File: 1461620242140.jpg (27.25 KB, 272x275, image.jpg)

No. 124275
Let us follow our dear Alice SweetsQueen a.k.a SelfieQueen HairQueen PosiVibes RealRecovery Queen down the LUSH rabbit hole, this time with bigger hair(!)
What ROYAL adventures await us now?
Instagram: aly_realrecover
Last thread :
>>>/snow/91978 No. 124284
File: 1461621836268.gif (1.04 MB, 361x360, 1460914818029.gif)

Here is every donut monocle and pastry mustach since she destroyed her leg.
No. 124285
File: 1461621965498.jpg (243.44 KB, 848x960, IMG_20160425_160055.jpg)

Then here is this weird pic. Reminds me of those salad pictures.
No. 124310
>>124296How can you say that, anon? Have you not seen the positive effects of the massive 1 kg/month weight gain? Aly is finally SHINING and 11 kg heavier!
shhh don't ask questions
No. 124348
>>124296Have you been on the Ashley thread??
Her hair is terrible, has she lost all muscle in her arms so she can't straighten it anymore? Did she over excessively straighten it so it was considered exercise and banned?
No. 124381
>>124285Notice she's giving us a shot of her from the neck down. Has she kicked the facehugger's butt? Idk how much she's layering, but I definitely see a weight gain. Now I'm just waiting until it hits her (like the car did).
I agree…dark hair is needed and cut those rat tails off. Her followers need to stop telling her her hair is beautiful. She's too mentally ill to hear things like that. She believes it.
No. 124387
File: 1461637290660.jpeg (361.26 KB, 1242x1274, image.jpeg)

She clearly looks way healthier than before. Why are people giving her a hard time. Ya it's been a slow progress but you can't really argue with the comparison photo.
I'm happy for her and hope she keeps up the progress
No. 124397
>>124387The giving her a hard time thing is more to do with her exaggerating what she eats. Plus the fact only since she was stuck in a wheelchair or on crutches has she noticeably looked better.
If she really ate all she posts, her progress wouldn't be so slow.
On the left she's grinning at some fucking noodles. She was lying about her recovery and once she's found out for lying to followers, its difficult to trust what she really says.
Of course it's great she's looking healthier and I hope it continues, but all this baking and wide eyed ecstatic joy is fucked up.
No. 124408
>>124387>>124387I'm not giving her a hard time over her weight gain…she's clearly gained and that's good
I just dislike her for being a liar and generally for being snotty/bratty, which has nothing to do with her ED
No. 124442
File: 1461648206209.png (93.31 KB, 156x283, Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-25 um 1…)

>>124282Well, she also thought that this outfit looked good, so it´s not like she has any taste in hairstyles, clothes or whatever.
Her hair looks almost as shitty as her chipped nail polish.
No. 124518
File: 1461671282351.png (154.38 KB, 291x289, Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-26 um 1…)

Apparently she´s taken all the comments about her "fried" hair to heart and has smoothed her fuzzy strands a bit. It still doesn´t look good, but it´s some progress.
Now, Aly, stop these stupid facial expressions with the wide opened eyes and the forcefully pulled-up eyebrows (that will only give you wrinkles on your forehead) and you might look almost normal for once.
No. 124580
>>124519Weight gain.
C'mon, read the thread. Apart from her crispy hair, it's pretty much all that's been discussed in this one so far and it has barely any posts at all yet.
Ain't hard.
No. 124605
File: 1461685049819.jpg (143.38 KB, 591x579, back to her old tricks.jpg)

Does she really expect us to believe she bit this? She's back at her old tricks, but doing a very poor job of it.
At least with last year's donut photos, there was a little debate about whether it was a bite or spoon. This isn't even mildly believable.
No. 124624
File: 1461687736167.jpg (628.69 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20160426_101534.jpg)

>>124518I dont think she has unfortunately. Pic on the left is from last week, pic on right posted today. She's just using her selfie stock.
Also I'm curious to see if she really does visit Sonia or not. She better after all the visits Sonia makes for her.
No. 124631
>>124609I know. It's remarkable. I also find it kind of weird that she will openly post about how she doesn't like her dad and some members of her family. Like, it would be one thing to post that under a pseudonym or on a closed forum, but she has tens of thousands of followers and her family reads her posts. It's hard to explain where I think the line is (and of course it's a matter of opinion) but she's crossed it.
It's not just one person either: her dad, her aunt(s), her uncle, her cousins, friends who can't deal with her illness…
No. 124714
>>124424Nah, it's been ombre for a
long time. You can see in
>>123649 , which was taken… fuck, I don't even remember. It was posted in one of the first Aly threads. That was… a year ago, I think?
So either her hair
never grows, or she does upkeep to make sure it stays ombre.
Considering how OCD / control-obsessed Aly is, it'd be shocking if she allowed her hair to be a different shade than the one she's used to. Hell, even the transition from fully blonde to blonde/brown ombre was sort of a half-step.
>>124624I wonder why she's spreading out selfies. It makes sense to do that with pictures of food (so she can pretend she ate multiple meals), but why selfies?
>>124669Her leg got busted up and she promptly started gaining weight. I'm bettin she's gained weight because she hasn't been able to exercise like she was before, not because she's actually recovering. I expect her weight to start dropping again as her leg heals.
No. 124715
File: 1461696867989.jpg (40.33 KB, 631x144, Capture.JPG)

>>124624She visited her friend because she's such a good girl.
No. 124790
File: 1461708840558.jpeg (144.12 KB, 640x977, image.jpeg)

>>124715Comments on this pic, now deleted of course. Got a laugh out of them though.
No. 124986
>>124983There's no question that she's put on weight, but I think if you compare her to how she looked before her eating disorder, her face is a very odd shape, and her cheeks seem swollen disproportionately to the rest of her face. Of course, this could be due to her not being fully recovered, or simply getting older, but I think that's why people suspect that. As well as the fact that it's very hard to believe that she's eating everything she posts, partly because she's flagrantly lied in the past, and partly because if she were, she'd have put weight on much faster than she has, and so people wonder what she's doing with the food: purging seems like the obvious choice given that she claims to eat in front of people, making it harder for her to just throw the food away.
No. 124995
>>124387What the fuck, she looks so pretty in the second picture.
Very different than her younger look, but she has this aged metropolitan vibe to her in the second one that is really attractive. She still has a lot of weight to gain, though.
Also, regarding her facial shape, it doesn't look like purging to me. When you purge, you just kind of look like you got hit in the face with a frying pan. 'Bulimia cheeks' are grotesque swollen glands sticking out of the underside of your face/neck, not cute little chipmunk cheeks. She clearly just has some kind of edema or water retention going on, as is extremely common in anorectics who start gaining weight
No. 125004
File: 1461760538785.jpg (643.94 KB, 3400x2000, chipmunk.jpg)

>>124995yeah thanks I don't think you need to educate me on how #realbulimiacheeks look since I had the pleasure of seeing them every morning in the mirror for a couple of months. they are not "grotesque" all the time. I don't think aly's cheeks look like cute chipmunk cheeks, so don't know what point you were trying to make there. I admit though they are set a little to high. Still, thy look hard and unnatural to me, especially compared to the rest of her body.
I can't imagine someone as uptight as her purging since it's a pretty nasty business so I'm not even saying she's bulimic. Just that something's off about the way she gains weight in her face. My guess is on water retention which would be an indicator FOR recovery.
(included a picture of most famous bulimia cheeks for reference)
No. 125074
File: 1461767878579.jpg (121.54 KB, 683x960, IMG_20160427_082436.jpg)

I can't take that last commentor seriously. She's sucking off a Popsicle dick LoL
No. 125103
File: 1461771763400.jpg (38.2 KB, 632x454, Capture.JPG)

And endless OCD arranged pictures of food aren't?
No. 125124
>>125074it's not her in the profile pic, i know because i follow her
sage for OT
No. 125545
File: 1461841599173.jpeg (223.72 KB, 750x1074, image.jpeg)

Aly is back to saying her transformation pictures are a gift to all of her followers (this was part of her breakfast picture today)
No. 125623
File: 1461856020849.jpg (317.15 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

kek at that last comment
>>125555i sure hope so
No. 125626
File: 1461857606356.png (15.09 KB, 273x78, Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-28 um 1…)

No Aly, she´s not your best friend. She´s apparently the only friend you have left.
And if she still comes to your house to let you take stupid pictures of you both while you are holding food in front of your faces, she is probably doing it out of pity.
No. 125716
File: 1461875122172.jpg (106.58 KB, 540x687, IMG_20160428_132015.JPG)

I'm glad she doesn't do the puckered face anymore. Aly's been posting many comparison photos lately, when she used to be more reserved about sharing such things.
No. 126068
File: 1461952955654.png (1.24 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160429-135947.png)

Looks like someone jizzed on her banana.
She wrote that she actually woke up feeling hungry, I think this is the first time she has ever talked about hunger. Good on her, hope she keeps it up.
No. 126073
File: 1461955371186.jpg (188.26 KB, 681x960, IMG_20160429_123901.jpg)

Talking about eating cookies in the dark.
This post was actually pretty interesting to me.
No. 126074
File: 1461955456506.jpg (186.89 KB, 681x960, IMG_20160429_123841.jpg)

Then she asks what everyone thinks about it.
So, what DO you guys think?
No. 126078
>>126073All that overthinking, manic writing and need for validation over one biscuit?
Also her banana photos are so disordered, a few slivers of fruit with some carefully placed sprinkled and sauce on top that don't even look appetising to eat, rather than just being normal and eating the full banama without as a psyche nurse would say, spoiling it amd taking so much time …. not eating
No. 126088
>>126073I wondered how somebody who eats 3 meals plus 4-5 heavy snacks daily can still be that hungry in the evening.
Hypermetabolism, this far out?
No. 126089
>>126073ok that really was interesting. she made such a big deal about it, makes me think it's the first time she actually has eaten something, like actually eaten a thing, in a long time - and she had to do it in the dark. really outlines how much of a charade the whole closeups on muffins and marshmallows is. she's living a double life, one is *~recovering~* and one is screaming inside.
it was really humanizing to hear her talk about stuff that was hard for real real real
No. 126098
>>126088>>126073Let's pretend she's eating all she says she is. Unless she's having a sly spliff or she's on antidepressants, I can't see how she would wake up feeling so hungry if she's scarfed a load the day before.
Her sleeping pattern seems really regular - in bed before midnight, awake at 7am, and when I had an enviable pattern I can't remember waking up and thinking I'M SO HUNGRY.
IF she did, and IF she eats all these cakes, she needs to start eating something that isn't empty calories and doesn't make your stomach feel empty after half an hour.
I suspect she's read someone else writing thing and she's copying it for asspats and not validation (even though it probably didn't happen).
It's in my head that this is as far as her recovery will go with her weight. Yes she's gained recently (and we know why), but as
>>125716 said the difference in her face isn't huge when you consider she's sucking in her face. Even whatever the hell she's doing with her hair is making her look "better" than having it hanging flat around her face.
Oh god though, that Starbucks plastic cup. I'd filed that away in the DO NOT GO THERE AGAIN section of my memory. I wonder if she still uses it?
No. 126099
Wait, it was
>>125784 I meant to ref about the cat anus mouth.
No. 126101
File: 1461963570459.png (1019.81 KB, 861x556, Untitled.png)

See, here she was fake real recovering. Her face looks much like it does now (but she doesn't look mental). Her body looked like this while her face was fuller.
This was only Christmas 2014, but she looks so much younger and fresher despite being a spoop.
I want to see a body shot, and not when she's wearing those hideous Glasgow heroin addict sweatpants.
No. 126113
File: 1461967752929.png (496.96 KB, 480x708, wp_ss_20160429_0001.png)

>>126109This was a couple of weeks after the Xmas shot. She actually had a social life.
No. 126140
File: 1461975925785.jpeg (68.41 KB, 640x1098, image.jpeg)

Look who made her old Insta private
No. 126298
File: 1462027833677.jpg (209.49 KB, 535x646, IMG_20160430_094027.jpg)

No. 126325
Ew. Ice cream inside sweet bread. Ew.
I really hope she gets some new clothes soon. Her old ones depress me, especially this top thing she's wearing.
I see she posted another of her selfie stock photos earlier. I hate the sweater she's wearing in that too.
No. 126369
>>126325>#youdidnoteatthatmy reaction also.
Is Milan cold enough to require multiple layers these days? I see temps will be in the 20s soon, I am curious whether the cardigans and shrugs and jackets will remain.
No. 126373
>>126298Which one is it Aly
"Craved since ages" Or "first ever tasted"
Can you crave something you've never had?
No. 126388
File: 1462048927450.jpg (77.72 KB, 598x581, Capture.JPG)

>>126369Idk about the weather in Milan, although Sonia was wearing a light sweater and scarf two days ago, so it still might be chilly.
For a while Aly's been doing something a bit sneaky. She's been using layers to "bulk up", including the padded bra. The bra definitely makes her look less skinny UNTIL you see that her collarbones are still popping out all over the place.
Pic related.
The amount of junk she's claiming to eat is becoming ridiculous.
No. 126409
File: 1462053813596.jpg (34.68 KB, 493x387, 1450471946403.jpg)

>>126388From the thumb it looks like she's about to eat a fun-sized granola bar and some chocolate swirls and is quite happy about it.
No. 126567
File: 1462111643332.jpg (333.35 KB, 961x429, shoestringfryhair.jpg)

No. 126599
File: 1462121323580.jpeg (185.11 KB, 640x987, image.jpeg)

So after these comments popped up on her mocha photo (latest post), she deleted it along with the previous two and reposted them all at once. I guess that's her tactic for dealing with these kinds of comments now. I'm glad to see others calling her out on her "recoverywin" bullshit. The girl is bound is start saying that a glass of water is a fucking "lush freaking recovery win" at this rate. Also she wrote that the red velvet cupcake she had was a "first ever tasted" but she had a red velvet muffin back in December.. The only difference between them really is one is iced and the other isn't. Aly is such a twat.
No. 126837
File: 1462199343892.jpg (1.1 MB, 1512x1512, Instasize_0502092631.jpg)

can't tell if she's pissed as hell in her new pic with sophia or actually genuinely smiling
No. 126862
File: 1462205095722.png (458.47 KB, 768x1280, Screenshot_2016-05-01-14-27-19…)

>>126861oops dropped the pic
No. 126863
File: 1462205128937.png (283.97 KB, 768x1280, Screenshot_2016-05-01-14-27-28…)

No. 127144
File: 1462279927145.jpeg (153.67 KB, 603x751, image.jpeg)

This is not the face of someone excited to eat what's in front of them. Aly's not recovering, she's lying to herself and everyone else. She honestly looks terrified.
No. 127177
>>127173I'd cry if my hair was that bad.
She's not done her usual morning #secondbreakfastrecoverywin. How did her OCD allow that?
No. 127224
File: 1462294475236.png (716.02 KB, 949x592, VanillaBakery1.png)

I decided to look for some more close-up cupcake shots from Vanilla Bakery. We all suspected Aly strongly of switching her big cupcake for a mini one, but here's the proof. Here's what a big cupcake looks like. Sorry for pic spam.
No. 127225
File: 1462294488689.png (869.69 KB, 950x617, VanillaBakery2.png)

No. 127226
File: 1462294499325.png (719.31 KB, 870x596, VanillaBakery3.png)

No. 127346
>>127341>>127342I'd be interested in the dry cocoa part of it, but cream cheese icing ick. I always have to scrape a load of that off. Way too sickly. I'm not a fan of cupcakes, but I've always wondered what red velvet tasted like.
I'm so impatient to get a body shot of Aly that I might see if there's a prediction of temperatures in Milan. I know the UK's supposed to be getting a "heatwave" this weekend. With her head shot you can see that her whole body still looks spoopy. I really bet there isn't much difference from last year. How much has she supposedly gained? Is it more than 14lbs?
No. 127375
File: 1462319894758.jpeg (527.02 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

>>127346I checked and it seems like it'll be fairly nice out (included both Fahrenheit and Celsius), but probably not warm enough for outfits that'll show her spoopy body.
No. 127397
>>127375Let's hope Pa C takes them to the seaside again.
Yeah, I really cant see she gained almost 2 stone. She still looked spoopy at Christmas (the pic where Pa's strumming his geetar). I wonder if she wears her padded bra at weigh ins. She could be concealing weighty items in it.
Thanks for explaining red velvet. It looks better than it sounds. Fuck food colouring. Its all a lie.
No. 127473
File: 1462358666972.png (49.92 KB, 467x212, wp_ss_20160504_0003.png)

>>127375Ok, so a couple of days ago she had ~weather sensitivity ~ because the shy was grey ( or sthing). Today it's hot (BODY SHOT WITHOUT LAYERS PLEAAAASE!)and she moans because she has "low pressure". Does she mean blood pressure? Do spoops have this problem?
No. 127475
>>127228She never posts closeups of her cupcakes with the wrapper on (only long shots). That's because the mini-cupcakes (the only ones she eats) do not come with wrapper.
I bet she takes a cupcake home for her mom or brother. That's the one she poses with. Then she eats or "eats" the mini.
No. 127477
File: 1462360815222.jpeg (151.37 KB, 640x870, image.jpeg)

Why do people feel it necessary to mention this site when trying to make a point about something, like there aren't enough underage anachans etc here shitting up threads. Just stop ffs.
No. 127480
>>127473yes, they do.
It funny to me that she was complaining about the weather and now it's sooo hot she's fainting. It's currently only 22 degrees C - 72F
No. 127492
File: 1462366789297.jpeg (227.1 KB, 745x1171, image.jpeg)

The Nippon chocolate from 5 days ago has made a reappearance.
No. 127499
File: 1462368435357.jpg (190.9 KB, 685x960, IMG_20160504_072002.jpg)

I always think it's weird when you can can actually see her eyes while she stares at food.
Also I'm sure it's been said, but what does she mean when she says "hospital control" or "medical control"? Like, those 2 words don't make sense together to me.
No. 127505
>>127500Good point. Why is she wearing that gross-looking jacket?
plus, it's only 22-23C - not that hot, especially for Italy
No. 127539
File: 1462378924719.png (248.34 KB, 768x1280, Screenshot_2016-05-04-18-03-58…)

she doesn't get bloating or water retention anymore! wow. I had both even after I reached a healthier weight. Took years…
No. 127545
>>127505It's more like 25°C here in Milan.
It's not that hot, just annoying.
>>127540A lot of people are still wearing the jacket for some masochistic reason tbh
No. 127554
File: 1462380546105.jpg (425.37 KB, 932x599, omghairbarf.jpg)

Nice hair on that "enormous" tart. I guess we know why it was free!
No. 127560
>>127539At the beginning of her real recovery, she claimed she only got the bloating in the hospital. Jfc the lies…
>>127554That might just be a strawberry fuzz, anon.
I'd say they were free because the guy was like, "Holy fuck how do I get these girls away from my shop?!?"
No. 127562
>>127560They're most likely samples judging by the size. If they like the samples, customers are likely to order them next time they're in. She always makes it sound as though they're given freebies because she's special or because the guys are hitting on her.
No. 127696
File: 1462405880475.jpg (221.07 KB, 960x916, IMG_20160504_174930.jpg)

Just curious who do you think the "girls" are, besides Sonia?
No. 127762
>>127729A systolic (top number) of 90-120s is within the normal range. Diastolic (bottom number) of 60s-80s is normal but quite honestly doctors tend to pay less attention to this number unless the systolic BP is also abnormal.
A low BP, magnesium and potassium? Some inherited kidney disorders can do that but those are rare. A more commonly encountered scenario is that of an older person who hasn't been eating and drinking proper meals/fluids. Vomiting, diarrhea, diuretics can also cause those issues together. Alcoholics also tend to have the same issues - I guess it's because they don't eat proper meals, and they probably vomit more than the average person.
No. 127821
File: 1462449856540.jpg (196.87 KB, 536x780, IMG_20160505_070009.jpg)

>had an ice-cream
No. 127822
File: 1462449893854.jpg (167.45 KB, 535x787, IMG_20160505_065957.jpg)

No. 127839
>>127833And if someone asks her to post a full body shot (which means one in which her body isn´t hidden under layers of clothes and ugly sweatpants), she answers that she doesn´t feel comfortable with full body shots because she has gained soooooo much weight.
It´s going to be a long time until we will find out what she really looks like and how much weight she has gained. Maybe we will never know!
No. 127852
>>127822She's doing much better but I won't believe she's REALLY making an effort until the following happens:
1) She stops posting food pictures altogether, unless it's something that is actually worthy of photographing
2) She stops making every. single. post. about food and/or her ED
3) She goes back to school or gets a real job.
4) She stops compulsively posing the same way over and over.
Right now she's STARTED to weight restore but she's still clinging to old patterns and habits. I see small bits of change like photographing a real meal instead of a pastry or dessert, but it's still way too slow for the time she's been "recovering."
No. 127870
>>127867Oh fuck off, ana chan.
>Reed books about concentration camps survivorsYou're honestly comparing self starvation with genocide by imposed starvation? Seriously, fuck off.
No. 127884
>>127867>>127870Anon isn't comparing the method/impetus of starvation, just noting that there have been multiple studies about what happens during refeeding.
But anyway, Aly's "realrecovery" is extremely atypical in a lot of ways. I remember so much painful bloating and strange weight distribution. If you read her instagram, you'd never know she struggled with refeeding at all.
No. 127888
>>127884Ok, but still a stupid thing for the Ana Chan martyr to say. I've read books about the Nazi Holocaust (it was actually a module on my degree course, but anyway…) and the last thing I would take from that episode in history was how an inmate's experience resembled referring syndrome of an anorexic. It came from tumblr or ig or mpa, so I should expect that level of self absorption.
Aly lies about het health for sure. I wonder if dizziness caused by blood pressure drop contributed to her accident. If her blood pressure was concerning her enough to go to see her doc, there must be other health problems she keeps to herself. Every other recovery account I've read talks about bloating as an on going thing.
No. 127892
File: 1462465468916.png (998.58 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160505-112321.png)

Well found out why Sonia has been over so much.. looking to Aly for that inspo
No. 127894
>>127867Comparing an anorexic, someone who refuses to eat and willingly destroys their body due to the fear of gaining an ounce, with people who are imprisoned and tortured with starvation and have no choice in the matter makes ZERO sense to me.
If you set a turkey dinner with all the fixings in front of a concentration camp prisoner they would eat and eat and eat. An anorexic would stare at it in fear and not take the opportunity to calm their hunger.
No. 127915
File: 1462468188671.jpg (130.38 KB, 960x891, IMG_20160505_110118.jpg)

I wonder how long Aly will let people talk to Sonia if they keep asking questions.
No. 127916
>>127888Whether or not you like it,
biologically the situation of a starved POW, a Holocaust survivor, a hunger striker, and an emaciated anorexic are the same. Biologically, all are at risk for refeeding syndrome, and - yes - all are at risk of developing persistent disordered eating (including binge eating).;2-N/abstract <- interesting to see the different types of patients here
I'm not trying to be an ass. But it sort of seems like you flipped out when you read the word "Holocaust." Anon should have left out the reference. But I think anon is just talking about the way the body deals with deprivation. At some point, even if you are an ana queen, it's quite likely that you will experience ravenous hunger.
No. 127921
>>127892Sonia might've gained a few lbs because of all the muffins Aly's been feeding her. Sonia does NOT need to diet. This should be the point where they don't see each other so much. Not healthy for either of them. JFC. What is Sonia thinking, though, telling Aly she's going on a diet. Ack.
I get ravenously hungry before a period, but that anon was just a fucking dick. I'm not personal blogging about hunger while PMSing. YOU HAVE NOT SUFFERED LIKE I HAVE SUFFERED. It was that tone along with the inappropriate comparison that ruffled mine.
>>127892 No. 127951
>>127894Don't know why your comment was translated to mean "Holocaust", there are many people who have been starved by government not just the jewish victims of the nazi party.
Anyway, your comment is wrong as to go through a long period of starvation may mean that even though you mentally wish to "eat and eat" your body has adadapted to starvation, your shrunken stomach reduced your appetite and would make a large meal uncomfortable. Anorexia also doesn't mean a person 100% goes without food, so they may eat some or all of a meal like that.
No. 128088
>>128068I'm pretty sure that anon was one of the anas who found this thread because lolcow was mentioned in one of Aly's post comments the other day. We don't usually get that level of tardness in this thread.
>>128082She's eating sushi often. Not very calorific is it?
No. 128130
>>127894>>127953Jesus christ, get your head out of your ass. Biologucally, starvation is the same no matter the circumstance. Your body doesn't differentiate between self-starvation and famine. Here's a fun one: how about the Minnesota starvation experiment? When the men were in the refeeding process, many feared gaining weight and mimicked much of what you'd see in anorexia. Yeah yeah, anorexia is self starvation, but you act as if it's rational choice and not one fueled by a mental illness. Why do you think it's so deadly?
Anyway, at least Aly finally changed up her photos.
No. 128141
File: 1462536895682.png (44.45 KB, 333x594, left me 2.png)

>>128138Yeah, it sounds like he just dropped her off instead of babysitting her the whole time. It's entirely possible her dad is a jerk but I can't believe she is constantly reminding tens of thousands of people that he is the main cause of her ED and their relationship is so bad, etc. She is not making that relationship better by posting that online. If she wants the relationship to get better and heal, she needs to do her part too.
It seems like everyone else feeds Aly's narcissism, but not Dad. Stay strong Don Casati.
No. 128145
>>128141He probably had things to do, Aly. Work, for example. Work that pays for your cigs and your muffins.
I thought she'd like being left alone to walk off some calories.
Something's up with her health if she's having tests. I'm hoping it's a mineral deficiency so she starts eating something nutritious.
No. 128148
>>128146well, maybe she was playing games with her morning snack.
but from what she wrote, it's clear he did drive her to the hospital.
No. 128156
File: 1462543153980.gif (1.49 MB, 342x343, help my hand is stuck in my ha…)

>>128154But how can it be a tradition when she SPONTANEOUSLY went to the bar to order a croissant?
No. 128157
File: 1462543404599.gif (383 KB, 293x285, output_PwLqaW.gif)

No. 128158
>>128146I also pictured him abandoning her in the middle of the road or the parking lot of the hospital. It's interesting that she said he was "nervous." In English that phrasing makes it sound like he was just SO anxious about whether her results would be okay or not that he had to leave. But that seems really unlikely. A context translator ( says the Italian "nervoso" is more closely aligned with "irritable or touchy." That definition makes more sense to me in this context: either he's irritated at having to take her to the test, or irritated with the outcome of the test, or he's just irritated with her behavior and she is attributing it to the test instead of herself (which is very possible, I have never heard her attribute anything negative in her life to her own behavior). So my guess is either the need for the test or the results pissed him off and he left her to go home on her own, or her OCD insistence on second breakfast or whatever other obnoxious behaviors she might have pissed him off and he left her to go home on her own.
In either case, I'm Team Paparino.
No. 128159
>>128158>>128141I wish so bad that we could ask someone what her dad is like.
I just don't trust that he's as bad as she says. Not after how she acted when her brother was sick and her mom stayed home to take care of him, she was so depressed and dramatic about it
No. 128162
File: 1462548128856.jpg (206.96 KB, 871x960, IMG_20160506_021354.jpg)

That collar bone is scary.
I hate her for her crap robotic personality. I really don't care that she's gained a little weight. This whole recent thing with her dad really pisses me off. I hate that she has the power to delete comments, but still reply to them like an idiot. I hope something happenes that she can't deny how fucked up she is. And I hope we all get to see it. Fuck her.
No. 128169
>>128167I saw a comment like that on her feed earlier and noticed it had been deleted, so it must have been you.
Spend some times going through the Aly threads on this site and all will be revealed. She's a bitch. A crazy one.
No. 128308
File: 1462611187467.png (642.13 KB, 597x596, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-07 um 1…)

I´ve found out the secret behind her stupid hand in hair pose which she does all the time. Apparently she uses her skeletal fingers as a comb, because this hair hasn´t seen a real comb or brush in ages.
But then again…is this even hair or is it withered straw? Any suggestions for that strange stuff which grows on her head?
No. 128314
>>127539Basically every human gets fucking bloating at some point, why must she lie about everything? She could even answer "only normal bloating, nothing related to my ED," but a lie like this makes her less credible about everything.
>>127554>this was THE BEST KICK into my eating disorder's butt EVERReally, Aly? WAS IT REALLY??
>>128166And spontaneous - don't forget spontaneous! Because in Aly's world, a ritual/tradition can also be spontaneous.
No. 128337
>>128331Aly told someone that she now "makes her hair curly" when it was more than obvious that she took the time and effort to straighten her hair to what it used to look like.
It was commented on here several times. No one cares if she just stopped straightening her hair, but Aly still had to lie and say she "curls" her hair like this now.
No. 128362
>>128323Aly's really prissy about normal bodily functions. She refuses to talk about periods and flatulence, so it seems like bloating is another thing she wont admit to experiencing.
As for the hair, the anon who posted a box of old noodles described it perfectly. It's a nest of some sort.
Please remember though SHEVIS MORE THAN ANOREXIA (but not much more).
No. 128390
>>128366I noticed that. A photo taken from below is never a flattering angle if you don't want your face to look fuller, except this is what she wants to do to make us think that the rest of her body is also less spoopy.
Someone's commented that they want her hair. I hope they're trolling.
No. 128399
File: 1462639360603.jpg (331.54 KB, 938x598, wat.jpg)

lol wat.
No. 128420
File: 1462642292743.jpg (103.22 KB, 556x628, Capture.JPG)

>>128308I took a snip of her hair from her latest photo.
It IS straw! Google confirmed.
No. 128431
File: 1462643333886.jpg (188.43 KB, 537x638, IMG_20160507_124257.jpg)

No. 128433
>>128432Ha! I was just about to type how I couldn't see it on her page. Disappointed. I love when she gets stick for smoking. As an occasional smoker myself (switched to the e cigs), I STILL love when people get at her for it. Just because it's HER. I'm an evil person.
(Saying that about being a smoker, I never smoke in close proximity to a non smoker. That's plain rude).
No. 128468
>>128461I know that recovery takes time, but it really is ludicrous that we're expected to believe her MEAL PLAN and SPONTANEOUS pastries and chocolate every FREAKING day hasn't put more weight on her by now.
It's been ALMOST A YEAR. Her face looks fuller. I mean no offense to anyone disabled here when I say that pic of her sitting on the floor makes her look like a person who has muscular dystrophy of the legs. Even with her tracksuit pants her legs look out of proportion to the rest of her body. Even that cardigan she's wearing looks like it has padded sleeves.
Either she's keeping this pic for tomorrow to REFLECT ON YESTERDAY'S JOYFUL #RECOVERYWINS, or she can that the facehugger is visible so baleeted it.
To summarise, her face does not fit her body.
No. 128478
>>128471Yes and I'm tired of everyone defending her saying she's totally gained weight because look at her face. Gaining only in the face is not at all normal for AN recovery, most of the weight goes to the tummy first. Her face does not look normal at all with those cheeks. Maybe her unhealthy eating (does she ever eat fruit or veggies without putting sugary shit or cheese on them?) has caught up with her and she's bloated from sodium and probably not drinking enough water.
Also she looks like a hobo with those constant sweatpants.
No. 128595
Her hair looks damaged, she needs to cut it off big time. At least shoulder length.
No. 128641
File: 1462723324723.png (531.25 KB, 535x592, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-08 um 1…)

She looks so fucking stupid in this pic. No, Aly, there is no need to show us your tongue.
No. 128648
you can tell that she pretends to be the cool, edgy girl who is so cool in her fake leather jacket sticking out her tongue (licking a donut? Ew!) while standing behind a dirty wall. So edgy. NOT
No. 128710
>>128705You're only allowed chocolate sauce on your nips, I'm afraid.
>>128595I've been there when it comes to holding onto bad hair so I feel for her. Sometimes you just don't want to lose the length. I hope she does cut it though. I think she'd suit shorter hair.
No. 128716
>>128710If she cut the straw off, it'd grow quicker. I don't think she's dip bleaching that mess now, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's snapping off because of split ends because of backcombing and products. Having goofy followers telling her they want her hair isn't helping her because she's going to keep hold of that Ashley wiggy texture.
>>128698Is the UK the only place that has different Mothers Day to everyone else worldwide?
>>128641She must know this pose is sexual, right?
>>128710 No. 128769
File: 1462752121560.jpg (158.75 KB, 1155x739, Capture.JPG)

Just saw this
No. 128875
File: 1462788771673.jpg (35.3 KB, 332x203, 6tag-1347294776-12462385678533…)

I'm sick of this thing.
Hey, she's having sushi again tonight. So calorific.
No. 128883
File: 1462795553990.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160509-130448.png)

Does she have nits under that scraggy hair?
No. 128885
>>128883The claaaaaaw.
I have a theory she uses the muffins as bumpits to give her hair volume. Whoever took that pic has caught her about to insert one.
No. 128889
File: 1462799407915.png (147.41 KB, 1280x768, Screenshot_2016-05-09-15-09-07…)

uh… ok. So she always has everything she needs for baking? No planning whatsoever?
No. 128915
>>128716Sage for OT but I found this interesting.
>Is the UK the only place that has different Mothers Day to everyone else worldwide?No it's not. No. 128920
>>128883This pose is supposed to be casual, but I have to give it to her it looks pretty well-orchestrated and controlled.
She's lifting her arm so her shirt will hang, rather than be near her belly and reveal thinness
She's made sure her sweatshirt is loose enough to hide her arms, but not loose enough to fall too far
One leg is tucked under her other one so that we can't judge her thighs well
The leg that's not tucked has pants that hang, so we can't judge her calf size either
I wonder if she tried a few hundred different poses before deciding this one hides her body the most.
No. 128926
File: 1462814565534.png (913.71 KB, 928x575, sushi.png)

Another "spontaneous" coffee. She's nervous and scared about her sushi dinner "challenge." What a real recovery.
No. 128928
>>128926The simple sushi rolls she ordered are so low cal it's not even funny so what the fuck is she so nervous about?
I will say that I'm proud of her for ordering coffee with actual whipped cream instead of calling a sprinkle of cinnamon on some lowfat milk foam a recovery win.
No. 129007
>>128966I had to google the term bunny boiler. I kinda feel like that too, but I don't see her as being obsessed with someone. Maybe that's just because she hasn't been in a relationship for a long time. She's too obsessed with herself.
For the other farmers who also don't know what a bunny boiler is (and what I got from Google): It's a woman who becomes obsessed with a man after knowing him for a short time.
No. 129300
File: 1462929892522.jpg (152.43 KB, 755x960, IMG_20160510_191945.jpg)

>>128966>>128963Is this what you guys were talking about?
>love is in the air No. 129422
File: 1462966813945.png (755.75 KB, 926x597, Untitled.png)

Coffe never looks like that when you take a sip, looks to me like she scooped a portion out with a spoon. A lot of her foods have been looking like that lately. Portions missing with no teeth marks.
No. 129423
tw and not to white knight but that's not necessarily a concrete theory. the height of my ano all I ate was junk, it was mostly as a form of self punishment and loathing, shit was disgusting.
No. 129623
File: 1463012534503.jpg (1.11 MB, 1512x1512, 2016-05-11 19.11.36.jpg)

Left is less than a month ago and right is 2 days ago.
Looks like her wheelchair recovery is short lived,she's already losing weight. I realize the lightings are different but her Marionette lines are getting thinner and her collarbones are starting to look spooky again ,cause for a few weeks they actually didn't look frieghtening.
No. 129781
File: 1463057018672.jpg (451.12 KB, 929x603, ed.jpg)

So in one of Aly's latest pictures she talks about her uncle's cancer relapse and then claims her ED started when her grandmother was diagnosed with cancer, and then her dad was also diagnosed? I thought her bad relationship with her dad was to blame?
I swear this is just a ploy for attention because she's upset that her uncle's cancer relapse will cause the attention to be taken off of her, so she's now refusing to eat.
No. 129785
File: 1463057763026.png (31.56 KB, 440x164, wp_ss_20160512_0003.png)

For some reason ig isn't showing comments. Were too many followers praying for him and not her?
No. 129837
>>129781She looks absolutely skeletal in those baggy pants. I would say her BMI is around 12 or 13, there is no way she has gained as much as she claims.
And she is already posting an excuse for her upcoming relapse.
No. 129846
>>129781aaaand another episode of
"a family member is seriously ill so let's take this moment to… make it all about ME!">>129785wtf, dying in the morning, already on the road to recovery in the afternoon.
seems legit.
No. 129855
>>129842She won't. She's massively aware that her face is fuller, that she can make it look even healthier by taking pics from beneath her face BUT she can't manipulate her legs to look less spoopy.
We may never see her legs ever again!
I don't understand "the same pathology". Did her dad have cancer?
I don't think many anons haven't had their lives touched by cancer in some way. Did ANY of you think FIRST AND FOREMOST, Oh no, this is going to make ME ill? Selfish fucking bitch. What a nightmare of a creature.
No. 129897
File: 1463080862547.jpg (88.85 KB, 602x608, Capture.JPG)

Woah, steady on there, Aly. That Nutella BOMB is almost touching a tooth.
No. 129933
>>129900Split ends from her hair going such a long time without being taken care of and she has been losing weight again, so probably malnutrition.
Either way it looks like shit and I can't believe she actually thinks it looks good. If people would stop kissing her ass, then maybe she'd realize (doubtful).
No. 130053
>>129900This is the worst her hair has ever looked.
The top of her head reminds me of those matted hairballs our cat used to throw up from time to time (I didn´t know owls do it too).
And when will she finally stop making these stupid victory signs whenever she is holding something to eat in front of her face?
No. 130084
>>129975Regardless of the reasons for the "
trigger" for her E.D, she should know that it's only her that can choose to not using her E.D as a coping mechanism and it's only her that can choose to recover. If she isn't aware of this and doesn't choose to act on this then why the heck is she a recovery account.
No. 130108
>>129781The full text is
>Goodmorning my #edfamily I'm sharing a joyful #ootd #throwback to last Saturday ? since I've sth really important to write off❗️ and tears in my eyes right now instead ?? My uncle, who is fighting against cancer, had a bad relapse last night and doctors said that he has 50% to survive. He is fighting between life and death ?I can't stop crying, I still can't believe that everything happened so fast. I'm affraid. You have to know darlings, that my eating disorder started when my grandmum died of cancer, and my father got ill bc of the same pathology. I stopped eating and went down. I'm SCARED like hell to relapse bc of the same pain, the same worries. I need your help to keep going today honeys ?? I need your support to keep believing that #recoveryispossible even tho this suffering. I need to not lose hope and strength. I'm praying all the time for him and I don't know what else I can do. I'm trying to stay on the right track of #realrecovery ?? but each bite is damn hard. I feel so low and weak darlings ? And I just hope that you woke up better than me ? I just hope for the best, and I send you all my love ❤️?
I'd expect her to spin his illness into a pity party for herself, but holy shit. She's such an unbelievably self-absorbed bitch.
No. 130130
File: 1463138895459.jpg (145.67 KB, 923x923, 6tag-1347294776-12492208878163…)

Oh god.
No. 130139
File: 1463141586515.png (24.58 KB, 440x153, wp_ss_20160513_0002.png)

>uses conditioner
No. 130160
File: 1463154359130.jpg (61.88 KB, 960x484, IMG_20160513_094126.jpg)

These comments kind of gross me out lol they came from an old fat guy. Do a lot of people just follow her because they think she's pretty?
No. 130162
>>130160I was just looking at that. I think he's looking for a wife!
>I would like to make a honest Muslim life partner in CanadaHe might want to convert our Aly!
I can't figure out how she gets so many followers. I'm honest enough to admit sometimes I'll follow someone because I think they look hot but Aly just isn't my type. Does she look wholesome? It's not like she's stunning. Pretty? Hmm. She's really plain to me and I HATE her clothes.
I'd guess they follow her because they like to look at food.
No. 130303
>>130300I saw a raj khandakar on myspace (!) from India, so yeah.
I think Aly would look lovely in traditional Indian dress. She'd have to stop those FREAKIN BOOGER TRADITIONS if she was to change religion though.
Prediction for tomorrow - MORE CHOCOLATE.
There was a point where her account was so meh that Aly bingo wouldn't have worked. Now it would. That's says to me that she's slipping back into her pre-accident ways somehow.
No. 130311
File: 1463194208937.jpg (144.47 KB, 960x497, IMG_20160513_204415.jpg)

Posted and deleted right away. Will it show up tomorrow perhaps?
I miss the bingo games
No. 130319
>>130311Ajdjhfdujgrtcv HAND IN HAIR
Guaranteed bingo! on that one
No. 130323
File: 1463198298826.png (11.25 KB, 285x54, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-14 um 0…)

>>130311"Brighten" in caption = guaranteed bingo
No. 130333
>>130323Yup. Other old favourites:
Spontaneously (!)
Super posi vibes
Live to the fullest
Something containing chocolate in some form
The taste of which she couldn't even remember
No. 130334
>>130333FIRST EVER
We are not our illness
Mood is over the stars
I felt alive
Talking in third person
No. 130346
File: 1463205424665.png (13.43 KB, 278x60, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-14 um 0…)

Mood "rised" to the stars. She must be such a competent English teacher.
And since English is not my first language, I have a question. On a scale from 1 to 10, how stupid does "brighten" (as an adjective) sound to native speakers?
No. 130422
>>130346>>130375I think she means to say "brighter". "Determinated" is much more irritating with me.
This "old friend" has suddenly become her "new guy (!)"
I *think" she's lapsing back into Alyisms that she hasn't used so much in recent months - dang, lush and delish.
Guize, I do feel something is happening. Potential boyfriend, old speech habits, other things I can't quite put my finger on…hmmm…stay tuned (!)
No. 130497
>>130489Holy dang, anon. THANK YOU! I'm not sure which card to spontaneously propose we use first!
>>130490I'd love to learn Latin. They taught it at my school but only to the bright kids, aaaaand, yeah.
I wonder if she takes any pics while she's out with her new guy? That'd be an instant passion killer - hair of nest, sweatpants, poppin' bonez and carefully arranging her fucking sushi for half an hour.
No. 130513
File: 1463254267457.png (481.88 KB, 480x609, wp_ss_20160514_0001.png)

Ok, so she's convinced herself he's her new boyfriend.
She took a pic of her food. He would've watched her do this.
No. 130515
File: 1463254769482.jpg (118.97 KB, 960x849, IMG_20160514_133512.jpg)

>>130489I just choose my own board at random. I picked a crap one lol and played it for only the posts she made today. No bingo though, she's too over the stars today.
No. 130544
>>130489Amazing thank you anon!
>>130346You could use the word like this: "When Aly posts a picture it really brightens my day" or "Some highlights would really brighten up that mess on your head" but in the context she uses it, she should say "my mood is brighter", which still sounds retarded. I wish I could explain the proper grammatical terms for this
No. 130643
File: 1463273130068.jpg (783.83 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20160514_183457.jpg)

Have you guys noticed this? She takes bites out of the long side of foods. I think it's too make the bite marks more obvious, like it's proof.
No. 130709
>>130544That´s why I clarified "as an adjective" in my post. She doesn´t use the verb "to brighten", she obviously thinks "brighten" is an adjective.
I would never have said anything about her English (I know I make mistakes myself) if she hadn´t been bragging about being an English teacher.
This girl is so stuck up and narcissistic. I want to punch her in the face whenever I read one of her captions, I don´t know why I´m still doing this to myself.
No. 130728
>>130604Cum is probably a fear food since it's not chocolate (sadly). So to her, that'd be wasting 10-15 calories! Way over the meal plan!
(Though she could log it in her MyFitnessPal if she has one…)
No. 130808
File: 1463323118851.png (871.79 KB, 587x563, aly1.png)

her hair is looking worse by the day. what happened to all those nutrients that go straight to your hair, aly?
No. 130837
File: 1463332119121.jpg (55.69 KB, 631x525, no progress.JPG)

>>130780She's still posting as usual. I wonder if she'll delete the post where she said she's going to cut down on ig the way she did last time.
I'm surprised she hasn't deleted and blocked this conversation.
No. 130858
File: 1463344296186.jpg (200.89 KB, 707x960, IMG_20160515_143105.jpg)

>>130837She still posts the same amount of photos, but the captions are shorter. I can fit the whole thing on my phone screen now.
No. 130874
>>130858She'd save a lot of time if she dropped the emojis.
I'm surprised she found the same repetitive recovery guff for so long.
I cant see her new relationship working. Not at all.
No. 130912
>>130878Youre right, the pizza one is two sentences longer than my phone screen.
Also someone asked her about her new boy, and she deleted the question lol she is so weird.
No. 130960
File: 1463373653929.png (18.14 KB, 280x100, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-16 um 0…)

In her "I´m going to step back from Instagram" post she´s complaining that she doesn´t get as many asspats as before, lol.
No Aly, people didn´t stop kissing your ass because you got "healthier" and "normal" (you´re the opposite of healthy and normal). They stopped 1. because you´re boring, repetitive and predictable as hell and 2. your endless captions which are disrupted by dozens of emojis are too exhausting to read.
No. 131430
File: 1463491331590.png (91.41 KB, 215x205, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-17 um 1…)

Since when has this hair not been washed/combed?
And why? Does she really think this looks good?
No. 131437
>>131430Honestly who is taking these photps of her? It must be years of the same holding a pastry up to face, maybe even letting the teeth graze it.
They are all such enablers, if she ever moves out who is going to fund and photograph these fake "recovery wins"?
No. 131444
File: 1463493854916.png (18.05 KB, 290x76, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-17 um 1…)

>>131437In that case, probably enabler #1: Ma Casati.
No. 131445
>>131444I take it that's why Aly's life consists of going out to "eat".
Does her mum really envisage this charade going on until Ally is in her twenties, thirties?
No. 131508
>>131241What track would that be?
She's started being "busy" again (ie walking around all day). Her #recoverywins are back to bland croissants and not heaps of shit she baked and she pads out her content with a few chunks of chocolate or a pathetic chocolate coin.
I predict she's going to lose again and not gain any more ever again in her entire life not ever.
No. 131534
>>131508I Agree. There is no doubt she has gained a few pounds, but she is still severely underweight (I guess her BMI is around 13 or 14) and she will remain like that.
She either realized that she can´t stay at a BMI of 10.6 forever because she would die at some point, or her family finally put some pressure on her (if the latter was the case, she would never tell us), so she decided to put on just enough weight to keep her out of trouble.
And that´s her "real recovery" that is making herself and everyone around her so proud.
I´m usually against violence, but this girl deserves a good thrashing.
And I don´t buy her bullshit that she is "dating" someone. No normal guy would ever date a girl in a physical and mental state like Aly´s. Probably someone went out with her once or twice out of pity. If someone is really dating her, he must be a pervert.
No. 131577
>>131534>I´m usually against violence, but this girl deserves a good thrashing.>If someone is really dating her, he must be a pervert.Ily.
Fucking hell, she's had sushi again and gifted us a #transformationtuesday picture.
No. 131604
File: 1463508139419.png (15.98 KB, 284x77, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-17 um 2…)

I would love to kick YOUR disorderd ass with style, Aly. That would really make my day more "brighten".
No. 131610
>>131594And the lighting and probably the filter she used. I can only repeat it, I don´t buy any of her "real recovery" bullshit.
She is such a disgrace for all the girls (and boys) who are really going through recovery and substantial weight gain and all the troubles associated with it.
No. 131805
File: 1463541283473.png (306.3 KB, 290x580, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-18 um 0…)

>>131628I guess we can estimate her current BMI by looking at her thighs and her forearm in this picture. I´d say no more than 13.
That´s realrecovery!
No. 131918
File: 1463583085351.jpg (29.71 KB, 296x307, so alive.JPG)

She wears sweatpants which have elasticated waists. Even the jeans she's worn in the past were jeggings.
I'm further convinced she's restricting again. Her posts today have been 2 of her usual cookies from breakfastm and THREE of pancakes. The same pancakes.
No. 131933
>>131893And I bet they aren´t. She certainly has her reasons why she´s never showing us a full body shot to prove her alleged weight gain.
Apparently, she is one of those people who gain weight in their face first (and in their hair and organs of course). So she uses the fact that her face looks a tiny little bit fuller than a year ago to her advantage and pretends that she has gained so DAAAAAANG much weight when it´s really just a few pounds.
No. 131935
>>131918She stated those cookies are a favorite from her childhood. I recall seeing those same cookies in many of her repetitive cookies-circling-a-coffee-mug breakfast shots.
Sure they can be a childhood favorite and she could have been eating them before, but I doubt it. Her tone says she is just now tasting them.
No. 131956
File: 1463592157581.png (9.88 KB, 275x41, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-18 um 1…)

Yeah, Aly. That´s what normal people do: they are blowing kisses to their food.
What is going on in this girl´s mind?
No. 132021
File: 1463602749909.png (771.83 KB, 937x603, Screen Shot 2016-05-18 at 21.1…)

Oh dear, Aly fucked up and left her "bite" on the plate. Thanks for confirming your "bite" marks are actually made with a fork. She also added "Food Blogging" into her bio, I don't even know what to make of that
No. 132232
>>131918I think these biscuits are "Mulino Bianco Pan Di Stelle"? If so they only have 38 calories and 1.8g of fat per biscuit, so two would be just 76 calories for her food part of breakfast. Even a piece of fruit is more than that.
Her meal plan is such a joke, two cookies is a snack as a recovering anorexic in inpatient PLUS a supplement drink, yoghurt, fruit etc.
No. 132236
File: 1463652096473.png (940.8 KB, 931x595, uh oh.png)

No. 132246
File: 1463654194743.jpg (249.91 KB, 851x960, IMG_20160519_043425.jpg)

The fuck is she doing?
This might be her new pose.
No. 132249
>>132246What the fuck is that first terrified expression?
It's like the picture she accidentally took before she remembered to change her expression to pretend and seem thrilled about having food in her mouth.
No. 132311
>>132246This is at least 10 times more embarrassing than smiling at food or holding croissants and donuts in front of her face.
And I thought she could´t get any more cringeworthy.
No. 132486
File: 1463696189048.png (408.11 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160520-001402.png)

So both Aly and her followers are completely fucking retarded: her follower thinks she's quoting a song and Aly thinks she quoting Tim Burton. Jesus Christ.
No. 132498
>>132488AlY googling "donut quotes" late into the night.
Let's be real, she did like a half semester before she dropped out and she's not going back anytime soon. Girl didn't even get past the pre-reqs.
No. 132500
File: 1463700337276.jpg (17.74 KB, 314x181, Capture.JPG)

"Donuts. Is there anything they can't do?" Matt Groening
BRIGHTEN is annoying me to the point where I'm so close to correcting her, but there's only one of me accounts she's not blocked. If I was posting in, say, French and kept making a mistake, I'd want to know. This bitch just blocks.
No. 132541
File: 1463712003210.png (11.61 KB, 272x56, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-20 um 0…)

>>132517A little screenshot to make your day more brighten.
No. 132623
>>130781Welp, neither posting frequency nor caption length has changed
The follower count has rapidly increased though, it's almost like the old days…
No. 132631
File: 1463745246469.png (18.44 KB, 605x320, aly pancakes.png)

Here's an analysis of Aly's pancake recipe. It makes at least 10 (there are 10 shown in her tower). She supposedly ate 3, for a total of 150 calories + the toppings, if she ate them.
No. 132698
>>124275This woman's account reads like an English version of Aly's. reading her captions makes me feel sad for them, it's as if everything has to be a major joyful event and overly justified. Talking to themselves in third person, jeez.
No. 132702
File: 1463761820359.jpg (98.57 KB, 926x589, binge food.JPG)

So often she writes
> I listened to my cravings and I ENJOYED them on my own
>on my ownMeaning, nobody is there while she bins…I mean EATS them.
>>132698Just checked her out and saw the "bitch please" Alyism in the first pic I clicked on. It's an "American food haul". Where do these girls get their cash because she's in the UK and the places that stock the american candies are so dang expensive.
No. 132707
File: 1463762031960.jpg (82.37 KB, 805x593, o god.JPG)

>>132703She's not spoopy, so I guess that's what it is!
No. 132712
File: 1463762442922.jpg (81.79 KB, 815x588, binge food again.JPG)

>>132711Toothbrush ready to stick down her throat.
She's posting her binge food but really it's that Minnie Maud malarkey? She has a look of special needs to me.
No. 132765
File: 1463779928222.jpg (253.54 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

wow this is a sad account. you could get all this at a dollar store
No. 132769
File: 1463780351101.jpg (202.61 KB, 664x960, IMG_20160520_153711.jpg)

So, Aly broke up with her boyfriend, and spongebob is really meaningful to her.
No. 132776
File: 1463781100934.jpg (600.15 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20160520_154654.jpg)

Also, sorry to post twice in a row, but what about this "actionshoot" is imperfect? Its extreemly staged and her hair is the same as always.
No. 132811
>>132810A muffin plus a large caramel frapp has enough sugar to make most people feel ill. To eat another chocolate cookie after, and another waffle and nutella before that…ugggh
This is the kind of thing that makes me side-eye her. I could be wrong, maybe she has an iron stomach.
No. 132812
>>132776So glad that she doesn't own a third arm otherwise she would hold up one with a waffle. So forced!!!
She still thinks she needs to proof something. Girl, you are 20, you have been doing this for more than a year, now change something. Start with your hair.
No. 132857
File: 1463802723129.jpg (13.79 KB, 305x83, Capture.JPG)

Congratulations on reaching your 1k post, Aly (despite deleting just as many in the past)!
One thousand images of sugary crap and fake ass recovery/foodbloggingandmainmoments. Thank you for your gifts to us.
No. 132858
File: 1463802963157.jpg (52.26 KB, 791x545, freefall.JPG)

No. 132897
File: 1463821413015.png (33.87 KB, 290x166, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-21 um 1…)

Now what´s the big difference between eating cookies or waffles?
And do English native speakers really say "waffle" or "wafer"?
No. 132902
>>132897Does she not understand that she's been put on a meal time for a reason? So "recovery" is not just about eating junk/fear foods for every meal and instead it's about managing a weight gain of around 1kg a week, and restoring normal eating behaviours.
See if Aly were to eat the things she posts on line she could suffer an electrolyte fuck up resulting in heart and liver problems, as well as all the bloating. If she were to be seen as some sort of role model this would be addressed and she would show a more balanced approach to eating.
No. 132925
File: 1463836211833.png (564.52 KB, 591x585, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-21 um 1…)

>>132902And it´s junk food for lunch again. A FREAKING FIRST hotdog BOMB.
No. 132942
File: 1463842342311.jpg (563.92 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20160521_084513.jpg)

Damnit Aly. The caption on her latest selfie reads like we're supposed to believe she took it today. When she first posted 4days ago, then 3days ago, then today. It proves to me shes just taking pics of herself eating in one day, then spreading out the photos.
No. 132945
File: 1463842845903.jpg (238.25 KB, 960x960, IMG_20160521_085748.jpg)

No. 132955
File: 1463846581133.jpg (15.73 KB, 617x107, Capture.JPG)

Some comments are passing her by.
No. 132960
File: 1463847739231.png (1.98 MB, 931x1218, no disordered behaviours here.…)

These fucking chocolate bars are annoying.
Sonia hasn't been seen with Aly for a few weeks. The "I'm on a diet" trick seems to have worked at shaking her off.
No. 132971
File: 1463850116015.jpg (118.93 KB, 951x615, 1437103400764.jpg)

>>132925first hot dog in 3 years? ok, Aly, i guess we know what you did with these.
No. 132988
File: 1463853683194.png (365.64 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160521-195600.png)

>>132971>>132945I hate how much she lies and how fucking stupid the lies are. This photo is totally spontaneous! I took this photo today! I have never claimed to eat hot dogs in the last three years! Like it's all so petty and obnoxious and so so soon transparent but she just digs in when she's called out. I want to throttle her.
No. 132999
>>132942There's a throwback hashtag on the "today" selfie, not sure if it was there when you checked
>>132945Hahahahahahahahahahahahaa oh god she is beyond parody
No. 133002
File: 1463856606494.jpg (145.88 KB, 1665x657, Capture.JPG)

By the way, is this the same piece of graffiti? It's just outside the cafe, but there is other (similar) graffiti on the same street.
How awkward to be taking that photo on a busy street corner. I will give her props though, she hides the blah-ness of the area.
No. 133014
File: 1463858559573.png (27.45 KB, 287x131, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-21 um 2…)

Sigh. No, Aly, you don´t have to remember it forever. It´s just a pizza, not some life changing event.
Why must she always exaggerate so badly?
No. 133038
File: 1463868334334.jpg (127.34 KB, 946x592, readthecaptionhoneys.JPG)

Aly is really grinding my gears tonight, more than normal. I'm actually in Europe right now. I have half a mind to hop on the next train to Milan, find her at her beloved American cafe, rip her phone out of her hands and break it in two. Then while she stood there in shock I'd grab whatever pastry she'd been posing with and cram it into her maw.
No. 133039
>>133038Damn, anon. Preach.
>>133036Yep, it's the graffiti on the wall to the left. I don't know how her mother does it either. That is not a touristy part of town. So much cringe.
No. 133054
File: 1463873797982.jpg (85.93 KB, 1344x703, Capture.JPG)

>>133042I think you're right. Her croissant and espresso cafe is also on that road.
/stalk mode
No. 133090
File: 1463890490881.jpg (113.53 KB, 960x486, IMG_20160520_041325.jpg)

Hey, which picture was it that she said she was going to stop writing so much? Or did she delete it?
No. 133093
>>133038"If you would have read the caption…"
Aly the English teacher.
No. 133116
>>133105Thank you, that´s interesting.
Every English teacher I´ve ever had told us that we should never use "would" in an "if"-sentence, so I thought it was a capital mistake. Apparently they were much stricter than native speakers!
No. 133152
File: 1463923064470.png (528.17 KB, 595x597, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-22 um 1…)

Today´s breakfast. In comparison to the size of the fork, you can see how tiny this piece of "tiramisu cake" is.
And why is she always having cake, cookies, wafers or similar sweet, sugary things for breakfast (if she really ate it)? Is that common in Italy?
No. 133176
File: 1463929290715.jpg (562.43 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20160522_085920.jpg)

THATS the first bite?? that nibble? And again with the the imperfect talk. Its really getting to me. Is she fishing?
No. 133187
File: 1463930318977.jpg (163.96 KB, 847x960, IMG_20160522_091141.jpg)

She's so predictable. I posted this
>>133176 waiting for her to post the close up with the "bite"
we are expected to believe she took enough tiny bites to make this. Is that how she eats these things? And does she think it's normal?
No. 133198
>>133197I agree, I can see the teeth marks.
It appears to be a muffin or cupcake of sorts so maybe super zoomed?
It's Aly, who knows. She could've pushed her teeth against the chocolate and called it a win.
No. 133244
File: 1463940503298.jpg (33.29 KB, 628x187, Capture.JPG)

Is this person aware that Aly still has a skele body? Aly is exactly the type of person that pisses her off (eats low calorie and is active). Most of the time Aly just makes me laugh at how transparent she is, but then I see someone taken in by her lies and I'm all wanting to poke Aly in the eyes and grab her windpipe etc.
No. 133405
File: 1463976743066.png (12.8 KB, 285x78, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-23 um 0…)

Funny comment which will be deleted soon.
No. 133507
File: 1464005740254.png (13.33 KB, 284x60, screenshot001.png)

Aly, please stop lying. You don´t work. You don´t do anything all day except taking pictures of food or yourself and writing endless, annoying captions. You don´t even brush your hair.
So if you hang around at your mother´s workplace, don´t call it "working" for fuck´s sake.
No. 133525
File: 1464012487520.jpg (192.96 KB, 850x960, IMG_20160523_080636.jpg)

Wow Aly, take the stick out…
No. 133547
File: 1464018586638.png (847.5 KB, 720x598, kek.png)

I am SPEACHLESS at the BEAUTY of this pose in public
No. 133564
File: 1464020294633.png (20.74 KB, 290x147, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-23 um 1…)

To beat/destroy something "into the deep" seems to be one of her favorite expressions.
Is that even a commonly used phrase or is it another Alyism? I´m asking because it sounds super stupid to me.
No. 133567
>>133547She's GLOWING!
>>133564I've never heard anyone say this. I'm wondering if it's some English translation of an Italian saying that doesn't work, like idioms never make sense when translated into another language.
I notice she's eating a soy burger. I wonder if her new avoidance technique is ordering something new, telling her mum she doesn't like it and therefore she gets to eat very little of it.
It looks sunny in Milan, yet she's wearing that hideous jacket. I think that top she's wearing is new? It's got a nail polish on it. Good lord.
No. 133579
>>133574At least she doesn't dig that awful top out too often and for that we should be thankful.
Aye, she said she was going out to buy new clothes but we didn't get to see them. I still chuckle to myself when I remember how she said she was going to her "sister's" place to do a clothes swap. Never posted any swaps either.
No. 133632
>>133581And that is why we love to watch her!
I was washing my hairs and I thought how much I miss her (mis)use of "delved".
I think that we should clarify something to anyone who hasn't been following the Aly threads for long. We're not taking the piss out of her English because she makes mistakes and it's not her native language. We do it because she's so arrogant that she thinks she's good enough to teach English (and now Latin!). I felt I needed to make that point before we get someone knocking us for her crap use of English.
No. 133703
>>133635And don´t forget that she always gets food for free at her beloved American cafe!
And how could she say no to such an AMAZING, SPONTANEOUS, LUSH BOMB and such an opportunity to destroy her illness into the deep?
No. 133769 does look good here, and the facehugger is absent (?)
Day hospital control tomorrow will be full of recovery wins as usual.
No. 133770
>>133769Samefagging, but did it for the comments pizza as lunch instead of dinner is another recovery win, but commenters aren't convinced.
No. 133771
File: 1464092249415.jpg (139.84 KB, 835x960, IMG_20160524_061500.jpg)

>>133770Not that anon, but here is a Screenshot
I hate her logic so much.
No. 133776
File: 1464094908154.png (14.31 KB, 285x79, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-24 um 1…)

She´s with her mum, as always. She is now even "working" at her mum´s office. And she´s a child. And she´s hanging around at restaurants.
Will this girl ever grow up and make something out of her life?
No. 133796
>>133632To add on to that, not only is she so arrogant that she thinks she can teach English, but she will straight-up block native English speakers for correcting her mistakes and then continue to make those mistakes.
>>133769>>133770Well, this is a new way to deal with commenters. Rather than delete the comments, she just deleted the photos and repost them, but claimed that Instagram deleted them.
No. 133798
>>133796This doesn't even solve her problem, because now people are commenting asking why instagram would delete pictures of pizza.
She even deleted and reposted the McFlurry so that her food pics would still be in the original order she "ate" them in, kek
No. 133799
File: 1464103451042.jpg (35.65 KB, 374x339, o dear.JPG)

>>133786Her face isn't normal.
No. 133808
>>133806Even if her face was first to store weight it wouldn't all go to her cheeks. And yeah as you said her face looked normal and slim before.
Actually in anorexia recovery it's common for the weight to go to the belly first and it takes a while to distribute correctly.
No. 133819
>>133568Just start saying things like, "You are truly an inspiration. You've gone off the deep end with your recovery! Amazing!"
Maybe she'll pick up on it.
No. 133828
File: 1464108736821.png (11.07 KB, 269x60, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-24 um 1…)

>>133822Lol, is that you? Good job!
But what does "gone off the deep end" mean? Or doesn´t it mean anything at all? I´m not an English teacher like Aly, and online dictionaries didn´t help me either.
No. 133845
>>133838>>133843Thank you for the explanation. I wonder if Aly will be able to figure out what you´re saying.
If she doesn´t understand, she will probably take it as a compliment.
No. 133860
>>133852There's something wrong in her head the way she's lied outrageously in the past, and still lies to whatever extent and really believes people believe her lies.
I was thinking about lolcow just before I drifted off to sleep last night. My one lolcow wish would be to spend a weekend observing Aly. Then I thought what a headfuck that'd be to see her in her spoopy glory. To watch her actually picking at something on her plate doing that circle movement with her hand and weird eye thing.
If I saw Ash tomorrow irl, it wouldn't affect me, but I'd think woah if it was Aly. I think it's because she's never interacted with us and that's kept her a bit of an ~enigma~.
I wish she lived in the UK because I'd definitely travel to a place I knew she "ate" at to see how much she eats, how she interacts with people, etc.
("I love you into pieces" is getting to me).
No. 133866
File: 1464117818640.png (441.47 KB, 568x449, tinybite.png)

No. 133872
>>133866Woah. Why did she even bother?
Her whole existence is about keeping an instagram page. WHERE DOES SHE GET THE DRIVE TO DO THAT? I know she says she doesn't have depression, but even for someone mentally well it'd be a task to post every single day, the same thing.
Okay, as I type I'm remembering OCD. I hope she's been given advice about dealing with her structured life, although looking at her account she isn't doing a thing about fixing her problem.
No. 133874
>>133866So cringeworthy, what is she trying to show by posting it, "wow friends I can eat a whole centimetre!"
Kek I love your pic with the squidward nibbling the crabby patty, perfect comparison
No. 133897
File: 1464123021092.jpg (159.28 KB, 549x664, recoverywin.JPG)

>>133880First is here:
>>>/pt/101158Last (ish) post of every thread gives new thread link.
No. 133898
meant to reply to
>>133876 (above)
No. 133939
File: 1464130570572.jpg (46.3 KB, 960x285, IMG_20160524_165448.jpg)

I hate her so much.
No. 133948
>>133939So obnoxious.
I hope she has bad bloods tomorrow. Not that she'd tell ig now that she's UNBEARABLY inspirational. I think there was a lot more to her recent blood tests at the docs and her fainting than she says.
Oh Jesus. I just remembered that we'll see her smiling at her recovery win tradition wrap tomorrow.
No. 133954
>>133948Let's not forget the croissant/pastry smile
Such a JOYFUL time of the year
I anticipate either: no weight gain given (if under 1.5 kg) OR weight gain given and made a big deal about. Normal bloods will totally be captioned.
No. 134052
>>133939The comment that prompted her bitchy response was so nice and benign! And she didn't even answer the damn question. What an asshole.
"i_do_it_healthyGood luck tomorrow ? and enjoy your Chocolate :) how much are you eating of it?"
No. 134068
>>133954Again, aly has done exactly as predicted. She gained 1.5 kg so it was mentioned, as was her current bmi of 15.2 and the original of 10.6. Whatever happened to "no numbers on this profile"?
>>134055Just about that much.
No. 134107
File: 1464188422392.jpg (152.67 KB, 1080x1080, 6tag-1347294776-12579729985866…)

She's started talking about periods. Wow. She's usually so prissy about shhh menstruation.
No way do I believe she crams all these cakes and chocolate into herself and only gains 3lbs a month. I don't believe her bloods are normal either.
No. 134114
File: 1464190903507.png (12.51 KB, 279x93, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-25 um 1…)

This will either be deleted or result in a bitchy answer.
No. 134123
>>134107I am shocked by that picture.
They have WIND mobile in Italy??
No. 134126
>>134107Italian doctors: allowing patients with a BMI of 15 to carry out moderate-intensity exercise.
I can believe her bloods are normal now - she weighs 95 lb if she isn't lying. Plenty of little old ladies weigh that much and carry on somehow. O course Aly will likely develop osteoporosis and all that, so she isn't far from a little "old" lady herself :(
No. 134142
File: 1464201066936.jpg (175.3 KB, 960x773, IMG_20160525_122426.jpg)

I got weirded out when she said everyone is waiting for her period to come back, then mentioning eating a maxi filled wrap. Gross.
Then I realised it said "freaking first ever" maxi filled wrap…FIRST EVER?!? REALLY?! She's driving me crazy.
No. 134170
File: 1464204175344.jpeg (187.43 KB, 750x738, image.jpeg)

The most low-cut top picture she's posted recently and, i cant believe I'm saying this but… Facehugger undetected…?
No. 134189
>>134170I'm happy for her. She's a cutie pie.
Don't want to speak too soon though, but I want to believe.
No. 134250
File: 1464217649729.jpg (819.19 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20160525_133957.jpg)

Just for fun, here's all her recent"goofy"faces
No. 134256
>>134250I'm imagining a level of hell where the punishment is being forced to watch the same kind of pose/food pose over and over and over
Her therapist needs to get moving on her OCD and need for attention
No. 134278
>>134256There're anorexics who're spoopier than Aly is right now, and who aren't even in recovery, who attend university.
I'm thinking that she's postponing going back because it'd mess her usual routines. She'd have to totally change the structure of her day.
No. 134284
File: 1464224782887.gif (492.89 KB, 250x188, tumblr_lswsa528c31qc2y2to2_250…)

>>133525All I could think of was this scene…
No. 134296
>>134290Oh, there is definitely improvement, I don't think anyone is disputing that(?)
But how much? See this from a couple of weeks ago:
>>>/snow/128431 No. 134322
>>134296Not disputing her facehugger is less visible at all. Her face is a lot fuller and her hands and chest area look like they actually have some padding now. It's the fact she'd be more down the road to weight restoration if she was eating all she says she does.
Idk what the maxi wrap is as opposed to her usual one. It looks the same, but apparently it's "overfilled".
No. 134328
>>134162Because someone said "did you maybe translate it wrong" and, by doing so, basically criticized her English.
Aly NEVER translates anything wrong!
No. 134370
File: 1464261880285.png (1.84 MB, 1202x1202, thathairthough.png)

apparently her bmi is now 15.2 and honestly i think she's looking great
No. 134384
>>134370What a carefree, spontaneous, lush hairstyle. Can you even call that a hairstyle? She needs to get rid of these two different colours, it looks just awful.
Body wise I still don´t know what to think of her recent pictures. Her face and chest look better, I have to admit that. But her arms still look super thin, and she has not shown us her legs so far.
I hope she will go to the beach with her family some time during the summer and show us some bikini pics like she did last year, then we will know for sure if her weight gain is real.
No. 134390
>>134370She looks better than she did at Christmas, but she doesn't look "great". She's still very underweight.
>>134384Maybe we'll get a swimsuit selfie when she goes for a #recoverywin sspontaneous swim. Ugh.
Yeah, it's impossible to tell how much she's progressed with her "recovery" while she's still hiding under loose pants and tops. At least she isn't wearing that padded bra in this pic.
I'm more concerned with her OCD at this point. The big face is also a worry, but I like how even though we can predict what she's going to post, we can't predict what's going to happen in her life.
No. 134401
>>134370I'm glad she's on a road to not dieing.
I still think she has a cunt personality. And shes not eating everything she claims. I might have sympathy if it weren't for her cunty personality.
No. 134410
>>134383She's still doing the
McDonalds and tons of sodium and snacks before Day Hospital Control spiel, so it's safe to assume her actual BMI is lower than what she claims.
If she's able to waterload even just 2kg that would make her actual BMI 14.5 which seems more accurate, at most.
No. 134417
File: 1464276930784.png (474.77 KB, 551x548, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-26 um 1…)

>>134401I agree. It´s good for her that she put on some much needed weight, but she´s a selfish, arrogant, narcissistic bitch.
And her eyes look maniacal in her newest joyful, spontaneous selfie.
No. 134463
File: 1464284950860.jpg (114.32 KB, 960x495, IMG_20160526_114748.jpg)

No. 134465
File: 1464285585374.png (9.63 KB, 293x62, screenshot_01.png)

Not yet deleted, but maybe soon.
No. 134486
File: 1464290966854.png (37.08 KB, 463x237, wp_ss_20160526_0001.png)

>>134463I came here to ask what had been said to make her speachless. Now I see.
No. 134519
>>134502spiel is also a Yiddish word that has entered English; its meaning is slightly different than the German usage.
- another fellow German
No. 134622
>>134502Native English speaker here who also uses the word spiel occasionally. Like
>>134523I didn't know the origin.
Sage for OT
No. 134645
File: 1464317541449.png (59.54 KB, 260x129, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-27 um 0…)

>>134566Everyone´s taste is different, but I don´t think she is that stunning. The shape of her eyes and the space between her eyes and her eyebrows give me the creeps. And she has a slight but distinctive squint.
No. 134660
File: 1464318559604.jpeg (140.55 KB, 749x1084, image.jpeg)

>>134645The space really does change how attractive she looks. She actually looks great in old photos without the space.
How did her eyebrows migrate that far up her face?
No. 134663
>>134660That´s incredible. If I didn´t know that these two pictures show the same person, I would´t believe it. The shape of her eyes looks different in the old photo, too (not just the space).
And no, I don´t think she´s only pulling her eyebrows up in the recent picture. If that was the case, you could see wrinkles in her forehead. Her eyebrows really seem to have migrated, as you said. How strange.
No. 134701
File: 1464328847679.jpg (322.7 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20160526_235628.jpg)

What language is this? What does it say?
No. 134756
>>134724Don't know what you mean by "pre-ED" pictures but it
may be possible once she gets to a normal, stable weight. No guarantees though.
No. 134771
>>134758>>I can see the most spontaneous and REAL version of myselfso spontaneous totally not rehearsed or anything
I didn't even think about the "already biten" close-up after the video, but yeah, that's how she operates. She doesn't even see food as food, just props, and like it's her job.
I'm sure whenever she mentions having done "work" in her mother's office she's talking about managing her instagram.
No. 134778
>>134701from what I understand, this girl is desperate af and is asking Aly for tipps how to get better ("how do I heal myself?"). She also says she admires Aly and asks how to become her…
janca, girl, don't.
No. 134803
>>134758So Aly and her "Nutella tart" want to wish us a great weekend. Why didn´t the Nutella tart blow us some kisses, too?
Would have made my day so much more brighten.
No. 134807
File: 1464363791231.jpeg (83.8 KB, 640x609, image.jpeg)

I've always found it humorous when the big Ana-chans on IG comment on each other's posts. Honestly I've always thought Paris was a whiny attention seeker regardless of how ill she is, but part of me wonders if she's asking for " transformation photos" to compare herself to Aly. Truth is though Aly has made more progress (even though she still looks haggard) in this past year than Paris has in probably 5. Both are equally cringy, but I think Paris should stick to posting the same meals everyday & maybe actually trying to recover & stay far away from Aly. I just can't help but feel Paris wants to be a forever spoop like Ash..
No. 134808
File: 1464364199019.jpg (140.23 KB, 536x544, IMG_20160527_104851.jpg)

These are action shots Aly.
No. 134815
>>134808Now I know what's so awkward about this video. She's lifting her head in an unnatural way. I don't know if it's to look spoopier or what, but it's creepy.
Her hair is also nasty, like
>>134782 said, and her face looks wrinkly and splotchy.
I probably sound like an ass, but she looks so unattractive in this video that I was a bit shocked. She doesn't look good in recent photos either, but holy crap.
She looked decent in pre-ED photos, so it's kind of sad. I think she fucked herself up for good.
(Speaking of which,
>>134756 , pre-ED means "before the eating disorder." So pictures taken before she developed an eating disorder would be pre-ED pictures.)
No. 134820
File: 1464367351514.jpg (369.08 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20160527_113951.jpg)

Acts like its a huge bite then pulls it out and barely scrapes her teeth on it.
No. 134886
Someone old enough to know better. To not lie and manipulate thousands of followers.
No. 134890
>>134820Her nibble videos are very strange. I remember she first started posting them to PROOF she was actually eating, and now after a long time she posts one because she's called out for having chipmunk cheeks. I'm not sure what she's trying to proof here. I love how she tries to make a tiny mouthful look like a huge bite to chew.
An observation and a question - Aly never dissects her food. She never breaks it in half and even bites a donut in the same fashion (one on each side of the hole). How many of you would nibble around the crust of this tart, scoop out the nutella on a little finger and generally make a mess of it? I know I do. She tries to keep the food looking presentable at all times.
No. 135025
>>134890I both agree with you and worry about you lol.
I agree that Aly never dissects her food, to an odd extent. As you said, she always needs to have it be presentable.
But at the same time… no, I would just eat this thing like she is, except with actual bites. I might even eat it with a fork.
No. 135038
>>134890Um no. Ew. Who picks at their food like that when they're not eight years old. I agree with anon above, I'd probably use a fork.
Back to the video, it looks like she can't handle swallowing the food, just keeps chewing and chewing, like she'll spit it out when the camera stops.
No. 135059
>>134660I think the most significant difference between her old and current pictures is her demeanor/presence.
She looked like your basic "I'm so pretty please find me sexy" teenage girl with an aura of immaturity, but kind of like with that typical longing to be seen as grown up and mature.
Whereas now she looks like a child, playing with food, desperate to stay immature and dependent, begging for ass pats for completely normal and inane things, looking demented and almost mentally challenged.
No. 135070
File: 1464438432891.png (345.87 KB, 331x499, ass like spongebob.png)

Yuck. Look at her ass. She most likely has a worse body now with all the wear and tear.
No wonder she cant find a guy being interested in her. I bet the only guy she ever had is that exboyfriend.
No. 135071
>>135070She was still in her restrictive E.D then.
Also I doubt the reason she is single is because the size of her arse ffs.
No. 135134
File: 1464452082526.png (13.12 KB, 283x84, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-28 um 1…)

I want to grab this fucking bitch and dunk her head into a toilet bowl.
No. 135176
>>135134Jesus Christ I want to punch her fucking over-plucked eyebrows off.
She acts like her instagram feed is a daily TV show everyone has to tune in each and every episode for.
Like, I don't even browse my own RL friends' instagrams regularly, let alone read anyone's captions religiously, just here and there whenever I can be bothered.
No. 135300
File: 1464490816604.jpg (172.68 KB, 1080x1080, 6tag-1347294776-12557013599163…)

>>135299Adding…i went to find a pic where she doesn't look insane or is looking downwards at food. Maybe use something like this one?
No. 135313
File: 1464496708229.png (638.16 KB, 580x579, Clipboard0100.png)

>>135302The hair isn't quite dark enough because Meitu crashed while I was fixing it, so here's a screenshot of what I had so far. Inordinate amounts of effort were put into lessening the crazy (and yet still…)
No. 135317
File: 1464497867461.jpg (202.24 KB, 740x960, 2016-05-28-22-52-25-411.jpg)

Took a stab at it using a phone app.
No. 135322
File: 1464499064565.png (23.24 KB, 295x176, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-29 um 0…)

Before it gets deleted…
Someone finally called her out on her rudeness and told her that she´s not the centre of the universe.
No. 135325
>>135313I still think the craziness comes from her eyes, but it might be difficult to do something about it. Maybe if you correct the (slight) squint she has?
But please don´t consider this as criticism, your skills are amazing, as are yours >>135317!
No. 135342
File: 1464508986191.jpg (343.49 KB, 960x960, 2016-05-29-01-00-27-862.jpg)

I tried pretty hard but I don't really know how to shoop
No. 135349
>>135317This is really cute. Aly has a lot of potential that's wasted.
Those fucking eyebrows make such a huge difference.
No. 135357
File: 1464516112118.png (15.67 KB, 279x119, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-29 um 1…)

Aly is disappointed.
No. 135363
>>135357Oh, fuck off, Aly.
All these shoops are good. It's nice to see her with better eyebrows. Lowering them really does help so much.
No. 135378 won't let me screencap properly, but two things:
1) what is that pose
2) "I haven’t moved at all since the beginning of my recovery" - are people really expected to believe this
No. 135386
File: 1464530511689.png (622.69 KB, 590x592, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-29 um 1…)

>>1353781) It´s a super spontaneous, joyful, not ED-related pose to celebrate her JOY of being ALIVE, because she is NOT her illness and she´s the old, REAL Alice.
2) Until her "car accident" (or whatever it was) which resulted in a "completely shattered leg" (which magically healed within a few weeks in a cast), she was virtually hyperactive to burn off all the lush, oily foods she ate (or rather smiled at).
So no, I don´t think anyone buys that bullshit.
No. 135387
File: 1464530658389.jpg (81.35 KB, 960x572, IMG_20160529_080146.jpg)

Sure, just like posting eating videos was "annoying" I bet she will post one in a few days.
No. 135414
>>135322I really think when she does this she doesn't understand how it comes off.
Im not meaning this as an insult when i say beyond the language barrier she faces she truely seems to have some kind of high functioning autism.
No. 135432
File: 1464539597264.png (349.7 KB, 449x472, screenshot1.png)

The ice-cream in this lovely super spontaneous action shot is almost completely melted. I wonder how much time it took her to arrange her food for this picture.
No. 135447
File: 1464540799097.png (345.07 KB, 296x544, Untitled.png)

>>135432Look how much the double scoop thing melted.
I don't believe she ate both these things. I'd struggle with that brioche thing alone. Way too sickly.
No. 135479
File: 1464545984649.png (24.57 KB, 286x128, screenshot2.png)

Isnt´t that strange. Wherever Aly goes, they´re giving away food for free, this time at the cinema.
Are we supposed to believe this?
And "mood was too up" sounds stupid as fuck. Can you even say that in English?
Her English is really starting to irritate me, she uses so many strange expressions. And that´s a completely different story than making a mistake here and there.
No. 135488
>>135482We've been over this one several times.
Fucking hell, how MANY more CAPS can she USE in ONE comment.
That looks like a biscuit out of a family pack of assorted ones.
>>135479During the past year I've been offered 2 free samples. One for a chocolate at Thorntons at Christmas, and one for some bite size new thing they were starting to sell at Costa. Why they'd offer a free cookie at the cinema is beyond me.
No. 135520
>>1354971. Fuck that.
2. We already did. Multiple people have commented on that and how we can't see the chest-hugger anymore.
3. Once again, fuck that because (as
>>135502 said) her attitude is still shit.
No. 135536
>>135519No personal experience of ED, so googled what the internet had to say about exercise at low BMIs. Everywhere confirmed hers is too low, and one person here pilates was okay.
No. 135537
>>135387 any transformation pics were silly 6 weeks ago.
Just watch her see the likes and comments die down again, she'll post more transformation pics, then vids, then bikini… what a mess.
No. 135550
>>135548 thats what i think too. my girlfriend works in a cinema. they sell the cheapest stuff, that cant even go bad.
What kind of cinema would sell handmade sweets (and give it away for free) for such a middle class family…
No. 135561
>>135554She is looking better but shes probably doing it so she can go to uni and then get back to where she was before
Her medical team seems like such a joke
No. 135566
File: 1464561757738.png (200.61 KB, 390x245, horse.png)

horse teeth aka denise
No. 135574
>>135539There's a small local cinema here that shows movies later after they've come out (so they have to give less percentage of profits back). Everything is insanely cheap compared to normal theaters, including the tickets.
They also sell things made from a local bakery (like caramel covered popcorn, cookies, candies, etc), along with the normal theater fare.
It is in a very small town, and is very involved with the community. In that place I wouldn't be surprised if they gave away stuff from the local bakery as a promotion for it (Working with them), but in 99% of cinemas, no.
Sorry for semi-blog.
No. 135599
File: 1464565461521.png (335.07 KB, 459x278, no wonder.png)

no wonder Alice loves to show her teeth. Italians have some fucked up stuff.
No. 135610
File: 1464566366537.jpg (44.91 KB, 475x314, hot but teeth.jpg)

last one I swear, but the denise Papa friend has the weirdest ratio to perfect and fucked up mouth.
No. 135757
File: 1464623015968.jpg (119.23 KB, 960x493, IMG_20160529_103834.jpg)

Deleted preview that will maybe show up later? looks like a whole body shot perhaps?
No. 135919
File: 1464668342477.png (443.93 KB, 518x513, Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-31 um 0…)

>>135829Sometimes she did, yes. But not in this picture with Sonia, whom we haven´t seen in a while.
Apparently, she´s been talked into posing with food again. That girl must be a saint. She seems to be the only friend Aly has left, but that´s not really a surprise.
No. 136061
File: 1464728387659.png (313.33 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160531-165255.png)

Oh my god you guys, she ate ONE WHOLE SQUARE OF A RITTER BAR. such calorie, much recovery. Also note that she felt the need to mention the number of calories in her ensure in the caption. I predict relaaaaaapse…
No. 136186
>>136064Not only fake, to me it looks super patronizing. As if Aly granted Sonia a huge honor by allowing her to pose for stupid food pictures with herself and to receive a kiss on top.
While Sonia probably counts the minutes until she can leave again and go on with her normal life.
No. 136365
File: 1464805635842.jpg (57.38 KB, 462x462, Screenshot_2016-06-01-11-36-00…)

>>124275Posted and quickly deleted
No. 136372
>>136369Her mentality seems to be the same as it was before, it wouldn't surprise me if her weight goes back down but her posts stay HAPPY POSITIVE #EDWARRIOR.
Now I want a klondicke thoug>>136365
No. 136374
File: 1464807219859.jpg (218.18 KB, 847x960, IMG_20160601_125208.jpg)

Told you guys this pose was about to be a thing
No. 136444
File: 1464819369936.png (320.78 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160601-221358.png)

Wtf am I missing something? AlY posted those star cookies and called them "just baked" and then in the next photo she gave the recipe for them and talked about how much she loves baking, but she snottily told this commenter that she bought them and said so in the caption.
No. 136462
>>136365It's good to not see her knee bones stick out at weird angles. As much as I dislike her, I wish she'd feel good about not having her previous level skele legs as before.
Saying that, even with her wearing clothes, her face/head still looks too big for her body. Her hands are very thin in comparison to her fuller face.
>>136374That's the same facial expression a clown makes.
No. 136465
File: 1464821639416.png (87.11 KB, 499x273, handinhair.png)

>>136462As soon as I read this, this is all I could think of. The expression and hand in hair…
No. 136468
File: 1464821956973.png (440.8 KB, 792x373, 00.png)

>>136465Now I can't unsee it.
No. 136474
>>136444I am so confused right now….
I don't see the "just bought childhood favourites" line anywhere. Wat is going on
No. 136480
File: 1464824638613.jpg (246.88 KB, 960x946, IMG_20160601_174012.jpg)

>>136444Ya, I think Aly wasn't considering these to be cookies. They are tarts. The person asked about star cookies.
Also, what's her deal with butter? She just really hates it?
No. 136588
File: 1464869848448.png (63.33 KB, 440x329, wp_ss_20160602_0002.png)

The deleted pic from yesterday was a sneaked, spontaneous one, guize. This means she really must spend most of her waking moments with her right hand stuck in her hair.
She's at 1027 on her pic count. Waiting for a cull.
No. 136634
File: 1464881996729.png (481.15 KB, 526x568, Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-02 um 1…)

Who holds a donut like this, with two fingers? Not being able to fumble around in her hair while she´s taking a selfie must be torture for her.
Perhaps that´s why her smile is looking so forced.
No. 136663
She must think we are complete fools. "Sneacked" my foot.
No. 136740
>>136663She ALWAYS says her posed shots are spontaneous and "sneaked". She either is a deliberate liar who thinks we are all idiots who wont notice the pattern in her poses, doesn't understand the definition of spontaneous and "sneaked," or is just that delusional. I don't know which is worse.
Also I love when she tried to respond to criticism but she is totally unable to articulate the criticism. Like just zero insight whatsoever. Imagine the frustration of her father as "the main reason for her ED"
No. 136877
File: 1464952194622.jpg (214.62 KB, 530x850, IMG_20160603_053547.jpg)

Ig deleted which pics??
No. 136886
>>136877Weird. If she is telling the truth, maybe people reported the photos? Does IG tell you which of your photos it is deleting?
>>136588I don't see that photo, is it deleted? She's down to 1019 now, maybe because of the deleted progress photos.
No. 136969
>>136740 I wonder the same thing about Parismelodyraven - deliberate liar? or just ill? Apparently Paris unfollowed Aly because she was too
triggering……Neither of them can take criticism - any comments on the photos Paris puts up that are too close to the truth vanish….
No. 137009
File: 1464990181530.png (60.95 KB, 318x454, you're.png)

>>136984This sounded so familiar, because Paris also asked Aly to post a body shot a week ago here:
>>134807I think you're right that she wants to compare herself to Aly, or at least confirm that she is spoopier than Aly.
No. 137025
File: 1464992695653.jpg (20.77 KB, 309x314, 1.JPG)

>>136886Either Aly's deleting these herself, or her brother's doing it sneackily.
When she was in full spoop we reported her over and over and there was NEVER one pic taken down. If ig had deleted as many pics as she's claimed, her account would've been terminated by now.
They don't just take them down mysteriously, they replace it with these (pic). That's not me btw.
Also - don't believe for a second she ate all she claims to have eaten today.
No. 137242
>>137009Whoever posted
>>134807 was bang on -Paris is an attention seeker forever posting the same meals and 'inspirational' comments but never making any progress - 10 years from now she will probably still be posting the same photos (if she lasts that long).
No. 137245
File: 1465064828989.jpeg (124.5 KB, 637x677, image.jpeg)

Uh…. Aly…. 73% and 13% equals 86%…. What's the rest? Fear? I think she's really starting to lose it.
No. 137248
File: 1465065302644.png (10.75 KB, 296x51, Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-04 um 2…)

>>137245Lol, she corrected it after someone asked her about the remaining 14%.
I bet soon she´ll be giving maths lessons as well.
No. 137256
File: 1465066529050.jpg (233.79 KB, 851x960, IMG_20160604_125156.jpg)

This picture is so stupid. flat out. With the hand in her hair holding a plate, eyes closed not looking anywhere…like a retarded waitress
No. 137264
File: 1465067085245.jpg (791.45 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20160604_130149.jpg)

>>137255Are they friends?
No. 137270
File: 1465068143269.png (267.81 KB, 506x420, Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-04 um 2…)

>>137264She has a tattoo on her wrist, like Aly. And seems to spend a lot of her time smiling at food she probably does not eat.
I guess she´s copying her.
No. 137294
File: 1465077777156.png (871.29 KB, 846x556, Untitled.png)

>>137264I wasn't aware of this girl, but Aly's definitely copying her in some ways.
No. 137305
File: 1465083105094.png (490.27 KB, 476x419, i thought we had posers back t…)

These people seem like props. i feel bad for those pretenders. theyre so uncool, im hurt. they remind me of the girls smiling at salad blog
"hi hi, we told a girl joke, so only boy act like theres a cam"
No. 137321
>>136369>>136372That's kind of how it works anons. That's why a lot of treatment centers work on gaining to a normal weight before doing intense therapy. Her mentality likely isn't going to change completely for a long time. Recovery afterall doesn't happen over night and just because someone gained a little weight.
I am a bit surprised her face still looks so weird when her legs are obviously much bigger.
Sage for slightly irrelevant post.
No. 137367
File: 1465098608069.jpg (114.07 KB, 978x1436, why didn't she just buy it ffs…)

>>137302Sort of. She definitely sharpied that shirt, but if you google "first I need coffee shirt," that design is out there. Aly just plagiarized it.
No. 137373
File: 1465103073953.png (470.76 KB, 517x544, Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-05 um 0…)

>>137302This choclotta girl has an entire collection of stupid shirts proclaiming that food is her purpose in life. Well, if that was true, she wouldn´t look like she does. It´s quite typical for anorexics to act that way, Aly does it too.
"I´m eating like a horse all day long, I´m eating only junk food and food is the most important thing in my life, I have no idea why I look like a walking skeleton, it´s all in my genes, I must have a super fast metabolism!"
The question here is: who is copying whom? Or is the similarity between them just a coincidence? I have no idea.
No. 137377
>>137321Indeed. At a very low weight your brain does not have enough energy to function properly.
Here is what the NHS has to say:
Psychological Effects
-Thinking is affected by being
underweight. This is hardly surprising since the brain requires a lot of energy (i.e., calories) to function properly.
-Thinking becomes inflexible
at a low body weight with the result that it becomes difficult to switch rapidly from topic to topic. It also becomes difficult to make decisions.
-Concentration is almost always impaired although people may not be aware of this since they force themselves to focus on what they are doing. In part the concentration impairment is due to the presence of recurrent thoughts about food and eating (secondary
to under-eating) since these interfere with the ability to focus on other things. Some people find that they even dream about food and eating.
The almost constant thinking about food and eating affects behavior
too. It leads some people to become particularly interested in
cooking and thus they keep reading recipes and watching TV cookery programs, and they may also do a lot of cooking. At the same time they tend to become mless interested in other things
.They often give up old interests and hobbies.
People who are significantly underweight change the way that they behave. If they have been underweight for a long time they come to think that this is their "personality" whereas their true personal
ity is being masked by the effects of being underweight.
-One of the most prominent changes is
heightened "obsessiveness". This term refers to the tendency to be inflexible and rigid in one's routines. Some people may also become very particular about cleanliness and tidiness. Often this is accompanied bydifficulty being spontaneous.
-The obsessiveness is often particularly striking when it comes to eating. People may eat in a very particular way. Eating may become like a mini “ceremony” which has to be conducted alone. Some people eat very slowly, chewing each mouthful a certain numberof times; others
eat in a ritualized way always eating from a certain plate, or cutting food
into small pieces.
No. 137378
>>137373All her laughing at food pics are so samey, christ.
But she seems to have multiple friends, posts more than just desserts, and doesn't spam her captions to death with emojis and tags. She seems way less annoying overall.
No. 137531
File: 1465158843620.jpg (69 KB, 603x606, gFX3Ld6.jpg)

>>137505Her, or that Smorven who completely refuses to believe she's anorexic, when she's bordering on old Aly levels of spoop No. 137534
>>137531not that good of a choice. Her insta isnt even open to public.
If Paris is as annoying as Alice Elenor Casati, go for it.
No. 137538
>>137535yeah :(
Paris is private too, I just noticed. Kind of weird with 100000 followers
No. 137543
>>137531Her legs are spoopier than Aly's ever were.
>>137537Nah, admin doesn't want ana chan threads. Probably best to post her in the general ana one if you can get heard over the kids squawking about Ember and Emily.
No. 137552
File: 1465164163302.jpg (228.38 KB, 968x676, NO JUDGING WHAT I POST OR DO.j…)

>>137543 said, the anas can all be fit into the containment thread on snow.
Not to mention, Paris is very boring. She posts the same gross meals every day and does nothing of interest other than looking spoopy.
No. 137725
File: 1465208491874.png (487.54 KB, 514x523, Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-06 um 1…)

Back to Aly ;-)
Is this the worst her hair has ever looked?
And closing her eyes for pictures seems to be her latest quirk.
No. 137859
File: 1465248989622.png (258.96 KB, 351x337, Screen Shot 2016-06-06 at 10.3…)

Usually she just annoys me, but I properly cracked up at this picture, imagining her just slamming the ice cream bar repeatedly into her face as she doesn't have a clue how to eat anymore.
No. 137860
File: 1465249786770.png (106.24 KB, 720x554, 73542_edit.png)

>>137858But she has been eating constantly and frequently for a year though, per her report. Why no bloating or fluid retention before, also per her report?
>>137859Pic related
No. 137887
File: 1465260120381.png (69.4 KB, 1439x277, 20160606_190036.png)

No. 137927
>>137859Not usually a fan of ice cream, but this Magnum looks special.
Anyway, her teeth don't look too yellow. She smokes a bit, drinks coffee…she should get some whitening toothpaste.
Her hair really is knackered where it's bleached. Here
>>137859 the split ends are obvious. She just doesn't suit blonde and I hope she gets herself to a salon (unless she's keeping the hair because it puts some nth of kg on her weight).
No. 137928
File: 1465271496357.jpg (14.84 KB, 236x370, 9d20ae6432a9923ac6d12052043d3c…)

she needs to get rid of the fried ombre and settle for an all over colour, something deep and rich
No. 137986
>>137944I don´t know about other countries, but here in Germany they do allow "fear foods" such as chocolate, ice-cream or cake to some extent.
But you´re certainly not allowed to eat truckloads of sugary crap all day long, like Aly and many other girls with "recovery" accounts pretend to do.
For example, you would definitely not be allowed to eat cookies for breakfast.
I wonder how Aly would react if she had to eat what´s on the menu and what she´s served only for a week or so. I remember how she had a total breakdown when her brother fell ill and her mother cancelled her "much awaited lunch" in some fancy restaurant or one of her stupid cafes.
O, how I would love to see this spoiled brat go inpatient!
No. 138002
>>137986She's gone inpatient twice, but it was a medical ward. They gave her way too much say in what she ate and the first time she didn't have to eat a lot because of the feeding tube.
Her doctors are fucking incompetent.
No. 138041
>>138002You´re right, she went inpatient before but that was an absolute joke.
I meant I would like to see her join a serious, long-term inpatient program in a facility with qualified staff where her ED behaviours would be addressed.
She has gained a few pounds, I can´t deny that, but her relationship with food is still disordered as fuck.
No. 138048
>>138047She only smokes a couple of cigs a day though.
As for a jacket in the weather. JFC, it's hot as fuck here in the UK today and even a shirt would've been UNBEARABLE (!) Seriously would've stripped off if the general public were all blind.
No. 138049
File: 1465318201177.jpg (29.73 KB, 295x294, whut.JPG)

Holy shit. What is wrong with her face. It doesn't even look like her.
No. 138141
File: 1465341651168.jpg (44.58 KB, 960x269, IMG_20160607_171243.jpg)

Hmmm, it makes me uncomfortable when people compliment her hair. People really actually like her hair?
No. 138150
>>138049swollen glands.
Also I just noticed that she has a growth on her ear where it looks like a piercing used to be.
No. 138215
File: 1465367385269.jpg (7.68 KB, 300x386, images.jpg)

>>137860Lol, if she was eating frequently for over an year she would have a normal body and not look like balloon on those sticks.
The bloating in the stomach and face is a sign of recovery - which could of been all over by now if the girl was serious about her health early on.
No. 138216
File: 1465367407501.jpg (148.95 KB, 577x567, my conclusion is she has at le…)

>>138150>>138155Maybe both? A keloid from where a piercing used to be?
Going all the way back to the beginning of her instagram, this is the
only photo where I can even see a glimpse of her ears. New theory: she hides them. Now I finally understand that weird half-ponytail thing she used to do; it was so she could put her hair up while still hiding her ears. But why??
No. 138242
File: 1465383844351.jpg (36.91 KB, 490x469, 1.JPG)

>>138216There looks like there's something weird going on with her ear here (pic). Difficult to tell.
Some asked her if she's had her cartilage pierced.
No. 138282
File: 1465400388679.png (594.84 KB, 560x661, Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-08 um 1…)

Someone made a portrait of her. Lol @ this comment.
No. 138370
File: 1465423238680.gif (916.31 KB, 245x183, ppbbbtttt.gif)

>>138282Ha!! That comment
No. 138377 this caption, posted 4 h ago, she says "on this beautiful Monday" blah blah blah.
Well, it's Wednesday.
No. 138386
>>138282Same reaction as
>>138370, heh.
Good pic, but the hair is very Farrah Fawcett. They got the facehugger making an appearance too!
No. 138422
File: 1465439174821.jpg (834.45 KB, 1512x1512, Instasize_0608212114.jpg)

Still can't get over how she tries to pass off her ~action shots~ as real ,and the worst part is some people actually believe it. Ex. her "eating" a magnum vs a model in an ad ACTUALLY eating a magnum. Aly looks fucking ridiculous
No. 138424
File: 1465439730174.jpg (27.94 KB, 292x294, ocd.JPG)

>>138421I think she's aware her feed is boring and tries to make it a bit different by doing these poses.
I notice she's gone back to an old habit of cutting chocolate cakes in half again and doing the fork-in-shot thing. She probably thinks we've forgotten she was doing this all the way through her fake realrecovery.
>>138422These ARE particularly stupid and annoying.
No. 138430
File: 1465440621280.png (17.6 KB, 289x103, Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-09 um 0…)

Dad (who is the main reason behind Aly´s ED) is so endlessly evil. Now he´s bought wholewheat cookies so that Aly is forced to add some fiber to her diet of empty carbs. How dare he!
I think Ma Casati should take her to her favorite American cafe and buy her a nice sugary donut or a nutella-filled croissant for Aly to hold against her face to make up for this impertinence.
No. 138490
>>138421It's also a way of body checking for her.
If all her pics look the same she has a better way of comparing herself.
That and OCD. She likely feels like her pictures never look "right" so when she eventually finds one she just recreates it.
That's probably what she means when she says a picture is showing "imperfection". She's not talking about messy hair or goofy smiles but the fact that the picture doesn't follow these self imposed rules.
No. 138563
File: 1465492212442.png (877.94 KB, 929x591, huge blueberries.png)

giant blueberries
No. 138622
File: 1465505345160.jpg (122.89 KB, 960x696, IMG_20160609_144555.jpg)

>>138563>>138580Probably like 2inches diameter. Pic related
No. 138648
>>138646Also, from her ice cream photo:
>Currently spooning peacefully with my Bro ??Run, Matty!
No. 138782
File: 1465564766354.jpg (125.95 KB, 960x495, IMG_20160607_171322.jpg)

Just want to put this here. It was quickly posted and deleted, I thought it would have been reposted by now but nope. I wonder if it's because it's blurry?
No. 138787
File: 1465565416290.jpg (106.56 KB, 930x595, totally spontaneous.JPG)

No. 138797
>>138782She posted a nutella waffle. So does she pull her spontaneous snacks out os a stash of pics? I don't believe she'd eat a nutella waffle AND whatever the deleted puc food is without puking.
>>138796His accounts are private and idk if he speaks English. I imagine he must resent her in so many ways.
No. 138813
File: 1465577552252.gif (2.93 MB, 636x358, 1337998530128006799.gif)

>>138787She looks at that ice cream the same way I look at dicks as a lesbian.
No. 138844
>>138835There isn't one spoonful of ice cream missing from that tub and I bet it went back in the freezer the same way.
>>138813I don't think you'd easily find a woman who actually thinks dicks look tasty. They're best out of sight.
No. 138890
File: 1465600967425.jpg (181.24 KB, 1080x1080, 13398685_1709692175939773_4356…)

New profle pic. That pose. For the love of gods.
No. 138944
>>138890That hair…
How can she seriously think this looks good?
No. 139035
File: 1465664492011.jpg (185.53 KB, 926x588, image.jpg)

*~1 year of recovery guize *~
No. 139047
>>139035This shows how much she typically layers her top half to not look spoopy in photos.
She does look a bit better, but really just has a more 'bulimia shape' to her with the odd bloating.
I know she's a total dick, but I do feel kinda bad that she has spent a year REAL (!) recovering and this is all she has to show for it.
No. 139048
File: 1465667172307.png (424.12 KB, 582x560, Untitled.png)

>>139035She really hasn't gained that much. She's layering up top.
Sick of her banging on about how it was her decision to go voluntarily IP. Wow. A week on a general ward was it? Sorry, Aly, but no.
No. 139055
File: 1465668505037.jpg (71.08 KB, 307x441, another long ass caption.jpg)

>>139035>>139037This is supposedly a 25lb+ weight gain, judging by her bmi updates. However, that seems unreliable.
No. 139057
>>139048Fucking hell, good choice of photo to compare it to. The only difference is that her face looks worse.
>>139055>Honeys please, trust my wordsYeah, no. 25lbs is an absolutely absurd claim.
No. 139058
>>139057>Honeys please, trust my wordsTo quote Aly herself - "bitch please".
25lb gain. No.
No. 139063
File: 1465669752267.jpg (69.41 KB, 930x597, 83 weeks.JPG)

>>13906283 weeks ago, so…Nov 2014-ish??
No. 139065
>>139063That Chanel quote…with that picture…
Thanks for finding the photo! Is there a similar photo from April or May of 2015?
No. 139067
File: 1465670427436.png (2.39 MB, 1080x1080, 1436607035131.png)

>>139065That account of hers wasn't updated for much longer after that pic, but I think this was around the time just before, or maybe just after, her IP. Can't find the thread, but it's from aly_realrecover google search.
She weighs less there than the one above.
No. 139068
File: 1465670567972.png (688.36 KB, 556x542, Untitled.png)

No. 139070
File: 1465671015325.jpg (124.34 KB, 759x813, image.jpg)

>>139067Snooped around in old threads, found this
She looks thinner there (in her legs) than she does now? Kinda?
No. 139073
>>139070Maybe a tiny bit, or that could be angles/colour of her jeggings (ew). It's impossible to believe whatever Aly says about her gains because during the time of these pics she was insisting so DANG hard she was eating junk food when she wan't. Now she's posting A LOT of junk food and her gain doesn't match what she's supposedly eating.
If she said she'd only been recovering since Christmas (when she looked sickly), I'd say well done. However, that puffiness of her face is odd. All the accounts I've seen where women ARE real recovering, they don't look like she does. Idk. All I do know is she doesn't eat half the snacks she posts on instagram. Maybe one bite, but that's all.
No. 139079
>>139068If she was wearing those old, tighter, light-coloured pants, her legs would look exactly the same. If that layering of her upper body fools anyone, they're a total idiot. I
might believe it if she claimed she'd put on about five pounds, but TWENTY-five? Not a fucking chance.
>>139075I agree, she's clearly clinging to the concept that her big hair makes her look bigger in general, so she's keeping it. Or at least, I hope that's the only explanation for keeping her hair that ratty-looking.
No. 139084
File: 1465672573776.jpg (47.08 KB, 534x563, a random on tumblr.JPG)

See, this is someone I found on google images. You can see her legs aren't as spoopy and she's not long into recovery here.
No. 139085
File: 1465672932688.png (7.57 KB, 273x43, Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-11 um 2…)

>>139035Someone´s comment on that "transformation picture". I think it means "there´s not much difference to be honest". Will be deleted soon.
No. 139088
And don´t forget that ALL the weight she´s gaining goes straight to her organs and her LUSH hair!
No. 139113
>>139044From what my girlfriend told me the italian healthcare is terrible in general, aftercare is especially lacking.
Sage for somewhat offtopic.
No. 139117
File: 1465685149459.jpg (41.71 KB, 262x403, 2.JPG)

>>139111That girl's tumblr ended in 2012 with her talking about recovery the way Aly never would. I'd kill a granny to have access to her personal diary, like the thing that she accidentally posted some time ago.
No. 139174
File: 1465704588881.png (520.84 KB, 563x587, Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-12 um 0…)

Now she´s kissing her food while making stupid victory signs. How demented can this girl get?
I want to spray the contents of this fire extinguisher into her snotty face.
No. 139193
File: 1465716067244.jpg (212.28 KB, 933x585, 1440548487599.jpg)

>>139035For leg comparison, here's a picture of when her BMI was 12.3, so yeah, no way is it over 15 now when her legs look pretty similar.
No. 139269
>>139171Oh Christ, we're back to this. The idiot missed out "organs!!!11!!1!" though.
Where did this concept of someone being able to put on 25lb (as an example, because this is what Aly's claiming without looking any different except for her puffy face) without showing it AT ALL because it's gone to your hair, skin and organs come from in the first place? It's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.
No. 139276
>>139255I think you're a bit confused. The BMI 12 picture is from her first attempt at recovery, years ago. Her BMI dropped down to 10.6 last year (June 2015), and now she's claiming she went from that to a BMI of 15.
(Though the math still doesn't make sense because that's a 13kg gain, not 11kg.)
No. 139313
>>139245Same old same old.
Her feed is the same as fucking always.
It's like she wants to prove she's recovering 4 REAL by
saying she's going to focus less on instagram, but she never actually is.
Just like just because she says she's eating doesn't mean she is.
No. 139405
File: 1465790999064.png (433.25 KB, 428x488, Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-13 um 0…)

Ridiculously padded chest covered with a mess of dried straw. Nice.
No. 139413
>>139410Chris Christie! Loved your work.
>>139402It was the same a month ago - she was back to long captions after like 2 photos. Does OCD cover things like having to write long emoji filled captions against your will, to prevent some unspecified doom? If so, that's pathetic and kind of sad. No. 139431
File: 1465804157026.jpg (185.86 KB, 580x605, where's her stuffed bra though…)

>>139414>You guys do realize that anorexics gain alot of weight and bloat in their stomachs and faces right when they start eating?Blah blah blah Aly is totally really real recovering, I'm sure
I honestly have no idea what you and the others who have mentioned stomach-gaining are talking about. Aly has not showed any sign of gaining in her stomach. She's been wearing a lot of loose tops, but when she's not, her stomach looks as flat as ever.
No. 139435
File: 1465805864815.png (39.94 KB, 438x238, wp_ss_20160613_0001.png)

Her caption makes little sense this morning. At least she admits her hair looks shit and her face is oddly puffy.
No. 139501
>>139485>>139487No, I asked where you get the idea that
Aly is gaining weight in her stomach. Learn to read because you just wasted a ton of your own time for no reason.
No. 139513
File: 1465832816706.png (3.56 MB, 1536x2048, image.png)

another example of someone who's actually in recovery, she's only been at this for a couple months, if that, and already looks amazing and she's been calling out people for faking recovery
glad it seems people are catching onto aly's BS
No. 139533
>>139503Exactly! But people keep mentioning the gaining in the stomach/trunk as if Aly has it. (See
>>137858 >>138215
>>139078 >>139414 )
She doesn't though.
No. 139712
>>139701Judging from other photos, yes, those are self-harm scars.
I hope she fully recovers too.
No. 139771
File: 1465910030370.png (405.25 KB, 516x480, Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-14 um 1…)

Her teeth are barely touching the wrap she´s holding. And who would start eating this thing from the side instead of starting from one of the ends?
Her pictures of her "eating" are so damn fake. Why does her mother (who obviously takes these pictures) still play along in this charade???
No. 139828
>>139799She has a proper mustache.
I'm surprised she didn't leave her hand in her hair for the entirety of the video.
No. 140116
File: 1466009350878.jpg (1.38 MB, 1080x3142, Screenshot_20160615-114631.jpg)

Deleted two seconds later.
I wouldn't think somebody with such a low BMI could tolerate alcohol
No. 140133
File: 1466013519908.png (449.31 KB, 527x493, Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-15 um 1…)

>>140116Will she ever post one single picture in which she doesn´t have her hand in her hair?
No. 140137
>>140119Yes, this confuses me so much!! it's not like she doesn't see the picture before…
It's probably anxiety and ocd related and indicative of her fragile mental state
No. 141531
File: 1466240503294.jpg (227.41 KB, 1140x836, muhsupport.JPG)

Aly Queen of Self-Central begs for support all while never commenting on anyone else's instagram and always giving rude replies when someone dares to ask for advice.
No. 141571
>>141531Why not look on the bright side Aly - you used to receive many "hater" messages in a day and you'd have to delete and block them. Now all your comments are supportive fangirls, so what's the loss?
Also, look: flat stomach
No. 141621
File: 1466267904823.jpeg (366.42 KB, 1270x1478, image.jpeg)

I know this girl has been mentioned before, but seriously, after scrolling through my sock puppet I saw this caption and thought Aly unblocked me, but nope it's this girl instead. So who's copying who & why does anyone type or talk like this. So much cringe.
No. 141635
>>141621So many girls in the recovery community type captions like that. Aly must have picked it up from someone, too. It helps attract like-minded followers.
Btw I checked out choclotta's IG and found this exchange. It's very rude, but does she have a point? No. 141638
File: 1466270696412.png (72.84 KB, 477x333, wp_ss_20160618_0001.png)

Might be less hand in hair pics from now on. The "getting fat" comment is verry naughty, but I agree with the rest of what's said here.
No. 141641
File: 1466270952246.png (1.28 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>141635choclatta's appearance belies her indignance
No. 141651
>>141641OT and slightly hippyish, but I really like that tree. Never seen one like that before. It's beauuuuuuutiful.
This choclotta girl is pretty much on the same level as Aly for being a cow imo, but there aren't isn't the quirkiness that I like/hate about Aly.
No. 141717
File: 1466293866613.jpg (120.3 KB, 960x500, IMG_20160618_174327.jpg)

LoL her brother…
No. 141722
>>141717This is proof that she doesn't eat! She looks at her brother the same way she looks at her SPONTANEOUS! REALRECOVERY WIN!!! And yet he is still alive and not eaten.
"You better eat this shit for me. It's too calorific," whispered Aly….
No. 141747
>>141675YES. We could all be wishing each other a ROYAL and LUSH BOMB of a day to make our lives more BRIGHTEN!!
>>141722That's … quite disturbing.
No. 141760
File: 1466309875676.png (23.7 KB, 287x203, Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-19 um 0…)

>>141745She´s not the only one. So many girls who have "recovery accounts" on instagram are doing this. Even some of those who are weight restored but still desperately seeking for attention and validation (that´s why I think they are physically recovered but not mentally).
No. 141764
>>132631>Here's an analysis of Aly's pancake recipe. This thread is now banned. Anyone who tries to recreate it, asks me to re-allow it, or mentions the thread subject(s) in other threads will be permanently banned.
You may make a few final remarks or arrange an off-site location in
>>>/manure/1924. That thread will be locked on June 22.