File: 1442483234655.png (1.05 MB, 938x601, 1442414522776.png)

No. 33022
Aly once again goes to the hospital (which she called inpatient the first time even though it wasn't, and medical stabilization this time).
Aly continues to claim that her medical problems are not due to ED, despite losing weight. Her incompetent doctors continue to fail at everything.
Oh, and we're /snow/ians now! Sending all the super posi thoughts, #snowfamily!
Last thread:
>>25478 No. 33055
File: 1442494263592.jpg (49.16 KB, 488x476, ahg.JPG)

What's with this stupid face thing?
Overwhelmed by the BS of the last few pics on her account tbh.
No. 33062
>>33061they do B&J pints as night snacks, too
the amount of sugar these girls eat is unbelievable
No. 33063
>>33058It's funny that she didn't know if the hospital had fortimel when she had it regularly back in June.
omg I wonder if she is switching meals with the old lady in the room with her. lol
My guesses:
- At home she ate her biscuits alone and only ate the one she dipped. The rest go back in the bag. Bags of biscuits like that are normal (and often really large) in Italy and it's hard to tell how many are missing if others are eating them too.
- She never drank the Fortimels, like everyone already said.
- She only ate "fruit ice cream" - in Europe that's sorbet (in Germany it's called Fruchteis), no milk or cream.
- Things like croissants she posed with and didn't eat.
- Who the hell knows about the rest. We all know about her tiny bowls. As an example, I bet she never ate that cheesy pizza and just photographed it. Her mom seems to work all day so maybe her photo documentation was supposed to be proof for her mom.
No. 33076
File: 1442500074128.png (863.03 KB, 618x1264, Aly 9-17-2015 4.png)

>As you can see doctors already removed the tube since my blood levels have improved SO QUICKLY and if they will remain stable during the next 24 hours they are going to immediately discharge me
No. 33094
>>33093oh wait, the boyfriend is "Da Capo" which is ice cream I think. lol derp maybe they are lovers
post here: No. 33096
File: 1442502584017.jpg (29.75 KB, 618x173, no offense.JPG)

This message, ha.
A follower was admitted to the same hospital yesterday. I wonder if they'll have a meet up?
I hate aly being in /snow.
No. 33136
File: 1442505124283.png (2.87 MB, 1188x1176, Totally normal night snack.png)

>>33114Yeah, totally not a binge. Totally healthy. Not disordered at all. Yep, this is how normal people eat.
No. 33139
File: 1442505385565.png (973.17 KB, 930x596, ggggggggggggggg.png)

>>33022>>33136OT: oreo sandwiches girl is back and… loook her porriiiiiidge. 100gr of dulce de leche, cream cheese, 100 gr of oats and a banana. Looks disgusting. Someone in told her it looked like a binge and she denied. BUT SHE'S AGAINST PINT PARTIES. Omg
No. 33147
>>33144I think some of these "recovering anorexics" go crazy with the sweets because they've deprived themselves for so long. It's crazy to see shit like
>>33136 and
>>33139 though. I don't think I could eat that and keep it down if I wanted to.
No. 33165
>>33148Yeah I love cinnamon in my oatmeal and I can go for a bit of brown sugar but not tons and tons and tons of sugary shit.
>>33158Yeah, I really would like to know what the fuck these doctors think they're doing.
No. 33182
>>33174I don't think anyone here believes Aly's at an ED hospital
Also, is there even proof Ash's mom is an enabler? We have to take anything Ash says with a grain of salt since she's delusional.
No. 33185
maybe offtopic but i want to share my favourite recovery account: looks SO FUCKING TASTY
No. 33191
File: 1442508559231.jpg (108.47 KB, 636x579, oooo.JPG)

Sounds like Ma Casati is so sick of this shit and had a word with aly.
No. 33209
File: 1442510716589.jpg (53.86 KB, 650x488, did-someone-say-cocaine-lindsa…)

>>33208and aly's poppin' eyes
No. 33219
File: 1442512236996.jpg (58.03 KB, 564x575, ss.JPG)

Evening meal. Grim.
No. 33221
The first photo that showed something white on her nose I figured it was just a bit of food or a piece of a tissue, but now after a second one, I find it believable that she snorts coke. That makes me even more worried that she's going to drop dead. Coke + lots of activity + malnutrition is a recipe for cardiac arrest.
>>33219That hospital she is at is a fucking joke. They say they're increasing her meal plan and then they give her that sad little meal? Shit the only hospital stay I've had is 24 hours after I gave birth and all 3 of my meals were pretty damn large - full serving of some kind of protein, a couple of veggies (usually one carby one like corn or potatoes), bread with butter, and some kind of dessert.
How can this possibly be considered a full meal for someone who is being hospitalized for being underweight for Christ's sake?
No. 33222
>>33219"so damn oil-challanging"
omg no
No. 33224
>>33223She said it's a "full fat cheese square"
So dinner. Much calories.
No. 33225
>>33221God, I really hope she doesn't do coke.
I was also just recently in the hospital, and the breakfast they brought me was fucking huge (I didn't order it because I was admitted too late to be given a menu; they just chose shit and gave it to me). French toast, eggs, bacon, juice, milk, AND coffee, and I want to say there was something else, too. And it wasn't like I was there to gain weight. The meals they're giving her really do look like "diet meals."
>>33223Full fat (!) cheese square, anon!
No. 33230
>>33225Yeah, personal blog experience of hospital food. On psych ward you made as much toast as you wanted and helped yourself to cereal. Portions weren't massive but you got a dessert and if someone was discharged and there were spares someone could eat it if they wanted.
>>33229Don't wish her dead, just wish she'd fuck off with her fake recovery. Cardiac arrest imminent.
On medical ward they made your toast. Same food portions. I got handed an 8 pack of Fortimel to drink as I wanted because I'd lost weight being ill.
That hospital Aly's at has a worse menu than a fucking soup kitchen.
No. 33242
File: 1442513993030.jpg (3.59 KB, 322x255, crescenzacheese.jpg)

Stracchino di Crescenza Pronunciation: strah-KEE-noh Notes: This soft Italian cheese is mild and spreadable. It's great on pizza.
No. 33256
>>33253Well, I'm pretty sure something like that is against the site rules, and is a huge invasion of privacy.
But seriously, what are you going to say that this doctor cant
SEE for herself with her own eyes? "She's emaciated!" Well, duh. "She's manipulative!" Watch any anorexic person with family for a few minutes and that's pretty apparent. "She lies!" Well, it's pretty clear she doesn't eat all she say she does.
This is probably a GP in a general hospital who is overworked, and who probably couldn't do more for Aly if she wanted to since the threshold for involuntary commitment in Italy is so high. Writing a letter will only make letter anon look like a crazy stalker. Seriously, step back and take a break, letter anon.
No. 33257
>>33221Aaand she has pericardial effusion which is another great factor. I suspect they're on coke too. Explains Ma Casati's tense look in some photos, Pa Casati's iron stare (cos he's definitely a Mafia Don) and the look of desperation on the brother's face. There's never anything around the nostril though, and that's usually where you'll see powder deposits. Maybe they're just really good at snorting coke though.
That family makes me sad
No. 33260
File: 1442516847882.jpg (27.58 KB, 460x276, marlon.jpg)

>>33257No…don't. I'm still lusting for Dante and
>he's definitely a Mafia DonI don't want to start something with aly's father ffs.
No. 33266
>>33260Dante works for Don Casati, that's what he was doing at the bar that day; watching over Aly. He's always somewhere nearby, we just got lucky seeing him in the frame that day.
>>33261It was a while ago (but earlier this year I think), she mentioned it in one of her captions (staring into the black hole of death or sth) but she's probably deleted the photo now
No. 33267
>>33266Oh Jesus, anon. The moistness is increasing >.<
I remember her saying she had heart problems and that's why she went IP last time.
No. 33268
File: 1442517949743.jpg (257.32 KB, 1072x1509, Screenshot_2015-09-17-20-24-36…)

No. 33272
>>33271ngggg >.< gaaaahhhh this is so horny.
(do continue)
No. 33281
>>33274I vote yes.
I'm dang determinated to post on that cafe's fb page about Dante. Imagine - he's out there…somewhere…RIGHT NOW.
No. 33291
File: 1442523468648.png (Spoiler Image,1.88 MB, 1440x2104, Screenshot_2015-09-17-16-49-50…)

Her mom's nose is all kinds of white weird zoomed in close, but I'm posting Aly bcos there's also some white by her cheek and in her mouth.
I know nothing about photo editing, if it has anything to do with that. Spoilered bcos nightmare fuel.
No. 33296
>>33206>>33221Aly replied to someone's question about it. No coke (in theory)! Apparently it's an iPhone "camera trick" due to "self-healing."
I'm assuming she means it's an auto-adjust, but what a weird thing. I've never heard of that before.
No. 33302
This comment she made about her weight loss is bugging me:
> No just 0.5kg! In fact doctors were not so disappointedTo me it sounds like she's expecting to
maintain her weight. She's supposed to be gaining and she hasn't which is reason to be pissed off with yourself if you're trying hard to recover (as she pretends to be). It's her that sounds like she isn't disappointed that she hasn't gained.
The comment where she said the doctor said her fucked up bloods isn't her "fault" is weird. Are they admitting it's their fault because they haven't given her the correct nutrition on her "meal plan"?
No. 33305
File: 1442527424928.jpg (38.91 KB, 484x445, ss.JPG)

Ma Casati posted this on fb
#strenght #worrior
No. 33306
File: 1442527462467.jpg (41.24 KB, 970x340, Screenshot_2015-09-17-23-01-47…)

This "crying with laughter" emoji just says it all, she knows exactly what she's doing
No. 33308
>>33306Looks like the emoji's sweating with relief.
I wish I didn't hate her. She's just so obnoxious. How does she even have friends?
No. 33311
>>33310I thought she didn't "know" about calories.
>>33309the lack of hashtag #inpatient proves she knows she's fucked up her plans. she doesn't want to draw attention to the fact she's in hospital…probably because it's not ED related ofc.
No. 33339
File: 1442536487408.jpg (42.75 KB, 992x100, OSPEDALE GB GRASSI.JPG)

In reviews I'm reading, they have good food.
No. 33340
File: 1442536802106.png (4.07 MB, 3490x1940, The usual ton of zucchini drow…)

This is seriously my #1 pet peeve when it comes to Aly. No, that is not "drowned in oil." Jesus fucking Christ. Do you think your followers don't have eyes? (Apparently a lot of them don't, or brains, or something)
No. 33341
File: 1442536821936.jpg (89.42 KB, 534x403, another.JPG)

This sounds like aly's quality of food.
No. 33353
>>33345I've been in a number of hospitals and there were always TONS of choices for food, and the food was actually pretty decent. Most or all of the hospitals in my area offer a regular menu and a vegan+gluten free menu, and you can kind of pick and choose from both. I've usually avoided the entrees, some of which sounded questionable, and loaded up on the side dishes - hot and cold cereal, yogurt, assorted types of fruit, green/"garden" salads, baby carrots, graham crackers (NGL, hospital graham crackers are one of my favorite foods; they're Keebler brand and they don't sell them in grocery stores, at least not around here), Kozy Shack puddings, brownies, stuff like that. I've never heard of everyone just being given the exact same shitty meal.
No. 33365
>>33321It was just saline, as
>>33338 said, and the dumbasses already took it out. At least put her on fluids still?? So she knows how hydrated she's
supposed to be.
No. 33380
>>33378No you wouldn't, because you have knowledge of these things called the internet and social media and that it's not uncommon for someone to put their entire life online with one too many details that can cause them to be tracked down IRL.
I'm not the anon that sent the email, but if a link was included to Aly's Instagram account I wouldn't be concerned for her safety other than the fact that she's going to drop dead from malnutrition.
No. 33422
File: 1442559369642.png (140.58 KB, 1128x460, Screen Shot 2015-09-17 at 11.5…)

Latest Italian comment. Shitty translation brought to you by Google.
>5 biscuits are alice … But which ton! Because you have the constant need to pass everything you do for a recovery win, real recovery etc. Even when you eat a simple salad with a tiny piece of bread? I say but you see the other girls here on Instagram? They are much less serious than you and still eat 150 grams of pasta and garnish with second bread for lunch every day at least! But who are you fooling? Only yourself, every single girl here on Instagram does not believe you, you know that the disease has now fully taken hold even your brain! They read every post you make on you? But always with zero malice, just the desire to help and to make you understand that you're wrong but you do is not respond and lock all, now I definitely bloccherai instead of the answer but I have written it for you and to make you open your eyes
Ouch. Bet that one gets deleted fast.
No. 33433
>>33260I miss Dante so.
>>33266Haha, yes!
No. 33435
>>33422Thanks for capturing this A+ comment. Yup, it's deleted. There's a surprise. It's getting so ridiculous I smirked when I saw her TON of 5 broken biscuits.
>>33431admin said he might change his mind at some point and return her to /pt. I hope so.
No. 33437
>1183Tbh, I'd missed that post on /meta and only found out in a Town Hall chat.
No. 33439
>>33437Well that won't link, but from /meta
>I have been ambiguous about my gender up until now, but to prevent confusion, I'd just like to inform everyone that I'm male. (Every other staff member is female.)I prefer to preserve my anonymity as much as possible, but it feels wrong when someone assumes I'm female and to not deny it, so I think it is best to let everyone know.
No. 33450
>>33446Yeah, monitoring her "progresses".
>>33447My thoughts, too.
No. 33452
File: 1442570626208.jpg (80.41 KB, 568x575, ffs.JPG)

She's going home today and she's on ONE fortimel a day now. Seriously?
No. 33453
Secondary reaction: we were obviously right about her dumping them. She probably admitted it and the dietician said, "Well, can you handle just one and we'll increase your food intake instead?"
And Aly bulged her eyes, grinned, and said, "Yes, absolutely" while thinking "I'm good at getting rid of regular food!"
Her face looks better in this picture. What a difference hydration makes!
No. 33455
She's contradicting herself, notice she says
>met the dietician and she changed my meal plan againThe plan just changed after she re-talked to her dietician. I'm going to say it's not all her fault because at this point, I do believe her dietician is a massive idiot.
No. 33477
>>33475Yeah, they usually
add more supplement drinks…unless they're trying to transition off of supplement drinks and onto "real food."
I really cannot believe that Aly went to the hospital for that short of a period of time and they let her go like she isn't on the fucking brink of death and is clearly incapable or unwilling to do what she needs to get better herself at home. What the fuck?
No. 33504
>>33492If I was her parent, I would be doing whatever it took to send her to an ED clinic outside Italy at this point if it's true that Italian healthcare actually is so bad that there aren't any "real" ED treatment facilities there or this is how they treat severe anorexia. This is fucking ridiculous.
>>33496Yeah, I know here in the states a lot (most?) ED clinics don't even let you have caffeinated beverages, so it's weird to watch her get served coffee in the hospital and shit.
No. 33532
>>33524I have one cup every day, maybe two before noon if I'm really dragging. None after noon though. I wonder how she sleeps at night
(sage cause no1curr)
No. 33542
>>33540Seriously though, she's an ungrateful cow. She can drink moonshine for all I care. She'll never take advice, because happy child Alice is always right.
Oh, look forward to the fanfic btw fwoargh
No. 33544
>>33542i know, but I sometimes feel terrible for her bc i know it's the illness feeding her delusions. :(
you're right though, giving her advice won't work.
No. 33546
File: 1442598576431.jpg (195.18 KB, 1200x624, image.jpg)

I was just browsing through her cover photos on Facebook and am utterly speechless…
No. 33548
File: 1442598660819.jpg (597.17 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg)

Here are more of her oldies from her cover photos album… The tears mascara running down the face one is so cringe worthy. Get over yourself, Alice.
No. 33552
File: 1442598941939.jpg (220.97 KB, 1080x1514, Screenshot_2015-09-18-18-54-09…)

Have you seen her old #hashtags?! Full of yourself or what!
No. 33557
File: 1442599287134.png (686.66 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-09-18-18-59-27…)

Is this DANTE???????? (Her first cover photo on fb!)
No. 33631
File: 1442608661990.jpg (205.04 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg)

I'm pretty convinced that this is what we keep seeing up her nose.
No. 33665
>>33652As the person above me said, ana points. Jfc though this is going to be a thing with her as well; she's now proud of her hospitalizations.
You know what though I'm just glad she's not calling it inpatient anymore.
No. 33715
>>33652But note that it's a MEDICAL HOSPITALIZATION guise, totally not related to her ED, totally not a relapse, totally not her fault, etc.
Fuck this cunt.
No. 33719
>>33715Didn't it used to be IP x 1 and NEVER AGAIN
I hate all this severe anorexia, medical hospitalisation x 2 then I'M NOT MY ILLNESS bs. Oh fuck off. She's as attention seeking as the dicks who write their amount of "suicide attempts" on their profile. Fuck off the lot of you.
>>33717What kind are you after? Tell me what it is and I'll tell you if it's worth the effort of finding it.
No. 33736
>>33725I've never had Ritter but Milka's nice. It's really creamy and smooth.
I'd send you some if this wasn't an anon thing, but it might be possible to source some in Canada. Milka's not too different from Lindt though tbh.
No. 33750
>>33737Nope, Shoppers only. Haven't seen a London Drugs in Ontario. Seems they're out west. We do have a London, so I thought you meant something local to that city, haha.
On topic - realrecoveryinspiration posted again! She was quiet during the hospitalization drama and I wondered if she'd been scared off.
No. 33793
>>33764I agree, and the worst thing is she'll probably be right.
The problem with her restricting is not that she'll be stabilized and ignored by the hospital though. It's that she's going to kill herself. And because the doctors are apparently morons, they told her it wasn't her fault, so she wasn't even scolded for her own actions and won't see a reason to change them.
No. 33808
>>33725Ritter is easy to find NE of the states, not entirely sure about Canada though. I think that I saw them in the Walmart in NB and NS when I went to visit family there. I've only had the dark chocolate marzipan and it's pretty good. Very sweet though, but that's probably due to the marzipan.
Milka was at Zellers and London Drugs, as someone else mentioned.
No. 33812
File: 1442635758887.jpg (46.76 KB, 621x132, IgHayley.jpg)

>>33723i cannot believe how many times this girl has OD'd. I have to wonder if girls like her would think twice before taking yet another half assed OD that will result in them being discharged in 72 hours or less if they actually had to pay for their health care. that is, if they didn't have the NHS. Most of the extreme attention seeking "look at me taking pics in the hospital bathroom with my IV" come from the UK. not all, but most.
No. 33817
>>33801How exactly does Instagram delete what gets deleted or not? By the food on there?
Sprout's account was 90% diet foods along with her skeletal frame so she obviously was a big red flag for them (as well as the risk factor of a lawsuit over her quasi-recovery eventually killing her and thousands of people encouraging it), but when they look at Aly's account it'll fool them unless they look deeper.
No. 33823
File: 1442637924276.png (1.69 MB, 1080x1080, Dante! ^=^.png)

>>33631This man with beer is our god, Dante <3
No. 33841
File: 1442639835172.png (341.04 KB, 592x388, cyr.png)

she has aged a lot, i'm assuming the lines above her mouth are wrinkles from smoking.
#pictureofhealth #realrecovery
No. 33848
>>33847I'm not that person, but Google Translate says:
>It is how you die, if you do not stop. And the Uruguay Round of harm to others. stop.Somehow I get the feeling that's not very accurate. Uruguay…? Any Chinese-speaking farmers around?
No. 33849
File: 1442641212870.jpg (19.91 KB, 320x320, Kissing-lips.jpg)

>>33841Not necessarily (but possibly)! I think just being malnourished and devoid of fat is what makes her look so old. If she had more fat around her mouth, those lines wouldn't show when she makes that face.
Lol it's so annoying! She doesn't know how to make a real kissy face. You're supposed to pouf your lips out like the girl in this picture! Maybe some people's mouth muscles just don't work in the same way as others? I don't know :s
No. 33871
Sorry, autocorrect.
No. 33893
>>33874(I'm not a native speaker, so please feel free to correct me if I have mistranslated anything. 我中文说得不太流利.)
>You still haven't eaten, have you?
>I really hope you have eaten, because you need the calories. Still I am right in expressing extreme doubt in this (that Aly is eating.) You have become so emaciated, you are spending time in this place (the hospital.) But you are only here in the hospital to cure your illness. You will not be able to begin living unless you eat something.
>ALY, if you don't stop this, this is how you will die. And you realize that dragging out your return is only hurting others? Put an end to this.Basically, this person is saying what we are all thinking and saying on here. They are probably saying it in Chinese since ALy can't understand it, lol.
No. 33913
File: 1442659336468.png (1.06 MB, 618x1301, Aly 9-19-2015.png)

Wow she deletes the posts talking about actual side effects that normal people experience during recovery (night sweats, in this case) and kept the ass-licking posts. How unsurprising yet bitchy. Screenshot is from a few hours ago.
No. 33915
File: 1442659474154.png (1.07 MB, 615x1353, Aly 9-19-2015 1-2.png)

>>33913vs. now.
One thing I can't stand about Aly is that she never seems to even try to offer any real support or help to her followers. She just goes ahead and deletes everything but the ass-kissing and the occasional question to which she can say "I don't want to talk about that [bitchy emoji]" or "I already wrote about that in my last post [bitchy emoji]" or something.
No. 33920
>>33917Wow. I'm going to have to be careful and not get my account blocked now. I'm always so tempted to comment on shit, but now, if she blocks me and I make a new sockpuppet account, she might not accept me as a follower ;_; What would I do if I couldn't see her morning breakfast cookie arrangement every day?!
>>33918Agreed. If I ate that much in one sitting, I definitely wouldn't be posting it online for the world to see.
No. 33938
File: 1442666891074.png (30.32 KB, 1028x86, Screen Shot 2015-09-19 at 5.46…)

>>33936Yup. I wouldn't put anything beyond her, at this point. She really seems like a complete cunt, aside from her ED. I've known people with EDs who were really nice people, just irrational around food, so it's not like "being a raging bitch" is something she can't help due to her disorder.
No. 33939
File: 1442667601907.png (35.27 KB, 1114x90, Screen Shot 2015-09-19 at 5.58…)

>>33938oh and inb4 "nightsnack is not in my mealplan [shit-eating grin emoji]"
No. 33968
File: 1442680349452.png (280.49 KB, 719x970, 1431615233700.png)

>>33967You scamp. Is the comment still up?
Also, the irony of this post from Aly (from May)…nicked it from one of her earlier threads.
No. 33977
File: 1442681910513.png (195.37 KB, 698x650, Screenshot 2015-09-19 at 11.57…)

What foods should we recommend for Sprout?
No. 33983
>>33977Why bother at this point? I thought she'd actually start getting better once she went back to school and had to start acting more normal, but instead we find out she's restricting even more now and had a shitfit meltdown in Target over her Starbucks drink having like 90 more calories than she thought (then she threw it out after paying for the thing!)
She used to ask questions like this on IG though she never was willing to "break" her food rules. She's gonna be stuck eating dry-ass feta wraps, quest bars, and exactly 6 Brussels sprouts forevermore.
No. 33995
File: 1442685296835.png (1.62 MB, 1200x1198, Screen Shot 2015-09-19 at 10.5…)

>>33990That thing is like the size of my fingernail. It's a joke. I can't even believe they make pastries that small, and she takes an extreme closeup to make it look like it's the size of a normal cupcake or something. Ridiculous.
And the crackers - a WHOLE PACKAGE OF CRACKERS!!! I count 10 saltines (if you break them into individual squares). The interwebs says each saltine square is approximately 13 calories. 130 calories + that tiny handful of grapes = WHO THE FUCK DESIGNED THIS MEAL PLAN JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THAT IS NOT GOING TO LEAD TO WEIGHT GAIN
No. 33997
File: 1442685485311.png (2.27 MB, 1202x1206, Screen Shot 2015-09-19 at 10.5…)

>>33995Still, I feel like her face looks a bit "softer" than usual or something. It's already going away, though. She just got fluids in the hospital, and it reeeeeally makes me wonder whether she's one of those anorexics who is literally afraid of water (I've known or heard of a ridiculous number, given that it is an established fact that water has exactly 0 calories). I doubt she drinks anything but her coffee, Fortimel, and the occasional alcoholic beverage. Seriously, bitch needs to drink some motherfucking H2O.
No. 34002
>>33995Woah she's really pushing herself to the limits with this booger size cupcake.
>>33997Lack of eyeshadow is an improvement. I honestly can't say she looks any healthier though. Still got the dead eye.
No. 34006
File: 1442685791268.png (2.15 MB, 1196x1194, Screen Shot 2015-09-19 at 11.0…)

>>34002Ahhhh maybe it's the makeup. I'm so bad at telling "what's different" about people's appearances. At least when she was in the hospital her face looked a lot better, leading me to believe that she must be dehydrated as fuck most of the time.
No. 34012
>>33977She needs IP, not the "help" of other sick people who are her "friends." I hope a school official gets involved.
>>33997I have a friend who is a chronic case and she had to get 5 bags of fluid. I spoke to her when she was in the hospital and she was already planning ways to lose the water weight she had "gained." :(
No. 34016
File: 1442686975051.png (1003.88 KB, 617x1086, A WHOLE PIZZA.png)

>therecoveryofemily: How can you eat a whole pizza without cutting it?
Ahahahah I bet the "whole pizza" is like 6 inches in diamater
No. 34017
>>33997I will never understand anorexics who fear these imaginary calories in water, especially ones that fear showers because of it. I was never so crayola, even at my worst.
But hey, maybe she has some weird necro fetish and wants to look like a mummy.
>>33997I look at this picture and think, "Why are these early 20-somethings hanging with a granny with fried hair?"
No. 34022
>>34017I don't feel like aly's bad enough to think water has calories if she's drinking coffee. I can't get enough of water. Guzzling that nature's nectar is an absolute pleasure for me and the reason I think she scale hops is because if I drink, say a litre in a couple of hours without a pee and weigh myself it looks like I've gained a pound or sthing. After relieving my bladder you can see the loss of water weight.
Looking dehydrated might mean looking skinny to her. Prefering to look like a dehydrated mummy specimen is probably the look she's after because healthy hydration to her = looking fat.
>>34017They pity her probably.
No. 34033
>>33967Lol, that's why I was having kind of hard time translating… Pls learn 2 Chinese, you are kind of embarrassing yourself otherwise kek.
If you want, I could write comments in legible Chinese instead.
No. 34035
>>34033Not faux Chinese anon, but I don't think the fakeness makes any difference. I've posted google translated into other languages and posted on her page. They were TROOF messages she obviously didn't bother to translate and I didn't get blocked.
Any language throws in really shitty translations even if it's a native speaker (discovered this on vk translating Russian).
No. 34045
>>34044I think she's taking a year out. Last year she still lived at home, so I can't see she'd opt for living on campus. She seems too dependent on Ma C to do that.
OT but not OT, shopping in town yesterday was a nightmare. All the new students to the city are SO OBVIOUS. My stationery fondling fetish was really disrupted by 18 year olds shopping for ring binders and pens with their parents.
No. 34052
>>34050I looked through her post-Labor Day photos and there is no mention of school or classes, not even a "breakfast before class" or whatever. I don't think she's enrolled :\
When was the last time she posted school-related stuff?
No. 34053
>>34042 are you sure that people can see who you follow? i can't see that information about others. I do have a public account, no wonder i'm getting blocked then ha
thanks anyway!
No. 34067
>>34064I seriously have no idea WTF they are doing. Either the people making Aly's meal plan are retarded or Aly is not actually following what they're telling her to do and is making her own "meal plan" to make it look like she's receiving more proper treatment than she is. YOU DON'T TAKE AWAY A SUPPLEMENT DRINK IF SOMEONE HAS JUST LOST WEIGHT AND ENDED UP IN THE HOSPITAL FFS
Yes I mad
No. 34072
File: 1442702175375.png (13.8 KB, 556x48, Said Aly to Dante.png)

No. 34075
>>33972Omfg I was
>>33943 and I guess even I underestimated her! She's even more attention-seeking than I thought, hahaha!
No. 34077
File: 1442702530716.jpg (38.27 KB, 557x294, ss.JPG)

>>34075Someone's asked her if she'll make it private again. As if. Haha.
Sooo, how is this an increase of bread? Looks like she pulled all the actual white fluffy part out.
No. 34080
>>34079bollocks, meant to green text this
> I really honestly wish I could do something to get this girl some helpmy mouse isn't working
No. 34084
>>34077>fried in double (!) the usual amount of oil ?FOR FUCKS SAKE. Sunnyside up eggs can only absorb so much oil. Even if she did actually use twice the amount of oil, there is no way she's actually intaking more.
>>34078She's definitely going to die before that happens. Thanks to the second hospital admission, she thinks it'll be okay to restrict because she'll just be stabilized and sent on her way. Except… one of these times the monthly appointment isn't going to be soon enough to catch her.
No. 34086
>>34085Maudsley. Although mere mention of the word summons hordes of ex-maudsley patients.
gets popcorn. Watch.
No. 34087
>>34085Yeah, it has nothing to do with caring or not caring. There's only so much you can do when it comes to forcing people to eat or not purge.
At the same time though, her parents could set ultimatums or find a way to involuntarily admit her. There is more they could be doing, and it seems like they just aren't.
So I'm obviously on the fence.
No. 34088
>>34085Not ana or a junky, but it sounds a similar scenario to an addict. If they don't want to recover, they won't.
Very slightly similar thing, with cigs I've had everyone try to stop me smoking for years and years but I did't want to and I know it was killing me. I say was because I vape now so less chance of dying. (Still have a cheeky little cig now and again tho).
No. 34089
>>34085I'm the anon who, a while back, tried to read up on Italian law regarding involuntary treatment. If they get two doctors, I think it is, to say that Aly is a danger to herself and is
refusing treatment (that's the clincher - it seems she's playing along but bullshitting her way through instead of outright refusing), they could force her to be committed for a short period of time. The involuntary commitment can be extended, but it all requires going through the legal system, and Italy seems to be really big on having the patients agree to receive treatment voluntarily and not get "locked up," so I doubt her parents could even swing it.
>>34086Works best with young children/teens. Although Aly is a ~joyous child~, she's too willful. I could never see that working with her. Also, Maudsley parents are generally fucking insane.
No. 34094
File: 1442704073995.jpg (44.75 KB, 459x587, ss.JPG)

Ma C posted a link for Aly on her fb. To me it sounds like she's laughing at her daughter's coffee habit. That's a bit…not right. Should she be encouraging her to live for her coffee? Unless it's a way of trying to get her to not drink as much.
No. 34097
>>34094And you know she's drinking it to stave off hunger and/or rev up her metabolism…yeah, great habit for Ma to encourage/make a joke out of
>>34095Nope. She won't. At this point, she'd have to gain literally like 50 pounds to be on the bottom end of the "healthy" range. Anyone see that happening? Anyone? Yeeeeah…
No. 34098
>>34097Yeah, the effects of caffeine on her heart too plus the diuretic effect. So many fucked people.
Aly's going to die. I know we say this about Ash, but Aly has too many health problems so frequently to survive as long as Ash does.
No. 34106
>>34094As fucked as it is, I don't think anyone's going to do anything about her coffee intake.
Italians drink a fuckloads of it IIRC, and it probably seems fairly normal.
No. 34109
>>34088The cliche of 'they won't change unless they want to' applies to a lot of mental illnesses, the pre-contemplative-cessation model doesn't apply as well to a schizophrenic or a major depressive but it can work really well with ED's and personality disorders as well as substance dependence.
Everyday they gotta make the right choice.
No. 34110
>>34109In some cases I think a person finds it's too much hard work to work through the problem. I KNOW it's hard work and the process of reaching some level of recovery can be slow, but sometimes it's like not trying is the easiest option. Some kind of avoidance thing. Yeah, I'm not a psychotherapist, but it's something I've found by experience.
Whatever, mental health treatment fucking sucks worldwide. If you can't get a decent run of intensive therapy then leaving a person alone to deal with it (apart from a token check up every month) isn't helpful at all.
No. 34121
File: 1442708777434.jpg (55.64 KB, 638x647, vk.JPG)

VK lolcows do not like to see self harm, yet think emaciated bodies are beautiful.
No. 34123
>>34110The treatment models kinda suck, and you're right that even those perceived as 'resistant to treatment' (ughhhhhhhhhh) still deserve long term intervention to be available and should at the very least be given whatever harm minimization strategies are possible.
Unfortunately the number of people requiring care and the number if those providing is is scarily disproportionate.
No. 34130
File: 1442712372861.png (228.7 KB, 603x606, s.png)

this is so so so beyond fucked
No. 34133
>>34108I've reported her most spoopy/thinspo-ish pics before and nothing has happened. I know she's deleted some on her own, but I don't think Instagram ever took any of them down because she claims she's a ~pro-recovery account~ so she's not "promoting self-harm." I highly doubt Instagram will do anything about her account, petition or no petition, reporting or no reporting. And, if her account gets deleted, she'll just whine about it and make a new one and keep doing the same thing day after day as per usual.
>>34130>wonderfully weakI am going to fucking vomit. If anyone deserves a Lisbeth Salander-style ass-kicking, I'd say it's these guys. I just hope they keep their fetishism confined to the internet and don't ever go out into the real world looking for ~wonderfully weak~ young teenagers to encourage to starve themselves to death for the sake of fap material.
No. 34147
File: 1442721617658.png (141.21 KB, 688x484, Screen Shot 2015-09-19 at 9.58…)

ugh now I'm on Henry Roth's VK. he's such a hypocrite. he posts all this creepy fetish shit about spoopy bodies, then also some anti-ED stuff???
No. 34148
>>34142They're not ogling aly though. Maybe her face puts them off.
The blonde girl posted a hater comment to aly last week didn't she. She sounds gutsy enough to take the vk perverts on.
No. 34157
>>34150>>34151Sage for somewhat off-topic.
I feel like it's a really creepy power dynamic and it makes me quite uncomfortable. I started dating my fiancé when I was 18 and healthy. Over the course of the last year, I've had to deal with a fuckton of health problems that, when we entered into a relationship, he never could have known I'd be going through in my mid-20s. He had to step into the "caretaker" role some of the time while I was really ill (I was in a lot of pain and/or on strong pain meds much of the time and rarely left the bed). It seems much different when a person enters into a relationship with someone they
know is already very ill (e.g., someone with terminal cancer or a very severe ED) and they
know going into it that they're going to be the person's "caretaker" as well as their partner. It makes me think of that Rachael Farrokh woman's husband - I don't know if he knew she had a severe ED when they first got together, and maybe this is just me being overly suspicious of people's motives, but I got a really "off" vibe from him in the videos I saw of them together.
I'm not saying that I think that ALL of these caretaker/partners are bad people or anything, just…I think some of them have issues of their own and that it's not necessarily the most healthy dynamic.
No. 34709
File: 1442726129593.png (58.82 KB, 586x379, rachael.png)

well for the update on rachael farrokh
No. 34736
File: 1442729218057.png (116.06 KB, 1142x406, Screen Shot 2015-09-19 at 11.0…)

>>33939CALLED IT
(not like Aly is anything other than ridiculously predictable, but still)
So sick of this bitch's shit. Do you want to gain weight? Then fucking eat more. It's not rocket science. You've gone on and on before about how you don't care about ~extra calories~, so put up or shut up.
No. 34743
File: 1442733005880.jpg (31.05 KB, 512x342, ApexKek.jpg)

>>34742Oh anon. I am actually laughing out loud.
No. 34757
File: 1442747089889.png (220.56 KB, 1138x560, Screen Shot 2015-09-20 at 4.01…)

>As many of you already noticed, I'm kinda "hyperactive" and even if it's not link to over exercise/moving addiction, could it be a consequence of my eating disorder? I guess yes.
"Hyperactive," but absolutely not linked to over-exercising/exercise addition, eh? I suspect she's burning off a lot of the (few) calories she does eat with "moving," and I highly doubt that she's going to just start lazing around now, especially given how much commitment she's shown to weight restoration with her MASSIVE (!) meal plan increase.
No. 34758
File: 1442747220624.png (2.98 MB, 1200x1200, Screen Shot 2015-09-20 at 4.05…)

>>34757Also, wow @ how her style of dress has completely changed, presumably because she realized how spoopy she was looking and decided to try to flaunt it a little more subtlety…
No. 34761
File: 1442750399892.png (820.22 KB, 618x1143, Aly 9-20-2015 4.png)

OMG! Super challenging new meal-planned morning snack, guys! A WHOLE (!) package of crackers (~130 calories)! And - I apologize, I'm retarded - are those damsons? If so, that's maybe another 50 calories (probably less, they look so small). This is such a joke. She's going to keep losing weight.
No. 34768
File: 1442758073456.jpg (65.96 KB, 600x400, 00923.jpg)

>>34761I thought damsons or dark plums looked bluer than that with lines (the ones on peaches too that make them look like butts, don't know what they're called) too ? Correct me if I'm wrong.
I dunno, these straight up look like red grapes to me.
If they are then those crackers must be minuscule.
No. 34770
>>34768They sure as hell looked like plain old grapes to me. I was just scouring the internet trying to find the closest "plum" to what was pictured - I'd never even heard of a damson before. And yeah, that
whole package of crackers is a joke. What an increase (did her caloric intake even increase at all if she ditched one of her daily Fortimels?)! Such brave. So challenge. Much gainz.
No. 34787
>>34784I guess the idea is that fewer people will be able to find her if she starts over.
And look, 100 supporters! (not that it will change anything)
No. 34790
>>34761Why does she keep tagging stuff "ednos" when she's anorexic? Like, that
is specified.
No. 34793
File: 1442768317783.png (738.05 KB, 536x536, i bet he ships harryxdraco.png)

latest photo
yet again, he's nearly done, she's faffing about
i want to make more of these ngl
No. 34795
File: 1442768606385.png (741.16 KB, 536x536, dickin around.png)

No. 34815
File: 1442774437326.png (277.14 KB, 280x598, Transparent Bro.png)

>>34814Also, here's my shitty transparent background bro image if anyone wants it. I hate to say it, but that looks like the face of someone who's been driven mad enough to go shoot up their school or something. I hope you're OK, lil guy.
No. 34822
>>34815As I was scrolling down and catching up, I thought, woah he looks like his homelife is about to make him go postal.
(or at least do sthing like stick his ice cream in her face).
No. 34837
>>34822Yeah, I'm worried for him. It can't be easy watching your sister go through all of this (and make you pose for weird photos for her weird Instagram to show off to her weird #edfamily).
>>34830The tags were so self-absorbed, too. She thought/thinks she's pretty hot shit.
No. 34846
File: 1442780750762.png (31.55 KB, 1058x94, Screen Shot 2015-09-20 at 1.24…)

>I did not want to know the calories when the dietitian gave me food plan ?
She says this over and over. BULLLSHIIIITTTTTT.
No. 34847
File: 1442781704164.png (1.08 MB, 700x700, 1441471241592.png)

A person who's truly wanting to recover shouldn't count calories, you should just eat what you want like normal people do. STOP CARING about calories, just eat.
No. 34876
File: 1442784563913.png (161.11 KB, 720x720, IMG_20150920_172829.png)

Oy vey.
No. 34880
File: 1442785014578.png (372.03 KB, 545x393, aaaaaaaajaajja.png)

was this too mad or
No. 34889
>>34830I always thought the PDA pics were way OTT, but then wondered if it's a cultural thing ~me and Dante lying on the sand, with the waves lapping our embracing bodies, lips locked~
Anyone else notice that on the day her parents aren't at home there really is visible oil (!) on the food and quite a good portion of bread. Straight in the bin!
Crackers are so dry. I hope it's encouraging her to drink some fucking water at least.
No. 34891
File: 1442786712477.jpg (54.3 KB, 568x444, bacteria laden cup.JPG)

The roses are looking very unhealthy. Just saying.
No. 34899
File: 1442788892949.png (672.1 KB, 618x794, j.png)

it's literally a meal plan decrease. and in the photo she claimed to have had a croissant beforehand so what the fuck is djhgskjhgk what the fuck did i forget to mention she lost weight on the first meal plan, i am done
No. 34903
>>34901Actually nvm, I am not proud of myself for this but I measured both the fruit and the closest cracker, and they seem to be about the same size (diameter) which is rather large for a grape. So it could be a plum variety.
All of this is besides the point though…even if her diet is now higher by 200 Cal a day (if she rly did increase other portions), is it enough for weight restoration? I think not.
No. 34911
>>34908Because I really should be studying instead, here's what appears to be Aly's intake –
- cappuccino w/ 7 cookies
- coffee ± pastry. If she eats pastry she has an espresso to "balance" the cals vs drinking a cappuccino - fruit and Fortimel (replaced by crackers)
- lunch
- fortimel
- dessert of some sort (plus coffee lbr)
- dinner
So besides the crackers replacing the Fortimel (ulimately bringing that meal down by maybe 100 Cal), the basic structure is unchanged.
No. 34914
File: 1442791474741.jpg (98.96 KB, 960x640, sphincter mouth.jpg)

>>33849late to the party, but Aly had those lines even before.
No. 34915
File: 1442791782805.png (424.03 KB, 707x330, skeleteeth.png)

>>34914Same anon. Her face could use a few pounds.
No. 34922
File: 1442792405952.jpg (92.38 KB, 289x330, Untitled-2.jpg)

>>34915She'd also benefit from some less horrific brows
No. 34926
Her "meals" are looking more and more bland, and that's how I judge calories tbh. Whoever told her to eat crackers is a clown.
>>34914I doubt she's ever taken care of her skin. If you're a smoker then moisturise at least.
Even when she was fuller in the face, she still has that fuck-off-I'm-a-princess expression.
No. 34927
File: 1442793425621.jpg (60.23 KB, 569x496, 1.JPG)

Sorry, aly. Your (disgusting) baggy clothes aint foolin' nobody.
No. 34946
File: 1442798044225.png (1.06 MB, 932x591, HUGEEE.png)

No. 34952
>>34939It's the Milan model lifestyle, innit.
#stunning #girls
No. 34956
File: 1442799538976.jpg (83.11 KB, 838x522, classy.JPG)

>>34943Couldn't be arsed to scroll through her fakerecovery account, but here's one from her other account.
She has FOOD as a hashtag.
No. 34988
>>34903By pure math alone, absolutely not.
She lost 0.5kg on the earlier meal plan.
Translating to pounds because Amerifag, so 1.1 lbs.
That's 0.22 pounds lost per week.
Now, if a pound is 3500 calories, that's 770 extra calories per week, and 110 calories per day that she needs to increase just to
maintain. 90 calories over that isn't going to do anything.
She's not going to gain on this meal plan, and she's certainly not going to gain faster, like she told her mother (Uhm… speaking of which… that picture is gone now.)
No. 34990
>>33191Yeah, this is gone now. And because she deleted it, it means she doesn't have to do more in Instagram's eyes.
Her poor mother. She's honestly foolish and naive enough to think Aly is going to do MORE and exit the comfort zone, but nope. A few days later and Aly has already said "fuck that" to that.
She'll be back in the hospital in no time.
No. 35001
File: 1442810987047.png (1.13 MB, 618x1977, Aly 9-17-2015 6.png)

>>34990Ahh, it's times like this when I'm glad that one manifestation of my OCD is screenshotting just about everything. That fucking bitch. I really do wish she would be involuntarily committed. She needs it.
No. 35004
File: 1442813015091.png (276.63 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-09-21-01-19-29…)

I crack myself up imagining aly in charge of a red cross response in Africa. "Yes children here is a gallon of straight espresso and please do not eat more than 6 grapes because more than that is not in the plan."
No. 35007
File: 1442814174683.jpg (14.99 KB, 262x89, Capture.JPG)

>>35004Not sure if this is a farmer, but GOOD POINT. I hadn't thought of that.
No. 35011
I've been wondering about this:
She seems to say in her posts whenever she has a headache, sleep problems, anxiety (which could be low blood sugar), etc… and she uses it to get more praise for soldiering through it and recovering from it with coffee and coffee-posi-vibes.
But surely she feels like shit most of the time now, wouldn't you think? Maybe she's still riding the starvation (and coffee) high, but even that won't prevent headaches, nausea, weakness, low blood pressure/fainting, chronic sleep problems, and the like. It's gonna get worse at this rate, too.
She's a bizarro world proana, bragging and lying about her intake and positivity but not mentioning any of the physical consequences, unless she gets hospitalized. ED related health problems give you major ana points.
No. 35014
>>35011She's got to be feeling shit all the time. I bet her whole waking time is fuzzy and she's constantly tired. Bet she has palpitations a lot too with all that coffee.
Pretty sure she's deleting comments atm.
No. 35028
File: 1442828266969.png (726.03 KB, 904x534, ad.PNG)

what is it now aly
No. 35039
File: 1442833148760.png (169.51 KB, 1138x378, Screen Shot 2015-09-21 at 3.46…)

Yeeeeessssss, I have definitely noticed the ~increased doses (gag) of carbs and fat~ in your diet, Aly! I am especially inspired by your ability to eat approximately 130 calories worth of dry crackers.
Seriously, removing a supplement drink and replacing it with a meager amount of food? What the fucking fuck? I think/hope a lot of her followers who have EDs themselves will recognize this as bullshit because of their own experiences with meal plans. If Aly lost weight and ended up in the hospital, I'd expect her dietitian to add maybe a Fortimel and an extra snack or something to her meal plan. I mean, yes, eating "real food" instead of relying on supplement drinks is a good longer-term goal, but that shouldn't be the #1 priority when you're dealing with someone as underweight as Aly…
No. 35046
File: 1442833497255.png (109.79 KB, 1136x368, Screen Shot 2015-09-21 at 4.00…)

>>35039Also, for the record, she's going to take a break from uni, I assume for health reasons. She isn't doing
nearly as well in her #realrecovery as she's making it out that she is. It sounds to me from her previous posts that she's basically been ordered to be on bedrest or close to it, but she's being "hyperactive" and possibly overexercising in addition to going out and about all day. I hope her parents and/or her alleged treatment team demanded that she pull the plug on going back to uni this semester. It doesn't seem like a decision she'd make on her own, and, unless I missed it, she never crowed about it in a post; she just referenced it in this comment.
No. 35049
File: 1442833707223.png (240.45 KB, 1136x564, Screen Shot 2015-09-21 at 4.06…)

>>35046Nevermind, she just posted about it. Screencaps in case she deletes this shit. She's admitted she's too sick/frail to attend classes anymore. And, my ass she's going to "do EVERYTHING possible to HEAL right now." Let's see them gainz over the next few months - I'm sure they'll be impressive.
No. 35054
>>35051Ah-NON, like
ah-NON-i-muss for anonymous. Never heard
ANN-on before.
No. 35056
>>35011She might not experience all of those symptoms. She has fainted though and just blames it on the heat. Because nothing is her or her ED's fault, not even landing in the hospital.
As for your theory of anxiety caused by low blood sugar, I wouldn't say so. Of all things I've doubted that she ate/drank, coffee has never been one of them. Caffeine can directly cause anxiety, so it's probably that.
No. 35058
File: 1442837663432.png (854.14 KB, 617x1239, Aly 9-21-2015 5.png)

LOL @ comments. Sure, Aly, sure.
No. 35059
File: 1442838271509.jpg (335.34 KB, 1107x720, Untitled.jpg)

Dry. So dry.
No. 35069
>>35004>>35007Welp, they've been deleted.
No. 35071
>>35068That looks like zucchini (?), not eggplant.
Not that I'm giving Aly a pass, but check this, it also looks dry as hell but had some oil drizzled onto it before roasting: No. 35143
File: 1442852188083.png (212 KB, 634x554, IMG_20150921_121450_edit.png)

Dunno if this has been posted.
No. 35163
File: 1442854886585.png (704.46 KB, 656x668, IMG_20150921_125829_edit.png)

Sternum sliiiightly less prominent, or trick of the light?
No. 35172
>Over the meal plan? ? Yes it was! Straight before dinner? Yes again! And challanging too ? But IDC! ? Cause I'm #RECOVER -ing ?SO WHY DO YOU REFUSE TO EAT A #NIGHTSNACK BECAUSE IT'S NOT IN YOUR MEAL PLAN
No. 35176
File: 1442857875401.png (122.34 KB, 719x507, 2015-09-21 13.50.50.png)

No. 35177
File: 1442858389801.jpg (4.32 MB, 3296x5393, collage_20150921105759663.jpg)

Have you seen ginger's new barf? Lol
No. 35178
>>35176are those trolls or
i cant always tell with her followers
No. 35187
File: 1442861497105.png (328.17 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-09-21-19-49-25…)

These MUST be trolls, makes me laugh how obvious they are yet she revels in their "compliments" haha
No. 35229
File: 1442869656517.jpg (Spoiler Image,121.51 KB, 1068x1248, Screenshot_2015-09-21-17-01-14…)

So I noticed the discoloring on her thumb in this picture and its similar to what I and other people have experienced with anorexia called Raynaud's phenomenon. IIRC Its where your heart can't pump blood to your extremities because its prioritizing vital organs over them.
I commented, hoping to get some sort of response that she knows what it is. It was something along the lines of "are you okay?? That thumb doesn't look good, did you injure it?" And she blocked me.
No. 35241
File: 1442870603160.png (83.82 KB, 1142x264, Screen Shot 2015-09-21 at 2.21…)

This is making my head feel like it's going to explode.
>>34814This is me right now.
No. 35274
File: 1442873886415.jpg (42.15 KB, 210x104, gunk.jpg)

>>35028Mmmm old drink crust
No. 35311
>>35229Jesus sky-diving Christ!
>>35241I don't think I've ever been so frustrated with someone I've never known.
No. 35329
>>35322She really doesn't English very well. If she cutted out the slang it would be less noticeable.
The number of accounts she follows has gone down since around that last hospital stay (haters?). She was following 90 for a long time, but a few weeks back it got into the mid-nineties, but since that totally not ED-related medical stabilization, I've seen it go to 94, 93, and now 92 or 91. I doubt she looks at anybody else's accounts, except to check if they're "fakes." She never even follows anybody new after asking for good #realrecovery with only positivity accounts to follow.
No. 35335
>>35322Ugh, I know. I don't know why she bothers to even pretend. She makes it obvious that she doesn't care from every other post.
It's worse when she says throwback and they're from a few hours ago.
No. 35349
File: 1442890039156.png (602.22 KB, 919x393, ging.PNG)

Ginger has been posting more body pics lately. Hopefully it gets some ED girls to reconsider their habits, because not even the spoopiest skelly wannabes would want to look like this. Her face looks like Gollum.
No. 35353
File: 1442890761720.png (645.93 KB, 914x595, ging2.png)

>>35350Sorry for triple posting, but her face makes Aly look healthy and radiant by comparison.
No. 35362
>>35359Diff anon but google translated:
>Avoid teasing and lie to others but above all to yourself, leave space profile if this is an obsession.>It will not be a picture zooming to 100%, phrases like "recovery is worth it" "super oily dinner" and various other crapSEEK HELP
>Who wants to understand understand, but please, stop lying (see previous post) No. 35379
File: 1442897209528.png (107.8 KB, 1130x414, Screen Shot 2015-09-21 at 9.42…)

I wasn't one of the commenters in this pic, but now I'm wondering, were the pancakes supposed to be what put her ~way over~ her meal plan? This whole "I love eating extra delicious food on top of my meal plan! I just tell Ana to shut her mouth! I'm #recovering for real! Calories only count if you count them!"/"Nooooo I can't eat anything else on top of my meal plan! That isn't in my meal plan so I can't eat it!" dichotomy is driving me insane.
No. 35397
File: 1442900236469.jpg (148.02 KB, 589x581, gingfood.jpg)

I honestly wonder how Ginger's stomach doesn't rupture. She eats a decent volume of food and gas-inducing food at that. I've been veg for years and I still can't eat like her in one sitting without looking preggers. I wonder if 70% of her diet is Gas-X.
No. 35399
>>35397I imagine she pukes it all up, anon. (Veg here as well, what she eats is horrifying and gross.)
It's so sad she has such a terribly unfortunate face. Her hair is a pretty color and long, and her body used to look cute. But now.. she's just a spoopy, spoopy skeleton.
No. 35404
>>35353I disagree. Ginge is most definitely unhealthy, but her light skin and hair wash her out and make her look more ill. I'm not usually a fan of cosmetics, but she'd look better with a little brow pencil and eye makeup, some fringe to hide the forehead, and some normal facial expressions. Also, Ginge seems to stay hydrated and she doesn't smoke, so her skin looks better. Aly looks like a granny, Ginge looks like a preteen. Neither is a good thing, but…
Oh shit, did I just defend gremlin?
No. 35405
>>35399>>35402Well, that would explain why her stomach never looks like it's poofed out.
>>35401I didn't even want to bring attention to that horror. I've eaten some odd things, but that just makes me shake my head like Aly protesting against the deliciousness of her cheesecake. Nope.
No. 35407
File: 1442901409943.jpg (33.96 KB, 360x480, blogger-image--2037292597.jpg)

>>35403She ate cinnamon toast crunch, once.
Raw vegan cinnamon toast crunch.
It's fucking vegetables with cinnamon on top, doused in almond milk.
No. 35408
File: 1442901535128.jpg (137.51 KB, 933x597, burnitwithfire.jpg)

Ging's hands look really discolored.
No. 35411
>>35407Noooo, why did you bring it up again? I'm so ~*
triggered*~ by this.
No. 35413
>>35397The volume is suspect… I don't follow her account, does she post everything she eats?
Are there eating competitions that involve healthy foods? Like berries rather than hot dogs? If so, she should get on that competitive eating circuit; the veganism could be her gimmick. (But remember, vomiting = DQ via "reversal of fortune…")
No. 35414
>>35397Raw zucchini hot dog with clotted menstrual blood. My favourite.
Is that mustard on those noodles? That is way too much mustard.
No. 35415
>>35408Someone mentioned that it could be Raynaud's… Can it really make the hands that red? I have a very minor case, and my digits
lose all of their color… though not every finger/toe at once.
Might she have an issue with compulsive hand washing, or washing things in very hot water without wearing gloves?
No. 35418
>>35413She doesn't post everything.
I think it's possible that she eats all of it. There are people who eat much larger volumes of food: Presumably you get accustomed to it after a while.
It's not surprising that she's spoopy either. Her food is very high in volume but very low in calories. The noodles are 0 calorie shirataki. Anything that looks creamy is made of silken tofu or protein slop. Anything that's meant to be sweet is flavoured with stevia. I'm sure she's using low calorie buns. Her daily calorie intake is probably around 1200-1400, which would be ok for a sedentary person but is extremely low for someone as active as she is.
No. 35428
File: 1442903964361.png (124.72 KB, 1124x460, Screen Shot 2015-09-21 at 11.3…)

>>35379Aly replied and I can't even deal with this bullshit. I AM SO
No. 35429
File: 1442904412019.png (226.2 KB, 1118x718, Screen Shot 2015-09-21 at 11.4…)

She actually thinks she looks like she's gained weight, days after she was hospitalized and told she'd been losing weight. And she's "back on track" with her same calorie/reduced calorie (?) meal plan. Dear god. Goodbye friends I am dead
No. 35434
File: 1442904829917.jpg (28.8 KB, 274x133, notdead.jpg)

>>35428I saw that too and was like WTF?? Yes, you SHOULD. You need the fucking calories, Aly.
Notdeadyetpool might have gone too far with this comment though. I feel a banhammer coming.
>>35433I think she was saying she doesn't because she doesn't
always have something. But she's also saying she shouldn't because her emaciated ass thinks it's too much when it really isn't for weight restoration.
No. 35437
>>35434Holy shit she replied! Notdeadyetpool is officially immune to the banhammer!
>>35435True, but perhaps she doesn't realize that. Or maybe it's because she doesn't really have the first afternoon snack. As for "freaking second," she has to make a big deal out of everything she takes pictures of so it seems like she's really eating it.
No. 35439
>>35109Random #throwback, but never mind about what I said here. Turns out that I was indeed banned. All for telling her that she looked dehydrated and should add a night snack. (
>>34927 )
No. 35442
>>35439You have to be really sweet to notice she looks beautiful and glowing!
Does this
>a wondeful day is waiting for me (Yes, I'm allowed to LIVE toomean she's not bothering with her plan not to move around as much and is going to burn off some non existent fat rushing around?
At this point, I don't think I care any more.
No. 35451
File: 1442910591517.png (36.15 KB, 480x800, wp_ss_20150914_0001.png)

>>35447Tee isn't an ounce of honesty in her emaciated body. She uses followers as things to make her no recovery seem real. She's just an awful person and not worthy of concern. She's in her own bubble and nobody's going to get through to her.
OT kinda. This is the ig problem I'm having. I follow this account and post on it online but this is how most profiles look on my phone. Soo not sure if aly blocked me or what. Not that it matters.
No. 35461
File: 1442915578636.png (1.98 MB, 1196x1198, Screen Shot 2015-09-22 at 2.50…)

This #morningsnack is seriously like 150 calories. I don't believe she's actually consuming an "increased dose of oil." The rest of her food looks the same, except she's down a Fortimel. Tell me again how she's going to gain weight and #RECOVER for #REAL on this meal plan…?
No. 35481
File: 1442924277103.jpg (230.11 KB, 1074x1164, Screenshot_2015-09-22-13-15-55…)

No. 35485
>>35397As an actual Vegan Chef in the food industry, i find ginger's account to actually be incredibly offensive.
Working every day to change the mentality towards vegan food being "inedible vegetables", I always feel like she's exactly the type of person that proves otherwise…
No. 35493
It's like, people don't even bother anymore. Dissent will not be tolerated, heck it won't even be heard. So why bother?
No. 35515
>>35485>As an actual Vegan Chef Marry me!
>>35492Maybe she realised that being on ig wasn't a good thing. Yeah, she seemed okay apart from her odd eating habits. She seemed to be hovering more towards healthier foods and less crap. Hope she's okay whatever she's doing.
No. 35516
File: 1442938051686.jpg (198.94 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

That she finally fit again? What the actual fuck? She didn't hide the fact that she LOST weight, so she's only like 2lbs above the weight she was before the first hospitalization. Omg I cannot deal with her.
No. 35518
File: 1442938534369.jpg (21.46 KB, 201x308, oh man.JPG)

Her face. She's NINETEEN.
No. 35523
File: 1442939076598.jpg (130.96 KB, 614x1245, Screenshot_2015-09-22-17-23-19…)

>>35518This is her 9 months ago,
No. 35547
File: 1442942780225.jpg (32.31 KB, 346x530, Capture.JPG)

>>35546She hasn't said bloobs yet, so I didn't punch the laptop screen at that.
Someone asked where she bought her revolting top from and she said it's terranova brEnd, so I looked their clothes line up. Not sure if they're aimed at young people with appalling taste or old people who've given up on fashion.
No. 35558
File: 1442944456361.png (197.37 KB, 668x670, IMG_20150922_134133_edit.png)

>>35556She replied to a post from an Aly fan that said "I literally don't understand why you get hate, you're so sweet etc". P_C explained that haters weren't actually haters but people who were using their critical faculties, which is important in modern society and esp in a democracy. If we wanted a place that had no "hate", we'd be in North Korea. That was deleted (check out realrecoveryinspiration for further discussion on that). But then we get this as a followup.
No. 35564
>>35563A by that I mean, it's
her page so she really can do whatever. It's frustrating but she has a right to delete comments she doesn't like. It gets my goat when she deletes questions from other people who really need help though (also answers to those questions from her other followers)
No. 35566
File: 1442945637080.jpg (86.91 KB, 809x460, Capture.JPG)

She says she ate "meat filled dumplings", ie ravioli. Will this be q be deleted? Betting £1 it will be.
No. 35569
>>35547>>35548terranova is trash tier brand even in eastern europe where i live
it's hardly better than buying clothes in walmart
No. 35570
>>35568yeah, i loled at that comment.
>>35569i noticed they were cheap. idgaf about the quality, like it could be Primark shite, but the styles is so disgusting…which suits aly's personal style perfectly, so…
No. 35571
File: 1442946759843.jpg (35.48 KB, 355x200, Capture.JPG)

Btw, I will give props to Aly on that lunch plate. It is in fact huge (!) and substantial.
No. 35572
File: 1442946939424.jpg (18.29 KB, 257x114, ugh.JPG)

oh no. disappoint.
No. 35575
>>35572:( :( :(
everything hurts
what is this universe even
No. 35579
File: 1442947355056.jpg (53.4 KB, 352x411, Capture1.JPG)

The time to make popcorn is now.
No. 35580
>>35579@nontoxicnebraska thank you for defending me, honey.
WAITING for it.
No. 35585
File: 1442948142008.jpg (65.84 KB, 350x415, Capture.JPG)

>>35584Ah ok, got it. Agreed.
Well….what say y'all to this?
No. 35601
File: 1442950410425.jpg (233.31 KB, 1080x585, Ig.hay2.jpg)

>>35437>Notdeadyetpool is officially immune to the ban hammer!yes, very impressive. i gotta assume they're a farmer because of the 4 people they follow, 1 is Suicidal_bitch_fuckface and i posted a screenshot of her here recently.. could be coincidence but it'd be a big one.
the others are ginger, ryan reynolds and ugh, she who must not be named? aka the biggest pro ana of all. Hint: whannorexic.
sorry for to but.. notdeadyetpool, what do you think of suicidal_bitch_fuckface? i can't even begin to count the amount of times she's posted how/where she's going to kill herself, followers alert police, she's found/taken to ER for stitches or tylenol OD antidote, released, and repeat.
What i really want to know is, where do you draw the line between severe BPD and munchausens? because she clearly LOVES the attention.
No. 35602
>>35601Por que no dos?
Also: OT, but Ryan Reynolds' twitter is best twitter.
No. 35605
File: 1442951491177.png (210 KB, 668x670, IMG_20150922_154932_edit.png)

Slightly OTT. Very slightly.
No. 35608
File: 1442952151352.jpg (205.51 KB, 627x462, 4608564.jpg)

>>35601NDYP here. Sorry I haven't responded before, but I'm in
deep cover. It's very intense. I fear for my life. I've been driven to emoji use to fit in with the #edfamily. If I make it out of this, I'm not sure I'll ever be the same. (Honestly, I just want to see how far I can push it until she blocks me. Probably not much further than
I only started following suicidal_bitch_fuckface very recently, but yeah, she seems pretty…um…dramatic. Those gaping wounds, man. I think I'm going to have to unfollow both her and the Whannorexic for the sake of my smidgen of remaining sanity. Aly and Ginger are rage- and WTF-inducing enough.
>>35602Dos de que? And yeah, Ryan Reynolds is my favorite dork. He's the one who truly gives me #strenght.
No. 35613
File: 1442953150640.jpg (13.88 KB, 501x100, Capture.JPG)

>>35580Sooooooo predictable.
No. 35615
>>35608My hero!
_Do not lose your soul to the dark side. I will pray for you.
By the "dos" I was referring to BPD and Munchausen's, that someone mentioned upthread…maybe the girl has both?
No. 35617
File: 1442953343358.jpg (12.6 KB, 260x129, suuuuper oily!.jpg)

She answered an oil question.
1 tbsp of olive oil is 119 calories.
So 2 meals x 2 tbsps = 476 calories.
But that's assuming she's lapping up the oil that isn't absorbed by her food and yeahfuckingright.
2 tbsp doesn't sound like a lot? (Maybe I'm thinking wrong.) But maybe that's why her eggplant slices were so damn dry.
No. 35619
File: 1442953380571.jpg (15.08 KB, 554x112, fAKE i say IT WAS FAKE.JPG)

No. 35634
>>35632If she's eating in front of her mother, I was hoping she'd be expected to finish. But you never know, with her.
That plate is a lot of food for anyone, especially with dessert. If she finished it - I will shake her hand.
And some of the conversation on that post was mentioned above. Nothing too remarkable though.
No. 35638
File: 1442954485386.png (817.51 KB, 618x1215, Aly 9-22-2015 3.png)

>>35636Was it this one, or a different picture? I'm not sure why she's deleting these, either. Weird.
No. 35639
>>35637I went to take a ss and post it here because of how pissed off she looked and it was gone, so you could be right.
>>35638No it was one where they were both eating cous cous. Her mum was NOT smiling :/
No. 35647
Are we talking about this one?
>>35001Otherwise I'm not sure. But this one's deletion was pretty self explanatory: so that there's no evidence that she said she'd go over the plan.
No. 35651
>>35647No it wasn't that because I remember the coke up the nose/camera glitch, but I didn't know she'd deleted that one too!
It's probably the one anon posted with the prawns. It's been a long day.
This thread has the same effect on me as the Ash thread did. Hunger. I'm going to have some banana on toast. No oil, but SHIT LOADS OF BUTTER (!)
oH…just noticed the one bottle of water between her and Ma
>>35638. Should've bought her dehydrated kid a bottle to herself.
No. 35652
File: 1442955363222.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-09-22-21-53-13…)

I took a screen-shot of this one she posted earlier today (11.30 her time) because it was unusual for her to post so early, are you talking about this picture?
No. 35655
haha, no! i'd remember her mum's face for sure. i could've sworn they both had cous cous, but i'm not going to ask her (not that i could).
>>35654strange, strange girl.
No. 35663
>>35657She doesn't seem to show signs of
real wealth. Her bag is Guess, not Prada. Her shirt is terranova not designer. She hasn't been even to nearby Italian cities TVerona, Padua…can't remember the third…it was a question on her pancake post). The cioccolatitaliani dessert plac is a relatively inexpensive tourist trap. Yeah her lunches are nice and she does eat out a lot, but I'm not getting the crazy money impression. What am I missing?
No. 35670
>>35663Sorry for late reply. I was making toast.
It's her snobbishness and $400 necklace I base her wealth on, but of course the snobbishness is fake and she just had a bf who obviously had a bit of money.
She wouldn't even know what to buy if she could afford designer. She's rubbish at clothes.
>>35669Digesting #nightsnack and I'll have a think.
No. 35673
File: 1442957050950.jpg (30.34 KB, 257x296, Capture.JPG)

How did this not get deleted?
No. 35682
>>35673Yeah, weird. Maybe this post was "sneacked" in while she was typing a response to the others. Dunno.
On the plus side, NYDP continues to live!
No. 35699
>>35698Her mum came to visit her and bought her appetite control crackers… Why?? She always seems to be in a bad mood after her dad's visits though. Maybe at least he is expressing concern?
She really doesn't seem to have a life outside of her disgusting food, compulsive exercising and her job at the health food store. I would feel sorry for her if she wasn't such a bitch :(
No. 35705
File: 1442964548878.jpg (16.55 KB, 289x101, 1.JPG)

No. 35723
File: 1442968175826.png (2.21 MB, 1440x1970, Aly's cinnamon posi-vibes chal…)

Aly's cinnamon cappuccinos make me think of those "cinnamon challenge" videos that used to be all over YouTube. It looks like an unpalatable amount of cinnamon. Does she really like the taste, or.. No. 35734
>>35708The person literally mentioned that in the second line of their comment.
>>35711My mind just drifts there because she throws away food without a second thought, and because she is constantly going out to eat with her mother. However, she could be doing that because she's never done a day's worth of real work in her life and doesn't realize the value of money.
No. 35743
>>35711No reason to hate someone if they were well off. I wish her family DID have more cash so they'd send her to some private clinic.
I will confess (Padre Dante) I'm really bad for cinnamon. I didn't even know it was a weight loss thing (in the past I ate BAGS of those German cinnamon biscuits). I chew Big Red until my mouth's sore. HOWEVER, that much powder on a coffee is ridiculous, like the top of the shaker came off.
No. 35753
>>35743I usually mix cinnamon in my coffee grounds before brewing a pot, so it isn't chalky and gross and sitting on top like that.
>padre DanteBless the anon who is writing that fic on /g/
No. 35770
File: 1442974978843.jpg (83.75 KB, 817x474, Capture.JPG)

I'm being judgemental. This anorexic got knocked up when she was spoopy enough to have to go to Denver Acute. What was she fucking thinking?
No. 35773
File: 1442976270577.png (754.63 KB, 1366x728, grapes.png)

>>33022such calories
such fighter
No. 35784
>>35780Now I'm imagining Aly diabolically tearing her fork through her food.
The cheese is cutted. The olive squashing doned. And in the grand finale all is thrown outed.
No. 35790
>>35766>>35769Oh my god you are so late. First off, that was posted here a few days ago, and second off, it
was posted on MPA too.
No. 35801
File: 1442984134432.jpg (44.36 KB, 504x498, 1.JPG)

>>35789She lives in ORLANDO. Some good pics of storms. I'm finding out more about her.
No. 35803
File: 1442985277896.jpg (27.93 KB, 258x266, Capture.JPG)

Nothing much to say about her. Her old pics look like she was doing well - eating pizza, looking a good weight, then she went to Denver when she was pregnant. She was sent home with NG tube and ate a bit of bread 4 weeks ago. Couldn't deal with it at home, went back to Denver. She's got subchorionic hematoma and today she's on a potassium IV.
The end.
No. 35805
File: 1442986194627.png (568.52 KB, 1366x728, oil.png)

u wot m8?
>tfw your aubergine is drier than the sahara
No. 35822
>>35814Have there been any recent pics of Toilet?
So far today: Aly held a biscuit over her coffee and took a pic of it. She then ripped open a jam filled croissant and took a pic of that too.
No. 35823
File: 1442993403492.png (41.76 KB, 1120x134, Screen Shot 2015-09-23 at 12.1…)

Ahahahahahahahhhhhhh oh man dat cognitive dissonance
No. 35831
File: 1442995176893.jpg (20.22 KB, 562x125, sorry hunni.JPG)

>>35829Oh Jeez. When I saw the small image I thought she'd become an EncycDram page (can't say ED here without it being EATING DISORDERS).
The haters have begun!
No. 35835
File: 1442995870086.jpg (29.56 KB, 273x279, Capture.JPG)

No. 35854
>>35844I thought maybe she was just using the slang and not actually running. But she says they were running back from market because it started raining like hell, so perhaps she actually ran?? How??
must! It's not like they're engaging in less dangerous behavior than those other people. Ashley especially though because binging and purging is especially strenuous on the body.
No. 35855
File: 1443003559546.png (494.22 KB, 1050x525,…)

No. 35858
File: 1443004940883.png (904.2 KB, 1366x768, old pic.png)

>>33022found these old pics of her from her fb. like this was before she became a ~fighter for life~ and turned into skeletor
No. 35868
>>35788eh, its possible. i got pregnant at 5'7 100 lbs.
some people don't lose their period so easily. Think about it like this.. back in the day when we were hunters gatherers whatever, there would be times of famine. during those times it would've been bad if all the females remained fertile because there wouldn't be food to feed all those babies. but at least a few women had to remain fertile, even when emaciated, otherwise we wouldn't be here today.
No. 35869
File: 1443013235082.png (45.73 KB, 608x202, Screen Shot 2015-09-23 at 5.55…)

>>35781>>35785>Be back in about a week>Twelve hours later, posts two pictures of herself (a #PRAISEJESUS one and a #CRAZYMANICVEGANGINGER one)Oh boy. Even I thought she'd be able to stay away for longer than half a day.
No. 35878
>>35858I can't believe how quickly she lost weight and became spoopy.
In december she still had friends, social life and a boyfriend.
No. 35879
File: 1443017899867.jpg (426.94 KB, 1000x667, grilled-aubergine.jpg)

>>35875>>35878I grilled aubergines yesterday. I used half a coffee cup of oil for two aubergines and they still looked like this pic. But you do taste all the oil when you eat them.
No. 35888
File: 1443020597454.jpg (66.07 KB, 1502x913, Capture.JPG)

What happened here?
No. 35889
>>35886I know, I was just wondering if she finally had that heart attack or something. Honestly, I hope someone took her to the hospital. I doubt that's what happened, but still. For all the fun I've poked at her and for all she gets on my nerves, I don't wish her ill.
>>35888¿Que? I hope they deleted; I'm going to be pissed if Instagram took their account down after all of the times I've reported extreme pro-ana/self-harm/suicidal shit and never seen it get removed.
No. 35890
>>35889There was no indication RRI was thinking of deleting the account. I last checked it maybe an hour and a half ago and all was as usual.
Hope Aly is safe :/
No. 35898
>>35891YES PLS
>>35892Same. #recoverywinning!
No. 35922
File: 1443023614601.png (51.49 KB, 1110x126, Screen Shot 2015-09-23 at 8.47…)

>>35601OT from the Aly subject, but re: suicidal_bitch_fuckface, my head is spinning from how quickly she goes from "I'm killing myself, I'm in the hospital, I'm sectioned, the sky is falling" to "Things are going so well! I'm going to go play with my ponies!"
(not reposting her stupid self-harm pic here)
>>35919No ideas, but I'm SO CURIOUS. I wonder if they had a big fight or something. I wouldn't be surprised. I can't imagine Ma Casati is anything other than at the end of her rope at this point.
No. 35924
File: 1443024398008.png (2.49 MB, 1200x1202, Yum.png)

This actually looks really good and I want to eat it
No. 35927
File: 1443025077958.png (64.73 KB, 720x267, 2015-09-23 12.17.25.png)

NDYP, I love you.
No. 35928
File: 1443025324576.png (174.56 KB, 719x473, 2015-09-23 12.21.07.png)

On what planet is this true?
No. 35931
File: 1443026427684.jpg (22.35 KB, 323x248, naileeeew.JPG)

Eeeew fingernail
No. 35946
File: 1443028323735.png (401.81 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-09-23-13-05-22…)

Countdown to deletion…
No. 35960
>>35957I love that these things apparently get deleted (did Aly somehow contact the sites and get them removed?) but blatant pro-ana shit and gaping self-harm wounds stay up indefinitely.
>>35958~Whenever they tell her she needs to come back!~ Probably in like another month. Because one weigh-in every few weeks or month or so is totally a great way to judge Aly's progress and she's clearly doing so well on an outpatient basis.
No. 35972
File: 1443031930037.png (96.87 KB, 712x376, canthelpyou.png)

>>35957Uhhh…RRI is back, and so is the petition.
Am I on drugs? Was it ever really gone?
Anyway. This was deleted. Hope she answered her in DM, but it's a small hope.
No. 35973
>>35971Eating Disorders eventually become so consuming that sometimes the sufferer believe that it is all they have? I mean she has lost intimate relationships, friends, trust of her family, her independence, and her studies. As much as she image crafts and postures she really isn't living much of a life.
Letting go of the "last thing you have" and being left with "nothing" is terrifying. "All of these people and opportunities have vanished in one way or another but my ED has always been here."
Mind you, this is only a reason and not at all a justifiable excuse for not recovering. She has to understand that starting with nothing can be a blessing, because of the countless possibilities that would be made available.
No. 35974
>>35970Jesus. Such a long time between appointments. I don't understand. If she wanted to (or even if she just didn't try hard
not to), she could lose enough weight by then to land her in the hospital again, or even to kill herself. She doesn't have much of a (any?) margin. She's pretty much toeing the line of being on death's door. I just don't get why she isn't having at least weekly appointments.
No. 35983
File: 1443033587400.jpg (784.49 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20150923_143833.jpg)

Such a #recoverywin
No. 35988
File: 1443034527515.png (2.52 MB, 1824x1824, Photo Collage Maker_94WPVv.png)

Idk about you but I think Ma still looks like she's going to slap aly any second now
No. 36002
>>36000That forced smile, the rage behing her eyes, the brows.
these all scream "i fucking hate what my daughter has become"
No. 36018
File: 1443039709127.jpg (114.57 KB, 540x730, IMG_20150923_132030.JPG)

>>35983>>36014Just in case she catches the sublety. Nice one, though.
No. 36025
>>36018NYDP, you a great
angel emoji (actual comment)
No. 36031
File: 1443041128476.png (1.18 MB, 988x1406, TRIGGERED.png)

>>35995>>36014>>36018>>36025We'll see how long it lasts. Every time I reload my Instagram tab, I wonder if I'm going to find that I've been blocked.
No. 36039
>>35983Same anon.
Holy shit. All the emojis are in the same order.
No. 36057
>>35983>>35984Guess she didn't have a regular coke today. (I noticed because I was trying to figure out the difference before reading the second comment and noticed the "a normal coke
wine glass" was gone.)
>>35991That drives me fucking bonkers too. Her definition of #recoverywin makes no sense to me.
No. 36103
>>35937>>35922so glad you 2 agree! i posted the first screenshot from SBFF thinking "i hope someone else has seen this and is as intrigued? confused? as i am"
does she deserve a thread?
No. 36106
Feckin autocorrect
No. 36112
>>36105I'll be the devil's advocate for a second. I think Aly's instagram is unhealthy (mostly for her), but she does get comments from readers saying they were inspired by her to not count calories, or to try a fearfood, or to stay positive wrt their ED. Doesn't that count for something? I've heard Aly's supporters saying that people who are being
triggered by her or are following her as thinspo carry their own responsibility and should stop following her on instagram and deal with their issues. That actually does sound like a more reasonable thing to do (for them) than to ask their
trigger to gtfo off instagram. Of course, Aly needs treatment/therapy of her own and should gtfo Instagram for herself until she's sorted herself out.
So: Aly's positives vs. negatives. A more nuanced perspective needed?
No. 36123
File: 1443059298013.jpg (232.9 KB, 640x977, image.jpg)

I did a bit of stalking in Aly's old insta and I clicked on her ex-boyfriend's account. I wonder if his new gf is Ana. I hope not, I bet dealing with Aly was enough.
No. 36133
>>36123She looks normal to me. I wish he turned out to be an ana fetishist. The drama would be delicious.
No. 36138
>>36133She also posts pics of mcdonalds Italians instagramming their McDonalds like when Americans take pics of sushi and shit
No. 36154
>>36131This is so depressing.
How long ago is 132 weeks btw in months time?
No. 36164
File: 1443074083211.png (40.76 KB, 509x601, ah12.png)

No. 36167
>>36159Thank you, anon.
>>36164I feel conflicted. Aly needs to get off IG to focus on getting better, but also we will lose a cow.
No. 36174
File: 1443078852149.jpg (13.73 KB, 438x95, Capture.JPG)

>>36112> people who are being triggered by her or are following her as thinspo carry their own responsibility and should stop following her on instagram and deal with their issues. That actually does sound like a more reasonable thing to do (for them) than to ask their trigger to gtfo off instagram. But they
aren't dealing with the issues that're
triggering them. Of course people can choose NOT to look at her account and be
triggered, but idk, maybe she sucks them in with the food porn?
No posts from her yet 9.12am her time. Either her dad is staring at her in the kitchen, or maybe she's googling her username.
No. 36175
>>36174Me again.
I'll admit that even though the site of deep cuts are
triggering for me, sometimes I'll actually seek it out and idk why. I don't think that shit belongs on ig, but then aly's pics are self harm of a different kind. Her face and body are
triggering. Although it's less graphic than the mutilators, if she's not using her spoopy body as a before and after thing, flaunting her bones IS glamorising the harm she does to herself.
No. 36179
File: 1443081386675.jpg (25.47 KB, 335x351, Capture.JPG)

>>36177She knows hers isn't the body of recovery.
Idk why this girl throws these poses. I won't bitch because I suspect she's under 16 (can't remember). Kinda ironic that she blasts aly for her fake recovery when she uploads her own bonespo though.
No. 36191
File: 1443084405798.jpg (85.67 KB, 517x726, sreens44.JPG)

Missed calories? Wasn't her breakfast same as always?
No. 36194
>>36189Ah, good point.
>>36191I thought the same thing, but she mentioned she ran out of milk. Apparently that cappuccino is supposed to make up for the glass of missed milk, despite having half the calories of it. Guess she decided to do the same thing with her breakfast as she does with her morning snack.
No. 36209
File: 1443089457248.jpg (214.28 KB, 1078x1158, Screenshot_2015-09-24-11-08-16…)

Alys ma isn't the only one who's had enough of the clown act
No. 36219
File: 1443092689758.jpg (20.68 KB, 565x139, Capture.JPG)

Did ig delete realrecoveryinspiration or the owner?
SO she doesn't have milk as usual, so drinks another coffee which she usually has anyway, so she hasn't made up on calories?
Does she think people are stupid?
No. 36221
File: 1443093712162.png (115.2 KB, 1138x422, Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 4.04…)

>>36210>>36211>>36213>everything was so armoniousSure, Aly. It really looks like it. I feel sorry for her whole family. Who knows what's up with her dad, but Aly blames
him for her ED, and now she's making everyone close to her watch her die slowly and very publicly.
>>36219I do think she thinks people are that stupid. Some of her followers really appear to be.
Oh, and did anyone else catch this? Kek. Hi McKenzie. You sound pretty butthurt.
>Publicly state that you "had" an ED>Admittedly be at an extremely unhealthily low weight>Constantly post really fucking blatant ~thinspo~ images of yourself>Act like you have no idea your thinspo shit is thinspo shit and get all righteous indignation'd over the idea that it might be taken as suchYeeeahhh, no. I don't care what disease you have - the shots you take of your emaciated body are
classic pro-ana ~bones are beautiful~ images. I don't believe for a second that you don't know exactly what you're doing. Get the fuck out.
No. 36223
File: 1443094595860.png (148.33 KB, 223x305, Untitled.png)

>>36221I only just noticed she got her own thread here. I read her once and that was enough. She's a fuck up.
No. 36224
>>36221that was me ^
Did she get an account deleted? Just wondering because she's got a 2 after her ig name.
No. 36229
File: 1443097141479.jpg (57.59 KB, 531x457, ew.JPG)

At times like this the ginge's food looks more appetising.
No. 36231
File: 1443097390411.jpg (122.79 KB, 499x337, screen45.jpg)

When she eats outside it's an extra?? How is that even pissible when she eats more outside than at home.
No. 36232
File: 1443097433731.png (43.67 KB, 256x256, delish.png)

>>36230she's really pushing herself there.
No. 36234
File: 1443098023573.jpg (29.5 KB, 254x174, 446.JPG)

1. Why isn't that comment about the internet search deleted?
2. Wow. All that Junk food.
No. 36235
File: 1443098058818.jpg (163.27 KB, 631x537, THE MEAL PLAN.jpg)

>>36233and she doesn't count breakfast as a main meal.
No. 36241
File: 1443098560741.jpg (37.41 KB, 242x325, 4567544.JPG)

She doesn't understand a word
No. 36245
>>36244But of course!
…and now I'm hungry
No. 36250
File: 1443099526843.png (39.33 KB, 256x256, hospital control.png)

Why hasn't anyone pulled her up on the fact she supposedly ate that bacon burger a few months ago?
Is brushing it under the carpet her way of admitting she didn't really eat one?
No. 36254
File: 1443100443534.jpg (156.86 KB, 1120x722, recoverywinning.JPG)

>>36253Oops. Forgot to attach.
This looks like a decent recoverywin, so another burger, three months later, is still a recoverywin?
No. 36255
File: 1443100569998.jpg (158.28 KB, 1115x718, Fries!.JPG)

And even better recoverywin! The same burger, with fries! ….10 weeks ago.
Now she's eating it with salad and calling it a recoverywin. Girrrrl, what did you do to this burger then?
No. 36256
>>36255This is the one I remember because it was the day before her weigh in. Didn't the other pic show her brother eating the bacon one and hers looked like a plain ol' burger?
She's so full of shit.
No. 36261
>>36257Feeling guilt would imply that she's self-aware enough to live in reality.
I don't think she is.
No. 36269
File: 1443102465293.png (106.52 KB, 561x301, Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 7.22…)

Deletion in 4-3-2…
No. 36296
Regarding her meal plan, while there's no way that she doesn't know her calories, she could be doing exchanges/shares/units, whatever you want to call a certain type of food: proteins, fats, starches, desserts, and so on. BUT with this type of meal plan, you're shown and given examples of how much one of these servings is. If she's on a meal plan like this, she's obviously bending the rules with the portion sizes. The cappuccino is probably a "dairy." The strawberry on top of a dessert she doesn't eat is a "fruit."
She wouldn't lose followers if she came clean and told the truth. They'd praise her for being brave enough to tell the truth.
And yes, I mad.
No. 36308
>>36307>>36307Yeah, that made me giggle as well.
Why are none of her followers asking why her dad looks so goddamned pissed in that photo? Or is she just deleting them all? Because, Jesus, the man looks frightening.
No. 36336
File: 1443117701786.jpg (392.33 KB, 1440x1419, Screenshot_2015-09-24-12-59-10…)

She looks so damn sick here. Good lord. Definitely going to be hospitalized again next month.
No. 36350
>>36347which…she actually didn't, bc she drinks the cappucino daily.
btw i'm not as optimistic as to think she'll be hospitalized specifically for ED. If it didn't happen this far, it won't happen.
No. 36357
>>36209As funny as this picture is I just feel so awful for her dad. :/ Her mom too, even if she is clueless. Maybe it's because he kind of looks like my dad.
EDs are the worst, I could never imagine putting my parents through something like that.
No. 36372
File: 1443124586223.png (42.77 KB, 1118x146, Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 12.5…)

I hate how she never just answers people's non-hostile questions, she has to do the "GOSH, I've already answered that, which you'd know if you'd been properly studying everything I posted" thing
No. 36379
>>36376Wtf, you again?
>>36292>>36293Are you actually skinny beautiful?
No. 36389
File: 1443127590283.jpg (26.65 KB, 328x154, qat.JPG)

Italian help needed pl0x
Google translate didn't make sense either
No. 36390
File: 1443127686222.png (159.63 KB, 1366x768, pie.png)

quick google search of the bakery she was at… 6 euro for a slice of pie? wtf???? even the 'slim' one is expensive..
I assume it's her mothers money she is wasting on food considering she has no job/no life in general/ lives in social media world
No. 36392
>>36389– how many fortimals did they give you per day? I saw that you were only admitted one week. I don't know how you did that.. you have doctors? I mean even a psychologist?
Since we are being treated at the same hospital
No. 36395
>>36392Thank you
Interesting….so is Aly's treatment somehow not following hospital protocol? hmmm
No. 36402
File: 1443129361533.jpg (1.53 MB, 2832x1190, collage_20150924171449085_2015…)

#CRISPYMCBACON. From left to right, 10 weeks, 7 weeks, yesterday. Again, I find it strange how similar these descriptions are.
No. 36412
>>36344Even on the McDonalds one I can tell she looks thinner by the way the corner of her smile tucks into her cheeks… does that make sense? But she does look better from the side than she does head-on.
In the pie picture though, good lord. She definitely lost all the fluids she gained in the hospital. Do her cheeks look swollen or is that the shape of her jaw?
>>36341Suffering. Pretty sure she pushed it up for the previous picture.
>>36372It's because she's so self-absorbed that she doesn't realize people don't have time to read every one of her captions. I'm being completely serious; she literally thinks that those who follow her read every caption and comment on her page.
No. 36417
>>36415It's Ma's fork. It's a weird photo.
>>36416I've also wondered if it was a wig. Hmmm.
No. 36421
File: 1443134001088.jpg (Spoiler Image,141.41 KB, 1036x1260, Screenshot_2015-09-24-23-31-04…)

She's always had that hair haha nightmare alert!
No. 36466
File: 1443142072712.jpg (334.19 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg)

Feel free to improve this or make a better one. I just made it in under 15min. Bc too much time on my hands.
No. 36476
>>36466>Don't add anything if diagnosed by BM…Bowel Movement?
Despite that, I can already picture this circulating the internet with some people taking it seriously.
No. 36483
>>36466So true, it's tragic.
Trying to figure out aly's score.
No. 36484
>>36481Oops, I didn't proof read ^__^;
But yes, I mean bulimia nervosa
No. 36491
File: 1443148279844.png (72.84 KB, 298x288, You are very welcome.png)

>>36488>"Post your asshole gap!">"My asshole is more visible than your asshole!">>36489<3
No. 36505
>>36498As the quote goes, "yeah, I was the world's best parent until I had children too."
Seriously, I'm sorry, but technology is going to be integrated into your child's life and there is nothing you can do about it. Don't ban them from free will, but discuss with them making responsible life choices. Discussion is key.
Otherwise, if they do suffer from a mental illness like anorexia, they'll find a way to look up "bad" things at places like school or their friends' houses.
So let them know that you're there for them and are willing to listen to them.
No. 36509
>>36506Alright. I just always get… nervous, I guess, when I see people saying "I'm going to restrict my child to this and that" and seem unwilling to have discussion about it. That just leads to a child who feels unable to share stuff with their parent even if they are having mental problems, you know?
Of course, then you have the other end of the spectrum, which I would say is Aly's mother, where they're overly supportive of technology and social media. Her mother should not be supporting her Instagram as much as she does, and I can't believe she doesn't see that it's a problem. I mean, how do you not realize that your child takes a picture of every meal and that it's weird to take so many pictures of your child with food? Yikes.
No. 36512
File: 1443152153571.png (240.93 KB, 648x1583, anapoints.png)

No. 36541
File: 1443165669319.jpg (132.51 KB, 924x594, Capture.JPG)

BIG cookies. Not ordinary cookies she has every morning. BIG ones.
No. 36548
File: 1443166217893.gif (1.02 MB, 399x229, tumblr_n88a4a9agd1rla0dyo1_400…)

No. 36550
File: 1443166240564.jpg (18.24 KB, 256x256, strenght.jpg)

Are you ready to fight?
STILL my favourite Sesame Street resident. No thoughts of extra calories as extras from his meal plan.
No. 36551
>>36548>>36550He is a true fighter and doesn't count the extra calories!
No. 36555
>>36553Not on her meal plan. Bahaha, just saw the above.
I was thinking how little fruit she eats. Doesn't get her 5 a day.
No. 36567
File: 1443175189586.jpg (105.83 KB, 911x281, 447.jpg)

Yes Aly, you are definitely back on track.
No. 36569
File: 1443175317497.png (13.52 KB, 662x54, Screen Shot 2015-09-25 at 2.59…)

Ah! The truth comes out! I really hope her school told her "fuck no, you can't return in this state, you're a huge liability. Go get treatment, and then maybe you can come back." I've known people who had that happen to them in 'murica.
No. 36574
File: 1443179809907.png (847.89 KB, 718x676, spoopy.png)

Looks like she's back to pre-hospital levels of haggardness. :(
Although I see water on that table, I also see coffee?
Oh and: demonstration of plum innards as proof!
No. 36575
>>36569She might mean the hospital didn't think it'd be a good idea.
Lol @ her giving private English and Maths lessons.
>>36574THIS is the worst she's ever looked. Her mum looks like her daughter.
No. 36583
File: 1443181895232.jpg (43.16 KB, 292x332, Capture.JPG)

>>36581Sounds like they've tried. We don't know her story. Her mum's thick as shit to write off the fact that this girl's got chronic diarrhea and hasn't taken her to ER.
How is HER SCHOOL allowing her to attend?
No. 36585
>>36583because yelling and crying will solve the issue…
Ffs, they need to haul her to hospital. Then keep her there.
No. 36589
File: 1443184176884.jpg (119.05 KB, 308x382, Capture.JPG)

>>36588She can't even keep up with her own lies anymore.
Still can't get how haggard she's getting.
No. 36596
>>36591Ash also wears pink eye shadow and it makes her look even sicker, if that's even possible.
Oh and the Italian comment by the person being treated at the same hospital as Aly and calling her out on her BS has been baleeted.
No. 36614
>>36583It's fucking tragic, honestly. Yeah, she posts "thinspo"-ish pictures. No, she shouldn't do that. She's 14 and really mentally and physically ill, though, so I don't expect her to make the best decisions in the world. I'm just worried she's going to die before anyone steps in and forces her to make some real changes.
>>36610IDK, I always felt like she was just kind of paying lip service to the whole "I looked better when I was healthier!" thing. It seems like she thinks she's pretty hot shit now, and all of the pictures get her TONS of validation ("OMG you're sooooo beautiful wow I wish I could look like you!" etc.) anyway.
No. 36628
>>36588And now she's a
Teacher!Not a lowly tutor. I should give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she doesn't know the difference between teacher and tutor bc she's ESL, but I prefer to think she's calling herself a teacher in the same sort of way that Ashley called a dental procedure ~Mouth Surgery~
No. 36661
File: 1443211129305.jpg (157.14 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

Thin slices of 'peer' that would add up to less than half of the whole damn fruit if you put them together. Ffs, Aly. Eat the whole 'peer'.
No. 36702
File: 1443215262674.jpg (143.58 KB, 640x640, 11850317_1001888623206809_1243…)

Can't see any qualified ED Dietician prescribing a night snack like this. Recovering is about introducing and maintaining normal eating habits, and weight gain can be achieved without literally binge eating on chocolate bars as it seems Minnie maude is all about.
No. 36703
File: 1443215338745.png (66.95 KB, 1366x728, vv.png)

ha. so aly posts two videos then realizes that means she actually has to take a bite of the food.
No. 36708
File: 1443217162153.png (246.49 KB, 1280x768, Screenshot_2015-09-25-23-33-39…)

is this someone from here? It's pretty obvious this scenario isn't real and I'm not sure what kind of response it is trying to provoke from Aly. I don't even understand the request: "please tell her if she's a failure" for gaining on your mealplan, which should be a weight-gaining mealplan? And some shit about pasta?
I don't think Aly eats it all either (or she purges - not everyone gets chipmunk cheeks, guys). But posting confusing obviously fake scenarios isn't the best way to confront her.
No. 36709
>>35927>>35927Oh god I saw ur comments a while ago and was actually wondering if it was someone from this site
bless u
No. 36745
>>36718It's part of her illness + she's really young. She is pretty honest about struggling and clearly has BDD. How much of it is exaggerated for attention is unclear - but from personal experience, I absolutely believe her when she says she "feels" fat. I don't think it is good behavior, but it's not the same as some other accounts out there. Has anyone asked her directly why she poses that way?
I bet it's about looking as thin as possible, because all she can see is fat. But she shouldn't be posting that stuff (personal body checks) online. Especially since anyone on the internet can see down her top and she's underage.
This photo looks suspicious to me, as do some of her others. be clear, I believe she is emaciated. But I wonder if she edits, too.
No. 36746
>>36745>Especially since anyone on the internet can see down her top and she's underage.Yeah, I find that disturbing tbh.
>To be clear, I believe she is emaciated. But I wonder if she edits, too.She's definitely emaciated but the angles make her look thinner. She's another anorexic who has good hair.
She wants attention, but to me it feels like she wants to see comments where people show concern. Maybe she wants to feel that someone cares?
I don't understand either how she's still a child yet isn't forced into treatment. Idk what the health care system is in Germany, but if she was my daughter I'd sell the house to pay for treatment if that was the only way to get some.
No. 36753
>>36746To feel that people care, and for validation. What comes off as attention whoring to a lot of people is really a desparate attempt for their pain to be acknowledged… and in some cases, to have people tell them they're skinny, both to validate their "hard work" and because they might not feel all that skinny. I'll get out of the keyboard shrink chair now.
For the person who thinks she edits, i think that that bizarre pose she uses to show her food (has anyone seen anybody else consistently pose like that? ) makes her arms look a little bendy/distorted because she's probably taking the photos with the timer on her phone's forward facing camera. Forward facing cameras are wide angle.
I wonder where her parents are?
No. 36755
File: 1443236198131.png (614.95 KB, 892x492, edit.png)

>>36745obvious editing in that pic
her parents have their head in the sand and probably refuse to believe that their daughter is about to die. I remember when I had one foot in the grave and my mother turned a blind eye to it, because she didnt want to believe it. I ended up in the ER by concern of a school teacher.
No. 36759
>>36743>>36744I wonder if it's a fake story then but not a farmer–or at least, not a smart farmer.
I think if she was so close with her sister, there'd be pictures of this supposedly emaciated girl on her instagram, but there's none. Only a little girl who looks perfectly healthy.
And obviously her Facebook was easy as fuck to find. Again, no emaciated sister, just that healthy little girl, who upon further investigation is her daughter.
No. 36760
>>36758I don't believe u know how photo editing works.
if you look at the original pic you can see the area around her leg is pixelated and fuzzy
No. 36761
>>36753the house and the way she dresses seems middle to upper middle class. i'm always astonished that parents who are obviously not struggling with their living conditions can let their child waste away like that without taking action. not to mention that this girl shouldn't have access to the internet at all.
read through some of those comments and a few are giving off creepy, pervy vibes but she's completely oblivious.
No. 36766
>>36761>the house and the way she dresses seems middle to upper middle classThis was me
>>36746I was going to mention that her family didn't exactly look poor, but I've no idea how cheap property/cost of living is in Germany.
No. 36767
File: 1443238118148.jpg (22.99 KB, 293x164, Capture.JPG)

her first post says her parents are forcing her to recover, but it seems like she's just being left to get on with it on her own.
she knows all the jargon, so i suspect she's seen specialists about her disorder, but … idk. we don't know her story.
No. 36770
File: 1443238642843.png (31.54 KB, 302x331, bb.png)

pic from 6 days ago.
> weight was 33.5 12 weeks ago
> now weighs 33.1
> says she's in recovery
No. 36778
>>36773Plus, she's an actual child; she doesn't just play one like Aly tries to.
I really don't think we should be criticizing icovery in the same way we do Aly,
>>36770 anon. She's only 14. She doesn't have a lot of life experience, meaning that she's still learning to regulate her emotions. Due to this, there's really no way for her to recover without support. It sounds like her family is failing her on that. I would say this inability to recover is not her fault.
Aly, on the other hand, has plenty of support and opportunities, yet chooses not to recover just because she doesn't wanna.
No. 36785
>>36778It does seem like her parents are the ones who want her to recover. Which is a whole issue on its own because why let someone with a BMI of 11 "recover" at home? And she's clearly not being taken to any doctors because at her weight, she would be referred to the hospital immediately (but finding a residential treatment center for example could be an issue because many of them have minimum BMIs).
There is absolutely no reason for her parents to think she can get better at home, and maybe if they took her to the hospital or the doctor's now after such a long time of keeping her home, social services might be contacted.
No. 36790
>>36788Her family sound at breaking point dealing with her illness. Her siblings and her dad cry, her mum gets angry.
Of course it's tragic to see how skinny she is and her pics on ig, but she really should stop it. At her age I'd like to think she doesn't know about the existence of the fetishists, but also think she NEEDS to know. The vk lot lusting after her is disgusting.
No. 36791
File: 1443250341709.jpg (29.33 KB, 615x430, gross.JPG)

No. 36792
>>36789>>36790Good point. I guess I just agreed with the one anon who said, "because yelling and crying will solve the issue…" sarcastically. However, you're right that they might just all be at their breaking point.
At the same time, I stand by the fact that she is a child who does not know how to regulate her emotions. Her eating disorder is one way of letting out her emotions, but she needs to learn to do that without the ED.
I agree that she needs to make the decision of recovery on her own, but she can't go through the entire recovery process on her own. Others are going to need to help her through it.
As for her parents "forcing" her recover, that's kind of what I meant by them failing her. She'd be in a hospital if they were doing all they could to force her recovery.
No. 36796
File: 1443251829367.jpg (52.95 KB, 290x354, compliment.jpg)

Aly praised me because I just wanted Kathryn to stfu and now I'm uncomfortable. tears of laughter emoji
No. 36804
>>36796>do sth to get her safe!Might want to try that yourself, Aly.
She once called me darling for defending her, then she deleted me a couple of weeks later. I think I let my mask slip (she's too fucking infuriating to be nice to, so kudos NDYP for your consistency).
>>36799Nope. We only know her first name. She's keeping her anonymity well really.
No. 36809
File: 1443262968129.jpg (94.88 KB, 918x588, Capture.JPG)

This ED person really pisses me off. She's "genderless" (?) and has changed her name to Luna. She plans on buying a chest binder when she gets out of the clinic.
I'm not really sure why she pisses me off so much, but I'm sure it's pronoun related.
No. 36813
File: 1443263712883.jpg (122.92 KB, 450x694,…)

>>36809>claims to look like "a fking whale">posts a picture of herself shirtlessOh for fucks sake.
Gotta love how she makes sure her hospital wristband is visible in her most recent picture.
No. 36846
>>36823Oh, recover for yourself, of course, but people generally need people backing them up! I'm sure it can be done without support but I'm also sure that'll be difficult as hell and unlikely to stick (as in, they'll relapse). I certainly don't think a 14-year-old can do it completely alone. As another anon said, her brain is still developing.
Plus, 14-year-olds usually don't have the life experience to realize that something isn't the end of the world, so recovery is likely overwhelm her than, say, a 22-year-old.
No. 36859
>>36841She does this hand waving thing in front of her face like she's just eaten something disgusting that she's trying to keep down
She's so sick, idk how her mom can watch her like this
No. 36908
File: 1443307828573.png (41.75 KB, 1046x140, Screen Shot 2015-09-26 at 3.47…)

Speaking of Ginger, does she honestly expect anyone to believe this? How can she survive, considering there are lipids even in raw plants (they're just not very abundant) as well as in every single one of her own cells?
No. 36921
>>36854There're two or three of us who post the ss from vk. As
>>36896 said, it's like fb but hosted in Russia (I think) where they don't seem to give a fuck about pro ana. There're lots of pro ana communities. (Not the reason I joined!!)
One of the main fetishists is Dave Carlson who's in America. "Dave Carlson
Sharing the beauty of bones".
I don't use the site for anything other than looking at others profiles. I'm definitely NOT an ED fetishist. Bones make me feel ill.
No. 36969
File: 1443325928094.png (66.09 KB, 288x413, Screen Shot 2015-09-26 at 10.4…)

I am super sad right now at the other Ally. Complete and utter relapse because some retard doctor told her she could stand to lose a few pounds even though her BMI is under 20.
Ally, as I know you have lurked here before, please don't let yourself become like your namesharer. :(
No. 36973
File: 1443326200369.png (13.11 KB, 274x41, Screen Shot 2015-09-26 at 10.5…)

>>36969Oh and fuck off Sprout Jr. Eat so many goddamn Quest bars you're awful likely to turn into one.
My god, am I emotional. And drunk. This is like a bad soap opera. I need a moment.
No. 36983
>>36981I don't even get why this person's being mentioned and why it's a soap opera??
True, if you put yourself out there EXPECT shitty comments as well as asspats. If you're easily "
triggered" by negative comments gtfoff the internet or grow some balls.
No. 36986
>>36981I realise most people don't know what it's like to have an ED, but having a doctor tell you you have gained too much weight is incredibly
triggering. Anorexia made me super sensitive, too. I couldn't deal with normal emotions like other people could. Please don't forget it's a mental illness that has an impact on more than just your weight.
No. 37004
my favourite recovery account is oakbutterfly95 handsdown.
the perverted vk fetishists posted this of her -'s now weight restored, seriously look at her instagram. absolute fucking warrior
No. 37006
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No. 37007
>>37006yes this girl is #REALrecovery
aly has tainted that term with the idea that recovery = maintaining!!11 ur weight and eating heaps of ~scary~ food!!!!11 and not listening to
doctors and discharging AMA
No. 37010
>>37006That's a damned good, healthy body she's got now. Much admiration for her.
>>37008That's a good sign though because she's not being used for thinsp, which I think is a BIG reason aly has so many followers. It's good that there's no BS, she went right out there and did it. I'd be incredibly proud of myself.
No. 37012
File: 1443336933434.png (334.61 KB, 450x442, aa.png)

don't even think she realizes how admirable her transformation is. Reeeeespeeeeeect
No. 37017
>>36985… That's why it's called a mental ILLNESS. Not trying to be an sjw here but why is anyone shocked that a severe anorexic has mental issues?
Eating disorders, depression, etc - they're all selfish by definition. It doesn't mean it's their fault, but it is what it is. Not saying people with mental illnesses don't have empathy, I've been through it as well, but it's just… I don't even know how to describe it. It's a disorder for a reason.
Maybe tumblr has brainwashed people.
No. 37018
File: 1443338696151.png (838.69 KB, 710x544, ttt.png)

and alys 14 week transformation!!!1
First pic- discharged from hospital
Second pic- two weeks ago
No. 37019
File: 1443339390160.png (3.65 MB, 2562x626, pizza.png)

am i overthinking things or do these pizza's look alike? This would explain why aly takes pictures of half or 1/4 of her plates. So the other half can be used as another days picture.
No. 37031
File: 1443347380599.png (481.27 KB, 1440x1980, Screenshot_2015-09-27-05-38-34…)

B4 she decides to delete this
No. 37032
>>37031I was just reading this on her account and came to post about it here.
Mood swings aside (she feels them A GAZILLION TIMES MORE THAN NORMAL PEOPLE), this bothered me:
> I really hope that giving private lessons ? since next week will improve the situation"since next week". I haven't taken the piss out of her English (much - cutted, I admit) because it's not her native language, but seeing how she's bragging about being an English teacher now, I hope her own English skills improve since next week.
No. 37038
File: 1443351936431.jpg (103.62 KB, 920x589, Capture.JPG)

Calorific morning snack.
Must correct:
"already biten" - BITTEN. Two t's.
"don't give up even a minute" - don't give up even FOR a minute.
I bet she deletes
>>37031 when she realises that she's admitted that her recovery isn't in the advanced stage she claims it is.
No. 37042
>>37038I find it cute when ESL people have a few English quirks, but those people aren't English tutors.
As much as she drives me nuts, I'm hoping for the friend's sake that it's rudimentary English she's helping with, like what you learn in a 101 class.
No. 37055
>>37039I think either one works. Don't worry too much about it, though it's probably good that you're actually concerned about it. Then again, you're not teaching/tutoring for English like Aly is.
She's so stubborn that I have a feeling it'll go terribly. I mean, she can't even stop calling her stupid drink an Ensure when native English speakers correct her.
No. 37056
>>37043Nah, she doesn't think
that far ahead. It's because she mentioned going food shopping with her mother, and someone commented something like
>Aly, you are again hyperactive. Why can't your mother go food shopping without you?And someone else commented on it. So she wants an excuse to be hyperactive, and that excuse is "Ohhhh it's soooo difficult! WAHHH!"
And now she'll get a bunch of asspats because she can't control herself.