File: 1654628122704.jpeg (73.53 KB, 640x480, 7AD4AEB6-5C6D-49ED-95B4-60B8E3…)

No. 1552379
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/1541357Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in or edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting.
Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any nsfw images. No blogposting. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting sceenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread
>>>/snow/1363903 Last thread
>Shayna lets her hatred for women slip, tweeting about how almost everyone who harasses her is a girl >>>/snow/1541498>Still struggling with quitting weed >>>/snow/1541658>Posted a photo looking better then normal >>>/snow/1542053 before ruining it by posting an awful unfiltered version of the look >>>/snow/1542120 then quickly deleting it after realizing how bad it is>Followed by a spree of drunk dancing videos >>>/snow/1542157, >>>/snow/1542171, getting upset that her coomers dont "appreciate" them >>>/snow/1542166 and deleting >>>/snow/1542186>Had her monthly moment of self awareness of her failure as a whore >>>/snow/1542583, >>>/snow/1542585>After bragging about being able to pay for an apartment in "Seattle" all by herself (again) >>>/snow/1542700, has to beg for rent because shes short (again) >>>/snow/1546001>Flew to her dads house before heading to Ireland as a family >>>/snow/1544200, posting gross photos from the airplane >>>/snow/1544360>Spends her first day in Ireland looking incredibly awkward >>>/snow/1547045 at the Guinness factory >>>/snow/1547304 drinking from 6am to night >>>/snow/1547435>Took time from her vacation to bitch about diaperfags making eveything about diapers >>>/snow/1548212, and expecting her to fulfill their fantasies >>>/snow/1548235>A few wild Shayna sightings from a relatives videos >>>/snow/1550365, >>>/snow/1551055rather then traveling with "friends" as stated on cam, she is with a large group of at least 10 extended family members including her dad, step mom, brother, step sister, and step brother
>Put out an awkward video gently slapping herself while masturbating >>>/snow/1551633>Will be traveling across Ireland until ~June 15thLinks: (need ID to join) irlbarbiedolly
Ellen "Patricia" Dresel:
>Shayna's "gf," Seattle/Renton, WA Nanny relationships:
“The Dad” or "Daddy"
>The 45 year old mystery man she’s “dating,” met him on seeking arrangements, ex sugar daddy turned boyfriend ”Slave Dad”
>@bluefrodo1 on Twitter, submissive masochist “slave” of Ellen and Shay, participated in a video getting smacked around in Shay's pathetic attempt to domme >>>/snow/1362327”Twitter Splenda Daddy” #1
Jason R Womack of Oklahoma, @okietwister85/ @womackglass on Twitter AKA "Womack"
>In love with Shayna, helps Ellen pay her rent, currently her main cash cow”Twitter Splenda Daddy” #2
Mike Slack of Missouri, Zap_man68, @GNotold on Twitter AKA "Greyhair"
>Redneck right-wing trucker who gets off to his own daughter's porn >>>/snow/1523443>Shayna's #1 twitter pal, replies to all of her tweets, frequently with monstersinc.gif No. 1552392
File: 1654628509561.jpeg (343.9 KB, 1080x2182, 4410D856-CA29-4466-AF0E-25BFF7…)

Some screenshots from videos of the concert she went to with her siblings last night. In the video at the top she was lip synching in public just like she does on cam kek. She seemed pretty buzzed but they all looked like they were having fun
No. 1552443
File: 1654630713648.jpg (83.36 KB, 729x486, basset-hound-with-cat-closeup.…)

thank you nonas for the thread! shay is still going strong… it feels like we were celebrating the 100th thread not too long ago
No. 1552451
File: 1654630898014.png (265.46 KB, 934x1120, Screenshot 2022-06-08 at 2.39.…)

sometimes when you win, you lose
No. 1552468
very good job with the thread nona!
>>1552451pre-emptive congratulations to everyone for getting a full bingo card within the first 100 posts! we did it!
No. 1552518
>>1552392she certainly isn't good looking, but like
>>1552504 said, on this trip she is this really boring, normie girl no one looks at twice, especially in presence of her more fortunate looking stepsister. shat isn't inbred levels of ugly, but also nowhere near pretty. in germany we would say "dorfpomeranze" kek. we only rag on her looks here because her inner ugliness (and lack of hygiene) truly make her ugly on the outside as well. someone who interacts with incestuous rapists and diaperwearing trannys for a living (or in shaynas case, pennies) deserves to be debased in every aspect.
No. 1552520
>>1552392I mean shes ugly and retarded and disgusting still, but it's interesting to see her actually being happy and having a good time. Whenever she goes out in the past she's getting her tits or asshole out to please coomers and trying to be sexy and uwu quirky but it's really transparent that she's faking it and really not even genuinely enjoying it.
Her energy here is more like a younger version of Shay.
Won't go so far as to say Im happy for her or anything because she could be part of her family and she could just hang out and make friends like normal people, but she sunk herself into a degenerate life and circle.
No. 1552565
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>>1552392uff that brow ridge, literal neanderthal
No. 1552575
File: 1654640473522.jpg (44.8 KB, 400x280, tumblr_ntnxfz3o891rsoq23o1_400…)

>>1552546Full disclosure, if Shayna had a gaggle of friends her own age still she would not be the smoking trainwreck we see today, the thread would not have made it past the single digits. I know all these girls were messy to some degree, but the twitter scrote echo chamber literally poisoned her already weed fried brain.
No. 1552613
>>1552606I think most people are hoping she
will change. The most she's probably done was lose a few pounds from lack of munchies and vomiting. She'll probably lose more because she's walking everyday instead of sitting around and eating and getting sloppy drunk at 12pm. That's about as much as she'll change though.
She's 25, not too old to change before it's too late, but her life is bearable enough for her to maintain some level of comfort with herself and her situation. She's going to come back and eventually spill how she really felt during the trip and we'll have something to laugh at, but this isn't going to be some eye opening experience that prompts her to delete her diaper dolly Twitter page and attempt to get a real job. At most, it will be something she reflects on when her back is actually against the wall, but in the end, she's having some level of fun on her vacation so I doubt the milk will even be that good. But, I think her and her stepsister might be warming up to one another a little. Or they're playing nice for the week. Nothing too dramatic.
No. 1552624
File: 1654645865390.jpg (20.05 KB, 488x472, 94s2c.jpg)

Can fanfic and sweet summer child anons fuck off? Its been over a hundred threads and we still have people coming into here with their assbrain """theories""" about porky pig turning her life around. Its as unbearable as when anons come in here with their retarded, "SHAY IF UR READING I GOT THREE ITEMS FOR YOU GLOSSIER PUMICE STONE MILK CLEANSER YW!1!1"
No. 1552722
File: 1654655920767.jpeg (Spoiler Image,474.27 KB, 828x1135, 12EA1873-8572-4946-9F08-B21E18…)

Gross, why would she say that? These videos are so weird, they’re all just this Mickey Mouse motherfucker trying to goad her into being sexual and her just cracking weird jokes and awkwardly laughing while he punches her No. 1552723
File: 1654656316409.jpeg (Spoiler Image,317.36 KB, 1280x725, 5508F151-A1DA-4160-999A-750546…)

He also uploaded his version of the video along with these screenshots where she appears to be laughing through the whole thing. Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think most men who buy videos of girls getting punched do it to see them laughing about it the entire time
No. 1552732
File: 1654657685659.jpeg (158.12 KB, 648x322, 12398979-50E7-4C2C-8609-F7F1EE…)

I don’t understand why she didn’t change outfits if they were going to film so many parts of this garbage
No. 1552764
>>1552606I wasn't implying that. Im not one of the anons who thinks this could be a wake up call for Shat. I was just saying I think she 1, hates her life in general so she's taking in the vacation and not needing to fill the void by taking crusty nudes for twitter. And also that she can't live blog every minute she's there because she has no data, only wifi.
I'm sure as soon as she's back she's gonna spam post every single thing from mundane to degenerate both fabricated and true. Then after a while I bet she'll shit talk her family too because she's such an ungrateful idiotic cunt.
No. 1552797
>>1552624This should also be part of the bingo sheet, there’s always at least one anon sperging about shart and writing fanfics about her.
And we could also add the advice stuff because it also happens every thread.
No. 1552820
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Her lopsided combover is so ugly kek
No. 1552826
File: 1654670766050.gif (Spoiler Image,974.33 KB, 238x422, B03DEBF1-B35B-4D41-9063-80C389…)

>>1552812It reminds me of when she did that real time bondage thing and was fucking dancing around and laughing in the background during another girls scene. She’s completely unprofessional
No. 1552831
>>1552826>>1552826Anons who say Shayna was better skinny needs to see this
>>1552829Thank you
nonnie No. 1552917
File: 1654685722860.gif (Spoiler Image,3.52 MB, 375x210, D4EC27E1-274A-43D0-B521-9AE8CD…)

>>1552841sage for old milk but that’s not the only unprofessional thing she did, my personal favourite is when she wiped her snotty nose off her knee twice in the bg of one shot lmao
No. 1552970
>>1552917Wtf is that bitch getting Saran wrapped like a plate of potato salad?
>>1552831She was better when she was skinny, I think a flat ass is fine as long as you have a flat stomach to go with it. She literally did have a nice body back then which isn’t a compliment cause it has deteriorated into a cottage cheese sack real quick
No. 1552996
>>1552624>>1552797Honestly the fanfic only really comes out when Shay's threads get seriously boring. It's saged so I'll allow it. She's not posting much due to her lack of consistent internet access so we're all clearly at each other's throats and acting loopy in our milk drought.
>>1552987Nonny, please don't admit this on here!
>>1552917>>1552826>>1552722Ah, Shay the Asexual in her element. She can't even fake ot or play along. No wonder she's broke.
No. 1553292
File: 1654712324681.jpg (Spoiler Image,171.66 KB, 1280x853, ShaynaHogford.jpg)

>>1553065 Before Sol Saga are you happy now?
No. 1553522
>>1553059That’s why you saaaaaaage!
>>1552996>I’ll allow it Kek okay, haven’t posted since the trip but
thanks for the permission
>>1553164Like you
No. 1553548
>>1553321 that anon is not me and
>>1553164 i dont even have twitter but keep projecting i guess, i was trying to sound not that mean because the hips thing came out a lil mean, sorry you are so bitter for nothing x
No. 1553588
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>>1553292Her ass is so bad in this it looks like a NASA photograph of Jupiter.
No. 1553685
>>1553675They both have the caveman brow along with the poodle hair.
>>1553611You don’t have to be a fatty to see the lack of waist and instead see an inflatable tube.
No. 1553857
File: 1654741215161.jpeg (374.57 KB, 1284x833, 61EE4558-5B0F-4FD0-9FEE-EA426D…)

Its so funny that she liked this kek all shayna knows is self love
Is this about her ‘healing’ from fupa?? I’m certain that fupa does not give a fuck
No. 1553932
>>1553930 but a lot of the users on this site are literal children. There's no use infighting with such underaged takes
>>1553611 No. 1554258
>>1552575>>1552831>>1552826Anons are going to become
triggered by me saying this but Shat used to have a really good body. She was lean, firm and athletic with no exaggerated curves anywhere and she also wasn't underweight. I mean if we are talking about what dullard scrotes like in a woman that's a different thing, but studies show that more intelligent men on average like slender women with small bust and a flat butt. Most women would kill to have Shat's body when she was skinny. She was still awkward with no social skills whatsoever and that's a different matter.
No. 1554304
File: 1654773899702.jpeg (314.59 KB, 1170x906, 2940BB62-8B92-4E7A-8FBF-F9F831…)

Stay classy Shay
No. 1554380
>>1554334“You’re jealous you have to wear a bra”
This might be the most retarded thing I’ve ever read in these threads. What are you? 12? A scrote? You’re the one with the extra chromosome aren’t you?
>>1554334> You're obviously jealous because you have a big ass and have to wear a braI can hear your bones rattling from here. We’re all at least
supposed to be biological adult women here, which means for the most part we aren’t going to have the bodies of prepubescent children.
No. 1554565
>>1553431they really are doing the most stereotypical “Plastic Paddy” itinerary
Guinness tour! Kiss the Blarney Stone! The Dingle Peninsula! What’s left, the Ring of Kerry and Killarney National Park?
No. 1554661
File: 1654795619981.jpg (82.87 KB, 1080x501, Screenshot_20220609-102506_Sam…)

Maybe we can check of the ER on the bingo card soon kek.
Do we think she caught some bug or is it the "chronic nausea" or whatever the fuck she's calling it now?
No. 1554674
File: 1654795920112.jpg (566.99 KB, 4096x2346, GridArt_20220609_122732103.jpg)

Wonder why she deleted the picture of noodle and Mr peanut butter? And other tweets she's since deleted.
No. 1554982
File: 1654809823910.jpeg (3.45 MB, 2329x4032, 48C0E03A-AE3A-4448-A7B0-AF6A8E…)

Why would you take a picture of exactly where you’re staying tonight, she’s retarded
No. 1555152
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>>1554982It seems like a regular hotel to me. I just pray that shats dad gives her a spa package. Maybe they can scrub the first few layers of filth off.
No. 1555160
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>>1555138It looks nice in her sisters videos. I wish she would put in a bra when she’s with her family, especially when they’re at a nice dinner. She definitely looks sick.
No. 1555206
>>1555155Sorry my phone browser did an update that's supposed to let you adjust the internet browser brightness separately but I have no idea how to do it so it's stuck super dark lol
Iirc there was like one discord anon that got through but idk what happened to them.
No. 1555632
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No. 1555743
File: 1654861216692.jpeg (Spoiler Image,543.07 KB, 1242x647, 0DFDDC06-70F2-4D83-B741-31C876…)

Damn she looks like a rat in the screenshot on the left. And you can see her big ass arms on the right
No. 1555901
File: 1654873659737.jpeg (798.13 KB, 1242x1574, C14660E0-0B06-4E94-A23E-14D401…)

Mike slack is into the diaper fetish. This is his new favorite pedo panderer
No. 1555907
File: 1654873830504.jpeg (628.61 KB, 1242x1139, 9D9E3902-0F4F-4D86-907F-9BA5EE…)

This is embarrassing kek
No. 1555966
>>1555907She really wastes her money on the most frivolous shit. $150 for this tiny ring that no one will be able to see when she’s wearing and won’t fit her sausage fingers for long anyway when her alcohol bloat gets worse over anything with an actual useful purpose. Never mind the fact that you barely make your rent every month and have been bitching about wanting to save up for a car for years now, right Shay?
>>1555317You missed the overpriced cocktail pics one
>>>/snow/1547435 No. 1556026
File: 1654879333764.jpg (152.06 KB, 1080x866, Screenshot_20220610-092417_Goo…)

She only wanted to go their because their store front is pink and they also use faux marble to pretend they're "expensive". Couldn't find an actual site with prices, just the FB. All their stuff looks boring and nothing special imo. They use gold and gems in their stuff. the ring she got looks cheap and ugly though. It's giving Claires.
Anyway, I think that counts as begging for money for a souvenir/item on the bingo card.
No. 1556039
>>1555901It’s always the same gif
>>1555907>I shouldn’t have 2 buy my own presents She couldn’t at least pretend that it was bought for her? Outright admitting that no one buys her anything just makes her look even more undesirable than she already does
No. 1556066
>>1556039She's an adult (as immature as she acts) not a child. So yeah, you do buy your own "presents". Its not even her actual birthday or the week of either. I hate her retarded entitled "this is my whole birthday month" shit. You get one day like everyone else, Shat. Ask Womack if you want someone to buy you something and give half a shit.
She's never been able to pull off the girlboss bimbo energy sugar baby gimmick. Just looks pathetic.
No. 1556319
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>>1555317>>1555966Updated to include the souvenirs and cocktails lol.
No. 1556335
File: 1654891932270.jpeg (321.59 KB, 1212x1080, 0D5B6CC6-F219-4065-9168-B2AD53…)

These must be the only pair of pants she owns other then the tracksuit sweat pants because she’s worn then everyday. So much for being a spoiled bimbo who needs to change 6 times a day
No. 1556537
>>1555684NTA but are you suggesting that she'd actually be so happy if one of her freak tranny followers showed up in front of her family? I know she's narcissistic but come on, there's no way she wouldn't be disgusted seeing a autist troon moid diaperfag irl. Then again she can't be so dumb to have posted a picture of her hotel where ppl can find her so you may be right. Is she really so obsessed with fame that she thinks these one of those crusty pedo coomers showing up to her hotel like
> i L0Ve YoU dOlLy!! ArE YoU wEaRiNG yOuR DiApER?!?! bE a GoOd BaBy BiMbO!!! hEhEhEhE! jizzeswouldn't be embarassing and delegitimizing of her 'career'? There's no way she doesn't find her diaperfag followers not disgusting right?
No. 1556549
>>1556537She's not into the diaper fetish the way those diaperfags are at the very least. It's not a lifestyle for her or a kink she would be into if it wasnt for the larping as "uwu smol bby for daddy" aspect. Its just the bottom rung of the ddlg tumblr bullshit and that's what she built her sw on. She can pretend she was a pioneer of e whoring all she wants, but the truth is she got swept into the tumblrina kink wave.
The troons and shit that have their whole diaper community are a different kind of degenerate.
No. 1556579
>>1556537She made it pretty clear she doesn’t really like those freaks when she complained about consent, and how she doesn’t like it when they’re always asking if she’s wearing a diaper kek.
Honestly, I think if one of those diaper freaks actually did approach her around her family, she would probably an hero. I know I would.
No. 1557085
>>1556924Kek, we have a lot of anons that are quite clearly ether underage or barely into their twenties. To them, thirty is practically middle aged.
>>1556335She's really going to make sure all her memories of this trip are her drinking and bathroom selfies, huh?
No. 1557130
File: 1654957838759.png (293.72 KB, 1166x1265, F0EF8A39-6F27-4890-91A8-673BB4…)

None of the people that follow you care about your “business” shay
No. 1557138
>>1557130The desperation is sending me. Shut up and get back to your paid European vacation you entitled pig.
>Men, liking the pictures sw post for likes equals jacking off for free and therefore theftGet a different occupation.
Her and parkplaza pin up sound the same.
No. 1557231
File: 1654965536889.png (4.06 MB, 2943x2160, unbridled autism.PNG)

More of the unbridled autism you all love.
>>1556094They seem to use the same bag for every purchase, regardless of size, as
>>1556161 said. From their Instagram they say the following about their packaging:
> Every purchase from Holly + Evie is presented in the most beautiful package […]>>1555927Prices for some of their (ugly) rings are on the same range. So for once, Shayna might be telling the truth.
No. 1557244
File: 1654965870447.jpeg (506.52 KB, 1080x1887, BDF3ECF2-0D30-4937-BEA4-5C823F…)

A few of todays Snapchat’s
No. 1557286
>>1557130Lol yeah Im sure Jason and Incest Grey retweeting to their collective 20 followers is really getting the word out.
Also the tone is so bitchy.
Idk if it's worse when she straight up begs or is condescending lol.
No. 1557346
File: 1654970351592.jpeg (426.55 KB, 1540x1080, C240D848-80FC-4BB9-8A4E-3FFB58…)

Look it’s the giant of the causeway herself, in her signature track suit, uggs and turd bun
No. 1557370
>>1557259Shat looks like shit because she eats like shit. What happens internally matters far more than what happens externally. A skincare regime will do fuck all if she's still scoffing greasy door dash and chugging cheap wine.
>>1557346Everyone else is wearing sensible clothing for hiking and there's Shayna in a cheap tracksuit and uggs. What happened to the hiking boots she bought for her pig in the woods photo shoot?
No. 1557501
File: 1654978005546.jpeg (217.46 KB, 728x1280, 0402316F-B2D5-4AE1-890B-C93A4B…)

I don’t think a day of this trip has gone by where she hasn’t been drunk. I get that she’s on vacation and people drink on vacation but it seems excessive for a family trip, especially when she’s having stomach problems
No. 1557505
>>1557346is she wearing a denim jacket with a tracksuit? A DENIM JACKET!!! shitty fat bimbo at it again!
>>1557501all i see is a B O X
No. 1557751
>>1557597Its the crumpled material of the pockets you dumb fuck
The reach is real
No. 1557802
File: 1654994723759.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 1154x1552, 1643168728550.jpeg.jpg)

>>1557751I don't know… it truly doesn't seem like that far of a stretch. I've never seen someone's thighs protrude forward the ways her do, plus the cellulite, and thin, cheap material from Shein?
No. 1558268
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No. 1558278
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No. 1558324
File: 1655055038558.jpeg (58.13 KB, 625x415, 75709E7D-BE6D-44E2-946E-420BD1…)

>>1558278The lost Saperstein
No. 1558401
>>1558356She reads the threads, she's on the internet. She's plenty old enough to know better. She's playing a dangerous game when she posts where she's at WHEN she's there, invites random degen scrotes to her place, and posts disgusting rape and kidnap "fantasies". All on her sexwork account. Even newbie whores know to have a second personal account thats private and even then have limited info. Scrotes are retarded, but if theyre desperate enough, they can find her shit easily like anons itt have. Some of the anons here are wack too like the sister stalking and shit. People immediately found her actual apartment.
Like it's unfortunate but people, especially men are that way. You have to be careful and she's just not.
She had things sent to her parents home address while living there from coomers. And okay,young adults/teens make mistakes and dont realize. But she's 6 years in at this point. So there's no pity. Especially when she could and should get out of this dead end whore shit.
No. 1558424
File: 1655062751108.jpeg (Spoiler Image,292.41 KB, 828x1648, 962A9E11-24AD-44D5-A8C9-453E62…)

>she pulls her cheeks apart to show off her asshole and it gives you a wink
No. 1558427
File: 1655063083257.jpeg (Spoiler Image,343.37 KB, 1315x1080, 43E11AC3-F16F-4853-A16D-8A435C…)

>>1558424This is just free porn right? She puts everything in her trailers
No. 1558429
File: 1655063206165.jpg (73.22 KB, 914x794, Screenshot_20220612-154453_Chr…)

>>1558424The category is Halloween witch realness
No. 1558440
File: 1655064416203.jpeg (540.38 KB, 1170x1098, 94715AFD-64F9-44E5-B6DB-943863…)

It’ll be weeks before she “works” again
No. 1558477
File: 1655066948148.jpeg (58.98 KB, 362x640, D67DF7A1-63D7-4875-8991-E69DE4…)

Every time she stays at a new hotel she posts a video tour of the bathroom and that’s it kek this is like the 3rd one. This is at “the grand central hotel Belfast”
No. 1558612
File: 1655075307098.jpeg (493.55 KB, 828x889, B72F0FDA-4F6E-4075-8F7F-85DAF1…)

This is fucking hideous kek
No. 1558638
>>1558356>>1558401This. Sick and tired of anons showing up like
>>1558348 and trying to play captain save a hoe.
No. 1558641
>>1558632No offense, because I'm the anon who replied to anon you replied to. But what do you want me to say? "Well clearly
nonnie, as Big Shaynus is of European descent, she has caveman DNA, which you can see on display in her big forehead, beady eyes, tiny lips, and giant fucking nose."
Is that better bitch?
No. 1558666
File: 1655078636026.png (59.37 KB, 300x282, thumb_steam-community-ivan-the…)

>>1558612It's giving this meme of Russians but female version
No. 1558681
File: 1655080512575.gif (1.2 MB, 480x360, 56105BD8-BB82-4792-BC16-21A4EA…)

>>1558268Kevin is such a dweeb name I just remember the nerdy cucumber from SpongeBob
No. 1558687
>>1558419Shayna lies, I doubt a coomer showed up at her high school. She wasn’t even “tumblr famous” compared to cows like Acacia Brinley.
I’m tired of all the Shayna leave sw anons. It’s not going to happen. We don’t want anyone to hurt her but play stupid games when stupid prizes. Natural selection
No. 1558852
>>1558830>(Other than survival sex work)>says Shaynus is ”a bit of a pick me” when there’s evidence of her blatant misogyny God it reeks of onlyfans whores in this thread. they get
triggered enough to blog about how they’re fat like Shay kek
No. 1558912
>>1558856 one of them called shayna “shat” they obviously lurk and get
triggered when anons call shayna fat cause they know if that this ~nazi~ is considered a fatbody , then they’re another big whopper sphere
No. 1558996
File: 1655106043827.jpeg (231.7 KB, 730x1280, 70B80D0B-0DD3-4E26-A347-D9C5FC…)

No. 1559152
File: 1655127504185.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1170x1546, 9CE52274-58B4-4EA9-8891-9AC8E8…)

The hotel your dad is paying for
No. 1559154
File: 1655127566373.jpeg (403.31 KB, 1170x1096, 4ADFDCFB-C680-4A14-820F-B7FA3F…)

Well what do you expect Shay? That’s the only guys you attract
No. 1559175
File: 1655129759597.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1170x1488, FE8CC90E-84DA-4F19-9078-0BF214…)

No. 1559181
>>1559154Being a cunt and talking down to your coomers daily isn't how you run a business. Like she's nit wrong, but she knows thats how they are and she obviously doesn't like them, but when you choose this path and are barely making rent, you literally suck it up and keep your takes to yourself.
Imagine a donut shop that was like
"I wish we could do specials, but we know our fat fuck clients would just take advantage of it" or something. Think that inspires their current or potential customers to want to go there?
Fucking idiot. Get a diary or a friend to vent to and do your disgusting job you insist is so wonderful and totally a real job that empowers you.
No. 1559195
File: 1655131337541.jpeg (926.19 KB, 1170x1440, F040937B-304A-4C52-B316-167DEE…)

No. 1559209
>>1559204She does actually show all the signs of being an autistic woman
No social skills
Inability to keep information for herself/no filter
No idea how to imitate other women or other people in general
Always looks out of place
Feels overwhelmed all the time by everything
Weird eating and drinking habits like not drinking water. I went to a sped school and there were pupils who consumed nothing but soda and chicken nuggets.
Age regression as a means to cope
As a fellow sperg that didn't learn masking until later on I'm embarrassed to admit that I relate to a lot of Shat's behaviors.
No. 1559216
>>1559204I always thought it was the weed and alcohol melting her brain, but now that you mention it, autism makes a lot of sense.
Was she this bad in her earlier Tumblr days too?
No. 1559228
File: 1655133235903.jpeg (509.62 KB, 1170x1354, 14C5EB50-68AE-4555-922C-9772F7…)

A FAMILY vacation Shay, don’t forget that
No. 1559229
>>1559220thank you!
>>1559159girl… you're not on twitter or tiktok anymore, you're allowed to type the word porn without the cyberpolice arresting you
No. 1559231
File: 1655133302025.jpeg (265.58 KB, 1170x796, 7344A402-A806-4947-8787-D7BF9D…)

They win every time you acknowledge it in these stupid tweets that you always delete
Btw, you wouldn’t be in that castle if your dad didn’t pay for the trip
No. 1559253
File: 1655134082493.jpeg (149.34 KB, 1170x603, 40137114-2EE7-4ACA-A655-77AE57…)

Kek Shay you were just talking about how much you can’t stand your coomers
No. 1559264
>>1559154all you’re going to get is dumb horny coomers because you specifically say you want a bf just so you can shoot porn. you don’t want a real relationship; you want someone you can use for your shitty content in hopes it will make you popular on the internet.
what a sad fucking life, only wanting relationships that will gain her a sliver of attention on the internet.
No. 1559272
>>1558852Ntayrt but you’re the one who insisted the anon with curved thighs was a fatty right?
I’m pretty sure I asked you your own weight earlier. Let me guess, you’re an average weight anachan KEK
No. 1559283
>>1559272how could you possibly know if that's the same anon. all
>>1558124 said was two words. take your meds.
No. 1559292
>>1559228a part of me wishes one of her scrote followers would ask who paid for the trip just to trip her up.
I wonder what shay will do once her actual birthday rolls around, she won't have any money once she gets back (and decides to take off work for the rest of the month)
No. 1559338
File: 1655140518480.jpeg (627.87 KB, 1080x1934, 412D497D-EDF3-45A7-AFAF-8ECEFE…)

>>1559234She even posted her room number kek
No. 1559340
File: 1655140636987.jpeg (712.84 KB, 1080x2847, B677F52E-77E9-4A4A-A9C1-C74401…)

She’s been drinking a lot on Snapchat today, no wonder she’s acting like this. Gotta take advantage of the free alcohol while dads still paying the tab I guess
No. 1559392
File: 1655143357352.png (790.75 KB, 2242x488, E78371F6-9E04-47C6-9F84-A77D32…)

Yeah we are so jealous of you Shayna. Kek
No. 1559517
>>1559415>>1559449Agree with both of you. Its pretty obvious she's been bored and lurking and she's trying to find something new to cry about because she can't not be a
victim for two minutes. Not even on a vacation her family paid for. She's obviously not bonding with her stepsister and the friend, she's alone and miserable and this is the cope.
>>1559251You're retarded if you believe anybody harassed her. The lie is transparent.
No. 1559623
File: 1655158058335.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x1582, BF1DC00E-45F3-4CB2-9D98-D6B82A…)

Yeah it’s such a good idea to live broadcast to adult diaper creeps, exactly where you’re staying before you even leave Ireland. She’s so dense. At least “flex” after you leave the country so no one stalks you.
No. 1559648
>>1559623Come on '
nonny this is the most lux thing Shayna has done since she started posting porn on tumblr at 18. sure beats that work trip in splenda where she was kept hidden in the room at least.
No. 1559698
File: 1655162029237.jpeg (Spoiler Image,257.91 KB, 828x1852, 2413E561-9633-4A25-AADB-0720FC…)

I can’t believe she’s has this outfit this long
No. 1559716
File: 1655162963635.jpeg (Spoiler Image,327.07 KB, 1308x1080, 9BE3DA6D-1860-405B-A786-D97EFF…)

>>1559698God she’s always had such an unfortunate face but now every part of her is awful to look at
No. 1559721
File: 1655163152244.jpeg (363.44 KB, 853x632, 709B3298-2762-48B3-A7AF-7D8933…)

>>1559716She needs some new outfits
No. 1560030
>>1559698So original! Definitely would want to keep subscribing to an average e whore that just recycles outfits and ideas while the content and looks go down.
If those are really the same socks, that really says something. They used to be over the knee, practically thigh highs… she cant get them to touch her knee now.
No. 1560081
File: 1655191363159.jpeg (447.96 KB, 828x820, 95E14387-E75D-4BA2-B29C-F3E16B…)

I feel like she’s going to be even more of a bitch then normal having to go back to her depressing life after having a taste of normalcy
No. 1560128
>>1559175aaaAAAHH How does she live with skin like this?? Homegirl needs to exfoliate…
Sage for unrestrainable sperg out
(and this homegirl needs to sage ) No. 1560193
>>1560128Except you didn’t sage you absolute retard
>>1560081Get ready for ~2 weeks of birthday begging, I wonder what kind of ugly, tacky, clearance rack wares Ellen Degenerate and inbred,
abusive old scrote will bestow upon their uwu princess
No. 1560308
>>1560293Well isn't it technically Ellen's apartment since she pays for it? So she can see whoever she wants in it I'd say.
But I feel like earlier itt someone mentioned she was traveling in June also so she might be out of town with one of her coomers.
No. 1560535
How much do you think Shaynus earns annually through sexwork? My guess would be about 50k annually, without any of the perks of a real job like a solid health care plan. But she has her parent's plan at the moment.
>>1560308I believe that Shanya can afford the apartment she's in, but I also believe she is spending way above what she should be. As other nonnies have mentioned, you would hope sex workers would be putting aside "retirement" funds early or setting themselves up for a career after sex work. But Shayna never thinks ahead and instead just wants something she can show off and use as a talking point for how successful she must be if she can afford her own apartment. She isn't being smart with her money. Seeing where she is once she hits 30 will be interesting.
No. 1560597
>>1560535I think she was making around that much (~$50K) at her peak, so it's definitely gonna be lower than that. Probably lower than $50K and between/inclusive of what
>>1560579 said
No. 1560711
File: 1655238110407.jpeg (238.79 KB, 828x817, E752BA42-954E-4958-8503-424EEE…)

No. 1560860
>>1558682Late but I hate bikini barista anon.
No one cares, whore. You probably still work three jobs just to afford rent.
No. 1561148
File: 1655269540369.jpeg (209.13 KB, 828x1074, C9F62E92-0A51-4C2B-806B-1D3841…)

Vintage Shayna picture from her step sisters Instagram. This is her only photo with her
No. 1561181
>>1561148Quelle bleaque. Sex work, not even once. I’d love to know what goes through Big Shaynus’ head when she looks back at these pics. I can’t imagine how her family feels, if I were her parents I’d be wondering what the fuck went wrong.
>>1561174I know right, she’s so cute and natural and “normal”. Again, I’d love to know what goes through Shay’s head when she makes the decisions she does, because I just cannot comprehend any of it.
No. 1561349
>>1561256it's still me, gastroenterologist-chan
bitch gets internal hemorrhoids frequently, horrifically, you can see them in certain photos; also explains why she doesn't bitch about pain, internal hemorrhoids don't typically hurt, but danglers do
she gets fissures too, which just means a tear in your anus, you dry-fuck your butthole, you are gonna get tears
I hate my job very much.
No. 1561421
File: 1655302015480.jpeg (Spoiler Image,51.39 KB, 328x340, 002B7249-3471-4BDA-BCFA-EA2442…)

>>1561155I’m sorry by Ariana’s injected face looks like a rotting jack-o-lantern. Shay is lucky she never got addicted to plastic surgery like PNP or she would look significantly worse than today.
>>1561349Is there any hope of her healing? This is a nightmare to read.
No. 1561673
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No. 1561676
File: 1655316413492.jpeg (333.5 KB, 803x967, C21AD5F2-6A05-4BAA-BCF6-8D5103…)

No. 1561683
File: 1655316643038.jpeg (389.54 KB, 1770x1080, F8381328-DDEA-4DBE-8691-9B9C6D…)

No. 1561687
>>1561676lol NO ONE wants to be around you Shayna, not even your own family. they were all probably going back and forth like “ugh should we really invite her? I guess we kind of have to because it’s for her brothers graduation…”
idk why she doesn’t take the hint; you are insufferable Shayna. get your shit together.
No. 1561712
>>1561673She always says this like its her peak accomplishment in life. Like its some motivational speech to ??
You live an an apartment like a lot of the adult population, congrats. You dont have a car, stable real job, savings, etc. And lest she forgets how she can barely afford a minimal lifestyle and rent without help from Womack, pity pennies from coomers, and it's very likely her parents help. They absolutely helped her move, they help her visit them, probably with heaters and other things like that. And above all, she's on their health insurance. She wouldn't get to go to the er for excess drinking and smoking multiple times a week if not for the family she loves to talk down on most of the time and act better than because she was so uwu ~brave and independent~
I hope that when she sits down to drink another bottle of wine shes more humble and real before it numbs her completely.
No. 1561716
>>1561418Anon is right, the hemorrhoids are mostly cause by her horrible diet, when she gets externals, that'll be from the dry-fucking, I really don't know how she's managed to escape those this far, she's lucky because the fissures are definitely from the dry-fucking, there's just way too many for it to be from diet alone
>>1561421Well, that kind of depends on your definition of "to heal" honestly. Could she stop getting fissures? Most likely yes, she would have to adopt a better diet and stop touching her asshole though. Can she get rid of her internal hemorrhoids? Yes, but only permanently with surgery, otherwise she can only reduce their frequency. Can she repair the damage done to her sphincter? No.
No. 1561727
File: 1655319995627.jpeg (185.15 KB, 702x1280, D04A23F1-BB26-4347-A61B-A5DA06…)

Wow, even more alcohol and a cheap snack box. So spoiled
No. 1561748
>>1561676So normally they just go on trips and shit without Shayna? It's clear her dad possibly her step-mom wanted her there. Not really her siblings or anyone else. The trip was clearly to celebrate her brother's accomplishments. They seem close knit, I wouldn't be surpised of they always celebrate things this way or do things & just don't invite shayna.
Also why make a post after leaving your family about how you left at 18 and did it all on your own?
Am I the only one who feels like leaving her actually successful siblings who her parents are actually proud of, made her feel like she bad to say something?
She never once said she's proud of her brother or anyone. Her biggest flex is she moved out at 18. Meanwhile her siblings actually are educated and well liked.
No. 1561755
File: 1655320828016.jpeg (Spoiler Image,691.73 KB, 828x1427, 59426C6D-E3AC-413D-B8D1-6D8AB0…)

Obligatory gross cramped airplane bathroom nude
No. 1561767
>>1561712It's shade towards her siblings. She moved out at 18. They probably stayed at home or in dorms, getting a paid for education so they could get nice jobs and live normally. To shayna she's the wild child whose the most independent. When everyone with brains looks at Shayna as a failure. Seriously all she can say is "I pay my own rent…I moved out at 18". Thats her biggest accomplishment. Surely she knows plenty of people do that right? She's comparing herself to her siblings. I also think all that "debt" talk and "college fund" shit was some kinda shade too. Shayna thinks everyone lives like her family.
Nobody moves out at 18, can pay their own rent, everyone has college funds or the choice of paid for education. She's truly doing things her own way like a rebel. When she's just retarded.
No. 1561769
File: 1655321241322.jpeg (223.23 KB, 752x1280, 4F7111A3-19CC-42E0-990F-27C0D0…)

Why advertise this? It’s not cute.
No. 1561789
>>1561709>>1561715I'm sry, I will stop using sarcasm on the internet, kek.
It's just, she's acting like her parents are horrible people, still she visits them, goes on holiday with them. If your parents are horrible and you have enough money to live your own life, why ever see them again? It's just sad, she has so many possibilities and she doesn't use a single one of them.
No. 1561792
>>1561769so, I'm an alcoholic (high-functioning and without sex work) and even I don't drink as much or start as early in the day as she does.
Someone here assumed her alcohol expenses would be around 150$, I don't know how expensive alcohol is in the US, it's pretty cheap in my country and I spend around 230$ a month and I drink less, would put her on at least 250$ only for alcohol.
No. 1561796
>>1561789If Shaynas parents didn't have money I doubt she'd see them often or come around. They are her back up plan. That's why she brags about leaving home, because she didn't have too because she has parents who would help her.
Her parents are great and shayna is 100% the issue because none of her other siblings behave this way.
No. 1561820
>>1561792No one asked nor cares.
>>1561747a lot of anons have this hope that she’ll quit sex work but tbh I think she’ll kill herself before she quits.
No. 1561847
File: 1655325595206.jpeg (1.04 MB, 3465x3465, 56CB33C2-253F-4C0B-93AE-DA0F60…)

>>1561673I’d be so embarrassed if my “fans” were Jason R Womack or Michael Slack from Missouri who molested his young daughters
No. 1561857
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No. 1561952
File: 1655331143344.jpeg (161.49 KB, 828x1271, AB43BCC2-9E21-423A-8E52-759BB4…)

What the fuck her floors are filthy and covered in cat food. Damn bitch you live like this? Did she just scatter food everywhere for them while she was away? No. 1561966
>>1561914We really don't talk enough about how he definitely raped his own daughter.
That "daddy's girl" tattoo will haunt me for the rest of my life, even when I finally outgrow lolcow, even if I finally become a normie; I will be forever haunted by what I've learned about the world from this evil, wicked thread
Greyhair fucking raped his daughter.
No. 1561972
File: 1655332271866.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1125x2180, EE17300D-87D3-420D-80DB-0C15AE…)

going through her stepsisters vsco and found this from july 2, 2016. it looks like our shat, but sage because i’m not 100% certain
No. 1561973
File: 1655332307022.jpeg (318.1 KB, 1125x1878, 5FDB0206-0620-4388-9C19-B6EEB8…)

one more
No. 1561975
>>1561966samefag; To keep it Shayna related,
imagine your living being paid by this man, and you were aware of it, and you weren't disgusted enough to fucking quit and just flip burgers or fold clothes like you have some self-respect
No. 1562126
File: 1655340496016.webm (2.4 MB, 592x1280, disgusting floors and baseboar…)
>>1561952Here’s the .webm
No. 1562209
File: 1655346130072.jpeg (217.38 KB, 682x1280, 891F632D-B591-4624-8180-DDC5FD…)

Couldn’t even shower for a date her hair is still in a rat nest bun
No. 1562235
>>1562209Why the fuck is she wearing thick
sweaters in June and she was wearing flip flops in the winter?? I know, it's a nitpick but I just don't fucking understand.
>>1562232Yeah maybe I'm going crazy but I'm pretty sure she mentioned she pays over 2k for rent before in one of her "I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF" tweets.
No. 1562240
>>1562234Kek anon. It does look like a split scar but I really think it's just her wrinkly head.
If there was a story about splitting her head open she'd be milking it
No. 1562520
>>1562474>>1562482I can't believe I'm even
indirectly defending a literal pedo, but you two are being really aggressive for something that is a tinfoil. He's a creep that has definitely done stuff that should have him on some type of list, but we have zero concrete proof that he actually raped his daughter. This habit of claiming tinfoils to be fact only helps all these people claiming the site makes up lies about them.
No. 1562608
>>1562607actually yeah anon accusing someone of child molestation requires proof, not 4chan level stalking and assumptions.
now that you’ve shown how much you love talking about molesting children, can we move on?
No. 1562617
>>1562605You’re projecting a lot here. Sorry we don’t have sympathy for a dude who follows his own daughter’s sex worker account.
(It’s okay Shayna, your paypig won’t go to jail if someone puts him as a pedophile. You’ll still get your few little coins a month from him.)
No. 1562715
>>1562700You don’t think she’d be posting every second of their interactions if she was actually sleeping with him? I dunno,
nonny, when she was with Fupa she talked about how much HoT sEx they were having ad nauseum. I really do believe she’s borderline celibate.
No. 1562717
>>1562641I honestly don’t think it involved any manipulation on the moid’s part. I just think Shayna really is that retarded. In fact, I’d be willing to bet it was at her insistence. She seems too insecure to accept money from these scrotes in person. I think she’s fine with being a digital prostitute but not an irl prostitute. Correct me if I’m wrong, but this scrote has never given her money, right? Just bought her various gifts and paid for dinners, which scrotes in regular relationships do all the time. This way she can cope and justify the irl whoring to herself. She cares more about moids’ attention than their money. And she doesn’t let him fuck anyway, so why would he pay her?
>>1562700She tweets bragging about every other sexual thing he does to her though, and would post bragging when she and he who shan’t be named were fucking, but she’s suddenly going to be quiet about her and the dad having sex? I don’t think it’s likely
No. 1562778
>>1562613Someone needs to teach you how to read
and comprehend what you just read.
No. 1562779
>>1562653At this point, fuck her. I don't wish her harm, but if it comes her way
outside of horrific shit like murder and rape I won't feel bad for her. She at least deserves to have some scrote scam her out of her Amazon and cheese money.
No. 1562816
>>1562779Im with you. She needs to be scared and actually have something serious happen to her. I think that's the only thing that could possibly get her to quit sw tbh. If something actually traumatic or fucked up happened to her, she
might rethink things. She's got her safety net and numbs herself and gotten by so far. Also don't want the extreme to happen and see her as a crime news report lol, but something.
No. 1562871
File: 1655406300698.jpeg (224.54 KB, 828x841, C1329C34-E409-4958-809F-A19A89…)

No. 1562952
File: 1655410210974.jpeg (241.9 KB, 1242x856, 390353A7-03C6-4BA6-A402-150A3F…)

She sounds retarded
No. 1562961
File: 1655410737159.jpeg (312.7 KB, 1202x1288, 081F7294-142F-4387-A233-FA530B…)

This is so embarrassing Shayna doesn’t like you Ellen
No. 1563092
>>1562816Tbh at this point what's quiting going to do for her? I can see her mom and dad being connected enough to get her in college and have her work at someone's restaurant or office, but it wouldn't last long because she's got brain worms from Tumblr and sex work. As someone who went full NEET for the first half of corona, working sucks. But I have to do it because my mommy and daddy don't have enough money
or like me enough to fund my life and bad habits and whatnot. Someone like shayna, who is both a lazy bitch, and a spoiled bitch, will not stick to anything even slightly inconvenient to her. Sex work, for how embarrassing it is for her, is convenient. She can smoke weed , wake up whenever, and technically the only one she has to answer to is the tax man and her coomers. And she can avoid the tax man, and block coomers who get too aggressive for her liking. She's probably not going to be one of the girls who ends up dead in a ditch from sexwork, because she's got family that cares. Whatever is producing the mayochup in her ass will probably be what takes her out of sex work, when it gets too ugly to edit out and ignore.
No. 1563148
>>1562952>>1562961Kek. Shay just longing for free food and Ellen just wants sexual shit.
Absolute shit show of a couple.
No. 1563211
>>1563092I mean yeah, again, Im not one of the anons writing fanfics about her turning her life around. I just think there will come a point when she just cannot afford to even scrape by like she does now. If Womack ditched her or something happened to him, eventually she'll get fatter and older – she's only been on a decline. I'm just curious if something really sketchy or bad happened would be enough to actual scare her into quitting or otherwise what is she going to do? She's already catering to bottom of the barrel nasty fetishes. This sw path only has so many options if she really won't ever give it up: feeder/mukbang and eventually milf or something. She can do more extreme stuff like full on scat, vomit, etc I guess. Then aside from going into niche horrid fetishes like that the end of the line is b/g getting actually fucked for porn. There's just no other things she can do in SW to maintain this bare minimum lifestyle. Especially with the state of the world.
I know she has her parents to bail her out but there's still going to come a point sooner than later where she will have to face the fact that this isnt sustainable and she can't even scrape by.
No. 1563213
I also really don't believe Shay has the balls to go into anything really hardcore like the prolapsing, true scat, vomiting, and feederism. She believes shes cute and charming and can eventually be skinny again. She will only go so far in these fetishes because theyre not actually her kinks.
No. 1563297
>>1561673sOOOO embarrassed that we saw her struggling in OK? What, being called out for being a drunk abuser?
she was a better version of herself there where that half-gay fat oaf tried to get her to take care of herself.
now she pisses in diapers and hangs out in the emergency department all the time because her alcoholism has spiraled out of control.
No. 1563370
>>1563297It was honestly only embarrassing at the end when she kept threatening to move and Fupa obviously was like "k" and then she had that period of time where she looked fat as fuck and so awfully homely. Like she stopped wearing makeup or doing anything for herself. It was the worst she'd ever looked imo.
I mean her whole life and existence is an embarrassing joke that she puts on display. that's why these threads are here.
I think the funniest thing still about that whole relationship was that she was his secret shameful hook up and he never claimed her again after their honeymoon "Fupa Mansion" saga even though she kept slipping up that they were still in fact seeing eachother. It really started to seem like he pitied her because she had no one else and figured he'd get his chode wet at least. And the worst part was he was no catch at all himself. He's such a cringe nasty ass fat soy boi.
No. 1563643
>>1563412Ummmm excuse you
nonnie he also commented on it and gave her money! He’s not one of those cheap coomers who just masturbates to his own daughter’s content, he makes sure he gives her pennies and public comments too!
No. 1563648
File: 1655469592360.jpg (227.67 KB, 1080x1191, Screenshot_20220617-073639_Twi…)

Deleted the second one already.
No. 1563649
File: 1655469637856.jpg (70.52 KB, 632x688, Screenshot 2022-06-17 084202.j…)

Kek. There are threads upon threads of exactly why you are a terrible person shat.
One great example is interacting with Mike Slack. You know your gun toting, trump voting, PEDO of coomer.
But your evil republican mom who subscribes politically to everything he does is the enemy right?
No. 1563651
File: 1655469695482.jpg (302.75 KB, 1080x1551, Screenshot_20220617-074056_Twi…)

>>1563648And replaced with this one.
No. 1563665
>>1563651Being a pedophile is disgusting and makes you a terrible person. Catering to the most disgusting troglodytes and wearing diapers and pacifiers while using a vibrator is the grossest shit ever.
No. 1563723
>>1563684Mike, no one wants to suck your dick. Why don’t you go creep on your daughter some more?
>>1563658Also, something about the casual usage of “whores” screams scrote to me.
No. 1563724
>>1563723lol the only people that are annoyed with the thread being overrun by this gross dude, are clearly Shayna and Mike Slack himself. right,
nonny. keep telling yourself that. make his own thread if he’s so damn milky.
No. 1563728
File: 1655477742049.jpeg (644.01 KB, 1170x1265, 0D440483-8728-4344-B6EA-A6D243…)

“Sweet, loving, caring girl” okay Shay. Coming from the bitch who was just complaining about her “horny” followers
No. 1563729
File: 1655477843924.jpeg (672.73 KB, 1170x1860, AAFD9062-9EFF-4B2E-B3B4-FBAAB3…)

The last comment is most likely a farmer
No. 1563743
File: 1655479577600.jpg (123.32 KB, 1080x604, Screenshot_2022-06-17-16-24-07…)

Big shaynus
No. 1563749
File: 1655480052559.jpeg (881.97 KB, 1170x1660, A5CC52BC-2F1D-4E70-B4CF-16BD31…)

>>1563743Idk who’s video descriptions are worse: Shay’s or theirs
No. 1563761
File: 1655481409125.jpeg (54.29 KB, 365x607, C1D9D0CD-063D-4E7C-B462-9E1687…)

>>1563743Kek, why is she like this?
No. 1563762
File: 1655481495380.jpeg (Spoiler Image,571.48 KB, 1242x674, 1B7DFFDC-7F86-4AB1-BDB8-060EF2…)

her double chin
No. 1563769
File: 1655481785501.jpeg (Spoiler Image,803.55 KB, 1242x1264, FE11FF79-08A1-4D9E-A15B-01ED86…)

Jackie Kennedy touching Shaynus’ rancid snatch
No. 1563786
>>1563648Allow me to clarify: you are hated because you pander to pedophiles. Normal people despise pedophiles and those that seek to sexualize or harm children. YOU sexualize children. We hate because you’re an evil, wretched, pedopandering waste of a human life.
Hope this helps! <3
No. 1563806
>>1563761because anon she’s just a
quirky chick who’s
totally not like other girls!
No. 1563827
File: 1655483728790.jpeg (418.27 KB, 1170x1323, 29ABBEFE-3947-4818-A75A-4D6653…)

Exhibit A of why people hate and harass you Shay
No. 1563915
>>1563827From my fingers to God's iPhone in heaven, please let this bitch have a rotten uterus that will never ever bear a child. Amen.
Fuckin disgusting degenerate, I don't understand how people can still want her to get out of sex work, I'll take my a-log ban if the mods are still around, but I hope Shayna dies a broke diseased camwhore, she doesn't deserve a decent normal life. Her parents are too nice to her and that's probably part of what fucked her development. she was definitely the type of kid who needed a strict authoritarian parent to tell her to stop being fucking gross or they're not giving her anymore money.
No. 1563923
>>1563827All men need to be tortured to death>>1563743She’s huge, look at those calves
>>1563915Seriously. Fuck her parents for enabling this shit. There’s no way they’re unaware of how much of a disgusting degenerate she is. I’d love to know how hard they cajoled her step sister into tolerating her for two weeks
No. 1563959
>>1563818More like
>make out I thought you said Chinese takeoutWith her fat ass
No. 1563999
File: 1655490783208.jpeg (267.73 KB, 635x1280, 4407B393-E78A-4EA4-99C3-CBFC1A…)

>>1563728This is what
triggered her, some retard cowtipper couldn’t contain their autism and left a bunch of unfunny replies under some of her posts
No. 1564125
>>1563999She lurks the thread, there's no reason to directly interact. She knows she's ugly and barely getting by, she just pretends with this "cute, loving thriving bby bimbo" persona online. But she gives herself away when she has to beg the next day and make up excuses as to why she's short on rent. If she truly believed she was hot, she wouldnt use snap filters and heavily edit her pics every time. If she wasn't a shitty person that broadcasts their entire life on twitter, she wouldn't have threads.
Its because of her insistence that she's sexy and successful and a good person when she displays the opposite for anyone with more than 2 braincells not porn rotten to see. When she's sober, she really knows her life sucks. So she keeps drinking and smoking herself sick.
No. 1564274
>>1564189She really does have this ridiculous entitlement complex where she thinks her existence and presence is enough to garner money and praise. Doing the bare minimum is to be applauded from her.
But aside from those ugly plates she bought her dad one year for his birthday or fathers day, she's never gotten a gift for anyone. She only brags about what others do and get for her. Oh she got Fupa a candle I think early in their move in lol. I mean she would absolutely tweet about any gift or gesture she would do but she just isn't a giving person. She's a fucking mooch and all she can offer up is her gross body. But she doesnt let her current partners fuck her, just bite and spank. Her blow jobs are god awful and her body is ugly lol. So even as a whore she's not doing it right.
No. 1564405
>>1564400so just because men do it, we should? gross
nonnie, be better
No. 1564408
>>1564405I don't like the word either but that is your literal job description if you're a sex worker, get a real job if you don't want people to say horrible things about/to you, it's unfortunately part of the territory.
Also that person went on to call anon a cunt,
>>1564383 so, pot meet kettle
No. 1564434
>>1563923>I’d love to know how hard they cajoled her step sister into tolerating her for two weeksBy letting her bring the friend and offering to pay for everything I suppose. They seem like they throw money at problems and expect that to make it better. Her mom probably tries harder but is afraid Shayna will cut contact completely if she even suggests that Shayna should quit sexwork because it's bad for her mental and physical health. But they need to just cut the cord unless they want her to be the degenerate whore aunty that the kids aren't allowed to be alone with for longer than it takes someone to pee or finish making spaghetti.
>>1564374Shut up camwhore go project elsewhere. Why can't y'all just lurk and realize no one is talking about you or cares about you here? Cry to your degenerate simp army. You probably got a few mike slacks paying you 5.99 monthly, how does that make you feel?
No. 1564512
>>1564507“Teehee just say you’re too poor for plastic surgery” Drink laundry detergent
What is it with these cancerous twitter SWs coming on here to complain about shayna as if they’re any better? Congrats, you have a better pussy than the patient zero for herpes and you sit your fat asses on twitter and post nudes. Keep selling your pussies for pennies, ladies! Fighting the patriarchy every step at a time by poking fun at Shayna because your retarded ‘successful’ business is soooo much better than hers
No. 1564528
File: 1655524377301.gif (24.4 KB, 506x67, 27E8DF6F-5991-4104-A959-878E59…)

>>1564374(Not unsuccessful) sure Jan
No. 1564529
File: 1655524419978.gif (375.89 KB, 347x195, D6D490B5-DECE-4B30-BBAB-F4EF54…)

sex work isn’t real work, I think some of these anons are lost!
No. 1564531
>>1564429Kek that’s so bleak
>>1564516Surgery can’t fix neanderthal genes. Ooga booga me Big Shaynus
No. 1564532
File: 1655524725702.jpeg (817.31 KB, 805x1121, 5E2F8F36-419B-4B0D-9624-643DDA…)

In an alternate universe Shayna is a Cookie Monster pajama wearing mom of five
No. 1564583
>>1564578Because nothing says successful like being an insecure ewhore, I’m sure your parents are very proud!
Really though, who cares?? You should be embarrassed
No. 1564655
File: 1655539133076.png (250.69 KB, 3742x2510, Distribution_of_Annual_Househo…)

>>1564651not that anon but the situation in America is already fucking bleak, it's why young women like shay here resort to degrading themselves so they can live in a shitty apartment. She can't do this forever and her record's permanent tarnished for 40k a year? :\
>>1564652"literally anyone can" but there's not an infinite number of positions and competition's tough. some people work 2-3 jobs so you're not just competing with the unemployed, either. literally every professional who has hosted workshops for job hunters has said that the single most important factor in getting a job is knowing someone who works at the place you want to apply so they can notify you of an available position before the 100 other broke assholes get a whiff of it.
and so many women quit their jobs during covid and haven't gone back b/c what work women do get is complete garbage.
(derailing) No. 1564698
File: 1655543713223.gif (37.1 KB, 500x155, more work.gif)

>>1564684>there is no excuse for choosing to do this shit over an actual jobi hate the fact that sexual exploitation/pr0n/other such bullshit is so normalized but
victim blaming isn't gonna do shit b/c these women wouldn't be ruining their lives for chump change b/c there's ~~~so many other options~~~.
shayna's probs naive, lazy and wilfully ignorant of the repercussions involved here. She's not dumb enough to not know that letting men hurt her is fucked up and harmful, she just doesn't care b/c the market's so oversaturated with butterfaces being abused that she won't make any money if she doesn't do vile pedophilic niche shit. If you have psych issues and can't tolerate 'normal' 9-5 work sometimes this shit is all that's accessible. Tons of dumb young women are lured into 'seX WOrK' young b/c it's so hard to find decent work at that age & they're ignorant + exploitable. Working at McD's and Walmart is soulsucking and sometimes the only option. And you won't have any free time or money to go out & enjoy yourself if you do minimum wage work. If that wasn't the reality these chicks wouldn't be letting men piss on or hit them so they can go on one fucking vacation to yurop or someshit.
No. 1564709
>>1564704This thread is full of feminists, hence shaynus and sex workers in general being so reviled by farmers. The word “whore” isn’t a slur, it’s exactly what they are. What’s with the influx of woketards?
>>1564698>b/c these women wouldn't be ruining their lives for chump change b/c there's ~~~so many other options~~~. Bullshit. You sound like a twitter faggot. Don’t make excuses for people who are willingly harming women
No. 1564711
File: 1655545267384.jpg (Spoiler Image,210.44 KB, 970x735, dworkin on sex.jpg)

>>1564709you are most definitely not a feminist, though. stop lying. you'd get ostracized from any decent community in a heartbeat if you talked like that.
>who are willingly harming womenthe moids are harming Shayna, I never said they weren't. if men GAF about vulnerable women and had money to spare they'd donate it to them w/o asking these women to be sexually degraded & traumatized for life in return. but most moids are sorry excuses for human beings who shouldn't exist.
>>1564710yes they are. them enabling/tolerating their own victimization does not mean that they're not exploited & abused numbnuts. basic feminist consciousness would help you here.
>My hatred is precious,” she once said to me. “I don’t want to waste it on those who are colluding in their own oppression. My hatred is geared towards the men that put that crap in their heads, and the ones doing the raping.-What Andrea Dworkin, the feminist I knew, can teach young women by Julie Bindel
No. 1564735
>>1564726NTA and yeah, I agree, calling random anons whores is moidy and misogynistic. The actual e-whore(s) calling anons cunts is disgusting too, they are hypocritical pickmes who hate other women
>>1564711Again NTA but I think women who participate in non-survival sex work are indirectly harming other women because they are complicit in the normalization of behaviours that are
abusive and dehumanize women.
Scrotes really just should not exist though No. 1564746
>>1564742I meant - my second job isn't going to be sex work. Like what SW
nonnie was trying, and failing, to flex with.
No. 1564803
>>1564766as someone who slaved at a minimum wage job for years, yes I can say I'd always rather do that than sw
the internet is forever, and the humiliation of that being found if I were to apply to a job where SOMEONE might decide to check the internet is absolutely not worth it
it's not fucking empowerment, it's temporary money and a loaded weapon to use against you later
No. 1564836
File: 1655560990733.jpg (Spoiler Image,19.2 KB, 242x306, whut-1_031641.jpg)

>>1564825girl cut your losses snd stop pretending that being sexually abused & exploited while normalizing this shit online is somehow on par with actual jobs. SWers end up with permanent damage to their abiliy to enjoy, form & maintain intimate relationships, severe body image issues and other psych trauma as a result of being prostituted.
You can argue that going to school for 8 years and contending with grueling work & a high pressure environment is horrible for your health too (and you'd be right) but comparing sexual exploitation to this is false equivalence. The disciplinarian culture that the likes of Shayna try to avoid via SW is oppressive and probably helping send people to an early grave, too. So enough of that "I work 5 jobs and hustle so I can pay my bills and so can you!" bullshit. It's depressing.
>>1564735>>1564734>>1564726the cognitive dissonance must be tearing new people apart.
"Being misogynistic is v bad! Unless you're kind of raging misogynist that is permitted according to board culture! uwu"
No. 1564848
>>1564836I'm retarded and my previous post was in fact intended as a reply to
>>1564766 as I thought her automatically associating "minimum wage" to "retail" reeked of privilege, as if it was the worst thing she could imagine
Sorry you had to type all this because of my dumbass mistake nona
No. 1564855
File: 1655562779336.jpeg (48.99 KB, 275x264, BCBC1EDC-58EA-43C1-8B30-75504B…)

I refuse to normalize sex work, stay mad about it and never forget you’re all shay tier to anyone with any self respect
No. 1564858
>>1564849do people actually believe that SWers are rolling in cash?
from the daily mail:
>On average, sex workers take home £27,271 a year and more than half of earn less than £20,000
>[…] Around three fifths reported persistent or repeated unwanted contact or threatening or harassing texts, calls or emails. No. 1564870
maybe I'm just dumb but who's doing that?
No. 1564905
File: 1655566385725.png (585.31 KB, 1024x576, milk.png)

>when ewhores try to defend their perpetuation of the abuse and exploitation of women in a /snow/ thread crawling with SWERFs.
Farmers don't even have to go looking for milk, the twitter "sex workers" deliver it in person.
No. 1564912
File: 1655566782165.png (67.45 KB, 720x494, 1651660988239.png)

>>1564905oh hai there, insane woke zoomer-san
No. 1564913
>>1564655Yes, America is bleak and people are poor but Shayna is a upper middle class spoiled brat who's parents could set her up nice if she quit sexwork, so no…
She has other options but
chooses to degrade herself and pander to pedos. It's part of why she has a lolcow thread.
No. 1564929
>>1564858it's part of the sexworkers cope. Shayna was bragging about 50k a year, when anyone with a degree can make that, plus get benefits like health insurance, work experience that can be leveraged into a better job, and the ability to say "I didn't have to spread my asshole on onlyfans and dry beg on Twitter to pay my rent/buy myself something nice".
Most sexworkers are struggling like artists, without gaining art skills or having a respectable career. They get their shit leaked all the time and only belle Delphine tier sex workers don't have to beg on Twitter and Instagram. What's the point of doing so much and still not be able to make ends meet without "donations and tips"
No. 1565044
>>1564998I used to think she thinks that "Sex work" is her doing the world a favor, but men have to pay her and even when they get free shit, it's not her doing it out of the kindness of her heart. It's her hoping they'll pay for it or give her interaction. She does nothing for Ellen at all. She does this "Mommy/daddy" shit so she's not expected to do shit in the relationship. People think it's kink, nah. It's Shayna thinking she found a "life hack" to having one sided relationships. When truth is it seems like Ellen or the Dad truly even like or value her. They view her in the same way she views them. A time waster. Something to do/fuck with until they find what they actually want. Someone to make Ellen feel less lonely. Someone to make Shayna feel less lonely and do shit for her.
The Dad barely does shit for her but bless her with his presence and throw a couple bucks at her once a month. Maybe $200 plus in total.
With Fupaul, she thought opening her legs and being her is all she needed to keep him. She does nothing for anyone, but then talks about how she's a good person. I guess not doing outwardly shitty things (She doesn't see Pedo pandering as shitty) means she's a "Good" person. Literally not keeping babies or being as rude as she wants to be sometimes, is her idea of being a "Loving, caring person".
No. 1565070
>>1565069Shayna has been doing anything since she's left Fupaul, shit even before. All her milk is "Ugly ass picture, dumb ass scamming another dumb ass" or someone connected to her is better looking then her or some shit.
Shayna has become a side character in her own damn thread.
No. 1565085
>>1564649Because America lives off hand-outs. There are enough people comfortable living off the government who just refuse to work anymore. Same reason we have whores proud to be making 40k a year to spread cheeks. People are lazy as hell, Nonnies. This whole sex work industry is booming because Americans and the American-wannabes in other countries are lazy as hell human beings who want money for doing fuck all. And then there are of course the actually mentally unstable people who are not supported because thelazy poor people who dont wanna work are instead. There are actually mental people who cannot work, go to school and are actually too mentally ill to spread their asshole for coffee funds. Shocking.
Any American who wants work can find it easily. Is every job available a cushy, air conditioned desk job? No, but there's lots of work. Especially post-covid.
No. 1565093
File: 1655578339292.gif (1.37 MB, 640x562, EF5B6C43-5FB2-47FB-895D-8C3C45…)

>>1565085Kim K is that you? I agree though people are lazy. Especially Americans
No. 1565143
File: 1655582063925.jpg (107.36 KB, 1080x522, Screenshot_20220618-124811_Sam…)

>>1565138Best she can do is retweet gang rape "fantasies" while she sits on her ass drinking wine, ~recovering~ from her vacation.
I remember last time she fucked off for like a week+ and she took a huge dip in subs. It was when she was Fupa baiting with the fake psych ward stunt kek.
She did the queued content while on vaction which was surprising but now she's just silent. But you know she'll be back on for her birthday. Not how someone struggling to make rent and steadily losing subs should be running their only source of income, but when has she ever know how to run her pussy spreading business.
No. 1565177
>>1565175The vibe in this thread is so off, like it's clear what nonnies were saying about the "No car" thing. It feels like some nonnies are salty about other agruments they had and since this thread isn't being modded right now they are venting about random shit.Of course Nonnies don't want drunken/high shayna to drive, but I don't even think if Shayna had a car she'd even drive it anyway. She'd just take pictures maybe once in a while use it to drive somewhere to do porn in it. I could even see her sharing with Ellen or somebody just so they can drive her.
It's just another thing Shayna wanted but never got.
No. 1565195
>>1565172>>1565173Its bummy af to not have a car/license as an adult, I'm sorry. Theres very few places I could see it as a non necessity. If you have a neet lifestyle then yeah you don't need it. But everyone I've known that doesnt drive or have a car as an adult are low key losers or poor lol. At least have the means to drive yourself if and when you need and not have to rely on uber or your partner or the bus or walking or whatever that anon does.
Yeah no one wants her dumbass on the road and she's got nowhere to go really, but its still a basic asset people have that she doesn't because she's too stupid and broke to afford it or go about it lol.
No. 1565199
File: 1655587491635.jpeg (Spoiler Image,307.01 KB, 1500x1000, 0DD4EC7D-26C2-4702-87F9-8668C7…)

Everything about this is so bad
No. 1565219
File: 1655589921906.jpeg (576.28 KB, 1170x1571, D764BD25-0D42-43BE-AB5B-7EFE8E…)

Now back to Shay, I highly doubt this
No. 1565223
File: 1655590205512.png (143.39 KB, 416x397, 83393B1E-89F3-42E6-9589-998122…)

>>1565219This doesn’t count though. She’s not sober and drinks alcohol like it’s water. Shaynanderthal looking ass
No. 1565235
>>1565232This Anon
>>1512212Shoutout to her this never fails to make me laugh
No. 1565293
File: 1655597952135.jpeg (250.87 KB, 1242x1001, 2DB5086E-BE00-473A-9D25-11AA66…)

Kek Shayna’s Splenda daddies do all her advertising
No. 1565306
>>156457820k for HALF A YEAR?
20k… for half of a whole year??
You only make 40k a year??? And your bragging??
(derailing) No. 1565347
File: 1655604397294.jpeg (Spoiler Image,41.98 KB, 1115x626, 18F432AA-724F-4008-B94E-638FD6…)

This nude isn’t good enough to steal kek why does she watermark her shit
No. 1565348
File: 1655604421549.jpeg (231.55 KB, 1242x777, FE5F6CAC-5FB9-4D02-9049-C16FA9…)

No. 1565354
>>1565061Imagine letting men live rent free in your head newfag.
>>1565324It's habitual, you can become addicted to the action of smoking weed in the same way smoking a cone can become a subconscious fidget like playing with your hair, or biting your nails. By the time you'd consider someone addicted the "mind altering" aspect is completely gone for a seasoned smoker unless they intentionally limit their usage.
No. 1565495
>>1565481The twitterfags stick out like sore thumbs with their typing (in addition to caping for degeneracy).
>>1565348>entire “career” catalog of humiliating videos in exchange for a fucking air conditioner Wow, such a spoilt bimbo, other sugar babies are being flown to Portofino or Nice and Big Chungus is panhandling on twitter. Positively thriving
No. 1565536
File: 1655627109421.jpeg (232.6 KB, 1242x856, 8C1DA03A-6831-4F3F-8186-945802…)

No. 1565537
File: 1655627209971.jpeg (426.26 KB, 1242x914, 18E73C73-4723-4233-B6BC-1A0B3B…)

This outfit is so ugly. I absolutely loath it
No. 1565538
File: 1655627233776.jpeg (309.18 KB, 1242x677, B34F16C8-ADE0-4AF5-AAB6-3E7821…)

I’m sure pop pop is so proud, big shaynus
No. 1565539
>>1565495Shaynus doesn’t put out and she’s too fat and ugly to be a
actual sugar daddy’s arm candy.
No. 1565552
File: 1655628624973.jpeg (80.17 KB, 814x600, 8F44F572-E6E5-4161-B71B-6980DB…)

>>1565541That’s because this video is from Father’s Day 2020 when she was a bit bigger
No. 1565664
File: 1655643236099.jpeg (33.95 KB, 320x321, 1652095351740.jpeg)

to get through this milk drought and to stop the retarded infighting, share your favourite shatna memes and art. i start with this classic
No. 1565759
File: 1655653280272.jpeg (136.68 KB, 896x718, 85DA5A1E-E5CE-4D7C-BB46-4F17F3…)

No. 1565821
File: 1655657905072.jpeg (838.95 KB, 672x940, FD85358A-EEC0-4A00-B4ED-CDA318…)

What would you do if you stumbled onto them inna woods(unsaged fanart)
No. 1565898
File: 1655661683809.jpeg (Spoiler Image,317.23 KB, 1080x1165, 679DCB7B-20E2-4F83-9575-3185CB…)

She’s so fucking wrinkled it extends to her snatch, yet she continues to pretend to be a child
No. 1565899
File: 1655661721077.jpeg (787.42 KB, 1065x1135, D649D089-8A1B-4C59-AEB8-2DB5E4…)

Nice neck rolls Shaynus(nitpicking)
No. 1565968
File: 1655665762945.jpeg (427.57 KB, 1080x1515, 0A4CE0A1-8B05-4BFB-96D2-2D25D9…)

No. 1566019
File: 1655668125243.png (212.32 KB, 537x297, croppedshaynus.png)

>>1565968huge kek at the fact that it would be almost a semi-passable shot if the photographer cropped out some her back chub picrel. still not artistic, but better. but the inclusion of the huge swath of back fat just
totally detracts from the scenery
(nitpicking) No. 1566022
>>1566019The black and white filter makes it looks like shit
No. 1566031
File: 1655669011006.jpeg (302.38 KB, 828x950, D6C792F4-B153-47ED-A6CE-9D86B0…)

Bitch how often are you implying you shit yourself
No. 1566039
File: 1655669508022.jpg (Spoiler Image,165.54 KB, 1000x500, 01110101 01100111 01101100 011…)

>>1565968Went to their website, no joke this was the first photo that came up. If I was a potential client I would be completely put off.
No. 1566066
File: 1655670656016.gif (1.34 MB, 1280x688, this whole thing baybeeeey.gif)

>>1565664this thread pic right here. It's my absolute favourite kek.
No. 1566131
File: 1655675141028.jpeg (405.95 KB, 1170x1253, 88926E44-D8FE-49F1-ABB9-B65FE1…)

No. 1566152
>>1566131>somebodies Illiterate sped
>>1566049I was just about to say the same thing, the composition of the photo is fine. Plus it’s not like shaynus is a model hired by the photographer or a brand to represent them, she paid for this shoot, I doubt it will impact his business negatively
No. 1566165
File: 1655678878949.jpeg (189.75 KB, 808x666, 56DDE41D-E31B-410F-A39E-483A9D…)

She’s meeting up with johns again I guess since she lets the last seeking arrangements guy hit it for free now
No. 1566201
File: 1655682136194.jpeg (Spoiler Image,505.55 KB, 828x1025, C9632441-8280-4E42-8E61-D52157…)

What a depressing way to spend your birthday. Should be interesting, she’s gonna get wasted
No. 1566209
File: 1655682685000.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.27 MB, 3464x3464, 1623123094157.jpeg)

>>1566201Can't believe she's still using that crusty box pic that's more photoshop than human. Just highlights how much she's let herself go
No. 1566215
>>1566209Fucking hell.
It's especially stupid to use this to advertise a camshow where it's painfully obvious how she actually looks and can't warp her image.
No. 1566223
>>1566220Party girl*
I’m a moron RIP
No. 1566235
>>1566193yup, it’s full service. her and other low rate whores who don’t make much from it like to tell themselves and others that it’s not
actually the same as full service, that they’re “sugar babies”. all they are is cheap delusional prostitutes.
No. 1566275
File: 1655686031874.gif (1.58 MB, 275x275, 1626314629359.gif)

>>1565664 not shat, but this is my personal favourite. Always cracks me up
No. 1566335
File: 1655689282283.png (529.38 KB, 746x986, 311745F2-93D2-44A0-BF13-3EC2BE…)

>>1566066My favorite along with this thread pic
No. 1566361
>>1566195I think she's getting actual money along with her little trinkets. Granted, it's probably not more than $100 or so, but I don't think even she's dumb and lonely enough to get
dolled up and "clean" to be fingered in the Arby's parking lot for
just some off season Nordstrom rack dress and a CVS plushy.
No. 1566365
>>1566361Lol you have high expectations for Shatna
nonnie. She aint getting paid actual money because you know she's not fucking these dudes. She's splenda babying so she's getting bare minimum – dinner and something from the strip mall. A dress or some shoes. Maybe a starbucks drink if she lets the dude finger her. Id be surprised if she even gives head tbh.
No. 1566480
>>1566201This is clearly an attempt to get more pennies than usual out of her disgusting coomers
>uwu it’s my birthday so you have to tip extra! She’ll probably end up bailing at the last minute anyway, citing a “bad brain day” or that “mumma”/“the dad” are taking her out for dinner or something
No. 1566492
File: 1655700576705.png (Spoiler Image,1.88 MB, 1080x1841, Screenshot_20220619-214841.png)

I don't know what's worse, the picture or the 3000 followers
No. 1566710
File: 1655730192749.jpeg (35.54 KB, 500x500, 33CB65E2-ED89-428F-8CED-C2F031…)

>>1566706Anon you gave me big “is that a weed” energy with this kek
No. 1566976
File: 1655749711359.png (212.89 KB, 404x720, 43E52833-82FD-4EAE-B890-5FA35A…)

Can Shaynus make a new video so we can laugh at whatever ugly getup she has on
No. 1567116
File: 1655758226576.jpeg (897.73 KB, 1170x1299, 76A51DF5-5156-4F0B-94F1-DF8CE3…)

Jason R Womack must be punching air right now
No. 1567123
>>1567116I can only imagine the smell moving all that flesh around, she rarely bathes.
And I still can't believe there are anons ITT that don't believe she's not a common prostitute. This pretty much proves it.
No. 1567138
File: 1655759136722.jpeg (348.38 KB, 804x1339, D778DCC3-D1A7-4DD8-A9BE-037894…)

This irl prostitute saga should be interesting
No. 1567174
File: 1655761034959.jpeg (434.59 KB, 1080x1874, D1D2199C-C7B1-4FCE-BC1E-A15737…)

No. 1567198
File: 1655762765364.jpeg (291.88 KB, 828x704, F6474909-964C-4D3A-AB21-C166FA…)

No. 1567203
File: 1655763156583.jpeg (16.11 KB, 480x360, C6C9CB5D-07E2-4536-BE86-3CB394…)

>>1567198Birth of Venus???!
No. 1567207
File: 1655763561384.jpeg (32.94 KB, 750x750, 1FEF1321-A07B-480C-932B-AD1F02…)

>>1567198‘Tism but I literally just booked to get a tattoo of the birth of Venus and now the whole thing is ruined.
More like Venus of Willendorf but I even hate that comparison
No. 1567252
File: 1655766209509.jpeg (Spoiler Image,688.21 KB, 1172x733, CCD80C5F-CE51-4B7E-A297-ECA888…)

>>1567198The Birth of Shaynus
No. 1567261
File: 1655767031866.jpg (176.29 KB, 798x770, 4ki23k.jpg)

>>1567252jesus christ nona, every time i think i'm done with this place, a post like yours pulls me right back in
No. 1567337
File: 1655773311290.jpeg (421.14 KB, 1242x1413, DEC98C53-FB3D-4F0A-8B0B-D4F2CF…)

No. 1567353
File: 1655774788431.jpeg (345.78 KB, 828x1821, 0B55B641-99C1-4FCC-90B3-D942EC…)

>>1566031These are the men she’s trying to relate to
No. 1567366
>>1567341A lot of people use “free” OF profiles to make money. This person has a free OF but you have to pay individually for most of the content. Some people have free OF that is censored 2 advertise their real OF.
Regardless, she is calling Shayna out so let’s just appreciate that
No. 1567391
>>1567366Spotted the e-whore whore posting.
No one cares about some fellow whore doing a "hahaha epic own" of Shanus. Fatty whore is probably just trying to get clout off of SHANUS of all people. Every single online whore or discord kitty with a sugar faddy groomer needs to know that if dunking on Shanus makes them feel better, it makes them infinitely cringier cows than Shanus. She has won the cow of the year three times in a row, what's your achievement? Selling your spread asshole for five dollars?
Fuck off. Don't cowtip. Stop giving attention to faggots trying to get clout off of the retard toddler of all people. We are here to observe and laugh at her.
In other news, can't wait for Shanus whine about her irl splenda daddies getting obsessive and possessive or dangerous. It's bound to happen with her intellectual capabilities
No. 1567496
File: 1655788682900.jpeg (35.6 KB, 274x275, 9FCBF768-D99D-4C21-978E-FB457C…)

No. 1567501
>>1567411They will get what they deserve soon enough. When a coomer has a choice of filling the gas tank of his car and eating or paying for wank material, he will chose the former and take whatever he can get for free online.
>>1567422All twitter whores are cows. Every one of them possesses the level of mental illness, delusion and narcissism required. The only reason they don't have their own individual threads is because there aren't farmers with enough hours in a day to catalog it all.
No. 1567519
File: 1655790978975.jpeg (741.87 KB, 1220x744, 3E7CDDCF-7B1F-4781-AAD3-B064B4…)

I thought it would be more fitting if shay was sitting in the “girth of Shaynus” I censored the lopsided boobs. sage for autistic
No. 1567607
>>1567591PLEASE nona this is such a good idea! The artfags in this thread are the best part of it, they almost cancel out the whoreposting
>>1567556The details in this like the gross nails (along with the gross everything else) have me rolling, I think it’s the best artist’s rendering of Fat Shat to date
No. 1567626
>>1567519Shat has a really natural and ordinary look. Nothing about her says bimbo or high maintenance. I'm not a fan of the whole bimbo look myself, but when she tries to embrace it it looks even more jarring.
I think she's definitely a kibbe natural.
No. 1567638
File: 1655813560130.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.35 MB, 1242x1628, 1641742175066.jpg)

>>1567626i can't be the only one who thinks she might be a TiM, can I? She comes from a semetic family like Jazz Jennings, doesn't she? If they're rich conservatives they would have transed her young. And doesn't she always claim to have no desire for sex? That could be b/c she never developed properly! I think her vagoo looks like the "good results" surgeons post on their sites. The same droopy permanenly dialated 'hole', the same "pulled down" look. Granted, I haven't seen a ton of vulvas.
(vagina sperg/ tinfoiling) No. 1567652
>>1567638That huge, nasty, hairy mound, the beer gut, the shrivelled, ballsack labia the neck rolls, the multiple chins and ventriloquist doll mouth, the Yaniv smirk, the tiny beady eyes like pissholes in the snow, she’s so damn unfortunate looking, it’s a wonder she can look in a mirror much less post shit like this
>>1567338This obese turd has a nerve calling out others when she looks like that. Looks like we’ve got another useless ewhore to make fun of in the onlyfatties thread
No. 1567654
File: 1655814594249.png (709.52 KB, 1280x720, F32866FB-63A3-4689-9E29-B59464…)

>>1567638I implore you to google the horror that is "neovaginas" before you start claiming ugly natal vaginas as these puss-filled abominations. She's just ugly in a way that looks like The Doctor from Superjail got his hands on her
No. 1567829
>>1567638I'm not going to lie
transvestigation anon, I've wondered that too. I haven't seen many vaginas but it's not even that hers is straight up ugly it just kind of looks like tranny botched fanny but then again i'm also a conspiracy schizo.
No. 1567920
File: 1655833090533.jpeg (429.67 KB, 1170x1156, 85344A42-5AE9-4548-A692-4F6455…)

On today’s episode of “what didn’t happen.” Also, if they both tipped her, does that mean they paid separately? Or just combined it?
No. 1567961
File: 1655834903928.jpeg (844.7 KB, 1170x1513, 6ED3D5B0-3C78-4138-BF4A-2A739B…)

God please no
No. 1567971
>>1567638She doesn't come from a Jewish family. I have seen all her family members on Facebook and there are no Jewish last names and no one who claims to be a jew. Clifford is an English surname that hails from somerset and her mother's maiden name is french. (I'm a sperg who collects info on everyone and everything)
No she's not a TIM, this is the most retarded tinfoil ever. This thread has gone to shit.
No. 1567992
File: 1655836227989.jpeg (62.1 KB, 493x500, F0E2B1A7-A4E4-4BBE-8CED-A043E4…)

>>1567987I implore you all to ignore this retard this time
No. 1568049
>>1567987“All camwhores aren’t just dumb pick me’s that show pussy for money”
Yeah but all of them don’t know how to fucking sage
(don't take bait) No. 1568053
>>1568040Yeah I just come here to laugh at retards, not sure why
nonnie you're replying to thinks this is some secret club.
No. 1568104
File: 1655841500683.jpeg (175.89 KB, 1242x680, 23962440-E965-47D2-B5FA-2274CC…)

>>1567961Of course, Michael Slack wants a shitsicle
No. 1568108
>>1567987oh my god you braindead whore you need help. fuck off
also your nigel is a cuck and a misogynist, and you are beyond insecure plus incredibly stupid. get out
(don’t take bait) No. 1568246
File: 1655851818055.jpeg (383.81 KB, 828x936, 1F589962-D5DA-4FEF-AEC5-800C92…)

No. 1568262
File: 1655853404099.jpeg (246.72 KB, 1242x766, 73726196-F930-4015-9535-1480D1…)

This was a viral meme format on Twitter yesterday she’s trying so hard to get engagement. You’ll never be famous Shaynus
No. 1568266
File: 1655853554952.jpeg (608.7 KB, 1170x1189, 72DCB295-9329-4407-8EB6-A30EBF…)

She really went out like this
No. 1568271
File: 1655853753240.jpeg (778.26 KB, 1202x1221, 58108332-7DA9-492A-A541-4BC8A3…)

She must be drunk to think this looks good. BLEND your eyeshadow
No. 1568272
File: 1655853801018.png (6.16 MB, 1242x2208, 787A5D87-30AB-4398-9E9A-378BCC…)

she should trademark the yaniv/shaynus smirk
No. 1568274
File: 1655853849404.jpeg (207.51 KB, 1080x1385, 04E825C5-BE13-42A8-B392-64E869…)

Kids circa 2014 after watching their first YouTube makeup tutorial
No. 1568276
insecure OF anon is trying to poach Womack or another creep to pay for her cuck boyfriend’s dinner to keep him around, pay no mind as she tries to wrestle with realization that she is just like shat
>>1567203Also can we please just get this reply as the new thread pic it’s killing me and sfw
No. 1568282
File: 1655854415471.jpeg (195.65 KB, 710x1280, 16CD2A50-91EF-4522-A3DB-BE4221…)

The photo she put on Snapchat is even worse
No. 1568286
File: 1655854677804.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1242x1835, 7E00D68A-CE16-4352-A5A2-C2184D…)

>>1568282Oh my God, her hair, she looks like Deborah Logan
No. 1568342
File: 1655858002061.jpeg (228.36 KB, 1242x1327, 0AF6055D-192D-4C85-B77D-29E6EE…)

Is Ellen doing matching watermelon eyeshadow with Shaynus? Kek imagine begging for makeup wipes
No. 1568401
>>1568286Fucking spoiler this
>>1568246If I saw this at the store I’d report it for indecent exposure, I hope to fuck there were no children around
>>1568225Me too. There is no way she makes enough money to cover rent and living expenses. She’s definitely getting assistance from Ellen Degenerate and/or her parents. The pitiful amount she makes from her whoring is probably her “pocket money” for all the junk she hoards, alcohol and going out for “breffast” (just typing that makes me want to glass myself)
No. 1568480
File: 1655874080359.jpg (102.35 KB, 574x1020, EcWXJdxXgAEx-hB.jpg)

>>1568266Kek this is really giving Shane Dawson makeup vibes
No. 1568496
File: 1655877521479.jpeg (602.31 KB, 1242x1723, 52F63592-BCAD-4CCC-8264-6990A5…)

She really is a pig in a blanket isn’t she?
No. 1568502
>>1568498Serious question, why do all twitter whores look like they stink of shit, cat piss, mildew and BO? And you can bet fat, fugly, inbred, degenerate, pedophile, piece of shit coomers like Mike Slack and Jason R Womack are greasy, grimy, unwashed pigs too. At least Shaynus doesn’t even have to pretend to shower regularly for their benefit
No. 1568767
File: 1655905124046.jpeg (441.38 KB, 1980x1125, 6360F9CD-0E07-409B-9AAC-DD4002…)

>>1568246She comes across as homeless or pill addicted just based on appearance, like she looks like a lot of the young women in those exploititive street drive-by videos of really cracked out neighbourhoods imho. Looks like the type of chick who gets her groceries done at a convenience store
No. 1568781
File: 1655905912315.jpeg (477.32 KB, 1170x1278, EA54F9A8-5110-48ED-A1D1-DBF6C3…)

Living the good life Shay
No. 1568827
File: 1655909029146.jpeg (463.12 KB, 900x1245, 4A0E287C-FE45-4FFB-A9B4-52DA5D…)

>>1568272God she is too young to still be rocking the outdated 2014 tumblr extreme side part or the messy bun with the tendrils. It drives me insane that she spends 100% of her day online and still has such a dated hairstyle.
No. 1568980
File: 1655921968861.jpeg (457.33 KB, 1170x1165, C7547EF5-2294-4970-BED4-BBA0FF…)

How do her followers actually believe these stories?
No. 1569028
Hopefully next thread actually has milk in it
No. 1569110
File: 1655930449444.gif (Spoiler Image,18.39 MB, 510x503, 1623396449943.gif)

>>1568246Her tits already look walleyed & fucked up in still pictures but nonnas just imagine how dumb she looks walking around.
She's bouncing down grocery aisles with a single titty flopping around like picrel at every step. Advertising to everyone that she has a lazy boob. And she really seems to think this is an attractive look because a coomer told her once that going braless is hot lmao. It's only hot for women with normal boobs, Shayna. He said that to you when your nipples still lined up.
No. 1569112
Yessss Shaynus, please get into eyeshadow. It's the only thing that could make you look MORE like a haggard mother of 5.
No. 1569399
File: 1655957829851.jpeg (667.11 KB, 1124x1879, 8D540FCE-36DB-406A-B544-DCABDD…)

i spy with my little eye- a wild shatnus lurking in her stepsisters photo
No. 1569751
>>1569736Oh my god go back to twitter or radblr or what the fuck ever, how did you even get here? Catch up on her threads and find out how vile she is. Yeah she may be a ~
victim~ in all of this in the way all e whores are, but she has had plenty of opportunity to get out and CHOOSES, literally chooses to live this way and get MORE degenerate and pander to the worse of the worst. If she snaps out of it someday great, but for now she’s a pedophile pandered and enabler. She fucking hates other women and capes for troons over other women all day every day. This is not the place to be captain save a hoe jfc you’re annoying.
No. 1569869
>>1569399shayna got back lol
>>1569404just because shes really pretty doesnt mean she has to be mean. nonas said that she had a following so its pretty obvious why she accepts anybody.
No. 1570064
>>1562871I'm disturbed that there are men who find this entertaining. And that these men feel so comfortable posting shit like that. Like it's sad she's prostituting herself. And even sadder that her 'clients' enjoy this violent shit.
>>1552504Possibly this is like a role she plays just because she gets paid to. Acting. And she's normal arounf normal people cause that's how she is when she's not acting.
>>1552518Yeah, at that point she is kinda guilty by association. Because she's normalizing what they do. As a service provider you can still refuse people service. She does have that right. Yet she chooses to not do that, and to validdate their shit instead.
>>1552575I don't wanna be mean, but there's probably a good reason why no-one wanted to be her friemd. And I can't blame them. Also it was her own choice to start smoking weed, so that's no excuse. And plenty of smokers don't pull the type of shit she pulls. So… point moot.
>>1553292I can't understand why anyone would consent to this… There's nothing 'sex positive' about this. Straight up pain humiliation suffering destruction.
>>1564766Minimum wage jobs are not ideal, but then nothing is ideal. I've been sexually harassed at work before, and I reported it. That resolved the issue.
>>1564825Yeah I know. The jobs that nobody wants to do but we all rely on: cleaning public bathrooms and working at waste disposal.
>>1564578Congrats? Looks like you make above minimum wage, which is about 15k a year. Good for you.
>>1568746Why? Cause she's not wearing a bra and her nipples are showing? Or the ill-fitting too tight clothes?
>>1568266The eye shadow look doesn't bother me. But that can't be good healthy for her eyes. Imagine putting that much ink and other chemical garbage so close to your eyeballs and the sensitive skin around. Then again, this is the same person who subjects herself to this
>>1553292 , so I'm not surprised.
No. 1570071
File: 1656017317044.jpeg (479.73 KB, 1170x1169, 63C5ABDB-E8B8-4ABF-966B-79A528…)

I swear, “noise” is always her excuse to not film
No. 1570127
File: 1656020323748.jpeg (912.42 KB, 1170x1526, 97E58319-41C3-4613-A770-BEBD70…)

No. 1570169
File: 1656022122433.jpeg (743.13 KB, 1170x1405, 1ADD654E-6857-4F15-B800-E27E92…)

Idk which is worse: this dress or the Barbie box from last year
No. 1570171
File: 1656022256973.jpeg (368.94 KB, 1641x2048, CEE9C35C-5B5F-4968-86BB-23488E…)

>>1570169Good lord the wrinkles
No. 1570201
File: 1656023514989.jpeg (467.1 KB, 1400x1320, 3488E630-8C69-4759-AA3C-C2330F…)

>>1570171Serving tacky 80s prom dress realness
No. 1570205
File: 1656023647197.jpeg (419.8 KB, 1242x1284, AD0ABD5C-6E76-45F1-A7F7-87C742…)

>>1570199I hope you’re kidding…. Amazon of course fatso loves cheap clothing
No. 1570207
File: 1656023813136.jpeg (226.3 KB, 828x1150, E5C0D8CD-A0E2-4377-A333-19E23E…)

>>1570206It’s that one from her throne wishlist, actually the only thing anyone has ever bought from her wishlist
No. 1570213
File: 1656024071807.jpeg (820.93 KB, 1170x650, A42949D2-DDA5-40F5-BAC5-2EA0F2…)

>>1570171>>1570201Lmao it’s like something Judy Gemstome would wear
No. 1570222
>>1570169That dress is fucking appalling, but
> ruching over the torso somewhat helps hide her fat gunt> wide sleeves contain and disguise her doughy arms and linebacker shoulders> is still pink, has not yet turned completely grey from filthIf she had just washed her hair, this would be pretty okay for a Shayna look
No. 1570279
>>1570247wow, literal troonery on the right.
>>1570171her poor health really shows in her hair, it keeps breaking and splitting so badly that it looks like choppy damaged shitty layers.
No. 1570296
>>1570277You have to be over 18 to post here
>>1570171Which wrinkles, face or dress?
>>1570205This is so fucking hideous, without seeing the price the cheapness is blatantly obvious, the fact that people buy this literal garbage never ceases to baffle me
No. 1570354
File: 1656034995870.jpeg (254.47 KB, 828x1648, 11F4EBA9-0595-4024-9DD1-5451E7…)

No. 1570367
>>1570207Kek so someone overpaid for this garbage dress.
Here's looking at you womack or Mike slack.
No. 1570401
File: 1656039481875.jpeg (301.87 KB, 1234x1080, C8845E84-507D-47AE-BC83-8C1661…)

>>1570247Here’s 21st birthday to round it all up
No. 1570408
File: 1656040414150.jpeg (560.33 KB, 1284x1509, 118B72BD-599B-4A7A-B042-EFF0A9…)

Bingo from the beginning, what do we think?
No. 1570530
>>1570460I think its actually hilarious. And funnier that you can see from
>>1570401 that she's still got no friends or anyone who actually cares about her 5 years later. She's more broke, uglier, and fat now too kek. Been in sex work all this time and nothing even slightly good to show from it…
bleak No. 1570570
>>1570530She has definitely lost a bit of weight, fuck knows why she’s using old photos like this
>>1565537 from back when she was even more lardy and fug than she is now. I’m curious to see what she’s going to post on her birthday, my money is on some cope about how much happier and ~thriving~ she is having left fupaul behind in bumfucklahoma and/or how much of an uwu spoilt baby bimbo princess she is because her pedo girlfriend took her out for breffast at a white trash chain restaurant before treating her to a special birthday punching and biting session
No. 1570571
>>1570247The black dress she's wearing in picrel doesn't look bad at all apart from the fact it's making her boobs look a bit strange. The outfit she wore with the bolonga wig looked by far the worst. The one she's wearing now would look good if it was black or maybe burgandy. The shape isn't bad, but the ham color is awful on her.
I actually prefer the look of more rectangular female bodies, I think wide hips and big asses are vulgar and ugly looking, so at least she doesn't have that, but she would look much better if she lost some weight.
No. 1570874
File: 1656094384549.jpeg (329.98 KB, 828x1808, A9DD0709-E0C8-4A61-B6E0-65A9ED…)

Shes trying to collab with this ugly troon
No. 1570877
>>1570874Good hope she does
and catches something. TBH this may be the only collab that doesn't end in shambles, considering the Troon probably has less shame/less to lose then Sol, and they can bond over their hate for other "girls".
No. 1570878
File: 1656094751959.jpeg (Spoiler Image,859.34 KB, 828x1091, 662C2F22-DACF-46BC-86D8-B890FA…)

>>1570874She really has a knack for finding people ugly enough that it would make herself look slightly better in comparison. He looks like a monster next to a woman
No. 1570899
>>1570874This person has a much bigger following and engagement than Shay. So imagine if they do collab and Shay pulls the “
abusive” card
No. 1570941
File: 1656098496730.jpeg (280.78 KB, 828x1665, DE0B82C6-C54C-4C5C-A477-5ABE37…)

>>1570939Not to derail farther but anon are you blind, it’s from his twitter. The tattoo is just not facing the camera, and he has the same hideous tummy tuck scar in all his photos. He just didn’t photoshop the fuck out of himself like his other photos
No. 1570947
>>1567519"Girth of Shaynus" Edition
My vote for thread pic and title
No. 1571001
File: 1656103708718.jpeg (239.61 KB, 1080x1417, 9DE7C269-2605-45F6-9E50-CA719B…)

No. 1571016
>>1571001Fucking woof.
Why does her skin look black/grey?