File: 1556897069271.png (196.11 KB, 676x646, Welcome to the DollHaus DOLLY …)

No. 801975
File: 1556897149392.png (12.41 KB, 582x123, 2019-05-03 11_25_21-Barbie! (@…)

or, and hear me out on this crazy idea, you could just go to pornhub now?
No. 801979
File: 1556900029222.jpeg (250.82 KB, 1242x449, 91C92A90-0807-4E10-B18C-9476C0…)

clearly she hasn’t seen the porn side of twitter. I’ve seen some crazy ass shit on there that I’ve never seen on tumblr. I’m talking bleach your eyes, I never want to see this ever again type crazy.
No. 801985
>>801979Shay doesn’t even watch porn so why would she be excited about a site with crazy porn shit? Just be honest shay. You’re just chasing your died out tumblr fame.
Also kek at her doing anything for more than a couple hours, let alone 6 hours. Who are you kidding, Shay. You’d probably screech into your phone for 6 hours about ~muh sex worker struggles~ and answer self-asked asks.
No. 802026
>>802016>>802010Did Rib look happy in the video I can't find it
I'm worried that her cat is depressed
It happened to my cat when I left for uni
No. 802029
File: 1556915679099.jpg (98.48 KB, 1080x765, Screenshot_20190503-213115_Twi…)

Sweet. More useless shit as she obviously doesn't own a single record.
People's gifts to her are just "this is pink".
No. 802033
>>802014yeah exactly. she wants to be a celebrity for being edgy online
>>802026yeah ok anon/shayna you're like totes funny
No. 802050
>>802026Sage your fucking autism and then reevaluate yourself before posting here again.
>>802029Hilarious. She doesn’t own a single record. This will just be another pink aesthetic piece for her garbage apartment. Right next to her hello kitty toaster.
No. 802072
File: 1556931236026.jpg (426.52 KB, 1077x1233, Screenshot_20190503-195336_Twi…)

No one is going to buy these
No. 802076
>>802072I just noticed the heart filter floating above her head. So dark. So kvlt.
Also, wasn’t she talking about how much she loved god and went on this weird preachy rant for a few weeks? Now she’s selling merch with an upside down cross, looking like some black metal garage band’s self made album cover.
No. 802122
File: 1556960446717.jpg (448.96 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20190504_095831.jpg)

Looks like she's out drinking with fupa again. She wore that pink collar in public. Yikes. If it was black it would at least go with the outfit.
No. 802126
>>802122Not even a somewhat subtle collar
How trashy
No. 802128
>>802122i think this is the filthiest we've ever seen her hair. this literally looks like egg in her hair. jesus fucking christ, shayna, not camming is not an excuse to avoid all semblance of hygiene
>>802127i swear. the "graphics designer" literally just traced one fugly pic and turned another fugly pic into greyscale. reminds me of the question some anon asked in the previous thread – who the fuck is going to wear a shitty cartoon of a naked ugly sex worker on a teeshirt?! where is the market for this thing lmao
No. 802177
File: 1556986261157.jpg (265.44 KB, 1080x1281, Screenshot_20190504-170931_Twi…)

More useless pink garbage.
What's the betting she never uses the thing? Well she's drunk all the time so she shouldn't even be using it.
No. 802216
>>802177She's just gonna use it as a prop for photos, not actually ride it.
That's my bet.
No. 802220
>>802177Kinda suspicious that Shay got that useless pink piece of shit record player yesterday, and then today she gets pink and yellow bike that fits the style of what dumb tumblr girls think vintage is. Is this her latest attempt to rebrand? Vintage pink and yellow barbie? Lol when life gives you lemons, I guess
It’s hilarious that she’s trying to build up a following on aesthetics alone when she can’t even stick to her own schedule for a full week. Has there ever been a time when she wasn’t constantly and consistently late for / “taking off for my mental health” every other day of camming?
No. 802246
>>802177She’ll probably put a dildo on the seat and ride around like that and get her stupid ass arrested. Kind of like how she went out in public with no panties and then stuck her feet in the mud and masturbated. I’m still
triggered by that.
No. 802251
File: 1557004882568.jpg (170.06 KB, 1080x733, Screenshot_20190504-162100_Twi…)

Yup, only bought it for photos
No. 802291
File: 1557015674387.png (433.4 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190504-201832.png)

sage because not exactly milk but I wanted to check to see when she last broadcasted (tuesday. nice schedule there dipshit) and noticed she edited her profile for the first time in well over a year.
No. 802293
File: 1557015965029.jpg (347.76 KB, 1080x598, 1556669480380.jpg)

double post but this is her schedule for the week from the last thread. If she broadcasts tonight, she'll have shown up for 1/4 of her shifts.
No. 802299
File: 1557018328110.jpg (339.59 KB, 1080x1025, Screenshot_20190504-200510_Twi…)

Lol only one person liked this
No. 802467
File: 1557084331312.jpg (Spoiler Image,286.59 KB, 2048x1488, IMG_20190505_202451.jpg)

Looks like she won't fit in that bed..
No. 802468
File: 1557084443917.jpg (Spoiler Image,127.17 KB, 1334x750, IMG_20190505_202515.jpg)

A lot of bruises on her legs.
From gross fupa sex or drunken escapades?
No. 802472
File: 1557086408871.jpg (146.58 KB, 1334x750, IMG_20190505_210010.jpg)

Nightmare fuel
No. 802486
File: 1557089705189.jpg (Spoiler Image,600.79 KB, 1080x1308, Screenshot_20190505-155458_Twi…)

Please no
No. 802492
>>802488She's not even got a real pillow and has it set up in a way that's not for sleeping.
What are the dimensions of this bed cos she honestly looks longer than it
No. 802498
File: 1557092166800.png (1.66 MB, 750x1334, 0FB04968-060C-41FA-8B5D-CAAF3B…)

>>802488It’s this from amazon
No. 802506
>>802502doesn't look comfy but i mean, its better than the floor.
what if she breaks it tho
No. 802550
File: 1557104476815.jpeg (346.77 KB, 1242x733, F32531ED-F52D-40C9-B22E-FE43A8…)

She seriously just jumps on popular fads for the heck of it. No creativity. I’ll bet she just started watching it recently too, just like with her Harley “cosplay” where she didn’t even know anything about the character or how to play her.
No. 802552
>>802550Fupa got her watching it when they started living together
What is she gonna do? Be fucking a dragon?
No. 802643
File: 1557155087839.png (15.85 KB, 583x127, 2019-05-06 11_04_09-The Bondag…)

capping before she inevitably deletes
No. 802656
>>802643Since when is she on meds? If she's only just started then yeah they gonna fuck you up for the first few weeks, that's how it works.
She fakes her orgasms anyway so no change there.
No. 802672
File: 1557161742542.png (38.91 KB, 603x403, 2019-05-06 12_55_00-The Bondag…)

>>802668i thought she did less than a week ago but it seems to be the only reason she leaves the house lately
No. 802700
>>802643I've never heard of the puking side effect, but it's very easy to research anti-depressants that don't kill libido
It's a shitty reason to not get medicated especially when you're as unstable as Shay.
And like
>>802656 said, she fakes her orgasms anyway
No. 802701
File: 1557168070504.jpg (181.65 KB, 1080x1152, Screenshot_20190506-193613_Twi…)

Medical marijuana? For what Shay?
The amount she smokes is clearly bad for her physical and mental health. How is she qualifying for this? Or is she just trying?
No. 802706
>>802701at this point i feel like she could spend 3 hours washing and she'd still look dirty. she always looks like she's caked in a layer of grime.
>>802608surprised she hasn't pitched a crybaby fit about this yet. there's no doubt she's noticed by now with how attached she is to social media.
No. 802715
>>802701This and her meds seem like bs to me.
weird that she has never mentioned either before and then suddenly starts talking about both. Just seems like her latest attempt to get pity/avoid working
No. 802724
>>802701OK's medical law is super lax, most doctors put 'insomnia' as the main diagnosis if you don't have an actual medical issue on the recommendation form. You pay for the appointment-mine was maybe 20 minutes tops-and you get your approval. The state ultimately decides when you apply for the actual license.
My father had his card, he was in chronic pain before he passed and insomnia was still on his list of approved issues.
No. 802730
File: 1557175107657.png (3.19 MB, 750x1334, 4C24A17C-49D2-402B-A70B-4B3B29…)

She looks so fucking wrecked and gross
No. 802731
File: 1557175202651.png (3.42 MB, 750x1334, 612318CA-FE68-4085-BFB4-A2CE21…)

Pt 2
No. 802733
>>802700Nausea is a pretty common side effect of SSRIs so she probably just figured that meant puking or whatever
>>802729Nah not necessarily. Depends what it is but probably not
No. 802746
File: 1557180639024.jpeg (848.61 KB, 750x1334, 573F742B-4E87-4C98-8633-372F41…)

What an attractive thumb nail on public Snapchat
No. 802750
>>802730i’m starting to take pity on her. she seems like literally the unhappiest person on all of /snow/ and no matter how much she pretends this is her DrEaM LyFe it’s getting more and more obvious that she just wants to give up. she seems like the kind of person who wants to jump from point A to point Z and skip all the necessary tough steps in between. her mentality is literally stuck in her teens, she has no concept of adult responsibilities. owning an apartment doesn’t count because we all know fupa and her dad are helping to foot the bills. owning a pet doesn’t count because she’s happy to load it off to someone else to worry about.
like this shit is just depressing. i feel like it’s a real possibility she could turn into a luna slater type character and just let her life go completely sideways. just go home to your parents and fix your life shay ffs
No. 802754
File: 1557183964951.jpeg (409.34 KB, 1242x768, 0EE6FF7A-CFAD-4652-BEF9-4FCC5A…)

On this weeks episode of things that didn’t happen
No. 802756
>>802657Yeah, medication isn't going to do anything except dull the pain that might actually motivate her to get her shit together. This is probably one of those cases where medication alone might make her problems worse; most of her issues are the result of her lifestyle and bad habits/thought patterns that drugs can't fix. She needs to put actual effort into solving her problems if she wants to stop feeling like shit.
>>802750Well, she is pitiful more than anything else. Aside from some mild scams resulting from sheer laziness and parasitic tendencies, she's not particularly malicious, and without that it's sad to watch someone crash and burn even if it is the result of their own choices. Shay is lucky that she has her parents as a safety net, but she's also most likely fucked up any chance at a real career thanks to her online presence.
No. 802776
>>802730So she got high before going to her medical marijuana thing. What a fucking idiot.
You can tell she's a major addict that she can't even turn up sober to try scam herself into getting medical marijuana. Fucking yikes
No. 802823
>>802754Not to wk but this happens to anyone with colored hair honestly, esp in areas where it's less popular (I'm no expert but OK doesn't seem like the place for edgy snowflake hair)
It's so completely unremarkable that this happened cus it's just a matter of course tbh
No. 802854
>>802853She’s not doing it for anxiety or depression. She’s doing it to have better weed.
HOWEVER, if she’s smart, she’ll try to find a job at a dispo or grow op once she has her card.
No. 802918
File: 1557250432750.png (180.47 KB, 486x256, 70d627f37f8272afa52449fe1f29b5…)

>>802731Shaynasty. We know you lurk. If you're still planning on getting lip fillers, I'd strongly fucking advise you to save that money for under-eye fillers instead.
No. 802932
>>802915>Somebody’s ex bf??????
Like that gives him clout or something?
If I were talking to a dude and found out he ever dated Shayna – even knowing nothing about her, if I just saw literally any of her selfies – I’d drop his trashy, questionable-taste, possibly-diseased ass immediately.
No. 802940
File: 1557255184550.jpg (200.18 KB, 1079x881, Screenshot_20190507-115245_Twi…)

LEL with what money, Shay?
No. 802962
File: 1557258123788.jpeg (307.86 KB, 750x1037, 22A17352-69B1-4732-BDE3-D92597…)

well look like since there’s a poodle in her kitchen she can’t make any new photosets yikes
No. 802978
File: 1557261762019.jpeg (998.51 KB, 1242x1800, F881D384-C3F1-48AF-8ACC-413815…)

She finally found out about her insta, cue the breakdown
No. 802984
>>802978>professional looking businessmake your own website then. this was mentioned to you a few weeks ago on cam. you won't get your own website removed because you pay to own the domain.
literally when someone recommended it she was like "I just don't get why I would need one? like what would I do with it?"
No. 802995
>>802989I hope you got a perma ban because your constant autistic rib-meat sperging is embarrassing, and the cow tipping was the cherry on top.
>>802915Proof Fupa is really a teenage girl.
No. 802997
File: 1557264902029.jpg (537.36 KB, 1080x1689, Screenshot_20190507-163454_Twi…)

For doing what? Nothing?
No. 802999
>>802989oh my lord, why are you so obsessed with this damn cat?? Seriously, you have been on about it for the past several threads, please fucking punch yourself in the face for me thx.
Can we get a no talking about the cat rule in these threads? lol
No. 803008
>>802672Why did she put quotes around "marijuana" ??
>>802962How ghetto is her apartment??
No. 803064
File: 1557284537311.jpg (240.54 KB, 1069x643, Screenshot_20190507-200014_Twi…)

Lol her retweets.
You're not being discriminated against Shay, people (camwhores) just don't like you. So when you do dumb shit like constantly breaking TOS, they go out of their way to report you.
No. 803065
File: 1557284672855.jpg (229.24 KB, 1080x591, Screenshot_20190507-200242_Twi…)

Sage for samefag but I'm cringing at this "you're all helping me so much" positivity bs when she just tweeted about people being scared to promote her.
Also what business??
No. 803223
File: 1557342386952.png (65.23 KB, 640x487, IMG_2948.PNG)

it's like this was made for shay
No. 803224
>>803168Exactly. This is why she will continue this insanity. She will make 1000 accounts and it’s a never ending cycle for her to be a
victim and cry and get sympathy bucks. Its worked for literally 6 months. How many times has she been on cam in 6 months? Why work when you can cry about life and get paid for it.
Eventually people are going to get sick of it. I’d be amazed if she keeps this going for another 6 months.
No. 803239
File: 1557346784541.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1242x2082, F483C5F8-9AAB-4521-9A07-469A89…)

Holy hell WHY would you post this on a sex work account?! Bitch you look like a full blown druggie!
No. 803240
File: 1557346832208.jpeg (124.3 KB, 750x1334, 75BE60EA-84F4-4BB0-8106-6B7090…)

Our dead eyed addict whore Shayna.
No. 803242
File: 1557346972151.jpeg (Spoiler Image,125.48 KB, 750x1334, CE2E0488-3D31-4358-9AC8-5F9CAF…)

drugged addicted mother of 3 estranged children tries to get money by showing her pussy on this weeks episode of intervention
at least put some makeup on and TRY.
No. 803244
File: 1557347102853.jpeg (Spoiler Image,128.71 KB, 750x1334, 150F3A94-B47C-48FF-AE25-44A811…)

pure fucking nightmare fuel. this would drive me to drink if I had to look at this every morning.
No. 803254
File: 1557348742947.jpg (201.71 KB, 1080x557, Screenshot_20190508-150934_Twi…)

Needing those pitty points about her "mommy issues"
No. 803255
File: 1557348778910.jpg (178.24 KB, 1074x630, Screenshot_20190508-150920_Twi…)

She will use the prize wheel a couple times like that board thing
No. 803261
File: 1557350428116.jpg (232.88 KB, 1072x797, Screenshot_20190508-162013_Twi…)

No. 803262
>>802997That's what you see on top of you during sleep paralysis. She really needs to work on her facial expressions, she always looks scared or constipated.
>>802999I don't know if some people refuse to read the damn thread or if they're just that retarded. Fupa is garbage, but he seems to take really good care and seems to care about the damn cat. Rib is much better off with him, in a bigger house, than she is with Shayna, who obviously cared so little she just dumped Rib on Fupa.
>>803239I know this is probably a nitpick, but I'm actually concerned about her undereye circles. I understand some are genetic, it's fine, whatever, but this filter used to mask hers, now it just looks like she got repeatedly punched. Imagine being so prideful, you're in the shitter yet you refuse to admit defeat, get a real fucking job and move on. It's sad. She's been on a downward spiral since these threads started, but her descent has accelerated.
>>803255This dumbass barely gets on cam, idk why she keeps dumping money into this black hole.
No. 803297
>>803278Not to white knight, but some people are prone to feet problems etc if they have dodgy sweat glands. And by the state of her vaj etc that’s not… massively unrealistic.
Anyway. What the hell is fupa wanting with that attention seeking bio. Either he’s with Shay and vetting people or using her rep to get free nudes from cam girls. Either way, he’s shockingly more messy than her.
No. 803310
>>803297Shay’s threads have gone from cringy to downright disturbing. The fact that Fupa’s pathetic instagram bio highlights how much of a cream puff he is is hilarious, and also very pathetic. The disturbing part comes into play when you take into consideration that this adult man who has displayed predatory and cruel behaviour towards Shayna now has access to her underage fan base and brain dead orbiters, (fucking her in the ass while she’s sleeping, encouraging her to disassociate and deal with her anxiety by sucking his dick, and randomly slapping her in the face in bowling alley parking lot, on camera - are all predatory and cruel practices. Im not interested in arguing about whether these were consensual acts or if Shaytard was
abused because that’s not milky - but with that being said, I think we can all agree (at least those of us who aren’t bdsm autists) that the above acts are pretty unhealthy and dysfunctional). Fupa’s whole internet tough guy persona is a walking red flag. The fact that he likes DD/lg and has been proven to be a serial cheater who hooks up with girls over the internet and moves them in after only meeting her less than a handful of times, are red flags. There is a mountain of red flags behind this man. Even after breaking up with her, Fupa is still piggybacking off of the Dolly Mattel tumblr fame by referencing being “someone’s ex” in his bio. This really goes to show just how low Shay’s self esteem is, that she is allowing him to do so.
No. 803319
File: 1557359738900.jpg (255.06 KB, 1080x692, 20190508_185504.jpg)

Needing more pity points
No. 803380
File: 1557375762299.jpeg (657.13 KB, 1242x941, 550BD6F9-122B-4665-987F-42F927…)

Ah there we go. Another glamorous cam sesh.
No. 803383
File: 1557376260879.jpeg (Spoiler Image,605.14 KB, 1242x945, 1D9D04D0-9870-4C4B-9099-0D5780…)

Holy shit the SLURPING SOUNDS when she has 1/2 inch of this thing in her mouth are disgusting. She also burped immediately after and said her new medication is making her gag reflex a lot worse.
No. 803384
File: 1557376303429.jpeg (Spoiler Image,495.8 KB, 1242x958, 64841F18-449A-4B64-A1D8-80643F…)

>>803383Before the dick sucking she did the most bizarre spinning the dildo around in the air routine before slapping it several times against her hand.
No. 803388
File: 1557377199155.jpeg (707.42 KB, 1242x1292, 72CFE9EC-B953-43C1-B3DB-405186…)

Good lord this is… so odd to watch. Her sound cut out so she brought the crazy mic closer. Now she’s asking for help to set up the record player because she doesn’t understand what wires go where.
No. 803401
File: 1557378274318.jpeg (794.42 KB, 1242x1225, FE3AD998-3D47-4877-A885-6949F8…)

Getting drunk. Patting belly. Then there’s this guy.
No. 803409
File: 1557378717780.jpeg (662.26 KB, 1242x1062, FF4ACB8A-C5AD-40CC-8588-33DB1D…)

Strip tease incoming.
No. 803419
File: 1557379578259.jpeg (Spoiler Image,498.05 KB, 1242x1059, F0E3C3EB-0800-4A5C-A2E9-779B78…)

This is. Bleak. She’s two mikes hard lemonades in and stumbling. Her mic keeps cutting out. She keeps knocking empty bottles together on the floor as she moved around.
No. 803426
File: 1557379767986.jpeg (Spoiler Image,785.83 KB, 1242x1168, BDBE4C7F-0311-4587-B699-BB1C67…)

Someone bringing up a goal she hasn’t done while she ignores them on her phone.
No. 803438
File: 1557380018644.jpeg (Spoiler Image,697.49 KB, 1242x1075, 0B058672-F8A5-44B7-89AE-1F035A…)

An entire look. She makes me want to take better care of my body.
No. 803439
File: 1557380245568.jpeg (Spoiler Image,703.06 KB, 1242x1135, 990DE026-DC83-498B-8210-7E4917…)

No. 803457
File: 1557380892627.jpeg (Spoiler Image,759.7 KB, 1242x1144, 59EBD728-F3F7-4703-8A73-EBF9D4…)

No. 803597
File: 1557386716002.jpeg (56.83 KB, 960x540, 6886CA3E-5789-4295-A612-297C87…)

>>803419This immediately made me think of an old episode of South Park with the butt-faced people.
>>803383She has to be literally the worst ever at giving blowjobs. It’s embarrassing to watch. Especially when you add
>>803384 to it.
No. 803805
File: 1557413607390.jpeg (Spoiler Image,110.88 KB, 750x1334, 17037B93-1937-4D8A-A07E-A1E25E…)

That pimple thing on her ass is just gonna keep getting worse isn’t it? and another classic lazy mattel-she said she would post upclose butthole pics [which no one wants anyway] but instead was just lazy and posted pics she took on cam.
No. 803918
File: 1557424334591.jpg (279.12 KB, 1080x1323, Screenshot_20190509-125209_Twi…)

Oh pleeeeeeeeeease
No. 803922
File: 1557424583590.jpg (466.15 KB, 1062x1005, Screenshot_20190509-125612_Twi…)

No. 803993
>>803922I seriously thought when I read this that she was going to eat some fucked up mixture of actual superglue because of that brand name, Gorilla Glue.
I wonder if now that she has all these vinyls and she's working on a marijuana card she'll rebrand herself yet again to some pink haired bimbo hippie for a week since she's already forgotten about her goth look and never did buy any of the goth furniture she said she was going to get.
No. 804064
>>803995Problem is that all of it is old shit and none of it sticks anymore because it’s old. She’s insecure and uncreative so she’s not going to try out anything new, or anything that hasn’t worked for her in the past; that’s one of her main problems. Her next problem is her lack of focus and nonexistent work ethic. Then the fact that she can’t take proper care of herself. She is not going to last as a sex worker, period.
Begin every other day and shoving your foot behind your head to show off your pimpled vagina doesn’t make you a sex worker.
No. 804169
>>803884I appreciate the updates anon.
Not everyone has a second phone or a good enough phone to screen record.
Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
If anything it’s easier to make a throwaway account on snapchat, and do it yourself if it’s that easy.
No. 804214
File: 1557447389889.jpg (1.2 MB, 1512x2688, Snapchat-1008690522.jpg)

Fupa got a friend for Ribmeat
No. 804222
>>804212You can also tell by all the generic names with no profile pictures that either have no tweets or tweet spam. It's embarrassing. I don't get it, what's the point? You don't get any gains for having followers on Twitter, it's not gonna make you more recommended.
She also only has 500 odd on her "work" account so doesn't make sense.
No. 804261
>>804215Farmers will tinfoil details about non-milk, like why shay is getting a medical card for example, and the explanations are on her public snap. So farmers who actually bother to watch her public snap fill ya'll in on these details and they get told to go away unless they post "proof" of the "non-milk" or milk or whatever you happen to consider it as.
If snap anons stop reporting and correcting, sooner or later you will all have the wildest ideas of shay's reality when she is giving explanations to the internet.
No. 804279
>>804276Why does she ask people to reimburse her for stuff not even related to her work?? Like when she goes out to drink too.
I don't ask my employer to reimburse me for the shit I spend my money on
No. 804382
File: 1557465291825.png (199.07 KB, 2048x1990, Screenshot_20190509-231003.png)

Her Twitter is suspended, again. Reposted because I forgot to sage.
No. 804453
>>804279she obviously doesn't know what he word "reimburse" means, and thinks people owe her their money just because she's asking for it
>>804382lmao I'm glad she had time to waste her orbiters' money on followbots first
No. 804457
File: 1557470547323.jpg (667.48 KB, 1080x2133, Screenshot_20190509-234140_Twi…)

Welp, the other one got zapped too.
No. 804461
She posted on snapchat that she's going to cry herself to sleep.
>>804415Is right, this is getting old
No. 804508
>>804465do you know where you are? This is an
imageboard. This ain't reddit or gossip fb group or whatever. Adhere to the culture or gtfo
No. 804583
File: 1557492794360.jpg (59.74 KB, 305x517, 1501346637460.jpg)

Lurking the first thread and found this gem. Shaytard was all up in arms about Tumblr SWs who don't understand services that DONT ALLOW ADULT CONTENT. Can we just talk about the part that says "Stop blaming everyone around you and take a look in the fucking mirror." I guess it's easier to blame "Evil people" than examine how much you've violated the TOS.
Shay, take your own goddamn advice and get over yourself. It takes $10 to buy a custom domain name and $0 to maintain it. Come on. Oh wait, that would be work, huh.
Saged for old milk with new relevance.
No. 804601
File: 1557495798281.jpg (454.32 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190510_084154.jpg)

Don't worry, snap Anon here! Now she's trying to buy other people's Twitter accounts? Which means when she gets deleted again they'll flag that person too?
Also, I was trying to upload a video but I couldn't do it here directly, anyone know how to?
No. 804666
>>804601i use an anonymous dropbox account and then create a link
if it's sfw you can try streamable, but if there's nudity they will delete
No. 804697
>>804601I don’t understand her sudden obsession with twitter? She’s only been on Twitter for a few months and now she’s willing to pay someone for an account. That’s insane and shows how highly addicted she is to social media and online validation.
Any sane person would just move on. But Shay thinks she’s “sticking it to the haterssss” by cycling through this insanity weekly. She’s so fucking stupid and I wish one of her orbiters would rub a few braincells together and tell shay she needs to give up on Twitter and go to her OnlyFans that she created and leave it at that.
No. 804705
File: 1557508998230.jpg (755.14 KB, 1080x2158, Screenshot_20190510-102031_Twi…)

Of course she made a new Twitter
No. 804706
File: 1557509034787.jpg (562.86 KB, 1080x2158, Screenshot_20190510-102057_Twi…)

And she's having a pity party. (1)
No. 804707
File: 1557509059946.jpg (435.75 KB, 1074x1445, Screenshot_20190510-102106_Twi…)

No. 804717
>>804707'info that's non consensually put out there'
Dramatic wording there, what is this info that requires consent?
No. 804744
>>804706Her argument of "when I was a teenager" doesn't work when she's 21 so that was only a few years ago. Also she's being called out for scamming in her work. So she was an adult for these call outs.
She wasn't some stupid 16 year old. She was a stupid 18-20 year old
No. 804748
>>804706shayna you dense motherfucker
you were BANNED, twitter will keep BANNING you because you were BANNED
It's called BAN EVASION, and it's in their tos, now get the fuck off of twitter and go somewhere you AREN'T BANNED
No. 804770
File: 1557515260450.jpg (376.7 KB, 1080x1280, Screenshot_20190510-140608_Twi…)

Another nobody
No. 804872
>>804705And she’s still blaming other people, claiming it’s people reporting her that keeps getting her shut down.
No shayna, you keep breaking the rules. Ban evading, buying followers, putting a pic of you with a ball gag as your profile picture. You are not almighty, you are not exempt from the rules. Shut the fuck up.
No. 804873
>>804706So regretful. That’s why you retracted your apology and told people to just get over it, right? That’s why you targeted homeless sex workers and told them to stop begging online right? Yeah, you have so much accountability and are so regretful and try so hard to change.
Think again, Shayna. The SW community has basically blacklisted you; no one gives a fuck about your stupid irrelevant tumblr whore ass anymore.
No. 804881
File: 1557523392578.jpg (556.28 KB, 1076x1869, Screenshot_20190510-142133_Twi…)

I made the mistake of looking her up on Twitter, looks like she has some die hard female orbiters. Sage for WK sperg (1)
No. 804918
File: 1557526327688.jpeg (81.15 KB, 658x432, 87EA8B34-E1E9-49E0-B5B4-A6B238…)

im p sure she’s buying followers again..
No. 804919
File: 1557526495036.jpg (144.42 KB, 1080x800, Screenshot_20190510-151352_Twi…)

>>804918Tons of them are blank profiles like this, I wouldn't be surprised
No. 804938
File: 1557527918363.jpg (Spoiler Image,259.99 KB, 1080x1135, 20190510_153842.jpg)

>>804881Just came across this in my feed, most of the community abhores her lmao
No. 804957
>>804918how much money has she wasted?
Shay, please just go home.
No. 804986
File: 1557533258157.jpg (719.52 KB, 1080x2158, Screenshot_20190510-170711_Twi…)

Looks like we're getting brought up in the twitter sperg, kek.
No. 804997
>>804918About 200 more in 2 hours lmao. Is there a way to exploit this free follower thing because WHY would she spend money on followers when she's been suspended so many times. Does she not learn?
Plus what is the point of it if they aren't real? How does that make her feel better in anyway? I guess it's just some fucked up psychological shit I can't comprehend.
No. 804998
File: 1557534506816.jpg (1.2 MB, 1512x2688, Snapchat-1678140734.jpg)

She will say anything to avoid delivering on promises
No. 805012
>>804995she says she is trying to move on from twitter but not before making a new account to get suspended from…
i wish her supporters would care enough to tell her that twitter is just not worth it right now. she is barely sticking to her cam and vid schedule, that has got to be irksome for people that pay her
No. 805265
File: 1557583508148.jpg (224.74 KB, 1050x1640, Screenshot_20190511_100449.jpg)

Whoomp there it is
No. 805267
File: 1557583537930.jpg (358.42 KB, 1080x2015, Screenshot_20190511_100435.jpg)

No. 805276
File: 1557585299086.jpg (644.39 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20190511_103421_com…)

Yeah… So many retweets from reputable accounts… /s…. Kek
No. 805280
File: 1557585824284.png (1.26 MB, 1888x1330, asvvds.png)

>>805273>>805275hopefully this makes better sense
when someone retweets something from you, and a person replies to that tweet from that other person's page, their account is linked to the reply. so she had a jumpstart in these followers from these porn accounts
No. 805282
File: 1557586091496.jpg (304.65 KB, 1068x1377, Screenshot_20190511-074721_Twi…)

Kek she made a "wow so many of u" post and people are already not buying it. (1)
No. 805283
File: 1557586114934.jpg (360.35 KB, 1080x1153, Screenshot_20190511-074729_Twi…)

No. 805401
File: 1557602071647.png (282.11 KB, 750x1334, 4E924A15-45B1-4452-A7C2-CB6495…)

Next on: Things that never happened
No. 805413
>>805403Because it’s a quick and convenient way to end the story that didn’t happen. And then that way she doesn’t have to @ them on Twitter (since they are a big enough fan to call out to her) or have to put an identity or face to the fake person.
She automatically assumes this person is a “fan” and not a troll? When she assumes everything else is her hatersssss.
Her fake stories are so bland and obvious.
No. 805450
File: 1557608827446.jpg (141.96 KB, 1079x508, Screenshot_20190511-160708_Twi…)

No. 805478
File: 1557612859952.jpg (235.6 KB, 1080x1255, Screenshot_20190511-171407_Twi…)

Soooo stuff she regularly posts?
No. 805523
yeah shay we get it, you’re still dating Fupa. Just be honest about it. lmao at how flat her ass is
No. 805721
File: 1557670620595.jpeg (323.21 KB, 1242x675, CB5DFD46-2D60-4A6E-B5FE-9DA524…)

6k in 2 days. Yeah that’s not completely suspicious at all. Can’t wait for this one to get shut down too.
No. 805780
>>805721So what Shayna? It's just going to be deleted again hahaha
She has to be paying, what a waste of money. She's such a dipshit
No. 805840
File: 1557686673821.jpeg (227.16 KB, 1242x1413, A6452279-899C-4D2D-BE4C-5C3E39…)

>>805752A couple of her posts have gotten a few thousand likes and 30 or so comments. Most of the comments are porn spam or comments in spanish. Most of her posts get the usual amount of poor interaction.
The deletion of her accounts was getting boring and annoying but if she loses this one it’ll be kind of funny since she’s super excited about her online validation and semi-higher interaction
No. 805913
File: 1557694341760.png (352.25 KB, 1125x2436, 4C255DE8-F44E-4687-BA22-6C092C…)

Welp lmao
No. 805937
File: 1557697514233.jpg (825.01 KB, 1063x2143, SmartSelect_20190512-174201_Sn…)

No. 805938
File: 1557697581222.jpg (633.92 KB, 974x2054, SmartSelect_20190512-174327_Sn…)

Crazy how she posts stuff like this yet still trys to pretend like she has an ass
No. 805939
File: 1557697663680.jpg (835.6 KB, 1057x2155, SmartSelect_20190512-174423_Sn…)

No. 805941
File: 1557697695890.jpg (967.51 KB, 1066x2129, SmartSelect_20190512-174437_Sn…)

trying not to cry at the bar lmfao
No. 806025
>>806023How many has she made and lost? 10? She will keep doing it until her fan base gets annoyed with it and she can’t milk anymore sympathy bucks. She says it’s her “haters” but if she truely believed that, she would petition twitter to get her accounts back. So she knows she’s breaking the rules. It’s just a way for her to be a
victim and beg for money. So she will keep doing it for awhile.
No. 806031
File: 1557706223401.jpeg (544.95 KB, 1242x1046, B6F91E30-34AC-4171-AE93-6B7DF2…)

If you go to the old one (fuckdollymattel) she now only has a little over 2k. Does twitter purge the fake followers after a suspension?
No. 806042
File: 1557708542846.jpg (421.37 KB, 1080x2158, Screenshot_20190512-174844_Twi…)

No. 806051
File: 1557709667303.jpeg (528.9 KB, 1242x1326, 9B84F178-1032-435E-848D-BC71A1…)

No. 806070
>>806051>all i want is 2 mind my own business & continue 2 run itthen, go on the website designed for sw? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
this is going to keep happening to you because you were
banned, you absolute retard
No. 806152
>>806051kinda feel like if she would just acknowledge her shitty past, issue a sincere (at least appearing to be so) apology and quit scamming so blatantly camgirl/sex worker twitter would slow down the witchunting so her accounts would last more than a day
and if she would just gain her followers organically, twitter would quit suspending her. it's really not that much work to get followers, shay lmao. isnt it hurting your stats, bank account and ego a lot more to have to constantly start over? lowkey pretty sure if she would have just laid off (and apologized srsly those callout hoes just want you to address shit) the first time she remade, she'd be in a way better position "branding" wise.
No. 806207
>>805937her body in that pose and with that "waist band" looks like an actual traps'.
wow. much barbie.
No. 806230
File: 1557758672902.jpg (304.1 KB, 1080x1547, Screenshot_20190513-074415_Twi…)

Lurk harder, Shay.
No. 806233
File: 1557758767163.jpg (370.04 KB, 1080x1464, Screenshot_20190513-074549_Twi…)

Twitter sperg (1)
No. 806235
File: 1557758870875.jpg (450.12 KB, 1080x1350, Screenshot_20190513-074558_Twi…)

Twitter sperg (2)
No. 806236
File: 1557758988923.jpg (646.51 KB, 1080x2158, Screenshot_20190513-074755_Twi…)

Twitter sperg (3)
No. 806239
File: 1557759081746.jpg (653.38 KB, 1080x2158, Screenshot_20190513-074729_Twi…)

Twitter sperg (4)
No. 806241
File: 1557759143703.jpg (618.21 KB, 1080x2158, Screenshot_20190513-075219_Twi…)

No. 806246
File: 1557759483197.jpg (651.11 KB, 1080x2158, Screenshot_20190513-075614_Twi…)

Jesusfuckshayshutup.jpg (6)
No. 806247
File: 1557759505426.jpeg (791.12 KB, 1231x1443, 710F39F4-FC52-4D3D-A117-5C2977…)

It just gets worse. The victim mentality never ends.
No. 806252
File: 1557759693401.jpg (412.01 KB, 1080x2158, Screenshot_20190513-080111_Twi…)

Already deleting tweets, Shayna?
No. 806253
File: 1557759779607.jpg (144.69 KB, 1080x770, Screenshot_20190513-080256_Twi…)

Simmer down, jesus
No. 806258
File: 1557760354806.png (11.42 KB, 582x101, 2019-05-13 11_11_57-Dolly(@its…)

lmao okay
No. 806259
File: 1557760979314.jpg (385 KB, 1080x2158, Screenshot_20190513-082016_Twi…)

I love how calling her out is gatekeeping
No. 806260
File: 1557761018449.jpeg (382.4 KB, 1242x698, 979D16E2-3252-4AD4-B1A7-E74E04…)

“I sacrifice everything, I’m always the victim even when the only reason I’m getting tormented is for idiotic mistakes I’ve made that I could fix but I refuse to”
No. 806264
>>806260People literally tried to explain it to her and she decided to get defensive instead of tucking her pride away in an effort to save face. It's her fault she's getting banned, losing business and getting called out, but playing
victim gets her more pity tips I guess
No. 806271
>>806259Shayna, do you REALLY love being a sex worker? Do you REALLY love getting on cam and flirting with customers, perpetuating THEIR fantasies as a means to SELL them a good time and EARN their money?
Because you’re not acting like you really love your job as a sex worker. People reporting your twitter profile does not impact your ability to get on cam more consistently, make more content, explore other venues of income, etc, all good ideas that have been suggested on this thread.
Do you really love a job that you’ve had to give up friends, family, and your home, for? Are all the social sacrifices you’ve made worth it to maintain this cycle of e-begging and constant meltdowns?
The secret to having a good life is to live in a way that you enjoy. Do you really enjoy the way you’re living?
No wonder the camhoes want her taken down so badly… she’s horrible,
problematic representation for the sex work industry. People see her because she fits the dominant beauty culture, and she makes all sex workers look bad.
If this therapist that she’s supposedly seeing today is worth their weight in salt, they’ll pull the rug out from underneath Be shaytard and put things in perspective for her. She is only a
victim of her own choices.
No. 806283
File: 1557763745692.jpg (384.13 KB, 1080x2021, Screenshot_20190513-090819_Twi…)

Why does she always end spergs with "im here 2 run a business" THEN RUN ONE AND LEARN TO DO DAMAGE CONTROL
No. 806290
>>806258at first I was like YES GOOD and then I was like holy shit this therapist is in for a RIDE
>>806259what is it that you
do at this point? beg on Twitter 24/7 and cam twice a month?
No. 806309
>>806259>>806260>a business I love uwu>does hardly anything on cam besides be on her phone, looks disinterested most of thr time, hates it when people are sexual towards her on cam while working as a sex worker, doesn't take care of her body - the only thing she needs to care for, doesn't understand other platforms exist for sex workers, doesn't understand that breaking twitters tos means banning and a ruined businessshe was only in love with the idea of being a successful cute cam girl who makes loads of cash while working her own hours from home. She already even tried porn with one of most worst companies in a genre desperate for actresses and failed.
just go home and back to school shay. This
victim retardation is too much
No. 806322
>>806247This person was nicer than Shay deserved, and Shay is still not getting it.
Just be the
victim forever… its working so well for you.
No. 806355
File: 1557770811778.jpg (494.27 KB, 1564x1564, 20190513_130253.jpg)

Another super valid point. She can NEVER keep a schedule. If she worked, let's say, EVERY Tuesday/Saturday at the same time every week. Her customers would know she'd be caming those days/times and if her Twitter/snap was deleted it wouldn't affect her "business" as much. That's why successful businesses have set open hours, and not just randomly open, or mostly closed in her case.
I think her smoking weed every waking hour is a big reason she is late/doesn't get online.
No. 806364
>>806355Waiting for the angry victimized response to this measured and
valid explanation
No. 806369
>>806355>>806271She doesn’t enjoy being a sex worker. She can barely call herself a SW anymore since she gets on cam once a month. She’s just pretending at this point because she “won’t let the haters win. “ she’s doing it out of spite and doesnt want her friends and family to be like “ we told you”.
If she’s really going to a therapist, that therapist will tell her to take a long break from the internet and focus on finding a job that is healthy mentally and good on your wallet.
No. 806406
File: 1557776183904.png (145.49 KB, 1112x309, oops.png)

>>806256>>806250 for curiosity reasons i went searching. found another minor among the porn bots, sissy accounts, random anime bros, dudes with their kids as a header and some orbiters here and there. most of her followers are really legit blank accounts and ارسلي زبك وفديو وانت تنيك واحب مقاطع, Ricardo95983102 then mygf_loves_feet. a lot of the following bots have dick pics for icons im p sure lmao.
anyway for someone who is "running a business" in the adult industry they cant be bothered to clean out her followers of minors. they prob get hidden by all the bots. also press f for our warrior toeman420 and our friend jim who is following the wrong whore.
anywho heres a video she just posted. No. 806434
>>806409You're cool, I dont know why that anon is being so aggressive. I'm pretty sure other farmers have come forward and said that they bought shit for Shay when they were former fans, and she ignored/blocked them.
I think she's genuinely paranoid and assumes anyone that isn't one of her fat, female orbiters or some creepy guy is looking to troll her.
No. 806475
File: 1557784532713.png (Spoiler Image,3.12 MB, 1242x2208, 9FDB7153-0C87-4234-BFCD-998608…)

Kill it with fire.
No. 806481
>>806259>i don't want to work a REAL job because anything above minimum wage won't hire me after even the most barest of google searches because of how terribly i've run my own name into the ground.nice little lie tho, it's not gonna work ma'am. just say you don't want to act like an adult and be a petulant filthy overgrown toddler for the rest of your life next time maybe, save yourself the time.
just give it up and go back to school.
No. 806501
File: 1557788333706.jpg (215.27 KB, 1080x1438, Screenshot_20190513_185801.jpg)

She doesn't buy followers
No. 806502
File: 1557788357041.jpg (268.88 KB, 1080x1549, Screenshot_20190513_185826.jpg)

Another 17 year old
No. 806505
File: 1557788574992.jpg (483.95 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20190513_190237_com…)

And a 14 year old follower….. Jesus christ
No. 806515
File: 1557790883725.jpeg (323.05 KB, 1242x1061, 20393D06-A035-4FD3-B850-6B31E4…)

trying to prove how totes real her followers are. Stop lurking here Shay.
No. 806522
File: 1557791296013.jpg (Spoiler Image,661.84 KB, 810x2577, 20190513_184359.jpg)

>>806515Trying to prove how real they are and these are the comments. I'm dying.
No. 806527
>>806271>>806309>>806369She really doesn't like sex work. She likes that she can be a lazy, gross, dumbass and scrape by on pity money and minimal sales. Minimal effort and enough money to get by. She won't give that up for a reg job, if she could even get one.
I'm convinced she really doesn't like sex or this work. She never bothers to get into anything sexual she does – she won't arouse herself enough to get wet and actually use toys (or maybe she just can't due to her sores or some other dysfunction with her body). She hates people being sexual towards her/interacting with customers or people in general if they aren't just boosting her delusional ego or validating her. She has little to no sex appeal. She avoids camming like the plague. Hardly ever does a new half assed vid. Literally everything she does in her sex "work" is the bare minimum or to get validation. That's why she won't let her twitter go. She's whack. If her therapist is real, hopefully they can direct Shay from her retarded path of delusions and attention seeking.
No. 806537
File: 1557793792598.jpg (658.53 KB, 1080x2021, Screenshot_20190513-172554_Twi…)

Ah yes, a tweet that screams "I'm running a business".
She's really just looking for people to take care of her daily expenses, not working or providing a service.
No. 806542
File: 1557794701822.jpeg (1017.79 KB, 1242x1799, 14AD77E2-2A30-47A8-9ECF-7B3428…)

She also claims someone just sent her $200. I’ll bet anything she’s at home, crying, drinking, smoking, and watching her shitty life crumble around her.
No. 806558
>>806555That's been tinfoiled a few times. Since they aren't dated and no other info with them, it's possible she recycles screenshots of money she gets sent. People also tinfoil she sends herself money sometimes so it looks like she gets sent money all the time. Though like
>>806549 said, she does have dumbass orbiters that continue to fall for her shit and feel bad for her. They're bottom of the barrel tumblrina leftovers like her.
No. 806560
File: 1557797345775.jpg (735.19 KB, 1080x1920, 20190513_202823.jpg)

Those pictures are definitely from the other day. And wow. She looks bad today.
No. 806563
>>806560Out in public with just an unwashed crop hoodie with no bra
Girl needs to wash herself and cam/make videos. She's a social media addict
No. 806573
File: 1557799087384.png (Spoiler Image,3.5 MB, 1125x2436, A6835568-C72A-4DE6-976E-8ECFFB…)

couldn’t have pulled the panties up just an extra half inch?
No. 806587
File: 1557801532488.jpeg (111.24 KB, 1122x738, A063D49C-8775-4B26-9941-908CEC…)

Showed up on twitter timeline, found it hilarious because Shay never really pops up in my world outside of here and now she has a few times in the last few days.
No. 806619
>>806591It's getting hard to tell of it's retarded farmers or the obsessive sex worker girls. Either way, it's pathetic and dumb and they need to stop. Shay is nasty, scammy, and an absolute loser idiot, but it's gotten ridiculous. Let the trainwreck derail on it's own. She doesn't need to be reported and "cancelled" over every fucking little thing. She's a fuck up plenty on her own and her "business" / "career" has been a half assed mess since the beginning. She's always gonna have her orbiters until they finally lose interest and move on and there's always gonna be a few pathetic dudes that will jerk it to her stuff. Cancelling her isn't going to do anything because she's not successful anyway.
Its gotten really tired. She already doesnt have friends. Most other SWers dont care about her anyway. Besides that, she's dumb and stubborn in her grimey, lazy, needy ways that she'll continue to remake accounts forever. Im not WKing. Im just saying the stupid bitches reporting her need to get their own lives too.
No. 806651
File: 1557811851151.jpeg (747.06 KB, 1242x970, FF04F4BB-5E61-40AB-8268-D3079D…)

Yowza. She looks like she’s about to burst into tears.
No. 806653
File: 1557811956778.jpg (4.02 KB, 382x27, rv9UeUj.jpg)

dont do my girl marina dirty like this
No. 806664
File: 1557813238860.png (3.89 MB, 1242x2208, EE98E4DF-8BF0-434E-88D3-1CB9FC…)

Trying to think of which stuffed animal she’d want if she could have anything. It’s exceedingly boring.
No. 806668
File: 1557813642985.png (9.94 MB, 3264x3264, THRIVING.png)

A summary for anyone who doesn't want to watch.
No. 806669
File: 1557813710130.png (1.35 MB, 1304x976, Screen Shot 2019-05-14 at 1.59…)

The way she is sitting is so unflattering..
No. 806670
>>806654>>806664JFC Shay…go get a job at a dispensary or a glass shop. I know you want to prove everyone wrong and be a sex worker but you look MISERABLE. And it’s not sex work just because you’re on camera on a sex cam site. You actually have to be…sexual.
Her ego will be her downfall. Get over yourself girl and get a jobbbbb.
No. 806678
File: 1557814324671.png (Spoiler Image,951.92 KB, 913x713, ick.png)

Oh man….
*repost forgot to spoiler
No. 806692
File: 1557818144962.jpg (27.72 KB, 480x360, IMG_9723.JPG)

>>806678Bitch looks like this spider
No. 806733
>>806670You're right I think Shay would be a good fit for these jobs. They wouldn't care about her internet reputation. Shops like that always want a conventionally attractive (aka young, thin, white) female like her to work for them. She could even go to work high and "smoke blunts for a living". But she's way too lazy.
I think there's a greater chance she would actually be recognized in public if she worked retail. Then she won't have to fabricate Tumblr-level fantasies about that on Twitter kek
No. 806754
File: 1557835839223.jpeg (9.5 KB, 259x194, download (5).jpeg)

In regards to her twitter
No. 806756
File: 1557836114839.jpeg (92.54 KB, 1118x1310, F67288F9-C01A-4E4A-9B5A-10F94B…)

No. 806796
>>806794Exactly. Purely milking the situation. See how she is barely working? You would think she would bust her ass to prove that she's never giving up, that she can make money through her actual work. But this sob story is her meal ticket right now.
Does she realize how pathetic she looks?
No. 806805
File: 1557843976330.png (975.68 KB, 1125x2436, 68677BD1-5B23-420D-A0AE-6C52D4…)

No. 806806
File: 1557844016362.png (3.56 MB, 1125x2436, 8BA1F140-2601-473F-BEB4-7710AC…)

No. 806808
>>806248tbf she shouldn't apologize for the shit she's getting 'cancelled' for (i.e. not the scamming, freeloading, or pedobait). Give them an inch with this kind of thing and they'll take a mile.
>>806271>People see her because she fits the dominant beauty culture, and she makes all sex workers look bad.Sorry to break it to you, but sex workers make the sex work industry look bad…it's genuinely insane to watch a bunch of catty hoes rip on each other to try and gain some sort of sense of moral superiority. Also, 'dominant beauty culture', really? What is that even supposed to mean? Your entire post is buzzword salad.
>>806527>I'm convinced she really doesn't like sex or this work. If she does like sex then she definitely doesn't show it to her followers. She should have gone the sugar daddy route so she'd only have to do sex work for one person rather than many; she probably thought that she could turn her tumblr followers into easy money and figured out that it takes much more effort than she's willing to put in.
>>80662599% probability that she's on one of her parents' plans
No. 806825
File: 1557846119170.jpg (496.33 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190514_095929.jpg)

Before/adding to what she said before this.
>>8068061/2 she wants someone to take time out of their day to get an email, set up a new twitter, and use their phone number.
No. 806827
File: 1557846208071.jpg (607.72 KB, 1080x1863, 20190514_100030.jpg)

2/2 and then she gets pissed when someone wants to be paid (or whatever) for the time they take to do that. Shay, people's time is worth paying for. You always want to be paid for your time, stop trying to play a victim.
No. 806828
Because I know you lurk here shay,
1. Fuck Twitter. There are so many other platforms out there. You can still advertise on Tumblr, just keep it sexy but sfw. Get on pornhub.
2. Get the fuck out of Tulsa. It is dragging you down. You wanna restart your career? Do a few professional shoots to get your name back out there (REBRAND!! Your name is linked to too much bullshit). Once you have more of a following, THEN get back on Twitter, with a new brand and new content. By then, all the sex worker shit will have blown over.
3. Start researching your cam interaction. It is seriously lacking. Flirt with your fans! It's what gets them tipping. Your games are so boring and you always look so disinterested and bored. Stop getting so fucked up on cam. Have a few themed nights with new games. Learn from other cam girls.
4. Go visit another camgirl friend and film some new content with her to get people noticing you again. That way the friend can also promote you while they promote themselves, even if you aren't on Twitter.
5. Create a goddamn website. Fuck. Business 101. How are you so dense about this. There are so many free website builders out there. Have one main site that links all your other shit and where you can post your cam schedules.
6. Pay attention to your sales. You keep fucking fans over. Sometimes you sell all videos for like $40 and other times you sell all videos (the same exact sale) for $90. Come on. We're not stupid.
7. Make a cam schedule and fucking stick to it. Stop with bullshit excuses like "I'm going out tonight for beer! No cam, sorry, tee hee". This is your job. Your cam schedule should be your priority if you want to maintain regulars and get positive feedback /referrals. Your fans have lives. Jobs. If you say you'll be on and they make the time to be in your room, respect them man. At least pretend to, by being there and on time. Your fans are paying your bills and buying your food. Come on.
You're really on the verge of losing a lot of regulars because of your piss poor work ethic and disregard for your fan base. Either smarten up or move on to something else.
No. 806836
>>806827Fucking entitled cunt.
She goes on and on about how fucking "valuable" her time is and she should be paid to give advice to swers, etc. But then she says this to someone who just wants to be compensated for their time?
Fuck outta here, you twat
No. 806838
>SOMEONE HELP ME>hey I'm willing to help and do this labor if you pay me>HOW DARE YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MEAlso Shay:
>Don't DM me on Twitter unless you're offering me money! I won't respond to you for free! No. 806843
File: 1557847716266.jpg (745.76 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20190514_112454_com…)

Posted and quickly deleted
No. 806847
File: 1557848136294.jpg (551.42 KB, 1080x2021, Screenshot_20190514-083417_Twi…)

Sperg pt 1
No. 806850
File: 1557848251124.jpg (621.94 KB, 1080x2021, Screenshot_20190514-083430_Twi…)

Pt 2
No. 806851
>>806836Doesn't she bitch about people asking for handouts from SWs all the time? I guess asking for free labor is okay when she requests it…
>>806843Goddamn it Shay, get off of twitter and wait for the heat to die down you hopeless idiot.
No. 806853
File: 1557848302297.jpg (542.36 KB, 1080x1655, Screenshot_20190514-083503_Twi…)

Pt 3
(i love how NOW she's willing to apologize)
No. 806856
File: 1557848673384.jpg (189.94 KB, 1080x644, Screenshot_20190514-083512_Twi…)

Pt 4
No. 806873
>>806859The things that she's done that she should apologize for:
>scamming clients out of laziness (e.g. failing to deliver on her promises in cam shows and giveaways)>being a leech and a scoundrel (ctrl+F 'Dawn' two or three threads back)>falsely accusing her parents of being abusive>making videos with descriptions that sound like straight-up CP>neglecting and abandoning her catThe things twitter is 'canceling' her for:
>calling someone 'baby hitler' as a teenager>making porn in protest of Trump or something>being vaguely 'problematic' >not groveling towards the other SWs trying to tear her down for the three reasons aboveMisc:
>subjecting everybody to some seriously disgusting moments in her videos/camshows No. 806875
>>806859>>806860I mean lolcow admins/culture sees the site as discussion and contribution rather than being informative, so newfags do have to go digging, but we should definitely have a better intro to Shayna. I don't really like insulting OPs but maybe it should include the typical introduction to the cow like most others such as
>>806873 did. It'll help newfags know what to look for and get the basics.
No. 806880
>>806873More reasons to cancel Shay:
- She has consistently exposed minors to NSFW content over the entirety of her internet career.
- Pedo pandering porn / romanticizing CSA in her video descriptions and presentation of her relationship with Fupa.
- Lies to her audience about literally everything, from her BS twitter stories to the details of her life; she can’t keep her stories straight.
- Recently committed a felony by shooting a weapon off in a public place under the influence, and filmed and posted it on her public Snapchat.
- Obvious substance abuse issues. Weed/alcohol/Xanax
She’s been self destructing for a long time now, her downward spiral has been documented on the now 33 threads on this particular cow. At this point, being cancelled would almost be an act of mercy for this overgrown child masquerading as a woman. She’s so deep into the sunken cost fallacy that she’s screwing up her life. If she won’t make the decision to get her shit together and get off the internet before she becomes a serious danger to society, then people are going to continue to cancel her and try to make the decision for her.
No. 806911
File: 1557855384699.jpeg (564.99 KB, 1242x1206, 2519A46F-DD37-4247-A1E0-BF1C15…)

I know shay KNOWS for a fact her accounts are being suspended because she is breaking the rules by making new accounts. She KNOWS her accounts are being suspended because she’s been permanently banned from twitter. She’s only saying she is being targeted because she gets to play the victim and gets paid for it. She’s fully aware of what’s going on.
If she truely believed she was being wrongfully targeted, she could easily petition twitter. She hasn’t even tried.
No. 806929
File: 1557858373173.gif (876.44 KB, 480x270, 24FE7A53-77EB-4066-B91C-38C05B…)

>>806880>shayna>a serious danger to societymyfuckingsides.jpg
No. 806945
>>806943It's probably one of the cam whores who's responding to:
> Sorry to break it to you, but sex workers make the sex work industry look bad…it's genuinely insane to watch a bunch of catty hoes rip on each other to try and gain some sort of sense of moral superiority. Also, 'dominant beauty culture', really? What is that even supposed to mean? Your entire post is buzzword salad.So when you say that all of these sex workers are immature themselves, you're WKing and defending Shay. Stay sensitive, cam whores.
No. 806952
>>806828Shay needs to take all of this advice.
She really did ruin her career just for a little Fupa chode.
Before him she was getting Pro shoots, traveling, and making slightly more content. Yes, the pro shoots were mostly bad and cringy; but she was/should have been meeting people and networking.
Now she is stuck in Tulsa pretending not to be dating him, while running her career further into the ground; pretending she is still 'someone' but the writing is on the wall. Its almost a little sad.
No. 806963
>>806958le epic concern trolling, should i think of the children? you are reaching and it's funny. she's a nothing, with literally no followers because you tards keep reporting her dumb ass. society doesn't know who she is, nor do they care.
but sure, by all means, this is WK'ing.
No. 806990
File: 1557866043515.jpg (683.44 KB, 1080x2005, 20190514_174256.jpg)

>>806958I agree with you anon, Shay is a moron at her most sober times, let alone when taking a giant dab (as she showed/claimed in her snap).
Case point, super glueing a glove to your arm. There is double sided tape for literally $3 meant for this.
No. 807044
>>806842she doesnt know when to stop does she? im sure it will have like 2k of fake followers by at least 2 days from now if it doesnt get deleted.
>>806880anon i think no one cares about the "felony" she committed somehow. some of your points are
valid with ur shitty WK aside but there's more legitimate issues about shayna that
>>806873 said perfectly. if we are gonna worry about people shooting guns while drinking then we should arrest 90% of the hill billies in Alabama.
twitter needs to really cancel shayna over the REAL issues not being "racist" when theres more then that.
>>807004joking tinfoil: the wk is FUPA or the anon who said fupa was a dangerous criminal and not a pathetic manlet a few threads ago.
>>806990she could even buy thigh sock glue for this?? anything but super glue.
No. 807103
File: 1557882662130.jpg (623.04 KB, 1080x1681, Screenshot_20190514-180758_DU …)

Not news because we all know she's a slob by now but check out that collection of giant convenience store cups on her counter (from an unmilky video of her taking a dab)
No. 807105
>>807102She literally just doesn't want to work. Period. She only wants a twitter so she can have her begging money. Otherwise she knows she will have to get on cam and actually WORK for her money. She shouldn't even be called a sex worker. She barely does anything considered any type of "work". She just wants people to give her money for no fucking reason. Then she found this way to be
victim to get pity money and won't stop.
Just another example of scamming. I used to think she was just dumb but after how many times this has happened… like other anons have said, she for sure knows why she is getting deleted. She's retarded but when it comes to scamming she knows what works.
If anything this is what she should be called out for right now. She has not changed at all. Literally all she needs to do is go on cam as a work schedule. That is it.
No. 807125
>>807105This is it basically. At this point she probably loves the pity from orbiters that she’s been getting, “since the evil cancel culture community keeps getting her accounts deleted!” Before this she’d just ask for money to get beer, food, her hair, but now she makes it sound like life or death, “my business keeps getting ruined” which evokes sympathy. She’s making more money now off of pity donations I’m pretty sure. But obviously it’s going to get old and she’ll have to do something else—better start thinking now, Shay.
An actually useful twitter thread would be one exposing her for scamming.
No. 807141
>>807085This comment made me laugh out loud, good job anon
>>807103She puts everything online and making it apparent how she's put on weight. We know she's drinks a lot but all the IPAs that she's been sperging about these past few weeks are just empty calories. Whenever she's on a date with fupa she's eating cheesy, greasy bar food with him. Now she's revealed herself to be drinking huge sugary soft drinks. I'm guessing all the dabs she takes is making her thirsty huh
No. 807191
>>807127>I can't even pinpoint all of the scammy things this chick has done, there's so much. Charging $90 for videos she usually gives out for $50 is definitely something she does often. Then the ebegging.The way she prices her videos is so inconsistent that it may as well be a scam. Like most of her scamminess, it seems to be from pure laziness- she probably doesn't keep track of the price point that she should be selling them at.
>I bet camwhores aren't calling her out on these things because they do it themselves, kek.Those were my thoughts too; you'd think that they would know about the truly shitty things Shay has done and would be a much easier way to 'cancel' her; they might be worried about their own scamminess being dug up.
No. 807195 new vide
Really? Part of it is she stole her mom's lingerie? Nice Shay
No. 807202
File: 1557930469665.jpg (244.37 KB, 1080x2021, Screenshot_20190515-071434_Twi…)

I-… This bitch really doesn't realize she's selling a fantasy
No. 807204
>>807127It’s hard when there’s no receipts of it though. There’s no”hard proof” from customers that they’ve been scammed. But there is hard proof of her being
problematic so they use that.
No. 807205
>>807195i can't stop laughing at this lmfao.
>sniffs cigar>gets turned onwhat the fuck even? This is lazy, poorly executed, and makes no sense. But at least it's funny.
No. 807212
File: 1557932240555.png (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 1938x664, Screenshot (500).png)

>>807195how does she manage to choose the worst possible angles. also looks like she has a rash on her thigh?
No. 807222
>>807195Does she just put out a vid a month to try to prove the "haterz" wrong? Because the amount of effort she puts into most of these vids is just embarassingly low… same cheap outfit, same pink dildo. Random cigar. Cringey, quiet dialogue. Yikes.
I wouldnt give her credit for it, but I can kinda deduce a "daddy" fetish from it. Which is gross and played out overall.
No. 807272
File: 1557945229065.jpg (633.51 KB, 1080x1606, Screenshot_20190515-133341_Twi…)

Everything about this is so bad
No. 807274
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No. 807278
>>807171>>807162This isn't high school nobody cares if you smoke weed.
We can't go 1 thread without some annoying ass stoners going "b-but I smoke weed and I'm not lazy!1!"
No. 807307
File: 1557949957973.png (301.71 KB, 620x463, 2019-05-15 15_52_40-Ur DreamDo…)

>>807306did she block you? it's still up.
No. 807327
File: 1557952543512.png (529.48 KB, 1080x1697, Screenshot_2019-05-15-16-34-34…)

>>807310No it's not. Still up.
No. 807396
>>807372I thought she said she bought this “outfit” with money that was sent to her for a custom? The guy said she could choose her own outfit for it, so she bragged that
this is what she got.
No. 807463
File: 1557972712122.jpg (356.69 KB, 1080x871, Screenshot_20190515-211131_Twi…)

All those "supporters" and only 1 like and retweet
No. 807500
File: 1557992548180.png (Spoiler Image,88.93 KB, 1253x417, well you know.PNG)

>>807207none of it makes sense to me. shes home alone but shes not but implied to at an age to need a baby sitter. the description was enough for me. for those who dont wanna bother clicking the link the to vid
>>807195also reposted with spoilered image cuz its a mess.
also lmao she did a different angle this time outside of her usual. im terrified to see it in full.
No. 807550
File: 1558012701529.jpg (743.04 KB, 1080x2021, Screenshot_20190516-061740_Twi…)

Looks like we're back to buying followers, kek. This Twitter is doomed too
No. 807551
File: 1558013056076.jpg (Spoiler Image,540.8 KB, 1080x2021, Screenshot_20190516-062320_Twi…)

Samefag but it looks like she just posted whatever video she made for the beer buyers on Twitter anyway, ffs
No. 807559
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No. 807562
>>807558And she isn't paying them, I'm assuming.
To basically be her manager
No. 807578
>>807551imagine wanting to immortalize yourself on the internet by being a rat who gets naked in Tulsa bar and airport bathrooms.
I can't take her seriously when she says she wants to be successful or that she is professional when she does stuff like this.
>>807562this seems kinda common for cam models, especially the token site ones. They usually have a dedicated enough simp around to mod their cam rooms or run fan pages for them.
No. 807594
File: 1558021612015.jpeg (440.62 KB, 1242x1420, 80F7D899-1308-4ACE-A064-733D38…)

“Apologizes” when making the account, is now right back to this shit.
No. 807601
>>807600it's shayna, not dolly.
the only people who know who she is are people that find her from lolcow.
No. 807639
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No. 807651
>>807645Changed the name again. Does she think this will stop her getting deleted lol?
It's now dollyxmattel
No. 807657
File: 1558034892359.jpg (144.4 KB, 1066x922, Screenshot_20190516-202556_Twi…)

She couldn't afford $80 sandals (posted on snap asking for that amount)
She literally has fuck all money to her name, bet she runs it down to 0 all the time. Yikes. Thriiiiiving!
No. 807664
File: 1558036393215.jpeg (317.28 KB, 1125x2276, 87F2DF49-6088-46BE-BEE9-DA8DAD…)

Those “$80 sandals” are actually $28 lmao.
No. 807672
>>807664Imagine being 21 and you can't even afford sandals from forever 21, how embarrassing
But ya know, shay is totally the real life Regina George guys!
No. 807714
File: 1558046532968.png (602.24 KB, 750x1334, 3DA61A87-282C-48C5-AD21-F0BAFA…)

If I’m correct these are the shoes she bought. They do look a lot like those forever 21 ones though
No. 807721
File: 1558047661606.png (4.72 MB, 1125x2436, E9E18BE1-4DBB-4E1D-BE82-6B66CA…)

>>807714I’m sorry but these ugly things are not worth $85. You can get some really nice, sturdy leather boots for a little over that price and they’ll last you a lifetime. Besides, this might be a nitpick, but those look awful with her horrendously long toenails. Who lets their toenails get this long? How can she wear shoes with these nasty things?
No. 807728
File: 1558048453897.jpeg (127.38 KB, 1334x750, CFBCAB08-165E-44D6-8381-FE0949…)

good lord I hope she didn’t go out with that face(nitpicking)
No. 807732
File: 1558049696302.jpeg (Spoiler Image,165.56 KB, 750x932, 560F59A8-96ED-414B-8C6F-27A579…)

There is no way Shaytard spent $250 at the mall. The most expensive thing she got was those shoes, which she didn’t even pay for. The fact that she’s asking to be reimbursed for that much is just mind boggling. Her followers have to be complete morons to support her scam ass.
No. 807741
File: 1558051318248.jpeg (525.04 KB, 1242x1134, D9FCBC50-B2D2-4A3C-9CCA-0AF925…)

>>807739It’s this dumb fuck who’s like, obsessed with her.
No. 807755
File: 1558054318085.jpeg (602.44 KB, 1242x870, A0F49F0E-E0F6-4C7E-9B0B-F7CD16…)

Why would anyone want to make their blatant alcoholism this known? Does she seriously think it’s cute?
No. 807757
>>807755I think she's still in early stages so she's in denial about it still. She probably doesn't recognise it.
Also as a massive weed head she probably views at as normal to do such a thing every day.
I don't know why anyone would be happy to constantly give her money for booze and weed. It's just sad. What kinda weirdo would feel fine fueling someone's addiction?
No. 807773
>>807732does she just like, never have underwear on when she goes out? also could you imagine going about your day and running into that prancing around the bathroom.
ppl don't have to buy the video shay, it's probably the same as the one already posted and you put this out for free. idiot.
>>807763what's funny is that drinking out costs more than buying from a store but she likes to waste money since it's not hers.
No. 807785
File: 1558059136137.jpg (47.04 KB, 263x447, Screenshot_20190516-210917_Chr…)

For people asking how to screenshot her Snapchat-
if you use Mobizen, DO NOT use the screenshot feature! You have to use the video record function. I just tried it and if you video record you're fine, but the camera sends a notification instantly. Hope this helps get more anon's in this and other threads to share the milk.
No. 807897
File: 1558102667180.png (15.49 KB, 584x145, 2019-05-17 10_15_50-Ur DreamDo…)

lol classic
No. 807901
File: 1558103701837.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190517-093426_Twi…)

This is so unflattering. Why would you post this?
No. 807912
>>807903If only there were a compendium of knowledge one could search for cross reference of "urticaria" and "anti-depressant medication".
PS Sage your ignorance.
No. 807914
File: 1558104901039.jpeg (816.17 KB, 1242x1212, 1B163858-36F9-46A4-81C0-A36EBA…)

Wow, 1,000 followers just overnight. That’s not suspicious.
No. 807922
File: 1558106124207.jpg (268.41 KB, 1080x1439, Screenshot_20190517-081429_Chr…)

Shayna… No.
No. 807951
>>807944Oh god fake tit scar anon is back.
She didn’t have breast surgery, we’ve been over this in about 5 separate threads.
No. 807979
File: 1558115212536.jpg (447.64 KB, 1077x1413, Screenshot_20190517-124557_Twi…)

Shay, it's not fat. It's infected
No. 807985
>>807979Yeah I’m sure a camera man that shoots porn has only ever shot 3 girls with fat pussies and decided your infected cooch was the one that was his favorite.
Does she not realize they do and say those things to make you feel good so they get a good shot? Is she really just that gullible?
No. 807987
File: 1558116125948.jpeg (310.34 KB, 1242x523, 0A8D1B79-D2D0-4657-9A16-571DD1…)

oh yeah gotta get in that daily woke post don’t you shayna? Gotta stay relevant and follow the crowd with your fake positivity?
No. 808023
>>807947I've only seen that shape in breast and areola after augmentation. so yeah they look pretty fake
>>807951nta but go on
No. 808030
>>808023Anon they exist. I have that shape too, it's just not that common.
Her titties don't look fake, just small and firm.
Sage for this bullshit
No. 808045
File: 1558128827640.png (14.34 KB, 591x174, 2019-05-17 17_33_48-Ur DreamDo…)

No. 808047
>>808045I’m sure all the young girls kidnapped, and forced into sex trade on a daily basis, appreciate you kinking their trauma.
Such an edge-lord like her girlfriend Fupa.
No. 808058
File: 1558132945055.jpg (841.52 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190516-233114_Tum…)

Sorry I'm late posting this, shes begging for RTs on tumblr.
No. 808081
>>807987she says this literally every fucking time she gets her shit deleted.
>everyone hates me and wants me off the internet but my ugly neckbeard supporters keep my alcoholism and reckless spending on frivolous shit alive and well! send me an amazon giftcard and you'll get all 400 videos of my infected, dry pussy!like fucking clockwork. i could probably make a simulator bot of her and have it be spot on
No. 808086
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No. 808087
File: 1558140863360.jpg (137.99 KB, 1060x870, Screenshot_20190518-015352_Twi…)

>>808086Baiting for likes again.
No. 808107
File: 1558143078440.png (3.62 MB, 1125x2436, 41023622-59D6-4952-954F-DAC4C9…)

Not really milky but she posted this picture before without mentioning her quirky uwu anecdote at all. It took her like 3 weeks to come up with that lame fake story kek
No. 808159
File: 1558147933431.jpeg (Spoiler Image,785.42 KB, 1224x2193, 3DDB6F0B-B39A-4258-994A-E22D32…)

Im always confused why her butthole kind of gapes when she’s just standing there spreading a little..
No. 808172
>>808159>>808087Shayna Clifford really went from ~muh 200k followers~ to posting her butt hole for 50 likes… not even retweets, LIKES! My avocado toast gets more interaction than that kek
>>808107She really should just "disappear" and rebrand as a no-face profile, all that substance abuse truly intensifies the butterface
No. 808365
File: 1558182362563.jpeg (803.98 KB, 1242x1042, 40B57C74-E5DF-4B7C-BCBE-2A046B…)

Another almost 1k followers overnight.
No. 808379
>>808159Now anon a butthole can be naturally like that. I got a natural gaping butthole more so than Shay. Dunno why but that's just the way it is and always has been. Not damaged, just elastic.
You can tell when one is damaged when it's prolapsing.
(Blogpost) No. 808538
File: 1558204350143.jpg (201.33 KB, 1125x955, Image-1.jpg)

what a bizarre excuse lmao
No. 808650
File: 1558216612042.jpeg (333.96 KB, 1242x790, 046D8DD2-E56E-4B3E-835A-EB4B9D…)

Totally can’t film in this weather, but can order delivery. Okay shayna.
No. 808665
File: 1558217956618.jpeg (313.91 KB, 1242x695, A381860F-43E4-4C7F-9D6E-E0E040…)

Watch her beg for money for a new bong now. Bet.
No. 808680
File: 1558219453883.jpg (97.72 KB, 1073x352, Screenshot_20190518-174408_Twi…)

So she can't film a new video, but she can take pics?
No. 808739
File: 1558227457540.jpg (386.95 KB, 1080x1834, Screenshot_20190518-195651_Twi…)

I'm sure she'll be selling used toys on depop
No. 808740
File: 1558227504161.jpg (297.62 KB, 1080x1067, Screenshot_20190518-195705_Twi…)

Yet she uses the same Hitachi in every video
No. 808804
File: 1558238332790.gif (19.27 MB, 370x640, SmartSelect_20190518-225429_Vi…)

So she is caming on that day bed all the time, in front of a large window, at an apartment complex that there is a 100% chance of children living at as well? She's complained she's never lived on a first floor before so she's really not thinking this thru. Super great move Shayna, possibly being registered as a sex offender is totally worth it.
And what happened to her keeping her SW shit in the bedroom, and separate from the rest of her life? She has only been filming on that day bed lately. Kek
No. 808807
>>808804Her apartment is really…sad
TV on the floor, no tables or other furniture except her sex worker bed someone else bought.
This is b e a k
No. 808851
>>808838Agreed people like to reach for the fucking stars in this thread. Do people honestly believe a
woman in her underwear (so not entirely exposed) on her OWN patio will get dinged with indecent exposure? A white woman at that? Pffffffft come the fuck on. People like this are what make her threads hard to take seriously at all. Makes us all look fucking awful. People take stuff like that as reason to take EVERYTHING on here with a grain on salt, which is probably against your agenda but you’re too stupid to realize that.
No. 808926
File: 1558267890018.jpeg (537.28 KB, 1242x880, 0D1D2C09-FF22-4089-AF17-957CA1…)

Almost another 1k followers overnight. She had about 2.6k and now she has 3.3k. She needs to stop, fr.
No. 808941
File: 1558269669137.jpeg (160.46 KB, 1242x316, 49DD1BB9-FB38-4A0C-A292-BE09B3…)

So original, so much thought put into that. Seriously I think putting her legs behind her shoulders (since she can only actually put one foot behind her head) is her only “trick”.
No. 808942
File: 1558269997855.jpg (31.84 KB, 380x414, 01-380-golden-eagle-head-beakx…)

>>808804she begged so hard for money to furnish this crack den and then bought ¾oz of weed with the money instead of using some for a table or ANYTHING. I have no sympathy for the way her scammy addict ass lives
>>808807pic related
>>808917that's what gets me. she claims to be ~sooo successful~ yet we all see how she lives and how she BEGS for money for EVERYTHING 24/7. She doesn't have savings. Most people earning "55k a year" living in such shitty dumps as she does would be able to save up a really good chunk of change. But she lives there BECAUSE she can't afford anything else, because she does not save her money at all for anything ever.
please tell us, Shayna, what makes you think you're successful? what measure do you use? does scraping by on the bare minimum of scraps thrown from others out of pity feel successful? or is it… something else you have going on here?
No. 809018
File: 1558282849565.jpg (198.64 KB, 1080x1480, Screenshot_20190519-111651_Chr…)

>>808935Doxxing her customers again.
No. 809019
File: 1558282897148.png (8.26 MB, 1125x2436, 3E0E3710-C33A-4C52-AF00-5777D2…)

This is so unflattering. The excessive drinking is most definitely catching up to her. I don’t understand why she loves to destroy her body.
No. 809077
File: 1558288922062.png (380.96 KB, 626x445, Screenshot_41.png)

it looks the same to me
No. 809078
File: 1558289030650.png (Spoiler Image,2.06 MB, 1326x745, Screenshot_42.png)

No. 809079
File: 1558289159980.jpg (167.13 KB, 995x1009, Screenshot_20190519_140538.jpg)

Crack ho realness
No. 809192
File: 1558302521211.jpeg (693.68 KB, 1242x987, 36D93BDD-8D7D-4600-9D6F-BFB1FD…)

another 1k followers since this morning.
No. 809203
File: 1558304082899.jpg (693.86 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20190519_173818_com…)

That makeup… Kek
No. 809232
File: 1558307188659.jpg (232.69 KB, 1080x927, Screenshot_20190519-180613_Twi…)

We'll see what happens
Why a knife next to silver?
No. 809284
File: 1558312656897.png (Spoiler Image,445.05 KB, 621x548, 5638202054839219043.PNG)

She's drunk and taking pictures of her tits in (what I assume) is the bathroom of a bar…again.
No. 809289
File: 1558312837654.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.68 KB, 1024x576, D6-ABb0WkAAMhVj.jpg)

Nothing says a classy, professional nude like the dog filter on snapchat.
No. 809291
File: 1558313729100.png (1.48 MB, 666x896, 2019-05-19 20_54_51-Window.png)

w…why would you post this? you can see where she was sweaty and her sunglasses wiped half the foundation off her nose
No. 809328
File: 1558317422181.jpeg (583.57 KB, 1242x1789, 08B6F4F5-39C8-46E4-B2F9-C983BF…)

Her interactions. This is seriously comical.
No. 809334
File: 1558317776925.jpeg (826.75 KB, 1242x1132, E112C5BC-981A-46E4-8BE9-EB0D2C…)

Then up your brightness, there’s our favorite wigger Fupa!
No. 809347
>>809334Hahaha. Like it makes it less tragic that she's not there alone but them both trying to hide they still see each other and failing miserably is hilarious.
Shows how much fupa cares about his kids. He'd rather still hook up with Shay and risk losing access to his kids. What a disgusting prick.
No. 809349
>>809334The best laugh I’ve had all week. Lmao
We all knew they were together but to be outted by a reflection in her sunglasses as solid proof. Fantastic.
No. 809364
File: 1558320189693.gif (4.67 MB, 512x283, 1479174574013.gif)

>>809334Fucking unreal. All this time they've been claiming they're not still seeing each other and yet here we are. Wonder how Fupa feels about Shay's descent into Luna-tier living and hygiene.
No. 809413
>>809394It makes sense why she went back to Tulsa. She has no money to move to a new place. Dawn paid for her to move to Colorado and to go back to Tulsa. Where would she stay in Colorado? a homeless shelter? In Tulsa she knew she could live with Fupa, at least while she begged for apartment money. If she went back to Mass it would be much more difficult for her to stay on her bullshit.
He doesn't need to feel bad for her, but she's totally a helpless leech who can't do anything independently.
No. 809514
File: 1558362121597.jpg (Spoiler Image,252.55 KB, 593x1054, 20190520_092122.jpg)

Old pic of shayna, still trashy as ever. Old habits die hard(nitpicking)
No. 809590
File: 1558377353455.jpeg (Spoiler Image,630.02 KB, 1242x926, D02C971A-7FD4-480C-A69D-24A75C…)

3k in 24 hours. For fucks sake Shayna, we know you’re buying followers. Why make it so obvious when this is this reason your last 5 profiles have been shut down?
also kek at that extreme back arch
No. 809596
File: 1558378619779.png (530.24 KB, 1125x2436, 2429515A-AC8D-4BCD-9B3C-132401…)

Is it just me or is this an excessive amount of money to spend in one meal, for what I assume is a single person? No wonder she’s getting pudgy when her diet consists of greasy takeout and excessive amounts of beer. Shayna, you won’t be 21 forever. Get a grip, woman.
No. 809633
>>809596it's probably cuz she exclusively orders from doordash or postmates or whatever so they jack up the price after the delivery fees, etc.
i've had starbucks delivered with doordash before and before my promo code it was like $17 for a $5 drink
No. 809657
>>809546Anon, go outside and take a breather
>>809639There was that time she attempted to make chicken parm or some shit for Fupa and it was never spoken of again…so no. I don't recall ever seeing her with cookware or utensils unless you count the frying pan she shoved up her ass
No. 809716
File: 1558396877609.png (39.55 KB, 596x146, Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at 7.59…)

Disgusting. Please do not exhibit your grossness in public spaces like that.
No. 809733
>>809716This probably happened the same day they were in the grocery store and apparently multiple people were telling them what a cute couple they were.
as in it didn’t actually happen
No. 809820
File: 1558403872355.jpg (419.59 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20190520_215554_com…)

Real followers guyzzz cmon she's dolly Mattel, she doesn't need to buy followers! /s
No. 810589
File: 1558464447679.png (14.58 KB, 591x168, 2019-05-21 14_47_12-Ur DreamDo…)

No. 810636
File: 1558466717147.jpg (115.11 KB, 374x375,…)

Higher exposure on the fupa spotted for those with crappy quality
No. 810710
>>810312Fupa really splashing out with the elegance of PF Chang’s what a baller
I love all the CSI “enhance” Fupa-hunters in this thread, you guys are amazing for real. Thank you for the absolute top kek.
No. 810721
>>810636The reveal of the sunglasses reflection slip up is absolutely legendary.
It tops all their bullshittery like the matching snaps showing the same table of food and anything else they could do tbh because its just too fucking hilarious.
No. 810724
File: 1558474314704.png (Spoiler Image,1.05 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190521-162324.png)

She cropped her face out from this pic haha
No. 810799
File: 1558484476003.jpeg (Spoiler Image,905.48 KB, 1242x1161, 16E7D214-E2B3-4085-8B3C-D648AA…)

So one person gets all her videos for $50, then she asks for another $50 but that person only gets some nude pics? How does that make any sense?
No. 810807
>>810799This is what constantly smoking weed and being drunk does to your brain.
Also what happened to her utensils from last time, she just throw em out despite others paying for them. Proves she never cooks eh.
Does 50 not seem a bit steep for what? A wooden spoon and some baking trays? They probably have to be pink
No. 810815
File: 1558485694178.jpg (103.3 KB, 1080x689, Screenshot_20190522-014018_Twi…)

Sounds silly? Nah, sounds like alcoholism.
She's going to visit her family and her main thought is "I'm going to get to legally drink in my home state"
No. 810823
>>810799relevant to the anons a bit ago asking about if she has stuff to cook with and if she ever cooks. Looks like she only ever cooks box mix cakes when she has to do food fetish vids kek.
And yeah, $50 for baking utensils? Bitch if theres a Target within ubering distance, Im sure theres a dollar store. $5 will get you a mixing bowl, spoon, measuring cups, baking pan, etc. Or take your trash ass to walmart so you can get the other 5 bucks worth of ingredients and still only need like $20 tops. Scammy Mattel strikes again.
No. 810836
File: 1558487247168.jpeg (1.14 MB, 2139x3679, 4E498108-2CA6-4047-A812-E3DEE3…)

Crusty Mattel is peaking rn
No. 810870
File: 1558492287168.png (43.62 KB, 561x127, Screen Shot 2019-05-21 at 10.3…)

>>810857bit more than a week
No. 810880
File: 1558493571082.jpg (480.79 KB, 1080x1054, Screenshot_20190521-195046_Twi…)

Found it a bit amusing that even her orbiters shade her for using her laptop as a rolling tray
No. 810889
File: 1558496987141.png (253.54 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190521-234703.png)

double post, bt this is the girl who shits on poor people who start gofundmes to escape their horrible housing situations, then turns around and begs on Twitter for $1000 for a flight home for her birthday (not including the money she'll demand for her birthday itself.) her argument was "if you're not saving all of your money and stop smoking/drinking/having any fun then you can't beg for other people to fund you" like THATS ALL YOU EVER DO SHAYNA
No. 810912
>>810880That note looks like she typed it herself. She probably bought herself this tray.
>>810889So her parents aren’t funding her trip? I have a hard time believing this. I’m sure she asked her dad and he bought her a ticket. She’s just scamming for rent money and beer money. She won’t be working while she’s gone so she has to get money some how.
No. 810970
>>810836fupa steadily growing.
what is she gonna do when she reaches actual chubby territory?
No. 811005
File: 1558528530611.jpg (135.64 KB, 1080x477, Screenshot_20190522-073218_Chr…)

>>810956Seeing as she only got two likes I can only imagine why she didn't get on. Almost 7,000 follows and ya get TWO LIKES 19 hours ago. kek
No. 811110
File: 1558540759191.jpg (314.13 KB, 1080x2158, Screenshot_20190522-085908_Twi…)

Lol no cam excuse but she's already doing her morning shit posting
No. 811156
>>811024She definitely sends herself her own money to look like she actually has a solid fanbase.
At this point she might as well try to get on some government support program if she really wants to live off of doing absolutely nothing. Not that I encourage that, but considering how many tumblrinas have "disabilities" these days, I wouldn't put it past her to try and leech off of the government.
No. 811170
>>811140Not to mention the fact that everytime she tries to pull this off, she has to beg for submissives to approach her because none of them are coming to her naturally.
Shit, she can't even pull of this uwu daddy babydoll shit either. She looks creepy half the time, cos she wears harsh makeup, long nails, and always makes 420 a part of her image. It's a confusing and ultimately dumb way to brand.
No. 811236
>>811227Well she's already blamed the fucking weather for her indoor job. She'll reach for any bullshit excuse.
Reality is probably too drunk/high or hungover
No. 811245
File: 1558560822445.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1242x1794, 38121585-E8FC-45A1-9A55-F7E2D8…)

…is she for fucking real
No. 811247
>>811245“Dolly mattel memorabilia”
>sells dirty weed jar and grinder for $200I’m officially so done with her, holy shit
No. 811268
>>811264the metabolism's already slipped or else she wouldn't be gaining weight like she is. and kek @
>changing her target audienceshe has never been able to and will probably never try
No. 811297
>>811245Who would anyone want this? It's not like selling worn underwear or clothes. It's just some stanky old jar that had weed in. Lol that is not memoribilia.
Her t-shirts are, but no fucker has bought one. Obviously.
No. 811318
File: 1558569104601.jpeg (636.21 KB, 1233x903, B283289A-B755-4DB6-8AD9-61D3EE…)

I’d love an explanation as to why she has this stuff for her kitchen, yet never actually uses it. Pots and pans, toaster, blender, measuring spoons(if it’s cake mix what is she even measuring???), the same heart shape pans she claimed she forgot, and all this other crap.
No. 811321
>>811318Literally just for this porn. She had to buy a bowl just for this for fucks sake.
Also why is she doing the exact same thing as last year? Same cake, same hairstyle, same crown. Way to be original and creative Shay.
No. 811374
File: 1558575508229.jpg (167.89 KB, 1080x568, Screenshot_20190522-203807_Twi…)

What buns? You mean your hank hill ass?
No. 811376
File: 1558575532828.jpg (198.02 KB, 1079x646, Screenshot_20190522-203822_Twi…)

HOW is that sexy?
No. 811382
>>811376Sounds vomit inducing.
She really has no idea how to be sexy.
No. 811396
File: 1558577573057.jpg (665.83 KB, 1080x1618, Screenshot_20190522-211237_Twi…)

Her man voice?
And don't people realize her eyes look like that because of the filter?
No. 811439
>>811391i don't think so, the og cake vid was back when she used her cake as a table, its just that the heart forms are the same and the toaster and cake mix and frosting (see here
>>603301 )
No. 811458
>>811318Not only is that sheet on the counter super tacky, but a huge fire hazard. But Shay never cooks so I guess there is no hazard. And it looks like an electric stove. Either way…that just the dumbest shit ever for so many reasons.
>>811346How high is she? Ugh.
>>811396I just realized how tragic her nose is. And it’s actually nice not seeing her with hotdogs for nails.
No. 811584
File: 1558619338493.jpg (480.2 KB, 1080x1301, Screenshot_20190523-084824_Twi…)

I hate how she writes. Also, look how much she's arching her back to make it look like she has an ass
No. 811600
File: 1558621633331.jpg (562.14 KB, 1080x2158, Screenshot_20190523-072717_Twi…)

No. 811601
File: 1558621691084.jpg (373.65 KB, 1073x1703, Screenshot_20190523-072751_Twi…)

>>fucked over by multiple SWs
Sure Shay.
No. 811604
>>811601More fake woke fake positivity posts. I really think she does this to make it seem like she’s NOT the one fucking over people, but everyone else is doing it to her; she could never fuck anyone over or scam, she’s too
pure. It’s just another way to play
No. 811662
>>811604I think she says shit like this to pretend that she interacts with other people lol
Shay, you have no friends other than fupa. No sw has screwed you over because no one cares about you one way or another.
No. 811668
File: 1558634006042.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1242x2074, 03126B2F-B15D-4ADD-A42D-ADE059…)

caption this however you want, anons
No. 811687
>>811520She did say this was for a “custom” when she was “preparing” for it days ago.
But it’s funny how she gets a custom request for a video that’s very similar to the one she did a year ago for her birthday.
No. 811702
File: 1558637725794.png (1.75 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190523-140846.png)

>>811695yes they do look terrible. pic for evidence. Look like she just got the tips glued on and then walked out. lmao bitch why did you leave the salon looking like that, you could not have been happy with them, why would you not get them fixed as soon as they were finished
No. 811738
>>811729She would be such a horrible dog owner. And this thread would turn into dog sperg central.
Maybe idk furnish your place or something Shay.
No. 811821
File: 1558648731624.jpg (92.58 KB, 290x411, 20190523_165528.jpg)

I dont have a screen recorder but here's the "I'm adopted" snap
No. 811845
>>811808I am so
triggered right now I can't even explain how fucking stupid this is. I'll focus on main points
Adopting a puppy that will require a LOT of training, yet she's planning on flying home in a month? who the fuck impulsively adopts an animal when they're about to leave town?
Shayna is KNOWN for never being able to stick to her set schedule. IF this dog is house-trained, it's going to start having accidents when she's passed out drunk and high and the dog doesn't get let out. It's going to be a sad and bored little animal because we know she doesn't exercise and therefore the dog won't get walked either.
She has shit all over her floor. Her TV is on the floor. The dog is going to ruin all of her belongings if it's teething/bored.
Smoking weed is BAD FOR THE DOG. Secondhand smoke is real and damaging. God forbid it decides to eat an empty beer can left sitting out for days when it's bored. how you gonna afford vet bills when you beg for EVERYTHING? Would you open a GoFundMe for vet bills? If so, would you stick to your own "rule" and go completely sober since according to you, gofundmes are only okay if their creators stop doing everything that costs money that isn't purely for survival?
I honestly have to stop I'm getting so so so sad for this poor dog. I hope she realizes how fucking idiotic she is and brings it right back. The dog deserves so much better and almost anyone would be better than Shayna.
No. 811849
>>811821No no no no. This legitimately makes me sad. You don't just adopt a dog on a whim and its fucking Shay.. the girl who can barely look after herself and gave up on her own cat.
It's gonna be stuck in a tiny apartment that stinks of weed at probably never get walked, and it'll constantly get left while she fucks off to get drunk.
This is horrible news.
The snap before this saying "send $75 and I'll adopt a dog". Like it's a fucking object she will get for the Lols as long as someone else pays for it.
No. 811852
>>811849I don't think I've ever been
angry at Shayna. Annoyed? definitely. disappointed? comes with the territory… but never truly angry. Until now. I hope she steps in dogshit on her carpet on the first morning and realizes what a huge, irresponsible, cruel mistake she's made.
No. 811866
>>811845even without considering the secondhand smoke, actual marijuana is highly
toxic to dogs and god forbid it get into her stash or she drops a piece on the floor and it eats it. this is just an astronomically bad decision and a disaster waiting to happen.
No. 811885
>>811878It's gonna be shoved in there when she cams or shoots videos.
I bet she will still use it as a prop for herself after its been used by an actual dog.
No. 811916
File: 1558656030621.png (152.97 KB, 421x500, b29.png)

>>811821A puppy-dog-porn-making girl who previously mooched off a fursuit-wearing camgirl and who gets drunk all day every single day with no impulse control
haha oh fuck.
No. 811989
>>811979I was going to suggest this… that she used fupa’s address and possibly claimed to work from home as a “graphic designer” or a “video editor”.
She’s an idiot and this dog is going to shit and piss everywhere.
And isn’t she going home for her birthday?? Who’s going to watch her dog? Fupa? Who has shay’s Left overs plus a new cat? Damn.
No. 812015
File: 1558669592117.jpeg (211.02 KB, 1242x437, EFF7CD69-D0D9-4581-A6CA-87E72D…)

The profile for clover for removed but this is the organization Shay adopted from. You can tell because of the ID # on all of their adoptable dogs vs the one on the cage of the dog Shay adopted. Looks like it’s a german shepherd mix, so quite possibly a pretty big dog depending on what it’s mixed with.
No. 812048
>>812046She may not have much furniture to tear up, but who wants to put money down that dog is going to tear up her stuffed animals lmao.
Poor dog.
No. 812187
>>812186>But also why has no one considered that its Fupa who adopted the puppy and shes just posing it as her own?i was hoping that was the case too, but then
>>811821 would've said "Perkins" and it definitely looks a lot like "Clifford"
No. 812189
>>812187Hmm, I guess that's also true. Unless they went together and thats just what they asked them to write? I dunno. I'm trying to think of any possible way this dog wont end up living in her dumbass studio apartment ripping all her belongings to shreds and pissing and shitting everywhere. Puppies are nightmares.
The worst part is, she still will learn nothing from it. She'll e-beg and people WILL pay her and the dog will suffer.
No. 812206
>>812200He has a kitten. Like he's gonna take on a puppy as well and as he's said he's a cat person not a dog one.
Wasn't there an old snap video from when they were living together about Shay saying she wanted a dog and fupa saying no way.
She'll either try flog it on twitter asking if anyone wants to adopt it or just take it back to the shelter when things get tough.
No. 812367
>>812237You forget thats the ONLY thing she can afford besides getting tacky amazon shit online through gift cards (which surprise cant be cashed out for actual money for WHEN you need a vet)
Shes notoriously stupid and uncaring, her apartment stays barren for months simply because she cant and wont afford herself basic neccesities like a bed yet you think "oh a stupid dog will be fine!" as if there isnt mountains of
valid evidence to prove otherwise when we take into consideration what it takes to raise a dog and what kind of gutter skank she is. I smoke too but dispensary weed has a
completely different potency and will undoubtably affect your dog in a studio apartment if you smoke indoors while its present. Its gonna get big so you bet it can easily reach places and lap up any excess that lies around cause shayna lives in a dirty whorehouse and the only reason her place looks tidy (occasionally) is because she cant even afford to fill the space shes in.
Stop acting as if people like Shayna isnt the main reason theres (usually) thorough vetting/background checks and fines because people like her cant control themselves and now that dog is gonna most likely loose any good behaviour it had before being chucked right back to the adoption agency grown so its even harder to get adopted.(or even better just dumped onto a friend of a friend after not having gotten proper medical attention for ages bc $$)
No. 819464
File: 1559954451376.png (4.1 MB, 1242x2208, 68111213-55D5-49CA-A2A5-13915A…)

Just saw this on her trashblr. I hope the “gramar” comment was intentional.