File: 1723340995686.png (589.54 KB, 560x892, bigshayngus.png)

No. 2024632
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/2011841Shayna Leigh Clifford; 26-year-old failing prostitute, pornsick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid-filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents’ help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.
THE SHAYNATORIUM IS NOW OPEN FOR ALL YOUR SHAYTISTIC NEEDS: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread
>thread starts out with her begging for booze and snack money on yet another flight >> 2011878>shinybound video drops >>2011912>spends another 100 dollars on makeup despite hers looking like shit >>2012399>reveals she has to move out of her apartment >>2012750, due to renovations and rent cost going up >>2012751>her dad lies to her about her not being a failure >>2012874>puppy sub (bf?) buys her tickets to disneyland >>2013089>says she went to trade school when she went to a vocational high school >>2013149>another one of her loser friends from high school ODs (dirty deleted) >>2013456>announces b/g vid with black guy >>2013765, screenshots drop >>2013784, >>2013785, >>2013828, >>2013835>yeasty crotch in her interracial video >>2014059>pic drops where she may or may not have a tampon string hanging out, or its her shitty chinese wardrobe >>2014201>clip in bang gate begins >>2014485>more photos from the retard in a field shoot drop >>2014600, >>2014817, >>2014819, >>2014820, >>2014821, >>2014829, >>2014830, >>2014833, >>2014847, >>2015262, >>2015273, >>2015738, >>2015739>shayna eats some bbq slop in a fireball tshirt >>2014811, >>2014813>lovely shayna abuses her cats >>2016365>retardinabow.jpeg >>2016605>mucinexboogerbodytype.jpeg >>2016627>another cow shoot >>2017198, >>2017200>upset she has to move >>2017493>manic video drops >>2018047>glimpse of new room shown, has not been shown again since, maybe in the sissy subs house? >>2019239>shows the state of her filthy apartment before move out >>2019485>BLEAK UPDATE >>2021463>misses her flight cuz she was getting drunk >>2022079>her bag with "thousands of dollars" of stuff (kek) is lost >>2022960>"session" with man who beats the shit out of her pussy >>2023141>has a "stomach bug" (weed withdrawal, hangover, too drunk, pussy infection, fallout with mrs burns????) and can't make it to fetcon >>2023753>apparently walked past security into the back of the airport and found her bag >>2023892>crying cuz she can't make it to fetcon >>2024133>flying back to seattle >>2024245, >>2024545Links: TikTok: No. 2024650
File: 1723342508905.jpg (149.53 KB, 1080x713, Lol.jpg)

Shayna has been going through her flight crisis between threads. [1/3]
No. 2024653
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I'm struggling to imagine her running with whatever predictable outfit she has on.
No. 2024680
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No. 2024682
>>2024651No way she went to a hospital and didn't post from there or at least take photos
>>2024680Kek shes really going through it, I bet shes sober and hungover and her pussy still hurts like hell and even without fatcon
No. 2024683
File: 1723349553113.jpg (242.07 KB, 1152x2048, 848.jpg)

>i call these: a couple babies who just want 2 go home
No. 2024686
>>2024650I feel so bad for her pets being left alone at her home with no care or love
she doesn't give two fucks it's depressing
No. 2024704
>>2024653how is this bitch so bad at managing her flights holy shit. Like I know bad luck happens, but I travel for work regularly enough to find this
sus as fuck and I'm sure some other nonas can relate. I wanna know what happened so bad lmao, something totally went down, she's a mess right now. Moreso than usual.
No. 2024842
File: 1723400611803.jpeg (289.21 KB, 1170x485, IMG_1281.jpeg)

Yeah, ok. Sure Shay
No. 2024856
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No. 2024871
File: 1723407720067.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1170x1599, IMG_1283.jpeg)

No. 2024887
File: 1723409289188.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 1163x2007, IMG_6333.jpeg)

Doesn’t Ellen live with her parents? Why is the tranny guy cleaning her space?
(Spoilered bc it’s not Shayna)
No. 2024924
>>2024888I like this theory.
My theory is that she assumed she could crash at the Gregory's house, but they wouldn't allow her. So her only option was to pretend to be sick and stay in a hospital bed for the night while she canceled all of her plans for fetcon and booked the first flight back to Seattle.
No. 2024937
File: 1723419069767.jpg (88.55 KB, 581x455, 1000021777.jpg)

Since she's probably lurking I'd like to leave this here. Love to kick a pedo pandering cow while she's down. One year left, Shayna. You're not gonna make it. you should just kill yourself now(a-logging)
No. 2025039
>>2025020It’s just weird to me because I thought Ellen lived with her parents and didn’t have privacy. I looked at her twitter today and she definitely has her own space to do her “pro Domme” things in, like inviting this guys over to clean.
Just made me wonder why Shay and Ellen have never moved in together.
No. 2025117
File: 1723465119559.jpeg (623.38 KB, 1487x2158, IMG_0803.jpeg)

Imagine your life being so bleak that you come home to this. The fail male is wearing a dress that a lady clown would wear during a face painting event for children. He’s a low maintenance animal. All she has to do is let him goon himself and pretend to clean while wearing little girl frocks.
No. 2025131
>>2025119IIRC the original costume was this this comes to a total of $25.98. She's ebegging for $150. Either she's scamming her coomers again or wants the less revealing dollskill version.
The XL on the lingerie version fits a 29.9" waist and the dollskill XXL fits a 33" waist, so it's unlikely that she's going to be able to squeeze her girth into either outfit.
No. 2025211
File: 1723489583608.jpeg (611.4 KB, 1170x811, IMG_2389.jpeg)

First thing this fast fuck does when she gets back home is go to a seafood boil (im assuming with cottage cheese thighed ellen)
No. 2025215
File: 1723489717752.jpeg (777.75 KB, 1170x1330, IMG_2390.jpeg)

Saged cause I’m tinfoiling but I wonder if this image relates to the drama that made Shayna cancel on fetcon. One can assume someone recently was “mean” to her recently?
No. 2025219
File: 1723490147488.jpeg (Spoiler Image,963.44 KB, 1170x1701, IMG_2393.jpeg)

saged cause kiki but here is kiki promoting the vid her shaytard made last year running around barefoot on hotel carpets and rubbing their oozy bloody asses over everything. interesting how she notes they both “missed” fetcon this year and appear to be planning to go next year “even harder”. so shayna drops mr. burns chick and is back to dick riding kiki? (i hope this pic ok to post, tried to censor most of the obscenity but needed to show shaynas disgusting bruised ass for effect)(spoiler nsfw images)
No. 2025226
>>2025218>gobbling up a ton of buttered dead sea cockroachesI kek’d but yea…she clearly didn’t have the stomach issues. if her vomiting required a hospital trip, you wouldn’t be able to stomach shit like this for at least a week.
I’m going with the tinfoil that she battered her vagina and pissed off mr. Burns, who likely set up a lot of shoot for her and had to cancel because shay is an idiot.
No. 2025228
File: 1723491283681.jpg (82.74 KB, 687x765, 151444.jpg)

>>2025215good catch nona, I don't think it's even too big of a tinfoil because the post right before it is clearly referring to the fetcon cancellation saga, picrel. I bet Mrs Burns finally made one dig too many at Shaynus, causing her to flip out in a drunken rage and torpedo their friendship. She really fucked up because their weird boomer fetish company was her most consistent gig
>>2025219KEK nona what is this editing. interesting timing though. didn't Kiki also used to do Strictmoor but doesn't really anymore? I wonder if they reunited to talk shit
No. 2025259
File: 1723496843915.jpg (85.11 KB, 474x711, fruits_de_mer.jpg)

>>2025213Not trying to derail but a seafood boil isn't that different to a plateau de fruits de mer which is widely eaten in Europe.
>>2025238Mrs. Burns may have expressed that she was disappointed in Shayna's progress. It's clear that Sarah is important to the hog if she's going to continue in sex work. She owns a porn company with her husband and has connections. Shayna probably got offended and gave her a list of excuses as to why she didn't follow through with Sarah's advice. She's extremely sensitive of any mention of her weight.
No. 2025280
File: 1723499021671.png (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1440x2827, 1000045115.png)

>>2025117His eyebrows are so big. Comically even. It’s like his face is trying to grow a second set of bangs. They’re practically a damn canopy shading his hideous coomer face from sunlight. Shay has been dating this creature for over 7 months. He doesn't exactly have a name. Might as well call him Traniel. Or Tranny Danny. She's now living with a guy who leaves his worn diapers around to be used again. What a glamorous bimbo life.
No. 2025283
>>2025280>Tranieli love it kek.
i feel like shay is not into "diaper boys" at all, and i've been in her threads since 2018… so is she literally indulging this guy's fetish just for some company in return? jesus.
No. 2025326
File: 1723509868699.jpeg (230.42 KB, 1436x2541, IMG_0818.jpeg)

>>2025315She’s not paying for it so she doesn’t give a shit.
No. 2025327
>>2025238Iirc she just recommended her to weight watchers or something. I remember the other threads where a
nonnie who worked with the spanking academy said Sarah is one of those bitches who feels superior to fatties so maybe she just mogged fat shat too hard after she got her pussy boils popped by the sadist. She always says she has a stomach ache when she wants to bail from a situation that makes her emotionally uncomfortable
No. 2025341
nonnie not even 2 days into the new thread and you come out with a banger next threadpic
No. 2025504
File: 1723560037212.png (2.79 MB, 1488x1488, IMG_0824.png)

The walls in Shay’s new bedroom have that weird chunky texture that matches the texture in the Traniel’s bathroom. So far he let it be known that he actually has a job that he goes to during the day. So Shay is probably staying with him as a coom for a room living arrangement. They have referred to each other as boyfriend and girlfriend. It’s plausible that this moid took her as a roommate because she had to move so suddenly. The scrote has some attachment to her.
No. 2025511
File: 1723562300513.jpg (35.56 KB, 987x260, 82.jpg)

Deleted. Possibly related to the Fatcon fall out?
No. 2025515
>>2025504We'll know if he starts posting pictures wearing her underwear soon. You know how troons love to skinwalk. Also, ew. I bet he's another freak that likes women changing his diapers, holy hell has shayna's life taken a
bleak turn.
No. 2025543
>>2025488One of the reoccurring themes of her threads is that the men she's with seem to care more about her pets than she does. IIRC Fupa used to spend time looking after Rib, one of her johns used to take her and Noodle out, so the poor dog wasn't shut in her apartment 24/7, now it seems the diaper troon is the one taking care of her pets.
>>2025515>You know how troons love to skinwalkI know we call him a troon but is he? Does he identify as a woman or does he just enjoy dressing as a woman? To me he comes across as more of a transvestite that does it for fun and fetish purposes than a tranny that believes he's a woman.
No. 2025588
>>2025280God I love the nickname Traniel. (I think he's more of a transvestite, not trans in terms of identity)
>>2025584Come to think of it, she normally posts her bruises and other injuries aquired during sex. Why wouldn't she post a picture this time?
No. 2025606
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She never learns.
No. 2025619
File: 1723581237481.png (24.99 KB, 632x541, OF-post.png)

>>2025588She made this post on OF a few days ago. No archive sites bother to upload her OF content for free anymore, so what this is exactly will have to remain a mystery.
No. 2025628
>>2025608You don’t understand
nonny, this time she will make it big! Matter of time before she gets discovered
No. 2025633
File: 1723584478597.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1179x1504, IMG_6341.jpeg)

>>2025619She lifts the dress up, I guess the secret is that she has no underwear.
No. 2025651
>>2025633She must have taken those images before travelling.
>>>/snow/2023141Here she claims she did the pussy abuse session on the 5th. She then posts this
>>2025633 on the 6th.
No. 2025722
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b l e a k
No. 2025725
>>2025722yikkeeesssss! now she’s humouring “fuck a fan” prostitution? and random twitter degens? bleak indeed. she is broke-broke. and yall realize that shayna cant actually afford trips like
>>2025606 she puts it on credit and banks on the money she gets from “working” to pay off her debt. or she scams someone into paying for flight/hotel. everything happening points to her being the brokest she’s ever been.
No. 2025731
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>>2025722NONAS. STOP. lmfaoo
No. 2025747
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>>2025736>>2025731absolutely insane thing to say but yes
No. 2025749
>>2025731He looks 18 and 60 at the same time even with the white beard. He looks like a kid dressing up as an old man for halloween kekkkk I almost feel bad for making fun of him because as
>>2025732 said, he was the tamest coomer in Shayna's replies in a while.
No. 2025756
File: 1723609172713.png (4.15 MB, 1170x1776, IMG_0837.png)

He looks more like he belongs at a farmers market selling vegetables. He’s a regular orbiter tossing coins or compliments at Shay.(autism belongs in /shay/)
No. 2025779
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>>2025731For some reason he has a fan page that just retweets porn and comments on his pictures
No. 2025848
File: 1723634743696.png (3.37 MB, 1488x2266, IMG_0842.png)

>>2025842Older. Don’t make the mistake of letting curiosity get the best of you. His account is full of tranny porn.
No. 2025856
File: 1723638071621.jpg (372.43 KB, 1080x1790, Gross.jpg)

As if Shay could gather up any saliva considering she only hydrates with alcohol, kek.
No. 2025866
File: 1723640055977.jpeg (380.14 KB, 1242x1656, 8130E289-9B81-4D3E-BFD1-BFDD9A…)

>>2025747He really does lmao
No. 2025867
>>2025848KEK not the WisDells shirt he really is an IL native. Also
>41There is no fucking way lmao my 50 year old mother doesn’t look this old
No. 2025999
>>2025990I think Shayna is finally off the "solo" camming part of her career, the validation and money isn't there and she clearly does not like it. She gets to see her failure in real time, when it's 40 farmers and 5 actual moids who don't give much. Travelling is her new thing. She can feel in demand and get to run from her problems. Whats crazy to me is Shayna has finally gotten "friends" and she constantly wants to go to Vegas. Yet if she ever did move, I bet she'd be whining about how hard it is to find friends (to use). She never appreciates anything she has.If she is living with someone she is probably not paying rent. Instead of spending every fucking hour of the day selling ass or trying to get money, she's planning her next trip to Vegas, eating seafood, barely putting any content out.
I bet she hasn't even fully unpacked yet. It's not like Shayna to at least post her work area when she's done, or her bed or something. If this place is temporary Shayna doesn't seem to be in any fucking rush.
No. 2026060
>>2025999thats just because its been years since she cammed though isnt it? i imagine when she had a regular schedule and took the time to actually build up a fanbase it wasnt just only farmers watching her stream. even when she does do these rare cam shows nowadays where its mostly farmers lurking, she still gets non farmers who show up and send her tokens to meet her goals. she seemed to genuinely like it when she was younger and having that structure of a schedule. i honestly think the reason she doesnt are:
1) she isnt doing as well as she was back then (in terms of being in a relationship, having some friends, extra money and living in a comfortable place within her means) - i think if she gets into a LTR she will start camming again
2) brainrot. shayna has basically smoked and drank away whatever semblance of personality she used to have. she was degenerate but she could act “funny” and had enough of a social life to actually have something to talk about. she gets on and realizes she has nothing interesting to talk about and can no longer riff off people like she used to.
No. 2026123
File: 1723691350195.jpeg (Spoiler Image,913.14 KB, 828x1191, IMG_1063.jpeg)

Deflated tit looking bright red and irritated
No. 2026142
>>2025722Oh god, if I saw shay waddling around mag mile in a stained ham-pink velour tracksuit I think I'd lose my mind. Like some kind of hooker cryptid sighting.
>>2025731>>2025848I can't say for certain, but the backgrounds in his photos make me think he might be living in a nursing home.
No. 2026171
>>2026060spending hours and hours in front of a webcam doing nothing of interest other than being cold because you're letting your flab hang out in order to get a few pennies is as bleak as it gets.
she's obviously not making nowhere near enough money to where that's worthwhile. and she does nothing that is attractive or interesting. what differentiates her from the thousands of other women that coomers can watch for free? The fact that she beats herself up? that's cringe to a lot of men.
No. 2026193
>>2026171NTAYRT but… sweet summer child. Just because you hate Shayna doesn't change the fact moids will be moids. "She doesn nothing attractive or interesting" - she doesn't have to. She spreads her legs and humilates herself for sex. Thats all men want. And thats all women need to do to make a living. Sure, there was hookers with "personality" who make bank off it, but I dont think anyones implying Shayna could be one of those girls - simply that there are avenues for her to make money that she is not utilizing strictly out of laziness. And "what differentiates her from the thousands of other women". Lol Nona, reality check. Shayna makes above minimum wage and is fucking awful at her job. You're thinking way too hard about this. Shayna doesnt have to be different than other women, she just has to be available when the coomer decides he either wants to be bust a nut or is lonely and wants attention. Men like this
>>2025848 are lonely as shit, get no attention for women, and are basically born again virgins. Men PAY instead of watching free porn, and men get deeply involved in OnlyFans girls because of the fantasy that theyre interacting with a woman and she's responding directly to them/doing the requests they want. Like look at that OkieTwister guy, he acted like Shayna was his girlfriend. Its the same thing with camming. These girls go on I dont know, say three times a week at the same time, and these lonely old fucks work these women into their daily schedules, set aside money from monthly cheques for their "favourite cam girls" because these women give them the attention you wouldnt get otherwise. Porn hasn't been enough for these coomers for like a decade or more. Maybe you don't realize how many desperate, chronically alone men there are out there who are willing to pay $$ to temporarily not feel like that. This is all probably coming off like Im a SW or something but im just a farmer and chronically online person. Its not hard to see camming is probably the best way to build a fanbase who will pay for your content elsewhere, because the whole point of camming is the relationship building part of it and the consistency it gives these old fucks.
No. 2026285
File: 1723739166812.jpeg (382.86 KB, 1170x1059, IMG_1326.jpeg)

Shay: Ugh! Why doesn’t anyone want to work with me? Everyone is just jealous of me and a hater!
Also Shay:
No. 2026288
>>2026123I'm dying at how she's trying to look smol and dainty, but she looks like a hippo with a hairdo instead.
No. 2026342
File: 1723755479337.jpg (164.8 KB, 972x727, 83.jpg)

No. 2026344
File: 1723755613790.jpg (538.64 KB, 1080x1226, 84.jpg)

>>2026342She loves to expect shekels while looking so haggard. Is that Traniel's car? I can't distinguish his between Ellen's.
No. 2026375
File: 1723762954610.jpg (Spoiler Image,204.01 KB, 1242x1701, 20240815_233028.jpg)

>>2026344I know you posted the cropped version for a reason and I may be shaytarded but what's the white bulge under her shirt? Is it just a tied knot at the side of her shirt? I dunno if that's how she normally wears that shirt? I know we've seen it several times.
No. 2026381
File: 1723763946901.png (Spoiler Image,152.6 KB, 420x440, 90_degree-tits.png)

>>2026375Her tit is a 90° angle.
No. 2026533
File: 1723792844816.jpeg (331.09 KB, 1290x2293, 811F4108-FAEC-4855-887B-CCFDAB…)

>>2026344No one posted the best part. Her pretending she has fans
No. 2026535
File: 1723793020653.jpeg (370.64 KB, 1290x1415, IMG_1619.jpeg)

No. 2026568
File: 1723800911162.jpeg (430.37 KB, 1160x889, IMG_6399.jpeg)

Shayna is a sex siren FYI. I wonder if she does the side-smirk over her espresso martini or bites the side of her tongue while she eye fucks all these enchanted Renton men when she is out with Ellen
No. 2026570
File: 1723801124530.jpeg (487.4 KB, 1170x1695, IMG_2416.jpeg)

Shayna suicide baiting
No. 2026571
File: 1723801188276.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x1526, IMG_2417.jpeg)

No. 2026686
File: 1723828787515.jpg (272.1 KB, 1080x1750, 738.jpg)

Her proving how she hates her job and she will only do degenerate things for money, not because she actually likes it.
No. 2026764
File: 1723841802282.jpg (821.78 KB, 2160x3840, Pal.jpg)

She's being very strategic with how she's hiding her new living situation.
No. 2026817
File: 1723852486999.jpg (672.52 KB, 2160x1215, shaystruggles.jpg)

>>2026570If that's suicide baiting what are we calling this
The fact that she keeps mentioning not wanting to live or preferring to be like a dog or some stupid bullshit like that tells you that she's not enjoying her life right now. If she's not enjoying being raped by old scrotes so she can pay her rent then what the hell is she doing with her life?
No. 2026818
>>2026804>>2026797>>2026568you guys are reading way too much into it. but she legit needs to stop making those hideous ahegao faces, they just never look good and the lighting in fatcon was atrocious.
I think she's trying to say that she's into men who appear to be into her which is something that applies to like most people.
she obviously thinks that acting like an idiot is apparently what her customer base want because that's really normal and you definitely want to attract men who want you to pretend to be an idiot.
No. 2026835
>>2026822>>2026825I'm betting my money that literally 99% of the people in these threads have the exact same brow ridge if not a more prominent one. because you're all descended from apes and that's just a feature of the human physiognomy or whatever
I'm sure the pleasantness just runeth over in real life though
(infight bait/derailing) No. 2026841
File: 1723857432626.jpeg (Spoiler Image,113.61 KB, 828x1286, IMG_1135.jpeg)

>>2026777Was actually already looking through the femme boy’s posts to see if it matched kek (spoilered for moid)
No. 2026861
>>2026845>>2026851the thing on the ceiling in
>>2026841 is a fire alarm…
No. 2026872
File: 1723870423122.jpg (411.55 KB, 824x1695, SmartSelect_20240817_065304_Fi…)

We just gonna ignore this hoof? OK kek
No. 2026914
>>2026571I really wonder if she has any savings at all or if she spends money carelessly always expecting "reimbursements", she's not even trying to tie it to sex work, (begging for costumes, makeup, etc) she's just begging for something she'll put in a shelf and never touch again. I'm with the other anon that the spike in e-begging is her trying to buy weed. But holy cow, remember when she would spend triple digits at dispensaries weekly? It's insane to think she was capable of spending that much without any worry at some point… especially when you look at her now.
Has monthly earning anon ever done a yearly earning post? I'm really curious to see how much she's earned over the last 8 months.
No. 2026947
File: 1723891467174.jpeg (417.32 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_4248.jpeg)

>>2026797I’m autistic ik and a more artistic anon can make a better edit, but I couldn’t help myself kek
No. 2026963
>>2026861i think nona was talking about this
>>2026764 emitting light, not this
>>2026841 photo.
No. 2026992
File: 1723903043307.jpg (698.78 KB, 1536x2048, 1000051393.jpg)

This doesn't look like her at all. Face thinning filter working overtime.
No. 2027004
File: 1723904163350.jpeg (815.61 KB, 1145x961, IMG_2424.jpeg)

>>2026571looks like shayna is enjoying the benefits of not paying $2000+ on rent. i expect to see more frivolous purchases. gotta admit im dying to see what she did with all her furniture
No. 2027011
File: 1723905621151.jpg (99.34 KB, 463x1147, Screenshot_2024-08-17-15-38-26…)

>>2026992More quality fashion from Shay.
Kek fucking temu.
I guess the skirt didn't fit.
No. 2027015
File: 1723906261255.mp4 (978.66 KB, 720x1280, ssstwitter.com_1723906162423.m…)

>>2026992she also posted this vid of her makeup
No. 2027038
File: 1723910902398.png (546.36 KB, 722x709, bursting_skirt.png)

>>2026992She filtered herself so hard her cleavage doesn't make sense.
>>2027011The black skirt she's wearing doesn't fit her either. The button is just about holding on and it looks like she can't even pull the zip up all the way.
No. 2027048
>>2026947Next thread pic please.
>>2027026Seconded - I hadn’t thought about that before and didn't think her life could be more bleak but this is a new level of sad.
No. 2027073
File: 1723916049793.jpeg (480.06 KB, 1170x817, IMG_1351.jpeg)

No. 2027089
>>2027004It’s hard to make out the prices but if she paid more than a dollar or even 50 cents for most of these she overpaid. The Jeff beck group record is only about $3 for even the earliest pressings and it looks like she paid $12 (!)
>>2027041Elvis, The Animals and Steve Miller band are all very normie dad rock but I digress. If she decided to buy a Beatles record she would absolutely get ripped off because those things are as common as dirt but sellers get away with charging $20 for a busted third pressing because “it’s the Beatles!!!” they know it’ll sell
No. 2027119
File: 1723924440852.jpg (492.67 KB, 2047x1455, GVIJAfGbIAATtN1.jpg)

>>2027089heres a large image nona that shows prices
No. 2027162
>>2027136uhhh nona wtf are you talking about? im comparing the fact that she literally chooses to be “raped” by men for cash when there are other avenues that are way less dangerous and taxing to make money? why exactly would shayna, a “self proclaimed bisexual”, choose dangerous risky sex over relaxed CONSENSUAL lesbian content when the cunt acts like she has girlfriend who she has an active sex life with? you’re a weirdo. and actually - as i was typing this I realize she actually did used to do this content on cam with that tall girl and yet now? she seems absolutely repulsed by the touch of a woman yet is totally down to go hooking into chicago for fucking eddie munster
>>2025848 if he flies her out? its just another example of shayna being terrible at her “job” and making terrible life choices. the bitch is broken.
No. 2027260
>>2026992lol not even snow app can hide the crusty lips
>>2027015this would look cute on a normal person + needs lipstick
No. 2027319
>>2027015I'll give her half an ounce of credit here: She put some actual fucking colors on her eyes—colors that don't clash, even—and blended them well. Thy even complement her tacky outfit.
She still looks retarded and desperately needs to lose the bangs, lose 50 lbs, and find some lipstick, but the fact that she actually managed this shocked me.
On the other hand, I've met seven-year-olds who can pull this off just as well with makeup from Claire's. The bar is on the floor. In other news, I am so sick of looking at that tacky watch on her fat wrist. We get it, Shaynus. You own One Nice Thing™.
No. 2027429
File: 1724006326118.png (7.78 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2435.png)

>>2027378the $38.99 price tag scared her kek but the goes and buys a bunch of junker vinyl for almost double
No. 2027516
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No. 2027532
>>2027516>send 50 so i can get wastedgirl you
already look wasted
No. 2027557
File: 1724036842912.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1290x1031, IMG_8182.jpeg)

>>2027163This is where it was held according to their website so it looks like it was an outdoor show
No. 2027579
>>2026992>>2027557this is basically a bad tinder date more than sugaring. i know shes not like an amazing beauty or anything but man is this as good as it gets for her? shes even buying retarded shit to impress this broke old ass boomer cmon
>>2027004 is this all life is to her? there really is no "shayna" out of sex work. she'll be a rocker chic, a dominatrix, a baby, a bimbo, etc. she'll just do or be whatever her current coomer is. i hate it
No. 2027620
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She’s late night drunk reminiscing
No. 2027682
File: 1724076537767.gif (1.84 MB, 234x300, woahhvicky-vicky.gif)

>>2027677imagine she swings on you like this
No. 2027736
>>2027704she DOES have a weight/height advantage against most women. im picturing shayna yelling "im the juggernaut bitch" and just running at them full speed kek
>>2027682nona. lmfaoooo.
No. 2027809
>>2027772you put some thought into this haven't you?
>>2027545she needs to cast her net regardless lol
>>2027162If she's getting paid for it, if she's not doing it out of her own free will and with full enthusiastic consent that can be revoked anytime and where there is no pressure to do anything you don't want to do then it's not freaking consensual you ding dongs.
porn is literally paid rape regardless of how you want to spin it. her voluntarily doing this shit does not mean anything. If a man puts a gun to your head and you decide to have sex with him because you will be literally killed if you don't would you call that "consent" given willingly? just because you chose to do it? come on now
the financial aspects of this shit are 100% what makes this rape/non-consensual
No. 2027840
File: 1724107010664.jpg (184.85 KB, 702x805, 183053.jpg)

speaking of delusions of grandeur. the moid is not buying it either kek
No. 2027882
>>2027855and do what? She's 27, not a teen.
Love to know.
(sage your shit) No. 2027884
>>2027855>>2027841>>2027836but she can't. she has no desire to live with her parents or abandon any of the people that she knows, and if she'd rather put up with psychopaths and abusers and go home It's either impossible or not conclude but this is coersive, essentially.
let me give you guys an example that you might understand better.
consider this: you live in an expensive city and your landlord tells you that instead of paying a rent that you can't afford because you lost your job that you suck his dick for a month. and your choices are either that or ending up on the streets. you can't find another job as easily from a shelter or something or shelters are undesirable for you for some reason.
that's the situation that she is in. It sucks but it's not like she wants to be in the situation. The money is an obvious coercive factor
No. 2027886
>>2027882Get a job like a normal person. Although to be fair, the fat sow would probably need to spend time in rehab to deal with her weed and alcohol addiction before she could be anywhere near functional.
It's funny that she's spent her entire adult life as a sex worker and all she has to show for it is obesity and alcoholism.
>>2027884In that scenario, Shayna is not forced to do anything. She could suck her landlord's dick, or she could go home to her parents. Her choice is to suck her landlord's dick. Going home to her middle class parents is not a hardship.
>The money is an obvious coercive factorThere's been times where she was earning around $5000 a month while only needing to pay $800 in rent. She spent all that money on weed, alcohol and door dash. Her dire financial situation is entirely her own fault.
No. 2027888
>>2027884We all know shayna is a slave to her mental retardation and
won't quit sex work because of her stubborn desire to prove her mom and lolcow wrong, but we're just saying she's not a survival sex worker with no support and no other choice. If she could get over her ego, her sex work nightmare could end overnight. She's just stubbornly refusing it. And again, i hope she keeps it up. If she's lucky she can be a fat version of the skidmark academy grannies when she turns 30.
No. 2027901
>>2027888but she clearly does not have a workable relationship with either of her parents and her father doesn't want her to live with him and she's only fond of him as far as we know.
some people cannot get along with their parents or would be unable to live with them and in that case, if she's used to getting r'pd for money and doing all this other demeaning shit, she's going to keep doing because there's no other way of making money that's as easy for her. a minimum wage job forces you to have roommates. and comes with a psychological + physical toll.
I'm not saying that she's on the same level as someone who is literally on the street and who has to prostitute to survive but her situation is coercive and pretending that it isn't is stupid.
she's stubborn but she's been digging herself in this hole for years
No. 2027960
>>2027901>but she clearly does not have a workable relationship with either of her parentsthis is fake news. she gets along with her parents, including her mother who she claims she hates. she's shared screenshots of her and her supposedly terrible mom having friendly familial banter and they invite her on trips with them all the time. she made a bigger deal out of it than needed to fit in with her bratty princess larp.
>her father doesn't want her to live with him and she's only fond of him as far as we know.and why should he? she immediately started full time whoring when she was 18 (possibly younger). she was in their house doing this shit and they gave her the ultimatum to move out on her own if she wanted to hoe or stop heauxing and get her act together. they had no problems with her living with them if she was doing something productive with her life. being a hoe is not productive. most people do not want to see their children get into sex work, least of all be in the house doing that shit.
>some people cannot get along with their parents or would be unable to live with them and in that case, if she's used to getting r'pd for money and doing all this other demeaning shit, she's going to keep doing because there's no other way of making money that's as easy for her. anon, this is the united states of america. we don't live in a restrictive caliphate where people, particularly women, have very little to no recourse to make money other than exploiting themselves or others. there are millions of things she could have done to make easy money outside of heauxing. she could have gotten into the gig economy. worked at a smoke shop selling weed. bartending, hosting, podcasting. this is the era of maximum gains for minimum effort and she fits with the minimum requirements to get by being mediocre in this country: just be white and show up. it's very simple.
> a minimum wage job forces you to have roommates. and comes with a psychological + physical toll.this is not really the thread for the economic reality of the real world but even people who are working "good" jobs paying above minimum wage sometimes get roommates. it's not fun working at starbucks or target getting screamed at by entitled customers, but the psychological and physical toll of asking someone if they want extra caramel is in no way, shape, or form worse than the toll that sex work takes on your body.
>I'm not saying that she's on the same level as someone who is literally on the street and who has to prostitute to survive…anon, she literally is a prostitute atp and she's about $10 and one dick away from being homeless. she does essentially have to prostitute to survive because the money she was making when she was younger just laying on her back with her legs up in the air has dried up. she's not a high class escort and never has been. fupa was the best she could get and really all she ever wanted anyway. that's why she was so hung up on him and why she was so broken up when he left. ever since they broke up the men she has been dealing with have been getting progressively uglier, older, degenerate, and violent. she tries to cope with it by claiming she's attracted to older men, fat guys, slobs, retards, but the men she's fucking are not the silver foxes she wants people to believe they are. they're literal street urchin slobbering crumb snatchers that most women would run from. i mean look at the bubba sparks that was just posted.
>but her situation is coercive and pretending that it isn't is stupid.her situation is not coercive. she was not forced into prostitution/sex work. she is not some poor, struggling immigrant from a developing country who was sex trafficked. she is a young white woman in a rich country from a middle, potentially upper-middle class, family who threw that all away to chase after the pipe dream that is sex work. her parents have offered her free rides to college, a roof over her head, love and support as long as she quits sex work. this is not an unreasonable demand unless you're some sort of champagne liberal who thinks that sucking dick is somehow better than flipping burgers.
she made the choice to do what she did and she is the one who is keeping herself in this situation. she could walk away from everything right now and be okay because she has a strong support system who continues to see value in her despite all she does to herself. she is the sole source of all her misery and now it's finally starting to bite her in the ass but she's too caught up in her own pride to admit that she's failing. she is not being held hostage by a pimp named sooki. no one here is pretending her situation is anything but stupid, depressing, irrational, and bleak. there are anons who want to see her get out of this industry, particularly because the end game in all this is either her ending up in a jail cell or in a coffin. she's slowly killing herself with alcohol and god knows what else she might be taking to cope. this is not an exaggeration either. she is very, very lucky to have parents who support her unconditionally despite what she does and who she is. other women have not been so lucky. there are no saints in sex work and she's the perfect cautionary tale of what "porn" is really like. most women who get into "porn" end up like shay, not riley reid. wake up.
(autism) No. 2027972
>>2027901You're acting like she had to escape an
abusive home instead of her dumbass willingly moving because her dad said "you can't do porn and live in my house, either stop the porn or move". She chose the porn. I'm pretty sure if she told either parent she wants to stop doing porn they'd move mountains for her to be comfortable. The only reason she doesn't get along with her mom is because she's a stubborn dumbass and her mom tries to make her be responsible. Hell, i bet if she quit porn and told her parents she was coming back home, one of them would have a job and apartment choices lined up for her because that's how badly they want her to stop being a degenerate. The vast majority of sex workers, even others who came from her upper middle class background don't have that. Shayna pretends like she's completely burnt the bridges with her parents but can't help but slip up and reveal that she's in semi consistent communication with one or both of them. They let her fugly stank ass go to Ireland with them for her brother's graduation for fucksake. If her relationship with her parents was as bad as youre making it seem, she wouldn't have gone. And she especially wouldn't have looked the happiest ive seen her in literal years there either. She misses one or both of them but she just won't admit it because again, she's stupid and stubborn.
No. 2028003
has shayna posted her vag yet since the violent pussy spanking john?
>>2027620imagine if this was supposed to be to intimidate sarah gregory? kek
No. 2028046
>>2028019Poor papa shart , that must have been traumatic to find out his daughter makes degenerative fetish content, in his house, while calling the coomers “dad”!
He’s not wrong for making her leave.
And the cow tippers that sent him the videos, so fucking sick!
Poor guy probably has a thousand island stare nowadays.
No. 2028047
>>2027997tldr: she’s not a
No. 2028095
>>2028081I love this autistic ass thread
>>2028008If this tinfoil is true she's down two holes as a sex worker. Its a good thing she clearly hates giving BJs because 3 for 3 without even breaking 60k a year as someone who's been a whore her whole adult life is
No. 2028135
>>2028046this along with a fact that her father probably has like a family that he's busy with now, is why she just can't live with her father and work a minimum wage job.
>>2028003how often does she do that, though
>>2028001>watch 600 pound life if u have doubtslol
>>2027960>that's why she was so hung up on him and why she was so broken up when he left. she seems way more preoccupied with how
abusive he is which really begs the fucking question, If you don't want to experience dysfunction and abuse why the hell are you moving in with an abuser??
No. 2028238
>>2028135All her fathers other kids successfully left the nest, so i think its just him and the stepmom for now. Her mom would definitely take her in but shayna is a terminal pickme so the minute she suggests that maybe pissing on a rug pretending to be a dog and spreading your hemorrhoids for the whole internet maybe is a bad idea with irreversible damage, she's gonna flip shit.
>>2028159Tbh what they should have done was cut her off then and there. If you're kicking her out for pedo pandering and e-whoring, don't give her money when she asks. She wants to throw away her future when life could have literally been so easy for her? Go on ahead. She probably would have come running back home with her buttplug dog tale between her legs if she actually had to go from upper middle class white girl to survival sex worker turning tricks in Massachusetts to keep a roof over her head. I know she just went to live with Conner after she got caught, but that should have been the last time Shayna talked to either parent. She picked her ~50k a year~ pedo pandering sex work over her family and her future. Can't force an adult to change unless they want to change.
No. 2028274
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Sowing and reaping, Shatna
No. 2028344
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shayna is word vomiting all over her @shutupdolly account the past two days, all boring shit so I’ll just cap this one-off of her saying she’s trying to quit weed again.
No. 2028346
File: 1724239396881.jpeg (262.88 KB, 1170x821, IMG_2459.jpeg)

coping? also shayna is up lol
No. 2028370
>>2027973tbh she'd fit in perfectly in a beauty school. she reminds me of a 1980s hairdresser with neon eyeshadow and a cig hanging out her mouth. with schooling, as long as you pay the fees nobody cares. she could try and fail many trades and degrees, shes just too lazy to bother.
>>2028001she does have "boyfriends" (polycule) shes just unable to have one stable relationship with someone because sexwork has fried her brain and neither her nor anyone else is willing to commit to anything serious.
>>2028019he has internet. chances are he doesnt want her anywhere near him, which is fair. her mother would probably begrudgingly take her back if she swore off the entire lifestyle and wasnt a constant bitch to her. she did take her in after her breast surgery and supported her during recovery, shat just complained about her on the internet the whole time. theres no way she wouldnt find out eventually. i think they've probably given up on the idea at this point, personally i wouldn't waste money trying to put her through college. she'd be better off living in her trannies flat working minimum wage but her real name is tied to this shit. she would be found out and bullied out of the workforce pretty quick.
im sure she sees no way out at this point and thats why shes drinking herself to death.
No. 2028386
>>2028257Her implants aren't even that big though. They just know as soon as she healed she'd be showing them off online. But as a fatty she'd look stupid if she went any smaller than she did tbh. Would have just been smarter to take the implant out and market herself as a medical anomaly like that other fat e-whore who gets posted here sometimes but her ego couldn't take the hit.
>>2028370Idk, if i saw (and smelled) shayna in my cosmology class I'd drop out and go elsewhere. People forget how crusty she is outside of her filtered pictures . She'd pull up with her frizzy, greasy hair, floppy tits, too small shirt, too short skirt, sandpaper skin and ugly hotdog nails with rotting fingers. The 1980s beauty school students knew they had to shower daily and use a night cream for their skin.. shayna hasn't even gotten to "brush your teeth regularly" status.
No. 2028400
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No. 2028446
>>2028400shaylusional tweet of the day
how can she say her content is good when no one buys it? she was doing better when she was regularly posting on her OF and camming once in a blue moon, she's barely sold any vids in months
No. 2028519
>>2028414there's no way that she doesn't realize that, she just doesn't want to accept it.It takes courage and humility to accept that you have gone way off course and that you're involved with shit that is undesirable to say the least. she doesn't want to do that she instead wants to double down on her misogyny and self-harm.
It's not going to end well for her and she thinks that this manipulative whimpering that she does will somehow endear her to abusers who don't give a fucking shit. but like every other prostituted woman she thinks that the money she gets from coomers is about as close to love as she will ever come close to.
>>2028401I personally don't think that that's funny but if she does then who cares.
>>2028446delusion. she can't imagine doing anything else
No. 2028526
>>2028497sage for who gives a shit but I can't even imagine how shitty it must feel to want to be famous for being skinny and pretty and the only way she makes money now is by doing bbw fetish porn
no one buys the pedo shit anymore either, literally all she sells anymore is the videos where she's visibly fat and calls herself a pig
No. 2028536
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>>2028526Comparison of the pig and cow videos with spanking and diaper content. The pig and cow videos have double the engagement. It's funny because she's spent a fair amount of money on ABDL shit and she will probably never make that money back.
No. 2028616
>>2028536its insane bc she's making porn that bottom of the barrel coomers pay top dollar for. remember how she was so proud of her $3 OF and now she's dirt poor? lol funny how things turn out
atp i think shay is so desensitised and pornsick that i don't think she has a moral compass that allows her limitations and boundaries. she's already degraded herself enough with diaper, animal, incest and rape RP videos… but she can't be consistent to save her life. coomers willing to pay for specific fetish porn probably don't care about looks that much so how is she still failing?? it boggles my mind despite reading her threads for 3 or so years.
No. 2028721
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more pining and wining
No. 2028759
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>>2028740Yeah, she had big plans for her
bleak future at 19 for some reason. Too many people lied to her and said she was talented, smart and pretty. Almost a decade of sex work and she regressed in every way. You love to see it.
No. 2028784
File: 1724344967245.jpeg (628.88 KB, 1170x1217, IMG_2475.jpeg)

saging cause its one bacon away from shayna but this is 100% one of the shoots shayna bailed on at fetish con. involves the mr.burns couple and sophia who shayna was promo-ing with - also the cheerleader outfit was probably on her “lost luggage” that she was crying over how it had expensive costumes in it
No. 2028937
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>>2028778Personally, if i find myself feeling any pity for how pathetic she is i remember she openly tweets shit like picrel for pedos like Mike Slack to jerk off to
she's boring, been re-reading her old threads No. 2029026
File: 1724393282957.jpg (94.19 KB, 611x349, sex torture.jpg)

>>2028979and wasn't he posting more depraved shit that Shayna on his tumblr?
>>2028937shat needs to wisen up quick. getting beat up until you're black and blue can easily turn into a potentially permanent disfigurement or even disability and those coomer kinksters obviously feel no empathy towards women.
considering the sheer amount of torture and abuse that the vulnerable get dealt in porn, she should try to move away from all of this as soon as she can. she she seriously needs to get into some therapy and realize that she does not have anything worth holding to.
No. 2029625
File: 1724525703446.jpg (242.84 KB, 1080x1077, Screenshot_20240823-191700__01…)

>>2029606you know she probably comes across more coomer shit for brains than i do but if she stopped pretending that they're just living, breathing wallets for her she would be so disgusted by the shit that they say. this raging weirdo is @voxhypno
No. 2029626
File: 1724525937511.jpg (441.08 KB, 1080x1759, Screenshot_20240824-144514.jpg)

this is not milk so I'm not unsaging. complaining about unoriginality when she's literally being unoriginal as fuck in these very tweets….
shaywisdom or shaysdom. so deep, incisive and meaningful that it got 3 likes
No. 2029666
File: 1724534933619.jpeg (79.19 KB, 630x677, 1606604286512.jpeg)

>>2029658sorry you see yourself in shayna. anons saying they hate shayna for being a pedopandering cunt, laughing at her downfall and posting a 4 year old reaction image of tweet shayna made herself is not telling "some prostitute" to kill herself. let's go back to posting fanfics about improving shaynas life with unrealistic jobs she'll never get. sorry you're having a bad day anon but shayna spiraled her own life into a shitshow and it probably isnt getting better any time soon
No. 2029711
>>2029695I guess she thinks writing like that makes her seem more bimbo and ditzy, but it just makes her look like she's trapped in 2005. Text shorthand hasn't looked like that in years because we don't have to pay money for each character anymore and thereby abbreviate as much as possible to save money.
As well as outdated it also makes her look like a poser. I just know she has to fight autocorrect every time she tweets.
No. 2029924
File: 1724601093264.jpeg (61.23 KB, 512x768, IMG_2487.jpeg)

>>2029604how long have you been here? because a lot of nonas have been here long enough that its not funny anymore. her actions, her personality, her thoughts - its no longer just chuckling at a funny early 20s trainwreck, its watching someone be a terrible fucking person over and over again for years , so yeah, i get why some nonas get ragey when reminded she posts shit like
>>2028937 while at the same time thinking she’s owed the world. she has used her privileges to skirt by for a long time and its hilarious to watch someone like that finally start to see some consequences to their actions. so ya, the audience who has endured shayna is gonna revel in her downfall.
(ai shit outside of containment ) No. 2029943
File: 1724606267254.png (515.72 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_2497.png)

Is Traniel’s new punishment having to interact with her tweets? kek. Also… a small look into their “relationship” dynamics.
No. 2029962
File: 1724609274444.jpg (22.26 KB, 256x275, 1613410072348.jpg)

>>2029759>>2029635It seems like she's always been expressing herself in a weird way.
'The money from home or personal shoots is more profitable' sounds awkward. she says that she can't "do higher ed" because she thinks she's above the uber boring activity of "intaking info" lmao but if she took one community college English class that forced her to write a little bit she wouldn't be talking like this as much.
what you mean to say is that it's more lucrative to sell your
own crappy photo shoots to the coomers, Shay.
No. 2029974
File: 1724613031254.jpeg (579.03 KB, 1170x1523, 1660760055394.jpeg)

>>2029962what a liar she always said she wanted to do pro/mainstream porn. she even did a few real shoots when she was skinny. she did terribly and didn't get called back. but shes too good for it?
i know the tweet you posted is old but current shayna would literally kill ellen to get a pro shoot and immediately think shes gonna make it (she wont)
No. 2030048
>>2029943I'm sure it's just a LARP but imagine if this dude has actually had a cage around his dick for
oof even 1 month let alone 10!
Imagine the smegma
No. 2030302
File: 1724697799056.jpeg (307.76 KB, 1170x785, IMG_2538.jpeg)

ever heard of a zipper merge?
No. 2030311
File: 1724698956870.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1170x2136, IMG_2539.jpeg)

Another gross look into Shayna and the tranny’s relationship. Looks like Shayna is becoming the dom daddy no one ever wanted to be for her kek
No. 2030352
>>2030302That’s not a zipper merge
>>2030312Kek she can’t afford Uber anymore so she’s likely using her roommates (who ever it is. Likely the sissy).
>>2030344I fail to see how this proves she lives with Ellen ?
No. 2030380
>>2030302I hate it when farmers are dumber than Shayna. There's so many car crashes that happen this way. Also, i hope she's not driving under the influence but i don't think she's been sober for more than 2 hours since she was a teenager. Car crash saga when?
>>2030352>I fail to see how this proves she lives with Ellen ?I think the anon means that since Shayna brought over the paddles to spank the tranny with instead of them just being there, she's not living in the same house as him and therefore must be living with Ellen because she's one of the only other people that'd let Shaynus bunk with them (that the farms know of)
No. 2030644
>>2030302>sometimes I feel too Bostonshe’s…not from Boston…?
imagining Shayna with a Boston accent is horrifying though
No. 2030917
File: 1724772532011.png (144.04 KB, 310x301, holy fuq muffy.png)

>>2030870Photos of her flashing in the disney bathroom. Photos of her in front of the castle making a soyjack reddit face(like the cake sitting videos) in a cheap temu ruffle dress made out of polyester, with dirty shoes to match. Oversized sunglasses on the tip of her nose selfies with ears. Some nasty photo of her and the sissy in their dresses. Nail selfie holding some diabetes/calorie ridden snack. Tweets about child abuse fantasies as soon as she is in the hotel room. Frumpy selfies in her dirty tracksuit at the airport with a musty stuffed toy. I can it all vividly now. Vomitrocious bleaque stuff.
No. 2031040
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No. 2031129
File: 1724798395733.jpeg (57.88 KB, 600x600, IMG_7480.jpeg)

>>2031040Bitch you’re overweight, nobody is worried lol you will be just fine
No. 2031195
>>2029974You need to consider when
>>2029962 was said in Shayna’s timeline.
>>2029974 is a more recent sentiment and after her “career” took a nosedive.
No. 2031196
File: 1724804631313.jpg (Spoiler Image,455.85 KB, 1536x2048, Ugly.jpg)

>first nude in my new room [happy with hearts emoji, pink heart emoji]
No. 2031200
File: 1724805409172.jpeg (193.65 KB, 943x972, 1724025589797.jpeg)

>>2031196That doesnt even look like her! How can she lie like this when pictures like picrel are all over her account…
No. 2031238
File: 1724809737730.jpg (228.35 KB, 1080x1637, 6364.jpg)

Merely hours after her apology.
No. 2031269
>>2031247I was thinking about this. Does she really like him? Maybe he is just her flavor of degenerate and is okay with her fucking other guys and all this degen stuff… she calls him her boyfriend, like have they ever fucked? Or is he always in a cock cage letting his dick rot while she cucks him with her johns or "coworkers"?
Is she massively just using him? Is he expecting her to pay rent? If they were truly dating wouldnt they be sharing a room? Theres too many questions and not enough answers. It seems the milk cow is learning to not over share on the internet and use social media like a diary.
No. 2031327
File: 1724835103387.jpeg (200.26 KB, 750x1371, 1674282037165 (1).jpeg)

>>2031199>>2031176>>2031321Didn't she used to go to the hospital all the time from this shit too? Didn't it stop as soon as she got kicked out of her parents insurance? Kek. So much time and resources wasted on a pot smoker who doesn't give a shit! What a lazy retard.
No. 2031351
People who are "pure" opiate users alone, long term ones, will usually be pretty good in a hospital - they don't really want to be there, cos they know they aren't getting shit, and what they get won't really do it, and they aren't generally messy like drunks.
I'm sure I'm the US fent has probably fucked that on some ways.. The worst behaved shit they will really do, is scoot off with their IV port still attached, because they have blown out their veins and are happy to have a lil auto port.
Poly drug users, cos they are are messy and chaotic as fuck, and people like Shatna are much, much worse. The level of entitlement, and shit like selfies which hospital staff rightly hate.. Someone who has been on heroin ten years doesn't generally think they are hot shit and snap constantly, but for some reason that length of time and degradation has bounced off shayna like a fat beach ball.
This hospital trip might however, be her engineering her way back home in a No Fault scenario.
"im a sick lil sow n my loving parents had 2 rush me home this is the last thing I wanted 2 do"
No. 2031403
>>2031238Instead of the peanut butter foundation go buy some soap and shampoo ya nasty.
>>2031196Ugh, the walls are the same shade of pink I painted half of my room when i was like 13. Damn pedo panderer has to just coom up everyone's childhood. I don't understand how anyone could ever feel bad for fat shat, she's getting the exact life she deserves.
>>2031247Yep, Shayna is definitely sulking about, silently seething. She can't complain to Twitter like she used to because she knows there's a poop touching anon ready to blow her spot. Whoever she's rooming with has probably already told her they don't want to hear her same three complaints, again. Especially if she's living with a scrote, she's basically just their live in sex doll. Which, she
should be happy about because that's her ~kink~
cope harder you asexual sex worker No. 2031468
File: 1724861699191.jpeg (219.07 KB, 826x1559, IMG_2561.jpeg)

the ad shayna answered for her new place. kek.(autism goes in /shay/)
No. 2031635
>>2031575Fairly certain it's not the tran due to
>>2030311 inferring 'coming over'. She doesn't live there.
No. 2031670
File: 1724878478453.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1258, 1000008777.png)

>>2031196Her tit is just laying there like a bag of sand, it must feel rock hard.
No. 2031912
File: 1724919224750.png (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB, 1150x1106, Screen Shot 2024-08-28 at 11.3…)

>>2031832she posted this vid august 23 on only fans, this looks like maybe her new bathroom, including mr.peanut butter. also no recent pictures showing her vagina. lots of awkward angles and poses hiding it since she was with sarah
No. 2031942
>>2031912>>2031196gj shooping yourself a new face, there Shat.
I can't believe tries to make money off of nudes while being pudgy. she is all the motivation in the world to just go for a jog everyday or go to the gym. and she doesn't do it
No. 2031943
File: 1724932155620.jpg (Spoiler Image,425.63 KB, 1080x1700, Screenshot_20240829-074532__01…)

>>2030311The stuff this dude shares of her is humiliating.
not to mention how none of this sounds like something any normal woman who's not in dire financial straits would resort to.
(spoiler your shit) No. 2031961
File: 1724934494039.png (866.38 KB, 1156x877, autism.png)

>>2031912>>2031921>>2031943Does this look like the same door handle to you guys?
No. 2031968
File: 1724935773266.jpeg (Spoiler Image,284.53 KB, 2048x1160, rg68gvluf3rmwhjelpthxbcq2hn1.j…)

Was thinking how she said she did more shoots with lovinglyhandmade Winnie the pooh but never saw anything of them.
Checked his website and there are 2 clips she's never mentioned or advertised, I can see why kek
No. 2031997
>>2031040i wouldn't be surprised if she missed fetcon bc of a CHS episode. she's ALWAYS having a "hard time", but bc she never learned responsibility and had a real job she just shuts down. i cannot believe she's 27 and still thinks like this.
>>2031176>i think it will be a long, slow, agonizing ride down to rock bottom for Shayna with lots of milky twists and turns.her missing fetcon and it being entirely her fault is just the start, i'm unsure if sarah or that old dude will wanna work with her again. hell even the niche bizarre fetish community wants nothing to do with her. she'll really struggle to find work with her reputation and while every anon in the shay thread has said this before, i don't think it'll be long before she quits, i give it 2 years at most.
No. 2032046
File: 1724951055273.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1242x1794, 35F084C8-B278-42AA-9A44-9416C1…)

Isn’t this the skid mark lady kek
No. 2032074
File: 1724954774617.jpeg (888.01 KB, 1170x1652, IMG_6584.jpeg)

>>2032046I think this lady is trying to go for internet fame of some kind to push her self published book KEK .
>>2019580 This was posted in the last thread where she went semi-viral on TikTok talking about some degen stories on an unknown podcast.
No. 2032196
File: 1724963218928.jpeg (Spoiler Image,98.65 KB, 515x417, IMG_7529.jpeg)

>>2031968Looks like someone ran her through one of those aging filters yeeesh
No. 2032220
File: 1726038347390.png (Spoiler Image,205.65 KB, 767x563, kek.png)

Now you can buy an horrifying replica of shayna's pussy
No. 2032225
File: 1726038598393.png (489.31 KB, 748x503, shayna disneyland.png)

>>2032220she also went to disneyland with tranniel.
No. 2032229
File: 1726038737008.png (Spoiler Image,6.08 MB, 1536x2048, tipples.png)

>>2032225Exposing her nipples in a place full of children.
No. 2032230
File: 1726038962996.jpg (102.83 KB, 1272x614, huh.JPG)

They making pocket pussies out of anything on that website Shayna used
No. 2032246
File: 1726041146564.jpg (1.51 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20240903_202242_X.j…)

Don't be shay Nona, post the best fit
No. 2032253
File: 1726042020460.jpeg (897.68 KB, 1170x1022, IMG_2168.jpeg)

Your unedited eyes are beady black rodent turds, Shayna
No. 2032254
File: 1726042084316.jpeg (166.3 KB, 1170x370, IMG_2169.jpeg)

Yeah okay
No. 2032258
File: 1726042925776.jpg (295.61 KB, 942x1353, Screenshot_20240911_102007_Sam…)

>>2032229The warped bricks behind her kek
No. 2032262
>>2032246This is exactly what I've thought she would wear. Degenerate DDLG shit. A tube top with no bra showing off her deformed nipples and shorts. Cottage cheese on full display. And the children's backpack…yikes. Also, kek at the doughnut headband. Fitting
>>2032255Looks like a wig maybe.
No. 2032267
>>2032260imo it's very different to see your mother's boobs early in life (who remembers breastfeeding unless your mom was doing it for way longer than recommended anyways?) when you're a very small child and don't understand the concept of giving your mom privacy in the bathroom/shower yet and a stranger parading around with her tranny "boyfriend" at a place for children wearing booty shorts
>>2032246 and a my little pony shirt where she is purposely having her nipples poke through
>>2032258 for the sake of sex appeal. this is also a woman who has posted text/video where she fantasizes in detail about being a child or baby who gets molested/raped. a child seeing breasts in general isn't what's wrong, it's having to witness shayna being creepy in public.
No. 2032271
>>2032253She wants her brown eyes to be speshul so fucking bad kek it’s too bad she doesn’t have a good eye shape
or use any eye cream or drink water because big brown eyes can be so pretty and then she’d maybe have a redeeming feature
No. 2032285
File: 1726047561066.png (Spoiler Image,485.48 KB, 1163x596, hog-pov.png)

While LC was down she released another b/g video with a black guy. I guess she really is going to embrace the BBW x black man genre. No. 2032306
File: 1726053188037.jpeg (276.31 KB, 1170x1354, IMG_5136.jpeg)

Saged for non milk
No. 2032319
File: 1726054850846.gif (189.88 KB, 757x177, picasion.com_jdiW.gif)

The hog's earning report for August.
Item sales - $2.39
Video sales - $359.98
Tips - $0 bleak
Subs - $651
Total - $1013.37
Daily Income - $32.70
Calculations for video sales include the 40% percent cut taken by MV and subs include the 20% cut taken by MV.
Estimated OF sub numbers including the 20% taken by OF
100 subs = $400
150 subs = $600
200 subs = $800
With 200 OF subs her total income would be $1813.37
With 100 OF subs her total income would be $1413.37
No. 2032332
>>2032273Notice how we only expect women to subject themselves to the discomfort of wearing a boob cage. Bras are awful especially if the weather isn't freezing cold and they are tight enough to provide lift.
You should get over your misogyny and fear of nipples anon.
No. 2032335
>>2032285she actually looks like she's enjoying herself with the black guy. Maybe this is her latest thing.
The twerking at the end is so cringe and hilarious.
No. 2032357
>>2032274tf are you on about, getting the munchies from being high definitely is a thing lol.
t. former stoner
No. 2032368
>>2032260Yeah, I'm not sure if they're in the Florida or California didney park, but both states have tons of women who walk around braless all the times. Most kids wouldn't even register her floppy ass moobs because they're too busy looking for the princesses or Micky mouse.
>>2032364Munchies usually go away for most stoners but shayna is a fatass, she's always going to be hungry regardless. She's done this "oh I'm losing weight from not smoking weed and getting the munchies" song and dance many times. And she always slips up and reveals she didn't quit at all. She most likely just lost a few pounds from not constantly sitting on her ass and stuffing her face on her Disney land trip with the tranny.
No. 2032390
File: 1726065618540.jpeg (372.35 KB, 1290x916, IMG_9422.jpeg)

They are such sick fucks
No. 2032484
File: 1726075437956.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1170x1368, IMG_1570.jpeg)

No. 2032530
File: 1726082484110.webp (828.63 KB, 2316x3088, LISTING3_b16670b2-4d29-4d53-b5…)

>>2032529She also used an image with the too small skirt that she's bursting out of.
No. 2032535
>>2032533What? Unless this video
>>2032285 is old, you can see her vagina on full display.
No. 2032548
File: 1726084154919.jpeg (701.33 KB, 1242x1296, IMG_7244.jpeg)

>>2032258Her backpack cutting into her armfat looks so painful…
No. 2032559
File: 1726086637039.png (Spoiler Image,220.08 KB, 785x344, moid-tattoo.png)

>>2032535It looks like it was filmed with the same black moid that she filmed with in Las Vegas. If that's the case then video would have been made long before she had her vagina spanked.
No. 2032668
File: 1726097900764.jpg (Spoiler Image,483.67 KB, 1704x2048, 20240912_003559.jpg)

The less face filtered version.
No. 2032706
File: 1726101635393.jpg (623.26 KB, 2880x2255, Hair1.jpg)

She genuinely thinks this troon looking wig looks good. Despite this, even her scrotes think she looks better with dark hair.
No. 2032707
File: 1726101685834.jpg (110.6 KB, 1080x472, Hair2.jpg)

>>2032706She deleted it before I got a proper screenshot. She's considering dying it.
No. 2032831
File: 1726122690696.jpg (253.97 KB, 1242x1860, 1000006384.jpg)

>>2032668 her sheets are so fucking disgusting already, I cannot believe how grimy she is, she JUST moved in!!
No. 2032869
>>2032668Black makes her look harsh and haggard. She looked the same in the skinny version of this look.
Only looks good in the filtered version bc as the moid says. Looks like a different person. They really are thick believing a change of hair does that
No. 2032896
File: 1726139394799.png (3.59 MB, 1768x2048, IMG_1143.png)

Jet black hair would probably look too harsh on Shay. I feel like it would draw attention to circles under her eyes. If she wants to go darker, she should try something as stark or so saturated. Deep maroon might work, just with a different hairstyle.
No. 2032899
File: 1726140007947.png (1.56 MB, 1440x1704, 1000046180.png)

During the downtime she was back to whoring with the boat scrote.
No. 2032901
File: 1726140179386.png (1.98 MB, 1440x1861, 1000046179.png)

No. 2032903
File: 1726140267626.png (1.99 MB, 1440x2827, 1000046178.png)

No. 2032905
File: 1726140922390.png (103.91 KB, 358x336, bad-edit.png)

>>2032901She must have edited these when she was drunk.
No. 2032934
>>2032928She has lost a bit of weight but also has been ramping up the editing per the warping in her arm here
>>2032668and warped bricks here
>>2032258 No. 2032996
>>2032920I think she meant that the balcony was surrounded by solid walls and not an iron fencing like a lot of them do. And it was. She filmed and took lots of sun bathing photos out there. It was basically an enclosed space.
You can literally buy stuff to enclose your balcony for privacy or safety tho.
>>2032928It’s both. Fatty doesn’t have a scale so she can only judge her weight loss by how her clothes fit.
No. 2033089
File: 1726170623192.jpg (96.51 KB, 1080x505, We.jpg)

>>2032258No anon, it's all from "weight loss"!
No. 2033092
File: 1726170914948.jpg (159.79 KB, 1242x1242, trashy.jpg)

The site being down missed out on her wearing her traditional airport attire when flying back to Seattle.
No. 2033152
File: 1726177481395.png (Spoiler Image,4.82 MB, 2732x2048, IMG_1148.png)

Her frog ass is so bumpy. Like the back end of a Venusaur.
No. 2033187
File: 1726184768591.jpeg (95.2 KB, 1170x323, IMG_5163.jpeg)

Deleted, was napping so I didn’t get the full tweet
No. 2033190
>>2032436I agree that the sick fuck is disgusting for wearing a cage and going through TSA… def got off on the fact that someone had to pat him down. But the TSA agent was not “raped“ as you say lmao. Calling things like this rape waters down actual instances of rape and makes it seem that much less serious.
That TSA agent pats down and grazes peoples genitals with their hands for a living, so I‘m sure they are psychologically okay. They probably laughed about it with their coworkers after, I know I‘d be laughing about the freak who came through with a dick cage kek.
No. 2033244
File: 1726190471245.jpeg (184.92 KB, 1170x313, IMG_1587.jpeg)

She’s just so mad she’s not “uwu smoll” like she tries to make herself seem
No. 2033265
>>2033244Shayna, you've written hundreds of tweets talking about how smol and tiny you are (not). You're the one who tries to make being petite into a personality trait despite being built like a double fridge.
I wonder what short girl she saw that made her seethe like this.
No. 2033332
File: 1726206150841.mp4 (1.21 MB, 480x852, Mouth breather .mp4)

More axe throwing.
No. 2033379
File: 1726226055459.jpeg (338.47 KB, 1633x1599, IMG_4478.jpeg)

>>2033332Rare Shay-squach sighting
No. 2033517
File: 1726250986988.jpeg (Spoiler Image,631.99 KB, 1170x1403, IMG_5170.jpeg)

Friday the 13th cosplay
No. 2033519
File: 1726251347608.png (Spoiler Image,3.44 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5171.png)

>>2033517She deleted and reposted with two more images
No. 2033535
>>2033332>>2033333I haven't posted about it but I and probably the other anons just didn't believe it until we got video evidence because she edits her photos so much. I think she might keep the weight off if she stops smoking weed, but she never has been able to.
>>2033517These are old reposts by her. I feel like she isn't making as much content right now and is just slacking off? You'd think she would more now that she lost some weight. How is she making money?
No. 2033570
>>2033563Tbh its been clear for a while her parents were helping her financially. Especially whenever she gets sent over 1k. Her coomers are bottom barrel broke losers who probably don't even make that in 2 weeks, and her johns know she isn't worth much more than $200 and an Applebee's date. There's no way her parents would invite her to Ireland and take care of her post boob job but leave her to dry when the first of the month rolls around. Shayna does sex work for fun and attention, it was never about money for her because at her peak (that she probably overinflated) she made 55k a year.
Other whores who have been at it as long as she has at least have something to show for it outside of an abused body and that soulless 1000 mile stare. I think once her dad went to her place in Seattle and saw she had no bed, her parents realized she was not only throwing away her future to be a e-whore, she was throwing away her future to be a broke e-whore and have been silently bailing her out ever since.
No. 2033582
File: 1726263486870.jpg (82.09 KB, 982x574, Dumb.jpg)

I think this would apply to anybody who isn't an online prostitute.
No. 2033588
File: 1726264016553.jpg (238.64 KB, 1080x713, R.jpg)

>>2033396I went back to see that she painted the new room on July 26, which is the first time we saw her there. So this would mean she somehow lost a significant amount of weight, due to allegedly cutting out weed, within a month and a half. Reminder this is someone that has no history of consistently working out, regulating alcohol or eating proper meals over the span of almost a decade.
No. 2033590
>>2033588It wasnt significant though. Its only about 10lbs, MAYBE 15 with water weight. Thats not unheard of in a month and a half. Being around others is probably keeping her from overeating and drinking incessantly.
Disclaimer: she is not cute. She does not look good. She isn't doing better. She is still bleaque.
>>2033582"dating" lol what an absolutely worthless "sugar baby bimbo"
No. 2033670
>>2033535shes quit weed like 5 times within the last year and a half and hasnt stuck to it, i see her relapsing within the next few months
>>2033588i quit weed and lost ten pounds cuz of the withdrawals, within 4 months i gained 20 back because you start getting an appetite back like crazy and start eating to fill the oral fixationt. former stoner
No. 2033726
File: 1726290580207.jpeg (1001.9 KB, 1536x2048, 5E3CA520-EBD6-4081-9A0E-B10A64…)

She’s becoming a regular sportsman!
No. 2033737
File: 1726297059264.mp4 (6.13 MB, 480x852, Gun.mp4)

>>2033726>the way my boobs jiggled every time i shot is so funny [crying emoji]The video. Only thing jiggling is her bingo arms.
No. 2033792
>>2033737Fr her arm is as big if not bigger than her boob and jiggles more than it
>uwu i lost such a significant amount of weight Bitch where
No. 2033853
>>2033737Her autistic stance is so awkward. I know she wants to be a sexy bimbo baby or whatever but a bra and a low cut top that covers her gut with that cargo skirt would have looked way better.
>>2033809Axe throwing isn't particularly hard even for a drunk retard. She doesn't have the discipline to actually get good at a sport. She doesn't even have the discipline to consistently take pictures of her rancid holes for money.
No. 2033866
>>2033843When you don't want to be seen by anyone you know with the local prostitute it makes perfect sense to take her on a boat/out to shoot. Also shayna isn't attractive enough to go viral for something gross like that hawk the girl or even be a right wing grifter. Her lane is what she's in. Being a prostitute for older married men and traveling to do identical shoots.
Shayna does not want to look like the cool girl who likes to shoot guns and throw shit, she wants to be the hot Barbie bimbo teenage girlfriend. She's not giving that up she hasn't all these years.
No. 2033890
File: 1726334497673.webm (342.66 KB, 242x428, 1726297059264.webm)

>>2033737She is going to be paying out in a few years to have her tits fixed again. This is not normal.
No. 2033944
>>2033737The one titty giggle.
Her wrist just flinging that gun and pointing it haphazardly as she poses with it. Kek she’s gonna shoot her foot or someone else.
No. 2033963
>>2033954Oh god, someone caught me, kek. Didn't delete fast enough. Yeah, I was retarded and had too many tabs open and got confused.
Anyway, whoever invited Shay to go shooting is really irresponsible and should be ashamed of themselves, if not terrified for their lives. Seeing her with a gun freaks me out.
No. 2033965
>>2033737watching her check herself out and pose while having the finger on the
trigger of a loaded gun made me so nervous
No. 2033975
>>2033737suprised she didn't shoot her foot off here this made me so nervous. fuck what that other anon said her
trigger discipline sucks and i'm not a man for saying it.
No. 2034006
>>2033992more likely that she’ll accidentally shoot herself or someone else, just based on how she’s waving around a loaded gun and keeping her finger on the
trigger. Shayna “will do anything for a photo” Clifford.
No. 2034008
File: 1726357130720.jpg (158.51 KB, 1080x552, Boil.jpg)

A great meal for weight loss.
No. 2034523
File: 1726451553853.jpg (187.5 KB, 1080x1347, Screenshot_2024-09-16-02-49-10…)

These weird bitches constantly going to the same aquarium and having seafood boil after in the same restaurant is always hilarious to me.
No. 2034532
File: 1726453646230.jpg (683.9 KB, 1080x1780, V.jpg)

Back to Vegas.
No. 2034641
>>2034553Yeah those pants do seem a little loose. But then in
>>2033737 she doesn’t seem that much smaller, plus she has those fat girl bowed legs
No. 2034648
File: 1726485767674.jpeg (774.16 KB, 1170x1273, IMG_1625.jpeg)

She is still so mad no one will let her in their retweet groups. Also, hilarious coming from Shay who would have people pay her to reshare their content on Tumblr
No. 2034670
>>2034648i will never understand why she does these PSA type posts when she's literally bottom of the barrel kek
like who will take advice from someone chronically unsuccessful?
No. 2034965
>>2034663we get it, you’re vegan
>>2034532i’ll believe she’s slimmed down this much when we get a candid video of her irl
and i’m so mad she deprived us of the fetcon milk No. 2035244
File: 1726598572744.jpg (214.77 KB, 1080x1128, 74.jpg)

I'm surprised she hasn't caught anything from the past moids she's had sex with. She's had a good roster of winners, kek.
No. 2035254
File: 1726599616544.jpeg (302.8 KB, 1290x1786, IMG_9792.jpeg)

>>2035244If this is the company shes using to get her "same day tests" i really doubt she's paying this type of money to get tested… All other tests are $25-$50 and they only cover testing for 1-3 things and its not the hard hitters listed here
No. 2035269
>>2035268no one said she's skinny. when you're as big as shayna you can lose a few pounds and still be an absolute unit kek
it's funny that only her face sag shows she lost a pound or two; her body is as rotund as usual
No. 2035280
>>2035268I said she looks aged, not skinny, you seething bpd little retard. Not everything is black and white kek. I think the milkiest part about Shayna losing weight is how bad it
triggers farmers. Must be some real anachans and turbo fatty bikini baristas in here.
(bait) No. 2035318
>>2035280Do you need a hug, nona? Goodness.
Her face looks fucked up in general, worse with weight loss, and then add her drunken editing on top. Does she even know what she really looks like anymore?
No. 2035346
>>2035322I'd imagine that the amount of john's looking for a paid date with someone that looks and acts like a 40 year old mentally disabled adult is extremely small. She can't pull off being a bimbo baby teen in her online content with filters and editing, so she sure as hell isn't pulling it off IRL.
>>2035323I think she maybe lost 5-10 pounds and the rest is editing. There's no point fighting over it because it's not going to save her sex work career.
No. 2035359
>>2034673sometimes it really seems like she’s holding out so she can have her “pretty woman” moment. a super rich john comes along and decides he wants to “save” her from her whore life because she’s just so
not like other girls. and he pays for everything and she leaves prostitution happily ever after.
No. 2035385
File: 1726619616302.png (81.22 KB, 555x857, eugh.png)

found this on google search result when i was trying to find the /shay/ thread. kinda weird. do i need to put this in /shay/?
No. 2035633
File: 1726664418500.gif (8.9 MB, 942x567, 1667712544394.gif)

>>2035584KEK thank you for reminding me of this iconique gif.
No. 2035665
File: 1726672924092.png (323.22 KB, 678x343, fattyfat.png)

The main difference between these two images is that at Disney world she attempted to wear clothes that weren't too small and in the gif, she's wearing clothes that stopped fitting her three dress sizes ago. Her arms look the same size.
No. 2035747
File: 1726687571010.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.88 MB, 1170x1992, IMG_1659.jpeg)

No. 2035787
>>2035747i can't believe this is actually shayna i'm looking at. i also don't want to believe she filmed porn on or around her disney trip. never have sympathy for a traniel, but damn, imagine getting ditched on a vacation you paid for because "gf" had to go do porn.
b l e a k for everyone involved
No. 2035807
>>2035792Because it is the exclusive Club 33 cap.
Supposedly is a club for extremely rich people.
No. 2035841
>>2035824kekkk my thoughts exactly
>>2035747her bangs make her look like she's doing a coconut head cosplay from ned's declassified school survival guide
No. 2035847
File: 1726699053162.jpg (630.89 KB, 1064x1641, SmartSelect_20240919_003704_Fi…)

Unfortunate in the face department
No. 2035876
File: 1726701570609.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.99 MB, 1333x2000, IMG_7684.jpeg)

Reposting, forgot to spoiler, my bad!
No. 2035909
File: 1726704233249.png (225.76 KB, 451x286, gunt_shop.png)

>>2035876They edited out her gunt. Photoshop reveals all once again.
No. 2035938
File: 1726709128477.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.25 MB, 1179x2015, IMG_1144.jpeg)

Sped look after sped look
No. 2035945
>>2035747>>2035876Unintentionally hilarious font choice.
Doup is much more fitting anyways kek
No. 2035957
>>2035876The way she’s looking into the camera here with Doup in the corner is making me imagine her doing the Disney channel commercial break draw-the-logo thing
>“you’re watch doup channel”and then I look back at her face and it’s like Yeah that’s about what I would expect from Doup channel
No. 2036018
>>2035922as with much of her other choices, she was directed to do this embarrassing photo shoot in the cheapest, most poorly fitting vintage costume at the behest of a scrote.
>>2035894her face and those tiny lips are ugly. The fact that she wound up in this situation where she's taking photos to post online is really just tragic.
No. 2036062
File: 1726744854438.jpg (66.5 KB, 350x380, 0285-gummi-bears-2-500x0_edit_…)

She kinda looks like the middle age woman gummy bear in that standing pic.
Maybe. I'm trying to think what weird cartoon matriarch she's resembling. It'll come to me later. For now this works.
No. 2036159
File: 1726767587652.jpg (375.68 KB, 1440x1080, Red_room.jpg)

All I could see
No. 2036171
File: 1726769521988.jpg (Spoiler Image,519.12 KB, 2000x1333, Wtf.jpg)

Her hair is camouflaging into the rug. She needs to stop doing that face in every picture.
No. 2036175
File: 1726770050627.jpg (154.26 KB, 816x477, jacobblack.jpg)

>>2036173absolute kek, video game fur. you're not wrong nona
No. 2036176
File: 1726770051691.png (834.38 KB, 589x762, fake-hair.png)

>>2036173The editing in this is really bad.
No. 2036177
File: 1726770056495.jpeg (317.51 KB, 812x560, IMG_9128.jpeg)

>>2036173Her hair has its own hairline I’m gonna lose it.
No. 2036187
File: 1726771599434.jpg (893.64 KB, 1043x1559, Screenshot_20240919_204546_Sam…)

The photographer has no reason being THIS lazy
No. 2036199
File: 1726772278661.jpg (523.83 KB, 1036x1288, SmartSelect_20240919_205534_In…)

This must have been posted before but I can't stop laughing. Square indeed
No. 2036287
>>2036273If she wants to do the traditional lace lingerie look, she needs to buy her own. This outfit would look much better with black stockings. She look awful in the shiny scrote pictures because apart from being ugly and fat, what she was wearing was totally mismatched.
>>2036285>shayna looks her best while thinking of foodNoted.
No. 2036370
File: 1726808365475.jpeg (215 KB, 1178x1728, GX4m7W2aAAAbDwH.jpeg)

Donny/Doup. She looks oblong in these clothes. Is it better than the gunt belts?
No. 2036371
File: 1726808413599.jpeg (Spoiler Image,257.8 KB, 1598x2048, GXyFi4cbsAAPJP_.jpeg)

Fatcon 2023 vibes
No. 2036389
File: 1726813387393.jpeg (612.4 KB, 750x945, IMG_2074.jpeg)

>>2035747why does she look like Jeff Dunham here
No. 2036400
>>2036375looks like it. was wondering why her neck was blurred in
>>2036202accident or some weird throat cutting custom?
No. 2036427
File: 1726826421791.png (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 1182x1266, Screen Shot 2024-09-20 at 7.59…)

She's so matronly
No. 2036472
File: 1726835431687.jpg (1.2 MB, 1440x2030, 1000046377.jpg)

>>2036389More like David Lee Roth with the stupid facial expressions. I hope Doup sticks around as new Shay lexicon. You nonnas are killin me with this shit.
No. 2036512
>>2036259Yeah i know she's not even 30 yet but its just ridiculous how much she looks like a 42 year old.
>>2036265I bet the photog scrote didn't even bother to wash them. Shaynasty probably stretched everything out too.
No. 2036617
File: 1726857052808.jpg (813.46 KB, 1064x1748, SmartSelect_20240919_205156_X.…)

>>2036547This is who it's for, deranged troons
No. 2036643
File: 1726862854621.jpeg (982.76 KB, 1170x1631, IMG_6711.jpeg)

KEK this guy put her in the most matronly grandma outfits. Grandma Doup Edition
No. 2036664
>>2036643I love vintage fashion
I used to be really interested in burlesque, cabaret, and pin-up before I met other people in that scene and these outfits are atrocious. Vintage fashion like this also looks like shit when your hair isn't styled at all. Just… nothing matches. It's astounding how cheap it looks.
(blogging) No. 2036685
File: 1726868067504.jpg (419.83 KB, 1638x2048, 1.jpg)

No. 2036686
File: 1726868175467.jpg (123.18 KB, 1080x515, 7.jpg)

Who is willingly going on a date with Miss Doup?
No. 2036722
>>2035929ayrt i didn't realise she went to the aquarium first so i retract my statement, the idea of her salivating and pork-sweating walking around sea-life is kek-worthy
>>2035938her eyes are going in two different directions. the scrote taking the photo is squeezing her like a retard on the class hamster
No. 2036736
File: 1726877168939.png (48.97 KB, 205x222, Screenshot 2024-09-20 200142.p…)

>>2036685i dont understand her posting rope cuts around her neck and then airbrushing her knee
No. 2036738
>>2036722they’ve gone to the aquarium several times—it seems to be the only thing she and ellen do together—and they eat a seafood boil afterward every single time. it’s so bizarre and
fat and
bleak No. 2036786
>>2036685Her tit job came out so bad. It never helps that she is constantly flattening them out by stuffing them into too small clothing. I don’t know how else to describe it but the shirt she wore to Disney just made her tits
themselves look as if they were retarded.
No. 2036792
File: 1726887462600.jpg (250.81 KB, 1036x1200, 77.jpg)

New Shayna Scrote unlocked. [1/2]
No. 2036794
File: 1726887785648.mp4 (Spoiler Image,1.72 MB, 852x480, Retard Porn.mp4)

>>2036792Shayna making the most autistic noises while fucking this gay looking moid. [2/2]
No. 2036818
File: 1726892609971.jpg (134.53 KB, 720x803, Screenshot_20240921_001530_Chr…)

Am I just high or did doup edit shayna's little spike tooth?
No. 2036849
>>2036792>>2036794just two fatties having awkward sex with their shirts on. so "cute" shay!
>>2036839it's so weird how far away the camera is the entire time (honestly kind of grateful tho). They really just set up a tripod and went at it without checking. Wonder if this scrote actually managed to stay hard with her throughout unlike the others did. kek
No. 2036917
>>2036794why is it shot like this? I thought this was two gay men ass fucking based on the angle.
idk how she doesn’t just take the huge hints being dropped whenever she does collabs.
No. 2036921
File: 1726930657170.png (4.42 MB, 1440x3120, 1000046419.png)

I'm not going to link to his Xitter because it's not all Shay related and there are other women involved. But the shoot he posted five days ago is funny if you want to see him exaggeratedly clench his jaw and make retarded fuck faces with his horsey teeth. I'll just leave you with a casual pic of this cock-eyed scrote so you can imagine instead.
No. 2036929
>>2036794I was not expecting him to be this fat and dumpy looking. he looks like he stinks as well, they're perfect for each other. how long before she gets obsessed with him like all the other werido moids she's done porn with?
>>2036911KEK nona, perfect
No. 2036951
File: 1726935370621.jpg (138.37 KB, 1024x768, 4cc005eb6b49b49d07ecac9b0d6a6b…)

>>2036921He looks like a Sim from The Sims 2.
No. 2037022
File: 1726951485359.png (2.44 MB, 1000x1497, IMG_1271.png)

Were there any other pics from the doup+ shoot? Also, next thread pic
No. 2037030
File: 1726953759884.jpg (366.6 KB, 1333x2000, 64.jpg)

I swear the point of this whole shoot was to make her look homely.
No. 2037044
>>2037030it's a whole genre
for every 10 moids that want to "corrupt a hot young innocent girl," there are 2 moids that want to "corrupt a frigid, man-hating doudy prude"
No. 2037121
>>2037030They’ve airbrushed her face to hell and back yet somehow managed to
accentuate her eye bags.
No. 2037308
File: 1727028111628.png (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1079x1596, 1000009519.png)

Might as well have posted this to her diaper account.
No. 2037365
>>2037308As an MAfag, she's literally from Marlborough,
not Boston, and I won't be backing down from this KEK
No. 2037396
File: 1727044026140.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1151x1055, IMG_6762.jpeg)

>>2037030One time she joked about having ehlers-danlos syndrome (related to her flexibility) but her knees and leg posture do look messed up
No. 2037403
File: 1727045597442.png (154.03 KB, 406x406, chin.png)

>>2037308The editing on her chin is completely out of alignment with the rest of her face. She looks deformed.
No. 2037467
File: 1727053537819.jpg (234.58 KB, 731x1078, mrsdoupfire.jpg)

>>2037022thank you for the inspiration nonna, I hope you don't mind. kek
No. 2037480
File: 1727055516675.jpeg (406.41 KB, 1333x2000, IMG_1702.jpeg)

No. 2037492
File: 1727057883687.png (2.55 MB, 1333x2000, doupble_chiiiiiiiiin.png)

She's developing a turkey neck and she isn't even 30.
>>2037484All the images are under exposed. The photographer probably isn't calibrating his monitor.
No. 2037636
>>2037499>>2037492I'm pretty sure the photographer smoothed out a neckline/chin so it all blends together. He has the weirdest preferences with editing as
>>2037612 pointed out.
No. 2037809
File: 1727127350318.jpeg (669.98 KB, 1170x1941, IMG_2905.jpeg)

Did I miss something? Since when does Shayna have merch?
No. 2038062
File: 1727189574426.jpeg (847.81 KB, 1170x1484, IMG_1714.jpeg)

No. 2038166
File: 1727210204473.jpg (488.54 KB, 1080x1389, 74.jpg)

She probably is happy to not have a place in some way or another because now she can waste money on all of the non-essentials instead of paying rent.
No. 2038192
File: 1727215937705.jpg (142.97 KB, 1241x1659, 64.jpg)

New cursed nails.
No. 2038217
>>2038192It's really amazing how every part of her is unattractive. Not going to list off every other flaw of hers because they've been described at length a thousand times, but it really is incredible how even her feet are ugly. Most people with weird bodies and inbred faces probably at least have normal feet, but she just had to have creepy long finger-toes on top of everything else wrong with her.
Did she piss off a goddess of beauty in her past life or something? How is it that she has no redeeming traits at all?
No. 2038219
File: 1727220805001.png (93.28 KB, 300x400, Portrait.popeye.png)

>>2038062Popeye lookin-ass
No. 2038438
File: 1727278022995.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.58 MB, 1333x2000, IMG_7701.jpeg)

It’s like they’re trying to make her look as unsexy as possible
No. 2038440
File: 1727278805402.jpg (Spoiler Image,254.59 KB, 1088x1632, ⸘‽.JPG)

>>2038438+ matronly and repulsive.
No. 2038473
File: 1727283568838.png (329.42 KB, 424x341, 2024-09-25 12_59_01-Window.png)

>>2038438wtf is happening with her face, i'm weak
No. 2038528
File: 1727290264687.jpeg (Spoiler Image,722.62 KB, 1170x1223, IMG_2937.jpeg)

>>2038440uhhhhhhh what the FUCK is that nonas?!
No. 2038581
File: 1727300040348.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.76 MB, 3464x3464, 1000012487.jpg)

> she's clearly lost weight
Sure Jan, only in photos she takes of herself
No. 2038588
File: 1727301290028.jpg (Spoiler Image,502.87 KB, 1079x1402, 1000012491.jpg)

It's a sex toy pointed straight out of her vag, looks hilarious
No. 2038599
File: 1727302861284.jpg (1.42 MB, 1333x2000, 20240925_231906.jpg)

"Please sir, can I have some more?"
Did they completely edit out her teeth? Kek. I'm sure something should be visible here.
No. 2038619
File: 1727305614392.png (85.92 KB, 217x342, image_2024-09-25_190549067.png)

>>2038599is it bad makeup or bad editing?
No. 2038644
File: 1727310026964.jpg (Spoiler Image,477.41 KB, 1088x1632, “Ideal pinup”.JPG)

A few more from the Modus Vitae Media photoshoot.
> Dolly Mattel (@thelRLbarbie ) makes such an ideal pinup [Smiling Face With Heart-Shaped Eyes emoji]>>2038630> this has got to be some kind of joke/humiliation photoshoot […] I can’t think of another explanation for this.I don’t know, Nona. Sometimes people are just overconfident in their abilities when they are, at best, below mediocre. Kinda like Shayna thinks she excels at everything she does.
No. 2038647
File: 1727310191687.jpg (Spoiler Image,238.33 KB, 1089x726, Liquify Tool Abuse.JPG)

>>2038644Dolly Mattel (@theIRLbarbie) has been waiting for you to get home #pinup #pinupgirl
No. 2038657
File: 1727311025698.jpg (Spoiler Image,400.43 KB, 1088x1632, NEW JERSEY.JPG)

>>2038653> "Tony! What did you do?!?!* For a Boston girl @theIRLbarbie has a touch of New Jersey mob wife in her[1/2]
No. 2038664
File: 1727311696486.png (1022.07 KB, 1475x960, Carmela Soprano.jpeg.png)

>>2038657Shayna’s response.
No. 2038682
>>2038657I get they were going for a vintage or pinup look but all of these look more like walking in on grandma changing in 1955 than Dita Von Tease. I thought black lingerie would be a better choice but this shit
>>2038644 proved me wrong. There’s ways full briefs can look sexy but this certainly isn’t it and especially not combined with the matronly bra.
No. 2038773
File: 1727333163824.png (282.4 KB, 750x340, doupy.png)

>>2038473What most likely happened here is that Shayna was doing her sour face as usual, so afterwards the guy decided to warp her mouth corners in photoshop to give her a smile. That's also why it looks uncanny as fuck
No. 2038834
File: 1727353359757.jpeg (108.82 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_8442.jpeg)

She has the same dumb goofy bang as Ma kek
No. 2038884
File: 1727360872787.jpg (450.7 KB, 2048x1536, 78.jpg)

She's always effortlessly the ugliest in the room. Repost because forgot to sage.
No. 2038898
>>2038884Peep the pedobait on the left
(Dropped sage mb)
No. 2038923
File: 1727368039299.jpg (486.25 KB, 720x1224, Screenshot_20240926_172257_Sam…)

>>2038884???? Oh my god ???? This is so creepy
No. 2038956
>>2038921She tried and failed to emulate Carmela Soprano
>>2038664 She's even wearing the gold cross necklace that Carmela wore too kek
No. 2038969
>>2038898>>2038923>>2038938Braces is the same girl from a previous thread twerking in a diaper in a gif that says "I will not pee my pants in class"
I'd post it again but I don't wanna sift through like 50 threads to find it
No. 2039029
File: 1727386779754.jpg (Spoiler Image,144.39 KB, 755x597, SmartSelect_20240926_233459_Fi…)

We not gonna mention the pad panties? Hoky fuck this is bad kekek