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No. 963665
Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in and edited are not milk and you will recieve a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: sage when there’s no milk, no nitpicking and/or blogposting and please try to curb your enthusiam when posting screenshots from other cam girls. This is a Shay thread.
Summary of recent milk:
>changes twitter handle to buttstuffbarbie and goes obsessive over anal, even though she barely does any anal videos>shay starts editing her photos beyond recognition>admits that she's self conscious about her body…but uses this as an excuse not to work! what a surprise!>plans to eat healthy and go to the gym one day, back to eating garbage and sitting on her ass the next day>shay makes another pedo pandering vid>shay lives vicariously through her sim, showing that what she really wants is to be an online influencer >she gets bangs>continues to start online drama while preaching how positive and above it all she is>wants to move into a 3 bedroom house despite having no income but e-begging>is she actually moving or is it all a scam? who knows? >she's definitely not moving yet because she doesn't understand how leases work>gets 1000$ tip, definitely not from her dad>takes so many unflattering photos>continues to balloon in weight>talking constantly about being in quarantine while regularly going to the store>shay's finally decided to accept her weight, but still only wears size S clothes and only has size S on her amazon wishlist>shay gets ready to move, holds moving sale, is unable to work due to boxing things up>oh wait she didn't even get the place, way to jump the gun>but now she's super sneakily moving somewhere else. tinfoil is it's with her new bf, could be very milky>hopefully this next thread will cover her moving saga!>shay breaks up with her boyfriend after getting blackout drunk when he's over and being "abusive" to him - in her own words>starts suicide baiting on twitter, because that definitely makes her look good>female orbiters continue to suck shay's dick while shay continues to be misogynistic and shits all over women>random girl makes a funny edit of shay's pussy, shay goes mental at her, cries and suicide baits on her business twitter>she acts like a hypocrite on many occasions, telling other sex workers what they can't do while doing those things herself a day later>she moves into her new apartment!>buys so much weed, sinks further into addiction, gains more weight…at no surprise to anyone>only uses the kitchen to make porn>makes a shitty 4/20 porn she can't even post on onlyfans>makes a post basically blaming women for sex trafficking, a formerly trafficked woman replies in a respectful way disagreeing>does shay apologise and see the error of her ways? of course not!>more suicide baiting ensues. her discord is banning people that mention the other girl>scares another girl who replied to her into silence because of her insanity>just acts like the big dramatic mess that we all know and love (jk). because callouts, gatekeeping and suicide baiting is what really gets men's dicks hard.Starring:
https://dollymattel.tumblr.comhttps://irldollymattel.tumblr.comhttp://thesaddesthoe.tumblr.com ←– CURRENT <- CURRENT threads:
>>>/snow/956737 No. 963669
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lol hey I'm the person who got into it with Shay earlier. I've been on the Luna thread before but I didn't know she had a thread here too till someone DMd me. either way here are screens from her DMing and blocking me
No. 963670
File: 1587591473602.png (30.51 KB, 598x274, Capture.PNG)

thanks for the new thread!
So the entry-level video commentary begins…
No. 963676
>>963669also, "You come out of nowhere being a
victim of sex trafficking and giving your opinion! My fanbase usually allows me to shit on women and never defend them or give a personal opinion that doesn't agree with mines!"
What a bitch.
"Fanbase" Kek
No. 963677
>>963674So it's only okay for her to jump down people's throats? She didn't ONCE apologize to you. She immedietly made multiple posts guilting you and not even addressing you until you called out her bait.
She's truly a shitty person.
No. 963684
>>963674Shayna you were suicide baiting. Do you really think that's okay? Do you really think that's not playing
victim? Are you fucking insane?
No. 963687
>>963674thank you for sharing these messages! yeah because you sharing your opinion in a very respectful manner was "jumping down ppl's throats" but her suicide baiting and guilt tripping you is totally normal and fine behaviour. the posts you made on your personal account came after the endless stream of "i should never say anything ever waaahhh i should just die" self victimising bullshit that she posted.
it's interesting to see that shayna's not interested in your apology. she just wants the drama to continue, so whether you're nice to her or not, she's gonna pretend you were a complete cunt for her
victim narrative. next she's gonna start calling you
No. 963688
>>963685Wow. I'm sorry she did that. I hope you saw last thread she was downplaying what happened as people getting "
triggered" in her discord with her "friends". She does not care about
victims of trafficking, that whole tweet was for her to call out women and defend sex workers.
She does this ALL the time. I love how you kept it classy and didn't stoop to her level. She suicide baits EVERYTIME this happens, then her followers gang up on people.
No. 963692
>>963688>call out women and defend sex workersmore like call out women and defend men. for all the shit shay spouts about "sex worker solidarity" she wouldn't hesitate to throw any of them under the bus for a man.
if anon (forgot her handle) was a male survivor of sex trafficking, she would be kissing her ass right now instead of throwing a fit.
No. 963713
>>963692true, I was just saying she only cares because it was someone "blaming" sex workers for trafficking if someone just made a post about trafficking in general Shayna would've said nothing.
She only spoke up because she felt sex worker (aka herself) was being attacked. But you are right she does not care about sex workers only herself.
No. 963720
>>963695Just wanna say… I'm absolutely fuckin confused as to why Shayna had a total melt down over what you said??? Like, what you said was in no way offensive, insulting, or confrontational yet she had a COMPLETE tantrum over it? You even said, "Hey, not coming for you, just stating my point of view and that I'm an actual
victim of sex trafficking" and she STILL lost her shit. She's truly the reason for all her problems. The epitome of girls who say they hate drama yet starts all of it.
Can't imagine what her boyfriend goes through. WAIT, she already admitted to abusing him. Funny how she wants to call out women being "misandrists" when she takes total advantage of her pussy pass by being
abusive toward her partner. Thought you were MRA Barbie, Shay?? Thought you fought for men's rights? Shouldn't you chill on being an
abusive cunt then?
No. 963721
>>963720because shayna is an
abusive, psychotic, weak, manipulative piece of worthless shit. it's why nobody likes her, loves her or stays with her. all she has is the twitter app on her phone, online humiliation and more and more fat on her gut by the day kek.
No. 963727
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No. 963734
>>963727I see Shat hasn't used her new shower yet
Or even her old shower
No. 963738
>>963695in my opinion, you didn't have to apologize and try to appease her, but i have so much respect for you that you're the bigger person and proved her wrong in a respectful manner. fuck her for not listening and blocking you. i'm so sorry you had to deal with her shit. as an actual trafficking
victim, she should have completely dropped her argument and acknowledge your side
No. 963759
>>963755i agree it didn't literally alter her nipple, i was joking when i wrote that fupa "bit her nips into another dimension" lol.
it was actually that really ugly bald creep at that porn place yeah
>>963753he legit almost tore it off.
No. 963770
File: 1587598634714.png (Spoiler Image,740.76 KB, 688x958, Shay-litzie.png)

Sage for no milk but Jesus Christ. Not only does she look like she has microcephaly, she literally fucking looks like Schlitzie here.
(Reposted with spoiler just to be safe)
Like, even the deformed ear shape is similar, though granted Shay's is at least in part due to those fucking plugs and shit.
No. 963775
Infernal Restraints was the company who filmed nipplegate
Here is the nipple biting image, extremely nsfl
>>636145 No. 963786
She also picked and popped her zits on live cam lmaoooooo I miss her cam shows. They were such a fucking train wreck and really showed how white trash she is lol
No. 963828
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Shay is a jealous bitch to the core.
No. 963840
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collage of our favorite dirty rat
No. 963862
>>963844woah man, you forgot about
the chairlife-changing, that chair
No. 963870
face palm you're right anon. So silly of me! The chair DEFINITELY changed things up
No. 963917
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She is super salty today
No. 963918
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You can barely see the water on her
No. 963919
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Well isn't making porn your JOB Shay?
No. 963920
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Why doesn't she post this on her non work account?
No. 963931
>>963919losing sleep because she's so insecure. no one is waiting around for you, you just can't sleep because your shitty behavior from earlier is running through your head on repeat. why not be honest with your therapist for once about how you can't live with anything but constant blind validation
>>963922no it's not just you
No. 963979
>>963755you are probably right anon, i was just recalling when a few threads ago some anons were saying that. but wew that sounds horrible.
>>963775HOLY FUCKING SHIT it's way worse than i thought it would be.
No. 964006
File: 1587644599241.jpg (88.55 KB, 581x455, 1527987974290.jpg)

was looking through some old threads and stumbled upon Shay's dreams and aspirations (this was capped a year ago, but the post is from 5/6 years ago)
No. 964009
>>963997She has stated in the past that she hates bathing and using soap (and lube) because she hates feeling slimy.
Also back before she moved to OK to be with Fupa she went to Florida, I think, to cam with that sadbuffoon chick, and the girl was always trying to get Shay to bathe and use soap. There are some pretty funny caps of it in the older threads where Shay is standing as far back from the water as she can and making a face. God those streams were so awkward.
No. 964014
>>964006honestly this post just makes me sad, and makes me realize she should have gotten help way earlier in life. of course she would have never went through with the music stuff, but the whole dying at 27 and not having plans for anything else is extremely worrying. shayna completely fucked herself over, but i really hope she has forgotten about this and isn't thinking of actually doing something drastic when she reaches that age.
>>964009i don't understand her logic at all, she must be 10 times more slimy with not bathing. she probably gets used to her own smell, but how does it not bother her to feel sticky with her own sweat and whatever gunk she gets on herself?
No. 964088
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She's so fucking cringe
No. 964092
File: 1587655852467.png (67.78 KB, 719x449, Screenshot (56).png)

Ok but she always acts like she can tell others what to do because shes been doing this for like 4 years? Also shes said that exact "i can ruin your career" shit before.
This was a reply on a post about how "price-shaming" people was bad which is ALSO something shes done.
Theres never been anyone less self-aware.
No. 964096
>>964092Shayna, are you literally forgetting that only a few weeks ago you were literally threatening to ruin other sex workers' careers by saying "I have receipts on all your faves"
Go fuck yourself
No. 964097
>>964092And shes always talking about how hypothetical women are
abusive to men. Zero self awareness. I hope this isnt because of the sw traffic
victim disagreeing
No. 964106
>>964104Her behavior isn't because of mental illness or autism or anything like that. Her behavior and mentality is her own fucking fault. She became so obsessed with being an internet personality as a teenager that it's literally stunted her mental growth. She still has the mind of a 15 year old. I high doubt Shayna will ever grow out of her childish mindset unless life REALLY smacks her hard in the face.
The showering thing is probably just from depression and her stunted mental growth. Plenty of teens forget to shower frequently for a multitude of reasons. She probably just thought it was quirky for her to be a dirty stoner girl.
No. 964107
>>964104Her "I hate slimy" is on the same level as dudes who say they don't drink water bc it tastes bad
They're just nasty people who don't want to take care of themselves. Plus Shay has covered herself in cake like 3 times now. And that shit is proper slimy when you start smearing it
No. 964113
>>964104I'm 100% sure she's on the spectrum. Not full blown autistic though, but definitely add/adhd. Explains why she can't hold down a job, needs to move frequently, can't relate to most "normal" people, has severe executive dysfunction, has addiction issues, makes lots of plans and never follows through, has extreme rejection dysphoria, extreme temper tantrums over miniscule things, etc etc… If she got that diagnosed, she'd get amphetamine based medication which would help her lose weight and get her shit sorted out. It'd also help her not to impulsively post every single random stupid thought she gets. I seriously wonder what she's telling her therapist since she's not already been diagnosed.
(armchair) No. 964118
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Am I the only one who has to take a break from Shayna or my eyes will roll out of my fucking head?
I just cannot believe a person could be this retarded, I tell myself, "No she's trollin" but she's dead serious.
Something is very wrong with this girl. She will threaten to KILL HERSELF from any comment that disagrees with her even NICELY, but she's sayin this shit?
This is why bad thins constantly happen to her. She treats everyone like shit but expects everyone to love her.
She says the same thing EVERY SINGLE DAY.
She's a joke
No. 964119
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No. 964121
>>964088what's her constant gripe with the "sex work" """"community""""? does she not consider herself and her
toxic behaviors a part of it? afterall, she's a textbook case of Internet Whore Syndrome.
the only common thread binding "sex workers" together is being narcissistic lunatics that strip down in front of a camera for cash. she acts as if other "sex workers" are some spooky monolithic entity that solely exists to bring her down, when it's just a hodgepodge amalgamation of people with the same vices and mental disorders she has and exhibits.
looking into a mirror must be terrifying, huh, Shayna? probably still better than seeing your actual physical reflection, though.
No. 964123
>>964121If you look through Shayna replies every single time someone calls someone out, she's right there talking shit. Shes constantly sticking her nose in peoples drama, making comments and dopiling people, then she takes it back to her twitter makin "Subtweets".
She's just a hypocritical idiot. I don't know how she has any followers. She gets pissed that they have issues and then subtweets them all day long.
Why would you be friends with someone who you defend and constantly support, but any day you can have some drama and she'll be talking about "I hate sexworkers who focus on drama all the time!!"
>>964118She literally made this tweet because some other sex worker called out another sex worker, Shayna was in the call put post talking shit and then she decided to post about it on her own twitter as well.
She's going to keep getting in drama until she's actually cancelled by the few people who care.
No. 964124
>>964113Don't give her an excuse for her behavior anon. She's not autistic, she's a fucked up
abusive person.
No. 964138
>>964104tbh I have that same thought a lot. She also
HATES drinking plain water. She should definitely at least get checked for it.
Obviously, people with autism aren't dicks though and even if she has it, doesn't mean that's why she's a piece of shit. Same with her other mental illness and whatever she has. She is just a dumbass bitch.
No. 964149
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more pathetic bullshit
No. 964151
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I also got bored and scrolled through some old threads and came across this screen grab. Nice to see she has grown and matured 0% since this even though she always yelling and screaming about how much she's grown. She's mentally regressed even. What a loon.
No. 964157
>>964151I wish people on twitter called her out like they did on Tumblr. I think that's why she avoids Tumblr now, if she said all the shit she said on twitter she'd get her ass handed to her.
Especially the sex trafficking shit she pulled yesterday. I hope the next time sex workers get outraged about her they bring up that instead of "she's racist!"
No. 964197
>>964157she avoids tumblr because the only moderately positive interaction she gets on her content is when it's NSFW, and since tumblr's banned porn, there's no reason for her to be on there.
she has to post her gaping asshole and pussy for her posts to get literally any traction, because people want nothing to do with her unless she's handing out free porn.
if she thought she could escape getting called out Twitter, she was dead wrong. the only thing she could do to salvage any remnants of her popularity is to quit sex work and go back to being a hippy-dippy stoner girl. she'd still have people that would have a bone to pick with her but she could at least say she's left her
problematic sex work career behind.
however, we know she'll never do this because she can't survive without male attention, and the easiest way to get it is to be a camwhore that posts her content for free on the internet to laugh at
No. 964242
Lmao Shat (I laughed at that typo and am gonna join the other anon(s) in using this fitting moniker) is so fucking EMBARRASSINGLY transparent.
That post where she talks about how she tells her therapist she doesn't understand why people hate her and why they don't see how she's such a good person/feels she has to always prove it says it all. I fucking cried of laughter when she used doing things like giving donations 'offering help/support' to people were supposed to be examples of her being a good person. They were definitely GREAT examples of her not being a good person and lacking the emotional maturity to understand what being a good person actually is, so faking what she thought would make her look like a good person with the goal of other people liking her.
She is so emotionally stunted, arrested development and fried brain to the max. She flips out on people (including sex victim anon) over nothing because all she cares about is what other people think of her. She's so paranoid/preoccupied with this that she's constantly on edge assuming everyone is a farmer or mean sex worker bully or whatever. She's chronically depressed from her years of drug abuse and her addiction to instant gratification that she can't even seperate events in her life/world as not being related to this (ie. if someone is making fun of her in DMs, or she reads here, then someone like sex victim anon posts something that's not ass kissing, she instantly associates them both into the same big bad. It's what she meant when she said 'my fanbase doesn't' - in her self absorbed mind, you're with her or against her. She lost it and thought that person was one of her h8rz).
She's got major brain fog from never self reflecting, being high/drunk all the time, years of shit diet and the chronic depression. So she explains herself shitty not even understanding what she really means, just what she thinks she means, and gets frustrated/confused when other people don't get what she thinks she said.
I don't even personally think the bitch has any mental disorder beyond depression and being at best average IQ. She was spoiled, got addicted to the validation/instant gratification of internet attention, clung to her half second of fame on tumblr, never was challenged to learn or grow and continued to stunt herself with booze and weed while attempting to get more validation/money by being a sex worker. She hates her mom because she's still developmentally stuck in those angsty preteen years and continues to actively work to stay that way. She's never learned true hardship other than her self inflicted bullshit and she cripples any chance of growth by denying it and furthering frying herself with her lifestyle and drug choices.
She's exactly what every single mega stoner I knew in highschool ended up like if they refused to grow out of it and coped with it non stop for every little thing. I have no doubts meds are making it all worse because the underlying issues she needs to fix aren't based in mental illness, she's misdiagnosed as displaying traits of these illnesses when what she needs is some kind of rehab that forces her lazy cellulite ridden flat ass to build structure and learn how to function. never gonna happen though, so I watch and laugh instead(no one cares)
No. 964306
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He's baaaaaaack
No. 964308
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We'll see how long this lasts
Also, two girls in the comments are upset because they don't have the follower count to join
Wasn't Shay tweeting about how follower count means nothing before?
No. 964324
>>964314Learn to sage and if those girls deserve a thread make one.
>>964318It's not a contest. Shayna keeps posting shit and doing things people comment. Simple, it's her thread. There's always someone worst. I don't get the point of this, Shayna having a thread doesn't mean worst girls aren't going to get one or even that she's the worst of the bunch
No. 964330
>>964316True. The threads move quickly when Shayna has drama with the Twitter camwhores but it's hardly fresh milk.
I'm personally waiting for Shayna's post-Tulsa era.
No. 964339
>>964110She did and one glance at that SW'ers account shows they're still employed by that company. She couldn't even get someone 'cancelled' properly.
>>964119The lyrics don't even make sense unless she's trying to go for yet another "I'm a dominatrix but secretly a fuck pig, tell me I'm worthless!" porn angle.
>>964308Even Shay doesn't have 15k followers. Only about 1k are real and the rest are bots and fakes she bought.
>>964314There's a camgirls general also in /snow/ that's nearly dead. Try posting there to revive it?
No. 964353
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For now
No. 964356
>>964354Oh she will. I can imagine a year from now she'll be like,
"I really want 2 vent about something that happened to me a year ago and how much I have grown. I was in a very
abusive relationship and I thought the things the person was doing was "kinky" & normal. I think it's important 4 ppl to understand the difference between abuse & Kink" or some shit.
With Fupa I feel the reason why she didn't go all out dogging him (besides her being a pick me), is Fupa seems like the type who'd defend himself and put her on blast.
I feel this guy would do the same, but Shayna's a lot more open about blow ups. Hopefully he's holding onto that video.
No. 964415
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Damnn lol get over yourself and take your own advice you sack of shit
No. 964432
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Shay YOU ARE ONE OF THESE PEOPLE. You are constantly causing drama and then tweet positivity and love saying you're not apart of any drama
No. 964458
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No. 964476
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No. 964478
>>964476The level of pot induced brain damage it must take for her to think things like this are somehow sexy…
She's always a few steps off the ball lmao, like she really believes this post makes her sound thicc thighed and sexy bimbo when it just makes her sound fat and mentally retarded. ON GOD I CAN'T
No. 964479
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Nobody wants that
No. 964519
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>>964497Yes it’s really sad
No. 964527
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No. 964595
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Updated shay bingo
No. 964598
>>964595Top row is filled I already have a fucking bingo, because she's that repetitive.
Predicitions for today-
-twitter fight
-suicide baiting
-"Yall really need to do X and stop doing Y"
-Calling people out for something she does daily
- Imma gamer gurl!
No. 964670
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The hell does this even mean?
No. 964722
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Her cumshows are all the same. Sidenote, she's been reposting this really skinny person a lot (i think they may be trans) and I find it funny how many retweets, likes and attention this person gets just by posing topless, meanwhile Shayna does the fucking most and gets so little attention for it.
It's so funny when you see a shit ton of retweets follows and comments, then you see Shayna with her bare asshole out, 20 likes, 2 retweets and no comments.
It's gotten so bad that I reconize almost every person who comments on her shit because they are the only ones who do.
I bet even the Coomers are bored of seeing her body at this point.
No. 964724
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No. 964732
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Losing customers Shay?
No. 964742
>>964724soooo… someone, obviously very upset, tweets about (what i assume is) a mean message someone had sent her, and shat mattel slides in to comfort her but let her know that she's had it much worse!
"noooo im so sry nd u dont deserve to be put through this! i've been through this 2 and if i showed ppl the meanie comments ive recieved, ppl would b so ashamed in the human race :("
No. 964748
>>964742She wouldn't have responded at all if she couldn't make it about her. Rather it's "Proving" she's a good person or talking about herself.
It's just like every time she sees people talk about cancelling she never cares what they are saying, she just has to bring up how she was "cancelled".
It is funny how somethings
trigger her but not others. For example she never seems to show any strong feelings towards women talking about abuse or anything but, if someone talks about Cancelling, imply sex work is "easy", price shame etc. she flips her shit.
You'd think a
victim of abuse would care about it, then again, we saw how she treats
victims so I don't know why i expect anything else.
No. 964782
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Yeah cause he sees all your suicide baiting and "I'm abused" tweets
No. 964785
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It's probably super cheap and won't fit her
No. 964803
>>964782This makes me wonder if he tells her to delete certain tweets? not even tweets about him but in general.
Then again, I'm sure if he was he'd be telling her to stop starting shit, but if he's dating Shayna maybe he's just as fucked as her.
No. 964808
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Back to blaming her outbursts on her zodiac sign
No. 964809
File: 1587768948887.jpg (233.25 KB, 500x351, sexy-woman-cleaning-floor..jpg)

>>964785>bimbo housewife>maid costumeAs a concept how do these two even connect? A maid fantasy and a bimbo housewife together doesn't make any sense.
I mean all you have to do is Google and you get a more authentic idea than she did?
No. 964812
File: 1587769006201.jpg (241.93 KB, 1080x914, Screenshot_20200424-175150_Twi…)

Back to spreading false positivity
No. 964841
>>964803Could be. If he dumped her before over embarrassing him in front of his friends, he may be embarrassed by the shit she tweets and asks her to delete it.
She IS fucking cringe, so I don’t blame him but he shouldn’t be with Shayna of all people if he expects normalcy. He’s probably a sexual degenerate and she’s the only one that will take it, so they both settle.
No. 964843
File: 1587773193330.png (Spoiler Image,1.84 MB, 2048x1892, Screenshot_20200424-200617.png)

Hello Fatty
Sucking in isn't gonna cut it anymore Shay.
No. 964855
>>964841I kind of wonder if that "first name,last name" twitter orbiter is her bf, it's probably not. Shayna said she saw him talking to other girls on twitter (which she didn't even bring up when everything was good) and that guy follows a lot of sex workers.
I just can't imagine Shayna being okay with her bf following any sex worker but her.
No. 964858
File: 1587775443505.png (Spoiler Image,1.44 MB, 2048x1799, Screenshot_20200424-204357.png)

It's one of those flat and fat asses, kek
No. 964863
>>964858I love the dirty ass pink sweats, it's one thing to wear them lounging around, another thing to have them in a picture.
She has zero respect, like okay be a sex worker, I think it's fucked up but whatever.
At least have clean clothes on and look clean. she just does not care.
No. 964870
>>964843The airbrush abuse and warping on the door
Shat is at Momo levels of shoop now with the same shit quality via Snow/Facetune
No. 964896
File: 1587781622801.jpeg (Spoiler Image,124.54 KB, 894x1037, A9721D82-0708-478B-8E88-EC0A1C…)

>>964843I’ve never seen her edit her body so obviously before. The warped door panels and the towel pulling in towards her stomach are obvious even at a glance. She must have been high when she edited this.
I think the door handle might actually be one of those curved ones, but this editing is atrocious either way.
No. 964897
File: 1587781760197.jpg (345.69 KB, 1080x1215, Screenshot_20200424-212854_Twi…)

Her dumbass orbiters probably probably voted in this
No. 964913
>>964725Different anon here and while I don't want to gatekeep gaming, I can see why she'd get lumped in with the "fake girl gamer" crowd. She used to play Call of Duty at most and has moved onto Fortnite. Beyond that what does she play, the sims? She's basic and won't be seen as a "true gamer" by those who seriously game tbh. I do wonder how her skill level is though. Most fps players aren't very forgiving if you play like shit and I honestly can't imagine she's any good.
>>964858Ngl, I'm a little surprised/jealous that while she's heavier, she still has those back dimples. Definitely thought that was something only thin people could have.
No. 964922
>>964858Wow what a bad comparison pic. Literally the curve of the ass is the same. Everything around it just got chunky and lumpy kek
>>964595Honestly only missing "$100+ dispesary trips multiple times a week"
No. 964934
>>964897I bet women voted the majority, because women are the ones that think men value that sort of thing (from sex workers.)
Guys don’t care about the personalities of the women they jack it to. That’s why these bimbos can play games shittily and guys will drool over it. They don’t have to be funny, cool, smart, etc. it’s about their looks. Maybe if they’re looking for a girlfriend, personality would matter, but they want spank material, not wife material.
No. 964935
File: 1587788296016.jpg (241.02 KB, 1080x899, Screenshot_20200424-231735_Twi…)

Another bandwagon she's hopping on
Remember when she posted the one of her "pulling" the scarf out of her pussy and it got removed immediately
No. 964937
File: 1587788996305.png (2.03 MB, 750x1334, D7757C22-DA92-457E-B2C2-1599DC…)

Look what I just spotted on a shitty Facebook page. Lol.
No. 964984
>>964812she only made this post so she could remind everyone that she's mentally ill
>>964897shayna's gonna take this as people wanting to read whatever dumb hypocritical rant pops into her head. if she has to make text posts, she should at least stick with cutesy shit or updates on her life or whatever i've seen other girls do. not gatekeeping, suicide baiting,
abusive behaviour, vaguetweeting, being hypocritical. i guarantee no one voted to see that shit.
No. 965054
File: 1587823082842.png (798.95 KB, 1534x2048, Screenshot_20200425-095733.png)

How the fuck do you get this bitch to shut up
No. 965061
File: 1587823621479.png (457.36 KB, 828x1792, 7B68D7AF-7DBD-46EF-B53C-B880A9…)

I wish somebody would call Shay out on this more. Like yeah the grinch video was horrendous but she has so many other videos that are worse and literally portray her as a child.(not milk)
No. 965068
>>965061This is the stupidest fucking "woke take" I've ever heard.
How is an adult dressing or acting like a child in any way pedophilia? Theyre still an ADULT.
No. 965072
File: 1587824899482.png (411.64 KB, 2048x726, Screenshot_20200425-102805.png)

Id like to know why Shayna sincerely believes shes the savior of the sex work community or some shit.
No. 965075
>>965068because then pedos use content like that to groom children into doing sexual things.
Like 'Oh hey this other kid is doing it so it's fine for you too!' not saying shayna fits in the category but there are some very young looking adult women who lean into that content. it was a tactic being used even in the TCAP days.
No. 965084
>>965074but they are viewing adults acting out fantasies. Even if it does attract pedos isn't it better that they are acting out their fantasy with an adult who can consent? Seems like it would help stop them from actually harming a child.
Whatever, this is derailing and really has nothing to do with Shayna anyway since she can barely do that shtick anymore with her new pudge bod.
No. 965085
>>965072This bitch really believes she's some white horse riding savior of the sex workers.
It's pretty hilarious ngl.
No. 965092
>>965088While some people think that that is the case, there have been studies done that have proven otherwise which you can easily look up.
Regardless, this conversation and the OP is derailing bullshit that doesn't have to do with Shayna anyway.
No. 965122
File: 1587833812682.png (1.48 MB, 2048x1794, Screenshot_20200425-125652.png)

Looking at the first picture and how bleak and empty it is makes me depressed.
No. 965136
>>965122Yup! I was waiting for the plastic fake marble coffee table with the dumb walmart decorations to show up. Now she needs her marble print sheets and it can truly be her new personality!
Hilarious that she thinks its really tasteful and classy.
No. 965138
File: 1587835474510.jpeg (67.08 KB, 749x739, EWYs5InU8AA2ySk.jpeg)

found shay
No. 965143
File: 1587835886839.jpeg (421.19 KB, 1125x1831, 0113E0D3-D9C9-4803-99D7-757223…)

>>964937>>964941Anon you called it!
No. 965144
>>965096I assume she means comments on her looks, because lord knows the numerous comments that people make here and other places about her attitude, actions and hypocrisy don't bother her at all.
I would love to know what comments she'll never forget? She never really changes anything.
Putting on dirty clothes, not washing her hair, knowing her angles, bad hair colors & styles etc.
I guess she considers everything anyone says about her to hate now.
No. 965151
>>965133god yes.
"i am your lord and savior quick send money"
"i'll kill myself i am worthless"
"my pussy is perfect and fat"
"uwu mean comments. u'll never understand"
what the shit lmao
>>965143lol dumbass lurker
why the fuck would she just POST this on her twitter?? it makes it plain for everyone who throws her money how fucking much she has fallen
like true, she looked like a disgusting rat, but it was marginally better than her looking like a disgusting pig
No. 965154
File: 1587837727972.jpeg (884.75 KB, 1125x2085, 798FBC68-B651-4CC9-83EE-DF6F34…)

feeling a bit jealous prettier girls are having more traction than you shay?
No. 965202
File: 1587846038670.png (38.35 KB, 593x469, hhh.PNG)

No. 965216
>>965143>I’m not even Aquarius Lmao. I don’t know why that made me laugh so hard. it’s not supposed to be a meme about YOU. You just happen to be the photo. Reminds me of how Vicky Shingles has no idea what a joke is.
>>965154She’s so jealous. And her mind set makes zero sense. If other girls just joining OF can make tons of money, so can you. It’s called effort.
I’m sure frozen yogurt isn’t very popular in the winter time, but guess what? The business still stays open and people STILL HAVE TO GO TO WORK. She has no idea how life works.
No. 965231
File: 1587849437150.jpg (378.82 KB, 1080x1093, Screenshot_20200425-161113_Twi…)

No. 965252
File: 1587852551857.jpg (134.52 KB, 1077x606, Screenshot_20200425-170808_Twi…)

Back to tweeting every little interaction
No. 965258
>>965252so they get into a major fight, she suicide baits and fishes for asspats and validation that her
abusive behavior is OK. she moans for days about being single and how hard her life is. then suddenly they're back together without a word and he's insulting her to her face and controlling her screentime and she's treating it like a kink again.
I'm just wondering how much lower she can go at this point
No. 965266
File: 1587855934588.jpg (512.99 KB, 1074x1420, Screenshot_20200425-180536_Twi…)

>>965258Well now she's letting him cum in her pussy
No. 965267
>>965266Everything about shayna is so try hard, fake and just corny. I know plenty of women who make funny sex jokes, but when shayna does it, it comes off like she's bragging about having sex.
She even wants attention for sex in her personal life, this girl will never have a healthy relationship with sex ever.
That must be why she's not a very sexual person, sex is always for attention, clout, manipulation and work.
She doesn't have sex because she enjoys it or wants it, like everything it's another way for her to get those validationing likes and retweets.
The dude probably just pulled out of her and Shayna's on her phone tweeting about it.
No. 965269
>>965266I mean, they’ve been dating, what, 6 months and she’s on birth control.
I’d get it if you were complaining about the unnecessary tweet about every tiny aspect of the relationship and the “I just had sex” aspect of it but c’mon, we’re all adults here there’s no issue with a creampie under her circumstances jfc
No. 965302
>>965269It's an issue because it's sex without a condom and Shat 100% doesn't get tested between partners and I can bet her various Fupas don't either
She's gonna end up with herpes if she doesn't already have it. Or god forbid worse
No. 965329
File: 1587862703038.jpg (274.99 KB, 1080x1137, Screenshot_20200425-195731_Twi…)

No. 965330
File: 1587862744210.jpg (302.4 KB, 1080x1133, Screenshot_20200425-195754_Twi…)

Always having to bring up stuff from HS and bashing her parents
No. 965334
>>965330so it's her parents fault she was shit in school and had shit teachers? She said herself she hated school and learning so how is it her parent's fault?
She's a fucking asshole, imagine your daughter whose showing her pimply pussy, wearing dirty clothes, threatenining to kill herself because a sex trafficking
victim DARED to give an opinion, is trying to call YOU stupid.
it's not like she'd listen to her parents anyway.
No. 965346
File: 1587864967315.jpg (181.27 KB, 1076x604, Screenshot_20200425-203237_Twi…)

Says Shay who is always sexualizing Hannah Montana, other children shows, and made a cindy Lou who porn
No. 965347
File: 1587865010857.jpg (198.62 KB, 1080x747, Screenshot_20200425-203310_Twi…)

Shay, we know you don't tip and support other sex Workers
No. 965348
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No. 965350
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No. 965353
File: 1587865401772.jpg (121.92 KB, 1080x611, Screenshot_20200425-203859_Twi…)

No. 965359
File: 1587866344879.jpg (325.68 KB, 1075x1190, Screenshot_20200425-205900_Twi…)

Shes literally given videos away for tips
No. 965365
File: 1587867378960.jpg (195.27 KB, 1076x846, Screenshot_20200425-211608_Twi…)

No. 965369
>>965348>>965330this is so incredibly retarded.
>i wasn't spoon fed information!! it's not my fault i'm willfully ignorant!she acts like she was raised in an isolated bunker in a cult and not in the average American household she was. boohoo, she had Republicans for parents. yeah, that's totally what kept you from finding out basic information on your own, Shaytard. And yet, somehow you were able to discover weed and camming all while underage and living in your Republican parents' house. Weird how them being Republican didn't stop you from that.
if she gets mad at gerrymandering just wait til she finds out about the systematic abuse and stripping of women's rights, and how the sex industry perpetuates it. oop– she won't care bc her DaDdY didn't teach it to her, and all girls are totally just big, jealous meanies anyway
No. 965403
File: 1587875173825.jpg (Spoiler Image,498.77 KB, 1079x1252, Screenshot_20200425-225928_Twi…)

So using a cartoon character from a child's show is okay?
No. 965420
File: 1587878320044.jpg (115 KB, 1080x395, Screenshot_20200426-001814_Twi…)

No. 965449
>>965266Shayna barely knows wtf she ate the day beforehand so she definitely doesn't take bc everyday at the same moment and bats no eye that certain meds cancel out its effects. Can't wait for Barbie mom saga.
>>965403This is her hardcore defending the underage shit she pulled before that she keeps being called out for, "b-but I defended the underage Miranda Cosgrove meme guys" kek
No. 965453
>>965449she has been getting the depo shot for over a year now. she has said this multiple times. I'm not sure if you just need to lurk more or if you're a newfag who needs to lurk more. she had the matchstick implant before that. she is on birth control and has been for years.
I still think her weight gain is at least a little to do with the depo shot as it's proven to cause weight gain in a lot of women, and the fucking emotional craziness due to the high doses of hormones fits too. but that's also just Shatna, she's an
abusive bitch without adding hormones to the mix
No. 965474
>>965469has she ever even talked about the horrible right-wing views they hold? All she goes is "they are right-wing!!"
Yeah and they took care of you and put up with you. She didn't have some shitty horrible child hood. In fact as far as we know everything that went wrong went wrong because of Shayna being a shitty irresponsible teenager as all teens can be. Except she's still a shitty irresponsible young adult, looking back at her teenage years and missing them.
All the "Abuse" was "I got grounded! They were right-wing!! My mom had to work! I had to watch my brother!!"
In fact maybe they should've been harder on Shayna, maybe she wouldn't be so fucked up, they seemed pretty lax.
No. 965475
>>965474It's really funny that this girl who claimed she overdosed, raped and bullied, ONLY talks about how shitty her child hood was due to her parents. Didn't she say some guy was stalking her? Didn't she start camming at 17 and had people sending shit to the house?
Those are legit things that are scary and traumtizing, but someone who loves to play the
victim never brings them up.
Not even to make a tweet to get sympathy or be fake "woke" about them. She talks about everything else, makes no sense why those huge things never get brought up.
No. 965537
File: 1587906911154.png (407.53 KB, 2048x879, Screenshot_20200426-091459.png)

A man threatens rape, she says this.
No. 965538
File: 1587907077431.png (386.21 KB, 2048x914, Screenshot_20200426-091758.png)

No it's because you can't seperate your "work" from your real life
No. 965597
>>965474It’s funny that she mentions how “right-wing” and “republican” her parents are, but never mentions anything about the incredibly red-state she currently lives in lol. Fupa and Fupa II dont really come off as liberal to me.
>>965538I wonder what it’s like to completely lack a personality.
No. 965673
>>965538Yeah, she can’t do one of those because she can’t wear clothes for more than 5 minutes straight and not make every day, normal life about sex work.
Don’t worry Shayna, I’ll do it for you anyway: one has warped doors and smoothed out pussy vs fat, doughy mess with a pimply ass.
>>965541But men aren’t to blame AT ALL for the demand of sex trafficking, it’s all women, right???
No. 965677
File: 1587932680771.png (257.88 KB, 594x392, lies.PNG)

No. 965680
File: 1587932837177.png (56.91 KB, 581x533, oo.PNG)

No. 965683
>>965678Im so fucking excited for this. I love how she uses her porn name, I kind of feel a little tiny bit bad for her ass.
She's going to end up on Livestream fails super quick. I love the "uwu animal school girl" look.
No. 965684
File: 1587932935587.jpg (280.01 KB, 1080x941, Screenshot_20200426-152740_Twi…)

No one calls it "dunks" literally everyone calls it Dunkin
No. 965691
>>965688I wonder how she's going to handle that? That coomers who find out she does porn, are going to search her, how are they going to feel seeing her in a fucking diaper pretending to be a baby?
Or that when you search her name "Racist" comes up after it?
>>965684I can never get over how she brags about the smallest things this dude does for her, like damn, she acts like she's never done anything with anyone.
No. 965709
File: 1587935948089.jpg (233.58 KB, 1078x833, Screenshot_20200426-161919_Twi…)

No. 965730
>>965619She hasn't kept any friends. Every time she is associated with a girl they just disappear soon after.
Remember when she posted snapchats of her outing with those girls? It says a lot that she isn't capable of keeping
any girl friends. Not even any of the sex workers she has worked with or met.
>>965677Sure, Shayna.
Not like she has guy friends either. Trying to imagine her functioning appropriately around men in real life is hard. She clearly freaked out her boyfriend's friends the one time, too.
No. 965745
>>965730It's because Shayna doesn't want
friends, she wants yes men who she can keep at a distance until she needs emotional reassurance and ass pats. With friends you usually have to reciprocate that, but with yes men they'll just follow you like dumb animals. She's also really afraid of people getting to close to the real her. I don't think she's had real friends since Colleen.
No. 965770
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No. 965788
File: 1587944904717.jpg (174.6 KB, 1080x581, Screenshot_20200426-184631_Twi…)

No. 965792
The reason it's taking her long to pack her shit is this
>>965788, she's tweeting every five mintues and on twitter.
Seriously, had she not had that drama or was on twitter on day, she'd probably be moved out by now
No. 965800
File: 1587947162266.jpg (234.97 KB, 1080x873, Screenshot_20200426-192603_Twi…)

Hopping off and packing is going quite well
No. 965813
File: 1587949377281.jpg (329.18 KB, 1080x940, Screenshot_20200426-200110_Twi…)

What "big companies" are reaching out for her?
Kek "unless my flights and accommodations are being paid 4 then it's only something that's financially viable 4 me." But I thought you were making SO much money Shay
No. 965816
File: 1587949441382.jpg (Spoiler Image,424.55 KB, 1080x1249, Screenshot_20200426-200045_Twi…)

Be real Shay, you haven't been packing at all today based on your tweets
No. 965818
>>965813Lmao she really thinks companies are going to pay for her flights and accommodations for a SOLO SCENE from a NOBODY?
Shayna, your delusions are getting severe.
No. 965821
>>965782right, like remember back in winter she thought she was going to move and said something about dedicated a month to moving and we were like, why. she has nothing but time, and idk how often she's been going back and forth from one place to the other, but like another anon said, she could've been bringing stuff over during every trip and chose not to.
where are her poor pets?
No. 965825
File: 1587950627450.jpg (156.56 KB, 1080x735, 20200426_202341.jpg)

No. 965840
File: 1587956102213.jpg (194.45 KB, 1079x717, Screenshot_20200426-215449_Twi…)

But it's the meds causing the weight gain
No. 965843
>>965842I always imagine her saying this shit in her normal voice. I'l never forget the first time hearing her talk, and she was saying, "i'm fucking mentally ill"
I can imagine the baby voice she uses when talking to her retarded boyfriend
No. 965954
File: 1587997525374.png (Spoiler Image,1.45 MB, 1101x2048, Screenshot_20200427-102447.png)

No. 965955
File: 1587997637145.png (302.29 KB, 2048x1525, Screenshot_20200427-102717.png)

And lmao @ her now dead advice page.
No. 965974
File: 1588002200743.jpeg (155.33 KB, 640x622, EC83B773-B850-4F8E-A52A-5C2769…)

>>965954i found this screenshot from thread #50. i cant with this bitch
No. 965975
>>965974Free onlyfans are smart advertising, you can post your promo pics (not actual nudes like Shayna the big dummy will do) and put up paid photosets/direct traffic to an all access nsfw one.
They updated their T&C’s saying that free onlyfans accounts are not allowed to post any nudity unless it is a paid post so any free promo has to be censored/sfw but she’s a retard and will probably get banned.
No. 966009
File: 1588005445097.gif (471.17 KB, 215x211, dis-gunna-be-good.gif)

>>965954>free only fans>posts nudes immediatelyI dont understand how one person can actually be this retarded.
No. 966010
>>965974Hahaha omg. This was literally like a week ago. Now here she is. Shes a fucking retard. I hope it fails or makes her other account lose subs.
If its true that you cant post nudes on a free one then yeah she'll either fuck it up or itll just be another thing only her orbiters "care" about until she abandons it because its not getting her enough attention/instant gratification.
No. 966173
File: 1588041631454.png (1.25 MB, 750x1334, 3707FE43-5134-4ACA-B06B-FB4A6A…)

No. 966174
File: 1588041631863.jpeg (489.18 KB, 1242x1577, 55DAD361-BC32-455C-B71D-F7B07E…)

Siqq virtue signaling Shay
No. 966185
>>966173>rat's nest on head>jowls>double chin>lumpy cottage cheese thighs>looks like she has on a loaded diaper>sucking in her gut harder than a hoover vacuumlet's just thank god she's hiding her face.
how can someone whose profession is totally concerned with looking sexy look so frumpy and completely devoid of sex appeal?
No. 966198
>>966174This is peak boomer shit where they do one small thing for a "poor homeless" and immediately go on FB/Social media to brag about it for likes
Also how was there no contact between them, are they implying the homeless man was ordering food with no money?
No. 966205
File: 1588051082691.gif (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 189x252, 3CD7B824-E550-4652-8368-A9C2EA…)

sage for OT but I found some Shay gifts from 2013
No. 966211
>>966205What is she even doing here, lmao.
>>966206Ngl, she actually looks pretty cute here? Still really awkward, but she had a sort of trashy girl next door thing going. I can see why she had a brief taste of tumblr fame in the stoner tags back then. She really has aged like milk.
No. 966217
>>966174so they've gone out breaking quarantine twice in two days? what good people!
>>9662062013? that means she was 15/16 years old in these gifs. where did you find them? seems weird (not you, just her literal pedo pandering)
No. 966261
>>966217I can’t even be bothered to explain to you how someone who is underage isn’t pedo pandering, if someone has sex with a child it’s literally rape whether the underage person was “pandering” or not so don’t be a
victim blamer .. but also that’s just how 15 year olds act on the internet, without thinking. If this content really is from 2013 it’s probably the least pedopandering content she’s put out since she invented Dolly Mattel. Yeah it’s vaguely sexual when it shouldn’t be but that is just how teenagers work and are groomed to be, especially on the net.
Thanks for posting them, original anon, it’s funny to laugh and see her deterioration/eternal incoordination but other anons think before you accuse an actual child of being complicit in paedophilic activity.
No. 966332
File: 1588089420093.png (819.93 KB, 1458x2048, Screenshot_20200428-115659.png)

Way to admit how fucking disgusting you are Shayna.
No. 966338
File: 1588090532044.jpeg (70.66 KB, 750x190, C148805F-9C8F-4833-B055-DB2A58…)

No, that’s just being a slob
No. 966346
File: 1588092891116.jpeg (230.98 KB, 750x727, 43578D51-2AD6-4648-ABB7-9AC3BE…)

Like she’d ever meet the family of her boyfriend lol
No. 966350
File: 1588093362333.jpg (184.92 KB, 1080x1677, Screenshot_20200428-180145_Twi…)

>>966338You missed the second part.
This is the second time she's spoke about eating dried old cum.
What the hell is wrong with her?
No. 966353
>>966350Remember after a vacation with Fupa when he left, and she said she cuddled and licked a towel with his dried cum on it?
Pepperidge farms remembers.
No. 966359
>>966353LMAO YES that was gold.
She also made a tweet just like that one when she went out to a bar in a dirty cum stained shirt and was proud of it? She's fucking disgusting and not in a cute sexy way.
No. 966363
File: 1588095055630.png (713.15 KB, 2048x1815, Screenshot_20200428-133053.png)

Both of these are old tweets and posts she's done on Tumblr. She's so fucking desperate to go viral
No. 966376
File: 1588096031341.jpg (86.04 KB, 275x275, 1467998748873.jpg)

>>966350>>966353Does she think the guys following her think this is sexy? Shay-nasty for sure.
No. 966398
>>966363She's so retarded, emotionally stunted and self centered she can't even think of how to phrase these things to appeal to the intended audience.
Her posts come off like a half assed spambot coded in by someone off fiverr who primarily speaks Hindi. The bot is still desperately combing tumblr for key words and randomly shitting them out at a desperate attempt at successful SEO… Except for Shatna it's attempts to go viral for internet attention.
>sugardaddy vibes Like what guy whose not already paying is thinking: "yes! That's the vibe I want!! I've always aspired to be this stanky trash 'racoons' "sugar" "daddy"!"
I honestly have this tinfoil only orbiting women have sent her pity money and no real man actually follows her… her fanbase is like the opposite of "no girls on the internet"
No. 966406
>>966351my personal theory is that he's fugly as hell, and she's avoiding getting him and herself roasted by keeping his face hidden. he's probably so gross that even Shayna has the minimum amount of lucidity needed to realize that. we already know he's fat from her chode sucking video, and his hygienic standards are low enough to tolerate Shayna, so i don't even want to know what inbred, gargoyle-face, tooth-missing hillbilly she's dating.
>>966353she should bring this up in therapy instead of ~*the hatuuurrrz are the ones bringing my porn career down, wahhh~*
No. 966454
File: 1588108893475.png (606.77 KB, 2048x1249, Screenshot_20200423-142721.png)

>>966353There we are kek She really thought this was so kinky and hit but in reality made her look insane and desperate as fuck. No wonder Fupa kicked her crazy ass to the curb.
No. 966484
>>966479shayna referred to fupa as old and pretended that people thought he was her dad, even though he's only about 10 years older than her.
It's just another weird thing that she lies about.
No. 966493
>>966452ayrt, I live in an apartment in the US and don't have a dishwasher. It really depends on the area you live in, how big/old your unit is, and how much you pay in rent. It's almost unheard of in some places (like NYC for example, but other places too.)
she lived in a shithole apartment for like $600 a month, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have one. If she did though that makes dishes piling up in the sink even more disgusting, how hard is it to put them in the dishwasher instead jfc
>>966398she's trained at least one of her orbiters to send her money whenever she complains about feeling sad, so her twitter tantrums are definitely for pitybucks. Shatna thanks her in discord whenever she sends $10
No. 966505
File: 1588116684733.jpg (Spoiler Image,241.6 KB, 1215x1620, IMG_20200429_003028.jpg)

This tragic hoe shoved some dusty old necklace she prob found packing up her minge.
No. 966757
File: 1588184336016.jpg (326.97 KB, 1080x1677, Screenshot_20200429_141650.jpg)

Shayna didn't your accounts got banned more than 10 times because you didn't follow the TOS? Then blamed it on jealous SW? Kek
No. 966768
File: 1588186396878.jpeg (40.87 KB, 275x229, 1588121521706.jpeg)

>>966757maybe tinfoil but since she follows/used to follow pnp, is she vague posting about her? Wouldn't be surprised tbh
No. 966784
File: 1588189497961.jpg (273.57 KB, 1080x1483, Screenshot_20200429_154450.jpg)

>>966768Vague posting about it today lol… She's so petty
No. 966786
>>966757Sounds like she’s just mad other people can get away with shit.
>ReAd ThE ToS!!Amazing advice. Shouldn’t she be charging for this valuable knowledge?
Her gate keeping and acting like she’s the queen of SW is annoying, and the industry is pretty foreign to me. I can’t imagine how annoying and aggravating this is to SW’ers lol
No. 966873
>>966835not only is she a nobody, but the people who follow her (other sex workers) have to think the same, if they didn't and spoke out on it, not only would Shayna block and unfollow, but she'd make a subtweet about them.
I think a lot of sex workers who do talk with Shayna feel bad for her. They see this place, they see her constant talks of "mental health", they probably believe she's the product of some horrible republican
abusive upbringing, that everyone in her life hurts her and Shayna does nothing.
They think because they've defended her, been her "friend', that she talks to them, likes or retweet their shit that she's a "friend".
Shayna is no one's friend, not even when they do things for her. If Bratty were to step out of line, she'd see first hand how Shayna works. They all will.
The message she sent to that
victim of sex trafficking is how Shayna deals with conflict, she does not care what anyone has to say unless it's agreeing with her.
No. 966876
File: 1588204135130.png (204.42 KB, 1202x748, Screen Shot 2020-04-29 at 6.47…)

Bitch…. you've posted so many pics/videos of yourself flashing and masturbating in public places including drunkenly stumbling home topless from the bar and practicing your disgusting kinks in Walmart.
No. 966878
File: 1588204414668.png (85.44 KB, 1202x252, Screen Shot 2020-04-29 at 6.51…)

This will be a trainwreck.
No. 966900
File: 1588206951483.png (67.55 KB, 605x700, chrome_uLneOKQh4Q.png)

dont forget about this shit shayna posted today
No. 966992
File: 1588223070659.jpg (Spoiler Image,832.02 KB, 1080x1721, hmm.jpg)

>>966876She's peed in public multiple times, flashed and masturbated in public places, and shot off fireworks from her butthole from property that was definitely not hers?
There's so many screencaps from less than a year ago even.
No. 967001
>>966876>>966992why the fuck does literally no one on her twitter care to remind her about that time she literally walked home topless? i love that SWs calling her out setting her off every other day can potentially be talking about this crap
right here, but instead they're just "o no she so racist"
No. 967083
>>967079she has that gross torso pussy thing. Also if Shayna ever works with a girl again, it'd be someone she feels she's more attractive then. If it's someone more attractive she'll whine for days about how "I feel so ugly compared 2 other girls, watching this video back, it just makes me feel so insecure" to get ass pats.
There's a reason she didn't work with Bratty, it wasn't only because she's lazy, but Bratty has a better body then Shayna. Plus shayna is straight as hell.
No. 967106
>>967086She also does not know what she's doing. She said herself she's not very sexual and I 100% believe she's a starfish. She thinks all men want is a girl that offers all her holes and she has to do nothing else.
Everytime she's with someone else she never seems to want to do anything or she tries to pull that "uwu" i'm baby shit.
Sidenote- Anyone notice that she hasn't had any briuses from her bf in a while? Kind of makes me feels maybe she was off and on with a few guys at the same time.
Just some tinfoil.
No. 967122
>>967097It’s so much worse than I remember, open at your own risk
>>847330Also here it it as an amazon listing if you don’t want to have to bleach your eyes
>>794161 No. 967244
File: 1588276083176.png (705.27 KB, 2048x1524, Screenshot_20200430-154756.png)

Did she try this already and no one bought anything? (1/2)
No. 967250
File: 1588276343137.png (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1524x2048, Screenshot_20200430-155142.png)

can't believe no one posted this. She's so fucking fat now she can't even sit up on her knees and ride a dildo for a minute. Are you really that fucking chunky Shayna? No. 967256
File: 1588276796891.png (980.34 KB, 1496x2048, Screenshot_20200430-154955.png)

why does she use such low angles and make herself look even fatter? No. 967261
>>967246im almost as excited for this then I am her doing twitch. Imagine this retard walking around in a sweater like this? Imagine how many "some girl was staring me down, because of my shirt, girls can be so
toxic" or "some guy came over to me and said, "Wait are you really Dolly Mattel?" stories she's going to tell.
No. 967275
File: 1588280042915.png (34.42 KB, 1111x132, Screenshot (60).png)

>>967274she wants to get a new laptop first lol
No. 967279
>>967275Her insistence on getting a laptop to game on won't even help. Sure you can game on a laptop but you can't really stream and game at the same time. There's only so much a laptop can handle, even one made for gaming.
Knowing her she's just get another Apple computer.
No. 967311
File: 1588284927861.png (49.48 KB, 589x511, eerr.PNG)

No. 967313
>>967311I knew Shay was stupid but not this stupid.
1. Why didn't you keep the directions from the first time?
2. Who doesn't check the truck to make sure all their stuff is out?
Hell whatever happened to all the stuff Dawn threw into a u-haul for her? All those stuffed animals and stuff that we never got pics of again? Shay looks like she moved into an apartment with just a box full of sex toys she never uses and the stuff that never budged off the daybed.
Even now her apartment is empty. We never saw stuff she had at Fupa's again either like that mirror. Does she just abandon shit when she changes personalities and buys/begs for new stuff?
I mean she did toss that huge-ass teddy bear into the dumpster before moving to Fupa's so I guess someone needs to call Luna Slater to go dumpster diving for Shay's goodies after each move
No. 967320
>>967315I'm pretty sure that girl that helped her (Someone named Lana if i remember correctly?) just gave her all the wrong things on purpose. It's funny that she would trust anyone without researching herself first.
And as another anon said, she's most probably getting a macbook and pretty much no games run on macbooks lmao
No. 967349
File: 1588290048998.png (676.5 KB, 2048x1402, Screenshot_20200430-193938.png)

Shayna really thinks her problems stem from her apartment being shitty. Wow.
Moving isnt going to solve your mental illness and terrible way of living. It won't solve your alcoholism and deep hate for yourself.
In 3-6 months she'll want to move again because she'll be back to heavy drinking and drug use.
No. 967355
File: 1588290219067.png (456.87 KB, 2048x910, Screenshot_20200430-194328.png)

3 hours later: "my asthma is acting up I don't know why ughhhh!!"
No. 967373
File: 1588291992728.png (303.57 KB, 2048x827, Screenshot_20200430-201230.png)

"the people who follow you don't want to hear about unsexy stuff, they're here for porn!" - Shayna
Also Shayna:
No. 967377
File: 1588292427357.png (251.91 KB, 308x597, 1533764239182.png)

>>967256I just want everyone to remember the ACTUAL color of these shorts and note the absolute tragedy they are now. This why we call you Shaynasty, man.
No. 967442
>>967349if she disliked the old place that much she should have put more effort into moving so she could continue making content, as she pretended was going to happen and be of more quality or something b/c she had more space. but she fucked around as usual and has to put her diary like ramblings onto her work twitter like anyone fucking cares.
also rip that shitty day bed, she'll be using her counters, floors and the bed her mom got her for content. oh, and the gaming chair b/c she's not going to stream lol.
No. 967568
File: 1588340155602.png (Spoiler Image,526.7 KB, 1062x971, Screenshot_20200501-093440~2.p…)

WHY IS EVERY VIDEO THE SAME??? If I was a customer I'd be so pissed. She can't even finger herself properly let alone make it look sexy. No. 967570
File: 1588340719148.png (31.55 KB, 738x229, fdfd.png)

>>967568is that this video then lol.
No. 967572
>>967570Yup. How fucking sad. Even when she claims to be turned on she doesn't know how to touch herself.
To this day I cannot figure out why she touches herself in such a strange way.
No. 967578
File: 1588342293255.jpeg (15.86 KB, 194x259, 1524432973144.jpeg)

>>967251underrated comment. my fucking sides
No. 967583
>>967570Goals right there. Her boyfriend jerking off to his retarded girl friend, making retarded faces, sitting on the ground fingering her dry snatch for other men/sexworkers to buy.
No. 967588
>>967585I honestly think attention is more of her goal, she knows she can run back home at any time, she wants fame. She really thinks she's going to become famous, which is funny, the only porn stars who gain "fame", usually gain it from being extremely attractive, doing a lot of shoots, and/or bad behavior. The most I've seen is them moving onto to do something else after porn that gained them fame.
There are a few "popular" sex workers on twitch, but most of them are male.
No. 967590
>>967588Porn will never make her famous because she refuses to do the work. She had multiple opportunities to get her name out there and make money and she instead decided to be lazy and egotistical. After her first g/g shoot she said she would only shoot solo and started refusing every offer she was given because it wasn't for a solo shoot. She chose to ruin opportunities she was given.
If at one point I felt bad for Shayna, it all ended after she did that. So many other people who actually work hard on their content would have appreciated opportunities like the many she was given. She is an egotistical, narcissistic asshole who wants to do nothing and get fame for it.
No. 967599
File: 1588345005299.gif (993.81 KB, 500x270, EB1B483D-E2F7-453D-92C7-6EB483…)

>>967450me @ shay… sage for no milk
(namefag) No. 967632
File: 1588349814382.png (427.35 KB, 752x644, Screenshot (64).png)

why does she keep throwing them away??
No. 967666
File: 1588353979368.png (339.92 KB, 828x1792, 22D7BD04-415D-4BFD-9468-1107C3…)

how…sad. why does this bitch think this is something to be proud of?
No. 967728
File: 1588360933340.png (432.08 KB, 2048x952, Screenshot_20200501-152208.png)

>feels like my image is fading
How fucking bleak, is that really your life Shayna?
No. 967730
File: 1588361030296.png (809.21 KB, 1396x2048, Screenshot_20200501-152344.png)

The way she talks about mental illness…
No. 967737
>>967666She never had a couch in her previous apartment, I don’t get why she decided to finally get one because she moved to a different apartment. Is her boyfriend helping her buy it?
>>967728She wasn’t doing much at all before “focusing on moving”…
No. 967818
>>967808>>967808Ohh I assumed she was being dramatic and it wasn’t actually an important part that was missing/she was just high and hadn’t actually lost anything.
But if the day bed truly has gone, there we go then; even more reason for her to buy a sofa!
No. 967833
File: 1588376302277.png (1.88 MB, 2048x1822, Screenshot_20200501-193818.png)

Why is it over her cheeks lmfao
No. 967836
File: 1588376500039.png (417.93 KB, 2048x1210, Screenshot_20200501-194146.png)

She was rich enough to have a cleaning lady. Fucking wow. Tell us more about your abuse Shayna.
No. 967837
File: 1588376557651.png (461.95 KB, 2048x1244, Screenshot_20200501-194238.png)

Bitch can't even be bothered to clean her new apartment.
I just don't understand Shayna anymore.
No. 967841
>>967770I mean more that it’s normal to want one but why now finally get one when nothing was stopping her before? Like if she could have bought a couch why wouldn’t she put a couch in the living room at the old place then her daybed/bed in the sole bedroom there?
I haven’t been in these threads for a crazy long amount of time so I guess I’m confused/dumbass and don’t know - she had her daybed in the living room at her old place? So she slept in the living room on it and what exactly did she use the bedroom for there…?
No. 967848
>>967841Sorry I sounded so exasperated!!
She eventually was bought a proper bed for the bedroom - before that it seemed like she slept/worked/ate on the day bed in the living room and trapped her animals in the empty (?) bedroom
No. 967849
>>967833probably because when they're over her ears it pushes her hair back from her face and shows how chubby her cheeks are now. when it comes to Shatna it's most likely fueled by insecurity
>>967837I think she means clean the apartment she's moving out of. they're gonna have to clean ash and soot and pet hair and dirt off of every surface
No. 967856
>>967837So instead of cleaning her apartment herself, she’s hiring someone to come over in the middle of a pandemic to clean? Classy.
How big of a mess has she already made that she even needs a cleaning person?
No. 967861
>>967848You’re good!
I was just confused why anyone that doesn’t live in a studio apartment would have their bed(even if it’s a daybed) in their living area when they have a dedicated bedroom. But I guess this
is Shayna we’re talking about.
Even if you’re broke as shit and can’t afford furniture, at that point, one room is going to have to be empty and I suppose she chose the bedroom to be?
No. 968036
File: 1588427831663.png (392.75 KB, 591x391, 1.PNG)

No. 968037
File: 1588427939382.png (24.99 KB, 598x226, Capture.PNG)

Imagine saying this
No. 968050
>>968048she used to look super dehydrated and now she looks bloated. It's pretty hilarious tbh.
Also how the fuck can she think those colors work together? Red lipstick, pink hair, pink background, black hair tie, olive colored sweater? The fuck???
No. 968106
>>968036everyone's bringing up her weight gain and bloat and whatnot, and i'm just completely unable to get my eyes off her eyebrows+eyeliner combo lmao
from shitty to unfathomable, truly shayna has come a long way
No. 968110
>>968069she doesn't even cam, so I do not expect her to do this shit. Shayna has wasted money on shit before remember that $200 she spent on that powder? or those work out clothes we never saw before?
My best hope is if she does, she has her boyfriend on, maybe we'll hear his voice and they'll do cringey "daddy" and "baby" shit.
No. 968182
>>967836Shayna is everything a parent does not want. You can tell by how she behaved she was spoiled, I kind of feel like it's on her dad's end, hence why she's such an MRA.
Screamed about her mom being an evil republican for years and finally admits her dad is one as well, then wasn't fupa repub?
She probably threatened to kill herself whenever anything didn't go her way.
No. 968259
File: 1588464341013.png (Spoiler Image,1.76 MB, 2048x1794, Screenshot_20200502-200535.png)

Excuse me sir? Your ball sack is falling out.
No. 968269
>>968259More like fat cat with a busted kitty.
Yikes. Shes not pulling of uwu anime gamer gurl at all. Someone get your special needs sister and give her her nintendogs back.
No. 968273
>>968259Lmao she looks ridiculous with those headphones sitting on her cheeks. I hope she actually does go through with twitch. She will do it at least once. She’s been talking about it non stop for months. I don’t see her doing it for more than a couple times in a whole week and I feel like that’s being generous.
She has no personality or charisma. Half of her viewers will be farmers.
No. 968292
File: 1588470912219.jpeg (288.75 KB, 1242x660, AA682B13-27EE-4804-B322-2A417A…)

She posted this exact thing a few weeks or months ago…
No. 968294
File: 1588471208006.gif (2.08 MB, 500x244, wormwood.gif)

>>968036>>968039>>968048Before she just looked like Matilda's mom and now I absolutely agree she's looking like Yaniv's long lost sister. They even share the same ballsack feature.
No. 968295
>>968292She originally posted it with Fupa, and has posted it with at least 2 other of the people she's been with.
Does she just save tweets she think will go viral? I wouldn't put it past her tbh.
No. 968303
>>968296Because Shayna is trash and her style is trash. She thinks if something is expensive that means it's automatically good quality. Have you seen her Amazon wishlist? Tons of the furniture is overpriced crap that won't last, but she thinks it's classy because it's expensive.
Even her name is fucking trashy, wow.
No. 968310
File: 1588475308073.jpeg (345.24 KB, 1536x2048, 200lbs.jpeg)

No. 968312
>>968310theory: being talked about on lc causes women to lose the ability to express true emotion in photos and they all end up doing this stupid smirk.
see: shat, pixielocks
No. 968328
>>968310damn what a chonker kek
she made her eyebrows all tiny and then started doing them with eyeliner and now once again they are touching the ends of her wings lol. She should just connect them and make it a trend. You know, since she’s such a trendsetter.
No. 968340
>>968310I can't wait for her to complain about that chair. I had it for a while and it fell apart and hurts like hell to sit in
She'll be e-begging for a new chair before her first twitch stream
No. 968375
File: 1588503220013.jpeg (586.2 KB, 1536x2048, 1F9D7868-9B7A-436D-B14E-B662BE…)

Can’t believe I made Shayna Yaniv before breakfast. Not a great start to my day.
No. 968387
>>968375Looking at this makes me realize Shayna never wears eyeshadow. I really hope she has a proper microphone, she overpays but half-asses it every time. She's all about how things look, yet they never look good.
I really wish she'd invest in some wigs, make up and just swich it up for once.
Also every single sex worker/anime gurl/tranny has that swimsuit, that chair and those headphones. It's like she looks up "Starterpacks" for every hobby that becomes her new personality/obsession and follows them.
No. 968394
File: 1588506833620.png (398.47 KB, 533x515, fjdjd.PNG)

seriously how long before Shayna 100% knocks off Bella and seriously sells her bathwater? Seriously though, why not just buy a pink wig instead of fucking up her hair so much?
No. 968399
I don’t follow this thread at all but have to say this one
>>968375 looks much better than this one
>>968310 and I think that’s pretty sad
No. 968409
File: 1588511094909.png (99.59 KB, 738x683, a.png)

i dont understand why she thinks this new apartment is gonna change her life or some shit?? nothing about her old place was stopping her from working & she didnt need to take so long to move her stuff. wonder what the next excuse not to work will be?
No. 968430
>>968427she sticks the smallest dildos and the average sized dicks up her dry ass and she really thinks she's doing something big.
Its been years and shayna is still doing porn with tiny dildos on the ground.
No. 968561
File: 1588537174013.png (Spoiler Image,473.82 KB, 760x1342, Screenshot_20200503-161752.png)

Got called chubby and is trying to pretend she's okay with it
Forgot to spoiler my b
No. 968566
File: 1588538176874.jpg (113.04 KB, 636x960, IMG_20200503_143538.jpg)

He laughed at them? Probably not something to post on your Twitter.
No. 968592
>>968561I see she’s still using the eyeliner as brow dip.
>>968580lmfao anon. Damn camel hoof
No. 968601
>>968561imagine if a girl had commented this, she'd send her tiny discord army to personally attack and bully them, would make literally 30 tweets about how broken and depressed she is that other girls on twitter are vicious jealous bullies and that women are worthless bitches and then she'd fake an uwu bipolar episode :(((
but since it was a Big Important Male, shayna bows down and craves their approval and attention no matter what. she's the definition of an ugly hoe pick me who does the most at all times
No. 968669
File: 1588556756323.jpeg (133.42 KB, 640x654, D3F6B343-01BA-4CBB-BD56-635357…)

No. People just hate how stupid you look bragging how you’re a gamer slut but you can’t even figure out how basic game mechanics work in games that average children can figure out with no issues. Stick to “thriving” in sexwork, you don’t need the distractions.
No. 968680
>>968665yeah but she can’t actually still think that’s what that device is is what I’m saying
Or idk maybe I’m giving her too much credit haha
No. 968697
File: 1588568688390.jpg (Spoiler Image,379.89 KB, 809x1174, Screenshot_20200504-000447_Ins…)

I can't believe nobody has posted this tragedy yet…
No. 968699
File: 1588568757823.jpg (Spoiler Image,613.53 KB, 1080x2038, Screenshot_20200504-000606_Ins…)

>>968697Zoomed in on the right pic
No. 968818
>>968785She just begs because sometimes it works and she doesnt want to spend "her own" money. But that being said, she also has no savings and nothing to show for herself. I dont think shes always broke. She makes ok on her cash outs, but she still wastes an excessive amount of money on weed, takeout, and booze. This new apartment is really the best shes done for herself in a long time and it wasnt all her, whether it was people on twitter, her bf, and/or parents.
Shes only 22 so she can get on track, but the way shes going now wont get her anywhere. Shes really dumb, lazy, stubborn, and delusional so its unlikely she'll ever change. She'll rot in OK, getting worse looking by the month doing her dead end bare minimum sw and spending her days getting intoxicated and on twitter. Letting whatever idiot dude raw her and tweeting every moment of her basic, sad life. Starting drama to stay relevant. Never learning anything. No skills, not actual knowledge/education, not learning from mistakes and actually developing healthily.
Until one of these things really brings her to rock bottom. Then she'll have the choice to change or still be irredeemable trash.
No. 968837
File: 1588612045936.jpg (232.6 KB, 720x1006, 20200504_110601.jpg)

What happened to "sex workers need to support other sex workers"?
No. 968840
>>968837but… it is…
you literally just show your tits and/or pussy for money. how much easier can it get?
No. 968843
File: 1588612554781.jpg (155.45 KB, 1080x1118, Screenshot_20200504_101531.jpg)

Does this means she's been streaming? If she has a view count on her twitch channel?
No. 968845
>>968837Oh fuck offffff, you absolute retard. I don’t personally agree with SW but what is she talking about? Imagine an office worker going “I wish people wouldn’t work in offices to make money when times are tough and they haven’t worked in a office before. Only people like me who are bad at office work and who’ve been stuck making pittance, not improving for years, are allowed to work in an office”.
You can’t have it both ways Shay, I thought sex work is real work, and therefore anyone can try their hand at it …like a real job. People aren’t born sex workers, you’ve not personally got a god given right to be the only sex worker in the world.
No. 968848
>>968847It's like that InvaderVie thing. She complained to her viewers about money and lost about +80k followers kek.
Shay about to be cancelled on twitch too
No. 968850
File: 1588613541369.jpg (47.41 KB, 426x568, ewwwww.jpg)

Shaynasty, I wish you would see how absolutely disgusting this is. I never post on here but this is the ugliest face I've ever seen on a human being in my entire life. There is NOTHING cute about this. I'm staring in amazement at how someone could see this of theirselves and think it's ok to show other ppl????
No. 968863
>>968851Oh that’s without a single doubt the reason she says this.
Like, none of this gatekeeping bullshit makes sense. Nobody would care if she wanted to keep girls from doing it out of concern. Because camming etc is SW after all so it still has unpleasant and sometimes dangerous consequences. But that’s not what she does.
She doesn’t want to see others do better with much less effort. Because then she’d have to face that she‘s both unappealing
and laughably bad at her ‘job’.
No. 968865
>>968837Who said its a last resort? Maybe theres girls who now have the time to dedicate to it or are trying to work however they can and that doesnt mean they think its pitiful work, its just work you can do from home which is ideal rn. Shes so insecure and always gatekeeping. If she felt like sw was so
valid and hard work, she wouldnt preach it so hard all the damn time. She knows its not that hard, hell thats why she does it and hardly makes an effort. She just doesnt want other girls getting in on her SuPeR sPeCiAl work because it makes her not as unique and look worse by comparison. SHES the one staying in it as a last resort kek what else could she actually do? Shes lazy and made a flimsy personality around it.
No. 968899
File: 1588619335659.png (52.25 KB, 614x410, ddddd.PNG)

>>968837Funny how so many women can just jump into sex work and do well at it and move the fuck on. Funny how she does not care about the circumstances of why someone might stoop to sex work, she literally just hates that there are girls who can do sex work and move on.
She hates sex work IS easy for some people.
No. 968900
File: 1588619597799.png (174.57 KB, 602x433, why.PNG)

No. 968948
File: 1588624808317.jpg (297.39 KB, 1079x957, Screenshot_20200504-164004_Twi…)

Shay, you shop your pictures so absolute hell. You don't even look like a person half the time. Just… shut the fuck up
No. 968951
File: 1588625196541.jpeg (254.51 KB, 1125x1349, 0F77FCCF-CEB3-4FB1-AB57-826B29…)

No. 968952
>>968837look, I dont have a problem with sex workers joining twitch, I understand that.
but people who weren't gamers before all this happened are really making twitch look like a grab for easy money.
No. 968954
>>968841i think because last time she said it, someone replied explaining that they cant do meetups anymore & need onlyfans for income. so shes just covering herself this time
>>968843is that not just people whove viewed her profile?
>>968948lol says miss wobbly walls and doors
No. 968963
>>968837You’re not a physicist, or a doctor, or a teacher. You film yourself fingering your dry pussy. Literally ANYONE can do that. And yes, Shay, it’s fucking easy fast money.
She’s so salty and pissed off there’s girls out there who decided to sell nudes and are making a killing. All while poor Shay fails miserably doing one of the simplest jobs. Anyone can take nudes and sell them. You don’t need a college degree.
Her constant gatekeeping is what is going to get her blacklisted further in the industry. If she would get over her jealousy and put effort into her sad career, she could also be successful.
No. 968981
File: 1588628112620.jpg (182.02 KB, 1080x656, Screenshot_20200504-163517_Twi…)

Another tweet she constantly posts on Twitter and tumblr
No. 968982
File: 1588628156262.jpg (168.96 KB, 1080x569, Screenshot_20200504-163455_Twi…)

Here's her excuse for not streaming
No. 968984
File: 1588628297946.jpg (490.11 KB, 1080x1128, Screenshot_20200504-163841_Twi…)

No. 968985
File: 1588628338661.jpg (657.08 KB, 1080x1389, Screenshot_20200504-163705_Twi…)

She probably posted that kitchen pic to show us she has dishes
No. 968986
>>968843I can't wait for that "i love money" line to get her into hot water.
>>968837That's because sex work is a cash grab. She's only saying this as a cope because it pains her that people like Anisa are making bank on onlyfans despite only being at it for the short term and never having to resort to gaping their dry asshole for attention.
No. 968987
File: 1588628403111.jpg (261.96 KB, 1078x1054, Screenshot_20200504-163810_Twi…)

Didnt she used to have one dude with his name as "dolly's knight" or something
No. 968988
File: 1588628467430.jpg (215 KB, 1077x900, Screenshot_20200504-163440_Twi…)

Is this true? Or is she just trying to go viral again?
No. 969002
File: 1588629363050.jpeg (Spoiler Image,498.82 KB, 2048x2048, 33267032-C857-425D-9332-B8E9AF…)

>>968948Might I remind her and everyone that she doesn't just facetune, but outright poorly shoops out the backrolls and siderolls she's grown. Sage for repost but holy shit, the delusion.
"Insecure" and "sad" are accurate. Go for a run, tubbo.
No. 969010
>>969002dont forget this shit.
>>965403the mind absolutely boggles
No. 969018
File: 1588631118485.jpg (457.31 KB, 1080x1608, Screenshot_20200504-172327_Twi…)

This is terrifying
No. 969019
File: 1588631143532.jpg (195.13 KB, 1080x645, Screenshot_20200504-172057_Twi…)

No. 969021
File: 1588631169151.jpg (134.4 KB, 1080x524, Screenshot_20200504-172438_Twi…)

How does she think this is sexy?
No. 969028
File: 1588631609066.png (649.72 KB, 2048x1813, Screenshot_20200504-183129.png)

How long till we get a story like, >"the guys who came up saw my sex toys that I left out cuz im such an uWu dumb baby. I was only dressed in my hoodie and shorts with no panties or undies!!! I could tell they thought I was sexy. One of them asked for my number when he left, tehehe"
No. 969042
File: 1588633251690.jpg (570.78 KB, 1080x1592, Screenshot_20200504-180035_Twi…)

She doesn't like that the grey doesn't match, but constantly wears and decorates with different shades of pink
No. 969047
>>969042Shayna: "I'm a perfectionist when it comes to decorating, I want to be an interior designer, or design porn sets."
Also Shayna: "yeah it's two different ugly shades of grey but whatever, it's grey. That's what a color theme means right?"
No. 969061
File: 1588634636219.jpeg (831.73 KB, 1936x1936, 841F47E5-9F35-4F76-B809-34F00F…)

Gargoyles, or grotesques
No. 969062
File: 1588634867970.png (Spoiler Image,1.87 MB, 2048x1926, Screenshot_20200504-192735.png)

Why is she hanging her ass over the edge of the couch and gripping onto her table for dear life? Why not just sit on it like a fucking normal person.
No. 969064
File: 1588634944117.png (Spoiler Image,2.28 MB, 1821x2048, Screenshot_20200504-192850.png)

>>969062Shayna, wash your fucking makeup off you greasy raccoon.
No. 969091
File: 1588636685625.png (154.91 KB, 1196x612, Screen Shot 2020-05-04 at 6.57…)

Literally like one person commented on her OF gatekeeping post and she deleted it and posted this lol
No. 969095
>>969064topkek is her ugly couch ALSO faux marble print? jfc, she really thinks a Target trend is the pinnacle of class.
she's got absolute crazy eyes in this. the mental illness is really shining through. facetune can only hide so much and put in so much work.
>>969064she genuinely looks like a faces of meth poster. if she wasn't so insufferable, it'd be concerning.
>this is your face 4 years on sex work No. 969097
File: 1588637131534.jpeg (281.71 KB, 1242x1168, 507E36E3-404E-4434-8C8A-7679D7…)

>>969091Maybe she’s talking about this lol
Oops forgot to sage
No. 969098
File: 1588637179763.png (350.51 KB, 2048x792, Screenshot_20200504-200604.png)

That's fucking disgusting.
Thanks for letting everyone know you have a snatch that smells like musty backwoods Florida.
No. 969101
>>969091talk about whiplash, damn. that's pretty rich coming from someone who instigates drama, blocks people before vagueposting about them, suicide baits, fakes positivity, and repeats the cycle every other day.
she must think she's the bigger person because she does it all on her main account
No. 969108
>>968984is it just me or is RibMeat gaining weight too? I know she's a long hair, but damn she looks bigger than last time we saw her. soon Noodle will be overweight too, three fat peas in a nasty apartment pod
>>968985how many times you think she's used that kettle?
No. 969110
File: 1588638459193.jpg (322.35 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20200504-174910_Chr…)

>>969091It's because someone replied to
>>968837 (pretty politely I might add) which has since been deleted.
No. 969112
>>968850For someone that has been taking pictures and videos of herself for money for years, you'd think she would learn how to make at least ONE good face. Every single one she pulls just makes her look goofy as hell.
Shay, sweaty, ahegao stopped being a thing two years ago, and
please put your tongue in your mouth. You can tell she doesn't actually support any other worker, or even gets does research, because she's always a year late on every trend.
No. 969114
File: 1588638751479.jpg (195.56 KB, 1080x660, Screenshot_20200504-192951_Twi…)

Everyrhing is just a prop to her
No. 969134
File: 1588640383760.jpg (Spoiler Image,480.95 KB, 1076x1160, Screenshot_20200504-195919_Twi…)

This is probably what she'll stream in
No. 969149
>>969061Kek good one
>>969095Its just a really fancy blanket draped over her ugly generic middle class family couch. That cloth couch is gonna be rank in a couple months. She couldn't keep her musty busted pussy off it for 5 mins after getting it.
>>969108Uh speaking of… where is Noodle? She hasnt posted about her in weeks.
No. 969164
File: 1588643921549.jpg (441.16 KB, 1080x1592, Screenshot_20200504-215827_Twi…)

lol guess they're budz now
No. 969174
>>969134she looks legitimately ill here
No. 969190
File: 1588648084431.jpg (361 KB, 1080x1306, Screenshot_20200504-220731_Twi…)

Why does it have to be "teen" bimbos Shay? And wtf is a teen bimbo?
No. 969229
>>969190>shayna straight out typing "raunchy old men genuinely degrading teens is so hot bring it back!!"great job retard. a horribly gross
problematic tweet, just what she needs
No. 969230
>>969178Holy kek I didn't even notice that. Imagine being this dumb. Schoolgirl shit is one of the most common fetishes for degenerates, too.
>>969146Guess we're entering the "just flop your tongue out like a bloated slug and call it sexy" era. Can't wait to see her fuzzy white tongue in every photo.
No. 969236
File: 1588654515688.jpg (531.24 KB, 1080x1081, Screenshot_20200504-235530_Twi…)

No. 969250
>>969190>i used to get paid punch my face and slap my cuntwhy is she tweeting this like it's something to brag about lmfao
oh yes, tell us all about your glorious career in porn where you hit yourself in the face for literal pennies. tell us how that gives you the authority to gatekeep OF so women who don't have to violate their disgusting bunghole like you do can no longer make you feel insecure
i swear every day shayna is stumbling closer and closer to the edge. i can't imagine looking/living like this is helping her mental state, no wonder she's banking on her new ~dOlLhAuS~ so hard
No. 969287
>>968899this is so funny because that girl's saying literally the opposite of what shay's saying. also shay only cares about success or attention, she doesn't even seem to enjoy sex at all.
>>969178>>969230when she made that video wearing the sailor fuku she called it "sailor girl gets ravaged by the kraken" or something so yeah she's been thinking it's a literal sailor outfit this entire time.
No. 969344
File: 1588689333343.png (789.73 KB, 1080x1184, 3pjf3p.png)

>>969164Ahh, yes, two degenerate, sore-infested hoes who live in filth and squalor and have extremely delusional narcissistic traits coming together. Nature sure is interesting. Y'all can bond and ooze pus together now!
No. 969347
File: 1588689431427.png (470.87 KB, 2048x1200, Screenshot_20200505-103701.png)

Boo fucking hoo, two people called you fat. You can delete the comments and ignore it, but you choose to be a child.
No. 969353
File: 1588689691177.png (52.67 KB, 736x395, f.png)

i guess she doesnt like the thread pic lol. p.s you are a drug addict shayna
No. 969354
File: 1588689738522.png (671.14 KB, 2048x1275, Screenshot_20200505-103801.png)

okay but you are fat. and you constantly trying to claim you're still skinny makes it look like you're terrified of being fat, which you are.
Stop with the virtue signaling crap, you hate yourself for being fat, and you're fatphobic.
No. 969361
File: 1588690205913.png (1.01 MB, 2048x1978, Screenshot_20200505-104925.png)

Lol yes. Men have NEVER made fun of someone for the sole reason to make them feel like shit. Men NEVER have doxxed and harassed people. This bitch must have never been on 4chan kek
No. 969362
>>969361Keep telling us about how much you don't care about their opinions, Shay lol REALLY sounds like you're totally unbothered.
Did you get picked, sis?
No. 969363
File: 1588690390772.png (298.87 KB, 445x450, 1446083795592.png)

>>969361aaaaahahah fuck. she does soooooooooooo much for male approval but she doesn't even get it. neither men nor women respect her.
No. 969366
>>969361I have a question for you, Shayna! Since you lurk and all.
But yes.
Did you get picked?
No. 969370
File: 1588690800235.png (52.49 KB, 733x374, Screenshot (69).png)

isnt she always trying to pull this positivity bullshit though? so what are you hiding then?
No. 969373
>>969354Hahahaha she's so bothered by being called fat, A MAN CALLED YOU FAT AND THAT WAS FINE??
>I'm not fat, big-fats are fat>n-not that fat is a bad word uwu>PLEASE STOP CALLING ME FAT>>969353>I was boolied for being skinnyBitch when, don't fucking pretend you didn't feel smug as fuck being reblogged to thinspo pages until someone pointed it out
>>969370>>969361God I genuinely hate this bitch, I hope she continues feeling like a useless fattie
No. 969374
>>969236Even the blanket is marble printed. High class.
Also women are so scary, yet the vast majority of rape and violent crime is committed by men. I guess since a few girls called you a fatty that women are the true evil though.
No. 969383
>>969370Oh my god, someone had to have baited her somehow into saying this. Fucking hilarious.
I feel like she thinks saying this hypocritical shit automatically erases when she said it before and she must say it under the impression to be like *~see I have grown and changed~*.. when in reality she said those exact things literally days ago and it makes her look like a clown.
No. 969385
File: 1588692807940.jpg (Spoiler Image,552.68 KB, 1073x1347, Screenshot_20200505-083231_Twi…)

No. 969388
>>969385How do her orbiters not notice the hypocrisy and vitriol she puts out daily?? (like in
No. 969407
File: 1588696692504.png (1.03 MB, 2048x1808, Screenshot_20200505-123729.png)

Really Shayna? An "older woman" is someone in their late 20s?
Youre the only one that sounds bitter and entitled here.
No. 969411
File: 1588696794207.png (528.06 KB, 2048x957, Screenshot_20200505-124001.png)

She still thinks it's just one person that's done this.
I can't breathe, lmao
No. 969429
>>969411So… if this person actually bought her trashy nudes/videos, and then reviewed them, is it the fact that they're negative make them fake?
Or did it not actually happen like this?
A question for the ages.
No. 969431
>>969429Duh, who could ever dislike anything made by the most creative and sexy porn actress
d0LlY mAtTeLBad reviews = fake reviews because it's impossible to dislike Shayna!
No. 969437
>>969361She's both told stories like
>>969364 and
>>969382 ? Like she's gone on and on about how she had a creepy stalker who made her feel unsafe?
>>969407>>969430Can't wait to see how she ends up going into her 30s. If you think she's fat and depressed now. kek.
Ngl, I fully expect her to end up living out of motels by then.
No. 969451
>>969353But I thought you love ChEeMsBuRgNeRs Shay?? No one actually edited the pics of her face, that ugly shit was all her and she posted them.
>>969430Yeah and she says her current bf is an "old man" yet hes also in his early 30s. Im baffled by it. Yeah its a small age gap, but its not like she's 20 and hes 45. Even thats barely old man territory, thats just a big age gap. Her idea of old is really skewed. Older than you doesnt equal old man Shay. She really just wants those tumblr fantasy kink points.
No. 969461
File: 1588702093291.png (782.16 KB, 2048x1413, Screenshot_20200505-140642.png)

I don't believe this for a second.
I believe that they charged her for the carpet but not that much, usually they would just keep your security deposit and if extra repair is needed they charge you. But over $600 for carpet in a small ass apartment is bullshit.
We all know that it was dirty AF and probably covered in animal hair, animal urine, human urine, and alcohol, but it's not worth over $600. At least make your begging believable, Shayna.
No. 969478
>>969469i wondered about this too, maybe i'll look through past threads to see what she posted about her deposit amount way back when she moved in. it's almost always a substantial amount too and they only return it after all of your house move-out charges are taken care of, good catch anon
>>969469what else does she have in her life if not constantly buying shit to fill the gaping void in her soul?
but also i suspect she crushes+rolls weed on them
No. 969480
File: 1588703994448.jpg (9.67 KB, 478x256, 95343732_290145358644934_50487…)

Whatever happened to that laptop she was supposed to give to her Discord orbiter?
>>969479K e k
No. 969483
>>969479every fucking time lmfao
>>969361>uwuwu girls will dox yoouuuyeah guys will instead hide behind your garage and knife you down. what's your point shayna
No. 969491
>>969479The walmart brand transformers shirt, those dainty little hands encased in the leather gloves, the lil lip bite, those jowls! I forgot how incredibly funny fupapa was, I almost miss him.
>>969483It's funny because lolcow has rules against doxing and cowtipping. Yet all these other forums crawling with scrotes were doxxing SWs left and right for a while now. Is she seriously mad that she used her real name while doing sex work to begin with? That isn't on us.
No. 969496
>>969479Why you gotta
trigger me like this, Anon kek
No. 969508
>>969479Imagine going on 40 and having shit like this course around the internet, not by your inability to keep the cringe contained to your HDD but by /conscious/ choice to upload it yourself.
Kyle, your flabby face and wimpy hands ain't exactly big dick energy. Stick to training idiots at at&t.
No. 969515
>>969407Hilarious to me that Shay agrees with the Twitter user named "Award Winning Cocksleeve" that "older women are the most bitter" kek
Maybe they're just bitter every guy in a 10 mile radius can or has seen their gaping assholes for a cheeseburger and a 25 dollar Amazon card while most women that age have grown out of the "being a cumslut to men is totally muh feminism and body positive" phase and realize how damaging that shit is to promote to young women.
Anyone who's ever known her from Highschool probably Googles her name and gets a big kek from all her degrading SW vids but she probably assumes they're just "jealous bitches"
No. 969521
>>969190I've been trying to pinpoint what exactly is so off-putting about these tweets and I think it's the use of the third person in the bit about "teen bimbos genuinely being degraded for the dumb little girls they are"
Even in the best light this sounds like she's projecting her personal fetish as the "real/good" porn, but realistically (as others pointed out) it sounds like she's indirectly saying all young women are little girl sluts who deserve to be degraded and beaten. This whole rant would have been 10000% less incriminating if she had articulated it as "I love the dynamic in this type of gross porn and I feel like I don't see it as much anymore, I just wanna be degraded for the dumb bimbo I am" or something. It could have even started a meaningful conversation about that type of porn and gotten her some interaction.
Shayna if you're reading this, I do freelance social media management and photo retouching
No. 969558
File: 1588715126467.jpg (310.28 KB, 1026x1456, Screenshot_20200505-164529_Sam…)

Her new funding goal on MV. Kek
No. 969571
File: 1588718396700.png (Spoiler Image,1.97 MB, 1364x2048, Screenshot_20200505-183945.png)

The hair piece is back, looking fresh out the moving box and unbrushed and unwashed.
Real sexy.
No. 969584
File: 1588720035578.jpeg (43.16 KB, 500x375, 8AFA5443-A64F-4FD4-A26E-17AE73…)

Shay in a year probably.
No. 969606
File: 1588722504028.jpg (351.13 KB, 1080x624, Screenshot_20200505-184832_Twi…)

Her new pfp and header
No. 969618
File: 1588723811888.jpeg (24.97 KB, 500x425, 39A63027-5019-4658-BA8F-547670…)

>>969571This is all I can see when she poses like this
No. 969625
File: 1588724548725.png (2.71 MB, 1277x2048, Screenshot_20200505-202214.png)

I don't think that top fits, conehead grandma.
No. 969627
File: 1588724647381.jpeg (26.17 KB, 448x684, EE0E7CED-1E67-4C46-8EAC-143BDD…)

>>969571All I can think of when I see that hairpiece
No. 969631
>>969613She didn’t drop rank, anon…too many women, who think they can just SUDDENLY start sex work, are signing up on OF and now the numbers are all skewed making it seem shes not in the top 3.11111%
>>969625Jesus, she really does look like some 35 year old trailer park queen. She’s missing those tacky nails now. I wonder why she stopped getting those gross fucking hotdogs.
No. 969671
Her new pinned tweet video
Why must she continue doing that pose when her legs aren't even behind her head No. 969692
File: 1588735603287.jpg (Spoiler Image,81.53 KB, 650x960, _mz5oukllAN1qio3jlo1_1280.jpg)

>>969571Serving Divine realness yass kween
No. 969703
File: 1588738791085.jpg (Spoiler Image,395.97 KB, 1080x1087, Screenshot_20200505-231739_Twi…)

No. 969709
File: 1588739294402.jpg (26.54 KB, 425x230, 51wBbggXq2L._AC_SX425_.jpg)

>>969703Christ almighty, go for a jog, chunky mattel. It's like every time she posts a new photo, she's gained another five pounds.
No. 969735
File: 1588744071396.png (Spoiler Image,5.43 MB, 1242x2208, 727D6F44-B177-48A5-B647-3A640E…)

>>969703This is just sad. Did she even try? All that weight gain and she still has photoshop herself to have an actual ass
No. 969744
File: 1588746659288.jpeg (159.36 KB, 1242x1055, D28CA9C2-8F19-423D-B628-09BF7A…)

>>969618kek anon. Made a small addition to your post.
No. 969745
>>969739OOF she is such a fucking hypocrite. Every time I think she couldn’t possibly backtrack on yet another statement this badly, she finds a way.
What’s sad is not having any personality whatsoever and only posting whatever opinion will get her the most likes that week. She lost any sense of a personality years ago and it’s honestly depressing.
No. 969765
>>969361didn't this lying tard say that her brothers friend told her mom?
Also, a guy sexually abused you, guys regularly make you want to kill yourself and your job is guys pretending to care about you and so are ALL your relationships.
We need a based sex worker to call her out on things men do do and then watch her go, "Not all men!"
No. 969774
File: 1588752521114.jpeg (456.09 KB, 1736x2048, 7D1C7619-67B7-42B6-98E0-FE6C2D…)

>>963665>>969760Tried my best anon!
No. 969873
File: 1588784283191.png (637.52 KB, 2048x1419, Screenshot_20200506-125730.png)

Instead, how about you make a video that says a big "fuck you" to the people who sent you money to HELP you, not so you could buy a fucking dab pen. Because that's basically what you're doing, you ungrateful cunt.
No. 969885
>>969873What is the reason that she doesn't have to spend that much on her rugs anymore?
How can someone ask for donations to help them get 700 dollars to turn around after and say "lol thx didn't end up needing it so I bought a dab pen"
No. 969886
File: 1588785591548.png (47.45 KB, 813x357, Screenshot (85).png)

>>969885she didnt really give a reason
No. 969890
>>969461 called it.
How pathetic.
No. 969894
>>969887Especially during this time in the world, she should at least offer the people their money back. Since it wasnt used to bail her ass out. Like people try to be nice to her, understanding that times are hard and shes trying to be done with her old shit place. And she just blatantly is like "Well turns out its all good there so im just gonna get an expensive dab pen teehee!!"
Not cute at all Miss "I fEeL bAd AsKiNg 4 TiPs DuRiNg tHiS cRiSiS"
No. 969896
>>969886>you couldn't have told me that yesterday rlyIf they told you that yesterday you wouldn't have been able to buy your fancy new dab pen kek
And why is she acting like she has the right to be annoyed when she had to spend 0 dollars of her own money to do literally anything and it resulted in her getting free money from her orbiters.
Must be a sad life to readily flash your tits to anyone who gives you $20 and a compliment to only still have to resort to scamming your "fans". Truly leaving a SWs Barbie dream.
No. 969915
File: 1588789554367.png (858.9 KB, 750x1334, E5B1F54A-BC19-40ED-B815-CDCF1F…)

why is literally EVERYTHING about “getting off” with this bitch? where do you draw the line between such mundane shit and muh sExWork career?? she seriously can’t do anything without posting it to her TL. also i’m assuming this is more of her “carpet” money she begged for
No. 969916
File: 1588789695917.jpeg (479.58 KB, 750x969, A9C49745-EA2C-42BF-BD8C-2946EC…)

a dozen donuts between two people but she’s still convinced it’s her meds making her fat as fuck
No. 969922
File: 1588790683120.jpeg (Spoiler Image,255.55 KB, 685x668, E94D49C3-5A23-42A9-8EE8-8A3C37…)

she posted this yesterday. can she at least try to make her photoshop look believable?(repost)
No. 969926
>>969916I can’t wait for her to break 170 and start making feeder porn. She’s so nasty. Wonder if she knows she can buy donuts by themselves lmfao. Fucking idiot.
Jk it’s the meds!!!!!
No. 969939
>>969926>feeder pornKek I was thinking the same thing. Not sure if she’d sink
that low though.
No. 969962
File: 1588794176914.jpg (Spoiler Image,529.26 KB, 1080x1217, Screenshot_20200506-144221_Twi…)

1. Her male followers don't want to see this shit
2. Her name isn't Barbie
No. 969963
File: 1588794221475.jpg (190.97 KB, 1080x790, Screenshot_20200506-144021_Twi…)

Why subscribe to your OnlyFans when you post half the shit for free on your twitter?
No. 969986
File: 1588795940703.jpg (211.75 KB, 1076x819, Screenshot_20200506-151229_Twi…)

>>969962Like the lack of consent of posting this for your followers to see?
No. 969987
File: 1588796020446.jpg (635.63 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200506-151155_Gal…)

Lol at how the shower head distorted her face
No. 970006
>>969989I wonder if she deletes them after what we say, or if it's because of her boyfriend.
Or she's just a moron.
No. 970010
>>970006She probably makes a post and then comes here to see if we have anything to say.
She loves these threads.
No. 970018
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No. 970077
File: 1588807168910.jpeg (Spoiler Image,328.91 KB, 1536x2048, 0970F0EC-3D21-4D43-AFF2-6B7447…)

I hope she keeps eating and never learns how to improve. Truly a trainwreck
No. 970122
File: 1588811483857.jpg (290.43 KB, 1225x1150, original.jpg)

queen of logic and consistency
No. 970138
File: 1588813264051.jpg (249.54 KB, 1080x1027, Screenshot_20200506-200113_Twi…)

Poor Noodle. Can't go on the couch, probably can't go on Shay's bed
No. 970157
>>970077I know this is probably a nitpick I apologize but her hair has got me so annoyed lately like WHO
Whose job is based on looks and looks alone
leaves their hair in this nasty matted state while posting pics. seriously.
Also lol @ donutchan wking. Who the fuck saves Krispy Kreme for a week. Shit gets old and hard and stale after 6 hours.
No. 970162
File: 1588816096708.jpg (Spoiler Image,600.94 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200506-204810_Chr…)

Does this count as feeder porn
No. 970163
File: 1588816307781.jpg (Spoiler Image,544.13 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200506-204745_Chr…)

>>970162Sorry! Rip I forgot to spoil the pic. She sticks the carrot in her hoohaa and then chomps a big bite out of it.
No. 970209
>>970122God tier! Thanks, anon
>>970138Pfff “poor Noodle” for not being allowed on the furniture, please grow up. It’s a large dog - probably the most intelligent thing Shay’s done animal wise seeing as it’s brand new sofa, and finally giving her pet some boundaries and hopefully training. There’s plenty to feel sorry for, for the pets; not being allowed on furniture is not one of them.
>>970164The head nod goes on for the whole video too! Definitely started looking like a Parkinson’s shake - very odd, tweaker behaviour. She can’t do sexy, and she can’t do funny; gross is now the only path for her to follow and she knows it
No. 970216
File: 1588826334367.jpg (347.31 KB, 1080x1269, Screenshot_20200506-233844_Twi…)

When is this "muh fat pussy" phase going to end?
No. 970218
>>970216Is this the rise of Spoonie Mattel??
Chronic pain as a new excuse not to work and for ebegging.
Hun, your knees hurt because you’re fat and you don’t use your legs enough. Walk your dog twice a day and you’ll be fine.
No. 970235
>>970162>>970163aw man, she looks so fucking dead inside.
maybe next time do this eating a cheemsburnger, you'll at least look happier shay
>>970233nta but now i'm thinking of her "asthma" and her "wheezing so hard i can't sleep" and honestly if she gets fat enough the spoony phase aint too far lmao
No. 970240
File: 1588834667056.jpg (307.76 KB, 1077x1541, IMG_20200507_025714.jpg)

I'm. Screaming.
(of anon)
No. 970242
>>970240it finally happened… her chins and her décolleté have eaten her neck.
No. 970285
File: 1588852669583.jpg (121.14 KB, 720x1010, honey-boo-boo-unrecog.jpg)

>>970240Kek She's transforming into Honey Boo Boo.
No. 970326
File: 1588863455775.jpg (39.49 KB, 1080x193, Screenshot_20200507-095750_Twi…)

Her new Twitter name
No. 970334
>>970326She really will make anything her personality won't she?
It's not even like tiddy veins are uncommon, but Shayna will literally latch onto anything she thinks makes her special. I stg she's fucking braindead.
No. 970341
File: 1588865660821.png (Spoiler Image,1.81 MB, 1207x2048, Screenshot_20200507-113323.png)

She looks like someone who recently started using heroin. She just looks so dead inside.
also we've officially reached brow to eyeliner touching
No. 970348
File: 1588866853995.jpg (494.15 KB, 1080x1157, Screenshot_20200507-105312_Twi…)

No. 970349
File: 1588866901798.jpg (234.78 KB, 1080x907, Screenshot_20200507-105326_Twi…)

1. She's lying
2. Shay once again doesn't have a bedroom. She said her new place has 2 rooms and one of them she's using as her cam room
No. 970399
File: 1588874813103.jpg (143.6 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

>>970341Is she seriously trying to become Trixie with the 28lbs of eyeliner she slathers on? It works for Trixie because she's a drag queen and queens are literally known for over exaggerating their makeup. It's not meant for everyday wear, Shayna, you fucking retard. Imagine walking around and going out in public with two huge black triangles above your eyes and cheap eye lashes but literally nothing else makeup-wise and think you look good. I legit think she's on some hard shit at this point.