File: 1443374909848.gif (1.02 MB, 399x229, 1443166217893.gif)

No. 37087
Last thread:
>>33022Our best gal and recovery warrior exits the hospital after chiding her specialists for not giving her a sufficient meal plan for gaining. Crackers and grapes are had. McDonalds is photographed. All snacks are extras and purely of her own volition and willpower. She is teaching the Englishes good to fix her special hyperactivity.
No. 37118
File: 1443381168955.jpg (45.14 KB, 459x472, germz.JPG)

>>37116You know you can still look at her account though?
>>37087Ahahaha, this is the FIRST header pic I won't have to hide. COOOOKIEEEES!
>>37101Cakes with an Oreo stuck in it is SO American. I mean..OREOS!!! Now I'm not a germaphobe, but cuddling a bear that's been fondled by 100s before is NOT what I consider to be hygienic. I mean, this girl could have herpes on her lips.
No. 37122
>>37118Lol, the only other place I've seen a cupcake with a friggin' OREO stuck in the top like that was in a shop actually named "Fat Bottomed Girls".
It was delicious by the way.
No. 37143
File: 1443388307728.jpg (38.88 KB, 451x491, stud.JPG)

>>37133They seem to think bagels are big deal American too. And croissants for some reason.
The bear and that rabbit cushion really bug me. It looks like it needs a good wash in this pic.
No. 37289
File: 1443429452232.png (199.11 KB, 534x786, mm.png)

> ffs aly im sick of posing for ur stupid ig fotos!!!!11
No. 37291
File: 1443429750689.jpg (61.31 KB, 418x745, Screenshot_2015-09-28-09-39-57…)

Get the girl some anti aging cream
No. 37297
File: 1443434278879.png (621.56 KB, 866x564, aaaaaaaaaaa.png)

No. 37299
>>37297She looks much worse on the right.
She also looks better without makeup than with that grandma-tier shit she smears on her face.
No. 37302
File: 1443435348690.jpg (196.31 KB, 640x895, image.jpg)

Apparently a week ago is "ages" to Aly, the girl is an over exaggerator and it drives me slightly more mental than I already am. And how is your like 10th waffle still a #recoverywin.. Honestly at that point it's not a damn fear food anymore.
No. 37312
File: 1443439481712.png (2.91 MB, 1866x1198, Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 4.13…)

>>37302LOL, that comment made me go back and check, and she's had one banana a week for the past SEVEN WEEKS. And now, with this banana, she's "reintroduc[ing] them to [her] fruits variety"? Ooookay. And how could she forget that she ate a banana a few days earlier when she literally called it (as a topping on a waffle) her "favorite food"?
No mention in her previous "nana" (gag) posts of them being a big scary ~fear food~ that her "stupid disordered thoughts" tell her to avoid, either.
No. 37314
File: 1443439631671.png (2.9 MB, 1868x1198, Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 4.14…)

>>37312(her next-most-recent "nana")
OMG what a #recoverywin! "Nanas" are clearly a fear food, but she's conquering them anyway! So recovery, much brave.
No. 37318
File: 1443441505886.jpg (253.81 KB, 1068x1511, Screenshot_2015-09-28-12-56-45…)

Aly the little Blondie monkey hahaha love her description!
No. 37322
>>37317I'm more hamfisted (prosciuttofisted?) than subtle, but I tried.
>>37320For now…Aly seems fairly capricious when it comes to her deleting/blocking, though, so I'm just waiting to get stomped. Very scaring!
>>37318Oh wow, bananas really ARE challanging! Truly, Aly is a brave #edworrior.
No. 37324
File: 1443443448694.png (16.75 KB, 842x56, Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 5.27…)

This comment is so blunt and truthful amidst all of the ass-licking - I shouldn't laugh but I can't help it
No. 37329
File: 1443448443077.png (68.57 KB, 1142x224, Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 6.50…)

I was going back through Aly's Insta and I saw this from a few days ago…I'd seen the comment at the time, but I didn't see that she responded to it. It really seems like she's just enamored with and proud of her very visible spoopiness, which surprises me, because the people I've known with EDs have been quite self-conscious.
No. 37330
>>37328This. I'm starting to think that anything she ingests is a #recoverywin.
I loved her little explanation of her meal plan that was all what she'd told people in comments (and I thought that she thought that everyone read her every caption and comment). If her snacks are going over her meal plan every day, She has GOT to not be following this meal plan correctly. If this is really what they
imposed, then either they're even more incompetent than we thought or else the portions she chooses are at least 1/3 too small.
No. 37339
File: 1443453342679.png (2.82 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-09-28-10-14-07…)

I really hope this guy has better sense than to date her
No. 37343
>>37339He doesn't look happy
Probably because he wants his ice cream back lmao
No. 37346
File: 1443455525219.png (1.65 MB, 776x1190, Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 8.51…)

I am so sad for this cup
No. 37348
File: 1443456295518.jpg (13.19 KB, 259x194, botulism.jpg)

>>37346I'm surprised the plastic hasn't cracked by now. How long has she been using it? At least a year.
No. 37352
File: 1443457097237.jpg (77.94 KB, 1012x509, Screenshot_2015-09-28-17-15-33…)

And here, ladies and gentlemen is why aly doesn't really recover. She posts photos each week of bananas (bowl, waffle, whatever) but doesn't eat them. So you are a liar. A humongous liar. I wonder what else you eat/don't eat/ reveal you've missed later on
No. 37359
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No. 37386
File: 1443464007419.jpg (268.53 KB, 1074x1082, IMG_20150928_200959.jpg)

OMG somebody is creeping up on her
No. 37429
File: 1443472259837.png (940.99 KB, 618x1014, Breakfast 'DAWG'.png)

In Ginger news, at first, when I saw this, I thought to myself, "Wow, you've actually made yourself a fairly palatable meal that your average normalperson would be able to eat without gagging!" But no, you had to make it all weird by adding ginger, Ginger. Why for? And I'm assuming that's PB2, not real peanut butter, and that there's stevia in there somewhere, right?
>carrot dog
I don't want to know
>vooweedoo: I thought you had a really high fat intolerance?
No. 37431
File: 1443472987288.png (57.42 KB, 1112x188, Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 1.38…)

I don't know why I'm even remotely surprised by her cuntiness to her followers anymore. Saying that you were "at the window" doesn't even imply "in your own home," so it's not just a "how dare you not have read every word of every one of my captions?" thing this time, either. I guess when you have over 25,000 followers, you don't really need to be nice to any of them individually (or avoid blocking them on whims).
No. 37441
File: 1443476748848.jpg (17.5 KB, 620x109, nanagate.JPG)

Nanagate continues.
No. 37468
File: 1443482682125.png (Spoiler Image,1.99 MB, 1198x1196, Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 4.21…)

>>37464I was eating and now I feel like I'm going to hurl. This pic is too much. Please make it stop. WHY, GINGER, WHY?
No. 37471
File: 1443482777660.png (Spoiler Image,41.7 KB, 1118x126, Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 4.22…)

>>37429And yeah that was PB2, and Ginger is a gigantic liar. This whole ~allergic to fats~ thing is ridiculous.
No. 37479
>>37471Whoops, that pic wasn't meant to be spoilered. Just
>>37468 (Jesus does NOT approve).
No. 37494
File: 1443484992163.jpeg (555.29 KB, 1265x1479, image.jpeg)

On the topic of Bananas, Found this account earlier, girl is weight restored and seems healthy, but damn.. This chick eats pounds of bananas a week. Potassium overload!
No. 37500
File: 1443486543915.jpg (14.96 KB, 324x170, chipping.JPG)

>>37339BUlimia confirmed. See the tiny chips in her two front teeth? There is nothing else in this world that would cause that except acid hitting the backs of teeth over a prolonged period
No. 37506
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>>37503yeah some people are just born with small ridges on their teeth. they're called mamelons.
No. 37560
File: 1443510930050.png (110.31 KB, 1134x278, Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 12.1…)

On tenterhooks I await the news of what malady or tragedy hath caused our dearest Aly to awaken in such a ~low mood~
No. 37561
>>37560I hate how she does that "I'll tell you more later" thing, like she really wants people to come back and see.
When's her appointment - 2 weeks away? Hm, I was going to suggest it was another "I think I've lost weight" reveal, but it's just going to be some poxy post about her "weather sensitivity", or an argument with her dad.
No. 37564
>>37562>Go for 'lunch' pose with the food claim real recovery etc etc job doneDoesn't take a psychic, does it. She's so hungry for comments.
Btw, I've seen corpses in Victorian memento mori photos look more alive than Aly on that holiday pic. Shit, she looks so ill.
No. 37574
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them skelly arms tho
No. 37576
File: 1443517959429.jpg (33.53 KB, 534x401, 635669541485589102-AP-STARBUCK…)

>>37349It's a plastic frappacino cup. For fuck's sake, you can tell it's plastic just by LOOKING at it.
No. 37578
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>>37576I never get my coffee at Starbucks, but there's a kind of open plan Starbucks in the shopping centre so I've seen the different cups you can buy.
I thought of Aly and examined the one like she uses but the REAL tough plastic reusable one and yeah, they're noticeably different from the flimsy single use ones.
I'm surprised she turned down the offer of a free one. I wonder if it's some weird ritual thing to use that gross one? It's disgusting, like using the plastic bowls you get ready made salad in over and over. WHO DOES THAT?
No. 37579
File: 1443519454631.png (652.49 KB, 582x550, ssg.png)

>aly ~never~ uses sugar
>spills half of it on table
>other half is still in packet
No. 37590
>>37579Seriously. She just did it to be ~artistic~ and it's a fucking waste.
My money is on that she eats lunch at a restaurant and totally conquers it without any problem whatsoever. (Or at least, that's what she tells us.)
No. 37598
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No. 37616
File: 1443536150632.png (48.66 KB, 552x146, What does it mean.png)

>>37560Woke up to see that this comment had been deleted. Google translate is giving me roughly this:
>Better talk to your therapist to give a meaning along with your check uncomfortable today when the symptom is because there is some "piece" of you, some feeling, that you do not from space and word. But listen to the symptom is an opportunity to bring out the real nodes that are below! You do not have to throw you headlong force on the symptom, not a defeat would be a safe lunch … just not restrict … sometimes better (for me) not to do "too much" alone without therapist support if you do not feel, x then not have the relapse after! If the therapist then we come to the head maybe instead you feel and you will enjoy it big time!Why delete that? Am I missing something in the translation? It seems like a supportive comment…? I don't understand this girl, but I'm sick of her shenanigans.
No. 37624
For NDYP and Aly.
>>37623Very few calories there.
No. 37666
>>37655I don't think anyone is actually in love with him and it's more of a joke than anything so get over yourself
>>37662Stop agreeing with yourself
No. 37668
File: 1443563674759.png (76.8 KB, 320x302, Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 2.52…)

>>37666Different anon here, but thank you.
>la faccia mia quando people are taking the Dante shit so seriouslyC'mon guys, we're on lolcow dot farm here. Lighten up.
No. 37672
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No. 37712
File: 1443571502054.jpeg (146.71 KB, 640x710, image.jpeg)

OH my god I think I might throw up. This is absolutely disgusting and people are commenting and calling her beautiful.
No. 37724
File: 1443573310934.png (57.62 KB, 716x658, Screenshot 2015-09-29 at 7.33.…)

Without the Fortimel she's at sedentary maintenance calories. And you know she's not drinking the Fortimel.
No. 37729
>>37349The reusable ones don't come with dome lids.
I offered to send one to Aly (because who knows, maybe a sense of pride with a fancy Starbucks cup might help her keep fortimel down?) but she declined for two reasons, she doesn't want to accept gifts from strangers, and also she doesn't want anyone to know where she lives. Seems reasonable actually.
No. 37755
>>37724That's deffffinitely not a 250-cal muffin. Maybe 100. Otherwise it doesn't seem remarkably off, though depends what's in that prawn salad. If she's not putting much dressing on it, I wouldn't be surprised if it were 150-200 cals.
Now we all doubt she's eating all her food, due in part to her incredibly pained expression and slow chewing in videos… if she were eating even a relatively impressive 75%, she's coming in barely over 1000 cals. Enough to maintain at that body weight, enough to lose if she's active. Which she is.
No. 37759
>>37718>>37717>>37714Congrats. You agree with yourself.
>>37724I'm guessing you're being pretty generous with those measurements?
No. 37780
>>37778The way she was talking, I thought she already had a publisher who was interested. Then I see she set up a gofuckme to self publish.
Can you give a quick rundown of what the banana bread is? I feel a bit queasy atm and can't face her ig feed at the best of times.
No. 37785
>>37778This is the recipe I tried:'s not even fucking "bread", just a handful of oats and a banana drowned in stevia.
No. 37786
>>37785Thanks. In theory that sounds okay (I'm fond of mashed banana sprinkled with cinnamon/cinnamon sugar, microwaved for 20 secs) APART from the Stevia. It looks really dry.
She really needs to get people other than herself to give feedback on her concoctions. Maybe she has mutant taste buds.
No. 37789
>>37788A few days ago origamipunk asked her if she has extreme hunger, and aly replied that she had it before her relapse last year but THAT WAS THE ONLY TIME. Okay, extreme hunger/hunger is a different thing, but even though I have a really small appetite my body tells me I need to eat and I get hungry so have a snack.
I find it odd she doesn't snack at night. I don't expect chocolate bars or pints of ice cream, but it just seems natural that if she's eating so little she'd want to munch on some fruit or a bit of cereal.
She drinks coffee instead of eating.
No. 37791
File: 1443596070333.jpg (17.21 KB, 257x229, lol.JPG)

No. 37792
File: 1443597973177.jpg (28.33 KB, 249x261, 483787509274.JPG)

Why are these ppl so blind. SHE ISN'T GAINING WEIGHT FFS
No. 37800
File: 1443607415373.jpeg (77.79 KB, 640x440, image.jpeg)

Deleted in 3.. 2.. 1
No. 37801
>>37799I honestly think she does lack that self-awareness. Holy fuck.
Of course, someone mentioned taking antidepressants to her and she replied that she was considering it. Wow, so she finally admits that they're sometimes necessary!
I don't know if I agree that she's depressed though. I think she's one of the rare anorexics without the comorbidity of depression. It seems her therapist agrees.
No. 37807
>>37788>>37789Yeah, I think she's pretty clearly restricting in some way, and she HAS to be hungry, but admitting to that would be ~so totally not Ana~. Admitting to getting hungry at night when she allegedly doesn't have a night snack in her meal plan would be showing weakness on her part.
>>37799I do think that Aly is actually oblivious to the fact that things like not sleeping well, being in a bad mood a lot of the time (I don't believe all of that fake positivity shit for a second; she's probably grumpy as fuck at least much if not most of the time), etc. could possibly be ED-related. I don't think she's had a doctor come down hard enough on her about the realities of her ED, what it's doing to her, what the consequences will be, etc. Either that, or she's completely in denial or completely doesn't care.
No. 37809
File: 1443613657375.png (878.26 KB, 618x962, Ginger's latest.png)

>>37808Aside from the "breakfast dawg" dick-sucking pic posted above, and her pleas for donations for her #thefitvegangingercookbook, she's just doing the same old same old. Here's her latest meal. I'm very impressed by her ability to eat and act like she enjoys things that look like diarrhea and sound like they must taste horrid.
No. 37813
>>37810I'm just put off by the appearance/consistency of the "pumpkin PB lentil curry over broc sprouts." Sorry, but that just looks like baby food or a pile of diarrhea. And who the fuck puts curry on top of SPROUTS? Where's yer goddamn basmati rice? This mockery of Indian food is making me so sad. Hell, there are tons of vegan naan recipes, but no, that would require consuming more than like 50 calories of some kind of bread-y product, and Jesus knows you can't have
that on a "
high carb low fat vegan diet."
No. 37814
File: 1443616471619.png (39.61 KB, 1126x144, Screen Shot 2015-09-30 at 5.30…)

Sage for not-Aly-related content, but someone mentioned suicidal_bitch_fuckface in the previous thread, and…yeah. Not sure how much more of her posting her gaping wounds (with fat blobs visible) and "WAAHHH someone called the cops because I was threatening to kill myself" shit I can take before I have to unfollow. I've never before seen someone this desperate to land themselves in the hospital. It's like she wants to have a long-term institutionalization.
No. 37816
File: 1443618171316.jpg (175.59 KB, 640x773, image.jpg)

Inb4 deletion and "there is DM for a reason monkey emoji"
No. 37818
File: 1443618926834.jpg (48.71 KB, 640x268, image.jpg)

cant tell if she's serious or not, but here's some damage caused by Aly. Sophie has another thing coming if she thinks she's going to gain gradually. And by gradually, I mean 1lb every three months.
No. 37820
>>37818I hate to say it, but I think she's serious. I mean, look at her account: - seems legit.
But yeah, unfortunately she's going to be in for a huge surprise if she tries to eat like 2-3k calories/day (or more) and doesn't "gain weight" like Aly does(n't).
No. 37823
>>37087>>37818poor girl, she's gonna be so dissapointed.
Offtopic, but her account is pretty. Her plates seem so tasty i want to eat them all
No. 37839
File: 1443632693888.jpg (40.23 KB, 540x210, IMG_20150930_100320.JPG)

Oh my sides
No. 37844
>>37839I just started following her. Her comment's too funny and her doggy's really cute.
>>37838Indian's the best food on the planet.
No. 37852
Is this her: mentions suicidalbunny on the
>>37850She doesn't look like she needs to gain much weight. She's not aly spoopy. She IS very attractive.
No. 37854
File: 1443636724435.jpg (48.51 KB, 1214x342, d.JPG)

Never mind, I found my answer.
No. 37860
File: 1443638028170.png (1.12 MB, 1136x832, Bawwww.png)

NDYP here. Commenting on Aly's posts has been like playing a bizzaro version of Jenga, but apparently I finally did something to cause Aly to fucking block me and the tower has come tumbling down. I am cry ;_; I hate having to make a new throwaway account. I kept that one for quite a while. Sorry guys. I'll be back!
(Pic related, it's what I'm trying to tell myself. I'm so broken up about the fact that Aly apparently doesn't want me as a friend, though!)
No. 37863
File: 1443638360008.jpg (13.53 KB, 320x272, blatant christian bale perving…)

It was fun while it lasted. Do not cry because #recovery is possible (!)
No. 37868
File: 1443638798768.png (523.72 KB, 1365x547, grainyfilteredfood.png)

>>37858I searched it on Google anon. And apparently the picture is from Facebook (I'm going by the URL) she's definitely a catfish. Maybe the girl they were using left the internet or didn't have enough images, who knows.
No. 37870
>>37868I tried a reverse search for some images but didn't find any! Yeah, the pic of the girl doesn't seem like someone as sick as she describes on her first couple of captions.
>>37869I'm a retard, idk.
No. 37884
File: 1443641539046.jpg (57.15 KB, 794x519, aaaaaaaaaaaahg.JPG)

wtf??? TMI, girl.
No. 37885
File: 1443641743946.jpg (55.26 KB, 713x667, booty.JPG)

why does she want to gain weight on her ass? it's not like she's spoopy in the before shot.
No. 37886
>>37881I think in some way J is even worse because of the aforementioned frequent hints at behaviours and talking about her weight loss all the fucking time (she posted scale photos to prove she's underweight) but still pretending to want to help those in recovery. At least Aly pretends to eat everything to eat. If that makes any sense. What I'm trying to say is if you ignore that Aly is spoopy as ever, you think she's doing (too) well in recovery. With J you think you're following this inspiring recovery blog but then you get all those
triggering posts on your dash.
No. 37895
>>37893She looks heavier than that. Idk, she doesn't interest me. Her face is annoying and I don't get what she's all about. She looks like these inbred rich people who go to Oxford Uni.
No. 37913
File: 1443651180874.png (420.41 KB, 732x470, #sosad.png)

>>37875I don't even know! I was being ~super positive~ and #realrecovery! Maybe I used too many hashtags. I'm pretty broken up about it.
No. 37928
File: 1443653728639.jpg (54.97 KB, 715x474, 29.JPG)

>>37924But this is from 29th September. No way is she only 95lbs. She looks like a UK size 10 / US 6 (?)
No. 37929
File: 1443653872177.jpg (35.54 KB, 700x623, e.JPG)

and her thighs aren't thin. Is she faking an ED?
No. 37936
>>37928I'm 5'4 and looked that way when I was in the 130's. There's no way that she's 95 lbs.
>>37929I'd think she could be, but you don't have to be underweight to have anything other than AN.
No. 37968
>>37928she probably is 95 lbs but with a very high body fat % and no muscle.
i was 5'2" and 95 lbs and looked like that when i was at 30% (which is very high and i was going through muscle wasting due to thyroid problems and basically couldnt open a door)
she doesnt look very fit or toned to me
No. 37975
>>37851i follow her, if you're part of the ""recovery"" community on ig (basically list mental illnesses or hospital stays in your bio) she'll most likely accept you. she absolutely does my head in but i can't look away. she updated ig like five times when she was literally running from the police when they tried to take her to a hospital for some reason smh
sage for ot
No. 37991
File: 1443661984826.png (29.83 KB, 310x322, vvvv.png)

not sure if this is someone from here or..
No. 38014
>>37816>Because her daily intake isn't consistent it is going to do more damage physically than goodWhat the absolute fuck is this person talking about? Do they really have that little knowledge of how calories and metabolism works?
Not to mention, even if inconsistent calorie intake actually did
anything, Aly has more calorie consistency than most people since she eats the same things so often.
No. 38028
Since we don't know what any of you look like, these are just random numbers without any reference. Besides, I don't really care about her weight. If she thinks she gets skelly points for being underweight when she looks normal, she's wrong.
No. 38093
>>38092Yeah, but no one here said she looked "fat as fuck". Some of us just don't think she looks spoopy, which should be a compliment, right?
Triggered because she looks a healthy weight. L O fucking L.
Okay, you look spoopy. Stop baw bawing. Can't win with these attention seeking freaks.
No. 38097
File: 1443692573847.jpg (28.64 KB, 629x136, CHOCOLATE.JPG)

>>38095That's what I was saying! She's … slim. If she wants to think she's skinny then fine, but why is she butthurt that she looks slim and not spoopy?
Anyhow, do you think Aly will make one of her cunty "read the caption :)" posts to her uber fan living_for_rap
>Wow looks amazing! What is the top if it? Cinnamon or chocolate?Not the sharpest tool in the box is she. How does that NOT look like it's chocolate?
No. 38099
File: 1443693081905.jpg (120.09 KB, 928x590, determinated english teacher.J…)

>>38098She's 22. That surprises me because she's really immature. Her writing comes across like a schoolkid scribbling notes to someone. Sorry, kid. You're just not
that special.
This post of Aly's is confusing me. What's the greatest achievement she's doing?
No. 38110
>>38034But why? The only reason I can think that it would be important so they can tell if a certain food has a negative affect. But why would she need to eat pretty much the same foods every day?
Honestly, it just sounds like the same sort of flawed logic that goes into the 2468 diet. (Hate to break it to the anas in this thread, but your metabolism is not stupid enough to be tricked in such a manner.)
No. 38114
>>38103Her ribcage barely even shows lol.
She must have deleted a picture of her in high school where she claimed "despite what it looks like, I was not overweight here." which was bullshit because she definitely looked overweight. I think the only reason she wasn't technically overweight was because of that small frame someone mentioned.
No. 38124
File: 1443699552102.jpg (Spoiler Image,227.31 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_ns9xwiHJB11t0kjuzo1_128…)

why in fuck
No. 38132
File: 1443701379012.jpg (Spoiler Image,144.99 KB, 1080x1656, Screenshot_2015-10-01-13-56-14…)

No. 38152
>>38150EXACT same thought.
I thought she'd had some kind of epiphany and she was going to get some ice cream and chocolate and eat something really substantial from now on - BAHAHAHA. She totally punk'd me.
>she posts blackberriesExcuse me, it's a
ton of blackberries!!!
I can't ignore this:
>>38132Her bewbs must droop. She feels the need to cover them, but doesn't mind pushing her vadge in our faces. There's that question again … WHY?
No. 38155
>>38154hahaha, oh jesus.
> pleasures of being alone at home and cooking in peace pleasures of being alone at home and being able to toss this shit straight in the bin.
No. 38176
>>37386gasps Dante's fanfic comes in anon's mindIt's…
whisper HIM
She will pour the fortimel away and then Dante will come and look for Don Casati's diamonds.
C-Can I confess something, guiez? This fortimel looks tasty. I wanted to try it. If she really just throws it away she's dumb for two reasons. Just four Fortimel 125 ml bottles come for about 17 dollars, and you're often supposed to drink two Fortimel a day. If you want to act bratty that's okay, but don't make your parents waste money, since you're already giving 'em enough worries
No. 38179
>>38120put like "20, anorexic, i drink too much. 3x IP 1x residential. I'm trying, i really am. please don't report me" in your bio, that should do it. i think she's wary of adding people bc she's probably been getting reported a lot lately…bc of the extra gory pics lately.
speaking of reporting.. whannorexic ordered her followers to report me. (I've never posted anything that violates IGs tos) but now i get the "a friend is concerned" pop ups pretty often. think ill get deleted anyway? even tho i didn't do shit?
No. 38215
File: 1443716102788.png (1.82 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-01-17-03-56…)

Tiny arse plate
No. 38297
File: 1443734806802.png (244.69 KB, 926x323, Screenshot 2015-10-01 at 4.25.…)

I'm sad and forgot I ever sent a follow request for this one. She's like 12 :\
No. 38304
File: 1443735183560.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.36 KB, 378x366, lips.jpg)

Ginger's lips are horrible dear god
(Btw she's not private anymore!)
No. 38306
>>38304holy shit what the fuck
someone start a kickstarter to get her some raw vegan fat free lip balm
No. 38308
File: 1443735465692.png (551.11 KB, 926x392, burger.PNG)

Mmmm, a delicious lunch of sprouts and dried dog turd served on 2 lumps of rock hard bread.
No. 38313
>>38306Her feet are worse. Why post a picture of your naked dirty feet??? Why??????
Ginger is honestly so goddamn ugly. Her ugly face makes me rage. I can't look at her IG
No. 38315
File: 1443736873368.png (169.7 KB, 666x660, IMG_20151001_175558_edit.png)

>>38123First time I've heard "into" as a verb outside of polandball. Are yuo of the mspaint squigglyballs also?
Aly pic-related. Lol, called her out.
No. 38424
File: 1443777872546.jpg (68.19 KB, 1054x348, Screenshot_2015-10-02-10-23-19…)

No. 38426
File: 1443782126991.jpg (179.97 KB, 598x596, wheres the boobs.jpg)

>>38335You can especially tell in the #throwback #OOTD picture she posted today. She asks what people think of the outfit too… I'm so tempted to say something like, "Wow, your boobs look super small in this outfit compared to other OOTDs!"
No. 38442
File: 1443793253309.jpg (49.31 KB, 350x311, oui.JPG)

No. 38446
File: 1443796512316.jpg (137.45 KB, 749x747, boring.JPG)

Drives me bonkers that she takes her exchanges so literally.
"1 protein, 2 carbs, 1 veg" apparently translates to dry as fuck looking plates of random food items thrown together with no sauce or condiments.
No. 38461
File: 1443799714980.jpg (100.15 KB, 636x639, one veg two carbs one protein.…)

This is less appetising than hospital food. She needs some gravy or sauce. Why does she call sorbet and w/e "extras" but won't add things to her "meal plan-ned" food? What doesn't she understand?
No. 38514
File: 1443823300365.png (133.02 KB, 1150x276, Screen Shot 2015-10-02 at 2.51…)

So confused. I could have sworn that, a while back, Aly said that she drank soy milk. Then, recently, someone asked her what type of milk she drank, and she said "semi-skimmed." Now soy milk is "new discovered!"? Or is it a non-native English speaker thing and "new discovered!" is supposed to refer to something aside from the soy milk?
Everything Aly has said lately about her meal plan (it getting "increased," following it
exactly but then having huge "extra" snacks, etc.) has just left me so fucking baffled. I truly have no idea what the hell is going on with this girl. I don't know why I even bother to keep checking her stupid Instagram.
>>38446>>38461But anon(s), you forgot the two tablespoons of oil with each meal (except breakfast, which apparently isn't a meal)! It's the prescribed dose of oil!
No. 38522
File: 1443827203974.png (1.9 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-03-00-05-42…)

Got sick a couple of weeks ago
My vomit looked quite a lot like this
No. 38548
>>38520Soy milk might taste sweeter. I sometimes have problems with lactose, so I tried soy milk in my iced coffee and it seemed sweeter than usual. (However, I prefer almond milk all the way.)
However, with Aly, you answered your own question:
>soy milk usually has less calories than dairy No. 38562
File: 1443847344230.jpg (73.06 KB, 540x403, IMG_20151002_214124.JPG)

No. 38574
File: 1443854017960.jpeg (135.35 KB, 633x849, image.jpeg)

Not sure if these people are trolling or serious..
No. 38578
File: 1443857044012.jpg (374.11 KB, 1024x787, Screenshot_2015-10-03-03-21-24…)

Forgot image.
No. 38593
>>38581I think it's supposed to be pretty/decorative/indicative of it being an impressive cappuccino, not necessarily about calories, but it is annoying (as is everything she does day after day after day, IMO)
>>38591Wait, does anyone actually think that?
No. 38595
File: 1443872913599.png (32.79 KB, 1118x92, Screen Shot 2015-10-03 at 4.36…)

>>38578What does she even mean by not "waking up well" and having "bad weather sensitivity," anyway? I usually just imagine her waking up with a huge jolt and falling out of bed onto the floor and then crying about it not looking like a perfectly beautiful day outside, but now I'm wondering what she actually is trying to say. And, if she means that she's sensitive to
cold, she's a fucking moron if she doesn't realize (or think others will realize) that that's related to her ED and her being a spoopy.
How do you wake up
badly, though, really? Does she mean that she felt ~in a low mood~ when she woke up ("waking up on the wrong side of the bed")? Depression and EDs also go hand in hand, girl.
Also, living_for_rap has been treading on dangerous territory lately. How has
she not gotten blocked yet for asking such questions?
No. 38596
>>38595Living_for-rap is #1 fangirl. I imagine she DMs aly and gushes praise on her.
think by not waking up well she means she's feeling down and/or tired? Don't most people feel down when the weather turns? I wouldn't say I've got SAD because it sounds too much like a made up disease, but autumn/winter make me more depressed than usual. She talks like she's the only one darker mornings/shitty weather affects. She lives in Italy ffs. She gets loads more sun in summer than a lot of places in Europe. She's such an irritating person, I can understand why she doesn't see her friends often. She must piss them off.
No. 38597
File: 1443874205645.jpg (15.75 KB, 241x199, eggpron.JPG)

>>38596Me. One of her eggs is really slimy. I feel queasy.
No. 38616
>>38595>>38596By weather sensitivity, she just means that cloudy/rainy days make her feel dreary. Since it's so easily fixed though, she definitely exaggerates it (for attention I imagine).
SAD is real, and you might have it. It can be helped by having a bright,
bright light on for 15 minutes in the morning though, so I'm not sure how much of a problem it really is, you know? As in, it's real but not always a huge problem.
I don't know if most people feel noticeably down when the weather turns though. I've heard/seen people act like it doesn't affect them as all. (Or like rainy days don't affect me, but cloudy ones can.)
Moving on though!
>I usually just imagine her waking up with a huge jolt and falling out of bed onto the floorThat's exactly what I imagine too! The way she describes her wake-ups, I just can't help it. Even when she wakes up super-posi, I imagine her falling out of bed with a jolt and then grinning like she does at her food.
No. 38634
>>38446>>38461Yeah, there's an obvious difference between her rigidity around homemade "meals", and those ~extras~ she allegedly has when going to restaurants.
If she is unable or unwilling to add even simple condiments, side dishes, etc to her "meals" then I can guarantee she is not eating those flamboyant restaurant foods, but rather that those serve as "food porn" for her sick followers, and probably herself as well, because she can look back on all the food she had right in front of her but was too ~strong~ not to eat.
No. 38644
File: 1443894167281.jpg (67.21 KB, 600x591, wrongness.JPG)

There is so much wrongness with Aly that I think there might be nothing right about her.
This pic illustrates some wrong:
- that disposable cup
- sitting on the floor
- those hideous jeggings/jeans
- wearing over the knee socks OVER her jeans
- those disgusting boots
- her nails
>>38616>>38643I was the anon who didn't want to say I had SAD. Year after year I've been told to get one of those lamps and blast myself with it. Said lamps are so fucking expensive.
Not sure about the SAD because I'm a depressive as it, but as soon as the nights start drawing it I want to hibernate. When the clocks go back and it's dark at 4pm I want to die. Okay, over dramatic there, but you catch my drift. We should live in Spain or sth during the harsh months, or actually get one of those lamps.
No. 38645
>>38644Me again.
Why does she sit in the road? You can see tyre tracks. Get off the floor, you twat.
No. 38646
File: 1443894449986.jpg (63.66 KB, 631x513, no socks thank fuck.JPG)

>>38645dropped pic with rage oops
No. 38649
>>38644Omfg those socks!
Maybe some italian anon can tell us if it's normal to sit on the street like a fucking homeless person.
No. 38650
>>38647It's always been the cost that put me off because I didn't even know how effective they were. I'll look on amazon.
I always really want Xmas over with because I know it's going to get lighter gradually after that, but late sept - late Feb are grim. Bless us.
>>38649Could be a cultural thing we can't comprehend, like cookies for breakfast.
No. 38656
File: 1443897641028.jpg (10.58 KB, 328x449, images (3).jpg)

>>38651Nah, she must use padded panties to match her bra
No. 38676
File: 1443904159628.jpg (12.9 KB, 342x399, 41iup9JSs8L._SX342_.jpg)

>>38673No it was something like this (pic) "Buttocks Enhancer" but Caucasian person colour.
No. 38686
File: 1443907342056.jpg (50.31 KB, 540x298, IMG_20151003_142100.JPG)

Ok that's it… I'm fucking done with Aly's excuses
No. 38691
File: 1443908088902.png (47.43 KB, 1146x172, Screen Shot 2015-10-03 at 2.29…)

"Dose of oil" makes me want to vomit. And I don't know who she thinks she's fooling with this shit - there's no way any of the lunches she's photographed have had 2 TABLESPOONS of oil included in them, and I highly doubt that she's stirring that much into her pasta sauce or whatever with dinner.
No. 38697
>>38685I don't think so. Recovery bloat doesn't exist on her planet either. When I started eating more, the (daily!) bloat was so bad I looked 4-6 months pregnant (to the point where family members asked if I'm pregnant) and I couldn't wear my normal clothes at night (wore loose pants like leggings, sweatpants etc instead).
To me that's a very obvious sign she doesn't really eat the things she posts. Maybe she has a few bites, but definitely not full portions.
No. 38702
>>38316…woah, I'm italian and I never knew that. It's not
that uncommon to see blonde hair in Italy, not even in the South where I live. Unless it's albino blonde - that is a rare thing anywhere. Your friend exaggerated for sure
No. 38714
she might be thinking it's colder than it really is because anorexics don't have enough fat to produce body heat which is why they grow lanugo on their bodies, it's a survival instinct when the body is trying to do all it can to save itself. in recovery, if you're in a severe physical state, even 2000 calories is starvation mode for your bodies needs to repair and that's a common misconception with the process, but she obviously isn't even hitting 2000. for aly to recover, she will obviously need the ng tube as we saw her water retention and rapid weight gain a few months back. water retention and bloating is a sign of healing, it is uncomfortable but necessary. she was sedentary in hospital too which was helping her. i have been in recovery, i'm not going to post my stats or whatever as it's irrelevant as hell but i'm letting you all know that because i know it's not at all the way she's portraying it. i've been to day programs with other girls and they all had some kind of experience with bloating, water retention, edema, night sweats, facial bloating etc. not one person had a comfortable recovery. she doesn't need the ng tube because she has a fear of food or whatever, but because her caloric needs are high and it'd be the most efficient way for her to heal rapidly. rapid initial weight gain is essential. aly isn't short either and she's under the age of 25, therefore her caloric needs could exceed 4000 a day. I have calculated her intake (not the days where she has pizza hey I'm in a lot of doubt with her consuming that) her intake is generally 1500-1700. on 'better days' it looks to nearly hit (only nearly) hit 2000. also having 3 cappuccinos in the morning isn't a normal behavior in itself. i used to have black coffee to throw off my hunger. if i were to lose 500grams like she did at her last hospital control whilst being inpatient, i would've had an ensure added to my intake IMMEDIATELY holy shit they would've been so mad. even if i didn't meet the criteria of at least .5-1kg a week i had an increase. i don't know why her dietitian would take away a supplement if she lost half a kilo… that's unheard of? fuck
No. 38738
>>38714Yeah, I bet Aly is cold. And uncomfortable. And depressed. I don't know or why she continues to do this fake over-the-top positivity act day after day for strangers on the internet. The longer this goes on, the more doubtful I am that she'll be able to pull out of it. When she was first hospitalized, I really thought there was a chance she'd be supervised and monitored and guided toward actual (not "REAL [!]") recovery. Now, I'd be less surprised if one day she just stopped posting.
>i don't know why her dietitian would take away a supplement if she lost half a kilo… that's unheard of? fuckI had one thought about this. Maybe people are getting suspicious that she's not drinking her Fortimels. It's easier to dump some liquid calories down a drain than it is to completely dispose of solid food like the crackers and fruit. Maybe her dietitian is testing out whether taking away a supplement drink and replacing it with "real food" will make any difference. Aly's been fucking around like this for MONTHS now and she really doesn't look like she can afford to lose any more weight, but maybe they're giving her "one last chance" (BAD IDEA). Or maybe she's pulling the wool over people's eyes IRL, or maybe they just don't know what the fuck to do at this point.
If she is legitimately working with "ED specialists," it's pretty perplexing how they're putting up with this shit and not realizing the urgency and danger of her situation. She's going an entire month between weigh-ins? Seriously? In that length of time, Aly could lose enough weight to end up dead. She could probably die pretty easily already at the weight she's at now. I only know how things are in the US, but here, that would be a massive liability - one that I doubt multiple outpatient providers would be willing to take on.
No. 38775
>>38771Summer SAD is also a thing. It's less common though. Aly and feeling cold – do really fit people with low body fat have cold intolerance as well?
No. 38796
File: 1443933430462.png (52.81 KB, 843x638, Screenshot 2015-10-03 at 11.34…)

Another #realrecovery day with Aly.
I don't know why the fuck I even put the Fortimel in, she is not drinking it.
Goddamn, her fiber…do you guys think she ever shits ever?
No. 38812
File: 1443944394616.jpg (79.93 KB, 531x870, IMG_20151004_093831.jpg)

>>38810Her eyes are dead already.
No. 38817
File: 1443949708814.jpeg (70.93 KB, 640x471, image.jpeg)

Bc straying from the holy meal plan would be a total sin (!)
No. 38818
>>38607wowwww stop being a lil bitch about some eggs
No. 38820
File: 1443951018370.jpg (9.55 KB, 166x63, deadeye.JPG)

>>38817Fruit as morning snack - the tiny peers and the 6 calorie "ton" of blueberries. Don't go pushing yourself too far, Aly.
She's barely getting any comments at this point. Not so popular.
No. 38825
>>38817It really is hilarious. So, for these "extras," Aly will go out and eat whatever (!) she (!) wants (!) because it's so dang lush (!) and superlicious (!) dear #edfamily, and #realrecovery means no restriction (!) ever and she wants to get out of the ~danger zone~ more quickly so she's #challenging herself and having all of these huge #recoverywins. But when it comes to her regular "meals," she's rigid as FUCK. MUST FOLLOW MEAL PLAN EXACTLY.
I don't understand why she's been given a meal plan that calls for her to eat basically the same thing day after day after day. I don't know what anyone else's experiences with dietitians have been like, but in my experience, they don't generally want you to eat the same thing (or almost the same thing, e.g., having a morning snack of crackers and fruit) every single day. As far as I can remember, since her first hospitalization when she received this meal plan, Aly has never had a breakfast that didn't consist of her fucking cookies and some coffee. She never has anything like fruit, yogurt, hot or cold cereal, toast, eggs, pancakes, waffles, etc. for her "first breakfast." Then, she goes out and has a "second breakfast" (!) that consists of her having whatever she feels like??? Like, one tragically small pancake with a few berries? She acts like these "extras" are so totally spontaneous, but they're polar opposites from the other things she eats where everything has to be exactly as the meal plan says to a tee. It's confusing. It seems like a professional would want to have her try to break some of her rigid food rituals by varying what she has for each meal a little more, but apparently not.
No. 38840
File: 1443959482803.png (2.64 MB, 1198x1192, Screen Shot 2015-10-04 at 4.46…)

Okay, not gonna lie, I'm usually disgusted by Aly's food, but this picture is making me drool. I'm so hungry and I wish I could make a bowl of that shit magically appear in front of me right now. I still think there's no way there are 2 tablespoons of oil in that. Shit might have been COOKED in 2 tablespoons of oil (unless it's a really big pan, though, that seems like a lot - the stuff doesn't look fried or excessively oily whatsoever; in fact, it doesn't really look like it was cooked in oil at all, IMO), but unless they poured the remaining cooking oil onto the pasta, eating that pasta is NOT eating the full "dose" of oil. Most of it's getting left behind in the pan.
This shit bugs me so much. I don't even know why.
No. 38843
>>38840That looks watery in places rather than oily. If this is being cooked for the 4 of them, 2 tablespoons of oil wouldn't work out much, but still looks like water from boiling the pasta.
Veggie, so don't do seafood, but the thing I don't like about her food is the lack of a sauce. It always looks too bland. Even ginge does dips!
No. 38849
>>38847I love condiments. Especially herbs and HOT SAUCE. I like flavor. Bland isn't worth the energy used to chew it.
If it wasn't for Alice's frequent outings for ~lush~ sweets, I'd think that she purposely made her food bland so that it wouldn't be appeizing to her. Or maybe she just doesn't know how to cook.
No. 38858
File: 1443967615658.png (86.96 KB, 480x479, caustic burning.png)

made y'all a thing
find a random account on the recovery tags and see how many you can tick off!
No. 38862
>>38858omg the taggsssss this bugs the shit out of me, when it's like
>#ana #anorexia #mia #bulimia #ednos #ed #edfamily #edrecovery #eatingdisorder #myEDismyendireidentity FUCK OFFFFF
No. 38863
File: 1443968710886.png (2.19 MB, 1196x1194, Screen Shot 2015-10-04 at 7.24…)

I'm really bothered that Aly put those grapes in there when they were still attached to the stem.
No. 38865
File: 1443968810729.jpg (76.17 KB, 605x596, funny food.JPG)

I like when recovering anas play with their food though.
>>38863I was just looking at this and thought that whatever she sticks in with her frozen ensure fortimel, it's going in the bin anyway. She's trying to look so in control with that drizzle of honey. At least she can wash the grapes and put them back.
No. 38866
File: 1443969038783.jpg (98.4 KB, 928x591, recovery.JPG)

It pisses me off when things like this come up on #anarecovery tag (I'm looking for more Queens and Princesses of Certain Foods).
Posing with gaps and commenting on how few calories she's going to eat. Yay, #edrecovery win!!!
No. 38880
>>38859 >>38862 it's the least I could do uwu
>>38866i once saw this girl who did something like that with an old photo she took ip and she also posted thinspo on recovery tags like omg fu CK off she even tagged it peanut butter like wtf
No. 38881
>>38866That's just fucked up. There are a lot of people on Instagram with EDs who are
actually trying to recover. Although, IMO, they should get off of Instagram because the "recovery community"/#edfamily is toxic and harmful, I still feel bad for them if they're going through recovery-oriented tags and have to see shit like this all the time. Why would you tag your thinspo pose body check shit not only with the names of three different eating disorders and two clothing sizes but with both #edrecovery AND #relapse? Fuck off, just fuck off. Attention whores.
No. 38941
File: 1443983317823.jpg (30.24 KB, 290x268, do you actually eat.JPG)

No. 38958
>>38866this shit makes me so mad. I came across an instagram of a girl I went to school with and she loves to post pictures of her tiny ass portions (LITERALLY 1 eggo waffle with 3/4tbsp of PB and like , 3 blueberries) and selfies with gum… but in her selfies she is only wearing a sports bra so we can see her sternum and low body fat
then, of course, she tags everything with #edwarrior #anawho #edrecovery #fyoured #thisorhospital etc… It's all so obvious to me. the body-checking poses, showing off tiny portions of food and melodramatically tagging it with #thisorhospital … I guess I just don't understand how some people can make their eating disorders so public
No. 38960
File: 1443985795182.png (1.9 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-04-20-07-42…)

Look at this shit I literally used to eat this kind of thing before I went up
That's a slice of deli chicken this meal is pathetic not huge fuck you aly you enabling cunt
No. 38964
File: 1443986052738.png (1.01 MB, 618x1608, Aly 10-4-2015 10.png)

>>38941Lots of "haters" in the comments, lol. That fucking piece of chicken is nowhere near "HUGE (!)." As many other people have commented at this point, a lot of her meals look like "diet meals."
>>38960It's a really thin chicken "filet." I get those sometimes when I'm feeling too lazy to cut up whole chicken breasts. It's probably what, like 2 ounces of chicken at most? Sigh.
No. 38994
>>38964Those bread slices are truly pathetic
But at least it is the first time I really see oil on her food
No. 38995
File: 1443990623060.jpg (121.43 KB, 540x743, IMG_20151004_132827.JPG)

Aand now she deleted everything… Fucking bitch
No. 38998
>>38958I searched #fyoured like a total creeper. Are you talking about @26.2_goal_oriented?
Regardless, her forehead scares me.
No. 39001
File: 1443992308979.jpg (47.48 KB, 506x481, the greys.JPG)

>>39000I correct myself…scary everywhere.
No. 39007
File: 1443992933887.jpg (11.62 KB, 208x64, found one.JPG)

>>39006Me, samefagging as usual. I found another Food Princess/Queen. This is Yogurt Queen (livialives_recovering)
No. 39023
>>39020They're like sheep. Why do they copy one another so much?
Waffle queen. Aly will always be Bullshit Queen whatever she says.
No. 39084
File: 1444022003387.png (100.1 KB, 1136x322, Screen Shot 2015-10-04 at 10.0…)

>>39053Oh sorry, I assumed they included it because a lot of these recovery accounts go the super-"clean eating" route if they don't go the "tons of junk food" or "tons of diet food but totally in recovery guys" route, but I could be wrong.
Also, how the fuck are some of Aly's followers so deluded, and why do they feel the need to stick up for a complete stranger who is pretty clearly lying their ass off? So many of them talk as if they can actually tell that Aly's "doing everything she needs to recover both physically and mentally," that she really does eat all the food she posts, that she's gained weight and is "recovering," etc. Are you fucking there with her in Italy watching her eat (and not throw up) everything on her meal plan? Are you weighing her?
No. 39103
File: 1444042216551.jpg (131.16 KB, 935x317, jfc woman.jpg)

Once again, it must be pointed out how annoying it must be to eat with Aly.
>Let's take a picture together friend!
>Okay, now take a picture of me sitting in these chairs while I smile at my dessert!
(Because I don't believe for a second that her friend decided to spontaneously take that picture. They're not even at the table they were at)
>Okay, now let me cut a tiny bit off and take a picture of the dessert!
Meanwhile her friend just wants to eat her muffin.
No. 39252
File: 1444066650750.jpg (31.52 KB, 540x212, IMG_20151005_103517.JPG)

Glass? Where? Are those people blind? Wtf
No. 39257
>>39249I was wondering if the anon who posted that comment is the guy who posted how he finished with a girl because she had an ED and a trip to a pizza place or sthing was too embarrassing because of her behaviour. Remember that? Either aly or ash's thread.
Why take an anorexic friend for food though? Should choose somewhere she wouldn't feel uncomfortable at.
No. 39285
File: 1444078787900.png (337.68 KB, 938x594, icovery.png)

She's going to be spoopier than Ash.
No. 39287
File: 1444078996553.jpg (230.08 KB, 1048x1308, Screenshot_2015-10-05-19-33-00…)

Aly obv didn't like being called out on the cottage cheese
No. 39307
>>39106You've said this in a past Aly thread and you still sound like an ass. Aly is annoying to eat with because she takes a ton of pictures before she even begins to eat while others are busy finishing hers.
Your situation is completely different.
Like wow, she talked with you and was too nervous to eat a lot. How terrible. /sarcasm
No. 39313
File: 1444085931985.jpg (27.5 KB, 445x392, smfh.JPG)

>>39285> i want to Thank you all so much for 1k followers like WHAT? 1k? That's so amazing I never thought that so many people would care about me So naive.
No. 39314
>>39249>>39257>>39307>implying the mentally ill are actually real people and that they deserve any respect or consideration whatsoever>implying a normal human could ever be "friends" with a mentally ill freak>implying anorexics aren't the most annoying, horrible group of freaks on the planetkek, pathetic brainwashed bleeding-heart liberal pieces of crap, go back to Tumblr where you can hang out with your spoopy mentally ill friends in a happy echo chamber
>>39313omg look at this mentally ill 14 year old freak, she doesn't even understand the way the world works lololol
No. 39320
>>39314Wow you are just like, desperate for any kind of human contact rn aren't you anon?
This is just scraping the bottom of a shit-barrel with your bare hands.
Go the fuck outside, look at a bird, talk to a human, expose yourself to the sun you depressed fuck
No. 39335
File: 1444097021842.jpg (97.67 KB, 600x600, file.jpg)

oakbutterfly changed her user to thrivingoak
aly also followed her
fkn love this girl
No. 39348
>>39314Holy shit wipe the cheeto grime off your sweatpants and go outside like
>>39320 said. Man you are a sad little piece of work, aren't you?
No. 39363
File: 1444104286571.png (239.36 KB, 583x572, Screenshot 2015-10-05 at 11.03…)

>I wonder if there's a Vine ED recovery circle?
>I regret searching this immensely
No. 39369
>>39365Because the situations are not comparable. I feel bad for the poor girl who is being seen as equal to Aly, even though she didn't really do anything wrong. I just
highly doubt she was nearly as annoying as Aly.
No. 39398
File: 1444120137026.jpg (19.88 KB, 300x154, chipped saucer.JPG)

>it's rude to ask
>ignorance is bliss
No. 39404
File: 1444127095991.jpg (49.28 KB, 259x453, 9759845788.JPG)

Somebody got something wrong here huh
No. 39407
>>39405Nobody's said anything awful about her here except she needs help. Nobody here's said she looks like she has a BMI of 19.
There's some twat who keeps messaging people we talk about to tell them. They're not doing it for good, but for dramu.
No. 39411
>>39321Same anon who said go the fuck outside-
Okay anorexic people are difficult to eat with, but not sub-human garbage. Nobody is scum for having a legit mental illness.
No. 39417
>>39416IF she means this site, then why isn't she affected by the fetishists we post who drool over her underage bones? If I saw that I'd go private straight away.
Her parents don't know about her account. Figures.
No. 39422
>>39420well her english isn't good, so…
but still, is she really so naive about the internet? seems so. that's really sad. she's sheltered and has no idea what kind of shitty people sit behind their keyboards all around the world, able to look at her pics.
No. 39446
>>39444She likes to get involved hands on with whoever's discussed here. She even posted on princess kenzie's ig. She's autist enough to do it not thinking about the consequences to the person she messages.
>>39445Or Ash sends her. Idk difficult to choose between the two, but I can't imagine who else would keep doing this. It's been happening for a year or w/e on the ana threads.
No. 39448
>>39447I can't even DM on my windows phone Beta version of instagram, so it's not this anon. Definitely should ask the irecover girl, but it's probably a throawaway account anyway.
Whoever it is doesn't gaf that they're hurting someone (or they're autist and don't understand people can get fucked up reading about themselves/getting things wrong).
No. 39459
File: 1444143988301.png (994.22 KB, 589x589, ging.PNG)

Smells like samefag in here, take this weird shit to your cancerous Ember thread. We are here to laugh at Aly and Ginger's horrible food and denial of their ED.
>#vegancomfortfood…#thefitveganginger style ???? #raw veg plate; salad with romaine, pink beans, flax, and balsamic; flax noodles with Dijon; gala apple; sweet tarragon #oatmeal; homemade #oilfree #saltfree popcorn; and sweet ginger protein tacos for #nationaltacoday today
Zero calorie noodles with mustard, rotten bell pepper and… ugh… "ginger protein" tacos. Delicious comfort food.
No. 39484
File: 1444147172713.jpg (209.86 KB, 1076x1530, Screenshot_2015-10-06-16-57-18…)

Same recycled picture from 3 days ago? Same jeans, socks, boots and same strawberry fortimel just in a bottle not a nasty cup.. oh and exactly the same badly-done nail varnish!
No. 39485
File: 1444147626050.jpg (261.45 KB, 1210x597, groundhogday.jpg)

>>39459Oh god, that bell pepper really does look like it's rotting. What the fuck.
I can't help but wonder if Ging is a binger. The average person couldn't eat all of that in one sitting.
>>39484I hope she took both of these pictures on the same day. I shudder to think she would be willing to wear that hideous outfit twice in such a short period of time.
No. 39492
File: 1444148334880.jpg (195.78 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

Are we still mentioning Ash in here even though she is boring and her own thread is dead? How is she able to stand upright? I think this is the first time I've seen her full body next to another person
No. 39493
File: 1444148601318.jpg (214.84 KB, 1070x1317, Screenshot_2015-10-06-17-09-47…)

Think Aly'a slacking on the delete front. She should have put on some weight by now, I hope next weigh day is also really IP admission day like last time when they kept her in but this time for real!
No. 39505
File: 1444151209848.jpg (247.33 KB, 1070x1364, Screenshot_2015-10-06-18-05-20…)

So… Her breakfast plate is now her dinner plate, explains how tiny her portions are
No. 39536
File: 1444158427177.png (1.3 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-06-20-05-25…)

>extra calories not a fear anymore
Then have a bloody nightsnack you twat
No. 39542
File: 1444158897696.jpeg (115.86 KB, 631x692, image.jpeg)

No. 39564
>>39548The fucking sugar on the table made me rage again this time, too. I don't even know why. It's the little things that Aly does that really get me. WHY IS IT ON THE TABLE??? DON'T DO THAT
>>39560Even if she's hospitalized, you know she'll be out of there in an instant without gaining any weight, and that she'll go back to doing the same thing as soon as she gets home…I wish her family would start being firm with her (e.g., "you can't continue to live under our roof while you're actively killing yourself, so if you don't start showing at least SOME progress, you're going to have to get a job and start paying for your own place to stay"), but I can't see Ma being able to stand firm with any kind of ultimatum. I wonder if she even realizes that this is a life-or-death situation?
No. 39567
>>39542I simply cannot understand why she's "following a Meal Plan ( ! )" to the letter for some meals and snacks and then she's "not afraid of extra calories anymore" so she eats tons of "extras" that aren't on her meal plan while she's out. I can't come up with any reason for it that doesn't involve Aly being manipulative or deceptive. Maybe the things she eats at restaurants are the only things she
actually eats, and all of the other shit (the Fortimels, the cookies, the pizza, the pasta, etc.) that she "eats" at home is just getting tossed. I like the theory that she took a bunch of photos of things and is posting them over time to make it look like she's eating these items every day. The pizzas especially look ridiculously similar.
No. 39637
File: 1444174537771.png (81.08 KB, 1106x246, Screen Shot 2015-10-06 at 4.27…)

>>39570Oh god. What if she's ~
triggering~ my autism on purpose? Speaking of, it's driving me nuts that Aly left these comments from yesterday up and never replied. It IS plastic, isn't it? The lid clearly says "SOLO" right on it. It's a plastic dome lid. That wouldn't even fit on a reusable glass Starbucks cup, would it? She's using a fucking plastic disposable cup for her fucking Fortimels that she doesn't drink and it makes me want to scream.
Why the hell would Aly even lie about something like that? I really am starting to wonder if she took a bunch of these pictures at once and is just posting them each day to "keep up appearances."
No. 39652
File: 1444177918813.png (847.47 KB, 677x538, alyplasticrecovery.png)

Here is Aly's cup vs. a reusable one. The differences are obvious.
No. 39678
File: 1444180298074.png (6.34 MB, 2000x1600, The Unified Pizza Conspiracy T…)

My detailed pizza analysis leads me to conclude that Aly has photographed at least a few different pies. However, it is quite suspicious that not one of these pictures contains anything for scale, nor has Aly ever (to my knowledge) posted a picture of herself eating any of one of these pizzas or even a picture of one of them with a bite out of it or something to imply that she ate it.
No. 39679
>>39678I'm seeing faces of cats, dogs, ET, heart shapes and skulls in those pizzas.
I am not on hallucinogenic drugs.
No. 39713
File: 1444183789865.png (3.15 MB, 1862x1196, Screen Shot 2015-10-06 at 7.03…)

>>39685Shit, you're right, I didn't even think about that. Also, it's weird that the pizza she allegedly eats at home is never cut when she photographs it. This picture (supposedly taken at her "parents' friends' place") is the only one she has up where the pizza is cut at all.
>so much more heavy than the usual one but I enjoyed it ALLShe
enjoyed it all, but she doesn't claim to have
eaten it all. She just enjoyed all of what she ate, which could have been a tiny sliver.
In the comments:
>maruaftered: How many slices did you eat? Looks yummy :)>aly_realrecover: @maruaftered I ate the whole one as usual, and I wrote it in captionBitch, please. I don't even believe you ate an entire tiny, "personal"-sized pizza.
No. 39745
File: 1444192076103.png (631.69 KB, 928x572, Screenshot 2015-10-06 at 11.27…)

Basically Aly if she didn't give a fuck.
No. 39773
>>39769I know. Me too. I had always been a "disordered" eater, but, after puberty, this developed into full-on anorexia nervosa. During my first semester in high school, I starved myself to the point where my body began to completely shut down. I ended up getting dragged, very much against my will, into a hospital, where I stayed for many weeks. That was the start of years of ED treatment. Anyway, I don't know if I looked anything like icovery, but I guess I must have, given how much weight I lost. At the time, I couldn't see myself as being thin, let alone emaciated, and I still thought I was "chubby" when I was about to drop dead from starvation. That was half my life ago, and things have changed so much that it doesn't even seem like that was the same person as I am now. Seeing someone else going through the same hell I was going through at that age just kills me. I wish I could do something to help her, but I don't speak German, and I don't even know what I'd say to her anyway.
Her parents seriously need to intervene and get her to a HOSPITAL. ASAP. She could drop dead any day. I am so worried for her.
>>39770At this point, icovery seems like she's going to end up as another Ash or just die from complications related to anorexia. HER PARENTS NEED TO STEP IN. SOON. NOW. UGHHH
No. 39783
File: 1444201872851.png (26.86 KB, 1094x100, Screen Shot 2015-10-07 at 12.0…)

No. 39815
>>39783Lol that was my reaction too (also sarcastically, of course).
I'm going to bet it's something really stupid and inconsequential.
Of course, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised with something like, "Dad accused me of faking recovery! He said I still looked at disgusting as ever!"
No. 39829
File: 1444222222335.jpg (302 KB, 1079x1537, IMG_20151007_144745.jpg)

Are u fuckin kidding me Aly.
No. 39833
File: 1444223810500.jpg (237.56 KB, 1080x1415, IMG_20151007_150709.jpg)

Yes, showing all that oil is definitely the reason for the closeups. Yes Aly, you don't have to prove anything to us so u can photograph the whole plates from now on! No worries, nobody will judge you because of not visible oil then.
No. 39842
File: 1444226456552.png (2.54 MB, 1198x1196, Screen Shot 2015-10-07 at 6.59…)

>>39830Don't worry anon, there are a few more. She made the oil super conspicuous in this picture to make her snarky little point, I'm sure. This is one of like three of her meals that I've actually spotted any significant amount of oil in.
No. 39845
File: 1444226907660.jpg (66.99 KB, 342x442, icu.JPG)

deja vu?
No. 39849
>>39843It's scary. I wish I could somehow talk with them, but I don't even speak German. They need to get their daughter admitted inpatient in a hospital ASAP. I'm the anon who commented above that I also ended up in a condition similar to icovery when I was exactly her age, so I really feel for her. My parents intervened before I died, obviously, but I'm worried that hers won't. She's been emaciated for far longer than I was at this point, and I'm sure she's done a decent amount of damage to her body already. She may already have developed osteoporosis, for example (I did). I don't know what treatment options are like in her area, but at the very least, I'm sure her health would warrant her being kept for some time in a regular medical ward in a hospital.
It's just so sad to see her desperately reaching out for reassurance that she's thin. I can't even see it as obnoxious or attention-seeking - it's just tragic, given how young she is and how naïve she seems. I also worry that she might get somehow taken advantage of by one of these creeps who gets off on severely anorexic girls/women. Jesus FUCK, icovery, YOUR PARENTS NEED TO WAKE UP.
You know - she's in school, right? I'm also wondering why her school and/or her friends haven't done anything. I know a group of girls from my school went and talked to the school counselor because they were worried about
me, and that led to my parents being contacted. Surely people must have noticed that she barley eats and is emaciated as fuck…
No. 39853
>>39851Yeah, I might try, but no one seems to really get through to her - she's so deep in her eating disorder. I don't think it's something she'll be able to turn around on her own without outside intervention, TBH.
>>39852Yeah, true, we don't know anything but what she's posting, which includes very little information about her actual life and is filtered through the eyes and mind of a severely ill individual. I hope at least
someone has their eye on her, but if they do, I have to wonder why she isn't getting send to the hospital or an ED treatment facility.
No. 39858
File: 1444228943610.png (1.05 MB, 617x1606, Aly 10-7-2015 6.png)

omg she's so weird with what she deletes…here's the before
No. 39859
File: 1444228968234.png (1.04 MB, 617x1559, Aly 10-7-2015 6-2.png)

>>39858…and here's the after.
No. 39874
>>39555You're acting like she actually eats all the food she shows or drinks all the fortimel.
Anaroxics are often forced to drink fortimel because it has a fuckton of calories. By pretending to drink fortimel, she's racking up ana points.
No. 39876
File: 1444234668861.jpg (182.27 KB, 540x814, IMG_20151007_091600.JPG)

Already baked croissant…
No. 39883
>>39849When she posted about the "forum" that "said she was fat", she threatened people into being nice to her or else she wouldn't eat, would delete her account, and/or relapse, so I find it very likely that she also emotionally manipulates her parents, teachers, and friends.
It's not hard to get your underage kids good treatment in Germany, but parents often feel guilt when it comes to mental illness, especially when it appeals to their perceived "failure to nurture".
Combine that with the deceiving nature of the illness, and it can take a while for steps to be taken, which is a shame.
No. 39893
File: 1444239175426.jpg (188.31 KB, 1070x1248, Screenshot_2015-10-07-18-08-34…)

Someone forgot to shave this morning
No. 39906
File: 1444240798836.jpg (27.48 KB, 320x200, drink problem.jpg)

The sugar too. She throws it on the table. I think I've made a correct diagnosis here.
No. 39907
File: 1444240946756.gif (408.11 KB, 160x120, donut.gif)

No. 39909
File: 1444241077491.gif (802.88 KB, 400x225, Eating-GIF.gif)

Same anon here, but I've found a great gif!
No. 39910
File: 1444241364146.gif (988.28 KB, 500x245, yerrinpark.gif)

>>39907>>39909See, it's a syndrome. Remember how she used to think fruit was something to hold near your mouth while you take a selfie?
Gif here is aly straight after the video on her phone stops.
No. 39914
File: 1444242544844.gif (1.03 MB, 200x112, 200w.gif)

Unpictured (!) Glass of milk
No. 39918
File: 1444243046064.jpg (50.49 KB, 600x337, kCriaUj.jpg)

And this is where all her strawberrie (!) Fortimels go
No. 39919
Aly's food problem officially secondhand-killed me.
No. 39922
>>39918You're too good at this.
>>39916Her spoken English is really crap though. I couldn't understand what she was saying on her videos.
No. 39927
>>39766>>39763It's a little silly because she doesn't realize that her issues are from her pushing her body too hard. Positivity is better than weepy grief.
>>39769Icovery is still young enough where her body can repair itself. Your bones don't stop fortifying themselves, hardening, until your mid-twenties. She needs to start thinking about recovery now though.
No. 39934
File: 1444245075550.gif (4.37 MB, 640x360, in recovery.gif)

When's her next hospital day control? She must've packed on some pounds with all those crepes, waffles and peers. It's the only thing I look forward to in Aly's feed.
No. 39938
File: 1444245460835.gif (167.35 KB, 500x275, cookie_monster_waiting.gif)

>>39935Gif fucked up, but I can relate to Cookie Monster.
No. 39959
File: 1444249280730.gif (979.79 KB, 311x196, oily.gif)

… cooked in LOADS of oil (!) (sake emoji)
No. 40079
File: 1444269906510.png (249.22 KB, 358x358, topkek.png)

>>40038Oh my fucking gods
No. 40161
>>40160Well, there goes my sleep.
Please send help…
No. 40170
File: 1444296011649.jpg (200.55 KB, 529x772, 444892992.JPG)

Oh my god
No. 40177
>>40173Okay, I stopped reading after the clinic part and now I'm just seeing the "it's just our OWN WILL" bit. What a complete and utter load of bullshit. If recovering from an eating disorder was "just" a matter of one's "OWN WILL," first of all, why the fuck is Aly not recovered? Second, why would treatment facilities even fucking exist? You'd just have to say "WILL YOURSELF TO RECOVER! Tap your heels together three times, wish that you were recovered, and
poof you'll be recovered!" Third, why would people die from EDs? Oh, right, because they didn't have enough positivity or strong enough wills, unlike Aly, who's totally recovering so amazingly.
>>40176It's a
possibility that she's going there in
months - she doesn't like the idea (waaaaaahhhh), and I highly doubt she'll ever end up there. I expect she'll manipulate the situation to somehow be able to stay at home and keep doing the same fucked-up #realrecovery show she's been doing for so long now.
I can't believe I'm getting so angry over this shit, but goddamn, it's infuriating to watch.
No. 40191
>>40177I'm expecting her to manipulate the situation too. Just like how she was supposed to go IP back in June, but just went to the hospital for a week.
Of course, I hope they're all lying to her like she's been lying to them all along. "Just 20 days, Aly!" will turn into however long it takes to get her weight-restored and perhaps somewhat recovered.
No. 40210
File: 1444308606929.jpg (298.56 KB, 1070x1300, IMG_20151008_144821.jpg)

Not a single word about the appointment? Fuck you Aly.
No. 40213
File: 1444309745532.png (213.01 KB, 716x640, k.png)

No. 40214
>>37087>>40213POSSIBIILITY for inpatient? four to six months??????
How can so many different professionals be so utterly incompetent? WTF?
No. 40228
>>40222Don't talk about the ocean. A clam took cchristie's father and we don't want to
trigger him.
No. 40236
>>40228I think he's okay with octopi. It's just the clam I think.
No. 40241
File: 1444320126058.png (3.18 MB, 1824x1824, Photo Collage Maker_aaHoV7.png)

Yes aly, you "ate" the whole of this (not) HUUUUUUGGGGEEEEEEEEE (at all) burger I get it STOP SAYING WHOLE SO MANY TIMES WHEN IT'S NOT TRUE
No. 40245
File: 1444321142154.gif (291.26 KB, 300x165, aaarghhh.gif)

She's doubling up on each food shot so it looks like she's eaten more than she has. Now that's fucking annoying.
No. 40252
File: 1444322323331.png (847.3 KB, 927x592, Untitled2.png)

No. 40254
File: 1444322367295.png (645.86 KB, 916x597, Untitled.png)

anyone else think this doesn't look like real, dairy ice cream?
No. 40263
>>40254Nope. Some kind of sorbet or froyo.
>>40258>Baby OctopusThis makes me so sad.
Despite NINE pics today, she's saying she's eaten
7 cookies
plain crackers
octopus (sadface) burger
that ice thing
No. 40265
File: 1444322825933.png (4.6 KB, 244x46, Screenshot 2015-10-08 at 11.46…)

No. 40270
>>40267A few mornings ago I really craved eating biscuits for breakfast because I've been
triggered by Aly. I didn't though because porridge is better for me.
No. 40272
File: 1444323379957.jpg (79.65 KB, 436x1097, Screenshot_2015-10-08-17-54-36…)

Purge cheeks?
No. 40295
File: 1444326170742.png (731.65 KB, 915x592, Untitled2.png)

Wow, a zoomed in portion on her tiny portion plate. How unpredictable.
No. 40324
>>40313i made several encouraging comments and asked her to share more about herself with her followers. i asked about the flavors of various foods and complimented them. When she posted her ice cream i said "this kind doesn't have milk or cream in it, right?" and said i had eaten many great fruit sorbets in Italy. Then she blocked me.
i actually never wanted to have a negative or trolling account. But i am serious: i never said anything rude or negative to her.
No. 40327
>>40324Was yours the comment asking her to tell us about her interests and she said (in her usual way), I HAVE in past posts :cuntysmile: ?
I think she answered your question about the ice cream by blocking you. Seriously though…I can't figure her out.
I hope people stop commenting altogether. I wonder what she'd do? 26k followers and 15 comments at the most every 2 weeks or so.
No. 40329
File: 1444330354709.jpg (22.64 KB, 281x199, k.JPG)

Badly translated German. Others think she's puking too.
No. 40338
>>40329ofc deleted
posi-[name of food]-vibes only (!!!)
No. 40349
>>40338I'd bet a quid (hey, that's a lot to me) that Aly holds the instagram record for the most delete and blocks.
SO until the next appointment it's all going to be WHEEEEE I'M DOING SO MANY #RECOVERYWINS I TOTALLY DON'T NEED HOSPITAL. I hope she's lost weight and they stick her in the clinic.
No. 40353
>>40327Yeah, i was feeling really softhearted that day and felt bad for her. i thought it might be good for her to talk about something other than food. i guess i'm supposed to sift through her food pictures to learn about her interests.
My comment about the "ice cream" was not mean or underhanded at all. i know how Italian gelato is and anyone else who has been there knows that fruit ones usually don't have milk or cream. If it is all extra anyway, who the hell cares? Anyway, i have no idea why she reacted like that. i gave useful comments on many other posts. Pretty jackass move.
No. 40357
>>40353I started off my blocked accounts being nice to her, but I always reach a point where I have to say
something even though I know she'd take offense. I can't even remember why she blocked me because I've never written anything I'd take offense at, but then she's a dang weirdo.
I want to know about her interests as well and remember when she said it was in her past post. She probably meant that 20 questions thing where the only thing I remember is she fancies Johnny Depp. It was really yawnworthy stuff.
No. 40360
File: 1444340969972.png (99.33 KB, 817x571, Screen Shot 2015-10-08 at 4.41…)

Super real recovery…
How do other people not notice that even with the Fortimel and presuming she kept all of this down her intake is barely over 1500 calories a day?
According to a weight loss/gain projection site if she consistently ate like this including the Fortimel she'd be a whopping 90 pounds by November 2016! #realrecovery
But she's not drinking the Fortimel, which brings her at about maintenance/very slowly losing.
No. 40447
>>40360I don't even know. I guess some people are probably fooled by her super-closeups and camera tricks that make it look like she's "eating" more than she actually is, plus if they actually read and trust her captions, she makes it seem like she's #doing #so #well #all #the #time #and #gaining #weight #and #really #really #realrecovering.
Oh, and in your weight loss/gain projection thing, I don't know if you factored it in, but Aly's so "hyperactive" (and speaking of that, why the fuck is no one telling her that's not OK at her weight when she's allegedly in ED recovery???) that she's probably burning off a lot of what she eats. Who knows how many calories she's burning through exercise, though.
I'm really worried about
>I would have the possibility to go inpatient in the next 4/6 months if things will start go badFour to six MONTHS? Are you fucking kidding me? She could be dead in a week.
No. 40468
File: 1444361063956.jpg (37.5 KB, 500x589, britney.jpg)

Ok so this thread is about a girl with an eating disorder and you guys debate on whether she is actually recovering or going through a relapse? Is that an accurate tl;dr?
No. 40473
>>40468Nah this thread is about a chronic liar and manipulator who somehow gets worshiped by thousands of people as the #1 RealRecovery Goddess (OMG SO INSPIRING! SUCH POSITIVITY!!! I wish I could be as strong as you someday!) despite:
- having spent nearly a year being visibly emaciated as fuck (and appearing to flaunt her bones all over the place)
- not gaining any (and actually losing) weight in her so-called "real recovery" even though she's ~on a mealplan and being followed by ED specialists~
- being hospitalized twice in recent months and saying she was somehow at risk for refeeding syndrome while also claiming she had been eating tons of oily, superlicious #recoverywin (!) food every day before her admissions; she also claimed the hospitalizations "weren't ED-related" (???)
- being a cunt to her followers, many of whom are fairly young girls struggling with EDs themselves
- rampantly deleting comments (even innocuous ones) and blocking people (sometimes for no apparent reason)
- constantly using stupid photo tricks to make it look like she's eating way more than she actually is
…and more! We don't really debate. We mainly do a collective "lolwut?" at her antics and/or rage at her bullshit and how so many of her followers lap it up without question.
No. 40475
>>40474I think (hope?) that there are only a very few of those. It's one thing to hate people who
happen to be anorexic for their extremely shitty behavior. It's another thing entirely to just hate people for
being anorexic. The second one is really ignorant and cruel.
No. 40479
File: 1444364039832.png (978.55 KB, 658x1612, Aly 6-30-2015 2.png)

>>40478Nah, all I found in my creepy screenshot folder was this, and that's not her dinner plate. Curse you, creepy screenshot folder, you have failed me.
No. 40501
>>40479She almost cried because she ate two olives, a sip of wine and a chip?
Ffs aly at least try to pretend you eat any of the other shit you post. Or don't just fucking pick one idk
No. 40507
File: 1444378129063.png (886.77 KB, 933x579, Untitled2.png)

She's changed her bio from crepequeen to sweetsqueen,
No. 40508
File: 1444378179929.png (9.53 KB, 291x84, Untitled2.png)

More non-farmers noticing she isn't gaining. Bets on how long this comment will stay up?
No. 40515
File: 1444386644471.jpeg (128.74 KB, 629x761, image.jpeg)

Now this is #real goddamn recovery . This girl doesn't even have half the followers of Aly. How aly even has the nerve to say she is in #realrecovery is beyond me
No. 40516
>>40515This girl has been posted so many times???
I'm starting to suspect self-posting…
No. 40533
>>40479holy shit she should NOT be drinking alcohol at such a low weight
what a fucking irresponsible thing to do
No. 40559
File: 1444404997502.png (224.14 KB, 720x198, bonez.png)

Dat "body fat distribution" vs skelehands
No. 40587
>>40510There are plenty of girls with EDs that have shown up in these threads that most of us have felt really sorry for. We
want them to get better. For instance, icovery.
Buy Aly? She's a stuck up, self-centered, lying bitch. If she gets caught in her lies, that's karma. Sweet, sweet karma.
No. 40617
File: 1444414883710.jpeg (154.58 KB, 640x971, image.jpeg)

Wtf, Aly?
No. 40619
File: 1444415081905.jpeg (675.54 KB, 2560x1920, image.jpeg)

And before she deletes these
No. 40625
File: 1444415461185.png (1.2 MB, 615x2117, Aly 10-9-2015 7.png)

>>40619Here's the whole thing.
No. 40630
>>40617I can't be fucked to make another 'fake' account that's not blocked, can someone give her shit about the fact that we can see how big the fucking grains of rice are vs. that bowl and portion?
Not that it will make any difference.
Is she even trying anymore?
No. 40634
>>40617Looks like the result of a scat orgy
Also desc says "dang full plate" lmao we've seen the size of the plate aly stop
No. 40655
File: 1444420811511.jpg (106.18 KB, 1077x673, IMG_20151009_215726.jpg)

Comments like this make me so sad. Hate Aly so much for this. It's not fair.
No. 40662
File: 1444423253182.jpeg (120.18 KB, 640x607, image.jpeg)

Ok maybe it's just me but i was scrolling through aly's pics and it looks like she's not even cutting the damn thing!!!
No. 40666
File: 1444424967867.jpeg (358.08 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpeg)

No. 40671
File: 1444425792409.gif (480.2 KB, 480x360, spoonproblems.gif)

>>40666See, it's that eating problem again.
No. 40676
>>40668Godspeed, may the force be with you, etc
But her follower count keeps rising, by about 100/day. Unless these people are all voyeurs waiting for her to die, I am not optimistic about more and more people seeing through her bullshit.
No. 40687
>>40686Didn't she say she was taking her exams at school? Maybe she's had to spend her time revising.
I'd follow her but idk it feels a bit creepy with her being so young. Having more followers might be bad for her as well thinking she needs to keep posting on the account. I worry about this girl more than any of the others.
No. 40696
>>40687Yeah that might be it, although she did say she was "done" with IG after someone apparently sent her a link to this place.
I know she's sick and I shouldn't blame her but I do get ticked off when she gets offended at being thought of as BMI 19 (aka fat/a whale in her world). Girl pls
No. 40717
File: 1444433588238.png (83.16 KB, 1136x268, Screen Shot 2015-10-09 at 4.31…)

How the hell do these people think that Aly still needs some ridiculously caloric intake to gain at all? If that was the case, why would her dietitian not have adjusted her meal plan to compensate for the fact that she's got some crazy high metabolism? But no, instead, her dietitian takes away a supplement drink and replaces it with a lower-calorie snack. alystreatmentteamlogic.jpg
No. 40802
File: 1444444170835.png (22.56 KB, 478x122, wp_ss_20151010_0001.png)

>>40800Some GOOOOOD comments.
However, this comment by a condescending 14 year old isn't. Sweetheart ewwwww. He isn't even eating disordered. He said he has digestion problems.
No. 40826
File: 1444454425886.jpg (163.81 KB, 1024x426, Screenshot_2015-10-10-01-18-12…)

Commenter looks very young. Aly's definitely going to delete the comment, though.
No. 40830
File: 1444459519108.jpg (42.21 KB, 305x261, save the children.jpg)

Morning for Aly and she's off to ruin my another child's life with her "tutoring." Wonder if she'll walk away from this one with a headache as well.
No. 40837
>>40826How the fuck does she not feel guilty from these kind of comments?
I hate Aly.
No. 40840
>>40837She feels no guilt because she's the only person that matters in her world. She even said twice that she bought her mum a poxy rose for asspats.
I think she must scan read comments and that's why some non negative ones get deleted. She must see "I'm a fat pig" and like the comment because it makes her feel good.
Idk. She's not a nice person and I don't even think her illness is responsible for that. She's probably been a bitch all her life.
No. 40848
File: 1444486568547.jpg (33.23 KB, 303x263, word.JPG)

She said "fucking". She means it.
No. 40866
>>40844In my recovery I was always told 'First recover your weight then work on your mindset' because being malnutritioned fucks your brain up
Perfect it would be if there is a middle ground tho
BUT obviously you can't KEEP being underweight with a recovered mind so wtf Aly
No. 40885
File: 1444495084344.gif (1.17 MB, 300x191, wtf.gif)

>mfw Aly refers to her behaviour as "normal"
No. 40887
>>40884Send em to exposing.aly, maybe?
Hey exposing.aly, if you're around, I was wondering that you maybe should black out of heavily modify pictures that Aly has taken if you use them – copyright violation equals deleted account. I think you can us comment screencaps though.
No. 40889
File: 1444495565384.jpg (102.31 KB, 839x554, so many calories.JPG)

No. 40899
File: 1444496451263.png (1.49 MB, 619x3132, Aly 10-10-2015 5.png)

In case anyone missed it, I screenshotted the dramu that just went down right before Aly got around to deleting it. I bet like everyone involved in this got blocked, lol. Part 1 of 4:
No. 40901
File: 1444496520817.png (1.3 MB, 616x3069, Aly 10-10-2015 7.png)

>>40900Part 3 of 4 (just kidding, I realized there's only 3 pictures):
No. 40903
File: 1444496636895.png (284.01 KB, 343x501, Beer guy.png)

>>40901I'll just pretend this is part 4 of 4.
No. 40904
File: 1444496662405.jpg (17.22 KB, 289x111, lol.JPG)

Love this comment
No. 40948
File: 1444502811001.jpg (41.77 KB, 306x470, 1.JPG)

More negativity on the pizza comments… (cba to post it all)
No. 40979
File: 1444508450878.png (97.94 KB, 1356x616, crying.png)

>>The crying child
No. 40987
>>40977I haven't seen a girl with scene hair for many years. Still see guys with emo cuts, but no scene hair.
I feel bad for her, but she's fucking stupid for posting videos of herself huffing gas. She tells everyone how good it is and there's a comment "I'll have to try it". You can't stop impressionable teens doing shit, but gas huffing is SOOOOO dangerous.
>>40978 No. 41028
File: 1444516984563.png (32.43 KB, 1078x96, Screen Shot 2015-10-10 at 3.34…)

Yes, but how BIG was the fucking pizza, you dipshit? Like 5" in diameter? I am so done with this lying piece of crap.
No. 41030
File: 1444517323805.png (76.45 KB, 1098x178, Screen Shot 2015-10-10 at 3.48…)

>>41028Well, we'll see if she responds or just ignores it or deletes the comment.
No. 41042
File: 1444520244510.jpg (514.42 KB, 1200x1200, WmDev_635801203811138804.jpg)

>>41019She threatens to an hero on a daily basis because people hate her and she hates her.aybe she's too mental to discuss. I don't want her posting pics of her bloody skin slashes and blaming farmers. Farmers get blamed for EVERYTHING…even blamed for Syria.
No. 41062
>>41054i followed her on/off girlfriend out of curiosity and she does crying pictures too, and these weird "talking to herself" essay captions about just how intensely everyone hates her like emily is prone to do… it's a match made in heaven
she's like a car crash i can't look away from
No. 41070
File: 1444532885666.png (407.46 KB, 1138x1178, Screen Shot 2015-10-10 at 8.04…)

Dear god her followers are so fucking stupid. There's a HUGE difference between eating an entire personal pizza and eating an entire family-sized pizza, for fuck's sake. I just want to know how big those damn pizzas really are.
No. 41129
File: 1444557147347.jpg (103.02 KB, 1044x497, Screenshot_2015-10-11-10-50-41…)

So is she implying that every single time she's posted a croissant picture shes not eaten the whole thing?
No. 41141
File: 1444567763020.png (161.63 KB, 720x632, wut.png)

If Aly's lying about recovery, we are not to make her feel bad about it!
And I know when I wake up on a Sunday morning I want to be photographed in my PJS holding my breakfast.
No. 41146
>>41141That last bit about her worshippers is what irritates me the most. Even when they're confronted with evidence of her deceit and the fact that she hasn't been hypermetabolic for two years straight, they fall back on the old "but guys, she's
trying! Be nice to this lying beeyotch, She's
trying, guys!"
No. 41148
File: 1444571940101.jpg (67.66 KB, 354x448, o rly.JPG)

Oh god, the level of delusion….
Hey Aly leghumper, you forget she's been dressing like this for months, yet her last weigh in showed she lost weight? What weight gain is she trying to disguise?
No. 41150
File: 1444572035624.jpg (50.16 KB, 362x324, reply.JPG)

Aly's chipped in to agree with whatever excuse her supporters have come up with.
No. 41152
File: 1444572479421.png (52.93 KB, 1052x174, Screen Shot 2015-10-11 at 7.07…)

>>41035here. This shit about "slow weight gain" makes me so fucking angry. If you're severely underweight, you can't afford to fuck around and gain maybe a pound every few months or something just because of ~feelings~. Aly's health is in critical danger due to her being as underweight as she is. Normal weight gain for EDs is like 1-3+ pounds per WEEK. Aly's lack of progress is jaw-dropping and I don't know why anyone thinks she's #recoverywinning when she's epically #recoveryfailing.
Also, lol @ this comment. I hope she answers it, although I bet she'll just ignore or delete it.
No. 41153
>>41152Seriously, she looks the same. Baggy clothes or no, red lipstick or no.
On the plus side, no more sphincter mouth selfies? It's been a while since the last one, no?
No. 41154
File: 1444574066504.png (725.88 KB, 800x600, eff623e1afbc1500b2f68f0c3f1dff…)

Does this bitch count as a flake? Competitive eater quite obviously bulimic. Makes the headlines "SKINNY MOM CRUSHES COMPETITION"
No. 41159
File: 1444575383596.jpeg (42.92 KB, 340x453, night snack.jpeg)

Thanks. The first link Iive ( ) says she sticks to salads and vegetables most of the time. I suppose it depends how often she does the competitions.
Strange how she stays slim when thingy from Man Vs Food really bulked up because of his tv show. Hmm… I really don't know how it works. She might have a super high metabolism (!)
This pic grosses me out. I know they train for a competition, but I'm getting a sweat just looking at the plate.
No. 41165
File: 1444575678799.jpg (9.81 KB, 95x107, thinners needed.JPG)

>>41163Her nails are the worst they've ever been.
No. 41168
File: 1444576073583.jpg (31.37 KB, 613x107, say wah.JPG)

Yesterday she said she ate the whole croissant by herself, but today she said she ate one by herself for the first time.
>>41167They probably wanted her out of the house to stop her taking embarrassing selfies. Her mum and brother look a bit stupid on that pic from this morning.
No. 41180
>>41165Right? What the fuck Aly… At least TRY to give a damn if you're going to flash that thumb to followers
four times in one day.
No. 41181
>>41174I don't think we're ever understand her perception of time or what the fuck she thinks a #recoverywin is.
She had ice cream 3 days ago. She had what she called ice cream, but looked like sorbet, 4 days ago. She had froyo 4 weeks ago, on September 8th.
No. 41192
File: 1444582019683.jpg (37.97 KB, 477x599, a real bomb.jpg)

I wish she'd dang stop saying things are the BOMB. There's NOTHING that doesn't irritate me about her.
Weigh in soon. Ooooooo!
No. 41206
File: 1444583175807.jpg (40.59 KB, 257x342, Capture.JPG)

…i enjoyed this exchange
but also, I am trying to verify what Aly said (" I usually write when I eat a whole/half/a smaller size. But this has been the first time I ate one at home with my beloved as second bfast ?")
No. 41208
>>41206That's one of my favourite comments too!!
Soooo, if she went in the garden and ate a whole croissant that'd be another #recoverywin? Fucking get your story straight, aly.
No. 41210
>>41192It bothers me that she doesn't know how to use that expression. She'll say "I ate this BOMB for lunch!" or "this ice cream was a BOMB!"
No, Aly, things are THE bomb, and people stopped using that expression seriously more than a decade ago.
Unless she's trying to say it's a calorie bomb or something, but I doubt that.
No. 41225
>>41216Tbh I reported the videos of her huffing and the cutting pics.
>>41217I wonder if she's really OCD and that's why she uses the same plate and organises food and straws in the same way. Maybe eating a croissant in her home is outside of her usual rputine, so she thinks that's a win??? She might think not doing things in a specific way is bad juju.
No. 41242
File: 1444586147408.png (1.21 MB, 1131x1131, img1444586037861.png)

Same damn plate from 7 days ago! WTF Aly?
No. 41247
File: 1444586600961.jpg (6.78 KB, 194x259, tiny fork.jpg)

I hope there're some good comments coming because her feed is boring the tits off me.
I'd love so much if Aly bought one of these and tried to pass it off as a real size fork.
No. 41253
File: 1444588232226.png (974.05 KB, 921x592, oh god.png)

aly that SLICE of chicken is not HuG3((!(()!(!!) pls combust spontaneously
No. 41257
File: 1444588749956.png (549.28 KB, 367x537, spawn of lucifer.png)

real talk that's the saddest fuckin froyo ive ever seen
there's no way that's a standard size, she clearly got a small
wow, such recovery, so win
No. 41310
File: 1444594269010.png (12.5 KB, 267x128, Untitled.png)

>crying because she lost mass of followers
>wants a shoutout
No. 41332
File: 1444594649262.jpeg (242.75 KB, 1225x1474, image.jpeg)

>>41275This right here. Yet another sad kid lost without their social media world & followers. All she did was cry and cut and take body pics. I wish she could see that this isn't healthy & she should try going outside more. Probably have a few more friends if she didn't spend all her time stuck on Instagram. This "nobody knows me now" shit is what gets me. Efame & followers is all these kids care about, Aly is no better. She didn't have a following before her ED, but now, why recover when you can pretend too and get a million likes and asspats a day. Who needs a job or proper schooling and independence when you can be IG famous. Smfh
No. 41409
File: 1444595772435.jpg (127.18 KB, 596x596, alywtf.jpg)

I'm sorry but… wtf? Is this bitch REALLY wearing sweatpants and boots? Like, out of her fucking house? I can't fucking even…
No. 41439
File: 1444596276548.jpg (39.99 KB, 595x750, hmmm.jpg)

>>41423who wore it better
No. 41515
File: 1444597347906.jpg (197.65 KB, 895x519, uglymani.jpg)

Those awful nails
No. 41890
>>41880Currently going through and reporting all the self-harm that I can.
Usually cuts and blood don't bother me, but seeing those LARGE gashes is starting to make me extremely uncomfortable. Disgusting, she needs help and IG isn't going to give it to her.
No. 41906
File: 1444652456995.png (73.14 KB, 720x282, hmm.png)

Something about this comment rubs me the wrong way
No. 41910
File: 1444654419346.png (166.32 KB, 271x441, Pa C.png)

No. 41913
File: 1444655251139.jpg (22.02 KB, 236x353, may the light of your soul min…)

>>41912You should. If you don't use the word BUT her dodgy English might not realise it's not a compliment at her.
youlookbetterwithasmile seems to be avoiding the block button very well.
>>41911 No. 41914
File: 1444655287698.jpg (15.42 KB, 338x111, k.JPG)

No. 41916
File: 1444655712296.jpg (45.66 KB, 291x393, is she faking.jpg)

>>41914I think she thinks Aly's recovery is fake.
No. 41917
>>41916are you sure??
wow, it's not a throwaway account either
No. 42048
File: 1444663418556.png (1.39 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-12-16-17-39…)

No. 42053
File: 1444663630344.png (973.74 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-12-16-24-32…)

>burns doll
>I'm so sick in the head lol :3
>spekul shnewflayk . jpg
No. 42060
File: 1444665007215.jpg (27.05 KB, 285x206, Capture.JPG)

unless….viral marketing? if so: pretty smart.
No. 42063
>>42049whats a body check? i have no idea/dont understand the concept
looked online but cant find a good awnser
No. 42110
File: 1444670863429.jpg (35.05 KB, 302x333, deja vu.JPG)

In other news, cheesecake is "that bomb of Heaven".
More followers wondering why she isn't gaining. I wonder why?
No. 42131
File: 1444673527423.jpg (22.52 KB, 285x177, Capture.JPG)

O rly? O RLY??
This is the exact same line that's been trotted out for the last four months including before her last weigh in (before she had the "oops i may have been too hyperactive and lost weight" freakout)
No. 42132
File: 1444673869635.jpg (126.47 KB, 917x587, Capture2.JPG)

Relevant to above. This is from literally the day before her "uh oh i lost weight" post.
No. 42144
File: 1444677000347.jpg (24.88 KB, 296x231, cyberbullying.JPG)

No. 42154
File: 1444680554567.jpg (198.36 KB, 1074x1640, Screenshot_2015-10-12-21-08-01…)

Uh oh she's mad hahahaha
No. 42156
>>42150Is she subconsiously burning Ginge?
>>42153Probably a modern woman thing keeping her own family name but passing the father's name onto her kids.
>>42154I'm speachless!
No. 42159
File: 1444681261633.png (41.35 KB, 498x288, stolen from other thread.png)

Btw, do you think this thing keeps telling the cows about this thread?
Weird how Aly spergs out over the ig account, but dgaf about being a lolcow here.
No. 42164
File: 1444681905379.jpg (44.67 KB, 609x381, h.JPG)

She deleted these just now…
No. 42165
File: 1444682013256.jpg (47.34 KB, 1068x358, Screenshot_2015-10-12-21-32-44…)

No. 42169
File: 1444682057231.jpg (39.03 KB, 621x198, 2.JPG)

No. 42175
File: 1444682177487.jpg (24.36 KB, 437x200, 2.JPG)

No. 42177
File: 1444682211054.jpg (24.36 KB, 407x213, 2.JPG)

No. 42180
File: 1444682431606.jpg (66 KB, 1050x390, Screenshot_2015-10-12-21-38-30…)

A death threat? Ohh boy
No. 42183
File: 1444682529226.jpg (18.66 KB, 630x118, 2.JPG)

I bet she didn't expect anyone to agree with the account.
No. 42184
>>42180Damn :(( and they thought
I was bad lmfao
No. 42186
File: 1444682726632.jpg (11.79 KB, 416x95, 2.JPG)

No. 42190
File: 1444682871145.jpg (22.22 KB, 610x138, 2.JPG)

No. 42196
File: 1444682998272.png (715.71 KB, 618x2344, Aly 10-12-2015 10-3.png)

And the post is gone. Here's the last screenshot I grabbed before she deleted the whole thing.
No. 42198
>>42193Yes, that one is still up but abandoned. Don't know what happened to it.
There was another one, realrecovery inspiration, that got deleted suddenly (probably reported also?)
Exposing Aly, get it while the going is good. Too bad instagram will probably delete the account bc bullying blah blah…never mind that she would never have seen it if someone hadn't posted it to her
No. 42201
File: 1444683180489.png (771.39 KB, 616x2506, Aly 10-12-2015 10-2.png)

>>42196And fuck, I didn't even expand all of the comments. Here's the previous screenshot I took, with some more juicy comments that she deleted. A lot of them have already been posted here, but I'm just posting my screenshots for ~documentation purposes~ lol
No. 42204
File: 1444683250164.jpg (14.29 KB, 264x123, latest.JPG)

No. 42222
>>42220You should. It's not like she gaf about blocking people.
>>42221idk but don't post your number. try clearing cookies and refreshing.
No. 42223
File: 1444684286441.png (14.79 KB, 547x63, ok no stop.png)

ur ana is showing boneyasslicker-chan ( ° ʖ °)
No. 42226
>>42220….damn. You should block it. Save her the embarrassment and
triggering. This is my humanity speaking.
Also, that cuts down on the "bullying" excuse because she literally can't see your account. Unless she makes an effort to log out and seek out the account.