File: 1539787138915.png (460.67 KB, 620x413, enabling-act.png)

No. 715089
File: 1539795588763.gif (Spoiler Image,974.33 KB, 238x422,

>>715027this is honestly the only thing i got out of that lmao
also that alex girl literally looks like she wants to die
No. 715100
>>715089Anything to get the attention on you.
It's almost sad how her entire life revolves around being the center of attention.
No. 715146
>>715027how the fuck do i delete this whole thing from my memory
>>715089laughed my ass off in that part
No. 715147
File: 1539801444617.jpeg (156.96 KB, 1125x728, 668A1695-E81B-4FC4-AB84-A043CB…)

Sure, Jan
No. 715149
File: 1539801626987.gif (684.82 KB, 480x480, 79248FFB-10C9-4B51-B6CA-FA1156…)

>>715147As if anyone will believe that, maybe even he finds her porn too cringy.
No. 715158
>>715157It's possible that he meant porn
movies but porn is a broader category than that so it's stupid af either way.
No. 715159
>>715157and follows sex workers who produce porn weekly
What a shitty lie
No. 715160
>>715147Oh yea I don't watch porn that's why I targeted Shayna immediately when I've made my tumblr. It's not like I browsed porn on tumblr before till I found Shayna, the sexworker, the porn maker. It's not like I hit her up coz I liked her porn or anything.
It's not like my whole ass blog is porn gifs
what a tool No. 715205
File: 1539804771399.jpeg (105.28 KB, 1125x490, 5690EBAE-13E9-4C3D-B63D-FEDD60…)

>>715201I feel like it should be sarcasm but idk lol
No. 715237
File: 1539806087597.png (11.94 KB, 680x188, 2018-10-17 15_52_32-ManyVids -…)

was this a farmer? lmao from her mv custom page
No. 715251
>>715241>>715238i know right, her whole vag area and labial skin was saggy and wrecked.. why would you do that to yourself if it'll ruin your genitals lol
also the whole glass tube thing was done horribly, no wonder it turned out looking so painful. eek
No. 715314
>>715027I’m all for exploring and enjoying kinks hell I do BDSM myself but what kind of people enjoy watching that shit? It’s borderline torture wtf I don’t care if they consented that shit is clearly pandering towards people who like watching women suffer
I would say men too but they ain’t involved in this video like puffing out your pussy, being hung like a Slab of meat and having your face turn blue like what the fuck was that and Jesus why did she dance like if she can’t even get mood tones right how is she a pornstar in the first place like that seems like something you would learn in pornstar 101 classes lol
File: 1539811163004.jpeg (134.18 KB, 1242x733, B4F83282-CE42-435D-8AEF-FECB9E…)

Also posted “why is everyone so fake”
No. 715332
File: 1539811284437.jpg (61.43 KB, 538x488, 34y6.jpg)

No. 715333
>>715332@fupa maybe??
Also why would anyone pay to watch her do shit eyeliner and tie her matted hair up
No. 715341
>>715147Let's add this to the list…
"Mexico vacation/travel the world"= sit in a mexico hotel paid by work, water and snacks from daily stipend
makes gif sets showing gloves on and a passport in a backpack says shhhh "he's up for anything" = takes gloves off after photo bc it's 90 degrees in mexico and it's for a work trip.
"the guy who played original norman bates is my uncle" also "i have no family, i was in foster care" = proven not related to actor, only shares same last name. KEK
"i don't do drugs, especially xanax, its a touchy subject, my sister died from it"= constantly glorifies drugs and drugs, constantly reblogs photos of drugs especially xanax
double chins/no neck = "been working out my shoulders"
"i gotta flex my new house"= shows bumfuck outdated filthy oklahoma dwelling, his last apt before was a literal shack- maybe considers it a "flex" in comparison
"i'm a dom" = insecure beta taking advantage of a kink just to get himself in an authoritative role, KEK
(please feel free to add)
No. 715342
>>715332>ignore my emotional breakdowns and leave me alonethen don't post about your emotional breakdowns
this manipulation via Tumblr thing is so pathetic
No. 715393
>>715332Sounds like she’s depressed from her shitty decisions and thinks things and attention from strangers is going to fix it, and then realizes a week later that it doesn’t and she’s still an empty shell of an idiot.
Shay get some fucking help.
No. 715399
File: 1539815466419.jpg (22.64 KB, 568x216, 5yr.jpg)

from Fupa's blog
No. 715426
File: 1539817115655.jpg (11.02 KB, 558x165, 868568394.jpg)

also from Fupas blog
No. 715518
>>715399Wtf is this word salad? It's obviously directed at Shay since we knew it was only a matter of time before they started passive aggressively posting on Tumblr about each other (ie
I can't even understand what he's trying to say though so I'm certain she wouldn't either but that often happens when dumbasses try to make themselves sound smart
No. 715538
>>715518He probably thinks he’s saying something super deep, kek
He’s one of those idiots that thinks he’s a word master poet but is just a dull ass fat kid
No. 715651
File: 1539831970027.jpeg (44.41 KB, 500x254, 8981BE14-B496-4A22-80C7-CD429C…)

It’s physically impossible for her to be on time when she sets her own schedule. I do not understand how hard it is. It’s not like she has to set anything up, she just leaves it all in the floor
No. 715683
>>715681I doubt she cams tonight because her “motivation to work is -47”
Newsflash shay, you can’t call into work bc you’re a little sad.
No. 715712
File: 1539836869218.gif (433.48 KB, 306x306, 20181018_002634.gif)

Sperge from last night
No. 715748
File: 1539839364951.png (Spoiler Image,56.96 KB, 640x368, IMG_2268.PNG)

lookin fit
No. 715837
>>715399>pushing 40>indirecting your girlfriend on tumblrWhat an alpha daddy dom.
>>715741I thought her descriptions couldn't get more disgusting, but guess I underestimated her.
No. 715927
File: 1539865219128.png (888.83 KB, 601x713, 2018-10-18 08_17_08-tbh i’m an…)

um okay whatever you say shayna
No. 715928
File: 1539865306609.gif (2.1 MB, 540x304, tumblr_pgs2s406RA1rmiw96o3_540…)

No. 715977
File: 1539871583077.jpg (43.44 KB, 243x555, 11.JPG)

No. 715978
File: 1539871605864.jpg (16.83 KB, 254x246, 12.JPG)

Did she sleep in the closet again?
No. 715979
File: 1539871623208.jpg (14.69 KB, 252x198, 13.JPG)

No. 715982
File: 1539871707728.jpg (17.92 KB, 246x228, 14.JPG)

No. 715983
>>715978What is Fupa doing??
I thought the whole point of buying a house and living together was for her not to be sad and lonely lmao.
No. 715992
File: 1539872228733.jpg (44.84 KB, 522x362, 15.JPG)

And now she's got the personality of a spoiled brat that looks like a dollar store barbie knockoff and sits in a cage when she's not wanted. The prophecy is fulfilled.
No. 716079
>>716023I was wondering that too. $1200 for a new camera? Why spend that much if your quality now is fine? She also can’t edit so it’s weird that she would spend that much money on a camera.
I feel like she’s lying
No. 716123
>>716072I'm so sorry, anon.
and everyone here who is angered is right. She has been pandering to men and doing her 'porn' for so long, that she is completely out of touch with reality. Doing rape fantasies is already the lowest of low, but now she legit wants to pander to actual pedos/incest?
Shay is scum!
No. 716137
File: 1539886732178.png (521.8 KB, 720x1280, received_373477369858645.png)

Snapchat anon, update on Fupa's shitshow: No. 716145
>>716137Every time I think Fupa can't get any more cringy, SC anon delivers
I really can't imagine trying to emulate a 16-year-old as a 30-something parent. Jesus fuck
No. 716148
>>7161371. i know it's already been said but why the fuck does this 35 yr old white dude from oklahoma trying to talk like a young black guy
2. fupa nobody wants to see your pasty hairy old man thighs in the tub
3. lmao all the selfie shots, he really thinks he's something, doesn't he?
4. nice screamo lip synching, you haggard looking dipshit
No. 716182
>>716137Motherfucker is acting like he doesn't share rape gifs and slap his gf… who the fuck is he to call anyone creepy.
Funny how people tend to look better in black and white, but it does him no favors at all. Dude is beyond ugly
No. 716239
File: 1539894545145.png (6.6 KB, 274x228, 99.PNG)

No. 716277
File: 1539897680218.png (90.58 KB, 750x646, IMG_4044.PNG)

Okay Shay
No. 716278
File: 1539897714452.png (12.05 KB, 294x414, 2018-10-18 17_19_05-Mozilla Fi…)

>puppies and free candy
jesus shay just because he said "kidnap" doesn't mean you have to make it all child-oriented
No. 716297
File: 1539899599253.jpg (697.1 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181018-175306.jpg)

No. 716303
>>716277oh so edgy
>>716297lol her life is so depressing. i love how she was pretending that this video was gonna be real extreme or whatever and its just a guy who's turned on by vitamin c
No. 716454
>>716137every time I see him on video I physically recoil.
I would be absolutely mortified if my significant other acted like this.
Really picked a winner Shay.
No. 716680
>>716678as long as there's no beastiality she's fine. Give it a few months.
In other news one of her tumblr girl lurkers has a daughter
No. 716860
File: 1539959167801.png (10 KB, 258x339, 1.PNG)

Dropping some interesting asks.
No. 716861
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No. 716862
File: 1539959195016.png (17.9 KB, 260x465, 3.PNG)

No. 716863
File: 1539959208804.png (11.39 KB, 265x345, 4.PNG)

No. 716864
File: 1539959221224.png (21.77 KB, 266x475, 5.PNG)

No. 716980
File: 1539969748214.png (65.61 KB, 319x716, 2018-10-19 13_20_10-Mozilla Fi…)

wait until all these people google her kek
No. 717117
File: 1539984988102.png (3.18 MB, 1242x2208, 62880D83-F964-447E-8641-89BB85…)

Snapchat anon come through
No. 717124
File: 1539985425927.png (1.49 MB, 640x1136, IMG_2269.PNG)

she is just….so worn out and aged….. and i dont think she brushes her teeth. definitely not a perfect snack made by god
No. 717128
>>717124LOL what is wrong with her bottom lashes
she's a perfect snack for every fat ugly meth head in oklahoma's trailer parks + all the inbred southerners maybe.
No. 717181
File: 1539991415313.jpeg (49.74 KB, 660x371, 0BDBC063-2C37-4D2C-B153-712B06…)

>>717124>>717166She was going for the Melanie Martinez doll eyed look but failed miserably
No. 717202
>>717199Lmao I think she got the falsies that aren’t a band, but are instead separate bunches of small lash segments. And she tried to put them on and failed miserably. Zoom in, it’s hilarious. Either she got the single lashes instead of the band OR she cut up her old top lashes into small segments and attempted to put them on that way.
Kek, what a cheap fucking bitch. At least figure out how to do it properly and make it look good, then maybe it wouldn’t look cheap. I swear shayna is the epitome of dollar store hoe.
No. 717207
>>717124She kinda looks like this twacked out tranny that used to live down the hall from me. They wear the same trashy 'little girl' clothes, same fried, frizzy bleached hair, both obnoxious, screechy, immature. self-indulgent, always on something or other.
Hmm. He just kinda vanished one day a couple years back… Arianne? Is that you?
No. 717262
So…the request for this custom clearly stated they wanted the exact same outfit, hair, and makeup as the “Cake” video.
And what does Shayna do? Not wear the same outfit or makeup. Holy hell Shayna someone payed over $200 for this and you’re still going to half ass it? What a god damn cunt. No. 717301
File: 1540005853178.gif (2.09 MB, 540x304, F0BC4D64-B860-4973-A6D2-961D3F…)

Is his going to be her new shtick? Instead of a stupid panning shot we get her staring cross eyed at something? Apparently fruit confuses her.
No. 717310
File: 1540006803281.png (660.23 KB, 982x934, Screen Shot 2018-10-19 at 11.3…)

He's definitely posting this in reference to Shay. Why don't they just break up? I don't get it.
No. 717312
File: 1540006996637.png (39.44 KB, 966x328, Screen Shot 2018-10-19 at 11.4…)

"I love dryfucking my girlfriend because I am a piece of shit".
No. 717342
File: 1540009588816.png (Spoiler Image,658.05 KB, 1104x524, dollychaturbate.png)

No. 717452
File: 1540027681909.png (1.08 MB, 750x1334, CDCF0AEB-5361-4303-99F1-0FAC73…)

Incoming several screenshots of Fupa’s Tumblr posts
No. 717453
File: 1540027707985.png (675.03 KB, 750x1334, FE958EF9-3E8E-4AB2-8D27-195960…)

No. 717455
File: 1540027738502.png (665.63 KB, 750x1334, 3FD80E37-D7B7-4D2F-9ADF-95A349…)

No. 717456
File: 1540027760384.png (770.29 KB, 750x1334, EE621220-20BB-4988-9A5F-05CF61…)

No. 717460
File: 1540028079305.png (571.34 KB, 750x1334, 1A93D441-6F19-4459-99E5-09DDCE…)

Also, whoever this is attempted to show “how much he’d be missed.” 2 reblogs that were not her, and 1 like.
No. 717480
File: 1540031670302.gif (1.66 MB, 498x280, doti.gif)

>>717455>>717456Looks like he realized that Shaytard won't bring him the e-fame he thought he would have with her.
Also, IF he deletes, do you guys think that this would be the first step into throwing Shay out of the house? So he couldn't get any asks about why the broke up etc.?
No. 717570
>>717393>>717401Wtf are you guys talking about? The holes are reusable lol
>>717555>breaks up with her on tumblr omg at least she'd be easy to move out he could put all her stuff in the dog cage
No. 717596
>>717456Kek, what else is he going to do, reblog ~aesthetic~ nature pictures?
It was his own decision to brand himself as "Daddy Mattel", what a big baby.
No. 717671
File: 1540060252425.jpeg (230.45 KB, 1125x1160, 1222DCF4-0D42-4F4E-B71E-1FAC6E…)

I’m pretty sure Fupa just doesn’t want his blog all over lolcow but good luck dude. Not to sound like a fag but nothing escapes dedicated farmers lmao if they wanna find you, they will
No. 717764
>>717358"forgot" more like she thought she'd get free room by the porn companies that are so very lucky to have hired a talent like her.
>>717455Let me play the world's smallest violin. He really did think he'd be famous from her, didn't he?
>>717541I wouldn't put it past him to change the locks while she's gone. She has no legal right to the house and as long as he tosses her stuff onto the porch she can't get authorities to do anything.
No. 717792
File: 1540076520739.jpg (35.36 KB, 400x400, chefskiss.jpg)

i am LIVINGGGGG for kyle lashing out at shay thru tumblr posts. it's [chefs kiss]
>>717358bet she pulls the same "wow guys i didn't realize i'd have to pay for ubers to get around LA pls help" $cam again
>>717596he's not going to do it, obvs, but if he did his blog would only be sad gym selfies of his jelly arms :(
No. 717815
>>717671Sure is a good thing we have all his fucked up posts archived/screenshotted, and have proof that he is youvebeenwarned.
And god he’s such a child. Of course people only follow you for her. And the rest of your new followers are from here.
No. 718073
File: 1540132142169.png (106.46 KB, 256x534, 88.PNG)

The reblogs are getting sadder and more passive aggressive in the Dolly Dream House.
No. 718075
File: 1540132253723.png (814.57 KB, 1314x481, 89.PNG)

This is just pathetic Shay.
No. 718077
File: 1540132363242.png (7.06 KB, 259x270, 90.PNG)

The only interaction they've had so far online.
No. 718087
>>718080Wine bottles are typically stored outside of the fridge until they are ready to be opened
Except for reds—they are not refrigerated after opening.
No. 718102
File: 1540136355505.jpeg (196.94 KB, 1125x1260, 98EAED6E-9310-4E91-AEA4-D2A383…)

Icons turned back on and he’s pretending everything’s back to normal lol
No. 718191
>>718092maybe shay just wanted
something in the fridge besides left over fast food and fruit for fetish videos
No. 718228
>>717452Literally anyone who knows anything about wine you uncultured midwestern hillbilly.
>>717453Certainly explains why they never seem to do anything together. This passive tumblr reblogging reeks of teenage break up.
>>717541God I hope this happens. Please let it happen.
No. 718241
>>718228right lmao and even if she wasn't supposed to refrigerate it… who cares? she's just drinking it alone.
why does it matter if she prefers it cold fupa?
>>718075it's shocking that she will post this angsty stuff on her WORK tumblr, i understand her wanting an outlet or whatever but she should really make a private account somewhere like a locked twitter, this is super unprofessional, and just goes to show that she sees this as her personal tumblr not a work tumblr
No. 718248
>>718242Maybe we will see another musty couch shoot with her unwashed self in front of the camera ew…
But it makes me wonder if she will do only solo stuff or just girl on girl bc fupa is the only one who is allowed to dry fuck her.
No. 718281
File: 1540152564646.jpg (25.55 KB, 621x117, teamskeet.JPG)

>>718273Is it this one? Teen Porn? e w w
I don't even dare to click on it tbh.
No. 718305
>>718242I went to their site and none of the stuff they make is BDSM themed at all? It does include gems such as
>TeensLoveMoney>RubATeen>ExxxtrasmallI wonder if she'll graduate into b/g porn.
No. 718394
File: 1540164469508.png (962.76 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181022-022555.png)

Snap update: Shay wearing normal clothes and her busted face
No. 718422
>>718394Her ass in these snaps is truly ridiculous. It looks like it’s falling to the floor. How can something so nonexistent sag to much.
No. 718453
File: 1540172688569.png (206.57 KB, 354x346, Screen Shot 2018-10-21 at 9.45…)

>>718394im sorry if this is nit picky but she LITERALLY has dreadlocks forming
No. 718456
>>718394How pathetic. Everything he says and does is purposely done with an audience in mind, whether it's the guys behind the counter or snapchat. You can tell he's not used to the attention, and he's def going through some sort of midlife crisis. Your fucking 30- something listening to 18 and 19 yr old music. Now he's looking for validation from the store clerk by telling dumb jokes and mentioning how many people he has on Snap. That's just fucking sad.
Shayna is a tall one huh. She's a lot bigger and taller than she lets on. It's plain as day when you see her in photos or video taken by others. Where she's not next to her giant bear to make her look small. Where the fuck does her money go? She's been wearing the same black leggings for like 4 yrs now.
No. 718503
File: 1540178664242.jpg (64.86 KB, 380x678, flattest ass of all time.jpg)

flat board ass + man voice + ballsack "pussy" = tranny shay confirmed
No. 718572
File: 1540196841856.png (252.64 KB, 282x355, 698f33c635fd84290485232ea9abc2…)

>>718296nice soylent grin you fucking inbred.
No. 718643
>>718394Okay first off:
I highly doubt they're supposed to be filming inside of a headshop, especially if it isn't legalized where they are. Secondly, if I were Shay I would be CRINGING at the shitty innuendo Kyle Nathan Perkins keeps spouting out. They seem like the type to get kicked out of somewhere for acting immature and annoying in public.
No. 718678
File: 1540222551350.jpeg (264.58 KB, 1242x481, 19907939-C717-4F8B-9BCE-6083E5…)

>”I need money for a place in LA!!!! Send me money!!!!”
No. 718691
File: 1540223585479.png (118.47 KB, 807x319, 883.PNG)

She just got her nails done last week didn't she?
For someone who claims she's got 30k in back messages in her inbox she sure does beg for attention a lot when she's out. I thought she was thriving with FupaDaddy but I guess not.
No. 718736
>>718720Well last time it ended up blue-gray, and she even shot a fucking video with it looking like that. she’ll probably go to LA with blue hair and shoot like that.
Such barbie. V bimbo.
No. 718737
File: 1540229601035.png (808.75 KB, 613x728, 2018-10-22…)

what's with the state of the walls?
No. 718741
>>718737I think it’s shadows.
Also what is her face in that second picture.
No. 718742
>>718737that dress is so fucking unflattering on her rectangle shape, and her face in that second picture is kind of horrifying.
also, her walls are filthy, it's been pointed out a few times in different parts of the house.
No. 718773
File: 1540233588430.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.25 MB, 1125x1355, D4530369-5FBF-4E1A-9E10-88A171…)

No. 718775
File: 1540233618970.jpg (Spoiler Image,795.58 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181022-144005.jpg)

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up
No. 718778
>>718773>>718775Imagine being a hairdresser and you have to deal with this hot mess
>>718453 .
Makes me wonder how much they had to cut out to make it look at least a bit human.
No. 718791
>>718773>>718775Vein-chan displayed for all her fans.
For some reason she looks like she smells like sweaty gym socks.
No. 718806
>>718773It's ugly piss yellow in some parts.
Money well spent?
No. 718818
>>718815like she hasn't been banned for the same thing from multiple platforms now lol
you'd think she would at least have the brain cells to rub together to blur the nipples
No. 718841
File: 1540239967267.png (256.96 KB, 615x675, 2018-10-22 16_23_51-from now u…)

get it while it's hot
support shay's pink wine habit
No. 718877
>>718811Agreed. Something about blonde dye jobs with mismatched eyesbrows makes me irrational angry on their own. Add Shay's nasty mug into the mix and….ugh
Also it's super telling that she just got it done and it's already in braids. For the love of god, just shave it off and start over. I bet she can even film yourself shaving it and cater to some odd fetishist out there
No. 718881
>>718877Dolly Mattel
Buzzcut Barbie
No. 718885
>>718394i think these headshop kids must be friends of kyle's because he calls one by name and they thought his SC follower update out of nowhere was interesting. she's been basically trapped in their house and the moment he finally brings her around people he has to make fun of and sexualize her. it's telling that her having a friendly convo and laughing with someone was the moment he decided to pull out his phone, laugh at her, and change the subject to him. he's so gross. what a winner she chose to be totally dependent on. just go home shay.
>>718773>>718775she could at least photoshop her one permanently stretched out nipple by an inch or two :(
No. 718915
File: 1540245962008.jpeg (66.06 KB, 497x294, 665AE529-0A50-47E1-92F6-20362A…)

>>718884More like Helga Pataki
No. 719090
File: 1540261679821.png (529.58 KB, 1313x487, scammymattel.png)

>>719083Looks like she does have that many.
No. 719206
File: 1540273454111.png (1.37 MB, 750x1334, 85C0CFFE-BD86-4F04-B0FE-92A27B…)

I thought Fupa didn’t do drugs? And how the fuck is this #ddlg or #bdsm ? You don’t even know what bdsm is. Asshat.
No. 719243
>>719206LOL #Daddy
fupa really thinks he's the coolest, edgiest flexer on earth. i don't know why he's so stuck in the mindset of a 15 year old trying to be cool to fit into the edgy-kids group at school.
No. 719282
>>719243Mid-life crisis’ hit people differently I guess? Usually it’s a new sports car, or a motorcycle, or you go and backpack Europe
for a couple months.
For Fupa, it’s buying a moldy 70k house and moving his retarded internet girlfriend into the closet, where she shoots porn on a possibly flea infested blanket. All while he acts like a cringy 15 year old who got his first iPhone.
It’s almost too hard to watch the snaps because of the secondhand embarrassment I feel. Ugh.
No. 719355
File: 1540299072008.png (28.89 KB, 448x636, 2018-10-23 08_47_55-Tumblr.png)

why all of a sudden is he interacting with her again and acting like he likes her? lol whew. the roller coaster of this relationship.
No. 719386
File: 1540302672498.jpeg (Spoiler Image,550.37 KB, 1125x1911, 9ABF53D9-B186-4000-9074-EBA859…)

Is there a reason why her brand new videos are already on sale?
No. 719400
File: 1540304096697.jpeg (155.44 KB, 1242x976, DA78F223-33AD-405D-9C70-4F73F8…)

Did she not just say she wants to be waterboarded? Yet here she says a hard limit is drowning?
Shayna you are so fucking dumb it’s astonishing. (Yes I’m aware they’re not the same but they have pretty much the exact same effect)
No. 719431
File: 1540305385170.jpeg (321.37 KB, 1242x1276, DAF2F980-58CE-4F8B-885F-315D68…)

No. 719451
>>719407except we've seen their hardxcore "bdsm" and it was nothing
i wouldn't get too excited lmao they're putting on a show to rile people up
No. 719547
>>719544i was thinking that too, but honestly out of all of the things on his blog, him possibly smoking weed isn't even a red flag.
i guess if she took him to court or something and they had to drug test him, that would be a thing, but what about the young/old, daddy/daughter, rape, snuff, abuse posts? those are things i'd actually be worried about.
No. 719627
File: 1540319659491.png (Spoiler Image,308.02 KB, 594x521, yikes.PNG)

How does she think anyone could find this sexy?
No. 719634
>>719627lmao @ her breaking her back in the 2nd pic to have an ass
still hanging out in the bathroom of course
No. 719675
File: 1540324685497.png (188.42 KB, 200x407, 77.PNG)

Putting that strobe light and fog machine to good use I see.
No. 719687
File: 1540325372338.gif (Spoiler Image,14.67 MB, 324x640, ezgif-4-fe77426bdc9c.gif)

strobe light warning
No. 719689
>>719687meant to respond to
>>719675 >>719678
No. 719691
File: 1540325526164.png (2.63 MB, 750x1334, 686A3385-A5B5-4C5E-ACF1-0631F2…)

>>719684KEK she definitely just cut holes in a beanie. The eye holes are not the same shape and you can see the fabric cut
No. 719706
File: 1540326760676.png (35.34 KB, 316x670, 2018-10-23 16_30_15-Mozilla Fi…)

such dom
No. 719709
File: 1540326889825.png (Spoiler Image,636.16 KB, 448x809, 2018-10-23 16_31_44-Tumblr.png)

>>719706also now officially revlogging pics of him and shay now that she's a safe distance away
No. 719735
>>719627Ugh god this is so cheap it literally looks like when you buy a Halloween costume from ebay and they send a cheap lingerie set with it that's just two pieces of elastic sewn into a T shape to make a g string
>>719683Underrated post lmao
No. 719748
>>719709This photo always confuses me because of his girl hands. I forgot he’s there and that’s not her hand.
I’ll bet you they never hold hands because hers are bigger than his kek
No. 719811
>>719753Sage for nobody cares, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Shay has to pay for overweight/oversized baggage.
Source: I have almost that exact suitcase and it weighed 51 lb when it was 3/4 of the way full. Hers is stuffed.
Cue “omg the mean airline charged me some unexpected fees! Please buy my porn and Snapchat” posts.
No. 719819
File: 1540336814358.jpeg (182.21 KB, 1242x874, 64E5CBD0-172F-4510-AE18-37D895…)

She is a full blown alcoholic at this point. Can’t even get on a plane without being drunk first.
No. 719856
File: 1540341762283.png (Spoiler Image,3.53 MB, 1242x2688, AB49044E-C27D-4524-B258-DE3414…)

No. 719914
File: 1540348682961.jpg (82.99 KB, 435x485, Todd_with_Kenzie_in_the_mask.j…)

>>719675Is this… Bojack cosplay porn? Shay has entered a whole new frontier.
No. 719966
File: 1540353996863.png (189.25 KB, 559x312, Burn-out Barbie.png)

No. 719999
>>719985when i was 18 or 19 I had a 'dom' who would occasionally refuse to do or say certain things because, and I quote: "That wouldn't be very domly of me, would it?
I have no doubt Kyle Perkins says the exact same kinda shit. 'you want me to hold your bag for a second so you can re-tie your shoe?! people might think I'M whipped!'
No. 720082
File: 1540376486116.jpg (891.67 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181024-061017.jpg)

She was live for like 5 mins on insta last night at 9:45ish LA time. Someone told her to get something nice from the airport gift shop. She responds with "if you guys want me to get a gift from the gift shop or something, you should send me money to buy weed."
Nice, Shay. No. 720103
>>720101i knew there was something off in the joint pic but couldn't put my finger on it and yeah it's her bizarre black block eyebrows.
how many days in a row has she had these eyelashes on now?
No. 720120
>>720085I’m shocked how her hair actually looks kinda ok and not dead in this pic.
But then theres the shitty bangs, so…
No. 720125
>>720120Well didn't she supposedly have it done yesterday?
For a day ago it looks like shit
No. 720127
>>720125Yup, it looks like she just got lucky with good lighting/filter here. I saw that pic first and had some hope for her poor hair, but then I saw
>>720082 and yeah…
Dull yellow mess as usual.
No. 720176
File: 1540392137647.png (10.02 KB, 317x375, 2018-10-24 10_39_56-Mozilla Fi…)

the other girl is in my thoughts and prayers
No. 720188
>>720082>>720085Just "got her hair done" and it already looks fried and tangled.
>>720176>1 g/g shootI hope she takes one look at Shay's diseased bits and calls her manager to get her out of it.
No. 720189
File: 1540394555779.png (30.93 KB, 534x424, 1.PNG)

No. 720192
File: 1540394651574.png (11.7 KB, 267x304, 2.PNG)

Ironic coming from Shay who said her work persona is just an enhanced version of herself.
No. 720194
File: 1540394690414.png (34.17 KB, 256x604, 3.PNG)

No. 720196
File: 1540394862723.png (24.04 KB, 322x329, 5.PNG)

That's it. We've reached pinnacle Shay humor. Nothing that comes out of her mouth will ever be as hilarious as this.
No. 720206
File: 1540395330069.jpeg (557.43 KB, 1226x1683, 8AC12C31-C8B7-46D2-9CD3-6A906A…)

Straight up admitting that she doesn’t like putting all the “work” into her porn and would rather other people do it for her. How sad. She’s one of those chicks who got into it because she was popular on tumblr and thought it would be easy money.
No. 720259
>>719687What on earth is this nonsense?
Shayna, dear, you've lost the plot.
No. 720271
File: 1540401199395.png (166.03 KB, 1415x1210, Screenshot_2018-10-24-09-11-49…)

This was posted this morning and then promptly deleted? Wonder who this is about? Only other sexworker I know that fits this description and hates Shay is Edmthot
No. 720290
File: 1540403217682.jpeg (179.69 KB, 1242x589, 7FEA7EE9-17BD-42D3-AE16-C202E7…)

Looks like she’s really desperate for money, she’s pretending to be a findom again while she’s in LA.
No. 720291
File: 1540403304950.jpeg (418.92 KB, 1242x1314, 10F853A5-9C1D-4855-9CC4-4EF31C…)

she acts like she’s a positive influence in the community and respects everyone but yet no one wants to be her friend because she’s an awful scammer and liar.
No. 720294
>>720290the only person she's humiliating is herself
and farmers if you're counting secondhand
No. 720364
File: 1540411528641.png (22.15 KB, 315x717, 2018-10-24 16_03_00-Mozilla Fi…)

lol wow. edgiest couple of 2018 right here.
No. 720383
>>720382haha ikr? she can pay for her own sad, lonely meals, then. what does she do? check her tumblr for asks while she eats?
what a headcase.
No. 720623
File: 1540436762832.png (304.34 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-10-25-04-09-47…)

The vague post was about edmthot
No. 720655
File: 1540439614168.jpg (841.34 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20181024-235341_Tum…)

Ew pt 1
No. 720656
File: 1540439635850.jpg (962.41 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20181024-235239_Tum…)

Ew pt 2
No. 720783
File: 1540460400948.png (164.92 KB, 640x1136, 9F1D8062-1128-47EC-BC1F-D44DB5…)

Gah he’s so annoying
No. 720864
File: 1540473889777.png (611.56 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181025-090600.png)

>>719627Pretty sure she was lurking in the Dollanger calves thread
No. 720931
File: 1540482779821.jpeg (555.97 KB, 1125x1018, 1F6EF274-267B-4B08-A151-046C94…)

Sorry guys couldn’t help myself
No. 720953
File: 1540484574133.jpeg (487.96 KB, 1189x1521, 5D6DE098-2A19-4977-A783-9F7321…)

Fupa sounds like a fucked up person. Idk how to feel about this.
No. 720959
File: 1540485111081.png (270.42 KB, 452x934, 2018-10-25 12_29_07-Tumblr.png)

lmao please make the cringe stop
No. 720965
>>720953Soooooo hardcore, much BDSM.
We know it's not true though, to a degree. Fupa gets off on humiliating and controlling (but only bottom of the barrel girls, just look at how fast he tried to hide from his ex-wife like a little bitch he is!) but if anything he would've slapped the shit out of Shay if she'd puked on him and sent her to her closet. He can't even handle her getting sloppy drunk on him.
>>720959His ladies driving gloves must be a toxic waste sample by now.
No. 720973
File: 1540486503272.jpg (Spoiler Image,667.58 KB, 810x2304, Screenshot_20181025-095432_Twi…)

Not sure if this has been posted yet, didn't think so though.
No. 720974
File: 1540486607993.jpg (Spoiler Image,616.6 KB, 795x1200, 07.jpg)

Doing her dirty
No. 720978
File: 1540486779804.jpg (Spoiler Image,703.29 KB, 795x1200, 12.jpg)

She's so unfortunate looking
No. 720979
>>720974ohhh my god…
someone come get their meth head cousin
No. 720980
File: 1540486846160.jpg (Spoiler Image,618.23 KB, 795x1200, 08.jpg)

I'm so glad I found these. Made my day
No. 720982
File: 1540486928910.jpg (Spoiler Image,457.11 KB, 1200x675, 14.jpg)

No. 720983
File: 1540486933662.png (167.09 KB, 1085x751, 2018-10-25 13_00_02-Untitled -…)

>>720978the pit stains….. jesus….
No. 720984
File: 1540486966395.jpg (Spoiler Image,550.1 KB, 1200x675, 13.jpg)

No. 720989
>>720973I've no words to describe the level of yikes I feel right now. At least they used the logo to cover up her ingrown hairs.
>>720978If you told me she was nearing 40 in this, I would believe you.
>>720980What is even going on in this? I've never seen anything that looks like this before.
No. 720991
File: 1540487169206.jpg (Spoiler Image,560.53 KB, 1200x675, 03.jpg)

So gross
No. 720993
File: 1540487198037.jpg (Spoiler Image,613.78 KB, 795x1200, 09.jpg)

No. 720994
File: 1540487226759.jpg (Spoiler Image,674.29 KB, 1200x795, 04.jpg)

No. 720998
File: 1540487330747.jpg (Spoiler Image,555.49 KB, 1200x675, 11.jpg)

Throw the whole thing away
No. 720999
File: 1540487386952.jpg (Spoiler Image,738.02 KB, 795x1200, 01.jpg)

The infamous hk panties
No. 721002
File: 1540487423421.jpg (Spoiler Image,740.87 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181025-095935_Chr…)

Fire whoever types this shit out
No. 721005
The fucking patchy crotch. I genuinely believe that insex caters to the crack whore fetish.
No. 721015
>>721007Tell me how the camera man is not gagging behind the camera when he did that zoom of her destroyed "princess parts"
This is not porn in any sense of the word.
No. 721042
>>720991the pilling on the damn shirt
she couldn't be bothered to splurge $7 at forever21 for a new one?
No. 721048
File: 1540491428357.jpg (232.74 KB, 804x797, 783b7732ba0b9459b02e48957c5c48…)

>"barbie's little sister">21 years old>"ur daddy spends ur college fund on me"like i get why she seems so arrogant and deluded. it's because she has to look at that face in the mirror every day, in hi def, she knows all its flaws we can't even see and the only way to make herself feel better is by telling /the rest of the world/ how hot she is so /we/ might believe it, and if we believe it then maybe it's easier to forget how godawful she actually looks.
kinda like kanye is the grandmaster of insecurity and says all that grandiose BS.
No. 721056
>>721048lmfao I'm howling
Thanks to the anon who posted this shit, made my day
No. 721064
File: 1540492646273.jpg (217.02 KB, 1081x1631, Screenshot_20181025-143636-1.j…)

No. 721111
>>720866love how
triggered shay got over someone criticizing her retarded lumpy black-furby-face looking shit she posted thinking she looked soooo cool ~ and edgy xdd
No. 721112
>>720974This was the best picture they got of her
just let that sink in
>>720991That cheap collar makes me laugh. One would think that a "princess" had a nice and sturdy looking one instead of a cheap one made by chinese children
No. 721201
>>721192that really is one ugly vagina
her pubes look like an afro that got chunks torn out
No. 721245
File: 1540507235094.jpg (35.1 KB, 480x360, nastypussy.jpg)

>>721192I instantly thought of this… "Naaasty paaatty…"
No. 721268
File: 1540509477973.png (2.25 MB, 1125x2436, 12E53646-DE78-4254-8F39-AD7674…)

Can you believe
No. 721269
>>720974she's not overweight obviously but like, her upper body is so.. trunkish and big-boned looking and puffy. the bangs and hair widens everything even more. yet her knees and ass and hips are gangly and narrow and flat lol
>>721245this is very very accurate wow
No. 721301
File: 1540511835182.jpeg (11.65 KB, 146x146, image.jpeg)

The thing you see out of the corner of your eye when you get sleep paralysis
No. 721309
>>721305They’re too cheap to pay for an Airbnb or even a motel, so she has to beg and sell her shit at a discount last minute… but at least she gets a discount at a dispensary. So successful. Such a star.
I wonder how much she actually makes doing this, after all her expenses. I’d honestly be surprised if she broke even after each trip.
No. 721429
File: 1540525526033.jpg (259.51 KB, 767x820, Screenshot_20181025-234610.jpg)

I'm sorry to compare her to the likes of Katya, but this is what I thought of immediately.
No. 721436
File: 1540527392893.jpeg (248.99 KB, 600x900, 2269B819-F5B8-4380-918A-505FA0…)

I’m so sorry y’all
No. 721505
>>720974Her face is fucked! Yikes!
>>720984>>721002Even with pubic hair, AND taken from far away, her pussy is already still atrocious looking! You can still see all the breakouts. Why does she keep doing this to herself? Imagine how bad the close ups must be!
>>721192I just threw up a little! This is unacceptable!! I've never seen anyone's pussy look this bad in any porn I've ever seen!! WTF!?
No. 721507
>>720783He use to live in a shack, anything other than what he had before is considered an upgrade to him. He's super ridiculous, especially with the whole "flex" shit and talking about going bowling "in a lesser area" like he holds some sort of social status that's NOT hillbilly redneck trailer trash.
Has she been uploading anything to her snap? Snap Anon where you at?!
No. 721587
File: 1540557658391.png (22.36 KB, 319x631, 2018-10-26 08_38_37-Mozilla Fi…)

>any good mother would be proud
No. 721597
File: 1540560604819.jpg (Spoiler Image,219.91 KB, 784x626, Pregnantangle.jpg)

Sage for old milk, but she looks kinda round in this shot. She's actually looking better now (body wise) than she did around the time she made that stupid kids pool video.
No. 721611
>>721607Shay has no muscle tone, so she looks fatter. If she worked out/didn’t eat like shit/drink everyday, she would look way better at the same weight.
She looks straight up unheqlthy in every possible way.
No. 721614
File: 1540562814169.jpeg (301.97 KB, 1242x695, 57F7455A-BC03-44A7-AB0F-A2A132…)

Why does she do this shit ? Lmao I bet it annoys Kyle Perkins considering fupa thinks he is some big bad daddy dom.
No. 721631
>>721614Bitch, he’s
your boyfriend! It’s no one’s responsibility to take care of his emotional well-being but his (and your own).
They’ve both made posts like this about each other, and it seems so desperate and pathetic for attention on Tumblr. Plus it sounds like a cop-out from having to do any of the hard work of a relationship, i.e. having to actually comfort and be there for each other, and instead, expecting random people on the Internet to do it for them.
No. 721691
File: 1540572166359.jpg (835.23 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20181025-143447_Tum…)

I saged this cus not really relevant now but did you guys see the actual shit spattered on the wall in her snow white pics?
No. 721707
>>721691god I really hope that isn't
actual shit…
No. 721775
>>721587these fucked up thots live in an alternate, opposite dimension or something i swear.
No. 721998
File: 1540606698216.png (9.55 KB, 556x209, hmm.PNG)

thinking emoji
No. 722009
>>722002grateful because they don't have to talk to the human abortion fupapap.
>>721998lmao he says this like he ain't pushing forty and its more normal these days (if you're not white trash) to get pregnant in your thirties.
No. 722011
>>722003i sure as hell hope not. can you imagine shay as a mother?
we've seen how she talks about being jealous and resentful of girls who are younger/smaller/shorter/etc than her and if she were ever to have a daughter, she'd most definitely carry the same attitude towards her. personally i'm glad having children doesn't fit in with her uwu baby bimbo persona so it will likely never happen
No. 722030
>>722003She wouldn’t. Fupa would convince her to get an abortion and pay for it. And if she did keep it, it would likely be taken away from her.
She drinks regularly and smokes weed. You think she will stop both just because she has an unwanted child inside of her? Also I can only imagine the disgusting baby-pregnancy porn she would do. Vom.
No. 722051
>>721998yah, and for him
20's is when you have kids,
30's is when you ignore all your responsibilities and said kids and start a midlife crisis listening to music and dressing that of an angsty teenager and dating a 21 yr old who acts the same age as the kids you had in your 20's that you now ignore.
what a joke!
No. 722054
>>721530Maybe because it's commenting on porn
I don't even think anyone considers what Shayna does as porn? I mean, it's kinda more comedic and satire to the real thing anyways. KEK
No. 722197
File: 1540638755916.jpg (239.12 KB, 1080x1733, Screenshot_20181027-070947-1.j…)

She posted to her insta story last night at her shoot
God bless the person that had to flat iron that rat's nest No. 722203
File: 1540639141802.png (278.49 KB, 640x1136, DEAEC729-E21A-4746-BD42-0A153C…)

No. 722205
>>722197ngl she looks pretty cute in this video. no horrible wings, hair nicely done, makeup that suits her, and a new fucking outfit that isn’t stained (i think).
sage for ot but i think (and i know a lot of anons have said this) shay’s actually got potential; she just takes such bad care of herself and refuses to anything about the festering hole that she calls a vagina.
she’s not ugly imo just leaning really, really hard into an aesthetic that does NOT suit her at all and exacerbating the onset of negative features (bloated gut, razor burn & infection on her vag, no muscle from sedentary lifestyle). she doesn’t put in the work necessary to maintain a certain level of sex appeal that people come to expect all because of pure laziness.
also girl needs to brush her fucking tongue because i can see the shit that accumulates when you don’t brush it and it’s fucking G R O S S
>>722197ok, it def looks better than this mess here
>>720974 but what kind of horror is hiding in her privat part area? No amount of decent face make-up will distract from her infected vag and ass pimples.
No. 722326
File: 1540657668417.jpg (566.22 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181027-122734.jpg)

Cow crossover lol he would be reblogging Mickey's crusty ass
No. 722471
File: 1540680531945.jpg (171.46 KB, 1081x1004, Screenshot_20181027-184813-1.j…)

But her normal life totally doesn't revolve around sex, guys
No. 722492
File: 1540683195066.jpg (167.79 KB, 1195x646, attractive.jpg)

>>722197seriously though does she really think these faces look good… ugh
No. 722505
File: 1540683968010.jpeg (Spoiler Image,44.93 KB, 314x419, D7185E89-6A71-4226-965C-36C9B3…)

>>722492Matilda’s mom back at ir again I see
No. 722549
File: 1540691030093.png (1.4 MB, 1510x1042, Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at 9.43…)

>>722541Went to their website and isn't that her on the right?
No. 722566
>>721998so is he saying he wishes he didn't have children anymore? because once you
have children, you have them forever dude. it's not something that
only happened in your twenties. you're still a father.
midlife crisis strong. I hope his ex wife sees and makes his wish come true by removing them from his life completely. they seem better off where they are now anyway.
No. 722571
File: 1540694154480.png (7.13 KB, 260x203, Untitled.png)

so he's got her breaking the law now. classy
No. 722587
>>722571No welcome home flowers no fancy diner not even takeout lobster no pampering no cunnilingus, it's pissing in the parking lot and mcdonald's for shayna
No. 722597
>>722564She applied all those skills to making her own nasty porn, taking pics of her boil and pimple infected vagina.
>>722587Lol! I thought the same thing! So sad
No. 722635
>>722589Sage your autism.
>>722587Yea super relationship goals. Next trip back from LA and it’ll be “took a dump on the sidewalk and then daddy bought me a Pepsi. #thriving”
>>722476Their whole relationship seems forced and unnatural. I’m sure most guys wouldn’t mind a text from their s/o saying “can’t wait to suck your dick”, but would probably flip out if they posted it on social media. Especially the whole making her pee in a parking lot? Like ok if you gotta go you gotta go. But the whole implication that he made her is pathetic.
Dude has no clue what it means to flex.
No. 722637
>>722571roadhead is actual fun, js anon.
have you ever had sex?
(derailing) No. 722640
>>722571Shayna: Just bc i’m a porn star doesn’t mean everything is always about sex
Shaynas relationship: literally just about sex
No. 722749
File: 1540736143980.jpeg (365.45 KB, 1242x1065, 6BCDDF6A-BC58-41B9-B50C-AB7523…)

Don’t forget the lovely tags, anons.
>he said he missed me
>I’m in love
No. 722836
File: 1540748201063.jpg (203.26 KB, 1080x1878, Screenshot_20181028-133508-1.j…)

Hopefully this translates in action
No. 722844
>>722836She didn't dress herself, or do her own make up or film in her own area and everything about this is almost …nice. The pinks all correlate and she looks closer to 21 in this then when she does her own shit. Not 21 but more like 24/25
Despite it being Shayna though, some points are lost
No. 722852
>>722836I don’t get baby or young/teen vibes from this but she looks better than we’ve seen her in a long time. I think the last time she looked this good was when she was wearing that black lingerie and nude lipstick from when she first started selling nudes.
We all know she isn’t going to take anything good from it and just go back to her regular shit makeup and gross hair and hygenie regiments. Unfortunately.
No. 722889
File: 1540753105633.jpg (16.61 KB, 320x180, custom_1_180_5af134db662c3.jpg)

>>722844That actually is her outfit and I'm fairly certain it's Dollskill, as per usual. It works with the just bimbo, not baby way they styled her for that shoot, though.
No. 722892
>>722852eh its definitely a play on the 90s teen who sneaks into a club to look for a daddy look
its just her face that looks old that is throwing you off lol
No. 722939
>>722903yeah. i mean, he literally told her he missed her mouth lmao.
honestly it all sounds like things a fuck-buddy would say. even the "i missed you" thing JUST when you're around
No. 722997
>>722995what you weird retard? i made a joke about her flat ass in response to the DIFFERENT anon in
>>722954 calm down
No. 723147
File: 1540781152342.png (38.6 KB, 240x564, d1.PNG)

Some updates of edgy Fupapa trying to claw back his own grab at fame.
No. 723151
File: 1540781300392.png (37.54 KB, 255x216, d3.PNG)

And this one is just Shay being gross but considering how she lives, if Fupa did this it'd just be her watching herself get properly exfoliated and her hair conditioned.
No. 723157
>>722836I don't know if it's just me but the hair, makeup and background give me Twin Peaks/Laura Palmer vibes. She's not nearly as youthful or classic looking as Sheryl Lee though.
Laura's storyline certainly fits her aesthetic though lmao. She'd kill to have been a rebel teen slut who fucked all the old dudes in town while coked out.
No. 723171
>>722836serving up middle aged tranny wearing a party city wig and his teen daughter's clothing looks
also, those dry unwiped butthole lips… really don't get the people itt saying this is an improvement. she needs to accept that this ~aesthetic~ does her no favors and stick to having darker hair and clothing
No. 723353
File: 1540824491133.png (18.33 KB, 325x515, 2018-10-29 10_45_52-Mozilla Fi…)

so basically it's going to be the same shitty old type of outfit she normally wears. great.
No. 723468
File: 1540841830484.jpg (14.26 KB, 265x176, 1.JPG)

She hasn't even posted her schedule for the week so I doubt she'll get everything done that she promised.
No. 723487
File: 1540843855871.jpg (Spoiler Image,164.61 KB, 789x1280, 7cced108-b72e-4d91-adb4-1804c3…)

>>723478Yeah my bad I sperged a bit. Kinda like the sage anons do every day. I moved it over the the general complaints thread in /meta/.
How do you think she justifies pic related to herself? Do you think she gets off (truly or otherwise) on the humiliation of posting her pock-marked ass for everyone to see?
No. 723499
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>>723468Here’s the live she’s mentioned: asked where she got the costume, and she said she put it together herself and it’s a secret. It’s all cheap Amazon shit, kek.
No. 723565
File: 1540851522091.jpeg (176.08 KB, 1242x582, 86E78780-5059-4B0A-BD19-1A579E…)

I’m fucking cackling, she’s calling herself a “director” now.
No. 723572
>>723363Fupa posted videos of her driving on his snap and they both seemed drunk.
He had to tell her to put her seatbelt on and she couldn't even find her way out of a car park.
No. 723625
>>723499"if I had enough dildos, I would do Snow White and the Seven Dildos"
how on earth is this your job and you don't have seven dildos??
No. 723642
>>723640doublepost but I don't mean to imply
she came up with that idea because it was the people in her chatroom who told her she should do that. she was just showing off what came in the package from bad dragon, which she had clearly never opened before in the MONTHS she had it and was "filming the alien video"
No. 723803
>>723499It's hilarious the times where she thinks she looks best, bc she looks atrocious here. Basically in every look she thinks is her "best" is her worst. Her face looks fucked.
>ruined childhoodRight… because loving parents, babysitting your younger sibling, and getting grounded is the epitome of a ruined childhood…
KEK. She's so delusional.
More like picture of "I ruined my own life despite having the best childhood"
No. 723808
>>723604This! Exactly anon. He just likes the
idea of being with a "pornstar". Yet he stays constant with always saying he doesn't "watch it". As if by admitting or saying
he does, means that would be him confirming he knows just how fucked up and disgusting her pussy is because he's seen what others have which is all her pussy boils. Especially after he made that content with her in Seattle and he got all that shit about touching her gross pussy. Like now, even
he makes her take a million baths and showers before he even touches her. It must gross him out just as bad.
Shayna is mainly known for being "that girl who insists on making porn with having a disgusting, nasty pussy, riddled with boils, pimples, constant outbreaks". It's not even funny anymore, several customers complain and demand their money back after being mortified by all the unknown pus filled growths that riddle her vag.
Also, him saying he doesn't watch it, just confirms he was one of the Dorito dust guys that Shayna complained about freeloading her content. She said she noticed him when he mentioned her blog in a post, and reblogged her content, yet he never bought it once.
No. 723820
>>723803agreed. she literally looks like a grandma in lingerie going to take the grandkids out to trick or treat.
the ruined childhood bit was funny to me because i'm like… you're not even doing it well so it's not going to have an effect on anyone.
No. 723821
>>723807it's weird because she's smart enough to scam people tho. i guess she's just only good at being a degenerate.
i was reading an article awhile back about "snapchat dysphoria" where people have become obsessed with what they look like in snapchat filters. i honestly think shay forgets what her actual face looks like sometimes lol.
No. 723845
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No. 723869
File: 1540911588060.jpg (18.62 KB, 251x330, 1.JPG)

What's she going to do? Just sit in the corner and supervise?
No. 723985
>>723823i will never get over how fucking ugly she looks in this photo.
also this hairstyle makes her look so wide and pudgy, the bangs just flatter her face SO little it makes her look even uglier.
No. 723997
File: 1540930647835.jpg (33.76 KB, 234x520, 1.JPG)

More fake asks to herself.
No. 723998
File: 1540930684398.jpg (17.09 KB, 252x219, 1a.JPG)

Spoiler Alert: she didn't get any asks. It's nothing but her gif reblogs from there on to now.
No. 724000
File: 1540930733136.jpg (11.85 KB, 270x120, 1b.JPG)

Wow. So high class and extra.
No. 724008
>>723998she probably did get asks, but none of them sucked up enough for her to respond. I'm sure she gets like 25+ asks a day but chooses only the most brown-nosing to answer.
>>724004make the video! make it better than hers and you'll always have the proof of concept from your old posts talking about it if she claims you copied. plus I'm sure even if she does get upset she won't talk about it because it'll show that your porn is better quality.
No. 724010
>>724004You should still do it just to spite her, her idea will be shit anyways since Fupa helped her plan it.
Also sage if there’s no contribution.
No. 724032
>>723823where's this from? this is a super tragic photo, wow. she looks absolutely terrible. is it pre-or post-move?
it looks like a sad high school yearbook pic if the student in question were in her forties.
No. 724041
File: 1540935756392.jpeg (Spoiler Image,644.46 KB, 720x1060, C3AF740F-983D-444B-BD99-774F8A…)

Speaking of her shoot, part 2 is out.(spoiler needed)
No. 724043
File: 1540935845952.jpeg (Spoiler Image,572.57 KB, 1242x655, EE8B5A0F-749B-4411-9D6A-2909EB…)

Derp face incoming
No. 724044
File: 1540936069758.jpeg (Spoiler Image,647.95 KB, 1242x660, 157809F4-3A38-49FB-A050-D183E9…)

If i didn’t know this was shayna, I would have thought it was a young boy.
No. 724048
>>723850i don’t get why people make a big deal of him not buying her porn. she posts enough nudes on snapchat for a guy who just wants a picture to jerk off too or something for him not to buy anything before they started dating, and im sure once she decided he was good enough to play daddy dom on tumblr with, she started sending him private content because dada asked.
Plus, he’s already fucking her.
No. 724091
File: 1540939545488.png (377.67 KB, 647x600, Skærmbillede 2018-10-30 kl. 23…)

so Fupapas spectacular idea was that…..snow white snack-slept? isnt that kind of just the story
No. 724098
File: 1540939937037.png (Spoiler Image,577.92 KB, 841x461, Skærmbillede 2018-10-30 kl. 23…)

was this filmed today? her boil vag looking fine as ever
No. 724099
File: 1540939994092.png (Spoiler Image,789.13 KB, 1227x716, Skærmbillede 2018-10-30 kl. 23…)

this is a good one
No. 724109
File: 1540940981117.jpg (49.9 KB, 500x281, tumblr_phfnuhPpuK1rmiw96o1_500…)

Welp, her schedule is posted
No. 724133
>>724091Snack induced nap, I'm dying. What the fuck?
Wouldn't it make a thousand times more sense if it was a poison Apple and it was a drugged out hallucination?
No. 724144
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No. 724150
File: 1540946472000.jpeg (Spoiler Image,614.48 KB, 1200x675, EB776B3F-604D-4510-9653-EB1140…)

for posterity love this lame ass cool tone lighting effect to make it look more like a spoopy dungeon, what it really does is make everyone look like shit. shayna look particularly special needs here.
No. 724152
File: 1540946634432.jpg (388.82 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181030-194334_Tum…)

He's never said he was proud of her other videos. Only this one cause it was his story line
No. 724154
File: 1540946847631.jpeg (Spoiler Image,573.09 KB, 1200x675, 35388B48-4371-49C4-A02B-49796A…)

Jesus, did she actually show up for a scene with her hair looking like this? I mean, I guess so, look at how bad her pussy is and she clearly doesn't care about that either.
No. 724162
File: 1540947861553.jpg (951.67 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20181030-200158_Tum…)

Oh my god she changed it to dolly. You can go to reblogs from other people and see that it said snow white first. I'm dyinggg
No. 724181
File: 1540949905985.jpg (385.28 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181030-203853_Tum…)

No. 724203
>>724188idk if this is the same person all the time but you need to sage your posts.
is she camming tonight? has she even posted a schedule?
No. 724216
>>724133KEK! It sounds so stupid
>>724134So all those costumes she bought and took photos of, and barely
in, were just for what? To add to her collection of cheap pink shit from amazon? So ridiculous.
>>724150Poor girl. The saturation also helps with hiding Shayna's boils and pussy/ass pimples. If the filter was gone and the saturation was normal it'd look 10000x worse than it already does.
No. 724227
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No. 724254
File: 1540956895997.jpg (12.73 KB, 242x133, Capture.JPG)

>>724253It's 10:34 CST according to Google. That's why we all think she's late.
No. 724267
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>>724262Not sure how you're from the future of November 4th when CT turns to CST but you're a little early there, mate.
No. 724268
File: 1540958035814.png (303.65 KB, 510x484, 8127283729103.png)

>>724267I'm from Canada. My current time is CST. Tbh, I don't know shit about US timezones, I was going off this line in the schedule post.
No. 724269
File: 1540958040155.jpg (30.49 KB, 256x394, wow.JPG)

So how's that set schedule working out for you Shay
No. 724278
File: 1540959021908.jpg (12.2 KB, 260x87, profile.JPG)

At least her ever dropping camscore is amusing. She went from 2700 range to 1900s.