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No. 56117
>>56112Only the first few threads though, after that it just gets repetitive and depressing. It's like she's trapped in groundhog day.
>>56113Also seconding this.
No. 56362
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>>56113A rough list of Aly threads (beginning):
>>>/pt/121883 (just ignore the stupid posts about other cows)
>>>/snow/223291OK, I need to take a brief break to do other stuff I'll come back with the rest of the threads. This took longer than expected bc I found more threads & had to remove all my warnings to my friend about skipping boring posts that aren't about Aly.
No. 58640
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Are Dakota Rose threads worth getting into? Sorry for asking to be spoonfed, but how milky was she?
Or is she pretty much just like Venus
I personally suggest Erin Painter threads, it was pure undiluted cringe. She was of those vile pedo-pandering lolicon cows that was milky enough to separate from e-girls/soft girls and have a few of her own.
No. 58684
>>58645Being here for that in real time was wild and confusing even as it was happening. Her sockpuppeting, imitating everyone she’s ever known, sharing medical documents, and crafting entire tumblrs and journals and shit just to support her (fake) backstory was absolutely insane. I do assume she had some sort of traumatic childhood to wind up how she is and I wish an accurate and comprehensive life story would appear out of thin air but that’ll never happen.
Who would’ve thought she’d escalate so drastically the second she had her port removed? At least she’s safe from Paul now!
No. 58732
so i decided to go back through the catalog and order all of kikis and pixys threads because i would like to read through them all. i will start with kiki.
>>>/pt/313147 (keekweek/post reveal edition)
>>>/pt/818510 (kotainment thread)
>>>/pt/890025forgive me for any mistakes i did this on mobile, will work on the pixy one next
No. 58734
and heres pixyteri in order, not sure this one is going to be correct. forgive me for any mistakes.
>>>/pt/804526again forgive me for any mistakes, this one was a lot harder to piece together
No. 63186
Good nerd friend group suggestions? Especially the veronica/mick response video or projared/holly caliber stuff.
>>63123Tranny in body or in mind?
No. 63672
>>63669 I was wrong apparently it's 15 threads, but it's all entirely worth your time nona
>>>/pt/12332 #1
>>>/pt/20741 #2
>>>/pt/321974 #3
>>>/pt/400701 #4
>>>/pt/415881 #5
>>>/pt/438380 #6 Countdown to Couchland
>>>/pt/447573 #7 Fatchelorette Edition
>>>/pt/462983 #8 Welcome to Couchland Edition
>>>/pt/471830 #9 Love That Was Greater Than Love Shack Edition
>>>/pt/478795 #10 The Codependent Love That Was More Codependency Than Love Edition
>>>/pt/491874 #11 The Fall of the Shack of Raven
>>>/pt/506118 #12 Bereavement Funding Edition: Another Shack, Another Dog, Another Drama
>>>/pt/573602 #13 Horrorcow Homemaker Edition: The Fifth Time's the Charm!
>>>/pt/605066 #14 The Bradleys: Pet Cemetery Edition
No. 63673
>>63669quick tl;dr of some of Raven's antics
>BPD "goffick" edgelord woman in her 40s >has multiple failed marriages and has a son who later trooned out (that's a whole fun saga for later)>moved to New Zealand from the states only to complain about the fast food>married her son's best friend who was 16 at the time while she was in her 30s>dozens upon dozens of claims that pretty much every man who ever looked at her raped her>met some hick online and moved back from NZ just to live on his mom's couch>grew up trailer trash and ended up back around at trailer trash>faked having a baby to "own the haters" with a phone soundboard and fake crying soundsThere's far more and I'm simplifying MANY parts of this but she's such a classic unhinged cow. They don't make 'em like her anymore.
No. 64278
>>64249Look up
>>>/meta/1 and replace the boards? Maybe google search for before 2016? Please make a thread with cool stuff
No. 64279
>>64278Sorry I meant for that to be like
and so on
No. 64413
>>63673I was nostalgic for a few of the cows mentioned here already but Raven was my personal favourite. When she faked her death then pretended it never happened … And all the in-jokes from the threads, like friends from the library.
Agreed they don't make em like her anymore. Same with a few others like Aly - a real TREAT!!1! fist-star-random.face-100 and Miranda before she underwent her religious conversion.
sigh No. 64487
>>64483Kelly & Chompers - body horror
Soren - psychological horror
No. 64803
Love this thread.
I was inspired to go back and read the Soren threads so I thought I'd link them:
>>>/snow/101679Soren/Bambi/hurtc0re pt.2
>>>/snow/112039Soren Hayes/Bambi/hurtc0re #3
>>>/snow/723714Soren Hayes/Bambi/hurtc0re thread #4
>>>/snow/920764Mods locked thread #4 after the obituary was posted:
>>>/snow/1142335And for the sake of completion, a year ago there was this questionable thread that was locked by mods:
Soren Hayes / bambi / hurtc0re resurrection #5?
>>>/snow/1685917 No. 65226
>>64541As far as delusions and fandom drama go, you may enjoy the skinwalking cows on /w/. Lori and Stef being the mains.
>>65214Margaret Palermo (Venus Angelic's mom) in /pt/
No. 72356
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>>72343this probably isn't what you're looking for but I find
>>>/pt/67116 really funny especially with the cow herself in the thread and nobody giving a shit.
No. 74359
>>56111If anyone is still looking to binge something, and haven't seen it yet, I found this one a few years ago by chance and it was a wild ride:
>>>/snow/215012Spoonie/Munchausen, a really batshit woman. I remember researching her by curiosity long after, and she apparently had a baby (sadly, because given her mental insanity, that baby is not safe).
No. 78724
>>765142nded soren and nemu, nicole dollanganger and her calves threads, and ginger bronson who is a reoccurring cow in soren's thread.
I remember
>>>/pt/207383 being interesting too, and the confetti club threads are hilarious
No. 78796
>>76517Art Commentary Cows is pretty fun but you have to go through a bit for all of it
Main Threads:
>>>/snow/1977045Creepshow Art has 5 threads, here’s the first and it’s relevant to the overall Art Commentary Community as discussion shifts there for a bit
>>>/snow/1053928And RacistUncle, she had a thread before the larger community did but she was in it and it’s a short read anyways and pretty funny
>>>/snow/947066 No. 86064
Any suggestions? Just gonna copy my request in /ot/ from about a year ago…
>if possible, Japan-based at least some point in time
>no porn or prostitution, or if she does, it isn't her main stint
>preferably having her legacy start at least pre-2020
>short boyfriend-arcs, if there are any
>wanna say that male cows are okay too, but most of them are sex pests, predators or pedos, and I don't want to read about that, so I think it's going to be hard finding one
My personal ultimate queen will forever be Mira/Kanadajin3, another fave was Venus. Back then I got Kota and Stefany recommended, but right now I'm only really reading Addys thread.
No. 86083
>>86064Mikan Mandarin
Dakota Rose
Kiki Kannibal
Lori Lewd (older threads aren't about porn)
Himeahri (most recent thread has annoying WKs)
Yumi King (before she split from Scott - I have a lot of respect for her since she did that; prior to that point, things were pretty funny)
No. 87129
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>>86146Seconding Rita. Imagine a TIF going full woman-hating, obese, fedora-wearing neckbeard while also frequenting lc to sperg about vocaloid and self-post. Long live Queen Rita
>Rita’s post reveal:>Rita’s cow thread:>>>/snow/1778636>Kf’s debate Rita thread:>Rita’s tumblr archive No. 87708
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What are some really funny threads that aren't related to cows? Stuff like the bad short comics thread or the hideous fetish art thread on /m/, just threads where it's endless keks.
No. 89461
>>89443>>>/snow/2081138 fanny perret, similar to nemu. larped as an asian woman who had sex with her father and now draws a fgm
victim getting abused by pedo eric cartman
>>>/snow/427616 holly brown, sperged about getting into calarts despite having mediocre art skills
>>>/snow/1860168 Homunculus100_, tif who chopped her own leg off for a fetish, ended up DFEing.
>>>/snow/903707 aggy, tim lolicon artist who also supports pedophiles.
No. 89507
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>>89462wow ill read that one next. fucking chopping off a leg for a fetish. how fucked.