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No. 1585094
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/1571184Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in or edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage (in email field) when there’s no milk. Spoiler any nsfw images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread
>>>/snow/1363903 Last thread
>Shayna's birthday comes and goes with a relatively dull camshow >>>/snow/1571219>In typical Shaynus fashion, womack carries the show >>>/snow/1571232 Shay is drunk and clumsy >>>/snow/1571241 >>>/snow/1571260 and dancing >>>/snow/1571271 >>>/snow/1571285 >>>/snow/1571363>Ellen is also in chat >>>/snow/1571275>Despite quickly (and grumpily) logging off after no tips for 15 minutes, Shaynus praises her coomers on twitter for an "amazing night on cam" >>>/snow/1571375>Shayna mentions a "worshipping sesh" >>>/snow/1571844 and farmers begin to tinfoil that she's tricking irl >@OnlyFansPostinL on twitter posts Shayna crying about pretty girls getting more likes than her >>>/snow/1573663 >>>/snow/1573686>Meanwhile, Shayna goes to The Melting Pot in her pink rubber dress >>>/snow/1573783 where farmers spot Ellen Degenerate in the fondue bowl >>>/snow/1574041 >>>/snow/1574059 >>>/snow/1574075>We are reminded of Shayna's cursed "Honey I Shrunk You" shoot with InSex as she retweets size-kink art >>>/snow/1574231 >>>/snow/1575154>Shayna simps for moid ass and tweets about wanting to rim a guy >>>/snow/1574484>We get some fresh Ellen pics to remind us of Shay's "pretty girlfriend's" likeness >>>/snow/1574712>Shayna tweets about her foot slave coming to her apartment >>>/snow/1574969 and her worship sesh client jacking off in front of her >>>/snow/1575924>Shayna wears her "Sex Work is Real Work" shirt >>>/snow/1576869 to the aquarium with Ellen where she is in clear view of children >>>/snow/1577279>Another date night with The Daddy comes and goes, inspiring art nonas to bless us with our current thread pic >>>/snow/1577468>Shayna's bigfoot woods wolf "professional" photoshoot gets released >>>/snow/1578275 >>>/snow/1578282 >>>/snow/1578285 >>>/snow/1578287 >>>/snow/1578289 >>>/snow/1578290 >Shayna decides she wants to attend a convention in Florida >>>/snow/1579557>One of Shay's diaperfags seems a bit too excited she'll be in his state >>>/snow/1581399 >>>/snow/1582111>Shay brings us a blast from the past with her firework asshole video >>>/snow/1579900 resulting in her moids crying about the flag being on the ground >>>/snow/1579930>Part 2 of wolfsquatch is released, all in black and white for ease of editing of Shayna's ~~curves~~ >>>/snow/1581922 >>>/snow/1581926 >>>/snow/1581928 >>>/snow/1581930 >>>/snow/1581933 >>>/snow/1581935>Ellen tweets about being poly >>>/snow/1582741>For Ellen's birthday, Shayna goes to the spa with Ellen, farmers hope she adjusted her clothes and washed her ass before she left the house >>>/snow/1583677>After the spa, Shay goes to dinner in a "better than the usual too small trashy pink bimbo shit" dress >>>/snow/1583997>Ellen reminds of us Shay's stellar house hygiene >>>/snow/1584423>A schizo-poster on twitter catches the farm's eye, accusing Shayna of being a "Mikayla Clifford" attacking Eugenia Cooney >>>/snow/1584488 >>>/snow/1584502 >>>/snow/1584587>Farmers point out that schizo-poster sounds oddly similar to KT "Game Grumps Stalker" Price>Farmers struggle to resist engaging multiple derailers and infighters including fridge-chan, pear-chan, professional dominatrix-chan, and American nationalist-chans while Shayna's train wreck life proceeds at a portentously slow pace…Links: (need ID to join) irlbarbiedolly
Ellen "Patricia" Dresel:
>Shayna's "gf," Seattle/Renton, WA Nanny relationships:
“The Dad” or "Daddy"
>The 45 year old mystery man she’s “dating,” met him on seeking arrangements, ex sugar daddy turned boyfriend ”Slave Dad”
>@bluefrodo1 on Twitter, submissive masochist “slave” of Ellen and Shay, participated in a video getting smacked around in Shay's pathetic attempt to domme >>>/snow/1362327”Twitter Splenda Daddy” #1
Jason R Womack of Oklahoma, @okietwister85/ @womackglass on Twitter AKA "Womack"
>In love with Shayna, helps Ellen pay her rent, currently her main cash cow”Twitter Splenda Daddy” #2
Mike Slack of Missouri, Zap_man68, @GNotold on Twitter AKA "Greyhair"
>Redneck right-wing trucker who gets off to his own daughter's porn >>>/snow/1523443>Shayna's #1 twitter pal, replies to all of her tweets, frequently with monstersinc.gif No. 1586018
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No. 1586215
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Crazy how she goes from having no ass in the photographers pictures to having an ass in her own
No. 1586312
>>1586284She's a cautionary tale: keep your stupid kids off social media. Her tumblr fame really did ruin her.
Also I wonder why she hasn't registered as an official model with Fetishcon. Seems like shes passing up some free promotion.
No. 1586594
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Saw this on an old shay thread. Who wants to take bets for how long it will take for this anon to be right? Kek, its almost been five years since then. Im gonna give her till next year in march.
No. 1586638
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Keep inviting creeps to your house and you’ll get your wish
No. 1586660
>>1586594That anon wasn't right cause if Shayna wanted to, she could have a paid for education AND change her name, get offline and attempt a "normal" life on her parents dime until she can find a job. She won't, but Shayna's very privileged and she knows it. Thats why she makes a mess of her life.
I also think this talk is shade towards her siblings. She always felt she was "better" for moving out at 18 (to go chase a scrote kek), while her other siblings probably stayed home longer or went to college, it's the ONLY thing she can "brag" about. Because she's not more successful then them and never will be.
No. 1586714
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I don’t understand where her delusion of being a good person comes from
No. 1586722
>>1586714It’s just grease from your oily forehead from your oily unwashed hair.
>>1586594She will be a full blown prostitute before she ever gets a job.
No. 1586912
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Her face has the texture of sandpaper
No. 1587047
>>1586737Topkek, perfect description.
>>1586912Fucking hell, Shaynus, eat a vegetable occasionally.
No. 1587347
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Oh God, she still has this
No. 1587349
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Shay, please get clothes that fit. Your fat is literally spilling out
No. 1587364
>>1587349That looks so painful to wear
Especially on a hot day or to swim. Also why is she styling herself this way? I thought she hated her goff phase and is a bubbly uwu bimbo baby strictly.. unless there's a scrote around her into alt girls, of course. So there must be.
No. 1587373
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>>1587349who wore it better?
No. 1587563
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>>1587349Her mind is stuck in 2015 like everything she wears was trendy in the earlier 2010’s. Her style and mindset have not matured since high school
No. 1587567
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Damn Shayna looking like a double door fridge lately
No. 1587574
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Drunk Aunty at the pool
No. 1587603
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>>1587601It’s obviously someone’s backyard not a public pool
No. 1587611
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Christ, look at the color of her ear compared to her peanut butter foundation. The cellulite is almost as bad as Ellen’s
No. 1587617
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It’s a nice looking place, beautiful view, any Seattle anons recognize the area
No. 1587623
>>1587617It really is looking like her full service prostitution saga has started.
But on the other hand it looks so weird that shes just posting all these pics out there alone kek some pool party. Looks more like she hopped a fence in a nice neighborhood and is using someones pool while theyre out of town. But I bet she's having fun pretending to be a lavish BiMbO
No. 1587633
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>>1587617>>1587628>pool party But it’s really just Ellen and Shaynus and an old crusty John cooking burgers on the grill
No. 1587671
>>1587611Who the fuck wears makeup and false lashes go swimming? I mean she’s obviously desperately trying to cover up her disgusting, dehydrated, unwashed, sandpaper skin but still.
>>1587647Either that or it’s one of the fat, smelly, old “kinksters” from that degenerate community they’re part of
No. 1587674
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No. 1587680
nonnie kek
No. 1587690
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Ellen and Shayna are offering “twice the fun” dates
No. 1587691
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>>1587603she reminds me so much of spike from land before time here kek
No. 1587695
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Shayna updated her profile too. She really thinks people will question if she’s underage kek
No. 1587697
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>>1587695Even as a teenager this bitch looked
haggard No. 1587698
>>1587695>exquisite dininggets fingered in the parking lot after an applebees dinner
>I may be smallkek
>going on 13>strangers questioning our legalityshe literally wants a pedophile. she wants people to think she’s a child with a pedophile. what the fuck?
No. 1587713
>>1587695She'll say stuff like this, "going on 13" "questioning legality" yet gets
triggered and goes on a rant when coomers ask her to say the same in custom content?
No. 1587717
honestly i dont know how she keeps getting lower and lower lol
>>1587690>>1587695is people really THIS desesperate?
No. 1587720
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>>1587695She took the “no sex on the first date” part out
No. 1587742
>>1587720Its funny that ellen points out she has a girlfriend in her little bio meanwhile shatna doesnt mention it and she even goes as far as saying shes looking for a life partner? kek
Sorry if someone already pointed that out, I don’t always keep up with these threads.
What the fuck is Ellen still doing with Shayna? Shayna is obviously not attracted to her or girls in general, Ellen could easily find another younger retarded girl to be gay for pay with in the Seattle bdsm scene
No. 1587744
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>>1587742Yeah, Shayna’s relationship status is “single” while Ellen’s is “open relationship”
No. 1587754
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>>1587742I wonder sometimes if they are more just like “kink partners” and don’t really see themselves as romantic partners. I mean it is just night and day comparing how Shayna used to talk about Fupa. Even if she is trying to be private now, the energy is stale with Ellen.
I wonder nowadays as she is meeting old men and maybe veering towards prostitution, with her description saying she is looking for a “life partner”, if she is ever scared that she won’t ever feel the way she felt for Fupa those initial couple months.
No. 1587773
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>>1587766Ellen’s an even bigger catfish then Shayna kek
No. 1587777
>>1587773How do you expect a woman in her 30s, going on the hoe stroll with a 25 year old to look? This is shaynas only friend, the only person who gives half a shit in Seattle and it's someone equally as retarded gross and mentally ill as her. Someone whose lived longer with nothing to show for It.
It's really sad when you think about it. A low self esteem shitty pacifier stealing woman,living through a slightly less ugly, low self esteem 25 year old. Both in the same place in life.
Both are super pick mes but never picked. I seriously see Ellen leading Shayna down a darker path. I can see mugshots in their future.
No. 1587801
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>>1587784The irony of anons itt being worse at spelling & grammar than Shay & still trying to dunk on her for it
No. 1587802
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>>1587789She has a buffalo/dowager’s hump
No. 1587807
>>1587798I mean they’re both technically average, maybe even below, for Amerifats
>>1587799I know it’s been said before but Shat would probably make a lot more money if she went down the feeder route, she’d get paid to eat and wouldn’t have to worry about editing her pics to buggery the way she is now. She clearly thinks she’ll be able to get back to her skinny self but I think that ship has long since sailed
No. 1587847
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>>1587773Couldn't stop thinking about how Ellen and her look alike while watching the movie
No. 1587861
>>1587349>>1587695Shay has obviously gained some weight back again. Not only did we have the vomiting saga but I think she was probably skipping meals because she couldn't be assed to cook something as basic as a bowl of pasta and jarred sauce with cheese or even some egg on toast when she didn't have money for doordash or microwave meals. I think at one point most of her calories probably came from alcohol and Gatorade.
Now she's seeing crusty old lonely Johns with pearchan Ellen who are just desperate to have time with younger women, even if they look like pearchan and fridgechan kek.
No. 1587918
>>1587914samefag, but I bet it would be like this
asks for emotional support through a hard timeShayna: “OMG she USED me and EMOTIONALLY MANIPULATED me! She used me as a crutch for ALL her problems and never let me express my feelings!! I’m such a good, happy, loving person why does everyone abuse me?!”
No. 1587984
>>1587886"And they were best friends" Best friends who fuck each other and go on dates and call eachother gf.
nonnie, I know their relationship is performative and not a meaningful legit one. Shat is fake bi definitely. They both use eachother and neither truly care about the other, but they have very much insisted they are partners. Sexually and romantically. Your post makes you sound like that meme of people denying gays in history kek.
No. 1588003
>>1587992Theyre in a shitty poly thing, dumbass. So she presents as available like the whore she is. But she also refers to Ellen as mumma and posts about their dates, the gifts she gets her, their pitiful sex life, etc. We just saw that profile from SA or whatever where she is listed as single.
Never said it was a good and legit relationship. Maybe read what I actually said. But I was making a joke about how that other anon was trying to say they've never presented as partners and they're "just roommates". They have both put on that they are partners. That's confirmed. Even if Shay only does it for twitter and to mooch. It's still tinfoil on their living arrangements.
No. 1588024
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Creepy short clip on her Snapchat this morning that made me laugh. No music or anything, just her heavy breathing kek No. 1588033
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>>1587802Kek fucking fat ass
No. 1588118
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Holy shit she looks even older
No. 1588149
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screencapped this, opened the tweet to try and get a better cap, and she had instantly deleted it. what on god's green earth
No. 1588230
>>1588149Sounds like her dad just wants to know whether he should give a shit about the text or not.
"Is that my beloved normal daughter or the bitch one?" kek
No. 1588240
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>>1588118I wonder which one Brian is
No. 1588243
>>1588118She's managed to make herself look even more like a middle aged mom lmao.
>>1588149Bitch wtf. Also she owns a dog, every time noodle barks does she think about gross puppy play? What a freak.
No. 1588249
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People keep telling her she looks like a weather girl and she doesn’t like it kek definitely not the bimbo of questionably legal age look she thinks she has
No. 1588261
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No. 1588264
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>>1588149just to confirm this anon i have notifications on for her for this exact reason bc she's always dirty deleting.
No. 1588275
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The fact that she wore this outfit outside too.. jesus christ.
No. 1588276
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No wonder she’s been wearing so much foundation you can see in her Instagram reel her acne is getting worse
No. 1588287
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>>1588118Even her orbiters think she looks middle aged
No. 1588295
File: 1657844749779.webm (2.64 MB, 672x1194, 292939237_1413246429176728_568…)
>>1588276here's a webm of the reel
No. 1588328
>>1588314kekekekek these people fetishize everything to the point that it's become completely removed from sex.
It reminds me of an anon from an older thread that said something about Ellen to the effect of "do these 2 retards even have sex or do they just bite each other & post on twitter?"
No. 1588334
File: 1657848963243.png (Spoiler Image,3.82 MB, 1334x750, 1572545386078.png)

>>1588307She should do the step mom counter porn again kek
No. 1588348
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>>1588340She already ruined it
No. 1588352
>>1588286This for the next thread pic
>>1588287Also I know everyone wants the dog bark tweet because it’s disgusting, but this one would be funny too since she tries to pretend she looks younger kek
No. 1588401
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No. 1588409
File: 1657858326743.jpeg (461.49 KB, 828x1132, D6980544-A7BA-4B3A-99FD-8FAFCE…)

Who called her out for her gross diaper shit now
No. 1588442
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Someone is missing the Fupa
No. 1588451
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>>1588265i’m not fluent but i have learned some retard from these threads. basically, pedo scum is encouraging shayna’s bimbofication, which could become a reality if anons are right about the prostitution. jim wants her to make a video where she delivers a pizza and seduces the customer, instead of the customer seducing the delivery driver or however the trope goes.
No. 1588586
File: 1657879055682.png (55.71 KB, 753x317, throwing around the word nazi …)

>>1588579can you twitterfags integrate or fuck off? if you believe someone is a literal nazi for disliking brown eyes you should really sit down and read a book about national socialism in the 1930 you dimwitted piece of shit. calling everyone and their mother a nazi is antisemitic in itself.
No. 1588650
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No. 1588654
File: 1657893079329.jpeg (797.26 KB, 1170x1815, 9BFCF203-6BA0-4BE0-A74C-B382C8…)

>>15886503/3 another brain dead pedo pandering ewhore kissing Shay’s ass
No. 1588666
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>>1588652It’s always the old ugly whores who defend ageplay and say it’s a
valid kink.
No. 1588671
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>>1588650Soy liked the pinned tweet.
No. 1588680
>>1588579someone calls shay a beady eyed rat and you call them a Nazi. make it make sense anon.
the autism in this thread is always peak and it’s hilarious
No. 1588715
>>1588251Right, I forgot Baltimore Brian. Rough times in charm city.
>>1588671A scrote who groomed his current wife when she was underage has no room to participate in calling out other pedophiles, sit the fuck down Soy
No. 1588721
>>1588679For years the only connections Shayna has made with anyone has been via sex work. I think nonnies don't realize the kinda life that Shayna truly lives. Her dating pool is tiny and she seeks out certain kind of scrotes because she's never had a "Normal" relationship with anyone in her adult life. When she says these things, she's admitting that it's not about "Saftey" that stops her from posting the other people she's "Dating", they just don't have the look she likes and she truly doesn't like them. Her partner IS going to be involved in porn anyway, because she seeks bottom of the barrel coomers.
>>1588671I know it may be a cowtipper, but i think it's a chance Sol watches this thread (and the other thread he's in) and he made that account. How did he find a random tweet made about Shayna? He's obessed. At least call her out and retweet it idiot, start some drama.
No. 1588732
>>1588726Oh I didn't see that, thanks
No. 1588751
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>>1588249Honestly, fuck urban dictionary. If Shat had half a brain to look shit up for herself she would see this and have an ego spike she DOES NOT need…
No. 1588790
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No. 1588791
File: 1657907919647.jpeg (213.64 KB, 828x725, 05981D21-1E71-4FC1-99C4-657A95…)

No. 1588806
>>1588442A goth guy wouldnt look at you with anything but disgust if at all, Shat. Even a shitty alt dude would be superficial and thirst for more of the e girl type kek
The only type she'll ever draw is old smelly scrotes or cringey incels. Which is why she has to pretend shes into old men and pander to bottom barrel basement dwelling degens. She was honestly lucky to land Fupa even though he was super cringe, chubby, and gross so that's saying something.
No. 1588818
>>1588790Honestly Shayna's so boring and says the same shit.She's not happy, she's not a caring loving amazing person. If you constantly have to post every week how happy you truly are (and to shit on your ex) or how good of a person you are (In comparision to other people). It's not true.
I would'nt doubt if Fupual is planning his shitty wedding or something & she's still lurking his life. I don't get whats so "great" about her relationships when every day she's been begging for a "Goth boyfriend' or having a Daddy do this or that.
No. 1588821
>>1588790"My life is finally better than it has been in years"
Is she refering to moving to Seattle being lifechanging again or is she referring to her new irl whoring saga? Kek either way it's awful.
No. 1588881
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If you’re in “healthy relationships” then have your partners praise you
No. 1588917
>>1588893I can think of one time where Shayna took responsiblity for her own actions causing her issues and everytime was with her ex.
Admitting she made a fool of herself at the party/admitting she acts horrible but wants him to be "Nice" when she does. Sometimes I think she does have mental illness, other times, I think she just doesn't want to look at herself/choices as the issue. So she blames "Mental Illness" for her being "Depressed" & having an episode. Instead of her just sitting back and realizing her life isn't that great because of HER. Or she saw something that bothered her & instead of saying that, she's blaming it on mental Illness. Her bringing up her "
toxic" relationships makes me feel it's EX related.
No. 1588918
File: 1657917428031.jpeg (237.69 KB, 828x752, F464A8BB-F6D8-471B-8163-3E5749…)

No. 1588919
>>1588799she’s already blaming her mental health on her partner. she’s expecting her partner to fix her problems. she even said it, she expected that now she’s in a “healthy” relationship that her mental health would just get better.
way to admit you aren’t willing to work on yourself, shatna.
No. 1589002
>>1588795She's cluster B but I doubt it's BPD. Where are her extreme emotions? She only pretends to be excited or upset about things, even when she's bragging or ranting online you can tell it's just a facade for the lolcow "haters" or her having being slightly sober and being faced with her reality. I think she's distinct for her delusion and shallow emotions. She has no sense of shame either kek.
>>1588893Yeah she's a NPD/HPD case who has no sense of connection with others or ability to love. PD symptoms are largely environmental and will change with fluctuations in the surroundings, which is why treatment baseline is basically having a sleep schedule, exercise, and so on on top of therapy. She definitely doesn't have emotional extremes that you'd see with bpd or bipolar. It's being sober vs being drunk. Her emotions and relationships are extremely shallow. Her attachment to Fupaul is her attachment to the famous tumblr ddlg bimbo baby lifestyle that she dreams of having.
No. 1589039
File: 1657929259855.jpeg (790.24 KB, 1170x1909, CB6D0E3E-054B-4F66-8E3D-4138C2…)

Erin Painter posting about Shayna
No. 1589042
File: 1657929719993.jpg (69.85 KB, 272x274, thank you anons.jpg)

No. 1589049
File: 1657930040369.jpg (388 KB, 537x955, 96c757f70e625bb45e33dad9168388…)

mental illness rant is uploading hang tight
No. 1589069
>>1589055Yeah her skin has always been grey and crusty, even as a teenager
>>1589060lmao the peanut butter foundation that’s in stark contrast to her actual skin colour, this is so fucking bad (never mind the outfit, holy fuck)
No. 1589071
File: 1657930978749.webm (1.6 MB, 608x960, 75438779583.webm)
that fucking skirt is even worse in motion (or lack there of) No. 1589074
File: 1657931427806.webm (18.66 MB, 830x950, failure.webm)
here's the mental illness rant. sorry the audio fucking sucks Shayna, maybe the reason you feel like such a failure is because you are one? Just a thought.
No. 1589076
>>1589074“I want to cancel my subscription to being Bipolar. I want to sue whoever gave it to” Yes Shay, once again blame everything on your
abusive mom
No. 1589078
File: 1657932030066.jpg (38.57 KB, 1000x548, one more.jpg)

SAY 'mental illness' ONE MORE TIME SHAYNA
No. 1589080
>>1589049She looks so dirty omg
>>1589039Erin was the queen of pedophiles idk why she acts brand new now. Ugly bitch probably still does loli shit on a different sock account.
>>1588918How professional of her to complain about her date. She doesn’t know how to fake being into a disgusting scrote like it’s not that hard to get money from losers.
No. 1589084
File: 1657932567732.jpeg (177.18 KB, 562x596, C7ABB01F-6124-498C-94B3-C6484B…)

>>1589074 that hair makes her look like Sid the Sloth
No. 1589086
>>1589055The dehydrated look paradoxically got better for a short while. After she gained all that fat so quickly, it bloated up her face & pushed out her natural crinkliness a bit.
It's caught up with her now though. If this is how haggard she looks as a fatty then she's gonna look like a wrinkly old grandma if she ever manages to lose weight.
No. 1589098
>>1589060That top and skirt do not match one bit. I really hope she's wearing panties because that skirt does not fit and is too short.
>>1589069>peanutbutter foundationIt looks like she rolled in it. Her forearms and legs are a completely different color.
No. 1589106
File: 1657933586969.png (125.01 KB, 369x356, blanket.png)

>>1589074she still has her crusty star blanket
No. 1589113
>>1589107Fuck kek nona, I audibly snorted
>>1589102Bold of you to assume she washed it
No. 1589114
>>1589074Why is she talking to her snapchat coomers as though she's in a zoom call with her therapist? This is so embarrassing to air out on your private social media, let alone public. Get a diary, Shaynus.
This is what happens to your brain when you choose to live in an echo chamber of mentally ill e-skanks who make mental illness & sex work their defining character traits.
No. 1589121
>>1589118>>1589119Shayna is a perfect encapsulation of the addage "no matter where you go, there you are".
She will never reflect on herself & realize that all her problems lie within herself and that's why they keep following her.
No. 1589128
File: 1657935468280.png (478 KB, 680x673, 24553682-BCDD-442D-94AB-56F57C…)

>>1589042Oh my fucking god anon me too
No. 1589142
>>1589129Erin might not have been as flagrantly depraved as Shaynus but she still rode the whole ddlg degenerate train pretty hard, don’t make excuses for her
>>1589084I know it’s stating the obvious but fuck me, she’s so ugly. The poker straight hair really accentuates her fat moon face
>>1589060Jfc the wrinkled skirt, she looks like a homeless lot lizard
No. 1589179
>>1589172>>1589175You're right, sorry guys. Very similar names. I don't even know who Erin is tbh.
But fuck Ellen for that. She should be in jail
No. 1589185
File: 1657939613804.jpeg (171.18 KB, 1242x444, 8374AA39-F3EC-4190-97AA-2DA74C…)

>>1589184Her personality is obnoxious though
No. 1589215
File: 1657943269997.jpg (490.1 KB, 533x954, 4d142c3fb7b439c18765124db0616f…)

>>1589184that man is lying to you
No. 1589220
>>1589215Jesus. this pic is almost a twin of OP
>>1585094 lmao
No. 1589272
>>1588824Fupala gave me quite a kek
Thank you, anon
No. 1589309
>>1589215I wonder if she’ll ever get to a point that she realizes that there’s nothing cute about alcoholism. She’s still posting her drinks like it’s something to be proud of
>>1589296She definitely needs some kind of skincare routine but I’m not sure how much it’ll help. Her eyes are so sunken in that it’s made her cheeks protrude in the most unflattering way while also making her nose look even bigger. She needs to completely change her lifestyle and diet but she never will
No. 1589374
>>1589341Why? It's the truth
>>1589215I thought she had a fungal infection on her pointer finger nail bed but no, just shitty "decorations" that
could lead to an actual infection with her gross hygiene. Just ew
No. 1589393
>>1588915(sage for med question) But don't Bipolar people have depressed episodes and manic episodes? Isn't that what the disorder is? So she could be saying she's in one of her low points of being bipolar aka like a depressive episode?
(obviously shes probably exaggerating her mental illness for twitter likes and splenda daddy amazon giftcards, so it probably doesn't matter either way kek).
No. 1589457
>>1589411>>1589428>>1589451Like many lolcows, the source of her depression (&/or anxiety) is an acute awareness of (and shame at) her own failure to launch, and a dread of what that means for her future.
It's an awareness that she has failed, at some deep level, to develop the ability to function effectively as an adult & to make her way in the world. Only she can't bear to admit that the problem lies with her, and that she is the only one who can fix it. So she calls it depression &/or bipolar lows, thus reframing her internal failings as something that unfairly
happened to her. Something that she can't help & that is totally not her fault.
No. 1589479
>>1589470I honestly believe that she never will. If you want to get a glimpse into her future after 30, look no further than Ellen Degenerate.
She will continue to pedo-pander. She'll probably delve into even more extreme fetishes as a way to soak up whatever dwindling scraps of scrote attention that she can get before she becomes entirely too ugly for even the least picky coomers. At that point, she will just switch to playing Madame & grooming a younger sw as her "girlfriend". One that's young, but ugly enough to be non-threatening to her ego. It's the sw circle of life.
No. 1589488
>>1589483Actually, that's true, you're right. Shay will probably have to get a real job eventually.
It always seems to circle back around to sex work though. I doubt that Ellen's real job at the daycare is anything more than another way for her to monetize her pedo fetish…
No. 1589494
>>1589479I agree with pretty much everything you wrote but..
>will just switch to playing Madame & grooming a younger sw as her "girlfriend". One that's young, but ugly enough to be non-threatening to her ego. It's the sw circle of life.I think Shayna is too stupid and insecure to ever be a madame. She'd flip her lid seeing someone younger than her getting more attention. She'll be trying to sell the "Barbies little sister" gimmick until she's old enough to be Barbies grandma. If she makes it to that age anyway.
No. 1589622
File: 1657999113880.jpeg (192.9 KB, 1242x856, 1672E26C-38DA-433A-A974-79D317…)

Broke and fat, pick a struggle
No. 1589660
>>1589629>>1589626I'm not sure why nonnies always need to act like Fupa was not
abusive or also the aggressor. He was a fat manlet father in his mid thirties who got off on punching a 20 year old in public and helping her film diaper porn. Now he is engaged to some fat chick he strangles in public at the Walmart self checkout line. Shay isn't any less of a piece of shit if you admit Fupa was just as bad or worse.
Of course she'd probably go back to him if he called her up and promised this time it'd be different.
No. 1589697
File: 1658006237264.jpeg (Spoiler Image,202.27 KB, 828x1742, 694E17E8-C7C0-46A8-A8FD-9FE2CE…)

>>1589686They met through tumblr, Ellen was an orbiter who hit her up and they started hanging out irl. Even back then Shayna would talk about her “gf” but never tag her or post pictures with her but Ellen would talk about her all the time
No. 1589858
>>1589829It's funny that when people call her out for being the
abusive party in the relationship (which she even admits) there are farmers who come out swinging in her defense
No. 1589902
>>1589858No one is defending her. It's just pathetic that every time she complains about Fupaul a bunch of pick me nonnas, probably fellow whores with daddy issues, come out to act like the fat, pedo scrote in his thirties with young children was the real
victim. They are both pieces of shit and were in a mutually
abusive relationship.
No. 1589906
>>1589902It's entirely possible that an alcoholic, mentally ill admitted abuser was indeed
abusive. It gets spun when ANYONE mentions the possibility of her being the aggressor in the relationship. fUpa sMacKeD hEr aT wAlMaRt tHo bullshit gets littered on the board and it becomes a who's the bigger POS contest. She was consensually slapped and choked and that turns into abuse while she's admitted to being the
abusive one in the relationship and even posted about getting too drunk and putting her hands on him in front of his friends. Him being in a ddlg relationship and being a father doesn't change the fact that she's a raging lunatic with substance issues. White knighting her because you hate fupa is dumb.
No. 1589919
>>1589902Literally no one says or thinks Fupa is a
victim. There probably are some gross whores who want his chode, but everyone knows he's a piece of shit.
None of us will ever really know how their relationship actually went and who instigated or how (likely both) of them were
abusive and shitty to each other. We can only speculate. No one takes sides on that shit though. It's just annoying when Shat tries to spin it for boo hoo muh mental illness points and almost as annoying when anons make a fuss to drag him in comparison when people call her on it. Theyre both shit, but bringing up her shittiness can exist without it meaning that Fupa is blameless or needing to rehash that he's garbage too.
No. 1589938
>>1589919Of course he’s a piece of shit, he’s a moid
and all moids should an hero just for being moids and because Big Shaynus is also a piece of shit they fucking deserved each other. Shat only started screeching about him being aboosive after he dumped her fat ass, you best believe she’d still be with him if it were up to her. And you best believe she’ll be screeching about how aboosive her current “partners” are when things inevitably turn sour, it’s her MO with people whenever she doesn’t get her way
No. 1589962
>>1589956Fucking exactly. You can tell a lot about someone by what “kinks” they have. All “kinks” are just a cope for degenerate, violent,
abusive tendencies. All “kinks” deserve to be shamed. Not just shamed, pilloried to the ends of the earth. Anyone who participates in and/defends degenerate behaviour is subhuman scum. I have zero sympathy for pick me whores who enable this misogynistic bullshit, they’re harming the rest of us and don’t get a seat at our table.
No. 1589973
>>1589959This is hilarious,
We all know they're both a piece of shit, absolutely disgusting,
abusive people. We all know this, no one is defending either. No infighting ladies, please! Y'all are better than that!
>>1589457100% this.
>>1589609I'm sure that website is chock full of absolute con men. 'Sugar babies' are absolutely delusional to think otherwise
>>1589701She uses every chance she can to publicly drag her mom for her own bullshit. Typical narc behavior. They need to cut her loose
No. 1589976
>>1589184Men adore her yet the only “man” she could bag was a fat dad in his 30s who lived in Oklahoma and rented a two story slum duplex.
If men adored her she’d have men, you know, around and interested. Not two broke orbiters who only care because she shows her infected cunt and blown out asshole for free.
No. 1590051
File: 1658066091349.gif (285.69 KB, 200x113, 200w.gif)

The infighting in here over two equally horrible human beings is ridiculous. Fupa hasn't been relevant since she moved. It's over
>>1590048NTA, but really? That's your takeaway from that post? Go back to Twitter or FetLife or something, please.
No. 1590055
>>1589983Yeah that's my takeaway. He gets dragged when she gets called out for being
abusive. Ellen going full on mUmMa mode
No. 1590063
>>1590048No one said anything about masturbation. That's perfectly normal, although no one needs to hear about anyone else doing it.
Sex is also perfectly great and fine, but again, no one needs to know about your sex life.
However, choking someone and beating them isn't sex, it's physical violence. Maybe if you need physical violence to supposedly get off, you don't actually like actual sex that much, just like Shay, just saying.
No. 1590086
>>1590066So because Fupaul didn't admit he was an
abusive piece of shit he is clearly less at fault? Newsflash.
Abusive scrotes never admit they were in the wrong. They always act like the woman is entirely to blame. Shay is a suicide baiting, manipulative liar, but he was the one keeping tabs on her cam shows after he supposedly broke up with her to "protect" her, sent her depressed texts when he wanted to get his chode wet, and vague posted edgelord sad boi shit all the time. They are cut from the same cloth. Men are scum and will never admit they were part of the problem and there is always women like you and Shay ready to defend them.
No. 1590089
>>1590069No I'm just not going to act like someone can't be abused just because I don't like them. The bitch admitted to being shitty and even said he started filming her
abusive episodes (which anons quickly tried to call that abuse kek). I'm just saying abuse isn't justified and bringing up things you don't like about a person still doesn't make it ok to suicide bait them or and physically and mentally abuse them. I don't agree with the choices these cows make but I'm not going to stoop so low that I think they deserve that kind of shit. Be better
No. 1590095
>>1590089I mean it's not like he was afraid for his life. Poor helpless little Fupaul kept her around for a booty call and whenever she talked of plans to move away he would suddenly be back in her life again.
Abuse is about power and she clearly didn't have power over him. It was him calling the shots and pretending he wanted to get back together this time just because he couldn't stand that his younger mentally unstable booty call was moving away and he wouldn't be able to get it anymore. As soon as a fresh young slut came along he forgot all about Shat.
He's the worst and I hate to say it but even Shat deserves better than him.
No. 1590109
>>1590097I hate to say this but shat's motivations were clearly not as malevolent as Fupaul's. She was clearly wanting validation and acceptance in the relationship and I do believe Shat is a masochist. Not because she actually gets off on it but because she looks for indirect ways to self harm. She clearly loathes herself, as much as she likes to tell us that she's 'thriving'.
I also believe that she is stunted and does not want to grow up, so she gravitated towards an older, more experienced man to be her 'daddy'.
Fupaul saw an opportunity in Shat to play out his perversions. All the while he could not deal with her emotional baggage and her need for validation but he kept on. He just wanted a quiet, young fuck toy and things exploded whenever she wanted anything else from him. Women simply aren't people to him, and he doesn't give a shit how his so called lifestyle that he parades publicly makes his children feel.
Scrotes like him are 100% the worst kind outside of scrotes that actually rape and kill.
No. 1590119
>>1590116>>1590113>>1590108>>1590107>REEEEE PURITANS REEEEE QUAKERS REEEEE VANILLA KINK SHAMERS REEEEEEAgain, no-one said nowt about sex being repulsive, its using violence in sexual situations that’s the problem. But we get it, you’re a degenerate sex worker who is
triggered by women who actually have respect for themselves
No. 1590120
>>1590113I'm definitely not religious and I don't believe in God. Don't pull that shit. There are plenty of people who aren't religious nuts who see 'kink' for what it is, internalized self harm/a desire to abuse another person.
Sex is a mutual act of intimacy and enjoyment between two people. There is nothing enjoyable about self harm or abuse, and that's what kink is.
You clearly have issues and you are not sane or healthy if you want to strangle or slap someone, walk over someone's balls or you want them to do that to you.
No. 1590160
File: 1658075290335.jpeg (61.02 KB, 800x717, jesus-memes-funny~2.jpeg)

So this is how you dumb bitches chose to spend your Sunday morn?? Go to church or a farmers market or something, that's enough lcf for the day
No. 1590455
>>1589963It makes sense that she's into pedo shit now because she probably thinks after the fupaul saga that men only like minors/pedo shit. That's probably why she's wearing very over the top baby clothes like a bonnet and diaper because she knows she's getting older and not fitting that niche anymore but she also thinks it's the one true thing that men are into.
>>1590095Based, he was 100% in control of her.
Abusive men who call the cops or film their partner freaking out is actually quite common because it helps with making sure the
victim is not believed.
>>1590150Stop trying to infight, she definitely has NPD or HPD. BPD? Where the fuck are you seeing any empathy within this woman kek. I don't need to go on about my own background but I know PDs. Do some research yourself. Shayna has shown over and over again that she only cares for herself and that's it.
No. 1590496
File: 1658110192166.png (622.43 KB, 546x972, 2022-07-17T19-07-22.png)

No. 1590498
File: 1658110217181.png (637.66 KB, 546x972, 2022-07-17T19-07-57.png)

No. 1590499
File: 1658110268494.png (640.29 KB, 546x972, 2022-07-17T19-08-05.png)

this is her only "domme" look
No. 1590500
File: 1658110305082.png (689.14 KB, 546x972, 2022-07-17T19-08-19.png)

this edit is hideous, why?
No. 1590508
File: 1658111437056.gif (17.34 MB, 552x984, 7562f25c93c2fe010d2a1ad6162164…)

No. 1590537
File: 1658116257667.jpeg (101.93 KB, 828x436, 0D8E9544-D982-47A9-89A0-C109BA…)

>>1590508Here’s the video, she put it on Instagram too, must be very proud No. 1590539
File: 1658117067432.jpeg (437.33 KB, 1242x1809, CA9A4C52-9DBC-40F0-BA4C-279310…)

I love the contrast between the scrotes she actually thirsts over vs the scrotes she can obtain.
No. 1590542
File: 1658117183521.webm (2.53 MB, 480x854, In my dreams, I have a plan.we…)
Here are all the stories she’s posted today on Instagram. The blurred lines between Shayna Leigh Clifford and her Dolly Mattel persona, oof.
No. 1590562
File: 1658119124004.jpeg (1006.81 KB, 1098x1853, E6B0DB90-7C75-4197-99A5-FCC610…)

>>1590534She’s always had a wrinkled old face most likely due to her always wrinkling her forehead and aged genetic huge nose. She wasn’t as famous as she loves to proclaim. It seemed like a lot because she was just a high school kid
No. 1590571
>>1590562I can’t believe this is the face of a teenage school kid, good grief. No one I know in their 30s has forehead wrinkles and eye bags of this magnitude, as per
>>1590551 you can clearly see her huge honker here too, it had just changed shape (now that the tip has become more bulbous and started to curve down she really looks like an alcoholic cartoon witch)
No. 1590582
File: 1658120580932.jpeg (912.83 KB, 1208x1460, 677AE486-6FB1-4F0A-B45B-C62465…)

>>1590571She sucked in her nostrils here
>>1590562so her nose wasn’t as wide and bulbous. She’s always had a big nose but it wasn’t as huge as when she was skinnier for some reason. Inferior genetics
No. 1590590
File: 1658121213279.jpeg (149.57 KB, 950x680, 1AB6489C-3F59-4A88-A957-E2313A…)

>>1590537Kek I love how you can see the outline of her life jacket stomach above her fupa
No. 1590592
>>1590498you just
know that outfit smells like ass with that cheap material. Jfc she doesn’t hand wash it since it isn’t exactly a washing machine friendly piece and it still looks somewhat newish. God this outfit is ugly she’s been wearing this outfit for every domme video, like at least wear the shorts with a different top? Or get rid of the comedy sketch cop hat?
No. 1590593
File: 1658121566829.jpeg (986.76 KB, 1170x1359, E3230B9C-2EB9-4506-8D0A-FAE923…)

>>1590589It is really hard to not compare her to uneducated google searches of histrionic personality disorder
No. 1590594
File: 1658121582148.jpeg (322.84 KB, 1205x1197, BCCDE25B-2E8F-4673-9BD2-A23F3C…)

No. 1590596
>>1590584>>1590586Completely agree, nonitas. For me it’s less the wrinkles than the fact that her skin is so crusty and dehydrated, clearly attributed to her complete lack of hygiene, much less a skincare regime. I’m massively autistic about skincare so maybe I’m being irrational but I can’t imagine giving so few fucks about myself. The fact that her appearance is her only source of income makes it all the more egregious, like seriously, learn to love yourself Shat.
>>1590590And her monstrous mons pubis. The whole camel toe situation here must be so fucking uncomfortable, I don’t know why she refuses to buy clothes that fit. Plus there’s nothing remotely cute about this, she legitimately looks like someone who rides the short bus (I say that like she doesn’t always look like someone who rides the short bus, kek)
No. 1590603
File: 1658123570771.jpeg (602.25 KB, 828x1153, CAD70674-AE67-4AF0-B1E0-D5B808…)

This looks like a kid painted it. An “art daddy,”these desperate bitches will try anything to make money but get real jobs
No. 1590685
File: 1658139614045.jpg (Spoiler Image,35.42 KB, 555x800, Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-2008-027…)

>>1590501please get a pair of glasses if you can't see the difference. all you dense idiots overusing the word nazi, it's getting old
No. 1590743
>>1590500This edit is entering fried meme territory.
When she first debuted this look it was the smallest step in the right direction for once (in terms of what she was going for) but she screwed it up quick. For someone who's only access to money is whoring herself out on Twitter, she sure does strive to put in as little effort as possible. Get a backdrop that isn't a child's daybed. Buy clothes that aren't ill fitting and cheap and learn how to coord. Start taking care of that fridge body and learn some angles. There's not a single thing she's doing right.
No. 1590777
>>1590559This is something that truly annoys me. It's not like she's wearing expensive shit/pieces of clothes over and over again. That's probably the same exact long sleeved shirt she's been wearing for years at this point. You can tell by how it's starting to get that yellowish look to it. It's so weird to me how someone who clearly doesn't wash her clothes often, always buys/wears dirty looking WHITE clothes. You know she smells like mildew or funk.
I don't even think it's a "shaynas broke" thing. Her clothes are cheap. It's she genuinely doesn't care how she looks. She throws togeather these weird outfits based on what's "clean" and then acts like it's the cutest shit in the world. If she loves these white long sleeved crop tops, or wrinkled white skirts, of even that pink Bralette I think we'll be seeing a lot more, why not buy multiple? She's already a wasteful idiot
No. 1590795
File: 1658158575149.jpeg (108.51 KB, 933x998, D9AD7F04-4EFB-4B92-973F-30CF76…)

Can the mods permanently ban the scrote posting dick pics and wk posts?
No. 1590851
File: 1658163517348.jpeg (309.18 KB, 1170x954, 93365595-E1C3-4E5F-8728-43B40D…)

Why should someone reimburse your dumbass mistake?
No. 1590881
File: 1658168010469.jpeg (563.89 KB, 1536x2048, 42CDC907-A4D6-4B12-B745-C490C4…)

She looks completely out of it, Wtf Shay
No. 1590895
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No. 1590926
>>1590881I'm pretty sure it's highlight but Shayna manages to look greasy and ashy at the same time and it makes me irrationally angry.
Closest she's been to looking like a 20something in years tho
No. 1590951
File: 1658174794266.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1242x1622, E3537339-EEEA-4284-862F-A2161B…)

>>1590886Nah that’s the already crusty hoodie she got from dollskill. The fupa hoodie was a Lisa frank tye dye one
No. 1590972
>>1590967>>1590962I can't wait until the internet psychologists take a break and remember that you can't diagnose someone over the internet, so all the arguments about whatever mental illness is causing her to disgrace her family name are moot points.
The bitch is stupid and clearly mentally unwell. But not in the uwu sadbaby way she'd like us to think. I diagnose her as having dumb bitch disease. It's fatal and you can catch it from the internet.
No. 1591119
File: 1658190487008.jpeg (112.88 KB, 1242x321, 66468C1C-A9F4-4029-BE1E-5B9A75…)

She’s so boring. The majority of moids don’t want to see diapers and domme shit. Why can’t she make normie content?? Like g/g and penetration from something other than the crusty dildo
No. 1591122
>>1591016There's never a new perspective though. Just a bunch of people with access to webMD and free time talking about what
they think is wrong with her. I'd welcome perspective from an actual psychologist, but I also don't know how I feel about opening the self posting portal to hell, the BDSMfags and camhoes never know when to stop.
>>1591119She's too fugly to get any sales that way. She has to cater to weird niches. And even in them, she's not top tier. Even when she was skinny she had that fuckin pussy boil situation which turned the average porn consoomer off too much for her to make sales.
>>1591099Because she's insisting on pushing "Barbie bimbo", and bimbos have straight blonde hair. She's a trainwreck, but her chosen aesthetics just make it so much worse.
No. 1591140
File: 1658192273088.jpeg (571.46 KB, 1242x959, F26BFD43-7F90-4EC0-938F-6C82C0…)

No. 1591144
File: 1658192429702.jpeg (677.24 KB, 1242x678, 18AA9FAC-9644-4715-940C-8932B5…)

The scenario is her “daddy” looking at her computer and watching her porn.
No. 1591155
File: 1658192795389.jpeg (93.35 KB, 602x670, DF3A594B-376F-4EC0-9B24-409CCB…)

No. 1591196
>>1591144Ah that's impressive attention to detail again.
>Muh dad been watching my porn omg>Her manyvids on her own computer screen during confrontation for some reason>Domme nazi hat on the shelf in the backgroundTop kek.
No. 1591199
>>1591144She looks hideous, more so than normal in this. Her head looks disproportionate to her body, like a petite Tess Holliday.
>>1591155What are these angles? Practice doesn’t always improve our skills, apparently.
>>1591185Shayna was inspired by him or he commissioned it.
An obvious shitty joke, to those unable to understand humour. No. 1591216
File: 1658199205370.jpeg (319.79 KB, 828x1833, 2D537990-3DE0-48FF-A872-3F5B87…)

No. 1591225
File: 1658199822756.jpeg (410.08 KB, 828x1835, 1CC82D12-1D82-4368-AA3D-46D217…)

No. 1591230
File: 1658200160615.jpeg (700.44 KB, 1242x1560, E0CC48B0-D9AD-47A4-A29F-806D57…)

>>1591225The tie is so stretched out kek that outfit doesn’t fit her fat ass
No. 1591232
nonnie, she's a movie genius, the nazi hat on the back is used as foreshadowing to the domme part, her videos have such intricate subplots that she should participate at film festivals with them.
No. 1591299
>>1590881>muh bimbo clawsshe desperately needs to find a new look. this is disgusting wtf
>>1590907I will never understand these idiots who will rot at home instead of figuring out a way around. you don’t even have to drive!
also she looks like she smells like a yeast infection
No. 1591305
File: 1658209502040.jpeg (476.86 KB, 828x1287, 9CF5AA5E-7F73-4F14-8212-E24A79…)

Do they consider Shayna her “deadname” now? So fucking weird, I’ve never heard a non-tranny get offended by being “deadnamed” before. I can’t believe they dropped someone for calling her Shay instead of her porn name.
No. 1591325
>>1591316Very good observation. Unless Ellen meant one of her degenerate pay to play “friends” and not a real friend-friend? I assume if the tinfoils are true maybe Shayna doesn’t want her friends to use her name in front of clients? After writing it down, I realise it might be a stretch.
>>1591322Kek, I thought “poor Felice was too ahead of her time”
>>1591323Also a good point.
No. 1591337
>>1591305>they/itMy god these degenerates are fucking retarded. Every day my hatred of trannies reaches new heights. At least this one displays a modicum of self-awareness by identifying as “it”
>>1591308That would be glorious, especially given that the milk is drying up at an increasing rate since she has moved into actual whoring
No. 1591381
>>1591333>>1591331>>1591330>>1591326>>1591305It's pretty obvious that she's talking about Shay. If you type in Shay's real name lolcow and kiwi farms are the first hits. She knows full well that these boards exist, and that's why the milk has gone dry. She still wants to provide some content for whatever coomers she has left, but she's giving as little as possible and has gone as far to change her name (to something stupid, no hope of her choosing a normal name).
I can actually totally envision her future.
I think she will gradually taper out of online sex work and become a full time hooker doing bad domme, sub and foot fetish shit. She will make barely minimum wage. When she ages out of sex work and is completely unable to sustain herseld she will probably work in a liquor store or something and hang out with a load of other piss artists and drunks. She will die prematurely from alcohol abuse.
She's not charismatic enough and isn't enough of a team player to work in a bar. It will be some dingy off license/bargain booze type place.
No. 1591399
File: 1658218013452.jpeg (454.34 KB, 1242x1588, 0D4E8894-94A1-47DE-B610-39D886…)

Ellen Degenerate always needs a reason to e beg!! Two peas in a pod, these two
No. 1591401
File: 1658218396360.jpeg (297.01 KB, 796x1832, 58C7850B-EE49-4145-8552-0BB07F…)

Shayna’s pay pig hasn’t been simping for her lately. Maybe he’s moved on. Imagine being so pornsick you name your dog after a pornstar. That’s so fucked up
No. 1591403
>>1591399>sexually harassed In other words, he said something sexual to you, a sex worker, and you arbitrarily decided to file it under 'harassment' because it wasn't the sexual thing that you wanted to hear.
If he laid hands on her, it would be sexual assault. But he clearly didn't because she claims 'harassment'. Going to the bar with a man who you are trying to convince to sleep with for money & having him say something crude is not 'harassment', Patricia. If he were 'harassing' you, you would not have been able to walk out of the bar. You do not understand what harassment means. Stop playing the
victim & appropriating real issues, you fugly bottom-tier slut.
No. 1591406
>>1591399Going without dinner for one night won’t hurt, you fat sow
>>1591403Imagine being a literal whore and being offended when the coomers you expect to pay you in exchange for sexual services say something sexual to you, she really is a different breed of retard
No. 1591493
File: 1658230125788.jpg (100.8 KB, 780x1189, Ye_6c24d6_2351221.jpg)

>>1591490stfu pearchan, thicc shoulders move boulders. get a gut job and join the burly crew
(derailing) No. 1591494
>>1591480Which applies to most men, but definitely the coomers
>>1591476She doesn’t have the body of a moid but you can’t deny the facial resemblance to Jono Yaniv
No. 1591569
>>1591401Once womack found a new e whore and old gray was outed as a molester shatna's two biggest pay piggies have gone.
Tinfoil but I think a lot of her 'i will never be your girlfriend ' speeches were directed at Womack and he finally got the message and found a smarter whore to blow his wages on.
No. 1591686
File: 1658251253083.jpeg (656.65 KB, 1170x1370, 4C2F1226-75DE-4395-ADB1-5287B8…)

No. 1591713
File: 1658253795527.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1242x1700, F62BCA4F-31BE-494F-AC0D-18E99A…)

Found shat’s nail tech
No. 1591816
File: 1658265616417.jpeg (513.68 KB, 1170x1065, 6C22D389-A14D-4DFF-9AA6-AE5A74…)

She’s literally labeled herself this multiple times
No. 1591950
>>1591910She deffo thinks she's sticking it to us.
But it's retarded.
For 1 nobody is gonna say anything negative in a dm to her
It's not a fucking film, it's porn, moids have no standards.
It amazes me that some of these weirdos actually take time to do reviews on manyvids.
And more amazing when they aren't 5 star and get nitpicky about their wank material.
It's fucking bizarre.
No. 1592042
File: 1658288973313.jpeg (530.92 KB, 1198x1721, 3C3B0FDB-E2F6-483C-86A8-106495…)

>>1591974She only has bots interacting with her tweets. Kek She literally has no fans
No. 1592069
>>1592042Hilarious when she’s supposed to have 30K followers, her stubbornness is kind of impressive, anyone with a modicum of self awareness would chuck in the towel
>>1592050Does she ever interact with oldgreypedo anymore? I’m honestly surprised that her “competitors” who lurk/post here haven’t made a song and dance about it on twitter. But then I guess if they tried to “cancel” Shat for interacting with a pedo coomer who molests his own daughter they’d have to “cancel” themselves too
No. 1592289
File: 1658327579758.jpeg (Spoiler Image,424.62 KB, 1536x2048, 80DE682D-CE09-4310-82CE-3AB606…)

She always looks terrified in her pics
No. 1592352
>>1592042If you post anything with the word “onlyfans” in it on twitter it
triggers a response from these onlyfans bot accounts
No. 1592431
>>1592352Proving her only engagement is from bots liking every OF post. And her followers which are clearly bought
>>1592289Those socks are so stretched out kek are these not the same ones she has been wearing? If so, when she was skinny it reached her knees
No. 1592434
File: 1658337289506.jpeg (669.48 KB, 1099x1098, 676FC68B-C496-422A-BB0E-AED420…)

>uh oh stinky
No. 1592513
File: 1658343261414.jpeg (368.36 KB, 1170x1068, A6E0CFB0-4694-4CA9-9FA6-A2FF17…)

No. 1592650
File: 1658356309602.jpeg (394.49 KB, 1170x772, 98DDD5F3-C8F9-4E13-93A2-18A7B1…)

No. 1592708
File: 1658360332022.jpeg (172.72 KB, 1118x2048, 52D59DB3-37DF-4AC2-ACFA-74A7E3…)

The tongue the yellow skin tone teeth the hair ah
No. 1592709
File: 1658360377232.jpeg (808.73 KB, 1242x1629, 1945D176-2AC9-4310-A7EF-762C70…)

Better than hot dog but still fugly because her cuticles are ALWAYS bloody and bruised
No. 1592813
File: 1658366397252.jpeg (1.19 MB, 828x1460, 4131FC22-D8DB-463A-A0A7-1B8287…)

>>1592747There’s actually a ton around threads 80-85ish, she went through a long phase during the end of the Oklahoma saga in the middle of one of her Fupa breaks ups where she was at her fattest and most depressed and hardly ever wore makeup, even in her videos. It was bad, but I kinda miss it because it was really funny. She got eyelash extensions and her eyebrows micro bladed to try to replace makeup and did not take care of them at all
No. 1592857
File: 1658368736448.jpg (800.65 KB, 1009x900, 3243423.jpg)

the shorts look like they're about to cut circulation to her cellulite
No. 1592859
File: 1658368772809.png (981.36 KB, 1118x1181, yellow.png)

>>1592708Everything is yellow. Fucking nasty.
No. 1592869
>>1592857Has this bitch never heard of a soap dish? At least she didn't leave it on the floor this time like in
>>1589060 and where it didn't move two days before in
>>1587611Whatever. Leaving your soap on a wet surface is fucking nasty.
No. 1592871
File: 1658369332988.png (975.44 KB, 591x729, Autistic Science.png)

>>1592813Scientific evidence that Shayanus' nose is HUGE.
No. 1592886
File: 1658370489167.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1911x3295, 3BFF1346-F3EF-4D2D-9617-7A6E6B…)

>>1592813The Jason R Womackification of Shayna Clifford
No. 1592891
File: 1658370733913.jpeg (224.23 KB, 431x499, 35E96E88-9083-4588-B3FB-67B86B…)

>>1592889Jason is Shayna if she was a scrote Coom brain. They even have a female black dog. Twins.
(autism) No. 1592913
File: 1658372309453.jpeg (573.13 KB, 818x1215, D36A5B7E-3A20-4317-A33A-DBD5CE…)

No. 1592966
File: 1658377166585.jpeg (540.63 KB, 750x1106, D82DF046-1A7B-4529-8701-FCCA0E…)

wtf is going on with her thighs???? she looks like a deformed freak!
No. 1593023
nonnie Shayna is hideous and flat and has no curves, she really has no redeeming features.
No. 1593067
>>1593021There are tonnes of anachans in this thread. Being a bit of a porker is the worst thing that can happen to a person, apparently.
I'm way more alarmed about her alcohol intake.
No. 1593071
File: 1658394670756.png (81.76 KB, 275x275, 1656423530077.png)

>>1593023A wild pearchan appeared.
(samefagging retard) No. 1593134
File: 1658402865844.jpeg (130.58 KB, 1170x1170, 144D8478-6DD0-4436-BF0B-62D533…)

Sage for Fan-Art. Willing to be Shayna will jump on this trend too late and post this meme format with some ddlg caption kek.(do not post fanart)
No. 1593135
File: 1658402915552.jpeg (487.13 KB, 828x1270, 8A2E2EB2-3617-45C3-B430-2332CD…)

>>1593066I had to Google blueberry pancake mead, this makes my teeth hurt
No. 1593158
>>1593079Point me to a country anon that doesn't have many fat people that isn't northeast asia.
I'm in EE and obesity even in young women is super common here, as much as 'muh mail order bride' moids would have you believe.
(derailing) No. 1593239
File: 1658411854257.jpeg (736.88 KB, 1170x1490, DA37A719-4919-4B98-94AF-AD010B…)

We all know these blueberries are gonna go to waste with their diets
No. 1593467
File: 1658425723871.jpeg (171.13 KB, 808x654, 5F5C3B92-9DA9-4B69-A5D8-C364A9…)

No. 1593532
File: 1658430610407.jpg (2.14 MB, 1600x2513, talent.jpg)

What an incredible group of talent. Shayna is going to fit in just fine
No. 1593535
File: 1658430747483.jpeg (206.95 KB, 828x1560, 6F0CA834-603B-46B9-BE1A-E36029…)

No. 1593617
>>1593552I don’t consent to her being this ugly and gross and yet here we are
imagine having to say “there’s no kids involved so it’s fine” as some weirdo gotcha, I hate swers
No. 1593652
>>1593643I’m going to disagree with what Shayna is trying to say, tbh.
I don’t think it’s sex workers trying to be “woke”- I just think they are rightfully trying to distance themselves from the even more degen workers who would cause prostitution to lose even more respect from the public.
just to preface this- all sex work is degenerate, but the public will obviously view ddlg, furry, whatever with more disrespect than just normal porn imo No. 1593653
>>1593552>unless there are children, animals or non consenting parties involvedSays the cheesehuffer who:
>flashes her tits & takes pics in public washrooms while random women are on the toilet behind her>watches & edits porn in public places & tweets about how she wants the non-consenting parties around her to notice>whose gf steals pacifiers from the babies she looks after to fulfill her pedo fetishAnd who wants to bet that she lets Noodle sleep in her crusty masturbation dog kennel?
No. 1593655
File: 1658437904738.jpeg (359.86 KB, 1170x1075, 83B564F0-6002-47FA-9D97-163CB4…)

That’s sad. Her first convention and will be dressed in Amazon
No. 1593668
>>1593653Don’t forget “films porn in public places like fields, parks, forests”
Like did she forget about the fireworks photoshoot, cow (and I think a Little Bo Peep?) photoshoot, mountain Seattle photoshoot that were all very clearly filmed in the public sphere.
No. 1593700
>>1593668Special shout-out to the flashing and nudes from her hospital bed and her medical fetish fantasies she projected on real medical workers.
>>1593508Also clearly it wasn’t the munchies causing her to be fat because she still eats like shit
No. 1593740
>>1592838I truly believe she's always been too broke to get new sets everytime she goes to the salon. The technician doesn't want to have to do all that work half the time either. She probably just gets fill ins and a color change every week until she has to get the set off.
Shayna is stupid enough to get a new set every week, but I don't think her or her nail techs have enough patience to do a new set, everytime her unwashed manic ass shows up to the salon. If anything her tech prob just charges her out the ass whenever she comes in because Shayna is an annoying degenerate who we all know isn't going to tip.
No. 1593817
File: 1658447858957.jpeg (Spoiler Image,274.12 KB, 828x1559, 1C4F74CD-A701-42ED-856C-3A8215…)

Oh great, yet another contest for her to beg for paid votes for, lose, then throw a huge fit about how manyvids contests are unfair, then say she will never enter one again because they make her feel bad about herself.
No. 1593823
File: 1658448248538.jpeg (674.6 KB, 754x1451, D57069B9-9D55-4F5A-9957-48A876…)

>>1593817I hope her ass stays down here now that Jason is in love with Mia
No. 1593973
File: 1658459656580.jpeg (189.59 KB, 425x786, 7F48FEC5-DA93-4284-8A32-523801…)

Womack is already her top voter
No. 1593977
File: 1658459776362.jpeg (536.08 KB, 1170x1103, 74E7CD4B-1692-4CE3-9EC8-5E6FF1…)

Shay, your whole twitter is free nudes
No. 1593994
>>1593655God thats so embarrassing to beg for new outfits to wear to this event after already negging for money just for the ticket. She needs to get a screen printed shirt that at least says "Here thanks to my fans" or something because damn this bitch does nothing on her own. Basically an online panhandler. And she acts like thats ~empowering~ and a thriving lifestyle she wants.
Also yikes putting fetish and sexy wear together on amazon is also sad. Theres gotta be fetish wear sites and small businesses/independent creators she could support.
No. 1594059
File: 1658468546040.jpg (641.78 KB, 546x972, 2022-07-21T22-37.jpg)

her skin has been awful lately, i'm shocked she posted this
No. 1594068
File: 1658469636054.jpeg (32.46 KB, 499x500, 8DBCEA31-E37B-476E-8346-8D0E6E…)

>>1593532>rubber JeffKek stop, I’m crying
What an unfortunate group of goblins. Half of them look like trannies and the other half look unwashed and on the spectrum.
No. 1594080
File: 1658470815295.jpeg (67.29 KB, 750x288, A19487B8-72D6-4C54-BEF6-4D7851…)

putting quotations around it doesn't make it any less creepy
No. 1594109
File: 1658474213805.jpeg (134.39 KB, 828x493, AA1B798A-9107-436E-93B0-9D284E…)

I guess she’s forgetting about the one she did on Halloween with “slave dad,” I’m guessing it’s gonna be with him again. Gross.
No. 1594160
>>1594109I love that Shayna is going to an event for disgusting degens because she’s like 0.5% more attractive than all the troons and freaks going, she wouldn’t stand a chance at a normie porn event.
(And yes she’s still ugly but you know she sees herself as an god tier hottie compared to these troons)
No. 1594174
>>1594168+ trying to make nose smaller with sunglasses.
Shaynus selfie bingo?
No. 1594250
>>1593467>>1593502Does anyone know how this works? Is she paying 5 different people for shoots? Is it a mutual collab where they both get practice and exposure? Or is she being paid by 5 photographers to model for them?
>>1593532She fits in perfectly kek
>>1593551I think it makes her feel intelligent.
>>1594081>Fupa on the BrainI love that Rihanna song!
No. 1594317
File: 1658496123393.jpeg (311.24 KB, 1170x758, CC8465E6-379E-44DE-A227-7572B6…)

Way to out that you and your “girlfriend” don’t have sex Shay
No. 1594385
>>1594317I think in her mind it isn’t sex bc of the lack of a penis.
Didn’t she say something about “not having sex for a year” a looong time ago? Is it closer to 2 years now?
No. 1594439
>>1594317Why does she even call Ellen her girlfriend? Why did she start calling "The Dad" her partner? It makes sense to not have sex with your sugar daddy/mommy if they are providing with shit without having to put out, but she considers both of these people her partners but doesn't sleep with them?
She really just lets people beat on her for companionship and food sometimes. What benefit does she get from larping about being in a poly relationship?
No. 1594455
>>1594317Lol damn she's trying to say she hasnt had sex at all since moving to Washington. I kinda believe her tbh. But if she wants to keep sugaring aka whoring irl and not doing online content, she's eventually gonna have to put out.
I wonder if she doesnt consider lez sex actual sex and if she's done oral how that fits in to all this. I know oral isn't actual piv sex, but its still a sex act.
No. 1594464
>>1594439Begs the question of why any of this porn sick idiots would even be around her if she's not putting out? Like sorry but her ~amazing, sweet, and bubbly~ presence ain't enough. Not to be moid brain. But she's seeing at least one guy and Ellen, plus hanging out with male kink freaks and doing content with them. As well as claiming to be sugaring/prostituting where she lets them finger her, jerk off on her, bite her, etc. Is she just like "Im down for anything but no pen sex" weird af. Not to say being asexual or sex adverse isn't
valid. Just imo if you dont like sex maybe don't make your life and income revolve around selling it?
No. 1594469
valid, but it just further shows why sex work is not empowering and it's destructive and bad for your mental health and body. A lot of them degrade themselves so much metaphorically and literally to put on this ~mega slut~ persona while encouraging harmful sexual mindsets, under the guise of kink, in scrotes and trying to normalize it so other women buy into it too. It's fucked up.
No. 1594501
>>1594059Just looking at this makes my boobs hurt
>>1594464I think she does let the putrid old scrotes she goes on “dates” with fuck her, shes just trying to maintain the illusion of being a “spoilt sugar baby” who is worshipped by moids without having to do anything. She probably thinks it makes her seem desirable and unattainable when she’s very clearly neither. That said, I’m also inclined to agree with all of this
>>1594486 No. 1594528
File: 1658510309020.jpeg (109.69 KB, 1500x1500, 3C4CE39D-0325-4494-8E8C-15D989…)

>>1594059Shaynus needs one of these
No. 1594692
File: 1658521397513.jpeg (307.99 KB, 1170x925, E9626ABB-2DCA-49F3-B33E-8C4211…)

So is this who she’s supposedly making “content” with today?
No. 1594804
>>1593977> "I'll post a free nude"Bitch, that's literally your entire feed. Does she seriously think that's enticing when she's always sharing full nudes and photos of her gaping asshole? She's so bad at her "business".
>>1594450Further proof that being a troon is a fetish.
No. 1594813
File: 1658531838523.jpeg (566.02 KB, 1242x1725, FB08EA5E-8923-4D44-8A63-E3677A…)

Mike Slack really likes hemorrhoid assholes doesn’t he
No. 1595161
File: 1658561563018.jpg (953.54 KB, 1203x1080, 5436546534.jpg)

No. 1595162
File: 1658561611308.png (629.58 KB, 546x972, 2022-07-23T00-28-18.png)

>>1595161yes she went out in public like this
No. 1595290
>>1595285Holy shit anon I didn't notice the gem is actually under her skin. Good god is right.
She's gonna end up like Luna sooner or later.
No. 1595381
File: 1658594862936.jpeg (247.97 KB, 1080x1169, 8C7282D7-F002-4E18-B6CD-A518C2…)

You can see the dandruff piled up next to her scalp
No. 1595493
>>1595381>>1595383WHY ARE YOU OUTING YOURSELF LIKE THIS? omg i cant believe she got THAT fat.
in how many time she will be looking like Ellen?
No. 1595500
>>1594818It's so funny. Does she not see how hes escalating things?
'Cause at first this guy was the one naked building furniture for her. Then he's touching her feet. Then he's massaging her feet and shes naked. Now he's worshiping her feet, but they somehow end up in a position where shes spreading herself so he can look at her asshole and genitals.
I give it two weeks before he talks her into oral, a month before he's hitting it raw. Then maybe two months before shes taking other fs clients.
No. 1595531
File: 1658605360156.jpeg (418.49 KB, 1079x2608, 907885B0-9557-4FF4-BDD7-331940…)

>>1595509Christ this whole thing seems like a parody of what you would think a fetish convention would be. It must be very low budget, I don’t think there’s a single famous porn star in attendance. Just a bunch of horny goblins
No. 1595543
File: 1658605985644.png (Spoiler Image,4.3 MB, 1660x1448, gut shelf.png)

>>1595532Fattest - She started gaining around thread 40ish I think? Shortly after moving in with Fupa. It got really bad though after they broke up, when she was living as a shut-in in Oklahoma bc she was just doordashing & drinking all day for months on end. Even with her recent gain, I'd say she's still a bit smaller than her highest weight. Whatever thread it was when she bought that cardboard box from Amazon to pose in for her bday, that was probably her fattest.
No. 1595612
File: 1658610042131.jpeg (325.78 KB, 1170x931, C3B80BF9-427E-4D4B-B103-D921A0…)

But Vivi kissing your ear and her boyfriend asking if you wanted to do a bj scene is “abusive” and “assault”
No. 1595691
File: 1658615333181.jpeg (387.1 KB, 1080x1136, DA13F2FA-04C1-43BB-8F84-EBF758…)

The schitzo from last thread finally caught up and had some things to say about our speculations about her being KT. She’s quickly becoming a personal lolcow of mine, she also thinks that Onision is one of Shayna’s followers
No. 1595774
>>1595770Apparently we have a woman on the inside
>>1595149 which is exciting
No. 1595782
>>1595149>>1595774inb4 nonnies chase her off by spending 50 posts rabidly a-logging about how she's a whore, should be ashamed, sw isn't real work etc etc
(and before you all come for me, no I don't think that sw is real work)
No. 1595783
File: 1658620083813.jpeg (511.45 KB, 828x1263, 7E6A48EC-2D4A-42DB-A61E-7FF905…)

No. 1595826
>>1595531>buck has been a pony since 1982KEK I can’t.
I would go to this just as a form of therapy. Being surrounded by losers like buck the pony, rubber Jeff and death-fats would make me feel so much better about my life choices kek. Maybe that’s why shat is going.
No. 1595836
File: 1658626741509.jpeg (240.9 KB, 1242x707, 1646249993664.jpeg)

No. 1595846
>>1595381Obviously she edited the hell out of these because her big eyebrow zit is gone kek. Ok Shaynus. If you really believe you looked so hot, then why all the editing??
I really hope she at least didnt wear the grey sweatpants out thinking that was all a look.
No. 1595850
File: 1658628096689.jpeg (316.88 KB, 1080x1148, CDF533B3-92D2-4371-BC2B-2BBABF…)

>>1595836I’m in fucking tears over this “triad”
No. 1595854
>>1595850kekekekekekekekek I love you for posting this.
These people as well as Shay & her gf/bf are reminiscent of this song
No. 1595860
File: 1658628674316.jpeg (825.38 KB, 1242x1206, 0AD5D01F-9EE0-4BB5-A481-4B67E6…)

Mmmm mmm - Jason R Womack
No. 1595868
File: 1658629179844.png (62.39 KB, 1938x164, Screen Shot 2022-07-23 at 23.1…)

>>1595862Eh? What are you talking about? If you're trying to reference the deleted post that I linked, it was not a cartoon at all. It was picrel
I have no idea what you're referencing in this post.
No. 1595870
>>1595850The phrasing is so bad jfc. "Surviving poly for 20 years" sounds like a tale of trauma and the road to recovery after. I think she meant to be funny about it, but it straight up sounds like it was an
abusive weird relationship she made it out of.
Also they look like a family getting portait photos done at a store lol tf
No. 1595874
>>1595859I mean cows live in herds (sorry to insult real cows)
Them uglies gotta stick together… by their greasy folds.
They have to get into these weird ass abnormal relationships because no one attractive and mentally well would be with them I guess
No. 1595890
>>1595887True. But I feel like it's more that they're trying to use the power of addition to cope with the fact that they're undesirable to 99% of normal people. Like, ok so maybe other people have a super hot gf, but I have 5 landwhale gfs! By the power of quantity I am more desirable!
Or something like that…
No. 1595911
File: 1658633464073.jpeg (70.56 KB, 764x205, 3E99776A-0250-4C85-96DA-D26AE8…)

>>1595866She deleted this
No. 1595912
File: 1658633532127.jpg (190.43 KB, 1170x1171, 6JBjwQI.jpg)

>>1595862>>1595868>>1595884NTA and calm your tits. You tards don't need to respond to each other. Nobody cares but you.
No. 1595923
File: 1658636402083.jpeg (310.61 KB, 828x848, 146E5EAE-5DE3-459E-A5EA-DDF520…)

>>1595911This bitch has a death wish tonight
No. 1595945
>>1595912If someone's gonna post nonsense then I'm gonna @ them. You certainly care so stay
triggered. This is a stupid comic anyway & the joke has been made a dozen time itt.
No. 1595991
>>1595923Save the poetics and just say it shayna - you desperately want to be raped.
Stop beating around the bush and maybe your desire to be found in one will come true, faster.
Just. Say it.
(And seek help)
No. 1596071
>>1596069I dunno nona, she’s posting a lot less than she used to, she may well be barred out a good portion of the time. I mean she’d have to be on
something in order to do whatever she’s doing with these fat, smelly old degenerates she’s inviting into her personal space (or maybe I just don’t want to believe that any woman would be so fucking stupid unless severely under the influence)
No. 1596280
File: 1658686456078.jpeg (522 KB, 1242x1195, B232537C-400D-4373-B40F-67A40B…)

>>1596238She’s only into it if it makes her scrotes happy. Pick Me Shaynus loves moid attention
No. 1596282
File: 1658686498586.jpeg (339.52 KB, 1242x1068, 5818C283-6768-435A-9563-521A39…)

kek disgusting
No. 1596286
File: 1658686603985.gif (7.28 MB, 251x235, F6209F3E-1A37-4515-98A1-AB6203…)

>>1595531She fits right in this group of fugly degenerates. Buck the Pony and Big Shaynus
No. 1596335
>>1596288Fat bitch 101
Jut your head forward so you can’t see double chin..
No. 1596559
File: 1658702420810.jpeg (748.5 KB, 1242x1634, AC63162A-EE08-42EC-B272-D52F59…)

The contest ends in two days and she’s still in the 100s. Kek Jason R Womack “JDubb “ sent in paid votes for the dumb contest. She’s not going to win. Also her whole brand is discounted porn idk why she’s making it seem like an exciting deal, her shit is always on sale and free
No. 1596751
>>1596559shes at 106 now and i was looking at others girls prices on videos and hers are noticeably cheaper.
also, womack aint her top voter anymore, but new top is also voting on a lot other girls so.
No. 1596790
>>1595923look, my memory is shit lately, but didn't she freak the fuck out because her neighbor (A MANNN, gasp) knocked on her door and told her off or SOMETHING like that? and she was all 'shaking and crying' and talking about how violated she felt?
and didn't she also freak out about vivadrag or whatever her name was "kissing" her cheek or something without asking, IDFK, but shatpants has proven time and time again that she doesn't like physical contact or attention or confrontation IRL. she's writing all this shit for attention.
No. 1596867
File: 1658722760278.jpg (1.06 MB, 1090x966, gamergirluwu.jpg)

the white of her nails really brings out the yellow/brown of her teeth
No. 1596886
>>1596867Holy shit those alcoholic eyebags, bloated cheeks, congested pores & forehead wrinkles… She's only 24, right? This is the face of a 40 year old. I have never in my life seen someone age so quickly. Following Big Shaynus is a PSA against drinking every day my god.
Also she needs to wash her damn hair. The colour contrast between when she first got it a couple weeks ago & now is insane.
No. 1597048
>>1595531This is just further confirming the theory that most kinksters and bdsm enthusiasts are hideous and repulsive looking. Pandering to fetishes is the only way they can get anyone to choose them
Also kek at "bdsm to heal past trauma". I thought everyone has accepted that this shit doesnt work and was also a scam in the first place. how is recreating your rape with "cnc" supposed to do anything but retraumatize you and please some bottom shelf moid
No. 1597053
>>1596994tret causes volume loss regardless of the cope in reddit threads asking about volume loss about how it totally really doesn't (because they
re all also using it)
encouraging women to get on a prescription strength cream for anti aging at the age of 25 is retarded, use sunscreen and drink water
No. 1597071
File: 1658751252655.jpeg (232.01 KB, 1242x1934, E33D42E2-AA36-480F-8E96-45BB42…)

I bet she retweeted this to try win back old gray man Michael Slack to send her some doordash gift cards
No. 1597073
File: 1658751363387.jpeg (199.62 KB, 1242x1285, D42D675F-9AEE-4A3A-B231-5070CB…)

Little miss doesn’t wear a bra — and should because no one wants to see cockeyed boobs in a greasy yellowed sheer shein white top that’s 2 sizes too small
No. 1597450
File: 1658786025051.jpeg (230.86 KB, 1169x1489, 7FFE9DD6-36E4-4353-8A49-5200D5…)

Oh please Shay
No. 1597456
>>1597414ntyrt but I’m gonna sperg a bit here because skincare is a passion of mine, and what I would suggest is a prescription of tret, spf (chemical is better and doesn’t leave a white cast, use mineral around the eyes to avoid burning — Korean and Japanese brands are superior due to advanced UV filters that are approved over there,) an oil cleanser to fully remove spf and attract excess oil, regular cleanser based on your skin type of dry/combo/acne prone and a simple moisturizer. You’ll want to chemically exfoliate a few times or once a week depending on how sensitive your skin is, and because tretinoin also speeds up cell turn over, you shouldn’t have exfoliate too much. Alternatively, if you find your skin is too sensitive for prescription strength retinol, you can use an OTC. You can also use micellar water to get any residue left behind from cleansing. If you’re new to skincare, look into Dr. Dray on yt because she takes a no frills approach. You don’t have to spend a ton of money, and most of your money would go towards your prescription/an spf you will actually use, reapplying every 2-3 hours. Reapplying is tricky with makeup, but some setting sprays contain spf, although I tend to just utilize hats and sunglasses. Keep your routine basic to make sure your skin has time to adjust, and then you can add some extra stuff in like antioxidants, toners and oils depending on what results you’re looking for. Korean brands are really good and you can buy them off stylevana. If you’re on a budget, the ordinary makes pretty decent products as well.
No. 1597499
File: 1658788306107.jpeg (182.87 KB, 798x527, 4F6C4880-1331-41C1-9B12-F463B6…)

No. 1597551
>>1597496Okay last post from me regarding this: for tret I use Curology, SPF 50 is a new one by Eucerin but if you’re patient enough I’d opt for Korean brands like Biore UV, cleanser is Cerave and you can pick which one based on your skin type. Cleanse for at least 60 seconds, and you don’t need a tool or anything abrasive, just your hands and cool water. You don’t want to strip your skin because that leads to dehydration which accentuates fine lines and texture, so oil cleanse before regular cleansing which I use Albolene tho it’s a tad thick. You can use a regular carrier oil to cleanse too, just check the comedogenic rating (ideally 0-1, like jojoba, grapeseed) and when I’m finished cleansing, I use Garnier micellar water (pink one) just to make sure I removed all cleanser/spf residue. I use reusable cotton pads for that which you can buy at the drug store or on Amazon. Because my skin is dry I opt for a thick moisturizer, also by Cerave or Ponds but if you’re oily, Cerave has a moisturizer that’s really light too. For exfoliation, I use the ordinary BHA/AHA peel, it’s pretty gentle and my skin can take a lot so I also use a salicylic acid peel I get off Amazon (10-20%) but start slow, you don’t want a chemical burn. Do not use tret or retinol when exfoliating, and only use it at night because your skin becomes photosensitive upon application. I alternate between the two peels, never both at once. Lots of skincare junkies also love Paula’s Choice BHA toner but it’s not strong enough for me, lots of good reviews tho and for reference, BHA is glycolic acid which targets texture and AHA is salicylic acid which targets dead skin and blackheads. For retinoids regarding acne and blackheads, use Differin, and for firming the skin/reducing fine lines, opt for Neutrogena or ROC retinol creams. Peptides are also useful for fine lines, and the ordinary sells one I use called “buffet” as in it contains many different kinds of peptides, and also a more concentrated peptide called Matrixyl which can be found on their website or in Sephora/Ulta. Remember that the sun is what causes most skin damage and collagen degradation, so SPF is super important, doesn’t have to be expensive but they can be a bitch to use if it’s US based because the mineral ones make you look like a ghost and the chemical ones burn your eyes a bit. Use hats and protective clothing, melanoma is more common than you think especially if you’re really fair. In the event that you do fuck up your skin barrier (stinging, burning, redness upon application of non active products,) use a barrier balm like Cicaplast by Laroche Posay. Niacinamide and azealic acid also helps with evening skin tone/ redness and both can be bought from the ordinary or good molecules. Both are cheap, and most of the other shit mentioned can be bought at the drug store, hope this helps gals
(derailing) No. 1597564
File: 1658791706031.png (1.17 MB, 802x672, Manatee.png)

>>1597511Manatees are sweet and cute, unlike Shay
No. 1597569
>>1597564True, but sailors back in the day who were out at sea, liquored up, and hadn't seen a woman in a long ass time thought they looked similar enough.
So maybe some chronically inside incel spotted her and thought "ohh wow a pretty girl!"
Or the most likely explanation is big Shaynus lied as usual.
No. 1597574
File: 1658792409544.jpg (263.14 KB, 1787x900, Capture.JPG)

>>1597551Hi! I think you might not have noticed, but this is what you just posted
No. 1597591
>>1596867Damn she's ballooned up. If she lost weight on that family trips, she's gained it back and then some. I've never seen her face looking so bloated before. It looks like it hurts her to even emote.
Also kek at her photoshopping the massive pimple but it still lowering her one eyebrow.
No. 1597593
File: 1658793326625.png (816.34 KB, 921x1175, 59E82915-3868-4864-9A59-A862D0…)

>>1597499The only mermaid Shaynus looks like is a mayochup mermaid
No. 1597609
File: 1658794204163.jpeg (131.11 KB, 828x495, E258002C-4F88-413F-BD7D-67BAC3…)

There is nothing little about her. How could anyone think of her as a “little girl”
No. 1597627
>>1597499More like a beached whale but ok
Amazing how her skin looks noticeably worse lately even though she stopped smoking pot
No. 1597680
File: 1658799306749.jpeg (113.72 KB, 798x410, 42531F38-E81F-47BF-937A-98F6D0…)

>>1597670She’s been playing a lot of apex these past few days. And drinking everyday of course.
No. 1597721
>>1597680well, Watson, I think we’ve cracked The Case of the Missing Waistline
lying around boozing all day every day will plump you up fast
No. 1597755
File: 1658804405176.jpg (216.49 KB, 1080x1791, Screenshot_2022-07-26-03-55-11…)

>>1597680It's embarrassing that she bought this Xbox fucking ages ago and has played 1 game.. a free one.
She played kingdom of hearts once and never again.
And 0 friends wooo.
Fupa was the only 1 and he deleted her kek
No. 1597787
>>1597739but shes been drinking since forever as much as she used to smoke, tbh i dont believe shes off weed she cant commit to shower everyday shes gonna put that shit down, have any of you quit weed after smoking for more than 5 years everyday? if so i need some tips cos i cant take the withdrawal pain for more than one day even taking the meds that are supposed to help, shes a liar and we dont know really why she was on the hospital, it could have been a lot of other things but that syndrome that she read about here in fucking lolcow.
and shes been looking high af lately im taking the xanax tinfoil but her eyes are looking red y achinados, sage bc tinfoil
No. 1597945
>>1597937skincare anon is
triggered lol
No. 1597993
>>1597927again, not everybody is a burgerfag, we don't even have heroin/benzos given away in my country but i knew i sounded like lurch. anyway thanks for the tip enjoy your burgers!
>>1597937just said one thing and now its a blog kek talking about infighting
No. 1598036
>>1598019I think it's just the terminology. I dont think smoking weed all the time is "fine" because its legal in a lot of states. You can be addicted to smoking it, you can get dependent on it. It's still a drug– it alters your state.
However the term "junkie" is really used for heroin/crack/meth (maybe pill poppers?) users so hearing someone call a stoner that was kinda weird lol.
(derailing) No. 1598052
File: 1658850675042.jpeg (486.9 KB, 1242x1629, 12701748-B7FB-4579-8A64-50C33A…)

Bitch can’t even feel her clit anymore with her lawn mower vibrator. She’s so embarrassing
No. 1598062
>>1598034dont feel bad for what uglies says on lolcow, u know a lot of these retard bitches are on the spectrum and it shows!
>>1598052lol Shayna youre as sad as your disgusting customers, being a poly and waking every morning alone, sad.
No. 1598106
File: 1658855128117.jpeg (225.21 KB, 828x586, 7C0BA37B-938E-44D1-8B6A-D60C84…)

No. 1598199
>>1598106I feel conflicted because these posts + the escalation into actual prostitution is going to have a very bad outcome. I fear there may actually be an instance of a client taking these posts too seriously and then actually raping her because he'll think her begging for it to stop is just roleplay.
(And if it did happen, these tweets would seriously impact getting any justice if brought up in court)
No. 1598230
File: 1658862150788.png (207.83 KB, 1146x724, 2E4D3941-BA56-4B4B-9295-F7A27C…)

No. 1598232
File: 1658862179972.png (275.38 KB, 1170x1184, 62566A6B-E489-4C8F-B467-83C6E9…)

No. 1598326
>>1598279It never ceases to amaze me how Shayna manages to flip every failure of hers around in her head in a way that absolves her of responsibility. It's her only real talent.
Too lazy to cam regularly? No, she just has a
fear of failure. Too lazy to edit content? That's just her perfectionism holding her back. Feeling dejected by the sorry state of her bleak life? Oh, that's just the depression talking, no need to make any changes.
She could win a gold medal in mental gymnastics.
No. 1598328
File: 1658866649337.png (1.69 MB, 1469x980, smolbabybimbo.png)

>>1595923Hope my fanart doesn't count as alogging, kek.
No. 1598482
File: 1658878009436.jpeg (192.26 KB, 366x679, CCE204A0-B9F1-448D-A032-68A620…)

You’re doing great Sweaty
No. 1598519
File: 1658879995342.jpeg (899.16 KB, 828x1267, 7259BCA8-1CD0-481B-A0C2-C0E033…)

No. 1598521
File: 1658880126006.jpeg (270.57 KB, 1080x961, 1A885378-F903-400F-94C1-14BAB9…)

No. 1598523
File: 1658880204752.jpeg (276.53 KB, 1080x962, 807983BC-0F9F-448A-8411-D04573…)

No. 1598560
File: 1658883046892.jpeg (765.33 KB, 828x1469, EF416FB9-5D4F-45BE-A187-B1DB76…)

I wish she would just use tiktok. She would get humbled so fast No. 1598574
File: 1658884130654.jpeg (757.54 KB, 750x1072, 83EBF82D-6973-46EA-B25E-69FE9D…)

She should nuke her social media, download faceapp, and start over only selling majorly photoshopped nudes to idiots(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1598578
File: 1658884264168.jpeg (979.46 KB, 2644x2316, 3FB29FF6-1F98-4700-A457-A8DEA8…)

>>1598560This is why she doesn’t use tiktok. If Shayna saw Addison Rae on her FYP doing the bare minimum of “dancing” aka wiggling her arms to a trending song and getting a 100k+ likes she’d have a meltdown. She does spergs over not getting enough interaction twice a month.
No. 1598579
File: 1658884430148.jpeg (21.97 KB, 275x275, 0A55232D-4AD9-4227-8F3F-11C7CB…)

>>1598574ugly fanart and I bet with a million filters and edits Shayna
still wouldn’t get interaction. That’s how much of a failure she is. The internet knows her real face and it’s
NOT pretty
No. 1598582
File: 1658884745810.jpeg (Spoiler Image,186.38 KB, 499x515, 1907D40E-279C-45D3-B447-3F1BBF…)

>>1598579Watch out… big shaynus is cumming
No. 1598587
File: 1658884992107.png (257.6 KB, 540x332, F711754C-E33C-481F-9599-498432…)

>>1598582Please stop these are awful she looks like a chav
No. 1598594
Therapist: Chav Shaynus isn't real, she can't hurt you
Chav Shaynus:
>>1598582 No. 1598616
>>1598598Fr. People who inherit the wombo combo of perfectionism & fear of failure mixed together are overachievers by definition. They push themselves into high-level careers like doctors, engineers & physicists. They become "renaissance women" by developing well-rounded side hobbies & succeeding at everything they touch.
Shayna is so far from these 2 qualities that her delusion goes from laughable to straight up pitiable. This dumb hooker barely even graduated high school & has no hobbies, friends or achievements whatsoever.
No. 1598628
File: 1658888186025.jpg (22.84 KB, 400x400, mactonight.jpg)

>>1598523She looks like mac tonight in drag.
No. 1598723
File: 1658894941182.webm (7.71 MB, 624x1280, Dolly Manteca.webm)
>>1598346> Dolly MantecaNonita, ¿qué haces? ¡Te amo!
>>1598521Her cheeks?!
>>1598560What cocktail would we say she’s on? She’s giving Luna. Here’s the .webm
>>1598574Her ego wouldn’t allow her to do that.
>>1598596Stop, you have no right (I love you)
>>1598712>>1598720I’d love a Shayna in Florida arc.
No. 1598777
File: 1658900564185.jpeg (333.41 KB, 1153x1080, FD41856E-CD5A-4C8C-A8F0-FA66C9…)

Surprised Ellen hasn’t found an “art daddy” yet with this level of skill
No. 1598822
File: 1658906912823.jpg (665.05 KB, 1090x966, 445254.jpg)

No. 1599055
File: 1658930615182.jpg (33.13 KB, 636x353, Screenshot 2022-07-27 070352.j…)

>>1599043Kek this reminds me of this classic Teen Mom moment
No. 1599098
File: 1658934689964.jpeg (646.36 KB, 828x1037, B19EBA1D-54B3-4DC8-BD68-B1ADE2…)

>>1598777“I’m ready” for what…? To learn how to do art at a second grade level? Agreeing with anons that think she’s not all there.
No. 1599105
>>1599098the sunset one looked kind of promising if you didn't know what to expect.
>>1598777 even still it's shocking
No. 1599120
>>1598822Kek imagine seeing this sight in person, and you read “Barbie” on their shirt. Peak mental illness.
I will say I’m impressed with her ability to wear clothing 1-2 sizes too small. I have no idea how she got those shorts to button up, let alone seem comfortable wearing them.
No. 1599131
File: 1658937774536.jpeg (177.88 KB, 828x554, 6307995D-7C14-4483-AEC0-C1C0AA…)

What the fuck is going on with her
No. 1599197
>>1598822She looks like she's dressed up like a nasty trailer park hooker for Halloween.
No wonder she's so depressed, how do you look like that and not want to kill yourself?
No. 1599244
File: 1658947730845.jpeg (576.88 KB, 1170x1306, 29DBAE20-7E1C-4E4C-965F-87B9E5…)

Yeah, we’ll see about that
No. 1599259
File: 1658949233966.jpeg (774.11 KB, 1242x1766, 10B5C0F1-C8A3-4787-8828-BE3BDC…)

>>1599244I love how all the replies are bots. Kek. Sharing your link or saying the word onlyfans is the new “sugar daddy dm to get spoiled but I will need your banking info” scams. It’s being infiltrated with scammers making it harder for degens like Shaynus to sell content.
No. 1599333
>>1599320>>1599244She supposedly has sugar dates and irl sessions that we thought she was transitioning to. They ought to make her more money than online shit at this point, so idk why she's backtracking now. She must really be exaggerating the irl stuff, because according to her, she should have made $300+ just with her last "worship" session. Easily more than she'd make doing all those things online. Plus alleged sugar dates. She needs to just stick to being a whore for hire and find a few local coomers imo if she wont give up sex work.
She always says she's gonna start a schedule and never ever has done it for more than a week, if that. Maybe she should try just 1 of those a week. No way she'll do all 3 days.