File: 1482951367195.png (178.78 KB, 640x936, IMG_7318.PNG)

No. 223298
File: 1482953687225.png (662.8 KB, 603x558, aly.png)

>>223297Yeah, she's finally gaining. I still remember when she was at her worst.
No. 223301
>>223291OP is a miserable fatty-chan, she looks great
stop projecting
No. 223309
>>223308Same anon, fucking same.
>>223307Let's have a little joy, a cripmas miracle.
No. 223314
>>223291She looks way cuter now.
I'm happy she's really recovering this time.
No. 223389
>>223383I can't find her IG. :(
Whats her username?
No. 223394
>>223383That is sad.
It does seem that even people who want to reap the benefits of recovering from their ed realise that without it, no one would care about them. ED/mental illness is the only thing that makes them special or noteworthy.
No. 223652
Fat or not, pretty or not, it's sad her life still consists on muh ana recovery and posting photos of herself smiling at food on Instagram. I hope that, now she's healthier bodywise, she also finds a more fulfilling hobby.
>>223394Exactly why she needs a hobby. Unless she goes munchie spoonie now kek (let's hope not)
>>223389aly_recoverylife it's in OP's picture
No. 223685
>>223683What did she look like pre-ana?
I think her face looks very normal and healthy, I think people here have a skewed idea of how weight "should look" on someone.
Especially with someone who has gone from extremely thin to much more normal of a weight in comparison.
Her face doesn't have bulimia bloat from what I can see. Bulimia bloat tends to look more chipmunk like with a tiny face and giant cheeks
No. 223816
>>223811OP needs to GTFO the internets
Aly is looking amazingly better like woah. Since her threads started I thought she'd go the route of wheelchair skelly but props to her for getting better
No. 223908
>>223876I think she probably sticks to a meal plan, but all that chocolate and donuts? Nope. Does constipation make your face puffy because she's going to have that problem with no fibre.
It must be a pressure on her boyfriend to not make her sperg out or end their relationship. After that other account it feels she's doing recovery for him and not herself.
No. 225688
>>223877>>223908It might be a culture thing. as far as I know. it's common to eat out in Italy all the time.
Maybe her diet does include fruits and veg, but she only opts to take pictures of sweets
No. 234786
File: 1484434405777.jpg (1.05 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170114_174228.jpg)

I know there isn't much milk with Ol' Aly these days. However I couldn't help much notice lately that she's back to complaining about haters. Apparently under her last video and others she has gotten a "shit load of mean comments" yet hust like these two commenters.. I have honestly seen none. Like none. I don't lurk her as much, but the last few days I paid attention and saw nothing. Is this Aly's new thing. Pretending to be attacked again because she isnt getting as much traffic on her insta as she did when she was skelly? She freaked out the other day too because her mother skipped and fell and hit her head apparently and made it out like the end of the world for not even 24 hrs… Turns out her Her mother is fine and Aly is back to complaining about haters.
No. 235040
>>234786She's been reposting her "transformation" pics again and saying Insta have been deleting them for being too "scaring".
She's also complaining nobody cares to comment on her uploads, even though, as far as I know, she's never bothered to comment on anyone else's account herself.
No. 235584
>>235582Which part of the English is broken? It sounds fine to me.
The only thing I think you could possibly point out would be that writing "the fact
that Aly is becoming fat" would sound more correct and complete but there're plenty of fluent English speakers that make the same, if not worse, mistakes all the time.
No. 235630
>>235581I notice she deleted the transformation pic AGAIN…i mean INSTAGRAM deleted it.
Where are her friends? Where's news about what she's doing at uni? I thought that AT LEAST she'd be posting something other than donuts at this point.
The "mean comments" are definitely a cry for attention. I haven't seen any. If she's so desperate for support, why doesn't she join some anorexia support group therapy or something. The type of anas ig attracts aren't interested in recovery.
No. 235681
>>235040yep, aly is back to her old ways. She seriously seems to post her transformation pics nearly every day, always waxing poetic about how sick and scared she used to be and how she is a fighter living life now.
one new thing she started doing is short videos of her posing with food/taking a bite and saying something to the camera. They're kind of odd though, they always seem too long and awkward
No. 235807
File: 1484612043103.png (1.12 MB, 1039x521, Untitled.png)

>>235663I saw your comment! So giving her the truth of the matter is a "hating" comment.
Aly's gained, v good and all that, but her behaviour is still so fucked. These multiple shoots in different locations with the same item of food, smiling at it, and then putting it near her nose as if she's taken a bite. This is why I really don't believe she eats all this crap. 1)She would've gained a lot more by now 2)Wouldn't all this sugar make her ill??
Not one bite was taken that day.
No. 235808
File: 1484612072774.png (1.65 MB, 1291x521, Untitled2.png)

No. 237044
>>235663She blocked me aaages ago, I followed her for food inspiration and one day posted a picture of a greasy pizza and was going on about how deliciously oily it is, you know how she does.
All I said was how I don't like oily food and that it sounded yuck.
Like, excuse me for not liking shitty food.
No. 237106
>>235902She blocked me for asking if her gelato was the kind with milk or cream in it. (It obviously wasn't - most fruit-flavored and even dark chocolate gelati in Italy do not have milk or cream in them.)
That happened after I had commented helpfully and positively on other pictures for 5 months
No. 237129
>>237108SHE isn't deleting her posts, INSTAGRAM is deleting them. Ig thinks they're too scaring. Ig gets
I haven't looked today. Imagine my surprise if I find her posing with a Donnie and there're half a dozen pics of cutted up chocolate bars.
No. 237173
File: 1484845339263.png (1.42 MB, 1440x2461, 20170119_180000.png)

And yet she posted another 4 photos in the following 5 hours.
Aly if you don't feel like posting don't do it, just stop guilt tripping your followers.
No. 238312
File: 1485102990127.png (516.57 KB, 901x488, support plix.png)

Her neediness for attention is intensifying.
I like the comments calling her out for never replying to things they've asked her in the past.
While I'm here, can someone please explain what those pants are she's wearing. They're one of the most hideous garments I've ever seen in my entire life.
No. 238858
>>238312Thank you for posting this. I can't stand her constant need for attention.
Like, get a grip who insane bitch
No. 239160
>>238877Japanese porn laws.
But really, I'm sure it's just a mark made when they were adjusting the picture to edit it.
No. 243569
File: 1486047740072.png (126.07 KB, 475x701, wp_ss_20170202_0001.png)

Aly hasn't been getting enough asspats so she's been making up stories about receiving a "thousand" hater DMs in one night. Now she's told everyone she's giving up with recovery for attention.
No. 243575
>>243569Saw this coming. Why is this girl so attention starved that she's willing to relapse so her IG is more popular? There's more going on here than just an ED.
It's a shame, she was looking and doing so good.
No. 243660
File: 1486066018366.png (828.53 KB, 787x530, donutfun.png)

>>243599Remember when she said she was going to post more about who she was and her interests? All we got was a pic of a book and a half assed shot of a cathedral near aNHERO.
Her desperation is terrible. I sound a bitch, but I wish nobody would comment and not play into her mind games. Nope, she NEVER comments on anyone's photos.
I'm SICK of multiple shots of her holding the same damn food. Image related.
If I see another of her outside eatme&go wearing that brown sweater dress and staring at that fucking wrap and green gunk in a glass I'll go proper mental. There're SIX of those up there now and ONE video of it. Her mother's bonkers for doing it.
PS Thank you, darlings for all your wonderful comments. I had tears in my eyes. I must fight on. I am determinated.
No. 246110
File: 1486413515741.jpg (75.3 KB, 685x446, Capture.JPG)

Yes, Aly. I definitely see the words "mysogynist" and "insensitive" in those comments.
No. 246512
>>246100Well for the lulz I politely told her that it's "scary" she means not "scaring" cause it was getting on my twatting nerves. That was also deleted.
She doesn't get "hate" she's pathetic and now uses "haters" for more asspats.
FYI Ali, you are a know-it-all!
No. 249104
>>249056I hadn't picked up on the 13 posts a day. Remember when she was obsessive about keeping her pic count under 1000?
I wonder what other mental illness she has, because her behaviour is more than being eating disordered. She's said she's feeling persecuted because of all the "hater comments" (that never existed). She said she's going to START blocking people (hahaha). I like that her followers appear to be getting sick of her repetitive lies about "hater" comments and they've stopped telling her she's beautiful and to ignore them.
She's still banging on about what a twat her dad is for being responsible for her anorexia. Aly, if you hate him that much MOVE INTO YOUR OWN GODDAMN PLACE and out of HIS home.
No. 249128
>>249104It honestly takes everything in me to refrain from commenting on her posts and calling her on her bullshit, but I've already been blocked from my main account so I can't afford to risk my side account hahah
Regarding the dad part though, not everyone can afford to just get their own place especially since I don't think she's made much of her own income in the last few years with being sick and what not. That's the only thing I feel bad for.
No. 249230
>>249128A few weeks ago she said she won't leave because she has to look after her brother, as in protect him from Pa C.
Unless he's a massive ogre, sounds like she won't leave because Ma C's the only constant in her life and she's making excuses to stay.
No. 250406
File: 1486996218711.png (481.08 KB, 1440x2465, 20170213_152845.png)

So I guess I had my notifications for Aly turned on and I counted, she posted/reposted her newest "Last Recovery" post 4 times with same caption in span of ~5 minutes.
I noticed this before but why does she post-delete-post again thing with every single photo at least 2 times???
It sucks for people who try to comment and oh whoops, too bad the post is gone and your comment as well! But don't worry aly posted the exact same thing 2 minutes or less again later!
Also I am wondering if she will actually stick to not posting, but given the caption of said post I doubt it.
No. 250407
File: 1486996249711.png (502.41 KB, 1440x2464, 20170213_152901.png)

samefagging because I forgot to add the top part of the caption
No. 250500
File: 1487009702006.gif (809.34 KB, 450x254, sure jan.gif)

>>250497Pretty sure they meant 'Sure Jan'. Implying she's lying about getting lots of hate.
No. 250982
>>250479Also, a lot of her posts are one or two hours apart and she starts whining she isn't getting enough asspats. Like it's been a fucking hour Aly!
I don't know how I hold back but I don't want blocking. May make another sockpuppet and get it out of my system!
No. 250998
File: 1487086557478.png (333.08 KB, 480x335, wp_ss_20170214_0001.png)

So this is her break while she spends time with her "boy". Includes two pics of them holding fries and a close up of fries. Omg ppl you gave her almost no support this morning.
Please god don't let it be Ma C taking the pictures of the so in love couple clutching their greasy snacks.
No. 253242
File: 1487336433147.png (53.68 KB, 467x279, wp_ss_20170217_0001.png)

>>253241#worrior. And dropped pic. I'm too worried about her to function.
No. 253274
>>253242He must be seriously sick to death of her. Imagine having to put up with her bullshit day in and day out.
21 year old runs away from home for attention -eyeroll-
No. 253887
File: 1487436734126.jpg (29.39 KB, 329x309, oops.JPG)

I wondered why she deletes so many of her uploads. Looks like she reuploads them a couple of weeks later. Today, SATURDAY, she forgot to change which day of the week
Notice a new thing she's doing? She makes up an anorexic character and says she died or has relapsed. She then writes "THIS DONUT AND STARBUCKS FRAP IS FOR HER!"
she posted it last time.
Well, fuck me, while I was writing that she deleted the donut dedication.
No. 253889
File: 1487436923149.jpg (13.99 KB, 290x66, oops2.JPG)

Someone else noticed. Insensitive cow.
No. 254383
File: 1487529293790.png (1.31 MB, 1080x1544, Screenshot_20170219-183241~2.p…)

>gaiz stop caring more about pancakes than you care about my super cereal dramatic terrible life that i'm now totally coping with :((
No. 254660
seriously though, people with AN in recovery focus so much on food. part of recovery is NOT focusing on food, not thinking so much about it. like, do you think that posting your every high cal snack on ig is healthy? i don't think so.
>>250998this looks like ig of someone with binge eating disorder. i hope she recovers, i truly do, but this is just so, so saddening.
No. 256051
File: 1487792021701.png (1.78 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170222-203138.png)

Even if the picture is kinda creepy, I'm glad to see she actually looks gealthy compared to other pictures
No. 256052
File: 1487792056507.png (690.61 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170222-203143.png)

Also *healthy
No. 256133
File: 1487801808797.png (614.32 KB, 1350x583, attention plz.png)

>>256052She looks better physically, but her mental health is another matter.
No. 256140
>>256051I'm glad she's putting on the weight and I imagine this was probably a difficult photo for her to take and post.
But then I see
>>256133 and she just can't seem to get over the attention seeking behavior. That just goes beyond needing positive affirmations.
No. 256494
File: 1487850514630.png (241.85 KB, 462x466, wp_ss_20170223_0001.png)

>>256188She posted food because she's finding it difficult not to - ie there's nothing else in her life.
No. 256879
>>256497To recover from an E.D mentally you really should stop being as obsessed with food, and your identity shouldn't be your E.D. This means removing yourself from anorexic communities, in the same way a recovering/recovered drug addict wouldn't hang round their old junkie friends.
Instagram quite clearly is her life
No. 256977
File: 1487941138017.jpg (75.75 KB, 307x377, aly.jpg)

So, will she only post 8 photos a day for a couple of days before going back to her usual 13? Seems like no matter what she says, she has no "Life" outside Instagram.
No. 257000
File: 1487945395169.png (499.92 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-02-18-11-27-08…)

Fucking Christ Aly which is it? More personal posts or no more of them?
No. 257144
File: 1487968542689.png (45.41 KB, 478x735, wp_ss_20170224_0002.png)

Barely any attention today? Threaten Sudoku.
>>257101Agreed. That's no way under 18.
No. 257170
File: 1487972107480.png (72.86 KB, 480x361, wp_ss_20170224_0004.png)

>>257144Don't worry guys, she's safe and pigging out on chocolate. Phew.
No. 259780
>>257010I actually do believe that she is at a BMI of 16.6
I mean, it could be possible and she just has become skinny fat.
No. 261393
File: 1488389812773.jpg (44.84 KB, 288x406, playing dead on the floor.JPG)

>>259780Aly's having a meltdown. She's deleting almost everything she posts, says she's cutting her arm with a knife, feels suicidal and hates her weight gain. Now she's playing dead on the floor at work.
She said her therapist won't offer her anti depressants and I can't think why not. She should've been put on them years ago.
Idk how much of her ig behaviour is attention seeking from her followers, or she's being a drama queen, but there's something wrong and I feel she's about to relapse or attempt Sudoku.
Her boyfriend probably has to listen to all this. If he leaves it'll tip her over the edge.
It pisses me off how she calls people "weak" for harming or taking anti deps. It also pisses me off that she's only been ill for a few years and tells everyone to "kick it in the butt" when it doesn't work like that…and she knows it.
No. 261434
>>261393Holy mother of mindfuck. Playing dead at work, seriously? Okay
Alice. I'm sick of her third person talking too. She is so screwed up. She is definitely seeking attention; she has made that patently obvious in her recent "no attention baaaawwww" posts but I agree things are escalating. She can't take not being ~*super sick ana desu*~ and wants people to fawn over her like before. Sick and sad.
No. 261486
File: 1488397141152.jpg (28.98 KB, 285x266, 2.JPG)

>>261471I think so. It's odd how flippant she is about she now "self harms" because she took a knife to her arm twice during a hissy fit no doubt.
She's still bleating on about being reported and her pics deleted.
9 mins ago on a "transformation" pic she's posted 100 times before
>aly_recoverylife~ As I explained in the back post (if you might have a look ?) I've been reported again early because of "too hard text" (!)? and the picture I shared this morning (right one ▶️) Well, I share it again LIKE THAT❗️I know she's anorexic and recovering, but no way can all that crap she eats be healthy. Where are the nutrients in donuts and chocolate ffs.
No. 262075
>>261487And its THIGHS not TIGHTS!!!
Inbred euro banned me for the correction
No. 262162
>>261471She's deleting the pics herself.
And ofc she is self harming. Bitch has "bloated" and needs attention.
I once felt bad for her. But she is such a narssisistic cunt, who cares FA about anyone but herself. She gives no fucks about her followers… only cares about Aly asspats!
No. 270164
File: 1489598743736.png (516.36 KB, 1252x1444, IMG_4217.PNG)

No. 270828
File: 1489688188656.png (318.85 KB, 1125x1378, IMG_3976.PNG)

looks like there's a bird nest growing out the side of her head.
No. 275064
File: 1490196851486.jpg (1.33 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170322_113004.jpg)

Just a sampling of Aly's new way of obtaining asspats and comments. Every day for the last few weeks Aly has apparently been called fat and a bad example, etc by more "haterz" but I constantly scroll past her 8-12 posts a day and never see these kinds of comments. It's sad because if I really think about it, It's just Aly projecting onto.. Herself. She's clearly gained weight and it's obviously causing her alot of mental grief. She needs to stop using IG to fuel her sick need for attemtion amd validation.
No. 275117
File: 1490203652599.jpg (23.41 KB, 228x470, at the trough.jpg)

>>275064I like someone else is still taking note of Aly.
I'm sick of her:
- I'm going to post less!!!1
- Instagram delete my pictures!!!1 (Too scaring)
- Haters calling me fat!!!1
- Fucking "transformation" pictures
- Let go of your demons!!!1 (while not letting go of her own)
- "donnies"
- "when you feel downie" (does she know that's shorthand for down syndrome?)
- "insicure"
- ily all into pieces!!!1
All so people will tell her she's needed and beautiful.
I think there's something really unattractive about how she turned out. Probably crap eye make up application, but her whole eye area looks like it was unfinished developing in the womb.
She's also got to be a healthy BMI now. She doesn't look underweight at all. Saying that, I don't believe she eats all she posts which is double shitty seeing how she's having to stop therapy because her parents can't afford it but daily she spends a bomb on sickly sweet diabetes inducing crap.
She's a hideous person. Don't want to jinx her recovery (I'm not that much of a bitch) but she's going to relapse. She's fucking unhinged.
No. 275124
File: 1490204527487.jpeg (659.85 KB, 1440x1872, Capture _2017-03-22-13-37-46-0…)

So apparently she isn't going to be posting at all tomorrow guys… Yeah.. We shall see about that. Gosh this girl is sad.
No. 275150
File: 1490207559809.jpg (105.61 KB, 791x552, Capture.JPG)

Ye4s, Aly, we think that your comment about not posting tomorrow is hilariously ridiculous too.
She keeps posting the same pic of a Lindt choc bunny with the gold ripped off the ears. Bet it's the same one she used last year.
Okay, so we had 100 pics of her in the thermal bath, so I expect similar in her bathing costume (oh god).
No. 275152
>>275150PS I like that wolf thing. Is it a cushion?
I just noticed her mum's almost finished her cake and Aly hasn't even started hers. She's just…lickin the end of a straw???
No. 275182
>>275171She isn't on meds. Last week/week before (?) was a drama about falling out with Ma because Aly wants to start anti deps but Ma doesn't want her to.
I honestly think psychologically she's in a worse condition than when she was spoopy and just lying about eating when she wasn't.
She's now full blown batshit.
No. 275599
>>275182 is right, she is full blown batshit now. She has never been this fucked up before.
No. 275747
>>275182>>275683Her parents (at the very least her mother) enable her behavior. It reminds me of that 600 lb life show where there's a spouse or parent that ends up sabotaging the fatty because they don't want to feel unneeded or want to lose them. Aly's mother seems to be in a similar situation except with a an ana.
>>275739I feel like when she says teach she means she was paid to tutor some kids.
No. 275808
File: 1490285308116.png (2.29 MB, 935x1804, alyyulyin.png)

>>275742She's posted 3 times in the past 5 hours.
No. 275986
File: 1490302859470.jpg (448.91 KB, 1241x1487, IMG_9358.JPG)

This is a break? How many posts today? 7?8?
No. 275990
>>275986I was about to post this as well. I'm honestly that NO ONE has called her on it. She has posted close to the same amount today as any other day.
Hot tip Aly: thats not a "break"
No. 276205
File: 1490322455410.jpg (18.85 KB, 397x662, crazy aly.jpg)

>>276012It'd take hours scrolling through her crap to find her last check up post. It seems to have been longer than 6 weeks ago though.
Still complaining about lack of "support"
> Idk how many cares about this personal stuff after the almost no support under the last post That crappy weak colour she put on her hair which was supposed to symbolise a new Alice has washed out quickly.
All she's done today is talk about not being a number, about not caring about being fat (no anorexic thoughts but she thinks she's fat?), convincing everyone swimming isn't to burn calories (didn't even think that), then more about not being a number and being fat.
No, she's not fat but she really needs to cut down on the sugar she eats or she'll be obese in a few years or diabetic or something (if she doesn't relapse).
Nice to see she's been at aNhero! Still hold out for Dante.
No. 278599
File: 1490647880616.jpeg (713.28 KB, 1438x2092, Capture _2017-03-27-16-45-17-0…)

Even after following Aly for all this time she still writes things I cannot understand or honestly believe. This is one. Something happened today, something about a man tried to 'arm' Aly in the street.. Did she mean harm? If not what was she referring to? No one on this post asked what happened either. She is also apparently not going to be posting tomorrow because her boyfriend is visiting. Which means she'll be posting just as much today or last week when she wasn't going to be "present" on ig as well.
No. 279134
>>278610 said, I don't think negative comments are the reason. She deletes comments that aren't asspats. One post she began UNDER PRESSURE and someone commented "David Bowie <3", and, presumably because the comment wasn't about how beautiful or inspirational Aly was, she deleted it.
I don't think she deletes because she's self conscious though. Why delete one pic when she looks the same in the rest she posts that day?
>>278599Thanks for posting that. I missed the drama before she deleted. Yep, I don't believe this happened, just like I don't believe one of her followers spoke to her in Milan. Perhaps something pretty innocuous happened as it does in cities. I've been groped and approached by perverts and it's offensive, but it shows she's not so life savvy if she makes a massive deal of it on instagram.
I found this woman on insta's a recovering anorexic and was damned spoopy at her worst. Her body is now enviable through diet and exercise. The way Aly quaffs all that junk food, she's going to be a blob. She's really not helping herself. I remember people talking about Minnie Maud. Idk much about it except it seems to be along the lines of stuffing your face with high fat, high sugar, high calorie rubbish. Aly (tries) to cook, so you think she'd be more aware of nutrition. In the long run, it seems like she's going to do her body and mind damage.
No. 279138
File: 1490691123657.jpg (70.81 KB, 393x591, bin the brown top.JPG)

(PS I wish she'd wear a fucking skirt under tunic sweaters). Let's see how many kissing here "boy" pics she posts today.
No. 280770
File: 1490890748612.jpg (386.26 KB, 1360x554, WE ALL MAKE MISTEAKS (like lea…)

I made you all a motivational poster. Print it out, laminate it and stick it on your wall.
You'll never be alone, worriers.
No. 280807
File: 1490894372840.png (3.4 MB, 1440x2392, Capture _2017-03-30-13-15-47.p…)

So Aly is really obessing over the fact that people comment more on her food pics then when she poor her broken english heart out. These are from her ig story.
No. 280808
File: 1490894457166.png (2.43 MB, 1440x2392, Capture _2017-03-30-13-15-56.p…)

This came right after the "dumb"glasses shot. There is now 9 comments on that pic instead of 3… You got what you wanted Aly. I hope it makes you.. "Happy"
No. 280872
>>280807When did she post the spex picture because it's gone now.
I wanted to do an inspirational romance poster but she's deleted some of the ones where she's slobbering over her boy.
Is this Aly being sarcastic or delusional
> I've been SO GLAD to be back with you ?? (was it noticeable? ??) I can't tell with her.
Oh, and if I see one more #transformationpic of her spoopy on that kids horse thing…I SWEAR TO GOD…
No. 280880
File: 1490899134490.jpg (72.45 KB, 587x592, fack off.JPG)

>>280872This one in case you don't know what I mean. Her face looks odd in the recent picture. I can't put my finger on what's wrong.
Her boyfriend needs to lose the facial hair. It looks dreadful.
No. 282741
File: 1491157224508.jpeg (630.83 KB, 1440x2148, Capture _2017-04-02-13-58-47-0…)

Aly's been having yet another fit in her story and on her feed. I didnt see these comments about her "odd poses" did anyone else?
No. 282781
File: 1491164132660.jpg (19.08 KB, 289x123, f.JPG)

>>282741I think she's heavily edited the post after complaining about being "ignored". People are ass patting and talking about "haters".
>>282753She says what she thinks of herself. She must send herself DMs. Anything she complains people take the piss out of her for is what she hates about herself.
Let's all relax and blow soap bubbles.
No. 282785
File: 1491164429232.jpg (776.73 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170402_161711.jpg)

Deleted comments from todays "everyone ignores me, im gunna close my account" posts. An hour after posting her long rant about how people apparently only focus on her "poses" she posts about how she doesnt care and is going out tonight and is keeping her account (of course. Why do people keep applauding her? Do they not see how fucked up she is…?
No. 282788
>>282785Love the justan0therdr0ne comment, hah.
I'm not sure who the ones are that keep commenting. I've noticed the same names. Maybe they only just found her a few weeks ago? Maybe they feel sorry for her? They might be too mental to realise she's a prick?
Whatever, her face is increasingly punchable, and I'm not a violent person (usually).
No. 283163
File: 1491221239234.jpeg (718.93 KB, 1440x2054, Capture _2017-04-03-08-01-16-0…)

>>282788So apparently that comment about likes was "yelling" at her… More proof Aly is exaggerating everything. Also shes hardly had any comments on her posts this morning and it's clearly getting to her.
No. 283293
File: 1491235302235.png (392.07 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170403-175820.png)

No. 283294
File: 1491235356241.png (350.82 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170403-175915.png)

No. 283296
File: 1491235488598.png (396.8 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170403-180007.png)

I think the comments are amazingly fitting and well put, it's been 3 hours and it's still not deleted, maybe because she couldn't just delete it and block her as there is no reason.
No. 283310
>>283296Thing is though, even though this nails Aly's problem, it won't change a thing.
It's interesting that she said she became ill because she had high cholesterol (thought it was her dad's fault). Makes sense if what she's eating now is what she ate before.
Nobody cares about her now she's not posting thinspo.
No. 283330
File: 1491240200430.jpeg (158.49 KB, 1440x597, Capture _2017-04-03-13-03-39-0…)

Another, more blunt, but honest comment. She needs more of these.
No. 283341
File: 1491242032609.jpg (14.82 KB, 298x85, advise from alylol.JPG)

Oh yeah, did you see who asked Aly for help? (Pic related). It's the one from the ana threads who constantly posts pics of her legs/baggy knickers asking if she looks fat.
She's been posting a lot of food recently, so maybe she really is trying this time, but did she HAVE to post this ass shot. Jesus.>>283330OT I like that pic of Amy Winehous btw. Haven't seen it before.
No. 283373
people like you who make threads like this are the reason pretty girls like her starve theirselves, please grow up and stop taking your 60 year old micropenis man insecurities out on a pretty young girl

No. 283378
File: 1491245645783.jpg (10.57 KB, 355x236, yo.jpg)

>>283373people like you do not belong on this site also please learn punctuation full stops caps etc ily into pieces
No. 283557
File: 1491257154021.jpg (28.88 KB, 261x266, it was crack after all.JPG)

>>283488That kid also has a very black and white idea of the causes of eating disorders.
Anyway, this made me laugh. I've never seen anyone confuse ED recovery with drug recovery. Wonder if she comments on how haters are spreading disinformation.
No. 284100
File: 1491301815492.jpg (64.04 KB, 603x440, conditioner.JPG)

Lol. Yeah, right.
No. 284279
File: 1491335990388.jpeg (718.9 KB, 1440x2185, Capture _2017-04-04-15-56-33-0…)

More whining on her story because she only got two comments on the last post she made.
No. 285531
File: 1491479803411.jpg (66.43 KB, 706x399, donnie sex.JPG)

Nice pic of her boyfriend fisting a plushie donut while Aly complains about being ignored again. THis caption:
>I CAN'T STAND girls who define themselves because of the man by their side:
The point is that he's not "my oxygen", he's the person WITH WHOME I want to breathe ?? The point is that I can't stand their idea cause only when you really know what to survive on your own means, you can CHOOSE with whome you want to live.
Sounds like she's describing herself in that first sentence.
Sage because usual Aly crap.
No. 286193
File: 1491585339769.png (389.99 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170407-191218.png)

She already deleted this post.
She seems more emotionally unstable than usual atm
No. 286213
File: 1491586889051.jpeg (294.99 KB, 1439x1630, Capture _2017-04-07-13-35-29-0…)

This just came up on her story. I'm convinced that these things she says people are apparently saying are almost always HER illness driven thoughts about her and not others. The odd time theres a random comment I have seen, but nothing like what she's describing. I think she's lying for more attention since ger popularity has dropped now that she looks fairly recovered. I smell a relapse soon.
No. 286290
File: 1491594845774.jpg (123.25 KB, 930x599, Capture.JPG)

>>286213Her wording makes it obvious relapse is imminent in all her captions. She looks slim now but keeps banging on about her puffy cheeks and "fat" legs and stomach.
She's never posted anything like this before, but as she's had over 100 asspats for it, expect more.
No. 287813
File: 1491769349763.jpeg (345.58 KB, 1439x2054, Capture _2017-04-09-16-12-00-0…)

This was only up just now for about ten mins, but every single day it's something now. Haters apparently calling her fat etc, being grabbed in the street or something, fights with her family… Girl's train wreck whether she's recovering or not.
No. 288553
>>287805>lolcow should be less harshLol.
>>287813She's saying she found fake accounts. I say she's bullshining. You know how people were saying her spoopy pics are
triggering? I would've thought the fact that EVERY. FUCING. CAPTION. mentions that she's got fat thighs, a big stomach, etc would be more
triggering. I don't believe she's only BMI 17. Christ, I wish they'd deal with her mental problems. She's a fucking fantasist.
No. 288611
>>288583Recovery or relapse is her choice and we aren't responsible for it lmao
Like seriously, do I have to sencor my thoughts about someone because they might read it and might feel upset? Get real. (I don't condone telling her she's fat on her ig though, that's rude)
side note: posting pics of food and your body for attn isn't recovery, sooo
No. 288738
>>288583No one her called her fat except OP.
>>288611Agree with this. She's "recovered" her body weight, but her mind is totally fucked. That's why she's still comment-worthy because her mind is totally fucked. If I was a recovering anorexic, there's no way I'd want to read about how she's fat (her words) and see her picture of a NORMAL looking person and think OH GOD THAT'S FAT.
Her friends or family should tell her how fucked she is. Her fucking mother should stop enabling her ig activities by taking multiple shots of her posing with a donut.
No. 289233
>>288611exactly, she's not recovered just bc she's a healthy weight now. good for her etc etc i'm sure the gain was "scaring" but her entire fucking life still revolves around food, her appearance and getting validation from strangers. she still doesn't have any sense of self aside from the ED.
tbh i agree with everybody who thinks she will relapse soon. she clearly isn't working on her mental health at all, and she seems to be getting worse psychologically altho maybe it's just showing more since she's not underweight anymore and is just more desperate to get attention from her followers in any way she can, idk. she has basically reached the end point of an instagram ED narrative. she was visibly sick, and she gained the weight back (over the LONGEST fucking timeline ever). she's been healthy looking for awhile now and people are losing interest. at this point she should really just step away but she obviously isn't going to and it really feels like her extreme need for social media attention combined with her lack of mental recovery combined with her discomfort with her body are going to = relapse within the next few months.
(side note i still find her face SO FUCKING WEIRD these days. it looks nothing like she looked before the ED.)
No. 289422
File: 1491947238589.jpeg (619.57 KB, 1418x2204, Capture _2017-04-11-17-40-14-0…)

Same shit, different day eh Aly? I agree with
>>289233 she will relapse simply out the fact that she's less "interesting" now that she's looking better. I wonder how long she'll complain about the lack of interest before she either loses it or relapses. Bets farmers?
No. 289860
File: 1492011072878.png (1.11 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

Begging for "support" from followers again. I don't get how so many of them are still kissing her ass.
No. 289885
>>289233>>289536These are the two sides of the same thing IMO. She posts all the before/afters simply because she has noticed that's what gets her attention, also it feels as though she misses her old body even though she always carries on about how much she is glad it's gone.
Especially obvious when you think about how back a year or two ago she was not posting body pics very often or BMI when she was pretending to recover but wasn't. She always gave reasons for not posting those things and now she is splashing it all over since the attention is waning.
No. 289887
File: 1492013970447.png (616.26 KB, 471x596, photobomb.png)

pic is 2 wks old but lol @ the guy behind her. his smile makes hers look 1000x more fake. hope he and dante are friends irl
No. 290163
File: 1492040413914.jpg (30.87 KB, 325x311, lel.JPG)

>>289860I missed that. That's her with the cig, right? For the love of all that is holy, learn to apply lipstick. Dear god.
I'm going to say and I'll probably get a bollocking for it, but at times her face does look better when she was fakerecovering. It's not even a weight thing because she should look better now, but she's really grown badly into her new face.
Her hair definitely looked better than the birds nest it is now.
51k followers, 9 comments. Ha.
No. 290194
File: 1492042053867.jpeg (584 KB, 1440x2162, Capture _2017-04-12-16-24-27-0…)

Okay I dont speak Italian, but I did see the other English comment mentioning that her cheeks look strange and unhealthy. I honestly agree, but this story snap madee realize just had badly Aly is reaching for haters. Like she uses certain hastags and they attract ad like accounts and this one a fitness one promoting it's page. However shes turned it into a way to say shes being hated on or told to lose weight.. Like how thirsty are you Aly. Delete the ad and move on. Hundreds of account with receive the same message, but only Aly can trun it into a negitive against her.
No. 290209
>>290163Well she's wearing awful heavy makeup, has turned her hair into a giant matted pile of crap in an attempt to make it look full and healthy, and likely has some bloating due to chugging down salt and refined carbohydrates every day instead of focusing more on actual food
I think if she just got over taking photos for social media every day which skews her idea of how she thinks she has to look, it would end up solving most of those problems and her face would look far nicer
No. 290342
File: 1492053536064.png (2.48 MB, 1271x1537, come back dante.png)

>>290308Are you new to #realrecovery?
Dante once tried to enjoy his beer as Aly took 79 photos of a salad she wasn't about to eat. He became a farmer icon.
No. 290499
>>290163agree about her face. I've spent to much time trying to figure out why it looks so odd now when she was pretty before the anorexia and even looked decent face wise when she was skel. Even then she had an even skin tone and looked put-together in her hair and makeup.
Now her skin looks sallow and uneven (maybe she used to tan and now doesn't)? and her makeup application is getting worse. The face bloating doesn't look at ALL like normal weight gain or even bulimia cheeks. More like a constant hangover or she's been crying all night and then took a pic in the morning?
Bloating is common in weight restoration but she gained REALLY slow and has been at a constant weight for months now so it makes no sense.
This is what I lie awake at night contemplating tbh
No. 290506
>>290485At least one fanfic, maybe more.
Dante fever was brief but intense.
No. 290527
>>290525I loved that fanfic, but I still prefer my Dante alone time to involve him being a priest.
I wonder if Aly sees a nutritionist. I'm sick of her flat stomach shaming, saying "it isn't human". When you're not with an ED, a flat stomach means you eat sensibly. I'm not surprised she had a high cholesterol. How does she even shit with such lack of fibre?
I'm not a nutritionist, but I'd think at her stage she should cut down on all that chocolate, donuts and pizza and eat something nutritious. Her whole body looks like she has water retention. Yep, it's fine and normal to eat a donut but she must feel like shit.
First of all though, she needs to bin that awful brown top.
No. 290532
File: 1492102272311.png (564.27 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

This bitch. Her spelling of "mistakes" drives me crazy. She constantly preaches about how she's so "normal" when there's nothing normal about posting to insta 13 times a day. We're on post number 9 so far today.
No. 290533
File: 1492102513021.png (995.86 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

samefag, more attention-whoring.
No. 290553
>>290534I remember on those really old pics of her before she was ill (would've been 15 or 16?) she had a full face, so maybe you're right. We don't really have any other "before" shot to compare it to.
I wonder if she's buying followers or exactly who'd want to follow her? Yup, last post -
>FUK OFF HATERS who tried to destroy this post as well. Last time I repost it. So tired of their sht.Fuck off yerself, Aly. It's getting tired.
>>290532She doesn't want to be misteakan though. The Alyism that gets on my tits most atm is "Breaked the fast".
No. 290559
>>290527She's also always bashing exercise, healthy food, and anyone who "wants to be pretty" or however she hacks up that phrase. This type o shit is pretty typical in the #edworrier world but it's still annoying af and reeks of insecurity. If you're really "so in love with your fat" and "doing this for THE REAL ALICE" you wouldn't be wasting the mental energy let alone the instagram time to attack anyone who has different priorities than you.
Newsflash, not everyone who eats veg from time to time is anorexic. WHAT
No. 290561
>>290532>>290533god this is seriously embarrassing
like does she really think this blatant desperation is going to make people want to follow her??
she was never aspirational to many but these days she is aspirational to literally no one
No. 290576
>not everyone who eats veg from time to time is anorexic. WHATShe's got no concept of what a "normal" diet is. I/others don't eat much junk food because I don't like sweet things too much or oily crap. I suppose she must think we're anorexic because I don't want ice cream "as big as her head".
As for exercise, I'm/others are too lazy for that but I kind of envy someone with discipline who does it for general health. I suppose because they want a healthy heart and stamina they must be anorexic.
I don't know what the "swimsuit challenge" is, but it shows she's taking notice of anything that's connected to diet and food.
She's knocking anyone down who can be slim in a healthy way. Judgemental bitch should post on lolcow ha.
No. 291603
File: 1492192303412.jpg (67.73 KB, 927x604, deja vu.JPG)

Here we go again. I wonder if she's "run away from home"? So hungry for asspats.
No. 291625
File: 1492197646961.jpg (36.48 KB, 929x593, absurd.JPG)

>>291610She took it down about 10 mins after I posed it, but she's replaced it with this.
The comments on her last black screen were supportive.
No. 291714
>>291625Every time she begs for support, it's more annoying, because she supports NO ONE else. She begs for comments from people she doesn't follow and won't reply to. Back when she used to get tons of comments, she would delete SO MANY arbitrary shit, and not respond to people who were begging HER for support. Sometimes she even blocked people them because she didn't like the way they phrased something.
Wonder if she remembers those people now.
No. 291719
File: 1492206268049.png (672.09 KB, 799x598, dove_e_dante.png)

petty af but this caption seems so stupid. "idk how it works in other countries" yeah haven't you heard, people ONLY die of anorexia in italy. sucks 2 be u~
(also yeah seems like treatment there does suck if hers is any indication, but having someone say "it's gonna be okay" has cured exactly no one)
No. 291754
File: 1492209058363.jpeg (596.88 KB, 1440x2064, Capture _2017-04-14-18-16-56-0…)

More spazzing about comments.
No. 291756
File: 1492209111379.jpeg (468.23 KB, 1436x1752, Capture _2017-04-14-18-19-14-0…)

Samefagging but this is a comment from her most recent rant. She really is full of herself honestly.
No. 291760
>>291719I want to do a drive by scissor attack. Her hair (ends) are
triggering me!!
No. 291803
>>291719There's no doubt she was spoopy, but she really exaggerates what she's been through. There are people who've been spoopy for years and years and never manage to get to grips with recovering. She talks about how she was IP on a drip feed. Lol, she was on a medical ward for two days having some electrolyte thingy put in her.
Now she wants everyone to drop everything and tell her she's amazing because she managed to gain weight.
True about her never helping others. I think she thinks her presence is a gift to us all. She follows very few people who she doesn't even comment on.
It's like she's swapped one ED for another, but idk about which one.
Remember how we used to do Aly Bingo? We could do the same thing now with different things to check off every day:
- misteaken
- black screen
- ask for your support
- got no support
- pic of donut and frap
- pic of her with chips
- how she's a phoenix rising from the flames
- how slim people are slim because society demands it
- how she's "pretty in love" with a photo shoot
- wobbly stomach
- fat thighs
- puffy face
- pic of chocoloate
- I'll explain things soon
- "crazy face"
and on and on day after day. Does she never sit down and have to write essays for uni?
No. 292071
File: 1492269259144.jpg (32.51 KB, 335x321, donut check.JPG)

>Not gonna lie: my head is a mess.
And so is your hair, Aly. She's done "something mad", ie used one of those cheap red wash in wash out dyes again.
If we were playing Aly Bingo above, I think she's covered at least half of it already
No. 292158
>>291803I think it's been about three years total since she developed the ED? Maybe 3.5 based on her alice_eleanor blog, which was normal non-ED for the first half of 2013? And she's been at least trying/pretending to recover for most of that time.
She is naturally slim and was never more than a 19 BMI. She went from like 19 set point to 12 (dipping lower but that was where she was hanging out), so even though that's obv shit, it's not necessarily any harder/worse than someone who's body naturally rests at 24 getting down to 17.
Add to the bingo list:
-Aly flipping over spam from a fitness blog and pretending it's a personal attack
-referring to herself in 3rd person
-3 or more pics in the exact same location and outfit with the same food
-deletes and reposts the same picture more than once
No. 292166
>>292158It pisses me off that never once did she admit to lying about recovering when she was pretending to eat. She only really noticeable started gaining after she hurt her leg, sorry DESTROYED it. Idk if that made her think about life and death or w/e, but for so long she was flat out lying.
We need to do this bingo. Oh, and I notice she keeps giving a shout out thank you to some fitness recovery guru. Probably hopes it'll get her more followers.
>>292161Under that dye she's got on her nest now is a lot of bleaching. She probably didn't take care of it properly. I'd cut the bottom half off and start again because it's going to look eternally wrecked. I don't think there's a miracle product that could revive the straw.
No. 292167
>>292166Want to add that I hate how her feed is 1 pic Aly, 1 pic food, 1 pic Aly, 1 pic food, etc.
I don't think there's anything about her that doesn't piss me off.
No. 292222
File: 1492285750781.jpg (106.39 KB, 793x588, hilarious.JPG)

She's so funny. I wish she was my friend. I'd love to be there with Aly and her mum playing with donuts.
The OCD thing is a self diagnosis. I'm not sure what she thinks is OCD behaviour. She just seems to be a person who has a limited range of things to do so repeats them.
No. 292248
Just got finished reading this entire thread after posting
>>223394months ago.
Called it. She's realised no one cares about her when she's not sick, she doesn't know who she is or what value she has outside of her disorder. Without it, she has no identity.
No. 292472
>>292276I'm not even OCD and hate tumblrisms about OCD ISNT BLAH BLAH, but it does piss me off when people say it. Saying that maybe I've only ever seen germophobes, clutterphobes and those who have to keep rearranging things and switching lights off and on. I think we all have a tiny bit of that behaviour going on.
I wish she'd concentrate more on making her hair and cosmetics perfect. And sort out her hideous taste in clothes and accessories while she's at it.
I'm really surprised she doesn't blog. Are insta and facebook the only social media things she does? For an attention whore she's not too good at getting herself noticed on the
http://www No. 293042
File: 1492418504225.png (1.5 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170417-104000.png)

Don't know how many times she posted a progress picture with the fucking left one
No. 293066
>>293042I wish she would post a picture at her current body weight with hair done by a stylist like in the first picture. She could look pretty and… less crazy, maybe. The hair is just too distracting in these kinds of comparisons.
>>293046top kek
No. 293227
>>293042I feel bad, I think she's trying to convince herself she's happy with how she looks, but she can't stop thinking about how thin she used to be.
I've been there.
No. 293598
>>293257She goes to uni. Even though she's got that going on all her posts are about her weight. She ends the day with a #transformation picture. It can't be doing her any good comparing that spoopy body to the one she has now. I'm not surprised she thinks she's fat.
Predicting a week of her feeling guilty about what she's eaten this weekend, then in the same caption saying she doesn't feel guil
No. 293924
>>293042holy shit this picture would make me actively NOT want to recover if i were an #edworrier. obvioulsy she's too thin in the first pic, but in the second she looks literally insane, poorly styled, and somehow manages to look less healthy than when she was thin?
how is it possible to get SO much worse at presentation?? literally do not understand
No. 293928
File: 1492525326106.png (76.47 KB, 936x599, notsobrighten.png)

And already another "gonna delete" black post. How tf does she expect anyone to believe all her "I'm so happy" bullshit if she posts things like this every two days?
(And is there ANYONE on earth who actually believes she'll delete for real?)
No. 293998
File: 1492537008919.png (91.11 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Jesus Christ, again???
No. 294023
File: 1492540570544.jpeg (504.35 KB, 1440x2063, Capture _2017-04-18-14-28-02-0…)

So she posted this photo about 4 days ago (there's a comment under the pic mentioning this) and i thought I'd seen these nasty old looking bites earlier this week. Falling into old ways again hm Aly?
No. 294024
File: 1492540633248.jpeg (493.7 KB, 1438x1923, Capture _2017-04-18-14-31-47-0…)

>>294023The Comments under this post are giving me life. Finally She's being called out hard. But knowing Aly she'll use this for more asspats.
No. 294094
File: 1492546518814.png (93.86 KB, 750x1111, IMG_5003.PNG)

No. 294102
File: 1492547041240.jpg (73.73 KB, 471x336, attentionnho.jpg)

>>294024Her black screen lasted 23 minutes, until this comment was posted. Then she came back feeling better.
>>294094Oh, that'll definitely happen.
No. 294158
File: 1492551666225.jpg (17.66 KB, 297x95, Capture.JPG)

>>294156>Not gonna post pics of my for a while o rly?
Waiting for the progress pic.
No. 294170
>>294023did anyone see the comment where she was "called a fake bulimic"? she mentioned this in like 5 posts today and i'm really wondering about the context.
also THREE black/X posts in one day??? that might be a record. i don't follow her, but has she put anything on her story?
No. 294179
File: 1492555347734.png (707.3 KB, 737x374, eyyyelmao.png)

What is going on with her eyes? Lately unless she's doing the bug eyed crazy look her eyes are so swollen they're almost disappearing. She never looked like this pre-ED and it doesn't look normal.
No. 294187
File: 1492556532076.jpeg (167.42 KB, 640x1069, image.jpeg)

Anddd she's back. Found this gem in the comments, no doubt it won't be there for long/she'll make another post about "haters" making her feel oh so "misteaken"
No. 294557
File: 1492615494807.png (780.92 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

She's posted about 5 times today. Someone commented on the length of her 'break' and she responded on her story with 'haters have no life and don't understand the meaning of "break"'. No fucking clue what that means. Also, what the fuck is up with her face on her most recent story?
No. 294567
>>294557It looks like she started smoking pot, which would explain the delusions and junk food.
Imo, her smile looks adorable here.
No. 294599
>>294591I'm a stoner too anon, and as much as I like to defend the 'erb it is really, really bad for some people's mental health. Just because you haven't personally seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen, but it can absolutely cause paranoia and anxiety in some users.
This is where the whole
>weed causes schizophrenia! thing comes from. People who are not mentally healthy and who use the wrong kind of weed, which is impossible to know if you're in a country where it's illegal, have underlying issues exacerbated by their pot use. The paranoia especially is very similar to what schizophrenic people experience; they're at the centre of a grandiose conspiracy and everyone is talking about them behind their back.
Ally is pretty paranoid and delusional about what people are saying about her on instagram, she thinks people are targeting her and saying nasty things about her. Her behaviour is obsessive and erratic, she seems to have a compulsion about patterns and numbers - some anon pointed out she always makes the same number of posts a day.
She is the last person you'd want to try weed. Honestly if she's been using for a while it totally explains some of the stuff I thought was just outright lies.
No. 294606
>>294599thank you for the explanation anon. of course my claim is based on the mellow and not very potent weed found where i live. but it's not unreasonable to think that more potent and stimulating strains found elsewhere (especially europe)can
trigger erratic behaviours in more disordered people.
sage for off topic.
No. 294622
File: 1492621177590.jpg (17.53 KB, 229x303, ew.JPG)

>>294599I haven't touched weed for a long, long time after my first ever paranoia thing. It
triggered something that gave me regular anxiety attacks that led to agoraphobia and all kinds of shit.
Yeah, she has a persecution complex and that one time when friends were walking me around the block for fresh air I thought they were talking to each other about murdering me and dumping me in an alley.
ENOUGH OF BLOG POST I KNOW, I KNOW, but she's either smoking weed or she's legit got a mental illness that involves paranoia.
WTF is this on her latest?
>ven the most classy ladies get their fingers dirty while truely enjoying.WHUT?
Can any anorexic here explain how someone who's apparently too embarrassed by her weight gain to post "personal" shoots (for, like, an hour) but she wears the tightest outfits and tunics/sweaters without a skirt? In this pic you can even see the seam of her tights.
No. 294628
>>294622>>294606>>294599OT but relevant to your comments - a study 4 years ago in my country (where cannabis is illegal) had a statistic that said 1 in 100 people who used cannabis were hospitalised for psychotic episodes. If they were using synthetic cannabis it changed to 1 in 30 hospitalisations. It was a study commissioned to check the effects of synthetic cannabis use and how harmful it was. That 1/100 and 1/30 wasn't per person, is was per usage (as in every time someone used synthetic cannabis there was a 1 out of 30 chance they would present at hospital with a psychotic break).
Given the data they could access was only for people that actually sort medical help, the incidences of someone having a psychotic episode and not presenting to a doctor means the statistics are possibly higher.
No. 294631
>>294557She's probably pulling her skin back on her face so the eye looks weird
But she looks cute in the pic, first time I can say it and mean it
>>294622someone who's apparently too embarrassed by her weight gain to post "personal" shoots (for, like, an hour) but she wears the tightest outfits
Asspats and attention. She probably needs to be assured she's still thin or something.
No. 294756
>>294628An old psych teacher I had in college worked on a mental ward and he said one of their long term patients was someone who became psychotic after using pot once, and he never went back to being normal.
>>294557Her face looks a lot less bloated here. I feel like it's her hairstyle that really makes her look like shit.
No. 294765
File: 1492638796851.jpeg (629.78 KB, 1439x2088, Capture _2017-04-19-15-30-15-0…)

I think Aly is suffering from alpt of things. The way she bangs on about haters and her big thighs makes me wonder if she's self-sabotaging
No. 294783
>>294744>I don't generally flip shit over self-diagnosisI made a post similar to this a few days ago. I don't know if it's reading about the spoonies and their self diagnosis behaviour, but it really pisses me off. Idk about Italy but when I had my first big psych assessment here they really dig for disorders. They asked about OCD and rituals when it wasn't really relevant to my condition. I'm pretty sure a decent shrink would've given her an OCD diagnosis if she had the condition.
Fuck, just seen her post her #transformationtuesday picture. Along with this
>>294765 I feel that when she sees herself now next to spoopy Aly, she's comparing herself and thinking she looks huge when she's just not spoopy, therefore not recovering mentally at all.
She'll relapse. I imagined that Magnum went straight in the bin. She said she was in bed all day with a migraine. At what point did she actually get out to the Magnum place?
Oh, maaaan. She's a train wreck more than when she was "just" spoopy lying Aly.
No. 294829
>>294765She hates herself because people said "yum" about her ice cream post?
Girl…get help.
No. 294923
>>294803agreed, i don't think she's learnt how to dress her new figure yet, and it seems like she's still trying to wear some of the clothes from when she was much smaller. she had a particular style when she was at her thinnest (very tight jeans or leggings, and looser tops comparatively) and she seems to be still going for this, except adding random belts sometimes. things hang differently on her now that she has more shape and she either doesn't realize dressing to your shape is a thing, or she won't let herself admit/accept that she's a different shape to what she was before.
she has a great shape honestly, if she dressed to it she'd look great (and loads better)
No. 295157
File: 1492688875554.png (547.67 KB, 815x590, canadian.png)

She posted this "I love my HIP DIPS" essay thirty minutes ago, wishing us all a happy Wednesday. How many fucking drafts does she have in her account? What the hell is her reasoning behind posting and reposting, or posting things that are obviously the same day over like a week? A few posts back she has yet ANOTHER pic in that red plaid shirt by the railing. She's been posting slight variations on that ~shoot~ for 4 days now.
No. 295265
File: 1492709450352.jpeg (627.38 KB, 1440x2158, Capture _2017-04-20-13-17-00-0…)

This is the second story in an hour moaning about people liking her foods pics more than her stupid captions and reposted outfits etc. Like holy shit. This is why social media isn't that good for people like Aly. She is officially losing it and I honestly believe this is the beginning of the end for her
No. 295275
>>295214I knew it had to be a farmer. I wonder what's the meaning of break according to her.
I don't know if any of you has a screenshot but a month ago she was constantly moaning about the lack of attention and eventually posted a series of black images telling that she was gonna relapse because apparently she was attacked in the street. I was dumb and didn't screenshot it.
No. 295311
>>295300Yo, fellow Leo!
You know what's really grating my nerves? The way she uses the BACK arrow thing and the FORWARD one.
The black guy at Amsterdam Chips must think she's a lunatic. Poor dude's on more pics than her mother these days and he has to watch her model food for an hour a day. He needs a pay rise.
No. 295894
File: 1492789991045.png (234.14 KB, 750x1086, IMG_5031.PNG)

Claims her IG was banned for a couple of hours because of haters.
Today she's going on and on about triggering comments (people telling her to grow up and stop insulting your supporters) and how "puffy" she looks.
She's also obsessing how she looked last summer in every photo caption, yet claims she can't exactly remember her Bmi (yea ok).
No. 295916
>>295894has anyone actually seen the comments talking about how she looked better on her IG? there have been a few people lately say she's attention-seeking w/ all the black posts, and the farmer comment that she needed to get off IG, but i didn't see anyone actually talking shit about her body (other than that one vague comment in italian like a week ago that said her new hair made her face look rounder).
there also aren't angry stans responding to hate in the comments, which she has always left up even when she deletes the "hate."
so is she actually making this up?
is it possible she visits this thread, since some of the things she says seem really similar to things said here (but twisted to victimize her more, ie people here are just saying she's retaining a cray amount of water and that doesn't look healthy, or that her styling is worse now than before, not "lol she's fat now and should be more ana~")?
No. 295936
>>295916>so is she actually making this up?I'd place a bet on it. Sometimes she'll upload a pic and I'll read the comments and they're all stans. Next upload in 5 mins and she's saying there were "hater" comments on the one where there weren't.
>is it possible she visits this thread, since some of the things she says seem really similar to things said hereI was thinking the EXACT same thing. It's like she's reading here then saying that's how she feels about herself. It's difficult to image someone so obsessed with herself who KNOWS this thread exists not to visit. Who knows though. She's nutz.
No. 295957
File: 1492797330957.png (19.27 KB, 390x470, rofl.png)

>>295300wait are you fucking talking about bullshit astrology?
>suggests that movements of celestial bodies give any indication about earthly events>thinks they are somehow less retarded than Aly because of her social media obsessionholy fuck kek. sage for non-contribution but fuck there are some retards on this site.
No. 295958
>>295939She will literally co-opt anything if it gets her more asspats. Holy shit, I know how much we all hate armchair dx, but her internet presence has become the most stereotypically borderline thing on the planet.
Also her strange word choices will never not be lolzy to me. "YOUR SCREAM in the back post" is not something a native speaker would ever say, and if she had spent a tenth as much time reading other people's posts as she expects them to read hers, she'd be fucking fluent by now. No shame in being a foreign language user, of course, but she's been heavily involved in a mostly English-speaking internet community for several years now and has made no improvements in her syntax and word choice. I've seen other instagrammers go from practically zero to functionally fluent in that much time.
But of course they actually read and comment on other people's shit, not just post the same shitty paragraphs over and over.
No. 295964
>>295961no one isn't calm, holy shit. it gave me a good laugh (and I didn't see any indication of it being a joke).
I just think it's funny how many anons are cringeworthy themselves. sorry if I
triggered you.
No. 295997
File: 1492801755688.jpg (45.23 KB, 449x639, suck it in.JPG)

>>295958I'd fall in a faint on the floor if I found out she read even one other ig user's account.
As for her English, it's true her English should've improved if she's reading it. I can't think of any other instance where a non native speaker of English has continued to make the same errors for, what, 2 years? They're errors a child would make (tenses) but quickly get rid of when they see it written properly.
>>295961I agree with this. I didn't take it seriously and did actually think about her trying to emulate a lion banging on about her lion's mane hair and it being the colour of fire. I don't even believe in astrology, but it just seemed that way.
Anyway, let's not argue eh. Let's be amazed at Aly's beauty (although she's way too ashamed atm to take personal shoots).
No. 296019
>>295997……so did she really have her mother stand there in the dressing room taking multiple pics of her trying to be ~sultry?
she's so clearly uncomfortable here and sucking in so hard. this screams "i need validation."
No. 296023
File: 1492803570789.jpg (21.19 KB, 344x228, Capture.JPG)

>>296019It amazes me how much time she spends with Ma C. Is this what she has to do on her lunch break from work?
How many were there of Aly in that steam bath thing? Half a dozen? More? Yup, I'm expecting several variations of this "shoot". It looks like the cover of some tacky soft core novel.
For someone who hates herself, she's always struck me as someone who's in love with herself. Very strange.
This disturbed me (very slightly) - she's wearing a skirt so far up her ass she's flashing her (fortunately tights covered) crotch area.
No. 296028
File: 1492803751437.jpg (40.14 KB, 296x475, 19412634.jpg)

>>296023(something like this, but even tackier)
No. 296059
File: 1492807817775.jpg (46.85 KB, 482x600, molez.JPG)

So, #2 of the swimsuit shoot.
BMI 17, my ass.
No. 296387
>>296059All I see in this picture is her hair (if you can even call it hair at this point). It looks even worse from behind. If she ever decides to get rid of this matted bird´s nest, she will have to cut it off.
I don´t think a comb or brush could ever untangle this mess…
No. 296415
>>296059Aly is a total lolcow and a vain basketcase, but I wish we'd stay away from talking about her body size/shape/BMI. It can take over a year or longer for weight to redistribute after weight restoration. That is difficult to deal with and I don't really want to see her relapse. Her body is still thin; she just needs to learn how to dress herself a bit better and wait for the weight to redistribute. I feel bad for her because she doesn't have a lot of control over how her body restores weight.
I do wonder if she purges, but idk, weight often does go to the face first. A different hairstyle and some makeup lessons would go a long way there.
No. 296564
File: 1492866041292.jpeg (124.09 KB, 640x899, image.jpeg)

I might be reaching, but if you look at the various shots she's been posting from her last "frap" adventure, the other drink in the photo is almost empty while her food and drink is left untouched, apart from her fucking around with it and posing. If I remember right, she used to pull this shit back when she was faking recovery.
No. 296644
File: 1492877279814.png (525.08 KB, 686x599, hi aly.png)

okay, there is no doubt aly is reading here based on this post.
buona sera, aly! if the "hate" here bothers you so much, stop reading it. but let's be real, you love any and all attention, and you love feeling "persecuted." please consider spending less time seeking attention on the internet and more time working on REAL recovery, which isn't just weight restoration. it's getting to the point where you actually believe all the inspirational shit you post, and where you don't need strangers on the internet kissing your ass in order to have a purpose in life.
(and pro tip: if you want people to comment and care, you could try commenting on other people's accounts. maybe. because it isn't all about you.)
No. 296749
File: 1492889526357.png (227.54 KB, 747x1191, IMG_5037.PNG)

Claims she was blocked shortly and her photo removed.
Does she mean something else? Blocked by IG? Or she's saying she blocked someone?
Or is she just literally lying for sympathy, claiming IG removed her photo because she's so "controversial"?
No. 296888
I don't believe Instagram does anything to her posts. When she was uber spoopy she was reported all the time and not once was there one of those warnings replacing them.
I don't know what she means by blocked. The thousandth time she was "blocked" the other day, she said she was still blocked yet she was still posting.
I've noticed the people commenting are really young, like mid teens. Free from the knowledge of the lies she told in the past (and maybe now).
>>296564I reckon a lot of the things she says she's eating she shares with her mum or brother or whoever. She once dobbed herself in it saying that's how she used to get to eat less calories, by sharing things.
I also don't believe these randoms who apparently come up to her in cafes asking if she's Aly are really followers. None of them ever comments about it, "Hey, it was great to meet you", or anything at all. It's very Aly to pull a random into shot. I can totally imagine her doing that and then saying she's so IG famous they come up to her and give her asspats.
Aly, save some cash and buy bargain donuts and drinks then you can buy some clothes that fit.
No. 296968
>>296888tbh i believe that girl from the cafe picture did come up to her. she has alot of followers and alot of them are italian. she goes out to eat a ton in a really big city. i don't think it's impossible that somebody recognized her and wanted to get her picture taken. but i did think it was rude of aly not to link the girl's IG, unless of course the girl asked not. she can @ food brands and restaurants all day but not a fan. ok aly.
i don't believe that dutch tourist came up to get a picture with her though, unless she was acting really weird by posing with food for a stupid amount of time for a "shoot" and his friends dared him. he's
european so wouldn't see her as foreign or exotic. she doesn't look that unusual either. she's cute but not a stunner, doesn't dress up glam or provocative, isn't skell anymore. she has a decent body but isn't crazy hot or anything. basically an average decent looking young woman, other than staging long photo shoots with food and crazy faces in public places, not just regular instagram-the-food-and-done. so yeah i call bullshit on that unless it was the food thing…
No. 297243
File: 1492958623114.png (1.39 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170423-162035.png)

Woe aly your ass is so thicc ?????
No. 297310
File: 1492966583094.jpeg (66.12 KB, 640x992, image.jpeg)

Looks like we got another black post. She's so hungry for asspats, it's astounding. And if Aly lurks here, your ability to "inspire" people decreases when every single post you make is practically the same copy/pasted crap. Eat a vegetable and detach(e) from Instagram.
No. 297366
File: 1492970804466.png (1.24 MB, 640x1136, IMG_0269.PNG)

Funny how her breakdowns only happen when her personal/motivation posts get less attention than food pics. Same shit different day. Girl needs to remove herself from social media if she truly wants to fully recover.
No. 297389
File: 1492973332190.png (302.32 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170423-204656.png)

Oh shit, did someone of you write the top comment?
No. 297417
>>297278It's a long distance relationship, so he's out of the picture most of the time.
>>297310>detach(e) Mad me laugh anon. No arm meant.
>>297373The anon who wrote they didn't want to see her relapse a couple of days ago is how I felt. I still do in a human way, but as time goes on the more I see what an asshole she is with people, I really don't give a flying one what happens to her.
>>297389I think that's a legit account account and not a "fake" one. If I was still trolling her still I'd focus more on the monotony of her account than how she looks.
>>297366She said today that she only has anxiety 7/24.
No. 297444
File: 1492978878643.jpg (111.63 KB, 813x598, definitelydoesntseekapproval.J…)

She talks the talk, but…
>>297442She also says she she doesn't agree with "society" saying what an ideal womanly shape is, yet she wants a big "booty". Okay. Not like that's fashionable right now or anything.
No. 297445
File: 1492978970771.png (691.93 KB, 786x596, persecuted.png)

she's added anxiety to her diagnosis grocery list now.
also, how the fuck does she think it sounds believable that she "doesn't give a shit" about haters when every second post is either a dramatic black post or a passive aggressive beg for comments? it's clear she gives EVERY shit what others think
No. 297446
>>297444lol, you posted this at the same time i posted it. and no, she definitely doesn't seek approval!
also enjoyed that swimsuit pic yesterday where the caption was something about how a woman is more than her body, and your body doesn't matter. on a pic of herself in a swimsuit top in a wannabe sexy pose. cognitive dissonance aly, look it up
No. 298184
File: 1493066914087.png (531.33 KB, 800x598, mammamia.png)

Her English is actually getting worse. This reminds me of babblefish or something.
"I was smiling as I hit my face on the asphalt"? Ooookay.
No. 298265
>>298184She's certainly embellishing her past. Sounds like one of those books they stick in the "tragic life stories" section.
Her dad's hit her, she's cried in the bathroom wanting to die, she hurt her leg in an accident. She was on a medical ward for 2 days with an electrolyte solution up her nose. She's smoked weed and alcohol. Wow. That sounds terrible. She got the psycho part right though.
Oh yeah, she started posting on her other account a few days ago. She's tagging it #like4like. ATTENTION, PLEEEEEEASE.
Yeah, her English really is getting worse. How? At least she still has her boyfriend's harms.
No. 298755
File: 1493142793415.png (219.69 KB, 750x1177, IMG_5067.PNG)

She definitely lurks here. Literally no one on IG has criticized her for having her mom take all her photos. We have poked fun at that fact, but why would anyone on IG attack her for having mum take her photos?
Shes severely addicted to asspats.
No. 298760
>>298184>I hit my face on the asphalt when a car ran over meSo we've gone from getting hit by a car and breaking her leg, to getting hit by a car and "shattering" her leg, to getting straight up
ran over. And she must not have hit the pavement very hard, since she had no facial bruises or swelling after the accident. Just a leg cast that she didn't even need for very long (which itself proved it was a minor break).
No. 298785
File: 1493148078227.jpg (33.94 KB, 274x235, evidence.JPG)

>>298755Plus she's suddenly corrected her "misteaken" error after we wrote about it here. Still needs to work on "harm" thing though. Btw, Aly, that's your WRIST, not your harm. I mean, arm.
No. 298792
>>298789I'd totally buy muffins and donuts from the brends she "promotes" if they're truly guaranteed to give me the puffy face and flabby thighs she said they've given her.
I loled at how she hopes the psychiatrist is hoping s/he's going to say she's no longer an anorexic. Weight wise, no. In the head, she screams disordered.
No. 298828
>>298785I don't know if that's evidence that she's lurking here, or evidence that she finally turned autocorrect on. The whole thing seems to be written a lot nicer than usual.
My harm hurts from scrolling through her Instagram.
No. 299228
File: 1493222868604.png (25.46 KB, 321x286, shut up.png)

could she be any more passive aggressive? ffs, aly.
No. 299232
>>299228She's gained only 2kg (had to convert to lbs and it's 4lbs?) in THREE MONTHS? After eating 3 or 4 chocolate bars a day, a donut a day, sugary fraps every day? Either she's lying about weight gain or she isn't eating all she says she is.
She's getting off on asspats today. Wait til that dries up and she'll start spazzing out.
Also pissed off at her making her past seem like that of someone who actually spends months on an ED ward with tubes up their noses being fed CALORIES and not electrolytes.
Of course she's ill and she was spoopy, but she's had her mother fawning to her every demands and hung around at home all day in comfort unlike many anorexics who're stuck in hospital.
One day she'll write it out as if she was given insulin shocks and cold baths for depression and her dad kept her sealed in the basement.
No. 299235
File: 1493224452582.png (45.78 KB, 307x523, boot.png)

>>299232Love how she didn't mention her new BMI, just vagued that it's "over 17" even though she's been claiming that for a while now. So you can give us decimal-place BMIs from your low weights OVER AND OVER but only be vague about it now? Because that doesn't seem like you're actually not okay with it or anything.
She has been increasingly milking her story. See pic related, she acts like nobody in the world could possibly understand what she's gone through. No doubt she's struggled but girl, you are not the only person in the world to have anorexia. Some people have it for fucking decades.
You are not special.
No. 299279
File: 1493230278702.jpg (12.56 KB, 275x236, we believe you.jpg)

>>299235YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! This! Idk, but I'd find it patronising when she bangs on and on about what a fighter she is and how she's a self-proclaimed inspiration in the "community" when she's not had to deal with a lot more shit than most anorexics. Okay, depression and anxiety, but she isn't on meds, it doesn't stop her going out every day. She thinks life was on hold for 2 years is a massive deal, when there are others with mental illnesses whose lives never get the chance to reboot.
"Boot". Fuck's sake.
Then there're the all the LIES. Like in this pic she was pretending to eat before she went on the medical ward for 2 days. She never apologised to everyone she blocked or called a liar.
Stay tuned for a weekend of her kissing her "boy" and making lonely followers feel like shit because they're not strong enough to get well so therefore nobody loves them.
No. 299379
>>299279She hasn't even been diagnosed with anxiety or depression (or OCD) though, has she? Even though she's been seeing doctors frequently for her anorexia. Frankly if she ever got therapy and worked through the mental side of her ED, it might turn out she didn't have any of those other things, and that her symptoms are side effects of the anorexia.
She has been coddled, allowed to gain weight at a fucking snail's pace, been able to get and ignore any treatment she wanted, had a supportive family, had the fund$ to gain on instagrammable sweets while eating 2-3 meals a day at restaurants in an expensive city.
Although I do feel bad for her that she didn't own any proper glasses and had to drink from that one festering plastic starbucks cup for like 8 months.
No. 299383
>>299374Her hair looks better though, you've got to admit that.
>>299379No depression or OCD diagnosis. She was the one who mentioned anti depressants to her therapists a few weeks ago. She's talked about anxiety attacks, but that's so common that to me it's like mentioning you get headaches on your profile. She only started "self arm" a couple of weeks ago. It's like she's adding ig "communities" that're going to give her fake support even though she doesn't really have a big problem with those things. To seem interesting, you know.
She rejected offers from people to buy her a real glass, but she declined. Maybe her boy will buy her one now they're back together. If he can fork out for that gold Tiffany necklace I'm sure he can buy Starbucks tat.
Oh, I meant to ask. Did anyone else pick up on the fact her boyfriend is going to be a doctor? Hahaha. There's another thing. She says they've been together for 4 years but really he left her and she was on her own for 2 years. Then she won his trust with her alice_eleanor account, which she's telling people to look at. Two aly accounts. So much to live for!
No. 299563
K I have to get this out at some point. Aly wants to be INSPIRATIONAL!!!1 so bad, and seems to think the only way to be inspirational is by recovering from anorexia. Lemme guess, people who never had an ED cannot be inspirational. Girl is like… 21? Recovering from anorexia at 21 isn't supposed to be the pinnacle of your life. Like, life isn't over after you recover and move on. She still has time to accomplish other things to be inspirational: work for charity, take up an activity and practice until she excels at it, learn languages (lol English would be a good place to start), learn sewing, computer programming, idk man. See Aly, it doesn't even have to be FITNESS related (since apparently that's pure evil). I just feel bad for her at this point and I wish she would work on something that would justify people giving her the asspats that she loves so much, instead of expecting them to fall from the sky. sage for rant
No. 299574
File: 1493275467970.jpg (572.73 KB, 1057x1463, Screenshot_20170427-163800.jpg)

Girl those dry ass hands. Drink some water while you're scarfing down another chocolate bar. The dehydration is real.
No. 299662
File: 1493303755400.png (599.08 KB, 546x447, hi mom.png)

to each her own but how fucking awk must it be to have your mom taking multiple pictures of you kissing your boyfriend in a public place while also making sure your food is on display? wow.
just LIVE YOUR LIFE, aly. jesus.
No. 299700
>>299680lol i know, right?
"They say I am awkward, they don't know how awkward it was when my harms were bones and I had no boot. They say my mom takes my pictures, they don't know it is a corporate representative from @burgerking who follows me around taking my shoots. They say I take too many pictures, they don't know that I [donut emoji] care what my haters think! Making out with my boyfriend in from of my mom and @burgerking representatives is sexy. My boot is sexy. Anorexia is not sexy. I am the only person in the world who ever had anorexia. You may not know this but I have anorexia. Here is a picture of me when my BMI was exactly 10.1387. Happy #transformationthursday. Leave me comments or I will kill myself. #posivibes"
No. 299705
File: 1493307457268.png (16.46 KB, 310x184, IMG_13376.png)

More Google Translate realness from Aly. "To share is to care" because a picture of Burger King food is so inspiring and aspirational?
Does she really think this is something food bloggers would post? There isnt' a Mason jar or an avocado in sight.
No. 299875
>>299705Burger King. Classy.
Can't berieve (well, I can because it's Aly) that she's doing Instagram while she's at a supposedly important meal with his parents meeting her mum for the first time. I wonder what Ma's like? She's obviously an enabler and therefore a bit nuts.
No. 300125
File: 1493349303104.png (54.16 KB, 331x600, hi aly.png)

>>299680>>299662close enough, tbh.
No. 300292
>>300125She claims she's going to stop posting transformation photos, except for "transformation days" so she doesn't
trigger people.
Who wants to start bets she caves before Tuesday.
No. 300311
>>299662Her taking countless food-hovering-in-front-of-lips-but-not-biting pics has always been bizarre to me.
And now after all of those I find this pic of boyfriend-hovering-in-front-of-lips-but-not-kissing grating.
Next thing, she'll try to wash herself by taking a picture standing besides a full tub.
No. 300356
>>300292The fact that the transformation pics are the same ones over and over makes it even more unbearable. I think the person those pics are
triggering most is herself tbh.
>>300311Whatever she says, she seems like she still doesn't enjoy eating. That's what I take from the thing where she never bites. I won't comment on why she doesn't want to kiss her boyfriend, but it's creepy that her mother takes those photos. I'd like to know more about him because he must be a sarnie short of a picnic to be with her.
Also note comments about her "supportive boyfriend". The one that left her when she was at her worst.
No. 300362
>>300292>>300356she's been banging on about how she's going to stop posting transformation pics for at least a week now. she always says "except for transformation days" like somehow she ~owes it to her fans~ to give them those. (are there actually even 2 transformation photo days for most of IG? i don't feel like "transformation thursday" is actually a thing…?) and in that one week she has not just posted on "transformation days" but also another one on sunday. so in the 8 days since her announcement about posting fewer of them, she's posted them on 4 different days.
good work, aly
she has to have a serious archive of skinny pics tbh.
No. 300366
File: 1493387496530.jpg (104.51 KB, 804x591, hovering kisses.JPG)

>>300362It makes me wonder if she's aware it'll keep the followers who were interested in thinspo looking at her account. Let's face it, that's what 3/4 of the followers originally signed up for.
Oh Christ. Her latest upload zzzz. Does she take her mum EVERYWHERE??
No. 300391
>>300366I think she def uses the transformation pics because they get her attention. Who knows if she's bothered to work out where the attention is coming from, she doesn't seem to think things through much. (Example: the way she tags food posts with food blog community tags, which means they go to a much broader audience than her usual ED stuff, but then she gets offended bc there are more likes on those posts. She for real does not seem to make that connection.)
IMO she probably thinks she's getting asspats for being an inspiration to the recovery community, by forcing them to "see how sick she was" and of course I'm sure the anas still follow her for that since she actually posts more skinny pics now than she did for most of the time she WAS skinny.
I think she also has an obsession with comparing her old and new body, and getting people to reassure her that she looks great or better or not fat or whatever. I mean, she also quotes haters (sometimes that she seems to make up, or get from here, so her followers would never see them) on the regular and it always feels like bait to get people to say she isn't fat or puffy or w/e.
No. 300401
>>300393I'd like to see that too. I've only got Paint and I can't even use that very well.
THIS pissed me off:
> I almost cried while speaking about the psychiatric yardShe thinks that waiting in the psychiatric yard for results was traumatic. She's never even spent a DAY on a psychiatric ward. Idk how she managed to get off being admitted all that time, but she can't even deal with waiting nearby the unit. Fuck's sake. Unless her words are all for ~effect~
No. 300403
>>300401it's so weird to see how she has started playing
up her illness/story when she used to play it
down so much. remember how she would always say things like, "i only had to be admitted because of bloods, NOT because of anorexia/weight" or "my doctors are happy with me and they trust me, that's why i'm not in the hospital" whereas now it's all "tube fed IP2x darkness psychiatric ward"
the "double life" shit she's been posting about lately is annoying too. like it suggests she has to deceive people IRL and can't let them know about her ED, when in reality she has it on blast to the universe and everyone knows. also "double life" would suggest she
has a life outside the ED, which…is debatable
she's having a checkup and then going to dinner with her boyfriend, who knows she has an ED. how tf is this a "double life" in any way?
No. 300444
File: 1493398741665.png (143.25 KB, 750x630, IMG_9591.PNG)

One of the comments on the brownie picture where she complains about "hoping to give motivation". I'm seeing this more and more; seems like her followers are finally getting sick of her complaining on every single picture that people don't tell her she's a ~major inspiration~ Every single time.
No. 300462
File: 1493400162184.png (198.1 KB, 747x840, IMG_5097.PNG)

Boyfriend's mom says she looks healthy and Ali snarks back and resentfully orders dessert.
I can picture her eating it, and just before every bite, looks at the mom square in the eyes and give her one of her stupid signature smug faces she posts 10 times a day.
No. 300524
>>300462"mother-in-law", do you know what this means, Aly?
i'm 100% sure her boyfriend's mom didn't mean this in a bitchy way, but aly is either still so disordered she took a compliment as an attack, or she is just out of "i was called fat" stories to feed her followers (or both)
>>300476me neither. she would probably get more compliments if she used some of her time studying english or at least using fucking spell check instead of just taking 400 pictures in the same outfit and then angsting for days over exactly how to get maximum likes out of each almost identical photo
No. 300530
>>300526is it at all believable or normal that someone really underweight would be given a "meal plan" of about 1500 calories, which is what aly's seemed to be when she started her second phase of post hospital real-real recovering?
have you ever seen Aly irl?
most importantly, have you ever seen Dante irl?
No. 300531
File: 1493404738244.jpeg (58.42 KB, 640x938, image.jpeg)

Looked for the comment that says this, either she's bullshitting or she's already deleted it. Also wasn't she meant to be staying for a few days at her boyfriend's? But she's already back home.
No. 300534
File: 1493405075868.jpg (266 KB, 915x597, liarliar.jpg)

#flashbackfriday to two days ago when she said that starting that afternoon, she was going to "leave this account" and take a "long break" from posting.
Bitch where?
No. 300545
>>300531Aly, as long as you continue to post blackout posts victimizing yourself, you will not convince anyone that you are recovered.
As long as you continue to beg for comments, passive aggressively guilt your followers into leaving comments ("Do I bore you?"), and complain about the number of likes you get, you will not convince anyone that you have a sense of self-worth beyond your internet presence.
As long as you continue posting only food, transformations, and incoherent "motivations" next to staged and repeated outfit shoots, you will not convince anyone that you have a life outside your ED.
As long as you post about every single thing that can be interpreted as slightly critical, even if it's not intended that way (or you made it up), you won't convince anyone that you "don't care."
Take a REAL break. Or post some pictures of yourself doing something fun with friends your own age, or that doesn't involve food and doesn't require a 10-page caption about how you "like your round stomach" when you're still self-reportedly underweight. Take an English class. Volunteer. Watch makeup tutorials. Let yourself go shopping and buy something new so we don't have to see the same three long shapeless cardigans and one jean jacket anymore. Support
others on their
own accounts if you expect support. Stop defining yourself by your online profile, your ED, and your clingy obsession with a boyfriend who has already left your boot once.
No. 300627
>>300530Ha, read this after writing the above. Seems he's on a lot of minds. I've just read Milan anon's reply. I am sad.
She's going to pick up on the #secretsociety and #blithe tag the way it's going with her discovering the angsty side of IG.
I don't see why she CAN'T post about her life. A person doesn't really have to have a mad, exciting time to make a halfway interesting post. I'd like to know what she's reading for her uni course, what her essays are about, what kind of things she likes (decor, crafts, some history of the place where she lives, etc). Thing is SHE has to be the centre of attention. When she was shopping for a swimsuit, she didn't post pics of ones she liked, it was endless ones of her posing in the changing room with a bikini top on.
PS I'm sick to hell of that photo of her sat on that children's swing with a can in her hand. Reminds me of the alcoholics in the park near my flats.
No. 301046
File: 1493488123284.png (1.34 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

Aly fuck off lmao
No. 301102
File: 1493494288160.jpg (60.2 KB, 470x596, oh dear.JPG)

>>301046Did anyone catch the post she deleted? She talks about how she
almost went to overexercise and skip eating in later posts. Everyone must plan their day around Aly's posts and wait for cries for help and then leave her comments to show you love her into pieces.
Pic - how embarrassing.
No. 301545
File: 1493563277933.png (182.43 KB, 750x973, IMG_9598.PNG)

Boo fucking hoo Aly. She needs some sense slapped into her. She complains like 5 times a day now. I think I liked it better when she had all the stupid emojis rather than her begging for attention every two minutes.
No. 301565
File: 1493565246494.jpg (44.59 KB, 309x347, preach.JPG)

Good reply, but no notice will be taken.
No. 301567
File: 1493565276958.jpg (9.68 KB, 243x207, poor pepe.jpg)

>>301565…fried frogs though.
Gross bitch.
No. 301601
File: 1493570279054.png (677.43 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

I smell a relapse, so sad. No sympathy though.
No. 301602
>>301601V grateful for anons who ss her deletes. How many calories does she think "a walk" will burn? She said she was going for a walk the other day and referred to it as "overexercising".
I don't care what you do, Aly. I know you'll relapse or start binge/purging. I thought it didn't matter what other people think of what you do. Girl, stop spewing your fake motivation and decide wtf you're going to do because this is getting tedious. Interesting to watch, but the attention seeking needs to switch to another kind now. Thanks.
No. 301782
File: 1493594649646.png (274.22 KB, 749x1178, IMG_5129.PNG)

I knew she would post a" transformation" photo before Tuesday. She's so obsessed with how she used to look it's a little disturbing.
I don't think she believes anything she says in her motivational speeches. She's just a robot at this point.
No. 301940
File: 1493618978255.png (441.66 KB, 781x371, sixcourseslunch.png)

Honestly, part of Aly's insane concept of recovery might be due to her own propensity to be OTT about everything, but some recovery program and clinics are also to blame. I went to an ED clinic where I was bundled with a bunch of 13 years old (mind you I was 21) and one of the woman in charge told us "not to use the stairs" to go either up or DOWN the building in fear we could use it with the idea of burning calories. WOW GOING DOWNSTAIRS SO EXERCISE. Also the concept that fear food = junk/sugary food so we should only eat junk and sugary food. I don't know what's the point of that besides of growing a bunch of diabetic lazy asses who don't walk or take the stairs in any direction.
Picture more on topic so that this isn't complete blogging. lmao "need help" for taking a walk as if it were a bad thing, chocolate after a "six courses lunch" as if it were a good thing, and #strongnotskinny. Girl you'll never be strong like this.
No. 301982
File: 1493630665012.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170501-105946.png)

Am i completely retarded or is alys english worse than ever
No. 302056
File: 1493647828560.png (725.42 KB, 804x595, the projection is real.png)

no one has ever commented that she's going to be obese, either on her posts or on here. the closest thing has been something like, "eating only sugar and junk food isn't a very good way to develop a normal relationship with food" or "it's not healthy to eat only junk food, even in recovery." this does not mean "it will make you fat," aly, and if you think it does, that's your ED showing.
also lol at "my boyfriend can pick me up, so i'm still skinny!"
she is SO fucking clingy. like she seems to derive her entire self worth on either her IG followers or the fact that she has a ~*~boyfriend~*~
No. 302207
File: 1493664862483.jpg (170.23 KB, 738x809, 201705011450.jpg)

She's now made at least 5 posts (didn't catch the ones she mentions deleting) today about a supposed comment about being "cheesy and obese." I'm skeptical the comment ever happened seeing as there were no white knights in her comments anywhere. Plus, the post she made in the middle of all of it (second row, right) is about how SHE was worrying about being obese and lazy.
Aly, you really don't have to make up imaginary haters to stand in for your own internal monologue. And on the off chance that there really WAS a comment, your repeated "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT" posts are totally unbelievable. People who don't give a shit don't delete comments and then make five entire essays about ONE comment that you probably twisted to sound way worse than it was even if it actually existed.
No. 302245
File: 1493669456247.jpg (55.37 KB, 456x564, jfc.JPG)

>>302239A farmer noticed she always posted 13 a day!
I've been sleeping most of this festive (!) day, so missed the drama. It's so predictable innit.
>>302056She's a feminist who loves to make herself look the subservient one in the arms of a real man. Tbh, apart from her mum, that bf is all she has.
>>302058Idk why these people don't use a blog site. Wasn't the whole point of ig to be like a telegram where you let a pic tell a story and add a sentence? I never read long captions of Aly's unless it's a "breakdown" one because they can be amusing.
>>302207You read my mind. Nobody called her obese. She creates a thing to take her real feelings out on, ie, imaginary "hater".
Pic: This is getting ridiculous.
No. 302258
>>302252Not that anon, but I think it's more that she sees the word OBESE or FAT and makes it text point size 100 in bold and underlined and she panics.
Her flip flopping from "breaking down" and wanting to starve to saying she doesn't care if she's obese so long as she has her man and a donut shows how she blows little things out of proportion. Can't blame her because she's still very disordered with her thoughs.
I think she reads English very well. Better than she writes it anyway.
No. 302311
>>302252>>302258i think it's partly her shitty english but she's done it with italian comments too (i'm not italian, but i speak enough of it to know she's deliberately misreading). and yeah prob also her ED magnifying shit.
but i think a huge part (cue aly writing a post about haters calling her huge!) is just that she feels comfortable in the poor little sick girl role. it's what got her attention, and she realizes the attention is waning now that she's not visibly sick, so stirring up drama from the haters is the next best alternative along with the shit like dramatizing her past health issues, pointing out her other dx's, etc
tl;dr she's the queen of attention seeking and nothing gets attention from fangirls like imaginary haters who say you're a fatty
No. 302313
>>302245They don't use blog sites because traditional blogging isn't big in that age demographic. Instagram (and less so, tumblr) is the SM of choice for the ED community bc it's the SM of choice of their age group (teens and 20-somethings).
Also I'm practically expecting a picture of her and her bf having full-on sex at this point, with 10 different photos by Ma Casati, and 10 inspiring motivational captions about how sex is sexier than anorexia.
No. 302394
>traditional blogging isn't big in that age demographicYeah, I thought that as I was typing it. I remember Little Sprout had a recovery blog, but I don't think many people read it and only bothered with ig. Fuck these kids nowadays - can't be arsed to read one more than sentence!
There's also the fact there're hashtags on ig, so if there're a ton (!) of anorexia tags on aly's pictures she's going to be found easily.
Those pics of her mounting her boyfriend look like she's auditioning for a Joy Of Sex book, heh. It's sad that she craves affection and attention but she's one of the last people you'd want to hang out with. I'm not surprised her "sisters" drifted. Can you imagine her conversation at this point? It's weird how she doesn't have any friends at uni because that's a hotbed of social activity and where you can meet some lifelong good friends.
She needs to visit the real world and do some real life.
No. 302747
File: 1493734501759.png (81.88 KB, 750x1195, IMG_9605.PNG)

"Validate me!" "Tell me I'm pretty!" "YOU HAVE TO COMMENT AND LOVE ME"
No. 302753
>>302747Oh Aly don't you know that the insta-anas who follow you only cared about your 'recovery' and 'inspirational words' when you were spoopy. Now you're just like everyone else.
Girl needs to find something else to latch onto if she wants to get as much popularity as her old posts did. Maybe foodie or travel blogging.
No. 302755
File: 1493735104631.jpeg (485.19 KB, 1436x1909, Capture _2017-05-02-10-17-59-0…)

>>302747Screencapped some comments from this post before it gets deleted.
No. 302767
File: 1493736096922.jpg (638.65 KB, 809x1499, Screenshot_20170503-003948.jpg)

No. 302770
File: 1493736172283.jpg (1.02 MB, 810x2596, Screenshot_20170503-004013.jpg)

No. 302815
>>302770Sage because myself and many other anons have pointed this out infinite times already, but how the fuck does she expect anyone to believe this type of crap when it's immediately after some bullshit blackout post where she's crying at her lack of followers? Or when yesterday she made six fucking posts about feeling obese and/or her extreme overreaction to a probably-made-up comment that she was obese? She isn't over anything and the comments on her last blackout post show that her followers know that, too.
Honestly Aly, either go the fuck to therapy like you should have been doing for years, or stop with the corny inspirational bullshit. You could probably get more attention being full-time angsty and tbh it would be more entertaining than the same posi-shit rehashed over and over that nobody reads because it's boring af.
No. 302822
>>302770Filthy boots on a public seat, tsk tsk. Uncouth behaviour.
>>302747What's this Forum RGB thing under the black? Girl can't even black screen properly.
From her latest post
> I spent my time at the hospital while looking on Instagram for girls who defeated their EDTime at the hospital. Both days.
No. 302921
File: 1493752629504.png (88.27 KB, 331x1000, jlawokaygif.png)

> aspetto = appearance, not fucking "aspect" come on now
Also she really needs to start citing this board. This caption is mostly ripping off anons above talking about how she doesn't get attention now that she doesn't look sick.
> it's not about attention
sure jan
No. 302932
>>302921why doesn't she just link this thread itll get her a lot of attention and sympathy
also aly hi, you dont look sick anymore because you gained weight like youre supposed to in recovery? and you do have to be underweight to have anorexia but i guess you could still claim ednos cus youre obviously still nuts
No. 302938
File: 1493753773258.jpg (80.71 KB, 589x601, transformation tuesday yawn.JP…)

>>302907Yes! Duh, it's so obvious now you've said because one of her fail black screens
>>302873 looked like a tyre tread. She's sponsored by Ferrari! Classy as always!
> You don't have to show a thousand cuts on your arm to be suicidalShe wants to #raiseawareness about what anorexia really is, but she has no idea that self harm does not equal wanting to die.
Here she is again obsessing over how she used to look.
No. 303092
File: 1493768706495.jpg (1.12 MB, 810x2766, Screenshot_20170503-094117.jpg)

People don't ask you questions because you don't respond to them.
Literally no one believes that this isn't about the number of likes/comments and popularity for her.
No. 303380
File: 1493809653099.jpg (32.39 KB, 285x268, expert.JPG)

Bitch is off shaming people in recovery who don't stuff their face with donuts and fries.
Of course, it's society's fault, not theirs.
No. 303383
>>303381Not sure if I commented on it before, but it's something that I noted and really dislike. She should know better considering her male cousin was apparently anorexic.
Also hating her overuse of "guys".
No. 303386
>>303380Where the fuck are all these alleged comments about "how unhealthy she eats"? She talks about this constantly but I've never seen a single one, and tbh people don't even talk about it on here that often. Also, lol @ frappuccinos being "real food" while fruit or whatever the "instagram girls" dared to post isn't.
>>303381YES. For all her attempts to sound feminist and empowered, she's one of the most gender-role-obsessed people I've ever seen on social media. Between her obsession with her "man," her obsession with her body and being "sexy," and her constant putting down of other "girls" for exercising, eating healthy, caring what they look like, whatever…it's just really unexpected from a 21-year-old.
In b4 "go back to tumblr, SJW" because I'm not expecting her to stop shaving her legs and start hating on all men. Just feel that it's an unusually old-fashioned attitude from a young woman whose entire audience is also young women and who phones in fake feminism quotes every couple of days.
No. 303387
>>303386>For all her attempts to sound feminist and empowered, she's one of the most gender-role-obsessed people I've ever seen on social mediaAmen. Nah, it's not a tumblr thing. It's apparent that she plays to what a "stereotypical" female role should be. Fine if that's what how she wants to live her life, but fuck off with trying to convince us otherwise.
Also, I'm an hour behind Italy. I woke up early and looked at her comments around 8am her time. Comments were all asspats.
No. 303392
File: 1493811453645.png (87.68 KB, 302x1033, IMG_53989897.png)

>Someone told me "I look already recovered", some others "you gained only 19 kg since when you opened this profile?" and again "you're fake."
bitch where??? at this point you're not even exaggerating comments or ripping off lolcow, you're straight up making shit up. no one ever said any of this
>This is an account opened for DIALOGUE
no. it's for you to preach and other people to kiss your ass
>I've never dared to judge someone else's aspect
you judge everyone all the time, get real (!). ranting about how strangers were talking about the gym or a "swimsuit challenge" is just as judgmental as judging someone's "aspect" lol
miss me with that bullshit and take some responsibility for yourself, jfc
No. 303432
File: 1493819569792.png (231.98 KB, 1080x1186, Screenshot_20170503-094850.png)

"girls and guys", hi Aly!
"A False Evidence Apparently Real" sounds exactly like a Jaden Smith tweet.
No. 303491
File: 1493826799184.jpeg (67.44 KB, 640x1016, image.jpeg)

Another blacked out post. Aly, you're an attention-seeking, self-obsessed twat. Get off Instagram and start LIVING (!) for reals.
No. 303497
File: 1493827525367.png (452.78 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-05-03-12-04-29…)

Goddamn she plays y'all like a fiddle
No. 303512
>>303491Aly, it's RISE up, not raise. Try harder.
My opinion is that you're a smug, attention seeking mental who doesn't have a clue. At least you got the black screen right this time. Encouraging progress. You're not "inspiring". You ate shit and was
triggered into anorexia because you had high cholesterol. That can kill people. Food CAN kill people. If you eat sugar/high fat shit day after day you get diseases. Are you fucking special needs?
Inspirational. Lol.
No. 303530
Woah, woah, woah…this ex boyfriend she's meeting up with. Is this the one who told her to fuck off twice because of her ED? She wasn't in a relationship with him. She said they were only friends and she didn't post pictures draped all over him. If he sees that passive aggressive comment about him, I hope he tells her once more to fuck off.
>>303515She'll relapse. I'm expecting her to start playing on the OCD thing, and other self diagnosed/bullshit mental illnesses as she tries to stay relevant.
No. 303560
>>303491>>303515lol when the fuck is this comment supposed to have happened? and given taht the last time she got anything even close to hate (spam from a fitness blog that literally said "fitness is important follow for more" or something ) she put it on her story multiple times. so if any of these other comments ever happened she would 100% be screenshotting them for extra attention, not to mention there would be stans responding in her comments.
since most of the latest stuff isn't even from here, does anyone think she's on another site that talks about her? does MPA still have an aly thread? where are all the ana-chans to confirm or deny this
No. 303580
>>303491no one said this lol
shes obviously going to relapse i think she probably should then at least she could go ip and get some therapy
No. 303582
File: 1493835514748.png (58.95 KB, 750x1096, IMG_9612.PNG)

New blackout post. Think she'll cheat?
No. 303626
File: 1493839879432.png (20.52 KB, 321x245, wrapitb4utapit.png)

lol at how she's trying to make such a soap opera out of this when it's probably just an old friend who wants to catch up.
also pic related, careful aly! getting preggo might make you ~puffy~
No. 303777
>>303626It IS an old friend. She didn't have any kind of relationship with him. She's trying to sound interesting. I wish I could remember his ig name. When he said he didn't want to see her any more (as a friend) because of her, I suspect, lying, she deleted all his photos.
Lol at this comment
>Yes! Focus on the amazing man you have now! The amazing man who also left her.
>>303626Maybe she doesn't use contraception. She's Catholic.
No. 303780
File: 1493851408254.jpg (46.17 KB, 585x522, 1450662420661.jpg)

>>303777(still can't remember his name, but this is him. She used to refer to him as her "best male friend".
No. 303781
File: 1493851448820.png (547.36 KB, 1242x2208, 1450630623681.png)

No. 303918
>>303781what the fuck, her english really HAS gotten worse. i mean the emoji abuse was annoying but that paragraph was actually readable
also props to you anon for saving these, aly's deleting sprees will never defeat you
No. 304029
File: 1493868982676.jpg (104.96 KB, 640x640, 0qVCf3JApzg.jpg)

Isn't that her little brother?
No. 304244
File: 1493892125384.jpg (88.5 KB, 587x628, dante.JPG)

>>304026Wow, he's got a lot of her with those captions. Instant relapse if she saw that. I hate those fetishists on vk, so for once I feel bad again for her. Oh look who makes an appearance!
She woke up in a bad mood. It's going to be one of those days…again.
No. 304456
File: 1493914722792.jpg (22.08 KB, 305x141, Capture.JPG)

>>304438It makes me want to punch her face.
I saw this comment earlier (now deleted). Idk if it's a farmer? She asks for support and she wants to "connect" with people but never takes advice.
I'm not an ana chan, but that last pic she uploaded. How can that not be a healthy weight?
No. 304458
File: 1493914800065.jpg (40.76 KB, 325x574, underweight.JPG)

(I mean this one. That looks healthy to me. Am I becoming ana chan because she doesn't look skinny or underweight at all.
No. 304492
>>304458like a month ago she was always talking about how her bmi was over 17, and then she had her "day hospital control" and had gained 2 kg, which at her height would put her up close to a full point. so based on her own math she would be over 18 by this point at a minimum, but ever since she got even more intense on this latest attention seeking kick she's been saying over and over "a bmi around 17" while also making sure to constantly bring up her lowest ever bmi (to exact decimal places. even though she was that weight for like 5 minutes.)
she's almost certainly at a bmi of 18.5 by her own sideways admission, which was her bmi before the ED, also by her own admission.
although i'm sure her lack of exercise and her shitty diet mean her body composition right now is super shitty so she prob looks larger than her bmi would suggest. but she needs to stop pretending she's still underweight if she wants her "YOU CAN BE SICK AT ANY WEIGHT" rants to make any sense.
(and no i don't think she's fat, she looks great other than her hair and makeup and complexion. just sick of her bullshit and drama)
No. 304494
>>304458yeah Aly looks close to a restored weight to me- I don't think I'm an Ana-chan. I've actually not kept an eye on this thread in along time, This picture just caught my eye. I'm surprised by how well she's done since I last saw her. The last time I focused on these threads she was pouring away ensures and posing with other people's food. She looks great now. (sage for no1curr)
…I'm assuming it'll take longer for her hair to recover though? That thing's still a weird frizzy mop.
No. 304499
>>304492I thought the same about how exact her past ~numbers~ have been and now it's "around" 17.
To me she looks around the same weight as before her ED when she was younger and looked good. I'm wondering how much is water, but she wants to hold on to be underweight for her own reasons. I can't imagine she'd admit to being weight restored because then she'd be of no interest at all really. Her #motivation is boring af as it is and it's not like she's some style role model.
>>304494She needs to cut the spaghetti hair to a bob or something. It looks okay until it gets to that over bleached fried nest.
No. 304522
File: 1493919054936.jpeg (76.93 KB, 640x1032, image.jpeg)

I predict another blacked-out post if she doesn't get enough responses.
No. 304537
>>304522What a brat.
Does she know how IG works? Home pages don't show your photos always and not in chronological order.
No. 304557
File: 1493921501087.png (117.79 KB, 640x1032, strenght.png)

>>304522maybe if you didn't post 400 times a day people would bother to read a higher % of your shit and your posts would be bumped up in the algorithm????
how does she not realize how desperate she sounds? and how does she think her followers believe her stories about IG "deleting" and "hiding" her posts when this isn't even a thing?
No. 304626
File: 1493928979684.jpg (13.88 KB, 337x72, tw.JPG)

>>304624Dropped pics ooops
No. 304669
File: 1493932142709.jpg (80.68 KB, 330x600, IMG.jpg)

lol i don't even think pic related was trying to be a hater, it looks like a genuine recovery account, but she's going to flip shit over this as well
No. 304706
File: 1493935578960.jpg (375.14 KB, 612x595, 1437754648768.jpg)

>>304703There're a couple of her with dark hair, one doing karaoke at home with Denise but I cba to look for that.
There's this too. I'm guessing this is around 2012/13.
No. 304955
>>304796I pinched that from an old thread. Not sure I would've posted it had He not been there.
Anyway, it's 7.35am her time and no bad comments on her pics. The one saying she'd got fat was deleted by Aly at around 11-11.30pm last night. She didn't post after her #transthursday #motivation pic, so she'll probably sperg about the fat thing this morning.
No. 305105
File: 1493986300384.jpeg (60.14 KB, 640x990, image.jpeg)

Fucking Christ.
No. 305118
File: 1493989600012.jpeg (171.04 KB, 1440x1959, Capture _2017-05-05-09-00-10-0…)

>>305105This was in her story just now.
No. 305121
>>305118Team Alys Father. Bitch needs to get off her phone.
But I guess she got it back.
No. 305146
File: 1493994507608.png (18.09 KB, 293x165, 2017-05-05 16.25.35.png)

"Love is her harms". Anorexia has really eaten her brain.
No. 305150
>>305105>>305118She's a grown ass adult. If her dad is so awful, she can move out. But instead she'd rather act like a bratty, hysterical preteen. Seriously, no one over the age of 12 should ever say that they want to DIE because their parent took their phone away. She probably stomps her feet and slams doors and yells "I hate you!" and "No one understands me!" all the time.
>>305146Mama Casati was probably the one that got Aly's phone back.
Aly wouldn't be half as awful if her mom didn't constantly enable and baby her.
No. 305153
>>305150That's what I think it boils down to. Aly's mom is an enabler, dad is probably the only authority figure. So Aly grew up to be a brat and has tantrums when her dad
does put his foot down.
No. 305155
File: 1493995602614.png (11.46 KB, 275x101, screenshot 16.45.15.png)

>>305153But her dad always arms her.
No. 305205
File: 1494003059715.png (43.89 KB, 548x604, alysperg.png)

Second blacked out post of the day. Girl needs to get some help and stop acting like a spoilt child.
No. 305206
File: 1494003078412.png (775.84 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170505-184355.png)

I wrote a comment under that picture i'm gonna post it here before it gets deleted - you'll see my account name tho
No. 305208
File: 1494003146096.png (46.48 KB, 311x280, Screen Shot 2017-05-05 at 5.50…)

>>305205She's deleted that already and has posted again saying if she doesn't get 'support' she will close, and this time she's serious! she's getting comments like this, finally. no more fake accounts!
No. 305209
File: 1494003211957.png (279.06 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170505-184947.png)

Just noticed i used the word "support" too many times oh my
No. 305212
File: 1494003608052.png (137.22 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170505-185844.png)

Excuse my writing mistakes, don't know what's wrong today
No. 305229
>>304706praise dante
she looks SO much better in all these before pics, her makeup and styling have gotten much worse (and ofc her hair). lol @ how she has always had a thing for the hand-in-the-hair pose
she needs to get some sun, she looks 100% better with a tan
No. 305233
File: 1494005118203.png (445.44 KB, 458x549, nightmare.png)

Recovery: not even once
She looks fucking insane.
No. 305238
File: 1494005657793.png (677.37 KB, 957x596, Screen Shot 2017-05-05 at 18.3…)

No. 305255
File: 1494007588827.png (65.71 KB, 945x607, Screen Shot 2017-05-05 at 19.0…)

She's losing her marbles. Literally nobody has said this…
No. 305261
File: 1494008126316.png (220.66 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170505-201209.png)

No. 305279
File: 1494009972683.jpg (58.62 KB, 500x364, game show dolly.jpg)

>>305261"Hun", "honey" - agh.
>>305233I bet the staff at all these places she regularly has "shoots" at really take the piss out ofh er. I don't even know how she can stand there while she has half a dozen photos of her taken by her mum while she holds her food like some kind of game show dolly for bulimics showing off the prizes.
No. 305293
File: 1494011203814.png (714.58 KB, 836x610, Screen Shot 2017-05-05 at 20.0…)

>>305257And now she's back to posting… A break my arse
No. 305305
>>305229yeah. I think she'd look so much better if she put on less makeup and products in general, it's almost reaching clown territory with the red lips..
and I also wish she'd stop with the ramen textured hair.. how long has it been since she brushed through that mess?
>>305279they've been caught in a couple of her pics, looking straight at the camera too. she might have even acknowledged them in the post. they probably think she's absolutely nuts.
No. 305319
File: 1494013574605.jpg (105.42 KB, 804x591, Capture.JPG)

Latest upload:
>maybe at least one girl is still reading.. and I write for her.
Yet she complains if she doesn't receive more than half a dozen asspats.
She's still asking what she should do with her account. Why, why, why??? Imagine living with her? Team Pa Casati all the way.
No. 305339
File: 1494014740990.jpg (21.49 KB, 388x303, recovery win.JPG)

>>305328Nah. She said her family are Catholic but she's a "bad Catholic". She fornicates so she obviously isn't bothered about sex before marriage. At first I thought she was doing this pose to show off her FIGHTER tattoo, but you can't even see it in this one. It's getting to be as irritating as when she wouldn't stop posing with her hand stuck in her hair nest.
I know she sees a therapist, but does she see a psychiatrist? Armchair psychology, but why hasn't a psychiatrist picked up on her borderline habits? She isn't that different from Crying Emily and all the other attention seekers. She just does it in a different way.
No. 305376
>>305319"smoothie after ice cream" i've never thought she was bulimic but christ on a cracker that's a puke worthy meal if i've ever heard one
sage for pointless
No. 305382
>>305319As if she would switch her account to private. She couldn't abuse tags anymore!!
Why is she acting like it's some grand gesture of bravery and selflessness to stay on IG? Either you think everyone hates and ignores you, or you think you're a gift to the internet. PIck a side.
Also possible blog but she looks so crazy with the red lip, and now I'm paranoid because I love a strong red lip color and now I'm afraid I look equally terrible???? Oh dear~
No. 305386
File: 1494018045408.jpg (Spoiler Image,13.68 KB, 192x262, tw.jpg)

>Why is she acting like it's some grand gesture of bravery and selflessness to stay on IG?Because she's ~recovery queen~ and her girls need her. She wants to save them. She wants to encourage them to be strong so they can be like her (…)
Don't worry about the lipstick. I wear red too. You probably don't have the joker mouth she has (where it turns up at the corners like a gash when she smiles).
>>305383Eureka! That's what she's doing! Oh, I'd rather she was pointing to the heavens. It'd make her seem less shallow.
TRIGGER WARNING FOR PIC for clown phobics.
No. 305462
File: 1494023931043.png (641.52 KB, 960x607, Screen Shot 2017-05-05 at 22.5…)

>>305319She's "still deciding" aka waiting for enough people to beg her to keep her account
No. 305734
>>305474Seriously though. I used to think "bulimia cheeks" were an exaggerated myth and not that noticeable, but it's blatantly evident in Aly if you look at her pre-ED photos
>>304700 Her face looked bloated DURING the ED as well, so it wasn't the weight gain. She must have purged a lot during her fake recovery phase.
No. 305914
>>305855I feel like she definitely lurks here.
You know, she'd probably get a lot of attention if she stopped posting for a day or two. -Not- posting would get you noticed when you post 12 times a day.
Just food for thought Ali, you expect all your followers to comment every hour you post on IG, and then get mad when they can't keep up. Try posting maybe 3 times a day and stop your entitled "TELL ME IM PRETTY" crap and actually thank your followers for sticking by your side. And maybe comment on -their- photos? Show your followers some support for once? You're such a manipulative brat.
No. 305957
File: 1494089593419.jpeg (193.05 KB, 640x986, image.jpeg)

Filed under: things that didn't happen.
No. 305984
>>305957The combination of Aly's shit English, compulsive lying, and blatant attention seeking is so rage inducing that I can barely stand to read this thread. Fuck.
I truly will never understand how her parents don't get her in therapy or force her to remove all social media, as it's clearly doing more harm than good.
No. 306155
>>305855I remember when Ash did that. She lasted two days.
>>305957Lol, it's 5 years now. She keeps adding a year of ~struggle~ every time she writes about it.
A kid asked why can't she have Aly's body BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That totally happened.
Could some kind anon please keep non followers updated with the most cringe pics/captions? I had all my accounts blocked by her.
Self love is the greatest revolution. How about loving other people, or at least caring about them? Get off your ass and make a difference to the world instead of obsessing on yourself.
No. 306353
File: 1494138308070.png (295.14 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170507-082416.png)

Everything she writes is bullshit
No. 306397
>>306384Yeah, but fewer than a dozen comments on her posts.
You know how her English is pretty bad?
For a long time I've wondered if these captions are from a book. Someone else's #motivational words in Italian and she's translating it into English. It seems too concise considering her limited English.
Have a ROYAL Sunday, darlings.
Ilysm, Anon (Being woman).
[insert shitty emoji of a monkey or a ← soon one]
No. 306400
>>306397(Btw, anon
>>306353, thanks for the updates). I'm thinking of creating my 1000th profile and faking an ED recovery person. Not sure what to do about pics. Probably pinch them from some other profile. I need to see this shit from Aly.
No. 306407
>>306400You could take some pics from mpa, they have a thread where they post all their
° meals lol
No. 306453
File: 1494158464427.jpg (96.27 KB, 1014x253, Screenshot_20170507-135055.jpg)

Samefag here,
Wow now she's saying that she has had body issues for her whole life?
No. 306480
File: 1494162148223.jpeg (208.35 KB, 640x975, image.jpeg)

I'm loving this "feminist" Aly. Her idea of feminism is screaming about how much better she is than women who like to look their best for their partners.
I can just imagine her boyfriend asking what her hair looks like straightened, then being subjected to her Instagram rants irl.
No. 306551
File: 1494171847779.jpeg (263.84 KB, 1440x2060, Capture _2017-05-07-11-35-55-0…)

Betcha this'll change her mind about being private. Sucks to suck eh Aly.
No. 306732
File: 1494189802093.jpg (46.91 KB, 325x311, NOT TO SMUG NOW.jpg)

>>306551How did that happen? Are people unfollowing her or has she
triggered that ig purge of dead accounts going private? I hope this continues.
You know when she started being all pissy about not getting comments started (i think) around the time she posted that thing where she said she was on tv. I didn't watch it all, just saw her pushing a stir fry around a pan, but maybe being on tv gave her a superiority complex?
I'd like to see her face as her follower numbers dwindle, mwa ha haaa.
No. 306786
>>306353……i can't believe she's literally quoting lady macbeth??? and interpreting that famous as fuck quote to mean "being vulnerable doesn't mean being frail"???
i know this is so irrelevant but ugh. "look like th' innocent flower but be the serpent under 't" doesn't mean "aww pretty girls r strong #feminism" it means "pretend to be nice and then FUCKING MURDER THE KING"
sage for lit major sperg but come on aly keep your greasy little hands off lady macbeth, you don't deserve her
No. 306789
>>306551>>306561>>306732I just came here after noticing the same thing! I'm actually surprised. I would have expected her count to go up a little after going private since I'm sure there are lurkers who check in on her but don't follow (I'm one of them, lol).
I'm assuming she's been gradually losing and just reached the critical point where IG rounds down instead of up. Can't imagine her obnoxious begging and boring content lately hasn't been chasing people off.
No. 306790
File: 1494194182624.jpg (6.51 KB, 140x227, lady macca.jpg)

No. 306794
>>306789I thought it'd go up to. I can't imagine she's been deleting people. I still don't know if people she blocks stay on her followers count, and she blocked over 1k people? She's really got nothing to offer the "ed community" because she's always so up about eating shit. Then she remember to say, oh of course I struggle. Still think most followed her because she was thinspo or people like us watching the train wreck.
>>306791She's still tagging herself #beauty on her other account!
No. 306951
File: 1494206268057.jpg (18.01 KB, 272x275, jfc.jpg)

>>306910I can't even see her account to post the short clip she posted but yeah, it must've been at the end of Feb or in March. I wonder what happened to that essay about recovering she said was for a newspaper.
>>306917She's just got one of those faces. Even when she's looking normal in her really old pics there's something about her. It's like she's got a stick up her ass all the time.
>>306879MPA is an odd place. For a start, the "thinspo" thread is pictures of really healthy looking slim (not skinny) women. If that's how they want to look can't they just … change their dietary habits? Who the fuck wants an illness? Not sure how that site gets away with the blatant pro eating disorder thing.
This will always be my most hated photo of her. Oh look, I'm totally relishing this calorific ice cream while my face looks like Karen Carpenters. #proofs
No. 307076
>>307072I joined that site years ago and they required you to send a selfie with a piece of paper to confirm you aren't a whale before they let you join.
Speaking of that site though I'd love a thread about it the admin and her bf were seriously creepy. Some of the users are milky as hell too. Too bad it's private.
No. 307145
File: 1494222949223.png (1.14 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-05-07-23-42-39…)

Have you guys seen her latest story? Its all old "pre ed" pics. What does she mean "vanish young girl?" also I can't get over how puffy she is now. She really fucked herself up
No. 307161
>>307145She really wrote that she let her piercing heal? That's a tragedy. Anorexia really screwed up her life if she let a navel piercing heal over. Poor thing.
>>307076Can't someone suck in? How spoopy do you have to be?
No. 307365
File: 1494265605701.png (636.08 KB, 827x606, Screen Shot 2017-05-08 at 18.3…)

"received again the triggering comments" bitch WHERE?! Her list of diagnoses and the time she's had illnesses appear to increase with every post.
No. 307370
>>307365HOW does her english get worse by the week?! It's like she has a random english word generator and just clicks it every time she doesn't know a word. "Vanish" twice in the last day meaning something that has nothing to do with anything she might be trying to say? This one can't even be blamed on shitty translation programs, like probably happened with "day hospital control" and "aspect." This is literally just guessing words.
Maybe she doesn't use the dictionary because it's ~exercise~.
No. 307372
File: 1494266327159.png (67.31 KB, 891x245, 13145.png)

looks like her follower count has jumped back up. she went from 51k to 50.9 after she went private and is now up to 51.1. really curious what that's about.
her fake "haters" she's quoting on the latest "shoot" don't even make sense. who tf has talked about her clothes and how is that hate anyway? ugh aly stop
No. 307698
>>307372Anyone following her for lols isn't going to risk getting blocked if her account's private. That's why I'm sure she really is making this stuff up. Unless she's going to say, oh I'm getting hater comments anyway so I might as well go public again.
I wish ig gave an accurate number so you could see if she's actually deleting these comments that're ~
triggering~ her.
As for her clothes, she needs to wear a skirt. Here
>>307365 she looks like a Texan hooker. She really doesn't know how dress herself, does she.
No. 307699
>>307698"accurate number so you could see if she's actually deleting these comments"
should say
an accurate number of followers so you could see if she's blocking the h8rz.
No. 307709
File: 1494291640652.jpg (76.72 KB, 957x605, 1.JPG)

^ That was me. I'm spamming, so-rry BUT I found that really old pic of pre ed Aly ( 14th May 2012). That's the guy she said was her boyfriend but was really just her friend sick of her shit.
No. 307711
File: 1494291663814.jpg (81.12 KB, 641x960, 540189_172311919562440_1485644…)

No. 307804
File: 1494298321170.jpeg (243.95 KB, 590x431, New Canvas223.jpeg)

Wtf happened??
No. 307845
File: 1494301370378.png (1.63 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170509-053545.png)

If i see this photo one more time i'm gonna jump out of the window
No. 307850
>>307845because god forbid she accidentally miss a #transformationtuesday now that she's only posting her before/afters on tuesdays and thursdays (and sundays). and yeah, we all believe she "won't have time" to post tomorrow, because her social life is so damn demanding.
i'm going to fly to milan and shave her head for the good of humanity. she just needs to start over. that hair is a fucking atrocity.
No. 307854
>>307804It's incredible that she could even apply her eye makeup better at the age of 16 than she does now.
Anon who asked I she'd had a shite perm, she said she used to use straighteners although a bad perm would explain a lot.
I don't know anyone whose looks are so different in a short space of time. I hope she starts to work on her cosmetics and clothes. Or don't
#feminists do that?
No. 307875
File: 1494303675184.jpg (46.44 KB, 434x584, Capture.JPG)

>>307855That ~numbers~
TW thing really fucks me off. Not just with her, but with ig anas in general. Idk, the terminology just sounds really, really childish. I get why they wouldn't want to read weights, but "numbers". Fuck off.
What Aly needs to do is get her hair dyed brown. For starters.
As for clothes I noticed Ma C posted on facebook that she'd found this hoodie thing Aly saw on holiday and she could buy it online. Aly said, oh but it's expensive and it was only something like 20 Euros if that. I reckon she's really stingy with her own cash and leeches of the parents all the time.
This pic is almost exactly 2 years after the ones posted above. I wonder why she stopped going to clubs because she's a skele in this one and it didn't stop her. She needs friends. Very tolerant, patient people.
No. 307886
File: 1494305423985.jpg (655.13 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20170508_000600.jpg)

I just wanted to post "progress" pics of her even if she ever got healthy again, she will never look as good as she did pre ED..seeing this is really eye opening.
No. 307890
>>307886I feel bad saying this, but she looked better in the middle one than she does now. I mean, if she didn't look sickly and her face was a wee bit fuller. Maybe it really is that she looks better with no make up. If she dropped that awful wing job on her eyes and the bright lipstick she'd look loads better. Oh, and that awful side parting comb-over.
Anons have said she's puffy because of recovery so it's going to be interesting to see what she finally looks like when it's settled down. Even if her face is like that because it's weight gain, she could still look pretty if she scrubbed that crap from her face (and went for a drastic hair make over).
No. 307907
90+% of her alleged ~*h8urz*~ comments are actually paraphrasing critical shit she reads here, I am sure of it. Fuck off already Aly. I agree with you
>>307890 she is an overly made-up caricature now and it's disturbing as fuck.
No. 308003
>>307890The make-up definitely plays a role, if you compare this recent picture from her story
>>294557 with all her other current ones.
No. 308013
>>307886yeah this comparison is unfair as fuck, every other photo of her in this thread has her face way less bloated than this. Even the other photos from the same day (same outfit) didn't look that bad. It's just a really bad picture, that she didn't take, and angle/lighting's unfortunate.
>>300534>>294557>>297444>>307845All of those pictures have Aly looking way less bloated, and way prettier. That first one from snaphat, she looks way better there than she ever did as a skele.
No. 308492
File: 1494365389372.jpg (608.23 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20170509_150923.jpg)

I think it's fair. Anorexia makes you ugly. She fucked herself over. No one should do this to themselves. I was shocked a couple years ago when I saw her before pics. I had no idea how much it fucks up how you look.
Someone suggested comparing her plain face with her recent pic. Here it is next to her younger self and made up self. I agree she looks better without all the makeup.
No. 308638
>>308633I always thought she'd switched to bulimia but then changed my mind and went with the water retention. That middle pic above though, her face is less puffy but her chipmunk cheeks are showing.
Is she still guilt tripping followers for making her feel "useless" on her account (ie not praising her enough)? Any more black screens? No need to ask if she's posting chocolate and donuts.
No. 308654
>Plenty of photos of her at these baths things she went to "with her boy"Ugh. There are advantages of not being a follower.
There's very little she posts that made me feel hungry but then I'm more for nutty/spicy/grainy snacks. Looking at the anas who're really spoopy makes me hungry. They must ~
trigger~ some survival instinct idk.
No. 308660
>>308654Oh but you miss out on reading "Let me fu
k off Anorexia today and all the sht she made me pass through." Also her ED is still referred to as a person and she's trying so hard to sound body positive. Totes not disordered. Neither am I usuall but I'm so high I'd eat almost anything
No. 308666
>>308660"shut her mouth off". I hate when people humanise (might've made that word up) illnesses, although I've only seen it with ED people. If someone had cancer and they said, "Oh, he's really shouting pain at me loud today" you'd think they were dicks, but it's okay to refer to anorexia as a she?
You should make a munchies stash like preppers stock up for the apocalypse.
No. 308722
>>308666Yeah I've not really seen it with anything other than EDs either. Mmm very Hazel Grace (I can't stand the fault in our stars)
You know, you're right. I'd fucking kill for some crisps right now.
No. 308840
>>308521even if she's aging poorly (which i don't doubt) she's still only like 21-22…honestly she should be at peak hotness more or less. normal people don't get LESS hot from age 16 to age 22. then again normal people also don't get worse at their makeup and styling during that age range either lol.
first set of comparison pics was definitely choosing an especially shitty pic, but tbh she looks pretty shitty in all her recent pics and v bloated. yeah weight redistribution blah blah but i strongly suspect she wouldn't be nearly so pasty and puffy right now if she were eating normal, well-balanced meals as opposed to sugar 24/7 (or 24/24 or 7/24 or whatever she said).
No. 308972
>>308945Oh god, imagining her ego inflating even more when she sees that. The women who recovered have amazing bodies. As a couch potato, I'm envious of the ones who look really toned. Of course, society's made me think that…
>>308949Welcome back, anon. Yes, Aly is still milky. I'm v glad she was allowed back to the farm.
>>308840I never thought about the ageing thing with her parents (anon somewhere above) and that they mustn't be that old if she's only 21. I'd always presumed Ma was mid 50s and her dad 60ish. Yeah, early-20s is peak hotness. I remember dropping some stubborn puppy fat on my face and growing into my face for the better by 21. It's all downhill from 25 mwahaha.
If she saw that boredpanda article she'd be saying how the ones who're toned are still disordered because they're not scoffing donuts and probably going to the gym in a not disordered way. Diabetes waiting to happen.
No. 310050
>>309874It's different with AN though. Like
>>309692 said, it can be like you feel as if some other entity is in your mind and you are alternatively feeling supported or being attacked by it. Personifying the ED voice in therapy often helps people distinguish between self and pathology. Negative self-talk is not the same thing.
No. 310082
File: 1494503562187.jpg (6.23 KB, 300x168, winnie.jpg)

>>310074I'd love to hear him pissed. Self medication, eh.
I suppose these words (img) are his own take on #staystrong.
>>310050Can't agree with this being something that only affects people with an ED, but the reasoning behind the personification of it in therapy sounds helpful. Whatever works…
(sage because it isn't about Aly and she'd sperg about it)
No. 310267
File: 1494534453130.jpeg (1.34 MB, 3264x3264, image.jpeg)

Open to discussion, okay, sure you are.
No. 310918
File: 1494588289043.png (882.63 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Crazy bitch.
No. 310925
File: 1494590093622.png (464 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170512-134620.png)

Samefag, just wanted to leave this ~insoirational~ caption of her rounded, curvy thighs here.
No. 310932
File: 1494591132852.jpg (9.85 KB, 275x183, attractive.jpg)

>>310918Her bad English is throwing me. Is this a dig at her followers for not commenting again or did they all think her diet was unhealthy?
>>310925Mermaids don't have "no gaps" between their thighs because they're a fucking fish.
I'm sick of her skinny shaming, or rather having a pop at anyone who isn't curvaceous. BEAUTY HAS NO STANDARDS, but you'd better not be slim with a flat stomach and not a sexy round booty or else you must be eating disordered and you're totally not hot to men.
Her follower count is 50.9 again. I don't get what's going on there, and why is she still using hashtags if she's private?
No. 310968
File: 1494595372570.jpg (82.15 KB, 1000x481, Capture.JPG)

She's gone public again.
No. 310980
File: 1494596741770.jpg (59.36 KB, 930x598, attention.JPG)

Oh how I've missed this.
No. 311001
>>310995Rules is different for her. She's special and the world must know about her scraps.
She's gone private again…
No. 311018
>>310980already deleted
oh aly, what a fuckup you are.
No. 311029
File: 1494601812144.jpg (52.65 KB, 348x600, aphrodite.jpg)

>>310925Aphrodite is the Greek name. Pretty funny that she's pontificating about Greek beauty and she uses the Latin name. (And she surely knows this, given that she once claimed to be teaching Latin in private lessons, and given how similar Latin is to her native language, Italian.)
This is total nonsense. Does she think there were no beauty ideals in antiquity? Please. There were plenty. She's also thinking of a later time period (think Rubenesque). Sculptures of goddesses in antiquity were strong, powerful, and more or less fit. No rolls of fat or big giant hips like the Venus of Willendorf. Some depictions give Aphrodite a slightly convex stomach, and she's clearly depicted as healthy, but she's not a fatty. Sometimes she even looks like she has been doing crunches.
No. 311057
File: 1494604772199.jpg (8.21 KB, 274x184, foot binding.jpg)

>>311029I reckon what she did was google "female beauty" or something like that and came across the shite she posted. She must get along at uni by being an excellent bullshitter with essays - pretending to know a lot but it's all straight from internets. One site. Cognitive dissonance again, using whatever suits her opinion and fucking off what doesn't.
Greeks though tiny willies were the sign of an alpha male and now (apparently) big cocks are where it's at. So, yeah, beauty standards change in art and society.
I mean, lotus feet were a sign of beauty. It's always been there in all cultures and society.
Soz this is a bit disjointed. I had my first real cig after ages vaping and the head rush is disgusting. I think they laced it with Spice, idk.
Really though, isn't she inflicting the notion that an almost Rubenesque body type should be the "norm", because she's going against what she says she hates (ie being told what she should look like).
No. 311065
>>311029>>311057She doesn't have a single original idea and she's just rehashing the same "body positive" shit that's so popular in recovery communities (pushed by NEDA, etc) and all the trendy "beauty in all sizes" shit from Dove and other ~brends~. But because she's shitty at language and also can't write a post without making it super defensive and all about her, the vague "everbody is beautiful and Marilyn Monroe was totally a size 16!" thing turns into broken English rants about ~society~ while Aly continues to ignore that if she weren't still so ED-warped, she'd know her body type is pretty fucking close to the "ideal" once she redistributes the recovery bloat.
"Society" never wanted her to look like a skeleton. "Society" actually never gave a shit, but even if it did, it 100% was not looking for a bmi of ~10.6~.
No. 311067
File: 1494606286731.png (1.05 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

She looks like a fucking idiot.
No. 311072
>>311065Agh, you didn't warn us of the ~numbers~
>>311067Oh look, half a skirt. For someone so insIcure about her body, she sure does wear some flaunt it clothes.
No. 311093
File: 1494607725100.jpg (240.7 KB, 1222x1222, Aly 3-21-2015.jpg)

>>311086Isn't this the same skirt?
Why is she so reluctant to buy new clothes?
No. 311268
File: 1494615994729.png (991.03 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-05-12-12-59-52…)

This stupid bitch. No one is making fun of you
No. 311330
>>311093>>311103This is exactly why legit treatment programs and therapists basically force ED patients to purge (lolz) their sick clothes. Honestly if she would get rid of ALL her old shit it would be a huge (!) help in
actually moving past the changes in her size.
Or else she could just keep trying to squeeze into things 5 sizes too small until eventually her skirt rips open in the middle of a shoot.
No. 311345
File: 1494619069752.jpg (66.56 KB, 1170x563, aly and thingy.jpg)

>>311322Next week, FULL FRONTAL SHOWER SEX! Who takes these pictures??
>>311268As well as her make up and clothes being brutally affected by anorexia, her lack of self awareness has been too. How can she pose like this? She IS ridiculous. The staff at Magnum must be pissing themselves.
>>311330She said she'd taken some size 0 jeans to a charity shop. She's not letting go of the rest. She must need to feel skinny and keeps telling herself she's fine so long as she can squeeze into her elasticated waist teeny tiny skirts. Shame she hasn't noticed they're now half way up her arse.
No. 311947
File: 1494683518723.jpg (258.93 KB, 719x821, IMG_20170513_073903.jpg)

Wasn't she going on dates with other dudes just last year? updating her other account to seem normal so he would take her back?
No. 311948
>>311268She twists every little thing people say and turns it into criticism that's just not there. The other day when she asked for opinions on what people consider healthy, someone suggested "balance"… cue Aly sperging out for the next 5-10 posts about it, saying she had been "attacked"
Imagine having to deal with her in real life. Who the fuck would want to be friends with someone who you have to walk on eggshells around 24/7 and agree with everything they say, otherwise suffer one of their massive manipulative guilt trips.
I really can't stomach this fucking headcase. Her mother is clearly off her head too. The enabling is on another level!
I don't condone violence but I can just imagine how infuriated her father feels with her, and if him slapping her is true. Well…
She's a spoilt brat who really fancies herself.
No. 311970
>>311947>>311949Confirmed again for lurking here (Hi Aly!). We pointed out several times how she just has to report her LW to the decimal place, so now she puts ~11. Bitch please. Still number-whoring.
>>311948For real. I would lose it. I suspect Ma C just gets exhausted of Aly's tantrums and it's easier to placate her. This happens in so many ED families. Entire households tiptoe around the blusterous shitstorm that swirls around people with ED's. Still, even if she was overwhelmed, fuck her for not getting Aly the help she needed.
No. 312015
>>311947From the same post Aly rewriting history
>I've opened this profile in June 2015, from the hospital, at the very beginning of my Recovery; does someone rememberI remember the profile even before you "opened" it. For maybe a full year when you looked like death and pretended to be recovering. Just because you delete a shed load of pictures doesn't mean it's erased from history.
No. 312017
File: 1494692701071.jpg (37.48 KB, 935x599, Capture.JPG)

>>312015(and I'm predicting a black screen. She posted this, but just deleted it and replaced it with a donnie (!). Probably because nobody replied because they dgaf about her "surprise").
No. 312078
File: 1494699140018.png (12.62 KB, 186x166, IMG_5210.PNG)

Profile is public again.
Seriously though, this is the face of someone who will probably murder you in your sleep. I feel uneasy.
No. 312092
File: 1494700102761.jpeg (224.79 KB, 1238x1719, image.jpeg)

>>312084This one I believe
No. 312212
>>312175She forgot to tell the "surprise" she's been banging on about. Has she gotten herself knocked up? Murdered her dad?
>>312078and that is the face of someone who looks way older than 21.
No. 312571
>>312567She's very vanish when she says she's got a surprise for us or something amazing and it turns out to be a video or picture of herself.
I'm surprised she doesn't run a competition to gain followers where we hashtag her account and one lucky person wins a signed photo of her posing outside Magnum.
No. 312643
File: 1494770835045.jpeg (171.35 KB, 640x1085, image.jpeg)

I'm calling it now. Aly's gonna sperg out when she sees this comment and how they're being a "hater".
No. 312656
File: 1494772171668.jpg (23.6 KB, 291x175, if you still care.JPG)

>>312643Aly claimed she had no idea how much weight she'd gained before her last weigh in because she never checks the scales. Since then she's spoken about how she does weigh herself.
Here she is being a pissy bitch because nobody commented on her plans to take her mum out in a boat or sthing.
No. 312666
File: 1494773402774.jpg (65.18 KB, 715x1029, IMG_20170514_084641.jpg)

>>312643aaaand here we go. She got like 10 comments on her last "personal" I guess that's the same as none
No. 312680
File: 1494774397567.jpg (24.83 KB, 306x187, christ.JPG)

Fuck me.
No. 312838
File: 1494793302094.png (941.64 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Aly shut the fuck up. It's not your weight that's the problem, it's the lipstick applied with a paint roller and the eyeliner that's 6 inches too low down on your face, not to mention the ramen noodle combover.
No. 312858
File: 1494795062117.png (309.29 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-14-13-45-17…)

I hope this comment stays up. Aly is getting more insane. I can't even follow her for more than a day because her posts make me rage so much. I miss her posi-coffee-vibes posts because this craziness she posts now is really just insane.
No. 312872
File: 1494797294477.jpg (103.11 KB, 480x800, sure aly.jpg)

>>312838Looked better because her clothes weren't two sizes too small. It's new outfits she needs to get into, not anorexia.
She posted this caption earlier, but then she edited this bit out.
No. 312894
The ends look like her hair just breaks off. Non curly here, but mine looked similar when I bleached the fuck out of it. Hers is bleached underneath and she used straighteners for years (if that isn't a dodgy perm), so I'd say it's
>>312893Unless she gets the really damaged part hacked off then I guess it's just going to snap off until the fucked part is all gone.
The colour's what bothers me. Cheap rinse and awful colour. I really wish I could see what she looks like through her eyes because she really thinks she's hot.
It was Mothers Day and she spent the time getting Ma to take pictures of her and fiddling with her phone. Caring daughter.
No. 312904
File: 1494800085988.jpg (371.86 KB, 1600x1066, alys hairs.JPG)

Googled "spun sugar nest" and found Aly's hair EVERYWHERE.
No. 313188
File: 1494846817305.jpeg (59.13 KB, 640x972, image.jpeg)

No. 313193
File: 1494847659474.jpg (26.7 KB, 285x173, pissy.JPG)

I missed the black screen, but noticed she barely had any comments today. She's so needy it hurts.
No. 313199
>>313198Why isn't she at uni? She always seems to be at cafes with her mum.
Yeah, it's strange how she'll complain about lack of comments after 15 minutes like she thinks the entire world's looking at instagram 7/24 (!)
No. 313225
File: 1494853859711.png (899.15 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-05-15-07-00-39…)

shes threatening to relapse if she doesn't get enough comments right? do you think this time she might relapse? Or is this just a show?
No. 313227
File: 1494854621865.png (267.93 KB, 750x1114, IMG_0115.PNG)

Come on Aly let's be honest, you love EVERY "shoot" you do. Since you post 35,000 photos of each one over the course of a week or so every time… and how does this shot look any different from any other one in that outfit? Also how classy is it to pose 40 times outside a fucking McDonald's, I wonder what passerby's think
No. 313229
>>313227She's not even asking for support or anything in that post. Just bleating on and on about self love and being happy and healthy. WTF does she expect people to say. It's her usual bullshit wall of text.
And her hair is orange, right?
No. 313247
>>313227"happiness is dancing with milkshakes at mcdonald's while wearing a tight skirt"
jfc aly get it together
no it isn't
No. 313275
File: 1494861673374.png (595.83 KB, 815x594, Screen Shot 2017-05-15 at 16.1…)

Just gotta mention that BMI, but she's not proud of it you guiiiize! And claiming she's "aware of her insanity" hahahaha no.
No. 313293
File: 1494863148748.jpg (144.71 KB, 718x553, IMG_20170515_094335.jpg)

Sure Aly.
No. 313309
>>313247Well she's easy to please.
>>313282Thing is, her "new" followers don't seem to remember her fake recovery. They're newbies. For whatever reason, she'll always attract new people. Each time she'll make her life seem more and more tragic. I said the same about not giving a fuck what happened to her now. It's unbelievable her psychiatrist (does she even have one?) hasn't picked up all her issues. It's glaringly obvious she's not right, but then none of her family seem right in the head.
She thinks she's got it all sussed and fitting "other couples" into boxes. Yeah, Aly, me and my partner face "everyday issues". Nobody else has mental problems. I met mine on the psych ward 20+ years ago. Come back in two decades and let's see if you're so smug that it's "true love". Christ Almighty.
I'm pretty damn sure most couples would last if they lived 650 km from each other and saw each other half a dozen times a year. Try living in his pocket with all his irritating and disgusting habits and see how you feel about romance.
No. 313318
>>313314Oh, hush. You might be much further away but there's no way you're as much in love as Aly is.
It's made me rage reading her caption tbh. I mean, there're people who're carers for partners who have cancer, terminal illnesses, are going through grief over the loss of a mum or dad, have a disabled child, etc etc. A few years of anorexia and she thinks she's had it the worst.
No. 313319
File: 1494865173912.png (1.44 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

Silly, silly girl.
No. 313330
File: 1494865764822.jpg (30.01 KB, 360x240, 240_F_126497316_ym3bUZvFf5Jn1O…)

>>313324Unless her tan is really the filling of a donut because she's started restricting and has to find ways to hide her food.
Now she can do shoots like this WOW!
>>313327The eye cancer would be society's fault because it says that tanned skin is more desirable and hot.
No. 313339
File: 1494867098724.jpg (1.01 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170515_183705.jpg)

Come on aly, stop shitting us ? you already are at a healthy bmi. I am weight restored and she has the same "girth" as i do - her body fat percentage may be higher, which could make her look heavier but i still think she is in the (lower) healthy bmi range
No. 313379
>>313275>"i was so "proud" of my illness"lol you still are or why the fuck would you constantly bring up your lowest weight and post old pics of yourself when you were thin?
>"aware of my insanity" too bad you've lost that awareness bc girl you are crazy af
her outfit looks like something a disney channel extra would wear in 2009
No. 313380
File: 1494869584212.png (1.79 MB, 1080x1348, 20170515_132926.png)

>>223291Her newest post…is it just me, or is there something going on with her neck? It doesn't look normal to me.
No. 313423
>>313412I think if she smoothed her hair and changed her makeup, her outfits would look more current too.
(Sage for my hair is naturally the same terrible texture as hers, and smoothing it makes everything I wear look trendy and relevant, but keeping it natural makes everything look 20 years dated)
No. 313496
File: 1494877342793.png (413.22 KB, 461x448, HALLELUJAH.png)

>>313380Oh come on, Anon, don't waste the best Aly quote this year so far!
No. 313653
File: 1494889908790.gif (922.73 KB, 500x275, qxyzg.gif)

>>313637What sites are 30+ year olds supposed to go to? Please do tell.
No. 313683
Aly strikes me as a similar kind of crazy to Nikki Graham (Big Brother UK). Only, Aly wished she was as spoopy as Nikki used to be.
>>313637>>313653 Aww look, the widdle 14 year old thought we evaporate into a cloud of pre-menopausal dust and rheumatic woes at the age of 30+
No. 313690
>>313683As annoying as Nikki was on BB, she was funny with it. 10% annoying, 90% funny, whereas with Aly it's the other way around and at least Nikki's behaviour was mostly exaggerated by her for the camera. I'd want to slap Aly when she's having a tantrum whereas Nikki was funny.
It's amusing to think what 20 something year olds imagine being 30+ is like. Probably more a reflection of the life they'll feel they have to live in their dull future more than anything.
No. 313920
>>313293ugh Aly is always quite rage-inducing but this entire post makes me particularly mad
>>313412my thoughts exactly. leggings under denim shorts or skirt, big belt over shirt, tank top under tshirt, this shit was popular in Italy back then. You can tell she didn't renew her wardrobe since then.
No. 313982
File: 1494938486161.jpeg (206.87 KB, 640x893, image.jpeg)

I can't understand what she's trying to say.
"Really much" "waering" "collant" "determinate". Was her English this bad when she was spoopy?
No. 313991
>>313987so she's gone from guessing cognates to literally just not even trying to translate?
>>313982why is she even acting like things are still a ~challenge~ when she posts ~donnies~ and ~fraps~ every single day? the real challenge would be eating a normal human meal tbh
No. 314002
>>313991Well she calls her thighs "tights"
If she wrote tights here it would mean admitting to herself she was wrong about thighs lol
No. 314205
File: 1494965968506.png (318.13 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Drama alert
No. 314206
File: 1494965991023.png (482.7 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 314209
File: 1494966539018.png (97.45 KB, 1046x447, Untitled.png)

>>314205I noticed this one having a pop at someone else when Aly thought that someone else person was slagging Aly off. I thought this dentalstixx person was an Aly fangirl. I'm confused.
No. 314211
File: 1494966695903.jpg (67.91 KB, 513x495, Capture.JPG)

And she's going on about being a cis here.
No. 314226
File: 1494968226102.jpg (37.18 KB, 291x308, Capture.JPG)

>>314224It's all still there. I love how there's a shitstorm going on and someone comments timidly "I love your outfit".
No. 314233
File: 1494968798008.jpg (126.65 KB, 916x594, Capture.JPG)

>>314228One of the many accounts she blocked of mine (just the one!) wasn't intended to be taken in a nasty way but she thought I must've been a h8r and blocked me. Where the fuck*ng hell is her head at?
Meanwhile, you too can have a body like Aly's. Here's the #proofs.
No. 314234
>>314233her eyeliner literally looks like she drew it on with a magic marker.
also it's easy to forget in her crazed shoots bc she dresses in unflattering and ill-fitting clothes but this pic makes it so obvious that she has a great figure and totally fits into the "beauty standard" she's always "yelling" about. stfu aly, going from universally gross looking to generally "hot" is hardly revolutionary. i'm sure recovery has been hard but the way she rants about her "rounded stomach" etc makes it sound like she's seriously bucking beauty conventions.
and, you know, the whole thing that one commenter got attacked about above, ie daring to mention that EDs are generally about way more fucked up shit than wanting to be pretty or w/e.
No. 314263
>>314234Everything you say 100%. She still does look thin in that pic where she's wearing shorts. It makes me think she can't be eating so much junk because there's no cellulite. She used to drink a lot of coffee and she smokes and those alone give you cellulite.
When she first posted this I thought she'd used photoshop to draw the eyeliner on. Either that or she's got a hardcore waterproof liner. She really needs to go natural.
No. 314551
File: 1495016070776.jpg (42.21 KB, 274x321, i see.JPG)

She had a fight with her boy. That explains why she's been extra spergy. Imagine the emotional blackmail. He sees her talking about relapsing because they had an argument. Dude shoulda stayed away from the crazy.
No. 314562
>>314551A little further down she says her ~boy~ might be visiting on Saturday, but that she's not "strong enough" to have him there the whole weekend.
Sounds to me like she is indeed restricting again, because she knows she could get away with it for a day, but not the whole weekend.
No. 314566
>>314562Yeah. All the effort she went to to get him back but now she doesn't want to spend an entire weekend with him and he's travelling a distance.
At least it'll spare us a dozen less vomit inducing dry humping pics.
I didn't think that food would be the reason she wanted to be alone when I first read it, but it makes sense. I like to be alone when I feel mental, but if I saw my partner as little as Aly does I'd make the effort to tolerate him an extra day. Those urges to starve must pretty strong.
No. 314595
File: 1495024486118.jpg (16.66 KB, 293x100, Capture.JPG)

We know you know.
No. 314605
File: 1495026240253.jpg (71.32 KB, 386x456, Screenshot_20170517-090223.jpg)

>>223291>>314263Funnily enough, we were just saying she doesn't have cellulite, but I think I see some here, in her latest post. Now, I have cellulite myself so that's not my point, it's just that she makes a point of eating the mosg unhealthy things.
No. 314618
>>314582she could stay relevant if she made herself and her recovery more aspirational. she could do it pretty easily if she reined her crazy in and went back to the things (besides her weight) that made her popular in the first place.
tbh a couple of years ago i found her life somewhat aspirational aside from her ED. she lives in an amazing city, was always out at interesting restaurants "eating" pretty food, and pulled herself together pretty well. she was able to project some degree of privilege even though her family is middle class. her city and her vacations feel exotic to the american audience she's trying to appeal to.
if she could return to and improve on that she could
actually come across as #recoverygoals and retain interest even though she's weight restored. here's my easy plan for Aly Success:
-fix her look. new hair, new makeup, improved and better fitting wardrobe. she CAN look good with better styling.
-stop posting cheap junk food and start posting pretty cafes and restaurants again. donuts and milkshakes are boring but pretty pastries and nice restaurant meals make eating and recovery look glamorous instead of indulgent.
-get better at photography and start taking NICE selfies and NICE food pics so everything fits an aesthetic
-start posting more of life in milan. shopping, architecture, drinks, whatever. capitalize on living in a chic city and make it look like she has an interesting cosmopolitan life, which most of her american audience will accept easily if she moves away from looking like she has no friends except her mom and no life except awkward posing with junk food.
-improve her english and start making simpler captions that are about the cool things she's doing and make it look like she's actually living, instead of saying batshit things like "happiness is dancing with a milkshake outside of mcdonalds in a tight skirt".
-stop the attention seeking
-actually interact with followers
it seems like a lot but it's really doable, since she spends most of her time on instagram anyway. if she did this she could actually seem appealing and ~inspirational~/aspirational. she got attention because compared to the other emaciated anas on IG she had a pretty, "glamorous" life but she's lost that element. with her huge audience, she could get longevity AND maybe even move away from basing her identity on her ED if she transitioned from full-time recovery worrier to "cool 20-something living a leisurely life in a fashion capital".
i know this entire post is extra but w/e w/e
No. 314630
File: 1495029709000.jpg (576.51 KB, 800x1464, Screenshot_20170517-095832.jpg)

Clearly Miss Whiney is here. Hi, Alice! Fix your hair yet? I recommend a chop, Argan oil, and non sulfate shampoo.
Who the hell is going to buy that an "Italian feminist page" said this? She clearly came here, saw our post about cellulite, and turned it into something it's not.
Newsflash, girl, I am the one who posted that. I have cellulite. I wear shorts. I am a feminist. You should be too, but instead you're turning against thousands of your followers.
If you're going to stalk this page, take our advice, and grow some thicker skin.
No. 314636
>>314630Even Kate Moss had cellulite when she was at the height of her thinspo career. I'm only petite but I have some cellulite. I don't trust women who don't have it. Body shaming? She does enough of that herself. She shames recovery girls who eat well and she shames herself for her imagined fatness.
She's OBSESSED with BMI.
That comment she deleted didn't say she "only eats sweets". She asked to see what other foods she eats and not just the snacks (or "extras" as Aly calls them).
>>314618I look at ana chan ig pages to look for material for here, but I like to look at recovered ED accounts because I'm shit at cooking and I like to see ideas for new veggie foods I could try that are easy to make. Aly couldn't be an account like that or be a stay healthy type account. Your ideas are her best bet. I live in a main city in England, and European cities are still really interesting to me because I've never travelled.
I'd like to see her shopping for clothes at this point. She's kind of like an older male to female transsexual when they first start to live as a woman and get the clothes all wrong. She should read up on what flatters your figure and go looking for clothes to take pictures of (and wear herself, ha).
So yeah, I'm interested in Milan and seeing her do something other than donuts. She needs distraction and it seems she doesn't have any hobbies.
She also needs to stop guilt tripping followers because she mistakeans English/wants sympathy. That (and the donuts and chocolate) are what piss me off most.
Such a wasted opportunity.
No. 314640
>>314630Yes, I'm sure a feminist page posted that. How stupid does she think her followers are?
I hate the "stretch marks are warrior signs" thing and the "warrior/soldier" shit in general. I know plenty of people in the actual military (including…
women!) who have served in active duty and fucking no, your "battle" with anorexia is not the same as actual warfare. Shut up.
Also the whole "everyone is beautiful" thing. Beauty is subjective and it changes with the times, but there are some things that will always be attractive and some things that never will be, because of biological and evolutionary instinct. Some people are conventionally attractive and some people are not. It's no different than how some people are naturally athletic and some are not, or some are naturally intelligent and some are not. Not everyone is beautiful and no amount of Dove campaigns and ranty captions will give ugly people the social advantages of beautiful people. It doesn't work like that.
No. 314645
File: 1495031131059.jpg (30.24 KB, 468x286, dove.jpg)

>>314640The women on Dove ads are always good looking anyway whatever their size. They never have fugly women and they're never obese. They're like UK size 16/18 but it's all in the right places. Aesthetically pleasing.
They probably get them from a plus size model agency. If they used someone with rotten teeth and really fucked up hair or sacks of porridge at the top of their legs nobody would buy their products.
I searched feminism/feminist in Italian on facebook. The main groups are pretty militant so no, they wouldn't say that. Lying bitch.
No. 314680
File: 1495035507217.png (64.67 KB, 584x398, learn english.png)

Jesus, the only time she interacts with someone is when they defend themselves. Either Aly's super snowflake sensitivity is in overdrive or she really shouldn't bother communicating in English any more if her understanding's so poor.
No. 314695
>>314630She keeps saying "cellulitis" instead of "cellulite" and it's driving me bonkers.
Ali….Cellulitis is an infection. The word you're looking for is cellulite.
No. 314699
>>314685idk, i think she actually does eat the shit she shows? i think she pretty much only eats crap these days. she posts 1021398979 pics of every donut but if you cut out the duplicate images and assume she's eating a milkshake and donut for lunch instead of something normal, she's prob eating a pretty believably calorie amount each day.
it's just fucking horrible for you. no wonder her skin looks like shit.
No. 314739
File: 1495043322927.png (880.23 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170517-194731.png)

Didn't she post that picture some days ago? Am i high?
No. 314743
>>314739Idk if you're high but I had that feeling earlier with the Crunchie and at other times with chocolate bars.
Looks like what she might've stuffed down her bra when she had big tits while fakerecovering.
No. 314744
File: 1495044166049.jpg (14.01 KB, 154x179, corpsearm.JPG)

Did she actually have a tanning session? Was it only on her face, because…img related.
No. 315039
File: 1495069860822.gif (3.6 MB, 480x592, 1495066257089.gif)

No. 315513
File: 1495116041675.jpg (140.12 KB, 714x425, IMG_20170518_075244.jpg)

I can't imagine her friends told her to loose weight but didn't tell her to get a haircut.
No. 315526
>>315513ok, I really can't imagine her friends insinuating that she needs to lose weight, because she is obviously still very slim, and not ~curvy~ as she keeps insisting.
I suspect what they actually meant was that maybe she should try and dress according to her new figure, similar to what we've been saying.
No. 315528
>>315513lol this ALMOST sounds like she read my stupid "Aly Success Plan" yesterday.
>i now prefer having fried chicken in the street instead of being on a diet or "classy"fried chicken in the street. what the fuck.
i don't understand why she's so insistent that eating food and not being emaciated also has to = acting like an idiot, not bothering to present yourself well, and being self-admittedly "lame and cheesy." she's legit going to scare away anyone who's considering recovery because marketing recovery as being trashy, poorly dressed, and embarrassing is…not a good way to sell it
like i think what she's trying to get at is that she was too obsessed with her image and seeming perfect before but she's STILL obsessed with her image at this point so as long as you're posing, spending hours on your hair, and spending your life on IG why not at least have an appealing result?
No. 315536
>>315513Her new style would look better in the bin. Nobody on earth could make what she wears look good. Why does she insist on wearing everything so tight??
>>315528I thought it was odd when she was banging on ages ago about how she wanted to be like the "other girls" and eat chips in the street. Then she ate chips not only on the street but ON THE FLOOR?
One thing I've noticed is how her #motivationalposts are well written (spelling and grammar) and the rest is shite. I think she takes chunks from books and copies it out. No way has she thought these things up herself. She's probably doing the same thing with her #newwavefeminist thing. It reads like some shit a 14 year old girl would write in a riot grrl zine the 90s.
God help us when she starts to menstruate again. I hope she doesn't start doing shoots of her holding out tampons or home made pads.
No. 315546
File: 1495119898271.png (422.39 KB, 389x833, aly.png)

>>315513>>315536where does she even find skirt/dresses this short?? are they all from the kids' section?
No. 315549
>>315546You can see the tops of her tights. Classy.
Everything she wears just looks…cheap. Market stuff. Even Primark have more style.
No. 315557
File: 1495120754281.png (807.95 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-05-18-09-15-15…)

New instagram story. Vlog style. She actually look cute imo
No. 315558
File: 1495121100445.png (123.78 KB, 750x1105, IMG_0434.PNG)

>>315557I wasn't able to hear what she was going on about, but I did get this lovely screen cap. What was she saying anyways?
No. 315569
File: 1495121967185.jpg (66.48 KB, 724x346, if only.JPG)

No. 315858
File: 1495145437152.png (238.89 KB, 750x1158, IMG_0450.PNG)

Literally nobody said this Aly.
No. 315864
>Calories: little monsters hidden into food which work to destroy your body." Found on the net and deceiving. Ahahahahah. NOT Always suspected she lurks at mpa.
Nah, the only dodgy comments she really does get she screen shots and posts and so far she's done that with ONE.
So sick of that pic of her spoopy on a kid's horse. I wish there was a way you could take peoples shit photos on the internets and burn them like an irl print.
No. 316432
>>315557PLEASE STOP WEARING MAKEUP, PULLING WEIRD FACES, AND SCRUNCHING YOUR HAIR, ALY. God, she looks a million times better here than in her usual photos.
>>315580>wearing it as an Elizabethan ruffFucking kek.
No. 316437
File: 1495194937970.png (1.03 MB, 640x1136, IMG_0018.PNG)

Incoming relapse or breakdown?
No. 316441
File: 1495195803937.jpeg (69.79 KB, 640x969, image.jpeg)

No. 316442
>>316440Maybe she throws the same recovery bullshit at him just like her followers if he questions her
Or he said that she's still thin or something like that hence the "not enough recovered"
No. 316502
>>316485>my father still believes (after 2 years) that my therapist is a idiotObviously her therapist's an idiot.
Her boyfriend must feel like a recovery accessory. She only uses him for shoots where she's all over him to show people that she's "successful" because she's gained weight and is in a relationship. To her, that's success. Her head's just as fucked up as it was in the beginning, but he's stupid to have got back with her. I'm calling relapse.
>You do deserve being loved unconditionally, just like anybody elseBut everyone has their breaking point. She thinks everyone should put up with her bullshit. Nah.
No. 316535
File: 1495209673409.jpg (4.88 KB, 300x168, doppelganger.jpg)

i can't see it anymore since she went private again and i have zero desire to have her constant posts clogging up my IG feed, but lol at that recent post where she described herself as being
> "as pale as a storm trooper (if you have seen Star Wars you know what I mean!)"
No. 316825
>>316727I think the old followers dropped off at some point and this is a new lot.
I've noticed she's started using words/terms she left behind before she actually did stop being spoopy. She's using "bomb" again and a few others I can't remember atm and cba to look at her profile right now.
No. 317163
File: 1495275774958.png (1.05 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

She's meant to be meeting her "boy" today. So inspiring, so recovered.
No. 317179
File: 1495278119285.png (1.22 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

not sure what this is meant to be..
No. 317287
>>317179I thought she had her head down the toilet on before I clicked to enlarge.
I think she's already restricting. The amount of cut up chocolate bars she posts is like she cuts them up and puts them in the cupboard/fridge again. She did the same in the past with ice cream too.
>>317190I miss her. People taking pictures of themselves crying is probably my favourite thing on ig.
No. 317708
File: 1495328250919.jpg (393.24 KB, 750x1036, IMG_0608.JPG)

So I just noticed this from one of today's many posts, but that's not NOT her mother right?! I wonder what she tells these people that take her photos.. that she's a 'Brend model' or something?
No. 317759
File: 1495331576714.jpg (129.2 KB, 908x573, giant mussels clam thingys.JPG)

>>317708That hair is just noodles here.
Notice how she's slipping one of the multiple shoots of the ice cream into today's feed.
Looks like today all she had was some kind of frappe and a (not) huge (!) plate of seafood. Definitely aint eating much.
(Had to scrub out the tentacle things. Seriously can't deal with that shit).
Soon she'll be using her giant fork again.
No. 317802
>>317797The face looks too clear compared to the rest of the person. Maybe she's inside and she just happens to be in the place where Ma C is outside.
Besides, Aly has no friends.
No. 317805
File: 1495335005467.jpg (44.9 KB, 400x510, Capture.JPG)

See here, Ma C is in the reflection with the same clothes as the full bodied apparition, but no the same face. Idk it's odd.
No. 317840
>>317708Her face looks really swollen and puffy. It doesn't match her body at all.
Is this normal with recovery? I'm not well versed in eating disorders but I know bulimia can make your face and cheeks swell up. Could she be b/p-ing?
All these sweets and chocolates, iced coffees…she talks about recovery but I don't even think she believes her own words.
No. 317871
>>317840>she talks about recovery but I don't even think she believes her own words.She expected us to believe her when she was dicking around pretending to recover and she's A+ at believing her own lies.
It's obvious the ~motivational words~ don't mean anything to her. She'll spew out paragraphs about how she loves her body, how she'll scoff donuts forever, how recovery is amazing and not having a flat stomach is a sign of not being a slave to "diet culture". Next paragraph she's talking about how she's not going to eat that day, posting black screens with "fat pig" on it and obsessing on x amount of kgs she's gained, her BMI ~numbers~ and uses fictional followers to justify her self hatred (by saying they're calling her fat etc).
I love how today she said GET OUT THERE AND LIVE LIFE, but then complained (now deleted) that nobody had bothered to comment on the pic of her with her ~boy~
I give that relationship 3 months tops.
No. 317883
>>317708I agree, that face is just a coincidence. Its someone inside's face over ma's reflection.
I feel so bad for her mom. Playing along with your fucked up kids delusions. Possibly feeling like it makes her a cool mom. Its making me a little sick thinking about it.
No. 318128
File: 1495387134155.png (303.34 KB, 750x1089, IMG_0614.PNG)

More complaining this morning about lack of support, this relapse is going to happen soon I fear since Aly's followers are starting to get tired of her constant begging for attention.
No. 318135
>>318128this fuck irritates me so much. "i'm reposting this uninteresting photo of ready-made cookies because you didn't shower me with attention the second i demanded it." she treats random people online like her handmaidens. hope she relapses and gets forced to quit social media, maybe then she can recover for real.
saged for rage.
No. 318136
>>318128This was her breakfast? is eating healthy
triggering to her? As if being healthy and in shape is relapsing?
No. 318149
File: 1495389009056.jpg (324.64 KB, 709x1181, IMG_20170521_114553.jpg)

Is what they said really that insulting? What other opinions was she expecting? "Eat less"?
No. 318237
>>318136isnt it a thing that Italians eat cookies for breakfast?
what she should do for more attention is go for healthy eating like people love smoothie bowls and vegan meals no one wants to see a lion bar cut in half
No. 318251
File: 1495394203310.png (157.2 KB, 750x653, IMG_0657.PNG)

a comment from her newest "throwback" post.
No. 318315
File: 1495397095780.png (232.8 KB, 750x985, IMG_0674.PNG)

More followers wising up and speaking out
No. 318339
>>318235(Guilty secret - I fancy Gordon Ramsey. It's his fucked up skin. I know it's wrong. I want "Oh fuck me" as my ringtone).
Anyway, IS ALY SAYING SHE'LL LEAVE AGAIN OR WHAT? I don't understand what she's banging on about.
>>318315I love how this girl puts a heart at the end. If ALL her followers (the ones who don't blow smoke up her ass) wrote something similar she'd still ignore it. The most irritating thing about Aly's personality is how she thinks she's had it worse/has it worse than anyone else. She's like those people who've ALWAYS got to have had worse migraines than you get or take MORE meds than you do.
The cutted (!) up chocolate bars are getting ridiculous. She's not eating those. I imagine the only thing she ate today was that pasta and a donut.
No. 318356
File: 1495398993414.png (992.45 KB, 657x1186, 1435559776513.png)

#tb When she used to arrange 6 biscuits around the same cup with a the chip on the saucer facing the same direction.
No. 318362
>>318201i don't see other recovery accounts pointing out haters either–tbh the only people i can think of who do that are certified cows like the 2 Ems, who are very transparently just trying to start drama 24/7.
i also never see anyone else banging on about "check the back post" and "please give support in the back post" like she does. like girl, if you want likes that bad think about switching up your content?? don't just beg people to go back and read/support (aka like and comment) your past posts. it's so fucking desperate.
i'm prob in the minority here but i actually don't think she's back to restricting and i don't expect a relapse in that direction soon. i think she may actually be TRYING to relapse at this point bc she's obvioulsy not mentally recovered and obviously hates her body, plus she sees that she doesn't get attention now that she's not skinny. just because someone was anorexic at some point doesn't mean they can just "switch it back on" at will and a pretty large % of anorexics end up developing bulimia or BED during recovery (that's one reason why eating only junk food or eating huge portions at once to hit calorie quotas, instead of normal meals and added snacks and supplement drinks, is a bad idea–bc it's so easy to slip into binging).
there are plenty of people who want to go back to restricting bc they miss the low weight or the attention, but they just can't do it, bc since anorexia isn't really about willpower it's not something you can just tap back into.
i think that if she could stop eating again and lose, she would. but she can't.
No. 318455
>>318411jfc just because you say sage doesnt mean you actually did it.
you type sage in the email field.
No. 318528
File: 1495414870537.jpeg (140.53 KB, 640x1092, image.jpeg)

>>318520There's one or two comments like this. Aly's going to have a shit fit when she sees this in the morning. Yikes.
No. 318537
File: 1495415445042.jpg (5.18 KB, 237x102, lel.jpg)

>>318528incoming black post and 12 hour private ig
No. 318603
File: 1495423252523.jpg (28.53 KB, 266x269, IMG_0218.JPG)

Someone linked to an old ash thread, and within it I found this old gem. Kek, still here for Dante-san 2k17.
No. 318609
File: 1495424121828.jpg (16.32 KB, 298x109, 1.JPG)

>>318528She'll do the usual hater comment thing, call it a "fake account", explain incoherently why she poses that way (possibly?), and continue her old posing.
Someone else commented on her staged pics though.
>>318599Hadn't noticed that. Is she experimenting with fake tan or is just filth?
I never watch Aly's videos. I can't stand to see her in action. It's her mouth and the fact I can't understand a fucking word she's saying.
I really can't figure out what's wrong with her mentally. That bugs me. A (now deceased) friend of mine was really into herself before anorexia. While anorexic she didn't think she was hot like Aly did, and hid under layers of clothes and was like a different person. Many years after recovery she regained her self confidence. I DON'T GET how she thinks she's hot ALL THE TIME. She's always posed, worn tight outfits (except those disgusting Glasgow smack addict grey sweatpants), and drawn attention to herself. Drawn attention to her LOOKS because there's sod all else she's got to draw attention to.
That fake "I love you :kiss:" thing - agh. Is she talking to herself?
No. 318614
File: 1495424394577.jpg (28.86 KB, 286x296, i wonder....JPG)

I wonder what she's thinking. Her face is animated but blank.
What goes on in that head of yours?
No. 318620
>>318605self tanner maybe? looks odd though for self tanner.
>>318609her latest video is so bad. i knew she had poor english (we all knew) but fuck, ii only understood the last few words of it. also, her whole demeanor in that video (and in general i guess) makes me so angry. she tries so hard in her posts to come across as authentic and inspirational or whatever but her videos and photos just emanate rigidity. it's like watching another version of marina joyce, but a hell version. the room, part two, if you will.
>>318614that face perfectly reflects the fact that she knows people are seeing right through her attempt at authentic recovery, and how obsessive she's been about "haters" and getting "support".
No. 318694
File: 1495436048313.jpg (86.88 KB, 600x604, medusa__140605172646.jpg)

No. 318717
File: 1495439812777.jpg (143.75 KB, 636x1049, IMG_3870.JPG)

never noticed until now but aly's claiming she has OCD. does she even actually have an OCD diagnosis or is this just for more attention?
No. 318763
>>318620>it's like watching another version of marina joyceYES! Aly keeps it together better than Marina Joyce, but I get that vibe from her too.
>>318717Self diagnosis. I think it was last week (or maybe the week before) she was banging on about perfection and said she has OCD but hasn't been diagnosed with it. The way she presents food in pictures makes it viable she's OCD in some ways, but it doesn't strike me as it being something that affects her day to day life. I don't think it warrants a mention on her profile.
No. 318793
File: 1495455584939.png (314.64 KB, 750x1102, IMG_0698.PNG)

Well.. she's not wrong lol.. but anon called it, but I'm surprised she didn't make a bigger deal about it in a post or something.
No. 318826
File: 1495461297555.jpg (307.02 KB, 625x1021, IMG_20170522_074224.jpg)

>>318793I put this in Google translate. Its pretty long, there is a lot more. But they are basically trying to get her attention in Italian saying that the girl Aly called out in ig stories wasn't that offensive. She shouldn't leave ig. But that she should try changing up her feed with different stuff other than walls of texts and food. She goes on to say Aly shouldn't take life so serious. There is more, but its long. She ended it with "warm hugs"
No. 318898
File: 1495466128096.jpg (275.61 KB, 704x855, IMG_20170522_090802.jpg)

This pose. Haha! This is the most unnatural goofy looking pose I have seen her do. Am I supposed to believe this is her being casual?
No. 318909
>>318889bullshit. in the pictures of her with friends pre-ED (the clubbing ones plus some casual ones on her friends' accounts) her old group seems to be very normal body sizes and shapes for their ages. aly was always on the thinner side and tbh most of her friends were curvier than she was. not huge or anything, they look great, but it's not like all her friends were high fashion models or something.
her original story was that she freaked out when she gained a little (normal) weight when she was in her late teens, and her BMI got up to 19 (or maybe it was past 19?) for the first time in her life and she freaked out and started dieting and it spun into anorexia.
given her crazy obsession with BMI i'm more likely to believe that story.
i think the "all my friends were size 0, omg oppressive beauty standards" is just more of her trying to cash in on generic "body positive" anti-dieting language in the same way that she magically overhears everyone in every restaurant talking about diets and exercise and bikini challenges.
she wants to make her own recovery nd weight gain sound super revolutionary so she needs an antagonist and it's popular to demonize "the media" and "diet culture" so that's what she's doing…poorly
No. 318923
>>318909I get the feeling she wants to "blame" someone for her disorder. First it was her dad, then the doctor who told her her cholesterol was high and now it's ~society~ and her fictional size 0 friends.
It's like she thinks being ill is a failing and she wants people to know it wasn't her fault, it was someone else who started her anorexia.
>>318915When I see her eating biscuits for breakfast I think the same. After a sugar rush you'd be hungry af an hour later.
No. 318958
File: 1495471196830.png (331.31 KB, 750x1132, IMG_0709.PNG)

>>318941Yet another reason why I loathe Aly for calling people out especially when they weren't hating on her, she just didn't understand what this person was trying to say, but of course another Stan comes in and makes this person feel like shit when I'm almost certain they were referring to comment from her story this morning. However this girl felt attcked and it's Aly's fault for making a post about it. She is so self involved (& her English is so bad) that she cannot see what calling people out like this does. She's fucking disgusting.
No. 318981
>>318915that's probably have the reason why she rages so hard at people who make comments that she deems hate. she's so fueled by her sugar that it's turning her into a lunatic.
>>318958this makes me rage. i've never seen someone flip a switch so quickly and overreact. are we sure she doesn't have BPD? because this rage behaviour and assuming people are attacking her seems pretty typical of that. same with the dying for attention because aly's sooper speshul.
No. 318986
File: 1495473814201.jpg (499.08 KB, 2048x2048, DB288A23-2E1C-4144-83AE-F134FE…)

Here's a perfect example of Aly's bullshit. Underneath her post is what the person who commented originally she said 'might' she didn't say would! What I can understand the girl is getting at is that if Ally didn't look the way that she does, she might feel differently about herself regardless of ED brain. This person was trying to say that Ally is good-looking and that if she wasn't like the person who commented seems to think that they are that she would feel differently. Bitch is always asking for opinions and this is clearly a good one, but no she had to go and turn this on the girl… much support, such recovery, what a bitch. Fuck you Aly.
No. 318996
File: 1495474402627.png (525.16 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3876.PNG)

except you don't, aly. your earlier story says that that comment makes you want to delete, which you say over and over and over again. how is threatening to delete reflecting on the moment? for fuck sake this makes me rage.
No. 319025
>>318986Like Aly would be happy if she was plus size anyway. She's full of shit. Even her boyfriend looks like he could be an aftershave model or something.
This is the third instance of her taking a harmless comment the wrong way that I've seen this month. The Stans are equally disgusting.
No. 319074
>>318986ugh that commenter basically said what we've been saying for weeks, and what i'm sure plenty of her readers have thought, aka that her manifestos about body positivity and loving your "round stomach" sounds really hollow coming from someone who has a naturally slim figure and is conventionally attractive looking (if she learns to FUCKING STYLE HER HAIR AND DO HER MAKEUP). she sounds so tone deaf talking about how "plus size" people can be "more beautiful" and "beauty is whatever you want" when she's so damn insecure about having a few pounds of necessary body fat. it's like when jennifer lawrence and other obnoxious celebrities make an entire persona out of being like "look at me, i'm SO NOT SKINNY, I EAT PIZZA, I WILL OWN MY CURVES, EVERYONE IS BEAUTIFUL" when they're like a size 4 instead of a 2. no doubt there is pressure in hollywood, and in aly's case no doubt she feels fat compared to her ana-chan self, but that doesn't mean it's at all relatable to someone who is actually overweight, not pretty, or even just fucking average.
but she's so far up her own delusional ass she's going to scream at this bitch for pointing out that she isn't actually a whale.
No. 319105
>>318996What was even wrong with that comment? All that sugar from the multiple "donnies" has rotted her brain.
In all seriousness, what's with the multiple donuts and sugary drinks? Does she even eat normal food, like a balanced diet of fruits, veggies, grains, etc.? Lol her eating patterns now are the opposite of anorexia. Not a math fag here but would this much sugar in a day be classified as binge eating?
No. 319114
File: 1495482193142.jpg (49.01 KB, 480x360, hi de ho.jpg)

>>319105Never seen her eat fruit or veg. The only "real" meals she posts are homemade pasta things, sushi and things with tentacles in that she buys at restaurants.
She must have a terrible time with her bowels.
Idk about the binge thing because idk about that stuff but a creamy milkshake, donuts and chocolate bars every day isn't normal.
I'll pass out if I ever see a LUSH (!) fruit salad with a blob of plain yogurt on her feed.
No. 319119
>>319114she ate a salad once. at that restaurant with dante in the background.
maybe if she eats a salad again, dante will at last return to us.
No. 319121
>>319114 Where do her followers come from fawning over her words:
>Stay strong Aly. You are beautiful ❤ I don't think that person should have said "ugly AND plus size" So damning yet they want people to be more accepting of eating disorders. It says on the profile of the girl who posted the comment that she's IP.
>>319119I always look to see if she's been to aNHERO. She's too busy getting diabetes at the 12oz donut coffee shack.
No. 319211
>>319151Fuck, that's an insane amount of sugar and calories. I have a hard time believing she's eating all of that, but she has gained the weight pretty quickly, so maybe she is.
>>319169She probably likes it like all anas do: their bodies are starved for nutrients, and because they've been starving themselves, their bodies think they need more than they do. Anas also tend to do things in extremes, which is why so many of them binge eat and then restrict so heavily. They have zero concept of balance. You got that right anon, it's exactly why she's acting so erratic. Her body is only being fuelled by an absurd amount of sugar and lack of a proper balanced diet.
No. 319279
>>319169You crave that shit like crazy when you're malnourished, and because you eat so infrequently it's a goddamn explosion of flavour and sweetness and the texture seems a million times better than anything you've had in weeks and you're so excited and sugar-high over this thing that you've had nightmares about. It's a wonderful rebellion and it seems like nothing has ever tasted so good before. Sweets and anorexics are really weird.
Aly is particularly weird with it and I think she's becoming a binger, especially since she figures she gets max asspats from eating typical 'fear foods'. Her recovery is all based on getting praise and avoiding real adulthood imo. She didn't have to grow up because she was sick, and now she can use her donut fuelled recovery as her go-to 'but look at how hard I'm trying!' excuse to do nothing but obsess over food and Instagram attention.
No. 319605
>>315557>>315558wow she looks so good and much younger here
she should really stop it with the red lipstick.
No. 319679
File: 1495533932550.jpeg (164.56 KB, 640x995, image.jpeg)

Goddamn it is too early in the morning to deal with her passive-aggression.
No. 319691
File: 1495535824998.png (483.42 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0750.PNG)

Now she's posting DM conversations in her stories. I feel I were these followers I'd be pissed being used as a sample for her bullshit.
No. 319694
>>319679>>319691I would love to meet her in person just to see what she's like.
I know it'll never happen, but if I ever saw her at a cafe or something, I'd just do the same poses etc like her and make sure she notices, just to see how she reacts.
Idk I'd love to piss her off as much as she is pissing us/her followers off.
sage for rant
No. 319772
File: 1495552501815.png (1.2 MB, 640x1136, IMG_3940.PNG)

>>319751she's not much of a feminist anyways, especially considering she only addresses her followers as girls. i'm starting to believe she doesn't think boys have eating disorders or follow her.
also, who wants to place bets that nobody will read it, she will flip out, and we'll get a blackout post?
No. 319844
File: 1495559642439.png (1.21 MB, 640x1136, IMG_3966.PNG)

>>319772You called it anon. Except I don't understand who she means was calling her fat? Apparently she wants to die as well. I'm waiting for her to threaten Sudoku again.
No. 319871
File: 1495561607787.jpg (260.96 KB, 711x1012, IMG_20170523_113950.jpg)

No. 320035
File: 1495573915024.jpg (760.42 KB, 978x1627, Screenshot_20170523-230539.jpg)

That's it - i told you if she posts another ~transformation tuesday~ picture,which she has posted FUCKING THOUSANDS OF TIMES BEFORE , i'll jump off a bridge
No. 320067
File: 1495577281266.png (138.62 KB, 636x694, IMG_3993.PNG)

>>320035one of my favourite comments was on that post. some people are really getting fed up.
i'm honestly more fed up with her posting so goddamn fucking early in the morning and then having an absolute fit over nobody commenting. there were a few comments that were like "aly, it's early here". just solidifies how insane she is.
No. 320123
>>319845How do you get to see these? I see IG on a windows phone which only has the crappy Beta ig. It's like Aly's #secretsociety123 space.
>>320100Nothing against seafood (even though I'm veggie). Chopped up tentacles just look really disgusting.
>>319871I don't think she's any personality disorder, but she's got something going on. This shit isn't normal.
No. 320126
File: 1495582631709.jpg (26.53 KB, 300x201, Capture.JPG)

>>319871Just noticed this comment on that post.
No. 320132
>>320126There was another comment like that here
>>320067. Her followers are getting pretty sick of it at this point. Well, the ones not so far up her ass that leave all the goddamn asspats.
No. 320148
>>320112Doesn't her hair naturally look like
>>315558 though? I'm really confused now whether her hair is actually straight or curly…
No. 320154
>>320151Oooooo. Well that's not going to happy on my crappy phone. Ta for explanation and ta to anons for posting her Sudoku threats. Her ~breakdowns~ are infuriating but amusing.
Her mental health's getting worse yet she feels she doesn't need to see a therapist any more. Oookay then.
No. 320196
File: 1495586503342.gif (Spoiler Image,643.2 KB, 480x577, 1495586053237.gif)

>>320128>>320131Agree. Who makes their own mother photograph this?
No. 320477
File: 1495617000145.png (153.05 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0494.PNG)

Right, Aly.
Does anyone actually believe this shit happened?
No. 320500
>>320477We know that they literally did not say that verbatim, because they were talking in Italian.
They most likely simply acknowledged that she has gained weight since they last saw her, which is still rude to comment on of course, but Aly dramatizes EVERYTHING in order to gain more asspats, ~support~ and pity.
No. 320524
File: 1495628109815.jpg (38.63 KB, 303x311, Capture.JPG)

A peek into the working of Aly's mind. She misses the attention and care when she was ill. She still wants that attention from randoms on instagram.
And I wish she'd stfu about being on a "knifes edge".
No. 320531
File: 1495630593754.jpg (331.02 KB, 714x1190, IMG_20170524_065249.jpg)

"only one?" come on guys she needs more support.
Why did her therapist decide to reduce sessions to once a month? Is she good at acting normal for them?
No. 320587
File: 1495637036716.png (214.13 KB, 480x322, 1487108244625.png)

I haven't been to an aly thread ever since she was a skelet facehugger. What the fuck is up with her shamelessly and literally begging for likes? She seems to be healthier now, but I think she went off the deep end.
No. 320588
>>320477Oh dude. Yeah.
Italy is the rudest country I've ever lived in.
No. 320632
>>320477she has like 17 supportive comments on that photo, so yeah, they soaked it right up. i'm not surprised she hasn't screamed sexual assault yet.
>>320481i don't think so. someone specifically asked her who was calling her these names and if she was making it up. she adds so many goddamn photos and deletes comments so i don't know if it's still there. i still think if she knew of this thread she would milk it for all its worth and claim she's being harassed.
>>320524i'm so sick of her wanting attention, and it's sad that she actually admitted how needy she is for it.
>>320531it's unbelievable to me that he did that. do they not know of her social media addiction and insane meltdowns? she's constantly threatening sudoku, to not eat, etc. for attention, and none of it sustains her desperation for it. she can't have just 5 comments guys, she needs 50, and then 100. she needs everyone to know how sooper dooper speshul she is because she's the only person to ever recover from anorexia, didn't you know?
>>320587she only gained weight, and tbh she only did it through eating piles of sugar. she hasn't really changed. she's still a crazy cow.
was she like this before? i have a hard time remembering. i'm guessing no because she got more attention when she was sick. i predict she'll relapse soon with the way she's acting. god she makes me furious.
sage for rage.
No. 320655
>>320477Tbh I'd believe she got random comments from older men just bc that's what some older men do. And I'd even believe that they commented on her weight. But if all of that's true I'm sure their actual comments were more like, "hey sexy, look okay those legs, you're not so skinny any more, looking good!" ie catcalling as opposed to randomly calling her fat.
So she got really standard catcalling comments and turned it into harassment about her weight.
No. 320719
File: 1495647598411.jpeg (42.46 KB, 500x240, image.jpeg)

Her comment-begging reminds me of that Harry Potter scene where his cousin spergs out over the amount of birthday presents he got.
No. 320933
>>320885Idk if it's a generalisation, but here in the UK if you're slim people will comment that you "need more meat on your bones". If you've not got a bit of padding you're too skinny. Tbh, from what I've heard from male friends they prefer women who aren't thin. A big butt is something I've noticed men get off to.
Whenever I've heard men comment on women it makes me laugh really because you look at them and they're really disgusting ugly pig men who probably have one inch dicks.
No. 321333
File: 1495722278263.png (667.41 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-25-07-20-27…)

She's so full of shit. Every day. She really really needs a hobby that is not instagram.
No. 321334
File: 1495722450676.png (1.21 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4058.PNG)

>>321333you got to it before i did. she hasn't even been awake for 6 hours and she's already raging for attention. god she irritates me.
also, who says exactly lose 5 kilos? is she referencing an advert or is she implying that some random HaTuR said that to her? because if it's the latter, she's more delusional than i thought.
No. 321405
>>321334i'm assuming this is the same as other times that she flipped shit over generic spam comments from fitness accounts or even the random ads that show up in your ig feed for fitness programs or whatever. she makes every fucking ad about HER personally.
her self centered ness is a pain in the ass and so is the general culture among other whiny recovery girls who get so angry at "diet culture" and exerise. like most of the developed would WOULD benefit from losing 5 kilos and starting an exercise program, obesity is way more fucking common than anorexia and not everything is about you and your fucking body image problems.
No. 321416
File: 1495732893838.jpg (3.92 KB, 225x225, download.jpg)

>>321405There's something behind her being so pissy about women who want to exercise for fitness. Exercise is good. It's annoying that she's slamming girls for wanting to lose a few pounds. If it makes them feel better about themselves then so what, shut your fuck*ng mouth off, Aly. Cutting down on eating to lose a few pounds does not equal becoming anorexic. Is there anyone (male or female) who hasn't been on a diet? I went on one because I was putting on weight when I lost my job and it made me feel like shit. Feeling breathless after walking isn't healthy. I lost the pounds and didn't develop an ED. Pretty damn sure most people don't.
She's slim and can eat crap for now and she's all blissful about it (she says), but wanting to feel healthy by doing cardiovascular exercise is wrong and you're doing it for society? Fuck off.
She's got the idea that men don't suffer at all. Search #bodycheck and you see either anorexic girls or guys at a gym geting buff (oh and enviably toned women).
>Why when I, you, women in general are the most invited to clean-eating by medias and industries, and a man cares less instead?That's bullshit. Whenever I'm in Holland and Barrett there're males in there buying that bulk up protein crap. Men are the models on front of nutri bullet. There's pressure on how men look too.
>Why we're afraid of walking around alone after 10PM, and a man not?Men ARE. Not for the same reason, but any man walking around late here runs the risk of getting knived because they haven't got a spare cig for someone or beat up for kicks.
Why we're whistled and objectified, never a man?
HAHAHAHA, Aly, you've never lived. Women are as bad as men.
>Why there are a thousand cases a year of women home violence? Because domestic violence against men is something that doesn't get as much recognition. Men feel they can't speak out against it because it's not "manly" to be attacked by a woman'll leave my ranting there. I'm not even male (biologically or pronounal)but it fucks me off how it's women women women. She knows bugger all about life.
And stfu about your stretch marks and use some of this because they obviously bother you.
No. 321417
>>321408I think it's how anon chose to post the screen grab of Aly's page.
Yep, I get extreme second hand embarrassment from her posing.
No. 321427
File: 1495734037850.jpg (90.55 KB, 571x592, Capture.JPG)

I just looked at the profile of the account she name dropped on her post claims to eat a load of fried/sugary shit as well yet her body says otherwise.
No. 321470
File: 1495737888806.png (1.41 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4084.PNG)

no, aly, that is how you start eating your feelings and become obese. jesus christ, what is her therapist even doing at this point? she's absolutely out of control.
No. 321479
>>321416so did i and i didn't have any problems. i just ate healthy and worked out on the side and that was it. i recently lost weight due to health issues related to a tumor, but it makes me rage that she's so against people losing weight. not everyone becomes self obsessed and develops an eating disorder like she thinks.
>She's got the idea that men don't suffer at all. Search #bodycheck and you see either anorexic girls or guys at a gym geting buff (oh and enviably toned women).that's because she thinks no men suffer from eating disorders. in all of her posts she addresses her ~supporters~ as "girls" and "ladies" etc. despite having like, 51k followers.
she also thinks no guys are apparently abused, assaulted, etc. "feminists" like her make me rage, and yes i'm a girl, and yes i'm a feminist. jesus she makes me so angry. it's not just girls aly. guys have eating disorders, guys get assaulted, guys get abused. but she also doesn't see outside of herself and her own self absorbed/obsessed world. she is the most speshul recovered inspirational (!) ana girl, and no one else suffers from eating disorders except her and her girls (!)
sage for semi blogpost
No. 321571
File: 1495745576832.jpg (256.19 KB, 708x905, IMG_20170525_144901.jpg)

I don't get why she deletes whole posts based on one comment. Why not just delete the comment? She does this often
No. 321576
>>321571She usually deletes and reposts when she hasn't had enough comments or likes. I didn't see the comment she's talking about. Of course it was a "he" that made the comment.
Have you seen the amount of chocolate she (says) she's eaten today?
No. 321655
File: 1495752278712.jpg (54.43 KB, 450x556, jfc.JPG)

>>321623She banned people when they said she looked like shit when she was spoopy and now she bans them when they say she looks good when she was spoopy (allegedly). I disliked Aly less when she was emaciated because she only lied about recovery. Now there's nothing I like about her.
>>321630I take it you have to pay for medical care in Italy? It must be easy to get out of therapy if you tell them you can't afford it. I think she's an A+ bullshitter. He doesn't see what we see so doesn't know how fucked up she really is. OR he does know but wants rid of her. She's batshit (pic related).
No. 321732
>>321571because as
>>321576 pointed out, she has an unhealthy obsession with getting a certain amount of likes and comments.
it also makes me extremely concerned that no one sees how manipulative she is. everyone says she doesn't have some sort of disorder or whatever, but the girl is messed up. she's extremely distressed that she doesn't get the attention she got when she was at her lowest weight. she tries extremely hard to play the "recovery" game but it doesn't seem authentic because of her other behavior. she does all these so-called motivational posts under the guise of her non-recovery recovery. she also posts multiple "motivation" posts which (if anyone noticed) have the same theme/plot: someone says something to aly that isn't actually the way they probably say it, she blows it out of the water, distorts it, and then makes 8 ~inspirational~ posts about how recovered she is. when she doesn't get the attention she wants she has temper tantrum style meltdowns, and then posts a "look how deathly ill i was and where i am now" as a subtle threat to get more attention. or she just outright threatens to not eat, or threatens to end her life. that's the aly way. ~look at how sick i was, give me likes and comments, pls i need support, i'm not going to eat today, support please??? no!! that's not enough!!!! i need mOAR !!!!! i'm going to kms!!!!!!~ jfc.
sage for ranting
No. 322034
File: 1495793594584.png (845.29 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 322037
File: 1495793691616.png (1.37 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

Fucking hell. Someone commented that her pre-recovery pics aren't helpful and can be triggering. People agreed, she deleted their comments, then posted this. She's a mess.
No. 322093
>>322037well, i was right about this
>>321732. god she is a mess. wanting to die from a generally normal comment is sadly disordered. god i wish she'd just fucking stop already. it just makes her look extremely unauthentic.
No. 322113
>>322037So it's cool for her to call practically anything
triggering, from strangers talking about exercise to fitness accounts existing to people not commenting on her shit enough, but if someone mentions that her constant #tbt to when she was emaciated is not helpful, how fucking dare.
She's an idiot.
Love that she is directly threatening suicide over lack of IG comments now. Because that's healthy.
No. 322118
File: 1495805954559.png (281.93 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-26-06-37-39…)

Aly is getting called out on her oro pic saying no one is commenting.
No. 322120
File: 1495805980460.png (250.25 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-26-06-37-43…)

No. 322121
File: 1495806115279.png (25.96 KB, 287x144, youlookhorrible.png)

This gave me a good laugh this morning
>Cause I don't need a "you look beautiful and pretty", I prefer a thousand times someone to tell me "you look horrible
No. 322126
>>322120Another comment underneath those
(sorry for not screenshotting)
>Aly, you are loved and adored. I know you've received some hurtful comments lately, both on here and in real life, and that you're hurting. I'm also noticing more and more frequently that you kind of contradict yourself in your posts– you say that "the only one you really have is yourself, we have to rely on ourselves more than anyone else, we have to be strong for ourselves more than anyone else, etc…", and yet you also seem so incredibly hurt and discouraged and alone when you have less than a dozen comments or less than a couple hundred likes. Your worth does not depend on if/how/when people respond to your posts. (And many times it is barely 7 or 8 a.m. here in the U.S…. there hasn't even been time for people to reply yet.) It isn't fair to imply that no one cares or that everyone is too busy, and it's not fair to yourself to get support through using guilt. Remember that very often, when the ED behaviors fade it's very easy to transfer the addiction to something else. I know many people that have recovered from ED and turned to alcohol or sex or obsessing about something else instead to feel better and distract from the pain that the ED developed in order to cope with in the first place. I guess what I'm saying is please be careful that you don't transfer the ED onto something else, like Instagram. You've worked too hard for recovery to lose it to using another, non-food, behavior instead. It's okay to need support and to ask for it, but it begins to cross into something unhealthy when no amount of "support" is okay or enough. I hope that makes sense. No. 322218
File: 1495819105905.png (1.79 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0942.PNG)

So the attention seeking has reached another extreme just now. I wonder what Aly's version of self harming is. She's too shallow to go opening a vein or something…
No. 322220
File: 1495819243965.jpg (22.61 KB, 307x167, Capture.JPG)

Rolling my eyes.
No. 322236
File: 1495820037513.jpg (16.72 KB, 284x120, Capture.JPG)

Nine minutes ago. She lets us know it was cuts.
No. 322267
File: 1495823450654.jpg (322.92 KB, 714x1182, IMG_20170526_122409.jpg)

I dont get it. She cut herself then ate ice cream? Or after she ate it? Shes wearing the same clothes and jewellery as in the magnum shoots. Where was her mom? Who took those pics? So dramatic, right out of a soap opera.
No. 322275
File: 1495824385134.jpg (63.13 KB, 765x348, modest much.JPG)

>>322267This one goes in my beloved "crying faces of instagram" folder.
Seriously, she IS a healthy weight. How long is she going to insist she isn't?
>"the hot blonde babe."Much modesty. Strange how she had her natural hair colour when she was school age though, which isn't blonde.
SO she's expecting everyone to believe she's ok without a therapist and she loves gaining weight and then posts that she wants to die and cuts herself. Nice work, Aly. She'll be lookin' like an emo next (which would actually be an improvement in this instance).
No. 322297
>>322275Paid, not payed.
Fookin hell.
No. 322325
>>322312if you scroll up a bit she says she did cut herself.
though I imagine her to be the kind of person who does a little papercut/chicken scratch lol.
she needs to be detained in a mental hospital for waay longer than a few days, and not just because of 'self arm'
No. 322423
>>322113>Love that she is directly threatening suicide over lack of IG comments now. Because that's healthy.she's not in recovery anyways at this point. she still obsesses over numbers. she's always reminding everyone with the "look how low i got!!!!! bmi of 12!!!" too. moreover, she's starved for concern (no pun intended) and thrives off the response she gets when she's sick in the head (eg threatening to kill herself). people become concerned and it becomes the poor aly circus, she threatens to kill herself, she gets the "support" (which is really just concern/sympathy) she wants, and she calms down. to me that looks like either a personality disorder, or a munchie on the rise. i'm going for the latter.
>>322218they're most likely cat scratches but knowing her, she will most likely escalate to posting full-on gaping fatty open wounds. it would get her more attention (concern/sympathy).
>>322220and a few mins later she's totally fine because she got the elicited concern she wanted. it's pure malicious manipulation. are we sure this girl isn't a munchie?
>>322259fucking kek. i love you anon.
>>322325>>322312agree 100%. at this point she really needs to be detained if what she's saying is true (which i honestly don't believe it, i think she's lying for the concern she gets from her followers; a second cryingemily if you will). if she's honestly this bad in real life, she needs help. unfortunately people like her thrive off of that because hospital = concern. because then it's poor little aly is hospitalized, pity me, etc. her phone needs to be ripped from her hands and she needs to have some serious therapy. no social media world, no attention.
No. 322703
>>322676Thank you for correcting me! I thought that her face was a bit bloated so that's why I said that.
Lately she has been looking a bit thinner and she has been wearing a lot less, so I am a bit afraid that she might be going back into her anorexic ways. She really needs mental help tbh, especially since she's a lot more mentally unstable than she's ever been before.
It kinda sucks. She seems like a sweet person but she needs to sort out some of her issues before she becomes an "I recovered and I'm an inspiration" personality online.
No. 322884
File: 1495902286125.png (1.3 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

She's turned into Crying Aly.
No. 322910
>>322883WOOP, I GOT A FULL FACE CRYING ALY!!! It's like the thrill of collecting sticker sets when you're a kid!
>>322902Her manipulation is almost on a psychopath's level (not saying she's one, but).
I don't feel bad for her. If she was honest with her self and realised she's a fucking mess instead of being ~recovery queen~ and sacking therapy then maybe I would. Still, photographing yourself crying while having a "breakdown" and posting it publicly is all for attention. Next she'll be posting pictures of her paper cuts.
This from her last post:
>In the last post ? I've been told that "I have bloated stomach and I shouldn't wear those clothes." Really? It has been quite hurting.Yes, Aly, REALLY? I didn't see that comment.
No. 322937
>>322676 &
>>322891 didn't reply to any posts, i'm guessing the newfag who feels bad for poor wittle aly is one of her stans. you make yourself pretty obvious. lurk moar.
>>322907honestly i think i'd enjoy that better. at least she wouldn't be straight up deceiving and manipulating her followers for attention while pretending to be on the road to recovery.
>>322910>It's like the thrill of collecting sticker sets when you're a kid!or pokemon - gotta catch em all
>Her manipulation is almost on a psychopath's level (not saying she's one, but). (…) Still, photographing yourself crying while having a "breakdown" and posting it publicly is all for attention. Next she'll be posting pictures of her paper cuts.i agree 100%. what she's doing right now is pure manipulation. she knows what she's doing gets "support". this isn't someone who's just having meltdowns normally, if that was the case she would be having them anyways and not asking for direct support. she indicates in her posts beforehand that she didn't get enough support and then she flips out.
>Yes, Aly, REALLY? I didn't see that comment.because that comment didn't exist. and if it did, it was only up for ~10 minutes and she deleted it. i'm betting on the lying though.
No. 322940
i'd also like to reiterate this point lmao:
>>293255. this is lolcow, not tumblr. we aren't here to discuss feels. we're here to discuss milk, or in aly's case, her tantrums.
No. 322989
File: 1495912967679.jpg (38.98 KB, 357x338, hearts.JPG)

I had to google translate this when I saw "Dante". I thought it was a farmer, ha.
No. 323087
>>322937I'm the one who told about her not throwing up her food & i'm not
>>322891 nor a newfag alright?
No. 323177
>>323154>She's so fucking neuroticAt times it's contagious. She does that one post ME one post FOOD, one post ME one post FOOD thing. When she skips one because of deletion or w/e's it makes me have want to post a black screen.
Aly reminds me of Mink Stole in Desperate Living.
I never watch the videos
>>323121 but I'll do that one to try to transcribe. Stay tuned ← soon
No. 323218
File: 1495933434277.jpg (933.23 KB, 3072x2304, vagina-cakes-2.jpg)

I want to see her posing with cupcakes like these in her future ~feminist~ account.
Her pose options are countless with those and they're less boring than donuts.
No. 323221
>>323154no, because she's so obsessed with getting "support" that she doesn't notice she's made like 3 posts in 1 hour.
>>323181i fucking laughed so hard at "fiddles with bird's nest" i nearly choked. also, what's with her weird posing at the beginning of that video before she starts talking? she does it in all of hers and it makes me feel so creeped out lol
also, yeah, such feminism, much empowerment. i feel really inspired by your temper tantrum style meltdowns about comments and likes.
No. 323267
File: 1495938663853.jpg (604.69 KB, 2048x2048, E2761AAF-0988-4D8D-8FDA-FAC637…)

im just gonna leave this here..
No. 323350
>>323267Her mouth/lips reminds me of a child with red coolaid all over their mouth. They look stained or her lipstick smeared on her face.
Confirmed losing her mind?
No. 323366
File: 1495953909824.jpg (1.23 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170528_004154.jpg)

>>323267I noticed this too. lips are smeared and gross.
No. 323468
>>322910>This from her last post:>In the last post ? I've been told that "I have bloated stomach and I shouldn't wear those clothes." Really? It has been quite hurting.Yes, Aly, REALLY? I didn't see that comment.
Nobody did, cause it was the voice in her own head. She pointed out her "naked stomach" so many damn times, that she heard/saw a comment from nobody but herself. She's so painfully obvious and batshit insane.
Never change Aly this shit is far too entertaining. I just wonder how far she's going to actually go for attention though…
No. 323609
File: 1495991374806.jpg (201.74 KB, 639x1107, IMG_4336.JPG)

>I'm starting to feel really sorry for her :(
>I feel bad for her
i don't understand why people feel inclined to pity someone who is doing this out of a disordered and desperate attempt at getting attention. it's pretty morbid that she's always done this to make others pity her and feel bad for her and to like her, and not out of genuine self loathing. i admit, she has some problems in regard to self loathing, but the main thing driving aly is how deliriously obsessed she is for attention. she thrives off people being worried about her and fussing over her and she makes it pretty clear here in this post (underlined). she has always done this as a manipulation tactic. the whole boohoo woe is me shtick gets old pretty darn fast. i don't know why anyone feels bad for a manipulative girl like her. she's borderline munchie.
No. 323617
>>323609I agree with this. She's always flaunted herself and had this "look
at me the hot blonde babe" vibe about her. Even when she was spoopy she was wearing tight clothes for attention. Now she wears tight clothes for attention, which to me is odd. I don't know of any anorexic who wears clothes as tight or revealing (the stomach) as her. Usually when you're uncomfortable with your body you try to hide it (I've never made peace with my arse) and wear loose clothing in that area. She knows she's not fat and all this talk about others being overweight and how they should embrace it is bullshit. She'll never be a large size. As much as she says accept imperfections, she still swoons over stereotypically "hot" film stars (Johnny Depp who had a case against him for domestic abuse against his wife, such feministm).
No. 323700
>>323609I feel bad for her because she is her own worst enemy, doing obviously pathetic things to get attention. From strangers. On the internet. I don't dwell on her or think about her, but when I see her face in that thread, all I can think of is how it's just a damn shame. It's a shame that she is not an adjusted person, that her manipulative behavior will drive people away, and that she will one day be alone or with someone whom she has manipulated into staying with her. Her relationships are all fragmented, she can't completely give herself to everybody, she can't even love or trust herself. It's like a way more distant feeling bad for her. Looking at her focus on such unimportant shit in such an obsessive way, her quality of life seems awful. Even if she gets everything she wants, she can't even see the forest for the trees. I guess my feelings are more like pity towards those who have it all and still squander it. She needs to do so much work to get to the point people would expect her to return to, a lot of it alone. And she keeps saying I CAN'T DO IT ALONE OH NO! Bitch, you have to do it alone. But she acts like she can't, because she doesn't see how she can.
It's just pitiful. I don't know why people always get upset when others "feel bad" for cows. There's a bunch of people ripping on a mentally ill woman on an anonymous shit-talking website, calling her out on her bullshit, criticizing her appearance pre during and post anorexia, acknowledging her shitty diet, etc. Even if I think she's stupid, makes stupid decisions, and is riding her own life into the ground, to think that you can't feel bad for people who do this to themselves is stupid. Obviously I'm not trying to condemn lolcow, because I'm on the fucking board every day of my life slurping up all the juicy details, but that doesn't mean we aren't capable of having a more complex emotion than a big hate-boner for some Italian woman with an eating disorder.
I hope she turns off her Insta. She clearly abuses it to get validation for any silly feeling or thought she has. The equivalent of asking a partner over and over again if they look fat until they say "no" the right way. She's gotta stop caring what every motherfucker thinks and just take advice from the people that love her. That doesn't mean do whatever mommy and daddy want, it means acknowledging that everybody wants to control your life because they see you can't and are suffering because of it. Control issues, man. If it's not an eating disorder, it just pops up in some other neck of the woods.
No. 323895
File: 1496011231605.jpg (53.68 KB, 443x571, TW.JPG)

I don't feel any pity for her at all. It's not like she's got anything going for her. No sense of humour to speak of, no interests, nothing exciting about her and a generally shitty person with others.
Her cuts (from her self arm) are horrific though.
No. 323984
>>323617agree. she's extremely self absorbed which is why she does this. there's this weird aura with her of self absorption being maybe falsely portrayed as self loathing? idk, armchair psychfag here.
>>323686welcome to the thread. plenty of milk here. yeah, that's her newest kick - feminism (which she knows nothing about; very amy schumer vibes) and being body posi (although she has temper tantrums over nonexistent ~body shaming~ comments)
>>323700honestly, i don't really feel bad for her. she takes the cake for manipulation, self absorption, and temper tantrums over asspats. i've seen this with past abusers and she really thrives off people worrying about her. it's atrocious. also, to see her say things like "i can't do it alone"??! people do things like beat cancer alone, but yet she can't recover without her asspats? people with eds recover a lot without likes/comments/etc. i have no pity for people who manipulate people like that. it's like threatening suicide to keep a partner from leaving. disgusting. oh wait, she does that to get likes…. hm… yeah, no, i don't feel bad for her.
>>323895kek, i didn't notice this at all. likely because she posts nearly 20 times in 1 day and it all seems to blur together for me.
No. 324063
>>324031Yeah she's not exactly the next coldnessinmyheart is she…
(google at your own risk)
No. 324065
>>323700I don't feel bad for her. Including everything everyone has said already, she went ahead and reposted the transformation photo she took down, then posted another. Why? because she didn't think it was
triggering. Because she thinks she can decide what is
triggering, as long as you dont
trigger her. she might cut herself.
No. 324510
File: 1496075298889.jpg (66.21 KB, 405x551, sure jan.JPG)

This didn't happen.
No. 324570
File: 1496079769653.jpg (333.76 KB, 652x1029, Screenshot_20170529-113634.jpg)

I swear I've seen this picture before. She reposted this today as if she's eaten them today. This convinces me she's restricting again
No. 324718
>>324510Their model? With this awful hair and brows, lack of sharp features?
Or what does she mean?
No. 324778
>>324063i wish i hadn't been curious enough to look this up. awful.
>>324387agreed 100%.
>>324510yeah, and i met brad pitt yesterday, won the lottery, got struck by lightning, died, came back to life, and saw the kool aid man irl. he broke into my house. she's so delusional and it's painfully obvious when she's blowing smoke.
>>324570she's doing it because she knows she can get her "support" if she starves herself. her meltdowns don't get enough pity points, didn't you know? neither does self harm apparently. i have to wonder if she got the attention she so desperately craves if it would even sustain her at this point? she's so driven by getting attention that it makes me wonder to what extent she plans to get that attention. it's awful.
No. 325140
File: 1496141008575.png (1.25 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

She got 10+ comments wishing her nothing but luck and support. She's so fucking greedy.
No. 325177
File: 1496146405251.png (1.08 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 325183
>>325177Is her "recovery" her whole life? Asking for help, cutting, saying she doesn't want to eat?
Does she like doing anything AT ALL? Painting, taking care of animals, walking, reading? Anything at all?
No. 325199
>>325183Her recovery is her life. Hence the name "recoverylife". What a loser
>>325177ugh I wanna slap her in the face
No. 325207
>>325177I'm actually impressed that she still making her hair worse and worse with every new day. I didn't even think that was possible.
Why would you wear giant tacky peace sign earrings from a dollar store in 1997 to a job interview in 2017?
No. 325250
File: 1496155176288.jpg (239.07 KB, 978x543, Screenshot_20170530-083728.jpg)

You think she means it this time?
No. 325271
>>325250haha no
whats the job that she got? is she not in university anymore? how can she have a full time job and still go to school
No. 325322
>>325177help, help, wahhh, help me. jesus christ she's annoying. how is someone exactly supposed to "help" in this scenario?
>>325250doubtful. i don't know why any modelling agency would take her on with how she looks. she mentioned in one post "i hope no one takes my spot" or something like that so i expect that she's lying about this and that she's planning a full on mental breakdown relapse. that or she's using this "i'm becoming a model" lie to plan a relapse so she can blame said nonexistent modelling agency since she's on this feminism/body posi kick.
also, muh feminism doesn't really seem authenic when you apply to a modelling agency - an occupation that literally judges you on how you look and is riddled with sexism, but ok aly.
No. 325338
File: 1496162457234.jpg (269.42 KB, 1008x657, Screenshot_20170530-103827.jpg)

>>325322Sounds like she's just a sales person.
No. 325339
>>325271She's working as a sales assistant at Les Hommes. This is a designer brend for me. How the fuck did she get the job when she turns up wearing shorts and the rest of her shoddily displayed self??
One thing though, she @-ed leshommes which didn't link to their page which is les.hommes, so I'm thinking she didn't want them to see her lying.
I reckon she doesn't do university any more. She spends too much time posing with food to actually go to classes and lectures.
No. 325343
File: 1496162724438.jpg (6.37 KB, 183x275, images.jpg)

>>325338You got in there before me, but that brend is something along the lines of Comme de Garcons or something. Designer labels usually employ interns from fashion design courses as sales assistants. I mean… LOOK AT HER. A shop for men is usually staffed by male assistants because of
ahem fitting and the fact they know what a man wants.
No. 325346
File: 1496162906121.jpg (267.77 KB, 720x480, milan.jpg)

>>325344I just checked and she's added the _
There're two stores in Milan. This is one. Can you imagine her working here?
No. 325356
>>325346Not really. Unless they give her a dress code or make over.
Maybe she will finally become more interesting with this job, maybe have more to say or different things to show.
No. 325388
>>325338Lmao what
I have to wonder, maybe her parents have connections there (like knowing the manager or something) so she got the job