File: 1705691723183.png (1.23 MB, 1086x775, Shatzilla.png)

No. 1956944
Previous Thread
>>>/snow/1945497Shayna Leigh Clifford; 26 year old failing prostitute, porn sick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.
THE SHAYNATORIUM IS NOW OPEN FOR ALL YOUR SHAYTISTIC NEEDS: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blog posting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread
Last Thread:
>Hobbling around the airport drunk while waiting to fly out to Boston >>1945634, >>1945642>Released video of Sarah Gregory penetrating her while making putrid moaning noises >>1945645>Begs for money on Twitter so she can get Christmas gifts for her family. Peak bleakness. >>1945680>Part 2 of her previous spanking video featuring Shayna bouncing around making snide comments, becoming one of her strangest porn videos >>1946271>Spergs about how much she loves dad bods, while simultaneously visiting her dad in NH and forgetting she has the exact body she claims to love >>1946323>Shows off vinyls her family got her for Christmas, making sure to get her mom's nice home in the shots >>1947234>Says how much she enjoyed the holidays with her family and immediately follows with how broke she is >>1947873>Posts NLOG tweets about how she has a sacrilege kink >>1947958>Drunk as usual while on her way back to Seattle >>1947971>Went to The Dresden Dolls concert >>1948360, >>1948365 looking like a walking Shein advertisement >>1948437, >>1948468, >>1948498>States how if the Doors aren't in your top 5 for music than you have no music taste >>1948708>More Twitter panhandling, trying to guilt-trip her coomers for money >>1948863, >>1948867>Says she will be off socials trying to get back in a better financial situation after dropping hundreds on drinks on all her vacations >>1949166>Stepped in (presumably her own dog's) shit and ironically complaining about a guy staring at her shoulder >>1949437>Going on a post-vacation diatribe about how she deserves success but doesn't know what she wants to do or be >>1949567>Shayna's "sub" posting unedited photos of the two of them in her home >>1949633>Bitching about how ManyVids isn't auto tweeting yet she barely makes content to be auto tweeted >>1949846>New spanking video of Shayna looking like a severe hunchback sped >>1949887, >>1949912>Posted various odd tweets, getting barely any engagement >>1950571, >>1950575, featuring her not realizing "big asshole baby" wasn't a joke from her John >>1950824>Posts highly edited photos >>1950948 to ignore the fact she looks like pic related >>1950955>Used a "friend's" yard for porn just to make another fail of a video >>1951142, >>1951355>Sleepover with her splenda daddy >>1951312>Loses her shit over the TJMaxx watch he gave her >>1951372>At a pretty decent restaurant with the splenda daddy, showing off the shitty watch and looking haggard as usual >>1951419, >>1951420, >>1951421, >>1951530>Too ugly to be fuck so the guy fucked her legs >>1951831>The outdoor yard video released and it is lazily done like usual >>1952133>Extra thankful for some video purchases despite her videos costing less than a Happy Meal >>1952326>Seething that she does in fact have confirmed poo brown eyes >>1952471>Horrifying video of her distorting her face >>1953683>Demanding shekels for makeup, 2 meals and Amazon lingerie while attaching a photo of her struggling to suck in >>1953976>Hints she's making a porn of her with an anal hook in, true horrorcow shit >>1954045>Copes about how she enjoys being poly, but then mopes about how Fupa ruined her life >>1954092>Complains about how sleeping sucks, but doesn't realize her nightmares are probably due to her degenerate porn lifestyle >>1954206>Prepping for her anal hook shoot >>1954380 and saying how much she enjoyed being abused >>1954453>Going off on how she's so hot and kinky and "what man wouldn't want me" yet she is fat, degenerate, uneducated and alone >>1954979>Showing her bruised blubber, anons mistaking it for her ass >>1955035>New video of herself stuck in her cage, tongue out >>1955236>Made a plan of her getting back into making content more frequently and potentially camming >>1955344>Another new video about a "love potion" >>1955534, >>1955607>Dancing drunk and naked thinking she looks cute >>1955781Links: (DELETED/BANNED)
New TikTok: No. 1956949
File: 1705692316752.jpg (451.78 KB, 2880x2880, Aliexpress woman.jpg)

Posting what was missed between threads.
Her post vs the video
No. 1956950
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No. 1956951
File: 1705692421886.jpg (Spoiler Image,391.36 KB, 1536x2048, Barf.jpg)

>>1956950Looking real wide here.
No. 1956953
File: 1705692587950.mp4 (Spoiler Image,3.44 MB, 838x472, Cat.mp4)

She tries to put on this "little girl" persona while looking the way she does. Parody porn saga in full swing
No. 1956975
File: 1705695765716.png (2.58 MB, 2264x980, Archery and sushi.png)

Shayna on a date. Not bad if this is her first time trying archery. She can't be drunk shooting the arrows, right???
>>1956949The filename. Kek
No. 1957049
File: 1705705957591.png (2.4 MB, 2160x3840, Living next door to Sayna.png)

>>1956953So that's the shit she was trying to film when her neighbor used leaf blower outside. And she yelled at him in that outfit. Did he see the buttplug too or did she just have to mention it to please coomers? What a horrible day to be Shayna's neighbor. The whole apartment complex 100% knows what she does for living. They know about the johns too.
No. 1957059
File: 1705707720501.png (855.07 KB, 1408x967, Professional pornographer.png)

Last thread Shay claimed she is very talented doing her "job". Nonnas couldn't find talent in anything Shay does. This is Shayna describing her skills.
>>1956957The hook was mentioned in private session and custom video. That usually means we don't get to see it. (Thank God!)
No. 1957096
File: 1705714745516.png (Spoiler Image,702.88 KB, 606x1096, feaster island.png)

thread locked before I got to reply but here is shatna looking like a grotesque easter island head
No. 1957113
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Guess she's not camming tonight
No. 1957137
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>>1957096Her head is getting longer like she has acromegaly
No. 1957147
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>>1957117But her schedule said 6
No. 1957148
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gunt overflowing out of her waist and her zipper is begging for mercy kek
No. 1957150
>>1957059>it takes me no time to edit!Turbokek. It takes you no time because you have next to no editing.
The 3 minute "previews" of her videos that she posts are the length of what most people would use as the entire video lol. Her "editing" takes 5 minutes because she splices a few clips & that's the extent of it. She keeps in every minute of her walrus huffing, no matter how unflattering.
No. 1957207
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>>1957148What the fuck? She's cutting herself in half to the point that it must be painful.
No. 1957268
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No. 1957272
>>1956953I work retail and almost opened this with full volume next to costumers. I'm retarded and didn't see it was a clip.
I cant imagine losing my job due to watching shay cat girl porn on the clock
No. 1957274
File: 1705759456571.jpg (226.09 KB, 856x770, SmartSelect_20240120_150522_Ch…)

I juat wanna take a second and appreciate how her watch is halfway down her wrist because she's too dumb to just take it to a watchmaker or jeweler to shorten it. Fucking retard
No. 1957298
>>1957210You would break down sobbing because your pants don't fit? Not because of how physically uncomfortable they are but because you gained weight and you hate yourself that much? Maybe it's time to take a break from lolcow.
>>1957207I don't know how she is coping with pants this tight. I do wonder if she is autistic like some anons seem to think. Some autistic people are hypersensitive and others are hyposensitive. That could be why she's ok to wear clothes that are one or several sizes too small.
No. 1957308
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>>1957274It's even worse here
No. 1957323
>>1957286Why would I hide it, not very Stacey Nona
>>1957299Lesson learned the hard way! But I think it would be easier to explain watching shay blast her pussy with a vibratory than her awful acting
No. 1957394
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>>1957148She looks like her old coomer
No. 1957554
File: 1705800811544.jpeg (930.35 KB, 1170x997, IMG_0711.jpeg)

Letting smelly old moids put their chode in you in exchange for a small steak and and tacky amazon accessories isn’t a date, Shayna. You’re a cheap prostitute
No. 1957560
File: 1705802955975.jpg (70.34 KB, 437x749, 1705802469175.jpg)

>>1957559 so professional and particular.
No. 1957568
File: 1705804293445.jpeg (372.24 KB, 1170x1035, IMG_0712.jpeg)

I’m so glad I’m a lesbian, moids were a mistake
No. 1957571
File: 1705804472145.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1170x1835, IMG_0713.jpeg)

>>1957561You don’t need a belt, Shaynus. What the fuck is this look? 45 year old midwestern cigarette mom?
No. 1957641
>>1956951It's late but, I had to chuckle at the ballsack seam on her tit now.
wait is that sperging?
No. 1957699
File: 1705838090483.mp4 (10.92 MB, 720x1280, Dad music.mp4)

Shayna's smooth moves before sugar date. She is clearly rebranding herself. I think it's better than the adult in kid's clothing special needs look.
No. 1957701
File: 1705838421083.png (1.42 MB, 1219x1080, Thriving.png)

She looks dead inside.
No. 1957709
File: 1705839750488.png (Spoiler Image,313.11 KB, 500x375, dukat.png)

>>1957152>>1957696oh my god anons I love you, I cant remember ever seeing
star trek mentioned anywhere on lc
if anyone photoshopped shayna on picrel I woud be complete, I could die and go sto-vo-kor
(pic spoiled bc offtopic and ugly horrible male character)
No. 1957727
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>>1957701Not even photoshop can bring life back into those eyes
No. 1957761
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>>1957559I think she also shopped the lashes on her left eye kek
No. 1957763
File: 1705847882127.jpeg (Spoiler Image,193.56 KB, 729x1552, IMG_0592.jpeg)

>>1957699She seems so drunk and out of it in that video at 2 am, picrel is her before the date with her John
No. 1957767
>>1957699She looks so under the influence. Her face is so puffy and bloated. Her hair is so thin and stringly. I guess her sugar daddy prefers grungy and unwashed.
Also kek at the tag sticking out of her shirt.
No. 1957849
>>1957842Kek simpler times
No. 1957860
File: 1705861207221.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1290x1982, IMG_3245.jpeg)

>>1957699is that top actually an ill fitted body suit that is squeezing her ass so hard it leaves an indent?
No. 1957867
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>>1957860How?! How does one lack this much self awareness… how did she look at this photo and go "yes, im hot, post." Also this is her fit/look for a date with a sugar daddy?! My goodness she must do some deplorable shit for this moid and is the only reason he likes her. Aint no way hes after her face, breasts, ass or personality.
No. 1957884
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dying at this nona in /meta/ thinking shaynu is middle aged
No. 1957924
>>1957879Sage for blog but my mom was a pisshead and used to work behind a bar and I spent most of my childhood in a dive bar/run down local pub when I wasn't at school.
Shay reminds me of a woman I'll call Debbie. She was over 200lbs and she wore too small jeans and baby tees and she had on about 10 Argos gold necklaces at a time. Her whole identity was based on being a pick me for loser men and talking very graphically about sex. She would suck on lollipops shaped like dicks and she stuck a dildo to the mirror behind the bar as an ornament.
This thread is giving me flashbacks.
(not your personal blog) No. 1958124
File: 1705898428584.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 1170x2049, IMG_0725.jpeg)

Mother of god, the surgeon did her so dirty (and her nonexistent aftercare makes things worse), she is so BOTCHED. The tit on the right is completely stiff and the one on the left is floppy with a frankenipple that’s significantly larger than the other, do you think she realises and is coping by LARPing as a hot bimbo or does she gent think she looks good?
No. 1958302
>>1958292I mean just go back to one of the first posts of her in the first thread and see for yourself. Yes we know for sure now one was always fake, but they weren’t nearly as uneven looking back before she gained weight
>>351811 That’s why the fake tit anons were always maligned as tinfoilers and were finally vindicated when Shat recently admitted her tit was fake. Because her boobs weren’t visibly uneven like they are now for a long time
No. 1958356
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He probably noticed it spinning around her wrist.
No. 1958357
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No. 1958361
>>1958356I think this is the first time she's owned a watch in her life. I don't remember ever seeing one in her threads.
>>1958357Maybe it's because she keeps shoving greasy sushi down her throat. She needs to eat a salad and give her digestive system a break.
No. 1958380
File: 1705977701994.mp4 (2.98 MB, 888x1920, RecordIt-1705977543.mp4)

Her cat’s face in the ig story video… nonas I’m dying
No. 1958665
>>1958356That she even used it in the mean time.
And why did it take him over a week to do this? Wasn't HE embarrassed in the meantime?
No. 1958673
>>1958665Most people wouldn't be "embarrassed" by a loosely fitting watch. Unless you are extremely insecure and overly concerned with other peoples opinions of you. If this would embarrass you
nonnie, seek help.
(infighting) No. 1958680
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No. 1958683
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>bikini top w/ underboob yes or no
No. 1958724
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No. 1958759
>>1958750It's no secret this freak gets off to true crime but this is like, alarmingly sad to fetishize as a young (don't take the wrong way Shayna you're not 18 years old anymore) woman in today's world. The absolute last thing she needs is more brain damage (or worse) but she's fixed herself into being serial killer fodder instead of, I don't fucking know, someone with a mundane job but a
thriving social life with other people in her peer group? One could say it's quite… bleak.
No. 1958760
>>1958356so… some rapey old man keeps getting her basic bitch shit that isn't even her style? considering how all her other jewelry looks…that huge ass watch and black lingerie definitely don't scream baby barbie bimbo or wtf
shat sure loves changing to accommodate any old coomer paying to rape her
No. 1958778
>>1958745I agree, the biggest issue is the fact she seems to constantly try to go for bimbo shit and moids who like bimbos want the super high maintenance look, like fit body, kept hair, lip injections, a decent large boob job, etc.
One thing she can cater to is just embrace the fact she looks like a wine mom and try to go for the "naughty mom next door" thing and she wouldn't even have to change much, doubt she will ever do business that way though
No. 1958867
>>1958759that's because shayna completely lacks empathy and is so self-centered that she can't comprehend the pain and suffering that the
victim of a violent crime experiences. that's why she can write her pedo tweets with ease and not feel the least bit disgusted with herself over it.
No. 1958933
>>1958913I think it's sad that she's spent years clinging to her delusions over being a bimbo barbie, even though it was clear that she wasn't, only to give it up for a moid. I suspect that there is more to their relationship, at least on her side and maybe she's lining him up to be the next Fupa.
Dark colours and a more alt look have always been a better fit for her, yet she only embraced it because of a john.
No. 1958970
File: 1706128222522.jpeg (477.8 KB, 1170x1265, IMG_0741.jpeg)

You’ve got another account that’s supposed to be for your journal entries Shayna, smelly old coomers don’t care about your daily routine
No. 1959016
File: 1706136468371.mp4 (Spoiler Image,3.23 MB, 852x480, Size of the Bed.mp4)

>Cheating On Ur GF w/ Her Best Friend: JOI Blackmail
No. 1959033
>>1958970First of all, porn videos take like full day or two of filming which implies that her videos are 2-3x easier to film in comparison. It’s even easier when you factor in that she never has to leave her home, doesn’t have to meet anyone, and there’s no one else involved in the production process. I doubt coomers will dissect her tweet to understand this though.
Secondly, regarding the general logistics of her videos, HOW does she film 2-3 of them in a day? Would she not have dulled sensation down there from using her wand constantly? I don’t know how strong it is but anons have brought that up before and I think genuinely it might get painful after a bit to film so many videos. Esp with penetration added. Then again she’s probably liquored up so then it wouldn’t be as painful.
No. 1959057
File: 1706143280849.jpeg (Spoiler Image,109.91 KB, 846x1041, IMG_8343.jpeg)

>>1959016anyone else notice the new sore she has on the fucked up nipple?
No. 1959071
File: 1706146862854.jpeg (68.97 KB, 750x401, F5AC37F7-C1D3-47D8-9954-3BCECA…)

deleted this
No. 1959074
File: 1706147011757.jpeg (59.12 KB, 750x397, AE4C8363-1FF6-4C49-9DA8-01132A…)

and deleted this
No. 1959090
File: 1706150808626.jpg (408.12 KB, 1080x1765, Force.jpg)

No. 1959125
>>1959074It’s ironic she deleted this. She wants to lean into a UWU SO PERFECT BABY BIMBO UWU aesthetic (and now a wine-mom cougar one) but she would kill on SW Twitter as a gross and failing clown porn creator. I could see this tweet going viral as a
oh so relatable kind of thing
No. 1959198
>>1959192The movie was so popular that it spawned like…. three sequels, I think.
Sooo…. either you believeb you are surrounded by deranged perverts, or, maybe, just maybe, watching a fictional story with strong content doesn't make you a pervert.
Otherwise, given how popular GTA5 and anime lolis are, our world is entirely populated by criminals.
(derailing) No. 1959206
File: 1706187679198.jpeg (189.38 KB, 1170x390, IMG_3644.jpeg)

> From the 90s
No. 1959236
>>1959198The movies are pure shock value, the story is bad and so are the actors. Plenty of bad movies have sequels, doesn't mean it should have been done. I can name tons of movies where the hard drives of the directors should be checked unironically.
>given how popular GTA5 and anime lolis are, our world is entirely populated by criminalsI agree playing GTA5 doesn't make you a criminal but comparing this to porn and the Human Centipede, it doesn't even come close. However I have some very enlightening news for you about people regularly consuming loli material.
(derailing) No. 1959266
>>1959189You’re replying to a comment about porn created incest fetishes and this is your hot take? Kek
>>1959206Ohhhh her 30th is gonna hit her so hard and her spiral will be so milky as long as she’s still actively got threads. She really has placed her entire value on being young and she doesn’t even look young anymore. It’s been said so many times but she’s so deluded if she thinks she’s still getting mistaken for a teen. Nobody probably even clocks her as young as her real age.
No. 1959277
File: 1706197067883.jpeg (398.63 KB, 1170x942, IMG_6663.jpeg)

No way… wasn’t she just complaining how doomed her life is and how she’s in a bad financial situation?
No. 1959307
File: 1706198855115.png (223.6 KB, 500x646, suffering.png)

>>1958596sorry I had to kek
No. 1959308
>>1959192>>1959198>>1959236at risk of getting an off-topic redtext (sorry mods), the concept of The Human Centipede was thought of by the director and his friend
who were discussing what they thought was an appropriate punishment for pedophiles and rapists (sewing their mouths to trucker’s assholes). kinda based idea honestly, but still massively deranged to make it into an actual (bad) movie
>>1959277wonder if she’ll meet up with Kiki again and get more permanent scarring this time kek
(derailing) No. 1959310
File: 1706199037154.mp4 (Spoiler Image,4.82 MB, 852x480, Jumpscare at the End.mp4)

>>1958683Followed by an atrocious video.
>you like my bikini? Makes my boobs look real good, huh? No. 1959317
>>1959314One of these
- tweeting while intoxicated
- a dialect of the Akan people of Ghana
- totally worth it
No. 1959393
File: 1706211106652.jpg (467.04 KB, 1080x1514, Dog.jpg)

No. 1959509
File: 1706227092294.jpg (258.11 KB, 1080x1167, Screenshot_20240125_155528_Goo…)

>>1959316Nonny, she is barely a millenial. Millenials are older than you think.
No. 1959521
File: 1706228176528.jpg (489.6 KB, 1536x2048, Fat Sacks.jpg)

>diagnosed w/ Daddy’s Girl Syndrome !!! and it’s terminal !!!! [Pink heart emoji, sparkle emoji]
No. 1959523
>>1959521God, she's got fucking Tearzah thighs.
>>1959310Do coomers really get off to all those God awful sounds? She sounds fucking disgusting, and the weird voice over when she focused on her frankentits was so jarring.
No. 1959536
File: 1706230938479.jpg (15.27 KB, 188x192, 1706228176528.jpg)

>>1959528Those threads are screaming
No. 1959539
>>1959399>This adorable retarded dog should be mine instead.h-hey
nonny get in line!!!!! i feel so sorry for noodle she deserves so much more than what shaytaan could ever give her
(dog sperging/derailing) No. 1959646
File: 1706258071670.webm (4.41 MB, 1280x720, 1706257758845.webm)

New video 'Daddy’s Girl Dirty Talk - Hole Inspection'
No. 1959670
>>1959646The gloves are there why? It looks very sims 2, winter outfit.
Or is it a bimbo thing and im too old to udnerstand?
No. 1959729
File: 1706285054777.jpg (153.7 KB, 1080x883, None of your content is normal…)

It's not like she has a choice these days.
No. 1959762
File: 1706292325427.jpg (450.11 KB, 1080x1121, noc.jpg)

No. 1959764
File: 1706292491483.jpg (439.2 KB, 2880x2880, Walmart Outfit.jpg)

>lil 10am espresso martini
No. 1959771
File: 1706295571210.jpeg (639.5 KB, 1170x1299, IMG_5727.jpeg)

>>1959646If we needed any more evidence that her video sales are abysmal. She’s giving out a buy one, get one free if you leave a review kek.
No. 1959776
File: 1706296877953.png (530.65 KB, 1080x1495, Stuffies are off limits.png)

Is this whore for real? All that simulated baby rape material but humping stuffed animals is wrong.
No. 1959801
File: 1706304824441.jpeg (163.82 KB, 1080x1639, humping stuffies is wrong.JPEG)

>>1959767>>1959768Over $100 to look like a mentally deficient bum, and she cries about being broke
No. 1959814
File: 1706307680310.jpg (Spoiler Image,523.29 KB, 1536x2048, Why.jpg)

Pics from her snowmobile trip. This would've been a normal collage if she didn't include the 4th pic.
No. 1959922
File: 1706327515987.mp4 (3.63 MB, 828x1792, fe0f5bc2-8a04-4998-8498-bc54dd…)

chugging a glass of wine in a restaurant
No. 1959937
>>1959922>> real hot girl shitFiltered to hell and back and still looking like a full blown alcoholic wine aunt in her mid to late 40s
b l e a k
No. 1959987
>>1959973Kek, and you just
know she thought it was sexy and sultry and not like a fat hog trying to get the last crumbs from her face.
>>1959922This is legitimately embarrassing to do in front of other (adult!) people. I can see it if you're aiming to get drunk quickly with friends, but she's supposed to be a "high class sugar baby bimbo" yet she's guzzling wine like it's the water she never drinks.
No. 1960045
File: 1706369342820.jpg (379.79 KB, 1080x1518, NLOG.jpg)

No. 1960046
>>1959849She’s in her apartment in that picture, I was referring to when she’s worn those to the airport in the past
>>1959922Looks like she’s in a classy Italian restaurant and she’s wearing some Amazon tracksuit? Jesus Christ Shayna read the room
>>1960018Wtf happened to Mike Slack and the other coomers who used to immediately buy her videos? Am I wrong or is this a new low?
No. 1960080
File: 1706383886435.png (72.88 KB, 702x738, maninthebox.png)

>>1960045you're right shat, this song is very apropos for eating you out
No. 1960095
File: 1706385933889.png (1.5 MB, 985x1210, hot girl shit.png)

>>1959764Same outfit she wore on the 24th. Real bimbo hot girl shit to repeat the same guaranteed unwashed outfit two days later
No. 1960181
>>1960080“Won’t you come and save me” can be applied to her poor pets too
>>1960084>>1960133I don’t think she’s ever said anything about the songs off of Nutshell and that record is commonly said to be their artistic peak. I can’t imagine being so obsessed with three songs for over a year that you don’t try to check out the rest of their catalog and learn some other songs? And then her most listened to artist is Drake…
I honestly don’t think she actually likes rock music aside from the Doors and whatever other boomer tunes from the 50s/60s she listens to. She always plays the same grunge hits, it’s very apparent she’s never delved any deeper into Alice In Chains or Soundgarden albums bc then she would play some other songs than the same hits over and over. She does the same thing with Led Zeppelin where she only listens to the same 3 most popular songs and never any b-sides. I’m not a Doors or 50s/60s rock fan and can’t really tell what songs from them are obscure or lesser known, it’s possible she’s always been doing the same thing with those bands too.
No. 1960207
File: 1706417461524.jpeg (723.34 KB, 1221x1404, 498C4C26-F591-474E-8898-3F97F5…)

>>1960046The old pedo Michael Slack still simps for his overweight drunk queen that smells like feet
No. 1960212
File: 1706420303686.png (3.24 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0611.png)

Nobody posted these from the other day so I’ll share them
>>1960187Thanks anon my bad
(this isn't milk, sage it) No. 1960213
File: 1706420600225.png (3.74 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0612.png)

>>1960212She kinda reminds me of the type of women on that American Gypsy Wedding show
No. 1960214
File: 1706420913560.png (4.59 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0613.png)

>>1960212Lastly, a SALAD!!!!!!!
No. 1960222
File: 1706424880660.jpg (202.74 KB, 1080x1289, Get To Work.jpg)

No. 1960230
File: 1706428116177.jpeg (961.84 KB, 1170x1423, IMG_0774.jpeg)

lmao is this self-awareness?
No. 1960233
>>1960216I have the opposite experience, most old dudes I've met
I'm not a whore I work construction, a good number of my coworkers are middle aged dudes just listen to the classic rock stations and still somehow act like they have the most unique and obscure musical interests in the world kek. I've actually thought for quite a while that Shayna would do pretty well in construction, she's big with good upper body strength and her personality is the exact type these dudes would be into, she'd do numbers. Too bad she's so lazy.
(blogposting) No. 1960241
>>196022726!? I forgot about her age holy shit I'm feeling so baby faced now (I'm way older than her kek)
Shows you why it's important to take care of your body, drugs and alcohol are basically poison)
(no1curr) No. 1960242
>>1960233She’d make a considerable amount more money too. She’s truly so retarded
>>1960241AYRT, and same, that’s partially why it’s so jarring, my brain can’t reconcile the fact that I’m looking at someone that young and seeing a middle aged lot lizard
No. 1960300
>>1960297Tbh it seems to work. Her current John seems to be into alt looking chicks, she's got Mike slack still cooming.. and that's pretty much it. But her dad rock alt persona attracts more non sissy clients than her baby bimbo persona. Most older scrotes probably don't know that much beyond the classic hits, and the ones that do would probably love to mansplain the entirety of AC/DC'S musical catalog to a slackjawed dumbass like Shayna who's going to act impressed just because a male is talking to her.
She'll just never attract any band scrotes that the average woman would be jealous of/impressed by.
No. 1960304
File: 1706456596523.jpg (463.41 KB, 1080x2078, Not What You Think.jpg)

No. 1960310
File: 1706458561568.jpg (238.02 KB, 1080x796, Doordash Recipe.jpg)

No. 1960325
File: 1706461796450.jpeg (17.41 KB, 162x162, 801AA916-239C-4C92-A8A5-D5A98A…)

>>1960310Shayna be like dis tew much ima jst doordash some sushi…
No. 1960382
File: 1706475835304.jpeg (241.81 KB, 750x824, F0D124F5-5721-418E-9251-575B63…)

is this not just her job?
No. 1960389
File: 1706477970632.png (81.49 KB, 255x243, whereweregoingwewontneedeyesto…)

>>1960304imagine seeing this profile pic and not immediately recoiling in horror
No. 1960390
File: 1706478345796.mp4 (Spoiler Image,4.67 MB, 1280x720, Horror porn.mp4)

The Skidmark women released this. Gross. Do not recommend.
No. 1960392
File: 1706478693588.png (1.38 MB, 916x1154, Screen Shot 2024-01-29 at 8.51…)

>>1960390Kek this is so retarded. Why is she always pulling such stupid faces
No. 1960397
File: 1706479535536.png (Spoiler Image,321.2 KB, 808x611, awful smell.png)

>>1960390Shayna looks like she's reacting the smell of her own rancid crotch. That poor other woman. I would not put my face near the hog's genital region for any amount of money.
No. 1960416
>>1960214This is just a salad that comes out before your meal, right? And she only posted that? I guess the anons counting up the calories of the other meals got to her.
>>1960304I'm so confused, is that the moid she is texting?
No. 1960447
>>1960390Is this the girl who was in the thread pic from long ago that a
nonnie edited for them to be tweedledee and tweedledum
No. 1960452
File: 1706491757704.jpg (Spoiler Image,274.51 KB, 1080x1834, Screenshot_2024-01-29-01-27-38…)

>>1960389He poops in diapers too. The most degenerate of these diaper weirdos.
No. 1960454
File: 1706491800331.jpg (261.26 KB, 1152x2048, Fitting.jpg)

No. 1960475
File: 1706495342601.jpg (897.26 KB, 2160x3840, Instagram.jpg)

From Instagram stories.
No. 1960477
>>1960475Like a normal espresso martini isn't heavy enough.
I dunno how she drinks multiple ones in a row not from a booze aspect just how sickly they are
No. 1960555
File: 1706516286449.jpeg (Spoiler Image,794.79 KB, 1170x1032, IMG_0790.jpeg)

This should be milky. Who wants to make a bingo card?
No. 1960654
File: 1706547845407.jpeg (53.79 KB, 269x301, 6830957E-2211-44C4-B8AA-F6E2FA…)

>>1960390I’m laughing so hard what the hell is this. This legit looks like tard torture porn. Kek Shayna’s ugly ass faces. She looks like a fat special ed adult. For such a bleak seedy environment shown her she’s only getting spanked on a dirty mattress. It’s better than doing porn with moids in it I guess.
No. 1960657
File: 1706548209998.jpeg (313.53 KB, 1242x1179, 0AFA3D82-EDBF-4244-9CF3-D3E4DB…)

She’s gonna get hurt fucking with these deranged sissy moids
No. 1960734
File: 1706563975769.png (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1080x1275, Find your pets a new home.png)

She has got to have a pet sitter and house sitter for all these trips, right? Too many johns know where she lives and when she is away from home. It would also be less stressful for her pets if they could stay at home.
No. 1960769
File: 1706571262247.jpg (289.51 KB, 2048x1365, Gutter Rat.jpg)

No. 1960785
File: 1706577145058.jpg (104.08 KB, 1080x551, Instant Death.jpg)

No. 1960832
File: 1706591267365.jpeg (561.9 KB, 1170x1502, IMG_0795.jpeg)

Shungus, you have a side sperg account. Maybe consider venting there instead of on your “work” page. And stinky old coomers haggle with you because you sell your coochie and asshole for a Frappuccino you fat retard.
No. 1960837
>>1960769The left boob looks so uncomfortable. She's still using her crappy no name amazon bra isn't she? It doesnt even fit!
Thank God that she still hasn't learned what a tongue brush is, you would think that? She would be informed of her issue by her dentist at this point.
No. 1960864
>>1960478That roll just looks like shit regardless. Not "impeccable" or like a decent restaurant would present and serve.
>>1960769She needs to brush her tongue desperately and go easier on the teeth whitening filter so I doesnt look so stupidly onviously edited.
No. 1960909
File: 1706623358427.png (41.12 KB, 320x303, 3-likes.png)

Her manyvids profile is depressing. There's zero engagement and barely any views. The video of her getting fucked by Little Dicky has 3 likes and 33 views. Imagine fucking some ugly moid on camera for that.
The rest of her content with Kiki also has low numbers. I wonder if the real reason that they don't seem to interact anymore is because none of them made any money.
No. 1960971
>>1960832She should have just made him pay her to clean his house and walk that
retarded dog of hers. Though, he is a retarded scrote so he probably wouldn't have done a good job anyways.
No. 1960995
File: 1706647039147.png (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 1130x979, Nasty1.png)

From her Instagram stories
No. 1960997
File: 1706647184359.png (Spoiler Image,786.87 KB, 1030x630, Nasty2.png)

>i’m so hot it’s honestly kinda crazy
No. 1961012
>>1960997Animal print is so trashy. Especially with a white tank top. That’s like a fashion NO.
>>1960995Her gut line showing through her hiked up thong kek
No. 1961055
File: 1706660213729.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.24 KB, 1080x586, Screenshot_2024-01-31-00-12-03…)

This is nightmare fuel.
She really got an implant in that titty cos wtf? Is it already ruptured cos it looks empty.
No. 1961056
>>1961027Thats a shadow,
nonny. Its still a necrotic abomination tho.
No. 1961064
File: 1706661424412.jpeg (Spoiler Image,448.69 KB, 596x1197, C039F5EA-1919-4216-8C10-F7B828…)

>>1960997She had to shoop an ass out of the nothing that’s there lmao
No. 1961078
>>1961055imagine for just one second that every normie person in your life knows you do this for a living and they can freely google your name to see this picture. they know what your vagina looks like and the retarded faces you make
dios mio…
No. 1961100
File: 1706668915007.jpg (551.08 KB, 1054x1859, Sexbot sperg.jpg)

No. 1961178
>>1961100She will always make women out to be the villains and men be the “poor uwu
victims” of any situation, she’s an embarrassment to her own gender
No. 1961270
File: 1706725559645.jpeg (422.64 KB, 1170x2087, IMG_5731.jpeg)

From her IG stories. That giant skin colored zit on her chin is the cherry on top of her witch face
No. 1961329
File: 1706738101231.jpeg (221.61 KB, 1080x1920, Cheap bling.jpeg)

>>1961326Because she has bad taste? Just look at this picture of her trying to flex with that watch, bracelets, and rings.
No. 1961330
>>1961329The funniest part to me is the miniscule stacking ring that's meant to be worn with 5 more on top. Her splenda daddies must be just as broke as her.
>>1961270Take a bath, Shayna. Wash your face. Even through the filter and foundation you can see the caked on dirt.
No. 1961339
File: 1706741804442.png (217.96 KB, 581x431, weird-head-shape.png)

>>1961270What is wrong with her head shape lately? She's posted a few images where her skull looks deformed.
No. 1961378
File: 1706754064453.jpeg (823.36 KB, 1170x1252, IMG_0800.jpeg)

This is so embarrassing. Muh spoilt luxury bimbo!
No. 1961384
File: 1706755281223.mp4 (Spoiler Image,6.13 MB, 848x480, Repulsive.mp4)

>Cheer Squad Hazing Threesome
No. 1961385
File: 1706755629577.jpg (Spoiler Image,106.87 KB, 861x737, Patchwork Tit.jpg)

>>1961384The absolute abuse she has put her tits through for pennies. This angle makes it look like it's about to burst at the seams.
No. 1961445
File: 1706773506164.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1170x1995, IMG_0802.jpeg)

Shayna, if you took regular showers you’d know how long it takes to get ready. Asking your smelly old coomers isn’t going to help, they’re as unwashed as you are. And what the fuck is this facial expression? I don’t understand how she bothers to edit her photos but still ends up looking so horrendous. Simultaneously crusty and greasy. Those dry ass lips are so disgusting, they look painful.(Fan letter, no sage, retardation)
No. 1961496
File: 1706795936046.jpg (74.55 KB, 269x580, 1000005095.jpg)

(fan art)
No. 1961546
File: 1706812237470.jpeg (237.38 KB, 1169x1824, IMG_0640.jpeg)

> far too early 2 be awake rn [crying emoji] but at least i’m on my way 2 @SarahGregory02 [heart emoji]
Damn anons, sorry to say it but it seems that we missed the usual airport alcohol pictures and the totally believable stories with flight attendants, bartenders, and random people at the airport.
No. 1961561
File: 1706816328252.jpg (65.54 KB, 995x393, What.jpg)

>>1961445Deleted following this tweet
No. 1961568
File: 1706817247835.png (3.34 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0641.png)

>>1961546Pictures from her Instagram story [1/2], she went to the aquarium the other day and posted a bunch of videos of the animals there
No. 1961573
File: 1706817646542.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1821, IMG_0643.jpeg)

Another tweet from yesterday claiming how sad she feels about leaving her pets kek
No. 1961621
File: 1706827265471.jpg (896.11 KB, 1078x2187, Actually Clothed This Trip.jpg)

No. 1961719
File: 1706841611052.jpg (741.92 KB, 1080x1690, Degeneracy Dungeon.jpg)

No. 1961827
>>1961659no doubt but she must think that the shit she wears looks good or else she wouldn't be wearing shit that is obviously meant to cover up fat or pull back her paunch.
she keeps calling herself hot. I genuinely feel bad for her at this point, lying and making ugly faces online doesn't do anything to change the reality that she is putting herself at risk, facing no real plan for retirement or benefits and enduring trauma for what? a shitty apartment? she has a masculine body type and such weird fat distribution. you could see it where she was underweight and you can see it now still. but it's not like the fact that she doesn't meet the standards set by the beauty industry will stop her from selling herself.
she would be more comfortable and probably won't look as bad if she was wearing wide leg pants and comfortable natural fiber shirt.
No. 1961843
>>1961496>>1961496i know
nonnie was banned justifiably but I love this and nominate for next threadpic
No. 1961878
>>1961719I’m reminded now of that one anon who said that Scott Hancock’s clothes for “female talent” would have souls shrieking and screaming if you set them on fire. I imagine the same thing would happen if the Skidmark house burned down. That house appears to be pretty old so there’s possibly other ghosts too who are probably pretty angry. Imagine dying in the 1800s and haunting some house that gets inhabited by these freaks. I would be sabotaging their sets and breaking the cameras.
>>1961827> she has a masculine body typeThis is a dumb nitpick, she may not be curvy but her body is obviously female. Her body looks better thin but let’s be real, no one regardless of fat distribution or body shape looks better when they’re overweight.
No. 1961899
File: 1706894655389.jpeg (360.21 KB, 1170x1133, IMG_0646.jpeg)

Sage for non-milk but this comment she got on her Instagram made me kek. “How far you’ve come”??? Sure if you mean into the depths of alcoholism, degeneracy, and prostitution.
No. 1961925
File: 1706899197130.jpg (178.79 KB, 1080x771, Musty.jpg)

No. 1961926
File: 1706899371943.jpg (Spoiler Image,777.51 KB, 2880x2880, Mustier Bathroom.jpg)

>>1961925Attached photos from the tweet. Her legs get more contorted over time.
No. 1961932
>>1961926Those fat person knock knees are so gross
Tho what in her isn't gross kek
No. 1961993
File: 1706911342197.png (919.84 KB, 1080x1616, 12 hours of sleep and those ey…)

>>1961925She slept for 12 hours and looks like this. I'm glad she is not going for the pigtails.
What are dunks? Does she mean drinks?
No. 1962028
>>1961878there are multiple photos in these threads of her body from an angle that isn't deceptive or MySpace tier.
she has narrower hips then both her rib cage and her shoulders, that qualifies as a masculine body shape.
No. 1962052
>>1961926Covers nips with her full fupa on display kek
>>1961993If she’s begging for $20 for her diabetes drink, no way she bought her “bestie” any kind of birthday gift. Shayna the type of bitch to think her presence is a gift. What could she possibly spend $20 at Dunkin on even with delivery fees since we know from previous receipts she’s posted that she doesn’t tip
No. 1962073
>>1961719Granny Gregory LIVES in the fake 1900s boarding school porn house?? That's sad af.
Obviously Shayna lives alongside her porno set as well, which is sad in its own way. But there is something extra pathetic about being in your 40s/50s and still not being able to afford to separate your work and home environments. It doesn't even look like the 'living' part of the house has different decor. Her living space is all a part of the prop.
No. 1962075
>>1961977Fat /= masculine body shape.
I see what you're trying to get at with how the average woman is overweight now (which is tragic in its own right), but most women are either pear-shaped or hourglass. Different types of fat.
Nonnie shouldn't have used 'masculine' since it's a bit of a charged term to use regarding women's body shapes. But regardless, she definitely has the body type that only looks good when skinny. She has a barrel torso with narrow hips & disproportionate legs that makes her look like the Penguin.
No. 1962091
>>1961584Lol this nitpick is wild. The aquarium is great
nonnie. Go look at some jellyfish.
No. 1962118
File: 1706938849421.jpg (1.05 MB, 1079x2347, music taste.jpg)

The highest of compliments.
No. 1962120
>>1962118Lmao. My scrote photog said that he likes Pink Floyd and Led Zeppy, and that I am super special for liking them too!!1!
How fucking dense can you get Shayna.
She is clearly just coping at this point that dadrock is the only thing she has left to offer old moids, since her body is… uh… lacking.
No. 1962131
>>1962129Lol. More cope. No one ITT ever said that overweight people are attractive.
Nonnie said the exact opposite. That most women (and men) these days are overweight, but that that doesn't change the fact that most female fat distribution is concentrated around the lower half.
You sound not only ugly & fat, but fridge-shaped on top of it kek. Cope af
(infighting, derailing) No. 1962136
>>1962134>>1962135Fridgechan pls. Can we not discuss Shayna's masculine barrel body in peace without you trying to chime in every time, insisting that your 32" gunt is totally normal shit because you're insecure about how your hips & tits are smaller than your waist?
Now you're just racebaiting in some kind of sad, flailing attempt at one-upping women who clearly don't gaf about any moid. Let alone the ones who come from cultures that historically oppress women (read: most of them).
(infighting) No. 1962155
>>1962143More attractive to who? White and black scrotes? Poor scrotes? How many famous or wealthy attractive scrotes are with fatties of any shape?
>Pears are healthierAfter menopause all fat will collect around your abdomen anyway giving you the same heart attack risk as a fridge shaped fatty
(derailing) No. 1962226
>>1962180A much needed topic derail, I thank you. Just picturing her dashing to the bathroom during her shoot after she got her $20 dunkies order.
>>1962087It's just an east coast thing, I wouldn't read into it too much. And tbf Dunkin is probably cheaper than Starbucks (but who knows anymore).
No. 1962243
File: 1706985588052.jpeg (368.55 KB, 1219x1063, C1BCC647-AA58-4422-9CCA-84CBBF…)

Her life is so gross and sad
No. 1962389
File: 1707021900825.jpg (6.02 MB, 4096x4096, InCollage_20240204_124405163.j…)

I had a nightmare last night that I walked into my room and pearchan shay was visiting me and she got off the couch and left a giant skid mark and then denied there was anything there so I had to scrub it off.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1962391
File: 1707022175896.jpg (Spoiler Image,507.82 KB, 718x1440, Peachy_20240204_125053073.jpg)

Shay looks worse as a pearchan. It just makes her look more dumpy and sloppy.(fanart)
No. 1962434
File: 1707037208559.jpg (4.23 MB, 4096x4096, InCollage_20240204_170134469.j…)

>>1962415Kiki has a big ass and can barely afford her rent. Shay does look better with a straighter body but she would look even better if she wasn't fat.
No. 1962444
>>1962391She looks waaaaay better like this. I can't believe that you not only wasted time making all this fanart, but that you actually think that her Hank Hill ass is better lol. The pure cope ITT is crazy.
You sound like the same anon who insists that everyone who says the truth about how Shayna has the most unflattering body type MUST be fat. You can't seem to accept that there are body types outside of skinny fridge & fat pear because knowing you got the short end of the stick breaks your brain.
(derailing) No. 1962633
File: 1707075306536.jpg (852.14 KB, 2880x2880, A bunch of winners.jpg)

>volleyball squad boutta get SPANKED [crying emoji] ft. @heyhilyraskye & @Tubaman2020 [pink heart emoji]
No. 1962667
File: 1707081138832.jpeg (76.34 KB, 1080x1920, High maintenance.jpeg)

No. 1962690
File: 1707086719562.jpg (65.99 KB, 736x1057, 993d272bcff48d292a3b571ee7b337…)

>>1962633>>1962444I'm convinced that it's Ellen who comes here to fan girl about giant cottage cheese butts
(derailing) No. 1962836
>>1962633Why. Why does she and girl like her do this to themselves?
I just don't understand. Was Shayna abused somehow as a child? How TF did a normal girl with normal possibilities to go to college or find a job….. end up as a prostitute fucking the ugliest old perverts?
No. 1962851
>>1962836Because she never developed a personality, she stopped after high school and she's stunted. Quick validation from tumblr and being thrown money for laying on her ass back on camera and now irl made her feel like
>I found the infinate money cheat! I can do so little and get money! All I have to do is be pretty and show my body!Except she pretends it's so damn hard to do, when she's just lazy, boring and spends hours editing identical pictures but leaving crusty lips and tissue bits. She just hasn't had any motivation. No personality, she's stuck in a loop of bullshit. She thinks people genuinely think she's this hot bimbo baby barbie, because she travels (even if she's broke right after). Anyone notice how Shayna posts almost hourly updates at the airport? She thinks going on planes is the luxury versus the place she's going, because she's so broke/boring and drunk/high all she can do is sit in hotel rooms or bars and drink. She doesn't go shopping, visit famous places etc.
I do think her surgery as a teen, caused her some trauma, because it would a lot of women. Having to get a breast implant as a teen is very traumatizing and unusual.
I think because of that and being spoiled she thinks she's an underdog who is entitled to fame/love. That all she's been through in life means she's so special and meant to be the most famous pornstar ever (kek).
Plus she doesn't hang with normal people, One thing about long term lolcows is they isolate themselves, they don't hang with anybody who doesn't have their same mindset. They cut the world off outside their retarded obsession. Shayna has done that.
No. 1962870
File: 1707149180706.jpg (714.6 KB, 1079x1765, Shays Type - Submissive…)

No. 1962880
>>1962870Did she finally buy a tongue scraper?
>>1962872The look related, all the men she attracts usually do. It's a disturbing recurrence with her for some reason.
No. 1962900
File: 1707155279063.jpg (578.53 KB, 1068x2006, Birthday.jpg)

No. 1962936
File: 1707163025537.jpg (539.62 KB, 1788x2048, Worlds Largest Cheerleader.jpg)

>me ? spanked 4 drilling a peephole in the boys locker room ?? absolutely !!
No. 1962937
File: 1707163235672.jpg (175.78 KB, 1080x643, Acting.jpg)

No. 1962946
File: 1707165377713.jpg (Spoiler Image,879.7 KB, 2880x2880, Wash Your PJs.jpg)

>gee..,sure hope i don’t get spanked in my fav pj’s
She's worn this more than any other outfit in the past month.
No. 1962950
>>1962947Ironically, SG is probably the best influence that Shay can hope for in her current state. (I use the term “best” loosely ofc because an actual good influence would get her to quit porn and start a normal life.)
SG is in good shape for her age and obviously took decent care of herself. She’s relatively successful for a niche porn actress, with her own house and fans and the ability to travel to different freak conventions and get money out of bookings. She seems smart. It’s sad but at this point, SG is the best possible future that Shay could hope for, even if her reaching that level seems far fetched.
I do think that this lovey-dovey bestie phase is short lived though, like all of Shay’s friendships. I think SG is trying to get her to shape up to exploit her for more content. It’ll be interesting to see what happens when Shay inevitably burns this bridge somehow. SG strikes me as someone who would be
extremely spiteful and mean-girl when she feels she’s been wronged.
No. 1963067
File: 1707201410410.png (5.28 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_3461.png)

Some more retarded pictures from her stories
No. 1963069
File: 1707201675043.png (5.8 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_3462.png)

No. 1963071
File: 1707201884609.png (4.07 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_3463.png)

No. 1963203
>>1962851>I do think her surgery as a teen, caused her some trauma, because it would a lot of women. Having to get a breast implant as a teen is very traumatizing and unusual.There are some really old posts where she bragged about other girls staring jealously at her amazing chest, and even as a teenager she made a point to go braless in thin shirts. I'm sure she was really insecure about having a nonexistent tit, and it seems like the surgery wasn't traumatizing, she suddenly felt like girls envied her and guys wanted her and it made her feel amazing. Having your self-esteem rocket upwards like that from getting an implant would fuck up a lot of people's understanding of their own self-worth, especially if they're as young as Shayna was. She then got tumblr famous by being hot, further convincing her that her worth comes from scrote attention, and the ~sex work is real work uwu~ retardation made it really easy for her to transition to having her entire life revolve around degrading herself so men will tell her she's pretty. And now she's stuck, unable to mature as long as she keeps up this lifestyle, and unable to get out of this lifestyle because she's too immature.
It's almost tragic, but she's a pedophile-glorifying scumbag so she can fuck right off.
No. 1963232
>>1962936Cheerleaders aren’t overweight they actually exercise kek. Shayna can’t even bend and touch her toes, fat bitch.
>>1962900I love how she calls these people her “best frens” but they don’t give a shit about her and consider her their dumpy co worker.
No. 1963323
>>1963309I wonder why she didnt invite Jackie O lmfao
No. 1963329
File: 1707267477202.jpg (410.95 KB, 2880x2880, Part 1 and 2.jpg)

No. 1963333
File: 1707267866583.jpg (Spoiler Image,146.73 KB, 1169x1870, Ugly Not Innocent.jpg)

>>1963329Accompanied image
No. 1963335
File: 1707268176944.jpg (Spoiler Image,492.17 KB, 1572x2048, FAT TODDLER.jpg)

>lov when daddy hurts me [pink heart emoji, sparkle emoji]
No. 1963509
File: 1707330762120.jpg (228.13 KB, 1152x2048, Crusty.jpg)

>tequila sunrise @ the chicago airport 4 breffast [covering mouth emoji] which of my daddies or subbies is gna pay 4 it? [Pink heart emoji]
No. 1963557
>>1963542This. She’s naturally what a dusty blonde? They’re not showing up past her shitty filters without mascara or false lashes.
I’m sorry to encourage? Autism but nonita who broke down her spending style, I’d be really interested to see her drinking broken down…
No. 1963580
>>1963509Same ugly face, same greasy hairstyle, same selfies at the bar, same begging. This bitch has the most boring mundane life. I can't wait for actual milk
>>1963329How could ANYONE be jealous of her ever fucking depressing life
No. 1963601
File: 1707348010488.jpg (736.37 KB, 1080x1763, 2949.jpg)

The return of fabricated travel stories
No. 1963619
File: 1707350793974.jpg (340.27 KB, 1080x1386, Big And Tall.jpg)

Reminds me of when she met Fupa jumping around like an idiot.
No. 1963653
File: 1707356104825.jpeg (278.37 KB, 1170x993, IMG_0733.jpeg)

From earlier, yikes
No. 1963658
File: 1707357161040.jpeg (58.68 KB, 249x275, 1696510483492.jpeg)

>>1963557Her natural hair colour is brown. If you go back through her threads, there are images of her as a teenager before she started dying her hair.
>>1963653Nobody wants to see this. It's just going to be like her baldi gaysics video with three gross soy looking men that can't get hard, while she pulls special needs "ahegao" faces and squeals like a pig.
No. 1963762
>>1963703 I see you steele-nona!
And KEKEKEKE at her dreams of a shaybang. One fat hog and then 5 microdicks attached to a bunch of retarded grandpa's smelling of disinfectant and Shays broken dreams.
No. 1963804
File: 1707401565189.jpg (175.27 KB, 1080x623, Could Be Paying Mortgage But.j…)

No. 1963806
File: 1707401942623.png (12.39 KB, 468x126, MV_low-views.png)

Brief report of bleak
Shayna's video with Kiki and Little Dicky has been available for a week and still only has 25 views
Nothing she posted to her OF in February has over 21 likes
In January she posted 84 pieces of content to her OF and has an average of 24 likes per post. 24 coomers at $5 equals $120 so I wonder how low her subs count has dropped.
No. 1963825
File: 1707405670726.jpeg (646.49 KB, 1242x1237, 8F894289-C04C-4584-9DDD-C2AC12…)

No. 1963907
>>1963799nothing's out of the realm of possibility for her, let's be real
>>'s twin
No. 1963936
File: 1707425664471.jpeg (Spoiler Image,628.51 KB, 1170x969, IMG_7044.jpeg)

Get your popcorn nonnas, she’s made another abomination with SG
No. 1964027
>>1964019Nta but I wonder if her landlord raised the rental price? Though it’s hard to understand how a 2BR apartment between $2,450-2,480 per month was ever affordable for her considering she’s made probably less than $30k per year for a few years now. I think her dad has to pay for part of her rent.
Does anyone have a good estimate of how much Shayna earns in a year?
No. 1964029
File: 1707437425013.jpeg (207.13 KB, 2048x1151, IMG_0734.jpeg)

> lazy day w/ my fav lil man
No. 1964032
File: 1707437764765.jpeg (Spoiler Image,799.44 KB, 1170x1627, IMG_0735.jpeg)

>>1964029[2/2] And begging for $50 plastic shoes on Amazon… she’s going to look like Patrick Star when he’s in fishnets and high heeled boots
No. 1964060
>>1963948I always wonder about how this works with Kiki and SG, too. I know Shaynus makes everything about porn/sex online, but she's confirmed to be really unsexy and weird in person so I feel like it must be even more awkward than it would be for other whores.
>>1964027Rents in this area are notorious for steadily rising over time. She should never have chosen a 2bd anyway, but she would have to be doing even more johns to afford it now.
No. 1964097
File: 1707452508563.jpg (151.16 KB, 1080x580, Alcohol.jpg)

No. 1964199
>>1964195She would never admit to being broke, she’ll have some “poor me”
victim excuse instead. Otherwise spot on kek
No. 1964205
>>1964191Save your pity for someone Who deserves it. Shayna is still on the range of fat level and years number in which she can return slim if she REALLY wants to. All she needs is to change her dietary habits and go to the gym.
But she chose to sell herself as a young hot bimbo while not even trying anymore to look the part.
No. 1964206
File: 1707490802556.jpg (292.51 KB, 1080x1433, Bot Followers.jpg)

Probably a bad question to ask when you only have 10 active followers.
No. 1964212
>>1964199She's always admitting she's broke, she just beats around the bush about it but when you see her post about
>Guys, I'm in a really shitty spot rnAfter traveling and bragging about buying drink after drink, you can assume she's broke. She literally admitted she was in debt.
No. 1964236
>>1963832Nona, stop! You can´t go for the kill like that!
also the lies of shay, isnt that her blue denim skirt to a T? All her skirts are minis because shes a fat hog
No. 1964250
File: 1707505783772.jpeg (251.62 KB, 1170x540, IMG_0856.jpeg)

So she’s letting johns stay the night now?
No. 1964306
File: 1707517346599.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1154x1590, 1B98F91F-C0B6-4A1C-8F4D-B1F100…)

>>1964291Kiki lives in another state. The only person she has been “friends” with and has been in her apartment recently is her creepy moid with a sissy fetish. Did Shayna and Ellen break up? She hasn’t talked about “muh gf” in a minute
No. 1964309
File: 1707517860534.jpeg (390.17 KB, 1210x1439, A5D4FA70-D306-4305-8FFC-79B508…)

>>1964206Mike slack still interacts with her but I think he’s getting bored
No. 1964316
File: 1707519800764.jpeg (817.53 KB, 951x976, 85489C58-26A4-476C-8FC2-2CA8DF…)

>>1964315She’s literally always looked like that. The same face, no glow up. She was just skinny and “less” ugly
No. 1964328
File: 1707523106024.png (1.35 MB, 1188x1048, 20202103.png)

No. 1964335
File: 1707523805824.jpg (402.4 KB, 1080x1373, Lie.jpg)

>>1964328Guess that means nobody sent her money last month when she begged for makeup.
No. 1964347
>>1964306She put him in that wig and that lipstick when his complexion is "forest fire red".
She obviously hates him but I guess he pays well
No. 1964407
>>1964316What gets me is that in her old pics, she looks like her age now, and now looks ten years older than her real age. Just like
>>1964331 said, she's like a poster child(it feels wrong using that word for her but whatever) of poor health choices leading to poor looks.
No. 1964428
File: 1707547557264.jpeg (46.96 KB, 976x549, 00105006-CC3F-42B9-AC18-3488FD…)

>>1964409>pesos>>1964316In her first threads I was convinced she was a methhead because only people who smoke meth look like that at her age kek
No. 1964455
File: 1707555746867.jpeg (175.74 KB, 1170x1131, IMG_4252.jpeg)

>>1964328For anyone curious
No. 1964487
File: 1707568592760.jpg (Spoiler Image,319.14 KB, 1080x2014, Screenshot_20240204-202041.jpg)

>>1964455apparently she's been trying to milk sympathy since the beginning. It takes a certain kind of shamelessness to do this that I don't think a lot of people can stomach.
No. 1964537
File: 1707579906357.jpg (84.66 KB, 874x477, Lazy.jpg)

>>1964306She must be lurking.
No. 1964543
File: 1707581853960.png (142.99 KB, 393x293, IMG_0751.png)

>>1964527The thing is, even if you’re fat and ugly, you can still have some sensuality and try to be sexy. Shayna doesn’t even have that. It makes you wonder why she chooses this career when she so clearly does not enjoy sex and still has no idea how to seduce a scrote with 7 years of experience. Seeing screenshots of her facial expressions just makes me sad for her, it’s like literal special needs porn.
No. 1964562
>>1964543Counterpoint: no woman, no matter how hot or well trained to fake moan and arch her back enjoys having no dignity and pandering to misogynists so she can pay her bills.
The fact that addiction to drugs and alcohol is ubiquitous among "sex workers" tells you all you need to know.
A few of these women are gross kinksters themselves but they still admit that they would have never done what they are doing if they weren't being groomed or encouraged by an audience of creeps.
No. 1964584
>>1964487God, no wonder she ballooned up if she thought eating three whole chicken breasts in a single meal was "healthy."
>>1964546Kek, right. This is downright slim compared to how big she's gotten.
No. 1964615
>>1964543she continues to do it despite being awful at it because acting sexual is the easiest way to get a moid's attention and she lives for male validation. one of the reasons she hates women so much is because her audience has dwindled over the years and she knows the pornsick coomers that used to watch her are now watching other women instead.
>>1964562idk, i agree with you but at the same time shayna takes it much farther than just exploiting herself. she writes disgusting tweets where she fantasizes about being a child who is sexually abused by her parents and takes pictures that deliberately imitate CSAM. her content is outright malicious.
No. 1964662
File: 1707608106160.jpg (84.33 KB, 384x510, woof.jpg)

>>1964632Now that you mention it I wonder if her attachment to Seattle is drug related. A few threads ago she posted a few selfies when she looked demented like she was high on something.
No. 1964707
File: 1707615839305.jpg (157 KB, 1080x638, Peaked.jpg)

Fupa confirmed to be Shayna's lowest point in life. But I will agree that he did turn her life around for the worse.
No. 1964718
>>1964407>What gets me is that in her old pics, she looks like her age now, and now looks ten years older than her real ageFor real
nonnie, you hit the nail on the head.
No. 1964745
File: 1707620135527.jpg (573.57 KB, 1080x1762, Nlog Again.jpg)

No. 1964763
>>1964761We had confirmation from Vivi that Shayna will use pills if she has the opportunity because Vivi said that she took her Xanax. She also took anxiety meds while she was in Tulsa and I suspect that these were Xanax or another benzodiazepine.
>>1964762Fupa is probably going to be the best relationship she gets in a her life and that is tragic.
No. 1964783
>>1964745kek of course she had to obnoxiously order a "porn star martini" every night in ireland when she was with her family… and places in the usa do serve passionfruit martinis.
>>1964707is she implying fupa kept her from becoming the famous porn star she was meant to be all along? because i've been here since the fupa saga and i fail to see how her life would be better had they never met.
No. 1964790
>>1964763After fupaul shayna
>instantly started poly. Probably because fupaul was cheating.>starting doing irl sex work, mainly for money but also because Fupaul didn't support that shit >started eating/drinking/smoking more>stopped ever attempting to have non sex work interactions/friends>stopped going out to do anything alone but travel. Shay used to actually go out alone and do shit. Now she doesn't do anything unless she has a coomer/commented. Shays whole life is to cope after fupaul. Everything he disliked she does. Everything she felt was wrong with their relationship she over corrected. Remember she made a fool of herself around his normal friends? Remember how she walked home shirtless?
She has been trying to "fix" Everything that went "wrong" by making her life worser.
No. 1964822
File: 1707649014733.gif (555.1 KB, 220x165, IMG_2023.gif)

>>1964745>>1964783Shays dad in Ireland sitting at the pub watching his burnout degenerate daughter giggle over the fact that there’s a drink called a pornstar martini on the menu.
No. 1964868
>>1964791It's not fantasizing, it's speculation because there are hints that she has taken harder substances than weed and alcohol. She's open to taking drugs and already has several addictions, so it's not beyond reasonability. Why she doesn't post about it could be that she's in denial or because drugs outside of weed are a red line for her parents. We just don't know, that's why it's tinfoil.
Shayna has a history of lying or covering up her activities such as with the fake tit and her fake breakup with fupa. Farmers tinfoiled about both of these things and were later proven correct.
No. 1964883
File: 1707675405728.jpg (558.1 KB, 1080x1790, Every Post Is Begging.jpg)

No. 1964944
File: 1707690426512.jpeg (Spoiler Image,410.55 KB, 828x749, IMG_6004.jpeg)

Didn’t see this posted but one of her johns posted this the other day with her hello kitty bathroom clearly displayed. Sounds like they’re dating or maybe have been for a bit because I think she mentioned him being at the “polycule thanksgiving”. Also gross, clean your toilet more regularly Shay.
No. 1964962
File: 1707694738348.jpeg (573.08 KB, 2048x2023, GF1z-I7WAAA92PS.jpeg)

From Sarah's twitter. They all look unwashed and inbred.
No. 1964975
File: 1707697795353.jpg (Spoiler Image,509.87 KB, 1536x2048, 20240212_002756.jpg)

The stanky ass shoes are a nice touch
No. 1964979
File: 1707698870949.jpg (162.3 KB, 1080x1193, Shocker.jpg)

Any excuse to not work
No. 1964985
>>1964944NGL just the other day I was thinking about how oddly clean her place has been lately… For her. It's usually a lot worse. It's really disgusting to let this creepy moid anywhere near her home though.
>>1964739This is true. Remember when she used to do shrooms? She would brag about it all the time .
No. 1965001
File: 1707706497987.jpeg (392.4 KB, 782x779, 2DA6054F-1E8F-467F-AD5C-863B5E…)

>>1964962That poor dog saw some nasty shit
No. 1965041
File: 1707718120612.jpg (385.69 KB, 1536x2048, Blur.jpg)

>starbucks reserve & sushi valentines date w/ one of my dads
No. 1965048
File: 1707720034395.mp4 (6.53 MB, 852x480, Diaper.mp4)

>Humiliated & Diapered by Two Cute Bullies
Her skirt is cutting her circulation off.
No. 1965094
>>1965050If you make your living pandering to these men you have to suppress any self-preservation instinct to just make it through the day.
when the only interaction and support that you get comes from deranged kinksters, and you regularly engage with men who get off to hurting and abusing women, at some point even the most fucked up shit just becomes another thing you don't bat an eye at.
shat has made her bed and is sleeping in it.
No. 1965183
File: 1707755012851.jpeg (364.37 KB, 877x686, 9D36FF5D-3CA5-4F2D-89E0-891F80…)

She looks huge from this angle. And that outfit is so ugly and cheap looking
No. 1965186
File: 1707755115993.jpeg (351.07 KB, 832x652, A437C928-656A-4476-B192-CAD9FD…)

So bimbo
No. 1965218
File: 1707760656570.jpg (324.52 KB, 986x1022, 1000007196.jpg)

>>1965186>>1965201She's got wet brain
No. 1965251
File: 1707766208710.jpg (341.39 KB, 1080x1867, Overgrown Toddler.jpg)

This is the outfit she wore on her date.
No. 1965261
>>1965251I thouht this was edited, kek, why does it look so chunky at her breasts? Imagine going to a resturant and seeing some ugly 40 something scrote, walking with a chubby woman, in a wrinkled skirt, with two ponytails and top heavy as fuck, I'd giggle inside. She probably thinks
>this outfit is going to have people questioning our legality!!Instead it's
>Holy shit does she not own a iron? No. 1965344
File: 1707776222001.jpg (190.05 KB, 1080x845, Bleak life.jpg)

No. 1965363
>>1965264I've read several accounts from women who have survived the sex industry and from what I understand the last thing you want to do is date a man when you've been traumatized by so many. some women can't even stomach it. The ones who do end up in relationships with the men probably weren't very enthusiastic about it. I personally feel like relationships with men are dysfunctional and reinforce
toxic power dynamics.
I'm starting to think that she's opting for the not-really-a-relationship poly crap partly because being around men is terrifying and they can be complete monsters when they're angry and ashamed of you and considering what she's done for all of her adult life she has good reason to want to avoid relationships with men.
No. 1965367
>>1965271The people who have posted the many vids descriptions she writes certainly didn't praise her writing or her storytelling.
because it was bad. shat can't write. she can act like your average obnoxious overgrown teenager and shares their unwarranted confidence.
No. 1965406
>>1965264> she's going to be left alone and suicidal that she didn't try to find a good guy when she still had her youth.She has plenty of time, she thankfully is not vocal about wanting kids and her serious relationships that she’s pursued have been with men who have children so she’ll be fine dating some nasty divorced loser scrote even if she’s like 40. The mentality in your post is kinda
sus, do you really think women need to be on dates constantly to find the one before time runs out. There’s more to life than being in a relationship that will drain you on average at the benefit of your moid. I think what’s actually sad is her relationship to sex and how she’s probably never actually had normal sex with someone who wants to make her feel good. That’s sad to me personally.
No. 1965407
File: 1707790333651.jpg (452.76 KB, 1080x1667, EXCUSE.jpg)

Any excuse to not work, day 2.
No. 1965409
File: 1707790435353.jpg (246.2 KB, 1080x869, Part 2.jpg)

>>1965407More from the initial tweet.
No. 1965413
File: 1707790639376.jpg (444.1 KB, 1819x1819, Troon dress.jpg)

>sumtimes i swear im an actual doll
No. 1965414
>>1965406No, I’m not saying you need to be constantly on dates or need to find a man; but being in a relationship is clearly something Shayna wants desperately. She wants to be taken care of not just financially but emotionally. Call me
sus all you want, but my post is talking about how Shayna goes on all these “dates” yet can’t find the time or rather care enough about herself to find the time to try going on a date or just hang out and meet people outside the prostitution ring when its something that would actually fulfill her and make her happy. I get that she would settle for some old geezer, but that is merely a cope. Every guy she has dated seriously has been younger or looked younger (not sure how old the autistic furry guy was). She has given up without even trying because she has no self worth. And as a woman over 30, your 20s are a prime to experiment in that area, have fun, learn about what you like/don’t like, and potentially “mold a man” to be slightly less of a scrote because they’re still young. 30 is just some arbitrary number to express all of that gets harder the older you get. Guys 35 and older are basically settled in their ways and basically you are settling to just not be alone instead of actually having the confidence of youth to find someone who actually is at your level.
No. 1965432
>>1965413Her frickin dead legs.
It's kinda common to have purple feet as a drunk cos fucked up circulation but it seems to be happening from her thighs. That's fucked.
No. 1965438
>>1965413Is it just me or is her gum line looking especially bad/inflamed? Seeing her teeth in the older threads to now is definitely a little
sus too. Seems like an unusually rapid decline to blame on poor hygiene alone.
No. 1965439
>>1965416She’s attending another degenerate event in Las Vegas from February 15th to 19th.
It was posted earlier in the thread but she hasn’t mentioned it since, despite it being in 2 days.
>>1959277 No. 1965445
File: 1707797589333.jpeg (20.74 KB, 261x193, IMG_0502.jpeg)

>>1965413always wanted to be twinsies with Edith Massey, I see
No. 1965460
File: 1707802890884.png (98.61 KB, 250x192, 1000000794.png)

>>1965413Mater in a dress.
No. 1965483
File: 1707808988888.jpg (73.39 KB, 919x1300,

No. 1965525
File: 1707829536689.jpeg (875.33 KB, 1170x1473, IMG_8478.jpeg)

No. 1965526
File: 1707829577024.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1170x1792, IMG_8479.jpeg)

No. 1965534
>>1965525it will look like gaping prolapse.
also, imagine the chains pinching the skin of her sphincter. horrid. dare i say, lugubrious, even.
No. 1965607
File: 1707842504435.jpeg (419.34 KB, 2048x1364, IMG_4390.jpeg)

No. 1965615
>>1965614sissies are acting out what they think women do
they think women wear pink pig fuck me butt plugs
No. 1965616
File: 1707843521150.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1416, BCA6B50E-70F3-406C-B6E9-24A79F…)

>>1965526>>1965585>only took me 20 years to have a good Valentine’s Day. He really loved his gift kek they are both pathetic and creepy
No. 1965637
>>1965555she does want a longterm relationship with a man, whether that is with some equally degen cuck or not. she wants a man because she's a pick me and her self-worth revolves around men's opinion of her. she says this all the time. obviously that doesn't mean a marriage and kids, but she spiraled badly when fupa finally left her because it was a big blow to her ego. and no matter what she says, i don't think she ever got over that. she keeps trying to find his doppelgänger, but it never works because they get scared off by all the attention she gets online for being a lolcow.
>and not some nice tradwife horse girl who accidentally fell into this lifestyle?the general consensus has always been that she's a lazy, spoilt degenerate suffering from ugly girl syndrome - saying she wants a normie life is a very left field opinion, so i wouldn't take that as a generalized view of every anon in her threads. i've never really seen anyone here try to claim otherwise other than shay herself when she's feeling sorry for herself, and randoms who haven't been following her from the early threads who don't understand how mean and insufferable she is as a person and try to rationalize her life decisions by assuming she's been forced into sex work.
No. 1965639
>>1965634It's funny to get called a degenerate when we're all here on this thread in particular. I hope you have a pleasant orgasm one day,
No. 1965643
>>1965641you acted like we're dumb for not knowing that this must clearly be a new addition to some sort of bdsm relationship, then assumed I/everyone in the thread are terfs who hate sex, then said I've never had an pleasant orgasm, then called me "little prude"
that's where you said that; stop acting like a gross male
(infighting) No. 1965678
>>1965526…did she spend more on her john than him her? both items look cheap but the plug looks cheaper. she really needs to stop acting like clients are her best friends. if she weren't selling what they wanted they'd pay her dust
>>1965565she is a pickme but honestly she seems to hate men like only a prostitute/porn girl can due to her experiences. it's just unfortunate she seemingly hates women worse.
No. 1965682
>>1965678Because this isn't just her job, it's her whole life. She never stops being Dolly Mattel, her whole lifestyle is about sex, sex workers and moids. Her mind would break if she had friends who had things to talk about thats not sex work/kink related. She'd rather have a bunch of sex based and/or dependent (ellen) relationships, then ones where she actually gets to know and care about someone.
Notice that Shayna HAS NEVER talked about what she likes about anyone in her life, not even fupa. Never their personality, or anything. Just sex, or something they do for her. She spent years 5 years with fupaul and I cannot think of one time she mentioned anything she liked about him that wasn't sexual/"He did this for me" or kink. I bet she barely even knew him or he her. Another thing I noticed about Shayna is she doesn't want to get to know anyone.
She just wants to jump into some kind of "title". Which is why she rushed to make Ellen her GF, which is why her bestie changes every month.
No. 1965693
>>1965682She spent nowhere near 5 years with Fupa and of course they hardly knew each other. They met on tumblr ffs.
Someone please correct me if I’m misremembering but hasn’t Shayna known Ellen since the first time she lived in Washington?
No. 1965699
>>1965541It was probably one of the few outfits that fit around her girth.
>>1965637>she does want a longterm relationship with a manWhat Shayna wants is a man that will give her what she thinks she deserves. She wants to be a trophy wife for some rich moid, so instead of selling pics of her rancid asshole for $3, she can get ass pats from posting her amazing life to instagram. That lifestyle is beyond her because no rich moid is going to settle for her when there's better options available.
>>1965693Ellen was around the first time she was in Seattle.
No. 1965700
File: 1707856847336.jpg (156.34 KB, 1080x1993, Screenshot_2024-02-13-20-41-17…)

>>1965678>>1965616Woop, there it is.
No. 1965701
>>1965525Did dude just buy a basic butt plug and wrap a chain around it with a bell and tag lmao
Err that chain bit is gonna tear up her asshole
No. 1965730
File: 1707860435091.jpg (189.99 KB, 1080x1738, Screenshot_2024-02-13-16-34-06…)

>>1965700She's such a sucker, literally paying her clients more than them her.
No. 1965746
File: 1707863058094.jpeg (Spoiler Image,91.26 KB, 720x405, tW7bT8mI.jpeg)

New video posted, and it's exactly the same as her other 1000000 vids. What a surprise.
No. 1965758
File: 1707865256929.png (1.5 MB, 1226x1063, Shay on a date.png)

>>1965041I don't know if this one is from a different date. She always orders the same meals and drinks. But it looks like she is wearing pants.
It's Valentines day. Her loser customers must be lonely and desperate.
Go get that scrote bux, queen!
No. 1965781
File: 1707869433886.jpeg (140.43 KB, 1170x340, IMG_0861.jpeg)

She’s so fucking rancid, I’m resisting the intense urge to alog
No. 1965810
>>1965534>>1965701lmfao ya’ll are ridiculous. shaynus is clearly just showing three different items in one photo and wraped the dogtag/bell around the buttplug for the photo
cracking up it isn’t chains connected to a buttplug for use
cracks up harder the dog tag and bell are probably just accessories to attach to a sex collar something. but hey lol ya never know big shat!
(autism) No. 1965827
File: 1707880182865.jpg (637.92 KB, 1536x2048, Dark Progression.jpg)

>Valentine’s Day in the DollHaus over the years
No. 1965828
File: 1707881011670.mp4 (Spoiler Image,4.47 MB, 846x476, Special Needs Valentines.mp4)

>>1965746The horrid preview. Who is requesting a video of her wearing this sissy linebacker dress?
No. 1965846
File: 1707887143013.mp4 (4.89 MB, 852x480, Sneer.mp4)

Her Valentine's Day video.
No. 1965852
File: 1707888929428.jpeg (88.7 KB, 844x651, IMG_0453.jpeg)

No. 1965932
>>1965927she was literally allowing moids to tie her boobs in ropes and I believe one picture it was right on her underboob scars. You can tell she's not at all happy about her breast implants. We saw her breasts almost everyday back when she was with Fupaul, everytime she left the house. Even when they were lopsided she posted almost daily posed pictures of her naked. Now she barely shows them.
I think the reason why she's doing irl sex work besides the money shit, is because she doesn't like how her body looks and she felt the boob job would "Fix" everything.
No. 1965986
>>1965932>she doesn't like how her body looks and she felt the boob job would "Fix" everythingThe boob job would have at least fixed her cockeyed tits. It would have given her a nice feature that would have attracted the coomer attention she's desperate for.
She is such a fucking retard for ignoring the recommended aftercare. Even though it's highly unlikely, if she ever did decide to change her lifestyle and loose weight through diet and exercise, the lunch lady arms, fursuit thighs and expanding, sagging gunt would be gone and she might gain some semblance of an ass but her boobs will forever be pointing in different directions and it's entirely her own fault.
No. 1966072
File: 1707947781747.jpg (92.01 KB, 1280x854, 1000033608.jpg)

>>1966000Gumby's mom came to mind. But if she can't follow basic hygiene, what makes you think she's going to follow aftercare for her surgery like she should? She uses her body as a money making tool but she won't even take care of it.
No. 1966114
File: 1707960321063.jpg (600.64 KB, 3840x2160, 4.jpg)

She got on her flight and is now in Vegas.
No. 1966115
File: 1707960442181.jpg (1.03 MB, 1079x2343, That Happened Again.jpg)

No. 1966118
File: 1707960859068.gif (1.59 MB, 500x279, sure jan.gif)

>>1966115She tells this lie every time she has a flight.
No. 1966138
>>1966114someone made fun of her side part just the other day
>>1962005 and now she's changed her hair
No. 1966141
File: 1707967493933.png (Spoiler Image,48.85 KB, 520x279, 238_2013_881_Fig1_HTML.png)

>>1965882I think her implants are bottoming out.
No. 1966168
File: 1707970221624.jpeg (569.01 KB, 1217x1607, 6D07A77C-4AED-43D0-9594-EBD8E6…)

It’s really sad how her only hobbies are listening to the billboard top 100 dad rock and SpongeBob. She really thinks she’s the only woman in the world to enjoy those things and enjoy “pink”. Like she’s not like those other bimbos she’s cool because she likes popular bands every one else knows about. Those seem to be her hyper fixations, besides being a degenerate for minimum wage.
No. 1966192
>>1966115My shayfoil is that she lies about recieving free alcohol to hide how much money she is actually wasting on vacation and/or alcohol. Has to avoid being the bad guy so she can remain the ultimate
victim when it comes time to beg for money.
No. 1966222
File: 1707989877389.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1290x1899, IMG_4395.jpeg)

She’s back with Scott
No. 1966223
File: 1707989993167.jpeg (398.42 KB, 1290x1880, IMG_4396.jpeg)

Also saw this comment from one of her Johns
No. 1966256
File: 1708000919438.jpg (12.75 KB, 500x281, 1000010889.jpg)

>>1966222The fuck is that the mask weird ass expression of hers?
No. 1966267
>>1965927this capsule is scar tissue and it's your body's response to a foreign object - It's trying to contain and destroy it and that's why in some women autoimmune diseases are
triggered in response to breast surgery.
No. 1966269
>>1966075there's been screenshots of her old Tumblr posted here and she absolutely had an eating disorder and intentionally limited her food intake starting in like grade school. she said she fainted once in school because she did not eat enough.
shay's had a destructive eating disorder for a long time. It's taken a shitton of willpower to ignore your body's hunger signals.
No. 1966355
>>1966269>she said she fainted once in school because she did not eat enoughand you really believe her? bet you believe her stories about how she gets called adorable and showered in free drinks every time she walks outside too kek
>>1966327rattle rattle
No. 1966397
>>1966321fr the last thing on earth shaynus has is willpower lmao if she had even an ounce of it she wouldn’t be the fat hooker she is, she’d be pursuing an education, working out and not selling herself to moids for $5 a month
this feels like weak bait from an anachan
No. 1966414
File: 1708030063933.jpg (1.06 MB, 1078x2440, swine.jpg)

No. 1966417
>>1966293>Fupaul introduced her to the concept of putting snacks in a drawerFupa also introduced her to junk food.
>I wonder if Shayna just eats one big mealI highly doubt she's doing OMAD. On the days that she doesn't get doordash, she probably snacks all day on low quality junkfood.
No. 1966560
File: 1708079663119.png (3.15 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_4422.png)

No. 1966581
File: 1708084820746.jpg (27.75 KB, 400x400, roomie.jpg)

>>1966560>the roomie in questionSo, a John or is she retarded enough to room with an unknown
at least i don't remember him showing up in the shayverse before 56 year old man who gets off on hitting women without even gettng paid for it?
No. 1966610
File: 1708091554583.png (1.86 MB, 1080x1959, 1000003999.png)

When the facetune is working so hard it gets rid of your bellybutton. Her life is satire.
No. 1966624
File: 1708095080594.jpg (980.62 KB, 1079x1915, groundhog day.jpg)

From her insta story. Her Vegas souvenir should be some dry shampoo.
No. 1966627
>>1966581Imagine willingly spending your 20's with a revolving door or meaningless relationships with uggos. Not one friend that isn't involved in sex work. Nobody you truly connected too simply because you just clicked. Just constant ugly moids/women who are older than you but you look slightly younger than them. People who Do not care about you and don't even treat you in a way to justify seeking out their attention. It's just funny at this point. I often wonder if 18-19 year old Shay thought by now she'd be in with the hot sex workers, she'd be rich being spoiled by handsome older men, while her haters seethed.
She has no true friends except for Ellen and thats barely a friendship, Just to lonely ugly women linking up until they find a moid who becomes their world.
No. 1966736
File: 1708117229586.jpg (544.85 KB, 1080x1490, Same.jpg)

No. 1966810
File: 1708132336232.jpeg (283.46 KB, 1290x872, IMG_3601.jpeg)

No. 1966811
File: 1708132374489.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.81 MB, 1290x2341, IMG_3602.jpeg)

No. 1966863
File: 1708146974200.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 1170x1841, IMG_0874.jpeg)

Seeing these side by side is so jarring, no wonder she is an alcoholic, she must spiral every time she is reminded of what her body used to look like compared to what it is now
No. 1966978
>>1966942Well no because her body looks “younger” (gross) for her pedo panderers when she’s skinnier. When she ballooned up she looked old because of her cellulite, and beer alcohol gut. If she cut out her face and photoshopped her boils in her early days she probably would have been more successful
>>1966971Shayna can’t help herself she loves shoving her face full of food. Everyone knows she loves food. Her body is evidence. If she covered up and didnt wear so many tight outfits she’d look less obese. Just slightly overweight. She’s really wide
No. 1967066
File: 1708201476486.jpg (Spoiler Image,929.77 KB, 3840x2160, Grilled Ham.jpg)

>these might be the prettiest marks i’ve ever gotten omfg [pink heart emoji, sparkle emoji]
No. 1967068
File: 1708202318736.jpg (101.89 KB, 1000x1499, bbq pork chop.jpg)

>>1967066She is innately porcine.
No. 1967072
>>1967066I hate the forced leg thing she does, it's so gross. She's so gross and more than that it looks RETARDED. A fat ass woman twisting her weak ass ankles, trying to mimic what she thinks a little girl stands like. That shit looks painful.
Nobody looks at your ugly fat stinky, crusty lipped, wrinkled forehead, fat in the front, flat in the back, wide backed, limp dry hay hair, crusty musty unstylish, beer-bellied, dusty ass and thinks of "youth" or anything.
(are you okay? / nitpicking) No. 1967101
File: 1708209368364.jpg (348.11 KB, 1080x1897, Ugly 1.jpg)

From Instagram.
No. 1967102
File: 1708209494049.jpg (416.74 KB, 1080x1905, Ugly 2.jpg)

>>1967101Her knees have their own cankles.
No. 1967109
File: 1708211123022.png (89.56 KB, 461x328, testicles.png)

>>1967102It looks like she has a massive pair of testicles hanging beneath her skirt.
No. 1967117
>>1966762>>1966560This is so fucking weird. Where is her "bestie" Sarah then? She couldn't stay with her? Looks like they have two separate beds in their room, yet he's putting flower petals on the bed and get her flowers like they're gonna sleep together on a Valentine's date? Did he offer to pay for the room? I have so many questions. I don't remember him either, they are all ugly old moids so they look the same.
>>1967102She has knock knees now from her weight. It's so bad to have that. She had to have reached obese at one point because I don't really know of anyone who has these that aren't obese.
No. 1967149
>>1964791Save it, nona. They're the same anons who think weed is addictive and has withdrawals and equate boomers to tweak.
Shay is an alcoholic and alcoholics are the messiest addicts with the worst withdrawals. You don't need to imagine Shay is addicted to Adderall. I don't doubt she'll take pills every once in awhile to party, but she's not smoking foils and doing hot rails. I'm speculating that she has sludge in her gallbladder and on her way to alcoholic hepatitis and hypertension from her cholesterol ridden diet coupled with copious amounts of alcohol. It sounds like she's starting to get the shakes too. Having to wake up with alcohol, not being able to sleep, and extreme anxiety are all classic alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Makes sense she'd do xannies too, because they effect the same part of the brain and benzos like Ativan and librium are given to help alcoholics not die while having DTs.
(replying to week old post to drugsperg) No. 1967227
>>1967198And I know plenty of people who maybe didn't
die from weed but cannot function without it. Drop friends cause there's no weed at the meet up so why bother, can't sleep without it, perma anxious and stressed, in a constant state of "otherself". Weed can be very detrimental to your life aswell, don't sugar coat it.
(derailing) No. 1967397
File: 1708294964906.jpg (Spoiler Image,415.13 KB, 1536x2048, fat board.jpg)

Her friends at the event turned her into a tic-tac-toe board.
No. 1967398
File: 1708294990901.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 1170x1992, IMG_0880.jpeg)

No. 1967399
File: 1708295077447.jpeg (Spoiler Image,582.77 KB, 1800x1800, IMG_0884.jpeg)

>>1967398Here’s the pictures eugh
No. 1967401
File: 1708295272372.jpeg (351.74 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_0885.jpeg)

Another Skidmark video was released
> The 700th full-length HD film for is nearly up. Thanks to my baby @SarahGregory02 for edits.
"Sunday School Jodhpurs Jeopardy"
Starring these wonderful peeps making this 33 mins film @MissMatthews123 @aloraluxmodel @faeriewillow_ @theIRLbarbie @IrishEssie
No. 1967419
>>1967412But anon she has a huge humiliation kink so she
totally gets horny to it!
kek No. 1967467
File: 1708308656705.jpeg (Spoiler Image,341.58 KB, 1156x1024, 1704674527022.jpeg)

>>1967432it's b/c she has the body type of a teen boy. no hips, wide chest.
No. 1967507
>>1967500I always imagine this old guy saw little girls being spanked like this at some
abusive boarding school when he was a kid. Maybe they spanked the boys too who knows. I bet the adults were all pedos there bc they usually are and it probably became his mega fetish for whatever reason. Now he’s a pedo pandering coomer spending his money on this absolute degenerate shit.
No. 1967531
>>1967397The shape of the bruising makes it look like her obese ass got stuck on the toilet and couldn't stand up again.
>>1967401>>1967402She's the biggest woman there, yet somehow has the smallest ass.
>>1967507If the old coomer is British as has been suspected then he might not be that old. Caning wasn't outlawed in private schools in England until 2002.
No. 1967591
File: 1708356515952.jpg (Spoiler Image,656.24 KB, 1915x1080, Pacifier.jpg)

Nobody has posted one of her newest videos and for good reason.
Warning NSFL.
No. 1967612
>>1967591Big bitch couldn't even be bothered to shave. The quality of her videos is in the gutter when she needs to be putting in extra effort to appeal to coomers that are put off by her weight.
She's still trying to attract pedos and pretending she's ~uwu so young and smol~ when she's already in BBW territory and is approaching 30.
No. 1967693
>>1967673>The way I audibly gaspedI don't want to derail the thread but paddling is still legal most Southern US states.
>>1967688Thankfully she doesn't have access to children.
No. 1967697
File: 1708379854658.jpeg (636.95 KB, 1284x711, IMG_8444.jpeg)

I can’t believe she’s under 30 and looks this wrecked
No. 1967698
File: 1708380000631.jpeg (Spoiler Image,865.8 KB, 1284x1537, IMG_8443.jpeg)

>>1967591her coomer comments are fucking disturbing too. she knows exactly who she’s making this content for and likes it.
No. 1967709
File: 1708381983926.jpg (Spoiler Image,689.49 KB, 1080x1738, Bird Legs.jpg)

Her contortionist legs have been very apparent recently.
No. 1967743
File: 1708387112302.jpg (19.67 KB, 392x350, 1000011414.jpg)

>>1967697>>1967591This is just particularly vile, she literally can't undo what she has done, she can't take down the videos/gifs, she will always be remembered as this fat loser that put a pacifier up her Homer Simpsons mouth of hell.
I really hope her whole family finally cuts her off because what the absolute fuck.
No. 1967744
File: 1708387401426.mp4 (Spoiler Image,4.61 MB, 480x852, Dollar Store Barbie.mp4)

Filming a new video with Scott Limpcock.
No. 1967759
File: 1708389694594.png (Spoiler Image,93.28 KB, 197x237, botched.png)

>>1967591This feels like it's straight replicating the behaviours of a child whose been assaulted. Kids who've been through SA will have weird behaviour around their genitals like sticking things in them or touching them which kids normally don't do. It's disgusting regardless but there's something even worse about potentially sexualizing post-trauma behaviour in my eyes
>>1967744Fuck her tits are so botched already, it's almost like she never got implants at all. They really weren't kidding about the importance of keeping a bra on post-surgery were they? Kek, and that was the last of her parents insurance money helping to cover it too
No. 1967770
File: 1708392704597.jpg (Spoiler Image,432.94 KB, 1536x2048, 6.jpg)

More of her cowgirl Barbie outfit.
No. 1967773
File: 1708393653299.jpeg (360.8 KB, 893x712, IMG_5761.jpeg)

>>1967770KEK they cannot be serious posting this shit
No. 1967821
>>1967591Absolutely repulsive
>>1967743I hope this picture is added to the rounds the next time she gets twitter cancelled by other sexworkers
No. 1967969
>>1967905Yeah I’ve been thinking the same. Atp we should assume anyone who comes in here to try and give advice and say it’s not too late is a newfag or an idiot farmer who doesn’t follow the Shay threads. The pacifier “dildo” is utterly irredeemable
but the pictures of her in the onesie and baby bonnet and the caption about being drugged via baby bottle milk and raped by her parents were already far enough. Fuck her a million times over.
No. 1967998
File: 1708446648784.jpg (97.65 KB, 1080x1933, Screenshot_2024-02-20-16-32-24…)

>>1967770Fucking cackling at how the top turned out on shat
No. 1968007
File: 1708447911108.jpeg (Spoiler Image,938.33 KB, 1242x1434, C6A5C616-572C-4425-A0B9-7CBD06…)

>>1967102She tries so hard to be appear cute and youthful when she built like a semi truck. Thicker thighs aren’t a bad thing when you work out/walk regularly. She has obese doughy legs
No. 1968074
File: 1708462128246.jpeg (Spoiler Image,485.15 KB, 2048x1573, IMG_8624.jpeg)

No. 1968077
File: 1708462836335.jpeg (Spoiler Image,500.97 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_8625.jpeg)

No. 1968090
File: 1708464897572.png (495.77 KB, 682x742, suckling-pig-roast.png)

>>1968074She looks very wide.
>>1968077The red apple coloured ball gag was an interesting choice.
No. 1968211
File: 1708484243038.jpg (354.34 KB, 1619x2048, The Most Retarded Sex Worker.j…)

Why the fuck does she do that pose every time.
No. 1968212
File: 1708484533738.jpg (Spoiler Image,389.06 KB, 1659x2048, Old Deli Meat.jpg)

Soaking her barbecued legs in what presumes to be a hotel bathtub.
No. 1968230
>>1968138There’s no way it would have fit kek
>>1968077Is this made for boomer moids who can’t get erections anymore? Seriously who is this for. Do they just squirm around while getting told they’re pathetic or something? I don’t get it.
No. 1968260
File: 1708497102876.jpeg (177.15 KB, 1170x510, IMG_0890.jpeg)

This has to be the only time she’s posted about an interaction that’s actually believable, kek
No. 1968266
File: 1708499277897.gif (85.69 KB, 640x640, B4E5F1D2-B39D-4DE6-AEF3-0223EB…)

>>1968211Why does she have Tophia hair
No. 1968278
File: 1708504256760.mp4 (Spoiler Image,7.78 MB, 852x480, Slag Shatna.mp4)

This is probably one of the saddest and funniest trailers she's had in a while. She looks gargantuan.
No. 1968279
File: 1708504341019.jpg (388.69 KB, 2880x2880, slag.jpg)

>>1968278Not sure where some anons see the weight loss.
No. 1968281
File: 1708504468941.jpg (171.59 KB, 1035x900, Shissy.jpg)

No. 1968501
File: 1708558449826.jpg (Spoiler Image,830.25 KB, 2731x4096, 20240221_233523.jpg)

She looks seriously messed up
No. 1968503
File: 1708558573422.jpg (154.14 KB, 1280x720, 20240221_233515.jpg)

There are no words..
No. 1968530
>>1968278>Take this shit off!That absolutely sent me because he really sounded like every farmer in a Shat thread. This is such a
weird fucking video.
No. 1968556
File: 1708567676587.png (348.58 KB, 736x414, steve.png)

>>1968278I'm dying, this has the vibes of Check it out! with Dr. Steve Brule, it's so comically uncomfortable. Imagine being dead and having this video up still. He is smaller than her, and she's wearing what looks like an actual sped outfit.
No. 1968562
>>1968278Jesus she’s the same size as him kek
Who is this even for?! Is spanking porn with a dash of incest big in the UK? I mean it makes sense but still.
Just go to college, Shayna. Jfc
No. 1968686
File: 1708601310439.jpeg (318.63 KB, 1170x1163, IMG_0901.jpeg)

She’s so embarrassing, 90 records is nothing. And the putrid coomer is even more retarded, as if Shaynus has ever opened a book in her life
No. 1968687
File: 1708601414885.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1170x1884, IMG_0902.jpeg)

Jfc she looks like a literal corpse
No. 1968826
>>1968820That watch doesn't even match the shein outfit. It's legitimately feels like one of those slave collars women in
abusive relationships wear. Why the fuck would you wear a crappy watch with everything? Especially when the watch is from a fucking john.
No. 1968836
>>1968812It's the denim skirt that is bursting at the seams and she's had it for a while. It's not like denim skirts are hard to find, so why she doesn't buy one in a larger size instead of tormenting this one with her her girth I will never understand.
>>1968828She did when she was skinny, the images are in the pre-Fupa threads. It probably hits too close to home for her to do now.
No. 1968841
>>1968836This is something about Shayna that baffles me and annoys me to no end. I always wondered
>Why does she wear the same ugly shit over and over again?>Why doesn't she spend the $50 on sushi, to get a $50 shein outfit for this or that event? I've come to the conclusion that clothes is the last thing she thinks about. She thinks she always looks amazing and simply does not care about fashion/clothes. Plus I do think when she travels all her moneys goes into affording plane tickets/hotel etc. Whatever is left over she uses to buy drinks/afford ubers or whatever. I've never seen a woman with such a tacky cheap style but would rather be seen in the same ugly shit over and over, instead of buying multiple cheap shit. I guess it's a good thing? This is the same idiot who has all kinds of heels she doesn't wear and probably spent a lot of money on them. It's so odd to me what she chooses to spend money on.
No. 1968845
File: 1708633602374.jpg (Spoiler Image,241.08 KB, 720x1423, Screenshot_20240222_142629_X.j…)

shayna's battered carcass begging for $35
No. 1968848
>>1968503>>1968281>>1968281What cracks me up about Shayna is she keeps filming with these frail ass old skinny women and manlet scrotes, in her head you just KNOW she think she looks like a teenager (or younger) in comparison.
Meanwhile, all these shots she looks like their out of shape, out of touch 40 year old trailer park daughter, who wears her teenage daughter clothes. I seriously wonder what does Shayna look like in her mindspace? Why does this clearly adult chubby woman think she looks like a teenager around older people? Why doesn't she just film with women bigger AND older then her? or tall scrotes?
What does she see when she looks in the mirror? Every scene she gets spanked, she looks like some woman with a mental issue being abused, in her gross mind she probably sees herself as a teenager/or younger being spanked.
Meanwhile these old folks legs are trembling from her weight. She's so disgusting. Thats why while I know actual pedos do watch her, they do it because even if she's clearly an adult, she's playing out their gross fantasies with props. They are watching a woman with a pacifer in her vagina or a bib/bottle.
It could be any woman doing this.
No. 1968869
File: 1708637938376.mp4 (514.62 KB, 852x480, Oscars.mp4)

>>1968503Top-tier acting as well.
No. 1968888
>>1967688Agreed. I’ve been here since the beginning and have just fallen off this year from reading. She’s been in this thread for a month now, no milk really, just depression. I wouldn’t be surprised at this point either, her low self esteem and pick-me behavior makes her an ideal target for men who coerce women into coercing children into vans for them. She does keep getting worse, see
>>1966863 and with the weird degen cons she goes to she’s bound to meet people into unsavory stuff and I can’t think of a defense she would have against them. Is this the end for Shayna?
No. 1968908
File: 1708642369877.jpeg (Spoiler Image,104.44 KB, 1170x631, IMG_1988.jpeg)

Saw this reposted on Shayna’s twitter from FetCon. This honestly so disturbing to me that she let all these creepy ass fucking men grab at her freshly done tits. And she probably didnt even get paid and did “trades”. The fact that this dude is just groping her not even healed tits is just grossing me out so bad.
No. 1968934
>>1968905Non record sperg, but you're not the first anon I've seen mention that. How is she supposed to store them? That's kind of an expensive hobby to ruin the item you're collecting, especially when you're Shayna and have to beg for every penny you spend.
never has chemistry with the people she works with. Even in the skidmark videos with all the other whores, they were laughing and dancing with each other and Shayna was in the back alone until she started yelling to become the centre of attention. No one actually likes her, probably because she, quite literally, has zero personality outside of sex work.
No. 1968949
File: 1708646996650.jpeg (284.64 KB, 1170x773, IMG_1991.jpeg)

>>1968934They’re supposed to be stored vertically straight up.
>>1968845 she has a bunch of records stacked and leaning over in that pic
No. 1968952
File: 1708647443899.jpeg (118.72 KB, 677x625, IMG_8844.jpeg)

>>1968687I mean I know I’ve said this before but
No. 1968954
>>1968845The fat layer on her back is so bad that it looks like crumpled tissue paper.
>>1968938Probably because she uses the cheapest tripods from amazon. Like everything else she buys, it's all cheap garbage. She has no sense of quality and doesn't understand why it's worth paying more for something better.
No. 1968965
File: 1708650135049.jpg (227.1 KB, 1080x772, Idiot.jpg)

Maybe if she didn't do things like sticking pacifiers up her vagina for pennies then her mental health would be better.
No. 1969095
File: 1708679937479.jpeg (982.09 KB, 1170x1485, IMG_0903.jpeg)

This “daddy” shit needs to die, it’s so fucking gross. I don’t know how her family haven’t disowned her by now
No. 1969268
File: 1708714220190.jpeg (265.42 KB, 648x1578, IMG_0913.jpeg)

Honestly just being an example of what not to be is your biggest contribution Shay. Plenty of anons have talked about Shayna being a wake-up call for alcohol/weed problems and sex work.