File: 1424665361675.jpg (546.83 KB, 500x784, qs6yrt.jpg)

No. 53442
>>53440shes not now. both are boring. kiki rarely updates online and dakota is MIA and only updates in japanese.
let me go back in time to the stickam days plz
No. 53451
>>53442Speaking of the stickam days, is there an archive of all her stickam streams? All I know about are the clips of her saying offensive things that was on youku. I'm mostly interested in seeing her last stickam stream.
>>53445I agree, imo Kiki actually looks kinda cute in the op. I think it mostly has to do with her skin having color to it and her cheeks being slightly fuller.
No. 53476
>>53445She looked soooo much prettier! I don't understand how she can change in so little time. Is it because her face is skinnier now?
Surely that old hair color looks fake, but at least her hair looked waaay thicker and shiny/healthy back then. She also suits the old "too much makeup" style.
Kiki ruined herself.
No. 53478
File: 1424676363174.jpg (231.14 KB, 635x480, scene1.jpg)

i was so jealous of her hair back in the day lol
No. 53479
>>53476>Kiki ruined herselfWhich is awesome and hilariois because
she ruined herself by trying to become Kooter.
No. 53488
>>53476All she did was back comb it for years.
That and bleaching her hair really fucked it up.She's lucky she has any left for her alien ass head.
No. 53494
>>53488"All she did"
You never noticed how much more hair she had back then? Right now it's just dead and flat and gross. Surely it was damaged back then but at least it looked better (not referring to her ugly racoon hair).
No. 53505
>>53468i'd love for her to stream again, but i think she never will if she hasn't by now tbh. she did try to start streaming on a new site some months after stickam shut down but she couldn't figure out how to work it and that was her only try.
now even delusional as she is, she has to know her follower count has dropped tremendously from the time people were tuning in weekly to watch her on stickam. if she tried again, there'd be no audience.
besides, i think she realized by the end how much her streaming bit them in the ass. around the time of her second-to-last show is when kiki and dakota's past started to dredge itself up and cause their endless spiral of false copyright takedowns to try to erase history. she knows whatever she'll say will get saved and thrown back in her face.
No. 53523
>>53494You never noticed how much of her hair was actually
extensions and not her real hair? Her hair was always backcombed, fried and only around or just past shoulder length until she stopped fucking with it and just let it grow out.
No. 53530
>>53505True, the only people who care about her is us and her 5 remaining fans. So we'd just watch to laugh, discuss, and record/screencap everything.
Thinking about it, maybe Kiki could get relevancy again if she just trolled like Trisha Paytas. But in this case, it would just be her being herself. I feel like a lot of lolcows could really make a living if they made completely raw vlogs on yt. Like, if Kiki made videos of her attempts to get fame, complaining about how she should be the famous sister, etc, I'd probably pay to watch that tbh.
No. 53548
>>53542Same and same. Everything was going well and liz even said she was considering talking to kaka again. I doubt she will now. Having her around as a reg would've made things pretty interesting.
Hasn't the admin checked IP location before for us? I'd like to see info on that samefag shitposter. I really don't see why any of the regs in here would want to run liz off so determinedly.
No. 53558
File: 1424697708125.jpg (27.24 KB, 500x637, kiki-kannibal-without-editing-…)

btw here's a bit of original OP picture before shoop.
No. 53627
>>53532>>53542This. Thats probaly the last time well see her.
I think it might have kaka cause you know shes "too good" to sling shit from her twitter or instagram,you know with it not being very japaro princesse like.
No. 53694
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No. 53696
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No. 53700
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Shit man when kaka isn't riding kotas fashion dick she looks much better out of that kawai trash shit she tries to wear.
(but we all knew this)
No. 53710
File: 1424721351876.png (1.11 MB, 623x913, asadasd.png)

You know I always wondered if kaka ps Dakota that ugly.
No. 53716
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>>53710Kota reminds me of Kisame, maybe the nose?
No. 53723
>>53643She did say she was learning because of Kota, but she was just reaching for some reason to learn Japanese because she knows she has no actual interest and/or reason to. It's not like Kota has forgotten English and they spoke English together the last time they tweeted each other.
I think Kiki's hair was better in the scene days because she actually bothered to style it. The hairstyle and color also makes Kiki look very dull looking, it isn't helping that she insists on wearing all white.
>>53710From what I've heard, Kota was actually the one shooping their pictures while Kiki went out with her friends. It makes sense, Kiki has posted shooped pictures and videos, but she hasn't really done it since Kota left. Back when Kota was around, Kiki took higher quality photos and didn't use the insane amount brightness in her videos that she does now.
No. 53727
File: 1424722774556.jpg (123.45 KB, 600x911, lmao ayy.jpg)

>>53710Seriously, these photos
had to have been photoshopped. I mean, Dakota isn't as perfect irl as she shoops herself nowadays, but she ain't that fuckin' ugly.
No. 53733
File: 1424723090287.jpg (43.53 KB, 540x377, valeria-lukyanova.jpg)

>>53710lmao I just actually noticed Kiki's face in this photo, she looks like Valeria.
No. 53740
>>53735I doubt it, she used to say on her formspring that she eats pure junk and it was down to genetics, and that her parents were thin in their youth.
She looked similar to that picture in this video that she really does have far-set eyes and really sharp cheek bones that she covers with her hair now-a-days. The thinness may have been shopped.
>>53739faux fur.
No. 53754
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My fav pic of Kaka.
No. 53763
>>53703Maybe it was Dannys baby.
Didn't she comment on how he didn't like to use a condom.
No. 53769
>>53763So does she just not understand how to have safe sex?
No condom with Danny, got an STI from some dude so I assume none with him either, and no condom with Jack Cash.
I think if I got chlamydia I'd be more careful but she's still letting random scene guys stick their diseased dicks into her with no protection.
How stupid to you have to be?
No. 53774
>>53770>>53771There's a shit load of documents in the archive saying she uses birth control. And one instance where she had a pregnancy scare with Danny.
So no asian baby, and no condom.
No. 53775
>>53770whoops didn't mean to quote you back there.
To you I meant to say that your insults suck ass, cause you can't smell anyone on the webz so wtf.
No. 53776
>>53769I feel like Kiki's really desperate to be liked, especially by guys. A lot of guys will insist on not wearing a condom. Also the baby thing like this anon said
>>53771 I wouldn't be surprised if Kiki tried to chain a man down with a baby.
No. 53806
File: 1424729930079.jpg (656.03 KB, 1154x714, scene wannabe vs kiki.jpg)

>>53795> Was it just because she posted HQ and heavily shooped pics and no one else her age could really do that?Yes. Jessi Slaughter is a prime example (at least in the wannabe aspect) of how some people idolized her back then. Either their parents didn't let them turn like that, or they just didn't know how to do it. You'd often see wanna-be scene kids taking crappy pictures with a cellphone of their clip-in pink highlights and hello kitty jewelry meant for 5 year olds, and that was a "scene" as they were ever gonna get. But Kiki had her parents' support to make it happen with pro cameras, photography lighting, supplying her with shit ton of makeup, driving her to graveyards for photoshoots, etc.
She also joined a fuck ton of "whore trains" to get as many friend requests as possible. Back then, her myspace bulletins would be filled with nothing but whore train adds.
Pic related of the typical 14 year old scene wannabe, vs what Kiki could do.
Do you think a 14 year old girl could have made herself look like this on her own? You need adult power to make something like this happened, and myspace kids like the one on the left didn't have that.
No. 53935
Sorry for the lack of response, I have not had access to a computer for the past few days. We do have some janitors, but they've been instructed to only remove posts violating global rules.
Moderating post content is a difficult issue. I did not want to give people I don't know that right, because that's how board staff turn into nazis.
I agree in this case the posts in question constituted "extremely irritating", and appropriate action has been taken.
I am also interested in bringing on 1-2 more janitors. Please see
>>53934 No. 54043
File: 1424766705836.jpg (94.58 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mdnbzy3W1U1rr7zvdo1_500…)

p sure her eyebrows make a huge diff. she didn't have Vegeta eyebrows back then
>>53806>Jessi SlaughterOT but anyone kept up with her? I know she came back to the nets a couple years ago and was doing video chat. Pic related, she is weird-looking af
No. 54054
>>54050She got pregnant (spposedly twice) since her glory days on /b/, she even made a post about it on her tumblr saying "her name will either be December or (something) and she will be here (month idr)" but she deleted it several weeks later and posted pics of herself in a black swimsuit by a piol eating chips while on a laptop, saying she was at some sort of resort for a week to "relax" after she had her abortion.
Someone should really make a thread about her.
No. 54057
>>54056*How big SHE was at the tIme, and by big I mein body weight.
I stopped following her after the abortion thing, I was too disgusted between her self/life posts and she shit she reblogged. Fuck's sake, a 14 year old relogging porn and pics of girls in skirts pulling down their panties captioned "it ain't gonna lick itself" just felt badwrong to even see. That was before Dakota started getting noticed, so 2011 perhaps.
No. 54088
>>54054I think Jessi is probably the one person I'm uncomfortable about making a thread about.
The girl obviously had a terrible home life and it came out that her father was beating her for god knows how long. She probably took to the internet as a means of escape and created the Jessi Salughter persona in order to try at a life in which she's a different person, a confident young girl instead of the white trash with an abusive father that she really was.
And then, her dad has a heart attack and dies, something that was probably the result of the stress of Jessi's antics and the resulting backlash. The guy sounds like trash anyway but to then be ripped from her home, her mother and placed into care…
Well people are laughing and mocking her being abnormal, but what do you expect when she's had a far from normal life? She really is a causality of the internet. I wish social services had gotten involved earlier and done their fucking job, maybe then she wouldn't be in the place she is today.
No. 54118
>>54088To be fair, a lot of lolcows probably had a shitty homelife. I mean we make fun of a lot of them for bawwing about nothing (which is true) but I'm sure there's probably at least a few who've legitimately had struggles that we make fun of too. It gives a reason for their behaviour but if they cause shit, then they're a lolcow nonetheless.
OT, but lolcow has become a fucking hugbox all of a sudden. Half the time a new lolcow is brought up, the thread is flooded with "WAI DEY LOLCOW?? U PROB JELLY LOLOLOL" or "THEY ONLY 16 GIVE THEM A BREAK". It's irritating as shit. We're here to be catty bitches anyway.
No. 54130
>>54098have you heard of the self verification theory? where people want to build/stay in relationships in which their partner supports their feelings for themselves by treating/speaking to them the way they feel? So if you are confident and love yourself, you'll only stand for a relationship where your partner does the same, but if you have feelings of worthlessness, you'll eventually want to (usually subconsciously) end up with someone who lets you feel as though you are right for feeling the way you do. It sounds asinine, but these people feel that going out with someone who tries to make them feel better by treating them well is either lying or doesn't deserve them.
tl;dr, these issues (not relationship wise, just the feelings of inadequacy) are usually present long before these couples bring a child into the world, but having them makes it worse because they feel they need to provide a family for the child, even if its one that sucks. Its sad, but kids would prefer to have a parent that treats them like shit most of the time than have no parent present at all, which is why so many kids would rather not be in foster care, they have hope that their real parents may change one day and show them the love they need.
No. 54349
>>53694I kind of feel sorry for Dakota in this picture.
Her sister gets all the attention while she uncomfortably sits on the bench since they don't even bother to move a little bit to give her more space. ;_;
No. 54372
>>54043The only thing I knew of her was that
after her dad's death she went into foster care, came out as trans, but apparently shit was jut a phase because then she starred in a MLP porn called MLP: Fucking is Magic.
No. 54374
File: 1424815820498.jpg (179.7 KB, 579x793, healing crystal dick.jpg)

i am so sorry dear anons
No. 54375
>>54372Bull shit on the porn.
Is she even 18 yet?
>>54374God I've missed shit like this.
No. 54382
File: 1424816356058.jpg (769.86 KB, 1440x2560, tamVpLi.jpg)

>>54375I take that back.
the porn is real, but none of the girls look like her from what I can tell.
No. 54395
>>54374Lmao, this is perfection.
>>54375>Is she even 18 yet?I'm 100% positive she isn't, she was either born in 1999 or 2000 since she was 11 in 2011. I'm pretty sure she's turning 16 this year.
No. 54423
>>54403That's why I said to make a thread in my post where I explained why I stopped following her, to keep her out of Kaka's thread.
The "I don't feel comfortable making a thread about her" shit is hilarious because they sure as shit don't mind posting about her In This one, the same thing they would be doing there. Hypocrites.
No. 54503
>>54423Yah, let's get the Kiki thread focused back on Kiki.
How long until she makes her insta public again? She's too attention hungry to keep it private for long.
No. 54572
>>54534That's sad when you consider that she probably does consider the pissy cab incident more interesting than going to see sumo, or anything else in Tokyo. ~loves Japan & the culture~ my ass.
Does she just sit in her hotel room all day on the internet?? wtf
No. 54578
>>54503I'd say maybe a week, that's literally how long she stayed off of twitter after the lilkitten meltdown.
>>54572I think that's exactly what she does, more specifically she's most likely just been scrolling through her threads on here and on pull. I really don't get the point of her going to Japan, other than for fame, I think she's also just going to Japan just to be special and say she was there. Same thing about speaking Japanese and other Asian languages, it's only to make her look interesting, not racist, and get attention.
No. 54659
File: 1424883703433.jpg (145.11 KB, 480x640, o0480064013226863152.jpg)

I feel like this is a fairly clear indication that Kota and Kiki hang out together in Japan and just don't talk about it. From Kota's ameblo.
No. 54671
>>54667lol, why doesn't someone try to claim copyright to it and get it taken off her ig.
i mean its only fair seeing they did it to other people.
No. 54674
>>54672If she uploads them on to her twitter or blog she can just take them off of that.
But who knows maybe she text her pictures of what shes bought, or maybe they really do hang out.
No. 54679
>>54676She already has though.
like that one thing covered in crystals and sailor moon figures is from kotas blog.
All kaka did was crop out the bottom part.
No. 54711
>>54695>>54700I love to make fun of Kiki as much as anyone else, but what makes more sense:
1.) Kiki stealing photos from her sister's blog to look cool even though Dakota probably checks out her instagram
2.)Kiki hanging out with her sister in the same city they're both currently in and using a photo of the same sailor moon garbage that they probably bought together?
I really don't get these DAKOTA OBVIOUSLY HATES KIKI rumors. It's probably just that Koti doesn't post about things not related to her work on her social media besides shit she buys.
No. 54718
>>54711I doubt Dakota checks Kiki's instagram; 98% sure she doesn't have one herself so she'd have no reason to really. Kiki has taken Kota's pictures before and posted them on her instagram insinuating that she took the picture. Both Dakota and Kiki claim that they received the gifts in the photo on Valentine's Day. They could have just been together and bought that stuff but that'd still at least mean they're lying about someone giving them Valentine's gifts.
Or it was like, their parents or something that both gave them stuff. Which would still be kek-worthy, but it seems unlikely.
No. 54738
>>54729I definitely do agree with that. They definitely aren't as close as they used to be and Kiki definitely is incredibly jealous. I can get people doubting that they hate each other, but it's ridiculous when people doubt the fact that Kiki is incredibly jealous. There are plenty of people with more "successful" family members/friends. But you don't see all of them going out of their way to have what their family members/friends have, not allowing anyone to mention said person around them, and never being happy for said person for their success. That's only what an insanely jealous person does.
In that aspect, I kinda feel sorry for Kiki. Secure people don't get that jealous over someone else's success like that because they have their own interests/things that make them happy/content with their own life. Kiki literally has no genuine interests that have nothing to do with Kota/fame. All she has is this contrived persona.
No. 54843
>>54718Dako does check kiki's ig. Kiki said so and there was a comment by dako once. Her un is dakotanyan or something
Also that pile of sailor moon junk is from a japanese dollar store and no mention of v valentines so… Who even said that? Lel
No. 54877
File: 1424924494910.gif (1.36 MB, 368x207, anigif_enhanced-buzz-13484-134…)

>>54843>LelYeah, it's been established that Dakotanyan was run by Kaka like, over a year ago
No. 54900
>>54897nyankoko, nyankola, etc.
wtf is up with her fascination by nyan
No. 54917
>>54911 and the fact it's a kawaii japanese way to say, "meow." Was she this "obsessed" with cats back in the scene days? I feel like she also jumped on the bandwagon with that since everyone on the internet/tumblr is obsessed with them. I'm not saying she doesn't actually like cats, that would be a bit stupid, but I do feel she is milking and exaggerating this "obsession" with them.
No. 54928
>>54881I didn't know about this sockpuppet, that's really shameful. I just went on the account and it's on private, has 0 posts, 0 followers and is following 1 person (gee, wonder who that could be). Dakota surely can't be blind to
all of these antics of Kiki's? Stealing Kota's photos, making fake accounts pretending to be Kota, trying to mimic Kota's whole life, claiming she's in Japan when she isn't. Dakota must be so embarrassed to be her sister.
No. 55077
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>>55059That was in October 2013, but you're a few years off. Pic related is the most recent.
I imagine this is after Keekz made her plans to come to Japan. I do think they must hang out there tbh.
No. 55597
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No. 55601
>>55597but… japanese people aren't even pale… they just like pale skin? :/
isnt she really flat anyway? its not like japanese girls have no boobs
No. 55603
>>55597>I feel it ! I see it ! I live it !Omg, bra sizes and foundation colours. So mystical and exotic. Fucking stupid wording as well, pretty sure her tits didn't inflate and her skin get darker the instant the plane touched down. I'm kind of surprised she's bragging about darker skin though, I would have thought she'd be droning on about how all the nihonjin love her porcelain doll hakujin kira kira skin. Though it's not not like foundation colour names even mean anything.
I really doubt she's still in Japan anyway, tbh. No instagram updates of her in the same outfit for over a week.
No. 55605
File: 1425132902565.jpg (31.19 KB, 380x507, image.jpg)

>>55597Like Japanese women are the whitest people ever that her foundation color is just light olive. BukKeka you're trying too hard.
No. 55608
>>55603It's sad this is the only "cultural" thing she could think of to talk about. I don't even get how skin color and size is even a cultural thing. If she were talking about beauty ideals, it'd be a different thing. I think this basically proves that she literally didn't experience Japan at all whatsoever and spent the entire time in her "apartment." If she did, she'd have some actual culture experiences to share and would have interesting things to say for once in her life.
I doubt she's there too, she's resorted to stealing a picture from Kota's blog and she isn't even posting videos/pics of mundane things anymore.
No. 55670
I don't quite think she's an all American "B cup", maybe a generous "A".
But, lets say she's a standard 34B US sizes; that would only make her 75C in Japanese sizes. Nowhere close to a "D" unless (like someone mentioned above), she's buying one of those fakey bras that are popular there.
>>55666Clever comeback. Sorry those meanie anons hurt yowr feelings.
No. 55687
>>55685mother fucker you dont know who the fuck i am, you are a fag who likes sticking it in guys asses and you best believe that you'd be the one getting crammed in your fuckin rear by my Ukranian Fort-500 shotgun before i blow your fucking guts out your chest you faggit little bitch your fucking pathetic you best hope i never head to your town, i'll find yeah and shank you in your sleep, you wanna die motherfucker? faggit little cracker, hahaha I betyou aint ever even gotten and coochie, huh? ever got any pussy? i dont even keep count anymore, but it is definately past 35 cuz thats where i lost count bout a year or two ago, added a few since then, so ask yourseld, should your faggit no coochie gettin bitch ass maybe try to shut the fuck up, or do you want to hear more about how fuckin gay and lame you are? you cocksucking homo bastard go kill yourself you worthless chunk of shit, your useless and lame as fuck, and i cant wait to show your gay ass faggit no roastin abilities, you couldn't talk shit even if you ate shit, go slit your wrists you aint cool at all give up on your gay ass life
No. 55690
This thread is about Kaka, not anonymous titties.
>>55685Kek, is that a question or a statement?
>>55687Bless your sensitive soul anon, it must have taken you a while to get that all out. Posters in this thread are such lolcows, it's gold.
No. 55934
>>55919We're talking about Kiki here.
She probably lost a few screws after watching it.
No. 55974
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>>55919>>55972icu dakota's sister!
No. 56156
File: 1425290525357.png (23.97 KB, 517x323, kikitweet.png)

I find it interesting that she's now explicitly saying that she's in Japan.
No. 56157
>>56156Does anyone apart from us actually read her posts?
Why does she think anyone cares what some random white girl nobody thinks about MSG in japan? Is she a health guru that people are going to listen to?
No. 56162
>>56157The girl barely ever gets retweeted, and gets around 15 likes on her tweets on a good day. tl;dr: no
I remember when she made Youtube videos people would ask her for health advice or vegan advice occasionally. She should have really stuck with Youtube if she wanted e-fame tbh. I never liked her wAcKy sO rAnDum!!! videos, but evidently a decent amount of people did. If she was just consistent with releasing videos she could have eventually been a Youtube partner or whatever (although that requires time and effort and she never seems to put work into anything)
No. 56171
>>56156Wouldn't Japanese people get annoyed by her attitude? I've heard that in Japan, they're don't like complaining about little things like this. Wouldn't their reaction be, if you don't like it, just don't eat it?
I know she isn't in Japan at all and she's going to irritate Japanese people in general, but you'd think she'd try harder to fit in. I can definitely see Kiki being one of those foreigners who try to make Japan exactly like America/their ideal. She's kinda being like that right now, if msg in Japan is such a huge deal to you, why are you "there?" Next she's going to be complaining about how Japanese people shouldn't be eating meat/fish anymore.
>>56157>Is she a health guru that people are going to listen to?I feel like she thinks she is because of all the people who ask her for diet/health advice. I feel like the big reason these people ask her for that advice is because she's really skinny. I've seen so many skinny fat girls get asked about their diet and workout routine on the internet.
>>56162I don't think anyone liked how she was always desperately trying to be funny in her videos. I was a fan when she was making videos and I had skip through all of that annoying garbage. I think the people who liked her youtube videos liked that she was actually helpful in them, because that's the only reason I subscribed to her in the first place. You don't ever see people going on about how she should be a comedian or do sketches in her videos.
No. 56177
>>56156Who is she talking to? I know this is twitter but she's acting like people are listening. no1curr.
>That's why I've been cooking my own food recentlyAs opposed to
just buying pre-made meals/takeaway? Is she seriously only now cooking her own food? Kaka has literally no life skills whatsoever.
No. 56191
>>56188Dakota lives in Japan, that means Kiki has to live there too or it's not fair!!!
I think her parents send her money (wherever the hell they steal it from) and she probably has at east a low tier sugar daddy. I really can't imagine Dakota supporting her, it just seems too impractical.
No. 56562
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>>56560Damn, you beat me to it..
No. 56630
>>56617what do you mean lol
i think she sometimes over-exaggerates her food sensitivities to be "moar speshul" but i usually dont mock people for their food choices/sensitivities unless they shove it down my throat
if she wants to be vegan and claim that food additives and soy cause her great distress, great thats fine - more twinkies for me
No. 56635
File: 1425390113728.png (247.96 KB, 783x581, 20…)

from could translate please? I got incoherent gibberish using google translate
No. 56655
>>56648Not in large amounts, but it isn't bad for you either. It's just a concentrated umami basically. The components occur in natural food, Most snack companies and restauranrs don't put a lot in. The idea that it was giving people bloating, headaches, etc was a myth perpetuated by its use in Chinese food, which will fuck you up regardless of its MSG content.
She just liks to play up her food sensitivies. She's most likely been eating dashi and other fish-derived flavors without problems. Other than that I'm sure she just eats convenience store food. Again, it's not the MSG doing that, it's the fact that it has very little nutrition.
No. 56658
>>56635yea… i told that anon the japanese was pretty bad.
it says the middle person is dakota's sister, kiki kannibal. racist kiki also wants to be famous in japan. dakota apoligized for her mean behavior but kiki doesnt acknowledge it. dakota becoming mean has influence kiki (?) i ahve no diea this japanese is p bad
No. 56677
File: 1425398337864.png (10.71 KB, 128x112, 3242.png)

Her amount of followers suddenly increased a lot again, two days ago it was at 21591.
No. 56727
>>56723eyyy $120k can totally support a middle class family of 4
and gosh y'all tokyo is not that damn expensive. i think one person said it once, now everyone and their mother thinks it's sooo expensive.
just like any city, it's affordable if you know where to look. if kiki can see tokyo tower from her apartment, she lives all the way in east tokyo - far from the fun shopping of shibuya/shinjuku (aka higher prices for tinier shitty apaato)
No. 56737
>>56727This is true…I think the main question is why. Why allow your adult daughter to move to Tokyo on your own dime? If she independently decided to move to Tokyo and support herself I think it would be not as big of a thing, but the fact that her parents are supporting her there. Tokyo isn't super expensive if all you have to worry about are those bills, but it is kind of expensive to support yourself and your lifestyle as well as another person and her lifestyle.
I think she was probably really blatantly depressed with no purpose in life and having issues adjusting, so her family thought it was best for her to move to Japan and be with Dakota. She's still incredibly fortunate to have that opportunity, but I am not sure her parents would pay for her to move somewhere on her own, independent of Dakota.
No. 56858
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>>56745>>56752>>56758He works for Juniper Networks as a senior manager. His Linkedin is public.
No. 57435
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Nobody asked
No. 57471
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>>57437she's been in japan soo0o0oo0o long now she's forgetting how 2 speek english omg!!!
No. 57490
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>>57486Mira actually comments a lot on Kiki's videos sucking up to her, too. It fits so well.
No. 57539
>>57527Okay, let's shit on Kiki.
See this here? mochi.
The mochi itself and the strawberry is vegan. The purple stuff? Sweet bean paste. Main ingredients: azuki beans, sugar, and…. durrrrrr, honey. Honey is not vegan because it isn't animal cruelty free.
Eating honey is like drinking milk or eating eggs tbh.
No. 57543
>>57539I still don't get how honey is animal cruelty because they don't do shit to the bees and without honey we would hardly have any bees anymore.
Whatever, Kiki's japanese is shit so she can't read what got used for the product anyways.
No. 57558
>>57540are you serious anon
No. 57586
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>>57559Honey is a main ingredient? what does that even mean anon? where are you getting your facts lel its just sweet red bean paste. i looked up recipe in japanese and its says add sugar
but im being trite
what do vegans do if they accidentally eat animal product? some kind of ritualistic repentance? i'd like to see that.
No. 57662
>>57643Exactly. I really don't get the vegetarians/vegans like Kiki, Onision, etc, who act really pretentious over animal rights, for a similar reason. Because even if you don't put your well being before animals, just your
existence affects animals no matter what you do.
No. 57708
>>54349Kota wasn't famous at all, if anything it was really sweet of kiki to bring her kid sister along to all of the perks.
I wonder if kota does the same for kiki now they're in grorious nippon together
No. 57727
>>57713Tbf, Revlon was listed as not testing on animals a few years ago when Kiki was using their products. They sneakily started selling to China at some point without anyone being the wiser until some beauty blogs brought it to people's attention. This was around the same time I remember seeing Kiki use Revlon. After people told her about the news, she put a disclaimer in the video info:
"Revlon started to test on animals this month! DO not use the black revlon eyeliner stick! instead use TooFaced, BLINC, or Barry M stick eyeliner!! My revlon stick is from years ago before they started selling in China. I just found out now that Revlon tests! :("
I remember this because at the time, I also hadn't known about the change until I came across the news by chance while looking up make-up, a little while before Kiki made the vid. Tbh I don't think it's fair in this case to crucify her when to her knowledge at the time, Revlon was still cruelty free.
I didn't know about Smashbox, but I just looked it up and the first result is an article from 2012 saying Smashbox stopped being cruelty free. This was around the same time that Revlon stopped also.
I'd definitely judge her if she was using products that tested on animals from their inception…you know, like Dakota, who used Maybelline mascara in her first makeup tutorial.
>>57715Dakota is vegan; Kiki always said Dakota became vegan from the get-go when Kiki became a vegetarian. Then Kiki slowly transitioned into becoming vegan.
No. 57755
>>57741ifkr? That's why I don't fault Kiki for not being up to date on the changes. Before that time, I certainly hadn't heard about cruelty free brands taking a step back to testing on animals once they'd already changed to cruelty free. It's something I think most people wouldn't expect. But now with what MAC, Urban Decay and all these others did, I think people know they have to be more proactive with checking that shit every few months or so.
And it's so shady that companies don't give a heads-up to their consumers that they're switching. Most recently what comes to mind is Bath and Body Works. It was months before people did some digging and found out that B&BW was now testing on animals, so people were maybe buying their products for months thinking they were cruelty-free still.
>>57744Yeah, I heard about that soon after it happened and it's a big step up, but I read that's only for Chinese products and doesn't apply to imported products. The American brands that chose to sell there in the first place still haven't changed their testing policies back just because it's not considered mandatory in China, unfortunately.
No. 57779
>>57715Kota is vegan actually, the op photo for her thread says on it that she doesn't like natto, fish, meat, and cow's milk. She was the first one to become vegan, I guess as a way to lost weight since she never preached about animal rights as far as I know. Kiki just saw it as another way to be trendy and different.
With products that test on animals, she has used tonymoly products which, I believe it isn't confirmed they aren't tested on animals, but I could be wrong. She has also stated she uses vegan products exclusively, so you have to count that too. I can't see Kawaii asian beauty products being vegan, I can see some definitely being cruelty free, but not vegan.
No. 57813
>>57708Not really the parents could have just forced kiki to take her out when she went it.
Don't act like kaka is some fucking saint.
No. 57843
>>57837she posted a picture of a vegan bento box once and a seaweed salad i think that the guy guy she was living with made for her. she seems to love rice a lot since it's all she talks about when she's asked about food in interviews
but yeah i can't imagine she's getting a well-balanced meals all the time. i'm guessing she eats a lot of the same stuff all the time and relies on rice to fill her up.
No. 57849
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>>57843she probably eats out a lot at all the vegan places kaka went to, i feel like i've read her saying she's not good at cooking
No. 57864
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Can we talk about this?
I wonder who she slept with to get "scouted"?
No. 57871
>>57869I really hope it is something like that.
Cause lets face it shes not "ugly" just slightly aged for her age.
No. 57880
>>57864Kiki was probably nanpa by some random guy who talks to every foreign girl walking by, regardless of what they wear/look like.
Basically they're guys who stop you and ask "Are you a model?" and try to get you to work for them in their shitty hostess clubs, because no one else wants to work there.
Sure. Scouted. You go, Kikkerz.
No. 57884
>>57883No, just shitty hostess bars and awful labor work. But a lot of them are just men who are trying to flirt with no job/model/hostess bar relation.
Trust me, real model agencies who scout are not like those. And they are only found in specific areas too.. Kiki is not the kind of girl they would go for. They want someone naturally stunning with the typical alien-model-faces.
It's reeeeeally easy to see which foreign girls in Japan who are models at good agencies. Honestly, they all have alien faces and they look like tall clones of each other (I think they look great either way).
What I'm trying to say is that Kiki doesn't have the looks to be scouted by an actual model agency. If they are model scouts, they are most likely just a model company who will accept anyone foreign.
There is modeling in Tokyo, and there is "modeling". Kiki falls under the "model" category.
No. 57897
What's Kiki's height? She aint no editorial model.
No. 57907
>>57864It's really sad that even though Kiki's stealing Kota's thing, Kota's still able to at least act happy for her. Kiki never even mentions being happy for Kota and her success.
With the scouting/modeling thing, I'll believe it when I see it. The most Kiki's going to get is a job advertising food products or something along those lines. I don't think she'll ever get fashion modeling jobs like Kota because she isn't cute enough for Kota's kind of jobs or attractive enough for mature fashion mags/etc. No one's going to look at makeup ads with Kiki on it and be like, "Yes, I want to look like that busted up and old looking foreigner."
But I more likely see it being a porn type thing, the way she dresses would definitely attract that type of attention. I've heard with modeling, in general, a lot of women think they're getting scouted for modeling, but it turns out to be porn.
No. 57914
>>57543I think it depends on why the person is vegan? My nutrition teacher said honey wasn't vegan because of bee spittle which by that logic means swallowing our own spit is cannibalism. Lol
Many people who choose veganism for nutrition reasons are laid back but I've met a few who were plenty scary and would insult any meat eater. Including a vegan restaurant I used to go to that called a friend of mine a sinner.
I never gave anyone shit over what they ate. The food is tasty can't fault them for that lol
No. 57915
it's true. completely. if you are a girl, walking alone, japanese or otherwise, guys WILL talk to you. they are either hosts or work for some girls bar or something and 9 times out of 10 its just sketchy and/or lame shit job.
No. 57919
>The most Kiki's going to get is a job advertising food productsYeah no, she looks so fucking malnourished for that. Who would want to buy some food item with a sour faced bitch plasted over it
>Uh, it has soy/dead animals/msg on it? I can't model for your company~ No. 57956
>>57932I googled it online and found this:
>Chocolate itself comes from a plant, making it vegan, yes, but in the process of going from the tree to the grocery store, a variety of additives are added, including sugar and milk or milkfat. A good quality chocolate, however, will have a higher chocolate content, pure ingredients and no additives. The ingredients will be simple: cocoa, cocoa butter, lecithin, sugar and sometimes vanilla. And that's it. Lesser quality chocolates have a long ingredients list, which, along with cheap fillers such as food starch and artificial flavorings, will often contain milk, milk solids or milk fat. So while most chocolate is not vegan simply due to the additives, the good news is that there are plenty of vegan chocolate options available.Even if the chocolate isn't vegan, she most likely doesn't eat 100% vegan since she lives in Japan and it's difficult to even be a strict vegetarian there. I don't really get pointing it out since she isn't shoving her veganism and how Japan is so vegan in everyone's faces like Kiki does.
No. 57975
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>>57864what a coincidence.
No. 57991
>>57902Shes taller than 5'4.
I'm the Fl fag thats seen her on person a few times. Shes more around 5'6- 5'8.
No. 57994
>>57932She was really cute in this vid.
Yeah i don't get why people point out her being vegan and OMG shes eating chocolate or xyz.
She probably just works around being vegan,and not eat meat.
No. 57999
>>57979>>57981I turned it off after they showed those mustard bites the first time, because I thought it was gonna focus on them eating those from then on. Yeah, I see it now.
>>57991I think I read she's a couple inches taller than Dakota so that sounds about right. What was she dressed like when you saw her? Does she really dress like she tries to show off in pics or is that all for show?
No. 58015
>>58011Okay. I must be thinking of something else or I probably just heard wrong. I remember someone saying that Mira had a job like that but it wasn't legal. Maybe they meant it was prostitution with a host club front or something.
I couldn't see Keekz lasting long at a place like that. She would want to talk about herself and her lifestyle too much. Doesn't always make for the best companionship. The Japanese men would not care at all.
No. 58017
>>58006Gaijins on visitor/student visa aren't allowed to work in the sex industry (which includes hostess clubs) but many shady places will hire you anyway.
There's an american girl who worked as one and blogged about it.
No. 58018
>>57907IDK, Dakota isn't model material either but she still is one and gets jobs. Dakota is even giving Kiki more attention on twitter lately, which can't hurt her chances either. True, she'll never get picked for kawaii dolly type work, but shes stick thin, white, has blue eyes and is the sister of
the ~real barbie Dakota Rose~. Her ending up doIng some kind of legit modeling isn't impossible when you consider those factors. It's obvious Japan doesn't give a shit about looks or talent as long as you're popular and have a gimmick.
No. 58020
>>58018>It's obvious Japan doesn't give a shit about looks or talent as long as youKootz has been proving that for 3 years kek
But for real, I still weeb out over anime and cosplay but I'm SO glad I grew out of my "I wanna move to Japan!" phase. That country is so fucked up and borderline retarded about some things. I actually kind of dislike Japan despite still being a closet weeb, probably because I learned too much about modern society and idol/fame culture.
No. 58107
>>57999She can't dress for shit, and what you see her wearing in photos thats how she dress irl.
Its fucking embarrassing.
When I've ran into her shes always been in high heels so she was much taller,but I say once you kick off that 3-5 inch heel shes 5'7 5'8.
No. 58280
>>58199You can get an "entertainment" visa, but I don't know much about it (my friend has one). Don't think the US offers holiday visas' though.
That's likely what Dakota has now, but I don't know about Kiki– because I'm pretty sure you have to have
already been hired as an actor/idol/talent ect to be able to use this visa. I think you also need to be attending school, assuming you're young.
No. 58286
>>58199Nope no working holiday for us
Murica dont believe in cultural sharing
No. 58397
>>58380erybody said this abt kooter, too.
her current look makes her look like a withered skeleton, if she went back to blonde and started doing her makeup more like she did it in OPs pic, and stopped dressing like a kawaii pastel prostitute, she might have a chance at a few minor gigs because of being related to kooter.
No. 58424
>>58405I feel like she needs to go 2 levels lighter or darker with her hair. Just looks so dull at the moment.
And yes, product. Dakota and Kiki both have super thin hair that could use some help. (Though Dakota's looks a bit better to because it looks decent with lighter hair more so than thin darker hair)
No. 58434
>>58429forget products
they could just make their hair wavy instead. it adds volume and makes it look fuller since their (well now Kiki only) hair is super long imo
No. 58460
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>>58426She doesn't look great with reddish hair.
No. 58463
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Sorry for the terribad shooping skills, tried to give her dark brown/almost black hair with more volume and some bangs, also gave her darker and more shapely eyebrows. She kind of reminds me of Zooey Deschanel like this.
No. 58465
>Red hair>Purple dress>Green eyeshadow>With blue eyesOh Kiki.
>>58463Holy shit anon that's amazing, and yeah, she really needs to sort her fivehead and eyebrows out if she wants to be famous for her looks again.
I think she'd look 10x better if she stopped whitewashing the fuck out of herself OC style. There's ~*~kawaii pale~*~ and then there's sickly voldemort pale
No. 58469
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>>58464>>58465>>58466Here's the original if any of you are interested! I probably should have added it initially. She really does benefit from thicker-looking hair. it's so thin and limp, it just seems to flop down and hug her face and forehead, and it doesn't help that her forehead is huge. That's why I think bangs would be a great option for her.
No. 58472
>>58463Good job anon
too bad her ~pure white 100% euromutt pride~ is too strong
No. 58485
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>>58472um. white people can have natural black hair. For example, French actress Audrey Tautou
No. 58524
>>58485I know
>>58488I didn't mean white pride as in "KKK stormfront white pride" , but she's often pulling shit like "my hair is getting blonder and blonder lololol" "long lashes thanks to my Irish heritage" "they asked me if I'm Russian!!1!" and so on
No. 58553
>>58549American isn't a race. There are millions of people in the country who are first or second generation. Contrary to popular belief there is no one, unifying American culture. People's identity and values are heavily influenced by where they come from and that does include their family's lineage.
Stop being so pissy. It makes you look like a control freak.
No. 58557
>>58556There are genetic markers which identify people as being from those different places. While they aren't fully different in the same context as Caucasian vs African, they do have distinct traits that are common among each group.
You're also missing the point about culture. When people immigrate to America they don't just completely abandon their history and traditions. They still teach those values to their children. Is it the exact same thing as being from that country? No, but there are things that people do which you can identify as being from their family's point of origin.
No. 58560
>>58557>They still teach those values to their children.Not really, not anymore at least. If they so it's because they're not so far removed from their heritage by 5+ geneations of American born relatives.
In Kakas case, we definitely know she haz absolutely zero idea about any of the cltures she claims to be mixed with.
No. 58605
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>>58463Kiki should really go the /fa/ lokbook twee girl route.
No. 58617
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>>58614I still think she is at least 5x cuter than Kiki.
I think Kiki should get some blonde highlights done, abandon the kawaii Japan trope, and find a sense of style that she actually feels comfortable in. If she had te creative capabilities, she has the notoriety to be able to start and market a whole new style. But I know that, sad as it may be, she will continue looking like a sick, haggard white bitch with skanky kawaii hello kitty sailor moon shit all over. I wonder how long it takes before she jumps ship on Japan and hops onto the next latest trend.
No. 58648
>>58635I don't know why people think she's too old to start modeling…she's really not.
She honestly doesn't look old when she dresses/does her makeup in a way that suits her. She does however look hella old in her current style of choice and she is certainly too mature-looking to model for Liz Lisa, lolita brands, kawaii brands, etc like Kota, which I am sure is what she would probably want to model.
I could see her pitching a fit about a stylist wanting to change her hair color and style. And I definitely see her complaining about shit loudly on twitter and compromising her career. Kota learned pretty early on that not everything would go her way and she would have to make changes and sacrifices, but Kiki still hasn't learned that. I don't think she will last very long. And it'll be her own undoing.
No. 58689
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u wot
No. 58747
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>>58733I totally see Kotex in him (or him in Kotex). And I mean when she's not
crazily dollified.
No. 58785
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>>58747wow yeah i really see him there.but i also really see cathy too like if you compare her first japanese interview to these expecially
No. 58794
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>>58785Yeah she's definitely a solid 50/50 between Scott and Cathy.
I see Kiki so hard in the bottom middle picture there.
No. 58796
>>58794wow yeah she is. thanks for this pic anon!
she has scott's eyes and forehead it looks like. and his eyebrows if that's possible.
No. 58830
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holy shit (pic cr to artist i found it on imageshack) look what i found mother of god
No. 59045
>>58827>>58834>>58836Hoodrat chic is actually "in" now, at least on Tumblr. Thing is, it's usually only in the form of ghetto ass pop culture catchphrases screenprinted onto crop tops and white tees, for example:
>BAE >I woke up like this>I'm the girl Drake is crying about in all his songs >No fuckboyz allowed>Can you not (then underneath in smaller print) kthanksbye>Baby mommaAnd other such delightfully trashy nonsense.
No. 59059
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>>58469Screwing around with Meitu. Just curious how much a different look would suit her.
No. 59067
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No. 59070
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She really does look good with black hair. I'm pretty shocked.
No. 59103
>>59066this this this
No. 59104
>>58798speaking of homegirl's twitter, regardless of what she tweets, someone usually replies "please make more vids! especially about being vegan"
idk why she doenst listen to her fans. sure shes crazy but people still clearly look up to her for advice.
she has been vegan for years and it only got really big just recently, so she really would get some following.
No. 59162
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>>59060Agreed because of pic related.
No. 59186
>>59162damn. some serious Katy Perry vibes in this one.
too bad being ugly isn't the problem in her case.
it's like when someone's nice but also chubby, you don't really notice the chubbiness… but if they're nasty bitches u better bet everyone's gonna point out every single flaw lol
No. 59362
>>59352>>59359She probably thinks Buddhism is a set of values r/t a religion, too. She certainly doesn't exemplify the values of Buddhism.
And her not sharing where she went to get vegan food in Japan was just ridiculous. She had quite a few people ask her–she even had people ask for a veganism in Japan guide–and she brushed them off entirely. That could have been a good opportunity for her to get more fans but she blew it lol. She's probably trying to be like all those e-famous people who are secretive about everything out of a crazy desire to be super unique. It's pathetic IMO.
No. 59372
>>59362Because if she tells other people where to find vegan food in apan, she won't be the only ~pure vegan princess~ in Tokyo anymore!
IIRC when she was still in FL but pretending to be in Tokyo didn't she say someting on IG about meeting an AU girl who was vegan and how she was teacing her how to s5ay vegan in Japan and how to read the kanji in ingredients lists (even though she proved she can't/won't even read them herself?
No. 59379
>>59045Are you shitting me right now
The only things I've seen is that people are still using the "I can't"s and "omg my feels" (yes it's still happening.)
No. 59382
>>59186damn straight. like if himezawa wasnt a piece of shit we wouldnt point out her nose.
>>59306well thats probably exactly why she doesnt make these videos. not 'becuz of da haterz :(" but because she still wants to be ~*unique*~ even though being vegan is way more common than she thinks.
No. 59388
>>59384Wow. I mean I've heard 'bae' but that's annoying as fuck. Are these the new but still shitty Tumblr terms? I wouldn't be caught dead around someone saying/wearing that shit good lord.
Basically it's like how it's fun to be a dick when you're a kid or teenager, and then when you're an adult you're disgusted with yourself or the people who act like that. This is literally making being said dick seem cool.
No. 59416
>>59414Lol at the person asking kaka to take a pic with Kota.
Also aren't weapons illegal in japan?
Or personal concealed weapons.
No. 59429
>>59416>>59414Ohoho Kiki, that knife is illegal in Japan, keep showing it off you dumb twat.
She looks so stupid in this vid, that filter is so thick, probably to hide how badly she's aging, and the way she moves her head is so… borderline retarded. Is she trying to be sexy?
No. 59433
>>59429*Illegal to carry, shit.
Not only is,it hilarious how she pretends she's surrounded by creepy men who all want to rape her, but that she's trying to imply she carries weapons for self defense. Kiki is the kind of idiotwho probably buries her weapon In the bottom of her messy purse and forgets about it.
No. 59434
>>59429I got secondhand embarrassment from watching that vid. The illegal weapon, the heavy filter, the weird way she was moving…
If she wanted to do that stereotypical "cute but edgy desu" thing that people on Tumblr do, a simple pic would have sufficed. The video just makes her look bonkers.
No. 59446
>>59409I always considered rednecks to be ghetto/trashy thug-crazy hoodrats
They don't really use this type of slang though
No. 59459
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Bless you, whoever you are.
I can't wait to see how kaka reacts, if she replies or just deletes it or what.
No. 59460
>>59392Nope not gonna haha
>>59409I live in a low middle class area and I haven't heard anyone use this trashy way of speaking since middle school where everyone was either a scene kid or a weeaboo.
>>59411Oh no. Ugh some of my friends turned into those people. One of my friends marched about it and blocked my dad from coming home. he's 50 years old and couldn't come home to rest before his 17 hour work day because of a group of all white protesters. he's an immigrant btw so if they wanted to bring privilege into it i could throw that out there but it wasn't worth it. sjws who are white and say they hate white people need to never talk about anything ever tbf
>>59414It runs in their family big time.
No. 59469
>>59461yeah, there's maguro but he doesn't get on anymore because pull has basically gone to shit. i know watagashi is living in japan currently though (and speaks japanese).
kiki is just trying too damn hard imo. a quick google search (and actually common knowledge) would tell anyone that Japan is probably the safest country in the world.
honestly, what up with the forehead videos though?
No. 59482
>>59424People always get rednecks/white trash mixed up.
Rednecks are more country.
White trash is just trash.
No. 59483
>>59416>Lol at the person asking kaka to take a pic with Kota.Guess she removed the comment.
Talking about Dakota? UNACCEPTABRU
No. 59493
>>59483>>59487What is she thinking when she deletes the comments relating to Kota? Like, what is her
actual reason? I really want to know what goes through her head. To me it's just like her saying 'this is MY instagram, only talk about ME not my stupid, more popular sister!!
ME!!!!!!!! No. 59494
>>59466She is probably banging random Japanese men for money, so no wonder she wants to keep weapons on hand.
But it’s hilarious that she’ll delete comments about Kota, but then keep up pictures/video of her doing illegal things that could get her jailed or deported.
No. 59502
>>59493Probably, but I also don't see why she wants to go out of her way to remove said comment. Anyone else would see an innocuous comment like that and leave it even if it makes them jealous. I don't see what it achieves for her when like
>>59497 says, Kaka's still using her connection with Dakota on twitter. Dafuq? And she's really immediate about it. That anon only drew attention to it a little bit ago and already it's gone.
No. 59517
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>>59516she deleted it.
lol @ her, "it's my granola bag opener lol" comment
No. 59520
>>59517Figures, it wasn't an ass kissing compliment, and it implied she didn't know something about Japan so of course she deleted it!
Still, I don't elieve she carries that knife around, the fact is Tokyo is incredibly safe and even an idiot like her wouldn't risk getting deported over a video prop she uses to try to seem cool and edgy.
No. 59527
>>59459Kiki is such a fucking drama queen with her protections in Japan. If she needs pepperspray and a KNIFE then she's hanging out in the wroooong neighborhood.
She's so paranoid it's unreal. And I don't think it's because she's scared, she just believes everyone is out to hurt her because she's so kirakira kawaii.
If people on the street knew what a fuckward she is, I guess she would need it.
No. 59534
>>59527I agree. I think Cathy also has convinced her every single person on the street is a hater trying to kill her or something. At her home in
Florida(emphasizing because she wants people to believe Japan is her home), she never leaves the house at all whatsoever it seems. (Not like she even leaves her "apartment" in Japan either.)
>>59532Tbh, I really don't think she's there anymore. She's just trying to keep up the facade that she "lives" there. But in the case she is there, I'd love to have her ass deported. There is no reason at all whatsoever for her to be there in the first place.
No. 59535
>>59527Yakuza gonna snatch up that kira kira gaijin.
She would probably be the same way at home if she ever left her house. I mean, she lives in Florida.
…well, maybe not. It's a combination of having an excuse to talk about how she lives in Tokyo every goddamn chance and she also likes to pretend she's tough. Hence the lame 2008 gangsta talk. I doubt she would ever use her knife or stungun. I think she's delusional enough to think her followers believe she's constantly being harassed/hit on/scouted but I don't think she's delusional enough to truly believe that anyone is a real danger to her.
She's so basic. It's kind of painful how basic she is and how dated and terrible her sense of humor is. Before I got caught up in her drama I kind of thought she would be….cooler? Like, aside from everything, Kota is pretty cool. Kiki is just actually lame.
No. 59545
>>59542Its not though.
You have to have a permit and if you do have one on you it has to stay hidden/in your car when you're out.
No. 59555
>>59545So I exaggerated. You actually can hae a knife larger than the one in her pic on you without a permit though. My point was that you can still have those things and it's fairly normal, so she probably didn't think the pocket knife was a big deal or didn't count, or maybe she's somehow above the law since she already seems to believe she can just lawsuit her way out of shit.
>>59546I know what you mean, I thought this too. She cut off all communication from anyone, even online, in the past few years, and I doubt she really does much social networking outside of twitter and insta….even then she is basically just tweeting and not paying attention to anyone else. like, I'll be real, I'm not the most social thing but because I use tumblr and stuff I kinda know what's cool and talk to new people fairly often. She doesn't even have that…
No. 59570
>>59558I HOPE she's a prostitute for the lulz but I know she isn't. I know Scott and Cathy would foot the bill before the had to do that.
I wonder if Scott and Cathy have started to doubt Kiki's starpower. I think letting her go to Japan and try to make it is a last-ditch approach. It's about time they cut the umbilical cord.
And as for how she got the knife there, I'm sure Cathy sent it in a care package. She was sending texts about ISIS or whatever a few months ago. She probably believes Kiki when she says it's dangerous.
No. 59575
>>59555>and I doubt she really does much social networking outside of twitter and insta….even then she is basically just tweeting and not paying attention to anyone else.I remember seeing her fb comments and likes, she didn't do it too often iirc and she only liked/commented attractive, white, band guys' pictures/statuses. She never liked/commented on any other girl's statuses/pictures. (I know guys and girls can be friends but lbr she just wants dick) And iirc all the guys ignored her, it seems.
>like, I'll be real, I'm not the most social thing but because I use tumblr and stuff I kinda know what's cool and talk to new people fairly often. She doesn't even have that…Same here. Though, I'm wondering why she never copied Kota's sense of humor. I don't know if Kota's in touch with this stuff either, but she's most definitely funnier and has a better sense of humor than Kiki. That's what I did when I was as out of touch as she is; just copied what other people my age around me/my siblings were saying.
No. 59582
>>59580Funny thing is though she wasn't really the most of the famous scene queens.
yeah she was popular but nothing like Raquel and Adren Kitch something. Also both have done/ still model.
No. 59583
>>59582Lol I butchered the names sorry.
Audrey kitching
Hanna Beth
And Raquel Reed (Always thought she was pretty.)
No. 59593
>>59570>I wonder if Scott and Cathy have started to doubt Kiki's starpower. I think letting her go to Japan and try to make it is a last-ditch approach. It's about time they cut the umbilical cord.that just makes me wonder just how desperate kaka will truly become eventually. we've already seen a lot of desperation from her before but i feel like eventually she's really gonna snap for real.
i was thinking the other night about how she stole an entire song from that dj and at least some parts of a hyuna song (???) i wonder really just how much of her music is actually stolen. there's so many independent artists out there in different places that i'd imagine she'd feel comfortable stealing everything, thinking that nobody would trace anything back to the original. i bet the removal of that stolen song is what made her really give up the guise of trying to be a dj and try for modeling gigs again.
No. 59600
>>59593I'm bet she even lied to her parents about those being her songs. I think if my kid produced some passable/good songs, I would have some faith that they had talent and support them pretty blindly. It would be troublesome to learn they were faking it all along.
I have to wonder what the endgame was. If she achieved any success with her music, the plagiarism probably would have been realized waaaay before we figured it out. I think she takes "fake it til you make it" too far, and ignores the fact that you have to do some actual work to "make it."
No. 59709
>>59411OT but lol anon you need to chill and take a history/current events class because idt that's the purpose tumblrinas are going for. but if you wanna look at is as hating white people go ahead. or that it's just because of Ferguson and not longstanding race problems in the States never dealt with?? i don't really get how stupid people can be to not make that link
and referring to black culture as "ghetto" in and of itself is fucktarded
No. 59719
>>59527Tokyo is one of the safest cities in the world.
This protection shit is just kiki being an attention whore and trying to act like people would actually be attracted to her stank ass in Nippon. Meanwhile she's too old and tall for most Japanese men and probably intimidates them.
No. 59725
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She really thinks that every guy/anyone that's not her is an evil douchebag and she's a perfect kawaii kira kira little girl who has never done anything wrong.
Also, what happened to being "scouted?" Maybe it's too soon, idk anything about modeling, but wouldn't she have a meeting/interview or something? I feel like if Kiki really was, she'd constantly be taking pics and updating to rub it in all of our "hater" faces. Same thing if she actually lived in Japan, she'd be posting pics of her stuff packed in boxes, stuff about moving, renting/owning a place, etc.
No. 59728
File: 1426001012555.jpg (44.26 KB, 634x542, 1410782350243_Image_galleryIma…)

>>59459You're not Jihadi Jhon, Kaka-
No. 60607
>>60586That's seriously disgusting. Of course they do nothing to catch these culprits. If anything, that culture encourages it.
>>60585Sorry that happened to your friend.
No. 60777
>>60607>Of course they do nothing to catch these culprits. If anything, that culture encourages it.You literally do not know what you are talking about, fuck you very much. Many women who are victims of chikan either do not report it, or did not get a look at the offender and have no suspect for police to pursue. Do you know how crowded a Japanese train can get? Fucking sardines in a can.
However, many trains have implimented women only cars and police officers on board in an effort to hopefully prevent chikan from happening. By the way, the penalty for chikan is about $7k-13k fine or jail up to 10 years. Just because you see it glorified by perverts in H games and doujins doesn't mean the entire country thinks that way.
No. 60871
>>60864Goodness, you're sandy. But still, everything I said was true, Japan isn't a land of sex crazed rapist deviants and emotionally stunted sex slave women. There is a reason Tokyo is such a safe place to live, do you think that would be so if the things you say are true? Love hotels aren't aimed at married men specifically, btw. Not any more than American strip clubs are aimed at married men, just men in general. Horny men with money, it's just a business. They don't care who uses the love hotel as long as they pay.
I am curious why you seem to have such a negative and diluted view of Japan, I can't speculate a reason but either way you are obiously a very unhappy person without much joy in their life who has more than likely never been to Japan, but parrots biased, false information about it for the sake of trying to make others feel bad for having an interest.
No. 60951
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No. 61298
>>61261>The way she says this makes it seem like she hasn't found people are kind to her in Japan. If she just meant it restored her faith in kind people in general, she wouldn't have added the "here".Considering the facts that most people are usually kind to your face and Japanese people are known to be very polite/kind, I could see people not being nice to her because she's a spoiled brat. I could see her flipping out on people for things not being her way or because someone Japanese speaks in English to her since she's so fluent desu~~~
>>61294I agree. She's definitely not there anymore, like I posted earlier, the last picture she posted that was definitely in Japan was a little less than a month ago. And just a week or two before that, she was posting a lot of pictures.
No. 61309
>>61301Would she even be able to rent an actual apartment? I thought people on tourist visas could only rent gaijin houses until their visa runs out? I've heard it's hard for gaijin to get actual apartments or get anything with a contract/bills. There was one girl on yt who lived in Japan for work/school and she couldn't buy a cell phone there.
I'm wondering, how many times in a year can you go to Japan on a tourist visa? I've heard if you do it too frequently, they do get suspicious and won't let you in. It'll be interesting to see her keep up the facade with just tweets for however long it'll take for her to get back there, and then when she finally gets back there, she'll spam instagram with Japan pictures like nothing happened.
No. 61314
>>61309You can get short-term furnished apartments easily as a foreigner, you can stay as little as a month or a year if you want (as long as you have a visa). The ones gaijin usually have trouble getting are long-term apartments.
IIRC you can stay up to 180 days a year as long as you’re leaving the country every 90 days.
No. 61332
>>61325she's studying being a sugar baby to her sugoi sugar daddy~
if she really is studying, i bet it's just the japanese tutoring she was taking before, and she's just wording it now to make it seem like she's taking legit courses in japan to make herself look better.
No. 61420
File: 1426224336843.png (7.05 KB, 576x96, 23432.png)

Apparently she forgot she is 'murican because she acts like she isn't.
No. 61427
>>61420lol is she going at it again with the Russian thing?
I've read this before when I was reading tourist/gaijin forums. They tend to ask you questions like "are you Russian or American" about as often as an Asian in America gets asked "Are you Chinese or Japanese?"
No. 61435
>>61427To be fair, most kids/people see the US as the only overseas place, with Russia as the only country in Europe. The US is like ~the~ overseas country.. most can't point out the rest on a map
>>61301If she arrived January 4th, it doesn't expire until April 4th. Sorry anon, but she probably still is in Japan & legally.
No. 61439
File: 1426229810649.gif (1.04 MB, 290x189, iEtd2kb.gif)

Russian women are synonymous with prostitution in Tokyo (even if it's not always true, it's a commonly accepted notion there)
Kiki, what people are asking you is if you're a prostitute.
No. 61511
>>61507, he is hot.
He looks fucking bored with her though, you can't deny.
I had to replay it multiple times because at the start it sounds nothing like her…it sounds like a legit Japanese woman, I was surprised how good her accent sounds.
Love how he walks away uninterested, without even looking at her when she tries to be funny and does that pose.
No. 61513
>>61507Omfg, he is hot. But, I think it's just some guy she's sleeping with tbh. Every single guy she gets with only sees her as a one night stand, I really don't think it's because she's so unlucky so every guy turns out to be a huge jerk to kira kira. Also isn't it true a lot Japanese people see gaijin as sex objects and not someone to date and bring home to your parents?
>>61511I agree, he does look extremely bored with her. I think with the Japanese, she most likely practiced saying that many times before she recorded it. Her Japanese is shit and I really don't think she's using Japanese there at all whatsoever.
No. 61515>@fangophilia gave me my cat clawsFuck off, Kiki, you
bought them. Don't be acting like they sent you that shit for free. seems so thrilled when he's with her.
No. 61523
>>61518You can see his face just fine. You can even see it fully in the thumbnail. His lips and eyes are nice.
He looks like he yawns right after she speaks and then walks off, kek.
No. 61530
he's some dude that makes fangs
No. 61531
File: 1426255446515.jpg (126.5 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

Oh I wasn't wrong, he's a jewelry designer. Even CL wore his work.
No. 61534
File: 1426255536864.jpg (34.04 KB, 620x439, taro.jpg)

>>61530Oh wow, it is him. The freckles near his mouth match up. He looks hella young in Kiki's videos. I'm surprised he's actually hanging out with her, he has some renown for his jewelery.
>>61531 yeah there's pics on there of Brooke Candy and Marilyn Manson wearing his stuff.
No wonder he's fucking bored by Kiki. He's usually surrounded by interesting, colourful people.
No. 61539 sure if this has been said yet but it looks like Kiki is actually claiming she lives in Tokyo now, as she changed it on her Facebook.
Account is her real one; I found it through Taro Hanabusa (fangophilia guy)'s friends list.
No. 61540
File: 1426256343939.png (1.58 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-03-13-15-12-55…)

>>61534>>61538Dude looks way younger and has more fair and clear skin in kiki video.
I don't think he was wearing make up. I think it's actually Kiki's cam filter that makes her face and skin look more younger and clear
No. 61546
>>61540>I think it's actually Kiki's cam filter that makes her face and skin look more younger and clearIt's definitely the filter because she also looks busted and old without it.
>>61541>>61545I think it's because she said it fast, everyone speaks faster in a language they're fluent in. Which is what she was going for.
No. 61608 ?
Didn't see this video, they're on a bed, maybe he's her sugardaddy, he gave these personalized metal nails… her new sugardaddy? He doesnt look like the kind of guy that brings a girl to watch sumo, he's more like bringing a girl to a catwalk and a after-catwalk party. Maybe he likes her, thinks is beautiful, but is not her boyfriend. Just a friend with benefits or more like Kiki is his pet. I think Kiki is beautiful /with tons of filters/ but her personality is like trash, I believe he's with her bc her appearance
No. 61612
File: 1426268127742.jpg (29.31 KB, 583x588, j.JPG)

>>61534U sure it's him? He def looks younger, the eye shape it's different and his eyelids are not that puffy… I use meipai and you can choose filters but no one makes you looks like a 20 y.o gal/guy. He doesn't have the moles in the video, but the guy you posted is the one on the bed with Kirsten. And you can see the moles
No. 61659
>>61647For sure thats not the same guy at all.
I'm still kinda blown away that two guys are around her.
But kaka always fucks things up so it wont be long till shes a neet again.
No. 61662
>>61612What if this is kotas bf,and shes just having him baby sit kaka.
Like as far as I know we have no clue what kotas bf looks like. I mean else would he be around her.
No. 61697
>>61672Could be, I was just saying boyfriend cause I feel they would be more willing to deal with kaka if Kota asked than a friend.
>>61695Hes attractive for an asian dude.
No. 61709
>>61707Not really.
When is she gonna update us on her modelling gig? You don't see too many people asking her on IG.
No. 61716
>>61713And here the hopes of our princess kaka becoming a kawaii model
porn star => is shattered.
No. 61927
Does anyone know the music playing when Kaka's showing off the claws?
>>61695He looks too feminine for my tastes
No. 62001
>>61156"cuckoo kaka" I'm so lame I'm laughing at this and can't stop.
But is it just me or does that @fangophilia guy probably have better shit to do than fuck an ugly foreigner?
No. 62043
File: 1426320477134.jpg (321.93 KB, 1158x807, kkikikikik.jpg)

>>61647You know, I think you're right. I'm the one who posted
>>61534 and looking back at the video of the guy at the museum and the pic I posted, they look quite different, I think I thought it was him because the videos of the cute guy and Fangophilia guy were posted within the same hour, they both had long black hair and the same bored attitude towards Kiki. If you compare the two videos she posted, they look like the same guy and the guy on the bed looks like Fangophilia (and actually is him due to moles matching), but the guy in the museum doesn't look like Fangophilia at all really…
No. 62086
>>61927kaleidoscope love from aluna george, I freakin love aluna george man.
She seems to have deleted the video with the fangophilia guy lol
No. 62102
>>62089I doubt she has a SD, she couldn't keep even a desperate one with her personality- not just the fact that she's a spoiled self centered bitch, but she fucking superglues herself to every guy with any hint of money or fame that comes within 15 feet of her, which is why she constantly scares guys off. She comes on Hulk strong at the speed of The Flash and guys flip out and ditch her.
Her parents and probably to a lesser extent her sister give her money, and she might even still be making some off her shop.
No. 62103
>>62102If I were Kota I would refuse to give her money BUT her parents maybe told her for a second time and she was like "
sigh okay okay, after all she's my sister".
No. 62105
>>62104I doubt she wants to marry a Japanese guy, she hasn't exactly rabed about likimg Jap guys or being with one or even hinted at having a BF simce she got there. And those tweets from a few days ago where she was bitching about guys and not letting them use her or whatever she was on about, idr but it had some strong manhater vibes about it.
She has had her parents taking care of her for her entire life, idk why anyone thinks that would stop now since they paid for her to go and live there with no job or education, do you think when she got there they would say "okay Kirsten, now you have to start makng some money of your own". No way.
No. 62108
>>62104The Ostrengas make decent money by Florida standards, they just don't consider their bills to be more important than blowing all their money on Kiki.
Her only plans for Japan were to show up and instantly land a modeling career for being white and related to Kota, and get a visa that way. Her tourist visa will run out soon, and she'll hide out in FL until she can go back and so the same exact thing, sit on her ass and bore Kota's friends to death while waiting to be ~discovered~.
No. 62375
>>62344>how often plain, sometimes even ugly white girls in Tokyo get asked "are you a model? do you want to be?"this
capsulebunny, ulrickealette, and pandomi on IG. LOL a bunch of blonde girls with BEAT faces but model in japan
No. 62425
>>62401more like
imaginary conversations she had with those taxi driversTaxi driver: "It is XXXX yens"
Kaka's attention hungry mind: "Oh he told me I'm so beautiful I must be a Russian model! yay! >u< "
No. 62527
>>62519Yeah, but we all,knew Kota was acunt tho.
Still, even if she wasn't her popularity is dwindling rapidly, trying to give her twat of a sister a signal boost might put the final nail in her coffin.
No. 62777
File: 1426455798963.png (23.25 KB, 598x248, Capture.PNG)

1.) I don't really watch anime, but what the fuck is an "usagi scout." Is she talking about Usagi or the Sailor Scouts from Sailor Moon? All I get is stuff about Usagi/Sailor Moon when I google it. If she's talking about Sailor moon, it really shows how much she really knows about her "favorite" anime/manga.
2.) Here she is again insinuating she's in school.
No. 63144
File: 1426470294148.png (848.26 KB, 763x1094, pandomi.png)

>>62519THIS is a model in Japan??
Well shit.
No. 63578
I know this girl, Diana. She's Russian I think. She's cute, but very short. She's also obsessed with Miranda Kerr to the point se wants to look like her. My friends and I used to call her 'Miranda cosplayer' haha She dated Yuuki, a guy that does 'cosplay' of Huang ZiTao. Looked like she wanted popularity IMO she was pretty popular when they started to date each other.
That proves you can be a model if your height is like 159-160cm and being caucasian. I haven't heard too many cases of caucasian models under 170 cm, but yeah, we have Kota, Diana, and if you investigate, there's a bunch of them No. 63587
File: 1426524878613.png (21.01 KB, 578x321, 3423.png)

Kiki plz.
No. 63593
>>63587If true,I feel sorry for that poor monk. Kiki's so desperate she'll will cling at anything that remotely looks 6/10 with a dick hanging between its legs.
>my local templelel
No. 63613
>>63609>Wonder what she's in school for.I don't think she's in school at all, if she was, we'd see ig pics of her grades and shit since she's all about proving to us ~haters.~
I'm glad I'm not crazy and usagi scout really isn't a thing. She was just really desperate to throw in the anime references to show her ~true~ kawaii interests in Japan. I'll cut her some slack with the Nana reference, but even if she got
sailor scout correct, it still makes no sense. She couldn't just say her life is like an episode of Nana and she's wiped out from it. Her desperation to come off as this kawaii girl who LOVES anime and video games is really fucking pathetic.
Actually, everything about her life, persona, etc, is fucking pathetic.
No. 63627
>>63615I'm not saying they wouldn't, I just don't think she'd ever be able to resist showing off. Every single thing she does, is only for bragging rights. That's why she spams her tweets with, "vegan," "here in JAPAN," "Japanese people," (random moonspeak, even though majority of the people who follow her can't even read it), "all these guys need to stop stalking me, it's not my fault i'm so kawaii~~~~," etc. When she first got there, she was constantly posting shit to prove to us that she was there, ffs. If she was actually in school and living in Japan, she'd outright say it and prove it.
No. 63849
>>63806or tweet about how buddhist monks,
just like musicians, are cruel, violent rapist douchebags taking advantage of her pure, virginal elf maiden vegan self~
No. 63882
File: 1426552023432.png (107.19 KB, 250x247, tumblr_nja6s6fkrb1t9k994o5_250…)

Kiki is a huge laughing stock for me.I had to put my 2 cents:
1. The "throwing doll bills at the temple like I'm at a strip club" shit. Really. FUCK YOU. That monk could be Adam fucking levine you just not say shit like that.
Do japanese people give a damn about it or am I (we?) just easily offended? :P I imagine her bragging about it to any friend she might have (IF she does) and how cringe they will act about it
2. If she got scouted with dat face… RLY
No. 63931
>>63587Oh, so it's okay for Kiki ogle and harass men, but not the other way around. Okay, gotcha Kaka.
Also, she is trying sooooooooososoo fucking hard to look like Dakota it's crazy.
No. 64001
>>63990i could see that…considering that her brother has autism, i wouldn't find it surprising if she was
somewhere on the spectrum, what with her social inabilities and all.
No. 64019
>>53420Aha, now I understand! From English it translates like "automatic wise".
Now it makes more sense, I should notice that :) Thank you
No. 64086
>>64077I definitely agree with you. Though, I think she's not right developmentally
because she was coddled so much. Every single person that I know of who was taken out of school due to bullying and/or has parents who will defend their children from any criticism/consequences of their actions, are fucked up developmentally.
No. 64149 keep thinking about her Were Fever song lately, only with the lyrics changed to reflect her azn fetishism:
"who's got the yellow fever?"
kaka do~
No. 64164
>>64152If that's true, it would be hilarious.
It's like Japan has a building reserved for Kooter copycats who come from overseas.
No. 64174
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No. 64179
>>64174I'm now wondering if Kaka tries to speak to Kota in Japanese. There truly was no point at all whatsoever of Kiki using Japanese with Kota because they both speak English natively.
I bet Kaka was hoping Kota would reply to get her attention.
No. 64221
>>64219According to a web dictionary 「やべえ」(yabe-) means wrong is likely to be found/danger is imminent. So she's saying she's really stressed about something bad coming up, I guess. I highly doubt Kiki knew what Kota was saying other than "stress" because when you translate the page to English, it doesn't translate「やべえ」or「ほんまに」.
Plus, why would she be asking Kota why she's stressed? If they're so ~close~ and both live in ~Tokyo~ you'd think she'd already know.
No. 64222
>>64221やべえ is slang for やばい meaning both "cool!" or "oh shit/this is bad", depending on the situation.
ほんまに means something truthfully.. Can be compared as slang for 本当に (hontō ni). What she said is "This stress is really insane"
No. 64231
>>64219Taylor's thread
>>51541>>64229christ she's retarded
No. 64233
This new video proves that the guy isn't fangophilia.. they have a different face, this guy is much younger too. I don't understand how you guys could mix them up earlier. have different moles, lips and noses. This is the same guy as the one she went to the science museum with.
Oh, and I saved both videos since she uploaded a third but deleted it within 3 minutes. The caption was: "RATTA TATT TATT #LMAO #icant #sorrybae #tatted #inked #東京 #日本 #イタズラ"
lol at Jack Cash v2. This is her tramp stamp, huh.
No. 64234
>>64233I can get why someone would mix them up, it's hard to believe even
one person would want to be around Kiki, let alone two.
Did you happen to see the third video?
No. 64235
>>64234With her filtering on her video and pictures I can kind of get it. But to me it is obvious they are different guys.
No, I reeeeeally wish I could see it. It's still showing on her profile from my Twitter client but she deleted it so it won't play. Not even a thumbnail is showing.
Btw she also deleted the other video of the guy in her bed (same guy as this).
No. 64242
>>64235I'm wondering if they guy already got upset about those videos and asked her to delete it? I know she kept the last video up, but she is really stubborn about things and never puts anyone's feelings into consideration.
>>64236I agree.
>i think any average asian is a lot more beautiful than herI think the average America is a lot more beautiful than her. I'd go as far to say that even an obese, balding, old woman with rotted teeth is much more beautiful than her.
No. 64309
File: 1426617802351.webm (8.48 MB, 320x240, i_-_have_-_a_-_dream_.webm)
making fun of MLK
Kawaii and classy
No. 64362
>>64174>>64175If I were Dakota I would be stressed too, my popularity on the decline, not getting as many modeling gigs, batshit crazy sister trying to fuck her way through my professional circle.
You know that Fangophilia guy went back to his friends and told them all about that crazy, spastic foreign bitch Dakota's sister and how she tried posting him all over IG. She's gonna get one hell of a reputation.
No. 64407
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No. 64410
File: 1426627297951.png (4.37 MB, 2048x1536, 42882482.png)

posted on her twitter. maybe its still there.
No. 64413
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No. 64415
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No. 64420
>>64410wtf is that, period blod?
please no
No. 64666
>>64661I don't know how you can post the video but thank you anonsama.
>Now she has a pic of her with the guy again plus another Japanese guy and girl.The caption says she met his family. She is definitely there to get that spouse visa.
No. 64671
>>64670I agree. Even though Kota doesn't really work
that hard for what she has, especially now. At least she got to Japan and is completely self-sufficient. That's why I don't mind her being in Japan, even if she's still an asshole. Kiki was recently going on about how ~self-sufficient~ she is for being in Tokyo alone. Even though it's
expected of someone her age to be able to survive on their own and someone else is footing the entire bill so she isn't a tiny bit self-sufficient.
I really hope someone is able to find this guy or his family members, they really should see what type of person she really is.
No. 64676
>>64674lol i remeber that.
korean fans are crazier though. some have actually tried to hurt idols that they LIKE…..just wtf man.
No. 64691
>>64685Are you really worried about it? I mean, this is Kirsten Ostrenga we're talking about, she killed the only real boyfriend she ever had.
Even if this guy is a gaijin chaser, do any of you think that Kiki is gonna be able to keep her act together long enough to trick this poor sod into marrying her? We're talking about a girl who is by no means able to care for herself, maintain any kind of healthy relationship- romantic or platonic- a girl so conceited and narcissistic that she sees herself as a gorgeous, talented model/musician despite STILL living off her parents completely and doing nothing with her life than playing on the internet.
This guy is gonna see her true colors soon enough, just you wait.
No. 64696
File: 1426658948524.gif (975.72 KB, 245x170, kij9.gif)

>>64677Hahahaaa, I just imagine Scott like hanging out with her in Tokyo while she's fucking all these guys
No. 64697
>>64691A little, because usually guys are able to see right through her instantly. This guy seems to not see through it and took her to meet his family.
But then again, maybe he's playing her? He looks incredibly bored with her.
Idk, I hope you're right.
No. 64830
>>64823I agree, but Kiki's a show-off. I feel like she wants a boyfriend, not for love, but just for what they can offer and to have someone to show off. I'm going to assume that he's the "hot monk" that she talked about on the 13th since it's the same day she posted the first video with him. If I'm right, she's really rushing things imo.
>>64825What nose job? She still has the same, big beak nose she's always had. Here are some candid pics: No. 64843
>>64839I second this.
Seriously, what the fuck? Knowing them they would usually find something like that fucking gross and make a big deal over it. I think maybe it might be a cut from something else and they jokingly made it seem like it was period blood? I dunno, it just seems to fucking weird otherwise.
No. 64875
>>64661Which video? The one I referred to as deleted in this post?
>>64233I really wanna see it! If you go to the PULL chat (no need to register) you can get someone to help you upload it.
No. 64988
>>64661he must've been fucking sloshed if he didn't wake up from all of that.
>>64670what do the tags mean?
No. 64994
>>64839>>64843Diff anon, but I was around for that, too, because Kaka thought it was funny. They tend to find gross shit hilarious. Kaka always talked about how she'd pick her nose and wipe the boogers on her headboard. You see in that old vid she thinks loogies are funny. There's another one in the kootie thread of them making a diarrhea sundae together.
Koti did end up getting ticked off at Kiki for posting the pic and Kiki removed it.
No. 65003
>>64914idts, dakota posted a picture of them together before on twitter and it doesn't look like him. anyone can kindly insert pic in reply for ref plox.
>>64991sorry, i posted before i saw that'd been mentioned! this bitch is so thirsty.
No. 65009
>>65003I don't have the picture but Nao looks completely different from this guy.
It's fine, I agree though. I know I said this already, but I'm pretty sure he's the "hot monk" she posted about on the 13th. So it's been less than a week and she's already trying desperately to get a spouse visa from him.
>>65004Maybe I have shit humor, but I actually found the kawaii vomit pic a little funny.
No. 65140
>>65128She definitely did not have a nose job.
She just uses extreme lightning in her YouTube videos and tons of filters on her Instavideos.
You can clearly see her beak in her latest YouTube video too, it's just very well hidden from a front-view and loooots of lightning.
No. 65186
File: 1426739100730.jpg (167.91 KB, 750x979, image.jpg)

>>65170It IS dakota. From her newest blog entry, same day and same hat.
No. 65239
>>65199Haha, so salty.
It's really cute. Her hair looks nice at that length.
No. 65262
File: 1426763784889.jpg (93.99 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

Omg… She is so creepy. Posting videos of him? Holy shit only the most attention-starved whore would do that.
My theory is that this might be Kota's boyfriend's family, and he has a brother that Kota is going after. I don't know, it's hard to read from the context. I still think it's really weird that she's only here on vacation visa and she's already in the pants of some (2+?) dudes. Damn. Why doesn't she have any pictures of her sister? Bad pr for kota?
(Also her new videos of her watching naruto..)
No. 65263
>>65262look where his right hand is going
into his trousers…
No. 65271
>>65266She doesn't. She just takes pictures/videos of her watching it to seem "omg so otaku!! XDD".
She tries so hard.
No. 65276
>>65266because she can't understand it anyway.
did she even tag 'naruto' on the vid? I can't read moonrunes.
No. 65284
>>65276She tagged 'Tokyo', 'anime', 'vegan sushi' and tried to write Drake in katakana. She wrote ダレク (Dareku), when it should be ドレイク (Doreiku), kek. It took me a while to figure out that was what she was trying to write. Her Japanese is awful, fuck.
On the second video she tagged 'Nicki Minaj' (that she also spelled wrong), 'Tokyo' and 'anime'.
So embarrassing.
No. 65318
>>65300Wtf is rilakkumarabbu supposed to be? Rilakkumalove? Why dous she always forget to double consonants she's supposed to and double ones she isn't supposed to?
Oh, right, because she doesn't nderstand how Japanese works.
No. 65421
>>65414God, I'm so torn between wanting to let them know so this poor guy can avoid the inevitable disaster, and wanting to see how far it goes bwfore he finally realizes she's fucking insane. I'm such a bad person kek
But I feel like Kiki's behavior is only going to get worse and worse, if she finds a way to stay in Japan past the end of the month, maybe even long term then her spreading her crazy around is gonna get ppl talking. Fangophilia knows she posts ppl on IG without their permission, if he knows this poor guy then he might eventually tell him. Or, he might not and have no idea about it, but the guy will eventually find out, probably flip shit causing a Kiki meltdown all over her social media, and then she'll be right back at it trying to trap another guy she thinks is famous. I'm rambling now, but my point is if she keeps acting like this around peiple, esoecially ones that know Dakota, it could gain her a rep as a psyco bitch and possibly damage Dakota's image by association.
No. 65428
>>65425No, but Japanese people really have a thing about pictures of them going around without their permission. I can't find a good way to describe it (oxycodone lel), but it's an image based cultural thing. Like, in America they would be irked, maybe pissed but nobody would really care. Japanese people though don't post pics/vids of themselves being passed out drunk, drawing on people, in bed at some chick's apartment, etc. and especially not other people and without their permission. One year when a Japanese band, Dir en grey went on tour in America with some festival, there was a video of one of the guitarists being hilariously drunk, another member passed out and some chick drew shit on his face in sharpie, and when the Japanese fans saw it the reaction wasn't good. People were actually pissed, both at them and the bands they were touring with.
I get why most people don't think it's a big deal but I'm failing so hard at explaining why.
No. 65445
>>65419jeez it was 3 words why you so mad
>>65428I get what you're trying to say, but using a band as an example doesn't work since fans everywhere are always crazy.
>>65300So if he's not fangophilia, do we know who he is/his username?
No. 65455
>>65451It wold probably beasier to just comment about it on Dakota's ameblo, she has to approve all her comments that get posted so she would at least see it.
>>65427Ask him yourself, here's his Twitter: @jackcashmusic86
No. 65470
>>65454you cannot be for real
I mean wat
No. 65502
>>65495Tbh, who cares why he's with her (if he is)? The fact is she
is hanging out with this guy. I think people are upset because they feel she doesn't deserve him, but if he's in it to fuck her, who gives a crap? If he likes her, who cares? I like reading about Kaka, but theorizing on her every little move would drive me insane
No. 65520
>>65502Same anon as
>>65495 and I agree with you. I realize I just hypocritically wrote a whle theory about them which is dumb but I really don't care why they are together. I just want to watch what happens organically and don't know why people are trying to track him down to tell him about his new instagram fame.
No. 65541
>>65533so then either a. it's not really a relationship but friendship and she might be introduced to the family because of other reasons or
b. he has been around longer but only recently did she start to show pics of him on her instagram
No. 65548
LMFAO at her covering her five head way: chill yall. just grab the popcorn and watch, enjoy the show :P lol
No. 65565
>>65541>he has been around longer but only recently did she start to show pics of him on her instagramLOL this is Kiki we're talking about, be real.
She probably met his family out somewhere at an event and was introduced to them as Model Dakota Rose's Sister. She probably met this guy through Dakota like she met Fangophilia. We all know how Kiki likes to twist things to make herself look better, like she's rolling in Japanese guys who are obsessed with her when she only recently posted pics of anything but herself and her stuff. It's even possible that she met him while he was out with his family and she waited to post it. Kiki's thirst is so intense, I wouldn't doubt if any or all of this was the case.
No. 65598
>>65565COME ON. She has Mentioned him on Twitter ("lover from another race"?), in the "why I started learning Japanese" video… She posted the poem he wrote her and read out loud to her in an audio for her bday on her insta (she said he did at Least).
In one of her videos about Dating In Japan she mentioned she was having a romance (towards the end of the video, so I understand if anyone could make it that far haha) with japanese guy…
These two have been going on for a long time you know :P
No. 65613
>>65599Also I want to add, that poem was most definitely never written by a Japanese person since it's written in cursive. A lot of native English speakers have issues with cursive, so it'd be a lot harder for someone who speaks a character based language.
And the lover from another race was most likely Jack Cash because she literally has never had any attraction to guys that weren't white until she decided to start having an "interest" in Asia.
No. 65625
>>65616Fair enough, but cursive is a very feminine way of writing. I don't know a single guy who regularly writes in cursive. Also, iirc, weren't those printed out webpages in their creepy hoard of screenshots written on in cursive?
>>65618He still counts in Kiki's mind, she seems like she thinks she's in a relationship because a guy fucks her. But she could also be lying to prove she totes isn't racist desu.
No. 65671
>>65625Cursive depends on how the school taught it. A lot of schools only teach cursive and emphasise speed. They will often also advocate for badly formed (but recognisable) open letters and maybe even teach shorthand as well. This is the type of cursive that most people write and if anything is stereotypically male (e.g. doctor's handwriting).
Then you have schools that teach print first and cursive at a later age. They emphasise calligraphy and it ends up being stereotypically feminine or gothic.
No. 65707
>>65700Why though? I don't get the point of that. Maybe to make her nasal bridge appear smaller?
No. 65777
>>65776I think she did it when Kiki was with Daniel because she wanted to use it as evidence of them having sex and thus him committing statutory rape.
But don't quote me on that.
No. 65824
>>65606i don't know about japan, but in thailand women are not even allowed to touch the monks orange cloak things, and some buddhist don't believe that a woman can achieve nirvana. i call bullshit, kiki just wants everybody to think that she's so goddeslike that even a buddhist monk wants her.
on another note, do we really know if she met with fangophilia? it just sounded like she bought and got them, like when somebody gives someone their wings etc. "he gave me my claws" -> "i love cats because ehehehe nyaaan˜˜ and my spiritual animal is a kitten because i am kawaii like them, and now, with these fingertip rings that can be bought from ebay for a dollar, i can nyaaaaan all i want! neko neko kawaii!"
No. 65900"Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death" (Wikipedia)
Cann you be any more dramatic please?
No. 65969
File: 1426881258115.jpg (127.77 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

First milk, now soy. Wht ere you going to eat Kaka? U r going to die haha
No. 66032
>>65969ctfu at this
seriously kaka, what are you wanting with japan when everything seems like a bother to you? saying all the food has msg, gives you allergies since most vegan cafes use soy, that a lot of the men are such creeps that you need pepper spray and shit…
No. 66043
>>66032She also implied that no one has been nice to her there as well.
>>66036She wants to just say she lives in Japan and of course, she mostly there because she wants Kota's fame. Although it still makes no sense as to why she insists on trying to live there. She's like Mira in that sense, all she's really had to say about Japan are complaints, but she still desperately wants to live there.
No. 66072
>>66062I agree. I think both of them went to Japan in the first place because they're both were miserable at home. But they fail to realize, that changing where you live, won't change a single thing, unless you change with it.
>>66066It makes me think of Onision going on about how if he and other vegans/vegetarians eat something that even touches meat, they get diarrhea and won't stop vomiting.
I don't get how someone like Kiki is so "health conscious." She lives a sedentary life, what is she really going to miss out on if she dies from eating soy, msg, or whatever other bullshit?
No. 66119
>>66063I bet the asian candies she used to brag about have at least some soy on them.
Any moonspeak savvy anon could confirm this, please?
No. 66172
>>66074The funny thing is, she only actually started cooking for herself recently.
She acts like she's the picture of health but she looks feeble as fuck. To quote another anon in the previous thread, she quite literally looks like 'death warmed up'. I don't know how people ask her questions or advice on healthy living, she seems crazy underweight, pale and sickly looking, with limp and lifeless hair and even putting appearance aside, she doesn't ever actually sound like she knows what she's talking about, only like she's regurgitating shit she's read on Wikipedia. Sometimes she doesn't even answer people's questions and it's obvious that it's because she has no clue.
No. 66222
>>66119theres no soy lel
but i'll let you know if she posts more questionable food
No. 66224
File: 1426944698174.jpg (299 KB, 493x668, eyyyEyebrows.jpg)

special delivery: eyebrows
sorry not sorry i was a fan in the myspace days and still am
No. 66226
File: 1426944732734.png (117.5 KB, 457x398, 2015-…)

No. 66227
Honestly, i used to believe she was somewhat all health guru and stuff but then I came across this holistichabits chick and she's like, glowing. yeah, if you put the two of them. Side by side you can tell Kiki knows shit about health
No. 66228
>>66226She's either going to delete it or have a meltdown over the haters.
I hope the latter happens
"They won't stop!!!! Even when I'm livinga kawaii desu life in Japan!!!! Obsessive Imma call the Tokyo PD"
No. 66231
>>66227it's an abysmal difference. Kaka's idea of
being healthy is starving herself (because let's being honest here, that's what she does) and taking pills instead (she even had a video promoting supplements).
No. 66234
>>66227Wow, this girl's gorgeous.
>>66228I think she's going to definitely delete it, block the person, and pretend nothing ever happened. The only thing she ever listened to some of us with is that flipping out over shit like this is just going to make Japanese people dislike her.
That being said, I definitely think there will be a meltdown when she gets back home.
>>66231I agree. It's funny because Kota mentioned in her ameblo post that Kiki is worried about her not eating often, even though Kota looks a billion times healthier than her. Kiki's just worried about Kota eating since she wants her to get fat so she can be the better looking sister again.
No. 66235
>>66227Wow, she's beautiful. This girl
definitely looks like she takes care of herself well.and I'd take her advice on health over Kiki's any fucking day.
No. 66246
Oh speaking of her store, I just realised the link is no longer on her Twitter?
Does anybody else remember right before she "launched" it she tweeted about how she was working on a huge project that'd blow everybody away?
Now it's just sitting abandoned with 2 items for sale, her ripoff bag and some eBay collar pins kek No. 66249
File: 1426954457846.jpg (72.35 KB, 748x739, dsad.jpg)

I was curious to see what her shipping charges were since we all know how much of a greedy troll she is and fuck me sideways with a stick.
To the UK is $25 shipping for tiny little pins that weigh nothing that you could literally send in an envelope and $60 dollars for a bad that can be folded and also weighs shit fuck all.
She is so money grubbing I really can't. I know shipping to the UK can expensive but not for items of THAT weight, christ.
No. 66259
File: 1426956025649.png (399.79 KB, 612x578, kooties.png)

>>65186Yep, it's Koots. I took a screencap for you guys. See, there's the hat and you can kinda see her shirt. And there's no mistaking that nose.
No. 66260
Ahh Kiki. Trying so hard. I can't wait for your visa to expire so you will shut the fuck up about "living in Japan!" to see my sister after a long time, till the end of this month she's in japan))
No. 66271
File: 1426957285940.jpg (142.36 KB, 563x735, 1426739100730.jpg)

>>66270Whoops forgot the pic
No. 66291
File: 1426958992143.jpg (80.09 KB, 500x753, kaka-looking-decent-wow.jpg)

Do you guys remember when Kiki's hair was blonde and rather than her long bangs, at one point she didn't have like full bangs, but she had piecey short side bangs? She looked best like that imo.
She had long bangs most of the time but when she looked like this she looked great.
No. 66301
>>66276Yeah no shit, she looks a million times better with her hair cut like this and her brows filled in. She actually looks healthy and pretty. Shame she completely voids that by being so self-absorbed.
This video is so ridiculous. They act like people actually care about them/what they're doing and want to help them and throw money at them for any old reason. They go about it in the least humble way.
>guys u should send us ur money 4 us to go to l.a. n be FAMUZ ACTORS!! n go on tour 2 play my SICK DUBSTEP!!! and omg it would actually be soooo educational for u guys 2…we are ACTUALLY going to vlog and take u on this journey its so worth it like why tf wouldn't u??? No. 66306
>>66302Oh shit I always thought her voice was annoying, but I couldn't put my finger on why. Thanks, anon.
I hate her "I'm so quirky and funny!1" jokes/attitude. Yuck.
No. 66437
File: 1426974249219.gif (8.09 MB, 305x250, party in the loony bin.gif)

We interrupt this program to bring you a white trash dance party!
>>66403I think maybe it's just Kaka's filter abuse? Bc if Koots edited it her face wouldn't be lopsided as fuck.
No. 66449
>>66437another anon put it into perfect words… "Autism the movie"
i was pretty much dying of 2nd hand embarassment. like, i understand we all act a bit more loosely with our family sometimes, but this was just ridiculous. and the funny (or sad?) thing is, kiki still acts like this - a toddler.
perhaps that is an insult to toddlers everywhere.
No. 66458
>>66276dakota's face of terror and kiki talks LITERALLY for ten minutes straight
jesus how more self centered can you be
No. 66460
File: 1426974954648.png (302.76 KB, 453x339, sistars.png)

dropped pic
No. 66489
>>66463It wasbasically her saying how she got famous ("being on Asian news bc of her looks", leaving the part of being Kiki's sister/scene sidekick aside)
She kept it simple, while Kiki was like "I'm that punk rock girl experimenting with her hair and making fashion statements, showing my crazy life on stickam and being on an article on RS…"
Just ugh.
The gif: I'm… How old were they? I'm ok with this behavior because they probably were a lot younger (less than 15?) and young teens act pretty dumb (I have a younger sister)
No. 66493
>>66463Not really, she just briefly talked about how she's known in the beginning and tried to get a few words a couple times in while Kiki just kept talking.
I can now see why Kiki didn't even know Kota was/is stressed out, Kiki must be awful to talk about your problems with. Kiki probably just makes it all about herself and starts talking about
her problems because that's all that ever matters.
No. 66499
And yeah she thinks she's so funny but tbh everything she says makes me want to put her through a wall.
>>66489Koots was 11 Kaka was 14 I think. I just know Koots was 11.
And lmao she toots her horn like she's approaching the harbor.
No. 66518
It came out when Dakota was just getting really popular on YouTube so she'd have to be around 16 or 17.
No. 66526
>>66516I don't know she looks like an 11 year old to me. I've seen a lot of them in my day so yeah but I could be wrong. I kind of believe what she says about her age to be honest.
>>66518Nonono we're talking about the gif
No. 66532
File: 1426979523766.jpg (72.51 KB, 937x501, lopsided.JPG)

No. 66534
File: 1426979556801.jpg (12.22 KB, 480x360, jessi.jpg)

>>66516Appearances have very little to do with age. I was asked at a hair salon if I had entered high school yet, and I'm 21. Does this look like an 11 year old to you? because it is.
No. 66545
File: 1426980267693.png (65.95 KB, 500x260, tumblr_inline_nbnnnmpaSP1su289…)

>saw this on tumblr
So does kaka think she knows Japanese for real now?
No. 66546
>>66534Thanks, anon!
This is what I'm talking about. I look 12 but I'm 18. You can't always tell but Koots really does look her age to me. Maybe I'm crazy but I thought we established her age because that video/gif was from 2007 so she looks like her age lines up.
No. 66553
>>66534That does look like an 11 year old to me, because I know the difference between looking older/younger vs actual age. That pic does look older, but she's still obviously very young. Kota doesn't look 11 in that vid just because she styles herself to look younger, take away all that makeup and editing, she looks her age, which is still the case today. I don't get how some people can be so completely blinded just by hair and makeup, smh.
>>66545Hah, looks like she took that one anon's idea from a previous thread about going by her first & middle name in katakana! Ofc she'll never change her username from kikikannibal.
No. 66560
File: 1426982128187.jpg (588.26 KB, 1222x1040, age.jpg)

it doesn't matter what she "looks like" to you. there's proof she is the age she claims.
on the top left if a screenshot from 2006 from their archive stash of a "hater" saying she discovered they were
14 and 11. On the bottom is proof that the police report was flawed, but still gave away her real age in it anyway. In addition to this there's an e-mail to a lawyer that Cathy wrote in 2007 where she states Dakota's age, and it matches up to her age now. And of course, her passport (inb4
its faykkk)
No. 66564
>>66560Funny how I keep hearing about this passport pic yet it's nowhere to be found.
As for the "omg police report is faked!", The oly two reasons people think this are because of the eye color and her age being listed as 15.
-My eye color on my license is wrong because they didn't ask me at the DMV and just went by sight, and put brown instead of green. It's a very common occurence. I've known many people with their eye color listed differently on official docs.
-Cops don't calculate your age based on your DOB and the date, they just ask you. We know for a fact that both Kota and Kiki have lied about their ages since their myspace days, and thanks to the Daniel incident we know they have no problem lying to the police. Especially on something as routine and trivial as a dometic incident report. If it had been a court document it would be a different story, but an incident report is p. much just routine beurocratic paperwork to prove they went to where they were dispatched and handled the situation. They don't bend over backwards to check for accuracy of every little detail.
The top part of that screencap proves nothing, because Kiki and Kota are only a year apart. Interesting how Kota's age gaps are always by 2 years? If Kiki was 14 in 2006, Kota would've been 13, two years older than 11. It would also make her 17 at the time of the police report, two years older than 15. And on that same timeline, it would make her 21 currently, two years older than 19. Seems way too convenient to be a coincidence to me.
No. 66615
File: 1426986836771.jpg (448.62 KB, 660x411, pissport.jpg)

>>66557The one that gif in question is from.
And yes there's a document but look
>>66560>>66564You raise so many good points but I still believe her to be honest. Here's the passport pic btw
No. 66622
>>66620>>66621THANK YOU
fuck's sake I thought we settled this a while ago.
No. 66624
File: 1426987161922.png (598.28 KB, 515x538, tmp_8635-6165631341.png)

>>66560I've seen that vid, that passport is forged as fuck. Not only is the picture unacceptable by passport photo guidelines, but her fucking shoulder is floating out of the frame of the pic.
Now, I'm not saying she went to Japan on a fake passport (hella fucking illegal), but I would believe her having a fake one made as a backup with her '95 DOB on it (and not her last name, lel) and replaced the pic she did have taken with the one in the vid, all so she can "prove" her age, which I don't even get because Japan clearly doesn't give a shit and none of her internet fans speak Japanese to start spreading shit about her. All you have to do is compare it to any other American passport and the inconsistencies become glaringly obvious. Not to mention, it isn't very hard to fake a passport.
It's actually pretty scary. No. 66636
>>66624I'm quick to call bs as well, but the shoulder thing isn't enough proof. Both of my shoulders extend over the frame in mine and if it was misaligned it would look just like hers.
That said, I don't know who the fuck was doing her passport photo. I had bangs like hers and they were really strict about getting them off my face. Took about 2 minutes because they kept falling down and weren't acceptable enough.
No. 66649
>>66644I get that, but if you paste a photo with a white bg onto a colorful passport, wouldn't your shoulder be against the white background too? I can't see how the shoulders would be floating unless you freeform selected yourself and cut/paste yourself
over the white bg.
No. 66654
File: 1426989192709.jpg (104.81 KB, 800x945, tmp_28417-Screenshot_2015-03-2…)

I think Kiki is literally stuck in 2006 mentally.
No. 66667
>>66624This is so fucking retarded. Do you know how complicated and expensive the paper used to create passports is? Not to mention the fucking holographic backing, and so on. Fake passports costs hundreds of times more than real ones, it's major fraud and an imprisonable offence just to get caught with one.
Where the fuck are you even proposing Dakota got this fake passport from, or had the money to pay for it? And to do what exactly with it? Oh yeah. Prove some people online wrong. If we were talking about Kiki you'd have a point, but Dakota is sensible and knows ignoring it will usually make it go away.
No. 66686
The video is still online on their cancelled Kickstarter page if anybody wants to take a look:'s lip smacking is fucking intolerable, I couldn't watch it all the way through again.
No. 66699
>>66667>Where the fuck are you even proposing Dakota got this fake passport from, or had the money to pay for it? Photoshop. You can download a high res template for one, add your info onto it very easily, and print it out. It doesn't need to be holographic since she only needs it to show in a video, not to travel.
>And to do what exactly with it? Oh yeah. Prove some people online wrong. You act like she's so much better than that, lol. That is exactly something she would do. Not only that, but faking her age and having "proof" that she's younger would keep her in Japan longer because of the modeling age bias.
>If we were talking about Kiki you'd have a point, but Dakota is sensible and knows ignoring it will usually make it go away.Pff. Yeah, okay. Deleting fucking everything =/= sensibly ignoring it. She's a known liar and doesn't give a fuck about getting in trouble, why is it so hard to believe she would do this? JFC some of you act like Kooter's some sweet little innocent angel and everything people hate about her is either a lie or was forced on her by Kiki. Supreme delusion.
No. 66709
**listen up morons, I recently had a passport done in Florida last month. You're allowed to take it yourself, when I was researching about this, all I did was go to this website to see all the photo requirements the only thing it says is to look straight forward, casual clothes, and white background. I was even worried it was require you to pin your hair behind your ears like they told me a few years ago, but they didn't.
Furthermore, I took the picture using a free itunes app called "ID photoprint", this was only because your head/shoulders have to be in a particular post in the center of the photo. I took my own photo as a selfie, the app mailed me the pictures, I handed it over, and it's right now on my passport.
Ya'll sound like utter retards grasping at straws with this "fake passport" bullshit.**
No. 66716
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Here's the 4th proof!!
A 2011 e-mail from Cathy to a lawyer found in Kiki's archive. At the top she says the message below was from 3 years (which makes it from 2008). In the e-mail she mentions Dakota being 12 years old at the time. For most of 2008 up until September, Dakota would have in fact been 12 years old.
I hope you all feel stupid now. This is as solid as it comes. A private e-mail from 7 years ago that was never meant to be seen by us states Dakota's age. She is 19 and was born 1995. Now get over it.
You can find the e-mail here: No. 66721
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>>66276dakota never moves in videos.
she is uncanny vally incarnate.
pic unrelated but iirc someone asked for a pic of them together ?
No. 66723
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No. 66728
>>66686"Help fund these two extraordinary sisters' journey to LA"
Wrote that
…in their description.
Yes, that's how she presents her and Dakota: extraordinary.
No. 66735
>>66716Not who you're arguing with but that break between pages can be interpreted as two diff. emails if you wanna reach.
IDK why someone doesn't just bite the bullet and run an actual background check on her, that would have her actual date of birth and everyting on it.
No. 66746
>>66534Yes, when Jessi was 11, she actually
did look and sound 11. Dakota looked older and was older. It's not just her appearance that argues this, it's multiple documents and mentionings from her/articles involving her that she is older all over the internet and the many people who followed them at the time of their scene fame always knew Dakota and Kiki were older.
No. 66779
>>66746>dakota looked olderdear god have you seen the video?
she is supposedly 11 in those videos and i swear the level of retarded in that video cannot be reenacted by anyone over age 11.
theres no way that is not an 11 year old dakota.
No. 66780
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>>66775unless you live in soviet russia, its really not hard to acquire fancy things like that.
its really, really not.
No. 66783
>>66781Was going to say exactly this, lol.
I mean fuck, Kiki still acts as autistic as that nowadays as an
No. 66806
>>66799She was photoshopping her pics a heck lot back then.
And, look at these tweets… Gosh
cringes No. 66808
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>>66806>>66799Yh this is from a period where Dakota was shooping both of their pics for them.
No. 66809
Regarding the real ages of Kooter and Kaka, I have always believed that Dakota is my age, born in 1993 and Kiki was born between the years of maybe 1992 - 1990ish? I know they were at one point claiming to have been born just
one year apart. Now they say they are born 3 years apart, as shown here:, and here, Kirsten says herself that she is born in 1992. In my opinion, they have never looked a whole 3 years apart.
No. 66848
>>66840Oh my god god, it possible for someone to be this fucking annoying?!?! She's mentally stunted as a 12 year old. It's like she's trying to act like a retarded 12 year old and an even more annoying version of Jenna Marbles and it is
not working. Her humor is shit.
No. 66855
>>66840She doesn't look old.
It's just the filter colors of the video make her skin seem so dull/grey and washed out.
No. 66861
>>66780In soviet Russia, link drop you through
Why does she still have Chinese in her display names? She never uses it, she should just go full ~*kira kira kiki-hime desu*~
No. 66871
>>66861yep, what
>>66862 said.
IIRC, that was the time when someone asked her about vegan eating in China and Kaka said one must know the characters for milk, meat,eggs etc.
Way to follow your own advice, huh?
No. 66958
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she looks cute in the lilkitten video. Dark hair suits her
No. 66981
>>66975she could make things go better if she stops acting like a 12 y.o girl trying to get attention on the internet. I really hate when she makes bad jokes on her video tutorials, like the 'ouu yeah ouu yeah' or the mostacho one. Also, why does she have to make some kind of speech about life or the fuck she wants to speak about?Just do the damn tutorial. She has followers,she could take advantage on it being sponsored and doing tutorials with good stuff. But again, no one wants to be related to her bc of her shitty personality. She should speak in a normal voice, for god's sake. I hate the way she speaks. She could be a model, she's not ugly, she just needs a haircut and a natural makeup + nice style to look better. But who want to work with her, I'm sure she'd act like a diva
/sorry ifmy english sounds weird, it's too late and not my 1st language
No. 66992
>>66958I wouldn't say cute, I'd say beautiful. She'd look even better if she changed the color of the outfit and at least got bangs.
>>66981I agree. Even when I was a
fan of her, I fucking hated the fact she wouldn't stop desperately trying to be funny constantly. Her makeup tutorials and fashion videos (Kiki's fashion is shit but she has some nice pieces) were literally the only reasons I subscribed to her in the first place. And even though she would be a better model lookswise than Kota, just like Taylor R, she definitely wouldn't be happy with the image they'd want for her and try her hardest to be kawaii no matter what.
No. 67004
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>>66958It does! But I kinda wanna chop it off and get rid of so much white. "Grey" Blonde + pale skin and all white clothes? N O O O
As someone who subscribed for her makeup tutorials, I agree with everything thats been said (her tips were cool and the very first outfit video she did was super nice). She decayed so much, it's sad to see potential wasted on a shitty attitude.
i was watching the booty and spiders video and - honestly? Most people probably watched it bc she looks hella good in it.
No. 67015
>>67009None of us are haters here imo, sure people do get frustrated with her shit and insult her. But it's never to her face, we don't a-log her, and she is kinda asking for it with her shitty attitude. Majority of what she gets is just constructive criticism that does get a little harsh at times. She likes to act like she's being bullied but the only proof she posted were screencaps from
years ago she was trying to play off as recent.
No. 67042
ehhh I kinda understand their paranoia. They did have a legit hater who came really close to ruining them. If you've ever heard of "emo jackies", they were a person who made a fake buzznet post about her jewelry business. all of the comments agreeing, I honestly don't know if they were sockpuppets of the same people that wrote it, or what. But I'm 100% sure that it was fake. You can even find mentions of emojackies in their archive
No. 67047
>>67042Knowing what a hypocrite liar Kaka is, I'm not surprised people complained about their customer service. Also, their jewelry seemed poorly assembled, tbh.
If anything, at least she got somewhat
involved in the making process glueing the stones, compared to her recent lilkitten scam where she just ordered things from taobao & etsy, trying to pass them off as her own. Like, picking colors from a dropdown menu doesn't make you a fashion designer.
10/10 for making me reply
No. 67314
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>>67306Sorry if this gets us shut down. Just put kiki kannibal nudes on google and it will come, surprised that she hasn't copyrighted infringement her boobies on those sites.
No. 67342
>>67318Who fucking cares is censored.
Back to PULL.
No. 67378
>>67367I've had people say she posted them herself to "get back" at Danny…. ??? Which sounds pretty wtf but something Kiki would do :P
Anyone else super interested in the +250 vegan places in Tokyo she's never going to talk about?
No. 67383
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>>67352 true, she was much more interesting when she wasn't acting all kawaii desu, her pics on Instagram don't reach 200 likes, as as before she would get thousands. This kawaii thing is not working for you.
No. 67495
>>67414What lolcows don't understand is that once it's on the internet, it's there forever no matter how much they try to lie and backpedal and delete.
That said, lol I didn't know she got banned from myspace, I figured she just rode it out when the site died.
No. 67550
>>67105It can roughy be translated to "to come to light." Which is funny, because she tries to keep everyone in the dark of her horrid personality and scams.
I just watched that 60s eyemake tutorial and wow, I could not stop cringing. She is so fucking annoying. The makeup was good too! I would have enjoyed te tutorial if she acted like a normal girl instead of a mongoloid.
No. 67555
>>67383Yeah, she really doesn't have the face for it. It works for Dakota because she has a nicely shaped, small nose and softer features, whereas Kiki's are harsh and bold, so it just looks ridiculous when she tries to make herself look ~delicate and kawaii~.
I honestly think Kiki is really pretty but not in the same way that Dakota is. She needs to stop trying to imitate Kota's look and find something that suits her like the scene thing did. Definitely needs to cut her hair into a nice style that gives more voluminosity, dye it darker, do her brows, etc. I'd like to see what she looks like with a tan. Nothing too crazy just something to give her some colour.
No. 67728
>>67555I agree. Or she could try out this look here
>>58463 she actually looks cute in this shoop.
>>67649I can get why she wouldn't see it herself. I personally have a baby face and I used to constantly try wearing edgy styles/shit makeup. No one around me would tell me that I looked stupid, in fact, they'd actually tell me I looked good. Since Kiki reacts so insanely to negative criticism, I doubt she's ever gotten any sort of actual criticism from anyone around her irl. Kota used to post on her tumblr that Cathy always calls her Gogo, like from Kill Bill, and always told her she looks Asian. Since Kiki's always been her favorite, she definitely gets the same sort of comments from her.
No. 129334
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Does she photoshop her nose? Because it looks thinner in this pic. I think she is beautiful and needs to embrace what she has by not trying to look like her sister. They have different facial features and she needs to accept that fact.
No. 129340
>>129334m8 this thread is old as balls.
The new one is here