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No. 1882752
Previous Thread
>>>/snow/1873964Shayna Leigh Clifford; 26 year old failing prostitute, porn sick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.
THE SHAYNATORIUM IS NOW OPEN FOR ALL YOUR SHAYTISTIC NEEDS: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blog posting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread.
>>1874073 Thread begins with her raving review on fucking the freak couple, on her own bed of all places
>>1874098>>1874625 Continues to e-beg for every expense that she makes
>>1876706>>1875095 in addition thinks it's a great idea to beg her coomers for (what's most likely) her first full panel STI testing
>>1875622 then makes up a story of said testing, proving that she doesn't frequently test for her shoots
>>1875708 posts a private conversation showing off she got $1200, possibly from Jason Womack
>>1876181 goes out swimming with the "polycule" freaks she recently let into her bedroom
>>1876280 the female of the couple posts she has covid, Shayna ignores this fact
>>1877218 reveals her new crappy business cards with matching pink sickly hand
>>1877804 begs for flight reimbursement 20 days after doing so the first time
>>1867523>>1877896 new pedicure in forever, went out in public with dirty, stained, lint-covered sandals
>>1878060 panicking about Fatcon being 2 days away while she hasn't packed or prepared
>>1878222 gets long hot dog nails again but in a new grotesque pink
>>1878459 gets drunk at the bar alone, swearing on Noodle's life that she told people she does porn, saying she's "too pretty for school" and other retardation
>>1878587 on her (non-first-class) flight, looking as drunk and greasy as ever
>>1878589>>1878739 arrives in St. Pete, immediately starts shooting content
>>1878896 meets up with Kiki Cali, resumes the e-begging
>>1879453 said content looks extremely unattractive
>>1879458>>1879912 her and Kiki Cali trying to larp as kids but instead look like geriatric troons in Shein clothes
>>1880465 visits LeatherByDanny's booth and thinks it's a good idea to spank and smother him with her fat rolls and flat ass
>>1880669 caught at the pool party being the only ones barefoot
>>1880758>>1880873 bitches about not being "used" yet bragged about how she would do a gangbang at the event
>>1881154 says she got the caning of her life, results look absolutely disgusting
>>1881643>>1881653 exposed for being a clingy bitch as she hobbles over to interrupt Kiki in a shitty promo video
>>1881709 sits on Kiki, both barefoot, overwhelming her with her stench (also seen barefoot again at the pool
>>1882021 Kiki Cali regrets her caning session, possibly egged on by Shayna. Due to this she lost other shoots with other degenerates.
>>1882281 Shayna once again caught dancing like an idiot by herself, shaking her negative curves
>>1882371 her bruises attempting to heal, looking like she's smeared in shit
>>1882372>>1882679 returning back to Seattle after a weekend of degeneracy
Links: TikTok: irlbarbiedolly (BANNED)
No. 1882758
File: 1692206327140.jpg (Spoiler Image,539.33 KB, 1080x1403, Screenshot_20230816_131930.jpg)

Warning before opening. This is vomit inducing
No. 1882769
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>>1882758>>1882762She was for sure lurking, see attached for receipts
No. 1882782
File: 1692209000240.jpeg (494.04 KB, 750x989, BED99FB8-41DC-4ED1-BA87-FC7E1E…)

she deleted the first tweet about leaving and posted this one instead begging
No. 1882783
>>1882773I think she got super high on multiple things, plus the AssGate23, so she probably spent the next day, nursing her ass wounds, headaches and extremely sick. Also, I bet if she was still on her parents insurance, she'd for sure ended up at the ER kek. This year was weird.
We saw more of Shayna, but it also seems like she made no true connections, barely worked, barely interacted with anyone. She came to party.
Nonas how many days before we get the
>I hate to ask but Fetcon set me back a lot of money, I'm very very low rn and anything can help, you can buy all 800 of my videos for $100 on- No. 1882784
File: 1692209050493.jpeg (708.25 KB, 750x1256, ABAAE9A9-0266-4749-8CF6-686E22…)

she looks so bad. she must be so embarrassed and poor from fat con
No. 1882796
>>1882759It's honestly less degrading to cut yourself with a razor than it is to spend hundreds of dollars of your own money on flight tickets to get yourself bruised, bleeding, and scarred by some boomer moid.
>>1882773It also seemed like she didn't work with that many people compared to Fatcon '22. Remember the wrestling dude she worked with last year? I wonder why she didn't schedule that again.
She also didn't deliver on the gangbang she swears she totally wants to do KEK. It's so weird to me how she went to a convention full of degenerate moids and didn't go near a penis at all. Shayna has said herself that the b/g videos sell the best compared to the few sales her usual fetish content has.
No. 1882798
>>1882773Yes she kept staying up all night drinking that she ended up sleeping away her last couple days in Florida after the convention ended, as she admitted in this tweet in the last thread
>>>/snow/1882661 and based on what times she finally became active online. Even her degenerate partner in crime Kiki, who was the one she presumably was partying with, could manage to get herself up and at least try to film her commitments before they weren’t into the bruises. This can also lead us to the conclusion that miss “booked and busy” had absolutely nothing booked that she had to wake up for. So much for those double sessions her and Kiki kept advertising. Truly thriving.
No. 1882803
>>1882787I doubt she'll complain about the pain, Shayna barely does. It's apart of her, "I don't need aftercare". I feel like she added the "I guess" because she's a follower. Kiki was complaining because she has actual shit she needs to do (further selling her body) and they actually care if her ass is briused and nasty looking. Shayna usually flaunts these briuses (like she's been doing) and the gross fuckers she works with don't care if she has gross shit on her. They don't need her to be in tip top shape and look sexy. Just lay around, get tied up, let them slap her around etc.
Nonas said that Kiki was a stripper, so I assume her ass being fucked up matters. Maybe she's whining (a little) because she has someone else who is also not happy about the expereince. Even if they both signed up for it.
No. 1882844
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She totally is lurking this thread
No. 1882845
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No. 1882848
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She’s binge drinking
No. 1882849
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She looks so busted
No. 1882861
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>>1882845she lurked the threads so hard
>>1882848why does she insist on letting her scrotes know her exact whereabouts at all times? i know she's suicidal but gyat damn it's scary how she basically invites creepers in with tweets like
>>1882844 then tells them exactly where she is and that she's going to be drunk
>>1882849kek i love when get high quality photo Shayna in the wild
No. 1882862
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> gotta big ol glass o wine
No. 1882874
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>>1882861Sex work /=/ Real Work
No. 1882886
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>>1882860Yeah but when they have so many other options, why would they pick her? There was no shortage of degenerates willing to degrade themselves for bottom of the barrel scrotes at this convention. And I know we like to make fun of the land whales on the scooters and call it fatcon, but not everyone there was as fat, busted looking, and as sloppy as Shayna. You can see it on the featured talent page on the fetishcon website. Almost everyone else has high quality, well lit, professional looking photos and then you have Shayna advertising herself with this
No. 1882897
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>>1882874she reminds me of that jim carrey interview kek. Where he manipulates his face oddly
No. 1882898
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Saged because it’s Kiki, but found an interesting comment in her tweets. She lost her Fetcon pass at won’t point and tells one of her followers that “Did not even drink” that night. It must have been awkward as hell being around drunk ass Shayna all weekend. Kiki seems like a stoner to me and maybe mix in perscription drugs but Shayna is a full blown alcoholic.
No. 1882903
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>>1882844Another Kiki tweet. They both seem like had a shit time. Shayna probably cock blocked Kiki all weekend from getting laid. But it is interesting that Kiki refers to Fetcon as a work trip where as Shayna was clearly there just to party and get trashed and look greasy. Shayna wants to be a star in that specific niche yet can’t even try to look professionally or even sexy.
No. 1882911
>>1882903It's such cope that shayna is whining about not having sex. She could've easily found someone to fuck her, why are anons acting like just because we see shayna as gross/fat/weird that scrotes wouldn't fuck her in a second if they are interested/have a chance. I think fetish con has so many women selling sex that it's possible a lot of scrotes there either have their sex plans set up and/or won't waste their time on average looking drunk women like shayna who won't give them what they want for a price or out of "want". People probably did approach her/Kiki etc. They just fucked off when they realized she wasn't down to fuck. Whining about not having sex at a gross sex con as a hypersexual woman with no excuse is a L.
At best you do make yourself seem undesirable,she should've added a
reason why. It's sorry otherwise. We know she really didn't want sex though
No. 1882917
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>>1882845Pretty funny how Kiki hasn’t liked or retweeted this and she’s definitely active
No. 1882937
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Lol wtf is this shit
No. 1882940
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>>1882937Kekkkk shat should pick up this aesthetic instead of her uwu baby bimbo schtick. makes a lot more sense for her
No. 1882965
>>1882634Pretty obvious that he knew when and didn't give a shit when he saw the literal carnage.
>>1882650>>1882652Did she stretch the pictures, in addition to sucking in as hard as she possibly could?
No. 1882980
File: 1692228988330.png (Spoiler Image,1.31 MB, 750x1334, 2C004E45-8205-480E-96D8-EAD036…)

i'm sorry if this was posted in the last thread i couldn't find it but shayna is so fucking gross and dirty all the time
No. 1882982
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>>1882937This is legitimately a jump scare. She is so busted what the fuck. Crusty skin, dry hair, overall haggard and so blasted she can barely keep her eyes open. Bleak.
No. 1882999
>>1882986being fat can change your facial structure a little (or a lot like the Slaton sisters), facial fat can definitely impact how your features look
>>1882985i'd hate to call an actual woman a troon but i honestly thought that's a man, no?
No. 1883016
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I don’t understand why it’s hard to fathom for some that she’s tall.
No. 1883021
>>1883016I think its because she used to be friends with this extremely tall girl named colleen which made shayna look 5'5" or so. Also she would claim to be 5'4" so you know she was self concious about it.
I think it used to be up for debate even more back in the day. Way more nonas accept her heft and height nowadays. Kek
No. 1883032
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>>1883016Meemaw ahhh legs
No. 1883040
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>>1883035It’s an actual medical issue called Rhinophyma, look it up
No. 1883043
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Sage for non-milk but someone posted Shaynus' nails to a nail shaming group on facebook and the comments are popping off
No. 1883049
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>>1882985It seems that Kiki is only 4’11
No. 1883055
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>>1882845Kiki is liking comments on this but still hasn’t interacted with the actual post
No. 1883070
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>>1883016to be fair she does have a certain short girl who wore cookie monster pajama pants in school energy. idk why i picture the quintessential cookie monster pajama pants girls being short, but i do. she'll say she's "fun-sized". it just seems right. her slightly above average height throws people a bit
No. 1883224
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Kiki unfollowed her but Shayna doesn’t seem to have noticed it yet. Kiki also still hasn’t liked the post that Shayna made
>>1882845 here. I predict a meltdown incoming.
No. 1883230
>>1883228Truly amazing how this always happens to her, yet she will never be self aware enough to realize she needs to change something about her. It's always going to be about playing
victim and how everyone is evil and using her
No. 1883234
>>1883224What i think happened
>They had a conversation in privite>Shayna will either Sub her and/or Kiki will make a call out post.Regardless what happens, if they really did unfollow eachother, I'm positive this situation is going to be made public. I can't wait. Hopefully she comes here.
No. 1883257
>>1883251I think that shayna might've pressured her to do more, or even into doing the caning, when she did't want too.
OR maybe Kiki is mad at the Skidmark people secretly and Shayna doesn't agree with it, and probably told her that
>You shouldn't blame them because you don't know your limits.I could imagine Shayna even telling her NOT to get mad at them, even if she doesn't plan to act on it. Regardless something happened.
No. 1883258
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it still says they are following each other
No. 1883259
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>>1883253kek, sophia ditched shayna this year and actually got work booked and made connections, look at all the degenerate she tagged. And Shayna is over there bloated as fucked, bruised, and one "best friend" short. Reposted cause I'm a retard and my profile pic was showing.
No. 1883268
>>1883237Everything Shayna does to other people is bitchy. She has no respect for anyone. Shay is also very stupid. I bet she didn't even think posting a pic of Kiki's caned ass could be offensive.
>>1883204Too bad she can't go to ER this time. Her bleeding bruised ass needs urgent treatment. She is going to need antibiotics too.
No. 1883269
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>>1883263maybe my app needs an update or something idk. i agree it does seem like they unfollowed. that post shayna tagged her in kiki def saw bc she was liking comments on it just not her post. something definitely happenend.
No. 1883273
>>1883259It's crazy how these women doing the same shit shayna does, present themselves vs. Shayna. I'm starting to feel like the reason shayna doesn't do any pro work for normal shit, is because she doesn't get much offers nowadays. I think even when someone is interested they realize that she has so much shit she doesn't do, that it's not even worth it. It's crazy how she doesn't even book like solo pro content anymore.
It's all fetish shit, with the same people. She's not in demand and I feel she made a fool of herself, probably bitched at Kiki. I feel like the fallout happened AFTER the fatcon.
I don't think kiki could drop shayna because the rumors or anything. It's only a matter of time before one of them says something.
No. 1883279
File: 1692292609630.png (471.12 KB, 1504x532, unfollow.png)

the site is glitching or they really unfollowed each other
No. 1883280
>>1883228Shayna's not a girls girl at all, it makes sense no woman, no matter how self loathing, degenerate and pickmesish she is can stand her for long periods of time. KiKi probably realized that all the stuff Shayna says about being a hard worker who's unfairly bullied was complete bullshit, and that shay lives the life she absolutely deserves. Probably fed her a sob story about how all the other sex work girls (including Sophia) were always being mean and hanging up on her. Kiki looks like the type of hot Cheetos girl that'd stick up for an autist, so she ate that shit right up until she realized that Shayna is actually a lazy embarrassing sack of shit who's friendless for
valid reasons.
No. 1883285
File: 1692293210262.jpeg (580.89 KB, 750x1122, E79095EE-2EE5-49DC-A3A3-438A51…)

it shows pixie and kiki following sophia but big shaynus is not.
No. 1883287
>>1883280Shayna uses women more then men, kek. She exchanges a service with these scrotes. You know how retarded women have been "Meme'd" into thinking having sex with scrotes or spending time with a scrote is "Manipulating" them for money. No they get what they want, you get what you want.
Shayna offers these women she attaches themselves to nothing or very little. She expects them to be her bestie, her mother, her caregiver, a friend, a fake lover,but also help her when she needs it, defend her during twitter wars, and never expect shit in return.
Meanwhile, she claims she feels like she'd die for a scrote after like a week. She uses women, she does not view friendships with women as anything but a way to help her out.
she uses men but also gives them sex so it's even. What do these women get from being around shayna? Not a friend.
No. 1883291
>>1883285Oh to be fly on the wall of the group chat you know those three formed.
>>1883287Shayna "befriends" women that 9/10 are social outcasts, so she thinks her companionship is the compensation. Only, she's a terrible friend.
No. 1883299
>>1883259You just know Kiki completely regrets choosing Shayna over Sophia now that the con is over. She could've been busy doing solo shoots and collab content to sell. Instead, she ended up going home ashamed and with car crash
victim-tier ass bruises that put her out of work.
Would love to see what they're DMing each other about Shayna right now kek
No. 1883315
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>>1883249Shay still is, post caps and don’t use those follower checkers because those don’t work
No. 1883330
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Just posted
No. 1883331
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>>1883279I think Twitter is glitching because Shayna has been following her the entire time for me. Kiki is now following her again, I just capped picrel. BUT I went through Kiki’s likes and she still hasn’t liked this tweet
>>1882845 kek.
No. 1883348
>>1883330Damn. I'm starting to believe Kiki is actually a sweet person. Wouldn't expect such a selfless act from a whore. Shayna would never do this for any woman. Not even Ellen. I hope Kiki doesn't have to pay for Shayna's uber just to get rid of her.
Kiki, if you're reading this, Shayna will never return the favor. Shayna has no shame. She made a trailer park woman (Vivi) use her food stamps to buy her snacks, bailed out, and forced Vivi's father drive her to the airport.
No. 1883358
>>1883330Wow Kiki cannot get rid of her can she?
Also how many times has Shayna gotten sick while flying? She literally cannot function in the world
No. 1883379
>>1883330Sooo she tweeted about "missing her already" but she was still with her???
Or away from her for 5 mins?
Is it a bit
sus that her layover was in Denver where Kiki happens to live or is that pretty standard for Florida to Washington?
No. 1883386
>>1883376Ayrt, I do believe she was sick at the airport or could have been like you described. I meant she probably doesn’t have liver disease and shit like
>>1883360 said. She could though, I suppose, she’s been like this for a few years straight now.
Also, apologies for the typos in my original post, iPhone keyboard is straight mutilated Shayna ass
No. 1883411
>>1883400And on top of that you're having to take care of the big bitch interrupted at least one of your "work" collabs. I'd be pissed at that alone. Kiki probably wanted to go home and forget about all the shit that happened, and maybe actually do some "work", instead she's got to coddle some grown woman baby that won't shower and keeps complaining about her haters on
>>1883374Yeah, you're probably right. It's just that shayna's been in and out of hospitals more often than sick old people are. Damn near everytime she leaves her depression hovel, she's either going to the ER or complaining about how sick she is. And now I can't tell if it's her attention whore ways, or if her body really is calling it quits on her, considering she abuses it in every way possible and has been since she turned 18.
No. 1883422
File: 1692305453080.jpg (75.97 KB, 639x327, 17461873918_19fe74347e_z.jpg)

>>1883379>>1883414 Got curious and looked up a map. I think it's possible, but idk it looks like a lot of flights don't go through Denver.
>>1883414Yeah, that makes sense since I'm pretty sure Cali and Colorado are right next to each other, but looking up flight maps it seems like they usually go thru Cali because it seems like it'd be shorter. I think Shayna cheaped out and it worked in her favor, because she can freeload at Kiki's and go home when she's good and ready/uses up all of Kiki's good will. (Btw not to praise this degen but she's got the patience of a saint, I definitely would have told her to go puke on the plane at this point)
No. 1883431
File: 1692306054166.jpeg (597.46 KB, 1115x1041, IMG_7843.jpeg)

>>1883422>>1883379I’m pretty sure she was flying Alaska airlines on the way there, so you would expect her to be flying Alaska on the way back… I’m not seeing any flights that go through Denver
No. 1883440
>>1883337kek kiki was talking about how happy she was to be going home and how she was gonna get laid
>>1882903 but big shaynus came and cockblocked her again
No. 1883450
>>1883376>>1883400I wonder if Kiki got Shayna hooked on something at Fetcon, I mean, Shayna looked different level sped out in that dancing video, and her eyes were sooo glazed all weekend. She looks blasted in every photo. And Shayna went to Kikis to try to get another hit from Kiki or to buy some from Kiki's connect OR to just straight up steal some from kiki. I legit feel bad for Kiki, she didn't have any time to prepare her apartment or clean it. Shayna spends days and hours preparing before people visit her for the first time but she just bust on into Kiki's place and would have been upset with kiki if she didnt. I wonder if Shayna's intense bruising is contributing to her sickness? Or even funnier, Shayna got drunk at the airport and tried to show off her disgusting black ass to people and got kicked off the flight or missed it cause they pulled her for questioning thinking she was a
victim of human trafficking or something.
No. 1883464
>>1883456Yeah, but she drinks on the flights too? If she's that deep in her alcoholism, how's her liver not already fucked enough to be an actual issue? Plus, I'm pretty sure she also abuses Adderall on a semi regular basis, on top of her weed issues, shitty eating habits, horrible anal sex and BDSM practices, aversion to bathing and working out, and her Poland's syndrome and aversion to properly caring for her breasts.
Meh, maybe I'm just bored waiting on the milk to spill and for Shayna to have her post fatcon crash and fallout with the sex worker/coomer she managed to get her claws on.
No. 1883471
File: 1692309618924.png (524.17 KB, 598x627, die scrote die.png)

I hate this fucking fuck(derailing, off topic)
No. 1883505
>>1883450 doubt it, that only worsens the problem. Maybe she gave her an Adderall the night they were up past 6am talking, everything seemed to go downhill from there.
At what stage of healing are her breasts in right now? What would a compliant patient be doing this many days out from surgery, can any enhanced nonitas weigh in?
No. 1883513
>>1883500she claims to have chs which is different. its caused by smoking weed/dabs and has two phases the prodomal phase and the hypermesis phase. i think she does have it as she was diagnosed in a hospital close to ten years ago now. also would explain why she smokes herself into having to be hospitalized so often. check out r/CHSinfo its full of stories like hers. people end up so dehyrated they need to he hospitalized. her alcohol bingeing probably does effect it too because it has cannibinoids in it and is considered one of the
trigger foods for the disorder. she needs to quit smoking, there's been people who actually die from chs.
No. 1883544
>>1883330Jesus Christ, being hungover doesn't mean you're automatically sick. Wouldn't saying that she's hungover from expensive wine make her come off more high class bimbo?
>>1883464There's absolutely no way she's on adderall, she'd have had another breakdown about her life by now. She's too broke to head to the doctor and too stupid to follow up on the referral, not to mention the red tape hoops you have to jump through.
No. 1883549
File: 1692320605558.jpg (136.59 KB, 1465x498, Retweet.jpg)

>>1883493And retweeted it. Full message
>>1883330>>1883471What’s interesting about this is he didn’t ask Kiki for a round two, unless she isn’t going to the Lone Star Party?
No. 1883560
File: 1692322220314.jpeg (24.48 KB, 150x275, IMG_7857.jpeg)

>>1883526Shayna calls it “cyclic vomit syndrome” these days, probably so people don’t tell her to stop smoking. (This is from last year)
No. 1883570
File: 1692323462455.jpeg (700.62 KB, 1080x4556, Carmen Shaydiego.JPEG)

>>1883431I think she flew this United flight to Denver since there weren’t any from Tampa to Denver on Alaska, and then I think she was going to take a shitty Alaska flight to Seattle (specifically AS 620 based on times from her deleted tweets). She’s broke and booked her flights last minute, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the best she could do. But there were also direct flights from Tampa to Seattle in the morning and at night, so either she was too broke to afford those or she deliberately chose to go through Denver. Sorry for the autism and frankenstitched photo, I’m on mobile
No. 1883574
>>1883560Bless you
nonny for the free spoonfeed.
Regardless its important to take everything shay says with a grain of salt. She is always lying.
No. 1883600
File: 1692327601869.jpg (4.37 MB, 4096x2302, InCollage_20230817_230137724.j…)

How does she manage to look worse than the creature beside her
No. 1883601
File: 1692327700139.jpg (584.81 KB, 1080x1581, Screenshot_20230817_230357.jpg)

No. 1883602
File: 1692327860851.jpeg (172.71 KB, 490x458, IMG_1917.jpeg)

>>1883600Jfc if I looked like this I’d fucking kill myself. Why are her turd eyes so tiny? She looks like that ancient Woll Smoth meme
No. 1883607
>>1883471>>1883591I'd bet it was the same mod that banned this
>>1883277 poster. Jannie r u ok? R u ok Jannie??
(take it to /meta/) No. 1883632
File: 1692331223377.jpeg (1.41 MB, 828x1394, IMG_3883.jpeg)

>>1883600The second pic is reminding me of this gem
No. 1883787
File: 1692362298673.jpeg (544.34 KB, 828x1430, IMG_1920.jpeg)

Place your bets on how long this will last, nonitas
No. 1883796
>>1883790No, she's saying it in the meaning of "send her back again to my place when both of us are well"
Or maybe she's trying to do some subliminal messaging kek
No. 1883818
File: 1692365773558.jpeg (278.78 KB, 828x1088, IMG_1921.jpeg)

Christ alive what a bleak existence, two obvious cluster b personality disorders plus unmitigated degeneracy, there’s only one way for this to end
No. 1883840
>>1883818begging for a $98 flight feels so sad to me, shay probably spent that much solely on expensive airport booze while flying home
if either of them were more popular they could just split the cost of the flight since they'd be able to make the money back with whatever content they sell afterwards. unfortunately for them, no one is interested in their crusty baby bimbo porn so e-begging it is kek
No. 1883846
>>1883844They just left fatcon and both took a loss, be kind nonna. You can't expect money to be made on a business trip when big shaynus is afoot! I wouldn't be surprised if Kiki is begging on shayna's behalf, because she doesn't even have enough money to fly back to Seattle on her own. They're trying to make it seem like the e-begging is for her to come back to Colorado sometime soon, instead of what it's actually for.. to get Shayna the fuck back home.
>>1883787Good Lord, does Kiki have Endo? Doesn't that flair up when people get stressed out? Kek, this trip must have been a complete bust for her. All she really got out of it was a mangled ass, a freeloading retard, and an Endo flair up.
No. 1883851
File: 1692372373689.jpg (47.53 KB, 490x365, ytkb57_024.jpg)

>>1883818kekkk such successful sex workers searching for the absolute cheapest flight possible and still begging for it. they must not have faith that their coomers will fork out enough for first class on united again
No. 1883853
File: 1692372547839.jpeg (296.63 KB, 750x698, 854932C7-E5C9-45D7-9B1F-9485DE…)

she's so trashy
No. 1883896
File: 1692378853602.jpg (Spoiler Image,369.97 KB, 1696x2047, 20230818_131425.jpg)

No. 1883901
File: 1692379553792.png (351.8 KB, 458x371, shaynas ass.png)

>>1883896the state of it…
No. 1883909
>>1883787Wow so Kiki has endometriosis and Shayna really made her take care of her for being a careless drunk/addict when Kiki’s in pain. How is she not embarrassed by herself? She truly has no shame. She should be offering to fly Kiki out to her in thanks instead. It’s the least she can do.
>>1883818Kiki’s either delusional or in for a rude awakening if she thinks Shayna is going to want to do any work when she’s there instead of just wanting to hang out and get high the whole time. Just ask Vivi
No. 1883910
File: 1692380729071.jpeg (169.64 KB, 750x978, 1B07C1A5-3E14-41AF-985C-1697AF…)

No. 1883935
File: 1692382695025.jpeg (324 KB, 750x647, 121CA430-18CD-4DE7-98E4-9A39FB…)

the shoot where they got beat is costing her so much money what a stupid idiot. also nasty calling her and kiki dumbass babies.
No. 1883965
>>1883909Kiki is a retard and I know it's always said but, I have a feeling their blow up is going to be huge. Kiki isn't going to slink away. The fact she's 30 years old and doing this baby larp is fucking weird. I'd feel horrible at myself being 30 years old and pretending to be a overgrown baby, who can't tell a scrote that I let spank me to not spank me so hard.
>>1883915Why do you believe she lost 15 pounds actually? She looked fucking huge at fat con, her belly hasn't gotten smaller, she doesn't look like she lost any weight tbh. Looks like she gained.
No. 1883976
File: 1692386283315.jpg (Spoiler Image,647.46 KB, 1080x1375, Screenshot_20230818_151850.jpg)

No. 1883978
>>1883976Reposted, forgot to sage.
Why does she insist on showing off the tit scars.
No. 1884015
>>1883983Colorado 2 Electric Boogaloo
(That's where dog fucker dawn lives)
No. 1884064
File: 1692399463056.jpeg (Spoiler Image,23.18 KB, 417x401, 1692194468419~2.jpeg)

Pic from previous thread but girl is sporting a shield shaped nipple now
No. 1884067
File: 1692399786277.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.56 KB, 918x714, 20230819_000359.jpg)

>>1884064Think this moid tried to pull it off
No. 1884069
>>1884067why would this retard let them do that after surgery? She told Mickey Mouse not to punch her breast before surgery, now she's letting some retard do this to her breasts? I know chances are nothing may happen but lord.
Even risking it, for a video thats probably not going to sell kek.
She's going to be like, "i'm sorry to say this, but because my briuses and losing work while at fetcon, I'm really short on money right now" tweet anyway.
Her and Kiki are retards who put their well being on the line to make content. You can tell they think they are like firefighters or some shit.
No. 1884107
File: 1692405085245.jpeg (Spoiler Image,241 KB, 946x2048, F317izPbYAAcYfJ.jpeg)

>"here’s a new screensaver 2 close out ur summer"
No. 1884111
>>1884067Was this really after her surgery? Oh my god..
>>1884107So I was originally imagining that the photos she took on the ground were at the airbnb's pool. But nope this is a beige tiling and the photos had gray.
No. 1884137
File: 1692408762141.jpeg (894.04 KB, 1170x1433, IMG_4627.jpeg)

No. 1884139
File: 1692408801609.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1170x1818, IMG_4625.jpeg)

No. 1884140
File: 1692408860066.jpeg (314.81 KB, 1170x954, IMG_4626.jpeg)

No. 1884151
File: 1692410338719.jpeg (772.59 KB, 1170x1503, IMG_4628.jpeg)

I can’t wait to see what kind of fall out happens with these two down the line
No. 1884163
File: 1692411891683.jpeg (411.74 KB, 1170x945, IMG_4629.jpeg)

>>1883935Regarding the post about not being able to post on OF with her bruises
No. 1884183
>>1884151Why the fuck is she paying for Shaymu’s trip? I predict Shayna stealing all of Kiki’s adderall.
>>1884163Sugaring means less milk anons, this is not good.
No. 1884185
File: 1692415257367.jpg (209.91 KB, 1170x790, scallopedtongue.jpg)

The jokes write themselves
No. 1884207
>>1884151I can’t believe this 30 year old woman is buying Shay’s plane ticket. Pathetic. Shay leeches on everyone who gets close enough.
I bet shay read this
>>1883830 and text Kiki whining that the frontier flight wouldn’t let her bring her shit covered dildos
No. 1884316
>>1884069>>1884080>>1884111>>1884133He isn't pulling her sewed on franken nipple in this pic
>>1884067. Her new fake tit with the underboob scar is on the right side in the pic smashed up against the bed, and he's roughly grabbing her poland syndrome tit where the nipple is still intact. I mean, it's still fucking stupid to being doing bondage and bdsm play in some dirty hotel a couple months after surgery though, dont get me wrong, here's a link to the another photo from the set where she let him tie rope under her tits right where her healing incisions are
>>>/snow/1879456 >>1884163She is truly braindead and insufferable. The reason camming or other forms "safer" forms of sex work aren't "Reliable" is because -YOU- are not reliable Shayna. There is absolutely no reason she couldn't have cammed leading up to the con, possibly AT the con, and then when she got home. She is just lazy as fuck and too drunk/on drugs all the time to be reliable enough to make an income. Streaming is bigger than ever. She could have pulled a fousey tube and just walked around the con with one of her sex sites streaming her on her phone. I'm mean maybe cause they're all ashamed of their lifestyle it isn't allowed, but you get what i'm saying, you can fucking cam anywhere. She is the reason her income isn't reliable. Also fucking kek at maybe get a real job is you want a reliable source income ya dumb cunt.
>>1884183>Sugaring means less milk anons, this is not good.This isn't necessary true. It's not as milky at the moment because she's still ashamed of sugaring because everyone sees it as straight up prostitution whereas when they just show their assholes online for free they can try to justify as "im a camgirl" or some shit. If Shayna goes full retard into sugaring it won't take long for her to adjust her echo box into other prostitutes who make her feel better about her life choices and she starts revealing more and more about what happens on these dates. Plus, she'll need more drugs and alcohol to deal with men which will cause her to spiral even more which will lead to more milk. This is just the next step her natural progression. Didn't think it'd happen until her 30s but I guess her getting fat sped things up.
No. 1884330
>>1884151Maybe they are hooking together as a double trouble thing. Kiki strips too right? We might get a stripper Shayna saga yet.
>>1884180She's been a straight up prostitute for at least a year though, she just doesn't talk about it much because that'd ruin her "successful camgirls" illusion.
>>1884325Kek, you think Kiki is using Shayna as her DUFF and poaching her coomers? It's feasible tbh. I can't wait for their fall out.
No. 1884339
File: 1692451637151.jpeg (Spoiler Image,399.1 KB, 1368x2048, IMG_4631.jpeg)

No. 1884340
File: 1692451763904.jpeg (Spoiler Image,315.01 KB, 1368x2048, IMG_4632.jpeg)

No. 1884367
>>1883040This comes up in every thread. It's a old wives' tale that rhinophyma can be caused by alcohol. It's an advanced stage of rosacea, alcohol can
trigger a flare up of rosacea but it doesn't cause the disease. She also clearly does not have advanced rosacea or rhinophyma, it's a very visible skin disease and she would be constantly complaining and begging about it since it would be guaranteed to interfere with her work.
No. 1884369
File: 1692456280059.png (8.81 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8296.png)

>>1884139Such a smol widdle baby bimbo princess!!
No. 1884381
>>1884379powder you*
samefag, but shayna just needs a regular porn twitter where she NEVER posts diaper/baby/pedo/animal play shit. I bet she’d get a lot more followers just posting vanilla pics of her bits. She scares people off showing human trafficking-tier abuse photos and pretending to be a raped baby.
No. 1884420
File: 1692462452673.jpeg (Spoiler Image,966 KB, 1170x1856, IMG_4634.jpeg)

New clip up
No. 1884425
File: 1692463318749.jpeg (791.59 KB, 1170x1472, 82243AE1-786E-4CBD-B779-3465A2…)

Fucking disgusting
No. 1884498
>>1883016Damn Shayna is a big bitch tall and wide
Nothing uwu baby about her kek
No. 1884500
File: 1692476681376.jpeg (313.75 KB, 1221x651, 0C94EFDB-AB02-4805-8FDE-5A1A09…)

>>1884107Mike Slack the pedophile made it his screen saver
No. 1884501
File: 1692476864586.jpeg (219.4 KB, 1800x1200, 306450E1-0F4B-4023-9A31-2E92F5…)

>>1884369Two ugly haggards cosplaying as underaged girls gross
No. 1884541
File: 1692483751569.jpeg (800.89 KB, 1170x1260, IMG_4661.jpeg)

Fully admitting to prostitution
No. 1884542
File: 1692483788991.jpeg (979.48 KB, 1170x1740, IMG_4662.jpeg)

No. 1884544
File: 1692483899178.png (258.2 KB, 402x372, Screen Shot 2023-08-19 at 6.27…)

OOF. so, what, is prostitution legal in WA now?
No. 1884548
>>1884544What shayna thinks people see when they see her and her "sugar dad"
>wow look at this hot goth bombo Barbie baby? She has to be like half his age? Maybe 18 or younger…wow I bet he's spending millions on herWhat people really think
>look at this 30-40 year old man and his 35 year old girlfriend having a night on the town! Damn she's taller then him! No. 1884573
>>1884564Like it'd be one thing if shayna was out here making cash, it'd still be disgusting and demeaning but we'd see results.
No. She was getting fingerbanged in exchange for fucking uggs.Just this year she's had sex with like 3 or more scrotes and only ONE of them was somebody she wanted to sleep with. Years worth of videos degrading yourself isn't enough to pay the bills. So you have to sleep with random dudes. Multiple people know where you live now.
You literally flew out for a con and what connections or buiness moves did she make? The fact she instantly has to share her bruised covered away as soon as she gets home is telling.
Also, think of the type of scrote willing to flaunt shayna and fuck a girl with big ass bruises on her ass? You know he not paying much. I wonder if she thinks at night this is what my life is. If she can't succeed in online sex work, it legit seems like shayna is willing to become a prostitute. That's fucking bleak. Her lifestyle won't get better,she will only only more quicker and every month she'd be announcing she's short on rent. It's just pointless.
No. 1884631
File: 1692488626703.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1170x1618, IMG_4669.jpeg)

Can’t wait for this milk
No. 1884632
File: 1692488682366.jpeg (765.8 KB, 1170x1284, IMG_4670.jpeg)

No. 1884662
>>1884632I bet people look at her like she's disgusting or thinks she's a
victim of domestic abuse. Meanwhile she thinks they see a bruised Barbie bimbo or some retarded porn brain shit
No. 1884706
File: 1692493194161.jpg (55.24 KB, 351x284, Janice_Soprano.jpg)

>>1884544Giving Janice Soprano vibes
No. 1884738
>>1884107How on earth she hasn't been hit with an indecent exposure charge yet is beyond me.
>>1884140>>1884185Lurking again!
>>1884541Why is she getting it repierced? If it was her septum I'd get it because that shit closes really quickly but a nostril piercing doesn't close that quickly… if anynon wants to correct me on that.
No. 1884794
File: 1692499503703.webm (5.76 MB, 720x1280, 948850.webm)
Trying to flex in some scrote's car
No. 1884796
>>1884794Wow, so cool, white trash in Washington state riding around on the air polluted freeway.
Is the moid seriously blasting Sweet Child o' Mine? Not subtle is he?
No. 1884817
File: 1692500968170.jpg (194.96 KB, 866x1300, 66288948-beautiful-decorative-…)

>>1884794Boomer dad taking the family's 29 year old obese inbred shihtzu for one last joyride before they have to put it down tomorrow
No. 1884818
File: 1692501161543.jpeg (146.04 KB, 1273x268, IMG_0568.jpeg)

>>1884799Sadly she already planned on fucking him
No. 1884829
File: 1692502301299.png (549.14 KB, 504x940, Screen Shot 2023-08-20 at 1.34…)

She looks like a witch
No. 1884883
File: 1692508170802.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1170x1973, DE6E278E-5E45-46FB-B5D4-86E062…)

No. 1884897
"he took me on a cheap sugar date, fucked me (possibly in the car kek) and i'm happy with that and chump change, now i'm going to spend it on overpriced cheap shit and then whine as the 1st approches about being short on rent money"
No. 1884937
>>1884829Jfc her teeth are repulsive ewww
Can’t she invest in veneers or invisalign or anything, she’s ugly enough with her mouth closed but flaunting these disgusting yellow crooked teeth makes her absolutely hideous
No. 1884939
>>1884937I’m the nona with the phobia of bad teeth and hers
trigger me really badly. The bottom ones are fucking nasty too, she’s got a mouth full of decrepit tombstones
No. 1885011
File: 1692533097276.jpeg (364.79 KB, 1170x972, IMG_4675.jpeg)

Shay you literally do this all the time
No. 1885038
File: 1692535975398.jpeg (40.67 KB, 750x240, 1F152894-F946-4AB5-B6A0-870FE4…)

she deleted this
No. 1885050
>>1884883>>1885030Blame kiki. She is the one normalizing being an actual prostitute to Shayna. She was the one who roped Shayna into advertising “double dates” with anyone with cash willing to show up in florida. i mean, she gave shayna business card to give out to advertise you could fuck her for $$. Kiki’s tweet about wanting dick when she got home
>>1882903 was clearly just an ad to her johns that she’s available again for paid sex. Misery loves company, and whores loves when they can bring fresh meat into the fold so they can feel slightly less shitty about their life choices.
No. 1885055
I take a lot of pride as a woman to be able to support myself financially. That I was able to build a career that lets me afford an apartment of my own, clothes on back, a working car, food in my fridge and the ability to care for a cat. How can Shayna take any pride in her possessions and lifestyle when the money is so unstable and she has to let men violate her to achieve her “success”? She has to let men bruise her to the point she cannot post her body on certain social platforms because it is so horrendous. How can she feel secure when it’s like at anytime the cookie can crumble and everything she “built” could just collapse. Worst case, I could apply the skills I’ve built in my career and find a new job for similar pay. If Shayna fails at sex work, what happens to her then? What happens to her pets, her apartment, to HER? And yeah, I guess she just goes back to her parents But fuck, that makes me understand how so many whores who don’t have such an easy out hate her. Shayna does all this crazy shit because she knows her dad and mom will always bail her out. She always has a place to rock bottom out in. To some whores, all they have is the streets. I hate her so much.(not your personal blog)
No. 1885063
File: 1692538977615.png (1.67 MB, 750x1334, B6BD0690-9D6F-4DB5-9418-A10B79…)

it looks like a wrinkly old man leg ewww
No. 1885105
>>1885082I agree
nonnie. Most of the dumb shit she does is self harm. The bdsm, the whoring, the binge drinking. I’m so glad she stopped punching her own face all the time because that was hard to watch- straight up mental asylum levels of self harm. The come down after fucking a john is probably so bleak.
No. 1885210
>>1885046Also i know the bar is practically non existent, but we've seen her b/g content and she looks like an absolute terrible lay. Awkward and uncomfortable and just lays there. She's not good at pretending to be sexy. Her bjs are awful. If a scrote isnt into her weird crying, csa rape larp shit, then she doesn't know what to do.
I mean this bitch couldn't even get laid for content or "pleasure" at a degenerate sex convention. The way she talks about this prostitution date it almost sounds like she did it for free or just for some sushi like jfc.
No. 1885219
File: 1692560371746.jpeg (1.47 MB, 3465x3465, 287AB651-9C74-4B14-976B-7694CB…)

>>1884369She’s gotten so huge kek before and after pics always make me laugh. Her arm looks like a leg
No. 1885241
File: 1692561734693.png (Spoiler Image,326.24 KB, 684x576, shvg.png)

>>1885231Die newfag. She wrecked her own vag with her disgustingly low levels of personal hygiene during the pussy boil saga and when she worked with Insex. They used a pussy pump on her to
abusive levels and she then refused aftercare. The difference before an after the Insex incident can clearly be seen if you bother to read her early threads.
(nitpicking) No. 1885247
File: 1692562388640.jpeg (576.49 KB, 1170x1471, IMG_4695.jpeg)

No. 1885276
>>1885273He didn't even play into it kek the way she responds let's you know she's not used to scrotes doing anything beyond pumping and dumping. She is working overtime to make her selling herself seem glamorous and worth it. Nobody os impressed by a ride in a car,leggings and a hotel. Tell us how much you are being paid?
On othersides of the internet girls are getting their bill paid, ugly Birkins, channels or trips. All of it is gross but why is she bragging about this?
No. 1885297
>>1885278Leggings fetish wouldn’t be far off.
>>1885274I always feel like there’s three types of scrotes that are sugar daddies. 1) old creeps with weird fetishes and low standards. Either has money or lives outside his means. 2) dudes with nice jobs and money that should be going to their families and 3) dumb scrotes with little money but wanna look like they have money. Shayna will get 1 (with living outside his means) and 3 with ease. This is all that I have observed from girls who do sugar and talk about it. I bet maybe car daddy works at a repair shop or dealer ship and takes them for joy rides when he can get away with it.
>>1885247 she’s so painfully unsexy and cringe. In movement and with words. Christ.
No. 1885302
File: 1692567343927.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 828x1792, IMG_7870.png)

No. 1885307
>>1885293It was daddy-o, shayna wrote daddyo not daddy yo. So technically she was closer than you.
Sometimes anons proudly display how wrong they are to nitpick the smallest shit
No. 1885318
>>1885302> Caption written on Instagram stories “Nude Magazine/ France” >Omg I was featured in a French magazine!!!! She’s so retarded
Did she go to the met gala too?
No. 1885320
File: 1692569003873.jpeg (736.9 KB, 1242x1189, C8D6FD49-C707-4F3E-9A7B-D2712C…)

>Created by Picsart
Kek this isn’t a actual magazine it was probably made by some other photographer in France and now Shayna thinks she’s hot shit
No. 1885328
>>1885247The two message convos are from two scrotes Green text bubble = android. Blue message= iPhone. Android scrote is the one with the corvette. The most likely scenario is he rented it/ or doesn’t own it because of the way he says he has it for today, as anon says here
>>1885257After Shayna got her passport pictures taken she got in the convertible. Like
>>1885308 says. iPhone scrote seems to have more money
>>1885274because he’s taking her to Lululemon even if it’s just for the cheapest biggest leggings they have and getting a motel. Instead of just driving around listening to old man music for ten minutes and going to her crusty apartment to have mediocre sex
No. 1885341
File: 1692570148262.png (1003.44 KB, 1431x902, Capture.PNG)

To be submitted into a magazine all you need is to submit. There are entire sites created for it (Kavyar for example) so it is not that hard to get published.
No. 1885348
File: 1692570621931.jpg (119.42 KB, 1169x1046, donny mattel .jpg)

>Donny Mattel
Fucking kek
No. 1885362
File: 1692572494845.jpeg (371.23 KB, 1554x2048, F4AUw-rbIAAhsRj.jpeg)

New from twitter.
No. 1885364
File: 1692572532826.jpeg (Spoiler Image,323.66 KB, 1367x2048, F4AUw-qbcAAsRND.jpeg)

No. 1885371
File: 1692573465745.jpeg (258.18 KB, 1058x1092, E33E8872-FDDA-494D-A7D2-E9D634…)

>>1885367it’s not an actual magazine that’s sold in stores. It looks like one person made it. It’s not that hard to put text over a picture kek and make a book out of it. 4k followers isn’t a lot. Knowing Shayna she’ll probably think she’s in a Vogue magazine because she’s so full of shit
No. 1885375
File: 1692573550864.jpeg (912.13 KB, 1242x1479, 4F1985B2-E115-4AC6-B76C-773C6F…)

Her makeup looks like shit. Bitch needs to wash her face instead of layering on foundation everyday
No. 1885378
File: 1692573707586.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1182x1756, D88BA564-3205-4286-B49A-F8ED9A…)

Not the trashy Walmart outfit. Kek I thought she was such a uwu ~Girly Barbie~. all she wears is the crusty ass sweatshirt that says bimbo, and sweatpants. Now she got on the $10 nickelodeon hoodie.
No. 1885391
>>1885375$200 cash
lol looks like she already spent her splenda daddy earnings
No. 1885396
File: 1692574876480.webm (9.59 MB, 720x1280, Sweet Shay of Ours.webm)
From her Instagram.
No. 1885409
>>1884794I just noticed but she's starting to get traction alopecia from scraping her hair back in the retarded yorkie hairstyles.
>>1884883That fucking retard is going to lose a leg if she keeps putting her shit up on the dash.
No. 1885415
File: 1692577653519.jpg (81.18 KB, 1011x523, Screenshot_20230820-202925_One…)

Dirty deleted this
No. 1885419
>>1885247>One drove me around in a rental and now the next one is going to get me cheap leggings then take me to a hotel to fuck!You're prostituting when your parents are still offering free college and everything else that comes with just fucking going home to them, but sure shay! This is truly being spoiled!
>>1885415She's really trying to nlog survival sex workers. It's almost as if most full service sex workers don't have rich parents to fall back on whenever they want. I wonder how horrified her parents would be if they knew she was out fucking strangers now for cheap bullshit. Knowing your daughter has better options than this shit, but won't take it would drive anyone insane. She's such a sheltered vile pick me.
No. 1885437
File: 1692581788521.jpg (144.05 KB, 1080x611, Screenshot_20230820_213823.jpg)

Things that definitely will not happen
No. 1885443
>>1885415Imagine believing anything a moid say especially moids who you've only met a few times and who are literally buying sex from you. Nonas stop with the "self harm" shit. Shayna thinks she's that girl. She truly thinks she's special and was put on this earth to do something very important and that's why she deserves fame/attention.
I'm sure she sits down and thinks of her life but not in the way we do.
It's not,
>Why am I doing all this for moids? What is my life?It's
>Oh my God I don't deserve this! I'm so amazing and special! Ugh the only reason this is happening is because lolcow/my haters!Also the shit about feeling bad for people who feel they have to be in sex work, instead of the women forced into it,groomed into it or are in situations where it's the best option due to low education etc.
Is fucking sick. Shayna is a sick delusional person
No. 1885463
>>1885443Shay was groomed by online creepers though? Society itself grooms girls from a young age for sex work, especially now, so why even mention grooming? She sadly has whatever combination of stupid causes someone to be memed into making life destroying choices but she was still groomed. Of course she’s going to claim she’s totally into it and nlog, what else is she meant to do? Admit she destroyed her life/genitals/future prospects for meaningless/violent sex, gross nudes, a loss of self respect and a loveless lonely existence?
That said she’s created her own hell nonna, she’s suffering the consequences of her choices and they are bleak.
No. 1885466
>>1885424I meant she thinks she's special/better than women who aren't prostituting for "fun" and need to engage with these lowlifes because they don't have easier options to run to whenever they want. How tone-deaf and extremely pickme/nlog that tweet was just really jumped out at me. "Sugaring" for fun and not survival seems like a concept only very young native (or otherwise privileged) women would claim (and believe). Sorry if I wasn't clear
No. 1885494
File: 1692588976086.jpg (320.43 KB, 1080x1476, Screenshot_20230820_213811_Sam…)

from her website. who thinks these guys are actually paying her 500/hr?
No. 1885515
>>1885502Not that I have any first hand experience with “sugaring” or know any “sugar babies” personally but from what I understand this isn’t even it. She’s a literal cheap whore. “Sugar babies” are basically kept whores. If she was a “sugar baby” she wouldn’t have to literally beg for rent money and doordash “breffast”. A john who pays for your strip mall all you can eat white trash buffet and build a bear before sticking his disgusting old man chode in you is still just a regular john. Shayna, calling him “daddy” doesn’t make him a “sugar daddy” you fat, stinky retard. Go an ask some actual “sugar babies” what they get in exchange for access to their vagina, I guarantee it’ll be a hell of a lot more that your ugly, tacky, Chinese-made
toxic waste
No. 1885520
>>1885508sugaring is prostitution but with extra steps. almost like a GFE prostitute. they can buy the "sugarbaby" gifts, take her out, and engage in conversation more than a john would with a typical prostitute. many SBs claim they don't have sex but it's a front probably for legal reasons and to pretend they still have some dignity, it's all but stated outright that sex is a part of the sugaring. i imagine there's a lot of overlap with SDs and johns, SDs may just have a bit more disposable income and are looking for a "companion" for an outing on top of sex.
>>1885455pls. seconding this.
No. 1885526
File: 1692596423977.jpeg (638.44 KB, 750x1188, 1147A040-B009-4236-AB90-AC5125…)

wtf is this?
No. 1885527
File: 1692596453546.png (1.56 MB, 750x1334, EFCAFC13-E4C0-4136-A191-F6DCD2…)

No. 1885532
File: 1692597425487.jpeg (335.53 KB, 1170x971, E32B2458-6CE2-425E-BD5C-ECD79C…)

Shouldn’t someone who has been making porn for 7 years already know the going rate for doing porn shoots? Jfc how retarded is she
No. 1885554
File: 1692602179244.jpeg (287.07 KB, 1170x1882, 341718DC-5889-4471-8A80-3E5104…)

She deleted the post already. She’s probably getting more desperate for money since she’s actually considering doing real porn. As if anyone would hire her kek
No. 1885621
File: 1692614765529.jpg (85.06 KB, 1024x763, pf7ugxtoyhv41.jpg)

>>1885364Man, I know this is the Shay thread but I cannot stop staring at how ogre-esque Kiki's face is without makeup. Her body is not that bad (relative to Shayna), but her face is just sooo jarring in comparison.
It is so wild to me that she chose to go to a sex convention dressed up completely, hair done, fuzzy heels, but barefaced. No makeup at all with a full fetish look… it would be jarring on an attractive woman. On Kiki, it's downright shocking once your eye reaches her face. It doesn't help that she's so high that her eyes are getting that downie look.
She looks like a long-lost zoomer shrek sibling.
No. 1885629
>>1885415This is such a weird, roundabout conclusion to come to based on a throwaway scrote comment. That's a very generic john compliment that they are giving to every woman. Men flatter when they want to get things out of you, simple as. I'm trying to parse out her logic here. Man tells me I'm special and different > so most sex workers are not special or different > it is because they're sad and unwilling > I'm sad that people sell sex when they don't want to.
Shayna is the type of girl who believes it when scrotes tell her she has "omg the tightest pussy everrr".
No. 1885645
File: 1692619598256.jpeg (787.26 KB, 1170x1203, IMG_4701.jpeg)

No. 1885685
>>1885494Show you…..
All your shoes? We all know how that ended last time, no thanks!
No. 1885702
File: 1692628098040.jpeg (227.25 KB, 750x1129, C92165A1-3462-41CF-B442-8E01DF…)

kek 0% funded.
No. 1885748
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No. 1885749
File: 1692634296418.jpeg (541.36 KB, 750x1287, IMG_3892.jpeg)

No. 1885750
File: 1692634344190.jpeg (348.39 KB, 750x949, IMG_3894.jpeg)

> viscous animals
No. 1885758
>>1885415She's so irritating I get why she dirty deleted. She definitely does not do this shit for money, she has absolutely no hustle, and as seen in fatcon, the Vivi saga, and even the sol saga, she gets in the way of other people's money too.
I bet she deleted because she's afraid of that one SW that called her out when she cancelled with the tickle scrote. (Side note: it'd be hilarious if it was the same tickle scrote KiKi was working with)
No. 1885769
>>1885750>viscous kekuhh shayna they're probably staring and looming over you because you need to FEED AND CARE FOR THEM. I'm the same as
>>1885754 I feel so bad for them, what the fuck
No. 1885802
>>1885798I've followed these threads for literally years, you posted this 3 mins ago, somehow the most poignant and depressing thing a nona has ever pointed out. besides the listening to dad rock cause she froths her dad bit
it really is some sort of modern tragedy. but then again, "sleepy juice" bitch can get rekt and reap what she sows. (sow as in sowing seeds not sow as in pig, yet somehow both? she is a fascinating specimen)
No. 1885809
>>1885802We've pointed that out everytime she moves. Lolcow had to shame the big bitch into getting a bed and a TV stand back in the day. To me, the saddest thing is that she doesn't have ANY hobbies. Like, at all. Other bimbo type girls can claim fashion as a hobby, because at least they've got clothes that fit and flatter them. Other sex workers have hobbies too. Even crackhead Luna Slater will draw some outsider art or post word salad poetry. Shayna just sits around and smokes weed. She doesn't follow fashion houses, she's never talking about TV shows she's interested, she has an Xbox and a gaming PC that probably collect dust. She doesn't do right by her pets, she's not into skin or haircare, she's just a blob of nothing that posts rancid nudes and lets strange men sniff her ass. How does one become
this devoid of a personality? It can't be the weed, because plenty of stoners still have hobbies, same with the booze.
No. 1885811
File: 1692641126415.png (4.46 MB, 2160x3832, (•̀⤙•́ ).PNG)

Kiki re: Shayna and their budding (?) friendship and Shayna’s response.
No. 1885815
File: 1692641423709.jpeg (553.3 KB, 1242x2095, irony.jpeg)

>>1885702>years ago complained about people asking for donations to move, and no one who isn't sober should ask for donations>her life now is begging for donations for every little unnecessary thing she does dailylolcow dot farm remembers…
No. 1885820
>>1885819And didn’t she used to decorate bras at one point?
If any Nona is autistic enough to go back to the beginning, I’m pretty sure early Shat had a few hobbies. At least two.
No. 1885821
>>1885820"can someone go back and dig to see if she had hobbies?" is how this reads sorry nona lmao
her only hobby is denial at this point
No. 1885829
>>1885822genuinely so sorry to ask to be spoonfed, do you remember what thread? that is weirdly telling. why is that so utterly hilarious of her?
>>1885827ayrt that's what I remember too, a lot of nothing besides bad unwashed porn.
No. 1885833
>>1885829kek don't sweat it
nonny, I believe it was at least a year ago, I'll go look it up.
No. 1885838
>>1885817Definitely the thing that keeps me coming back to the Shay threads besides the induced-through-osmosis brain damage is how empty and vacuous she is as a person. As some other nona said a lot of thots online have
some kind of personality or hobbies but Shayna is truly an empty vessel. It's creepy, like I almost can't imagine her existing outside of Twitter and a convention specifically dedicated to perverts online. Whenever she talks about going out to eat I imagine she rushes back home as soon as she possibly can. She's an awful person but even awful people have opinions on things or do something other than sex.
No. 1885842
File: 1692643900643.jpeg (365.92 KB, 1242x1240, A1F83169-3E42-42FD-A495-056A7D…)

Y’all remember when Fupa used to pay for her phone bill. Kinda weird and disgusting because they also roleplayed and dad and daughter.
No. 1885847
File: 1692644545678.jpeg (209.57 KB, 1242x1587, A4465E1F-2109-4601-8212-C782D7…)

>>1885749>hot blonde bombshell >hair is poopy brown Her teeth look so gross here and she looks huge
No. 1885853
>>1885798Every single decoration in her house is to please moids/be background for pictures for moids. Her house is 90% a pornset and the 10% thats not covered in shit for "Work" is boring and grey. She is Donny Mattel, there's no more Shayna left. Vacations are with gross coomers and work. She leaves the house? It's with her fake girlfriend/pimp ellen who she met through sex work or rotten teeth scrotes..she met from sex work.
What she eats? She has to beg for money on her sex work twitter, every single thing in her life that isn't sex work is grey, with no charm or personality. Now that she's filming in her bed, even that is starting to look more pink with stuffed animals. Shayna's favorite color probably isn't even pink.
No. 1885857
File: 1692645588040.jpeg (540.87 KB, 2048x1536, 04BDC38C-2B72-404F-8F97-E284DF…)

>>1885850The only time she has “passion” is decorating her child predator sex dungeon. Looks like an illegal CP set. Like a pedophile bought stuff in hopes the child he abducted will be less nervous as he assaults her on camera for his buddies. It reminds me of one of the messed up SVU episode. It makes me ill if I think about it too deeply.
No. 1885860
File: 1692645909417.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1242x1575, 51C20968-28BC-492C-9772-6D05E0…)

>>1885857Her old room wasn’t even as depraved. It was just the crusty poop stained Amazon couch, the old dead granny goodwill curtains, and her degenerate signs that you’d get in the target kids section.
No. 1885861
File: 1692646124634.jpeg (394.68 KB, 1654x2048, 930595BC-5080-4CE4-8846-AAD9BB…)

>>1885850>>1885798Not true she has one thing hanging in her “regular adult” bedroom the jelly fish hanging from the fire sprinklers
Idk why she needs such a big bed. Actually no I get it because all she does is sleep and fat ass has no hobbies. So just a xxxl giant bed in bed and nothing else in her bed room
No. 1885875
File: 1692647896593.jpeg (199.43 KB, 1242x1150, 01DBF5B8-B51C-40A8-8AE2-1D7417…)

It’s amazing how we though we was huge in 2020 but looking at her now. God damn. Also I don’t get why she is reposting this on Twitter. She sounds retarded with her signature HURRDURR HONK laugh
No. 1885879
File: 1692648233158.jpeg (149.95 KB, 1219x598, 2C707AE4-94E5-4DF6-A69B-28B4BC…)

>>1885875She really thinks she’s cute and endearing she sounds like a autistic man.
No. 1885886
File: 1692650908233.jpeg (283.67 KB, 750x734, A908D7A0-9BA4-452B-9B78-A20809…)

she's so delusional. she can't comfortably afford to pay rent and she has to have sex with diaper freaks for money
No. 1885887
>>1885886She literally got
worse. When she started she used to make decent money just from sexy photos. Now she e-begs, does diaper/incest/pedo porn, and irl prostitution to pay the bills.
No. 1885922
File: 1692654262503.jpeg (Spoiler Image,923.53 KB, 1170x1546, IMG_4708.jpeg)

No. 1885956
>>1885922Literally it takes 2 minutes to use the blemish tool. Whats with all those angry little zits anyway??
I think her nipple is always gonna look weird on the one side and the under scar looks kinda fucked up and indented on the sternum closest end.
No. 1885983
File: 1692659102388.jpeg (412.92 KB, 1400x1988, IMG_3897.jpeg)

>>1885962> I do believe she loves the attention and fantasy she creates around it though.Mte, anon. She likely sees herself like Anna Nicole Smith or Holly Madison. She thinks the world sees her on her prostitution dates like picrel. The thing is, when you really think about it, this lifestyle of delusions could go on forever as long as she keeps hooking and staying boozed up & drugged out. What would it take for her to snap out of it? Is she ever going to be forced to accept the grim reality of being fatter, poorer, and debasing herself for less money than she did 5 years ago? Or will this fantasyland of being a baby bimbo barbie just continue until she dies?
No. 1885993
>>1885924No it doesn't, retarded
(infighting) No. 1885998
File: 1692661405914.jpeg (Spoiler Image,549.13 KB, 750x1173, B6975D9B-E549-428A-AD13-0D331A…)

No. 1885999
File: 1692661438805.png (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 750x1334, 4A8961D4-C176-4597-A614-2F3FD7…)

no words
No. 1886010
File: 1692662686287.jpg (257.38 KB, 1080x1189, Screenshot_20230821_200555.jpg)

>overdrawn checking account, yet still begging for shekels
No. 1886025
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No. 1886028
File: 1692664615871.png (8.59 MB, 3647x2160, Shayna’s Dust and Mould Collec…)

>>1886025One of her hobbies is accumulating tacky pink trinkets to adorn her bathroom.
No. 1886031
>>1886026Shayna buys Lush items with some regularity and has never
that I can recall mentioned using them. I genuinely believe most (if not all) the stuff she buys
>>1886028 is purely for decoration purposes.
No. 1886109
File: 1692674872300.jpeg (555.68 KB, 750x1175, 3098BDCB-A16C-4C8E-AE48-A14F27…)

lurking as always
No. 1886239
File: 1692698488603.jpeg (173.74 KB, 828x500, IMG_1927.jpeg)

LMAO she’s such a fucking liar, everyone knows you’re a raging misogynist, you fat pedo pandering sack of shit
No. 1886297
File: 1692711923324.jpg (111.54 KB, 1080x711, Screenshot_2023-08-22-04-19-48…)

She deleted PT 2 of this so I guess she failed miserably.
No. 1886312
File: 1692713875901.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1170x1653, IMG_4715.jpeg)

No. 1886354
File: 1692718244033.jpeg (286.32 KB, 1169x1417, IMG_5985.jpeg)

>>1886312And yet not even this guy fucked her at fatcon
>>1886345It can connect to speakers wirelessly through bluetooth
No. 1886367
>>1884829Kek this looks like a theme park caricature. I'd actually love to see someone draw her in that style. Next time anynonny is at a fun fair please please please get a Shart-oon drawn of our barbie bimbo princess
>>1885922I got a boob job almost exactly a month ago and can confirm Shayna's stitches are NOT looking good. They seem like they are in the early stages of infection. Probably a result of all the germs and poor habits of fetcon, but her incisions shouldn't look like that at one never the less two months. She needs antibiotics quick! You can see the swollen areas where it almost looks like it's opened up. This is baaaaaad, Shayna….
No. 1886374
File: 1692720663843.jpg (Spoiler Image,362.48 KB, 1287x1382, Tweet.jpg)

Shayna is planning (?) to make content with Sarah Gregory (Strictmoor) at Lone Star Spanking Party.
No. 1886375
File: 1692720752097.jpg (Spoiler Image,365.78 KB, 2048x1365, Macroglossia Mattel.JPG)

>>1886374Shayna and Sarah Gregory. Spoilered as both are wearing lingerie and Shayna’s butt is out.
No. 1886377
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No. 1886511
File: 1692740933797.jpeg (459.1 KB, 1170x1078, IMG_4736.jpeg)

Sure Shay
No. 1886539
File: 1692742905929.jpg (236.19 KB, 1046x877, Screenshot_20230822_182312.jpg)

Not sure what's more bleak- the initial tweet or the retarded coomer response
No. 1886561
File: 1692745500671.jpg (31.85 KB, 978x262, DELUSIONAL.jpg)

Deleted before I could even open the notification
No. 1886612
File: 1692751250560.jpeg (607.24 KB, 1170x1292, IMG_4743.jpeg)

No. 1886629
>>1886615She's also too ugly kek, shell never be the older man's eye candy because she dresses like a joke. Like you know those episodes of sitcoms where a older woman tries to dress young? She jokingly comes out dressed like shayna. In bows, tiny skirts, pink etc.
Except shayna legit thinks she looks underaged or in her teens.
No. 1886639
File: 1692754396735.jpeg (19.38 KB, 226x223, 62A783EA-8630-46D0-9FAD-9ADE36…)

>>1886637It’s past mid, not old by any means but if your whole thing is being a teenage jailbait thing you’re aging out.
No. 1886642
>>1886633She also doesn't look very young kek. I wonder if she did do pro porn would she be mad if her gross manager or whatever told her that she should do "Milf" gross porn.
>>1886377It still cracks me up that she calls shayna "Little Big Sister" but i'm realizing that it's because despite these being grown as women, neither want to be the "Older sister" flat out kek. So the 30 year old is only calling the 26 year old, "Lil big sister" because she doesn't want Shayna to call her big sister, despite knowing Shayna is taller/fatter/older looking. She wants to maintain she's a liddle baby, even if she looks like a adult version of the shrek babies in the face. It's honestly kind of funny when you think about it. Neither can't stop the larp but both don't want to be called, "Big". Retards.
No. 1886645
>>1886639I often imagine shayna and some 40-50 year old walking around the mall, Shayna with two ponytails, white bows in each, maybe in her favorite combo, a cropped caridgen, with no shirt under, nipples out. With a wrinkled white skirt and some white sandals. Her face is a totally different color then the reast of her.
She's had dark eyebrows and dark eyeliner with huge eyelashes, but dry ass crunchy lips she's chewing on. She's doing a little waddle as she walks, one her twitter writing a post about how amazing her life is.
The dude is some bald fucker with a beer belly, wearing old man shorts and those old man sunglasses, a button up shirt and a watch his wife brought him. I'm sorry but her hair styles with the bows is something that annoys the fuck out of me. She looks so frumpy and retarded especially knowing she's tall and wider. Even actual petite cute girls can't pull of some of the looks shayna tries, so I imagine she gets some looks, especially from women when she's out and about in those outfits.
No. 1886653
File: 1692756393566.jpg (76.84 KB, 576x613, A7DY35QZB3MMAERXTIFTHVXAHM.jpg)

>>1886646I have no idea who they are but i googled and kek'd. The worse hairstyle is the crunchy two ponytails with the bows. I know that shit looks retarded kek. I wonder why she doesn't get tired of the look? It's not cute, it makes her look autistic, especially since the outfits are never put together well and she often looks disheveled.
No. 1886714
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No. 1886719
File: 1692766988452.jpeg (284.3 KB, 1158x1123, 2B96B037-D17F-4C0C-8513-43F0A2…)

>>1886613Shayna only likes short troll men like Mike Slack gayhairsoold and Jason r Womack she’s fucking weird and possessive over them. Like she wants to be the only onlyfans bitch they subscribe to.
No. 1886720
>>1886642Nah she’s calling her lil ( because she’s a little bit younger) big ( because Shayna overweight) and sister (for the deranged incest fetishists)
They both look like orges so they could pass as sisters!!
No. 1886749
File: 1692773394575.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.73 MB, 2560x1709, flabby1.jpeg)

hank hill ass is so nasty
No. 1886750
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No. 1886751
File: 1692773503157.jpeg (Spoiler Image,838.22 KB, 1367x2048, gut_stealth.jpeg)

No. 1886756
File: 1692774717790.jpg (766.94 KB, 1080x2884, Screenshot_20230822_184222_Bra…)

Phone posting so sorry for pic spam but I made a fake SA profile to update nonnas on her profile. It says she's a premium member so sounds like she's paying for the site? Pathetic
No. 1886757
File: 1692774775407.jpg (213.02 KB, 1080x2423, Screenshot_20230822_184241_Bra…)

>>1886756Hasn't been online since 7/31 so wherever she's hooking from, it doesn't look like it's SA
No. 1886851
>>1886824it just makes me kek because imagine how retarded she looked in public trying to break her back to make her puny tiny ass look bigger?
Like it's crazy she has negative ass, it's just tiny and so low. It's like no matter how much we see Shayna we never truly see her until videos/pictures like this where she's not posing. It baffles me how much her angles/edits do for her.
I still don't see this weight loss, but I remember back in her "I look like ariana Grande" phase, her face was a lot chunkier then it is now.
No. 1886852
File: 1692797192673.jpeg (536.07 KB, 1170x921, IMG_4759.jpeg)

No. 1886868
File: 1692800365569.jpg (415.98 KB, 1371x2703, Holly Michelle.jpg)

> Holly Michelle
Shayna’s lack of creativity never ceases to amaze me. You’d think she’d used the popular Mattel franchise Monster High as inspiration^ to come up with a proper spooky name with some fun pun or turn to Dragula, so the alter ego’s new name also has similar origin stories to Dolly Mattel. ^Please note I said inspiration, as taking the actual names of the characters would be vile since I believe they’re teens.
No. 1886869
File: 1692800427847.jpg (473.63 KB, 1475x2148, Shayna Luther King.jpg)

>>1886714Further context.
No. 1886907
File: 1692806065280.jpeg (544.31 KB, 750x1174, B8EE4EB6-2817-49A7-B6E0-4D56EB…)

old milk but i found this in my screenshots. that's how that getup she's wearing is supposed to look
No. 1886925
File: 1692809401637.png (4.83 MB, 1170x2532, F9338F9A-8F04-4CAE-93C7-37C1AC…)

>>1886907If you go go it shows you what items she has been gifted and by who. It also links to the items. This pink shit is just some cheap Amazon brand AvidLove and is selling for $25-30 USD depending on size. I agree with the Nonas who question why she buys lingerie on fucking Amazon. Why not ask for quality outfits when it is literally “work” related. Guess she just loves the cheap whore aesthetic. Also kek at picrel, that shit is not supposed to riding as far her fat ass as it was during the con.
No. 1886926
File: 1692809544933.jpeg (710.42 KB, 1170x2158, C6967F26-9C23-423F-9B70-880407…)

>>1886925riding up her ass**
Attached pic is some of the items she’s received. She’s gotten 16 gifts purchased so far.
No. 1886932
File: 1692810988615.jpeg (37.39 KB, 750x334, 0B7A0BD6-6552-4895-A63D-97FE59…)

>>1886852she deleted this
No. 1886936
File: 1692811430775.jpeg (214.96 KB, 750x486, 677B68AD-123A-4906-931D-B30B15…)

she's so cringe millienal humor
No. 1886963
>>1886758God that bio is so boring. Its giving no actual personality and the first sentence sounds extra retarded. Also kek "goals"
What goals could she possibly have besides suddenly become rich and famous while doing nothing notable or extraordinary and having no skills or talent. Not even good at porn. An absolute joke. Making a lot of high demands and sounding needy for someone who only brings terrible sex and their fat ugly gross self to the table.
No. 1886968
File: 1692814722870.jpeg (323.47 KB, 1170x1799, 129DF540-F931-4980-A344-31822A…)

>>1886925>>1886926And here is her “leaderboard” for scrotes who have donated. Can we identify any of these splenda daddies?
Daddy John - ?
Daddy Mike - Mike Slack
jdubb - Jason Womack
Brodie - Curly haired adult baby guy who looks like the dude from Eraserhead and put Shayna’s gag in once and showed his horse teeth?
No. 1886969
>>1886936And she's a zoomer too I'm pretty sure.
>>1886750>>1886749Images you can smell
No. 1886997
File: 1692818648016.jpeg (257.57 KB, 750x831, 1F2C8BC8-4FAC-4F6D-990F-9D1EFD…)

No. 1887015
>>1887002she seems to have met some scrote and now he's her "partner" like 50% of her sugardaddies who stick around for a bit become.
She's not dating him because we know how Shayna acts when she likes someone, he's basically someone paying for sex for her and she wants to make it seem less like prostitution and more like, "He's my partner!"
No. 1887027
File: 1692822826007.jpeg (764.8 KB, 1290x1226, 90C3E361-05B4-4FFA-BC27-E5D9AB…)

this is taken from the passenger seat right?
No. 1887042
>>1887024Shayna is just lucky. That's why, god forbid, if she were to ever have a horrible experience with a moid, I think it'd either knock Shoyna out of her delusion. The only reason she is like this is because she could deal with the consequences. Which is
>Lolcow will talk shit, but nothing will happen>Some retard may cowtip but over all nothing will happen>I'll have a slap fight on twitter but nothing will happenSo imagine if she lets someone into her life who actually causes harm to her? or just some random weird (hopefully not) does something? Shayna is not the type of pick me thats "Strong" enough, to get past looking at the true disgusting nature of the men she panders too and go deeper. She's the type of pick me that only "Loves" men and panders to gross freaks because so far, thankfully no one has done true harm to her that she reconizes as harm and she can't handle.
She has meltdowns over twitter fights.
No. 1887044
>>1887027Sometimes Shayna acts like a alien or a woman who was a hermit whose documenting her return to society. She's bragging about being in a car with her dog and ordering starbucks. To her at 5+ years of sex work, this is a peak.
Not her own car, not owning anything of worth. This.
No. 1887066
>>1887050They'd just have to do something that Shayna can't cope with. Shayna has been lucky so far, think about who she panders too. Gross men who get off to watching her put bruises on herself and pretend to be a baby/sister/daughter. Men who actually creeped on their own kid.
So far, what has happened in Shayna's dating life has been bad, but it could be a lot worse. She could actually snag a manipulative daddy dom, who actually takes control of her life and physically abuses her in ways that aren't consenting. Whenever Shayna deals with any true conflict she acts like her whole life is over. She's a crying mess.
So I just think so far luck has been on her side, god has not given Shayna nothing that she could'nt handle yet. And she should be thankful for that. She can take having Fupaul chip her tooth in kink play. Fupaul was bad, but Shayna's feelings seem more hurt, I don't think she believes what we think is abuse is abuse. The abuse is he moved on and never looked bad.
The abuse was, he wasn't "Nice" when she was being mean. The abuse was rejection. She literally tried to get another Fupaul.
No. 1887078
>>1887072Yeah, I won't go into details because I do not wish harm on Shayna or even want to put that into the universe, but you got what I meant. So far Shayna hasn't gotten more on her plate then she can consume. She's just been lucky, the same retard Luck chris chan has.
Even if he experiences bullshit because his choices, it just rolls off his back and everything isn't as bad as it COULD be despite all that has happened.
Shayna is messing with gross ugly moids who have a abuse fetish/youth fetish. She lets twitter people into her house, she turns tricks out of her house. She will document everything she's doing and who with all the damn time. Think about it, this woman has a thread of people watching her every post. Yet she literally doesn't care about posting any of this shit. She doesn't seem to care much about her safety. Though she melts down dramatically whenever things bad happen. That lets you know that she'd probably be a puddle if something truly bad happened. Not sorta kinda bad, mildly bad, but fucked up bad.
No. 1887118
File: 1692830265886.jpeg (569.08 KB, 2048x2048, FB9733A7-2BD9-40DB-8CD4-A8492A…)

No. 1887125
>>1887118Her boobs are a better ass than her ass will ever be, sad.
>>1887121You know, I wonder that literally all the time. I don’t get the thin eyebrow trend that came back around but she’s not even doing that right. She is doing legit “popular/trashy girls from the 00’s” eyebrows and has been for quite some time. Yet another baffling mystery in Shaystory.
No. 1887132
>>1887118why does only one boob have acne, it was also this way in
>>1885922 but it looks worse now
No. 1887139
File: 1692832955238.jpeg (2.27 MB, 1290x1504, BD88F4D9-1307-4B32-955C-1D2B22…)

why does she always wear the rattiest shit, the boots look like those cheap old Walmart ugg knock offs. Surely they aren’t nice to hike in. Does she not own normal sneakers?!
No. 1887141
File: 1692833056918.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.1 MB, 1290x1994, 9D9DB36B-DBF5-4EDE-9BAE-B9047C…)

fully nude in public again
No. 1887156
>>1887139Not milk, but it still astounds me that shat has multiple pets despite barely having 2 shekels to rub together and basically never leaving her apartment. She really is a clinical moron
>>1887146kekek anon
No. 1887161
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No. 1887162
File: 1692835481149.png (51.8 KB, 200x200, IMG_1212.png)

>>1887141Jesus Christ the thighs on this unwashed hog. Does anyone actually believe that she’s lost weight? I think that she was bigger around the time of picrel but I can’t see any recent changes
No. 1887168
>>1887139>Noodle tongue all over her mouthABSOLUTELY FOUL
>>1886868I think about the phase right after she found the filter that made her look like the first photo in that set all the goddamn time. She was feeling herself so hard and kept making cringe TikToks and it was so fucking funny.
No. 1887169
>>1887027>pay 4 me & noodles starbiesMeanwhile Noodle’s shit was free and she’s begging for $13 lmao
>>1887118Hey Shat lip balm has 0 calories, please beg for some next
No. 1887178
(sry, had to delete and repost, got the numbers wrong)
>>1887161Her starting weight was 164.5lbs, so her BMI was 27.4, she looked and still looks heavier than that, probably no muscle mass at all.
>>1887164if she quits weed, she will drink more alcohol to be able to handle her life. So more calories through alcohol, whole stuff that alcohol does to your metabolism and all that, there will never be an anorexia saga. Except she stops eating completely and consumes like 1,500 calories in vodka a day.
No. 1887186
>>1887050Shayna isn't the type to prioritize her own safety. Doesn't she have a history in the deranged niche BDSM scene? There's plenty of potential for something to go wrong there and scrotes into BDSM get away with rape all the time.
And if she's actually inviting johns to her place that can backfire easily. It's weird that she hasn't gone back home a long time ago. …the sped vibes she gives off are no doubt what make her so suitable for the most disturbing sexualized abuse crap she has to redort to. she and any scrote who gets off to seeing disabled women be beat up until their skin is black need to be locked up. forever.
No. 1887187
>>1887160100% she can be charged with indecent exposure and endangerment and knowing her she would play the "but officer i was doing my
job as a
sex woker uguu" which I don't think will do her any favours.
No. 1887190
>>1887161>>1887164i would love this too. maybe she will do like
>>1887178 says and just drink all her daily calories. that'd be some good milk. she was skinny before she can do it again she just needs to develop an eating disorder again (she must have had one to some extent before) to do so. has she mentioned anything about not smoking today?
No. 1887192
File: 1692837339457.jpeg (78.55 KB, 828x194, IMG_8086.jpeg)

>>1887190i'm really rooting for her with quitting smoking too. she's a horrible pedo pandering freak but CHS is hell and i wouldn't wish it on another person.
No. 1887213
File: 1692840533923.png (106.17 KB, 985x619, bigshaynus.png)

>>1887207absolutely no way. She's 5'5" at the shortest, 145 would give her a BMI of 24.3 which is in the normal range. She's obviously overweight, so there's no way that could be true even if she had no muscle mass at all. I played around with a BMI visualizer and even though I used to smh at the "Shay is over 200lbs" tinfoilers, I have it set at 191 and damn if it doesn't look just like her.
No. 1887215
>>1887207She's not "cutting out processed foods"
She's just not eating. It's why she
TW for EDs.
No. 1887225
>>1887161Losing 3.5 pounds a week isn't healthy and a diet like that is unsustainable.
I agree she's probably on Adderall. We know she has no work ethic and she's having way too easy of a time dieting and quitting weed compared to how her earlier attempts have gone.
No. 1887240
File: 1692842968157.jpeg (439.04 KB, 938x873, 7678D7D5-C43E-49F2-824E-ECF927…)

>>1887141neck rolls and fat bitch gaped mouth
No. 1887245
>>1887015>>1887022It's interesting that while she has 'daddy mike' (gag) buying her pink bullshit/retard porn, she's never once referred to him as a 'partner' of hers.
>>1887042Shane Pierre Sonnier of Wichita Kansas drugged her when he visited in January (and she didn't remember anything that happened afterward), but no wake up call at that point.
>>1887161I'm not believing her until I see her fat ass on that scale with 145 showing up clear as day.
>>1887197If she was better at her job, she could spin it as she's looking for a house husband.
No. 1887249
>>1887192If she's actually stopped smoking, good for her. Now quit drinking everyday so you can have enough mental clarity to sort your shitshow life out a little.
>>1887225She's no stranger to Adderall so it's possible she finally got her grubby claws on some. She's bought shrooms before, the guy who sold her that would probably either know a guy who sells Adderall, or he's the guy that sells it. It'd also explain her not smoking weed, and going on a "diet" (she can't afford the Uber eats).
>>1887186>>1887072Fair enough, but I was just going of her PoV, from everything she's said. She used to say she was raped, since highschool apparently. Anons (including me) tinfoiled that the military brony assaulted her. Any other woman on the planet would have had her wakeup call with the canning. I definitely don't see Shayna leaving sex work without an assault and abuse story but I don't think it'd like, ever wake up how primal and vile scrotes are. She'd just be the type that ends up dying by their hand, or internalizing all of that damage and taking it out on other women, while desperately searching for scrote affection and approval. Hope I'm being clearer now, because you guys are right. Worse shit can happen to her, but I don't see her ever being pinkpilled. It'd be a pleasant surprise, even if she's gone so far off the deep end i could never take her seriously.
No. 1887295
>>1887252Tbf not all states. Public exposure and indecency are. Idk about Washington but Oregon allows public nudity but imo its a tricky law. Like you can be naked but not for arousal or to illicit others arousal. Basically not sexually. Like if you wanna go skinny dipping and youre not being inappropriate about it, that's okay. I personally see both sides of the argument but generally think being nude in public like in the cities and things is weird.
That being said, she is posing for sexual reasons and being proactive. So even if nudity was allowed in Washington, shes still crossing the line into indecency.
No. 1887310
>>1887308Samefag ever*
Instead of injectables, Shungus should invest in a way to fix her nasty rat teeth.
No. 1887372
>>1886732Hate this. Now I can’t see anything but nega Mitski. This is so retarded
nonnie but I’m dying laughing. Hope you’re having a good day wherever you are
No. 1887411
>>1887405I’m not chubby and I haven’t said anything about her weight loss attempt but I get annoyed seeing comments saying they’re “rooting” for this pedo/rapist pandering pickme cunt. If anyone in this world deserves support, it’s not Shayna. She’s the type to sell out women and children for her own gain and has demonstrated her disgusting and self-serving behavior over and over again. I feel like some of them must be newfags who don’t yet understand how atrocious of a person she is.
And I agree with you that weight loss won’t do very much for her dead career. She’s aging out of her niche, which she’s never really fit in anyways, and she’s always been hilariously bad at her job. I wonder what exactly was the catalyst for her weight loss? Was it just Kiki’s adderall at Fatcon or does she hate irl prostitution so much that she’s finally committing to losing weight to gain more internet coomers?
No. 1887431
File: 1692879789957.jpeg (1.26 MB, 3411x2730, IMG_8677.jpeg)

New fupa-esque manlet she wants to film with, looks exactly her type
No. 1887453
File: 1692882540976.jpeg (174.68 KB, 1290x491, F3660822-286A-4CE8-AE6F-C358AD…)

>>1887405she’ll start to lose her regular chubby chaser coomers
No. 1887487
>>1885532Maybe this is daddy John from
>>1886926>>1883910She went from 15 lost to 19 lost in 6 days?
>>1887161 No. 1887508
>>1887145kek i know
nonnie but even shein sells cheap sneakers. theres probably even ones with hello kitties on them!! i just imagine shes walking on the sides of those knock off fuzzy slipper boots, the bottoms of them falling off and any muddy patch in the trail just soaking right through them. ugh
No. 1887538
>>1887405Bold of you to assume she's actually going to slim down, we all know shaynus can't stick with anything for too long KEK
Look at how all of her attempts to get it together and keep up with her self-imposed filming/camming schedules went…
No. 1887582
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No. 1887584
File: 1692897479416.jpeg (231.01 KB, 750x1152, 014AA262-24E0-4A14-B6F8-019BBD…)

No. 1887648
File: 1692903694871.jpeg (179.93 KB, 1170x327, IMG_4780.jpeg)

No. 1887658
File: 1692904576842.jpeg (865.88 KB, 1170x1056, IMG_4781.jpeg)

Hmmm maybe you should take your own advice Ms. tickets for driving without a seatbelt
No. 1887662
>>1887605honestly i wasn't buying it prior but… this post is making me start to believe it.
>>1887620she's definitely taken a hit financially, don't think she's mentioned filming solo content in a while. either she is bored with it or it's making her literal pennies atp. she seems to be bored with her previous "routine" (i use that term loosely) and idk if it's the boobjob confidence or she's lonely but seems to be looking for content she can do with others (you'd think she would have done more or made more connections at Fatcon) and it looks like this fssw/hooking era will continue further, since she seems to be enjoying it for some reason (beyond just $, might be the face-to-face attention)
No. 1887671
File: 1692905967386.jpeg (330.78 KB, 1170x1471, IMG_8679.jpeg)

>>1887466I don’t know about that nona, take one look at his page and it’s filled with (looks wise) donny mattel tier models
No. 1887702
>>1887605the sudden urge to do something outside of her house should have been our biggest indicator.
>>1887530>I remember like 3 years ago she tried to diet and was posting pictures of her breakfast every morning (because the moids who follow her porn account totally care about her pictures of blueberries, almonds, and turkey slices)this is why i think she is on uppers and not eating.
No. 1887715
>>1887702 I don't understand where the sudden "she's on Adderall" tinfoil happened. She cannot afford to buy them unlawfully. She does not have adhd, if she did or got a sudden diagnosis this would be all over her timeline. You likely wouldn't be prescribed adderall or any upper if you got bpd, which she claims to have.
Shayna is big and bloated, losing 20 pounds is not hard. Lets see how long this lasts, because if its Adderall or anything like it the appetite supressing effect will gradually decrease until this becomes the new normal.
No. 1887720
>>1887605>>1887702I’m convinced Kiki got her hooked on something at Fetcon. It would explain why they both stayed up all night “talking” for two days straight, why Shayna looked way more blitz than normal (mixing uppers with her regular cocktail), why Shayna randomly ended up in Denver over at Kiki’s place (to pick up more drugs from kikis connection) and why her and kiki are so friendly still despite Shayna being an embarassing stage 5 clinger with no work ethic at fetcon (despite kiki complaining and cutting ties with people at fetcon for those exact character traits). Maybe even Kiki is selling to Shayna and making kiki money so thats why Kiki isn’t dropping her. Kiki the drug dealer?
Shayna gets sick on the plane cause she’s coming down from uppers kiki fed her all weekend to get hooked. Kiki messages Shayna to come on over i’ll make you feel better, Shayna buys a bulk order from Kiki and heads home
No. 1887722
>>1887715It became a tinfoil because Fat Shat talked about getting tested for ADHD and she hung around with Kiki who has ADHD, so people assumed Kiki gave her pills even though I don’t think it’s confirmed Kiki is 1) medicated for ADHD or 2) is even on uppers.
Even then, I think if Shayna did get a diagnosis, she’d come running to twitter about it since she has no friends and uses it as a diary.
No. 1887730
>>1887715Street Adderall isn't so expensive Shayna couldn't afford it if she really wanted tbh. Especially since she allegedly cut out weed. Shayna's been known to ask for/use addy so it's not like it's new.
>>1887720Yeah, I'm starting to think that's why she went to Denver. KiKi is a stripper, she'd probably be able to find Shayna a cheaper than usual connect. Maybe shay fucked some greasy drug dealing scrote for a deal/some freebies.
No. 1887731
File: 1692912440060.jpg (517.26 KB, 1080x1044, Screenshot_20230824_172934.jpg)

Ribmeat deserves so much better
No. 1887744
File: 1692913129884.jpeg (375.15 KB, 1170x1152, 4253D512-5F85-4448-A330-845D68…)

>>1887731dumb fucking bitch couldnt just brush her cat regularly and now it had to having a traumatizing full shave so it wasn’t in pain anymore from matting. why the fuck would she do this when the weather is getting colder and summer is over?
No. 1887745
File: 1692913185629.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1170x1097, IMG_4867.jpeg)

>>1887731her place is disgusting, look at the base of the lamp and the cat litter everywhere. How can she live like this? Every pic of her place is covered in filth
No. 1887755
>>1887747weird judgement. many people dont use covered lids as its more for the the humans sake than the animal. all it does it make it harder for the cat to do its business and forces them into a
toxic smelling enclosed space whenever they need to do their business. as long as you clean the litter every day and have a littler mat there are no sanitary issues with open litter.
No. 1887773
File: 1692916285487.png (1.54 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230824-183206.png)

She's already deleted that top tweet but what is she even bitching about? I haven't seen anyone actually making fun of the cat. She just doesn't want to hear anything about it because she knows she's at fault for letting it get so bad. Also kek at using something so trivial as an excuse to smoke more weed.
No. 1887774
File: 1692916299346.webm (18.88 MB, 720x1280, Noodle.webm)
>>1887210You can see the tail wagging here. Look at the Barbie plate. Now they can shit microplastics together! You think Shay eats from the same plate?
No. 1887778
File: 1692916605261.jpg (133.74 KB, 976x610, Screenshot_20230824_183725.jpg)

>>1887773In addition to deleting that this was deleted before that tweet. Why would you admit this??
No. 1887779
File: 1692916818921.jpg (103.72 KB, 1080x483, Screenshot_20230824_184210.jpg)

She's deleting so much about Ribmeat's big chop.
Apologies for retarded notification history format
No. 1887780
>>1887773Poor fuckin thing. Usually a cat that needs this full shave would be a stray or 100% neglected. Shay just too lazy to get a brush out now and again and it's ended up like this. Is she not even embarrassed that this shows her as a terrible animal carer?
Surprised the groomers didn't contact animal control kek. Though I can see her lying about the situation
No. 1887788
File: 1692917580656.jpeg (240.79 KB, 750x712, 7F539AD0-6A80-466A-A223-5E6B0B…)

No. 1887813
>>1887787>>1887787because it's ~cute~
>>1887788she's already seen the barbie movie, unless someone else is paying for her she's wasting $20+
No. 1887822
File: 1692921677000.png (733.99 KB, 864x1017, Screenshot_20230824-170343.png)

No. 1887823
>>1887819Yup and Ribmeat was adopted as a cat who gets stressed out and doesn’t get along with dogs. And Shayna just
had to impulsively adopt the fat ugly dog noodle
(dogsperg-chan derailing) No. 1887826
File: 1692921844457.jpeg (Spoiler Image,988.03 KB, 1170x1828, 77989FDF-EBD9-4168-9334-F950D3…)

ew she posted a new scene with small gulp guy.
No. 1887827
File: 1692921848504.jpeg (296.9 KB, 1242x1086, E9178E51-EE34-436A-813A-CDE35C…)

Yeah let me just leave my shaved cat alone after being traumatized by the groomer and watch Barbie again just for the aesthetic because hurr durr it’s my “brand” , even though I neglected my cat and mad her bald in the first place. Shayna is a piece of shit
No. 1887833
>>1887826This just makes me sad, her dead eyes, she's holding it like it's a nasty food product. It's a small thing but I always remind myself that this year I believe, Shayna was explaining why she doesn't do b/g shit. Because she wants to only have sex with moids that she has feelings for.
Now she's basically forced into doing this shit for money irl and on sets, because basically she's reached her peak a lonnng time ago. She has to do something she's clearly not comfortable with and trying to force herself into simply for moid attention, a overpriced place she doesn't clean and to maintain a lifestyle thats not glamous or fun. She could do everything she's doing and more, working a regular 9 to 5 and not feel so horrible about herself.
What a retard.
No. 1887839
File: 1692924046015.png (Spoiler Image,830.62 KB, 750x1334, 70B759DE-BD85-4784-AE3B-5D2A42…)

was this posted? the absolute state of shayna
No. 1887864
>>1887573That fucking retard is going to procrastinate as long as possible getting her passport done, assuming she doesn't have one.
>>1887731>>1887745Get the poor baby some infants clothes to keep her warm, Jesus fucking Christ. And stop feeding her so fucking much!!!
>>1887853It's not like she even walks or cares for Noodle either.
No. 1887910
File: 1692932250263.jpeg (96.04 KB, 1170x386, IMG_8703.jpeg)

They’re not turning around because they think you’re attractive Donny, it’s because you look like a trashy unwashed hooker
No. 1887918
File: 1692933537233.jpg (873.81 KB, 1080x1776, Screenshot_20230824_232040.jpg)

return of the ratty sandals and moose-knuckle Fatcon shorts
No. 1887938
>>1887773>>1887788and so the "cutting down on weed" saga ends. Now that she's experiencing her first actual negative withdrawal symptoms, she's going to be a wimp and give up. I'm sure she loved the extra energy and the appetite suppression at first, but now that it's irratibility and insomnia, well that's just too hard for poor little shay.
Shay should embrace the vivid dreams, tbh. Now she doesn't have to risk schizophrenia with sketchy mushrooms to have trippy thoughts and introspection about her life, she can literally just go to bed for free.
No. 1887976
File: 1692941895678.png (10.04 MB, 2160x7681, Yaniva Clifford .PNG)

No. 1887980
File: 1692942215453.png (1.33 MB, 2000x1000, Missoma .PNG)

>>1887976Is her necklace a
cheaper version of the Missoma Barbiecore Collection necklace?
No. 1887984
File: 1692943185611.png (11.13 MB, 1242x2688, 74B2232F-4320-463A-B92C-0141A0…)

>>1887773Litter and cat shit everywhere. So fucking gross Why would someone post this
No. 1888042
>>1887918Jesus Christ, I almost believe
>>1887910 this post now. I can't say I wouldn't do a double take at seeing this shit in person.
No. 1888050
>>1887731Lmao she can't even brush her shitbeast and now it looks pathetic,like a lion with
Primordial drawfism. She's so retarded.
(derailing) No. 1888059
File: 1692966679720.jpg (53.52 KB, 981x471, Screenshot_20230825-083221_One…)

No. 1888091
>>1888090You must be new here…
She doesn’t wear any underwear, snail trails everywhere…
No. 1888096
File: 1692973511645.jpeg (341.26 KB, 750x722, 934ED36B-1369-4EBF-9201-809F5C…)

did shaynas cat posses kiki and make that tweet?
No. 1888157
File: 1692981544087.jpeg (454.36 KB, 750x1280, 37ED2F05-E970-4E2B-A290-823D5E…)

she has minors liking her porn on twitter this is from that new extended video with that chode
No. 1888192
>>1887778She's trying to pretend she ever brushed that cat but I think she's just trying to save face. No way she ever brushed Rib ever. She posts about everything. You know there would be at least one post like "Rib spa day time! Send $30 for brush and treats!" and also post a pic of it and if there was a story about Rib being "mean"
She's full of shit. I know not everyone blogs every detail of their lives, but we know Shaynus does for any crumb of attention or opportunity to e-panhandle.
No. 1888204
File: 1692986299147.png (821.88 KB, 1184x1382, Rocket_NH.png)

>>1887918She is built and dresses like Rocket KEK clunky as fuck trying to be dainty in pink
No. 1888208
File: 1692986733618.jpeg (745.17 KB, 1123x787, 2505CF78-0DC8-4708-A01C-3AA276…)

>>1887976She’s such a cat fish. Bitch is huge
No. 1888250
File: 1692991380965.jpeg (369.27 KB, 1242x1154, D7C0FF13-AF47-4DA6-BEC5-713706…)

No. 1888301
>>1888253I use to think it was a rare smart thing Shayna did because she doesn't want other scrotes to see that she charges x, y and z. Now i just think they don't give her much and it's never a promised amount. If this scrote knows about her socials, I'm sure he'll see this and slowly ham her up, so he can get her dumb ass to make her his "partner" and do the bare minimum or start paying her less and less, so he can have sex with her and not have spend much money.
If she's getting more then $500-1k a date I'd be very suprised, in fact I doubt she's getting 1k, she's constantly broke.
No. 1888305
>>1888265Yeah she uses sex work as dating service. I'm sure every sugar daddy is a potential "Partner" or boyfriend to Shayna. I cannot be convinced she didn't want to be in a poly relationship with Sol. The people she doesn't like she doesn't talk about much or at all, Baldi Gaysic, Boobie guy, Black scrote who simps. She finally met a guy who seems to have a little bit of money, so she's clinging to him and wants to date him. It's probably some married scrote or at the very least a scrote with a girlfriend/kids that he spends time with and he works.
It honestly makes me sick, imagine not only is your husband cheating, but he's buying pussy from a woman like Shayna kek.
No. 1888332
>>1887141This is framed weird because she just has pants down by her ankles and is lifting her shirt up so that she can quickly pull everything up if someone comes. It's still extremely irresponsible to be doing this alone in the woods regardless if you have a dog or not. She's making herself a target for rape.
I also highly suspect that her doing this was part of the agreement for the scrote letting her use his car. Ex: "Sure, you can use my car but you have to get completely naked alone and take photos for me".
No. 1888339
>>1887826ew if you watch the clip on her manyvids with audio she is huffing and puffing so badly from the smallest amount of effort in bed. literally just sucking dick for a couple seconds she's doing that weird super loud nose breathing/nose gasping thing she does, then when starts to mount him she is making full on hog snorts and breathing heavy.
>>1887935at this point did small gulp guy even make any money off this? does she really expect him to ever want to work with her again when she just wasted his time, grated his dick with her teeth, and only made him cum a thimble's worth? then she cried and made him take her vid down because it was the worst porn ever made and her "big gulp rating" tanked on the site as soon as the full vid was released. OR even more pathetically, she probably paid HIM for this scene for the "honor" to fuck him to try to "further her professional career". It would explain why he didn't care and just took down her vid without a fight. She also scammed another scrote for the airfare to film this, cancelled on that scrote but was hanging out with Scott SmallCock the entire time. Yet thinks she doesn't owe the scrote who paid her flight the money back.
No. 1888407
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Why not use the money your supposed sugar daddy sent for canceling?
No. 1888421
>>1888407If shayna really did drop weight, it's not because she's eating less or doing anything. She's 100% on something, shit for all we know she could be throwing it up. The fact she's not even saying what she's been doing to alledgely lose weight lets you know it's not in a healthy way.
Probably popping some pills, maybe she's addicted to something that makes her lose weight. Who knows, but she still seems to spend the bulk of her money on food and she loves to talk about it.
No. 1888434
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Poop brown
No. 1888438
>>1888434No one:
People with any variation of hazel eyes: WHAT COLOR ARE MY EYES
No. 1888444
>>1888434Literally the most uninspiring shade of brown eyes I have ever seen. Like is she trying to imply there’s anything special about them? I’ve seen some gorgeous different browns but these ain’t it kek Shayna pls
No. 1888449
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>>1888434They are black and her sclera is barely visible
(sage your shit) No. 1888557
>>1888434Why does it look like she barely has any lashes
She’s so truly unfortunate looking in every single way
No. 1888596
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No. 1888708
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>>1888699It’s fixed
nonny No. 1888723
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No. 1888725
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No. 1888727
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No. 1888732
File: 1693069734002.png (1.7 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230826-131035.png)

Drunk driving saga begins?
No. 1888741
File: 1693070872031.jpeg (241.34 KB, 1242x928, 1A05F4F1-31DB-4931-BBB2-B3770C…)

Probably got a Venti Java Chip Frappuccino and a pastry. Fat Bitch
No. 1888747
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>>1888741Fat Shayna be like
No. 1888750
>>1888725>>18887402x I agree,
But what the fuck how does she not have all those items of clothing already, it's the ultimate wardrobe cosplay (save for the wig I suppose)
No. 1888752
>>1888723So shayna is realizing she doesn't look like a teen/"jail bait" (Yuck) and she's coping "realized' no, life slapped you in the assback and you realized you don't look 19 and women don't have to look/act like teenagers or younger to be attractive.
She felt her "Youth" is slipping away because she thinks she's "Old" so now she has to embrace it.
Even if she spent all of her 20's pretending to be a fucking baby. It's not like she's unlearning her gross thought process she's expanding it, if she goes down the milf route it'd be the other extreme and focus on youth. "I'm mommy and you are a little baby!"
Accepting you look older and thinknig you are old, but "Older women are hot!" in your mid 20's is retarded. Just like she thought being young makes her sexy and amazing, now she's doing the opposite before 30 letting you know her mindset is still retarded.
>>1888732I wonder if this scrote is paying her with letting her borrow that car or rent it for "free" or some shit.
No. 1888761
>>1888738I feel like whoever she's around now, those scrotes, don't like or play into her retarded baby shit.The alledged weight lost, the change in her stance towards age shit. Yeah, she's trying to change. I feel like she wants to get into real life hooking and most the men aren't into her retarded shit, nor do they find it hot. I feel the boob job plays into it, Shayna probably thinks when she loses weight her tits are going to be so huge that she can't properly baby larp (which is gross to think about). Whatever is going on, she's changing. I don't know if it's for a good reason or bad reason but it's happening.
Regardless it'll be funny
No. 1888763
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>>1888596kek shayna is over here pining over uninterested johns and breaking her own morals while fupa is enjoying the married life and family. she is way worse off now than when they were together despite having plenty of time to pick herself up. fupa wins. hid fupa’s wife’s face as she’s an innocent
No. 1888768
>>1888763fupaul deserves nothing good. I wish his life was as miserable as Shaynas. Reminder this fat fuck got with a 19 year old girl in his 30's, shamed his baby mother for how her body looked after pregnancy and had Shayna larp/draw pictures like a child, then put it on the fridge. He had childern the same age he had shayna larping ass.
Fucking her with pacifers in her mouth. I'm sure his life sucks, but it always does piss me off that Shayna clearly suffers the bullshit from that relationship, even if she copes in retarded ways.
While he re-married and flaunts the new girl, after wasted years of a mentally ill girls life after she stopped being fun.
Shayna and he are both shitty people, but Fupaul is a gross fucked up scrote. I'm sure Shayna's not over his ass and her only true anger at him is that he left and moved on.
Not all the actual fucked up things he did. That she took part in and would do again and again gladly.
No. 1888771
>>1888765The fact Shayna thinks her life is a flex, I think thats what makes me giggle.
>Diapering a grown fat ugly man in her own home and bragging about it>Sticking her ass in some probably married losers face and bragging about it>Bragging about lulumon leggings.I will say, she's doing better then she was bragging about build a bear and fingering in the parking lot for uggs. But the fact she thinks ANYONE would look at her life and be like, "Oh my god she's living!".
You have to be really down bad to think Shayna's lifestyle is amazing.
No. 1888844
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she looks like a ham hock
No. 1888869
File: 1693083825008.jpeg (960.5 KB, 1242x1507, 9B6EF7C7-D5C8-4BE0-834D-9D0F4D…)

She’s begging for blonde hair again
Groundhog Day
No. 1888874
File: 1693084117449.jpeg (701.28 KB, 1217x3209, E006096F-517D-477D-8AC3-EF205A…)

Shayna trying to use trending topics on Twitter to get interaction and still flopping with 114 likes. Gross Shayna is a fucking freak. Imagine trying to scroll and see peoples dogs and you see Fatty with dog ears and a cage.
No. 1888883
>>1888878I think fupauls new wife was 19 when he was first sniffing around her or something.
>>1888765I agree. Other girls that charge shayna's prices don't do as much, and the other girls that are willing to degrade themselves like Shayna will charge more than her johns can afford/are willing to pay. Shayna's literally the type of whore the other ones hate the most, she lowers their stock. But she probably will start to amass a decent rotation of johns for herself if she gets deeper into her prostitution saga. I believe she's been hooking since she got to Seattle, she's just being more open about it now and is taking it more seriously.
No. 1888889
File: 1693085171759.jpeg (491.26 KB, 1242x1018, C91C2C22-C24C-4F25-A485-47B366…)

>Shayna is such a witty and interesting person hahaha she’s for sure going viral!!!!
She’s so retarded with her millennial ass humor and tumblr “that totally happened” scenarios
No. 1888919
File: 1693091331345.jpg (Spoiler Image,124.37 KB, 1792x828, 20230827_000641.jpg)

The cheek of gayfag hairy shoulders still posting content from people who have called him out and disassociated from him.
But woof look at the neck on shaytard(SPOILER)