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No. 143880
File: 1462056645841.png (416.01 KB, 590x592, TnvBPKw.png)

that snake habitat pisses me off so much. she doesn't even try to hide the fact it's just an accessory to her. it's just… barren.
No. 143882
File: 1462058519012.jpg (336.84 KB, 500x750, 1451496320173[1].jpg)

>>143881I have bad news for you…
No. 143890
>>143889The pet shops in America can be sad enough already, but the ones in Japan are tragic. I once went to a shop that had all sorts of birds in too small cages and they hardly had any feathers from stress. Makes me truly sick thinking of the conditions of pets in countries that are worse off.
I completely lose respect for the weebs who ignore the clearly awful conditions pets in Japan are raised in and purchase anyways.
No. 143895
>>143892I know so many foreigners who've adopted pets from the shelter. Seems like foreigners are actually the only ones who ever get their pets at shelters in Japan.
>>143894For every (from the horrendous prices I'd say) 100pets which wheren't bought at a pet store one of them will close. It might sound a little hard, but that's the only way how these businesses will ever be made to close. Keep on buying the 'poor kawaii puppies and kittens' and there'll pop up even more stores.
No. 143897
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No. 143899
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No. 143900
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No. 143901
File: 1462116357051.png (1.47 MB, 967x743, kawaiidesu.png)

No. 143902
File: 1462116391148.png (378 KB, 345x535, modeldesu.png)

No. 143903
File: 1462116437032.png (433.05 KB, 482x532, BUSU.png)

No. 143904
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>>143899>>143900>>143903>>143902what the fuuuuck please stop anon
No. 143907
File: 1462119245018.jpg (2.8 MB, 4160x2340, 20160430_130017.jpg)

Himezawa is starring in the swan lake in London. Who else has tickets?
No. 143920
>>143890And it's easy to tell who bought their cat (like Sharla) and who adopted it. If it's a breed, it's 99% likely bought at a pet shop.
>>143895>>143892It's easy to adopt, just gotta know where to go.
>>143911This is fucking savage. I love you, and I can't breathe
No. 143921
>>143902She should dye her hair chocolate brown
But no way in hell she would get rid of the ratty blonde since she would stand out less.
No. 143922
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>>143911Nailed it, the resemblance is uncanny!
No. 143926
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>>143880That's either a king snake or some herp of a rat snake. Can't tell because the snake is so dark.
Either way guys, I think you need to calm down about the habitat itself. Snakes don't care about "enough space." In fact, snakes prefer smaller, tight, and dark spaces because it makes them feel more secure.
Many reptile enthusiasts and breeders keep snakes in plastic tubs, because seriously, that's all they need.
The enclosure isn't shit because of how tiny a space it is. It's shit because that hide is just a pot with holes and there's no place where the snake can really feel hidden. It's probably stressed out, which is why it's hovering towards the back of the terrarium where there's no glass. IMO it's also a dick move to line the cage with paper instead of wood substrate because then they can't even burrow for security.
Also I hope she at least has a heat pad underneath that hide because snakes can't regulate their own heat temp.
Even though I live in the south my corn snake gets chilly sometimes so I always see him underneath his hide with the heat pad under it. A heat source is also important for after they eat because it helps them digest.
I agree that she probably just got a reptile for the shock value of saying she owns a snake, but she isn't outright neglecting it…yet.
No. 143930
>>143926that's what I meant in
>>143880. It's not too small, you can just tell by looking at it that it's supposed to look stylish, not give the snake what it needs (a decent hiding spot, ground to burrow in etc)
No. 143931
File: 1462215458067.jpg (75.55 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

New pic
No. 143932
File: 1462217961954.jpg (54.05 KB, 600x450, niconico.jpg)

Just found this on Twitter: She's participating in some Nico Nico program and if you want to watch her, the next livestream is on 05/05:, get that exposure girl!
No. 143939
File: 1462381966133.png (263.91 KB, 748x578, blog1.png)

So inspirational.
No. 143940
File: 1462382073878.png (518.93 KB, 751x675, blog2.png)

Follow your dreams to be a nobody in Japan. Source: No. 143943
>>143941She's a scammer and a lulzy delusional weeb
Google "Sabrina Schultes scamming"
No. 143944
>>143940"She regurlarly makes appearances on television or the internet. She also works as a model on the runway and for photoshootings. By now she also published her first book, "Staubmaedchen". At the end of october, her debut single "Wagamama Love" Was also released. Author, Model, Actress and singer: In the entertainmentindustry of japan this is not unusual: Singers become actresses, models become hosts, and authors become singers. Sabrina first didn't put much hope in her singing career: "When I auditioned, I got interrupted right away. Not a good sign, I thought." A few minutes later the producer already came back with the team of the music label. "Accomplished it at the first try.""
Has she actually really accomplished anything or is this mostly her hyping herself? She doesn't appear to be anything more than a d-list idol.
No. 143946
File: 1462408602836.jpg (49.94 KB, 327x499, 510KJiUsAhL._SX325_BO1,204,203…)

You know about Wagamama Love already, Staubmädchen is for sale on Amazon (it's a shitty ebook on par with those hood romances), she's been a guest in some variety shows, I don't know about the rest. It's possible she's modeled briefly at a con or something.
No. 143950
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>>143949"Accomplished it at the first try"
No. 143956
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No. 143960
File: 1462651620848.jpg (39.15 KB, 845x895, kawaiidildouguu.jpg)

No. 143961
>>143959Your lie in april?
I've never actually seen it but there's some blonde girl who plays something that looks like that.
No. 143974
>>143962>..things that upset me. I hate putting them online, I hate having proof of them, and hate having people pick on themBut I guess if it'll get her a whopping 300 views on Youtube, she'll 180 that stance for a teensy bit of attention.
Can't speak for others, but I'm sick of the whole "I HATE X" youtube rant videos. It's the lowest denominator genre.
Her list:
>winter jackets on packed trainsFucking wat.
>talk smack about former employers onlineI know why this bothers Himezawa, it just reminds her of the fact that she's 30 and has never held a solid job to form opinions about it.
Does anyone else think Himezawa is the type to rat to project "managers" about what people have said in private or outside the workplace? She seems that backstabbing.
>people who do stupid crap and blame it on othersSo…she hates herself.
>ask me how much my clothes costAwww poor babby nobody else gets asked this in the fashion by strangers who don't know better!
>noisy neighborWhy is she complaining about someone showering or boiling fucking rice?
>neighbor ratted me about talking to my gf during a sleepoverThere's a difference between doing necessary things like showering and making food when you get home from a night shift, and herself doing willy nilly shit like talking loudly at 2am because she doesn't have a job to go to the next day.
What a self-important bitch.
>last minute notices of plan changesSucks I guess. But maybe Himezawa is hurt by this common occurrence especially because this means people have more pressing plans and don't want to hang out with her stupid ass. And how dare someone think she's not the center of their universe.
>people who ask me about my diet–BTW I DON'T DIET!Ugh, everyone has a "diet." Why is it such a big deal to answer someone about what she generally eats unless she eats poorly or has disordered eating…
>passive-agressive tweeting- UR ALL THIRSTY FOR ATTENTIONAnd remember, Himezawa doesn't want your attention. Psh.
>region blocks on Paypal accountsThen don't use Paypal. She could get with the times and fix her accounts, but it is easier to act like she has time to make Youtube videos but no time to handle her financial dealings I guess.
>people who hate animalsThis seems shoehorned in to take a break from her petty ramblings that make her seem like a monster to let us know she might have a shred of empathy. But idk, it seems strawman because I've nary met a person who hated every. single. animal.
>people who put bags on the seats next to them on trainsIt's only bad if the train is full and people are standing.
>"I'll sit on your bag if you don't move it!!!!"then in her very next rant
>people who sit on her jacket or skirtBut Himezawa, they're just following your train of thought and sitting on the shit you fail to move out of THEIR seats! Dumbass.
>people who care about their sleepwearSo people aren't allowed to ask about her clothes or her eating habits because "it's none of their business," but Himezawa thinks it's her business to question why someone pays attention to their sleepwear?
>people who don't get the difference between a character and a personI've tried listening to this three times and I still don't get what she's trying to say. Nobody should be accountable for personas? Is she talking about actual actors/actresses? I don't understand this one.
>who's your favorite soccer player? –GO SCREW YOURSELF UR STEREOTYPING GERMAN PEOPLEOh my goodness…isn't it easier to say she doesn't watch soccer instead of assuming people are trying to piss her off on purpose?
>she carries around a fucking notebook so she can write down shit that pisses her offLmao, what a petty cunt.
Just imagine this caked-up, little trollup skulking around on a bustling street. Giving anyone her baggy side-eyes who she supposes dare sneeze in her direction. Furiously writing down every manner and diction that she thinks are aimed directly at her.
Idol material.
No. 143975
File: 1462691664526.png (234.2 KB, 345x535, itried.png)

>>143902Removed that awkward expression
No. 143982
>>143962Guys, this video gave her 16 comments, more than she usually gets. Clearly this kind of content fares better than her other crap.
>>143969>>143971I don't think she cares, lol. Sabrina has probably already reached her kawaii aidoru dreams in her eyes, being an underground, no-name foreign idol with ~6 performances under her belt.
No. 143985
File: 1462722087397.png (40.37 KB, 165x115, 409.png)

>>143962she's trying way too hard it's hard to watch
No. 143986
File: 1462722353272.jpg (17.79 KB, 480x360, readImage.jpg)

>>143962I like how she thinks abusing the F word makes her look soooo edgy and original desu
No. 143987
>>143974>it just reminds her of the fact that she's 30 and has never held a solid job to form opinions about it.If you think 21 = 30 I'm honestly concerned for you.
She looks 30 tho, I'll give you that one.
No. 143990
>>143974It's crazy how lacking in self-awareness she is. I'm assuming she thinks she's being quirky and funny but she just comes across as a spoiled, whiny bitch.
Is she still trying to go for the ~kawaii aidoru~ thing while posting rants online?
Also I don't understand this whatsoever:
>people who care about their sleepwear>no-one fucking cares what you wear to bed
>what are sleepovers>what are significant others>what is wanting to wear something you feel comfortable in regardless of whether anyone will see you or not No. 143993
>>143974I feel like most of these things could be solved with a single: 'Excuse me, could you please […]'. But she thinks she is too good for that. What a bitch.
>>143987If she is ony 21 there is still hope for her. She could still try to pursue education to get a real job. But she needs to start that soon.
No. 143994
>>143992It's not fake if it's not her mother tongue though?
She used to live in London too, and has always sounded like this. It's not like she's an Angloboo American.
No. 143996
>thirsty as fuuuuuuuuuuuuckI dieded
No. 144004
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>>144001i thought you shoop'd margs face onto hers here.
>mfw you didn't No. 144014
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No. 144016
being skeleton skinny ain't kawaii
No. 144017
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No. 144019
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>>144017Ana-chan detected. Also, her not so humble-bragging about people giving her "jealous glares".
No. 144021
>>144019>I don't do it for anyone else, just for myselfYeah, that's why she's trying to make a career out of her looks, claim strangers are jealous, and post pictures of herself in tacky corsets on the outside of clothes.
Because, y'know, all that effort is
just for herself.
No. 144022
>>144019Ok its confirmed
Every 'kawaii' girl has a 22inch waist lmao.
Why are they all obssessed with that number?
No. 144024
>>143999Yes, that said if it's NOT her mother tongue.
If she's German and has learnt English from English people, of course she's gonna try to emulate them and of course it's gonna sound off. Doesn't mean it's fake. NikkieTutorials sounds American even though she's Dutch.
No. 144025
>>144024I "blame" media. I mean we're surrounded by american movies, shows and music, even games everywhere we go. If british english was the norm in media, i bet a lot more non native
speakers would speak that way as well. As a non native english speaker in europe I would feel a lot more "fake" and forced trying to emulate a british accent.
No. 144027
>>143962If she had an actual career as an idol in Japan (like a known idol that actually has appearnces), she would lose all her wota fans with this video. Nobody likes a bitch idol.
Well good for her that nobody gives a shit about her lol
No. 144028
>>144027this, and the only 'fans' she'll get from this vid are edgy tumblr shits who won't do anything for her 'career' anyways.
i honestly think that if someone sent this video to her agency or job she would get fired on the spot. even outside of japan she would. this is just sad as fuck.
No. 144029
>>144003To be fair, most of these "I hate people" videos are cringe and make you look like petty bitch.
>>143995Top kek anon.
>>144028Seems like everyone is liking that video though: 21 comments and rising.
No. 144033
>>144031>UK accentJust like in the US, and in your own country, there's a huge variety of accents over here. I assume the accent you're referring to is RP (basically queen's english). Very few people here actually speak with that accent. If you want to hear some fucked up shit, check out the brummy, scouser and glaswegian accents.
What you've said is like me coming in and saying "Oh I hate German accents" based on only hearing Arnold Schwarzenegger speak (and, correct me if I am wrong, he's got an Austrian accent, not a German one).
No. 144035
>>144034that's why I literally said in my post that the US has a variety of accents.
And, again, if you watch a film with british people in it, you don't just get RP. It's usually RP, cockney or mancunian (daphne from frasier as a famous example) that you'll hear.
No. 144037
>>144036true, which is why I offered some interesting accents for her to explore.
On that note, to get back on topic, can a deustchfag tell us what sort of accent does himezawa have? Does she have a posh accent? I would assume she has the german equivalent of RP because she's loaded.
No. 144039
>>144033Sorry I really didn't mean offense. Here people are taught by native speakers. We learn either a standard British pronunciation or an American pronunciation based on the teacher.
I didn't mean to stereotype. and it could be based on my experience, what I prefer to hear and find easier to understand. When I watch British films/TV, I like to use English subtitles, but with American films/TV it's not always necessary. Exceptions: mafia films, all of the Sopranos, southern accents, westerns, stuff with gang speech
One question: why do American newscasters always sound deranged? I hate that kind of accent and have never heard a real American talk that way.
No. 144041
>>144037I have only heard her speak German once, in the video announcing her book. Her syntax is correct and she doesn't speak in an overly complicated way. She speaks Hochdeutsch (meaning, not in dialect) but she still sounds slightly Bavarian to me. I like the Bavarian accent, it's not harsh and sounds friendly.
She sounds educated, but we don't have the same class distinctions here. It's more about where you come from and whether you speak heavy dialect or not. People switch back and forth - you speak Hochdeutsch at school or when everyone has to understand but dialect with friends and family. If you can't express yourself in correct Hochdeutsch, you will get shit from teachers and professors.
No. 144043
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>>144017she looks kind of like lily's doppleganger from how i met your mother in this pic
No. 144044
File: 1462809802074.gif (1.22 MB, 165x115, 0cc.gif)

>>144033YES! She sounds exactly like Schwarzenegger
and on top of that she tries to fake a british accent
so much cringe
No. 144045
File: 1462810008619.gif (935.22 KB, 540x304, tumblr_inline_o0nt9sSqk71tzwkw…)

>>143995Bless your soul anon
No. 144047
>>144031People change pitch when they speak different languages. I work in an international environment, and you can hear it all the time.
She speaks English because she wants to become a famous kawaii aidoru and people around the world don't speak German, especially not Japan.
There's nothing wrong with the way she speaks, can we please move on to some actually cringe shit like that book she wrote? What is it about, can any Germans spill more deets?
No. 144051
>>144047I doubt anyone here bought her book. It generally didn't seem to be very popular, judging from the meagre amount of German reviews she got, even though she advertised it so many times and has a couple of German followers.
See: No. 144054
>>144047Sorry, I'm German and am around Germans speaking English all the time. We learn it as children in school. No one sounds like this weeb, not even the shyest girl.
I know why she speaks English. I was responding to Anons who mentioned that she sounds different because it isn't her native language. I wanted to point out that she speaks it all the time now so she should work on how it sounds.
I haven't bought her book, but I'm sure it's crap.
No. 144056
>>143944Theres no way she 'accomplished it on her first try' based on her singing alone
There were a few videos of her raw singing floating around. It was god awful
No. 144057
>>144055Yes please anon!
>>144056Any of these videos still floating around?
No. 144062
>>144057In English it says:
As Mr Penber one morning finds the file of the case "Staubmörder" ("dust murderer") on his desk in the head office for occult criminal cases he doesn't realize which mysterious worlds hide behind the old report. On the trails of the exorcist Lucien (female) it goes to London (don't judge me she writes weird sentences and I don't feel like correcting her grammar) that after a terror attack carries the name "cursed city". He dives into the world of exorcists and demons in which he becomes part of a story he would have never dared to dream of.
Seriously she should have read her summary a second time before printing that book. She writes long ass sentences which makes it hard to read. I feel like the entire book must be as fanfiction-like and full of mistakes like this. I don't want to be a grammar nazi but it's kind of sad because she lived and went to school in Germany for a long time. Meh. What do you think about her story?
No. 144067
>>144064She married one of her Japanese IG fanboys (probably her
only Japanese fan under 30 let's be real here) for a Japan visa. Odds are she sponges off of him & her rich parents and somehow makes a little money here and there just for being a token English speaking foreigner.
No. 144069
File: 1462908426155.jpg (70.39 KB, 475x815, 1613957.jpg)

>>144065I remember her saying that the first edition sold out. This is how the display in her home town (?) looked like so I'm pretty sure other people than her family and friends bought it. I tried to find the book in other Bavarian book shops last year because I got curious but there was no trace of it.
No. 144071
File: 1462910598804.png (36.29 KB, 461x307, kzBbxCu.png)

It's not even 200 pages…
No. 144077
>>144072>>144075Looks like a stupid farmer made an account
just to rate her little book. Really now…
No. 144090
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No. 144091
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>>144090poor self-deluded thing
No. 144094
>>144089Not that anon but according to Best-Off's website, you don't have to pay to get your shit printed but one of their goals is publishing young, unknown authors and special kinds of stories that big, standard publishers aren't interested in.
To any aspiring German authors in this thread: Best-Off Verlag is your chance. :^)
No. 144101
File: 1463057045334.png (100.29 KB, 902x656, Vu4xDcE.png)

I did some digging on Best Off and read a couple of reviews and forum threads and found out they're a vanity publisher, just with minimal quality control. It's called a Druckkostenzuschussverlag (don't you love German) which basically means they agree to publish your writing as long as you pay for it. This means her novel has most likely never seen a bookstore outside of her hometown.'s their information for writers, I'll translate the essential:
>Wir bieten zurzeit noch kein eigenes Lektorat an. Gerne geben wir bei Annahme Ihr Manuskript an ein Lektorat/Korrektorat weiter. Die Konditionen für ein Lektorat oder Korrektorat legt hierbei der jeweilige Lektor, unabhängig vom Verlag fest und wird Ihnen vorab mitgeteilt.
>We do not offer our own copy editing at this point. We'll be happy to forward your accepted manuscript to an editorial office. Conditions vary etc. etc.So basically, once your writing is accepted, you have to pay out of pocket to get it corrected, but I can totally see Sabrina thinking she doesn't need it and skip that part.
>Aber: Trotz intensiver Prüfung und Bearbeitung der Texte kann es vorkommen, dass ein Fehler übersehen wird, aber selbst ein Bestseller ist nicht fehlerfrei.
>However: Despite meticulous editing, errors may still occur. But even a bestselling novel isn't flawless.So they already warn you about poor quality? Ok
>Unabhängig vom Lektorat/Korrektorat ist bei Manuskriptannahme die Buchveröffentlichung für den Autor / die Autorin kostenfrei.
>Aside from editing, publishing your novel does not come at a cost.Okay, but what do they consider publishing? Let's find out:
>Informationen zum Thema „Publizieren“>>ISBN>>– ISBN (Internationale Buchnummer)>– Aufnahme in das Verzeichnis lieferbarer Bücher VLB (Standard-Verzeichnis des Buchhandels) und somit Registrierung Ihres Buches bei großen Online-Buchhändlern (wie z.B. Amazon, Libri, BOL etc.)>– Versand des Pflichtexemplars an die Deutsche Bibliothek (obligatorisch bei Büchern mit ISBN)
>Publishing informations>they assign you an ISBN and register your book. That's it
>Der Autor übernimmt auch Marketingarbeiten, um sein Buch bekannt zu machen.
>The writer takes care of marketing and publicity.So they really don't do anything other than give you the satisfaction of pestering your friends and relatives to buy your book, because they sure as hell won't place it.
There's also an article about a young kid who published with them, and they can't mention the publisher without criticizing them:
>A publisher isn't supposed to just print the book, they should really also edit the novel>But his mom didn't want to wait for a big publishing houseBonus: If you visit their shop, you'll see she's not even doing well in a vanity publishing setting. For all her talk about her book selling out, she's not even on her own publisher's bestselling list. other writers get at least a bit of promotion on the website, her author page is completely empty. No. 144102
File: 1463057812549.png (21.99 KB, 542x199, njXhZUg.png)

>>144101and one more: This review says that after a few weeks (presumably after the "publishing" was done) she wasn't able to get in touch with anyone from the publishing house anymore, not even to order new books.
No. 144106
File: 1463065018907.png (306.57 KB, 833x461, book-summary.png)

More info about her book and announcement for a potential English release.
She also talks about her "career" in Japan: No. 144110
File: 1463109644811.png (714.94 KB, 927x588, oktoberfest.png)

>not all germans eat sausages and drink beer muh stereotypes!!1!
No. 144112
>>144110She does realize that that Hairstyle/makeup doesn't work for everything, right?
Looks ridiculous..
No. 144113
>>144112Actually the braid crown is a traditional hairstyle and quite popular for Oktoberfest. I don't see the problem with it?
Here is a webpage of historical photos showing German women wearing it No. 144115
>>144114It's a popular makeup trend right now in Japan. I think it can look cute on doll faced girls but himezawa has a face like an ugly bird.
>>144110Her body looks so masculine here.
No. 144122
>>144117Actually, there is one spelling mistake but that's it. Sounds incredibly boring tho.
btw, I am a bookseller and literally everyone is able to publish their crap today. I am currently operating with esoteric books and you won't believe what is out there…
No. 144126
Ditch the bangs, wear your hair long and down, get rid of the stupid side burn things you see in anime, wear some contour or some highlighter or do SOMETHING to give your face some depth and bring out your cheek bones. Confused autistic weebs piss me off so much.
No. 144128
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>>144110I wonder if she'll age to look like Marg.
No. 144131
>>144126Oh my god this.
She's actually a pretty girl imo but the way she does her make up is awful. Plus she looks like a bad crossdresser in that picture.
No. 144132
>>144126I'd rather say she should wear her hair and do her makeup according to her face shape.
Eg I have a more roundish head with a high forehead so this kind of hair and makeup and hair works pretty well for me
No. 144135
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>>144126This exactly. The hime cut is popular in Japan because it frames (typically)rounder, wider Asian faces to make them look daintier and reduces the jawline. It does not work with long, narrow or masculine faces, especially if you have a prominent, long nose. For the same reason dramatic, contoured eye shadow often doesn't work on typical East Asian faces, Usagi eye make was not created with European or stronger features in mind. The combination of these two styles just makes Himezawa ends up looking like kawaii Ferb.
No. 144136
>>144126>>144135You're not wrong but let's be honest. She could look even shittier and nobody would care in Japan because of her height and foreign looks.
Beckii Cruel also has a longish face, a big nose tip and she wasn't even blonde and Japanese people creamed their pants over her.
No. 144146
File: 1463289988272.jpg (132.2 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mxrlq5si5R1rpg9pxo1_500…)

not with that unfortunate face
No. 144147
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No. 144151
File: 1463314660353.jpg (103.86 KB, 640x360, tumblr_static_tumblr_static_93…)

>>144148Holy fucking cringe, I hadn't seen that clip yet.
No. 144152
File: 1463317737860.jpg (517.15 KB, 667x1000, yukappp.jpg)

>>144150Don't you have to know Japanese for the Tokyo Girls audition? Yukapon/Natalie went for it as well but she and Aminyan can speak fluent Japanese. Judging from several videos, Sabrina is far from fluent.
No. 144156
File: 1463322090840.jpg (21.49 KB, 400x280, hangover-girl-makeup-07-400x28…)

>>144155It has the potential to be kind of cute but very few people have the look to pull it off at all, especially not Himezawa with her long, sharp facial features.
No. 144157
File: 1463322646111.jpg (115.37 KB, 600x900, tumblr_ndwn78TICC1rb9a6wo2_128…)

>>144155It looks super cute on asians, but I've never seen in on a white person without it looking like a rash/sunburn
No. 144166
File: 1463349864282.jpg (104.84 KB, 800x800, 2015-Top-Fashion-Rushed-Animal…)

>>144165>>144163I don't think the toes are an indicator, I saw an ad for them in cancam and they're pretty much meant to be worn with sandals so the stitches are on the sole of the foot and it doesn't show. Kind of like pic rel
No. 144169
Isn't she a rich german princess, why don't she get a nosejob?
>>143903She is a kinda cute and high class looking blonde besides of that
No. 144173
File: 1463386556692.jpg (98.27 KB, 565x366, ATWc99t.jpg)

>>144172Bring these back too!
No. 144174
File: 1463388033433.jpg (263.89 KB, 720x607, 2016-05-16 10.40.23.jpg)

No. 144175
>>144174If this is true she'd be massivly underwight, no matter the 'good metabolism' shit or not.
I know somw guys around that height 170-173 who are about 55-60kg and look like her, shape wise. So I guess they altered her wight so she can be 'cute' and 'aidoru' like in a Japanese way, cuz there no matter how tall you are if you weight more than 50kg as a woman, you're considereda fatty.
>no matter your height No. 144178
File: 1463392817888.jpg (132.74 KB, 750x750, 13166974_241983376178973_37732…)

>>144174>>144175>>144177I'm definitely not trying to defend her, but doesn't this look possible? Look at this photo, she has no fat on her body, not even hips.
She's basically just a white noodle with a (big) nose.
No. 144179
Oh btw, enjoy Himezawa and her rehearsed questions/answers. She's doing the classic mistakes like Dakota did, where she's ready to already answer before they're done asking. at her, sitting there laughing while they laugh, even though she doesn't understand anything. She's keep repeating their reaction, it's so fucking embarrassing.
No. 144181
>>144180Since she's in an agency now, they probably put her there or she auditioned.
>>144174Why is she the only tarento at the company?
No. 144182
>>144179Not gonna lie, I think she looked good here. Maybe it's the poor video quality.
But damn, her voice is killing me. Why does she have to speak like this? Why does she waste her time with shitty dances instead of learning proper Japanese?
>>144177>>144178She looks like she is skinnyfat and has almost no muscles at all. So I'd say she is close to 45 Kg.
No. 144184
>>144178>>144182As said before, take eg an asian guy in her size 170-174 and her body shape.
They usually wheight around 53-60kg having the same body shape as her with no muscles etc
43kg is desillusional. Except if she was seriously ana, but that'd be visible within her face already at this point of underweight.
No. 144187
>>144186Plus you never once hear the host compliment her Japanese, which ALWAYS happens with foreigners, especially when they're asked about themselves and such.
She probably sat there practicing her lines, maybe even looking at a piece of paper in front of her.
No. 144188
File: 1463459640528.png (30.52 KB, 852x486, busu.png)

>>144060Hey Busu,still lurkin?
No. 144192
>>144191Taylor R also sucks at Japanese but still gets job opportunities.
Now that Sabrina has joined a new agency, maybe she'll finally become more popular and not just live in her delusional expat fantasies.
No. 144194
>>144192Taylor R is pretty (when the fillers settle down) and used to be a legitimate model…and kind of still is.
Sabrina is unattractive. I think awkward, plain looking white girls are so desperate to be seen as "models" they seek out Japan so they could be seen as exotic and bank on that instead of honest to god good looks. It doesn't take them far. Taylor R, before fillers, was a cute girl in her own hometown so her white girl looks only boosted her potential in Asia while Sabrina could never be seen as cute so she's working at a huge disadvantage only banking on her eye and hair color. If you're ugly, no "uniqueness" is going to bring you legitimate fame. And to add to Sabrina's lack of good looks is her lack of talent. I've never heard of someone who gets professional dance lesson still be so bad at it.
No. 144196
>>144195well, at least she's somewhat able to speak and write it. as well as some basic japanese.
Himezawa can't use proper english despite from living in the uk for a while and she's not even getting a single japanese sentence right
No. 144197
File: 1463499586833.png (98.88 KB, 229x275, 1455681666215.png)

>>144188No one makes fun of Busu, she's perfffffff!!!
No. 144198
>>144196>somewhat able to speak and write itSame with Sabrina's Japanese though.
Her pronunciation at least has definitely improved, compared to the cringy weeb videos she used to make, even though she's making grammar mistakes left and right.
No. 144199
>>144198>cantonese is one of the most difficult languages in the worldTaylor can communicate nearly fluently using it. As well as in Japanese.
Himezawa struggles with both English AND Japanese kek
No. 144205
>>144203she has a grand total of TWO that she didn't delete. One doing a basic Happy New Year and one where she's in a car, saying again something very basic.
So again, that's proof of fluency? Please.
No. 144206
File: 1463503184515.jpg (37.65 KB, 374x320, busu.jpg)

>>144204Kawaii anime girl!!
No. 144208
>>144204I thought this was non-shooped and I was like "Oh, that's a nice pic of her". Then I saw the original and felt sad.
She's not even ugly, but for some reason her face is just off in photos.
No. 144210
File: 1463503577087.png (7.09 KB, 229x275, 1452078784408.png)

>>144208Same here. The disappointment is real…
No. 144211
File: 1463503920247.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.76 KB, 384x216, Armgod_fig_1b.jpg)

>>144171Anon, I tried Googling "tuberculosis face" and I didn't come up with any kawaii results.
Fuck you, anon.
No. 144223
File: 1463588892753.jpg (45.86 KB, 302x450, ARDMelanieWiegmannneubeiSturmd…)

>>144017Reminds me of Melanie Wiegmann (a German actress) kek
No. 144227
File: 1463697052094.jpg (33.92 KB, 600x338, aidoru.jpg)

Busu on another episode of 風色学園
No. 144228
File: 1463697061249.jpg (39.3 KB, 600x338, aidoru2.jpg)

No. 144230
>>144229I doubt it. Her current agency is hardly Bravo Models and only has Sabrina in their roster.
Plus this show 風色学園 has around 500-700 views on Nico Nico Douga and doesn't seem to be super popular. Correct me if I'm wrong though. It just looks like a niche thing about idols Busu applied to and they simply accepted a token foreigner.
No. 144231
File: 1463698576242.jpg (8.53 KB, 182x277, download.jpg)

>>144227I finally figured out who she reminds me of
No. 144235
>>144231Someone else said it earlier as a reply to this
>>143901 post. I completely lost it! Looks like him in a wig.
No. 144236
File: 1463706901162.jpeg (194.59 KB, 750x1062, image.jpeg)

I saw this post….. And she had a whole lot of Patreons. Wait for it………..
No. 144237
File: 1463706948701.jpeg (126.87 KB, 750x519, image.jpeg)

WHY IS THIS GIRL SO FUCKING SAD HOLY SHIT. She's definitely more delusional than any other cow. Dear god.
No. 144238
>>143937stop bringing it up no one cares what some fuggo called her once or twice. there are uglier fatter people who get called angel too.
No. 144239
File: 1463709917860.png (347.48 KB, 705x500, 1455439279908.png)

>>144236>>144237So much secondhand embarrassment.
No. 144240
>>144238Oh look a blonde, blue eyed white girl, she looks like an ~angel~.
Though to be fair, angels are neither male nor female, maybe they are lowkey saying she looks like a dude. Because let's be real here.
No. 144241
File: 1463727019066.png (443.53 KB, 733x579, edhime.png)

No. 144245
File: 1463765744901.jpg (6.82 KB, 223x227, 1463250747575.jpg)

>>144228She's always trying to steal the spotlight.
No. 144256
File: 1464064534231.jpg (8.28 KB, 175x218, 1463924899174.jpg)

>>144253Her japanese is so awkward
No. 144260
>>144258It's weird because her reactions are so delayed. Not even in the "my brain needs a moment to process another language" delay, either. It's like she's using her prehipheral vision (sp?) to gauge the reaction of those around her.
I didn't watch it all, but based on the 20 some minutes I did watch, I don't think I saw her answer one time.
If she's really trying to be an idol she's gotta study. Full immersion only works when you can immerse yourself as well.
No. 144267
File: 1464223527079.png (772.09 KB, 861x961, birdzawa.png)

No. 144270
>>144267Those bits of hair down the side of her face drive me fucking
insane. I know she's completely delusional but I don't get how she doesn't realize that they make her look absolutely retarded.
No. 144273
>>144267Ugh…when she'll understand that "aegyo sal" and "igari" are only a good match with cute baby round face?
On her, it looks like shit.
No. 144274
File: 1464233754696.jpg (71.02 KB, 600x900, 0cb80264fed4832f28f10d89f06102…)

>>144270It's called a hime/princess cut and it used to be a style of the Japanese women of the court during the Heian Period. Obviously it looks completely retarded most people in the contemporary era.
No. 144275
File: 1464233788914.jpg (79.08 KB, 720x720, original.jpg)

>>144274The only time I've seen it look good is when it's quite subtle and flowing like pic related.
No. 144285
>>144282She's literally a younger margo.
>>144280I agree with you anon. She's a cute girl, but I'm still not on board for this hairstyle.
No. 144291
File: 1464249863659.jpg (23.63 KB, 300x168, image.jpg)

>>144287Pretty sure that asian girl is 100X prettier than yew hehe
No. 144297
File: 1464294054982.jpeg (174.93 KB, 499x333, image.jpeg)

>>144283Too be fair, the average Japanese girl is funky looking. It's easy to think they are all perfect and pretty when your a weeb.
No. 144303
File: 1464330180335.jpg (129.75 KB, 868x620, Murphy-CHS-Cheer-Region-Decemb…)

>>144297Sure, but for comparison, here's a Amrican Highschool cheerleading squad. These girls are probably deemed some of the best looking at their school, popular, and are wearing/make-up, etc. Yet… they too are still pretty awkward looking teens.
No. 144304
>>144303oh my god.
that redhead.
No. 144312
>>144311Nah. It's pretty cute. Nice and fluffy, but her bangs could be a bit longer. Nothing spectacular but overall, a nice cut. Horrible is exaggerating.
And so I reading up about Iggy Azalea and thought she looked a lot like non-starving version of Sabrina.
No. 144320
File: 1464693919222.jpg (94.84 KB, 499x600, ss (2016-05-31 at 08.12.08).jp…)

omg, this girl is so sad. i was in harajuku running around with my friend looking for a toilet so I could change clothes. (i had a photoshoot with my friend for her school project at tokyo mode. should I also start calling myself a model now???) suddenly I see this tall creature coming walking… it was our glorious busuzawa! i wanted to punch her in the face. her whole body language said "I'm so special, beautiful, amazing and everybody most look at me" You know, walking almost slowly with her head high and like a fuckig "im better than you"-face. also, her dress was waaaay to short for her spagetti-body.
the direction she went to was to a small section of bad recplica stores where there also are some purikuras. i could bet that time that she would do her usual forever-alone-dont-have-any-friends-purikura. haha, and what do I see when I come home? pic related
No. 144326
File: 1464707253967.jpg (102.36 KB, 1280x840, 1460161781243.jpg)

>>144125>Aaaaand she can't even get simple Japanese right.Venus is an exception to the rule. Most weebs can't speak Japanese
No. 144327
File: 1464707412968.png (99.42 KB, 250x250, 133346-1461505371.png)

>>144142>There's a correlation between being ugly and having nerdy hobbies.Any reason behind this?
No. 144328
>>144327Probably because it's harder for ugly people to find the kind of acceptance in mainstream shit that more attractive people get, so they seek acceptance in more niche communities instead. Same with social awkwardness. People who are both attractive and charismatic/not crazy who like nerdy shit do exist, but they're kind of rare.
With modeling specifically, it's pretty easy to see that alt models are on average uglier than mainstream models. In these communities the novelty of someone with piercings/tattoos/nerdy interests willing to pander to men with those same interests can be enough to compensate an otherwise plain or below average face.
I have no idea if this also goes for Japanese aidorus because honestly cutesy Japanese girls arr rook same to me.
No. 144329
File: 1464714984268.jpg (922.43 KB, 1796x2181, Photo-24.10.13-20-21-52.jpg)

>>144328>Probably because it's harder for ugly people to find the kind of acceptance in mainstream shit that more attractive people get, so they seek acceptance in more niche communities instead. This is actually how the brony fandom was started. It was a social experiment on 4chan's part, to see if they could convince people that liking a show intended for little girls was cool and acceptable. And it actually worked, and plenty of ugly/mentally unstable people latched onto something that was never popular before.
No. 144333
>>144330I've only ever seen robots do that, but they usually post porn, borderline porn, and waifus so I doubt that anon is one.
>>144331It's just odd and stands out is all. Literally no one else here does that besides the occasional robot shitposting.
No. 144336
File: 1464799065591.gif (1.04 MB, 400x225, qsFm1d.gif)

>>144335>Go ahead. It's not like this website is good or anythingAnd yet you continuously post here anyway.
No. 144337
>>144320that shit ain't cute
No. 144338
File: 1464946333715.png (323.43 KB, 666x379, Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-03 um 1…)

what do you think of her new Cosplays?
No. 144340
>>144338HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT. I bet she doesnt know shit about dangan ronpa and someone suggested touko as a joke.
for those of you dont know the character in the seifuku is a social retard who is a shut in who writes novels all day (another possible reason is her only seeing that the character is supposed to be a genius novel writer) and doesnt shower, smells like shit and even in a latter game her BO is brought up. Like seriously this character other than having a split personality is literally a gross shut in that no one likes and i cant stop laughing.
It's perfect for busu.
No. 144349
File: 1465186972762.png (538.97 KB, 458x571, flawlessswampprincessu.png)

No. 144353
>>144352Eh, I don't think it matters, though.
Plenty of cosplayers hungry for fame and attention sometimes cosplay as popular characters they don't seem to know anything about. But if they're really fans, it's shitty to accuse them of otherwise.
No. 144357
File: 1465253599093.png (2.14 MB, 1125x2001, image.png)

This is so bad. I didn't even bother playing the video
No. 144359
>>144349Whos more attractive?
Mira vs Himezawa?
No. 144360
File: 1465268074500.jpg (189.76 KB, 1089x501, sloth-6.jpg)

>>144359Now that's a toughie.
No. 144366
>>144365Yeah that's true. Both can't be helped by photoshop.
But if it comes to poplarity mira would always win.
No. 144368
File: 1465317097941.png (1.09 MB, 1280x720, 1409372876026.png)

>>144367Mira needs a hell of a lot more than just braces. Her teeth are bad, but her severe overbite is more due to her chin being a mile behind the rest of her face. She needs jaw surgery, don't know if anything can even help her sloth-like eyes though.
Himezawa needs a nose job, beyond that if she'd stop with the bad hime hair cut and, god forbid, put on a little weight, she'd probably look a lot better.
No. 144369
File: 1465317220318.png (701.31 KB, 693x461, 1437672320154.png)

>>144368Though, I do think Mira has a better body than Himezawa. She's a bit out of shape, but it's better than Busu's weird bird body. Mira looks kind of dirty all the time though.
No. 144370
>>144353the joke was that busuzawa cosplayed a character who's filthy, smells bad and no one likes probably only because she's on this 'i'm a writer' train (I'm amazed she didnt do a pose holding her own book).
> But if they're really fans, it's shitty to accuse them of otherwise.Welcome to lolcow? Legit have you never been to the kooter, JNig or like Half of the threads on this site?
No. 144372
File: 1465326178377.jpg (30.87 KB, 750x150, image.jpg)

She seems to be very malnourished
No. 144373
File: 1465326202797.jpg (28.73 KB, 750x150, image.jpg)

No stamina?
No. 144374
File: 1465326281657.jpg (33.75 KB, 750x188, image.jpg)

She needs make up like its oxygen damn
No. 144376
>>144374I sometimes do similar (but definitely not as shitty looking) makeup to hers, it's ny basic everyday makeup and takes me like 10minutes at max 20 if I'm not in a rush.
And tbh, for what does she need the makeup? It's not like she has photoshootings, tv shows and so on everyday but only like once in two weeks at max lol
No. 144388
File: 1465483978350.png (498.58 KB, 1007x571, busuchan.png)

I trieded
No. 144391
>>144386yes. and you dont put you face in. you take a shower before and then you go sit in some hot water.
i didnt sweat my face off when i went in?
im sorry im not the supreme gaijin of nip knowledge like you guys
No. 144394
File: 1465893597448.png (1.22 MB, 742x1213, sharkchan.png)

No. 144396
File: 1465905431008.jpg (75.11 KB, 600x415, 200301e3fe5282c9d4fa9f8cc8fec7…)

>>144394Jesus christ can women stop doing full eye makeup when cosplaying men? (It looks like she is cosplaying Lev from Haikyuu, pic related)
No. 144397
>>144396>>144394I get doing eyeliner for a more "anime" like eye shape, but the mascara and everything is laughable.
She almost looks better here though? Not sure if it's the hair or angle. She looks dumb, but her facial proportions don't look as awful as they usually do. Even though her forehead goes on forever and is weirdly bulbous…
No. 145753
File: 1466434491470.png (895.89 KB, 664x701, sokawaii.png)

No. 145754
File: 1466434534385.png (285.96 KB, 582x590, getajoblazyshit.png)

No. 145759
File: 1466435007117.png (309.74 KB, 347x554, busu.png)

No. 145760
File: 1466435071732.jpg (130.07 KB, 701x728, 1463761500492.jpg)

>>145759Holy shit,look at the size of that sleeve
No. 145763
>>145759She looks cute in this.
Even her beak looks decent
No. 148454
File: 1466970762654.jpg (92.57 KB, 341x642, BOKU-NO-BUZU.jpg)

>>145753>>145759I don't know, maybe it's just me but, she looks like Boku no Piko with all this short wigs on.
No. 152342
File: 1467952989124.png (185.83 KB, 621x184, popularz.png)

>>152191what do you think lol
No. 152362
File: 1467960015919.png (9.12 KB, 275x103, 1446481832936.png)

>>152342I'm not an expert but she doesn't seem that popular
No. 152471
>>152342>>152463I'm not even trying hard
Only loading up a video once in a blue moon
Having less than 700 followers
>my videos get more views than hersWtf is wrong here???
No. 152824
>>152749OP's pic is shooped anon. See
>>143882 for the sad reality that is busu's face.
No. 152838
File: 1468031045697.png (315.55 KB, 381x482, tumblr_inline_n5yltgxP981qcils…)

>>152824it honestly isn't that bad like i said if she had a nice fun personality and was talented at something it wouldn't matter. it's called a redeeming quality. but since she does nothing all she is is a face and hers isn't good on its own lol. sometimes i dig her look when she's doing cult party kei and she's in a group with the other zipper models but idk where they went? was she ever a model? what the fuck was she doing there? bruh i don't even care anymore. if she wants to be a social media personality she's supposed to document that shit so her followers know. she's just a bunch of unanswered questions without a shrivel of personality. there isn't even anything recent to drag her by except her weird face. she is just one ball dropped after the other i don't know how she managed to be a zipper model and go on tv and fail to amount to anything. she's literally the opposite of charismatic. it's a tragedy.
No. 153139
>>153099I don't think so. Scrolling through her Twitter, she always says "I'll appear/model at blah blah" or "I'll appear online in two hours".
Her fanbase is probably just so small, they can't even promote her and go to every minor event she posts about.
No. 153318
File: 1468148824086.jpg (14.08 KB, 275x266, 1446758618807.jpg)

>>152441You ain't kawaii Busu, give up. This is so sad.
No. 154812
File: 1468407486475.png (22.66 KB, 521x370, scam.png)

Lel. Nottingham-girl, you're here?
No. 154821
>>154812If she'd really post this girls legal information on
>as many pages as possible She's the one who'd get tracked down by law.
Even if this girl has 'stolen' from her
No. 156685
File: 1468819784070.jpg (155.58 KB, 464x437, 1463118890613.jpg)

>>154812The girl from Nottingham is fucked,yo!
No. 156905
>>154812And this is why you get your shit delivered to an Amazon locker and not your home address, Nottingham girl!!
Anyway, did she come forward?
No. 157866
File: 1469124618019.jpg (43.7 KB, 500x500, q8LCeFe.jpg)

She's trying to sell Polaroids now.
No. 161584
File: 1469815460209.jpg (46.6 KB, 480x529, 13722010_144956832600960_27695…)

She's going to appear at AkiCos next month, her next shot at fame.
No. 161609
>>161599Oh man, this place looks exactly like her 'idol event stages'. One of those tiny events only die hard fans will attend.
Can't wait for her 'twin' to visit her in a few weeks though. That'll give me some great laughs
No. 161620
>>161584Himezawa at Akikosu Vol.14
August the 7th (Sunday)
Opening: 17h30 (5:30 pm)
Start: 18h00 (6:00 pm)
Going to hold a Special Cosplay Live [Event/Performance]!
Goods will be 50% off!
Pesela Resorts AKIBA Multi-Entertainment
8th Floor Grace Bali
Like the other anon
>>161599 said it is a cosplay event. On their website it states that the event that was inspired by the popularity of Cosplay Skit contests abroad (something that has only recently become more of a thing in Japan).I believe that there are cash prizes and shit that contestants can win too.
There is more on their website: No. 162034
File: 1469968777214.png (575.22 KB, 429x631, desuu.png)

No. 162035
File: 1469968904456.png (19.41 KB, 572x175, autism.png)

No. 162038
File: 1469969042986.png (269.44 KB, 554x391, nosehime.png)

No. 162039
File: 1469969316762.png (212.46 KB, 554x391, Busuchan.png)

>>162038Now this would be ingteresting
No. 162066
>>162035>>162036>>162040I think she's referring to a video that is surprisingly not weeby and very quotable. It's not a stretch for her to memorize it.
It's a dumb tweet, but yeah.
No. 162223
>>162038Her nostrill is almost as big as her eye
No. 162361
>>162280Wow, the videos on her vlog channel all have around 100-200 views only. All this effort and barely anyone watches them.
Or maybe she films them for herself? Maybe she likes watching herself talk…
No. 162729
>>162564This is why I followed this thread. It's so interesting to me to watch her try, I've seen obviously fake social media accounts get more successful than her
She totally jumped the gun with all her stuff. It seems like the moment she started putting herself out she made a YouTube, a second YouTube, a instagram Facebook and all that shit doing "ask me" and "who's himezawa" and acting like she had so much going for her before anything actually happened and its so unnatural. Most successful online personalities gradually develop their social media
Maybe she thought if she just did it all at once and faked being super popular and interesting people would follow along and the fans would come.
No. 162787
File: 1470231578223.jpeg (99.6 KB, 750x588, image.jpeg)

Why is she meeting with an AV actress?
No. 162808
>>162787"Before the after recording session I met Himezawa-chan. I was touched when she said she was a fan!"
Oh… lol
No. 162818
File: 1470240502527.gif (53.61 KB, 275x275, 1455981893329.gif)

>>162787She looks like a wasted whore in front of that cute japanese girl kek
No. 162834
File: 1470245549240.png (831.17 KB, 905x659, low makeup my ass.png)

>>162827I agree, she's nowhere near as cute as she thinks she is and she should get a nosejob and fillers if she wants to be a perfect idoru, but she's conventionally/plainly pretty.
But I also agree with the other anon that standing next to the cute Japanese girl does make her look old.
No. 162841
>>162827Yeah, she's far from ugly in my opinion (despite some of her make-up faux pas) but that's why I don't understand why she isn't getting attention based on her looks alone.
There are tons of weebish Youtubers/Instagram girls who look similar to her and post the same shit but have way more followers and views.
No. 162969
File: 1470281265438.jpeg (250.5 KB, 1527x1135, image.jpeg)

This is filtered so much her eyebags are almost gone (although you can clearly see how tired she is). I can't help but to say how cute she looks…. What's wrong with me.
Too bad she has no lips, but I'm really digging the new hair. Damn it.
No. 163127
>>162969Looking cute doesn't seem to help with her popularity and career though.
Maybe we're both just blind and other people genuinely think she's just average or even ugly, lel.
No. 163149
>>163127its because there is too many himezawas out there already and nothing stands out about her
she's meh at the most
No. 163914
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Busuzawa making friends at AkiCos
No. 163915
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No. 164127
>>164063Tbh you're being too harsh. Literally any 'odd' facial or body feature can look pretty and unique unless the person is literally disfigured. Just look at the London Look girl, or whatsherface with the fugly butch brows and pig nose.
The issue is that she keeps trying to squeeze herself into kawaii Japaroo loli clothes when they obviously don't suit her. The hime cut did her no favours either. She shouldn't be wearing cap sleeves with frills on them and long, flat hair with a blunt fringe. Or really anything she wears atm, though
>>163915 doesn't look too bad on her tbh. It has volume on the sides, which she so desperately needs.
I just want to grab her and burn her clothes so I could dress her in something fitting. Ugh. She'd suit dramatic, sharp clothing a lot more, I hate it when weeaboos try to shoehorn themselves into this style, you can like anime and aidorus without looking like an ugly womanchild.
No. 166191
File: 1471362118833.jpg (61.13 KB, 750x750, 13628122_60225140994.jpg)

>Busu mutating into Sheena
No. 166265
>>166193>pregnant spiderman >she's dressed as elsaWere they making a toy review video?
also, she looks much better with her hair dark now
No. 166690
>>166193Her new hair looks a lot better.
She's not ugly, just normal looking and really boring. It's kinda sad to see her try so hard.
>>166265That was my first thought as well lmao.
No. 167049
File: 1471679851919.jpg (139.66 KB, 1500x1000, 1hUiSci.jpg)

…genuinely shocked me for a bit
No. 167116
>>167106Yes and?
>>166733I have a small Asian nose honey, keep fishing ;*
No. 167148
File: 1471716403926.jpeg (43.64 KB, 500x292, image.jpeg)

>>167049I can't be the only one getting "sekushii Fox Mulder" from this one
No. 171182
File: 1472989449622.jpg (76.71 KB, 1200x750, Crb6cNxUsAA1Dm5.jpg)

No. 171313
>>171178>>171182Man, I wish I had her confidence and support system. Any self-aware 13 year old would be too embarrassed to post this kind of absolute crap and here she goes, in addition to noodling around London and Tokyo having the time of her life. The only thing not painfully mediocre about her is her ego.
I wonder how long it'll take before she returns to Germany. Her ~stage actress~ phase didn't last long (I still wonder how she got there in the first place), but becoming Wapanese has been her endgame all along, so I hope she keeps wasting her time in glorious Nippon trying to rise above her amateurish delusions until her funds run out and it's too late for her to do something worthwhile.
I could see her returning to Germany and take on a seamstress apprenticeship to try and launch her own ~fashion line~, inspired by the time she totally was a celebrity in Japan of course.
Where do y'all think she'll be in five years?
No. 171395
>>171313Still in Japan. Possibly being a housewife and part-time model. Busu did say in a video she was planning to stay there. What's going to happen to her husband for example? Foreigners like her don't have any reason to crawl back because of all the attention they get and obviously, Japan lived up to her fantasies enough which is why she's still there.
>>171321No, I think Busu's having plenty of fun what with all those photoshoots, cosplay events and flatteries. Maybe she has finally realized she isn't going anywhere with that idol/author thing and shifting her focus on cosplay.
No. 171525
File: 1473114891743.png (42.59 KB, 534x586, patreon.png)

>>171256Apparently, she's been kicked out of art college after an accident. Probably didn't get to study it much.
No. 171639
File: 1473133323433.png (24.63 KB, 569x194, kekkitykek.png)

No. 171641
File: 1473133506211.png (17.52 KB, 588x169, busu.png)

No. 171643
File: 1473133577325.jpg (344.87 KB, 808x808, 1471292216163.jpg)

>>171525Keep that shitty "art" to yourself,honey.
No. 171646
File: 1473133712535.png (150.06 KB, 577x350, genuinesmile.png)

No. 171649
File: 1473133988319.png (79.91 KB, 391x345, 1473133712535.png)

>>171646i'm legitimately scared
No. 171663
>>171525>>171629tbh I think it's bullshit.
you don't get "kicked out" of art school unless you fucked up something real bad… Not your hand. lol
No. 172517
File: 1473423604119.png (71.63 KB, 588x311, baitochan.png)

No. 172579
File: 1473444980635.jpg (34.08 KB, 634x311, 1389929543_015.jpg)

>>172562Maybe she's gonna do that trick where you put the needle through the first layer of skin on your fingers and palm.
No. 172587
File: 1473446167540.gif (8.23 KB, 256x192, bdUryyp.gif)

>>172517That's a desperate attempt to get more attention if I've ever seen one. It's so out of left field for her too, I'd get it if she had more of an edgy persona, but…
> "Moderu Tarento kawaii Cosplayer-chan!!"> "watch me sew through my skin"has she given up on being an idol?
No. 172648
>>172587Maybe she has finally realised no Japanese guy will give a shit a out an Aidoru who is married.
Not exactly going for that innocent and unobtainable persona is she?
No. 172654
>>172517fucking ignore that attention seeking whore.
she's obviously discovered tokyo ghoul (super fucking late too) and now she's trying to be edgy imitating suzuya juuzou.
for those who don't know: suzuya juuzou is one of the characters in tokyo ghoul, who has stitches on his body that he himself inflicted as a form of body modification.
in a nutshell: she's nothing more than a stupid weeaboo.
No. 174675
File: 1474112700369.png (459.2 KB, 383x566, squid.png)

No. 174676
File: 1474112844092.jpg (70.7 KB, 516x440, 1471280817030.jpg)

>>174675I'm genuinely disgusted
No. 176802
File: 1474809244758.png (560.34 KB, 573x536, k.png)

No. 176809
>>176802Probably a fail attempt in shooping her face shorter.
I tried this with my own face a few times and if you don't get it right it'll end up like this
No. 176827
File: 1474816994347.jpg (41.01 KB, 720x334, _20160925_172254.jpg)

No. 177459
File: 1474999381048.png (689.57 KB, 813x455, tgs2016.png)

Video:'s a segment about the Tokyo Games Show where Zawa appears. I only watched 20 minutes here and there but is she just that boring or is it normal not to talk as a special guest?
No. 177462
>>171663>>171674Yeah, I can confirm it's total bullshit, got a friend in art school who is taking time off (more than half a year by now) because of delibetating health issues and they don't mind as long as you pay your semester fees. I assume Busu did go to art school in Germany, friend is german as well.
She more than likely quit art school herself and you can practically forget getting back into one after that and the same school won't ever take you back from what I was told by said friend, it's the reason why he's still paying his fees even if he lives in quasi-poverty.
No. 178723
File: 1475427598894.jpg (12.01 KB, 240x240, IbMBGgRB.jpg)

>>176827Get used to it, butterface
No. 182977
File: 1476469156316.png (46.05 KB, 580x315, busu.png)

No. 183000
>>182977Why do all the attention seeking bitches come out as "ace" nowadays?
No offense to actual asexual people.
It's just that Ive been seeing (both internet and RL) thirsty attention whores who have been fucking guys left and right suddenly come out as "ace". And they are all spoiled too.
No. 186109
File: 1477001293137.jpg (255.21 KB, 720x621, IMG_20161020_234820.jpg)

No. 186709
>>186392Actually there is a form of dyslexia where you can see a dress and create a similar pattern yourself.
What I find ridiculous about it…. She says it's for a cosplay… That many people will be trying to recreate… Pattern for the dress is probably different but the outlook will be the same. Because cosplay
No. 186730
>>186709If it's a
cosplay, that means it's not her design anyway lol. They probably just made the cosplay and used her photo as a "worn" photo, it's pretty common with taobao cosplay retailers.
No. 190792
File: 1477881866029.jpg (208.08 KB, 1275x895, IMG_9875.JPG)

Who is she with
No. 192972
File: 1478170105460.jpg (344.1 KB, 1681x2048, IMG_20161103_114236.jpg)

Her art is stunning as ever… And she's releasing another book.
No. 209525 uploads song covers again.
She still sounds half tone-deaf but those singing lessons were definitely worth it lol.
No. 209544
File: 1481039773732.png (411.86 KB, 470x713, w343q45.png)

>>192972Huh…for some reason I'm surprised she likes drawing guro.
No. 209578
File: 1481045233456.png (205.64 KB, 759x420, babywolf.png)

So she's joined an idol group called Baby Wolf.
Being the token exotic foreigner among all those Japanese girls is gonna blow up her ego even more, kek.
No. 210429
File: 1481204562514.png (113.88 KB, 640x893, IMG_1067.PNG)

Roommate? Doesn't she mean her "husband"?
No. 210853
File: 1481261776116.jpg (14.62 KB, 225x225, 1478296338460.jpg)

>>210431She's asexual now DUH
No. 210854
File: 1481261847934.png (50.89 KB, 581x332, busuchan.png)

No. 210951
>>210854The fun thing is,
>this isn't true at all I know a bunsh of people who don't have supportive 'chill' parents who made it in Japan. And no you also don't have to start in your early teens to learn the language. Learning languages is getting a little harder when you grow older, that's true, but it's not impossible if you just put in some little effort.
No. 211094
>>210854Busu actually doesn't sound deluded for once. Is this why she's aiming for China now?
>>210855Honestly, I think she's pretty enough for Japan, since they don't seem to have any standards for foreigners besides "be foreign, don't be fat and deformed, wear make-up". And it's not like underground idols have to be incredibly talented. She has had all these opportunities just like other foreigners with idol or other similar aspirations but remains a nobody while others are getting an actual fanbase. Maybe I'm overrating Busu's looks and ability to market herself, idk.
No. 211100
File: 1481298134580.png (82.83 KB, 558x690, busutweets.png)

There's more to these tweets
No. 211104
File: 1481298331020.png (65.88 KB, 583x648, selfaware-busu.png)

No. 211187
>>211104The weeaboo dreams die.
She's finally seeing reality.
No. 211228
>>211104lol and japs arent POC
ok then
No. 223622
>>211344sage for OT but this kind of attitude is silly
just because we're Asian doesn't mean we're born with some kind of special power to tell each other apart. we can generally have an idea of the region (southeast or east Asia), but it's never a guarantee. it's like expecting white people to have the secret power of decoding who is Norwegian and who is Swedish without them speaking the language.
No. 223640
>>223628 >>223622
I'm European living in Japan. I can tell you if someone's not Japanese, especially if they're from SEA or wherever.
No. 224182
File: 1483103013686.jpg (393.92 KB, 1156x1920, tumblr_oiz1xzmmSY1vvtozmo2_128…)

Found her fat twin
No. 240706
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No. 240707
File: 1485528475198.jpg (148.07 KB, 900x675, purity_by_kurouda-d4ah23m.jpg)

nice nose shoop busu!
No. 240708
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No. 240716
File: 1485530296834.jpg (9.72 KB, 249x200, 1447649984382.jpg)

>>240706This is how she wants to look
No. 240720
File: 1485530509738.jpg (105.92 KB, 750x750, uglywolf.jpg)

>>240707Maybe she got a nose job, anon. Saburina is a famous idol member now lol.
Anyone else think the girls are all plain ugly-ish? It was a good decision by their company/agency to put in a blonde exotic girl to grab some attention.
No. 240750
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>>240720Nope.Same uhly ass nose. This is a recent pic too. Also, full recovery takes MONTHS
No. 240754
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No. 240759
>>240754>>240755She needs that attention though. Look at her Youtube views. Nobody watches her videos unless the content is interesting and relevant.
What could be better than a coming out video? It'd garner her lots of supportive comments and views.
No. 240765
>>240708She looks like that mixhail guy or whatever his name is on IG
Who pretended to be half Japanese only to say he's Russian
I just recently stumbled upon her, but damn-
If I didn't know any better, I would've assumed she was a guy whose into that visual Kei look but couldn't make it work but kept the long hair
No. 241165
>>240741Looks like it. Shame, she actually looked really cute with this
>>162969 length.
No. 243249
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>>241315tf did just i watch
No. 243485
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No. 243565
File: 1486046973417.png (47.61 KB, 583x276, theheck.png)

Himezawa-chan doesn't want to be Japan's toppu aidoru anymore.
No. 243627
>>243600>I think Japanese otaku prefer Japanese girls because they can relate to them THIS
>and see them as pure/cute which are things they can't see in white people. Ok I don't agree with this part, many white celebrities are described as sweet and pure (Elle Fanning for example, even Miranda Kerr is described as Kawaiiiii), it's more about the language barrier, culture and certain looks
>>243565>>243567The only foreign girl I know who was close to the "idol" concept is Dakota. She has a cover in Pop teen, the ultimate weeaboo dream…
No. 243637
>>243627I think you're talking about a different kind of idol. Dakota doesn't even come
close to the idol concept.
Keekihime, kerukkuma and Beckii Cruel were real foreign idols but they all had brownish hair and could speak Japanese.
No. 243647
>>243627>>243627In Japan white people have a rep as being sluts, which means otaku might be intimidated by them. Also, it's just hard for a lot of people to see someone who isn't the same race as them as "the girl next door", which is the whole point of idols. If a white girl knew how to sing and produced good music I think the Japanese could ignore the fact that she's white but if she can't do that there are many Japanese girls to choose from and there would be no point in paying attention to her.
The "Japanese love white girls" concept is completely thrown out of the window in the idol industry where Asian girls are preferred…
And if we look at issues like visas etc, companies are less likely to waste time and money on foreigners for long when they could just find 46373737 Japanese girls for half the effort and money who can do the same shit, if not better.
No. 243662
>>243637>Keekihime, kerukkuma and Beckii Cruel were real foreign idolsReal idols? they were self proclaimed "freelance idols"
>but they all had brownish hair and could speak Japanese.But they aren't fluent, not even close. The brownish hair has nothing to do with this lol
>>243647>In Japan white people have a rep as being slutsThis couldn't be further from the truth, avoid this kind of statements. Race baiting.
No. 243685
>>243676 Fame and reputation.
Those girls lack of notoriety.
It's like those self proclaimed living dolls on IG, some of them do it right, some of them are just try-hard girls, it takes more than a pair of circle lenses and a liz lisa wardrobe.
No. 243721
>>243662Beckii Cruel was a real idol. Read: was.
Had a following of Japanese fanboys, was represented by an actual company, made a photobook or two, did official commercials, was featured in magazines, made two English-learning DVD/book sets, etc.
Out of all these white weeb chicks, she got the closest to the idol dream. She kinda threw it all away, though.
No. 243726
>>243715well, she likes to write kek I was just trying to be nice.
>>243722A fan? low standards? No, I'm the anon saying that I never considered them idols, read again.
No. 243980
File: 1486133056813.png (988.45 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_ois34qLbE01vaaf3bo3_128…)

>>243565after all this time, she finally realized it. it's a miracle!!
No. 244860
>>244834Not that anon but I tried Google G Baby Wolf and can't find anything about them at all. Other than a list on Himezawas website where she put a date of a livestream where she joins them.
I am starting to think the whole joining Baby Wolf was just an appearance on a livestream with them and she isn't actually a member of the group at all. After all we have heard nothing about them from Himezawa and normally she doesn't stop spouting about how much she is working for her aidoru dreams.
No. 247027
File: 1486531587811.png (31.64 KB, 275x234, 1447167735617.png)

>>243485So..her pronouns are they/them now?
No. 250320
>>250319Sorry to be
problematic. I meant *~they~*
No. 261799
I was checking some videos of a music tv show that airs on NHK World called J-Melo and I found our swamp queen there lol
They have a website where people can send singing videos and then they show a segment of it on the show. Apparently Busuzawa sent them that one where she sings completely off pitch LOL does she have shame for the resurrection
No. 264643
File: 1488862389570.png (308.7 KB, 525x583, cbIIFYk.png)

She's getting rid of her pet snake, what a surprise
No. 265600
>>264653J-melo Singer Search (19/04/2015)
She's the first.
I thought I had linked it directly but apparently the link doesn't work, sorry about that
No. 266001
>>264684I agree with the bullshit. Snakes are not that difficult to take care of.
They eat once a week (twice if they are young, as in under a year)
You clean their poop once its done, again once a week. Full Viv clean out every two or three weeks. This takes fifteen minutes to half an hour depending on the size of the Viv. Seriously, nobody is too busy to take care of a snake.
No. 270840
File: 1489690182939.png (561.16 KB, 522x609, zawa.png)

Dang, what an ego boost. She probably looks like Draco Malfoy or Luna Lovegood to the girls.
No. 274246
>>272042Yeah, it's disillusioning how she moved to Japan two or three years ago and thought she'd totally become "big in Japan" but never took off. At least, there's no shortage of Japanese girls willing to prop up her ego once in a while lmao.
>real boring jobWhat is she working as now?
No. 274272
>>274246No one knows because she's keeping it private. In any case Himezawa wasn't a real idol, she self-funded every music video and gig she got, her dancing/singing lessons and her photoshoots (she complained about this on twitter some months ago). She had a manager (I suspect either her own husband or someone she hired with her parents money and patreon) who would push her into modeling jobs and those awkward streams but she ended up cracking, that's when she took a youtube break. Nowadays she hardly ever uploads videos, she's given up on the YT thing as well.
My theory is that she realized it was too much money and effort for what she recieved. I know many foreign idols from different countries and spending less they have a much bigger fanbase than she's ever had, because they can actually sing and perform well or engage their japanese audience. Hardly any of Himezawa's videos reach the thousand views and you have to give it to her, she does put effort in her videos. But she's just that boring and whiny, nothing she ever did took off.
Basically, she's full on quarter life crisis. If I were her I'd go back to Europe, there's still time to pursue an actual career.
No. 291377
File: 1492141532897.png (374.25 KB, 774x436, kek.png)

who is she trying to fool?
No. 294603
File: 1492619007014.jpg (53.07 KB, 640x960, 15826721_1203009396444149_9069…)

i'm kinda shit at recognizing faces so sorry if i'm wrong but… is this her? sage just in case
No. 294604
File: 1492619054120.jpg (43.67 KB, 960x640, 15873307_1203009259777496_1592…)

samefagging but here's another pic
No. 299503
File: 1493263408698.png (809.95 KB, 912x471, image.png)

>not girl, not boy, just me
No. 299547
>>296680I always thought she looked way better in those old crossplaying pics.
The genderspecial shit is super tiresome but I'm kinda glad for this style change otherwise lol.
No. 386134
File: 1505332729811.png (750.36 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170913-205637.png)

Himezawa seems to have dropped the whole fakeboi trend. And is also apparently touring around unknown stages in Tokyo
No. 387640
File: 1505575645913.jpg (109.3 KB, 911x462, Screenshot_20170916-162355_mh1…)

No. 387914
File: 1505607937908.jpg (15.71 KB, 300x304, Gonzo-OneEyelid.jpg)

>>387640Well, Sabrina, you stole your nose from Gonzo from the Muppets but you don't see anyone whining about that…
No. 392335
>>387682Self-centered snowflake syndrome lol. She once complained about a similar thing some time ago where she assumed a website copied her cosplay dress pattern because they stole her pics to advertise their own cosplays. Doesn't mean they
actually copied her though, because websites like Taobao steal pics all the time but she just assumed they did.
No. 396618
File: 1506953403867.png (25.66 KB, 621x227, himezawa.png)

Now she claims she didn't sing or talk for half of her life: she mentioned that before?
No. 410211
File: 1509109321323.jpg (200.68 KB, 911x778, Screenshot_20171027-135910_mh1…)

(forgot the pic. Sorry)
No. 410429
>>410211Even really bad videos get at least 1k of views on Youtube. And she can't even reach that…. but tbh I find her reaaally unsympathic, I'm not wondering at all why nobody wants to watch her.
And she even posted a new #askhimezawa today. She said several times that she loves stuying… but still can't speak japanese properly??
No. 415535
>>415501Not just any bird. A conure, which is a type of parrot. They are very intelligent and need lots of intellectual stimulation. They, like all parrots, should never be kept alone except in special circumstances (e.g., illness, severe aggression).
I'm fuming. I love parrots. If she's too busy for a snake, why the hell did she adopt a bird smarter than she is? Has she talked about adopting the bird in one of her insufferable Askhimezawa videos?
No. 415725
>>415501what the fuck…
I have a bird and yeah… if you’re “too busy for a snake” you can’t handle a bird.
No. 415806
>>415501How the hell can anybody be too busy for a snake?
They are one of the easiest pets to look after.
No. 415912
File: 1509884349001.jpg (101.51 KB, 1452x640, himwzawa.jpg)

So many people visiting her concert kek
No. 421001
File: 1510418443683.jpg (141.8 KB, 556x800, zawanews.jpg)

Himezawa is now singing
News from Krummennaab's Tokyo-Export: Sabrina Schultes presents her first album. The 22-year-old has been living in Japan's capital since 2015, where, until now, she has predominantly attracted attention as a model of the Japanese manga-comic-style. Soon, a bigger emphasis will be on music.
Tokio. “White flags, folded to paper planes, float out of deep-black rooms across the night-lit windowsills”, Himezawa describes her first album. On the 7th of December, it releases worldwide. The Japanese cosplay-star has her origin in the Upper Palatinate (we reported). As Sabrina Schultes she grew up in Krummennaab, but soon took a rather uncommon path: after finishing middle school followed an education in singing and acting, first in Leipzig and finally in London. From there she dared the next step to Japan in 2015, after an agency had sent her an inquiry. Since her youth, her heart belonged to the Japanese cosplay-culture. As Himezawa she delves into the world of Manga-Comics. In Japan the scene and market is huge – as a European, she is exotic.
Regardless, Himezawa has worked hard for her achievements. Until now she has earned money as model, moderator, cosplayer and author – now, also as a singer. But she has also already made some experience in this métier: back in 2015, she released her single “Wagamama Love”. The first album's title is now named “Spades & Stars”. Twelve songs, with each six in English and Japanese respectively, are available. Himezawa has written most of the lyrics herself. She is especially proud of “Clock Machine”, which she has co-created with the singer-songwriter Flaviyake. The Russian artist lives in Los Angeles.
Himezawa calls “Spades & Stars” a concept album. This means there is a consistent, progressing story throughout the songs. Main topic is a destructive love story. “Not necessarily between two people, but rather between a dreamer and their notion of the world”, Himezawa explains. The entire album was created in roughly four months, the vocal recordings were done after four days. The most time consuming task was getting the 'Okay' of the producer, who took three months to take the CDs into stock. The entire album is “Do-It-Yourself”. A label took care of the professional production, but it was funded by Himezawa herself. Fans contributed via crowdfunding, the rest came from the earnings of her books.
She has even planned a tour herself: “Usually a project manager does this, but I wanted it to be as Himezawa as possible.” Now, she's already on-tour. During shows in Tokyo, Himezawa is accompanied by live musicians. “It's what I'm most excited about yet afraid of”, she admits. The outfits for her tour are rather punky. Fishnet stockings, slit jeans and shorts, leather jackets and crop tops. Tattoos, blue and pink wigs. “What I end up deciding on always depends on the date and how I feel”, she admits, winking.
At least once per show Sabrina “falls” into the crowd. “My manager always says it's dangerous”, Himezawa explains. But for her, her fans are like family: “I'm always happy to see familiar faces, and refuse to let myself be scared.”
Outside of Japan Himezawa won't be able to tour just now. “If somebody wishes for a concert in Germany, they can support me on”, Sabrina said. Her further plans are to produce even more music and “to bring together as many people as possible in a project.” Himezawa is especially excited for the “Charity Live Performances”, where the incomes will be donated. “Every year, I donate a part of my earnings on my birthday to a different charity”, she explains.
No. 421033
File: 1510420330442.png (569.26 KB, 848x477, blackhole.png)

>>421001I know this article is from last month but I don't really follow her activities anymore.
It really puzzles me that all the German news articles paint her as this successful foreign celebrity in Japan with tons of fans, but then you see pics like these
>>415912 or watch her live performance videos and wonder wtf the newspapers are talking about. If I didn't know anything about her aside from these articles, I'd think she was as popular as Ladybeard or Dakota/Kotakoti from a few years ago.
No. 423789
>>421033Why is she always performing in such depressing places? Never bent to tokyo but isn't there any other concert venues or clubs for people like her to get in touch with a better audience? Something with a bunch of younger people and less of such weird old dudes? Idk those gig pics are getting more and more depressing.
Himezawa just lacks charisma and talent in every way. Everything just looks so unnatural and stiff?
No. 424018
File: 1510696931802.jpeg (46.24 KB, 549x534, image.jpeg)

>>423938What drives her to this profession when clearly she is shit? Is she not self aware about how she's embarrassing herself? Is there anything she's good at?
Like even her movements in that video are so…awkward, she needs to let go. If she wants fame why not try things that require no talent? Like be a jvlogger, a Japanese based instaho, fucking anything else. Why the hell would she choose that type of song for this type of event? They want otaku idol shit.
Sorry if this seems nitpicky but jfc I really honestly don't understand. I just want her to not embarrass herself.
No. 441920
Flat singing with neer neer neeer shit guitar with cringe fest cursing. "go ahead and call me a slut." This singing is beyond bad.
No. 473748
File: 1516225914491.png (941.56 KB, 1151x746, yeah.png)

>>441701omg why did I never see this MV. The lyrics and her voice are horrible.
"So go ahead and call me…Slut!"
And poor himezawa, no more yt $$$
No. 473835
>>441701Maybe it's just the angle, but her body proportions look so weird in that thumbnail. She looks like a titan.
Also, damn, how could somebody pursue a singing career for so long with such a bad voice? And of course, recording studios put heavy auto tune over recorded singing (bad auto tune, you can hear it in the song), so imagine what she sounds like live. She must have done major people pushing her in life, giving her false hope that she has an amazing voice. It reminds me of that infamous fat girl, Emma, from the X factor.
No. 490134
>>152441Translation: Talk want to! everyone! friends!
(yes, it is THAT bad)
should be 友達に教えたいよ
No. 536678
>>536559lmao wtf
why do all these desperate weebs go into prostitution?? Just fucking go home!!
No. 536750
>>536559Sorry to dissappoint you but that‘s not??
Just by hair and body mass it should be obvious??
No. 536762
>>536750>>536754Stop defending yourself girl.
>>536619She’s always just been married for the visa. For nothing else but the visa. She didn’t even lived with her husband. They might be divorced by now so she most likely got a PR visa.
No. 536849
File: 1521838242424.png (549.95 KB, 1047x539, wagamama.png)

i dont think sabrina or whatever her name is can pose as well as ms. hooker can..(?)
No. 536857
>>536845It also says Gaya is German and that Lorena is 22. These soap lands do whatever seems cool to advertise their ‘models’
>>536849Looks pretty much the same level of awkwardness.
You also have to remember that they’ll shoop the hell out of these advertisement photos. You’ll NEVER get what you see on the web.
No. 537068
File: 1521858060830.png (201.49 KB, 456x165, missuniverse.png)

>>536543>>536559>>536849It's definitely her. Look at the face shape, you can make out her nose shape and lips in one of the blurred photos too, also her hairline is the same.
No. 537070
File: 1521858118212.png (390.68 KB, 578x447, missuniverse1.png)

>>537068Additional photo as proof. The body type is the same, just slightly different angle and smoothed/shopped.
No. 537119
>>537070>>537070no, it isn't. sabrina's bodytype is clearly shown here.
>>536849 she has a ruler shaped body, not a pear.
No. 537137
>>537119>what is lighting, angles, and photoshop.That is literally her in the left image. You can clearly make out that she has a similar shape (leg length and width, hip to waist ratio, small chest, etc.) while she is similarly posed. She's even wearing the same shoes.
>>536849 isn't a good example to compare due to the pose, lighting, and upward angle.
No. 537153
>>536750>>536754>>536845>>536849>>537119>>537142While all this might not be the same anon, it's clear that there is at least one anon here in particular that seems desperate to say this isn't her. Himezawa is that you?
>>537068>>537070>>537142>>537149Honestly, looking back at how long her hair was in previous updates, it's not unlikely that her hair would be this long by now. Also, this looks like her natural color that we've seen her have previously.
No. 537165
>>537137no, she really doesn't. y'all are blind as hell. sabrina's shoulders are wider apart, her torso is shorter, her ribcage is MUCH, MUCH wider in comparison to her hips, etc. angles and lighting (which, first of all, there are no magical angles in that lingerie shot), can't magically fabricate a smaller ribcage and closer spaced shoulders. i know you guys really want to believe it's sabrina, and it does look similar, but it's not her. sabrina doesn't have that nice of a figure. tallish, skinny girls all have roughly the same looking proportions, but you can easily see obvious differences in their figures.
>>144110sabrina has a very straight ribcage, unlike that woman, and as i said, a much shorter torso. it doesn't mean she isn't a secret hoe fueling her aidoru fantasies with cock-cash. she's just not likely to be -that- secret hoe.
No. 537188
>>537182Have you not seen
>>537070 the proportions are the same. The only difference is she's leaning over in the left and leaning back/standing tall in the right. Otherwise, it's a near perfect match. And yes, they probably airbrushed her boney hips and ribcage to appear softer. This is my last post trying to argue with you because you are clearly just denying for the sake of denying. The obvious comparisons of the body/facial proportions are pretty solid, but it's also backed up by the German origin, hair, shoes, etc.
>>537182>>537185Are you replying to yourself now? What's with this sudden influx of anons with the same unusual grammar style. Seems fishy in itself.
No. 537213
>>537188I’m the anon who posted the link and you made excellent points with the photo comparisons.
If the anon defending really isn’t her and really is just naiv af please go to the gaijin gyaru in Japan thread as there’s recently been a few posts about a French av actress showing how much Japanese companies shoop the hell out of their advertisements. Everything is possible using shoop.
No. 537269
File: 1521890741229.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1242x2013, BB5676A0-9A6E-44C0-8610-465AB2…)

Hi, actually me here to fuel the discussion.
I revealed on livestream yesterday that i had to work as a Sugar Baby for my ex bf to pay for his „debts“ and living expenses.
The picture and link going around isn‘t me. The pictures I took were moderately closed and completely hidden from the public / only mailed around to potential dates.
I can only imagine what fueled this discussion but I‘m glad I found it?
Picture evidence, I had short hair with no extentions since November 2016, unless this profile is years old by now, couldn‘t be me. If it‘s recent I‘d check the location since I have mostly been in Germany since December.
No. 537272
>>537070>>537269This is very clearly the same person. Nothing wrong with that.
>>537188Most of the last posts are by the same anon replying to herself.
No. 537276
File: 1521891923335.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1242x1533, E0311555-D325-4C6C-BC77-90DA23…)

Streaky blonde hair november 2017
No. 537279
>>537272no, they're not. i'm
>>537187 >>537182
>>537171 >>537165
>>537119. multiple people have already chimed in about her body type being different, before i even posted in this thread. i'm not surprised to learn that sabrina was an escort/sugarbaby/what have you, but if she's copping to escorting, what would even be her motivation to lie about -just- those photos in question not being her?
>>537213you can't take a muscle-less, weak looking flabby body and make it look firm and 'solid' by shooping. you just can't. photoshop, meitu, editing doesn't work that way. cinching a waist is one thing. trying to imitate entirely different body composition is another.
No. 537283
File: 1521894531176.jpg (328.65 KB, 1080x1080, 6tag_240318-122630.jpg)

>>536849This is a shoop, the hips are removed
The comparison photo at
>>537070She has an unusual body shape; the crotch/hips, feet, waist, neck all the same
No. 537553
File: 1521926650766.png (27.11 KB, 497x253, Screenshot at Mar 24 22-23-28.…)

>>537522can you confirm this was about Megan?
No. 537663
>>537616Omg yes. She
came to us and delivered milk, this is incredible!
>>536559She should never pose with her feet apart like that ever again, it makes her look like she has such an awkward boy figure.
No. 542666
File: 1522527148380.jpg (13.69 KB, 219x265, eU6cgwg.jpg)

>>537616I'm suspicious. If it's really her and not an imposter, why would she come out of the woodwork to leave a comment? Does anyone here even watch her livestreams? If she hadn't suddenly outed herself as a sugar baby, nobody would've known.
No. 580286
File: 1526134638728.jpg (28.75 KB, 578x203, twwet.JPG)

From time to time I like to check on Himezawa for the pure personal entertained and what "big project" she is currently working on because the previous one didn't brought her the fame she wants.
She has been super vague about where she lives and what she does and but at some point she admitted that she left Japan because she "doesn't want to make kiddie music anymore" and stays currently at her parents place where she now tries to be a game streamer on twitch before she goes back to uni this fall, which is also ~super secret~ (she wants to study performing arts or something like that)
the funny thing is that since she left she constantly writes about how right it was to leave Japan because she is such good person that deserves better than being there!!!1 At some point she made a video (which she deleted after that) because she admitted that she still sounds very salty about the fact that she isn't in Japan anymore but followed again by many tweets about how right it was to leave Japan, J-fashion, the entire Idol thing and everything else behind lmao
her 5 minutes of cringe fame while trying to be an idol were pretty lulzy and prob the peek of attention she ever got from people.
No. 609389
File: 1528889989628.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, 0DF7EDD0-EFB5-4D85-A61A-B6EA97…)

No. 609419
>>609389she … really did it? A nose job?
What happened to "I love my big snooze so much"? lmao
No. 610161
>>609410Considering she came here and claimed he forced her into prostitution to settle some of his debts and that she's moved back to Germany as of December 2017. Yes, it appears that way.
>>537269>>609389Curious to how this will turn out.
>>609941 it's still fresh and probably really swollen, but it still does look pretty wide for her narrow face. She probably just got the beakishness of it toned down a bit.
No. 611626
>>611565well she's right. we can't confirm shit. i def think it's her with her back arched. she seems the type to think that style of porn with cute panties is super kawaii!!! plus it would get her dicked by asian dudes to quell her yellow fever.
i do find it funny that someone popped in the thread claiming to be her and claiming to have done "something similar" but that those pics were totally not real.
No. 611718
>>611717while being asexual
"ace" pride
No. 611940
>>611717 said, she confirmed being a "sugar baby" as she put it in a youtube live. I don't know if anyone has any recordings to post as proof, but it was definitely said. I think it's interesting that she decided to use the term "Sugar baby" as if it's softer and less of a prostitute or something. The girl was escorting to settle her now ex's debts.
>>611480Looks a lot better tbh.
>>611483 you sound like a weeb if you think the after is "huge" by white person standards. It's a strong nose, but definitely no longer a straight up beak.
No. 613209
File: 1529242921851.jpg (26.41 KB, 429x410, 13252951980.jpg)

Haven't kept up with her much after she dropped her awkward, talentless cute idol shtick. I'm surprised she suddenly moved back to her home country.
>>580286>she left Japan because she "doesn't want to make kiddie music anymore"Did she say anything else about why she left? I'd hardly say
>>423938 counts as kiddie music.
No. 613876
File: 1529303578421.png (677.49 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-06-18-16-31-53…)

Her nose is looking really good!
Hopefully now she's back in Germany she grows out of her cringe author idoru whatever phase and concentrates on being a normal artsy girl
No. 614161
File: 1529342449285.jpg (26.56 KB, 583x583, Ca4xDZQW8AIDjRO.jpg)

>>609389She's still going to suck at everything she does even with a smaller nose
No. 634658
>>634634does it? her nose wasn't really ever the problem, she just doesn't have the face or body shape for it at all.
>>634618 looks like a 'cool mom' type 40 year old and
>>634621 looks fucking terrible.
No. 635385
>>634618What in the everloving hell… There's just a gaping hole on the right side of her face where her cheek should be.
And her right arm is a misshapen mess.
>>634621Her eyes are blown up to the point where her irises aren't even circles anymore, especially her left eye (closest to her nose) is just a lump gravitating towards her nose.
Why get surgery if you're gonna shoop this hard? Be proud you went through with it and let it settle into its final shape. It's already a great difference and looks good. This overcompensating is way too weird.
No. 635402
File: 1531492943792.jpg (134.97 KB, 640x360, z-nation-013.jpg)

>>634618Her nose job looks better, but with this angle and that hair, she reminds me of Citizen Z.
No. 635652
>>634618she doesn't look good at all. the nose job barely changed anything, because there's literally nothing you could do for her weird, long-ass face that wouldn't be borderlining near-death surgical changes. she just wasn't blessed with a single good feature, really lost the genetic lottery all around; her face, her gangly awkward body, etc.
she is just never, ever going to be a looker. needs to figure out her real 'talents' and focus on those, honestly; her fulfilment in life is never going to be from selfies/idoly things (though I admit since her threads been rather unactive I've not kept up with what she's doing these days, so maybe she's found a niche finally that's not appearance driven)
No. 635745
File: 1531522379486.jpg (56.87 KB, 500x750, Himezawa mordred2.jpg)

>>635723she also posted a nice anachan one that I won't repost here, because fuck that
No. 635757
>>635652As much of a fucking loser I think Himezawa is, she is skinny and reasonably well proportioned. Her main downfall is the lack of self awareness and any shred of talent in whatever she has chosen to dip her toes in thus far.
Good on her for getting a nose job, I hope she feels more confident about her appearance now, as she should. But it was never the main factor in why she never succeeded in acquiring any shape of Internet fame.
No. 636061
>>635757She's fine, but she definitely tries to keep her weird physique. Someone mentioned on PULL that she would show up to cons without food and expected other people to feed her bc she was so spoiled by her parents that she couldn't take care of herself. Maybe that isn't true, but it seems to fit her character.
I see her treat animals like things you can just adopt for 6 months and then bring back to the snake/parrot cafe when you're ~too busy~ for them. I saw her horrible snake habitat. I think she has no idea how to care for a living being, let alone herself.
Let's not forget her fake breast cancer (which she apparently knew about and ignored for years), too. She likes to appear sickly. She likes the attention.
No. 636064
anyone remember her rant video?
I found this edit someone here made No. 636114
>>636090You mean 'Fuck that's a lot of photoshop'. We don't even know what her nose
actually looks like because even her newest video is pre-surgery.
No. 637581
>>636064all of that cursing and rudeness is
sooo not kawaii, hime
No. 638449
>>637581she was already identifying as "not female" then I think
yeah, whatever
No. 638636
File: 1531788088502.jpeg (131.98 KB, 667x567, 64351BCE-E90D-4F5E-A5CE-32E6AB…)

Now I realize why she photoshops her new photos to hell and back… she got a botched nose job.
No. 638647
File: 1531788304002.jpeg (73.43 KB, 750x1334, BA8DE124-0082-44BB-A174-3BCFA0…)

Sage for double post, but her right nostril is fucked, misshapen, higher than the left and bigger. The tip of her nose now curves to her left. It’s sad really that she was self conscious about it before and still is and trying to hide it with photo editing previously.
No. 640126
File: 1531932417051.jpg (281.42 KB, 484x914, Sin título-1.jpg)

I don't know what to think anymore…
No. 658631
>>658628>>658597>>658599Yeah, she was never a big name. Not outside of her group of friends that always had drama with one another. She was one of those cosplayers who always talked a big game but never did anything attention-catching, the only cosplay I remember she ever got any recognition for was Jade Harley and even that was mediocre.
>>658597Do you mean that shota boy nurse thing she posted on Tumblr with a caption like "I skipped school to do this shoot instead"?
No. 658633
>>658631She did pretty well in the DCM and got along with a lot of the big names, so I always assumed she was kind of famous? At least that was what she constantly told me.
I never followered her tumblr but the description is accurate. She deleted it pretty soon from the german cosplay page as she got nothing but hate for it.
Idk man, germans are pretty nasty when it comes to cosplay lewds, but even I thought this was kind of over the top for the image she wanted to obtain.
And man, the ammount shw complained about her weird landlord back in London. Her video about it is such a joke as most of it is nothing more than a lie.
No. 658636
>>658633>I always assumed she was kind of famous? At least that was what she constantly told me.Well there ya go.
>most of it is nothing more than a lie.As are the stories about her cosplay fame. She was one of "those" cosplayers who'd go to the movies in closet Homestuck cosplay and sperg out about shipping 24/7.
No. 658637
>>658636Honestly, I wonder what else she‘s lying about. Her modeling job seemed legit but she could just have hired photographers.
I still have her on skype I think, could always call her out on her bullshit. But is she REALLY worth it?
No. 658647
File: 1533649600199.png (2.51 MB, 1440x5926, screencapture-himezawa-co-uk-a…)

>>658637Anyone who's skinny and confident and not disfigured can get one or two modeling jobs for startup labels or small studios if you network hard and apply for every job, which is what she does. Her "jobs" in Europe were few and far in between and likely unpaid in exchange for "portfolio building". She got more jobs once she was in Japan, but that's also due to massive amounts of self-promotion and the exotic factor, and having money to spend on outfits and cosplays so she'd be more versatile. She did the same thing in Japan, just applied for everything and when 1 out of 100 applications worked out, she paraded it around as a grand achievement and tried her hardest to make everyone believe she was scouted, when in reality she was cold-calling everyone and everything. Her music, too, was a Rebecca Black style commission, as in she paid a couple hundred to get a song and music video produced. That's why she gets all that creative control - her "producer" knows she has no potential, so he's collecting his check and letting her do what she wants as long as he gets paid.
Case in point, remember her novel? That was also a vanity press where you pay for your books to be printed, you don't get an editor, and she tried to pass it off as a legit publisher and agent. She lies about all her achievements to make them seem like she worked hard and made it to the top and convinced professionals of her talents, but in reality she just bought into schemes that exist to make money off of deluded egomaniacs. Remember when she landed a role at the Royal Opera House? Why do you think we never heard about that again?
If you take a look at this list of her accomplishments, it's padded to hell and back with bullshit like photos she sent in to magazines that do cosplay features. Someone with an actual career wouldn't even bother with that, not to mention adding it to her resume.
No. 659491
File: 1533739277872.jpg (15.37 KB, 600x375, 1512601493162.jpg)

What amazes me is how she seemed to work so hard for years on becoming famous but her internet presence hasn't grown AT ALL in the 3 years I've been following her antics. This is my first time checking her thread in a year and it's sad that she hasn't grown on any platform in that amount of time.
Other people in the jfashion community that I follow have grown more in 1 year than she has in 3. And they aren't even trying to be famous. Although her "brand" is super inconsistent and bland. Maybe if she stuck with one community instead of splitting between 3 (cosplay, lolita, and idol) she would be doing better, idk.
No. 659541
>>658647i mean she was selling her music at comiket ffs. most comiket CDs and stuff are passion projects made by people who all collab together and have ties in the business to get stuff done on the cheap, or really small niche labels. sabrina was, as you said, just doing a commission with a "pro" studio. you can do those cheaper anywhere else, or even just by working with audio engineer students. the fact that she says stuff like
>>658652 makes me really wonder if she was just a gaijin who fell victim to that business, or if she just doesn't realize that even the average weeb knows someone scouted for a label doesn't shell out for their own CDs.
No. 665353
File: 1534357691055.png (757.34 KB, 584x555, chickenwings.png)

Fucking hell, her arms are so gross
No. 665638
>>638636>>665353Did she go to Korea for that shit nj?
So long to her multiple posts about how much she loves her nose and "not giving into the bullies" by getting a nose job.
No. 665701
>>665358yea shit's botched as fuck.
>>665353>cosplaying the aoi yuuki insert characterlmao, bitch you wish you were her.
No. 665866
File: 1534384461584.jpg (125.95 KB, 550x800, 5222729999cdb40d747a7f64174647…)

>>665353for reference, this is the cosplay.
No. 666156
File: 1534419517833.jpg (5 KB, 140x250, 1515351679374s.jpg)

>>665353Holy fuck those bat wings
No. 766511
>>765017I’m shocked at how fast she switches her “careers”. What happened to wanting to be a famous singer? Or a writer? I’m convinced she just does what she thinks will get her the most attention, which is depressing because it shows how little she truly cares about whatever she’s currently into at the moment. Once costhotting fizzles our she’ll probably be hopping into the next big thing, which for her might end up being camming.
Also, this is a major nitpick but her nose job ended up being unfortunate, looking at how her nostril ended up being fucked. It looks good from the side though, better than before.
No. 766556
File: 1547598410612.jpeg (1.75 MB, 1600x1197, E30277C8-5757-42C1-9BF9-2AA549…)

>>766511Samefag, forgot to post attached pic
No. 766578
>>766511Guess she couldn't make any money out of those and jump into any trend that will garner the most attention online, but she fails in everything she ever tried her hands on.
Camming might work out for her, there are so many fags on the internet, oh wait she already doing it with ig story, kek.
It's sad that even after a nj couldn't fix that face smh.
No. 766602
>>766583She is not the prettiest nor most talented, had you ever listen to her songs???
Your question is pretty much self-explanatory, if she is any good at all, she would had gotten more following without even trying to hardsell herself all these years.
No. 766662
>>766583I'm gonna assume you made a typo, but other than that:
I think she's unpopular because she's basic and flighty, tries to do everything at once, takes herself much too seriously, and most of all she's just really unlikeable because it's always clear that she only has herself in mind. She's average, and while many other random weebs are average too, they at least manage to get a following by having devoted friends who are excited to support them, or they support others. She doesn't look classically pretty, and half-asses everything, so she's more like that random weeb you scroll past rather than someone to look up to. She lacks any star appeal even for a weaboo idol, the only reason she is where she's at is because the praise she got in her small German cosplay community getting to her head along with her parents over-inflating her ego to the point where she thought she really could make it as a celebrity, her parents' money paying for her stay in London and, in the beginning, Japan, and the little bit of exposure she got from small publications she whored herself out to tricking people into thinking she's hot shit until they realized there's nothing really to her.
t. someone who knew her irl and witnessed how many people originally thought she was a really cute and sweet cosplayer and encouraged her to keep going until they realized
this girl thinks she's a profeshunal and slowly cringed their way away from her.
No. 766679
>>766604Cant find that room tour video on her youtube channel, I remember seeing it few months ago though.
Did she returned to Germany since she not in Japan anymore.
No. 766682
>>486448Seem like the video about her Disassociative Identity Disorder was removed too.
>>609397Guess it doesn't got as much attention as she wanted so she drop it, same with her fakeboi/trans/asexual phase.
This girl really have serious mental problems… no wonder she couldn't find any doc who willing to take her.
No. 766774
File: 1547619085757.jpg (132.11 KB, 1074x1709, Screenshot_20190116-010941_1.j…)

>>766769Sage for samefag but I found it on her Twitter, from 3 years ago. Said she got married.
No. 766915
File: 1547653100209.jpg (22.86 KB, 583x143, nothotnomoney.JPG)

>>766769She left her visa husband around Dec 2017 because things got difficult and apparently it took a dark turn. See here: also some of the reasons as here written here
>>580286I really miss Himezawa so I really hope she dips here feet deeper into the thot territory because she has nothing for that kind of e-fame.
No. 766965
File: 1547661232310.png (609.63 KB, 1279x608, gegrg.PNG)

She's getting real desperate for money with more lewd photo, yet she complain when neckbeards send her dickpic, kek.
Bet she sell nudes on Patreon like Belle Delphine.
No. 766976
>>766769>>766774Her visa husband finally divorced her and had her kicked out of Japan for good
She mentioned in her latest video that she's now dating someone, let see what drama will come out of it this time, everytime she talks bad about her exes
No. 767629
>>766976It sounds more like SHE left her husband and Japan, not the other way around.
>everytime she talks bad about her exesAny milk to share?
No. 767796
>>767629This thot like to victimise herself, can see from the way she talk about her past.
No fresh milk though, looking back at her old tweets she mentioned about them.
No. 767814
>>767629diff anon, i have a mutual friend with her and the story ive heard from said friend is that her ex ended up being crazy, (tried or managed) stabbing her and she left japan because he was Stalking her and it was the only way to get away from it because japan doesnt take stalking seriously.
>>766583I was someone who followed all the weeby in japan vloggers. I watched sharla, abi, taylor, venus rachel, mira before and after the drama long before i knew about lowcow and after their drama not really paying attenting to it and only wanting to see glorious weeb nihon…. i also watched a few of Himezawas videos. The problem with himezawa was she seemed too try hard and pretentious, ironically i never felt this way about some of the other jvloggers maybe because they were already pretty popular…. I started watching for her lolita, hair/makeup and the hauls but Himezawas book reading/talk was so boring and she acted like she was famous on twitter when nothing reflected it, and she wasnt popular with german lolitas. I also found her accent weird and like she was trying to sound posh. her singing was bad and in a lot of her clothes she looked like a skeleton/pro ana which i didnt really like. Taylor at least looked like a model and seemed like she exercised and ate healthy not just starved herself. When she got her snakes and started changing her style, hair and personality i stopped watching.
No. 768671
Sage for being irrelevant and sans milk but for everyone who was wondering about her novels/writing she does have a CPN that was pretty popular on a couple years ago.
I can’t find the website (idk if it was shut down or changed its name) but she posted the first couple of chapters on wattpad read the first 20 chapters back then. From what I remember it was alright. The story had a pretty generic shojo manga plot and had a fanfiction/wish fulfillment vibe to it.
There were about 200 chapters but CPN chapters are super short and the HMM tumblr said it was 36k words but idk if she completed it at 36k or it was 36k when she made the post, because yikes, that’s a super short novel.
No. 768715
>>768386I think she is more of a genderfluid type, can be a boi or girl any time she like, it's really fucked up that is why she have DID with many personality and different genders. In Germany we now have the new third gender, she will probably change her gender to that soon.
As a person who been to the same HS in Weiden with her, I can tell she is lesbian. or at least she was, but she have a Japanese husband yet said to be asexual???? Guess she really will do any thing to get to live in Japan. Only under 5% of woman below 40 can get breast cancer, Sabrina claimed to had it at age 20? That is like the most fuck up story or bad luck ever, LOL!
>>768604That is the stupiest thing we had read here, LOL! She is also selling nudes too.
>>768447Munchausen syndrome, damn right she have it! along with all the other mental disorders.
Best to stay far away from her, you would not know what she will do to you. We dont even believe whatever she said online as proven by fellow anons.