File: 1566460608351.jpg (210.26 KB, 1080x1141, 1565078565775.jpg)

No. 856484
Summary of Shayna:
>pathetic twitter panhandling>extremely delusional about her appearance, the uglier she gets, the cockier she gets>gaining weight to impress her fupa daddy even though he dumped her and has moved on almost fully, made her move out of their house after living together for only about 4 months or so>lazy, doesn't work at all, praises herself for camming once every 2 months maximum>physically covered in grime at all times, has a phobia of bathing, cheap apartmemnt is empty besides dirty matted pink shit>physically injures/almost kills herself by lighting fireworks in her asshole, shoving large dildos in while being dry as fuck>scams everyone, lies constantly >doesn't take care of her dog and cat, ubers to dog parks because she refuses to exercise her body in any way possibleThe fresh milk:
>publicly exposes her pussy and tits in a dog park in broad daylight, thinks it's cool>exposed on twitter for admitting to camming underage despite her lying on her account accusing everyone of making it up, some sex workers she was previously friendly with see it and announce that they are unfollowing her>posts a bizarre, horror film-esque video of her amazon fuck machine turned on and just.. pumping away in the air, acts like it counts as a ~sexy promo~>rapid weight gain, chin has begun to look like phoebe tickners>tries to enter fashion contest, is wearing nothing but some tacky boots and a pink furry jacket in the photos, finishes 35th and is shocked and angry at everyoneRules:
- no doxxing
- no vendetta
- do not include or harass Shay's family
- no nitpicking and blogposting
- no discussions about abrattypixie unless something actually relevant to shay happens between them
https://dollymattel.tumblr.comhttp://thesaddesthoe.tumblr.com (deleted) (deleted) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (suspended) (deleted) (deleted) NATHAN PERKINS (alias: Fupa; Fupapa):
>>>/snow/595275 (deleted)
No. 856487
File: 1566461020015.jpg (Spoiler Image,51.36 KB, 804x569, teeth.jpg)

No. 856495
File: 1566463618089.gif (1.84 MB, 275x83, 1566427287022.gif)

Re-sharing from other thread. When she tilts her head she looks like a panting special needs dog. Wtf is this face?? This is not sexy.
No. 856497
>>856487Ugh, I know this has been said to death but unless Shay is exclusive making porn for Onision, she really need to work on getting wet. She claims to love sex work so much yet she is never aroused for her videos. And she can do all the prep work necessary before filming! Watch some porn or masturbate a bit before the scripted video. Or for God's sake, USE LUBE. She's not even doing any fetish videos where she can act "hard core" for not using lube (yet ironically exposing herself for not being into it by being dry as a bone).
Also the girl either tries to look too pretty to look like she's enjoying it (fine, some guys are into that sort of thing), or doing the "face contorted from """"pleasure""""" thing but badly because she's not actually into it and is a terrible actress/doesn't know what that should look like. She should just pick a side per video. At least then it would look less stupid. Then again, she could just not because these faces are fucking gold and I live for the gifs haha
No. 856535
File: 1566477881798.jpg (133.35 KB, 1080x623, Screenshot_20190822_084417.jpg)

Also Dawn was in the top 3 again lol
No. 856538
File: 1566478658168.jpg (570.81 KB, 809x2014, Screenshot_20190822-075453_Chr…)

>>856535I'm honestly surprised she manages to get a photo done in time for the contest. With her "work ethic" her literally even posting a photo is a big deal for her. Also, Shay is the biggest sour puss. Kek
>>856536I think Dawn's was really cute. All dark red bra, nails, no infected pussy/ballsack. Shay should have sucked it up and learned from an actual camgirl.
No. 856588
>>856538>i did such a big tryliterally where? a shirt you've had for who know how long that's too small, some denim shorts, those tacky shoes and that muppet skin jacket, same makeup as always, crunched into a corner with a bunch of tacky shit.
i like how she wasted time posting the fuck machine clip to show off outfits and is naked anyway.
also why is there two new dolly threads?
No. 856614
File: 1566490278130.png (71.58 KB, 588x375, kkkkff.PNG)

No. 856620
>>856538Shay knows this is all about followings. She BUYS fake followers, so only the active few she has actually give a fuck to vote.
And even if these WEREN'T about followings Shay would've still lost.
She's not fashionable and she really is hurt because she for some reason felt that was her thing.
This is the second contest she wore two ponytails. How is that creative or fashionable? And I bet in the next contest she's going to use two ponytails too.
Shay, those girls have bigger (real) followings than you and/or they just look better. That's what it is.
No. 856625
>>856614Shay's outfit for this contest-
Ugly glasses she always wears
two ponytails with black bows (She may buy new ones)
One of her two checkered skirts
Long socks (black or the other pair she owns)
An shirt that she'll unbutton to show her tits or pull up to show her tits.
No. 856644
>>856614classic another reason she can't film
-the weather is bad
- i fell asleep :))
- getting drunk
Now some dog jumped on me :( guess have to wait till next week
No. 856679
File: 1566497201671.png (Spoiler Image,343.08 KB, 588x418, jjjjj.PNG)

No. 856710
File: 1566500867450.jpg (305.25 KB, 720x1132, 20190822_120738.jpg)

she got the idea to make it permanently $10 from abrattyorbiter. shes do unoriginal
No. 856713
>>856710What an unattractive uncomfortable picture, lol.
Her stuffed in an overcrowded corner, looking like she's about to fall off the stool and she's holding herself up.
No. 856723
File: 1566502389872.jpg (406.65 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20190822_203256.jpg)

Those nails man. What a mess.
Also of course no one gives a fuck if you have a scratch on your leg Shayna, stop desperately looking for an excuse to not film this video.
No. 856759
>>856614wait, so she still hasn't made the video, just that painful looking preview?
just do it already or move on, this is why ppl don't care about your content.
No. 856776
File: 1566508855452.png (351.41 KB, 599x344, kjnjnj.PNG)

No. 856788
File: 1566510133216.png (1.69 MB, 750x1334, CBC903A1-3278-4D3B-80D2-DD4464…)

she’s trying soooo hard to be “ALT”…. it’s cringeworthy. remember when all the edgy tumblr girls used to wear these dresses & docs in 2013? it’s absolutely hilarious to see this basic bitch trying to put together “ALT” outfits. some people just don’t got it and SHE DONT GOT IT! Stick to F21 Shay
No. 856867
File: 1566526177396.jpg (419.54 KB, 1080x1021, Screenshot_20190822-210823_Chr…)

Either it's fupa or the girl who was kinda shown in the snaps from when she got her dog. I HIGHLY doubt a boy took her out and took this picture.
No. 856872
>>856538What would it be about, if not a fans favorite? And thus the more fans you have, the more votes you'll get.
Hard when you dont have that many real non bot fans Shay.
No. 856873
>>856588why do some anons call her Dolly? it makes no sense lol her name is Shayna. The closest she comes to being doll-like is Cynthia from the Rugrats
>>856723wow her middle fingernail looks like it's peeling off. what happened to giving your fingers a rest?
>>856789she also just got called out on looking like an idiot doing that just a couple days ago. I'm sure she's ~sticking it to the farmerzzz~ in her mind
No. 856894
File: 1566529968455.png (238.93 KB, 750x1334, 39E79DB1-64B2-4131-AD0B-73C89D…)

What does this even mean?
No. 856907
>>856902Her parents must be proud of their sweaty depressed, disgusting daughters "career".
So proud. Not only does she do sex work but she BADLY does sex work.
No. 856914
File: 1566532420473.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.18 MB, 1242x1939, 7FD29DED-6237-4E3C-9C85-6C2408…)

>>856902Christ. The moment around 59 seconds where you can basically hear her dry labia peel apart as she spreads her legs.
No. 856916
File: 1566532600086.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB, 1242x2030, 12634FED-A3DE-46E5-B02F-E0DC49…)

>>856914What were we going for here…
No. 856926
File: 1566536685780.png (Spoiler Image,412.93 KB, 622x612, kfkfkf.PNG)

No. 856928
File: 1566536864390.jpg (Spoiler Image,114.69 KB, 750x1334, IMG_20190823_000618.jpg)

Shayna, please for the love of God, TAKE A SHOWER
No. 856943
File: 1566541978019.jpg (1.31 MB, 2400x1800, 20190823_023156_286.jpg)

>>856928Shay and Jessica yaniv have the same smug face. They look related kek.
(autism) No. 856944
File: 1566543000417.jpeg (199.17 KB, 750x476, EFC8506D-7855-4D19-966A-815A42…)

Calling the cops…..because a dog jumped up on you at the park because it was excited??? Yes Shay, I’m sure everyone came running and their immediate reaction was “call the cops because a dog jumped on you” Jesus Christ she’s thick in the head(
No. 856960
>>856943their noses are nearly identical kek. also same beady small eyes.
>>856944shay is a retard, when you go to a public dog park, you take a big risk. incidents happening there are endless, a puppy got it's leg torn off by a mastiff at a dog park recently, some scratches from an over excited dog is nothing + she and everyone there chose to go surround themselves with dozens of different dogs all with different behaviors. i bet nobody even said "omg i'd call the police!! a dog scratched you in excitement and not in aggression, police should be here asap!!"
No. 857058
File: 1566577900192.png (17.75 KB, 592x167, djfjf.PNG)

>>856934>>856907>>856902>>856869She's putting us in our place by saying she showered.
No. 857123
File: 1566588719538.png (20.5 KB, 581x256, jfjjf.PNG)

2nd fake ask she sent herself involving food because she felt she had a good comeback. The first was-
>>854994It's so fucking cringe and obvious Shay.
No. 857145
File: 1566591520113.jpg (Spoiler Image,123.92 KB, 1080x910, Screenshot_20190823-211839_Twi…)

Some toilet roll stuck on your snatch?
No. 857146
File: 1566591543923.jpg (Spoiler Image,112.06 KB, 750x1334, IMG_20190823_211843.jpg)

Why this face?
No. 857164
File: 1566592672304.png (Spoiler Image,306.86 KB, 601x392, fjjf.PNG)

>>857145She deleted those but replaced it with this
What's the point of paying? She's giving away an free nude every five mintues
No. 857175
File: 1566594331368.png (487.61 KB, 2048x890, Screenshot_20190823-170555.png)

For fucks sake can you retards STOP COW TIPPING
No. 857187
File: 1566596309490.jpg (Spoiler Image,129.75 KB, 1080x1241, Screenshot_20190823-223858_Twi…)

No. 857196
File: 1566597507633.jpg (479.78 KB, 1080x1128, Screenshot_20190823-165748_Twi…)

No. 857203
File: 1566597950990.png (Spoiler Image,1.39 MB, 2048x1130, Screenshot_20190823-180521.png)

>>857189when you chose sex work to stick it to your parents but realize you have to have sex
No. 857204
File: 1566597990387.png (Spoiler Image,1.44 MB, 2048x1137, Screenshot_20190823-180428.png)

"I love cock daddy"
No. 857206
File: 1566598036928.png (Spoiler Image,1.39 MB, 2048x1141, Screenshot_20190823-180541.png)

No. 857223
File: 1566600883038.jpg (Spoiler Image,643.13 KB, 1077x1664, Screenshot_20190823-175511_Twi…)

No. 857225
File: 1566600929733.jpg (407.27 KB, 1080x983, Screenshot_20190823-175604_Twi…)

No. 857282
>>857250The Shay special: gagging on 2 inches of cock
Thanks for taking one for the team to supply milk
No. 857316
File: 1566613681308.jpg (Spoiler Image,109.9 KB, 750x1334, troon.jpg)

surprised nobody posted this yet, i swear to god when i first opened this i thought it was a tucked drag queen/a tranny.
No. 857343
File: 1566619028295.gif (Spoiler Image,849.04 KB, 640x480, jfjfjfj.gif)

No. 857347
File: 1566619468703.png (Spoiler Image,343.46 KB, 677x345, fjjfjf.PNG)

>>857164Good photoshopping job Shay.
No. 857349
>>856484she retweets her posts daily and idk if they count towards the overall retweet count but if it does that's why.
>>857347hope all her onlyfans subscribers like seeing a splotchy butt. i know she gets nitpicked a lot for it being in this state, but she's catfishing with editing it out for pix when it looks like this in videos.
No. 857351
File: 1566620833169.gif (Spoiler Image,1.13 MB, 640x480, myFile (2).gif)

So sexy
No. 857364
>>857358Seriously. Like a cork coming out of a bottle.
>>857343I’m actually horrified how dry this all looks. Wet pussies are actually attractive, shay. Just use some god damn lube.
No. 857433
>>856535It's not my pictures that made me lose, it's the fact that my fans are poor!
>>857420Because during her BDSM video days she thought she could advertise her lack of lube as being "hard core" and it stuck. Like the bitch actually advertised that she could handle rough, painful, lubeless anal and routinely talked about crying from Fupa fucking her ass raw with his tiny pickle. Like sure there's a male audience for watching women get raped and crying while being fucked (just watch her insex videos, or any insex video for that matter), but you're not the best bdsm sub for refusing aftercare and lube. You're just an idiot and making things harder for yourself and the people making the videos (dildo/dick can't physically go as hard or deep due to the friction for example)
Her pussy being generally dry is because she doesn't enjoy the porn she makes (either doesn't enjoy making the videos, can't get turned on when the camera is on/focusing on a scene, or the way she masturbates on camera isn't the way she actually gets pleasure) and she doesn't want to put in the effort to even fake her vagina being wet. Honestly I think it'd be hotter if her vagina got so wet that she could lube up a dildo with her pussy then slam it in her ass (except, I say that in theory before remembering that I'm talking about Shayna and not a sexy girl who actually enjoys both sex and girls. Bleh)
No. 857480
>>857339Why, in every single one of her videos, does she have 2-5 opening minutes of her just explaining everything she's going to do? Porn doesn't start with some chick sitting there going "this is what you're about to see, hope you like"
It's probably just a lack of creativity and not being able to set up a scenario organically. This job really isn't for her, why does she push it so hard?
No. 857489
File: 1566660525667.png (22.85 KB, 584x270, kkkkkkk.PNG)

No. 857491
>>857456I remember in the gross clip with her with the pacifier when she was screwing fupa she looked disgusted and dry then too.
She hates sex & she hates this but she feels she's proving her "haters" (Her mom and us) wrong by sticking this through.
Nah, your just making your own life hell. She'd never be able to have a normalish life unless she tries to hide all of this, when she finally decides she doesn't want to do it anymore.
Whatever dude she gets with will google her & if he's not some creep he'll run for the hills. Leaving her with the fupa's or abusers.
She has too much baggage.
No. 857507
>>857503She started doing sex work when she was underage (according to her)her whole life has been about sex SINCE she turned into a sex blog.
I don't think she has a healthy view of sex. It's a job to her now. So I feel even when she was fucking fupa, it probably felt like "work" except it was work to keep fupa around.
She didn't seem to be having sex because she wanted it, or all those kinks because she was turned on by them.
She just did whatever she could to get male attention & money. She got into sex work for attention, not because she needed money. She grew up with working parents and privileged.
And IMO, she's repulsed by it because she's lazy and hates working and her "work" is sex. All Shay is at this point is "Sex" there's no Shayna left, it's all "Dolly Mattel" all the time.
Her workspace is her living space, her sex work clothes are her normal clothes, the only people she talks too are people she knows because of sex work etc.
No. 857508
File: 1566665538502.jpg (178.79 KB, 1080x1236, Screenshot_20190824-175028_Twi…)

Sage for no contribution but thought it was funny seeing pumpy's cuck ex retweeting Shay.
Cows always collide!
No. 857515
>>857514Or you can just take care of your skin, wash your clothes, and not sit around on your sweaty ass all day.
Probably a better solution for Shay.
No. 857531
>>857525Right. Sex is a tool for her, not pleasure or something she likes doing.
She thinks it can get her everything & everywhere, but all it's gotten her is a bad relationship with her family, Fupa, a bunch of Sworkers who hate her, 100 real followers on twitter & about 4 active orbiters & chump change.
It's gotten her nowhere. She seems to WANT an boyfriend for attention and affection but no guy worth anything is going to look at her more than a sex toy.
It's been a few years since her Tumblr birth and she's STILL in the same place. Sex work has gotten her NOWHERE.
She still doesn't even have a proper bed.
No. 857611
File: 1566682699135.png (18.74 KB, 594x264, GAMER.PNG)

She wouldn't last a mintue on twitch.
No. 857614
File: 1566682785856.png (12.51 KB, 593x93, jjfjf.PNG)

No. 857617
File: 1566682874147.png (22.82 KB, 586x181, riri.PNG)

School? I thought you were roasting people about going to school, Shay?
No. 857628
>>857618Sage for nitpick but holy fuck, that bong/water.
Can’t tell what’s grimier- that or shay.
No. 857654
>>857617Lmao. That's either a self ask or they're just being sarcastic.
If you ever want the corner of your closet covered in tacky pink shit and fairy lights; call Shay!
No. 857700
File: 1566697943836.png (12.2 KB, 578x81, RIP.PNG)

No. 857701
File: 1566697964208.png (351.22 KB, 630x481, fjjf.PNG)

No. 857703
File: 1566698197752.png (Spoiler Image,442.31 KB, 469x608, fjjfjf.PNG)

No. 857704
File: 1566698251030.png (Spoiler Image,448.22 KB, 360x612, fiiii.PNG)

No. 857722
File: 1566702241631.png (13.76 KB, 593x111, You are going to lose anyway. …)

No. 857727
File: 1566703991591.jpeg (Spoiler Image,431.66 KB, 1242x1802, 8F52791F-6BBD-4A76-BD86-A4316B…)

Let's see how this goes
No. 857732
File: 1566706893490.jpeg (94.54 KB, 1242x674, F0AB6407-35A2-4B88-BA57-46AE1F…)

>>857700What a fucking idiot
No. 857764
File: 1566716253912.png (9.9 KB, 514x176, lojioj.PNG)

No. 857831
>>857765tbqh what does she really
have except her delusions kek
if i was living like this i'd be
doin a heckin screm of "i'm adorabblllle!" into the void as well
No. 857853
File: 1566748653910.png (101.09 KB, 588x470, Not going to win.PNG)

No. 857860
File: 1566749593201.jpg (Spoiler Image,381.85 KB, 720x1230, 20190825_091301.jpg)

No. 857861
File: 1566749644077.jpg (262.08 KB, 720x1116, 20190825_091333.jpg)

Confirmed Shay still fucking with Fupa. He donated for her vote and didn't wanna keep the video
No. 857872
File: 1566750326841.jpg (204.55 KB, 1080x1894, Screenshot_20190825-112426_Chr…)

>>857860Eh, I don't know. It was just made today and I honestly think it's a farmer. Kyle's been using didn't user names, and changes it when his instagram is posted here.
No. 857888
>>857887Ah I just deleted my post because I thought it was a dumb point, I'll just say it again
A farmer would reap the video and provide it to us for milk so I don't think it's fupa
No. 857892
>>857888But it's the fupa named acc that she posted as not wanting the videos.
She blocked out the name but you can see the first and last letter
No. 857925
>>857923I was saying if Shay keeps doing the "People aren't following the rules!" whines whenever she loses & Dawn is the winner or above her.
but true, I don't feel Dawn would ever talk to her again, but I'd love for her to call Shay out.
No. 857931
>>857925I've seen every model who's not popular play that card. MV doesn't care, if they did they would disqualify people. If she doesn't like it she doesn't have to enter, she just feels like she's
soooo much better than everyone else and works
soooo much harder that she just deserves it more. It doesn't help that she's a very very sore loser.
No. 857951
File: 1566761910217.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, 054D3AB8-AD18-4F48-A0E6-E2B95B…)

“Checking my lipstick”
Shayna. Your bottom lip looks like a giant scab.
No. 857964
>>857951Whatever makeup she has all over her face is the wrong color, as usual, she's sweaty her lips are chap and her eyebrows look horrible.
Why get on camera looking like this? I guess she was happy she got 2 blue checks to laugh at her first "blooper" so now this is going to be her "thing".
Daily reminder- Her family must be SO proud of how she turned out.
No. 857971
>>857951Her hair being the same colour as the dildo is not a look.
She needs to give up on these subtle pinks/purples. Looks like ass after 1 wash. Looks musty
No. 857976
File: 1566764648798.jpg (668.18 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190825-152309_Twi…)

No. 857978
>>857976just imagine Shayna in the corner of the room with a stank dildo machine filming these "bloopers" and laughing at herself.
I don't think I can think of anything more lonely, depressing and embarrassing.
but this is the life she chose.
No. 857993
>>857976why doesn't she just do parody porn then?
Oh right, because the only time she's funny is when she's making and absolute embarrassment of herself and she has no creativity necessary to make a parody.
Also who the fuck sells bloopers?
No. 857994
File: 1566767650674.png (Spoiler Image,2.5 MB, 2048x1948, Screenshot_20190825-171350.png)

grandma, why?
No. 857995
>>857994on some real shit though, there's BBW's with less thigh cheese than that.
I won't say ass because what she has of a butt is just an extension of her thighs.
No. 858004
File: 1566768915547.jpg (334.01 KB, 1080x986, Screenshot_20190825-163515_Sam…)

You can tell she's been lurking. Since when does she mention lube in a video description?
No. 858009
>>858004why did she have to put in the description that she can't wait to make more videos?
lmao stop lurking Shayna.
No. 858010
>>858004First of all, she never cums, second of all why is this needed? Does she think gross dudes who want to cum read this block of text?
That narrates EXACTLY what they are about to see. Or what Shay THINKS she's doing?
No. 858028
>>858016Her videos are all the fucking same her playing with her dry purse, with the same unwashed toys.
I really don't know what needs to be narrated or why people by them, if you buy/see one you've seen them all.
Not to mention she has free porn on pornhub.
No. 858036
File: 1566771827086.png (Spoiler Image,318.45 KB, 567x381, fjjfjf.PNG)

Buying more followers
No. 858080
>>858036Her cooter always looks so dry.
Usually camhoes tryna pass off their yeast infection as cum but I e never seen Shay's can even look slightly moist. Sad.
(vaginal sperging) No. 858082
>>858079Buttholes have more elasticity than vaginas. If you don't overdo it you ain't gonna wreck it, but we all know what has no patience. Look at her ear plug situations. Pushes it too far immediately.
Shay's definitely suffered a fair few anal fissures. Which is normal if you take butt insertations too quick. She'll make up some other excuse than "I split my asshole" though.
No. 858107
>>858105She uses the tiniest little dab of lube and looks afraid to touch it. She even has a napkin under her cooch because she probably kept wiping lube off it.
She really does hate lube, wow.
No. 858114
File: 1566784425245.jpg (16.8 KB, 228x275, enditall.jpg)

she thought this face was ~quirky and soo funny~ but it's just so punchable it almost truly irritated me lol
No. 858116
File: 1566784614529.jpg (Spoiler Image,967.11 KB, 1080x1930, Screenshot_20190825-205312_Chr…)

>>858105Bless u for getting this. I couldn't be bothered to screen record from her OnlyFans.
Also repost with spoiler.
No. 858118
File: 1566784857452.jpg (Spoiler Image,69.95 KB, 738x488, sadtimes4shay.jpg)

a "heckin" depressin slouch, great summary of what shay does all day: sitting down on her flat pancake ass growing new irritated pimples, slouching naked beside a dildo.
No. 858197
>>858121Yeah, she showed more personality in the bloopers than she does in her streams. I don't think she's charismatic enough to keep up with it, though.
>>858126Dog hair gets in and on everything, it's a well known issue when you have a dog.
No. 858224
File: 1566799391904.jpg (254.79 KB, 1076x1156, Screenshot_20190826-010253_Twi…)

New snap
No. 858352
>>858334Most likely, yeah. And onlyfans anon said there was no actual video or pics of the supposed blowjob, even though she said there would be.
Shayna if you're going to scam people at least try harder.
No. 858372
File: 1566838567423.png (24.07 KB, 589x268, model.PNG)

Too old??
No. 858374
>>858372she's not too old to start, but a body type like hers would never fly in modeling. she also doesn't look her age and instead looks 10 years older. She's average height (5'5) and stumpy with no hips, no ass, cheesy thighs, and chunky shoulders. She looks like a twink from the back.
Maybe she's finally realizing how fucking try hard and old she really looks.
No. 858433
>>858245oops, my bad, in her dumb ~baby talk~ it sounded like she said 'i didn't cum'and i was like, why would you put that in a blooper video.
speaking of, she retweeted herself saying no one bought it yet even though someone did to share it here.
No. 858434
File: 1566851399291.png (14.26 KB, 595x97, fjfjfj.PNG)

No. 858435
>>858434Either she's back with Fupa or the sad bitch found another man that she lets get off to beating up on her.
Or she's just lying.
This is your life now Shay, the only men that come onto you are going to be sick men who know your a lonely girl desperate for attention.
No. 858442
>>858440I really don't know what is sadder, her doing them to herself for attention or her letting some dude beat her up just to keep him around & using it for attention on twitter.
We know she doesn't like that shit.
No. 858452
File: 1566855547722.jpeg (466.78 KB, 1242x1062, 7B64170C-6FFE-4736-B5FF-262EB3…)

The audacity
No. 858457
>>858452Not going to lie, I felt kind of bad the first tweet and I was like, "Man hopefully she'll TRY a LITTLE" but then the second tweet I was like, "Yeah fuck her still"
What the fuck do you need "Gym" outfits for? Just jog when you walk your dog dumb ass, eat better and less,stop getting pissy drunk and playing fortnite.
You don't NEED $500 for that dumb ass.
No. 858466
>>858462it was probably seeing herself looking like this
>>858118 in the blooper vid taht made her realize she looks awful, but i don't believe this 500$ is going to go anywhere near healthy food and a gym membership.
No. 858467
File: 1566857049358.png (32.28 KB, 598x299, hh.PNG)

24 days ago she was whining about the same thing. Still did nothing that she could do for FREE to lose weight.
No. 858474
>>858467 Have fun getting arrested for that
Also, re: bruises.
She probably fell drunk or kicked herself with her filthy shoes resulting in bruises. We all know she drinks.
No. 858486
File: 1566860516571.jpg (296.59 KB, 1080x1147, Screenshot_20190826-180225_Twi…)

A butt demon
No. 858492
File: 1566861234718.jpg (Spoiler Image,563.55 KB, 1080x1399, Screenshot_20190826-181359_Twi…)

No. 858493
File: 1566861263282.jpg (675.27 KB, 1080x1563, Screenshot_20190826-181413_Twi…)

It's pretty funny that she cut her face out of these
No. 858494
File: 1566861302005.jpg (Spoiler Image,710.04 KB, 1080x1634, Screenshot_20190826-181426_Twi…)

Isn't this from her old apartment?
No. 858496
File: 1566861381660.jpg (330.09 KB, 1080x1247, Screenshot_20190826-181701_Twi…)

More lurking
No. 858497
File: 1566861425302.jpg (496.69 KB, 1080x1261, Screenshot_20190826-181742_Twi…)

More old Twitter pics
No. 858499
>>858492>>858494>these old ass photos from 2 years agodid she really just post these like they're new?
>>858496um shay… you know that jogging and speed walking does give you muscle definition?? it won't just turn you into a skeleton lol. your natural flat hank hill ass will take a lot of work to look good though yeah
No. 858506
>>858496Lol, still completely doable at home.
Remember that one time fupa took her to the gym and she didn't know how to use anything and then just sat about.
No. 858507
File: 1566862597271.png (58.38 KB, 630x595, Fake asks.PNG)

No. 858509
>>858506Also does she not have any community centers? Or anywhere that has an free gym? You can also do squats & sit ups anywhere Shay.
Eating better, not drinking and walking would do an hell of an difference. You don't need "Cute" outfits to do that.
No. 858513
>>858507>>858507Ah yes because to stream on twitch and be a legit gamer all you need is a fancy gaming chair, headphones, and a controller skin.
She literally doesn't know the first thing about streaming, it would seriously be hilarious to watch her fail miserably.
No. 858516
>>858513Most of her viewers would be us and if she manages to last more then a few streams we know that all of those dudes are going to find out who she is and troll her.
She also HAS NO SPACE for an big ass gaming chair.
No. 858528
>>858513I hope someone buys her that chair bc I have it and it's uncomfortable and flimsy as shit
It'll fit right into her apartment style
Also she probably thinks the stream option on PS4 just works like a professional streamer set up when it's barebones
No. 858548
File: 1566867808400.jpg (132.59 KB, 1080x766, Screenshot_20190826-200405_Twi…)

Why does she think $200 is a big paycheck?
No. 858554
>>858537Since she has a ps4 she can easily just stream from there.
Of course she's gonna need things like streamlabs and such, but it's totally possible with the ps4 itself.
No. 858567
>>858548I really think she posts the same $200 screenshot, lmao
Also "yay me"??? What did you even do, Shayna?
No. 858569
>>858560She ought to just set a monthly cam schedule where she just films once a month since that's what she's doing basically. Maybe she could stick to that. But probably not. That would always be the ONE day she would have all the excuses or just drunk forget all together.
But yeah, she could cam once, release one vid, and do one sale or something. Bare minimum but at least have some sort of order to it.
No. 858578
>>858569I honestly think the only time she films is when she's trying to 1-up someone. So many models hate her, and she loves to lurk here and other hate threads about her. I bet she sees the work and payoff of other models, gets mad, then puts out a video and waits to rake in the cash. Then she gets mad when no one wants to buy it because she doesn't put shit out regularly. So she gets sad, slumps, drinks, and begs for money until the cycle continues.
She's not bipolar, she's just stupid. She bases her self worth and entire personality on the internet and the people that hate her.
No. 858579
File: 1566872411182.jpg (185.77 KB, 1080x848, 20190826_212034.jpg)

Like nails have ever stopped her before…kek
No. 858580
File: 1566872447493.png (1.96 MB, 1436x2048, Screenshot_20190826-222048.png)

I didn't even click the video and it's already a nightmare please kill me
No. 858588
File: 1566873935936.jpg (670.31 KB, 1001x1742, 20190826_224212.jpg)

"My butt is super cute right now"
How does one get small spot bruises like those?
No. 858602
File: 1566876260441.jpg (Spoiler Image,853.16 KB, 1080x1768, Screenshot_20190826-222246_Chr…)

Seems like she did the bruises herself tbh.
No. 858603
File: 1566876305416.jpg (Spoiler Image,780.36 KB, 1080x1744, Screenshot_20190826-222359_Chr…)

She looks like she's dying
No. 858610
File: 1566877119771.jpeg (512.53 KB, 867x1076, CAC61C85-D360-47D9-8358-885B8E…)

How can somebody upload this and be like “yeah, that’s good content”, her eyes are dead
No. 858624
>>858459damnit i need to pay more attention. it's still stupid to complain no one is buying it if she's posting for free for anyone who already has as subscription.
>>858599honestly thought that's what it was and laughed when she lifted up the shorts to reveal that right after she said her butt looks cute.
No. 858687
>>858610The fact that she's not sober for even a second on any given day, probably.
Her pout is awful. This looks like a parody pic.
No. 858704
File: 1566901668883.jpg (47.58 KB, 500x500, huge-sale-air-inflatable-tube-…)

>>858603her body freaks me out. it lacks dimension, shape or curve. she looks like pic related. all limbs and a weirdly elongated torso. sage for no contrib.
No. 858804
File: 1566927809763.png (670.82 KB, 1784x2048, Screenshot_20190827-134343.png)

No one gives a shit Shayna. Get a fucking food journal or something, keep this shit off your "business" Twitter.
No. 858808
>>858806>>858804>>858805The only way she'd lose anything is to stop the alcohol completely. At most, she'll pretend shes eating healthy/not drinking to "prove us hatuurz" wrong, but it'll show through in her pics/vids/collab.
Will the collab even happen though, it's supposed to be in a few weeks and she hasnt mentioned it in a bit.
No. 858814
File: 1566929792214.jpg (284.83 KB, 1080x1661, Screenshot_20190827-191616_Twi…)

Ded at her just taking pictures of the stuff in the grocery store. What are you doing woman?
No. 858817
File: 1566930119508.jpg (165.54 KB, 1044x1315, Screenshot_20190827-192056_Twi…)

$100? What the fuck is she buying?
I don't she realises how quick fruit goes out of date, bet half this shop will end up rotten and in the bin.
No. 858824
>>858817Also she bought actual exercise equipment for her dumb porn like the medicine ball and pink barbells , why can't she use them?
>>858819She's got plenty of skanky tracksuit bottoms and she has small boobs so not like she needs a sports bra. The only thing I feel like she might need as a pair of proper trainers.
No. 858913
File: 1566936692400.jpg (206.8 KB, 1080x1550, Screenshot_20190827-211127_Twi…)

I'm convinced she doesn't actually own any non knee/thigh high socks.
No. 859067
File: 1566944134283.jpg (220.53 KB, 1080x879, Screenshot_20190827-171545_Twi…)

Why does she have to be that high to go to the dog park? I can see her losing Noodle one day
No. 859141
File: 1566947989702.jpg (112.39 KB, 1080x322, Screenshot_20190827-182034_Twi…)

No. 859169
>>859067Well seeing how little she inhales maybe 8 = 1 real ones. But yes, ridiculous she can't leave the house without some intoxication.
>>859141Just give up Shay, you ain't gonna get anywhere near top 3, therefore it's pointless.
No. 859244
>>859216If you shop right it’s not too bad. I can feed 3 on £35 a week. We have a shitty small freezer too.
Eating right when you’re broke isn’t hard, just can’t rely on using fresh too much.
She won’t last, that’s a given.
No. 859253
>>859243How the fuck do you store your produce if it goes bad in 2-3 days. The only thing that will go bad relatively quickly are fresh berries.
>>859171It's not. Also, don't forget that she never cooked before so she needs a bunch of staples like oil and spices. If she has "fancy health foods" such as nuts, chia seeds or other things it can add up quickly.
No. 859324
File: 1566960995634.jpg (609.86 KB, 1078x1410, Screenshot_20190827-215714_Twi…)

More old tumblr pics
No. 859487
File: 1566982276860.jpg (Spoiler Image,636.14 KB, 1080x1407, Screenshot_20190828-035013_Chr…)

These "bruises" make her look so dirty
No. 859595
>>859574That's the exact word that comes to mind any time she posts an ass pic 'musty'
She doesn't look clean or well looked after and every ass pic now features her back fat rolls as she reaches around to capture it
No. 859634
File: 1567006805268.jpeg (359.52 KB, 1242x716, AA1BF59F-6FF7-4639-8BCE-C47487…)

Well, that’ll give your clients a hard-on. Whine away.
No. 859658
>>859634When did she ever feel confident about her business?
Even at your PEEK you weren't making much money Shay. You were with Fupa talking about stealing his kids college funds, but he barely did shit for you.
You give EVERYTHING away for cheap or free. You have zero respect for yourself or this "buiness".
No. 859693
File: 1567012627389.png (293.29 KB, 2048x644, Screenshot_20190828-131509.png)

why does she think anyone cares? Wow she had a "good" breakfast for two days. What did she eat for dinner? Probably more take out shit because she can't cook. Get a food journal Shayna, no one cares. You're here to gape your bloody asshole and pimply vagina for free while getting laughed at. No one cares about you or your business anymore.
No. 859702
>>859693Is this her idea of healthy? Lmao.
I almost can’t believe she cooked any of this. She would have bragged and needed praise for cooking eggs and turkey bacon. Sounds like another case of uber-eats and she took the blueberries out of her fridge.
No. 859729
>>859715Probably not full keto since blueberries (and most fruits) aren't keto friendly but it seems like she's just generally trying to cut down on carbs.
>>859702I can't believe that even someone as low skilled as shay would think making scrambled eggs is an accomplishment.
No. 859734
>>859723Oh my god, what ana chan bullshit is this? Lol 3 eggs are around 210 calories. 4 pieces of turkey bacon clock in at around 160 calories. 370 calories just there. A full CONTAINER of blueberries (at 1 pint) is 170 calories. Let’s pretend she had half of the container.
If she ate the whole fucking thing it’s 455 calories. If she ate that way for all 3 meals she would still only net 1365 calories. Plenty of room for an alcoholic beverage or a small treat.
No. 859775
File: 1567022778785.png (37.89 KB, 585x491, rjj.PNG)

No. 859776
File: 1567022847299.png (19.99 KB, 581x212, fjfjf.PNG)

yall in here talking about diets and Shay claims she's camming tonight lol.
No. 859811
File: 1567027966175.jpg (438.81 KB, 1080x1044, Screenshot_20190828-163309_Twi…)

I feel like she's posted these pics of Rib before. She probably doesn't even interact with the poor cat
No. 859812
File: 1567028030414.jpg (468.44 KB, 1080x1201, Screenshot_20190828-163248_Twi…)

More old tumblr pics
No. 859819
File: 1567029019661.png (36.73 KB, 583x294, 758.PNG)

She's so thirsty for retweets. Maybe she's realizing buying followers doesn't buy fans who want to talk to her.
No. 859829
>>859821Exactly my point from earlier…if she was truly cooking and eating healthy she would be posting photos of the food she cooked and bragging about how much she accomplished.
She needs ass pats for taking her meds and showering or even working. She’s also said how she just doesn’t cook or doesn’t know how to cook eggs. We’d have a bunch of pink esthetic photos with her hello kitty utensils and a caption reading ~baby made a breaky ~ or some vomit inducing baby talk status.
No. 859865
File: 1567035910484.png (6.9 KB, 303x205, yuio.PNG)

Nitpick- but look at all this outdated info on her Free Cam profile.It takes at maxuim 2 mintues to change some of this shit.
No. 859889
File: 1567040913245.png (23.79 KB, 568x303, Self asks.PNG)

No. 859895
>>859892Also love that she posts her lunch at 8:17pm (tulsa time)
Way to be oblivious shay
No. 859952
>>859892Not an anaanon (lol wut) but that is more than one serving of almonds.
Also, imagine posing these sexy pictures of your younger self, weighing much more, all while promising to cam later that day… when you know you're just going to get day drunk on your "extra" calories and pass out because you haven't eaten enough.
No. 859977
>>859892yeah shay, brilliant move going from burgers and shakes to straight dry, raw shit. you're totally gonna stick with this diet.
learn to cook you useless leech lmfao it's not that hard
No. 859984
File: 1567052067539.jpg (Spoiler Image,600.49 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20190829_001422_com…)

Lmao at the bot response to her diary entry
No. 859988
File: 1567052344142.png (7.53 KB, 390x470, 792E6C89-5CCC-4ED2-80C2-C8F7E3…)

>>859892Lmao did she spend $100 on raw almonds, deli meat and blueberries? Stoppppp shay. This is this funniest shit.
We better see a pile of eggs and blueberries tomorrow.
Also didn’t she say she was getting on cam tonight? Is anyone watching ?
No. 859991
File: 1567052710064.jpg (27.61 KB, 320x320, XI78q.jpg)

Jesus christ, shut the fuck up about what she is eating. Where the hell are the mods? This thread is fucking cancer.
No. 860013
File: 1567055821623.jpg (106.74 KB, 1080x593, Screenshot_20190829_011630.jpg)

>>859776Aanndd she never logged in, surprising!!!
No. 860019
File: 1567056251883.png (Spoiler Image,357.45 KB, 581x501, Dinner.PNG)

No. 860020
File: 1567056290462.png (28.59 KB, 583x218, Tips.PNG)

No. 860034
>>860019is this a pre-made meal? did she really buy those instagram meal prep containers? LOL
also, does this mean she ate an entire head and a half of broccoli for dinner? thats just necessary and an easy way to get sick of it - that shit doesnt even look seasoned
No. 860046
>>860019>>860020What cute 'lil' body shay?
This looks like feeder porn with how her back fat is so perfectly showcased
No. 860050
>>860019This gave me life but I’m also cringing so hard bc she literally reaches to make everything in her life related to sex work lmfaoooo
Is this internet addiction?? I feel like gen z have it.
No. 860177
File: 1567090592721.jpg (Spoiler Image,858.04 KB, 1080x1832, Screenshot_20190829-095413_Chr…)

Can't even bother to shave anymore
No. 860193
File: 1567091970085.jpeg (494.94 KB, 1125x1427, E63333CA-0E18-42BE-B006-21E7E0…)

No. 860204
>>860193lol onlyfans anon, she clearly thinks it was you and is speaking directly to you
she thinks she's "fading into obscurity" because of lolcow, not realizing she was never famous enough to be
out of obscurity to begin with. the delusions are strong this morning
No. 860223
File: 1567095989081.jpeg (785.19 KB, 1125x1916, D93D2121-BCEA-4DED-813F-B8E2D6…)

she’s so stupid, it’s literally because she posts content of her taking bong rips and I assume consuming alcohol, too. if she has any content involving or alluding to piss or vomit (like her nasty blowup bimbo video) it could’ve also caused this. it’s no one else’s fault but her own, she just needs to abide by tos.
No. 860235
>>860222LMFAO this is hilarious then. She is trying to frame the situation as if she is a
victim as per usual, when she isn't even the only one being affected!
why does she have to have a nervous breakdown anytime something bad happens to her anyways? You would think by now she would be used to dealing with stress considering she puts herself in the most stress inducing situations, but she can't adapt for shit.
No. 860238
File: 1567099443831.jpg (45.95 KB, 720x780, FB_IMG_1567099414058.jpg)

It's called e-begging, sweaty.
Or seeing your fat retarded splenda papa at the local burger joint.
No. 860241
File: 1567099556271.jpg (601.61 KB, 1080x1956, Screenshot_20190829-122631_Chr…)

>>860222Maybe, just maybe, she figured out she can't keep up with her newly daily posting schedule and took her profile offline? Can you do that?
No. 860266
File: 1567101625908.png (17.52 KB, 581x168, fjvjvjv.PNG)

No. 860267
File: 1567101667391.png (363.21 KB, 596x511, huh.PNG)

No. 860297
>>860267I'm sorry.. eggs?
Looks like an onion bhaji or something, what has she done to those things?
No. 860310
File: 1567106572320.jpg (380.63 KB, 1072x975, Screenshot_20190829-142255_Twi…)

More lurking from Shay. I mentioned she never posted what she was drinking and here she is. There's still sugar in there Shay
No. 860316
>>860310Holy fuck stop ana Chan nitpicking. Can you read that says 0? Yes, Shay is a vapid bimbo idiot. But goddamn. That has no calories, no sugar. It’s just sweetener made from plant alcohol.
Christ. Get REAL MILK.
No. 860322
>>860319Her visitation with "cute boy"/Fupa is tomorrow, no doubt she's going to go out and get drunk.
(Or she's going to lie about going out with a boy & just go out & get drunk)
No. 860405
File: 1567118791276.png (46.2 KB, 627x460, crying.PNG)

No. 860427
File: 1567121427135.jpg (Spoiler Image,217.76 KB, 1080x1647, Screenshot_20190830-003008_Twi…)

So, which one is least disgusting and autistic anons?
No. 860430
File: 1567121550828.jpg (Spoiler Image,199.33 KB, 2048x1142, IMG_20190830_003019.jpg)

No. 860432
File: 1567121665232.jpg (Spoiler Image,201.21 KB, 2048x1149, IMG_20190830_003022.jpg)

No. 860434
File: 1567121709856.jpg (Spoiler Image,167.17 KB, 2048x1138, IMG_20190830_003026.jpg)

Such quality content guys!
No. 860463
>>860427They are all disgusting and autistic. Just throw the whole video out Shay.
There's hundreds of vids with the same premise that have actually attractive girls in them with decent scripts. Shay's vids are always awkward zero script but still horrible and she's only getting harder to look at.
No. 860475
File: 1567127319488.png (18.16 KB, 571x206, djdjd.PNG)

Classy that Shay and this bitch took that from this tweet.
No. 860520
File: 1567134856169.jpeg (632.55 KB, 1242x744, BDB0F04F-5BCC-415D-A905-F73CA2…)

Lord this is. Bad.
No. 860521
File: 1567134924091.jpeg (590.83 KB, 1242x1449, 0F2E4B71-54F5-4E85-8692-7C13D8…)

>>860520So many things thrown together. So poorly written. Again why can’t she make her set different in any of her videos? Why would the nerdy punk girl have all fuzzy pink bed bullshit? Maddening.
No. 860532
>>860429it looked like her hand for a second and then i scrolled and was like noooope. idk what's going on with that area but it's not enticing at all.
>>860521>wet sticky messthe lies, it's like she thinks if she keeps saying this it'll actually be true.
No. 860546
>>860521What does being nerdy have to do with not minding the after-sex stickiness?
Her writing is almost as bad as her porn. She could literally just shorten this to a few sentences but she always has to write a novel like anyone really cares that much to read it.
No. 860553
>>860267>>860297Because she doesn’t know how to properly make scrambled eggs without burning them as they stick to the pan and shrivel.
Use milk or a substitute for fluffy non burnt eggs Shayna…. Jesus.
No. 860629
File: 1567149195354.jpg (219.25 KB, 1080x1627, Screenshot_20190830_031247.jpg)

If this is not about his ex with kids this must be about shay?
No. 860631
File: 1567149362817.jpg (207.56 KB, 1080x1032, Screenshot_20190830_031548.jpg)

>>860629Same anon, following up under the post:
No. 860632
File: 1567149572975.jpeg (130.67 KB, 751x978, F10BB640-FDB5-40EB-8DBE-BDB981…)

Definitely about Shayna
>>860629 No. 860637
>>860632I think he's talking about Shay pretending to have kinks she didn't. Her pretending to like all the nasty dumb shit he was into and posting about it on tumblr.
but Fupa played RIGHT ALONG with shay.
Also, thats what you get for fucking with Shay asshole. I have no sympathy for Fupa but I hope he spills more milk.
>>860636He's also a father of 3 who has videos/posts liking the pedo pandering shit Shay was doing.
I don't think Shay will turn her life around but the way I see it they both are on the same level.
Didn't Fupa lie to his baby mom about what shay did? So even HE was ashamed of Shay & what he was doing.
No. 860638
>>860637Also if we are being 100% honest, Shay has been talking about "stealing college funds" & wanting a "Dad" to take care of her day one.
I don't know why Fupa's acting like he had something real with Shay or even wanted something real.
He wanted a young girl to live out his disgusting fantasies. He didn't love Shay. He knew what she was about.
No. 860676
>>860640yep i'm like 90% certain that fupa has confused the term 'gaslighting' with just regular old lying (like a lot of people on the internet nowadays). either that or he intentionally said gaslighting to make himself out to be more of a
victim. fupa we all know you used to jerk it to rape porn and borderline paedo porn.
and he only got together with shay cause he wanted clout, then he realised that being popular on tumblr doesn't mean anything anymore. plus shay went into the relationship saying she wanted to be dependent on him financially and he was so happy to indulge that to make himself look like a big man. yeah he's full of it.
No. 860737
>>860546I think she's insinuating that nerdy girls aren't traditionally desirable so instead of being grossed out by cum getting everywhere like a normal person would the nerdy girl likes it because even though it's gross, she'll take anything she can get.
I think..
No. 860754
>>860746She thinks she interesting and that people want to hear her talk. That’s all she’s ever wanted to do- to be in front of a camera and talk about herself. She wants to be a twitch girl or a YT Star - not a cam girl/porn star. But being a quirky uwu baby girl isn’t going to pay her measly rent.
Also deep down, I think she knows no one really cares about what she has to say unless her tits are out.
No. 860756
>>860754She always talked about liking wanting attention but she never knows what to do when she gets it.
She thinks being a sex worker makes her interesting when it doesn't. It's not like she's Brent Corrington or something.
She has nothing to say, she's not interesting, her career is boring dry and gross. She's not really all that attractive. She has no tragic back story.
Her life is boring, she has nothing to talk about.
No. 860757
>>860756You'd think a sex worker would ALWAYS have a story to tell, but nope. Shay films wack porn on a child's bed or in corners. She sits around all day alone smoking weed and drinking.
She tweets. She lies, she barely DOES her job or cams. She's as dry as her pussy.
No. 860765
>>860754This is really spot on, wow. She's not quirky though. She has no talents she could share on YT. She has no idea about the gaming world or community or wtf she's even doing so twitch is out. She probably couldn't even take the time to make some shitty hot take on YT because that would take more than coming up with things off the top of your head.
I honestly can't wait for her to crash and burn and how all of it is going to be immortalized on the internet.
No. 860767
>>860765She probably thinks she can put on a low cut top and then play fortnite and then the bits and subs will come in.
but it's not like that. People are going to find out who she is & are going to fucking roast her. Plus she's boring and her quality will be shit.
No. 860785
>>860632That’s not gaslighting, Fupa. That’s what insecure people do when they start dating. What did you expect when you date someone 10 years younger than you, making their “living” playing a fake role on the internet for gross men.
He knew what he was getting into. Just wish he would spill more tea. Although everything he said is not shocking in anyway and he just explained shay in the fashion that we all know her.
No. 860799
File: 1567188787947.png (Spoiler Image,227.26 KB, 567x551, lol.PNG)

No. 860801
>>860632"Depending on me financially" kek.
Also, he follows this thread very closely. When I posted the instagram videos of him and Shay being together, he quickly deleted like 10 people from his instagram (no worries though, I'm still there fupa!) And now this, within half a day from when it was posted, and he's deleted the post.
I can't feel bad for fupa, getting strung along and used by a 21 year old "camgirl" is what morons deserve. Maybe fupa is the one getting all of Shay's accounts deleted/suspended? Or maybe he wants to get back at her financially by hitting her in the wallet?
No. 860834
>>860801I think there's a really good chance he doesn't know what gaslighting means
but could he be talking about when she first moved in. idk it makes sense to me that she would promise to do a bunch of shit around the house and be his like dream kinky homemaker (since she would have to play up that angle for him to rent a house for both of them, basically be his mom he could fuck) and then once she was living there, he realized she was the laziest slob alive and also very sex repulsed, she started saying "wtf you said you would take care of me, I'm just a baby I never said I could do anything domestic, I would never tell you I could cook or do laundry or vacuum because I will never do that"
I'm sure there was gaslighting, she's a very
toxic person, but he probably doesn't know how to identify it
No. 860840
File: 1567195424949.jpeg (Spoiler Image,215.64 KB, 617x1819, 94EDD28B-CB46-4AB3-BE44-1F0975…)

Not that anyone's really surprised but-
Seriously, who thinks they're pulling one over on people by using Fupa's old tumblr name? Wouldn't put it past Shay to try to look clever and donate to herself.
No. 860864
>>860520forgot to mention how her sex toys on the wall set up really doesn't work for this video if she's pretending that her brother's friend came over and she's just some nerd. like, she wouldn't be sitting there with that stuff behind her but keeps it there for ~aesthetic~ when it doesn't make sense with the content she's trying to pander.
>>860676yea he conveniently left out all the gross shit he was doing. it also seemed like he didn't think anyone would figure out who he was and he wanted to keep their relationship from being public even though they were posting stuff they did online.
No. 860938
File: 1567207968237.jpg (321.5 KB, 1080x1045, Screenshot_20190830-183304_Twi…)

She retweets this, but always thinks it's hilarious when someone blocks her
No. 860961
File: 1567211262699.png (189.11 KB, 2048x472, Screenshot_20190830-202745.png)

Im honestly curious as to what she does all day. Every time she has a post like this its after about 7pm, what is she doing the rest of the time?
No. 860971
File: 1567213140478.jpg (223.69 KB, 1080x938, Screenshot_20190830-195916_Twi…)

All of her videos DO look the same
No. 861012
>>860840I like how it's been weeks since we've heard a sperg about her ~mental illness~ and uwu pills. Did her trial/crisis center prescription run out or did she drop the act all together??
Was it not getting her enough asspats/money?
No. 861264
File: 1567257303935.png (357.63 KB, 2048x565, Screenshot_20190831-091101.png)

"I'm so creative, and everyone copi
es me!"
You absolutely wish, Shayna.
No. 861401
File: 1567273628300.jpeg (424.06 KB, 750x849, C1B60AAB-327B-4C83-9B02-EAC370…)

Wow I guess two days of being “paused” is over a week in Shay-time, is she exaggerating or is she so wasted all the time that she’s lost all sense of time??
No. 861512
File: 1567281231441.png (22.51 KB, 567x268, g.PNG)

No. 861557
>>861264It's funny she's calling people out for not knowing how to come up with "their own shit" when she just cycles through trends. The only thing she's EVER done that was original was the fireworks thing and that just fucking stupid and dangerous.
Her whole personality is "tired, broke dusty Barbie" or "tired broke dusty goth chick" or "tired dusty stoner chick".
Her porn is trash and copypaste concepts.
No. 861593
File: 1567291076452.jpg (Spoiler Image,486.36 KB, 1080x1495, Screenshot_20190831-173845_Twi…)

No. 861598
File: 1567292325390.jpeg (195.06 KB, 1242x1166, 5D50ABDC-195A-4923-A945-25BC69…)

Seriously though… how are you so desperate to make rent this month, but also begging for money for something so pointless at this time? I'm sure her glucose father could throw in a few measly bucks for that, as soon as he steps out of her imagination.
No. 861689
File: 1567302307804.jpg (176.28 KB, 1080x1736, Screenshot_20190831_214439.jpg)

Heckin Shay! Even Fupa think you're a broke ho
No. 861711
File: 1567303676716.jpg (304.28 KB, 1078x1134, Screenshot_20190831-210748_Twi…)

Who is she talking about?
No. 861712
File: 1567303720429.jpg (290.28 KB, 1080x944, Screenshot_20190831-210758_Twi…)

No. 861722
>>861711maybe the girl who unfollowed her after the underaged shit?
and what happened to "supporting" other sexworkers? She's basically gloating that someone is having a hard time because they don't like her dumb ass.Also she AND her best friend orbiter that Pixie girl constantly complain about people not sending them money. She was JUST complaining about not being able to pay her rent.
Shay, you look like a asshole.
funny how fupa is subbing her but she'd rather go after fellow female sexworkers.
No. 861727
>>861711Models not making enough sales because they call out models? Where's the correlation? And what's her excuse for her piss poor sales? She keeps subtweeting like her lackluster "career" is only caused by a few people bringing up her
problematic shit she tries so desperately to pity party her way out of. And no one is even actively attacking her, as far as I could tell.
Whenever she realizes how terrible she's doing, she goes on these "the meanies stole my monies because they're haterz :'(" sperges to hide the fact that she can't keep up with her minimal effort job.
No. 861729
>>861727Ya pretty sure that the men who jerk off to her vids give no shits about her
problematic behavior
No. 861731
>>861711Shay, your dumb crusty ass is always subbing someone who doesn't care about your dusty ass. You have NO ONE. Even your loser ex is roasting your broke ass.
Stop talking shit. I bet those girls have actual friends and lives outside of sex work.
No. 861751
File: 1567306688863.jpg (211.16 KB, 1080x785, Screenshot_20190831-215838_Twi…)

No. 861754
File: 1567306764089.jpg (444.67 KB, 1079x1409, Screenshot_20190831-215853_Twi…)

Did she not just retweet something about how you shouldn't be hurt about being blocked?
No. 861760
>>861751what did shay do today?
-answer fake/troll asks
- Play fortnite
-smoke overpriced probably shitty weed
- complain about other sexworkers
No. 861762
>>861760Imagine how much porn she could make/camming? keep talking shit Shay because I bet someone's going to call ya dry ass out.
Also she-
-ate fast food-but complained about not making rent.
Fupa please continue to roast this idiot.
No. 862004
File: 1567351815577.jpg (170.23 KB, 1080x936, Screenshot_20190901-162924_Twi…)

Ah the ol' walk around the apartment complex. Definitely enough exercise for a dog.
Poor fucking thing.
No. 862095
File: 1567362687016.png (36 KB, 592x343, dkd.PNG)

Get ready for those gym nudes. I really don't know what her obsession is with having to go to the gym to get her body togeather.
She was playing fortnite yesterday & getting high. She CAN work out while she's fucking around all day.
No. 862102
File: 1567362961933.png (16.5 KB, 581x197, 757.PNG)

The fuck does this even mean?
No. 862121
>>862102Neither of them are paid for being cute lol. They are paid to be naked and do sex stuff. Pixie should know this since she barely shows her face.
They wish they could be given money solely on the basis of their "cuteness", but that isn't real for either of em. Delusion.
No. 862200
File: 1567371725741.jpg (Spoiler Image,559.77 KB, 1080x1504, Screenshot_20190901-160248_Twi…)

No. 862206
>>862200She'll just buy a few things, eat that in three days and be back-ordering chipotle.
Also, didn't she JUST get paid? What is she spending her money on? It's not on skin care, hair care or food.
No. 862230
File: 1567374248013.jpg (96.28 KB, 1071x468, Screenshot_20190901-164441_Twi…)

No. 862253
File: 1567375844349.png (21.28 KB, 585x220, ldl.PNG)

Didn't she already go one, two? What the FUCK Does anyone need to be grateful for? You showed a picture of your nasty ass. No one asked for that and no one should pay you to take general care of your BODY.
Why should anyone send you money because showed them something they've seen a million times? And can see a million better looking asses on women and MEN for fucking FREE.
No. 862270
File: 1567377212577.jpg (246.45 KB, 1080x891, Screenshot_20190901-173340_Twi…)

No. 862277
File: 1567378735880.jpg (346.82 KB, 1080x1165, Screenshot_20190901-175928_Twi…)

Shay, you know you never turn anything down
No. 862278
>>862270shrimp won't last you a while unless you want some fishy freezerburn shrimp but alright sis. Hopefully she doesn't light her apartment on fire or give herself food poisoning.
Oh God watch her try to cook the shrimp and chicken in the microwave
No. 862283
File: 1567379470113.png (497.44 KB, 2048x992, Screenshot_20190901-191132.png)

>"make this ass even fatter"
I'm crying laughing she can't be serious
No. 862284
>>862277"Only want to spend time with people who treat us with respect before they ever see us nude"
It's rich that Shay retweeted this because she does NOT value her life (didn't she say she wanted to die at 27? or something? Plus she put fireworks in her pussy) & Shay has no friends. She only KNEW Fupa because she was naked on tumblr.In fact all Shay does is promote herself as an sex object.
All the contact she has is with twitter and various social medias connected to SEX WORK. Her whole life is sex work and she barely works.
And yall not special because you have to look at relationship differently. So do many fucking people. It's fucking life.
No. 862287
>>862277Shay's more pickier then us. So she chose a loser with 3 kids, who was ashamed of her, roasts her on occasion and barely did ANYTHING for her.
The same guy who slapped her in Walmart and was possibly using her as his Friday CumDumpster.
So Picky
No. 862294
>>862283“wow… ungrateful”
who says that on a sex work account?? that’s not going to get people to give you money, shayna, it just makes people not take you seriously.
No. 862359
>>862326Gift from her parents?
Romantic gift from fupa?
No. 862417
>>862206Weed and booze aren’t cheap.
Also, I HOPE she spends some money on dog and cat food. That can add up too
No. 862500
File: 1567443685787.png (13.3 KB, 590x102, love.PNG)

"Love" shay, you barely want to fucking do it. You still haven't cammed. You make the same low effort embarrassing bullshit.
No. 862518
>>862514I think her dad does pay for somethings. I don't think he'd let her be homeless, so when she's whining about her "rent" i'm positive she can call her dad up, or she may have already hit him up for money & is just scamming as usual.
So it may be possible that it's her dad's membership or he's paying it or some shit.
No. 862542
File: 1567448483877.jpeg (Spoiler Image,689.55 KB, 1242x683, 487E382B-25C5-41C5-8595-D32B4F…)

>>862254Even worse when she’s not sticking it out
No. 862583
File: 1567453564118.png (290.6 KB, 586x359, jjjj.PNG)

how much yall think she spent on ONE workout outfit? Just to take pictures in?
No. 862597
>>862583Not an outrageous amount
The top is $10. Bottom is $30. Shoes coule be $40-$60 because they’re not collector Nike
No. 862720
>>861711I just love how she continues to go on this "cancel Culture" bullshit, when all it does is brings attention to the shit people dislike her for.
You have PLENTY of reasons why people would'nt want to work with you.
YOU were an asshole and still are. People barely fucking care about you enough to "Cancel" you.
This thread is the most attention you'll ever recieve in life.
No. 862806
File: 1567472171615.jpg (182.63 KB, 1080x1134, Screenshot_20190902_205530.jpg)

Wat… Shay just pick a lane and stay in it. Her whole schtick is being an asshole.
No. 862812
>>862806Has Shay ever advocated for men not to be
abusive and horrible to women? You can tell this bitch has mommy issues.
and who is "Yall"?
What does she mean "hurt by men" does she mean rape
victims, abuse
victims, what the fuck is she talking about? Women, who just talk about men?
Since you care so much YOU DO SOMETHING.
And i thought she hated call out & cancel culture?
No. 862816
>>862806Shay must mean by the disgusting men who want to fuck her. I doubt in real life she gets called "pretty" alot by normal people.
Not saying she's an ugly goblin, but She's acting like she's beyonce or some shit. No one but men who want something from you are randomly calling you pretty.
Shut up.
No. 862830
>>862822Shay is the type that goes, "I don't/can't hang with girls they are too
toxic, I'm not like other girls, I smonk, I drink, i'm not afriad to get dirty or freaky"
I don't expect more from an sexworker like Shay.
No. 863071
File: 1567512351864.jpg (531.88 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20190903_130509.jpg)

Did she splatter half of it on that picture? Lol
No. 863141
>>863099I was thinking the same about the eggwhite and spinach frittata she bought. I know exactly what she’s talking about and there’s so much salt and calories in it
>>862830 I cringe every time she refers to smoking as “smonk” or “smonking” it makes her sound dumber
No. 863150
File: 1567523698363.png (23.84 KB, 622x262, 2019-02-19 11_20_37-An IRL Dol…)

>>862879She just hates whenever women speak out how shit men are. Doesn't matter if they are talking about abuse, rape, whatever.
Mostly because "men" take care of her. I guess women like us & her mom, are all just jelly haters.
They need to shut the fuck up.
The only women she halfway likes are women who kiss her ass. Even then she doesn't like them.
and it's kind of funny she's this way. Wasn't Shay "raped" according to her? She's probably the type who think that women who complain are weak.
No. 863171
File: 1567525690016.png (29.68 KB, 862x360, funny.png)

>>862822according to Shay her mom taught her to hate women. Or whatever the fuck she was trying to say
No. 863173
File: 1567525735761.png (47.83 KB, 590x486, SHut up.PNG)

No. 863204
File: 1567528765181.png (90.32 KB, 586x510, 8.PNG)

No. 863246
File: 1567532719119.png (401.21 KB, 577x483, lol.PNG)

"Hey guys I did my make-up the same way I always do it!"
No. 863252
>>863246why does her face look so round and smushed? is it the filer or?
inb4 nitpicking
No. 863302
File: 1567537656112.jpg (126.51 KB, 750x1334, IMG_20190903_200805.jpg)

Boi she is looking rough
No. 863312
File: 1567538721506.jpg (112.76 KB, 1080x411, Screenshot_20190903-142346_Twi…)

Oh pleeeeeease Shay. We KNOW your ass isn't paying for it
No. 863354
File: 1567542399499.png (18.23 KB, 601x253, LIES.PNG)

The lies orbiters tell. Lol. So an weirdly filtered picture deserves our money?
No. 863403
File: 1567547579860.jpg (866.75 KB, 1080x1462, Screenshot_20190903-165331_Twi…)

No. 863404
File: 1567547629472.jpg (520.86 KB, 1080x1280, Screenshot_20190903-165435_Twi…)

No. 863423
>>862806shay hates other women because she knows she's unattractive and looks awful on the daily (hence the tweet at the top here lol) and because her mother won't tolerate her disgusting horrible self and life, meanwhile her dad gives in and still deals with it. also because she praises pedophilic
abusive men with no lives.
No. 863424
>>863173>uwu im a smol girlshe was so quiet for the last few days and now all her delusional stupidity is exploding out lol
>>863150"wut do u mean u dnt like ugly middle age fat guys who beat u up in the walmart parking lot?? u jst hate men lmao other women are so lame and mean!! my hank hill ass and genital warts are far superior!" shay please go back to not tweeting this is beyond embarassing.
>>863246this filter is either doing her SO DIRTY or she gained even more weight and so she looks like a swollen ball. looks like meg griffin if she became a crackwhore.
No. 863428
File: 1567550835618.png (32.16 KB, 495x481, jvkv.PNG)

>>863423Yeah her dad gives in. I feel like her dad is a shitty parent. She also says the shit about "paying the rent' multiple posts, but she's always whining about her almost not paying the rent.
What dad doesn't care that their daughter does porn in diapers, gets slapped by a 30+ man in public, is calling ANOTHER man daddy/dad, has men telling her they want to "rape and kill her" and pretending to like. Shay was escorting for some strange married couple at one point. But he doesn't "care" unless she pays the rent?
Shay could've gotten seriously fucked up in SO many points of her life. But her dad doesn't care & her mom is probably waiting on the day her dumb ass fucking comes to and gets a brain.
No. 863452
File: 1567552937828.jpg (523.71 KB, 1080x1752, Screenshot_20190903-182247_Twi…)

Really Shay?
No. 863466
File: 1567554289284.png (241.96 KB, 2048x629, Screenshot_20190903-194522.png)

I guess you wouldn't know that feeling since you never cum, Shayna.
No. 863471
File: 1567554666634.jpg (244.21 KB, 1077x853, Screenshot_20190903-185021_Twi…)

Funny that one of her orbiters posted this
No. 863498
File: 1567557940214.jpg (Spoiler Image,416.18 KB, 1076x1296, Screenshot_20190903-194626_Twi…)

No. 863499
File: 1567557976201.jpg (Spoiler Image,349.89 KB, 1077x616, Screenshot_20190903-194600_Twi…)

This is just bad. Even looks worse with her not having nails
No. 863500
File: 1567558023418.jpg (159.56 KB, 1080x715, Screenshot_20190903-194610_Twi…)

These all sound like terrible choices
No. 863508
>>863476These threads have always been shit and sometimes you gotta quickscroll through to find anything that isn't weird nitpick sperging. People are also looking out for the next Fupa or Dawn cuz those were the only really milky eras.
My point is confirmed just now in
>>863499 kek. They hate her with the false nails and hate her without them. My theory is either salty camgirls or simply underage anons, which is wildly common across the board.
No. 863522
>>863499It's not her lack of ridiculous stupid nails that make this picture unappealing.
It's the lack of lighting, and the odd color combination. It makes her look dirty, and the whole picture look dark and grimy.
No. 863525
>>863506She could be bloated from excess salt intake, or because she's trying to drink more water. She could also be bloated because she's getting her period plus all of those other things mentioned.
But let's be real, she doesn't look tubby, and she doesn't look significantly bigger than last week. you're just an anachan retard.
Her body isnt fat per se. It's untoned, with no definition so she looks flat and soft/chunky in some areas. But she's really not fat.
No. 863547
File: 1567562521374.jpeg (237.45 KB, 1242x1167, D05FEC52-2007-4DB4-BCBC-4035D0…)

KEK but why tho? Shay doesn't even want to be Shay. I guess creepy old men and neckbeards is free realest estate for everybody. "StEaLiNg MoNeY fRoM mY cUsToMeRs" airgo: taking monies that belong to ME. As if she cares about her customers. They're idiots for sending money to random Snapthots.
No. 863550
File: 1567562744578.jpeg (307.01 KB, 982x1518, 1A9D99AF-05CF-4774-B462-4282B7…)

This is the deal the catfisher's posting. Won't be long til they're gone anyway, since Snapchat doesn't fare well with whoring yourself on the platform.
No. 863554
>>863466every time she fakes it contributes to her lack of cuteness lol.
>>863547you put out free content on twitter and someone decided to profit from it, you are dumb, pls cry more.
No. 863576
File: 1567565823596.jpg (607.57 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190903_215653.jpg)

Holy shit, quit cowtipping
No. 863596
>>863525You must be one obese fuck to keep calling anons anachans for simply discussing her diet and gross body
>>863547Loool "airgo"
But I really wonder how much money the catfish could have gotten out of this. Surely using actually attractive camgirls (if there are any) to catfish dumb men would bring in more business?
No. 863612
>>863576>if u wanna be hot too u can just copy what i'm eatinglol no shay, what you're eating isn't going to make anyone hot. it's a wannabe anachan diet loaded with sodium and it's just going to make you bloated and tired.
has she actually gone to the gym once? No sign of the lauded "locker room nudes"
No. 863635
File: 1567579877307.jpg (24.45 KB, 480x300, Disney_toys_cars_Mater.jpg)

Someone posted that she looks like mater in a previous thread and I havent been able to unsee it.
No. 863868
>>863802She didn't start camming at 17, she even said that. She sold nude pics and videos when she was underage.
It's still disgusting, but at least get it right.
No. 863873
File: 1567613067623.png (123.23 KB, 1285x463, Captureh.PNG)

But she has said she cammed underaged. It's at the top of this thread & was a topic last thread.
>>863868 No. 863923
File: 1567619145509.png (Spoiler Image,368.83 KB, 586x487, Dirty.PNG)

Imagine begging for people to pay your rent, while looking dusty as fuck.
No. 863926
File: 1567619244883.png (19.21 KB, 587x160, 4763.PNG)

Shay you should know but you've been scamming for years.
No. 863929
File: 1567619393959.png (19.71 KB, 585x245, rit.PNG)

No. 863947
File: 1567620928087.jpeg (452.25 KB, 1234x1219, AE703548-04B6-4907-A94F-33B58D…)

Really all over this afternoon
No. 863949
File: 1567621023839.png (618.18 KB, 2048x1780, Screenshot_20190904-141708.png)

seriously Shayna? MORE shit you'll use once and never touch again?
No. 863973
File: 1567624522268.jpg (419.78 KB, 1080x921, Screenshot_20190904-141502_Twi…)

No. 863975
>>863949Why make people waste money when it's going to be the same poor acting and dry anal fucking with either the same plain dildo or some random unsanitary object into a fake orgasm? Oh and don't forget the same background of dusty paddles on the wall and string lights.
You should be putting your own money and time into creating scenes and using interesting props and different toys. It's not your audience's job to help you make content it's YOUR job.
No. 863981
>>863973Why are her lips still chap with lipstick? and she looked like she smudged coal on her eyebrows, they seriously look fucked up.
also, it looks like whatever filter she used is making her eyes look weird
No. 864042
>>861598>>863923She's late on rent but…>>862270
>>862583 >>862200>>858548
and she was ordering out. This idiot doesn't know how to manage money. Even if she WAS planning on using the cashout for her rent, she WOULD have $100. In fact, she probably does but wants to beg for money.
I truly believe whoever she buys weed from she either fucks or they overcharge her dumb ass for dirt. Shay doesn't inhale anyway.
No. 864064
File: 1567634209161.png (21.64 KB, 593x267, jdfj.PNG)

No. 864067
File: 1567634430751.png (382.12 KB, 2048x1642, Screenshot_20190904-145941.png)

Because up until the last two days you've been begging for money, Shay, you've been buying followers in bundles 1/2
No. 864070
File: 1567635093400.png (539.14 KB, 1960x2048, Screenshot_20190904-151149.png)

Such natural growth…. 2/2
No. 864103
File: 1567638607779.png (22.29 KB, 591x225, funny.PNG)

watch she spend it all on weed and other bullshit.
No. 864158
File: 1567648311736.png (25.59 KB, 581x185, sad.PNG)

No. 864166
File: 1567649309300.png (31.94 KB, 579x403, lol.PNG)

No. 864168
File: 1567649355640.png (55.35 KB, 584x226, lll.PNG)

why? So you can be the ugliest girl there? Acting weird and unsexy?
No. 864172
>>864158It's sad dinner is the only time she does anything. I feel like whoever she used to fuck on fridays was the only time she went somewhere besides the dogpark a week.
It's like she can't go somewhere by herself, why can't her dumb ass just go to an fucking bar or somewhere? She loves her job and Sex work is what she "loves' but her life seems dull and lonely BECAUSE of sex work.
No. 864182
File: 1567655250776.png (34.87 KB, 596x279, Screenshot 2019-09-04 at 10.47…)

No. 864367
File: 1567697602834.jpg (222.22 KB, 1079x911, Screenshot_20190905-103136_Twi…)

I guess shes finally cleaning that trash hole after 6+ months of not. I cant imagine how grimy her floors must be especially having two indoor pets. Also I really doubt she spent 200 on a vaccum. Really nice vacuums go for that price and I dont see shay paying that much when she rarely cleans. She probably bought one for 60 and is just scamming per usual. Though if I'm wrong I know we'll get a photo soon of her "fancy vaccum" so she can prove the hatuurz
No. 864389
File: 1567700326668.jpg (436.53 KB, 1078x1564, Screenshot_20190905-111650_Twi…)

And here we go…shay didnt you get to actually live as a housewife? Oh thats right, after a few months fupa realized what a scam you were and that you couldnt cook nor clean and so he dumped your ass. but yeah, go on advertising the uwu barbie housewife aesthetic again.
No. 864395
>>864367>Uses vacuumas prop for one video>Never uses it for it's actual purposeI'm just betting on that happening, kek.
Also how long has she lived there now? With no vacuum? Ffs Shayna that place must be disgusting.
No. 864438
>>864389I think she means porn but if she doesn't, her dumb ass is going to end up on the fucking news, if she plans on going to some incel's house for $50 ALONE and "vaccum" or "clean" in her dusty pink clothes.
Great job raising your daughter dad! She's "paying the rent" at all cost! Shay had all the tools (at home with her middle class parents) to do anything in life and this is what she chose.
But this is just like wanting to be an twitch thot, youtube thot and Cam Thot, it's not something Lazy shay is going to do.
No. 864443
File: 1567707416519.jpg (844.93 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190905-131346_Twi…)

She goes to so many lengths to flex her wallets lol. It's really not impressive shay. Also those frittatas are totally frozen ones. I hope she knows how many calories are actually in there
No. 864474
File: 1567712410073.jpeg (1.91 MB, 1242x2423, 0BA87E93-47C9-454E-8296-CA2EEB…)

Wtf why did she post these
No. 864478
>>864453 Even her brother called her ass a loser (which shows
how Shayna comes at women harder. She was calling her mom a cunt and all types of shit, but when her brother calls her a loser she just says she's going to private her blog for a while)
I've said before,but I wish we could give somebody who deserves it all the resources wasted on Shay.
No. 864482
File: 1567712867937.png (Spoiler Image,322.24 KB, 584x375, sls.PNG)

No. 864483
File: 1567712900922.png (Spoiler Image,399.15 KB, 553x550, dhf.PNG)

No. 864484
File: 1567712934615.png (Spoiler Image,320.04 KB, 572x353, fkd.PNG)

No. 864487
File: 1567712979050.png (Spoiler Image,382 KB, 596x612, fkfkf.PNG)

No. 864489
>>864483Suck it in Shayna, just suck it in.
and btw anyone taking a pic from that kind of side downwards angle is gonna look thinner so don't think you're fooling anyone.
No. 864490
File: 1567713067638.png (Spoiler Image,401.85 KB, 618x612, fnfn.PNG)

I personally feel half of Shay's problems would disappear if she'd done shoulder down porn. Her face doesn't add to the porn, she looks like the youngest brother from malcolm in the middle.
If she just did faceless porn, maybe she could have her family, a job etc.
No. 864621
File: 1567727696002.jpg (325.22 KB, 1080x1280, Screenshot_20190905-185521_Twi…)

She probably didn't even finish or film this video and using the "Halloween" excuse to give her more time to actually do it
No. 864654
File: 1567732551535.jpg (175.23 KB, 1080x722, Screenshot_20190905-201611_Twi…)

That'd be a scary ass costume
No. 864655
File: 1567732579498.jpg (960.44 KB, 1078x1846, Screenshot_20190905-201546_Twi…)

Looks so dirty
No. 864656
File: 1567732622926.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x1908, Screenshot_20190905-201556_Twi…)

Look at all the red acne spots on her ass
No. 864699
File: 1567743020192.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1241x2208, 8F4DC2DB-429E-4AFB-9471-41CB72…)

This video was so forced and uncomfortable, girl you don’t have to play yourself like this
No. 864707
>>864443made sure to get that michael kors wallet in the shot. also constantly grossed out she puts her food on that fluffy stool where she also does her porn.
>>864695they are so strained you can see the stitches being pulled.
No. 864728
File: 1567750382943.jpg (205.47 KB, 1080x1230, Screenshot_20190906_021224.jpg)

If this is not Jessica Yaniv, I don't know who that is kek
No. 864743
File: 1567754978257.jpg (179.4 KB, 1440x1608, shay.jpg)

No. 864767
File: 1567764163747.png (1.49 KB, 112x112, B5B961B1-5D38-4608-B642-31BF86…)

>>864743blessed be anon, the details are perfect
No. 864822
File: 1567778976555.jpeg (10.54 KB, 246x205, 2EA84FDD-89EC-4EA3-9407-AA4458…)

>>864367Can you believe this nasty bitch went months without vacuuming? Just think about how much dead skin, fur, litter and literal shit there is on the floor. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s all stained
No. 864856
File: 1567784740392.png (354.62 KB, 2048x772, Screenshot_20190906-114520.png)

Having vaginal swelling every single time you have penetrative sex is NOT NORMAL OR CUTE. it means you're not aroused and you're dry af, USE LUBE FFS.
No. 864862
>>864856That's because your dry Shay and your toys are dry and dirty.
Even when she had that clip screwing Fupa she looked dry. I wouldn't be surprised if years of rubbing that wand against her clit has made her lose a lot of sensitivity.
I truly believe when Shay gets done with her "Shoots' she leaves hes her toys as they are and doesn't clean them.
No. 864870
File: 1567785735922.png (730.21 KB, 2048x1453, Screenshot_20190906-120249.png)

Well then why didnt you learn ANYTHING about graphic design or film?
No. 864879
>>864870>went to school for film>has no fucking sense of cinematography Also: bitch when?
Didn’t she make fun of people who want a higher education in the past?
No. 864886
>>864883She takes nothing seriously. I feel like she thinks she's "So pretty" she can get by on looks, but when she looks back she'll see how much SHE sacrificed for Sexwork.
Just to be in the same place where she started. She's still begging, almost missing rent, she doesn't have a proper bed, or any real furniture.
No true "fans", no friends, family is ashamed, no boyfriend really nothing. She fcked up her life for what she is doing now. Close to nothing.
No. 864910
>>864443looks like a tv dinner she plopped in a bowl.
>>864389i hate that she always tweets her ""amazing"" moneymaking ideas instead of just doing them. but i guess she tweets her every thought.
No. 864922
>>864880tbh I went to a specialty high school as well (it was for computers and tech) but if you don't take any of the classes it's just a regular high school.
Tbh I think she took ONE photography class, showed up a few times, and now thinks she's a genius director, even though film and photography are not the same. That sounds like something Shayna would do tbh, she deludes herself enough already.
No. 864925
>>864882They need to change the website for the school, lol, Shayna's still on the homepage. Her childhood was SO horrible. And it's fucking hilarious that we see a picture of her smiling with a camera.
but she had no childhood and was tortured. She's self destructive.
No. 864927
File: 1567793570231.png (20.8 KB, 581x279, hfhf.PNG)

She does the same shit over and over.
No. 864930
File: 1567793635376.png (144.08 KB, 585x362, WOW 30 Dollars.PNG)

No. 864933
>>864930I find this funny because a 12-year-old can make this much raking/shoveling someone's yard. She constantly shows money that people give their 10-year-olds for their birthday or some shit, as if it's an large amount.
Shay to these people you are worth $30. It's been how many years? She's still getting the amount of money it takes to order a sheet pizza.
No. 864974
File: 1567800709486.jpeg (244.44 KB, 614x580, 37487D8A-85EE-42E3-B9C3-7423B1…)

This is the photo from her high schools website lmao the brown hair suits her more then the blonde or pink, I’m not saying it makes her looks pretty but it’s ummm… normal?
No. 864992
File: 1567802945599.jpg (203.08 KB, 1080x1380, Screenshot_20190906-214714_Twi…)

I love this lil rant being 2 tweets away from her feeling proud for getting dressed and putting on makeup 2 times in over a week. Deffo putting all that time she has being a better sex worker!
No. 865007
>>864992She makes a post AT LEAST once a week talking about how much other sex workers hate her and how she has no idea why. Then says something like "wow think of how much
work you could be doing if you weren't so focused on me" because she thinks everyone who's ever said shit about her just spends hours of their day fawning over her and being jealous of how "successful" she is.
Shayna maybe go do some fucking work of your own and you won't be thinking about other sex workers 24/7, hmm?
No. 865020
>>865007and there's barely anyone talking about her, So I have no idea why she does this. It draws attention to the one SW who MAY be talking shit.
Also it'll make people wonder why people dislike her and it'd lead them here or the posts on tumblr. Just shut up about it. If you aren't going to address them directly then be quiet.
No. 865036
File: 1567806577103.jpg (101.67 KB, 1078x575, Screenshot_20190906-225003_Twi…)

RIP shay
No. 865049
File: 1567808459230.jpg (294.63 KB, 1077x1035, Screenshot_20190906-172127_Twi…)

She literally could've pretended to text and not send a tweet
How long is she gonna try to be a femdomme?
No. 865070
>>864743holyshit, everything about this is an OP masterpiece
>>864870I don't understand how she thinks this is clever, at all…
No. 865072
File: 1567811634369.jpg (478.48 KB, 1078x1070, Screenshot_20190906-181420_Twi…)

No. 865073
File: 1567811665454.jpg (1.02 MB, 1073x1937, Screenshot_20190906-181408_Twi…)

How is this the outfit she chose? That old nasty white shirt
No. 865120
File: 1567819744449.jpg (472.1 KB, 1080x1158, Screenshot_20190906-202953_Twi…)

Fupa date night
No. 865129
>>865120It's hilarous to me whoever she's talking about (if they are real) can only see her on fridays. She's alone the rest of the week. Dude literally spends less than $40 to fuck ms. "Steal your college fund" can't help her pay the rent or let her borrow money.
Nothing but cheap dates.
Regardless of who it is we know it's a loser. Anyone fucking Shay is a loser.
No. 865131
>>865073The way the text cuts off is nightmare inducing.
There is a legit Barbie store in Japan and Korea, she should look into those if she wants /actual/ Barbie stuff.
No. 865148
File: 1567824014920.jpg (108.65 KB, 1079x314, Screenshot_20190906-214054_Twi…)

No. 865179
>>865169kek as if that’s ever stopped her before
“99% off on all my videos, help me get a moving pod so I can go to xyz state”
No. 865330
>>865159That’s because she never went to the drive in. Once again, like we wouldn’t receive “servin u uwu baby bimbo lewks” for her night out, no e-begging for drinks or popcorn, she would not have resisted the vintage charm background to pose in front of and say “look how cute I am!!!” Etc. She would have talked about the movie, like she did with Midsommar, like… lol come on people, pay attention to her usual behavior and see through her lying attempt at having a life. If she went it would have been the highlight of her shut-in week and we would have multiple posts on it.
biggest eyeroll, y’all know this is all true too
No. 865331
>>865261“I doubt she’ll be able to move out anytime soon” - the post you responded to.
You’re the one who needs to learn how to read and stop looking thirsty for a drop of milk that doesn’t exist.
No. 865337
File: 1567876416676.png (Spoiler Image,366.41 KB, 590x416, grainy.PNG)

1. "before work" lol
>>864870 "Went to school for graphic design & film" Her pictures constantly look like shit and her skin looks grey.
No. 865339
>>865330Those are
valid points and all but then where did she get the pictures and video that she did post from? I reverse image searched it and nothing came up.
No. 865350
>>865344I truly believe that Shay doesn't seem to enjoy sex (it's work now) so I feel like if she can get something from a man (weed, attention, likes, retweets etc.) she'd fuck them. She the type that thinks her puss is worth gold & will get her everywhere (we see how far it's gotten her).
I think thats what Fupa found out, that Shay will say and do whatever she has to get attention from anyone in her life. However, all the kinks, the "housewife" "stepmom" shit she said was just for Tumblr.
But Fupa is JUST as much of a poser. They out scammed each other.
So I wouldn't doubt if Shay fucked her Weedman, I would'nt doubt if she'd fuck any dude she thinks is "cute" to keep them around.
She makes it a point EVERY friday to say she's with a guy. She wants people to think that someone wants her & she's not lonely.
When chances are it may just be fupa or fupa equivalent or no one at all.
No. 865384
File: 1567880723374.jpeg (128.07 KB, 750x1334, ED4WJkMWwAINoAM.jpeg)

What is this face
No. 865386
File: 1567880849875.png (1.68 MB, 2048x1114, Screenshot_20190907-142754.png)

This angle is so bad, with them cheesy thighs
No. 865416
File: 1567885970090.jpeg (124.94 KB, 749x1188, B918761D-FFDD-4969-97D1-7834B1…)

She’s going to start forgetting what her actual face looks like
No. 865450
>>865440Fupa loves horror films, Shay has admitted she hates them.
Sounds like fupa to me!
No. 865458
>>865416LMFAO all idiot sex workers on Tumblr think being a domme is holding up the loser sign and telling men how much they suck.
they all look so much stupider than the men they are purportedly "domming" kek, how pathetic.
No. 865460
>>865450The fupa obsessed anon is back.
I'm starting to think this anon IS actually fupa.
No. 865462
File: 1567890534140.png (257.48 KB, 2048x500, Screenshot_20190907-170928.png)

"cum" lmao, okay like the "cum" on your face last time?
No. 865467
>>865462Lol, dude comes fucks her on friday and thats it. I doubt it's real cum but man what the fuck? What kind of shit is that?
Is she paying this "cute boy" for friday visits?
No. 865653
File: 1567907173702.png (536.94 KB, 2048x1022, Screenshot_20190907-214436.png)

>"weekly 10min custom"
Shayna, you can barely make 2 10 minute videos a MONTH. Plus, that means 4 custom videos plus everything else for only $100, that's cheap AS FUCK. (When you look at her regular custom prices they start at like $100 for just one 5 min)
What a desperate trainwreck
No. 865654
>>865653No ever seems to buy these things. If they did she'd be bragging about the 12-year-old's allowance someone paid her.
I hope someone buys one and then talks about how her dumb ass doesn't follow through.
No. 865698
File: 1567910824816.jpg (533.68 KB, 1080x1350, Screenshot_20190907-214732_Twi…)

What is she talking about?
No. 865699
File: 1567910859190.jpg (350.03 KB, 1072x1113, Screenshot_20190907-214713_Twi…)

Who is she talking about?
No. 865705
File: 1567911417348.png (105.19 KB, 638x550, ddjd.PNG)

ONE DUDE made a comment and she got so pissed about it, this was all dude said-
No. 865718
>>865716So fucking sensitive.
>>865699"Fluid" ???
I thought shay was against wasting her time on drama? Should'nt she be making porn instead of spazzing out on her follower?
I love how she's pretending she has 14k real followers. When she barely gets any interaction.
No. 865807
>>865716Is this supposed to be an authentic reaction? I didn’t realize how bad acting could be in a photo. She looks wasted.
And that eye liner. I await the day it meets her eyebrow.
No. 865943
File: 1567952306942.jpg (Spoiler Image,380.35 KB, 1080x598, Screenshot_20190908-091914_Chr…)

No. 865964
>>865943Yeah that don't look like cum lol.
I doubt she'd ever take anyone to her apartment, especially for sex, she has a puppy. Either it'll be locked out the room and having a soundtrack of barking/crying/scratching or she's in the room getting on bed tryna lick genitals.
Also sex on a daybed? Ooft.
No. 865967
>>865940"Her beauty intimidated you so much you couldn't get it up"
That literally makes no fucking sense
No. 865971
>>865940The whole football team blackmail thing makes no sense either. If you're on a high school sports team there's a good chance you've seen each other naked in the locker rooms already, so wouldn't the team already know he has a tiny dick, and make fun of him for it? So that "blackmail" wouldn't even work, she would just look like a huge loser for fucking him and then everyone would know.
Why has she been attempting so many blackmail/sibling/taboo vids lately? I thought she was uWu submissive bimbo Barbie girl? Tbh I think it's because of Mia.
No. 866034
File: 1567964073145.png (123 KB, 577x552, lol.PNG)

Wow, two dry dildos.
No. 866067
>>865705Like maybe this was even a compliment or him trying to engage in the fantasy saying his small dick can get get hard to her. Or maybe not, but… It just seems like such a dumb thing to literally call him out in a big rant over. It takes one click and 2 secs to ignore and move tf on. Bitch jumps at any opportunity to go off and be bitchy or play
victim without actual assessing the situation.
Like way to treat your followers and potential customers Shay keep calling them out on blast every time they interact with you! Such a professional business tactic!
No. 866080
>>866067She's the biggest fucking hypocrite. Hates call out and cancel culture, but is always calling people out for the DUMBEST shit.
Always complaining about women complaining about men, but complains about men as well.
Her whole thing is, "it's okay when I do it but bad when you do it, or bullying when you call me out"
No. 866085
>>864992I also want to go back to this post, Shay you are actively making sex work more
toxic and fucked up by being quiet about fucked up SWers. It's funny how you claim to care about your fellow Swers, but you'd watch them get treated like shit before opening your dry lips because people call you on your shit.
So congrats Dumb bitch!
No. 866155
File: 1567974061754.png (689.44 KB, 2048x1245, Screenshot_20190908-162118.png)

yes of course and they would totally call you Dolly, too
No. 866160
>>865940This video sounds more like she's blackmailing herself. She was masturbating for "him" and he couldn't get it up, which means she's so fucking ugly that even her masturbating couldn't get him hard. so she begs him to tell her crush that she was a great fuck or she'll tell everyone he has a small dick.
LMFAO you played yourself on that one Shayna.
No. 866161
File: 1567974472249.png (Spoiler Image,1.95 MB, 2048x1123, Screenshot_20190908-162823.png)

No. 866246
File: 1567981258811.png (49.75 KB, 579x307, the lies.PNG)

I hate how she tries to make herself seem more important then what she is. Dumb ass, no one made a "whole life" using your pictures. Sure people may use a picture of hers, but you aren't anyone important Shay.
No. 866248
>>866246Also love how she always bring up how "this is my job??" does she think people trying to "scam" using her name give a fuck about her or it being her job?
She's always pulling that card. The world doesn't give a fuck, people fuck over eachother every day with more to lose.
Shut up.
No. 866282
File: 1567985235919.png (14.3 KB, 589x152, dkdk.PNG)

?? So things you are supposed to do or should've already done? She has ALL the time in the world, to work out (she hasn't gone to the gym yet btw) & clean up.
Also to cam.
No. 866295
File: 1567987019036.jpg (283.49 KB, 1080x1109, Screenshot_20190908-185738_Twi…)

No. 866322
>>866160right, that description is such a terrible word salad and she tried to blame the lack of arousal on her ~intimidating beauty~ but it just sounded like he was put off by her downstairs horror show
>>866161 as seen here.
No. 866335
File: 1567992677094.jpg (357.05 KB, 1078x954, Screenshot_20190908-203153_Twi…)

No. 866345
>>866335Wow a whole new level of trashy and not ok. A see through shirt that you can completely see her nips… in public… jfc
It's one thing to go braless and be able to see the nip nubs, but a whole other to see the entire areola and all THROUGH it. I really wonder what people think when they have to see her. Like the bartender and other patrons. Yikes
No. 866348
File: 1567995389787.png (817.06 KB, 1419x2048, Screenshot_20190908-221452.png)

Im honestly baffled at the sheer lack of self awareness.
She literally only became a sex worker because it was trendy on Tumblr. She only got into pink and ddlg because it was popular on Tumblr. Her entire personality is based off of social media trends and sex work trends. Since blackmail and step brother stuff has become more popular with sex workers (especially on Twitter) now she's doing it. She has no originality and does absolutely put herself on a pedestal thinking she's always been the most original thing out there.
I seriously hate this pretentious bitch.
No. 866361
>>866348i find it SO funny how the thread is full or people just shouting out how long they've been doing sex work (it's actually positive) and Shay is flipping out with barely ANY interaction from her active followers.]
Shay is so fucking sensitive it's crazy. This girl has more followers & doesn't care that someone whose been doing this for YEARS and has gotten NOWHERE, is butthurt.
So fucking
triggered about everything. Again, she hates call out culture but constantly is calling people out. Why didn't she go in the actual thread and have a conversation with her peers/other twitter users?
Oh yeah, EVEN SHE knows her small amount of REAL active followers will agree with her and/or she'll barely get anyone talking out of turn or disagreeing with her because her social media is fucking DEAD.
If anyone comments at all.
No. 866481

>>866480She's also been drinking, hasn't been showing her meals, still hasn't went to the gym, still hasn't cammed, still hasn't made the youtube channel or video, still hasn't been on twitch.
Her Hustle now is making these same videos, posting "goofy" bloopers & her crusty pictures on Onlyfans until that shit gets shut down again.
Shay probably makes less then someone working a part-time job at Mcdonalds make a week.
I've seen Twitch Thots make what she makes in a week in an hour.
No. 866486
File: 1568044664278.png (2.85 MB, 2048x1966, Screenshot_20190909-115759.png)

Shayna needs to stop lurking, she seriously loves this site
No. 866500
File: 1568048331122.png (37.07 KB, 632x336, fjfjf.PNG)

She loves her job & life SO much, but wakes up and has to smoke. Has to smoke before she works. Is always drunk or high. Yeah that sounds like someone who loves their life & Job.
Not someone depressed and having to be under the influence of something the moment they wake up, to deal with life.
No. 866502
File: 1568048670460.png (45.34 KB, 586x457, Preaching.PNG)

No. 866508
File: 1568049322411.png (42.63 KB, 625x381, capture4.PNG)

No. 866513
File: 1568049710460.png (66.18 KB, 635x572, ffif.PNG)

No. 866519
>>866513I wish Shay cared about the safety of her own family, when she was doing underaged camming in their house. You know, creating and passing around child porn.
Or when her dad told her NOT to do porn in her their house & she did anyway.
Or when she posted her dad on her sex work account.
Or when she was receiving gifts from men to her parents house.
We have to protect this community that is about adults pretending to be babies, masturbating in parks and shit. We must
No. 866524
>>866519And I'm not shay isn't right just that she's a hypocrite and in my mind, they all are gross as fuck for what they do.
They sexualize children's items.
No. 866679
File: 1568069592680.png (26.46 KB, 595x207, capture 2.PNG)

I really wonder what she did all morning, it's funny how she keeps talking about "hardwork" and "not having time" for drama/worrying about other SW's, yet she says she's going to do something in the morning but is busy on twitter lecturing people/getting involved in drama.
bitch probably took a nap or got drunk.
No. 866681
>>866679and she's going to look busted. With eyeliner, she's no prize, but without she looks like the goldfish from 3D Cat In the Hat. The dumbasses who buy her porn DO NOT care about these dumb ass plots or the run on paragraphs of bullshit.
Just like how she wastes money on shit she doesn't need/won't use, she wastes her time on shit that no one cares about & it's STILL DUSTY Af in the end.
No. 866686
>>866683she was on twitter bitching at other sex workers (for shit she did/does as well), retweeting the few tweets she has that have some likes and she got high and took a nap.
Hardworking lady
No. 866692
File: 1568071917963.jpeg (Spoiler Image,502.77 KB, 640x850, F505AB5C-7301-4265-AEB8-273A6B…)

If it’s a simple video, it will surely have redeeming qualities.(nitpicking)
No. 866700
>>866698looks like an infected/reoccurring ingrown hair. When I was young and didnt know how to shave I used to get ones like this that got that bruised look because they kept coming back and I kept squeezing them without cleaning/healing it properly. Its also in that thigh crease and we know she doesnt shower so its probably incredibly sweaty and irritated.
sage for slight blog
No. 866702
File: 1568072820910.jpg (380.72 KB, 1728x2304, thread39 bingo.jpg)

I got bingo about 1/4 down the thread, diagonal BINGO from top left corner to bottom right but decided to keep going. Accurate Bingo card, anon, good work.
>>857187N2, N4, B5:
>>857225 or
>>857490 or
>>865350 (sum up of all "cute boy" stories)
>>866500 (she hasn't been posting about it as much lately, same with alcohol abuse)
Suggestions for next bingo: breaking TOS, lurking, incestual video descriptions, salty fupa FB posts, not wearing underwear, MV rank sperging, stupid tumblr speak (am doin a heckin post), dirty feet/shoes, screenshots of tips, free nudes, getting triggered on twitter by other SWers, "woke" tweets. No. 866714
File: 1568073779219.jpg (145.68 KB, 1080x532, Screenshot_20190909-190251_Twi…)

No. 866717
>>866692reminder, the day this was going on, was the day she claimed she was with a cute boy. So either the "cute boy" banged THAT, or thats why she had cum on her chest.
IF it even happened.
No. 866770
File: 1568088574205.png (201.72 KB, 750x1334, D51B3B26-E02E-43A4-977C-9F6F9B…)

Lmao it would end with her just going back to bed
No. 866937
File: 1568126483685.png (883.74 KB, 1776x2048, Screenshot_20190910-104210.png)

Shayna you're not bipolar. You're a retard.
No. 866941
>>866937Today is World Suicide Prevention Day so Shay's just going to be #woke all day even though she talked about wanting to die young.
She'll show some stats of sex workers suicides (maybe talk about how men have a higher rate than women because of how "
Toxic" we are to them).
Then she'll talk about how sad she is and how she's mentally unwell or some shit.
Fuck her family and how her lifestyle affects them mentally though.
No. 866943
File: 1568127157096.png (29.66 KB, 577x235, sure.PNG)

So funny her "mental illness" choose to show up on this day. She was JUST FINE when she was lecturing people the past few days, going out to get drunk.
Does she even take her fucking pills? Maybe it's your fucking job & the way you isolate yourself from everything that doesn't involve sex work.
Or maybe because you sleep under a wall of dirty sex toys.
No. 866946
>>866943also so sexy for her to put this on her work account, I'm sure her followers (soon to be 15K brought followers) care about how mentally ill their cam girl is.
That she's about to make a video whilst going through a "episode" so hot.
No. 866983
File: 1568134589937.png (11.05 KB, 587x84, fkf.PNG)

Sometimes I feel like she's cosplaying what she feels a bipolar person acts. However, with how she behaves there's no way she isn't mentally ill.
No. 866984
File: 1568134655709.png (29.67 KB, 592x283, Bwl.PNG)

No. 866996
>>866983so Kyle and Shayna's "Real
ly fake HausWives of Tulsa" only ran for one season (with a brief "sneaky" spinoff), and now she's realizing she's ruined a lot of her work opportunities for a guy who was too ashamed to publically acknowledge her for the entirety of their relationship.
She left the west coast, where she was semi-regularly booking "pro" gigs, closer to her LA-living dreams, and even her weed addiction was legally enabled. to move to bumfuck Oklahoma for an
abusive hick who only liked her for the free sex. Once he realized she's a loser too, he left.
was the last year of your life worth it, Shayna?
No. 867009
File: 1568138700905.jpg (137.73 KB, 1080x539, Screenshot_20190910-130259_Chr…)

I HIGHLY doubt she's taken any showers today, or this week.
No. 867014
>>867000And it's all because Sex work. Her choice to become a sex worker turned her life this way. Shay doesn't seem to smoke or drink because she wants to unwind, she NEEDS to do those things, daily to deal with the life she wanted.
It feels like her whole life, she's had this attention-hungry, self-destructive behavior and wasn't checked for it.
and the people who did, (her mom) had already became the villain in her head so she didn't care what they were saying.
what's more ironic is all she wanted is attention and for years this site has given her MORE attention than anyone, but she doesn't want it because it's not cheering on her shitty ways.
No. 867068
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No. 867075
>>867068>>867071Yeah idk what she's on about. Depression usually ends in not showering because you have no motivation to do anything and barely get out of bed.
Maybe her shower is a more comfortable sleep than her cheap daybed? Lel
No. 867088
>>867079Too real my friend, too real.
It's kind of what I thought too, but I'm still not convinced she takes showers this often for too long. She'd only mention it if it's something unusual, I think.
No. 867114
File: 1568153297316.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, F498D0FF-6606-49A2-89B5-2F2EE7…)

“Work harder” dumbass
No. 867123
File: 1568154585091.png (30.66 KB, 590x391, 2019-09-10 18_30_12-d♥lly! on …)

No. 867124
File: 1568154702077.png (834.83 KB, 1631x2048, Screenshot_20190910-183153.png)

This just screams to me, "I want attention!!! Look at how mentally ill I am!!! I need attention send me your money for nothing!!!"
No. 867126
File: 1568154944845.png (295.17 KB, 2048x584, Screenshot_20190910-183611.png)

She's only doing this to hop on the trend train. Just like how she did Harley Quinn right as the trend was starting to die. She's so fucking uncreative it's mind blowing.
No. 867143
File: 1568158356988.jpg (86.34 KB, 1080x532, Screenshot_20190910-183330_Twi…)

No. 867381
File: 1568215028687.jpg (400.71 KB, 1080x1294, 20190911_101748.jpg)

At least she acknowledges how phoney she is.
No. 867382
File: 1568215163133.jpg (327.63 KB, 1080x1251, 20190911_101836.jpg)

Officially a year since you made the decision to move to a shitty state for some boy who dumped you a few months after he realized you arent the person you present to be online. Oh how the time flies.
No. 867387
File: 1568215933601.png (31.09 KB, 586x295, llll.PNG)

It's so funny she's like "15k! Already!" But even her NUDES don't get past 1k likes, her posts are always dead compared to other sex workers (who I'm sure to buy followers as well)
I looked at an orbiters page and she had like 2k for a picture of her tits and she has fucking 100 pictures just like that, Meanwhile Shay will do all types of bullshit, still look dirty and get like 500 likes or something.
but 15k. It's so sorry.
No. 867437
File: 1568226973779.jpg (335.84 KB, 1080x1187, 20190911_133612.jpg)

kek that she retweets this in the midst of her begging for followers. All shay cares about is numbers, even if half of them are fake
No. 867442
File: 1568227889165.png (475.76 KB, 1761x2048, Screenshot_20190911-115114.png)

So what, we're supposed to believe she gained around 2k REAL followers in a week??? God Shay how fried is your brain.
No. 867497
File: 1568244049188.jpeg (731.26 KB, 1230x1555, B3CCF324-C54F-4C09-A636-B0F409…)

This is. Idiotic. On so many levels. You wouldn’t date someone who buys your porn and is supportive of you? Also what the fuck do you think a sugar daddy is Shay??
No. 867502
>>867497I mean the dude isn't lying. Shay WILL be used and not loved because her personality is "Sex" "pink" and "weed' she thrusts sex into every situation. No doubt she throws herself at dudes because, "She's not like other girls, she likes anal and is a sex worker! She's sexual!"
Shay thinks Sex will get her everywhere and everything.
Didn't go to the gym
Didn't cam
No. 867510
>>867497The texting services she offers? That's a paid relationship. Sugar daddy? That's a paid relationship.
Plenty of sex workers do paid relationships and you look like even more of a dumbass shitting on the sex worker community for saying that. Keep enjoying everyone hating you Shayna.
No. 867518
File: 1568247728209.png (258.3 KB, 2048x517, Screenshot_20190911-202244.png)

girl I'm so done with your ass
No. 867520
>>867518Maybe if she spent less time complaining about customers and was WORKING HARDER maybe she'd have some money.
This is ridic, seriously.
No. 867544
File: 1568254197404.png (43 KB, 584x171, Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 10.0…)

Jesus christ Shay shut the fuck up. How fucking embarrassing that she's using her work account to post shit like that. In what world is it acceptable to bitch like this, beg for rides to the store for the most basic shits and show off your alcoholism and drug abuse?? People begging on street corners have more dignity than her.
No. 867552
>>867544I think this is all the proof we need that Shay is an femcel.
As a "rape"
victim you'd think she wouldn't be.
No. 867559
>>867544>guys will just call you a whore or a slut a couple timesbitch WHAT?
Is this not the girl who had strange men show up at her childhood home and take photos of her bedroom window? At least she
claimed that happened. How is that not fucking terrifying?
more proof Shayna is just a pick-me desperate for any male approval, even from violent misogynists. maybe if she puts women down enough, men will realize that they should empty their daughters' college funds and give it all to Shayna, because she deserves it more for not being like the other girls!!!!
No. 867561
>>867559This is also the WOMAN (She seems to forget that) who claims she was raped and it helped "ruin" her life.
But no, women.
No. 867566
File: 1568258250737.png (3.28 MB, 750x1334, 9568F7D6-C9F6-440B-9754-C2F0A2…)

So uh… new thread pic?
No. 867567
File: 1568258290729.png (3.53 MB, 750x1334, 5F76C9E9-F771-4398-8407-02F2D9…)

Or maybe this one. They’re both equally terrifying.
No. 867575
>>867387acting like this photoset will be different than all the others she's posted. she's retweeting that stupid tip me o'clock thing but doesn't have a problem giving out free pix for hitting twitter follower ~milestones~.
>>867442yea it's super obvious how she buys them, i believe she got 19 followers in one day and the majority if not the rest of those stats are fake.
>>867566this might be the most 'special' face she's made, wtf was even going through her head taking/posting it.
No. 867616
File: 1568280009148.png (Spoiler Image,465.09 KB, 633x630, fjjf.PNG)

No. 867621
File: 1568283013522.jpeg (941.19 KB, 3463x3465, 2BDA5A72-EB49-48A8-9CCF-CAF939…)

No. 867639
File: 1568289792820.png (2.58 MB, 1936x1936, Photo_2019-09-12_08-02-20_AM.p…)

Congrats on the early jail release, Gypsy Rose.
No. 867696
File: 1568302432639.gif (33.37 KB, 465x620, 58FC4B21-D6CA-41DC-A61C-DFA3A1…)

>>867691Awww and she just hit 15k too!
No. 867699
>>867691ooooo boy lol
remember when she said she would give up and stop making new accounts if she got banned again? That was a solid 3 accounts ago at least
No. 867734
>>867730I agree
>>867728Yeah because everything thats ever went wrong in her life leads back to women. Her mom, us and female sex workers.
not the fact that she was "raped" by a man which is why she has all these "kinks" she doesn't even fucking have, or that her relationship with her dad is OBVIOUSLY not great either (he doesn't seem to give a shit), not the men she complains about every week, wanting to get shit for free.
Not the fact that, Fupa fucked her over hard, not that if men didn't find her "fuckable" then she'd be out of work.
Nope, women. When her brother called her a loser, Shay didn't spaz out on him, but called her mom a cunt and all types of shit.
I seriously feel like her dad may have spoiled Shay and made her feel she could do no wrong.
No. 867738
>>867735I also feel like he may have blamed the mom for the divorce, we know Shay blamed her mom for working. I feel there's a reason why Shay has this "daddy" thing and this hate for women (starting from her mom) and it leads to her father for me.
Some parents trash eachother to their kids, I could 100% Shay dad doing that. Which may be why she doesn't like her step mom, anyone whose taking her dad's attention away.
No. 867739
File: 1568309900824.jpeg (197.52 KB, 1242x945, 33FF0A31-5941-4310-AA71-13E4BB…)

The irony.
No. 867742
>>867739What a fcking loser. Just because you accept abuse from men as "Kink" & "Love" doesn't mean other people have too.
It's only abuse when a woman is being mean.
No. 867746
File: 1568310917641.png (284.98 KB, 602x554, lolbanevading.png)

She posted on snap about her twitter being deleted at 15k, and asked for someone to make her a new one.
Guess an orbiter came through kek
No. 867815
>>867795You'd think that the facts of her job being put in jeopardy every other month, plus her not making much from it, plus the mental toll, plus the "haterz tm" , plus the isolation, plus the disappointment of her family/strained relationship because of her job,plus not being able to have anything CLOSE to an normal relationship, plus making less then what someone makes at Mc Donalds, plus how overcrowded it, plus how bad she sometimes looks etc. etc; That Shay would, I don't know? Realize that her job isn't stable and/or find a different method to do her "job"?
Realize the chump change she gets is probably the same amount (maybe less) she'd get a week working somewhere else? Going to school? Shit, even doing a trade?
Does Shay know you can get attention from doing positive things and things that aren't harming you?
Sex work isn't positive for her.
But I'm just a
toxic woman out to ruin her life, so what do I know?
No. 867837
>>867815But not being a dusty worn-out shell of a blow up doll means she loses, anon! She needs to make dry pimple-riddled stoner sex videos to rake in them pennies so her family knows how much of a WINNER she is!
Also, she hates any kind of work with a passion. A real job means you have to show up looking presentable at a certain time; 'camming' and tit pics in bars are more up her alley because she gets to do fuck all and still call it a 'job'.
>>867817Tinfoil but I think part of the reason she hates camming is that there is no hiding from her total lack of presence. Nobody gives a shit when she goes on cam, and she doesn't make millions just for showing her gremlin face on cam once every few months.
No. 867882
>>867691not at all surprised, it seems like the account always gets suspended at 15k and she never learns.
>>867795yes, ppl care about her so much they sat and watched her twitter for x amount of time, as her 'followers' collected and she was making mad cash from uploading the same pix/videos with different hair/outfits over and over. they purposely waited for her to get in the gym, have a healthy diet, stop drinking and stealing college funds on the daily to get her twitter deleted.
No. 867948
>>867945Because truth be told Shay isn't doing much, to help her future she's living tip by tip.
She doesn't have any plans to do anything more then sell nudes and porn. She doesn't want to save up to start an actual business, nothing.
no goals.
No. 867978
>>867795She really looks like and sounds like she’s on hard drugs during her Snapchat story. Touching her hair/face, mumbling to herself trying to stay on topic, talking about her insecurities about her face, etc.
Is that how she copes with having her twitter and fake 15k followers deleted?
No. 867981
File: 1568338840750.jpeg (571.55 KB, 956x658, A4615C85-00DB-4EF8-9C26-684AFF…)

Been following her trainwreck for a while now and have only been a lurker, but I just found out Shay is from the town next to me and one of my coworkers went to high school with her. MA is a small state but I didn’t expect it to be that small, holy fuck.
No. 868000
File: 1568345870689.jpeg (37.15 KB, 250x333, 2B4726C4-FF3A-4925-9061-EBB02E…)

old pics of Shay are so depressing I forget she used to leave her room to go places beisides the bar. why the fuck wouldn’t she want to move back to ma
No. 868017
File: 1568351799672.jpeg (561.85 KB, 1430x1212, 8CC01453-1C0E-4F7E-B1C7-2EBE80…)

>>867983If I can think of any way to approach the subject besides “hey one of your old highschool classmates is currently an ebegging washed up wannabe pornstar, but how was she at Assabet?” I’ll keep the thread updated- I’m more interested to know how many of her peers know how she ended up, honestly. Both my parents attended that same school so to think Shay spawned from there as well is still throwing me for a loop.
>>867990Yep, found her old Facebook through my coworker and another mutual friend.
No. 868052
File: 1568369850841.png (3.07 MB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_09-13-05.04.38.png)

Man I can't help but wonder if her dad has truly seen what's happened to Shayna. Has there been any talk about getting her help? Surely because of how little they see each other this stark change, even from 2018 to NOW is enough to set off some alarms. Shay, you looked so much healthier back then, just admit this isn't the life for you. It's killing you
No. 868053
File: 1568369923700.png (3.47 MB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_09-13-05.19.05.png)

>>868052Meant to post this version
No. 868060
File: 1568371309247.jpeg (667.27 KB, 2048x2048, 1566118546524.jpeg)

>>868058I'm not saying people can't change. I'm talking about the weight gain, the bags, the obvious substance abuse look. So these photos do kinda mean something.
No. 868156
File: 1568395345239.png (11.81 KB, 596x99, lol.PNG)

No. 868158
File: 1568395403255.png (76.34 KB, 639x583, fjd.PNG)

No. 868194
File: 1568399517966.png (445.84 KB, 2048x741, Screenshot_20190913-113232.png)

And the blame game begins
No. 868199
>>868194Shay thinks the more fake followers she buys will either trick people into thinking she's someone or famous.
It's not going to happen Shay.She constantly preaching about the numbers meaning nothing but she keeps trying to get that Tumblr fame again.
No. 868297
>>868102when she was in high school she cheated on her boyfriend, got caught, and claimed it was rape to avoid taking responsibility
>>868198don't forget anon, she literally cried about how "sex work
is her God" (this was right after Fupa "dumped" her yet they were out together and she filmed this in his car. lmao they really thought they were being sneaky)
>>868199She wants to be Lillie Jean kek
No. 868304
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No. 868310
>>868297nah unlike lillee jean, shay actually did get a large amount of real followers on tumblr when she was a stoner blog, so at one point she did have real fans while lillee jean only has her mom. however shay managed to drive most of those real followers away from alienating her audience by switching to the newest (at the time) tumblr trend of ddlg. so now she has basically no fans and they're in the same boat.
>>868199i feel like shay constantly goes on about how follower count doesn't matter because she wants to draw attention to her (fake) high follower count. it all seems extremely patronising, like a model preaching "looks don't matter" (although that example obviously doesn't apply to shay)
No. 868312
File: 1568413078765.jpg (231.19 KB, 1080x790, Screenshot_20190913-171844_Twi…)

Oh puhLEASE Shay
No. 868340
File: 1568416972689.png (404.71 KB, 1319x2048, Screenshot_20190913-162302.png)

How does she have such a poor grasp of TOS and IP bans
No. 868376
>>868367Lmao, Jesus Christ Shay.
Her life is such a drag that she thinks it's been that long, wow.
No. 868427
File: 1568428337791.jpg (265.82 KB, 1080x939, Screenshot_20190913-213307_Twi…)

When will she stop talking about tumblr?
No. 869768
What bothers me the most is her absolute contradiction of baby talk in her posts, and flat, affectless personality in her live vids. Last Christmas she did a whole "buy my wishlist and I'll open it on cam" show. It took her more than an hour to sit naked rolling a blunt. Every few minutes she'd absently comment, "Yeah…I'll open this stuff in a minute." When the opening finally commenced, every gift was met with a "wow..cooool…thanks," and tossed aside. The whole time, orbiters were sending 'tips' through chat to pick which present she opened next. The mood was uncomfortably tense, as Shay alluded to her and fupa's breakup and things going down the toilet in that regard.
This chick just does absolutely fuck-all for her character or to separate it from reality. She's not over the top bubbly or cutesy, she's not sarcastic or cruel…she's just boring. This is why she's constantly begging for money. She needs to fully invest in a character personality for the cam, something she can detach from outside of work. As of now, she has absolutely nothing for anyone to take interest in.