File: 1447262057804.png (483.56 KB, 594x550, Screenshot 2015-11-11 at 11.11…)

No. 56781
File: 1447263043376.jpg (171.09 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg)

FFS, WHY do these threads always fill up just as something interesting happens?
To make up for it, look at this. Elenasrecovery was one of the first to like this post kekekeke
No. 56784
File: 1447263298477.png (5.5 KB, 270x58, Screenshot_40.png)

O I did it wrong
No. 56785
File: 1447263430127.jpg (137.41 KB, 401x532, IMG_0078.jpg)

Meanwhile in Sprout's world:
>Finally, I am aware that this is a horrendous picture, but this lunch really hit the spot the other day. I didn’t feel very good (I was shaky and my stomach was a bit upset), but I was really craving triscuits, so even though they were a higher calorie option than planned, I decided to have them! I always mix my flavors, and I have 2 toasted coconut, 2 balsamic basil, and 2 garden herb. I had them along with a salad (a lot bigger than it looks) and some edamame. I love mixing edamame in salads – it adds such a nice texture and complex flavor. Both edamame and triscuits were once very challenging to me, and now, they’re both staples in my diet. It just goes to show that continually challenging fear foods is the best way to overcome them.
No. 56789
>>56784Aly is more what?
Some of the followers commenting on the fake account need help, they're having a breakdown. Meanwhile, aly has deleted the screenshot post and is now maniacally recovery winning as usual
zzz zzz No. 56792
File: 1447264234848.png (5.21 KB, 293x66, justinbieberfan69.png)

>>56789According to them we're ruining her recovery.
No. 56806
File: 1447271521790.jpg (146.7 KB, 784x677, update.jpg)

>>56779Unless she surprises us with a SPONTANEOUS (!) #nightsnack I think it's over for today.
Just ticked off Ensure on the floor, dang, and mood over the stars. Not bad, but no bingo today.
No. 56834
File: 1447276571582.png (161.05 KB, 1138x558, Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 1.07…)

>>56791Yeah, why the fuck did she not bring HERSELF to the fucking dentist after days of complaining about her horrible toothache? And she's suuuuch a good daughter/sister, making her family watch her slowly kill herself under their roof.
And yeah, some of Aly's defenders are really fucking nuts. I guess they don't realize that Aly doesn't give a rat's ass about any of them. They act like she's this gentle, sweet soul who would never say anything mean to anyone, though…fucking lol. And the insults they come up with, "prissy bitch," "queer," "slut," etc…they don't make any sense, it's hilarious.
No. 56835
File: 1447276988935.jpg (16.89 KB, 314x131, Capture.JPG)

No. 56844
>>56795> Do you actually think you look good/attractive … Or is that not really a consideration - you're too focused on the weight loss?its started out thinking i was so fat and gross (110lbs and athletic - how gross!!).
but when i was at my lowest, knew i was sick, i stopped thinking "omg im so fat" because i knew i looked disgusting in another way - a spoopy way.
this other girl that i suspected of having an ED would say "wow you look so good!" and me, 80lbs was like "um…. no i definitely do not."
i just couldnt stop though.
No. 56867
File: 1447284163320.jpg (183.6 KB, 880x662, Capture.jpg)

I made a new bingo card for tomorrow. It makes her feed more interesting for me.
No. 56869
File: 1447285124066.jpg (66.4 KB, 880x662, DREAMBINGO.jpg)

ofc this is what I ultimately hope for. i would be so overwhelmed (!)
No. 56880
File: 1447286557642.jpg (107.08 KB, 922x576, Capture.JPG)

Mother of god, what is this even
angelinedevries is having a breakdown :\
No. 56922
>>56795I knew that losing weight made me look ugly and sick, but I took the ugly/sick look as a sign that I was "doing it right."
ED logic is not logical.
No. 56924
>>56880She neeeeeds to stop following Aly.
If the poor girl is going to vent this stuff online, she's better off finding a support chatroom or something, if those work on mobile. I noticed that someone replied to her and they exchanged a few comments… Aly will scrub it all in the morning, no doubt. She
might keep one of the desparate cries for help up so that she can reply about how willpower is the cure for everything.
No. 57066
File: 1447333987009.jpg (235.28 KB, 1076x1386, Screenshot_2015-11-12-13-12-16…)

Thaat bin sure looks hungry
No. 57080
File: 1447338596951.jpg (156.75 KB, 880x662, bingo 2.jpg)

No. 57099
>>57066Dat eyeshadow. This is the ugliest picture of her ever
She doesn't look happy at all. That's the kind of smile you give when your autistic seven year old cousin does something fucking retarded.
No. 57125
>>57107always the blandest looking food
it really would kill her to put some seasonings or sauces or something huh
No. 57128
>>57125But those aren't in her #MEALPLAN!
It's hilarious and infuriating how she goes on about her ~extra treats~ and shit that are allegedly above and beyond what she's required to eat, yet she refuses to even consider adding anything to any of her meals. Never an extra cookie with breakfast. Never sauce on her lunch. Never any spread on her dry-ass crackers, etc.
No. 57129
File: 1447353893866.png (51.14 KB, 152x162, Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 10.4…)

Also her nail polish right now is killing me. I don't ever paint my nails. Is this some sort of a "thing"? Not painting your whole nail? Is it chic for your nails to look "distressed"? Or is she just fucking lazy/bad at painting her nails?
No. 57136
File: 1447354932516.png (2.36 MB, 1196x1194, Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 10.5…)

I am posting too much in this thread today but I just noticed the browning on her apple slices here. That doesn't look very freshly-sliced. I wonder how long it takes her to arrange her food and photograph it so that it's ~just right~.
>>57135Yeah, I'd love to see her actual #mealplan. Actually, I'd love to talk to her "dietitian" and the "specialists" who are allegedly so happy with her "progress." I have a lot of questions for them.
No. 57142
File: 1447355944327.jpg (198.77 KB, 1074x1215, Screenshot_2015-11-12-19-17-36…)

>>57136Her fruit always looks pretty nasty, old and "left over",
No. 57145
>>57129nails are growing and the polish kind of moves with this growth.
You can either remove it and your nail will get really thin. Or you'll just wait for it to peel/splinter
No. 57147
File: 1447356211208.png (31.59 KB, 1000x1000, Just emoji my shit up.png)

>>57142>>57143Eww, true. And those crushed up crackers…like she really is going to eat all of those crumbs…
>tfw you spend your day shitposting about AlyI think I'm even more pathetic than she is
No. 57153
>>57142>>57143but why?? maybe she buys a normal bunch of fruit and since she eats so little once she gets around to actually eating it, it's old?
>>57147no anon, i'm sick in bed and you're providing me with entertainment
No. 57159
File: 1447359624764.jpg (221.49 KB, 540x766, IMG_20151112_131737.JPG)

What the fucking fuck? She eats "second breakfast" every fucking day! Always a coffee and pastry, how the fuck is this different and a challange and recoverywin?
No. 57161
File: 1447359985374.jpg (155.75 KB, 880x662, bingo 2.jpg)

DANG! No bingo today.
I was thinking, if I make another bingo card you can print them all out, and play it with friends! The one with the most ticked off wins a DANG OIL LUSH SEAFOOD DISH EATEN OUTDOORS or you pay for COFFEE AND CHATS with them!!!1
No. 57243
File: 1447376126795.jpg (186.82 KB, 1012x714, BINGO3.jpg)

The Aly Bingo card for Friday.
No. 57245
>>57154Remember the plate of squid. She'd be eating some bites in front of others and circling her fork going mmm mmm mmm for quite a while.
Then eating nothing or very little outside of that.
By her own admission, she's expert at going out for meals with family yet eating little or nothing, which she used to do before recovery, darling. I'm too lazy to find that screenshot, thread before this one, or the one before that.
No. 57272
File: 1447382696402.png (1.08 MB, 618x2035, Never forget.png)

>>57175Ugh I'm sorry anon, I had to drink salad dressing a few times and it was pretty vile.
>>57186A lot of female anorexics are actually on the autism spectrum; the recent research about the link between the two has been pretty interesting, IMO.
>>57245 - I don't know if you were talking about this screenshot, but NEVER FORGET. Here's where Aly essentially admitted that she didn't actually eat all of those ~already bitten~ donuts she posted photos of through her June hospital admission.
No. 57276
>>57175>>57272How did you two even manage to drink it without being sick? Even when I sometimes drink the oil at the bottom of a little carton of fancy olives it really makes me feel ill and that's with basil and garlic and shit.
>>57249CHALLANGING (!)
No. 57282
>>57276Salad dressing anon here. I didn't have a choice, so I'd just toss it down like taking a shot and then feel like vomiting for a while.
Has anyone corrected Aly on her spelling of "challenging"? It's such a little thing, but it's so frustrating to see her make the same spelling errors over and over after they've been pointed out to her.
No. 58333
File: 1447394330095.png (18.54 KB, 1000x500, Aly pls.png)

>>57307Omfg she makes me so DANG (!) frustrated
No. 58336
File: 1447395802846.png (110.09 KB, 2400x500, Punctuation.png)

No. 58346
>>57272That's a good one darling!!
I think there was another too; she mentions her family and restaurants generally, and lying a lot.
No. 58347
>>57307I hope she never changes it! I kinda love that spelling. It's FREAKIN and DANG that
trigger me hard tho.
No. 58354
>>57145She repaints her nails a
lot, sometimes multiple times a week - though she seems to be favoring this current color, so it's not so obvious that she regularly repaints them - and it always has those weird gaps. It's not from her nails growing, unless they're the fastest growing nails of all time. And nails grow from the bottom, not the sides, so the side gaps can't be due to nail growth.
No. 58358
>>57145>>58354Not defending her but I was taught to paint my nails like that, so that the polish doesn't touch my cuticles and I see tons of women do the same - including the vast majority of nail polish bloggers.
I mean her nails are fucked up a lot but of all things to criticize this is not one of them IMO.
No. 58362
>>58358>>58359I didn't know the thing about the cuticles. Interesting. Her nails just look sloppy to me almost every time they're visible in her photos, and it's a weird contrast to how "perfect" and "put together" she tries to appear in other ways. It's like how she carefully arranges her fruit and crackers for her snack photos but the fruit itself looks like
>>57136 or
>>57142 or
>>57143 No. 58367
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No. 58388
File: 1447419178584.gif (360.91 KB, 500x375, homer-donut-machine-simpsons.g…)

No. 58406
File: 1447427224152.jpg (185.49 KB, 1076x1540, Screenshot_2015-11-13-15-04-19…)

This is the photo she accidentally posted just before "lunch" even though she's claiming this was her afternoon snack.
No. 58409
File: 1447428548997.jpg (194.27 KB, 1042x996, Screenshot_2015-11-13-15-27-28…)

How comes her nail varnish has disappeared in this pic?
No. 58419
File: 1447432463296.jpg (287.09 KB, 1042x996, 1447428548997.jpg)

Sorry to post the same picture as other anon, but I write sth off(!):
This bone has always been one way that I can tell Aly has not gained weight. For quite a while there, a part of me thought, "Wow, maybe she did gain a kg" because it wasn't showing anymore. But no, it's been clever angles all along. Aly has not gained a fucking ounce.
Of course, the recent re-emergence of the face hugger also tipped me off, but that bone confirmed it.
No. 58440
File: 1447439838758.png (104.1 KB, 1132x328, Screen Shot 2015-11-13 at 10.3…)

So I don't speak Italian and Google Translate is shitty, but what I'm gathering from these comments is that Aly blocked angelinedevries and she's wondering why she got blocked and what she did wrong. Aly says she became "insistent" and she hopes that it won't happen again? Italy-fags, please correct me if I'm wrong, but ughhh, I feel so bad for that girl. She shouldn't be turning to Aly for help, but now if she's upset because she got blocked and doesn't know what she did to cause Aly to block her…it's just really shitty. Aly could have spent ONE SENTENCE trying to reassure the poor girl, but no.
No. 58443
File: 1447440897328.jpg (20 KB, 420x294, alice casati.jpg)

>>58440Dear Aly
Pic related.
I no longer give the tiniest fuck what happens to Aly.
No. 58451
>>58440Not Italianfag, but google translate says she "unlocked" her? I took that to mean she is not (now, at least) blocked although she may have been blocked temporarily.
It's a shitty situation all around though. I'll pay semi-Devils advocate and say that the girls posts could be
triggering as well if Aly is trying to recover.
No. 58460
>>58451Yeah, I was trying to figure out the "unlocked" thing and thought Aly might have blocked her and then unblocked her, but maybe she didn't know that Aly had unblocked her after she'd been blocked earlier? I'm not sure. And yeah, her posts could be
triggering to a person legitimately trying to recover; I just wish I felt like I could say Aly fell into that category of person.
No. 58465
>>58460Not to mention the fact that, if Aly
was triggered by angelinedevries, or if Aly felt like she wasn't in a position to help angelinedevries, the decent thing to do would have been to send at least a brief note instead of just blocking the girl with no indication why. Like, "I'm sorry, I'm trying to recover myself, and I'm not able to help you" or "please talk to a professional about these concerns" or even "sorry, you're overwhelming me and I'm going to have to block you for my own sanity." But I don't expect any decency from Aly.
>>58462FUCK, you posted this while I was typing. I seriously feel so bad for angelinedevries. I wish there was a tactful way to let her know that Aly is NOT her friend, is NOT a good inspiration/motivation/role model, and blocks almost everyone who comments with anything other than ass-kissing. Ugh. This is painful to watch.
No. 58469
>>58463It's really sick that Aly mentions her "#edfamily" in every fucking post, yet the only "support" or "advice" she ever gives is that load of bullshit about "recovery is all about your own WILL and posi-vibes and you just have to tell your stupid ED to shut up!" I'm shocked that, at this point, anyone can still be under the illusion that Aly is a nice and caring person who wants to help other people with EDs.
>>58466I'm thinking it's a language barrier issue, and perhaps, if the girl is very malnourished, a general comprehension issue. Anorexia does legitimately cause brain atrophy. She also sounds like she's in a complete panic and can hardly think straight.
No. 58480
>>58477Are you trolling, or just mentally disabled?
Dis bitch has been "in recovery" and "gaining" for nearly six months. How much has she gained? 1 kg. people's' weights fluctuate that much in a
single day. You're retarded to believe that she is just "gaining slowly"– she literally isn't gaining any weight at all. Not in her organs, or hair hair or whatever you insane Ana white knights want to believe. She is
dying. And you're helping her by cheering her along.
Please drink a glass of bleach, it might kill of some of those retarded brain cells you have swimming around in your head
No. 58481
File: 1447448374919.png (26.15 KB, 1024x1024, Guaranteed replies.png)

>>58477Oh fuck of.
On a different note, I feel like a complete bleeding-heart sap, but I sent angelinedevries what I hope sounded like a kindly, reassuring DM and told her to look to sources other than Aly (doctors, family, IRL friends) for answers/support/help. Hell, I bet just about any other member of the "#edfamily" would be more supportive than Aly.
No. 58484
>>58480How do you even know it's only been one kg? Are you her doctor? Did you weigh her?
Just because she's not a blimp doesn't mean she hasn't gained any weight.
No. 58485
>>58481I've seen #edfam members helping one another on their accounts,
triggered or not
triggered. Aly puts herself out as #recoveryqueen and ilysm honeys darlings, she makes herself SEEM approachable. Smoke n mirrors n that.
>>58484SHE FUCKING WROTE IT ON HER CAPTIONS Aly wants you to read her captions. Why haven't you read her captions?
Don't come here calling us nuts when you know fuck all about her case.
No. 58488
>>58481I was going to do the same . You see
>>58484 we're not heartless bitches but ALY is a notorious lier who deserves no sympathy
No. 58552
File: 1447456327946.jpg (30.63 KB, 550x550, start.jpg)

>>58513Ooh, massive gains of 5 lbs, such impress, much fatty.
GTFO and go back to mpa, where all the spoopys can bitch at each other about who be the spoopiest and why other spoopies aren't as good at being the living dead as you.
Here's your gold star. Now run along (if you've got enough electrolytes and calories to handle that sort of movement)
No. 58784
File: 1447466902403.jpg (147.23 KB, 1012x714, 1447376126795.jpg)

>>58637Frayed knot.
Piss poor bingo day.
When she has a good night, bad night is on bingo.
When something's super creamy it's on a different bingo day.
Should combine the 3 cards and see how many we get in ONE DAY.
No. 58790
For the weekend I'm going to combine ALL THREE (!) cards somehow.
Next week I think I'll incorporate things her followers comment. EEK! IT'S HER WEIGH IN WEEK!!!!!!
I doubt I'll leavve my flat this weekend because the weather's appalling and I've got a TON (!) of stuff to do, so I'll play along with the weekend bingo and make one for monday.
No. 58798
File: 1447471163609.png (74.52 KB, 1032x242, Screen Shot 2015-11-13 at 7.16…)

Kind of OT, but WTF is this shit about a Starbucks not having clear plastic cups to make cold beverages in? Am I expected to believe that the baristas at this person's store make Frappuccinos in paper "hot drink" cups? Are they trolling? I don't even know anymore. This cup shit makes me irrationally angry.
No. 58812
>>58804Maybe the person actually thought Aly had a reusable cup, and they were saying they didn't have
those? That's the only thing I can think of, because the idea of a Starbucks not having "cold drink" cups is bizarre.
No. 58814
File: 1447474529322.jpg (307.23 KB, 1356x545, WEEKEND BINGO.jpg)

I threw a few extras in.
Thank you, Aly for being so DANG predictable <3
No. 58848
>>58835holy shit what if she's just an elaborate chat-bot like SmarterChild but for instagram? Oh my god. SmarterChild. HappyChild.
We're through the looking glass, people. [7]
No. 58850
My god.
mind explodes No. 58896
File: 1447504619437.jpg (308.83 KB, 1356x545, 1447474529322.jpg)

I suck at bingo but, yeah… is this fine? I get the feeling Aly just copy-paste her captions :S
No. 58905
File: 1447508979475.jpg (458.85 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-14-05-48-23…)

No. 58906
File: 1447509082546.jpg (387.53 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-14-05-48-40…)

"This is a recovery account, NOT A social network."
God, could you be more of a cunt?
No. 58931
File: 1447514172730.png (692.23 KB, 720x688, chip and dale.png)

Them cheeks tho
Some other anons have brought this up over the past couple of weeks. Her cheeks have become kind of chipmunk-y. Are those swollen parotids or just her face muscles?
No. 58933
>>58912Yeah, I saw another comment (now deleted
ofc) that said how shocked they were that Aly kept rattling on about this "FABULOUS Saturday" when it is obviously a tragic day.
No. 58934
>>58896There's an ensure creation, she's going to the American cafe (is that the bakery?), her mood is over the stars, a ton of bread, we see THE CLAAAAW. Her outfit isn't bad, but that necklace ew.
>>58912Even if the tragedy had happened in Milan, she'd be like, I'm not going to let this stupid event affect my #recovery, I'm going to the bar.
Idk, her manner just seems really tactless. Nobody expects a commentary on current events, but to start her first post saying how positive she is is tactless.
No. 58936
>>58933>>58912…wtf is wrong with telling someone to have a positive day? Let's all sit in our rooms with the lights off and cry about something that happened in a different country.
Tragedies worse than this one happen all the time and no one bats an eye.
Nitpick harder.
No. 58959
File: 1447517563727.jpg (315.39 KB, 1356x545, 1447504619437.jpg)

Sometimes I feel like trying Aly's diet for a day… I'm curious.
No. 58961
>>58959New ones to add;
- speachless
- (!)
- actionshot (pancakes)
- smiling at food
- Joy (is JOYFUL close enough?)
No. 58962
>>58959Ooh! The American bakery! Missed that one.
Does "at the bar with mom or sisters" count if the bar is the American cafe US?
No. 58964
>>58959And the "restriction after…" category is fulfilled as well (tangerine pic)
Right, I'll stop.
No. 58982
>>58936Taking the bait because some part of me thinks you're serious, so:
It's okay to tell people to have a positive day, but she should at least acknowledge that something happened yesterday. To delete comments talking about it is what's tactless.
I'd buy that maybe she hadn't heard about it, so that's why she didn't mention it right away in the morning, but now she has no excuse. She should at least say
something to acknowledge that there was a tragedy in Paris yesterday. Like, "I was sorry to hear about Paris, but everyone stay safe today, and try to be positive in your #realrecovery!"
No. 59011
File: 1447523439572.jpg (195.48 KB, 1058x1410, Screenshot_2015-11-14-17-48-37…)

This is her "first" cupcake. A normal sized one. Nooone fuckin believes that, just because you say it's big doesn't mean it's any bigger than the normal one you have
No. 59016
>>59011I come here only for fancy food pics.
Dat cupcake looks neat. It's covered with glitter wtf but I still love it @_@
No. 59067
>>59018agree. aly's such a whiny selfish bitch. apparently everything has to be about HER and her speckul recovery, unlike a couple dozen recovery accounts i follow, all who have done #prayforparis stuff.
this bitch needs someone to teach her a lesson
No. 59073
>>58934Exactly, obviously nobody
has to comment on current events, but to go around shouting what a joyous, FABULOUS day it is, and to flat out delete people's comments expressing their distress over said events just highlights Aly's general lack of empathy.
I don't think I've ever seen any semblance of empathy or compassion coming from her.
No. 59172
File: 1447533401728.jpg (16.26 KB, 614x104, quote.JPG)

>>58961- super oily superlicious margherita -zza
No. 59176
What is a Tiffany necklace?
>>59172 Yeah, I was just about to post it :3 It's scary how one can predict her words.
No. 59190
>>59176It's that gold heart necklace she wears that her ex bought her for her 18th.
>>59177Blimey, didn't expect all that for one day.
No. 59201
File: 1447535940481.jpg (27.66 KB, 610x267, comment.JPG)

>>59199She just posted a sad face about it.
No. 59205
>>59201Oh veganglow. You need more friends.
(and maybe a geography class…you're from the UK, for shame)
No. 59208
>>59203Yeah the account doesn't seem to be a personal one in the way alice_eleanor was. It's as she said earlier today, a recovery account not social media, and she's solely focused on that.
But there is also a sadder thought: her interests and personality have been subsumed by the ED so this is all she has, and this is all she is.
No. 59210
Idk how anyone can't feel some kind of dark cloud over the day after hearing about Paris. Same with tragedies anywhere else in the world where there's loss of life. People were out on a Friday night having fun, they were killed, so many families are grieving, and you kind of put yourself in their shoes. How can people just switch off and think "omg, it wasn't even in my country ffs, get over it".
Maybe we're too empathetic and that's what makes some of us depressives. I'd rather feel human emotions and sadness for others than to switch it off and not give a fuck.
>>59208>>59209Hmm, but even with Ash we know what her hobbies are, even if she hasn't changed much since she was 16. Same with friends of Ash who are really struggling with recovery. Aly's too much of a blank piece of paper. I find it weird.
No. 59214
>>59201>>59205That's… actually embarrassing, especially for someone who also lives in Europe. Reminds me of Kiki.
>>59203I've thought the same. There is never any mention of her enjoying some music, a nice book, a movie, crafts, or anything of that sort.
I totally get the thing about anorexia taking away all of your interests (been there), but there is usually at least
something distinctive about a person, like maybe a favorite color, animal, or something else that doesn't require you to actually
do something.
No. 59219
>>59216I'd say she's aware of it, expecially considering there are WKs and even cows who tell the cow whose thread it is that this place exists. Makes me wonder why she doesn't sperg out about it like she does with parody ig accounts.
Maybe only ig exists in her world.
No. 59221
>>59210Yeah, I've noticed that some anorexics (I'm thinking of Ash and shmegeh here especially, along with a lot of the other Tumblrinas of their ilk) cling to a few hobbies/interests, especially childish and/or weeb-oriented ones, and immerse themselves in a world of escapism. Others just seem to disregard everything except food - thinking about it, photographing it, making it for other people, watching shows about it on TV, etc. Aly has some of that regression shit going on with her "happy child" schtick, but if she does have any real interests or pursuits aside from her ED, she doesn't let on.
No. 59251
>>59245I like how Sprout started a blog. Aly has nothing to do most of the day so why doesn't she do one too? She could write it in her own language if she can express herself better that way. An hour out of her food bubble would good when she feels up to it. Part of the mental process of recovery is to push yourself to do things. Even when deep in depression I, who is lazy even on good days, would push so hard to do as much of an activity I could. Even if it was 15 minutes of a craft it's good.
If she was TRULY "gaining weight and gaining life" she'd have thoughts about her future and if she DOES want to be a journalist, she'd be putting together some sort of portfolio. It doesn't even have to be something amazing or public.
One of the UK fashion bloggers I used to follow had some severe disabling health issues but she won awards for her blog.
Still feel like I'm wasting my finger energy, as I do when suggesting things Ashley could do to help herself.
No. 59470
File: 1447575623662.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1666, 7-cookies.png)

Aly posted her usual 7 cookies. yawns
No. 59471
File: 1447576771372.png (1.04 MB, 1079x1048, Almost-20.png)

So Aly is almost 20. Here is her holding her #recoverywin big sized cupcake.
No. 59478
File: 1447578356662.png (90.67 KB, 202x213, Screen Shot 2015-11-15 at 1.00…)

I…. it's a skull. Her face is a skull. How do her family and friends play along with this?! It's like dragging a corpse from restaurant to cafe, buying it food, and pretending to eat with it.
I feel horrible for her family, who are "loving" her to death.
No. 59482
>>59479idk. my family was lower-middle class and we never ate out this much ever, let alone during the worst parts of my ED. The treatment stuff was so expensive + I clearly struggled at restaurants, so they didn't want to go out with me anyway.
I can only imagine what Aly is like when she goes out. She has no qualms about wasting food (all those donuts and candy bars she just threw away…). I have to believe she is purging or has some kind of deal with her mom where she takes a bite and that's it.
No. 59483
>>59479I'm super lazy right now, so really quickly, the reason it's hard is because of fear. It's like someone with arachnophobia managing to kill a spider on their own. It's a lot more complicated than that, obviously, so hopefully someone else will come along and explain it better.
can eat at home. We honestly have no idea why she is always out eating at restaurants and cafes. That's her thing. Most people in recovery can manage to recover on food at home.
No. 59484
File: 1447582380053.jpg (122.96 KB, 593x580, gross.jpg)

Why the fuck does she have to position the pastry under her nose like that? If she thinks it looks cute, she's wrong.
Also, she looks
awful in this picture. The cupcake one is worse obviously
>>59478 but shit, this one is coming in close second.
No. 59487
>>59484That claw.
Her family looks miserable in most of the pics. Her poor brother.
No. 59489
File: 1447584619449.jpg (67.02 KB, 1006x325, Screenshot_2015-11-15-10-46-48…)

Did he really??
No. 59491
>>59489Ahaha. This girl. It's like when people claim someone secretly took a photo of them 'to their surprise' (when it was really a posed shot they asked them to take)
Why didn't lil bro do the croissant nose too then?
No. 59495
>>59484I don't know if dead eyes run in the family, or if her brother is genuinely super pissed off.
He's starting to remind me of that scary little boy from Les Revenants, with those eerie eyes.
No. 59497
>>59221Little late but
personally all my hobbies, friendships, interests died practically overnight when my brain switched into ED mode, and were replaced with depression, racing obsessive thoughts, and wanting to isolate myself. I was not in school or employment, lived on my own and was on disability benefits. I stopped using my phone, only used the internet to look up and log calories, the only people who I would interact with were at checkouts.
I remember it being a switch-flicking kind of moment too when I went from having less of an appetite to full blown fear of going over x amount of calories, and kind of the reverse when I came out of it a couple years later.
I only snapped out of it because by chance I started interacting with real humans again and realised how strange my behaviours and thoughts were and how happy everyone else was without them.
If social media had been such a sickness perpetuating hugbox when I was younger I wouldn't have made it out alive
No. 59503
File: 1447591893458.jpg (52.46 KB, 325x220, rf.jpg)

To be or not to be? To believe or not to believe? Why would they change the date? What sort of problem could the hospital have that they can't weight her? If this is true then I'm telling you this got to be shittiest ED center ever. Weight ins are one of the most important things about ED recoveries and it's vital to stick to the dates, otherwise how would they know Aly is gaining what she's supposed to be gaining and that her meal plan still works for her or if they need to increase it! Wtf!
No. 59527
>>59495He does in this picture. An old face with something not quite right going on behind his eyes.
I'm going to update the bingo sheet.
No. 59528
File: 1447600323694.jpg (224.29 KB, 1356x545, updated.jpg)

No. 59529
Bad wake up, sleepless night
No. 59538
File: 1447603348486.png (1.13 MB, 927x586, jeseus.png)

No. 59549
File: 1447606063865.png (36.95 KB, 1090x138, Screen Shot 2015-11-15 at 8.43…)

>>59547I changed the comments to make it a bit more accurate.
No. 59554
File: 1447608595852.png (1.63 MB, 1080x1074, Isthatabiteor....png)

Is this a bite or another one of her fake torn/cut "bites" ?
No. 59556
>>59551Aly drinks though (see: white wine earlier today). She used to go out clubbing and dancing with her friends. I don't fault her for celebrating her birthday in a cafe, but it's not like the suggestion of going out to a bar would be odd for her. Perhaps her group of friends grew out of the club scene, but I'd love to see Aly doing something that had nothing to do with food.
(I feel I should add that I am not
>>59474 )
>>59554Definitely a tear/cut. Though in this case, I think the waffle is meant to be eaten with a fork and knife.
No. 59563
File: 1447609691711.png (115.05 KB, 1130x346, Are you fucking kidding me.png)

Not a troll account. Doesn't appear to be being sarcastic. People actually believe this shit.
No. 59565
File: 1447609968405.png (460.12 KB, 262x1152, 5.png)

>>59563And, for our new viewers who may have just tuned in recently, this is what Aly used to look like when this deluded person started following her. I don't remember the actual date of this photo, but it was sometime in 2014 before Aly really started going downhill. She clearly lost weight from the beginning of 2015 through her June hospitalization, and, IMO, she looks like she's lost weight since then even though she says she's gained a few measly pounds.
No. 59566
File: 1447610143632.png (847.3 KB, 608x966, 7.png)

>>59565One more oldie for nostalgia's sake. She was definitely thin, but not spoopy. She used to have a pretty great body (again, IMO), and she didn't look like an old woman/mummy in the face.
No. 59569
>>59556She used to go to clubs esp with uni socialising boyfriend etc she does absolutely nothing! She doesn't drive, her friends have a seemingly normal life, hers stands out in comparison as being so empty
>>59474 No. 59570
File: 1447611918958.jpg (31.64 KB, 256x307, 2013.jpg)

2013 Aly.
No. 59573
>>59479Very. Considerimg many anorexics end up as spoopy az Aly and that normies can't or won't do that, that must mean they're struggling with something incredibly difficult. Eating food isn't thought about much by normies, but by anorexics, they may think, just because they feel full:
>Why did I eat so much? I'm such a fat ass!>I could have eaten less. I should X to deal with it (where X may be exercise, purging, fasting the next day, diuretics or laxatives, etc.)It is incredibly hard to allow yourself to eat because within that mindset, you'll be fucking up all your hardwork, making yourself impure, what have you. Really depends on motivations.
Specific foods, situations that cause that sort of anxiety vary between anorexics, though.
To compare, someone with depression may feel incredibly unmotivated and therefore doing anything is extremely hard. People with social phobia may find it so scary to go into new situations with strangers. People don't tend to put a lot of thought into either of those things (interactions, performing daily tasks) and the same goes for eating. It really is that hard for the mentally sick.
TL;DR: Yes, Aly actually eating is probably really hard to her, especially at such a low weight. It gets worse as you get sp00opier.
No. 59576
>>59574At that point, she probably already had an eating disorder. You don't have to be Ash-level to be sick.
Hell, even if she gained the weight back suddenly, she still wouldn't be 'recovered' or 'not anorexic'. Therapy and all that jazz. Breaking habits. Weight gain is only the first step.
No. 59579
>>59528Well, we can add:
-Seafood (x2!)
-Sleepless night (this morning she said she slept too little)
-Rotten piece of fruit (some of her grapes… yuck.)
-#throwback to yesterday (cupcake)
-Trust me (waffle selfie "trust my words")
And possibly
-Drowned in oil ("Cooked in loads of oil")
-Be the best version of yourself ("REAL version of ourselves" on her+bro selfie)
No. 59584
>>59574I thought you were referring to the 2013 pic and was about to agree.
But 2014…
No. 59595
File: 1447619860531.jpg (223.07 KB, 1356x545, updated.jpg)

>>59579If there was an ALREADY BITTEN we would've had a line of BINGO!
Two days and no already bitten. WTF?
>>59554I think she's tried to make a raspberry shaped "bite mark" here so that raspberry fits for a prettier picture.
No. 59611
File: 1447627251398.png (924.45 KB, 1263x591, r u sure its not the same pizz…)

Did anyone notice these comments? Aly actually answered one of them, and they're still up.
No. 59614
>>59611>it would change up your feed a bitFollowers getting bored heh.
Bingo suggestions noted and will be included. Stay tuned.
That hospital comment is too vague. I don't like it.
No. 59619
>>59615I know! I was actually
triggered to eat the pizza last night bc I knew the happy child would have the pictures up (my time) today. Dang tasty.
No. 59620
>>59619I only get this with her coffees but that's EVERY DAY. The froathing nozzle on my maker doesn't work any more either.
She really knows she's in for shit at the next weigh in but idk how long she thinks she can put off the inevitable.
No. 59628
File: 1447635492885.png (56.1 KB, 1130x158, Screen Shot 2015-11-15 at 4.18…)

I apologize in advance for the length, but I'm going to rant a bit now, because every time I see a comment like this one, it both saddens and infuriates me.
@ the people who have said things like "b-b-but Aly never hurt anyone omg stop picking on this poor sick girl!" - this is the harm she does. She represents her experience as "real recovery," even though it's nothing of the sort. Not only that, but the only actual advice she gives to people is complete and utter bullshit: that recovery is "all about your own WILL (!) and positivity (!)" and that you just choose to no longer have an ED by "telling your disordered thoughts to shut up."
The picture she paints to her followers implies that recovery is all joyful, happy fun times with little or no weight gain or any other discomfort involved. Struggle to finish a meal in #realrecovery? Never! Experience horrible, painful digestive issues? Crippling body image problems that make you want to hide away from the world or even kill yourself? Hahah, as if!
The corollary is that, if you're struggling with an ED or having trouble in recovery and you aren't "doing as well" or staying as over-the-top "positive" as Aly, you're just weak-willed, unlike Ms. Recovery Queen. The difference is that her followers who are actually recovering are having to deal with tons of scary, painful shit that Aly is getting to avoid. Even if she is eating "fear foods" (although she doesn't seem to ever truly have difficulty achieving these constant #recoverywins), she's eating far less than most anorexics have to eat in recovery, she's avoiding gaining weight, she's still engaging in tons of disordered behaviors around food, she clearly isn't being closely monitored whatsoever, no one is actively stopping her from being as "hyperactive" as she wants to be, etc.
Compare Aly's fauxcovery with the experience of a typical anorexic who enters real treatment. They might have to spend time (weeks or even months) inpatient, gaining as much weight in a week as Aly has allegedly gained in a couple of months. To achieve this weight gain, they may need to consume upwards of 2500 calories/day, and their meal plan may be regularly increased. They'll be expected to continue gaining until they're at a healthy weight. Their exercise will be restricted, often even to the point of being put on strict bedrest. They'll be discouraged or even actively stopped from engaging in disordered behaviors like arranging their food in certain ways and photographing everything they eat. I think that Aly must, consciously or not, be trying to provoke envy from her recovering/recovered followers, because it seems like she rubs in the fact that she's basically getting special treatment (well, shit treatment if you actually want to recover, or awesome "treatment" if you want to remain anorexic forever). Fuck this shit.
No. 59631
The Bingo card's actually made me think how her family's routines aren't doing her much good.
Sunday - go to the bakery, buy croissants for breakfast, have a glass of wine with cheese and olives…
Everything's so ORGANISED and even if this is what Aly craves, her mother should break some routines.
Another reason I think Aly wouldn't go IP voluntarily is because she'd have to actually live around other people that aren't family members/her three friends. Idk if that's snobbery, but the way she behaves towards her followers, I can't see she'd fit in with other girls at the clinic.
I only have being psych IP to refer to, but while in there everyone who was in the frame of mind to actually do so, was really supportive. We all helped each other, made things little gifts in OT, made each other cards and presents and - yes - ganged up against a staff member if we thought there was some unfairness going on. Probably not a great thing to do, but it was a kind of unity.
I can't imagine she'd like not being the only one doing well, or having to mix with others.
Just a thought I had, but I'm sure there's an element of that in there.
No. 59635
File: 1447637915775.jpg (47.59 KB, 509x480, Capture.JPG)

Jesus, how many pics does she take when she goes out? Ma C posted these on her fb. Black coffee #recoverywin
No. 59658
>>59643Of course, boy cand end up with eating disorders of all kinds. Boys recieve the same pressures and have many similar risk factors to girls, including brain abnormalities.
Mini sobstory, but I actually met a young sick boy in an inpatient program a long ass time ago. He was swimming in a sea of estrogen. But it does happen. Stigma provlem leads them to be even quieter about it, too.
No. 59659
File: 1447643922665.jpg (162.45 KB, 949x617, 1437171043079.jpg)

>>59649Different anon, but I just found it in an old thread:
>>>/pt/139139 No. 59662
>>59659Am I being silly in thinking that's a weird pose to have with your cousin? Like it doesn't seem like a cute family kiss on the cheek, she's gotta do that weird thing where she latches her skeleton hands onto their face and shit
I would not kiss any of my family members this way, but maybe it's a cultural difference?
No. 59664
File: 1447644808507.png (1.15 MB, 656x2123, Aly 6-22-2015 2.png)

>>59662>>59663IMO, it's weird. I agree that it doesn't exactly look "familial." She looks like she's embracing/kissing a lover. But, then again, she's the same girl who posted this pic with her brother…
No. 59702
>>59659Looks normal to me, given the context of the culture she's from. Doesn't look romantic to me.
The side-on pose seems to be a favourite of hers, must help her cover up the bonez.
No. 59710
File: 1447662027916.jpg (29.89 KB, 619x125, pft.JPG)

Oh the sus-fuckin-spense vibes
No. 59712
File: 1447662600727.jpg (37.06 KB, 335x440, wow.JPG)

It was a nightmare, "I felt lost, weak, alone."…but she " didn't let them to win"
Meanwhile, she's in a cafe with Andy Warhol!
No. 59721
File: 1447669763836.png (16.57 KB, 478x151, wp_ss_20151116_0001.png)

Why ask her advice? She obviously hasn't gained an ounce.
No. 59805
File: 1447685658425.png (1.17 MB, 1079x1076, Madeinparis.png)

>>59786"Made in Paris" ?
Her shirt.
No. 59819
>>59817She doesn't have to make a big deal about it but it's pretty shitty to delete comments about it from your IG. Some people with EDs are affected by world tragedies and restrict because of them.
What happened in Paris will affect all of us in the Western world. So many of the people killed were students attending a concert, having fun. I think it's somewhat normal to have a reaction, especially if you live in Europe.
If you don't have a reaction, ok, but it's not very polite to delete comments about it off your IG. That said, she is rude as fuck anyway so you've got a point. Biggest tragedy for her would be no more croissants. I mean, she eats French pastry every damn day.
No. 59845
>>59825It just has to be about her at all times. Same reason why she keeps telling followers that they should DM, or that her insta is not a social networking site.
It's The Aly Show.
Probably also one of the reasons why she is vehemently against going IP. There she wouldn't be princess Aly any longer; she would have to attend groups, be empathetic, accept that her anorexia is not as special as she likes to pretend, contrary to how she is treated at home and on instagram, where everything revolves around her and her only. The longer she drags out her fauxcovery, the longer she can be that special princess, in her mind.
No. 59852
File: 1447693778573.png (92.73 KB, 1140x322, Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 9.03…)

>>59845Yep. I'm just waiting for her to delete this interchange…how dare her followers try to help another in the comments on HER posts? It seems like lately she's also just flat-out ignoring more and more questions, not even deigning to reply with a condescending non-answer.
No. 59861
File: 1447694623778.png (234.6 KB, 460x614, scaled_CowStraberryMilkshakes.…)

She's depressed. But have you seen her new profile pic?
No. 59869
>>59868She is, another wasted year on IG. but she gets tons more comments when she's depressed so this
sharing with her ed family benefits her 100%
No. 59915
Well, she is being more open, so what if she does it for asspats? We objected that she always put up a positive front and that it wasn't realistic. I'd rather see some acknowledgment of the bad side.
No. 59918
File: 1447703306685.jpg (165.5 KB, 540x635, IMG_20151116_124715.JPG)

Forgot pic
No. 59919
>>59918she has deffo gained weight, just look at her legs
will you guys leave her alone now?
No. 59920
>>59919Oh yes, she gained a milligram. Such recovery!
Also, it's a "throwback" pic.
No. 59921
>>59918How on EARTH are those toothpick legs holding her up? The fact that her bones look like they could crack / snap/ poke out at any second is making my skin crawl. Euuugh.
I'm not even trying to be mean - I just can't even imagine coping with her in person in such a fragile physical state. Have her friends and family simply grown accustomed to it?
No. 59922
>>59920To last Saturday
>>59919No she hasn't. Baggy joggers hide a multitude of sins
No. 59954
>>59919You're right. Her legs are fucking huge. I set this as the background on my phone as a reminder to never get this fat.
Feck off.
No. 59980
>>59895Isn't Ashley's the 18th?
>>59918I wish she'd posted this on Saturday. Would've ticked the "disgusting outfit" box.
No. 60096
>>60027That song's so perfectly Ash tho.
Morrissey does spark that feeling in people. I'm a fan but many times I've had to smfh at things he's done.
No. 60100
>>60040I think it's an espresso cup, it just has a shot of espresso in it, not like a whole cup of coffee.
Which is fucked up, btw, someone at her weight should not be taking espresso.
No. 60112
>>60109She hasn't had an unpictured cup of hot milk in a long time either. Always two cappuccinos. I don't know why she never takes a picture of both of them, maybe the other one is just a black coffee most likely.
She must be so fucking buzzed at her weight.
No. 60116
>>60114I guess it's hot so it's filling, and it speeds up your metabolism. I don't know about whether it actually suppresses your appetite though.
No wonder she always looks so dried up and dehydrated though. She drinks at least 5 cups of coffee a day, perhaps more.
I mean there's nothing wrong with that but I wouldn't be surprised if she drinks little to no water. She probably has plain coffee with her lunch and supper too.
No. 60119
>>60116Coffee gives me a thirst for water. I can't say black coffee works as a suppressant for me. It just makes me pee so much.
Wonder what she's getting for her birthday. I hope it's some decent leggings.
No. 60134
File: 1447744391515.jpg (167.65 KB, 1072x1436, Screenshot_2015-11-16-21-32-25…)

Looks like Alys pic has been used by a celebrity!! She must be over the stars with excitement (!)
No. 60141
>>60112This is a little thing, but it's been bugging me. In what universe is a cup of milk equivalent to a cappuccino? Unless Aly's "cup" of milk was actually just enough to fill a shot glass or an espresso cup, or her second ~unpictured~ cappuccino is absolutely fucking gigantic, why would it be on her #mealplan that she could choose one or the other? The milk makes sense, but the SECOND (!) cappuccino doesn't. You'd need a lot of foamed milk to equal a cup of liquid milk, and I highly doubt an ED specialist (well, one worth their salt) would be trying to push
more caffeine on a severely underweight anorexic.
>>60116Aside from the bottled water that she included in some of her hospital photos, has anyone ever seen her with water? I'm not recalling ever noticing her with any.
Come to think of it, I think she's the first anorexic I've ever "known" who wasn't obsessed with tea, too. What does she have against being hydrated?
No. 60210
>>60200Oh, true! That was poor wording on my part. The "supposedly" was only meant to apply to the "appetite suppression." I've just never noticed caffeine helping with appetite suppression, and looking it up, sources seem to be iffy on it.
>>60195That was the first thing I thought too. It also confirms that she didn't even bite them, which is even sadder. Really makes me want to make a new insta just to post a link to the collage of her binned donuts.
No. 60216
>>60211Carbonated drinks making you full makes sense. It takes up more room in your stomach/bloats you, I imagine.
Though personally I find caffiene suppresses my appetite. Maybe it's more the caffiene high that does it, like just distracts the mind from focusing on hunger? I want to imagine it's the same reason other stims like ritalin suppress appetite, but maybe I'm off base. I imagine some people have a higher sensitivity to caffiene, so their threshold for no appetite is smaller and they're more likely to feel it's effects as a suppressant.
Who knows. Didn't someone say earlier or in another thread Aly only drinks decaf, anyway..?
No. 60220
>>60218If you want to further this discussion I'd be happy to join you in a /b/ thread. I have ASPD and legitimately do not understand why your sense of empathy is limited to first world countries.
To me, they are the same thing, different places - though I don't really care about either of them. I am sincerely curious, I'm not trying to be an ass. I just can't understand why you, as an empathetic individual, would think that this tragedy is worse than that tragedy just because it's in a 1st world country. Why are the 3rd world lives less than the 1st world lives just because it doesn't happen as frequently in the news in the 1st world?
No. 60239
>>60210Do eeeeettttt
>>>/pt/174417Note the filling on the first few chocolate donuts…
No. 60243
File: 1447783158413.jpg (177.32 KB, 1078x1231, Screenshot_2015-11-17-16-26-48…)

She posted this an hour and a half ago btw
No. 60247
File: 1447784587080.png (1.04 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

…is there mold on the pasta she uploaded?!
No. 60312
>>60247it's just a bit of blue cheese
that looks like almost no pasta
No. 60324
but would not be surprised if happened
No. 60330
File: 1447792545932.jpg (48.07 KB, 450x337, chocolate-birthday-cake-recipe…)

Are italian birthday cakes always like this? I was expecting something so much more… hmmm…
No. 60342
>>59817It's pretty vile how one persons life is seen as more worthy or lesser dependent on their nationality. There have been major terrorist attacks in the last few months killing hundreds but yet didn't receive the same sympathy and world coverage.
Pray for Lebanon, Palestine, Russia too for example
No. 60345
>>60342hurr durr why did people do that pray for trayvon shit then?
People only whine about people grieving and showing sympathy when it's white people getting hurt. Can't even get massacred without you SJW fucks whining that we're getting too much pity.
No. 60361
File: 1447800779022.jpg (14.98 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)

??My #edfamily this is PURE HAPPINESS in one picture ? this is the proofs that #realrecovery can change your whole LIFE ? look how much of a JOYFUL child I look EVEN THO 20 ?? This is the reason why I always say that #recoveryispossible I AM GAINING WEIGHT AND LIFE ?? and that the reward is overwhelming ?✨ Honeys, we HAVE to fight ??? to choose to be brave and to ENJOY OURSELVES ? ? each minute of our precious existence ? cause we WORTH MORE than an ED ☺️ I'm sending loads of motivation and positivity to you all ❤️ ILYM ?
No. 60362
File: 1447800918434.jpg (147.04 KB, 565x565, skellie-5.jpg)

You kindly asked me for a picture from the #recoverywin ? sushi date with my Sister ?? and here I am ?? sharing one of the most beautiful, joyful and meaningful #selfie -s ever ☺️ and a lil positive reflection ??
?? Yesterday evening has been simply awesome ✨ and I can't believe that I was so nervous before ? We spent a wonderful time at the restaurant chatting in peace and enjoying our fabulous sushi ? We ordered the same things but she couldn't finish her plate; I did. Might it be triggering? Yes, but not yesterday. Because my #edfamily "food" was the LAST of my thoughts❗️?? I was focused on the lovely evening I was living, I was enjoying what I was craving for and all the ED sh*t was SO FAR ?? This is what #realrecovery gives YOU darlings: FREEDOM, NORMALITY and HAPPINESS ?? Calories, weight and so on worth ZERO compared to those feelings; choose to live darlings and start believing that #recoveryispossible ? cause the reward you'll gain back will be EVERYTHING in that moment ?? and your illness will be nothing ?? Trust me and get all the positive vibes, motivation and encouragements I'm sending you ?? Be brave, be strong, BEAT IT ? and choose LIFE ❤️ ILYSM ?
No. 60389
File: 1447807840738.jpg (143.98 KB, 1300x957, joyful-smiling-skeleton-wig-si…)

Aly on Instagram like…..
No. 60466
>>60465I was going to mention her use of the word bomb. Not something you really want to use right now.
Find this difficult to believe
>I beated my illness and enjoyed my B-Day to the FULLEST and was so HAPPY that I FORGOT about having an eating disorder.Especially considering she posted 10 food pictures.
No. 60470
>>60468 I was just thinking the exact same thing.
Anyway, isn't today her weigh in day???
No. 60471
>>60470It should've been but it's next week now.
13k followers but only around 100 people wished her a happy birthday. Weird but probably a more true representation of what they think of her real recovery?
No. 60481
File: 1447844494692.jpg (611.6 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpg)

Found this on Alys "burger" pic two days ago. Some People still aren't buying in. My bet is she knows she's in trouble at weigh in too and that's why she putting off the appointment. There's no way they changed it because of something on their end, I refuse to believe that.
No. 60496
>>60494actually it looked pretty good (if i ate fish, i'd be interested in that). But there were almost no carbs there. i don't get it.
Her meal plan seems on par with the lowest meal plan i have ever been on (when i entered IP). Of course we were not made to eat donuts but if these extra "challanging" things she's having are NOT on her plan, her plan is rubbish. Period.
sage for OT but i have pics of myself before IP and after i was released to outpatient day therapy (2 weeks later). i had gained about 6-7 lbs (some water weight because i was deliberately restricting water too) - i knew because the first thing i did upon getting home was weigh myself. My face - at least as bad as Aly's before IP - was dramatically different even with just 6-7 lbs.
i can't believe her for one second. She has barely gained anything - if anything.
No. 60497
File: 1447850286140.jpg (122.57 KB, 926x596, ffs.JPG)

So. so sick of this shit. Every time I see her mum smiling I want to slap her face. I know it's wrong to think that way, but this is beyond a joke.
No. 60529
>>60502That woman looks younger than Aly though.
>>60505>>60509Yup, it's a direct translation of
controlo, which can also mean examination or checkup.
No. 60533
>>60529So all she needs to say is "I'm having a checkup tomorrow…"
Her English reminds me of what would come out if you used Google translate, tbh.
No. 60536
>>60483Not even the Anon you're quoting but go fuck off and activist elsewhere. You sound like one of those windbags shilling for global warming.
I honestly do not give a fuck if I'm dead tomorrow because of some correlation with the paris attack. It has nothing to do with aly, and like another anon said, there are way better things to milk her on.
Go join a fucking group to validate your sensitive ~awareness~ elsewhere jesus christ.
No. 60544
>>60533That would require her to be somewhat knowledgeable about the English language, anon. She'd probably fuck it up and say something like "I'm having control tomorrow!"
Plus, mentioning a hospital gets her more ana points.
Lastly, yes, I agree. I'd suggest maybe she gets lazy and uses a translator sometimes, but if she did that, she's actually spell things correctly.
No. 60547
>>60497I swear to fuck if I see one more pic of her with food like this I'm going to go crazy I can't even like enjoy an Aly thread anymore… it's the same shit same poses same bs and she hasn't recovered or gained a pound. It's frustrating lol and tbh its so obviously OCD Ana disordered how she just posts pictures of food all day… her life is photographing food and writing long emoji-bombed captions. And its been going on soooo long. I don't get how her family/friends/doctors think any of this is okay. ?
No. 60548
File: 1447866200907.jpg (138.74 KB, 1078x985, Screenshot_2015-11-18-12-47-45…)

This is the actual time she took that latest fortimel picture, not the time she's claiming. This proves to me how fake a lot of her pictures are. This was accidentally posted before the pic of her birthday pie picture, so she must have taken this photo about the same time
No. 60565
File: 1447874014294.jpg (143.91 KB, 640x923, image.jpg)

On this morning cookies pic
No. 60567
>>60560Have you seen those fridge magnets that're a bunch of words and you make them into a poem while you're waiting for the kettle to boil? Her captions remind me of that.
It's like she has phrases on strips of paper and just jumbles them up every day. How can she not know how tedious her account is.
No. 60576
File: 1447878008297.jpg (18.27 KB, 291x144, you lie.JPG)

Her calorie intake today is possibly the lowest ever.
7 cookies
1 croissant
piece of fish
1 satsuma
plain crackers
miniscule slice of pie
bowl of soup
I'm not even including the Fortimel because nothing's going to convince me she drinks it.
No. 60588
>>60543I kinda hope she is just to take some pressure off poor mama and papa casati.
Maybe now she can buy her own pastry to grin at.!
No. 60591
>>60590oops, *asshole gap.
Also, like Ash and other spoopy skellies, Aly doesn't give a fuck about anyone but herself. You think she cares about her "ED family" when she puts her immediate family through this nightmare on a daily basis? She's a spoiled egocentric cunt.
No. 60614
File: 1447889075334.jpeg (310.98 KB, 1279x1437, image.jpeg)

Lots of fun comments on tonight's soup post as well. She'll have lots to delete in the morning. Sleep tight Aly, you useless cunt.
No. 60625
>>60480I'm not handwringing about it, I think it's funny (not Paris- Aly I mean). Here she is, a young person in a big European city ,most likely to be sensitive about events in Paris, but she's so wrapped up in her motivational instagram captioning she's committed this dumb faux pas. Timely too, with the suicide bombers in Paris and Lebanon.
I will note that Americans have zero sense of humour when it comes to 911. It's up to the French and the rest of Europe how to feel about this incident isn't it?
As for all these hastags, they disgust me. Don't tell me to fucking pray for anything.
No. 60630
>>60625The way America thinks that 911 was the start of terrorist attacks pisses me off. We had decades of the IRA bombing the fuck out of the UK. Not the scale of 9/11 but murder is murder whether it's one person or hundreds of people.
The praying thing's wasted on me, I'm an atheist. Would've been nice if there
was a god. I doubt it'd let this shit happen.
Sage for OT.
No. 60647
>>60642I guess they find them using the tags.
Brewing up a shit storm on the soup pic! How can she read those comments and not…have a word with herself?
No. 60651
>>60630We're aware of the IRA to a certain degree, though I doubt that the unwashed masses know much about them, and have had terrorist attacks in the past as well (Wall Street bombing, 1st WTC in 1993, the Weathermen, Oklahoma City bombing, etc). It's reasonable to divide recent history into pre- and post-9/11 because it was the worst terrorist attack of all time. It was alarmingly well-planned - it wasn't a car bomb, mass shooter or lone hijacker - and it set the tone for how the US has operated ever since. Four planes, two iconic skyscrapers in NYC and a government building all in three hours is pretty damn productive.
Not to downplay what the UK has had to put up with for so long, though. We're relatively new to this whole "organized groups committing acts of terror" thing, but the Fenian Brotherhood basically invented modern terrorism back in the 19th century iirc.
No. 60652
>>60647>How can she read those comments and not…have a word with herself?But she's been told the same things 50 times before (or more). I don't think they have any effect on her now in the sense that they'd cause her to change her ways. I'm sure she does get angry though.
I googled aly_realrecovery and a newish mpa thread came up. The judgment is unanimous: her account is bullshit. Even the anas have quit sympathizing with her.
I wonder what will happen on the 24th. I hope it's ED inpatient. She looks like she's made any headway since August (at best).
No. 60671
File: 1447911638196.gif (992.06 KB, 500x260, Oh my goooooood.gif)

These fucking people, I swear
>B-b-but it's almost impossible to gain weight and it takes forever!
No. 60672
File: 1447911691607.png (154.54 KB, 1134x460, Screen Shot 2015-11-18 at 9.38…)

>>60671Sorry, I meant
these fucking people.
No. 60704
File: 1447941414113.jpg (212.55 KB, 748x1368, Screenshot_2015-11-19-13-55-05…)

Somebody's hair isn't looking so healthy anymore
No. 60705
>>60704Can't believe she's still trying the "sneacked" bullshit when it's so obvious it's posed. The first impression of the photo is that of a skeleton. I thought skelly_recover had posted.
And again with the "if I didn't eat it why would I post it" – I don't know, why did you do that before for months on end?
No. 60708
>>60705I'm not a sneaky manipulative deceitful cow I
promise,.trust me edfamily, why would I lie?
No. 60709
File: 1447943032432.gif (392.43 KB, 384x288, tumblr_ldvl48EWw31qdcpbx.gif)

No. 60710
File: 1447943654824.jpg (20.79 KB, 187x156, IMG_20151119_083203.jpg)

I wouldn't eat it either after these Dirty claws touched it. So gross!
No. 60729
File: 1447950489222.png (94.19 KB, 1158x292, Screen Shot 2015-11-19 at 7.43…)

I thought this comment was trolling at first, but I looked at the poster's Instagram (, and I'm not going to give her that much credit. I really think she's serious. It's unbelievable to me how Aly has roped in all of these other people (who, for one, she doesn't even know in real life, and who also lack any actual stake in her recovery) to defend her delusional fantasy of #realrecovery.
No. 60733
File: 1447952613536.png (5.07 MB, 2381x2102, Not even once.png)

Working on a cookie one now
No. 60735
File: 1447952760266.png (78.62 KB, 944x414, fuck off.png)

She needs to stop trying to be a smart ass.
Her arrogance is UNBEARABLE.
No. 60738
File: 1447953334811.png (4.75 MB, 2389x2064, Not even once 2.png)

>>60733Here's #2
>>60735That is fucking hilarious. Aly-speak is like its own language. #ensure #superlicious #biiiig #challanging #determinated #likeabomb #alwaysfavorite #posi-vibes
No. 60743
File: 1447954033633.png (812.53 KB, 1356x545, henriksen.png)

>>60742The one with with the cookie pic. She's in a bathroom (mouthwash, towel rail).
One of my new interests is spotting Henriksen's comments. Found him on this spoopy's account. This girl pisses me off No. 60744
File: 1447954544722.png (498.82 KB, 600x674, If you give an Aly a…)

>>60742I got the "befores" from her old personal account:, the cookie thing made me think of this book. Over 5 minutes in Paintbrush!
No. 60757
File: 1447958682149.png (985.21 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-19-17-39-02…)

She was really spoopy here but at least she was out having fun like a regular girl her age
No. 60760
File: 1447959586499.jpg (153.65 KB, 640x871, image.jpg)

"Soooper challenging" dinner yet you have had bolognese sauce based pasta once a wee, usually Thursdays, for the last six weeks if not more.. I just don't have that much time to keep scrolling through the same redundant photos. None of this is challenging anymore I think she's just doing the same old song and dance and it's gotten stale. It's time to go IP Aly.
No. 60766
File: 1447962147446.png (551.54 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-11-19-14-40-53…)

Ffs she is condescending
No. 60809
>>60806Japanese and their fancy miniature food. Yeah my mum's got cakes and a few other bits of food, but it looks really crap. I think it's made of resin. That Japanese stuff must be that clay stuff.
>>60800Aye. I know people say OH BUT SHE'S SO IMMERSED IN HER ED TO HAVE ANY OTHER INTERESTS, but I've never seen anyone SO deep into it they don't have some other things to talk about.
I've mentioned on Ash threads I know a 40 yr old ED woman who is more or less Ashley (blocked drains with puke) and she's crazy about music and making things. Okay, her bath's full of food but she rarely even mentions it. Aly's probably never had any real interests to begin with.
No. 60813
File: 1447985124583.jpg (38.7 KB, 640x480, feb132.jpg)

This is the only picture where her smile seems genuine.
No. 60814
File: 1447986051202.jpg (63.59 KB, 339x500, IG_4715_1.jpg)

>>60796Sage for OT, but I KNOW! I fucking love miniatures, and these food ones are amazing. It looks like eBay ( has a decent selection of food minis, actually.
I'm obsessed with tiny things, and I paint "fantasy" miniatures (like for Dungeons & Dragons) and do "basing" (creating scenic bases for the minis to stand on) as a hobby. Pic related - I didn't paint the one in the photo, but I painted that same mini myself, and it's one of my favorites. I'm working toward the ultimate goal of setting up full dioramas of various scenes so I can photograph them. I just got a bunch of electronic parts today and now I can wire my stuff up with 1.8mm LEDs. It's so fucking cool. Before I got into doing it myself, I thought that "miniatures" were either simple dollhouses or boring army men for kids (or super autistic adults) to play with. BUT NO! It's a fairly nerdy hobby, but it's tons of fun and very satisfying, IMO.
I'm currently drooling over the custom minis Heroforge ( makes, but they're fairly expensive. It's like a character creation thing from a video game, and then what you make is 3D printed for you. I wish I could just buy myself a 3D printer so I could design all kinds of tiny things, but money.
Sorry, I know this isn't /snow/ - Miniature Things but…MINIATURE THINGS! Oh, and I also have had an ED for most of my life, and I've always had hobbies and interests that I've pursued. I can't imagine not doing so. It's sad that someone can be so completely consumed by their ED that it's practically all they are.
No. 60820
>>60817I like the ramen video best. I've never seen anyone cooking tiny food before and I want a go!
>>60819That's pretty good but my mum's house is Victorian. She's got a decent set of "copper" kitchenware. They need to concentrate on getting food right. That seems to be what lets dollhouse bits down really.
Aly wishes the tiny food chef was her cook. She's so batshit at this point she'd still be calling it a #recoverywin.
My SO used to paint those warhammer figures. I tried one once but haven't got the patience and my hands shake too much.
No. 60825
File: 1447991999874.jpg (102.72 KB, 917x568, Capture.JPG)

>>60823I bet she copypastas. I cannot mentally accept that she is vapid enough to construct those emoji captions multiple tim….oh what am I saying.
Pic relevant to Aly lies! I was looking through her old photos and found this gem of an admission. Screencapped in case she has a NEW new beginning after admitting to a continued relapse.
No. 60829
>>60822When you're imitating her writing style, you realize just how repetitive and over the top it truly is. I don't think she copy and pastes, though. There are slight variations to what she writes, even with the same phrases. Not like any of her followers would notice if she did.
Her Instagram obsession is doing her more harm than good (obviously). She obviously likes having her large following, but after recovery, a healthy person would have no use to be a part of that community any longer. So she would lose most of the attention.
No. 60830
>>60825I still can't get over that giant honking feeding tube they put in. Really makes me wonder if Italy's ED treatment programs aren't totally primitive and backwards.
Who uses giant feeding tubes like that??
No. 60835
>>60733She looks horrible in both of these pictures though. Idk the before, she just looks stupid and not very good. But
>>60738is absolutely perfect, so good job. The contrast there is insane.
No. 60837
>>60760She has posted this before I remember…
Anyway, her weigh in is coming up next week when? I'm tired of waiting on it. She needs help but I feel as if she will get out of it somehow. Sigh. Whatever happened to the bingo? Can that person at least come back with them for the weigh in day?
I wonder if she will try to push back the weigh in day again though. If she does someone will crack down right?
No. 60848
File: 1448014085062.png (638.76 KB, 936x602, Screen Shot 2015-11-20 at 3.01…)

I can't find Anna's thread anywhere, but
>allergic to fats
>eats bread covered in avocado
>"boo hoo i dealt with the migraine"
Can't keep your bullshit straight eh so you can continue to eat diet food you crazy ana bitch
No. 60851
>>60825 "(…) but after recovery, a healthy person would have no use to be a part of that community any longer. "
And THAT is the mainly reason why she isn´t in "realrecovery".
Her life revolves around food, food aaand….food. Did I mention…. FOOD?
I bet she reads cook books and recipes in her leisure time.
No. 60857
File: 1448018437232.png (682.41 KB, 600x599, Screen Shot 2015-11-20 at 4.17…)

Holy shit, she rly posted 3 pictures of the same cookie like in one day
with even the same amount ALREADY BITTEN in 2 of them, for fucks sake
No. 60858
File: 1448020397276.png (168.91 KB, 1188x712, Screenshot_2015-11-20-12-00-43…)

some already deleted(!) comments
No. 60866
File: 1448028311336.jpg (188.05 KB, 934x597, muhrecovery.jpg)

>>60743>posed to accentuate her thinness>makes sure to let everyone know that she used to weigh less>sad about weighing a whopping ~60 poundsGood job getting rid of thinspo accounts, IG. /sarcasm
No. 60867
File: 1448028382188.jpg (85.48 KB, 759x407, lolcoww.jpg)

translated: looks like a vagina (slang word)
No. 60877
File: 1448032364619.jpg (179.32 KB, 922x591, stupid people.jpg)

>>60859The worst part is, some people
are as stupid as she thinks they are. Look at all of her constant defenders who jump down other people's throats. "Gaining weight takes time!" "She's trying!" blah blah blah until she fucking dies and I don't know what they'll say then. "It wasn't due to her ED!"
No. 60882
>>60879They'll say she was so brave tried
really hard, we're all haters. She does not do anything to deserve all her followers, she lies, blocks, deletes and abuses their kindness
No. 60886
File: 1448034839833.jpg (275.71 KB, 972x1483, Screenshot_2015-11-20-15-20-21…)

Part 1
No. 60887
File: 1448034858139.jpg (107.39 KB, 910x664, Screenshot_2015-11-20-15-20-29…)

Part 2
No. 60888
File: 1448034874341.jpg (111.94 KB, 1072x821, Screenshot_2015-11-20-15-20-57…)

Plus these
No. 60889
File: 1448035274255.png (9.37 KB, 120x113, Capture.PNG)

>>60868explains that emoji she shes with her mum all the time
No. 60895
>>60891Ah, thank you. So if those are the richer cookies amongst her collection, the usual cookie calorie count is maybe 200-240. A croissant is 330-450 cal based on fillings/extras.
Anyway, her total Cal "intake" varies from about 1900-2500 Cal. I don't see her eating 3000+ consistently as people have told her on the comments. I could be wrong, but considering her portion size I don't think so. Whatever she's doing, it's inadequate. Her meal plan is also a joke because it's only maybe 1000-1200 Cals.
No. 60898
File: 1448040411149.png (1.12 MB, 1079x1074, 1120112315.png)

This is totally what 5 months of recovery looks like, guys. Everyone should follow in Aly's footsteps of #realrecovery
No. 60963
Sage for personalblogshit. I know I should be above this, and it usually doesn't get to me, but I've been feeling so shit about my body lately that it's actually starting to get under my skin. Ulcers, gastritis, and other fun GI issues left me at an Aly-ish level of spoopy in the beginning of 2015, but as my stomach started to heal, I was able to eat more, and I gained ~25 pounds in a few months. I increased my caloric intake and (gasp) I gained weight. Magic. It's not that I want to be a spoopy again, but all of the comments like "Lay off of her, it's so hard for a person to gain weight when they're severely underweight!" "She has severe anorexia, so it'll take her forever to put on any weight!" etc. are starting to make me feel like I must be a disgusting fatty with a "slow metabolism," even though I know that's not true. It's just…I never, EVER ate more than 3000 calories/day. Usually not even more than 2000. I gained back the weight I'd lost pretty quickly once I was actually able to digest more than like 1000 calories/day.
Anyway, I can't imagine what it must be like for Aly's followers who are themselves in, say, inpatient treatment for anorexia and are having to gain in a week as much as Aly claims she's gained in close to six months. Having to deal with a rapidly changing body isn't easy, in my experience. What Aly's doing is really self-absorbed and all-around shitty, and I hope she ends up actually having to go through the same kind of treatment that many of her followers have gone through. That might be vindictive and mean, but whatever. I'm pissed off today.
No. 60967
>>60837Bingo anon here. I ~struggled~ to think of enough words aly uses that hadn't already been on previous bingo cards! I'll do another but if anyone can think off what to include lemme know.
Going to include followers comments. A special edition day control bingo will definitely be posted.
No. 60970
File: 1448051637153.png (27.94 KB, 1080x143, Because-there-is-none-to-show.…)

Wonder if this person is serious? Are her followers blind?
No. 60992
File: 1448061526227.png (377.45 KB, 1140x1012, Screen Shot 2015-11-20 at 3.16…)

Top kek. She deleted the posts correcting her about her use of "delved" and just left it like this because ALY IS ALWAYS RIGHT.
No. 60998
>>60992I wonder if she blocked the person who offered up the proper definition of "delved."
Bitch is getting more and more insufferable. Is it bc anorexia eats your brain, hubris from constant gap pats/31k+ followers, or a combination of both?
No. 61002

>>60998I'm almost positive she blocked the person. She's blocked me for correcting her (nicely) before, and I've seen comments on some of the "fake accounts" stating that others who have corrected her on things have been blocked as well. Her hubris is unbelievable. I'm a native English speaker, but I've studied both Spanish and Japanese, and I just can't even imagine being so cocky that you'd act like you know your second/third/whatever language so much better than native speakers that you're incapable of ever making a mistake. I'd be
glad if a native speaker corrected me on an error I'd made when using their language, because then I could avoid making it again.
I think it's a combination. The adoration of her assholegap-patters and the guaranteed 700+ (often 1000+) likes on every single repetitive-ass photo seems to have really gone to her head. She seems like she was probably fairly self-absorbed before (judging from her old "personal account" and some of the tags she used on her own photos, lol), and now she's getting told every single day by people from all over the world that she's a fucking queen…but I'm sure her brain is also not functioning at 100%, either.
Another topkek screenshot here. YOU ARE A LYING LIAR WHO LIES.
No. 61003
File: 1448064879137.png (66.6 KB, 1134x236, Screen Shot 2015-11-20 at 4.05…)

>>61002Sorry, screenshot
No. 61005
>>60869What's the point of adding up calories when Aly doesn't eat the food or throws it up anyway?
No. 61007
>>61005Yeah yeah. To be fair, we don't know for sure
what exactly she's doing. She may not be purging; she may "just" be restricting her intake to around a maintenance-level number of calories. It seems that many of her followers are under the impression that she's eating like 3000+ calories/day, even though the food she shows in her photos adds up to much less than that. So, I think anons were trying to add up how many calories were in what she was photographing to show that, even if she's eating and keeping down everything she photographs, she's still not eating as much as she'd need to if she really wanted to gain weight and recover.
No. 61014
>>61007Calorie anon here. You've got it exactly right. I was being generous with her calorie intake range, if anything. There are days when she has a light dessert and light dinner so it'd be maybe 1600 Cal that day.
She's put herself in a position where she can be accused of eating 3000+ Cal and not gaining…she can't correct people on this either because then it looks like she's not eating enough (which she isn't) to gain. Now she's going to stick with hypermetabolism as an excuse and idiots will buy it.
No. 61016
File: 1448070949104.jpg (207.47 KB, 933x585,…)

Her Instagram used to seem like an actual person was behind it, not a positive over the top bot.
And pic.
No. 61019
>>61014Oh and: assuming current weight of 75 lb (BMI 11.7) at her height of 5'7" she'd need to eat 1571 Cal/d to maintain. (
If she eating 2000 Cal per day she has a net positive of 500 Cal which means gaining 1lb per week.
That's not been happening. So either she's more active than we are told or she's eating less than we think (lower portion size or low cal versions of things) or she's throwing food out.
And that's all I'll say about it, I'm done.
No. 61033
>>60967For weigh in day you need to make a special edition one at least! Haha.
And that post with the pizza I swear she's posted before or it's ftom a different angle. Same with the persimmons.
No. 61038
File: 1448089239406.png (590.34 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-11-21-01-56-07…)

She doesn't usually lie so blatantly about "working".
No. 61041
File: 1448090246871.jpg (110.84 KB, 545x378, saturday posivibes.jpg)

Saturday BINGO card. Are you ready for the #challange? I am.
No. 61045
File: 1448090789506.png (89.27 KB, 1082x336, Screen Shot 2015-11-20 at 11.2…)

>>61044(confirmed for still "teaching English" - that's a DANG challanging job!)
No. 61049
File: 1448092729035.gif (1.81 MB, 334x334, tumblr_nxzfvtEdDu1upnbl4o1_400…)

>>61048I didn't even know there was a tumblr exposure account for her! You need to post the url. Hey, it worked getting people to realise Ash was a nasty piece of work and farmers would help you ofc.
"you took my friends away :_("
No. 61053
File: 1448094597579.png (32.13 KB, 1142x96, Screen Shot 2015-11-21 at 12.2…)

Really? REALLY? REALLY? Doesn't look like a troll account, either…
No. 61056
>>61053I really do think that these retards are so new to aly they have no clue her "first post" isn't her real first post because she deleted her history of lies.
Nobody who's been following her as long as we have could be so stupid.
No. 61066
File: 1448111647021.png (1.73 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-21-13-10-24…)

Bro looks like he's going to choke miss haggard any second
No. 61083
File: 1448119450234.png (55.2 KB, 1110x212, Screen Shot 2015-11-21 at 7.23…)

Why such a cunt, Aly?
No. 61091
File: 1448120720829.png (Spoiler Image,721.61 KB, 720x720, IMG_20151121_104035.png)

Guys didn't she post this exact same picture not even two weeks ago
No. 61097
File: 1448121592314.png (71.44 KB, 233x111, Capture.PNG)

the eyes
absolutely disgusting
No. 61109
>>61066She looks like "Uhh YUCK! Look at this …normal people would eat that crap, but I am stronger and better"
Her brother looks like getting really tired
of this photography stuff
"Just leave me alone with my croissant!!"
btw his hairstyle is awful in this picture imho lol
No. 61110
>>61097hey - i would say it is not okay to call them "disgusting"
Imho her eyes say the truth - she looks tired, exhausted, weak, anxious…to be continued :(
No. 61111
File: 1448125249563.png (277.14 KB, 280x598, image.png)

>>61109Hairstyle probably influenced by the new school year and puberty. It's sad to see him growing up so fast. I remember when he looked like this just a few months ago.
No. 61120
File: 1448128300366.png (1.18 MB, 705x1312, Bro 2.png)

>>61118Oh my, what a twist!
>>61111We're witnessing another phase of his evolution from ~happy child~ into perpetually pissed-off edgelord.
No. 61133
>>61091I really thought so too, but it appears her friend just has a bad habit of posing exactly the same.
If anyone wants to make a collage, feel free: No. 61137
File: 1448132292622.png (5.3 MB, 2351x1179, Devolution.png)

Fuck, she looks terrible. I think she's approaching her final form.
No. 61148
File: 1448133536801.png (562.42 KB, 476x688, Screen Shot 2015-11-21 at 11.1…)

>>61144I know, LOOK AT THIS SHIT. She must not realize how fucking awful and terrifying she looks. I can't stand that so many people constantly tell her she looks great and healthy and all that crap.
No. 61157
File: 1448134872149.jpg (83.94 KB, 918x581, Capture.JPG)

Such a recoverywin guize
No. 61159
>>61137She used to be gorgeous, but I'm sure her personality was still nasty. Now her looks match her personality more, imo.
Sad eating disorders take over lives, but she makes me rage with her condescending attitude.
No. 61161
File: 1448135424634.jpg (125.35 KB, 918x587, Capture.JPG)

Is this ironic or am I using the word wrong?
ripdonuts, were you admonished for basing your account on a fake, by someone basing their account on a fake Irene Adler?
No. 61163
File: 1448135677150.png (12.79 KB, 500x500, sdfkjasdlkf.png)

>>61161>tfw your stupid collages get usedLove you long time, anon
No. 61168
File: 1448136331181.png (563.23 KB, 631x586, 1448128300366.png)

>>61120jokes aside, I do feel bad for him, especially because I have two younger brothers of my own.
what is aly's family going to think when they look back on old pictures (after she's died ofc!) and all they see is her maniacally grinning at plates of food or staring into the camera, completely disconnected from everyone else?
No. 61176
>>61157also why does she have to number every single snack/meal
No. 61184
>>6115725 cals. AT MAX, for a small fucking piece of dark chocolate
damn such a big SNACK, especially for the THIRD dang snack of the day (!)
No. 61189
>>61187Impressed how she's made the free chocolate look quite big. Those things are so thin it isn't even the equivalent of one square of a chocolate bar. Not that she ate it anyway.
This needs to be said - that banana. Eeeeeeeewwwwww.
No. 61210
>>61206who brings their phone into a tub, oy.
also, brown rice pasta?
No. 61211
>>61210also also: what is that "ice cream" abomination? I looked it up and they say their pint has only 100 calories (!). The ingredients list:
- pea protein
- glycerin
- organic agave inulin
- organic tapioca flour
- xanthan gum
- guar gum
- stevia
- monk fruit extract
- baking soda
- cocoa powder
- cinnamon
my brain says that this just cannot taste good, or have a texture and satiety rate approaching real ice cream. has anyone had this "dessert" before?
No. 61217
File: 1448153359919.png (97.54 KB, 1080x424, Blocky.png)

Wonder how many people Aly has blocked?
No. 62956
Ripdonuts here!
>>61161Oh god, yes, that is considered irony. I didn't even realize that, haha!
>>61163Excuse me, your collages are AMAZING. They're just all perfectly spaced and aesthetically pleasing because you arranged Aly's obsessive photos "properly," and basically, I love you, Collage Anon.
No. 62968
>>62965Don't think anon bothered to make a new Ash thread.
On my phone alys chest area looks mottled blue. She's literally becoming a corpse before our very eyes. Still, at least Ma can still laugh about it.
No. 62974
>>62969Usually the bananas which are sold at the supermarkets are green and not ripe.
Look up "freeleethebananagirl" on youtube (also has lolcow potential)
A banana gets ripe when it gets brownish spots!
No. 62975
>>62973If there wasn't an aly weigh in day, I don't think I'd bother with this thread.
Its kind of like a month of a Tory government, then election day comes around and I'm excited there's going to be a Labour win (Aly IP). Usually a disappointment, but hope is there.
No. 62979
>>62975Ty anon I feel the same way. I'm pretty sure it's hopeless but I'm still nervous and wishful.
Still no hot milk btw, two capps as always for the past idk how many weeks. Wasn't milk part of her meal plan? I think she does have one and follows it but very subjectively.
No. 62980
>>60848She probably gets a migraine from vomiting. Ginge is not allergic to fats, she's probably just
triggered by them.
I've heard this bull excuse before from EDs. "I'm allergic to [insert random, usually high-cal food here]" Usually just an excuse not to eat a food that they think will put weight on them. When they do eat it, they throw it up just so that doesn't happen.
No. 62984
File: 1448185174228.jpg (116.87 KB, 545x378, 1448090246871.jpg)

I was pretty lenient but I say we earned this bingo.
Just to explain my choices though:
-Puffy face post-pizza picture (still has those weird lumps/wideness on the sides of her face)
-Positivity is the key ("This is the reason why I'm so positive" said in the selfie-with-bro pic)
-TOO FAB (she said dinner was a FAB conclusion)
-Kick it/BEAT IT (she said BEAT IT in 3 pictures and KICK HARD in 1)
-Heeeeeell yes (she says this phrase in the selfie with her friend)
No. 62988
>>62984Awwww. Anon! Bless you. I thought everyone was bored with my bingo cards!
TodYs would've had the croissant nose pic. I still pmsl at that joke. No, really I do…
>>62985Would be good if a sister or family member's told her what a bitch she is, but they're too pussy. NO idea what goes on in this girl's head.
No. 62991
File: 1448187872474.jpg (98.88 KB, 972x628, Screenshot_2015-11-22-10-23-31…)

Kill me now
Poor kid
No. 62997
File: 1448194104486.jpg (35.26 KB, 310x584, Screenshot_2015-11-22-10-23-31…)

And just a hint of the sternum poking out still as concave as ever
No. 63001
>>62999soon she will fully disappear unter that #croissantbombs.
AH I GOT her plan! She gets skinnier and skinnier so her foods appear even bigger #posi vibe LYALSM
No. 63023
>>62974freelee once had a thread not too long ago
it died though
No. 63025
>>63003I feel like there are so many people in this thread with an ED history because people who don't know what EDs or recovery from them are like don't fully get how enraging Aly (and the entire fake recovery community) is.
By the way I'm pretty sure Aly has other mental health issues going on which was probably discussed here before. What was the general verdict on possible other illnesses?
No. 63046
>>63033Eh. Not everyone who ends up with an ED has depresion-type symptoms. Malnutrition does a number on the brain, but Aly could have been depressed before anorexia. A lot of what she did before her recovery account could have been cover ups. Who knows with Aly. But if she has any form of anxiety, it's not unlikely that she also has some form of depression.
Sobstory but I also have an ED, but it's very easy for me to tell you that I felt the way I do now (self-hating, unmonivated, not interested in many hobbies) well before I got sick.
No. 63048
File: 1448210039100.png (58.85 KB, 1122x232, Screen Shot 2015-11-22 at 8.14…)

>>62979She mentioned a while back that she could have a cup of milk OR a second cappuccino, and ever since, she's (SURPRISE!) chosen the cappuccino.
>>63025The "fake recovery" thing is a huge slap in the face to people who have gone through actual recovery from an ED. It really is enraging.
Re: this screenshot, I really hope these people are asking because they realize she's made no progress whatsoever (and possibly even gotten worse) since her ~new beginning~. I've seen a couple of people ask recently, and I'm trying to convince myself that they're all just trying to test Aly or something and that they
can't honestly be serious about her having made "progress"…
Oh, also, I wonder when she's going to stop referring to herself as a "child"? She's 20 years old now. It's getting kind of weird.
No. 63052
>>63049It's strange to me, though, because no one I've ever known IRL who has/has had an ED has acted quite like that (completely infantilizing themselves, being obsessed with kiddie movies and dinnerware, etc.). I've only seen it on the internet. Maybe it was because the people I knew were, you know, receiving
actual treatment (where they were encouraged to let go of those kind of behaviors) instead of "#realrecovering" for Instagram assholegap-pats.
>>63051Yeah, that's a LOT of chocolate, even if it looks to be a fairly thin sauce. I'm honestly quite impressed if she ate that all and kept it down. Maybe she's freaking out because her weigh-in is looming on the horizon.
No. 63067
>>63049>>63052I have to admit I sort of infantilised myself at the worst of my ED :/ putting my hair into pigtails, being proud of having a childish body coupled with a childish face which resulted in me looking about 12, children's clothes, being proud of dropping sizes even in the kid's section, etc.
However I was fully aware it was sort of embarrassing and not normal, and I know it was related to the fact that I didn't really want to be an adult with a sexuality - one thing that really "set off" my ED was sexual violence.
I cannot speak for Aly but it seems strange that she went from normal girly teenager to …the freakish thing she is now. If she wasnt such a cunt to everybody, I would be sorry for her. She's very very sick and likely to die from her ED.
No. 63068
>>63061"Nana" is one of my biggest ~
triggers~…of rage
No. 63073
No. 63076
>>63069Fuckity fuck fuck.
REALLY hope she means double the amount for her afternoon snack. Because if she means double for the day… yeah fucking right. Fuck it, I'm asking her…
No. 63077
>>63070Well, regardless of what she did in the past it's a good decision to not post those photos again. Also, she must know she can be dinged for thinspo if she posts them.
It also helps her escape comparison, because it's not like she looks very different now.
No. 63081
File: 1448215582032.png (714.12 KB, 421x581, Capture.PNG)

i highly doubt that's sauce but i mean
No. 63085
File: 1448215741618.png (458.16 KB, 742x332, Capture.PNG)

that's the same smile you give all your foods you deranged cunt
No. 63095
File: 1448216656751.jpg (23.97 KB, 393x275, denver_dog_showing_submissive_…)

>>63094ahahaha, I had to google CHIMP SUBMISSIVE GRIN and that dog turned up first pic!
Didn't know about that. Very educational.
No. 63096
File: 1448216715719.jpg (36.99 KB, 654x560, YIjI3KW.jpg)

>>63095classic: (then back to crazy bitch aly)
No. 63099
>>63049>the obsession with child-like things and being treated like a child (esp. while in hospital) is such a creepy ED thing.This girl is the epitome of what you just described, but she doesn't see it that way, of course. hope they stop treating her in pediatrics and move her to an adult hospital soon, bc she won't recover until then.
No. 63107
>>63096This is still one of my favorite pictures on the entire internet, ever.
>>63099Eek, I haven't seen her before. Wow. At her age, I would have been incredibly insulted by being stuck in the peds unit and treated like a literal child like that, but it seems like that's what she wants…?
No. 63111
File: 1448218541477.png (191.68 KB, 1130x644, pls respond.png)

>>63073Aly-senpai pls respond…or delete the comments and block me, further proving that you're a gigantic liar who lies.
No. 63113
File: 1448218648977.png (2.22 MB, 1872x1198, Screen Shot 2015-11-22 at 10.3…)

>>63111Because…shouldn't this be her "lowest weight photo"? When she was hospitalized at BMI 10-something back in June, before she got the feeding tube or anything? It's still up, but I wonder if she'll delete it now.
No. 63118
>>63107>but it seems like thats what she wantsIts exactly what she wants. I think she'd cry or throw a fit if she were transferred to adults. If you read some of her posts, know that "mama bear" is what she calls her doctor/pediatrician.
and like Aly, her last hospitalization was totally NOT ED related!! it was bc her pancreas was failing, totes not bc of ED (yeah fucking right).
She definitely didn't appreciate people discussing whether or not being treated like a child was keeping her stuck in her ED (it def is) on this pic.. No. 63119
>>63117aaah :) so, realrecovery4real belongs to lolcow ! lmao I thought about this before, bur was not shure.
lmao lmao DANG GOOD WORK anon
No. 63121
>>63118Huh. Some interesting parallels there. At least she leaves the "hating" comments up so she's got that in her favor.
Is her "mama bear" a pediatrician specializing in eating disorders? In my city there's only one ED specialist as far as I know and she's a pediatrician. I wonder if that's the reason she's admitted to the peds ward.
No. 63127
>>63121>Is her "mama bear" a pediatrician specializing in eating disorders?Yes, "mama bear" is a pediatrician specializing in EDs, but she's not alone. There are adult ED specialists in the area, but alexis thinks she should stay with her team bc they "know her, her history, and what does/doesn't work for her so well".
Its stupid, and definitely counterproductive.
No. 63144
File: 1448228655020.png (128.27 KB, 1140x390, BULLSHIT ARTISTRY.png)

>>63119lol thanks, I keep expecting to get blocked but it's not happening. I can't stand this BS dressed up as "recovery," though - it's painfully obvious that she can't post a "progress picture" because she HASN'T MADE ANY PROGRESS, but she can't admit that, now, can she? I like how she's also pretending that everything pre-"New Beginning" just didn't exist and acting like she's only ever showed her emaciated face. Not like she's ever posted shit like
>>61016 or her old OOTD photos in skin-tight clothes that revealed every bone, or like people can't see how spoopy she is even from shots like
>>62997 - top kek, Aly, you silly girl.
No. 63199
File: 1448233092526.png (747.27 KB, 927x572, Screen Shot 2015-11-22 at 3.54…)

Since Ging's thread is MIA, someone really needs to comment and tell her that orthorexia is an eating disorder and she DEFINITELY has orthorexia (and probably restrictive anorexia) imo
No. 63255
>>63199Yep, left a comment to that effect on her shitty food blog. DELETED without mention or response.
Anyway, don't you know? She doesn't have a problem, she just has a rare nerve problem from falling once on the ice, that JUST SO HAPPENS to share all of its symptoms with an eating disorder!! No need to stop running! Everything is totally under her control.
No. 63270
>>63258No idea, but considering all the media outrage about proana sites and blogs, it's astounding how it's allowed to exist.
Petitions don't do anything to get it closed (seen loads and loads). I don't even know how it's under the radar.
No. 63281
File: 1448254491166.png (26.13 KB, 1120x84, Screen Shot 2015-11-22 at 8.54…)

I just have to say that I fucking love all these people asking Aly for progress pics lately. It's hilarious.
No. 63286
File: 1448256617863.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.54 KB, 584x587, 123.JPG)

>>63281How's she going to get out of this one?
Anons post about mpa had me looking around there for a while, and there's a thread about the lowest BMI. Saw this girl mentioned. If 82 is her birth year, she's only 33. THIS IS YOUR FUTURE, ALY (although obv without the piercings). No. 63288
File: 1448256764223.jpg (Spoiler Image,61.11 KB, 591x590, ginge2.JPG)

>>63286Adding - she reminds me of Ginge in this one.
>>63287I've spent too much on moisturizers most of my life to fuck it up with that starvation shit.
No. 63289
File: 1448256947947.png (497.69 KB, 572x519, an.png)

She is 33
No. 63294
File: 1448257233065.png (776.98 KB, 1080x1820, Screenshot_2015-11-22-23-34-01…)

From aly_realrecovery
No. 63296
File: 1448257267970.png (479.84 KB, 938x536, edema.png)

her edema was fucked up
No. 63297
>>63294I'm amazed aly_realrecovery's still up. Nice work!
>>63295I know nothing and all her captions are Swedish or sthing.
No. 63298
File: 1448257362805.png (489.72 KB, 566x536, o.png)

alright it keeps getting worse
No. 63299
File: 1448257777741.jpg (69.77 KB, 598x589, diet.JPG)

Pepsi Max. Cucumbers. Celery. Tea. That's her diet.
No. 63300
>>63298I thought her face was the worst part of her body, then I see this monstrosity. At least Aly makes a half-assed attempt to look less like a haggard, though she seems to be getting lazy (or exhausted) lately.
Imagine how easy it must be for sharpie-eyebrow-metal-face's paper skin to get pierced. Probably like impaling three slices of ham with a safety pin.
No. 63311
File: 1448258499201.jpg (15.63 KB, 438x420, Var inte säker.jpg)

At least she was hydrated.
No. 63328
File: 1448262846024.jpg (93.38 KB, 1064x1126, Screenshot_2015-11-23-07-12-57…)

Because she needs another excuse to abuse caffeine… And buy another plastic cup!!
No. 63334
>>63327And any changes in her weight could just be normal fluctuations, unless they're
really big changes…I just can't wrap my head around weighing someone as sick as Aly so infrequently. Why even do it at all, then? Monitoring someone so slackly seems pretty pointless.
No. 63336
>>63326No doctor no matter how incompetent would put anything with caffeine as part of a meal plan. Ever.
Even if the patient didn't have an eating disorder. Let alone one who is severely underweight and whose heart could literally just stop at any moment.
No. 63338
>>63336When I was IP I was allowed to drink one cup of coffee in the morning and if I wanted one in the afternoon. small (!) cups.
And I had to put milk and / or sugar in it
No. 63344
File: 1448270862032.jpg (84.47 KB, 860x540, Screenshot_2015-11-23-09-25-57…)

Wtf is wrong with her thumb
No. 63346
>>63344She's clenching that donut so hard.
Notice how she's pushing it forward? She's got a really good understanding of how to make something look bigger in shot.
No. 63351
File: 1448271449008.png (1.38 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-23-03-31-57…)

>>63339Speaking of bombs…
No. 63352
>>63347wow, so okay, that really was a lot ;)
First we were allowed to drink a little bit more and to use sweeteners and stuff
But there was this girl who drank 7-8 l diet coke per day.
So they cut off every "extras" except apple/orange juice, pure tea (no black or green tea) and water.
It was a ped. unit
Later when I was IP with adults every one was "allowed" to drink as much as they wanted to (own responsibility) but on the #mealplan there were these two coffees in the morning and afternoon
No. 63365
File: 1448273885325.jpg (6.52 MB, 4216x4088, b.jpg)

No. 63399
File: 1448282266484.jpg (42.15 KB, 875x238, googled.JPG)

(I just googled and as bullshit as it sounds, this person says the same thing about targeting consumers).
No. 63401
File: 1448282742996.jpg (258.09 KB, 932x1426, Screenshot_2015-11-23-12-43-25…)

Aly accidentally posted this under her lunch pic, anyone able to translate?
No. 63408
>>63401>>63404More google:
I want to scream; I want to scream because I do not know who to talk to, because they are wrong. Why I drink tea in the evening, because I drink too much coffee, because I cry for nothing. Because I have a stupid eating disorder and Wednesday I have to go get "control", and tomorrow by a damn psychologist.
No. 63409
>because I have a stupid eating disorderand Wednesday I andere me "control" and tomorrow a damn psychologist I can not speak because I'm alone, and I'm alone because
No. 63416
I say it also to the work; keep if you want to read something about new medicines. things are communist, is that better? I want to scream; I want to scream because I do not know who to talk to, because I can not speak. because they are wrong. because I drink tea in the evening, because too many beo coffee, because paingo all. because I have a stupid eating disorder and Wednesday I have to go and check me tomorrow by a damn psychologist. I can not speak because I'm alone, and I'm alone because they are wrong, and everything starts again, like a circle. a vicious circle. I can not speak, and I cry, I cry all my tears and my stomach is closed, and not Vioglio eat. why? because I have an eating disorder. and I will not go out with cristina. why? because I can not stop pangere. because I do not make a right, because I do my best but it seems not enough. never. I am not enough ever. they are wrong in and apparently there are no victories, progress, achievements that take. gonna stay always a mistake.
No. 63432
>>63401Some google glitches, hopefully an Italian speaker can set it right. Here's all of it:
"I know that you are heavy"
"No but.."
"I say it also to work; keep if you want to read something about new medicines. These things Communist; that better?"
I want to scream; I want to scream because I do not know who to talk to, because they are wrong. Why I drink tea in the evening, because I drink too much coffee, because I cry for nothing. Because I have a stupid eating disorder and Wednesday I have to go get "control", and tomorrow by a damn psychologist.
I can not speak because I'm alone, and I'm alone because they are wrong; and everything starts again, like a circle. A vicious circle. I can not speak, and I cry, I cry all my tears and stomach closes; and I will not eat.
Why? Because I have an eating disorder. And I will not go out with Cristina. Why? Because I can not stop crying. Because I do not make a right, because I do my best but it seems not enough …
Never. I am not enough ever. they are wrong in and apparently none are victories, progress, achievements that take. I'll stay always each error.
No. 63434
File: 1448285183070.gif (560.46 KB, 295x211, gaaaaaaaaaaaah.gif)

She KNOWS she's in the shit on Wednesday.
No. 63445
>>63444Wednesday. She sees her psychologist tomorrow.
Wow though at the difference.
No. 63451
>>63432It sounds like she's referring to all those people who think she's not really gaining weight i.e lolcow
and to be fair, it can take a long time
as someone who doesn't follow this thread, I don't get why you guys are being so tough on her. Let her be spoopy in peace. She's recovering, how is that a bad thing?
No. 63452
If you bother actually reading what is written it is indisputable that she is NOT recovering nor eating any of the food she posts about
Forreal anon pls
No. 63463
>>63396They have different artificial sweeteners.
(I don't know if this is true anymore for Diet Pepsi since they got rid of aspartame though.)
>>63398That was initially one of their main marketing gimmicks, but there is a difference between the drinks too.
No. 63468
She accidentally posts things a lot! First time I've seen an accidental copypasta tho. I hope she does it again, it's the first interesting thing on her IG in ages.
If she didn't show herself to be cunty in so many other regards, this diary entry would really make me feel for her. Instead, it reinforces what a complete farce her online (probably offline, too) persona is. #togetherwecan, indeed. You're alone, Alice, because you lie about everything, making it impossible to get support. I think the "wrong" people she wrote of were her family and treatment team. You know how it is when you're in your disorder: you feel like everyone's making a big deal about nothing. And that they're lying about you being a skeleton because they want you fat, fat, fat!
Okay, enough playing armchair psychologist for me.
That was probably from some private diary she writes on her phone, but what if she has some anonymous blog somewhere where she isn't spouting bullshit?
No. 63471
>>63469My guess is a mistranslation, an autocorrect, or her wrong choice of words. Maybe communist has two meanings in Italy.
Anyway, I think come tomorrow and Wednesday its going to hit the fan. I think the downfall of "RealRecovery" Aly is beginning. Bingo anon we are ready to see if we can get a bingo on these fine days approaching!!
No. 63479
File: 1448294040370.jpg (20.52 KB, 480x480, wat.jpg)

>>63401Wow. This is just…so damn weird. I'm so glad some farmers caught it. I agree that it's the most interesting thing to pop up on her Instagram in a long time. Aly's (understandably) probably freaking the fuck out about Wednesday, and I really do hope that something happens like that she gets sent inpatient, because she can't go on playing this ridiculous game forever. The really sad thing is that she's
chosen to be alone, she's set herself up so that she "can't speak" by CONSTANTLY TELLING LIES. Maybe she should have been her "authentic self" instead of putting on a false, manipulative front for the world for so long. I do feel bad for her, but, at the same time, she reeeeally put herself in this position.
>>63477Ummmm maybe it rhymes in Italian? Or she thinks "lunch" and "closeup" rhyme in English? There's no way I can look at that sentence and make it rhyme as it is.
No. 63481
>>63401Jesus, finally something interesting to break up the monotony of grapes and crackers and posi-vibes.
If this is an anonymous blog she has posted somewhere, we must seek it out!
No. 63484
File: 1448295252360.png (19.31 KB, 1034x52, Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 8.13…)

No. 63486
>>63484stop making Aly look at dissenting opinions, edworrior, it's
No. 63489
>>63484kek Aly deleted that comment
No. 63502
File: 1448297583586.jpg (235.92 KB, 1066x1323, Screenshot_2015-11-23-16-52-12…)

Scrap that
No. 63512
>>63502this is awfully sad
its like reading a message from a ghost, trapped in another world
No. 63515
>>63502Damn gurl. Finally some new milk.
I couldn't even be bothered to read her captions anymore because it's just so fake and repetitive.
Seconding the diary theory. She probably uses an app like Evernote where she types out both her IG captions, and random thoughts/venting. Also explains the weird autocorrect typos, because she probably typed very quickly while being obviously upset.
No. 63534
File: 1448302691704.jpeg (373.99 KB, 1281x1248, image.jpeg)

I guess all the crying could explain a bit of why your eyes always look like this. Too dehydrated to get puffy like most though. I want to feel bad but I don't sympathize with liars. It's too bad she's so caught up in this. She may never get the help she actually needs…
No. 63540
>>63534> I don't sympathize with liarsFreakin seconded. Like, this or that might
explain certain actions, but it does not excuse them.
No. 63542
File: 1448303993539.jpeg (246.16 KB, 1262x1443, image.jpeg)

Am I the only one who thinks its fucking weird that so many people want her to make more videos, they were so uncomfortable to watch. Out of all the popular 'recovery accounts' I've seen, she's the only one to post videos or really even be asked to make them. Do some of them get off on it? Are they all just bonkers in the head, or do they sickly enjoy watching an emaciated girl attempt a tiny bite. Regardless of the reason, it's just fucking weird.
No. 63555
File: 1448305899085.png (70.65 KB, 1102x160, Posi-Mask.png)

The contrast between this and her "diary entry" from earlier…yikes. She's dug such a dang (!) deep hole for herself and it sounds like it's pretty lonely down in the bottom.
No. 63569
File: 1448310598118.png (70.18 KB, 1142x220, Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 12.2…)

Oh my god, she's being nice to one of her assholegap-patters. She must know she needs all the help she can get for ~Day Hospital Control~.
No. 63669
File: 1448332312586.jpg (78.17 KB, 304x488, delete and block.jpg)

No. 63699
>>63650Hmm, isn't it a new psychologist though? I seem to recall some deal she has made with her parents?
She'll likely get another slap on the wrist at any rate… 'bad bloods' again.
No. 63740
File: 1448348206795.png (410.4 KB, 1080x1638, Sc1.png)

Comments pt1
No. 63741
File: 1448348280380.png (332.88 KB, 1080x1357, Sc2.png)

>>63740Comments pt2
(they will all probably be deleted when she wakes up)
No. 63743
>>63742Damn so right and some overly positive words about being EXCITED(!) to go see her psych. When in reality it's the opposite and she doesn't want help. The support comments are all a waste. She doesn't want help.
Oh well maybe something will happen.
If not here's to the many lolcow threads to come until that day she mysteriously stops posting.
No. 63746
>>63740>>63741They're already gone. It's so sad and infuriating that she could that she could easily reach out and get the help, support, and encouragement she so clearly needs to actually recover; she could stop feeling so alone and "silenced"; she could stop living this miserable half-life and move toward creating a life worth living, but she can't bring herself to choose that route over the Spoopy Instagram Idol route. She seems quite far gone mentally and I think it's going to take her being
forced inpatient and
forced to gain weight for her to recover and be able to think rationally at this point. Hopefully her parents and "specialists" see things the same way.
No. 63747
File: 1448351437674.png (40.36 KB, 1118x82, Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 11.4…)

Well color me shocked. I wonder why she's so nervous? She's been gaining weight and doing so well in #realrecovery - I don't get it?
No. 63749
>>63746Yep. They are gone. Shows ya, don't waste your time typing real support to Aly or it will be deleted. Blindly praise her or else bye bye. Surprisingly
>>63669 is still up. Guess she didn't see that one.
Fingers crossed she is forced inpatient tomorrow after her disappointing weigh in.
No. 63752
>>63751I know! It's the way she was so sure of herself when she said it means drowned, "same thing".
I want her to do more work fuck ups.
No. 63754
>>63753that´s really sad, because you wrote in a kind and supporting way :(
I wonder what she is going to do if she gets forced fed or IP tomorrow?
Will she once more make a "new start"?
change her name to aly_realrealrecovery?
After maybe a year of the same, eating 7 cookies and over the stars mood, she will make a "new new start" and change her name into aly_realrealrealrecovery?
to be continued.
I hope for the PERSON (not the diffuse virtual instagram personality that she has built) that she finds inner and outer peace, health and happiness.
Her further steps will increase or decrease her sympathy to me, depends on wath she´s doing with the honestly supporting and caring (!) meant comments that her followers "love" her, whatever she does.
For sure, I don´t know her personally and actually I feel really bad for judging someone that I only know because of a few (hundred lol) pics on a social media site, but she is the one who chose to make her life public (part of her life) and share it with such a wide range of strangers that she has to include consequences of strangers thinking about her.
No. 63761
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Nooooo idea.
I've been looking at elenasrecovery account. It's been said before, but it shows how little effort Aly puts into her meal plan if this girl's following one similar.
This looks so much more substantial than that corner of a bowl that Aly takes a pic of andgodicouldjusteatthat.
No. 63768
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I think we've got to the root of her outburst of tears yesterday…
No. 63769
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>>63768Bless him despite the horrible jacket.
No. 63774
>>63726 You're welcome
It was up for literally 30 seconds, but she gets 100 likes a minute so I can't have been only one who saw it, I can't believe she's not acknowledged it yet, ignorance is bliss and all that
No. 63786
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No. 63788
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Wonder what the argument was about…and why so nervous, Aly? You've said you've been gaining weight, sooooo
No. 63790
>>63776Sometime emotional eater here. So
triggered when she writes that shit. I could go a croissant right now.
No. 63791
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No. 63803
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Fuck these delusional posters
No. 63804
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Burger and fries, yeah right.
No. 63806
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Who the hell eats a hamburger with a fork?
No. 63808
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