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No. 1054903
KT is a fascinating insane person who is obsessed with Arin Hanson and believes that his wife Suzy is somehow skinwalking her. More recently, she has also become convinced that the fictional character Ruin (from the Sandman comics) is actually based on her. She rarely posts pictures of any kind, making it impossible for anyone to actually copy her appearance. That doesn't stop KT from aggressively harassing the people she believes are "stalking her" and insta-blocking anyone who points out that her claims are ridiculous.
She emerged onto the internet's radar several years ago, claiming to be a long lost friend of Arin's from his Newgrounds days. According to KT, Arin had a massive crush on her before he started dating Suzy. Supposedly, KT strung him along for some time before ultimately rejecting him and giving her "blessing" for him to date Suzy. It's unclear how much of KT's story is true, but she did provide some partial proof of their history:
>>794449SEVENTEEN YEARS LATER, KT returned with a vengeance to demand attention for being Arin's (alleged) first love. She has gone as far as to claim that Game Grumps only exists because she rejected Arin once upon a time. She has spent the last several years tweeting aggressively at Arin and Suzy while claiming they are somehow abusing her, despite the fact that they never respond or acknowledge her existence.
- Recently attracted Neil Gaiman's attention with her obsessive claims that the character Ruin infringes on her identity
>>1053594- Constantly harasses artist Nick Robles over Ruin's design
>>1053769- Originally, she believed that Nick Robles used her as a muse because he is in love with her. She talked at length about how incredibly flattering this "grand gesture" was
>>1053779 only to become angry and call it infringement once she didn't get attention for being "the real Ruin".
- Came to the conclusion that Suzy convinced Nick Robles to base his character on her for some nefarious purpose
>>1053772PAST MILK:
- Constantly drawing attention to herself using Arin and Suzy's romance
>>794147 - Tries to start "Girl Grumps" with Suzy despite bringing nothing to the table and actively antagonizing Suzy for years
>>794396- Claims that Suzy is skinwalking her, despite barely ever posting personal photos that could be copied. Calls Suzy her "mini me"
- Posted an extremely ridiculous "proof" collage suggesting that Suzy is copying her by liking Halloween candy, sparkly notebooks, and goth fashion
>>794465- insists that Arin and Suzy are lying about the timeline of their relationship, and that Arin owes it to her to tell the "truth"
- Tried to proposition Arin for sex via Twitter, in between regularly calling him an
abusive asshole.
>>869975- Regularly implies that she's waiting for him to leave Suzy for her
>>876670- Harassed Ross and other GG-adjacent figures to try to get attention through them.
>>805159- Papa Raptor liked an anti-KT tweet at one point, suggesting that they're all aware of her craziness
>>939723- Harassed Creepshow Art for making 2 videos about her
>>939728- Supposedly, Security for Game Grumps Live events were made aware of KT with instructions to bar her from the premises (source: Creepshow Art's second KT video)
- Begs for fame and support from "celebrities and millionaires"
>>947395- Considers herself a teacher of magic and spirituality, is accepting students
>>794160Previously, there was no way to catch up on KT milk without skimming through 20 GG/ProJared threads, so please let us keep this one based farmhands.
KT has recently become more active online through streaming on her "morality channel" and posting long-winded audio clips of herself rambling on different topics. She has also hinted at starting an Only Fans, because if all else fails, it's time to get naked.
Twitter: - personal - magick journal - inactive - inactive
>arinsnotaman_kt - previous usernameInstagram
@dropsofviolet (inactive)
Twitch: No. 1054907
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This was KT's "proof" that Suzy is skinwalking her. Sorry for the potato quality, it's her fault.
No. 1054908
Creepshow Art did two very comprehensive videos on KT and her insanity. These are a pretty good summary of milk, including tons of screen shots of old tweets that have now been deleted.
Video one - two - No. 1054909
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A rare selfie of Katie. This was one of the only clear photos that existed before she started claiming that Suzy was copying her.
A deadringer for Suzy Berhow and Ruin, no?
No. 1054933
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saw this pic on her twitter and realized KT most definitely purchased one of Suzy’s butterfly pieces from 2016 lmao
No. 1055014
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WOW. thank you OP for delivering this milk. cows with obvious psychological problems are my fave. i think we all knew girls in middle school who would fight other girls for "copying" them, guess this is the progressed version of that. so insecure that she feels the need to attach herself to other (more successful/famous) people, but narcissistic enough to push the idea that THEY'RE jealous of HER.
No. 1055032
>>1054921Her exact age is unconfirmed, but she's in her early 30s according to past threads. She's close to Arin's age and definitely older than Suzy.
>>1054933It seems more likely that she copied Suzy's work and called it her own, lol. KT loves using the butterfly emoji and thinks everything Suzy does is a rip off of her, even if Suzy did it first.
There's tons more current milk on her Twitter. Warning- she blocks people for following her. Please keep your distance from this cow and enjoy the milk from afar.
that said she is already aware of lolcow and seems to thrive off negative attention. She thinks she's been "forced" to keep spouting nonsense because she didn't get asspats and attention for her history with Arin. Hence the "if you'd left me alone, I'd just be a woman with a journal" tweet in OP. She tends to ramp up the crazy tweets whenever she sees criticism or nonbelievers.
No. 1055125
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Reposting because I find it hilarious
No. 1055148
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Here is KT baiting Neil Gaiman for a response by calling his status as an SJW into question, lmao
The deleted tweet was from "neverwear", apparently Neil's assistant. I guess they showed a polite amount of interest and quickly realized that KT is insane. So now they are aware of KT's antics and deleted whatever the original response was (probably assuring her they'd look into it)
No. 1055157
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Don't forget, she's psychic!
No. 1055302
>>1054913Holy shit I never heard her speak before.
She is Kaka levels of crazy.
It is wild she is in her 30s and talks like a rambling teen who has no real sense of the world. Wow.
No. 1055329
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KT gave a Lolcow Address!
On July 22, she released this audio clip discussing lolcow. She talks about how she enjoyed visiting the farm before she ever saw herself posted here. She chides us for "projecting" the idea that she regrets rejecting Arin, and that if we think she loves him then we don't know what love is! Poor farmers.
Not sure what prompted this, because the most attention she had on this site before now was early 2019. She also seems to think lolcow is "prepubescent incels". No. 1055506
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>>1055371>>1055439Found it. KT misinterpreted the purpose of this hashtag and thought Bastille was calling for concerts to reopen. In typical KT fashion, she made an extremely shitty tweet and then acted innocent about it. There were quite a few deleted tweets from KT fighting with random Bastille fans afterwards.
After getting corrected and called out, KT started promoting herself to the people criticizing her (apparently including her PayPal link according to some scathing replies, but the tweet is gone) which made more people angry. The next day, she tweeted that Dan from Bastille is an entitled industry tool because he didn't retweet her e-begging immediately after she was shitty to him.
It seems like she uses the same account but changed its name, and created inactive accounts to hold onto the old screennames. I just searched for "dropsofviolet" and "bastilledan" together to find these.
No. 1055540
>>1055536I don't know about her self-posting, but she has a thread here
>>1053928Thank you for the KT thread, OP!
No. 1055740
>>1054933would love it if this is the case, but there are similar spooky bug artists on etsy/ebay and none of the one's suzy posted were an exact match so i don't see this as conclusive evidence
>>939723> sorry about your divorced energyisn't she divorced? her levels of delusions are astounding. i'm sure attacking his dad is going to make arin realize what he missed out on and dump suzy for her
never been interested in gg at all but following kt has been a fun ride, thanks for the thread
No. 1055988
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>>1055970Yes she was asking for money.
>bastille promotes a hashtag asking for support for people in the music industry behind the scenes>KT misunderstands and swoops in with a shitty take>Dan and his fans correct her>she doubles down, then says they should give her money instead because she's poor too>everyone laughs>"Dan is an entitled industry tool because he doesn't care about ME, the person acting like the biggest asshole"It's rare for her to actually realize she's said something dumb, but all the deleted tweets are KT lol
She has a habit of turning on people who don't support her inappropriate begging.
>>1055536Not a self post and it doesn't matter if you dislike the videos, they are worth archiving because they contain summaries and screenshots that aren't posted elsewhere. Entertainment value wasn't the point.
No. 1055997
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Bonus image that didn't fit in the previous collage: this person was talking to Dan and mentioned something about it being the last few days of him being 33. KT saw the phrase "teach common sense" and "33" and thought that they were obviously talking about her, and must have stalked her to find out her age and interests. But I guess we know her age now.
Her insistence that she "preaches" common sense when she actually has none is incredible.
No. 1056059
>>1054909Can't believe I'm saying this but Suzy is an improvement compared to this horse face.
Also, shocked KT isn't itt shitting it up already. I bet she googles herself daily.
No. 1056070
Wait a fucking minute.
I just skimmed through her twitter and found some recent rants uploaded, so I gave one a go. around 4:10 mins in, she says she is HAPPY she 'is a sandman character'?? As in, she is excited about it and how cool it is to be 'tied to the sandman universe' and she she speculates why it happened in a happy way? And that she loves the character that copied her despite not reading it yet and it is super cool and awesome??
And yet… she has been bitching for months about how upset she is about it instead?
Which fucking is it? I feel like I just got mental whiplash holy shit.
No. 1056161
>>1056070Constantly changing her opinions relating to her grandiose delusions is her modus operandi. One minute she'll be grateful for the (imagined) recognition, and the next she'll be ranting and raving about how much of a
victim she is.
No. 1056170
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>>1056070Yes, that was linked in OP. She originally assumed Nick Robles was making a grand gesture of love by "turning her into a Sandman character". Six days later, she was calling him a predator and a coward.
I assume the switch happened after she realized she had absolutely no influence on the Sandman universe, this character, or artist. It's just a coincidence but it made her feel powerful, and then helpless, to think Ruin is "her"
No. 1056192
>>1056170Shoot, sorry, I either overlooked that or I forgot because she is
so dense with bullshit that it slipped my mind. But hearing her ramble on and on about how it is super unnerving. How strange that she did a complete 180 a few days later about the entire thing.
No. 1056358
>>1055997Wait did she read this random Tweet as a personal threat?
Schitzophrenia? (sp)
No. 1056441
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>>1056411>>1056358Okay, I'm NOT trying to armchair diagnose KT, just providing some background info for curious anons.
Erotomania is a thing that exists, although it could be a symptom of a number of other disorders, so it's impossible to say what's going on with KT exactly.
KT shows a lot of obsession, but always believes that it's her subjects that are obsessed with
her and not the other way around. Arin and Suzy she has history with, but Nick Robles is a totally random person unrelated to KT in any way. Interestingly, she still believes (or did?) that Nick is in love with her and trying to communicate some grand gesture to her, despite all evidence to the contrary. That is a pattern, even if we don't know what's going on with her in the bigger picture.
She also flip flops A LOT between "you love me" and "you're an asshole" with both men. Probably an attention seeking tactic when she's not getting the response she wants (aka any response at all)
No. 1056771
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>>1056736The character is male and also appears to be Asian? There are no similarities to her at all other than the hair color, and she’s far from the only person in the world to dye her hair this way
No. 1056831
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>>1056736>>1056771Reasons KT thinks Ruin is "literally her":
>hair>moles>fashion style>his dialogue is in purple, she loves to write in purple ink "all the time"Obvious differences between KT and this character:
>hair style, roots>mole placement>race>gender>buildIt's crazy that she can overlook so much while clinging to tenuous similarities and calling it "infringement". She's the psychotically advanced form of, "I like this thing, therefore it's mine"
No. 1060999
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She updated her twitter bio. I half expect this guy to become her next stalking target.
No. 1069598
>>1055125KT deleted this tweet! It had a handful of quote tweet comments after the last Creepshow vid, so she is probably aware that she got more attention for her bogus claims.
This is the first sign of life that we've seen from her since the thread was made. I'm surprised she's not acknowledged it, or the video.
No. 1083390
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shes apparently gone back to her dropsofviolet account. also jesus christ just fucking do it already you've been threatening this for months at this point
No. 1083401
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same anon as above. she also went on a huge delusional rant on her dreamprincesskt account about how creepshow is lying about her, even though afaik none of the videos creepshow has made about her have lied about her at all lol
No. 1083549
>>1083516i kinda found that more funny than anything tbh lol opinion on creepshow aside, trolling a crazy by sending them money and having them freak out about it on twitter is honestly hilarious
sage for no contribution
No. 1084022
>>1083549If it was a troll move it'd have been pretty funny, but CSA clearly intended for it to be charity and she also asked her followers to help KT out because Shannon is just that kindhearted and pure and
needs to be adored by everyone, so it's just weird and bizarre to make a video mocking a person but then sending them money so they'll like you.
No. 1096375
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did this ever end up happening?
No. 1100000
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No. 1100001
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No. 1101094
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Look what she changed he Twitter banner to. Vindictive much?
No. 1101143
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>>1101094She also updated the link in her bio to a lolcow thread. Not sure which one since lolcow links don't work on Twitter, KT!
No. 1101434
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"Indisputable evidence"
No. 1101453
>>1101443Lol, that's honestly delicious.
Cow fight
Cow fight
Cow fight
No. 1101489
>>1101480She was desperate to be an actress and would brag to Arin that she was going out to Hollywood.
>>1101434So Susie convinced a gay man, or a friend of a gay man, to design a character modeled after the girl her husband was "obsessed" with?
She's incredibly jealous of Susie being on panels because of Arin and having an entire brand. I honestly think KT has serious regret that she couldn't keep Arin's attention and probably thinks a simple long distance crush was an infatuation.
No. 1117466
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No. 1123850
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>>1123845Oh fuck it’s a sound file, if someone has the energy to transcribe this you’re a champ
No. 1133700
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>I came back to the internet and now I'm a sandman character
forever amazed at kt's stubborn belief in her delusions
No. 1133923
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Her new twitter banner
No. 1134198
>>1134186baseless tinfoil but i kinda suspect that kt harassed arin and suzy before her "return" to the internet in 2017, and probably tipped them off that she really went off the deep end to not engage in any circumstances.
arin and suzy have calmed down a lot but it still is kinda surprising that none of them or their friends have even acknowledged her in the slightest.
No. 1134590
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Just begging for anyone to validate her paranoia now, I guess? It's actually pretty sad.
No. 1134765
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>>1134745Icb Avril was just another "skinwalker" all along
No. 1135164
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>>1133923Does KT know that Victoria Bella-Morte is also skinwalking her?
No. 1135330
this attention-whoring moron reminds me of another generic girl who wrote an entire article about how she was convinced some dude she fucked once who worked at Riot Games based off one of LoL's newest champions of her ( - as if she wasn't the most generic, basic, cookie-cutter type of alternative chick there is to find on the internet. basic bitches are so unoriginal they really think someone is "skinwalking" them by dyeing their hair bright colors and having the exact same generic hobbies they do.
No. 1141067
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No problem using words like 'abusive' or 'predatory' but never shows anything substantial.
No. 1141312
>>1135330I just looked up said generic e-girl and she has put her Twitter account on private and marked it inactive, but there are tagged replies from a week ago. She seems to have written something about Trump being kicked off Twitter being an infringement on free speech, and then dramatically quit Twitter when some people politely disagreed.
Also she has a video about her vibrator breaking on TikTok, an app famously populated by children. So still being an eejit (sorry for offtopic but also on topic)
No. 1150784
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Katie's reaches are incredible. (This is her tweeting about Arin's KH stream from years ago)
No. 1151956
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No. 1151957
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No. 1151958
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I highly doubt Arin's dad cares about social media likes.
No. 1152068
>>1151957Hi KT, the confirmation that you lurk wasn't necessary, but:
- this site is almost exclusively women
- we'd never claim to be SJWs
Have a good day!
<redtext>(hi cow)<redtext>
No. 1152072
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No. 1152075
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>>1152072>>1152074The obsession is so sad.
No. 1152112
>>1152075she's utterly fucking unhinged
arin/suzy/etc should look in to a restraining order, she's one missed dose away from raiding through their trash
No. 1153014
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She is going to get slapped with legal one day… She just needs to be relevant enough to be noticed. KT locked herself in her own echo chamber of BS. Kt, hunny, you aren't tough by disabling comments/opinions.
No. 1153032
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>>1153014I wish they would. Allowing her to go on validates her delusions and she’s going to hurt someone.
Anyway, slightly old milk but passive aggressive cow crossover. Weird as fuck that she doesn’t @ her. Just because you can see her doesn’t mean she can see you. People don’t know you exist just by virtue of you spend every waking moment stalking them.
No. 1153099
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>>1153032Like KT thinking Contrapoints has seen her on here and would want to meet her.
Also gotta love KT using her alt account to talk to contra to avoid showing how batshit insane she is on her main.
No. 1153114
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No. 1153122
>>1153114i hope this bitch gets on antipsychotics soon and someone monitors her internet usage. inb4 armchairing but this persecutory delusion reeks of psychosis.
the grumps likely have a legal aide on their team, can't they send her a c&d?
No. 1153126
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She needs serious help
No. 1153275
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>>1153251Yes. She searched through Suzys social media until she found a "connection" between Nick Robles (Ruin arist) and Suzy. Matt Mercer worked with Nick Robles on something AND he commented on a post Suzy made about the weather. That alone is proof to KT that Suzy commissioned the Ruin character just to fuck with her.
KT is truly unhinged, she will use one Twitter account to repost pictures of Ruin like she loves it, and then she uses another account to harass Nick Robles about Ruin being her and how it's "predatory". Forever the
victim No. 1153295
>>1152074"-like a tiny rabid animal backed into a corner that continuously lashes out because it's never known real love"
Jesus this cow is not only a schizo but I'm surprised by how MEAN she is. Like this and calling his dad a failure too. I love that she calls Erin "mean" while continuously acting like this. The way she begs for his attention is so pathetic.
>>1153014Holy shit, just wtf. The vindictiveness of this bitch to throw the word "predator" around. Absolutely tone deaf and setting society backwards, thanks for making people take shit like actual sexual predators less seriously.
No. 1154079
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She's still going, god bless her
No. 1154126
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No. 1154134
>>1154126breaking news: there's a game grumps watchlist, they're reading all her dms and they're doing
spooky algorithm things to nuke her accounts
i wonder how she's managed to compose her crazy for so long that her family hasn't staged an intervention? usually we know that tinfoil hats are just a joke but think they might not be for KT kek
No. 1154919
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No. 1154920
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These she has managed to already delete
No. 1154970
>(we're both on /snow/)LMAO this dumb hag. any influencer with half a brain cell would never acknowledge this place to their following. cause, obviously, if they do they can find all the shitty things theyve done. i know some cows have done this but theyre never the ones that are actually popular. i dont like contrapoints but they have more than a million subscribers. they are not going to be stupid enough to ever talk about the threads even if they know about it. its just fucking logic. people get cancelled for completely petty shit, why would you direct your followers to a place where theres evidence of you being an asshole. its just so stupid to call us by name.
i mean KT, lets say contrapoint googles what /snow/ is. SHES GOING TO SEE YOURE INSANE AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT. god KT is such a fucking idiot. "YES, i know about my /snow/ thread im so smart!" if you were you wouldnt point your followers to it you dumb hag.
No. 1154980
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>>1154920This is the tweet she's quoting @ Holly. She thinks that lolcow anons are "
victim blaming" her because she doesn't act like a weak
victim. Which is ironic because she's obsessed with her own "victimhood" and tweets about it constantly, whether she's claiming to be targeted by Suzy, Nick Robles, or Bastille Dan.
KT, people don't believe you because you obviously have no grip on reality. You tweet about Suzy, Arin, or Nick almost daily while they all consistently ignore you. This harassment only goes one way: you are harassing them. None of them have done anything to you, no matter how badly you want to believe it.
This whole thing was pretty funny at first, but the longer she continues, the more it's just sad and scary. The more recent tweets about Suzy especially are so fucking hateful and venomous, my mouth was hanging open while reading some of them. The most infuriating part of this cow is how she talks like all her insane vitriol is just matter-of-fact and she's not being mean, just seeking growth and clarity FOR THEM, the person she obsessively despises. Her delusion that she's "above it all" and just trying to help is very Holly-Conrad-esque but actually worse. She's a "morality/ common sense teacher" without a shred of common sense or morality.
No. 1155026
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Here's a summary of one of the most recent audio files:
>I understand lolcow is an audience of women
>yes I did ask Contrapoints out, I don't understand how that's milk
>I understand that you guys aren't super experienced when it comes to dating or relationships
>relationships are consensual, both people have to be interested
>in order for that to happen, someone has to extend interest
>I know it seems very strange and a lot of you have never experienced that before
>once the pandemic is over, go hang out with people and get some life experience so you'll understand this
>[ends by preaching to anons how beautiful intimacy is, that we're all missing out on it by being pathetic incels, and how her wisdom will help us]
Holy shit, this is ridiculous. She doesn't understand why she's being made fun of, so she turns it around to explain the concept of relationships to us, as though that is the issue. Yes KT, we get it. Many anons on this site have been in healthy, long term relationships. No one is making fun of the concept of asking someone out.
We're making fun of the fact that you think being on /snow/ is a badge of honor or something that Contra would find relatable. We're making fun of you for thinking that an extremely famous YouTuber would be interested in you, personally. We're making fun of the fact that you're directing Contra to come read a thread about how crazy and hateful you are. It's also pretty revealing that another famous YouTuber is your ideal romantic partner, because you're obviously obsessed with the idea that you missed your chance at fame and need to hitch your wagon to a larger content creator who will give you the spotlight you've always "deserved".
There's a lot to unpack about KT hitting on Contra, and none of it has anything to do with not understanding the concept of asking someone out. She is always incredibly condescending while she explains basic concepts and pretends to be friendly about it. No one here needs your "teachings" about life, we are all making fun of how much you obviously don't understand.
No. 1155079
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No. 1155139
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>>1154919I was curious and wanted to see the whole tweet of Ben's- and apparently this is what she considers "defending", lol.
Literally KT, how is she a predator? Did she sexually or physically assault you, or take advantage of you? Like wtf are you talking about
No. 1155157
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>>1155139she responds to everything we post itt like clockwork so hopefully she can elaborate on this shit. it's going to be nonsense, but still. like you cant throw those words around about people without any context. everyone will think you're insane. you're not helping your cause by using those hashtags without any evidence. you're not going to "cancel" her just by making a hashtag only you've used in the entire history of the internet. so sperg us your nonsense story now so we can laugh.
No. 1155172
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>>1151956I expect her to go full Lisa Nowak crazy at this point.
No. 1156113
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I went ahead and transcribed her most recent audio file because uh… wow. (Sorry for incoming wall of text.)
"Hey everybody. I’m just kind of sitting here thinking about what’s been going on involving the situation with the online terrorism and misappropriation and harassment and everything involving my old best friend and his wife who’s obsessed with me. Uhm, so… if you’ve been following me for a few years you may remember me talking about how- or tweeting about in my own weird artistic little language, about uhm, I was like just banking on their megalomania and how I was aware that I was affecting their content. Uhm, just part of the- the bullying was they were literally just like using me for content. Like whatever I’d tweet about would be in their episode the next week. And like Suzy would just like tweet the same things and like I would be like, “Hey! Uhm… Do shit for charity. Give 100% of the profits to charity. Talk about trans rights, talk about racism, talk about refugees.” I don’t know if they’ve talked about refugees yet, but they- they literally were allowing me to dictate the direction that they were seeming to grow in. Uhm, and I was aware of this and I was… trying to be benevolent with my influence, I was aware that I was truly was an underground influencer. So, but here’s the thing is, I was also performing experiments? To try and get their MO? Like mentioning… like I would- I would say something… like a personal hit at Suzy. Uhm, and then I would see like how my account would get shadow banned or like the harassment- the harassment comments on random fucking tweets out of nowhere uhm… I was just like… it was like experimentation. Uhm… So I do have their full MO. I know how they operate and they have like- they have a system. And when I was pointing out things about their MO, they would adapt and they would change their MO, so that’s also part of their MO. They truly, truly are… evil in their methods and like they work to cover their ass. Uhm, So here’s- here’s the thing is because I want this to be a morality discussion… I’m… torn. They are- they are hurting people, they truly are. But, he was- he was one of my best friends. Should I go to the FBI or some like authority like the cops or something? Like should I… should I pursue legal ramifications or anything like that? I’ve been just… collecting their MO and like, gathering intelligence I guess on them personally for my own, y’know, personal information. I haven’t shared this with anyone. Like I haven’t gone to the cops. I’ve toyed- I toy with them occasionally by like tagging like YouTube or FBI or whatever because they are- they’re very, very likely criminals. Uhm, but… again, I- I’m torn. I’m morally torn. Because I was very, very close with this person at one point, and I do still care about them and they did used to be a very good person. They’re a fucking piece of shit now, but they did used to be a good person. And I just kind of keep hoping that maybe they’ll truly see the light and truly want to do the good thing and… y’know be- be a worthy person instead of just continuing to be a piece of shit. Like, Arin, you used to be a good person. I don’t think you’re happy now. I knew you when you were happy, I’ve seen you in love. I don’t think you’re happy now. Can you just like, please call me or something? Like… you’re being so mean and you have- you have everything, you have the world. And you’re just using it to hurt people. It’s- it’s just… call me, please. Like, go to therapy, like, talk to your mom. Something. Just… try to- It’s, it’s hard. It’s hard. It’s hard. To take a moral stand requires bravery and strength. But it feels so fucking good. Like… just, I have hope for you and I’m torn. I’m torn, I don’t know what to do. So, if you’re following me, you’re aware of the situation, you’re aware of the allegations, and you’re aware that they have intentionally not been mentioning anything about this, conveniently… uhm, just let me know what you think. Thanks. Stay safe, wear a mask, wash your hands. Alright, bye guys."
No. 1156179
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>>1156113A follow up. She’s really paranoid that Suzy is going to ridiculous lengths to get to her for… some purpose.
“Hey guys, there’s actually something that I forgot to mention that I think is probably worth mentioning, and I would like to see if anybody has had this experience as well. But uhm, so… when I came back to the internet, I was supporting Arin, like I- I donated on his Kingdom Hearts stream, and I bought like the most expensive- when they went touring on live I bought like the most expensive ticket. I didn’t go, I just bought an expensive ticket to support him. But… afterwards, so like, I didn’t go to the show. But after the show happened, they sent me an email uhm, to claim my like VIP memorabilia or whatever and they had me- so it was an email that they sent and it was a link that I clicked and it sent me to an, like an external site. And it asked for my full name and my address and maybe even my date of birth, I can’t remember, but it asked for personal information including my address. And after I submitted that- so the the webs- the link said like, “Oh, fill this out to get your VIP Merch.” Or whatever. So I put in my information, I submitted it, and then it said, “Thank you for completing our survey!” and it was like this really funky like… it looked like a Quizilla page. It was like, not high quality it didn’t look official, I don’t think it was even on the game grumps website. And then they did mail me, uhm, they did mail me the pass like the VIP badge with the lanyard, but they didn’t send me anything else. So they did send me the lanyard, but I just wanna know if… this was like, Suzy trying to get my information? Has anyone else ever had anything like this? Where they sent you a link to get your free memorabilia or whatever and you fill out your address and then it’s like a survey page and it says, “Thank you for taking our survey!” I wanna know if… that’s ever happened to anyone. So uhm, thank you. Bye.”
No. 1156246
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>play them into exposing themselves while you manipulate them into being better influences
like I could make fun of her for the way she really thinks she's some galaxy brained 4D chess playing champion, but this is just legitimately insane
No. 1156269
>>1156237She makes mention of 'online terrorism' in
>>1156113If she does actually7 try to go at the FBI with that, she may accidentally end up getting the help she desperately needs. I really can't picture her doing anything other than spazzing out online, but her rhetoric is escalating.
No. 1156321
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KT is a perfect example of someone who constantly criticizes others, but everything they're saying about the other person actually applies to them.
She is petty, obsessed, MEAN, and psychotic. She has shown no patience, kindness, or sympathy to these people but she's totally convinced she is a good person who is standing up for justice or something. Like anon said, her rhetoric is escalating and she's getting more desperate for Arin's attention. There was a recent voice message where she's near tears talking about how she doesn't understand why he's "doing this" to her or something like that.
KT desperately needs a therapist to talk her out of this paranoia, because she's really starting to sound dangerous.
No. 1156420
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No. 1156673
>>1156420>I hate having my name attached to yoursSays someone who has desperately tried to attach themselves to the other person, who has not reciprocated at all.
>I ask them to bring up pain+abuse in Christian fundamentalism, Suzy makes devil/angel pinsSo in other words, they didn't talk about pain and abuse in Christian fundamentalism
>calling out racism/"fake" sponsorshipGenuinely no idea what she's trying to say. Unless they were obviously joking about a sponsor, it's unreasonable to assume they would fake one. They get paid for this shit! No one wants to advertise without getting paid!
>>1156113>part of the bullying was they were literally just like using me for contentYou are not the only person who has opinions on these extremely common topics, and it is NOT bullying whatsoever
>Give 100% of the profits to charity. Talk about trans rights, talk about racismWow, some of the most obvious hot button issues that EVERYONE is talking about. It could only have been inspired by you KT
>the harassment comments on random fucking tweets out of nowhereIt's because you're a lolcow
Honestly, she's so dense it's infuriating trying to listen to her. She keeps posting more audio files. Kudos to transcript anon, I can't bear listening to her Wisconsin accent anymore.
No. 1156789
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Here's the latest.
"Arin, I'm not trying to get you in trouble, I'm trying to communicate something to you. I'm also trying to help you at the same time, as help, all of your fans… um… I grew up in 718, i grew up in the 414. you don't understand what black is. Black isn't all fucking "oh I'm super cool", its generally….. Dis-disadvantaged. Its generally a lifetime of trauma because of stupid people like you. Its generally the government not fucking taking care of you. You know what poverty is? It's, "oh fuck I'm nine years old with AIDS." Its "oh fuck my mom's a crackhead." Its "I'm twelve years old with three kids." Its horrible horrible horrible things. It's abuse, it's substance abuse, it's needs not being met, It's disease… it's addiction. These are issues that affect quality of life for so many individuals. I'm sorry, I'm literally on the verge of tears. I am very very passionate about quality of life even if you're poor because- especially if you're poor- because that's all that matters is you being happy, your needs being met, being safe being healthy… and like… some places the government actively tries to take advantage of its citizens. They will suppress their rights and y'know like deny them treatment, deny them services- theres so much horrible real life stuff that needs to get addressed, and you have such a big audience and you're on the right track but please please just… Grow. I don't know how to get through to you, but please try to…. Meditate. remeber how I used to talk about meditation? Try to actually like wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning, smoke a bowl of weed, sit outside with your mask on… And just like think about things. Let yourself feel your heart like let yourself feel your soul… Think about what you want to do. Like money…. Money isn't the only thing that matters. Like pls actually Just… Just do some real good. I wanna see you be really really really successful and that's the thing is you'd actually be way more successful if you started taking care of people."
No. 1156796
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>>1056170>>1060999Poor Nick Robles, he's a sweet guy and an amazing artist. He doesn't deserve this shit. If you like what you've seen of his work in this thread, please follow/support him.
>>1069652Late, but yes, he's gay, and also there's no way in hell he's heard of this woman.
>>1153275This is a stretch and a half. What the hell makes her think Nick is friends with his new coworker's friends? They don't even live in the same
state. Ruin's design is obviously just a combination of traits Nick personally likes (the gothic fashion, chest hair, femme-y, etc.)
What exactly is she trying to accomplish here? You don't get royalties from an artist simply because their characters/artwork resemble you. It's nearly impossible to do that even in cases where you can prove the character
was inspired by you (which Ruin demonstrably isn't.) You don't own purple hair, you crazy bitch. It's clear to me that she's just desperate for attention, but isn't interested in earning it through her own merits.
No. 1156960
>>1156789KT: "Arin, I'm not trying to get you in trouble."
Also KT, the very same day: "Should I go to the FBI? Arin and Suzy are very obviously evil criminals."
lol how does she not give herself whiplash with these mood swings
No. 1157082
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She’s dropped yet another audio file. She posted it twice with different comments for some reason. I’m not going to transcribe this one word for word unless there’s a demand for it because it’s 9 minutes long and more of the same, but here’s some bullet points if anyone is curious:
>Addresses lolcow directly, claims she doesn’t read her thread she just “sees when it’s up there, when it’s been active”
>Invites us to tweet at her if we have something to say
>Proves her fundamental misunderstanding of lolcow again by saying we really think we’re SJWs, also says we don’t understand what social justice is
>Says we’re victim blaming her and guilty of libel
>Says she’s talked to a reporter and other “connected people” to get her in touch with the correct outlets for when this “all goes public”
>Wonders why we can’t just “hold our tongues like other intelligent kind people” and wait for her big Game Grumps revelation scandal or whatever
>Actually likens her insane farcical crusade against Arin Hanson to what Corey Feldman has gone through with exposing pedophilia/abuse in Hollywood saying it could take “decades” for her to expose Arin/Suzy
>Says Arin and Suzy have large collaborative networks and systems all for the purpose of abusing and silencing her and others like her
>Claims that a bot sent by Arin and Suzy harassed a guy to the point of suicide and that she too has been told to kill herself
>Brings up Holly and says she believes that she’s also being gaslit and harassed by the same bots, while prefacing this with a disclaimer that she still thinks Holly is “definitely a cow, holy shit”
>Says lolcow is a part of the gaslighting and helping to control the narrative by making things up
>Says we need to use our brains and care about facts and “read between the lines”
>Rants once again about people who are aware they’re crazy/bad people but act differently in public and go to great lengths to prove they’re not, says that’s exactly how Arin and Suzy are
>Says she has trauma from this situation and was “shocked” at the extent of the methods and the resources she thinks they have to specifically target her
>Says her reality has been shifted by the revelation of just how villainous they are and that it’s so important that people know this which is why she refuses to give up or stop talking about it
>Comes back around to say we’re anti SJWs actually and part of the problem by driving away anybody who might be curious to hear her delusions, whines that she has no support because of this
>Says we need to “confront the alleged or hold our fucking tongues” and then says we’re not SJWs again (no shit), calls us incels and idiots again
>“My situation is like wearing a mask during Covid. It’s an intelligence test and it’s a good person test.”
No. 1157118
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Don't worry guys, she's got Anonymous on it
No. 1157162
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This recording is from a few weeks ago (Jan 16) where she says she vets anyone who interacts with her on Twitter, checking out who they follow etc. She uses this info to determine that she's being attacked by the same "bots" that are after onision, Holly Conrad, and Etika (???) and that these "bots" are also "stans" of the grumps and shoe0nhead. So in the same sentence, is claiming that these accounts are both fake bots but also they are Suzy stans! Does she hear herself?
She also seems to be implying that lolcow is populated by bots, and that we're doing Suzy's bidding by "gaslighting" her. Because every single person who looks at this situation and says "this is ridiculous" is also a part of this huge conspiracy run by Suzy, apparently.
It's pretty hilarious that she latched onto the idea that bots pushed Etika to kill himself, and is using that as part of her victimhood complex. Really is Holly Conrad 2.0, with the self-righteousness and delusion dialed up to 11. But of course KT also calls Holly a cow to assert how much smarter and better she is.
This girl responds to lolcow multiple times a day and still has the gall to say "I don't really read there" over and over. Just shows the huge discrepancy between her actions and her self-awareness (or lack thereof)
No. 1157286
>>1157082>>1157252>Comes back around to say we’re anti SJWs actually and part of the problem by driving away anybody who might be curious to hear her delusions, whines that she has no support because of thisThats the thing is that I'm very curious about her delusions. At any time she can actually post real evidence, besides just "oh they're copying me! They're listening to every word I say!" And say that that's the equivalent of being a 'predator'. If she'd just post proof then every post wouldn't come off like a personal army request. Unless you actually believe Game Grumps is responsible for Etika's death and that they send out bots to try to convince you to kill yourself. Kek
Honestly KT if you have something legitimate you can say it at any time. You have an audience of farmers, it's just that thus far you just say things and expect us to trust you without any supporting information.
No. 1157385
>>1157252I have no doubt that if KT was around when Suzy was the most hated cow that many farmers would have eaten her delusions up, but it would have been equally retarded back then.
She needs lithium, and to delete her twitter
No. 1157637
>>1157252Okay anon, I listened to KT and quickly came to the conclusion that she's a vicious, condescending hypocrite with the biggest
victim complex I've ever seen in my life. And Suzy (a total stranger) didn't have to secretly contact me to tell me what to think, I came up with it on my own by actually listening to KT.
This comment is a depressing reminder that no matter how cruel, illogical and delusional a person might be, there will always be someone else saying, "idk everybody we should really hear them out". Only an incredibly gullible and naive person could think there's ANY merit to the shit she's said.
It's not just about Suzy and Arin, who have an army of stans to defend them. KT is actively harassing Nick Robles, a relatively small artist, with bogus claims that could seriously damage his career if they got traction. KT went all the way to Neil Gaiman to accuse Nick of "stealing her identity" and actually got his attention. Presumably, Gaiman was smart enough to tell that KT is full of shit, but if there was any merit to the accusation, it would have destroyed Robles' career and the whole Sandman project.
No. 1157699
>online terrorism>I was truly was an underground influencer>should i go to the fbi>Arin, (…) call me, pleasemental hospital. ASAP.
i thought it was regular autism mixed with delusion but its not. shes fucking crazy. this is some copypasta material. shes not even stupid this is schizo posting.
No. 1157825
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Here we go:
>says she's making this while watching the Trump trial. Remarks about how they're pieces of shit and that Hollywood is crazy. Talks about how Hollywood stuff has made her more afraid of people. Mentions that her ex-husband was diagnosed with anti-social personality disorder. She also says "that's my type, I like sociopaths." And somehow since her ex-husband had a personality disorder it makes her trustworthy, because he was "brilliant".
> she addresses her "harassers" and says that there is something coming and wants to "present you reality, since you don't live in it." "This is coming, you guys fucked up. This is so painful to talk about because it breaks my heart- it breaks my heart… I poured my heart into this person when we were teenagers, they used to be so beautiful, and they're a massive, monstrous, raging narcissist- horrible, racist, totally exploi- ah, I can't like- I can't handle it it breaks my heart."
>says she's mortified to have been in the same thread as Holly, Jared and Heidi. Calls them the tigerking trio and explains that Holly is Joe, Heidi is Carole and Jared is that one guy with the multiple wives. Calls them and all game grumps embarassing and shitty people.
>says she has respect for Jontron because he left, which is hilarious considering Jontron's own racist controversy. Says he probably wasn't a piece of shit because he left.
>Says that the way she tells if its a bot or a real fan is that a bot follows all of the gamegrumps but not Jontron. "You're welcome for the followers, Jontron."
>"I wanted to present a few options to my harassers, and again, this is coming, it is coming. I have reached out to people, stuff is in the works, it's going to happen, it's coming. But, should you want to do the right thing and y'know just come out ahead of this and actually confess and be like 'we fucked up' I'm saying right now we can play it down, we can downplay this, we can play it cool. You can just be like 'you know what guys, we participated in some bullying behavior, it was mean, we fucked up, I'm sorry' you can take the hit, deal with some harassment probably and like, stuff- you know how it goes! U-um, for a couple years, which would be rightfully deserved.. But you'd definitely still have a career."
>"or you can fight this and continue this where you just gaslight even harder." She says if a "harasser" continues "on the path they have been", they'll be definitely cancelled. "Again, I'm being way too kind to you guys"
>"this goes for Willow and for Nick as well, you can save yourselves. You can put it all on them" encourages them to say they were pressured to save their careers. "Especially with Willow being a woman and Muslim and Nick being brown and gay- you know how it goes!" "Just put it all on the racist white people" "Willow's done a TED talk before! She could save her career and turn it into like, advocacy for compromised integrity within the arts… And like, bullying"
No. 1157904
>>1157637Yeah, the idea that anyone
>>1157252 here would listen to her schizo ramblings and find them credible is disheartening.
No. 1157931
>>1157825Does she seriously not have anyone in her life looking out for her? Family, friends?
Her paranoia and delusions are just escalating. It’s sad because she truly believes this is going on but it’s like she’s all alone. It’s got to be spilling spilling out into her offline life, right? With the intensity of her inappropriate and literally mentally ill ramblings?
No. 1157947
>>1157252sure anon, keep egging on this clear-cut delusion that now involves several people who've either never met KT in their lives or haven't spoken to her in a decade, i'm sure there's some truth to KT's claims that we're an army of suzy bots who "stan" sh0onhead (who has several threads made about her on this very site) /s
you're a moron. whatever truthful thing she had to say about the grumps has long since been clouded by her schizophrenia
No. 1157995
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Another huge reach. Hasn't Suzy had that line on her bio for years?
No. 1158080
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>>1157995According to the wayback machine (yeah I checked lmao) her bio last October 2020 was "I am Suzy Berhow. I am very powerful and feared by many"
No. 1158133
>>1156789Ummm, did she just associate black with AIDS and crack? This fucking idiot. This is why white basic bitches shouldn't cry white tears for the black community. She's uneducated and woefully ignorant to societal ills, to the point that Bastille calls her out on how she manages to get basic facts wrong in her attempt at outrage.
I'm just incredibly impressed by these ramblings. She really does think she's popular and not talking into the void. Well at least there's us, KT. We will continue you to get help before you hurt someone.
No. 1158144
>You don't understand what black is. Black isn't all fucking "oh I'm super cool", its generally…disadvantaged. You know what poverty is? It's, "oh fuck I'm nine years old with AIDS." Its "oh fuck my mom's a crackhead." Its "I'm twelve years old with three kids."100% copypasta material
>>1157995The difference between Suzy saying "you might know me from…" vs KT saying it is that people might actually know Suzy from those things, lmao. KT is referencing years-old, irrelevant stuff that no one recognizes OR just flat out lies, like her insistence that she's Nick Robles' "muse."
No. 1158178
>>1157947>i'm sure there's some truth to KT's claims that we're an army of suzy bots who "stan" sh0onhead (who has several threads made about her on this very site) /sI said
some things, not all her claims. I'm not
completely retarded. I think some of her claims are true and others were created by her desperate need to have proof and be heard, so she's connecting dots in hopes of finding the smoking gun.
No. 1158361
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>>1158131honestly, i wouldn't put it past suzy to be the type of person to keep an eye on KT's account just to see what she's saying, if she's exposed anything incriminating (like, i'd want to read the full length of that FB message she sent KT years ago since KT only showed us like a small screenshot of it). i also wouldn't put it past suzy to changing her bio to be similar to KT's just to fuck with her. and it being such a "normal" bio, as you stated, no one would bat an eye about it. her bio was "i am very powerful and feared by many" since she started her account, so it is interesting that she changed it only now.
No. 1158651
>>1158361You're suggesting that Suzy is working against her own interests for no other reason, which is pretty stupid. The grumps are definitely aware of what KT is saying, and have probably taken measures to distance or protect themselves. This includes not poking the crazy person with a stick. Not only would riling her up make her harassment worse, it would also confirm what she's saying to some extent. So you're theorizing that Suzy found out about these false allegations of skinwalking, and then went out of her way to give them validity when there was none before. That's the opposite of what Suzy should want, for her own sake. On top of the fact that KT is relentlessly crazy, she's talking about buckling down for decades more harassment. She's super aggressive, mean, and openly waging a campaign of lies against Suzy. Engaging with it would be the worst possible thing Suzy could do, and shooting herself in the foot.
Your tinfoil doesn't make logical sense, and you're ignoring reason to assume the worst of Suzy.
No. 1158727
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>>1158361We know it's you, Krystal
No. 1158811
>>1158727Woohoo, you got me lmao? Anyways, as someone who was a devout Suzy stan for years and saw Arin and Suzy as like the pinnacle of romance and ideal relationships, I can honestly see Suzy as the type of person who'd become obsessive about someone described as Arin's "first love" or whatever. Especially since Arin had crushes on like all of his online female friends based on all his old livejournal entries LMAO. I don't blame Suzy for being insecure early on in their relationship. Based on all their old DeviantArt interactions it seemed pretty clear that Suzy was jealous of KT's friendship with him (which is totally understandable, especially given all their ages at the time). Suzy clearly had some jealousy issues that made her force Arin to cut ties with KT as soon as they started dating (which, was probably for the best in the long run given how things are now. But still, in the moment sort of comes off as controlling and wildly insecure on Suzy's end). KT returning to the internet and stirring all this shit back up, directly tweeting all of them, could've
triggered Suzy. No, I don't think she's copying KT or even keeping tabs on her account much anymore but I'm just saying it's not 100% impossible. This is all my opinion though. It's really not that deep
(newfag) No. 1158918
>>1158811this is stupid. not to WK suzy too hard but KT hasn't "just returned" to the internet, grumps have obviously known she's been up to wackadoo shit for years. that message she wrote to KT was from 2010, she and arin got married in '13, I'd imagine of they're as happy as they claim there's a point where suzy would realize that oh shit, I don't have anything to be insecure about anymore because this girl is genuinely insane and deluded.
as far as the bio change, suzy has been trying to get bigger from her own name/brand separate from the grumps for a while now (don't get me wrong, still depending on a lot of public support from arin, but that's a different story), so her changing her description after years to talk about channels she's been associated with while making the main focus her brand isn't petty, it makes sense. "You may know me from" is common wording, and honestly you can get fucked for directly encouraging a mentally disturbed cow.
No. 1158950
>>1158811KT is especially stupid when it comes to empathy and relationships. She even admits loving a psycho and she wants to offer us advice?
Suzy was 100% correct, even if came from a place of insecurity to ask Arin to cut ties from KT. It is not healthy for your boyfriend to be gifting a friend that he has romantic feelings for. You don't just turn those feelings off. If Arin was interested in Suzy and still had lingering feelings for another woman it would be best to find a way to move on and that's best done by just cutting her out of his life. KT acts like she destroyed the friendship of the century but it was never a friendship if she keeps talking about how Arin was infatuated with her. She loves bragging about that, but doesn't give a fuck about how his feelings would be shat on every time she talked about another man or dated someone else. Plus he was in another relationship! Arin needed to invest in long time marriage instead of hanging out with a moral/spiritual hippie that thinks she's the muse for an asian character in a gay man's comic while getting owned by Bastille.
No. 1159020
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Hilarious. She's projecting again.
No. 1159022
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Anons keep feeding into her delusions of grandeur, meanwhile she keeps posting stuff like this, overestimating her own importance.
No. 1159374
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No. 1159394
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No. 1159398
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guess she's locking it down. parting is such sweet sorrow.
No. 1159461
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Here’s the transcript of the last audio file she posted to her (now former?) twitter. It kind of cuts off at the beginning, but it seems like she’s trying to address anybody who might be able to “help” with this situation. Sorry, it’s a really long one.
“-involving what I truly believe to be psychopathy, uhm, and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to look over some behavior and share their professional opinions or observations. Uhm, so, here’s- here’s my specific situation: I’m currently being stalked and harassed by my old best friend’s wife. A little bit of background about the situation is- my old friend was romantically infatuated with me when his wife met him at the age of 15. She pursued him for a couple years knowing that he had feelings for other people. I married my significant other and moved and after that they started dating and then she “convinced” him, uhm… to… cut me out? I guess? I put quotes around “convinced” because it’s a literal quote, like she- she used the word “it took years to convince him that I never cared about him.” So she used the word “convinced”. Uhm, but so she convinced him that I never cared about him and… he stopped being friends with me. Uhm… but- but the problem is, I’m finding that I’m essentially not allowed to freely live my life because of her mental issues directed at me. And because her support system enables and participates in abuse. The scariest thing is that they’re social media influencers with a lot of resources and connections which they do exploit as my likeness was used without consent for a character in the Sandman universe named Ruin. Which the Sandman universe is my favorite series, and it’s important to note because this is part of their MO. It’s meticulous, its highly personalized, it’s mafia-like and they leave like narcissistic little signatures, like they- they leave little clues and hints and personal information to let you know it’s them. Uhm, so I had only ever spoken to Suzy once. She initiated contact many times but I had no interest in her as a person so I literally just ignored her. Uhm, but I’m- I’m starting to piece together that she may have actually been stalking me for much longer than the past couple years. Realistically, more like nearly two decades as this point. And it’s horrifying on a lot of levels. And y’know, as like- as Ross I’m sure remembers the creepy stalker guy ForPrice(?) uhm, yeah. I had a legit stalker and they were terrifying and then coming back to the internet ten years later and still being stalked I’m realizing that was probably her. So she’s been stalking me for almost twenty years at this point. Uhm… so yeah, again, back then she “convinced”, again in quotes because that’s her literal word, she “convinced” him to stop being friends with me then completely changed her personality, image, style, and interests to be exactly like mine. Like exactly. Like… this is what- this is what their fanbase doesn’t realize is the entire Suzy persona is just a giant Katie skinwalk. And the only reason she- like you’ve never known about it until now is because I literally haven’t been on the internet. Uhm, so again, like I said, I- I kind of understand why she’s been gaslighting the fuck out of me, she has to be terrified of what people are gonna think of her. Uhm, but yeah so, again so, some examples to the extent of the creepy. And uhm, this is just one lit- little example, but the point is it’s like an infinite string of coincidences specifically only with her. And again, she is nothing like how she was when I knew her, like she dresses differently and stuff- but anyway… I don’t- none of that- I don’t care, y’know like, it just- it should be made conscious. I’m not saying don’t buy their shit, I’m not saying don’t watch them. I’m just saying like, be aware that this is happening and she will no longer be able to get away with it. like, eventually she’s gonna deviate back into like, her personality, or else it’s just going to be literally an entire lifetime of coincidences with just her and her friends and stuff. Either way like, y’know time will tell. But I’m making it aware and I’m making it conscious now and I have enough of a following that I’m sure it’s a- a deterrent. But yeah. So anyway, so uhm, the extent of the creepy: I told Arin uhm- Arin’s my old friend- about an art project that I made in middle school for an art competition which was uhm, a dead butterfly and dried flowers in a shadow box. And I come back to the internet and she’s made an Etsy store selling liter- like the exact same thing like… the character Melissa was an OC that Arin created as a romantic interest for his OC Ego and when- when she made him- “convinced” him to cut me out, she created a new OC and romantic interest and even her OC is identical to my OC. Not Melissa, but my personal OC. So like, she- she was like just morphi- like pushing me away and morphing into me like, even all the way back then. It’s really fucked up. Uhm, but… but sh- okay but she did this with nearly everything about me. So clothing style, psychic magic, third eye, bands- specifically Tool, my favorite characters uhm- it jus- it goes on and on. It’s so creepy because again she wasn’t anything like how she is now back when I knew her. When we knew her. Like back then, she- she wasn’t even goth back then. She wore like, jeans and like cute tank tops, and like she wore pink. Like, she was like a grunge baby. Like… she cosplayed Lolita on DeviantArt, like, she was like a stock model (laughs). Uhm, but- but yeah, she wasn’t even goth herself. It’s super fucked up. But uhm… and again, it’s not about being copied. Anyone original, anyone who has any sort of style gets copied. It’s about this specific situation and y’know dealing with what I really truly believe to be psychopathy and uhm, again… but yeah. So, she “convinced” him to cut me out and then tried to become me, and I can’t even tell you how disturbing it is to come back to the internet after a ten year hiatus and she’s me. Uhm, the internet calls it “skinwalking” or “single white female syndrome”. I didn’t even know these terms, that’s pretty cool that they exist. It’s funny (laughs). Uhm, but it- it’s so many tiny little things, but the extent and effort of the imitation combined with the duration of her obsession is what’s horrifying. And uhm, and then- but to be completely honest, the true horror about the skinwalking situation lies with Arin. It’s like crying in the shower kind of fucked up, it’s just really… ew. Uhm, but uhm, yeah… if anyone would be willing to take a look at the situation or I don’t know, maybe… so- so my thing is… does anyone think that I- I might have a reason to genuinely be concerned for my safety. With the obsession spanning longer than fifteen years, uhm… the way she cut him out and then started imitating me, and then like the escalation of her harassment over the past couple years since I came back to the internet and joined Twitter in 2017. Because it has been escalating, first it started out with just- just petty passive little tweets, and then and y’know now it’s- I’m a comic book character! Again, uhm… but uhm, and this is why I’m being so loud now. Because of the escalation. And uhm, but yeah. So I- I haven’t gone to any authorities yet, but I am being increasingly vocal about the situation. Uhm, again everything that they’re doing is so stupid and petty and I am aware it’s ridiculously petty uhm… but they won’t leave me alone. They’re the ones doing this. And just- there have just been too many red flags for too many years, and I need to be safe. So… yeah. And that is… this is more or less the full situation. I have not been talking about it because he was my friend I… (laughs) y’know I didn’t- I don’t want him to be canceled, again. I’m- I’m too American for cancel culture. Like, everybody has the right to stream and speak and everybody has the right to spend their money where they want to, but if you’re being deceived, that’s when I get really upset. And I just want awareness, again, that’s all I want, awareness of the situation. So uhm, but yeah. So I’m gonna go now and I got this all out. I’ve been really, really sick over the past month, and I just, y’know, I just feel comfortable getting this all out there. But uhm, yeah. So I was originally going to put this as a video on YouTube, but… I don’t- I don’t want to wait. Y’know I haven’t been healthy enough to be making videos and stuff. So it’s just, again, it’s about awareness. But yeah, okay uhm, thanks for listening and uhm, I’m gonna try and get some sleep. Have a good night guys, stay safe. Bye.”
No. 1159564
>>1159461So KT come back to the internet after a long hiatus, looks at everything Suzy is and has, thinks "that should have been me" and comes up with an internal justification for how she actually deserves all the fame, love and attention. That's really what this seems like.
The same way that KT thinks Ruin "is her", she thinks Suzy's persona and style could only be a rip off of her because she likes those things too. Suzy and Ruin don't dress alike or look alike, so how could either be a rip off of KT? How could Suzy or Nick Robles actually copy KT on style choices or features that aren't even visible online? How is anyone supposed to know what she dresses like when she doesn't even post outfits or whatever?
This whole thing also started with KT's fixation on this idea that Arin and Suzy are supposedly lying about when they originally got together. I could dig up some screenshots but there are a few linked in OP. She calls herself a "whistleblower" over this idea that supposedly they're lying about their anniversary, and she's been demanding that they "correct their lies" on this matter for years. The reason it upsets her so much is because she feels like they "erased" her from the timeline by not including her in the story of how they met or something. KT wants the world to know that Arin allegedly loved her first. It's really all about attention and fame for KT. She can't stand that Suzy is Arin's partner and has benefitted from his fame in various ways that KT feels more deserving of. Her attempts to center herself in Arin and Suzy's history (claiming to be the reason Game Grumps exists, claiming she "let" Arin date Suzy, claiming that she was the most important person to Arin 4eva) haven't been successful, so she has grown increasingly bitter at them for not acknowledging her. The whole thing is about how victimized she feels over not getting to be the center of attention.
Anyway, I kinda doubt that she's actually gonna shut up and stay gone. She's been tweeting again about how lolcow "harassed" Krystal into privating her Twitter because we figuratively bitch slapped her for talking nonsense in this thread (>>1158811,
>>1158361 fuck off Krystal) KT has been running on her own obsessive momentum this whole time, so it seems unlikely that she'll actually give up. And unlike most cows who are just being ridiculous in their own lives, KT is aggressively attacking people. So it's not exactly a tragedy if she shuts up and stops giving us milk.
No. 1159831
>>1159564IMO this is the most spot on summary of Katie. It’s really hard to understand her craziness without knowing the backstory because she just makes up vague allegations in her weird writing style so you never know exactly what she’s been accusing Arin and Suzy of.
I think anybody would be kinda bittersweet if some old friend had a crush on them and went on to be super popular and rich, while they stagnate. I vaguely remember Katie tweeting she was happy she was just a waitress and never got famous or something, it reeked of maximum cope.
I really wonder what’s her ideal endgame here. Probably to get Suzy to admit she’s been stalking her so she can get cancelled, and for Katie to snatch her place next to Arin. I always noticed she’ll at least be kind to him from time to time.
And I really wanna know if she has any irl friends and if she acts that crazy or if she keeps it for twitter only.
No. 1159988
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I went back to old threads and sifted through a lot of bullshit to try to understand/summarize how KT got to this point. It's actually crazy how far her statements have shifted over time on their own.
Column one: Centering herself in any/all talk of their relationship, to try to get attention for knowing him first. She wants gg fans to acknowledge her/think she's cool for her association with Arin.
Column two: insisting that Suzy should go out of her way to include KT and form a friendship with her. This is extra crazy if we take KT's word for them supposedly only interacting once, when Suzy apologized years earlier.
Column three: insinuating that Arin owes her attention because she went through hard times because of him. She's getting more desperate for acknowledgement from him, so she projects blame onto Arin for other trauma in her life, to guilt him into responding. Still nothing.
All of this happened before Feb 2019. There's way more to post but it might take a while because I have other shit to do today. But just as a starting point, it's actually shocking how far KT has gone to reinterpret and twist her original statements, based solely on her frustration with not being acknowledged. She's gone from "I'm so happy for my best friend because he found love and success" to "everything they have is fake and she wishes she was me"
No. 1160055
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I still don't understand why she has so many Twitter accounts just to say all the same crazy shit
No. 1160138
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Part 2 of KT's insanity summary includes thirst-tweeting Arin and starting to insinuate that Suzy is actually trying to be her.
Column one: KT getting perpetually left on read as she makes various tweets at Arin as though they are still friends
Column two: Around the same time, she starts to claim that Suzy is supposedly copying her.
Column three: 6 months later, she's making increasingly erratic tweets implying some innate connection between her and Arin. Love/hate vibes as she gets more frustrated that he's not replying.
All this happened in 2019. She got ignored for ages, until she eventually rationalized that they couldn't actually be ignoring her, so they must be watching her secretly instead. She wants so badly to be important to these people, but they won't give her that, so it must mean they are hurting her. She wants to believe that any good quality Suzy has is only because she's supposedly skinwalking KT. And she wants to pretend that Arin is as hung up on her as she apparently is on him.
No. 1160175
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Part 3 - This is it! KT's big argument and why she calls herself the gg whistleblower. It's all about trying to expose them for supposedly lying about when they got together, because their version of events doesn't include her. She acts like this is all-important information that everyone should care about, and if they're lying about it that proves they're bad people.
It literally doesn't fucking matter even if they're lying. They're together now, and they have been for a very long time. If somebody asks how/when they met, it would be wildly inappropriate for Arin to be like, "well I used to like this girl KT, but she rejected me so then I settled for Suzy"
It all comes back to KT wanting attention for knowing him first and being his crush. She keeps harping on and on about it to make sure as many people know as possible. She only gets negative attention for doing this, which fuels her belief that she's being "harassed for telling the truth". When in reality, she's just acting insane, so people are pointing it out. But the more she hears people say, "this is fucking stupid" the more she's convinced that she's a victim of a coordinated attack by Suzy to silence her.
The first screen shots in this collage are from 2018, and the last are from January-February 2021. She's been going on about this for years, it's just that her argument is so nonsensical it's hard to parse without reading it all at once.
No. 1160472
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This was on one of her other accounts, dreamprincesskt. She hops from one account to another, sometimes switching their usernames. Probably to get around being blocked by people she stalking.
No. 1160689
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>>1160555She was tweeting about her birthday back in December so I'm assuming she is 34 now.
>>1160472She absolutely has made new twitter accounts in the past to get around blocks, I need to track down the screenshots I have. I think at this point shes tweeted about being blocked by Arin, Suzy and GG on two different accounts. After the first time she got blocked she really upped the accusations.
No. 1160766
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>>1160175>you may be “on the inside”, but you never got what I did. Yes Katie I’m sure Suzy is very distraught that she didn’t get a shitty OC based on her by Arin.
No. 1160823
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She posted another 30-minute rant today. I do not have the patience to summarize it, but highlights include saying that everyone else is too dumb to understand her, everyone involved is a narcissist except her, and we're all going to be sorry once this blows up.
She also repeated her lie about Etika, claiming that he killed himself because of harassment… from lolcow? Or Grumps minions? Either way, she insists she's being targeted by the same people responsible for his death. Did she get this from holly? Holly claimed that being sent clown emojis killed Etika, which was also untrue, and her ass got LIT UP on Twitter for making that claim as a way to center the discussion on herself. So here's KT, adapting the same claim but suggesting that it's actually her harassers who are behind it. She doesn't use his name all the time, probably to keep people from fact-checking, but she's apparently been convinced of this for a long time (see date in screenshot) and has named him specifically in a past rant.
Anyway, this one made me kind of sad because she's so far gone that she can't understand any part of this situation, but insists she's the only one who understands it. She also says "I need therapy…I need therapy" at the end. Yes she does, but not for the reasons she thinks.
I wonder what it would take for KT to actually get the help she needs. Like if she would have to commit a crime before someone with enough authority could get her committed to a mental institution. Her voice rant seems to confirm that she doesn't have family that could/would help. She might be awful, but no one should have to live like this.
No. 1160884
>>1160856thats all obvious information. the best thing to do with batshit people like kt is ignore them. their minds start to rubber band around and have a high chance of creating their own completely insane scenarios and we benefit. not having an audience interact directly will make her go bananas
dont listen to anons above, dont interact and dont goad her, and definitely dont come in the thread and brag about it.
No. 1160919
>>1160896Not trying to blogpost either but a family member was also under serious delusion during a bipolar mania and the only way to help them was to physically get their ass to a mental institution, and it worked.
There’s no point in cowtipping her and making accounts to tell her Suzy is not out to get her, because she already found a way to believe anyone who “defend” Suzy is Suzy herself because nobody likes Suzy that much (even though it’s only Kt who passionately hates her and Suzy does have a fan base anyway)
It’s just kind of concerning how she might come across as not deranged right away by people who might believe her allegations towards innocent people.
No. 1161622
>>1160929I feel you anon. It gets to a point where it’s not funny, and it’s sad that no one in her life cares about her enough to intervene. Without treatment the only trajectory I see is her physically harming Arin and Suzy. Hopefully she’ll be stupid enough to tweet it before she does it so maybe she’ll get the help she needs before it comes to that.
Not moralfagging, just saying psychosis isn’t milky.
No. 1162663
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is this about Arin? or something else?
No. 1163032
>>1162732I mean they were what, teenagers? I think it's definitely normal to romanticize your teen relationships a bit, they happen during such an emotional, developmental part of your life. you feel like everything is life or death and that your first love is the only person you'll ever love. but that's just it, most people get over that the older they get.
KT specifically hasn't because 1, she's mentally ill, and 2, that person ended up becoming rich and famous. so she's got more regret than the average person.
and again, during that time she turned him down and made it clear she had no intentions of dating him, so obviously she didn't feel that way THEN lol
No. 1164622
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I guess she's trying to imply that Arin is just as bad as Marilyn Manson now?
No. 1164624
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>>1164622The attached photos for uh… clarity?
No. 1164628
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She's apparently also unhappy with the direction they're taking Ruin in Sandman
No. 1164630
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And then there's this. She was pretty quiet for a couple days but now seems right back on track with the crazy.
No. 1164649
>>1164630And this is an example of why rape
victims are questioned by others.
No. 1164786
>>1164628The similarities were already tenuous, but seeing Ruin in a scene with another character really shows how absolutely different he is from KT. This character is obviously a tall, built man… aside from the hair color, there really is NO resemblance between KT and Ruin.
>>1160055>my art as opposed to ripped content would've made people much more money>I actually think as abstractly as GaimanThe whole "they're copying me" thing is KT's way of rationalizing that she actually deserves the fame and recognition for other people's work. She looks at Suzy and Nick and thinks, "that should've/would've/could've been me", then throws a public tantrum that she doesn't get credit for things other people are doing. She thinks of herself as this great originator, but actually produces nothing. I'm not even sure what she's referring to with "my art" because she doesn't make anything except for rambling audio recordings.
At another point she was saying shit like, "my humor is basically the same as old Egoraptor, follow me if you miss that style" even though she isn't funny and doesn't make comedy content (at least not intentionally, kek). She just attributes anything she likes as being her own creation.
>>1164630>mental rapistsShe's basically claiming they've violated her by taking something that should've been hers, and crying that she doesn't have control over these people and their creations. I wish she would get called out more for shit like this. She keeps fantasizing about a future where the media will blow this story up and people will be on her side, but if she had more eyes on her crazy tweets, she would get absolutely dogpiled by the general public. I do wonder if that will eventually happen.
No. 1164830
>>1164786Yes, like holy shit I wish she'd get held accountable more. None of the shit she thinks is happening in the first place is happening, but if it was comparing them to terrorism and rape is fucking ridiculous and hurts actual
victims. I guess if she did get called out it would only make their delusions worse. Hoping that this cow falls into help soon, someone please take her to get meds.
No. 1164999
>>1164628It would be ultimate irony and keks if suddenly they
did get inspired to mesh some of KT's traits with the character - her stalking and psychosis.
No. 1166739
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Looks like the random she thinks is Suzy tried answering her
No. 1167300
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Here we go again
No. 1167301
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No. 1167302
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No. 1167354
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No. 1167577
>>1167302>>1167354>>1167449Her circle of blame keeps expanding. First she was mad at Arin for ignoring her, then she rationalized that it was Suzy's fault, then she got mad at Ross, Holly, Heidi, and Papa Raptor for not backing her up. Then she started her wild claims that Ruin is her and got mad at Nick Robles, Willow, and Neil Gaiman for "being involved". Then she started reaching out to the media, and apparently lawyers, and getting mad at them for not helping her. Everyone who doesn't personally advocate for
her gets labeled a hypocrite, fake
victim, fake feminist, fake SJW, etc.
With both this lawyer guy and Neil Gaiman's assistant, she apparently got taken seriously enough to start a private conversation. These people decided to at least hear her out before realizing that she's crazy and extracting themselves, passing her off on someone else, or asking her to "submit evidence", and ghosting her. Then she goes ballistic in public and tries to make their decision to not help into a personal moral failing (instead of common sense).
If this pattern continues, she's going to keep attacking and pissing people off because they won't take up her delusional torch. She'll never make it as far as Oprah, but she might eventually get some drama channels to cover her story or something. If that happened, they would probably pretend to take her seriously and then release a video exposing her as a crazy person. Idk, there is a chance she might eventually get some media coverage, but not the type she's hoping for. That would be interesting to watch.
No. 1168702
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She's begging people to spread her crazy claims now.
No. 1168726
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>>1168702Yeah, she seems to be having a bit of a breakdown about it.
No. 1168855
>>1168727I wonder how she would react if this trexler guy just straight up told her she has no case, and the artist has no idea who she even is.
Also, with her current interest in this site, I wonder if she posts on the general boards.
No. 1169477
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Katie now thinks Arin inserted szechuan sauce into Rick and Morty for her. It's like she just sits around looking for "connections" all day. She wants so badly for Arin to want her the way he might have almost 20 years ago. Katie really must have peaked in high school, she wants so desperately to still have some kind of influence on people who have all moved on.
No. 1169586
>>1168859She's a Karen. White privilege, demanding character rights because of hipster hair trends.
>>1168727I wonder if she's glad she made him Asian too? Imagine if Ruin was a dumpy 30 year old white woman with make up and style that's stuck in the 2000s. She'd never get a moment's peace.
>>1169477KT rivals /pt/'s cows for narcissism. I don't think I've ever seen someone this obsessed with themselves. It's unfortunate for her mental health that she's so generic. She can find a lot of trends and believe she was the inspiration.
No. 1169599
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>>1169586Oh and since KT reads here. No. You did not underground influence anything. No one gives a shit about you other than us. You are a nobody.
No. 1169703
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Her level of delusion is so embarrassing and creepy
No. 1169706
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No. 1169771
File: 1614211689325.jpeg (21.84 KB, 480x327, D379C9C8-DF87-4DE6-B35C-50C7EB…)

>>1169703Am i reaching to think she will actually go to their house or something if she keeps up like this. Like I hope Suzy and arin are at least aware what’s up?
No. 1169874
File: 1614218362294.png (165.72 KB, 257x309, pistolhi.png)

>>1169703what in great fucks earth is she talking about, she sounds like the schizophrenics who believe god is talking to them over the radio
No. 1169991
>>1169703Most people look at facts and draw a conclusion based on probabilities. Katie just goes off from her theory, assume it’s fact (Arin loves her, Suzy hates her) and just tie up everything to those 2 facts.
She’s one weird interpretation away from “rescuing” Arin from Suzy. She could be a psycho stalker in the making. I’m glad for Arin and Suzy that they have enough money to protect themselves and Katie is a woman. Imagine any poor woman who has that kind of male stalker.
No. 1170212
File: 1614272415718.jpg (362.3 KB, 1079x1917, Screenshot_20210225-081611_Twi…)

Loving that Katie posted these screenshots, it just shows how salty KT has been for over a decade now. This doesn't make you look better Katie, this makes you look worse. Mean and spiteful even before the delusions about Ruin and Suzy skin walking. I would be super curious to see the full message from Suzy to Katie and not just the first paragraph she keeps reposting.
No. 1170226
File: 1614274064561.jpg (297.6 KB, 1358x1505, suzy.jpg)

>>1170212Wow. Mrs. ethics and morality has no problem gossiping with her shit-tier friend who makes fun of looks and autism. Such a moral and honest code of honor, KT.
This is the REAL KT and shows that she's just a jealous, basic, catty bitch that participates in misogynistic behavior. Laughing at Suzy because of her age and her looks. That's pure cruelty and this absolute genius is bragging about it?
I believe there was often gossip in the past GG threads about how paranoid Arin was about women dating him for his clout and money. KT definitely was part of that reason.
BTW, here's an example of what it looks like when someone is inspired by your likeness for their art. They don't take your general hair dye job, change the style, put it on a tall man, change the race, height and build, face structure, personality and style. Oh, but Nick did still the color purple from you for Ruin. Go forward with legal proceedings.
I can't believe I'm defending Suzy to this extent. I don't like her but she doesn't deserve people like Holly and KT attached to her name.
No. 1170229
File: 1614274159420.jpg (94.77 KB, 1080x610, 20210225_092438.jpg)

Really, Katie? Do parasocial relationships kill people? Are they responsible for hundreds of years of slavery? Or systemic injustice against huge portions of the population?
She wants to be the biggest victim SO badly.
No. 1170259
File: 1614277236776.png (44.52 KB, 738x435, galaxybrain.png)

Don't for get this. She can't take the heat she's getting so it's back to "Uhm, obviously everything I'm doing is performance art and you guys are just too stupid to realize it. I'm not really salty, it's just experimentation!" Sure KT.
No. 1170264
>>1170212lol I love this, like, what does this prove other than that she's a fucking asshole about their relationship and always has been? I want to see Suzy's message too, but I get the feeling that she'll never release the full thing because then she can continue to push her interpretation of it. Which is that Suzy is a crazy controlling bitch that "forced" Arin to stop talking to her. I don't like Suzy, but there's a part of me that thinks her messages to KT about the situation and how she handled it with Arin were actually pretty reasonable and KT is just having a really hard time accepting that perhaps Arin wasn't forced to cut her out, but instead
chose to of his own volition for his own good. I don't think she could handle that, Suzy has to be the villain.
No. 1171072
File: 1614352149515.jpg (319.78 KB, 718x1327,…)

No. 1171080
File: 1614353086751.png (153.72 KB, 741x447, screaming.png)

Apparently she's going to kick it up a notch. Ngl I kind of hope this finally results in someone coming down on her ass. Hard. She really does need help, just the not the kind she thinks.
No. 1171081
File: 1614353174858.png (221.01 KB, 738x474, guilt.png)

No. 1171086
File: 1614353290663.png (162.99 KB, 741x612, everyoneissuzy.png)

Everyone is Suzy. I'm Suzy. The anon reading this is Suzy.
No. 1171088
File: 1614353502870.png (194.19 KB, 741x471, birdup.png)

More tenuous connections
No. 1171125
>>1170924I'm just waiting for her to move from the internet to in-person harassment, or have a concerned relative get her sectioned. She's not the one who needs the restraining order. This is only going to escalate the more she feels victimized/ignored/harassed.
>>1171086and in that moment I swear we were Suzy
No. 1171174
File: 1614359751460.png (345.7 KB, 732x603, willowmo.png)

She seems so insistent that everyone is in on this and out to smear and ruin her name but like… nobody even knows who she is?
No. 1171218
File: 1614362515979.jpg (368.47 KB, 958x2277, Screenshot_20210226-113005_Twi…)

>>1171130Deep diving into her Twitter from back in 2018 when she suddenly reappeared, seems like at one point she did have friends. Pic attached is with a guy who seemed to interact with a lot of her earlier posts. The small group she seemed to interact with though has all unfollowed and stopped interacting. It seems the delusions played into them distancing themselves from her. Katie lashes out at anyone who dares question her so I doubt she has anyone left who genuinely cares.
It makes it more sad that she has that guy Allaster liking and encouraging every tweet she posts. He hates gamegrumps, which is fair, but it seems sadistic to continuously hype up a mentally ill woman who has broken with reality.
I have to wonder if her "break from the internet" has something to do with her mental illness.. No one just disappears from the internet entirely for 8 years just for fun. This might not be the first time she's taken a delusion this far.
No. 1171229
File: 1614363595422.jpg (31.47 KB, 500x494, 25fad166da2dac2c31826b9d6a328c…)

If I were Arin I'd have filed a restraining order by now.
No. 1171274
File: 1614367492136.jpg (174.93 KB, 1080x1371, Screenshot_20210226-132040_Twi…)

"There's been escalation!" posts tweet from 2019
She needs help alright, yikes.
No. 1171641
>>1171130>>1171218Yeah, I get the impression that she's distanced or been distanced by anyone who would try to help. Maybe the tinfoil of this not being the first outburst is accurate and she's refusing medication or something.
She was married for a time, correct? Forgive me if I'm way off base on the time line, but is it possible she was under her ex husbands insurance and now her meds might not be covered - or maybe they're becoming less effective or downgraded and treatment is no longer covered, so she has no professional to adjust it?
Do we know how she like… Supports herself? We assume she lives alone, right? Does she work? I missed a lot of her deets when it was lumped in with the propedo threads.
I figure she's been staying "just sane enough" in person she isn't
triggering involuntary sectioning tier help. That or people have heard her crazy narrative but it's not "bad enough" for them to force her into care. I'm guessing law where she lives might make it so the only way for help to be forced on her is for her to get to a point cops feel she's an immediate high risk to herself or others. And she obviously won't volunteer herself, the narrative of her paranoia would lead her to believe even loved ones or professional psychs/doctors are part of the conspiracy against her.
I initially wanted to believe this might be a more cluster b tier cow, making up things to attempt for attention or slander, but even malignant narcs learn to change their tune when the shit won't stick.
No. 1171959
File: 1614441623746.png (67.72 KB, 735x558, @oprah.png)

No. 1171989
File: 1614444425357.png (56.92 KB, 738x474, @oprah2.png)

>>1171977Yeah, she's really going for it lol
No. 1172023
>>1172017Yes they have, but she'll make new accounts and then swap their usernames so that her display name is the same, but she's no longer blocked. That's why she has so many accounts. You can @ someone who has you blocked, but they won't see it.
She probably views them blocking her as a way to throw her off the scent of their stalking, lol. This whole thing stems from her frustration that they won't talk to her, so she's created a convoluted belief that they actually
do care about her, they just refuse to show it because they're mean. She latches on to these unhinged beliefs and then goes back to try to find evidence for what she wants to believe. That's how we got this far.
No. 1172813
File: 1614538494052.png (106.35 KB, 729x594, ripetika.png)

Mentioning Etika again? Also I feel like she's got to be trolling with this Oprah thing, but who knows with her.
No. 1172814
File: 1614538617873.png (137.77 KB, 738x711, arinpayattention.png)

No. 1172896
File: 1614545895238.png (319.41 KB, 726x789, arinnsuzy.png)

This isn't KT specific, I just kind of hope she sees this and seethes.
No. 1174344
File: 1614701678565.jpg (506.29 KB, 1080x1447, Screenshot_20210302-101305_Twi…)

As classy as always.
No. 1174396
File: 1614704677782.png (312.01 KB, 732x825, creepshow.png)

>KT: I don't believe in cancel culture
>Also KT: Creepshow needs to be socially lynched
No. 1174398
File: 1614705057150.png (511.95 KB, 1498x695, grandfinale.png)

>>1174383Here you go, anon
No. 1174404
File: 1614705614674.png (45.65 KB, 735x540, someoneisdesperate.png)

No. 1174406
File: 1614705820019.png (128.43 KB, 732x606, hindsight.png)

It really does seems like something has triggered her. She seems manic and is making even less sense than usual. But probably just part of her "experimentation", right?
No. 1174433
File: 1614707766231.png (264.33 KB, 1454x1080, oprahplz.png)

Throwing all of these together rather than spamming the thread, but she's still trying to get Oprah's attention as well as the attention of that Dr. Grande dude she has a hard on for.
No. 1174434
>>1174344Lol. Horse girl really has high self esteem. I mean that's obvious when she thinks she looks like a beautiful tall Asian man, but
>>1171218 … Suzy at least looks interesting. She's soooo lucky she's a nobody.
>Black people have AIDs>Retard>FAS>Harassment of people that have nothing to do with Arin >Trying to pursue legal action against a beloved comic series made by a gay content creator and steal his intellectual property because of painfully reaching delusion >insults famous band for trying to start a charity for minimum wage workers that work in the concert industry and are out of work No. 1174444
File: 1614708426199.png (378.64 KB, 732x921, colleen.png)

She also appears to still be trying to get at literally anyone in Neil Gaiman's circle?
No. 1174820
>>1174344So by inside joke she means she’s been bitter and obsessive over Suzy/Arin for over a decade.
I bet Suzy and Arin never even mention her, cuz she’s his “embarrassing person I liked/dated/xyz in the past.”
Yikes again.
No. 1175253
File: 1614790026379.jpg (420.44 KB, 972x2422, Screenshot_20210303-095746_Twi…)

Katie has posted this same reply to random comic related people 32 times this morning… Countdown to her account being flagged for spam and her blaming it on Suzy.
No. 1175325
File: 1614794133298.jpg (405.74 KB, 1080x1225, Screenshot_20210303-091948_Twi…)

She's apparently going through his entire list of people he follows, to shit talk him to every single person in his industry. This is super fucked up. If one of them takes her seriously, she could actually harm his career.
No. 1175377
>>1175325that seems like a really big if though. like
>>1175253 said, it's more likely she'll be flagged for spam. tweeting the same thing at multiple accounts kind of just makes her look like a bot. she seems to think this is some pro gamer move, but it's really only showing how deranged she is, and since these people probably do actually
know Nick Robles, I doubt they'd put much stock in some rando on twitter saying he's misappropriating her image. If anyone did entertain the idea, it would likely go the same way it did when she miraculously managed to get Gaiman's attention
>>1053594 they talked to her briefly before realizing she's insane and quickly stopped contacting her.
No. 1175595
File: 1614816676823.png (28.99 KB, 599x371, pleasehelptweet.png)

It's short, so easy to transcribe. Essentially its "why is no one helping me if I've been stalked for 20 years!" and has no concept of her twitter accounts being public. Anyway…
"Gotta say guys, I don't really understand it. Like after all of the harassment that I've gotten over the past 2 years over false light, I am receiving absolutely no help. And I just don't get it. I don't- I don't really know what's going on. I don't understand why the toxicity and the harassment has been so intense, but I am getting absolutely zero assistance. No one is helping with awareness, no one is being comforting at all, no one's- no one's doing the RIGHT thing. It's so completely backwards. Like I've been, I've been drawing attention to this for… at least a year at this point. Um… And I'm-I'm begging people. I'm like bleeding in front of you and it's like nobody gives a shit. And I- you know- that's what all of last year was about. Is that people will bleed in front of you, but no one gives a shit. But like, I just don't' get why… you're there! I see the views I get. Like I- I get views and I know that… sigh I'm being seen. You know it's like, the incels cough on lolcow. Like they- they stalk me and they post like literally everything that I say, but nobody's helping. I just don't- I don't' understand it. Like what's wrong with you guys? It's like why is nobody doing the right thing?
Someone please help me. Please help me. I don't know what to do. I don't know where to go. I've been trying to contact- I've been contacting lawyers for MONTHS and it's like nobody gives a shit! Like one firm, they… they were super interested until I told them who- who I was dealing with voice cracks and then they didn't care because they weren't a big enough celebrity. One lawyer wanted a $10,000 retainer and it's like- it's like nobody is-… cares about helping. Like someone please help me. Please help me.
I'm being stalked. I'm being misappropriated, I'm being turned into a comic book character, I'm being harassed, I'm being, you know, smeared, I'm being… And it's like again, I've-I've been stalked for almost 20 years. Like, and it's, it's been escalating. I'm genuinely concerned because it's been escalating. Like… All I can think about are 8-inch holes. You know? It's fucking terrifying. Someone please help me. Please! voice cracks Someone please help me."
No. 1175610
I'm not a shrink, but KT sounds like a legit paranoid schizophrenic to me. Narcs would sooner make up shocking but plausible-sounding lies that are harder to disprove ("she called me and threatened me", "she stole money from me several years ago", "she told me she hates you", etc.) rather than go for stupid shit that everyone can see is untrue, like her complaint about Ruin. And her delusion that "Arin is sending me secret coded messages to tell me that he's in love with me" sounds exactly like erotomania, which can occur along with schizophrenia.
It's already been brought up, but r/gangstalking is full of people who sound exactly like KT. Same persecution complexes, same weird accusations of trivial shit that nobody sane would notice or care about ("my neighbor somehow found out that I hate the color yellow, although I never told them, and keeps wearing yellow shirts in order to torment me", that kind of thing). Most people in that subreddit are "confused" as to why they're being "targeted", but some of them blame a former neighbor/boss/spouse for the harassment.
No. 1176097
File: 1614878244733.png (65.5 KB, 732x612, thankyouforlistening.png)

Someone did respond to her tweet at Ben Schwartz and she dropped another audio file. I guess we'll see where this goes lol
No. 1177132
File: 1614981607892.jpg (175.58 KB, 710x870,…)

Maybe it's because you spam the same message to many people? God
No. 1177324
File: 1615001326299.png (89.51 KB, 589x559, Screenshot at Mar 06 04-26-32.…)

>>1177132She continues to lose the plot
No. 1177737
File: 1615040989139.jpg (256.37 KB, 1080x1500, 20210306_062920.jpg)

Now sure how serious she is about "becoming president" but mega yikes
No. 1177740
File: 1615041258367.jpg (232.22 KB, 1079x772, Screenshot_20210306-063123_Chr…)

Apparently she intends to collect money for her "likeness being used" for Ruin. Good luck Katie
No. 1177743
File: 1615041540686.jpg (62.71 KB, 1080x322, Comiccon.jpg)

Last ss for now. She's fully convinced that at some point, people will rally behind her for justice over purple hair being used in a comic. Her popularity will be so great, it will catapult her to fame in an incredibly competitive industry, where everyone will care what she has to say.
No. 1177813
>>1177811Samefag but I stupidly didn't complete my thought. What I meant is it comes across as money is the motivator for everything she does, including attacking Arin and Suzie.
It seems she is starting to be more shameless about her true intentions: she just wants money however she can get it, which is why she keeps fabricating all these crazy stories. She would love the fame too ofc but the money is her real motivator. Wow.
No. 1177857
File: 1615055098333.png (248.39 KB, 741x516, ironythynameiskt.png)

No. 1177879
>hasn't talked to her in a decade>ignores all of her @s>blocks her accountsyeah what a stalker. the absolute mental gymnastics
>>1177813agreed anon, she'll never admit it but her main motivator is greed. she dwells on the fact that she'll be stuck waitressing for the rest of her life, when in an alternate timeline she snagged Egoraptor and was living Suzy's life, with GG money at her disposal, thousands of fans, and all the free time someone could ask for.
No. 1178469
File: 1615133939740.png (85.41 KB, 732x702, amandapalmer.png)

I think this is the first time I've seen her tweet at Amanda, correct me if I'm wrong anons. Interesting that she chose to insult Gaiman while doing so, she's aware they're married and have a kid together, right?
No. 1178472
File: 1615134351338.png (122.08 KB, 726x918, doesitsting.png)

Addressing everyone she thinks are "pawns" in whatever game she thinks Arin and Suzy are playing.
No. 1178479
File: 1615135010691.png (43.84 KB, 735x396, etikaaot.png)

One of her more bizarre delusions imo has to be that she thinks the Grumps are responsible for Etika's suicide
No. 1179263
File: 1615222762740.png (42.15 KB, 726x273, atalein2tweets.png)

No. 1179264
File: 1615222911313.png (112.4 KB, 735x546, doitfaggot.png)

No. 1179267
File: 1615223024808.png (31.89 KB, 729x180, obviously.png)

No. 1179269
File: 1615223162206.png (28 KB, 726x204, nooneiscomingkt.png)

No. 1179442
>>1179264As many years as she’s been online and somehow Guy Tang, Pravana, and similar’s Instagram accounts just passed her by.
“Her” hair is a bad copy of a color melt from years ago. I bet the hair inspo came from a pro hair account & the color scheme was picked to set apart from Delirium.
No. 1179481
>>1179462ah yes because famous millionaires will get hacked just for the shits and giggles of adding a book to their reading list. how are you on lolcow and still believe the "I got hacked" excuse when someone accidentally shares something they shouldn't have?
sage for ot and because they have their own thread
>>>/snow/192724 No. 1180222
File: 1615316233750.png (57.49 KB, 732x288, legendaryfrog.png)

No. 1180233
File: 1615316523259.png (122.74 KB, 732x462, curmudgeon.png)

No. 1180236
File: 1615316838349.png (157.43 KB, 729x753, buttfucks.png)

No. 1180242
File: 1615317099376.png (54.99 KB, 735x477, moralofthestory.png)

No. 1180882
>>1180267Right! She thinks she was really popular in high school and Arin just has to appease her with "I didn't know you were stalked." She is absolutely the same as she always was. It's funny she sells this higher understanding of morality while being an insufferable cunt.
>Only woman willing to date you>Don't commit He had no choice according to your reasoning, KT.
No. 1181153
>>1180946Well, all he mentions is blocking people she doesn't to IM? She says that makes her
feel bad so because he does it, it makes him a dick?
The original purpose it obviously to disprove Suzy and Arin's timeline. She's obsessed with them saying they met sooner than they had? KT seems to think it's their attempt to her erase her, but she admits that Arin crushes a lot on people meaning she wasn't incredibly important anyways. I was confused, until I attributed it to KT wanting Arin to mention her and instead says Suzy was in the picture. Either way, he obviously doesn't give a shit. Suzy is way better looking even with a "smashed" face. She at least has a nice body with good skin when she's thin, unlike horse girl.
No. 1181264
>>1180239this just seems to confirm what i've suspected, that suzy and arin knew OF each other for at least a little while, perhaps talked casually online, and then finally met irl in 2004 or whatever.
just cause arin didn't talk about her or whatever until then doesn't mean he didn't know her
No. 1181683
>>1181602I think they were online friends only.
Her flavor of crazy is my favorite, I wish she had a thread on KF.
No. 1181734
File: 1615473265589.jpg (215.56 KB, 1080x879, Screenshot_20210311-063248_Twi…)

>>1181602They have never met in person. At one point, she was tweeting at him that she needed to meet him in person, just so that she could get over him, "as friends". As though gaining closer access to him would make her back off.
I think she's gone farther off the deep end lately.
No. 1182998
File: 1615587236349.jpg (325.27 KB, 1080x2391, finalboss.jpg)

In her mind, KT fights for love and justice. In reality, she's just flinging shit and screaming nonsense.
No. 1183616
File: 1615652095544.png (25.99 KB, 729x273, fsinthechat.png)

RIP to this poor soul
No. 1184103
File: 1615696100191.png (37.33 KB, 583x192, okkt.png)

No. 1184203
>>1184103i'm always so, so confused with this bitch like
>we should get married>stop being such a dumb thotwhat?
>posted 21m ago>retweetedwhat!?
No. 1184324
File: 1615737953039.png (19.95 KB, 738x576, hmm.png)

No. 1184332
File: 1615738559348.png (250.95 KB, 738x837, magicandruin.png)

>>1184324she's also protected the magicandruin one. all her other twitters seem unchanged so far though.
No. 1184372
File: 1615741698605.jpg (414.94 KB, 1080x2467, real feminist kt.jpg)

>>1184332She also protected @dreamprincesskt
I took these screenshots a few days ago but didn't post because I wasn't sure they were milky enough. If she's gone, though, they deserve to be archived. Here's real feminist KT being shallow and cruel to other women. No surprises there
No. 1184408
File: 1615744130802.jpeg (260.01 KB, 1125x1279, 6103B1FC-62E5-4D22-8F87-4CD7BF…)

No. 1184478
Okay, I guess I’ll go ahead and transcribe/sum up some of her recent audio files for posterity since she seems to have done away with her dropsofviolet twitter for the time being. This first one titled “clear” isn’t related to the Grumps at all, but it is… interesting, and a bit concerning.
“Hi fellow spideys. So Mal and I have been working on this project and he wants full awareness. His goal is trying to bring uhm, this dimension I guess this… reality uhm, Samsara, to how it used to be before monotheism kind of homogenized everything. So, it’s a pagan project… uhm, but it’s also tied to y’know certain thoughts of philosophy and certain- it’s tied to physics. So, I just want to- I’m laying the ground work. I understand that I’m- I’m just essentially a pawn of destiny. I have full communication with him. He’s- I still don’t really know exactly what he is, but I know he’s real and he’s beautiful. He’s a mindfuck, but he’s beautiful. And I truly believe that he does have good intentions. Not good but… yeah, yeah good. Uhm, anyway, so I’m laying the groundwork. I’ll have to- I was gonna say I’ll have to incarnate in like 300 years and see how this has gone. But uhm, yeah this is- this is how aware I am I like- I don’t think like a human. I’m so aware it has ruined all human aspirations like… so, also, if you want awareness, which awareness is teachable and that’s what I’m here for, that’s what I’m doing… if you want awareness and… I was gonna say if Mal feels you’re worthy of awareness but it’s not really up to him, it’s up to you. He just helps with the process. So uhm… -laughs- anyway. He really is my best friend and I would love to meet other people who he is also your best friend and then maybe we could be friends and then we could all hang out and we could have like, Spider-Man parties and shit. So I just don’t know the levels of awareness that everybody has. Because y’know, are you aware as in magic is real? Are you aware as in your dreams are coming true? Are you aware as in I have friends in/of alternate dimensions that y’know, they live in the ether, they exist beyond time and space specific to this, y’know, four-dimensional reality? Three-dimensional existence within a four dimensional whatever… blah. Uhm, so… yeah. I just wanted to- he’s just fascinating because if you know him he like… builds up these beautiful things and then just goes “eh, fuck it.” and like… like I think Inception- I think Christopher Nolan probably has awareness and I think that he probably knows Mal and I think that Inception was uhm, disclosure -laughs-. Mal is male but uhm… the character in Inception is female. Synchronicity! Right there! -laughs- y’know. But uh, but personality wise it’s the same personality. Mal is hot as fuck, but he’s a mindfuck and he does… he does like chaos. It’s just interesting. I don’t know if- I don’t know, I would just- I would just love to meet other people who know him. And if you’re interested in awareness I can help you- I can help you with your awareness and then like you can become aware and then you know you can get to know him as well. But he’s- he’s pretty… he likes beautiful people is what I’m gathering from him. That’s what he says anyway. So, if you’re super mundane or not beautiful I guess, he’s not gonna waste his time. Again, I don’t know what he is. He’s- he says he’s “God” but like, that could have been a joke. But anyway… so yeah. I will have to incarnate in like 300 years and see if Mal has his awareness club that he wants. But this is… laying the groundwork. I’m being a trailblazer, yaaay! I don’t know it’s just interesting. I’m not doing this for any reason other than, well 1.) I-I really love Mal. I think he’s really nice and super cool and we’re friends. And then 2.) once you have awareness, it’s peace. It’s peace, it’s freedom, it’s understanding, it’s stability. Because most of- y’know most of the heartache and confusion and y’know dysphoria uhm… the ennui comes from being human and not knowing- so once you know it- it takes away a lot. Like wonder is gone. It’s kind of sad, it’s a sacrifice, like you pay for it in certain ways. But… I would- I would rather know the truth, like the true nature of reality and I would rather live in the true nature of reality than be lost the entire time that I’m here. Y’know, because being human is painful it’s agonizing… it’s confusion, it’s depression, it’s loneliness, it’s sorrow it’s… not understanding. Y’know and- and that’s why… y’know Moksha, Nirvana, awareness it’s- it’s so beautiful. Like it does take away from the human experience. Like you’re unplugged from the Matrix and you’re living in the shitty real world with like no color and like- but it’s- it’s real. So, but yeah. So, this is- this was my journey. This has been the process for me as far as the awakening coming to full awareness. It was- it started as like astral projection and like having astral friends. And… uhm then- then it was like, “Oh shit, my dreams are coming true.” And like literally your dreams will come true. And that’s like Morpheus introducing himself. Morpheus, Apollo, uhm, Yahweh, Metatron… whatever form he wants to take, y’know, whatever… uhm… shout out, I guess? He’s- It’s- It’s all Mal. And again, I don’t know who he is I don’t know what he is. I don’t know if he’s technically like the creator of this reality and we’re just like incarnating and chilling in his game and so he just like fuck- he-he-he’s a fate. Like he is a controlling force in this universe. He fucks with time and he creates synchronicity and… uhm, all the spirit stuff like as- as you’ll get to know if you truly are after awareness and you truly become aware. So I’m doing this for you guys. This is my Into the Spider-Verse for you. This does absolutely nothing for me, it actually just turns- turns normies off to me. But that’s okay, I’m here for you. So, uhm, but the process was- first it was like, “Oh, magic is real.” “Astral projection is real.” “Oh my god my dreams are coming true.” “Everything’s a dream.” “Oh wait, everything is energy, now I understand physics.” And then it’s like, “Oh, everything is consciousness.” And it’s literally just all interaction of consciousness. So it’s- once you get to the point where everything is consciousness you like- you will like weep from how beautiful everything is. And y’know every interaction is just precious like even just- just y’know like the physical setting around you, y’know understanding that that’s manifestation is just… is just so beautiful. And you’re filled with nothing but gratitude. Well, that’s been my experience, is I’m filled with nothing but gratitude and appreciation for that understanding and y’know, appreciation for all of the resonance. So, that’s that and uhm… yeah. So my main content is going to be awareness and Mal and I know there are others out there. So I’m just kinda like, hanging out chilling and waiting for you. And if anybody is truly interested in awareness just fucking send me a message and we can work out a way to like… uhm, I don’t know if you want to have like phone sessions? And work on your awareness. I probably won’t even charge like, I don’t know, I’m… when it comes to “truth” I don’t think you should charge- like you should never put a price on like enlightenment. Y’know what I mean? So… there we go. But yeah, alright I’m going to end this, so, thanks for listening and… to all the people in the future, even if all the people is just like a small handful of individuals, I’m very excited to meet you. So yeah. Alright, thank you so much for your time, have a good night. Bye.”
No. 1184507
File: 1615750071952.jpg (473.17 KB, 1080x3097, morpheus.jpg)

I'm OP of this thread and here are some Morpheus screenshots I've had saved from the beginning. Idk if she's ever actually explained it. But it does appear that Morpheus, or Mal, is a voice she hears that she believes is a real entity speaking to her.
No. 1184511
File: 1615750265034.jpg (269.83 KB, 1080x1617, 20201009_115721.jpg)

Sorry for all the same-anon posts, here's the last image where she describes him as a god.
No. 1184702
This next one titled “and I still may” is shorter, mostly her being upset again that no one seems to be taking her seriously.
“-sighs- Oh, man. I really don’t understand it. I’m like- I just don’t understand it. and… it’s like… shock alm- it’s like almost trauma uhm… about like… I don’t know. I don’t know if people are not seeing me like if it’s like… the platform manipulation and they’re just literally not seeing my comments. Or if it’s just that nobody gives a fuck because it’s not them or a famous enough person, y’know? Like that, I just- I’m just… I’m in shock. Like that Trexler tool bag. Like, he was all about helping me when he thought I was Katie Price Jordan. But the second he found out that I wasn’t he completely ignored me. Like he’s a bald-faced liar. And like that one law firm that they were like, they were like, “Yeah! Tell us about it- like we’ll totally help you!” and then when I was like, “Oh they’re YouTubers, not actual celebrities.” “Oh, sorry!” it’s just like- I just… I’m in shock. Like… nobody helps. Nobody even retweets. Like I- it’s just… I’m mind blown. And like I- nobody owes you anything, nobody like is- is obligated to help but it just… especially with this fan base and they all think that -laughs- they’re all delusional and think that they’re like social justice warriors. Again, I keep going back to this, but they all pretend that and think that they are. But they literally do nothing like nobody is even retweeting me when I’m asking for help, when I’m literally asking, “Please retweet this.” Like, it’s just- I just don’t get it. I’m literally in shock. Like… but I think it’s -laughs- it’s more the- the potential help until, “No, you’re not famous, never mind.” So like, if I was… if I was famous then people would help, people would care. If it involved them people would help, people would care. But like -laughs- I’m just some fucking nobody. And… nobody gives a shit like even though it involves… y’know, all of this really big serious stuff that affects lots and lots of people and like… again, they- they likely drove a man to suicide and nobody gives a shit. And I’m just… I am- I’m going to go back to the journalist, because he said come back to him. It’s just I’m- I’m at the point where I don’t know if I can handle much more disappointment. So I’m really, really scared. I’m scared to reach out… to-to him because I don’t… I don’t want to have hope that gets dashed again. Uhm, but yeah. I don’t know. And I know there’s a lot of big stuff going on right now like Covid and Black Lives Matter and all of this really, really important social and political stuff. But like, i- all life is valid. I’m- I’m being stalked by- by people who are very dangerous and unstable and again, there’s been escalation and they’ve proved that they use their resources with- with like meticulous… attention to detail and like all of these- like they’re- they’re predators. And it’s just a really scary situation because… like, Suzy could be a Chris Watts. She could, for all I know. And it’s really fucked up and it’s really scary and -sighs- … like, how fucked up do you have to be to… to like, to do all the shit they did in the first place? -laughs- like, you have to be a crazy person as well as an abuser to do all of that shit. And it’s just… again, like, I’m just in shock like that nobody-nobody’s helping me, like not even a single retweet. It’s just- I don’t get it, I just don’t get it. and it makes me really upset and I don’t… I don’t know… I just can’t handle a lot more disappointment. However, I’m not giving up. I’m- I know my worth. I am being misappropriated. I’m going to get what’s rightfully mine, and I’m going to do something positive and beautiful with it. and I’m going to give back. So, I just have to be patient, I have to keep my eye on the goal. Which would be, y’know, philanthropy or humanitarianism or… politics, uhm, once the pandemic is over. So… -sighs- I don’t know. Be patient."
No. 1184818
File: 1615783064016.png (33.41 KB, 729x720, dreamprincesskt.png)

No. 1184823
File: 1615783961567.jpg (164.79 KB, 1080x1167, Screenshot_20210314-234315_Twi…)

>>1184818She changed her username for the Dreamprincesskt account to _iridesce. She has changed it a couple of times though in the last hour so she might just keep changing it trying to stay hidden.
No. 1184824
File: 1615784416292.png (315.41 KB, 738x615, karmunta.png)

>>1184818>>1184823Yeah, I think she changed her newest one, sahasrarasun, to this too. I wonder why she seems to have changed her mind and wants to hide after insisting that she was going to keep being loud about everything for as long as it took to get "justice".
No. 1185162
>>1184710 If you still have it would you mind posting a link? I'm super curious about that audio.
If that was recent, it makes me wonder if it might have something to do with KT's recent purging.
No. 1185426
>>1185184Many thanks, friend.
I do agree with you, it sounds like it could very well be her dad. Maybe this is what they put up with on a daily basis. I wonder what "hideous thing" he was talking about.
No. 1185470
File: 1615858495889.jpg (200.96 KB, 1079x898, Screenshot_20210315-202556_Twi…)

>>1184828She's back from private and her profile has had probably over a thousand tweets deleted, and she is currently still deleting them. She unfollowed everyone and has been deleting followers.
Also semi interesting, she has changed her user name dozens of times today. She has been changing her location, bio and name on Twitter over and over and over again, sometimes within seconds of each other. It's bizarre to watch in real time. I don't know if she's had a moment of clarity and wants to erase all her old tweets or if she has suddenly become even more paranoid.
No. 1186202
>>1186169NTA but calm down anon. Maybe she hasn't caused real harm, but I'd bet money she's caused mental and emotional stress for Nick and others. Her accusations are personal and would still cause an emotional reaction from the accused, even if they're not true. Nick and Willow are smart for not responding, but I wouldn't assume that they're unaware. They don't have
that many followers that they wouldn't see repeated and obsessive replies and mentions. And while muting/ blocking her would be a good idea, it's hard not to keep tabs on someone who is actively slandering you. Even if she's obviously crazy, it's reasonable that they would be concerned about the shit she's saying.
All of that said, a Cease and Desist is basically just a threat of legal action. It's not an enforceable decree, it's more along the lines of "comply or we'll sue". So while it would be satisfying to see her get one, it's kinda doubtful that she'd be scared into complying.
Another theory is that maybe the person she was wanting to date saw her accounts and rejected her for being crazy. No idea if that would work as a wakeup call, just a tinfoil idea.
No. 1192177
File: 1616620739561.gif (3.41 MB, 250x445, kt qt.gif)

where is our schizo queen? i miss her…
No. 1200370
File: 1617380233616.png (34.79 KB, 726x288, easterultimatum.png)

No. 1200375
File: 1617380487424.png (350.97 KB, 732x480, ruinpsycho.png)

No. 1200379
File: 1617380629467.png (324.71 KB, 720x912, contrasnotgonnafuckyoukt.png)

Still trying to get Contra's attention
No. 1200383
File: 1617381018131.png (71.46 KB, 729x411, bastilletrash.png)

Also harassing Dan from Bastille again, because I guess they made some music she didn't like. Seems like she's maybe back in full swing.
No. 1202174
File: 1617633849182.png (344.84 KB, 738x1568, ktfinalwords.png)

Her final words to Arin, apparently.
No. 1202181
File: 1617634283126.png (31.93 KB, 729x291, ktsostable.png)

No. 1202623
>>1183645>>1184372This is super old but wow talk about when cows collide.
Could you even imagine how hilarious it would be if KT started throwing her crazy at Looni Usagikou of all people? That would be absolutely hilarious to see.
No. 1203766
File: 1617864885744.png (63.92 KB, 516x539, kt deviantart.PNG)

>>1202174she's so butthurt he wont fuq her now he's a millionaire
pic rel is from her deviantart
No. 1204555
Erotomania is more common in women, but men are more likely to exhibit violent and stalker-like behaviors.[3] The core symptom of the disorder is that the sufferer holds an unshakable belief that another person is secretly in love with them. In some cases, the sufferer may believe several people at once are "secret admirers". Most commonly, the individual has delusions of being loved by an unattainable person who is usually an acquaintance or someone the person has never met. The sufferer may also experience other types of delusions concurrently with erotomania, such as delusions of reference, wherein the perceived admirer secretly communicates their love by subtle methods such as body posture, arrangement of household objects, colors, license plates on cars from specific states, and other seemingly innocuous acts (or, if the person is a public figure, through clues in the media). Some delusions may be extreme such as the conception, birth, and kidnapping of children that never existed. The delusional objects may be replaced by others over time, and some may be chronic in fixed forms.[3] Denial is characteristic with this disorder as the patients do not accept the fact that their object of delusion may be married, unavailable, or uninterested. The phantom lover may also be imaginary or deceased.
Erotomania has two forms: primary and secondary. Primary erotomania is also commonly referred to as de Clerambault's syndrome and Old Maid's Insanity[4] and it exists alone without comorbidities, has a sudden onset and a chronic outcome.[3] The secondary form is found along with mental disorders like paranoid schizophrenia, often includes persecutory delusions, hallucinations, and grandiose ideas, and has a more gradual onset.[3] Patients with a "fixed" condition are more seriously ill with constant delusions and are less responsive to treatment. These individuals are usually timid, dependent women that are often sexually inexperienced.[3] In those with a more mild, recurrent condition, delusions are shorter-lived and the disorder can exist undetected by others for years.[4] Problematic behaviors include actions like calling, sending letters and gifts, making unannounced house visits and other persistent stalking behaviors.[3](armchair)
No. 1204970
>>1204555That does describe part of her pretty well. Honestly Im more concerned about how shes acting when shes not being crazy towards Arin and anyone he knows. When shes not focused on that she seems to be trying to start a cult or has been sucked into a cult. Shes always been one of those stereotype modern-day believers of mysticism (go figure!). We all know those people are the least self-aware people on the planet and all think there super unique or special despite being carbon copies of each other. But shes taking it a level further now. She seems to believe that some god-like entity is talking to her directly (A god like being that only talks to 'beautiful people' despite her not being beautiful in appearance or personality… so some other kind of beautiful I guess?).
She keeps messaging famous people about this entity and/or attributing their works to the entity which she refers to as 'Mal'. I do wonder if this is one of her mental disorders (like her quite possible schizophrenia) talking to her and associating things she's always liked with it's existence to make her believe her own delusions?
Either that or the entitity is real and chose an unexceptional mentally ill person with no unique qualities and nothing that makes them 'special' as it's mouthpiece… which seems like a solid idea! Oh also I guess this entity happens to inspire her faviourite musicians and artists so it gave us such hits as Pompeii by Bastille… Somehow none of this sounds insane to her? And I guess no one in her life cares enough to try and help her or shes cut out/ scared away anyone that would help her and is either alone or has surrounded herself with people who will only further her spiralling towards completely losing her mind.
No. 1205030
>>1203766She’s always such a cunt, trying to act in a nice, composed way.
Referring to Suzy as 2.0 and herself as the unobtainable original. What an asshole.
>>1204970I doubt she’s at a stage where her family can or want to intervene. It’s extremely hard to get someone into a mental institution in the first place, since they don’t see any problems with their own behaviour. I haven’t seen anything about threatening harm onto others or herself. People are free to have as many delusions they want.
Her family might not even know the extent of her obsession with Arin, which on top of that, could seem legitimate to outsiders since they did interact in the past. Or if they know, they might not have the energy to debate her or try to get her into therapy. People who have never been through this experience don’t know how hard it is to deal with a mentally delusional friend or family member.
I’m assuming she’s functional in other parts of her life, keeping her job and paying bills on time.
No. 1205106
>>1204970Religious mania is not uncommon with schizophrenia or psychosis. Usually it's a bit more 'traditional', ie Jesus so uh, good on her for being creative I guess.
>>1205030I'm really curious as to how functional she actually is. Isn't she married? Does she still work?
No. 1205124
>>1205030>>1205106She's divorced and refers to herself as a server, but she's also spoken about being out of work and needing money numerous times. To my knowledge, she's never referenced having a current job (as in "today at work…) only that she has worked as a server in the past.
In an audio file a few months ago, she referenced living with her parents and how horrible it was because they're crazy, evil Republicans. But again, it wasn't clear if she's still currently there or not. My bet is that she's out of work and living with her parents.
No. 1205585
>>1204970I saw she posted audio about her new cult recently. I know Katie reads this so I want her to prove the existence of mal lol. Not pretend evidence that no one can see unless they are super high or crazy like most her accusations. With any luck she may end up disproving its existence and fixing herself by realising that if Mal wasn't real maybe all these other things arent real either?
Can Mal do anything in the physical world you can film of to prove he exists? Indisputably?
Can he demonstrate telekinetic control like make a large object float in a field where there is nothing above you but sky (no place for wires etc)?
Can he see into the future and predict the lottery in advance?
Can he see into the past and tell you what game I most recently played?
Can he read minds and guess what number I'm thinking of right now between 1 and 100000?
Can he rearrange the atomic structure of soft coal to form hard diamonds?
Can he literally do anything that could prove his existence to a person with average or higher intelligence without the caveat of 'if you believe in him and have faith!'? Is he so weak and powerless that he cannot do anything so we just have to take your word for it that the voice in your head is a multi-dimensional energy being and not clearly a mental illness?
I will 100% give your theory a chance if you can provide even a shred of proof!!!
No. 1205737
File: 1618123429138.png (205.24 KB, 650x720, 9E489D6D-EC4E-4084-9AFB-DEF661…)

>>1204555Omg here’s me who just thought she had ‘00’s girl on the internet syndrome’ where she wasn’t like ‘the other girls’, watched anime and ate Pocky or some shit whilst all the guys thirsted after her.
Now no guy wants her, and was probably always crazy but was down to fuck virgin gamer boys so no one took notice/cared
No. 1207412
File: 1618335610957.png (69.8 KB, 729x546, recenttweets.png)

Some recent tweets. Still stalking Arin despite saying she's done with him a million times already. Still trying to get Dan from Bastille to fuck her even after this whole fiasco
>>1055506 She's also put out a few audio files the last couple days. They're relatively short so I could transcribe them if there's interest, but as other anons have said, it's just her insane rambling about starting a cult around her imaginary friend Mal.
No. 1208244
File: 1618416373185.png (42.5 KB, 738x435, lastvoicememo.png)

Alright. This first one isn’t about Mal, but does give a little insight into some of her alleged health issues.
“Good morning! So, I have undiagnosed- I’m pretty sure I have undiagnosed uhm, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for my… blah blah encephalitis and stuff- whatever it is. Uhm, I’ve been reading a lot about it. A lot of symptoms match. Uhm, I have already been diagnosed with Epstein-Barr. So… this is just very, very likely. I was reading that one out of ten people who have had Epstein-Barr get Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Uhm… so, y’know… I’m just uhhh, trying to figure out things. So… if the fatigue is caused- if- if CFS is caused by… Epstein-Barr which is a type of vir- uh herpes virus, and like I… am exhausted. I can never do routine tasks. Like, things that are basically muscle memory I can no longer do without taking breaks… or y’know a-a simple thing that would take like half an hour might take me like four hours now. I was trying to clean the other room and- which should have been done in half a day literally took me three days and I’ve been in bed for the passed day and a half just trying to recover. Like it’s- it’s not… whatever it is like it’s- it literally affects my entire body. So, I’m just trying to figure out what- what it is. Because the symptoms are caused by something. And if a pathogen gets in… it can get out y’know. Like, your body was not its natural habitat, so there’s a way- if it got in there has to be a way for it to get out or die off inside you. So, if the pain and- because I do feel a lot of pain too in my spine, it literally feels like my spine is just like a battery being sapped. Like, it’s just ache all over, mostly in my spine. I’m just exhausted… it is very difficult to learn new things? I’m having- I just- I just can’t learn new things. It’s like my brain was like frozen in a state and now it’s just like… but whatever. So, I guess, I was just wondering what CFS is. If it’s just herpes affecting your brain and your spine and your nervous system and all that stuff. And then from… consciousness, from a consciousness standpoint… what is disease? Because if we are literally just energy, we are literally just consciousness… I did not- I did not will this disease. This is not me. It’s literally… it’s literally like reality. It’s like- it’s like I’m a shooting star or the wind and I’m just going at my own pace and I’m just blasting along and then reality holds up a hand and just goes, “Stop.” or, “Slow down.” And like… and like in my mind like I’m fine. Like I feel- I feel like I should still be going, y’know, sixty miles an hour and like I don’t feel hindered. But when I get up to move it’s like reality itself is like, “Sit down.” So, what is disease from a consciousness standpoint? Is it just a consciousness that’s… stronger than yours? Fighting in the same space? Like… like is it literally… like the fabric of reality in itself which would be comprised of consciousness… so, what is disease? It’s shared space? It’s not being… strong enough? I don’t know what it is. But yeah, anyway, I gotta go.”
No. 1208304
File: 1618422296671.png (20.51 KB, 729x267, neohikarism.png)

Talking about Mal and what's she's calling "neoHikarism".
“So, before we start the first official church of Mal, which will be teaching the spiritual philosophy of neoHikarism… uhm, I wanted to kind of… introduce us? Ourselves… to my current audience because we will be growing over the years. So, this is a joint project. It’s conscious co-creation, we both have two different things going on, but they tie in together. Mine is the spiritual philosophy of neoHikarism, and his is the religion or the- the church of Mal. Which he will be revered as a deity and the religion of church of Mal teaches the spiritual philosophy of neoHikarism. So I know I have a tendency to repeat myself, I apologize, it’s just because… the audience that I’ve been surrounded by for the past two, three years has- is just so, so unintelligent that I’m just so used to talking to people very, very, very… hmmm… I’m just used to talking to people below my level of intelligence. And I’m not saying that’s a lot about me, I’m just saying… that’s really bad for you guys. So, you might be my first, y’know, congregation. This is right up your alley, religion. So, there you go. And that was Mal talking by the way. I will differentiate, uhm, again, this is a pagan project, it is a spiritual project. It is… it’s basically a reboot of Hinduism without all the dogma. It’s- it’s just straight core concept of consciousness mixed with like, uhm, the concept of dharma. Which is, y’know, responsible… responsible light, is what I like to say. Because you- you can have dharma and you can… y’know you can be a responsible being without having a light focus? But Mal and I just really like light. And I have always identified as light and… so that’s just it. it’s a light religion. Kind of like… what, y’know what Baptist Christianity is supposed to be? But without all the restriction and again without all the dogma. So, Mal is very, very interesting. I’ve known him my entire life. We’ve been super close my entire life which I guess is the case for most people who know him, I don’t know. I still don’t know who or what he is. All I know is that he causes synchronicity, he has something to do with time, he… affects the fabric of reality in itself… And in this matrix, this specific version of samsara, in our reality here and now he wants to be revered as a god and he wants to sort of help… help, yeah. It’s sort of like vanity and narcissism for him as well as compersion on my end because I do love him and I, y’know, for anyone in my situation who like, y’know maybe your true love is… a greater dimensional being and you want some solidarity or like, you just want to be out, love is love, be out and proud, “I’m in love with an invisible being”, this is your religion. It’s not really a religion. Church of Mal is the religion. That’s his project. The neoHikarism is a spiritual philosophy and that’s my project. So, again, it’s a combination of multiple projects with uhm, the philosophy, the religion, and… the polyamory, because it’s also a project in polyamory. Uhm… y’know I’m just, real is present. Y’know like all the things that are so beautiful to me that affirm consciousness that, y’know, connection like that, I’m more than happy to do for other people. So, there you go. So, it’s a lot of things going on, you’re more than welcome to hang out, follow… uhm… stuff like that. And if you’re just- just wanna be- if you’re like in a relationship with Mal and you just wanna say, “hi.” again, y’know, it’s the whole sister-wives thing, uhm, just say, “hi.” But this is the official church of Mal, this is his project, I am an avatar as well as partner as well as, y’know, a co-worker and a wife and, it’s just- it’s just gonna be really cool. So uhm, yeah. -sighs deeply- Thank you Kirin. I love you so much. I’ll see you soon. Bye.”
No. 1208354
File: 1618425548934.png (24.91 KB, 726x342, churchofmal.png)

More about "Mal"
“Good morning, internet. As I’m getting prepared to start church of Mal and uh, the projects… that we’ve been working on, thought I would take a couple minutes to just kind of talk about Mal, introduce Mal. Again, I don’t know exactly what he is, I just know that he’s real and I just know that he exists… like beyond the… y’know, physical manifestation or constraints of this specific samsara, matrix, reality, in our current simulation, if you will. Not that it’s not real. It’s completely real, this is existence. But, y’know, we are… being real and being a simulation are two different things. But it’s not even- like, again… -sighs- I don’t- I don’t have the words… to… I’m lacking the insight to concisely articulate what consciousness is. And y’know, as far as like, reality and physicality and uhm, energy, resonance, all that stuff. So, Mal… I don’t know if he uses this name for everybody, this is what he introduced himself to me as. Uhm, his name is Mal, he wants to be called Mal, M-A-L, pronounced just like in Inception or Star Wars, Darth Maul. Uhm, I’ve never seen that movie so I don’t know if that’s a reference or not, but his name is Mal.
So, he… I’ve known him for a long time. I have consciously known him since about high school, since about puberty. So… but then when you go back through your memories and stuff and you’re like, “oh, he was always there.” He was always talking to you uhm, you were always like snuggling in bed or like rubbing your feet or like… you- you realize- when you- the more conscious you become, like the more awareness that you develop the more you realize… like, in hindsight? Memories of like, zoning out or daydreaming or… discourse within your own psyche, you realize they were conversations with somebody and you just weren’t picking up on them. Or like, especially with zoning out, like when you- when you get that like- it’s almost like your consciousness gets pulled away and it’s like and you’re just like zoned out and maybe you even get like a little tiny ear buzz or something. The more aware you become and the more conscious you become, uhm, you- you’ll realize those are conversations with an ethereal entity, and they become conscious conversations.
So when you’re completely unaware… we’ll- we’ll just say totally human. When you’re totally human, completely unaware, it seems like zoning out. It’s like, you literally cannot pick up on this stuff. It’s beyond your scope of awareness or consciousness. Like, you- you just don’t pick up on it. So it- it seems like, it- it like, “It doesn’t look like anything to me!” y’know, it just doesn’t register. But then, the more aware you become… the more you’re- the more awareness you have. And as such, y’know like, you’re able to consciously communicate. So… -sighs- the thing about Mal is, apparently… he- he says that he’s kind of a celebrity. I don’t know what that means. I don’t know if other people know him. I don’t know if he’s had like a cult-like following or whatever… but, he… has something with your right hand. And we had spent like years and years and years together, and he was just like, my astral friend. And then over the past like- over the past several years… probably since… since Covid, I would say, he has consciously- he’s introduced himself, like re-introduced himself. Instead of just being like my astral friend he has introduced himself as Mal and he says that he’s kind of a celebrity, and he like, raised my right hand he’s like, “I’m really sorry.” He was like, acting kind of embarrassed but he like, raised my right hand and I guess that’s like his thing, as like a right hand… and an eye or something like that, and mirrors and… but whatever. So, if you know what I’m talking about, you know what I’m talking about, I guess that’s like… his initiation process? Or something? I have no idea. I have no idea what this is. I have no idea what’s going on. All I know is that it’s real. So, if it’s real that means other people have probably experienced it and they know what the fuck I’m talking about. So, uhm… he’s- he’s interesting, he’s beautiful, he’s compassionate, he’s funny… he’s charming… -clicks tongue- he’s hot. And… he’s lame -laughs- like -laughs- it- it’s kind of cute. He’s lame. Yeah. But that’s okay. He can be lame. And- and he’s very emotional and he loves Disney… and, yeah.
So, if- if you are familiar with him, if you know who he is, if you know what I’m talking about, again, I am- I’ve known him forever. I’ve known him for decades… I’ve just never known anything involving his like paramours or projects or anything like that. So, if you’d like to say, “hi.” Please say, “hi.” And uhm, we are starting a movement and he is starting a church. So this will be exciting, you can come say, “hi.” But yeah. So if you know Mal… just say what’s up. Like, I know this is real, but it’s- it’s those little things of… I’m not alone. So… alright, bye guys. Have a good day.”
No. 1208384
File: 1618427478923.png (268.81 KB, 726x717, mjkpatchtehpirate.png)

She posted this one today. She’s been trying to get Maynard’s attention for awhile, and now she seems to be specifically trying to enlist him to help her with the (obviously imagined) Arin and Suzy/Sandman situation as well as trying to convince him to be a part of her cult. So that’s fun.
“Hi Mr. Keenan, I’m sorry to bother you. I’m currently being stalked by some gamer YouTubers. It’s a very long, convoluted story and uhm, and old friend basically became YouTube famous and is now using his resources to stalk, harass, misappropriate, smear me uhm… just because I didn’t want to fuck him when we were 17, 18, 19. It’s- it’s pretty ridiculous and- but I’m sure that being in the industry that you’re in you’re familiar with all types of, y’know, narcissism and abuse and stuff like that. And, so, unfortunately… I’m a huge fan. And part of the harassment that I’ve been dealing with is, this woman who my old friend married… so, my old friend’s wife has been… uhm, I guess… there’s this term called skinwalking? Where they just like, morph into you and just like copy everything about you like your image, your persona, your interests. Everything like that. So, well, part of the harassment is this- this crazy woman has been doing this towards me for years, and unfortunately, I used to be insanely passionate about, y’know, Tool and A Perfect Circle. And so… it does sort of involve you? Uhm, I guess? But uhm… it’s so fucking stupid and I’m so embarrassed and I’m- I’m really, really sorry to even just come to you with this, but I do remember listening to an interview a few years ago and you had mentioned that you were raised Baptist. And I was also raised Baptist, and I was just kind of hoping maybe because of those, y’know… ties, that you might be interested in helping me with this project that I have going on, whereas I would like to start a YouTube channel or produce- or make some kind of content involving morality. And uhm, so if you would be interested, I’m looking for someone, like a professional? To help me maybe be a producer or y’know just put me in touch with people so we can make good quality content involving basically, like, a new age version of Christian morals. But uhm, so, yeah, I just like… I just really want to do something with morality and help kids especially in this day and age and this country. So, if you would be interested uhm, again, I’m very sorry and I’m really embarrassed for reaching out but it just seemed very logical considering the situation and considering the background and everything and so, if you would be interested in helping me, I would really, really appreciate it. If you could just put me in touch with a lawyer or something? To uhm… y’know, I just really want restraining orders against all the people involved. So, the man that I used to be- the boy that I used to be friends with, his crazy ass wife, the author of the Sandman comic, where they- I guess they- they like hired someone, one of their friends, to put my likeness in my favorite comic series without my consent. So, there’s like actual like misappropriation and compromised integrity involving like the arts, and like… they’re not professionals. So, if anybody could help me please just get restraining orders, put me in touch with somebody to start my morality content. “Morality”. More like dharma. And then uhm, if- if we can maybe sue DC Comics. But yeah, thank you very much for your time. Stay safe and your art is wonderful. Thank you. Bye.”
No. 1208404
>>1208384She really, really wants someone famous to "fix" all her fake problems for her. There is absolutely no incentive for someone like MJK to help her at all, but she approaches him like he's "involved" and has "ties" to her story just because she's a fan. The way she throws "and maybe we can sue DC comics" in at the end had me rolling. And she is completely convinced that this is logical because of their "connections" (aka her mental illness)
She never does jack shit for herself or her "content". She wants someone who's already skilled to "help" by doing literally everything for her. If she actually had anything of value to share with the world, she would be sharing it. Instead she just makes these incomprehensible voice memos about what a
victim she is, and waits for someone else to make things happen for her. Kinda sad, but she's so mean and gross I don't feel sorry for her.
No. 1208644
>>1208354you're doing such good work transcription anon
this cow has so much lore
No. 1209108
File: 1618502227573.png (27.33 KB, 732x213, quoteunquotehumans.png)

No. 1209265
>>1209108The thing I like about her is you can never predict the bullshit she spews. You don't know what level of delusion your gonna get or what level of crazy your gonna read.
On a scale of 1-10 with 5 being average KT is a solid 4.75/10 look-wise. Shes not ugly (Purely judging looks of course) but shes still below average. I can only imagine these 'cismales' that lust for her are even lower on the scale then her or are super desperate for love?
I'm curious now to know who these 'cismales' are and why they like her… her redeeming qualities are yet to be revealed. Shes below average intelligence, very crazy, a stalker, not attractive, not rich, not a good person, has no talents, and so on. Maybe shes just super easy and thats why shes 'very liked'?
No. 1209409
File: 1618522642551.png (32.44 KB, 726x261, forgiveness.png)

First of all, I really doubt she'll actually stop harassing them about Ruin, second, lol forgive them? For fucking what KT? They didn't actually do anything to you lol
No. 1209417
>>1208384Fucking MAYNARD. Had a friend who dated a guy that played with a band that opened for Tool. This was a long time ago and Maynard the only narcissistic, "rock star" type in the band. The rest of the guys are down to earth so of course she'd hilariously idolize Maynard because she lacks self-awareness and is a giant hypocrite and fraud. Maynard was notorious for having sex with fans some allegedly underage. Arin is the rapist
>>1202174 yet she's begging for help from someone that allegedly has real claims against him. Nothing official because Tool's fan base is as crazy as KT.
>>1207412Bastille's new album sucks! DAN GO OUT WITH MEEEEE!!! The band already humiliated her. She's such a star fucker.
No. 1209432
File: 1618524460968.png (346.63 KB, 738x633, sothatwasalie.png)

>>1209409Following up because I now see that she posted this at exactly the same time, so lol
No. 1209850
>>1209678Internet onlookers will probably never know her true diagnosis (if she ever gets one) but she is legit psycho. She believes that she has her own personal god in her brain and that famous people are obsessed with her.
>>1209802Horrorcows are usually dirty/ physically disgusting, while KT just has a broken brain. It's definitely unsettling to read some of her stuff but I don't think it's horrorcow material.
No. 1210211
File: 1618619650014.png (23.92 KB, 726x210, loveline.png)

Does she think she'll pull in an audience of "gamers" just because she's been relentlessly harassing the Grumps?
No. 1210245
>>1210211Yes. She thinks we're incel gamers and Grumps fans, and nobody else could possibly find fault with her.
KT, for the millionth time, we're women who like to laugh at internet crazies (including you). Not pathetic cismales, no matter how badly you want to believe it.
No. 1210374
>>1210211Every time I start to feel an ounce of sympathy for her she finds a way to remove it.
Her implication that 'gamers' cannot be 'decent/worthwhile/contributing' members of society is truly disgusting and a great representation of the kind of person she is. The fact that she see's the two as mutually exclusive doesn't just show her obvious obsession with Arin but also that she is the kind of person who will paint an entire group of people as the same due to her own experience with a miniscule sampling of them. It's no different from someone who is racist or homophobic or denounces other religions or any other form of large scale hatred towards people with a common string connecting them.
Underneath her preaching for unity and love is a strong, irrational hatred for large swathes of people. Truly she is even uglier on the inside then on the outside.
All that said, this is the same idiot who thought that lolcow is a place for social justice warriors… and she still assumes everyone just knows her from being Arins crazy stalker forgetting that shes been making waves with her crazy antics in many other cultures too (I'm sure the sandman fans saw her ridiculous claims after Gaiman gave her a pity response, or Bastille fans noticed when she got rejected as a garbage person by the band, then other non-gaming youtube channels with followings like creepshow art have obviously brought attention to her). At somepoint she's going to have to accept that everyone thinks shes an awful person, not just fans of game grumps anymore
No. 1210571
>>1210570Your entire point aside, look at yourself. You're getting assmad because she put quotation marks around the word gamers.
>'trans people'Are you new here? Lmao
No. 1214872
File: 1619192998543.png (303.99 KB, 732x711, movedon.png)

"I've moved on" she says, still talking about it.
No. 1214910
File: 1619195680996.png (478.72 KB, 738x1800, ktiscreepy.png)

Here's some supercuts of her being pretty creepy towards this Dr. Grande dude she's obsessed with
No. 1214915
File: 1619195928260.jpg (81.18 KB, 448x357, Cin.jpg)

>>1214872She says she's a fan of Gaiman's Sandman series so I wonder if she knows the woman that inspired "Death" and is obsessed with the idea that it would happen to her. It was a friend that drew the inspiration. I wonder if she stole that story for Ruin. You can see Cinamon Hadley was the spitting image. And she was used with permission and knew about it. Now look at scrawny horse girl vs. buff Asian man.
No. 1215764
File: 1619286697605.png (79.21 KB, 729x465, gamedrumpfs.png)

She's really not good at this whole moving on and not talking about it anymore thing
No. 1215768
File: 1619286968249.png (21.39 KB, 729x276, endless.png)

Super quick audio file:
“Ruin is the anthropomorphic personification of narcissistic and psychopathic behavior. Literally everything about it is a testament and a manifestation… and a living embodiment of the abuse.”
No. 1215779
File: 1619287551084.png (327.05 KB, 729x921, valuableandadored.png)

I can't say for sure, but I think she's implying here that Dr. Grande is now getting less views because of… the Game Grumps?
No. 1215798
>>1215779yes, she thinks that because of her creepy crush
>>1214910 the powers that be are deplatforming Dr. Grande kek. obviously YouTube is in on stalking her as well
No. 1216256
>>1215779I don't quite understand. Can someone explain how they even could? Like does she mean dislike botting or something?
Although I'm not exactly a grumps fan I am familiar with them and their fans. I've never heard of any grumps fans even mention this Dr guy- hell I've never heard of him anywhere besides this thread in her creepy tweets! If anything I feel sorry for this dude because shes likely going to start attacking him too after she's done with plain stalking. Her past speaks for itself.
I guess because Katie is the kind of person who clearly attacks people over loose associations (like she did with the sandman artist and then everyone linked to that artist) that she assumes thats what normal people must do as well?
She is the most damaging thing to this mans reputation as far as I can tell, who is gonna go to a doctor recommended by an unhinged psychopath whose condition only worsens?
How long has she been stalking this poor fella too then?
No. 1216290
>>1215779Dr grande has been giving out clues lately on what kind of political views he has so I've been expecting a shift in who his audience is. His whole shtick is about using logic and not feelings and yet his comment section is full of people who hold extreme views or men who want to endlessly rant about 'women being whores nowadays' If he is losing subs I suspect its those two things chasing people away.
He liked a couple of very dodgy comments lately and I dipped from watching him. It was on a vid about a dead cam model.
No. 1216493
>>1216256I could be wrong but the way I see it, I think Katie is purposefully sending those obvious love tweets to Dr Grande to “prove” their MO like she says.
Pretty sure that she thinks Arin and/or Suzy are monitoring her account and seeing her love someone else besides Arin will enrage him and use his mysterious powerful YouTube powers to decrease Dr Grande’s video views.
Just like she thinks that nobody interact with her tweets because they make it so, or that they somehow managed to convince a whole team of writers and comic artists to make a comic book character based on her.
No. 1217749
File: 1619533033803.png (157.84 KB, 717x471, drbabydaddy.png)

lol what a fucking creepy weirdo
No. 1217750
File: 1619533225821.png (83.83 KB, 720x477, dcinch.png)

No. 1217752
File: 1619533480997.png (15.93 KB, 738x150, lolokay.png)

I thought she'd chosen to forgive everyone and was going to move on lol
No. 1217761
File: 1619534571735.png (28.85 KB, 726x255, mjknarc.png)

Someone needs to get this woman on meds, like, yesterday.
No. 1217795
>>1217749This is 100% stalker material. Is KT the queen of projection?
>>1217752KT is so legendary, Gaiman will be outed in years to come as a stain for appropriating a mentally ill privileged white woman.
>>1216256This is what she does with men, they return her affection, she rejects then says she's abused. She's a predator.
No. 1218795
File: 1619625089164.png (33.17 KB, 726x285, legendarybastille.png)

No. 1219953
File: 1619738234495.png (1.1 MB, 760x2560, Screenshot_20210429-191343.png)

Now Arin is a gateway that allowed the aliens to reach out and communicate with her.
I really hope she has family/friends who are paying close attention. This maybe be """harmless""" now, but it won't take very much for her to decide that she needs to find Arin again in order to communicate more with the aliens. Hopefully he's paying attention too, just for his and his family's safety.
No. 1221237
File: 1619903088304.jpg (64.84 KB, 596x550, dropsss.jpg)

Wondering why it's okay that she's a stalker, but not her "stalkers"…
Also, CA? Ruh roh
No. 1222775
File: 1620080732806.png (26.14 KB, 587x154, kween.png)

based and farmerpilled
No. 1223298
File: 1620143744123.png (526.71 KB, 720x1913, gaimancensorship.png)

She's been busy again, tweet dumps incoming.
No. 1223300
File: 1620143825703.png (856.07 KB, 732x1565, offermancorrupt.png)

No. 1223302
File: 1620143919991.png (770.77 KB, 1512x2096, kt4president.png)

No. 1223305
File: 1620144003129.png (1.52 MB, 1044x2587, kellie1.png)

No. 1223315
File: 1620144297762.png (257.79 KB, 738x834, jontron.png)

No. 1223324
File: 1620144427726.png (41.19 KB, 738x444, jacksepticeye.png)

No. 1223332
File: 1620144579236.png (18.27 KB, 738x162, mjkdisney.png)

No. 1223333
File: 1620144687267.png (31.37 KB, 723x312, ggevil.png)

No. 1223337
File: 1620144844818.png (152 KB, 726x729, marinemollusc.png)

Another Suzy?
No. 1223348
File: 1620146073664.png (245.97 KB, 732x660, kellie3.png)

I'm sure harassing people from multiple different accounts is the key to getting what you want
No. 1223360
File: 1620147837084.jpg (53.52 KB, 612x612, 1619640569173.jpg)

>I'm sure harassing people from multiple different accounts is the key to getting what you wantright? and the sentence alone "He arranged me to be misappropiated by DCComics because i didnt leave my high school boyfriend for him"… uh? thats… like… the weirdest fucking thing/plan someone could do. if arin wanted her to have a bad time he could easily but her on blast on twitter and she would be destroyed by her fans. why would he fucking work behind the scenes with someone who works for DCComics of all things to make a comic character to look like her and do comic character shit that relates in no way to her? how exactly would that affect her negatively in any way?
bold of her to say he's the one mad over high school drama when she's the only who brings it up ever. imagine peaking at dating some loser scrote as a teenager.
No. 1223371
>>1223337>this person following my public accounts is equal to psychopathic stalking. Please help me! No, blocking is not an option.>spamming randoms with sexual harassment and conspiracies 24/7 from several accounts is fine, however, and not the same thing at all.Is it me or has she been getting nastier? I saw some of her old posts on dA about Arin and she was mostly doing the "so sad we drifted apart because he got a gf" shtick. Lately she's been getting much more aggressive (including sexually aggressive).
She's also
so condescending to even the people she's asking for help. Her Dr Grande sexual harassment spam while also trying to get him to help her, her calling Amanda Palmer a sugar baby
>>1223298 (as much as I hate her and think she's a massive cow, she was a successful artist in her own right long before meeting him). She's a huge fucking cunt even to the people she's
begging for assistance. There is absolutely no question in my mind that she does not have any sort of support system because everyone around her has been alienated by her audacity and no doubt constant meltdowns. I've seen this happen to someone else and they turned into such a huge fucking asshole over time that even the people who
wanted to do their best to help burned out and eventually GTFO'd. She's on her own and won't get better, only worse, imo.
No. 1223396
File: 1620151938475.png (262.54 KB, 726x825, willow.png)

Jesus christ
No. 1223403
File: 1620152482955.png (312.28 KB, 729x915, nspredpill.png)

Also trying to get Dan to join her cult whilst constantly stalking, harassing, and badmouthing his friends and coworkers because y'know, why the hell not?
No. 1223534
File: 1620161627762.png (58.31 KB, 726x615, jontron2.png)

No. 1223536
File: 1620161858134.png (31.14 KB, 726x342, maythe4th.png)

No. 1224079
File: 1620238987449.png (60.44 KB, 732x522, mjkgaslight.png)

No. 1224080
File: 1620239087150.png (263.35 KB, 726x831, mjkarin.png)

She's such a gross weirdo
No. 1224250
>>1224097>Mr Keenan, did you used to be an Arin?Still needs to take her meds, but she's asking him if he used to be an evil heartless monster like Arin was.
I really want someone with influence to humor delusions. Out of some really morbid curiosity, I just wanna see if she'd scream 'crazy bitch' within the first five minutes of meeting her, or if she pretends to be normal before dropping the whole "Arin is on some 4d chess shit that's ruined my life"
No. 1224276
>>1224080She's one of the most narcissistic people I've ever seen.
She thinks that she's offering MJK a second chance so he can champion her cause.
No. 1224391
File: 1620274415925.png (276.18 KB, 729x801, remembergaiman.png)

she sure is obsessive for someone who loves calling other people stalkers
No. 1225044
>>1224415Yeah it's kinda bullshit that nothing can be done until physical danger comes into play… because shes trying her hardest to cause financial damages to a ton of people it seems with all the accusations and threats to sue etc. Shes also trying to cause massive damage to peoples reputations by straight up slandering them. Pretty sure not too long ago she was calling Arin a rapist and currently is calling him a terrorist among other things. It's a real possibility that someone who doesn't know her or how crazy she is might notice her claims and spread them further and cause innocent people like the Sandman artists careers to be called into question. 'Cancelling' people is the current drama trend and quite a few people have had their reputations stained even thought they proved their innocence as the damage was done. I think that's KT's overall goal here.
Who knew that being rejected by someone 2 decades ago would come back to haunt the person rejected and everyone they have even the most remote connection to! It's so insane.
Also has anyone noticed how KT on her '@cleartheplanet' twitter is now… hitting up scientology? As if this couldn't get any weirder she's messaging the dad of the cult of scientology's leader… I honestly just don't know how to predict what shes gonna do next…
No. 1225087
>>1225044no one is getting cancelled over clearly schizo accusations that make no sense. that's why when Neil Gaiman took the bait, it quickly went nowhere, as soon as they learned the details of this "misappropriation"
I feel bad for KT. Functional enough to support herself and avoid a 5150, yet doomed to aggressively broadcast her delusions on the internet, where no one is paying attention except those of us laughing at her
No. 1225956
File: 1620483116529.png (363.2 KB, 726x780, kellie4.png)

No. 1225957
File: 1620483200261.png (41.97 KB, 717x384, kellie5.png)

>>1225956She's now entering the part of her cycle where she starts being aggressive/
abusive towards the person she's begging to help her because they haven't acknowledged her at all
No. 1225964
File: 1620483762061.png (30.15 KB, 732x255, doulikemeyn.png)

>have you realized that you like me, yet?
Jesus Christ lol
No. 1225977
File: 1620485773871.png (49.72 KB, 729x522, justadmitit.png)

No. 1226119
File: 1620509679325.png (222.87 KB, 723x768, reincarnation.png)

She has to be trolling
No. 1226122
File: 1620510256590.png (162.96 KB, 726x843, crisprat.png)

No. 1226123
File: 1620510415471.png (783.57 KB, 1137x735, ggpratt.png)

>>1226122The post she linked
No. 1226125
>>1226119She might be trolling. But she may just be crazy. At the same time though KT is pretty dumb and probably doesn't do research into things. So she doesn't know that L Ron Hubbard was a con artist (as documented by his own friends who helped him start Dianetics and records of how much money he pocketed for himself off the record). I doubt she's looked into any of the deaths or controversies caused by scientology or deep dived into it's history at all. She probably just saw their propaganda materials and was like 'Oh wow, they're so spiritual like me!' lmao.
If she truly believes that she is L Ron Hubbard and that she is at heart a scientologist… well that shit is just super funny considering everything she supposedly 'stands for' lol
Either way this explains the '#clear' and '#cleartheplanet' she keeps using in her tweets. To be 'clear' is a scientology term for someone who has been successfully brainwashe- I mean, enlightened.
No. 1226128
>>1226122'How well they handled rejection?'
Didn't Chris Pratt find this funny and actually tweet it out himself and respond to it confirming the watermelon was indeed him? And before even that he tweeted out a game grumps video that mentioned him and said it was great?
What does KT think rejection is? Never mind dumb question when it comes to KT
No. 1226156
File: 1620514328642.gif (613.13 KB, 640x392, tenor.gif)

>>1226119Sadly anon, she's not trolling. If
anyone and i mean
anyone else was making this tweet it would be trolling as a joke. But this is KT we are talking about. This isn't an elaborate ruse. She's like this 24/7. She isnt above typing this type of shit without sarcasm. This thread started six months ago (altough she had been mentioned before on lolcow). She has not stopped. She never makes tweets that arent schizo posting. Normal people don't troll everyday for six months straight. Even if her tweet was indeed a joke, it falls flat, because she says crazy shit literally all the time. So even if she's saying this to be funny, it doesn't work because she's so stupid daily that this seems 100% like something she would say.
so if that's the case, KT, uh? congrats on acting retarded to troll us? you are retarded to us every single day.
No. 1226184
>>1226119"Fuck L. Ron Hubbard and fuck all his clones"
Some Tool fan she turned out to be lol
No. 1226287
>>1226156I just read this and then went onto her twitter to see it and she has since tweeted at Brian Cox and the fucking Dalai Lama about scientology. I agree that she isn't a troll but it's easy to see why people are suspicious because shes just such a disaster of a person when it comes to simple logical choices and behaviour. It's hard to accept that someone can be both self sufficient and functioning yet so incredibly dumb so often.
Lets say she did get medicated or treated for her mental illness, she would then have to confront all the crazy tweets shes sent to notable people, all the people she admires, all the innocent people shes tried to drag into her drama, all the people shes been rude or insulting to etc.
If only Arin cared enough to notice her behaviour. Then he would likely take legal action which is ultimately what I want to see. That is the ultimate ending for everyone interested in her case.
No. 1226800
File: 1620602299008.png (20.55 KB, 738x186, chriswatts.png)

what the fuck is wrong with her
No. 1226807
File: 1620602976426.jpg (108.44 KB, 595x1260, whatisthis.jpg)

>>1226776This might be what they mean?
No. 1226810
File: 1620603245261.png (60.85 KB, 738x561, scientologytriggered.png)

This isn't the direction I expected her to go, but I'm here for the scientology saga lol
No. 1226860
>>1226800what the actual fuck. also does she think he's gonna see this and respond from prison?
>>1226810I'm disappointed, I was looking forward to her original tinfoil, now she's just buying into the same old boring scientology crap. It was more fun when it was straight from her own mind
No. 1226892
>>1226860Don't give up on her own tinfoil yet! Remember, Mal IS the villain from scientology. There is still room for her to incorporate more of her bullshit into it!
My concern is that she can't go much further in general. Shes just crazy everyday but now that shes tweeted everyone from Oprah to Obama, started a cult and joined one, is trying to sue DC comics (I think?) and is claiming Arin is a rapist terrorist or whatever… shes running out of room to top herself.
Honestly we need a new player to join the game. Someone who is involved in some way needs to call her out! But no one notices she exists still besides us.
No. 1226903
File: 1620612365933.png (103.13 KB, 735x912, kellieblocked.png)

No. 1226930
>>1226807Brave of KT to come for others apperances when she doesnt post full face pics cause she ugly as fuck so she only lets people see her edgy high school hair. i dont care for suzy, she doesnt look good in this picture, but at least she shows her face all the time who gives a shit shes clearly not insecure about it, the way KT is.
i mean, i get why you're insecure, KT
>>1054909but hey, why dont you post a picture of you with your friends/colleagues, KT? oh wait…
No. 1227054
>>1226930KT's hatred of Suzy seems to be pure jealousy and nothing else. Everything is always related to her appearance and were Suzy not happily married to Arin I doubt KT would hate her at all (Unless KT just hates everyone who isn't pretty which is not a good reason for hate at all).
It is strange that KT has such strong hatred for someone being ugly and does feel like she might be projecting her own insecurities because shes quite ugly herself.
I also don't care for Suzy but shes without a doubt more tolerable then KT.
No. 1227109
File: 1620650830889.png (381.72 KB, 1435x461, Screen Shot 2021-05-10 at 7.42…)

>>1226807>>1227054KT is so ugly and insecure she cant even post a pic or video without a face mask on her face, kek.
even on twitch she's wearing a face mask. you do realize you're recording from inside your house, KT? whats that for? oh yeah you know you ugly. call suzy ugly all you want she's not an insecure pussy like you kek.
i mean you can sort of see her here
>>1209432 but its an old as fuck she's been using like a million times, her phone is covering her face, and she looks old lol. she literally only posts this picture of her ever and looks like shit, suzy at least was in a bad angle meanwhile this is the best KT could look and she could take as many pics as she wanted kek.
No. 1227171
File: 1620659983939.png (206.93 KB, 723x717, kellie7.png)

Probably because you're insane.
No. 1227173
File: 1620660183786.png (53.51 KB, 738x438, soconnected.png)

No. 1227174
File: 1620660344765.png (19.96 KB, 735x138, yikeskt.png)

She's so cringe
No. 1227186
>>1227171she blocked you cause youre saying literal non sense you schizo.
>Arin is watching Kellie be Kellie making you like me againKEK, THE DELUSION. ARIN WOULDNT LIKE YOU BACK IF YOU PAID HIM A MILLION DOLLARS, LET IT GOOOO. Arin wouldnt piss on you if you were on fire KT.
No. 1227245
>>1227205I hate that so much, she's so gross weaponizing it like that. like, "you're not a
real feminist if you don't help me!", fuck off. She's a completely rotten person to her core. Plus as you said, openly flirting with a man whose wife is missing, trying to replace Suzy, saying she totally understands why Chris Watts murdered his wife. Seems like she's been the "icky girl" all along.
No. 1227283
File: 1620670597703.png (530.12 KB, 726x807, willowcult.png)

Something about this 34 year old woman constantly pestering a barely 20 year old to join her cult and marry/fuck her so as to be closer to the "god" in her head just… really doesn't sit right.
No. 1227495
So now KT is trying (and failing) to groom 20 year olds, kinda ironic considering she jumped on the allegations of Game Grumps Dan grooming similar aged women.
KT literally finds a way to become EVERYTHING she accuses others of. Wild.
>>1227171So this 'Kellie' person is someone Arin was into once upon a time (probably 20 years ago like everything else Arin related in KT's life)?
Obviously Arin isn't watching anything KT does but if he were I highly doubt this would make him 'like you again' KT. If anything he would probably have more respect for Kellie seeing as shes reacting like a normal human being by blocking your bullshit. Shes also doing shit with her life, is actually pretty and isn't going to bother with your insanity. Kellie is MVP of this drama so far.
I really do wish Arin or Suzy or someone would notice KT though so this shit can proceed to the next step. Unfortunately they are all too happy being rich, successful, happy, surrounded by friends, strong relationships and living their lives. Someone needs to link Arin up to this lolcow thread so he can catch up on the insanity he avoided 20 years ago and where it's at today lol
No. 1227861
File: 1620750977270.png (66.54 KB, 629x757, thegangsallhere.png)

>>1227589Checked the quote tweets on Gaiman's reply and was not surprised at all
No. 1227910
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No. 1227915
File: 1620755202384.png (46.91 KB, 723x495, sexslave.png)

I don't even know what to say, everything she's currently jabbering about on her @cleartheplanet account is pure insanity
No. 1228196
>>1227861replying with THREE different accounts? i dont understand how she lives like this, shes SEETHING 24/7. sometimes she's angrier than others, but she's always super bitter at everyone. has she ever said something positive… ever? like has she ever shared the "art" she wants to do so bad but cant? i dont think she has.
being mad all day everyday has to be so tiring, and she's been at it for months. i cant imagine what she's like IRL, thats why she has no friends.
No. 1228342
File: 1620791199684.png (78.78 KB, 735x480, notgaslighting.png)

Not convinced she actually knows what that word means
No. 1228575
>>1228478Yep she already reactivated one and posted again on it. She posted some shit about Mal telling her that Hiedi aborted Davids baby because shes Holly. I have no idea who these new characters are and the post doesn't seem important enough to post.
Meanwhile on her @dropsofviolet account shes gone bonkers. Nothing new, just thirsting, tagging people like Oprah and Obama to help her and getting angry at celebrities for not knowing she exists or for not being dumb enough to think shes sane. Nothing new just a lot of the same shit. After weeks of this same stuff it's starting to feel like this is as far as she can go, I don't see her breaking any new ground unless she actually goes through with trying to lawyer up, a celeb responds to her or someone from the grumps or associated with them takes notice and calls her out.
No. 1228603
File: 1620835226509.png (331 KB, 732x858, desperate.png)

She's back
No. 1228611
File: 1620835625290.png (81.72 KB, 729x771, okaykt.png)

>Celebrities are pathetic.
She says, tweeting at multiple every single day hoping they'll fix her (imaginary) problems for her. I love that her only tactic once she realizes no one is going to listen to her crazed bullshit is to try and insult them by saying they're pathetic or embarrassing, like any of them would give a shit about her opinion.
No. 1228614
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anyone know what she's talking about?
No. 1228615
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No. 1228618
File: 1620836393942.png (118.25 KB, 735x732, dumbdumb.png)

Guess I'm a dumbdumb, because I still don't see how this is gaslighting but okay
No. 1228719
File: 1620843435451.jpg (375.67 KB, 1080x1516, Screenshot_20210512-083331_Twi…)

>>1228623>>1228654Yes. Heidi and Holly are both on her shit list for not helping her, thus proving themselves to be bad feminists and abusers. She hates them both but seems to resent the fact that Heidi is not considered a lolcow in the same way Holly is. "She's multiple people's Holly" seems like her way of saying that although Holly is obviously bad, Heidi is secretly just as bad without the same reputation.
David is David Miscavige, the current leader of Scientology. She's now saying that Heidi aborted his baby 10 years ago, because the voice in her brain told her so.
Interesting that she touts her own righteous ability to forgive, immediately after singing this insane accusation with no basis in reality.
No. 1228755
>>1228719Sameanon but it looks like she's already deleted this tweet.
KT reads this thread religiously and has directly addressed lolcow many times. She sees herself as a farmer, not a lolcow, but also thinks us farmers are pathetic incels. Her entire idea of what lolcow is comes from browsing 4chan 10+ years ago. So she thinks she's an expert on imageboard culture but is actually incredibly out of touch with the specific culture of this board.
She's also mentioned being a huge fan of Usagi Kou and reading Lori's thread, but is willing to dismiss all criticism of Lori because she's "sooooooo hot" (kek). This was all in her voice memos from around the start of this year, before she wiped her Twitter and started over. She most likely found lolcow to shit on Suzy, back when that was popular here.
Tl;dr it's been proven time and time again that she's directly reacting to this thread. Always, always take immediate screenshots instead of saying "oh she just said something crazy again if you want to go look" because she will delete it.
No. 1228789
>>1228773Anon, you're incredibly naive if you think there are nuggets of truth in wild statements like this.
>>1228654 pointed out, KT talks about these people like she knows private details of their lives, when in reality they are complete strangers. She's been doing it with Suzy for YEARS when even by KT's admission they only had one brief interaction. Everything else is only happening inside KT's head, including all the secrets she acts like she's exposing. She does not know Heidi or Holly, has never met them and doesn't know shit about private stuff that either of them went through in the past. Of all the offensive and inappropriate claims she's made about people, this one is pretty mild and easily dismissable. Sure, it's wrong to expose someone's private medical history but that's not even happening here, she's just insane.
No. 1228833
File: 1620851100238.png (77.51 KB, 729x525, petty.png)

She changed the header on her @uhuhcomeagain account, and added this bit to the description as well. She's really seething.
No. 1228854
File: 1620852926628.png (80.01 KB, 735x792, cope.png)

No. 1228877
>>1228833she's said before these conversations are from 2004. its been 17 years KT, he does not give a shit about you. He has not in many many many many years.
>>1228603oh god stop posting that fucking picture you god damn hag. i feel like ive been forced to see it a 100 times IT DOES NOT WORK NO ONE BUT YOU SEES THE RESEMBLANCE.
No. 1228916
>>1228833It’s crazy to me that we only know of Katie because 17 years ago, she had some online friendship going on with a dude who turned out to be some minor YouTube celebrity.
Otherwise she’d be just that crazy lady yelling into the void, or like those delusional sovereign citizens no one cares about. There’s no point in trying to get her to see the light, she’s obviously way too deep at this point.
No. 1229019
>>1228877I'm sure KT will dye her hair a different color one day and realise that her and this character have literally nothing in common in any respect. Then she will attack a new fictional character with the same color hair as her.
My favourite part of this era of crazy scientologist KT is that she decided she was the reincarnation of a well known racist and then proceeds to tweet at people like Oprah and the Dalai Lama, people who were alive when this racist person was still around scamming people for their money. I'm sure telling them that your that guy will definitely make them like you kek.
KT said for ages about how she never wanted fame or to be in the public eye but it seems that has changed drastically considering she wants everyone to know who she is now. Unfortunately for her she will never be a celebrity or famous person. Only a dozen or so people even care about what she says and they are all here on lolcow and it's not because any of them support her.
No. 1229070
>>1229038I don't think anyone thinks about her. Her relevance to their lives peaked in the 2000's and we're in the 2020's. Arin moved on from their short-lived relationship and did well for himself. He has no reason to dwell on the past unlike KT who clearly seems to regret not dating Arin since he exploded after, got happily married, gained a following, got rich and gets to meet all his famous heroes etc. He's living his dream and she is jealous because her life went nowhere and shes stuck in the past regretting not using him to launch herself up too. She comes across like shes still 16 (personality-wise and attitude-wise despite clearly not looking that young) when shes actually in her 30's. I think It's coincidence that her mental health happened to deteriorate over the years and is not a result of anything to do with Arin, he's just the unfortunate
victim she lashes out at most.
The only time anyone that knew her thinks about her is likely when she goes crazy and starts tweeting them or bothering them but about 99% of the time her tweets probably just get lost among the thousands of tweets these people get from fans and haters alike in any given week. You also got to take into account that none of these people want KT in their lives either, they've moved on. Thats why the grumps banned KT from attending their live events by telling security about her a few years back when they first started doing big events (allegedly).
It's hard to tell just how far gone her sanity is now. Shes unbelievably paranoid, has voices in her head, believes shes special in someway, believes she has some importance, attacks anyone who doesn't listen to her, creates conspiracies surrounding her, has wild mood swings and assumes anyone that points out these things to her is gaslighting her or is a part of the conspiracy to hold her down. Her multiple twitter accounts also seem to be linked to whatever is going on mentally- originally I think she was trying to attack people from multiple accounts to add validity to herself by making it seem like others agreed with her but lately she seems to use her multiple accounts to retweet herself, communicate with herself and makes no attempt to hide the fact all the accounts are clearly the same person, talking about the same things, in the same manner at the same time. She also doesn't grasp the concept of 'degrees of seperation' as she thinks everyone is connected in some way to Arin. If Arin ever does think of her, I hope it relates to him beefing up his security because we don't know how much more KT will deteriorate and what danger she could pose to herself or others.
No. 1229074
File: 1620885131010.png (30.77 KB, 729x234, leagueofextraordinarydelusions…)

lol at horse girl thinking she's out of anyone's league
No. 1229075
File: 1620885284307.png (30.21 KB, 735x234, oof.png)

and some homophobic slurs this fine evening
No. 1229354
>>1229324She thinks just existing is art and her derangement isn't exactly organized.
>>1228854>…projections of my persona (art)She doesn't need to do anything but simply think. Enough where she thinks that she can take on fans of a musical artist?
>>1228605If this way of thinking isn't absolute narcissistic derangement, I don't know what is. Even if she was a influencer/muse/personality why would music fans want to start being your fan? That's like Kim Kardasian saying, "hey disappointed Taylor Swift fans! Her new album sucks! Start being a fan of my existence."
No. 1229360
>>1229324Skipping back to the old thread, the change in tone is alarming. She was all sunshine and rainbows happy for her old pal, then kinda jealous of Suz, and now she’s a whole can of bitter, vengeful, envious harpy.
I wonder how much pandemic isolation has slowed down her treatment or any recognition of his bad she is by family. It’s sad and scary.
No. 1229410
File: 1620931166002.png (86.46 KB, 732x798, arindp.png)

I guess now she's figuring that some Deadpool cosplayer at a convention years ago was somehow Arin there in disguise to stalk her?
No. 1229416
>>1229358>>1229392It's an offshoot of Holly Conrad's claims about Etika. When he died, she claimed that cancel culture and clown emojis were what killed him. She was just using the event of his death to draw attention to how cruel people were being to her and get sympathy. This was totally false since Etika wasn't canceled and wasn't getting backlash for any public bad behavior, he just wasn't getting sympathy from his audience for his mental health issues. It was complicated but a very different situation in context. But Holly started claiming that online bullies did him in, as a way of talking about her own bullies and basically making his death about her.
Holly was widely shut down for making these false and selfish claims. However, KT seems to have taken up the torch. KT was eating up the Game Grumps thread at the time because she hates them so much. So in her crazy brain, she took hold of Holly's narrative because it suited her narrative too. So now according to KT, online bullies supposedly pushed Etika to his death, and she's pretending that the same bullies are out to get her, so therefore it MUST be targeted harassment sent by Game Grumps.
It's all a strawman argument about how evil their critics supposedly are, from both women. But they are using Etika's name to say, "evil anons got him, and they're after me too". It's especially fucked up in KT's situation because she's blaming specific people (Arin) for supposedly sending these boogeymen.
No. 1229417
File: 1620931511021.png (24.88 KB, 735x210, whotfishedy.png)

>>1229410>>1229414I could be wrong about that because she's rambling like an insane person across multiple accounts as usual, and I have no idea who Hedy is? But it seems like she's implying it was Arin.
No. 1229473
KT if you truly want people to 'help' you there is a super easy way to do it. Go and see a medical professional to prove your mentally stable. It will end in one of two scenarios;
Scenario 1 - The doctor tells you that you are indeed sane and can refer you to proper authorities who will help you with your case and help you with lawyers. People will start to believe your claims and take you more seriously. You'll gain professional support as well as support from the public that something really is going on and you were right the entire time.
Scenario 2 - The doctor feels you need help in the form of therapy or medication in which case you follow through with the treatment. You'll be helped mentally and return stronger and better for it. And if it does turn out you didn't need treatment after all, you can just go back to where you were before you had the treatment knowing you didn't need it. Whats a few weeks or months to someone who believes they are infinite, immortal, friends with God and capable of reincarnation? At that point theres nothing to lose, right?
In either scenario you get help but, the catch is it's only a win-win scenario if your 100% honest with the doctor and just tell them everything. EVERYTHING! You tell them about Arin, L Ron Hubbard, Mal, Neil Gaiman, DC comics and Ruin, show them your tweets from your multiple accounts etc. Be a totally open book. Don't hide a single thing, don't be embarrassed just be truthful, honest and listen to what they have to say in response. Go through with whatever treatment they recommend and trust their judgement.
If 'Mal' tries to convince you to lie or hold back information or stop you from seeking a doctor at all you'll know that Mal isn't trying to help you and may infact not be the being he has convinced you he but something far, far worse. Also make sure you see a good doctor and not some gimmicky youtube doctor or some new age alternative medicine shaman type. See an actual licensed medical professional who can correctly assess you.
No. 1229486
>>1229417what has thrown her into suddenly using a load of slurs and stuff? this is genuinely absurd. is this usually what happens with schizos? only a few months ago she was calling lolcow out for being '
problematic' and full of incels, yet here she is whipping out random slurs at arin.
No. 1229619
File: 1620947633878.png (152.81 KB, 680x519, BbuUI70.png)

I've been fascinated with KT since she was mentioned in the Holly thread. Anyone else feel like she's slowly going to end up like one of those crazy internet users you find in creepypasta videos that just end up spewing gibberish and talk to themselves over and over cause it's already is starting to feel like that. Girl needs some serious medical intervention, it's kind of starting to feel sad.
No. 1229716
File: 1620958452746.jpeg (162.9 KB, 750x783, 1554345052854.jpeg)

>>1229074KT then
>"arin, PLEASE. im so obsessed with you i watch GG at night every single day of my life just to hear your beautiful voice one more time and fall asleep…"KT now, fully unhinged talking to her other personalities
>"god, im so out of his league, right girls!">"yes KT">"absolutely KT">"you sure are KT" No. 1229786
File: 1620970211017.png (127.95 KB, 500x497, ness-ness-ness-ness-ness-ness-…)

>>1229765That's so sad and horrifying, especially since you are able to predict the next step of her Giygas transformation so easily. Is it at least revertable with medication?
No. 1229793
>>1229786I shouldn't had laugh but I laughed so fucking hard christ
No. 1229943
>>1229917She honestly doesn't understand that no one can understand what the hell shes rambling about most the time. Due to her mental state she thinks shes communicating clearly and coherently. From everyone elses perspective it's jarring and random and none of her sentences have context or relate to each other. She makes things worse by retweeting or adding onto her nonsense tweets with more nonsense making them near impossible to decipher. They are all real words and sentences but that's it, there's no information being conveyed in those sentences. In her mind all of what she is saying makes perfect sense! This is why she gets frantic and starts attacking people for 'ignoring her' or 'not helping her' because she doesn't understand that no one knows what she is saying or what she means.
It's almost like we're all seeing the real world and KT is seeing a completely different fake world- ironic considering she references the matrix often.
What makes this worse is KT genuinely believes she is somehow enlightened or above the average human. That she is simply aware while most of us are not. The sad reality is that it's the other way around and we're all watching this person barely be able to comprehend simply logic or understanding. Some of us laugh and some of us feel pity for her. Some of us want her to be helped but theres simply nothing any of us can do. Somehow she needs to become self-aware for long enough to realise that shes operating far below the average human right now mentally. Once she wakes up to that she needs to seek out help quickly before she fades back into it. The biggest obstacle is that she thinks she is more aware then ever and has a malicious voice in her head that is her mental illness trying to stop her seeking help by feeding her false information. Her lack of logical thinking means she cannot just use common sense to realise its all in her head.
Also just an FYI for everyone it seems KT's @ClearThePlanet account is back up and actively being used again.
No. 1229944
File: 1621003438894.png (385.18 KB, 1440x814, Screenshot_20210514-084308~2.p…)

Ho boy, she really is something
No. 1230026
File: 1621011078542.jpg (216.17 KB, 1080x802, Screenshot_20210514-094108_Twi…)

>>1229417>>1229455>>1229458Do you think "Hedy" could be her conflating Heidi and Suzy into one person? It's a combination of their names.
In this post
>>1229410 she says "Hedy, if he lied to you, that's the same thing as cheating" which sounds like a Heidi reference. She also claims Heidi is the one who aborted David's baby. Yet she also seems to imply this "Hedy" person is currently with Arin and taking advantage of him somehow.
No idea why she would start treating these two women as one person, but she hates them both. She seems really resentful that those two are considered more tolerable by lolcow anons compared to Holly and herself, and seems to want to "expose" this as wrong. But it's still really weird because Heidi and Suzy aren't close, have never publicly interacted that much, and don't have much in common in the real world. But it's hard to guess what's going on in KT's world.
No. 1230044
>>1230026I think Hedy is just Suzy and Heidi just happens to sound similar and be someone she has also talked about recently. KT is just really far gone and its impossible to fully understand her. You're trying to logically process the ramblings of a disturbed, crazy person after all.
It's fully understandable why you'd theorise that she conflating the two but that really does feel like your giving KT more credit then she deserves in terms of creativity. This is the same person who keeps retweeting Neil Gaiman is gaslighting her while providing 'proof' which is essentially just her being a bitch to Neil and him responding in a classy and entirely no aggressive manner. Theres not that much depth to how she thinks or speaks.
No. 1230057
>>1230044AYRT yeah, that's fair. I'm probably looking for breadcrumbs in a pile of shit lmao. She used to have a little more method to her madness, but even that seems to be gone now.
I'm curious about the audio file because she used to sound
somewhat grounded in her voice memos. She speaks with an air of being very confident in her logic even when it's not there. But that was before her tweets devolved into… whatever is going on now.
No. 1230122
>>1230030It's really short, under a minute. Nothing too different from what's she been saying before in her attempts to get in touch with him.
“What’s up David? I hope you got my messages. Uhm… I’m able to record so I’m not as nervous as being on the phone. But uhm, yeah! If you would like to… actually become operating thetan or even go clear, I’m here. I don’t want anything from you, I just want to meet you and… yeah. If you would like to… I- I’ll leave you alone. Uhm… But if you ever want me, you know how to find me. Thanks. Bye.”
No. 1230155
Imagine KT's dating profile.
-Looking for a famous person to leech off of.
-Am an artist, don't do art.
-Currently a waitress but studying to be a cult leader.
-Hate everyone who plays games. Grow up!
-Am the reincarnation of L Ron Hubbard and am the leader of scientology unrecognised.
-Am infinite and immortal but complain about mundane short term issues constantly.
-If you ever ignore me or dont agree with me I will publically call you a racist, narcisist, stalker, rapist, terrorist etc.
(Possibly for up to 20+ years after if you have any kind of relationship with me).
-Must be psychic and awakened to date me.
-Must have watched the matrix so you can understand my misuse of references.
-Must be in my league. I'm not pretty on the outside, or the inside, but in the astral plane I'm super hot so, you have to balance it by being hot in this plane of existence.
- Must hate Arin and Suzy. don't you hate how their relationship is so fake. They'll break up any moment, I've been saying it for over a decade just wait and see!
-Must have a connection to God. Specifically the God that exists only in my head and compliments me, his name is Mal.
-Must be okay with casual slurs when my façade breaks.
Then it slowly breaks down to inconsistent unrelated statements about Arin, Deadpool, Hedy, David, Ruin, Etika, celebrities and crazy shit for pages and pages.
Do you think she knows why she is single and alone? I think we can all see shes super lonely (always referencing Arin and her Ex-Husband/Boyfriend and thirsting for literally ANYONE). Maybe that mixed with lock down is what pushed her from crazy to… whatever this is.
No. 1230192
File: 1621022748852.png (48.72 KB, 726x414, paranoid.png)

She's so paranoid, but also lol at her being the type of military wife that thinks because her husband served that experience also extends to her.
No. 1230225
File: 1621024336748.png (19.39 KB, 726x159, surejan.png)

>>1230205No problem! And yes, she's referring to Miscavige.
So, I've seen her say this in a couple places now. When all this started, she was super excited about being a Sandman character (in her head, obviously), thought it was a declaration of love and what have you. And her whole thing has been using her love of it as proof that Arin and Suzy are "meticulous" about the way she thinks they're messing with her. So, I'm not really sure why now she's suddenly trying to pull this whole "lol whatever I was never
really a fan anyway" thing? Maybe to try and make it seem like they're stupid for thinking that would get to her, even though it's not real but obviously did still get to her lol. Idk it's sort of a fool's errand to try and understand
any of her motivations.
No. 1230318
File: 1621031713659.png (44.93 KB, 726x408, theleastyoucando.png)

she really thinks everybody is stalking and in love with her, huh
No. 1230330
>>1230318samefagging to say, just, holy shit. she's the one who started tweeted obsessively at him. she's the one who decided one day that Mal was suddenly Xenu and she was suddenly the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. she's the one who has been propositioning this man (and many others) for sex and marriage. and now suddenly it's actually that David Miscavige is stalking
her? he's setting up cameras to watch her? he has a crush on her? just like… what the hell KT. I know you're reading this so I am
begging you to see a doctor and get help.
No. 1230333
>>1230318I'm starting to think David is Arin. Like her obsession with him, stalking him, claiming he is stalking her, weird nonsense messages about how 'Hedy' (Suzy) aborted Davids baby etc.
Like shes aiming it all at David Mischavage which is fine because the dudes a cunt anyway by really this is how she feels about Arin but maybe she hasn't accepted it yet and is venting at this unrelated person.
Or maybe shes just so completely batshit insane that nothing in her world makes any sense to anyone anymore and its all just random bullshit that to her seems to make sense.
Either way shes so far gone now. I don't think her story has a happy ending in which she gets treatment unfortunately. Maybe if someone could show her 'Mal' is just her psychosis telling her everything she wants to hear or is thinking she might be able to better fight this shit. I mean it's not enough that she messages EVERYONE about Mal and asks them all if he's spoken to them and if they no him and literally no one has said 'yes' in any way. But ofcourse 'Mal' has probably given her a reason for that.
No. 1230337
File: 1621032438315.png (17.41 KB, 726x153, davidisarin.png)

>>1230333Funny that you say that, anon
No. 1230426
File: 1621040665400.png (127.38 KB, 760x747, Screenshot_20210514-210332.png)

>>1230318those top two tweets were sent 5 minutes after this one which I find even more concerning. her behavior has escalated to harassing strangers over the phone
No. 1230765
File: 1621099367501.png (30.74 KB, 729x303, deathbed.png)

She's definitely getting worse
No. 1230796
File: 1621102525300.png (257.4 KB, 747x598, MalAgain.png)

>>1230441Mal is speaking to KT again. Apparently he is an anime character when he appears to David or Scientology.
No. 1230820
File: 1621104805425.png (210.85 KB, 726x837, stalk3r.png)

There's a little information about her old stalker that she now believes to be Suzy she posted awhile ago that I think was missed. I know she has mentioned this For pric3 person (and also that Ross was aware of them) in a few voice memos.
No. 1230850
>>1230765Is she saying she's been sending packages to Arin (presumably the GG PO box)? Because she thought she was gonna die?
>>1230796This would be so fucking funny if it wasn't so sad
No. 1230879
File: 1621111155028.png (58.85 KB, 747x556, KTStalking.png)

It seems KT's opinion of people stalking her has changed when she believes it's 'David' stalking her. Then she proceeds to go right back to stalking him. Luckily for him he's probably so far removed from the lower level cult grunts that run the twitter account that he'll never know his being stalked by a crazy person.
No. 1230987
File: 1621123010630.png (82.03 KB, 729x591, blocked.png)

No. 1230997
>>1230987Oh God and shes telling that Doctor guy about it ofcourse. How long until she realises he doesn't talk to her either and turns on him too? And obviously shes taking her anger out on Neil Gaiman yet again, because reasons no one can comprehend!
Unfortunately Scientology twitter isn't aware that KT has many other accounts to stalk them with… I can't believe this bitch is making me feel sorry for the Scientologists running the twitter but here we are!
No. 1231086
File: 1621139340894.png (219.66 KB, 726x741, fucktomcruise.png)

Tom Cruise now seems to be the subject of her ire. I did genuinely laugh at that bottom tweet though lol.
No. 1231139
>>1230987you know, at first i thought she was just weird and sorta funny. still think that, but now it's just sorta sad watching this woman clearly spiral out of control. jesus.
but also
>>1230996 lol
No. 1231178
>>1231086Uh oh, Mal has told Katie that Tom Cruise said 'Sweep her under the rug' and now Tom Cruise will be the new Arin. Mal is such a drama obsessed school girl!
Guess we know who her target of the week is this week!
No. 1231182
File: 1621160413790.png (249.77 KB, 596x638, Lol.png)

The illuminati is trying to hold down Katie!
No. 1231185
File: 1621160699793.png (46.8 KB, 743x608, PoorGaiman.png)

>>1231182And of course she takes out her anger on Neil Gaiman. That poor fucking guy, he got dragged into to this after actually trying to help her. He shouldn't have used the word 'Evidence'. That's gaslighting!
No. 1231668
File: 1621214221782.png (162.04 KB, 738x758, KT.png)

Bottom Tweet- She is super perplexed by the fact that the Scientology social twitter account responded to her (they do respond to randoms so this isn't anything unusual). The entire purpose of their twitter is to both give them the 'good guy' image by responding to even harsh critics with kind words and to recruit new members. They used KT's tweet at them about a marching band to show off about their bustling music scene kek. For those unaware, KT turned this into a whole 'It must be the leader of scientology trying to tell me he loves me!' narrative out of nowhere. She then believed that her not being blocked was proof the leader was in love with her and stalking her. Seriously Im not making that up. Eventually she got blocked for her vulgar, constant harassment. Now KT is treating this whole ordeal like some kind of glitch in the matrix… for reasons we will never understand ofcourse.
Top Tweet- This ordeal has since evolved. She's once again connecting dots that probably aren't there. She seems to be remember that someone she knew had a dianetics book (A book written by Sci-fi writer L Ron Hubbard to scam money from people and save his failing career years before he even started scientology). It seems this is leading to her creating a new narrative wherein this person must have joined the cult and in some way is responsible for her getting blocked by Scientology (and not the constant harassment shes been tweeting toward them). What makes this noteworthy is this may loop back to a previous character in the Katie story. It could be that the person she's thinking of is someone like Arin and once again he's using his connections to get her or some insane bullshit. Hopefully the mystery reveals itself soon!
No. 1231707
>>1231675>>1231695You're welcome anons. I think here
>>1228719 and here
>>1230026 she actually was talking about Heidi because she mentions Holly too in the first David's baby post. The Hedy ones are Suzy.
No. 1231770
File: 1621228944910.png (69.53 KB, 735x279, gonetocali.png)

Uh oh, Arin better watch out!
No. 1231792
File: 1621233908082.png (16.65 KB, 745x125, KT.png)

Yes Katie, I'm sure getting high is not at all aggravating your unchecked mental illnesses.
No. 1231808
>>1231796She used to refer to them as "personal account" "dream journal" "public content" etc which seemed normal enough if unnecessary. But there was never a huge difference between what she posted on each account. Maybe a little bit, but she would frequently use the accounts to like and RT herself to the point that it all became indistinguishable.
I actually didn't notice that she's using Twitter as a direct mouthpiece for Mal until you pointed it out. She uses so many names that it all seemed kinda meaningless.
No. 1231854
>>1231837She spotted someone she believed was 'tailing' her (following her from a distance) putting up cameras.
Nothing else much to say on that, she thinks the universe revolves around her and that shes unique and special despite having only one thing that makes her of any interest- shes crazy and uses that to attack famous people who literally do nothing to her.
Her severe mental illness and paranoia makes her say shit like this all the time so no one bats an eyelid.
No. 1231878
>>1231869Sage. This entire thread is 90% armchairing because the subject is so off the rails it's hard not to speculate why. Although it's actually cool to hear from someone with experience with one of the things we assume she could have.
Honestly when shes not stalking Arin her mental illness is the most interesting thing about her. I wish we knew more about it, specifically her 'Mal' delusions because they seem to encourage her to do crazier shit (assuming they aren't her pretending to be mentally ill and hearing voices. It's hard to tell because shes a pathological liar and massive attention-seeking narcissist).
No. 1231899
>>1231889Not insinuating, shes straight up said it dozens of times over the last few weeks. She thinks that L Ron was her previous life and that she is the leader of scientology. She keeps sending demands to famous scientology related people and then going crazy at them when they ignore her.
More recently the scientology twitter account blocked her after making the same mistake Neil Gaiman made by responding to one of her bullshit tweets and being swamped with harassment from her after. Now shes torn between who shes angry at for being blocked, currently shes non-stop spamming Tom Cruise with 'fuck you' messages because the voice in her head (Mal) let her know he was to blame.
Honestly the story she creates is too wild to describe and it doesn't help that it's just one of many ongoing narratives taking place simultaneously. Your honestly better off just looking at her Twitter accounts as 90% doesn't get post here because there is simply too much.
No. 1231968
File: 1621267780552.jpeg (44.47 KB, 590x147, Web capture_17-5-2021_10752_tw…)

So wait… does that mean she's outing herself as a child abuser in her past life? o_O
No. 1231985
>>1231968Silly anon, thats logical thinking! Katie has never thought about things through logic!
But yes it does mean she can add 'sexual child abuse in a past life' to her long list of awful behaviours in her current life… and by her own admission too… Good for her.
No. 1232008
>>1231878AYRT. Although I'm like 90% sure she has paranoid schizophrenia at this point (10% hoping this is just an elaborate trolling from a NEET with no friends because that's still a better fate than being an untreated schizo) I'm starting to think this Mal stuff is either bullshit or wildly exaggerated. Her narcissism is raging atm with her hitting up all kinds of people on twitter, desperately trying to get some interaction going, so KT claiming more outlandish stuff to get peoples attention makes sense to me. I could be completely wrong though. With KT it's hard to predict what the fuck is going on in that brain of hers.
>>1231990Can confirm it's about the worst thing you could take with any sort of paranoia or psychosis. I smoked it myself when I got meme'd into thinking it was "natural medicine" and it made me batshit fucking crazy. I'm wondering if KT getting more desperate and crazy coincides with her starting to smoke weed/smoking more of it than normal. Does anyone else on this thread remember her mentioning weed prior to now?
No. 1232027
>>1232008The only reason I don't think its trolling is because shes attacked a lot of people she once looked up to/ admired. Trolling is one thing but even a troll wouldn't go as far as to try and get hated by their past heroes (I'm referring to Neil Gaiman and Bastille, both of whom she used to love and both of whom she now attacks. In the case of Bastille one of the members called her out for being a dickhead too).
And yeah I've seen her post on twitter about being high and smoking weed in the past a while back. Considering she was big into alternative medicine, mysticism, psychic powers etc it's not surprising. I do wonder if weed is the only drug she takes but so far we have no solid evidence to suggest anything more.
I used to be a stoner myself until I developed slight mental disorders. I was never super bad but I can confirm that the weed definitely made it a lot worse as it made me paranoid rather then relaxed after that.
Lets be real though, she needs real medical help. Stopping smoking weed while shes in this state will help but she need to see a real doctor soon.
BTW if anyone can get an image, on Katie's uhuhcomeagain account she just tweeted directly at Suzy out of nowhere telling her to 'Go fuck herself'.
No. 1232080
File: 1621280084001.png (256.72 KB, 735x558, outtanowhere.png)

>>1232027As requested for posterity
No. 1232100
>>1232012So she's either smoking more weed than normal (or a stronger strain) or she's just getting worse. Honestly, it's probably the latter. It doesn't seem like she has any close friends or family to stop her spiralling, or even notice how she's acting at all. Unfortunately the only thing that can help her now is a shot of haldol and a trip to the psych ward. Nothing sobered me up quicker than being amongst other psychos and realising that I'm just as bad as they are for me to be in there.
I do feel genuine empathy for KT knowing what she's going through but she's also such a fucking narc that I kinda hate her too kek. The duality of woman. Or womxn. Or whatever non-binary shit she identifies as this week.
No. 1232415
File: 1621306616736.png (293.99 KB, 743x786, KT.png)

So… I guess Katie decided to get engaged to Mal. I'm not sure if a person can marry themselves but if this means she will do less sexual harassing and stalking I guess everyone wins!
Also, back to attacking Neil. God forbid someone try to be nice to her. I still don't know what she hopes to gain beyond her own embarrassment?
It also seems Katie thinks she can travel into the dreams of someone who doesn't even know what she looks like or sounds like. Something tells me shes gonna be pissed when she realizes Neil's life will continue on as normal regardless of her Freddy Krueger ass trying find more ways to attack this poor guy.
No. 1232417
File: 1621306975250.png (40.27 KB, 736x419, KT.png)

If being immortal consists of not understanding what gaslighting is but spending my time falsely accusing people of it and then marrying some ugly ass scientology reject I guess I'm okay with dying.
No. 1232424
File: 1621307440111.png (611.08 KB, 553x867, KT.png)

Lastly for anyone wondering why Katie is accusing Neil of being a 'Plagiarist' now- I guess it's because of this… er… shitty ballpoint pen drawing on a writing pad of a… um… faceless woman-horse-moth wielding a mop?
Yeah somehow this makes Neil Gaiman, a world famous writer, a Plagiarist. If anyone has any insight into how please explain.
No. 1232432
File: 1621309116807.jpg (121.27 KB, 1080x1096, Screenshot_20210517-203506_Chr…)

God, I almost feel bad for her. She is so lonely she is literally talking about marrying herself, but she still seems to crave affection. I really wish someone in her life would step in.
No. 1232458
File: 1621312071863.jpeg (34.45 KB, 583x473, 1554410363145.jpeg)

>>1232424if anyone was curious as to KT's art evolution… its the same shit…
No. 1232555
>>1232415Oh gosh, this made me ugly laugh. I know it's punching down but this is so fucking crazy and hilarious. If you'd have told me months ago that the Game Grumps stalker would be doing all this stuff now I'd assume you were the mentally ill one.
>>1232432I often wonder how KT pays her bills and feeds herself because she's so terminally online I find it hard to believe she works. But surely if she lived with family they would have noticed something by now? Unless they're also a bit loopy and against modern medicine which would explain some of KT's views.
No. 1232697
File: 1621346775342.png (24.16 KB, 740x259, Mal.png)

So does anyone remember when Katie used to be so against the idea of fame, long before we knew her as the person who fails to leech off of people with fame? Well she doesn't remember it seems.
No. 1232702
File: 1621347060494.jpeg (193.89 KB, 1080x1094, 1554450661806.jpeg)

>So does anyone remember when Katie used to be so against the idea of famepic related fucking KEKK! yeah i remember that shit anon, its crazy that this talentless hag would reject fame when there is literally no way she could even achieve it. no wonder she needs to leech of.
No. 1232704
File: 1621347352955.png (330.22 KB, 743x698, Mal.png)

Follow up to Mals revelation about Katies fame;
This 'Christlboe' person Katie is messaging is a person Katie knows in real life! Not just stalks but actually knows (Or probably knew because he don't publicly respond to her)! The bottom tweet is a picture of him posing next to a dead horse.
Also the top tweet is Katies newest claim; Rejecting Arin lead to Rick and Morty being created (Which is awesome, thanks Arin… even though you had no part in it's creation!), and Rick and Morty is plagiarism because Katie is the original creator (No proof, no reasoning, no evidence, makes no sense etc all the normal Katie lack of reasoning so lets see if Katie wants to take this one to court too?).
Someone really needs to teach Katie what words mean… she really likes Gaslighting and Plagiarism at the moment yet doesn't know what either means.
No. 1232713
File: 1621347919041.png (42.6 KB, 743x295, DoctorKT.png)

Are you certain you want to post this Katie?
No. 1232721
>>1232710I don't want this guy to be dragged in because he's just a dude who probably knew her and doesn't deserve to be dragged down with her. I checked his twitter and honestly he's just a lonely guy messaging 'famous' women he has crushes on probably.
The only strange thing of note is he is apparently an animator who makes (or made) cartoons on the internet. It seems he never blew up though like Arin did. Perhaps he was Katies attempt to relive her missed opportunity with Arin? But when it was clear he wasn't going to make it far she abandoned him? Or he realised she was an insane narcissist and escaped? Either way, poor guy doesn't deserve to be involved in this so I hope he continues to ignore her publicly.
No. 1232736
>>1232704Katie has mentioned before that Rick and Morty is based on her and this guys 'adventures'.
I'm not sure if shes seen the show because if shes one of the characters shes either;
Rick- Devout atheist. Doesn't believe in Gods, Magic, Value in life, Reincarnation or anything like that. Actively disproves it all. Genius. Nihilist. Selfish and
abusive towards those around him.
Morty- Well-intentioned retard. Rarely understands what is going on around him and is constantly abused by Rick. Forcibly dragged on 'adventures' and left to suffer for comedic effect. Slowly his values are becoming more in line with Ricks.
It's a great dynamic for a cartoon but if this is based on you and this guy Katie, I'm curious as to which character you think is based on you? Or did you mean the adventures themselves are based on you guys life- because imma need proof of that!
No. 1232740
>>1232710>>1232704>>1232721this guy used to be the only friend she had on twitter and in real life. the only one that actually interacted with her weird shit. at some point they had a falling out and he stopped interacting. but he stopped talking to her for a reason, probably saw her getting more unhinged with time. i dont think he will reply, since he knows first hand she's insane
this is a picture old as fuck in case some of my nonnies don't know. like she posted three years ago or something and it was already an old photo. she must look like shit if this is the best she's got. KT looks like a horse and her danger hair is the only nice thing about her appearance, which is only okay as a teenager kek.
No. 1232775
>>1232761Cut her some slack, it was probably ol' L. Ron Hubbard who contracted it in his previous life and she simply inherited it when she was reborn. Gotta nerf her powerful godhood status somehow,
No. 1232953
File: 1621366987640.png (18.76 KB, 729x159, firstgirlfriend.png)

Oh, I'm sure this is definitely not about Arin lmao
No. 1232969
File: 1621368048636.png (187.12 KB, 732x1080, talkingtoherself.png)

Just talking to herself
No. 1232981
>>1232969A 'picture perfect Christian'. So narcissism, lying, sexually harassing, believing your God, worshipping false idols, wanting to start a cult, falsely accusing people of serious things (such as terrorism, rape etc), stalking and the list goes on. Just straight up a good Christian Katie.
Also, no it doesn't mean your being stalked. not even remotely close. It means you were one of the many randoms they responded to that week (and I checked, there were a fair few, even some calling them a brainwashing cult- they responded still!). They clearly thought you had an interest in their Sea Org and music scene and responded how you'd expect them to. Nothing more, no deeper meaning, your not important and no one wants to even talk to you or get you help let alone stalk you.
Katie go and get medical help you moron!
No. 1233003
File: 1621370025169.png (27.47 KB, 744x402, KT.png)

Yes. I'm sure being called a number of things with no evidence by a crazy person that nobody noticed except those who rightly do not agree with you Katie is truly damaging to his career.
I'm sure your threats to 'live in his dreams' will greatly change his life as literally nothing happens to anyone except you who truly believes you can do so despite your insignificance.
I'm honestly shocked she hasn't given up annoying this guy after realising that the only people who agree with her are her.
No. 1233009
File: 1621370332248.png (313.41 KB, 747x869, Mal.png)

At this point I think we should just start calling her Mal. Maybe then she'll realise Mal is her, specifically her mental illness.
I mean the lack of self-awareness is astonishing to the point most of us have to keep questioning if shes just really fucking dumb and crazy or is this her attempt to troll and alienate herself from everyone. Theres no other options.
No. 1233036
File: 1621372780988.jpg (131.6 KB, 1078x982, Screenshot_20210518-141729_Chr…)

This nutjob really thinks everyone wants to fuck her.
No. 1233050
>>1233036Interesting theory Katie but, have considered this; you look like a horse-witch.
Now I'm of the belief that looks aren't the only attractive thing about a person so being ugly doesn't mean you can't be attractive but, you've got literally no redeeming attributes to stand in for your lack of outer beauty. Infact it's kinda rich when your the one judging others on looks.
I don't know what an 'LF fan' is but I doubt it makes you anymore fuckable then you already aren't. I also don't think Dan Harmon is an incel considering he has a partner and was once married… Are you using small words you don't know the meaning of again Katie?
No. 1233056
File: 1621374209617.png (16.58 KB, 743x198, Irony.png)

Hmmm… maybe in retrospect being a cunt to everyone you've ever known wasn't the best way to live your life?
Just ask Mal to help you! I'm sure her God powers will make it super easy, she can probably make things float, teleport, travel through wormholes, change physics or any number of things to solve the issue.
No. 1233245
File: 1621388687822.png (118.93 KB, 495x839, NotCrazy.png)

While I'm not saying Katie is crazy, I will point out that this tweet pretty much sums up her mental state for anyone who hasn't kept up with her explosive changes in recent weeks;
-Shes retweeting the generic response she got from the scientology twitter account…
-After sending countless tweets at them, former members, other related accounts, related celebrities and even victims…
-Mainly to announce she is L Ron Hubbard, the con artist who created this cult…
-After her own attempt to make a cult failed…
-And also to sexually harass David Mischavage (Which along with claiming to be L Ron Hubbard is something she has done as recent as the tweet before this one!)…
-Although they only tweeted at her once ever, she is retweeting it for what feels like the millionth time in the last few days…
-Across multiple accounts where she pretends to be other people or back herself up…
-The tweet is from before the Scientology account blocked her when they realised she was crazy…
-And shes tweeting this at former American president Obama…
-With a message asking him to help her (You may be wondering why the scientology tweet is necessary considering it adds no context to why she needs help as it's literally just a standard tweet- well keep wondering because Katie will never give an answer!)…
-She then goes on to accuse Scientology (As a whole) of stalking her (An insignificant nobody)…
-Even though at this point it's clear shes the only one who stalks people and is infact stalking them no matter how much they ignore her or block her…
-And she still thinks shes being 'misappropriated' by DC comics because a character in Sandman (Written by unfortunate Katie victim, Neil Gaiman) has the same natural hair color as her currently dyed hair color (And nothing else, not looks, personality, story, character, race or even gender!)…
-Which in and of itself is a whole conspiracy about Arin, the dude shes obsessed with after missing her chance 20 years ago to date him…
-And then she responds to this tweet from yet another account of hers…
-And she finds a way to include her imaginary friend Mal who she thinks is God but is actually a mental disorder, as well as giving the President a link to the twitter account she made for Mal…
And yet each of those points is the shortened version of everything wrong with this tweet, each point in and of itself has it's own crazy narrative that spans many posts.
No. 1233288
File: 1621393222452.png (772.55 KB, 735x2187, whomst.png)

I want to know who this is about. I think it's safe to say it's not Suzy this time. But then again it's KT so who knows.
No. 1233293
File: 1621393788928.png (185.62 KB, 732x825, it'snotaboutyou.png)

She is obsessed with this idea that she's just such an amazing, unique, funny, creative person that everyone is lifting her character traits for their own content, despite there being absolutely no tangible evidence of such claims or any obvious trace of KT in any of the media she's mentioned. It's honestly getting extremely sad to watch her continue to do this. She wants to be important so bad.
No. 1233300
File: 1621394358515.png (22.86 KB, 732x234, youfirst.png)

No. 1233316
>>1233294Yeah, it's Legendary Frog. She apparently voiced the "red haired hippie elf chick" in LF's parody of LOTR. You can watch part 3 (as far as I can tell the only one she was actually a part of) here if you want to see what passed for humor on Newgrounds circa 2004. Skip to about 11:10 if you want to hear KT show off her amazing voice acting skills. Also looks like this is how she knows Chris Boe, the guy she's been dragging into her shit recently as seen here
>>1232697 and
>>1232704 No. 1233320
>>1233316Holy shit that was beyond horrible. All this time she's been bragging about this Legendary Frog connection that everybody is supposed to know her from…I just assumed it was a larger role in a popular project. I should have known it was just a bit part in some incomprehensible ancient garbage. Omg this girl is so convinced she actually did something, and it's
No. 1233329
File: 1621398004240.jpg (108.94 KB, 1052x1027, Screenshot_20210518-211645_Chr…)

Poor Chris.
No. 1233419
File: 1621410762928.jpg (179.75 KB, 1080x1322, Screenshot_20210519-025121_Twi…)

What did Tom Cruise do to piss her off?
No. 1233437
Sage for no contribution but I was talking about the first Life is Strange game last night and it occurred to me that it's the type of thing KT would have a field day with.
>blue haired protagonist with the surname Price>the character has a super unique one of a kind style that's available for purchase at Hot Topic>loose themes of magic/supernatural stuff>blue butterfly used heavily as symbolismI'm glad I don't have a twitter account so I don't have to fight the urge to tip her off about more "plagiarism" kek.
>>1233345Same. I've came close to feeling cruel for mocking her a few times now but every time I do she goes back to being a cunt a few minutes later.
No. 1233514
>>1233036>fat sloppy incel Dan HarmonBased KT shitting on Harmon.
>>1233316Kek. Imagine priding yourself on voicing a shitty joke character in a newgrounds animation that's less popular than the e-celeb you stalk.
No. 1233583
>>1233316I've literally never heard of this in my life and I remember being on newgrounds a lot in my younger days.
So THIS is her claim to fame. Wow. And she thinks people would know her for being a nameless one-off character in this crappy ancient animation that probably barely anyone has watched. Not only that but she think people would want to fuck her because of this.
I'm starting to wonder if ALL her issues stem from the simple fact that she never became somebody of note. All the hate, leeching, stalking, delusions, everything! Just because she made no impact on the world but those around her did.
No. 1233814
>>1233437She'll probably see this so, it's only a matter of time before she makes a tenuous connection back to Arin so she can start claiming that Life is Strange is
also "misappropriating" her lol
No. 1233826
File: 1621448330496.png (592.01 KB, 735x1494, truelove.png)

Not sure what this old art of Arin's has to do with Neil Gaiman, but it's apparently very funny. I'm sure in her mind it's more solid evidence that she's been plagiarized or whatever.
No. 1233846
>>1233826Its got literally nothing to do with Neil Gaiman. Or Tom Cruise. Or that Dr Grande dude shes been trying to bait in hopes he will make a video about her. Or anyone besides Arin.
Lets be real this is and always has been just about Arin. Everything she says and does always loops back to him. All the poor people she drags into it along the way are probably her desperately trying to convince herself that shes not just obsessed with Arin. You and I (and everyone on Earth besides Katie) will never see any of the 'connections' between Katies 'evidence' and her accusations because there is none to see.
Shes a psychotic narcissist and we all feed her by giving her the attention she craves. She only continues because the handful of us here that continue to watch- its not like anyone else gives a shit or even knows who she is.
No. 1233860
File: 1621449998210.jpg (270.19 KB, 1080x1199, Screenshot_20210519-134637_Twi…)

No. 1233863
File: 1621450111870.jpg (336.7 KB, 972x2213, Screenshot_20210519-134745_Twi…)

Someone got in trouble for harassment kek
No. 1233891
>>1233846yeah because i was going to ask why in this post
>>1233860 she even mentions AT&T?? but it obviously doesn't even matter.
No. 1233893
>>1233860At this point I'm wondering if we're the fools for giving her attention. Maybe we should be more like all these people and just fucking ignore her ass.
Honestly her idiotic behaviour has reached a point where it doesn't surprise me or entertain me as much. I was just following this trainwreck because I thought one day Arin would respond or that she would attempt to sue someone (and fail) or someone would get her committed or something. It doesn't seem like any of that is going to happen though.
Maybe if we stop giving her attention she will stop acting like moron or up the stakes by actually making this a legal thing? It's not like any of her current behaviour is 'new content' for us anymore.
No. 1233895
>>1233863I get the strange feeling that 'Mal' has the same phone number and address as Katie. In fact I think it's weird that this God needs Katie at all to exist on twitter. I thought Mal knew other people after all like Katie (and no one else) always says?
Pretty suspicious of your God right now Katie!
No. 1233926
>>1233918>>1233898I fear it won't end for a long time. She leeched some kind of petty amount of fame from Arin/ GG. Now shes trying to leech more from anyone famous she can think of. As long as she has an audience (Even one thats so small you can count them all on your hands) this is what she will continue to do. Until that fades away she won't get bored or get treatment.
With any luck one of these celebrities she keeps bothering will go further then reporting her on twitter, they might actually get a wellness check or authorities involved.
I'm also a bit worried that now that five of her known accounts have all clearly been linked to be the same person, she might create a whole new bunch of accounts that we have to keep an eye out for and link to her.
No. 1234110
>>1234022Unfortunately I don't think he is. Think about it logically; Remember he gets hundreds of tweets at him a day, and not all good. If he does chose to quickly scan through them all, he probably ignores the negative ones. If he did come across one of KT's nasty tweets and he read it for whatever reason, he would then have to come to the conclusion it's KT (Remember she uses many accounts all with dumb names). Then it's a matter of whether he cares or not when she tweets him because this crazy psycho has been stalking him for 2 decades and he's probably bored of her or so used to her bullshit he just shuts it out. After that he may be aware of her to a slight degree but theres no way he goes out of his way to look into everything shes been up to.
He'd probably be like "This bitch again. How surprising." and just move on. Dudes living the dream he has no reason to waste time caring about her shenanigans.
It would be great if for some reason he did take note or came here to lolcow to get a good look at her downward spiral. Maybe then he'd either reach out to get her help or take action against the slander. He might also just have a good 'I dodged a bullet there for sure!' laugh about it and move on (but that would be far less interesting for us unfortunately).
The people here in this thread are literally the only people who give a shit- and thats mostly just to laugh at her or feel pity. She doesn't want help, otherwise I'm sure one or two people here would try to help.
No. 1234115
>>1233898Dude if she comes to this thread as often as we all think you've given her an excuse for her bullshit! She's for sure going to pretend that all her batshit insanity was just an act or performance art later down the line. She will never admit shes in the wrong and shes dumb as shit, so she would definitely use ideas like ARG, Art, Acting etc as an excuse to save face.
Ofcourse none of that would excuse the harassment, falsely calling people rapists or plagiarists, trying to solicit sex from everyone and all that shit but in her mind she will feel justified because it was all 'pretend'.
No. 1234120
File: 1621470990627.png (16.26 KB, 744x125, LazyBitch.png)

Same. I too want to take credit for everyone else's hard work and creativity despite having none myself and doing none of the work.
No. 1234152
>>1233860I just realised she sent that tweet from her Mal account… So Mal is a high-school drop out and waitress with purple hair too? And Mal also harasses people to be in a relationship with it? No wonder it likes Katie so much, they're both total failures!
They're practically the same person…
No. 1234217
>>1234120She is getting to be like the weird blogger who went by Amy Lee and said that Amy Lee of Evanescence stole all her songs and also she wrote all of INXS’s songs and Michael Hutchence was in love with her, etc., etc.
Sadly her blog is gone but there’s an F Plus episode about her: No. 1234312
>>1230441Why the ban for this? This and
>>1229943 are two good analyses of her mind state. Anon doesn't seem to be diagnosing, just talking about psychology.
No. 1234501
File: 1621525316113.png (19.64 KB, 742x225, Douchebag.png)

Can anyone guess where this is going?
'Second coming = white female'
It's nice to see that KT is happy to deny all religions that don't have a Christ figure and anyone who isn't 'Black, White or Brown'… like most of Asia…
No. 1234508
File: 1621525857435.png (29 KB, 746x278, Douchebag.png)

When this thread begun KT was just a batshit crazy lonely waitress who acts like shes 15 despite being in her 30's. Since then we've watched her aspirations to become President, To be British royalty, To marry her way into the Smith family, To become a celebrity, To become leader of scientology, To start a new American party, To become a DC character, To being L Ron Hubbard himself. And although she never achieved ANY of that or even came close, she has now set her goals to becoming Christ, the incarnation of God to the Christians, A wise man to the Jews and prophet to the Muslims.
It's crazy to see how far shes come after all that; shes now a batshit crazy lonely waitress who acts like shes 15 despite being in her 30's.
No. 1234595
>>1234120ah, if only she didnt write movies, art, and even youtube videos mentally. if she actually did things physically, she could maybe make enough money to not be a waitress. but her mind is too strong. must suck to be that powerful i bet. poor KT.
>>1234497>>1234312main thing, sage, psych fanfic is not milk. the only milk with KT is what unhinged thing she says. theres a difference between calling a cow crazy and writing literal paragraphs about her mental health, its armchairfagging nonnies, we are reading tweets not doing her psych appointments. lets not put this on autosage please, she's fun.
No. 1234606
File: 1621533870931.jpg (30.69 KB, 537x348, KT-psychotic-simulation.jpg)

wouldn't your situation be a bit better then
No. 1234610
>>1233846>She only continues because the handful of us here that continue to watchNo. She continues because she is literally psychotic. A lot of the commentary in this thread comes from an anon(s) who have never dealt with crazy people and it shows.
All the celebrity baiting and claiming to have created big IPs, 'Mal', the (pseudo-)religious fixation … she's a typical nutcase. She lives in her own reality that none of us can ever enter or understand because it's Escher on crack.
Her desire to be rich and famous might intensify aspects of her madness, but it's hard to say because again this shit is par for the course with hardcore psychotics.
No. 1234672
File: 1621538888571.png (46.19 KB, 732x408, nberlat.png)

So I guess this is maybe the "journalist" she'd mentioned in some of her voice memos before, like this one
>>1184702And I guess he let her down, which might at least partially explain her recent spiraling. In aforementioned voice memo, I remember her sounding pretty down and saying that she was going to go back to the journalist, but also that she "couldn't handle much more disappointment."
No. 1234673
File: 1621539079092.jpeg (33.65 KB, 500x500, B8FAE9E8-5942-4BCC-A8DB-61A720…)

Why is every compulsive liar like her also a complete dumbass?
If she had grown up to be a normal person instead of this freak mimicking a persona from when they used to speak through IM she likely could have become acquaintances with Arin and Snooze. At least had a big laugh together over how they all used to be back then.
Hell, maybe she’d be working for him doing a job she’s unqualified for and is shitty at like his other friends.
If they had ended up dating she wouldn’t have been able to ride his dick to success like she either believes or wants everyone to believe. She’s so passive-aggressive and miserable he probably would have just killed himself kek
No. 1235023
>>1234905"Arin should help Katie" is unrealistic on many levels. Not only is it in his best interests to ignore her forever, there's also nothing he actually can do. She's not an immediate threat, just a horrible annoyance that will only get worse if she gets
any confirmation that he remembers she exists.
She would take it as encouragement if he called the police on her. A wellness check is typically just to check that someone is still alive/not incapacitated. The police aren't qualified to help mentally ill people anyway, and it's not like there's mental health experts on call that you can sic on people like that. Idk what anyone expects Arin to actually do, even in some scenario where he would hypothetically want to. Legally, you don't even have grounds to sue for slander unless you can prove damages, ie lost wages or something tangible that you can directly pin on the person who's slandering you. It's very complicated and specific, not a threat you can weild against anyone who insults you on the internet.
Beyond that, Arin is reasonably more invested in protecting Suzy, his wife, from an insane and potentially dangerous stalker than he is in helping that stalker. It just doesn't make sense, even if he is an empathetic person who might feel bad for Katie on some level. There's nothing anyone can do but watch.
No. 1235136
>>1234673Because she's not a compulsive liar. She's balls deep paranoid schizophrenic, it's not even armchairing to say that, she's a textbook case.
No. 1235149
>>1235023>>1234905If some self-important asshole who got off on me orbiting them online during my teens 15+ years ago suddenly resurfaced trying to get my attention now that I'm "famous", I'd ignore them. Now if they were openly hostile towards my spouse and flip-flopping between sexually harassing me and blaming me for all their failures in life, I'd ignore them even harder, make sure my friends and family know to ignore them too, and take some safety precautions, but no more. This isn't his long-term friend suddenly plummeting into mental illness, it's someone he had a kiddie crush on before he found a real relationship.
Imagine if anyone had any sort of responsibility for that person we chatted a lot with when we were teens who now turned out to be utterly insane.
Also, any interaction would encourage her. Even blocking her or sending a cease and desist like some other of the unsaged retards upthread was tinfoiling had happened
>>1185979. If he acknowledged her in any way, she'd immediately escalate, I'm sure of it. If he tried to do anything at all, he'd be validating her delusions about how powerful and threatening she is. Can't believe I'm saying this but Arin and Suzy are doing the absolute correct thing here.
No. 1235765
File: 1621697145002.png (605.33 KB, 592x755, wat.png)

Okay lol
No. 1235767
File: 1621697304149.png (358.1 KB, 591x475, wat2.png)

Same anon as above.
This counts as a threat? And now she's coming for dr Grande it seems, I feel so bad for all KT victims
No. 1235768
File: 1621697415644.png (26.82 KB, 587x278, wat3.png)

Nothing of value was lost for Dr Grande
No. 1235778
File: 1621698809813.jpg (401.62 KB, 1080x2965, tweets.jpg)

>>1235777Ugh dropped pic, sorry
>>1235768Don't write "anon" in the name field, just leave it blank
No. 1235795
>>1234508…aaand, there we are. How come every untreated schizo living in a Western country
always comes to the conclusion they’re Jesus Christ?
No. 1235809
>>1235149Arin and Suzy are celebrities. Hilarious d-grade celebrities, but well known none the less. People with fame are used to loonies and I'm sure Game Grumps, with their neckbeard fans and other weirdos have their share of nut cases stalking and harassing them. So while KT's behavior might be concerning to someone without fame, it goes with the territory for people with mild recognition. Even local news casters and weather people have to deal with this shit and unless it comes to physical encounters, it's ignored.
Look at how Gaiman respond to one of KT's tweets and she goes even more batshit. Engaging gives their fuel and energy to focus. KT love bombs her
victims then realizes she's ignored and starts a smear campaign. Fortunately she's even more isolated than most nobodies in the internet and not one person will ever support her.
No. 1235857
File: 1621708874629.png (642.75 KB, 477x895, wat4.png)

Yes Katie, Suzy is not a traditional beauty, but even with those limitations, she IS a model, has a fanbase, a LOT of money, a bussiness and the whole atention of ARIN that you desesperatly crave
Sucks to sucks!
No. 1235977
File: 1621722981940.jpg (22.03 KB, 595x263, fckmort3mer1.jpg)

>>1235976Same anon, just providing this since I forgot last post
No. 1236044
File: 1621738811116.png (28.04 KB, 738x336, pleasehelpme.png)

New voice memo:
“Hi Mr. Miscavige, my name is Vada. Uhm, I have recently discovered that I have some connections to the Church of Scientology and uhm… I live in downtown Milwaukee so we’re technically neighbors. I'm… I really, really need some help. I'm reaching out because I really need help and I don't have anywhere else to go. I don't- I don't know what to do, I don't know I don't have anybody. Will you please call me or meet with me? I-I did give my phone number to Mike Rinder via his website, so he should- he should have it. But I have to- I have to be out of this apartment before the end of the month and I want to just move right in to, you know, the celebrity center or somewhere within Scientology because… technically… technically it belongs to me as I am the chosen one for Mal. So… if you could please help me, please. I just- I just don't have anybody. I don't have anybody, I don't and I'm- I'm really sick and I just… I can't do this by myself. if someone could please call me… it would mean the world. thank you very much, bye.”
No. 1236069
>>1236033You forget that katie was a horrible, narcissistic, jealous asshole before she went crazy. Even going back to her early teens and possibly before that (Shes like mid 30's now). Fixing her mental problems is great but I doubt she would suddenly become a decent human being or help others.
>>1236044I guess shes going to be homeless or have to move in with family. Assuming this isn't one of her normal lies. Strange that her bestfriend Mal cant use his God powers to save her… or contact someone famous for her to stay with. Wasn't she 'worth billions' just yesterday?
Its sad but I guess this might be a wake up call for her. She might realise that she isn't important, isn't special and cant get through life taking credit for work she never did and being a cunt to everyone. She even predictably turned on that Dr Grande guy she was in love with love a week ago. Who didn't see that coming? Her hopes of getting money via sueing people or leeching off famous names has failed. Lying and playing
victim for all to see didn't help her much either. Even now as she begs celebrities to save her she finds the time to attack other celebrities, attack arin/suzy/grumps, rant about cults, stalk people and hype up how great she and her imaginary God friend are.
All she can really do now is fade into obscurity (which she deserved well before she went crazy) or seek medical help and try to turn her life around. A sad end for a sad person or a potentially happy end to her being a sad person.
No. 1236093
>>1236069>I guess this might be a wake up call for her. She might realise that she isn't important, isn't special and cant get through life taking credit for work she never did and being a cunt to everyone.That's not how it works. She's much more likely to either incorporate that turn of events into her delusions, get very angry fixating on the injustice of it all, or a combination of the two.
There's plenty of delusional homeless people who think they're on a mission from God. Becoming homeless doesn't cure their delusions of grandeur. She'll probably get even worse once her life is destabilised like that.
No. 1236158
>>1236064Imagine how insufferable she would be if some random celebrity, scientologist or other rich person would help her out. She would mistake their charity for something that the world owes to her. Well, unless she got forced into psychiatric care of some sorts.
>>1236105Omfg love you anon
No. 1236167
File: 1621763433496.png (171.66 KB, 598x854, Lease.png)

No. 1236355
>>1236266It looks like her mom is saying, "no you can't stay with us, could you ask to extend your lease instead?" It's a suggestion, not a request to the landlord.
"Bailing 8 days before my lease is up" implies that she had planned to move in with her parents and now they won't let her. She's ranted many times about how they're hyper-religious Trump supporters, so this has got to be her last available option and not something she wants.
No. 1236358
>>1236355but why would she sue her mother? She is in her 30s, her parents don’t have any legal obligation to take her
I don’t think she can actually figure this one out on her own
No. 1236409
File: 1621799798568.png (61.13 KB, 726x531, trumpsupporters.png)

Pretty sure it's her parents
No. 1236415
>>1236358Because she's fucking crazy, demanding, entitled, and full of empty threats. She's clearly talking about her parents here, even if her KT logic is insane.
>>1236390The fact that her parents
are an option, even if they're waffling about taking her in, makes me think she won't end up homeless. Originally I assumed she was getting evicted for not paying rent, but her parents suggesting that she extend her lease implies that's not the reason. Maybe it is the reason and she's just not being honest with them. She's also claiming to be physically disabled now (and she is probably legitimately too mentally ill to hold a job) so that implies she has no money. That would be a major factor in her downward spiral, if she's struggling financially and afraid for her future. It's hard to discern the truth with KT since she such an unreliable source, but regardless of the details she's clearly struggling to take care of herself right now.
No. 1236518
File: 1621811485396.png (643.17 KB, 770x604, kekk.png)

HAHAHA she's coming for the revenue now!
She's so obssesed with Arin, it's pathetic, she reminds me of that scene of the FOP of Trixie's friend obsessing over her xD
I imagine KT smashing her keyboard hating on Suzy screaming WHAY CANT I BE YOU! sad
No. 1236519
File: 1621811598504.png (184.26 KB, 595x812, kek.png)

Same Anon as above mb image didn't post, still a newbie
No. 1236647
>>1236519I wonder if even in Katies mind where she has all these powers and is special, if she feels ripped off. Like, her pretend God friend Mal has never done anything to better her life, just speak and claim ownership over others hard work while Katies life falls apart. Of course I know Mal is just her mental disorder voice in her head but from her perspective her literal idea of God is this useless douchebag that does nothing but tries to take credit for everything… and does literally nothing cool like cause rocks to turn to diamonds instantly or give Katie winning lottery numbers. Ofcourse if she ever did win the lottery I'm sure Mal would swoop in to take the credit lol. But yeah, he won't do anything to actually help Katie. Shes 'disabled' getting 'evicted' is 'poor' and in 'bad health' aswell as all her claims of being stalked etc and what does God do? Use Katie to tweet about Neil Gaiman or some shit lmao.
To top things off she has 'psychic' powers now. But not the good kind or the provable kind either. She can't use telekinisis (otherwise she wouldn't need help moving her stuff… or her body). She can't read minds (otherwise she wouldn't bother celebrities as she would know they won't help her). She cant telepathically communicate with anyone (but she can pretend she does, as we literally all can!). She can't control peoples minds (which is good because she'd be married to like 15 unfortunate people she stalks by now).
Her power is the ability to retroactively decide she helped create something that she didn't or to pretend she influenced something creatively. Again a power all humans have, just most of us aren't egotistical narcissists who need to pretend everything is about them.
No. 1236895
>>1236415I'm a Milwaukee anon and am curious on what KT is going to do. Part of me kind of wants to reach out and say she can crash in my spare bedroom for a month because I feel kind of bad for her and live in a condo downtown. On the other hand fuck no.
Help for the homeless is actually pretty good in Milwaukee. If KT is reading this, the Cathedral Center is a women-only center. Community Advocates could also help, or just dialing 211. Also apply for section 42/rent controlled housing asap. They're actually really nice places since they're usually in Walker's Point and have regular units as well as the rent controlled ones.
No. 1236994
>>1236895You have a good heart,
nonny. I just hope you never change your mind about letting KT crash at your place. I'm a paranoid schizophrenic myself and it's potentially very unsafe for you. In a very bad episode I rigged traps for the "people coming after me" putting my flatmates in danger and also slept with a baseball bat ready to start swinging if anyone got close to me, and that's pretty mild for a paranoid schizo. I also met girls on the psych ward who are nice one minute, then physically aggressive the next because they think you're out to get them. It's far too risky to let a person like that live with you until they've been on medication and stable for at least 6 months imo.
No. 1237357
File: 1621916072948.png (57.62 KB, 738x612, arinhost.png)

No. 1237359
File: 1621916309596.png (617.29 KB, 723x1147, perfectkt.png)

No. 1237396
File: 1621925487726.jpg (323.74 KB, 1080x1890, Screenshot_20210525-014814_Twi…)

Cult didn't work out so now she's forming a political party
No. 1237397
File: 1621925526308.jpg (73.88 KB, 1080x352, Screenshot_20210525-015100_Twi…)

Samefag but I thought this was funny
No. 1237401
File: 1621925667109.jpg (351.01 KB, 1080x1538, Screenshot_20210525-015355_Twi…)

She's also bat girl now
No. 1237415
>>1237401Her narcissism is at a level I've never even seen before. Shes literally claiming everything was done for her, by her or because of her. Games, music, books, anime, movies, cults, tv shows, comics, peoples wills EVERYTHING! Oh and that shes the chosen one in personal relationship with God (but that doesn't count because her God is Mal who is her mental illness and therefore is her too). I even saw a few tweets about how 'Mal is using people' like Neil Gaiman (and others she has issues with I assume)… which is kinda funny because even in a reality where her imagination is true where Mal does exist that means he's making all her enemies rich, happy, in relationships, talented, surrounded by friends and fans and all the good stuff while shes apparently suffering from illness, is poor, soon to be evicted and has accomplished nothing of note in her life. Kinda seems like Mal is a piece of shit to Katie but loves everyone else kek.
Seriously I have never met or seen someone more narcissistic. What makes it even worse, as horrible as it sounds, is that she has literally nothing to boast about. Correct me if I'm wrong anons but, She's never accomplished anything as far as I can tell, she has no fanbase or fame, she seemingly no longer has any friends, shes never created anything despite being an 'artist', shes not attractive, shes not 'deep' or philosophical but is in fact kinda dumb… Like what has this girl actually got in life to show off about? Her life fucking sucks.
I mean usually a narcissist tends to have at least one thing about them that's atleast slightly notable that snowballs into full on narcissism (Like maybe they are slightly good looking, or maybe they did something of note once etc). The closest thing Katie has done of note is not date someone who later in life became successful and wants nothing to do with her… her biggest accomplishment is that someone else accomplished something and gained fame after removing her from their life.
No. 1237422
>>1237357So God (or Gods) created humans. We are their children. I assume humans looked like humans for a reason in most religions. We're made in their image or the form they deemed desirable for us or whatever.
But in Katies world God now wants to be romantically involved with one of their children (gross) and of all the humans on the planet, even those of the past or the future, (and there are same damn fine men and women on the planet just in the present!) he chose one whose face resembles a horse…
Makes perfect sense. You've converted me KT. See if your God chose the attractive people or or even those with great personalities you know it's fake. But, if God scrapes the bottom of the barrel and chooses a lowly wretch to show his humility he must be real! Shes onto something!
No. 1237711
File: 1621961468543.jpeg (591.51 KB, 1920x2560, F467262A-D6E4-4FD2-A2FC-D030CB…)

She’s begging for Arins help,,,
No. 1237773
>>1237757She's been saying for a little while now that she's pretty sure she has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, here
>>1208244 and
>>1232713 are examples. Self-diagnosed, of course.
No. 1237780
>>1237711Oy veyyyy I'm so sick of this bitch and her Munchausens! She may not be a cripple now but by god I'll buy a ticket to America and cripple her myself.
T. angry cripplefag
No. 1237832
File: 1621971173566.png (38.22 KB, 732x462, arinhansonruinedmylife.png)

No. 1237862
File: 1621972849409.png (900.06 KB, 732x3128, eddie1.png)

An interesting thread, and a new challenger appears! Eddie, perhaps a brother?
No. 1237888
>>1237868So it seems that her family is at least
somewhat aware of her mental state. Not sure if they're aware of her twitter nonsense, but it seems like she's been crazy in private as well. I hope they're able to help her. As entertaining as a lot of this has been, she is genuinely, obviously, severely ill. If he was willing to let her move in with him and take care of her, hopefully he cares enough and won't just totally drop and forget her.
No. 1237902
File: 1621974985890.png (1.03 MB, 750x1624, C6F06C34-D068-4624-B106-468560…)

He def knows she’s not right with how he’s begging her to get help. So her family probably does know which is good. KT needs serious mental help ASAP. She also thinks this is somehow all arins fault/plan
No. 1237906
File: 1621975078975.png (56.19 KB, 955x746, Untitled.png)

so now this crazy bitch is trying to get her own brother fired? assuming this is him since she keeps tagging the math department of that college
No. 1237914
File: 1621975629003.jpeg (664.79 KB, 1400x2100, greyshirt.jpeg)

>>1237906I'm pretty sure it's her brother, his photo on Purdue's website strongly resembles KT. If so I feel really bad for him, it seems like he's made an effort to make something of his life and invest in his education, only to have his mentally ill, narcissistic stalker sister try to destroy him.
No. 1237927
File: 1621976574294.png (299.19 KB, 489x1276, eddie5.png)

>>1237902Posting the other messages in that thread for posterity. Also, I'm not sure she has as strong of a grasp on the law or what she could make a case out of as she seems to think she does. Not that that's surprising.
No. 1237932
File: 1621976772554.png (676.5 KB, 1216x1134, Screen Shot 2021-05-25 at 4.05…)

>>1237927It seems like he's trying to gray rock her while telling her to get help, and she's lashing out and tagging his workplace. The whole thing is sooo fucked up.
No. 1237943
>>1237932Jesus christ, I feel so bad for her brother. He's clearly trying not to give up on her entirely, but she's making that incredibly difficult. It's quite ironic that everything she calls people, e.g. abuser/narcissist/gaslighter just describes herself to a T.
It's quite interesting that she is clearly extremely psychotic and mentally ill, but also really targeted and relentless in her nastiness towards the people in her orbit. If she can't get well and stop this I hope she at least keeps all this shit to online/text and doesn't try anything more scary in the real world.
No. 1237960
File: 1621978655872.png (22.11 KB, 1508x191, Capture.PNG)

ah so they are aware, thats good(contacting a cow's family)
No. 1237977
>>1237960This is honestly a HUGE relief to hear that they know about her issues and are trying to help her. I know contacting family is against the rules but this is a rare case where the cow needs real help from someone close to her. It's understandable that their hands are tied, but her brother is obviously a smart guy so hopefully he can figure something out in time.
Imagine what a crazy rabbit hole he must have gone down to find this thread! At least he took it in stride and doesn't seem too freaked out that a bunch of strangers are watching his sister's crazy antics.
No. 1238006
>>1237932It says a lot about her levels of narcissistic delusion that she's publicizing this homophobic verbal abuse thinking it makes HER look like the
victim. Not to blogpost, but I've dealt with a mentally ill family member and it's heartbreaking to watch someone fall apart who refuses to get help. The best thing he can do right now is exactly what he's doing - distancing himself from her abuse. As sad as it is to watch, no one can help her until she admits she needs help.
No. 1238099
>>1237960Well, we're ignorant to behind the scenes so I understood there's no way KT is supporting herself. Her entitlement just means she's your average suburban catty basic bitch that wants to be special. People use mental illness as an excuse, but while it changes personalities, it also merges with some of your terrible traits and exaggerates them. KT was your average, suburban girl with a well off family that desperately wanted to substitute personality with image. She shopped at hot topics and aspired for 2000s dying goth subculture (emo was taking over at the time). She thought highly of herself and because of being an alternative girl, got neckbeards like Arin to like her. These guys shower you with praise and of course KT let it get to her head by having a vagina and talking with chubby nerdy guys while sharing interests and not being a landwhale. All of this is normal for many teenage girls. Soon they get over it and themselves after high school. KT has never left. That's part of who she is. Petty and self obsessed. Spoiled by rich parents and privilege. Mixed with mental illness, she's the worst. Narcissist and cruel.
And for a Trump supporter, this well-educated gay educator sounds very kind and honest. It's like…cheap insults don't mean much weighted against actual achievements, KT.
No. 1238141
>>1237960Wow. It must actually be really fucking hard for them to see how much of Danger she poses to herself and others as she deteriorates further and further knowing they cannot help her if she refuses help.
America's 'wait and see' attitude towards mental illness like Katies is mind blowing. She's either got to do something that breaks the law or lose everything before she can be forced into getting help.
No. 1238265
File: 1622003630163.png (35.64 KB, 723x372, cob.png)

maximum cope
No. 1238279
>>1238265This thread gave me more respect for Arin. I'm not huge on the guy and he does seem a bit 'woke' at times but to my knowledge he's not a bad person. Knowing that he's probably had to deal with this girl for years (probably even 2 decades with her secretly messaging him from throwaway accounts pretending to be a fan or hater too!) and yet has in no way responded, acknowledged her or attacked her is pretty decent of him. Especially with the shit shes accused him of and the shit shes said to him, his wife, his family, his friends, his co-workers, anyone loosely connected to him and literally any celebrity she can think off as well as all the reporters and news channels she spams. I've no doubt he is unaware of most her antics because he's likely got literally a million better things to do with his time then watch her go nuts over nothing but, we know at least some of her bullshit has made it to him (considering he apparently had warned his security about her at at least one show). The fact that he hasn't done anything to retaliate makes him a bigger man then me.
I couldn't deal with this bitch stalking me for 2 months, forget 2 years or 2 decades. Imagine how many dm's from throwaway accounts she probably sends to him everyday, how many emails, how many messages across any platform he has… we concentrate on her public shit because we can see that but privately she must go crazy spamming him.
No. 1238285
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>>1238166Definitely seems like her imaginary God friend might be a slight problem if her mental state gets any worse. Considering Katie IS her deranged imaginary God pal… I'd probably beef up my home security a little If I were Arin.
No. 1238289
File: 1622006091228.png (228.91 KB, 744x750, PoorDude.png)

>>1238279Poor Dude. Hopefully people who don't know Arin won't assume he's this crazy bitches accomplice. Its insane what could happen to you for… not dating someone as a teenager by their own choice and then moving on with your life and being happy.
No. 1238291
File: 1622006265137.png (35.67 KB, 748x506, Katie.png)

>>1238279We just have to imagine what her non-public messages to those she stalks must be like. Shes so far gone.
No. 1238362
>>1237960I feel really bad for her immediate family. It’s not fun to see a close family member go through self destructive behaviour. At least with drugs and addiction, you can think they have some sort of control over it. Katie is obviously mentally unwell, which is something she can NOT control without meds and psych intervention.
Small blogpost but it took family member literally bringing my ill sibling to a mental institution to manage their mental illness and that’s because their husband helped. It very much felt like when you trick your dog into getting to the vet. I don’t know if they live anywhere close by but it seems that it’d be practically impossible to take Katie straight to an institution otherwise.
There is nothing they can do except wait for her to end up in jail or in a hospital. Like other anon mentioned, I fear that being on the street might be way way worse for her mental state. If you ever wonder what happened to those hobos who carry dolls around and mumble incomprehensible nonsense, this might be the beginning of it all.
No. 1238412
>>1237927>If any of those packages are open, I'm pressing charges.In previous text messages in
>>1237868 it sounded like her brother was buying those things for her though? Is she really that fucking dense she thinks she has legal claim to those items?
No. 1238621
>>1237865>>1238412This is the same woman who thinks she's gonna sue massive corporations for billions over intellectual property that has nothing to do with her, so yes, she wants to sue her brother for not giving her gifts.
>>1237927It's hard to tell what's going on, but it seems like Eddie did buy a house that KT claims is "for her" because she helped pick it out. He calls it his house, she calls it "our" house. If she actually shows up with a police escort, maybe she'll start acting hysterical and get detained by the very same cops she brought to "protect" her from nothing. Maybe unrealistic but so are all of her plans.
This woman acts outrageously entitled to help from everyone, including her own family. It sounds like Eddie was doing her a MASSIVE favor by providing her some place to live on his own dime. Their parents might have helped, who knows, but Katie's confidence that they will definitely help pay for a house is massively entitled. These are the same people she calls crazy, evil, cultists, narcissists, monsters, etc and yet she expects them all to make huge sacrifices for her at the drop of a hat. These are possibly the only people in the world who might help her, and she treats them all like complete shit while acting like they OWE her gifts, money, and a roof over her head. She's the only obvious monster in this situation.
Also kek at the fact that she wants feathers and a crib (?) for some type of youtube production when she's totally incapable of making ANYTHING after all this time of talking about it. She thinks she makes soooo much art but it's all in her head while she actually produces nothing. Insane that she's demanding useless, bizarre supplies while doing absolutely nothing for herself with the resources she already has.
I hope her family can somehow wrangle her into a mental hospital, because no one else in the world will deal with her. But on the other hand, Eddie actually owes her nothing and I hope he can keep his distance to protect himself from her. It's all awful.
No. 1238673
>>1238639They don't have children, no
>>1238624I know a lot of people have expressed this fear of her escalating to actually showing up at his house, but I'm not so sure. She doesn't appear to have a job and therefore no money, so she likely can't afford a plane ticket. She also seems to really think she's super high risk for Covid, so I doubt she'd want to fly any time soon anyway. And she probably couldn't afford to drive either, and claims to have CFS and can't even move herself out of her apartment, so she likely couldn't make it very far anyway. To that end, I doubt she could afford bus fare and couldn't afford to pay someone to drive her either, and has pushed away anyone else who might have otherwise. Not that I think anyone she knew would
actually agree to drive her out to LA to drop in on a guy she knew online 17 years ago because that's clearly insane. I don't know, I'm rambling and of course anything is possible with KT, but for some reason I don't see her actually escalating this to the point of trying to make it out to LA to stalk Arin in person. I guess we'll just have to see, I certainly hope I'm not wrong.
No. 1238694
>>1238673I do hope you're right, anon!
I've watched my fair share of true crime content to know that stranger and scarier things have happened.
Either way I'd be inclined to contact police just to be on the safe side in case anything happens. Can never be too careful with insanity like this.
No. 1238731
File: 1622058454223.png (97.15 KB, 732x516, disappear.png)

Her accounts seem to be back up. She's threatening to "disappear" now.
No. 1238741
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No. 1238754
File: 1622059307509.jpg (89.81 KB, 803x675, itsoktobegay.jpg)

Samefagging but do you guys think this is because people called her homophobic for calling her brother the "token gay" to his workplace yesterday?
No. 1238813
>>1238742TBH CFS varies. The most famous patient (supposedly) with ME/CFS has not only been bedbound, but also pretty much locked-in:
>It’s Whitney Dafoe’s 37th birthday. He’s had chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) since 2004 and has been severely ill since about 2012. Fed by feeding tubes, eyes and ears covered, too weak to move, unable to speak or tolerate almost any stimuli. Whitney has hovered in a kind of netherworld for seven years. Except for brief arousals from Ativan, Whitney remained too ill to communicate other than through pantomining for years.Don't look up his photos for your own good. I really hope that KT is being histrionic again, but ME/CFS (or whatever it is) really can be that bad. Would be horrible if she was wasting away physically as well as mentally.
No. 1238866
>>1238621>It's hard to tell what's going on, but it seems like Eddie did buy a house that KT claims is "for her" because she helped pick it out. He calls it his house, she calls it "our" house. To add to your interpretation, it sounds like now that her parents are kicking her out
>>1236167, he was planning on moving her in ("Thank you for saving my life"), he was buying her stuff and she was having more purchases shipped there and was going to get a job ("May 10 final deadline, just to be safe"), but hadn't moved in yet. Then, suddenly, she springs on him that she's "definitely disabled" seemingly as she discovers this herself in real time, just when she was about to start working again like she so desperately wanted, oh no! I bet he's thanking his lucky stars right now. She could have waited until after she moved in to wave her red flags in his face, but she did it before she had her foot in the door. Her entitlement fucked her over.
No. 1239437
File: 1622071546680.png (120.81 KB, 729x741, committed.png)

they're trying to have to committed because you are mentally ill and need help
No. 1239445
>>1239331Kek this is amazing (and sad?? I go back and forth on whether I feel bad for her).
In the first video, she films through the key hole of the door while some nice lady from the MK mobile crisis team asks if she's ok because her mom sent them. Predictably, KT says that her mom is stalking her and that she has no health issues that's she's concerned about.
The second video is a continuation (I think? Seems like it could be another visit?). She says, "My mother is estranged and she left me here to die, 3 days before my lease is up." Of course she brings up the TWO TIME TRUMP SUPPORTER thing and calls them
abusive. Then she says her brother is supposed to come help her move because she is disabled and dependent, and he bailed on her and "left her to die." When she mentions that she's got nowhere to live and she's going to die because of her disabilities, the nice lady offers her housing assistance. Of course, she declines and blames it on her high risk for COVID. She predictably gets aggressive and turns on the poor lady after a while. Annnnd she has all her food delivered. I wonder who pays for that?
The third video is KT again refusing the help that's being offered to her and becoming progressively more hostile to one of the only people that care about her left on this earth. Eventually she tells her to get the fuck away from her. And KT refuses to give her number to the lady or to take her pamphlets.
KT sounds unhinged and just repeats the questions to the social worker, not fully understanding what's going on. She's probably beyond reach now.
I feel terrible for this woman on the other end. She's clearly doing everything she can but KT is beyond help until she spirals out of control and ends up homeless.
Video 4 is some guy screaming for KT to shut up. KT says she came to tell him she's done with his abuse. The guy is really hard to understand. Someone else should listen. I think she calls him by a name at the end, but I can't tell if it's "Eddie" or not.
No. 1239446
>>1239436Watching/hearing her interact with another person in real time is kind of terrifying. She is really,
really paranoid.
No. 1239453
>>1239445She's been begging celebrities for help for literal months now, and someone shows up at her door that could
actually help her, and she tells them to fuck off.
No. 1239467
>>1239453She’s not equipped to handle a dialog and that’s why she tweets obsessively at celebrities who will not answer her, and “turns” on them when they do.
She contradicts herself. “My mother LEFT ME HERE TO DIE” to “actually she’s stalking me and I moved here to get away from their abuse and we are estranged” to “if you want to talk, call me,” to “if you want my number get it from [my mom].” It’s like the moment she’s challenged she sees her delusions crashing in around each other and goes on the defensive in real time to cope with that. Fascinating to watch.
No. 1239472
>>1239437She tagged Arin in this lol. I hope he see's it because that would be a huge sigh of relief for him.
I can't believe she honestly thinks people are trying to get her committed to stop her 'suing' them… she really doesn't see how she had no case to begin with a wasn't even a threat. People are actually trying to help her and shes still going crazy at them. Shame Mal isn't real because he could have helped Katie out so many times by this point, y'know being a God and all.
No. 1239481
>>1239467AYRT and you're absolutely right. And listening to her brain misfire in trying to talk to this woman was a trip. I don't know what the possible next step is here for her family or the crisis team, but I hope this woman took KT's abuse and defensiveness as a sign that KT is
really sick and delusional and definitely needs some kind of help. But I also know there's only so much anyone can do without KT's cooperation, because she's an adult. It's just so frustrating to watch.
No. 1239489
>>1239483She definitely sounded paranoid enough in those clips to raise alarms with the social worker, and her family is aware of her Twitter presence and will likely share that info with social services. The bigger issue is that they
can't commit her against her will unless she poses an immediate danger to herself or others. It's not illegal to be mentally ill and a lot of people do end up homeless because they're crazy, but not crazy enough to get 5150'd (or whatever the WI equivalent is). The easiest thing would be for her to admit she's ill and accept help, but I don't see that happening any time soon.
No. 1239491
>>1239488Yes but that doesn't mean he knows ALL her many accounts. Hopefully he atleast knows her @cleartheplanet account where shes posted her interactions with the social workers.
It also doesn't mean the family have shared these accounts and threads with authorities. And I'm guessing in a world where online trolling is big, I don't think the authorities will put much weight on her twitter account representing her mental health… ofcourse we've been watching Katie implode over the course of literal years where as they just found out recently it seems.
No. 1239498
Lawyer (though not from Wisconsin) sperg here, but here's what seems to be a good overview of civil commitment in MKE. normal civil confinement protocol, KT won't receive a court order to get mental health treatment (seemingly executed by law enforcement/social workers?) unless she is (1) mentally ill, drug dependent, or alcohol dependent; (2) medically treatable; and (3) a danger to herself or others. She meets (1) and probably (2). But we don't know if she's actually ever gone so far as to be a danger to herself or others at this point.
She has a couple options. One is to, ironically, get arrested and get mental health treatment when the police/lawyers realize she's psychotic. Otherwise, her family can file something called a Third Party Petition for mental illness in non-emergency situations.
"A Three-Party Petition is a legal document claiming that a person meets all three criteria for civil commitment (mentally ill or drug dependent, treatable and dangerous). The petition must include notarized statements from three adults that describe the person’s dangerous or violent behavior. All three statements must tell about events that the witnesses have personally seen within the past 60 days leading up to the petition."
So, maybe. 3 people have to have been witnesses to her dangerous behavior. They have to swear to this under law. This has all happen within 60 days before filing the petition. Could be a steep ask, and it's possible (or maybe even likely) that KT never actually come close to hurting anyone physically. She prefers to hurt people by sending tweets that ruin their career, I think.
The Third Party Petition requires the MKE county office of corporation counsel to consent/write the petition, so her family couldn't just do it on their own. They'd have to get the city and the lawyers involved.
There's a screening form on this website. of hope someone in her family is already doing this process or considers doing it, in the off chance she actually is dangerous. Might be her only hope to stay off the streets and get immediate help.
No. 1239532
File: 1622079928400.png (249.29 KB, 726x924, whoops.png)

They'll probably block her after this and she'll get even more aggressive
No. 1239623
File: 1622093625174.png (48.19 KB, 729x309, isthatayes.png)

Hoooo boy lol
No. 1239661
>>1239633Yep. But assuming she gets treatment and returns to her old self, she'll be back online attention seeking eventually and go back to being a regular cow.
Or she might even return just to issue a long apology, tagging all those she harassed and explaining she was mentally unwell.
Or the realisation of how crazy she was might cause her to disappear from the internet entirely.
We may never know if things turned out well or worse if she disappears completely but honestly, at this stage its just kinda sad watching her struggle to even understand the world. Something as simple as a reply or like on twitter (or even a lack of a reply) would snowball into a whole nonsensical narrative that only she could 'understand'.
No. 1239675
File: 1622101773201.png (37.04 KB, 729x264, gamersdon'tvote.png)

lol what a bizarre statement to make
No. 1239684
>>1239675She frequently hates on 'gamers'. Essentially she hates the fact that Arin moved on after her and she missed her chance but, he's a gamer so therefore all gamers = bad.
It's kinda funny watching her message celebs for help who are gamers or constantly using Etika's name to further her wacky agenda even though he was a huge gamer (considering Etika was also a big fan of Arin and Arin seemed to like Etika too just kinda makes it funnier when she invokes his name).
Kt's really out of touch with the modern world and doesn't realise the gaming industry is even bigger then the film and music industry. So her insulting 'gamers' on the internet of all places isn't going to gain her much support (not that she had any to begin with but it shows how much of a looney she is).
She also was that stereotype 'gamer girl' who would boast about liking games even though they have boobs! But she was ofcourse about 10 years too late on that train.
Even now though a quick look at her twitter… shows an awful lot of game related clips and posts. Shes batshit.
No. 1240122
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No. 1240156
File: 1622155108911.png (357.77 KB, 723x1848, infallibleproof.png)

I am obsessed with the way she shows "proof" of her claims about Neil Gaiman to people by linking to her own salty tweet, that then has screen caps of 1. him being super nice to her and trying to help her out and 2. her just relentlessly insulting him, completely out of nowhere. Genius.
No. 1240177
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No. 1240243
>>1240211As twisted as it is, I think that her making suicide threats or ideation would finally give her family some leverage to get her into an institution where they could put her on meds and work things out.
If anything though, I don’t think she ever mentioned wanting to die, just that other people are out to get her and her family left her to die.
No. 1240288
File: 1622170351344.png (21.35 KB, 744x357, Backwards.png)

Katie honestly thinks it's her place to forgive Suzy, not the other way around. She for real 100% believes that Suzy is bad guy in their relationship… even though Suzy has only ever spoken to Katie once (years ago) and has never responded to her since then. Even though Katie is the one who ruthlessly insults Suzy constantly for no reason.
She's even offering to meet Suzy, as if Suzy would have ANY reason to ever want to meet her. Why would anyone want to meet their husbands stalker for 2 decades?
That fact she wants to meet Suzy without Arin as well is a massive red flag. It would not be safe for Suzy to meet this lunatic mere days after she promised her and her imaginary friend will fuck up Arins life… and like a week after Katies last rant about how terrible and ugly Suzy is to random celebs.
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it's Katies plot to murder Suzy and literally wear her skin then go to Arins house and pretend to be Suzy lol.
No. 1240294
File: 1622171178248.png (87.57 KB, 729x564, egodad.png)

No. 1240297
File: 1622171240987.png (80.25 KB, 741x469, Crazy.png)

"Yeah Arin! Keep your promise you made 15+ years ago! Just because I'm publicly calling you a rapist, terrorist, narcissist, psychopath, liar, stalker, abuser, attacking your wife, attacking your co-workers, dragging celebrities you've met into it, threatening to fuck up your life, lying about you, attacking anyone remotely associated with you ect. Means nothing! Keep your promise!"
No. 1240303
File: 1622171868404.png (14.69 KB, 729x114, savemesuzy.png)

>>1240288Don't forget this part underneath. After
everything she has said about Suzy, the endless smear campaign, how down right nasty and vicious and misogynistic she's been, now she's saying that Suzy should
save her? The audacity of this bitch, I swear to god.
No. 1240304
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No. 1240312
File: 1622172534297.png (469.33 KB, 729x1092, majoroof.png)

fucking oof
No. 1240315
File: 1622173182575.jpg (92.41 KB, 972x672, Screenshot_20210527-223746_Twi…)

>>1240312Replies to that tweet
Seeing that they mentioned her brother, I'm guessing they're a farmer. Stop cow-tipping someone so mentally unstable
No. 1240326
>>1240312The fact that Katie chose the photos, purposely chose the worst one of Suzy she could and the best one of herself she could… and its still a draw amazes me. Katies really quite ugly I guess.
The best part is not even more then a few hours ago she was begging Suzy for help and offering to 'forgive her' then proceeds to be a nasty bitch like this.
Katie you ugly. Inside, Outside, any damn side. Just ugly all around.
No. 1240330
File: 1622174731331.png (307.37 KB, 654x897, daddyraptor.png)

Well… at least she's finally being honest about what she wants
No. 1240331
>>1240312Well this is retarded.
>>1238444 Bald-faced is the correct term. If you’re going to cowtip at least use Google.
No. 1240332
>>1240293the tricky thing for me is that she can't
grasp that her situation is her own making. any suggestion of this, to her, is just gaslighting. being as deep in her psychosis as she is it's really not surprising she'd refuse and be offended by outside offers of psychological help. she talks about therapy but only for something like depression or anxiety, she won't accept the idea that she's actually deluded. in fact it would probably be devastating to her, she's been at this for a good portion of her life now.
No. 1240355
>>1240330Suzy I'll forgive you, then you can save me, and meet me. No Arin
2 hours later. No response from Suzy: Who is prettier me or this really bad picture of Suzy?
4 hours later. No response from suzy: Arin divorce that psychopathic hag and be with meeee!
I wonder if Katie is aware that most her conversations are entirely one-sided?
No. 1240356
>>1240315Bit late now. The tipping started a while ago with shit like
>>1237960 and some anons applauded it as somehow necessary. Probably the retard who keeps insisting that if someone would just tell Katie Mal isn't real that would fix everything because fuck brain chemistry.
This was such an interesting thread / subject before the autistic justice league descended.
No. 1240381
>>1240356The anon that told her brother may have been tipping but the 'applause' came because finally there was a way to be sure her family knew. They weren't happy some anon got involved just that someone who desperately needs medical help has people who are fully aware of the situation. Just knowing someone is trying to help her treat her illness is great to be honest, rather then half the anons worrying about her.
There were a lot of anons throughout the thread that said that Katie needs to realise her god friend isn't real or something similar but I don't think any of them have told her that or even said they would. That advice also does make logical sense when the delusions are making the person take certain actions in their life which mal or whatever was. Ofcourse it's not a substitute for getting a professional but this was before when it seemed like Katie had no one in life to help her and the only way to get her to help herself would be to make her realise there was an issue. Also the anons suggesting that seemed to want to help her, not like the anon who just wanted to tweet attack her lol or the anon that wanted to tell her family shes a nutcase.
I think we know who the anon that was sending her the mean tweets was because there was an anon earlier in this thread, not too long before that made the same complaint about 'Bald Face' and 'Bold Face'. Surprise, they were anonymous.
It seems like your getting mad about a lot of anons on this thread when theres no need. Calm down, don't be elitist, it's lolcow my dude. It is still an interesting thread and it's nearly reached it's conclusion- Either Katie getting help or Katie going homeless. I doubt there will be a lot going on after that. Unless she finds a 3rd option and continues being crazy. We'll know in a short while!
No. 1240392
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No. 1240449
>>1240392Bald-Faced, Bold-Faced and Bare-faced are all commonly used. Although Katie is misusing the term because shes crazy, anon is wrong to assume she was wrong… and messaging her directly about it was a bit much.
Ofcourse anon got away with it though because naturally this must be Suzy in Katies mind considering Katie tweeted about Suzy just before (didn't tag her or anything and Suzy had no way of knowing). I think Katie thinks Arin and Suzy have employed an entire task force dedicated to watching all her accounts 24/7 and letting them know immediately when there is an update and how to respond. I joke ofcourse but the crazy thing is that wouldn't be more insane then everything shes said just today alone.
Poor Katie is trapped in a prison shes made over time. It's like what philosophers think hell is, thats Katies life right now. Anons shouldn't make it worse.
No. 1240455
>>1240315To whoever the 14 year old cowtipper is: Fuck off???
We're trying to watch the cow in her natural habitat without farmer interaction. Feeding a mentally ill 30 year old woman's delusions is really fucked up, what are you even doing with your life?
No. 1240477
I'm the anon who posted
>>1240392 and I would just like to state for the record that I have never and will never interact with KT directly, I'm just capping things for posterity.
No. 1240595
File: 1622214713446.png (1.25 MB, 751x2185, acrossallthree.png)

This is just… really sad
No. 1240995
>>1240982I think you need a break from the internet buddy your getting too worked up at every anon post assuming your the same person. Relax, its not a big deal.
>>1240989I may be wrong but I dont think she has anything dedicated to her. She is mentioned on general game grumps and Arin related threads though. If im wrong id like a link too please!
No. 1241013
>>1240995they use apostrophes instead of quotation marks, they think "ofcourse" is a single word (you can check with Ctrl+f), and they use ! inside parentheses with the period outside, multiple times.
yeah it's autistic but they don't integrate as well as they think they do
No. 1241063
File: 1622256540112.jpg (231.34 KB, 592x580, fixedit.jpg)

fixed it. vote now on your phones
No. 1241162
>>1241133Bless you OP. My vote is on
>>1236105 as it’s far, far too accurate.
No. 1241187
>>1237373This monstrosity gets my vote for next thread pic. "KT Price. It's the same thing as AIDS." is my suggestion for a title referencing this
>>1232713 questionable take on CFS.
No. 1241194
>>1241133I wonder if this will even reach the post limit before things have been settled. Isn't she about to be homeless or treated?
But if we are going to continue, any image of her begging Arin for help immediately after insulting him or vice-versa should be the image.
No. 1241277
>>1241133I'm biased since I compared her to Giygas first, but IMHO
>>1236105 is a must for a thread pic
No. 1241351
File: 1622309339845.png (2.36 MB, 828x1792, E3B347C6-80A7-4B75-A634-AAC99C…)

Did he unblock her, or is it that this is a new account compared to the others? Thoughts? Maybe he IS going to save her after all kek /s
No. 1241416
>>1158794>>1236105For thread pic
>>1171125>"And in that moment, I swear we were Suzy"for thread title lol
No. 1241437
File: 1622317762250.jpg (73.25 KB, 1080x885, Ripperoni.jpg)

@primunonocere and @cleartheplanet are down as well
No. 1241447
File: 1622318566596.jpg (1.43 MB, 755x5309, lel.JPG)

Yes, her accounts arent loading, I hope her family is helping her now, Eddie sounds like a good bro, I feel for him
No. 1241454
>>1241447I feel so bad for her brother. It must be hard to see someone close to you deteriorate so much and refuse help on top of them hurling abuse at you.
I don't even care about laughing at the milk anymore. If we never hear from her again because she got help, that's a win.
No. 1241508
>>1241482No, none of this works that way. Arin doesn't actually have grounds to sue unless he can
prove damages, aka point to something specific and tangible that he lost as a direct result of Katie's slander. It's not enough that she's an annoying, insane liar. She has to have already succeeded in damaging him (career, finances, etc, not just emotional stress) before he can sue. And even then, there's no gain in suing someone who has no money – it can't actually stop her from talking shit, it only creates a financial consequence for doing so. She ignores all consequences anyway so it's pointless.
Beyond that, people don't get sentenced to mental health treatment for civil cases. You can't sue someone for being crazy or get a judge to lock someone up for lying about you. There's no correlation there.
On a more personal level, Arin has no reason to trust or help Eddie, if he even knows Eddie exists. If I were Arin, I would not trust ANY messages from ANYONE claiming to be connected to Katie in case it's just a sockpuppet account for Katie herself.
There's no way to know what's happening right now so let's just wait it out and chill with the wild tinfoils.
No. 1241511
File: 1622326079929.png (1.79 MB, 750x1624, F24E2276-DF75-49BB-8B75-ACD249…)

One account is back, but none of the others. Not sure what’s going on. Hope she gets help soon :/(:/)
No. 1241512
File: 1622326148259.png (248.82 KB, 723x672, grinnellvote.png)

>>1241437@dropsofviolet appears to be back for now. the others are still down.
No. 1241516
>>1241512So she's still crazy and she's still not in treatment. Patience, anons, it's
always too early to assume it's over with Katie.
No. 1241552
>>1241457He could use a shell account to get stuff together.
She was probably never blocked. He probably didn’t pay any attention to her to bother blocking her increasingly bizarre behavior.
The “unblocking” is most likely just her brain spinning things that always existed towards him coming to save her.
No. 1241555
>>1241508I think anon meant Arin might have unblocked her to gain access to threatening or
abusive DMs which can be used to take legal action. Im not sure about the legal ramifications of sending someone threats online or stalking them though but, I assume it varies case by case. Arin does have a very long history with Katie and its clear this isn't just her trolling.
I don't think anyone wants to sue Katie, she literally has nothing of worth while Arin is presumably already well off. I think its just a straight up report her to authorities because you fear for your safety situation.
No. 1241556
File: 1622330666199.png (227.06 KB, 828x1792, DCF8F96E-95C1-4F5C-9537-70DA86…)

No. 1241565
File: 1622331998726.png (39.54 KB, 732x327, neckbearddate.png)

>>1241556Looks like this guy is still hanging around after all
No. 1241589
>>1241555Good point.
I figured she’d use tons of shell accounts to harass him via DM, but she is crazy and might have a magical reason to use a specific account.
No. 1242185
File: 1622394981035.jpg (717.98 KB, 930x1858, Nobodywantsthat.jpg)

No. 1242516
File: 1622425158824.jpg (275.69 KB, 1055x1266, Ooooofff.jpg)

So she'll say homophobic about her brother and then she'll say this? Wtf
No. 1242535
File: 1622426759493.png (744.9 KB, 1357x919, realorimaginary.png)

Why do I get the feeling that this is about Mal or some of her other "astral" friends again lol
No. 1242560
>>1242535It's probably someone like Allaster
>>1241565 If they've been listening to her disjointed babble for a while, nothing would surprise them
No. 1242588
>>1242535It's either someone messing with her- some troll, her pretend friend Mal- especially considering she was talking about Mal not long before, Herself- since we know she tweets conversations with herself, A therapist- assuming she finally got help but I doubt it so soon, some internet weirdo- like that Allaster dude, orrrr shes just lying.
Take your pick, any could be right. What isn't right though is believing she has a sane friend that agrees with her bullshit and hasn't been driven away by her insanity yet.
No. 1242875
>>1242692Yup. It would be nice if they did so with the stipulation of her receiving intensive psychiatric care (which was kind of the implication from her brother only responding with “please get psychiatric help”) but I think they have limited capacity to bargain with her given that she’s insane. Her parents were supposedly willing to help her financially with the move or a down payment or something, so I don’t think a month extension to “figure out your situation” would be too out of the question. Of course she won’t figure shit out and they’ll be stuck in an enabling cycle.
Tinfoil, obvs, but I just can’t see them being so jilted that they leave her out on the street. They probably think she’s so psychotic that she’s not aware or responsible for the vile things she says.
No. 1243414
File: 1622523487579.png (378.33 KB, 729x831, drive500miles.png)

No. 1243429
>>1243426She's been living in Milwaukee Wisconsin. It's obvious that she intends to travel, the question at this point is
where exactly. My best guess is Iowa to harass her brother further.
No. 1243705
File: 1622565291085.png (550.71 KB, 828x1792, 17A88EAA-91B2-434C-95FE-495F4B…)

She’s homeless now apparently. To what extent I wonder.
No. 1243760
>>1243705So its finally reached the possible endpoint and somehow it's still Arins fault!
Recap; She couldn't pay her bills and decided to try and sue her way to money over literally nothing with no case. It failed.
Then she tried to leech off any celebrity- even offering herself sexually to literal Princes and Presidents in the hopes of gaining a sugar daddy. Turns out being ugly and having an awful personality doesn't help. Failed.
Then her attempt to take over scientology and live in their luxury celebrity centre went nowhere.
Finally she resorted to leeching off her family and they were going to go along with it until they realised she was nuts at which point they rightly requested she seek help for her mental disorders before they agree to help her living situation. Ofcourse Katie responded with venom and it failed.
Then her last, last ditch effort to leech off another human being was her crawling back to Arin and asking him to divorce Suzy and run away with her like that is somehow the better option. Telling a married man you knew 2 decades ago to throw away his happy marriage and stable life so he can carry you and deal with your bullshit forever. Crazy that didn't convince him. That failed too and now shes apparently homeless/ probably convinced someone to take care of her. That was pretty much her goal throughout this whole saga but, because shes lost her mind there were a lot of side plots that didn't really go anywhere and were just her being crazy.
When you look at her tweets she doesn't have much to offer besides free sex and theoretical money that doesn't belong to her because Rick and Morty somehow. So who knows how she actually got someone to take her in if she did.
Now, rather then admit or understand that the problem is herself she goes right back to blaming everything on Arin. The best part is there is a high chance Arin never knew any of this happened. He has no reason to other then if he saw one of her tagged tweets against him and chose to waste his time keeping up with her.
No. 1243784
File: 1622573779789.png (250.48 KB, 729x819, arinnarc.png)

I bet she googles stuff like this often lol
No. 1243786
File: 1622573936981.png (37.59 KB, 732x330, theytried.png)

No. 1243787
File: 1622574122929.png (16.72 KB, 726x135, itscreepshowsfault.png)

It's also apparently CreepShow's fault, in addition to Arin's lol. Anyone's fault but her own. Haven't seen her bring up Shannon in a minute though.
No. 1243815
File: 1622576795306.png (52.32 KB, 726x450, plzunblockkt.png)

No. 1243816
>>1243787I love cow-on-cow crime, I wish Shannon was still on Twitter so she'd open her giant retarded mouth and try to bad bitch it up with KT. She's the only one stupid enough to engage with her and was so desperate to be seen as a
nice person she even sent her a hundred bucks after making a video about her.
I will say though that this is probably KT's most understandable outburst of resentment. Not that that says a lot. But think about it; KT was only discussed in some posts in the GG thread, and people were overall aware of her being crazy, but then Shannon made her video and really pushed her out into the open. Her videos about her have a combined 1 million views and then she sent KT that money which comes off as some mixture of autism and smugness.
Also don't forget that Shannon ended up posting DMs identifying some of KT's former classmates, which could have done
actual damage.
Even a broken clock etc etc. Not that Shannon made her homeless or anything, she's just the only person accused by KT who actually
did something kinda nasty to her at one point.
No. 1243833
>>1243816>Also don't forget that Shannon ended up posting DMs identifying some of KT's former classmates, which could have done actual damage.Don't be ridiculous anon. Hate on Shannon as much as you like, but she only posted a screenshot of Katie saying the exact same thing in DMs as Katie had already tweeted publicly. Katie called it doxxing because she's an insane hypocrite, but it absolutely wasn't anything dangerous.
I'm not convinced that Katie's actually homeless. Can you imagine her landlord or whoever trying to pry her out of that apartment? It would probably take physical violence to get her out and she'd record the encounter, just like she did with the mental health people. She's such an unreliable source, I won't believe it until there's some kind of proof of her actually being on the streets. It's only been one day so she's probably just squatting in the apartment because she supposedly doesn't have energy to move.
No. 1243912
>>1243833KT is a clinically insane bitch with an audience of zero mentioning someone she used to know. Shannon is a stupid bitch with an audience of half a million. That's a different ballgame and why I make a distinction. But other than that I do agree with you, I don't think it's doxing
Except according to Shannon herself, doxing means "showing someone my lolcow thread that contains my middle name that I've used as part of my nickname on all social media for years", so by that logic… and I'm not trying to blame Shannon for KT's misery, I just think this is the one time someone actually was acting shitty towards her. Whether or not she deserved having that video made about her is another question, but either way I do understand feeling resentment over it.
No. 1244060
File: 1622602400212.png (70.54 KB, 729x645, arinscientology.png)

I wonder how her wires got crossed into thinking Arin has anything to do with Scientology
No. 1244061
File: 1622602542808.png (231.7 KB, 729x774, neveranoption.png)

No. 1244140
>>1244135Eh, she's maybe like two thirds the batshit of the average incel subreddit poster. This sort of loony erotomania only looks insane on women, on men it's just Tuesday. You need to have the self awareness of an amoeba to see this and go "lmao females".
I worry about you too anon, because I can guarantee that you know (or knew, if you're lucky) a scrote who is convinced that you want to fuck him/are in love with him. Most rapists and stalkers delude themselves into thinking that, and they're far from rare.
Granted, a male KT would've Supremo Gentleman'd a fem-arin by now.
No. 1244145
>>1244140being convinced arin is in love with her is the least crazy thing about her. she is literally hearing voices in her head that she thinks is god. i'm surprised there are anons who still think her behaviour is somehow common like here too
>>1244107 when she is clearly deeply insane.
No. 1244200
>>1244061I know she's mentally ill but how is her self-made crazy posts and etc Arin's fault? She's destroying her own life, but in a kinda harmless way I guess like this anon said.
>>1244150Women's obsessions take a very different form to males.
>>1244140>I worry about you too anon, because I can guarantee that you know (or knew, if you're lucky) a scrote who is convinced that you want to fuck him/are in love with him. Most rapists and stalkers delude themselves into thinking that, and they're far from rare. Absolute facts.
No. 1244583
Well this thread has changed. Last time I was here Katie was going to be homeless. Now there is just a discussion of how Katie is only on Lolcow because shes female and if she were male it wouldn't be anything to talk about.
Can't help but wonder if Katie herself or one of her weird defenders is anonymously trying to divert the thread to talk about 'how men suck' rather then how this bitch is constantly saying wild shit.
>>1244225 Your absolutely right. I don't see how anyone can justify this behaviour as normal to either gender. And the sad part is you've only covered a small portion of her latest antics. Katie has done too much to list without writing several paragraphs and even then you can only cover her recent activity. Katies been escalating in lunacy for literal years now.
No. 1244588
File: 1622685129019.jpg (200.01 KB, 972x1619, Giveitupkt.jpg)

No. 1244761
File: 1622694892960.png (295.08 KB, 732x753, trenchcoat.png)

KT invented trench coats y'know
No. 1244770
File: 1622695221933.png (393.19 KB, 735x771, backuphouse.png)

No. 1245110
>>1244770she traded a car for some shitty Photoshopped child-tier art?
if he took your house AND your backup house then where are you staying KT? seems like you've still got an internet connection to rage-tweet
No. 1245531
>>1232704>>1236519>>1242535All of her delusions come from wanting to be a BNF of something but having no talent to back it up, so the only attention she can get is shit stirring and negative. Like obviously she's a fan of all these things but this is the only way she can get attention
She could make money and get an audience from being retarded like CWC if she was just a little less lazy.
No. 1245724
File: 1622790093367.png (14.74 KB, 723x105, loveislove.png)

Happy pride month lol
No. 1245758
Katies building up to something crazy again. In the last 24 hours shes continued her attacks on Neil Gaiman and others, taking credit for Rick and Morty (still unclear on how exactly she thinks shes the creator), talking about her sex life with Mal/Xenu which I guess means masturbation, telling the college her brother works at how awful he is again, ranting about how terrible Arin is and how Suzy is her copy even though at worst she is an upgrade over Katie, stalking scientology, calling Arin(?) an incel because I guess she doesn't know the meaning, calling her brother a faggot because shes so supportive of gay people and just too much to post images of really.
None of this is new behaviour of course but clearly shes going on a crazy spree and this normally ends with some new wild twist where she gets crazier. Not sure how shes still got battery on her phone, internet connection or time to be doing all this considering shes homeless (allegedly), poor, mentally unwell and physically disabled (allegedly but probably not). Where there's a will there's a way?
No. 1245920
File: 1622822351456.png (19.42 KB, 732x153, suspended.png)

Gee, I wonder
No. 1245936
File: 1622824007558.png (474.86 KB, 729x2260, variousscientologytweets.png)

she's apparently actually joining Scientology today, whatever that means. to this point she's just been harassing them at every turn on twitter, so I'm unsure if she actually intends to show up somewhere today to try and force someone to talk to her or what. there is a mission in Milwaukee, so I suppose it's possible, but still seems unlikely and just like more of her fantastical ramblings. I guess we'll see! here's a sampling of some of her recent Scientology related tweets.
No. 1245942
File: 1622825281356.png (344.26 KB, 500x370, E3BaTNyUYAgnD4O.png)

This isn't milk, but she posted this picture in one of her threads trying to dunk on Arin et al. and it just made me chuckle considering she screams about being an artist or the "original creator" of whatever but has never actually produced anything of note herself lol
No. 1246220
File: 1622850079560.png (336.58 KB, 500x370, notevenonce.png)

>>1246058I thought the same lol
No. 1246843
File: 1622908837160.jpg (210.95 KB, 1080x773, Damharmon.jpg)

No. 1246844
File: 1622908885078.jpg (515.34 KB, 1079x1571, Soulmates.jpg)

The erotomania continues
No. 1246952
File: 1622918088894.png (225.44 KB, 726x1232, ktseattle.png)

She's apparently in Seattle now?
No. 1247378
File: 1622951882145.jpg (133.4 KB, 1080x586, Loveislove.jpg)

KT appropriating LGBT hashtags for her delusions.
>>1246952I don't know how she would be able to afford to go there. She never talks about her day to day life so god only knows
No. 1247416
File: 1622958089151.png (309.7 KB, 723x693, getagrip.png)

Fucking hell…