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No. 1817812
A thread dedicated to the worst subsection of the Commentary Community. This community is characterized by contantly infighting, regurgitating the same points that another person had said with little to no new input, cannibalizing one another when they feel like their own reputation is at stake, and moral grandstanding.
Notable Figures:
>HopelessPeaches: A fat, mentally stunted, british woman who mooches off her ex despite claiming him as abusive. In a borderline DDLG relationship with LioConvoy and cannot be without him when talking to someone because she looses her confidence and edge. Hates anyones that does not outright kiss her ass.>LioConvoy: A fat, 40 year old, Chris Hansen wannabe, scrote who collects mentally damaged women as "daughters" like the Thundercats figurines he has. He's Peaches biggest defender and owns/operates a Discord server called "The Senate" in which he and his cult members will often threaten and coerce people to join in able to interrogate and berate them. "Adopted" a minor from an abused home and flew her out to live with him and his wife when she was 15.>CreepshowArt: One of the most subbed to channels and fell from grace after it was found out she stalked and harassed someone for over a decade with her boyfriend/husband. >Omnia: One of the starters of the Tobi drama. Overall shady and manipulative and shown to lie on a whim. Kai's Ex.>Kai: Volitile and vindictive manchild that makes videos on any perceived slights. Got his ass handed to him by John Swan.>HitenMitsuru: Volitile and mentally damaged VTuber wannabe and another on of Lio's cult members that sucks him off regularly. Acts as if Spoctor killed her family when he just downplayed what happened between her and TheNamesJunkie.SpoctorTech: A furry who was once falsely accused of being a pedophile. Made a comeback only to have it shot down again by Peaches and Senate.
PonderSprocket: A woman pushing 30 that enables her teen fanbase to draw her characters in suggestive art. Was the main reason who Spoctor was cleared back in 2017/2018. Stepped away from ACC as of late.
JustARobot: Autistic grifter that will gladly turn on friends in a second just to make content out of it. Said to step away from commentary which lasted all of a few weeks.
MaliMalware: Another senate sperg who made a video clearing up the PeachesDrama. Now mainly rides off the coattails of the Peaches and plays into Peaches reaffirming that she's not straight.
Last Thread:
>HopelessPeaches was able to vindicate herself against claims made by PrisonMateLuke and CreepshowArt. This however proved to age like milk when about a year later Peaches is now just as bad as Shannon.>Kai was found to be taking down videos about himself made by Akumu. Made a fool of himself debating John Swan.>Omnia and Kai were found out to be dating in a very toxic relationship on both sides. Ended with arrests, physical abuse, protection orders, and theft.>Shannon Creepshow was found to have stalked and harassed another Youtuber, EmilyArtful, for over a decade. Subsequently fucked off after one last attempt to defame Emily.>Cecil Mcfly made a big retrospective of the ACC drama that just made people coddle Peaches more.>LioConvoy enters the ring around Oct 2022.>The ACC turns on Spoctor for not coddling Peaches and overall seeing a bunch of petty bullshit, as petty bullshit.>Peaches and Co turn on CamillaCuevas, an animator that had greivances with Peaches in the past, for having pedos in her server and coddling one whom she was dating. Camilla is still making animations and was largely unaffected.>Lio gets a shortlived KiwiThread.>Lio and Peaches both get outted for lurking here.>CoyoteLovely, a friend of LioConvoy and a furry is outted as flirting with open zoophile and Pedophile, HypnotistSappho, and is reamed for it. Sufficient evidence to suggest that Lio knew for a long time and let it slide.>CasWolf and his discord server and Lio and Senate go to war with one another with Lio dropping a video on Cas and Cas having one dropping soon.>Spoctor is accused of being predatory for having lewd images of a 15 year old when he was also a minor and destroying them when he turned 18.>Cas once again elludes to dropping a video on Lio soon.Old Thread:
>>>/snow/1218432 No. 1818162
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Very nice that you leave out the fact that Lio "adopted" MintHeart when she was 15 and flew her out to live when him when he's pushing 40. Very convient you leave out the fact that all of Lio's "kids' are grown fucking women who have the mentalities of stunted children who actually call him dad. Frame it however you like, but anyone that doesn't live online would tell you that it's weird that a 40 year old fuck that lives online, constantly beefs with teenagers, and calls himself a predator hunter while having degenerate porn posted in a server with minors, is incredibly fucking weird.
Also side note; I really wish the people trying to expose Lio and the Senate weren't such degenerates because they might be taken more seriously. Caswolf is an edge baiting 4chan furry and Gilded Poo openly admitted to having zoophile and scat porn to troll people with. Can we get one normal and sane person to do this shit for fuck's sake.
No. 1818247
>>1818162These people are so fucking stupid. They take themselves dead seriously.
Maybe a few people are serious about Lio being into DDLG, but most are saying it to mock him because having a server full of grown women calling you daddy is weird. Anytime Lio addresses this he acts as if people are making serious allegations against him claiming he actually has sex with his real biological kids.
He has to be braindead to not see why people find what he’s doing weird or worthy of mockery.
No. 1819510
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The tinfoil of hopeless peaches possibly lurking in lolcow isn’t new, but I found a little thing that might back that theory up. Looks like she didn’t switch lingo before posting to Twitter(not milk, pls sage)
No. 1819585
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>>1817812Even though she's not technically in the ACC but she reminds me so much of Shannon and Peaches, with all the shit that's come out about iilluminaughtii, I am never trusting a chubby woman that makes it her youtube career to expose others, ever again.
No. 1819762
>>1819585I stopped watching any of her videos since she would often defend trannies and other annoying libfem crap. Plus, she made a video about how JK Rowling is an evil
TERF. Not surprised to read the recent news that she’s petty and egotistical.
No. 1819788
>>1819585why do all these bitches look the same. They even have the same MO
Be horrible pieces of shit while pretending to be the biggest fake moral fags ever. And they're all fat white women
Creepshowart, HopelessPeaches and now iilluminaughtii
Can someone make a banner with these three?
No. 1819791
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>>1819716Thanks for spoon-feeding me kek. She always rubbed me the wrong way with her arrogant attitude and milquetoast takes. I remember reading a long time ago before she purged all of her old accounts from the internet that she tried to be a rightoid grifter and failed. I need to find proof of this for milk purposes.
>>1819759To me she always sounded like a woman, just a really obese one kek
No. 1819799
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iilluminaughtii is currently busy deleting negative comments on her youtube channel. But she's currently getting ratioed
She also lost 70k subs in the last few weeks. It's always fun to watch
Think she's choosing not to address the legal eagle, Sadmilk, Click or any of the dramas she was in recently. Pretending nothing is wrong
No. 1820239
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>>1819779She wasn't trying to deplatform LegalEagle, a practicing lawyer running a credible legal commentary channel, she just threw a cringe twitter bitchslap at one of his editors accusing him of plagiarizing her editor team as if she invented the torn paper graphic. She's too stupid to do her own research. Picking twitter beef with a lawyer, kek
I remember her being mentioned during creepshow's demise too & I've been suspicious of her since her video on the American Kennel Club. Iirc she bought a sick puppy from an accredited breeder thinking she her did her due diligence by putting her faith in an organization whose breeding standards are largely responsible for pugs not being able to breathe anymore.
Paying thousands in vet bills on top of adoption fees plus the stress of trying to keep a puppy you've already bonded with from shitting itself to death sounds like a nightmare. It just sticks with me that she preaches "adopt don't shop" while showing she thinks she's a special person in a special situation who needed a special designer puppy and its everyone else's fault she failed to properly vet the breeder.
No. 1820290
>>1820239It's weird she's such a pearl clutcher and says she has always been such a beacon of morality and purity when she made edgy content and was an ex striper and sex worker
"I have never used such language or engaged in degenerate behavior"
seriously what?
No. 1820831
Hey has anyone else noticed that Ponder Sprocket is in the Senate? considering Ponder on Twitter has admitted she's not mentally stable. It really does seem like Lio has a type he likes to have around him, doesn't he?, is it just me or does it seem like Ponder is really quiet about this whole Spoctor thing? The most we've heard is that she doesn't remember a 18 minute long call and she didn't know about this video's existence that Lio showed. And we don't even know who sent in the video. Ponder still knew about the accusations against Spoctor. Call this tinfoil but there's something off. Ponder knew about a video with new accusations against Spoctor for 3 years and doesn't look into it? Doesnt mention it publicly? Seems sketchy.
There are no pinned comments on her Spoctor videos, there are no community posts on her YouTube channel about this, there's no post on Twitter aside from her retweet of Lio's video. You'd think that she would care enough to inform her audience which probably has a lot of minors in it, and also be more mindful to protect them. I wouldn't call it shielding but I would definitely call this odd behavior from everyone involved.
I know I've seen all these people act sketchy in one way or another before but never to this degree. And I know that every damn person in that call with Spoctor getting his confession are slimey and vile as can be. But they were all friends with Ponder too at that time. And nobody told her? She didn't know? I mean, it's possible. But I'm willing to bet money she knew, and same with Lio. Maybe others too. But, knowing how loose lipped Junkie was, you damn well know he told somebody.
The dude was willing to sell out one of his friends for random internet strangers he didn't know thinking they were on the winning side of a drama because they were getting good view and like/dislike ratios.
Like he always did.
Plus, knowing that the original Spoctor accusations were on Kiwifarms, Ponder has directly responded to Kiwifarms before, Lio has an account there and there was a fucking call about these accusations, it would be impossible for Ponder to not know about this stuff.
Either she was stupid and took Spoctor's word saying he was innocent not looking into the accusations which would make her look irresponsible and brain dead.
Or she knew about these accusations, looked into them, found out they were true and told everyone to keep hush about it probably expecting a hit video to come of it.
And if that's the one she went with, what stopped her? "There's a reason why I don't make accusation videos," just some food for thought!
No. 1820993
>>1820890Truama can sometimes really distort your world view.
And same with any disorder.
Really more miffed by the nerve of Lio thinking he's got any room to think he's able to be a better parent to anyone than their own family when the dude doesn't even have his own kids to show for it. What a loser.
The dude literally shouted at a 20 year old for drawing porn of peaches telling him "It's big boy time," Lio is a fucking lolcow and we should all collectively laugh at him. Because he cannot stand that. It's clear this man is fueled by his own ego if he is wanting to feel like the hero to such broken women. Honestly feel kinda bad for them.
No. 1821425
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She really is determined to milk this dry isn't she?
No. 1821446
>>1821425Love how Peaches keeps saying she's going to leave the commentary community, how she's done with drama, how she's so mentally exhausted.
Seriously regret ever following her, this Cas shit is a big old nothingburger.
No. 1821747
>>1821425I love how nobody seems to be pointing out the fact that Peaches and co. seemed to have only called out Coyote Lovely and others only when things about their inner circle started coming out and got called into question.
For the group of predator hunters or ex hunters to preach how important your credibility is, you would think that they would know better than to start attacking other people's credibility and try to reinforce their own more. Like they were trying to with lovely. Which they didn't do by only giving out a bare minimum. In fact I don't think there was even a mention of police report on the guy when he was in contact with a
victim's groomer and abuser who also happened to boink dogs too as a side hustle lol
Then we got Spoctor who we can confirm had his accusations out for at least three years and what set off Lio was the fact that Spoctor ended up criticizing her actions as being potentially manipulative even if it isn't meant to come off that way. How she needs to make more irl friends who don't know her as Peaches and yet her, Lio and the Senate couldn't handle that base level criticism and want to make it about others who are low hanging fruit and easy to use for deflection.
So how about we go over some quick notes that would for certain make her and her group look bad. A bunch of low hanging fruits of the Senate members.
From one of her siblings: video goes over how their group does not have one or two issues of corruption or alleged predators coming from their group. But six situations are close to this person.
And Patchwork seems to follow a lot of what her big daddy Lio Man seems to believe with credibility and all that is all well and good. Those are fine enough values even if you could argue the merit of it.
Then you look into one of her examples and you hear around the 2:30 mark that this alleged criminal who is guilty of abuse and a bunch of other vile things had done something towards someone Patch "considers their child," A lot like how Lio adopts children. And will also level them against his target potential predators, Interesting.
It's almost like this group has a pattern.
And you know who else brings up patterns? Fellow Senate member Ponder Sprocket who got onto Cosmodore another known predator saying something along the lines of how doing something three times is a pattern.
So if 3 times is a pattern, I guess 6 times is a confirmation of the fact that this Senate has a bunch of corrupt people in it.
But hey if that's not good enough how about the fact that Lio said Peaches did nothing wrong in her situation involving the Tobi drama and Creepshow Art. Which would go against what Peaches said. That's enabling behavior and blatantly false. And it is outright dishonest to do something like that. Like how it was dishonest of Lio to shout at an alleged predator that their actions were inappropriate because they were "not their parent," in this live stream and then later tells the alleged
victim they need to report to them and tell them what's going on. And they're the one "adopting children," online. what do we expect from the same group of people insinuating that it could of possibly been the
victim's fault for being a repeat
victim so often. And by the way this man who Lio claimed to have tried to orbit Mint, they would later adopt, move into their home and take on a fatherly role in their life.
If it is an issue of someone else and they're a predator because they were doing things that only the alleged
victim's parents should be doing you'd think that red flags would go up with Lio trying to act as a father to them almost immediately after.
But hey who knows it's not like Lio has a history of shielding people who are potential zoophiles or predators.
Like how his alleged daughter, Patchwork also drew zoophilia porn because they, "needed the money," but then reprimanded them for it and… gave it to an artist in need. And then in another video doesn't bring that up and complains about how the other person who brought this up and just points the finger back at them.
Around the 8:40 mark lol who's counting the amount of inconsistencies that this group has? Even Lio himself the man of honor, glory and only the best of reputation who didn't follow Mumkey Jones anymore despite loving his work for years stopped following him because he dated a woman who was sexual with a kid or something.
And who's that in his favorite videos Playlist that is public? Oh wait it's MandoPony!
A KNOWN PREDATOR! The news is out, everyone. Lio is a predator supporter! LMAO!
Even if this stuff doesn't outright prove anything actually condemning, some people should think twice before they start throwing stones in a glass house. I'm sure that if people did even more digging on Peaches we would find potentially similar things. I'm not saying that's the case necessarily, but the lack of self awareness is quite astonishing.
And before Lio tries to hide himself having Mando in his favorites, it was already archived.! Guess Lio is a pedo supporter
You see Peaches, people don't need to work hard to put your side into question too. And all it would take is a bit of surface level observations. If people can find this stuff publicly, I would be shaking worrying about what people could find out privately.
No. 1822092
>>1821747This is the exact reason why people have said that Lio has had to fight off predator accusations himself for a while now. Not only because it's well known that predators put themselves in positions where they have easy access to
victims, so a creep disguising themselves as a "predator hunter" would be perfect for that; But the company he keeps has very questionable morals and patterns of behavior that he keeps trying to repress by going after people for, in his words, "petty nothingness". I do not give a fuck how innocent they try to pass off what happened between him and MintHeart. In no world is flying a random 15 year old kid out to live with you when you're almost 40, not fucking predatory.
No. 1822225
>>1822092Questionable morals you say? Well I would be inclined to agree with you. Trying to send out false accusations knowingly against a minor and never admitting to fault would definitely come off as that wouldn't it?
Do names like The Names Junkie, Miss Zi Zi, Tobi Majestic, Fuschia Butters, Doodletones, Nezzie Monster and Mad Libs ring any bells around this circle? If you haven't noticed a lot of those names were either involved in the Tobi Drama, The Peaches Drama or happen to be in the Senate. And some of them have even defended Ben The Looney.
For some reason a minor had to deal with these clowns and the kid's worst crime was that he has a bad take about pronouns. What great company. People willing to lie about kids to ruin their lives because it means their platform is at risk. And of course they're sharing fucking lolicon/shotacon too. Fucking disgusting.
This is the company that Lio, Senate and its members keep? Yeah I can't see how any of this could possibly go wrong. this shit is true like I suspect it to be, it looks like this community has always been on the edge of collapsing in on itself behind the scenes for years well before anyone probably noticed lol
Man Lio, you sure know how to pick em.
No. 1822272
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Bump for cp, font scroll
No. 1822364
Turns out Spoctor was talking about the Mannis video in mid to late may of 2020. people want us to believe that Lio, Ponder, and nobody around their group knew? I call bullshit.
(learn to embed) No. 1823153
Turns out that the Senate wasn't even originally Lio's discord server.
In fact, this discusses where the original Lio groomer accusation came from and it has something to do with adult manchildren and toys. Really compelling stuff. Clearly. does have a lot of Lio and Senate lore if people are interested. And if people are wondering, Peaches has seen this video.
But this video does have a few other interesting things of note. And if I had to watch an hour of this, I'm going to bring up problems worth talking about or things i noticed. This won't be a summary of the video sadly, but my notes when watching.
Such as
• Jordan and two other "siblings" of him were interviewed asked if they think Lio would ever prey on them, which all of them said no.
•Two of the three interviewed had said to Queen Serafina that they were minors when Lio adopted them. Including Jordan.
• The most absurd part about all of this is when Serafina talks about how nobody wants to try and report things to the police if there was alleged predatory actions.
Though, you would think the predator hunters would know that police don't normally take online cases and won't have a detective take on a case unless the solvability factor is high. And when there are so many people in different parts of not just the US but the world to talk to and verify info on, it wouldn't be worth the effort to the police. And even if it were, it would take up so many resources to investigate.
So in other words even if something predatory was going on they wouldn't likely do anything. And knowing how Lio and Co. Operate it would be difficult to find evidence on people like this.
Also, well over half the crimes that go on in the world don't ever get reported to the police. And people get away with things pretty often because of that. Or it is just the fact that the police aren't your friend and don't actually care as civil servants, especially around Texas, where Lio lives.
With the amount of times that Lio and co. has filed police reports on predators they would know this fact. Even Serafina no less. And knowing how hard it is to get information, the information to even get a full report, you'd see the absurdity of such a statement even without the expertise necessary to do what these guys do.
Knowing that this comes from a predator hunter that also knows this, these defenses are pathetic.
If Lio was a predator preying upon their own "children", and if he was a groomer what this would tell the audience that Lio successfully groomed a bunch of people who are adults now when they were minors still. Even being able to convince his predator hunter buddies that he's in the clear too! And knowing that at least according to this video Lio was 35 when he moved in a random 18 year old girl he met online in with him is still fucking creepy! Even if they weren't 15 or 16, It doesn't matter the intentions. The context doesn't make it better. The situation doesn't justify Lio actively taking a parental figure role in a random stranger's life when they are not their parent and had actively and outright been a person involved and was around that
victim's abuser. Espexially after they just got onto another adult's case for similar boundary crossing behaviors. That's not just inappropriate. That is blatantly tone deaf to the
victim's truama and blatantly hypocritical.
And people like Miniladd, Lionmaker, Elvis and others who were beloved figures having not just their peers protect them but even their own fucking
victims at points before later coming out themselves!
And even if you weren't fully convinced that Lio is a predator, this defense doesn't really make anyone trust his character much more beyond people with the confirmation bias or would want to assume only the best of him. Why would I listen to the testimonies of people he rescued from situations that were serious dark points in their life if I suspect them to be grooming
victims? Why would I listen to a biased narrator who has not only worked with him on cases The man would look like a hero to these people, especially when their own family turns their backs on them and adopts and treats them as his own family. And knowing they had been groomed before, abused before, well that could look like profiling before acting.
This isn't to say that they are lying. But they do have every reason to lie. Especially if Lio is buying them things, or letting them live with him. Do the
victims even actually know what grooming is? What is your relationship like with Lio? What is the family relationship like between your "siblings" and "father"?
Not only are those better questions to ask that would give insight but with loose ended questions like that you get them to talk a lot more and to give more details that would actually help establish key things that people would need to identify if a relationship like this is even potentially predatory.
• Serafina acting as judge and jury on how others think of them and their actions basically acting like anyone who doesn't report them to the police doesn't actually care?
That. Is. Gaslighting.
Denying the feelings of others saying they don't actually care if they don't do x,y,z and to cast doubt into the claims to only use the testimony of the alleged grooming
victims doesn't really do much. It's an adhom that only puts the people questioning thid relationship into doubt rather than the actions being questioned. Because after all, these are women who were abused or were from broken homes that Lio was personally aware of, and as a man in his mid to late 30s, potentially early to mid 40s adopting these adults when they were minors to their own admission and knowing most were groomed is a red flag. Also with how long ago a lot of this stuff was, who's to say that everyone's memory is accurate? Sure you got discord logs, but what about Jordan? I don't he'd need to use discord or any instant messenger with Lio unless they absolutely had to.
To criticize people to not make that report is to basically condemn someone for being human. So acting holier than thou when it is also a pretty well known fact that police don't get involved in online cases often is just stupid moral grand standing. And we all know for sure if people did pursue this, the Senate would cry
victim, when unlike this crowd not everyone will make every moral wrong they come across or has been put across onto their table their responsibility. Those are their rules, not the rules of the land. Not to mention that it is sometimes better to not get involved because if we as the public audience were to get involved and to try and take real action against Lio, what about the well being of someone like Jordan who is almost certainly some kind of dependant of Lio's.
And Jordan saying things like how Lio's wife is his type and how he isn't his type is just fucking weird to bring up! And if that is the case why the fuck hasn't he been the one to actively just prove the claims false instead of pussyfooting around it every time it comes up or just simply deflects?
With the amount of times Lio loves to go out of his way to dunk on the idiots saying stupid shit about him on kiwifarms of all places. Why are his defenses for the most serious of the claims at best devil's advocate for himself?
Take a shot each time you read or hear him say,
Citation needed/prove it/there's no evidence for this.
You'd be dead by the end of his recent live stream for sure!
Every time it's a claim that Lio if he were innocent of, could disprove or explain himself on, but just simply says that instead. Likely because he knows that predators and their number one mistake is to give out any details about their relationships whether it be true or not.
But what is said are all things on surface level that you would hear a second party saying to try and show healthy skepticism. Not the person who directly responds to an accusation.
Someone innocent would just say that it isn't true. And to give credit, Lio does have times where he is objectively innocent and says when things are false. But as soon as the relationships he has are put into question, how sexual they are, etc. You can see a very real attitude shift. And the only reason why it works as well as it does is because of how information is used to prove not just someone's guilt but character too. Whether or not Lio grooms his kids sexually isn't something that is easily proven in of itself. But what is able to be proven without shadow of doubt is that the defenses made are not iron clad and hold a lot of room for potential debate and further questions or speculation. Or even blatantly fair criticisms to bring up.
And what was proven by Lio and "their" Senate is that even if Lio isn't a predator. Even if Lio isn't preying upon his kids, he has proven he is either really bad at reading people and has had some of his closest allies like Vida, FNGR, and Coyote Lovely all be outed for one reason or another. And I would say with the kinds of stuff he engages in, and the environment he has, he isn't fit to give an emotionally and mentally healthy letalone stable environment for a child as a parent. And he outright adopted minors despite surrounding himself in a
toxic environment for any person to be around. Could only imagine how harsh it is on the mind to be a minor around there
Or Lio and his Senate have odd priorities with how he believes for some reason that Spoctor's career should of ended with him talking about Peaches over the actual crime he committed years ago.
My God, why is nobody else talking about this?
Lio literally prioritized his daughter and the drama around her, and what small criticisms he had towards her actions over serious accusations that were floating for many years towards that same man. You seriously can't make this shit up.
(this is an imageboard) No. 1824101

>>1823153There is a lot that could be said about Serafina, however what we do know of her with her public posts is that she is a predator hunter that is what seems to be at elbow's length as Lio's wingman so to speak, who originally made the Senate and has minors in their discord server despite being a known predator hunter.
She recently got accused of potentially knowing details of Vida being a predator by Casofwarfox and his group The Fox Mafia.
There was also an accusation of how Lio and Co. Including Serafina that they were trying to hide evidence of Coyote Lovely and Zrcarlo living together by not uploading the full call. What the Senate claims as their defense is that they had given the call to Cas so there was no means of trying to hide the information. Despite in the same screenshot provided to try and prove this ridiculous claim you see Lio literally tell Cas to not share the call with anyone. So as Cas said in his own ranting about Boomer Groomer Lio was right. At least to an extent. He was gatekeeping information, for the public. Like Gilded Poo accused Lio and company. Serafina seriously just made Lio and his side look worse because this was still information held from the public, even if I might possibly be remembering the claims wrong. I do not see the lie that everyone was claiming. Lio fully intended to never have this information be public and he wanted Cas to go on ahead and shield Zrcarlo and Lovely. How fucking stupid.
That is by definition shielding a predator.
And yeah Serafina doesn't seem to realize this. So the tea on her is that she has the awareness of a goldfish.
If you want to learn more about them, I would recommend looking into their channel and past as I do everyone who ever has a suspicion of their favorite content creators or people who they may have a bad feeling about and are aware before coming to their own conclusions. There are videos that are as long as 8 to 9 hours that are worth watching to get a feel of this side of the internet.
There are so many people involved with Lio and his Senate that you could literally make a documentary about the past of not just the Senate but the communities they got themselves involved with.
Such as:
The Brony Fandom
Toy Reviewer Space
Predator Hunting Space
Drama Commentary Community
Art Commentary Comminity
Slideshow Commentary Community
Small Commemtary Community
And of course the more tik tok based commentary community.
Lio is even involved in fucking Chris Chan lore. There is far too much for one person to go over when it comes to Senate and any of its members.
What I do know that hasn't been mentioned that is in this video, apparently That Creepy Reading, a man who has a lot of ties to people like Daft Pina, LS Mark, and a bunch of others is also part of Senate from what this video implies. There's a brony and some face I don't recognize that is also there but Hiten Mitsuru is also there as a meme appearance along with Just A Robot. Which I find odd considering that I thought he left the commentary scene and would also leave the Senate along with it.
Consistent as always JAR. Good show. Proving time and time again like clockwork that nobody can be fucking trusted in your community.
No. 1824549
>>1824396I am sorry for the walls but not the contents. I will limit how much I write for all of your sakes, though I will say this now. This group of people, Lio and his Senate are all people with very lengthy, convoluted and to outright horrifying stories behind them.
The walls of text won't happen from me again. But if you want a suggestion from a lurker who listens and reads twice as much as they speak. A character limit wouldn't be a bad idea. But I'll reiterate, this group of people is rabbit holes within rabbit holes and even though this isn't new information, it is relevant to situations going on today. I either way said things that I believe needed to be said. And I believe that the overall point I wanted to make abundantly clear has been made. I'll chill. It's a privilege to have a platform online. Letalone to be anonymous. Moderate as you see fit.
But none of you are ready for what this side of the internet has lying beneath the surface. Expect walls of text. But not from me. Especially if this community will continue to act in this way which we know they will. There are videos that are relevant to these people and their communities that are 8 to 9 hours long that are relevant today. Moving forward expect cliffnotes or nothing at all.
No. 1825220
>>1824549I know a lot of people have Peaches, Lio and the senate on their hit list since they're legit deviants. Lio is just a textbook groomer, Peaches is just like Shannon and iilluminatii, and the rest of the senate is either emotionally damaged teens or abusers.
I would def ask around for people who they hurt and other big creators.
I am going to be silly and say that lolcow has prophesized that everyone in the senate will be cancelled by this summer though
No. 1828983
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Don't know if anyone remembers Miss Zi Zi but her brain has been completely broken by Twitter politics No. 1829172
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>>1828983Samefag but
>a tranny is literally lecturing her about misogyny and being bigoted against nonbinary people I can't
No. 1829975
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>>1829244>Funny because she always gave me 4chan pick me girl vibes.She has changed a lot in these past few years, now she's a tranny pickme girl. She cried about Hogwarts Legacy because it's being made by an evil
TERF (pic related and source, she made a video crying because Shiver from Splatoon wasn't nonbinary (link to that: and falls for every bait imaginable on Twitter to the point where she made a video being mad on an obvious troll being racist under her Tweets (link: I know she became great friends with a tranny that goes by MissKillJoii to the point where they had a stream together but the troon doesn't seem to have active social media. She has an unlisted stream where she cries about her life, it's clear her mental health is in the lowest of the low No. 1830195
>>1824549I think you and others mean well. I genuinely do. But I don't believe you understand the gravity of this situation.
I could tell you so many things I've seen. But it's all "old milk" you're all probably not at all interested in. And all for small little crumbs of information. And with how much there is to these situations I doubt any of you want to read another essay. Letalone a video or further posts from myself.
Maybe one day though.. maybe. But realistically knowing how the community handled Luke and Spoctor where people needed to use dishonest and outright underhanded, shady and manipulative tactics to get things to go the way they wanted it to all because people criticized Peaches' manipulative behavior to this day might I add, I know for sure with how these people operate they would for sure do the same to myself or others who would merely call out what they did publicly. Plus who knows what else they might be capable of. They've done this before to others who accused them of what they were actually doing.
I'll give you all a prediction, though. Feel free to speculate all you like as you watch. I'm sure that you all are thinking what I'm thinking.
But, Lio will likely be outed as someone who had abducted a child and likely was trying to abduct Peaches. He likely was sexual with Jordan who he knew as a minor.
Lio and Ponder Sprocket knew about Spoctor and his accusations. The video too even. Well before any of this happened. And chances are, Ponder's circle or someone close to their circle outed this information we saw of Feg, Junk's and Spoctor's stuff. And I will be as bold to say that there was a cover up. Honestly I wouldn't be shocked if we come across that piece of information to at least somebody that knew Ponder or some people in her circles.
There's no other way that video would of come about. I believe someone is lying. And I believe that person is Ponder. Not remembering a short conversation sounds unrealistic and seeing how scummy her friend group is why didn't she record the call? You'd think that when she lives in an area where it's one party. Would of been totally fine. Would of recorded the conversation for at least her own record. Unless she knew what the conversation was about and knew it would incriminate her. Like how her demanding for the erp messages between minors and any other party is literally her committing a crime where she lives for written cp. Classy.
Also, if memory serves right she saw the erp between Spoctor and Stories right? Two minors? Welp, if she showed any of those messages which I think she did in one of her videos saying that Stories took an active role…
Yeah no these guys are fucked. I don't need to do anything, and if I did. It'd be more trouble than it is worth. I'm sure that everything will be fine. Just sit back and enjoy the show!
(learn2integrate) No. 1831908
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My God, this fatfuck lio should fucking do a ronnie mcnutt why does lio have a main "protagonist" complex… espically to fatfucking retard like dreadfuljaxgames the same Retard who's a lio hater turned ally, that actually wrongly accused with "false confession extortion" of culthydra aka mave silvercyber, I hope these two assholes do a ronnie mcnutt at this point, fuck the victim complex…
No. 1831911
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Before If you guys search up "mave silvercyber" most of these expose videos about mave, is just biased evidence, me and our friends have an entire Google document, then later on, an expose video of discord circles community, after the part 2 video of Kevin byrnes expose the movie, by two youtubers
No. 1831939
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Here's fox azure having a shitty meltdown over knotted furry dick
Yet is into it, regardless if he hates furry porn or not
Oh the irony of this furfag…
Also cringe, getting offended over an N word fucking lulz is from alister
My croft
Make sure to sub him, for more fox azure LULZ
Seriously every accusation is a confession
Hey fox azure, next time don't be a yelling faggot with a temperature tantrum acting so hard
If you know how to "fight"
We know how to kill… just saying!
(learn to embed) No. 1832949
>>183079The lynching of Peaches has taught me to NEVER EVER ignore the cries and suffering of the poor
victims of this world. I fully agree with South African bishop and anti-apartheid activist Desmond Tutu when he said: "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality."
(ban evading) No. 1833514
>>1819585Am I the only one who can't wait for the bandwagon of this to end? Part of it is my fault since I've watched some of them but it's so fucking sad how almost all the videos being made on the situation, these a-holes all say and clip the same fucking thing. I've heard the plagiarism citation so many times that I know it by heart kek.
I'm not saying people should excuse what she did to those two guys because it was pretty crappy but I wish the people talking about it would just fucking say something different when trying to bandwagon off of the drama.
No. 1834013
>>1833514omg same
if these guys can be original and either drop new drama about her that'd be great. It seems she does something almost daily, there must be mountains of stuff she's done.
Even old drama that should be brought up again. But I'm so tired of the same videos. She's more milky than that
No. 1834104
>>1834013Agreed, I'm just glad it's not me who's annoyed of this. It seems like so many are coming out of the woodwork to cash in on the drama and they aren't at least trying to bring new info or even their own 2 cents into the discussion and just end up sounding the same.
Because like you said, there probably are some more hidden secrets about her that is out there thst is worth looking into instead of regurgitating the same info that is already been out there.
No. 1834274
I always found it very interesting that this thread would go on and on about the toxicity of the ACC yet you would all do the exact same toxic shit that the ACC does. First of all, I love how you all downplay her suffering by insisting that only a couple of creators went after her when the opposite is true. Everyone in the ACC and then some hurt her. Everyone had spilt her blood in some way. This includes those who either associated with the bigger sadists who went after her, or those who could have defended her but instead deserted her. People like Dumbsville, Fuschia Butters, Big Joel, Chuuli, Nezzie, Miss Zi Zi, Ponder Sprocket. Hell, recently HarleyTBS, a commentator I used to really like, a commentator for whom I used to have a crush on, decided that they would rather be an entitled and whiny pig and dissent against Peaches like the vermin they are.
Second, not only do you downplay her lynching, but you just flat out support it. You support the toxic mindset that tried to justify her pain. You supported the lies and defamation against a fundamentally sweet and innocent woman. You're no different from the ACC, if anything this would be the logical extension of the toxicity of that community.
No need to sage, that was the biggest hunk of milk you're ever gonna drink :)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1834511
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>>1834274>No need to sage, that was the biggest hunk of milk you're ever gonna drink :)Holy tism.
No. 1838490
>>1837414She's not an artuber, I've seen some discussion about the drama here
>>1753830 in the Youtuber General.
No. 1838807
>>1838490i second this.
the only time non artubers get talked about here is if they get roped in with the art cc, like john swan during the kai weiss drama.
JAR isn't an artuber himself but because he's associated with the acc (despite claiming to be "moving on" from commentary LOL) he's part of this thread
No. 1840671
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Catching up on the Spoctor drama 2.0, he came off private and made this tweet. Alot of the replies and quote retweets are of course calling him a pedophile and mentioning Lio. This is why Lio is fucking dangerous. His young fanbase just parrots everything he says because he's able to make things sound correct with clever editting. If I remember correctly it wasn't even anything explicit, just lewds, but the retarted spergs in the quotes are saying it was cp because that's how Lio framed it. I think it was weird for Spoctor to keep the photos until he was 18, but you don't magically become an adult with an adult brain once you turn 18. It's less fucking weird than Lio and his weird DDLG roleplay he has going on with every single female shaped human he comes accross.
No. 1840748
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>>1840671Are you one of those socalled "Fox Mafia" scrotes that target Lio and Peaches because they pissed you off? Spoctor EXPLICITLY called the material "Nudes AND other NSFW material" you manifestation of retardation. Spoctard LITERALLY admitted in this youtube community post that he owned nude pictures of an 13 year old. How much more copium do you have to take to excuse him? He literally tries to sell himself as a
victim, and everyone without a brain, mostly furries, believe him? I really hope this chan board won't be filled with Spoctard apologists. In case you can't read, I highlighted it for you and anyone else who can't read a whole ass community post by an ADHD furry who most likely wrote this as a impulse response.
No. 1841241
>>1841227constantly says he isn't a furry yet has a lion as his main sona
the denial is real. at this point it feels like a running theme with the guy.
plays cop and hunts down pedos (sometimes over stupid stuff people did when they were kids themselves, or giving people shit for unknowingly associating with pedos) yet plays daddy in some ddlg kink with mentally unwell girls in his server and apparently flew one out to live with him when she was still a teen.
he and the terminally online senate can gaslight their braindead sheep audience about how it's "saving them" or "found family" and all that junk but there's no way that can be seen as anything but predatory.
he just reminds me of shannon that way. they only got their credibility to mask their deranged shit because they preach the loudest
No. 1841248
>>1841241On queue Peaches is saying that she and Lio didn’t spend the last month insinuating that Spoctor is a pedophile. Even after Spoctor talked about how he was a
victim of grooming, and was in an environment that normalized sexual behavior for teens. Something he realized was wrong. Plus the drives have been destroyed for 4 years now, there’s no way to access them if what Spoctor is saying is true. Peaches is awful, this is the straw that broke the camels back for me. She’s irredeemable, and she absolutely is just as bad as Shannon. She’s a leech who uses pity to lure in her
No. 1841557
>>1841421Peaches is such a terrible person. She made a hit piece on a grooming
victim just because he wouldn’t completely kiss her ass. And she proceeds to undermine his personal tragedy. She’s a troglodyte. “Oh you’re mean to me, I guess I’ll exploit your personal tragedy to call you a pedo”. Bunch of stupid underage kids empowered by Peaches and Lio are telling him to off himself. Both of them are such genuinely rotten people, their downfall will be fun to watch.
No. 1841605
>>1841248You know, Spoctors grooming situation struck me as odd at the time, yet if we were to believe his word, his supposed groomer at the time, alongside the
victim he had exchanged nudes with would be "Toast". However, the said exchanged nudes took place prior to when the
victim met "Toast". (Her statement claiming that she met "Toast" while she was 15, when Spoctor and the
victim were 12/13 and 16 respectively)
Unless if they are misremembering things, that means Spoctor was groomed prior and for longer than anticipated, or he could very well make it up. Personally, Lios server is one big circle jerk, but I personally think every part is to some extend suspicious.
Still baffles me that Spoctor took over a fucking month to respond to the allegations instead of openly admitting that he was groomed the day after Lios video dropped. He took a massive hit for his reputation and hes still fucking weird for waiting so long to respond.
No. 1841698
>>1841557you'd think peaches of all people would be even a BIT sympathetic about spoctor's situation given she was supposedly groomed herself to the point where she made a stink about mean thumbnails using her grooming video because it undermines the situation she's been through, (wich is SUPER IRONIC and hypocritical given the thumbnails she's done on her videos covering similar situations LOL) but i guess it's the only
victims who deserve sympathy are her or anyone who kisses her and the senate's ass
No. 1842353
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He posted a longer statement on his Youtube Community tab. Even the "victim" Spooder seems to be upset as to why this is being brought up as drama. The comments seem to be giving him more of the benefit of the doubt too. The only issue people have is with the USB drive. His last sentence is so true:
>Don't be a young influencer, your mistakes as a kid will haunt you forever.
Lio and Peaches are acting like they're the morally correct ones here, when in reality if they had this information and sat on it until Peaches got pissed enough and decided to go after Spoctor, then both of them and Ponder would be on the hook for sweeping this under the rug if they all believe that this is as bad as they're acting.
I think Spoctor was an incredibly dumb and horny kid, but calling him a predator is a slap in the face to those who actually get groomed by nonces.
No. 1842410
>>1841557>Their downfall will be fun to watchAgreed. I still don't get how Peaches still has so many whiteknights and fangirls/fanboys. I was scrolling youtube the other day and saw a video pop up of a rando doing a video on her and talking about how she was "betrayed" by the art commentary community, it was so stupid.
However I did find a new commentary type video that actually called Peaches out on her BS. Even though I don't see this video making traction, it still felt cathartic to see a video calling her out and not kissing her ass like a lot of those who make content in the "community" do.
No. 1842414
>>1842353>I think Spoctor was an incredibly dumb and horny kid, but calling him a predator is a slap in the face to those who actually get groomed by nonces.Spoctor has his problems but I agree that he's not a predator. It's too early to say such a thing and he hasn't done anything dodgy in recent years so far. I think Spoctor is just a
victim of how life is like for gen z who grew up with social media (I say this as someone in their mid 30s).
Teenagers are dumb and horny, we all were once but the difference between then and now is that we didn't have as much social media back then and don't have an internet backtrail of it that one could put on blast.
But until Spoctor actually does something like stalk and groom a minor in the preset day, people just need to leave him alone.
No. 1842640
>>1842414I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this and it's also probably due to my age. Spoctor says he doesn't want to come back and honestly? Good for him. If he's off irl having an actual life like Tobi did when she took a step back from social media, good for him. He'll be doing something much more productive than someone 20 years his senior.
And because I know you lurk here, let me just say; Yes Peaches, Spoctor was 100% correct when he said you're fundamentally broken as a person. You like to act like a baby uwu
victim while at the same time, talking shit behind people's backs, being extremely vindictive, and a two faced snake. You're a baby Shannon who is being coddled by a boarderline fucking chuddy nonce who you call "dad". Get a fucking life you terminally online landwhale.
No. 1842683
Hey, you all heard me talk and I want to hear you talk. This has been something I've had for awhile and I didn't know what to make of it when I first saw it and I still don't. I do have a few takeaways. Though, what do you think about this? April 10th, the day after Lio had uploaded his video on Spoctor this was posted showing that people had in fact noticed Mannis' video claims. Three months ago Dillin Thomas, someone who knew some of Senate's members such as Just a Robot, Ponder Sprocket and Doodletones also says that people knew well before Lio's video on this matter imploring people to spread the word as it was the truth. 3 months before any info was out there for us in Lio's video which was released not even a week after Gilded Poo's video on how Peaches and LaGovrt was "allegedly" shielding Coyote Lovely living with Zr Carlo.
Also, Lio has likely seen this thread and for certain has seen Dillin's comment. He told our favorite Peaches simp that he and them need to talk in their live stream on Daft Pina. So say hello to our favorite toy reviewer, because as he would say. It's big boy time. No. 1842852
>>1842640AYRT. Yeah I just think people are being ridiculous in calling Spoctor a "ped0" and/or "groomer" when he hasn't done anything in recent years and he's only like what? 18? 19? just stop and come back when there actually is something worth calling him out but until then, back off.
And for Spoctor's sake, I hope he does stay out of trouble and not do what JAR fucking does or if he does, just be real about it.
No. 1843128
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>>1842956Read for yourself. Goodbye.
No. 1843335
>>1843175Finally something worth pointing out. From my view, YouTube claims it was posted a month ago, so I had to use the Hadzy tool.
One could assume he returned to Mannis video to check the comments after he uploaded his video, since Hadzy claims the video was uploaded on the April 9th. He did after all credit Mannis in his video, but from what the screenshot of his conversation between the censored user is saying, he was skeptical of the entire thing until he heard Spoctor himself admit that he had the CP. It probably means that Dillin was just someone who also got access to the evidence before Lio did, but we don't know.
No. 1843803
So I came to make one comment
Lio and others have this thing called trying to find peds when there is none
i also found that many people in his discord rp daddy's little girl and incest on Facebook
That's all I wanted to say see ya
No. 1843822
>>1842852The reason his discord server banned mention of lolicon was half because he himself was calling very young fans in his server lolis and flatchests and it made everyone uncomfortable. You can say he was a minor all you want but COCSA is a recognized form of sexual abuse and he was way too old to think prepubescent bodies were hot. Let me reframe this for anyone who has been an adult too long and forgotten what these numbers mean: imagine a junior in high school dating an 8th grader.
All his claims that he didn't know it was wrong because he got groomed don't hold water. In that call he admitted he was stringing her along and keeping her in love with him so she wouldn't talk. He knew perfectly well what he did was wrong.
No. 1843976
>>1843822First of all learn to sage. Second, an 8th grader in the US is aged 13-14 and a Junior in high school is aged 16-17. That's a 3 year age gap at best and yes, it's normal for people within those age ranges to date one another. I know you might be fairly young so you might find it weird, but unless Spoctor was in his 20's dating a 13-14 year old I quite frankly do not give a shit. Funnily enough this is also a mentality that Ponder Sprocket shares as she said in one of her Spoctor videos, thinking a 16 year old dating a 13 year old as predatory is ridiculous. That call is 3-4 years old which means spoctor was still 18 and at most 19 at the time. He might have still been 17 just about to turn 18 because I can't remember his birthday. He was, once again, being a dumb fucking teenager. I know people in the ACC try to uphold teenagers to be way more mentally mature than they are, but it does not work like that. It does not matter if he said that he knew it was wrong in the call if the "
victim" Spooder is also calling everyone fucking dumb for bringing this up. Why are you all being upset on someone else's behalf?
One would be perfectly in their right to think the lolicon thing is weird, but you fail to mention his age when he was doing this so it could have very edgy dumb jokes he made when he was still a teenager. No one here is saying Spoctor is completely innocent, he himself never said he didn't know it was wrong. It's clear that being on social media from a young age, gaining a large audience from a young age, and being exposed to hyper-sexual spaces from a young age, all fucked him up and he really needs to take a step back especially now that he's getting older, but anyone calling him a pedophile is a fucking braindead sperg.
No. 1844071
>>1843976 >and yes, it's normal for people within those age ranges to date one another. If you're homeschooled or live in a third world country. Well-adjusted 16 year old boys don't want anything to do with middle schoolers. They're not only physically underdeveloped, but the difference in maturity makes them obnoxious to older kids. It's hard for two kids of these ages to even be friends, much less date. In Spoctor's case you can't even blame it being socially stunted. He was constantly annoyed by the kids that age in his server and that's not a secret. His mods still complain about it to this day because it meant he would only pop in for 20 minutes a day at best and leave them to do the heavy lifting.
I really recommend doing some reading on the stages of adolescence. This is one of at least two topics Ponder Sprocket misrepresented in her Spoctor videos. 13 and 16 are not in the same developmental stage according to
any source. 13 year olds are so immature that they still think in black and white. Asking someone who can't even form nuanced thoughts yet for pictures and videos of their body is obviously fucked.
>Why are you all being upset on someone else's behalf?Because she waffles. There were screenshots on kiwifarms where she was asking for emotional support but also trying to protect him, as many
victims of partner abuse do. Apologizes for no sage, was distracted.
No. 1844183
>>1844071No, we are not about to get to the point where we're calling literal children predatory for being attracted to those in their age range. 13 and 16 year olds are CHILDREN. I know since kids started hoping on social media more people keep trying to make them seem more mature than they are but they are children nonetheless. I'm really curious on how old you are because you ask any adult irl if this is predatory and they would look at you like you have 2 heads. If Spoctor was 16 trying to get with a 11-10 year old then you would have a point because those kids are pre-pubescent. He's interested in one of his peers with a 16 year old. Teenagers are horny and sexual as it comes with the territory of puberty. The only things teens do wrong is taking nudes and of themselves because they are unknowingly creating cp.
>Well-adjusted 16 year old boys don't want anything to do with middle schoolers. They're not only physically underdeveloped, but the difference in maturity makes them obnoxious to older kids. It's hard for two kids of these ages to even be friends, much less date.Bunch of bull. When I was a 16 I still talked to 13 year olds that had the same interests as me and at 13 did the same with 16 year olds. Had plenty of friends that were the same. They're kids. And you are still being offended on someone else's behalf when they themselves do not view it like that.
No. 1844264
>>1843822I'm gonna be honest if it's true what you said about him using "loli" and "flastchest" on discord, that's really weird. I think I encountered loli discussion/imagery as a child and noticed how fucking weird, creepy, and
abusive all of that was.. maybe he mightve said things as edgy "jokes" but that's still very odd behavior, I really don't see how cp is funny or edgy without you being a pedo yourself right?
No. 1844824
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I cannot wait for this because I'm literally going to track how much of a percentage she talks about his video on her and not what would be considered the more serious points. If she spends less time talking about the flashdrive than she does whining for the 100th time about how he called her broken or whatever the fuck, this really is done with bad intentions. If this isn't some petty revenge scheme to continue to beat a dead horse to give herself pity points, then she'll address the serious things more than anything else.
No. 1844851
>>1843976sorry but these ages are a bit off.
in the US school age can also be
8th grade (last year of middle school) 13-14,
9th grade (high school freshman) year 14-15
10th grade (high school sophomore) 15-16
11th grade (high school junior) 16-17
12th grade (high school senior) 17-18
when i was in high school (2008-2011) it was super common for junior year students to date freshman. sometimes it was seen as predatory and sometimes it was more of a natural thing cause they met at sports or a club together.
it's true that a normal 16-17 year old high school junior would not be caught dead interested in a middle schooler. but paradoxically they may see a freshman as a peer their own age or practically their age but not enough to matter. even if some 8th graders are 14 and some freshman are 14. it's a childish perception but probably not creepy because of the way high school is so integrated and everyone makes friendships and relationships through the 4 grades
No. 1848528
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Oh look a break up( )
No. 1848619
>>1848528and the fact those two were Peaches' biggest whiteknights when her drama took off. and they were also the ones who went hard on kai/omnia during their dramas aswell.
the cc really will cannibalize each other eventually. only a matter of time till it happens over in the senate
No. 1848623
>>1848619same anon but i looked at the thread referenced on the screenshot and wtf. all this over a fucking thumbnail JAR planned to use on his upcoming video on spoctor.
and it's also about grooming in context.
this is just peaches all over again, the difference being that for peaches it was about "downplaying her trauma" or whatever tf, while on JAR's situation it's the opposite in that he makes spoctor look worse because he's making an edp reference (which, classy JAR. way to further push the guy down, hard to believe you guys were as close as you say you were.)
No. 1848891
>>1848871I love how 20 seconds in he references his "I'm Leaving" video only for his explination on why he's said he was going to stop doing it, boil down to "Because you have to do make drama videos when the drama is fresh"
Textbook fucking grifter. Anyways, I can only listen to this retard's voice for so long so someone else can have fun and summarize this shit.
>>1848528Harley started out as a kid who would defend Peaches tooth and nail, but as he's gotten older I think he's gotten smarter and isn't taking alot of shit anymore. He actually stood up to Peaches and told her the senate changed her and now this with JAR. He isn't a dumb kid anymore and thankfully even though he grew up online, he hasn't been totally brainwashed by the ACC.
No. 1849135
>>1844071Something to remember with this situation was that it was only happening online iirc? Because of this, even though typically teenagers don't want to hang out with middle schoolers (generally), these people were terminally online spending every waking moment outside of school online and because of this, this is why I can see why a teenager would not see anything wrong with talking with middle schoolers if they had things in common. Spoctor is a weeb/nerd and those he associated with were as well so there was a lot for them to bond over despite the age difference.
Heck I remember when I was 16 (I'm in my 30s for context), I used to be online friends with a person in their early 20s at the time and we boded over anime lol Nothing creepy happened but anyway, all I mean is that it's not surprising that Spoctor found a way to bod with this person, it's not hard to believe at all.
>>1844183> If Spoctor was 16 trying to get with a 11-10 year old then you would have a point because those kids are pre-pubescent. He's interested in one of his peers with a 16 year old. Teenagers are horny and sexual as it comes with the territory of puberty. The only things teens do wrong is taking nudes and of themselves because they are unknowingly creating cp.Agreed anon, I get what you mean and I think it's because some in this thread may still be young and do't understand. That and maybe not realizing how involved social media is now o where it's not surprising why 16/17 year olds may talk with and befriend and date 13/14 year olds. It is a bit weird but it's not "pedophilic". They'd have a point if Spoctor was 21+ but he wasn't.
No. 1849136
>>1844264It's weird but we're talking about a teenager who got exposed to coomer stuff early. I remember reading how lots of teens are getting into porn at a faster, earlier rate more than ever ever since social media has taken over. I still remember how Tumblr was in the early 201s0 with porn blogs everywhere whether it was hentai or irl stuff.
A lot of teens growing up in the 2010s to the present are getting porn brainrot before they're even adults.
No. 1849141
>>1848871I thought he said he was leaving commentary? Yet here he is again.
>>1848891>Textbook fucking grifter100/10.
>Harley started out as a kid who would defend Peaches tooth and nail, but as he's gotten older I think he's gotten smarter and isn't taking alot of shit anymore. He actually stood up to Peaches and told her the senate changed her and now this with JAR. He isn't a dumb kid anymore and thankfully even though he grew up online, he hasn't been totally brainwashed by the ACC.Is this Harley person terminally online or does he have a life outside of online? If not he really should do what Spoctor is doing and touch grass, like just get outside more and begin living life a little.
No. 1850956
>>1850693Spoctor is not a fucking pedophile you terminally online retard. He was a dumb teenager and this is why this bogus "predator hunting" needs to be stopped. You all are stretching the definition and taking the spotlight from genuine nonces. There are actually people who flock to spaces with children with the intent of grooming them.
>>1850948She lurks here so she knows. She just gets constant ass-pats from daddy Lio and the rest of her bootlicking server to placate her enough to not really want to rile anything up. She knows if she ever alerts her fanbase to this thread that she'll start being questioned. It's probably the reason she blocked that Veritas stalker. He was active here and made videos on this thread which could alert people to it's existence.
No. 1851003
Peaches being on here and being a baby Shannon is not going to look good. Though I'm not sure if anything will happen. No one really cares about the ACC. The only bad thing that's happening is teens looking up to creepy adults
No. 1851566
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>>1851003Speaking of Peaches, has anyone archived her tweets? There was one she deleted where she spoke about her parents calling her a liar and siding with her ex. She quickly deleted it but left this one up :
No. 1851580
>>1851566I don't think any of us care enough about her to archive things like tweets, but this is a little spicy. Really makes you wonder on how much of her calling her ex "
abusive" was genuine, and how much was her either blowing things out of proportion or completely lying. I would pay money to get her ex's side of things.
No. 1852022
>>1851580Earlier in the thread someone mentioned that Peaches is the
abusive one.
Her parents kicked her out for being unbearable and before that she lived with a friend who kicked her out for being horrid.
So she got a guy to feel bad for her and date her. So he spent all of his money buying a house for them to live in.
The MOMENT Peaches moved in she stopped personal hygiene, made the place dirty on purpose, was openly cheating on him, screamed at him, took his credit card, ate all the food so he had nothing.
So when he had enough he told her to move out. A few months after he got a new girlfriend. Peaches currently wont let him be happy and is shamelessly SQUATTING. It's taking almost a year for him to get the paperwork and court case done and it's pretty expensive. But she will not leave his house unless the police force her out. Peaches is a nightmare to know irl
To wrap it up, seems like the trio of nightmare women have everything in common. Fake social justice warriors, white, fat, same face structure,
abusive narcissists. They seriously need to be a case study
No. 1852145
>>1852124the title and the thumbnail BOTH, fucking KEK
either she;s making some reference to this thread calling out her "
victim" status out of ironic or she has the self awareness of a bloated goldfish
either way LMFAO
No. 1852483
>>1852022Not saying I don't believe this because the track record of fat white woman smug liberal being a terrible person tracks, but I want solid evidence of this.
>>1852124Anyone feel like biting the bullet and summarizing this? I can only listen to Peaches smug tone for so long.
No. 1852538
>>1852483Honestly, after you've seen one you've seen them all. It's just Peaches echoing the record of what happened, adding nothing new. (Talking about the flash drive, about the call with Junkie and Feghost, the call he trolled)
It's been a night since I watched it but if memory serves she does take the opportunity to whine about the peaches drama at one point I think.
She goes on to refute the claim that they're calling Spoctor a pedophile, and imply that they're not even insinuating that. Which makes me scratch my head cause like, if you're bringing up the fact he held on to CP past the age of 18 what the fuck ARE you implying if that's the case?? Just a big pile of retardation imo.
No. 1852661
>>1852538She's already back peddling incase she gets in trouble for bring up false pedo accusations against Spoctor.
"I never straight out said he's a pedo"
Neither did Stories, but they sure did heavily imply it to the point everyone called him a pedo.
No. 1854695
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No no guys, he's just a boring little goober! You guys definitely don't need to look into his past. Nope. Nothing to see there.
No. 1857846
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So I'm almost done recapping all of Omnia's video, but shit has currently hit the fan on Twitter. It looks like JAR, Peaches, and HarleyTBS might have been complicit in furthering Kai's bogus claims. Peaches tucked her tail between her legs and privated and Lio is currently fighting tooth and nail to defend her.
No. 1857869
>>1857325So I'll try to summarize this as much as possible. Really could give less of a shit about the art being traced or whatever.
>Kai basically took a guilty plea deal for one charge to get the rest dropped, so Kai trying to act like he was innocent of the other charges was bull. Omnia shows the screenshot of this and they all signed it.>Omnia plays a phone recording of her talking to her lawyer, she did get explicit confirmation from her lawyer that this was fine to be recorded. The lawyer clarifies that the plea deal was not for the reason that Kai claimed and Omnia's lawyer wasn't in the court that day. Kai was claiming the reason he took the plea deal was because he was tired of the case. You cannot take a plea deal without admitting guilt; So either Kai is lying to his audience on the reason why he plead guilty, or he's being fucking retarded and openly admitting he lied about the reason he took a plea deal to his audience which is illegal.>Kai claims that he will be able to get the case expunged from his record because it's a misdemeanor. Omnia's lawyer clarifies that he won't because it's a conviction.>Kai admitted to the court that he did indeed abuse Omnia.>Kai says that the prosecuting attorney said that Omnia was unreliable and expressed to him she was displeased with the ruling. Omnia says she never spoke to, or even knew the name of the prosecuting attorney before she asked her lawyer and she wasn't even in the court the date that Kai said she was.>Omnia is trying to get a copy of the court transcript and hasn't been successful in getting through thus far, but has was able to get a copy of the sentencing. The copy basically corroborates all that's been stated.End of Video 1
>Starts with her going over the protective order and isn't anything we don't already know.>Omnia is the sole owner of the apartment and pays all the bills. The only thing Kai paid were their phone bills.>Omnia was granted 5 provisions on her protective order, one of which being her asking for possession of Gabriella, which was Kai's cat that he adopted because she felt that he was a threat to her. She says the reason why is because Kai is volitile and flies into blind rages and throws things, which on a couple of occasions have hit the cats before and she felt he would harm Gabriella. She also brings up that December 2021 was not the first time that Kai had physically hurt her.Stopping here real quick because this is one of the most contentious things that people have issue with, but I have the same viewpoint as Omnia. Kai in the public is shown to be extremely easy to anger so I wouldn't trust an animal around him either even if he hadn't abused them prior.
>Omnia filed to have both cats listed as Emotional Support Animals. Kai also appealed the provision in the protective order to get Gabriella back.>The judge ruled in Kai's favor because Kai was the one whom had originally adopted Gabriella. Omnia and her lawyer accepted under the condition that the provision be replaced with another one, that being if Kai were to receive jail time Gabriella would be returned back to Omnia.End Video 2
>Going over the violations of the protective order. Basically Kai wrote threatening notes through Omnia's notes app which is connected to the cloud which Kai had access to due to leaving her encouraging notes prior to when everything fell apart.>Kai tried to pull the whole "I was nice occasionally so I can't possibly be abusive" card. Which everyone who was ever in an abusive relationship knows is bullshit.>Kai once again keeps trying to say that the other charges like stalking/threatening were dropped because there was no evidence when we now know that they were dropped because he took a plea deal.>Kai wrote a long creepy message to Omnia through Patreon once again violating the protective order. Kai tries to defend himself by saying that his new cat slept on his keyboard and accidentally sent the message even though it wasn't supposed to go through. Not even joking.End Video 3
>Kai whining about Omnia's sympathetic tweets about the school shooting that happened at her school. Omnia never made it out that she was close to the victims, but many of her friends were. Funnily enough Kai did something similar when Etika died.>More of allegedly Kai violating the protective order by texting Omnia from a burner number and trying to get her to type in a shared google doc.>Most of this video is just Omnia debunking Kai's video about her thread and showing how speech patterns and times lined up with Kai and how he violated her protective order.End Video 4
>Omnia debunks the dates that Kai brung up by saying Kai took her phone from her and deleted all their previous texts.>Omnia goes into her channel deletion. Kai sometime between grabbing things from the apartment and leaving, deleted her channel.>Omnia shows how likely it is that when Kai stole her Nintendo Switch, games, etc. he traded them in to get a Switch OLED.>Goes into Kai taking back his gifts and talks about the laws of gift giving.Now this is where it gets interesting
>At the end she points out times where JAR, Lio, Peaches, HarleyTBS, enabled Kai and says they're hypocritical basically."Maybe stop parroting everything Lio tells you and get a mind of your own Hopeless Peaches" KEK W.
So that's basically all the interesting parts. I still think Omnia is shady on certain things, but Kai is just like any other
abusive, lying scrote and he can fuck off for good for all I care. I love how Peaches turned tail and ran when Omnia simply exposed her public tweets instigating Kai's lies. She threw a months long temper tantrum because Omnia used her grooming thumbnail and yet has no qualms on egging on an abuser even though she loves to claim that she just got out of an
abusive relationship herself. She loves to stoke the fire but the moment she gets burned a little she cries and runs to hide, playing
victim and leaving her obese daddy Lio to fight for her. Fucking landwhale can choke I am so sick of her.
I still agree with everyone in that this shouldn't have been public, but Omnia was smart in holding off really speaking on the crucial things until now. She has the right to defend herself publicly if she's going to continue Youtube as this would have killed her chances of making anything of her channel again.
No. 1857873
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>>1857869This would make so much fucking sense on why Peaches immediately tried to make herself a
victim, then went private and made Lio fight for her. She’s most likely tweeting shit in private that she’ll delete later
Now earlier it was mentioned that Peaches’ own family does not believe that she is the
victim with her boyfriend and implied that she lied. There is a new tweet where peaches tried to tell me omnia that she can’t possibly be abused since she was an abuse
victim by her ex
No. 1857874
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>>1857869Sorry for double posting anons but this is the latest tweet that I’m sure will be deleted so I’m putting it here. The first time the news of her ex dumping her came out. Peaches only said that he cheated. Now she is adding details to this story
No. 1858047
>>1857325Kai made two streams about this. He plays court recording.
In Omnia’s video she claims Kai lied about how the court case ended. Omnia claims her and her lawyers took the plea deal for efficiency and not because there were credibility issues. Omnia claims Kai took the plea deal because he thought he would be found guilty if they went to court.
In stream 1
Kai starts playing the recording at 45:00
At 45:39 and 46:10, the prosecutor confirms Omnia is not supportive of the plea agreement.
The judge states at 48:30 that if the case went to trial, there would be a number of credibility issues, and Omnia’s prosecutor agrees with the judge that there would be credibility issues.
The judge accepts the plea agreement because of potential credibility issues
At 1:02:18, Kai is on court recording stating that he is taking the plea because of his family
No. 1858079
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>>1857325Omnia coming after Peaches, LioConvoy, JAR, and HarleyTBS in her videos has caused a shitstorm on twitter.
These are Omnia's tweets. kek at her and LioConvoy’s threads
No. 1858084
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>>1858079Hopeless Peaches tweets. She privated her ThatRebelRosie account
No. 1858086
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>>1858079>>1858084LinLin, HarleyTBS, JAR tweets
No. 1858140
>>1858047Is that Omnia's lawyer that said she's not supportive of it or the prosecuting lawyer? Because Omnia's lawyer said he wasn't in court that day so it would have to be the prosecuting lawyer. This is something Omnia straight up said herself that she didn't even know the name of the prosecuting lawyer until her lawyer told her. In a way, they both could be correct. Omnia said she never met the prosecuting lawyer, but could have been consulted about him through her own lawyer and she said she didn't support the decision, which was then relayed to the the prosecuting lawyer. I don't know why Kai is acting like this is a smoking gun.
The judge saying there would credibility issues does not mean there would be a non guilty verdict on the additional charges. It's really fucking clear that Kai does not understand the law or he does and is intentionally bullshitting and spergs like Lio (who claims he studied law, which I highly fucking doubt) are eating it up because regardless of Kai admitting abuse, he's still against Omnia and Omnia hurt Peaches so we have to enable him. He's claiming that he wouldn't sit there and lie when he's done that for other shit before?
Yeah, Kai is a fucking idiot kek. His spiel in court saying how he's "doing this for his family" is still tacked onto the fact that he's still pleading guilty to the charge and is therefore admitting fault.
Unless someone else wants to recap the entire stream where there might be more counter evidence, this really doesn't prove shit. The only thing he might have is the point that the prosecuting lawyer saying that Omnia was consulted. But that does not mean he's the one who consulted her personally. He just said "she has been consulted".
>>1858086Linlin: "Omnia about to gets egged into a parasocial relationship" Like Peaches and the rest of the Senate server have? Can someone tell LinLin that he's a dumb fucking teenager and that this is far above his pay grade.
No. 1858166
>>1858140>The judge saying there would credibility issues does not mean there would be a non guilty verdictNever said that. The point was that Omnia claims that there were no credibility issues. The judge and her attorney say there were.
>Yeah, Kai is a fucking idiot kek. His spiel in court saying how he's "doing this for his family" is still tacked onto the fact that he's still pleading guilty to the charge and is therefore admitting fault.Kai maintains that he took an alford plea in his streams. If that’s true, then he didn’t plead guilty.
Omnia claims that Kai didn’t take an alford plea because it’s not on the report and her attorney said it wasn’t an alford plea. This is more evidence than Kai has so far.
Kai says on twitter he will make a video responding to Omnia’s videos. Since he has the court recordings, he could bring evidence that it’s an alford plea. We’ll have to wait to find out, ig
>Unless someone else wants to recap the entire stream where there might be more counter evidence, this really doesn't prove shit. Omnia claimed that the quote at the beginning of Kai’s video was him making up words that weren’t said. Omnia used this as proof he lied.
But it turns out it was a direct quote from the court recording. So Kai didn’t lie about that.
That’s all it was meant to prove. It wasn’t meant to prove anyone’s guilt or innocence.
(reddit spacing) No. 1858176
>Never said that. The point was that Omnia claims that there were no credibility issues. The judge and her attorney say there were.The issue is that Kai is framing this as meaning that the claims were false. The dude is manipulative and unless you read between the lines you wouldn't know what he's trying to insinuate. He's pulling the same stunt as what the rest of the ACC is doing, pointing out small nitpicky shit to act like it discredits to much bigger, much more serious claims.
>Kai maintains that he took an alford plea in his streams. If that’s true, then he didn’t plead guilty. I don't know how the fuck Kai is going "prove" he took an alford plea when we saw the actual sentencing papers and Omnia's lawyers flat out stated that he didn't take one.
I do not trust a single word Kai says at this point. He's manipulative and lying. The motherfucker literally tried to say that his fucking cat sent that Patreon message to Omnia. Omnia may be shady, but atleast she showed the actual court documents and we heard from her lawyer. The small tidbits of recording we heard do little than corroborate semantics. I honestly don't know how Kai is going to act like he's the innocent one here because of all the evidence that was presented. He more than likely, is just going to argue semantics again.
No. 1858315
>>1858303the comment doesn’t read as angry but rather tired, also I hope you saged your comments. I the whole drama is getting on everyone’s nerves because we are just seeing the repeat rinse of:
1. Kai lying, remixing the story or arguing semantics
2. Peaches spewing shit, running away and having the Senate, Harley and JAR kiss her fat goblin ass
3. Omnia over explaining and reacting to literally every single thing instead of just dropping her evidence and dipping.
Its all old milk and unless someone is brave enough to tell all these dumbasses to fuck off, this is the new boring norm
No. 1858319
>>1858315Tired is not the word. It's definitely angry. Who cares about Kai Weiss enough to go on this long of a tangent, nor has the information to do so?
It's just Omnia KEK if youre going to sperg just sperg on Twitter, it's more milky that way.
No. 1858324
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>>1858319I knew you seemed familiar. You’re that one retard months ago that sperged over here and accused random people of being omnia . The autocorrect uppercase “KEK” gave it away. A bit suspicious eh ? that you come here under the exact same circumstance
No. 1858380
>>1858324Sperg thinks that typing KEK in all uppercase means youre a completely seperate anon, please never reproduce.
Please go back to bitching to your audience on Twitter.
No. 1858511
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Peaches came out of hiding. It will never not be amusing on how much this woman cannot take one ounce of the energy she dishes out. She'll gladly hop into calls with people and tell them to shut up and insult them, but the moment she gets a taste of her own medicine she starts acting like she's going to have a mental breakdown and runs to private her shit until she's had her ass pat quota filled. PrisonMateLuke was a fucking idiot on alot of things he covered, but he hit the nail on the head when he said Peaches hides behind her mental issues and uses them as a shield.
No. 1858566
>>1858511this is hiten levels of exageration no wonder those two are in the senate kek. they both make this whole display about how being lied to and shit talked on in the internet ruin them so badly.
also i find it funny and ironic that peaches and co want to make a big stink about omnia calling her "pro abuse" even if omnia didn't outright say it yet she uses that same tactic to excuse herself when she says she didn't call spoctor a pedo.
if peaches and her braindead fans are gonna go on with implications they should be consistent with their standard.
i don't like omnia and i still think she's not being totally honest with her video response mini series but i'm glad there's SOMEONE calling out the acc's bullshit that
isn't a degenerate scrote.
No. 1858586
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>>1858079>>1858084>>1858086Here are the tweets leftover after Peaches was hiding behind her privating her account. Peaches manages to bring up the suicide baiting drama.. again
You have a weak heart from twitter drama? Seriously?
Also Peaches saying Lio is her “13th reason why” Doesn’t that imply he makes her want to kill herself?
(obvious typing style) No. 1858666
>>1858586If 13 different things make Peaches want to kill herself she is 1000% a suicide baiter kek
"you didn't give me attention! I'm going to kill myself now! But let me tell everyone you made me think this way and weaponize it."
I don't know why she brought that back up when no one else did. She shows all the signs on being guilty.
Also the only reason her heart is weak is because she just sits at her desk all day shoveling in the most greasy fast food she can find.
>>1858661literally fuck off "anon"
that's one of the random furries Peaches is currently harassing. We're not your 13 year old fanbase. So transparent
No. 1858668
>>1858666to add
how funny how the slightest thing can make Peaches want to kill herself. You can ignore her and that will make her want to do it. But here she is targeting random teenagers being an adult woman and making the senate attack these teens as well. If anything Peaches def is promoting people offing themselves. She's one sick puppy
No. 1858731
>>1858586>Peaches Fans: "Omg why is Omnia still posting about you she need to leave you alone!"
>Peaches completely unprompted:Also didn't Peaches do something similar to the scribble over the eyes in her grooming video? I swear she wouldn't be getting as much as sympathy if she wasn't known as one of the people that Shannon screwed over. And her fans have such tunnel vision they refuse to see any of the actual bullshit because Peaches and Lio have gaslit everyone into viewing her as some poor
victim when she's just a back stabbing and snakeish as any other person they go after. Doesn't it raise any red flags how people have constantly had greivances with her? If you have that many people that have issues with you, much like iilluminaughtii, the issue might be yourself.
No. 1859102
>>1859092This thread is not Google, but you're probably talking about the video Mannis made.
>>1859101Legit, no one is saying Spoctor is 100% innocent. I think the loli jokes are stupid, but could easily just be passed off as edgy stupid jokes. The issue most of us had is that Peaches, Lio, and Co. did not do what they did with good intentions. They did it to both get heat off them for the CoyoteLovely drama, as well as getting back at Spoctor for how he talked about Peaches. Spoctor was an incredibly stupid teenager, but people need to stop calling him a pedophile because he isn't. 17 is still a child. Older child, but still a child. I'm in my late 20's and still had the mentality of a child at 17 when I look back.
No. 1859105
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I said before that I think Harley has grown as a person. I wonder what his video will entail, but at the very least he's much more mature than Peaches to genuinely talk things out with Omnia.
No. 1859160
>>1859102that, and the senate just conveniently gloss over the fact spoctor was groomed into believing that the shit he did was normal, and he "grew up" online, which is something he's expressed time and again that it was something he regretted, most notable of it being in his video talking about commentary channels starting out in their teens.
he was still a stupid horny teen, and admitted that he did stupid things and lost friends because of it, but all these wannabe pedo hunters calling him a pedo for it is equally deranged.
the senate and maybe even ponder are just as bad since it's implied they knew it, but didn't come forward covering the situation, only did it spoctor didn't kiss peaches' ass. (ponder being apart of it since she retweeted and spread lio's videos on it)
(putting a line break between each sentence is Reddit spacing. It doesn’t contribute to readability since this post was short.) No. 1859282
>>1859160I cannot believe Ponder is a part of this stupid senate crap. I thought she was a smart woman who would not involve herself in something like that as out of all these commentary people, she didn't whore herself out to every drama that came out every other week or month.
And her not seeing how awful and manipulative Peaches is sad as well.
No. 1859283
>>1859102 said, especially toward the end. Spoctor grew up terminally online on the internet and we are seeing how this tends to play out with the younger Gen Z in this era. Kids getting exposed to pornographic material at much younger ages and how this just completely messes with their development and perception of the world before they're even 21. It's just too early to call Spoctor a pedophile when he hasn't done anything like that in his current young adult age.
Like others have said, he was a stupid horny teenager with porn brainrot and raised on 4Chan humor. The whole loli jokes are gross but he said them when he was a teenager, it would be different if he was saying it in the last 2 years of his current young adult life.
No. 1859513
>>1859282Ponder is a woman in her 30's shitting on Spoctor for shit he did in his teens. She benefits being in the senate because most of her fans are also teens. It's just another adult who benefits manipulating teens. Funny enough, she only has huge credibility for helping Spoctor and proving he isn't a pedo.
>>1859390This right here. She complains she has to be around him but wont leave his house and bothers him when his girlfriend is around. Just being vindictive and spiteful. She's one of the worst people you could ever meet. It's just a happy chance no one will ever meet her irl
No. 1859575
>>1859102>you're probably talking about the video Mannis madeIt's not, and Mannis's video doesn't have these DMs in it, either. Sorry, I'm only asking here because Google and YT search results are not helpful. Anything you remember would help.
>>1859513All Ponder knows how to do is pick on easy targets and draw her lumpy rantsonas beating up people she doesn't like. She's a complete child.
No. 1859812
>>1859536You know, you raise a good point about Ponder that I didn't take into consideration. She does only tend to commentate on stupid teens where any sensible adult could do that and sound intelligent but when it comes to touching on content by maturer aged type topics, that's where one might flounder a bit.
She's one of the oldest (in age) commentary channels while everyone else is mostly a teenager or fresh into their 20s.
No. 1860125
>>1860109The wider commentary community is
toxic and bad in it's own right, but most of the ACC would absolutely curl into a ball and have mental breakdowns if they got even an ounce of how cut throat some commentators can be. I remember Hiten complaining about some commentary channels using slurs, I can imagine Peaches being on private for months if she got torn into by someone that's used to taking down actual
toxic adults and not stupid children.
No. 1861003
>>1859989>Part of me thinks it's because he's got an omega crush on PeachesIt's so weird how much he feels the need to defend her. Doesn't JAR have a girlfriend IRL? I could've sworn he did. Either way it's crazy how he would choose Peaches of all people. I mean she's not a looker and even if you could look past her appearance, she has such a
toxic personality. I wouldn't be coming for her looks if she wasn't such a crappy person who's so manipulative but she is and it's baffling how none of her fans have seemed to notice just how awful she is.
No. 1861234
>>1860125And the funniest part is that they’re just as
toxic as the overall commentary community. They just hide behind being “progressive uwu lgbt liberals” the way Creepshow Art did before that cow was outed. If you look closely, people like Peaches, Lio, JAR, Ponder and the rest have no problem interacting with racist, misogynistic weirdos. There’s only a problem if it’s a direct insult or dig at them and it’s suddenly they are
victims and throw a fit. They’re all putting on an act because they know who their audience is.
No. 1861280

So Kai dropped a video and now I have to subject myself to 2 1/2 hours of this. I'm playing this at 1.5x speed. The more important things I will catalogue, but I will condense down the petty shit. Sorry this ended up being long.
>Starts off with Kai trying refute the fact that Omnia said she didn't speak about the court case publicly after a certain time period, by showing her subtweets.
>Kai tries to say Omnia was "stalking" him by cataloging tweets and videos for the court case and somehow tries to equate this to what Omnia claims as stalking, which let me remind you, was Kai going to her physical location and allegedly sending her messages from burner accounts.
This is why I cannot stand Kai. He's full of what-aboutisms and argues petty semantics.
>Kai getting mad at Omnia playing meme music and saying it's to get a rise out of him. Kek.
>Kai tries to claim that he never said that the prosecuter said anything, but in his tweets and I believe one of his previous videos he straight up says that "The prosecutor and judge said that the evidence was faulty and there was credibility issues" or something along those lines so I don't know why he's trying to lie here.
>Also Kai takes jabs at Omnia's lawyer and calls him unreliable , when he's quite literally a lawyer that was on the fucking case and would have access to the records of what happened on certain days.
>Kai plays the a recording from the court. The judge says "Upon acceptance to the plea of guilty to the charge the commonwealth would move to agree to null prosse the remaining charges?" That right there corroborates what Omnia said that Kai accepted the Plea of guilty on assault in exchange for the other charges being dropped. The lawyer says what we've heard before, in that Omnia was not pleased with the outcome and the that would be some credibility issues.
It is important to note that the prosecuting lawyer himself said that if this were to be taken to trial and cross-examined in front of a jury that they do not know what the outcome would be. This is why it's so retarted that Kai acts like because the lawyer and judge said that there would be credibility issues that it would automatically result in a non-guilty verdict. Shakey evidence is brung up in court all the time, doesn't mean that the defendent is found innocent on principle.
>The judge gets ready to read out inditement relating to the assault and battery charges. Kai once again adds texts to would suggest this means that the other charges were dropped due to the lack of evidence and not the agreement of the plea deal.
>Kai says he was trusting his lawyer in going along pleading guilty because he had no clue was an Alford plea was at the time.
>Clerk reads the inditement. Kai himself says "guilty" Judge takes his oathe and explains the charge. Kai again flashes up text that says that this is for the battery and assault charges and not the other inditements like Omnia said. Despite Omnia never stating that. Plays the same clip we heard before on why he was pleading guilty.
>Judge asks if this is an Alford Plea.
>Kai interjects and says his lawyer did not tell him what an Alford plea was. He told him even though he was pleading guilty, it wasn't for any of the other charges nor did it relate to them. The judge says she will be treating it as an Alford plea.
>Kai's lawyer interjects and says that "Mr.White is acknowledging that he did commit a domestic assault and battery" because Kai got confused. I'm also alittle confused because towards the end it sounded like the judge said that he would not actually be able to take an Alford Plea after Kai's lawyer said what he said above. Someone can give another perspective on that. It's at: 33:40.
>Cuts back to Omnia's attorneys explaining an Alford plea. Thing I didn't notice the first time is that Omnia specifies that her attorney spoke to the prosecuting attorney.
>Kai himself admits that whether or not he got an Alford plea that he would have plead guilty regardless. He still tries to frame this as him "throwing her a bone" to prevent this from going to trial because he's confident it would have been thrown out. Pretty fucking presumptuous, but we'll let his ego have fun with that imaginary scenario.
>Kai does concede and apologize that he was wrong about the charge being expunged from his record.
>Kai ONCE AGAIN says he was going to plead guilty regardless just to be done with everything.
>Insert Kai raging about Omnia mentioning that he would go to jail if he violated her protective order again. If we believe Omnia in that he did violate it before, this is slightly suspicious that he would get mad about this particular sentence.
>Kai says that Omnia is lying because he did help pay for certain bills. No way to prove this either way. The only proof we have is that Omnia's name was the only one on the lease.
>Kai does bring up a good point in that Omnia said that Kai wouldn't be fit to care for his cat, but after he left she needed donation money to get cat food because of the loss of income from him. This doesn't cover the fact that Kai being abusive may have been a danger in that sense, but that's up to interpretation.
>Interesting to note that Kai didn't touch on the claim where Omnia claims that Kai would throw things that would hit the cats and that's one of the reasons she felt he was unfit to take care of the cat.
>Kai does walk back the claim he made where he said that he didn't have time to leave the threatening message on Omnia's Ipad.
>Kai also walks back that his cat sent the Patreon message to Omnia, but now tries to claim the app glitched or something else. Still trying to say he didn't want to contact her and that Omnia gathering evidence was her actually stalking again.
>Kai doubles down on Omnia being performative for how she talked about the school shooting. This is petty and I still think Kai is blowing this out of proportion and being bitter about it.
>Kai does have a valid claim for how he scheduled the tweet from his Ipad being he used a shortcut.
>Kai also has a point about the strangulation because Omnia herself skirted over it herself.
>Kai trying to refute that he deleted her channel or stole her switch or it's games. This once again has no solid proof and is just hearsay.
Overall we're almost back to where we started. Kai is a self admitted abusive asshole no matter how many times he tries to claim he isn't. Omnia is untrustworthy on alot of things and has no qualms about stretching the truth. This response is alot of Kai doing what he does best, that being arguing semantics and whataboutisms with scenarios he himself is making up. To some dumb teenager he might sound like he's making points, but alot of the court recordings he plays don't vindicate him and contridict what he says afterwards. He brings up a few valid points, with the cat and the strangulation, but alot of other things he says fall apart once you actually think about them. Oh also JAR is being the sniveling little rat he is in the comments section again. This needs to be the end of this. The case is done, they both got their side out. It needs to end here.
No. 1861288
>>1861280Omnia taking the cat without having the funds to feed it was a bit wrong, but in retrospect it makes sense kinda. There is a direct link between violence towards humans and acts of cruelty towards animals even before her videos came out about the cats alleged abuse: addition to this there’s no way that choking is ever done in self defense because that’s a common tactic that an abuser does to the
victim and is a huge red flag when paired with stalking :
If anyone wants to fact check me feel free but this is my two cents on the matter
No. 1861296
>>1861291Have fun with that, everything in in the summary is things directly from his own mouth and the court recording. I do not like Omnia and think she can be just as petty and vindictive as Peaches. She really didn't have any
valid reason for taking the cat, and I think she's being shady on the strangulation claims. With that being said, Kai has lied multiple times before, including in this own video although he tries to spin it, and shown he has a temper as well as skirting over certain details. I'm not going to be "unbiased" towards a scrote that is a self admitted domestic abuser. Cope.
No. 1861508
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>>1861505samefag, this person. The name, the focus solely on kai, the emphasis on being afro-latina, kai's obsession with drawing his characters with female partners… I seriously think this is kai. I can't be the only one…
No. 1861563
>>1861505Omnia creating a three hour series isn’t deranged but Kai responding to it is? Again, can someone without Omnia’s foot in their mouth look at this situation?
We have no indication Maxine is Kai. We can say the same about all of the people defending Omnia obsessively. The same can be said about the Veritas person with Peaches.
This is why I continue to believe that Omnia herself is participating in these threads because genuinely no one here cares enough about Kai to get this irate over him, nor keep up with the scrote to this level.
If this is Omnia, move on. Stop bringing your extended grudge toward your abuser to the forum and find a better place to vent. Comparatively between the both of you at the very least Kai is learning to shut the fuck up.
You’re both equally annoying and untrustworthy.
No. 1861722
>>1861625I’ve seen the video. Kai confirms and explains that the plea didn’t become an Alford Plea. He also says verbatim “Alford Plea or not man, I was still going to plead guilty.” It has been common knowledge that Kai admitted to hitting Omnia, even in the last thread here. Why is everyone under a collective state of confusion on the details of the plea like Kai didn’t already state them before the recording was public? Omnia claimed that Kai was lying about the Judge never being able to take his plea as Alford if he brought up his family. Kai disproved that. Omnia claimed that Kai lied about the Judge confirming there were credibility issues on Omnia’s end. The court recording determined Kai was telling the truth there too.
There’s even a section in the video where Omnia claims Kai is committing perjury for taking a plea deal. So Kai is a liar for taking a punishment? Kai retaliates by also playing court recording of Omnia having their Lawyer commit perjury on his behalf. Whoever is doing the summary either is biased towards Omnia, or is Omnia themselves. I don’t see how you can miss a detail like this despite claiming you watched the content.
No. 1861732
>>1861603Both of them are retarded for bringing it to the public, but Omnia seems to be the only one sperging about people forming their own opinions on the situation. Both made hours of content on one another, but only one is acting like it is a bad thing.
>>1861505This comment is retarded too. What does Kai drawing female characters or this girl being afro latina have to do with her being Kai? Only Omnia or an Omnia fan would think of something as retarded as this. So if my suspicion is right, Omnia, move on. KEK
No. 1861781
>>1861756Omnia also didn’t address the wishlist, the attempt to bar Kai from speaking on social media, accusing him of stalking despite doing the same to him and calling it “gathering evidence”. Let’s not start acting like Omnia isn’t an annoying manipulative scumbag too. And her entire rant about the commentary community claiming that no one was on her side like everyone didn’t believe her when she came out about this only shows how annoying and
toxic she is too. I opt everyone treat both of these schizos like they don’t exist. It’s the only thing I can agree with this community on.
No. 1861992
>>1861781Seriously. Add to that the smug petty tone omnia had when they whined about the cc not supporting them as if they didn't get just that when the situation was still fresh is on par with creepshow's catty tone in her "debunking" video and peaches' entitled attitude when she complained about the commentary channels who kept silent and chose to stay out of the drama being "just as bad".
all three of these people need to be cross examined.
No. 1861998
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>>1861966Speaking of minty heart here’s a statement from them. It’s just downright depressing when you realize that she was around 15 when she was flown out to live with Lio so she didn’t even finish high school and had to get a GED. Sexually abused and groomed by people who are supposed to protect you and now you’re trapped because you have no skills to properly function as an adult and stuck glued to a screen. And everyone you know is clapping for you like it’s a normal okay thing. Her statement is not the words of someone with a happy safe life at all.
No. 1862039
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I know no one cares about this guy so saging, but I saw this and it's too hilarious and deranged to not share. How is Omnia a pervert? You wanted to kiss someone that doesn't even know who you are? What the fuck is wrong with this kid.
No. 1862054
>>1862032I think mint was a swimming pool lifeguard at some point but I’m not sure how long that job lasted. Anyway it’s not something that pays enough for her to get her own place.
>>1862039the moid is mentally ill and should be shown to parents as an example of what happens when your kid is chronically online
No. 1862223
>>1862200This is all I've been saying this entire time. This person is caping for Omnia hard like both her and Kai don't suck. They're the only one in this thread who cares this much. Who knew typing LMFAOOOOOOOO is covering moid rage. Just move on.
>>1862174Because Omnia did the same tinfoil when it came to her games being stolen. Instead of providing evidence it was Kai, she just accused him of trading her games in. KEK The retardation is incredibly similar. If you're not her, I don't see why you care this much. Like I said, if my assumption is right, do something better than defend yourself anonymously or on alt accounts and get a hobby or something. Move on.
No. 1863845
>>1863207I'll post my summarization since no one has yet. It's not really much.
>Harley explains that because the situation was so serious he would wanted to get both sides of the story just for clarity. He went to Kai's stream and typed in chat to get clarity. He clarifies he didn't want to get information for a video, but for personal clarification. Which is odd because why would you care about something personal like this that doesn't involve you.>Harley was one of the first to come to Omnia's aid after the abuse allegations first broke out so he denounces the fact that he was being supportive of Kai in any way.>Mostly just Harley clearing himself of any accusations that he supports Kai or abuse in any way.>Moves onto the Tweets and does acknowledge that he shouldn't have said that Omnia said he was defending Kai because Omnia did not say that directly.>Moves onto the private 2 hour call that Omnia and Harley had. Overall they just talked it out and came to a certain agreement. He doesn't play any of the call.Really nothing that wasn't already said in tweets, so it's not much to really summarize overall.
No. 1864109
>>1863884Oh yeah, wasn't there an entire community of people like that back in the early/mid 10's that daft's (then) future editor made a video on? i remember one of the storytimers made some kind of disstrack/song and a line involved daft, the whole circle jerkers of 'storytime bad' freaked out like a bunch of middle schoolers.
nothing much seems to have changed, checked twitter the other day to find omnia and hopeless tweeting about each other instead of directly replying or dming each other like adults. correct me if im wrong, newfag here.
No. 1866029
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So, this means she now has her own flat and job. Any E-begging from this point on is purely greed. Also maybe a good side effect is that she'll finally stop being so terminally online and get an actual offline social life. Then again, Lio claims to work 60+ hours a week and still finds time to have multiple quote tweet arguements with teenagers so nothing will probably change.
No. 1866170
>>1866135>>1866111I went back through the old thread and found where she tweeted:
>Since we just got a flat together last year, housing is on the line. Sadly, no matter what advice a financial advisor, nor solicitor gave, my ex partner isn't budging. I have to find somewhere else to live.So yes, something really isn't fucking adding up with why if she got her own place, her exes stuff would be in it.
No. 1867703
>>1867623Peaches said they got a flat together. I'm not sure what the laws are in England for leasing, but you're typically required to have everyone's name on the lease if they're a legal adult and can bring in income and plan on staying long-term. I don't know if Peaches has ever specified that they both signed the lease, because if they did then neither really had any right to try and kick the other out. Typically if you want to move before your lease is up, you have to pay off the remaining amount for the months you have left, and you won't be able to sign another lease until that amount is paid off.
Peaches said that she was on the verge of being homeless from her ex trying to kick her out. She said herself that she would need to find a new place to live which is what she was taking donations for. This would imply that she now has her own place seperate from where she and her ex used to live. She even specifies that when the ex came to get his things that he was stepping place in her home. Alot of this isn't adding up. Either the ex left of his own free will and just doesn't care about the lease if they both signed. Peaches was probably also finacially dependent on him which would explain why she needed donations if she didn't just pocket everything. Or, she got her own place and took some of his stuff with her which makes 0 sense. It's shady overall and gives major Shannon vibes.
No. 1867978
>>1867703It's the absolute retardation of complaining that your ex is trying to kick you out of his home, and then turn around and say he's grabbing his shit out of your home instead. Saying this is admitting she was either lying about being kicked out, or lying about having her own home. She's actually braindead, my lord. Nobody in her army of minions is going to realize this either, which is embarrassing.
The only way this makes sense to me is that ex boyfriend said fuck it and decided to leave of his own volition, Peaches was scrambling to get funds to support herself when he left, and in typical Peaches fashion acts like this was the plan all along. Stay tuned for the twitter meltdown if ex forgets like, a hairbrush or something and has to come back, I'm calling it now nonas.
No. 1869844
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>>1867978>>1867703Don’t worry anons. Peaches “suddenly” had the need to explain the situation right after we started to doubt her, despite no one on Twitter questioning the situation.
No. 1869853
>>1869844"He totally didn't claw and scramble to get away from me! I bought him off!!" I'm calling bull on that! But tinfoil aside, I love how she claimed he took all the pots and pans as if that's a bad thing, they were probably his to begin with!! What Peaches, do you want people to leave behind all their essential belongings because YOU need them more?? She keeps moving the goal posts to keep up her
victim complex any time someone here points out her retardation. It's obvious and embarrassing, girl, get help.
No. 1871458
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Pot, meet kettle.
No. 1874377
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I don't want to post about this scrote often because it's way more attention than he deserves, but remember in his last Omnia video he said that he wanted to be done with the ACC and it wasn't for him? And here he is making an hour long video on a teenager because they pissed him off. Peaches is Shannon 2.0 and Kai is a baby Lio everyone kek.
No. 1874509
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>>1874377Whoever posted this was either Peaches themselves or someone in the Senate, because Oranges turned 18 a day after he argued with Kai, and is on record saying he wanted nothing to do with Kai and Omnia, only to end up making videos on both of them, so if one of you three would like to reveal yourselves that would be great.
No. 1875004
>>1874717>Bored Oranges could’ve summed his gripes up in a Tweet, and Harley didn’t need to sperg in his comment section or Twitter replies.Yes, literally said that Oranges video was unnecessary and uneeded. Both those sentiments can be correct. Oranges and Harley are more prime examples of why it's bad for children to be on social media too early. Everyone here his biased. That's that point of this site
nonnie. I'm not going to act like I'm fine with Kai just because the 100th british retard of the month decided to stick their nose somewhere where it doesn't belong for easy views. I'm older than Kai by quite alot, and once you get in your 20's you look like a complete terminally online cunt when you make a 1 hour video to whine about some dumbass kids. I'm "focusing" on Kai because I don't like the scrote and find him just as insufferable as JAR. Kai and Oranges are both retarded. Both of their videos were undeeded. End of story.
>>1874854Kai is much too volitile to take seriously, but he's not completely brainrotted like the majority of the ACC. He knows Peaches is a snake and a hypocrite. I wouldn't be surprised if he was lurking here and knows how bad the senate is. Notice how whenever someone offers to do a debate/call with a senate member outside their discord group, they either divert the conversation or resort to petty insults. Lio Convoy is actually brain cancer.
No. 1875606
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Probably because you are kek. Yiu admitted to domestic abuse and we all remember how you acted like a child throwing a temper tantrum during that call with John Swan. Why is he acting like these are baseless lables. Also I feel like he's lurking because just said this about him.
No. 1876016
>>1875972Except Kai is an
abusive fuckwit that doesn't deserve an inch of support regardless of how equally shitty the people he calls out are, so is Omnia. It might be wishful thinking, but it would be pretty neat to see someone new come to the table. Honestly I'd love to see it even if they only stirred the pot, I love watching these idiots get mad.
No. 1876277
>>1875972Except he hasn't changed in 2 years. If anything he's gotten worse as, even though in the start he still had an issue making full videos on things that could be summarized with small paragraphs, he was alot more calm and level headed. Now he's just some screeching sperg who takes any slight at him as a chance to make an unnecessary video. I'm happy he's calling Peaches out on her shit, but it would be nice if it wasn't coming from a volatile domestic
abusive fuckwit.
No. 1876539
>>1876323>>1876319Fucking hell is this his bestie Maxine sucking him off this hard? Why is it once a month we have some dumbass coming in here defending Peaches or Kai, saying "ackshually Kai isn't that bad". He's an
abusive scrote that not alot of people like. Cry about it. Also that "one conviction" was him admitting to a judge himself that he beat his girlfriend. Why the fuck are you repping this hard and trying to downplay that? He's still a fucking manchild and no one cares about the audience he's accrued. Peaches and Lio have audiences, it's not an indicator of how good you are/how good your content is to have some retarded teenagers listening to you rant about nothing as background noise. He doesn't get good boy points for not being brainwashed by the senate or up Peaches ass. The bar is at the core of the earth if you really think that's an accomplishment.
No. 1876553
>>1876539Is this Omnia vouching for his downfall at this level? Cause it sounds like it. I watched your video too so the “ackshually” sperging is not needed kek. Coping on lolcow and Twitter because you’re scorned and bitter isn’t going to make people like you again. No one is undermining the case, all of these people have audiences, but there’s obviously a difference between them and Kai? Let’s not forget Omnia claimed he stood up in open court and claimed he beat her, then also went on to claim he strangled her, only to find out she committed perjury on court recording regarding the cats as well as lying about his claim of bringing up his family in the same courtroom? Still hasn’t explained to their audience about scamming them, and hasn’t shut up about her own drama the same way Peaches doesn’t about hers. The two are cut from the same crybaby cloth, just in different fonts. If you’re going to complain about Kai “being
abusive”, lying about being abused is much worse. Peaches and Lio did not bounce back after abuse allegations. If we can consider that Omnia is obviously a demented freak who at this point I’m convinced is obsessed with Kai considering her tweets that conveniently don’t get posted on this thread, and I’m even more convinced is lurking it because there’s always someone trying to cut them slack or brag about her accomplishments for seemingly no reason. Or just bring up Kai randomly. then I can consider that Kai isn’t as bad by extension. Yet oddly enough the same anons seem to focus on him instead of her. That’s why I’m saying something. Especially as someone who actually watches his content? No one has confirmed that they watch him, and it goes to show most of you don’t given that some of the arguments are how “unnecessary” his videos and points are, when that’s the exact point he made in his video on Bored Oranges. He doesn’t get too many points for calling out Peaches, but he does to me for stating his side and not allowing himself to be brainwashed by the community.
No. 1876559
>>1876471The actual court proceedings only convicted him of one charge with a suspended sentence, and dismissed all the others. I cannot make an objective opinion about “how he behaves” when the courts dismissed his charges and suspended his sentence. People don’t normally come out of that unscathed like that. If he had a sentence that lasted years, or even received the first plea deal he talks about, I’d be convinced. But just like it was said in the last thread, he is more forthcoming, which makes his statements feel more honest. Omnia silences people and hides away evidence if shes not having her boots kissed 24/7. She’s yet to publicize the livestream she conviently took down and hasn’t spoke about it since kek. And suddenly can’t address things that she had no problem speaking about when everything started, because people were on her side then. And even still can’t do it. I’m not going to pretend Kai isn’t at least kind of
valid because people forgot why he even has support in the first place. I can see where he’s coming from and obviously his points make sense.
No. 1876675
>>1876553Imagine thinking anyone who shits on an
abusive man-child is Omnia… On lolcow of all places.
ntayrt but I'm in heavy agreement that giving Kai any amount of praise is vomit inducing, I'd also argue going to bat for Omnia is just as bad considering, shockingly, she's
abusive too!
If you're defending a moid, expect to get more shit for it, it's lolcow, men are trash.
No. 1876692
>>1876553>>1876559I love how whenever someone says something bad about this moid, they're automatically thought to be Omnia as if everyone here doesn't hate men kek. Just because Omnia's insane ramblings aren't posted here, doesn't mean she's innocent either. She had no reason to take the cat, the money she raised was highly suspicious, she walked back the strangulation charge, and more. Kai's video was full of manipulative language that spergs like you actually fell for. Just because he didn't serve any jail time doesn't automatically mean he's innocent of a crime. There are actual real life pedophiles and rapists that walk around scott free every day. Saying "Well he didn't go to jail" is naive at best what and blatantly dismissive of how shit the US justice system is at worst. You're just like anyone else in his audience that ate up his video without taking time to further analyze what was actually said, and once again, y'all Kai bootlickers love to tiptoe over the point that both in video, and in court, he admitted to a battery charge. His alford plea fell through because of it and he very sneakily edited his video to just quickly skirt past that point right after the judge was saying it couldn't be an alford plea. HE committed prejury in court by admitting to a judge that he commited battery and then still lamenting online to this day how he didn't do anything. You're not going to find sympathy for this
abusive scrote here. Go cry to him about it kek.
No. 1876724
>>1876692You wouldn’t know that the Alford plea wasn’t an Alford plea of Kai didn’t put it in the video kek. How can you sneakily edit something you literally put in post, that makes no sense. Literally no one is tiptoeing over him taking a battery charge, we just understand that it was a choice for his reason as opposed to anything else. You Omnia bootlickers love to treat it like there isn’t context behind the decision. If the only conclusion you can come to is “manipulative” language like the entire community isn’t full of that as if that makes a good point, you might be the retarded one here. And newsflash dumbass, there’s a difference between domestic assault and sexual assault (which Omnia also accused Kai of wow!) especially sexual assault toward minors! This is like comparing a pedo to a petty thief. He literally admitted online he hit her, and if you can come to the conclusion Omnia is
abusive, then it’s not hard to believe Kai when he said he hit her in self defense! Omnia used him saying that herself then cut out context to his full video but for some reason you’re treating her like she’s a trustworthy narrator when it comes to the context of the situation? You don’t need to go to bat for anyone to come to this very easy conclusion. Omnia is such a gross demented liar she used her case to manipulate the public, and couldn’t even deliver with the truth and you expect anyone to believe that sperg? Okay kek
No. 1876733
>>1876724take a deep breath anon, and stop caping for
abusive men.
No. 1876754
>>1876724Maxine, I can assure you Kai won't fuck you for defending him on a site that hates men kek. Omnia is psychotic and manipulative and Kai is an
abusive manchild that can't handle drama without having a public mental meltdown. No one gives a shit about how much in the right you think he is. I love how to you; People calling Kai an
abusive cunt= Omnia bootlickers and yet the majority of people who hate Kai also hate Omnia. Please go back to obsessively tweeting about Omnia to get ass-pats from daddy Kai. You're just as bad as Lio constantly enabling Peaches bullshit kek.
No. 1876778
>>1876724Omnia bootlicker but also mentions the fact called Omnia
abusive too, the mental gymnastics is astonishing, somewhat awe-inspiring, and yet disappointing all at the same time.
No. 1876834
>>1876823People have said they thought Oranges video was unnecessary because it was, but Kai making a full hour long response is retarded no matter what Oranges said. Oranges in my eyes, is still a kid. You don't magically become an adult with an adult brain when you turn 18. The only one getting pissy over people making fun of Kai is you. The whole point of this thread is to show that pretty much everyone in the ACC is fucking insane. Calling out one person doesn't absolve the other of fault and no one is going to do that with every post that's made. Saying Kai's video was unnecessary doesn't mean that Oranges was warranted. Your whole issue stemmed from this post
>>1874377 because it didn't also call out Oranges. People here have already called Oranges a HarleyTBS/JAR rip-off months ago. No one gives a shit why Kai wouldn't be as hated as he was. He's still an
abusive toddler regardless. I don't like any of the assholes in the ACC kek.
No. 1884218
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Yeah, remember when she vehemently denied suicide baiting people? Peaches has been tweeting about Camila nonstop for the past couple of weeks. Let the shit go for fucks sake baby Shannon. The horse has been dead for a while. "Public execution"? Jesus fucking christ? I would believe you if you told me that was said by that one Veritas simp.
No. 1884680
>>1884218oml this bitch is so dramatic. "Public execution" which is just "Creepshow screwed me over so I got canceled" like who gives a shit? Her "public execution" was all online drama for fucks sake.
Besides, isnt she doing the same thing to people like spoctor and Camilla, getting them dogpiled and canceled (ie "public execution")?
Arent she and the senate reveling in that shit too? Rules for thee not for me I guess LOL
No. 1884700
>>1884680And to add to this: Camilla still continues to thrive with her audience despite Peaches' and JAR's videos on her. so the fact peaches suddenly brought her up again and tacked on her cancellation for added pity points just seems like she felt Camila wasnt cancelled "enough" since she didnt leave the internet like spoctor did. So she has to keep reminding people how much of a 'vile' person camilla is.
But this bitch wants to whine about "public execution". sure.
No. 1889057
>>1888688God every day I hope that something finally happens to that discord because everything I've heard and seen from it is just creepy at best and borderline disgusting at worst.
I got to admit that I used to be a big Peaches fan but eventually grew bored of her content, then after the whole creepshow art shit happened I went back to check on Peaches and I finally opened my eyes to the amount of shit trailing her and the whole Senate discord thing was the cherry on the fuckall cake.
No. 1893403
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Gag, but anyone else getting a sense of deja vu? The feeling of, this is usually what artists do that lead them to getting into major trouble because their fanbase are mainly composed of teenagers no matter how many "minors dni" you plaster across things.
No. 1893730
File: 1693967745358.jpeg (192.12 KB, 828x603, IMG_6313.jpeg)

>>1893403this is super funny because you know she’s gonna draw nsfw or hardcore porn of her avatar knowing damn well her audience doesn’t know she’s clinically obese. It’s so bad she needs a surgery to get rid of all that lard. Betting that Lio was behind this kek
No. 1893992
File: 1694026293668.jpg (Spoiler Image,184.51 KB, 1934x2732, 20230906_132700-min.jpg)

Remember guys, this
>>1817812 is what she wants you to think she looks like.
(unsaged non-contribution) No. 1894034
File: 1694030994605.jpeg (383.75 KB, 828x994, IMG_6315.jpeg)

>>189399The ogre needs a reality check and needs to be honest about its looks. Even if it lost weight , the warts are still there
No. 1894514
>>1894466We can definitely make fun of a known attention seeker that makes nsfw or her sona to get more attention. If she actually gave a fuck about her weight, then she would’ve hit the gym instead of bitching for years about being a
victim, making videos and leeching off. her ex. No one told her to spend all day in discord
No. 1896756
>>1896735That description though
> "Google Doc Listing The Degen Socials For Blocking"If this guy had any self awareness he'd list his own socials for his weird ddlg kink alone, not to mention the Senate discord for the shit that gets posted there LOL
No. 1905215
File: 1695827959141.png (137.55 KB, 326x253, IMG_7322.png)

>>1904978Linlin and BoredOranges are peaches dicksuckers. Not really surprising. Both joined in on the Spoctor dogpile.
No. 1905819
Another person from Senate has been exposed.
BluDavu/BoxovFox has been outed as being
abusive to SkittlezJuice and Blu’s ex fiance. is an image board. post caps) No. 1905943
File: 1695933113956.png (1.16 MB, 598x1488, bludavubirdcom.png)

>>1905819Blu neglected their pet bird. Skittlez took pictures of his dirty cage and the bird before and after Blu started owning him. Skittlez said he was never let out of his cage. The bird started plucking and became aggressive.
Blu tweeted that they did neglect the bird and never let the bird out of the cage, but it wasn’t their fault because they were too tired to take care of their bird. The bird’s health was all Skittlez fault.
No. 1905987
>>1905943Alright, animal abuser, scumbag suicide-baiting
victim-complex-having, controlling, and thinks their mental health problems give them a free pass to make everyone's lives miserable? It's hard not to a-log
No. 1906115
File: 1695955417365.png (338.24 KB, 873x593, bludavuincall.PNG)

>>1906077LioConvoy has made videos with BoxovFox/BluDavu. There used to be a call up that was Lio in the backseat with Blu confronting the person. I think it was a Rosa video.
Lio’s BoxovFox’s Bizarre Backstory video happened because Box went to Lio and said they were being stalked and harassed by GrindingGears. Lio and Senate went after anyone who was mutuals with GrindingGears, calling anyone who wouldn’t get into call with them cowards, abusers, and other insults to goad them into call. GrindingGears refused to join the call. The only person who would join was a mutual named Spooky. Spooky wasn’t even apart of the alleged stalking and harassment of Box/Blu. She was just the only person they could get into call who had contact with GrindingGears.
You can see BoxovFox/BluDavu in Senate call videos.
No. 1906140
File: 1695958841658.png (1.85 MB, 777x7997, boxyoutubecomp.png)

>>1906115I found this out when I tried to find the context to the BoxovFox/BluDavu Senate call. I found that Box/Blu hasn’t stopped posting about GrindingGears. Box/Blu said all they wanted was to be left alone because they were being stalked, but Box/Blu won’t stop posting and threatening GrindingGears despite not getting a response from her.
No. 1906458
File: 1696006514337.png (947.33 KB, 594x1985, blutweetandgoogledoc.png)

>>1905819>>1905943Blu posted a response google doc and a video
video summary
>I intend to leave the internet>I dont need this right now>I should be focusing on my mental health. Ive been trying to. Ive been in therapy. I havent had time to work on myself>People dont want to hire me>I was going to talk about the doc, but it doesnt matter>Ive been hurt and it makes me hurt people>I thought I had friends, but they werent really my friends>People dont understand that I struggle with communication and they arent willing to give me the time>I hurt people. Im sorry I hurt people, but I thought they understood what I was going through>I thought they would give me patience and understanding >Im not going to kill myself, but Im not going to hinder myself from dying. Im just existing >I need to work on myself, but I need time>Im pissed that Lauren sent Robbie (the ex) a discord message instead of banging on his door when she thought I was going to kill myself. that was a fuck you>I didnt appreciate you showing that I was self harming by living in squalor >the animal abuse claim hurt. Lauren knows that my family and I rescued animals since I was a kid>I was out of the house for two weeks. why didnt they take care of the bird like they should have?>why did it come up that I didnt clean the bird cage when Lauren had rats that flung poop on the floor that she left for months? the older rats got respiratory infections because of it>its shitty for you to bring up what I did when you did something similar. you should point the finger at yourself>Im going to focus on crocheting and my spending time with my familys dogs>people see me as a danger so now Im going to struggle to share my struggle>Ive tried to kill myself. what Ive gone through is fucked up>I dont want to hurt people. I just want people to communicate doc summary
>Im mentally ill>I have trauma and mental illness>I have HSD, POTS, GERD, mild barrett’s esophagus, knock knees, fibromyalgia, recurring asthma/bronchitis symptoms, chronic fatigue, separation anxiety, trichotillomania, bipolar 1, borderline personality disorder, OCPD, and gender dysphoria >I turned 26 so I couldnt be on my parents health insurance any more>I asked to leave because Robbie had work and I was in pain. My parents didnt leave. I was in agony. Robbie asked to leave and my dad said I could come ask like an adult. I slammed the new truck door. My dad started yelling at me that I always do this. I screamed back at him.>I wasnt going to let them treat me that way. I paid $200 for Uber to drive me home>Robbie didn’t support me. He only supported me when I told him I was upset about what happened>Robbie said I started the argument by slamming the door. I didnt start the argument. I said I was done talking>I did slam the door. It didnt hurt anyone so why does it matter? everyone does this>I told my parents I didnt want to see them again. I quit my job since I worked for them>I said I wanted to leave the apartment. Robbie assumed this meant I wanted to leave him>I was going to kill myself because I lost everything. I lost my parents and their support>I dont have savings because my medicine is expensive >Robbie told me he wanted to break up. I told him I was going to kill myself. He asked me how that was supposed to make him feel. He said I was being manipulative >I didnt want him near me. He should of known I needed help. It was his responsibility to make sure I didnt kill myself>I gave him my keys while he was at work. It was a cry for help. He didnt do anything to stop me from trying to kill myself>I didnt want to move in with my parents. They cleaned out their garage for me to live in. I moved in>I wanted the keys. Robbie didnt want to give them to me. My dad took them and gave them to me later.>I texted Robbie over and over about why he didnt want to give me the keys. He said he didnt want to talk about it. I would of stopped if he had just talked to me about it>Lauren packed up my pots and pans. What I really needed was my shampoo. I felt like they were rushing me out the door>Robbie shouldnt of been at the apartment when I came to get my stuff because it was his responsibility to remove himself from the situation >Everything was gross because I was depressed. You left trash in your room>Lauren was happy whenever I would clean. It made me uncomfortable. I never told her but she should of known>Lauren and Robbie were a toxic environment >Lauren told me they were having friends over to clean. Robbie should of told me because they were his friends>I pretended to be happy during cleaning day. When I got home I wanted to talk to Robbie>Robbie called my mom and told her that Lauren didnt want to talk to me. I wouldve stopped talking to Lauren if she told me herself. >I drove to their house to confront them because it wasnt fair that they wouldnt talk to me>I threw my keys at his car. Im disabled so it was hard. It didnt even come near his car>I was just trying to talk. I cant believe he ran away from me. I never hit him>I tried to kill myself once by overdosing. I went to the ER immediately after I took the pills. I always go to the hospital or call a crisis hotline when I feel like killing myself. Robbie never had to help me.>I wasnt going to hurt myself. They should of known that. Calling for a wellness check was hands off. They didnt care about me>If I had been hospitalized my dad would have had to give away his guns. >I had no plans to kill myself. Texting Robbie instead of banging on his door proves you dont care about me No. 1906778
File: 1696055870855.jpg (44.97 KB, 970x392, boxsenateban.jpg)

>>1905819Box/Blu was a mod of Senate and has been banned
No. 1906894
>>1906458Thanks for the summary because fucking hell this is alot of deflecting and blaming it on mental issues. What a
toxic hell hole of a person.
No. 1906905
File: 1696083641731.png (73.86 KB, 591x838, peachesknewallalong.png)

>>1906672holy fucking shit you called it
bonus for peaches making it about herself
No. 1907244
File: 1696149455618.jpg (124.22 KB, 837x1489, Screenshot_20231001_033432_Sam…)

Anyone else thinking she has an alarm set to go off when she needs to trudge Shannon back up for asspats? Imagine being proud that this is all you're known for. Whole thread is retarded but the first and last tweets were the milkiest.
No. 1907334
File: 1696173386592.png (168.8 KB, 1150x1494, IMG_6502.png)

>>1907244It’s gets worse kek. I feel like something big is gonna happen and peaches is trying to sympathy bait one last time
No. 1907354
File: 1696178504872.png (354.69 KB, 582x1255, ebeg.png)

>>1905943>>1906458Blu/Box is ebegging and throwing a pity party
Maybe if you didn’t quit your job you’d have money. Box is fine being around her parents when she gets to leach off them by living rent free in their house, but when it comes to working a job with them she can’t do it
No. 1907445
File: 1696192253965.png (48.61 KB, 577x563, ponderbluedavu.png)

>>1907354ponder sprocket is doing a stream to raise donations to give bludavu
ponder read skittlez doc and blus docs on stream. she knows what Blu did
youre supporting someone who abused their boyfriend and pet
No. 1907524
>>1907496like its REAL convenient how it's around the same time with blu's/box's pity situation, where most people would feel sympathy for them, hence ponder and skittlez doing donations to blu despite everything
The funny thing is, Kai hit it right on the nail on his oranges video. say what you will about him but im glad SOMEONE outright talked about how peaches tends to go on an umpteenth break for every time she starts catching heat for things she either said or because she couldnt stop herself from sticking her nose where it didn't belong kek
No. 1907555
File: 1696212082025.png (132.46 KB, 592x483, ideservemore.PNG)

>>1907466>It's a huge show of empathy and shows Skittlez is empatheticNo it doesn't. All it shows is that Ponder and Skittlzes are retarded.
Box/Blu has had everything handed to her. Her medical bills were cheap because her parents had her on their insurance. Her parents let her live in their house rent free. Skittlez and Robbie let Box/Blu live in the apartment rent free. She never had to clean. Box/Blu's parents gave her a job that paid $20/hour.
Despite all that, Blue feels like she deserves more. All Blu does is leach off others. If you give Blu money, she'll end up in financial trouble within another few months.
It would be more empathetic to donate the money to a charity for abuse
victims, or literally any person who would actually be grateful for it. Instead Ponder and Skittlez decide an abuser is the one who needs support.
No. 1907923
File: 1696284889921.png (226.23 KB, 573x518, h5Keknl.png)

I hate how Peaches infantilizes herself. This thumbnail makes me want to cringe from the inside out. I can't help but squirm that it's a grody troll of an adult woman playing cute e-babygirl to this fat, hairy moid and people actually eat it up.
No. 1908927
>>1907923What the fuck is going on here LOL You know though, it makes sense why Lio keeps her as essentially the "bottom bitch" of his little fanbrats., You know for a fact that Peaches has terrible self-esteem and body images and Lio uses that to his advantage by love-bombing her to keep her around. And I think this is why Peaches act like an insufferable little brat because she feels she can always turn to her big daddy Lio to comfort her and tell her what she wants to hear.
Because how else can Peaches still be the way she is not taking any hard look within herself and actually maturing?
No. 1910438
File: 1696710599402.jpg (154.04 KB, 1080x1447, Screenshot_20231007_151941_Sam…)

>>1907337Called it. Also just a reminder that she's still talking about Camilla Cuevas and just released a 30 min video about her. Attached ss is just a reminder she's doing this because she's bitter and for content. Not because she actually cares about CSA
No. 1910494
>>1910438LOL she and her yesman JAR already released their videos on Camilla and barely made a dent on her following. and mostly because her fanbase arent even in the cc and dgaf about the drama and are just there for the animation
At this point this "accountability" is just a lie. Peaches just actively wants all her detractors deplatformed. they got spoctor to leave the internet so now its Camilla's turn. Expect her daddy Lio to drop a video, and maybe JAR would follow up as well fucking kek
No. 1912522
File: 1697125638655.png (1.57 MB, 593x5649, 3528334.png)

>>1905819>>1905943>>1906458Bludavu/boxovfox/sparrow restraining order was dismissed. She immediately started texting and tweeting robbie and skittlez and bragging on twitter. They didnt respond so she tried using her twitter followers to contact robbie and skittlez
Skittlez tweeted not to contact her about blu/box after box tweeted
No. 1912528
File: 1697126127196.png (269.1 KB, 604x1067, 3528335.png)

>>1912522Bludavu/boxovfox e-begging for donations to go to the stardew valley orchestra
and blu is trying to get another diagnosis to add to her sympathy bait pile
No. 1912853
>>1912522Fucking hell she's creepy. I don't blame Skittlez for not wanting to be contacted by proxy.
>>1912528I don't interpret that as using GFM money for the ticket, but you'd think that if she was really in dire straights like she claims she is, she'd have better priorities.
No. 1916930 posted a video that had an interview with Junkie. Junkie seems pretty beaten up / remorseful for what he did, and spent the last few years working on himself. Resident manchild Leoconvoy of course feels the need to grandstand and harass someone when they’re down, insinuating that they aren’t sincere, based on absolutely nothing, just that he didn’t respond the way he wanted them to.
When Leo eventually experiences his downfall, which he undoubtedly will, it will be super satisfying to watch him go down in flames.
No. 1917266
File: 1697918644411.jpeg (403.52 KB, 828x1339, IMG_6836.jpeg)

Nothing to see here folks. Just your usual “I’m the victim” screech from our favorite lolcow fruit
No. 1917267
>>1917266She literally tried to turn him into a pariah through pedophile accusations and now she’s crying he’s back? She’s a professional
No. 1917497
>>1917486shes literally saying someones mere presence is
triggering them. how fragile can you be when someone literally existing is enough to
trigger you and make you suicidal and the only cure is for said person to be censored. unbelievable . shes so transparently weaponizing her mental health.
No. 1917593
>>1917267seriously. imagine having a video where you mock your supposed "
victim status, calling him a perpetual
victim while having zero self-awareness. this video sure didn"t take long to make her look unbelievably dense in hindsight KEK
>>1852124>>1916930but anon, it's all for accountability, you see? they didn"t
want junkie and spoctor to lose their platforms!
No. 1918843
>>1918812inb4 Peaches' obligatory "I knew you were a snake, Lio!" Or a possible "I was groomed by him guys! I'm a
victim too!"
No. 1919610
File: 1698328133050.jpg (107.32 KB, 1080x919, Screenshot_20231026_084555_X-m…)

Really makes me wonder how she would react to her "dad" being exposed for pondering asking a teenager to record her rape. Mainly screenshotting this incase shit hits the fan because she has no room to talk if she sweeps what Lio did under the rug.
No. 1921103

>>1919610Yeah I would be losing my shit as an alleged "grooming
victim" too with all the shit going on. especially if one of my internet friends who confessed to extorting someone who they knew committed a crime years ago also put out this video of how they "Groom kids" for the meme despite being your "friend" knowing that you're a "grooming
victim" who had the same dude they extorted "weaponize" your "grooming". And your "Dad" being real buddy buddy with him despite one of their thumbnail artists making pornography of you masterbaiting and showing off your genitalia to "get the haters off your back" so to speak, and apparently rape art of their enemies online as an act of revenge. This guy literally says that they're better than the guy who "weaponized" your "grooming" really says a lot more about you and your "father" than it would on any issue that's bothering you.
Add that with the fact that "daddy" worked with the alleged rapist Feghost that Ponder and co. kept quiet about to out the recording that they had released, a lot like how they did with Spoctor, as Ponder was fully aware of the Mannis video despite this alleged zero tolerance policy that's impossible to hold he and you have been trying to upkeep this impossible standard of zero tolerance. You just recently got cut open and confessed to of recently undergone a gastric sleeve surgery removing 80% of your stomach and you're still in recovery, Peaches hardly seems like a
victim from afar. But if she were a
victim to anyone, it would be Lio who if he was an actual father to Peaches, or was a good one, he would of told her that she didn't need the surgery, and thought of actual ways to help her lose weight with the background he has as a self proclaimed swordsman. But if you make cheese dishes with your katana, maybe weight advice wouldn't work best. Considering that was his own idea. Or was that gofundme that Lio promoted actually to help Peaches get on her feet, like the GoFundMe for Jordyn totally was, and not a get rich quick scheme to help you fly in random young women to your state while you're in your late 30s and you meet some of these women when they're minors? I find it funny, despite all the E begging, not once have I seen a single toy of Lio's vanish from his display in videos. Or his Thundercats sword. I guess his toys are more important than his daughters. Lio claims to care, but it's clear as day that he doesn't. If he's willing to lie about wearing a mask because it "pisses off" people who hate him.
I guess he'll be fuming to know that the internet has already seen his face, and him fail at swinging a katana, along with being a terrible and self centered father who cares more about his toys than you.
>>1817812Jordyn wasn't 15 when they had been moved in to live with LioConvoy. They were 16 when they had met, and according to Jordyn, were 17 when Lio had "Adopted" him. Moving them to Texas when they were 18. Lio being around 34 - 36 around the time. Doesn't make it any less predatory. But it would make him an orbiter most likely if he had intentions to have some kind of DDLG relationship with him.
No. 1921811
File: 1698702775658.jpg (221.8 KB, 2047x1076, BW4TamJH.jpg)

No. 1921844
>1921842I have never seen this video before. I will state caswarfox did work on that account too.
I found this twitter account discussing some of the senates bad actions. Neroah I believe runs it. is an imageboard) No. 1921906
>>1921842I used to watch the senate because of Misanthro pony. They are indeed very cult like. Thats how they control their community. Peaches, doodle tones, TRC, and JAR are satellite states of senate. It is sort of like what the USSR did with Eastern Europe. They knowingly and willing have worked with bad actors just to make themselves look good.
(side tangant) Its sort of funny Lio is both a progressive and Christian.
No. 1922202
Has anyone seen this video? It's by another Senate member who hangs around a minor named Definitely Bored Oranges. She's a commentator who was involved in the Hopeless Peaches drama and helped turn the tide into Peaches' favor. This video goes over the different genres of the commentary community, and in the video mentioned here
>>1921842 commentators are a path. I think there are some disturbing implications considering that members like Hopeless Peaches, Just A Robot, Ponder Sprocket, Coyote Lovely, Neko Koda, and Septy Paws were all commentators around the community. Neko Koda having started when they were a minor. Any thoughts?
No. 1922210

Not to mention there's also Harley TBS, a 19 year old who has had a history of according to this video
>Trying to give groomers like Cosmodore advice to help him get back on to his platform and return to the Youtube community.> Harley doesn't believe in this opinion anymore under any circumstances, but the fact that he was a minor was already contacting cosmodore is in of itself problematic because of Harley was obviously messing up.>Going on other stings with YouTuber Nawnii an adult and Just Stop, who at the time was a minor. >Most of Harleys fans not only trust him, but are also teenagers who agree with and idolize them.Times Harley Contacted Cosmodore
First time - time - I don't think I'm particularly shocked that Nawnii as an adult would of had a minor be essentially a blast shield if something were to go wrong, seeing as she had a situation with her discord where one of her moderators was outed as a predator too. is it with these adults working with kids and them talking to predators? Why is this happening? Because according to the video embedded here too, another minor named Pieman had done the same shit Harley did as a minor!
No. 1922272
File: 1698784905282.jpeg (512.69 KB, 828x1382, IMG_6908.jpeg)

I can’t wait for the senate/ acc to implode. Looks like Peaches went private to talk shit about other creators and is planning to drop another video on how she’s always the victim. I wonder how Ponder is gonna take it since she’s on personal vendetta list along spoctor, Omnia and Kai
No. 1922585
>>1922272the peaches cycle is just:
- sticks her nose into drama and inserts her two cents when nobody asked
- later backfires or some shit happens in the senate that'll make her look bad because of association
- she starts going on a break because she can't take the heat or to keep suspicions off her
- "guys this is too much for my mental health!!!"
- talks shit behind the scenes (even while privated and supposed to be on her "break" as shown)
- brings up her
victim card for the umpteenth time to scrape sympathy and make anyone who'd rightfully call her out the assholes
- rinse and repeat
seriously it's a pattern of behavior now. how is no one taking note of this? is everyone in the acc up peaches' ass that much or is everyone giving her all the leeway because "wah creepshow did her dirty?"
No. 1922646
File: 1698855194585.png (2.85 MB, 4000x3000, collage.png)

>>1922272Kek fucking spineless ass bitch has to go priv because she wants to talk shit behind people's back. Anyone know if Ponder follows her or vice versa? If Ponder doesn't, this is just her being a weasley little snake because, as much as I also don't like Ponder, she could very easily bury Peaches if she wanted to and with her reputation it would be taken seriously.
Bills must be due because she's lamenting on her soap box again on how traumatized she is. It must be a sad fucking existence to have to bring up petty internet drama to maintain relevancy.
>>1922585I honestly think Peaches was just really lucky with the timing of her drama being aligned right next to Shannon's implosion due to Emily. Peaches just happened to catch some light off of what happened with Emily and used it to her advantage. I firmly believe that if it weren't for those dramas both happening at the same time, Peaches would still be looked at alot more negatively.
No. 1923131
File: 1698944649758.jpg (99.62 KB, 1080x981, Screenshot_20231102_104145_X-m…)

She says, while being in the Senate kek.
No. 1923283
>>1923131"If you have criticism for my content, you won't be listened to if you're platforming zoophiles and siding with people who partook in sexual convos with children"
so…no one in the senate can dare criticize you, got it. Not sure if this is deflection, projection or can count as a Freudian slip on how pampered her daddy Lio treats her there KEK
No. 1923286
>>1923131also I noticed from that screenshot she's no longer privated. As always, that "taking a break for my mental health" sure didnt take long
im guessing she already got bored shittalking people on priv kek
No. 1923881
File: 1699109005483.jpg (136.13 KB, 1080x1189, Screenshot_20231104_094059_X-m…)

Putting this here for archival purposes. I love how Peaches can never respond to things like this because she knows they're right. When shit eventually hits the fan with the senate server, she has no right to say she didn't know and she needs to sink with the ship.
No. 1923967
>>1923881she and Lio will both claim that they weren’t aware about the groomers while simultaneously gloating and saying that they’ve “always had a feeling that so and so was
(learn to sage) No. 1925135
>>1925131She's just jealous that she's an actual
victim of abuse
No. 1925162
>>1925135Which is why I’m dying for the exes Peaches talked about to come forward. I can believe her grooming story but the way she claimed the majority of her ex boyfriends were rapists? Somethings not adding up at all and she’s making things up to be more of a “uwu
No. 1925232

>>1925162I would normally take someone at their word if they're sharing their grooming story. However with Peaches' history of lying I wouldn't be surprised if there are situations like her grooming story that either have parts exaggerated, made up or used to get attention. The history she has with the men she takes interest in, shows that she doesn't have the healthiest relationship with love. What she understands as love is something like what Lio wants to provide. Someone who'll let her still be a child despite going to be 25 soon. A man in his late 30s enabling this and not trying to help her get away from these sorts of behaviors that had quite obviously if her word is to be trusted, target her further, at that point, who's the one abusing who? Who is she really the
victim of? Because her story is suspect. But, Peaches wasn't as openly childish in videos and livestreams today as she was in the past. In fact, she's become more comfortable doing so. Like what adult woman calls doxxing a "big fat no no,"? She said that the person in this video who doxxed a minor btw was being "a big meanie about it." Her words not mine. And she says her feelings on doxxing which give an impression that she believes that doxxing isn't ever a mistake. Something Lio is all too
trigger happy to do for people, along with others around Senate and their community. I'm not saying that I personally disbelieve this alleged grooming, but I know that there's others out there who do. No. 1925343
>>1925232Right message but wrong messenger. Gilded Poo is a degenerate that has beastiality porn stored on a drive if I’m not mistaken. I believe her grooming story because there’s gotta be an explanation on why she’s a retard latching onto a grown man for affection and using a pseudo baby voice, but I don’t believe that any of her exes are rapists because
1. She would’ve immediately made a video on it because she’s addicted to being a
victim no matter how small a situation is.
2. She would’ve tweeted a storm and provided at least screenshots of evidence. She has no problem accusing people of lying or providing proof, so why not provide proof about a serious accusation? How did it suddenly go from “my ex boyfriend wants to kick me out” to “also he was an
abusive rapist and so was every man I dated “ ?
No. 1925371
>>1925343You say that yet I don't see a single screenshot used in this video. Guess grooming isn't as serious as rape and is ready with screenshots soon or she doesn't want to or doesn't have the screenshots to share to prove her expereinces. Either way it shouldn't matter to Peaches anyways if Poo is some kind of zoo if she's in Senate with Ponder who thinks hypocrisy doesn't make you wrong. If that's the case, who cares if someone is a degen if they're right then by that line of logic, because by that logic Coyote Lovely, ZrCarlo and Vida are still reliable sources of information on past pred busts but we don't need to claim association anymore if they're too
problematic for us to be associated with PR wise.
No. 1925702
>>1925371I think Peaches was abused in the past, but not as much or as severly as she claims. In fact, with the way she's acting in public and around the senate I think she sees rape and abuse as a fetish. To make herself seem desirable. It's like she's jealous of actual
victim of assault. A few years ago she just mentioned one time she was groomed online. Now all boyfriends ever raped her.
Huge ass tinfoil but I think she sees herself as her OC and she likes the idea that this blonde teen OC gets assaulted and now just wants that to be her identity. Because to her it's better than being homely and untouchable. Just everything Peaches says is a huge ass lie I can't believe anything she says about her past abuse or fake mental illnesses
No. 1926113
>>1925702I hate to say this but I feel like part of what plays into Peaches' immaturity and perpetual
victim uwu status is that she has ugly girl syndrome. I don't like to bring up people's looks but in a case like this with how Peaches looks irl vs how she tries to present herselff online with the OC, it's just clear what's going on here.
I too can believe that she may have been abused in the past but it probably wasn't as severe as she tries to make it out. I just feel like during her younger years, she was mostly ignored and she was desperate for affection and attention and when she was upfront about the abuse she did face and saw the sympathy she got for it, she figured that being a
victim is the best way to get people to like you without criticizing you (because it would be seen as bad if you dare to). And as soon as she got in the senate and met Lio as well as getting her ass kissed by many within the server, it gassed her up even more to where now she won't even try to mature herself. And with how perpetually online she is, she won't be breaking from it anytime soon.
She sorta reminds me of TwistedDisaster only worse. I mentioned TwisteDDisaster because she's an example of a fully-grown woman who still acts like a teenager at times despite being in her 30s. Most of her friends are like 10+ years younger and she tries to act like them by saying things like "big no no" or other immature-like wording to essentially connect with her much younger friends (which honestly does come of a tad cringe). She has also mentioned that she faced lots of abuse (and implied SA) but never goes into detail about it but at the very least, unlike Peaches she doesn't go on and on about it and try to gain pity points, at least not through that anyway.
No. 1926629
>>1925371well there was screenshots but not in that video. This video by JAR does.
Link: No. 1926975
>>1926949She can't pretend to care when she's in the senate
More like she uses it to weponize and call everyone she hates a pedo
No. 1927913

>>1926629It's great that you bring this up. Because Peaches claims that she doesn't have any of her old DA notes. But, she was able to contact her groomer later, and doesn't show a name, a face, a username, or anything identifying to prove that this person was real, beyond there was a conversation in 2013. That doesn't prove a majority if any of the claims Peaches had made prior to this. In fact, considering Peaches' history of lying like with the embded video I have attached.
Peaches claims that Facebook Messenger wasn't a thing yet in this video when it came out in 2010. For her story to of been true when she was 12 and facebook messenger wasn't a thing yet, it would of had to of taken place before August 9th of 2011, her birthday is in August of 99. So she would of been born a year earlier for this to of been true. Otherwise Peaches was either misinformed not being aware that Messenger was out for a week by this time. Or she has something that's blatantly contradictory to her story. But if you want something better, this video here she claims when she was 13 to 14 she had an instagram where people were spreading a hashtag called #HopelessPeachesBullshit and had allegedly drawn her with slit wrists and her killing herself. You cannot find anything under these hashtags on instagram or any search engine.
But if you want an even better example of Peaches lying about shit that doesn't matter, or would give more weight to the claim that Hopeless Peaches is a liar who shouldn't be trusted even with serious accusations. this video Peaches claims that she was 18 when she met a user making a twitch account around that time of her experiences. But if you find the twitch that she literally links and put her account into the streamcharts website, it shows that she made her twitch not when she was 18, but when she was at the oldest 16., no. I don't trust screenshots that won't be too uncomfortable for her, because around this same time, she was going out of her way to make up stories about nameless content creators to try and make them look bad, and this was only used as a gotcha against one of the content creators she literally lied about. And that's not even to mention how it doesn't prove anything. It doesn't prove that the 18 year old knew Peaches' age. It doesn't show how they met. It doesn't prove that this is even them. This isn't evidence. This is a claim. Claims aren't evidence.
No. 1928181
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The original tweet is kind of a nothing burger, but I had to post this ss because it's basically what we're all saying kek. Especially when you consider how many freaks are in/have been in the Senate.
No. 1928383
>>1928181does anyone else find it genuinely terrifying how untouchable she is? bitch leaves a path of destruction everywhere she goes but all she has to do is “boohoo im
victim pity meeee” and her followers lap it right up
No. 1928393
>>1928383I find it absolutely ridiculous that she's lasted this long. People can rag on Kai Weiss all day but in one of his recent videos, he actually took this bitch to task and said and told it like it is including bringing up how people seem to kiss her ass when she doesn't deserve it. I just don't get why people can't seem to see her for the horrible pathetic person she is. Does she have a secret stash of dirt on people or something? That or it really is just a bunch of kids who defend her and don't see just how
toxic she is and won't notice it until they get older.
No. 1929815
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Is it just me, or is this like the 3rd time she's said she's "finally" away from her ex? Wasn't she talking about how her ex came and got the last of his things just a couple months ago? Also of course she's e-begging.
No. 1930187
>>1928421AYRT. Honestly that's a very good point. Again, it just makes me think of Xzae (Kai) where sure, he's still a gendertard but it seems like he's trying to move on with his life and touch grass which is what probably showed him just how petty and ridiculous Peaches and her fans trulky are.
Again, I'm not trying to praise him but I have to give him some credit for being one of the only commentators who isn't kissing Peaches ass and calling her on her shit (vidrel for context, it's long though so yeah)
All I'm hoping is that we'll see some others do the same.
No. 1930193
>>1929815If I remember correctly the place is actually his. It's just Peaches is protected by squater rights. Basically to get away from her he moved out. He's still paying Peaches current location because it's in his name and it would screw him over if he stopped. It's a ver lengthy legal thing.
But yuh she'll keep saying "finally"
But she'll never get rid of him. She also cannot move because she has no finances. She's literally just being a parasite and tormenting his ex who just wants to move on.
No. 1930441
>>1930187commending him for doing good things with his life and making a pretty successful video dunking on peaches doesn't have to be praise, just an observation.
the comments under the video are cathartic.
No. 1930457
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>>1930441one of the notable comments on that video (unless i mixed it up with a tweet somewhere) was where the person was straight up called a "pedo apologist" by lio for correcting Peaches on her ill-informed take.
ironic that the grown man who has allegations of flying a minor out to move in with him is calling someone who just criticized his "little girl" peaches a "pedo apologist" LOL
other good comments.
another good one is this thread.
(reuploaded becuz the embed screenshot got fucked kek)
No. 1930545
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>>1929815we need to carefully watch how peaches is twisting the narrative about her exes and how she might actually be projecting about her actual behavior on what happened. on some of her old reddit posts I found this where she describes her boyfriend as supportive while admitting that she occasionally screwed up .
No. 1930583
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>>1930475I will provide context of Peaches enabling the disgusting behavior of Lio suggesting Mint to record their rape. Saying it surveillance, she is total disregarding the safety of children. If those are curious this is a response to a document that is spreading around about Lio and Senate's history on how they handled situations relating to Vida, PatchworkHeart, Coyote Lovely, Baiji/dolphin mod, and much more. Its just funny on the fact that Peaches is completely okay with all of this while going after those that she can't seem to keep out of her thoughts.
No. 1930587
Here is the tweet spreading word about this document if others are interested. After this document got released Lio went absolutely silent after he did a retaliation video and stream doxing the creator of the document and others. Peaches also chimed into Lio's stream doing what she always does, enables Lio suggestion for a
victim be endangered in order to get evidence. Also too Lio made a google document containing people's socials and the creator of the document's facebook. You can clearly tell that this is a shitty attempt at a last push and was made at the last minute. So clearly these people are scared about whatever is contained within this document. No. 1930674
>>1930587It is interesting that some of the people mentioned in that video later turned to join Lio's side according to Bryan Mullins the Fox. I do recall also some of the people outed and oxxed in the video did turn out to be true. The only innocent person here is Grimskull in my opinion. Grimskull got pizzabombed after exposing Lio's conduct toward Mint (the
victim of various predators including Joshua Vida) and the possibility Harleytbs lied about his groom.
(sage your shit) No. 1931113
>>1931102What? You're telling me the guy who jokes about himself being a groomer and confesses to literally extorting people and claims that minors who send adults or other minors nudes are the only one who'd get in trouble to defend the same guy you extorted is now magically on the chopping block and was outed for yet again going out of his way to extort, gaslight, and take advantage of, yet another person?
Say it ain't so!
Well as he says, groomermon gotta groom em' all!
Anyways, speaking of JAR, anyone have any feelings on this likely YouTube alt of his called Brad Reed? No. 1931811
>>1931309Tell me you didn't look into the situation without telling me you didn't look into the situation. Said by Peaches herself. JAR doesn't pay his editors. And if you want the exact time stamp for anyone who wants to look for themselves, 1:45:55.
No. 1931818
>>1931811So, your evidence that it's true is Peaches, a paragon of truth, saying:
>We've seen that JAR doesn't pay his editors apperantly.With no evidenve. Am I supposed to take that seriously. JAR is a retard, but this is quite literally, nothing.
No. 1931892
File: 1700624668297.png (1.1 MB, 1659x1533, Evidence about JAR.png)

Okay question why are we giving these people a benefit of the doubt. The three-strike rule is already out of the window with JAR and his group. When have they not conveniently covered each other's asses or idk do the same shady tactics to cover their own ass? I have seen the tweet and there are screenshots pertaining to the claim being made. How JAR is trying to lie to run away on the fact that he knowingly underpays the editor when the editor specifically told JAR multiple times that they want to be paid USD. When start states of the following within these screenshots "More than likely out of context and if they wanted more they should have asked." If the editor was underpaid as the claims being made why did, they block JAR then if the claims were not true. Also, the accuser got the actual private messages with JAR and the editor. I doubt that these claims are "out of context" or not true in my opinion.
No. 1932028
>>1931892also one of the DM's literally showed that when JAR asked for the price range, the editor
already mentions the prices IN USD. so even prior to hiring JAR was already aware about how much it was going to cost him. so now why is he suddenly saying "lol not part of the agreement" when he was already given an idea on the currency? LOL
No. 1932494
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So the infamous by nickname Doodletones the one who is associated with some mods of Senate decides to talk about inappropriate topics to kids. Boy sounds very familiar to a certain Lio Convoy who also has kids in his community talking about pedophilia. Note this is evidence from the document talking about these people, at this point I am more than convinced that these people are literal pedophiles disguised as morally righteous commentary fags.
No. 1932497
File: 1700718489522.jpg (82.23 KB, 543x642, image0.jpg)

Within Lio's server called the Book of Omens there is a role for minors called thunder kittens. Jesus this is clear name branding from a total creep not going to lie.
No. 1932530
>>1932469>>1932494>>1932497sheesh. tbh i never want to see these weirdos grandstand so hard on the spoctor situation when these same people have zero problems talking about adult topics with minors, run servers unfiltered with kids or associate with other degenerates themselves (ie lio and the senate)
not surprising with doodletones honestly since she's buddy-buddy with hiten, who has a vendetta on spoctor and junkie and is one of the senate dwellers who defended lio's ddlg hugbox as 'muh found family' lmfao
No. 1932560
File: 1700730297466.jpg (263.68 KB, 1013x1465, Mint Moving in with Lio.jpg)

Oh boy more buried lunchboxes full of hidden videos that we keep digging up. Also, Hiten must have slipped past her mind of Lio telling a 17-year-old Mint Heart to move in with him around March of 2020 a few months before she turns 18. Even of so just at the end of 2019 Lio even asks Mint on when she will be turning 18 during the infamous Ichabod call where Lio once again used the girl as bait for the third time in a row. Remember guys Peaches always looks like to a man like this including others within their little echo chamber. first is Lio wanting Mint to record herself getting raped for pedo bait, second is Lio using Mint a 16 year old to catch GrizzlyTheMedic, third time uses the same girl as bait yet again. For a man who "cares for the
victims" does have a very bad record of caring for the
victims for their own benefit not for their own safety. I'll just source the clips that was sourced within the senate document that is going around.
Lio asking Mint on when she will turn 18 as of 2019: and his mush brained crew using Mint a child as bait to lure a pedophile again: No. 1932574
>>1932560It's because he never actually cared about
victims. If he did, he wouldn't of doxxed and threaten to ruin the life of this minor to get the edge on him when he realized that he couldn't get his way in the situation. Which other Senate member Queen Serafina is very much aware of. Yet they are upset with Neko Koda for doxxing a minor? Sounds more like Lio is jealous that Koda got to do it kekk. So much for caring about the children. So much for zero tolerance policies, and so much for doing the right thing when you're an adult.
Lio literally has just been trying to out and defame anyone and everyone who decides to try and stand up against him that he thinks is a threat, because he likely knows all this dirt is out there, and there's only so much you can do before it's a "mistake".
No. 1932643
>>1932627It is grooming, and sadly it's a simple answer its Lio using
victims to get easy views and money. As showcased at
>>1930583 Peaches clearly just wants to undermine that he is using the child as a tool. Senate is just full of pedophiles at this point considering that more information is coming forward about them doing a lot of shady tactics towards kids.
No. 1932670

>>1932650Agreed. So because I brought up Neorah's email, and this is actually relevant. I found her email on kiwifarms, hence how I found out it was her. As people called her out. However, there was this google doc link that I found when skimming the farms that was linked by her specifically.'m not sure as to who made it but it goes over the following for those interested
>questionable behaviors.>hypocrisies taken by Lio and his group.>how they've handed situations between 2015 to 2023There's also this google document here that I've been holding on to. is a list of Brony predators, orbiters and enablers that Lio and his group has outed. You may notice a trend. None of them were arrested.
But if you really want the cream of the crop, how about you check out the embed that proves that Ponder Sprocket, MangaKamen, LioConvoy, among others in the ACC and Senate had contact with FNGR and That Creepy Reading when they went out of their own way to contact ToonKriticY2K. Again, so much for a "zero tolerance policy".
No. 1932721
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>>1930187Watching this made me remember how everyone tried so hard to defend peaches when she claimed people wanted her to die. Everyone said thats not what she meant
Now shes literally claiming kai, omnia and luke were harassing her with the intention of trying to get her to kill herself
No. 1932725
>>1932648but seeing that you're so confident Neorah, who is it that's vendetta posting you? Because I know only you would assume an anon you've never met online would be doing that to you. You want to talk about how you're not involved?
What about this wall?
>>1921810Do you actually know about any of these people or are you just using these situations as a means to attack Lio like, I don't know, a vendetta post? I don't care and neither should Senate, because even their precious hopeless peaches thinks that hypocrisy doesn't make you wrong. But I can guarantee that you don't actually give a shit. Because if you did, you wouldn't speak over
victims and morally grand stand like you have been on kiwifarms posting in third person on there, metokur forums, and now here. But there you are, wanting to claim you have no involvement despite making google doc after google doc. Video after video. Post after post about people you've never met, don't actually know about. Is this you here trying to have everyone see what happened to Grimskull?
>>1921844Neroah, if it's you, I only asked you a question. If the accusations are true. Nothing more, nothing less. Tell me, how is that a vendetta post when I see your actions are more aligned with that most likely?
No. 1932796
>>1932721Why of course she is!
I'm sure that Kai would also love to know the fact that Peaches did mention them in this video here too
>>1931811 so that means she's still seething. But if you want something even better, check the embed where LioConvoy snarls at Septy Paws that Hopeless Peaches had done nothing wrong in the situation involving the whole creepshow fiasco involving kai and omnia, but not just that, Peaches calls herself the "biggest
victim" on the stream. Not Carmen who had Septy try and get a hit on her to kill her with another now ex senate member CallMeNil.
No. 1932884
Oh my god will you retarded chuckle fucks take this shit back to your twitter quote retweets and quit gunking up the thread.
>>1932725I know this is you Lio or Peaches, you terminally online degenerates. Aside from the obvious writing style, only you would track someone on 3 different websites because the precious land-whale sugar baby is mad about them. Why don't you address the fact that you wanted a teenager to record her rape, or does that still make you sperg out? Both of you are pathetic.
All of this dumb fucking back and forth is old milk anyways.
No. 1932912
>>1932884Alright, if I'm Lio or Peaches, why did I post these posts?
>>1821747>>1823153so, who's behind your vendetta post claims? Because why would Lio or Peaches post these too?
>>1925371>>1932574Did you ever consider the fact that maybe, they have
victims? Both Senate AND Fox Mafia?
Or did we forget about this post here?
>>1921842If you're here for milk, you're looking at horror cows. Not lolcows. And you should stop this thread now if you're really so worried about what's funny or what's new and milky. Because these people rely off your naivety. I hope that's made clear. And to answer your question on behalf of Lio, it's because he's a pathetic little man who doesn't actually care about
victims. If he did, you wouldn't know about him. Jordyn wouldn't of been moved in to Lio's home, and furthermore this thread wouldn't exist.
I warned all of you 6 months ago, and none of you listened. Instead wanted me to make a video towards a manchild who collects broken women like transformers toys and Hopeless Peaches who is a hopeless narcissist who cannot stop going on and on about how much of a
victim she is. I would rather kill myself than be a hollow shell like they are now. So unless you want to make informed guesses, you're going to need to do better than that. Because if you actually think that I'm lio, it's no wonder why you thought Veritas was Lio too you. But to be fair, the autistic kiwifarms crowd thought Veritas was LioConvoy too kekk.
Also why cry about "old milk"? My man, you're bringing up a situation that's older than what I've been bringing up. But hey, you know what they say in Senate, hypocrisy doesn't make you wrong!
So, tell me how is my post a vendetta post when it's obvious at this point I've been paying closer attention than the rest of you for the last few months now?
And if I'm Lio, or Peaches, have the moderators out my post history and ruin "my" reputation. I'll happily sit back and watch the fireworks like I have been for the last few years now.
No. 1933090
Dude what has this thread become? Feels like there are multiple ACC tards having slap fights with each other now because this site provides anonymity.
>>1932912We already know Peaches def posts on this site. But I don't think this anon is them. But they are def a part of the ACC. Peaches ALWAYS posts on twitter that she's in a bad mental state, scared or wants to off herself after her lolcow sessions.
If it makes anyone feel better however, no one believes Peaches outside of the senate server. All other groups and communities knows she's a manipulative bitch and we remember everything bad she did and still does. If anything, she's worse than she was in the past. If the senate server ever falls she has nowhere left to go other than McDonalds. Cuz a McChicken will never say no.
No. 1933099
Yeah, nor that I think other people involved in these situations' senates involved in are in here.
>>1933090 has a point Peaches doesn't really have the validity outside of their tiny echo chamber on the internet, it's not like the lump of skin has any popularity in Hollywood. Regardless of anything if there is validated information that further proves on how degenerative these people are then who cares. Kek
I just love on the factor that there are others coming in as soon as the new information pops on Peaches' father figure Lio and how she is basically okay on him using the
victims more than protecting them. It shows that people in the ACC are just literal pedophiles under the mask, the more that the pile grows the more I see it in my opinion.
(still hasn't learned how to sage) No. 1933140
>>1932914>>1932917i don't even browse this thread but this "back to x with you" phrasing is the most reddit shit I've ever seen on this site
sorry mods i like you but get a grip and stop anime villain monolologue-ing on everybody
(take it to /meta/) No. 1936841
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>>1936184A good chunk of these acc/ ssc YouTubers are just mentally ill moids. Especially doodle diapers and lin lin/ lindata. If you go back to his old videos you can see his face.
No. 1936931
File: 1701562478060.jpeg (274.29 KB, 1170x1465, IMG_8353.jpeg)

apparently the cc is literally going after mannis, the same guy who broke the spoctor story in the first place. theyre mad he platformed junkie i guess. its being spearheaded by linlin. weird how theyre going after the guy who gave them what they needed to take spoctor down, these people are fucking losers
No. 1937073
>>1936841Never really bothered with Lin Lin but fuck man, just looks like a young white boy who doesn't get sunlight. And even though Doodle only showed part of his face, you can tell he more than likely looks like this but older.
And when it comes to these ACC troons, they are great examples of what it's like when you get lost in your online persona and fall out of reality.
Also back to Doodles, it's so crazy to me that so much time has passed and his art still looks like shit. Like seriously, all this free time he has and he doesn't even try to practice, like wth kek.
No. 1937516
>>1936931it's just like when the acc hate kai and shoot down his credibility because "charged with crime bad" yet also turn around and use him as source for their points against omnia and even thumin. (funny thing is that kai also touched that same topic on one of his videos)
also peaches whining about mannis video being bad becus junkie is in it LOL as if she doesnt have lio by her side and we all know the word on that guy kek
No. 1937554
>>1937516Speaking of the scrote, anyone else notice he's been keeping his head down after this was posted here
>>1918508 . Not gotten into any petty Twitter shit, not uploaded in a month, and has generally been quiet. Wonder if he's scared that him wanting Mint to record her rape might gain a wider audience, and now he's not trying to give anyone ammo KEK. I garuantee that if he got into another Twitter argument, someone would bring that clip up and shit would hit the fan and be all over for him and the Senate, he knows this and is avoiding that scenario as much as possible. It's only a matter of time before it actually gets out there, and I revel in the thought of him wiping sweat from his greasy neckbeard in fear of it.
No. 1937993
>>1937270I just don't understand what they expect Spoctor to do at this point. Yes it was wrong that he had those photos on his old hard drive but he deleted it and he hasn't been acting inappropriate with minors so I'm just at a loss of what the fuck these people want from him. I would understand if he was DMing teenagers and whatnot but he hasn't seemed to be doing that.
That's how I know that this drama is just modern day kid shit because they don't let these things go even after it's been addressed and the person hasn't been doing anything wrong or suspicious.
No. 1939178
>>1939132And the saddest thing is that they haven’t done anything that helps the
victims. They claim that they don’t have to show police reports and that “bringing attention helps”, but does it ? The predators they speak of are still lurking and doing what they want under other names. No actual justice is served, but there’s clout to gain. Oh and a free pass to an almost 40 year old’s discord/ harem
No. 1939282
>>1939178I think the reason for this is because again, a lot of these people raving about it are very young and don't know how to go about doing so. But it doesn't help when they say retarded rhetoric like a 18-20 year old can be a "pedo" if they get caught sexting with a 16-17 year old. I'm not in anyway justifying this but they need to be careful with their words.
And yeah the side eye at Lio is especially alarming because you have this creepy grown ass man who is trying to build this harem of young women half his age and these people don't seem to realize how creepy and inappropriate that really is but they'll continue to harp on someone like Spoctor who's owned up to his drama and is seemingly trying to do better. Priorities lol.
No. 1939358
>>1939178Even funnier thing is, Spooder herself, the person he had the pictures of, has said that she doesn't think she's a
victim. It's quite literally the Senate covering her mouth and being like; "No No, you see…you are a
victim, we need to make you out to be one so this whole stupid fucking drama is somewhat justified".
No. 1939591
File: 1701991487172.jpeg (303.56 KB, 828x1143, IMG_7157.jpeg)

She’s genuinely delusional kek. I’d pay her rent to see her try to squeeze all her lard into one of those in real life. She has to hide behind a persona to get compliments on how “sexy” she is.
No. 1941181
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Update: The Senate is undergoing a much milder rebrand that will no longer be participating in predator hunting and terminally online VCs. This prompted an impossibly autistic novel from one of the mods. I wonder if this was prompted by the discussion around Lio suggesting that a minor record herself being raped as a means to an end.
No. 1941192
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i believe her family
No. 1941365
>>1941181Shit is absolutely about to hit the fan and they're trying to get a headstart on running. This and Lio's low profile cannot be a coincidence especially because we know for a fact that Lio lurks here. Your days are numbered you fat scrote KEK.
>>1941192Someone else is always the "
toxic" one, she never takes responsibility. If the relationships around you keep going up in flames, you might want to take note that you might be the common denominator.
No. 1941658
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Peaches is in some random persons DM's trying to get info about recent drama on twitter so she can make a video about it. People in the replies of the tweet aren't too happy about it, since this basically has nothing to do with the art commentary community and it seems as she's trying to get in on the drama before anyone else can since I haven't seen any videos uploaded about this.
Link to the original post:;dr for those who don't know: 17 year old sex pest TIM @sillyabtspiders sexts and solicits nudes from 22 people from ages of 13-18, then breaks up with them after getting what he wants. There is an entire Google document accusing him of grooming and emotional abuse. spoilered for not being related to ACC No. 1941669
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>>1941658People are exposing peaches for being a Scrote and she went private KEK.
No. 1941672
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Peaches is currently playing the suicide bait card to her followers once again.
No. 1941673
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yeah, its fucking over for this bitch. wonder how she’ll try booing and hooing her way out of this one?
No. 1941680
This while also Lio is now getting scrutinized by the CC "shocking" because Lio decided to get involved with Slug's situation with PeePaw aka Riverter.
>They kept mentioning about they dug into a rabbit hole meaning the current allegations against him that he is hiding from.
> This explains a bit to why Peaches is doing a complete rebrand of senate because everyone kept mentioning about her associations with Lio during their "pedo hunting" adventures as showcased within here >>1941181.
> Peaches is clearly taking over because she is tired of Lio's shit and will eventually kick him to the curb. KEKI'll post the videos below for context.
>Slug's stream:
>Stream talking about Lio: No. 1941681
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>>1941672Peaches and Lio were also going into random discord servers trying to get information out of anyone involved. Peaches seems to be siding with the guy being accused and is getting shit on for doing so kek
No. 1941918
>>1941672Is someone going to finally call her out for pulling this bullshit for the 100th time. She's so quick to be bitchy and catty to other people but the moment she gets blowback she starts saying she wants to die. I can get shit on all day for saying this, but PrisonMateLuke was right, this bitch does suicide bait and use her mental illness as a shield.
>>1941658 and
>>1941681 just goes to show what people have been saying all along, that these fattasses do not do this shit in good faith, they do it for views and nothing more. Both of them can choke.
No. 1941962
>>1941885AYRT and I was thinking the same thing. She's still holding what Spoctor did against him even though it happened 5 years ago, now she's suddenly siding with a 17 year old with even more allegations against him. I feel like she's let the senate and Lio get to her head and now she thinks she's some predator hunting god when she's clearly doing it for her own ego.
>>1941918What does make things slightly better is that people are starting to call her out for guilt tripping, demanding information and suicidebaiting. Lio was on twitter defending her a bit until one of the 14 year olds involved crytyped at him and then said "You're 14 so I'm going to disengage." when neither of them should've gotten involved because there's nothing but 14 year olds talking about this shit, and all of them have already made up their minds about it. I don't keep up with Lio or the senate but I've never seen them try to disprove allegations like this, they're usually ready to jump on whoever gets accused of being a degenerate and put them into a vc to sperg at them. People are not going to like seeing a 38 year old man in a (rumoured) DDLG relationship with a 23 year old woman talking to teenagers online, this is not looking good for the two of them. Not like their fans care because in their eyes Lio and the senate are like heroes who can do no wrong.
No. 1942027
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So the scrote finally had to own up on why he was thinking of telling a minor to record their own rape, because it's being brought up so much. Am I the only person that doesn't buy these bullshit explanations? It's bad enough that he's getting involved with minors with such serious matters with no formal qualifications to do so, but the methods he's using are actively hurting the cases more than anything else. The only reason he's being able to deflect and dodge like he is right now is because the person bringing this up is another fucking weirdo from Cas's server.
No. 1942038
>>1941918Agreeing with PrisonMateLuke?
I think you should reconsider your beliefs before you post on here
No. 1942051
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I was able to obtain something that has happened during this current drama with Peaches and Lio. Peaches has in fact done suicide baiting because of the out cry against her and Lio's deplorable actions during the situation.
> The screenshots clearly shows Peaches' true character on being a professional victim whenever backlash ever happens to her. Especially that it happened yet again when she gets caught on literally defending a groomer and braiding the victims in dms.
No. 1942072
>>1942051She must have deleted that first thread because only the last tweet remains on her account now. I honestly don't feel one bit of sympathy for her. This is just a combination of her once again trying to play
victim and all the bullshit she brings on other people finally coming back to bite her in her fat ass. You're not some hero Peaches. You're not doing this with good intentions and you know it. It's just this time people were wise enough to tell you to fuck off and stop trying to capitalize on other people's serious issues for your own goddamn YouTube engagement. I can guarantee you if the kid did agree to get in to a call with her, She would have been with Lio and they would have intimidated her to take down the Google doc. Normally the teenagers in the ACC audience are the genuinely annoying ones, but this time they're the ones actually telling her to go fuck herself for a goid reason. She's just throwing a temper tantrum because she didn't get her way. Boo hoo bitch.
No. 1942075
>>1942051Thanks for posting these, it's no surprise Peaches locked her account to suicidebait. But seriously, what did she think would happen getting involved with underage retards during a topic as heated as grooming and pedophilia accusations? They'll tell you to kill yourself over anything they don't like. She stepped out of her safe zone, that being the senate circlejerk, acting like she was the smartest "senior" in the room and is now leaving acting like people are trying to kill her. It's hilarious and pathetic at the same time.
Not trying to alog here, but I'm actually relieved to see Peaches get told off without someone defending her like she's a helpless child. But we all know that this isn't going to teach her to not do this again, it's just going to fuel her
victim complex. I just hope this doesn't end with them pulling the teenagers involved into a discord call to scream and cry at them.
No. 1942118
>>1942116Not to be an asshole, but is Peaches can go around claiming that people aren’t providing enough proof for their alleged grooming/abuse and can’t be trusted, then she should be called out for not having enough evidence about her “
toxic ex boyfriend that sexually assaulted her “
No. 1942198
>>1942094ayrt, you're right with that. I feel like even if they did get in a call with Lio, it would just make him and the senate look worse for defending an alleged groomer and going after some teenager. ACC has always had a weird double standard, one person does something they don't like and they're shunned and outcasted, another person does the same and it's swept under the rug, forgiven and left as "allegations". Peaches is constantly babied by the community and treated like she's an underage baby when she's 23. This is the worst backlash she's faced since the creepshow drama. If you look up "hopeless peaches" on twitter she is being eaten alive by no exaggeration, thousands of people.
saged from small rant and no contribution but:
It feels really weird to me to see them not getting away with their usual bullshit. A 38 year old man bringing random nobodies into discord calls to yell at them and get other retards to gang up on them, is normal and something people have been praising as "predator hunting vigilantes". It's just so weird to me that only now people are realising that it's weird and useless, because those people they go after are just gonna make new accounts with new personas. I've never heard of Lio contacting police over any grooming matter he's been involved with. Not saying he hasn't but it seems like Lio doesn't get anywhere with his "investigations", he just talks louder than them and puts on this big scary tough guy persona. I saw a tweet saying that there's a video of Lio calling someone a faggot and a retard, then telling them to hit their dog (?) to prove how tough they are, I haven't seen any proof of this but if it's true it just proves my point that this is someone with an orbit of retards powertripping.
rant over, but to conclude I feel like Peaches is going to bring this up in the next couple of months as "remember when this HORRIBLE THING HAPPENED TO ME? I almost killed myself, guise! You guys didn't even defend me! I have PTSD from it!" like she does with every meaningless situation she's forced herself in and gotten her ass handed to her.
No. 1942317
>>1942051The Peaches cycle on full display:
Insert yourself into a situation that you have nothing to do with -→ Get clowned on for being a tone deaf weirdo -→ Lock profile and cry about wanting to be dead or something
No. 1942389
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What Lio Convoy brainrot does to a mf.
No. 1942456
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The worst attempt at damage control lmao. Peaches is preparing to use the “I’m mentally ill, I have adhd/depression/autism “ card. How much you want to bet that this is the angle the acc community uses when they coddle and kiss her ass ?
No. 1942483
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KEK, the groomer that Lio and Peaches went to bat for just self reported themselves to what they had done!
No. 1942491
>>1942456"This is why I prefer calls"
Let me fix that for ya. "I am about as intimidating as a potato dressed in a wig and overalls, that's why I prefer dragging people into Discord calls where I can sick the rest of the senate on them."
No. 1942500
>>1942456She must really be shitting herself now. She doesn't get called out for suicidebaiting, but now she is and she's not being defended for it. She clearly never expected this to happen because what the hell is she talking about with these "tone","aggro","too blunt" excuses? It wasn't about any of that, she wasn't just using a wrong tone she was obviously suicidebaiting to get people off her back and now for the first time it doesn't work, she's just lying to get herself out of it. She literally used the words "suicidal ideation" and said she wished she were dead after being clowned on a bit, how is that not guilt tripping? Holy shit she's dumb.
>>1942484I'm not part of the community but I read the google doc out of curiosity: 17 year old TIM sexts and solicits nudes out of 20+ people (ages 12-16), getting into relationships then breaking up when he's gotten what he wants, and now he's being called out for it and getting called a groomer/pedo. He admitted to all of it and then DFE'd. Personally don't think he's either, just think he's a degenerate and needs to get off the internet.
No. 1942656
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I know damn well peaches is scared and trying her best to spam stupid shit on the tl to distract people from her current situation.
No. 1942677
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>>1942656this will forever be relevant kek
No. 1943448
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Now kai is under fire on twitter becus these same minors and stan accounts who gave peaches shit for sticking her nose in the situation are made at kai for making a video because "it's exploiting the victim's situation" lmfao
peaches and lio AND kai really did kick the hornet's nest with stan twitter. these are the kind of people who'll never be satisfied and will keep making demands and STILL complain when you comply. i don't like any of them but i do give some props to kai for not bending the knee to these people like what he would of done back when he considered himself apart of the acc
and like a true opportunist, peaches saw kai's backlash with the very same group who dogpiled on her and saw it as a way out. fucking KEK
notice how even in her desperation she STILL tries to conflate omnia into this like they had anything to do with kai's video. imagine being this petty LOL
No. 1943450
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kai addresses this on a community post as well as on an edit to the pinned on his latest peaches/lio video.
i will say he does have a point on the groomer part. i feel like the 17 yr old's more of a degenerate then he is a groomer. i see some anons in this thread make comparison to spoctor's situation and yeah the only difference here is peaches was DEFENDING this.
this is more of a case of stan twitter throwing groomer and pedo and misusing the word like they do with gaslighting and nazi kek
No. 1943489
>>1943448It's funny because, Omnia wasn't even making subtweets about Peaches until people started bringing up Kai's abuse. She can't use that shit to deflect anymore, you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar, got rightfully slapped for it, and threw a bitch fit. I know this must be a new sensation for her to get consequences for her own actions kek.
>>1943450I'm actually going to agree with the minor here for once, I'm all for people calling out Peaches, even Kai, despite how much I hate him, but the kid had a point saying that he was using their situation to get back at Peaches. Had he briefly mentioned it saying something like "This video was prompted by a certain situation that I'm not going to delve into because it isn't the main topic of this video." And then proceeded to show how predatory Peaches and Lio were being, He probably wouldn't gotten as nearly as much backlash as he did. He didn't really need to bring up Miles at all, and in that sense he really is no better than Peaches. No one in the ACC is a hero, they'll exploit any situation possible to get views.
No. 1943672
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It is such a good day when people can see through her shit.
No. 1943750
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Enjoying my soda and popcorn because this is amazing to see that everyone is seeing Peaches and Lio for who they actually are and not just be blinded by their sympathy seeking tactics.
>Peaches has her comments turned off, now she has to deal with the quote tweets coming at her, there is nowhere for her to hide from the raging crowd. KEK
No. 1943761
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>>1943751My point is that yes they are raging kids, and it is a matter of inconvenience because she lost not only her reputation of being a supposed pedo hunter that she and Lio claim they are. They also regained a reputation of being untrustworthy to kids,
victims, and outside communities. Community or not that's already a starting point as is to a complete loss of validation towards outsiders and will spread to other communities.
>The ACC will stick into their echo chamber no matter what but as of recently the CC has gotten involved now that this and other forms of information is being directed towards their doorstep.
> Quick TLDR Riverter got into a spat with Lio due to the other allegations coming forward and of course Lio's mistake of sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong by getting involved in a confrontation between Slug and Riverter.
> With Lio's own set of allegations being a leverage for the CC to research on him now, during the confrontation Riverter made reference to Lio threatening a 15 year old aka Jax. Including on that the CC itself has already come to a conclusion that Lio and Peaches are a bunch of vigilantes due to Kai's video firstly showcasing it and the stream from Doc On The Radio according to >>1942652.
>At the end of the day they lost their reputation to what leverages them in the first place that being the CC and what is outside their echo chamber or ACC. Due to them not putting their ego aside, and their suspect behaviors during this current shit storm.
>I do agree with you on that it is a matter of complete inconvenience and that does put into play on what is currently happening afterwards of Peaches' drama the start of a crumbling reputation to the outside of their inner circle, which personally I am glad it's finally happening.
>I feel going forward the CC is known for not forgetting the obvious to those they don't like, it will be something that will not go away for a very long time for both Peaches and Lio. No. 1943939
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I do not want to see one fucking person in the ACC shocked when it comes out that this scrote is a nonce. What actual fucking reason do you, a man pushing 40, have to ask a random minor on the internet for their personal information like their address? What could you possibly do that would be better than their actual parents doing it? It did not come off as weirdo behavior, it is weirdo behavior because you're a fucking creepy ass weirdo. And his retarded fans will actually believe he was trying to be noble and not a creep about this.
No. 1943952
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>>1943939I saw the quotes to this apology and majority is people calling him a weirdo for asking for a child's personal info. In fact made references to Lio himself being a groomer due to additional allegations spreading around about him.
>From my own observation the instant "I forgive you" has completely thrown out of the window and anyone outside their community isn't buying the sympathy card anymore. No. 1943956
>>1943952no one quoting these two are anyone who matters anyway. that's what's so disappointing. they're talking about 20+
victims, which is a gross exaggeration if you read the google document.
peaches and lio still have their same fanbase, stan twitter is just really loud
No. 1944057
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Feghost drama is resurfacing and Hiten is also facing backlash for victim blaming
No. 1944112
>>1943750yeah it's hilarious seeing her trying to do damage control while closing replies. "had to do it because phishing links" my ass lmfao
>>1943751the thing is, even if it is kids and terminally online tiktokers and stan userbase, it's still cathartic since these are the kind of demographic peaches caters to. these same people who advocate so much about "muh mental health" and "protecting
victims" but could care less once it's someone they dont agree with. that's what makes it way more satisfying compared to them doing it to kai, since kai now doesn't seem to give two shits about pleasing the twitter tiktok mob anymore. he just spouts his nonsense, gets ratio'd to hell if one of his opinions doesn't align with twitter's flavor of the week, then lets it sit.
but we all know peaches cares too much about the validation to not let it get to her kek
>>1944057hiten getting backlash for
victim-blaming while also having bitched about spoctor
victim-blaming and tone policing her in the past? but really are we surprised that she has this double standard since she's part of the senate KEK
No. 1944113
>>1944082idk, i don't think kai is insufferable, and there's enough nuance in his situation to understand why he's so upset about it. otherwise he stands his ground about his opinions and calls out everyone without a single care for who it is. omnia tweeted something along the lines of "kai has loyalty to no one" and yes, that's a good thing. he calls out every one we primarily dislike in this thread and is enough of a threat that peaches and lio don't attack him as frivilously as they did before.
if stan twitter wasn't so retarded he could've really gave them hell.
No. 1944121
>>1944057That situation with her really goes to show how much she and Peaches are two peas in a pod. She also is 10ft up Lio's ass and talks just like he does. Her reaction to Chuuli's original video on Fehghost was incredinly ironic because, had she not been friends with Feg she would have absolutely reemed him. Pretty fucking sad it took her over 2 years to finally swallow her pride.
Seeing Klown call Hiten out in the quote is incredibly cathartic. Hiten is just as annoying as Peaches with the added bonus of sounding like the most pretentious, holier-than-thou, mean girl, nerdy loser. The only saving grace about her is how tiny she is so she's alot easier to ignore. More like a gnat vs Peaches who's an entire dumpster of flies.
No. 1944335
>>1944113 said. I don't think that Kai is
abusive neither, I do think that when he tries to joke about being conceded, it's a little cringe but whether you like him or not, you gotta give some credit that he's been pretty consistent with his call outs and he's doing the one thing that many of these other art commentary channels won't do which is call Peaches and Lio out and not bend for them. He seems to be the only one who's doing this and it's very cathartic and going off the comments on the video, it seems that more people are waking up seeing just how awful she is.
I do hope that more will eventually stop kissing her ass and she gets the Creepshow-lite treatment.
No. 1944428
>>1944387Yeah I meme you can find it a bit funny that despite leaving the community, he still makes videos pertaining to it but at the very least, he genuinely doesn't care if people agree with him or not or whether he'll be painted as the bad guy. Some people in the comments were trying to punk on him calling him a woman abuser and just doesn't give an F. I still think that what happened with Omnia was a genuine series of unfortunate events between two people who were
toxic for each other. And seeing how Kai is trying to move on with his life is actually pretty good. Him speaking out against Peaches and Lio is just an added bonus since he really has nothing to lose at this point.
No. 1944446
>>1944444no one is dickriding him
nonnie, not everyone thinks he’s
abusive and he’s generally showed that on his channel. where did you even come from? his videos he made on peaches were good and that’s why people are supporting them? take the stick out your ass
No. 1944457
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Doodletones jump scare but he just made a video talking about how his pc is fried. He doesn’t have a job to replace his pc so you bet that he’s gonna be begging for money on Twitter.
No. 1944467
Can some of the anons in here stop trying to slip in that Kai is "reasonable" for making a video on Peaches that, despite being cathartic, was done out of pure spite? Fucking scrote had an 8 hour long livestream tantrum because Omnia talked about him because she was being brung up in the Peaches shit. He's admitted himself that he was physically
abusive no matter how much his fans try to twist it and there are court documents to prove it. The Peaches and Lio video got more eyes on their bullshit sure, but that doesn't change the fact that he's still just as petty and vindictive. Like
>>1944444 said, no one is the ACC is good. They're all opportunistic hyenas. Watch him all you want, but don't be shocked when others still think he's a piece of shit. I swear, it's the same retard that pops in here to be like "Well, he's shown growth and-" No he hasn't. No one sane is going to have an 8 hour long tirade.
No. 1944471
>>1944467why are you trying to integrate like you’ve actually watched the content? i’m 100% certain this is one of those retards from twitter, because theyre parroting the same points in kai’s comment section.
the 8 hour livestream was a mix of several different things, and everyone here hates peaches out of spite. you don’t frequent here, clearly.
No. 1944473
>>1944471Watched kais comment and it was garbage. And “good points” he made was ripped straight out of Twitter threads calling out hopeless peaches behavior. then Kai got dragged because he was making a video to pat himself on the back and not because he cared about the
victims. He’s no hero either, he simply cashed in and made a video
No. 1944506
>>1944484Thanks nonna for being the only one with a brain. Sick of these retards clogging up the thread
>>1944457Doodletones would probably be on a kiwifarms-esque forum if he wasn’t a troon or diaper obsessed. He just has that terminally online look to him
No. 1944507
>>1944484the thing is this entire sperg out started because someone was mad that there are people who dared give kai some credit on his points against lio and peaches as if you can't still dislike the guy but agree with his takes? hell even the acc for how much they use the "he abused omnia" card as a gotcha against sure like using him as a source when they criticize omnia (something omnia themselves mentions as well).
and heaven forbid some of us in this thread aren't out for kai's throat the way omnia and some of the other ""omnia"" anons in this thread are kek.
it's always the same thing every now and then in this thread. an anon or two concedes that kai or omnia made some good points regardless of whether they like them as a person or not, another one jumps in and accuse them of "dickriding" or being "kai" or "omnia" and thread derails into a retarded back and forth.
No. 1944612
>>1944507this wouldn’t have even happened if that one
nonnie didn’t take someone saying something good about kai so personally, who else would even do that other than the person sperging out about him all the time
No. 1944659
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>>1944506I remember something similar happened earlier in the thread too but with a total nobody that an anon doesn't like. It's just getting annoying with them clogging up the thread with nonsense and not discussing the actual topic.
>Besides that, there is an interesting twist that occurred, that being that Lio is going to potentially do a video defending Feghost. An ACC fag that got exposed a while back for faking SA, and allegations for being predatory to kids by sexting them.I will link the two videos to this post to give context about that situation.
>1st video
>2nd video No. 1944755
>>1944662this not storiesguy is so creepy
he like collects basically everything people say and jumps into their dms for drama he has no sense of boundaries
No. 1945000
>>1944457I'm surprised he showed his face to be honest but of course he's wearing a retarded mask because he knows that he really does look like a man and wouldn't be fooling anyone kek. Also how old is he? Isn't he like 30 or something? If he doesn't have a job, how does he manage to support himself because I doubt he's rolling in commission money.
>>1944480I agree. He just looks like a regular dude who lives in a rural area. And I agree, you have to wonder what these tards would be like if they actually weren't terminally online. I feel like part of why he doesn't have an irl job is because he wouldn't be able to handle people not validating his non-existent woman-ness.
No. 1945052
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>>1945003I actually was in the stream and it’s Kai sperging about wanting to be left alone, but it’s quite frankly no different than some 8 hour just chatting stream. He had a debate with Smaggle and DocOnTheRadio, and the rest of the stream was just him talking to his chat.
I don’t understand why people are making this out to be him spending “8 hours talking about omnia” when the stream derailed so fast that the only thing pertaining to her was the title. And Omnia is stuck tweeting about him again this month, so much that i’ve lost count.
Everyone in this situation sucks, but I surely do raise a brow at how much flack Kai gets for simply saying he’s not an abuser and calling out people he doesn’t like. You can’t even say you don’t think he’s
abusive without the Omnia defense force chiming in.
Someone responded to Omnia’s twitter sperg about Kai telling her to just ignore him, and she took it as “policing survivors”. Like Hopeless Peaches, she’s no different than being an opportunistic “
victim” too.
No. 1945058
>>1944883Isn’t veritas like 18 or 19 atp? Why would anyone need a talk with his parents if it’s a mentally stunted adult?
>>1944662Also surprised to find out that Hiten is like 28 years old and not someone barely into her adult years. Seriously why is the senate filled with losers that have a need to surround themselves with children and paint themselves as some savior ? Is it because their irl lives are so bleak ?
No. 1945059
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>>1945052picrel for further context to how this interaction started.
I don’t know why the person who made 5 hour long videos on Kai is now complaining that Kai is defending himself in a livestream and video. If you have a life, finals, and school, you wouldn’t find the time to log into YouTube and Twitter to start screenshotting him and further complaining about his life despite admitting you didn’t even watch the content to begin with.
This is why I think this genderfuck is obsessed with her own misery. She goes from claiming to want nothing to do with Kai, then takes the first opportunity she can to disparage him to a bunch of ignorant kids. Damned if someone thinks that’s dumb.
No. 1945066
>>1945059Starting to agree with that anon that called you out for dickriding kai. you’re writing dissertations defending him
>>1944856The veritas video is honestly proof that they’re having a slow news day and needed a quick check since the potential miles video got so much backlash. Any sane adult would’ve blocked this veritas freak and moved on but not the commentary community. There has to be at least 12 videos on one person before anyone moves on to the next parasocial sex pest
No. 1945180
>>1945052>>1945059If Kai was really just having a sit-down chat not devoting all that time to talking about her then fair enough. But he really needs to take his own advice and stop talking about Omnia if he truly wants to move on but I notice whenever someone says something like that to him, he flips the fuck out which makes me think that no, he hasn't moved on.
Omnia is definitely an opportunistic
victim and I feel like she only holds onto the Kai stuff because it's the one time where she got so much attention and money (still remembering that ridiculous wishlist of things she didn't need) thrown her way. But what I said about Kai also applies to her where why can't they just shut up about each other and finally truly move on?
>>1945058?Is it because their irl lives are so bleak
It honestly sounds like it. It's like they never outgrew their high school mentalities and since a lot of them are terminally online with not much going on in their personal lives, they feel vindicated playing the retarded groomer/pedo hunter to make themselves feel less pathetic. This isn't to say that not having an active social life irl makes you "pathetic" but trying to be all Chris Hansen when you're not certified is what is pathetic because at the end of the day, they really can't do anything legally.
No. 1945185
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>>1945180Kai's entire premise of the stream was being sick of Omnia getting involved whenever his name circulates around social media. I don't think he would have brought up Omnia again if she didn't start talking about him. He's said nothing about her since the last video he made on her. He's tired of the Kai Weiss drama too. And I don't blame him. I would flip out too if my ex is still bothering with me despite me not saying a word about her.
Omnia is still doing this now. Kai got banned because his Twitter was mass reported by the stan accounts and Omnia is even Tweeting about that. Claims in one tweet she never disrespects or disparages him but has no issue disliking his content and berating him on Twitter, even when he can't tweet. This is obsession
No. 1946421
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Lio has been pumping out videos, wonder if he's trying to cover something up? 3 videos in the past week.
No. 1946644
>>1946442Speaking of diversion tactics kek
Now I haven't watched the video and I don't think I will but figured I'd post it here for anyone who might want to watch it.
No. 1946676
>>1946666Kek! Yet they are playing kiss up due to Peaches'
>>1942051 and Hiten's
>>1944662 mishaps. Its outstanding that they are trying to hide their skeletons into their closets in front of everyone's eyes.
(learn to sage) No. 1950333
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I know the Lion man who keeps telling people to touch grass, get jobs, and tries to lecture everyone how the real world works is not signal boosting hopeless peaches e-begging for donations because she can't pay her taxes. Tell her to get a job and make some videos/art to pay for it? Painfully ironic.
No. 1950554
>>1950333Imagine marrying a fat moid that does nothing but collect toys, scream at children, and spend hours on discord with mentally ill girls that are half his age, or in the YouTube comment section/ Twitter. You have to either have zero self respect or probably so insecure that you settled. Does anyone have info on Lio’s spouse? I wanna know if she’s
A. Suffering from ugly girl syndrome and settled
B. Complicit in all this because she too is a weirdo sex pest
C. Having no idea what’s going on
No. 1950599
>>1950597Dude what the fuck ?!! Mint is literally the only
victim in all this . Fuck Lioconcoy
No. 1950747
>>1950597So what we can gleam from this:
>Lio is indeed terminally online and his wifd knows about it and doesn't like it.>Lio threatens to, in his words, "ruin" a teenagers life by threatening to call their school.>Mint is moving out and he doesn't like that despite the fact that he disowned her because she didn't get along well with Peaches.Imagine being Mint, someone who was flown out to live with this creep when you were 17, whenever someone beings up how creepy it was you fight hard to defend him, only to get dropped by him because he decided to "adopt" a mentally stunted grown adult from halfway across the world and they start baby talking in public livestreams. I would be absolutely fucking furious. This video is going to be interesting.
No. 1950793
>>1950597So he's mad that people are calling him out for wanting Mint to make child porn of her rape and give it to him. Then disowns her when he can't use her to catch pedos and be a general creep towards her.
Also what happened to Peaches always wanting to protect
victims? Peaches
victim status is up for debate but Minty over here is def one. I guess the only true
victim can only be Peaches lol.
No. 1950905
>>1950868Yeah I gathered that from the short video that I watched from Kumo. How on earth can you be a 24 year old woman demanding that someone barely 21 be nice to you and to not hurt your feelings? She’s such a loser and clearly doesn’t care about real
victims. This is why no matter how times peaches vents about her “ex boyfriend” , I refuse to believe that she’s in the right. Her actions speak louder than her words
No. 1950927
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>>1950597Tweet from mint
I hope mint drags lio in the call
No. 1951385
>>1951366I’m calling it right now that as soon as Lio gets outed as the scumbag creep he is, the senate and ACC will scramble to make cashgrab videos about how they “always knew he was a terrible person” . You can bet that Jar will make multiple videos, the bottom tier YouTubers like bored oranges and Lin lin will milk the thing dry, and Peaches will somehow make Mintheart’s grooming and sa story about her. As usual she’ll paint herself as some uwu
victim despite helping mint getting kicked out and disowned in the first place. Just watch nonnas
No. 1951498
>>1951385As likely as this is to happen, I really hope there will be some people who will not buy this bullshit and will take them to task. I know Kai is annoying and all but I like that he doesn't parrot shit about senate and I just hope that more people will do the same. These people in the Senate are not "
victims" by any stretch of the imagination and I just pray that hen the ship crashes, they won't get off scott free.
No. 1951789
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It'll be amusing to watch these two scrotes get into a dick measuring contest, but I have a feeling this is going to devolve into a petty slap fight. We all saw how well the John Swan debate went.
No. 1952135
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So just an update for this
>>1951789 ; Kai went Live for almost 2 hours and Lio never showed up. Lio has been spending all day arguing with some retard on twitter over thundercats and now, right after Kai ends his stream, Lio puts this up. What a raging dumpater fire and Lio is a little bitch kek.
No. 1952145
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>>1952135The 55+ comment thread on Lio’s Veritas is Very Vindictive video where Lio agreed to debate Kai has disappeared. Lio deleted it LOL
Now Lio is claiming Kai is a predator enabler. At this point, Lio throws the word predator around on anyone he disagrees with
If you didn't want to hop in call, why did you agree to it at all? Sounds like cope to me
No. 1952150
>>1952145I really can’t believe I have to defend Kai of all people but peaches what do you mean by “he’s sexually humiliating me”? This dumb bitch will pull every word out of the
victim Bible for sympathy. You are in a public ddlg relationship with a toy collecting Scrote, and chronically online
No. 1952236
>>1952135A long summary of what Lio said in his video
>Kai Weiss/Zxae has been obsessed with Hopeless Peaches for 3 years>Kai brushed past the fact that Spoctor had CP to justify Spoctor’s actions. Spoctor came back just to harass Peaches. That’s why Kai hopes the best for him. The only reason Kai wishes Spoctor to get help in his video is because Kai is a social climber and wants to be friends with him>When Peaches was dealing with people actively threatening to find and rape her, Kai told Peaches to be quiet >Kai compares Peaches being upset about Omnia leaking their personal conversation to posting screenshots of dm’s of predator enablers. Kai is defending predators >Peaches never said SHE knew what happened in the courtroom. She said that Kai and Omnia aren’t reliable narrators. They both have been caught lying>What Peaches said 3 years ago can’t be taken into account because everyone was dogpiling her at the time>Kai and anyone else who came after Peaches 3 years ago didn’t have a legitimate reason to do so. She has the right to continue to want closure for that and address it. Peaches wanting accountability from people who harassed her to suicide isn’t pettiness>Kai and Omnia’s court case isn’t the same as Omnia using an image from Peaches grooming video to take the piss out of her over things a highschooler wouldn’t even care about>We pull predators and creeps into Senate for calls, but Kai is offended that Senate dunks on creeps. Kai says it’s “dogpiling.” I wonder why Kai has so much interest in defending creeps >Kai defended sexual harassment art because a friend of Kai called Hopeless Peaches out for mentioning Kai on a post about Septy Paws, and Kai didn’t correct them. This is the second time Kai has made excuses for sexual harassment>Kai teamed up with Luke and Creepshow to make a video on Hopeless Peaches and promoted it. Kai repeated the claims Luke made about Peaches mental health. Kai approved of Luke’s claims >Kai overlooked Camilia being exposed. This is on purpose>Kai was negative towards Peaches because she mentioned Kai when talking about people harassing her in anon questions. Peaches didn’t blame Kai, but Kai got mad at the sexual victim instead of the sexual harassers >Peaches didn’t approve of Scrittus using her grooming thumbnail >Calling someone broken as a person overtop of a grooming video isn’t appropriate. Kai defended Spoctor saying this, so Kai defended Spoctor mocking child abuse >Kai says Peaches is a drama channel. Lio says it’s not drama. She’s investigating child predators to get justice. Kai defended Camilla last year on twitter. Kai doesn’t care about predators or that kids were hurt. He just doesn’t like someone >A month ago Peaches got a google doc that claimed a kid was a child predator. There wasn’t a lot of proof. The adults who enabled these kids reacted atrociously to someone coming in and asking questions. Kai made a video about this situation because he doesn’t care if someone’s life is ruined by false allegations >Nothing Peaches said to the minors in twitter dm’s was out of pocket. Kai ignored this because Kai is mad he got torn apart>The adults that encouraged the minors to publish the doc are a problem. Kai claims Peaches doesn’t know what’s going on when she demonstrates in the dm’s that she does, and even Kai said it didn’t make sense that the doc was made>Kai claims Peaches and I have never helped victims. So Crystal doesn’t exist? The victims of Stryker Dawson don’t exist? The people I’ve helped don’t exist? >What does Peaches meme name (Lio’s spoiled brat) have to do with anything?>Kai doesn’t know what helps kids. Kai validates the dumbest possible actions. Kai called groomer and predator claims drama. The doc wasn’t good, so clearly kids don’t know what to do. Kai says kids know who to go to, but in screenshots the kids say they don’t want to go to their parents. If kids knew what to do, they wouldn’t of made the google doc or been scared to tell their parents. They would’ve immediately told their parents and law enforcement>Kai didn’t like that I yelled at the lolicon weirdo Carmen Rider, probably because he has something in common with him>My way of handling predators isn’t just yelling at them on discord and uploading it for views. Reports are filed. Kai doesn’t address this because he doesn’t want predators exposed. At all>I didn’t ask for a dox. A dox is publicly publishing private information. All we wanted was for someone who knew them to contact them> Kai provides no evidence of me flying girls out to live with me or only some of my found family being adults. Kai is just claiming I’m a predator because he doesn’t like me>Kai has openly mocked child abuse on several occasions >You don’t have to have a badge and a uniform to work on predation cases. Are we not allowed to look into predators? We can’t dress them down? We can’t warn people about them? Sounds like Kai doesn’t want predators to be dealt with in any way. We report them to the police, and we inform the public so they can’t prey on people before the law deals with them>Kai can’t point out any course cases that we’ve ruined>Finding information that predators leave out publicly isn’t doxing No. 1952237
>I could publish all information about every predator I’ve ever reported, and the law couldn’t touch me because the law states the information has to be published with the intent to cause harm or a threat of harm. It is obvious the harm has to be physical. And telling people that someone is a creep and to avoid them isn’t a threat. If putting that information out there as a whole is illegal, the white pages shouldn’t exist>Filing reports regularly means I work with law enforcement >Kai says all Lio and his gang do is file reports. Lio says, so don’t report them then? I guess that’s what Kai wants. Let the predators continue to prey on children without any public knowledge. Kai would rather give license to predators to prey on kids further because he’s ignorant about these things work. Kai only says these things because he’s mad at Peaches. Kai reported on Creepshow before she was reported>Reporting something to the cops without having “substantial evidence” isn’t vigilantism >Kai says publicizing these cases before they are convicted causes more harm than good. Lio says citation needed>My attempt to find information on the kid who may have been trying to hurt themselves was sloppy. I was just concerned about them. The intent wasn’t for me to get the information. I just wanted someone they knew to get in contact with them>Kai doesn’t care if someone falsely accused is okay or not. He’s too busy trying to use the kids as a stepping stone>Irenesee/Flutterbee gave Kai the video of me telling a minor to record their assault. This person is also called Foo. They stalked HarleyTBS. They distributed CSEM. Kai is connected to CallMeNil and Rabbit who know who this person is. There is no way Kai doesn’t know who Foo is. This makes sense why they kept excusing Spoctor >The video of me telling the minor to record their assault was out of context. The context is that Mintheart was touched in her own home by her mom’s ex boyfriend. This was taken to her school, her mother, and the police. None of these groups did anything about it. The mom let the ex stay the night after she was told what he did. Mint was worried he would come back a third night, and she had no options. She didn’t have any friends to stay with or any shelters to go to. All anyone could think to do was to set up surveillance so that if anything did happen, Mint could send it to the police. Mint would send it. Not anyone else. It was also just an idea. It’s not something they went through with.>The video of me telling Mint to record her assault was spread by Fox Mafia members. And we all know what that group of zoophiles is like. I don’t believe that Kai doesn’t know this. Kai is intentionally spreading misinformation that zoophiles and zoophile apologists were pushing>Kai called a possible sexual assault porn??? There’s a lot of unpack there. Also, Peaches wasn’t around for that>When was rape mentioned in the Mint situation? It wasn’t, so a rape kit wouldn’t of done anything >Putting up surveillance isn’t the same as creating porn. That’s disgusting. So if you have video evidence of your sexual assault, you can’t turn it into the police? That’s why Kai and the zoophile used the word porn. They see this as a sexually gratifying thing. Which is the purpose of porn. A video of sexual assault isn’t porn to sane people >Let’s assume me and Peaches are in a relationship. We’re not, but if we were, why would that be an issue for Kai? Kai just wants info about someone’s sex life because they’re desperate for dirt. And since Kai is listening, I know about your conversations with Toasty Vanilla>Peaches doesn’t call me Daddy. EUGH. That claim came from Foo. The CSEM distributor>If Kai understands that Peaches and I’s relationship is familial due to being found family, then Kai just likes spreading false claims. That, or he just randomly sexualize family members and thinks that’s normal. Kai is obsessed and deranged with sexual things and condoned and spread the sexual harassment of Peaches>Kai doesn’t know what entrapment is. A person would have to be led to do something they normally wouldn’t. This was something that this person was already willing to do, so a safeguard was planned. Calling this entrapment implies that Mintheart was to blame for the sexual abuse >Kai says every time Peaches gets in trouble she brings up her mental health and goes private. Lio says Kai is fine with people harassing Peaches and telling her horrible things>Peaches venting her feelings on social media is always seen as “sympathy seeking” to Kai, but Kai having an 8 hour meltdown isn’t >Kai likes sending harassment to AFAB people >Kai wanted to debate Peaches. The inciting incident was Camilla Cuevas harboring a child predator in her server. Kai was mad Peaches was calling that out. Kai didn’t have any allies left at the time, and he didn’t like Camilla getting outed. He didn’t care about the evidence. He didn’t care about the victims. He was mad someone he associated with was getting called out. Peaches found 26 predators in that server, and Kai didn’t want it talked about>Kai wanted me to come on stream, but after I saw what he condones and who he associates with, I’m just not interested. I don’t want to hang around creeps No. 1952251
>>1952237>>1952236>What Peaches said 3 years ago can’t be taken into account because everyone was dogpiling her at the timeOh fuck off you scrote, she was an adult then and she's an adult now. She hasn't changed in the slightest and has only gotten worse as a result of the senate.
>Nothing Peaches said to the minors in twitter dm’s was out of pocket.She tries to leverage the fact that she was older over the kids head and told thrm to be more resepctful.
>I didn’t ask for a dox. A dox is publicly publishing private information. All we wanted was for someone who knew them to contact themIt is still fucking weird as shit to ask for the info of a minor whom you have no connection to over the internet.
The rest is just him coddling Peaches, projecting and deflecting, and giving non answers. What a load of absolute shit. I hate Kai, but I do genuinely want him to bury this degenerate cow. The fact that he's using the excuse that Kai endorses "creeps" when all he's done is barely interact with people to not get into a 1-on-1 call with him is bullshit, he just can't intimidate someone outside the Senate.
No. 1952475
>>1952466I think Lio didn't want to debate Kai because he didn't want it getting out there that he disowned Mint Heart
Lio agreed to debate Kai before the new year. The Mint Heart information wasn't exposed until January 3rd. In Lio's video, Kai's videos have the upside down cross branding in the bottom right corner. Kai didn't use that as his branding until January 4th, which means Lio didn't start making his video on Kai until after the Mint information was out there
No. 1952478
>>1952475you’re eagle eyed af !! this would make sense on why Lio suddenly backed out of the debate. The very
victim he’s been claiming to “help” for years is going against him, and he needed to find a way to control the narrative fast. Kind of like when coyotelovely was outed as a freak and lio had to do damage control quickly
No. 1952956
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The queen of pulling things that never happened out of her fat ass, co-opting other people’s abuse and overall being a victim while providing zero proof. She’s starting to do creepshow levels of lying at this point and no one is calling her out
No. 1953280
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>>1952956She just locked down. Anyone have any idea who she's talking about? Because to my knowledge, Kai has never made comments like this before. Also she doesn't want to leave the online space because she's social media addicted kek.
No. 1954123
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So, I pieced together what happened and this shit goes deep into a rabbit hole. Apparently,
>>1953280 >>1952956 , these are about pic rel which reveals a couple of things:
>Peaches was dating ToastyVanilla of all people. Toasty and Peaches were both part of the infamous FruitCakeClub discord chat that was known for being extremly degen. >>1044307>From what I can see, Peaches drew NSFW of both herself and toasty and Toasty himself told Omnia this and apperantly Peaches is saying this is apperantly "sexually harassing" her when Toasty admitted it of his own volition? I would love to get a testimony from Toasty on how their relationship was when they were still together. It's incredibly funny to both, see names I haven't seen since the Tobi drama, and also see Peaches moral grandstand when she herself was part of the FruitCakeClub. More and more shit is bubbling to the surface.
No. 1954282
>>1954247It takes awhile for sa
victims to recover so I don't expect Mint to press charges right away. There’s no timetable for healing, but Mint’s recovery comes first before any other nonsense and unfortunately that’s what Lio is betting on to get away Scot free. I think what needs to happen is enough encouragement and reassurance to help them since they’ve been on their own since they were 15-ish. Mint if you’re ever lurking around these threads, I just want you to know that I’m proud of you for getting away and finding some sort of independence and peace of mind. Sorry for the ranting nonnas
No. 1954320
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>>1954171So now that we’re all piecing things together, I wonder where toastvanilla falls in the peaches partner timeline, unless she’s been actively cheating on her partners and there’s more to the story. I do have a tinfoil that she’s been emotionally/ physically cheating by being an e-whore online but I don’t have enough evidence yet
No. 1954327
>>1954320I'm trying to look through her feed, but she deletes A LOT
But I could have sworn that when she was first kicked out of her parents house she convinced her first ex to move in and they "saved" her. Then all of a sudden he like, SA her. She used that story to move in with her other boyfriend . She had no funds and he bought a small home for the two of them to live in. If the time line fits she dated Toast around that time. So not only is she squatting in this guys house but cheated on him and called him a rapist to boot. Not only that but she also cheated on the same boyfriend with Lio (alleged). I would count Lio as Peaches's current boyfriend even if Lio is married since the relationship is weird as fuck and sexual in nature imo.
No. 1954365
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>>1954327Not only did Peaches delete a lot of shit but this is her second/third twit account since she deleted her original. Anyway if Peaches and her parter split around 2022 and were together for 4 years, why was Peaches dating ToastVanilla ?
No. 1954412
>>1954379I think he "cheated" because he knew it was over when he found out she has internet boyfriends. That and Peaches was making his life hard. I believe the person he "cheated" on Peaches with is his current S.O that lived with him at the time. But Peaches just made it awkward by not leaving the house. So Peache's ex just moved with his current gf so they can be happy.
She keeps saying she'll improve and whatever. But she just keeps getting worse. She needs to stop with the age regression rp sessions. She's legit losing brain cells.
No. 1954423
>>1954416did someone cheat on you
nonnie? kek
No. 1955154
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Here it is !! The photo that is apparently proof of Kai and Omnia “sexually humiliating” Peaches. The question is why did you make art depicting you and Toastyvanilla ( a degenerate that likes shota and futa underage porn ) if you claim to protect minors ? I
No. 1955343
>>1955154Lol Peaches caught red handed making loli/shota. lolcow already knew about her gross age play kinks. I hope she gets further exposed for also being degen.
Also, didn't Peaches call another artist a pedo for just drawing a minor naked? But those minors were sailor moon and Shoko. This is straight up toddler shit. She can't claim this is an innocent pic because you can't post something like this on a sfw account.
She can't defend it because this is art of her and her ex she was sexting with and he's a known shota. And now she's doing age play with Lio.
>>1955161She's going to blame it all on her ex and try to look like a
victim if people get pissed about it.
Also why the hell does Peaches always says someone is sexually harassing her? Like even accusing Kai of "sexually shaming" her or whatever seems weird af. Like she gets off on it because in reality no one is going to do shit to her irl. Maybe her loli OC, but not her. Like girl, we see your loli/shota and rape kink. gtfo
No. 1955360
>>1955343Peaches now is backed into a corner and has two options. She either A) has to admit that this drawing is sexual and was cheating on her longtime boyfriend with a degen or
B) deny that the drawing is sexual at all, thus exposing her as a liar since she’s not being “sexually humiliated”
No. 1955447
>>1955360If I had to pick which one of the options you gave that I see her most likely going with, it'd be B. She lives off of being a
victim and she'll try to spin that image as "cute friends" (or some shit). But on the other hand, I feel like she's gonna take the silence approach. She won't address it at all until months later when people forget about it.
No. 1955520
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>>1955154I find it funny that this is apperantly the reason why Peaches is private because bringing up this one drawing is apperantly "looking into her sex life". We all know the real reason is because the Mintheart shit is about to hit the fan. On another note, it looks like Toasty and Peaches might not have actually dated? The entire FruitCakeClub was a shitshow of terminally online adults sharing NSFW with minors so who knows at this point. Omnia is the one that actually talked to Toasty so her word seems more reliable than Kai going off on his tangents. This does bring up one of two scenarios like Anon above pointed out:
>Peaches didn't date Toasty, but made this weird fucking loli/shota drawing for what I can only assume to be a weird attempt at flirting.>Peaches did date Toasty and potentially cheated on her then boyfriend.Either way she wouldn't be able to explain the drawing in the first place kek.
No. 1955547
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>>1955520According to Kai, Omnia is the one who sent it to him, and quickly attempted to delete it, to which Kai sent it back. If Omnia was the one who talked with Toasty, then Kai’s take makes more sense because where else would he have gotten the screenshot from if Omnia didn’t get it from Toasty? Clearly based on the Discord chats, Omnia had more than what Kai had, so I believe him when he says Omnia shared the drawing with him.
No. 1956697
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i already hated this stupid tranny and his gross baby poo green spider oc, but the thumbnail plus the ''wmen'' make me want to alog him. You wish you could look like a big titty anime wman you disgusting morbidly obese troon
No. 1956751
>>1956697I don’t want to hear a male’s opinion on a visual story about women with mental issues. He can never relate no matter how much he tries to draw himself as a “sexy spider woman” . Even the game doesn’t want him, considering the school in the visual novel is named after Saint Dymphna ( a woman who’s a
victim of incest from her own father)
No. 1956962
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>>1956426Yeah people are rightfully calling out Peaches and Lio for essentially being ruining investigations and using
victim situations for clout. Peaches is once again hiding in priv
No. 1958472
>>1957960I didn't suspect it right away because I assumed he was just using the character as an unrelated talk sprite. I remember back in the day of "DA Rants" done with slideshows, you'd have guys using female characters as talk sprites but they didn't call themselves troons so I thought that was the case here, especially because this dude doesn't use a fake, forced "girl" voice.
Then again, after watching
>>1957746 , Feghost has trooned out as well. What is with these tards? And the community just blindly accepts it because it's full of dumb children and young adults who also buy into retarded gender woo.
No. 1958473
>>1958346Kai was absolutely annoying with his "nigga" talk (I'm black myself and I cringe when I hear black people talk like this) but it was somewhat satisfying to hear Lio get his ass kicked in as he hit (albeit, annoyingly lol), on every excuse that Lio popped out of his fat ass. He's so obviously full of shit and it's nice to have someone, even if that someone, is not all that likeable himself, call him on his shit.It was so obvious that the only reason Lio backed out was because he couldn't get Kai into his trap (the senate) so he can have his sycophant audience dogpile him and drown him out.
I wonder if this is gonna be the end of the "Senate" if MintyHart does her own video on the situation.
And fucking Hopeless Peaches, I really hope that more people will finally get their nose out of her ass and finally give her the Creepshow Art treatment that she deserves.
No. 1958512
>>1958372The reasons I think Lio is autistic is because of his interests in toys from his childhood, his focus on shitty tv shows as well, his little Toy building that he passes off to be the purpose of his channel, the fact that he is FAT and pretends to be a muscular and smexy lion furry online. Also the fact that he constantly surrounds himself with people who are devastatingly autistic and making him king shit of piss mountain for being somewhat on the lower end of the spectrum. Then of course the way he talks and using anime-tier villain intimidation tactics, same with the way it's so obvious he was in this thread trying to use the same way of speech to make his shitty little points. Autistic people often take notes from media they like to mask, his borrowing the justice type speech a cartoon character might do. And lastly the way he cannot for the life of him
sus out who is and isn't a literal predator in his close circle of autistic friends. A clear failure to read people and an obvious level of naivete. This is what I'm basing his autism on.
The one video that convinced me was when he was in literal court with that Buttons person and threatened to make a video about her in front of a judge who told them both to touch grass. Of course I agree that Lio is a massive loser who does get off on having power over weaker people, which might stem from being bullied or a dead end job (or having a fat wife that looks like Peaches). I just think he's about as similar to the people he dunks on, imo, of course you're free to disagree but this is where I'm coming from.
No. 1958531
File: 1706021089356.jpeg (482.84 KB, 828x749, IMG_7458.jpeg)

I totally agree where you’re coming from nonna but I guess I got
triggered because I have autism and it sucks being lumped with the likes of lioconvoy and Chris Chan. I have my hyper fixations and interests but you’ll never catch me acting like those useless moids.
Also look at how disgusting his house is. Are we sure Lio isn’t some NEET while his wife is the sole breadwinner ?
No. 1958832
I think his way of infantilizing autistic people in his videos while simultaneously using the more severe autistic people he beefs with against them is messed up. I know a lot of nonnas are autistic, lol, but its the hypocrisy from Lio while touting himself as some autism expert handler (Like going on tangents how autism works and how much he loooooves his autistic little discord kittens) while dogpiling autists untill they go nonverbal, and then screaming at them for doing so. I noticed it especially in the Rosa video where this happened. It's honestly, as Lio would put it, Absolutely Disgusting!
He is really a one eyed king amongst blind people since I think he is on the higher functional end of the spectrum, and that is also very funny to me. I also agree with your character assessment of Lio as well.
No. 1958968
File: 1706127813648.jpeg (80.72 KB, 748x549, IMG_7468.jpeg)

>>1958832LioConvoy is so unironically this photo that it’s not even funny. I’ll never forget when the Coyote lovely video came out and he gave that bullshit excuse of not noticing the bullshit lovely was doing because his work required him to pass an fitness test and have lower high blood pressure. The gunt is glued to his desk playing with toys and screeching at minors. While there’s nothing wrong with having hobbies, being on the spectrum ( or heck even being a little overweight), Lio is obviously a cautionary tale of what happens when no one ever tells you to shut the fuck up and improve on your life. But then again the same can be said about Peaches, the senate and anyone in the ACC/ commentary community
No. 1958977
File: 1706129250723.png (1.5 MB, 826x2889, omnia.peaches.png)

Omnia tweets about peaches, says she might make a video about her.
No. 1959119
File: 1706162189822.jpg (350.32 KB, 1080x1556, 1000003518.jpg)

>>1959112He said 6 days ago it's coming out Mar. 1st, so I smell an unsaging senate asshole trying to throw people off, but might be tinfoil and some rando. I haven't heard anything on Opal since the Coyote drama ended so who knows at this point. Lio has so many women in his harem it's hard to keep track of all of them.
No. 1959629
File: 1706251824906.png (257.61 KB, 2364x472, Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 10.46…)

>>1959119Currently, it's not documented publicly, but it is a fact Callmenil can confirm that is, unfortunately, the case. Currently is he is job hunting and looking for a place to live. Callmenil is a sort of neutral party between senate, septy paws, carmen rider, etc. if that means anything. So it will take some time until the video is released. Thank you for sharing the community tab. Thats new information to me. Sorry if the screenshot isn't that much proof but here's what callmenil has stated.
No. 1959633
>>1959629This message was sent out the 12th and the community post is a week old meaning he made it around the 19th, so it's safe to say it'll still be released around the 1st.
>>1959390Cecil majorly lurks the farms and specifically these threads so she might make a second part to her first video if something major comes up.
No. 1959635
>>1959633fair point. I think he will release it soon but wanted to keep people updated on his situation since I haven't seen a lot of information on it.
Also, Cecil McFly is friends with Lio and Malware, so I am not sure if she will report to the Senate if anything was to happen or occur. Its also worth mentioning Fornogoodreason and (possibly)Lioconvoy have some line of communication with Tipster. So the senate is somewhat connected with the wider Commentary community.
(no screenshots, no sage) No. 1959839
I’m not too keen on their friendship, but I do know that they have work together specifically on this Maliimalware video. i’ve also seen Lio convoy follow Cecil on Twitter and Instagram. so the varies that they’re not friends they are these are associates and have worked with each other. it would also explain why Cecil was involved in the creation of the art commentary war video. The one about creepshowart.
Link: No. 1961081
File: 1706664864771.jpeg (389.64 KB, 828x1311, IMG_7502.jpeg)

This dumbass is throwing a fit after a trained medical told her that she probably doesn’t have a bpd or anything else that she wants to add to her victim cards
No. 1961218
>>1961081I could see her having BPD, actually. Mentally unstable fatass femoid led to Lio disowning Jordyn to the point Jordyn (Mint Heart) ran away from their “home” because of Jordyn being mean to her sometimes. Borderlines are usually horrible people by default and will play the
victim whenever possible, and you will have to walk on eggshells with them in order to even please them. Otherwise you are pronounced as scum in their eyes. Needless to say though, the nurse has a point. Her labeling herself is just her trying to be fitting an archetype to validated her
victim mentality induced delusions lol
No. 1961344
>>1961238I'm willing to put my money on narcissism as well. She can never take responsibility for herself, always having a
victim mentality, and if she does acknowledge she may have done something wrong, well they deserved it and her eyes.
No. 1961358
>>1961081I feel like she only wanted this so she can blame BPD on her shitty behavior.
"Guys, it's not me, it's my BPD". Nothing is ever her fault and if she did do something bad it's you're fault.
I'm just laughing because first she tried to get them to give her a ptsd diagnosis, then depression and finally autism. All rejected of course. There is something wrong with her, but it isn't what she wants for
victim points. She could just lie about it though like she does with everything else. Or go the Shannon route and just admit she's a diagnosed Narcissist. Too bad that isn't very baby
victim to have that.
No. 1961721
File: 1706842220525.png (171.07 KB, 838x916, mintheartkai.png)

Mint Heart commented on Kai's video. She said Lio always shut her down if she questioned his authority.
Hope one day she exposes his ass on her own
No. 1961723
File: 1706842491438.png (176.57 KB, 593x538, senaterule322.PNG)

Also kek. Senate made a rule that you cant talk about kai/omnia and you cant question why
No. 1961752
>>1961721If for some reason, Kumo's video isn't able to come out, I pray to every deity out there that Mint makes her own video exposing him for all the shit he's done. This is grooming, cut and dry. It's not sexual grooming (from what we can see), but mental grooming to be obidient and not question him.
>>1961723This is just a coverup so they won't potentially have to explain themselves if some really bad shit is brought up.
No. 1961990
File: 1706911065954.jpeg (356.64 KB, 828x1016, IMG_7516.jpeg)

>>1961721I’m gonna add more to this. Jordyn shed some light onto Lio and Peach’s behavior and how awful they are to people who are actual
victims. And his ugly cuck wife isn’t a
victim but an enabler
No. 1962011
>>1961990Lio is a manipulative and
abusive piece of shit. He, his wife and peaches are older but wanna call Jordyn
abusive ???? I hope Jordyn sues his ass and throws him in jail for threatening and manipulating
No. 1962057
File: 1706923792527.png (119.19 KB, 768x703, mintheartkai2.png)

>>1961721>>1961990To add to your addition, Mint Heart says that Lio didn't disown one, BUT TWO, of his adopted children in favor of Peaches.
No. 1962063
>>1961721>>1961990>>1962057If anyone has any doubt, Lio said on call that if his child did actions he didn’t like, they would find their body in a marsh a hundred years later.
He has no problem being aggressive and violent to his own kids if they don’t act how he wants them to.
Timestamp 2:16:30 - 2:20:00
No. 1962833
>>1962346I'm honestly convinced those two fatties are sexting and doing ddlg eRP in the DM's. Afaik Lio's wife looks a lot like Peaches, according to a poster in this very long thread, and I can believe it. And with MintHeart's comments it seems he has a penchant for fat, manipulative women lol
The way Lio protests so much, doing a little show on how disgusted he is even by the thought of it when asked, it's theater and he's doing it for a reason.
No. 1963003
>>1962833I thought Peaches and Lio quite often do age regression and ddgl roleplay on VC and through text. Both of them denying it is absolutely wild.
Peaches always being a hoe online isn't news to me either. Seems quite common for uggos to do this.
No. 1963566
File: 1707339915888.jpeg (71.27 KB, 315x553, IMG_7590.jpeg)

I’m gonna start keeping track of how much Lio just blatantly lies and changes the narrative or allegiances when it benefits him. He claims to have studied law but works at a store stocking items and needs to regularly pass a physical because of this fat gunt doesn’t touch grass in his free time. He has zero qualifications regarding law or criminal science,
No. 1963898
>>1963600If that
He comes off as one of those guys who watches old re runs of "To Catch a Predator". Tbh he's very
sus. A grown man who surrounds himself with mentally ill children that he regularly invites to live with him. I can't wait till people just call him a groomer
No. 1964137
>Lio encouraged her not to talk to her parents especially her father and "took her under his wing" after her father died.>Lio is an extrovert online, but an introvert irl.>Lio has disguisting hygiene kek.>She says moving in with him was the biggest mistake she ever made.>Says Lio particularly "comforts" Peaches.>Originally the "siblings" would work through their conflicts on their own; After Peaches came into the picture it moved to every issue being a "family intervention" where Peaches would be brought up.>Says Lio's wife is a genuinely good person she likes and is a better parental figure.>Says Lio's "found family" is forced not found.>Her, Opal, and Mint never had any unresolved issues. Peaches on the other hand, always held a grudge for anything so she would always have something to be angry over.>Peaches would intentionally lie and be manipulative on Mint and Lio would believe it.>When Mint started to transition it changed Lio's entire attitude towards her.>Says not to take Lio seriously because he's an idiot.>Says she's not safe because both Lio and Peaches have information on her.>Peaches and Lio talk all day, everyday.>Lio's impact online is negative. Says Lio is desperate for views.>Not a good "father" one reason being how much favortism towards Peaches.Overall just really fucking despressing. It's alot of what we've already suspected, but one of those times where you hope you're wrong. Lio and Peaches can both go rot.
No. 1964201
>>1964137I watched the video and I can’t help but disagree with the
victim’s idea of Lio’s wife being a good person. She’s an enabler who never calls out Lio’s behavior and probably settled for him. She’s the main breadwinner of the family being a medical assistant, but settled on this obese scrote with anger issues and bad hygiene. Maybe Lios wife really wanted kids and this is why she puts up with all this. “Adopted kids” are the closest things she’ll get since there are probably glaring reasons why they can’t have biological ones. And my personal tinfoil is that Peaches is gonna cause an obvious strain on the marriage ( let’s be honest Lio and Peaches are e dating ). We’ll just see if the wife will stand up to this nonsense or keep on enabling
No. 1965053
>>1965004Also noticed Peaches has been up for hours deleting negative comments and liking dozens of ones that kiss her ass.
She's such a Shannon clone. She won't address shit until she's backed up against a wall. Mint officially might be Peaches's "Emily"
No. 1965077
File: 1707732252547.jpg (209.69 KB, 1080x1122, 1000003629.jpg)

Got this from Kumo's channel. Might have been from when Peaches was in the FruitCakeKlub and goes to show the SJW act she puts up is utter shit kek. He also was able to find out Peaches real name, which while it was public and she posted it herself, I won't be posting it here. I also was able to find out those who were in the FCK, this isn't everyone but the ones everyone's familiar with:
Another fun fact is that the FCK was started by Toasty and was made for the sole purpose of trying to take Madame down. The FCK was basically a hivemins for the absolute worst people in the ACC at the time and thank christ it's fallen apart.
No. 1965108
File: 1707741742229.png (100.19 KB, 1028x524, Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 13-41…)

>>1965063I just looked and there was one negative comment posted about two minutes ago.
Let's see if it's still there tomorrow.
No. 1965524
>>1964137>>Says she's not safe because both Lio and Peaches have information on her.I don't understand this. What bad information could they have on her? I can't imagine whatever they have on her is that bad where it cane come to bite her. But besides that, good on her for coming forward and sharing her experience.
>>1964249This all just reads like a hilarious Jerry Springer episode. It's so freaking weird. I don't know if his wife really is as a good as the video says but on the off-chance there is some good there, she really needs to ditch this awful man. He's terminally online and spends it chatting with people half his age and is even (likely) e-dating one of them. I don't know what this woman's situation is but she could surely do better than this gross jack off.
No. 1965687
File: 1707854683414.png (747.44 KB, 1174x1368, 1000003654.png)

>>1965108>>1965113>>1965214These are some that I've been able to capture since last night. I think the majority are still up. Either she's missing comments, or isn't checking it as frequently now.
No. 1965911
>>1965687Every single one of these are gone except Lmao-zr8br one.
No. 1965913
File: 1707918532915.png (10.13 KB, 436x123, Screenshot 2024-02-14 at 14-50…)

>>1965911samefagging but this one is still up and made me lol
No. 1966380
File: 1708024361286.jpg (266.68 KB, 1080x1390, 1000003672.jpg)

Small update is that Kai's video is very close to ovetaking Lio's in views. Lio wasn't worried about this video until it started catching up to his kek.
No. 1966755
File: 1708119923446.png (83.03 KB, 1516x357, Screenshot 2024-02-16 144553.p…)

Found Mint heart comenting under Kai's video
This is just clearly grooming on Lio's part. It's a predator's MO to find a kid where they have no adults who care about them and groom them that they are the only safe space. I think Mint being trans is the only reason h didn't push anything further. The fact that Lio wanted Mint to record them being r*ped and sent it to him just convinces me that Lio is the creep here. To pile it up, Mint is 18, grown up and was questioning Lio.
No. 1967169
File: 1708237444284.png (164.04 KB, 880x935, lol.png)

Coyote Lovely is back on YT and posted on his community tab.
No. 1967326
>>1967169This is tinfoil but I don’t think Lio actually ever cut ties with Coyote lovely. His, Lio and Peaches rebrand being at the same time is pretty
sus and those two have been friends for like 4 years. Degens always stick together kek
No. 1967634
File: 1708367585083.jpg (94.85 KB, 1280x579, Screenshot 2024-02-19 101424.j…)

Looks like Peaches is getting tired of combing through her comments. Wonder if she'll have to start turning comments off soon.
I agree with this comment. The only thing Shannon did right was shit on Peaches.
No. 1967640
File: 1708368388864.png (184.69 KB, 1575x1025, Screenshot 2024-02-19 114727.p…)

Just to add
She def gave up deleting comments and is radio silent.
No. 1967662
File: 1708372525509.jpg (323.68 KB, 1080x1161, 1000003726.jpg)

>>1967634>>1967640To add on, this was a direct reply to her on her official Twitter. She's so fucked. Also kek at the person saying "Shannon should have just done her thing regarding Peaches." Because they're absolutely right. She deserved every bit of what happened to her from both Luke and Shannon with how she treats people. She expects ass-pats when her mental health is strained, but doesn't give the same liberty to others. I cannot wait for her downfall 2.0 in real time.
No. 1968126
>>1968123lol I knew Peaches didn't have any
victim points.
No. 1968379
File: 1708535181919.jpeg (272.02 KB, 828x765, IMG_7673.jpeg)

So apparently the senate is trying to cover their tracks by removing links. I wonder how much evidence they’re trying to delete behind the scenes.
No. 1968493
File: 1708556718084.png (139.76 KB, 628x537, Lio and DoodleDiapers .png)

Looks like Lio and his losers are still trying to go after people. they are going after someone for leaving a comment on Gilded Poo's video.
No. 1968543
File: 1708566304674.jpg (112.29 KB, 994x605, 1000003748.jpg)

>>1968493KEK. He's the absolute last person that has the right to whine about people "flaking" on a call with him. If he really says that it will just be Him, Doodle, and GP, then he should have no issues creating a private group chat with those 2 and recording it for clarity sake. But we know he won't do that. Also picrel is just a prime example of how the Senate is a cultish echo chamber, because what the actual fuck is this? Are you monitoring what people in that server do constantly and calling them out if the act in a way you deem unacceptable? Sorry for the tiny ss size.
No. 1968561
File: 1708568378558.png (64.99 KB, 598x579, PoonCobra.PNG)

>>1968543Man, they are not beating the cult allegations. Is the senate really about to try and excommunicate a member over this interaction on a youtube video?
No. 1968570
>>1967662Peaches is like kind of walking chaos magnet or she is just the most
toxic waste dump of a human being in the art commentary community. As soon I saw Peaches worm her way into a new circle I knew their fate was sealed. Everywhere she goes, chaos follows.
>>1968569Anyone who speaks blasphemy against the cult will be targeted, no matter the size. Taking out your critics when they're small and mostly unseen is done in order for them to not get any bigger and reach a larger audience to spill information to.
No. 1968639
>>1968638Harley and Peaches aren't friends anymore from what I heard because Harley told Peaches off for being
toxic, also don't forget about Mali Malware too, Mali also enables Peaches.
No. 1968660
>>1968645The same people who gave Kai Wiess a platform because they hate Omnia are the same people who regret it know because Kai is taking shots at them now kek. Hopeless peaches and Lio hate really thought that Kai of all people would sit down and play their games . I’m waiting for him to make a video on jar next for being an ai art supporter and fucking cringe
>>1968639Yeah they had a falling out last year around spring I think because Harley called out peaches and the senate for being
toxic and an echo chamber
No. 1968667
>>1968638>>1968639>>1968660Harley was the one that wised up to Peaches true toxicity and dropped her as seen here:
>>1785940 I think if anyone were to make an expose on whats going on with Lio, Peaches, and the senate, it would be him. He has former ties to them and a sizable following. He's also in this weird gray area like JAR, where they both float between regular CC and ACC. Harley has a much farther reach outside of the ACC.
No. 1968725
>>1968645Was discussed in the last thread but Kai and Omnia’s situation was more complex than initially thought. Kai ended up taking a plea deal with no jail time and all of his charges dismissed but one, and Omnia neglects to cover the inconsistencies in her own testimony. Which makes her less believable. She just keeps pushing the plea deal, and legally that’s not really a prospect of guilt. He was never found guilty through a trial. Omnia Was also proven to have lied about several things in regards to the telling of events. Both had an online piss match about it, neither budging on their stance. The last thread ended with everyone in general agreement that Omnia was not a reliable narrator, the evidence Kai provided being pretty substantial. Every now and again a nonna comes in taking a shot at Kai whenever someone gives him accolades and an argument ensues. I personally think Kai gets entirely too much shit despite being the only one who took Lio and Peaches to task when no one else would. And if a judge determined that Kai didn’t need to go to jail, people gave up on pushing it.
>>1968660Kai got popular again by just uploading normally. Lio and Peaches never platformed him. Omnia is the only one spreading this narrative. They acknowledged the inconsistencies in her testimony and thought that was enough to keep Kai from talking about them kek. They have both shat on him and acknowledged his evidence. Kai just has ties to no one. He cashed in on the Kooleen drama and that brought his success back. His videos covering the situation with Omnia and other art cc commentators rekindled his graces within the community as well. He’s still spergy, but not nearly as spergy as he was before, and generally people like him now. You can love or hate him, he’s been in hot water plenty of times, but people respect that he says what he wants without caring about how he looks to others. His past videos and livestreams as of late have been pretty good, and that continues to make people like him. Like the other nonna said, call me a bootlicker or whatever, but Kai seems better equipped to his platform now than he was before, and it’s cathartic to see people come together through him to finally shit on Peaches and Lio.
No. 1968799
File: 1708622403662.png (351.84 KB, 716x1024, Senate Goon sperg.png)

Senate Goon has some mad asshurt.
No. 1968942
>>1968930This is moid brain rot. Men of color are literally as
abusive if not more
abusive than their white male counterparts and both get away with domestic violence because domestic violence isn’t taken seriously when it happens towards women. If race and gender truly played a role we’d see more rappers, Muslim men and a people like woody Allen in jail
(racebaiting) No. 1968950
File: 1708647137067.mp4 (4.1 MB, 1920x1080, Doodletones_Based.mp4)

makes sense why she is hanging out with Lio.
No. 1968987
>>1968840Holy FUCK this video is a hard sit-through, the person who made it sounds like he's got a whole helping of extra chromosomes.
For anyone wondering what relates to Doodle without subjecting yourself, it's screenshots of him trying to bait CobraCommander into the Senate under the pretense that it'll just be them and Lio. However, later when Lio tells him that he's too pussy to join a call outside the Senate, Doodle THEN mentions that it would be them and an audience… So typical Senate cesspool bs. Reminder that this was over a comment that Commander left on GP's video. What a fucking clown car.
No. 1969002
File: 1708656513524.jpg (51.96 KB, 584x593, Capture.JPG)

A new Twitter account popped up just this month claiming to have screenshots that would implicate several ACC youtubers participating in/abetting sexual conversations with minors in the fruitcake discord server. Aside from the glaringly obvious fact that fruitcakeleaks and Omnia most likely have personal ties, I'm interested to see where this goes.
No. 1969039
File: 1708665077343.jpg (28.5 KB, 540x366, 1687307591850.jpg)

>>1969002please let this be true please
No. 1969162
File: 1708698263819.png (21.76 KB, 603x161, MadLibs huffing copium over be…)

MadLibbs is seething about being caught being a degenerate. I noticed how she throws everyone but Peaches under the bus to save her own sorry ass.
No. 1969226
File: 1708709111713.jpg (203.76 KB, 2048x650, Peaches Do a flip.jpg)

>>1969196Oh it gets better, Peaches is running away with her tail between her legs.
No. 1969307
File: 1708718832700.png (722.11 KB, 1080x1522, 1000001971.png)

Honestly, after Ilymation made her video about being groomed so many grooming stories came out using very similar wording, imagery, thumbnails, etc, it was honestly bizarre to see. It doesn't surprise me Peaches also used the "ilymation formula"
No. 1969373
File: 1708730664799.jpg (202.74 KB, 1080x919, 1000003746.jpg)

>>1969307I grabbed this ss from GP's comment section on the comparison and it makes alot of sense.
No. 1969409
> takes a breakyeah not buying it kek. though i wonder if this "break" will either last longer or actually be for real now that her current backlash isn't just somethning she can easily throw a pity party out of or churn out a video on someone else to take the heat off her.
speaking of, her creepshow
victim card has definitely expired KEK
No. 1969456
File: 1708750041574.jpeg (104.52 KB, 828x652, IMG_7679.jpeg)

>>1969409Well, well, well. Looks like some people might be waking up
No. 1969530
>>1968871I feel the same. I used to watch Doodle as background noise way back in the early 2014-2015 back when I didn't really know how fucked troon ideology was and his art looked like an elementary school kid drew it. To see that his style hasn't improved in that time since is absolutely baffling, especially since this dude doesn't seem to have a job or go to school leaving him with all the time in the world to put some time towards practicing. So I suppose if any artists are ever feeling down, just look at Doodletones art and then compare your old stuff to where you are now and it should pick you right up kek.
>trying to pass as a womanThis foolishness too. The heavy voice changer he uses to sound like an anime girl character really doubles down his delusion for someone who is terminally online and watched way too much anime.
No. 1969621
File: 1708800819192.png (79.11 KB, 375x603, 1679019364358.png)

No. 1969626
File: 1708801983665.jpg (1.01 MB, 1284x2016, 1000001980.jpg)

>>1969621peaches is aware she is very ugly that's why she regularly turns the copium to max like when she implied Kai is obsessed with her because shes "so beautiful". We all know someone who compensates because theyre painfully aware of what they look like
No. 1969639
>>1969626It just comes closer and closer that Peaches just has a rape/assault fetish. She wont admit it, but I bet in her head she's one of those women who think that men assaulting you means your desirable.
Probably why she hates other
victims so passionaltely, espicially Mint. Because she's jealous. Which is actually disgusting.
Seems like most of Peaches's anger comes from insecurities about her irl apperance. Yes she has a rotten attitude naturally, but these are all theories.
No. 1969662
>>1969639So do you think that she was actually groomed and sexually assaulted like hse claims? Or do you think it's all just some fantasy to gain more sympathy for her otherwise dull life?
>>1969626The thing is that she does have potential to look nice if she was proactive. If she got her weight under control and took better care of her hair and skin, she would probably feel a lot better about her appearance. Of course all that won't fix her awful personality, that would take much needed therapy.
No. 1969731
>>1969728Fair point, I'm American so it probably could be a regional thing.
To give some contribution to stay back on topic, I've been watching YouTube Enlaa doing some commentary on this drama and it feels good to finally have another person commentating sense on this bullshit and was not soft balling Peaches. It's a shame that her videos are mostly long livestreams but it's better than nothing.
No. 1969734
>>1969728That doesn't explain her warts though. Which are caused by HPV. The fact she has both warts and moles is honestly just unfortunate
>>1969731Seems more and more people are jumping on this. Like we all thought a lot of people hated Lio, Peaches and the senate and weer just letting them act stupid while the evidence was piling up.
No. 1969830
>>1969734Warts and such could be HPV but that's also something out of people's control. Like accidentally touching something that someone with HPV has touched.
It's like herpes, which is just literally cold sores, which could be infected through basically anything and isn't a sign of promiscuity. Like sharing a friends lipstick, or even through your mom when birthed. It's super common!
No. 1969888
File: 1708881591638.jpg (10.96 KB, 309x206, 2792-nanny-mcphee-spoonful-vfx…)

>>1969830 Nonna you're compairing our lil troll with a normal person. She's uncommon, rare even.
Peaches's is like an opposite Nanny Mcphee. For every drama/cancellation she's involved in she gets a new bump or just gets uglier.
Anyway the senate is still locked down. Guessing they're trying to clean up while Lio is screaming at everyone in VC. Too bad the screen shots were already made. I also figure loyalty in there is wavering. Oh to be a fly on the wall
No. 1969890
nonny, you shouldn't double-post like this. The fact is that Peaches is a person that has some unfortunate facial bumps. I am sure many nonnas here have them as well. They are as common as cankles, stretchmarks, acne and keratosis pillaris.
Now if Peaches has been talking about uglyness = morality, then sure go ahead. She is fat and has fatshamed, so whatever. But it's silly to harp on super common flaws that so many people have.
No. 1969898
>>1969896People will take Mint's side because she's clearly the
victim. A young teen who didn't know any better that Lio and th senate took advantage of. Peaches being petty and jealous over a child which caused her to get kicked out of Lio's place. It was for the best. Sady this wont bring them down. The senate is brainwashed children. So people will still follow Lio. That and from what ex senate people have said. Dogpiling on people was just fun to them. It wasn't until they left did they realize how fucked up it actually was.
No. 1970027
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>>1970017You forgot to upload the image. (1/3)
No. 1970029
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>>1970027"I was groomed" really seems to be an effective defense for any and all wrong doing these days. (2/3)
No. 1970036
File: 1708914250698.gif (942.2 KB, 350x236, 1000003773.gif)

>>1970034>>1970029>>1970027And here I thought she would try to keep as quiet as possible in hopes that this passed. People are already dragging her in the quotes. I wish I could be a fly on the wall of the Senate right now because I know it's in absolute fucking shambles. The best part is, this is just the start of the shitstorm that's about to crash down on her and Lio, once Kumo's video releases and people hear directly from Jordyn how much of a snake she is, she's done.
No. 1970039
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>>1970036Once more, Peaches drags another 'friend' down into the depths. She'll probably move onto another circle of discord freaks after this blows over and repeat the cycle.
No. 1970040
>>1970027>>1970034How does any of this read like "I've been groomed" it reads like a cringe person making cringe jokes in a friend server why the fuck does she even feel she needs to defend this
Groomed my ass none of this is a result of grooming she's an adult who said stupid shit
No. 1970083
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This shirt hurricane is growing bigger by the hour. Picrel is a bit sketchy so take it with a metric fuckton of salt, but apperantly this is Peaches knowingly interacting sexually with minors as an adult. Second screenshot is a reply from Crystal, the one who accused Veir, Camilla's ex, of the original grooming with the whole glitchtale drama. If Crystal is turning again her, she's officially screwed. Crystal was one of her biggest defenders in the senate and all.
No. 1970170
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>>1817812lol lio is too busy sperging about toys to address any of this shit
No. 1970194
File: 1708961534530.png (62.83 KB, 400x550, Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 16-32…)

>>1970157Lol Lio says he's goint to address the Fruit Cake channel, but says peaches wasn't sussy with minors, Okay Lio. I bet it's one of those cool things he does where he takes issue with a slightly off phrasing and denies it all, because it's not exactly stated correctly. So sick of this guy.
Preparing for either nothing or massive sweeping for Peaches.
No. 1970243
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>>1970195>>1970194We all know Lio is going to try to use the excuse of "Peaches didn't talk in the server that much" to try and placate people and the retards from the Senate will happily lap it right up, becauce they're already coping over whats going on just on Twitter. I feel semi bad for these poor suckers because it must suck to be this brainwashed in a cult. No. 1970331
File: 1708994622255.jpeg (318.46 KB, 828x956, IMG_7700.jpeg)

Crystal Flame has officially cut ties with Hopeless Peaches. It’s not looking good for our favorite fat fruit
No. 1970333
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>>1970331She also just got banned. No one can convince me that server isn't a cult.
No. 1970360
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Jordyn has posted another update. Glad to see that he’s still hanging on and hopefully doing better
No. 1970376
File: 1709001262450.jpeg (567.24 KB, 828x1557, IMG_7702.jpeg)

Harleytbs is also planning to release a video in the next 48 hours about Omnia and Hopeless Peaches. Since Harley has over 100k subscribers, this should be big
No. 1970390
>>1970256, she's being ridiculous and trying to gain sympathy because she loves being a the smoll
victim who needs to know that nothing is her fault because she's baby.
No. 1970397
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Peaches has officially left the senate kek. I don't know if she'll stay gone, but I just know that thinks are falling apart in that echo chamber of a cult.>>1970376This will probably be the final nail in the coffin for Peaches. I was also the one that called out Harley being the one to cover this so this is extremely cathartic. Lio and Peaches can easily talk over smaller channels like Kai, Kumo, and Akumu. Harley's channel is not only huge, but he's acquaintances with alot of bigger names apart of the wider CC so this could potentially spread to them. This is gonna raise absolute hell for them. I predict a mass exodus from the Senate after this video drops and even moreso after Kumo's.
No. 1970398
>>1970397you know this pissed off Lio. Bets on who will throw the other under the bus first, Lio or Peaches?
My bet is Peaches since she loves being a
victim No. 1970404
>>1970402>Ponder SprocketSame anon. I don't care about MaliMalware, Harley, and all the bottomfeeders, I'm just focused on Ponder because she was the one who was regarded as the "best" of the best when it came to the ACC when really, she only came off smart because she was dunking on stupid teenagers. Anyway, with her being in the senate and witnessing how the it was ran and now having all this stuff come out, it'll be interesting to see if she address any of this or goes silent and tries to slide under the radar.
I just found her joining the senate when she said that she wanted to get away from pedo hunting long before Peaches very jarring since it seemed that is what that group was "specializing" (kek) in.
No. 1970406
>>1970404speaking of mali, this is just wishful thinking but i hope she gets some sort of blowback from all this as well. she was one of peaches' biggest enablers alongside harley and jar and let so many of her shit slide because "uwu creepshow
victim". reason people put mali on high regard was because she had that "ponder sprocket" appeal in her content
No. 1970438
>>1970410I was too. I was someone who enjoyed Ponder despite her acting like a know-it-all because like mentioned, she was dunking on teenagers who didn't know better. It was decent background noise at the very least and she seemed to have a good head on her shoulders but then you learned she was a Lio lackey apart of that retarded senate group and my view of her changed as well because I'd think she'd be smarter than to trust this creepy ass near 40 year old man and his creepy "family" cult.
>>1970406I agree, both her and JAR should get some blowback for sure. I have a feeling Mali will be more likely to get it than JAR but you never know. It's just so fucking wild that all this happened because of the old Tobi drama, it just kept going and going and here we are now with all this mess.
No. 1970449
>>1970442like others have said both on peaches' thread qrts and general twitter, peaches herself has had people lynched for
less than the stuff she did. had this been anyone else peaches would've conveniently hopped back from her umpteeth hiatus with a new video because she's that much of an opportunist. same with her daddy lio.
i saw someone reference peaches' nyxtheshield and jael video and pointing out her hypocrisy for calling them out for chatting with minors back in 2017 when they were also roughly peaches' same age when she also chatted with minors in
2020 she can call them out and dismiss their attempts to change as a person but when she's caught having done the same thing it's "my memory issues" "i was groomed" or "i changed guys!!!" LOL
No. 1970598
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After throwing a massive bitch fit where she tells people to fuck off because the FCK leaks, Nezzie is now pulling a classic Peaches and lamenting on how she's going to an-hero. Reminder, all these people are fucking adults.
No. 1970858
File: 1709148717354.png (255.82 KB, 1080x868, 1000002936.png)

Screenshotted the video rather than linking it because I don't want to give this freak anymore views, but it seems even peach's hellbent stalker veratis has disowned her. I had looked up his youtube this morning out of curiosity to see what sort of dumbass excuse he'd have done her this time, and was mildly surprised at this.
No. 1971144
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One of Omnia’s mutuals has been outed as a predator.
No. 1971212
File: 1709243613007.jpeg (403.93 KB, 828x1241, IMG_7747.jpeg)

And just like that, lio and the senate are already trying to discredit the FCC Leaks because it’s a guy that used to “harass” them, personally it’s not harassment to bully degenerates but that’s my opinion
No. 1971220
>>1971212Jesp? As in this chronically online dipshit
>>1218435 ? If so, that's fucking hilarious and would make sense bc the FCK leaks twitter account in particular had it out for ToastyVanilla and Jesp did as well. Regardless, the degenerate shit in the logs is still there.
No. 1971266
File: 1709254615672.jpg (115.04 KB, 855x433, 1000003826.jpg)

>>1971212So looks like this thread and Hiten's were deleted. Guess they realised that this tactic wasn't going to work KEK. Picrel is the only part of Hiten's thread that I could find, but it said pretty much the same thing.
No. 1971306
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Posting this just incase anything comes from it.
No. 1971769
File: 1709408281300.png (285.06 KB, 598x2189, Zina-on-X-I-wish-I-had-more-to…)

>>1969002Miss Zi-Zi responded to the leaks, the FCK leaks showed her asking for thigh pics to a 17 year old called Mimi, Zi was 21-22 at the time. No. 1971811
>>1971769“I’d like to believe I’ve changed as a person” be fucking for real kek. Are we surprised that people with disgusting fetishes and brain rot are
gasp sex pests ?
No. 1971984
So am I the only one who's losing sympathy for these young people who get "groomed" on online spaces. I know that I should have sympathy because they're just teens but fuck man, these stories are writhe within the art community and by now there are plenty of PSAs be them what you learn in school or even just in the community itself with older people giving tips and advice to the younger people within the community that I'm sorry but at this point in time, there's no reason why any of these teens should be willingly putting themselves in these sketchy situations.
I do agree that adults who take advantage of these teens naivete are the ones who should get the most fault because they're the adult but I don't these teens should be blameless and should also take accountability as well. Remember common fucking sense, the basic rules of the internet via don't give out your personal information or do something that you know deep down is wrong, and don't join places you shouldn't be in like Discord groups that have porn in it.
I know my thoughts expressed here are unpopular but I'm just getting tired of these stories being such a recurring thing and
>>1971875 just started making me think these things.
No. 1972085
>>1971984L take tbh. Teens often overestimate how much they know about any given situation because their scope of the world is so limited. For that reason, it's a given that they are always susceptible to grooming no matter how much they're told about stranger danger. It's adults like Peaches that should know better to not repeat the degeneracy cycle but instead she's chosen to be a forever
victim of circumstances. Sad life tbh
No. 1972166
>>1972085If anything Peaches is just proving she is one of those ex
victims who become predators instead. Problem is, she was never a
victim in the fist place. She's literally a wolf in sheeps clothing.
I'll never trust anyone who likes shota/loli or age regression ddgl shit.
No. 1972176
>>1972085Yeah as I said, it's not a popular or favorable take but I'm just growing tired of hearing these stories over and over again and it's getting to a point where I feel like unless the teenager actually either meets up with any of these adults or sends them something like nude photos, I'm just not really caring anymore. With the porn situation, it's just a given that it's all over the internet and unless their parent puts a blocker on their computer/laptop/tablet (which isn't surefire way because of places like Twitter and Discord), it's just inevitable that these teens in the modern age are gonna stumble upon it no matter what. It feels like back in the day when I would overhear guys trying to find their father's porno magazines or trying to sneak into the adult section of rental movie stores. I'm just starting to feel like what we're seeing here now is that but on steroids because of how much more easily accessible it is to find it compared to pre 2000s.
>PeachesFair point here, I agree with
>>1972166 where the bitch was never a
victim. A mean girl was mean to her, that was it. That's literally all she had in her dull, boring life and she milked that sympathy and has become almost as bad as Creepshow Art minus the stalking.
No. 1973555
>>1972865I said what I said but maybe "losing sympathy" wasn't the best phrase, "getting exhausted" is better. I'm a tad older than most in this community and I've seen these stories pile up over the last decade and it's absolutely shocking how it seems like every other day you hear these grooming stories like you hear about school shootings in the US. Make no mistake, I am not siding with these awful men who are taking advantage of these teens and they should be punished but all I'm saying is that at this point in time, there are plenty of resources that give sage advice to being relatively safe on the internet for everyone. I'm an autist and my home life wasn't the best but I still managed to stay away from these creeps online even though this was back during the MySpace & DeviantART days. I remember having a few creepy men I didn't know online sending me messages and I would either ignore and/or block them.
I just wish more of these teens practiced common sense and followed the stranger danger principle. I get that a lot of these
victims have mental disabilities and that just because I personally didn't fall for these grooming tactics when I was a teen in the 2000s doesn't mean that others won't because of whatever is going on in their home lives. But still, I admit it's a bit exhausting hearing these stories come out so frequently and it makes you wonder just what can you do to keep these autistic teens. I'd say the men should be locked up but we know the justice system isn't that simple.
One thing for sure we can agree on is that these "pedo hunters" are not really helping matters and they just end up flubbing cases a lot of the time.
>>1973351I agree with you that it's the adult's responsibility to not engage. As I said, "losing sympathy" was the wrong phrasing, "exhausting" better describes how I feel about this.
And see, this is why I don't have a Discord. I feel like ever since Discord became the next "it" thing, a lot of these grooming stories seem to be coming from here a lot more than any other sites at a seemingly higher rate. I could be wrong but it just feels that way, at least for this community.
No. 1973563
>>1973227AYRT and what?? I never knew this but I also don't follow her on Twitter, I just watched her YT videos. My memory is a bit hazy of the old Spoctor drama that Ponder made a long video on, I'll have to re-watch it since it's been a good while but hearing this, it makes sense why she was apart of the acc/senate. Wow.
>>1973234>The entire acc/scc/senate are really just sex pests.It really does seem like it. Was JAR or Mali caught up in sex pest-type things?
>My tinfoil is that everyone with a platform is being blackmailed behind the scenes in order to keep status quo and that’s why it’s been radio silent recently. If it was anyone else we would’ve seen videos left and right until the whole thing was milked to deathThis makes sense. Usually when there's drama on this scale, you'd be seeing videos pop up all over and it turns into a bandwagon but strangely enough, it has not been happening with this situation and it's a pretty big one considering how many popular art commentary channels are involved with the senate. You'd think that with what happened with MintyHeart, there would be more talking about this but the only people who have are Xzae, Gilded Poo, Kumo, and Akumu The latter 2 aren't really big or well known and just… The way they are going about explaining the topic is presented in a juvenile way (I know they are like 18-19?). Point is, there aren't bigger ACC channels covering this and it does raise some concern.
If your tinfoil is correct, it makes you wonder just what Lio has on these people to keep them silent. Could it really be that bad?
No. 1973568
>>1973305AYRT and yeah, I'm not trying to say that these teens deserve this, I would never say that. I think it's unfortunate that these stories are so frequent now and I wish more could be done but look at where we're at now and how these guys keep getting away with it. I also feel like the police just simply don't take this online stuff as seriously as IRL situations.
And you raise a fair point about how because a lot of these teens are autistic, that can be a reason why it feels more traumatic for them when they see it, especially if they're younger. I mean, I'm austistic myself but I didn't see porn until I was around 17-18 (my birthday is later in the year) and though I felt weird seeing it, I was in a better head space. This was also early 2000s and didn't interact with trolls who could've sent me it unwarranted. Like I mentioned
>>1973555 It feels like Discord is especially the huge pit where minors are being exposed to the stuff on a higher level.
>i swear a large part of it though is just autistic kids and teens experiencing the world differently and these cartoon & art online spaces being almost completely on the spectrumRight and if anything, the art/cartoon spaces have become a lot more overtly sexualized at the turn of the 2010s. Like we knew it was always there but as someone who was a teenager in the 2000s messing around on DeviantART and the Gaia Online forums, I can't recall being bombarded with NSFW art, not even softcore, that all seemed to become more prominent when Tumblr got more popular around 09 and into the 2010s.
No. 1973602
>>1973227HUH?! dude that’s gross because there’s a 10 year gap between the two. Chuuli was born in 2002 and Ponder was born in 1992. Goes to show that anyone calling themselves fandom elder, or fandom “mommy” or “daddy” are fucking freaks
> If your tinfoil is correct, it makes you wonder just what Lio has on these people to keep them silent. Could it really be that bad?Yeah it’s probably that bad
No. 1973608
>>1973602>Goes to show that anyone calling themselves fandom elder, or fandom “mommy” or “daddy” are fucking freaks Well now it's just gross how Ponder would refer to herself as "Octo-mommy"… I'm two years older than her and I just took it as her being silly but again, had no idea what she was like on Twitter and now it's completely unnerving.
>Yeah it’s probably that badWell considering how this senate discord seemed to be a cesspool for sex/porn, maybe these members in the senate were sexting/sex rping minors. I mean, I can't imagine these people actually driving up and meeting these teens so it has to be sexting related, that's really the only realistically bad thing I can think of. While I'm sure others just feel guilty for not stepping in and just being bystanders.
No. 1973617
>>1973227If we're sharing weird Ponder stories, I know her as being weird but for a completely different thing. When the Spoctor stuff was happening one of the allegations was that Spoctor was setting up a contest for people to draw porn of his OC. It wasn't technically porn as the contest said no porn (although he linked his furAffinity account for people to send lewd art, but whatever), and Ponder argued both that one picture that was censored, showing Spoctor in kinda femboy lingere and a bulge, wasn't actually worth censoring and also that it needs visible genitalia to be considered porn, and showed art of her octo-mom persona in what's basically a bondage situation (being tied up in christmas shit nude), which is so patently stupid I don't have to explain it.
Is there specific proof or anything archived of Chuuli and Ponder talking like this on the off chance it gets deleted though?
(sage your shit) No. 1973643
>>1973555>doesn't mean that others won't because of whatever is going on in their home lives.See, autists that get preyed often do know that someone is a sex pest right from the start. The problem is that depending on their upbringing they may not know they're
allowed to tell creeps to fuck off. Contrary to everything we know about child safety, a lot of autists are effectively taught that saying no in any circumstance is unacceptable and their body is not their own. Imagine being a kid and an adult or peer is touching you in a way you don't like, but no matter how you express that you don't like that, the person in charge decides you're the bad guy, you're rude, mean, aggressive. It can take decades to undo that conditioning.
>>1973602>Goes to show that anyone calling themselves fandom elder, or fandom “mommy” or “daddy” are fucking freaks Always stay as far away from people with "big momma" type personas as possible. Especially if they refer to their fans as "my children/babies" or any animal equivalent.
No. 1973646
>>1973617The whole Spoctor situation kinda has me fucked up to this day. He was a teen raised by the internet and was actually groomed into thinking being hypersexual was good. Stories, a grown ass woman, pretended to be a kid to groom a teen Spoctor. They made a minor look like a pedo. The dude barely turns 18, and he's marked as a pedo again for shit he did as a minor… AGAIN! All because adult women hate him.
Spoctor is a hornball, but he's a teenager. I can still excuse his actions. I'm just sad he's convinced that he's a POS when in reality he just got caught up with unhinged people who like to throw the word pedophile at people they don't like.
No. 1973648
>>1973646To add fuck Ponder. They defended Spoctor but then want to shit on him for forgetting he had lewds of his ex but got rid of them when he remembered. I forget to delete shit too because my ex's are never on my mind. But when I do pass by them again I delete them just like Spoctor did.
Meanwhile this 30 something year old women is over here drooling over people half her age. If anyone has nudes of teens it's her. And it's def wrong because she's in her 30's. Absolutely no excuse.
No. 1973747
>>1972865And you sound like a fragile teenager who expects the world to care. This isn't tumblr.
If your reading comprehension sucks that bad, you shouldn't be here. Kids ruin everything.
No. 1973771
>>1973704This is basically Mint saying that Lio was verbally
abusive and not physically or sexual. Intersting thing to note is that Lio and Peaches had alot of fights and she would come to the other "siblings" to vent about it. She and Lio took issue with Mint not wishing Peaches a happy birthday and they subsequently blocked one another. She brings up the incident where Lio yelled at her while Peaches was listening. The rest is just Mint clearing other things up. Looks like Peaches posted a tweet about the call she listened in on where Lio was yelling at Mint, but deleted it, Mint has it transcribed on screen:
"I heard everything last night. EVERYTHING. You should be ashamed of yourself. IP tracking literal children and harassing them??? On top of everything else? You're worse than the people in Barrel you cry about. After all the lies ans excuses you dropped yesterday I'm glad dad dropped you. You should be ashamed of yourself.
P.S if you have trouble with your weight, maybe walk and cook instead of paying a months rent on Uber to do it for you. How embarrassing"
Which just confirms Peaches is a vindictive narc. Also top fucking KEK with that P.S considering she's the one that couldn't get off her fatass to workout and resorted ro gastric bypass.
Overall Mint is much more levelheaded and believable because she takes accountability for her emotions getting the better of her. She also very wisely says she will talk to Lio 1-on-1 and not in Senate. Also random to note but it sounds like Queen Serafina left Senate and is not planning on defending Lio as He believes Lio can do that himself.
No. 1973883
>>1973704"If you have trouble with your weight, maybe walk and cook instead of paying a months rent on Uber to do it for you. How embarrassing"
Pot meet kettle?? If peaches had an issue with her weight maybe she could walk and cook instead of paying a small fortune for bariatric surgery?? Peaches is the thumping definition of throwing stones while living in a glass house.
No. 1973949
>>1973921Aah so that's what that info was. Well either way Stories and Spoctor are off the internet for good
As for everyon else involved just wooow
Peaches over here calling people retarded, whores and fat. Projecting much?
No. 1973989

>>1973643>See, autists that get preyed often do know that someone is a sex pest right from the start. The problem is that depending on their upbringing they may not know they're allowed to tell creeps to fuck off. Contrary to everything we know about child safety, a lot of autists are effectively taught that saying no in any circumstance is unacceptable and their body is not their own. Imagine being a kid and an adult or peer is touching you in a way you don't like, but no matter how you express that you don't like that, the person in charge decides you're the bad guy, you're rude, mean, aggressive. It can take decades to undo that conditioning.Yeah those are some fair points. As I admitted, not every autistic kid & teen are the same and some will process situations more sensibly than others. Like I mentioned, when I joined MySpace and DeviantART in the early 2000s, I remember getting messages from guys who I didn't know but I was somewhat old enough to remember I didn't have to do something I was uncomfortable with. And yes I watched Sonic as a kid and vidrel is something that I did think about during that time as cringe as it can be to admit kek.
At that point, I didn't care if I was coming across "mean" or "rude" to someone I didn't even know but again, I acknowledge that everyone is different.
It just makes me wonder what is going on with parenting today with this younger generation. Are parents having these talks about online safety as a whole or are they forgetting to do this? Makes you wonder because of how online kids are these days compared to decades ago.
No. 1973990
>>1973704Hearing Mint's talk essentially about her mental health issues, I have to ask was her home life really that bad? Are her parents really that
abusive? I just find it so alarming that she'd go to this internet stranger instead of her parents or other familial relatives?
>>1973771>P.S if you have trouble with your weight, maybe walk and cook instead of paying a months rent on Uber to do it for you. How embarrassing"The absolute gall of her to think she can criticize Mint on her weight when this bitch is no skinny minnie neither, take your own advice you cow.
No. 1974005
>>1973990Nonna she was being molested by her mom’s boyfriend and her shitty mom defended him. Mint heart was a young impressionable teen that was told by the likes of Vida and Lio that everything would be fine if she lived with them. Obviously it didn’t go well because she was groomed by Vida under Lios watch, and Mint got no justice, and their entire life was uprooted. Lio trying to paint mint as this unstable, lying person is fucking disgusting because emotional instability is expected from a fucking
VICTIM. I think the only person who genuinely showed support was Patchwork Heart while Lio showed his true colors.
No. 1975514
>>1975462Oh for sure, none of these people in the senate were (or are) popular kids in school and they clearly are using the server to overcompensate for what they perceive as their dull lives. And I wasn't popular in school neither, I was the weird quiet kid who would be drawing but still, I just find it hard not to cringe at how these people are acting like their lives are on the line with this internet drama BS. Unless you're stupidly leaking private information of yours or have done something like sent out nudes, you'll be fine. Just exit out of the server and go do something else with your time, it's really not that deep.
Same deal with the pedo hunting, these people are not professionals and they need to stop fucking acting like they know shit, they don't and more importantly, 99% of the time they can't do anything anyway. Just warn people if someone is being creepy and move on.
>I would feel sad for them if they weren't so fucking brainded.Same kek. I tried to go on open-minded as someone who finds this drama either retarded or ridiculous but these people carry themselves in such a dumb and overly dramatic way that I can't feel much of anything except embarrassment for them.
See it's times like this where I miss the dumb DeviantART fangirl/fanboy drama of the late 2000s, early 2010s because at least at the end of the day, the stuff was inoffensive for the most part and eventually the participants realized the drama was stupid fairly early on compared to this pedo hunting drama that seems to last a tad longer.
No. 1975694
File: 1710307802598.png (214.57 KB, 616x466, Senate hugbox .png)

Right now, Lio and his band of brainwashed sheep are trying to get that interview taken down. it's bad enough that CallMeNil who was being interviewed nearly tried to kill themselves in a livestream and they are blaming the person who interviewed them for "leeching off" these interviews like Lio doesn't do the same shit on his own channel when he does Senate calls.
No. 1975696
File: 1710308039815.mp4 (4.86 MB, 1280x720, Sneate_talking_shit_1.mp4)

video with the same spergs. excuse me for double posting.
No. 1975708
File: 1710311887134.jpg (109.57 KB, 1080x1196, 1000003987.jpg)

Peaches deleted her personal Twitter. Her Youtube one is still up. I can only imagine it's because she said a bunch of "pot calling the kettle black" statements that could very easily be used against her kek.
No. 1975817
>>1973704One interesting thing about this video that I'm surprised no one is mentioning is Jordyn stating and Lio and Peaches apparently argue often with one account of Peaches "taking a lot of pills" after an argument where everyone apparently sided with Lio.
Tinfoiling, but I wonder if Peaches will ultimately cut ties with Lio and attempt to "expose" him for being
abusive if the fire under her gets too hot
No. 1975928
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>>1975851Lio is deleting comments saying Peaches needs to take accountability
A few saying that her other recent actions are not okay as well and that Lio is leaving out things she's done. So comments like this will be gone soon.
Birds of a feather
No. 1975929
>>1975851Also to add, what a gaslighter. First he claimed that those screenshots were false and Peaches was never a pervert around children. Now she did but we shouldn't care about it?
Like with that logic why the fuck were they mad at Spoctor for? At least he was a pervert when he was a teen. Peaches draws loli porn, sexual rp with kids and she's still obviously into age play and Lio is doing it with her.
No. 1975934
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Hopeless Peaches has officially nuked all her twitter accounts
No. 1975937
>>1975935I know exactly what she's doing
She's scuicide baiting instead of facing her problems and taking accountability
She'll be back in less than a week to announce she tried killing herself and people need to back off
No. 1975939
>>1975935Huh, I wonder if this is it? Peaches knows she’s backed into a corner now so it would make sense, the only people defending her are Lio and the hardcore Peaches/Lio stans and her videos got flooded with negative comments so I guess it would make sense if she just gave up, and left Lio to pick up the pieces publicly what
>>1975937said is very likely too though. We’re probably gonna get a big milk drop soon in that case because deleting the channel is a big move, any other cows from the ACC/SCC we can focus on in case Peaches runs dry?
No. 1975951
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>>1975934Youtube, Main Twitter, Personal Twitter, and NSFW twitter are all gone. She is absolutely going to be back in a week talking about how she tried to kill herself in an attempt to escape criticism once again. I know the senate are probably bawling their eyes out going "omgggg poor Eren she doesn't deserve this."
Also a fun little tidbit I saw; Pic rel might be Peaches trying to troon out, and if what Mint said was true, things might start to get very interesting between her and Lio kek.
No. 1975954
>>1975951I FUCKING CALLED IT !!! I said that peaches was gonna troon out and rebrand to Eren to add more “uwu
victim card” points and I know damn well Lio is behind this. My tinfoil was correct kek. I knew there was serious onision/laineybot Kai vibes. Lio has this fetish where he makes mentally ill people troon out. I’m calling it right now that she’s gonna eventually move in with him too.
No. 1975994
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Got this from the Doodletones video on Neko Koda. This Mushroom Girl was friends with NK and apparently was having issues with harassment, so Lio pressured her into senate (as a minor when degen shit like the dolphin image was being posted), did the typical pressuring and mocking her in front of an audience in Senate, and threatened to call her fucking parents. It’s already awful but doing this shit to a child, and Lio’s response he denies nothing at all and doesn’t care that he clearly fucking affected this girl, even fucking Peaches thought this was too much (was this their disagreement?) JFC trying to track down a literal kid over internet drama, as if Lio couldn’t get worse
No. 1976001
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>>1975996Funny thing is Lio was defending her around this time (the call was probably before this as this was tweeted after Neko Koda vanished). Like really Lio? It’s too much to make a video on a 15 year old over some art drama but being nearly 40 and threatening to find the info of a teen girl and inviting her to a degen server to humiliate her is ok? Also
>serious allegations against SpoctorWell that aged didn’t it?
No. 1976060
>>1976059Oh absolutely.
If no one acknowledges this then it's absolutely over with Peaches. Lio has no choice but to acknowledge this and if he doesn't well he's digging a deeper hole for himself in any case.
No. 1976080
>>1976062That or she's going to pull her patented, "So you're mad that I didn't kill myself." Excuse like she did with PrisonMateLuke and iirc at least once again more recently. She's just a constant "pity me" machine cause she's starved for attention in her real life.
The truth of the matter is if social media is making her want to commit suicide every 5 months it should be a pretty clear indicator to GET. OFF. LINE.
No. 1976275
>>1976242Yeah but Doodle is one of Lio's croonies and helps pull people into the senate to harass them. Literally fuck off
And not you nonna, Doodles
No. 1976471
>>1976330It could be that because they have a smaller following its a combination of their demographic being very niche and less scrutinizing and if their audience does turn on them they dont have much to lose since they werent earning much on their channel anyway and they rely on their IRL jobs
meanwhile these larger creators do depend on their views and for the most part their revenue is their main source of income so if it all comes tumbling down there out of luck LOL
There's more eyes on them and they have to constantly keep an image if they want to hold on to revenue
And this extends to them keeping there circle tight and going to bat for each other. the larger scope of the acc is just a clique masked behind fake virtues. why else are they so quick to make videos outside their group but the moment its their associates theyre either dead silent, "quietly" distance themselves or pump out videos defending them?
No. 1976535
>>1975924Agreed. She is just like Shannon in every way and it's no wonder they were once close friends. I feel like Peaches likes to cling to older
toxic people to feel like she has that big sis (Shannon) or "daddy" (Lio) to help in feeling justified for bullying people but then loses that audacity when she's on her own and turns into a crybully.
But yeah, I really hope people don't fall for her shit when she inevitably returns, someone should definitely expose her pattern of behavior and lay it out flat. Do not excuse her "grooming" excuse that you know she'll 99/1000 will do because it seems like in this community if you say that you were groomed, you are exempt from criticism.
No. 1976540
>>1975937Very likely indeed and the idiot people in the Senate are going to buy it hook, line, and sinker. I hope that at least some in there will keep it real.
>"She'll be back in less than a week to announce she tried killing herself and people need to back offI can already hear how she's going to phrase this kek. "So uh… Hello everyone. It uh… Has been awhile. For those of you wondering where I have been and if I'm uh… Doing okay? I'm not… I… -sniff- I-I've been dealing with a lot with my mental health and I attempted to take my own life… -sniff- I-It's been very hard, I'm not doing well…" Blah blah, you get the idea kek
>>1975939There's no way she just deleted her channel. Is it possible to private your YouTube like you can a Facebok or Instagram account? I just find it very discerning that she would just up and delete everything and want to start all over again. Then again maybe that is what she's really gonna try to do. Come back with a new username and say that she is not Peaches anymore and that that drama is all in the past (without actually taking accountability and responsibility for her actions of course) and the likelihood that she is now trooning out could also be a way to distance and get out of the drama surrounding her "old life" kek.
>>1975944Don't feel bad anon, I feel the same. People saying that hey want to kill themselves in this community is very common and it's usually just a cry for attention or to get out of responsibility when caught up in a drama and Peaches is one of the worst cases of this. People can what they want about Prison Mate Luke, he was a dumbass but he was not wrong about Peaches being a suicide-baiter who uses that to weasel out of drama.
No. 1976543
>>1976540She has two weeks to get her youtube channel back and I believe a similar amount of time for her other socials.
Websites usually do this incase you change your mind.
It's actually kinda shitty of Peaches. If she deletes her youtube like this people can't unsub from her. So before the two weeks are up the heat will be off and she wont lose as many subs. Peaches is manipulative. But it's getting less cute. What is she like in her mid 20's?
No. 1976549
>>1975994At this point I can believe it. If he was so pathetic to call up a school to get one over a fucking teenager who was not afraid of him and saw him for the fat loser that he is, I can believe this too. Lio just likes to assert dominance over kids because it makes him feel powerful becasuse he can't do that with people who are older. He's so fucking pathetic and I hope someone in the ACC puts everything out on blast about this dude.
>>1976041It's just projection. These two POS' know that their looks are just as terrible as their personalities. They are the last people who should be talking down about someone's appearance when they look the way that they do. Maybe they think that they look like their avatars or something because the lack of awareness is astounding.
>>1976059-Curb your enthusiasm theme -
>>1976110I see this happening as well and considering how the only people who have done a full expose' video on her are Xzae and Gilded Poo, two figures whom are very controversial (I would say Gilded Poo more than Xzae tbh), it's gonna be somewhat easy for them to pull this off as well. Because Lio and his little uberfans have already done things to try to discredit these two by calling Xzae a domestic abuser and Gilded Poo as a general creep because of his edgy past. The only person who seems to have a clean slate is this Tommy's House guy (
>>1975269 ) who has been doing interviews with some ex-members of the Senate but he doesn't have all that many subs so it might not do much unless he interviews Mint Heart before. I'm not sure if Mint Heart plans to make a fuller video since it doesn't seem like she's in the right head space to do that when this is all still so fresh but an interview might be better for her.
>>1976543>What is she like in her mid 20's?She's currently 24 years old if I remember correctly.
No. 1976552
>>1976321Omg yes, we love to see more people calling them out. Even if they are smaller channels, it's better than nothing lol.
TBH though, I remember watching one Leigha's old videos and thought she was a troon because of her voice but it turns out she's a bodybuilder and may have dabbled with roids but I could be wrong with that assumption. Anyway thanks for sharing this anon, gonna definitely watch later.
No. 1976556
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I was watcing Kumo's stream from yesterday and it had some old discord chats from Peaches last year. Basically Peaches said that Lio's wife was accusing Peaches of homewrecking and was generally mad at her and Lio sat his wife down like a child and forced her to apologise to Peaches. Peaches also shit talked Jordyn and accused Jordyn of wanting to date Peaches' ex. Sorry for the shit quality, nonnas, these are the best screencaps my laptop could take.
No. 1976560
>>1976558 >>1976557It’s the way even Lio’s wife thinks their Sugar Daddy DDLG shit is more than just family
>>1781317 Kumo was mentioned here as well, so it definitely seems like he’s got a questionable past as well, why can’t we have a normal person in this situation? Only one I’ve liked so far is Leigha for being bluntly honest in her streams and not doing the other bullshit everyone else in this community does
No. 1976576
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Just adding to Peaches being a freak. This was made after Jordyn was disowned. I will never know what this scrote sees in this landwhale to get hom to go against hos own wife for her, but I hope Lio's wife leaves him kek.
No. 1976580
>>1976576Seriously what an asshole. And Peaches wants people to sympathize with her?
Also it's because he likes Peaches's baby sona and voice. He can't do the weird ddgl rp with anyone else and it's clear they both like the age play shit. I don't think his wife is into that shit. That and if Peaches squeals she'll also be outed for liking that loli shit when she tried to cancel people for the same shit. At least her enemies were just drawing teen anime characters. Peaches over here is a full blown loli/shota con.
No. 1976584
>>1976576Just to add, that whole drawing is projection. Sulking while rotting around junk food smelling foul with a loser sign? This chick needs therapy and a ban from being online.
Like seriously, does Peaches have anyone irl? Her family disowened her for being a raging bitch and the only contact she has with her ex seems to be for legal reasons with negative interactions. Sorry but if Peaches was a good person she would have at least a couple people in her irl life. Not even her own family can be around her.
No. 1976614
>>1976576I would love to see Peaches and Lio try to defend this, they’re definitely gonna be leaving things out when their videos come out because there’s no way you can justify punching down at Jordyn this much
>>1976600Not shocking we already saw it with that Mushroom Girl, Lio seems to like threatening kids with outing to their parents over being dumb online, as if he has to mentally damage them in order for them to learn anything and acting like they won’t all cringe at this by the time they’re 20
No. 1976616
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Same anon as above, I don’t know if anyone here cares about CarmenRider but here they are being an opportunistic brat as usual about the Lio stuff. Won’t shock me if Carmen and their circle try to cash in on the latest controversy to go “I was always right”
No. 1976755
>>1976321something interesting I heard Lio say in this livestream/video @ 1:39:58 to approximately 1:40:06
>>"I'm not going to detail because I don't think it's right, but Peaches shouldn't have responded to this because it happened a decade ago when Peaches was 18."I'm sorry what
No. 1976760
>>1976755Lets hope Lio is stupid
If not then what a huge bit of drama if Peaches is lying about her age. Her whole "I was groomed"
victim status would be thrown out the window and she would be labled as the groomer.
No. 1976873
>>1976860If/When someone does please use this picture because I find that derp-face more hilarious than anything
>>1969561>>1976770Watched a bit of that video, Star Giant is a cow in their own way and the parasocial Lily Orchard obsession doesn’t help but Mr Enter’s been a laughingstock for over a decade by this point so a crossover between him and Lio doesn’t shock me, they share many behaviors
No. 1977021
>>1976947It really is and it looks like Peaches little stunt is working since now you'll have this distraction to pop up when it comes to people who won't call her by he/him pronouns. "twansphobia" they will cry. Just fuck off, all of them kek.
First world problems that affect nothing.