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No. 1218432
A thread dedicated to all the stupid shit that goes down in this niche and drama filled community.
Note: This thread comes from another thread that used to be about the cow Tobi Majestic, but after milk on her dried up her thread was impromptu turned into a general ACC discussion thread. There are many cows in this entire bullshit sector of Youtube.
Dramas the Community has gotten into:
>The Spoctor situation back in 2018 where at the time a 16 year old Spoctor was accused of being a Pedophile by Stories (vanished form the internet), Atari (vanished from the internet), and Pentagrin (lying low under a new name). Misinformation was spread across hundreds of videos until Ponder Sprocket cleared it up.>Tobi Majestic drama that happened after Omnia and Kai Weiss made videos critiquing Tobi for her behavior. Alot of misinformation and in-fighting happened with Tobi's friends being up her ass and Kai and Omnia reacting to things poorly. Tobi's channel imploded on itself and she herself was laughed off Youtube and got into more trouble over on Twitch.>Hopeless Peaches Drama that piggy-backed off the Tobi drama and was started by Prison Mate Luke. Has been dragged out for months with no real conclusion other than Peaches attempting to comeback.Old Thread:
>>>/snow/1175470 No. 1218435
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Just gonna start this off with Fishlizard/Jesp whatever-the-fuck, got her old account suspended because she made the stupid decision to engage with a troll instead of blocking them. I thought she was taking a break form social media or something?
No. 1218607
>>1218456>>1218458I've actually taken the time to sit down and watch those videos. (They make good background noise while working if not anything else)
I'll agree that the drama has been dragged on for way too long, but to be fair the people saying Kai/Omnia wouldn't "let it go" act as if that wasn't what Peaches (and recently by extension, Harley) have been doing the entire time during Kai and Omnia's twitter hiatuses lol
I've seen this from Spoctor's second Peaches video (and a bit of it from Kai's as well) but apparently the whole "Spoctor saw the evidence but chose to stay neutral for the sake of PR" narrative that Peaches and her friends have been pushing eventually turned out to be bs since that wasn't even what Spoctor was referring to and it's hilarious in a sad way to see Harley mess up context there despite him going off about how Creepshow/Kai and literally every one of Peaches' detractors "cut/twist context" in his video defending her lol
Spoctor did admit that the "PR" wording may have come off that way but imagine Peaches and her friends literally running off with that assumption.
Then again we've already seen that going off on assumptions is a running trend with Peaches and her friends/simps.
No. 1218745
>>1218738D’angelo is leagues better as an artist than creepshow or most the other clowns in the “art commentary” community, imo. Not that he’s amazing or anything, it’s just that they all seems to be people who drew static anime characters in school and only ever marginally improved at doing that instead of actually learning how to draw.
Not wanting to improve or move on seems to be a constant of all of these nincompoops.
No. 1218762
>>1218432I used to be pretty interested on that community when I was a teen and I saw the spoctor shitshow in real time, and it's a shame the thread op didn't mention Story's "8 year old" saga.
It was absolutely hilarious how she somehow convinced a whole community of people of something so stupid. I felt so vindicated when Atari came out with screenshots of Stories admiting her real age
I think the reason why they have so much drama is because they started realising that unless they are making spicy gossip content, making commentary about internet art topic simply isn't interesting, especially when most of them are such a hive mind. In Atari's case I remember well that something that bugged me was her opinions sounded so generic, almost as if instead of thinking about things she just went on twitter or whatev to see what other people tough and then made her opinion be exactly the same as everybody else.
Watching people screech about how comparing their oc's to something you like as a compliment is actually worse than the holocaust simply isn't fun the billionth time.
Solar sans got it right by moving to actual serious art topics related with professional/mainstream art. You have way more possible content and it's actually appealing to more people other than 14 year olds
No. 1219112
>>1218456>>1218458Honestly after watching these in full, I genuinely feel bad for Kai and Omnia. This is literally just the Tobi drama 2.0 with different people.
>Omnia and Kai have grievances with someone and bring them up>Peaches refuses to take actual responsibility like Tobi refused to>Peaches friends get involved like Tobi's did and spread more biased misinformation>Peaches and Tobi both use mental health issues to hide from taking actual accountability>Omnia makes a small, pretty harmless mistake with the thumbnail like Omnia did with Tobi's "private" dm story.>Peaches/Tobi's side and their audience latch onto that one mistake and hold it above Omnia's head while ignored all the other valid points >Omnia repeatedly apologizes to no avail>JAR sticks his nose in for some fucking reasonWash, rinse, and repeat. Like with the Tobi situation, Kai and Omnia haven't handled everything perfectly, but it's really hypocritical how when they make mention of making videos to clear things up, they're absolutely flooded with people telling them to "drop it" and stop dragging it out even though they haven't spoken on it publicly for months and it's really Peaches being a snake and still talking about them in public discord servers. They have every right to say "keep my name out your mouth" to her. Everyone is latching onto the stupid thumbnail shit because it's the only leverage they have over Omnia.
No. 1219160
>>1218762>I used to be pretty interested on that community when I was a teen and I saw the spoctor shitshow in real time, and it's a shame the thread op didn't mention Story's "8 year old" saga.It was absolutely hilarious how she somehow convinced a whole community of people of something so stupid. I felt so vindicated when Atari came out with screenshots of Stories admiting her real age
OMGH LOL Man okay so I'm gonna admit that I was one of the people who honestly believed that Story's was 8 until I started noticing how she'd always resort to that excuse whenever she got called out. The reason why I felt that way at the time was because where I live, I see kids on their parent's smartphones all that and I remember one even recording herself dance with it (the girl in question had to be around 9 or 10). So I felt that the possibility of children being on YouTube was more real in the modern era. And yeah, I feel retarded for initially buying into it when I did lol
>In Atari's case I remember well that something that bugged me was her opinions sounded so genericI agree with this as well. I wasn't a big Atari person but I did watch her videos from time to time and I also got the whole "this sounds so generic" vibe from them as well and that has transferred over to Nawnii who strikes a similar chord of generic-ness as well.
>Solar sans got it right by moving to actual serious art topics related with professional/mainstream art. You have way more possible content and it's actually appealing to more people other than 14 year oldsAgree 100% as well.
No. 1219382
> Omnia makes a small, pretty harmless mistake with the thumbnail like Omnia did with Tobi's "private" dm story.Tbf the "leaked DM's" argument people kept pushing against Omnia during the Tobi drama was retarded as fuck. Omnia only leaked the DM's because Tobi lied her ass off about it on twitter and leaking them was the only way to prove her wrong.
Besides, if leaking DM's was "scummy" no matter what, by that logic everyone who ever outed a predator by showing private conversations where they were sexual af are "scummy" for doing it. It's some peak
victim-blaming shit and it's hilarious how Mangakamen even thought to bring law into this like he had a point LMAO
> but it's really hypocritical how when they make mention of making videos to clear things up, they're absolutely flooded with people telling them to "drop it" and stop dragging it out even though they haven't spoken on it publicly for months and it's really Peaches being a snake and still talking about them in public discord serversAnd then there's Harley being the annoying twat that he is where he called out Kai and Omnia for "harassing Peaches for months" when in fact they've literally been on a twitter hiatus the entire time (Omnia most especially) and in reality it was Peaches who kept tweeting about the whole thing and wouldn't stfu.
And when Kai called out Peaches for talking about it Harley tried to whiteknight hard for her by saying how it was "venting" when she was literally lying about them on Discord chats. The hypocrisy is immense in Peaches and her inner circle.
> Everyone is latching onto the stupid thumbnail shit because it's the only leverage they have over Omnia.It's especially hilarious when you realize that, looking at the recent tweets between Kai and Scrittus, the entire thumbnail really
was a double-standard and Peaches just genuinely wanted something to bitch about and everyone just wanted something to hold over Omnia's head lmao.
I can excuse Scrittus' usage of the groomer thumbnail because he probably got permission and Peaches' approval (despite him being cringe af) but the fact Spoctor proved that
he didn't get permission and Scrittus' defense is nothing more than "his use was allowed" just reeks of hypocrisy.
So basically if your video wasn't anything either simping for Peaches or anything close to giving Peaches leeway, suddenly it's a "problem" you're using the thumbnail.
Interesting enough, even after the confirmation, Spoctor's thumbnail on his first Peaches video remains with an asset from the groomer video, still unchanged (while Omnia and Scrittus changed theirs). I don't even see much of an outcry on it compared to everyone who ganged up on Omnia.
And then there was Peaches who made an entire twitlonger whining about the thumbnail, addressing both Omnia and Spoctor, yet spent the rest of the doc vilifying Omnia more than the latter.
Sometimes I wonder if the community just REALLY has a problem with Omnia lmao.
The Tobi drama didn't really kick in until Omnia made her respective video criticizing her, people had more of a problem with Omnia's usage of the thumbnail than Spoctor, despite both of their videos criticizing Peaches, and when her and Kai released their respective videos, people spammed and bombed the shit out of those videos acting like the two haven't moved on as if Peaches didn't keep going on about it on Twitter lol
No. 1219396
>>1219382this is gonna be a tinfoil but I wonder if the spamming and dislike bombing on kai and omnia's videos were probably organized by harley or even scrittus.
After all they both kept going back and forth with Kai and Omnia (Kai especially) in the tweets during the thumbnail drama and Harley took it a step further by going off on assumptions with his video because he
thought kai and omnias videos were defending the thumbnail lol
hell, I'd take it a step further and wonder if maybe Peaches also had it out for them. We already saw how she focused more on Omnia than Spoctor on her twitlonger addressing the thumbnail despite it supposedly being about the
both of them.
And for how much she acts like all "holier than thou" in the tweets trying to be the bigger person saying how people who harass her detractors arent her fans, she sure was caught talking shit about them in Discord
No. 1219714
>>1219382>Besides, if leaking DM's was "scummy" no matter what, by that logic everyone who ever outed a predator by showing private conversations where they were sexual af are "scummy" for doing it. It's some peak victim-blaming shit and it's hilarious how Mangakamen even thought to bring law into this like he had a point LMAOMangakamen bringing that up was indeed one of the cringiest things yet and he's supposed to be the logical one. It's fucking YouTube drama, it's not that deep or serious.
> And then there's Harley being the annoying twat that he is where he called out Kai and Omnia for "harassing Peaches for months" when in fact they've literally been on a twitter hiatus the entire time (Omnia most especially) and in reality it was Peaches who kept tweeting about the whole thing and wouldn't stfu.And when Kai called out Peaches for talking about it Harley tried to whiteknight hard for her by saying how it was "venting" when she was literally lying about them on Discord chats. The hypocrisy is immense in Peaches and her inner circle.
Yeah I notice that a lot of Peaches' whiteknights go on and on about how Omnia and Kai kept harassing her when the two hadn't been on Twitter for a good while. And it's funny how her fans like to ignore the fact that Peaches was still talking about it while linking it with "muh mental health". Just shut the fuck up. She's the one at fault because she obviously wasn't letting it go when Omnia and Kai already had months ago. She just wants the attention.
No. 1220029
I saw this first on Kai's twitter but seems that Peaches is considering moving away from commentary because apparently the community got too "
toxic" for her lol. So basically she's pulling a Madlibbs.
She's considering cutting ties from the cc after she makes her "mental health" video
On the one hand, this is probably bs considering what we've seen of Peaches whenever she claims to go on hiatuses. She either never goes through with it or only comes back literally a day or even
hours later.
But on the other hand, good riddance. Don't feel sorry at all to see her go if she
does do it lmao
No. 1220211
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>>1220029Post pictures. It's funny how they're fine with making videos on people for months if not years, but the moment they get into their own dramas they act like their eyes have been opened and all of a sudden the community is the most
toxic thing in existence. They can dish it out, but can't take it kek. Omnia and Kai are the only ones that have a right to put a middle finger to the ACC and say how
toxic it is because they're the ones that made informed critiques on people and haven't acted holier-than-thou in response to getting criticism.
You remember how Solar Sands got called out for calling kid's art on deviantart cringey and he actually took the criticism and adapted and changed his content to be upgraded to talk about deep things in art like lost pieces or deeper meanings and his channel has not only survived, but flourished? It's almost like someone can actually take criticism and grow from it.
No. 1220976
>>1220953I swear, what is it with Peaches' friends being overall annoying and sticking their noses into things or just plain out go off on assumptions?!
Jesp was like this during the Mari drama where she got overall dramatic and pulled a Peaches 2.0 where she whines about her mental health and claims to go on a break, only to still tweet and comment on shit that's supposedly "made her anxious/depressed"
And we also see her ride along with the lie that Spoctor "remained neutral just for PR" even though both Kai's and Spoctor's videos debunked that claim and proved context was taken the wrong way.
And then there's Harley who doesn't have the "mental health" dramatics but neverthless still goes on assumptions and is one of the main reasons Peaches' braindead simps are riding along with the lie that "Kai supported Luke's suicide-bait claim" and also pushed the "Spoctor is only neutral for PR" statement.
I daresay the kid is just as much of a snake as Peaches and a lot of the credibility given to him wasn't deserved. Only reason the kid is even credible at all is due to his drama with Luke and Peaches supporting him lmao.
~That and the Mari drama (and Stories/Spoctor drama) has proven people just love to side with kids as if they're not capable of lying.~
(Ironic that he once said Kai was just pushing a "prison mate luke" act when Kai first announced he was gonna make his response video when Harley's constant trash takes make
him the closest to Luke at this point)
No. 1221272
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>>1220976 I don't even know how to put this into words but… Jesp just compared Mari to Cosmodore. The latter being a known predator.
How far is Jesp willing to reach just to smear Mari's name? Like… what?
No. 1221343
>>1219112Just like what a previous anon here pointed out, the Peaches drama is literally just the Tobi drama but with different people.
Remember when people latched onto Kai's "according to your logic" argument and twisted it to say that he threw pedo accusations at Tobi (while ironically glossing over how Tobi herself openly threw those accusations left and right and yet
Kai was the one who had to watch his words lol)?
Once again we have idiots twisting his words on one of his "fuck this community" tweets where they act like he compared the Peaches drama to rape, even though he literally used the logic to which people used every excuse to defend Peaches while shifting the blame on her
>>1221272What's stupid is that Jesp criticized Kai on the rape analogy as well, yet here she is comparing Mari to Cosmodore as if someone making a crazy 500-page callout doc on a bratty kid is even comparable to someone who
actually groomed kids.
And the fact she's painting Mari as a liar as if Kal's words could ever be taken as fact is especially hypocritical.
Maybe don't go after Kai for his wording if you can't even be bothered to do the same, Jesp LMAO
No. 1224136
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This chick really needs to get off the internet. She has a pattern of acting really manic and deranged, talking about her mental health and saying shit on how she shouldn't be alive, then I guess coming to an epiphany where she realizes how dumb she was and making a long-ass apology. She did this with the Junkie situation and I can barely tell what this is even about even though she tagged him. This is OnlyJesp/FishLizard just for anyone confused. No. 1232391

Yup, I feel like people just really have a double standard when it comes to who they give their credibility to as well as who they're willing to listen to.
It's funny that when Kai and Omnia release their videos, people get on them for "milking the drama" and "not letting it die" and proceed to slam it with dislikes
yet JAR's over here jumping on the bandwagon and these mfs are giving
him credibility?
They're really acting as if Peaches didn't keep tweeting about it during Kai/Omnia's twitter hiatus for the past couple months, and everyone else weren't also making their respective videos comdemning them and making assumptions
cough Harley
I came across this thread and it pretty much sums up everyone in the community towards Kai and Omnia vs everyone else in the drama:, can people stfu about the whole "Kai didn't
say he agreed with luke's suicide bait claims on Peaches, but it's still implied" bullshit?! this is literally the same thing that happened in the tobi drama where even though Kai used Tobi's pedo logic against her, "he still called her one"
It shouldn't be up to Kai to explain/defend himself against claims made by retards who just wanted to look for anything to blame him for )
No. 1232534
>>1232391The thing I can't fucking stand with JAR and his annoying self-righteous ass is why he even still did this fucking video all for some shady ass bitch who got called out. I hate how he's trying to make it sound like she's this big uwu
victim when she doesn't need the ass pats and attention. The bitch is fine. She wasn't cancelled, she wasn't run off YouTube. Her views have not gone down nor has her subscriber base, she's fucking fine. I hate using the word "simp" but honestly that's the impression I'm getting from JAR with this crap. He days that's the last video he's gonna do on the situation and let's fucking hope it is. The drama is old, STFU and move on.
No. 1232641
>>1232534JAR is pretty much
the example of just how two-faced the community can be.
Back when it was pretty much the "popular opinion" to go against Peaches, he chimed in and made a video against her.
And now when Harley (fuck that kid, he
really needs to mind his own business because I've seen him whiteknight HARD for Peaches on his many twitter spats with Kai and even quote tweets about kai/omnia) made a video "turning the tides" into Peaches' favor, JAR suddenly retracts his video, turns around and apologizes to Peaches, and then he's suddenly jumping into collabs with Harley comdemning Kai and Omnia for daring to make a video on peaches as if he didn't try to jump in the bandwagon against her in the first place.
and seeing him bring in Peaches for a collab video roasting Avrona is just next level simp crap. Like Avrona is barely credible at this point, but this is just low hanging fruit of an effort. If JAR is doing all this to
try to make it up to Peaches then it's embarrassing lol
No. 1232843
>>1232641I fotgot that JAR originally made a video against Peaches but yeah, I agree with all what you said. Like fucking fine, if JAR truly felt bad for acting on haste with his first video for Peaches and wanted to make an apology video, OKAY fine, make the video but then he had to keep making more of them at a time where the drama was dying anyway and people were moving on. Omnia took a break from Twitter/YouTube and unlike Peaches, actually stayed true to her word and only made one video to clear things up and as far I know, has not talked about it since.
Anyway yeah, JAR is just a two-faced grifter. He'll parrot whatever popular opinion is when the drama has somewhat die down and just revive old drama.
> and seeing him bring in Peaches for a collab video roasting Avrona is just next level simp crap.And that is why I roll my eyes when Peaches WKs say that Peaches hasn't talked about drama when the bitch collabed on JAR's video when it wasn't fucking necessary.
It's just like what does this bitch have him. He didn't even know who she was until the Tobi shit.
No. 1239682
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Good LORD shut the fuck up Jesp. She must post something about how she wants to kill herself once a week. When will people realize that it looks incredibly attention seeking when you constantly post things like this.
No. 1240317
>>1239682Ironically for how much she rags on about "oh I'll be leaving for a while uwu" high chance you'll still find her in the replies somewhere engaging with people and spewing more mental health shit if you're lucky enough.
Like, didn't she JUST recently do an entire "woe is me" Twitlonger apologizing to Junkie and some other people? She lambasts herself, claims to go on a break or leave or how she doesn't deserve anyone or some shit, then we come back full circle to this.
I know we've all gone about how she and Peaches deserve each other, but now I see exactly why. She sees herself in Peaches with how they pretty much act the same.
No. 1240898
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No. 1245347
>>1245044and this is what we know of. Who knows how much she actually shits on her friends and sister outside of lolcow. This is gold.
and people thought Peaches was bad. What a nut
No. 1252756
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in light of the creepshow drama and the new wave of content for the cc to milk off of, i just want to know if shannon's channel was lately reported or shadowbanned or something?..
I typed up 'creepshow art' and the first results arent even her channel much less her videos, but videos people made ABOUT her.
Either she was getting mass flagged along with bleeding subs, or she happened to conveniently private her channel and content to be hidden from search results lol
No. 1347778
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I know this thread has been dead since the whole creepshow art drama, but look who's back and hasn't learned shit. Still talking about her BPD constantly and other bullshit. She's not milky or nearly as relevant as before, but I still thought it was funny. No. 1351807
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>>1347778This is so old, but Kai and Omnia are still getting into random arguments on Twitter with people that don’t matter, stoking the flames, and not
letting it go.
A year later, and we’re back to where we started. No one’s learned a thing.
No. 1353423
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>>1352434That could be. But they also might still be friends, and Tobi could have told them not to follow her because people would be able to see that if they checked Libbs or Fuchsia's Twitter. And Tobi probably wants to go stealth.
It would not surprise me if they fell out, though.
I found this on Tobi's Twitter. It seemed different than her usual style, where the faces are kind of squished and oddly shaped. I'm not sure if she traced because I've never seen her do it before, but it is rather close.
No. 1356713
>>1351807tbf, a lot of Peaches' braindead fans keep bringing up counterpoints that have already been disproven in kai and omnia's videos, and even then they start moving the goalpost.
kai and omnia "supported luke's suicide-bait claims on peaches"?
omnia outright denounced luke in the dm's prior to the video's release and said it was a bad move.
and then suddenly the goalpost got moved to "well, she should've publicly denounced it!!" or "she shouldve done more to stop it"
iirc peaches had a similar case back in the tobi drama, when she was caught editing that shit video with mangakamen, jar and fuchsia. but i guess it's all good because she didnt contribute, and tried to talk manga out of it (like omnia with luke)
funny now peaches isn't held to the same standards of "she shouldve publicly denounced the video"
well then, why didn't PEACHES "do more" to stop that collab video?
No. 1356720
>>1356713not to mention, it doesn't help that whenever peaches mentions about her experiences in her drama, or misinformation, a lot of her fans often assume she's talking about kai and omnia, pitting them together with luke and shannon as if they're just as bad.
it's like kai said in one of his videos.
apparently because luke and shannon lied about peaches, suddenly everyone lied about peaches.
i know the commentary community can be nothing but drama and toxicity, but
geez the audience is just as bad if not worse. nuance doesnt exist LMAO
No. 1365806
>>1365606oh i've heard of that drama.
personally it seems pretty stupid and it really just shows the commentary community will jump on
anything for quick clicks and views.
the whole thing started with kai copyright-striking akumu's video because kai felt it was "copyright infringement" since akumu's video on him used so much unedited footage and it wasn't fair use.
since then everyone on twitter practically got on kai's ass. not surprised twats like harleytbs and JAR are on this case, and suddenly people kai ever had friction with such as miss zi-zi and (jar's fangirl) carmenrider are now using this situation to wash their hands of their own wrongdoings.
exactly like the shannon situation. shannon is caught, and suddenly everyone she's called out think they're suddenly "innocent" and "now a
victim" of her.
this is why people suddenly viewed peaches as innocent, despite the fact peaches has wronged people too.
john swan at this point i feel is just grasping at any way to gain back the relevance he lost ever since his own drama with dream lmao
like kai's biggest offense was copyright-striking akumu's video (despite akumu himself being controversial as it is, but it's neither here nor there) and potentially doing it out of pettiness, but the fact every commentary jumped on the twitter spat and are now making videos said twitter spat is just sad
No. 1365808
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>>1365806see? this is what I mean. because kai is geting called out for being petty on twitter and potentially not understanding akumu's video being "fair use" or some shit, all of a sudden JAR thinks he can go back to the Tobi drama and "debunk" all the arguments made on her.
like fuck off jar, unlike Peaches who you seem to simp for (hence all those videos you made on the drama), Tobi on the other hand had
legitimate reasons to be called out. if this guy thinks he can suddenly swing the Tobi drama on her favor and bring Tobi back on the spotlight then i'm just about done.
hell, i wouldn't be surprised if JAR suddenly starts making a bunch of videos on kai like he did on luke and peaches.
No. 1365812
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And of
course JAR and Peaches feel the need to victimize themselves lmaooo do people give jar (and by extension, harley) credibility again??
No. 1366573
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saging because its not anything really new but it's
so predictably funny how all of a sudden Tobi's inner circle are now crawling out of the woodwork feeling vindicated now that kai's been getting called out for his "copyright striking akumu" twitter drama LOL makes it even more ironic is that both fuchsia and zi-zi have had run-ins with akumu in the past as well, fuchsia most especially.
now because the person who called out your friend gets into twitter drama, now yall are suddenly willing to stand with akumu on this??
yall commentary channels are two-faced asf
(interestingly, zi-zi also tweeted about "working on another video" and mentions it's "gonna be a handful" so who knows if this is gonna be about kai….)
No. 1369850

Spoctor dropped a video a couple days ago about the whole "Kai copyright striking Akumu" drama that imploded Twitter.
this is just me going over the video and taking note of things, so maybe some parts stick out, maybe they don't.
- Introduction goes over him talking about his shift in interest from "drama" videos vs videos with more nuanced takes. Goes on a tangent about creators who make videos just to be petty and publicize their beef with people, all while explicitly showing clips of Kai's videos in the background. In other words, Kai is "those" creators.
- After a quick flash of title card talking about the drama being dumb and then merch promo, then the video starts.
- Starts by going on a timeline on Kai releasing a video on Akumu around Sep 29. Spoctor goes on about the petty-sounding intro and gets nitpicky with semantics, but then gets to the point about Kai and Akumu's tweets to and about each other.
- Gets to the tweet that got him to talk about the drama, which was Akumu associating Kai and some guy named Holy Majesty as "friends" and correlates it to "Kai being okay with Majesty drawing cub porn in the past" just because they interacted before. Spoctor notes it's a stupid point on Akumu's end.
- Goes on about Akumu being a troll (no surprise) and that it was just easier to pick on Kai because he's more prone to sperging out. Then he shows tweets of Kai's ranty twitter threads, and mentions his mental health and how he's quick to make impulsive videos on people he has petty Twitter spats with.
Basically, Akumu baits Kai and Kai tends to always take the bait. He notes that the entire point of Kai's Akumu video was an impulse reaction to Akumu's trolling.
- Gets to the copyright strike fiasco.
Mentions that the reason people are getting on Kai's ass despite Akumu being a known troll is because of the copyright strike.
- Mentions Kai striking Akumu's video down due to infringment, but apparently only started explaining himself after everyone was getting on his case.
He personally believes Kai shouldn't have struck a video, mainly due to Akumu being a small channel.
- Mentions videos being made about it, starting from Harley's video about Kai "abusing copyright" made around Nov 3, which fueled the shitshow with John Swan joining in and Sir Optimus(?).
- Spoctor notes how a lot of the CC making videos on Kai aren't really paying attention to why the situation even started, and are moreso acting out of bias because of their feelings about "censorship" and often brush off Akumu, while ignoring the fact Akumu is known for ban-evading Kai and continuing to raid their streams.
- Talks about how the CC are quick to take any opportunity to talk about people once they slip up, without even knowing /mentioning the context behind said situations.
- Talks about John Swan and Kai's debate and John winning said debate, noting it was mainly due to Kai coming in unprepared, since Kai started out complaining about Omnia being in the thumbnail and gaslighting John by pressing on how John isn't qualified to talk about copyright law since it's not "US copyright law" or some shit.
(Kai basically acted out of emotion than rational thinking.)
- Begins talking about the "Fair Use" argument, which is what everyone got on Kai about.
- Shows a render view of Akumu's video and mentions how 99%
of Kai's video footage is used, questioning how much "fair use" it was.
- Spoctor then proceeds to bring up copyright law. Then he talks about the nuances and leniency of the law by bringing up some court settlement between two other content creators as an example.
Then mentions that it wouldn't be illegal if Kai had filed a DMCA takedown under "full/good faith."
- Says the reason Akumu used nearly Kai's entire video was because of Kai himself mentioning in previous videos about people not putting his full video in theirs for context. In other words, Kai sort of shot himself in the foot with those statements.
Specifically zones in on Kai's words:
> "You didn't put my full video in your video."
> "I wanted to put your entire video in mine so people could see EVERYTHING you had to say."
Basically Kai was being a hypocrite.
- Mentions Kai having beef with Akumu and how he tends to constantly want to one-up his detractors. So he speculates that Kai's copyright claim was potentially out of pettiness.
- Initially gave Kai the benefit of the doubt, but after some conversations deduces Kai doesn't really know copyright law, and that if it became a legal battle Kai would've lost against Akumu.
- Goes back to mentioning that it copyright claims aren't illegal if Kai acted in good faith, but considers that Kai may have done the strike in bad faith considering his beef with Akumu in the first place.
- Talks about Akumu again and reiterates about him being a troll, as well as Kai having done the strike as an impulsive decision.
- Says Kai needs to take a break and leave commentary (despite him constantly having said it before in the past).
Kai's biggest fault was constantly arguing back at people, even trolls who kept going at him just to get a reaction (Akumu).
> "Kai was fighting a battle that he shouldn't have been fighting and because of that it's escalated into something that's out of his control because he continues to make mistakes while trying to fight somebody that was just too much of an asshole to reason with."
- Says Kai should've just owned up and realized he took things too far and should walk away from commentary, while also saying people shouldn't just gloss over the fact Akumu's an asshole.
> "But let's not let this distract us from the fact that Akumu's a fucking asshole. Let's not forget about that. The bigger creators might not say it, but I'll say it."
Kai was being petty and being a hypocrite and likely used his beef with Akumu just to rationalize the strike.
Akumu was and is still a troll and an asshole.
tbh the cc making videos on Kai should stop trying to make Akumu out to be this victim of poor circumstance. Yes Kai was being petty af, but i hate how they're making it look like Akumu was being oppressed here. he doesnt deserve an asskiss just cause kai might be the bigger idiot here.
Also wish the cc wouldn't use this situation to bring back dead drama cough JAR with the tobi drama
No. 1372812
>>1369850Thanks for the summary anon. Overall I think Spoctor did a good job being neutral and just pointing out what happened without being biased. I don't know much about this Akumu person outside of him being a troll but it sounds like if he really was ban evading Kai whenever he tried to ban him, it makes sense why Kai copyright struck him out of desperation to try to get rid of him. I don't think it was right but hearing that detail, I do get why Kai did something drastic. I honesty don't know what Kai could've done to get Akumu to leave him TF alone. Like yeah he could've just ignored him but something tells me akumu is one of those people who would just keep poking and poking. I dunno, I agree that Kai shouldn't have struck him with the strike but Akumu is not some
victim and it's retarded that the other commentators are acting like he is.
>>1370933Agreed x2. The situation with Kai has fuck all to do with Tobi, she still deserved to be called out for her hypocrisy and there's no defending her actions. But the drama is DEAD, leave it tf alone and move on.
Why do I feel that JAR is a big simp to these two female commentators who were called out on their shit. A nice case of M'ladying. if I've ever seen it.
No. 1373501
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>>1372812honestly, have you
seen JAR's twitter? i swear this guy likes to pick fights and stir the pot for the hell of it.
(he did make a video on kai and the situation on his channel recently, but i cant even be bothered to watch it since it'll probably have this smug highground attitude that he had on his first tobi video against kai/omnia, since it's pretty obvious by now that he has beef with them).
Right now he seems to be egging on the Junkie situation a little.
for context: Lately there's a bit of mini-drama going on with TheNamesJunkie and how "he lied to people" and while I did see JAR make a video on him a while back, now it seems like some people are now crawling out with their own receipts, like OnlyJesp and some even talked about his run-ins with Mangakamen to an extent.
(also sidenote but i just find this tweet of his amusing.
like sure he feels the need to clarify that he and peaches are "just friends" but with how much lengths he goes on to defend her, even with how he constantly mentions her and her drama in his luke videos, that sure is a lot for "just a friend."
hell, even in the kai situation when he talks about the cc ripping each other apart, he STILL brings up peaches.
this is why people think you and peaches are in a relationship, JAR. with how much you seem to fawn over her like she's a literal peach to be protected at all costs LMAO)
No. 1373514
> (reposted this again because i meant commentary when i wrote community. i dont give a shit about JAR's community.)same anon here, but i just wanna add to this a little.
i personally feel like JAR's commentary is a lot better when he's talking about media-related content such as movies, shows etc.
like his videos on mary sue's (where he rips apart the he-man reboot and digs into amber's character from invincible) actually had good takes on them.
but the moment he talks about drama it's more often a miss and it's mostly him being a contrarian mess and I'm almost convinced he wants to root for the "unpopular opinion" because he can.
or jump the bandwagon if he doesn't like someone.
he did it during the tobi drama, where he just made a shit video in favor of her when a lot of people agreed she was in the wrong.
he did it during the peaches drama, where everyone was originally against peaches, but the moment it came out that luke and creepshow were dishonest, he decided to ride this drama and make videos on everyone who made a video against his precious peaches. even those who actually had legit grievances with her (kai, omnia, camila, etc).
and then during the luke drama, he made videos dunking on luke, and still feels the need to bring up peaches every so often because "hey, this is still about peaches right? lol"
and now we're seeing it happen again with the kai situation, where he's considering bringing back the tobi drama and "debunking" the videos made on her (i'm willing to bet it's kai's and omnia's videos because of course). after all, "the person who called out tobi is shitty too so now if I make a video favoring tobi I won't be in the wrong anymore!!"
JAR should just do what Just Stop and Mangakamen did and transition to media commentary. it'll be less embarrassing for him in the long run, imo
No. 1373525
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>>1366573speaking of tobi's friends feeling all smug and vindicated just because the person who called out their friend got into drama…
i decided to peek into tobi's twitter to see if she had something to say about it and lo and behold–'s hilarious how she just sees this all as a case of people getting their just desserts just because kai got caught in drama (with some idiots like john swan and harley dragging in omnia as well).
this is just like when shannon/creepshow got called out and all of a sudden without a crystal ball thinks she's "innocent" now despite being equally guilty of sleazy tactics.
like no, just because the person who called you out on your bs was caught in their own shit doesn't mean you can come up and feel like justice got served
No. 1389398
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Omnias channel is gone too now.
No. 1389436
i mean, i know kai rebranded (before commentary channels started getting on his case of "lol he rebranded" because apparently they need to find
something to give them clicks) but if anything, i find it weird why omnia would leave youtube.
i can see why kai had to delete his, though. he was just another hot topic for the cc to capitalize over something as petty as copyright striking
akumu of all people, but afaik omnia wasn't really directly involved.
if anything, harley and john swan kinda dragged her into this.
No. 1389743
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Omnia made a Twitter thread claiming Kai assaulted her, stole things of hers, locked her out of her Twitter and gmail, and deleted her Youtube. She says she is trying to get a protective order against him.
No. 1389774
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>>1389743Kai Weiss made a lengthy response and replied to a few people. He claims Omnia is manipulative and everything he did was in self defense. He says the only time he touched Omnia was in order to stop her from hurting herself. He says Omnia would scream and punch him and yell at him to hit her. He says all the things he took were his because he paid for them. They were not gifts, he just allowed her to use some items of his. He also says Omnia was cheating on him the whole time. He says that Omnia's "black allyship is out the window and she is using her privilege." Kai says Omnia bragged about what she's doing to him to her friends. Kai says he will not talk about the issue more because he's going to court with it.
No. 1389802
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>>1389743>>1389774Omnia Tweeted some more. In response to Kai, she claims Kai Weiss pinned her on the floor, punched her in the face, and elbowed her. She posts pictures of herself covered in bruises.
No. 1389823
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>>1389743>>1389774>>1389802Kai made a few last Tweets. Then he deleted his Twitter.
No. 1389941
>>1389873They're both psycho.
Both Omnia and Kai have displayed a desire to ruin people's reputations when they think those people have done wrong. And that's what they're both doing to each other, right now.
We also know that other story where Omnia claimed Kai was
abusive and left him alone, outside in a snowstorm with no car or place to go into (in last thread).
I feel like they were probably both
abusive to each other.
No. 1389977
>>1389873I've gotta agree anon, I feel like Omnia is being the more truthful one and believe me, I'm aware that there are women out there who do lie about this kinda stuff who can be
abusive to their boyfriends but after seeing how Kai acted in the "debate", I'm feeling like he does have a temper that can get out of hand. And when he was showing the tweets, after seeing how easy it can be to create fake tweets, I'm really not sure if I can believe them…
I hate situations like this because it's hard to know for sure other than going off what is shared.
>>1389941I also agree with you. While I feel like Omnia is being the more truthful psycho, I'm sure that she had her own shit that was a pain to deal with and I feel u;ultimately, we're seeing two headcases collide.
No. 1390002
>>1389977My theory is that Omnia was emotionally
abusive and Kai abused her physically as a result.
Kai's initial response of "I bought stuff for you" was stupid as fuck, and he should of cut that part out and only said, "she hit me and screamed at me to hit her". I can believe him when he says that because I have seen SO many batshit crazy women do that.
Doesn't make him any less of an
abusive piece of shit if he actually did it, but if Omnia did that, we'd know she's the type to go and instigate a fight in order to slander someone and get pity and sympathy. Which is also abuse.
No. 1390126
>>1390002That's a reasonable way to look at it and I think you might be right about Omnia being more verbally
abusive while Kai is physically
We haven't got a glimpse of what Omnia is like when she's mad unlike Kai so there's no telling if she'd fly off the handle and say things like "hit me" to provoke. And yeah Kai should've left out the "I bought stuff for you" and stuck to the important matter.
No. 1390149
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This was back on Omnia's previous twitter (ragingbi) and the context was with JAR trying egg on the drama with Kai and going on board with all these comments tinfoiling their relationship, but looking at this now hits different
(i still think these kinds of comments were still stupid despite kinda being 'confirmed' now but that's besides the point)
honestly when this all unfolded my first thought was "JAR and Harley are gonna have a field day with this" given both those two have had it out for them since the tobi drama (for JAR) and especially the peaches drama
looking at their twitters though..
harley seems to have sided with Omnia (after getting on a call with her) and JAR seems to be using this situation to make another video on Kai.
regardless of whether one side is true or not, i still think it's kinda scummy to immediately jump onto making streams/videos on the situation (tipster and sir optimus) not even a full day after everything's been laid out
but i guess this is just a standard for the cc in general at this point
No. 1390386
so…after looking into the drama and all the stuff i've seen on twitter, i've seen some good arguments, and some bad (like they only wanted to feel justified that they 'called it')
but i'll note some things:
for instance,
>>1390152i know i touched on how kai was quick to pin everything on omnia the moment it became public that they broke up, but another thing that adds to why his thread didn't sit right with me was..
he talks about omnia like she's 'always been like this' and how their relationship was hell from the start, but then…why didn't he leave?
i know it's not always easy to leave
toxic relationships, but it's strange how he was defending her, saying how "they only ever needed each other" and at one point
he himself said *she
* talked him out of it when he was being suicidal and now he just up and takes everything back?
at least from omnia, hers wasn't a case of 'kai was like this the entire time.' she straight up says that she loved him, and admits she gave him access to her socials because she thought she could trust him. she didn't just backpedal on everthing she said about him the moment they broke up.
was it a dumb move on her end to have given him access? definitely. but she
thought she could trust him.
unlike kai, maybe she thought that what they had was genuine.
if omnia had been dishonest the entire time with some of her claims against peaches, then that would mean kai knew the entire time, and this makes him just as bad. either way, he's not vindicating himself by trying to out omnia like this, LOL
not to mention it's pretty fucked up how he suddenly pins it all on her being the problem, especially when he said before that she was the one who saved him from committing suicide in the middle of one of his twitter meltdowns..
there's also the part where a while back on one of kai's earlier meltdowns he mentioned how he was locked out and left in the snow, and how omnia's roommate at the time thought he was
abusive (that thread was way back in kai's older twitter so i can't exactly remember the details).
Assuming Omnia's telling the truth, then who knows if that had been an earlier attempt to keep Kai away.
also, anyone find it sus how, with the given context that omnia trusted him with access to her accounts, apparently he recorded screencaps of DM's on her end "just in case"?
i know kai says he has a reason to, but him doing this and laying out all of omnia's private DM's like this makes it seem that he exploited and took advantage of her trust like that..
this isn't like the tobi drama with the retarded DM argument ad nauseum. unlike omnia with tobi, kai on the other hand had no business showing some of those screencaps from her perspective.
No. 1390478
>>1390149Tipster stated on Twitter that he's not going to make a video on the topic, because he believes he's not the right person to do so or something.
>>1390278Many such cases of abused girlfriends defending their spouses through thick and thin, not accepting that said spouse is a POS until it's too late…
And, ngl, Omnia's stupid as hell for giving Kai access to all her online accounts. You should never do that, especially not wild thth a loved one who could turn into your worst enemy should such a messy breakup as this one happen.
No. 1390977
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Just going to leave this here.
No. 1390985
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Of course, he didn't do anything to get himself arrested
I am starting to feel like the nonnies who said Omnia is more truthful in this are right
No. 1391001
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just saying goes on about "this isn't some youtube drama" yet by him constantly tweeting and replying, trying
anything to save face he just gives more fuel for drama cc's to go by (not that it makes
them any less scummy for using that situation for their videos)
if he actually stood by that last sentence in his tweet, he would've left his twitter right then and there. but i guess he may as well go down swinging i guess.
as stupid as shannon was, at least she actually disappeared off the internet to "handle everything legally" save for that dm with tipster and possibly the whole incident with that podcast that sounded like her.
No. 1391842
File: 1639402720147.jpg (133.46 KB, 675x1200, FGedvl4VkAEfPcI.jpg) caught this from one of the replies in Ponder (Sprocket)'s tweets.
someone caught Tobi talking about the kai/omnia situation on her ig stories.
i remember seeing on the previous tobi lolcow thread that people speculated how she probably has this grudge against omnia more than anyone, due to how she's vagued about her every now and then in her twitch streams.
I just find it laughable how Tobi is trying to imply that omnia has something to do with her, creepshow, peaches and kai getting into drama.
almost as if she's pinning it all on omnia, despite the fact that creepshow's main grievances were with emily, and for peaches it was a mix of kai, omnia and other people.
i knew she was trying to feel vindicated off this situation LOL
No. 1391849
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>>1391842 don't see why JAR ever felt the need to take advantage of the kai/omnia situation to bring up the Tobi drama to "debunk the lies" like he's being desperate to save her reputation.
As you can see, she hasn't learned a thing.
she's still bringing up her BPD, and chalks up her, peaches, creepshow and kai being "cancelled" as some manipulative pattern omnia's doing, and it's funny how she says "whether they deserve it or not" as if omnia was responsible for the backlash all these people dealt with.
creepshow did this to herself.
tobi was a hypocrite and is clearly
still the same as she was before.
peaches was a snake and a bad friend to some people and she got off the hook for
everything she did way too conveniently.
kai had his own issues even outside of omnia, regardless of whether the copyright strike was justified or not.
No. 1393799
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Update: Kai was arrested again. I think it's fair to say that all of this is legit and would explain why Kai has been quiet for a day.
No. 1393813
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>>1392045You were right, as soon as people started calling her out for her lack of empathy and inappropriate timing she privated. honestly no idea why she tweeted about it in the first place anytime she gets backlash she instantly goes private though I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if she tries to victimize herself in this situation somehow seems to be a pattern
No. 1393929
>>1393813I wonder if Fuchsiabutters will run on to defend her and talk about how "it's ruining Tobi's mental health" like how she did during the Tobi drama. Fuchsia was one of Tobi's biggest whiteknights/enablers among her friends.
but at the same time, given Fuchsia has also expressed support for Omnia when the whole thing with Kai spilled out, who knows if they're still friends now.
No. 1393932
>>1393799It's honestly become a norm to expect Kai to again in response to Omnia's tweets in an attempt to debunk her claims after a while.
that or we see him deactivate and then reactivate to say something the moment Omnia tweets.
Though…who knows if he might be let out again like the first time. but given the charges for this one, who knows if bail can save him now.
i guess we'll see for when he starts tweeting again. i swear it's almost like the first thing he does when being let out is grabbing his phone to post on twitter.
No. 1393996
>>1393929Considering the only time I've seen them publicly interact this year had been when Tobi retweeted something from Fuchsia and also the fact that none of Tobi's old friends like NezzieMonster and Madlibbs follow her new account; I honestly don't know if they are still friends. Someone in the old thread did theorize that Tobi's
toxic attitude would more than likely drive her e-friends away. It's not out of the relm that they quietly just stopped being friends.
No. 1395203
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>>1395188Not black, but
personally, like i said before:
>>1373514i feel like JAR would be better if he stuck to cartoon/movie/media commentary, instead of covering people because it just leads to situations like his trashfire tobi video and him simping for peaches by making so many videos going against her detractors (even those who had legit criticism on her).
JAR just comes off as opportunistic and a massive grifter, as shown when he was considering taking advantage of the kai backlash from the copyright strike to "revisit" the Tobi drama because now he feels like people are gonna have a better opinion of him and his video wont be ratiod to hell like it previously did.
and the audience he attracts tend to usually be just as bad if not worse. a lot of them are really out here caring more for this white guy coming off as racist but the moment any other black creator has an opinion that isn't ass-kissing him they're the ones who get ratiod hard.
then again, given JAR's channel practically gave off 2015 anti SJW youtuber, what did you expect from his fanbase?
kinda wish a bigger youtuber would knock his ego down a peg. man feels like he's practically untouchable since his peaches whiteknight saga of videos and how he was one of the bigger channels who managed to "shift the public opinion in her favor" that he can keep punching up to other creators.
hell, the fact he hearted this comment saying omnia's "next" says a lot.
No. 1395206
>>1395203gonna clarify my statement here
> a lot of them are really out here caring more for this white guy coming off as racistfor the record, i personally don't believe JAR is racist but holy hell has he said and done some stuff that can easily be read as racially insensitive at times
(like when he called omnia a "racist black woman" and how he justified the "black spongebob" thing done by his editor as an "inside joke" (and yet he's also not really aware of the implication that might have?? HUH?))
and it's really telling of the kind of audience he attracts when they care more about him being potentially seen as racist because of
his own actions than there is actually telling him what he's doing isn't really a good move.
but these same people will go after bipoc creators for having done significantly
less worse (like how JAR and his fans ragged on Omnia over the "muh leaked dms" argument during the tobi drama as if that shit really mattered, meanwhile JAR used DM's left and right during the peaches drama and even
on his first video on peaches that was originally against her)
No. 1395213
>>1395203>>1395206I agree. I don't think JAR is racist (right now), I just think he's an uneducated sheltered nimrod who should really stop talking about racial issues that he clearly has not much knowledge in outside of his little
POC minion who worship the ground he walks on and stick to nerd culture.
Personally I think the video I linked above which I finally got through now was decent because the creator actually explained herself and tackled all kinds of points in his video that gave some food for thought. But she's a small channel and she just doesn't have the reach but I'm still glad she took the risk.
>and it's really telling of the kind of audience he attracts when they care more about him being potentially seen as racist because of his own actions than there is actually telling him what he's doing isn't really a good move. but these same people will go after bipoc creators for having done significantly less worse (like how JAR and his fans ragged on Omnia over the "muh leaked dms" argument during the tobi drama as if that shit really mattered, meanwhile JAR used DM's left and right during the peaches drama and even on his first video on peaches that was originally against her)
I agree. He (and his fans) can be quite hypocritical.
No. 1395536
>>1395188I'm black, but I never got the impression JAR is maliciously racist so much as he's simply ignorant and autistic (the latter he actually revealed in some video).
Frankly, I just find his voice annoying and his videos to be grifty nonsense largely lacking in substance.
No. 1395610
>>1395536It's probably because I'm older and I want to give JAR the benefit of the doubt that he's just he's stupidly ignorant and to up his own ass to actually sit down and read up more on the racial issues he talks about.
As for him being autistic, that's not really a good excuse. Being autistic doesn't prevent one from actually researching a topic they have interest in. I'm autistic and I do that with my interests where I like to learn about certain things and I highly doubt that JAR is that mentally impaired to do the same.
>Frankly, I just find his voice annoying and his videos to be grifty nonsense largely lacking in substanceI can't disagree with the voice thing. Whether it's him using his fake robot voice or his real voice, there's just something unpleasant about listening to him. And right, I suspected he just made videos to grift and get attention, especially after the Tobi drama that was just pitiful. I just get annoyed that so many people really try to use him as a respectable source.
No. 1395877
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> "…because the creator actually explained herself and tackled all kinds of points in his video that gave some food for thought. But she's a small channel and she just doesn't have the reach but I'm still glad she took the risk."it's a shame that her videos are just gonna get dislike-bombed and lambasted in the comment section by JAR's fanbase, not to mention i've seen some of his fans make response videos to her. so whatever good points she may have is gonna fall into deaf ears by these people who only care that their favorite creator
might be seen as racist because of his own ignorance
it's also
rich how these people think she's "obsessed" over JAR due to having made
three videos about him yet JAR himself has made
multiple videos going dunking on Prison Mate Luke and going after Peaches' critics.
the lack of self-awareness from JAR and his stans are immeasurable
No. 1396234
>>1395877Yeah after I finished watching her latest video, I took a scroll through her comments section and saw exactly what you mentioned. The comments are so stupid with people saying that all she did was repeat herself over and over again and I'm like are you that braindead? She was giving all kinds of elaborations on her points to explain why she felt the way she did.
I also watched one of the response videos and I couldn't finish it. The guy was not making any real arguments except calling her retarded and not knowing what racism is. Sounded like a total mouthbreather.
I want to believe that all of these fans of his that are mindlessly defending him are kids who don't know how to think critically.
>it's also rich how these people think she's "obsessed" over JAR due to having made three videos about him yet JAR himself has made multiple videos going dunking on Prison Mate Luke and going after Peaches' critics.the lack of self-awareness from JAR and his stans are immeasurable
Good point as well but I'm sure if you point that out to them, they'll either have nothing to say or say "iT dIfFeReNt" (when it isn't).
No. 1397654

Spoctor released a video going talking about the cc (his "former community"). It briefly touches upon some subjects such as the Junkie, Feghost and Kai situations.
It starts with him talking about how he started out in the rant community (basically a more impulsive, less nuanced version of the general cc) and that he pretty much phased out of it after he turned 18, meeting friends along the way (among them being Feghost and Junkie).
- Feghost was outed for assaulting two girls, Junkie lied about other creators, someone named Chaos55t has a similar situation with Junkie, goes on a tangent about Stories and Pentagrin, and Kai is "the scum of the earth" and he wish he went harder on the guy
He also talks about how his time in the cc was also one of the darkest moments in his life, and how it took him pushing out of the community to better himself
- Goes on about how he met Junkie around the start, and how they've done collabs with each other
Since Spoctor didn't really have many friends at the time, he pretty much just tried to befriend all the other creators on the cc, which he realized down the line was "huge fucking mistake"
He mentions how he did stupid shit with his cc friends at the time, including raiding Discord servers and threatening to make videos on other channels over small mistakes and just overall you can tell he was a teenager doing dumb shit
Over time the "friends" he made in the cc kinda turned their backs on him (possibly during the Stories situation), and some were just all too eager to dogpile on him
- Feghost was outed in a video by Vabzuycin, where he practically manipulated them (Vabzuycin and another friend) into silence after he "admitted" to assaulting two girls and was just a really
toxic friend in general
(mentions how feghost has always kind of had this vendetta against spoctor for a while)
- his relationship with Kai isn't as personal as the Junkie and Feghost, but nonetheless mentions how he was always personally wary of Kai and if what Omnia said was true, then he wished he'd been a lot harsher when he covered Kai's situation back in this video
>>1369850- now he closes in on the Junkie situation
Mentions some of the videos on Junkie are needlessly aggressive, but also says he's not on Junkie's side either. Among the people outing Junkie are JAR, Hiten Mitsuru and Jesp (aka Mind Your Business).
to quote Spoctor on the Junkie situation:
> "basically he told a bunch of mini white lies about people, something like he gave people permission to share certain DM's on a video, and then immediately lied about it when it got him in trouble. basically throwing someone else under the bus"- talks about the community being a hellhole (always has been), and the creators that were a part of it and left are now shunning it, Spoctor himself included
- mentions JAR's "long awaited video about my past" video, where JAR mentions having been part of the rant community as well, but was ostracized for being immature, lack of social awareness (personally,
that hasn't really changed LOL)
- Junkie was friends with chaos55t, icy, Spoctor, became buddies with Kai ("and we all know how Kai played out"), buddies with Luke, Feghost. He gets called out for leaking the script from JAR's shit video on the Tobi drama, hyperbolizing aspects of a story to fit a
victim complex (such as "claiming Mangakamen blackmailed him" when it didn't happen)
Spoctor personally thinks it wasn't that bad, compared to what people might think, however. Just annoying.
- Ultimately, all the shit that went down with Junkie was all connected to the Tobi and Peaches dramas, thus Spoctor finds it funny, how the cc is practically a dumpster fire full of vindictive and spiteful people, given how all those situations snowballed from those two dramas.
Some lines from Spoctor that really sums up the cc in it's state:
> "They will say anything to win, even if they don't realize that what they're saying is ridiculous. They can't recognize a good argument over their own blasphemous feelings of rage because someone they dislike manages to do something that upsets them"
> "You wanna blame someone for this mess, look at the people within the community. People turn on each other constantly and I'm tired my scandal being an argumentative point for some of the horseshit that people do in this community."
> "The people in that community put that pedo label on me. The people that love to manipulate, yell and deceive. So when people come at me, and come and try and criticize me for not entirely defending peaches because I've 'been through something similar', I really haven't. Because you weren't being called a predator"All in all, Spoctor's just tired of people comparing his situation with every other drama that's gone on with the cc.
(come to think of it, didn't JAR compare the tobi drama with the spoctor situation in that trashfire video of his?)
> "I wasn't a goddamn angel. I treated people terribly. I just want people to stop using what I went through as an argument to clear your name for shitty behavior and recognize some of the faults at play." No. 1398474
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>>1397654He has a good point throughout aside from the fact that the ACC is garbage; People keep trying to compare his situation to the pettier ones. The only thing worse than his is the Kai and Omnia situation, all the rest of the pettier shit people keep trying to compare doesn't measure up to being called a literal fucking pedohile. Sure, Junkie, Chaos55t, and others are idiots but you can't compare that. The Feghost shit is confusing to say the least, but still serious if what happened with him was true. I think the absolute most brain dead response I've seen so far has been Hiten Misturu's who is the very definition of a drama queen. Junkie lied to you? Boo-Hoo bitch. She acts like she had such a promising career ranting about deviant and youtube weeaboos and her whole entire world came crashing down because of it. She tried comparing Junkie lying to her to Feghost potentially sexually assaulting 2 women. She rightfully got called out for it, but jesus fuck get over yourself.
People are jumping ship from this festering pile of a community because the writing has been on the walls for years and after the Tobi and Peaches drama, it all went nuclear. People constantly make videos on petty friend drama that could have been handled in private, people are very quick to turn on others if it means getting content out of it, no one ever wants to admit fault, misinformation spreads like wildfire, and so much other shit. The commentary community is already full of grifting mouth-breathers and somehow this sub-section of it manages to be even worse. The day all these people just stick to talking about reviews of shows/movies/art the better.
No. 1398503
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>>1398474LMAO i can't believe she missed the point spoctor made.
bitch, spoctor didn't "defend" junkie. he straight up said he's not on junkie's side. he just said that a lot of the videos made on him were needlessly aggressive, you whining that spoctor didnt try to go hard on him = "taking his side" is stupid.
also, rich she's pissed at spoctor for "defending" junkie and saying she had a right to make an angry video because junkie lied about her, when she herself defended feghost and called vabzuycin "manipulative" for outing him despite the fact he made up this whole story of him assault two girls and kept up the lie to his closest friends.
> "The only thing worse than his is the Kai and Omnia situation, all the rest of the pettier shit people keep trying to compare doesn't measure up to being called a literal fucking pedohile."this isn't the spoctor situation, but i still remember during the tobi drama when nezziemonster had the gall to compare omnia leaking dm's to the madame situation, even though madame leaked them maliciously, while omnia only did it because tobi was lying out her ass about their conversation. not even comparable.
No. 1400252
>>1398474Honestly though another thing to consider on just why the ACC was a
toxic mess had to do with the fact that most of the people involved in it were/are teenagers and/or fresh out of high school. Ages 15 to about 21/22, I think the oldest one in the community was Creepshow Art if I'm not mistaken. Anyway it's literal teenagers to young adults who also may suffer from social disabilities like autism and I'm not saying that to be edge as I have autism as well.
Anyway the petty drama totally makes sense why it was such a regular thing in the ACC and even the DeviantART ranting community before it because it was full of socially awkward/socially disabled teens who's whole world revolved around social media like DeviantART and later Twitter and Discord and as these people age and become more mature, they start to notice just how
toxic the community really is and decide to move away from it.
No. 1410624
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No. 1410772
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>>1410624idk how kiwifarms work (format wise) but i'm confused with the camila cuevas next to the name.
does this mean that's camila herself posting to kiwifarms or is that just some random post on the camila kiwifarms board?
>>1410175> Now that Kai has been essentially cancelled, she'll feel like she can come back.and she definitely is going to do just that. And not only did she come back to her original hopeless peaches channel, but just the other day she made a tweet about wanting to go back to commentary once again, despite supposedly having "left" the cc since her original wave of backlash. feel like she got a lot more bold now since the shannon situation and recently kai. she could literally come back to how it was before and now she would have people defending her and welcoming her back like nothing ever happened, which is kind of dumb.
but I guess it's better than whatever tf JAR's doing. The man thinks he's untouchable since his "success" in the peaches drama and prison mate luke situation and it's getting into his head.
No. 1410775
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also, this is getting real annoying now.
can people just shut the fuck up about peaches??
Setting aside the fact Kai's been outed as a piece of shit, I noticed that everytime either kai or omnia make a video about peaches or even mention her, it's all "you're milking the drama" or "leave peaches alone" or "move on"
but when it's people like JAR mentioning peaches a lot they don't get the same treatment.
when omnia gets caught in the kai situation, we still get some people bringing up "but what about peaches??" as if peaches even needs more apologies or asspats than she deserves. she's already managed to get back to where she was, and now omnia can't even be allowed to do the same without the peaches drama being used against her?
guess it's only the people who aren't/weren't on peaches' side who get told to "move on" LMAO
a lot of peaches' more rabid fans are braindead as shit
No. 1410788
>>1410772not camila, it's the name of the thread discussing her behavior
also about hopeless peaches coming back, can't wait to see the inevitable drama that occurs yet again. JAR, peaches, harley, and whoever will probably never grow out of petty commentary shit.
>>1410775(lol, hunbitch quickly tried to backtrack and got btfo'd) Yup, with retarded fans who lets face it are probably a lot younger will keep validating people like peaches and JAR who will never change as a result. I'm glad some people are wise enough to catch that shit for omnia though. I'm glad that even though she's coming back, peaches will forever have a stain on her career as a reminder of her snakiness.
No. 1413203
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I'm guessing no one caught the twitlonger Kai dropped before going silent again. No. 1413303
>>1413203Alot of what Kai says still does not add up and he's still being emotionally manipulative even if he is alot more tame in this.
Notice how he doesn't address any of the bruises this time around and still prattles on about all the things he bought for Omnia and how mentally unstable she supposedly was. If he really is seeking legal help, why is he still airing all this out online publicly? Any lawyer would tell you that's a huge liability. Omnia deleting her own channel still makes zero sense even if you were to say something like she wanted a fresh start because she's uploading almost all her old videos and why would she ever want to go through the monetization process again if Youtube was a big source of income for her. That seems like a counterintuitive way to go if she really did just want clout.
And yes Kai, you and Shannon are very similar. Both of you deflect from your own bullshit and bring up things that the other person has done that has zero to do with what you did. Kai may be worse because of the physical abuse, but they both deserve to be kicked off Youtube and the internet as a whole. Good riddance you garbage.
No. 1416780
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So…Kai is back on his tweeting spree once again on his prnkai twitter.
this time Peaches responded to him after "having been silenced by Kai and his defenders for months" not on Kai's side in this (
his tweets are quite a ride), but at the same time some of the stuff Peaches said is a bit dishonest.
for example,
-she once again brings up the "Kai and Omnia partook on the suicide claims".
Luke made those claims alone. Kai never agreed with those claims outside of commenting on his videos, and if you think commenting on the videos = agreeing, then the same can be said for everyone else who did
She can argue that Kai's "sympathy seeker" claim
could be implied to mean "suicide baiter" but I don't see how this is something
Omnia partook in.
-Kai "bullied Peaches for months" is a bit of a stretch considering at the time most of the defamation started and spread more by
with the exception of the first, the rest of Kai's videos on Peaches were him defending himself and Omnia from her lies.
Not to mention Kai and Omnia's recent Peaches videos (which were done when the public opinion sihfted in Peaches' favor) started getting mass disliked and ratiod to hell.
-the "clickbaited by trauma" part is stupid because once again, the same can be said for Scrittus' and Spoctor's videos that had (and in Spoctor's case,
still used) assets from her grooming video.
Peaches only got a problem when it was Omnia (Omnia even got most of the heat from the twitlonger talking about it). Scrittus' video literally was a "clickbait" style video that made it look like it was against her when it was actually defending her.
also, how was Omnia's "clickbait"?
-Peaches keeps mentioning that Kai kept bringing her up, yet 1.] she kept subtweeting about Kai and Omnia herself and 2.] on some of those situations she mentioned, it was often because
her or JAR's fans kept bringing up
her drama as a means to demean him and Omnia.
Hell, even now we've seen Omnia can't even go about her day without the occasional braindead fan bringing up "but you did this to Peaches hurr durr"
-Her making a deal about the screenshots were she was caught lying her ass off about Kai and Omnia being friends with Luke and agreeing with his claims is dumb because those were'nt exactly "private". They werent even "DM's" either.
The "#general" in the screenshot shows it was a
server and the fact the screenshots were
given to Kai by a friend to show Peaches lying about them shows it was a server that was easily accessible to begin with.
Once again I'm not on Kai's side, but holy hell some of Peaches' claims are either misrepresenting what happened or blown out of proportion
No. 1418423
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…yup, JAR really
is deadset on bringing back the Tobi drama LMAO
(at first I thought he was considering dropping it given everything that happened with Kai but nope; he's still set on "debunking the lies" that happened there.) for Peaches all he wants, but is
Tobi really the hill this guy wants to die on right now?
and his phrasing of "I now have people on my back about a year old drama" comes across like he actually
didn't learn from his terrible Tobi video and only took it down and apologized because he got backlash for it and now that people are "on his side" because Kai was outed he got confident again to revisit his stance on the drama.
fucking grifter. always knew his reasons for going back to commentating on certain people was out of spite LOL
(also it's real rich that JAR has a problem with NOA and other people thinking he's "racist" over some insensitive things he's said and done and brushes it off because it was in his past yet here he is reviving drama that was in the past all because the person who called him out for his shit takes turned out to be shitty himself.
Just because Kai turned out to be a piece of shit doesn't suddenly make his claims on you wrong, JAR. Your original Tobi video is
still terrible and very blatantly defended Tobi and gave her excuses while not giving the same benefit to Kai and Omnia.
But of course JAR's stans are gonna whiteknight for this grownass manchild)
No. 1418809
>>1416780>"Silenced by Kai and his defenders"Agree, I'm not on Kai's side neither but I fucking hate when Peaches and/or her fans say this crap. She wasn't silenced, no one was stopping her from making videos and/or trying to defend herself though her lashing out against Kai and Omnia is stupid because they never agreed with Luke in the first place. I wish she would get a grip and grow up to see the reality of the situation. Omnia had her own gripes against her that weren't related to Luke's.
>she kept subtweeting about Kai and Omnia herself>on some of those situations she mentioned, it was often because her or JAR's fans kept bringing up her drama as a means to demean him and Omnia. Exactly. If her (and JaR) stopped mentioning them both, I really don't think they would've continued talking about it. I don't recall Omnia nor Kai randomly bringing Peaches up in their videos. I'm not on Twitter but I have a feeling they didn't randomly bring her up just out of the blue, I really feel like Peaches is being overly dramatic.
No. 1418818
>>1418423OMFG, WHY? Is he freaking serious? I agree with everything you said anon and I hate how he thinks Tobi is this little
victim when the bitch started the drama herself by being a fucking hypocrite about drawing underage characters. Now i'm having flashbacks of JAR's stupid point of "age of consent is different in different countries" when that wasn't the fucking point. Tobi was the one who said that anyone who draws NSFW type art of canonically underage characters are disgusting and scum yet she was fucking doing just that by drawing Bakugo from MHA and Usagi from Sailor Moon who are underage characters to most people. So by her logic, she's disgusting scum as well. You can't have it both ways and this is what JAR doesn't seem to understand and it's annoying.
No. 1420246
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Kai is officially losing his mind. Right after this is nonstop 20+ tweet threads for days at a time. Understandably, he's cracked. He stopped deleting his Twitter every few hours though.
No. 1420506
>>1419047Exactly. And it's not like Tobi was forced to stop making videos. She could've still been making them. Of course she'd have people poking jokes at her hypocrisy but they would've subsided over time. I just hate that JAR and his supporters act like she's the
victim. Honestly all she had to do was concede that she made a mistake (because she did, she was drawing NSFW type content with teenage characters). If she actually took time, reflected, and saw that she did contradict herself and admit her fault, people would've left her alone.
She's pretty much doing what she criticized Creepshow Art for and that is not taking criticism and growing. I guarantee if JAR really gasses up Tobi's ass, she's gonna probably act in a similar way to Creepshow Art with her "F you" type of video.
No. 1421069
>>1418809the way Peaches tries to exaggerate some of the things that happened to her (example once again, bringing up the "Kai and Omnia agreed to Luke's suicide-bait claims" even though we
know they
disagreed with it not to mention
Omnia herself told Luke it was a bad idea)
and the way her fans and JAR and
his fans like to fawn over her like she was innocent the entire time..
Peaches just strikes me as someone with a
victim complex. which is ironic considering JAR once called Kai a "professional
victim" so you'd think people like Peaches would rub him the wrong way, LOL
im just gonna tinfoil on this and wonder if maybe this is another reason why some people might see JAR as "racist"
setting aside the racially insensitive stuff he's said in the past and the way he and his braindead stans tend to have it out for any
POC that has a problem with those actions of his (like NOA)
-even before Kai was revealed to be a shitstain, JAR consideried him a "professional
victim" but kept going after Peaches and her detractors (both false and
legit grievances with her) and further kept up the image of her being this "innocent
-when Omnia apologized, JAR still thought he could make a video on that apology as if he still needed to defend Peaches for it (bro, Omnia
apologized why did
you have to make a video in Peaches' stead? LMAO)
-Tobi was a clear case of being in the wrong and JAR still thought she was worth defending for SOME REASON?? funny he even brought Mangakamen and Fuchsia along.
-and now Kai's been outed, JAR decides to bring in the Tobi drama back to "debunk the lies" and also at least now "he has people on his back"
>>1418423is it me or does he really seem to have a thing simping for these white women LOL. he's given Peaches and especially Tobi so many benefit of the doubt's but doesnt extend it to Kai and Omnia during their dramas.
For people who already think JAR came off as "racist" in his past, that can be a bad look
He can whiteknight for Peaches all he wants but TObi is a hilarious choice
No. 1421190
>>1421069>tinfoil on JAR potentially being racistIf you asked me a few years ago, I would think you're drinking too much of the kooky kool-aid but thinking about it and how you laid it out that Peaches and Tobi are these white women and how he seems to be targeting 2 people who happen to be black, I feel like you might be onto something kek. Omnia apologized to Peaches like you mentioned and yet he still came after her, I mean who does that? Who cares if it was an old video, the drama was over and there was no reason to bring it up.
I can't help but feel that JAR views Peaches as a this frail, dainty white woman who got attacked by a big scary black woman and big scary black man. And Tobi well, eh… I got nothing. Simping?
No. 1436050
>>1435158as someone who watches the trainwreck unfold, i'd have to say some of the early comments/replies at the beginning of this drama hit it right on the head–even
if Kai did end up innocent and was telling the truth the entire time, he hasnt done a good job defending himself during his twitter tirades.
the entire time kai brought up his "defenses" to counter omnia's claims, it's all been petty shit like the stuff he bought for her, dumb screencaps like him contacting the bank to refund his restaurant bill or some shit (like who does that?? LOL) and in between those he doesn't even directly counter the more damning claims against him like the bruises. instead he just proceeds to throw all the dirt on omnia that has nothing to do with the situation such as accusing her of blackfishing and her family situation, and throwing thumin and other people under the bus as well.
none of that is helping his case and i think it's the main reason why no one is really listening to him.
like some of his tweets bring up good points and definitely cast a bit of doubt to omnia's story and i can definitely consider she might not be 100% honest in all the details, but because all kai's done is bring up irrelevant petty shit just to bring her down and bring her friends down, is it a wonde why
no one wants to listen to him?
No. 1437690
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im new to lolcow so hopefully im replying to the right comment but uuuu i disagree a bit.
Peaches is being dishonest in somethings.
>she once again brings up the "Kai and Omnia partook on the suicide claims".
She's just mentioning kai here and last ive heard is that omnia and peaches are friends now
>Luke made those claims alone.
Kai promoted those videos and said stuff like 'thanks for giving people a voice'and in his first said that people were finding out a new side of peaches, said she's disgusting, put the claim in her mouth that she said pml wanted her to die even though he showed evidence in his video that is never what she said or ment to say. Also makes the bullshit assumption that shannon and others evidence is sparse because peaches probably deleted evidence herself. He very much supported luke and did parrot him when he said her depression posting was a pattern, she should leave and shut up and get help. Did invalidate her mental health struggles and Never corrected the bullshit he spread and later goes on to say his videos were perfect and that he never did anything wrong in that drama(like platforming lies about someone he didn't like wasn't wrong.)
>She can argue that Kai's "sympathy seeker" claim could be implied to mean "suicide baiter" but I don't see how this is something Omnia partook in.
She's not talking about omnia?? plus rewatching omnias old videos are mostly fine, but she did platform and help spread those videos.
>Kai "bullied Peaches for months" is a bit of a stretch.
Kai made fun of her, belittled her and her feelings especially when he compared her actions to rape… Made a mocker of her when she was upset even when she was getting a shit ton of harassment.
>with the exception of the first, the rest of Kai's videos on Peaches were him defending himself and Omnia from her lies.
All of the videos have gross hypocrisy, lies, deflections and character attacks against peaches. There's defending yourself like omnia did, then there's being kai trying to discredit her in every way he could so she looked as bad as possible.
>the "clickbaited by trauma" part is stupid.
Yeah that was stupid and gross for peaches and their simps to say.
>Her making a deal about the screenshots were she was caught lying her ass off about Kai and Omnia being friends with Luke and agreeing with his claims.
In kais first video on peaches he actually says that peaches hurt and lied about him and his friends. Then made a tweet calling luke a friend but then when it was convenient change it to 'cordial' and that he mistyped.
I've given up with any of these delusional people to change if im being honest.
No. 1438281
>>1437690>>1437697>>1437700You're either a low-key JAR stan or clearly you havent been looking at the threads enough. Lurkmoar, newfag
especially since it's obvious that JAR's bringing back the Tobi drama out of spite and in a petty attempt to get back at Kai. Why else would he have decided to come back to it only now that Kai's been getting backlash and, to quote him "(he) now has people on (his) back"?
that grifter cant stand bring wronged in any way, even if he made stupid takes in his first video on the drama.
No. 1438904
>>1438281ive read most of the thread, and honestly i think you are just full of it.
since you know so much about jar even though you arent him. wouldn't you be the stalker fan lmao.
but seriously, are you surprised after all the stuff people said about him his friends ect. I've never seen his apologies but know that lots of people like noa say they are so fake or nitpick him on miniscule things.
Since kai was part of the acc, no one could dare to question him for months cause if you even say why you don't like him, he'd get on his platform with hundreds of stans to belittle anything anyone said about him that he didn't like.
Personally I think he might drop making a tobi video, but I'd want to watch it cause, tbh I don't believe anyone commentating into the Tobi drama were given a fair chance to explain their stance.
(sage your shit) No. 1439155
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Kai is now relying on one teenage twitter furry for validation. They defend him like crazy and he always replies in bitter and petty agreement. This is just sad.
No. 1439500
>>1439309I'll consider looking over the video when I have the time (it'll make good background noise if not anything else) but at least from
some of his tweets over on Twitter, Kai actually does bring up good points and counters to Omnia's claims I'll admit.
like I said before, I'm open to the possibility that Omnia might not be 100% honest in some of her claims or details in the story and might be stretching things out (like Peaches does LOL)
but because Kai made a fool out of himself on his first thread addressing the situation by bringing up irrelevant points such as the money and gifts he spent and later accusing Omnia of blackfishing and bringing her friends down when they got nothing to do with it, it's easy to just write off everything he says as deflecting.
no lie, most of the replies in his tweets are practically from people who didn't even read it at all and just went "lol kai malding"
No. 1440315
>>1439500welp Kai took down his video. so much for looking into it later kek
I dont see why he would put a one and a half hour long video and just barely keep it up for a day
No. 1443432
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Kai officially took the video down and said he wants to make a better one and issued this tweet after purging his tweets again. I saw one of comments in the replies to one of his tweets saying that in the video he literally admitted to holding Omnia down and slapping her when she was having a mental break down. What the fuck else is there to say at that point? The semantics on who owned what and what were gifts is meaningless at that point. You physically abused your partner you piece of shit. I have a feeling his lawyer probably told him to shut the fuck up about it and that's why he purged his tweets once again and is moving to a new platform. Good riddance you actual piece of shit.
No. 1443644
>but because kai made a fool of himself on his first thread addressing the situation by bringing up irrelevant points such as the money and gifts he spent and later accusing Omnia of blackfishing and bringing her friends down when they got nothing to do with it, it's easy to just write off everything he says as deflecting. hard agree.
sorta tinfoiling here, but i don't think it's just the first thread he made that caused the backlash, this was an accident waiting to happen.
kai has made a very famous and unsavoury reputation for himself in his community, and now he's demanding to be heard by said community, of which he's been shitting on since the dawn of time.
there's no way people are going to listen to what he has to say now because of all the shady bullshit he's spewed before, right ?
he has been warned so many times, he can't expect people to be willingly helpful when he's been openly rejective of them every other time. i.e. telling them to fuck off and get a life.
No. 1446294

Well looks like someone is already trying to take advantage of the situation that's happening with Kai and trying to show that even during the Hopeless Peaches fiasco (Once again…) were out of line.
Can these people just shut the fuck up about Peaches already? Throughout that video these people kept bringing up "mental health", "mental health", "mental health" and I'm at the point now where I'm just thinking "You know what? Fuck your mental health". I'm getting tired of people bringing this bullshit up whenever it comes to this kind of drama. Everyone has mental health problems, you learn to deal with it and to stop bringing it up so routinely. I dunno if it's because I'm older than most of these commentatots but it's just annoying how these people are acting including bringing up 1-2 year old drama that already ran its course.
And look, I'm not a Kai defender, I think what he did to Omnnia was horrible and he deserves the fallout he got from the community for it but I'm getting tired of people going back and acting like everything he said was wrong. There's a part in the video where the commentator had an issue with him telling Peaches to stop tweeting after she wrote a pretty concerning tweet along the lines of "I guess this will be the last post, goodbye" (I'm paraphrasing) and then came back like days later.
Kai had a point based on how much Peaches would tweet about her suicidal thoughts and how saying something like that only causes those she cares about to get understandably worried. That was a fair and understandable point he made and that yeah, if Peaches mEnTaL hEaLtH was getting worse, she really needed to stay off social media for awhile and focus on herself. She could still talk to her friends in Skype/Discord/etc but no need to log back onto Twitter because it's not doing her any good while she's in a mentally volatile state.
But again, I just wish people would shut the fuck up about her now. It's OVER, not even Peaches talks about it anymore that I'm aware so are we these jackasses feeling the need to do it? Just move on.
No. 1446754
>>1446294agreed. i always hated the whole "but Peaches!!" constantly being brought up for every time something goes down with Kai or Omnia.
And these same people will talk about how "iT'S nOT tHE sAmE!" and how unlike the two, Peaches ""actually"" took accountability and is moving forward, yet they themselves will jump at every opportunity to remind them of the Peaches drama and how it's oh so horrible~ the stuff she's been through
not to mention Peaches
herself is bringing it back up recently, and continuing the dishonest narrative of Omnia and Kai contributed to the suicide bait claim.
that's some snake shit and I'm not surprised her braindead fans are larping it up.
Sure, preach about "muh mental health" while making tweets clowning on Kai and laughing at his Twitter meltdowns.
I dont care enough to defend Kai on this, but Peaches and her fans should quit the holier than thou act of ""caring"" about mental health when they're pulling off this hypocritical shit.
honestly, while his twitter is currently gone, he was right on one of his tweets: Peaches cant go a week without victimizing herself. Funny how JAR simps for her since you'd think he'd hate "professional
victims" given that's what he called Kai LMAO
No. 1447345
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> not even peaches talks about it anymore. she's kinda all over it actually.
it's a bit of a tightrope to walk on here. sure, peaches is allowed to have her say, especially when kai decided to use her as a scapegoat a bunch to avoid talking about the actual physical abuse allegations, and of course the whole fabricated evidence used against her thing that kai pulled out of nowhere. but she made an entire (now deleted) thread livetweeting his old 2 hour video. she was quote-tweeting kai and actively responding to him.
she always has his name in her mouth, or something to say about what he's said and how that correlates with her.
she has a right to speak on things when they involve her, and i do think it's funny that the tables have turned and it's kai fighting for his life online while peaches laughs it up. but she can't get mad at people for bringing her drama up constantly when she's benefiting from doing it herself, it's just plain hypocritical.
No. 1447743
>>1447174the only reason Peaches was even brought up in the first place was because Kai himself made the comparisons,
herself did it when bringing back her drama,
JAR brought it up (if you scroll through this thread you'll see him make mentions of her),
or any of Peaches'/JAR's fans keep bringing it up.
Even before Kai got "cancelled" JAR and Peaches' fans kept pulling up the woe is Peaches card on both him and Omnia.
Hell, in JAR's second video on the Mari drama, he kept bringing up Peaches
constantly throughout.
If they wanted Peaches to be "left alone" then maybe they should stfu about her and her drama.
>>1447345> but she can't get mad at people for bringing her drama up constantly when she's benefiting from doing it herself, it's just plain hypocritical.Agreed 100%. I guess it's not "milking the drama" when Peaches herself (or anyone who isnt against her) does it.
No. 1447777
>>1447352I watched the video and I'll be honest. Kai actually brings up some good points in it, most especially near the end where he counters the claims Omnia made with him having "isolated" her from her friends and family.
A lot of the evidence on the stuff he's bought is rather flimsy, since he can provide proof of the stuff he's bought and owns, but even he's not sure if the stuff from Omnia's wishlist existed in the first place (ie. he "can't confirm it")
As for the ones he confirms Omnia owns but "isn't stolen", it's mostly word of mouth.
is sus that Omnia is shown to actually own some of the stuff she claims to have been stolen from her (such as the toys and games that were seen in Omnia's own photos), though. It's possible Omnia may just own another of the same thing(s), but that's if we're giving her that much leeway (because why mention it being stolen and wanting it replaced if you already have one?)
He actually admits to hitting Omnia, and isn't hiding away from the fact he hit her three times when she supposedly verbally assaulted/provoked him during her bipolar episodes. i'll actually give it to him on this one, he's not victimizing himself or shifting blame, he's open to the fact he
did hit her.
i'd have to say it's really fucked up that Omnia just didnt give a shit about Kai or his brother and didn't have a problem leaving them out in the cold at that time, if what Kai had to say was true. Imagine that Kai's brother was fine driving her back to the apartment, and his family was willing to take her in, no charge at all, if she ever found herself in a bad spot, and this is how she supposedly treats them?
The screencaps that show him covering the rent and bills, as well as some of the conversations do add up to his claims in the video and does poke some holes in Omnia's story.
I'm not sure how to feel about the segment with Omnia and her family, since it seems like it's super personal and while it generally shoudnt be Kai's story to tell, I can also see why he had felt the need to, if Omnia is pinning it on him.
No. 1448375
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>>1447777absolutely. i think more and more people need to start realising that omnia is not as innocent in this as she's making herself out to be.
kai is a huge asshole and people hating him is very justified, not defending his actions at all here. but there's no way that omnia just sat there and did nothing wrong, didn't push buttons, didn't contribute to the
toxic relationship.
and this screenshot of her asking people to ignore kai because seeing people talking about him makes her uncomfortable? what happened there, does he suddenly not make her uncomfortable anymore?
there's no doubt in my mind that kai is guilty of a lot of the things that he's being accused of, but it absolutely takes two to tango and with all the holes in her story, omnia isn't looking as saintlike as she once did.
No. 1448376
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>>1448375excuse the samefagging but here's her still talking about him literally yesterday, most likely because of the new video. people are allowed to change their mind, but she seems to be really enjoying this.
No. 1448377
>>1448375>>1447777>>1448376The most serious part was Kai being physically
abusive towards Omnia and he straight up admitted it after deflecting from it for so long so quite frankly the semantics over who owned what at the time and what was a gift is meaningless to me at that point. Kai has shown and even admitted to be very petty. He's erratic with his behavior, going on long rants, replying to people multiple times, and then devolving into screaming fits when he doesn't get his way. The dude is a man child. The whole leaving him and his brother out in the cold on one hand could be shitty, but on the other hand could very much have been a sign that Kai was bad in the relationship from the start. Omnia isn't innocent in this and maybe she did lie about some missing things here and there, but I'm sorry; why would you deflect from talking about the physical abuse for this long when you knew you were wrong in the beginning. He's holding onto the gifts and what not because it's the only very wobbly leg he has to stand on. The relationship was obviously very unhealthy, but when you start to get physical all of my sympathy is gone.
No. 1448392
>>1448377oh totally, kai is an absolute shit-heel, and omnia definitely didn't deserve to get beaten regardless of how much she may or may not have lied. he's complete scum and i honestly don't think his reputation will ever recover, he'll never have as large of a platform as he did before all this.
but i think what's being said here is that whilst kai was the physical instigator, evidence has shown that omnia was likely mentally and emotionally
abusive, and it shouldn't be ignored. and if she's purposefully lied in this situation to increase her benefits, that's not good either.
omnia has never really made the best decisions in terms of drama, and her presence in the commentary community has always brought discourse. no, she absolutely did not deserve to get physically abused and i have no doubt that it has affected her negatively, and i wish her well on that front. but she's been attributing a lot of what kai's been making decent points on to her mental health, even though she may have been actively refusing to take her medication.
at this point, they're almost as bad as each-other, and it's important to not let omnia get off completely scot-free IF some of what kai is saying turns out to be true. even if she is a
victim of domestic violence, that should not excuse the alleged lies and manipulation she conducted during and after the relationship.
No. 1448608
>>1448392so basically, two
toxic people formed a
toxic relationship and it went about as well as one would expect it to.
No. 1448630
>>1448392We'll probably never know the full story of what went wrong even after the court date. I've never been a fan of either of their content and it looks like Omnia is the one that's going to come out unscathed while Kai has his reputation torn to shreds with only a few stragglers following him. There's 3 sides to every story one side, the other, and the truth. Who knows what really happened behind closed doors. Kai straight up admitted to being physically
abusive and for alot of the internet that is unforgivable for a good reason. I do think alot of his hate and vitriol comes from how badly he's handled everything else up to this point and where he is now, I just don't think being an online figure is for him. He's not mentally stable for it and is too reactive to things. He literally made 2 videos before this one where he handled the situation horribly.
On the other hand it would be slightly scummy for Omnia to take the opportunity to upgrade and get more than what she originally had, but after being hit I'm pretty sure she was in a terrible mental state. She does seem like the type to good things on with threats considering how she handled alot of the drama she's been in.
Either way they both were bad for one another and need to just move on. Kai will probably never get his reputation back and doesn't deserve it and Omnia better hope that if the details of the court date get released, she's not implicated in alot of things because then her reputation will be in the toliet as well. Keep personal drama off the internet kids.
No. 1450731
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FOURTH time trying to post this shit, let's hope i stop newfagging and get it right this time lmao
kai is losing his shit on twitter once again. he posted a screenshot claiming omnia supposedly reinstated her channel to prove he didn't hack her account, even though the creation date for said channel is the 4th of february this year instead of whenever omnia first created her channel, which is weird.
he's totally spiraling Again, and has now decided to pull a "ooo forgive meee my mental health” and fish for sympathy after willingly posting his freakouts on twitter.
he's also promised a part 2 to his omnia response video, saying he's "waiting for a green light". his more polished response did raise some good points, and i'm interested to see what earth-shattering evidence he's repeatedly claimed to have.
tbh i think more people need to watch these to be informed on both sides of this situation if they’re gonna take such a strong stance. people in omnia's twitter replies are saying they're purposefully not watching his videos. it feels way more like they're trying to cover their own asses by ignoring him. if they don't listen to what he has to say, they can't be wrong and then be held accountable for believing the wrong person if it turns out that way, right? "omg boycott the abuser" isn't going to work in a situation this messy, especially when evidence has suggested that omnia was as mentally and emotionally awful as kai was physically. it is way too he-said/she-said right now to be taking any major stances on who is worse.
i’m trying to stay neutral for now, but omnia is really starting to get on my nerves with all the “omg he hit me and stole my things, anyways here’s a selfie of me and pictures of all these expensive gifts i have, send me more money i'm sooo grateful, follow me on twitch and subscribe to my youtube” shtick. nobody deserves to be hit by their partner, but flaunting all your shit and then having your fans go after kai for doing the same isn’t the move.
No. 1451452
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>>1451178this is probably the nit-pick of all nit-picks, but here's just a small collection of what her tweets have been like ever since the whole situation started.
sure, i get wanting to show how well you're doing after such an event, and rubbing shit in kai's face isn't something i'm going to pull her up on because the dude needs to be humbled pretty bad.
but, at the same time it really feels like this whole thing is just a twitter game to her. i hate to say it, but kai has a point, she's really milking this thing more than she should be. getting back on your feet is one thing, but to tell us about it every second tweet?
there's a pattern with her. she'll tweet something regarding kai, then the very next tweet or an attached one in a thread will be a picture of herself or talking about all the gifts she has or how good her financial situation is.
and that's the thing. where is the money actually going??? i haven't once seen her say anything about covering legal fees, not even in her gofundme description, and that shit is long.
her amazon wishlist isn't super important here since people can choose whether to get her those things or not, but it's mostly expensive switch games and room decor and a fucking 42 dollar nike hat.
there's no doubt in my mind that kai has done a lot of heinous shit. he definitely hit her and he should suffer in some way or another, i am not a fan of the guy at all.
but it seems to me that omnia is really taking this opportunity to cash in and running with it. hard. he is right when he says she's bragging. all power to her for turning a fucked up situation into a way to upgrade her life a little bit, but now she's got a decent following on twitch, youtube and twitter, and she's making money, and still has her financial aid page pinned on her twitter.
the only reason to keep it up, i would think, would be to help cover future legal fees for this supposed court date, but i can't find anything about that in any of her donation links. asking for $5,000? the fuck are you going to do with $5,000 now if you're not paying your lawyer?
huge tinfoil here, but there is actually a chance that omnia is exaggerating a lot of other things kai has done in the relationship to make more money. there's obviously no solid proof and nobody should take what i say as gospel, but if that's how it turned out, i wouldn't be surprised at all.
do excuse the sperg-fest, this thing is a whole reach and a half, i know that. and this will probably be the last time i say anything about it for a while, but does it not seem suspicious to anyone else at all? like, not even a little bit?
No. 1451465
>>1451452I don’t find it suspicious only bc she has previously claimed that kai was arrested for a felony theft charge and that actually requires a certain amount of money to get an arrest warrant for (I believe it is $500 or more or even $1000 or more depending on her location). She also claimed he stole an iPad, Apple Pencil, and Nintendo Switch among other things. if you really think about it its not weird for someone to want to prove they are retrieving the things that were taken from them in spite. How
valid these charges are, we likely wont know until the court case is over but if we’re comparing, Omnia bragging about getting her things back is nominal if we’re considering kai who is morally bankrupt enough to even steal those things in the first place after having already assaulted her.
I dont know about the legal fees either nor does she state anything about it publicly as far as I can see. Im not well versed in the court system so maybe she has been provided one or maybe she is keeping that hidden
No. 1452470
>>1451465Thisis my take on it too. If Kai was my partner and petty enough to steal my things I would also be flaunting it all over the place just to spite him in case he sees it. Kai has always been way more adamant about the material things he bought her since the beginning so I'm not suprised he's more hung up on the fact that he bought her shit while glossing over the other things so casually. And maybe he would be taken more seriously if he wasn't so fucking unhinged. Twitter is bad for him straight up. He cannot go more than a week without having a mental breakdown and then purging all his tweets. Atleast with youtube he has to take time to do it and can take a step back and say "You know I might be acting a little schizo right now maybe not." It might be tacky for Omnia to flaunt her new things, but from what I've seen almost all she has were things Kai straight up admitted to taking but upgraded in some cases which he is absolutely malding over. His whole metldown bullshit reminds me of FishLizard or whatever who would do the same thing.
>>1450731This doesn't prove that Omnia still had access to her old Youtube. And logically it still doesn't make sense on why she would delete her old Youtube herself. Why would she deleted her Youtube with alot more subs and views only to upload the same videos where it would be hard to get them to the point where they previously were? This is another reason I don't trust Kai because he genuinely seems like he's lying on alot of this and then having mental breakdowns live.
No. 1452854
>And logically it still doesn't make sense on why she would delete her old Youtube herself. Why would she deleted her Youtube with alot more subs and views only to upload the same videos where it would be hard to get them to the point where they previously were?I mean, if you look at this from Omnia's point of view, it might make a lot more sense than you think.
Now, if she was in fact as manipulative as Kai is claiming, there is a very large chance that she may have planned this whole thing out after Kai hit her.
She's been making content with him since before they started dating, she's been alongside him during all his controversies, both on and offline. She knows exactly how he operates under backlash and audience pressure, and she knows how the cc community respond to him when he's caught up in anything.
If she truly was this cold, calculated and mentally damaging individual, I wouldn't doubt that she could plan all this out. Delete her Youtube channel, lock her old Twitter, use this as an opportunity to make Kai look like the only guilty party in this. Ask for money to get back on her feet, gain support on new platforms, profit.
But under such short time constraints, it would also make sense that there are plenty of holes in her story. Yet, nobody is going to believe Kai because…well, he's a dick.
And the way he blows up whenever he's given any criticism, even if he is telling the truth you don't want to believe him. He could say the sky is blue and I'd disagree purely due to his attitude.
And if you think about it, Omnia could be smart enough to think about how in most domestic violence cases, women are always favoured regardless.
Of course this whole idea is just based on speculation and convenient plot-holes in her story.
I am in agreement with you, Kai is the one making the whole situation worse from himself, and it's very hard to believe him when he acts the way he does. And him making this whole thing about the gifts and material items to deflect blame is possibly the worst move he could've made. But I also understand where the other anon is coming from, there is a possibility that she's more involved than she admits.
No. 1470705
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Omnia took Kai’s cat away from him and now she’s using it to do more e-begging.
No. 1471181
>>1470705it seems things are starting to take a turn here. as much as i hate the dude, kai absolutely is right, if omnia needs emergency cat funds why did she take a second cat when she's already supposedly struggling to look after the first one? what happened to all the money she got from numerous donation sources? she even said she got free tuition with her financial aid, where the fuck is all this money going???
before, she was bragging about being able to look after her first cat, showing pictures of three huge tubs of premium cat treats and food. now she's asking for all this money because… kai kept the few pet supplies for HIS cat because she took it from him for no reason other than to be petty ?? how about don't take in a fucking cat if you can't care for it. there are ZERO signs of abuse from kai with this animal, and you can't say "uhhh i'm keeping certain details out of the public sphere for legal reasons, you don't know the whole story" to try and justify the lies.
i'm saying it right here right now, omnia is just as bad as kai and she's a total bitch for doing this.
No. 1471784
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>>1471181i think you're right anon, i believe that kai was likely
abusive but omnia is milking the shit out of this situation and makes herself look sketchy by ebegging constantly and seemingly being unable to resist the urge of subtweeting kai at every given opportunity. she's being weirdly petty about the whole thing and treating it like drama although she complains about others doing the same thing (picrel). if she wants to win in court she needs to get off the internet and stop giving kai free ammunition. at least kai had the sense to delete his twitter
No. 1471877
>>1471784>>1471742for sure anon, but i'd understand her point a bit more if there wasn't evidence of gabbie (kai's cat) laying all over him and being comfortable with him picking her up and such on his twitter. cats aren't stupid, there's no way she's gonna let him pick her up like that if he's being violent to her. and given the reaction he had to the situation on his stream, he definitely seems really broken up about it, not playing it up. i would be too if my ex took the cat that i owned before we started dating. and if she's worried about gabbie's safety, why would she put her in danger by taking her in and not being able to afford it?
and she absolutely is milking it other anon. it's been 3 months, and abuse is never okay but goddamn you can't live on sympathy forever because you're just constantly keeping yourself tied to the situation. she received more than enough donations to get her back on track, and she has a pretty large audience to provide for to make a good chunk of her own money. if she truly wanted to move on, she'd get a fucking job and stop ebegging.
and now that omnia is starting to show just how shady and sneaky she is, i really wouldn't be surprised if kai's actions actually were in self-defense. i can't make a call on that right now though.
No. 1472904
>>1471877> if there wasn't evidence of gabbie (kai's cat) laying all over him and being comfortable with him picking her up and such on his twitter. cats aren't stupid, there's no way she's gonna let him pick her up like that if he's being violentI was about to say that's such a ridiculous thing to say but then you made me remember this one time my friend had a dog who was abused heavily by it's previous owner and because of that, it really didn't like to be around me or our other friends because he was scared of others thinking he'd get hit. But overtime as me and our other friend kept coming around to our friend's house and he got to see us more, he eventually started to like and not be afraid of us when he realized we meant no harm to him. I think your right, cats and dogs tend to have a sixth sense to know who is trustworthy and who isn't and if Kai was as
abusive as Omnia is claiming, I feel like the cat wouldn't want to be around for fear it might get abused. Usually when animals are in stressful situation ,they show signs of uneasiness but that cat looks rather content and non-threatened.
Also agree with you and the other anon that it's already been 3 months about it. I don't want to minimize the potential abuse but the way she's going about it comes across as milky. Like she wants everyone to remember that she was abused and I honestly don't know any abuse survivors who mention their abuse anytime they can or it's convenient.
But yes you're right that we 'll never know who's telling the truth until the court is settled and if they air their laundry out and we can see if there are any holes or contradictions in their stories.
No. 1473542
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Well then. This is a pretty interesting development.
According to Kai, the reason Omnia isn't sharing anything until after court is because she wanted him to take a plea deal, and the terms included him not talking about her or the situation and removing everything from every social media platform for a year. Which means, if Omnia decided to release her side, Kai legally would be forbidden to say anything for a whole year, no matter how many lies she throws in there. She can make him look as bad as she wants, and by the time kai is allowed to say anything about it, the damage is already done.
If this is true, then it's huge.
This basically throws every single claim she's made thus far into the maybe pile. The plea deal would also mean Kai has to admit fault without any evidence. So that's pretty much automatically pleading guilty to strangling her even though he claims she didn't, and having to return everything in the restitution check. Which, knowing Omnia, probably includes every single expensive and/or fancy possession of his. It also probably included his cat, which is honestly a sick thing to do. The cat is not hers, it is his, and the way she's trying to spin the story to make it look like he didn't give a fuck is pretty disgusting.
I get the feeling that she's panicking now though, she's barely said anything about the situation beyond a sentence or two for a while. And when she does make a 'thread', it's her asking for cash. I actually think Kai might be right about her. She's shady as hell and I don't think I could really trust anything she brings out now. Especially when Kai has been presenting evidence this entire time and she has shown none.
Kai is also dropping a part two to his first video pretty soon, and if it's as poised and collected and well-made as his first one, we may actually have a turned table on our hands.
No. 1473571
>>1473542I really hate this. I hate that this is a thing because it never feels completely right to question a person who potentially was abused but at the same time, I have to give Kai some intrigue because you're right, he has been providing evidence while Omnia has kept quiet and just retorts to "I'm the one who was abused" and then asks for donations. It really does come across shady for sure and if the plea deal is true, there's no question that if Kai actually is speaking the truth and is innocent, Omnia is really gonna be exposed as a con-woman.
This is all so much eugh
No. 1473595
>>1473571it does feel wrong to say someone is playing the
victim, especially when there is a chance that they have been abused. but that's why manipulators are called that very name. they manipulate your emotions, get into your head to try and make you second guess yourself no matter how much evidence there is against them. i'd recommend just sitting back and observing what happens next, then once more evidence comes out, you can figure out who you stand with.
No. 1473802
>>1473796omnia hit kai too. she would refuse to take her medication, then have mental breakdowns and lash out and hit kai. obviously if someone's being violent towards you repeatedly, you're gonna hit back.
this isn't a cut and dry abuse case, it's pretty obvious that omnia has pushed kai to his limit multiple times. he absolutely shouldn't have hit her back, that's never the best way to go about it. but if omnia chose to not take her medication, the consequences of that are on her. especially when kai was the one getting her refills and trying to help her.
No. 1473814
>>1473811>A woman hitting a man isn’t as bad as a man hitting a woman 3 times.what in the double standards is this take?? omnia hit kai MULTIPLE times, on MULTIPLE occasions, it wasn't just once. it shouldn't matter whether it was a man or a woman, hitting someone unprovoked isn't okay point blank period. from what the evidence has shown and how omnia has conducted herself, it's pretty clear that she hit kai and pushed him to his limit, so he reacted. he shouldn't have, but he did. and she can't use mental health to explain it away, because she chose to not take her medication and instead replaced them with edibles.
not hearing someone out even though they have very solid evidence for their case just because they're a man says a lot about you and i hope you one day find peace.
No. 1473821
>>1473816i'm sorry but are you dense? if omnia was hitting him and pushing him enough for him to hit back, that's self defence, him being a man doesn't automatically make him an abuser for hitting a woman. SHE is the abuser in this case. subjects of abuse find it very hard to leave their situations due to physical, mental and emotional attachments, regardless of whether they're a man or a woman. it's pretty erroneous of you to say he should've left like 'a normal person' if you believe that men hitting women isn't okay. should every woman who's been abused just get up and leave like 'a normal person'?
i apologise if you've had any awful experiences with
abusive men that have made you feel this way, but not every experience is the same as yours if that's the case. i'm not defending an abuser, because kai isn't one. self-defence isn't abuse. him being a man and her being a woman does not matter. if she is hitting him first and he is hitting back to defend himself, she is the abuser. if a woman begins beating a man senseless, and he decides he's had enough and retaliates, does that make him the perp? absolutely not. that's what you're saying right now and it doesn't make any sense.
No. 1473826
>>1473821Again, I’d only feel bad if Omnia was some type of body builder or was stronger then Kai, but she isn’t. If someone hits someone weaker then them instead of walking away, then yeah, that’s abuse. Abuse of strength and abuse of power. Do you forget strength differences because these people are on the internet? Do you go outside? Do you realize biological sex differences or do you just want to keep defending an
abusive man because he hit someone much, much weaker than him instead of walking away? I don’t like either of these people, but it’s ridiculous to see people act so oblivious to something that is obviously disgusting. I’d be just as judgemental of Omnia if she was stronger than Kai, but she isn’t. He should have walked away, and if he doesn’t work on that then I can only hope he never has kids.
No. 1473838
>>1473826this also makes no sense. abuse is still abuse. just because omnia might be weaker, doesn't mean she isn't capable of hurting him. kai shouldn't be shit on just because he's stronger. this is probably one of the reasons why he stayed with her for this long. because people would automatically think he's the one in the wrong for defending himself.
i realise biological sex differences exist but they don't apply here. you're basically proposing the notion that all women are weak and all men are strong, which is a ridiculous view to have even on somewhere like here. this isn't the 1950s.
if kai is the subject of domestic abuse, he CAN'T just walk away even if he is stronger than omnia. like i said before: physical, mental and emotional connections. threats, possessions, animals. there are so many things that could've held kai from leaving. but you can't assume that "he's a big strong man so he needs to just ignore her and leave, if he hits back to protect himself he's still a man hitting a woman and that's abuse so he deserves it.". that's fucking stupid, what's disgusting is omnia spinning the story to make him look like a volatile abuser and profiting off it. what's disgusting is her stealing his companion of many years and calling him an animal abuser with no evidence just because she wanted to.
if you truly think kai could have and should have just walked away, i hope you're at least consistent and keep that energy for women in the same situations. tell them they should've just walked away and see what happens.
No. 1473861
>Women are socialized differently then men, first off, so no I wouldn’t tell a woman that.socialisation has nothing to do with what i'm saying here. no matter how a woman is raised and taught to be strong and to defend herself, abuse will break you down and make you afraid. if you don't have the gall to tell a woman in an abuse situation to just leave, don't say it to a man in the exact same situation. it's truly disgusting behaviour.
you're still so focused on the fact that kai has to be an abuser because he hit a woman and he's a man. women can abuse men, that is a fact. just because he was arrested over charges, doesn't mean he's automatically guilty. that's what trials are for. you don't just get arrested and go to jail for what you did, you go to court and present evidence. that's when sentences and pleas are dealt out.
i HAVE been in similar abuse situations. been there done that. my abuser, a woman, was able to throw me, a fairly well-built guy, into walls and on the floor and beat me whenever she was angry. i've been kicked in the dick by her more times than i can count. i shouldn't have to explain my personal past to you, but if that's what it takes to get you to understand that abuse comes in many different forms, i will. blog ahead.
i pushed, shoved and hit her to get her off me because she was relentless and wouldn't let me even leave the room. i couldn't get her to stop hitting me until i fought back. i was not going to sit there and let her try and kill me if i could do something about it. are you going to call me an abuser for hitting her now? because by your logic, i'm a piece of shit just for hitting a woman at all.
it wasn't about strength, she made me fucking afraid. i was too scared to 'use my strength' or just walk out because that woman was terrifying. i had to get help from other people to leave, and to this day she hasn't faced any legal justice for what she did.
but this isn't a pity party for me, you need to understand that abuse is a much more intricate monster to wrap your head around than it once was. it's not just about biological differences or ooga booga man stronger woman weaker. i could probably win over my abuser when it came to physical strength, but she always won at making me afraid. no amount of muscle is going to help you when you're in that situation. big sorry to the mods for the fat ass blog, but it's important to see this from the perspective of someone who's lived it. you need to look at this thing from every angle and put yourself into kai's shoes for a minute. omnia would hit kai, yell at him, tell him to hit her over and over, threaten to kill herself if he ever tried to leave or call anyone or help himself. but the minute he decides to take the situation into his own hands for his own safety, he's an
abusive scum piece of shit who should off himself? okay. whatever.
No. 1473872
>>1473861Omg. You’re a scrote? Suddenly everything makes sense. Have fun at your next MRA zoom meeting, incel. I love it when women stand up for theirselves against men, lmao. Sorry that you’re not as much of a
victim as you like to make yourself out to be, go cry about it on 4chan.
No. 1473875
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>>1473861> i've been kicked in the dick by her more times than i can count.She sounds sexy, does she like women and would she beat men up for me without asking?
No. 1473882
>>1473875you're so embarrassing. you said you hoped i didn't end up in a similar situation and i gave you an answer to try and give some actual perspective on the topic, because it actually adds to the conversation at hand. don't clutter the point with your edgy feminist girlviolence fetish.
anyway, what i'm saying is you probably need to do more research. go through their social medias, look at archives. at this point all i can suggest is come to your own conclusion, but at least consider both sides before you do it. otherwise there's no point.
No. 1474160
>>1474143i don’t think he got doxxed? feels like more people would be talking about it if that happened. also you should sage your posts (type “sage” into the email field) to avoid bumping the thread if you aren’t posting screenshots/milk newfriend!
>>1473861gtfo moid, this is a website for women. also she’s a girlboss for kicking you in the nuts! is she single?
No. 1475114
>>1475048The cc is full of snakes. And this rabbit person rubs ne the wrong way. They are like, I'm going to take accountability but then go on bitch and sub tweet about how unfair they were treated?
They also blocked me when I told them they were just as bad as Kai so maybe I hit a bit to close to the mark.
No. 1476008
>>1475048she isn't much better but the entire issue of the peach situtation was that things were blown way too much out of proportion
it didn't need to be a public issue, we're not talking of her doing scamming or such, she's just not that good of a friend
No. 1481685
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Here's something interesting.
Turns out Omnia has about 5 known Twitter accounts, one of which was made this month, presumably after she took Kai's cat. This one in particular is privated, but judging from the replies it seems that it's been made solely to shittalk Kai (picrel). Neither he nor anyone else that isn't in her little echo chamber can see what she's tweeting. I haven't censored the names of any of these accounts responding since they're all over Omnia's public account too.
I don't think this warrants a bump but I think it's milky enough to at least talk about since there could be some pretty incriminating information in there. And considering what Kai said about being offered a plea deal to keep quiet about the situation for a year, it feels like Omnia has an obsession with silencing people who go against her. Thoughts?
No. 1483232
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>>1481685Samefagging but I am actually going to bump this now, because Kai just released this. If this message is real (which it seems to be), this whole thing could potentially be premeditated. The more evidence that's coming to light, the sketchier things look.
No. 1516320
>>1516045Seeing the peaches shit, some of these scrotes coming at her are so fucking aggressive and fucking creepy sounding. Like everyone dog piling this one person, this "community " is almost as bad as the make up guru "community". It's crazy how people were hearing grown men go, "it's my job to ruin her day" or whatever he said and going, "yep, this is fine".
I actually like cecils videos. Espeically the one on Amberlynn and the people who hate watching fat women.
No. 1516504
>>1516320Sorry but even with that in mind, call me a "boomer" or whatever but Peaches brought all that drama onto herself by sticking her nose where she didn't need to and then not being able to deal with the fall out that comes when you do that.
The whole suicide bating thing again, yeah we get it that she has fucking mental problems but of course people are gonna get annoyed when you bring it up n a consistent basis. Had she just kept that shit to herself and her small group of friends and stopped making so many posts about them on her social media, no one would've brought it up. but I guess this is just where the generation divide comes into play because as an old millennial, I haven noticed that zoomers can't help but put so much of themselves out o the internet and not understand how once it's there, it never goes away and how it can come back and bite you later in life.
No. 1517432
>>1516045Finished the entire thing in full and it's a fairly good synopsis of pretty much everything that was talked about in the Tobi thread and this one. There were alot of smaller things that Cecil missed like the Mari Akustu shit and Fishlizard schizo posting, but those were inconsequential to the larger dramas. This video really just goes to show how messed up the ACC is/was. And now with the bigger people talked about being gone/silent; Tobi fucked off and hasn't been seen since december, Kai is now priv, Omnia is doing her own thing not really focusing on commentary atm, PML fucked off, Creepshow Fucked off, and Junkie fucked off. I agree with Cecil that the community is probably more than dead at this point. Spoctor, Peaches, Kamen, Omnia, JAR, and Even Ponder don't seem to do much commentary anymore and instead focus on other things. Will this thread die? Maybe and honestly I hope it does. This community has been nothing but headache after headache. Let it die for the love of shit.
No. 1569153
>>1560002I know this is an old comment but I agree with you anon. I'm tired of peole babying Peaches and letting her get away with her petty and crybaby antics. The people defending her are either high school kids who don't know shit about the real world or mindless idiots who can't see what a pissant she's been since she came back. She could've just not addressed it at all and moved on with her life but nope, has to be a drama queen.
It's been quiet now and hopefully it stays that way.
No. 1578984
>>1574015Aside from the obnoxious whining about "muh pronouns" (on both sides, it's fucking pathetic), I' don't understand why he brought it back up. If both of them are still involved with the court system, they should be waiting until AFTER everything is settled and over. This whole he said/she said back and fourth is redundant if he can't go into hard specifics because of legal matters.
It's just all pointless in the end. He could've just came back and made content and ignore the people who tried to bring the drama back up. Both parties have such undeserved egos but at least Omnia had stopped talking about the situation since her potential scam news came out.
No. 1578987
>>1574015<"My Partner"
Does anyone else get annoyed when people talk like this? It's not just Kai and Omnia but I noticed so many of Gen Z say this bullshit and it's lowkey annoying but that's probably just me. I just miss the days when people would say things like "girlfriend"/"wife" and "boyfriend"/"husband" lol
No. 1584230
>>1584199The thing I dislike about videos like this is that they show no evidence for the so-called "Racism" that they claim they see. It's always "I never experienced racism but I've seen other artists get this, that, and the other" or how they got it themselves on their own work. Okay, examples? It's a whole bunch of telling but not showing and in this day and age where people are a bit overly sensitive to where some can moan about any little thing, it'd be nice if they showed some proof to back up their claims.
A simple screenshot or even an explanation of what exactly they saw would suffice.
No. 1585748
File: 1657564239470.png (222.28 KB, 559x822, kaiweisscourtdate.png)

>>1574015>>1578984This is the third time he’s tried making videos about this. Kai doesn’t understand that no one cares about his side until the court gives a verdict.
Kai keeps comparing himself to Johnny Depp on Twitter. But Depp had recordings of Amber where she admitted to hitting him, cutting off his finger, and acting psycho. All Kai has is his word, and his word is shit.
Kai is so desperate to be right and victorious in the eyes of the internet, but he can’t even show up to court at the right time. He says he’s learned a lot of lessons in six months, but he still hasn’t learned how to shut the fuck up until it’s the right time to talk.
>>1578987They can’t do that because they’re both “nonbinary” Omnia even wants top surgery. To call Omnia or Kai a masculine or feminine term would be an affront to their god
No. 1585917
>>1585748>Kai doesn’t understand that no one cares about his side until the court gives a verdict. He really doesn't and he needs to comprehend that and shut the fuck up. Stop trying to give your word that frankly means nothing, not until we see the court verdict and you can post whatever relevant evidence you have that supports your claim.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think Omnia is completely innocent neither and I'm sure some of what Kai said might be true, she just comes across as a two-faced bitch, I can't explain it but I have a hunch. But until again, the court is settled and down with, both need to zip it. If Kai wants to make content again, just do it.
>They can’t do that because they’re both “nonbinary” Omnia even wants top surgery. To call Omnia or Kai a masculine or feminine term would be an affront to their godEh I don't buy into nonbinary bullshit, just another case of people wanting to be special snowflakes to mask their boring and/or uninteresting personalities. as for Omnia wanting "top surgery", that's retarded and she's gonna regret it I guarantee it lol.
No. 1586623
>>1585748These are my thoughts too. Kai really thinks people are going to just take him at his word after all the shits he's shown to do? He's a sniveling little coward that lost a debate to John Swan of all people over the rage-baiting brat that is Akumu. I don't think Omnia is innocent at all, but pardon people for not wanting to hear a thing you say when you brung up the fact the you and Omnia fucked not too long before her thread was posted, constantly bringing up how much money you spent on her, and actually admitted you hit her.
Either pony up the verdict details or shut the fuck up.
And I have a hunch on how things are gonna go with the verdict; Kai is gonna be found to have been guilty of alot of the shit he was accused of and go offline completely with a screaming tantrum on the way out.
No. 1591968
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>>1586623Exactly. Kai lies by omission. He lets Omnia provide their context and then fills in the blanks for maximum
victim status. I just wanna know who this person is - stanning so hard for a guy who clearly projects his understandable hatred towards his
abusive mother towards every other woman … watch out girl, its gonna be you
or maybe that's just kai's alt account, because i don't see anything else that makes me think they're a real person
No. 1591970
File: 1658281441131.png (183.16 KB, 750x1334, b - Copy.png)

jfc sorry
No. 1595959
File: 1658644045110.jpg (120.75 KB, 730x763, Troonsperging.jpg)

Troon spergs about not having their pronouns respected and instead of blocking the person, of course they have to post the conversation between them and a nobody for "pity points"
No. 1595961
File: 1658644123801.jpg (89.65 KB, 754x616, Troonsperging2.jpg)

>>1595959More of the troon sperging but with an autistic meltdown
No. 1596508
>>1596420Not much except Maxie trying to label Omnia a copycat. Kind of agree with Anon
>>1591968 about Maxie being Kai's alt account.
No. 1598117
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Hopeless Peaches (Rosie) jumps in to give a take on Omnia copying art, and somehow makes it all about herself. (1/2)
No. 1598125
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>>1598120Kai says he will make a response to Omnia’s video.
No. 1598135
File: 1658856364835.jpg (247.05 KB, 1080x1083, Omnia Copy.jpg)

>>1598085Yeah. In Artist Salt #31, an anon posted this. I'd link to it, but I don't know how.
No. 1598148
>>1598117>>1598120It's funny how Peaches like to say she stays out of drama but always seems to involve herself in things like this and when she inevitably gets roped in she'll start crying about her mental health. She did the same thing with the Tobi drama when she was called out for talking over people. Kai at this point just sounds like a bitter ex. Omnia did very obviously take inspiration from that art, not outright tracing and her deleting comments telling her to credit is shitty.
These people are fucking exhausting.
No. 1599148
File: 1658938946748.png (223.45 KB, 602x1204, HarleyTBS and Kai.png)

>>1598117Looks like this is the next ACC drama. (1/3)
Kai confirms he will be releasing a video responding to Omnia soon.
HarleyTBS jumps in to say Omnia’s video was terrible.
MaliMalware did a reaction stream to Omnia’s video, and Hopeless Peaches was in the chat. Hopeless Peaches joined the stream at the end. says she will respond to the accusations when she gets home from vacation.
They sure do turn on each other fast, huh?
No. 1599692
>>1596420In regards to Tobi, i guess JAR really did stick to his word about going back to the Tobi drama to "debunk the lies"
despite the drama being long dead and the horse has been beaten so much its practically a skeleton now LOL
No. 1599695
>>1596420>>1599692more recent video.
i know its common knowledge in this thread that JAR is basically a grifter but damn i always knew he'd get an ego boost after his "success" in the Peaches drama.
how much yall wanna bet he's gonna do a peaches saga 2.0 and make this a series where he goes through every one of the videos done on the Tobi drama and go to bat for her like he did Peaches?
No. 1599700
>>1599148tbh Harley's always been like that.
i noticed he tends to sway with the public opinion, either going off with the objectively "better" opinion in the debacle or play devil's advocate when its not needed.
then again, what did anyone expect considering he's friends with JAR? LOL
(and funny that they're both friends with peaches and they were both the main detractors against kai and omnia during the drama to the point that among everyone who made videos on Peaches, those two got the worst of it)
personally i feel like peaches has always had it out for omnia and took the opportunity when omnia's recent video didnt sit right with the cc
malimalware got one thing right about the cc and it's all a massive snake pit of creators turning on each other
No. 1600442
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Harley did this to someone who called themself a fan of them. How do you treat fans like this when they show disappointment.
No. 1601279
File: 1659106307484.png (472.28 KB, 602x3266, [3pnrc721x.png)

Hopeless Peaches got mad at JAR because he dared to say that Kai and Peaches agreed that Omnia shouldn’t copy art and Omnia made a bad video. Then Peaches deleted the thread.
Peaches is so sensitive. She goes off on anything. I bet being her friend feels like walking on eggshells.
Then Peaches was mad that Kai said if he punched and elbowed Omnia in the face repeatedly, Omnia would of had more damage in the photo, since the photo was taken two days after her injuries.
No. 1601439
>0:00 - 38:22 JAR summarizes Tobi drama and Kai drama.>40:00 Junkie waits till a drama is over and picks his stance based on the winner.>45:00 Junkie is sorry to BentheLooney/Trent for brushing off Tobi’s blackmail. JAR says telling someone you’re going to make a video on them is not blackmail. >48:30 Junkie says Tobi shouldn’t have posted porn recommendations on her Twitter. Doodle/JAR says Tobi thinks of her channel for adults, and Tobi shouldn’t have to cater to kids when that’s not who her content is for. >52:00 Junkie says the titles Tobi recommended had a lot of messed up stuff in them, like underage/adult relationships and rape. JAR says who cares.>52:00 Junkie says Tobi was speaking for all trans people. Doodle says there’s not enough context presented, and without context it just looks like Tobi is giving her personal opinion>53:00 Junkie says Tobi is hypocritical because Tobi said anyone who draws sexually explicit/implicit material of children, fictional or not, is a pedophile, and Tobi has drawn sexual images of minors. JAR says it’s not hypocritical because Tobi’s drawings were of teens who could pass for adults, and BentheLooney’s drawings were of a 6 - 11 year old.>54:00 Junkie says Tobi drew NSFW of the MHA character and porn of Sailor Moon. JAR says the MHA was not porn. JAR says it is somewhat hypocritical, but Todoroki with a bloody nose isn’t the same as OK KO naked with a huge dick. >56:00 Junkie says Tobi deflected when asked about her lewd drawings. JAR says if Tobi didn’t know the age/aged them up, then there is no problem. JAR also says that Tobi said she would stop drawing these things, so what more do you want?>1:00:30 Junkie says Tobi made a response, but she didn’t take responsibility and used her BPD as an excuse. Doodle says acknowledging you have BPD doesn’t mean you’re using it as an excuse. >1:03:30 Junkie says JAR reignited the Tobi drama with his video and was biased. JAR says Luke made a video before him. Doodle says everyone has biases, and says that Junkie is making his video in part because he is friends with Thumin, Kai, and Omnia. There’s nothing wrong with your friends trying to defend you from points they think are wrong. >1:05:00 Junkie says Tobi doesn’t take her BPD seriously. Doodle says she doesn’t like this narrative, and Junkie has no evidence of that. >1:06:40 Junkie says Tobi needs to give a real apology. Doodle says Tobi deplatformed herself.>1:07:20 Junkie says Tobi should get some help. Doodle says that they have no way of knowing if Tobi has help or not. JAR says Junkie doesn’t mean what he says, and now that Tobi has no income from Youtube, she is less likely to be able to afford getting help.>1:17:00 Junkie says Peaches did a lot of messed up stuff. Doodle asks why are they covering Peaches in a video on Tobi>1:19:00 Junkie says Peaches said she knew Kai and Omnia personally, and that wasn’t true. Doodle says Peaches knew Kai and Omnia for months, so it wasn’t an unreasonable thing to say.>1:22:10 Junkie says Peaches made a lot of Tweets and comments about Omnia that she deleted. Then Peaches said she was receiving loads of hate. JAR said Peaches did get a lot of hate. >1:25:00 Junkie says Nezzimonster was biased against Kai and Omnia. Doodle says Nezziemonster only got involved after Kai and Omnia started Tweeting them. >1:35:50 Junkie says Tobi’s drama was long because Tobi and her friends reacted to it. Doodle says the drama was long because everyone, Tobi, Kai, and Omnia kept reacting to it, making videos, and making Tweets.>1:37:00 Junkie says Tobi supported BLM, but supported Shane Dawson. JAR says you can do those things at the same time.>1:40:00 Junkie says Thumin never directly called anyone racist. JAR says Thumin said that people were ganging up on “two small black creators”, which implied racism. >1:45:00 Junkie says JAR said Todoroki wasn’t a minor. JAR says he said he wasn’t a kid, which is different.>1:48:00 Junkie says it was offensive to use black Spongebob. JAR says he apologized and fired the editor. JAR says it was never meant to be a race joke.>1:52:00 Junkie says JAR didn’t realize Butters was biased until after the video was made. JAR says Junkie lied about this. JAR says he already discussed this with Junkie in DM’s, and Junkie said he would say it in his video, but he didn’t.>2:02:50 JAR says Junkie lied about MangaKamen. Manga gave Junkie the script not thinking Junkie would leak it to someone who didn’t like him. >2:04:30 Junkie says Peaches shouldn’t of touched the script if she was friends with Omnia. JAR says friends can do videos on each other and still be friends. Doodle says Peaches’ only contribution was grammar. >2:09:55 Doodle responds to Tobi’s Instagram post. Doodle says the situation between Omnia and Kai is cut and Junkie’s video came out months after Tobi left her platform and is boring. JAR’s response to it is therefore also boring and presents rebuttals to points that no one cares about because no one wants to hear about Tobi any more.
>>1599695This video is more of the same. JAR going over Luke’s old Tobi series and retreading ground no one cares about. It’s boring.
No. 1601442
>0:29 - 9:47 Kai shows Omnia copying the Raven drawings. He says Omnia should have given credit. Kai shows more instances of Omnia copying art without credit. Omnia even colored a linework her friend did and claimed the entire artwork as her OC.
>9:50 - 28:36 Kai goes over Omnia’s newest video, “The CC’s Biggest Flaw”. He says the problem is that Omnia presents her opinion as definitive.
>15:45 - 20:35 Kai goes on a tangent to talk about Omnia stealing his cat Gabbie. Kai is upset Omnia said he abused the cats. Kai shows that Omnia trusted him with the cats, and he shows a clip of Gabbie coming to him when called and allowing herself to be picked up by him.
>22:40 Omnia says that trauma and drama are similar, but the main difference is that trauma is a lot more severe. Kai says Omnia is not qualified to differentiate if someone’s experience is trauma or not. Kai says Omnia should just listen to peoples’ feelings and not try to differentiate if what they’ve been through “counts”.
>24:35 Kai apologizes to Peaches/Rosie for using her grooming artwork as a thumbnail and dismissing her feelings about it.
>25:50 Omnia says that usually trauma causes a physical or behavioral change. She says that trauma can cause someone to have PTSD, need therapy, need medication, have nightmares, cause weight gain/loss, hallucinations, insomnia, etcetera. Drama causes less symptoms and is less intense. Trauma can be abuse and threats, while drama is stuff like getting a bad grade or arguing with a parent.Kai says Omnia is not a therapist, and he is upset that Omnia is using their experience together to be a spokesperson about trauma.
>29:00 Kai says Omnia is a hypocrite because she did the things that she considers to be “just drama”. She cheated on her ex, gossips about other creators, and backstabbed her friends. Kai says these things traumatized them.
>34:00 Kai says Omnia has done the things Creepshow has done, but on a smaller scale. Omnia has her friends stalk Kai’s account and try to get him to interact with them. She has tried to smear Kai as transphobic. She farmed donations, using abuse allegations, pride month, and Juneteenth as methods to get money. Omnia hasn’t provided proof of where the donated money went. Omnia stalked Kai’s brother’s Instagram. Omnia has her friends stalk Kai’s streams despite saying that people do that to her and Omnia doing it to Peaches.
>38:00 Omnia says one way to differentiate between drama and trauma is if the event can happen on any odd day. Things that don’t happen every day, such as the death of a loved one, stalking, and fearing for one’s life don’t happen every day, and they are traumatic.Kai says that trauma is not based off of intensity or symptoms. It’s subjective to everyone.
>41:30 Omnia discusses Tweets about situations that were trauma treated as drama. Kai says Omnia should have researched these situations more to discuss them.
>44:25 Kai finds Omnia’s video tags weird and offensive. Omnia tags Kai and “technoblade cancer”
>45:55 Omnia was upset that Kai revealed information about her, such as her college. Kai says Omnia has her college posted on her public Instagram. Kai says Omnia was upset that Kai revealed that she had depression, but Omnia had already made a public animation about it. Omnia was upset that Kai outed her sexuality to her parents, but Kai says that only happened because Kai had to contact Omnia’s parents because she was trying to kill herself.
>49:30 Kai asks how Omnia’s bruising could be so minor if he had repeatedly beat Omnia in the face with his fists and elbows as well as strangling her. He says that Omnia has bruising on her arms because he was trying to keep her away from him. Kai shows photos of domestic violence victims who publicly posted photos of themselves on Twitter during the Amber Heard case to show what it looks like when you get beat up. Kai says Tipster had to photoshop Omnia’s bruises in his thumbnail because the bruises were hard to notice.
>53:00 Omnia talks about the Amber Heard Johnny Depp case without watching it. Kai says that Omnia was given many examples of trauma/drama cases on Twitter, and she should have used one of those as an example since she did not want to watch the trial.
>55:50 Omnia criticizes Jacksepticeye and Pewdiepie for making fun of Amber Heard’s “I stepped on a bee” line. Omnia says they should pry into Amber’s private life. Kai says that Omnia revealed private details about his exes on Twitter to strangers. He says don’t make a situation public if you don’t want people to speak on it.
>1:00:00 Omnia says people shouldn’t mock Amber Heard’s alleged sexual assault because it sets a dangerous precedent. Kai says that Amber Heard lying about sexual assault would do the same thing. He says that Amber lying about abuse is worth ridicule because it’s damaging to other victims.
>1:01:30 Omnia liked Tweets against Johnny Depptl;dr Kai uses Omnia’s current controversy as a springboard to discuss his old dramas, the abuse allegations, court proceedings, and personal drama that happened between them.
Kai goes back and forth between calling Omnia affectionate pet names, defending her, and saying he wants the best for her, and calling Omnia an
abusive, petty,
toxic liar. He also says things like, “I gave my life for you, Hanna”.
It’s creepy.
This video comes off as a weird way for Kai to get any form of contact he can from Omnia.
No. 1601538
>>1598148Do you think this will be the next Peaches self-pitying "I've gotta leave the internet for muh mental health" fiasco if this tracing/referencing call out gets traction?
If she really was not about drama, she would've just left it alone or at the very least not make the post about herself and just kept it brief and to the point.
No. 1601547
>>1599700>Personally I feel like Peaches has always had it out for Omnia and took the opportuity when omnia's recent video didn't sit right with the ccI agree that she more than likely had it out omnia as well but it's exhausting because Omnia herself is not likable. Really none of the people in this "drama" are, it's all a bunch of petty bullshit that had ended and is on the verge of being revived.
The only one who is semi-okay is MaliMalware but even she is grating and I won't be surprised if we see her in some sort of dumb acc drama
No. 1601857
>>1601439>>1601279JAR will always be a sperging grifter. He's always tried to go against the popular opinion even if it makes him look objectively wrong. He's always going to be a teenage boy stuck in 2014 and thinking SJW is a real insult. His views on kid vs minor is fucking weird and I love how he completely glosses over the Usagi art and instead focusing on the Todoroki one.
Peaches is a snake and will always be one. She was able to get away with alot because the Shannon drama happened at the time where she was getting alot of hate and she was able to jump on the bandwagon. I can bet she's going to run crying about her mental health now again.
Overall these people are forever going to be immature content farms that will make videos over the slightest disagreement.
No. 1601946
>>1601857JAR is the one who complexes me the most. Why the fuck is he so hellbent on bringing back old drama that was dead and over with? Why is Peaches that important to him to defend when all she's shown to be is a whiny bitch who moans on about her mental health when she involves herself in drama and clearly can't handle it? She loves to play the
victim and anyone with a functioning brain can see that.
I just don't fucking get it. I swear, it feels like they are actually dating but being undercover about it or something because it's ridiculous to me that he's doing all this for her when the drama was over and most people had moved on from it.
No. 1601964
>>1601439>>1601442Thank you for the short and easily digestible summary because there's no way a lot of us was willing to sit through that bullshit lol.
Clear to see that JAR's video was fucking pointless as ever because like you said, no one gives a shit about it anymore. Tobi hasn't been active on YouTube in months nor seems to even talk about it anymore so it's clear that the only reason he made that video is just for money/views since nothing big is happening in the ACC at this time.
As for the Kai video, again nothing of much importance shared and you mentioning that he was calling her pet names is fucking creepy.
You know even though I know this is more than likely not true, wouldn't it be funny if their situation was all fabricated and done just to make extra money and/or views from the controversy? Again I feel this isn't likely to be true but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't.
In any case Kai needs to just be quiet and wait until the court is settled when it comes to talking about their relationships. Him commenting on Omnia's content is fine imo but just leave it at that.
No. 1601965
>>1601946peaches just comes across as a professional
victim to me with how much she uses every other drama to make it about herself.
ironic since that's what JAR called kai when he made his second tobi video where he "apologizes" to him and omnia (i say "apologizes" in quotes because even after trying to own up he still sneaks in passive aggressive jabs at them
JAR cant even be bothered to realize his collab video with kamen and fuchsia had ass takes)
No. 1602395
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Someone in Omnia’s Discord server leaked to Kai/Maxie that Omnia and her fans are writing jail fanfiction about them.
These people are so fucking weird.
No. 1602447
>>1601442"This video comes off as a weird way for Kai to get any form of contact he can from Omnia."
exactly. I don't believe that he "accidentally" sent that long ass message to her after she called the police and filed the protective order.
He gets so bitter about being arrested but they wouldn't arrest him if it was bullshit to call the police on him in the first place
and litigation apparently still isn't over
Kai doesn't understand that Omnia can be a POS for different reasons than him, but he is ALSO a POS and hasn't provided any proof that disproves the allegations at the center of this issue: domestic violence
so he should probably shut the fuck up
No. 1602658
>>1602398>>1602395What the actual fuck is wrong with these people. I am now fully convinced that Omnia is just as fucking deranged if slightly less than Kai. Both are
toxic and petty as shit.
No. 1602663
>>1602447This isn’t true. When you get arrested you answer to charges. They arrested Kai because he was charged. You can be arrested for a crime you did not commit.
In my perspective Omnia is clearly lying about her abuse. I don’t know why people still believe her. These Discord messages are deranged.
No. 1604052
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Damn… Kai’s mom ended her own life. I have my strong opinions about both of them but this is awful.
Sage because it’s not “milk”.
No. 1605479
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Omnia and a few others in the Discord fanfiction messages privated their accounts.
A 14-year old messaged Kai to take the blame for the prison fanfiction, even though the other parties involved were adults, and Omnia participated in the idea and allowed it to happen in her server.
No. 1605611
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>>1605479She keeps replying that she's on vacation and that she'll discuss it afterwards. I think everyone is starting to turn on her or atleast starting to question alot of shit. Even people like Fuchsiabutter are starting to say they're done with this. She better have a good explination or a sympathetic one or she's screwed.
No. 1605663
>>1605660in a sense, yeah.
people write creepy fanfiction all the time, like with the dsmp shit and even way back with the septiplier shit.
not justifying thast, ofc but some people act like it's a new thing when its.. always existed
i think the problem was that it got fucked up implications? like the dsmp and septiplier fics were kinda just gross shipping stuff. but the stuff with kai comes across as making light of the fact he's got in prison and they're making an entertainment out of the him being in jail (or WAS in jail)
its somehow like the peaches thumbnail thing that i thought wasnt really a big deal, but i can see why people would think it's messed up to use something that came from a dark time in her life (her grooming) and using it on a video critical of her than can come off as trivializing the situation like it's not a big deal. i can see that same mindset being applied to the kai prison fics.
at the same time i can understand if omnia maybe wanted to use fics as a means of coping with what she probably endured with kai. but then it came out that it was a kid's idea the whole time
>>1605479and even then omnia's friends didn't just suggest a different way of coping? idk
No. 1605669
>>1605611likewise, people are really pushing her to acknowledge the issue when they can just be patient about it
i get that it's sus she's hiding the replies asking about it, but
personally i'd be a little irritated too if i was on vacation and people kept pestering me and even bringing it up even on posts that have nothing to do with them.
omnia literally already said in a post that she'd address them when she gets back, but these people out here demanding her to talk about it "NOW"
just holy shit LOL
i'd say omnia shouyld just log out of twitter and all her socials for a while and come back when she's ready to address everything, but then again she did that during the peaches drama and idiots accused her of ignoring them about the thumbnail thing when she actually wasn't around to see the posts so…no winning ig
No. 1605718
>>1605669i legit think that the only way omnia can redeem themselves is log off. stop trying to make "youtube career" a thing. use their degree.
They both aired their dirty laundry online in an attempt to deplatform each other and destroy each other as if their life is just an extension of the "art commentary community"
and at this point people have just associated what "side" theyre on with these kids
and its sad. because they both need fuckin help and they need to stop making content if they're going to revert back to shitstirring for relevance and views
like destroy the name. stop calling yourself that. clean the slate. do a new thing. god damn. sage because it's so fucking stupid, all of this is so stupid.
No. 1605934
>>1605660>>1605663It’s a big deal because it’s weird, and it exposes Omnia as vindictive and petty. It also calls into question her domestic violence
victim status.
What kind of person who goes through serious domestic violence writes fanfiction about their abuser, let alone writes that fanfiction in public with a bunch of children?
Like imagine if Markiplier was exposed for writing weird creepy Septiplier fanfictions behind the scenes with his child audience. That’s how weird this is.
No. 1606831

>>1599695exactly as predicted, JAR really is making this a series of debunking every video made on Tobi and just generally whiteknighting her hard
though in this case, he decided to capitalize on omnias latest controversy by combining debunking her tobi video together with the peaches drama.
i just skimmed over to the tobi and a bit of the peaches parts because the rest of the video was on dollieguts and a wholeass last segment by some "lin lin" person (his collab partner in this video) and i couldnt care less about those LOL
the tobi portion was just JAR mentioning the same shit from his first tobi video, both of which omnia and/or kai already apologized for, such as the subtweet and the petty threat that
omnia already took out and apologized for in a later video JAR just really wants to keep dragging those points so badly it's pathetic.
im just glad he didnt bring up the tired "leaked DM's!!" arguement because that would be just as stupid (like when mangakamen brought law into it lmfao)
the peaches segment seemed a bit more up to date, aside from bringing up that dumb thumbnail shit and JAR getting butthurt that omnia called his self-victimizing comment during the creepshow drama as "clout".
tbh this part has very little to do with peaches at all aside from those two things, it seems to talk more about peaches and the acc making a video on omnia tracing art and her takes during the "drama vs trauma" part of her video (the main one they have a problem with)
sidenote but at 16:25 near the very end of the peaches section, JAR makes this mistake where he recommends people to check peaches video but puts up a screenshot to
kai's video on omnia instead. i just find that funny.
No. 1606896
>>1606831Nonnie please, let them beat the dead horse until the bones rattle.
The argument that people can't mention past drama is so stupid.
I feed on dumb, petty drama like this. Seeing these idiots criticize each other for stuff they can't uphold themselves is so milky.
Omnia (and Thumin) had this coming for a while and I'm happy the callouts are starting right now.
Both of them pretend to be uwu cute soft artists when they are actually petty, holier-than-thou cows who pull up oppression cards when criticized.
Omnias latest video was so fucking bad even that wont safe her this time lol.
And what Thumin did behind the scenes (f.e. during the peaches shit) shows she is a two-faced snake.
If this drama had been about anybody else those two would have already made multiple videos on it.
Jar and linlin are both idiots but they make fair points in this video imo. How you can watch this and only get upset about jar is weird honestly.
Honorary mention for that simping weirdo kai for making the first videos about omnia and thumin.
He got rightfully dragged by everyone and is in actual legal shit and still stayed on yt lol.
I wish creepshow and tobi would have been that persistent.
No. 1609018
>>1608857If that’s all you’re going to say, either do it yourself or shut the fuck up.
>>1608876Her content is boring and drawn out. She needs to learn to condense her points. She tries to be funny but can't construct a joke. Also she tends to favor and defend her friends strongly.
>>1608827>0:25 Omnia shows meg.ikarp’s work and Omnia’s copy of it. Omnia says meg.ikarp is someone she follows on instagram, and Omnia loves her work. Omnia saw the Raven drawing and decided she wanted to draw it >0:50 Omnia says people have accused her of tracing. Omnia shows her speedpaint and says she did not trace the image>0:53 Omnia says people (Peaches) have claimed that she copied meg.ikarp’s colors and character design. Omnia says by that logic, every fanart of preexisting characters is “copying colors and character designs”>1:26 Omnia says that she copied the colors and design from the Teen Titan’s GO version of Raven. She did not use meg.ikarp's colors>1:38 Omnia says she heavily referenced meg.ikarp’s work without giving credit, and she apologized to her in DM’s and credited her. Omnia got permission to share the DM’s, and she shows them on screen>3:35 Omnia says this situation was blown out of proportion because everything was already handled 4 days before Peaches’ video came out, and she says Peaches should have contacted meg.ikarp to see if meg had been apologized to>4:00 Omnia says that not only did she apologize privately, she also made a public thread on Twitter to apologize>5:00 Peaches says Omnia plagiarized from a smaller artist. Omnia shows that meg.ikarp has 148 thousand followers on instagram, and her Raven post had 10 thousand likes. >5:25 Omnia says meg.ikarp didn’t post her Raven drawing to Twitter, “so even if I did have a Twitter account, wouldn’t I have chosen a piece there to reference instead?”(I have no idea what this point is)
>5:40 Peaches says Omnia using the copied work for her thumbnail means it’s a monetary issue. Omnia says it is not a monetary issue because Raven was made by DC, so neither of them own the character, and there’s nothing unique about a side profile drawing of Raven, so it’s not transformative. >6:30 Omnia says she made a dumb mistake and plugs meg.ikarp’s socials>6:50 Omnia responds to Harley’s tweet (>>1599148) Omnia says Harley misunderstood. She wasn’t saying Technoblade’s death was an ongoing situation. People making videos to profit off of his death was an ongoing situation. >7:30 Omnia says she did not plagiarize meg.ikarp’s work because plagiarism implies tracing>7:48 Omnia says she didn’t call out Pewdiepie for prying into Amber Heard’s life. She said that mocking someone for their sexual assault, whether or not they lied, was unfair to do. (In Omnia’s original video, she was upset at Pewdiepie for making fun of the “I stepped on a bee” meme)
>8:20 Omnia says Pewdiepie shouldn’t of made fun of Amber because the memes were about serious allegations, and “it wasn’t Pewdiepie’s trauma to make light of”>9:00 Peaches says that Omnia goes back and forth on her opinion on what drama/trauma you can make videos on. Peaches says Omnia was being hypocritical because she said that the Creepshowart situation was traumatizing for Emily and people shouldn’t see it as just drama to make videos about, but then Omnia plugs her Creepshowart series. Omnia says that Peaches intentionally cut clips short and edited them together to make her appear like she’s being hypocritical, but she isn’t. Omnia shows the rest of the original clip of her video where she states that it’s okay for youtubers to make videos about traumatic events as long as they have permission from those involved and take care to be sensitive to the topic. Omnia says her point is that traumatic situations shouldn't be turned into drama>13:44 Omnia says her Creepshowart series was cosigned by Emily, therefore her series was done sensitively without turning the situation into drama>14:00 Omnia says that since Emily enjoyed her series, she thought her Creepshowart series was a good example of a youtuber discussing a traumatic situation without turning it into drama>14:35 Peaches’ first tweet is read (>>1598120). Omnia says that Peaches should’ve provided a timestamp, because she never said that. Omnia says if Peaches was going to summarize and hyperbolize what she said, she should not have put it in quotation marks.
>15:15 The rest of Peaches’ thread is read. Omnia says that when she said, “Cheating is lukewarm drama”, she meant cheating on tests/assignments, not cheating on your partner.
>16:00 Omnia says she was not comparing peoples’ traumas or saying one person’s trauma is more valid than another’s. Omnia says her definition of what constitutes as trauma was fluid and never said any specific example was the end all be all.>17:00 Omnia says there are two definitions of trauma. The first definition is rigid and is used to diagnose PTSD, and the second is fluid. Omnia reads the sources she used to make her video.>20:00 Omnia says she used the DSM-5‘s definition of what constitutes trauma. She says that this rigid definition of trauma says divorce isn’t considered traumatic, but she has experience parental divorce, and it was traumatic. However, the DSM-5 does not count it because the severity threshold is necessary to determine a PTSD or mental disorder diagnosis. >21:00 Omnia goes over a clip in her old video, and puts screenshots of DSM-5 information over certain times, comparing what she was saying to what is in the DSM-5>23:10 Omnia says she used the DSM-5‘s definition of trauma for he video, but she never said the DSM-5‘s definition was the only valid one. Omnia says the fluid definition is valid and important. >23:00 Omnia shows clips from her video where she uses generalized language such as, “tends to be. tends to. may. sometimes. they can have. there tends to be. there can be. isn’t the end-all-be-all”. Omnia says if she was trying to gatekeep trauma, she would of used definitive language such as, “has to be. does. always. never”>26:30 Omnia shows a clip of where Peaches changes the wording of what she said to make it more definitive. Omnia says, “Trauma tends to be abuse, threats of violence, death”. Peaches says, “Omnia states that trauma has to be abuse or death”.>28:00 Omnia shows a hearted comment under her video where someone says drama can turn into trauma. Omnia asks why Peaches thinks she disagrees that drama can turn into trauma when she never said that, and this comment had been hearted and replied to long before Peaches’ video came out>29:20 Omnia says she agrees with Peaches and that everyone misinterpreted the videoI felt that Omnia didn’t fully take accountability for copying art. I think she lied when she said, “cheating was referring to tests, not romantic partners”. But I think this whole “Omnia gatekeeps trauma”! is bullshit, because Omnia obviously doesn’t disagree with Peaches, even in her original video. Peaches is just sensitive and wants to get back at Omnia (she was really mad at Omnia for the suicide drama in Mali’s stream. She’s clearly not over it).
No. 1609049
>>1608018This still screams "do as I say, not as I do" though?
What crack is she smoking that "if a YouTuber commentator makes a video on drama it's no longer drama. It's trauma"
It is still drama. She still comes off as a holier than thou authority and only she has the right to spread shit because "I have good intentions"
Everyone in this situation is shit in my opinion, including Omnia
No. 1609051
>>1606831both of these dolts are just drowning in their own milk at this point. and who’s to say now what side of the abuse allegations are truly legitimate — but we CAN say some things for sure.
Kai should’ve stayed offline the minute he was served with criminal charges. the continuous schizoposting, deleting, archival of content, making new channels, livetweeting his fucking criminal proceedings, streaming reactions to Omnias content, all of this can be held up in court against him. dude legitimately believes that being “anonymous” online makes you above the law. it’s WOACB levels of bad legal defense.
Omnia should’ve stuck to her fuckin shit and covered her tracks. she’s completely lost her credibility now with both the
victim narrative and as a commentator, and the erotic friend fiction nonsense in her discord server doesn’t help. THAT can also be held up against her in court.
do neither of these spergs have proper lawyers telling them how to proceed online? i’m genuinely curious.
No. 1609074
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>>1609018Why do you think I asked someone to summarize dumbfuck. I honestly agree with Omnia with the whole Raven drawing thing, it was blown out of proportion because that's all people seem to do in this community. For Tobi it was the dms, for Omnia it was Peaches thumbnail and now this. I don't believe for a second she meant cheating on a test and not partner and is just back tracking on that point. Overall though, this isn't a terrible video like the comments are making it out to be. It's obvious the majority of the comments are biased towards Peaches and I don't even like Omnia. It's obvious Peaches made her video because she's still bitter towards Omnia. People need to stop treating Peaches like some innocent little toddler because she's just as manipulative and two faced as anyone else in this community. Also JAR is in the comments being a Peaches White-Knight per usual.
>>1609051I was also wondering this. Why haven't their lawyers jumped in and told them to shut the fuck up? Atleast Omnia has the foresight to keep her creepy role-plays in a private discord server. Kai is still sperging out constantly publicly on twitter.
Pic-rel on the video is how I'm feeling
No. 1609208
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> I honestly agree with Omnia with the whole Raven drawing thing, it was blown out of proportion because that's all people seem to do in this community. For Tobi it was the dms, for Omnia it was Peaches thumbnail and now this.agreed. i always hated how during the tobi drama the main thing people latched onto against omnia and kai were the stupid dm's argument
also hot take but i find it hilarious how it seems like the people who are (or were) tobi's friends now seem to be coming out feeling vindicated whenever kai or omnia have been called out, spewing shit like "oh it was right this whole time" when all they've said during the drama were stupid shit.
like when kai got called out during the copyright drama,
>>1366573 zi-zi acted like she was let off the hook after being dunked on
and now when omnia is starting to get heat, nezzie's acting the same way lol
all zi-zi did was comment "simp" to kai during the tobi drama when he tried defending him and omnia from jar's terrible video. HOW is that "you being absolutely right?" i remember seeing her replies to kai at the time defending herself by saying it was just a joke and now that kai got heat she backpedaled and acting like that dumb comment now meant something.
and nezzie's being just as dumb. just because omnia's been revealed to be
toxic doesnt mean she's suddenly right with her stupid madam comparison.
even if omnia did shitty things behind the scenes with kai, her reasons for leaking dm's were different from madam's, and unlike madam omnia apologized and omnias intentions for leaking the dm's werent even to out tobi's story, it was to prove that tobi was lying her ass off about what their private conversation.
i low-key feel like tobi's friends got so bitter being called out for blindly defending their friend at the time and now theyre using kai and omnias respsective dramas to get back at them
No. 1610768
>>1610474ehhh i doubt anyone in this thread really cares about that since that has nothing to do with the acc
you could argue that harley, john swan and luke get talked about here but the only reason they did is because of their run-ins with the acc (hell, after the kai debate, nobody gaf about whatever john got into anymore)
No. 1612051
Omnia released a three minute apology video. It’s what she said in this video
>>1608827, but condensed. That’s the only difference. She didn’t address her deleting comments, copying art from her friend and anime, and her shit pewdiepie/johnny depp take. Everyone shat on her longer video. Yet hopeless peaches, malimalware, and everybody in the comments are praising her for this video because it’s an “amazing apology”
This community is a fucking joke.
No. 1612807
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>>1612051i skimmed through the comment section of that video and there were some comments mentioning something i actually had to agree on. (others were all responses to different comments (even on peachesso i just bothered
i do find it stupid that people are getting on omnia's case for claiming she hasn't let go of her beef with peaches and thinking she owes her an apology for that as if
peaches didn't keep bringing up her drama during her threads and livestreams talking about omnia's video, and even being so pressed she talked aobut it before
kai lol
>>1600756getting real tired of people sucking up to peaches and babying her. i'm at least glad peaches and malware acknowledged omnia got to the main points in her apology (and malware especially makes a good point in a thread that people keep demanding apologies and taking "accountability" from others but don't even care when they do) but all these people who say it isn't "good enough" because peaches needs an apology for omnias fanbase attacking her and "she hasn't let peaches go" need to stfu.
if anything ive seen more of omnia's fans turning on her and
peaches own fans getting on
omnias case. plus, peaches is equally guilty of having omnia live in her head rent free.
is peaches really that fragile for them all to go to bat for? LMAO.
besides, she still hasnt addressed the fanfictions and her shit takes on the johnny/amber trial. how can she acknowledge the trauma vs drama take was bad but not her defending amber and getting on creators for rightfully clowning on amber lying her ass off in the trial?
No. 1614366
>>1612807She's stated a few times she can't talk about Kai until the court ruling is done. Which makes sense, and goes to show Kai really is a fucking idiot for continuing to sperg about Omnia publicly.
>>1614138I think it's a combination of two things. One being she's good at spinning situations to seem like she's the one being wronged mainly because of the internet's asinine fixation on mental health nowadays. All she has to say she's feeling suicidal or send a cryptic tweet and people will flock to her. Doesn't help alot of the ACC viewers are comprised of the same twitter users that list all their mental illnesses in their bios so they automatically feel sympathy for her. The second I believe was the very convenient timing of the Creepshow art shit blowing up and so she was able to slide in and make people sympathize with her. She has white knights like JAR and Harley constantly kissing her ass and so everyone just seems to follow suit. Overall she's just really good at manipulating people and got lucky.
No. 1615085
>>1614366>I think it's a combination of two things. One being she's good at spinning situations to seem like she's the one being wronged mainly because of the internet's asinine fixation on mental health nowadays. All she has to say she's feeling suicidal or send a cryptic tweet and people will flock to her. Doesn't help alot of the ACC viewers are comprised of the same twitter users that list all their mental illnesses in their bios so they automatically feel sympathy for her. The second I believe was the very convenient timing of the Creepshow art shit blowing up and so she was able to slide in and make people sympathize with her. She has white knights like JAR and Harley constantly kissing her ass and so everyone just seems to follow suit. Overall she's just really good at manipulating people and got lucky.AYRT. I think you're onto something about her whining about "muh mental health" but like she's not the only who does it and I don't see them getting asspats. I think that again, you're more than likely right that it's the audience she build up of mostly terminally online people who scroll Twitter for hours on end and whine about their mental health as well.
It's just annoying because she brings it on herself and she never seems to learn.
>>1614998Is she really? I kept thinking she was this waify looking blonde English girl lol.
No. 1615203
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>>1615085>I kept thinking she was this waify looking blonde English girl lol.fuck no. peaches looks like this
>>1614138people defend peaches because she shit talks people who offend her so that all her friends and fans wont like them. everyone around her is too stupid to look at her actions. they take her at her word when she says she doesnt want drama.
she comes off as the type of person who would burst into tears and start talking about suicide so everyone comforts her the moment she isnt the spotlight of attention
No. 1615254
>>1615203AYRT, Oh wow, that is definitely not what I pictured her looking like lol. She really does look a bit like Creepshow Art without the split-hair color.
I'm not trying to be mean but it's obvious that pretty privilege isn't what helps her get the WKing she does so it has to be what you said where it's her whining to her already established fanbase that works in her favor.
>>1615215IKR? I was thinking a smaller built young woman with bright blond hair in a pink or pastel colored hoodie that gen z loves to wear these days.
No. 1617465
>>1615408>>1617420suddenly her jokes about being "4kids creepshow" back when she and shannon were still buddies hit different lol
i wonder if she was already that self aware that far back?
No. 1618487
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god damn it I posted this in the wrong thread last night
here's some tinfoil about Kai making sockpuppet accounts
No. 1623369
If you think that’s bad, Lin Lin made a video on the 17th. Lin Lin’s main point was that Omnia’s apology was fake because Omnia was losing subscribers. He was mad that Omnia didn’t publicly apologize to him for not wanting to be his friend.
And guess who was in the comments? That’s right. Hopeless Peaches!
Despite Peaches congratulating Omnia for deleting her original video and making an amazing apology, Peaches has now backtracked to hating Omnia again, despite Omnia not doing anything new.
No. 1623996
>>1623109honestly FUCK harleytbs. he's just as much of a grifter as JAR and they both whiteknight peaches so hard.
just fuck peaches' whiteknighting friends and fanbase in general. theyre the reason peaches rides the
victim complex so hard. istg it's like she'll take any drama unrelated to her, make it about herself and still get asspats from these people.
hell it's happened in omnia's "drama" (if you can call it that). the worst she ever did was the plagiarism shit and misspoke about the "trauma vs drama" stuff and now it's devolved to her beefing with peaches (as if peaches herself didnt specifically zero in on omnia's video because she was so pressed about it, and when omnia responds to it,
she's the one who couldnt let go?? yes the trauma vs drama video sucked. move on.)
>>1623369what's ironic is that these people keep bringing up peaches being dogpiled in her drama, and keep bringing up how much "better" her apology was because she "took accountability" but when other people apologize "it's not good enough". peaches herself already said it was a good apology, but leave it to her and idiots like harley and JAR to stil make problems out of it.
this point im honestly hoping one day peaches actually slips up herself and gets into drama that her own fanbase cant defend her from. she just lucked out from the creepshow drama and she's been hiding behind the
victim complex since.
No. 1624352
>>1623996>she'll take any drama unrelated to her, make it about herself and still get asspats from these people. And when it blows up in her face because she stuck her nose where it shouldn't have been, she whines about her mental health as a get out of jail card to weasel her way out of it.
YSomeone mentioned earlier that Peaches just loves to be the
victim and it's so true. I remember in one of her old get to know me kind of videos, she did mention that in high school she wasn't popular and didn't have much of any friends. She's 20-21 now and so not much time has passed since her high school days and I can't help but feel like because she has such retarded fans who don't check her ass and continue to gas her up as some uwu baby as well as the ass sniffing whiteknights she has with JAR and HarleyTBS, she feels that she's getting the attention she craved so much during her high school days and uses these dramas to satiate and stroke her ego.
>keep bringing up how much "better" her apology was because she "took accountability"Which is a fucking joke because she's not taking accountability and learning from her mistakes because she keeps getting herself involved in these "dramas". So it's like bitch where? She hasn't learned shit and she still does the same old thing and I don't understand why anyone just doesn't call her ass out. This is why I didn't mind the PrisonMateLuke stuff when he said that she suicide baited people. The dude is an idiot in a lot of aspects but his criticism on Peaches definitely holds some weight after seeing how she handles herself when these "dramas" happen. She's fucking pathetic but her retard fans and ass-licker whiteknights of JAR and Harley are worse because they validate and placate herbad behavior.
No. 1626380
>>1625377Agreed. I think the reason why Omnia does all this shit is because she feels she can get away because of how people treated her during the JAR and Kai Weiss drama.
She thinks that her being mixed race exempts her from criticism because criticism towards her is "policing black women" or some shit and with Kai Weiss (which is still up in the air until court is settled), she can speak on trauma and not be criticized for it otherwise you're minimizing the experience of assault
In a way, she's like a more aggressive Hopeless Peaches.
No. 1626647
>>1626642I'm the anon who made the claim of Omnia using her race card and the main reason I felt that way is because of this video here
>>1584199 and other instances where she always felt the need to bring up and emphasize her race.
>>1584199 specifically, I was getting aggravate how her and the other cohorts she featured in the video didn't even share any examples of the racism they so called faced in their situations. I'm saying this as a Black person myself and I can't help but feel that some of these people who cry racism aren't actually experiencing it and are blowing things out of proportion.
As for Kai, it's hard to know for sure if Omnia was the reason why he pulled the race card so much and we won't really know until we see Kai making video topics on his own now being aware from her.
No. 1626853
>>1626803i still remember during kai's twitter meltdowns at the peak of the abuse stuff where he thought to bring up omnia's apparently blackfishing in his twitlonger as if that's even relevant enough for his defense LOL
>>1626380the fact that omnia's a "more aggressive hopeless peaches" almost makes creepshow's statement nearly spot on even if it is ironic.
omnia being the "angry black woman" how her being aggressive with peaches being the "white girl
victim" with how fragile she constantly presents herself.
i feel like omnia cant get away with bs as easily as peaches does because not only does peaches get a "i was screwed over by creepshow"
victim card (seriously a lot of videos that go into detail about creepshow has a section dedicated to peaches. hell, even TRO's video has a special section for peaches) but she has JAR and harley whiteknighting her, both being reasonably large accounts. plus she seems to be friends with mali malware, and i've noticed mali has a reputation in the acc for being like ponder sprocket levels of credible that the audience seems to flock to her opinions so that doesnt help things either.
No. 1628121
Got curious and decided to check and the person who started it all is back with a twit longer.;dr:
-She says Omnia manipulated her, started a hate campaign against her, and blames her BPD for making her open up to people too quickly
-Says Kai and Omnia would befriend people and then cancel them once they had used them.
-Defends Peaches
-Something about an Animal Crossing video
-Says she feels guilty about the instagram story she posted where she shitted on Omnia after she had come out with her abuse but in the end still says fuck her and Kai both. Still says if they apologized she'd cave instantly though.
-Got an ego after her Creepshow video
-reeeeeee commentary community
toxic-Bunch of personal shit
-Now living on her own in an apartment with her new dog, dating someone now for a year who she plans to marry
Overall nothing has changed with Tobi. She still thinks she was the
victim in that situation when all of it was her own fault. So many people in this community think that just because an opposing party is exposed as bad that they're cleared from their dumb shit. ZiZi, Nezziemonster, and Tobi all still did dumb shit regardless and it's honestly sad they don't think that both of those things can be true at once. Tobi has faded from irrelevance so badly I doubt she'll have anything to come back to any time soon and the 7 likes prove it. No one care about her anymore. If she's gotten help and in a relationship then good for her, but it still sounds like she hasn't changed much mentally and at this point I don't think anyone cares if she ever does. None of her old defenders/friends follow her or interact anymore. She has one white-knight in her replies that replies to all of her shit and it's pretty pathetic. If she comes back or not she's just not even worth talking about anymore.
No. 1628174
>>1628121LMAOOO OF COURSE Tobi of all people would hop in and take advantage of omnia's recent backlash to vindicate herself.
as if JAR doing that in his latest tobi drama debunking series wasn't enough. may as well squeeze in some
victim points while she's at it. no wonder she fawns over peaches in her twitlonger. both of them just love blaming everything on their mental health. hell an entire paragraph is dedicated to her bringing up her BPD for why she did all that shit, and she keeps bringing it up in the entire thread. at least she had a bit of self awareness to look back and realize how stupid she was, and how cocky she'd gotten after the growth from her creepshow video.
> "However I was the one to reach out to her first complimenting a video she did."if this is about the twitter dm's, this is a lie. in her original response video she made it a point to prove that
omnia messaged her first and even scrolled the dm's all the way up just to show it.
now i dont know if her reaching out was through dm's and outside of twitter, but if not this is just dishonest.
i have no idea what she's talking about with the animal crossing stuff since her recalling is vague af (in which case why even bring it up) but i believe the instagram thing was the one here:
>>1391842her talking about the cc being
toxic is no surprise, and her going into detail about a trans person she married committing suicide in the bathtub feels…idk personal? she got on omnia for revealing a personal story and here she is talking about it in a public twitlonger.
her being mad at people who used her dog video comes off as hypocritical in a way since she used that same video to throw pedo accusations at some people over fanart (ironic since
she didn't like being held to that same standard on
her art).
the main problem people had with it was that by inserting those accusations in her dog video it feels like she used the sympathy from the audience to deflect the criticism from her pedo claims.
(also idk but her being mad at people using the dog video reminds me of peaches thumbnail thing a bit)
overall im surprised zi-zi and nezzie might not be friends with tobi anymore, especially given they're all taking advantage of kai's and omnia's respective backlash to vindicate themselves.
i swear what's with all these immature asshats thinking that they're suddenly "right all along" and getting passes from the shit they've spewed/done just because the people calling them out get thier fair share of callouts??
No. 1630531
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saging because this is just barely relevant but it feels like nezzie's subtweeting about omnia once again made me think it was about omnia was due to nezzie talking about the bipolar animation and that was where i realized nezzie was likely referring to
omnia's old videos in that first tweet of the thread.
its kind of pathetic that nezzie's likely still bitter about being called out for her dumb comment comparing omnia leaking dm's with tobi to madam leaking dm's maliciously about a minor that she'll now grasp at anything just to keep up the "i was right all along" bullshit or larp some
victim points.
nezzie's just really stretching to make a problem about the bipolar animation tbh. she couldve easily talked about the possibly it may have been traced (given omnia's history of tracing work in the past) and she chooses to talk about it being "bad representation" and goes on about not being a hivemind and everyone's experiences are different yet says an animation based on omnia's
personal experiences with her bipolar disorder isnt good
so yes nezzie. you ARE being too sensitive.
No. 1639181
Im not sure if Carmenrider is a milky enough topic I think she's worth talking about.
>carmenrider associates with pedophiles until said pedophiles get heavy backlash
>talks about someone's breakup(which was irrelevant anyways) to the public
>makes outrageous claims on others with little to no evidence,then privates videos when backlash comesThere's so much milk about her,especially on twitter,she's a huge Commentary cow in my opinion.
No. 1642202
Lin lin made a video calling out spoctor: opinions on the video?
(Embed) No. 1642861
>>1642202I love how when they don't have any other new bandwagon to jump on they create their own by cannibalizing one another kek.
>>1639181CarmenRider is a JAR worshipping grifter. Color me surprised.
No. 1643230
> Calls out Spoctor for defending Kai's copyright striking Akumu and not attacking Junkie.this is just nitpicking for things to bitch about for the sake of video content its just so sad
this is like when hiten whined about spoctor "defending" junkie even though he didnt even do that on his video and when peaches and her braindead fans whined that spoctor didnt defend her enough.
and now the problem with spoctor is that he didnt just 100% take akumu's side and that he didnt just come after junkie full swing?
all nuance is lost in the cc and lin lin is scraping the bottom of the barrel
No. 1646284
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Look who's e-begging
I had a feeling it would come to this. Instead of looking for a part time job or making enjoyable content that isn't just about her being a forever victim she just wants money given to her
I hope people wake up and stop supporting this bridge troll
No. 1647192
>>1646356she always came off as one of those UK residents who abused the disability check system and just collected checks for "Muh depression" and health conditions that aren't too serious. I don't think she has done anything in her life other than whine and be parasitic.
She has just gotten worse after the whole Creepshow art saga. Now she gets a pass to be a POS
No. 1648086
>>1648046Throw in she looks like she's morbidly obese. That would add a lot of health conditions to get her on wellfare. Something must have happened where she lost it
Anyway, this is all tinfoil. It's just something Peaches would def abuse
No. 1649412
>>1648984learn to sage your posts if its not milk
that's definitely beneficial for mental health twitter, especially given a lot of them like to self diagnose LOL
which speaking of, if its that easy to claim disability checks it makes me wonder if peaches' depression that she just loves clinging onto whenever she wants to claim
victim points and audience sympathy may be self diagnosed
No. 1655274
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Checked in on how the Kai and Omnia drama is going. Omnia is taking a break from social media probably until people get over the art tracing and she can quietly slink back hoping no one will bring it up anymore. I give her a month tops until she's back. Kai got his cat back. Also picrel because wow, who knew not airing out personal relationship drama is a much more mature way of dealing with things you braindead scrote.
No. 1665395
>>1665149Some new developments but they’re small.
- He finally got a kiwi farms page for being a virtue signaling hypocrite.
- After he doxxed Tinafate last year he’s been trying to clean his image, he ended up weaseling himself onto RebelTaxis pilot as a co-writer and now co-hosts the Pizza Party Podcast.
- More people are starting to call him out on his bullshit as well as his enablers such as his friends.
Not sure what this general thinks of Daft though so idk. Guy gives me bad vibes.
No. 1666188
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Sage for not really new milk but something that I noticed that I thought was interesting/funny. In the last thread an anon came in and talked about his experience with Tobi and a few nonnies didn't believe he was telling the truth. Well, I found this reply she made and remembered a detail he said was that she was obsessed with hardwood floors. Safe to say he was telling the truth kek. Not really milk but caught my attention and made me laugh.
No. 1666699
>>1665395the kiwifarms page dedicated to him is sort of a lost cause now since it's blocked off in a lot of places ever since cloudflare blocked it.
idk if it's still accessible in other countries though
No. 1666958
>>1666699Yeah but it means that some obsessive artists finally deem him enough of a nuisance to record all his bullshit, so at least there’s that.
All I’m hoping for is just some basic accountability.
No. 1671394
>>1671378This asshole still makes commentary videos? I see his art hasn't improved much at all since the mid 2010s and it's so jarring but that's a whole other topic since this isn't Artist Salt.
Doodletones always did this, commentate on other commentator videos and it's not surprising he did this.
No. 1674114
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been out of the loop but it seems like spoctor's getting into some kind of drama with peaches recently (if kai's and (maybe nezzie's) tweets are of any indication) sure what it's about especially since first i've heard of it was from KAI of all people but based on context i think it's probably got something to do with spoctor's involvement back in peaches' drama?
tbh not surprised to see someone get roped in on some drama with peaches. she alwyas seems to have something to whine about LOL
No. 1674116
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>>1674114apparently this drama with peaches got spoctor taking a break and rebranding his channel
honestly don;t get the massive pull peaches has that could get him to do that, and over something that was years back ffs
i doubt it since lin lin is a small channel but it genuinely makes me wonder if her bringing it up was the reason why people got a problem with spoctor now even after the peaches shit was supposedly done
may as well scrape a few more
victim points for peaches ig
No. 1674120
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>>1674116(bonus + saged since it's not rly milk)
it feels like nezzie's subtweeting about the drama (i say this because of the timing and what the tweet's about)
i don't have enough proof whether it's actually about the spoctor/peaches drama (and nezzie subtweets a lot so it's often hard to tell) but if it is, i really don't get why everyone fawns over peaches so much all because "muh mental health"
how can her fanbase go on about how peaches "took accountability" if the first thing they do is pull the "mental health" card every time to paint her as the
victim in whatever drama she got into?
No. 1674200
>>1674183I hope these people stop crying whenever Peaches demands an apology for just breathing and just laugh at her and tell her to go away. From how people are acting, going against Peaches is going against mental health. When really people need to call her out for weaponizing it. She's so vicious and
toxic but people fall for the sad baby persona she made.
Off topic but I hope the next person who makes a video on her doesn't use her cutesy sona and uses her actual face in the thumbnail. The first reason is to show people she isn't some smol sweet baby. The second reason is because she looks like Shannon and I want people to make the comparison
No. 1674290
>>1674116>I don't get the massive pull peaches has that could get Spoctor to rebrandI KNOW. anons discussed this earlier in the thread of how amazing it is that peaches has so much pull on the "community" and how she has so many ass kissers when most of the "dramas" that involve her are of her own doing for inserting herself into them and whinging when it blows up in her face and not getting called out for it.
>>1674129>and the community lets her get her way because they don't want to be mentioned in her suicide note.I know this may sound harsh but fuck her suicide note. I'm not saying that I would want anyone to commit suicide but I have a feeling that it's all talk on her end because she always alludes to that whenever the "drama" blows up in her face and it's getting old and tired. This is why as dumb as PrisonMateLuke was, a part of me feels like there is truth to Peaches being a suicide baiter.
>she really is like Shannon, she holds grudgesBoth are fat and manipulative. Just watch, it's only a matter of time before the pendulum swings in Peaches' face and people finally have enough of her nonsense like they did with Shannon (and Tobi).
>>1674138Give it time anon, her time will come if she keeps up this woe is me attitude. It happened to Shannon, it'll happen to her too.
No. 1674293
>>1674200I feel like the main reason why Peaches is getting away with it all right now is because most in the community are pretty young. Like aren't most of these people their late teens, early 20s? I feel like with zoomers, they prioritize mental health so much to where they feel afraid to hold people whom are abusing it to a standard. But hopefully as these people continue to see how much she abuses the mental health card, one of them is gonna snap and tell her to fuck off, my bet is it's probably gonna be Spcotor.
>Off topic but I hope the next person who makes a video on her doesn't use her cutesy sona and uses her actual face in the thumbnail.Good call anon. I think that's part of the reason why so many people view her as some misunderstood uwu-baby because they use her persona in the thumbnail instead of the clearly grown woman that she actually looks like.
Kinda like how people would use Shannon's skinnified persona depiction but once people started using her actual photo, more people were able to break their illusion of her and feel more comfortable critiquing her.
No. 1674688
>>1674669Yeah and the only way that she'll finally get it is if people, specifically other ACC content creators (JAR, Spoctor, MaliMalware, etc) stop whiteknighting her and give her a dose of constructive criticism, at least acknowledging that they now she put herself in the drama.
The next drama she gets involved in, they tell her to stop being a drama queen.
No. 1674822
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>>1674293sage because it's not milk but I hope they use this photo when hopeless peaches finally gets called out.
>>1674293 No. 1675606
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ust going through kai's twitter and you can see the amount of people who are actually defending peaches like she genuinely didn't do anything wrong
(LOL at lio who thinks peaches got grief over "petty nothingness". this same lio who likes to play cop for the cc and was there to defend JAR when he got grooming rumors thrown his way.)
now we got people who really think that the entire peaches drama was just her being this victim of people just being "uwu mean" to her, as if she didn't do these things herself.
No. 1675613
>>1675606also, "lying about people" was something peaches did herself (like that time when she shit talked people in her discord server, but when spoctor shit talks her to his sister, suddenly it's such a bad thing?
people like to say omnia goes by "rules for thee not for me" but the exact same can be said to peaches.
she can get a kick clowning on kai back when the abusing omnia allegations came up, but when kai dares have an opinion on the spoctor drama, suddenly peaches gets on him because "he doesnt even know what it's about"
it's only something that shouldn't be discussed when it's
her ig
people are able to hold omnia accountable for the whoel "drama vs trauma" video despite her abuse
victim status, so why can't anyone do the same for peaches despite
her constant
victim status?
so many big names to somehow credible youtubers are out here going to bat defending this uwu sad girl and deplatforming because of drama they got into with her and for what LOL
No. 1675624
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js, what is it with peaches demanding apologies from all the people who wronged her, and then throwing a bitchfit when they do give the apology? LOL
notable examples being prison mate luke and spoctor, and both these people happened to end up "deplatformed"
if peaches really did "take accountability" like her braindead fans like to hold onto while talking about her apology video as living proof, why does she still feel the need to latch on to every little thing her detractors did?
even omnia or kai didn't go around demanding apologies to every single person who either shit talked them or went against them during the dramas they got into ansd that's saying something
No. 1675675
>>1675606this is willfully forgetting what Peaches did wrong. She was awful to her friends, talked behind people's backs, spread rumors and fucked someone over when doing a collab that cost them some cash.
People are so frustratingly stupid. If Peaches is in dozens of dramas doesn't that mean she's the common denominator? Also Spoctor owes nothing to Peaches. He was basically telling her to grow up. She's a grown adult woman. She's even demanding apologies from people who went up to bat for her.
No. 1675746
>>1675698tbh not surprised.
this is the same person who threw a bitchfit because Spoctor dared note how overly angry and aggressive her video on Junkie was and she took it as "wah wah Spoctor's defending junkie!"
>>1398474and yet she was biased enough to defend feghost after he made up this whole story about him assaulting two girls and manipulated them into staying silent, that she even went so far as to go after feghost's
victims for it, calling
them manipulative
>>1398503i barely ever heard of her or her content as she's that irrelevant in the cc but she comes across as very reactionary and prone to sperging out
then again, she's friends with nezzie and nezzie's known to do that sometimes so it checks out LOL
No. 1675760
>>1675746She gets extra bitchy when you point out how overly aggressive she always sounds too. She must have whined about Spoctor "Tone policing" her about 100 times and called herself a "
victim" because Junkie lied about her. Sorry not everyone will take you seriously when you're an adult sounding like you're throwing a temper tantrum. Not sorry that people may think you're being petty and childish when you lament on about how Junkie "ruined" your oh so prosperous Youtube career with your less than 6k subs. She literally days Junkie traumatized her. You're 26 bitch, take a fucking reality check.
The fact that she's said before that she almost got sent off to a mental hospital because of petty internet squabble should tell you everything you need to know about her emotional maturity. It's a running theme for all these commentators to get so hung up over internet bullshit and act like it's detrimental to their mental health. Nezzie, Peaches, and Hiten have not aged past secondary school and it shows.
No. 1675833
>>1675675See all this just shows her for the true pig woman that she is and it's annoying. I'm glad that Spoctor isn't being a spineless turd with this and caving with an apology to her because he didn't do anything wrong here. But it's Peaches demanding apologies form people who were trying to defend her that really shows the sense of entitlement she has and expects to get.
>>1675681It's ironic how Spoctor was targeted by women who were pissed he didn't give them the attention they wanted. Well I think that was the case for the whole Stories, Pentagrin, and Atari fiasco, it's been awhile so I can't remember all the details but it's just cray is all kek.
>>1675698>26Is she really? I though she was like 20-21 off of how she talked… I get what you mean about the Tobi vibes though, it's hard to listen to.
No. 1676876
>>1675831Prisonmatelukes video actually did really well… at first. More like it was a miscalculation because he was working with Shannon who was feeding lies and inaccuracies. He should have fact checked.
Thinking about it, at the time people took Shannon's word as gospel. So people shitting on Luke for trusting Shannon when they all did was funny.
Either way, the other things Luke said was true about Peaches
No. 1677159
>>1677105at this point im honestly expecting it.
after all she already got mad at JAR once
>>1601279 and all for an simple comment JAR made saying kai and peaches agreed on their opinions on omnia with the tracing and the bad "drama vs trauma" video
she's such a sensitive bitchbaby that she blew up on the guy who whiteknighted her so hard all for a comment that dared put her and kai in the same boat LOL
> Peaches is so sensitive. She goes off on anything. I bet being her friend feels like walking on eggshells. what's funny is that kai said the same thing on his stream once. interacting with peaches to any capacity is like walking on eggshells
only a matter of time till she blows up on the very people who enabled her behavior
No. 1677704
>>1677673Peaches is doubling down and going more manic. She's upset she has no friends irl and she's losing the online ones at an alarming rate. However she's "happy" because she has HER fans and HER community. Also guess wha? She is now using her fans art and their speed paints in her videos.
I'm finding this hilarious. The fact she's still talking shit about her friends behind their back is hilarious. The only thing she isn't doing is posting on lolcow and stalking someone for a decade. kek
I can't wait for this community to finally burn out
No. 1677738

>>1646284>>1677704so she deleted the video of her e-begging and claiming to be homeless. However in this video in the first minute she describes how you should donate because she's going to be homeless and living in her car. Who else claimed to be homeless and living in her car?
She HAS to be doing this on purpose at this point. I'm not the only one seeing this right?
So the story as to why Peaches is homeless is because her partner (Someone who can't give his side) cheated on her. So now she has to move out of his home. He's mentally
abusive because he wouldn't budge on the matter?
I call BS on this because to Peaches, holding her accountable is mentally abusing her. Hell, it seems just being in a conversation with Peaches is
abusive to her. I'm sure there is more to this story that Peaches is hiding.
Also kek on one of Peaches patron teirs literally calling her supporters "Happy lil Saps"
But please, someone in the commentary community make a thumbnail calling her Shannon 2.0
No. 1677782
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>>1615203Peaches, you are faking it for clout, money, attention, a shield. The list goes on
The fact that her ex is letting her stay at their home even though they broke up, found someone new and want her gone is surprisingly nice for someone who was mentally abusing her.
Also checked her twitter. ALL of her tweets just come off as hostile, mean and vicious? And it's just people calling her out for being an asshole. People think this swamp witch is a
No. 1677974
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Welp I'm just going to drop this basic template for anons to have fun with
No. 1677991
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Welp, this nugget aged poorly
No. 1678453
>>1678113also, if anyone's afraid of ending up in her "suicide note". DON'T.
if peaches or even any of her ass kissing fans think to put anyone personally responsible for the possibility of her taking her own life, then it just shows how manipulative and
toxic she is.
for mental health "advocates" they sure like stigmatizing it themselves
No. 1678597
>>1678453we'll see if people just leave the community and just leave it to the
toxic members to attack each other like JAR, Peaches and Harely. Or if people fight back with evidence of Peaches fuckery and a well written script.
It takes about a week for a lot of people to collab with each other
And another week for them to compile and write scripts.
No. 1678639
>>1677283Fun fact, Kamen is a farms user lol
He just keeps a super low profile so no one notices. You can even see him making jabs at other creators. You can probably figure out which user he is though lol.
No. 1679163
>>1678640That's the thing. I dunno how people truly define the "ACC" on whether we're including the days of DeviantART rants (anyone remember those? kek) or post 2016.
If we're including the DA rant days, the reason why it was entertaining was that aside from being younger for those of us who are in our late 20s to early 30s, the "rants" were things most people would just shake off and go about their day. Also there wasn't all these accusations of "grooming" going on neither, it was all just dumb meaningless entertainment to help pass the time and play as background noise with no real stakes in it.
As soon as the new"ACC" took form post 2016/2017, it became different and a lot more volatile, especially when the reveal of what Shannen had been doing the whole time.
No. 1680639
>>1680624Kai is annoying but you gotta give him credit for always hating Peaches and seeing past the BS
But yuh, glad to see no one is buying her cutesy bs anymore.
As for her "stepping away"… you know it's getting old. She never apologizes or debates her points when people call her out. She always runs or blames her mental health
No. 1680787
>>1680624>calling out Camilla Cuevas for allegedly defending her boyfriend who was a supposed groomer.Is anyone else getting fucking tired of this "groomer" allegation call out culture shit? Like damn it seems like every other day in this fucked community, it's always someone calling out "groomer" shit and then in most cases it's not even true. Maybe like one out of 5 times it's actually true but most of the time it's just alleged and these tards try to act like they're Chris Hansen.
Sorry for OT mini rant but this shit gets old and tired.
Anyway I agree with you and
>>1680639 that while Kai can be an annoying, I have to give him some props for actually seeing through Peaches nonsense and has the balls to call her out. With the way Peaches is and how people validate her ass, I'll take what I can get when it comes to someone calling her out.
>Peaches threw a tantrum and of course is "stepping away from twitter for a bit".Please tell me that there are people in the comments calling her out? It's clearly a pattern at this point.
No. 1680918
>>1680897>I haven't looked into the Camilla Cuevas boyfriend grooming mostly because I can't be fucked to care enoughI don't blame you, I don't care about this shit neither. It's just that it feels like every other day or week, there's always this talk about "grooming" going on and it's just annoying at this point. These people are not specialists and it's annoying how they try to act like they are.
>No one is calling Peaches out on her "break" aside from Kai>All of her comments are filled with ass-killers and people saying all the people that went after Peaches are bad people themselvesFucking hell man. Can these people get their noses out of her large ass crack already? I really have to wonder if people are too blinded by some sort of halo effect on her because of her skinny persona since it doesn't seem like she shows her face much on her twitter. I really don't like making fun of people's physical appearances but Peaches just looks like the type of woman who never leaves her house and is terminally online. In short, she has way too much time on her hands which is probably why she involves herself into so much of these controversies despite her "mental health".
No. 1680953
>>1680946The writing is on the wall with this. If Peaches wasn't such a drama whore, most of us would just be ignoring her but it's the fact that she has a tendency to self-victimize herself that is very annoying when it comes to her. She's the opposite of Shannon whereas while Shannon acted like she was some "boss bitch" while Peaches is more of a crybaby who relies on the manipulating people's emotions to get her way.
If she simply just owned her shit and stopped pulling the "muh mental health" card every time she willfully gets involved in drama, there wouldn't be much of any problem with her.
No. 1681203
>>1680624oh yeah i saw that LOL.
what's even funnier is that peaches' main takeaway from kai's tweet was to STILL moral highground herself and spin it to "kai doesn't care about kids he cares about drama"
like bitch?? neither did YOU, peaches. grooming allegations (whether they're even true or not) are dime a dozen on twitter and you specifically honed in on
camilla's situation of all things since of
course it's because it's camilla.
just like how you zoned in on omnia's video of all the bad takes going around the cc. it's just SO obvious.
as much as kai goes off the walls at times, he;s got a point. it really is about revenge for peaches because what are the odds she chooses to focus on situations happening to her
detractors? LOL
No. 1682960
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Is it just tinfoil or does this look like a power-tripping, manipulative move? She's trying to look like the bigger person by reaching out but also I can imagine how biased people would be looking at Peaches interview her. Also way to stay out of drama Peaches.
No. 1682962
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Same anon as above. Called it on her break only lasting a week KEK.
No. 1683472
>>1682960So her and Camila have bad blood and Peaches was an asshole to her. The only problem is Camila was a dumbass and forgot to take screenshots in the past
They both clearly want nothing to do with each other
So why does Peaches feel like she has to harass this bigger youtuber she personally hates? Does it make her feel bigger or something?
It's obvious no matter what Camila says, Peaches is going to make a video on what she says and spin it to where Camila is wrong.
No. 1683481
>>1683472the thing that Peaches has over Camila is that Peaches ADMITTED and apologized for being an asshole (People like to forget that)
But because Camila didn't think Peaches apology was good enough because Peaches was still an asshole. Which, they're not wrong. But if Peaches demands 100 apologies from one person, it's okay? Dude this is just harassing people she's done dirty in the past
No. 1684184
>>1683472bet it gives peaches so much dopamine watching camilla's sub count drop if she succeeds in helping "cancel" her.
she can act pure and holier than thou all she wants about how it's all about "protecting the kids" but we all know the only reason she actually looked into this case was because it involved another one of her detractors.
No. 1685710
>>1685648not to mention her main demographic is within the hispanic/latin community.
and maybe it's just me, but i find the latin community usually don't give af about petty drama like "they used the r slur" or anything like that, let alone get all touchy about misung the word "drama" on pedo allegations.
i can't find the tweet to double check now since kai privated his twitter (lol wonder why) but i remember seeing him subtweet once about the camilla situation, something along the lines about how people seem to care more about semantics and the lack of action from someone who's not even from america than they are about the actual pedo themselves.
and tbh, kai's got a point there.
over on camilla's replies you can see people act more upset that she used the word "drama" on pedo allegations when english isn't even her main language, and the fact she didn't "do more" about veir.
if you go by just her twitlonger alone, she banned him from the server (where the main situation supposedly took place) and from her community. and people are still mad that she should still do more??
guy's probably not even in the same country as her, what more could she do other than take him away from the main setting? terminally online people wanna act like an internet vigilante so much but never do anything themselves LOL
No. 1686825
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I’m sick of this bitch always inserting himself into drama, you can click any video of someone calling out another YouTuber and you’ll find him in the comments.
No. 1686854
> I’m sick of this bitch always inserting himself into dramawow, makes sense that JAR whiteknights Peaches. they both like to stick their noses in drama and make it about themselves, the only difference is that at least JAR can be self aware that he hops off bandwagons and doesnt hide behind some "woe is me" persona like Peaches does when getting into drama backfires on him.
truly a match made in heaven
No. 1687074
>>1686825JAR is such a self important room temp IQ moron it’s painful. His vids on Daft were so bad compared to the other ones, that Dafts friends were able to pick them apart thus delegitimizing anyone who wants to challenge Daft in the future. So he can paint anyone who is critical of him as being as dumb as JAR.
Also fuck Daft, he’s trying to bury criticism against him by saying anyone who critiques him is defending the people he criticizes. That if you dislike him, it means you are supporting groomers and pedos. And he had that retard SolidJJ do a line read for him.
No. 1693554
>>1689432I'm not sure if Kamen will be next tbh. I mean do you have any theories on what might get the attention turned onto him that would also bring i the Kiwifarms stuff?
I don't disagree that the community doesn't seem to like people who are two-faced but it feels like Kamen tries very hard to not be exposed. T
No. 1693875
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Came to look for new info on the Spoctor/Peaches situation after days with no updates.
Found out you guys are waay in the blue so I put together tweets I found about the situation. Apparently there's some recordings of the call that Peaches and Spoc had with some others about the apology + Spoctor freaked out on the call. Peaches posts about it angrily. Spoctor vaguely apologizes on twitter the next day and peaces out. (didn't incude a pic cause someone already posted it)
Spoctor doesn't say anything in these tweets but interestingly enough his adopted sis does.
Also, dunno if he's actually got a good job now (guy seems to be doing well) but in some of his last videos he's made claims that he wants to steer away from commentary so the rebrand could be something he's always wanted to do and this peaches ordeal was the final straw to push him into doing it
but if it's not and it's that peaches really has power over him, it could be that he's finally doing it because he's scared of those recordings or something. Apparently they're already floating around but I haven't looked hard enough to find them
only posting the essentials on here but here's a link to extra screenshots: (1/2)
No. 1693876
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No. 1699455
>>1694829I think you need to have balance.
>>1694381 mentioned how Spoctor and Ponder have jobs outside YouTube and while I can't comment on Spoctor since I'm not subscribed, I feel like that's why Ponder manages to have some sense. She doesn't devote all her time to YouTube and it seems like she has a life outside YouTube. With Spoctor,from what I've heard, he's stepped away from being online asm uch and it seems like he's doing okay.
So yeah, it's about balance from what I've seen.
No. 1700331
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I decided to check over on Kai's twitter (since it's been privated for some time) and he seems to have unprivated it very recently, but a lot of his past tweets are gone. then again this is something he usually does.
apparently there was a school shooting that took place in omnia's college (i even went to omnia's twitter for cross reference) and it's a big reason why kai's stepping away from commentary or just bringing up their ongoing case publicly in a video (which he should've done since the beginning but w/e kai LOL)
as for peaches.. she seems really bent on the camilla case, retweeting and promoting videos and tweets talking about it, and based on her recent tweet it looks like she'll be releasing a video talking about it as well.
so much for staying out of drama LMAO
her petty need for revenge is so obvious.
from the fact she decided to cover omnia's situation the moment she started getting backlash on their "trauma drama" take to hopping on the camilla situation the moment someone starts opening up about their experiences with her, her targets are so specific it's like she isn't subtle about it
No. 1700683
>>1700331Just checked and don't know if Kai changed his twitter handle or deleted it completely. Peaches is extremely vindictive and she's revelling in the fact that she gets to take down another one of her detractors. She's also surrounded herself with people that have their dedicated fanbases and are more credible to the point where she's going to have to pull a Tobi to get any sort of comeuppance for her shady behavior. Tobi had friends that defended her tooth and nail until they couldn't when she caught the eye of much bigger creators and they quietly slinked into the background while she was getting torn up. Someone either much bigger or much more credible is going to have to be the one to call Peaches out and have people actually start seeing Peaches or the snake that she is. Cecil McFly sort of did but she also played into the Peaches
victim narrative so still nothing really concrete.
No. 1710037
>>1709512i remember she used to say she was living with her boyfriend, at least up until she made that video e-begging because she was gonna be homeless soon so something must've happened between them
that's why people here are drawing the shannon comparisons, not only is she vindictive towards anyone who wronged her, hiding behind a cutesy """wholesome""" persona but guess she's now gonna be homeless too kek
the jokes write themselves
No. 1710782
>>1612051She didn't need to apologize for the Pewdiepie/Depp take because she was correct, the rest of the ACC is just desperate to see a man be a
victim even though Depp isn't.
No. 1712461
>>1712069don't you have a camilla video to make so you can get the clout and adsense money to pull you out of homelessness, peaches? you not see how retarded you look painting every peaches/kai critical anon as "lol omnia" and then doing it again when they clock you on that?
but hey wouldn't surprise me if you actually
are peaches LOL
No. 1716544
> It's not even about people protecting minors from a creep at this point, it's about everyone, especially Peaches, getting revenge and shitting on Camilla and hiding it under the guise of being concerned for kids.oh it definitely is. it's pretty obvious with seeing how much videos are specifically zoning in on camilla than the actual person who did it.
the cc can make these excuses about camilla being the subject of these videos due to her having a (large) platform and being "complicit" for not banning the guy sooner but theyre all full of shit since they'd rather go on their moral soapbox and reap the adsense money from covering the topic than actually doing something themselves (yknow, the same thing they criticized camilla for not doing).
and lord knows peaches needs that adsense money since her e begging from the shannon clout wasn't enough KEK
kai goes off the walls, but his tweet back in his now deleted account said it best. everyone's just too busy pointing fingers at someone who didn't do enough than the actual pedo who supposedly did it.
No. 1716819
>>1716544Thank you
nonnie for putting into words why this whole situation is not only irritating, but hypocritical. When Kai wasn't going on sperging 50 tweet rants, or having back and forth arguments, he actually made decent points from time to time. This isn't about the boyfriend being a creep anymore and it really never was. Peaches saw an opportunity to finally get back at Camilla and all her white-knights joined in to hype her up.
No. 1719479
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>>1700331i looked into the omnia college shooting thing and it only solidified for me why i don’t like her.
from my understanding, she found out the people at her college died on november 14th, but she goes on this entire self-pity twitter rant. what really bothered me is she said “i’ve been thinking of them every single day” when it hadn’t even been a more than a day since she found out they died.
No. 1719487
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>>1719479on top of this i did some more digging, and she already expressed in the past that she didn’t want things about her location/university being shared on the internet, only to openly share those things herself.
kinda grossed out that she used the death of her classmates to virtue signal for likes online as if she knew the
victims personally.
No. 1721198
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>>1720537i doubt that. you can post a memorial anywhere else that isn’t to your fan base of strangers that don’t know who you are irl. and your “change of stance” reeks of dishonesty when your initial “stance” comes at another person’s expense. you’re now suddenly comfortable with letting your entire audience know your university and location after making a huge deal about keeping it private for pity points? but now that people have died, you couldn’t wait for more than a day after their deaths to make it about yourself? she tweets like she got shot. it’s gross. if she knew the
victims she would’ve said their names in the first few tweets she made sympathy-baiting about it. weird way to justify this.
No. 1721906
>>1721894>vindictive and petty snakeBitch please, Peaches was fucking lynched by a legion of ravenous and irrational of angry terminally online internet denizens. Her entire life was almost ruined by barbarians guided by rage and emotion, and the fact that you went to this shitty
toxic thread to tell other shitty
toxic people that "OH MAH GOD HOPELESS PEACHES IS A SNAKE AND IS VINDICTIVE AND IS FAT HURRDY-DURR" just because she used too many mean words to describe her bullies is just sickening to me. The people on this thread who are slandering Peaches are AIDS-carrying piles of garbage and should touch grass for the first time in their sad lives.
No. 1721939
>>1721931preachy aren't you? no need to be alarmed, sheckles to me is just another way of saying money.
also, you have to be either a troll and or a minor. gtfo.
No. 1721950
>>1721939More than likely just a troll. "veritas" means "truth", and that sperging rant along with:
>As much as I want to see her live an amazing and happy life, free from all the hate in this hateful worldIs way too ass-kissing and on the nose even for a Peaches simp. Ignore them and they'll be banned in a couple hours.
No. 1721979
>>1721479i’m sure your relative didn’t go on twitter to rant about how they could have saved them and start asking for prayers before figuring out the names of the
victims. this is in no way similar to survivors guilt. it’s just weird. they have a private account discussed earlier in this thread. they could have vented there. wouldn’t be grossed out if it was anyone other than omnia.
No. 1722183
>>1722098Scroll up
Yes Peaches was harassed by Shannon. But Peaches still did wrong. And now Peaches is blatantly bullying people, being rude and snarky and trying to get petty revenge on people in a guise of being on the moral high ground. She is now the one harassing others. Peaches is exactly like Shannon and you guys refuse to see it because "oh she had some stuff happen to her" almost two fucking years ago. You guys don't hold her accountable for her past and present behavior because you're over correcting. She's even going after people for petty reasons like Spoctor. Hell, if you look at her the wrong way she'll be
Shannon called it, Peaches IS a more watered down version of her. Right down to Peaches e-begging because she's homeless to her bullying Camilla even though Peaches ripped HER off. Peaches can't let go that Camilla thought her first apology was dog shit and years later Peaches still has her panties in a twist and is trying to paint them as a pedo for a situation Camilla fixed months ago.
Scroll up
Peaches sucks and you guys made a brand new creepshowart
No. 1722978
> as much love and affection as possible in response to mountain-sized amount of vile hate lumped upon heras if Peaches needs anymore ass kissing when she has big names in the cc backing her up and going toe to toe with big names such as spoctor and camilla for revenge under the guise of ""accountability"" and seem to be succeeding at that, given she got spoctor to quit the community.
that being said, wouldn't surprise me if peaches or any of her white knights linked this thread to her discord server and one of her more "loyal" fans decided to jump in LOL
No. 1725750
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I hate JAR so fucking much holy shit. He’s such an opportunistic little rat. He was friends with Spoctor and then backstabbed him for views. He supported DaftPina for years and then made like 4 terrible videos on him. As soon as you show any sort of vulnerability he’ll go after you, he has no fucking principles whatsoever. He’ll throw anyone under the bus for clout. Just an awful fucking person.
No. 1725891
>>1725763Spoctor apparently went off against Peaches and said some mean stuff, delegitimizing her trauma or whatever. And I guess he’s been feeling stressed out. So he couldn’t take the pressure and retired.
And of course JAR can’t help but stick his shitty fucking nose in places it doesn’t belong and feels compelled to add more fuel to the fire.
No. 1726023
>>1725750The motto of the ACC should be:
"With friends like these, who needs enemies"
Let this be a lesson to anyone just purusing this thread; do not make friends with anyone in the ACC. Because the moment you make even the slightest misstep they will stab you in the back in the name of content.
No. 1726113
>>1725914>>1726023This just feels like a fundamentally unhealthy way to live. It can’t be good for anyone’s mental health.
Also peaches is in the comments section saying that Spoctor is irredeemable because of course she is. I wouldn’t say I hate her as much as others in this thread but she’s long since lost my sympathy.
None of these people look like their satisfied with their lives which is why they do fucking drama shit and argue with teenagers over the internet.
No. 1726133
> Also peaches is in the comments section saying that Spoctor is irredeemable because of course she is.and people still want to paint her as this innocent
victim of poor circumstance when in reality she's just as catty and vindictive as shannon ever was.
imagine having the gall to call someone irredeemable for the oh so horrible crime of not kissing her ass enough during period of drama and talking shit about her to his sister, as if peaches herself wasn't being a snake and going on her little revenge spree
>>1725750fuck JAR. he already had something going for him when he started shifting toward movie and show commentary but then he had to go back and do this.
spoctor was at least generous enough to give JAR some leeway as a friend despite calling him out when he made that shitty tobi co-op video (with manga and fuchsia). if JAR was gonna do this in turn in hindsight spoctor should've been way harsh to his ""friend"" back when he covered the tobi drama.
just how much of a stronghold does peaches have on JAR that she's worth dropping a long-time friendship with spoctor over??
and of course he got fucking doodletones on board, who's good friends with hiten (who has a vendetta against spoctor due to his "tone policing" when she whined about junkie lying to her) and nezzie (who's just as prone to going on whinig rants as hiten)
No. 1726552
>>1725891>delegitimizing her trauma or whateverOh come the fuck on (not you, JAR/Peaches). With how much Peaches whines, yeah maybe some of the stuff deserves to be delegitimized because she's a whiny bitch who moans about most things, especially in drama she puts herself into.
So essentially this video is just JAR once again shoving his nose in Peaches ever so expanding ass because? Or was there more grievances he had toward Spoctor?
>>1726023Words to live by, especially if you plan on being in the ACC though I don't understand why after seeing how much it can erupt.
>>1726113>Also peaches is in the comments section saying that Spoctor is irredeemable because of course she is. I wouldn’t say I hate her as much as others in this thread but she’s long since lost my sympathy. Agree. She's not the worse but she's getting closer and closer to it because of how much she self-victimizes herself. Whatever Spoctor said to her, I doubt it's as bad as she's whinging about. And once again she's putting herself into drama YET AGAIN. BITCH will you just stop? I swear her fans are retarded if they still defend her with this in mind.
>>1726167At this point I'm proud of Spoctor. He's young and he realized that the community is not worth participating in when it has BS like this and I'm especially glad he didn't roll over for m'lady and still called her out for being the manipulative woman that she is.
No. 1726690
>>1726552Spoctor was just tired of her shit and was just talking smack… TO HIS OWN SISTER
She's such a hypocrite because she talks shit behind people's back all the time. In fact she got into huge drama before it. But Spoctor talkin shit to his sister and close friend isn't as mean as Peaches trying to end careers and ripping people off
Honestly I hope Spoctor comes back when he's mentally ready. He was already moving away from commentary and was doing his own thing. Peaches and JAR are hell bent on dying on a trash mound together
No. 1726976
> it feels like the newer generation is not learning this and think that using the "I'm autistic" excuse to be shitbags.that or the "i'm a minor baawwww" excuse
and heaven help if your both
it's like the "i'm neurodivergent and a minor" but unironically
>>1726898JAR thinks that just because his roommate is black he gets to say racially insensitive shit. i know i said that JAR is better off doing nerd commentary but every once in a while he says stuff that makes me raise an eyebrow and he almost always backs it up with "i talked to my roommate who's black" like a defense
No. 1727295
>>1727214I don't even know why his fans adore him. He already admitted he spent most of his life being homophobic and racist because he was a bible humper. He even admitted that he thinks men are superior and refers to all women as "females". That shit doesn't go away and you can tell he's so visibly uneasy with lgbt or
POC topics. His only means of coping is by making racist jokes about it. He is the living version of "I'm not racist, I know a black person"
>>1727291it almost kind of worked when he was being racist towards Kai and Omnia. Too bad both of them were bigger cows at the time so people shrugged it off.
Same with Peaches btw. People keep forgetting she too has said some racist and homophobic shit before. Makes sense why those two would be friends
Jar use to be close friends with Spoctor, makes me wonder if Spoctor admitting he's bisexual effected how JAR saw him.
No. 1727374
>>1727291That is literally a transphobic slur. You are a transphobe and a bigot.
>>1727295>people keep forgetting she too has said some racist and homophobic shit beforePROOF? At this point you are all just pulling stuff out of your ass.
(lost newfag) No. 1727470
>>1727291This is true. It's kinda funny when you think about it where it's much more offensive to say that men cannot become women or that women can't become men and that their little belief falls on superficial stereotypes than to be awful towards ethnic minorities who can't change their ethnicity.
But knowing how JAR, he won't go for the troons until the troon bubble pops and more than enough people get fed up with that bullshit and then JAR will come out acting like he never supported the ideology and blah blah, you know his grifting schtick kek.
>>1727295>I don't even know why his fans adore him. He already admitted he spent most of his life being homophobic and racist because he was a bible humper. He even admitted that he thinks men are superior and refers to all women as "females". That shit doesn't go away and you can tell he's so visibly uneasy with lgbt or POC topics. His only means of coping is by making racist jokes about it. He is the living version of "I'm not racist, I know a black person"I think the reason why his fans don't hold him to such a standard is because they're others just like him via people who want to be seen as edgy or too young to know his past and see the patterns he follows.
>Same with Peaches btw. People keep forgetting she too has said some racist and homophobic shit before.Really? She has? Like in a video or a tweet? I don't think you're lying but I'm surprised is all and yeah it makes all the more sense why JAR goes out of his to defend her so much, they're two peas in a pod.
>Jar use to be close friends with Spoctor, makes me wonder if Spoctor admitting he's bisexual effected how JAR saw him.With how JAR acts when it comes to LGB topics, I wouldn't put it past him. He probably thought Spoctor was the same as him, an edgy straight guy only for him to start feeling awkward when Spoctor came out as bi and how perhaps Spoctor wouldn't be as okay with constant jabs towards LGB people.
>>1727304Right because anti-sjw humor is not popular anymore, at least not with the masses and if you make content like that you risk getting demonetized which is what JAR is afraid of. It's like how H3H3/Ethan Klein changed direction with his content because it was no longer financially beneficial.
No. 1730548
>>1730513A surprising amount of ArtCC / Art drama community members are Garbo at art. JAR, Daft and JustStop have no illustrative talent, HarleyTBS literally just uses fucking bases like a middle schooler. Nawnii and PonderSprocket are decent but their arts quality doesn't warrant the audience size.
Ironically Peaches and Thumin are the only ones with an iota of talent which is a shame because I find them the most fucking obnoxious creators out of the entire ArtCC lot.
No. 1730769
>>1730548genuinely. i’d like to chalk it up to a majority of them being young and reclusive. thumin isn’t bad but just sticks her nose in places that she doesn’t need to, complaining about things she could easily ultimately ignore. peaches is addicted to conflict, and since people continue to reward her for being inflammatory and aggressive, she’s naturally going to continue to act this way.
the art cc just perpetuates bad habits, which is why no one in it really changes for the better unless they completely leave altogether.
No. 1730903
>>1730769>Thumin isn't bad but just sticks her nose in places that she doesn't need toThat's a bit of an understatement to describe someone who was involved in the ruining of an innocent woman's life.
>Peaches is addicted to conflictBitch, actually fuck off. Everything bad done to Peaches was from shitty people being shitty. This is literal anti-empiricism
No. 1731013
>>1730903Peaches defenders are literally brain dead and you guys would let her get away with anything because she was one of Shannon's
Peaches initially got into drama because she talked shit behind EVERYONES back. The same thing she's currently kicking and screaming about others doing now. She admitted she was a bad friend and person. She also made Camilla LOSE money with a "collab", ripping her off. She was big mad because Camillia didn't accept Peaches first apology because she caught Peaches still talking shit about the incident years later.
Also her tweets and comments on youtube videos are mean and vindictive
She 1000% uses her mental illness as a shield to be a POS and is currently going on a petty revenge spree on people who just disagree with her.
Peaches defenders are over correcting because they don't want to admit that Peaches is just a weaker version of Shannon. Yall are idolizing another Creepshowart and putting her on a pillar of purity and moral standing
>>1677991>>1677782Peaches being mad at Spoctor because he talked shit about her to his own sister that her behavior is ridiculous is telling. She's still upset half a year later? Peaches can't let anything go and she needs to stop e-begging and go touch grass
No. 1731051
>>1730974You have failed to explain why Peaches is bad though. And no, calling her fat and terminally online isn't criticism.
>>1731013>She made camilla lose money with a collab, ripping her offNot only have you failed to provide evidence for this claim, but literally everyone who has made this claim on this thread has also failed to provide evidence.
>>1731030Have you ever considered that some people are literally not capable of mentally handling harassment as well as others. This literally just the same old bootstraps-mentality ableism I'd normally expect from a Ben Shapiro segment.
No. 1731060
>>1731051People have been saying and showing examples of Peaches bad behavior
You wont find people sympathetic to her at all here. Maybe last year but not with her current behavior. She's addicted to drama and bringing people down. Go back to JAR's discord
No. 1731086
>>1731051where are you people coming from? don’t tell me this is someone from peaches’ creepy ‘found family’ hugbox. i’m placing my bets on Lio, that guy can’t ever mind his business or ignore anything to save his life.
Peaches has admitted herself that she lied about the collab between her and camilla cuevas, and to chalk thumin up as someone who ‘almost ruined her life’ is genuinely retarded. It’s the internet. You can live without an online reputation if it was really that bad. If you don’t like what we’re saying, go make a video on it.
If you’re so entrenched in online discourse that people calling you out for something stupid you did is “ruining your life”, you need to get a hobby outside of the internet. For Peaches I would recommend excersize. If she was less fat maybe she wouldn’t be so painfully insecure. You won’t find the narrative control you’re looking for in an anonymous image board.
No. 1731138
>>1731051Get up and walk away from the fucking screen, no one is forcing her to be online or even constantly insert herself into drama. Tobi herself even admitted that once she stepped away from the internet she was not only happier, but developed a genuine relationship instead of these online yes-men that were up her ass 24/7. There is plenty of evidence of Peaches being manipulative, two-faced, and overall shitty in this thread and the previous. You aren't going to find sympathy for Peaches here.
>>1731086My guess is Lio too. He's up her ass even more-so than JAR. Worst part is he's in his 30's with a wife and kids and still gets into online discourse like a 15 year old.
No. 1731175
>>1731086>creepy 'found family' hugbox yeah you definitely would have referred to any family unit outside of a heterosexual nuclear family as "immoral and dangerous"
>to chalk thumin up as someone 'who almost ruined her life' is genuinely retardedWatch Bored Oranges's "The Many Sins of Kai and Omnia" video. He explains how Thumin was a terrible person responsible for slandering Peaches.
>people calling you out for something stupid you did is "ruining your life"No, no, no. That ain't what happened. Peaches was completely innocent and was brutalized and tortured by shitheads like Creepshow, Luke, Kai, Omnia, Thumin, Camilla, and Avrona, who were all being supported by sympathizers and apologists like Spoctor, who also later ended up demonizing Peaches. This ain't inlcuding misc. figures like SeptyPaws who drew FUCKING NON-CON PORN OF HER! This is so brutally dishonest it makes me want to throw up.
>>1731158>harasses Camilla to this dayPeaches is calling out Camilla for working with fucking groomers. That's not harassment!
No. 1731184
>>1731175You're either baiting or legit that brain dead
Camilla didn't work with groomers. She literally banned them from their server
Creepshow and Luke are the only ones who were 100% assholes. People disagreeing with you or holding you accountable for being shit isn't "ruining" your life. It's no ones fault Peaches is a sensitive twat who uses her "weak" mental state to pick internet fights. You can sneeze in front of her and she'll try to cancel you for it. If she's that sensitive she shouldn't be on the internet
No. 1731209
>That ain't what happened. Peaches was completely innocent and was brutalized and tortured by shitheads like Creepshow, Luke, Kai, Omnia, Thumin, Camilla, and Avrona, who were all being supported by sympathizers and apologists like Spoctor, who also later ended up demonizing Peaches.Now I'm convinced this is some braindead and equally terminally online 15 year old fan because oh my fucking god go outside with this fucking sperg kek. Completely innocent poor damsel Peaches was DEMONIZED and BRUTALIZED by the big scary internet people. I'm almost tempted to think this is a troll but considering there's people that believe Peaches has never and will never do any wrong I know that's not true. Spoctor talked shit about Peaches to his sister privately, cry my a fucking river if you're that sensitive, that something like that will put you on the edge of a mental breakdown. Also great shameless plug for Bored Oranges who's just a JAR clone. Tempted to say this is a self-post.
No. 1731239
>>1731209Bored Oranges is a Harley and JAR ripoff, not a terrible creator by any means, but neither exciting or different either. He seems to stay out of drama or sperg out anywhere removed from his videos so that’s some credit i could give him. Otherwise, I’m with you. If Peaches can’t handle people being mean to her on the internet, she shouldn’t be online. Looks like most of the creators in the Peaches drama have ultimately made peace with the situation and moved on. the only one still pressed about it and holding grudges is Peaches herself. I’ll be here when she eventually realizes not everyone is going to treat her like the
victim she wishes she was, or she inevitably gets exposed for being worse than the people she complains about 24/7. Im convinced shady shit is going on in that ‘Senate’ server.
No. 1731939
this probably has nothing to do with the site going down for a few days, but i just found it interesting that for the weeks leading up to this a bunch of peaches whiteknights/trolls ended up in this thread and then not too soon after the site goes down LOL
>>1712645>>1721906>>1727374>>1731175from the retarded "lol it's omnia" anon to this recent one I'm thoroughly convinced either peaches or any of her acc whiteknight buddies have this thread mentioned in their servers because how are we getting all these peaches ass kissers in the span of barely a month?
the first one i can chalk it up as nothing more than a bored troll, and the "veritas" can be a toss up between an actually devoted peaches simp to also being a troll, but now these newer ones are really starting to seem a bit more convincing, especially when they start dropping names and peoples' videos as "proof" of peache's so-called "innocence" and her poor uwu victimhood.
some of which are obscure and irrelevant names like some nobody like bored oranges.
they even got the typical "-isms" and buzzword insults that's on par with the target audience peaches attracts LOL
i'd be shocked if it turns out these are all the same anon though kek
but idk about lolcow enough to know if that's possible, especially when two of those were banned from the thread
No. 1731962
>>1731581Peaches acted like Camilla is the predator herself. Sadly any drama from the ACC community I don't trust at all at this point. Especially if Peaches is involved in any way
How funny that JAR also released a Camilla video at the same time Peaches did. These two are so obviously going after people Peaches doesn't like.
I will honestly be SHOCKED if we don't get a a big ol expose fest like we did with Creepshowart. Except instead of Shannon and Luke we get Peaches and JAR.
Like come on. Just like Shannon Peaches has a list of people she wants to ruin. That doesn't sound so uwu peaceful innocent baby to me.
No. 1731966
>>1731581Even the art she choose for the video has Peaches sneering and giggling in the background like some sort of villain. Peaches is literally doing this on purpose. You would think after Stories, Pentagrin and Shannon people would stop believing people with huge vendettas against others. Thankfully it seems the brain dead behavior is contained with just these guys fanbase.
I checked Spoctor's and Camillia's socials and their fans aren't giving them shit. I hope this means that people know Peaches and Jar are just fligging shit.
No. 1731972
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The fact that Peaches has been in the comments FOR OVER A WEEK flicking her bean in the replies is stupid. Also the irony in some of these replies. It's like her fans know why Peaches and JAR did this, but they don't want to accept it. Also keep in mind Camillia's first language isn't even English
"She's stuttering and tripping over her own words!"
Really? You're going to shit on her for being an esl?
But yeah, her fans are mostly just braindead teens themselves. The god damn irony. Peaches isn't a teenage anime character, she's a grown ass mountain troll well into her 20's who manipulates and befriends children herself. By her own logic she's sus herself. Peaches HAS to be projecting at this point
No. 1731973
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>>1731972She's too mentally unstable to be in drama, unless the drama is about someone she hates being dragged. All of a sudden she's totally mentally sound enough for it. That isn't how that works
No. 1732022
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If you go to Peaches's twitter she made about 17 posts and retweets of her Camilla video. More retweets and exposure than ANY of her videos. Each one of them encouraging people to fight Camilla. 17
Camilla didn't handle the situation well, but they did handle it. I don't know how someone can look at Peaches and not think she's an obsessive freak
No. 1732065
>>1732040Even their timelines are similar. It's so eerie how the ACC community LOVES
toxic people.
> Both were made fun of for being shit at the beginning> Both had videos exposing they are POS> "Trauma" stories being released so people feel bad for them. Don't pick on baby!> Despite being tramatized they both still act like POS. But they're immune to backlash because "Victims are always innocent! Even if it happened YEARS ago"> They both started making video after video of people they obviously hate> Videos start having subjective half truths to make the people they hate look worse than they really are. Becomes more "Passionate" about justice. But only against people they're beefing with> Seems untouchable even though they're obviously bullies now. They get overly confident > Mistakes were made> Shit hits the fan and all their dirty deeds are exposed. Cancelling begins. > "It wasn't my fault! I'm a victim remember?! It was this made up situation! I'M A BABY!"> runs away from the internet along with their male simps>>1732022I dunno if Peaches is self aware. But the way she drew her cutesy animu self in the thumbnail snickering in the darkness obviously plotting is… too much. I feel like she's making fun of her audience at this point
Even the quotes Peaches used for the thumbnail aren't bad? Seems like Camilla didn't want to take things public. that isn't protecting her reputation, that is just preventing private matters from going public.
No. 1732066
>>1732065Camilla definitely did some wrong in this situation, it's just that Peaches is exposing it for all of the wrong reasons and they're very blatant about it.
To the other anon who believes that JAR and Peaches will eventually be exposed, I wouldn't count on it. If JAR and Peaches are working together, I could only imagine there are others in that same circle trying to protect themselves too. Unless the community starts eventually getting into it with each other, I don't see any of these people being held accountable at all. Hate to say it, but the closest we got to them getting exposed was Kai, Omnia, Thumin, etc. And a majority of them ended up getting cancelled, leaving, or both. Probably for the best too.
No. 1732070
>>1732066I feel bad for the
victims and Camilla. I understand she was shocked and hurt that her POS boyfriend was a pedo. She probably took his side. Which… eh okay I get it
But I had a couple boyfriends who turned out to be pedos and I dumped their asses right away and made sure everyone in my friend circle knew. I knew other friends who did the same (Discord groomers are common and it's disgusting)
Most women would be outraged and disgusted immediately
Seems like they kicked out everyone that isn't in their inner circle. Which… is so obvious? I'm kinda hoping we get an arc where everyone they cancelled comes back anyways, but to do their own thing and not dramatube. Kai, Omnia, Thumin, Spoctor, Camilla. Just to take away the imaginary power Peaches and her friends think they have to make people they don't like disappear
They all have this idea that if they say someone is irredeemable they don't have permission to return to any social media. Which… wtf?
A part of me wants Shannon to come back too. Not because I actually miss her, but the milk.
No. 1732081
>>1732066Everyone said the same thing about Shannon and look how that ended up. It took a while, but it happened. I also think like the Creepshow Art situation, it'll be the same and it will be someone unrelated to the ACC completely out of left field that will open pandora's box. If you look at Peaches tweets on her personal account, you'll see she's grown really cocky and egotistical. She knows she got off scott free from her last dramas and it's gone to her head. She thinks she's untouchable now and when you get to that point, it's always when you start making mistakes. Shannon did the exact same thing:
Got into smaller dramas she gave half-assed excuses for -> they were swept under the rug and she went on with her fans and friends blindly looking the other way -> Shit hit the fan and everyone pretended to be shocked when the red flags were there. Peaches is going to go the same route. Camilla will also be fine. She just needs to either delete or gut her discord and she'll be fine.
No. 1732101
>>1732066not to mention Peaches has people like Mali Malware and Lio backing her up, the latter of which has been shown to blindly defend her, eating up this narrative of her drama being nothing more than "petty nothingness"
>>1675606Mali has this reputation of being Ponder Sprocket levels of credible within the acc sphere, and going by something I remembered Kai saying in a twitch stream once, Lio likes being the acc's "cop" KEK
No. 1732105
>>1732101I'd like to disagree on Mali being a "defender" to Peaches. Considering the fact that she did a jack-shit job defending her optically, let off that sadistic and
abusive detractor Avrona with a slap on the wrist, is a fan/friend/ of that sadistic and
abusive detractor Thumin, and has implicitly equated Peaches's defenders with her sadistic and
abusive detractors in her thumbnails and videos, I'm gonna have to dissent to that claim. While I don't think Mali is inherently evil, she messed up HARD in being a "friend" to Peaches and is gonna have to do a LOT to repent for her ignorance and faults.
No. 1732112
>>1732101Can you Peaches defenders fuck off. Just because someone doesn't completely suck her asshole doesn't mean they're a bad person. Also fyi, if Peaches is linking/using lolcow like Shannon did to shit on EVERYONE don't you think that's kinda weird? Peaches is exactly like Shannon.
It's going to be annoying when Peaches gets exposed again and people flood this thread with Bs like "I didn't see it coming. She was my comfort YouTuber!" even though most of her videos were
toxic or her flinging shit
No. 1732119
>>1732105did she really? on her huge two-parter video where she goes in-depth in the peaches drama i remembered her digging at avrona and luke more than the others, but then again that video was a long time ago
about the thumbnail thing, if this is also about mali's two-parter video i'd have to disagree.
Mali was going over every video on peaches, so of course she'd pile everyone together. also not all of peaches' detractors were "sadistic and
abusive" LOL. some of them had more nuanced takes.
i don't think Mali has to "repent" for anything since she and Peaches are getting along just fine, the latter of which joins in on her livestreams. there's many instances in this thread going over how peaches joins Mali's streams going over whatever drama is going on and she makes it about herself to squeeze more
victim points.
>>1732112I wasnt defending Peaches though??
No. 1732121
>>1732105Please stop treating Peaches like some defenseless matyr for fucks sake. Peaches and Thumin are both featured in Malimalware's newest 4 hour long video so safe to say they're all fine. Tossing around "sadistic" and "
abusive" like they're fucking water balloons.
No. 1732145
>>1731972>"She's stuttering and tripping over her own words!">Really? You're going to shit on her for being an esl?I'm surprised nobody has pointed out how unintentionally racist she can come across as here.
Also the irony for Peaches to tell minors to keep in their own age group when she herself has Harley as her lapdog and uses animu and art dramur to draw in children.
>"Don't let somebody's popularity make you think they're good people by default."Reap what you sow, Peaches.
>>1732065I swear to Christ they're just like IC people in that they'll do anything other than doing/talking about art.
No. 1732456
>>1732145You'd be surprised how many people think Peaches is a teenager. It's from the way she behaves, talking about her school life in videos and so on. Most people know she's a woman well into her 20's, but people act like she's a mentally ill teen and a lot of her fans think so as well.
I'm 1000% sure if people saw what Peaches looked like constantly they wouldn't simp so hard.
No. 1732524
>>1732500Funny because it's just her and her group of friends stirring up drama kek. At this point she's self aware and she's just being a troll at this point.
I know this is annoying to bring up for the 100th time, but guess who use to do the same thing. Shannon
No. 1733010
>>1732112I think that you meant to reply to the post criticizing Mali for defending Peaches enough. Either way you're wrong about Peaches.
>>1732119While she did criticize Avrona, she didn't go after him hard and rightfully punish him like what should have happened to everyone who tortured Peaches. Instead Mali mostly focused on making those "commentary community bad" videos, and as this thread proves, a lot of people who subscribe to the "cc bad" mentality are terrible people themselves. Also in her one recent video about Creepshow, John Swan and Kai, she included, and therefore implicity agreed with, a video by that slimy, transphobic, tone-policing, bitch baby Spoctor who was himself an apologist for all the sadistic fuckers who hurt Peaches.
>also not all of peaches' detractors were "sadistic and abusive" LOL. some of them had more nuanced takes.Considering the torture that Peaches went through, I'm gonna have to tell you to stfu.
>>1732121>Tossing around "sadistic" and "abusive" like they're fucking water balloonsAgain, as I said before, an innocent lady was tortured and you fuckers are garbo people.
>>1732456>I'm 1000% sure if people saw what Peaches looked like constantly they wouldn't simp so hard.I have seen her face. I'm still defending her. I, and so many other people, aren't shallow. We do this out of altruism, of compassion, of being good people, and of combating all the sadistic bullying that has lead to so much suffering of a poor lady.
No. 1733017
>>1733010Yup, you hit a lot of the checkboxes of the kind of audience Peaches attracts KEK
Throwing all the "-isms" and "-phobics" and the buzzword insults for good measure.
You already lost me at the "suffering of a poor lady" part LOL
Cry harder and keep poking around Peaches' ass. I can tell her of JAR's servers arent fun enough
No. 1733060
>>1733010Sorry you support Shannon 2.0
I don't know how you're going to cope
I feel worse if you're friends with her because she certainly doesn't feel the same towards you. She even threw JAR under the bus a few times for simple mistakes. Peaches is over emotional and is too reactive. She's also a classic narc. Her being a
victim of Shannon was the best thing that happened to her because she gets a perma "get out of jail" card
Your parasocial relationship with a POS adult woman with mental issues is sad.
No. 1733362
Peaches being a bitch online and people over reacting to it isn't really anything. In fact it's what she's doing to others now. She's making big deals out of smaller situations. You would think she would sympathize when people overexaggerate situations since it happened to her.
But really Peaches was always such a little shit talker and a bad person.
Honestly it really takes away from people who were actually abused and tortured. Her credibility is so low to me. Even her online grooming story sounds like total BS now. It seems all her problems comes from being online too much, even her losing her home, money and her being so
abusive to her ex they kicked her out. (The only silver lining is her ex is in a happy relationship. The bad news is Peaches is currently squatting in HIS apartment. Why no one is talking about this is bonkers. I hope Peaches ex exposes her)
If there is anyone who needs to leave the internet it's Peaches. And it's sincerely for her benefit
No. 1733474
>>1733462 honestly a bunch of adults befriending and becoming "friends" and "close family" with young naive teens on a closed discord server is the biggest red flag
Throw in the
toxic trait of most being fans of those who are older. I wouldn't be surprised
"I didn't mean to date the 15 year old! It just happened. I'm chronically online, lonely and people in my own age group don't find me attractive. They understand me."
No. 1733768
>>1733645I believe Harley and Peaches have information on each other that could ultimately ruin each other’s career, and they remain friends because of it. No one in this community will be your friend if it meant the potential of losing followers/public attention. Everyone is out for themselves.
I’m 99% sure JAR has a crush on Peaches but I doubt Peaches wants him. Not sure what he sees in her, I guess real women see the bum in him.
No. 1733861
>>1733362>Even her online grooming story sounds like total BS now. It seems all her problems comes from being online too much, even her losing her home, money and her being so abusive to her ex they kicked her out. (The only silver lining is her ex is in a happy relationship. The bad news is Peaches is currently squatting in HIS apartment.Well one, dismissing Peaches's grooming as "fake" is just plain disgusting. Second, blaming most of her problems on herself is just deceitful, when her housing and money problems are udeniably the result of the UK Conservative Party shitting all over British workers. Those circle-jerking elites have screwed over Peaches. Maybe she wouldn't have to squat in her ex's house if the Tories weren't too busy drinking fermented tiger blood next to their diamond-covered mammoth skeletons!
>>1733462>Everyone there is chronically online and thinking strangers are their real siblings or father.Yeah, this "Internet found family bad" mindset is no different than the beliefs that lead people to oppose families headed by gay or polyamorous couples
No. 1733870
>>1733861Don't respond to bait
This is obviously a troll
No. 1734006
>>1733991Because there is no relation between Peaches being
abusive to her ex and squatting at his place and British politics
If you're the one that's been here for 10 days do something else with your time. No one outside of Peaches hug box thinks she's a good person.
Also Peaches pointing out the wrong doing of others doesn't erase her own. It's something Shannon did to absolve herself from her own shit behavior
Pot calling the kettle black
No. 1734042
>>1733861> Yeah, this "Internet found family bad" mindset is no different than the beliefs that lead people to oppose families headed by gay or polyamorous couples"I-if you don't agree with me you're homophobic!"
Grasping at straws aren't we?
No. 1734548
>>1734006Falsely accusing Peaches of being
abusive to her ex without excuse huh? Amazing.
Also regarding squatting, that is absolutely on the Tories. The Tories don't like British workers like Peaches, so they pass policies that hurt them thereby sticking the knife of homelessness to their throats.
>>1734014>Peaches might be able to live on her own if she wasn't terminally online and got off her fatass to get a decent paying job instead of e-begging.Now this is some Thomas Sowell level shit right here. "Peaches is just lazy, why doesn't she just pull herself up by her bootstraps lol."
>>1734042>"I-if you don't agree with me you're homophobic!"Grasping at straws aren't we?
Not really, after all the people who obsess over traditional family structures and criticize alternate ways of familial hierarchies tend to be pretty homophobic.
No. 1734671
at this point I don't know what's funnier: the fact you found a way to make it shit talk about Peaches into British politics and homophobia or the fact you're this down bad to defend her for (according to your own words) 10 days in and counting
now i'm almost tempted to say this is bored oranges or harley due to the knowledge on politics and they're both brits like peaches. plus if this previous reply is anything to go by
>>1731175but if this is lio like some nonnies speculated i wouldn't be surprised either. he's the guy who likes playing cop in the cc so it wouldnt be out of place for him to play armchair lawyer too
No. 1736730
>>1736612Fucking hell give it up you white-knight. You've been at this for over a week and all you've managed to say is "muh
insert phobia", Peaches was a poor, innocent woman that got tortured and brutalized by people saying mean things to her, and "lolcow bad". People have told you over and over that you're not going to find sympathy for Peaches here. Plenty of anons have given her criticsm, the main one being she's online way too much and it's bad for her already abysmal mental health. She's a fucking adult and not a helpless teenager and you all treating her as such is doing nothing but continuing to have her act like a child.
No. 1737556
>>1736730>all you've managed to say is "muh insert phobia", Peaches was a poor, innocent woman that got tortured and brutalized by people saying mean things to her, and "lolcow bad"What else do you want me to say? Do you want me to talk about how much I want to crack open the skulls of Thumin and Avrona for hurting Peaches and getting away with it? Do you want me to talk about how much I want to tie Mali to a chair and scream in her face for doing jack-shit when it came to "defending" her "friend?" Do you want me to talk about how Spoctor and others being "neutral" during the lynching of Peaches meant they had automatically sided with her oppressors? (Orwell wasn't lying when he said that pacifism is objectively pro-fascist.)
Point is, I could go on and on about you and Peaches's detractors are all a bunch of ontologically evil cretins who should have no dessert after dinner.
Oh! And also,
>She's a fucking adult and not a helpless teenagerPeaches isn't a fucking god. She feels the same unjustified pain, sorrow, and torment that so many others on this planet have been subjected to for far too long.
No. 1737652
>>1737556dude your one fedora short of being up there with JAR and Lio on the Peaches simp train if not much higher
> Peaches isn't a fucking god. She feels the same unjustified pain, sorrow, and torment that so many others on this planet have been subjected to for far too long.with how much you've fawned over her for being a "poor innocent lady" to the point you want to beat the shit out of her detractors and torture them the same way you claim Peaches was "tortured" (according to your own words "crack open the skulls of Thumin and Avrona" and "tie Mali to a chair and scream in her face")
Wow man. if peaches wasn't a god to you you could've fooled me.
No. 1738895
>>1737556Part of me still thinks this is some weird scrote troll, but the thought that someone out there is so brainwashed into being this obsessed with Peaches is equal parts hilarious and terrifying. I highly suggest you look up things on parasocial relationships and get the fuck off the internet if petty online disagreements get you this angry holy shit. How much has Peaches twisted and manipulated you in DMs for you to be this viscerally angry at internet strangers?
Also from here on out everyone ignore whatever this person posts because it really is a troll or someone clinically insane.
No. 1739585
>>1738895My theory is Peaches and co are super cocky because everyone that would call them out are now gone
And if anyone comes back they'll just make 10 videos on why that person is evil for coming back or picking their nose.
Anon is right, only people outside of the ACC community can do any damage. Unless someone like Ponder has some dirt, but as far as I know they make sure Ponder isn't in any of their servers for obvious reasons
No. 1740715
File: 1673312941992.jpg (92.76 KB, 944x1300, 20230109_161935.jpg)

This shit is fucking weird. They're both adults acting like this. It's bad enough that Lio had himself named "Dad" but Peaches typing it out like she's whining is even worse.
No. 1741132
>>1740715there's internet family, but if you combine that with the way they talk to each other + peaches' uwu voice talking to her ""dad"" (ew)
this reads like some fucked ddlg kink they got going on jfc
No. 1741150
>>1740715>>1741017>>1741038I'm all for letting your freak flag fly. But seeing as how these two like to put themselves on a moral high ground I'm calling this behavior out as disgusting.
More so considering there are children in this server and this little "found family" shit seems beyond creepy considering this is an obvious kink for them.
Don't involve kids in your fucking kinks and don't show it so blatantly
I'm also adding how these two are so quick to point out whats wrong why are these adults doing the ddlg little rp anyway? Though I have a feeling if they're found out Peaches is 1000% going to accuse him of "grooming" her even though she's well into her 20s
I do believe there is some truth when they say they aren't attracted to each other. I'm sure they gross each other out. But at least with just voice they can pretend to be fucking their sonas
I can't wait for this group to be called out. All the red flags are there
No. 1743306
>>1743273i just find his thumbnail comical.
among creepshow, (i think) kai and some other person i don't know, there's peaches over there sobbing over him leaving.
especially since i know peaches drew this thumbnail since it has the same style as the one on that right/wrong way to do diversity video
honestly good riddance. JAR should've left when he started going on a roll with his mary sue videos, but every now and then he still dipped back into the cc with debunking the tobi drama (which had no other reason being brought back up other than "tobi's main detractors are cancelled so i can prove i was right" bs ala zi-zi and nezzie) and parroting whatever his bestie (crush) peaches is doing
hopefully he actually sticks to his word and stays out. i said it before i'll say it again: JAR's content is much bearable when he's going into nerd commentary. i'm surprised it took him this long to realize that.
No. 1743321
Everyone ignore the return of the sperging Peaches simp above, they're not worth anyone's time.
>>1743273I have no faith that any of these people will ever truly leave because they thrive on drama. Peaches has multiple times said she wanted to step away from commentary, but her personality is so fucking boring no one gives a shit about her if she's not thrusting herself into drama. I don't have any faith JAR will genuinely step away from the ACC because he's already too deep.
No. 1745015
>>1744125that or the typical "I really didn't want to make this video BUT-" bullshit that a lot of the cc keep spewing.
literally nobody asked them to make the video and they wanna act like they were held at gunpoint to do it
No. 1745846
>>1745769Obvious troll is obvious.
Anyway for everyone else, the ponder sprocket video is 4 hours and about the dog fucker pedo Sappho
No. 1746475
>>1746356I agree with you. Generally I have no problem with Ponder and find her to be one of the more tolerable of the ACC, she does well not getting involved in meaningless drama (probably because she has a life outside the internet) but I can't watch a 4 hour video from her, that is just way overstepping, especially on a topic like Sappho who we all know is awful but was talked about a lot back when she came out and unless Ponder is bringing in new information that hasn't been talked about, there's just no reason to devote 4 hours worth to it.
>>1746420>KiwifarmsIt's so funny how these people act like Kiwifarms is this awful place when it's actually one of the last places on the net that archives valuable information on certain people.
No. 1748194
>>1748091like literally taking away some of the shit that went down, some of the smaller or less virtue-signalling commenters have admitted despite themselves that they turn to that site
because of it's archiving purposes
(besides, how else will they get the receipts they need when they dig up dirt for those expose videos kek)
No. 1750504
File: 1674448981292.jpeg (102.79 KB, 1075x312, 62BB365D-253C-4944-8701-299BA8…)

Right on cue, JustStop exploits LSMark’s relationship for potential views and revenue lmao. I figured he’d dip his toes in drama again, it was only a matter of time. This is HS drama shit, doesn’t need to be publicly aired.
No. 1750613
>>1750504was it taken down or something?
because i checked just stop's channel and it's not there (most recent video in the list is his monsters at work rant)
either it's a premiere that people got early access/the link to or he quickly btfo'd when he realized he shouldn't have stuck his nose back to cc drama. but that's just wishful thinking kek
No. 1750921
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>>1750837I don't know who that is but trannies/enbies are frowned upon here kek
No. 1750939
>>1750921They're the same Peaches white-knight 50km up her ass that's been lurking here for weeks ignore them.
>>1750904Only 5 minutes in and ffs this sounds like a bunch of petty high school nonsense.
No. 1751286
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No. 1751753
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well this is hilarious
for how much nezzie and peaches seemed to be on good terms, with nezzie even supposedly siding with her during the spoctor drama (all because "muh mental health") now they're going at each other LOL (rosie) deleted the tweet, but based on nezzie's thread it started with peaches making a general statement about anime and it's demographic and nezzie notes her wording can come off wrong.
peaches, being the sensitive twat she is twisted it to think nezzie was calling her racist LMAO
(kek, this is
exactly like the tobi drama where kai and omnia used tobi's flawed logic against her and she took it to mean they called her a pedo)
saged because it's small twitter beef but the acc really will go at each other's throats over everything.
peaches especially, it does feel like your walking on eggshells talking to or about her KEK
No. 1751892
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>>1751286I never really liked Just Stop, his avatar looks like bootleg Guzma, which appeals to those tween tumblrites.
And doesn't he have an army of underage fans that (attempt to) spam comments? I was watching some video that was critical of Daftpina, and a bunch of discord zoomers were like "I came from Just Stop videos, btw being transphobic is not cool!". I find anyone that hangs out with kids a creep, and you have no reason to because kids produce nothing of value on the internet besides cringe content for people to laugh at.
Everything about him reeks of being obnoxious.
No. 1752361
>>1751753Peaches is just bored because she's been out of drama for a couple weeks. Her need to be a
victim and cancel someone is ridiculous.
Though Peaches and Nezzie being friends is kinda perfect? They can
trigger each other to the moon and back. I'm sure both are already making a video on the other because of this
No. 1752729
>>1751753>she is twisted it to think nezzie was calling her racistThat's because Nezzie did call her a racist
>>1751814>She did the same sperging rant when people tried holding her accountable for comparing Omnia to MadameOK, someone who doxxed people may not be EXACTLY the same as someone who harassed and nearly drove an innocent
victim to suicide, but that really doesn't seem like something one should be held accountable for.
No. 1752736
> someone who doxxed people may not be EXACTLY the same as someone who harassed and nearly drove an innocent victim to suicideWhere are you getting your sources on this LOL?
neither omnia nor madame doxxed people or drove anyone to suicide FUCKING KEK.
the worst they did was leak private info.
omnia did it accidentally and quickly corrected it, and even then tobi revealed it herself on a PUBLIC community post despite whining about how "personal" it was.
madame did it maliciously and out of spite, but it wasn't doxxing either. just a personal story.
personal backstories aren't doxxing when there's no private info involved.
now i'm really wondering if this is what peaches thinks happened on both the madame and omnia DM leak debacle
because no wonder she sperged out over a wild misinterpretation.
"wah wah this japanese person got hurt over my insensitive wording so they're calling me a racist!!" cry harder, peaches.
No. 1753402
>>1753368>>1752729Oh fuck off, if Peaches is pushed to the brink of suicide by someone doing something as minor as calling her out on being a two-faced snake, she shouldn't be online like others have said.
>>1752736To be fair, Madame did attempt to doxx the artist she harassed, she just got it wrong because they used a temporary fake number if I remember correctly.
No. 1753540
>>1753402People are for whatever dumb reason too scared to call Peaches out on suicide baiting because people claim if you invalidate her you invalidate everyone with mental health issues
she is a spiteful ugly troll who uses her self diagnosed mental illness as a shield
The only person who "talked her down" was Manga Kamen. Even then any attention whore can call someone, fake cry and say they want to die. Peaches was never in the hospital, nothing. Nothing she claims can be proven
No. 1753662
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Sage for current non-cow status but this new commentary channel may have potential. She goes by ami0amii on twitter and has a decent following at 75k, and consistently gets into it with the usual suspects from the SJW e-artist thread, most recently back to back arguments over the Velma series (devolved into calling each other racist) and then screenshotting someone which led to that person getting harassed, which somehow also devolved into calling each other racist.
No. 1753863
>>1753662She ain't going to make it. She already deactivated her Twitter just because of the whole Velma discourse. If she can't stand her ground against those losers, she has no chance of staying alive in a space as
toxic as art commentary.
No. 1755053
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>>1754997The all caps is cringy, but yuh Lio is being an absolute creep. This is 1000% DDLG/age play shit he's doing, he admits to it and being sexual to his adopted "kids". Says it's incest but it's okay because no ones actually related. He's missing the point, it's creepy, gross and he's doing it in a server with a bunch of kids. I wouldn't be surprised if he did this shit with the underaged people in his server too
At this point Lio might as well scream "Don't kink shame me!"
No. 1755054
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No. 1755055
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No. 1755128
>>1755111He is. He's also doing this with a few others in the server. I would say Lio is joking, however they do this all the time and it's always a lil sexual and creepy.
It's also weird considering Peaches is still squatting at her ex's house so they have to listen to that.
Honestly if Lio was a real dad he would put a roof over all these women's heads. Too bad they're all haggard irl
No. 1755925
>>1755285Usually moral fags like this keep their degenerate kinks hidden for obvious reasons. They come off as the type of people who don't actually give a fuck about any morals and just want to use anything to cancel someone
"They called me stupid! They're making fun of the mentally disabled! Cancel!"
No. 1756244
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hopeless peaches is malding again over her drama. what week # is it this time?
what kills me is the “i wanna pretend i’m better by doing other content now” she’s so pressed no one cares about her enough to continue to appease to her crying anymore.
she will be 70 still complaining about luke, creepshow, omnia, and kai while they continue to stay uninvolved with her.
No. 1756327
File: 1675057352556.jpg (73.27 KB, 850x400, basic orwellism.jpg)

>>1756244>what kills me is the “i wanna pretend i’m better by doing other content now” she’s so pressed no one cares about her enough to continue to appease to her crying anymoreSHE IS LITERALLY A
VICTIM OF BULLYING AND HARRASMENT! Do you should think she would appreciate all of the creators turning a blind eye to her lynching? Please read this Orwell quote and think about it, you will have understand just how evil you actually sound.
No. 1756331
>>1756244this just further proves peaches only constantly pulls out her "woe is me"
victim card because it's literally the ONLY way she'll ever stay relevant in the acc KEK.
if anyone else did the same thing peaches is doing right here they'd be seen as beating a dead horse or milking the drama for long it's been.
it wasn't enough that she calls out and later goes on a revenge spree on her main detractors. now she wants to pile every single person in the acc as the people who contributed to her drama.
her reply tweet whining about the channels that "stayed silent" especially cracks me up since it's like she doesnt consider that a. some channels wanted to stay out of it or b. they'd rather wait it out before they form an opinion and pick a side
being in "creepshows' good graces" has fuck all to do with the ones who stayed silent. not everyone was creepshows' friend and not everyone cared or even
should care about your drama, peaches.
No. 1756336
>>1756331she’s so weird lol
she knows that if she doesn’t bring up kai, omnia, etc. people would actively lose interest in her because there is nothing engaging or substantial about her content. her views aren’t enough to live off and i doubt people are watching anything outside of her drama content.
i really want to know what she’s going to do when all of these creators go on to find success outside of her and she can’t control when people actively enjoy them. and no peaches, sometimes people just see right through you and don’t associate with you because of bad experience, not to “take sides”, i don’t get what her obsession is with linking everyone to creepshow when i doubt anyone in that “group” was that close.
“silence” isn’t complacency, she can’t comprehend that people just don’t care about what she’s complaining about because she’s so used to being treated like a
victim and defended 24/7.
No. 1756364
>>1756331>this just further proves peaches only constantly pulls out her "woe is me" victim card because it's literally the ONLY way she'll ever stay relevant in the acc KEK.This is what is confusing to me. Why can't she just make you know, actual content? She says she doesn't like drama but yet it makes up the vast majority of her channel. If she doesn't want to partake in it, why doesn't she make other kinds of content? Why can't she do art topics or talk about a game or something?
This is why I can't with this woman, she brings the drama onto herself.
>whining about the channels that "stayed silent" especially cracks me up since it's like she doesnt consider that a. some channels wanted to stay out of it or b. they'd rather wait it out before they form an opinion and pick a sideShe really needs to get over herself. I'm sorry Peaches but you and your drama are not that important, people have lives to live and don't want to devote every moment of their life to petty internet drama that doesn't exist outside the screen.
No. 1756368
>>1756336 i don’t get what her obsession is with linking everyone to creepshow when i doubt anyone in that “group” was that close.
I feel the reason why she always circles back to Creepshow is because that was one of the main times where she had so many people coming to her defense and inflated her "woe is me" ego. Because Creepshow was for the most part, objectively bad when all the stuff she pulled came out, it was easy to have that one common enemy that no one would really support.
But after that when she got involved in other drama like with Omnia and Kai, it wasn't a full on support in her favor as you had people who sided with her but you also had some who sided with Omnia and Kai. This could probably be why she's so obsessed with choosing sides.
No. 1756461
Not even going to bother replying to the Peaches whiteknight above because comparing people getting into petty internet fights to the literal holocaust is peak terminally online arm-chair activist.
>>1756364Peaches has an incredibly boring personality outside of drama. She's not engaging, has zero draw because she talks about things that everyone already knows about and adds 0 to the conversation, and when around others she puts on an uwu voice that's irritating. Her only outlet is drama because it's the only thing she's known for at this point. I watched clips of her livestreams and she is so boring it's actually sad. You look at her older videos and the ones that are just regular videos all have signifigantly lower views.
No. 1756733
>>1756461>Peaches has an incredibly boring personality outside of drama. She's not engaging, has zero draw because she talks about things that everyone already knows about and adds 0 to the conversation, and when around others she puts on an uwu voice that's irritating. Her only outlet is drama because it's the only thing she's known for at this point. I watched clips of her livestreams and she is so boring it's actually sad. You look at her older videos and the ones that are just regular videos all have significantly lower views.Right but I mean assuming she's not trying to use YouTube as some sort of career, she could still talk about those things even if she is boring. Though you saying that, it really makes me wonder why she has no actual personality outside of her self-
victim complex she turns to when she puts herself in drama.
Could this be a result of what happens when you live terminally online and partake in hobbies?
No. 1756871
>>1756336Now she's mad at people for literally nothing
It seems the "silence" she's talking about is just others not giving a fuck about something so petty or don't want to call out Peaches because she can't take criticism. Any criticism Peaches gets she just uses as ammunition to be the
People are just learning that the best way to deal with her is to ignore her.
And they can def say "Peaches I'm ignoring you and not talking about it because your retraumatizing yourself." Cut contact
Literally nothing has happened to Peaches recently. Everything wrong with her life is her fault. To her ex wanting her out of his house, her squatting situation, no money, her health. List goes on
She needs to get off the computer and get a life. She's parasitic
No. 1756878
>>1756871To add
She keeps bringing up Shannon but I see why Shannon was a bitch to her. Peaches is just a more mild version of her. Peaches just amps up the cutesy anime girl act to an annoying extent. How old is Peaches anyway?
No. 1756895
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>>1756885I don't want to be this asshole
But looking through her tiktok… she does not look like a women in her early 20's.
She looks like a mean middle aged woman who survives on nothing but grits, grease and cheese.
No. 1756928
I know this point has been made a million times but she needs to be offline and learn to take care of herself
No. 1756954
>>1756938"Uh, Uh di-disability checks bad!"
Just admit that you hate poor and disenfranchised people. Can't wait for you to die and go to heaven just for you to get body-slammed by Clement Attlee back down to Earth.
No. 1757049
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Someone had to say it kek.
No. 1757055
>>1757051 forgot about her side account
jfc almost all the posts are shitting on others and being a general asshole
Why anyone thinks she's sweet and innocent is beyond me. She's acting EXACTLY like Shannon
No. 1757060
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>>1756954>>1756335I'm not saying anything. But I'm very sus over who the Peaches sperge is based on the writing
No. 1757088
>>1757060But why reply to me?
>>1757085calling her out over what?
No. 1757100
>>1757093It sure would suck if Peaches got caught doing the exact same thing Creepshowart did.
Would discredit her completely and everyone would cast her out
I would seriously stop posting in lolcow if I were you. But by all means, keep posting. This is just milky
No. 1757121
>>1757117>Please get off of my backYou literally don't have to post here Peaches "fan"
Slimy fuck is rarely used in the southern US as slang. But guess where it is more common? In the UK
No. 1757140
>>1757115yeah that's what I noticed LOL
the post that went "oh no peaches found this thread" wasnt even a response to anyone yet they immediately went on the defensive kek
that's a feudian slip if i've ever seen one.
either this is the same peaches whiteknight that's been here for weeks, or said whiteknight decided to rally up their peaches-simping ilk to raid this thread or came crying directly to peaches and her "daddy lio" himself.
No. 1757145
>>1757140I don't think it's an army because they all have the same stupid way of typing. So it's either one or two people
Peaches and Lio being in here wouldn't be surprising. Also them claiming to be in Texas is just funny.
No. 1757920
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peaches got bullied on twitter and now she’s drawing art of herself crying for sympathy, history truly repeats itself.
i guess her inner voices started telling her the truth.
No. 1757975
>>1757959this really does come off as having read the threads because a lot of the stuff written in her art are things she's been called here.
it's the fat and lazy especially. there's no way she could've noticed someone calling her that on twitter without being massively ratiod by her yes men or on youtube without having to scroll way down and seeing the fuckton of replies calling them out.
and even if she did, it's probably just one or two people doing it
someone's definitely showing this thread to her, or she typically poked her nose here on her own despite saying she's "done" with drama
No. 1758165
>>1758158she definitely read this thread, tried defending herself, it backfired, read what everyone was saying about her because how dare someone not like the fat girl, and got
i don’t understand why content creators go private on accounts with thousands of followers. what are you protecting yourself from?
No. 1758264
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>>1758165Interesting choice of words Peaches
No. 1758574
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>>1758496lio actually seems to have exposed himself here. my time zone is EST, and this tweet was released at 2:00 PM, Texas time is an hour before mine, so it’s very likely that the Peaches simp in the thread is Lio. (or Lio and Peaches together, and if they’re browsing the threads together i’m pretty certain that relationship is more than just dad and daughter)
But what’s more hilarious is that he went through the trouble of scheduling a tweet to reply to a troll that’s very clearly getting under his skin.
No. 1758580
nonnie, but i think you guys have a point. reading back after this, it absolutely does seem like the peaches simp vehemently defending her was Peaches, and the other, more extreme one is Lio. but we will just pretend they’re “fans”.
No. 1758991
>>1758496if peaches really was that whiteknight that kept bringing up politics and all the -isms and -phobic buzzwords then that's gonna look especially bad on her since that same whiteknight said all that deranged shit about thumin and mali malware.
especially since peaches and mali are supposedly friends that talk to each other on mali's streams, only to be seen saying that behind her back kek
No. 1759598
>>1757920To add to this sympathy/suicide bait
Peaches is most likely love bombing and suicide baiting all her friends rn. Kinda like what Shannon did before she was exposed
>>1758991I have a feeling that Peaches has been on lolcow before too. Like over a year. So it's not only her embarrassing herself this past month, but also her older lolcow posts. I think she was losing her shit because anons here were seeing past her BS and hitting the nail on the head about what she was doing. She is def afraid of being exposed as another Shannon
>>1759041She already broke a few board rules. Derailing, talking about herself in the third person, wishing others to die.
No. 1759607
>>1740715>>1756327Looking back over the thread, she doesn't even hide her posting style. Like at all. That and her admitting she's been here for a month just piles on to the guilty look.
I don't see the Peaches simp anywhere either. kek
No. 1759875
>>1759871This is someones side account on youtube. It was made just a couple months ago. Follows Peaches and Harley. The rest they follow are just cover up channels
Either way, doesn't save Peaches ass that she's been using lolcow and is now crying in a fit of rage somewhere in the dark
If this is a "fan"
Congrats, you made one of your fav content creators have a mental breakdown
Either way, doesn't save Peaches ass. She's clearly been on lolcow and is the reason for her hiatus. You can't take the fall for her for a video you obviously rushed out for her in less than a day
No. 1759880
Started making videos three months ago and he sounds awfully familiar
No. 1759888
>>1759885Actually it sounds like Lio trying to do a voice kek
Shouldn't you be comforting Peaches that lolcow wont expose her posts here? Also thanks for confirming Peaches had a mental breakdown because of lolcow. It proves she was on lolcow. kek
No. 1759889
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Moid malding.
No. 1759890
File: 1675399944033.jpg (78.63 KB, 1067x343, Screenshot_20230203-065004_Sam…)

>>1759889Samefag. Moid with moobs to top it off. Kek.
No. 1759897
>>1759889>autismSounds like Lio, has the same interests and taste in media and shows, both are overweight with man titts, responds in the same way as Lio, only active on his dead accounts three months ago. Said he was a fan of Peaches last year around the same time Lio and Peaches started talking a lot more.
Peaches sending an autist with degenerate fetishes to do her own battles? Kek. At least Shannon got her own hands dirty. You have to be a real POS to make Shannon look good
No. 1759898
>>1759897>Sounds like LioHOW?! Lio sounds like an older man, I sound like a 16 year old androgyne
>same interests and taste in mediaevidence?
>responds in the same way as Lioagain, evidence?
>only active on his dead accounts three months agoI HAVE BEEN USING MY ACCOUNTS FOR FOUR. FUCKING. YEARS!
No. 1759904
>>1759858If you said Peaches doesn't know you, how do you know Peaches was looking at lolcow and had a mental breakdown because of what she saw here? Seems like something she would only confess to someone really close
Guess if you keep her secrets she keeps yours. What a
toxic relationship
No. 1759913
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The average Hopeless Peaches fan.
No. 1759915
File: 1675403579827.jpg (509 KB, 1080x1816, 20230203_075217.jpg)

Samefag. While he jerks off in one hand he white knights Peaches, predictably. Kek.
No. 1759941
>>1756331It's beautiful that peaches thinks she can cry about the "silent" ones when it's in their best interest to stay out of drama they aren't even a part of. Look at what happened to Nawnii when she added her two cents to a situation she had no connection to let alone info on. Christ, she really thinks she's the main character here, nobody cares because every other party has moved on while she's still wallowing like a little crybaby.
Oh wait, the whiteknight was most likely peaches (and her creepy simp bf) this whole time? Color me shocked.
No. 1760033
so apparently the sperging whiteknight with the -isms is some random channel named Veritas?
wasn't veritas already banned from this thread before?
>>1721844>>1722097good to know "ban evading" can be added to their offenses LOL
No. 1760853
>>1759941She knows she's talked to death about everyone that was "mean" to her during her drama and now she's moved onto being mad at all the other people that stayed out of it because they were guilty for staying quiet or something else else she's invented to be angry over/the people that didn't give her blatant ass pats, because even a year after everything she's scared of losing the one thing that brought her relevance. Sad really.
>>1759915She doesn't even know who this dude is kek. Also exactly how did Spoctor get his ass handed to him by Peaches? To my knowledge, all Peaches did was throw a huge tantrum because Spoctor talked shit about her to his sister in private and when she found out and started sperging out about it, he cut his losses and left. Less of a ass handing and more of Spoctor going "this shit isn't worth it" and understandably leaving the ACC.
No. 1761087
>>1760853I was gunna say. Spoctor is around the same age as Peaches. And instead of being dragged into drama he's thriving irl, has a job and is moving forward in life. He's still the bigger creator and his fans still like him so if HE decides to return he most certainly can. But not after some personal growth.
Meanwhile Peaches is still parasitic, terminally online and one big mac away from a stroke
No. 1761208
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Peaches is back and with whats been discussed in this thread over the past couple of days I find the specificity of these tweets both suspiciously telling and funny.
No. 1761289
what are the odds that her first tweets after having gone private (didnt take that long, like her usual "breaks") just so happened to coincide with the last things talked about here: her supposed two-facedness with mali and her being terminally online KEK
streisand effect, peaches
No. 1761298
>>1761289She's feeling cocky again because admin didn't expose her post history on lolcow
Watch her instantly go back to attacking everyone though
>>1761289Right? It's exactly how Shannon love bombed Ready2Glare.
I do remember one anon who predicted that this summer some big drama will happen. My bet is on Peaches being exposed for the 3rd time and people just not forgiving her anymore.
No. 1761302
>>1761298same anon
>She's feeling cocky again because admin didn't expose her post history on lolcow YET No. 1763305
>>1763218We already know who you are no one gives a fuck about your opinion.
Being bi is still an attraction towards women. She stated she could never be attracted to a wifu hinting she's straight.
Shannon faked her orientation as well so she could have brownie points for the lgbt crowd and for attention.
No. 1763803
File: 1675876712708.jpg (307.87 KB, 1080x1269, Screenshot_20230208-191737_You…)

Lio dropping a call between him and Craftify in 5 hours. Apparently sexually harrassed him?
No. 1764459
>>1763803Isn't this the third private phone call Lio is dropping including the one with Spoctor? Listening to the phone call it kinda sounds like Craftify was taking this as a joke since this is clearly Lio's sense of humor. Lio makes jokes like this all the time.
As for the deleted messages I would be pissed off too if I was joking around with my friend then they try to cancel me.
But we know what this is about. Lio being autistic is just trying to cancel anyone who doesn't fully suck Peaches asshole. I'm fully convinced Lio is Veritas and both him and Peaches are on lolcow
I'm actually surprised a video hasn't been released of this clearly creepy ass behavior and now Peaches and Lio deeply believe she's an underaged child. Who's going to take these clowns seriously?
No. 1764467
>>1764313Lio and Peaches fans are so braindead. This is clearly disgusting behavior.
No wonder JAR ran away. There is no defending this level of bullshit. This is def going to be a huge drama by summer and there is no way Peaches can defend "I'm a widdle child gaiz. He's my daddy. I hold no responsibility."
I'm legit disgusted
No. 1765426
>>1763798What are you even saying?
>>1764233Even if the ddlg kink theory was true (there's no proof of it) how does this constitute hypocrisy on Lio's part?
>>1764313>>1764337>>1764459>>1764467You people are really scraping the bottom of the barrel of things to get mad at.
what does peaches have to attract this much whiteknights defending her in this thread, whether they're repeated attempts from a couple people or w/e?
like wtf even shannon didnt have this many simps in her own thread
Must be the perks of having the "I was a
victim of a large YouTube" status KEK
No. 1765794
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It's this ass kisser again ban evading. Report him and move on.
No. 1767452
>>1767441He's making a lot of enemies fast. It's also frowned upon to record every conversation he ever has. It isn't illegal where he's from but it's still a piece of shit move and it's highly out of context
I think he is distracting from the fact he's a certain autist posting on lolcow
No. 1767456
>>1767441I'm only 2 minutes into his latest video and he has the nerve to say:
>Usually these people are pretty young ranging from literal children to people in their early twenties with little to no real world experience. These people shouldn't be insulted and instead nurtured, educated, and guided when possible.As if he doesn't constantly get into fights with literal teenagers, gets involved in highschool level drama, and acts really hostile and pretentious to everyone regardless of their age.
No. 1767459
>>1767456Then why is he getting into fights with teenagers? Why is he making it out to be a big deal? He can't pretend to be humble because making a video about them is literally telling his fans to attack these kids for getting under his skin.
What a fragile ego
No. 1767725
>>1767653it probably has something to do with just stop's apology video LOL
didn't bother watching it but according to a couple videos i've seen talking about it, they both mention how js specifically points out that it was daftpina's idea and that he "pressured" js to make that video on ls mark.
im personally mixed about it tbh. like yeah daftpina's been dishonest and underhanded but at the same time it's funny how not once did just stop look back and realize it was a bad look and when called out was quick to shift blame from himself. like this is the guy who used to do be in the cc calling out
other people for similar things KEK
No. 1768069
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>>1767725And of course HopelessPeaches is right there sitting on her high horse.
No. 1768080
>>17680761st, There's not a single anon on this site that will ever defend DaftPina's snake ass.
2nd, >I will never understand how some people could grow up to be so cruel and vile.
Oof, that's coming from a Peaches fan?
3rd, Fuck Peaches and fuck you
No. 1768107
>>1768076This is either that Veritas sperg again or Peaches and Lio got bored and linked this thread in the Senate server again. Either way have fun with your ban.
>>1768069>>1768069Why anyone listens to a word DaftPina says anymore is beyond me. He's shown to be two-faced and shady multiple times. Also of course Peaches is pondering making a video on this situation because gotta hop on that bandwagon you daft dimbo.
No. 1769398
>>1768080>There's not a single anon on this site that will ever defend DaftPina's snake ass.By not siding with the Union, you have automatically sided with the Confederacy enslaving the black race.
By not siding with the Allies, you have automatically sided with fascist genocides.
By not siding with Palestine, you have automatically sided with the IDF murdering children.
By not siding with Ukraine, you have automatically sided with Putin's chauvinism.
By not siding with
POC's rights, women's rights, LGBT+ rights, immigrant's rights, etc. You have automatically sided with far-right bigoted forces.
By not siding with liberal democracy and republicanism, you have automatically sided with monarchs and dictators.
By not siding with Hopeless Peaches, you have automatically sided with DaftPina and the other Enemies of Peaches who need to be purged off of the Internet.
In short, if you do not side with the oppressed, then you side with the oppressors.
> By not siding with POC's rights, women's rights, LGBT+ rights, immigrant's rights, etc. You have automatically sided with far-right bigoted forces.this is hilarious given you were willing to believe your favorite white girl crying that she was called racist over a japanese person pointing out how ignorant her wording is
>>1751753 >>1752729nezzie definitely overreacted but it was peaches who assumed she was called racist and bitched about it to her equally braindead fans, your deranged kind included.
No. 1770253
>>1769410I wasn't claiming that. I was simply pointing out that by not siding oppressed peoples or by not taking sides, you side with the evil people by default. The situations may be different, but the logic remains the same.
>>1769956I'm biromantic, bisexual, and brown.
>>1770002This is just far-right transphobia bs. Stop pretending to be "progressive." You're not, you would be okay with gay rights being attacked as well.
>>1770024Supporting the rights of minorites DOES NOT MEAN pulling a Candace Owens-esque idpol card every time a minority has an opinion on anything. Peaches was right in that situation. Nezzie was in the wrong. No way around it.
(are you lost?) No. 1770273
>>1770253pretending to be
poc is something you over privileged white troons love to do when being called out. You’re trying to collect oppression points like candy as if we didn’t already locate you via your ip that you willingly posted on your Twitter while you sperged out. let’s see what you lie about next.
(sage your shit) No. 1770285
> Peaches was right in that situation. Nezzie was in the wrong. No way around it.both were in the wrong. peaches even moreso since she would rather care more about being seen as racist and crying her white girl tears than actually listening to
poc telling her how her wording can come across as racially ignorant LOL
but good to know youd rather side with some bread colored brit who cries
victim. funny since the brits have a history of taking stuff from minorities and colonization
if i sound like some politically correct twitter sperg then good. because thats how you sound like right now. difference here is im applying your standards.
idk why you keep ban evading anyway KEK
as many anons here have pointed out, any sympathy for peaches has long been gone since she started exploting her creepshow
victim status to get back at her detractors.
imagine coming back ban after ban for this.
No. 1770328
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>>1764467>>1767441Careful Thomas will BURY you in the court.
No. 1770335
Fox dicks made a thread about Lio and Michael.
Sadly you need an account there due to the "Prospering Grounds" forum rule No. 1770616
So if I'm reading this back and forth above and Lio's thread correctly:
>Lio is indeed a creep who has a habit of "adopting" mentally damaged young women/girls and in one case of his "kids" was one that was groomed that actually lives with him now>Lio has indeed been posting on both here and Kiwifarms trying to cover his own ass >>1770343 and also in some cases trying to pretend he's not a fat white scrote>Sends in a bunch of underaged girls to do his bidding that he's groomed into acting like his kids and calling themselves his childrenWhat the bloody hell is any of this. The anon that said that something big would go down in the summer might be a couple months off.
No. 1770631
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>>1770616>>1770328And to top it off. The fat dumbass confirms that the message was by LioConvoy. If the name on the letter is the same dude that ran from California after being in prisonbecause he willingly infected multiple people with HIV, then this shit is getting dark quick. A sick scrote with mentally damaged troons and insecure women
No. 1770639
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>>1770631Peaches is lurking, everyone wave.
No. 1770793
>>1770253Don't you have a video to make on someone you're either jealous of, threatened by or pissed that they aren't kissing your narcissistic ass?
Peaches and her autistic boyfriend are annoying af. Everyone can tell what you're doing. You're pretending to be fake woke so you can be as
toxic as you want and attack whoever. The only people on Peaches side are literal children or autistic.
No. 1770796
>>1770273The day their post history is revealed is going to be great. Pretending to be "brown" to hide their
toxic behavior isn't very PC kek
No. 1770879
>>1770616>>1770865LOL the irony of peaches going on a moral soapbox against camilla with the groomer situation because "she's just as complicit" meanwhile her "daddy" Lio is allegedly grooming underage girls for his ddlg kink
sorry peaches, your in no position to grandstand on camilla here.
camilla at least banned the pedo from her server. meanwhile here you are actively associating with him.
watch her and her deluded fans try to justify it being "different" or w/e kek
No. 1770885
If he doesn't have a ddlg kink, I think Lio gets a kick out out of being the "savior" to all these braindead and childish women. Like he's power-tripping off it because he's socially inept in the real world so this is what he resorts to. I remember the whole MintHeart drama that happened a few years back, but had no idea that Lio actually moved her out to live with him. That is creepy as fuck and
>>1770865 had it right with the Onision comparisson. This creepy fat fuck is going to get whats coming to him.
No. 1771210
>>1770879It means that Peaches has no real morals. That her fake outrage was just a shield so she wont get in trouble for attacking others. She's an asshole straight up.
I mean, we already knew that.
Peaches is just as bad as Shannon. It's just she isn't as popular. Encouraging her pedo boyfriend, attacking everyone, holding grudges for YEARS. I'm waiting to see if the girl she bullied in high school comes out and says Peaches has been stalking her for years too at this point.
No. 1771533
>>1771302I'm surprised no one is holding her accountable for her shitty behavior towards her ex boyfriend. It says a lot when you abuse someone who gave you a roof over your head and wont leave HIS house even though he's trying to start a family. She's the type of asshole who wont leave unless there's a court order to have the police physically remove her
As to her behavior to the gf, you know she isn't nice since Peaches is an unwanted house guest
No. 1771594
>>1771586No surprise that we were right that it was Peaches and Lio in here. They def came here and on kiwi because people were catching onto their shady bs. It's still tinfoil but most likely Lio is Veritas. Seeing as how we've been spot on about everything else it's more than likely.
>>1771552It says a lot when Shannon is a better person and more likable kek. At least Shannon was upfront with her bad attitude. I wouldn't last a minute with Peaches fake little girl voice and
victim complex knowing it's all BS.
No. 1771596
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>>1771586You weren't kidding. He's active over there literally every day.
No. 1771598
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>>1771596I do wonder how his autistic adopted daughters feel about him regularly calling people retards and regularly liking posts of people calling others faggots, etc. Not very uwu woke daddy of him
No. 1771707
>>1771210>>1771596>>1771598js, when this blows up on lio's face i bet peaches will turn on him and twist her involvement into her "being groomed by lio" or some shit to make it seem like she was this poor
victim that got roped into lio's hugbox
peaches already has a history of being a snake to people she's known so this wouldnt be out of character for her to do LOL
No. 1771847
>>1771818Oooohhhh my GOD did this guy really voice act his little heart out for this one. He doesn't really address much IMO and just waxes poetic about his feefees that he very clearly still has for Veronica. He characterizes his weird fucking BDSM relationship with Smokey as just a "silly adventure" that happened in a vaccuum and that unlike whats obvious they were totes just taking things slow. The language and presentation is very manipulative and oh so woe-is-me and he does it well considering the comment section is full of people falling for it. I dont think veronica is a
victim but i certainly am not sympathetic to this man who is very much a weirdo sex creep. Upon listening to this I realize that the person we should really be hearing from is absolute psycho Smokey, Mick is just boring. Most of this is in fact boring and shouldve been kept private, but holy shit Smokey shows great lolcow potential. Cmon girl, tell us about the man you cut your whole arm up for calling your dom sub situation as just a "silly adventure".
No. 1771893
>>1771885And the saddest part? Wouldn't be that much of a lie to be honest, Lio's main hobby is look for kids/teens with psychological problems and convince them that it's ok to be a scumbag because he's like that at his forties, doesn't make Peaches an innocent
victim but it's clear that Lio is the bigger sack of shit here
No. 1771916
>>1771893I know we make this comparison a lot but look at Creepshowart. Her husband is much worse than her. A violent stalker, drug addict and rapist. But we can all agree that Shannon is still a bad person chalking up everything she did.
And I can't give Peaches a pass because just like Shannon she was screeching on a moral soap box. That and I'm bringing up the Camilla shit. Can't be mad at Camilla when she dealt with the pedo in her server. Peaches is clearly okay with it and encourages it with her ddgl age play shit and telling the minors in that server it's okay. She's actively a part of it.
No pass
No. 1771956
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>>1771951This Lio and Peaches drama is almost as milky as Shannon. I'm just waiting for the post history to be revealed so we can really enjoy the show. Lio's Kiwi farm history was already shown
No. 1771995
>>1771979At this point I would take everything he said as a lie. Even if it was true you can still be racist towards a group of people no matter what race your mixed with. What a brain dead take he had.
Also giggling remembering that Peaches did the same thing unironically when she was being called out for being homophobic. She went from being straight to a "bisexual/demisexual" awakening. Never once dated a girl though
No. 1774321
>>1771995>She went from being straight to a "bisexual/demisexual" awakening. Never once dated a girl thoughSexuality is inherently fluid and fuzzy. Not everyone is going to know who they truly are at every single conscious moment of their life and to imply that people "fake" their identities is very dense.
>>1773695show proof for ddlg kink, there's been accusations but no proof.
(whiteknight) No. 1774426
>>1774321Pretending to be lgbt only when you get in trouble is just as bad as suicided baiting… oh wait
I don't know why your fake moral ass is still even trying. Don't you have a script to write just in case people start making videos on this?
Tell your creepy boyfriend to stop making an ass of himself. He already proved it is indeed a sex thing and that it's him, Peaches and his lil teen followers here. You flick your bean to a guy who's a racist homophobic pedo. You never had respect on lolcow or kiwi farms. It's just going to spread the more people realize that you guys are just a bunch of degenerates hiding behind a shield of morality to attack people and do fucked up shit. Have fun with grooming while you can
One last tip
you wouldn't be pissing yourself over accusations on lolcow and kiwi if you didn't post this form to all your friends. Who cowtips themselves? That's like shooting yourself in the foot. Go fake another mental breakdown
No. 1774498
>>1774321why does everyone like this ask for proof instead of outright denying the allegations entirely?
to me that just makes you look more guilty. how do you respond to “you fuck kids” with “uh, well you can’t PROVE that i fuck kids!!” lio and peaches do this a lot and it’s so obvious it’s because of guilt. simply saying “no, i’m not in a romantic relationship and hold no feelings towards any of the women i “adopted” shouldn’t be that hard.
but the fact lio can’t even admit his wife is completely unaware of this found family bullshit (that is if this wife even exists, let alone these kids) is speaking volumes about his character.
No. 1774686
>>1774646Seriously. If you think about what Peaches was bitching about, people were just saying mean things about her. Even back in the day people thought the Peaches drama was over blown and on her side
Meanwhile what did Peaches do to Camilla? She pretended to be her best friend for clout while talking shit behind her back. She tried to scam her out of money during an agreed upon collab. Peaches LIED about it, was proven wrong and got butt hurt that Camilla didn't accept her apology which lead to "BUT PEACHES SAID SORRY!"
Camilla dealt with a pedo in her server as silently as she could, but Peaches and co tried to paint her as worse than the actual pedo
Peaches is in a relationship with a pedo (Lio), doing ddgl age play with him, telling the underaged users in his server that his behavior is fine and play along. She's actively participating in the degeneracy all for some online dick.
Here's a wake up call Peaches. He doesn't love you if he has to pretend you're a literal child to get off. Hope you both get fucked
No. 1774739
Hey, have you guys seen what Lio's butt buddy Coyote has been up to lately? Apparently he tried flirting with Sappho and got fan art of his and her character fucking for a gay op., apparently Lio has his own kiwifarms thread, but it's locked for users only. I'm not willing to make an account. No. 1774760
File: 1677121895701.jpg (297.01 KB, 522x600, 1677121317534blob.jpg)

>>1774739Yeah Lio threw a bitch fit above because someone posted it here. I'm not even surprised by Coyotelovely being a creep since he's basically Lio but in the furry community instead of ACC.
Pic rel taken directly from the KiwiFarm thread. I think the person talking in this screenshot is MintHeart and she fails to mention how Lio had her flown out to live with him while she was still around 16, so while they all might be over 18 now, it wasn't always like that. Either way this shit is fucking weird. I'm an adult and would cuss a 30-40 year old scrote out if he tried calling me "kiddo" or "child". Shit is fucking creepy. Imagine being almost 40 and collecting a bunch of mentally stunted girls and using them to do your bidding when people talk bad about you over the internet.
No. 1774778
>>1774760It's always the loudest moral fags who are the most deplorable people jfc.
Example, Spoctor was kinda an asshole but it was bearable and a part of his charm and at the end of the day had a good head on his shoulders. Too bad he crossed this group of creeps
tinfoil time. Seems like these degens are just trying to cancel everyone who isn't in their personal group of freaks.
No. 1774802
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>>1774778You’re right. Everyone involved in that “senate” discord is a degenerate. Also I think we know why jar decided to leave the community kek
No. 1774812
>>1774802>>1743273CALLED IT!
I knew JAR left because he didn't want to get in trouble. He defended Peaches and these freaks knowing full well what they were really up to. But no apology for anyone he wrongfully made videos about just because Peaches told him to.
Fuck JAR to. I hope he gets his fair share of figurative lumps. He's exactly like Prison Mate Luke. He just bailed right on time, that's the only difference. It's shocking how spot on everyone is on this thread.
If you have more screen shots can we see em?
No. 1774814
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>>1774812Here you go anon. Off the top of my head I can see Lioconvoy, Coyote lovely and hopeless peaches ( as lioman jr) in the senate fully aware of this degenerate porn drawing. Wonder what else is going on in there
No. 1774817
>>1743273This aged so beautifully
Also notice that strangely enough whoever drew this included Peaches in the group of
toxic people in the ACC. Riiiiight behind Shannon. JAR knew the senate is full of pedos, zoophiles, homophobes and racists but defended them.
You know I hope that when this blows up people tell their horror stories they had with these guys. There is no excuse to have Zoophile shit in a server with kids. Peaches cannot defend herself with this either. She's active in this.
No. 1774834
>>1774830He ran away because if he exposes them he exposes himself. He knowingly lied about people and ratted out his friend Spoctor to make Peaches happy.
Spoctor did NOTHING wrong. He just made an accurate observation about Peaches.
Peaches has been fighting and trying to cancel people daily on her twitter. The senate has been cancelling people who threaten their egos or don't want to go along with their disgusting kinks and life style. They are actually dangerous towards teens. Grooming is not cool
No. 1774884
>>1774834JAR knows full well that once someone starts exposing lio and peaches it's gonna blow up on his face as well since he had an entire series of videos getting back at peaches' detractors.
his camilla video (that he posted at the same time peaches' video was up LOL) is especially gonna age poorly
hope peaches was worth it, JAR. you backstabbed spoctor, someone youve had as a friend during most of your time in the cc only to drop it for this chick whose only accolades is being a
victim No. 1775274
>>1775183Alot of sperging nonsense. Ocassionally some interesting information on Lio is dropped, but overall it's a bunch of nothing. The original thread isn't only about Lio, he's just a close associate of the real subjecr of it so his shit is also brung up.
>>1775248No no nonna, he was doing it out the generosity of his heart to help a poor girl you see. It totally wasn't for any weird power-tripping reasons.
No. 1775896
>>1775772It just makes you feel so bad for Spoctor. First Pentagrin and Stories and now JAR and Peaches. It seems the people he likes most and let them get close always screw him over. I hope he's doing well and comes back. But can understand how this will prevent new online friendships. I wouldn't trust anyone if I was him
As for JAR, I hope he doesn't wiggle away without consequences. And JAR can't give the BS "I didn't want to betray my friends" because he shit on Spoctor and a few others in like 10 videos for Peaches of all people. A person who everyone agrees shouldn't be online for her sake and everyone around her.
I want Camilla to find out that Peaches is dating a pedo, doing ddgl kinks with said pedo and encouraging underage users to have fucked up relationships with them. This shit is so dark. It irks me
No. 1775908
>>1775772Giving Peaches the slightest benefit of doubt; She may not have known Lio was this creepy when they first met, but we know she lurks here and if she doesn't start to cut ties with Lio now then she'll start looking really fucking bad. Not only will she look like a massive hypocrite, but she will never be able to grandstand about predators again if she's in a server where people are doing this shit.
I know you're reading this Peaches so let me give you advice even though I fucking hate you: Leave now while you have the chance like JAR did even if it doesn't clear him completely. The longer you associate with these freaks, the worse it'll be for you in the long run. Lio already has people that are compilling all his creepy shit. You wanna go down with him when all of this inevitably blows up? Be our guest, but you've been warned.
No. 1775931
>>1775908I give Peaches zero benefit of the doubt. Maybe when they first met she had no idea. But when she found out about his kinks she just started acting like a little girl to feed his kinks and told other underaged users that this is normal and fine.
She even doubles down and defends his creepy behavior. She can't back out now because she's in too deep. She doesn't care about children, just her own interests.
This is exactly an Onision and Lanely situation
No. 1775937
>>1775931Anon you nailed it actually. The whole situation reeks of Onision and Lainey. Even if Peaches started out as a
victim ( which she isn’t since she was like 20 when they met) it doesn’t mean that she has nothing to do with the rampant grooming in that discord. She acts like an uwu baby fat retard for lios attention because let’s face it, she has daddy issues. Peaches has only ever mentioned her biological mother
(learn to sage) No. 1775944
Who the fuck realizes their boyfriend is a pedo zoophile and doubles down and joins him in his kinks? To add, to tell her underaged fans that this behavior isn't weird and encourages them to join said fucked up server. She can't say shit about Camilla
No. 1776573
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>>1775772>>1775896>>1775908>>1775931>>1775936>>1775937>>1775944Is this you?
Srsly though, ya'll made it pretty clear that you're all far-right sadists who wanted a woman to be hurt, raped, and killed over false accusations. Why should I believe any of the accusations against Peaches here as being in any way truthful when you're the same people who want others to die just for existing?
>>1776573No one cares what you think Lio. No one here mentioned Peaches getting raped or dying. Peaches was in trouble before for being a cunt and suicide baiting to avoid trouble whenever she crosses boundaries. Now that we know she's hanging out with you and what you've been up to we're just grossed out by the two of you
Take your racist pedo zoophile ass back to your senate. You're just as disgusting as Sappho. Also stop embarrassing yourself in group DM's and trying to think of ways to get out of this when the news becomes public. Asking for "Proof" saying that your kinks are "Just a joke" or using your autism wont get you out of this. You're the reason why people think most furries are sick fucks
No. 1776654
>>1776573To add
If you're thinking about your "children" getting raped when you have these allegations against you is beyond fucked.
No. 1776662
>>1776650>No one cares what you think Lio.I am not Lio; I am V.
>No one here mentioned Peaches getting raped or dying. Why should I believe you or the people on the thread or the commentators who went after Peaches would have stopped at defamation? If some rando dickhead decided to doxx and post Peach's personal info to everyone do you think those people wouldn't escalate the torture?
>>1776662Because you can literally read up. No one said they want anyone to unalive themselves. It's even in our rules.
No one here doxxed Peaches either
Calling Peaches out for her degenerate behavior is not equal to raping, killing or doxxing her.
If you want to dox Peaches personal information that's all on you. I don't know why you're having these fantasies of Peaches going through these awful things. But you're beyond creepy. I can already guess who you actually are and you come off as a sick fuck.
I hope you and Peaches never meet irl for her sake because you sound like an unhinged male with rape and torture fantasies for Peaches.
No. 1776677
>No one here doxxed Peaches eitherI didn't claim that. I claimed that
IF as in hypothetically, Peaches were doxxed, then the bloodthirsty sadists who went after her (Shannon, Luke, Kai, Omnia, Camilla, Thumin, Avrona, Spoctor, people on lolcow) would have done much worse to her.
>why you're having these fantasies of Peaches going through these awful thingsUHHH? I'm fucking obviously not, I'm just pointing out the domino effect of harassment?! That is genuinely the most retarded reach someone has every levied to me.
>>1776677Camilla was harassed by Peaches.
Spoctor just said a few mean words to his sister
The only person who actually did dirty to her were Shannon and Luke.
If saying something "mean" and telling Peaches her behavior is wrong then Peaches shouldn't be on the internet. Peaches harasses people on the daily and makes fun of their content
And yes you come off as a huge fucking creep. You're the only one here who talks about Peaches getting raped and killed.
No. 1776684
>>1776677>UHHH? I'm fucking obviously not, I'm just pointing out the domino effect of harassment?! That is genuinely the most retarded reach someone has every levied to me.Says the guy who makes the biggest reaches and compares peaches to
victims of war crimes. Sorry that your daughter associates with zoophiles, racists and encourages her pedo boyfriend. Maybe if you had a moral compass you wouldn't be defending your fucked kinks and just say "sorry"
(feeding the troll) No. 1776711
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>>1776701Sage for irrelevant autist, but seriously, just go to this creep's twitter to know it's him and he's as subtle as a freight train. Report him and move on.
No. 1776734
>>1776684not Lio
>>1776701I'm not doing this for nudes, I'm doing this because I want to strive to be a good person, to be a servant to my fellow human, to devote to defending others above myself, unlike all you Matt Walsh-esque types who only exist to be selfish narcissists and call 16 year-old trans girls the t-slur.
Also how am I a "creep" exactly?
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Update: coyote lovely, also known as lioconvoys right hand man and part of the Senate, was exposed even further by their own ex boyfriend. The ex partner only exposed Coyote because he got left for Hypnotist Sappho (dog fucker) kek
No. 1777536
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>>1776907And the first crack has started to form. I have a feeling it's all downhill from here kek.
No. 1777602
Here's the full stream that dropped on Coyote. Won't let me embed the link for some reason sorry.
>Basically goes over the screenshots above with how Coyote and Sappho were flirting>Cas (stream host) goes in on Lio for the senate harassing him and his community. Also inderhandedly calls the Senate server filled with degenerates kek>Peaches shows up in chat and gets chewed out by one of the people in the stream for being lenient on Coyote because he's a friend>Lio joins in to defend himself and why he didn't kick Coyote sooner. Chat isn't buying his shit.>Cas continues to repeat the fact that Lio had the time to deal with Coyote since they had a call about a week prior.>Cas says he does not trust anyone in the senate server because he sees a pattern with it. Peaches whines a bit in chat.>Coyotelovely enters. Bunch of back and forth of them arguing on why the flirting was necessary and how Coyote's masterplan was ruined.>Just alot of back and forth arguing and people tearing Coyote and new one for how badly he handled this op.>Most people in the stream are doubtful on Coyote submitting a police report while Coyote claims he really did submitt a report, but he did it wrong and that's why there's no proof he did.>Pretty much everyone in the stream and chat hate The Senate server kekTl;dr: CoyoteLovely is pretty much done at this point. He nuked his Twitter, is in the process of nuking his discord server, and his Youtube channel is probably next. Lio is an untrustworthy freak per usual.
No. 1777612
>Peaches shows up in chat and gets chewed out by one of the people in the stream for being lenient on Coyote because he's a friend>Cas says he does not trust anyone in the senate server because he sees a pattern with it. Peaches whines a bit in chat.GOOD.
if peaches was willing to fault camilla for being just as bad as the actual pedo all because she was associated with him, she should expect the same treatment.
no whining about a standard you set yourself, peaches.
No. 1777863
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>>1218432Compilation of peaches trying very hard to be oh so #cute and #quirky in a live chat about her friend being exposed for being a gross zoo lover
No. 1777903
>>1777863Sage because it’s not really milk but I’m watching the lioconvoy damage control stream and peaches is still bringing creepshow art into this bullshit. Nobody fucking cares about you retard the topic is Coyote lovely and actual
victims. It’s been 3 years go away
(learn to sage) No. 1778060
>>1777799if you bring it up, i bet peaches and her fans will be all "it's different" and bring up how camilla knew about veir (the pedo) and tried to cover it up like peaches and the cc claimed in their video, as if it's any different with peaches being involved in that server of degenerates herself and is aware of the degeneracy going on about says nothing about it
>>1777903but anon, she has to bring up her
victim status. how else will she get sympathy to deflect the criticism of her being complicit in all this? kek
No. 1778223
>>1777856Only a few minutes in, but take note one one thing Lio says; That being because he owns the senate server, everything that happens in it is up to him. Keep that in mind because of this post
>>1774814 because I have a feeling it will severly bite him in the ass later on.
I'll summarize the rest of the stream in a bit. I don't feel like looking at chat this time so if someone else wants to do that it's fine.
No. 1778291
>>1777856This is long so get ready.
>Opens with Lio explaining the timeline and he didn't confront Coyote earlier because he had high blood pressure. Shit excuse, but alright.>Lio talks about how Coyote wouldn't be as lenient to FNGR and how it makes the entire server look bad.>Alot of Lio sperging.>Peaches pops up at around 16:30 because of course she's there.>Lio is suprisingly not a neet. Or he might lying about working 60 hours a week with how much he gets involved in drama. Who knows.>More of Coyote trying to defend himself in the Zrcarlo drama.>Peaches trying and failing to be intimidating.>More sperging about how this makes the senate server look bad.>Coyote and Lio have been friends for 4 years apperantly.I'm halfway through this and I want to reiterate how much emphasis they're putting on how this could make the Senate look bad. Not more important questions like whether or not Coyote was genuine in his flirting or why he was in zoohpile groups. Oh no, my fucking discord server might look bad.
>Lio brings up the argument he and Peaches had.>Lio says he could make fun of people who make "crazy conspiracy theories" about him, but he doesn't. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out he's more than likely talking about the ddlg shit kek>Peaches brings up Shannon. Jesus fuck it's been over a year get over it.>Now the Peaches pity party starts about how she went through hell from the scary internet peoples.>Lio apperantly can get mad at Coyote for not having the backbone to stand up to Shannon like he promised Peaches, but is perfectly fine with his "daughter" Peaches being an overly attached mooch that is constantly trailing him.>Lio: "If you're so worried about internet mobs, get off the internet. Get a job and live in real life." Motherfucker, you just droned on about how hard Peaches had it because of the mob 30 seconds earlier what the actual fuck kind of doubled standards bullshit is this. Coyote can go fuck himself, but I wish to god he would have caught this and taken this chance to call Lio out on his horrendous double standards. >Ends with everyone taking a turn to throw their own tomato at Coyote.>Peaches apperantly isn't too upset about this because "I"ve just been civil with you, but knew you were a snake from the beginning. I'm upset because Lio is upset." I don't even have a fucking rebuttle for that. You had this guy in a collab with you Peaches and showed up in other videos that had him.>The only good question someone asks at the end: "We already had so much information about Saphho. What were you even hoping to accomplish with this" This is why I believe the flirting was real because what information could you possibly have gotten that people already don't know. Everyone knows Sappho is a pedophilic dog-fucker.>Lio "I was put in the hot seat in that stream and I did just fine" Debatable if we're being generous.>CoyoteLovely is spineless. He gets thrown out the server. Lio threatens to kick out anyone else who associates with him.The overall tone I got from Lio throughout this was panic. A bit of anger sure, but more than anything just panic. He sounds like he knows he's in hot water with getting his own thread on KF, his server being potentially exposed for having degens, and he knows his time in the sun might be up fairly soon and Coyote just accelerated it. Lio towards the end really does show his leniency towards Peaches. Hold your fucking mentally damaged toy to the same standards you sperging scrote. Overall a huge crock of fucking nothing.
No. 1779739
>>1778060Peaches throwing her friends under the bus and reminding people she's a
victim to deflect from any fault? I even saw she's throwing Lio under the bus to. kek
I don't know how Peaches has any friends when most of the ACC hates her for a reason. There was a reason why dozens of people made vidoes on Peaches back in the day. I swear Peaches being a Shannon
victim was the best thing that happened to her. She's still abusing that title
No. 1780645
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Lio's response to this beautiful gem
>>1774814 You can tell he's panicing hard and just praying that this doesn't get wide spread.
No. 1780653
>>1780645notice how he needed to clarify that "it wouldnt be repeated nor reposted" like he could of just said the furry fetish shit was a joke and left it at that
also because i wasnt there when it went down, did he only choose to answer to that point specifically or did he try to rebut every single point made against him in chat?
because while one looks worse than the other, they both read like defensiveness and guilt to me KEK
No. 1781317
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Not too long after the CoyoteLovely fiasco, another user has been banned from The Senate after they made a girl cut his name into her leg.
It's bizarre watching Peaches and others try to treat the situation with the seriousness it deserves but in typical art commentary brainrot fashion, they can't help but turn it into a content farm.
No. 1781330
>>1781317weird how all this fucked up shit about the senate is coming to light one after another.
Peaches is the last person to try to try and profit from this seeing as how her hands aren't clean and is involved in some pretty dark shit herself.
She can't go around back stabbing her friends and expect them to stay quiet about her shit. This whole senate server is self imploding to protect the ones at the top. They are def trying to distract from the fact who the biggest assholes are by suddenly exposing members with a smaller following
Seriously this server is legit dangerous at this point for young and mentally ill people. It sucks because they seem to target these types and pretend they're a fucked up family. First Lio and Peaches grooming kids into the ddlg kink, canceling people for nothing, Coyote being a zoophile, JAR knowing everyone here is full of shit to now members self harming.
If they can go after Camilla then Lio and Peaches need to be faulted as well. They shouldn't be trying to make content from this and laugh at it like it's a sick joke
No. 1781340
>>1781317>>1781330Let's recap shall we? So far the senate:
1. allowed a Mint Heart/Jordyn Doodles to move in with Joshua Vida who later groomed said minor and now suspiciously lives with Lio despite him causing the grooming and causing Jordyn to drop out of high school
2.allowed coyote lovely to mingle with zoophiles despite claiming to know him for 4 years.
3. Kumo along with the creepy dolphin vore user. The entire discord is a danger to minors
If i were them I would simply stop pretending to be a moral person before more shit comes out. Theres already a dox of Peaches circling the internet as we speak
No. 1781342
> Peaches is the last person to try to try and profit from this seeing as how her hands aren't clean and is involved in some pretty dark shit herself.not to mention how she whined about omnia, and to a lesser extent spoctor, using assets from her grooming video as a thumbnail on their videos criticizing her (yet was fine on her friend using it on his video defending her but we've been over this already)
going on this moral crusade about how it trivializes a serious situation yet she's done petty thumbnails like this
>>1731581 and now she';s pulling stuff like this.
good to know peaches whining about the thumbnail and her going after camilla for being complicit was all equal parts deflection and projection pn her end fucking KEK
No. 1781350
File: 1677814521514.png (79.88 KB, 449x596, image (5).png) add to the BS apparently HarleyBTS lied about being groomed. Guess who's in the senate as well? Harely. The person they're threatening seems to be a kid who doesn't want to join the senate. Basically it's "Submit to us or we'll all make videos on you"
The way Peaches is gaslighting a mentally ill orphan and telling them they're retarded, fucked up, need help. This is shocking considering her bitching about mental health. Holy shit. The kid said no.
The senate is targeting mentally ill kids who speak out against their bullshit. They're telling teens and young adults with mental issues to join and obey or else they'll make smear videos against them
It's kinda fucked up that lolcow has better morals than these people. The cows we post about at least have to be of age.
No. 1781351
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>>1781350Seems like people have been keeping tabs on this since the start of this year right when lolcow farmers have been thinking something was sus
No. 1781353
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>>1781340>>1781317>>1781330Peaches was so quick to talk about how many predators Camilla had in her server and now she looks like a dumbass because the Senate is just as bad. Also, peep the pic rel. Either Lio's main account is still named dad or he saw how creepy we found him calling himself dad right here
>>1740715 and changed it kek. I'm not sure if there's some feature in discord where you can change the names of your friends so maybe Peaches did it (which if she did, ick). Still funny nonetheless.
No. 1781359
>>1781350wait wtf
i recognize that handle. isn't that hiten, the one who whined about junkie and got on spoctor's case for "tone-policing" her and comes off as an over reactionary person in general?
didn't think she'd be mixed with the senate server as well but here we are.
i find this ironic since she and nezzie are close friends (go figure) and nezzie had beef with peaches not too long ago.
No. 1781364
>>1781340Add in Peaches being complicit and feeding into her pedo boyfriend's kinks and luring more minors too him like an Onision 2.0 situation.
Anyway. The whole senate unironically is making Shannon look like a saint to be honest. I don't want her back, but she really didn't lie about Peaches. Hell the Peaches drama years ago was nothing compared to what she actually did/does.
>>1781353You can change your own name on discord whenever you want. In a discord server mods can also change names whenever they want.
But seriously fuck Lio especially. We saw his Kiwi posts. Racism, pedophile, everything under the sun. Why is he pretending he's better than dog fucker?
No. 1781372
>>1781359It is. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE in the senate is fucked up. I'm glad this is coming to light. They're only "popular" not because they're skilled artists or mental health advocates. All of them are grooming younger members/teens or canceling people for content to make themselves look better. Every one of them have some fucked up dirt. This isn't normal.
This is a server of
abusive adults pretending to be moral. They are trying to get rid of other ACC creators who are more popular so they're top dogs.
I have a huge feeling they told JAR to leave because he stopping playing ball and when he backed stabbed Spoctor for Peaches he was the most popular guy in the ACC. It's still shitty that JAR is keeping silent
No. 1781380
>>1781364looking at these posts, it seems both Peaches and Hiten have been in the senate server doing this bullshit since 2021, maybe even earlier, BEFORE Shannon was exposed. I can hardly say brainwashed. More like these two are more manipulative than we thought. It isn't like they became monsters. They always were. They just used a bigger asshole (Shannon) as a scapegoat.
>>1781377It's actually a very manipulative tactic
abusive people use. Isolate them and gaslight them in a group. Beat them down mentally until they comply with all the demands. What these kids are asking for isn't wild. A 1 on 1 vc. It's what Ponder does and it's still effective.
No. 1781387
>>1781377If you read the text that's exactly what the kid was asking for from both Peaches and Hiten and the others who chased them down. They just told them if they didn't join the senate they would be making videos. Pepper in name calling, calling them mentally ill, questioning they're sanity, saying they need to seek therapy, making them question reality.
Such advocates for mental health. Just wow
No. 1781455
if u ask me i don’t see any of these people getting called out anytime soon. anyone who could have done it (luke, spoctor, shannon, omnia, kai, dare i say JAR, etc.) have been cancelled or left the community so unless there’s some form of infighting or someone big enough to call them out this is mainly going to go under the radar. i hate to admit it.
fuck lio, peaches, and harley. they’re all just very resourceful liars/manipulators with an incredibly effective system of maintaining their reputations. all mentally ill. karma will reach them eventually but i doubt any of them will lose relevance. they have too much influence, and most people can’t be arsed to care enough about this cringe, niche community.
glad that one person didn’t join the call peaches tried so desperately to coerce them into. intimidation is such a gross tactic to use against any form of criticism, it costs nothing to ignore your detractors. peaches is just some fat, greasy insecure bitch on a power trip caused by her ego and middle aged boyfriend. lio is a creep, and i’m surprised anyone took harley or peaches’ grooming story seriously because who milks something like that for content? any amount of coherent thought is lost in this community, everyone is just looking for something to do/fill the void of their empty lives. we all know none of these creators are authentic, but neither is their audience, so they don’t care. it’s just people who like harassment/bullying under the guise of “justice”.
No. 1781462
Spoctor, Omnia and Kai especially. They were just dumb but hope they come back. I hope JAR stops being a coward and does something. The senate actually makes me miss the POS's because in perspective, they really didn't do anything at all.
Spoctor can actually come back because as far as I can see his fans actually miss him. But the dude is focusing on his mental health and is touching grass. Maybe we should all take a lesson from that. Just irks me that these guys are harming teens
No. 1784895
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>>1784891Samefag. Im floored by veronicas response
No. 1785053
>>1784892It wasn't worth watching, so I'm adopting your policy.
Here's a simulation:
>Someone says something relatively normal and innocent>Daft pretends (?) to not understand what they meant to ascribe worse intent and meaning to their statementFor an hour.
No. 1785236
>>1784895this is so unnecessary, and exactly why this community tears each other apart by the seams.
daft and veronica are both being incredibly annoying. most these arguments just simply come down to hypocrisy but everyone in this situation is flawed or trying to shift blame.
5k likes for daft using your art in a thumbnail? that’s where you want your advertising? come on. it’s obvious she’s just looking for a fight/validation and this is the easiest way for her to get it.
i wish these people just had something better to do/talk about. all these petty internet arguments cannot be good for your health.
No. 1785320
>>1784898sage but I agree. There’s not a single fucking
victim in this situation except maybe mark. Veronica is an alcoholic loser who cheated and Daft pina is a retard
No. 1785814
>>1785686He threw all his ACC friends under the bus for Peaches and the senate and when he realized how bad they were he ran away thinking IF they all get exposed he can play innocent. When he was making videos because they told him too.
He'll make a video right away if his name is mentioned but will ignore the situation because "I left the ACC. Everything I did wrong has been erased"
No. 1785940
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Still reading the rest of the Twitter thread, but this gem stood out.
No. 1786044
>>1785940wow, who would've thought the guy who stood by as peaches' commentary whiteknight alongside jar finally got to his senses and realized what everyone here has long been saying about peaches and her petty grudges?
took him long enough, i;ll give him some credit since he's like. 19 or something and he;s at least wisened up before he got further roped in peaches' hugbox.
No. 1786299
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>>1785940>>1786044A lot of people are waking up to the senate and realizing it's full of middle age perverts and degens. I'm sure they invited Harley and they were instantly creepy to them because they're an emotionally damaged teenager.
But Peaches has been in the senate long enough that it isn't Peaches just taking a wrong turn in life. I'm sure she fully supports the senate and is intergraded into their BS. I'm sure they told her that no one can touch her as long as Peaches reminds people she's a Shannon
victimIt's funny because this is the third time one of Peaches friends said in public that she's just an asshole. Like finally. Peaches has never been sweet. She's always been a huge dick and nothing she or the senate says should be taken to heart.
No. 1786335
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>>1785940I still find Harley incredibly annoying, but credit to him because it seems like he actually learned to be non-biased and took a step back to see that both Peaches and the senate server are shit. Also Peaches really didn't even have a rebuttle for what Harley said. Pic rel is all she said and it just goes to show she's determined to always be viewed as a
victim. With how much you constantly drone on about how much people are pussies, freaks, and all the other insults you use, the fuck are you trying to convince you don't genuinely hate people who aren't up your ass 24/7.
No. 1786337
>>1786335The projection and self awareness here is amazing. Meaning she has no self awareness
This whole thing just reads
"Let me chimp out and scream at people daily just because I disagree with them in peace! But don't you dare hold me accountable for being an asshole"
No. 1786390
>>1786335the person who speaks on the behalf of nearly everyone she dislikes is now upset that someone is speaking on her behalf
this community is so riddled with losers dude
No. 1786399
>>1786335Harley is spot on when he told Hopeless Peaches that she held silent grudges. Whenever someone gets outed for being awful she derails the conversation by reminding everyone how she’s the “
victim” in the situation despite not being the topic of the situation. The most recent example was with Coyote Lovely for fucks sake. Yote endangered minors and berated a
victim, and peaches brings up how he didn’t help her during the Shannon drama. Why pretend to be friends with someone and act like best friends if you have grudges ? It makes no sense.
No. 1786510
> she's shown to drop and turn on people the moment it stops benefiting herhonestly.
like the signs are already there. her being friends with omnia only to drop her during the tobi drama all because peaches for some stupid reason agreed about the dumb DM point.
and even before that she was a snake to camilla, agreeing to collab only to lie about her on an Amino post. it's really a pattern of behavior for her and people are so afraid to call her out all because she was the creepshow
>>1786444hell, emilyartful was creepshow's biggest
victim throughout all this, and she dpesn't go on and on about it the way peaches does. she continues to make content and is thriving. meanwhile peaches is forever bitter to the point that she'll jump on any opportunity of revenge against anyone who even looked at her dirty.
No. 1787711
>>1786528Because Peaches is 1000% using Shannon as an excuse to why she's a POS and why she's attacking everyone. Emily isn't a POS so she doesn't need
victim points to cover up shady behavior.
No. 1789137
>>1789120Yeah she did a while back. Basically Peaches was bullying the new girl in her school and all of her friends and everyone in the school told her to stop being a bitch. But she changed the story to where this new girl was actually the bully who targeted Peaches for no reason other than to steal her life.
But if you listen it does sound like Peaches bullied her out of jealousy because she was instantly more liked amongst her peers, more attractive and nice. She also tried to make it seem like this girl was trying to copy Peaches which is def projecting. Because I can't see anyone wanting to be like Peaches irl since Peaches is a legit lady of the swamp.
No. 1789159
>>1787711This is so true and I fucking wish more of these other people in the "community" would get a backbone and call this bitch out. The Creepshow thing is OVER now and it's been over for like what? A year? Almost 2? And what Shannon did to Emily was much worse than what she did to Peaches. She literally stalked and harassed Emily and fucked up her IRL. Peaches' drama was purely online with no exterior IRL issues.
Nobody should be giving Peaches' passes anymore for using dried up drama anymore, they should be judging her on what she's doing now in the present.
No. 1789175
>>1789159To add what Shannon did to Peaches she did to everyone else. How many videos did Shannon make lying about people for views or because Shannon didn't like them? No one gives a shit. Hell Shannon was about to make an expose video on her best friend Ready to Glare.
Peaches def isn't as traumatized as she claims. In fact I'm sure she was celebrating when she found out Shannon was lying to her. She's milking the
victim card to cover the fact she's an ass and hate to say it, a bully.
No. 1789249
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Does anyone else think that with how much Peaches virtue signals about age gaps, pedophilia and lolicon is her projecting and she's got some serious skeletons in her closet? It always happens with these commentary fuckers.
No. 1789268
>>1789175Right and the day someone finally does a call out video on her and everyone in the YT scene acts surprised, they should take a hard look at themselves because the signs were already there for a long time now.
>>1789249It's probably because I'm murican but I don't run into much people saying that 14-18 relationships should be acceptable. But to answer your question,I wouldn't be surprised if there were more skeletons pertaining to this in her closet.
No. 1789727
>>1789686freshman? So he's 14 then. There are rare cases of guys who just get extremely tall. It just sucks in this situation
But yuh age gaps don't matter to me if someone is above the age of 18. If they are below that a max of a 4 year gap is fine imo. I will be giving the senior the side eye though
As for Peaches it's projecting for sure. A lot of her friends are underaged and it's been proven the senate abuses it's underaged users. Even if Peaches isn't sexual she has been shown harassing teens and gaslighting them. That and her trying to convince them her ddgl kink is fine is gross
No. 1789904
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>>1789727Speaking of gaslighting, peaches is currently on twitter sperging and planning to make a video over this image while her fans defend her. Peaches you’re a fat fuck and whoever drew this was too kind
No. 1789992
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>>1789957Yes she deleted her @hopelesspeachyt tiktok account. Why would she wipe all of it? It was just her being cringy screeching how she wasn't using mental health as a shield and yelling at people.
It can't possibly be she's upset that she isn't kawaii and skinny and that this image bothers her. It's always sus when someone deletes a whole account. That's guilty behavior
>>1789904Yeah they are actually being way to kind with that image. Last I heard she was morbidly obese
No. 1790097
> planning to make a video over this image while her fans defend herthis is such a nothing thing to make a video over like yoy can really tell peaches will grasp at anyting to stay relevant. how much you willing to bet she may even bring up creepshow again for good measure kek
feeding the troll is the last thing anyone should do let alone dedicate an entire video over and you'd think peaches would have some common sense to know this
it's funny because i remember people clowning on kai back when he kept going back and forth with akumu and other detractors on twitter and people were telling him to let things go and now when it's peaches her reaction is warrented? it's literally the same thing.
and js, it's real rich of peaches to get mad over a still image of her yet creepshow has dozens of fat edits made on her, and she herself has made snide art on people she hates.
No. 1790269
>>1789904>>1790097I'd be very surprised if she brings up Creepshow Art for this kek. I feel like she's just gonna frame it as being fat shamed or something along those line, even though it's clearly a troll image.
>i remember people clowning on kai back when he kept going back and forth with akumu and other detractors on twitter and people were telling him to let things go and now when it's peaches her reaction is warrented? it's literally the same thing.Good point anon, you're right that it's totally double standards.
No. 1790311
>>1790269tbh I think the majority of this community, even the ones who moved on from commentary and are doing reviews want nothing to do with Peaches or the senate. More like it isn't worth the trouble to make a video on her because they'll make an annoying stink out of it. Shannon proved just because you scream the loudest doesn't mean you won. Peaches is the perfect example of that
The only people who care about Peaches are her braindead fans who think she's a baby anime wifu or drones from the senate. I never see anyone with real rep take her seriously.
She's been steadily losing views on youtube and engagement on her tweets.
People are silently getting over her and a lot of people find Lio just as creepy as Coyote
No. 1790814
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how much do you want to bet the probability of peaches getting dropped by her therapist is because they saw how overly dramatic she was?
this reads to me like a terminally online person getting a reality check from someone who actually lives in the real world.
No. 1791756
>>1790311That's a fair point. At the end of the day Peaches is a nobody in the grand scheme of YouTube, her 15 minutes of fame was over as soon as the Creepshow drama was put to rest when they held her to the coals with that awful comeback video.
Peaches makes crap content and other creators can probably see there's not much to her and are keeping quiet and moving on away from it because it won't go anywhere.
I'm stll in disbelief that her braindead fans treat see her as her avatar waifu self when you can see she clearly looks the opposite from it. Either they're truly dumb or they dumb kids.
No. 1791797
>>1791756She talks about herself like she's some displaced teen who's fresh out of high school who's parents unjustly kicked her out. She also talks in her videos like people are jealous of her looks, youth and "success" which is painfully delusional of her. In reality she's morbidly obese, looks like she's 45 and has warts and moles all over her face. She also says she's a natural blonde like her OC. At this point I'm sure she's telling everyone her OC is basically her.
There's a reason Peaches deleted her tiktok and removed all images of her face and body. Most of her fans haven't seen them and she wants to larp as her teeny wifu self. It's like she can't get over she's in her mid 20's and wants to keep acting like she's 14
No. 1791829
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>>1791797Pic rel is what she wants her fans to think she looks like kek. Also I went back and looked through her tweets and she says that in May of last year:
>"Since we just got a flat together last year, housing is on the line. Sadly, no matter what advice a financial advisor, nor solicitor gave, my ex partner isn't budging. I have to find somewhere else to live.Due to his controlling nature, I couldn't create content or work to my fullest extent, so my funding is limited."
So…it's 2 months away from a year and either her ex is still fine with letting her squat in his place or, she's lying for cash. She hasn't posted anything about moving but frequently about raising money for a go-fund me and taking donations through ko-fi. Also:
>I couldn't create content or work to my fullest extent, so my funding is limited.She hasn't slowed down her art or uploads in the slightest? Might be tin-foil, but seems like she might be pulling a Shannon.
No. 1791848
>>1791829>Due to his controlling nature, I couldn't create content or work to my fullest extent, so my funding is limited.Is she really blaming someone else for being lazy? She sounds like the controlling one tbh. And what financial advisor would suggest two ex's who hate each other to live together and to work it out because one is a homeless insufferable bitch?
Peaches is also def squatting. She said her parents kicked her out the moment she turned 18 and she had no money. So her boyfriend at the time got them a home. Sounds like she manipulated the situation a lot. It's not like Peaches can co sign on anything. She doesn't have a penny to her name unless she's getting disability checks and abusing the system.
Also keep in mind "Disabled" tenants in the UK are harder to remove. Being a fat fuck is currently working out for her and she's def spiteful enough to torment an ex for years. She already proven she can hold grudges for petty shit for years on randos. Just listening to the stories she tells herself she seems to have always been like this. She wants to torment people who slighted her but wants to come out looking like the
She can literally eat healthier, work out, bathe on the regular and get her shit together. But she'd rather munch on fast food and fester at the computer screen.
I know Peaches hates it when people compare her to Shannon. But Shannon's own family hated her too.
No. 1791900
>>1791797Right, she's clearly trying to divulge into her fake online life and doesn't want to face reality. Like she can always lose weight and dye her hair if she really wants to look like her OC that badly but her mentality is what truly hurts her. She's not a kid anymore and she needs to move on with her lie but it's clear she's terminally online and that might not be happening anytime soon.
>Peaches claims she's a victim because her parents don't want her and neither does her ex or irl friends. But it def comes off as she's a nightmare to live withIs there any info on why her relationship is strained with her parents? I could understand the ex and her IRL friends but I'm not too familiar with her relationship with her parents and why she can't stay with them.
>>1791833>I remember she made her OC have an emoting hair clip like MangaKamen's emoting skull clip. He's aware on how to deal with her now. Don't unfollower her, don't talk to her, don't breath around her. To be honest if Peaches bitches about him people can easily yell at her for it.Wait what? She tried to date MangaKamen?? Doesn't MangaKamen already have a GF? How the hell did she think she'd pull that off kek. I'm not a MangaKamen fan myself as I always found him to be an opportunistic fence sitter but that's funny as I wouldn't peg him as the cheating type assuming he actually is still with his GF.
No. 1792298
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>>1791829For every fake uwu fanart she makes of herself, someone should give her a reality check of what she really looks like
No. 1792382
>>1791900That doesn't stop Peaches. Her idea was to emotionally wear MangaKamen down and "It'll boost views because people will think we're a cute couple"
She doesn't understand that people live in the real world and are def not attracted to her
>>1791829Seriously. Moles, warts and all. I just wish she showed body pics. I'm just curious to know how large she is
But what world is she living in where she looks anything like either of her OCs? Even the brown haired one looks nothing like her.
No. 1792633
>>1792382>That doesn't stop Peaches. Her idea was to emotionally wear MangaKamen down and "It'll boost views because people will think we're a cute couple">She doesn't understand that people live in the real world and are def not attracted to herAh so it was mostly one-sided. It would be so sad if she wasn't such an annoying brat. I'm guessing that because MangaKamen actually sat and talked her out of committing suicide, she stupidly thought that meant he likes her more than a acquaintance.
Thinking like that is totally a sign of terminally online and I know that beauty can be subjective but in her case, it'll only be a small select few who will be into her, especially when you take into account her overbearing personality.
No. 1792634
>>1792382>That doesn't stop Peaches. Her idea was to emotionally wear MangaKamen down and "It'll boost views because people will think we're a cute couple">She doesn't understand that people live in the real world and are def not attracted to herAh so it was mostly one-sided. It would be so sad if she wasn't such an annoying brat. I'm guessing that because MangaKamen actually sat and talked her out of committing suicide, she stupidly thought that meant he likes her more than a acquaintance.
Thinking like that is totally a sign of terminally online and I know that beauty can be subjective but in her case, it'll only be a small select few who will be into her, especially when you take into account her overbearing personality.
No. 1792693
>>1792382>That doesn't stop Peaches. Her idea was to emotionally wear MangaKamen down and "It'll boost views because people will think we're a cute couple">She doesn't understand that people live in the real world and are def not attracted to herAh so it was mostly one-sided. It would be so sad if she wasn't such an annoying brat. I'm guessing that because MangaKamen actually sat and talked her out of committing suicide, she stupidly thought that meant he likes her more than a acquaintance.
Thinking like that is totally a sign of terminally online and I know that beauty can be subjective but in her case, it'll only be a small select few who will be into her, especially when you take into account her overbearing personality.
No. 1793115
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Sorry to detract from the current topic but does anyone know the result of the court case between Omnia and Kai? Their court case was in February and now the end of March is approaching and well…Kai doesn't seem to be in jail and Omnia's profile remains locked.
No. 1793127
>>1793115i'm gonna chalk this up to them either taking matters off social media or either one dropping the case.
but who knows if the court date got moved since thats also a thing that can happen
No. 1793422
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I'm starting to understand why Shannon considered Peaches to be her little sister
No. 1798802
>>1797979Coyote deserves to be shit on. But you would think Peaches would keep her mouth shut since she has been friends with him up until recently. Guess she's willing to stab all her friends in the back if it gives her the excuse to paint herself as the
victim. What a hypocrite
No. 1799313
>>1798802this is why i always felt peaches was full of shit when she went after camilla for being associated with a creep, even after she already banned him from the server.
even if peaches spouts that "i knew he was bad all along" bs she still associated with coyote and worked with him only up until he got exposed.
i'd even say what peaches did was even worse since she already supposedly """knew"" about how bad he was but still made the choice to went along with it
No. 1801721
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With the recent burst of popularity autism has with teens/young adults, it was only a matter of time before Peaches decided she is a "high-functioning" autistic person as well.
No. 1802504
>>1801721>>1802290I'm not sure if Peaches is formally diagnosed or if she just says she has it for oppression brownie points. She doesn't really exerr any outwards signs of being auristic even if she was high functioning.
>>1802330Haha self deprication so funnie.
No. 1802552
>>1801721if it's not depression, it's autism. any other mental conditions or illness peaches thinks she can benefit for her mental health card?
also notice how its like twice now she got rejected for mental diagnosis.
she was rejected by her therapist because they brushed off her drama as just her being terminally online (she probably wished she could of been diagnosed with ptsd kek) and now we see she got rejected for being diagnosed with autism.
she really wants to latch onto anything she can use as a shield once her creepshow
victim card expires
No. 1804394

She finally dropped her CoyoteLovely video. Will give summary below so you all don't have
to endure it.
>Starts by her saying Coyote was someone she was "friendly" with when just a few weeks ago she said she knew he was always shady in the call with Lio. I already want to kill myself and I'm a minute in.
>She also throws shade at someone calling her and Lio out on KiwiFarms. Might have to pause the video at 1:13 to read it but I went on KF and found it:
"Lio is someone who's constantly beating off the same kind of suspicion that Coyote has been for a long time now, that being that they're both doing what they did for the sake of troll shielding, that the "We're here to help Kids!" angle is slowly getting less and less believable as they use their time "chasing pedophiles" to drag them into a discord server to berate and bully them for clickbait videos which're also recorded and presented by other mentally ill people who claim to be targets of pedophiles/groomers (etc) themselves. Let's be objective for a moment on this one, do you think that a mentally ill, clearly depressed girl, who proclaims they've been the victim of sexual abuse and grooming, who's in their early 20s should be spending her time online making videos berating people she see's as pedophiles, groomers or sickos? Further more do you think Lio should be encouraging that behaviour and adopting her as a "daughter" to further empower it?
I am describing HopelessPeaches and a look over her Youtube/Twitter will backup pretty much all I am saying, even if I say it was a bias bent because I am about to have her publish a video where she talks down to me/berate me whilst having Lio act like this entire Sappho incident is a personal slight on him. It should be shit like this which people should look at and by extension, then look at Coyote about as he side-showed for Lio and also encouraged these people and their behaviour.
I don't think there is any other group which purposefully surrounds itself with grooming victims and mentally ill people to then go out and "Hunt Da Bad Guys!" online with said people."
I actually agree with this whole heartedly and see the same thing happening to Lio in the future and Peaches trying to cover for him and it blowing up in her face. Peaches just briefly flashes this ss up and brushes it off probably hoping her audience doesn't pause to read it because they might start to question things.
>Goes over ZrCarlo and Coyote. Criticizes Coyote for trying to baby ZrCarlo. Funny considering Lio does the same shit with her.
>Goes over the Sappho and Coyote shit. Interjects getting mad about how cordial people are when interviewing. Says you should be mean and bully predators/freaks. Once again, Lio is also cordial when interrogating people Peaches shut the fuck up.
>Gets mad about people in the call with Sappho for not probing Coyote more when he said he wasn't nearly as hostile to Sappho anymore.
>More in depth of Coyote's op. Coyote apperantly went as far as to commission art of their fursonas together and still tried to claim he was faking being attracted to her.
>Her and Lio going back and forth with the guy who posted that KF post above. She once again needs Lio to do the heavy lifting when it comes to talking/interrogating someone because she's too much of a little bitch to do it on her own. Dude starts crying at the end and saying sorry after Lio threatens to never speak to him again.
>Coyote told Lio he was flirting with Sappho on Jan 7th. Lio told him it was a bad idea but Coyote ignored him. This is the first time I've heard that Lio tried to stop him beforehand, but it still bears repeating that Lio didn't go any further as to distance himself and server from Coyote.
>Peaches berates Coyote for how he handled Furski (that one pick-me in the Caswolf stream)
>Ends with her warning people to not get into this field if they're going to act like Coyote did. An interesting note is that she says that Law enforcement already don't take it seriously enough. While I do agree to an extent, it goes to show that she a Lio think that their Chris Hansen amature hour shtick is doing more good than it is harm. Terrifying.
If this recap seems short it's because this video was just not fucking warranted. She only repeated the same points we know about this.
No. 1804529
>>1804438I hope he goes hard in the senate. But Peaches really screwed herself over when she said she always knew he was a creep. Still decided to hang out with him, be his friend and make content with him up until it was made public. Peaches seems to be fine with Lio's creepy behavior since it isn't all that public yet. Peaches has made a video on almost all her "friends"
People need to stop kissing her ass for being a creepshow
victim. Shannon made videos on dozens of people. No one else gives as much of a shit as Peaches
No. 1805187
>>1805157now this is just rich. and to think JAR is apart of this server and is in cahoots with this guy, especially since JAR and by extension Peaches blew up on omnia for the "muh leaked DM's" point with tobi.
imagine having a problem with someone leaking dm's (even if it was because tobi lied her ass in the first place) and calling it scummy and "shooting down their credibilty", while being fine with someone who records without your consent and manipulates footage to suit his narrative.
the acc is full of fucking hypocrites kek
No. 1805712
>>1805669OH look the "lol omnia" troll is back KEK
how long before we get another infighting between "kai" "omnia" and "peaches"
No. 1806079
>>1806067Considering we know that they lurk here and Caswolf's video will be coming out soon on top of this
>>1806070 , I think it's not too out of the question to think that they're trying to kick up shit to cover their asses before it hits the fan for them and the senate server.
No. 1806148
>>1806144Really don't get Peaches' popularity in the Senate. When you really look at it from a third party perspective, she's so vile and
toxic in all the recorded calls she's in. I heard JAR call her "best girl" once and actually cringed.
No. 1806154
> I heard JAR call her "best girl" once and actually cringed.i still remember back in the tobi drama where JAR made that awful collab video and he ranted about "
victim cults" and called kai a professional
victim in his followup
he looks real goofy now given who he calls "best girl"
No. 1806155
>>1806144What’s so crazy about this is that this was actually brought up to the public literally 3 years ago by another YouTuber named Mannis. getting his hands on a minors nudes when he was 16-17 was rumored to have happened. The thing is though that the Senate and ArtCC shut the story down and practically buried it. They only brought it up because he bad mouthed peaches like over 6 months ago. This is ridiculous. Spoctor hasn’t even been online in months, just focusing on his own life, and these dudes are poisoning his name without him able to use his platform to defend himself. Not that he has much defense IMO but consider he was a minor at the time too. From what I understood Spoctor ended up talking to the girl herself separately. Not sure if they reached an agreement or worked things out.
Honestly didn’t hate Peaches before but now she’s getting super suspicious. Why would you focus on something a guy did years ago, that the ArtCC buried? This is messed up.
No. 1806156
>>1806155She feeds off of the attention she gets from crusty old men for being a
victim. She's got a massive complex for being a damsel in distress and loves using the
victim card as an excuse to punch down. Never really shook that 'bully' phase, I guess. Just got a little more sneaky on how she does it.
No. 1806343
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A reply to Lio's tweet where he's promoting the Spoctor video. He has yet to reply to this and I doubt he will.
No. 1806400
>>1806144Alright since no one else wants to, I'll take one for the team and summarize this.
>0:00 - 12:40 Lio whining on how he talked about Peaches. Goes after the people who commented on Spoctor's video too. Just alot of biased whining towards how terribly his baby ogre Peachy was treated. Also whines about Junkie, Hiten, and Kamen too. Lio is very quick to tell people he's coming against to go outside and live a normal life like he did in his call with Coyote, but is lenient when it's with people he's still friends with and goes on about how they didn't have anyone beside them in these oh so dark times of being made fun of over the internet. Just alot of double standards.
>12:40 - 57:30 The call that Peaches had with Spoctor. I want to bring to attention how much more quiet and subdued Peaches is when Lio isn't in the call. She isn't nearly as catty. Spoctor says "I hear that you invite people into the Senate, in front of a bunch of audiences and talk to them about it. Talk to them about very private situations infront of a very large amount of people like you're doing to me right now."Peaches: "Nothing spoken about here are ever privage matters, they're usually already public. You've proven to me you're not trusted in a private call."
Queen Serafina: "If you're scared to say points like these in front of an audience, your points aren't probably any good to begin with"
Or how about the fact that it's an obvious intimidation tactic to scare people you fucking braindead cult members?? You've been shown to do this shit on multiple occasions even when the other party has given you permission to record a 1 on 1 call with them. Peaches tries to say that Spoctor took jabs at her grooming by putting footage of it while Spoctor talked about how bad she is at managing relationships. Spoctor corrects her in saying it wasn't about her grooming but the visual imagery of her video matched his point. Peaches says she isn't going to accept it and brings up Omnia's same situation with her thumbnail. Spoctor very understandably says she's reaching. His sister is also in call. Ends with Peaches saying she wanted closure and didn't get it. Oh no Peaches, because Spoctor wasn't constantly grovelling to you, and explaining his perspective he's not being apologetic enough and you're mad because he didn't give into you. Fuck off. Also JAR comes in and says a bunch of nothing at the end.
One note I want to make at the end is Spoctor's sister asks if this call is being recorded. Peaches says yes by her. His sister asks if it's going to be posted to YouTube and she's nervous. Peaches says no unless something crazy happens. Queen Serafina asks if Spoctor is afraid of him and if he isn't and stands by his word that he shouldn't be afraid of this leaking out to the public. This makes this point
>>1805157 absolutely correct. The fact that they didn't disclose that they were recording beforehand is incredibly fucking shady.
>1:00:00 - 1:15:00 This is what I actually wanted to hear. Lio starts with saying that someone approached him with this footage and they had held onto it for 3 years and felt guilty. This call happened Jan 4th of 2020. The call is with Junkie and Feghost. Either Junkie or Feghost bring up the Mannis video which already doesn't have any really good substantial evidence. If this call took place around 3 years ago, then Spoctor was around 16-17 at the time like expected. Spoctor says he doesn't want this getting out because he wants to move past it. Spoctor says that he was 16 and the other girl, was 13 at the time. They had a friendship that turned into a fling and ended when he turned 17. Spoctor says when he turned 18 he realized he still had the drive with the explicit things on it and he got rid of it. Spoctor says they are on good terms but aren't in a relationship anymore. Spoctor says that the video Mannis made was made because of another girl he was the same age as and he talked with caught feelings for him and he rejected her. She got mad and started trying to dig things up on him. Ponder was aware of this video and didn't do anything about it because Spoctor talked with her. Which is also funny considering Ponder retweeted Lio's video with no other context. Lio frames this as Spoctor waiting until he was an adult to get rid of the USB. This is the only part of this entire situation where Spoctor could possibly be in the wrong by waiting until after he was 18 to get rid of the explicit material. Considering this was said in a private call that Spoctor didn't know nor want it to go public one could make the arguement that he had no reason to lie about that point. The main point is that Spoctor was also a minor with a 3 year age gap when these explicit pics/convos took place.
>Lio went to Ponder to ask what happened in the call with Spoctor. Ponder says she doesn't fully recall but the discord call was around 18 minutes. Lio makes the assumption that Spoctor probably lied to Ponder and downplayed what he did with no evidence to suggest that's what he did, and since Ponder retweeted this video with no context? Yeah fuck her too because what the actual fuck is wrong with you letting Lio make that assumption.Ends off with Lio saying the reason he made this video because Spoctor is trying to come back and he doesn't want him to.
In conclusion. Just what the actual fuck was this? Caswolf or anyone else going after senate, we need you to take a good long look at this video and see exactly what Lio is trying to do. The only thing you might be able to say about this is Spoctor's interactions with that other kid when they were both minors. But considering they were both minors when this happened, I really don't see how you could increminate him aside from bringing up the point that he may have held onto it until he was around 18. You don't magically become an adult at 18 years old and he did the responsibile thing by getting rid of it if he's telling the truth.
Fuck Peaches for continuing this narrative that she's some traumatized
victim because of this. Fuck Ponder for putting in the work to dispell the Stories and Pentagrin drama only to peddle this video with no context. Fuck Senate for their continued cult like behavior. And most of all fuck Lio for making this video because he wanted to give his fatass sugar baby some ass pats. Fuck the ACC.
No. 1806510
>>1806400Wow, massive loss of respect for Ponder for actually slurping up this drivel. I think Spoctor is a massive jerk, but this video was just such a fucking circle jerk I couldn't take it seriously.
I'm actually glad that Spoctor is an unapologetic dickhead sometimes, cause him not taking the call that seriously, laughing and not paying attention, gave me a good giggle.
No. 1806529
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>>1806510Him not completely giving into Peaches pity fihsing also got a good laugh out of me. Also just archiving Ponder retweeting this incase she tries to quietly delete it when shit hits the fan. She was so pissed off about people deleting their Spoctor videos and acting like nothing happened when the Stories and Pentagrin shit happened. Let's she if she hold herself to the same standard if it gets widespread that Lio's video was a crock of shit. Totally lost respect for her. Did she also get roped into the Senate cult? If so, that's really sad.
No. 1806705
>>1806591I just can't believe she stands behind people who pull such kindergarten tactics.
It makes me sick when they take someone who's prepared to have a civil conversation, all gather around that person and just poke and instigate with petty insults and assumptions until the person finally shoots back and stands up for themselves, then act as if it was completely unwarranted and psychotic.
Like a pack of rabid hyenas, you'll never be able to get them in a 1 on 1 call, but man will they chomp at the bit to dog-pile you.
No. 1806798
>>1806716once again it's all pseudo slacktivism by the terminally online, fitting given what we already know about the senate
it's all just deflection to have bring their audience on this fake moral outrage so they don't get suspicions their way
also spoctor's what? in his 20's already? why bring up shit he did years ago and clearly tried to fix (deleting the USB)?
he was a minor at the time, and he admitted he was a jerk and cocky when he was younger.
fuck accountability then, them digging up his old fuckups is literally just cancel games.
that's all these people know how to do.
No. 1807273
>>1807262Pentagrin: Decides to cancel Spoctor cause he made her mad.
Peaches: Decides to cancel Spoctor cause he made her mad.
History repeats itself, and I hope we toss Peaches out just like we did with Pentagrin.
No. 1807306
>>1807296It's obvious Lio is trying to take the heat off of him preemptively before Caswolf's video comes out on him, Peaches, and the rest of the Senate. It's already coming to the surface that Lio, Peaches, and the senate may have been more aware/complicit in Coyote's degeneracy than they would like everyone to believe as seen here
>>1806070 . It's been said before that Coyote's drama happening have very well been the undoing of the Senate. Lio's panicked tone in his call with him shows he knows it as well and is trying to get everyone's attention off himself before shit gets real.
No. 1807389
>>1807384that TITLE though
> "A Snake in Sheep's Clothing"gee, kinda like how
your biggest drama started out was
because your shown to be a snake yourself, peaches?
fucking KEK
not gonna bother watching bcus i cant bear to listen to her grating uwu voice and she doesnt deserve the watch time
so im gonna take a shot and say that she's likely gonna bring up creepshow again and how spoctor didnt suck up to her enough
No. 1807492
Well this is bound to be interesting. Keeping neutral until Spoctor makes a statement. Because that is the wise thing to do. And he better make good on the promise on defending himself because otherwise he’s screwed. So looking at the video that Lio made he linked a video made by a small Youtuber named Aeron Tempest. I don’t know if anyone went over this but I find this incredibly amusing.
Here’s how the video went.
>goes over the history of Spoctor, blah blah blah. Specifically regarding a person named Yo-yo and a kid Brony named Fran. Yo-Yo is an interesting topic I will mention after summing up the video.
>gives the Hiten retard asspats for Junkie lying about her behind the scenes and her friends cutting her off. Idk about you, but that shows her friends were actually kinda shit anyway. Don’t blame Junkie entirely for that, you sped, and don’t pity your little friend who is
>Spoctor of course defends Junkie because Hiten autistically screeching made him uncomfortable and he calmly tells her to stop being so vitriolic.
>Aeron Tempest, Hiten, and their group of speds borderline blackmail Spoctor by stating he needs to make a statement or an apology in one week. Of course he doesn’t make good of this because why would he.
>8 months pass, Spoctor approaches Tempest after Hiten’s video goes online essentially doubling down on her Autism. Spoctor tries to make light in the conversation with Tempest. >Noticing the fucking Ghetsis music from Pokémon right now, pure fucking retardation. I would expect this music being used in regards to a predator communicating with their victim, not someone who either forgot about a deal or purposely broke it because of how ridiculous it was.
Noticing a pattern with the commentators going at his throat with the most Autistic music possible. Painting him in the worst light. Apparently Aeron, Peaches, and Hiten (possibly a few others) are friends with Ponder. Apparently the SCC and the Art CC are overarching, this is a possible conspiracy. Not excusing her as she’s like 30 years old, but is it possible that they may have pushed her to go against Spoctor? Interesting, because Aeron brought up the same thing in regards with this Yo-Yo person and the group going against Spoctor for pissing them off! Best chances for Spoctor going out of this unscathed is him standing up for himself, and someone like Caswarfox backing him up or someone neutral outside of the community. Someone like Turkey Tom or Augie.
If this situation blows up in these people’s faces, it will ruin their reputations forever and they will probably come groveling to the damn furry again. Which the damn furry will give his middle finger to, this includes Ponder, who regardless I have no sympathy for. She chose the popular side over the person who made bad decisions when they were a kid. Boohoo.
No. 1807584
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No. 1807821
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Probably because you're not worth caring about, Peaches.
You're vile, people don't like you, are you really surprised they don't want to defend someone they hate?
No. 1807840
>>1807821hey at least she knows that no one gives a shit lol
this is the most transparent she’s been in wanting people to care about her problems and they just… don’t. it’s hilarious
No. 1807842
> just another tick to "CC don't care when Peaches is wronged"man the sheer EGO of that statement. she's such a narcissist
she already pulled that shit awhile back with blaming everyone who
didn't make a video on her drama as being just as bad as her detractors
and now she's once again at it with this guilt by association bs
and now she has names for those people who "laughed along" with spoctor and has nothing to go off other than speculation. at this rate she wants to paint herself as the poor
victim of the entire cc fucking KEK
No. 1807858
>>1807842Years from now when all her old drama is dried up, she's going to make a video about "How LioConvoy manipulated and GROOMED ME!!1!!" Just to add another
victim card to her self-made deck and keep the ball rolling.
Tbh I'd actually watch that video.
No. 1807868
>>1807842my thing is like… what do you want these people to do? keep spoctor from uploading? i doubt this situation is really serious enough for a deplatform. she tried doing the same to camila and she’s still getting plenty of views.
have these two honestly fooled themselves into thinking they had the power to do anything here? and if people laughed along with him, good?
who even speculates on people who “possibly” made fun of them? she sounds miserable.
No. 1807903
>>1807407I so would love to see this happen because Pentagrin and Stories deserved what came to them when they said such BS and Peaches and the senate need their just desserts as well, especially Peaches with her shit stirring.
But wasn't the only reason why Spoctor was able to push back against Pentagrin and Stories was because Ponder Sprocket helped defend him? Not saying that Ponder is the end all be all and I'm sure Spoctor can defend himself but just wondering.
No. 1807904
>>1807903iirc ponder doing that entire deep dive on spoctor and his detractors was the main thing that elevated her reputation and credibility in the cc. everyone in the commentary sphere wants to be the next ponder.
hell, mali malware from what i heard is starting to have that kind of reputation as well (her entire 2 parter going over the peaches drama)
No. 1807988
>>1807858If she makes that video years passing, that would be the nail in the coffin of her career. She is 23 years old currently, calling herself a “
victim” would be the biggest possible middle finger to actual survivors of grooming online and sexual abuse. Not to mention it would also call to question her other grooming story. Needless to say, it would be the worst move to play for sympathies possible
No. 1807999
>>1807923Like an Anon said before, the writing is on the wall with this. I bet you money that Peaches wouldn't really be as milky had she not gotten involved with Lio and the Senate. She has her own petty and vindictive tendencies that she's never grown out of sure, but that creepy fuck and the echo chamber that is the Senate just made it 10xs worse. Depending on what Caswolf brings up in his video and how big it gets we might already be at the beginning of the end.
>>1807868He could absolutely make content and be just as fine ignoring all the bullshit while Peaches and Hiten scream and piss themselves in the background. The internet has the attention span of a goldfish. If creepy fucks that deserve jail time like KeroTheWolf and Minilad can come back and find an audience; Spoctor with the this petty nothingness of a drama, surely can as well.
No. 1808508
>>1807821Shannon is that you?
>>1807664Lion released an call of Spoctor, Feghost, and Junkie how they were addressing an video that came out in December of 2019 (supposedly of Spoctor having sexted(?) with a minor) And Spoctor was stupid enough to admit that he had "Lewds" from that minor, on a hard drive. Supposedly the drive and pics where something that have been known for a while on the farms, but I can't confirm it. However, the recorded call seems legitimate.
No. 1808754
>>1808508given its been stated lio has a tendency of cutting context and editing calls to suit his narrative
>>1805157i'd take anything he puts out with a grain of salt.
it just reminds me of how stories and pentagrin purposefully cut context to put spoctor in the worst possible light
after what previously happened its better to be skeptical about it
No. 1808791
>>1808754You would think people would be skeptical since recently a bunch of false SA allegations have been proven false and Peaches seems to be a liar. I don't know why people think that just because Shannon targeted Peaches three years ago means anything. The funny thing is Shannon didn't exactly lie about everything, just a few notes
I hope after Cas posts his video on the senate and how it's a cess pool of degenerates that others will finally start making videos against them. It's like everyone forgot every bad thing Lio, Peaches and the senate has done.
No. 1808870
>>1808791All of this.
you can still be a target of harassment and still be a shitty person. say what you will about the camilla situation, but that doesn't mean suddenly peaches was in the right. she still lied about their collab and was camilla was harassed because of it.
likewise just because peaches was wronged by shannon doesn't mean suddenly all the videos criticizing her behavior were wrong. thats always the number one thing in the cc/acc sphere that sets me off. everyone in this community has this black and white thinking.
tobi was in the wrong during her drama, but because luke, shannon kai and omnia got called out suddenly tobi thinks she's some misunderstood
victim in all this, and zi-zi and nezzie think that they're stupid comments were right all along.
these people haven't aged beyond middle school mentality and it shows
No. 1809062
>>1808870This is such basic common sense but everyone who are in the ACC haven't mentally matured past 14. They're so afraid of being woke or unsupportive
Shannon made videos on legit bad people while being a bad person herself. Yes she lied about a lot of key points for views, but most were still awful people.
I'm going to point out Emily artful. The only justice she wanted was for her story to be told and for Shannon to stop stalking her over a decade. It effected her real life. Emily acts like a real
victim would. She wants her story told and for the harassment to stop. She has never brought it up since.
Peaches over here has been SALIVATING for years now and has been using the creepshowart drama to justify her harassing others. She even found a twisted way to justify people who were not involved. She even found a way to pin Shannon for her past mistakes too. This is just a manipulative and professional
victim. Peaches was wrong in the past and she's still wrong. I don't know how anyone can see her current behavior on twitter and thinks she's a good person.
Hell even that ftm trans youtuber can see she's in the wrong and they're pretty dense. And I hope Spoctor defends himself or comes back. Camilla gives no shits and neither does anyone else. Just laugh in their face
No. 1809435
>>1809346Remember when Peaches was up in Emily's comments trying to make Emily's legit trauma about her? and how Peaches was legit upset that people were giving Emily more attention and basically pulled "What about me?!"
What about you Peaches? You're still a little shit with zero remorse for the things you've done.
At least Emily can admit she was a POS years ago and grew up
No. 1809754
>>1809065That’s what I’m trying to understand. Some of his comments were tasteless, calling her “broken”, but by the time he said that and the dms shared, it doesn’t even look like he and peaches were friends in the group. If anything, it looks like he’s sick of her shit.
Like, she’s the one friend in the group who cries, and claims that mental health is beating her down, yet is inconsiderate for what she says (assuming she’s the oldest in the group being past 30) and doesn’t care how her ‘meltdowns’ would affect other ppl’s mental health in the group
Its all literal highschool drama for the sake of it, I couldn’t get past 5 mins of the hour long video of the dude licking the nobbs off peaches. I don’t even like spoctor and I’m surprised that ppl including ponder are eating this up
No. 1810023
>>1809754From my understanding Peaches for MONTHS was crying to everyone, even him about how this effected her mental health. She needed constant coddling, poking everyone (including him) to make videos for her. She was breaking people down.
So finally when he did make a video "for her" it was a dose of reality. It wasn't a negative or positive video. It was telling her what she needed to hear.
Peaches is a different type of narc. She's the sad
victim one. She's the type where if she loses she'll throw herself on the ground like a toddler, cry and scream and tell you she's going to kill herself and it'll be your fault. She wont of course.
I'm also actually curious. If she actually did try to kill herself the therapists and psychologists would have given her an official diagnosis. The fact they are giving her NON, not even anxiety is actually telling.
I wouldn't be surprised if they actually gave her an official Narcissist diagnosis like Shannon since the two are so similar but she's hiding it.
She use to love saying how much of a bully and bad ass she was. But realized she gets more points as a
victim. I'm pretty upset with the current Spoctor situation and I'm ashamed of Ponder. People are really going to let ANOTHER girl who's pissed off put false pedo accusations and forge out of context calls and texts? Really?
And just like Shannon her PrisonMateLuke is Lio. The shame shit is repeating itself in the ACC community to the point this place isn't worth saving. People are braindead.
It's also why people who are "cancelled" by these idiots will always be fine. Look at Camilla, she's fine because most of her fans are not ACC tards.
No. 1810039
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They are just SHITTING out videos for coverage now, haven't watched it but Peaches saying she needs a break from the "field" is fucking rich.
No. 1810062
>>1810057Seriously. It's moment like this I wouldn't mind if some creators used lolcow as a reference. We literally have all the proof right here since November of last year and found Lio's questionable kiwi farms account of him being the biggest biggot and hypocrite in the world.
As for Peaches, people really need to remake their videos on her to remind others she's a POS. She buried her past with
victim points it's pathetic. She 1000% suicide baited everyone in the past. She hasn't done it recently because she knows it's a card she can't pull anymore or else she'll get called out.
I think people are itching to make videos on the whole senate, especially Lio since he pulled an Onision and literally groomed minors and has one living with him right now (Doesn't matter they're of age now. It's wrong he groomed a troubled teen to run away from home and live with him so he can fuck later)
The senate is close to being laughable to just being dark with the way they treat teens. Like Lio is fucking 40 years old wtf is he doing?
As for Peaches, people were right. She wasn't that bad, but hanging around Lio just released her creep potential. She drains everyone else's mental health and her own behavior towards teens is questionable as well. Not in a pedo way, but by being mentally
abusive and gas lighting them into thinking they're the problem.
Yes the age play shit is concerning too and I hope it's brought up.
They shit on Spoctor for saying he likes flat chests, but Lio out here making the senate act like children and his "daughters" so he can get his rocks off. Fucking ddgl age play hypocrite
No. 1810078
>>1810062I don't think anybody wants to credit lolcow as a source is the thing. Drama websites like kiwifarms and lc are routinely denounced as non credible material in a lot of the videos I've watched, but I get what you mean and do agree.
Have faith that it's only a matter of time before they piss off the wrong person and get outed for everything they're worth. History does love to repeat itself, and if Stories, Pentagrin, and Creepshow are any example then hopefully what goes around will finally come around when it involves the Senate.
No. 1810176
>>1810142I listened to it but it's just more finger pointing going "Well you see HE did this bad thing when he expects me NOT to do a bad thing, hmmmmm??? Bad man!!"
The whole community is a tainted cesspool of filth, people constantly trying to 1-up each other only to look more like an idiot sperg in the process. Hope a Ponder Sprocket 2.0 comes out of the woodworks to nuke it.
No. 1810687
>>1810588Either she got caught up in the echo chamber or she knows something we don’t
>>1810142>funny how she links this video and then runs to say she needs a breakI think, or at least from what it sounds like, CoyoteLovely may be making a video to debunk some of the claims. Hopefully Spoctor comes out with his side as well, or has a collaboration with Coyote to take down the Senate and protect their names
No. 1810972
>>1810687They're def softening the blow. Even with Lio posting things out of context it seemed he and everyone else was very aware of Coyote's actions and in fact encouraged it. Seems the worst thing Coyote did was flirt with Sappho. That's a lot less than what Lio and Peaches are doing.
Though anyone who isn't a brain dead fan of the senate can see it is a dangerous place to be. Especially with a coomer 40 year old pedo screaming in your face about morality.
"Don't look at our bad behavior. Look at this persons. Now let us make it look 10x worse than it actually is"
The last thing I want to add that has no contribution is this. We should def judge a book by it's cover
Both Lio and Peaches already look like those horror cow couples. Obese, looks middle aged, covered in warts, balding, unusual special interest in children and the mentally ill, rotting teeth, no personal hygiene. They look like creepy degenerates who eat nothing but pig grease.
No. 1811047
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>>1810972>Lio and Peaches looking like horror cowsPeaches literally looks like an uglier version of Crazy fat Ethel from Criminally Insane
It's funny how both want to portray themselves as sexy fit blonde sonas
But yuh Peaches is crazy, but not in the
victim way she wants
No. 1812116
>>1812003and this is the big reason why i feel like maybe cass's video might actually contain some damning evidence.
just who even tries THIS hard to derail someone before their video is even out, and the fact multiple people are doing it in the same time span? this reeks of guilt KEK
seems none of the senate ever heard of the streissand effect. they can keep pumping all these videos to deflect and soften the blow all they want, but it's still gonna hit in the end.
>>1812055this is the same person who's on JAR's video on camilla (which hilariously released the same time peaches' video on camilla did LOL)
the senate really is an acc hivemind
No. 1812180
>>1812003One, how old are these people? That's a meme from 15 years ago. And didn't Peaches make a whole stink about rude thumbnails? How come every thumbnail her dumb OC is in looks like the sneering villan or bully?
Peaches is in the middle of every ACC drama that I'm surprised people haven't realized she's just as manipulative as Shannon. She's addicted to drama and making it at this point.
I know anons have said we have to wait until summer but damn. Peaches really should have stayed cancelled
No. 1812243
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To the Anon that was wondering what happened between Kai and Omnia, well here you go. Kai is already saying it isn't the "full truth" and he'll be making a video on it. Wonder what excuses he's going to try and come up with kek.
No. 1812343
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>>1812341They got dropped (according to Kai).
No. 1812399
>>1812391I'm just speaking to the air at this point
but I suggest if any of these "cancelled" people want to come back to youtube casually while perusing their irl careers they should post regular videos. Like no drama
The first like 5 or so videos wont preform well because people don't like comebacks. But it is possible to just come back slowly.
But also, why would you even want to return to the ACC? Like if you're going to make a comeback do it in another community. What a
toxic cess pool
No. 1812417
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I'm not posting all of it (Because there's a lot) but Peaches really was up in Emily's comment section making it all about her. And when one person made a negative comment it's "unforgivable"
She also convienently "forgot" why she was cancelled. Her fans need to be reminded of EVERYTHING she did. She got cancelled for being a scamming bitch who talked shit behind everyone's back and just being rotten. And when people found out she 1000% suicided baited to get people to back off. She's over here blaming every mistake on Shannon. Peaches is clearly not sorry for anything she did and people need to be reminded why she was cancelled twice.
No. 1812418
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No. 1812419
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final one because she whines a lot about her cancellation and how it was all Shannon's fault. Completely ignoring everything she did.
No. 1812424
>>1812418I hate saying this but there is no real proof of Peaches attempt to end herself. Her story makes no sense. All we know is she kept Manga Kamen hostage on call for a couple hours. This was when she was living with her boyfriend. I usually don't say this, but there def needs to be proof of Peaches trying to end herself because it's a huge part of her sob story.
That and the fact that her own doctors refuse to give her any official diagnosis. I'm calling it now, Peaches did lie about her suicide attempt to dodge cancellation and criticism.
To add one more point, didn't she say she swallowed a bunch of pills or something to Kamen? How the fuck she gunna stay alive for hours on call with him if she swallowed pills? Or did she just tell him she wanted to? If that's the case that isn't an attempt, that's just saying you want to. There's a huge difference and very deceitful on her part
This is just like Shannon lying about being homeless
No. 1812491
>>1812458Omnia's reputation is equally in the toilet. You can't claim they moved on when the first chance they get to say something about Kai they take it before he even gets the chance to defend himself. I don't know why we're pretending Omnia hasn't been proven to lie about their situation like there isn't evidence of it in this exact thread. Kai hasn't talked about the situation either until it was brought up again by Omnia.
>>1812343Here he said he didn't even plan on saying anything until Omnia did. In Kai's old videos on Omnia she was accused of equally bad things. You don't have to give a shit but that doesn't mean that she isnt shitty herself. You're cutting them slack for no reason. You don't just lie about several other charges and act like you never did.
No. 1812698
>>1812491>Uses them instead of herYeah please go back to twitter because we know who the fuck this is kek. Also, Kai is also shown to lie even in this situation so forgive me for not wanting to hear the bullshit coming from his mouth especially since he literally admitted he hit Omnia. Charges being dropped doesn't even mean they were outright lies, it can also mean there wasn't sufficient evidence for them to be fully prosecuted for. Why the fuck would Omnia wait for Kai to "defend" himself before updating people on the situation? I said in my original reply that Omnia was also shady in this, but also added in that pales in comparison to the battery charges. Same reason I didn't mention her shit with Peaches because who cares about what internet drama Peaches is still scrapping up at this point. I'm not watching Kai's video so cope. Oh also
>>1812547 considering Kai did outright admit he took the things he bought her back, and if I believe correctly she had bruises on her neck, I'm more inclined to not want to listen to an
abusive manchild. Get fucked Kai.
No. 1812774
>>1812371AYRT, Oh right, yeah I do have to keep this in mind. I don't know much about the senate in the sense that I never deeply looked into it because I just couldn't be bothered but you're right that the fans of these people do act like cult members.
>>1812382>Many of them are autisticThis makes a whole lotta sense. I'm autistic myself and I remember how I was when I was younger on how I fiaxted on things to an obsessive degree and it seems like these kids are doing the same with Peaches and the "senate".
>U asked around and not many people now what peaches looks like. I've heard this a lot "She sounds like a petite kid. So I just assumed her sona is based on her"Have you showed these people what she actually looks like and if so, how did they react?
No. 1812955
>>1812664So I'm watching the video as background noise and I'm almost done with it. I'm trying to hear both sides and Kai as annoying and whiny as he is, he did bring some interesting points up that I'm gonna keep in mind and hold to when Omnia makes her video because I do plan to watch it to be fair to both sides.
However I just gotta say that listening to this video is reminding me how retarded I think gen z can be as an middle of the road millennial with the fucking gender/pronoun bullshit. Don't get me wrong, I don't think all of you gen z are fucking brain dead morons but I hear the way some gen z talk and this "enby", "AMAB", "AFAB" and "they/them" pronouns and I'm like fuck man, can we not be objective anymore even when talking about situations like this? It's so insufferable and I know it's gonna be annoying when Omnia drops her video as well. Like fucking hell man, get a grip and grow up please.
No. 1813262
>>1813216Exactly this. Then she lets her fans do the talking for her because she knows if she said anything herself, she would be giving attention to her own lies. She’s so underhanded and calculated on the way that she selectively talks about things. But let everyone be on her side, she would have no problem speaking.
This is why I put more stake into Kai’s version of events because if Omnia is telling the truth and everything he presented wasn’t real, Omnia would have no issue debunking it and reaping the benefits like she did before. How do you go from all this showing off and talking to complete radio silence and “prioritizing celebration?” The difference between how she was before and how she is now is what makes me sus of her.
No. 1813568
>>1813216>Omnia being sus because she tries to shut down discussion when things don't look good for her.Same here anon. I was already raising an eyebrow when Omnia plugged her wishlist and was asking for all kinds of things back when this stuff was still fresh. When Kai did his first video listing off all the things that was "stolen" and he brought the recipts (literally) to showcase some of the items, I started being very skeptical with Omnia's story, at least some of it.
>This is why I put more stake into Kai’s version of events because if Omnia is telling the truth and everything he presented wasn’t real, Omnia would have no issue debunking it and reaping the benefits like she did before.Again, agree with you here. Omnia has shown that she has no problem debunking petty drama as we saw with the Hopeless Peaches drama so why is she finding it difficult to combat Kai's claims? The Gabriella thing was the thing that started making me side eye her as well.
Kai is annoying, I get it. But looking at things with an objective view of the pieces presented so far, it's just not looking good for her. I'm still open to hear Omnia's side but at this time, I am leaning towards Kai.
No. 1813845
>>1813568Neither Kai nor Omnia are reliable narrators & I don't really feel like defending Omnia but "leaning towards Kai" is retarded. They had already broken up once before in the past due to their relationship being unhealthy (at the very least), and Kai has a history/pattern of lying his way through situations, having insane meltdowns over much lower stakes drama and falsely accusing others of whatever he felt like. He tried to accuse Omnia of being racist for making a police report regarding domestic abuse. He also admitted and acknowledged to hitting her, at the very least. That's not something he can easily roll back on.
What is the need to defend him now? Dude is clearly unhinged.
No. 1813862
>>1813845AYRT. Don't get me wrong, both are
toxic ass people but I have to admit that Kai's commentary in he livestream just made more sense from how he went into more detail about the stolen items and on the abuse thing, Kai defending himself. I've been in a situation with a person who was BPD and how when they're in a manic state, they can become very aggressive and antagonistic. It's pretty scary.
And the biggest issue I'm having with Omnia is how dismissive she is when things don't go in her favor. I'm still open to hearing her side though even though I have my skepticism. If she's seriously gonna do a video, she better be thorough because right now she just looks like an unstable spoiled brat who scammed her fans. Make no mistake though, Kai is no saint and I'm aware of this. But I'm looking at what's presented at this time and until Omnia does a video or next time she does a livestream, she doesn't immediately try to hide it, it's all up in the air.
No. 1813876
>>1813845Okay, but Omnia is also guilty of doing the same thing. Omnia has been called out for calling creators and the collective community racist, falsely accusing people of things that they do themselves, and regardless of what he admitted to, he already explained in video why. To ignore his reasoning would not be objective.
Nothing about Kai's livestream nor his video was unhinged, and he actually took accountability for a lot of his criticisms, and that's way more than Omnia.
But we all know who this is anyway.
No. 1813909
>>1813845Thats true neither are reliable narrators but Kai's version of events just seem more forthcoming which makes it feel more honest. He admitted to slapping her three times while she was bipolar raging, threatening to harm herself, hitting him, and being verbally
abusive. Thats a pretty far cry from the Omnia's accusation that he punched her multiple times in the face and strangled her. Not to mention Omnia just…didn't look like she had been punched multiple times in the face and strangled? Kai hit Omnia and that wasn't right but considering bipolar rage episodes can get pretty nasty, i can atleast wrap my head around losing patience with someone who is way too comfortable socking you in the chest.
No. 1813950
We break your programmed personal relationship drama that should not be public, to bring another video in the Senate drama. Dude in the video is a weird fucking scrote that straight up admits he keeps scat and zoo porn to troll people with, but at this point I've accepted that none of these people will ever 100% be in the right or sane. He brings up an interesting point being that Queen Serafina and the other Baiji person raided his server and posted this lovely gem
>>1774814 . I still really want to know who Baiji is. Also just more of Lio being a shady lying creep.
No. 1814082
>>1813909Exactly. Kai shouldn't have hit her however these people are kids metaphorically. Context I am in my 30s and if I'm not mistaken, Omnia and Kai are in their early 20s no? They're beginning adulthood and well, we all made mistakes n that age. After hearing all that Kia had to go through wiht Omna when she would go into her bipolar rages, it's not surprising why Kai may have slipped and did something he (seems) to have regret.
And like another commenter said, Kai has been pretty open about his mistakes and taking accountability for them which is somethig Omnia hasn't been doing much at all.
Living with someone who is bipolar is not easy and from experience, I just can't think Kai is some unhinged monster after he explained more about the living situation they both were in.
No. 1814089
>>1814082exactly this. people just latch onto "but he hit her!" and lack none of the nuance on WHY he did it. they only cared that he was a guy who put his hands on a woman.
plus,didnt kai have to deal with that shit himself? i remember in one of his old videos he showed that he had to deal with the same verbal abuse from his own mom everytime she had an episode. i can see why omnia going off on him would be in some way traumatizing and mentally draining for even his patience
No. 1814247
>>1814082>Kai has been pretty open about his mistakesI think this is why public opinion is changing.
Kai voluntarily admits mistakes and flaws even when literally nobody asked when telling his version of events and I think people consider that to be trustworthy. Omnia on the other hand doesn't usually acknowledge wrongdoing when she hurts others which gives credibility to Kai's statements about Omnia lacking honesty and accountability. Omnia also omits information about events and when confronted on information omitted, suddenly it becomes nobody's business, whch is fine nobody is entitled to information but it does make it suspicious.
No. 1814258
>>1814247yeah its weird that when it was still fresh and everyone was initially fully on her side she was quick to ask for donations, plug her socials and her wishlist (the wishlist especially made me side eye when kai revealed she was asking for stuff she either didn't own in the first place or more expensive versions of what was originally "stolen")
the gabriella part was where i really started second guessing omnia tbh. the cat was originally kai's yet she was petty enough to separate the animal from its original owner. first of all does she not know how stressful that can be to any animal? and as some people pointed out (kai even touched upon it on his video) if she didnt have enough means to take care of gabriella, why did she take her in? it's not like the cat wasn't doing well under kai's care.
and the fact she lied about kai being
abusive to his own cat and was e begging for cat food while at it is disgusting
> when confronted on information omitted, suddenly it becomes nobody's businessits very telling especially when she had no problems with commentary channels talking about it at the beginning but now when the court case was settled suddenly she doesn't consent to anyone making videos on the situation. hmmm why is that?