File: 1563763181943.jpeg (152.92 KB, 1100x618, C5172C26-3282-46F6-B2F3-A30BFB…)

No. 841938
Previous thread:
>panhandling on twitter as usual>still claiming that she and fupa are no longer together even though one anon caught them out in the wild >>822349>creates a horrifying video where she humiliates herself (she really did) >>821454>said video claims she “pukes all over herself” but really doesn’t and scams once again >> 822212>continues to sperg on twitter that THE SW COMMUNITY IS OUT TO GET ME!!!>Shay gets diagnosed as being bipolar, continues to smoke and drink while taking meds #bipolarbarbie >>822257>circlepay closes, shay switches back to cashapp>goes to Texas with fupa leaving noodle in kennel care for 4 days>creates another video with more dry anal fucking, leaving shit stains >>825784>now wants to move to austinNEW MILK:
>continued constant panhandling on twitter - now with added “glucose father” sperging>continued downward spiral accompanied by less and less content creation. Hasn’t cammed in over a month. >the great bronchitis infection 2k19>the ass shot debate followed, was milked for sympathy for days after >alcoholism increases, as does general facial bloating. >constant shopping sprees and begging for reimbursement, birth of the mom jeans look and cringeworthy changing room nudes and soiling of try on clothes >still wears same rotation of crop tops despite shopping sprees >physical appearance continues to degrade. Fingers look consistently infected, nail quality falling lower and lower, hair is (as always) horrifying >tinfoil fupa breakup?>impulse posting about moving to Austin after visiting once. Reined it in. Impulse posting about finding a house to rent. >still utilizing only one corner of tiny apartment. Still doesn’t own a vacuum or bath towels possibly. >the return of ribmeat. Further fupa speculation. Noodle and ribmeat don’t get along. This will surely end well. Follow the rules:
- no doxxing
- no vendetta
- do not include or harass Shay's family
- no nitpicking and blogposting
https://dollymattel.tumblr.comhttp://thesaddesthoe.tumblr.com (deleted) (deleted) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (deleted) (deleted) NATHAN PERKINS (alias: Fupa; Fupapa):
>>>/snow/595275 (deleted)
No. 841939
File: 1563763323015.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.22 MB, 1225x2043, D16902D8-9C56-4E90-83A0-FB80F7…)

What - and I cannot stress this enough - the fuck. Ps first time making a new thread and it was on my phone. Sorry if it’s not up to snuff but I tried.(nitpicking)
No. 841946
File: 1563763833495.jpeg (Spoiler Image,663.19 KB, 1242x1051, B2363E17-7DD1-46D4-8FFA-526DD9…)

can anyone explain why the fuck it looks like she has a flap chunk of skin just hanging over her vagina opening? It’s fucking freaky.(nitpicking)
No. 841964
>>841957Might be the sperg from the soundcloud rap/clout chasers thread. She's been at it for hours now.
>>841938I hadn't realized she's been through that many banned twitter accounts by now. So she's hitting the double digits with this new one?
No. 842029
>>841993She couldn't figure out how to get her lovesense connected to mfc.
I don't think she could even begin to understand twitch shit, even people who stream professionally have issues.
No. 842092
Fresh new thread and two (maybe even three) autists have already posted multiple times ruining it kek. Anyway
>>841993She's delusional and stuck up enough to try but everyone knows it'll go horribly and be over and forgotten in a few days
No. 842343
File: 1563820626581.jpeg (131.03 KB, 1242x293, 8ACB4A78-1FB1-4F09-BB0D-F1DF6F…)

wtf is this supposed to mean? is this supposed to be humor?
No. 842364
File: 1563822658714.jpg (81.84 KB, 1080x307, Screenshot_20190722-141026_Twi…)

This anon is probably what made her post this. We already know you lurk shay, you give yourself away.
No. 842384
File: 1563824088164.jpg (24.57 KB, 700x394, IMG_0588.JPG)

No. 842429
File: 1563828479586.jpeg (426.15 KB, 750x1031, 3EE7A6A7-554A-4545-9E82-1BBB69…)

Is she seriously begging for $10? Are you shitting me?
No. 842454
File: 1563830962464.jpg (Spoiler Image,584.13 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190722-172555_Twi…)

yikes. still waiting for that lucky human.
No. 842546
File: 1563842165595.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, E13CA91A-E9BF-432C-871E-45CE7F…)

She is so haggard it’s not even funny at this point. Crackhead status 100
No. 842591
>>842546"stone me daddy"
you want me to what
No. 842600
File: 1563847481559.jpeg (323.05 KB, 1242x730, A0614C6F-C433-4630-B14D-BADD72…)

lol I’m guessing no one has given her any money today. it’s hilarious to see how upset she gets after taking 5 minutes to take a pic and no one pays her for all her “hard work.”
How can she even justify never working but expecting money from people, for literally doing nothing?
No. 842614
>>842600guess she still thinks ppl should pay her for her personality, kek. also, this is what happens when you buy follows and think that's how many are actually seeing your posts.
the fact that she's using a close-up of her new shitty nails is so gag-worthy.
No. 842618
>>842600The same people have been giving her money the past few months, of course the well will dry up. She gives the same exact thing every single time, shitty nudes. Gets boring. She doesn’t even cam or make videos anymore.
Can’t wait till it comes to a stop and she has to get a real job.
No. 842653
File: 1563855893830.jpg (Spoiler Image,563.8 KB, 1080x1298, Screenshot_20190722-232454_Twi…)

I thought she was done doing these kind of sales
No. 842657
>>842653we've been over this. she stopped doing the "all my vids for $50" sale. I'm sure she'll go back to it when she's truly desperate for weed or booze, but she hasn't posted it again since saying it was the last time she was doing it.
she still is always running sales, just never that one specific one.
also lol @ "c*ashapp". what? crashapp? clashapp?
No. 842676
File: 1563858634050.jpg (686.8 KB, 1080x1929, Screenshot_20190722-221040_Fac…)

New fupa fb cover photo.
No. 842826
File: 1563892458941.jpg (263.96 KB, 1538x2048, IMG_20190723_093212.jpg)

Her BC implant is very obvious here
No. 842836
File: 1563894323283.png (60.8 KB, 720x1187, Capture _2019-07-23-11-03-11.p…)

No. 842842
File: 1563895485804.png (14.45 KB, 531x170, 2019-07-23 11_24_10-(1) Bratty…)

No. 842843
File: 1563895519407.png (46.87 KB, 531x551, 2019-07-23 11_24_33-(1) Bratty…)

No. 842852
>>842843then fucking cam more frequently???¿ that’s how camgirls build their communities??? HOW do you not understand this by now. twitter should only be used for the occasional promotion post or to announce when you’re going live. you’re not an influencer shay, you’re a camwhore, literally no one cares about your personality or day-to-day shenanigans. they wanna jack off and that’s that. camsites give you ample opportunities to build a following and attract new people without the help of supplementary social media. but of course, camming 3-4 hours per day and filming videos is a million times harder than buying followers e-begging for the most basic shit. even the e-beg queen Tuna is more self-aware than this cunt.
i stream on twitch and i hope to god she tries to start a channel and stream the same 2 idiotic games over and over before realizing how hard it actually is to make a name for yourself on that over-saturated platform, especially with zero personality. if she can’t slap her pussy for more than 2 hours per month on MFC, she sure as shit won’t be able to even break 5 avg viewers on twitch. it will crush her self esteem even more and i’m here for it
No. 842865
>>842864yeah for sure. i think farmers hit a little too close with the fupa breakup speculations lmfao
is this going to escalate into the meltdown that's been coming for a bit?
No. 842871
>>842852All of this is the best advice but Shay won't ever listen to a bit of it.
Bet her cam show will be a bust. Even if she does get any tips it won't be because she worked hard for them kek. I hope her orbiters have money for her or she'll sit there and bore everyone to death.
No. 842873
>>842871oh you just
know even if her orbiters shower her with cash she'll be sitting there singing out of tune browsing lolcow on her phone.
at this point it's basically a tussle between her misplaced pride and legitimate advice, honestly. she would eat shit before she admits anyone suggesting change could possibly be in the right.
No. 842876
File: 1563905717605.png (26.33 KB, 397x100, Screen Shot 2019-07-23 at 2.10…)

>>841938What do you all think she's doing/did to her hair?
No. 842878
>>842876she should be doing nothing except repairing her bonds kek
maybe she realized the damage she's done and went short?
No. 842882
>>842880okay wahh she doesn't deserve a thread.
we're all just waiting to see if she completely melts down or turns her life around.
No. 842885
>>842880when these threads first started, she had a fairly popular Tumblr blog ("omg my 151k followerzz!") and was saying and doing stupid/offensive shit thinking she was above everything and everyone because she was ~famous~. These threads have chronicled her fall from that peak, and have been fairly consistently milky wrt moving in with Fupa, getting dumped, scamming Dawn, rescuing and then abandoning pets, shoving random shit up her ass, etc. sure, these days she's lower than she ever has been and the milk is scant, but it's also been like two years. she's a trainwreck that we've been watching for so long at this point.
she is definitely fading into obscurity, but there's still some milk left in this cow. It's not like she appeared out of nowhere one day. she's got a larger silent hate-following than a normal following at this point. Also this website doesn't care who is most mainstream famous. See Phoebe Tickner. She started as a personal cow who by sheer awfulness is now on her seventh thread.
No. 842898
File: 1563908812711.jpg (27.14 KB, 640x400, shutterstock_106856102-640x400…)

>>842880>>842883What the fuck is the mod's problem? All you have to do is breathe around here and you get banned. These two posts do not break any rule. Neither do most posts that are banned, just because the mod disagrees with their opinion they get banned. That's not how you run a discussion board. Fuck you bitch. Lighten the fuck up. Power thirsty or what? Fucking useless.
(ban evasion; take your complaints to /meta/) No. 842900
File: 1563909016931.jpg (149.16 KB, 1080x646, Screenshot_20190723-140900_Twi…)

Because not using an extremely damaging chemical on your hair is SO uwu crazy. /s
No. 842908
File: 1563909490817.jpeg (334.49 KB, 1242x661, 86326AC1-803D-4AB0-8CDA-741E20…)

She wouldn’t even know how to set up the damn thing. If she got that far she’d use it once and then let it sit in the corner of her shitty apartment. Plus she can’t even take 1 inch of dick in her mouth so major kek @ “slaughter my throat” fucking ree
No. 842919
File: 1563910955651.jpg (66.6 KB, 497x677, IMG_20190723_144242.jpg)

No. 842920
File: 1563910990109.jpg (149 KB, 776x1149, IMG_20190723_144244.jpg)

She literally just went a darker pink kek. Still extremely damaging shay. Still looks like trash.
No. 842935
File: 1563912410839.jpeg (725.52 KB, 1242x1524, 0BB1E0F6-F205-43AA-B672-C880E5…)

idc if this is a nitpick but she’s been wearing false lashes for years now, and still can’t get them right. The band is too short and doesn’t even go to the end of her eye, and they’re hanging on by a thread. Learn to do your makeup ffs Shay.
No. 842955
>>842942>>842932>>842921>>842922Y'all gonna get banned for nitpicking because the mod's a cunt -eye roll-
Nitpicking, blogging, what fucking stupid rules, without these there would be no discussion. In fact it doesn't matter if you do follow the rules, you get banned anyway. Sites are supposed to grow and be inviting, not turn people away constantly for doing fuck all.
(take your complaints to /meta/) No. 842956
File: 1563914637391.png (911.64 KB, 636x831, 2019-07-23 16_43_53-(2) Bratty…)

she looks like she's coming off a bender
No. 842962
File: 1563915330464.jpeg (1.14 MB, 3464x3464, 211B1DB7-EEEF-4F95-9640-1B29DB…)

She really shouldn’t post pictures of herself with a filter and then without one, her misery is showing
No. 842971
>>842955Repost since this idiot annoyed me so bad I forgot to sage.
You can reeeeee until the mods come back for you or the pigs come home. Learn to comprehend basic fucking rules or take your complaints to /meta/ nobody itt gives a fuck. Summerfags be gone
No. 842983
File: 1563917272929.jpg (331.28 KB, 1538x2048, IMG_20190723_162737.jpg)

Anyways, those dark circles. Fucking yikes
No. 843014
File: 1563920106011.jpg (50.19 KB, 900x900, keks2.jpg)

tfw multiple anons tell you to stop shitting up the thread but REEEE MODS ARE CUNTS
No. 843016
File: 1563920412210.png (462.29 KB, 455x561, kekin2.png)

>>843015the pure autism of you
No. 843019
File: 1563920715586.jpg (30.52 KB, 600x336, keksss.jpg)

>>843017says the retard who keeps getting banned
(stop) No. 843031
>>842962>>842995I hope she's done her color like this (not bleaching, just blending the roots) so she can start growing it out healthy and not immediately frying the new growth. she can slowly transition back to her natural hair color, or at least give it a good break for a while. It is sorely needed.
But a larger part of me wonders if she's gone for this darker ~alt look~ only because fupa is done with her, and she's trying to "get back" at him by turning into his uwu MPDG. He doesn't give a shit about you Shayna, you're nothing he couldn't find anywhere else )and with fewer issues.)
No. 843063
File: 1563926529550.jpg (942.11 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190723-190148_Twi…)

Just no with those glasses
No. 843064
File: 1563926561612.jpg (967.36 KB, 1080x1450, Screenshot_20190723-190119_Twi…)

What face is she making? Also, she looks either orange or dirty
No. 843073
>>843064Apparently before this she “redid her makeup perfectly”
I’m fucking cackling at how horrible it is
No. 843084
File: 1563928973485.jpg (892.68 KB, 1080x1432, Screenshot_20190723-194238_Twi…)

No. 843094
>>843064>>843084you can see where she tried to blend the orange makeup down her neck, and how different the color is from the skin on her chest/arms. also why do all of her teeth look chipped/decayed?
you can also see how the hair color is just sitting on top of her roots and how much will be washed out when she finally cleans herself. and her belly button getting squeezed out of existence. Overall not a good look Shayna when will you learn lol
No. 843138
File: 1563935113099.jpg (259.79 KB, 1080x1035, Screenshot_20190723_222456.jpg)

She looks completely different
No. 843141
>>843104Lol all that was said was that shay had to beg just to afford cheap ass eyeliner, tard
>>843138The hair is a big improvement but wow is it ever obvious that she gained at least 25 pounds since her last show, she's really looking different. Also nitpick but her awful posture makes her look worse every camshow too.
No. 843147
>>843144Sorry not trying to derail but holy fuck, where are all these incels, blind delusional orbiters and bitter PULL people come from and why are they obsessed with the shay thread?? I don't get it.
Maybe this one really is that abrattypixie girl or the angry banned PULL fag from earlier kek
No. 843150
File: 1563936326431.jpeg (123.7 KB, 745x557, 55B84A24-FF82-4A8A-AFD9-8F0FDA…)

Her reaction to being tipped by an oribiter. Totally thriving amirite
No. 843154
File: 1563936509361.jpeg (124.58 KB, 748x556, 883B92E4-BF32-420C-A39A-E1EF5F…)

And another one because she makes the most ridiculous faces kek
No. 843162
>>843159Just called the daybed her bed. Saying to the dog, "can you not push me off my own bed??" Also called herself a camerawhore lol. Someone tipped her to get naked like 5 minutes ago and she decided to finish rolling a blunt first.
all I can think of is the poor cat trapped in the other room.
No. 843164
File: 1563937107331.jpeg (Spoiler Image,85.49 KB, 681x324, 824AB7A8-EB5A-4A0C-89D2-4EB08C…)

Shay’s favorite oribiter has arrived
No. 843165
>>843159She's sat there rolling blunts, of course she's on something. Whenever is she not?
>>843160A viewer brought it up actually.
>>843161Everyone knows what she looks like, they don't all need to be shared every time unless they are particularly interesting though right?
No. 843172
File: 1563937493818.jpeg (72.98 KB, 750x578, CA247F3C-8E44-400F-8D83-261D52…)

I’m sorry it’s such a shitty picture I was trying to get it as fast as I could. Her house is literally just trash and filth
No. 843176
File: 1563937758586.jpeg (Spoiler Image,100.26 KB, 750x556, F71A081D-B764-4C26-9E23-2DEDD9…)

Hank hill makes his return
No. 843182
File: 1563937961942.jpeg (Spoiler Image,307.9 KB, 1583x1242, 24A92A3A-EDE6-4432-B50E-5F15B4…)

Got a message that said she got "hella fat". Offers to take tips to go to the gym. Also said she wanted to get a personal trainer, then proceeds to take a huge gulp of apple juice.
No. 843183
>>843176see said her therapist told her she's only gained two pounds, and that "it's a very noticeable two pounds."
The dog has been locked outside on her tiny nasty patio for 15 minutes now.
No. 843184
File: 1563938316959.jpeg (Spoiler Image,417.62 KB, 2048x2048, FEB95D11-E000-4AA3-96C7-9EFDF4…)

>>843176I think you mean Buffalo Bill.
>would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. No. 843188
File: 1563938550982.jpeg (Spoiler Image,324.88 KB, 1587x1218, EE0A0A02-6DDE-48A0-9EFC-91A347…)

I thought that was a bandaid on her foot, but it looks like random crap from her floor
No. 843201
>>843183Of course she would say that, everyone is always mean to her and she’s always a
victim. Therapists don’t say shit like that, and edge knows it. Her life is literally just made up stories she posts on the internet while she posts free nudes and gets drunk all the time. What a fucking life.
No. 843210
File: 1563941036937.jpg (Spoiler Image,245.57 KB, 728x660, uri_mh1563941006978.jpg)

really thriving
No. 843214
>>843198sorry, I mistyped, she said it was her psychiatrist. they're more likely to weigh you than a therapist since they're more on the medical side. She also said she went to get her meds refilled, and as she was leaving, the psychiatrist said, "bye, fatty!"
I don't think she even has a therapist, she's said she hates talking to them because it makes her "feel small", which is strange for someone who claims to have a medical fetish+enjoy being belittled.
No. 843222
File: 1563941834175.jpeg (910.1 KB, 1125x1388, 64FB6636-DA40-493A-B391-3F576C…)

Jesus Christ, she’s slapping her ass and she stops to talk about how the pest control people had to come over, and she traumatize them by not taking down her crusty sex toys
No. 843357
>>843342I kinda doubt shay is even disciplined enough in the slightest to remember to take 1 medication every day.
the weight gain speculation I think is silly - how many years have we all known that she literally lives on SUGAR(not even like in… fruits and stuff…) and drinks alcohol every single day? e ver y DAY
No. 843382
>>843378anon you can't look at
>>843138 and still be saying that, i swear she's unrecognizable in this picture.
we don't even have to go very far back, just two months ago she looked like
>>806668 and even then anons were commenting on how rapidly she was gaining
No. 843418
File: 1563978682037.jpeg (Spoiler Image,806.01 KB, 1242x1403, 40F6377A-0DB2-4665-BCB0-C27192…)

she’s been clinging to this joke for 3+ years now.
No. 843421
File: 1563978886423.jpeg (Spoiler Image,266.4 KB, 1538x2048, E621323F-86AA-4121-82E7-3DAF44…)

This face makes me want to kick her
No. 843430
>>843424She thinks it’s uwu cute and funny that someone else’s dad would be “so obsessed” with her that he would give away his kids college fund(s) to her instead because he loves her better than his own kids or something. She really thinks she has he personality and looks to pull it off.
She likes to think she’s pretty and charismatic enough to do the whole hot bimbo home wrecker thing, but with her it just comes across as trailer trash that wants some more money for her alcohol problem.
No. 843450
File: 1563982744659.jpeg (419.9 KB, 1242x878, B0BF4295-6F45-4CDB-8F47-35D41C…)

I “worked” one day this month, I deserve yet another shopping spree! Send me money!
And kek @ “I’ll post a pic of my asshole” as if there aren’t already multiple disturbing free pics of that. Shayna your “marketing” doesn’t work on twitter, at all. Fucking work or stop calling yourself a sex WORKER.
(OT but did anyone notice that just on Monday she was at about 3.6k and then randomly jumped to 4.5 k? Probably buying more followers)
No. 843452
>>843450What is she always shopping for??? Like why would she need so many clothes when the only place she goes is the same average bar and burger joint lmao
Or does she need new clothes that will fit her now that she's getting bigger kek
She's not fat fat but she's beyond the point of the smol uwu bby girl stuff now (her tree like unfortunate shape was already barely cutting it). Shes def gonna need that rebrand
No. 843461
File: 1563985219125.png (806.97 KB, 992x904, 2019-07-24_12-18-07.png)

this is probably what shay was breaking down over a while ago cuz fupa moved on
No. 843464
>>843461oh shit son!
if this has been going on for even a couple months, it totally explains away shay's recent obsession with being all "goff", this girl is alt as hell (at least compared to shay's stained-white-dirty-pink-child-daybed life)
>that comic sans lettering on the fucking teethe chicks who pick fupa are truly exceptional
No. 843465
>>843461confirmation is always nice, thanks for posting this. I'm not sure but I think your icon is showing, you might wanna cover it or he could block you.
>>843459are unsaged posts not bumping the thread for anyone else? is this thread auto-saged or something? I have to find it on page 4 of /snow/ now.
No. 843476
>>843452She’s always buying new clothes because she never does laundry
>>843465The thread’s probably autosaged thanks to all the newfags and autists from yesterday
No. 843478
File: 1563988046290.png (18.78 KB, 686x125, 2019-07-24_13-07-45.png)

>>843477thats not him, just a random gif he posted
No. 843481
File: 1563988507593.jpg (119 KB, 750x750, 20190724_101403.jpg)

Almost uncanny how much Shay's recent choices resemble this girl
No. 843489
>>843461>>843481Suddenly the manic episodes and trying to be uwu goff alt gurl make so much sense. Plus all the weight gain since Fupa loves a fatty.
>>843465This dumpster fire is rightfully on auto sage. Going to the catalog to find it is much easier.
No. 843490
>>843482Awww shes so fucking stupid it's actually painfully embarrassing to watch.
I'm guessing her and Fupa were just friends in his eyes once they broke it off and hes been slowly moving on and she didnt expect it. How sad. SHAY GO HOME.
No. 843499
File: 1563990386402.jpg (366.86 KB, 1080x1230, 20190724_134538.jpg)

ok but it's not really humor when it's an actual sad and gross thing you do ??? what am I missing
No. 843500
>>843487they could just be friends. Her page says single as does his. He’s the kind to plaster his relationships on the internet, I think shay probably is just mad he’s hanging out with people
other than her.
No. 843512
>>843500are people still "facebook official" in 2019? they look pretty cozy in
>>843461i'm betting they're at least sleeping together
No. 843542
File: 1563995292567.png (1.26 MB, 665x895, 2019-07-24 15_07_30-Bratty lil…)

the pictures are getting less and less flattering by the day…
No. 843544
File: 1563995958575.jpg (114.06 KB, 702x274, Screenshot_20190724-132803_Twi…)

>>843542Double chin growing by the day
No. 843548
File: 1563996282131.png (51.7 KB, 470x441, IMG_0601.PNG)

>>843481>shay is skinwalking fupa's new gf, is even putting on all the extra weight Uncanny
No. 843571
>>843476Why doesn't she beg for a "Laundry daddy"?? Lmao oh yeah I forgot shes too lazy and incapable to do laundry so she just buys new shit. Wonder what she does with the sweat and grime stained stuff or is that what we see all over the floor amongst the other filth?
But this brings the question of what about the hello kitty underwear shes had for years and that stuff. Does that get washed when shes at a "friends" aka Fupa's?
No. 843600
File: 1564002534843.jpg (903.98 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190724-160839_Twi…)

No. 843614
>>843450yea she's been steadily gaining followers which isn't at all suspicious compared to the amount of likes and retweets [not her own] she gets. every times she asks for money it's like she'd be better off screaming it out the window.
>>843542is this what she wore to the dog park? i firmly believe the only underwear she has is for posing on cam/in pix and never puts on any to go out in public, then proceeds to wear things to let ppl know that.
>>843595her boobs also look small now b/c they've stayed the same size, if she keeps gaining they'll be moobs.
No. 843643
triggered that she has has no job, no familial obligations, doesn't really do much outside of ubering to restaurants and sitting around her house… and she still can't be bothered to pick up all her shit and pieces of trash strewn around the place.
>>843499>lives in filth and squalor>that's just my sense of humor teehee No. 843652
File: 1564010688644.jpg (84.84 KB, 1079x315, Screenshot_20190724-182500_Twi…)

yeah, never.
No. 843675
>>843222This is good shop material. Crouching in an alley?
>>843363She probably has to drink more to feel it now since she still hasn't worked out the antidepressants vs alcohol thing.
>>843461OHHH SHIT.
No. 843676
>>843657Girl, you moved to another state to be with a guy you knew only online.
Just go home.
No. 843678
File: 1564013701650.png (395.5 KB, 400x728, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at 8.08…)

>>843657>Look how thick my thighs are FupaEverything about this video says she's trying way too hard. The new belly out, fat Southern girl persona with a deep raspy voice is just not going to make Fupa want her back.
>I can't do anything with food. I order every single meal that I eat. Like honestly I can't cook for shit. I mean like I can cook I just hate doing it. I really hate cooking. I'm just like not good at like, I'm really at bad time management. It gives me anxiety having to figure out how to do everything to make it like come together at the same time. It's just like too much No. 843685
>>843678The time management thing stood out to me as well.
No wonder she cant keep her own work schedules.
No. 843713
File: 1564017378614.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.88 KB, 968x681, momo.jpg)

>>843678That smile giving me mad momo vibes
No. 843741
>>843685she has all the time in the world. shay having a problem with time management is like a billionaire having issues with managing their money. it's laughable.
she has no family to care for or friends to hang out with. she has no real obligations or responsibilities (except for her pets and her "job" which she neglects). there's nothing stopping her from cooking a homemade meal. it's not that hard to boil eggs or make toast (doesn't she have a hello kitty toaster ffs?)
eating take-out 3x a day is so pathetic for someone with her loafer lifestyle. her real problem is regulating her emotions, not managing her time.
No. 843794
>>843657"I cant cook shit… i mean i can cook" wtf?
This is the first time hearing her voice and actually watching her and the way she moves her hands riles me. Those huge bits of plastic at the end of her fingers are clearly uncomfortable for her to wear and they dont look attractive at all, especially to a male audience, i wonder why she still bothers
No. 843899
File: 1564069078534.jpg (68.37 KB, 720x476, 20190725_083735.jpg)

Fupa sure knows how to pick em
No. 843902
File: 1564069345376.jpeg (Spoiler Image,778.17 KB, 1242x1109, 43EA80A6-97B5-4289-858D-2BD239…)

Her fake positivity is so fucking cringe worthy
No. 843904
File: 1564069433698.jpeg (Spoiler Image,174.63 KB, 1242x326, A7347112-5AF8-4146-9379-53CB92…)

trying to rebrand the her tumblr era; confirmed. You can’t give back shay, you’re washed up af. The only way she could rebrand at this point is to do a complete overhaul of everything, delete everything, and come out as a completely new person. But she won’t do that because you know, work.
No. 843910
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No. 843911
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No. 843913
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No. 843957
File: 1564078665806.jpg (Spoiler Image,100.93 KB, 1334x750, IMG_20190725_131717.jpg)

Her boobs are already becoming one with her stomach. Idk what it is but this angle is very unflattering and highlights the weight gain in her tummy
No. 843973
File: 1564080188301.jpg (447.13 KB, 1080x1421, Screenshot_20190725-134223_Twi…)

What is she talking about?
No. 843974
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No. 843977
>>843973She literally says this at least 2 times a month. She’s mad because she’s still a piece of shit and people are rightfully calling her on her lack of work ethic. She expects everyone to stick up for her because she’s always a
victim. She needs to grow the fuck up.
No. 843997
File: 1564084756611.jpg (440.74 KB, 1079x1107, Screenshot_20190725-145840_Twi…)

And she's back at it again. She did this on tumblr too
No. 844011
>>843997Twitter suspended in 3…2…1…
>twitter never told me what I did to deserve my account suspended!!!>>843973Just her monthly reminder she’s a
victim. She has to do this every new twitter account. She could easily still do “sex work” and rebrand and no one would know who she is. Hide that face girl and leave the whole dolly bimbo crap in the past. You’re an idiot. Your friends suffer because of it.
No. 844038
File: 1564092364994.jpeg (954.36 KB, 1242x1803, 6C6612E0-B909-4908-8F97-B9094A…)

>>844032Good god. The eyeliner. The hair. The nails. Everything she’s saying here. Jesus.
No. 844040
>>844032>doesnt understand the tipping dryspell. Why would they tip? What have you done? What are they getting?
Shay people don't just give you money for nothing, you have to do this thing called work. You might want to try it sometime.
No. 844047
File: 1564093508161.jpg (201.1 KB, 1080x916, Screenshot_20190725-172509_Twi…)

Not spoiled when you had to beg for it
No. 844049
>>844032imagine being this addicted to weed lol
shayna take a break for a week, you need it.
No. 844057
>>844047It's an Amazon gift card so she can't spend it on weed so she's prob mad
Fake crying on snap for being literally out of weed, it's embarrassing. Nobody wants to fund an addiction.
No. 844058
>>844032The entitlement is strong with this one
“I’ve been selling vids fine, I did fine on cam. BUT I STILL DESERVE TIPS FOR NO REASON”
No. 844061
>>844057I bet her fave orbiter will end up buying her weed not even her ~fans~
Where is her high fructose corn syrup guardian now?
No. 844090
File: 1564098397928.jpg (Spoiler Image,319.42 KB, 1538x2048, IMG_20190726_004639.jpg)

Oh man, she's not looking good.
No. 844092
File: 1564098568458.jpeg (414.32 KB, 1242x827, 2D911623-A424-437D-915C-BA2280…)

“Someone NEEDS to send me money or I’ll scream.”
Grow up shayna. Get a job, see what it’s like trying to get your paycheck early or convincing your boss you deserve more money for less work. See how well that goes for you.
No. 844095
>>844092Has she basically been smoking weed every fucking day for like 5 years?
Real sad. If you wanna do self destructive behaviour then fucking fund it yourself, it's your choice and your body, don't use other people's money to do it.
The alcohol leads to physical weight gain you can see but imagine how fucked up her lungs are. Bitch got bronchitis and couldn't put the bong down.
No. 844136
>>844040they should give her money just b/c she's adorable, duh. /s
i mean, if she really expects ppl to giver her money after she hasn't been on cam in a month and doesn't do much besides post about her life and throw out free nudes, she is the dumbest of dumb.
No. 844142
File: 1564109340912.jpeg (804.23 KB, 1242x1340, FFDAC188-7302-4A73-8098-922548…)

apparently white claw is the new twitter trash girl drink. How long til you think she gets a juul?
No. 844143
File: 1564109389176.jpeg (123.89 KB, 750x1334, EDF7B7FF-4B9F-473C-A9FE-2EEDF2…)

>>844142Her gut hanging over her pants, kek
No. 844145
>>844090One of the early signs of breast cancer is actually very apparent veins and one being much larger. It could be nothing, but Shayna, since you lurk, go get a mammogram.
Sage for advice fagging.
(nitpicking; not using sage properly) No. 844161
File: 1564114387602.jpg (Spoiler Image,515.25 KB, 1080x1238, Screenshot_20190725-231258_Twi…)

No. 844186
File: 1564119458884.jpg (639.14 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190726-013516_Twi…)

how does someone's makeup skills decline so severely over a matter of like 2 years? she's never been good at it but damn this level of crusty lmao
No. 844286“send me $5 to retweet you”
“Send me $5 to smoke”
“send me $5 to show my asshole”
No. 844289
File: 1564148657627.jpg (Spoiler Image,786.53 KB, 1077x1427, Screenshot_20190726-084258_Twi…)

Why censor it when you have it posted all over your Twitter?
No. 844309
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No. 844310
File: 1564151797032.jpeg (Spoiler Image,111.14 KB, 768x1024, 2DB5618F-456C-4BC1-BE5F-03CBED…)

oh sweaty this ain’t cute
No. 844324
File: 1564155327233.jpeg (239.99 KB, 1221x557, 830C1BB8-EBDD-4FDA-9F48-11C508…)

damn you had 5 of those alcoholic juice beverages? Of course you’re going to have a headache you’re drinking sugar with alcohol in it you retard.
No. 844327
>>844286it really
triggers me how she barely even inhales the smoke and then wonders why she blows through so much weed so fast. like… do you really need to be high ALL the time?
No. 844359
>>844324Samefag but also wow who drinks a 6 pack by themselves in one night??
Just gonna keep never addressing that alcoholism, Shay? Idc that the alcohol content in that shit is low. 6 beverages in one sitting is ridiculous and them being alcoholic is worse.
No. 844422
File: 1564166741455.jpeg (116.39 KB, 1242x839, 82D9C3B1-252E-42DD-81F0-58F3FF…)

Way to make recycling old ones obvious. Keep watching GOT?? She hasn’t talked about that in months AND it’s been off for just as long.
No. 844508
File: 1564178165609.jpeg (490.56 KB, 1242x1131, 6F66AD32-F949-4F53-832F-69C1CB…)

I have honestly no idea why anyone pays her. She has no creativity, does the same shit over and over. Charges for some of it, posts some of it free but it’s all the same content, it’s so fucking stupid.
No. 844524
>>844508Scammy mattel at it again! Promises a video for 250, then doubles it because she's desperate for rent money and her 5 ugly beta male orbiters are feeling generous (or maybe pity) today. It's become really clear that there's literally only about 4-6 people that keep paying her, it's taken her years to get that tiny amount of people lol.
Also I still feel like that 80$ could've been fake because it's weird how they said "keep watching GOT" when she's already finished it and rewatched it, I remember when it was still airing new, she said something about watching it and catching up and asked orbiters to send money to pay for it.
No. 844539
>>844528See, anon, that’s all work. Shay doesn’t want to be a sex worker, she doesn’t want to make videos, she doesn’t want to do ANYTHING. She just wants to be paid to exist. Everything you listed is what a normal person would do.
Shay just wants to eat and drink until she becomes the size of a couch and Fupa will think she’s hot again.
She should get into doing mukbang.
No. 844623
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No. 844642
File: 1564198712158.jpg (561.91 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190726-233628_Twi…)

this reeks of emotional neediness and it's fucking gross and sad as shit. she wants to be paid for whining.
No. 844644
File: 1564198888761.jpg (424.2 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190726-234049_Twi…)

she's so detached from the real world that she doesn't know what a fucking 401K is. this isn't dumb bimbo fantasy it's retardation
No. 844656
>>844642bitch wtf. you sound like that annoying girl in middle school who cries about being ugly so other people will pay attention to her and reassure her that noooo omg she's pretty! really!! boys are just dumb!!!
this is honestly a new level of pathetic.
No. 844664
>>844644Someone who’s never had a job not knowing what a 401k is? Shocking. Shay’s retirement plan will be getting obese and collecting disability.
>>844642Uh…yea. You’re looking busted as fuck, wearing pants 2 sizes too small. Look at that poor zipper, working harder than you ever have. No one wants to tip you for looking like a special needs foster child.
No. 844668
>>844610Call me old fashion, but I sincerely don't care whether she 'improves' or 'succeeds' or not. That anon probably didn't either despite their post being phrased like advice, considering they did say it here.
The information is entertaining as providing a contrast to how little she does vs. the easy access to audience/money making venues&platforms an online sex worker 'should' or 'could' have. I'd never heard of any of those sites that anon was mentioning, so hearing bring them up just makes this little gremlin clinging to begging/QQing over non-sex related social media deletion even more milky to me.
No. 844670
>>844536I dont remember where but im pretty sure she went off in a twitter rant about how she hates sexting and hates when people send her dirty messages.
Bitch you are a SEX worker of course your customers would want to talk about sex.
No. 844774
>>844670>>844670I usually agree with even the tiniest of nitpicks about Shay but y'all… most top models on MFC don't allow dirty talk from dudes in their cam rooms, not really that crazy
Just because they are ok being an e-whore on camera doesn't mean they wanna hear about every dudes nasty dick, that's not just Shay lol
No. 844870
>>844774At the very least those cam girls say "only talk dirty in private tip messages"
Then if they don't listen they ban them. Shay just screams at everyone.
No. 844934
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No. 844938
File: 1564264895765.jpeg (264.4 KB, 1242x1609, E3D61F48-127D-4509-858D-DEE5FF…)

>>844936It was on auto sage because of the extreme autism for the first 2 days. It was needed and welcomed.
>>844927She changes her voice multiple times and for some reason it drives me nuts. She goes from uwu so cute baby voice, to nasal/throaty to high. She’s clearly depressed and hasn’t showered (wearing yesterday’s make up) in god knows how long. Imagine being this depressed over losing access to Fupa’s wallet and peanut.
No. 844953
>>844927“You should help me with my goal for today”
Why? While you sit around and smoke and do absolutely nothing? Fuck off shayna.
No. 844961
File: 1564269743151.jpeg (258.29 KB, 1242x586, EDE9406B-7434-4C8B-BC58-196DB6…)

Take it down a notch Veruca…
No. 844964
File: 1564270556385.jpeg (358.16 KB, 1232x795, DC3C2E0A-270E-47F0-AECA-F7B3E1…)

so, going out alone again for drinks? then coming home alone and finding any excuse not to work?
you mean like every fucking night?
does she think this entitled attitude is cute or something, it makes her look like a full blown head up their ass narcissistic piece of work.
No. 844967
>>844964Her Twitter is about to be deleted again, she’s beginning to be shadow-banned if you look at the unavailable tweet above.
Shit storm #87 up ahead on your right
No. 845000
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No. 845020
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No. 845037
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No. 845047
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No. 845052
>>845047sucking in so hard in the nude version lmfao.
she needs to chill with all the sugar.
No. 845101
>>845062>>845076I also think it's because she's done her eyebrows much shorter than usual. They're not forming a tweezer shape with her eyeliner for once.
>>845035the purple tones from the last process make it even grayer now. It's barely pink at all
No. 845170
>>845106I wish I knew. People here have tried way harder than they should to give her actual, genuine advice and she NEVER listens. People have suggested to her sex worker friendly sites, given her camming and style and diet and medical and god knows whatever else advice and she never takes it. It would be so simple to do so too; she’s clearly not working or going to school or anything. She has all the time in the world to get it together but doesn’t.
I think she thinks if she can “make it on Twitter” it’ll prove us wrong tbh. Like she’s well aware of the other avenues but since we keep telling her to do to then, she’s not going to out of spite. When really she’s only fucking herself over and making this more entertaining for us
No. 845179
>>845126It’s funny because if she had been less of a cunt in her stoner days (before she decided to get naked for cash) she could have At least retained enough tumblr fame to carry over to other platforms.
Oh well.
No. 845192
>>845170Right, it's hilarious that the ~evil lolcow boolies~ probably give out the best, advice to her than anyone else. (and for FREE too!)
She's just a lazy piece of shit that doesn't want to work and wants to be paid to exist even though she is the trashiest person which just confirms more why she has threads here.
She obviously lost her splenda daddy if she's been begging so much.
No. 845224
>>845106That's the thing. You have to have a draw, she doesn't have one. She's not that attractive, doesn't take care of herself, her personality is blah, she's not funny, not interesting, she doesn't even take good pictures or does anything that makes her stand out.
She has nothing to offer to be more than just a lazy Sex Worker who begs sad men for $20 dollars.
She wants money because she thinks she deserves it. She has no hustle in her.
Most of these "influencers' even if they are dry as toast they have SOMETHING. Looks, they are funny etc.
Shayna doesn't have that. She's entertaining in a bad way. She half does everything.
Doesn't even wash her clothes, walks around in yellowing white shirts.
No. 845237
File: 1564337201280.jpeg (946.36 KB, 1231x1375, E5107249-6A5E-472C-AC4D-454D57…)

bitch put on some chapstick and learn how to cook. you look like a damn fool.
No. 845243
>>845237>>845237(I'm the same person I just edited the post)
That's the shirt she wore when she was spotted with Kyle and chapstick or lipgloss is too much work for SHAY, that's too much effort.>>845241
No. 845302
>>845275>>845288purple is also one of the hardest colors to make last, so it makes sense it completely faded after one wash. she doesn't know how to maintain, which is especially important for purple dye. (I know her hair wasn't
purple but it had violet tones, not the normal """rose gold""", so she thought she could do the same shit she always does to strip her greasy hair clean)
No. 845309
File: 1564350654326.jpg (Spoiler Image,510.95 KB, 1080x1332, Screenshot_20190728-165104_Twi…)

Let's all cringe together
No. 845331
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No. 845357
>>845328It would be bad marketing to make a new one free. The best thing was her making an older one she doesn’t profit off of anymore free.
Kinda like brands don’t put new items on clearance but old ones people are less likely to buy.
No. 845388
>>845358"Dad house"
Kind of fucked up she said her dad kicked her out once he found out and she respected that choice, yet she still has those videos of her disrespecting his home online.
not that the viewers know, but SHE fucking does. What an embarrassment of a daughter.
No. 845397
>>845358This isn’t her dads house this is the first place she lived in Seattle.
Still old. Just not her dads house.
No. 845424
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No. 845426
File: 1564361890222.png (12.68 KB, 591x119, 2019-07-28 20_58_16-Window.png)

you mean kind of like what you unironically did to fupa? kek
No. 845433
File: 1564362938455.jpg (343.82 KB, 1080x1009, Screenshot_20190728-201452_Twi…)

And here we go again with copying an old Tumblr post
No. 845436
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No. 845443
>>845424no one, b/c you do nothing for ppl to want to just give you money.
also the state of her pussy in that video she put up for free, holy shit, no wonder she's just giving it away.
No. 845460
File: 1564371826801.jpg (149.35 KB, 1080x639, Screenshot_20190728_233732.jpg)

Such impressive life prospects!! Delusional crack head loser thinking she could pull off the trophy wife life.
No. 845462
File: 1564372297277.jpg (340.9 KB, 1080x1239, Screenshot_20190728-225127_Twi…)

Of course she "likes" the wrestlers that almost everyone else does
No. 845535
>>845464A while back there was a picture of fupa in a Zack Ryder t-shirt.
Also "bought". She's probably just getting her free month then cancelling lol.
No. 845558
>>845462Samefag but she probs like Steve Austin now because his gimmick involves beer. Saw one "fight" with him and saw him crushing beer cans and felt she could relate to the alcoholism. His is for show though Shay. He probably doesn't pound a 6 pack alone on a Saturday night lol.
And yeah, everyone knows Undertaker.
No. 845572
File: 1564414013855.jpg (90.19 KB, 1080x329, Screenshot_20190729-102649_Twi…)

And I oop-
No. 845574
>>845572Yes an Icon who has videos of Kyle her 30+ boyfriend slapping her in the face at Walmart as a "kink"
She thinks she deserves admiration because of her Tumblr days & her brought followers.
She's just trolling or Dillusional or drunk. Possibly all three.
No. 845620
File: 1564423166765.jpg (103.33 KB, 1080x715, Screenshot_20190729-185825_Twi…)

sperg about this AGAIN.
No. 845621
File: 1564423219304.jpg (233.89 KB, 1072x1514, Screenshot_20190729-185821_Twi…)

>>845620Something got deleted again? Or is she just going off on one for no reason
No. 845623
File: 1564423381902.jpg (160.01 KB, 1080x1150, Screenshot_20190729-185812_Twi…)

>>845621Ded at the last bit.
Oh how losing social media accounts is "hell". Jesus Christ Shay.
(Sorry I just realised I posted them backwards)
No. 845633
>>845620She's acting like getting your Twitter banned is a traumatic experience. She's so fucking addicted to social media, it's like the only form of human contact she has anymore besides delivery people/other people who interact with her while doing their jobs.
>>845621wtf bullshit is this? if you cammed regularly,
people would know where to find you. they would find you on cam, dumbass, and you could share your newest twitter handle there. The absolute state of denial she's in is amazing.
So many excuses not to do her job, and literally none of them make sense. I can't cam because there might be rain this afternoon. I can't cam because I want to go out drinking tonight instead. And now, I can't cam regularly because if my Twitter gets suspended again, no one would know where to find me on the cam site I've used for four years? They just get worse and worse lol
No. 845636
File: 1564423978940.jpeg (408.28 KB, 1242x1150, FE60EC82-5311-45C8-B98A-121C8B…)

wow. she seriously thinks being bipolar is having your emotions drastically change every few minutes over little things.
1) tons of people have bipolar disorder
2) for most people it’s mild, it’s not common at all to see someone diagnosed with bipolar flip their emotions on a dime, that’s a bad stereotype
3) if her bipolar was this severe, she would have been hospitalized
4) I’m almost certain she’s lying about being mentally ill
No. 845638
>>845636and to add, it’s quite normal for someone to have a dopamine rush after getting something like a monetary gift, and then coming down from it later and wanting the high again.
Imo, she’s just an addict. She’s not mentally ill, she’s an idiot with an addiction problem. She doesn’t work and only feels good when she gets those dopamine spikes either through alcohol, weed, or tips. Then when she doesn’t get them she mopes because she isn’t getting the satisfaction. She is going to crash and burn hard, soon.
No. 845640
>>845636Oh, she's definitely mentally ill. Girl needs serious help. It's just impossible to feel sympathy for her because she uses it as a crutch/excuse instead of trying to improve herself at all/get it under control.
Constant substance abuse, never challenging herself mentally or physically, isolating herself, refusing to even cook her own meals… rather than fight the illness and learn to do things that make her uncomfortable so she can grow as a person, she say "I'm sorry, I'm mentally ill" and orders another burger and shake. she puts 0 effort into any area of her life, except for remaking Twitter accounts.
No. 845641
>>845640I honestly don’t believe she is. Addiction isn’t an illness. She’s just a retarded addict who’s covering up her addiction symptoms by calling it a mental illness.
I believe she’s manipulative and knows exactly what she’s doing for sympathy points so she can get her next dose of dopamine to fulfill her addiction.
No. 845645
>>845640Exactly. She's like Boogie, except she doesn't even HAVE a tragic back story to use as an excuse.
She's just a lazy sex worker who CHOSE this life, doesn't know how to manage it, hates it & just degrades herself for fucking pennies. Shay has boxed herself in. If/when she leaves this "Career" then she'll whine about people not letting her move on from it.
Then when she gets mad she blames mental illness, twitter, her mom, her upbringing everyone but HERSELF.
She does nothing to improve she just puts on shit to cover issues.
No. 845652
File: 1564425258716.jpg (95.04 KB, 1080x519, Screenshot_20190729_143140.jpg)

She has no tips so now she's doing her "woe is me" schtick so hopefully someone pity-tip her. She hates her job so much.
No. 845666
File: 1564428404654.jpeg (773.56 KB, 750x1093, CFF5DB5D-07DA-4D98-9D4F-68FDC4…)

I’ve never seen this photo before not even back in the tumblr days. Shay, please stop trying to make your gross fetishes relevant
No. 845674
File: 1564429779786.jpg (86.06 KB, 1066x653, Screenshot_20190729-204909_Twi…)

Yeah, she dunno shit about wrestling
No. 845676
>>845620what other people would call absolute hell: rape, becoming homeless, being brutally murdered, torture etc
shayna's definition of absolute hell: getting her fucking twitter accounts deleted because she posts disgusting porn and breaks the TOS constantly lmao
No. 845690
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No. 845699
>>845697Yep looks like she took it down already.
It was a cringy ass video of her dancing to “Like A Virgin” and in the middle of the video she stops and says “I’m dolly Mattel and I’m ACTUALLY the CUTEST girl in the ENTIRE WORLD” she looks like she’s mentally disabled
No. 845701
>>845695>>845699She's reposted. Said she spelt her name wrong in it originally.
Yikes. She looks messed up
No. 845708
>>845690I hope she's serious! quit shayna! just quit! (obviously she won't)
>>845702she looks like she's trying to go back in time 4 years to when anyone gave a shit about her. that skirt looks like it's cutting her in half, not a good look. her weird Count Olaf eyes while she's smoking. also "your money belongs in my bank account" why though? what have you done to earn people's money, besides ask for it rudely?
No. 845712
File: 1564435578207.gif (3.72 MB, 260x462, 36sp0a.gif)

"I'm Dolly Mattel and I'm actually the cutest girl in the entire world"
Then after she says it she looks disgusted with herself.
No. 845713
File: 1564435660789.png (3.01 MB, 750x1334, 599F4134-42AE-4A7A-A473-B06DC7…)

>>845702The waistband of that skirt working harder than Shayna ever will
No. 845717
File: 1564435955287.gif (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 161x143, 36sprp.gif)

I feel bad.
No. 845718
File: 1564435959545.jpg (898.54 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190729-163120_Vid…)

Kek she is desperate, posted this on snap.
Also reposted a vid saying to add bihippi23. Apparently some girl tipped her for a shoutout
No. 845719
>>845718Looks like someone might not be paying rent this month. Next move/eviction when?
This just shows how horrible her money management is. Last month she goes to Austin and talks all week about how shes pretty well off financially and wont be doing any huge deals for a while. Next time rents due she is begging for scraps again. You should have saved shay.
No. 845722
File: 1564437098243.jpeg (Spoiler Image,942.25 KB, 1242x1346, 44FB211B-468B-4C59-9BA0-5ECF6F…)

Well that sounds filthy
No. 845724
>>845722Did she blank out the name or is that the ink from the lipgloss worn off or is that dirt? Either way funny how she'd rather use lipgloss as an dildo rather than on her always dry lips.
She's going to be known as the girl who puts dirty & boring things in her cooch. Oh and fireworks.
No. 845748
File: 1564442392125.jpg (Spoiler Image,309.57 KB, 604x1018, 20190729_171519.jpg)

>>845621Says this on Twitter, which she is very much banned on, then posts this on Snap, violating the TOS of another app she is banned on..kek
No. 845758
File: 1564443659017.png (Spoiler Image,167.95 KB, 217x373, Capture.PNG)

No. 845770
>>845765kek i thought the same thing when i saw that sad video on twitter
imagine her selling her nasty bath water lol
No. 845774
File: 1564446594418.png (Spoiler Image,3.24 MB, 1242x2208, 0503CAE0-78E5-480D-B261-968E24…)

she probably just copied sadbaffon’s video dancing idea, but it flopped as expected
No. 845811
>>845695christ, at this point she'd get more interaction from tiktok or one of those cringe apps where people actually like to watch people do dumb shit like this. But that's probably still too much effort for Shay and she'd still suck at it.
Its beyond embarrassing for her to degrade herself and beg like that too. But then those are the two things she does best!
No. 845843
File: 1564469972166.png (1.02 MB, 1359x858, youtubething.png)

>>845826Ntayrt but it's definitely in their uploads. Now idk if they changed it since you posted this so maybe it was unlisted before? It would have said "unlisted" on the page when you watched it, though.
No. 845875
>>845718It really saddens me how she’s trying to portray this college funds-stealing seductress but cries about paying her miserable rent and is thrilled over $50 tips.
People often joke about being cam girls or e-thots but that’s because they imagine at least some decent pay off for showing their porn online. Shayna can’t even make as much as a barista or waitress and her whole porn is out there attached to her full name. it’s not life ruining per se, but is probably going to stop her from getting some jobs in the future.
It’s crazy to me how her “career” cost her so much (potential future jobs, her family, friends, relationships) and she has absolutely nothing to show for it cause she’s spending all the little extra money she manage to scrap by on weed, trips and cocktails.
No. 845941
>>845940it's not tho? Lmao.. even hardcore porn is allowed on Twitter as long as their account is marked as sensitive.
The number of anons who open their mouth about shit they know nothing about is just absurd, so much misinformation spread on this thread (not about Shay, that's probably all true, just about the websites she uses)
No. 845973
>>845967'Does she think a penis cares'
Lol I always think this when she asks men to pay for her tacky fake nails, like I don't think dicks get hard over nails etc
Same with the hair salon trips, guys don't get 200 dollar hard ons cos your hair wen't from faded pink to less faded pink. It's not your hair they're getting off to
No. 846004
File: 1564504616819.jpeg (432 KB, 1242x922, 9C6082E2-E811-4ACE-9147-0BEA27…)

his sounds like she was saying, “no one payed me to get take out so I was forced to go grocery shopping, now praise me!”
How can someone live with this kind of narcissistic entitled attitude?
No. 846039
>>846017No one will follow weirdos personal account except female orbiters. Itll be too real for her to handle.
Also even intellectually disabled people grocery shop and also….a lot of them actually work. Unlike Shay
No. 846045
>>846004She does this 100% for attention & it works,just not as well as she wants. An few people said, "good Job" but no one cares.
She can go out and get drunk, get her nails done/beg to get her nails done and her hair dyed but getting groceries is too much for her?
No. 846049
File: 1564509886464.jpeg (426.09 KB, 1242x922, 3AD2C681-888E-4B9D-B3A7-A23C88…)

Every time she’s not making money she goes for the whole “I’m so cute and deserve your money” shtick, because she has nothing else. She can’t run any deals on services or vids because she doesn’t want to make them or fulfill said services. She is making it all too clear that she thinks she deserves money for her “personality”, a personality that’s equivalent to a cardboard box.
How has she managed to make a name for herself or stick around? I don’t get it at all.
No. 846057
>>846049 It's all a matter of her getting too old for her customers at this point. Her niche requires her to be young and she will inevitably age out. Her gross customers don't care about her in any fashion and that will get worse over time.
She has to buy attention on social media and do really dangerous shit. Her firework video was dangerous, got a lot of views, but she didn't get anything out of that.
No. 846059
>>846049There are hundreds of girls in & out of Sex work who have Shay's same exact "persona" difference is they put effort into their looks, bodies, and business.
Everything Shay's ever done has been sloppy, half done and not at ALL unique.
This pink shit isn't her. We don't know who the true Shay is because she always is basing her persona on one thing. She's like a knock off barbie from Family Dollars with different outfits.
Stoner Girl, Goth Girl, Pink Girl. It never goes deeper then the cheap clothes she's wearing.
She never had a personality. She's always been a follower.
Outside the clothing, those Fake Barbie's are still the same exact mold and hollow inside.
Shay thinks changing her clothing style means it changes the inside. It doesn't.
No. 846062
>>846057yeah & she's so money & attention-hungry that she'll think of more dumb shit to put up her cooch to "go viral" until she hurts herself.
We know the only time she puts "effort" is around the holidays and that just involves the lazy idea of shoving things in her dry Coochie.
No. 846064
>>846004Istg bitches love faking mental & physical illness so that any minimal effort is applauded. They know they’re losers who haven’t accomplished anything in life, so they cling to their super special uwu conditions.
Not unlike pheebs with her totally real and
valid fibro & autism. Slap a tragic backstory on your life and suddenly it’s note worthy just to wash your ass and buy groceries. So brave and inspiring kek
No. 846068
File: 1564512044553.jpg (53.43 KB, 1080x479, Screenshot_20190730-194003_Twi…)

Did she forget she has a nose piercing?
Also why she thought this was tweet worthy.. I dunno.
No. 846073
>>846069Exactly, how many times have people seen sex workers flat out say, sex work is WORK, thats not who they are. The big names either have just a porn account or a personal account & and a porn account.
For Shay there's no separation. Her porn set up is literally in her living space.
her Sexworker clothes are her normal clothes. Her only interactions online are other wack Sexworkers, weird females & horny dudes.
Her persona is Pink Sex worker, ALL THE TIME.
No. 846091
>>846086remember when shay wouldn't stop posting shit about how she had a "big expensive house" and how her dream of stealing kids' college funds was coming true lmfao
then she gets kicked out, broken up with because fupa chose his kids and ex wife over her and now he won't even hang out with her anymore because he has a new woman.
No. 846092
>>846091What an embarrassing relationship that was. Those two literally made a fool of themselves and it's immortalized online forever.
No. 846093
File: 1564515376848.jpg (187.33 KB, 1080x705, Screenshot_20190730-143436_Twi…)

Watch this happen because we know she doesn't take care of her plugs
No. 846107
File: 1564516939009.jpg (Spoiler Image,434.14 KB, 1075x1337, Screenshot_20190730-150148_Twi…)

Oh please Shay
No. 846115
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No. 846120
File: 1564518419891.jpg (381.46 KB, 1078x710, Screenshot_20190730-152605_Fac…)

It's Shay in the near future
No. 846124
File: 1564518733449.jpg (390.6 KB, 1080x1195, Screenshot_20190730-153030_Twi…)

No. 846129
>>846124Imagine thinking Stretching your ears and wearing more black will make your ex
abusive perverted boyfriend want you again.
He used you to get off on sick fantasies and dropped you. No stretched ears or faux goth persona will make him come back Shay!
No. 846135
File: 1564520266905.jpg (Spoiler Image,549.52 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190730-165531_Twi…)

as if we haven't already seen it a billion fucking times???
No. 846163
File: 1564522303815.jpg (343.04 KB, 1080x1008, Screenshot_20190730-142751_Chr…)

>>846158They're still showing as friends to me too but he did also post this recently
No. 846180
File: 1564523589360.png (297.23 KB, 750x1334, E4A9C6A2-7645-429F-A246-9C2642…)

Jesus this is just embarrassing
No. 846221
>>846187How does she even get them in with her ridiculous talons.
>>846180It's cos she's nearly out of weed and she cannot function without it. She even said on snap she's "low on money" and moaning that it's a dry period again
No. 846230
File: 1564526708940.jpg (100.06 KB, 1080x1787, Screenshot_20190730-234405_Chr…)

>>846187I think you called it anon. Looks like these.
No. 846241
File: 1564527735460.jpg (438.64 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190730-185934_Twi…)

I refuse to believe anyone is sliding into her dm's expressing romantic feelings for her. get your head out of your ass.
also, doing WHAT job?
this inflated ego, jesus.
No. 846244
>>846232People like her pain me. Sorry to nitpick about body mods, but here I go.
When it comes to stretching your lobes, it's very very very important to pay attention to how you should go about stretching once you reach a certain. Yes tapers are optimal and safe (can't stress that enough), but only up to a certain size (not only that but they are meant to get you to your next size, not meant to be worn 24/7). Once you hit 3/4 or an inch, you are going to want to start using plumbers tape around your existing plug. But you only wrap until you start to feel resistance in your lobe. Stretching is very much an incremental process. Im just not surprised that she stretched in the shower. Moral of my rant is to never dead stretch which is what she did. It's very unhealthy for your lobes.
Mods, do your thing if this is too much of a rant but God damn is she dumb.
No. 846250
File: 1564529426312.jpg (Spoiler Image,528.91 KB, 1076x1522, Screenshot_20190730-183003_Twi…)

What happened to her "glucose padre"
No. 846256
File: 1564529921235.png (1.66 MB, 750x1334, 3E6AAD41-6086-41E5-936D-46E238…)

Like she’s not going to be chugging this cheap liquor regardless kek
No. 846258
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No. 846263
File: 1564531860976.jpg (547.96 KB, 1079x1421, Screenshot_20190730-191118_Twi…)

No. 846276
File: 1564534029086.jpg (124.13 KB, 1080x386, Screenshot_20190730-194646_Twi…)

Cause she's such a wrestling fan
No. 846277
File: 1564534171898.png (3.1 MB, 750x1334, 431CCB82-C361-4111-B22F-9BFFAB…)

>>846265I feel like I’m watching the beginnings of her unraveling. It sounds like she’s broke as hell and has no idea what to do.
No. 846283
File: 1564534828876.jpg (179.09 KB, 1080x622, Screenshot_20190730-200038_Twi…)

What about Rib?
No. 846292
File: 1564535138280.jpeg (304.32 KB, 1242x1574, 096FBBC3-B630-467C-AD69-D3836B…)

>>846250she really doesn’t have a single original idea huh…
No. 846293
File: 1564535250413.png (2.95 MB, 750x1334, 8AA4B8B6-4ACB-4AE8-B1A4-BCF2AE…)

>>846282Jesus…. she is really on one tonight
No. 846297
>>846295i feel the need to call the police after watching this i'm fucking terrified help
also her unfortunate weight gain/fat distribution is so obvious here my god
No. 846304
File: 1564536662154.png (403.87 KB, 591x648, shaywtf.png)

>>846107>>846115>>846135>>846180>>846250>>846256She's getting mighty desperate. Maybe she should consider holding off on buying shit like $60 of garbage at her local Hot Topic when she needs to make rent so soon. kek.
>>846295Jesus. This was obnoxiously unsexy.
No. 846307
File: 1564536961006.jpeg (Spoiler Image,427.78 KB, 1242x1626, DD3E6065-2211-4EF3-81CA-55B8AB…)

very late and slightly ot, but when she was on cam the other night, someone asked about a custom they bought that she hadnt delivered yet. this was the reaction she had and she kept talking about how she wasnt fully sure what the buyer wanted so she would dm them to confirm details and the script and try her best to fit it in her schedule as soon as possible. apparently it’s a babysitter video
No. 846309
>>846265“I think I’m manic I’m just learning what that is”
No, you’re in withdrawal. Shayna lives off the dopamine rush she gets when someone sends her money. When she goes out and drinks, when she goes shopping, all of those things are just dopamine rushes and when she doesn’t have them she crashes and burns. She’s going to become an addict of either drugs or alcohol or both is she continues. She’s already addicted to her dopamine rushes.
No. 846313
>>846250"Directed By you!"
Yeah, but the idiot who buys this shit has to pick through the same five outfits she owns or whatever is clean.
No. 846315
>>846304This is fucking nightmare fuel, what is wrong with her??
wait jk I know…
I’m most annoyed by her asking for tips on twitter. What the fuck is she so busy with that she can’t possibly get on cam and do her job?
Then in that one video she is like “I just need all the money GIMME ALL OF UR MONEY” like bitch GET A FUCKING J O B
No. 846317
File: 1564538355091.jpg (229.51 KB, 1080x1166, Screenshot_20190730-205758_Twi…)

No. 846319
>>846317how many is she on now? 7? 8?
and that shit is 99 proof
No. 846323
>>846304"My mom is such a bad person! She doesn't support my "career"
Career consists of begging, badly attempting to be a sex worker, pretending to be a baby, having an 30+ man abuse you and pretending to like it for "love",calling random men "daddy", begging, Allowing people to tip you chump change to drink yourself to death & pennies to slap yourself, begging some more and not taking general care of yourself.
Hmm, I wonder why her mom doesn't support this "career" or her daughter?
No. 846324
>>846323(I'm the same person) Who would watch this and still want to be around this person? She needs help.
But she won't get it.
No. 846331
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No. 846345
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No. 846352
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No. 846353
File: 1564542308494.gif (2.21 MB, 260x462, 36wcfq.gif)

No. 846361
>>846357Is this what it looks like when she actually tries to put on a show for once
I didn't think it could get worse.
No. 846362
>>846124>jewelerwhat, you either get plugs from a piercing shop or a store and neither has a 'jeweler'. should also check the jewelry before leaving the store, it's painful how stupid she is.
>>846232wait, so she has uneven sizes in? yes, please stretch your ears like you do with your butthole, then they can match in grossness.
>>846265no shay, you can't get a refund for jewelry you already put in your body b/c you weren't paying attention to the size. she wants to go to an inch and thinks this was a big jump? omf, i'd like to see that b/c it takes a lot of time and not everyone's lobes are made to be that size. is she going to use them to stick her dirty dildos in, lol.
No. 846367
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No. 846414
File: 1564554796046.gif (3.24 MB, 355x266, 930A1404-DF70-4A58-AEE2-14441E…)

>>846265Shay’s threads are mostly garbage, but she’s my favorite train wreck.
>>846325I get she’s trying to be quirky and “dumb” but she literally comes off as special needs and the Secondhand embarrassment is real. I feel so uncomfortable watching these.
No. 846472
>>846466MV payout is end of the month so that's probably what she means. I'm sure shes relying on that to help her pay rent.
wonder if she'll be too hungover to film the video she was going to do today kek
No. 846497
File: 1564576539995.png (242.48 KB, 750x1334, 8CDC1C03-D576-4A0C-BDAD-33665A…)

Still no takers apparently lol
No. 846550
>>846265man does she sounds deeply unhappy
maybe go find a real job
No. 846553
File: 1564585072984.gif (Spoiler Image,2.97 MB, 368x768, mobizen_20190730_203841_1.gif)

This will stick
No. 846556
>>846553When she did this and kept doing it I was like, “I’m watching a girl hit rock bottom and it’s deeply uncomfortable”
Seriously though wtf is this
No. 846562
File: 1564587011549.gif (3.36 MB, 328x583, 12F8B82C-898D-4264-B9B1-C07BDC…)

cryptid walking
No. 846571
>>846566Yeah, and it's not like she does an lot of mantience towards her body or looks anyway. She wears the same clothes, same underwear, put her hair in the same braids or the bandana bun, gets her nails done & they don't last.
Then the rest of her money is spent on Shows, Alcohol & food.
She's not someone who spends an lot of time taking care of what makes her "Money" her BODY and looks.
No. 846587
>>846576I just find it sad that she's doing all this alone doing this. Girl couldn't even find a friend to sit and joke with.
Her life seems so isolated, that must be why she's so active on Social media and allowed shitty treatment from Fupa.
She truly craves human contact even if it's bullshit.
No. 846599
File: 1564590160659.jpg (55.52 KB, 1080x450, Screenshot_20190731-172218_Twi…)

Oh dear lord.
No. 846603
>>846576Is she lurking? I just talked about how her life seems so isolated and now she's found a female orbiter to be around! I can't wait!LOl.
I can't wait for the milk.
No. 846607
File: 1564590616177.png (25.97 KB, 575x334, Capture.PNG)

I'd LOVE for her to get on Youtube or even Twitch, I know she'd delete and mod out all the bad comments but she would NOT last.
She's not interesting, she's generic, she wears the same clothes, has no style, she's not funny and she has this "lol randum" shit that only super attractive people can pull off or people with personalities can.
Also, as soon as people search her name, they'll be sent here and learn all the perverted nasty shit she was involved in.
What would she even DO on youtube? Please go Shay. It'd be an fucking riot.
No. 846620
>>846615I don't know? Maybe her failed career as a sex worker? It's all bootlegged.
She's just not attractive enough, her career or her personality.
But I'd love to see her try and fail.
No. 846623
>>846604Lol I have the same feeling or some cuddly toy or something.
I'd be surprised if it was an actual person but I hope it is so we can witness the disaster
No. 846654
>>846632Her girl on girl content is beyond awkward. She looks disgusted in every shot.
Remember how she used to claim to be a lesbian?
No. 846660
File: 1564598797140.jpg (415.98 KB, 1080x1149, 20190731_134452.jpg)

You dont even use sextpanther shay. you literally hate sexting and dirty talk. I think she actually had a sextpanther account a while back but never used it for obvious reasons
No. 846663
>>846660She literally just said a few days ago that she hates Sexting. She lies so much & is so inconsistent.
Then again she's is a sex worker who hates sex and can't be sexy so she reverts to acting like a child to appeal to pedos, so I don't know what I expect from Shay.
Lying, being inconsistent and not even knowing how to stick to her own script is basically her brand at this point.
No. 846669
File: 1564600305413.jpg (329.44 KB, 600x1030, 20190731_131045.jpg)

I missed all of last night's….whatever you want to call it. Watching now and I feel this picture greatly expresses how we all feel that went down…
No. 846679
>>846660Just as someone mentions
SextPanther on here 5 days ago
>>844528 now she suddenly realizes it still exists lol
No. 846686
File: 1564603067256.jpg (177.1 KB, 1080x547, Screenshot_20190731-145604_Twi…)

Definitely going to be the doll
No. 846703
File: 1564605458299.png (Spoiler Image,1.28 MB, 750x1334, 1103E6E6-E051-417C-811C-02B774…)

It’s 100% the fucking creepy ass doll body
No. 846743
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No. 846746
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No. 846751
>>846746Ten bucks says she'll find a way to use her dog to get out of this.
Also I think the most disgusting thing about Shay currently is that she literally picks up and drops everything at the drop of the hat for the new cute thing. Including living, breathing animals. Who cares about rib? She's got a new puppy which does different things.
Eventually: who cares about noodle? I have a new puppy!
She treats animals like her video ideas. She gets really excited on twitter then eventually stops caring and ignores it
No. 846754
>>846703Kek, how is this gonna work at all. I mean if it was a male one at least she could have sex with it. What's she gonna do, finger it and suck it's rubber titties?
I'm betting on it being something about sisters.
Dolly Mattel's dismembered sister in necrophilia rape
No. 846764
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No. 846765
File: 1564613814866.jpg (172.78 KB, 1080x725, Screenshot_20190731-175619_Twi…)

What about all the money she made off taking shots?
No. 846775
File: 1564615411890.jpg (12.81 KB, 300x186, 300px-Here's_Johnny_2.jpg)

>>846669I dunno Photoshop but someone should edit Shay into the shining scene cos that's what her face reminds me of here.
I guess instead of an axe a Hitachi or something and
victim fupa.
No. 846785
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No. 846794
File: 1564618891687.jpeg (438.38 KB, 1242x992, B86FAD6E-2E31-4F17-B287-3AA492…)

Well you do give away explicit nudes for free, all the time
No. 846796
We've seen every aspect of her gross ways and body without giving a penny.
And right now she's literally posting nudes for twitter likes which is worthless.
No. 846798
>>846794What dumb ass is wasting time in her Dm's sending dick pics? They can literally see thousands of pictures of Shay's ass FOR FREE
and Shay constantly posts nudes of herself for free all the time.
I guess idiots attract each other.
No. 846808
File: 1564619929119.jpg (414.96 KB, 1080x1054, Screenshot_20190731-193740_Twi…)

A typical everyday look
No. 846809
File: 1564619960529.jpg (849.63 KB, 1080x1935, Screenshot_20190731-193727_Twi…)

Her hair is fading so fast
No. 846824
>>846703is this the ~kinky~ video she was talking about doing? yea, i'm sure dudes want to she you awkwardly interacting with this thing.
>>846714that awkward moment the rubber torso gets more tips than her.
>>846765she's probably trying to get more for rent and pretending it's for weed.
No. 846899
File: 1564627350149.jpg (137.11 KB, 1080x529, Screenshot_20190731-213956_Twi…)

Just stop Shay
No. 846980
>>846977Yes. I love this. The tiny Fupa head is my favorite meme on this board. I don’t know why but it makes me laugh so hard.
>>846794No one pays for shit. Your tits, puss and anus are all over this one thread. And your twitter. Stop giving away nudes and maybe you’ll actually get paid for them.
No. 846985
>>846754soren? is that you?
>>846977>that vibrator>that fupa headanon you glorious beast kek
No. 847083
>>846977I'd like to think the wall she's bursting through is the one posted
>>846163 kek
No. 847110
File: 1564670233742.jpeg (282.39 KB, 1242x883, 4CB4B389-4789-40CB-AA35-6A4689…)

But… what friends. Please Shay leave Oklahoma and seek life elsewhere. You need other humans.
No. 847115
>>847110Tinfoil- Think she's talking about Fupa? Maybe because he may have fallen out with his other goth girl, he hit her up & thats why she's into wrestling & trying to be a "Goth weirdo Tumblr" chick again.
Or maybe she's saying some bullshit generic shit.
No. 847128
File: 1564673377015.jpeg (Spoiler Image,781.48 KB, 1242x1491, 369C7B6B-1800-4D0B-9319-5161E5…)

Wow 10 dollars a second can’t beat that deal. Also this means the weird doll torso is her babysitter. Buckle up lads.
No. 847139
>>846977Kek, still early days but this is definitely a contender for the next thread pic.
>>846819Honestly this is what I don't understand. Surely having all your mistakes and worst moments archived forever would motivate you to be better? She could easily pull up the current threat to get some perspective on how quickly her life is going down the toilet, but she's too stubborn.
No. 847142
>>846556more of the quirky "totally a wrestling fan" shit. DX did it back during the Attitude era
>>846977dear god it's beautiful
No. 847168
>>847165i just – how?
is she going to put clothes on it or something?
No. 847175
File: 1564682159113.jpg (185.14 KB, 1080x741, Screenshot_20190801-125457_Twi…)

Coming from shayna, this is hilarious.
No. 847193
File: 1564684032470.jpg (101.6 KB, 1080x462, Screenshot_20190801-132540_Chr…)

>>847187Case and point.
"support your friends even when your not doing well! We're all in this together!"
"I did nothing and therefore am broke, feel bad for me and give me money."
No. 847244
>>847206I'd think having your whole family ashamed of you would've done that or the countless videos of her humiliating herself for chump change.
but I bet it's just because she's not making any money.Therefore, she's not being validated by the only people in her life, Twitter/internet folk.
She's isoloted herself from everyone & thats scary. It's only a matter of time before a worst Fupa appears for Shay.
No. 847256
File: 1564690550186.jpg (Spoiler Image,170.39 KB, 1813x1385, IMG_20190801_151545.jpg)

Why did she post this? Also…wheres the chin?
No. 847259
File: 1564690881530.png (44.39 KB, 596x531, 48c852d26ace2c852f770f34a66c4a…)

No. 847290
File: 1564694829429.png (Spoiler Image,3.08 MB, 1334x750, 7CF629F1-B894-43E4-A3C7-095D90…)

Lol this preview…’m dead at her holding onto the torso stumps while she goes down on it.
No. 847293
File: 1564695027297.png (229.36 KB, 750x1334, 59E2AD04-DEEC-4933-839E-015938…)

>>847290The description is so retarded… there are no words
No. 847301
File: 1564695436401.jpg (185.21 KB, 1024x768, 2599850088_b5b26c72d4_b.jpg)

>>847290Seeing her nails peak out from the stumps makes it look like she has little mole hands. And even this critter's nails in pic above are much more groomed than Shayna's!
No. 847314
File: 1564697624411.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 1485x828, tu.png)

No. 847315
>>847290Lmao. Well it definitely delivered on being hilarious and ridiculous. I'd like to see the whole disaster
I'm ded at "babysitters walked in on dolly"
The bitch has got no legs!
No. 847319
File: 1564698454563.jpg (411.35 KB, 1080x1401, Screenshot_20190801-172646_Twi…)

No. 847323
File: 1564698632042.jpg (Spoiler Image,117.61 KB, 1200x700, EA6p90SVUAAZtDR.jpg)

That middle face
No. 847329
File: 1564699511472.jpeg (Spoiler Image,207.48 KB, 828x455, 39FB0B98-CD12-49D1-9D64-D08918…)

No. 847330
File: 1564699518376.gif (Spoiler Image,1.31 MB, 640x480, myFile.gif)

Sorry guys
No. 847335
File: 1564700363306.gif (702.42 KB, 400x160, frodo-ultimatedigust.gif)

>>847330i'm gonna throw up
No. 847349
>>847290This is the worst shit I’ve ever seen oh fucking god.
Also loved that she kept repeating that she was “18” in the video and description as if that’s going to make the video less creepy
No. 847352
>>847349I said something earlier here about her pretending to be underage again. Maybe she was lurking & didn't want to be accused of anything.
Which is weird if true. She had no issues pedo pandering in the past.
No. 847366
>>847330>>847290Oh. My. God. The second hand embarrassment I get from Shays thread is usually mild but I am screaming. I can’t believe she did this ….
I have no words.
Wow….the lengths she’s going for a $100 is astounding. No wonder she’s a full fledged alcoholic. Shit is beyond sad.
No. 847368
>>847365Her hair is so over processed that the color molecules can no longer attach to her hair shaft. It’s common especially when blondes try to go to a different color. There’s no protein left in her hair for anything to hold onto. Only way to fix it is to chop it off
(I’m a hairstylist so yes I know what I’m talking about. Sage for my shit I’m sorry)
No. 847373
File: 1564705818439.jpg (394.27 KB, 1080x1002, Screenshot_20190801-192756_Twi…)

Why does she post so many pics of Noodle and only 2 of Rib Meat?
No. 847387
File: 1564707917168.jpeg (Spoiler Image,118.47 KB, 1242x693, 10697FC2-3339-4EDB-824C-B98790…)

the only thing shayna is good at is choosing the worst possible angles for herself. fucking yikes. (1/2)
No. 847388
File: 1564707941088.jpeg (Spoiler Image,115.27 KB, 1242x689, A4BE344F-CBCB-48C6-AC66-F8C379…)

No. 847621
File: 1564766149999.jpg (195.51 KB, 1080x646, Screenshot_20190802-121525_Chr…)

Let's see how long Shay and abrattypixie are friends for after September.
No. 847622
File: 1564766197197.jpg (167.07 KB, 1080x1704, Screenshot_20190802-181600_Twi…)

Lol. Triggering her followers with her edgy "I'll shag your dad" shit.
No. 847640
File: 1564768251908.jpg (157.57 KB, 1080x1352, Screenshot_20190802-184822_Twi…)

Bath her yourself you lazy bint
No. 847644
>>847640>peak wholesomeness uwuno, it is disgusting
if your dog gets fleas, shay, your filthy fucking life is done for. frickin wash her woman it's your job to do it
No. 847650
>>847640Pretty sure she’s just using her dog as an excuse for tips. She’ll get money and go on another spending spree.
Ubering your dog to the groomers just to give it a bath and then to Uber back? Makes no sense. Bathing your dog at home is less effort.
No. 847660
>>847621Lel there's a reason why Shayna had to use a literal limbless doll to film with rather than having an actual person to work with. These girls deserve what is coming to them after what has happened every other time she has been involved with anyone. Hope they enjoy the STD's they're gonna get and whatever else.
If they can even get her to pay up for it. Why hasn't she begged for money for this, yet?
No. 847675
>>847640So basically she is saying her dog is filthy and in desperate need of a bath but she is either incapable or too lazy to bath the dog herself but also can't afford to send it to a groomers either.
Wow so wholesome, truly beautiful!
Also she can't bare to cuddle it cos it smells.. it's all about her, not noodle
No. 847693
>>847383it's literally 9 seconds long, starts with a gross closeup of the hank hill ass and then cuts to her 'being caught' and that's it.
>>847394she's such a catfish. all those dudes on twitter saying she has a "perfect pussy", and then it's all angry in videos, no wonder she doesn't make a lot of sales.
No. 847704
File: 1564778081316.png (32.28 KB, 598x299, hh.PNG)

I don't get the point of asking people to buy "Cute" gym outfits if she's just going to take nudes in front of lockers?
Also, why not waste someone elses money or your own and work out in your fucking house and eat better?
Her career is typing like an 12 year old & begging people on twitter.
No. 847709
>>847707And not drinking several beers daily. To be a drunk ass beer is the most fattening drink.
It was all pink wine until fupa got her onto IPA's
No. 847710
>>847707Jogging, walking her fucking dog, going to the park, eating better, going to a free gym etc.
She wants money for the dumbest shit.
No. 847711
>>847704She could benefit more from a 'common sense daddy' than a sugar daddy, someone to tell her to wash her own dog, eat less junk food instead of buying expensive gym memberships and gym outfits.. maybe set aside money for emergencies.. and so on
Oh and to stay off twitter when she's particularly manic/delusional
No. 847712
>>847710(same person) and she doesn't take care of her body, clothes, hair, face everything. So what's the fucking point?
She can do squats in her fucking house.
No. 847713
File: 1564779566046.png (408.35 KB, 616x503, hhhhh.PNG)

Begging for compliments.
No. 847715
>>847713LMAO these pics are facetuned to hell and back. Look how big the lips are.
Shayna — you do not and I repeat NOT look like this irl
No. 847716
File: 1564779964172.gif (1.33 MB, 640x480, myFileff.gif)

No. 847718
File: 1564780075660.gif (2.96 MB, 640x480, myFile (2).gif)

No. 847722
No. 847723
File: 1564780546590.gif (952.48 KB, 640x480, myFile (3).gif)

"I'm Dolly Mattel and I'm going to smoke weed & then film a porno because that's my entire life"
She's an Sexworker with no life outside of sex work, badly done sex work at that. Can't be healthy for someone with mental issues.
But whatever. Nothing's healthy about her anyway.
No. 847724
File: 1564780754431.png (48.32 KB, 602x433, Lol.PNG)

Fupa doesn't care Shay. No matter how much you try to look and act like the hot topic girls that he likes. Not really milk but cringe.
No. 847726
File: 1564780876397.jpg (209.32 KB, 1080x848, Screenshot_20190802-161955_Twi…)

Is she trying to be a domme again?
No. 847727
File: 1564781041061.jpg (529.28 KB, 1080x1279, Screenshot_20190802-162350_Twi…)

No. 847728
File: 1564781162409.jpg (312.66 KB, 1080x1659, Screenshot_20190802-162359_Twi…)

No. 847744
File: 1564783201694.png (Spoiler Image,51.36 KB, 616x422, Capturem.PNG)

No. 847760
File: 1564785173647.jpg (405.29 KB, 1080x1090, Screenshot_20190802-173239_Twi…)

No. 847762
File: 1564785317267.jpg (Spoiler Image,750.48 KB, 1080x1741, Screenshot_20190802-173258_Twi…)

No. 847780
>>847777Yup and abrattypixie is the same orbiter who just like shay struggles often. We've seen her struggle tweets about not wanting to be sober and begging just like Shay does. Too bad Shay didn't learn from Dogfucker Dawn cos this brattypixie chick isn't consistently successful. Shay does everything wrong.
Can't wait to see these three trainwrecks together kek
No. 847783
File: 1564787871537.jpg (187.49 KB, 1080x656, Screenshot_20190802-181738_Twi…)

No. 847810
>>847783You’ve supposedly been on meds, how long shay? Why bother taking meds if you arent going to take them properly?
What a waste.
No. 847833
>>847831 This sounds like Shay wrote this.Especially the "you are super cute and beautiful and sexy" part. Exactly how Shay writes shit.
And OH WOW someone gave you $25 dollars, your stealing ALL The collage funds, Shay.
No. 847834
File: 1564798771655.jpeg (68.21 KB, 750x684, 302A647D-AC66-4D1B-A399-D5D42B…)

OT but I found this and it describes shay and fupa to a T
No. 847835
File: 1564798812576.jpg (595.15 KB, 1080x1572, Screenshot_20190802-211901_Twi…)

Her always quoting Spongebob is really annoying
No. 847837
File: 1564799106201.png (Spoiler Image,462.53 KB, 575x504, Capturerrr.PNG)

No. 847845
File: 1564799861242.png (Spoiler Image,268.64 KB, 588x376, Capture,k.PNG)

I can swear she posted these?
No. 847867
File: 1564805789177.jpg (286.29 KB, 1080x944, Screenshot_20190802-231631_Twi…)

She won't buy either
No. 847870
>>847704Correct me if I'm wrong, but taking photos in a locker room is typically against the gym rules, isn't it? Sounds like a great way to get banned from a gym.
>>847710Seriously, take poor noodle out for more walks and let rib out for a change while noodle is out. She also has some work out equipment leftover from her dumb workout barbie video, she really has no excuse.
>>847723She's really amping up the "quirky" thing. It ain't cute at all.
>>847834I mean, there's a whole meme about dudes named "kyle" drinking monster and shay does drink white claw.
>>847845I know her titty veins are nitpick and old news, but holy shit, they look way worse than usual here? Like zombie virus special effect bad. There you go Shay, new porn idea for when Halloween rolls in, yw.
No. 847877
File: 1564810701074.png (46.18 KB, 628x375, Capturejjj.PNG)

This reminds me so much of Jeffree Stars constant, "I have sex posts" & Comments, even though I believe him more then I believe Shay.
Either she's talking about that tiny pink toy she never washes or Fupa's/some gross dude is walking around with a toothmark covered chode.
No. 847878
File: 1564810908971.png (23.42 KB, 613x258, money.PNG)

>>847877Same Anon- I love how when someone asks her to post a picture she acts as if she doesn't post her dusty ass everyone online for free constantly. Don't worry Orbiter, she'll post herself doing some deprived shit for free soon enough.
No. 847881
File: 1564812463105.jpeg (309.99 KB, 740x945, C5C8A4A3-D189-4396-A26A-5F85A9…)

Tinfoil but this sounds a lot like she was escorting for amazon gift cards plus with
>>847877 this tweet kinda ties it together for me
I may be reaching too hard tho
No. 847888
>>847881She's too much of a hermit and subpar at sex I can't imagine her actually being successful at following through with escorting. I agree with
>>847886, why would she be paid in Amazon gift cards and not just straight cash kek. It's just not logical. Can't imagine telling a John that you only accept Amazon gift cards as payment along with a vulgar sexual message attached to it so you can flex to your Twitter followers.
No. 847890
>>847886I'm not that anon She could be sending pics of her & Fupa in the past or just that dirty dildo.
I just think so low of shay that I'd think she'd suck a dick for an few amazon giftcards lol.
No. 847893
>>847891Specifically the zombies in Train to Busan lol
I can't help but think she messed with the brightness since they don't usually look that bad and her skin looks darker
No. 847909
>>847780Probably an unpopular opinion but I think she should have stuck with Dawn. Fupa was not worth it and as gross as Dawn's fetishes are, she knew how to work the audience. Exposure, maybe new experience or just learning how to actually have sex with women… Idk, I think Shayna missed out. Unless they were really
abusive, like Shay hinted, but she's not exactly a reliable narrator.
No. 848023
File: 1564848820922.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 1242x1336, D813469F-1C5E-44B0-AAC5-9735EF…)

the return of pimple ass