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No. 818510
Since the last one postlocked right as Sperg-chan started posting again, this shall be the new Kiki Kannibal thread.
A few little updates since the last thread:
>usual manic cycling between being OTT horny&bitter, posting elaborate and detailed rape fantasies, desperately clinging to her scene phase pics and shaking her ass on cam
>made a long, graphicly detailed (and hilariously false) Halloween post completely rewriting the story re: her and Danny and the alleged rape
>also casually reposting her old Stickam videos of her chimping out in full scene makeup andher underwear, claiming she was labelled a 'coquettish Lolita' and that pedos creeping on poor, innocent Kirsten just trying to make friends her own age is what ruined her life, not her own greed, ego, and entitlement
>Anons in the thread point out that Kiki and Danny had less of an age gap than she and Kota, suddenly she drops it and doesn't mention it again as she starts posting her love & light positivity more often while also trying to casually goad Kota into interacting with her online (and failing)
>Kaka posted IG stories of her and Kooter dancing like idjits with light sticks in Orlando, confirming Koots is no longer in Japan during the latest Covid travel ban
>pics & vids she posts confirm that neither of them has really "matured" their sense of humor in almost a decade, complete with wild flailing and screeching in public gracefully captured on video by Cathy(?)
>Kiki also goes from being a precious, pitiful victim who believes all abusers should be exposed, no matter how rich or famous they are, to using the Armie Hammer cannibalism drama for clout by retweeting picrel
>anons speculate about where she lives, as she still posts content featuring her LA bedroom despite confirmation that she at least was in Orlando recently for an event
>aside from all that, our sperg queen has been quietly posting stories to IG while stalking Twitter for any use of her scene pics to RT, in her usual rollercoaster pattern of highs and lows. I recommend using an anon IG story viewer for anyone who wants to look but doesn't follow her so keeks can't see who is and possibly stalk you. Beware the Sperg.
Twitter @mmmkikikannibal
Instagram @mmmkikikannibal
Youtube @mmmkikikannibal
(If anyone has links to other accounts she still posts on just lmk)
No. 818553
File: 1611696738432.jpeg (618.02 KB, 828x1433, E33F4E61-8858-486D-8F46-19F1B4…)

Thanks op. I’ll just share some caps from her latest cringe ig post. Unremarkable white woman still thinks it’s hysterical and sew le quirky desu to dance like Napoleon Dynamite in 2021.
No. 818572
File: 1611702104434.png (930.78 KB, 720x1087, Screenshot_20210126-175914~2.p…)

She has a new victim/potential rapist… or could this be the same "hottie Bugatti" she was crying over last year?
No. 818586
>>818553Why does she write so strangely? She's never talking about any one thing in particular. Everything she says and types is a constant stream of consciousness. Vexing.
>>818566If that's her breasts we're seeing, there sure isn't much to look at.
No. 818595
File: 1611706623408.jpeg (142.41 KB, 750x844, E8B7755B-3D3E-4238-B7BB-F36004…)

She posted this on her story. Aside from the constant recycling of her dancing in her bedroom like the loser she is, here we can see she thinks her tits will give her attention her face couldn’t possibly garner and also that she believes nobody will notice that crusty lipliner mustache, apparently
No. 818599
File: 1611709721093.jpg (779.86 KB, 2335x2305, 21-01-26-20-05-31-125_deco~2.j…)

>>818595Resorting to covert nipslips for views? That actually makes perfect sense, considering this set she posted
>>818555Looking at her IG stories, she's back to posting sad, bitter memes that seem like she may have got pump n dumped again.
No. 818764
File: 1611791754999.png (409.9 KB, 720x809, Screenshot_20210127-082846~2.p…)

>>818599Another IG story from earlier; wonder what this could be referencing?
No. 818769
File: 1611792642520.png (219.27 KB, 410x500, towel.png)

>>818766I thought you were joking. But no, there is actually a towel stuffed in her helmet. Why???
No. 818787
>>818769Google says you can sometimes wear a rag or knit cap to make a loose helmet fit more snug, but with
that being a whole ass towel and how low her face is showing through the front, my guess is this is the best she could do to make it work for the pic- but no way would any rider worth a shit let her ride with a helmet that is so obviously too big, it wouldn't do much for her in an accident but make the mess easier for EMTs to clean up (bc towel included kek).
This was probably a photo opt, which could be why she's barely touching him, and why the guy has the "pls send halp" eyes.
No. 818904
File: 1611847461652.jpg (369.61 KB, 2514x1587, 21-01-28-10-21-45-012_deco~2.j…)

Keeks trying to make it seem like she's ever worked a single day in her life.
>>818883Maybe it's about Kota, it wouldn't be the first time she's vaguely hinted at spilling tea on her sister.
No. 819032
>>818644Any idea which rental service it might be?
I'd love for a motorcyclefag to analyze this.
No. 819077
File: 1611943819188.jpeg (196.21 KB, 828x824, 98E7C201-4923-4B28-B8DF-D4F295…)

>>819066Pretty sure it’s just the guy Kiki referred to as a “hotty bugatti merman” in that extremely manic video where she kept trying to pose like a model and was pretending she was on a motorcycle. the motorcycle photo is the first picture of her with another person on her ig since February 2017, and that was just a fan pic with Willam Dafoe.
No. 819149
File: 1612028312889.png (395.82 KB, 720x696, Screenshot_20210130-123214~2.p…)

Sage for kinda old, but I found it funny that Kiki still hasn't changed at all:
Her Twitter crosspost from December about being left out used some art by another IG user that she tagged on IG, but not on Twitter. It was just funny to me how the queen of selfishness can't even properly credit the artists whose work she uses to pad her enlightened empath persona. Even on IG, she placed the tag where it's hard to see on both pics.
Artist is @jeffreythelin on Twitter, @tevleen
No. 819472
Kiki changed her entire Halloween rape story post, and it looks like she removed all the comments continuing the story past the caption which she updated with her accurate age. Comparing the current caption with the caps from the last thread, she edited it according to everything that was posted in the last thread. I wonder, what would it actually take to prove kaka lurks here, aside from the fact that she and her sister both have had years-long proven histories of deleting and changing things as soon as they are posted anonymously? And another thought I had- back in the day, the Ostrengas avoided a lawsuit over their role in Danny's death by filing bankruptcy (the Cespedes family were PISSED), but could they possibly have a case for all the lies Kiki has published slandering Danny and lyinf about dates and ages and timelines? Kiki's Halloween rape fanfic claims Danny took her virginity when he "held her down and raped her", but I remember there was an actual police report mentioning Cathy collecting their used condoms, as well as mentioning they lived and slept together with Kiki's parent's permission. Isn't claiming this rape story as true, in any sense, slandering a dead man? I doubt Danny's family has much online presence so I doubt they would randomly come across her claims, nor do I believe they would want to look her up or keep tabs on her after so long, but still. Kiki still trying to claim Danny was a violent rapist when it was proven before he even died that their relationship was both sexual AND consensual and approved by her parents feels like a crime somehow, since she only posts that shit when she needs attention afterna pump n dump or when kota won't reply to her mentions.
No. 819476
>>819475I know that, I was here for the Sperg-chan invasion and reveal. I've also been here since then for all the anons claiming they both outgrew the site. I wasn't asking
if, I was asking what would be needed
aside from her editing herself based on lc posts would prove it.
No. 819815
File: 1612356831670.jpg (217.26 KB, 1080x1920, mmmkikikannibal_2021.2.3_ial57…)

Kaka posted a story of her videochatting with someone showing her a squirrel in their yard, possibly Kooters? Though idk how she would have gotten around the recent travel ban to return to Japan after being in Orlando recently.
No. 819944
>>819819But she was definitely in LA around the time she moved into that new room and got with Bobby, and she's still in that same room.
Maybe Scott and Cathy divorced, Cathy moved into a smaller house after selling the huge one mama Tierney willed her (their childhood home), and Kiki moved to LA with Scott. He had a good job in IT and there have been posts in past threads mentioning that he may have silicon valley job connections there. Maybe Kiki is in LA with her dad and Kota is riding out the travel ban in Florida with Cathy.
No. 820318
File: 1612543403292.png (98.26 KB, 720x698, Screenshot_20210205-114213~2.p…)

Kiki somehow managed to exclude herself from anonymous IG viewers, she has a new story up yet the 5 I just tried to view then with all say she has no stories in the last 24 hours. Is there a way to do that now??
>Sneeky Kiki
No. 820321
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>>820318 one usually works for when insta-stories is down.
No. 821268
File: 1613007703027.png (1.38 MB, 1080x2167, Screenshot_20210210-224021.png)

>>820318She probably has rabbies
No. 821683
>>821572Amazing, thank you anon for this rundown. This explains her meltdown over being dumped by him even though he's just probably cycling through chicks on tinder.
I cringe at the thought of her asking someone to take a pic for her insta, only to latergram it.
No. 821734
File: 1613242613273.jpeg (463.1 KB, 828x972, DBE86797-3E82-4F1A-86A0-2F63B4…)

She tries really hard with these captions.
No. 821739
File: 1613243842935.png (75.81 KB, 313x300, Capture.PNG)

>>821734Minor, but that dark indentation/crease near her nose/inner eye looks strange, as if her nasal bridge curves inward and then suddenly widens. I can't tell if it's an actual shadow or some weird thing she was attempting with makeup.
No. 822035
File: 1613436817478.jpeg (622.75 KB, 828x1100, 37FF633A-FBC5-4A4A-9C55-8C3CD8…)

She’s so weird
No. 822129
>>822124That implies hers was the only one bumped down.
Not related to Keekz but it’s almost refreshing in a nostalgic way to see the old lolcows. I forgot about Amor Hilton.
No. 822144
>>822035Funny how she's posting pics from other parts of her place after it was mentioned here that she only posts from the one room
Also that shirt is fucking hideous
No. 822212
>>821909I bet someone tagged him and he asked her to remove it.
>>822035>so much garbage on the floorIs this in the family Florida home?
No. 822220
>>821909>>822212Lol, she deleted it because anon deflated the obviously fake fantasy she was trying to curate with that pic:
>>821572Kiki doesn't react much to being shit on and insulted herself, but any and every male she posts to her social media gets deleted as soon as everyone finds out she's just a temporary cockwarmer. The ONE successful relationship she had ahe never posted, and ended it by claiming Bobby Hatanaka (what happened tp him, BTW??) raped her in her sleep.
No. 822309
File: 1613526008111.jpeg (84.86 KB, 1242x2208, 20D0FE69-69CC-4ECF-8A47-DAF9F1…)

She has 22 ig stories up right now and they’re all passive aggressive infographic quotes whining about men
No. 823188
>>822309Not even gonna watch them, but I assume it’s more
victim complex schizophrenia shit.
No. 826016
File: 1615406346667.png (1.07 MB, 1080x1517, Screenshot_20210310-165559.png)

Home girl is going through an schizo episode again
No. 826019
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>>826018And this in the comments because instagram limits schizo rants on captions
No. 826159
File: 1615477341751.png (831.04 KB, 1080x1923, Screenshot_20210311-124014.png)

The ego stroke
No. 826418
File: 1615557497017.png (881.85 KB, 1080x1938, Screenshot_20210312-105736.png)

This thread's image is so relevant
No. 826419
File: 1615557549144.png (444.82 KB, 1080x1915, Screenshot_20210312-105603~3.p…)

>>826418"matcha cacao and sex don't do it for me anymore, so I'm fishing for internet compliments"
No. 826430
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>>826017Kiki it’s called too much free time, go volunteer for those vegan organizations or a farm that you’re so fucking passionate about
No. 826515
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>>826443They also stopped following each other
No. 826633
File: 1615665647690.png (1.92 MB, 1080x1748, Screenshot_20210313-165744.png)

Probably does
>>826092She published a fucking recipes e-book and charging $12 for it
No. 826666
File: 1615675486020.jpg (80.42 KB, 625x1000, 61W7LKlloDL._SL1500_.jpg)

This is the actual fucking cover of her ebook. It looks like a bad vaporware graphic, you can't read shit
No. 826669
File: 1615675624288.png (1.68 MB, 1080x1204, Screenshot_20210313-194532.png)

>>826666I thought these were just bad graphics for the book but now I'm kinda wondering if… The book looks like this. Like, is it an actual page? With THAT don't? OVER THAT BACKGROUND?
No. 826671
File: 1615675719560.png (1.96 MB, 1080x1210, Screenshot_20210313-194609.png)

Either way, I really wonder if the pages actually look like this. If so, hilarious.
No. 826710
File: 1615681528580.jpeg (129.14 KB, 1242x1209, BE47BD75-4770-4D66-BCE0-C265AC…)

Just documenting. Love that Kiki took a break from sperging in her sister’s thread and posting cp to try to get lc taken down long enough to update us on her delusional antics <3 so charitable of her
No. 826715
File: 1615681706232.jpeg (125.58 KB, 1242x1222, B37A8C13-52D4-4B9C-909D-78387B…)

>>826710Also vague theory, but do you ever think Kiki posts such bizarre things in Dakota’s thread to keep her “trauma bonded” to her? I think she does it because she’s angry she’s now more of a cow than her sister. What will her sister have in common if Dakota isn’t a
victim with her? What would she have to talk about with her sister and isolate with her if she’s happy and has moved on with her life? What better way to lovebomb her and get attention from her than by bonding over having so many fat jelly haters?
No. 826728
>>826672>>826712I don't know if it's supposed to be impersonal, but it should keep the same tone during the whole thing
So if she's gonna use "I/me", then drop "Kiki's to go/go to
mylk" for just "milk (I use xyz)".
No. 826764
>>826669It's only in ebook form, she isn't offering a printed copy, but yeah, all the pages look like this. It's free if you get the Kindle Unlimited trial but don't waste your time. It's fucking lazy and pointless, literally every smoothie "recipe" ever is the same:
- bananas
mylk- some expensive fruit that's only sold at the foreign grocery store on the bad side of town and definitely just tastes like water
Spend nearly an hour prepping the ingredients, guzzle it down in <5 minutes, then spend twenty minutes cleaning the fucking blender. Realize you just consumed an entire meal's worth of calories in the most disappointing way possible
No. 826815
>>826671This sounds absolutely disgusting.
>>826712 It sounds like she makes her own since she refers to it as ‘her almond mylk recipe’ in
>>826671 No. 827183
File: 1615924166454.png (377.83 KB, 1080x936, Screenshot_20210316-164719.png)

>>827107Her ego is probably blown then. Welcome to the writer Kiki era.
No. 827184
File: 1615924624758.jpg (57.6 KB, 742x533, wut2.JPG)

nice shoop to make it look like a "bestseller".
No. 827186
File: 1615924805499.jpg (152.47 KB, 1343x804, wut3.JPG)

>>827185also, the design of that ebook cover is atrocious.
No. 827205
>>827183It's funny how she still uses her legal name as her pen name, but titled the book "Kiki Kannibal Blender Magic", because she can't ever let the 15 minutes of Myspace fame she had in the late 2000s go. She can't let go of it even if it's an unrelated book about blender recipes she's publishing nearly 15 years after that point of her life.
You're almost 30, Kirsten. Maybe it's time to understand that you aren't a teenage scene girl anymore, and that dancing in front of your laptop webcam for social media doesn't substitute for not having a job.
No. 827214
>>827183Kaka clapping to herself for a fake #1 shoop and her horrendous cover art that everyone glancing at it will think hard pass. Summarizes her life.
Normalfag vegans looking for recipes might run into this on amazon, only to be confused by the dated illegible design and the name "Kannibal" to boot.
No. 827230
>>827184ooohh boy, I can't believe she fucking shooped that
I looked up the first/second release shit so…
> #1 New release means it has beaten the #2 New release and its now #1 New release. Or, it was #2 and the current #1 sold out, or… retired and the #2 is now the #1.According to
>>827186 her atrocious looking cover is #5. Embarrassing. also, not even going into the name, just compare this cover to the other ones. I understand the need to make your book standout but this looks ridiculous
No. 827352
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>>827304Every page took a while to dl on my phone even with a decent connection, I guess Kiki’s idea of a book is a huge PSD for every page.
Nothing is worth posting, every page is the same boring crap as
>>826764 described.
No. 827548
File: 1616119608530.jpeg (24.63 KB, 370x297, 15A9D567-EF8C-48E1-B91E-CC34B8…)

She should have made fans.
No. 827974
File: 1616334010159.png (636.57 KB, 1080x1521, Screenshot_20210321-103653.png)

She was live on instagram apparently. Either way, big Heaven's Gate energy.
No. 827997
>>827974How is it possible that her hair looks worse than ever?
Also still sticking to the same make-up style for what… 10 years now?
No. 828000
>>827997>>827993I don't know how she fucked up so bad. The makeup and bangs look ok here
>>826710She looks crazier. If you watch the videos, her eyes look bulging.
No. 828105
>>827974she's just going full girl, interrupted. it's her aesthetic.
Did anyone actually manage to listen to whatever she was rambling about?
No. 828416
>>828393I thought she was babbling about the abuser not having self-love, so that's why they treat and abuse others. And the
victim doesn't have self-love so they allow this kind of treatment.
Aka she's going on about BS that doesn't make sense and isn't qualified to talk about.
No. 829016
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No. 829017
File: 1616948235994.png (1.06 MB, 1080x2172, Screenshot_20210328-131627.png)

OF COURSE she believes in manifesting, OF COURSE
No. 829070
>>829016I'm going to bite and say that despite her faux self-deprecation with the caption implying she's the Pale Man, if I didn't know anything about Kiki or who this was and I saw this photo, I'd think she looked nice.
Funny how she's clinging to Dakota's makeup.
No. 829102
>>829071To think she actually released music and had somewhat of poor suckers willing to listen to it and she just… Dropped it.
>>829101Wouldn't be surprised. manifestation is about manifesting the feeling of having something, and just by this feeling and visualization, such thing will become true
No. 829116
>>828140Oof I have to disagree. Those Taylor bangs were tragic (but she knows lol).
I actually think Kiki looks so much better with the bangs. It offsets how stringy and thin her hair is. And I’ve always liked her eye makeup and she’s got some nice lashes…but unfortunately she just looks best under filters and lighting. It doesn’t translate well into real life imagery (which we saw in her short films and that tabloid esq Walmart photo).
No. 829120
>>829116Baby bangs are a… Meticulous art.
>>826715These baby bangs are waaaayyy different from this atrocity
>>827974 No. 829586
>>829493Wasn't the jewellery and clothing just stuff dropshipped from China too?
I wonder what her parents think at this stage, they truly believed their kids could do no wrong and funded the delusions.
No. 830001
File: 1617557728659.png (10.42 MB, 1242x2208, 6D0A804E-799E-4E9A-9340-C52E32…)

Kiki has a new fuckboy.
No. 830002
File: 1617557768518.png (4.45 MB, 1242x2208, 51714384-88E9-406E-A56F-46705D…)

Welp, that was fast!
No. 830039
>>830005I COULD understand if it was something like "haha after x mins in the sun! He tans so easily"
If he's a fuck boy… Can't wait for the "I'm going to cure myself after a
toxic relationship" instagram post in a week.
What about the 50-min yt videos, btw? She dropped those because writing fanfiction about herself on instagram is easier?
No. 830112
>>830005Because she has yellow fever.
If he's white, then she's probably doing to show her uwu pure Lily white fairy skin.
No. 830179
>>830002>>830001KEK only 7 hours? Did she even fuck this one before she decided
he was the
toxic one I wonder? Lowkey I feel like Kiki just scares guys off then acts like she was the one who dumped them bc of some vague, arbitrary nitpick sane people are willing to work around/talk through.
No. 830182
File: 1617667485959.png (690.4 KB, 720x1354, Screenshot_20210405-195013~2.p…)

>>830179Oop, I should have looked before posting. Could this be him? He seems rather white and old for Kaka, especially with that 70s porn 'stache… maybe she's taking a page from kooter's book 10 years too late and latching onto older men? They already have matching bangs.
No. 830189
>>830182Bob had a similar mustache. maybe she's way into insufferable hipsters (you know the type, to get a mullet and/or use this 70s mustache ironically).
Can't WAIT until she decides to falsely accuse him of being
also, confirmed she just wanted to show off her uwu white skin
No. 830259
File: 1617730045796.jpg (186.02 KB, 1080x1282, Screenshot_20210406-102719_Chr…)

Was his instagram always private, or only after he was outed here?
No. 830264
File: 1617736134267.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1718, Screenshot_20210406-150540.png)

girl making herself look like a haggard witch on purpose
No. 830275
>>830194I love a good roast of Kiki but I can’t pretend like that guy isn’t hot. That is not an ugly man.
Let’s see where she goes with it though.
No. 830305
>>830275I thought so too when I visited his backstage profile, wondered how she got a guy like that and… This shit…
>>830234 is where I was like "oh makes sense"
Potential TREATMENT for Alzheimer's?
> The current overall evidence that Ginkgo has a predictable and clinically significant benefit for people with dementia or cognitive impairment therefore seems inconsistent and unreliable. course this idiot would chase Kiki.
No. 830310
File: 1617753340349.png (461.68 KB, 1366x564, shrooms.png)

>>830305$1000 to anyone who can fact check all of his bullshit videos. Not really though because there are so damn many and I can't even pick one to demonstrate how dumb it is.
I wonder whether Kiki's Blender Magic pdf 'book' idea came before him or whether he inspired her.
>>830310There are
toxic compounds in mushrooms (including the ones he espouses the benefits of lmao), but they are destroyed with heat. It seems like he's angling to become a diet woo influencer. Keeks may have met her match; they're going to be a granola power couple.
No. 830327
>>830305Oh my god I didn’t even look into that video.
So a holistic hottie with a pseudo-medicinal god complex.
Coming from a science/medical background growing up, I gotta gag. It usually takes people with these beliefs longer to catch on to crazy, so maybe this one will last. Kikis pseudo-psychology earth goddess blabber probably hasn’t sparked any red flags for him.
No. 830347
File: 1617767433117.gif (593.16 KB, 500x234, 439903F8-F8C1-4A7C-B87E-AD2ED8…)

>>830001I know I can’t be the only one who immediately thought of this
No. 830349
File: 1617768455647.png (1.71 MB, 1080x2184, Screenshot_20210407-010550.png)

She's selling those at $13.13
No. 830378
>>830259Pseudo-intellectual foreign guy who wanted tp be famous as well?
I see 2 things happening moving forward: kiki slowly adopts a new persona based around being an elven foodie healer babuska and starts aesthetically using some random European language depending on where this guy is from
No. 830465
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No. 832126
File: 1618755568698.jpeg (329.1 KB, 828x1368, 5CD9BFF3-9168-4AFC-9BE8-5E84E2…)

Crossposting to announce that Dakota claimed her sister on main a few hours ago for the first time in how many years?
No @ because I watched from third party but the story is still up on her ig if you need proof
>>831629Since when is six days a necro…?
No. 832229
File: 1618799920049.png (575.95 KB, 720x1371, Screenshot_20210418-223255~2.p…)

Kiki is posting some prwtty positive stories, implying she's still in college since how long now? And one about how beautiful women attract all men but choose fuckbois, implying she has her pick of men in LA who aren't undesirable or toxic in some way.
Also, pic related. Could it be a jab about her sister's crumbling virtual façade? Kiki herself relies solely on curatinf and rewriting her online persona too much for it to be about herself.
No. 834493
File: 1620295239272.png (454.93 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20210506-054934.png)

>>834492Nevermind, I got it to work. She and Dakota are posting the same stories, audio clips of Kiki trying to be funny and falling flat, a SS of a text convo showing kota's icons she carefully cropped out of her own stories, those two blurry ass shots of what seem to be Kiki and a video of Kota walking in the dark next to someone in a giant fur coat I can only assume is Kiki while her voice plays over the video with more randumb nonsense. I was able to download the video, but I've never posted non-YT videos here so I'm not sure how to upload.
No. 834497
>>834493I tried uploading but it downloaded as an mp4.
It's Kiki and Kota walking together somewhere at night while someone (Cathy?) records them being derps. The one on the left is surely Kota, you can see her distinct profile when she turns toward Kiki in front of the lights, and the implication is that the other person in the fur coat is Kiki. So much for Kota being in Japan again?
No. 834544
>>834519>>834494>>834493I feel like I've seen that hideous puffy jacket on her before but idr where.
>>834519Based on the one she posted of her guy in the car, they're all 3 equally cringey with a similar sense of humor.
No. 834670
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Kiki has a new music project. Totally called it.
She's calling it "Death by Dopamine", made two IG accounts for it and both of them follow only her. The only post so far is a 5 second clip of her st her desk laughing with her saggy tits practically hanging out. No discernible musical genra or direction in sight, it just looks like another "Look at Kirsten" vanity project to abandon. She announced it with a selfie tagging the account posted to her stories, and shared the spwrg post from the account on her stories as well. If not for the "musician/band" label and her caption, I wouldn't have any idea it was a music project.
For some reason, she also posted andnold ass scene pic of her with some brunette girl, and as always kooter is crooped out.
No. 834671
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>>834670The name sounds like ghostemane-tier soundcloud trap shit
No. 834676
>>834670HA can't wait to see where she'll steal music from
The name sounds like it was made up by a 13 year old gen z that has no idea how biochemistry works.
No. 834738
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>>834686No idea who the other girl is, but I feel like I've seen this pic before with bleached blonde baby kotex in it.
No. 834936
>>834750In this new era she has tried:
- 50-min length YT videos in a shitty podcast format about spirituality and SA, mimicking Matthew McConaughey
- badly written ebook recipe with horrible fonts, which she shooped to make it seem more successful
- Fanfiction about herself
And now I guess we are entering the "I'm back to music" phase, right after lol cow pointed out she stole from others
>>834853It's quirky~
>>834858I'm all for "trying things", but at 30 you should be realistic and self-aware about where you are at in life, and your whole style, etc.
No. 834997
I'm actually bummed out we didn't get a tiktok kiki phase. I can totally see her doing something like this: spergier
No. 835083
>>835055She could make something from that:
> The top tier of digital cringe is created by people who not only lack self-awareness but lack it enough to share themselves in the hope that other people will be impressed, then fail to realize when the general response is laughter.'d be no Addison Rae, but any publicity is good publicity, right?
No. 835107
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Dakota is pretending to be back in Japan again & Kiki is reposting her like crazy, in between shots of her old kawaii uwu Valencia College notebooks from the music class they took in 2009 and her fancy new ~Gemini~ microphone.
She also posted something yesterday subtly digging at her mom "being human", and since Kota is pretending to be back in Japan again Kaka is peppering in her emotional turmoil vagueposts as well.
But an interesting thing to point out, as mentioned in Dakota's thread, is that Kiki shared Kota's IG post to her story which Kota then reposted to her own story, but a second look shows that they both actually uploaded the same clip from each of their respective phones, yet Kiki's is larger and she didn't crop out Kota's wall art. Then right after, she reposted Kota's story clip with an animated sticker on it. Why repost Kota and upload the same clip Kota just posted but bigger?
Why would Kiki upload the same clip at around the same time (1am JP/12pm FL/9am LA) as Dakota, when she could just have reposted it from Kota's IG? Unless Kota sent it to her and told her to post it to help her out.
No. 835127
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>>835107And as if in response to the thread, she doubled down kek
peep the timeframes though
No. 835128
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>>835127Posting screens of their spergy chats also
No. 835171
>>835127Is Kota pretending to be a cop now?
The uniform is way to big for her and officers can't post shit on social medias. They can be fired for anything said or posted online.
No. 835200
>>835186>>835171Kota's police uniform is for a TV role lol. she's an cop in whatever this
>>835108 show is.
No. 835257
>>835207>>835171 (samefag)
I went on her insta yesterday and she posted this with japanese caption, I google translated but she said nothing about a role. In the comment someone were saying she couldn't believe she was in the police force now. I don't closely follow the drama that's why I sked here.
They still couldn't find her an outfit that fits keks.
No. 835279
>>835257>>835171>>835186Last year Kota got a role on a show called ToppaTV on a sketch called American Police. This last time was her 3rd time working on the show, but her part is much smaller now and they replaced her initial role with another white woman who is related to another cast member somehow.
Seriously, look at the details on the patches and badge. You'd have to be special to think she's seriously trying to impersonate a cop.
No. 835552
>>835279Not that anon, but Dakota was trying to pass as if she had had a severe health issue, I think cancer?, not long ago
Wouldn't be surprised.
No. 835566
>>835552pretending you had cancer for uwu kawaii menhera points is not the same as impersonating a cop, dakota is being facetious. she's a dumb bitch but this is a dumb take
>>834981yeah this, she has nothing interesting going for her. no one wants to watch her esp not in an age where vloggers and influencers have likeable personalities and can pull a million dollars per post of product placement. keeks thinks she can make bank off her scene fame which was literally just photoshoots. images. just pictures. nothing else there.
No. 835691
>>835552>>835552Yeah but stop reaching. The caption has been explained to you. She is not and never was impersonating a police officer with an obviously fake uniform.
She claimed to have Acute Leukemia over 3 years ago to justify gaining over 30 pounds while working as a runway model for Rakuten and modeling for Popteen. Her goal was to claim she had minor blood cancer but her lack of education fucked her up so she claimed to be deathly ill instead.
BUT she only managed to pull that off because back then, ModelPress ran her story as she said it and she couldn't correct herself. She only got fat, she nevee looked like she was suffering from severe blood cancer.
>It's time to stop posting No. 835889
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Someone bought an actual copy of her blender book, I can't believe she still has real fans with how rarely she ever produces anything other than pics/vids of herself or her voice.
No. 835898
>>835889It was not the first person to do it either!
People are just eager to waste money like that
No. 836309
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Something must be wrong in Kakaland, for the past few days she's been spamming depressing anime memes and songs from her Spotify instead of the vintage pinup-style posts of the blondes she must think look like her. Maybe the cringey Russian boytoy is gone? Otherwise this random ancient "soyboy" scene selfie seems too random. Wasn't "soyboy" an insult kaka used on vegan/sxe guys who wouldn't kiss her ass on Stickam?
No. 836452
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>>836309who said that, Cathy? What bar? That's a spiky shag hair and she's wearing a black top.
WHAT style.
No. 836533
>>836452Look at any of the comments on her pics and you see nonsensical thirst like this from so many accounts, even ones of successful looking prettier girls with actual friends. The weird "Guillermo Del Toro Approved" pic of her with her hands on her face had at least 3 different comments begging for a "tutorial" on how to do it. Like… Look at her, copy her, done. Wow. How would that be hard or need a turorial?
Kiki's fans are part of why she is how she is, they have to either be just like her or high level trolling to keep her chasing online fame instead of getting offline for good and improving her actual life.
No. 837346
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Ok so Russian guy seems to have left, leaving kiki to reminisce of her teen years and a scene guy she dated, hinting they're trauma bond or wtv
Imagine dating a girl in HS and ten years later she's posting stories with you, saying you had trauma or wtv
No. 837347
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Kiki just write a fanfic-y book detailing all the times you were SA.
No. 837350
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No. 837352
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No. 837392
>>837391She was mainly a scandal type person. She was heavily reported on by a teen shock gossip website back in the day and had her nudes posted on there too (underaged, mind you). She would claim to have been groomed by men.
She wasnt exactly liked as much as she was just sort of an OG lolcow of sorts. She also briefly appeared on a web reality series that had a bunch of scene teenagers housed together in a penthouse and given as much drugs and alcohol as they wanted.
This was actually a crossover with Amor Hilton, another scene cow from that era
No. 837424
>>837349>If you're going through or healing from assault - I see you, I hear you, I understand you, I'm here for you.She's acting like she's some kind of compassionate savior for sexual assault
victims, who they can turn to when they need someone who shares their traumatic experiences to listen to them, and yet all I can think of while reading that is how those sexual assault
victims would feel if they read Kirsten's hundreds of weirdly aggressive sexual posts about Taylor R alongside the pictures of mutilated and diseased genitals she used to spam.
No. 837443
>>837390She's still talking about Danny Cespedes, who never raped or forced her and didn't steal her virginity against her will. It's all made up bullshit to slander him so she doesn't look as bad for lying to get him killed.
She halfway alluded that Bobby/Tetsuo Hatanaka raped her when she claimed she was raped in her sleep by "a long term live in SO" (after being with Bobby and largely MIA for 2 years).
>>837346Being with Danny and the drama around their breakup and his death was literally the height of Kiki's online "fame" and she tried to milk his death by painting herself as a rape
victim afterward to avoid backlash and cancellation for it. She and her family had a webshrine dedicated to mocking his death complete with leaked pics of him in his casket with a shaved head. His family tried to sue the Ostrengas over his death and their role in it (lying to him and the police to get them both there & coming out and scaring him instead of letting the cops handle it) but they filed for bankruptcy to get out of it because you can't be sued if you're in the middle of bankruptcy. They always have been evil, slimy selfish people and Kiki
still trying to claim Danny ever raped her, voilently or otherwise, is bullshit. That's why all the cops, doctors and detectives in her stories follow the Adults Are Useless trope and everyone who empathises with her is powerless to help her. They took loads of evidence that was inconclusive to rape, their best hope to make a rape charge ever stick to Danny was statutory only. If he raped Kiki as voilently as she claimed in her Halloween fanfic (choking her, holding her down, forcing himself inside her dry, throwing her against a wall and door, dragging her by her ankles) there would have been evidence of at least one of those claims, and despite how hard he would have been trying to silence her there's no he could have done so
while restraining her and raping her that graphically without ANY of the 4 other people in her house hearing anything or him leaving evidence on her body or in the room.
Kiki is a self worshipping rape fetishist using her most popular dead ex boyfriend's dumb teenage horniness and her parents sexually grooming her to be a starfucker from puberty to twist the past in her favor every time she can't fuck her way into an easy life with a loser she met online.
No. 837444
>>837443TL:DR; Kiki wants attention for sex but also wants to be a tragic
victim so she makes up fake, vague rape stories her exes can't defend themselves against that she never pursues legally for attention from strangers online she thinks should pay her to read lolcow and talk to Dakota.
No. 837445
>>837391I was active in a lot of Livejournal snark groups (madradrant/efagz/etc.) during her peak and she never had "fans" beyond a superficial level. Kids on Myspace liked her style but she only sustained relevancy because of drama. Comparing her to Trisha Paytas is giving her too much credit, Kiki was never in on the joke, her parents made her do weird shit and she liked getting attention. People refer to her positively now because she genuinely was a
victim in a lot of ways and the worst thing she's done is have an annoying personality– but yeah, nostalgia is a factor, god, I remember the scandal when she claimed she was the first person to dye horizontal stripes in their hair. I had pictures of her saved in my thinspo folder. Had she been born a decade later, she would be a helluva lot more successful than she is now.
No. 837569
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No. 837882
>>837770As well as the fact that her parents knew and consented tp the statutory rape relationship and allowed him to live with and share a bed with Kiki. And knew they were having protected, consensual sex & collected their used condoms to prove to Kiki's Myspace haters that they were really fucking. Which was even mentioned in an actual police report/court document (idr which).
But yeah Kiki is not, never was and never eill be Danny's
victim, he was at the mercy of her & her family's insatiable greed for fame and revenge.
No. 837891
>>837882That just means her parents were complicit in the statutory rape, not that statutory rape didn’t happen. Parents aren’t allowed to give permission for adults to fuck their kids!
The whole family should be rocketed into the sun.
No. 837955
>>837891>>837906There's honestly no way to paint Danny as worse than Kiki in the situation, hands down. Regardless of his reasons, twp grpwn adults lured a teenager to his actual DEATH all because he broke up with their attentionwhore daughter for being too filthy to live with and she MADE UP THE RAPE STORY FOR REVENGE. Scott and Cathy knew they were having sex and allowed it. The law will never care as much about that as they would his wrongful death caused by the Ostrengas who managed to weasel their way out of faving consequences for literally scaring a teenager to death with a lie. It doesn't matterbwhy he was there or how old an imaginary kid was he thought he was meeting. Kiki is exactly as shitty as henis whoch is why she was so butthurt by the breakup that she and her crazy whore parents illegally lured him to the mall and caised his death by trying to play revenge detectives instead of reporting Danny for rape and letting the cops handle it..
By the way, they did exactlt that- and the cops didn't care becsuse there was so much evidence back then that they were dating consensually and already fucking. Kiki literally advertised it on Myspace for bragging rights and Cathy helped her. Cathy herself had accounts where she heckled teens and tweens who didn't like Kiki or said they didn't believe her.
Danny didn't die because he was a monster, he died because the Ostrengas are soulless, heartless, unfeeling selfish hogs who can't accept or admit that they have ever done anything wrong despite all theor actions only ever being motivated by selfishness or greed, which is why neither Kiki or Dakota ended up doing anything with their lives other than dicking around online for clout.
No. 838061
>>837964There's no debate, it's a settled matter of past factual events people
other than the Ostrengas also have memory of. Kiki just needs to spergily victimize herself using her long-dead teen boyfriend (despite allegedly having been raped over a dozen more times since his death, but only the dead one can never sue her for a wrongful rape accusation) because she got dumped and her ego needs soothing.
No. 838184
>>838061I know, what I meant is that whenever people mention him there's an anon popping up saying "well, you see, acshually…" And it's the same talking points over and over.
I agree with
>>838072 that we need a copypasta summary
No. 838327
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Kiki tells us about buying condoms and seeing the guy that "violently raped" (Her words) her.
Just a note, she NEEDS to add that she was >violently< raped, as if rape is not violent in itself.
No. 838329
>>838327So now she's directly associating her consensual sex life with also being a
victim of multiple "violent" rapes, and it's becoming the only consistent element of her personality that she puts real effort into.
She's so disgustingly obsessed with forcing people to see her as a frail, battered
victim AND a sexually irresistible nymph. She dresses up and decorates her room more to narrate her rape fantasies and brag about being an instahoe than she does for her new band she supposedly gives a shit about, because making people think about her in a sexual context that also makes her irresistible without making her a whore is her only goal so she can go back to using her pussy to get anything and everywhere in life like she originally tried to with Danny and Myspace fame.
Kiki just wants the ability to fuck her way through life while being idolized for her ~beauty, grace and intellect~ that she's too stuck up to realize she doesn't have. Kiki spergs because she legit doesn't know why she can't just do what she wants without any consequences, choose how people perceive her and her actions, or control people for her own gain while she does and gives nothing in return but lay around or tag along like a 14 year old.
No. 838341
>>838327This is genuinely so sad. She has nothing to make herself feel important but these sexual assault stories. As soon as she feels like she's losing people's attention she brings it up again
Also, why does she only take webcam-style pics of her sitting at her computer in the same spot? Surely she has an iphone and can take a normal selfie sometime
No. 838752
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How down bad do you have to be to wear this type of stuff
No. 838753
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She made a bunch of videos saying you should follow sparkles of inspiration when you feel them. A tame advice, except she makes it sound like mania
No. 838932
>>838863Obviously Kiki was never violently raped, her rape fetish spawned from needing to be Danny's
victim instead of his killer.
I don't think Kiki even has consensual sex as much as she lets on, and I doubt she was ever forced or held down either. I think she has some infrequent hookups where she agrees to whatever up front, then gets dropped when the guy gets bored and cries rape. I know she claims to use sex to heal from her trauma, but her own claims of her rapes are so OTT that it just doesn't match. She would be too physically damaged from being "voilently" raped the way she keeps claiming (her Halloween rape story says Danny held her down, forced her legs open, penetrated her dry and slammed into her, then threw her against a wall when she tried to crawl away). There's never any evidence of her claims, and the way she acts about both sex and rape together makes me think she's just an awkward womanlet trying to come across as more sexually liberated than she really is just sitting half naked in her bedroom all day. The guys she gets with are always foreign or awkward cringetards like her, they never stick around and she ALWAYS claims they voilently raped her when they disappear, as though that's the only reason a guy would get tired of her.
I think Kiki is just obsessed with equating sex = value and uses her fake rape stories as a shield for getting dumped so that she doesn't feel like all she was good for is pussy- but if the guy was a rapist, then getting used for sex doesn't have to be her fault or make her look stupid over how obvious it is to everyone but her.
Basically Kiki is a shutin weirdo using sex to feel important and claims rape to avoid facing the fact that she's not enough of an adult (not even self aware enough) to keep a real relationship that isn't based entirely on sex. Hard to call a rape
victim a pickme without looking like an asshole, after all.
No. 839073
> her Halloween rape story says Danny held her down, forced her legs open, penetrated her dry and slammed into her, then threw her against a wall when she tried to crawl awayThat's plain angsty fanfiction writing. No one talks like that irl.
Even worse, it would've been noticeable to her family, you just don't get up the next morning and have breakfast as usual after something like that.
No. 839144
>>839073Exactly. Her Halloween rapefic also claims she was bleeding afterward and that she went to the hospital but there was no evidence
somehow, hence all the cops and detectives were powerless to stop evil monster Danny and the Monstrengas HAD to take matters into their own hands! (jk)
The biggest indicator that Danny never raped Kiki is the fact that they tried to lure him to the mall under a false pretense instead of just… reporting him for statutory rape and letting the cops handle it. If what she claimed actually happened there would have been plenty of evidence and an open and shut case. But it never did, Kiki killed Danny for moving away from her bedbug infested rathole and breaking up with her, and she was enraged because she can't ever stand being told "no".
No. 839301
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From her Insta stories . I wonder who this is. Are they frying pans on the back wall . Wtf is with her face. This poor dude
No. 839376
>>839301>>839331This must be an old Japan pic, she and Vincent are the only white people in the pic. Plus, she's wearing her cringey sheer dirndl top she likes to dance in for attention, so whatever event that is she must have been there trying to fuck her way into something.
Maybe her and Kota have been tagging each other so much because Kota is finally helping Kiki into her circles?
No. 839437
>>839377it's just her sharing meme posts/reels, like "me when thing happen xD"
>>839387"Splendid, royal slut" lmao
No. 839632
>>839606I wish there was a wave of Kota-sleuthing through the old threads to bring back those clues that used to have them chimping out in self defense here, the ones from her near-jobless peak when she was living the best and had the most famous friends, but I am absolutely not doing it solo. I'm pretty sure she was fucking with Mickey Mikitani and that's why she stayed on at Girl's Award for so long despite being so fat and bouncy, also why Modelpress printed everything she claimed as truth. Come to think of it, Dakota also had AKB48 connections as well, which I only know about because of the pedo and escorting scandals.
How did ANYONE ever take Dakota Rose seriously as a model?? Was the fact that she was fat, ugly, and being worshipped and spoiled for dressing like an edgy lolita not obvious to anyone else?
No. 839645
>>839606I don't know about Kiki being a sugar baby. 100% she'd mention it online bc she's all about being "sexually liberated" while also being a rape
No. 839673
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Who's gonna tell her she's the character with a beak nose and crazy person eyes?
No. 839735
>>839645She wouldn't last as a sugar baby in Japan, the men there don't want someone who is going to share pics of him on socials.
>>839673Keeks and Koots must live in a world with funhouse mirrors. Both have never had big eyes, just big faces.
No. 839788
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No. 839790
>>839735>>839649>>839645Kiki already tried escorting/sugaring in Japan, remember? She bought some tacky silver fake nails to meet and then fucked Fangophilia, and got him drunk as hell and posted videos of him rolling on her bed on her IG She only took them down after her threas at the time compared Fangophilia's profile and moles to Taku's and they weren't a match, she kept the video of her showing off the nails but removed his tag and changed the caption afterward. That was when she was for some reason there for like 3-5 months and went everywhere dressed like an elven hooker, bragging about having to carry kawaii Sailor Moon pepper spray and an illegal butterfly knife bc ~everyone in Japan recognized her as supermodel Dakota Rose's sister~.
Kiki tried and failed at whoring in Japan because she can't keep shit on the DL or resist vaugeposting, has 0 chill, and acts likeshe has brain damage in public- that's why she can't keep anyone around for long that she doesn't share DNA with.
No. 839814
>>839790I have a feeling before her ~vow of celibacy~ to recuperate from being ghosted by various Brads, she went on tons of dates with tinder randos and got pump and dumped over and over many times. That’s why she is always bumping into her various ‘’’rapists’’’ at every turn.
No guy who isn’t a complete desperate beta doormat
victim would be able to put up with her ADHD cluster B autism mania for long after she puts out, the pussy just isn’t good enough to compensate, clearly.
Not only is her personality annoying and unhinged, but she’s painfully unfunny and cringe too. In a way I feel sorry for her since she obviously can’t lock down a quality man and probably will never be able to, but at the same time it’s all her own fault for being so damn insufferable. She’s her cockblocker kek.
No. 839819
>>839790Scott was with Kiki her entire time in Japan as well, while she claimed to be going to language school and then claimed she got an entertainment visa, before ending up back in Florida. My thinking is Scott ia the type to hang around New Lex Tokyo and sleaze with any washed-up perv he thinks can put either daughter on a pedestal. There used to be comments from anons wondering why, if Scott brided Bravo to sign Kota, he wouldn't do the same for Kiki. Maybe he tried, had some moderate success, and then she fucked it up via posting herself breaking laws and posting people on her social media without their knowledge. Not to mention her cringey dancing videos and her spergout about forcing Taku's restaurant staff to wash any utensils that touched meat before making her precious vegan Japanese food.
God, the Kaka in Japan saga was fucking golden, she was so painfully unaware of her behavior that Kota wouldn't acknowledge her at all the entire time Kaka was in Japan.
No. 839844
>>839820Y’know, pale skinny white girls in the US probably have it the easiest in terms of dating, especially considering 75% of American women are overweight now. So being thin automatically places you in the top 70th percentile of women (in men’s eyes at least)
The fact Kirsten literally has it on tutorial mode when it comes to dating yet still can’t lock down a rich good looking high quality man (or just any of those 3 things) long term is a huge concern. Her personality must be even worse irl when every guy ghosts her after the first couple dates. Or maybe her pussy game is really really shit. Her long term past bfs just seemed like desperados and cucks who were tolerating her and all those guys she has initially gushed over in her histrionic obsessed idealisation phase over the years seem to disappear as quickly as they appear. I’m a bit worried for her love life, especially considering how codependent narcs and other cluster b types are. As the dates and offers dry up as she ages we are undoubtedly going to see more spergouts and crazy cat lady behavior.
No. 839852
>>839829She was there for at least 6 weeks, long enough to wonder why she's there, and IIRC she didn't announce her return to America either & just kind of fell off for a while so it's hard to say for sure. Someone would have to go back and look.
>>839845Try checking the old threads?
No. 839874
>>839844Kiki is the female version of a scrote who wants a mommy/maid/whore to baby them while they play online, except she wants a daddy/BFF/mentor to fill the void where there was obviously never a positive male in her life. Scott sexualized his preteen daughters and defended her posting pics in her underwear at age 13 by saying "she's gonna make some guy reslly lucky one day". Kiki was raised to be a whore for male approval and jealous female attention, she doesn't know anything else and she can't function without a guy holding her hand through life like a toddler. Kiki's entire mentality boils down to "oversexualized, undersocialized prepubescent doesn't know how to do anything except perform for whoever is willing to watch her cringey performance", and she's trying to find another Scott who will baby her, bankroll her hobbies AND indulge her SeX pOsItIvE whoring for attention without getting jealous or making her act right.
I honestly think both Kiki and Dakota should have been removed from their parents long ago, and if they had been placed with adults who actually cared about keeping them in line then there's no way they would still be such failures. They have so many opportunities and no responsibility, so much free time and yet still neither ofnthem can create anything that lasts.
No. 839965
>>839874In a way I think Kiki really used Kota as her narcissistic appendage for years and groomed her into being a mini me version of herself (as narcs always do) Which is why I’ve always felt slightly sorry for Kota and understood why she took such extended periods away from her insane family.
To be fair, as you mention, Cathy and Scott did the exact same thing to Kiki when she was growing up, lacked sexual and physical and psychological boundaries (like all narcs) then Kiki ended up extrapolating the same behavior onto Kooter. Their family is just one giant codependent narcissistic mess.
You can tell Kiki missed having her little appendage Kota around to give her narcissistic supply when she went to Japan and probably even got jealous at times, but at the same time she is always very protective and defensive of Kota because she views Kota as the high status (ahem) kirakira moderu goddessu SHE always wanted to be. Just like one of those crazy trophy kid parents. And all know narcs will continue ass kissing and fiercely defending someone/something as long as they get to bask in the glory of the person they are idolizing.
No. 840025
File: 1623351894422.png (1.05 MB, 750x1334, 2B839465-2B32-4148-8F52-B2E395…)

I feel like this confirms she’s still low key clinging to her scene phase. I’m assuming this video from her Instagram story is an old video of the guy she’s currently with and she feels like she needs to show him off. Crazy how fast she can jump from one guy to another, and she always hypes them up.
Side note, did she suddenly forget about her own music? Wasn’t she claiming to make a comeback? Not like she’s stick with it anyways.
No. 840031
>>840025I think it sounds like a guy she dated way back in the day.
The guy mentions kiki in the video He said "there's that video kiki made… Acting like me" makes mind blown hand gesture "i don't care, I'm with this other girl, she's 19, cooler, way older. No drama. That's why she's big on Stickam, because of the drama" and Kiki is just bursting out laughing as she films.
She genuinely believes this is not embarrassing at all for her.
No. 840032
>>840021I think Kiki is very angry that Kota didn't help her in Japan. I remember Kaka being so mad that she was about to expose Kota or something on her twitter.
>>840031She must keep videos and photos of all her exes and honestly believes she was the best they could do, what a cope.
No. 840038
File: 1623357999360.png (829.21 KB, 750x1334, E6CD99ED-88F9-4229-8503-CB871B…)

Is it Danny or a throwback of this other guy on her story?
I think they look similar.
No. 840040
File: 1623358401007.jpeg (17.46 KB, 400x400, images (3).jpeg)

>>840038Unlikely, specially if he's trash talking Kiki. To me it looks a lot like Corey Pattakos, who she dated for a while (if you look up his name on Google this dude entrepreneur with Lamborghinis and shit comes up and the other one is Kiki's ex-bf, which leads me to believe they might be the same person? Idk I'm not good with faces).
No. 840054
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>>840041I think it really looks like him
plus, it's safer to reminisce of an ex-bf who (coincidentally) happens to be doing well for himself rather than the one who supposedly "violently raped" her. Especially bc the guy is saying he's dating a 19yo, so not a pedo (which she keeps claiming Danny was, that he dated 12-14 year olds)
No. 840055
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>>840054Like, if you compare their profiles
No. 840069
>>840061So it is Corey
>>840062Hella embarrassing. Imagine being an adult, living life and a random ex from your teens post an instastory with you on it, with a video you didn't even remember existing.
And if this is actually him today you can assume Kiki is secretly thirsting for some of the wealth he shows off.
No. 840074
>>840069So she is posting old videos of some ex from ages ago who has been off doing his own thing, probably in hopes that he'd get in touch with her again?
She's so desperate rn, the second-hand embarrassment is so strong.
No. 840133
>>840069It's Danny, not Corey. Danny has a more aquiline nose whereas Corey has more of an upturned nose. The guy in Kiki's "time capsule heartbreak" pic is Danny, not to mention the pic of Danny that she posted has him in the same outfit from the day they did the pool party shoot that became Dakota's site banner ("slut u just wait").
Kiki is going back now and lovebombing Danny now that everyone knows he was just a normal teenager who was killed by her greed and lust for attention. She's going to do what Dakota did and claim it was all her evil family's fault and all she wanted was a knight in shining armor to save her from them, like Kota did, but then kept in touch with her family, indulged their vulgar sense of humor, and kept her shitty entitled princess syndrome because of it which cost her everything.
Kiki is gonna do the same thing, now turn around and claim she had no culpability or choice in anything from the day she met him to the day he died, and that she still loves him and misses "the good old days" before literally everyone on the internet knew she was a soulless sack of shit piloted by bugs. She will conveniently forget that she was the one who posted the pic of Danny in his coffin to MySpace and made a website mocking his death, calling him names and saying "this is what happened to the last guy to mess with my family".
No. 840147
>>840134I wonder how Kiki ended up on that specific app and Kota quickly knowing her name on it.
My money is on Kota telling Kiki that it's how she found her partner and so she knew the moment Kiki signed up.
No. 840152
>>840133Anon. It is Corey.
>>840061The video literally has the part she posted.
No. 840202
File: 1623471256618.png (395.48 KB, 1376x824, 1427284634371.png)

>>840134you either remember wrong or are lying. Kooter never posted anything public against Kiki. She's been silent as a mouse on her socials since 2011 onward. Kiki's tweet only said this… I don't see any kind of allude of visas or contracts. I remember just thinking she did this to answer fan questions and feel vicariously popular through Kooter's fans. That's it. She deleted it herself within minutes without any response from Koot. Stop fabricating stories, weirdo.
No. 840211
>>840202Because it wasn't posted to their socials, it was posted anonymously in a Kiki thread here during a time when they were beefing, it was a random one off post that only said:
You know what to do."
Someone googled it and found Kiki's profile, which at the time wasn't a name she had used anywhere else before and the app was relatively unknown for someone to have just randomly stumbled upon it. Also the way it was posted was too quick and dirty, not "omg look, I found Kiki trolling for jap dick on my language app!".
No. 840212
File: 1623489859322.png (142.87 KB, 712x992, Screenshot_20210612-052148_(1)…)

>>840211>>840202Posted June 2015 in an old Kiki/Snagglepuss thread
Happened when Kiki was in Japan mid 2015, which was also when Kota leveled up the most, moved into that big apartment and made her Instagram.
No. 840213
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>>840212One month later anons started betting Kota posted it, then…
No. 840214
File: 1623490116691.png (156.35 KB, 642x803, Screenshot_20210612-051506_(1)…)

>>840213… three months later after Kiki and Taku split, another thirsty dating profile gets posted claiming they got it from Kiki/Kota's favorite gossip hole, PULL.
Again, posted quick and dirty, and shortly after this was when Kiki went back to FL & pretended Taku went to Disney with her.
No. 840217
File: 1623492363871.png (432.39 KB, 1365x1856, 1444719524055.png)

>>840204Here you go! Her cringey Worldfriends profile.
No. 840218
File: 1623493287129.png (312.02 KB, 1079x1643, 1425629106185.png)

>>839819Here's where Kiki claimed to get scouted, which was right in line with her dating profiles getting leaked. Notice Kota's reply can be taken multiple ways if she knows Kiki is escorting for sone kind of entertainment deal like she did.
No. 840221
How to link posts from old threads?? I'm reading a Kiki thread that has a LOT of Danny info and receipts. It has Danny's diary entry about breaking up with Kiki (his side of it) and a post from a friend of the family who knew info on the whole situation.
Cathy and Kiki lied to Danny that she was 17 when they met, so him being a pedo who chases "12 year olds" was all Kiki bullshit. He almost broke up with her and moved home over it but his home life wasn't good so he stayed, until the bedbug infestation and Kiki's histrionics became too much.
The post also says that Kiki had a restraining order against Danny, so that the night they lured him to the mall & she jumped out to surprise him in front of the police which is why he ran, NOT because the cops were eager af to catch him selling come to a fakeb"12 year old he wanted to fuck". Kiki and Cathy lired him to the mall to meet someone else, Kiki jumped out when the cops showed up, and Danny ran because of the RO. Cops don't just hauk off and chase teenagers on sight unless they've actually done something, but if Kiki popped out being 14 with an RO against Danny and Cathy was there screaming that he raped her, he would get chased for that.
Seriously there's so much info I forgot about, like I can't believe I forgot Kiki lied about being 17 to get with Danny- she always made it seem like he knew she was 14 and pursued her because of it, when really he ghosted her for 2 days bc of it. He wasn't a pedo, he was an immature teen from a bad home who made the mistake of giving a shit about a soulless twat.
No. 840222
>>840217Kek at all the lies that contradict themselves.
>Education>Graduate Degree
>Have you lived Overseas? For How Long?>Japan multiple times for a few months
>I would Like Travelling To…>JapanThis must have pissed Kota off and that's why she tipped us off not once but twice!
No. 840309
File: 1623579744672.jpg (179.7 KB, 579x793, 1424815820498.jpg)

>>840284>>840301Thank you!!
Danny's side of things:
>>>/pt/120342Cespedes family friend's POV of the situation:
>>>/pt/120345There's also several screencaps from the police reports over the incident that have details that have been long forgotten, pics of her 3 Tokyo bondage fairy hooker outfits she wore for months, the pepper spray and knife she bragged about carrying illegally, her claim of being scouted, claims of being groped, harassed in "university", the Pisscab Saga, forcing Taku's restaurant staff to rewash their utensils before making her food, fucking Fangophilia and recording him drunk in bed without his consent, the Jackotass sketches, and so so much more.
No. 840310
>>840309>>840301>>840284Here's all the 2015 Japan saga Kiki threads:
OG thread
(June 2014)
(November 2014)
>>>/pt/23176(March 2015)
>>>/pt/68096(June 2015, Part 1)
>>>/pt/118665(June 2015, Part 2)
>>>/pt/127490(July 2015)
>>>/pt/137479(August 2015, Part 1)
>>>/pt/152604(August 2015, Part 2)
>>>/pt/166812(September 2015)
>>>/pt/174775(October 2015)
>>>/pt/187661 No. 840395
File: 1623633018044.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1894, Screenshot_20210613-220903.png)

ok but I want to see how it looks irl with her nose, long face etc.
Is there any picture taken at the salon or the hairdresser's Instagram? Nope.
No. 840430
>>840403> SeductivelyDude. Where.
I'm no stranger to girls posting revealing pics on insta and shit, but Kiki just gives off a weird vibe.
AND there's the issue with tagging a professional hairdresser. Like, c'mon. Put on a shirt for this one
No. 840441
>>840438Her lies were on overdrive during this time but yes, if it did happen, it was when she was dressed like a hooker standing around waiting to be noticed. It wasn't going to be for modeling work because none ever materialized from this little story of hers. Kota's non-reaction also suggests she knew.
It also wouldn't have happened if she was going places with a guy. IIRC she was with one most of the time.
No. 840531
File: 1623765958328.png (939.3 KB, 1080x1483, Screenshot_20210615-110121.png)

>>840395She posted the pics on her Instagram feed, but I think this one gives some idea on how it looks IRL.
Makes her face look 5x longer. since it's cheekbone length and turned towards her face, it naturally brings attention to her nose. Also, she's the only human being that manages to have a 5head, thanks to the baby bangs.
GOSH I wish we could see this haircut under WalMart lights.
No. 840568
>>840533I honestly don’t think there’s anything terribly wrong with her nose but it just emphasizes her already narrow face shape and narrow lips. She would look better with a few plumper features on her face, like cheeks, lips, or slightly wider nostrils/nose bridge, but she’s just narrow all over including her body. It gives a hawk-like appearance. All that on top of her eyes that she bugs out in pictures to make them look bigger. Some ppl on this thread say that her nose is humped but I don’t think it’s terribly humped.
Her previous hair parted in the center just drew attention to her narrow lines and now her teenage weeb hime cut literally points straight at her nose, but at least it covers her narrow face and non existent cheek bones.
No. 840607
File: 1623808731067.png (849.15 KB, 1080x1893, Screenshot_20210615-225544~2.p…)

>>840579She does it with outfits too. she either sees herself in a completely different way or just likes looking haggard
Pic related: queen of scraping any appraisal that comes her way
No. 840611
File: 1623809853435.png (1.67 MB, 1080x2186, Screenshot_20210615-181707.png)

>>840580Agreed, and there's a lot of pretty girls with big noses but… there's something with her face that gives off weird vibes. i might be biased.
pic: felt like digging it and picturing that face with the hime haircut with her current makeup and fashion choices walking around LA, looking for dates, trying to manifest Corey Pattakos back.
No. 840635
>>840611Her nose is just bjg for her face, a hairstyle with volume and layers would do wonders for her, but her hardon for long elf hair guarantees she'll always have an unflattering style for her long, sallow face. She reminds me of one of the ghoulish character sketches from those
Are You Afraid of the Dark books with the frizzy, flat, pin-straight long brown hair and crazy bug eyes & collarbones poking out.
No. 840643
>>840640Maybe the real reason Kiki is so anti-PS is because deep down she knows she still wouldn't turn out like she thinks she looks. The best she can do in reality is to just pretend she looks the way she thinks she does Dakota Rose style.
>>840637She's just lurking and posting vague shit about music and anime as well, it makes me think she's gonna try some kind of Japanese weebpunk music comeback… at 28 years old.
No. 840786
File: 1623963715163.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1125x1969, FFA760EF-DE31-4517-84D6-7E067F…)

(New IG story but not really milk so I saged this comment)
I get the feeling that Kiki is the kind of person who revisits past memories to write fanfics about herself or romanticize her trauma under the guise of introspection/acceptance. In reality she’s torturing herself and can’t let go, she’s too wrapped up in being Kiki Kannibal and everything that came with it
No. 840835
>>840786She realized how bad her new haircut looks.
No. 840995
>>840786Must suck going from the most popular attention grabbing e-girl in the mid 2000s to a literal who cat lady begging with
terf bangs
No. 841113
>>840995She wasn't
the most popular, she barely ranked on her own. The bulk of her "popularity" was either Myspace friendwhoring or secondhand envy from being a starfucker with sleazy parents who let her and kota slink backstage with Blood on the Dance Floor and took pics sitting in their laps, and sticking Kiki with whoever had online popularity like Danny. She was never an icon in her own right, she was a dramacow or a tagalong. Most people hated her personally and just wanted her shameless, obsessive parents who funded and pushed her desire for online fame since puberty.
No. 841733
File: 1624596936514.png (1.16 MB, 640x1136, 960C02D2-2FE8-4CCF-B3AF-21BF96…)

Is this a boyfriend or someone she is following online? He’s come up a few times in her stories
No. 841962
>>841949Motorcycle guy's face was never shown, how could it be? Plus, ahe ditched him pretty quickly for the Russian guy, so if it is the same guy he's likely just as much of a loser as all the others to go back to
Kirsten Ostrenga.
No. 842249
File: 1624903191312.png (1022.41 KB, 1080x1775, Screenshot_20210628-104133~2.p…)

New instastory.
Trust fucking Kiki to take edgy pics with acupuncture needles.
No. 842553
>>842416I never had to take off eye makeup, but we are told to remain still, the acupuncture points are extremely precise and you have to stay still
I'm leaning towards
>>842456 DIY
No. 842728
File: 1625159053221.png (996.92 KB, 1080x1910, Screenshot_20210701-140253.png)

LMAO deadass think she messaged him with a borderline flirty message or smthg
>>842696That's an old pic. She posted one in her instastory yesterday, but she must've taken it down. It made her chin 5x longer.
No. 843025
File: 1625407156161.jpg (147.59 KB, 1080x1920, 209842064_699059274213763_2321…)

Kaka's posting a fuckton of manic stories, one is abouy Tetremce Mckenna questioning reality and one of the last is a meme about LSD microdosing. I hope she does, I cannot wait to see Kiki on LSD, sperging out in front of her webcam and posting 50 IG selfies of her with dilated pupils and clips of her regurgitating Terrence Mckenna's ideas through her own batshit POV. Though now that I think about it, maybe Kiki isn't as unfamiliar with LSD as she's pretending to be and has already fried her brain?
Side note, Kiki is starting to make me feel like she needs to be in a facility receiving care somewhere.
No. 843080
>>843025She's posting it to be edgy. LSD doesn't go with her "vegan pure anti-drug" lifestyle she's bragged about for years.
> Side note, Kiki is starting to make me feel like she needs to be in a facility receiving care somewhere.I think she's autistic. Didn't she mention being on disability when she was sperging here?
No. 843083
>>843042I know, but I don't think Kirsten is capable of moderating anything, I can see hee "microdosing" 5x a day once she decides she likes it & it's a new part of her persona.
>>843080Her disability is for fake scoliosis she doesn't need a brace for and that doesn't keep her from working or going to school when she
does feel like it. Kiki would never admit to a mental disability.
No. 843576
File: 1625749039065.png (595.71 KB, 1080x1789, Screenshot_20210708-095511~2.p…)

Never let these golden years go, Kiki!
No. 843584
>>843578Pretty accurate considering attention whores like Belle always end up exactly like Kiki- old, irrelevant, begging for attention, always "hey guys! Remember this? Remember when I did this? Haha that was so cool, I'm so cool". Sh0eonhead is going down the same slide.
No. 843762
File: 1625887800835.jpg (199.26 KB, 925x1390, los-angeles-ca-august-19-domin…)

>>843576>>843584>>843597somewhat ot but it reminds me of a bit of dominique swain - woman who played dolores haze in that 90s lolita movie - and how there was an article about her that mentioned there was something sad about how she continues to style her hair in the way dolores did in that movie. a grown adult trying to cling to when they were young, when they were at their most male-gazey and "sexy" according to only moids' standards. having no sense of pride about getting older and being okay with that. it's just tragic to me
No. 843900
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Kota posted new pics, so Kaka is spamming her own story hoping for attention.
I hope she really makes an OF, I would kill to see what kind of pics she puts up trying to look like a vintage lolita nymphette with almost no lighting, weird yoga/Sperg posing and sad titty/ass shoops.
No. 843943
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No. 843946
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>>843943Ah yes, just the person who I want to hear break-up advice from
No. 843947
File: 1626044500063.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1809, Screenshot_20210711-173425~3.p…)

>>843946So I guess that Russian guy from a while ago is done with her?
No. 844318
File: 1626352554316.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1936, Screenshot_20210715-093519.png)

Oof that Hime haircut
Apparently she's working and studying full time.
No. 844348
>>844318She thinks making a shitty ebook and cheap jewelry is "work", anon. Also she has a history of taking classes and courses at community colleges for certificates to pretend she's working toward a degree in an actual career field.
And what is that shirt? I see every basic hoe whipping that ribcage shirt out lately now that it's past the 4th.
No. 844371
>>844348>>844352Aren't degrees super expensive in the US though? 15k doesn't sound bad.
>>844348At some point she claimed she was studying science and then, it said somewhere she was studying law (but it was never proved)
No. 844413
>>844352>>844371Kiki and Kota went to a community college using government grants like the Pell grant before they were 18 & while still being homeschooled so they wouldn't have to pay them back as long as they graduated. They would have walked away with at most an AA and some credits toward an actual degree, but they didn't go long enough to complete an entire college education. At most, they attended college for less than a full year. They went to kill time, get a free check to blow on music and photography equipment for their classes (likely the only reason they enrolled, couldn't afford it otherwise) and pretend to be more educated than middle school dropouts. Neither of them is a sound engineer, they didn't attend Valencia college that long before Kota uploaded her shoops and went viral, which probably only ever happened due to having assignemts with After Effects and Photoshop in class, which is why her first batch of viral shoops and videos were the best quality and that quality was never again replicated.
They were broke Florida hicks using the state to get more freebies for their scams and they dropped it as soon as Danny and Japan came along because suddenly they both had better shit going on than having to pretend to care about their education.
Sound engineer. That would be hands down more interesting than anything either of them have actually done since college, but it's a lie because if not then Kota would have used itnto worm her way into music more than just acting as a fugly mannequin in an MV. It was hilarious 5 years ago when Dakota tried to shill it then & it's still hilarious now. I feel like the only reason she ever even said it was to dig on Kiki who was
always the more musically inclined of the two while Kota preferred fashion. Kota became a kawaii model and Kiki became nothing, and Kota never pretended to give a shit about music before or since making that tweet and comment on the show. It was a one-off humblebrag during a spat with Kiki and not even a halfway beleivable one, so don't parrot it as fact just because Kiki wants to latch onto that lie now (even though Kota said she had the degree, not the both of them).
No. 845307
>>845304I highly doubt Kyler is as autistic/disabled as they always claimed, based on what I found below he might be the most stabe of the 3.
Idk if Kiki graduated, but she made it on the President's list and Dean's list a few times, and usually only in the Fall:
>President's List>These students completed at least 6 credit hours, and earned at least a 3.75 grade point average in all coursework.
>Dean's List >These students completed at least 6 credit hours, and earned between a 3.50 and 3.74 grade point average in all coursework.Kiki on the PL/DL
>Fall 2008, PL>Fall 2010, PL>Fall 2011, PL +Kyler>Spring 2012, DL>Fall 2012, PL +Kyler againTimes Kyler made PL/DL solo
>Spring 2013, DL>Summer 2013, DL >Fall 2013, DL>Spring 2014, DL>Summer 2014, PL>Fall 2014, PL>Fall 2015, PLNo mention of any Ostrengas past Fall 2015 or before Fall 2008 on either list, and Dakota wasn't on any of them. From the looks of things, Kyler was consistently a good student, whereas Kiki could only do well in the Fall intermittently? And it looks like she attended between 2008-2012, but I can't find a graduation list for Valencia college.
No. 845456
File: 1627075480429.png (588.71 KB, 720x1087, Screenshot_20210723-171843_(1)…)

>>845442Looks like she may be doing it in LA now, maybe that's where her sudden interest in at-home accupuncture and rekindling her music career (featuring her old college notes). Pics of Kiki's room from the last thread showed some weird peice of equipment by thendoor for a while that looked like it belonged in a health spa, picrel.
Also, if she's enrolling for funding and blowing it on bullshit in true Kiki style, it would explain where her new clothes and room decor came from after being empty for so long since Bobby dumped her: the neon wings sign, the giant fortune cat, the weird new clothes and cheap hotep jewelry, etc. all popped up around the same time she started vauging about being a student after months of her room being bare & her reposting ancient selfies and old outfits. It would also allow her to meet new guys to fuck via being near human males.
No. 845480
>>845456Holy shit, and she was also talking about "doing music again". She posted on for the first and last time back in May…
I remember some videos of her playing her songs with some massive visual effects in her room, so she's definitely making sure she has the decor for the music… Instead of the music itself.
No. 845530
>>845442>>845456>>845480>>845528So in addition to being on full ride disability for fake scoliosis, she's been scamming grant money from the government for over a decade. Great, glad this bitch hets to sit on her bony ass and blow taxpayer money like it's there to support her while she lives in her head and talks to herself in her bedroom. The only reason I'm not seriously mad abt it is because I know tha she's likely to secretly be mentally disabled on paper & lying about it bc she's a screeching, immature retard incapable of learning lessons & she clearly get
triggered by being called crazy/spergy (& loves casually using "retard" as an insult, which is dated af).
No. 845543
File: 1627130135798.png (915.91 KB, 1080x2206, Screenshot_20210724-000951.png)

Great. So she decided her music was a flop before she even began working on it and is well on her way to be a full-time thot.
No. 845552
>>845549It's the way she writes about it in excruciating detail. When you read her writing about it, it comes off as romanticizing and self-imposed martyrdom. As a CSA survivor I think her writing could do with less details, it's genuinely
triggering to women who survived SA and just gives the reader an uneasy feeling. That's what I observe from anons here. We do know he was gross. I don't think that anyone claiming he wasn't is fully informed. However, Keeks totally loves to write misery/torture porn about herself for pity points, also I guess she just refuses to get a diary.
No. 845553
File: 1627137489988.jpeg (23.72 KB, 739x415, keeks.jpeg)

>>845543God she tries so hard to sound hip and quirky.
No. 845554
>>845549Read her writing about her own rape, and then look up stories featuring rape in Wattpad (bonus if the writer is a 14 year old edgy lord). It's the same writing.
>>845553> 'Queen, no'She tries so hard.
No. 845555
>>845549Kiki & her family loved him enough to move him into their house, let them fuck their daughter and then didn't even kick him out for it. They never reported him for raping Kiki until he dumped her and moved back home. The reasom Kiki isn't a legitimate rape
victim and why her story is called a fablnfic is because it's a massively embellished lie built upon Kiki's cripplong guilt over causing the death of her first real boyfriend/relationship. No guy since Danny put Kiki on such a high pedestal (he got her face tatted on him like 3x?) and she knows it's because she was using him for Myspace clout and he was using her for a cool plave to live with cool parents who let them drink, smoke and fuck consensually (despite is being statutory from the day they allowed Danny into their house, making her parents at least partially responsible).
Also, the details contradict not only known information from poloce reportd, but also plain logic. Her story claims she was brutally raped, beaten, thrown, penetrated dry and held down while being raped and trying to scream and get away (in a house with both her parents, both siblings and her grandma there during) AND that afterward her parents took her to the hospital and they talked to detectives that night who ALL said "nothing could be done" because of vauge, unspecified "loopholes" and that despite the severity of her attack, "he left no marks". That's Kiki having her cake and eating it, too: she gets to kill off Danny for scorning her & destroy his reputation, and gets to be a brutalized teen rape
victim betrayed by her first true love, without her parents ever facing any trouble for their gross negligence or the entrapment. The Cespedes literally tried to sue the Ostrengas for wrongful dearh because they had enough to takenit to court, but Scott & Cathy filed for bankruptcy bcnin Florida you can't be sued if you're bankrupt. Wht would they destroy their credit willingly just to avoid going to court over Danny if Kiki was the only
victim and none of the Ostrengas ever did anything wrong? I bet if the Cespedes case were reopened the Ostrengas would be in a world of shit.
Nobody will ever really know what happened but the Ostrengas, but based on the fact that after over 10 years Kiki still can't allow anyone to see her at any kind of fault over any part of the Danny Drama, and how she chimps out on anyone who doesn't shit on his name and seethe in the process, it's pretty safe to say she's always gonna be hella guilty and defensive over it. They may have barely managed to get away with it, but life is strange and if Kooter can land a Bravo contract based on shoop, then maybe the Cespedes family can fuck up the Ostrengas if they got a good lawyer. Kiki hasn't stopped slandering Danny since the day he died, and she's gone above and beyond in doing so too- like painting him as a brutal, violent rapist and pedophile and herself the innocent, unguarded
No. 845583
>>845576Statutory rape is the bottom line. And yes, this means the
victim will usually drop the hammer on the perp once they break up. The protip is to not fuck minors.
No. 845591
>>845570>>845576>>845583Actually, a preventable death caused by jealous pettiness is the bottom line. Making 3 posts to pretend multiple people think Danny is worse than ant Ostrenga is too obvious.
>Scott and Cathy, Kiki'd adult parents, allowed his 19 year old ass to move into their home and fuck their underaged daughter>Cathy collected their USED CONDOMS as proof to Kiki's Myspace haters they really were having sex>Kiki never spoke ill of Danny until he broke up with her and moved back home, which was when the Monstrenga plotting began>Cathy herself impersonated an 11 or 12 year old girk using a fake Myspace profile and asked Danny to meet "her" at the mall to get high and have sex>somehow 19-year-old Danny is a disgusting pedophile akin to a middle aged serial rapist creeping on toddlers bc of every other underaged girl he was into- except Kiki??? >by the way, Kiki and her family lied to him about her age when they first got together >also testimonials from friends of his claimed he vented about Kiki's family/home situation a lot and just couldn't take the bug infested white trash hell anymore so he split, which is when Kiki and her family took ot personally and went off the rails schemingNo matter what you say, the Ostrengas are at fault for manipulating Danny into the relationship with Kiki by lying about her age, moving him into their house and letting them sleep with their daughter after getting kicked out of his own for seeing her. His parents did the right thing, but the Ostrengas are just overgrown, selfish spoilt children who can't accept being told they aren't special and better than everyone else.
They are also at fault for his death which is why they were scared of the lawsuit, why Kiki can't fucking shut up about it to this day every time she gets dumped (deep down she knows her entire life now is just her own karma bitchslapping her for being such a rabid, unapologetic twat then & refusing to face it) and why she can't stop adding in wildly unrealistic and unbelievable details to make herself look as pure and Danny as evil as possible. Every time it all gets brought up again, she waits a bit and rewrites the story with new details that add more trauma to her backstory. 'Strengastans out themselves by being so blatantly biased and trying so hard to force their narrative & tell people what to believe, and how pissy they get when anyone starts recalling factual info or digging up receipts. They need it to stay buried or else perhaps the Cespedes family may try to seek justice again for the decade of slandering him after the fact.
No. 845593
>>845555> Her story claims she was brutally raped, beaten, thrown, penetrated dry and held down while being raped and trying to scream and get away (in a house with both her parents, both siblings and her grandma there during) In case anyone is still wondering why we call her rape stories "fanfiction". She has a rape kink. She even changed the Halloween post after it was posted here bc that was BS
>>819472 I can't give less of a fuck about Danny's being innocent or not, but it is certain she gets off talking and writing about brutal rape scenarios, and it's convenient for her that he's dead and can't get a say in it
No. 845604
>>845597Danny never went in on Kiki like she & her fam did on him. According to his friends, he actually cared about her, and based on their posts before they split & the Ostrengas killed him he was trying everything he could. From the outside, based on the actions of Kiki and her family vs. the accounts from people who knew Danny longer than they did, he just wanted out of a fucked up situation he was too young to handle, and a family of emotional, bitter rednecks took action against him for it to get him arrested but instead got him killed. Without their self-righteousness and persecution complexes, they would have been able tp simply let them break up and let him go home, but instead a whole family, counting two grown adult parents, decided to play internet tough guy for revenge.
They should have never fucking contacted Danny through any fake profiles tp solicit him to meet anyone anywhere for any reason. The sane, healthy thing to do is walk away. Only batshit crazy, dangerous people do shit like they did and there's a reason they need it to stay buried.
No. 845620
>>845614Yeah, she said an Aussie guy did it and a lot of girls were supporting him.
>>845601Starts at
>>802771 and goes on until
>>802776 No. 845770
>>845718It's Kiki lore, for years after his death when they were still humblebragging about killing guys who mess woth Kiki every chance they get, they loved to point out how he was going to meet a 12 year old girl for drugs and sex bc he was a such a big ol' pEdOpHiLe. I vaguely recall a SS of a Myspace message from their Danny Deathshrine website (the one they made to mock him, where Kiki uploaded the pic of him in his coffin with his head shaved). It's one of those things the Ostrengastans repeated endlessly for effect until they realized how fucking stupid it was to keep claiming any responsibility for it- which was also when they had to file bankruptcy.
They bragged about killing Danny so hard that the Cespedes family built the case that scared them into destroying their credit. And, thanks to shady Florida laws, they can't be sued twice for the same thing, so the Ostrengas get away with both murder and slandering a dead teenager. That's why Kiki isn't worried about slandering him anymore, they pussied out of ever being held accountable.
No. 845794
>>845776Well, in her case she can because she can't be sued for slander against him 2x, but slandering anyone else who is dead with claims that can be proven false can be fought by the decedent's peers.
So, who thinks deathbydopamine is a school project that will never release any actual music or produce any posts besides selfies?
No. 845858
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Keeks is triggered
No. 845927
File: 1627377352716.png (939.32 KB, 1080x2210, Screenshot_20210727-061416~2.p…)

"straight edge dating a drug dealer" LMFAO this bitch is rolling on LSD for sure
No. 845961
>>845927Oh my god, Kiki is dating a weed/pill dealer? This is gonna be a juicy fucking saga, farm. Imagine her threatening to bust him when he tries to ghost her crazy ass.
>straightedgeShe's about as sxe as Dakota is vegan lmao
No. 845984
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>>845927Imagine being an acquaintance of Kiki, and trying to subtly tell her to stop taking random dick like she needs it to survive, and she keeps treating it like a joke while advertising how easy it is to get with her.
No. 846070
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Keeks studying? Something to do with physiology or biology?
No. 846142
>>845927For a "straight edge" person, she has dated a lot of guys who do drugs.
Either she has always been a secret drug user or she thinks she can "change him".
No. 846173
>>846141The only Valencia certificate she ever showed off was her award for helping students with disabilities take notes, probably Kyler. She never said anything about a "sound engineering degree", that was only ever Dakota.
>>846142A lot pf people who smoke weed, do psychedelics and drink heaboly don't consider themselves to be addicts or even drug users, so ig it all depends on what Kiki considers to be "straightedge" or not. I know people on Myspace used to make fun of her for claiming to be straightedge yet smoking weed, she used a bullshit hippie loophole by saying weed isn't a drug bc it's natural.
No. 846187
File: 1627519900897.png (1.13 MB, 1080x2134, Screenshot_20210728-214857.png)

She posted a couple of reels.
> First date
> "Let me impregnate you"
Yeah, sure happened.
No. 846222
File: 1627561658041.png (571.75 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20210728-041559.png)

>>846187Kiki is sexualizing fat rednecks in booty shorts while diving headfirst into another "relationship". Has she ever turned down a guy since she turned 18? She used to shit on ppl one on one all the time in the scene days, but now it's like she takes any scrote who acknowledges her. She intentionally chases and sexualizes the types of men other women have learned from experience to judge on sight and avoid.
As an aside, she seems to be in a good mood lately despite being dumped again?
No. 846269
>>846263Not that anon, but an audio engineering certificate is not the same as an audio engineering degree, like a bachelor's one.
But in all honesty, she could have a Master degree, she isn't doing music.
>>846236They do that as a cringy joke, being that those men are horrendous, no one would be into them.
It's the same humor as school boys walking up to the fat girl and saying, "yo my friend likes you hahaha". It's just weirder bc she's fucking 30.
No. 846280
>>846277Nope. I've only ever seen her post the music one.
>>846276It was a short course and not at a college but it wasn't taught by Scott. She used to get on stickam and complain about the creepy guys in her class. Typical kiki shit.
It was after she was homeschooled. Probably around 2010 or so when I followed her heavily. It was right before she released the rage kitten album.
No. 846298
File: 1627603078800.webm (9.18 MB, 320x240, 1405986775622.webm)
>>846287strangely enough, I have the video. was that Kathy and Koots laughing in the background? she basically talked shit about everyone who went to school with her.
No. 846300
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>>846187Hell, maybe it did. I can see Kiki pulling a Syd before she turns 30 just to trap a man.
>impulsively boredGreat reason to create a human life, Kiki. Totes not white trash breeder logic.
No. 846301
File: 1627604272224.png (119.15 KB, 659x1136, Screenshot_20210729-201210_(1)…)

>>846300She posted that reel to both her story and feed, the caption was "nine inch bun in da oven", and then she posted pic related followed by her usual self-healing-after-a-breakup and sisterhood shit. Plus, I think the reel of the black couple had audio of Dakota singing to Kiki, it sounds a lot like her voice.
My guess is the guy said it as a joke based on their shared cringe sense of humor that Kiki ran with & it chased him off.
No. 846302
>>846298Yuck. That gotta be one of those videos she'd do anything to wipe off the internet, she says so many despicable things. I definitely think it's Kota's laugh.
>>846301This poor fella. She's going to start posting about
toxic men again in a couple of days, and heartbreak or whatever.
Gotta wonder if this guy and drug dealer are the same person.
No. 846307
>>846304She did say in one of those recent 50-min rant videos on YT that she's allergic to condoms, and almost got it on with a guy knowing full well he had an incurable STI, so getting pregnant is child's play.
>>846303Makes sense, its just too much for a single guy.
No. 846308
>>846307You can be allergic to latex and lube, but hypoallergenic condoms are a thing. In addition to that, you can refuse to fuck a guy until he gets tested. Kiki is just a desperate pickme whore with no standards who has to say yes to immature guys who can't stay hard in a rubber bc they're too selfish bc that's the best she can do after 15 years of calling everyone she dates a rapist.
Jeez, now all her crying rape in the past makes sense- she dives into bed with guys on their terms and then cries rape after she agrees to any nasty shit and gets dumped anyway. I guess now that she's thinking about p-trapping a guy she's relaxed on crying rape, instead now she'll have missed periods, cramps and moodiness every 3 month.
No. 846348
>>846297At F.I.R.ST. Institute anyone off the street can pay for a short course like the audio one and get a participation certificate.
She didn't take a full program and such certificates aren't worth anything when the person touting them has no work history or ability to back it up.
>>846298The more things change the more they stay the same.
No. 846370
>>846350Kaka's hair looks about as normal as it ever has there.
If you're referring to the face filter, I assume it's probably somewhere in the Instagram app under "LSD Juggalos" or similar.
No. 846376
>>846372That's true. You look at this shit
>>844318 you can only imagine how bad this looks on the daily
No. 846794
File: 1627755772269.png (537.18 KB, 1080x1880, Screenshot_20210731-152119.png)

"sensitivity is not a weakness" - Sperg-chan
Goes well with this
>>846298 No. 846810
>>846372lmao yes i was, didn’t even notice the filter couldn’t see through the tears. it should look like a helmet but because it’s too thin it’s just really fucking weird. like ok she got bangs but now she legitimately looks full on special needs, and she doesn’t even deserve to be part of a group that she tormented. she can’t fix her crazy eyes and now she has this wet french fry hair that looks like she did it at 4am. it looks like an adderal haircut that started out as “just a few snips”.
i had to google this and i guess it’s a runway trend in 2021 because the world is so desperate, but all the models have very thick hair and it’s styled with a lot of volume as most mullets always have been. i would’ve suggested layers with bangs if she wanted a mullet but i seriously don’t think there’s enough hairspray in the world to help. ngl the last thing i think of when i see that hair on a non asian person is princess no offense wow it is baaaad
No. 846840
>>846372>>846398hime haircuts are ugly on everyone tbh
terrible style
No. 847500
File: 1627912777217.png (426.42 KB, 1080x2129, Screenshot_20210802-105835.png)

Lmfao whatever you say keeks
No. 847502
File: 1627912834574.png (1.16 MB, 1080x2010, Screenshot_20210802-100350.png)

Those dangly, tacky shit is back! She wore them a lot in Japan, I think?
No. 847530
File: 1627923663128.png (31.69 KB, 1080x130, Screenshot_20210802-140010.png)

>>847521I don't even think she meant it like that, this is the caption.
So, basically, she's talking trash about a guy, like "ew he is not checking his dick".
No. 847708
File: 1627962380901.jpeg (315.61 KB, 640x1096, 83509724-B3A0-4DA7-8EEF-D3A1E2…)

Saw this mess coming.
No. 847763
File: 1627982033671.png (807.39 KB, 720x1190, Screenshot_20210803-051043_(1)…)

>>847708She took out the band profile link but put it back? What are you pointing out?
In other news, it looks like Kiki may have fucked the guy with crotchrot after all.
No. 847764
File: 1627982312154.png (663.48 KB, 610x1109, Screenshot_20210803-051541_(1)…)

>>847763>bussin'I find it funny how much redneck-ified AAVE she uses for someone who used to throw the word nigger around so casually. "Shmick shmock" sounds like something a kid with tourettes would say as a tic. Kiki is so unsocialized she's losing her English skills due to takiing to trashy fuckbois all day every day.
No. 847809
File: 1627995198018.png (823.49 KB, 1080x1734, Screenshot_20210803-094025.png)

>>847783Yeah, you're right. She just meant to say she caved in and made a TikTok account.
>>847764She's trying to appeal to gen z. Bussin' means "really good". The caption makes no sense, unless you think it's a dig at this thread.
> "am I really busted (caught) if I'm doing good?"Image related: she must be the only person who still believes this empath bullshit.
No. 847865
you are the energy vampire. That's why after 30 years of being enabled, coddled and handheld you still somehow have less of a defined personality than the average 12 year old trendhopper who just noticed boys.
No. 847992
>>847899Nah, abusers using
victim language to turn the tables once they're found out is a huge thing now. At least one OG sceneenie would say something somewhere about the old lost drama even if it wasn't directly to Kaka herself. She hasn't tried more than posting old selfies because she's scared of opening that can or worms again because the reality of Kiki Kannibal is that she's all chuff and smoke. Her parents have always been the puppeteers behind the scenes cyberstalking and copyright claiming anything they dislike.
No. 847993
File: 1628091889913.jpg (1.24 MB, 2560x1920, 21-08-04-11-42-52-524_deco.jpg)

Another one bites the dust.
When is she gonna learn that ANY guy attracted to her is gonna be a fuckboi? Decent guys don't want a high strung unsocialized dependa with no life goals other than being seen and envied by strangers online.
No. 848016
>>847991Because it's easy money, Anon! She knows shit, but slapping "M.D." on a pseudoscience book cover is sales guaranteed, as we can see at
>>847809Kiki is so close to falling down the QAnon rabbit hole, she probably doesn't even "believe" in vaccines.
>>847993LMAO her talking like they weren't the ones who decided to look twice at her attention starved ass
No. 848035
File: 1628113692487.png (1.28 MB, 1080x2010, Screenshot_20210804-163938.png)

Ok, Kiki
No. 848040
>>848035so she wants emotional messes to fuck her or not what is she saying. she had self sabotaging mormon hair for like over a decade as some bizarre way to prove her purity, yet she can’t like idk keep her vagina clean by not letting
toxic dudes fuck her raw? why doesn’t she have a better sense of humor by now
No. 848063
>>847993kek why tf does she own a douche
stinky kannibal
No. 848262
File: 1628213755784.png (231.21 KB, 1080x2117, Screenshot_20210805-210026.png)

Post about toxic men in 3 days.
No. 848267
>>848262Can she even function without male attention? Kiki takes "daddy issues" to a whole new level, jfc. Idk how someone who has so much sex can't managw to keep a man. Ugly, fat BPD whores can keep a
toxic relationship going longer than Kiki can keep a guy in bed.
No. 848709
File: 1628439894919.png (1.04 MB, 1080x2002, Screenshot_20210808-132339.png)

>>848262Well, that was quick.
No. 848813
>>848709Doesn’t she realize how debilitating cringe her tiktoks are? Is she trying to be relatable to teenagers? Is
this what she thinks is funny?? Fucking 30 something year old hag skinwalking a young 20 something online.
No. 849085
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>I don't get on my knees for NO man!
>except Edward
Idk which is funnier, her dated, chad-like taste in men or how hard she's trying to pretend she isn't a sexual welcome mat for any scrote who DMs her. Or maybe it's the UWU faces she insists on making while dressing like an 11 year old autist's idea of a cool teen while also trying to thirsttrap?
No. 849308
File: 1628965253032.png (1.34 MB, 1080x1927, Screenshot_20210814-151714.png)

kiki will be feeding herself off sunlight and water by her late 30's
No. 849470
File: 1629108966946.jpg (476.61 KB, 2560x2501, 21-08-16-06-11-29-857_deco_(1)…)

Idk what to point out first:
>how awful that hairstyle is growing out to look
>how mentally delayed it is that a 30 y.o woman can't stop referencing her vagina publicly online bc she has literally no personality other than cat memes, reels and anime selfies
>calling her period a "moses river"
….Moses river. She so badly needs to socialize with someone age appropriate who isn't an Ostrenga or imageboard user. She tries so hard to be funny and younique but it just comes off as a cringey, out of touch NLOG performance.
No. 849484
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>>849470She thought it was funny enough to facetime someone. Embarrassing.
No. 849485
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No. 849487
>>849485>>849484Oh my Christ this is so cringey, I can't imagine the second-hand embarrassment from actually watching this happen in motion.
Keeks really needs some irl fucking friends.
No. 849498
>>849308Vegetarian and vegan are two different things, Kiki
>>849485Who is this person? Did she just pester some poor abuela that joined her live?
No. 849508
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>>849505Yup. Can definitely see it.
No. 849645
File: 1629247562903.webm (2.55 MB, 640x1138, 238271924-391026565702417-3211…)
Imagine being this dude, all "spit in my mouth" and you receive THESE as replies
No. 849726
>>849645love how the guy was horny thinking they're sexting and she just continuously sends him unfunny obnoxious voice memos, they've probably fucked already or will very soon.
in his head, they're just fucking which makes sense cause she's slutty and he's sending horny messages, and in her head, they're "twin flames" because they've sexually bonded and he doesn't ghost after hearing her dumbass jokes. but that's cause guys will sit through boring dumb bitches' conversations if she allows him to fuck
No. 849756
>>849726> love how the guy was horny thinking they're sexting and she just continuously sends him unfunny obnoxious voice memosThat was the best part IMO. Imagine trying to be sexy, and the girl starts making weird noises, making weird references and talking about spit shakes… AND THEN POSTS EVERYTHING ON HER STORIES.
She's talking to him like she acts with Dakota around (absolutely embarrassing), and making it very public.
No. 849784
>>849781Np. Most of these are from her instastories or Instagram reels.
As far as the rest of us are aware she wasn't in any more acting roles and has started studying (something science related - which is weird for someone reading antivaxx, qanon authors, judging by her notes and some randumb reels she shares). She also mentioned working and studying full time
>>844318…All of that in LA
No. 849821
ngl, i remember when she was 17 and acted so arrogant about how her future was going to be so bright and she had big things in store that would leave everyone shook. now at age 29 is seems her only real personal achievement is that she lives in an apartment in LA.
No. 850373
File: 1629726810788.png (992.08 KB, 709x1197, Screenshot_20210823-094503_(1)…)

Kooter posted a memory tagging Kiki which spawned her to post all their old childhood pics again, plus a pic of their dad trying to be a musician before he got fat and ugly. Then, she posted picrel acting like she did something profound and mature bc she doesn't realize that most women don't keep contact info from all their hookups hoping to be the one to change their ways. She also posted a pic of her dad's blue guitar shenpretends to play the other day, so based on history she's repeating the pattern that means Kota must've managed to shit out some new gig and Kiki is working overtime to make sure she stays in the spotlight over her.
>post old shit tagging kota
>post old pics of their dad/instruments she doesn't play
>post vauge "life update" that's really just her talking about doing shit everyone else does, but she acts like it's a BFD
>pretends to be busy with work/school/new project whike Kota revels new gig
No. 850375
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>>850373Taco Bell, so animal friendly!
No. 850376
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>>850375Correction, Dakota posted the pic of their dad, but Kiki posted the pics of their parents when they were young together. A bitbstrange to randomly publicly post childhood pics that have already been shared online several times before just to interact on social media, they must be apart again while Kota tries to cook up another halfass job to go take selfies in Japan for 2022.
No. 850392
File: 1629738626993.png (926.17 KB, 1080x1778, Screenshot_20210823-083151~2.p…)

>>850380weird how there's a SHIT ton of contacts she had to delete… And ALL of them did her dirty, all of them wronged her etc etc etc. The word salad is just ludicrous.
Either way, she's going back to her old ways - including boasting about celebrity comparisons. Keep it up, Kiki. We'll be back to her saying so and so stopped her in the streets and complimented her etc in no time.
No. 850394
>>850376Do they not have recent pics of their parents being normal together?
>>850392It's always old pics and comparisons to try and prove a point with the Ostrengas. Their family is like the definition of peaked in highschool.
No. 850411
>>850392To be fair this photo resembles Kiki more than the other celebs she's tried to compare herself too.
I remember the angelina Jolie 'likeness' and that was the silliest.
No. 850413
>>850394There are some decade old screens of them on cam with the girls from maybe Stickam, Scott is a fat, balding scrote stereotype who wanted to be a rockstar and Cathy is a fat former small town beauty with dreams of being a bigshot lawyer. They met and had kids and the rest is history, so yes, they are the definition of "peaked-in-highschool". They cling to their past delusions of grandeur so hard they shoved them off onto each of their daughters and ingrained them so deeply they became their own delusions of grandeur: music for Kiki and modeling for Kota.
Tl;dr they're both fat, average breeders who only looked good before their 30s. That's why you don't see pics of them that are current.
No. 850417
>>850411Oof, Angelina Jolie, Sophia Loren… Then she moved to compliments from randos "So and so said xyz about my butt".
I miss that era the most. Hope it's making a comeback
No. 850431
>>850373i feel like i have read this same shit from her 10 million times already. is she just going to be perpetually "wounded, healing and learning to cut off
toxic people" forever and ever?
No. 850434
File: 1629786026414.jpg (566.63 KB, 843x1055, rem.jpg)

>>850413what an a-log salad lmao. age hardly adorns anybody. especially if they went on to have 3 kids by their 30's. you don't see them because they are two middle aged people who don't want to be stalked.
>>850394no, but here's this.
No. 850549
>>850494Way to slander poor Mackenzie.
>>850499Agreed, they used to be more than eager to be featured on Kiki's Stickam videos, but stopped since the whole thing with Cathy spamming celebrities on Twitter for money.
No. 850912
File: 1630030732094.jpg (22.34 KB, 275x199, 1463425231665.jpg)

>>850434Nice job using ancient pics of Scott. Picrel is over a decade old and he still looks like a scrote complete with scrote gesture. Cathy is the only one abused by his ramblings.
No. 850952
>>850912Thanks anon, i was confused as to why they used two old pictures of Scott.
He aged horribly. Damn. Cathy at least has the "got pregnant 3 times" excuse.
No. 850977
File: 1630089197324.jpg (6.17 MB, 4272x5696, 1507242196843.jpg)

>>850975Nvm, I used the search. Cathy isn't as fat as Scott, but she is shaped like a man. Damn, no wonder Kik has been anorexic since puberty, she's probably terrified of turning into one of these smugly lumps.
No. 850979
File: 1630089280783.jpg (4.99 MB, 4272x5696, 1507242919204.jpg)

>>850977The other Cathy pic from that thread, you can see her profile and her shoulder in that same shirt as the woman Kiki is talking to.
No. 851035
>>851027Very shitty tye dye
>>851033No, think it's post-Bob. I remember thinking it's funny how in vlogs she shopped on Whole Foods in LA but in the candid it's Walmart FL lol
No. 851046
>>>/pt/445257This was a year before she randomly got with Bobby and moved to LA.
No. 851084
File: 1630198597693.png (642.06 KB, 1080x1916, Screenshot_20210828-201800~2.p…)

If that was shared by anyone, any other time, I'd not think twice… But since it was shared by Florida-bred Kiki after Pfizer got FDA approved…
I'm inclined to think it's some anti vaxx/antiscience bullshit.
Can't wait to have her working in the sciences with her totally serious degree
No. 851248
>>851237LMAO 700K VIEWS
Congrats Kiki you made it
No. 851282
File: 1630373812506.png (887.84 KB, 1080x1934, Screenshot_20210830-221832.png)

Ok she shared this girls saying j&j's sunscreen has cancer ingredients and it's all misinformation:
> low levels of benzene in some samples of the products = recall> "It's paramount to understand that sunscreen does not include benzene as an ingredient—benzene levels are due to contamination."> "Benzene is a known carcinogen and is linked to cancer and nervous system issues," BUT "Short term, it can cause irritation and redness on the skin if applied topically."So, no, they're not "adding" carcinogens to their sunscreen.
can't wait to find out where Kiki is studying (and what - bio? chem? …homeopathy?), she's as informed as a 70-year-old Facebook page.
No. 851290
>>851248>>851237Too bad as soon as she notices she'll start sperging so hard in an attempt to stay funny and relevant she'll scare off all the viral attention, kek.
What if Kaka pulled an old school Kota and started paying to sponsor/promote her posts? She's trying to act like she has a lot going on right now while her sister stays quiet.
No. 851598
File: 1630553907787.png (1.62 MB, 640x1136, 943EFB99-1D1E-4E74-9C5B-5967C2…)

Kikis standards are fucking disgusting look at her new scrote
Get help Kiki and learn to love yourself.
Just bleak
No. 851647
>>851598When an easy access skank like Kiki starts scraping the bottom of the barrel I always get curious as to what happened and why. This guy is nothing like her type, I wonder who he is and who he knows/is related to.
>>851643She's into whoever is into her at the moment, anon. Her standards are lower than the typical scrote's.
No. 851648
File: 1630579046749.png (513.29 KB, 664x1170, Screenshot_20210902-063246_(1)…)

>>851598Kiki doesn't get ghosted/pumped-and-dumped, guys! SHE does the ghosting and dumping because guys are just soo obsessed with her beauty and empathy and cookbook skillz!
Classic kaka cope.
No. 851649
File: 1630579217273.png (600.47 KB, 658x1160, Screenshot_20210902-063254_(1)…)

>>851648Part 2 complete with kakanalogies.
No. 851651
File: 1630579502999.png (284.67 KB, 679x1096, Screenshot_20210902-063311_(1)…)

>>851649She also posted more kotachats, but it looks like it's a group chat, says seen by 2. Maybe Cathy? Also I personally find it funny somehow that Dakota is using cringe weebspeak. All Kaka's other stories are borderline hinting at another PnD or just her aesthetic posts.
No. 851653
>>851649>>851648One of the phrases to "not ghost people" is… "Thank you for your time" lol.
She's acting like guys don't ditch her as soon as they finish (she did a reels about it? "When his cologne lingers longer than he does"?), she's "dating drug dealers for love" and whatever the fuck.
I mean, what's it Keke? Weren't you the one "doing anything for love"?
No. 851654
File: 1630581566562.png (924 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210902-081745.png)

Sure thing babes very powerful
>>849645 No. 851836
File: 1630655756604.png (542.82 KB, 606x1054, Screenshot_20210903-035308_(1)…)

A, what is she even talking about? Puppy Mills??
B, the Texas abortion ban was hot news like, 5 years ago wasn't it? Like it's not a new issue. And since when does she care about Texas (or the midwest)?
No. 851837
File: 1630655864061.png (335.48 KB, 613x1074, Screenshot_20210903-035314_(1)…)

>>851836Back on her
rape shit again.
(Is it just me or does that sign look shooped in the protest pic?)
No. 851838
File: 1630656012797.png (332.43 KB, 610x1071, Screenshot_20210903-035228_(1)…)

>>851837And of course, a "subtle jab" at lolcow that also implies kaka stays up to read her thread at 3am, yet somehow is the one laughing at us.
So crusty dread guy fucked off I guess?
No. 851846
>>851836>>851837It went down yesterday. They banned abortion after 6 weeks and created a bunty system. If you snitch on someone getting an abortion, you get 10k. Absolute bullshit.
She's talking about it bc all the US social media is.
No. 852146
>>851598I want her to stop being so fucking uptight and out of touch, stop pretending to be this “warm and pure” person and just have actual fucking fun with some skate dude like him. Usually if people are so socially awkward like her they know better than to make their lame jokes and say less and observe. She’s not tragic looking and she’s a girl, all she has to do is tone everything the fuck down because no one needs that. Does Kiki smoke weed? Can’t remember, her $60 activated almonds ass needs some indica and meditation.
She probably just met him off tinder though so he knows he’s going to stick some disappointment in her and ghost, doesn’t look very emotionally mature. She needs to stop fucking every weasel man in la no one else will touch it’s not spiritually healthy
No. 852190
File: 1631029279153.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1922, Screenshot_20210907-123834~2.p…)

She's trying so, so hard with this blood thing she did once.
No. 853346
File: 1631969087094.png (435.56 KB, 1080x2207, Screenshot_20210918-091405~2.p…)

Ok, so Kiki has fallen victim to a peeping Tom, and although that's some bullshit on the peeping Tom's part, this did make me laugh
No. 853347
File: 1631969135263.png (1.23 MB, 1080x2205, Screenshot_20210918-091338~2.p…)

>>853346Here she's proving she means it bc She's been dealing with him since last month
No. 853348
File: 1631969333934.png (1.39 MB, 1080x2180, Screenshot_20210918-091315~2.p…)

Said peeping tom in question
No. 853350
>>853347>>853348Old bastard is casing her house.
Stop sperging on instagram and call the fucking cops, Kiki.
No. 853366
File: 1631982018744.jpg (192.38 KB, 1080x1920, 242127193_2742508562640757_768…)

>>853364>>853350In all honesty, where the fuck does she live, Skid Row? You got the pic, you got the talk with your neighbor. Call the police wtf.
No. 853369
File: 1631982405116.webm (5.63 MB, 640x1138, 241958900-385918766272953-4129…)
No. 853378
>>853369Why would she not get the authorities involved unless she's exaggerating everything?
And just gonna casually mention her rapes. ok
Kiki get help
No. 853401
>>853369I love how quickly she goes from acting all thug and unbothered to acting like a scared little girl complete with vocal fry all bc an old man keeps looking in her uncovered windows & she won't call the police or do anything about it. What about her dad, even?
Buy a can of window frosting, Keektard. Sunlight AND privacy at the same time.
No. 853426
File: 1632015738126.jpg (82.45 KB, 1080x1920, 242341856_290635312456271_5155…)

>>853378Now the neighbors are spewing the same "sex offenders can't help themselves cuz you're hot" rethoric the Ostrengas have been spewing for ages.
I was feeling sorry for her, still am, but boy I'll start taking this shit with a whole lot of salt.
No. 853462
File: 1632053812020.png (111.75 KB, 668x1170, Screenshot_20210919-081253_(1)…)

>>853460Kirsten thinks she suffers because she's so gorgeous that people can't act right around her, not because she's a 30 year old sperg who still begs the internet for relevance because her sister one-upped her. Wild that she's skipping her own birthday just to help flog Kota's delusion of not being in Florida, but ig Kiki reslly did have the better year of the two & now has to throw Kota a bone so she won't be miserable? Her book may be fugly but at least she published one and seems to be in school and going out regularly, which is more than Kota has done in years.
No. 853470
>>853460It's supposedly the gf of her neighbor, so I'm assuming that's a guy… Bc no woman would ever say that. Still. Even if it's a guy. Nobodyy says shit like that, especially if they know their neighbor (Kiki) has been raped in the past. It's literally tying the peeping tom dad to actual rapists.
Since she won't show the rest of this talk and
>>853346 (unlike the "haha I'm gonna spit in your mouth bit) I'm assuming that's fabricated for clout.
As for the old man, I'll stick with "why haven't you called the police yet", it's not a "date rape" situation where they keep grilling you as if that was your fault. It's a literal guy having access to her garage AKA trespassing property and looking inside her windows.
She'd caught him multiple times.
Idk what's up with people telling her to get security cameras when she has photographic evidence. Most neighbors have a neighborhood watch/association, people she can speak to and they'll shame her neighbor to hell and back, if not involve law enforcement.
Someone tell Cathy to come pick up her 30 year-old, she's too spergy and vain to be living on her own.
No. 853502
>>853501If he isn't a musician or actor or someone she can say is "in the industry" she won't wanna bone him.
$50 these conversations are fabricated or she's treating it as a joke with the neighbor
No. 853570
File: 1632098722613.jpg (97.97 KB, 1080x1920, 242212053_1266773687078250_248…)

Posted on her stories.
This bitch is 100% a QAnon antivaxxer there's no way
No. 853571
File: 1632098887381.png (332.25 KB, 1080x1481, Screenshot_20210919-214353.png)

>>853570This is what Dr Campbell (a
chiropractic internist) said just before that tweet
I can't. I can't. I have to know what she's studying in LA, it can't be a serious course.
No. 854177
File: 1632430283556.png (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 1080x1907, Screenshot_20210923-175110.png)

Nip slip
No. 854249
File: 1632487857997.jpg (863.23 KB, 2560x2560, 21-09-24-08-50-00-582_deco.jpg)

>>854177More like low quality thirst baiting. She's fucking some small time label guy, probably for networking or free voice lessons, same old same old.
No. 854256
>>854249It's so tiny it might be legitimate an accident.
Well, if she's fucking a small label guy it means she'll finally put some music put, right?
No. 854801
File: 1632858988451.webm (236.63 KB, 640x1138, 243470966_531994547897418_7620…)
This was posted today. Istg. She has one joke.
No. 854847
File: 1632880038797.jpg (108.49 KB, 1080x1920, 243366494_609433037084330_6820…)

So yeah, this happened.
No. 854848
File: 1632880074092.png (1.5 MB, 1080x1912, Screenshot_20210928-224613.png)

>>854847She really thinks she invented scene.
No. 854881
>>854847I'm sorry, is this just a massive reach? Nothing in that cap from that shop looks scene at all, unless maybe the necklace is a knockoff of her diamond ones? Either way, she stopped making them long ago yet old trends are being recycled a lot lately, so if she were smart she would make more and get that GenZ money, plus she would make a name for herself with the new crowd of teens and 20-somethings.
But as for "I should be consulted on scene revival!!!", yeah, delulu. Nobody is copying Kooky Kiki in 2021, she wasn't the only scene girl and for that matter, she wasn't even the prettiest or most popular one- she just had the most white trash drama. Aside from the animal print haor and diamond necklaces, both Kiki and Kota were pretty generic scenesters.
No. 854900
File: 1632931402663.png (1.19 MB, 1080x2008, Screenshot_20210929-130205.png)

>>854884Its a huge no for her face shape. She could've stopped at the baby bangs, they were passable.
No. 854968
>>853426i know this is kiki but people do talk like this and because it’s la maybe this guy is using flattery to get his worthless father out of trouble. she’s a fucking sperg i get it and people with sexual abuse, and i’m remembering her nasty pedo photographer dad who shot her in stripper bikinis, post stuff like this because they don’t know when the line is crossed. her mom took her to the cops but kathy was running all of this and was the one who allowed the man to stay there, without her parents to tell her what to do i think she struggles until people confirm the issue. i agree she needs to go to other people i that community, she has more than enough evidence. it’s fucking stressful though and
triggering because the neighbor could be vengeful even if his dad is a piece of shit.
No. 855008
>>854968>without her parents to yell her what to doShe's almost 30, this is no longer an excuse. Milennials have guides for reparenting themselves everywhere online to counter the
toxic codependency caused by being raised by selfish narc Gen-X to just be housepets. Kiki is 29, she needs to look up how to actually handle her problems instead of publish them to instagram fishing for attention.
No. 855066
>>855060Definitely poor nutrition. She posted not long ago about finding out she's 'allergic to avocados', and she's super into pseudoscience/diy research, too. I think she had some 70s bangs before going "girl interrupted" mini bangs (her words) and this Hime cut now.
>>854965> what happened to her big angelina jolie lips did she starve those away tooThey never existed. They were probably all angles.
No. 855129
>>855121OOT but:
> average British 20 year oldI suppose you mean English, and have never been to Scotland. Even then, the English are not a fair comparison.
A fair comparison would be Kiki vs Avg Floridian her age… Which is a pretty low bar and Kiki will still look psychotic and malnourished.
No. 855260
File: 1633181568891.png (981.93 KB, 655x1144, Screenshot_20211002-092903_(1)…)

>>854900lol, she cleaned up her Wolverine brows
No. 855302
File: 1633201601827.png (1.38 MB, 1080x1914, Screenshot_20211002-160506.png)

Imagine finding this woman while high off LSD at a LA rave
>>855265It was a filter. Explains why her nose didn't look like a beak.
No. 855303
File: 1633201711279.png (1.43 MB, 1080x1910, Screenshot_20211002-160527.png)

>>855302The only 30 year old that wants to revive her middle school years
No. 855379
File: 1633264035366.jpg (1.11 MB, 2560x2560, 21-10-03-08-26-13-350_deco.jpg)

Check out Kiki's latest cope, everyone! Trying to pretend that a bumpy, uneven nose is something people who aren't already stuck with one would ever want.
No. 855382
>>855379Wait, if she would
pay for one, why's she using filters to make it look cute
No. 855383
>>855382The reel has a final frame of the blonde girl smugly saying "oh wait, I already fuckin have one". Hence, cope. Nobody
wants that type of nose but the people that already have them and can't afford or get away with obvious plastic surgery.
No. 855406
>>855402Maybe she's about to start posting more pics that are better lit and show off her beak more? Or maybe she was just butthurt and posted because she
does have a nose like that despite hiding it in every pic, and wants to feel like it's desirable.
No. 855409
File: 1633292360011.png (173.53 KB, 540x960, 1502152659441.png)

>>855406I don't think so, she's probably coping hard.
Imagine this cut and brows
>>854900On this face?
Damn wish she'd go back to acting so we could see that
No. 855448
File: 1633341389143.png (553.15 KB, 720x686, Screenshot_20211003-232707_(1)…)

>>855432>>855409Definitely a cope- she erases her beak and adds these cute freckles every time. I thought humped beak noses were GOALS, kiki? Why shoop yours away if they're soo desirable? Unless she pulled a Kooter and got nose fillers/bridge work without a full nose job so she can say ~by technicality~ that she didn't have PS.
Also, how can she keep acting surprised and heartbroken by getting dumped when girl has like, a 99% failure rate with guys?
No. 855488
File: 1633391968793.jpg (255.65 KB, 1080x1920, 244463807_536834910976387_3563…)

>>855448The drama. I wonder what she classifies as 'heartbreak'. To me, it's always someone doing dirty, really dirty. she doesn't seem to have one single mutually friendly breakup.
Nose wise:
>>855448 she used to have a Squidward beak nose. She's probs editing it out.
No. 855533
File: 1633450824828.png (496.9 KB, 1080x2208, Screenshot_20211005-092525~2.p…)

>>855506I have a guess why she's ~heartbroken. The guy on the video says it's a "red flag" when men say they're not ready for a relationship lol
God forbid some poor fucker not wanting to commit, and you simply agree to go your separate ways (you know, what adults do).
No. 855535
File: 1633450891268.png (987.27 KB, 1080x2212, Screenshot_20211005-092549~2.p…)

>>855534This is 100% the face of someone that listens to relationship coaches.
No. 855553
File: 1633470527395.png (345.91 KB, 1080x1858, Screenshot_20211005-165017.png)

Damn I hope she writes a book
Like, a real one. With these type of texts.
No. 855554
File: 1633470587747.png (1.34 MB, 1080x1466, Screenshot_20211005-165223.png)

>>855553This middle school shit.
>>855534He probably didn't want anything serious with her, and it took her a WHILE to realize it.
No. 855586
>>855488>radical acceptance of what I can't controlYou can control yourself not constantly getting into flings with fuckboys and convincing yourself it actually means something. All this woo-woo listen to the universe bullshit is an excuse for never taking responsibility and actually working on improving yourself. You have complete control over your own choices and standards, Kiki.
You truly have to be a moron to keep making the same mistakes over and over and over but that's our Kaka for you. Speaking of never changing - she still hasn't put any music out so that's yet another project abandoned before it even really started. She really is still going to be the same person at 60 years old.
No. 855622
>>855609Brown. Under natural light without overexposure and filter abuse, her hair is brown. Both her and her sister have been stealth-lightening their hair for years now to cling to their imaginary blondeness like it means something.
>>855586I think the thing she "cant control" is when she meets these guys she flirts online with and they realize she's a spergy catfish. We need to remember, IRL Kirsten looks nothing like the pics and reels she posts. IRL Kiki is like an autistic trailer park closet cosplayer who wishes "Kiki Kannibal" was and how people saw her.
No. 855685
File: 1633605649494.png (256.38 KB, 540x909, Screenshot_20211007-071538_(1)…)

She posted her stories and old selfies from the past couple of days as a long-winded purple prose piece, alongside playing story tag with Kota. I wonder why? Kaka isn't the type to keep posting old pics like her sister.
No. 855946
File: 1633792369380.jpg (167.51 KB, 1080x1920, 244568315_104837231929031_8345…)

So yeah
Heartbreak > cling to golden years > unhinged reels > new man
And so on…
No. 855948
File: 1633792535385.jpg (116.18 KB, 1080x1920, 244606091_4302355266480306_138…)

"Let's make some more"
No. 855966
>>855963This one looks specially cheap.
Also, what exactly did she "make"? It's a plastic bat, at most she glued the bling
No. 856017
File: 1633871651257.png (651.52 KB, 1080x1916, Screenshot_20211009-201832~2.p…)

>>855488Less than a week later she's on hinge
No. 856018
File: 1633871812412.png (370.82 KB, 1080x1929, Screenshot_20211009-201839~2.p…)

>>856017If that is Matthew Perry (doubt)… c'mon Kiki, he's very public about his personal issues with drugs and mental health. Leave the poor old man alone, your thirst for fame dick is not a reason to "troll" on Hinge.
No. 856051
>>856017> Burned thru every bish on rayaIs she talking about the (supposedly) famous and rich women that made it to Raya? She sounds bitter.
>>856031It reads like a twitter stan talk, not even flirting
No. 856723
>>856246perry is over 50 and a celebrity. she is 19. that's a very unbalanced relationship.
19 year olds' bodies and faces are very close to child ones. you don't stop growing until you are 21.
creepy as hell.
No. 856724
File: 1634444356399.png (445.28 KB, 569x1046, Screenshot_20211016-175512_(1)…)

Kiki posted picrel, though I skimmed EP1 of You and couldn't find the scene for context.
They choose to chimp out over the weirdest, most random coorelations to themselves or their names, don't they?
No. 856771
>>856723lol dude, no
>>856724It's a coincidence, "omg daughters named dakota and kiki". Kiki's probably sees it as a sign the universe is gonna make her a Netflix star.
No. 856787
>>856726a 17 year old is still a child. a 19 year old can be just a year and a few months away from that (end of 17 plus a year to go to end of 18, then a few months to go to 19). therefore they are still childlike. they even use 18 and 19 year olds in school uniforms to make legal CP because they know they look similar.
she can't even drink in the US. what are they even going to do together. him help her with her college essays?
No. 856895
File: 1634557966018.png (491.88 KB, 720x1125, Screenshot_20211018-074651_(1)…)

>>856771>>856787>>856830My guess is Kiki tried to slife in his DMs and failed bc too old, so now she's calling him a pedo creep and trying to make herself look like the less thirsty one in the situation while also calling teenagers literal children as a cope.
>>856018>>856019Kiki dropped more fake caps of Matthew Perry pretending she spent the last week or so chatting with him… Problem is, the chats look like they came from a Matt Perry chatbot.
As if even a washed up 90s TV star would go near the walking social suicide pact that is Kirsten Ostrenga.
No. 856896
File: 1634558071034.png (123.43 KB, 621x1040, Screenshot_20211018-074645_(1)…)

>>856895It looks like she posts these just to have something to post alongside her quirky name-themed playlist.
No. 856916
Imagine spending a week making this shit up to try and make it look like a 50 year old washed up actor is remotely interested in you.
No. 856936
>>856924NTA but the whole argument is so fucking stupid. Bitch was 19 and wanted TikTok fame, there, boom. Americans overuse 'grooming' sm.
>>856934Ooohh so it was the music guy that dumped her
>>854249 + she Was never gonna get shit done
No. 856941
>>856934what does she even do to enrich her life? she didn't even release or even insinuate she was working on music, just made an empty music page and then delete it.
genuinely all she does is ride the high of a new guy for a week (he thinks they're fuck buddies, she thinks they're twin flames) and then she writes a novel about how she's heartbroken and how beautiful and special her heartbreak is, rinse and repeat. what kind of a life is that?
No. 857017
File: 1634639914609.png (634.36 KB, 672x1170, Screenshot_20211019-063407_(1)…)

Shit that will never happen, picrel.
She also reposted her "beat the devil outta life's paintbrush" and "are you who you sleep with?" posts to her story again, fishing for those YT views.
No. 857495
File: 1635004271967.png (825.52 KB, 692x1180, Screenshot_20211023-114254_(1)…)

2 months seems like too soon to be doing midterms, but I'm not a collegefag so I wouldn't really know. Calinons, does this mushroom tea have drugs in it or something?
Notes look like she's studying nutrition or some other type of holistic health scam.
No. 857507
>>857495They market it like it had… But it really doesn't. It's a mushroom tea with lemonade, but only the 'wellness' part of the mushroom (which they don't detail either, so you know it must be minimal).
Aaaand they sell at erewhon, which is known for being incredibly overpriced. Like, $30 for "organic chips" type of overpriced.
So yeah, Space Tea is a new age scam. Can't wait to learn more about her ~degree.
No. 857537
>>857495 Midterms happen in October. The semester starts in late August or early September and ends in December so October is in the middle.
I doubt she is attending an accredited university so who knows what is actually going on here.
No. 857811
File: 1635256381021.png (858.72 KB, 1080x1916, Screenshot_20211026-104919~2.p…)

>>857798NTA but kiki is a fucking narc, she would blast this shit all over the place.
Pic related: I really wonder what she's working with. I don't think Scott and Cathy are paying for all her overpriced LA shit, she must be making money somewhere.
No. 857815
>>857811If she "works" then it has to be remotely doing something computer or IT related, Scott probably helped her get a PT job answering phones and reading a script. Every time she whines about work she is sitting at home, in her own clothes, and always mentions "FT school" at the same time. She probably isn't used to having to actually work in any amount, wants to vent about it yet wants to make herself seem more busy than lazy.
>>857798People with legitimate degrees not from a shitty trade art/school or state college. People who want to display the result of their years of real work and spent money because they earned it, unlike grantscammers who just enroll in any course they can with no long term end goal so that they can call themselves "students" if anyone asks what they do.
No. 857820
>>857815Yeah, having a FT job and studying FT sounds like the schedules would clash… Unless she's taking an online course and working remotely, so she can half-ass both things at the same time.
I vaguely remember her tweets about turning down jobs because they "only paid" $15/hour (a looong time ago), too.
No. 858028
>>830264she honestly looks gorgeous these days.
damn some super jealous gals up in here
No. 858055
>>858028It's ok anon, everyone has a taste
Yours is just super bad
No. 858214
File: 1635523176056.png (1.59 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20211029-093730.png)

~emotionally unavailable~ is chronically single woman code for 'he just wanted to fuck'
she's still not over some small music label guy
No. 858257
>>858230oh no, anon, it's men that are the emotionally unavailable ones, and they don't go for emotionally unavailable women, they go for her.
It's always other people.
>>858231She started doing this a lot more after the Hime haircut and I do believe there's a connection there.
No. 858265
>>858055nah you just sound jealous, imagine hating on this girl for more than a decade.
let it go, she's harmless now.
No. 858275
>>858257Either she reposts pics from that shoot (post-bangs, pre-himecute) or she puts her hair up in those buns, so I guess it grew out in an unflattering way and now she's waiting for it to grow back out.
>>858265Kiki must be bigmad about musicguy dumping her,
No. 858280
>>858265> She's harmless nowI agree, she's washed up, boring, and not even low tier LA scumbags want her, but you're wrong about the 1 decade bit there, bud :/
No. 858417
>>858028Have you ever heard of filters? Go back a few threads and check out what she actually looks like.
She’s thin and has some good lashes, tho.
But no, anon. None of us are jealous of her lack of social ability, desperation, and pseudo psychological babble. She’s a cringe view. You must not be aware of her history on this forum.
No. 858530
File: 1635813207399.jpeg (153.51 KB, 615x952, 1599676050785.jpeg)

>>858518If she really was considered pretty, she would have been married by now or something. Instead we get to watch her downward spiral as she keeps getting dumped.
No. 858570
>>858531>oldest milk everReal nose hit a nerve? Kaka constantly posts sad ancient pics like
>>855946 because she can't move on.
No. 859323
File: 1636729908881.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1909, Screenshot_20211112-120909~2.p…)

> digital witch hunting
> persecution
> decade long aftermath
yeah, sperg chan was full of anger, can't argue with that
No. 859376
>>859368it sounds like you have saged posts hidden ! you just wanna click the thing by expand all images
>>859323this insta story reminds me of her rolling stone interview and her butterfly in a jar comment. although she's pseudo intellectual she does have a way of drawing you in with her words. i wish she would grow up.
No. 859463
>>859450nta but her personality is horrendous
being pretty is enough to get a date, but to get married with a horrible personality you need to be breathtakingly beautiful (not her) or settle for an absolute chump (she would never)
No. 859468
>>859439She's not ugly or beautiful, she's a good blank slate but the only lool she will do is so watered down and basic she ends up looking like every other standard white girl in America. She's so basic now for someone who used to do wild shit to her hair and make her own clothes/accessories.
Now that I think about it, sewing or jewelry making would be a great hobby for her. She could incorporate crystals and precious metals into bracelets and pendants for protection from those negative energies she always talks about. I personally don't believe in any of it, but she could make good money and a name for herself making cute, trendy stuff for people like her who are into that holistic crystal stuff. Recently I saw a clip on Pinterest of a mini copper and rose quartz bonsai tree anchored to a lavastone, and even I thought abt buying it because it was so pretty and unique.
Kiki has way too much time and resources at her disposal to keep trying to go viral for just herself. She has so many eclectic interests and she writes very well when she's not spiraling or in one of her funks, and idk it kinda makes me hella sad how messed up she is AND how hard she fights anyone who tries to concrit her. It's like she thinks she can only be truly liked by people in the "warts and all" sense, but she doesn't understand that
you can't curate which "warts" to show people and then force them to swallow it and praise you the way
you want it. It's like, she's not stupid, she just locks herself up in her internet box and refuses to come out.
No. 859472
>>858321i didn't mean jealous of her life, bc her life is like any woman her age tbh.
but jealous in terms of her looks. she's fit, can pull off hime haircut & has pretty eyes. wish i was as pretty as her, and i'm not really hating on myself, i do find her pretty, she's just super annoying.
wayyy prettier now than her cringe scene days, but then again she was an insecure child then.
>>858417basically every gal uses filters, so what? i still find her "ugly" photos decent.
again, her persona is nothing to be jealous of and is very common from any attention seeking womyn online lol esp one that grew up in a dysfunctional family like hers with literally no irl friends. i just pity her tbh, she seems really lonely.
No. 859487
File: 1636895734360.png (1.11 MB, 1080x1901, Screenshot_20211114-092432.png)

>>859323Image related. She's coping hard.
>>859472> her life is like any woman her agelol ok man… sage your posts
No. 859495
>>859487an aging millennial woman with massive insecurity and relationship issues seems pretty common to me (including myself)
>>859492her eye shape is nice and they are also big, I never once said that the color of her eyes is the reason they are pretty
No. 859498
File: 1636926532955.jpg (46.78 KB, 500x750, 1241613692326262119822685.jpg)

>>859472i think objectively keeks is pretty but she really loves making herself look as unflattering as possible, she needs to go back to the LA skank look. she looked amazing like this and she could still pull it off imo. too bad she's an autistic retard who doesn't know how to either monetize her brand or work.
No. 859575
>>859506I agree it's dated now but 10 years ago when she had it, it was cute.
I think she should go back to heavy makeup. She's one of the rare people where it suits her better.
No. 859599
>>859579That's true and there's olaplex now. The thing is… She has a Hime haircut. Better wait for that mistake to grow out a bit.
>>859575> I think she should go back to heavy makeup. She could do graphic eyeliner/subtle eyeshadow looks with lipstick/gloss. The eyeliner on her bottom lashes makes her look like a psycho.
Btw, she's still serial posting about healing, blah blah blah. That brunette mediocre man probably had a dick made of gold.
No. 859818
>>859579yeah maybe back in 2017-2019
y2k comeback is over lol
No. 859940
>>859498>>859506Her hair here is 70% extensions, you can see it's basically a bob with a diagonal cut and straight, choppy red and white extensions.
She definitely needs a new look but I agree with anons about this being a bit too dated. But light haircolor and edgy dyejobs can be done without frying your hair nor looking like a scene kid. She just needs to take it to a decent hairdresser.
The biggest problem is the narcissistic immature posting/topics she goes for, she needs some inspiration which isn't looking back at the past or feeling sorry for herself due to the (unfortunately universal female experience of) sexual assault.
No. 859998
>>859940> She just needs to take it to a decent hairdresser.In all honesty, if a client comes in asking for 'Girl Interrupted microbangs' or 'hime princess haircut', you give it to her. If she asks for a Y2K outdated bleach job, or to do nothing at all with her mousy brown color, that's exactly what a hairdresser will do.
She is set on keeping this weird weeny fairy in cowgirl boots style.
>>859791She's too busy word vomiting about self-healing, and posting multiple reels every single day.
No. 860318
File: 1637686084690.png (829.21 KB, 1080x1067, Screenshot_20211123-134704.png)

She looks like an egg
I'm laughing so hard I can't even lay attention to the self help bs she's saying
No. 861837
I don't know hownto post audio clips here, but has anybody else seen all those stories of the audio clips she has on her story rn? Lots of voice clips from 2 different chads:
Chad 1
>I'm really uhh proud of how… you have been… working through… your-your stuff clears throat and you had quite the life and to be here at your age really facing and taking responsibility and going through shit. It's profound and I- and I think that you are such a… a rad, wonderful, beautiful woman and-and uh I'm really uh, I-i'm just really happy to hear that your, your uh… coming to these feelings around everything that we went through too
>Even if… yaknow even if you don't wanna talk to me, if you don't wanna be friends… I accept that… and I just want you to know I appreciate you, I appreciate… different pieces and aspects and roles that you've played in my life, and you've helped me to grow and change along my journey, and that will forever be true, regardless of how we feel towards each other or wether or not we are in contact. I had a fun time being your friend, and… I just hope you're well, man.
Chad 2 (This was the breathy husky one)
>Thank you so much for everything you have shown me, and being in my life so far. It's been incredible, an unprecedented… experience, full of so much love. I hope… it continue and that… we uh, do the best for ourselves and each other
Is it just me or does it look like she dumped one guy for another & is bragging abt it bc they both told her shit she loves to tell herself?
No. 861951
>>861939She was raised in a bubble by reactionary perverts who isolated her from her age group & rewarded her for exposing herself online. Now that she's too old to pull that same shit off without being trolled off social media, she just posts other people & the stuff they send her likely without their knowledge, like this shit:
>>849484 >>849485
>>849508 No. 862044
>>861837I heard those. Weird af. It's so creepy when she posts these audios. Those were dudes genuinely being nice to her in a private convo. Is she so deprived of external validation she need to do it to boost her ego?
Btw, to post audios/videos:
1. Download the stories/screen record
2. Convert to .webm
3. Post on lolcow
No. 862089
File: 1639673731827.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1919, Screenshot_20211216-135325~2.p…)

Ofc they do Kiki, they're looking for an easy fuck and that's you
No. 862090
File: 1639673771835.png (1.18 MB, 1080x2143, Screenshot_20211216-135452.png)

>>862089Also, goddamn awful nose shoop. Take lessons from Kota.
No. 862436
File: 1640016780843.png (618.63 KB, 1080x1916, Screenshot_20211220-092906~2.p…)

Ok, anyone remember the neighbor harassment/peeping Tom?
…it couldn't possibly be the same neighbor, right?
No. 862442
>>862436It couldn't be clearer she sent this to herself, it's honestly sad.
The compliments of course, him supposedly being obsessive and harassing like every guy Kiki has mentioned, plus how many other people are still saying booty in 2021?
No. 862445
>>862442Dainty, booty, vintage wardrobe… couldn't be more obvious.
+She made it out to look like creepiness is something she'd be coy about ("staawwwp" "ha ha")
No. 865088
File: 1642750483457.png (870.33 KB, 640x1136, B3690F84-AB28-4DD7-9C54-2A4B2E…)

Small photo dump of Kiki’s latest escapades with random dudes
No. 865089
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No. 865090
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No. 865095
File: 1642761345730.png (2.39 MB, 828x1792, 6F8E40C1-BD4F-4A14-8472-96ECB3…)

No. 865098
>>865089>>865095>>865088>>865089Poor Kiki, even when she's arching her back, spreading her legs and sticking her pelvis as high in the air as she can she
still has no ass to speak of.
And how old is this guy?? He looks 40, his lines are sloppy as hell and those designs are all dated as fuck. Kiki has finally hit the wall & is now gonna spend her 30s trying to be a cool teen again with other washed up 30-somethings in her bedroom, guys. We should all be so
No. 865122
>>865118It looks like they took pics in both her room and his van, probably between bouts of fucking and scrolling Instagram. In
>>865095 you can see she's sitting in a passenger's seat in a van/tiny camper, probably where this dude is living considering the surfboard above her head. What a score, Kaka, a beach bum who lives in a van.
No. 865140
>>865089It's so pathetic that Kirsten can't get a man in her bedroom without him either being a fucking loser or her posting it on the internet, or both.
>>865118She did, but are you surprised? Kiki can't exist unless someone online sees her doing something carefully curated and posed!!! Rather than wear frilly white elven panties 24/7, she takes rushed mirror pics in her period panties then reposts new, posed pics in her "cute" panties to stick her ass in the camera.
Why hasn't Kaka made an OF yet, honestly?? She's been sticking her ass in a camera since literally before she hit puberty, teases tit+ads shots on IG with her sheer clothes, and has fucked probably over 300+ guys between California and Florida at this point. What is she acting like she's hiding?
No. 865239
>>865123lmao had the same thought was i was scrolling. that is one sad pancake ass. what is her obsession with drawing on people/having them draw on her? she's done it at least four times that we know of.
she really has no taste and fucks the grimiest dudes. i can feel the diseases just radiating out their pores. did she learn nothing from the guy she was willing to get a lifelong std from?
No. 865348
>>865140I was thinking the same thing. I'm actually surprised she didn't jump on that because that would make hella $$$. If I were her I would have made an OF under the name "Kiki Kannibal" ages ago exploiting the old scene thing. She could have a secret one being her elf princess self though? Seems weird to post the kinda content she does on Insta for free. I thought she changed, but apparently not.
>>865239I think she just keeps trying to re-live certain things so she can one day have control over them. Probably some trauma response. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, etc.
No. 865449
>>865127The Oestrenga sisters always wear dated donated looking clothes, it feels like she's been wearing that top for years now. They've never had anything designer in their lives other than knockoffs.
>>865430It's so sad that she's been getting with homeless guys.
No. 866734
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>>866500She took him to get a bday tattoo.
No. 866738
File: 1644152729309.jpeg (264.87 KB, 828x606, D54F425B-7C99-4921-828C-D05E65…)

>>866734what the absolute FUCK is going on with her bangs… reminds me of picrel kek
No. 866757
>>866734A woman who turns 30 in 7 short months taking her homeless fuckbuddy to get a tat in what looks like a
flea market for his 24th birthday, wearing that same fugly Jacket from 2 or 3 years ago.
How poor is she from trying to live in LA that even scrubs her own age don't want to fuck with her anymore? It looks like she hasn't bought any new clothes since she tried getting attention from Japan.
No. 866956
File: 1644361804013.png (273.21 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20220208-180032.png)

>>866760>>866770She has claimed to be a student and have a job, and occasionally posts stuff like this to suggest she might have been doing some kind of service job part time.
If she is, good for her, but I still find it somewhat funny that she went from being holier than everyone to trying to relate to the jaded millennial working class just bc she shit on all her chances.
No. 866996
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No. 867105
>>867034That's all I expect from her at this point.
She managed to squeeze money out of followers with that eyesore recipe book, she'll be able to squeeze some more with those.
No. 868025
File: 1645457646254.jpg (107.29 KB, 580x580, Custo Barcelona.JPG)

>>867391Nta but it’s mid ‘00s Custo Barcelona, the colours are a bit different (the picture is filtered) I hope this helps you with your search!
No. 868129
File: 1645553534276.jpg (21.05 KB, 306x306, 51873a533f981dc5eb10c7c5d660b9…)

She should go back to having short hair. It looked good on her. Also those bangs are awful. Why did she think that was a good idea? Also she should just stick to doing makeup tutorial on YouTube or showing off her vegan recipes. It's time to let go of the glory days and perfect something she is good at.
No. 868811
>>868129agree with this. the short hair made her hair look healthy and thicker than it is. the longer hair she wears makes it look limp and lifeless. it looks pretty greasy too. the bangs started off ok and then she kept chopping at them until she got these weird af tiger king bangs then she added the hime cut and it's a whole disaster. good for her for slowly trying to change her hair but she needed to stop before taking them all the way across her forehead.
she won't go back to doing the makeup tutorials because she was getting criticized for her makeup not being truly vegan. i think she still uses nonvegan products or she's using the same old and expired makeup of the same brands and that's why she won't make videos - either way she'll get criticized for it and she can't take that. her recipes were usually stolen from other sites but at least she made them enteraining to watch.
No. 869043
File: 1646474930353.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1916, Screenshot_20220305-070516~2.p…)

"even morphine" terminal cancer patients use morphine to help with pain, but it won't work on Kiki. Sure, babes. Either BS she's got an addiction and built resistance to morphine.
No. 869045
File: 1646475238062.png (841.88 KB, 1080x1915, Screenshot_20220305-070541~3.p…)

lol she's still checking ig stories from PS bed (clearly so much pain)
No. 869062
File: 1646504256803.png (941.23 KB, 1080x1918, Screenshot_20220305-151358.png)

The fact she wants to PROVE and make sure she's taking opiates (which apparently didn't work?)
No. 869082
>>869080Skid Row Kiki surely is an unexpected turn
>>869062She thought the dirty nails and finger blood stains would make an edgy aesthetic, but it just looks like she doesn't wash
No. 869571
File: 1646972219397.jpeg (167.86 KB, 640x711, F1C056AA-E640-418F-B9EE-2C6F71…)

>>869062Looks like she bought a opioid warning label sticker roll from Amazon (a quick search shows they’re on there) and stuck it over something else. There’s literally a different label underneath
No. 869766
>>869062>>869043I bet she went in for her period again, that's why her fingers are bloody and gross, and the IV was just fluids. If something really did happen to Kaka, she would've milked it immediately and blown it way up to be much bigger than these. She's probably just bored and trying out a new aesthetic 'cause the one she was doing since moving to LA left her behind without making her popular.
At least she isn't posting another ugly tinder bum or autismo-tier lewds? Like this is lowkey preferrable to her cringey elven thotting.
No. 869779
>>869062>>869766After a second glance, I'm pretty sure that's period blood.
It's dried and clearly not fresh, only under her nails and along the lower part of her first 2 fingers. Looks like she changed her tampon then slapped a sticker on a pill bottle and tried to make it aesthetic. Gross.
No. 869799
>>869784>>869781Yeah… That's what Kiki used to claim happened to her, and according to her, no doctor would know what to do, and she only got better because of Chinese medicine.
So, not sure why she'd go back to the ER if uwu eastern medicine cured her
>>869779… classy
Imagine people from her work/school seeing that.
No. 869801
>>869799Hasn't she posted selfies of her at "school" on a shared computer before? The one with the tacky dollar store Halloween shirt.
Between this, the "Moses river" bloodyface sperg, and her past history of gushing about her periods it sounds a hell of a lot like Kaka has a period/menstrual blood fetish or something.
No. 872643
File: 1649101215981.jpeg (118.48 KB, 750x1142, 1BDF019C-ADB9-4178-8954-AC28A4…)

le edge
No. 872934
>>872899>ChadKek, keeks wishes.
She can only get Brads and Melvins.
No. 873030
File: 1649359195416.png (1.02 MB, 720x1377, Screenshot_20220407-200321~2.p…)

Last year while I was having a manic phase I posted a fake fanfic on lolcow about how Jared Leto tried to pursue me and fuck me while I was underage for shits and giggles (I just really hate him tbh but in hindsight it was a mean and retarded thing to do) I wonder if Kiki and some other lurkers hopped on that bandwagon and started spreading rumours about him too, since everyone in that thread believed me.
First off I'm not sure how Kiki would ever bump into Jared and get to talk to him one on one while underage unless she was already somewhere she shouldn't be and was pretending to be older (in which case it's not exactly the dudes fault if he's in a venue that's over 16s/18s only). Secondly, given what an attention whore she is and her penchant for crying rape and pedo at every turn, I feel like if Jared Leto really had tried to pursue her while she was 14 (17?) She would literally have never shut up about it since he's famous and relevant
No. 873040
>>873030No way this happened. Jared Leto is being accused of chatting up young girls online, so he'd have to have contacted her online… And if he had, she'd be CLINGING to those screenshots to this very day.
>>873033IKR. she could left that off and the analogy would still work.
No. 873079
>>873077He gives me creep vibes, but where is the proof he molests kids or rapes underage girls?
>blind itemsCome on now.
No. 873081
>>873079There's rumours but no real evidence that substantiates it. Just a lot of Twitter thots claiming he asked for their numbers or slid in their DMs one time. If this is true, surely there'd be shit tons of screenshots around? Kiki was never without a camera or cellphone or laptop but she never took screens or shared his messages or talked about this extremely famous Hollywood actor harassing her at the time? My guess is Kiki me tooed him because nobody is gonna call her out on it as he's the most popular good looking youngish celebrity to metoo right now and he doesn't get lawyers involved, sue for slander or respond to accusations. Weirdly none of these 'hundreds' of social media addicted
victims have posted the receipts or screenshots though. Hmm.
No. 873116
>>873097it was also used for a groupie story. the first one here. the person who wrote it claimed she was 17 at the time. i have no problem believing he goes for underage girls but until kiki has screenshots to back it up i call bs.
No. 873144
>>873129Like I said, believe me or don't. I'm just sharing this here because I honestly have never heard these accusations against him before so I spent all these years wondering wtf I witnessed and why. Yeah, it sounds fake as fuck but I'm sure that's how he's gotten away with it for this long. Predators are usually pretty good at that kind of shit. I also just want to clarify that there weren't "shit tons of people", there were 3 or 4 other people that were talking to other members of the band because this was long after the concert had ended. Also, while Jared Leto was certainly famous at the time, he was nowhere near the status he is today. This was when that one 30 Seconds to Mars single was just starting to get popular and not many people had heard of them or cared. I'm not claiming he actually took a shower with her or even actually intended to, but the fact that he even said it was VERY creepy. He took advantage of an opportunity to discreetly sexualize a minor that nobody would believe anyways.
That's cool about your lolcow fanfics, I guess?
No. 873231
>>873134Yeah that's sus as fuck. No way if Kaka had been pursued by a A list celebrity while underage that she'd have kept it quiet until now. At least 80% of that girls entire identity is rape fanfics, screeching about pedophiles and clout chasing. She's shitty as hell for lying about this encounter
as well as all the countless other ones but that's Kookoo for you. What a fruitcake.
No. 873278
File: 1649533583818.png (2.2 MB, 1080x1900, Screenshot_20220409-163649~2.p…)

Oh, so she was dumped.
No. 874509
File: 1650505595772.png (514.14 KB, 1080x2196, Screenshot_20220420-224424~2.p…)

Wow, you know you're thirsty for make attention when you need to post about a dick pic you got.
congrats kiki
No. 874510
>>874276Yeah she was posting some message she got from a "
toxic person". He said some bs about her aura/energy? Wmbarrassing bs.
She did take it down pretty fast though.
No. 874721
File: 1650668866639.png (1.18 MB, 640x1136, FE694A88-D0B2-47B5-8B83-129B00…)

Only fans phase soon? She is getting desperate
No. 874726
>>874641Last I heard of Koti she was in Japan still. Cut her hair, is looking like an egg.
>>874721She won't even try
No. 874772
File: 1650715661507.png (683.52 KB, 1080x1729, Screenshot_20220422-223322~2.p…)

If LA is so bad why don't you go back to FL, Keeks? Is that because of your booming acting career?
No. 874855
>>874849autist - check
rubber tits - check
vegan sperging - check
based nasim didn't actually kill anyone though…
No. 874938
>>874721I can't believe she still has this awful haircut and those scraggly brows. Her tits were already all over the internet underage so I don't think anyone's going to be scandalized by seeing them now.
>>874772Maybe her small circle is like that but that's not all of LA. LA is pretty big. She just spends her time with unwashed fuckboys and wannabes.
No. 875766
File: 1651435838200.png (1.29 MB, 1080x2180, Screenshot_20220501-153334~2.p…)

>>866500>>866734>>865089Turns out 24 year old homeless Iggy Pop was "very
abusive". Anyone shocked?
No. 875817
>>875766How many more men will she date only to find them to be “extremely
abusive” after? That’s some poor judgement even after this many experiences. I’m kind of curious as to what extent / details of abuse she is referring to, especially with the whole Amber Heard bs going on.
Not to undermine anyones experience with abuse, but when you have a track record of publicly calling every ex bf
abusive, yet not doing anything/going to the cops about it, sounds kinda sus to me.
No. 875822
>>875817"Lucky to be alive after a series of traumatic event" + "he was very
These are very serious claims, especially when paired together. I wonder if she knows that. It sounds like the guy went up and put her in a massive car accident.
No. 875944
>>875766I don't doubt she has dated a few
abusive men but I have a feeling that she classifies any man that isn't obsessed with her straight away as
abusive. All her posts with the men in her life scream stage 5 clinger behaviour. I don't think she just has bad taste in fuck boys, I genuinely think she probably scares a lot of them away with her behaviour. Her post breakup posts always indicate she regrets having sex with them and I think that's all it is, regret. She feels mad about being used and decides that this is '
abusive' of them. Reminds me of that Chelsea Hart lady on tiktok that slept with the native American weirdo and then started claiming it was uninformed consent because he cheated on her.
No. 875957
>>875944my take from it is that she is so fucking emotionally hungry for all of their attention and bc she's dating idiots they can't return that which is yeah, like you say "
abusive". tbh i think she's a lowkey nympho too so she's just got it all wrong in every direction and unless she does some real brain work and not just reposting self flagellating psych insta posts, she's never gonna get anywhere. but i love to see it, kek.
No. 876183
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No. 876188
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>>876183I wouldn't be surprised if these were shooped or smthg
No. 876319
>>876188She told on herself with that one, basically she wanted to get married and the guy didn’t and the narcissistic injury made her sperg how
abusive and
toxic the guy was just because he wasn’t into her as much as she was into him kek
No. 876929
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>>874721She reposted this rubber-tit denim jacket pic again, saying she's getting ready for her trashy autist housebound version of "hot girl summer". Funny how Kiki will never go out in public in a bikini, won't make $ posting her lewds/nudes on OF, but thinks it's empowering and sexy to post baby's first bedroom thirsttrap lewds to her public IG under obvious filtere and shopping.
>>873278If she had a body worth showing off, she would be showing more than the crease of her clevage/ass crack under her flea market fairy queen undies in low res. She would be going out and flirting in public, but she never will because she knows she can't compete with functional women 5+ years younger than her in the wild. Kiki is stuck to bottom of the barrel online dating because she's simply too old to justify being such a coddled failure at this point in her life to anyone but another failure.
No. 877100
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Change of narrative: her ex's are actually not toxic when they say she has talent
No. 877134
>>877100>>877116She's doing that in response to people here proving she views all her exes as
abusive. Her example is a non-
abusive one to make her seem like a good person and
No. 877244
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A still from her imdb page. She looks sooo much different. She needs to stop trying to re-live her hoe scene days and just grow up already.
No. 877257
>>877100Literally who keeps in contact with
this many exes (and posts the conversations on social media)?? C'mon Keeks
No. 877287
>>877257Has she ever bragged about actually
blocking any of her
abusive, manipulative rapist exes though? She would never risk missing those
toxic lovebombs.
No. 877296
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If she just sucked it up and got a nose job, some forehead Botox, and a little something to soften her under eyes she wouldn’t be so hard to look at.
She’d kind of look like Alexis bledel a little bit.
Crazy to me that she still thinks she’s above doing anything cosmetic, if you can afford to look like your photoshopped pics irl, why wouldn’t you?
Oh right, she can’t lol
No. 877302
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Lol the way she managed to make this horrible shit about her
No. 877315
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>>877296Exactly, I don't understand why she photoshops/chooses the same angle for every photo to make her nose look small but she won't get surgery. But then pretends to embrace it by posting "queen" profiles like Barbara Streisand. I actually have a very similar nose to her where I can make it look small depending on the angle but I try not to do that every time otherwise I feel like I'm catfishing everyone.
Like this angle is more of what she goes for
No. 877418
>>877320She does look pretty rough, I’d wager she didn’t wear much sunscreen in Florida all those years + being malnourished her entire life.
I think if she’d had more healthy fats and protein instead of raw fruits and veggies 90% of the time it could have kept her fat pads from dissolving so quickly.
Most raw vegans I’ve seen always look aged even if they do have bright eyes/glowy skin from all the vitamins, even if they’re not under weight it seems like their under eyes and cheeks sink.
OT but now I want to look into what the reason might actually be.
She also looks dehydrated and the lighting makes the makeup look a bit worse there, but it can’t be much better IRL
No. 877519
>>877483I was with you til that last sentence lol. She's not
that bad.
No. 877624
>>877320Kiki looks her age (30). I don't think exaggeration on her looks is needed when full coverage foundation and lighting aren't doing her favors. Even a fresh faced celeb will look hard in those conditions. She looks fine. Not model esque or leading lady at all, but fine.
The bigger problem is that she's stuck in these nobody College films because she lacks any natural talent or charisma.
I don't really understand the type of roles she's going for. It's sad that kooter technically has a more successful acting career than keek.
No. 878174
>>846263I know this is almost a year old, but Kiki and Dakota both got their audio engineering certificates from a school called F.I.R.S.T Institute in Orlando. I remember from years ago someone found this out on PULL. I can't confirm anywhere but iirc it was only a 6 month course.
It feels like she's been going to school forever. Valencia college for 4 years, audio engineering for 6 months, some school in japan for ??, and now a school is california, that's 14 years of being on and off college?
No. 878177
>>851838sorry 3rd samefag post. haven't been here in a while.
but some of you are so cringe. kiki posts 50 memes a day from the instagram explore page that strangers made and you think it's a subtle way to communicate with YOU? that sounds like the stalker that killed Rebecca Shaeffer. Thinking your stalkee is sending you messages and shit. and yeah, you're a stalker if you've been peering at the page of a woman who no one has heard from since 2007 on a daily basis, screenshotting her 16th story tab of the day because it's a rare actual picture she took, and bringing it here. there's no way around that, you're a stalker. i feel like a creep sometimes because obviously i peep too, but you guys make me feel better about it because there's stuff here i never would have dug that deep into myself. there are people here at least 5x more obsessed with Kiki than me, and that makes me feel less weird
No. 878647
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Looks like she’s back home . This bakery is 15 mins or so from her parents home . The bakery is called Valhalla . Sage coz boring
No. 878649
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Google screenshot
No. 878650
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No. 878764
>>878647Probably she did post a story about being back in LA and how she doesn't like it anymore wah wah wah
like, bitch ok, go back to buttfuck florida
No. 879216
>>878497Someone said a while back they go to school to get tech because they're too poor and bad with money to get it any other way. Audio engineering equipment, laptops, and cameras were all from courses they took. It's just another way for them to avoid working.
Does anyone know if either of them graduated from a university? I know Kiki has the 6 month audio engineering certificate but did she ever get a degree? 15 years of uni on and off with nothing to show for it is pretty funny and sad.
No. 879318
>>879099One of the threads showed how their dad had an IT job of sorts.
>>879192She's been faking being a model in Japan for years, the way Keeks has been faking living in LA surrounded by celebs who want her, and not homeless scrotes kek.
>>879216Neither of them ever graduated anything, they've not even been to a real uni. Just random courses here and there.
No. 879504
>>879099The grandma died after Kota moved to Japan and probably left them some money, also Scott could've switched jobs or gone back to school himself to get a better one or a raise. Cathy could've finally got her ass out of retail and done something worthwhile, too.
>>879192Several years ago, yes.
>>879384Kiki is very active on eBay and sells stuff regularly, even with it being overpriced. Every nice thing she gets that's worth money and holds value probably gets sold, which is why she only has 3 outfits that are years old and can never go out unless she's on a "date" (& the guy is paying).
No. 881944
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>>881290of course this thread is dead, this is how she spends her time lol
btw the music profile isn't on her bio anymore so I guess that was a flop before it even started
No. 882474
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kiki just posted a long story on instagram about being abused and getting an abortion. you’ll have to zoom in but i didn’t want to spam the thread by posting each slide individually.
No. 882475
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No. 882476
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No. 882516
>>882476Given that this is Kaka, and she's desperately thirsty for any social media relevance good or bad, and she already got caught posting that fake opioid bottle months ago trying to hop on the opioid addiction trend…
I gotta call bullshit. I just can't believe it's not some staged, overhyped attention grab from. her anymore. I honestly don't believe Kirten Ostrenga is capable of being honest when posting online.
Not only that, after reading her purple prose novel I have 0 sympathy for her trying to keep a baby with a guy who she claims put her in the hospital by giving her multiple bacterial infections, then just left her there to "wash his wetsuit" for a week. If you want people to feel worry for you, Kiki, stop being so disgustingly desperate and letting actual hobos get you pregnant.
No. 882519
>>882516Me again, oh my GOD. I skimmed her abortion story before posting but now I'm guffawing, there's no way any of this bullshit is true. She claims she was given abortion pills by the hospital & her VD riddled BD left her bleeding on the side of the road in a puddle of her own blood that was getting bigger and bigger as the ~smooth muscles~ in her body twisted like a contortionist into human origami.
She needs to publish her little fanfictions as dark comedy, the shit is way too hilarious to ever take seriously. She also refers to bleeding for 4 days ad "being in labor". I almost can't breathe, I'm laughing so hard, this is pure comedy gold.
No. 882528
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>>882519She is deranged. Abortion can be traumatic for any woman, but her story doesn't add up at all. If her period was late, she was already at 5w, and cardiac activity can usually be detected at 5-6w. Yet she somehow had time to be smacked around and delay the appointment?
In CA, there is no 6w or heartbeat ban on abortion. She just wants to make it clear that she is an angel who would never silence a beating heart, however stupid and misogynistic heartbeat bans are. With a 5-6w pregnancy, there could be a couple larger clots, but not multiple grapefruit/orange-sized ones AND the need for surgical intervention. Or let's say if thay happened, it would be rare.
How convenient that she was impregnated just before a hospital stay for infections, but presumably not enough pregnant for anyone there for a test or ultrasound to be positive. AND on teratogenic antibiotics. poor dear, she couldn't just choose abortion like normal non-angel women, could she? She had to be forced into it by infection, medicine, boyfriend battering! And then she suffered like a saintly martyr!
She is a cancer on the world. Abortion does not need to be justified with an epic like this.
No. 882542
>>882529I can't see a stable, well adjusted man going after a 30 year old anorexic narcissist who doesn't understand basic boundaries and masturbates to her own embellished rape fantasies.
I know we aren't allowed to use the R word anymore, but I do 1000% believe Kiki is in some way technically retarded and shouldn't have unmonitored internet access, much less be allowed to be on dating apps or go wherever she goes to meet these bums.
No. 882546
>>882545Yes, yet every time I've tried to use the word "retard" on this site I get ganged up on, even though I don't use it or consider it to be an insult.
But no, Kirsten is definitely somehow retarded, and not just emotionally. Nobody keeps doing the things she does without being severely mentally delayed.
No. 882547
>>882545>>882546Also posting again to add, I really don't think she lives in LA with her dad like some anon have guessed. Her dad I'd really tech savvy, I doubt he would finance her life in LA just so she can fuck random losers and cry about it online. Also I doubt she'd be getting into half theee
abusive relationships with her dad around.
No. 882572
>>882528Yeah, I was confused with the time frame, the heartbeat part (which is a sensationalist argument people against abortion use and she's in California), plus so many exaggerations (supposed to be done with the bleeding in 6 hours, but it lasted 12 days, a nurse called Maria told her "shut up, you did this to yourself", and her neighbor picked her up in her gown drenched in blood, just to name a few).
Idk she makes California look worse than Pakistan.
No. 882663
>>882476Yeah, the ultrasound says Feb 23 + 5w + 6d as GA. It is so hushed: found out she was pregnant on Feb 8, she'd have been 4 weeks pregnant at least + exactly 15 days to be abused around + set a date with her obgyn for this ultrasound on Feb 23 (4w + 15d = the GA would've been 6w + 1d).
All very tough but fine, it happened fast, GA mixed up for whatever reason… But it seems the picture where her hobo bf was laying down was taken in the abortion clinic, and so was the ultrasound, so that's even less time between events.
Can any American anon lmk if that's normal? Also, how easy is it to find a Chinese herbalist who specializes in women's health and gynecology?
No. 882682
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>>882547She went to this abortive clinic/ womens health Center. It matches with the photo montage she posted. Fpa is California based.
No. 882683
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>>882682Bottom left photo
No. 882693
>>882690not a white knight but just because someone’s an ‘abuser’ doesn’t meant they want to wield a whole ass baby as a bargaining chip over their ‘
>her story just doesnt add upeven with keeks embellishing her story, a vanlife fuckboy not wanting to pay child support and flipping his shit about it is not some colorful stretch of the imagination
No. 882713
>>882663>>882681This might not be super relevant but another cow I follow elsewhere (OrganizedbyJen/PrettyNeatLiving) visited Chinese herbalists who specialised in women’s health and fertility in Chicago. None of those who follow Jen seemed to have found it that uncommon and they nitpick everything about her. From there I found a lot of vegan/“healthy” v/bloggers love to “heal” using alternative medicine. I’m not surprised Kiki is also one of
No. 882721
The story is probably true, but extremely exaggerated because duh, it's keeks. Usually I'm always on the victim's side but - again, kiki.
1. I don't believe the guy to be the abuser at all. He's probably what he looks like, a fuck boy beach bum. Of course he insisted on abortion (she said, presenting it as manipulation, that he wanted a child when he's in a better financial situation - this is very reasonable, not abusive). That alone isn't toxic of whatever.
2. He gave herr continuous uti's because he's a fuckboy bum, which resulted in a kidney infection, also very possibly true. Men are ignorant as shit about it, they just aren't aware how easy it is to get an infection from their bacteria ridden penises. It's a girl's job to be the smart one here, sad but true. 3. She terminated the baby. Bled like anyone would, maybe more because of her weaker ana body.
End of the facts, the rest is just her usual lies to appear as a marytr saint victim poor almost died baby momma.
No. 882740
>>882475>>882690You know she's petty when she brings up an hypothetical future gf her ex-bf might have to steal their hypothetical child from her
No. 882751
It's all she knows. Look at britney spears still doing those tired moves as she has done since she was 11 years old. Except now it's so sad because her youth has faded, and she performs by herself in her lonely mansion. The formative years are so crucial to the adult you become.
No. 882758
>>882743It’s more about her codependency issues than her taste at this point, it’s almost like she’s willing to ignore the red flags just so she doesn’t have to be alone. Hopefully Kiki can learn how to take responsibility for her own actions instead of constantly shifting the blame and making herself the
No. 882788
>>882476Having followed her for over a decade, she's probably lying for attention as usual.
If true, then good. Kiki would really mess a kid up.
Unrelated but does anyone remember when she always went to the emergency room for her periods?
No. 882816
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>>882788Yes, full face of makeup, hair did and polaroids in the ER.
>>882683 at least now she tries to not make it look like a photoshoot i guess
Pic related: Kiki's new unshowered fuck boy. He doesn't look 6'4, so I guess he won't be smacking her around.
No. 882870
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>>882819>ytfuck off back to twitter
No. 882874
>>882474why was this idiot letting hobos raw dog her in the first place? especially while she’s dying of a kidney infection?
also Kaka’s working full time
and she’s in grad school? doesn’t that imply she finished undergrad? doubt.jpg
No. 882885
>>882869She'll post "dank memes" here and there about being a designer jobs, so I think she's working in smthg like this and studying "science" (she never goes into
what field it is). No idea how she finds the time to take in all these hobos to rawdog her, that's the real mystery here.
No. 882938
>>882893Kaka has never been to school, just random short courses or things she never finished. She likes pretending to go so she seems like less of a failure in life.
>>882902She wishes. If she did we wouldn't hear the end of it.
No. 882953
>>882929she probably gets her BC from her Chinese herbalist
>>882902lmao she'd never stfu if she did
No. 883126
>>882929I feel like she would’ve mentioned being on BC (especially if it was ~Chinese herbal medicine) just because it makes her even
less culpable.
No. 883165
>>883138Exactly we know how shallow the ostrengas are.
she thought she was incubating a 2 headed freak and thats why she aborted mission. dont let her 8 page ig
victim story fool you. she has implied an impregnation fetish and that her biological clock is ticking on sm numerous times…this poor dude she's with rn better be wrapping his meat. He seems young and innocent. And I can't help but notice how she's targeting gullible young dudes. It's like she knows guys her age will see through her bs
(sage your shit) No. 883562
>>883457Ok, but if they and their roommates hadn't furnished the apartment yet then Kaka could've easily assumed people would think it was just their house, and they were just starting out. I think the reason she hasn't posted from anywhere else in the house is bc it would be obvious that she isn't living alone in LA, or renting a house in her name, but just renting a house while she enrolls in college courses for grant money. She's always wearing the same old clothes, rarely updates her decor, and in general doesn't do anything that she would clearly be paying for herself. She only takes pic in public when Kooter does or when she's on another crusty "date" with a
toxic bum.
No. 883573
>>883562Outside the bedroom is likely a shared apartment space. There's a ton of junk on the floor in the pics of it that looks like it might not be her things. If she rarely gets that shared space to herself, it explains why her selfies outside the bedroom are rare.
Kaka loves to take creepy candids of the bums she hooks up with, especially if they were ever in the kitchen or living room but it seems like it's been years of nothing but her alone in that bedroom.
Also strange of her to sleep in a van with one of the bums and not be in her apartment with him all the time instead. Maybe the shared apartment is with family members?
No. 886559
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You should give him a chance, Kiki. that's incredibly good writing for a homeless guy OD'ing on Fentanyl
No. 887334
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Literally just had an abortion, making a huge woe is me about it, then posting shit like this. She’s despicable. I’d say just as bad or if not worse than her spergchan fest.
No. 888263
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after reading this article about this happening in california, i'm more apt to believe all of kikis story… i thought it was super liberal out there, or is this how it's going to be everywhere now? even more OT but even though i'm only 23 i really want to be sterilized already
No. 896218
>>820026>>819968>>819944>>819819Cathy and Scott are still married and still own the same McMansion in the Orlando area that they've always owned. Not gonna post caps because that's doxxing and I already got banned for it once on Kota's thread lol. But the information is easily accessible public record so speculating is stupid.
Funnily enough I looked it up on streetview and these self important bastards have the streetview of their address blurred like they're a hated SCOTUS judge lmao. Not like I can't see what their place looks like on the property appraiser's site anyway. I wonder what their neighbors think of them.