needs and would give an adequate home to a second cat (though kittens should be adopted at least in pairs). Some people who are bad to other people are great with animals. If Fupapa is giving the cat a good home then his encounter with Shay is probably a net positive- the cat is taken from Shay's clutches, Fupapa's wife gets more fodder with which she can keep full custody of the kids, and Shay just keeps being Shay.
>>795694If only she took her own advice.
No. 795764
>>795551Yeah, he's been heart reacting and leaving heart emoji comments all over her fb. She's way too pretty for him, but I suppose it's slim pickens out in good ol omaha. sage for off-topic.
>>795745As much as I don't like fupa, I'm glad ribmeat is with him and not shay. That poor cat deserves so much better than a filthy cramped studio apartment. Shay can barely feed and care for herself, I can't imagine what the food/litterbox situation was like.
No. 795848
File: 1554741244834.png (Spoiler Image,2.58 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1617.PNG)

She kept showing off her huge boil on Snapchat. How she isn’t disgusted and ashamed by it… I have no idea
No. 795875
What Shay considers a "strip tease"
Check out @Dolly_Mattel’s Tweet: No. 795893
>>795692Isn't the 'alien dildo' that she's talking about actually a dragon dildo?
She obvs isn't that into it
No. 795906
File: 1554755967554.gif (16.47 MB, 370x640, SmartSelect_20190408-213900_Tw…)

>>795875when the filter goes away kek
No. 795910
>>795875I dont understand why she gives that away for free when she could be doing that while she cams.
shes so fucking stupid.
No. 795928
File: 1554760917143.jpeg (809.06 KB, 1242x1685, A6B32DDE-7C5D-4335-AB79-A65774…)

So excited to see her try to get into / upkeep a latex garment…
No. 795966
File: 1554766321203.jpeg (402.29 KB, 1242x1231, 39CE8683-80A5-4552-80A9-CC34B8…)

aaaand that explains it! I can't believe this dumb bitch posted this shit on Twitter like wtf? Not cute.
No. 795977
>>795966Probably not the wisest to say on a sex worker account.
I'm a chronic spot popper but if selling sexiness prob wouldn't mention my gross habits!
No. 795980
>>795928>>795694I think these two posts go together quite nicely
Imagine publicly stating that you only have 100$ to spend on an account where you pretend to be a successful bimbo. Can't wait til she starts talking about not being able to pay rent again while trying to sell her videos for pennies
No. 795983
>>795928This ain't even cute and it's going to look god awful on her and yet she's ready to blow $200+ on it for what? She's the worst female domme I've seen because she 1. doesn't know what tf she's doing so she can't do it right and 2. she isn't convincing because of previous reason and because it clashes with her "Sub bby bimbo" shit.
But yeah, Shay, wearing black is def a domme trait and I'm sure that dress won't just get tossed in a box. /s
No. 796025
File: 1554780201883.png (522.87 KB, 792x573, Screenshot_20190408-211401~2.p…)

>>795944I think she has worn latex before? I don't think this is the pink leotard you're talking about, first time I remember seeing this outfit on her. I don't know shit about latex to tell if this is a real latex dress tho.
No. 796140
>>796023She's been running around Cherry St(Society Burger), Brady District(graffiti bar is Caz's), and Blue Dome (The Max, 1st bar when she was confirmed to be back in the 918).
I mean, props to her for not hanging out in the burbs but she's going to all of these easily identifiable Tulsa bars. Everyone who goes out around here, myself included, has a scuzzy Caz's bathroom picture. She's just bad at hiding.
No. 796178
File: 1554830181052.jpg (382.28 KB, 978x1280, 19-04-09-11-15-47-066_deco.jpg)

Looks like her snap got deleted again.
No. 796182
File: 1554830493655.png (180.47 KB, 538x755, 56965568_2221765338140547_8748…)

Thriving successful sex worker Shayna doesn't even know the basics of how to be an adult.
No. 796209
File: 1554834440892.png (1.57 MB, 1125x2436, F03980CE-B686-4CCB-A00D-0B5D12…)

No. 796210
File: 1554834467803.png (669.08 KB, 1125x2436, CADDE285-1291-4F7D-86AA-5A500B…)

No. 796212
>>796210lol why is she talking like she's doing something great for humanity
I'm starting to think that she's making up her snapchat getting reported/deleted
No. 796215
>>796210haha nobody has to try to stress her out. her whole life is one big stressful shitstain. The only thing that makes Shay's life harder is herself.
She needs to stop worrying about everyone else's paychecks and find a way to get some of her own paychecks consistently without having to rely on Snapchat money. What a sad person.
No. 796221
File: 1554835504694.jpg (Spoiler Image,478.94 KB, 1069x1245, Screenshot_20190409-134414_Twi…)

Lmao ok Shay. "More stable." I bet you by the end of the week she'll be offering deals
No. 796250
File: 1554838950204.png (125.5 KB, 299x398, Screenshot (440).png)

>>796210she sells lifetime access to her snapchat for $20 (according to manyvids anyway, her prices are all over the place). absolute KEK at her thinking thats a 'paycheck'. not that i think anyone here actually reported her
No. 796255
File: 1554839434693.png (310.36 KB, 463x583, tacos.png)

>>796207its all part of her transformation into fupas dream girl
No. 796259
File: 1554839636711.png (16.51 KB, 597x210, Untitled1.png)

>>796183looks like she did but in shay fashion; its not a complete list.
No. 796285
File: 1554844207117.png (37.59 KB, 1472x168, Screen Shot 2019-04-09 at 5.10…)

Her twitter has been suspended again.
No. 796307
File: 1554846874707.png (3.25 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1624.PNG)

Shay added me back on snap without me having to reach out to her (an no I never report her). In this video she says that whoever is reporting her shit did a good job because her Twitter got suspended and she’s trying not to have a breakdown and cry off her makeup… puppy video is still supposed to be out… but I am sure an excuse will be posted soon enough
No. 796311
>>796307>stupid babyStupid is fucking right. Just follow the rules of the free services you are using and this won't happen??? Also she said she has like 60 people added back on snapchat. That is
not a lot of work to make a list of. And she's only gotten 60 people who bought lifetime in the entire time she's offered it? That's embarrassing.
And if I recall, she fucking said her snapchat username in one of her cam shows. I remember anons mentioning it.
No. 796315
File: 1554847384664.png (41.69 KB, 693x479, snapchattos.png)

>>796307>>796311i think making another account after being suspended is against the rules too?
No. 796316
>>796315Maybe no one reported her; Twitter just finally realised she made a new account after getting suspended the last time
and she’s offering shit like a “striptease” for more followers.
No. 796351
File: 1554852943000.jpg (739.39 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190409-183458_Ins…)

She just posted this to her Instagram
No. 796354
File: 1554853349887.jpg (512.69 KB, 1080x1577, Screenshot_20190409-184151_Twi…)

No. 796372
>>796368What doesn’t she comprehend about farmers reporting her = no milk???
It’s probably vendetta camgirls or just the twitter and Snapchat algorithms doing what they’re supposed to
No. 796378
>>796372She also refuses to believe it could be any of the dozens of customers or potential customers she's scammed, doxxed, or pissed off by being a bitch.
People on here don't want to report her trainwreck shit, they want to see it. Same with the ones who have bought her snap. I feel like some of them actually want to see her na sty content for whatever reason and occasionally report here with some of the pathetic things she does. Also notice how there used to be a couple good snap anons who posted vids and images, but now we get the dumb ones who wont post actual proof? That says that even the snap anons are giving up on her shit and not wanting to pay anymore kek.
No. 796452
File: 1554883054873.jpg (205.74 KB, 670x697, thriving.jpg)

My greatest masterpiece.
No. 796458
File: 1554886795208.jpg (183.92 KB, 1076x998, Screenshot_20190410-015217_Twi…)

Kek, is she going to try to actually commit to rebranding and become the goff princess of fupas dreams? Find out next time on: "Dear God, what a dumpster fire".
No. 796459
File: 1554886872256.jpg (135.75 KB, 1080x847, Screenshot_20190410-015251_Twi…)

You're…. Still annoying and cringey, Shay. Lol better keep an eye on analytics to see if she buys more bots.
No. 796540
File: 1554910476396.png (30.07 KB, 522x270, Screenshot (446).png)

> being targeted
Yes shayna, farmers have infiltrated twitter, snapchat, paypal, cashapp and whatever the fuck else you've been banned from.
No. 796541
File: 1554910718392.jpg (690.07 KB, 1079x1787, Screenshot_20190410-083742_Twi…)

>>796540Kek, the blame game continues. Who tf even has time to report you, Shay, where's your proof
No. 796543
>>796458I hope this means we never have to see her in those revolting hello kitty undies ever again. Or hear about her princess parts /gag/
“Rebranding” herself is probably the smartest thing she’s done in her entire SW career.
>>796540I wish someone would just tell her the fucking obvious to her face. Whatever. She gets potty money from it so I doubt she’s that broken up over it. And all those followers were paid for by Dawn. So she didn’t lose out. Plus her follower engagement was garbage anyways so I don’t get why she’s gotta be the
victim and constantly post about it. Just fucking grow a pair and get over it.
No. 796544
File: 1554910897003.jpg (192.56 KB, 1080x609, Screenshot_20190410-084033_Twi…)

KEK "obsessive weirdos" you mean the people enforcing TOS? Because that's who it was. Her blaming farmers is wild.
No. 796548
>>796544lol right, even if you are reported, your account won't get deleted just because of that. She breaks the TOS on snapchat and twitter, it's her own fault that her accounts were deleted.
Also this is why sex workers with common sense don't just rely on social media
No. 796549
>>796544lol right, even if you are reported, your account won't get deleted just because of that. She breaks the TOS on snapchat and twitter, it's her own fault that her accounts were deleted.
Also this is why sex workers with common sense don't just rely on social media
No. 796554
File: 1554913778468.png (39.93 KB, 745x386, nnonoo.PNG)

>>796541That orbiter loves caping and lying for Shay. she's claiming that Shay's twitter got "mass reported".
Shay has broken TOS on pretty much every platform she uses, so even if she did get reported it's her fault for not being fucking careful and following the rules. How come none of these idiots can realize that?
Do these girls think that if they come to Shay's rescue, she will give a fuck about them?
No. 796562
File: 1554914854247.jpg (637.73 KB, 1053x2139, 20190410_094602.jpg)

Oh my God, wasn't dolly just offering her 90 videos for just $50 DAYS AGO?! suddenly they're worth over $1 each? Someone tell her the definition of "sale"
No. 796565
>>796540“Other people would do this but I’m not like most girls”
No. 796570
>>796562The pricing doesn’t make sense, even if she assumes they really
are worth $1 a piece. Normally when selling “packages” of things, you’d go higher for the smaller package, e.g. 25 for $30, 50 for $55, then 100 for $90 or something, so it actually feels like people are getting a deal. As it is, someone could spend $100 buying the 50 vids deal twice, and get 10 videos for free.
No. 796572
File: 1554917056507.png (238.63 KB, 533x484, Screenshot (447).png)

No. 796578
>>796572'Gaping' I can't be the only one that felt physically ill reading that
She really does humiliate herself for that coin
No. 796616
File: 1554923285915.jpeg (310.09 KB, 1241x2026, E783836C-C5CB-4737-B4C9-A5072B…)

Fupa shared this on to his Facebook. Could be shay related with her playing the ultimate victim again.
No. 796625
File: 1554924734065.jpg (728.88 KB, 1068x1649, Screenshot_20190410-143149_Twi…)

No. No one ever would
No. 796627
File: 1554924798793.jpg (468.83 KB, 1080x1193, Screenshot_20190410-143311_Twi…)

Nightmare fuel
No. 796652
File: 1554927420074.png (57.02 KB, 523x576, interesting.png)

No. 796653
>>796652imagine my shock when the ban evasion follows you regardless of "mass reports"
same thing happened to momokun, idk why she's surprised
No. 796654
>>796652She literally just disproved her "iM bEiNg TaRgEtEd" rant from earlier by posting this.
Can't wait to see what aged Tumblr name she comes up with next
No. 796661
File: 1554929007461.jpeg (794.56 KB, 1125x1544, 3F9E7C11-3FCD-429F-9896-2BFAE4…)

she is literally being targeted….by twitter? I can’t
No. 796668
>>796661I've never seen a person evade taking responsibility for their actions the way Shayna does. It's crazy how delusional she is now. I know other anons have pointed that out already, but it's bizarre to me that she honestly believes the shit she spews out of her mouth.
Her whole business model is based on lies for sympathy, so I guess even if she knows her explanations are bull she will still pretend to be the
No. 796670
>>796668She can't seem to make money without whining about being in a (constant) 'tight spot'. I wonder what or who she'll claim to be the
victim of next
No. 796677
>>796664Waiting for someone to tell her this but SW like her (her 1 or 2 followers) are avoiding that elephant in thr room.
I'll be surprised if she's still a sex worker by christmas tbh
No. 796684
File: 1554931597131.jpeg (652.97 KB, 1242x1249, D34E1238-CA18-4F60-8689-2F2647…)

I’m fucking cackling at this. This dude thinks changing a camera angle and shooting a basic ass vid from the same 2 angles is “talent”. Oh wow, she shot in a cage?! Such talent, very art, much work.
Plenty of other sex workers make way better quality stuff and put 100x more effort in than Shayna does with anything. Shay thinks that she can just be blonde and half ass everything forever, but at 21 she’s already starting to look like a haggard drunken auntie so she may want to try and get some sort of skill in…anything.
No. 796689
File: 1554933108140.jpg (567.22 KB, 1080x1731, Screenshot_20190410-164759_Twi…)

No. 796691
File: 1554933427333.jpeg (106.54 KB, 639x623, 2E31505C-C1C0-4AAD-86D9-468453…)

Polite sage for being unrelated, but this is basically Shay.
No. 796699
>>796696I feel like she's just discovered belle delphine lol
Maybe pretending to be into anime will be her next 'rebrand'
No. 796701
>>796699no remember she’s gonna be super hardcore goth now, kek
Next rebrand: death barbie
No. 796702
File: 1554935336240.png (410.95 KB, 614x581, Untitled.png)

>>796627Does she know how copy-right happy Nintendo is? There are youtubers who get hit all the time; and she admitted to this.
The 'tweet unavailable' is the retweet of the video sale below in the cap.
No. 796715
File: 1554937768532.jpg (249.68 KB, 1079x798, Screenshot_20190410-180816_Twi…)

Is this her new kink now?
No. 796723
File: 1554938618225.png (17.36 KB, 526x158, Untitled.png)

this just screams 'im gonna buy followers' to me. like whos she asking to get to 1k, the people that are already following her?
No. 796735
>Squeal like a pig!How is she producing that unearthly sound? Sucking in air against the dildo?
The cutting and the loop almost make it avant garde. I mean, the point of this clip is obviously not titillation.
No. 796737
File: 1554942849885.jpg (Spoiler Image,280.01 KB, 2300x1362, IMG_20190411_013410.jpg)

No. 796739
>>796736i'm getting 'content unavailable'
>>796737not safe for life
No. 796742
File: 1554943416023.jpg (111.89 KB, 1077x1011, Screenshot_20190410-174318_Chr…)

>>796736ULTRA KEK it's gone
No. 796749
File: 1554944275297.png (43.02 KB, 527x204, Screenshot (456).png)

>>796744tinfoil time but i searched 'dolly mattel' on twitter and this podcast came up. i havent listened but it seems they talk about rebranding.. coincidence?
No. 796752
File: 1554944750046.png (Spoiler Image,1.67 MB, 750x1334, DE3E32A0-1953-4F06-A3BC-BC524F…)

Dear god she’s panting like a literal fucking dog in heat in the video its so disturbing
No. 796764
>>796759it's terrible lol.
>>796757the timing is suspicious but her twitter says 'account suspended' it wouldnt say that if she just deleted/deactivated.
No. 796790
File: 1554949694474.jpg (304.13 KB, 1080x1420, Screenshot_20190410-192736_Twi…)

I guess we'll have our trash fire camshow tonight after all…
No. 796793
File: 1554950092911.jpg (185.12 KB, 1122x1122, IMG_20190410_193314.jpg)

Anyone notice how the background of this pic she posted that marble comforter is wrapped around what seems to be a mattress on the floor?
No. 796815
File: 1554953742307.jpeg (Spoiler Image,218.94 KB, 1125x1125, 49FD635D-D187-4BF7-B78B-FBC864…)

Hank Hill is shook.
No. 796816
File: 1554953790918.jpeg (Spoiler Image,223.87 KB, 1125x1125, D81B4136-EAE3-4A90-A8B1-3CCD6B…)

No. 796817
File: 1554954013154.jpg (Spoiler Image,692.5 KB, 1066x1559, Screenshot_20190410-203930_Chr…)

Drinking out of a puppy bowl for her "drink water" tips. Classy.
No. 796824
File: 1554955834377.png (2.97 MB, 1125x2436, 64D24410-9B4D-4BBB-8161-7ADC9D…)

>>796793okay so i think i’ve found the same doll because not knowing the scale is driving me crazy.
“Product Description
Function: Male Lifelike Sex Doll
Color: Flesh
Size: 40(L)
23.5(W) 14(H) cm/15.7"
9.3" 5.5"
Net Weight: 5.4 kg/11.9 lb/190.5 oz
Material: TPR
Package: Color Box/Blank Box
Further: Medical Material,Lifelike,Washable
Package Size: 40
2417 cm” it’s only slightly over a foot in length? this is going to look ridiculous lmao
No. 796833
File: 1554957646102.png (Spoiler Image,1.6 MB, 750x1334, 2325A4EE-F6C4-4120-B23F-3F1F8E…)

She’s sperging hard and awkwardly dancing to Barbie girl. This is painful
No. 796835
>>796833I can’t believe she calls this an
aesthetic. This room (or is this her entire studio apartment?) is so embarrassing.
No. 796841
>>796744>>796757>>796764Honestly it was probably the work of a retarded farmer who does't understand that no social media = no milk. That or a twitter cancled culture SW.
>>796789Her accounts were suspended…
No. 796842
>>796841Instagram has been deleting a ton of SW accounts, she's only suspended on Twitter, not deleted, and she broke the rules on Snapchat.
None of this seems sus to me.
No. 796844
>>796789snapchat has been deleting sw accounts since the thot audit because its against TOS, instagrams been cracking down on nsfw content even going as far as taking down pics of girls in bikinis for being again TOS and twitter has been deleting A LOT of "popular" accounts that have been ban evading.
While I wouldn't put it past her as doing it as an easy way out she's too lazy and hopeless to get a real job so I don't think its something she'd do just yet.
No. 796883
File: 1554974019567.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 1228x1698, 43B173AD-57E9-4872-BCF1-5D5C91…)

“So unexpected!!! It’s not like I begged to everyone in multiple tweets about how upset I was and how badly I needed money! I’m just super amazing at my job!”
I want to smash her fucking face in.
No. 796901
File: 1554980419541.jpeg (Spoiler Image,624.41 KB, 1242x962, 803EB4ED-7701-44B5-8E75-E73B39…)

She’s officially reached prolapse. Warning: nightmare fuel
No. 796904
>>796858I agree. It honestly does seem super weird that this is all happening at once. And her reactions seem slightly performative. She doesn't even appear to be that upset about it. I bet she will have a name change soon.
When Shay changed her name to Dolly Mattel, some anons here suspected she did that to see if she could escape her tarnished reputation. It didn't work and now appears to want to do the same thing. She clearly still has delusions that she is going to be a famous porn star. If only the jealous haters would leave her alone!
Shay is a known liar. There's literally no reason to believe that she is being mass reported by anyone. She's just massively retardedm
No. 796905
>>796904plenty of popular porn stars have haters, yet they don’t acknowledge them or give them the time of day or blame them for their shortcomings. Shayna literally loves having people despise her, it gives her excuses all the time. It’s why she’ll never be successful, because she revels in drama. The only time she’s making money is when drama has been stirred up and she’s making herself the
victim of everything. It’s such a sad “business” model. God forbid you actually work.
No. 796907
>>796905Exactly, big pornstars have countless people who dislike them. But since they're actually half decent at their jobs it doesn't affect their success.
They also get their social media deleted often which is why they use common sense and don't rely on it
No. 796911
File: 1554984164763.png (16.44 KB, 112x112, 501500506808647687.png)

>>796901shay, what are you doing.
No. 796929
File: 1554986974210.jpg (366.55 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20190411_084846_com…)

Found this
No. 796931
File: 1554987015380.jpg (667.98 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20190411_084853_com…)

This account is stupid
No. 796975
>>796931>when cowtipping becomes a professionseriously though if shay hasn't self-deleted, why is she so nonchalant about it? i agree with
>>796904 about how performative she's being about her sad reactions. only one "almost about to cry my makeup off" and she even actually made it to cam. wonder if she's serious about the rebranding shit, so she maybe doesn't care about her old accounts as much?
No. 797080
File: 1555007268712.png (1.31 MB, 750x1334, 8F0D1DAC-13A3-49A4-A90B-6925B5…)

She’s not giving up on the BiMbO uWu life yet it seems
No. 797087
>>796931I know people are saying this is an Incel, but the banner with the family and “porn hurts everyone” screams pissed off divorced middle-age mom. Ive had clients who were (middle aged) women who considered watching porn as “cheating”. And would divorce their “scummy cheating” husbands for watching a lot porn. Just my take on it.
>>796929Shay did have a picture of her whole vagina hanging out so honestly it’s not surprising that IG finally caught on. I don’t know why she just doesn’t appeal her bans tho.
No. 797164
File: 1555016561114.png (Spoiler Image,3.98 MB, 750x1334, 54AF6287-005A-4216-AB8C-99125C…)

Jesus Christ burn it NOW
No. 797193
File: 1555018780114.png (1.11 MB, 1366x768, 04-11-19_10-28-56 PM.png)

Absolutely gutted there are no dog cages, its the one thing that's really missing.(autism)
No. 797196
File: 1555018855769.png (969.03 KB, 1366x768, 04-11-19_10-27-52 PM.png)

>>797193Do they always make this retarded face when they take a selfie or did it just know it was shaytard so it's appropriate.
No. 797218
>>797164Nitpick, but I hate the legwarmers. Its always gonna look bad because its Shaynasty, but different warmers or none would have pulled this goofy shit together.
The offwhite and material/style clashes too much but you know Shay really has that attention to detail and ~aesthetic~ . /s
No. 797245
File: 1555024849623.jpg (Spoiler Image,326.58 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20190411_183533_com…)

Not a self post.
What I don't understand is why she doesn't look at other cam girls to see what looks good? She looks fucking ridiculous. This is what a hot bunny looks like
No. 797252
File: 1555025754700.jpeg (Spoiler Image,39.68 KB, 250x371, 9AC1AEF9-CF15-4EA8-8993-94D571…)

>>797245Hot to who? You? Ok.
On cam last night some guy kept making bizarre jabs about not being able to see shay’s eyes because of her false lashes and how he wanted her to rip them off. He also said her decorations looked like they were straight outta Target lol. She was picking hairs off of her pink dildo after a cumshow before re-inserting it, I found that funny. I have caps on my computer if anyone actually cares. Pic unrelated.
No. 797278
>>797193>>797196this is pretty pathetic. creating a sim of someone you hate just to laugh at them and the house they live in is just… cringe af. This is why Shayna thinks we're ~jealous haturz who are obsessed with her~ because this shit is pointless and creepy
>>797245>this is what a hot bunny looks likebitch where. this looks cramped and sad
No. 797279
File: 1555029605913.jpeg (319.13 KB, 750x745, E53236DF-1885-40D5-B5FF-241A79…)

>>797164Shayna…why not a Playboy bunny? Imagine having shit taste in amazon crap
No. 797281
File: 1555030106451.jpg (41.88 KB, 500x500, ariana-grande-latex-bunny-ears…)

>>797279or ariana grande since ur such goffic latex kween
No. 797289
>>797080her place looks so bare. does she even own anything?? like art prints? bookshelves? plants? anything??
can you imagine camming in your unfurnished apartment like that? ugh
No. 797301
File: 1555034268402.jpeg (119.42 KB, 750x648, 9BB984FA-7BD9-42A4-A28B-CDFB5F…)

Great so basically no food of nutritional value AT ALL. Just because sugar is on the food pyramid doesn’t make it healthy sweaty
No. 797307
File: 1555035397712.png (Spoiler Image,585.75 KB, 657x540, Screenshot_250.png)

i was watching some of the her videos in random porn websites, and she always had a very red pussy and pimples everywhere, do people think this is attractive? i wonder if she has/had any vaginal infection with how rough she looks down there
No. 797312
File: 1555035910461.png (31.81 KB, 621x258, Screenshot_1.png)

No. 797321
>>797307i actually GASPED when i saw this how the fuck does her labia look like that?? ive never seen one that red & swollen. does she use fuckin nair on it daily or something?
like i ain't usually one to shame how someone's pussy/body looks but jfc
(nitpicking) No. 797328
File: 1555041913483.png (Spoiler Image,233.7 KB, 465x344, Screen Shot 2019-04-12 at 12.0…)

Very enthusiastic strip tease she has going on
No. 797344
>>796842The fact that her accounts were deleted across different platforms in a short timespan makes it obvious that somebody was targeting her.
>>796931Oh…that's just sad.
>>796975She's an internet whore who spends all of her time online; of course she's being performative. Login to any given online community and you'll find at least one person whining about wanting to kill themselves over getting a bad haircut or punctuating their opinions with '????' or someshit. People like Shady do that because it gives them attention. You're trying to milk drama from a stone, anon.
>>797301She's going to get so dumpy so quickly. She takes pride from being unable to care for herself on a basic level.
No. 797354
>>797301 I don't know why this
triggers me so much, maybe because she's constantly begging even though processed food is expensive stuff, or because she could so easily fix this.
Fruit snacks > Fruit
Cereal > Porridge, which you can add your fruit to
Soda > Juice, which you can mix with a low-calorie spirit
Ice cream > Ice lollies. Still high sugar, but less fat and at least she'll get some water in her
Frozen pizza > Basically anything else you can cook in 15 minutes. Pasta, stir fry, fajitas.
Cheesecake > Yogurt, or fruit. Or just don't
Obviously not perfect, but simple fixes that are cheaper and just as lazy.
No. 797372
>>797344I don't think anybody can say for sure that somebody was targeting her. Just because Shayna repeats that over and over again doesn't make it true. But of course, Shay is a
victim as per usual.
Also Shay's version of perfomative includes lying amd scamming people. She uses her stories of strife to pay for her livelihood and sustain herself. Worse than your average internet attention whore.
No. 797410
>>797301Why is it so easy to bait you, guys? We don't know what she really bought. We only know she listed things that fit her dumb baby persona. And even if it's real the "adult" part was clearly a joke.
Also tinfoil about her deleting all her social media or it being banned because she breaks TOS was stupid af. Of course it wasn't random that her 3 accounts on different sites got banned at the same time. And why would she herself destroy on purpose her bussiness?
You guys act fuckin stupid just to have more reasons to shit on Shayna.
No. 797428
>>797410She would destroy her business on purpose because she has done shit like that for
victim points in the past. she purposely puts herself in situations like that so she can play up the drama and how much of a
victim she is and how she
needs money NOW more than EVER before. I’m nearly 100% sure that she said certain things on tumblr just to drum up drama. Things like apologizing then deleting it and saying “no I don’t need to apologize you guys need to get over it”. It’s shit like that that makes people notice her. Without it, she would never be noticed for her creativity, looks, interesting branding, or skill. She’s ONLY popular because she drums up drama constantly. It’s the only reason people still know her name. It literally is her business at this point.
No. 797431
>>797428She’s a stupid attention whore, her social media is her bread and butter. She live blogs everything that happens to her and every thought that comes out of her stupid head.
She broke the TOS and then got reported, simple stuff
No. 797443
File: 1555089525360.jpeg (266.92 KB, 1242x473, 65562ECC-7855-449C-816D-343AB3…)

Shay, I think you mean “everything someone else paid for” not “everything you worked for”
Good try though.
No. 797449
>>797354No one is buying porridge or mixing juice with spirits, and ice cream is a normal thing for young adults to buy
You guys are freaking out too much about her shitty shopping habits. The girl lived off Kraft and goldfish in Seattle.
No. 797464
File: 1555092846832.jpeg (217.39 KB, 1538x2048, 5B75AD8C-0E6C-4EF2-A141-679773…)

can’t tell if wink or something is in her eye. this whole picture is hysterical.
No. 797489
File: 1555097700955.jpg (727.01 KB, 1400x590, 1192-header-1403067075-85-lg c…)

No. 797492
File: 1555098177509.jpg (199.33 KB, 1080x1990, Screenshot_20190412-144246_Twi…)

Is this suspended?
No. 797494
File: 1555098517627.jpg (436.59 KB, 1080x1281, Screenshot_20190412-144755_Twi…)

Cause that's exactly what someone wants
No. 797516
>>797372>I don't think anybody can say for sure that somebody was targeting her.Nobody can say for sure, but the fact that it happens across platforms points to that. It could be that crazy incel or someone from here who's getting way too invested in internet drama. Either way, if anyone here is reporting Shay then they should really stop touching the poop and ruining it for the rest of us.
>>797449honestly though her eating habits are possibly the most offensive thing about her. She goes on and on about how she's an ~independent adult~ but can't bother learning how to cook even basic shit. It also ties into her budgeting allergy too.
No. 797519
>>797501It’s completely normal to get your nails filled every 2 weeks.
>>797245Posting some irrelevant camwhore to tell us what we already know? Uh…everyone knows shay’s efforts are garbage and her sexy bunny is anything but sexy. Fuck off.
>>797193Shay’s threads have some of the worst autists. This is embarrassing. I’m shocked her new thread isn’t on auto sage with all the nitpicking and cringe.
No. 797531
File: 1555108091228.png (14.26 KB, 519x114, Screenshot (457).png)

but how would she know shes blocked unless shes also 'paying real close attention' to what they are up to?
No. 797539
>>797531Why is she so obsessed with people who don't like her or have her blocked? How does she have such a thin skin still?
If people have you blocked, move on. Stop looking at their twitter profiles, clearly she is lurking lol.
No. 797562
File: 1555117600441.png (175.96 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190412-210337.png)

Twitter isn't loading for me for some reason but by her caption, she's out drinking tonight. she said she was finally gonna use the bad dragon dild tonight. wonder if she'll fall through again lol
No. 797564
File: 1555117850458.jpg (288.83 KB, 1080x1152, Screenshot_20190412-201043_Twi…)

So classy Shay
No. 797566
File: 1555117948619.jpg (243.84 KB, 1080x1187, Screenshot_20190412-201221_Twi…)

So hilarious Shay
No. 797568
File: 1555118008731.jpg (918.12 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190412-201318_Twi…)

That same sweater she always wears
No. 797583
File: 1555123865507.jpg (295.7 KB, 1080x1159, Screenshot_20190412-215050_Twi…)

No mention of the alien dildo
No. 797587
File: 1555125514885.png (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190412-231813.png)

sage because it was already posted but her schedule says she was supposed to be online an hour and a half ago and she should be using the alien dildo.
No. 797608
File: 1555133657929.png (Spoiler Image,504.75 KB, 1176x447, 1ySQO4h.png)

No. 797615
File: 1555136951741.jpg (Spoiler Image,105.42 KB, 720x787, _20190413_012712.JPG)

She said she gets $100 for every 2000 tokens.
Bonus kek, someone compares her faces to Forrest Whittaker.
No. 797709
File: 1555175959536.png (368.77 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190413-131746.png)

It's called lube, Shayna. There's a reason people use it
No. 797723
>>797709Last night on cam she was like, “I have to put the dildo in my pussy
before I put my legs behind my head because my pussy is soooo tight, I have to do things in a particular order.” Then a minute or two later, she proceeded to put it in just fine while her legs were “behind her head” (they weren’t really, they were just up in the air). Her whole “omg I have the tightest pussy on the planet!!!!” schtick is so tired. Besides, when you’re in that position, it’s not tightness that would prevent you from sticking it in, it’s the angle of your pelvic bone.
Also her neighbors kept banging on her wall and she was like “wow my noisy neighbors!” and looking super annoyed. No, Shayna.
You’re the noisy neighbor. Listening to shitty music at midnight or whatever and making those god awful sex noises while sitting directly next to the wall separating the two apartments.
I couldn’t bear to watch much more than that.
No. 797727
>>797709why is this bitch outing herself for having a pussy that never gets aroused or wet??? you shouldn't be proud of having a desert down there when you're trying to be a porn star, you've just let everyone know how much you truly are not turned on + that you're too stupid to use lube.
but you know, she'll just pretend it's her being "tight" lmao
No. 797746
File: 1555188750170.jpeg (162.52 KB, 754x1507, 5CC76F35-FCEB-41AD-BA2F-2D2D89…)

So clever! Very original!
No. 797794
File: 1555198111183.jpeg (77.63 KB, 750x345, E570F633-A1EA-40C7-ABA2-92319D…)

>>797746She retweeted this. The irony.
When has Shayna
ever done anything original in her life? Her entire “aesthetic” is and always has been outdated, regurgitated Tumblr shit.
The only “original” thing she does is flaunt her infected pussy on cam. Not a lot of people doing that, I suppose.
No. 797808
>>797798Shay’s comments about getting her own room were in response to this user in her chat offering to take her to Jamaica. She said no at first but then said yes if he’d get her her own room. Highly doubt she’s going to Jamaica tho lol.
And maybe she is escorting, but her exchange with Jamaica dude doesn’t prove it
No. 797835
File: 1555221687932.jpeg (170.09 KB, 1121x1472, D4Favl-W0AEK4RQ.jpeg)

Still drunk posting on twitter begging for alcohol, looking like an inebriated cracked out auntie. Wtf is this outfit
No. 797836
>>797835Her nails have actually never looked better.
>>797798She seems like a prude honestly. I couldn’t see her having sex for money. Sex requires work and some effort, and she’s allergic to both of those things. She would also have to stay off her phone and give the guy the attention he’s paying for. Something she is also incapable of doing.
No. 797841
>>797835I usually think the crack head trailer park aunt comments are bit much and she doesn't look
thst bad but holy fuck she looks exactly like that in this photo
No. 797842
File: 1555224383435.jpg (1.53 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190414-014543_Tum…)

She does still post to tumblr occasionally.
No. 797858
>>797850>>797844Please don’t do webm, they don’t play on mobile.
You could also use - it doesn’t require an account.
No. 797862
File: 1555244940686.jpeg (220.31 KB, 1242x441, 47965CA3-0383-4D45-B9E6-FBA4CC…)

Does she honestly think that this an interesting “talent”? I’ve seen girls twice her size do the same thing, it’s not that impressive.
No. 797902
>>797862Guys it's her ~trademark pose~ and it's very unique and alluring because it shows off ALL her boils and rashes on full display while being in such a uwu flexible position!
No. 797908
File: 1555264815533.jpg (Spoiler Image,440.71 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20190414_135508_com…)

>>797904Thanks Anon, I hate it.
She just peed in the snap and proceeded to wet her finger with piss and lick it. Wtf his her problem? Also nitpick but she needs to get her forehead bone shaved and botox… The amount of deep wrinkles is concercing
No. 797909
>>797904i'm so scared oh my god
when she fucking sat her bare ass on the toilet in that disgusting filthy looking ratchet bathroom and then touched herself and licked her finger.. also love how she makes her voice so much higher in videos she takes of herself lol
No. 797911
>>797904Thank you for the milk anon but I'll never forgive you for the nightmares holy shit
For those not able to watch, or if it gets deleted, Shay looks like she's going to do nudes in a bar bathroom, ends up being piss fetish shit and probably gets it on her nails
No. 797913
>>797904$20 says she didn’t even bother to wash her hands after pissing on it. I mean, her home bathroom doesn’t have hand soap so it’s obviously not something she normally does.
Also I know the state of her pussy is old milk by now, but the combination of the stubble, pimples, and boils here, and then seeing her piss with her bare ass on that toilet… fuck. Feel sorry for anyone else who sits on that seat later. They’re 100% catching her perma-staph infection.
No. 797922
>>797915My first thought was "Oh she is gonna regret this when she sobers up the next day". Then I remembered it's Shay we're talking about. No Shay-m at all.
Strike 1: Taking nudes in a public bathroom that could have another visitor at any given second
Foul Ball: "I'm hot"
Strike 2: Sitting her bare ass on a public toilet
Strike 3: Recording herself peeing
Penalty: Capturing some of the pee on her finger and sucking it off
No. 797960
File: 1555274115765.png (159.42 KB, 567x616, Screenshot (461).png)

>>797950don't you know it takes hours to film such a groundbreaking, exciting video concept.
also kek at her 'fans'
No. 797977
File: 1555280502478.jpeg (262.02 KB, 1242x772, 400E9BFB-F022-4364-A91E-10D050…)

But. Why.
No. 797978
File: 1555280628435.jpeg (252.57 KB, 1242x657, 4A65A1C0-D7A4-4C9D-B994-5D3E7D…)

Gross to both of these posts
No. 797985
File: 1555281244921.png (333.35 KB, 750x1334, 73E71ED6-B225-4C15-92E5-DE4F79…)

Channeling her inner R Kelly fetish
No. 797997
>>797978She's not a size 0 lol. Maybe a 2/4. The only reason she can shop in the kids section is because she has no hips or ass.
She claims to be 5'5" and 112 pounds, if that's true I'm exactly the same size as her and have no problem whatsoever finding things in thrift stores. There's tons of forever 21 and other fast fashion shit because teenagers get bored of their wardrobes every two weeks. She just wants to flex about how uwu so smol she is.
No. 798011
>>797997i second this. there’s plenty of juniors sizes on the racks at goodwill and the like, unless she goes on busy days after all the good stuff is picked over.
makes me so sad to know that someone donated the clothes that their kids outgrew only for them to end up on the crusty infected body of a womanchild who makes pedobait.
No. 798016
File: 1555287550303.png (262.38 KB, 750x1334, F2756D98-FB05-43E1-9596-5A4010…)

No. 798020
>>798016Kek. shayna, people aren't promoting you because they don't want to associate their work with you due to things YOU DID. That's on you. Also outside of your orbiters, no one really likes you, that's also on you.
Boohoo all your bots are gone but you still have the exact same engagement.
No. 798043
File: 1555297239570.jpeg (372.21 KB, 1242x837, 759F0A8B-0807-49EE-9105-1F4152…)

>>798027Pretty sure she means you, anon.
No. 798047
>>798043isn't the porn-obsessive incel from
>>796931 going to be able to find her with that handle? i honestly think she would've been better off just sticking with what she was doing if she's not trying to be suspended again for ban-evasion or whatever other offenses she's guilty of TOS-wise
No. 798115
File: 1555352798296.jpg (540.66 KB, 1080x1271, Screenshot_20190415-132538_Twi…)

Oh pleeeeeeease. Totally just kissing Shay's ass
No. 798122
File: 1555354129130.jpg (194.7 KB, 1080x669, Screenshot_20190415-134840_Twi…)

No. 798130
File: 1555356382005.jpeg (460.17 KB, 1242x1061, 16EFBDE0-C5DE-4879-AE74-ECC1CA…)

Honestly she just repost everything from her tumblr to here, some of y’all have 0 originality. How many times are we gonna see this post
No. 798135
>>798131Clearly copy and pasted from tumblr since it says "dash" instead of timeline
There are also a billion other posts on every site like this. Nice hot take
No. 798137
File: 1555359455363.png (15.77 KB, 522x133, Screenshot (464).png)

ok but her interactions are literally the same as when she had 20k 'followers'
No. 798144
>>798140This is horribly embarrassing. No rhythm, random wiggling.
I don't understand why she didn't just watch an 80's video like this and copy the routine
No. 798151
>>798115>one of the most talented girls in this community wut. idk how ppl can type and then tweet this bs.
>>798130so desensitized yet kicks ppl out of her room for making sexual comments.
No. 798158
File: 1555366705886.jpeg (301.6 KB, 1040x2048, 941EC877-AF8F-4130-9E9B-BB8F3D…)

So does she not have towels or…
No. 798161
>>798140 Nothing to add but the fact it's the same song from this sketch made me laugh. I'll give her points if it's intentional at least. If it helps, picture it but with the bad news being her twitter getting deleted and Dawn as Peele.
Maybe if she just copied the routine she'd have more rhythm. Can't wait for the same video she's done already.
No. 798165
>>798144that would take
gasp WORK!
No. 798167
File: 1555369136278.jpeg (587.01 KB, 1242x686, 46A5A72F-6E76-49A7-8FF2-7E4B23…)

seriously though, if she has never shown her face and was one of those faceless porn ladies, I really think her porn would be better. This doesn’t include her rancid pussy and dry blown out asshole, but I think if she never showed her face it would force her to focus on taking care of her…area.(nitpicking )
No. 798226
>>798223I don’t even think she sleeps there tbh
I feel like she only goes there to do “work” and fuck off while fupa’s kids come over.
The apartment doesn’t look lived in.
No. 798245
>>798226She went a full month without buying
any groceries, so she definitely doesn't "live" there in any sense. She probably stays there a couple of nights a week to maintain appearances. I doubt she's ever even used the shower. And based on the state of her hair and skin, she doesn't use any haircare or skincare products.
it is really weird to see a bathroom with no hand soap or hand towels though, even if she's only there for a few hours a day she's gotta pee at some point.
No. 798266
File: 1555421855227.jpg (936.27 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190415-221323_Twi…)

This is just dirty looking
No. 798281
File: 1555430446618.png (25.74 KB, 520x280, 2019-04-16 12_00_13-Dolly Matt…)

she's seriously going to be bald by the end of the year at this rate
No. 798308
File: 1555440621584.png (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 1245x730, 2019-04-16 14_49_34-Dolly Matt…)

very sexy, much pornstar
No. 798319
File: 1555442660751.jpg (Spoiler Image,347.17 KB, 1080x570, Screenshot_20190416-142318_Twi…)

No. 798321
File: 1555442755074.jpg (Spoiler Image,339.84 KB, 1080x586, Screenshot_20190416-142328_Twi…)

No. 798322
File: 1555442788341.jpg (Spoiler Image,337.8 KB, 1080x599, Screenshot_20190416-142337_Twi…)

Idk why she even posted this picture. It's a mess
No. 798323
File: 1555442857399.jpg (Spoiler Image,359.74 KB, 1080x582, Screenshot_20190416-142347_Twi…)

Wouldn't you want to hide the bears to keep the allusion of an 80's workout studio?
No. 798336
>>798308hope she washed that since she last used it kek.
>>798323ikr, she goes on about how much effort she puts into ''set design'' but couldnt clear some space and put like.. a yoga mat down.
No. 798358
File: 1555452389983.png (Spoiler Image,515.33 KB, 810x713, Screenshot (466).png)

>>798349oh lord. is cock squats supposed to be a pun on something? idgi. i bet she doesnt even do any squats in the video lmao
No. 798372
File: 1555462977747.jpeg (184.15 KB, 1125x568, 344F6BBB-554E-46B5-BBD4-80ADBB…)

here’s the truth shay
No. 798389
File: 1555467559083.jpg (235.22 KB, 1080x1126, Screenshot_20190416-211850_Twi…)

Oh please
No. 798392
File: 1555468737588.jpg (Spoiler Image,956.02 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190416-213818_Twi…)

You can tell in this pic that the leotard is too small for her(nitpicking)
No. 798393
File: 1555468944482.jpg (29.26 KB, 229x259, Screenshot_20190416-222927_Chr…)

>>798266that alpaca has seen some shit.
>>798336agreed, having the dumb string lights, frilly curtain and gross carpet as pretty much all her other content isn't helping sell the illusion of gym slut or whatever.
>>798349having that spot on her butt being so prominent in the promo is so cringey.
No. 798475
File: 1555513174967.png (41.02 KB, 426x219, Screenshot 2019-04-17 at 9.57.…)

>>798433ended with 38% saying yes and 62% saying no, kek
No. 798489
File: 1555517865740.png (818.96 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190417-121637.png)

She's on cam, if anyone cares. Her "first morning camshow in a year" despite having scheduled 3+ morning cam shows in the last month (and just failing to show up for her shift)
No. 798496
File: 1555520671897.png (Spoiler Image,1.78 MB, 1650x741, cam1.PNG)

>>798489I stopped watching after she paddled her vagina for $2.50 (50 tokens). It's genuinely beyond me why Shay thinks anyone could be jealous of her job when that's what her job consists of- punching herself, hurting sensitive parts of her body for literal dollars. Not to mention her embarrassing content.
It's weird and almost depressing watching her get worked up and excited over such small amounts of money.
No. 798506
>>798477can't confirm this now because looks like she's deleted the poll, but look here
>>798372 44 votes in 2 hours. i don't think the number went up by a large amount if the final vote ratio was +/- 5% of the ratio in this pic kek.
pretty, pretty sure the results were legit followers.
No. 798507
File: 1555523352630.png (Spoiler Image,366.32 KB, 651x475, Screenshot_20190417-103847~2.p…)

Why is she sitting like this on cam while picking at her thigh does she really think that's hot
No. 798508
File: 1555523415412.jpg (339.94 KB, 1080x1258, Screenshot_20190417-104918_Twi…)

Whatever will she do without being a famouz internet princess
No. 798539
File: 1555529251855.png (67.36 KB, 526x567, Screenshot (467).png)

read from the bottom 1/2
so did her snap get deleted again?
No. 798540
File: 1555529350208.png (67.09 KB, 532x583, Screenshot (468).png)

>>7985392/2 when will the dumb bitch realize shes not being reported, but automatically flagged. she knows twitter does that, why doesn't she think snapchat can do a similar thing?
No. 798541
>>798539Shayna, if you break a website's TOS you have no right to be pissed when they ban you from it.
I think she's been putting off using only fans instead because people expect decent quality content on that, not just shitty videos of her getting drunk alone etc
No. 798544
File: 1555529696989.png (28.52 KB, 522x232, ban-evasion-mattel.png)

>>798542shes obviously waiting for someone from here to answer this for her kek.
No. 798557
>>798543 If she does it to replace her snapchat, she should at least get enough people to move over from there to make it worth her time, and we wouldn't have to hear the same rant about "being targeted" every week. If it isn't the obvious answer of Snapchat TOS, it's just a crazy incel, she should know this since she's definitely lurked before.
She would be better off spending that energy on her cam room. Tips came in early and fast, but once the major tippers left the chat was silent and she was taking pics of Snapchat and complaining about how they look, even when she had 70 people in her room, though many where guests. It wouldn't surprise me if she paid people to get the tips in early and get a crowd going, even though if she tried to engage the chat more and posed a bit better she could easily do well on cam. She'd only interact with viewers who messaged first, and would keep them interested and tipping, but doesn't know how to hype up the rest.
No. 798563
File: 1555535292309.png (51.29 KB, 527x490, Screenshot (474).png)

she must have a specific person in mind who she thinks it is then.
No. 798565
>>798563omg can she ever not be the
No. 798586
File: 1555543485325.jpeg (Spoiler Image,443.01 KB, 1040x2048, AF980C87-800F-46C9-A491-91CA41…)

Her scalloped tongue drives me insane doe some reason(nitpicking)
No. 798618
>>798563She's making this way bigger than it needs to be. Move on already girl, she's been ranting about this stuff like it's serious. It's her fault for relying on snapchat the way she has been anyways. If she actually made money from her other stuff then I doubt she would be making as big of a deal about this as she has been.
She needs to look in the mirror and realize she's the real bottomfeeder. She says all this stuff about being on the top but there's no evidence of that being the case. If she could actually prove herself for once it would be a nice change of pace because honestly this desperate camwhore schtick is getting stale.
No. 798644
File: 1555564454926.png (2.14 MB, 750x1334, 6A353860-9D63-4F85-8A03-B556CF…)

She’s been on cam for over an hour and literally only has 14 people in her room. Over half are guests too. She’s made roughly 150 tokens in that hour. She’s just smoking a shit ton of weed and babbling about how she doesn’t know if she’s high or not anymore
No. 798698
File: 1555595685255.png (42.06 KB, 551x810, Screenshot (476).png)

she was back on her IM BEING TARGETED bullshit on tumblr trying to get sympathy
No. 798714
>>798698Lol "i broke TOS and can't take responsibility for my dumbassery so pay for an unnecessary bong 4 me"
She could just get a vpn and get over it or take the lesson and learn to work smart but nope… more drugs & begging
No. 798716
>>798698It's been said before, but shay has no idea how numbers work. 5 videos for 25 dollars, but her usual weekly sales are 90 videos for 50?
There has to be something wrong with her brain, physically.
No. 798722
File: 1555605797351.png (106.99 KB, 641x906, miserablebitch.PNG)

Imagine waking up in the morning and being this miserable right away. She sounds so bitter and angry over absolutely nothing. It sounds like she is talking about herself here but I can't tell.
No. 798723
File: 1555605929790.png (65.72 KB, 644x666, miserablebitch2.PNG)

>>798722Samefag, more of her ranting.
No. 798749
File: 1555612207132.jpeg (604.9 KB, 1242x1805, 201747AA-AAF4-459E-91CD-D20783…)

>>798698Here you go shay. Since you read here so often, I figured I would do you a favor.
If you’re so certain it’s anon’s reporting you and SC took your account for no reason, why don’t you try to fight it? Hm? You fought for your tumblr account and got it back. Why not do the same for your other accounts?
No. 798776
>>798749Kek she broke the first and third rule right from the beginning.
It is possible she's being "targeted", but it's not by a farmer on here. It would be that group of petty nobody camwhores "cancelling" her. Other possibilities include that anti-porn account that was mentioned before or… I know this may seem unbelievable, but maybe, just maybe, it's pissed off customers she's scammed or upset by said scamming or being a bitch/blocking them. And if she doesn't refund or compensate the snap customers, she's gonna have a lot more.
Or you know, it could just be her shit finally got flagged through their systems just because she's a TOS breaking dumbass on all platforms. But of course Shay would never admit to anything that would take responsibility.
No. 798827
File: 1555628874964.jpg (152.36 KB, 821x1200, D4eBxTeXoAAE0f6.jpg)

her new hair.
No. 798833
>>798827It’s not a bad color but
oof those ends. So dead.
I know she’s a moron but someone should tell her that getting your hair cut actually helps it grow.
No. 798834
>>798827At least it's actually pink now
She should cut a solid 5 inches off and it would look way better.
No. 798841
>>798827It does look way better. I think she took an anon's advice and went to a salon specializing in unnatural colors.
But, funny she's bragging about making x3 the amount of her rent, and proceeds to buy two bongs and go to the salon in the span of what, 48 hours? I'm guessing by the end of the month it'll all be blown.
No. 798843
>>798833lmao that's not true at all anon. it just helps it look better -
valid reason for her to do it especially as it looks so ragged. but no it doesn't grow
No. 798849
File: 1555637754979.jpg (1.39 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190418_203324.jpg)

She definitely edited the color to be a darker pink than the stylist's pictures are.
Left is the stylist's and right is Shay's.
No. 798871
>>798868what is science
>>798849maybe she can just ask for the pink she wants next time
No. 798873
File: 1555646936247.jpg (150.87 KB, 905x375, 43w53554.jpg)

She's on cam. Is this shay wearing a different white shirt for once??
Also after her bad edging, she asked in her fake porn voice who is gonna be the first to tip her to put her feet behind her head. Gotta get paid to do her one "trick". She doesn't even put her feet behind her head. Just puts them up on each side of it kek
No. 798886
>>798875it's not going to grow faster, but it will
seem like it is because the dead ends won't keep breaking off and making your hair appear shorter.
No. 798930
File: 1555684238797.png (1.1 MB, 654x868, 2019-04-19 10_29_08-Dolly Matt…)

you can always tell when she's extra fucked up because she starts posting pics that are way crustier than usual
No. 798936
File: 1555685772288.jpeg (248.34 KB, 1125x972, A1148E3E-7886-43CE-B186-D861BA…)

she has a bedroom and a cam room? I thought she had a studio apartment with everything in the same place
No. 798939
>>798936she is lying. she doesn't want to seem any more broke than she actually is, has to keep up the illusion that she can afford more than a studio apartment in a city that nobody wants to live in.
>>798938Nope, she did say that. And she did make up her mind. A lovely patchy pink color with uneven roots was her choice. She could have taken her bong money and went to a super nice salon that knows how to dye hair properly
No. 798951
File: 1555692160421.png (167.34 KB, 516x579, Screenshot (479).png)

shes made a new instagram lol
No. 798962
File: 1555697267268.png (Spoiler Image,226.57 KB, 523x501, carrot.png)

thoughts & prayers going out to that carrot
No. 799008
File: 1555709212842.png (11.12 KB, 578x84, 2019-04-19 17_26_14-Dolly Matt…)

>>798979welp apparently she's peeling it so i guess
>>798966 called it
No. 799021
File: 1555712719534.png (1.29 MB, 665x887, 2019-04-19 18_24_49-Dolly Matt…)

please don't use the super pointy one…
No. 799027
File: 1555713881477.jpeg (Spoiler Image,109.19 KB, 1334x750, 19687EF0-450E-4425-AC99-49046C…)

seriously, this could be great if it wasn’t so washed out. Now even her hair matches her background, props, carpet, lights, everything. this is basic film knowledge. been doing this 3 years shayna?
No. 799046
File: 1555721709111.jpg (94.56 KB, 1066x643, Screenshot_20190420-014705_Twi…)

Such a genius
No. 799065
>>799046hey look
>>799029 was right about her eating her butthole carrots
No. 799072
File: 1555726575765.png (2.82 MB, 750x1334, 9C978D74-D712-41E2-9987-19F959…)

The carrots she’s using are barely even peeled(emojis)
No. 799106
>>799072Nitpick, but it's stupid that the tail butt plug is pink-ish and the rest of her goofy ass bunny get up is white lol then again, her whole "outfit" is retarded so
Also in regards to the carrot dildo things… wouldn't it make more sense to use them from the bottom (where the green leafy part grows)? But again, you'd want to use a condom which it seems like she's not planning on.
No. 799127
File: 1555747654475.jpeg (Spoiler Image,183.13 KB, 2047x1144, D4knmf9XsAAUGAM.jpeg)

>>799077You were right lol
No. 799175
She uses the pointy end and says she’s “stretching open her pussy”, kek. With a tiny carrot lmao. why does she have to explain literally everything in her videos? She explains what she’s going to do for a good 5+ minutes and then does it half assed. Is it just to make the video seem longer?
No. 799181
File: 1555774634669.png (Spoiler Image,454.69 KB, 869x493, Screenshot (485).png)

>>799175right? it doesnt even look washed or peeled to me
No. 799188
>>799181She literally only peeled the tip… And I'll bet she didn't wash the carrot because she peeled it and figured that was good enough (despite her hands going on the still dirty end of the carrot)
Honestly I don't get why she didn't peel the whole thing. It would have taken two seconds more to do and would have looked much better. How can someone actually be so lazy?
No. 799193
>>799181Even if she peeled it a little, carrots have natural sugar in them.
And obviously sugar and vagina do not mix. I can't wait for the yeast infection tweets
No. 799199
File: 1555783612636.jpg (Spoiler Image,254.16 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20190420_140039_com…)

Nightmare fuel.
No. 799200
File: 1555783645028.jpg (Spoiler Image,326.25 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20190420_140128_com…)

No. 799203
>>799201Nah they’ve always look like a hot mess that went through a shredder. It just gets even worse the more she refuses to use lube.
and her pussy looking swollen is a normal sexual reaction so yeah, it doesn’t have to do with how she takes (or doesn’t take) care of her genitals.
No. 799245
File: 1555801493353.jpg (74.31 KB, 576x1024, IMG_20190420_160341.jpg)

Oh wow when she puts her hair up like this it makes it REALLY obvious how different the colors of her roots vs ends are.
No. 799255
>>799252Yeah but the undertones are different.
The roots look more purplish and the ends are light pink
No. 799289
File: 1555826927633.png (490.04 KB, 828x1792, 4B72D6C8-AC46-487A-903F-28E3D4…)

No. 799324
>>799295I'm not sure where you're getting farmer vibes. She just sounds like a scorned ex-fan.
I wonder how many paying customers she's blocked because of her paranoia.
No. 799334
File: 1555856082707.jpeg (277.29 KB, 1536x2048, B8337874-FB8F-48EE-85E8-9E9FD8…)

Not a good look. At all.
No. 799335
>>799289Christ this chick is mental. Shay needs to calm herself before she blocks her supporters entirely. She already blocks male customers, drives away others, and now she's Paranoid Mattel™ and blocking the only consistent source of her income which was female orbiters and people who felt bad for her
Get this through your thick ugly skull Shay-gnar nasty, farmers aren't mass deleting or reporting your shit. And if there's anymore farmers left on your snapchat, you're making money off that you idiot. Also that's showing you we want the milk to continue. Why pay for something we enjoy laughing at only to get rid of it? Don't just answer "because they're crazy", rub those last two brain cells together and really think about it dumbass
No. 799370
File: 1555883324336.jpg (667.01 KB, 1080x1678, Screenshot_20190421-164800_Twi…)

No. 799371
File: 1555883351972.jpg (Spoiler Image,333.13 KB, 1080x614, Screenshot_20190420-174209_Twi…)

No. 799372
File: 1555883449826.jpg (198.36 KB, 1080x669, Screenshot_20190421-165006_Twi…)

Can't be with her family, so she's going to drink
No. 799384
File: 1555886338453.jpeg (611.48 KB, 1242x962, 91A8447D-B019-4734-9373-F51C08…)

Shayna…you scam, block, and are rude to your customers constantly. You think calling men stupid makes you a domme. THIS WHOLE TWEET APPLIES TO YOU. How can she be this vapid?
No. 799385
File: 1555886387610.jpeg (142.67 KB, 750x1334, 3A1A4786-19D8-452E-BDEA-1B8207…)

local rat faced alcoholic goes out day drinking alone
No. 799499
File: 1555945730828.jpg (10.62 KB, 250x139, shay.JPG)

Music update: apparently she's listening to 90's emo now
No. 799519
File: 1555955241948.jpeg (620.5 KB, 3376x1918, 31A20970-C787-49A5-AC67-C69345…)

Apparently shay was shitting on a SW for being upset about someone stealing their conent and said the other girl should’ve messaged the person privately to talk about it. Wasn’t she publicly bitching about a twitter page that posted an old gif of her and fupa and even had the whole account deleted?
No. 799537
>>799334wow she legit looks like that other cow that's an alcoholic/tweaker (specks?)
diet of booze and weed ain't lookin good Shay, she looks dopey af here.
No. 799539
File: 1555968789468.jpg (353.5 KB, 1080x1708, Screenshot_20190422_173214.jpg)

No. 799548
>>799539>& ur dad said 2 give me ur money!!!alright, I know she's obsessed with this lame 'your dad' shit, but who is this even supposed to be addressing? a-are there grown men she thinks have some kind of infantile-daddy complex where hearing their dad told them to do something will make them do it?
and if those viewers exist, why would you be interested in her? sounds like some kind of homo-based ddlg(b?) fetish.
like she just has no sense of who her customer base is or who she wants to appeal to as a potential customer base. unless this little tidbit is meant for all the fat tumblr girls who want to be sex workers following her, then
maybe it'd hit their potential daddy issues?
I know it's not that deep and she just thinks she's being edgy or funny or some shit, but it just astounds me day after day how little she understands the concept of a sexworker's social media. it's a business, you're selling yourself as an idea/fetish, like damn. even if you argue all she wants is attention, it's not even a good way of getting that. HOW DOES SHE NOT HAVE THE BRAIN FUNCTION FOR SUCH BASIC THINGS? even after dogfucker probably tried to tell her some tips it's like in one ear out the other lmao.
No. 799556
>>799548idiot probably meant she's taking "your" dads money
i think the reason she still clings on to the whole sex worker thing is cus she's just desperate not to get a real job, it's a real testament to that really lol
No. 799567
File: 1555976754486.png (441.38 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190422-183704.png)

She got 3 followers today anon. This bitch got paid hella this month. These ppl sent her 100 each besides one that was $80. And her curious cat says she has 2 make 3 custom vids next week.
No. 799581
>>799567So what minimum wage workers get paid in a week?
Also this is assuming these weren't strategically posted together to seem like she got it all at once
3 custom videos in one week even assuming they're around $100 each, is still dancing around a job you could get right out of high school.
aka not worth flashing your gross vag around the internet
cam girls
do get hella paid, Shayna does not… hmmm
No. 799590
>>799582So pretty much enough to get her hair done, get her new glass, and buy enough weed for a what, 5 days - a week?
It’s gone by now.
No. 799592
File: 1555982901492.jpg (169.49 KB, 1073x550, Screenshot_20190422-202734_Twi…)

Don't blame your shitty diet on your kink Shay
No. 799606
>>799592i like that she says "single" like she isn't still seeing her freakshow boyfriend.
>if i say i'm single casually, they'll believe me!>>799567>This bitch got hella paid this month.… $300 is "hella paid" to you? minimum wage workers make this regularly. like, a week. she's actually going to have to put out some videos for those "payments", too, so i can't wait to see her slack on those.
No. 799609
File: 1555988452347.jpg (432.26 KB, 1079x1215, Screenshot_20190422-220007_Chr…)

She's officially came out that she's in Tulsa.
No. 799615
File: 1555990803166.jpeg (185.1 KB, 828x1587, B5C7643E-4D0E-4E41-B396-20495D…)

I wonder what shaytard thinks when she stalks fupas Facebook and sees posts like this
No. 799619
File: 1555993880959.jpg (407.71 KB, 810x1354, 20190422_231133.jpg)

I don't understand how she thinks she's doing well? Even now? She claims she has clients she talks to all day, so she's probably "working" +12 hours a day. If she makes $400 a week (little more than what anon's above mentioned) working 7days a week that's like $57 a day or $4.76 a hour… and she's wasting time doing something she's not good at, in a field she's slowing going to be pushed out of for younger and cuter girls, and literally does nothing to better herself. No school, no trade job training, doesn't go to the doctor or dentist…
Meanwhile if she was in a normal job she just needs to work for 8 hours, would get paid better, and would actually have experience in a job field.
But enjoy having TVS bought for you while it lasts Shayna.
No. 799628
>>799619Yeah I'm sure the dudes buying your shitty porn care how many times you've been deleted and remade your accounts.
>>799599It's obvious she sees anons say something here then coincidentally posts something about it on twitter to "disprove" it. Like the other day she suddenly had a towel in her bathroom pic after people were saying she had no towels lmao.
No. 799640
>>799637She's only a little when it's convenient for her. She can't cook for shit and is too lazy to actually go groceryshopping so she just slaps on the big ol 'im such a wild little can do whatever i want except being an adult uwu'
It's getting old as fuck
No. 799665
>>799616She’s still paying her half (or all???) of rent from her and Fupas house so they definitely still at least talk and see each other so he can get her rent money. But probably still fucking also.
If they didn’t have a ~terrible~ breakup I don’t see why she didn’t just continue living there platonically with him ESPECIALLY if she still has to pay rent.
No. 799699
>>799609This to me confirms she’s still with Fupa. There is literally no other reason for her to stay in Bumfuck, Oklahoma. She has no friends or family there, no job there, and it’s a shit town in the middle of nowhere.
He’s not worth it, but I’m not sure Shayna can do better than Fupa, either.
No. 799714
File: 1556034620888.jpg (927.88 KB, 2048x2048, 1556034519919.jpg)

Was Massachusetts a democratic state?
No. 799738
>>799611I didn't wanna say it but there have been several instances where replies type like Shayna and there was a time where it looked like she leaked her own snap story? But nothing came of the accusation? The retarded typing might only just he other sex workers who think Shayna is relevant to their work somehow. Maybe other ddlg camgirls who think its cute to type that way. It's common for a cow's community to flock to a thread but there hasnt been anything exceptional to warrant looking into it further, so be careful or you might be accused of "(hi, cow)"
Honestly considering that we even have SnapAnons who buy her shit, its kinda a good move for Shayna to keep her thread afloat if its true. That's like $20 in her pocket just so farmers can see her snaps and reply with the same old "shes so crusty & her hair color is uneven!" comments.
No. 799765
File: 1556047614187.png (427.43 KB, 828x1792, 3A849D39-D7E2-46B6-8971-FBD29C…)

She’s literally the definition of an unsuccessful and lazy sw who can’t keep a job.
No. 799786
File: 1556053600765.jpg (126.02 KB, 675x1200, D43ZgdcX4AA4w6Y.jpg)

Jesus christ
No. 799798
>>799619I stg she praises herself once a week
“I’m so good at my job”
“I’m so strong”
“People try to tear me down but i just come back better each time”
“I have the ability to make any situation work in my favor”
I seriously just want to kick her ass so badly. There are sex workers that deal with real problems, don’t have any family to go to, and don’t beg nearly as much as she does. She thinks the world fucking revolves around her and that she’s so much better than everyone else. There are sex workers that work minimum wage jobs to make ends meet, are still struggling, and barely complain. Yet she gets the sniffles and makes people believe the world is ending.
No. 799826
>>799758Shayna no longer has a private Snapchat.
She has her public one she posts on pretty frequently now because it's the only one that hasn't been shut down. Before her private ones were taken out she barely posted on her public one.
I think for this reason it was a pissed off customer who got her private snap deleted multiple times. If this was a farmer they would have gotten her public shut down too.
No. 799853
File: 1556067348629.jpg (165.62 KB, 1080x518, Screenshot_20190423-195421_Twi…)

Get ready for begging
No. 799854
File: 1556067373108.jpg (158.05 KB, 1080x536, Screenshot_20190423-195455_Twi…)

All those followers and no likes
No. 799883
>>799882Shaytard’s scamming antics have made me cynical and I now have difficulty believing she actually needs dental work, to me it seems more likely that this is just her latest artificial
victim moment, and she’s fabricating the whole thing to ebeg as effectively as she thinks possible.
No. 799887
File: 1556071893554.jpeg (259.59 KB, 1125x892, D2AB6E06-73AE-44A0-9D7C-00A7DC…)

Oh jfc
No. 799896
File: 1556073866240.jpg (92.49 KB, 1080x311, Screenshot_20190423-214349_Twi…)

Can't cam because her mouth hurts too much. But still gonna get drunk
No. 799903
>>799896with all the sugar wine she drinks (and we know she doesn't brush) her teeth are probably crumbling away in her mouth
They probably do hurt a fuck ton
No. 799924
>>799853So here's confirmation she's still under her dad's insurance. He probably pays for more things too
>>799887…does she think that sugar daddies and disgusting daddies are the same thing or that these two fetishes/things can mix into something new? Honestly it would explain a whole lot of her stupidity. What a cam girl, has no idea about sex or fetishes despite deciding to base her life around both
No. 799959
File: 1556113172822.jpg (219.24 KB, 1080x717, Screenshot_20190424-083902_Twi…)

She's so bad at domming
No. 799960
File: 1556113206900.jpg (114.52 KB, 1076x385, Screenshot_20190424-083951_Twi…)

Classy as always Shay
No. 799969
File: 1556121714189.jpg (115.52 KB, 1334x750, IMG_20190424_165936.jpg)

Damn she lookin rough
No. 799989
File: 1556127970480.jpg (74.83 KB, 1080x287, Screenshot_20190424-124159_Ama…)

>>799969Her apartment seems to be very tiny. Quick search on Amazon and for the 55" the dimensions of the TV's box it looks like the room is a little over five feet from the looks?
No. 799991
File: 1556128422911.png (1.1 MB, 1125x2436, 591DD6C9-8C02-469A-9C66-370637…)

where to even begin….the part where she was camming before she was 18? Or the part where she posted her titty for a few likes to her largely underage stoner following?
No. 799993
File: 1556128531350.jpeg (369.4 KB, 1125x1252, E1353B5F-B2C9-4750-889A-5037C1…)

>>799991Forgot this part of the thread
No. 800004
>>799995Try looking at efficiencies or studios under 500 a month. I don't think that she could afford much more than that.
Kind of doubtful she's paying half of the fupamansion, but i could be wrong.
No. 800005
>>799993wow i love how she has to twist the issue of underage people selling themselves for sex into a big grand old ~it's all about ME, this could affect me and destroy my entire life!! literally sobbing rn these evil CHILDREN are making my life a living hell!11!! omg im soo manipulated~ lol this utterly stupid cunt.
and we all know this is beyond hypocritical so no need to even mention it.
No. 800006
>>799882Wisdom teeth can rot quickly because they can be harder to reach to brush, also cysts can form around or under the teeth. Wisdom teeth are often more of a nuisance but can cause health problems.
She’s never complained about her wisdom teeth before and hasn’t been to a dentist in years. I’m sure her teeth hurt from her lack of hygiene and sugar diet. She probably has tons of cavities, but that’s not uwu cute so she’s gotta use something else that isn’t in her control so she can be a
victim of unfortunate circumstances.
No. 800015
File: 1556132692824.jpg (115.91 KB, 1080x407, Screenshot_20190424-140406_Twi…)

That's healthy
No. 800026
>>799969 I think she lives in that flat, look on the side, there is something that looks like a mattress on the floor with a pillow on it leaning against the wall.
Shayna is too pathetic to date and her needs outside of her growing alcoholism, rent and internet are limited to bad haircuts. She could make a living in a tiny studio flat with what she sleeps on on the non camming side of her room.
No. 800037
>>799991>talks about the issue of minors getting into sex workWow, for once she's saying something insightf-
>"Fuck those children, they're putting US sex workers in danger!! And also the people who buy their content!!"?? What? So she's not concerned about those children, but claims that somehow minors camming are harming not themselves, but someone else aka adult sex workers and their johns… how?
No. 800061
>>800043you think anyone better than fupa wants her nasty ass? lol. she's repugnant.
>>800048she's not really in a position to be choosy, as much as she pretends she is. if he's fucking her/paying her, she'll take it.
No. 800090
>>800072Ignoring the fact that she made this about herself and the fact that she's a hypocrite, if you promote a kid's nudes you would potentially get in shit for it. You're technically promoting child pornography by doing that. And honestly you'd probably feel bad too because you thought you were helping out a new sex worker but actually just helped pedos get off and confirmed that kid's stupid decision as a
valid way to make money
>>800081I agree with the others, can you get screenshots from the convo? If it's through snapchat it's likely gone now but that would be really nice to archive here. A good warning that if you're thinking of being a customer Shay doesn't care about you. Dolly Mattel/Stupid Baby hates her customers and is actually stupid enough to destroy her own income
No. 800092
This pic
>>799027 shows almost the entirety of her cam room.
No. 800133
File: 1556161824019.jpg (255.05 KB, 1080x876, Screenshot_20190424-220953_Twi…)

What is she talking about?
No. 800139
File: 1556162895284.jpeg (179.58 KB, 1052x1386, 2AAE61EA-9790-441A-B59A-519A2E…)

Imagine waking up to this lying at the foot of your bed
No. 800154
File: 1556165569323.jpg (127.08 KB, 613x1141, Screenshot_20190425_000950.jpg)

Thanks Anon! She's only annoyed about underage sw now because it's not something she can benefit from anymore… I don't understand
No. 800169
>>800154Probably pissed that younger hotter people are taking her place as her body ages rapidly and she becomes less relevant.
That’s the industry.
No. 800185
>>799995I found her complex a while back, but i haven't posted it because I'm not gonna dox.
She's paying around $600 a month. The building has both studios and one bedrooms, i can't tell which hers is but based on what we've seen I'm going to say it's a one bedroom. The room with the blow-up mattress and her puppy cage is the bedroom that she uses as her cam room, and the mattress on the floor is in what should be the living room. It's 500 sq ft.
No. 800186
>>800183Right? Maybe she shouldnt have posted her dumb rant this morning. Its obviously other trash SWers reporting her twitter. Think about it. Last time it was when that group of girls "cancelled" her. Now she probs pissed off whatever girls involved in the shit she was ranting on. So much for never getting involved in drama.
Whats your cam or vid schedule, Shay? Maybe mind your literal business, do your job, and stop getting into petty hyprocrital and retarded Twitter wars with other dumb skanks kek
No. 800193
File: 1556177946973.jpg (141.11 KB, 1080x2006, Screenshot_20190425-003835_Chr…)

>>800182Both accounts are suspended, kek. I wish it was only one so we could witness the the sperg.
No. 800194
File: 1556178475002.jpg (583.88 KB, 1080x1996, Screenshot_20190425-004653_Twi…)

Searched her name on Twitter, looks like another camgirl witch hunt got her suspended. Wonder how she'll try to flip this one.
No. 800196
File: 1556179295581.jpeg (138.38 KB, 432x768, A63865AF-16BA-42A0-A9BF-5CCA67…)

>>800185eh, she's posted pictures of it and we know what she's spending. anons found TND's new rental almost immediately and shared all of the pictures of it before she moved in. i want to see what the rest of the place looks like so i can laugh.
i think it's probably union point or silver creek or huntington or any one of the depressingly old and ugly units that all look exactly the same. tbh i'm surprised she's paying that much. what's really mind boggling is that for what she's paying she could have gotten a nice studio as opposed to a creepy old shithole but chose not to.
pic unrelated, i came across it on my searches and liked the sign. but tulsa is a fucking horrorshow. definitely fucking fupa on the dl from his ex and the kids, no way anyone would choose to live there willingly.
No. 800199
>>800192Actually most of the apartments I saw in Tulsa while searching for Shay's place have equally hideous and outdated bathrooms. Most of them were identical tbh.
I found hers based on the layout of the living/kitchen area, and the fact that very few places in tulsa have mirrored bedroom closet doors.
No. 800205
>>800194Jfc shes not even a racist. She made ignorant anti-semitic (not racist) comments and blurted a distasteful idea regarding politics and a black dildo. Years ago? Like…
Not WKing but it still makes me roll my eyes when these dumb camwhores go for her over THAT outdated, barely partially
valid thing over her actual scammy, begging, lazy, nasty, pathetic antics. Its just cringy at this point.
Like yeah its funny that even these garbage bitches hate her and are the real ones targetting her, but its also petty and outplayed at this point. Like come up with fresh reasons to drag her, girls!
No. 800226
>>800205>Not WKingIt's not worth perpetuating this eggshell-walking cancelled culture just to find ways to shit on a cow that makes enough
valid reasons to be shit on, I wouldn't call that WKing, it's just being reasonable.
This is some sanctimonious nonsense from a group of petty whores who have no moral authority. And
>>800207 is right; if Shay can't access social media then that's it for us
No. 800237
File: 1556202699863.png (381.21 KB, 810x592, Screenshot (492).png)

>>800193>>800207she already made a new twitter and she still has instagram
No. 800242
File: 1556203608236.png (16.94 KB, 522x126, hypocrit.png)

>>800194>>800207if it was her that reported or encouraged reporting shayna, it's funny cause she posted this. they are the first to cry about being suspended/reported but probably go round doing it to other people they ~cancelled~ lol.
No. 800244
File: 1556204175936.jpg (567.65 KB, 1065x1850, Screenshot_20190425-075525_Twi…)

And the orbiter pity begins
No. 800251
Why do the thread camwhores keep cowtipping? What you're doing isn't milky. This is the only place that follows Shayna, she barely even has a following. You want her to go dark? Stop being retarded, please.
>>800242Someone follows the #kickvic shit, the 'isn't slander if it's fact' is directly from that, weird how we just happen to have a thread on that too, huh?
Seriously, please restrain yourself.
No. 800271
>>800250It's still up
>>800252It's probably someone with a vendetta against her who doesn't care about milk
No. 800275
File: 1556210754165.jpeg (343.71 KB, 479x1096, 9719AC66-DB5E-408C-AB8D-0E8F5F…)

It’s absolutely another whore with a mission. I hate these bitches. Look at this cow
>I’m so empathetic and forgiving
No. 800276
>>800242>i have a LEGAL RIGHT to talk about thisbitch, it’s fucking
twitter. a privately owned platform. they reserve the rights to delete literally whatever the fuck they want. why are these camwhores so dumb?
No. 800277
>>800275callout culture amongst the camwhores
truly we live in clown world
No. 800279
File: 1556211430165.png (709.34 KB, 1125x2436, 51CC31B6-BADC-4D0F-A3AC-F00519…)

Poor Dolly Mattel.
No. 800281
File: 1556211556760.png (835.71 KB, 1125x2436, 087F6E4D-B915-4B4A-B520-982D51…)

No. 800291
>>800281Awww poor wittle thing is finally realizing she’s nothing without her followers that she used to brag about constantly.
This is what happens when you base your livelihood on social media with no back up plan or savings.
Just go home Shay.
No. 800295
File: 1556212874413.jpg (23.05 KB, 400x400, IMG_20190425_181952.jpg)

The lighting and position of her hand + those nails here makes it look like she has a chicken foot under her chin.(nitpicking)
No. 800300
>>800285Exactly. I follow a few cam models and they really only post on Twitter to update their schedule, which can also be found on their MFC or Manyvids.
She put all her eggs in the Tumblr basket and now that twitter and IG are kicking her out she has no leg or audience to stand on. It's a hell of her own creation
No. 800309
File: 1556214239312.jpeg (21.56 KB, 491x276, D6BACE3E-99C9-4C49-8486-4BD663…)

>>800298you can't see it when you keep reporting it.
No. 800314
I agree with all of u guys. She's so stupid. "I'm a sex workers guysss!!"
gets upset about social media. Her fucking rants on Snapchat made me want to fucking kill myself.Literally does nothing but repeat the same shit over and over 2 herself. Also she said SWs are jealous of her looks,"petite-ness" and being "successful". She's full of it!!! No one's jealous… she's already begging on her public snap. ALSO WHERE'S RIB MEAT
No. 800318
File: 1556215019300.png (1.9 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190425-125537.png)

Creepy if I do say so myself..
No. 800319
File: 1556215056787.png (114.68 KB, 1440x496, 20190425_125448.png)

No. 800327
File: 1556216158848.png (3.2 MB, 828x1792, A1BD42C7-9DC1-4E38-BCBC-DE59FE…)

Jesus fucking Christ
No. 800328
File: 1556216182830.png (112.15 KB, 520x522, Screenshot (496).png)

everyday is a day off but ok. it's kinda manipulative of her to act like she would be homeless when her parents (or even fupa ) wouldnt let it get to that.
No. 800332
>>800316espikvlt could have a thread of her own.
>>800318This is creepy and wont help her any. Shay please just quit or realize that posting nudes on sites like twitter (I doubt she flagged her account as nsfw) and tumblr is against the tos now. Like the above anon said; use twitter just to tell people when you are about to cam. Cam and build up a fan base that way. E-begging wont do it.
No. 800336
>>800279>>800281i agree that these sjw camwhores are idiots and are ruining the milk however this is hilarious, shay playing
victim even more extreme than before. she might truly need to start working at mcdonalds soon. and seeing her whine about how she's too perfect to deserve anything like this to happen is rich, she'll never ever learn a single thing, her brain is so fucked up.
No. 800342
>>800336It's great entertainment, I have to admit.
>>800318This is an actual dumpsterfire
No. 800343
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No. 800344
>>800328Shhh, we can't have people knowing that Shay actually has a support system! Then she won't be able to manipulate anybody for money. And honestly, the only reason why she would be on the verge of homelessness is because she doesn't work. Not because her Twitter is gone. But yeah Shay, blame anything else other than your lame ass work ethic for your shitty life.
Plenty of people still get up and go to work on their damn feet every day in spite of feeling exhausted, stressed, etc. She can't claim to be a hardworker when she does shit like that.
No. 800346
File: 1556220195827.png (51.46 KB, 563x582, Screenshot (497).png)

>>800345this? do you mean
>i don’t see me coming out of this one the same way i have been No. 800350
>>800346i read that as 'not gonna make a new twitter acting like it doesnt bother me/ bragging about how resilient i am' more than anything else
>>800348lol any time she rants/complains about anything it can always be applied to herself
No. 800354
>>800346>things I said 3-5 years agoyou called someone a baby Hitler in 2017 or 2018, dumbass, and you've also recanted all of your "apologies" for the other fucked up shit you've said pretty quickly after issuing them.
>let their follower counts go to their headslmao all I can think of is "I have 151k followers on Tumblr so why don't I have more followers on Twitter?"
it really is like she's just describing herself.
No. 800366
>>800346There is so much irony in this
>let their follower counts go to their head“My 150k followers”
>I literally just stay in my laneWasn’t she just ranting about crap she had nothing to do with before her accounts were suspended?
Shayna just walk into McDonald’s and ask for a job application.
Also I hope Fupa still has ribmeat. Poor animal
No. 800375
>>800279“I don’t understand how to get around an IP ban!!”
Literally one of the easiest things ever. Ffs.
No. 800388
>>800299Good post; Shay may be a fucking trainwreck but at least she's not sanctimonious.
>>800306IP bans don't span multiple sites…they're issued by the administrators at any given site. Twitter could have IP banned her while Snapchat and IG haven't.
>>800317Given how unpopular Shay is, every bit of exposure counts. She should just get a real job but she's probably going to fight tooth and nail not to, so getting banned from the social media platform that contained what is now her biggest following is a pretty big deal.
>>800318She needs to give it up and lay low.
No. 800398
>>800316I thought you were kidding but I went to her MV page and she really does put an Orochimaru figure in her pussy along with other edgy shit like cumming on a bible page. Agree with
>>800332 I think she could get a thread.
No. 800421
>>800275The Fuck Trump hat video isn't even that bad, why are they forgetting her saying she would wear a Trump mask and that she'd do so while fucking herself with a black dildo?
Shayna is a detestable person but these cam girls clearly have 2 brain cells and are just repeating what their other whore friends are saying without thinking critically about it.
No. 800445
>>800275These camwhores are the worst. I hate cancel culture and they honestly think they are somehow better than shay? if they didnt care, just block and ignore her. reporting her accounts is useless and pitiful. Not to mention, it makes the milk run dry.
>>800336I know she lurks here, and this is good advice. twitter is not a platform for porn.
No. 800492
Callout culture is so goddamn obnoxious. Who the fuck are these camwhores to think their opinion of someone else even matters and is enforceable? Shay may do stupid shit, but who actually fucking cares??? It's fun to read about, but the utter self-righteousness from these cunts is nauseating. It's like they want her to apologize to THEM. I don't hate Shay or anything personally. I enjoy the thread cause I'm petty, but never would I consider trying to shut her down because she said something I didn't like. Just let her live lmao. (This is unrelated to her treatment of her customers, which is a legitimate issue)
Also, I'm not trying to WK, but certain nitpicks here are dumb as shit as well. Such as, critiques of her apartment, specifically how her bathroom looks outdated or some bullshit–does that really matter? The fact that she has no visible soap by the sink is one thing, but complaining that her rental isn't up to your standards is tiring.
"Oh, but if she didn't blow her money on her vices, she'd be able to afford something nicer." Ok, well, she's living where she's living and that's that. I'd honestly rather read about her infected pussy than another condescending complaint about how her dinky apartment isn't sporting the latest amenities. (The bed situation will always be kinda funny though, I admit)
No. 800494
>>800492Just before her twitter got suspended shayna was ranting about something that wasn't her business, she's got no right to complain about people calling her out lol
Also I'm pretty sure people talk about her lifestyle/living situation because it's the oppposite of what she claims
No. 800495
File: 1556283515895.png (18.84 KB, 532x400, Screenshot (498).png)

she's acting like she has no internet presence left but this isn't that bad. Honestly it would probably do her some good mentally to get off twitter. also lol that she didnt tell anyone where to find her camming, thats what she should be focusing on rn.
No. 800512
File: 1556292517770.jpg (78.46 KB, 983x259, Screenshot_20190426-102346_Chr…)

>>800495I'm surprised she hasn't been on or at least listed it either. I kinda understand not being on yesterday, but she should be contacting her regulars and having a set schedule listed on her profile, because the one she hasn't listed isn't correct at all.
She also needs to get all her accounts on the same page. Half her shit has links to the wrong Twitter/instagram usernames, her times on cam are all over the place/just straight up likes, she forgets to link to some of the sites she IS on…
No. 800543
>>800207Pretty much. Any farmer with any semblance of understanding of how this whole thing works knows that when cows don't have any platform, it means no milk. Camwhores are self-righteous, self-cannibalizing pieces of hot garbage. You'll see how most of them will call themselves feminist while jumping on the opportunity to "cancel" the competition, not that Shayna is anything to be threatened by, but these whores are so insecure that you never know lol. None of them have a leg to stand on, most of them are scummy people projecting in order to protect themselves and act high and mighty, and most of them make disgusting, degenerate porn anyway, like pedo-pandering, incest, etc. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I just want them to leave Shayna alone. She's been a CONSTANT source of milk for years now, and even though her threads are full of bitter whores and spergs, they're still entertaining every now and again because she's such a wreck. I also love how most of the racist rumors started when she tried to be edgy and get down with the SJW crowd with the whole black dildo Trump fiasco. She's a dumb edgy cunt, hardly racist.
Hey Shay, stop being an idiot and get a fucking VPN, also rebrand while you're at it so your name doesn't get pinged. Come on. I love to watch the disgrace that is your life unfold. Don't fail me now. Also, understand you decided to join a community of self important, nasty whores, I don't know why you're surprised your bullshit didn't go over well.
No. 800619
>>800612>>800613nah she does this every time she loses one of her accounts
tomorrow she will be posting shit like
>after a day of crying i have realized this is just another test that i will overcome by being STRONGER than the people trying to hurt me. i am THRIVING and i am the best porn star ever. No. 800685
File: 1556339979416.jpg (1.12 MB, 1512x2688, Snapchat-567887836.jpg)

No. 800716
>>800693I think this is her public one, which she doesn't sell access to. But, as this anon,
>>796315 , points out Snapchat TOS says you can't create another account if you're banned. So… yeah she's still breaking the rules.
No. 800723
>>800693It's been stated multiple times up thread she no longer has her NSFW Snapchat. She only has her public Snapchat which she doesn't show nudity on and is on her old phone or something like that. That's why she has another phone in her back pocket. She made a long video about how sorry she was to all her premium payers and she was going to find a way on onlyfans to get the fees there waved. I may have saved the video if anyone wants to hear it.
TLDR- she only has one Snapchat that "follows" their TOS.
No. 800818
File: 1556406918224.jpg (721.57 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190427-003525_Fac…)

Lurking the other day and came across this. "Poor hygiene" lmao
No. 800849
File: 1556415579046.jpg (791.77 KB, 1079x1967, Screenshot_20190427-203854_Vid…)

>>800841Pic to this anon's post.
I didn't get it before she deleted it, but she also wanted people to pay her $10 to get a picture of her bush. Clearly she's trying not to get this Snapchat taken down as well.
No. 800882
>>800852Future moving boxes, anon.
So she doesn’t have to buy them walmart again.
No. 800897
>>800849ok I would understand if it was like February but like the year is already almost half over.
how low can the bar go, shay?
No. 800951
File: 1556464571207.jpeg (719.07 KB, 1242x1339, 0EE13122-3841-44CF-A291-9464A6…)

Rat face got one of her twitters back up apparently
No. 800957
File: 1556467987528.jpg (70.73 KB, 1080x489, Screenshot_20190428_121159.jpg)

No. 801026
File: 1556488946278.jpg (866.68 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190428-170154_Twi…)

She really feels the need to show off her Michael Kors wallet
No. 801027
File: 1556489011504.jpg (866.68 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190428-170154_Twi…)

She really feels the need to show off her Michael Kors wallet
No. 801189
File: 1556556788509.jpg (244.1 KB, 1080x955, Screenshot_20190429-095147_Tum…)

Kek, "Dead" meaning no purchased followers or?….
No. 801200
>>801189Or you know, she could actually work to get some clients by making porn and having something to actually promote instead of basically a second tumblr filled with things about her life the average penis doesn't care about and will pass over for something that actually gets them off (unless they have a fetish for women who complain about how shit their life is)
Shay, go make videos, livestream, promote actual content because you aren't a personality as a porn star, you may have been a tumblr personality but that doesn't pay. Your life as a porn star is supposed to be a facade, a fantasy. That's what you're selling, a fake person with a fake life, who would totally fuck their viewers and lives for their sexual satisfaction for a fee. People don't want real, they want to masturbate. Give them that, or at least a taste of it, and they will pay for more. Don't give out a bunch of free nudes or 20 cent videos. Push content out somehow and create a schedule so you can actually get regulars. Also keep in mind many middle aged men won't be stupid enough to follow a porn star, much less an amateur, if they have twitter in the first place. They won't go there and they won't follow your tumblr to find you again or learn your schedule, that's way down the line of it ever happens. Not to mention lots of people will randomly select through cam girls until they find one who's interesting when they're online.
Stop being an idiot if you actually want to be something more than a failure. Don't drink your sorrows away, that's drinking your money away by eating into your savings and by usually being an excuse not to do your job. Don't use this to feed your "dumb baby" persona, it's not real and being a pathetic useless idiot isn't cute anyways. You just suck at your job and even if one could be hot enough for men to throw money at them, you're not it sis. Just look at your savings next time you think that. Do your job and actually grow as a person. It'll make your more interesting to laugh at at least, at the very least you'll be able to buy more tacky shit and be able to travel to do more cringy porn that people buy for whatever reason
No. 801255
I love how
>>801189 was posted right after an anon posted
>>801163 No. 801279
File: 1556584243976.jpg (1.09 MB, 1564x1564, 20190429_192912.jpg)

From her Snapchat.
No. 801293
>>801279I hate how she’s acting like losing her twitter is super traumatic. there are sex workers who are homeless and still make more content than Shay. for fucks sake she needs to stop acting like the
victim, it’s getting old.
No. 801316
>>801283Fupa has realized she’s no longer “famous” and won’t get anymore clout from her.
Probably kicking her out fully finally, as he was probably helping her with rent.
No. 801323
File: 1556602725913.jpg (772.37 KB, 1080x1920, 20190430_003436.jpg)

>>801316They went out together the other night so I doubt that. They posted around the same time and his burger is in the background of her IG story, and her loaded cheese fries in the background of his. She just doesn't want to work. (1/2)
No. 801325
File: 1556602787718.jpg (734.52 KB, 1080x2093, 20190430_003531.jpg)

(2/2) and from his story.
No. 801414
File: 1556646301127.jpg (109.26 KB, 810x475, Screenshot_20190430-123138_Chr…)

The only sign of Shay today was to post this. Is it automated?
>>801409His account is private and it looks like he deleted a bunch of accounts. I doubt he'll be adding people. Kek there's nothing real juicy, mostly selfie, music, his kids. I found a girl he was dating before Shay, and a few comments on a few pictures, but that's it. Nothing very good for the time being.
No. 801417
File: 1556647784403.jpeg (326.64 KB, 1242x543, 9A3E714F-FDC1-44D0-8990-0D68DE…)

next on things shayna wishes would happen…
No. 801418
>>801415It's pretty comical if the reason why fupa has been posting being with his kids more since "the break up" is because his ex thinks he's not seeing Shay. And this shows Dawn wasn't lying about Shay being with fupa while she was in CO.
(Though I am 99% sure Dawn does have a male friend living at her house. She was super drunk on cam and had the mic muted, but there was a man's leg/foot off cam, she was talking to someone in person, and there was a lot of man looking items where she was sitting in the basement.) So maybe Shay isn't lying about SOME of what happened in CO.
No. 801432
>>801429some people will say stuff like this if they notice someone looking gloomy/down on their luck
to try to make them feel better
at least in most peoples cases i can see how some normie might see them as beautiful without make up etc…. but shay, i can only imagine she looked like a drown rat and the guy felt sorry for what he assumed to be her crack addiction (if not just sarcasm like you said)
No. 801440
>>801438Everyone has been complimented at some point on their looks. I can say with out a doubt that no one, let alone a stranger, has ever added an applause to the compliment.
The image alone is cringe and embarrassing. If someone did this to me I would never disclose it and the memory would die with me.
No. 801459
File: 1556663610523.png (1.5 MB, 828x1792, 6BF055F5-A8F4-49DF-9333-ED57C9…)

Made another new Twitter for “work” updates
No. 801480
File: 1556669480380.jpg (347.76 KB, 1080x598, Screenshot_20190430-191039_Twi…)

Let's see if she sticks to it
No. 801491
>>801480Girls still use the dog snap filter?? I thought it was widelt established as being the dumbest most basic filter. Oh wait… Shay is the dumbest and most basic. Guess it's fitting.
Im sure they will be "hard" days ahead that will totally prevent her from camming or doing anything but drinking, smoking, eating out, and having a spa day.
No. 801612
>>801487Well that's fucking weird. Probably Shayna feeling insecure that she can't talk about him on social media constantly anymore.
Shayna, he never even took "single" off of his facebook profile for you to begin with…
No. 801675
File: 1556752083139.jpeg (523.43 KB, 1242x913, 5F55C5A4-8071-49F2-8E53-B88EE7…)

this bitch looks exactly like 3 bitches I knew who used to smoke heroine and thought they were the hottest shit ever while whoring themselves out to everyone. she’s got the white trash druggie look down pat.
No. 801683
File: 1556754677404.jpeg (685.73 KB, 834x1280, 59352995-A6A4-4B40-A943-3A21DA…)

>>801680The filter looks like a mask..
No. 801685
>>801680“All the stuff I’ve been through”
what, exactly, is this stuff you speak of? Losing your stupid social media?
No. 801691
>>801680It’s hilarious that she posts this blubbering bullshit on her snap but then posts this fake positivity crap on her twitter to make people think she’s just rainbows and sunshine and not actually a washed up drunk pig looking for her next $10
(Original post)[reposted and saged since streamable link had no sound]
No. 801737
>>801680> Get my name back out there She is in some serious denial.
Shay, your 15 minutes of fame are over. You’ve piqued. Accept it already.
Your name and body are ruined. Your videos are all over the internet for free.
There are cuter, younger girls taking your place every single day.
How long can she convince herself she’s still relevant?
No. 801865
File: 1556828659583.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.76 MB, 1242x2007, EBCE6634-71DF-4AFD-93F1-C66DDA…)

cut out her face and this pic is just fine, lmao
No. 801866
File: 1556828728203.jpeg (Spoiler Image,296.48 KB, 1241x1065, ED09E324-38D0-4A8F-9F32-835C44…)

>>801865see how much better that is?
No. 801868
File: 1556828942636.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2 MB, 1242x2007, 8D18E09F-9641-4DD7-9B81-378698…)

>>801865or this works too, at least you have the somewhat cute stuffed animals. imagine how successful she could have been if she never showed her face and took care of her genitals?
(nitpicking) No. 801874
>>801865Her face looks green and puffy. And that fucking hair style. Girl, you have curly hair. Run a god damn curling iron through it, give it some life and body. And find colors that balance your skin tone.
She would do great if she rebranded herself as the trailer park queen. Big beer t-shirt dresses and adidas slides to go along with that trash make up and hair.
Dolly Motel ~
No. 801879
File: 1556832112192.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1125x2436, F1433E77-FBF0-4CB2-A723-19649E…)

Looking rougher than ever there
No. 801886
File: 1556834959956.jpeg (131.68 KB, 750x972, 0DF65A55-1F3E-4C7D-B120-549D33…)

Shay getting called out for scamming today on Twitter
No. 801902
File: 1556839538996.png (389.8 KB, 1205x1800, IMG_1720.PNG)

This nobody on Twitter helped Shay create merch lol 1/2
No. 801903
File: 1556839585213.png (710.75 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1718.PNG)

No. 801904
>>801886“Im going to work on my mental health, and take steps to better myself.”
immediatly buys almost an ounce of weed and a new wallet while shopping for furniturebeing impulsive doesn’t help your mental health, it’s a symptom you’re only making worse. she’s really trying to fill that gaping hole with material objects (lmao at the double meaning here) and thinking it will help her mental health. Begging for money, drinking heavily, sedating yourself with weed, not showering, spending any money you have on pointless items, all of this just shows what a fucking mess you are shayna. I’d youre actually working on your mental health, fucking do it. But you know, that takes WORK which is something you are incapable of.
No. 801908
File: 1556840461035.png (234.99 KB, 1406x485, shay merch.png)

>>801907also, what are these prices?? the regular men's shirt and "premium" men's shirt look exactly the same but the price hike from one to the other is 4 dollars and the premium design actually looks worse?? and that's not even going into how much the design clashes with the baseball t-shirt model, aka THE MOST EXPENSIVE ITEM of these four.
i can't imagine what this merch looks like on candids, and she couldn't have picked a worst picture of herself to put on the design. her body is at an odd angle which makes it look like her ass is deformed, she's not actually showing any tits OR ass, her hands look super weird from this angle too, it's obvious she just slapped a grayscale on photoshop without making any changes which is why everything is the same ugly hue of gray and practically indistinguishable, if you look at it from afar her body looks like a deformed grey blob. you take shit tons of selfies and pics for your "sex worker" every single day shay, you didn't have ANYTHING slightly better to put on your merch?
No. 801919
>>801908>>801912lmao but shay has literally been blasting everyone for being "petty" towards her and getting her accounts deleted, so why in the fuck is "stay petty" now her slogan???
also nobody is going to wear a shirt with a completely nude chick on it.
No. 801920
>>801919p sure "stay petty" is the other guy's slogan/brand
these are awful either way, I can't imagine anyone would actually buy one