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No. 447573
Previous threads:
>>>/pt/12332>>>/pt/20741>>>/pt/321974>>>/pt/400701>>>/pt/415881>>>/pt/438380In the course of the last thread:
>Before the money from selling the "unwanted gift" S8 and S8+ phones had time to reach her pocket, Raven went on a $300+ spending spree on TradeMe buying a Chuckie doll for Josh, more toys, clothing, and red contact lenses. Oh, and she also bought a used suitcase for $20.>She posted her final video from the Antipodes, a lengthy monologue devoted to her regret over splitting up with Logan, his unwavering love for her, how much she dislikes New Zealand, and being nervous about her upcoming flight and fear of being shot in South Carolina for looking like a witch.>Meanwhile, Josh was desperately posting to housing wanted groups on Facebook.>Dorian and his Lovely Girlfriend paid us a visit to assure us of their wellbeing despite Raven's attempts at sabotage. They provided screencaps of Raven's abusive messages to them and answered our questions. Three cheers for Dorian and LG!>A stray dog which had been living with the Bradleys for several months was shot with an arrow by their neighbor, and Raven consoled Josh with the qualifier, "…and I don't even like dogs.">A day before she was due to depart she posted that they had been forced to "push her flight back by two fucking weeks :-(" But later that day Josh posted, "It's almost time…" Lack of communication on their part, or was Raven getting one over on the haters?>While waiting to find out if she had made her way to the fabled Land of Couch, farmers amused themselves by mining the archives of her defunct raven-official website and other appearances on the net for heretofore unposted gems.>Three days after she should have arrived in Couchland, she deactivated all of her Facebook and Instagram profiles and made private all but her first video about Josh and all of the videos about her break up with Logan.>Did she stay in New Zealand to continue to occupy Ryan's spare room? Or did she and Logan reunite in codependent bliss? Or is her social media blackout a ruse and she is happily overflowing Josh's mom's couch or ensconced in a cheap hotel room with her Funko Pops and ugly unicorns?Facebook: (community) (community) (community) and Videos: (current) (unlinked video about being cyber-bullied by a fake website) (10-part "My Story") (her pets and Ryan's dogs) Leaked Videos: Media: Galleries:
http://starbl00d.deviantart.comhttp://starbl00d-stock.deviantart.comhttps://raven-revamped.deviantart.com*/ Manning Bradley: No. 447582
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This just in!
No. 447589
>>447582So many things could be happening, such as:
>she went back to Logan>has control over joshs account maybe??>ghosting to prove us h8s wrong or some dumb shit>she went and possibly shit went wrongI’m leaning more towards she never left and possibly stayed with Logan.
No. 447594
>>447592I really, really hope it's true, anon. It's looking less and less like that's the case though.
She'll be milky wherever she goes but it really sucks that she still has her meaty claws in Logan.
Hopefully Dorian and his girlfriend stay safe, too.
No. 447596
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Is this re-uploaded by one of us or is this her account?
Either way this video is cringe
No. 447600
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>>447594I know, this development is milky but it's not the milk I ordered.
No. 447604
>>447589I know whatever it is she's going to play it off as some triumph that we're confused about what's going on.
whatever floats your boat that doesn't involve child abuse, Raven
No. 447611
>>447586She wouldn't post anything anywhere that would give the haters reason to speculate or gloat.
She probably deactivated her profiles and made the videos private because she would be faced with questions from her supporters.
>>447596This was iirc the last video of her and Logan discussing the end of their relationship.
That account is one of two which archived her leaked videos. They are listed in the OP.
>>447605It's still up on her account, so no hurry. But it is definitely one that should be archived in case she removes it.
No. 447628
>>447622Was that a new video?
Yeah she posts a ridiculous amount of unnecessary detail, from her thoughts upon meeting her child groom, to descriptions of her bickering in a Facebook group for brides, to her joint videos with the husband she just dumped.
It's gotten to the point I would feel better not knowing this shit and I was hoping she'd go to America, be the problem of a 30 year old man, and I could quit checking to see how much she's ruining her son and Logan's life.
Most people, if they put this level of detail out, it'd be boring af but to top things off, she tells everyone in detail about how fucking psycho she is, like she's proud of being an objectively terrible person.
No. 447630
>>447604Well, one thing none of us are confused about is that she's a child molester and rapist. It's too bad that NZ is stuck with this piece of shit predator and groomer.
Hi Diana!
No. 447642
>>447639He has looked depressed most of their relationship, but if I were to pinpoint it, I would say around the time they fought over porn.
When she announced their break-up she said that their relationship was over by October or November of last year. Yet they celebrated their anniversary in February with dinner and tattoos. Of course, she has made the videos private now.
No. 447652
> … I would be a great mother … because I would know what not to put a kid through She says this in 2014 as if she doesn't already have a son that she's failed in so many ways and put through so much.
She explains that it's ok for her to wish people's children dead because they're mean to her, but when people wish she just wouldn't have anymore kids because she's a psycho, that's wrong. What? Even if someone was bullying her, how does that make their children deserve death? She says this as if it shows that she's in the right. Does she actually believe that?
The pity party she throws in this shows me how she manipulates men by acting pathetic and persecuted, as if she's not a child abuser.
No. 447677
>>447652I honestly couldn't get through that video
" it's okay for me to wish other people's children dead "
smashes face off desk Anyone catch the where she basically claimed she invented selfies..
I honestly might be the only one but I 100% think she's in the states like the other anon said she isn't clever enough to sync up times being online with her flights/stopovers and why would josh still have those photos up? And surely if she really did just ditch him he'd be mad enough to talk about it? She purposely trying to annoy people whilst letting the Dorian heat die down.
No. 447687
>>447677I think she's in the US too because as you say she's not smart enough to hide her online absence during flights and she admitted she likes fucking with us which would account for so many of the proofless posts on her last thread.
I'm going to ignore this thread, milk other cows and starve this narc of attention until I get the milk I ordered.
No. 447692
>>447582Remember that this account is controlled by Raven. If things went south I don't think he'd reply at all. If you truly don't wanna talk about it, you don't say anything at all, you greet these inquiries with silence. Raven can't understand that because she's a massive attention whore.
Apparently she wants to keep up the narrative that he's in grief over a fallout. Also note she didn't delete any videos with Josh, they are just private.
this grown ass 41 year old fat bitch supreme is snickering and feeling triumphant at making a few random "trollers" curious for a few minutes of their day. You are retarded, Raven. This took way more effort out of your day than ours. We just wondered internally, you went through deactivation of everything and privatizing of tons of vids which you claim make you money. We control you, you shota-loving NEET.
>>447687>This No. 447696
>>447692He has just added two new photos of himself as a kid and at graduation.
The videos of Logan which are gone are private, not deleted
>>447181 She has been making them private steadily since she announced her fling with Josh.
>>447687If it is a ruse she could have filmed the haul video, saying that she decided too put it together since she had extra time, and schedule it to start Friday morning.
No. 447697
Funny how all this "information" comes after a travel-length hiatus, meet up with Couchie….and start of working week.
She's convinced herself we are against her and Couchie. So what better way to troll the alleged hayduuuurz than by claiming it all went wrong o noes then, when we're all talking about it, come up with "ha! Fooled you all!" It could easily be that Couchie has gone to work/score meth, and this is her first day alone in the motel or on the couch. What else to do except fuck around on social media, thinking she's sending us all on a wild goose chase.
She's nearly as much of an idiot as she is attention whore. What she fails to recognise is that we really don't care about the minutiae - CJ, Josh, A.N Other side prick, its all the same to us. Its just as pathetic if she's retrapped Logan than if she's esconced on the couch face first in shit processed food. It's absolutely in her MO to spin a line but it's pointless cos we'll find a way to laugh at the silly cow any which way.
I don't care where she is. None of us do, Ravy. Our only reason for wanting you out of NZ is for Dorian, Lovely GF and Logan but we really don't give a fuck about you. Either you went, which makes you a sad old baggage, or you didn't. Which makes you a sad old baggage. But if you are thinking you're somehow manipulating us with all this mystery, get over yourself. It just looks more and more pathetic, wherever you are.
No. 447701
>>447687This is the main thing keeping my hope of Couchland alive.
I'm sure it would've occured to Raven to try staying offline on the day of her flight, but I don't think she would have the willpower to actually do it unless she was on her flight for real.
Can any anons remember how long she managed to stay offline for after faking her own death? IIRC it wasn't very long before the allure of shitty facebook games and sweet pity came to drag her back online.
No. 447734
>>447711Exactly. Tbh, the only reason I hope she has gone is so I can enjoy the shit-show without any pangs of conscience. Couchie's an adult, they both lie their tits off - let them enjoy throwing pans at each other.
It just seems sus timing to me and she's always banging on about "fucking with the haaayduuurz." The fact a 40+ hag even has that in her vocabulary, let alone mindset, says it all. Talk about a sterile, empty life…all obsession, scheming and machinating over random unknowns who are just entertaining themselves on the lavvy. Achievement unlocked, Ravy. Be proud.
No. 447803
All vids in the 'Josh and my new life' playlist are now gone. Last time I checked the 'how I met Josh' was still up.
Have we seen this?
They are not listed.
Two vids of live shows Raven went with Logan on August 24th think she realized that 'being disrespectful to someone you never even met' is not really a reason to end a 5yo marriage.
Gosh dammit
No. 447814
>>447803Ugh, she's one of those people who films an entire gig on her phone.
Is Logan shown in these? I couldn't see him.
No. 447819
>>447628Wow, I was going to link you the video. I had put that video in a playlist but she deleted it already. It was an old video, but a "rare" one on an old YouTube account of hers. I guess she reads here a lot. Anyway, the lengthy video was her complaining about why she's treated differently when she shares just as much as anyone else, hilarious…
Exactly. We would have never known anything but she literally did this to herself. Have you seen the video where she explains how she used to torture, cut open, stuff, and then sew up animals since she was in some weird cult? And in the same breath, saying not to judge her because the past is the past. She can thank herself for making it easy for others to recognize her as a nutcase.
No. 447821
>>447819Seems like she's monitoring this page all day. She must be real pissed off to dedicate all her time to us h8ers!
Hi Gravy!! Now who has no life??
No. 447905
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More "look how hawt I am, everyone wants me"
No. 447921
>>447803Jesus fucking Christ Raven, can you get out of this forum like, for an hour? We are trying to talk about you, geez, people have no clue.
>>447814Yeah, she shoved the camera on his face a couple of times. He looked like he was enjoying the gig while she was just randomly recording it all.
No. 447987
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>>447905>>447960Sure Raven dear. Is that a dead Sharpei on your forehead?
No. 447997
>>447989She's been trying to play up her superior Azn genetics forever now. Could you imagine waking up to
>>447987 every morning? Especially since she apparently doesn't wear makeup except for videos and going out.
No. 448030
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>I don't even like dogs, unless I can use them as accessories
No. 448033
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No. 448034
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No. 448036
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She posted on Goth Boys on the 7th.
No. 448044
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" I'm not a whore "- Hagravren Sparks
No. 448144
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Anyone catch in the vidme archived videos (Josh 1) where Raven admits to Josh that she has around 60 fake profiles. I took and attached a screenshot marking the time she starts divulging (about 33 minutes in)
60 additional profiles?!? That’s an excessive amount of crazy. Wow.
I’m new to posting a comment here, so if I screwed it up, my bad.
No. 448186
>>448144Yeah I remember that. What does she use them all for? Just for likes on her main profile?
I wish she had mentioned a username so we could see what these other accounts are about.
No. 448208
>>448206Omg I totally forgot about that. Right. So you think she seriously did all this just for attention? Damn. It's hard to process because it's so abnormal and extreme.
Then again, my best friend's ex (who hates his guts now) still has photos of him up. Maybe it's some false hope that things can still work out me be all good again.I really wonder what's going on.
No. 448212
>>448208>abnormal and extremeThat's every day in the world of Raven.
She could be feeling some culture shock as well as isolation in the hotel room all day (assuming she went over there). If she was feeling on top of things she'd be gloating.
Another anon said she wants to avoid questions more than avoid us, and I agree.
No. 448213
>>448206Maybe he killed her on arrival and is waiting for someone to report her missing.
Don't hold your breath, bruv.
No. 448215
>>448214Nahhhhh, He'll be fine……
" What is dead may never die "
No. 448225
>>448220It really fucks me off that Dorian is ostracised for nothing more than speaking his truth. Most teenagers go through a stage if hating their parents and we don't have bloody Raven as a mother.
How spectacularly immature of Ryan to cut Dorian just because he and Lovely GF said stuff here - stuff he's entitled to say and besides, it's hardly been excoriating, in fact it's staggering how chill he is. Nobody gets to deny his perception but it's a miracle he speaks at all, given the consequences he's learned.
Fuck you, Raven and all your little cronies, for removing your son's voice. Especially as you bitch and moan endlessly about your parents. And props to Lovely GF for giving him that voice back - once someone has been reduced that far, it's a long road.
Sage for impotent ranting.
No. 448226
>>448212Lol you crack me up. It's true, it really is an everyday thing for her.
That anon happens to be me, and likewise, I agree with you as well. She has no good answer for anything, I'd be hiding too. I wonder how long her shock/terrible decisions in general will keep her distracted.
No. 448231
>>448230But when you lose something people don't want..
People don't look for it…
No. 448233
>>448228He may not have. Raven could have set it up - she's more interested in being seen as loved than actually loved.
I'd be more inclined to believe she didn't go except the timings tell against - long gaps, posting during stopovers, sudden removal of everything when Couchie has to go to work. The deletion activity has mostly happened within a working-day US timeframe.
Maybe it did all go tits up. As I said y'day, it's all just as much fun either way. Dunno which i want more, her in small-town hell or the story she'll spin if it all went to hell!
No. 448235
>>448231But it's just so outrageous nonetheless. Look at the poll posted here earlier, I think it was over 50 people who voted within minutes. That's like a hundred people maybe who know she's going to see Josh. I really don't think he'd try something. Though if she really is hurt, regardless of everything she's done, she's still a mother to someone and I'd truly feel very bad.
That being said, I really think she's ok and just being dramatic.
No. 448243
>>448238>>448239I honestly couldn't be sure but lets be honest she flew across the world without probably even knowing his registered address, She probably just got as far as " You're coming to the airport right ?! "
Stranger things have happened, Plus does the guy seem stable to you guys? From what we've seen of him plus Claudia's testimonial, It's perfectly plausible.
No. 448248
>>448242Agreed. Maybe she went and is having a lovely time with Couchie. Maybe she didn't. But wild speculation just plays into her "they're obsessed with me" schtick, and extrapolation tends to become truth in a vacuum.
If she's fucking with us, we're rewarding her with out-there scenarios. If she's hiding, she'll use that speculation to deflect from whatever the reality is. We'll find out soon enough and it'll be mental either way.
No. 448253
>>448247lol, sorry, I posted the initial suggestion as a joke and came back to find people speculating on it seriously. I agree it's unlikely, I never meant it as a realistic scenario.
>>448248 The fact she plays to us is hilarious. Imagine your life being this much of a trainwreck, then imagine broadcasting that to the public in detail, and THEN imagine checking on your "haters" and setting up tricks for them, like fake death.
No. 448254
>>448250Ok I caused trouble suggesting he killed her before, but, just for lulz… what if
she killed
She deleted the videos connecting them and is hiding out while using Josh's social media accounts instead of her own while she avoids the law.
No. 448258
>>448255Apologies for not saging !
I laughed so hard I forgot!!
No. 448260
>>448254it beats the current theory of 'the last thing she did before he killed her was delete all her social media profiles'
previously I pictured raven riding a Rascal down to taco bell; now I'm imagining an OJ style police chase instead.
No. 448264
>>448253All this is why she's my fave cow. Just hearing a grown adult talking about "haaaydurz" is hilarious; add in that she's but a tiny blip on these sites supposedly all about her and I start needing oxygen.
The cow that just keeps on giving.
No. 448273
>>448268How burned would the buyer feel if they bought their sex-slave unseen? Some sweaty old perv buys a ton of lube and waits in anticipation for his lusty US cheerleader. The box arrives, he opens it shaking with anticipation, and…
I'd want a refund.
No. 448281
>>448264I couldn't agree more, anon.
She is definitely not dead. She's just tantruming.
On the eve of her departure Dorian was supposed to realize she was right and make up with her (classic passive aggressive narcissist mother behavior - always
know they are right and are just waiting for everyone else to
realize it). Instead, he (and GF) came to lolcow to give a narrative that A. is different from hers and B. made her look bad. And, to add insult to injury, all he and GF received was love and acceptance from us, something she desperately wants yet has never achieved. There is no way she wasn't/still is super upset over that.
Also, she is still human. Leaving your only child on a bad note/life you've known for 10 years must be difficult. And we all know how she handles stress lol.
I think her deleting all her social media:
1. Is an attempt to punish Dorian. By deleting all her shit she's effectively cut off communication from him. So even if he wanted to check on her and make sure she is ok and not murdered (which is natural for any child, regardless of how they were treated), he is left wondering. Which, as we all know, is Gravy's favorite form of attention. It also give's her the last word, in her mind, which is clearly super important to her.
2. As a bonus, she get's to punish us by keeping us wondering too.
I believe she made it to couchland. She's fine, just irate. Over the past few days, any time someone has mentioned one of her posts/videos on here, within minutes she removes it - this is her way of showing us that she is watching and is ultimately in control lol.
I also believe the random posts saying "don't ask how I know, but she is in NZ and broke up with Josh" was her. She's trying to stir up confusion. She will inevitably make a triumphant video about how
happy she is in couchland and use a (very) select few examples of us speculating she is ded to gloat about how stoopid we all are and how she is the gravyiest puppet master ever.
Sage for armchair psychology, but I enjoyed myself.
TLDR: she's in couchland, alive, throwing an online fit.
No. 448282
>>448216Lovely fiance! Congrats to you both!
Yes, I know, sage
No. 448285
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Gets me every time lmao
No. 448330
>>448281Yep, that's pretty much how I see it too.
With the added rage that Dorian is probably supposed to have realised at the last minute that she is indeed the fulcrum around which his life turns, and now be a sobbing mess because she's gone. She was probably hoping he'd come to the airport just too late and, having been too late for the dramatic scene she envisioned, pine away in recognition of his terrible loss.
You just know Ravy is the sort of person who imagines everyone feeling terrible at her funeral, all moping around wishing they'd seen how wonderful she truly was and now, alas, too late as she lies looking suitably goffik in her coffin with bawling husbands draped all over it. And there being a rota cos that many people want to sleep on her gravestone.
That's no doubt how Dorian (and Logan and Ryan and the rest of NZ) was supposed to react to her leaving, but yet again Dorian has let her down by just getting on with his life and not creating some dramatic leaving scene. Sucks to be Raven…
It blows my mind anyone can get to her age and still behave like life is some kind of trashy romance novel, full of purple prose and "sexy" vampires. Ker-razy.
No. 448351
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Poll anon here. Please take the tallies with a grain of salt. When I set it up I turned on the "anti-cheat" option. But at various times when I have checked the poll it has reset, allowing me to vote three times from the same location, device, and IP (I distributed my votes between the first two options).
>When using advanced anti-cheat algorithms, there is a chance that genuine answers are considered cheating. The system uses an advanced calculation based on geographic location, client information, and other elements to calculate whether it is likely that a response is a cheat. If respondents are located mostly within the same sub-net (for example same company or university network) it might appear to Easypolls that they have the same IP address. If so, genuine respondents might be considered to be cheaters.
No. 448353
>>448337>>448347Where's all this anger coming from? Relax.
>>448350That's what we were talking about earlier, I can't believe she'd be so rude to her actual supporters. Well, I hope this at least deters your sister from being her fan.
No. 448354
>>448350Maybe as an older anon you should direct her to more positive alt influencers. Like, tell her what a shit human being Raven is for doing that to her, and block her shit out of your lil sis life.
I would.
No. 448360
Does anyone follow her on Twitter? She has very low following/follower counts, so she probably doesn't use it much if at all.
>>448045Why do you say that the Goth Boys post was not made by her?
No. 448364
>>448363Preach, fellow anon!
>>448360I think Goth Boys have other admins? She even said she lost control over it once, a 'company' tried to 'buy' it?
No. 448408
File: 1507749049516.jpeg (Spoiler Image,83.07 KB, 666x758, 4A16125B-FE0A-4290-826E-572258…)

This just in!! Confirmed she’s still with Logan!
No. 448412
>>448408Damn, poor Logan. I feel really sorry for him for how under
She will never stay off the internet for long, she needs the attention to live. It will be back to her being online (with caveats at first, like "oh, but I HAVE to tell my followers about this store" or something equally as bullshit), and then before you know it it'll be right back to how it was before, with her posting every part of her life online and Logan having to put up with it.
One of the things Raven doesn't do is compromise. It's her way or no way, and while she's pretending that she will make sacrifices so Logan takes her back, it won't be long before that falls through. She is incapable of changing her ways, we have seen it time and again. This will be no different.
We can only hope Logan sticks to his guns and leaves her when she inevitably goes back to sharing everything.
No. 448418
>>448408Noooo! I knew she couldn't keep her grubby paws off his Kiwi Saver $$$. She'll convince him to move to America, then dump him asap.
GTFO while you can Logan.
No. 448434
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>>448408Thank you all for playing!
No. 448450
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>>448408Welp. I am off the pro-Logan train for good.
No. 448451
>>448434Yay! From Josh's reaction video, I knew he didn't think her visiting was a real thing. He was only playing around and probably wanted some gross nudes in the end. You don't go from couchland to independence for a fat goth whale overnight.
I sort of feel bad for Logan, but it's obviously what he wants. Let's see how long her promise will last. Hope you enjoy seeing the "Josh" tattoo on your wife's finger, Logan. You're sure stupid.
No. 448454
Someone should send this thread to Josh, now that he's "allowed" to read it. I'd do it myself, but I don't use Facebook.
He dodged a bullet, though I can't help but feel sorry for Logan and all of NZ.
>>448408 He looks utterly defeated.
No. 448463
>>448408>Josh stepped asideas in, I dumped him for not giving me the attention I needed
>I promised Logan I wouldn't be online like that and make our lives publicNEW POOL - HOW LONG UNTILL RAVEN SCREWS UP AND COMES BACK TO ONLINE RANTS?
I give her 5 days.
>I only log in to check with people I'm close and when I get comments on certain things it reminds me to get rid of it.And us, like everyday, every hour. Hi Raven.
>We did make a video…Ok, so… changing my bet… 2 days.
>>448451NEW POOL - What will Josh tattoo cover up be?
What about the love that was bigger than your saggy tits? Really?? "Nah… he stepped aside"…
And you don't know why you are a cow, Raven? ffs
You cheated on your husband with a stranger in the internet, YOU MADE A VIDEO ABOUT HOW JOSH WAS BETTER THAN LOGAN!!!!!! WITH LOGAN BY YOUR SIDE!!!!
You tattoo his name on your fucking finger, you begged for donations and got help from you followers just to, what? "Nah, i changend my mind?"
I'm out.
No. 448470
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fucking hell logan get your life together
No. 448476
>>448408Huh, he has facial hair in that photo. Either he grew a beard, shaved for her birthday, then grew one again, or they were already together before her birthday, not long after buying the ugly bear (and he since kowtowed to her preferences that he shave)
>>448412Don't feel sorry for him now. Logan is dead. Now there's just a meatspace sock puppet for Raven that looks like him. He has no will of his own; he is just an agent for the dark beast. He had his chance to escape and he chose this fate. Do not mourn him.
>>448427See now I definitely feel sorry for his family.
No. 448479
>>448446I doubt it, she had to wait until they moved out to be separated and it takes 2 years.
It’s a shame Logan missed out on a normal life to get back with the pedo mom. He was so close to being free, he should have kept his distance and kept his regrets to himself.
If you guys haven’t yet, download the rest of the videos so whatever deletions only affect her not us.
No. 448485
>>448454Josh was an arsehole and a grown man to boot. He should have copped that bullet.
But Logan has worked longer and has savings. Kaching.
Shit, maybe Josh's latest piss test came back bad and his cashflow is under question.
Here's a way to prove your love for Logan besides staying offline - get a fucking job.
No. 448509
>>448507I think this, Way too fishy
The story…and her genitals
No. 448513
>>448497Same, it cringes me out as well but I agree. It's always fine to dislike words, not sure why people lost their cool because someone didn't like "kek."
>>448501Yeah. There's no hope for him anymore. I honestly don't think he will ever be okay.
No. 448515
>>448497>>448513'Cuck' is super overused on the internet but what the fuck else do you call someone who would take back their ex who still has the name of the "love that was more than love" they cheated on you with
tattooed on their fucking finger?
No. 448525
>>448518If he did read here but still got back with her, he'd be the cuckiest cuck of all the cucks that ever got cucked.
>>448507I bring attention to the facial hair on Logan that makes me think this was filmed well before her birthday, when Logan bought her the ugly bear. If she was going to fake this it makes sense she did it in advance… or because we haven't even see the video, this is just a goodbye photo together that she's misappropriated.
Hope lives.
No. 448539
>>448518No, he doesn't. He's unhappy and very confused right now.
This cunt really did a number on this poor kid's head.
No. 448553
>>448442I totally hope that she can't keep her fat mouth shut and lands in jail. She's another cow I can't help actively wishing negative shit on.
Ugh, she's such a pig.
No. 448562
>>448555Some of us would, some of us wouldn't, but there comes a point where personal responsibility kicks in, and that point was reached when Logan had an out, a period of time away from her influence, time as a young man, not a boy anymore, to have a good look at his life and think about wtf happened.
Even if Raven has made him into a pathetic loser, he is nonetheless a pathetic loser.
No. 448564
>>448525Damn, I want to believe this but it just seems like so much fucking work.
Wait, this is Raven we're talking about.
Fuck it, she's totally capable of this level of retarded fuckery.
No. 448572
>>448568Actually I have said experience, I just don't blogpost or project about it too much. BPD mother, malignant covert narc ex. And I've been a pathetic loser in the past. Siblings with stronger personalities have reacted quite differently and therefore not been losers.
There's an overlap between victim and enabler, but coddling enablers and keeping them above criticisms for their decisions is infantilising and counterproductive. They will keep enabling if they think they don't share in the blame.
Logan, Ryan, etc, are enablers.
No. 448574
>>448569I'm guessing some NZ anons might be taking the news pretty hard.
Or Raven.
No. 448575
>>448569Eh, I think people are feeling disappointed in Logan if this story is true, and disgusted that maybe Raven is getting away with her usual fuckery. Also maybe a bit worried for Lovely Fiance and Dorian's peace of mind, if it is true. It's making people edgy, I guess.
I am on the fence with whether she is trying to pull as fast one or not. I guess we'll see.
No. 448576
>>448571No, we didn't troll ourselves. Cmon, these have been the most exciting bathroom breaks I've had in ages, I regret nothing.
It still might all work out, anon. You may still get your taco-stained couch schadenfreude. Stay positive.
No. 448586
>>448584Do you guys have any way to confirm any of this ? Did she live near by ?
Oh and you're welcome ha!
No. 448587
>>448572lol @ you bitching about someone else blogposting
just sayin
No. 448590
File: 1507762136125.gif (2.85 MB, 640x360, IMG_4730.GIF)

>>448577That's the spirit. It's like Dr Phil says: do you want to be right or happy? We weren't always right in our speculations but it's been a laugh riot (dark humour of course, in between reflections on the nature of evil, etc)
No. 448601
>>448591posting to her youtube? I suspect she will but I dunno anon. We're just sitting here giggling and wondering whats up too. I find it hilarious that her getting offline only made lolcow waay more active and bringing up all the aweful stuff she's said in the past. probably not her intended result lmao.
>>448594Don't worry anon, we're v much through with her. She can make as many rant videos about us as she wants, we will just laugh and share it with our friends so they can share the lols. :) Don't worry about us <3
No. 448602
File: 1507763574141.png (67.93 KB, 800x801, Screenshot_2017-10-11-16-10-44…)

>>448360My question has just been answered.
No. 448620
>>448616>he didn’t seem happy at allJosh? I thought it she caught him by surprise while he was working, and so shit suddenly got real.
Honestly, if this stuff is true, I wonder if he told her not to come out there. She seemed a lot more into it than he ever did.
No. 448629
File: 1507765427607.gif (2.25 MB, 480x321, giphy.gif)

>>448623You are both mature beyond your years!
No. 448634
>>448630Why? Do you think it will backfire for them?
While Raven is still in NZ, the happy news is welcome.
No. 448636
>>448626Well if she hates you now, imagine keeping on contact with a child. Raven would do nothing but insult your parenting and use the child for creepy doll photoshoots.
Whelp, back to Raven:
So my tinfoil is that Josh broke it to Raven that he couldn't afford to keep her (kek) and maybe talked about pushing the date back. They may have spent some time toggling things back and forth while she got comforted by her exes with gifts. She probably realized that there's no way she'll get a free ride like she has in NZ and wormed her way back into Logan's life since he didn't want to break up in the first place. I'm sure Josh was fine with it because he really didn't want "it" to begin with. He didn't expect she'd go through with the ticket and it probably all fell apart from there. The rest of the Josh love story was to fool haters. Probably told Logan that if he went along with it she'd get off the internets for good.
No. 448650
>>448649The woman's whole life has been a pathetic train wreck
Dance raven, I'm bored.
No. 448663
>>448662If he gets his military ring back lol
He dodged a bullet for sure.
No. 448675
>>448666While I believe the message, I also think that she MAYBE was expecting to 'find the lolcows' in her facebook friends.
You know, she talked about that before. Like, she privated some of her things from groups of people 'cuz she wanted to know if it would end up here, like a bait.
Maybe that's why the messages are generic, like copypaste.
No. 448677
>>448675How could she not expect farmers to be amongst her friends? How could she not consider the risk of her replies making their way here?
Perhaps her identity is so wound up in being a victim of the haters that she is subconsciously driven to take these risks. This can be observed of many cows who are aware of their haters but who persist in interacting with them or otherwise providing unadvised fuel to the fire.
No. 448678
>>448676Yeah, she is the biggest self saboteur I've seen.
Also, can annon from
>>448408 confirm if she blocked him/her after this post?
No. 448707
>>448706Raven doesn’t have the balls to act, I’m sure in person she is meek. It’s easy to pretend you are tough but she was quick to call the police with the dog issue or the homeless girl instead of being violent. She would have to be in fb to contact them anyways.
We should want the gf to be around because Raven does read this and she will get angry. She is incapable of change so we will get a rant from her about them 2 eventually. We also know that the only thing she has on them is pictures that would get Raven into legal trouble over.
No. 448716
>>448577Agreed. And we got some great shoop art too!
>>448630I like reading what they have to say, sage or not.
>>448626Please do not let grumpy anons discourage you from posting.
No. 448733
>>448717I think a lot of us was really happy with the couchland trip because that would mean Dorian and LG would be Raven-free.
Now, knowing that she is still in NZ, we are a little apprehensive for their safety and/or mental health.
I know they are adults, and they look well cared for by her family. But we freaked out (I did) with the whole police watchlist thingy.
tldr: some of us are upset raven is not getting her ass in that plane and may haunt dorian and lg if they keep sharing their side of the story here :(
No. 448739
File: 1507778126323.jpg (24.82 KB, 278x376, ugh - message to C.JPG)

Just some highlights from the Ugh video
No. 448740
>>448727Since Raven is staying in New Zealand, they should consider reporting everything to the police if they have not. Raven saying that she would slit LF's throat if she could should be grounds for police action and a protective order. Even if no one believes that she would follow through on her threat, the threat itself is harmful.
Even though in the past she has claimed to realise the errors of her ways and repent, obviously she has not corrected her behaviour. The fucking bitch needs to get the message.
No. 448747
>>448743Keeping a log helps but it ain't gonna do shit if Hagraven decides to harm Dorian and his girlfriend. She seems like the type who would rather kill her son than let another female in his life and the type who would kill the girlfriend, thinking that it would bring the son back. You absolutely do not take chances with narcissists like Hagraven because they
are willing to seriously harm if someone is standing in their way.
Keep a log/diary Dorian and girlfriend, but make absolutely sure that you use it if she threatens either of you again.
No. 448789
>>448784I'm so glad Hagraven caught on
No. 448798
File: 1507794086082.jpg (17.84 KB, 398x400, why logan why.jpg)

me for so long:
>almost there, bro
>chase ALL the girls
me now:
>pic related
No. 448815
>>448810In one of her first gastric surgery videos she said that she was on disability. Has she said anything about it since then?
I doubt they had filed for divorce yet.
No. 448817
>>448808it seems like you are local to her. if there's a local tip line or online reporting option, why not use it?
pssst: just type 'sage' into the email field and nothing else into any other field.
No. 448826
>>448822>>448816>>448820As you're the one who seems to know her personal details (what benefit she is receiving) and seem to be a local, may I recommend you google how to do it. I just googled and it was very easy, but I'll be blowed if I'm phoning them from Australia to tell them something unsubstantiated about a benefit I don't understand. It seems like you're trying to get us to do somthing you could take care of anonymously yourself.
Again: just type 'sage' into the email field and nothing else into any other field.
No. 448829
>>448824popped up at the same time as
>>448826we don't do 'personal army' type of things here. No. 448835
>>448832As soon as you look it up one of the conditions that pops up is, "take reasonable steps to make sure any dependent children in your care get health checks and education" and we sure as hell know she never did that for her kid. The next item is. "You can get up to $5,200 a year (before tax) before your benefit is affected. If you have a partner, that $5,200 applies to your combined earnings. Any income you get that’s not from Work and Income may affect extra financial help you receive from us.
If you’re totally blind, we won’t make any deductions for any extra income you earn." Clearly between her fucking trademe and doll sales and Logan clearly working a hella lot this applies also?
No. 448843
>>448841I hope they make her get fat again as punishment, Force feed her lard
Goffik Foie gras
No. 448847
>>448844>>448845easy posting instructions here: idea is for your post to look like everyone else's.
welcome and try not to get banned. we are always happy to hear from NZ sources.
No. 448852
File: 1507799990496.png (156.44 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3390.PNG)

Another clue that she might actually have fucked off to couch land
The bitch couldn't go a few days without buying some bullshit off here, Still not buying it…
She should change her name to Fagen Sparks on account of all the little boys she has following her…
No. 448857
In this and the last thread there's lots of posts like
>>442475>Finding a proper gf to support youAnd it worries me. It's right to support your loved ones a bit and we know that the gf also has her own areas to focus on so it's good that they can understand and support each other. However if we constantly repeat that Dorian NEEDS her support then that puts them both in a dangerous position for him to feel dependent or indebted to her, or a feeling that she is responsible to 'cure' him and stay forever.
Come on, let's not dump that on her and let's not belittle his trauma by suggesting it can be glossed over so easily
Also just because Logan has possibly 'disappointed us by being a cuck' or whatever doesn't erase that he's literally been brainwashed by a grown woman since he was 16. Steady on, he's not Lainey yet.
>>448770Good luck guys. Keep your nose out of trouble and don't be afraid to log reports with the police if she starts harassing or threatening you
>>448845Prepare to get fired
No. 448860
>>448852All of her purchases and sales were screencapped individually in the last two threads. The last item was purchased for $25.00 on 29 September
>>443774 and she received the feedback on the 2nd.
She made at least $1400 on both phones before selling fees.
>>448836Are TradeMe sales necessarily traceable? She listed payment options as Pay Now, Cash, and Bank Deposit.
No. 448867
This doesn't make much sense. Logan had been living with his mother and she had to be out of Ryan's by October. And she bought the ticket. What, she and Logan (well, she - he'll have done what he's told) decided at the very last minute? And then what? You can't rent a house that quick, I doubt L's parents will let her stay there and she's got fuck-all money.
Maybe wishful thinking, but we'll find out eventually. Feel bad for Logan though, this shit is all he knows. He's got nothing to compare, he probably thinks all relationships are drama filled screaming narc nightmares. If he has taken her back, it may be "better the devil you know."
To Lovely Fiance - please don't think we don't want you posting. We just don't want you any more on the nutter's radar than you already are. Diarise every interaction, even if they appear nice, just in case.
And Dorian, I said it before - your lady is a star, but you have absolute value in your own right. I'm happy you two are great together and wish you all the best, but it's a measure of who you are that you are with such a together, classy lady. A good relationship is greater than the sum of it's parts; it takes both of you to make it great. Yes, we love your lady, but we realise how far you've travelled on a rough road. Best of luck, you both deserve it.
Saged for being soppy old bag.
No. 448869
>>448867This brings up more reasons why if she has reunited with Logan, it's been a while.
She could have used the phone money and Logan's savings from work to get them a new place, or they're only in NZ temporarily before fucking off to the US.
Or this is a massive fake out… something tells me not.
No. 448874
>>448808d00d that's probably one of the reasons why she made Logan get back with her. Going to couchland would've been too much of a risk. It's not as easy to get benefit in the US, and her documents are nowhere near sorted to even try, and no way couchboy would've been able to support her either. But if she stays in NZ and stays married to a Kiwi, she can get that sweet, sweet government $$$ and never have to work again.
>>448834She should just be deported.
Sorry I'm salt about this because of personal stuff like idk not being able to move to a country to be w/ my partner or work in my degree field because all their dumbass voters thing every immigrant just wants to come to claim benefit and voted accordingly for politicians who keep cutting back on who can migrate over. I see my guy 2x a year and Raven gets to just hop from dick to convenient dick and literally be the reason voters think that about immigrants.>>448850Not the same anon, but yeah that's what "claiming" means, and I've known a few of ppl in the UK who have done the same to avoid working. The ones that say they've got anxiety and can't work but can be out at parties and down the pub all the time. But no, it's the immigrants' fault it's so hard to get benefit now.
>>448852Eh she's probably just going to the mall a lot instead now that she's got like 2 guys who will take her there. If she was on couchland, shed've been on a plane forever. Raven loves nothing more than to bitch about everything, and a longhaul flight in economy gives even the chillest people something to be grouchy about. If she was in couchland, we would have probably heard all about how awful the flight was, how the cabin crew treated her badly because she's goth, how she had to check and recheck her bags and how that's hard work but kind of her problem since she chose to go multiple airlines, etc.
I hope she's not with Logan but I don't think she's in America.
sage for probably a bit vitriolic idk
No. 448890
>>448872Yeah, agreed. Unless it was him who called it off, or told her he wasn't ready (we already know he was still looking for an apartment just a few days before she was supposed to be there) in which case he may have agreed to do whatever so she can spin a story. If he was jilted, why else would he play along?
Though if that happened and Logan STILL took her back….fuuuurk. That's beyond cuck.
We'll find out. We'll hear her spin whatever first, then eventually the truth, whatever it is, will follow. Gravy's messy and that won't change. Seems funny we suddenly got the skinny when everyone was pretty convinced she was with Couchie and was just fucking with us…
No. 448893
>>448876>Why is this shebeast SO obsessed with being in a relationship?You wouldn't want her to be
poor and have to work with a sore tailbone, would you??
No. 448910
I still (want to) believe that she's in couchland and has finally dedicated her time to creating actual content in the form of an elaborate hoax to convince us she is still in NZ. Logan's beard is too suspicious in her video, and the fact that she copied and pasted the same message to everyone…
Maybe I just want to believe because the alternative is too horrible to process.
Congratulations, Gravy! You are finally a real content creator! Thanks for putting on an elaborate show just for us h8rzzz. We like it when you dance for us.
No. 448916
File: 1507819137856.png (1.45 MB, 750x1334, IMG_3397.PNG)

Oh leewk an old Logan profile reactivated with the same photo and cover photo he used on the account he actually controlled
Added yesterday, Cute Raveeeeen
No. 448923
>>448916Should were start compiling a list of his profiles since we know that she controls them?
What is the URL?
No. 448938
>>448935as soon as I saw it I knew it sounded familiar, it's a Latin phrase (as I breathe I hope) but with raven it's a little
too obvious that it's a dig. it's something that not everyone would know but someone from the state probably would.
No. 448939
>>448938You think it's a dig rather than a hint that she's actually in couchland?
Also, Bravo anon!
Graceful bow No. 448946
File: 1507827301232.png (Spoiler Image,840.14 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3398.PNG)

>>448943But this page first posted in 2015?
Unless you can change the URL?
No. 448949
>>448897This guy has an ogre mommy humiliation findom fat goth fetish. He gets hard for her saggy, flat pancake porpoise body. The only thing keeping her boobs up is her distended belly hump. She says she has very oily skin, dragging a finger on it brings up sebum, and her oily hair is drenched after a day. She never removes her makeup so she's always dirty with oil/paint. Piercings need great hygiene - she probably gets food stuck in there. In a few vids she sneezes into her hands…in front of Logan. Oh and there was cat hair everywhere, even the clothes in her closet. She's filthy, just look at her house.
He's able to sustain an erection for this bastard daughter of Nurgle. That shouldn't even be possible for a redblooded human, especially after being cheated on twice, and humiliated by agreeing they've just been besties for a long time. Literally frienzoned by his wife for a homeless hick, and he still ran up his credit card for her. He stood by her and said nothing while she told her son, his old friend, he should've been aborted. Also had loud sex while her son heard. Even dressed in her clothes for online trap photos. I've milked others for lesser fetishes and embarrassments.
At this point Logan is a nascent calf. Sad to say, but he was already getting there. Putting up with animal abuse, adapting her hatred of women, racism though his wife is asian. Doesn't he have a swastika tat? I thought Raven hated poseurs. Also may as well add castration fetish to the list because he'll never have kids.
No. 448951
>>448933Na., Dum Spiro Spero is the name of an album from a japanese metal band called Dir en Grey
Logan is into it. That's an old account.
No. 448953
>>448951" bastard daughter of Nurgle "
Yes, Just yes !
Plague Barers
No. 448961
>>448949Nurgle is demanding a paternity test. No way is he accepting this gnarly old bag as one of his bastard kids without proof.
If ever there were a sperm that should've been left on the sheet…(tho I'm unconvinced she was actually conceived. More cooked up in a cauldron - and the Eye of Newt had definitely gone a bit runny!)
Raven Sparks. Created out of spite, bile and the rancid green goo scraped off the bottom of the fridge.
No. 448972
>>448946Yes, that's one of the old Logans profile, first listed on the farms here
>>179705 it already had that name 2y ago.
I really think the name is because of the DeG album, it is a cliche latin phrasing, nothing special.
No. 448973
File: 1507830853092.png (540.24 KB, 640x1136, 1498782956786.png)

>>448916>>448951Is this the same account as in the DM screencapped by the friend in the last thread
>>447299Or is it the same account [pic related] which Raven used to chat with Claudia in
>>404262In the future we need to include URLs with screencaps.
No. 449040
File: 1507839376388.jpg (95.14 KB, 886x529, oddlydark.JPG)

She also runs a page called Oddities, Dark Humor, and other Cool Things and it's @Darkly.Odd
I saw her post on it in her "Ugh" video.
Also screen shot of people addressing her
No. 449041
File: 1507839445597.jpg (31.84 KB, 618x490, Ugh - raven's accounts.JPG)

Here is a list of accounts that popped up as her's on the "Ugh" Video
No. 449094
>>449080Only one I can find is the account recently created during the supposed breakup and was thought to be controlled by Logan himself, at least at first. won't show me the customised URL
No. 449125
>>449098I'm more convinced than ever that she's in couchland.
Hi Gravy! Your lies have no power here!
No. 449149
>>449098So he just turned into a grumpy fuck when the camera was on him? And called her dumb? And really didn't want to be there at all?
(Even if this is true, she's always hanging off him like a lungfish in public. Logan is a guy who epitomises "give in for a quiet life.")
No. 449153
>>449098oh you seen them, did you raven?
ravey pls
check your grammar
No. 449168
>>448835I did the American equivalent of this job for years. If NZ is anything like the US then jackshit will actually happen to Ray Ray and Doormat because—-A. It's very hard to prove without an extensive paper trail and cut-and-dried proof. B. It looks awful in terms of giving the impression that Big Brother is targeting The Poor. C. The backlog ad-infinitium of cases being flagged for prosecution for fraud is so enormous that unless her case is sooper extraordinary in some way it isn't worth the Guvment's time. D. First time-around offenders usually only get punished with a slap on the beefy wrist.
Long story short –don't waste your time on your crusade Kiwi-Kommando.
No. 449173
>>449168American and antipodean systems are different. We tend to b far more intrusive down here. I'm Australian so I can't speak for NZ but connecting directly to tax records and following people are real things here. Raven can definitely get in trouble.
>>449162and 8pm in Columbia, SC.
No. 449294
>>449282She's not an immigrant.
She could qualify for SNAP (food stamps), but South Carolina offers only limited General Assistance (cash welfare) to families with children.
Applying for and receiving SSI is a very lengthy process.
No. 449301
>>449217Implying Gravy has any dignity or scruples that would stop her from being this pathetic for a panel of strangers
Implying she hadn't done pathetic long-con shit like this before, see: faking her own suicide and writing her own orbituaries
5/10 for effort this time, Raven
No. 449305
>>449294Isn't she german who immigrated as a child? Her mom is thai and her father is german? Like, no ties to US? Dorian is american, but that's it.
Did I miss anything?
No. 449307
>>449305Yeah, the part where she compulsively lies about everything. Her dad was an American Army dude stationed in Germany. I thought her mom was Filipino and not Thai let alone a prostitute.
Reality is never exotic enough for her.
No. 449335
>>449331And since you're on here you never thought to grab a photo ?
Ultimate infidelity to Josh?
Or do you use the library too?
No. 449358
>>449343This lol.
Raven you're dumb.
No. 449392
File: 1507879522317.jpg (62.23 KB, 881x353, Ng99AeZ.jpg)

>>449353kek, her god awful makeup here reminds me of Zoolander… except Derek did it better. I think "Blue Whale" is better suited to Graven though
No. 449395
>>449392You know it's bad when your head looks fat in a tiara
I didn't even know that was possible
No. 449454
>>449331You were at the 'mall'? Are you a Kiwi because mostly in the Southern Hemisphere it's referred to as a shopping centre (someone correct me if NZers call it something else).
>>449451I only know about Taco Bell from watching Demolition Man and listening to Raven bleat on about it constantly.
No. 449462
File: 1507905227205.jpg (36.57 KB, 398x374, jbrad.JPG)

Looks like Josh has two facebook pages now?
No. 449471
>>449466Was going to say the display picture looks super old.
Raven having control of his account would explain as to why he has been so quiet lately. Spill the tea Josh!
No. 449491
>>449451Most people
in the US don't have reverence for Taco Hell. In the hierarchy of shitty fast food, it is near the bottom. She should fixate on fast food fried chicken places. It's at least usually decent. She has the weirdest tastes.
No. 449502
>>449491How dare you. Taco Bell should be our national symbol.
I said it as more of a generalized perception of the whole US, not necessarily a reality of each geographical section.
The east coast has much, MUCH better fast-ish food options then most of the mid-west. Personally, I'd rather be represented by Tasty Burger as our national symbol.
No. 449507
>>449489>>449502Agreed. It is at least healthier than most fast food. It's a good thing Raven fancies Taco Bell over In n Out/KFC/etc
No. 449552
>>449489>>449331>>449098The stench of unwashed skin, thirst for teen grooms and Taco Bell is strong with these posts. Raven, that you, granny?
>>449544In-N-Out is west coast.
No. 449598
>>449575Ok let's say tinfoil hypothetically she is in coachland with Josh
Raven: "Couchlover who I love with a love more than love. Can you play along with this prank that I didn't come here to fool those mean old haters who are spread such lies"
And done. Now he's agreed to have her pretend to be with Logan.
There you go.
I don't think she's with Josh anymore, personally, though.
No. 449603
>>449598I disagree, Afterall josh has been pretty okay with her other hi jinx.
Why has she suddenly stopped buying shit when she couldn't go days without buying anything ?
He removes her as his profile photo but ONLY after we mention on here that it's suspicious ? He's still listed as engaged, Still got photos of her
If what she did was true josh would've put her on blast there's no way he'd sit back and be like oh okay.
And like I've said 10 times she's not smart enough to be offline for the duration of the flights and come on for stop overs.
She's trying to fuck with us then she's going to pop up all smug like SEE I'm soooo much smarter than you h8ters.
She's in a new area with loads of new shiny things to distract her, Hence the Facebook silence, She doesn't need her constant fandom right this second.
As another person said if she is back with Logan where are they living ? Not with Ryan or Logan's mom.
No. 449681
>>449462Raven splits with Logan, Logan's apparently chatting to some new girl, has new account that he knows Raven can't monitor.
Raven possibly splits with Josh, old profile still has photos and info he probably wouldn't want to remain but Raven still watches the account, so Josh creates new profile.
Honestly I can't decide if she's in NZ or not, but it's possible.
No. 449683
>>449282Ummm, anon, this post is so ignorant that it's shameful.
I was both an employment counselor for families on the FEP (family employment plan; read WELFARE), as well as an eligibility specialist for welfare, SNAP benifits (foodstamps), and Medicaid, and WIC. I have also been on all of those programs in myself, when i was a young university student with two babies to feed (end of blog). This is just to illustrate that i know what I am talking about.
Firstly, Raven is 'Murican. Not an immigrant to the good ole US of A.
Secondly, it is pathetically easy to get on these programs, and if you can't get on them through legal channels it is very easy to do so fraudulently, and the prosecution rate for doing so is almost nil. Believe me, I tried to charge a client guilty of taking nearly $7000 in FEP benefits while secretly selling semi-precious jewellery under the table (and made a pretty penny doing so, it was nice shit), and owning a secret house IN A DIFFERENT STATE. I had proof, and still, no prosecution (sorry, I guess that was a little more blogging). Even under the current regime it is still ridiculously easy to access these programs.
Thirdly, there is NOTHING shameful about utilizing these programs if you need them, especially if you have a family to provide for. That said, if you do take advantage of these benifits you should be either actively working, looking for work, or in a training program for a career with a good job outlook. If you cannot do these things for whatever reason, then you should be on SSI, SSDI, or in the process of trying to get on these programs. Nothing shameful about this at all you bourgeoisie ninny. Pray that you never have to take advantage of them and quit making such asinine, uninformed posts.
Sage for frustration
No. 449684
>>449305Samefag, but I would bet a million that she was born on an American military base, thus making her an American citizen. There is a huge Army base in Germany.
No. 449689
>>449684You would win that bet.
My memory is hazy here but she only began claiming to be an immigrant from Germany when Berlin turned into a kewl place for goths years ago.
No. 449709
>>449703"grazing on her favorite hays and alfalfas"
There go my sides.
No. 449757
>>449717she wouldn't respect his wishes though. there'd be some reason why she'd absolutely have to post.
'muh haters' is a bullshit reason she's convinced Logan of for why she had to cheat on him. he doesn't even operate his own social media, no-one's hating on him at work every day.
No. 449785
File: 1507961824536.png (22.41 KB, 487x302, 73C1DBF2-0834-44A5-A06F-90F4CD…)

Evidence leaning towards Craven in Couchland:
- that ticket seemed real and would cost money to change or cancel
- she said she would fake us out
- very lame 2 week posponement that Ryan even seemed surprised by
- no public mourning (or celebrating) by Josh
- hates NZ, desperately misses Taco Bell
- not smart enough to fake plane flight and stopover online times
- Logan profile's custom URL might be Da Vinci code level reference to Sth Carolina
- Raven DM is copypasta'd
- supposed video still shows bearded Logan, could have been prepared in advance for ruse
- known for having millions of fake social media accounts that could be providing social media nourishment in the meantime
- anon sightings remain unsubstantiated
- Raven droppings found in thread
- probably born on US base so is eligible for welfare bux
- compulsive online shopping activity has ceased
- would Ryan store her hoard if she went back to Logan? Think of the pillows.
- could be buying time to test the waters
Evidence in favour of Chch Logan reunion:
- unusual level of restraint from social media only explicable by extreme embarrassment and welfare rotting
- said 2 week postponement, maybe truth or buying time
- Raven has sent DM claiming reuniting with Logan with troubling pic of them together
- Josh "doesn't want to talk about it"
- NZ anon blocked by Logan
- Logan accounts deleted, Josh accounts multiply
- Sth Carolinia's welfare ain't that lucrative
- unsubstantiated claims of Raven sightings and insistence she's still in Chch
- lack of sycophantic Josh activity
- mass privating of videos including those about the love with a love that lovedy love love
- celebrated anniversary and got tattoos with supposedly separated husband, suspicious
- video of Logan at gig appears in playlist
- ticket might have been faked
- Logan profile URL could also be a reference to a band's album, is old and previously controlled by Raven
Anything I missed? I'm half asleep
No. 449793
Word up on Logan feeling betrayed by "friend" and blocking "friend".
I can't blame him, I would have done the same.
Logan only lets one person treat him like shit and "friend" ain't her.
"Friend" is a bad "friend" and should feel bad.
Also, Logans, not really Logans, accounts could be being deleted by Facebook. If Diana the heifer has moved far far away, maybe Logan is finally feeling like he doesn't want an old lady who molested him, abused him, ruined his life and then ran away with a mildly retarded finger sniffing hick speaking for him anymore. It wouldn't be hard to report all the profiles and prove he's the real Logan.
Besides, if Diana were really focusing on him and their relationship, creating additional accounts to speak for Josh should be the furthest from her mind.
Seems like when she's really into someone she takes away their identity, figuratively and literally.
I think she has mad cow disease.
No. 449801
File: 1507965024894.gif (1.6 MB, 480x360, cut of your jib simpsons cpata…)

>>449785Should I reopen the poll?
No. 449821
>>449801The poll is always welcome.
I have to say after typing it up, ive come to believe she's in NZ with Logan.
>>449810She suspected.
>>449814Wait, so was she already in trouble and may already be in custody? Or she will have a warrant issued now? Can NZ do that with the US?
Why do they tell you this? It seems like if it were a random tip off or you don't work for them anymore, you wouldn't be told this.
I want to believe but…
No. 449824
>>449814i haVe a hard time believing USA will give a shit about some benefit fraud from NZ??
the US hardly cares when its own citizens commit fraud.
No. 449829
>>449827can you post ANY evidence?
No. 449831
>>449785Raven is a sneaky bitch but also she promised her fans she'd record her arrival and meeting with Josh and they'd make a video together. While I do think she's anon-obssessed enough to try and fool us, I think she'd have taken much more pleasure in gloating about her new relationship with Josh and how perfect it is, and all wrong we are, etc…
It's logical that's it's more shameful to get back to your ex after having made countless vids about a guy you NEVER met and got his name's tattoed on. Plus it's plain weird how she'd go and get so many gifts from her exes and constantly repeat how many of them were in love with her, right before she was supposed to see Josh. Maybe she was trying to sabotage her own relationship, knowingly or not, because she was getting cold feet over moving to a new guy's place and leaving her comfortable walking ATM's.
I don't think Josh ever send her money before, something her exes always did, and for someone used to being taken care of, it must have been pretty scary to enter a relationship with someone not ready to fully support you.
Oh and SHE never paid the flight ticket so she wouldn't be upset over cancelling or plainly never getting the money back because she didn't invest a dime in it.
>tl;dr:I cast my vote as Raven never left and is too embarassed to admit to her followers that her grand declaration of love towards Josh were as solid as paper mache.
No. 449834
>>449827ok but she's talking about if Raven is found to have committed benefit fraud, hun. there are a few steps between reporting the suspected fraud and them getting evidence. just breathe.
sage seems to be in short supply around these parts
No. 449835
>>449827They called you at 7pm on Saturday night to tell you they dunno, Interpol though.
Interpol. Now working to infiltrate international human trafficking rings, international drug trafficking rings, international terrorism rings, firearms trafficking, illicit goods and counterfeiting, war crime fugitives.
And Raven Sparks, lolcow and also shouldn't have gotten the welfare.
No. 449836
>>449833Yet the irony of you posting and bitching about everyone speculating is funny.
If Raven takes so much energy and pride into us regardless to prove us wrong or whatever, that’s on her shoulders. She’s the pathetic one here, not us.
No. 449839
File: 1507973144624.jpg (151.56 KB, 653x605, surerav.jpg)

>>449684Chugging in late on this train. But this would be correct!
I found it really weird that she would say her mother is Thai and her dad is from Germany. Why not say "my mom is thai and dad is german" or even "my mom is from thailand, dad from germany." Ah Right, cause she lied.
No. 449840
>>449831This theory could be plausible if Raven were your average somewhat sane woman.
She isn't though, and shame isn't an emotion she feels. She may see others as shameful, but she has no concept of it regarding herself. I honestly can't think of one instance where she has expressed shame or guilt AND behaved as though she did.
No. 449841
>>449833I'm not going to forgo my amusement just tin spite Raven. That's Raven level shit.
If she's intentionally creating all this Dan Brown mystery then it's the one good thing shes ever done for the benefit of others.
>>449827>InterpolOh, I see. In other words, bullshit.
Raven, you're not important enough to ever be wanted by Interpol. Shit even New Zealand doesn't want you.
Well forgive this obvious troll if you post a milky vid soon, k? Try harder next time.
No. 449844
>>449831Who says she didn't record her arrival? Or a reunion video with Logan, even? It's only the posting of whatever video that is delayed.
>>449833I don't see how our attention fuels her, tbh. It seems to me like her intimate relationships do. If we closed down tomorrow it wouldn't change what she does. Nothing she does is for the benefit of an audience, it's more that she's an exhibitionist.
>>449840Yes, this. Ideas like 'shame' or 'promising logan'. Nah, she's incapable of anything more than serving her needs in any moment.
No. 449845
>>449839Shit her name is actually sparks ?
I thought it was some Emo/Goffik shit..
Heh, Well there you go..
No. 449848
Diana Dawn Sparks
Diana Dawn Perez
Diana Cradock
Raven Sparks
Raven Marshall-Sparks
No. 449849
>>449846Honestly, without digging too much into the siblings lives (because they have nothing to do with their beasty sister) They all seem fully white. I think they are all from a previous relationship.
She says she has a step mother, but I see no sign of her anywhere.
No. 449850
>>449846I'm pretty sure raven made that Facebook
It has her weirdness all over it
No. 449852
>>449849Yeah that's why I wouldn't post any screen caps from her family unless absolutely relevant and I'm def not going to contact any of them.
It explains why she never talks about her siblings.
>>449850Her mum's page? Why would she do that?
No. 449857
>>449852So she can pretend to have a mom who cares about her?
Look at it, The only mentions are hagraven and everything is private, You need to adjust those settings a woman of that age couldn't do all that on Facebook my mom forgets how to get into Facebook at least 5 times a day.
The same reason she does everything she needs total control over her life.
No. 449859
>>449856Suzan is a lot better looking so no wonder she doesn't mention her. Far too jealous. Sad though, if I were returning home seeing family would be something to really look forward to.
>>449857Now that I know she has a full blooded sister I can see it. Why have the birth of only one daughter on there, and a photo of only one daughter at your husband's death bed?
What a strange woman, concoting an alternate online world and even family.
No. 449865
File: 1507980459739.jpg (Spoiler Image,20.38 KB, 193x389, VSolyi0.jpg)

Samefag. I was trying to find the picture and came across this, EYE BLEACH AT THE READY
No. 449870
File: 1507981790914.jpg (24.58 KB, 258x258, zancrain-25_280.jpg)

No. 449873
>>449869she doesn't look after her audience at all. the men around her seem to be the most important in her universe, and she seems to use us to manipulate them.
No. 449901
>>449883 He continued to talk to you after you posted screen shots of your (boring) private conversations as proof that you were friends with him and offered to try to dig up information about him and Raven for the beautiful and courageous anons?
How did the timeline of events go? From being friends, to you being a bad friend, to him finding out he was Cucked Again! by you, to him blocking you and you starting your crygirl Raven impression all over our dewy wildflower filled pastures?
No. 449913
>>449901Lol that's what I don't get either. Like what's the problem? Once you go behind a friend's back, especially publicly, what do you expect?
In the last thread, before anything had gone wrong, she posted: "Logan's friend here, she's full of shit when she says he's not going to be talking to other girls. Just saying. But let her believe whatever her crazy ass wants, I guess"
I mean, it's like she wanted to be recognized by Logan. For all she knew, she was probably the only female he had started talking to.
No. 449920
>>449850I wouldn't doubt she made it. She has tons of facebook pages.
Heads up to Dorian and LG if they're still reading. If you're not absolutely sure that is your grandma, it's probably Raven! Keeping tabs on you and seething with hatred because you two are happy together.
No. 449979
>>449889Funny. I'm hoping the exact same thing as you >:-)
We only have anything filtered thro her and she's the biggest liar and drama-whore out there. And she's OBSESSED with her public image, particularly as it relates to "haaayduuurz" (I'll never get over a 40+ woman using that word un ironically) so if she'd grabbed Logan back into her claws or it was all going swimmingly with Couchie she'd find a way to let everyone know, even if just through a fake profile and fake-friend-posting.
So, either she's had a complete about-turn of character and is finally behaving like an adult, or she's truly fucked up and doesn't want anything getting out until she's spun a line. She can't post….or doesn't want anyone knowing what's going on.
I can live in hope, anyway…
No. 449994
>>449947Interesting to hear so many anons' perspectives on this topic.
I live in the Mountain West and have some limited experience with gov benefits. It is my perception that the US gov doesn't give a fuck about going after people for money unless it's a pretty large amount occurring over an extended period of time. I would assume that our country is in too shitty of a state to go after people who scammed other governments, let alone their own.
It will be interesting to see what happens!
No. 450003
File: 1508011715716.jpg (87.48 KB, 1600x473, HPIM5471.JPG)

So much OTT speculation and unverified milk in this thread. Let's not give her the satisfaction of seeing us so worked up.
No. 450067
>>449953Seeing as benefits anon appears to be a troll and possibly the welfare queen herself, not confirmed.
I mean we can still speculate over it but lets remember so far it's just that.
No. 450085
>>450003>>450005People keep saying this but first off, bit late to tone it down, secondly since when do we do things around Raven's weird proclivities, and thirdly, if she's been double-dumped, I dont think she does like the speculation so much.
Do we have to keep revisiting this? Don't post if you don't want to give her attention, but this thread is here for our amusement, so the rest of us can tinfoil ourselves until we look like little roast potatoes.
>>450005Fucking doubt it. The double dump theory is compelling. She could be hiding at Ryan's giving those uninspired handies to him while desperately trawling the web for her next meal ticket before emerging back online. She can't show her face single. Plus she probably did cancel her contracts.
Logan has a beard in that screenshot so maybe she just had another jealousy prompting video up her sleeve to show Josh if he acted up, but then he dumped her and Logan finally grew a spine.
No. 450249
>>450210I thought Raven's complaint about Dorian was that she wanted him to go on welfare but he didn't. She wanted him to defraud welfare so she had something to blackmail him with?
I don't think it's up to anyone here now if she gets pinged; report has already been made, right?
No. 450257
>>450255Would a minor who receives the money get in trouble rather than the parent?
And why is this coming up 3 days after MDS anon reckoned they've made complaint? Only shortly after gf last posted and probably was still reading?
No. 450266
>>450210>>450252>blackmailing your own sonthat's so Raven.
she's in NZ guys, or why would she care?
No. 450269
>>450210>she was urged to report him(lol by who)
>she refusedclassic raven storytime. may as well just start namefagging
>>450250nice bait m8
No. 450304
>>450288Raven has close friends?
No Raven, you don't. Not online, not anywhere.
No. 450320
>>450288Dorian will be able to argue his out of any serious trouble on several bases: his terrible mother (aka you) brought him up in a culture of welfare fraud. As a young adult who has a trail of evidence for the abuse he suffered at the hands of you, he'll probably be able to argue that he was under your psychological control, still.
He has a support system now, he may well get out of it with nothing more than a payment plan but the "grown adult" in this situation will seriously get in the shit. Try dragging him through the mud and watch the childhood horror stories he didn't even have to tell for himself come to public light. The NZ press is going to love it.
No. 450470
"Welfare Queens" of the 70s and 80s are a thing of the past (well, they actually weren't ever a real thing, but I digress) . Currently less than 1.5% of people who are in the system are abusing it. It's not so much that our country is in too shitty of a state to go after the people that take advantage, but it doesn't make sense resource wise or financially. So when someone gets caught they get cut off, are blocked from receiving benefits in the future and are penalized tax wise until the debit has been paid back.
America isn't in the business of suing people who have no money in the first place and they sure as shit aren't in the business of using resources to help other countries do it either.
It would seem to me if Raven did make it to the US and they have learned of some fraud in the mean time, NZ would be glad to have her gone, she won't be welcome back and that's about as deep as it gets. Governments are businesses, they don't have feelings. They don't care who Raven is. How much did she rip us off for? How much money does she currently have? What are her assets? If we go thru the trouble of busting this trick, what does our financial gain look like? Nothing? In the hole you say? Bitch, bye.
No. 450472
File: 1508090562579.png (296.61 KB, 685x2619, 1410390765184.png)

>>450430>>450467Posted in the first thread.
No. 450474
File: 1508091176275.png (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 508x6893, 1410395751748.png)

Spoiler for images of self-harm.
From 2011, also posted in the first thread.
In the last paragraph she says that she in on "sickness benefit" and "on welfare, with no rent, we are getting more money than we would if we were working."
No. 450488
>>449039Gravy, no one cares to hate on you for high school drama. We hate you for valid reasons like child abuse and grooming, torturing and killing animals, scamming the NZ government, being a lazy bitch, etc. We are not the petty bullies you think we are - Don't nobody give a fuck about bjs behind a dumpster!
>>I have it on good authority<< lol!! >>450288Stop making up shit. >>close friends said he needed to be reported but she refused<< – you mean you threatened to report him if he didn't do what you wanted him to do, but then realized it might get you in trouble too? FIFY
No. 450491
>>450483Getting SSI is already a lengthy and difficult process, and since she has been out of the country for over ten years she lacks the medical records and references required.
General Assistance (cash aid welfare) is variable depending on the county, but it is usually offered only to disabled people with a pending SSI case and people with dependent minors and for a limited amount of time.
No. 450500
>>450494After she and Ryan became friends again and he started financing her whims, her subsequent retellings of why she moved to NZ and their relationship were devoid of anything negative about him.
But lolcow doesn't forget.
No. 450506
>>450502He likely knows. If he doesn't, it's not our place to save him from himself when he witnesses first-hand what kind of person she is. Obviously he gets something out if their arrangement, if not sex then some kind of warped emotional satisfaction.
Let the disordered adults continue to play their maladaptive games for our amusement.
No. 450855
File: 1508174914653.png (77.01 KB, 800x455, Screenshot_2017-10-16-10-21-25…)

It looks like Raven has scammed the buyer of the S8.
No. 450868
>>450855Scams people for $1200 airline ticket that was never put to use, scams phone buyer of $800 phone, scams child of his hard earned paycheque to keep her flush with the latest sequined unicorn nightmares and scratcher tattoos, scams the government for benefits and surgery.
I guess the karma in all of this is her appearance. She has to walk around in this world with that nose and body, that's a dystopian punishment that the best sci-fi writer couldn't even have come up with <3
Congratulations you howling shit-gibbon, you sentenced yourself to this life.
No. 450881
>>450855This 100% confirms to me that she's gone to the states, She'll have done this and cleaned out her bank account so bssiacally they couldn't get it back anyway.
She loves to talk tough but facing actual repercussions of something like this isn't for rayray she'd only have the balls to pull this if she was leaving the country and knew it.
But yeah Raven you're a piece of shit
No. 450886
>>450855Good find, anon.
She is such a leech, I hope this poor person gets their money back even if Raven's not in the country, because that is such a shit situation.
No. 450913
>>450855Wow. That’s not even something you tweak for the journal to sound less bad.
Unless she’s lying unconscious in a ditch somewhere.
No. 450926
>>450922Finally I'm not the only one who believes she left now !
C'mon raven I'm so ready for your Taco Bell haul !
No. 450930
>>450922I'm leaning that way as well - this is the only piece of "evidence" either way that couldn't have been faked or arranged by Raven/Raven's cronies.
So if this is the case it means quite a few fucked up things:
1) Either Raven controls Josh's FB account already (completely believable) or she talked him into sending that "don't wanna talk about it" message, which is also believable, but would mean he's very much part of her shitty scams now.
2) She controls Logan still despite not even being in the same country. Hopefully this one fades over time, but it does seem that he'll just do what she says for the moment.
3) Quite a few of the posters here previously were Raven. All the ones saying "can't say how I know, but Raven is DEFINITELY still in NZ and back with Logan". Some of us already called that out and suspected it, but I'd say it's more than we thought.
No. 450953
>>450937Scamming the buyer does not definitively prove that she has left. It may indicate that she was planning to leave but changed her mind after the scam. Her post saying that they had to delay her trip by two weeks came long after she pocketed the money.
The fact that she has ghosted the buyer is not definitive, either. If she left, then she feels free to ignore their emails. If she stayed after truly planning to leave, then she is ignoring them out of either "oh shit wtf do I do" or outright denial.
No. 450987
>>450985Fuck this waiting game. I'm over giving this cow any more pleasure as she views a huge thread that contains absolutely zero information about her.
Frankly if Dorian wants to be useful he should call Logan's mom and ask her if Raven is still in NZ. I feel that some of these lovely gf posts are bullshit anyhow. Like they see how much we want to know where the fat fuck is, but they have zero info? Suuuuuuuure.
No. 450989
Feel free to facebook me, honestly. I am his (Dorian's) fiance, I read here literally when I am bored at school. It's a little wild to see what people think, it is providing a lot of entertainment for us while also settling our nerves about her still being in nz as we believe she has left. Trust me, if we knew where she was we would tell you. We are all about getting her in trouble, we have already spoken to the police here. We are scared not knowing where she is, it is just as painful for us and likely much, much scarier given the fact that we are some of the people directly affected by her geographical location. We have cut contact with her, entirely. I don't know why would have her info, or Logan's mothers…We have an account we think is her fake one on messanger but honestly, we will not be contacting her because posting here in one thing-it's funny, it provides entertainment etc, but actually trying to make contact with her after spending months purging contact with her is really not one of our priorities.
No. 450991
>>450982Did Logan's mom confirm Gray's whereabouts?
I wouldn't involve her in anymore of Gravy's shit by making her to go between if I were you. I agree that it is a bit rude and totally not her problem to deal with.
No. 451000
File: 1508197067701.png (37.69 KB, 800x136, Screenshot_2017-10-16-16-34-55…)

IRL old friends?
Posted in the comments on the contact lense video.
No. 451036
File: 1508200998050.jpg (161.52 KB, 1206x804, S8.jpg)

>>451027And here's some questions I saved from under the S8 listing.
I think she took this person out of the payment protection system by getting them to deposit direct to her bank. She is also saying she's leaving about we know this is a while before she actually flew out. I had wondered at the time what she meant. I think this was a conscious scam on her part.
Also, the times she's posted here in recent days have been the evening in Columbia / middle of the day in Christchurch. She could have kept posting and posting if she were in Christchurch, but she didn't.
No. 451075
File: 1508204485065.png (142.56 KB, 800x845, 1506330841423.png)

>>451027Unless she had sold it to someone else already.
The person who won the auction was cautious enough to ask for the IMEI number.
No. 451219
>>451200Well, she says her tailbone is all better now because she has put on a little weight because Joshua likes her like that, and that's how she will be able to sit on an airplane for so long.
Because see, she was so skinny before. Back when her tailbone hurt so bad that she couldn't sit and so, therefore, obviously if you can't sit you can't work. Like, they won't let you bring a couch and lay down to work. Soooo, yeah. There was just no getting around it.
I mean, when you are as
thin as Raven was, like, what could anyone expect, really? But now she's ok. Thank god she got a little meat on her bones finally. Yeah, it's hard to see any difference at all, but it's there… um, So sitting is a-ok now! Oh, and real quick- Joshua doesn't want her to get a job in the US because her schedule needs to be open at all times so they can be together so she won't be working and he has a really hard to get job that makes plenty of money so there is no point anyway and she just wants to do what he wants and he does
not want her working so that's all there is to it and she won't be but maybe she'll get a job doing computer work from home who knows but he just wants her schedule open sooo..,,
No. 451288
>>451219Having a painful tailbone actually happens when you're overweight or extremely underweight
Raven, You're fat that's why your tailbone hurts you stupid sow
No. 451300
File: 1508234106989.png (552.87 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3593.PNG)

The shit that makes me laugh sometimes…
But in this case dirty would be referring to the fact that she's actually disgusting…
No. 451312
>>450942She couldn't even keep herself off the internet after she faked her own death.
She'll be back eventually.
No. 451381
>>451378Yeah, when people (most likely Raven) were speculating that she'd been murdered (kek), this is what I was thinking too. She is very obviously online, and very obviously checking this site or Kiwifarms, because whenever we mention or link a video, she removes it.
There is no way that can happen by itself, and no one else could do it. Raven is just pathetically lurking as usual.
No. 451395
>>451307lol nothing could possibly scare her away … she is nothing without us. if this site went down, she'd lead the effort to get it up again.
>>451381it's been fun to watch that, both by itself and knowing that she reads here obsessively. makes it so much more satisfying to call her a horrid hag and list her failings / history of fuck-ups.
No. 451452
>>451381I suggested that as a joke. I don’t think the farmers who ran with it were Raven. The Raven posts in this thread are far more obvious and have been reported, but as another anon said, mods don’t go tracking this stuff unless there’s a major disruption.
>>451423What’s the bet she won’t remove this one because it’s monetised and maybe even sponsored/discounted based on positive review?
No. 451770
What none of you truly understand is what she really is. True, you have seen the edge of what Raven can be, but you haven't experienced her first hand. She's insanely charismatic and draws you in. Sliding her claws around you and reassuring you of how sweet she can be. How she can be everything and more. You want to believe it, but then she changes. Taking from you everything she can to sustain her need for material possessions, money, and your outright devotion. You want to believe she couldn't be this horrible, but she is and always will be that terrible disease you contracted.
Logan, if you can read this FUCKING RUN. End it now, cut off the rotted limb, and swallow down the pain. Move on. You'll never recover fully, but at least you will be without her draining you to a husk of your former self.
To you Dorian I say this.
I'm sorry I didn't have the sight to know what she was doing to you when I was there. I should have done something more. Please, have a happy life and don't let her get ahold of you again.
No. 451801
>>451770Yes, you're right, she's a BPD queen, child molester, and a groomer par excellence.
Was there anything else you wanted to say that we don't already know? Or are you trying out for a True Confessions gig?
No. 451832
>>451807If you are legit, you didn't accomplish anything with this. Logan is completely isolated and brainwashed and doesn't read here. Dorian can just tell us who you are; if he has no idea, then he cannot pardon you as he does not know who is asking forgiveness.
>>451804Not Josh, he says "when i was there." Josh was never near Dorian irl. Could be Raven starting drama though.
If you actually are that hurt for the boys and that concerned over this monster, you would do more by giving evidence to compound against her. More testimonies that clash with her false image. Otherwise, you aren't serious/are Raven herself.
No. 451842
>>451840I swear I crack up with the library joke EVERYTIME.
Can OP shop Craven in a library for the next thread pic? I'm on my knees.
>>451832Yeah. So many posts here recently with people allegedly giving information that actually means nothing at all. Sus much?
No. 451940
>>451770I'm really enjoying that you're this desperate for attention, gran. who's the next poster-personality gonna be?
>>451842I love the library meme so much! really tickles me
No. 451989
>>451770I think this post is actually trying to pretend to be Ryan, not Josh, or is actually Ryan.
> I'm sorry I didn't have the sight to know what she was doing to you when I was thereOn the one hand, being charasmatic would explain how she manages to find all these weird men to leach off.
On the other hand, it sounds like typical Raven BS.
No. 452029
>>452023I'm pretty sure he would call us all losers and tell us she sucks dick good * and he misses it.
* not by objective standards.
No. 452097
>>451817I think it's Raven pretending to be Ryan.
Or a troll.
No. 452128
>>452100This please !
Normally I wouldn't care but there's too many of these weird posts popping up now.
No. 452143
>>452119… or it's just Raven herself.
You're giving her way too much credit. she has no filter, no self-awareness, and can't go 5 minutes without drama. Ryan seems like an asshole / a bit psycho himself and Logan was a stupid kid.
like certain other cows, Raven just keeps chugging along until she finds the damaged, vulnerable or just plain dumb.
No. 452248
She is in couchland!
No. 452252
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No. 452324
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>>452252What a fuckpig. So fucking fat.
No. 452425
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I'm not sure if anyone else caught this
but i was looking through some past threads, and I noticed a resemblance between Husband#2 and Josh
No. 452447
>>452248She changed her surname to Bradley on that account in July.
>>452424If that isn't her account, then why so desperate to get into it?
>>452425That is Ryan #3. She split with #2 in 2006.
No. 452466
>>452425Christ, does Raven ever look like trailer trash in that picture of her at the hospital with her dad. Look at those heavily angled brows, she's like a Thai chola. I also find it hard to believe that she was equally as ugly long before she got most of her piercings.
This dude is as much of a Cro-Magnon as Josh, that's for sure. I think he's actually the ugliest of her beaus so far.
lol, she is so wack looking.
No. 452474
>>452424You know she reads here right? Now she'll probably be on lock down.
I almost wanted to say that this would give her more reason to talk about haters trying to ruin her life and harass her but she deserved it.
No. 452552
>>452424I also agree that this is going too far.
Having said that, I've always thought it would be hilarious for YTT to get wind of her and show her what true trolls really are.
No. 452559
>>452424You’re an idiot and you’ve cockblocked us all.
>>452482I think they were referring to the alleged resembles between Josh and Ryan.
She does have a type but it’s not so much based on looks…
No. 452577
So… we did not trust
>>451770 and so her profile got back on and we got
Why are we trusting this? It could be her trying to stir up drama 'da h8ers hacked my facebook account I got to defend myself' ~
No. 452637
>>452321just a bunch of little things about the recent library friends. I agree there is some weirdness here (beyond the obvious) and agree there's been a lot of shitposting. there's also been a lot of throwing off about Logan and little mention of Couchie. and for a side dish, how long she dragged it out, the oh no flight delayed, spending so much time with Logan (apparently) and yeah. obviously I'm hoping for the best (taco bell and meth) but I'm not feeling good about it rn. edit: and look what's been happening, I should've read further down
>>452424pls gtfo you sped.
(anons … how do you reactivate an fb account if you can't get past the security checkpoint - presumably 2fa but either way)?
No. 452655
>>452437I fucking love you haha.
>>452637Same, anon. I'm feeling hella iffy about all of it.
She wouldn't have to lie and pretend to be other people if she was an honest person in the first place. But narcissistic idiots rarely have two brain cells to rub together so what else is there to expect from Raven.
No. 452769
>>452766>we'll stop at nothing to expose her for who she really is.Speak for yourself, anon. I'm personally just here to laugh at, and be horrified by, her life.
You're coming off a bit rabid.
No. 452775
>>452770Oh god Raven. Who's gunna bust anon? Internet police? Interpol?
Just post a video and spill. This shit is lame.
No. 452802
>>452766I feel like this is Raven doing this to make us seem like crazy stalkers. She's probably doing it to somehow prove to someone/law enforcement that we are 'taking it too far'
Perhaps she wants to make it look like someone hacked her account to suit a narrative she has given Logan/Ryan/Josh?
I don't know. Good luck Raven ya dickhead.
Also, if not Raven, you are an absolute psycho for trying to hack someone!
No. 452806
>>452802I’m pretty sure she is as well. I have a pretty good feeling why she’s doing it too.
>>452766 reeks of granny. Raven, you’re pretty pathetic.
No. 452808
>>452766Firstly, Raven, that’s not how it’s done. You should do better research for your characters.
Secondly, no one needs to expose shit. You’ve done more exposure of yourself than anyone ever wanted.
Speaking of which, will we be hearing from your left tit soon?
No. 452824
Is Raven's profile on trademe either suspended by them, or gone? I click on Auction feedback or Profile I get not found.
No. 452825
>>452824she will have deleted it when she read that we were finding info there, just like she deletes/privates old videos that are posted here.
so painfully transparent kek. hi Gravy!
No. 452843
>>452837He's making her eat out of the dog bowl on the floor. And she's only being fed bits hacked off the poor dead dog, who is her only company down in the cellar. If it weren't for the rats, she'd have no-one to talk to.
Poor Ravy. Awww.
No. 452853
>>452850You can't look at Josh and tell me that he isn't an offbrand Velveeta kind of man. Southerners love that shit.
I can't wait to see her going to town on all of the delicious fried and cheesey stuff we have down here in the southern US. She thinks she's skinny now, she's gonna envy her current body in a years time.
No. 452854
>>452853sage for blogposting but from what I have heard about Velveeta as it is, I'm glad that shit isn't a thing in my neck of the woods.
I give her a month before she undoes all her "hard" work of losing weight. 3 months before she has a heart attack.
No. 452861
>>452846….using the dead dog's fist
(ILY, anon!)
No. 452863
>>452861it'd wanna be a pretty big dog
(awww shucks ILY2)
No. 452864
>>452853Huh. REAL men know the only acceptable cheese is that growing under their toenails.
Ooooo….maybe that's why he sniffs his fingers? He's got him some prize gorgonzola growing - pure plastic all-'Murican goodness.
No. 452866
>>452863Already lost a paw in Cravy's cavernous depths.
I don't even want to think what he's doing to her with the arrow…
No. 452872
>>452870Let's hope he reads here >:-)
Besides, there's good eatin' on that there dawg. Be a waste, using it to fist a harpy.
No. 452935
>>452931Exactly as much as I hate the goth turd people saying they’re trying to get into her personal shit is a little too obsessive and far for me
Farmhandssss please
No. 452939
>>452937Okay Raven,
What’s the fee for late return of books ? I’d call in myself but since you’re already at the library…
No. 452941
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>>452937So if she tried to steal your boyfriend presumably this is you ?
Since the person she was talking to before Josh was Eddie ?
No. 452953
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I'm bummed out. I come here every day, hoping for news, and every day it's just bullshit and spec.
I still don't understand how Dorian and the girlfriend could be absolutely clueless as to where Raven is, unless she's so psychotic that he's gone no contact with her, which is pretty goddamned scary to me. That your mother would be so insane that the only recourse you have is to break all ties.
Hmm, just had a thought. If there's a restraining order against her on the part of the kids, shouldn't the cops in CC be able to tell them that they're safe since she's out of the country? It's ridiculously hard for people to just up and disappear, especially when there are families involved. I'm just not buying that no one out there has a clue. She was staying with Ryan. Why is he so quiet? Why is Josh? It's not like this fat old hog should be inspiring loyalty in any of these dudes. She'll fuck whoever keeps her in cheap crap and toys.
There's so much shitposting in this thread from Raven that the whole situation has become crazy muddied. I'd like to see an IP check on the most recent LG/Dorian posts, because I wouldn't put it past Raven to post as them, either.
I wonder how many cows are malignant narcs? Raven, Onion, Lamey, Margerat. The creepiest thing is that they've all got kids, and they've all fucked their kids up. Well, we have no proof on Onion's spawn yet, but there's no way those kids are growing up healthy. Two narc parents and it seems like no one ever talks to them.
Honestly, I'm over this. I'll be back when she rears her fat fuckpig head again, but for now I feel like she's getting off on the attention.
Raven, you will never be able to erase all the shitty things you've said and done over the years, no matter how long you maintain radio silence. You're a terrible parent, a sexual predator and you basically raped your child bride into marrying you. That's your legacy. That's what people think of when they think of you. That's all they'll ever think of.
pic related, I'm going outside.
No. 452959
>>452952Why would Raven screwing around on Logan surprise ANYONE and why are you responding to Raven's baitposting? Unless…you're Raven! And you want even more attention!
Raven, get your fat ass out. You're such a dancing monkey that it's painful.
No. 453008
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>>453001well, that's a real shame. I know I for one would be totally convinced by another anon turning up and saying hi I'm her bf and this is a totally true story.
No. 453034
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>>452870Oh for shame, anon — everyone knows Raven is a tight little flower!!
No. 453048
>>452953Far as I can tell, from reading LF's posts they have gone "no contact" with her. It's likely a reason she's doing a lot of this fuckery, to "punish" Dorian. It's unthinkable to someone as solipsistic as Cravy that he could possibly fuck her off out of his life completely and this type of self-obsessed personality will create great scenarios in their head - she'll have a massive internal drama going whereby D is really going insane not knowing where she is, but it's pretty obvious he's just done.
Love and hate are closely aligned but once your kid is pushed and pulled to the point of utter indifference there is no way back. LF and Dorian are done; they genuinely don't care where she is and aren't going to poke the wasps' nest.
I may understand it wrong, but I also thought they didn't go as far as a restraining order - they're holding that in hand to make her leave them alone. In some ways, it's likely a relief to them that they don't know. They know the old bag will resurface but she'll bring headfuck with her - for them, out of sight is out of mind and long may it last.
I could be totally wrong, of course. But something about D's responses resonate - and it's the supreme parenting failure when you have pushed it so far, all your kid has left is "whatever…" Be proud, Cravy. And thank fuck the only other kid you ever had is plastic.
No. 453051
>>453034Ugh. Why do we need to discuss Ravens beaver?
Probably the most revolting Raven video is the one in which she talks about her monthly hemorrhaging vagina, filling 20 enormous pads a day, blood leaking out everywhere, giant globby blood clots expelling themselves from her barren womb.
Thanks to you assholes I now imagine all that plus a rotting dog arm hanging half way out of her twat.
I hate you guys.
No. 453152
File: 1508449922563.jpg (33.36 KB, 500x373, DqtQhAZ.jpg)

i only lurk in te moomoo threads, who is this chick?
No. 453157
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>>453152I don't know, maybe you could try reading her threads?
Also, learn to sage. No. 453176
File: 1508452881522.png (445.38 KB, 800x784, Screenshot_2017-10-19-15-32-37…)

Fine advice for parenting while maintaining one's narcissistic focus.
Raven points at Logan and laughs, "I am already a gothic parent to this one!"
Throughout the video he lavishes her with lapdog-like submissive affection and crudely devours a fat sausage. Kinda the same things, really. No. 453194
>>453190He's eating luncheon.A gross cheap shitty meat product made up of gross off cuts of meat,meat fillers basically blended into a paste and shaped into a roll.
It's ham for the white trash.
No. 453220
>>453170The NZ police have incident report database would be able to check it against any phones reported lost/stolen (provided the reporting person provided the IMEI.) Phone carriers can check if it has been reported stolen and locked.
The only way to trace the location is if it is on and a Find My Phone app has been put on the phone and activated. The pinging off cell towers you see in movies would have to be requested by local police of the telephone carrier and is usually only done in dire need (e.g missing persons). Having the phone number of the handset is what is used in this instance.
No. 453235
>>453176He gets pissed off when she says she's a goth parent to Logan, too. He should have got out but I don't know if he was capable.
Too bad. He was a cute guy.
No. 453421
>>453313saw this the other day and it reminded me of cravy, kek
sage for way off topic
No. 453485
>>453051Soz nonnie. We'll go sit in the Naughty Chair and Think About Our Behaviour.
If it's any consolation, I gave myself nightmares too.
No. 453583
>>453508Yeah he's giving off pathetic virgin vibes in this video. It creeps me out to know the age difference here. He's paws at her and hangs off her, it's so childlike. Also the ape keeps looking at herself and touching her hair constantly. She just goes on stupid tangents and never stays on subject. Like she'll talk about a negative aspect of being 'an alternative looking parent' and then go off on a tangent about herself and the way she looks or she'll talk about something or someone ruining her life or insulting her. It's every video.
Even in her lipstick review, she started off kinda tame and beauty guru-esque but then goes off on a tangent about an ex boyfriend saying she looks ugly in black lipstick. She seems like she'd be an absolute negative bitch to be around. Like it's okay to talk about yourself, it's your video, and you've made videos on your hardships (I use that word loosely) but seriously does she not see how petty she seems in all her videos? Everything she says is like either humble bragging or shit talking. I am confused as to why any people are fans of her. Surely they must all be farmers or seedy men. I can't take the nice comments on her videos seriously.
Sorry for the long raven rant, I'm just watching some of her old shit right now and I'm like wow what a miserable bitch. No wonder you don't have friends Raven!
No. 454050
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>>454049It's his only review on Google.
No. 454187
>>454029what would the departure date be if her booking was in fact pushed back by the two weeks she initially posted about? I know the date of pushbike was mention in a video but was there ever any formal notification of the original delay date?
Sorry for lack of detective skills due to tiredness fellow craveys, I've been a long time in the library..
No. 454217
>>454187I seriously don't think she changed it, but that date passed a few days ago I think. She just wanted to buy time so Josh would have a new car and she could strew her sparkly pillows around the motel room and get a few more cats that she'll never vaccinate, worm or desex. Then Shablam, hi guys, here is my perfect life in my motel room in Columbia.
>>454183It's so hard to resist shitposting her here to pass the time, but it's always worth it because if we let it go quiet, she herself will always appear.
How's Taco Bell treating you? How fat are you now?
No. 454245
>>454228It's Raven, she pretty much posts at the same time every time. Where it's evening (say 8pm-ish) in Columbia and daytime in NZ, She wants to make it look like she's in NZ.
They do wear pretty shit clothes though so would Jay Jays be beyond them? Raven's tacky enough to shop at Dangerfield. Side trivia but I remember when that used o be a top notch store with good vintage duds in it, aimed at adults. My how things change.
No. 454300
>>454183Very observant of you, Raven, to notice our remarks on Logan’s facial hair.
Makes me think that speculation about the video still you dm’d to anons being one you prepared earlier is actually correct.
Thanks for the info.
No. 454339
>>454319That's just it though - there have been a LOT of sightings recently. There haven't been before. In the past there have been a few people come here and say they've seen her/see her around Christchurch, but it's never been this common and it's never been so similar each time.
Doesn't smell right, but like filthy Raven.
No. 454417
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No. 454435
>>454319Wrong, the preponderance of fake undocumented sightings that are reported every time the thread dies a bit, along with her scamming someone out of a few hundred bucks means shes almost definitely not in NZ.
These attempts by Raven to mislead are quite informative. It tells us more than she has counted on.
No. 454442
>>454435She's basically confirmed where she is. Even the time of night she posts.
May as well un-delete your many facebooks, Gravy.
No. 454493
>>454271>>454483What do you think an IP is?
It’s not a direct link to one person
If it’s pinged it’ll come up SC that’s all we need
No. 454603
>>454316"Next time I'll get pics, so watch yourself"
Uh huh, sure sounds exactly like how the people in this thread normally talk. Weird, empty threats and accusing another person of being Gravy, even though that person hasn't made any claims or confirmed/denied their story yet. If you saw her somewhere and didn't think to snap a photo (already unlikely), and then had another farmer say they could prove that she was there, surely you'd be happy for them to do that. Strange that this person (who sounds exactly like four other identical posts) gets immediately defensive instead.
Gravy, you're embarrassingly obvious, it's sad.
No. 454604
>>454245>>454470Raven was a regular at jay jays when she was in NZ. This is how I came to know of her. I work there and I looked over all the footage for the 21st and could not see her enter the store at all.
This pretty much confirms to me that she is in the states and has been posting here. We need an IP check on those posts!
No. 454616
>>454610It is fairly impressive. She truly fails at absolutely everything she puts her hand to - doesn't matter how theoretically easy or basic it is, Raven will find some way to fuck it up. She'll either be too lazy, too stupid, too self-obsessed, or too incompetent to achieve anything she attempts.
This is what makes her such a prime cow. You know that, whatever her grandiose plans, she will find new ways to fuck her own life up without any help from us.
No. 454622
>>454603Diana, this post is just beyond confusing.
When you pretend you aren't yourself, don't defend yourself and don't snap at the other anons. We are beautiful kindred spirits, you are a bloated troll faced soulless bag of puss. See the difference?
You're so weird. Maybe we should just load you on to the slaughterhouse truck and have you butchered into steaks.
No. 454668
know most of these posts are her and we
know where she is. There is no point.
So please stop asking.
No. 454815
>>454799100% agree, anon. We'll find out where she is and who she's with in due time.
She's likely to crack and post again once she gets bored. By entertaining her with petty infighting you're just prolonging it, if anything.
No. 454883
>>454838I saged my post and wasn't speculating so I don't see how that would entertain her tbh.
A vow of silence would be a good idea if it weren't for the fact that there's always going to be someone shitposting in the thread anyway.
>>454844You know what our dear puppet master Raven is like.
>Wow I posted that my husband watched porn and people on lolcow believed it! Dance, my puppets! Dance! No. 454915
>>454799shitposting and bitchiness is nothing new, and I'd disagree that it's 'what she wants'. she wants the mad conspiracies and confusion, and since she isn't getting that, we're getting treated to her pissweak attempts to make it happen.
>spoiling any milkwhat milk? there hasn't been anything since she went dark. other than puppet week at the library, and that's been getting more bizarre and yet less interesting the more she tries.
No. 455114
>>454132we need more of this. I'm still cracking up, this was perfect.
and I don't care what anybody says, you can pry my library joke card from my cold dead hands. For further reading on this and many other subjects …
No. 455153
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No. 455157
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I hope the library has a couch for her tail bone.
No. 455186
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They're going to burn her at the stake :D
No. 455201
>>455186Huh, maybe she was right to worry about getting shot.
No. 455231
>>455186Holy fucking shit - and the witches are the villains in that movie, too.
I'd love to see edgy Hot Topic-core "everyone in NZ is a fucking normie" Raven trying to get by in that town with a bunch of conservative Christians side-eyeing her every time she emerges from the depths of her shitty motel to refuel on Taco Bell.
No. 455233
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If she is in SC and is on the outs with Josh, there appear to be plenty of eligible bachelors. No. 455235
File: 1508782680026.png (371.34 KB, 800x718, Screenshot_2017-10-23-11-16-21…)

She's definitely in SC!
No. 455292
>>455289Not clothes, it's those shitty figurines Raven loves.
I'm guessing it's a joke, as in Raven moved to Columbia for toys? I don't really get it either.
Sage for being confused when it's probably obvious.
No. 455461
>>455366sure, just not a good one, seeing as it caused confusion more than anything.
>>455415one anon claimed they did but didn't follow up. Not that it matters but couldn't the buyer do a chargeback through his bank? Then Raven's bank would come after her, in theory.
No. 455556
I've called it 15d ago (
>>446868 ). This thread is getting ridiculous…
At this point all I'm doing is reporting people that sound sus.
No. 455562
>>455474Yes, the point is to document cows and discuss their antics. Interfering in any way is generally looked down upon, and interfering with the subject of the thread or their lives is normally referred to as "tipping the cow."
I feel like there have been a surge of new users both recently and slowly over time, so the culture of the board can vary from thread to thread depending on how many newfriends frequent there.
In some threads, interfering or "trolling" attempts are not viewed as negatively as others. However, here and on similar sites, attempted trolling / tipping / weening / a-logging / interfering is seen as bad form and rather annoying to the majority that simply enjoy pointing and laughing.
Usually in a case like this where there is nothing to comment on, people will leave the thread until something new has happened. This is probably the first time I've seen a thread carry on like this long after the flatline. Her thread wasn't even this active with speculation during the time we were debating whether or not her "suicide" was real!
I definitely think she's lurking here and that a lot of this infighting and generally negative attitude stems from her. I feel like stirring up the chaos and confusion we've been seeing here gives her a sense that she's "manipulating" us like she's always happy to claim, and that perhaps driving everyone off out of annoyance until she's the only poster left is the only way to shut down her thread.
I can only hope that if she's truly invested in taking down the farms, she'll commit enough to surpass our dear Sperg-chan.
No. 455567
>>455486May I draw attention back to this? If she has skipped the country and left Logan on the hook for her fraud, surely, I say SURELY that’s enough to make him hate her.
She seems to be ok with burning that bridge or Logan’s going to the US after all and is stupid enough to leave this kind of thing behind in his own place of birth.
No. 455705
Yeah it seems like I copied the wrong link, my bad.. I was referring to this one, which is still up but as you say everythings hidden.
No. 455816
>>455464that's not milk, that's blood.
>>455567>>455661how is he on the hook for this, though? her fraud in her name, after they declared their split publicly … I'm just not seeing it
No. 455845
>>455816IF - the police are going around to visit someone, they'll be looking at the address/es on the account. If his name and address is there, they'll come around and knock on his door - or if they know his next address, will knock there. As one of two on the account, he'll be considered to have taken the money along with Raven.
This is not to say he'd be charged or whatever. If the person gets their money back they may never even go to the police.
No. 455904
>>455816Right, this was Ravens selling account and her deal, not his. She entered into a contract, not Logan. It's on her.
She's gone so they won't get the money from her. The buyer will, or probably already has, filed with their bank or credit card company, and they will file a charge back, so the buyer will be covered, no problem. If Raven took the money through PayPal, they'll be on her ass for payment, PayPal is international.
No. 455958
>>455816>>455845>>455904>>455925The TradeMe account is in Logan's name.
She was accepting Pay Now, cash, and bank deposit as payment. listing was covered by Buyer Protection. No. 456082
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>>455567Personally, I hope Logan's moving to the US because he's a qt3.14, and there are many, MANY attractive young altgirls here who will be more than happy to fuck the old lady stench off of him and erase Raven's shitty Manchurian candidate tech. It would be hot. I mean, he's practically a virgin.
Can you imagine what Grave will look like at fifty? She hasn't even gone through menopause yet and she already looks like a fat old Asian gran.
shuddersDiana, you are so fucking ugly. Maybe Logan likes fatties, but you're not even a cute fatty. You're old, and ugly, and every day that passes, you get older (of course) and uglier. Is your vagina prolapsing from all that fat and all that sitting around yet?
If Logan wants a fatty, that's fine. He could easily get with a cute fatty, you know, a girl who looked like Pear-Chan before she turned into a deathfat.
Bring him with you or leave him behind, Hagrave. Either way this handsome young boy is going to be wetting his dick in pussy that hasn't been wrecked by the ravages of time, you fat old fuck.
No. 456084
>>456082Oh man, if he came to the US he'd for sure get all the vageen he could handle. American girls love dudes with accents, espically danger dudes like him.
I used to think he was a solid "eh" in the looks department but he's filling out nicely and turning into a pretty solid "ah".
No. 456120
>>456082I'm too lazy to grab it now but there's a picture of Logan on KF where he looks super fuckable.
Too bad you don't like sex, Diana. People like you, who go on and on about how they don't like sex? Generally suck at it. And just because you were a hooker doesn't mean you were good at fucking, don't get it twisted. There are some sex workers who love their jobs. But you're too lazy to be any good at it.
Can you imagine? This poor guy has never even been properly fucked. He's just waiting to have his world rocked by a happy, fun-loving girl who loves to suck dick and fuck for hours.
How long do you think it'll take him to find a girl like that, Rave? Shouldn't be long now.
No. 456129
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>>456084>>456120>>456107>>456082Yeah, I'd say that's a dude who will be able to get whoever he wants; and what he wants isn't Raven, we all know that.
Can you imagine the look on Raven's face when she hears about all the girls Logan's been dicking?
No. 456164
>>456133He does look sad. Because he is. He's been treated like dirt for a huge chunk of his life and been ditched for an ugly finger sniffing loser, by an ugly gurgling psycho bitch. Who wouldn't be?
If you can't see potential in him, even if you don't like his personal style, you're delusional. Any alt girl would like him as he is. He's a handsome, loyal, hard working young man. You can't say otherwise.
As for his ethics, does he really hate porn? And hot chicks? And people of other nationalities? We know he doesn't. Raving does though, she's obsessed. He couldn't even have an opinion. He had to lie to himself and everyone else, to protect himself from her abuse. Verbal, emotional and sexual for sure, she probably attacked him physically as well. She likes talking about slitting people's throats and threatening murder. God knows what else she's done to him.
I too would gladly volunteer to fuck his pain away and treat him like the good man he is.
No. 456171
>>456160She doesn't love him anymore, I honestly don't think she ever did. She only wanted someone to sexually abuse and control so she stole her sons friend from his family and made him her victim. If we wanted to bait her we would talk about how much we wanted to fuck Josh, not her ex who she doesn't give a shit about. I wouldn't touch Josh with a ten foot pole. Who's racist and sexist? Oh, that's right! JOSH. Have a look around Facebook. His profile is locked down but you can still see some posts he's made on his friends pages. His whole family is racist, just like the whole town they live in and just like his true love Diana. She'll fit right in, as long as they can overlook the fact that she's an old scary Asian woman.
She said herself they never really connected at least not in a real way like her and Joshua do. I believe her. She's managed to overlook his lying about owning a home and lying about owning a car and lying about having a girlfriend or whatever. He was a cute guy a long time ago, very all American, but drugs and drinking ruined that. Now he looks like a haggard hobo and there is no repairing that sort of chemical damage. He seems mildly retarded, probably also from chemical damage. He's pudgy and greasy and he stinks, look closely and you can see the fumes I swear. He has no drive or ambition and only got a job when he had to because Diana was coming. He won't be able to hold on to it, guys like that never change and he's too old and set in his ways now. He didn't even start looking for a place to live until the last second, and because his credit is shit (of course it is) he's presenting his wife to be with a fucking motel room.
It must be true love. It has to be or she's just made the biggest mistake of her life.
No. 456176
>>456168Hey mongloid, why should Logan turn down a pretty lady who would put the time and care into earning his trust to get the opportunity to slide up and down on his dick? What man would turn down a hot little thing who's willing to make him feel alllll better? Do you really think he's going to concerned with lolcow? Or Raven?
Haha! Wtf?
No. 456199
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>The amount of thirsty anons in this thread for Logan.
No. 456216
>>456210Could possibly be the old bag herself?
If not….seriously. If the narrative is that Logan was groomed and she took advantage of a troubled child, how would it look if this were role-reversed and it was guys talking about girls?
Sense-of-humour failure maybe. But this is kinda gross. Logan already fears us because we've been talked up as these monstrous bitches…do we have to live up to the stereotype?
He was SIXTEEN, ffs. Everything he thinks has been moulded by a racist, misogynist, narcy psycho fucknut who has effectively destroyed an entire level of comms that should be as natural as breathing, plus given him huge complexes about things like porn and enforced it all by horrendous emotional blackmail via outrageous "suicide" threats. I dunno why anon thinks his mother is out for her blood, but I fucking would be. Lets not make it worse…
No. 456255
>>456249yes and yes. farmhand = mod, out to pasture = banned.
I'm really hoping this thread has a few librarians in it, and that's why shit has gotten so weird.
No. 456262
>>456260Raven, excuse me, Claudia is clearly getting upset that girlies want to fuck Logan. Why would Claudia show up when we were all baiting with Logan?
Stupid whore.
Raven, how many times do you think Logan's gotten laid since you left, you landwhale?
No. 456272
>>456265>>456266Stop with the fucking samefagging. I think Logan is okay looking but y'all just sound really pathetic and desperate with the "I'll fuck the old lady out of him!," gaggery. Who needs an lolcow when so many thirsty anons have opened a fucking panty creamery over a mediocre looking young man? Puh-leese.
Sage for second-hand embarrassment.
No. 456295
>>456166>>456167>>456193What the fuck is up with these thirsty ass psychos all of a sudden? ‘Ey Ray Ray, girl. That you?
>>456252Back at it again with the library card!
No. 456305
>>456272Anons, please. Who cares about the samefagging (sorry farmhands but it's all me on that IP) when ''Claudia's friend" took the time out of her busy night to get me to stop baiting her by talking like I want to fuck Logan?
This is all it takes for you, D? Saluda and Josh that much of a letdown? You can't come up with an interesting cover story for why it all sucks so bad but you're still sitting on this thread?
Whew, that must be rugged. Did he cringe when he saw you? Do you even speak to each other? Come on, deets, you pig.
I guess it is driving you mad that some little cutie might get her hooks into Logan, huh? That ~is~ a nice picture of him, he's a handsome guy without all the crap makeup you coated him in. How old is he now? Just about the right time for a girl his own age, don't you think?
If the farmhands could be begged or pleaded with to tell us where 'Claudia's friend's' IP originates from, I think we might know where Raven is at and get on with ignoring her.
Sorry to the rest of the board for being an asshole.
No. 456372
>>456305> no sage> long comment, not saying much> admits to samefagging> unrelenting thirst for sexual abuse victimPls stop. Don’t reply, just stop it.
>>456346>>456354Very clearly not really a friend of Claudia, library or otherwise. Not sure it is Raven given that they wanted to convince us Josh doesn’t know her? Raven keeps up with the thread better than that, and recently banned thread shitter seems dumb enough to make that mistake.
I eagerly await the milky conclusion of Samsunggate. Either Raven gets pinged or Logan is going to be pissed. Hopefully both.
No. 456433
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>>456381Why bother with the library?
No. 456534
As much as I'd like to jump on the tinfoil gravy library train, I honestly believe most, if not all of these shitposts are retards like
>>456310. I say retards because I think there's more than one, who either think they're clever or somehow baiting the old hag.
It's incredibly annoying and I sincerely hope farmhands are able to keep up with banning these kind of people.
Hate seeing this fucking thing is bumped only to read these shitstorms where someone didn't sage.
>>456433My sides ahahahah. Nice touch, anon
No. 456552
It may have been just some idiot shitting up the thread and excuse me for tinfoiling, but I was thinking about it and what if Raven got back with Logan and Josh tried to go back to Claudia and she was like 'no because I was mentioned on that weird website' (provided she knew about it from a farmer or perhaps Josh admitted it after he left Raven) and so Josh posed as 'her friend' to try and smooth things over. Or maybe they just got back together anyway and Josh doesn't want to be mentioned. Hell, maybe even Josh is the father of one or both of Claudia's kids and even if he isn't or is with her, decided to try and pose as a mate to protect the identity of his kids?
Anyway, they are all ideas I thought of. I'm really tired of people trolling and samefagging and talking about how sexy Logan is. It's gross and extremely annoying. I agree with
>>456547, I'm joining them and letting the thread die until Raven comes back online to make me angry, until then, there are numerous other bad oversharers and narcissistic freaks I can probably still follow and get a kick out of online.
If Raven has gone offline for good, she has learnt a valuable life lesson. Im looking forward to the milk if she does make a comeback, but otherwise ciao!
No. 456600
>>456598it's because of all the bait that people are shitty. fatso's threads have gone dead before, then she rekindles them, and off we go.
this time, her obvious stirring got lost in the mix of edgy fags baiting. if they could've just kept it in their pants, we'd all still be laughing at the stupid bitch because she would have revived this thread again. instead she's just lost in the noise which is good for her and shit for us.
also feel better soon, anon.
No. 456884
>>456552>>456600Bronchitis anon, feeling a little better today thanks! Personally I thought the anon or anons baiting were funny, I also think this thread has been mostly Raven for a long time now so if she reads something that gets her heated, I'm not going to lose sleep.
How is using Logan gross? He's an adult.
Also, this sudden idea that it's time to let the thread die, to me both of these things sound like yet more Friends of Raven™ type posts.
Question for the board: does it make sense for this thread to be set to auto sage until something new happens? I'm of two minds about auto saging.
On the one hand, it's great because the thread stays quiet until she really acts up again, but I think that auto saging also acts as a way for the cow to get off the hook, and I don't think Raven has turned over a new leaf by a long shot. She shouldn't get the chance to get off the hook. Thoughts?
I know this sounds spacey, still taking codeine (sp?) syrup. Sorry.
No. 456942
>>456884kick that bronchitis' ass, anon.
I'm in the Let it die camp, and nah, no library card here. I think the cough syrup is clouding your mind - Raven won't let this thread die. ever. she defines herself by her haters.
>>456939 … people say they're sick of this shit, thread dies down, and oh look more fb fuckery. too perfect.
No. 457505
>>457471This I can understand as she's likely preparing for the next marriage.
>>457473But this is… just getting off the internet for good I guess? Ciao.
No. 457907
File: 1509363998061.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171031-004214.png)

Pretty certain she is with couch boy now. Seen this new profile pop up a few days ago. Thought it may have been a coincidence and there may be another Raven Bradley. That was until I had a look at who was liking the photos. Couch boy has liked the profile pic and she is still going by his last name. She has to be in the states
No. 457945
>>457907Our old pal Ryan aka Dmitri is also there.
That's her, for sure.
She is either on the states, or she is creating fake profiles to talk to couch boy behind Logans back.
Neither would surprise me at this point.
No. 458114
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I'll just leave this here
No. 458130
>>458120what you said. it's
implying it isn't ever Raven on his account because she pretty much all but admitted in that ugh video that he has no social media presence of his own
No. 458162
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>>458112 URL for the curious. Acid Bath lyrics. Has she ever mentioned being a fan of them before?
The people who have liked her profile photo so far are pictured.
No. 458204
>>458114She is in the states and STILL has access to logan's account? Wtf.
Does Dorian know something about Raven? I kinda feel she is going to make new videos and reactivate everything.
No. 458245
>>458204This is a good point - either she’s going online behind Logan’s back and he’s just been tipped off, or she’s in Couchland while still remote controlling Logan’s account. Either way is scandalous.
Third option is Logan is in US with her and Couchie is “Just A Friend”.
No. 458277
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>>458162Which Joshua account is that?
This was posted on KF today, but it is a different account from the known j.bradley.80.six
No. 458279
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Note the date of the profile pic.
No. 458300
>>458246Someone said she needed to earn her keep. Guess she is trying to make sure she does.
She probably wanted this to die off but then panicked when it started to. We all know she can't survive without the attention. Good or bad.
Lots of people to be mean to her so she seems like a bullied innocent and then lots of people to feel bad enough to give her good attention.
No. 458314
>>458114I'm calling out bullshit.
Logan would not reply to someone he does not know.
C'mon, Raven, you gotta work harder. Did you really put those profiles up just so you could have attention?
No. 458375
>>458356 is his original facebook page. The one that liked the photo on the new page for Raven is new and probably fake.
On another note, her old profile is activated again and more locked down than before. No. 458377
>>458375The url changed? I do not remember that one. Were we aware of that page?
>>458356He replied to "his friend", someone he knew.
It's out of caracter to him to dissclose something private, like the fact that Raven was not supposed to be online, o a random stranger going like "hi, you don't know me but i want to know if you know where your allegedly ex-wife is, and OH, also want to make you aware that she has a new fake profile".
No. 458501
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>>458464Let's do it. Post shitty edits or old pics or something.
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>>458501oh dear god what the fuck is she
No. 458518
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No. 458663
File: 1509489544274.jpg (115.51 KB, 1064x766, wow.jpg)

There is no God. Does this explain why she's disappeared? What is going on?
No. 458665
>>458663Bruh she's going to come here and see this, could you not have baited longer before releasing thi-
Oh wait you couldn't because you're fucking raven you loony toon this is so obvious at this point you bored ass bitch
No. 458678
>>458663>>458669we'll play into the bait, she wouldn't know if she was up the duff with Josh unless she'd done one of those clearblue early pregnancy ones, so she's treated on her 'love that was more than love' partner, as surely even a bloated pig like her would notice she was 5 months~ pregnant before now if it was Logans from when they were together.
my guess would be Ryan from when she was living with him. gotta make up for not paying rent somehow.
No. 458705
>>458663According to her she always could tell she was pregnant early on before she got a missed period. But I wouldn’t take this seriously, Raven should know by now especially with her issues that the chance of miscarriage is high did the first trimester. Even if we believe she knew by the week she started delaying things she would be too early to know it will stay till term.
She almost died last time too.
No. 458712
>>458663Why would you blow your cover and make Raven know that you visit lolcow?
Raven, stop it, it's getting tired.
No. 458753
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OK. I'm gonna bite this bait…
>>458663Did you talked to her more?
>>458713She is ALWAYS here. Up when she started to disappear we would comment about her shit and she would INST remove them. Not even one hour after the post, gone.
I'm pretty sure there are trolls in this thread. Everytime it dies, something ludicrous happens.
No. 458845
>>458663Come on everyone.
She is obviously not pregnant. She says she can't talk to anyone, yet talks to this random person who just happens to post it to lolcow? She knew the conversation would be posted to her thread, that's why she said it.
I thought we were smarter than this.
No. 458870
is smarter than this. We know what this, we know the drill. No one cares.
Until Raven posts a new video there’s nothing to see here.
No. 459026
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No. 459463
>>459429>>459437i don't understand this lol, she sleeps with a mexican, has a half-mexican child come out of her body, and she uses racism against him? lmao
sagging for newfag.
No. 459501
>>459463Raven is that moronic. She doesn't really understand people other than what they can do for her.
>>459026>>459385And if you're going to shit up the threads, anons, do it like this. kek
OP anon - let's not make another thread until we can get confirmed milk or let the bitch fade away into her basement dwelling hot topic gear.
No. 459616
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>>448044it gets me every time I see this, look at how tight these jelly bracelets are on her hamhocks! How did she get them on there?
No. 459806
>>459731you know what else is too far?
fake pregnancies, fake miscarriages, fake deaths, grooming teenagers, abusing children, killing kittens and deleting Trumps twitter
No. 460317
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No. 460403
>>460317>>460371Is she manually approving all comments? The reply from Christy wasn't visible before.
If she has made herself unreachable to her followers, more reason to think any screencaps of chats with her are fake.