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No. 375886
Most well known for her cal-arts rant, where she bitches about how hard it is to get in while claiming to have gotten in. of aforementioned Cal-Arts rant:
>21 year old "freelancer" (lives at home with her mother and runs an online shop selling ugly art)>Salty Youtube fujoshi artist that claims that her art is superior because she went to art school>Constantly preaches that art takes hard work, claims to always practice and study but her art hasn't improved in over two years>Whines about being a starving artist with no money, yet has enough money to buy a new Mac computer and a Cintiq tablet within the same week, then sold said cintiq because she got sponsored for her shitty shitty art>When faced with genuine criticism, she replies with "it's my style hurrr get over it!!">Whines about nobody buying from her online store, but when people do, she whines about having to package and ship off her items >Pandering to the Musicals crowd to get more Youtube $$$>Claims to be the only non tumblrina artist and is a textbook tumblr fujo>Generally insufferable and shitty person No. 375903
File: 1503249663013.png (266.72 KB, 581x484, suchstiffmuchwow.PNG)

>>375886Not that I'm against mannequins, but people would improve more if they used photo references of actual people. There are like a shit ton on the interwebs like pixelovely and posemaniacs (those sites even show how muscles work). And if you're lucky, you'd get into a live nude drawing session in your area.
No. 376110
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>>375707full offense, but holly is honestly too fucking stupid to have any understanding of what she is talking about.
She is super fucking obviously a youtube-intellectual, and from her comments alone you can see her parroting the shit she's watching on youtube.
A 20k/year online art school isn't going to give her any actual ability to evaluate things with "facts, not feelings."
>>375842Holly is also too stupid to realize that when Calarts has their Accepted Students day, they publish a full list of all the accepted students for that year and send it out to those invited.
It would not be hard to find the 2014 list that was mailed out and have proof she was lying.
No. 376634
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How is this person putting words in her mouth?
Also, I know someone was commenting in the earlier thing about her being spoiled. I honestly think she's just uneducated.It sounds like she's been poor for a long time and now that she has money she doesn't understand the concept of saving. Also she has 0 impulse control.
No. 376640
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What is her deal??? Omfg. Don't do stupid shit to your hair if you don't like it
No. 376642
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No. 376826
>>376110I'm the person who said at least it was nice to see some non-sjw content in the art community.
I take back what I said, she's way too tard. Sometimes I wonder if she actually is borderline retarded and that's why she doesn't seem to notice how cringy her actions/comments are…
No. 376871
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I watched the calarts rant from the last thread and
"They're looking for an amalgamation of everything you know put into one book."
No shit Sherlock, that's what it's for. I'm an art teacher and I feel like I would strangle this bitch if I had to deal with her in class and I already deal with enough students that won't draw from life or pictures of real people for reference because it isn't their "style".
No. 376905
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>mfw realizing holly applied to be in the same year i'm currently inI fucking missed a bullet there. Thank fucking god.
>>376110I'm in that year and never actually heard anything about this list at accepted students day unless I threw it out or something. If I had it on hand, I would definitely look into it, but I honestly doubt it's a thing anybody has anymore. Especially something from 3/4 years ago.
>>376117I know plenty of people that got accepted to CalArts but had to turn it down because it's pretty damn expensive even with financial aid since they give you barely any money.
No. 376912
>>376117 and stand corrected then. that's a real bummer for people who are actually good artists and busted their asses to get in.
No. 377023
>>376905>it's pretty damn expensive even with financial aid since they give you barely any money.That sucks knowing that someone is already close to their dream only to be blocked by a paywall.
Also, I hope you're doing well in Calarts, anon.
>>376971>The redraw of Purgatory is a line-art-only messShe mentioned before that she wanted to draw faster which would explain the messy line art she has. It sounded like a lazy excuse for me.
Also, how many pages per week does she publish anyway? Most comic artists I follow only post once or twice a week. I didn't bother reading her comic because I didn't like the premise (and her attitude doesn't help either).
>Why doesn't she put any of that shit into her actual content?Reminds me of an acquaintance who was able to pull off a realistic drawing and when it comes to actual work she never applies what she learned. Even more awkward is that she thinks she's entitled to join the art group (comprised of semi-close friends) I was in even though we never bothered looking for new recruits (best if you have friends to form a group with and not with strangers). She also bitched about it in an open forum. In front of the 6 known artists and an audience of around 1000 people.
No. 377138
>>375914I second this. I've been drawing for a long time and drawing from life is what helped me improve the fastest.
It's weird to hear HC give all sorta of advice on drawing and doesn't recommend life drawing.
No. 377266
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so apparently holly can go on other peoples profiles and tell them they are gross? but god forbid if someone critiques her work
No. 377592
>>377591This is gonna be bad. Drawing a lot from LIFE and REFERENCES will help you, but repeating the same shitty art is gonna keep you shitty longer.
As my AP Lit teacher said: "Practice doesn't make perfect. It makes permanent."
No. 377671
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Ummmm, no? I'm pretty sure you of all people still needs to work on your anatomy. Also anatomy worship? I'm pretty sure that isn't a thing, wtf.
No. 377813
>>377812wrong thread. my bad
>>377717She's too lazy to practice anatomy. Like what other people said before, she always takes the """"easy"""" route.
No. 377843
File: 1503486777500.png (58.2 KB, 581x565, Capture.PNG)

Now she wants to be a concept artist… J U S T
No. 377973
>>377855I think what Holly suffers from is more along the lines of not knowing how to properly make her anatomy cartoony.
Instead of creating her style off of simplifying her irl anatomy drawings, she's trying to apply anatomy onto her "style". By keeping her misguided tries at anatomy from when she was younger and mixing it with real anatomy, her characters look more like mannequins with creepy cartoon faces slapped on (why the chin thing happens a lot - she doesn't know where to place the face on the head).
This makes her characters look distorted and gross, especially when she tries to make them move. It's like watching mannequins move; stiff and cartoony like her style, but too semi-real with wonky proportions that it looks creepy.
No. 378061
>>377843truly spoken like someone who has no fucking idea what they're talking about. i've seen mediocre artists nab studio jobs, but her? absolutely no way any place would hire her.
>>377973because to properly make your work cartoony, you need a good understanding of actual real life anatomy. i don't know why it's so hard for artists with styles that steer from realism to accept this.
>>377977i watched that earlier today, and while she does say some dumb shit (as per usual), what strikes me the most is how she's not really doing any studies or going out of her comfort zone in this sketchbook challenge she's set for herself. she's honestly just filling pages for the sake of filling them. i predict she won't improve much of anything by the end of the month.
i think her
real problem is she has absolutely no objective, critical eye. she might claim to know her art is shit, but she's unable to see where, or why, or how to fix it. she's just going to make the same mistakes over and over and over again.
No. 378067
>>377843>>378061samefag, but
>I just wish more jobs provided examples as to what they look forbetween this and the CalArts rant, i think her lack of proper education gets in the way of her reading portfolio requirements and understanding what they actually fucking mean. it's becoming a pattern, imo.
No. 378247
>>378061>>she's honestly just filling pages for the sake of filling them. i predict she won't improve much of anything by the end of the month.That's usually what happens when you set an unrealistic amount of sketchbook pages to fill. It's best to fill 5 pages deliberately than 20 just to complete your sketchbook.
>>378067>>i think her lack of proper education gets in the way of her reading portfolio requirements and understanding what they actually fucking mean.You'd think simple comprehension and research skills would do the trick
No. 378862
>>377843HC can't even finish her own art challenges and has zero studio experience. She also described herself as being someone who can't work with others. Studios are all about working as a team under directors and producers.
I won't say that Holly can't do concept art because I don't know that. What I do know is that when going into an interview for a job at a game studio they're looking for someone talented, capable to meet deadlines, and matches the studios culture. I just doubt that HC can meet all these expectations.
No. 379057
>>377671>>377843So does her agreeing with this video invalidate her Anatomy and Proportion video? I don't even think she follows the advice she gives.
And the fact that people in her comments talk of how Holly is the only one they can "trust" when it comes to art really makes me sad. Sorry for the bad English.
No. 379154
>>379153Sage for correcting
**cintiq not confía
No. 379228
>>379108>Why do tons of kids follow her word like God?They're young and they prolly follow only people with mediocre art because they get ~intimidated~ following professionals who offer good advice.
And it's not a shocker that so many young artists these days needs an ~art style~ to the point of ignoring to do work on their fundamentals.
>>378862Most of her art are basically in ~her own comics style~ and I highly doubt she bothered trying to do any decent studies or exercises that would challenge her to go outside her ~art style~.
No. 379460
>>379113And Holly wanted that cintiq so fucking bad too.
It's so weird to watch an artist make so many mistakes when they have all the time in the world to get better. She's like 21 and doesn't have to work her way through school (her youtube $) like a lot of people have to do to get through school.
It just confuses the fuck out of me.
No. 379680
>>379460far be it from me to defend Holly in any way, but she makes dirt money off Youtube - although i suppose that doesn't much matter because an online school with 100% acceptance rate can't possibly be that expensive in the first place.
>>379559unless you have very good work ethic drilled in, it's very hard to work in your own time without falling into the pit of "i'll do it later". the schedule and structure of education / another job can help a lot in, as you say, policing our tendency to slack off.
No. 380067
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Artists don't need criticism
No. 380433
>>379153I will say as someone who knows a few people with the newest one she got, it's probably the closest to cintiq quality i've seen… but she sold her cintiq for likr 500 dollars
with the stickers and nasty shit on it. Ugh
No. 380721
>>380714She really did purge her twitter.
Some of her last tweets were about someone linking her adsense account to another channel.
No. 380775
>>380714jfc how many times dose she do this to her accounts?
It feels like HC just deleted everything from her instagram from one atheistic to another to do what again? To build a better web presence or to market herself as an artist?
It's just becoming more apparent how disingenuous Holly really is.
No. 380787
>>380781I didn't think of that.
Things are getting dicey for ole'Holly Brown.
No. 380827
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No. 380828
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No. 380829
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No. 380830
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No. 380831
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No. 380832
File: 1503849939860.jpg (Spoiler Image,404.12 KB, 2000x1725, DFNvA53U0AENcn0 (1).jpg)

Archived these bad boys for future lols.
No. 380925
>>380703Just a not pick but when using the greater than less than symbol the open end refers to the bigger choice, holly believes in quantity > quality if it was quality > quantity she would be producing an amazing art piece at once a year
Sage for non contribution
No. 381109
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>can't draw a fucking hand to save her lifeI saw this the other day about guidelines for KotH's animators, reminded me of Holly. And she wants an industry job? Yeah, right.
No. 381203
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her enamel pins are garbage
it's like she kind of tries to go for a certain aesthetic but her ugly style just doesn't work
No. 381298
>>381203i'm dead, this seriously looks like something out of one of those how to draw manga books.
people pay money for this shit.
No. 381300
>>380832is it just me or is the porn she drew of the chick the least bad?
like any flaws it has is pretty miniscule compared to whenever holly tries to draw a naked male or god forbid a dongus
No. 381323
>>381193For all the people who don't want to watch 10 minutes of Holly bitching:
Holly starts the video dissing nostalgia and saying how shit it is (totally valid, at least in part).
She then starts talking about some family garbage and how she had a ton of 'culturally rich' items her family bought, and how she's so cool and interesting because she 'has that to draw from' (but only draws fujo shit, so…???).
She then gets pissy that "artists in Europe don't like to draw Europe, which is stupid because
I like Europe, so fuck them".
Then she goes back on what she says by saying that "nostalgia is totally valid guys, look how cool I am for playing devil's advocate on my own video!"
And then she says that people who go to Disney Land are stupid children.
Wow, Holly cannot make an informative video about anything, apparently.
No. 381364
>>381323>'culturally rich items'She tweeted that before she purged her twitter. Something about how her grandma bought some antique stuff.
>only draws fujo shitFucking this. She rarely draws something other than the usual fujo garbage (like the candy gouache video she did, which was nice. I want to see more of that though)
No. 381408
>>381300Hard to draw a dick if you have only ever seen them in garbage yaoi.
>>381364I would say most of her current audience eats up that fujo garbage but judging by her youtube views she actually makes more money off of her 'comic tutorial' videos and her major rant videos. I guess even fujoshis have standards.
No. 381596
>>381593tf she has a class in skillshare? Do you have screenies of the classes she put on there?
Also, you need to pay for classes there, right?
No. 381601
>>381593iirc she didn't swear in her skillshare class.
>>381596I think there is a 1 month free trial thing still for new users? Her class wasn't that great but I didn't think it was lolcow worthy.
No. 381638
>>381593I have a skillshare account and I checked her class since it was really short.
And I don't think there was any curse words or umm's. I felt like it was mostly scripted.
No. 382959
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>>381638Yeah, not a swear in sight, totally scripted, but I'm unsurprised.
It's not the culture of skillshare to swear. Official guidelines for teachers specifically say you can't post explicit or offensive content, and no rants. Basically all this proves is that she doesn't care about her audience until they are directly making her money. She gets paid a small amount for teaching classes and if skillshare doesn't approve her class because she's being unprofessional and swearing, buhbye tiny paycheck.
Her fans in the course reviews though.
No. 382960
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>>382959And yet she still couldn't be arsed to spellcheck.
No. 382963
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>>381596Sage because there's not really any milk here, but here ya go.
Though at least we can maybe get some low tier kek out of the fact that she still claims she's actually working on her online schooling? And that she "teaches people what she can" when that includes exactly nothing that she has made videos about?
No. 382995
>>382960Is English not her first language because she apparently does the same thing in her comic.
Speaking of her comic I honestly don't get how people actually read/like that thing. Even ignoring the art, the story is just so bad? Like don't get me wrong the whole 'forbidden love in a cult' premise had potential but the pacing is just so bad and the characters are just so bland. The only real positive thing about her comic is the world building but even that barely makes it into the actual comic itself. Hopefully her new comic won't be as bad.
No. 383001
File: 1504079271965.png (219.36 KB, 1033x479, purgatory.PNG)

>>382995I read the first 70 pages and it's so boring with NOTHING happening. Also it's plagued with so many autonomy and perspective errors that it's impossible to ignore.
Even in this picture, she tried to white out his open eyes and make it closed, but you can still clearly see the open eyes. I stared at the picture for so long to figure out wth was happening
No. 383004
>>383001See I would even be willing to forgive the anatomy and perspective errors if the style was at least interesting but it's just so boring and unoriginal? I mean at least the original one shot she made was interesting to look at but this?
A strong story and well developed characters could have also saved the comic because I have actually enjoyed webcomics that had 'worse' art than her webcomic but had pretty good writing to make up for it.
You can have bad art or bad writing, not both.
No. 383007
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>>383004The characters personalities aren't consistent either, they keep changing so it gets hard to keep track of what's actually happening. I feel like she's writing the story with no clear direction about where she wants to take it
>Notice the fake math shit, as an artist math is just out of my field so just don't think about it too much hahahIs it that difficult to look up any random math problem online? Is she just that stupid?
No. 383010
>>383007Didn't Holly say she wrote the script out for Purgatory already? I always get confused because she constantly changes her mind about stuff like how she changed her mind about making thumbnail sketches first.
Also the more I see shit like the fake math the more I just think Holly is incredibly lazy. A small gag like 'problem D' is fine but at least make sure the other problems make even a bit of sense. I mean come on Holly take a little bit of pride in your work.
No. 383177
>>383001How the hell is she drawing her shit anymore?
Whiting out this shit when you digitize the drawing is literally the easiest thing ever. Unless she has some sort of weird complex where she thinks editing a scanned image is cheating, why not take the time to clean up ALL the marks instead of just whiting out the background and praying for the photoshop gods to do the work for you?
(I'm assuming this was a scanned drawing instead of created digitally. If this was done straight to digital and she still fucked this up, then she's even stupider than I thought.)
No. 383242
>>383177 this livestream (sorry, not letting me embed for some reason), you can see that she just takes the old files and draws over the top of them.
I would say this is actually a fairly good tool to improving anatomy, since she's working directly off of old anatomy and can see what's wrong, but she does some really infuriating things, like using a really soft drawing tool that makes her lines so blurry she literally has to shave them down using an eraser tool, or not using straight edges for some objects (like the ladder) and using it for others (the wood beams near the skulls).
>383001I'm guessing this is why she doesn't notice the open eyes still being visible; she's drawing on top of another picture without bothering to check if it looks good after deleting what's underneath.
This whole comic is infuriating.
No. 383513
>>382963Oh my god, she lives where I live
I hope I don't bump into her anytime soon.
No. 383882
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>>383001I can't believe she thinks any of this looks okay.
No. 383908
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>>383882What is even going on
paw hands again
>>381109Legit looks like an animal holding something with its paws.
No. 384099
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> Holly starts "sketchbook slam challenge" which consists of drawing 600 pages in a large sketchbook in 30 days.
> Prominent YouTube artist Baylee Jae also began participating in the challenge, drawing more exposure to Holly & the challenge at large.
> Holly says some random shit on Twitter about how other artists are lazy, lack self-discipline, etc.
> Clearly lacking the self-discipline to figure out how a spine works tho
…and that's what you missed on /hcb/
No. 384100
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Holly is the Hamilton of art, apparently
No. 384173
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>>384100>>384101How is it possible to be this far up your own ass
No. 384217
>>382963sage for reply to old post but HOLLY LIVES IN MY FUCKIN' CITY???
She probably never leaves her disgusting shitcave but tonight is douchey artkid night downtown and I am beginning my quest to find her.
In Search Of Fujosquatch, coming soon to TLC
wish me luck, anons
No. 384305
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> holly's mad people were shitposting on the server channel titled "shitposting"
No. 384341 this review of the comic.
I think the review is quite on point, but it's weird how the art of the comic isn't critiqued.
No. 384342
>>384341Eh, there's a few critiques of the art (like the dumb faces and outfits), but this early on in Purgatory's creation (the review was written before Holly even finished the rape scene), the art wasn't as bad as it is now. It actually had some flair back then.
God, I really hate how bland and disgustingly boring her art is now. Even when her old art was at its wonky-est, it was cute and cartoony. Now it's all big chins, no shading, copy-paste backgrounds, and has all those photoshop errors like the missing lines. It doesn't help the atmosphere the review praises at all.
No. 384343
>>384341I feel like webcomics usually can get away with 'bad art' as long as the story/writing is good but the reverse is not nessearily true. Art style is usually something that initially hooks a new viewer but it isn't enough to keep someone invested in your comic if the story sucks or if your update schedule is shit.
With Holly her writing and art really isn't that great but from what I have heard her update schedule is pretty consistent so I kinda understand why people read her comic?
No. 384478
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No. 384479
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Is she's just not self aware?
No. 384487
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>>384305the spam was bestiality and porn but the whole chat was freaking out because the mods didnt know how to deal with it…. they were crying for holly to return to fix things it was such a mess . fyi there are tons of minors in this chat they still didnt delete the porn spam, just blacklisted and blocked the person.
No. 384524
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Wow, Holly cannot draw to save her fucking life. Why is the seat so short? Why is the distance between the seat and the front so long? Why is it all bending toward the middle like taffy left out in the sun? Why are her lines so frail and all over the place when she's using a reference? Jesus H Christ…
No. 384955
>>384341The art is not good but if it's clear and supports the story, it doesn't matter. Especially in indie comics and webcomics there is some weird shit art-wise, with great stories.
sage for comic sperging
No. 385026
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Can we talk about how efortless is she when it comes to her comic? Both the art and the story seem to be there only to pleasure a crowd of prepubescent fujoshis. Like, look at this artwork made by a fan (who's also younger than her) and everything looks so much better than Holly's art. I feel like she just wants Purgatory to be a cash cow. (Artwork credits go to @maddmar on Instagram)
No. 385047
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>>385018I was monitoring the server for milk and it had calmed down so it was mostly her (clearly really young) fan base talking about drawing.
My impression was that Holly was trying to use the discord server to just house PDFs/resources, appointed mods when it got insane with gore etc. on Friday, and then got mad when mods set up channels for talking??
I have no clue why she thought a discord was appropriate to just be used as a way to house info though.
No. 385048
File: 1505158515925.png (453.44 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170911-143449.png)

More of Holly being mad about this
No. 385051
>>385047It's funny how she likes to pretend she is a logic driven person sometimes when she can't go long without throwing an emotional fit.
>>385048Every time someone calls her out on something she responds with that "OH YEAH I AM THE WORST FOR DOING NOTHING WRONG" type of sarcasm.
No. 385537
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Ok but you have been talking about how you want to make your Paranormal Plaque comic for months now and instead of 'just doing it' you draw pointless fan art for a comic that doesn't exist yet???
No. 385951
>>385944To be fair at least Pan Pizza's style isn't as bland and it's not like his whole online persona revolves around his art.
Sage for slightly off topic.
No. 386084
>>386081Idk, I'm just always curious to see the potential of shitty art, if only they would fix their few mistakes.
I don't think the point of fixing a drawing necessarily has to do with showing off since pretty much anybody can do it, it's not like redrawing which takes any skill.
No. 386894
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>>384099im no artist but…. holy shit
No. 387481
>>387454Meh I thought Baylee might have ended up getting better if she did the challenge because that girl doesn't nearly draw as much as she should but I guess I was wrong.
On the bright side though it looks like Holly's art style got more consistent? Too bad it's consistently bad though.
No. 388047
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Is it just me, or does Holly show up and leave an essay in just about every 'known' youtuber's comments section?
This is from a video Mr Enter (autist lolcow in his own right) uploaded today. He was whining about how much people make fun of him, RebelTaxi/Pan Pizza chief among them. Last time I checked Holly was pals with Pan, so it's pretty amusing to see her in the comments of someone Pan actively doesn't like.
No. 388229
File: 1505670685993.gif (531.6 KB, 500x341, 1376545637835.gif)

>>388047>Honestly Pan is a douche cause I think he doesn't like critiques on mediaWtf? Really?! Coming from
you Holly? Are you that clueless? She bites the heads off of her own fans at the slightest bit of criticism with her 'well who asked
you?' attitude like she's a queen, and then says this?
No. 388265
>>388219>She's super entitled, has an ugly, stiff style and yet continues to be cocky, self entitled and generally a bitchtell us something we don't know anon
>>388242I believe that
Honestly, Holly seems like a giant bully, but god forbid you bully her right back, she fucking loses her mind
Do you know anything about her two friends that have been present during her streams? Donnydraws and that Romanian one?
No. 388266
File: 1505675140674.jpg (146.45 KB, 786x561, Capturewed3.JPG)

Y'know, when you anons were talking about how Holly's Highschool style was better looking I didn't believe you
Then I saw this, her HS style is definitely more interesting and easy on the eyes unlike her stiff ugly style on the right
No. 388270
>>384099Nothing in this drawing makes sense. The anatomy and the foreshortening are all off, the fridge looks like it's falling on the character due to perspective errors and she's either floating or sinking in the floor. This is elementary school tier bullshit and she's claiming to be a bachelor in graphic design?
>>388266Yeah seriously, I don't know what happened to her for her to take the sink into the stiff pit she's currently stuck now. Her high school stuff has its errors but it's much more interesting and easier to look at because the characters look alive and breathing, the ones she draws now look like mannequins.
No. 388309
>>388295I believe she was taken away from her parents as a kid and raised by her aunt. She seems to really hate her brother (which I don't know if it's her cousin or her actual brother, because she calls her aunt "mom"). She still has at least some form of contact with her parents because she was over at their house visiting some time ago, her biological dad seems to be in advanced stages of cancer or something like that. I don't know if he passed away.
Take this with a grain of salt because I don't follow Holly's videos, it's just what I gathered from vlogs here and there.
No. 388338
File: 1505682631484.png (26.13 KB, 750x161, IMG_1960.PNG)

Hate you too, Holly.
No. 388411
>>388266the left side has so much more depth, style and personality than the right.
i'm still irrationally angry about those stupid fucking glasses. they don't look like glasses. they don't look like
anything except some lines.
No. 388762
the thing is, she's a complete stereotype of what you'd expect an entitled, bratty millennial to be, what makes her think she's any different ?
No. 388808
>>388228Anon, you don't become that much of a cunt solely because you gain a following. She was like that in the videos that made her blow up anyway.
>>388731laziness and becoming comfortable. She works a lot, but she does it in a sloppy way so she can achieve a higher quantity of output.
>>388266Her old art has shading in multiple colors and an accent color, it's hand-lettered. Now she doesn't even bother using the bucket tool to put in some greys.
No. 390866
File: 1506057577403.png (Spoiler Image,1004.37 KB, 1366x768, holly_why.png)

Her self insert on the toilet. Classy.
No. 390883
>>390876I think she just made the blonde one as someone she would like to bone herself, I don't see much room to assume it's a self insert because there's nothing similar between her and Holly
No. 390949
File: 1506082836720.png (155.5 KB, 310x317, f2fcb71444f18c6dec1fe6f77d38f1…)

Even her skulls suffer from terminal Jay Leno disease
No. 390975
File: 1506092613024.png (321.25 KB, 537x322, ughhhhh.png)

>>390857I'm not through the vid yet but damn, these pear-shaped heads sucking at each other's lips is exactly how I used to draw anime kisses back in eight grade.
No. 390980
>>390857Sorry for double-post but I hate how Holly didn't even know what to draw into the sketch book anymore to the point she asked people on twitter to suggest 'dumb shit' for her to draw.
Throughout the video she's talked about so many things she wanted to improve on, why didn't she just draw those?
Interiors, dynamic poses, basically everything that isn't your OCs standing around - there's plenty to choose from…
No. 391314
File: 1506140153766.png (140.55 KB, 818x236, Screen Shot 2017-09-23 at 12.1…)

looks like she's got ads now
No. 391619
File: 1506197858143.png (394.11 KB, 852x477, Screen Shot 2017-09-23 at 4.14…)

>>390857This is so bad. She really just rushed through the sketchbook to finish it before anyone else.
I get 30 second sketches etc when you draw from life, but that's not the case here. 600 pages and no improvement whatsoever. I'm shocked.
No. 391809
File: 1506237058625.png (Spoiler Image,314.61 KB, 649x446, Screen Shot 2017-09-23 at 9.01…)

so weird considering how much times she's mentioned him in her videos
she even gave this guy one of her crummy art prints
No. 392187
>>392012guess you didn't bother watching it but basically Pan was just telling an awkward story about asking a girl out who was already into a relationship that he didn't know about
he didn't cry or was overtly salty at all
although there is some cringe when he mentions masturbating 3x a day sometimes but thats a lot of people
No. 392197
Holly's lack of improvement genuinely scares me to the core. Just the idea you don't improve despite drawing consistently is a nightmare. I get that she draws the same shit, but you'd figure she'd improve at that subject.
>>390857A lot of her pages here aren't even truly terrible. I'd say her thumbnail pages, trees, and those first gesture drawings from reference are good. Her presentation skills are pretty fair, too.
No. 393065
>>390866The Toilet is so small wtf?? kek
>Even her skulls suffer from terminal Jay Leno diseaseMy fucking sides, anon
This was almost good, also.. Her characters need a trip to Korea shave them monkey jaws
>>391619The yellow girl. So fucking bad. She has three ligaments on her left arm, which is also fucking gigantic? Of course everything else is just as bad, but that really caught my eye.
>>392276This, anon. Holly inspires me to improve so much lmao
No. 393684
>>393474I wonder if Holly will eventually drown on her on toxicity like Sakuems did.
Or maybe eventually she will change, I've noticed she seems to be trying (-trying-) to be nicer. Probably noticed the backlash she gets for being a bitch or that putting up a shitty attitude will not get her very far.
No. 393741
>>393474why does she act like not participating in inktober makes her superior? some people like to do things for FUN holly, fun. not everything has to be so damn serious.
i have never listened to someone that made art sound so unbearable and dull.
>>393476literally most of the professional artists i follow participate in inktober for fun because they get to draw for themselves. it's not always about ~improvement~
No. 394057
>>393874didn't meant that improvement part @ you, just meant how even people who ink everyday can join in. She just kept going on in the video about how most people don't actually improve during inktober when not everyone really cares to
i just don't know why she can't quietly not do something without shaming others in the process
No. 394068
>>393867She was pretty nasty a lot of times.
Her cat died and she couldn't deal with it. Old pet and probably her only companion at that point. That's as much as I know as I don't look through her stuff anymore. Feel free to correct me.
No. 394099
File: 1506599435235.jpg (30.25 KB, 300x450, i want to die.jpg)

>>393474She's leaving so many uncoloured spots it's stressing me
No. 394101
File: 1506602017777.png (86.03 KB, 208x297, Screenshot_2017-09-28_15-31-54…)

>>393474This is
triggering me. Grids and guides are not hard to use.
No. 394147
File: 1506607758478.png (2.58 MB, 1532x1212, Screen Shot 2017-09-28 at 10.0…)

Every time she does good colour it's obviously accidental. I swear to god, was pisses on her colours as soon as she's done. Like, why does she do a yellow wash on everything?
This scene doesn't even require it tonally, so it's not even an attempt to give mood in a lazy ass way. If you want a yellow looking palette , build one. Don't just piss on your canvas.
I fucking can't get over people saying she's good with colour. If it isn't basic as fuck, she doesn't know what she's doing.
Also her comic is now up. I'm so ready: No. 394184
File: 1506612838147.jpeg (919.21 KB, 746x1043, 6A8C3950-C415-4169-88F1-F56502…)

I know Holly’s being sarcastic with these post but completing an ink drawing is proving to be a little difficult for ol’holly brown.
There’s just so many mistakes.
No. 394185
File: 1506612908042.jpeg (727.79 KB, 750x937, 6D964201-891F-4C88-BDDD-E989B6…)

>>394184Also I hate how she draws trees. Trees don’t grow like that or look like that.
No. 394246
>>393474Kek, is she for real? She just has so much disdain for people having fun, it's actually sad. Imagine being this bitter and "brutually honest", yet so incredibly fragile that you can't take criticism.
Also the challenge and point of inktober is to work with ink on paper, fuck off. You could teach yourself new techniques with ink, but I guess that's too hard.
Sage for salt, she really pushes my buttons.
No. 394320
File: 1506628186282.png (439.78 KB, 580x622, hollypoop.png)

Wait, so she's offended by Jake's post or in favor of it?
No. 394339
File: 1506630368608.jpg (82.86 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mugkzdReSs1r9boe4o1_500…)

>trying to make snarky remarks>while drawing/inking like that>while Jake Parker draws and make clean stuff like pic relatedWay to look like an embarrassing moron again?
No. 394342
>>394339 But, like, she is ta bestest artist eva and she like tells all da truths!
Sorry, threw up a little. She literally can't go a day without shitting all over someone for being happy.
No. 394359
File: 1506631617656.png (239.71 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2913.PNG)

>>375886Didn't she fat shame a real person on her Instagram page?
No. 394375
>>394326So she is bitching about his barely even a critique to digital art? The "i don't care", "work harder", "i tell it how it is" Holly?
She can't make up her mind on whether she wants to be the jerk or the victimist,
>>394359 as an example.
I think it was her I saw over an year ago on twitter complaining about how it sucked she was being forced to use the pen tool(?) on class because it gAvE hEr anxIetY ugHHHH
She really belongs with the tumblr crew
No. 394415
>>394412Correction: douchey not doughy
But this bitch can be doughy too. Sitting in her messy room with her dying plants and cat shit.
No. 394671
>>394635Sucks that Holly ignored that one guy's comment (clarifying about Jake Parker saying that he's not discouraging digital artists from doing what they are comfortable doing, but rather encouraging them to do actual inking as a way to improve) in her previous video. And judging by this video she is still salty about it and feels as though she is "above" doing inktober only because she can do it.
Jeez, Holly, when will you get glasses to see how fucked up your anatomy is. You're no Kim Jung Gi.
She also complained about other people doing inktober as an excuse to draw witches but hey, people have their own ways of doing inktober (there are even people who make their own challenges aside from witches and mermaids).
No. 394744
File: 1506691845434.jpg (44.45 KB, 453x604, photo_2017-09-21_14-51-24.jpg)

>>394635>After my last video I had a bunch of people just basically say stupid shit like "just by using a tablet you make bad habits"Because it's fucking true. I don't get why she's so pissy about this.
No. 394940
File: 1506722362011.png (65.58 KB, 640x386, IMG_7508.PNG)

poking around instagram and came across this. bojak's art looks so much better than hers.
No. 395022
>>394671She should come up with Jaylenotober as an excuse to drawing those chins of hers, then
Except she does that all year round and not just October
No. 395025
File: 1506731700457.png (7.72 KB, 546x566, bd6.png)

>>394635Tell me everything she does is just one big troll, and that nobody is this clueless…
This clueless to not realize everything she does contradicts what she preaches…
Seriously, how the fuck can Holly thing her stupidly bad attitude is just fine and be offended by such a small thing? What a fragile prick.
No. 395089
File: 1506739674288.jpeg (417.04 KB, 750x764, 875BDEE1-A390-4719-9228-68684D…)

HC is starting another YouTube channel to which she’ll post images she’s drawn from bad fan fiction.
Here comes another cringey edgelord YouTube channel. Really wish I was kidding about this but… holy shit… this channnel just sounds like such a waste of time and energy. It just sucks.
Proof : No. 395455
File: 1506805282970.png (91.75 KB, 1242x561, IMG_1815.PNG)

Sorry Holly your art work now is still just as cringe I really can't see the improvement all that much from then (2015) until now.
No. 395475
>>395089her "best work" is edgelord fanart in the relatively simplistic style of a children's cartoon.
what are they teaching people in art school these days?
No. 396646
File: 1506958870061.png (118.93 KB, 750x723, IMG_2918.PNG)

It's weird because in your comic there 11 or 12 yrs old. One of which gets molested and you only aged them up so you could make a porn comic about them which you would sell separately from the comic and had no actual purpose to the "story" you've created.
No. 397901
File: 1507137916183.jpg (34.65 KB, 419x384, FullSizeRender 14.jpg)

so she's working on her hamilton animatic (i.e. tryna leech of what's popular now) and this frame kills me.
No. 398009
>>397901Here’s her animatic on instagram : always I’m not a fan of Holly’s character design and her staging of her characters. The whole thing feels floaty and there’s only this mid shot of the one character. Could have been more dynamic to see a full shot to understand where the placement of characters are in this scene. I don’t think HC would do that kind of cut away since that might be harder to draw than that lazy mid shot.
Also she traced the movement of the flag. I have no argument with rotoscoping to learn to animate a more natural movement but if she just would have actually studied the movement and animated that flag using her style that movement wouldn’t be so jarring.
Over all Holly is rushing through this to finish before the trend dies.
Holly Brown, you’re lazy and a try-hard.
No. 399005
>>398995If holly hadnt taken actual animation classes I would atleast give her some leaniency. The bitch has gone to school and came out with a shittier style and concept of colours etc than when she came in.
It's such shit the characters in the background have such a fucked anatomy like Baylee's but they both swear up and down that 'oh! Thats foreshortening you dummies! Gosh pick up a book!'
You can't blame it on people being uneducated/'its my style' after the 193939th person tells you something looks off.
Its just aggravating what attention does to people with garbage personalities.
No. 399072
File: 1507318404315.jpg (Spoiler Image,31.51 KB, 167x250, IMG_3417.JPG)

I just don't know how someone can look like such a toe yet feel the need to make her characters look like a toe…. that's like purposesly giving your child a bad hairstyle because you don't want to look shitt
No. 401933
File: 1507727659218.jpeg (884.68 KB, 750x1024, CF3EE95C-7EB0-47F6-8311-1E6393…)

>>401914Edit : Holly did post her 3rd page but she did just post it yesterday.
Dose it really take a week and a half to produce a comic like this?
No. 401942
>>401933She said it does because it has colour and "so much detail". Where?
She also said that she wasn't sure whether she will stick with colour because it takes her so long.
Three pages are ridiculous in this time span especially because she said she'd work on it full time and has all the thumbnails already done.
No. 401945
>>401933It's so obvious that the tentacle shit is also a fetish of hers kek
Like, 4/5 pannels in one page dedicated to that? lol
Anyway, I am so confused with that forth pannel. Like, that dot on his skin, is that supposed to be his navel? If so, he grew a gut? 'Cause he's pretty skinny on the first pannel. If not, wtf is that?? Armpit tumor?
No. 401990
>>401946I’m not surprised by the awkward placement of the nipple on Holly’s male character. Despite HC saying she can draw men better than women, Holly’s anatomy still makes zero sense.
>>401955I’m so glad you pointed that out. I really hate that design choice too.
No. 402156
>>402150I think the major problem people have is that Holly herself is so lazy about everything but won't miss a chance to put down others, and also the fact that Holly has pretty much talked about this like it's her magnum opus.
That said the panels are terrible, it takes 30 seconds to make the gutters even and make sure the corners are rounded the same amount.
No. 402162
>>401933>that fringe overlapping the cameraI will say that this looks a lot more appealing than her purgatory comic
kind ot, but i don't get why some people post comics by page? I can't picture anyone enjoying a story by reading a page a week
No. 402583
>>402512Yeah, Holly's male characters kind of have the same faces but this Hershel guy looks a lot like Damien.
And this is just a nitpick but I also hate the names Holly gives to her characters.
No. 402761
File: 1507853321613.jpg (18.94 KB, 400x400, Kch4GSGD_400x400.jpg)

I'm a new poster but I've been reading for a while. Does anyone else have a problem with Holly's new avatar? I'm not sure if it's supposed to be comically bad…because it is. I can see the mouth being a joke just because it's so fucking weird, but the arms look broken. She also did the "chest ass" that she said not to in her boob video.
No. 402839
File: 1507862439392.jpg (22.93 KB, 221x224, 245725_155589.jpg)

>>402761her stupid avatar looks so punchable. I seriously thought it had the hella jeff mouth based on her twitter icon resolution.
No. 402898
>>401933jesus christ this is a sequential storytelling nightmare. no sense of motion or space and the paneling/shots aren't cohesive.
this is the single worst thing i've ever seen her grubby hands produce.
No. 402912
>>402746>>402765I think he's being flipped upside down between panel 3 and 4, based on the direction of the flower.
>>402761It gets worse the more you look at it.
No. 403347
>>403216pretty sure shes holding onto the camera's side strap instead of the body
sage for nitpick on a nitpick
No. 403350
File: 1507953749202.png (471.74 KB, 570x474, Screen Shot 2017-10-13 at 6.00…)

>>403216>>403347nvrmind, dosent look like theres a side strap in this panel
i guess she rlly didn't think it through
No. 403599
>>401933I'd forgive this if Holly was somewhat humble but considering she nitpick the tiniest thing in other people's art like not drawing their bubbles themselves (even though hers are NEVER roundish and always look like shit!)
What the fuck with the border of the panels ? It's so obvious she just stretched the first one larger rather than drawing it again (and it takes a second)
Why is her character's bangs covering the camera ? Why is she looking up to the top left but pointing her camera elsewhere ?
And the dude's tear is flowing in the wrong direction cause she probably drew the panel upside down but didn't even notice it was wrong when she flipped it again.
No. 403792
>>401933>>403350These are the worst and laziest "I don't want to draw hands (or can't) poses I've ever seen.
Why is her face covered so much by the camera, anyway? There's no view finder and she'd have to look at the side panel, but the camera is way too close to her face to do so.
No. 403797
File: 1508013783150.png (31.58 KB, 502x186, Screen Shot 2017-10-14 at 4.41…)

Samefag but I just read the description of PP.
Investigate what? Who are they? What is this supposed to mean?
No. 403899
>>403832Holly doesn't know how to draw hands, so she obviously can't draw hands
grabbing things. That's too complicated!
That one anon who posted the King of the Hill "animal hands" thing was so accurate it hurts
No. 403900
>>403797i'm honestly more iffed that the monsters are just called fucking Paranormals.
on that note, i can't wait to see the actual "monsters".
No. 404033
>>403797I would understand if English was Holly's second language but she's a white girl from Texas. Honestly, how hard would it be to get someone to proofread this stuff? I'm sure one of her fans would jump at the opportunity to become a beta reader for her junk.
Also Holly's pacing is so bad. It's been 3+ weeks and absolutely nothing has happened in Paranormal Plague. She did not need to waste 3 pages setting up Hershel's situation especially since none of the pages actually add anything new. I mean if her updates were longer than 1 page a week then this wouldn't be a huge problem but at this rate I doubt we'll actually get into the story for another 2+ years.
No. 404531
File: 1508166240742.jpeg (134.21 KB, 750x696, 2EAE66AE-82D6-45B4-89C8-747A7F…)

>complains about attractive, finished art on YouTube
No. 404674
>>404656Ad revenue is indeed pretty shit, it's around 1 cent per 100 views.
Wasn't aware they paid for some comics, but also don't you have some sort of requirement to get tips? Shitty small comics can't get tips, from experience.
No. 405138
>>404822>>405036Tetsuo had a bigass forehead from the start, but it fit his character design and looked good (in the stylistic sense, not, like, y'know, an atrractive feature). Some kids have giant foreheads. Hell, some adults have giant foreheads.
I don't know if it grew towards the end of the movie, but that would have made sense too, with the whole mutation thing I guess.
No. 405183
>>404822I guess but Holly didn’t really improve on the oringnal. To say the least it’s a character trait of Tetsuo to have a larger forehead and his hair style only makes his face look larger.
I just don’t trust Holly’s senses since she doesn’t really know what she’s doing.
No. 405250
>>405234I don't think Tetsuo is meant to look "good" though. If they wanted him to look more generic/handsome they obviously would have been capable of drawing him that way. Besides, I thought that it was kind of emphasizing his age since kids tend to have bigger foreheads (yeah, he's 15, but still, to me it emphasized how fucked up what's going on is because he does look more like a young kid).
Just my two cents on it. I don't think that it's an improvement to make his face larger personally, it makes him look more generic, and it also wasn't a "mistake" as Holly seems to see it as, it was a conscious character design choice.
No. 405346
File: 1508294175296.png (216.46 KB, 1178x512, Screen Shot 2017-10-17 at 10.3…)

Oh god. Is she seriously considering a new car? She is so stupid with her money. I just can't. She seems like the type to get totally swindled and shop based on monthly prices. She's pretty much admitted she's retarded with math.
No. 405373
File: 1508301444755.png (326.54 KB, 858x258, Screen Shot 2017-10-17 at 21.3…)

I decided to watch a vlog of hers to see the messy room people were talking about…and well. How does she sit in her chair with her feet on the floor that is scattered with used Q-tips?! I hope they're not used cuz that's just nasty
No. 405393
File: 1508309053197.png (66.82 KB, 735x525, hcbrown autism.png)

Her sister is either an idiot or trolling her. This is terrible advice for weight loss since it should be managing macros, cals in and out, and exercise.
No. 405560
File: 1508353300317.jpg (29.43 KB, 620x400, 819.jpg)

Old milk but her nails are fucking vile. She's repulsive
No. 405762
File: 1508381996345.png (28.83 KB, 572x242, Screen Shot 2017-10-18 at 10.5…)

Can someone tell her "loose" and "lose" are not the same word. She constantly makes this mistake and it drives me insane.
No. 406274
File: 1508492598313.png (1 MB, 1094x760, Screen Shot 2017-10-20 at 02.4…)

"When you're creating hair, you gotta know how hair works"
Okay, Holly.
No. 406571
>>406214Can just imagine her sat there, moving two limbs at a time for each identically timed frame. Eating pasta…. trying to dye her hair silver only to use too much toner again….mumbling curse words under her breath
“I’ll kill them fucking all”
“I fucking fuck kill them all fuck”
“They said I can’t fucking do motherfucking animation..—try me”
No. 406883
>>406842Yeah I agree…
but her lifestyle isn’t helping her. Holly wants to loose weight but staying up till 3 am trying to draw and her addiction to Diet Coke is just going to make her fatter. Holly could learn from her mistakes (like in her drawing) but instead she double downs on what doesn’t work because it could have fast results.
Holly’s look don’t matter but the kind of person she is will always show through.
No. 407112
File: 1508617432493.png (53.31 KB, 1134x140, Screen Shot 2017-10-21 at 13.2…)

kek funny you say that
No. 407454
File: 1508661624677.png (1.06 MB, 1218x1198, Screen Shot 2017-10-22 at 01.3…)

Holly so bad that the shadows are trying to escape
No. 407772
File: 1508706480079.gif (402.89 KB, 220x123, raw.gif)

>>407454any random newbie can do a better job that this
No. 408621
File: 1508817851215.png (955.6 KB, 910x588, Screen Shot 2017-10-23 at 21.0…)

This keyboard of hers has suffered through a lot
No. 408664
File: 1508826430343.png (162.01 KB, 872x632, 1498849536673.png)

>>407454These are literally the easiest shapes to draw, and yet.
No. 408931
File: 1508875192974.png (1.67 MB, 1016x1012, Screen Shot 2017-10-24 at 12.5…)

He got that Megaman arms kek
No. 409399
File: 1508976646454.png (51.23 KB, 1452x234, Screen Shot 2017-10-25 at 17.1…)

>>409396Here's one of them lul
No. 409407
>>409393It's shit.
I can't help but think "what if she wins?"
No. 409408
File: 1508979205057.png (40.04 KB, 577x345, Untitled-1.png)

>>409393choice comments from that video
most of them are positive tho
No. 409461
File: 1508990754891.png (131.5 KB, 383x569, what the hell is wrong with hi…)

No. 409466
File: 1508990967297.png (147.25 KB, 634x585, Untitled.png)

kekis maximus
No. 409636
File: 1509028742267.png (87.44 KB, 228x275, 1506440865315.png)

And yet she plans on doing a full animation for Hamilton's Nonstop.
No. 409684
File: 1509035120124.jpeg (118.61 KB, 696x364, 3231B311-422F-4DD3-A1B5-3D4557…)

Holly’s response is lulz-worthy but she can’t expect to know nothing about animating and attempt it with perfect results. All of Holly’s fans want her to improve but she wants to wallow in self pity because everyone didn’t automatically love what she created.
Holly really needs to wake the fuck up.
No. 409695
File: 1509037988460.jpg (29.17 KB, 260x321, pls.jpg)

>>409393I'm actually shocked at how bad this is lmao, I've seen better animations in 2008 from 12-year old fanime makers drawing in MS paint. Did she even look up how to time animations? Read a fucking book jfc.
No. 409788
>>409410That's actually really cute
I think it's especially nice since most people did dancing animations(which I understand because of all the movement) but this one is fun and different and loops pretty smoothly
No. 409792
File: 1509049644365.jpg (274.36 KB, 1200x1200, DNCxP9DVQAE90eb.jpg)

Holly can't even draw decent skulls, no wonder she can't draw people
No. 410099
File: 1509078847687.png (12.04 KB, 575x115, Capture.PNG)

>>409792Nah Holly, it's you who confuses the two
No. 410106
>>410099Oh boy, I can't wait for that video heh
It's gonna be comments full of criticism about how Holly doesn't know the difference. At least from the people who aren't brainwashed by her.
No. 410225
File: 1509111654795.jpeg (16.97 KB, 225x225, EF6D4F5B-1197-486C-BE0F-8B51E6…)

>>410106Just going to be a 10 minuet video of Holly being butthurt and talking about shit she has no idea about. Can’t wait.
>>409792Also have any of you noticed that the Halloween decoration that Holly is using as a reference isn’t anatomically correct? I’m pretty sure that it isn’t true to real human anatomy.
No. 410436
File: 1509134596989.png (393.49 KB, 811x455, Screenshot_20171027-193307.png)

>>405637Sry, didn't get around to responding earlier
No. 410439
File: 1509134799678.png (261.49 KB, 569x487, Screenshot_20171027-192957.png)

>>410436I have a Feeling there is all sorts of grime under there.
Caps are from the 600 Page Sketchbook Tour and the Over The Garden Wall vids
No. 410440
File: 1509134870043.png (238.55 KB, 493x412, Screenshot_20171027-193107.png)

No. 410441
File: 1509135060594.png (155.57 KB, 536x419, Screenshot_20171027-220910.png)

Same Face Syndrome vid
No. 410443
File: 1509135696211.png (372.26 KB, 752x380, Screenshot_20171027-221736.png)

Sketch faster video
There is no excuse for her nails to be this dirty when the main focus of her yt is on her hands and the stuff she does with them. It doesn't even look like art related grime to me and it looks so unprofessional. It's the first impression to see her grimy hands, I can't.
No. 410460
File: 1509138604142.png (947.16 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20171027-230403.png)

Cheap Art Supplies every artist needs
… maybe utensils to cut and clean nails.
Her dirty nails undermine whatever she is talking about before she even gets to it.
No. 410722
File: 1509165664205.png (1.61 MB, 1044x1144, Screen Shot 2017-10-27 at 21.4…)

No. 410925
>>410722That bottom left chin look like a parody. What is she even using ref for, because the case she's pulling looks nothing like anything on the page.
>>410443Honestly my nails look like shit after working with ink for an extended amount of time, it gets on your fingers and can get under your nails when you wash your hands. But if you're constantly filming your hands you'd think she'd clean them beforehand.
No. 410948
>>410904It's like she
only uses thick, heavy brush pens? Like, I know she has pens with actual hard tips, but somehow her linework is so sloppy/inconsistent that it looks exactly like she used a brush.
Or, if she actually used brush pens with a straight edge to draw houses, she is legit stupid.
No. 411040
>>410948The lines aren't straight, pretty sure she only used the ruler for parts of the under drawing (like lining up the windows).
I've only ever seen her use brush pens and maybe the odd fineliner, I doubt she knows how to use dip pens. For someone who spat on inktober as hard as she did her inks are very underwhelming.
No. 411250
>>411225Good point.
I'm bringing this back because I'm still curious, but has anyone found out if she's bought subs? It climbed absurdly fast
No. 411287
File: 1509258295395.png (67.64 KB, 480x161, Screenshot_2017-10-28-12-35-01…)

I usually just lurk here, but I saw a Holly ad on a speedpaint, not sure if any have been spotted before.
No. 411543
File: 1509305882888.png (53.91 KB, 1146x154, Screen Shot 2017-10-29 at 12.3…)

Well speak of the devil herself! She's going to talk about inking! What a joke haha
No. 411544
File: 1509305968174.png (63.35 KB, 1146x202, Screen Shot 2017-10-29 at 12.3…)

Wasting more money to print more of her shitty stuff
No. 411558
>>411545I am astonished by that, and I pondered several times whether she is actually retarded because her level of unawareness is beyond the charts sometimes. Like on
>>409684, how the hell can she honestly talk about people not being supportive towards her when she's the bitterest bitch on the block, always talking shit about others?!
No. 411565
>>411558it's some straight up Dunning-Kruger shit, tbh.
in regards to her "wah wah nobody supports me", it takes two seconds to go through her animation's comment section to see the amount of people kissing her ass and telling her how well she did - hell, even the "negative" comments aren't really mean-spirited, just constructive criticism she's too much of a baby to handle.
No. 411647
File: 1509320442923.png (48.78 KB, 1120x162, Screen Shot 2017-10-29 at 16.4…)

I mean…
No. 411671
File: 1509321733478.png (29.28 KB, 589x223, takes two seconds to…)

>>411647there's no specific criteria for sexual content so long as it's not present in G-rated work, and i doubt anyone asked her to rate Purgatory NC-17 because they considered the sexual abuse of a minor to be porn. either she doesn't know what it fully means, which would be the usual, or she's purposefully being misleading to place herself in the right, which i wouldn't put past her.
No. 411687
>>411647What in her comic was considered sexual assault?
>>411565I've always thought that that's what makes an artist full of themselves. No actual critique, and no tough love, will make a person think they're the greatest being on the planet, and better than anyone else and what they do.
No. 411711
File: 1509326364094.png (942.47 KB, 1034x706, Screen Shot 2017-10-29 at 18.1…)

She admits that her videos are crappy!
No. 411772
File: 1509335618274.png (165.11 KB, 750x1334, 48227E11-9996-4AF6-A1A8-BB3032…)

Here are the rules about nature content and why it was changed on the site.
No. 411832
File: 1509346795654.jpg (117.27 KB, 1054x755, Screenshot_20171029-235458.jpg)

that's fuckin laughable, considering all her spelling errors, the terrible pacing in Purgatory, and the sorry ass plot summary she has up for Paranormal Plague
No. 411961
File: 1509380394455.jpeg (99.3 KB, 900x847, 853C8E47-DFD2-485C-9078-6C3127…)

Holly is now thinking of tackling a 4 minuet short film featuring the character in this model sheet (picture related). In her own words Holly said “a lot of people judge my animations 400 times harder than my normal work”, so I guess instead of doing any actual animation study she’ll just go full retard and try something beyond her skill level. What a “genius”
No. 411973
>>411772As annoying as Holly is, the scene wasn't graphic and it
is diegetic, even if poorly written.
>>411961Lmao, she was struggling to animate that dance thing and wants to make a FOUR MINUTE film by herself? Even at a lazy 12fps, that's 2880 frames. The model sheet already looks lazy, good luck Holly.
No. 411984
>>411961She literally just posted about how she's on hiatus for both of her comics FOR A MONTH and now she's doing a 4 minute animation???
Like, putting aside how damn stupid it is to start a comic, post 3 pages, and then
go on hiatus, Holly has no idea how long a 4 minute, "I just came up with this plot right now", full color animation is going to be.
God, could she just stop making bad decisions and actually get better at the things she's already doing, instead of suddenly wanting to animate for no reason when she knows people don't like her animations?
No. 411986
File: 1509385438305.png (287.15 KB, 578x1348, poooooooooo.png)

>>411961I had to grab this
>lineless so easier to animate>4 minutes>compares herself to Les Gobelins school of animation's yearly films and others>says she'd rather "try shit" than actually learn about it first? No. 411988
>>411986>lineless is easier to animate..How?
>animation students make yearly filmsShe should actually watch some and read the credits, there are always a ton of people involved.
Props to her for wanting to pay the VAs properly though, and not just asking for volunteers or offering 20 bucks.
No. 411993
>>411986I have 3 observations about Holly’s current creative endeavors:
1) Those animated films for Les Goblines are not just made by one student. 2 to 3 students are working on those and that’s not including the voice work and sound design.
2) The film is most likely the only thing they’re working on for a year and it’s non-stop work to get it finished.
3) Holly has not shown that she understands motion or 12 basic principles of animation. She’s still learning and Holly should put more effort in the assignments she has for school before trying her hand at these personal projects.
I foresee Holly getting burned out on these personal projects and having an episode over the stress of not meeting her time limits. Holly’s time management is in question here and based on her upload history I don’t entirely think she’s capable of any of this. Just a reminder cause HC talks a bit game but Holly’s still a student and has no studio experience.
No. 412023
>>411986Urgh not to repeat what others have said but Les Gobelins is an insanely competitive school so not only do they take the best students, they have awesome teachers and people work like crazy there.
So those films are made by incredibly talented people in a group, take tons and tons of time and are supervised by pros.
No. 412036
>>411890>>411959She's not drawing on graph paper and it's not her in the photo. It's a mock-up image. She couldn't keep an area or her nails that clean.
>>411965Yes and no. If you just rush through something without reflecting on it, it's not going to help you. Look at her Sketchbook Slam challenge. It definitely didn't help her with anything and was just a waste of time.
She also kinda just jumped into her animated dance sequence and it's very bad. She said it would take her at least a year anyway, so I doubt it'll happen.
>>411993Before starting a project like that, she should learn about writing a script and developing a plot first…
No. 412263
>>411986>Lineless is easier to animateUm…Holly dear, no. It is absolutely not. As an animation student myself, I can already tell how difficult this is going to be for her. Lineless drawing, not animating, DRAWING is already difficult enough as it is - and animating each part? Goodness. I'm guessing she's thinking of animating it with bones and tweens? That's the only possibly way that lineless might be easier to do.
Also…does anyone notice that his left tricep is wider than his right? And his forearm is also wider but his hand is smaller on his left?
Yes Holly. Schools have a "yearly film" that are the showcase of their studies throughout the year. How much have you studied animation? Are you even studying it? Do you even know the fundamentals? Also there's more than one student who works on one film, unless they're really ambitious (but usually they're on the shorter end). Yes it is possible to do it, yes you can do it. However, it being successful and pleasing to the eye is an entirely different cup of tea.
Sorry for the rant I just…really dislike when people try to talk about the things I'm passionate about with no knowledge of what they're doing. Holly pisses me off to no end.
No. 412269
>>411986>Child is prodigy in a certain field>Child doesn't want to be in that field and enjoys something completely differentWhere have I heard this before? Could it be…EVERY OTHER STORY THAT'S BEEN FUCKING TOLD???
This idea is so generic it hurts
No. 412287
>>411961>>412269Her plot is basically a watered down Shokugeki no Soma, where literally every character is a cooking prodigy/genius from a young age.
Her art looks a lot better in this lineless style, though, where her coloring skills are given the forefront.
No. 412342
File: 1509442076082.png (471.26 KB, 716x896, Screen Shot 2017-10-31 at 02.2…)

What in tarnation is this
No. 412356
>>412287>her coloring skillsThere is barely any coloring in this, anon. It's just flat shapes and they're not even the right shapes because she's lazy.
>>412304She's a shitty person, but her art is not
that bad, I think you're the one losing perspective here. It's mostly sloppy/lazy. Also literally anyyone can be a webcomic artist, there is no entrance barrier besides making an account on tapas/smackjeeves/tumblr and finding people with low enough standards to read your shit (which is almost guaranteed if you draw BL).
>>412341Kek, putting hers as the last one wasn't the best final impression. But I'm pretty impressed with some of the entries, especially considering most of Jazza's audience are probably teenagers.
No. 412399
File: 1509458855431.jpg (194.28 KB, 932x595, lazier.jpg)

>>412379She sure did. description makes it sound like she doesn't actually redraw each frame but just erases the parts shapes and adds onto it?
No. 412488
>>412399>"lineles">have to redraw the animation several times>more looseI'm literally facepalming over here. The fact that you have no lines does not mean your animation process will be any easier. You'll need to block in the colors, each separate color, as well as add the lines where body parts meet for more clarity.
It does NOT make the animation process easier, although it might for someone who actually knows how to use the shapes and what shapes the body is made out of. Holly, you don't have this knowledge. The example picture is squashed, her head is the size of her ribcage, she's leaning off to one side and is not grounded in that scene and she looks so out of place! Plus, her chest seems to be facing us while her head is facing the side - I really don't think that was her intention. It looks really awkward because 2/3 of the body is facing the side and it's just the chest facing us. Super unnatural.
The background is really nice though? What the heck? Did she actually draw that because it's super good.
No. 412532
>>412488The background looks good because even Holly understands how basic 1-point perspective works and because she overloaded it with detail. The objects in the background are sloppily drawn as fuck, and most of them don't even look like solid objects. The sheer amount of objects keeps your eye from focusing on any one of them and noticing how fucked up and lazy they look.
>>412399The arms on this frame are driving me crazy, they look so broken and out of perspective.
No. 412621
>>412399god this is awful. those damn arms. why is she so bad at this?
and it looks like she traced the background from a photo
No. 412708
>>412341Uhhhh I don't want to seem like I'm defending her but…hers wasn't actually the worst. And actually, quite a few of the animations on there are similar to hers in execution and skill. Same awkward and out of place animation that's timed poorly.
But I chock it up to probably really young animators that are starting out, so Holly with her supposed "animation studies" should have stood out heavily among the younger ones.
No. 412793
File: 1509515805481.png (45.66 KB, 1110x144, Screen Shot 2017-10-31 at 22.5…)

Holly, don't even go there cuz your porn aint good enough
No. 413028
>>412945She didn't even make it to the finalist pool! No joke but I was really worried she might have at least gotten in out of pity by Jazza considering her subscriber base, but thank goodness that wasn't (which would definitely give her bragging rights regardless of not winning) the case! Jazza knows crappy animation when he sees it.
All in all I'm so impressed with the entries and the fact that Holly didn't get showcased anywhere gives me a sense of closer. Stop animating potato face, you can't do it.
No. 413030
>>412996>>412945She entered Open category. I'm not sure why because she keeps emphasizing how she's a beginner, but anyway.
I didn't expect her to win at all though, it would have been really unfair and biased of Jazza considering the quality of her entry.
No. 413059
File: 1509557770909.png (110.18 KB, 965x788, Capture.PNG)

>>412945I'm just glad people are calling her out on her hypocritical shit
No. 413062
>>413059That's what pisses me off. If you don't enjoy the process of animating and you just make excuses for your laziness, then don't do it? It's not that hard. But oh, Holly has to be perfect in eeeeeevery art field ever imagined. It wasn't her lack of skill or care, naw it's because she didn't have the time awwww poor baby can't meet deadlines when there are passionate animators that go above and beyond to make their work good - regardless of how much time it takes.
Fuck you Holly.
No. 413166
File: 1509569200208.png (69.43 KB, 1528x288, Screen Shot 2017-11-01 at 13.4…)

Digging her own grave as per usual
No. 413169
File: 1509569471041.png (177.84 KB, 1498x698, Screen Shot 2017-11-01 at 13.5…)

I seriously can't wait for her to make that art critiques video. much rage kek
No. 413247
>>413059>shitty comments like yours only discourage people instead of building people upSomeone with a lot of time in their hands please make a compilation of all the many times Holly has said things about people that would discourage them instead of building them up.
That shit would fill a book.
No. 413273
>>413227And her excuse for 'not getting in' is that she didn't have the funds to do it, which is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
"Yeah, I went through the rigorous process of drawing a custom sketchbook, mocking up a portfolio, and filling out an application
for a school I knew I wasn't going to get into anyway!" Even if she's telling the truth, that's like applying to Harvard with $0 in the bank. Sound logic, Holly.
No. 413301
>>413296It's impressive to see how little someone who draws so much manages to improve.
Imagine what she could achieve if she actually worked intelligently instead of overworking herself with low result tasks.
No. 413309
File: 1509593151899.png (1009.53 KB, 1048x1092, Screen Shot 2017-11-01 at 11.2…)

I'm irrationally mad she named her cat "Expresso." Like is is a joke or does she not realize that it's espresso. Why can't she words?
No. 413313
File: 1509594248663.png (313.56 KB, 1214x1222, Screen Shot 2017-11-01 at 11.3…)

Um. No. The field isn't the problem, it's you. You're going to have a hard ass time making money at any of those things. You have to earn your spot. Want something less competitive in the arts? Get into UX/UI that's high demand and you can get paid well. But that requires strong people skills and empathy, attention to detail, also her design 'skills' trigger me.
No. 413349
>>413348Probably because she's too busy making her crappy videos and creating her comic?
I feel like she might've given an excuse at one point in time.
No. 413358
File: 1509606129964.png (1.36 MB, 1130x846, Screen Shot 2017-11-02 at 00.0…)

What are those arms?
No. 413359
>>413358How weird is it that this lineless style shows so much less of her egregious illustration flaws?
Yes the anatomy is still awkward, hands are still claws and arms are oddly thick - but for some reason this doesn't look that bad??
Oh no wait, you know what it is?
His chin isn't absurdly long. The expressions are actually more readable, crazy.
No. 413402
>>413358Is she ever going to stop with those stupid gravitaty defying anime bangs?
They only ever look good on actual anime characters
No. 413412
>>413358 Wtf is up with the legs and feet?
The brown guys shoe has a piece missing or is she trying to create a heel?
No. 413577
>>413358Why is the slosh from the purple coming from the center of the pot? With motion I feel like it should be coming from the edge
also wow brown shoe
No. 413610
File: 1509645691945.jpg (126.84 KB, 900x660, IMG_20171102_175750.jpg)

It gets worse
No. 413616
the fuck
No. 413631
>>413610I'm going to see this in my nightmares tonight just watch
Her boobs look like pectorals what is with that odd as heck shape???
It's obvious that for some reason she can't draw thick people correctly???
No. 413634
>>413610"Clever kitchen" for fuck's sake…
And does she use one of those palette generating websites? Because her color choices are usually much nicer in comparison to the other decisions.
No. 413640
>>413309She probably just doesn't know how to spell. It's sad because Espresso is a pretty cute name for a cat.
>>413313Actually, the field kind of is the problem. Drawing comics doesn't make a lot of money, especially if you're Indie/targeting a niche audience. Even published artists that do comics full-time often struggle to get by. It sucks but honestly, why would she be the exception? Just get a fucking job and do comics on the side or open a patreon, if you're going to do a webcomic full-time you
do owe it to people to update consistently anyway.
sage for comic sperg, but fucking hell.
No. 413649
File: 1509648367792.jpg (93.13 KB, 969x1014, The_matchmaker_Mulan_.jpg)

>>413610So in successful character design you can tell the character's personality just by that design
I….I am so confused as to what type of character this is. Is she snarky? Mean? Is she nice? I am so confused.
Also pic related, she looks like if The Matchmaker from Mulan fell into a pool of radioactive waste.
No. 413677
>>413610so fucking lazy.
the floating heads are just copied and flipped, you can even see the lazy ponytail bump from the before. not even minimum effort. this woman couldn't draw to save her life. fuck this is ugly
No. 413683
>>411687You're 100% correct about the telling sign of an artist being full of themselves. Whining every time they get critiqued or tough loved, then trying to guilt you or make you pity them because you were cruel enough to give them critique. A lot of artists are dumb enough to take critiques as personal attacks. They'll never make it that way because in the industry, art directors and other artists are going to critique you a lot. Whining like a little bitch about it is only going to get the artist fewer jobs and a bad reputation.
>>413059She can't take critique at all. Sometimes you can tell when an artist is never gonna make it.
>>413082Not only that but if you say that excuse in the industry, you'll be out of a job. They aren't very lenient when it comes to half-assing.
No. 413691
>>413640Yeah, I think it's a bit of both. Like comics is more an industry for making stories independently. Competition is rough and you only do it because you love it. As for illustration I've had an equally hard time getting involved with it in any major way. Animation I have no experience with…
But if she's seriously looking for an easy in to an art career she should just consider the design path. The market is large and tech people actually pay. At least that's been my experience.
Also in response to whoever wondered about her opening commissions. She used to do it but gave up because she didn't like working for someone and drawing stuff she didn't want to draw.
No. 414037
File: 1509693778386.png (273.49 KB, 1040x634, Screen Shot 2017-11-03 at 00.2…)

I can never get over that hair she always draws
No. 414038
File: 1509693850659.png (695.06 KB, 1116x726, Screen Shot 2017-11-03 at 00.2…)

Also, what is going on with his mouth?
On a side note, apparently Holly is actually researching how to animate, but the question is if she'll actually follow through and not half ass it
No. 414059
File: 1509698731761.jpeg (327.69 KB, 900x857, 717C325F-F183-429C-9A5B-269AFE…)

>>414038Like with most of Holly’s “character design” it’s never a solid design that carries from one drawing to another. It’s pretty floaty and unappealing. HC is trying to push emotion with out knowing how a face works or how to make something fun to look at. Like in the picture posted Holly worked really hard to make something that looks funny or relatable but it comes off like she’s trying too hard to be funny. And we all know how naturally unfunny Holly Brown is.
No. 414167
>>413691She can't be an animator or illustrator if she can't even do commissions via social media, lol. Imagine being approached by a client and half-assing because you don't like the assigment. Design makes more money but it's the same issue - you have to work with people and especially people who have no idea how to do your job but assume it's easy/"Can we just do x by tomorrow?"
Unless she's aiming to become a fine artist and sell her paintings (lmao), she'll never make it in this field. You can't just make what you want and expect to get paid.
No. 414361
>>414066It is miles better than her dancing bullshit one (less copy+paste with minor changes, more whole body movement), but it's still not that good for someone who "took courses". I mean, I can do similiar stuff and I am far from "totes professional".
Now, I really smell bullshit on this "PS HAS ONION SKINNING I NEVER KNEWWW", I bet she actually look up animation guides on youtube, realized she was doing it all wrong, pretended she knew it all along and came with the bullshit excuse that what she actually didn't know was that PS had onion skinning.
No. 414362
>>414167True, unless you're incredibly famous or loaded enough to turn down jobs, you will never only design what you like, be it illustration or graphic design (I worked in both).
Most clients want something that looks like the most popular app/website/style at the moment. You can only take so much liberty, it really depends on the client and trust me they have godawful ideas at times.
I don't even see a niche where her weird drawing style would fit, definitely not kid stuff or magazines illustrations and those two are what illustrators end up doing cause there's a pretty high demand.
No. 414378
File: 1509736157215.png (3.75 KB, 323x46, laymayyo.png)

>>408880her fans are so cringeworthy
>holly is blunt and realistic some ppl can't handle it>ur just easily triggered and can't handle holly's opinion!! No. 414400
File: 1509738976959.png (15.59 KB, 898x123, sdfotpy[.PNG)

>>408880I'm glad at least there's some people who see the light
No. 414410
>>414361>>414197I agree with both points. However, the only reason it even remotely looks better is because of the crutches she's leaning on. It makes animation easier.
The timing is better due to the fact that she's using audio, Jazza's challenge only mentioned a few details on what the rhythm was. By using audio it's so much easier to find timing because you have the time of the file as reference - just draw the face around the moving mouth and act it out, it's not too hard.
I want to see her try and animate another full body without dialogue to help, there inlies if she truly learned from her mistakes.
I call bs on her not knowing about the onion skin tool. If someone really took animation they would know what onion skins are - and me personally with that knowledge would research if my main program has that. OR ya know, lower the opacity of the layer below and the layer above. That's technically onion skinning though it is a tad more tedious.
So either she's bullshitting that she didn't know or she's bullshitting that she took animation classes, either one is bullshit.
No. 414450
>>412497You called it. She admitted it was traced from a photo she took in her new vlog.
Also looks like Holly is going to do mostly animations from now on. I wonder how this will affect her fanbase. I know a good amount of people follow her because they want to make a webcomic or they are mostly interested in starting up a online store/selling art. Then again the standards for the youtube animation community are kinda low. Holly will probably end up gaining a few fans if she does the stupid animation memes and continues making animatics for popular musicals.
No. 414491
File: 1509745969009.png (1.73 MB, 1076x1182, Screen Shot 2017-11-03 at 14.5…)

>>414378Jealous of this bitch? No thank you
No. 414520
>>414378You know what, I AM jealous. I'm jealous that I don't know how to stay completely stagnant with my art skill. I'm jealous that I don't have as many subscribers with my lack of lolcow personality. I'm jealous of the fact that I can't blow my money on shit I barely even use.
Yea I'm jealous.
Does it mean I want to be able to draw like her? Be her???
No. 414528
>>414491Why is she proud of that?
Why does she blatantly advertise that one of her characters is a self insert?
Isn't that something you should avoid?
I mean, self inserts just mean you lack originality so much that you have to just use yourself as a character to fill in some cast quota. It's not something to be proud of.
Sure, character designers put an aspect of themselves or take inspiration from other people when making characters – but they only put one aspect in there, not their entire persona.
Saying one of the characters is a self insert is basically saying that they were too lazy to create one from scratch.
No. 414646
File: 1509756282697.png (290.17 KB, 1548x1018, Screen Shot 2017-11-03 at 17.4…)

I saw a conversation with some person and Holly about Flash and tv paint and had a question. How come she doesn't use/consider toon boom harmony to animate rather than photoshop. It's what most most people in the industry use anyway.
Sorry for going off topic kinda
No. 414759
File: 1509764002192.png (Spoiler Image,168.78 KB, 396x216, Screen Shot 2017-11-03 at 19.5…)

I can never EVER get over the boobs she draws
No. 414760
File: 1509764228609.jpg (20.97 KB, 240x240, 8131408032_68b29ae6a8_m.jpg)

>>414759I took one look at that thumbnail and visibly cringed in disgust. The look on my face is pic related.
Dear lord.
Especially those really long ones, they look more like penises than boobs. Ugh. Gross.
I think I'm gonna throw up.
No. 414779
>>414646I think ToonBoom software is on the pricier end of things. IDK how much TV Paint costs.
Also. Fuck her for taking a shit on Flash. Sure it has a ton of problems and flaws but wow is it ever easier to use than anything in Photoshop.
No. 414780
>>414491It just makes her drawing porn of that character so much weirder…
Also to be completely honest I think blond hair suits her. More than it suits Baylee, at least.
No. 415226
File: 1509828721056.png (695.53 KB, 1084x708, Screen Shot 2017-11-04 at 13.5…)

And the long chins are back
No. 415248
>>415232That's not what she said exactly. People with a background in film do often have better composition skills than your average artist. Heck even amateur photographers are better at composition than most artists. A lot of artists just try to avoid working on composition. They are just so used to drawing disembodied heads and random character designs in their sketchbook that they never really work on learning how composition actually works or on how to actually frame their pieces.
As for the video itself it was pretty cringy. I get Holly is trying to relate to her audience but that was just difficult to watch.
No. 415265
>>415226She was on such a good streak too. Also in the doodle next to the headshot his head is waaaay too small.
And yes Holly, it IS a bad thing.
No. 415301
>>415232Every video Holly makes just seems like she has read some long post or thread and tried to explain it without really knowing much herself about the topic
It’s like a child trying to tell another child a dirty adult joke to sound more grown up
No. 415802
File: 1509865919604.jpg (8.09 KB, 135x177, DFlIKcoUQAANZjb.jpg)

I am really late with this, but I wasn't aware of her lolcow status. In fact, I was even subscribed to her for awhile. I took her advice on anatomy and perspective. Though within a week or so, I already got the rules of it down. All you have to do is draw from real life. What is she doing? No way she is taking art seriously with skills that amateur.
No. 415871
File: 1509878243087.png (334.66 KB, 1030x822, Screen Shot 2017-11-05 at 02.3…)

I feel like each time she draws him, his hair goes even higher
No. 416179
File: 1509991980945.png (43.21 KB, 363x417, wake me up inside.png)

I wish she would just change how she draws mouths and chins. They grip a deep fear inside of me like nothing else does.
No. 416346
File: 1510001045297.png (1.03 MB, 1072x928, Screen Shot 2017-11-06 at 12.4…)

Those nails, girl.
No. 417667
File: 1510092382806.png (1.76 MB, 1156x1196, Screen Shot 2017-11-07 at 14.0…)

When she couldn't even surpass her lazy-ness
No. 417719
>>417667Oh no
Is that Gamegrumps?
No. 417726
>>417719If it is, she really is trying so hard…
First the Hamilton animation, second Game Grumps, straight up trying to jump on the bandwagon of popular animation crap
No. 418348
File: 1510122404561.jpeg (64.22 KB, 900x798, BC983DCF-9685-44E4-91DC-2B6FDB…)

It’s like every new character design she does for this projects is worse than the last…
No. 418770
>>418745>Even those in the industry I see on social media are always up for commissions/looking for their next studio gig, worrying about bills etc unless your famous/big like sakimichant h i s
The art world can be cruel
The thing is tho, is that she's aware of the starving artist stereotype. I think maybe she thinks she can get big like those other subpar "animation"(hardly animation,more like animatic) channels like domics or all those other copycat fucks that talk about their life with their quirky animated avatars and rack up 1,000,000 subscribers.
No. 418818
>>418770Those animated storytime channels hit a goldmine, people eat that shit up right now. Can't fault them for profiting off of the demand.
Haven't seen anyone posting her vimeo yet, so here we are:
> called vimeo "A shitty YouTube for professional stuff" in her vlog.
No. 419102
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No. 419327
>>419319>>419320prominent foreheads >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jay leno chins
Some people think larger foreheads is a sign of deep intelligence anyway lmao
No. 419420
>>419097Vimeo has nothing in common with YT besides the fact that they're both video platforms imo, Vimeo is aimed at creatives and film makers to share and sell their work.
But of course Holly doesn't actually care about that.
>>419318You can get it used on amazon for less than 15 bucks. There's no excuse. She'd probably just scoff at it though, because most of it is walk cycles and "It's not useful at all!"
No. 419688
File: 1510256349644.png (212.32 KB, 582x633, lmao.PNG)

>>419319Ah yes, Holly's is obviously superior
No. 420152
File: 1510297932180.png (2.25 MB, 996x1356, Screen Shot 2017-11-09 at 23.1…)

This drawing always makes me cringe.. With the way she's leaning, she must be from the matrix
No. 420303
>>420152> what is perspectivewow, just wow. so much practise, so little knowledge
> muh stylefuck you it's not style if you're just too lazy to do it properly (aka convincing)
No. 420583
File: 1510346880145.png (1007.92 KB, 1114x686, Screen Shot 2017-11-10 at 12.4…)

You really you think you should be the one to criticize someone else's work
No. 420653
File: 1510352720208.png (1.41 MB, 1156x948, Screen Shot 2017-11-10 at 14.2…)

Those are HUGE ass hands and that lady has uneven shoulder lengths….
No. 420770
File: 1510387366661.png (1.81 MB, 1170x1254, Screen Shot 2017-11-11 at 00.0…)

>Please save me
No. 420780
>>420653Is that supposed to be Roy Mustang and Hawkeye? Fucking hell lmao. Roy has black hair.
I think the huge hands are alright as a stylistic choice, but their upper bodies are just fucked. Look at the length difference in their upper arms, dude's right arm is down to his hip.
No. 420781
I just noticed…did she forget to color in the other side of his shirt???
No. 421129
File: 1510428535654.png (98.93 KB, 1038x496, Screen Shot 2017-11-11 at 11.2…)

Any thoughts?
No. 421132
File: 1510428792104.png (141.39 KB, 232x267, rtuj6rd5i.PNG)

>>421105>not screenshotting itwelp
Holly is honestly such a bizarre case to me
Like she'll be like you gotta work hard to be an artist and take critique!1!!
but if someone says that to her she'll do a complete 180 and goes ballistic and starts throwing insults and screaming about what a cool and accomplished artist she is for putting out a book with all her ugly art in it and making A fully colored animation.Not to mention she know everything about art, but then all of a sudden doesn't when you call her out on her shit.
I don't know how someone can be so hypocritical and lack this much self awareness
She's like Baylee just with 50% more salt
>>421129God, she's so entitled and always thinks SHE KNOWS whats better, but like why not call title it what it is??? It's not boring, it's just telling you what she'll be reviewing
Maybe she's just so used to trying to do clickbait shit that will get her more views, that she refuses to do anything else except that.
No. 421201
File: 1510435419384.png (316.03 KB, 1128x604, Screen Shot 2017-11-11 at 13.2…)

why does everyone have the stupid hair style
No. 421210
File: 1510436917859.jpg (30.63 KB, 431x483, 1494809783483.jpg)

>>421201>>420653>>418348Wow, she actually got worse somehow.
No. 421608
>>421606your whole body. doesn't move. when you blink.
that's why i hated the dusty blinking animation so much.
No. 421814
File: 1510515386337.gif (78.89 KB, 500x281, 282bcc317d1ac3152b162b593c2da1…)

>>421810More animation? Judging by her previous attempts, it's gonna be such a mess. Can't wait.
No. 421993
>>421810These "bullshit" classes are supposed to help you learn from color to life drawing anatomy), so your art doesn't end up wonky like yours. With her attitude no wonder her anatomy is all over the place. She's been doing figure drawing since high school and yet her level is at this. And oh dear lord…she's making an art book…
So, I'm guessing based on this video, she's planning on doing YouTube and selling terrible art and instead of preparing for the real world.
No. 422047
>>421810My eye actually twitched when she drew his right arm kinda alright, then transformed it into complete bullshit, flipped it, and then fixed his face but not his arm.
Holly just blows my mind, but not in a good way. How do you go through that much foundation work and nothing sticks?
Not to mention
>Her gay webcomic with atrocious pacing and storytelling>pretending it's a serious critique of Religionok
No. 422107
File: 1510528303304.png (951.17 KB, 1168x1156, Screen Shot 2017-11-12 at 15.1…)

Uh oh. Prepare for more shitty art drawn from her new iPad.
No. 422488
>>420653What the actual fuck is going on with Riza's left hand? It looks like her arm ends in some sort of infected stump, Holly pls, how hard would it have been to just draw the fucking hand?
Also, I didn't even realize who those characters were supposed to be until you guys mentioned it.
No. 422525
File: 1510541499494.png (60.3 KB, 1170x248, Screen Shot 2017-11-12 at 18.5…)

But what about the good old fashion pencil and paper, or watercolor. I know some artists use iPads when traveling, but at least they can use it to it's fullest potential?
No. 422678
>>422526Yes, she said so in the video.
>>422525Eh, I get her. It's useful if you work mostly digitally, so you can actually continue to work on your stuff while on the go. Getting the 512 GB version thinking it's better because of more storage is kinda stupid though.
No. 422812
>>422698It sounds like she bought it on a payment plan from this
>>422525. The photo looks like the 12.9 in one, the 512 Gig version + Apple pencil is like 1400 USD, what a waste of money.
No. 422916
>>421810damn that video hurt
I love how she went all
>stop copying miyazaki!!!yet she has like 10 books of ghibli related art on her wishlist
I hate her so much
No. 423370
File: 1510628011672.png (987.47 KB, 1258x710, why.PNG)

I know the Heathers animatic is old news, but just… why?
No. 423445
File: 1510636047825.png (1.88 MB, 1178x1156, Screen Shot 2017-11-13 at 21.0…)

Oh god, she's making custom stickers from her expensive printer. I've never seen someone spend so much money on shit aside from Baylee.
No. 423495
File: 1510641514887.jpg (38.43 KB, 611x401, DOkir7MW0AAoAKw.jpg)

gags this is going to be a sticker sheet??
No. 423496
File: 1510641526771.jpg (106.78 KB, 530x793, DOkpJhuX0AAOXg5.jpg)

No. 423498
>>423496Hate to break it to you Holly but
All of those images except for the life drawings are in the exact same styles.
Coloring style and line style may have changed, but overall they're the exact same style.
No. 423499
>>423498Samefagging a bit but now that I look at those life studies
wtf her anatomy is wonky af why is his thigh popping out of the socket???
No. 423521
File: 1510647938370.jpeg (522.26 KB, 1582x2048, DOk1pGyWsAA32sz.jpg-large.jpeg)

I dont think anyone's would be really interested in buying her generic looking OCs.
No. 423537
File: 1510651877857.png (500.02 KB, 704x668, Screen Shot 2017-11-14 at 01.2…)

>>423535pro artist here. Gotta draw the boobs like they're saggy water balloons
No. 423548
>>423293Not only her art, her personality seems to have gotten worse. The hair on her characters is also a LOT better, none of those fucked up bangs.
Wasn't this when she was at art school? Leaving really seems to have hurt her artwork.
No. 423837
>>423740Oh shit I didn't notice that wtf
Didnt in one video where she actually showed animations she say that she wasn't an animator nor took classes for animation? Fuck dude. Now it seems like she only said it then because she was more humble knowing her animations aren't that good – she's transitioned now to think she can animate, gross.
No. 424313
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No. 424314
File: 1510723600250.png (52.98 KB, 1150x198, Screen Shot 2017-11-14 at 21.2…)

That sounds boring. Someone that powerful always needs something to take them down like Superman and kryptonite
No. 424508
>>424344So she can draw sitting on the couch as well.
Honestly just stay at you desk, it's bad for your back anyway to hunch over a tablet.
No. 424512
>>424500Imo a reasonable amount of savings is at least 6 months living expenses. I don't know how expensive it is to live in Texas, but I bet it's more than 1000 a month.
>>424502Final result is pretty unappealing to me, it doesn't wiggle enough and it's not smooth. She's struggling to explain things properly, it's clear she just needed to work in the sponsorship somehow.
On the bright sight, this is probably the least off-putting Damien has ever looked.
No. 424647
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No. 424650
File: 1510769825006.png (42.17 KB, 1484x166, Screen Shot 2017-11-15 at 10.1…)

You're right! She's not an expert at animating, so she shouldn't have even made this video! Glad that people are looking through this crap
No. 424814
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No. 424824
>>424814WHAT IS THIS EGO???
Like, what on EARTH have you accomplished to talk down to someone like this, asshole or not??
No. 424871
didNT she fucking say in one video that no matter the skill level people always have something to teach you
No. 424880
>>424647Pleb is the Hero we don't deserve! Upvoted their comments.XD
Seriously tho those tiny edgelords trying to protect holly and telling Pleb to F* off just shows how not even majority of her fans can accept critique like Holly or different opinions when it's not ASS-KISSING HOLLY
No. 424883
>>424880Pleb is like the Pants of Shit from Baylee's video lool
Such a hero
No. 424889
File: 1510788452258.png (33.64 KB, 545x190, Screen Shot 2017-11-15 at 3.27…)

My sides, man. These people are on fire for calling her out
No. 424953
You do NOT have the qualifications to make an animation tutorial! Oh my lord I am fuming right now. Fuck her. You can "teach" illustration or whatever the fuck she calls her childish scribbles but she CANNOT teach animation. No. She can't. She doesn't know the fucking fundamentals she doesn't know SHIT about animation. Fuck her!
Saged for my outburst but fuck I am pissed. Animation is my passion and I will not stand by and watch this demoness try to fucking slide her potato face into what I love to do.
No. Fuck her.
No. 424979
>>424502> 6 minutes inI can't. I can't watch this anymore. I KNEW she was going to reference Ed, Edd n' Eddy I KNEW it.
Hey Holly, this "wiggle" animation you think you've "invented" – it's not a new thing. The wiggle you see isn't intentional and it isn't for that effect, it's literally just to show movement in a static picture because it makes things look more organic! Fuck this bitch is stupid.
Animators do this constantly because literally NO ONE can make every single fucking line perfect every time they do another frame. Yes they DO onion skin it, they don't do your barbaric "keep drawing over the sketch" shit because your lines will deviate from whatever you've done no matter how steady your linework is. If you look closely in ABSOLUTELY ANY ANIMATION EVER, you can see the fine differences in linework whenever a character moves. The only reason you can see it primarily in Ed, Edd n' Eddy is because the lineart is very sketchy and uneven as it is – and so it makes it almost impossibly to retrace the lines exactly.
Please do NOT try to teach animation when you so clearly have no idea what you are talking about, thank you.
No. 424982
>>424892Isn't she genuinely autistic or something?
I keep trying to find explanations other than to believe someone can plainly be like this.
No. 424986
>>424953It's not that deep, mah dude.
She sucks in all possible levels but there's no need to project your own life into this
No. 424990
>>424988It's okay, friend.
Just try to not get so upset over someone who genuinely doesn't deserve your time and energy.
No. 425002
>>424994 On the Baylee thread, we've mentioned that a couple of times. Considering how easily
triggered Holly is and how she reacts in general, it would be probably the best content she's every given us. Pls Holly, find this thread!
No. 425014
File: 1510795633744.png (62.19 KB, 216x219, 1495646956790.png)

>>424502I see this is sponsored by skill share, was that the company she was complaining about on twitter about the title video? because if it is, I find it funny that she had to make it into a tutorial so that people would actually bother to click the video
>and it's not even a good tutorial No. 425028
>>425025That was fun. We got Jellie Bee over at the Artist thread and HulloAlice in the Baylee thread. I have to commend both of them, especially Jellie Bee, for coming in a civilized way and accepting the criticism.
Alice clearly put a lot of effort into bettering her videos after she went on the thread.
Holly, on the other hand, being the retard she is, would probably explode in an angry wave of sperging
No. 425106
>>425049She did a test that her mom gave her (just a survey type thing) that said she was likely 'on the spectrum'. I guess her mom teaches special needs kids? Holly went on to say that she thinks most artists are probably autistic.
Holly projects a lot if you couldn't already tell.
(This test if curious she got 32 or higher:
No. 425137
>>425132I'll supply the hammers. Soon I will be just like Holly-senpai
Here goes nothin'!
No. 425181
>>425132I'm heading out to surgically transplant my foot into my face
Just wait bois, I'll be shitting out masterpieces and tutorials by tomorrow afternoon
No. 425190
File: 1510805983600.jpg (12.47 KB, 233x204, autistic art is best art.jpg)

>>425106lol. minor tinfoil, but I remember Hideaki Anno said something exactly like that one time. I wonder if she got that idea from him… she is a pretentious weeb after all, so it wouldn't surprise me.
No. 425203
>>425202I feel you anon
The storm that would be this thread after she catches wind
But we must hold back the temptation…
No. 425433
>>425429'Anime' is not really even a style. I mean you can say you have a 'Sailor Moon' inspired style or something but saying your style is influenced by 'anime' is so vague.
As for Holly saying her style is too 'anime', the only real similarities I see between Holly's art and Japanese Animation are the shortcuts they both use (ie defining characters by superfluous things such as hair styles rather than actually taking the time and effort into creating a good character design) Unfortunately Japanese Animation as an actual reason they do this (it saves them money) whereas Holly is just being lazy.
No. 425479
File: 1510835713689.jpeg (19.36 KB, 477x308, images (2).jpeg)

i can see the similarity? or rather i would believe that she was inspired by them
the bottom right looks like simon if she could actually draw not terribly