File: 1688065503603.jpeg (186.98 KB, 1242x1758, shaynaa.jpeg)

No. 1855512
Previous Thread:
>>>/snow/1833931Shayna Leigh Clifford; 25 year old failing prostitute, porn sick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Relocated to Seattle in an effort to find Fupa 2.0 but so far has only managed to find degen porn weirdos who eventually get called out by other twitter e-whores.
>>>/shay/159974REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blog posting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread.
Summary of last thread:
>>1842877 thread starts off strong with autistic infighting about whether or not people are allowed to complain about the quality of the thread
>>1842943 disturbing new kink dungeon video posted featuring a stuck pig
>>1843015 bitches about ‘muh anxiety’ every single day leading up to a surgery she wanted
>>1843117 still desperately trying to get her coomers to donate to her ‘recovery fund’
>>1843266 another video with grandma sarah gregory and the girl who consistently looks miserable and strung-out
>>1843542 incorrectly states that kink belongs at pride parades, something most of twitter unfortunately agrees with her on
>>1844245 continues to sperg about surgery as if she’s getting a new organ and not just a boob job
>>1844329 gives us and her coomers a lesson on how to deal with bullying
>>1844411 shayna uses a new dark-skinned dildo, thread goes wild
>>1849422 shayna luther king has a hard time being around her conservative family
>>1849859 anon blesses us with this thread’s pic
>>1850195 doxxes herself again
>>1850566 nurse gives shay a fidget toy when she realizes they’re dealing with a mentally disabled adult
>>1851150 >>1851224 mere hours after her surgery and already fighting with her mom because she wont tend to poor afflicted shay’s every need at 7 in the morning
>>1852802 ditches the parent who treats her like an adult to spend time with the one that spoils her
>>1852970 her boobs are apparently sO sYmMeTrIcAl now but has yet to post them anywhere
>>1853168 tits are probably even smaller now
Links: TikTok: irlbarbiedolly (BANNED)
No. 1855519
File: 1688065823408.png (13.6 KB, 590x243, boobjob.png)

She's pissed her coomers want to see her 'new' tits despite tweeting constantly about them.
No. 1855520
Thanks for the thread anon though the previous thread link is failing.
>>>/snow/1842861NONNIE NONNIE NONNIE No. 1855524
File: 1688066472608.png (5.63 KB, 592x92, fksdl.png)

>>1855520ah fuck sorry i totally forgot to replace that. i'll remember for next time.
to make up for it, here's shayna being an alcoholic
No. 1855525
>>1855519didn't she post talking about about showing them for the first time and who to show them to? she brought that on herself. you're posting on your work account of course people will want to pay to see your tits, all her followers are that degenerate.
victim complex.
No. 1855551
File: 1688069735758.jpeg (45.63 KB, 1170x351, IMG_5340.jpeg)

disgusting is right
No. 1855619
>>1855551>n n nFor fucks sake you retard at least use a fucking ampersand once in a while or type the fucking word AND out. Jfc sorry for the sperg, but her posts are insufferable whenever she does that shit. You're an adult, Shayna. I know you desperately want everyone to believe otherwise and probably seethe if Amazon flashes a Gymboree ad at you because you're jealous of the toddlers on the page, but holy shit. This and the retarded ass breffast word.
>>1855568>Ugh why is she boasting about her pornShe has nothing going for her and this is the cope.
No. 1855671
File: 1688085391119.jpeg (59.77 KB, 750x990, 02B94B7C-6760-418C-A93B-790810…)

>>1855519i find it so cringe when she says things like sus, on god, no cap, low key. because she doesn't talk like that and has twitter brain rot
No. 1855688
File: 1688087746664.jpeg (79 KB, 750x873, 1687732684872.jpeg)

>>1855671This was literally 4 days ago. She is so fucking retarded
No. 1855702
File: 1688089098211.jpeg (106.61 KB, 1170x1666, IMG_3474.jpeg)

Just wait until she’s back home crying because she can’t pay her bills
No. 1855704
>>1855671Maybe she’s saying it’s “sus” because she’s afraid it’s a farmer? I might be giving her too much credit. Oh,
>>1855688 never mind, Shayna is hopeless.
No. 1855711
File: 1688090191712.jpg (211.31 KB, 2000x2000, brbiemicrobg_pink_680_alt3_sq_…)

>>1855702this is how the micro purses she ordered look on a mannequin, i can't wait to see how they look on her
No. 1855735
File: 1688094671281.jpg (232.73 KB, 1920x1080, Lotysire6Pn99f8p9k47bY.jpg)

I'm pretty sure it's gonna be raffle/competition based but I just know shaytard would buy this no matter what the pricetag cos "Barbie" even though she's not played her Xbox in several months.
She's a marketers dream. Just shove a brand name/character on the product and the piggies will buy
No. 1855740
File: 1688095048216.jpeg (48.79 KB, 750x383, 923671AD-2433-4367-B577-8913F7…)

bringing this over from the shaynatorium
No. 1855770
File: 1688100515581.jpeg (65.53 KB, 750x660, AA4B876B-DCED-4AAB-813C-C5EF3E…)

No. 1855780
File: 1688102002968.jpeg (59.72 KB, 750x1005, CABD59CA-9146-4EE3-9042-DE44F6…)

imagine having to beg for every single crumb in your life. she really is so pathetic
No. 1855883
File: 1688133043690.jpeg (106.99 KB, 1170x1077, IMG_3481.jpeg)

You’re just so quirky Shay
No. 1855896
File: 1688135550311.jpeg (76.49 KB, 1170x551, IMG_3482.jpeg)

No. 1855932
>>1855519>>1855671He's into that you fat retard, why on earth do you think he asked??
>>1855803Her feet sweat is going to fog those up so so quickly.
No. 1855983
File: 1688145549159.jpeg (155.36 KB, 1170x1398, IMG_3483.jpeg)

No. 1856016
>>1855512Thank you
nonny, you saved us from shaytistic withdrawals.
No. 1856046
File: 1688152337038.jpeg (44.45 KB, 750x488, 8CFAD01C-11E4-4CD4-ABF1-F5400A…)

i'm sorry both of these are cut off she deleted them before i could see the full tweet 1/2
No. 1856048
File: 1688152383162.jpeg (45.8 KB, 750x347, 3F954B4B-0F14-406B-AE91-645147…)

2/2 she deleted both of these. what a fat miserable woman
No. 1856055
>>1856046She just finds shit to be mad at her mom about.
>mom breathes 26 year old prostitute daughter on twitter
>omg coomers who wnna see me fuck myself with dirty dildos and only care about my sexual content, my mom jus breathed & I'm so anxious I jumped & instead of comforting me and saying sorry she laughed. I wish I was @ my dad's were I make multiple posts about hating to ask him to do anything for me while demanding my mom do everything under the sun for me emoji. No. 1856082
File: 1688155287594.jpeg (69.55 KB, 750x983, 49767289-41CC-4966-86A1-65C3EF…)

No. 1856083
>>1856076It's weird, she buys so much shit but doesn't even wear half of it. She chooses to wear the same bra and ugly outfits she wore 15 times. She doesn't even wear half hee ugly cheap and/or overpriced cheap heels for photoshoots. It's kinda like how she refuses to wear lipgloss cause she bites her lips and doesn't notice her dry ass crusty lips in pictures, yet she buys so much make up that includes lip products because it looks cute. Shayna is simply a coomsumer and poser.
She buys shit because it's pink and Barbie and that's hee "brand". Not because she actually enjoys that style. She buys shit she feels bimbo barbie/cutesy women should have, only to take pictures and use as backgrounds/decor. Instead of buying cute decor. She decorates her house like shes decorating a room in 9th grade.
You know, the girls who would take mirror selfish with 20 body spray bottles and hang bags from Hollister on their wall.
She's never going to wear those heels and shes only going to wear one of those purses on the reg. The rest she'll put on display like they are birkins.
No. 1856090
>>1856082Oh she's annoyed so she's posting and deleting shit rambling about shit that has nothing to do with her.
Nonas, how much you want to bet shayna is going to bring up some gender shit and then is going to start shaking and crying because when her mom gives an answer she doesn't like?
No. 1856114
File: 1688157578937.jpeg (80.75 KB, 750x976, CE83573D-5F3C-4691-B855-A381EF…)

she picking fights with spam bots?
No. 1856116
File: 1688157694518.jpeg (94.09 KB, 750x824, FAEAAEDE-20B1-47ED-A208-019630…)

she gets no interactions on her tweets
No. 1856130
>>1856116Can't wait for her to get home and say
>I'm rlly embrassed 2 admit ths but, I just got surgery & I'm rly behind on rent. I'm still recovering & anything helps!I also find it hilarious that she does this when she's mad. She is sticking to her unproblematic nice girl shit online because she chubby and hasn't built the personal army she wants. So instead of simply picking fights with people making her mad, or just ranting about whatever is pissing her off in detail, she finds inoffensive things to get mad about. Imagine instead of creating a venting private personal page to rant, you do this weird shit. Letting off steam on Twitter because it's your only outlet.
No. 1856257
>>1856082Says the fat ungrateful bitch who ran away from her
ABUSIVE mom at the hospital, making her recovery her dad and brother’s problem when her surgery had NOTHING to do with them in the first place, then tweeting about it
>>1851797 since it caters to her disgusting incest fantasies reflected in her shitty cheap porn and the sick fucks that get off to it ONLY because her mom wasn’t handing everything to her like she was expecting her to
>>1855815 She only wasted MORE of her parent’s time and money running to her dad to spite her mom if she had to come running back anyways, and will continue to waste more if she keeps going back and forth. It’s as if she wouldn’t be bitching to the void about her mom and how she can’t stand her on her sw twitter if she just prepared beforehand to finance everything herself since she’s so ~independent~ and ~not used to asking for help~, but then that would leave her in debt, and recovering alone in her smelly, hazardous apartment with the occasional retarded Ellen visit instead of being at her dad’s ~luxury~ cabin kek pick a struggle
>>1856095Ntayrt this is just my retarded tinfoil but he probably second guesses everything with her now, and that’s why he bought her mom into the picture, because even if it’s a result of a disorder he probably doesn’t want to be the one bringing his daughter to her post breast implant surgery appointments and have it documented here on the farms, where it has been previously documented that she admitted to enjoy making incest pedo porn since it’s a ~reflection of who she is~
No. 1856340
>>1855883Do people from Boston not have any regional phrases other than “wicked”? The way she only every now & then uses a single word and then proceeds to make a big deal out of it gives poser vibes.
>>1855849KEK ANON
No. 1856393
File: 1688197075129.png (6.14 KB, 356x361, 34174892171871.PNG)

Sorry i was feeling autistic, her shopping spending in just the last 2 weeks, all on cheap pink crap
No. 1856434
>>1856340Kek we do, but a lot of slang around Boston/MA also gets borrowed from NY so there's a bit of overlap. I can only really think of a few MA specific words like pissah and jimmies. Maybe another MA
nonnie can chime in. Even then some of these words (i.e. wicked and pissah) are becoming less common to use these days, at least among younger crowds. Like most people will use "mad" in place of "wicked", at least most of the time. I can definitely see her overplaying the MA slang to seem unique, especially considering that she hasn't even lived in MA in more than 5 years
No. 1856518
>>1856434bubbler for water fountain
grinder for sub is pretty much over now, I guess
No. 1856561
>>1856429To be fair I don’t think she bought all the purses she just ebegged for them, same with the shoes (the Barbie heels and the white and pink shoes as they were a gift) the Barbie heels and purses were never “purchased” just in the cart.
Really wish anon wouldn’t make an expense sheet until the expenses were confirmed
No. 1856567
>>1856425>i miss the old autistic anon who would break down her monthly spending Kek, that was me. Since it's the beginning of the month, I might keep a tally this time around. Spending a grand in two weeks when you're not working at all is absolutely bananas.
How does everyone like these breakdowns to go? Do you want concrete evidence she bought something like
>>1856561 said, or are you okay with stuff she claims to have bought. I'm of the opinion that she buys a
lot more stuff than she lets on. We all know she likes to play up expenses on her garbage, but I have to imagine there are other things (mostly booze/other drugs she may be doing) that she doesn't post about.
No. 1856579
File: 1688230190666.jpeg (Spoiler Image,166.99 KB, 1170x1499, FFA1C3E2-BC37-4089-A5FE-081F06…)

No. 1856636
>>1856567I think it should be only things she claimed to have bought herself.
Not things bought for her off her wishlists and things. Basically things she bought from money she actually had.
Then we could kinda guesstimate a food, alcohol, weed, and misc category. She usually asks for food reimbursement and shit, so we can go off that.
I think this month and the next would be the months to chart her income vs spending because she keeps going on about how scared she is for her recovery and not working yet in typical Shaynus fashion she's droppings hundreds of dollars on unnecessary shit daily.
No. 1856643
File: 1688238669756.jpeg (31.24 KB, 750x135, 6EBECC72-B26A-45CD-840F-C49134…)

idk what this about but she deleted it
No. 1856651
File: 1688239394550.jpeg (Spoiler Image,275.48 KB, 750x522, E39EB874-A799-4C87-BBAD-7BFF9F…)

she's such a pedo it's absolutely not even a question at this point
No. 1856659
File: 1688240126575.jpg (121.83 KB, 1080x1181, Screenshot_2023-07-01-20-35-39…)

>>1856643Think it's probably just about these new twitter changes
No. 1856695
>>1856685people that don't pay for twitter will "temporarily" only be able to see 600 tweets a day kek
she'll have a meltdown over the "loss" of engagement
No. 1856738
File: 1688253796501.jpeg (61.6 KB, 229x312, 7BA72D9B-F795-4BCA-ACEB-786793…)

>>1856651I don’t know why she thinks these sped tier ahegao faces are sexy
No. 1856742
>>1856596Didn't she also do some comedy porn as Mrs Claus?
>>1856738This is the face looney tunes characters make when they've been hit in the face with a frying pan and have the stars and birds flying around their head.
No. 1856812
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No. 1856813
File: 1688263710669.png (1.67 MB, 750x1334, FCDAE6BB-0256-4316-BD02-8DCB99…)

No. 1856814
File: 1688263760536.jpeg (243.79 KB, 750x986, 64E7DB17-0C0E-4B22-8169-6A21B4…)

No. 1856815
File: 1688263855572.jpeg (556.73 KB, 2048x2048, 16F61C7A-FCF9-4B13-B4EF-13DA54…)

No. 1856824
>>1856814Wtf is she on about?
Even her coomer is baffled
She is either absolutely brain-dead and has the brain of a an 80 year old or her lies are getting just too retarded.
You can't go in for a tit job and just press the "random" button for cc. Its obviously discussed.
No. 1856827
>>1856812Crazy how she got her boobs done and she's still posing this way, she could hide her gut by just taking a picture front on. I know it's too early to tell but they look like they will end up being wide and small. Just like the implant titty was.
She's going to be complaining about them. Probably about how she's happy they are symmetrical but feels they don't fit her body type now or something.
No. 1856874
File: 1688272353491.jpeg (212.99 KB, 750x417, 00BC8B3E-4BF4-42F3-8B25-01126F…)

she's genuinely massive
No. 1856885
>>1856434 >>1856340
She definitely over plays it. She speaks like a yuppie only using the stereotypical slang “wicked, pissah, smahht” Boston/New England slang consist of stuff like on dogs, chips, force, deadass, hip, said by mostly younger people especially those who smoke weed in and around Boston.
No. 1856903
File: 1688278743240.jpeg (202.67 KB, 1242x1281, F1301066-0C90-447C-A8B2-9D00A9…)

>>1856874 Big Shaynus XXL
No. 1856926
File: 1688283889176.png (53.76 KB, 458x233, FhBsvpAWAAI3lMH.png)

>>1856903Her weight gain is happening so fast that she noticeably expands every thread. If she had any sense she would be targeting BBW and feeder coomers because if she's going to speed run the path to obesity, she might as well get paid to do it.
No. 1856941
File: 1688286719230.jpg (Spoiler Image,171.47 KB, 973x934, 1687114671850.jpeg.jpg)

>>1856874Jfc the jarring difference between the pics she posted last week (obviously from the same day she did this vid) and the reality we see in the vid here… Big Shaynus is a shocking site to behold when she can't pose and edit to the extreme. Also that shirt looks even cheaper shitty sweatshop garbo too.
We think he edited pics are bad but then we see vids of what she really looks like and it's even worse.
No. 1856995
File: 1688302743706.jpeg (754.15 KB, 1170x1369, IMG_3511.jpeg)

Shay, you literally panic whenever any of your sites don’t work
No. 1857011
File: 1688307397626.png (449.54 KB, 1080x1601, Screenshot_20230702-161619.png)

"Keeping my life on track" for Shayna is day-drinking, putting on 2 lbs per week, and buying new tacky pink shit
No. 1857032
>>1857011>running a businessyeah right. as if taking nudes and ebegging all day was hard… for being such a failing whore she’s astoundingly full of herself
seriously when was the last time she actually had to face her responsibilities like bitch is incapable of paying her bills without begging on a daily basis or even maintain basic hygiene
No. 1857083
File: 1688316613507.jpeg (274.16 KB, 1017x2046, IMG_5349.jpeg)

>>1856815Holy fupa, Shatman! What’s the point of posting the fat girl MySpace angle photo just to immediately out yourself?
No. 1857086
>>1857083She’s less embarrassed about the state of her
everything than what we give her credit for.
No. 1857117
>>1857083I was just thinking… aren't her nipples still going to be mismatched?? They became very noticeably different with the weight gain and implant deteriorating or whatever was going on.
She's also been smoking and drinking before and right after the surgery among other things. I hope when the recovery is over and they settle that they look wonky still. She deserves it. Even if they somehow end up looking good, itll just be weird to have nice tits on her dumpy body and troll face so theres that at least kek
No. 1857137
>>1857117I am most excited to see the mini-melt down when she can no longer get an ego boost from pretending her tits are natural. I truly believe the main reason she kept her necro-tit a mystery for long was because she got off on chodes being like “you have the most amazing tits ever!” when she was younger and thinner. The decline in attention her tits received when she got fat clearly fucked with her ego enough to drop a ton of cash to cut off her remaining real tit and try to fix things. I predict of lots of sarcastic comments to coomers like “thanks i paid a lot for them” (even tho her parents did kek) or sperging and backhanded compliments to other e-whores with nice natural tits who get attention from men over it.
One other question for the masses… so its now been proven all those stories about she told people not to play rough with her necro tit are true. Are we gonna see Shaynus now telling people they arent able to touch either of her tits cause theyre both fake? Thank god if we never have to see that greasy bald guy paddle her tits again. Also will put an end to her weird roped up tits thing.
No. 1857151
File: 1688327571832.png (167.83 KB, 1080x768, Screenshot_20230702-212616~2.p…)

She deleted this.
No. 1857161
File: 1688329443149.png (170.54 KB, 500x298, A7F1C6EE-D07A-4F1E-929C-8F1563…)

>>1857126Yes she was alternating between her weed pen and this nicotine vape constantly during her last live show. She’s probably been vaping nicotine daily every day leading up to surgery and every day after. What isn’t Shayna addicted to at this point? Her dopamine receptors must be fried, she’s constantly trying to chase her next high.
No. 1857165
File: 1688330908324.jpeg (289.93 KB, 1125x2000, 5B33171D-D6AC-4F7D-8F66-CAD655…)

>>1857083Her new boobs are already shifting away from the alignment of her torso. There's no way these sandbags aren't gonna be horror-tier when she finally shows them off
No. 1857172
File: 1688331653153.png (391.94 KB, 1080x1640, Screenshot_20230702-230121.png)

No. 1857176
File: 1688332019926.jpeg (582.74 KB, 1170x1516, IMG_3515.jpeg)

She’s acting like she’s the only person who’s ever gotten a boob job
No. 1857187
File: 1688333200803.jpeg (269.92 KB, 1170x660, 0C9401F3-949E-4C7B-87D2-8AAB99…)

Lmao she can’t really think her posing was hiding anything
No. 1857191
File: 1688333946246.png (317.34 KB, 1202x1328, how low can you go.png)

No. 1857221
File: 1688339977431.jpeg (Spoiler Image,972.58 KB, 1170x1538, IMG_3524.jpeg)

No. 1857236
>>1857187She uploaded many videos of her naked dancing where necrotic didn't move an inch and the other was flopping about all over the place.
>>1857151RIP Ellen.
No. 1857270
File: 1688347123719.jpeg (1.14 MB, 3465x3465, E0BB64BA-BD44-4AC4-A3CA-DB6CE0…)

>>1857261Cause it looks like one on her fat ass. It ain’t oversized if it fits her. Shayna loves playing delulu but she knows she’s obese she just pretends she doesn’t know
No. 1857271
File: 1688347221939.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1223x1573, 048C49A3-C25C-4E4E-9073-09F41E…)

>>1857221Photos you can smell: Get some whitening strips Shayna stop using the whitening tool on FaceTune. Lazy fat sow
No. 1857275
File: 1688347582311.jpeg (483.22 KB, 1180x593, 9E9DBAF6-CEA3-4118-842A-BB1C2C…)

This whole room and everyone in it looks nicotine stained and never been washed.
No. 1857278
File: 1688347832019.jpeg (Spoiler Image,371.24 KB, 1083x659, D1A71A7A-8639-428C-AB0E-E42648…)

If you told me this was the behind of a man id believe you. Jfc
No. 1857281
File: 1688348203372.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 3465x3052, F1161115-76B4-444C-97AC-F85FD5…)

Shayna video ft an ugly man who looks like a troon, playing drums on Shayna’s man ass
Preview on No. 1857283
File: 1688348371719.jpeg (Spoiler Image,622.28 KB, 1223x1269, D1B35BD2-DE11-4333-B819-4EDF43…)

All the videos she makes has the worst (best for us) screengrabs
No. 1857286
File: 1688348981906.jpeg (Spoiler Image,114.6 KB, 593x1165, 03CC75B9-9A19-43DD-AAD2-C0E4D6…)

Ugly mf
No. 1857292
File: 1688349547097.jpeg (1014.13 KB, 1170x1298, IMG_5362.jpeg)

spending more money on junk
No. 1857309
File: 1688354032022.jpeg (Spoiler Image,311.71 KB, 853x1280, DB478F64-5BF9-413A-A228-98BDBB…)

(retard posting old content)
No. 1857323
File: 1688356063289.png (703.96 KB, 850x1100, hello kitty says get a job.png)

>>1857292What TJ Maxx needs to start doing so this bitch will finally get a job
No. 1857329
>>1857301>>1857323>>1857320Kek you guys are being funny today
>>1857292Forget who suspected her to be stealing but I’m starting to believe it because there’s just no way she spends this much money on sanrio shit
>>1857309Is this her? She gained so much weight. She could get away with looking like a dirty white trashy girl when she was skinny, but being fat AND dirty is just something else Shayna
No. 1857336
>>1857334Nah she's such a woman-child stuck in high school she would brag if it were theft.
Probably tag her "devious licks" like its 2021.
No. 1857400
>>1857345She would look better with a fat face and skinny body.
She could lose weight and get face fillers. (I can say this since her "job" is based on how she looks)
No. 1857469
File: 1688391982123.jpeg (188.89 KB, 1200x675, 94879E1B-9702-41EE-A10C-2BD9B2…)

this accounts getting banned anyways for some shit i posted in /shay/ but figured id post this pic here as well as some perspective for the shayna normies that she was always “big boned” compared to average sized humans due to her height. Even tho shes thin look how big she looks compared to this insex guy. Wow!(newfag)
No. 1857504
File: 1688398043446.jpeg (252.41 KB, 1170x817, IMG_3534.jpeg)

No. 1857518
>>1857497Thank you
nonnie I’m sorry I didn’t mean due to being too old or something but more so set in her ways the older she gets with resume gaps & no idea how to function in the real world.
No. 1857523
File: 1688402868885.jpeg (624.72 KB, 1170x1294, IMG_3535.jpeg)

I can’t
No. 1857540
File: 1688404096961.jpeg (500.9 KB, 1170x728, 40883994-6DB3-44A9-A771-8EE01D…)

>>1857518>>1857518Your original point was
valid. Yeah 30 isnt End of Life but reaching 30 with no real skills? It’s going to effect the outcome of the rest of your life. As someone in their mid 30s, it sounds crazy but your body really does start rapidly changing at 30. I think if we get a deathfat saga it will be when she hits 30+ and has finally killed whatever is left of her metabolism. Anyways, picrel is some dumb shit she posted.
No. 1857576
File: 1688408809951.jpeg (370.57 KB, 1170x1135, IMG_3536.jpeg)

Okay Shay
No. 1857606
>>1857588Please, lots of pedos pretend to hate children (or actually hate children but desire them sexually.. they do this with adults all the time).
Shayna is just being a bitter pickme who will never be picked to be the mother of someone's child. She's probably coping because she saw someone attractive nursing a baby or something.
No. 1857631
>>1857630>>1857588She literally dates men with childern, meaning either she dumbly doesn't expect their relationships to ever last long or be serious enough for her to be around his kids OR she wants to be around other people's kids. Her whole thing was being a step mom and stealing college fund. Shayna may not like kids or wnt to have one, but she has no issue dating scrotes with them which says something.
Also, I know the tweet is a joke, but coming from someone so fucking thin skin who wants to kill herself over shit on twitter and has multiple tweet MELTDOWNS when she sees people saying shit she doesn't like, she needs not to make these kind of tweets.
Hating actual kids isn't a flex when you pretend to be one to get scrotes off. You literally idolize youth
No. 1857675
File: 1688422245920.jpeg (188.03 KB, 1169x1052, 1627755267042.jpeg)

>>1857523>2 years ago>fupa leaves you for real this time>move to seattle alone >tweet about how you're going to get fit, go to the gym and get so many rich daddies in Seattle >now>still single >no "rich seatte dads" ever, closest thing to a "relationship" was fucking a brony for less than two weeks>addicted to junk food, nicotine, weed, alcohol, etc, cant even cam for an hour sober>fatter than ever in your entire life>got fingered by a "daddy" and all you got was a cheap teddybear in return>not even the ugly bald guy or the guy with stds can keep it up with you anymore>even the coomers don't interact with your tweets like they used to >no cam sessions, one video every two months, lot less pictures compared to old threads cause shes so insecure about her body nowB-L-E-A-K
No. 1857682
File: 1688423325124.jpeg (921.44 KB, 1170x1872, IMG_3541.jpeg)

Please don’t
No. 1857683
File: 1688423408007.jpeg (985.58 KB, 1170x1502, IMG_3539.jpeg)

No. 1857693
File: 1688425010899.jpeg (155.86 KB, 1000x1057, D18D98E2-A2BF-42E2-9289-ABD5CB…)

>>1857682Is she trying to cope with the last thread making fun of her?
>>1852187 kek
No. 1857694
>>1857683as if it would be hard to make Sangria…
>>1857686she won't share that pitcher and she will eat the fruits as well, because they soaked up all the alcohol
No. 1857706
File: 1688426194626.jpeg (497.12 KB, 1224x1144, 232E581A-F7DC-419C-9704-E38C57…)

Stfu god damn
No. 1857738
>>1857685NTA but I think when anon said Shayna will never be picked to be the mother of someone's child they were referring to Shayna’s weird fantasy of being a step mom and taking advantage of single dads for their money and gifts.
>>1857685That’s genuinely so bleak and depressing. I didn’t realize how much alcohol she actually binge drinks at once. She’ll also probably have a bowl or two of weed after that. If she just quit drinking and smoking I just know she’d lose a ton of weight.
>>1857687Being a nurse and having any other occupation is infinitely better than being Shayna or doing any fetish sw
>>1857706>”Like I always say; unless a child, animal, or non consenting party has been involved, block and move on” Such profound commentary about the Twitter-sphere. When everyone thinks of Shayna, they think about her popular and profound catchphrase.
No. 1857772
>>1857523I actually don’t understand how hard it is to cook some sort of meat and rice with vegetables or a salad? Just mix up the ingredient combos and you’ve got hundreds of meals.
I know she’s just larping so she can be like “guys I’m not fat because I eat bad I’m fat because of haters and medicine” but she cannot be this stupid, healthy eating is just cooking meals at home that aren’t deep fried
No. 1857783
>>1857772Literally just eating more natural, less processed food. Cutting beer and wine. And staying under 2000 calories a day would help her.
Oats & fruit or a veg omelet for breakfast.
Salad or low carb wrap for lunch.
Chicken, veggies, and some rice for dinner.
But if she's too lazy for meal plans then at least just calorie counting and eating less processed sugary garbage. Thats really not that hard once you just do it.
No. 1857853
I just realised she's not doing the 2020 egirl makeup anymore. I feel like that must have been something the brony guy was into with how quickly it came and went
>>1857682a smart person would have done this when the trailer dropped and people were actually talking about it. she's always so late to everything
>>1857694she didn't say it was hard? y'all are so annoying with how desperate you are to hate on Shay
No. 1858011
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No. 1858020
File: 1688478195299.png (943.76 KB, 1080x6536, Screenshot_20230704-154330~2.p…)

She's having another manic episode where she thinks she's entitled to give others life advice.
No. 1858022
File: 1688478414765.png (477.83 KB, 1080x3599, Screenshot_20230704-154648~2.p…)

Anyone have any idea what she's replying to?
(posting old milk) No. 1858027
>>1858020Imagine writing fucking advice guides for your competition while struggling every day mentally and money wise. She seethe do weirdly. Not even about successful sex workers but people not doing things she thinks they should. I think she gets bothered when any woman enters her disgusting "career" and she feels she works so hard and it takes so many years, that the idea of any woman coming in thinking they can make a quick buck and bypass her keeps her up at night.
In a way I feel she wants to discourage other women (good) by making it seem like you have to put years into this to get anything. She feels everyone has to dedicate their whole life to this shit like her. It's just so weird to me. She seems so fucking angry about how it her even run their buiness. You literally said you want to die if you can't be who you feel you should, yet you writing sex worker guides.
No. 1858032
>>1858020She forgot
>•don't type like a fucking retard when you want people to take anything you say seriouslyThe view to like/retweet ratio on that post is embarrassing, and it's probably because the way she types is so unbelievably grating to read.
No. 1858048
>>1858020When she posts advice like this it feels like she's trying to reach new swers hoping they'll be Shay's friend. A follower grab. These points are places where Shay has messed up herself, it's not a helpful sw guide, just a roundabout way to talk about herself. Highly doubt she wants to help newbies out of the goodness of her heart.
>go for something you can relate to. ppl can tell when you genuinely love what you doAh, Shay. Genuinely enjoying fucking your family? and CHILDREN?? This woman makes my head hurt.
No. 1858133
File: 1688492523981.jpeg (74.5 KB, 749x349, E3B85E35-628F-43A9-A396-6EE55C…)

No. 1858138
>>1857738Thanks for not being retarded. Shayna's a giant pickme but she can't even be picked by a loser in ladies gloves pretending to be a Dom, or an ex-military ponyfag. It clearly chaps her ass.
>>1857713No shit it's easy. But like all the other things in life that are easy (showering daily, not being a mini land whale, not embarrassing herself on the internet by exposing soiled underwear in her filthy porn) Shayna can't manage.
No. 1858185
>>1858173the screenshot literally says $50 PAID which means
nonny paid for it and isn’t showing it.
No. 1858223
>>1858135 She had a busted tit before, the other effected due to rapid weight gain & she had same day short surgery…so not a reconstruction to make both breasts symmetrical as possible.
The posts of her in the XXL “BABY” tshirt already show her fat stomach is ready to stick out more than her boobs.
Perky and plump is the last things those things are.
No. 1858240
>>1858135NGL, I don't want to keep hearing her talk about how "Plump & Perfect my plastic tiddies are" over and over. It's sounds like some shit a scrote would write in a smut fiction. I guess being "Perky" again is going to be her personality now. Even though I promise that when she reveals them they will look
>Very small on her body type>WideI would'nt be surpised if both her breasts have pronounced veins now. Anyway, I have a question, Nonas, if Shayna continues to gain, will her breasts grow and be identical? Or will that other breast stay the same or get slightly bigger while her normal one does what it did last time?
No. 1858250
>>1858066>>1858068You two young ones realize you can just google it and research and not just always rely on your very limited life experience, right? Seriously, not trying to be cunty, but just google “changes to womens body at 30”. Its a common fact. You cant live the same way you lived in 20s once you’re in your 30s or else you’ll get different results. And why? lol.. because of rapid changes to your body that happens after 30. No it wont be an overnight change but ask anyone at 31/32 and they’ll tell you they really did finally start to “feel their age” at this stage. I mean, no shit, if you’re healthy in your 20s you’ll be healthier in your 30s compared to X or Y person (was this point eveb really worthy of saying) but that same healthy person will need to put in more effort to get same results they did in their 20s. Examples, you have to exercise harder, you cant get away with eating as much junk, your hair and skin start to thin, you notice your joints and bones start aching, you start noticing theres a bunch of places that are now aching. Fuck if you run too much in your 20s “being healthy” you can start to develop bad knees over overexertion. We have already seen Shayna be unable to compensate for her already declining metabolism. We’ve already seen Shayna not willing to change habits she developed in her teens/early 20s even thought they would DIRECTLY AND INSTANTLY improve her life. So my original point stands, that we’re going to really start seeing the physical effects of Shayna’s lifestyle once she hits 30s. She will balloon FAST, not slowly like she has been for the past 3 years. She still has her metabolism and youth for some good years despite some people in thread thinking she’s “about to age out” or “almost done”. And honestly, I dont think her turning 30 and becoming a super-fat will stop her from showing her pussy and ass to the masses.
(derailing) No. 1858260
File: 1688507164827.png (46.02 KB, 706x416, idiot.png)

>>1858257Yours too
(derailing) No. 1858361
File: 1688519897545.jpeg (403.29 KB, 1242x1229, 05BF5BB6-F264-4D06-90AC-115F4B…)

No. 1858367
File: 1688520218967.jpeg (273.63 KB, 1242x692, D0D8CBD3-3995-49A9-8D76-92A6B4…)

>>1858361Only people complimenting her are ugly men kek and troon
No. 1858368
>>1858363Starting at 30 Anon. Thus proving the point your body begins to change when you turn 30. Losing 8% of your muscle mass over your 30s is going to result in some rapid changes to people like Shayna (you know, the one this thread is about, not your whore mom). Literally what is the reason for attacking the original Essay Nona for correctly stating the real deathfat saga will begin when Shayna hits 30 as that is when the real changes in your body begin per
>>1858359 this government source.
(infighting) No. 1858372
>>1858312I have a suspicion that anon is a Reddit refugee, purely because of that patronization. There's a certain level of smug I only ever see from people on Reddit, especially when they're wrong. I'm so glad it's hellweek.
>>1858258You can tell by how W I D E she is that she doesn't have a small frame. It was just age + disordered eating (nothing but goldfish crackers and cake that she puked up) that kept her small. Even when she was thin, she had linebacker shoulders.
No. 1858417
>>1858368Calm down, Jesus.
>>1858361Shayna, pretty girls shower twice a day, actually consume vegetables and water regularly, and walk for 30 minutes a day at least. If you did all three of these, you'd look and feel a whole lot better. But, it's easier to smoke yourself stupid, eat nothing but fried beige bullshit and fish for compliments. I'd say I wish she'd stop complaining about being a greasy butter ball, but it is funny. She's been coping hardcore, she's probably not too happy with her boobs. Probably did want to go bigger but actually couldn't so now unless she actually loses weight, her boobs are both botched looking and relatively small for her frame.
No. 1858676
File: 1688574621048.jpeg (519.53 KB, 1170x1017, IMG_3585.jpeg)

No. 1858726
File: 1688579202552.jpeg (208.96 KB, 828x533, D36A49FC-F09A-49F3-9883-4D5424…)

>>1858711theres a whole /shay/ board where people can discuss this shit. this thread is for milk only. if you want someone to get banned report them, if not don't complain because a few people copped a ban for blogging about health and their moms. anyways, here shes scamming her coomers by charging 10 dollars more for people who aren't on her onlyfats. also tweeting about how the barbie movies breaking her bank account, she doesn't need to buy things just because they exist.
No. 1858747
File: 1688581904157.png (3.68 MB, 828x1792, IMG_6913.png)

No. 1858820
File: 1688587832576.jpeg (699.89 KB, 1536x2048, 6065B42F-CF0D-4D32-BAFD-B626DF…)

>>1858747She looks worse in the unfiltered pics
No. 1858826
File: 1688587992764.jpeg (599.95 KB, 1536x2048, D0B4A9A2-9C1B-40A3-8634-500326…)

Ain’t nothing Barbie about that Mr Clifford looking ass face jfc. She looks like her father in a bra. So damn ugly
No. 1858833
File: 1688588261572.jpeg (11.01 KB, 155x275, IMG_5683.jpeg)

>>1858820Looking like Womack
No. 1858924
>>1858711KEK this jannie is such a smart ass, I love it.
>>1858820Is she jaundiced or is that just her fucking up her foundation? She looks super yellow.
She's still at mom's house, right? Did she just waddle her ass outside in a bra to take shitty photos?
No. 1858963
File: 1688599721678.jpeg (694.89 KB, 2048x2048, 1C87B745-CB25-46C2-92AA-F6B519…)

she posted pics/a video of her drinking on a boat on her IG story
No. 1858965
File: 1688600051383.png (3.57 MB, 828x1792, IMG_6919.png)

>>1858964she’s wearing jeans with it
No. 1858972
File: 1688600684761.webm (1.64 MB, 828x1792, RPReplay_Final1688600471.webm)
trying to figure out who the high pitched voice in the background might be
No. 1859013
>>1858820She just always looks like a damn troll doll. But that proper fitting bra top thing is at least lest offensive than the usual shit she wears. I think her tits look
ok in it because it fits and ya know is meant to give support to them.
I just know her nipples are still gonna be mismatched and her tit veins are gonna still look weird. At best, the implants probably just made the shape of her boobs a bit less jarringly different. And hey at least her og implant titty wont be silicone decayed and poisoned lol
No. 1859014
File: 1688606314990.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x1222, IMG_3597.jpeg)

No. 1859020
>>1859014Stg her lip dry scabs have scabs. No chapstick, no moisturizer,no scrub (that she uses)… it's actually insane to do your makeup and she must wipe the foundation off her lips and yet otherwise leaves them completely untouched. Baffling.
Also "frens boat" yeah right more like her mom or her moms friend.
No. 1859026
>>1858820This is not the face of someone in their 20s, holy shit.
>>1859021Just wait till she has to go back home and pay bills, she'll slash the price to like 5.99 as per usual.
>>1859019Probably not even grayhair. I could see Womack purchasing though, if he happened to have overtime pay or a few bucks left over from his last splurge on more attractive camgirls.
No. 1859052
File: 1688610485736.jpeg (696.84 KB, 1154x1459, BF8A4667-B4AB-4EB0-8A11-C46F05…)

Her mind is the same as a scrotes isn’t this like the same as a cock cage… she’s so nasty and you can make this for like $20 it’s just plastic jfc
No. 1859055
>>1859052We all know Shay is so retarded she couldn't even make a paper hat
She'd pay $40 for a piece of paper with a staple in it if it was pink and sparkly
No. 1859084
>>1857523Sorry for autism. hopefully shays lazy ass reads this copy paste from chatgpt: no cooking involved. she can literally grab this shit out of the fridge/pantry
Here's a sample 1400-calorie meal plan that requires minimal cooking and is easy to follow:
1 cup of nonfat Greek yogurt
1/2 cup of fresh berries (such as strawberries or blueberries)
1 tablespoon of honey or a natural sweetener
1 small handful of unsalted nuts (such as almonds or walnuts)
2 slices of whole grain bread
3 ounces of sliced turkey or chicken breast
1 slice of low-fat cheese
1 tablespoon of light mayonnaise
Lettuce, tomato, and cucumber slices for added freshness
1 small apple
1 tablespoon of natural peanut butter or almond butter
4 to 5 ounces of grilled or baked chicken breast or fish (such as salmon or tilapia)
1 cup of steamed vegetables (broccoli, carrots, or green beans)
1/2 cup of cooked quinoa or brown rice
1 small handful of baby carrots or sliced bell peppers
2 tablespoons of hummus
(derailing autism) No. 1859110
>>1859084To teach Shayna Clifford to get up off her butt, touch grass, exercise, and eat a vegetable, you can follow these steps:
1. Explain the benefits: Start by explaining the numerous benefits of getting up, touching grass, exercising, and eating vegetables. These include improved physical and mental health, increased energy levels, weight management, and overall well-being.
2. Set goals: Help Shayna set realistic and achievable goals. For example, she can aim to get up and touch grass for at least 30 minutes a day, exercise for 30 minutes three times a week, and incorporate vegetables into at least two meals per day.
3. Create a routine: Help Shayna establish a daily routine that includes specific times for getting up, touching grass, exercising, and consuming vegetables. Having a structured routine can make it easier to stick to healthy habits.
4. Encourage accountability: Encourage Shayna to find an accountability partner, such as a friend or family member, who can join her in these activities or simply check in on her progress. This will help her stay motivated and committed.
5. Start small: If Shayna is not used to being active or eating vegetables regularly, it's important to start small and gradually increase the intensity and variety. Begin with short walks outside, simple bodyweight exercises, and incorporating one vegetable into a meal each day. As she becomes more comfortable, she can gradually increase the duration and intensity of her activities and experiment with different vegetables.
6. Make it enjoyable: Find activities and vegetables that Shayna enjoys. This could include going for walks in a park or nature reserve, trying out different types of exercises (e.g., dancing, swimming, hiking), and experimenting with various vegetable recipes or cooking methods. When she finds pleasure in these activities, she will be more likely to stick with them.
7. Provide resources: Share resources with Shayna, such as websites, apps, or YouTube channels that offer exercise routines, healthy recipes, and tips for incorporating vegetables into meals. This will provide her with additional guidance and inspiration.
8. Celebrate milestones: Celebrate Shayna's achievements along the way. Acknowledge her progress, whether it's completing a certain number of workouts, trying new vegetables, or consistently following her routine. Positive reinforcement will help her stay motivated and continue making healthy choices and touching grass.
Remember, it's important to be supportive and understanding throughout this process. Encourage Shayna to embrace a healthy lifestyle at her own pace and provide ongoing encouragement and guidance.
I accept my ban
(autism) No. 1859168
File: 1688634123513.jpeg (532.94 KB, 1536x2048, E8CBBEAB-5658-48E8-97CE-EE0B30…)

>>1859084She’s so ugly why are you trying to help her we love seeing her get fatter and uglier after being such a mean girl in high school, being disrespectful to everyone around her, subtweeting minors when they get more attention than her on Twitter. She’s so ugly inside she deserves to be fat and ugly. Look at this troll face hahahah
No. 1859169
File: 1688634310620.png (6.71 MB, 1242x2208, 23086BEA-3FF8-4280-82FB-1C8E99…)

>>1859153She just has no shame. Why would you want to be like her in any shape or form??? It’s not confidence; she wants attention. She looks like total shit. If you’re fat and want to show your belly go ahead I’ll be judging along with everyone else except… silently
No. 1859328
File: 1688671389510.jpeg (956.37 KB, 1170x1810, IMG_3603.jpeg)

Sure Shay. You obsess over Lana Del Ray and Jim Morrison
No. 1859329
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No. 1859332
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No. 1859333
>>1859249Well if there’s other signs/types of lifts then educate us. I’m personally against plastic surgery and I know nothing about boob jobs aside from that one anon talking about how she’s gonna have lollipop scars.
> you sound obsessed> you’re a scroteI’ve never talked about the scarring until now. This is an anonymous imageboard so idk how you’d be able to deduce I’m a scrote or I’m obsessed with scars or something based off a singular post. Please lay off the mental gymnastics and get better reading comprehension.
No. 1859335
File: 1688672275367.jpeg (367.04 KB, 750x1161, DB564A4E-3C62-4C11-BA0C-C7D5C7…)

These are from earlier
No. 1859339
File: 1688672335902.jpeg (Spoiler Image,452.25 KB, 750x999, 42AD4C93-44F1-4965-B3D9-6AAEEE…)

Fishing for random scrote approval, pathetic
No. 1859341
File: 1688672406106.jpeg (32.29 KB, 400x400, 7A64E5D3-9BE6-41A3-8D94-65AD9A…)

>>1859339This is the scrote she was quoting KEK
No. 1859356
Right? She acts like it's a lack of interest and "i don't care, I don't worship celebrities" but it's more so her being selfish and very very self involved. She doesn't have space in her brain to truly care about anything thats not about her or related to her. I know for a fact if some streamer shat on sex workers and she saw it, suddenly she'd be shaking and typing with red finger tips. Shayna not caring about things outside of herself doesn't make her better then anyone, it just makes you boring. I'd rather gossip with a celebrity obessed nona, then a sex worker who goes
>you know I'm the top 5% on onlyfans?
>Did you see what @BigTiddyMommyDommyLady said? Ugh, she's so stupid! I can't believe she said that!
>I heard onlyfans isn't going to allow floor shitting anymore, thats crazy!
>Ugh, girls think they can get by selling feet pictures and using only fans! You have to put years into this shit-
>Omg! Did I show you my new Buttplug? It's water proof and fart protective
>I hate my mom because she hates sex work and she's conserative
>My lil bro, said i needed a sippy cup does he know?
>I don't know what I should do today? Make a video pretending to be a daughter getting fucked by her dad, or put a stocking over my head and pretend to be kidnapped?
She doesn't have much to talk about, drugs, drinking, onlyfans, sex, sex work, retards on twitter, sex workers, lolcow etc. You don't care because 99% of your brain is focused on you and how you can exploit yourself to Shitboy3628 on twitter to pay for junk food.
No. 1859422
File: 1688682695732.jpg (Spoiler Image,66.43 KB, 1170x939, 20230706_183301.jpg)

These are going to look like shit if she keeps gaining weight
No. 1859437
File: 1688684512982.jpeg (1018.35 KB, 1179x1441, IMG_5697.jpeg)

>>1859334You can see her skin texture more clearly in the past few photos I guess because she’s actually outdoors. But early June to me was BAD like she looked physically in pain and hungover and droopy
No. 1859439
>>1859422strange how there is just the one scar, unless it's the angle/pose. Didn't she get both of them done with new implants?
we will only know the true results after they drop and finish healing in about 3 to 6 months time. they change a lot from this point to then.
She should've lost weight or had lipo/personal trainer instead first then fixed her tits.>>1859422
(redditspacing; line breaks after each sentence do not improve legibility and serve no purpose) No. 1859441
File: 1688684798143.png (76.97 KB, 223x447, Droopy_dog.png)

>>1859437She's morphing from Porkie Pig and Elmer Fud to Droopy the dog. She's not even 30 and she's developing sagging jowels.
No. 1859458
>>1859246I always thought that doordash was destined to bump up the obesity levels in the general population after covid hit.
It seems too convenient that uber-for-food just started taking off when lockdowns started becoming the norm.
>>1859235This. As a teen you pretty much eat what your parents make you for dinner, and maybe a small lunch/breakfast on top of that.
Teen Shayna was preoccupied with
something for at least 8h per day. Sure she might have skipped classes, or not payed attention or whatever. But because she had that ~8h block of time when she had to go to a different location to do something that was outwardly productive in the presence of others, she was not so focused on eating. Nowadays she has nothing to preoccupy her brain. Nothing to distract her from her piggy cravings.
She does an hour of "work" editing a photoset and she thinks that it's equivalent to a whole day of labour. So she's like "oh, let me give myself a break, treat myself and go get brunch w mimosas". As if she doesn't do that same thing every. single. day.
Selling pictures of her gunt might make her enough money to pay rent for now, but it's never been a real job. For one thing, it doesn't provide any meaningful value to society, but specifically in terms of her weight gain, it doesn't preoccupy her like a real job does. She gains weight so fast because she has nothing productive to do with her time, and she is too low-functioning intellectually to use all that spare time for anything besides addictive substances.
No. 1859460
File: 1688687521181.jpg (87.39 KB, 709x623, 20221019_000653~2.jpg)

>>1859450That's our Shat!
No. 1859461
>>1859328Shayna, that's because you live on 24/7.
If you ever ventured into the real world with people who do real-life things, you would realize that not only does no one care about whatever niche twitch streamer has set you off, but no one cares about anything even semi-adjacent to you or your degenerate lifestyle.
No. 1859592
File: 1688708426185.jpeg (Spoiler Image,229.71 KB, 720x1280, IMG_5684.jpeg)

(Spoilered because it’s old and irrelevant). When she was in her skinny era, do you think she edited her pictures to make her shoulders less wide? Her frame looks tiny here
No. 1859746
File: 1688740949971.jpeg (115.67 KB, 749x642, AD9C595B-4999-4F3E-9D3E-5BA220…)

No. 1859751
>>1859746Wasn't she just complaining about men a few days ago? Also can she just mind her buiness? She brings up her momma drama,where she is and who she's with, talks about politics and complains about how ugly/fat she feels. She needs to worry about herself. I do not get why she cares if other girls do things she thinks will mess up their buiness. Aren't they her competition?
What's it to her if scrotes stop following some random woman. Also even bigger point, men don't care if you hate them if rhey can literally buy pictures or videos of you doing degrading shit for less then a fuckinf door dash meal. They hate women just as much. They probably probably off more knowing some sex worker hates them/her job but still pandering to them for $3 a month. Most of the men following you do not love or care about you shayna. They follow 24000 other women doing the same thing
No. 1859798
>>1859760Don't invite porn sick moids here
nonnie anyone stupid enough to give this cow money has made their bed so good riddance
No. 1859852
File: 1688760616611.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1242x1748, 6D52D42E-9F1D-48FD-BD3D-AE88C0…)

She got the most punchable face. Her features are so big and manly. And the beady eyes. Yuck
No. 1859859
>>1859845I said it before but it's nuts to me how she doesn't even like anything she based her persona of# of. Pink probably isn't her favorite color, she doesn't even own any Barbies (nitpick I know), every part of her house that's not used for work or picture back drop, was gray, off white and undecorated. She doesn't have a true uninterest in anything she builds her life on. Even when she goes see the Barbie movie I promise she'll be wearing all her Barbie branded shit but then tell a story like
>omg I wnt to c the Barbie movie n the theater guy looked at me in all my Barbie clothes and was like, "Barbie coming to watch her own movie?" She'll make the whole experience about her puddle deep interest in Barbie. I don't care about Barbie but it's so weird to see this. Her whole life is based on some shit she saw on tumblr in her Teens. She doesn't have a girly,pink,cute bone on her body. She is just average woman who likes food, beer, dad rock and laughing at retarded jokes
No. 1859889
>>1859852i knew when she said
>>1859335 she really just meant thats what she has on the way to eat a full 1200 calorie brunch
No. 1859898
>>1859850Wow so this is food addiction huh?
>>1859816Wow I didn’t see it until you said something but her trap in the right of the photo is so fucked? What is wrong with it? Her shoulders are also at different heights in a way that doesn’t seem like it’s an angle? Weird
No. 1859925
Literally deforming herself (which she is increasingly unable to hide). Add in her non-stop nicotine & booze intake plus surgery…it’s all down hill from here. All because she is too lazy to get up off her ass and take her dog for a long walk twice a day.
No. 1859927
File: 1688773781350.jpeg (233.33 KB, 750x1208, B3861986-629A-41FE-B09C-E76EAB…)

>>1859859Nta but I loved Barbie as a kid and got her magazines and boy there is a big group of adults who take her brand super seriously. Now I’m thinking of how doll collectors with an actual interest in Barbie (like Silkstone collectors, who usually also collect other high-end dolls) would probably laugh Shat and other trailer trash “Barbies” into eternity.
I really need for her and them to somehow cross paths on Twitter because the interaction between her and some self-proclaimed Barbie historians would be hilarious. Picrel is just one collection of many and an example of how seriously some people take Barbie dolls.
(Derailing) No. 1859928
File: 1688774059296.jpeg (426.89 KB, 750x1096, EF1DEA48-5A70-4A68-A93A-2A4DD7…)

She posted this earlier today and the only reply she got is a Monsters Inc gif from Mike Slack.
No. 1859933
>>1859929Calm down. NTA and I have no idea how you got that from that post. I think anon's point was that Fat Shat's interest in Barbie is surface level and completely fake when compared to women that have a genuine interest.
No. 1859972
>>1859928Why would she cry about the stitches part after the appointment. Seems more like she was crying because the tit job itself kek
If that even happened at all of course
No. 1860022
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No. 1860048
>>1860022Her pork hands look so weird decorated, plus I really doubt she’s catholic kek, wearing the symbols of some religion you don’t even believe in as an accessory is very tacky.
Plus, would it have killed her to get her nails done before taking close up pictures of her hammy hands?
No. 1860051
File: 1688788873821.jpeg (243.19 KB, 1125x1758, 3B2FDB4C-3ED5-42F9-9A42-172E8C…)

>>1860022Shayfoil, but the two front knuckles look a bit autismo punched.
No. 1860078
>>1859929The troid accusation is retarded so I’ll let it slide but most of the people who collect dolls that I’ve seen online are flamboyant gay men fyi. Does no one else itt find it funny when random people comment on Shayna? It’s hilarious to me at the very least.
And idc if they’re autists, at least they have some sort of income to afford it and aren’t wasting it on alcohol and pot instead.
No. 1860321
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>>1860022That looks like Ross jewelry for $5.99 with the orange clearance sticker half scratched off the back of the package.
If she zoomed off of her hands you can't tell me you wouldn't expect some old bitch that looked like picrel because that's the only kind of person to wear that garbage willingly
No. 1860417
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These procedures are all so cheap she could have already been doing them with the money she gets sent. She's so bad with money.
No. 1860419
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No. 1860455
>>1860419why buy weed before flying? she can get weed in Seattle and it’s not like she’s smart enough to stealth
sure very few people get busted while flying anymore, but it’s not like it never happens
No. 1860457
>>1860417No one is going to spend money on something like this. If some scrotes wants to “bimbofy” a woman, he’s going to have her do a bunch of uncanny surgeries. They aren’t going to pay for Shay to do…what, exactly? Appearance upkeep?
Other sex workers use the money they make from work on their ‘enhancements’, maybe Shay should try that.
No. 1860471
>>1860051Idk what the fuck you’re trying to say as not many autismos that beat the tar out of themselves and others live by themselves and operate sex work Twitter accounts but
It’s possibly russels sign? Maybe “Barbie”makes herself throw up? It’s possible that shaymu is bulimic just really unsuccessful at it as most bulimics are
No. 1860504
>>1860417>waxingMaybe she wants to go back to the pussy boil era.
Also a coomer with a bimbo fetish is never going pay her for bimbofication because she's a fat hog that can't even be bothered to shower. If a man is going to spend money on a bimbo it's going to be a young, slim, blonde woman that already fits the aesthetic.
No. 1860512
File: 1688853851179.png (237.03 KB, 1079x585, Screenshot_20230708-180558.png)

bitch lose weight if you want to change your body that badly
No. 1860564
>>1860417All of these are so cheap and affordable she could have started ages ago.
She has such low standards for herself, why not a nose job and veneers for the brown rat teeth? And Botox because her skin is so bad.
No. 1860570
>>1860564right? but she wants quick fixes, I don't know why she doesn't get her teeth whitened at least. So I guess dying her hair and wearing it in the same ugly styles or getting eyebrows/lash exstentions etc. is what she feels is wrong with her apperence.
Instead of looking at youtube to see new make up styles, or getting her hair actually styled, or lip products that she'll actually use etc.
No. 1860597
File: 1688859445156.jpeg (640.48 KB, 1146x1306, IMG_5721.jpeg)

Only $10 now
No. 1860637
>>1860602I find it very funny. I also get a kick out of her hair styles, especially with the bangs, it reminds me of Luann from hank hill's mothers hair. It looked so outdated. I still cringe thinking of this girl who looks like she's 35 walking around with pigtails and bows. She reminds me of those tiktokers who dress in weird ways and then film people's reaction, seeing everything as hate or jealously, when no you are walking around in a mini skirt showing your ass cheeks, with chunky high ass boots in the mall near the Old Navy.
She probably thinks every younger woman wants to be her and every older woman is hating on the hot young thing all dressed up. While scrotes drool.
Her style would'nt be as bad to me if she wasn't walking around with poorly done childish hair styles.
No. 1860728
>>1860457i honestly don’t think she’s into the actual bimbo aesthetic, especially not bimbofication aesthetic. if that were the case she would have at least talked about getting larger implants. i think she desperately wants to perceived as one because the ones who aren’t uncanny looking are considered the beauty standard and make a lot more money. there are many stories of rich, successful men dating/spoiling those conventionally beautiful blonde haired only fans girls.
all of those procedures she listed are just so she can be even more lazy with her appearance. all the other suggestions anons made involve her putting in some effort.
>>1860570i think the big reason she won’t ever watch makeup, fashion, diet, or fitness related videos is because she knows that it’s very likely she’ll see a beautiful woman living the life she wants. i’m pretty sure she once said something about muting successful attractive sex work accounts because of her insecurities so i can’t see it being different in any other space online.
No. 1860755
>>1860598Hey I’m the anon you’re replying to, just look
Up russsells sign, basically knuckles swell or get red from where the teeth hit them when purging. I’m not saying she’s bulimic she honestly would tweet about it if she was so. But her knuckles are red and look irritated as if she forced herself to vomit.
No. 1860758
File: 1688876434305.jpeg (Spoiler Image,256.83 KB, 1125x1758, IMG_9845.jpeg)

>>1860755Sorry same fag but it’s just the redness here that looks like it,
Probably nothing but some retard up thread said it looked like she’s been punching. Which, doubt.
No. 1860773
File: 1688880147066.jpeg (297.11 KB, 750x850, 6B324136-7793-4747-8D4F-BD7105…)

>>1860512I checked the replies because I wanted to see what people are telling her she’d look good with and this response seriously came out of nowhere KEK
No. 1860848
File: 1688905327778.jpeg (355.11 KB, 828x687, 600CEF11-02F1-4549-AC70-17ACA8…)

>>1860597>>1860758>>1860763sorry to everyone who suffers that must suck but shatna is not bulimic. shes prediabetic. she also has the dark skin around her armpits and her coochie.
(medfagging) No. 1860854
File: 1688906595162.jpeg (610.72 KB, 1170x1754, IMG_3703.jpeg)

Why not, I dunno, text your “girlfriend”?
No. 1860855
File: 1688906710884.jpeg (331.3 KB, 828x910, IMG_1778.jpeg)

Incoming dump, she’s fighting with other degenerates again
No. 1860856
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No. 1860857
File: 1688906773517.jpeg (406.09 KB, 828x1475, IMG_1780.jpeg)

No. 1860876
File: 1688909803772.jpg (107.08 KB, 946x2048, 20230709_063734.jpg)

>>1860857Full screenshot of their message. I'm unfamiliar with Twitter, but doesn't that pink arrow mean there's more to the message?
No. 1860888
>>1860882she’s making herself look so bad too. based on her replies it looks like she scammed a flight out of this dude, then claimed she was sick and ghosted him. now that she is unwilling to pay back what she owes for said flight, she’s making herself look like a scammer. I have no idea how you can claim to be doing this for years and not understand something that basic.
this is now the…4th? 5th? person she’s used to get a flight out somewhere, came up with some excuse as to why she won’t make content with them, and bailed. never paying them back for the flight or anything. she’s fucking scum.
No. 1860899
>>1860894oh she’s already being called out. I looked at the post and she’s already made it so only her followers can reply. she’s creating that sweet echo chamber so she can make it look like she’s done no wrong. I hope the twitter whores and producers give her hell for this.
ohhh maybe she’ll get cancelled enough that she can’t go to the next degencon, kek.
No. 1860917
File: 1688915186491.jpeg (314.36 KB, 1179x1503, IMG_7114.jpeg)

“the lack of professionalism is insane” kek she’s one to talk
No. 1860920
>>1860917even if it’s genuine criticism, she will always claim it’s just people trying to make defamatory statements because she’s soooooo popular and perfect and everyone just wants to be her.
you’re 26 Shayna, learn to admit your mistakes and own up to your shit. this teenage “everyone is always out to get perfect little me, who does nothing wrong!” has been getting old. Grow. Up.
No. 1860922
File: 1688916025381.jpeg (417.26 KB, 750x953, C46E3D92-9B14-4DCD-9ED7-FB896E…)

>>1860855Another reply from the same woman
No. 1860924
File: 1688916112805.jpeg (145.84 KB, 750x579, 1087493E-4C91-4186-8865-B15AF8…)

Earlier tweet from the Fettish scrote
No. 1860936
>>1860924I know he’s a degen but she really can’t be stupid enough to think this looks good for her, I don’t know how she can fathom a
victim complex, she should’ve at least said she doesn’t reimburse flights, because it’s pretty clear based on the messages she agreed to pay him back the flight money? A couple hundred at best, she just spent that in a week on barbie, hello kitty junk.
I’m hoping this starts a new wave of cancel call-outs for her, they’ll finally have something new to scream about other than her being a Nazi. I hope the guy is
POC or something so they can throw how she scammed a
POC SWer out of income and really make her sweat
No. 1860938
File: 1688918166668.jpeg (131.96 KB, 1174x378, IMG_5209.jpeg)

>>1860922Vivi, right? kek only Shayna is a ‘sex worker’ who travels to sex work with other sex workers then whines about being uncomfortable and takes an emergency flight back because she got proposed sex acts as work.
No. 1860947
>>1860938>still haven't financially recoveredThat was a long ass time ago now, these bitches really make no money huh? I really hope one of the whores calling her out point out all the crap she's been buying lately. Does that retarded coombrained scrote not have contracts for the models to sign which stipulate they must reimburse him for the flight if they fail to show? It's really
bleak that a few hundred dollars is a huge expense for all of these people.
No. 1860953
>>1860942Vivi was poor living in a shitty trailer park to begin with. She was always struggling and in a bad situation. Shayna essentially promised that making a vid with her would get her views and bring in money. Then Shayna got there, decided to be a lazy asshole and not make the content the two had agreed on, and then accused Vivi’s BF of rape. it’s mind blowing the mental gymnastics she will do to scam people and make herself the
victim every time.
No. 1860954
>>1860938I want Vivi to spill all the beans like she did here. Put on the woman panties. If you can admit it here you DEF can there too. She’s cuckoo for coco puffs but she has real dirt and with Twitter it will get messy. Come on vivi, you crazy whore. Do it.
>>1860950 iirc vivi also is on welfare to an extent and used her EBT card to help buy food. When you are a single, unmarried, childless person even if you are a retard you don’t get much
No. 1860955
>>1860941Bless you
nonnie, I couldn't figure out which trip this was because this happens so often. It's so funny to look at the posts from then where she's acting like she paid for everything and getting called out now for the opposite. Kek Never change, Shay.
No. 1860962
File: 1688920567222.jpg (95.76 KB, 1080x687, 20230709_183639.jpg)

There's also this deleted tweet from earlier today. Who is the guy?
No. 1860967
>>1860917Shayna did you or did you not post a screenshot of some sex workers saying "no little girl shit" to shame them? Did you or did you not post screenshots of a sex worker contacting you asking if they could use a idea?
There countless times shayna had posted messages to shit on people. I don't think she's drunk or stupid. She just feels 100% justified when she does it.
No. 1860977
File: 1688921818251.jpeg (374.07 KB, 1242x1715, 4E76ACD2-4C6A-41C5-BFCD-F3025C…)

She’s so retarded. Every single ex pro porn star has said how horrible and drama filled sets are, not to mention their managers and staff getting involved.
She really thinks she’d be a booked and busy 0 presence porn star, there’s a reason all the pro ones have OF or side hustles in the industry if they don’t OD or quit and get real jobs. It doesn’t actually pay well.
Ironic of her to say she hates the community directly above an add post for her stupid collab for double dates, with the other fatcon whore
No. 1860997
>>1860977she's doing the "lmao y'all are so inappropriate, i'm not wrong!" and "wish this
toxic community would let me live!" … now, saddle up, because the suicide baiting is just around the corner!
she recently celebrated a ~milestone~ sex worker anniversary and this is what she has to show for it, begging to be reimbursed for pink plastic toys, having a surgery and having no one in her life (besides her "
abusive" mom) to help take care of her, and getting in fights with other whores on social media. & still pissing in diapers for pedophiles. success!
also, she lucky she didn't get her ass beat for stealing airfare and carfare to pretend to have a tummyache, she is getting off easy with just getting some tweets about it.
"sometimes i am busy and sometimes i don't check DMS!" you live on your phone and this is literally part of your job. it's incredible how terrible she is at her job all this time later. people work with tummyaches, shayna!!!!!!!!!! give them their money back you obese pedo whore!
(learn2integrate) No. 1861004
>>1860856Wild to talk with an employer this way. Sure there was a problem but if she handles it appropriately, professionally, the situation could be resolved and she could potentially book another job with them in the future. Her words are so volatile over the littlest problems. This behavior does nothing to help her.
>>1860977>just wish I could show up on set, get paid, go homeThat's what these companies TRY to set up for you, until you cancel last fucking minute every time. It's been five years of the same cycle; excitement, failure, depression, pleading, war. You are the problem Shayna.
No. 1861027
>>1861023Based on the producer's reaction, flights were included in his payment for the shoot. Shayna no showed to go on a date with another producer and then ghosted him when he tried to discuss reimbursement for the flight. She legally has no obligation to pay him for the flight, but it's extremely unprofessional for her to broadcast this like she's the
victim; when she showed off her Vegas trip with no mention or thanks to this producer who is the reason she was there. She scammed them.
No. 1861035
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>>1861029Shayna gave herself food poisoning eating this airplane charcoocherty board before her flight 4 months ago.
No. 1861037
File: 1688927922307.png (121.79 KB, 357x452, dumbass nona.png)

>>1861018>>1861029>>1861035Saged for stinking old milk.
No. 1861063
Idk how Shayna can ever say she does sex work for survival, or try to speak for those women when she has this background, including scamming an actual broke "survival" SW
>>1860938 to the point where she
still hasn't recovered.
All this proves is that shayna's being bankrolled by her parents more than she wants people to know. Probably dwindling her portion of the family inheritance down to nothing, so she's fucked when they die. Or, they'll go into debt trying to bail her out.
No. 1861127
>>1861112Even if Vivi is just another retarded OF whore selling herself for the price of a Savers Menu cheeseburger, what Shayna did to her is still bad and shows what a selfish deluded fat sow she is.
Vivi paid for Fat Shat's flight and then while there, Fatty never made the content she promised and ate all the food in Vivi's fridge. I can see the cost of the flights and then the cost of a few days food fucking Vivi over for a while, especially if she used credit to get the money. The hog flew out to Vivi for free, ate all the food and then left.
No. 1861135
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Shayna is going to cam when she gets back apparently
No. 1861244
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Not sure if this has been posted yet
No. 1861269
I just find it funny that almost every single person she's worked with that she's had issues with are male, yet she never has any issues with Skidmark. Like most of the drama is scrotes, but she'll still swear she never had a bad experience with a scrote. Also, she probably does fuck over customers, I'm starting to wonder how much bullshit shayna does, but because she just blocks people or they aren't people with followings, it just goes away. You can tell when she feels you don't have the follower count or respect in the community, she treats you a certain way.
I bet there's 10's of moids who Shayna never held up her end of the deal, or half done something, or whatever. Moids she promised to do a video for at this time and date, then never does it, takes their money and acts like they are the weirdos (They are) because
>Uh I told u I had a tummy ache & a bad brain day, I cnnot make that video.
She doesn't know how to talk to people and you'd think with the people she's talking too she'd figured it out. Not that I care that scrotes are being scammed, I'm just saying for someone who acts like she's running a millionare dollar buiness and she's so professional, she sure does have issues with almost every one she works with.
If it's not issues, it's weird shit. She ignores red flags (Sol, Shane) then tries to ignore the drama, then when they reveal it suddenly she acts confused.
No. 1861293
>>1861271She can't, because sex work is Shayna, Shayna is sex work. Online Validation is so important to who she is and she knows she cannot do anything else to get it as quickly and easily as sex work. She knows she's not pretty enough to just smile and get 5k likes. She knows she's not funny/smart/witty/charming enough to do youtube/tiktok, which is why she uses the promise of sexual acts to rope scrotes into listening to her on camshows/reading her tweets/following her.
She has no talents.I feel like we could roll a Shat Dice 20 times and every alternate universe would be her seeking validation online, not improving but expecting some kind of reward from the universe for simply…existing.
I know shayna feels in her mind she's some kind of inspiring person simply because people talk shit and she won't stop showing her asshole for small amounts of cash online. One day we'll have books written about the sex worker named Dolly Mattel, who just wouldn't stop! Everyone will cry and clap. 10 episode netflix series will be made. Lolcow will be shut down and replaced with a website for Shayna. She'll be one of the people in history who lived and we'll be crying and admitting our jealously.
She'll be rich from…laying on her assback, a household name because some porn she did. With millions of followers. I guess thats her end game.
No. 1861299
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No. 1861306
File: 1688955707531.jpeg (919.9 KB, 1242x1804, EF96AD4A-A5D8-4614-A331-BCC17C…)

She’s a BIG woman all the time, Mike Slack
No. 1861308
File: 1688955882155.gif (167.78 KB, 220x146, 8F5734DD-9A5C-47CC-9467-5D30F0…)

>>1861306Shayna’s family when she finally leaves
No. 1861309
>>1861305In the context of Shayna who blames every single person in her life for everything. Fupaul for her weight gain, but also her mental illness, her mom for everything under the son. Some random skinny girl for being skinny and existing, making her feel like shit etc. etc. So in the Shay-verse, yes shayna did cause Vivi's retarded ass to still be recovering. Also being honest, the whole situation IS Shayna's fault.
Anyone with eyes could look at Vivi's social media and know she's not mental there, she had red flags all over the place. Shayna literally travelled to go stay at some random sex workers house who has a boyfriend.
Anything could've happened. I don't care if Vivi keeps blaming Shayna for the sunrising because the whole thing should've never happened. It's consequences for Shayna's dumb choices. No one cares about vivi screaming about Shayna in the void, so it's very small consequences.
No. 1861315
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>>1860773She gonna laminate her brows probably
No. 1861317
File: 1688956566347.jpeg (899.29 KB, 1242x1382, 0A241D0F-330C-4AC5-98C7-777A55…)

She barely has eyebrows tho
No. 1861341
>>1861156She’s currently relevant and it isn’t 100% derailing or a recurrent one. She also likely still comes to shay’s threads here and there. I mean if she knew about it in the first place and came here to spill then there’s no way she doesn’t still look. I could rehash about if things about vivi that has been said but she’s clearly not the brightest + seems to have serious issues but is also just as gross as shayna at the same time. Which is something that can coexist. Though. She’s totaling milking just a lil. A teeny bit.
>>1860957 ugh I completely forgot she did. The whole vivi saga thread was a mess. I will have to look for it.
No. 1861415
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Finally blaming her ghosting him on her uwu surgery recovery!
No. 1861463
File: 1688988584108.jpg (Spoiler Image,138.42 KB, 1080x912, 20230710_132144_Titter.jpg)

This looks bad to me, why is the horizontal scar not in her natural crease but halfway up her tit?
No. 1861478
>>1861470will she use scar sheets to help that bigass scar heal
like fuck she will
No. 1861491
>>1861477Right??? Whats up with that fat ring on the base of her neck? That looks painful. Lmao
Also, the scar is more than likely sitting there because thats where they're projected to drop to, they usually do what they can do keep the scar under so its less visible, but the more she manhandles them the more shes risking infection/wrongful healing but what's new with this dumbass
No. 1861512
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No. 1861528
File: 1689000534114.jpeg (406.31 KB, 828x872, 79818335-BA5B-48D3-A3F2-B76D5C…)

girl TSA does not care about you. also note the huge sugary drink she has. would it hurt her to drink some water and eat a balanced breakfast for once? she probably had a donut too.
No. 1861537
>>1861415“omg you’re such a mean girl!! i’m recovering from surgery and spending quality time with my family and you just want to make it even harder for me!!!! you’re purposely preying on me when you know i’m having a really difficult time!!! everyone is always out to get perfect little me when i’m just always minding my business, ugh!”
that’s you shayna. that’s how you sound.
No. 1861607
File: 1689011819734.png (1.93 MB, 828x1792, IMG_7084.png)

more drinking
No. 1861609
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I can’t with these “stories”
No. 1861627
>>1861512the TSA at Logan Boston are complete assholes, like the worst TSA I have encountered anywhere
but “I had breast surgery” isn’t a terrifying thing to say for most people and shouldn’t be for someone who spreads her vag for $5
No. 1861655
>>1861027This trip was separate from the Vegas trip,
nonnie ♥ Her “scammer” trip to shoot with the Fettish moid was her
>flying out to get tickled>getting charcuterie>getting food poisoning >coomer comments joking he knew her “tummy would hurt” once she got that charcuterie>booking a hotel>realizing it’s the wrong hotel>asking for 150 for wrong hotel room plus 120 for new hotel room>jst going 2 cry all nite tweet>pic attached is her with insanely messy hair>anon finds her hotel room>The End No. 1861671
File: 1689020471040.jpeg (648.01 KB, 1170x1390, IMG_3720.jpeg)

Like how only people from Massachusetts use the work “wicked”, right Shay?
No. 1861674
>>1861583He is a little dishonest, she asked “what dates are you thinking?”
Nothing was set in stone.
If she didn’t respond why would he still buy her a ticket? Also, he’s a nasty moid that films scenes that are bottom of the barrel fucking horrible.
Not trying to pearl clutch but the dude uses duct tape, and hogties the girls. I’m glad she “scammed” him.
No. 1861677
>>1861674Then he says he'll check his calendar and mentions Thursday which she then doesn't respond to
>>1860876Also he didn't buy her ANOTHER ticket, he's talking about the original trip he paid for to go to alabama, idk what's so hard to understand. If she was purposefully scamming these gross men for the shit they create and fetishize that'd be one thing. But she's equally disgusting and it's just funny that they are getting into a slapfight.
No. 1861681
>>1861677is that man your bf or something? just chill. you say it sounds funny to you, but you sound mad.
>>1861674couldn't agree more. shay is far from perfect, but this scrote and the whoremaidens who keep trying to defend him are annoying. this man is a degenerate. who the hell cares if he got "scammed"? could have been scammed by anyone else and I would still be cheering it on kek
No. 1861684
File: 1689021782302.jpeg (944.35 KB, 1170x1679, IMG_3721.jpeg)

Now only $10
No. 1861716
>>1861703At the end of the day he paid her to go film their nasty porn and she didn't. Idk why people are being called handmaidens and being accused of defending the scrote just because we're pointing out Shayna was in the wrong. It's like every time some milky internet drama kicks up around fat shat, her parasocial farmer fangirls come out of the woodworks to defend her.
>>1861681We're laughing at the whole situation but some of you are doing Tumblr level mental gymnastics to justify shayna being in the right and it's weird and pathetic. No one is rooting for or defending the pornscrote, just pointing out shaynas pattern of scamming everyone she doesn't want to fuck/further exploit at a latter point in time.
No. 1861738
>>1861716im not defending her at all, she is in the wrong and she should either reimburse him or go back out there at her own expense to film his degenerate tickle porn and make up for it.
just call it what it is though, a scam implies she purposely deceived him and benefitted from it when all that happened was her fat ass ate airplane meat and got too sick to be tickled
No. 1861748
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No. 1861791
>>1861704i’m inclined to agree with you
nonnie just because i’m imagining a large black woman flight attendant saying this to be friendly/funny. she in no way looks under 21 i think it’s just a dig at her juvenile fashion sense, it’s possible she brought her disgusting ass stuffed animal with her as usual
No. 1861799
>>1861761Seriously nobody cares some gross idiot got scammed, it's shaynas thread. This girl is so preachy and judged towards other sex workers about everything. Every five mintues she is trying to dictate what other sex workers can say or do. Always talking about how professional she is, yet almost every other new work partner is drama. It can't always be the other person. It's her retarded ways, ignoring red flags and attracting retards because she is retarded. Nobody truly cares about that scrotes coins. It was milk, it was funny and it was another example or watching shayna be retarded and hypocritical.
If another sex worker did what she did she'd be writing a 5 tweet thread about how she should've handled it and then deleting it. I dont get what's what's hard to understand, and yes she should handle things differently. She's in that gross industry where she'd constantly acting like she's so seasoned and knows the ends and outs of it.
She says she's running a buiness selling her assback, so act that way. I hope that scrote gets scammed or whatever by every woman he tries to exploit so they can't exploit themselves.
People flat out saying they do and nonas keep going. "Why do you care if scrotes get scammed?? Are you a whore?"
How many times does it need to be said nobody truly cares about the scrote, just shayna being a hypocrite and having standards she doesn't live up to.
No. 1861822
>>1861738But she did. He was under the impression she was going to either do her job or make it up to him. She did neither. She ripped him off. It's funny to me because she's probably already pissy about having to go back home and fend for herself, and Twitter won't be the hugbox safe space it usually is. But until she pays him off to make it go away no one would be wrong in chalking this up to scammy shay at it again. She didn't get much out of it because she's stupid, but someone who wasn't a scammer would have just paid him for his flight or stayed in town another day or two to shoot later.
>>1861780Did you not forget about the whole sol soyboy drama? And Vivi? She's constantly either punching down or shading some super big sex worker that'd probably never see her show up in their mentions. If someone pulled this with her she'd sick grayhair and his sick gif collection on them. It'd probably be her pinned tweet (with her preferred payment information linked because she needs to be reimbursed)
No. 1861827
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ribmeat looking haggard af. why can't she just run a brush through the poor things hair. she/he (i honestly dont know the cats gender) would love it so much and it would be a nice bonding moment between owner and pet and would probably get some purrs from the cutie. i guess drugs and alcohol are more important to her than her pets though.
No. 1861905
>>1861663Shaytardation can be terminal, unfortunately.
>>1861684Looking haggard af.
No. 1862045
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she's the plastic surgery authority and police now
No. 1862052
>>1862034One of her breasts has tissue while the other never developed so to even them out one needs to be bigger
>>1861982I hope she goes to fatcon for this alone. Can you imagine the breakdown if this dude confronted her? Or if she saw Shane and his wolf pack? I can picture her clamoring out of there trying to wade through all the leather clad degenerates looking like a sore thumb in her ham dress, cheetah bra, and scuffed shein heels
No. 1862088
>>1861241She really just told on herself.
10-20 sales on a vid is pitiful when youve done it this long. Thats so embarrassing I cant believe she admitted that. Whats funnier is knowing Shaynus the Big Fat Liar that number is probably exaggerated too.
Im not a whore nor do I watch porn much but I would think actually successful whores gets dozens if not 100+ sales on vids if they're attractive and making quality vids. Maybe that's overestimating. But I would definitely think ~50
No. 1862093
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>>1861827Ew, gross. And the only two comments on this pic of her
fat, ugly, retarded mutt
(dog sperging) No. 1862106
>>1862093She’s not ugly
nonnie she’s just retarded
No. 1862157
>>1862150KEK and also the
>ribmeat looking haggard af.on this post cracked me the fuck up.
>>1861827 No. 1862171
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>>1862165And she just keeps getting more degenerate, this is her most recent tweet. I think she has surpassed Shaynus atp. All the people she has “drama” with are like this, it’s like they’re in competition with each other to see who can be the most reprehensible
(this is the Shay thread) No. 1862178
>>1862150The dog is cute, it’s just a joke from a few threads ago to call the dog retarted. Obviously a cute dog
No. 1862211
>>1862209Don't tell the Shaytards that, one of them might try to steal her
retarded dog
(dog sperging) No. 1862280
>>1862117Nta but the dog did nothing. This board is full of autists, some of whom hate dogs (check the Dog Hate thread in /ot/ to see what I mean).
She’s just a dumb harmless Labrador who lives a shit life since Shay never exercises her, doesn’t give her proper nutrition, and lets her scare one of the cats who doesn’t get along with dogs iirc. Noodle would be a better dog if she had a better owner but the dog spergs just hate on every dog that they can. Most people itt feel bad for her pets, as they should, because they haven’t done anything wrong and are clearly neglected.
No. 1862314
File: 1689098418626.jpeg (Spoiler Image,298.05 KB, 2048x1270, 4DD583D5-F197-4F22-84FF-D24C4C…)

New tit pic on Twitter. Can anyone more knowledgeable then me explain why the scar goes up towards her nipple like that?
No. 1862364
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>>1862314meant to post this earlier but she did indeed get an anchor scar (and possibly a lolipop nipple scar to that one anon who gets wet and always mentions it)
seeing as she did no research, she didnt know what type of implants she was getting until a few days before and she didnt find out how many CCs she got until like a week later: something tells me Shayna didnt realize they would operate separately on each tit. I bet she thought she would only have the same small scar under the tit like she did with her Poland Syndrome boob. The doctor probably “relieved her fears” like she said by telling her the scars will fade but if you google or look up anchor scars on tiktok, there are tons of women a year later with red/purple scarring still very very visible. if i wasnt a scrote id be leaking with joy over shayna paying to ensure her tits will never look the same. I bet they look even more uneven now but she can’t pretend theyre natural like before. Like bitch botched herself KEK she cried in her car after the appointment because she knew how badly we are gonna ream them!
File: 1689101445336.png (7.68 MB, 1170x2532, 186E4DF9-3474-438D-B74E-2C8662…)

>>1862364heres a picture of a girl who got a breast lift with anchor scarring and this her ONE YEAR LATER! She is going to be a true frankenstein creature
No. 1862372
>>1862304no one thinks she’s a master scammer. she’s just an idiot who flaked out at the last minute, once again, and refuses to pay her dues. she treats everything as excusable on her end but if someone did it to her she would be on a rampage for weeks.
master scammers actually make money and don’t get caught doing it.
No. 1862382
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>>1862373honey… shayna’s current after care for her INCISION is to plop a dollar store bandage over it and hope for the best. we aint got no issue with calling it a scar because its probably already scarring infront our eyes as we speakin sugar. ud think this wud be the time she wud be obsessing and caring most about the aftercare but all she care bout issa shopping 4 junk online and getting drunk. nigga please!!!
File: 1689102697349.jpeg (174.79 KB, 680x678, 42A0ECFB-704C-4D5C-9A34-85D053…)

>>1862372Imagine how Shayna would act if she paid a girl to fly out and then the girl bailed because “her tummy hurt”? I guess we got a preview of how deeply she’d melt down when paid for Shane Sonnier to fly out and fuck her while drugged then he ghosted her. Kek.
No. 1862413
>>1862265i still think it was the black girl she roomed(?) with and did skidmark academy with. seems the type.
>>1862364>if i wasnt a scrote id be leaking with joy over shayna paying to ensure her tits will never look the sameahh so wetchan you are a man?
No. 1862418
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how is it $30 to put a nose ring back in? She had that one deformed in her nose a few days ago. Does she not know how to put her jewelry in and go to a piercer for it?
No. 1862433
>>1862418Who else scored the BINGO for "watch her return home and beg for bill money" kek
>>1862314Why does her skin look rolled together and super glued?
No. 1862461
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new photo of shayna clifford just dropped
No. 1862462
>>1862456she spent 150 a few days ago, probably edibles. 100 mg worth is like 20-30 dollars on average. she probably bought an eighth which is probably about 30 bucks and then 300 mg of edibles to eat before her flight. if mass rec prices are similar to where i am. not justifying it cuz who needs that much to get high but with the amount shayna consumes shes probably one of those people who can eat 100 mg and feel nothing.
>>1862447i was thinking the same thing. but to give credit for her phone bill shes probably leasing/paying off a phone. the internet one has to be bull though or shes getting ripped off by the company. or maybe she keeps paying the smallest amount she can and its adding up.
No. 1862469
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at&t and xfinify have internet packages at 80-110. with modem rental and tax i can see shayna having stupid fast internet for no real reason. probably thinks she needs the fastest possible plan for when she streams off her brick once every 3 months.
No. 1862487
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>>1862484She should get her septum pierced instead.
No. 1862492
File: 1689111595635.jpg (Spoiler Image,125.86 KB, 1078x776, 20230711233446.jpg)

Before atleast her incision looked like it was being held together but in this new pic it looks like its pulling open? There's literally a visible hole. Could she have lost a stitch?
No. 1862552
>>1862418I'm the expense sperg, and Jesus Christ just since the 7th, she's begged for nearly a grand ($807). A hundred fifty for groceries for one grocery run for
one person is fucking crazy.
No. 1862558
>>1862492I’ve had a breast reduction before so I have experience with this, I was a smoker but stopped smoking prior to the surgery following advice of the doctor. The first week after surgery the scars are very pink like this but should not be expanding like this. It’s probably because she’s still smoking and drinking. She should have been given scar cream to put on daily but who knows if she’s doing that. She also runs the risk of the scars becoming keloids which are raised scars.
Basically she’s not taking care of the scars well and she’s going to have shitty results because of this and she’ll be even more unhappy. It also takes about 6 months for the breasts to settle after surgery and will end up looking less perky/bolt on. I really don’t understand what she’s doing with that weird bandaid though.
No. 1862561
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No. 1862562
File: 1689119752214.jpeg (Spoiler Image,310.14 KB, 750x699, 3DCD986A-58D9-4B3D-B2CF-559D12…)

ugly moid ass but how nasty she's barefoot in here
No. 1862579
>>1862561Nearly $100 on a toothbrush + paste she won't use
What a stupid cow
No. 1862587
>>1862567Pretty sure she quotes this price every time she begs for grocery money dunno if any autist nonnies can pull up any of her previous tweets
Not seen her drink pink wine in ages. It's always white claws now
No. 1862614
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>>1862604It sure is
I clicked on his page and cackled
A gofundme to save a fucking porn set, absolutely insane the things people will give money to, hope it gets taken down, this is fucked up to be honest.
No. 1862630
File: 1689122833982.jpg (236.1 KB, 1080x1366, Screenshot_2023-07-12-01-43-57…)

well done idiot
No. 1862643
File: 1689123619311.png (173.74 KB, 906x789, pinkcrap.png)

>>1862630behind on bills due to 254$ for 5 barbie products (though she posted the mini purses a few days ago in
If any other brand released a collection tomorrow, you just know she'd be begging for it or purchase it anyway with afterpay and guilt trip begging for covering actual necessities.
No. 1862734
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>>1862314please shay don't use a cheap nasty bandage, you need to use silicone tape like picrel! You need to at least use this type of stuff to heal properly! you can buy it on amazon you lazy ass.
No. 1862750
>>1862630so cringy and embarrassing. it’s really annoying how she mixes the ~bimbo~ shtick with being beggar level broke. like she’s so stuck on “shopping” as a bimbo personality trait that she’s completely missed the point of it being more about actually having lots of money to spend in a sort of glamorous unattainable way.
when she has to expose herself and beg on twitter after spending $200 and then in the same sentence is all “hehe i’m so bimbo princess” it just doesn’t make sense. instead of mixing two opposing types she should just lean fully into the desperate trailer trash frumpy girl next door thing and she might actually be able to hold onto more customers
(I know she will never change tho and any suggestions of how she should are useless lol)
No. 1862853
>>1862801Shes impatient and wants the FAST lifestyle of someone who has worked for it. She sees the wives and girlfriends of successful men, or just plain successful women who have worked to build a good foundation - she see’s these women having extra mad money to indulge themselves and buy cute frilly drinks from starbucks and random movie merch for the flavour of the week. These women do it cause:
1. They have jobs or a married to someone with a job
2. Health benefits and regular doctors visits
3. Healthy romantic and platonic relationships
4. Healthy bodies and gym memberships
5. Real hobbies and developed interests over years
6. Actual furniture and decoration in their home not from Ikea
7. Driver’s License and their own car
8. Well fitting clothes that are in style
Shayna wants to speedrun life and only experience the good parts. The parts you “earn”. But she’s a lazy grifter who doesn’t know how to earn a real living if she tried.
No. 1862934
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Shay really be clutching on to her pennies