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No. 401819
Obligatory sperg thread After making appearances in student movies (like Daisy which she had clue what was about) but never actually saying how to watch her "work", Kiki resorts to what she's been hinting to go back to for ages: YouTube. But of course, never did so bc of haters, not for being simply lazy… until now. Promises to post weekly. Let's see how long it lasts this time.
Previous thread:
>>358686Instagram: Access: No. 402010
File: 1498390344869.png (193.67 KB, 540x682, Screenshot_2017-06-25-08-31-34…)

Bitch didn't u say u were already filming today? Drop the polls shit and get to work, damn. You had an entire month
No. 402041
>>402026It amazes me that her followers didn't get utterly sick of it. Even I am annoyed at this point.
I'm 75% sure she isn't gonna upload jackshit
No. 402195
While we're still early in the thread, it'd be good to also have these links in the next OP:
Actors Access: No. 402264
Apparently her Twitter poll will be up for 6 days. That is, I assume
> 6 days for results> more 2-7 days (honestly don't know) to film, edit and postI just can't with this bitch. It's like the Lilkitten store that she spent 3 months "working at" and it was a huge flop
>>402229Damn if after all the hassle she is making, she still pulls that, I'll be AMAZED that she will have any followers left AT ALL on ANY social media
No. 402278
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>>401819LOL she with that Bobby guy. In the video she asks him if "that's gonna be our honeymoon song"
No. 402284
>>402278She's been with this guy for less than a year and she's already discussing marriage. Did she seriously not learn anything from what happened with Taku?
I guess we can look forward to sperg chan 2.0 when this relationship inevitably fails
No. 402290
>>402278Literally looks like she picked up a random homeless asian.. but then again she looks like a crack whore, so I guess its a match made in heaven.
Are they basically both bums thriving off of shit student films and nickel and dimes ? ( I wonder if she's still claiming disability ? )
No. 402308
>>402284I tend to think she meant to say it in a jokester way (the crazy is subconcious)
>>402290It's her PIMP lol but seriously I will also give her the benefit of the doubt bc maybe he's genuinely nice and looks like a fun dude (aren't they even living together and all that)
The moustache and the long hair are a deal-breaker though. He makes Tako look like a J-pop idol
>>402303Oh no you know anyone who isn't Asian is beneath Kaka's standards.
>>402306Maybe I'm just too cynical and cold-hearted but she is too hypocritical for me, some things you can't blame exclusively on bad upbringing. We don't know if they're both broken either. Just that he's an entrepeneur with very bad facial hair
No. 402323
>>402278You can't tell for sure, he isnt in the frame when she asks and you can't hear he say anything
No. 402325
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>>402323She looks so crazy though (cute but psycho)
> Yes I do think she looks cute in these > inb4 hi Kiki/Cathy
>Sage for samefagging No. 402327
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>>401819Hey. More "face the crazy" bc I'm insomniac
That's when she asked him "that's gonna our honeymoon song". You can sense the "I'll skin you alive and wear you as a jacket" vibe
No. 402328
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>>402327Shit. Forgot to Sage sorry.
> Sage for spamming (there, now) No. 402329
File: 1498448026092.png (241.76 KB, 540x673, Screenshot_2017-06-26-00-31-03…)

The dak0lei account commenting. The thought that it might be Kiki is hilarious to me
> sage
No. 402331
reminds me of that video of taku driving
No. 402342
>>402308>Maybe I'm just too cynical and cold-hearted but she is too hypocritical for me, some things you can't blame exclusively on bad upbringing.Oh, of course. She has many problems and deserves the blame for the shit she's gotten into. However, she's not like Onision or Luna where she's just completely horrible inside and out; she's more of a PT. I think she can be redeemed or at least work on her faults and move forward a little bit. She's also on disability, which means that she actually does have some sort of crippling problem, as it's generally very difficult to acquire (particularly for most mental health issues).
>We don't know if they're both broken either.Oh, of course. It was just speculation, given how she is.
No. 402356
>>402306I personally don't mind her being in a relationship, I especially wouldn't mind if it was the kind of relationship you described since I would like to see her do better as well. My issue is that she has said that she's eager to have kids and I honestly don't think she should ever become a mother. Even if she didn't have mental health issues, I would be terrified that she would raise her kid on a vegan diet and refuse to ever take her kid to a real doctor.
I do agree with you on her issues though. I also think her lifestyle plays a huge part in it too; it's not good for anyone to isolate themselves and obsess over negative things people say about them.
No. 402737
>>402456Scamming the state and shit-tons of people out of tens of thousands of dollars is pretty evil in my book. She used to send her personal army of crazed followers after anyone who dared criticize her e-begging scams or nudes. She's a leech and a lying scummy cunt.
Sage for OT.
No. 402743
>>402278Kiki doesn't even seem genuinely attracted to Asian men at all, I mean she was super racist back in her stickam days and I can only imagine her liking white guys bc of some inherent racial bias. This whole relationship seems like it's for appearances only and just to get over Taco, maybe she tried cooking the rice and she paid the price.Or maybe even just to compete with Kota.
I can't imagine that any sane American white guy would touch her, maybe she gets a pass from Asian dudes despite her terrible personality bc 'muh white waifu' status. Kota was always he bigger weeb and Asian fetishist, not Kiki.
I'm gonna samefag with something said in the previous thread and assume she only dates ~azn boyz~ because A) She enjoys being fetishized as the pasty white girl as it makes her feel validated and somewhat racially superior, B) she's still not over taco and C) She thinks every farmer is a weeb who will become instantly jealous if they see her with some Asian hipster (which is probably why she dated taco in the first place)
Imagine a guy bringing someone like Kiki home and introducing her as his girlfriend. Imagine googling her then finding out about all her past shit on the internet. She's every mother's worst nightmare.
I hope it works out anyway.
No. 402746
>She learned Careful… She's still making her way back to Youtube and is becoming slowly more confident in posting on IG. I feel it is too soon to say she learned her lesson.
>>402743I'm actually surprised she didn't nag her parents for another trip down to Japan … But then again maybe they can't afford it this time due having to help Kota out so much with bills since her career has officially died.
No. 402769
>>402743> A) She enjoys being fetishized as the pasty white girl as it makes her feel validated and somewhat racially superiorThis. Ten times this. But I also hope it works out for her.
checks calendar very last week of June… how's that consistent and totally "happening" YouTube comeback going, Kiki?
No. 402787
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Making starter packs is relaxing to me.
No. 402825
>>402769I remember a video she made where she's talking about her experiences with meeting and talking to Japanese men in clubs while over there visiting Koti, and she sounded more repulsed by them than anything tbh.
No. 402829
>>402356>I honestly don't think she should ever become a motherDunno, definitely not now or any time soon, but maybe if she cleans her act up and makes progress on becoming a fairly adjusted human being. If this:
> I also think her lifestyle plays a huge part in it too; it's not good for anyone to isolate themselves and obsess over negative things people say about them.Is true, which it probably is, the time she's spending in LA away from her family and interacting with people could be doing her wonders. I've experienced social isolation first-hand and know what it can do to even to somebody who was previously healthy. You can make a HUGE amount of progress just by changing your toxic environment, and it comes almost immediately.
>>402743>I mean she was super racist back in her stickam daysShe was only an edgelord teenager in her Stickam days, and she could have learned it from her rotten parents. Traveling and meeting diverse people tends to lessen racism. The white beauty/muh Slav heritage bullshit seemed to be more her trying to make herself seem rare and exotic rather than Prussian Blue tier white supremacy. But who knows.
As for her new bf, at least she's not showing him off on social media or pretending to be a weeb anymore. Maybe she does genuinely like him. Taco was definitely a case of weird racial stuff tho.
No. 402841
>>402829100% agree on social isolation and how actually meeting people makes a world of difference.
I've never been quite like Kiki, but I was definitely much more batshit insane just a few years ago, when I was with my family. An office job (where I had to deal with different people and learn to compromise) and CBT did wonders for me. I mean, I'm on this site, so I'm probably not 100% normal, but I've got friends and a family and it seems to be working out, so there's a chance.
No. 402996
No. 403029
>>402743I think your A point is the best option here, plus her continuing to try to ride the weeb wave for attention.
I don't think the guys she's with are going to really research her or give a shit about her past. Most men wouldn't.
No. 403166
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>>403135Really? IM the anon who posted the screenshot. They looked even in the video.though it wouldn't surprise me if she had smthg done to her teeth if you compare her to 2007. She went under treatment, got braces, yeah but still i dont think the very shape or size of one's teeth does not change bc of "growing up" or braces
No. 403642
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Another photo from the same shoot as the OP image.
Is it the lines of the dress that's making her boobs look wonky…?
No. 403670
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i missed her
No. 403769
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>>403642sorry for this godawful shoop but this photo just screams for some fringe.
No. 403808
>>402325>>402327>>402328How does she look so much better here than
>>403642Even the comments here
>>402329 go completely against anons comments on
>>403642I know that the phone pics are lower res but like…she looks REALLYYY different…
No. 403818
>>403808Camera, lighting, color, angle, and shoop make a dramatic difference in how people look. However, videos tend to be more true to life.
As for
>Even the comments here >>402329 go completely against anons comments on >>403642This is a forum dedicated to bitching about people, and there's always going to be a handful of anons insulting a cow's appearance regardless of what they look like.
No. 403829
>>403670Me too anon :) BUT apparently no yt return bc it's June 29 and no news from her yet. U dun fucked up kiki.
>>403769lol literally every Kiki pic posted on this thread has some sort of photoshop to her hair. The only kudos I give her is laying off yje fucking all white thing she clearly can't pull off
>>403773It depends on what you eat. Remember that bento tutorial? Her idea of a lunch was white rice with fruit.
No. 403834
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>>403808Light. Car selfies are always different than standing in front of a studio camera with fake light. You can change your face dramatically by moving the light source only.
No. 403839
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Different camera lenses also drastically alter the face. If you have a photographer who isn't skilled with knowing exactly how to control lenses and light for different models, face shapes, and skin tones, you're screwed.
No. 403851
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>>403847To think in her head she's pulling an awesome all natural look
No. 403867
>>403642her boobs look like normal boobs but wtf is her lips
is that lip stain or does she peel her lips?
No. 403983
>>403706Honestly Florida and California are polar opposites in weather, Florida is very humid and California is very dry.
I'm sure the move is fucking with her skin a lot, it happens to me every time I go to socal too and there's not much that helps besides Argan oil as moisturizer and using some sort of facial spritz.
If she's using any sort of facial powder she should really reconsider, setting spray and liquid foundation only unless you want to look 60 tbh
No. 403987
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>>401819You still didn't deliver it in June as promised. (I know it's petty but she got plenty of time, warned everyone ages ago… it's kinda crappie to her following IMO)
EITHER WAY I expect milk content
No. 404102
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>>403299>>403341>>403397please, please.. don't embarrass yourselves like this. she had videos all throughout her braces and her teeth always looked the same shape. Pic related is her before braces. Nothing cringes me more about this board than when people say shit like
>normal teeth don't look that flawlessplease learn to identify bullshit theorists so you don't accidentally call her flawless.
No. 404160
>>403808Comparing higher quality photography pictures to MeiPai video app quality is sorta kookoo. She's using that Chinese app that several weebs use that smoothes out your skin and sometimes touches up your jaw/eye size and shape..
Actually alot of video apps include beauty filters now..
>>403773Veganism can't protect you from genetics or poor skin care choices. She could be eating really healthy, but without a good skin care routine that doesn't really matter. Her and Kota have very dry skin and they don't moisturize it period.
Have we actually seen an example of what Kiki eats ? Not including her pinterest stolen recipes.
No. 404167
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>>404102even then her teeth were still fucked up
No. 404169
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>>404160>beauty filtersreally anon? really?
No. 404239
>>404210As a fellow ex-braces user I can confirm they don't change the sheer SIZE or SHAPE of your teeth.
> . I like that this is striking a nerve for some reasonSame
No. 404385
>>404264Hey i work as a dental assistant too, i will inform everyone what is going on.
To wonder why the shape and size is so different i can explain. Sometimes they will remove certain teeth to crowd control the area and bring the back teeth forward so they can have a more definitive smile. Also shape and size can change because they will bring a tooth down, so if a tooth was "short" before but is brought down, now it is average height compared to the other teeth around it.
Whiteness is just literally teeth whitening. It's very rare that someone young would get veneers.
No. 404395
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>>404210>I like that this is striking a nerve for some reason.Haha yeah. Seriously though, a few veneers isn't a huge deal.
No. 404833
>>404686LOL It didn't go up at all. She hyped her followers for literally nothing and didn't even post any sort of "apology"
Like "omg I'm sorry guys yt fucked up it'll take a Lil longer" not even that. Very concerned with showing your followers how to live healthy and vegan Kaka :3
>>404813Oh yeah, definitely!
No. 404913
>>404910If someone told me that Kiki ripped off her original skin to wear somebody else's, but claims to be her own bc she doesn't like to seem unnatural…
That'd be very "in character" for Kiki and I'd be inclined to believe it
No. 404920
>>404910hahahaha that awkward teeth lick image omfg i remember it! it was so cringy and after someone retweeted it saying something slightly negative she deleted it
and yeah, her teeth actually didnt look as straight and smoothened as right now..
No. 404946
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LOL she ain't even gonna ACKNOWLEDGE she didn't deliver what she promised and act like nothing happened
No. 404949
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>>404946BTW that's what was saying about Winona lol
No. 404978
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>>404973lol I was JUST going to say that. Faggot is her favorite insult. She doesn't say it publicly anymore, but as spergchan she called anons on here "fag" when she got into arguments. It's boggles my mind how someone can be so shameless. Like you've been exposed and everyone knows what a nasty person you've always been and still are, what's the point of still pretending?
No. 404983
>>404833Please, you know the only people even watching her videos anymore are people from this site lol
That's honestly probably why she won't even upload, and good. She needs to keep her boring bullshit off the internet anyway.
No. 404993
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No. 405000
>>404993The way she types is always so fucking dated. Just like her insults as
>>404978 mentioned.
No. 405112
>>405102It's Kiki. We'll never know. But my bet is on the latter.
>>405034As a veggie-chan I will just LOVE to see that and just dismantle her whole argument that shes being inherently cuz v3GaN
No. 405143
>>405136Seemed legit until she started talking about having to move twice bc of her 'sick building syndrome' and I thought here we go. The crazy is back, in fact it never left.
INB4 another video about MUH BLACK MOLD causing her mysterious Munchausen's symptoms to worsen. Not only are her ~haterz~ out to get her, now mold spores
have started harassing her too.
You had ONE job, Kaka.
No. 405147
>>405136>I have a pimple, I should get some herbal chocolateI don't even know where to start with this
The smoothie that she made looked interesting, but the ingredients are so expensive.
The pasta… uhh, looked pretty terrible to be honest. Otherwise I'm just surprised that she can spend so much money on groceries.
She said that she'll talk about why she had to move twice in one month in the next video and that the reason was 'sick house syndrome'.
>Sick building syndrome (SBS) a medical condition where people in a building suffer from symptoms of illness or feel unwell for no apparent reason.I doubt that you could feel any effects of a house that quickly if it doesn't have any obvious problems such as mold?
No. 405148
>>405136LOL SHE FUCKED UP. Anyone who ever watched ANY "what I eat in a day" type of videos know that it's literally the person saying "hey just woke up here's my breakfast…
a lil follow around ok now it's lunch time and I'm having X, here's how to do it"
This is a three recipes video, which is ok, but not a "what I eat in a day". Couldn't she have stopped, for 5 mins, within the last month to actually KNOW what "What I Eat in a Day" videos are about?
Ok starters:
1- lol at "I went from being overseas to living in LA". Since when is Florida considered overseas? She's not srsly trying to convince people she was living in Japan just until a little while ago is she?
2- the recipes are ok. Pretty healthy, though I preferably would lay off the fatty stuff - coconut, coconut cream, butter etc.
3- the pasta looked disgusting. Too much butter with… beans? Ew. Put pumpkins seeds over that shit if you want protein.
4-the other two were ok, specially the first one. For some reason I think "rose water" is a very Kiki thing. She can't just have "coconut water" or something like regular humans. Not to sound bitchy, just smthg I noted
4- "next video will be up on friday" Oh yeah bc you did such a wonderful job delivering what you promised this time
/end of bitching
No. 405154
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>>405147>pimple>herbal chocolateWHERE IS THE CORRELAtion, it being herbal does not make it less bad for your skin? At best it won't worsen it. Wtf is a herbal chocolate anyway.
And yes. The ingredients are very expensive. I guess it's because she makes sure to buy from ~ethical places instead of the grocery shop down the street where the average Joe goes to
>>405147Remember how she used to claim she was an empath? Yeah. It'd be funny if she said "I got sick bc I'm an empath and other people's moods are harassing me"
Image related: Kiki doing literally anything in life
No. 405155
>>405152And at the same time she mentions her period time to seem more "fun" or relatable. Nothing against it but so much inconsistency.
Kiki choose one fake personality and stick to it
No. 405156
ok now I'm just being nitpicky but again: a whole month
No. 405176
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>>405170>>405173Someone asked the same thing in the comments. Here's her response.
No. 405180
>>405179Thank god omg, I was wondering how anyone could afford it.
Also is anyone getting any crazy vibes from looking at her eyes in this video or is it just me? Her eyes just seem really wide and kind of unnerving.
No. 405188
>>405180She's trying to act cute. But you know…
>>405176OK so how does one makes honey ethically? I've seen videos of production and it's like… they kind of use gas to paralyze the bees in the creation and extract their hard-earned, self-made food. Which I don't think sits well with the bees themselves
>>405164YES. Stay cruelty free and don't cow tiP
>>405177See, I want that too but now that we mentioned it here, she'll block any follower who asks for that because MUST BE A HÁTER
>>405178It is! She could've used something else but Nooo. She's too special and almighty.
All the shit she bought is too expensive and the average vegan that worKS a day job (or just works) doesn't eat like that in the regular
No. 405191
>>405173Yeah she could've said that but instead:
>>405176 bc holier than thou
No. 405208
>>405194She def has a lisp.
>>405154The pimple and period thing reminds me of what Taylor did in videos. I think that's why she did that.
No. 405220
>>405217Yeah but vegetarian is not special enough is it?
>>405212Hhaha yes that and the "beauty" tips
>>405208Could be. Taylor also kind of makes that "super joyful, wide eyed" face expression in her videos, do you think Kiki is trying to rip that off, too? Like some other anon pointed out she looked crazy
No. 405230
>>405228lol calm down anon, sip some tea
>>405226How so?
>>405222An anon did say that
No. 405234
>>405188>OK so how does one makes honey ethically? I've seen videos of production and it's like… they kind of use gas to paralyze the bees in the creation and extract their hard-earned, self-made food. Which I don't think sits well with the bees themselvesIt's not gas, it's woodsmoke and doesn't paralyse them, it tricks them into thinking their home is on fire, which causes them to eat an excess of honey (so they can evacuate with supplies ready for the new hive) which causes more sedate behaviour - just like after humans eat a big meal. They can still move and fly and will sting you whilst you're checking the comb though. Honeybees are domesticated, they have been bred to produce more honey than they need, honey is not that expensive for bees to produce and taking it doesn't harm them, taking excess wax is what fucks them up. I wont go into ethical beekeeping because this post is already long, but it is a legit thing.
>>405221Figs don't have wasps in them, they're broken down and "Digested" by the fig plant after fertilisation, you can't cut open a ripe fig and find a whole wasp in there. What you're saying is the same as saying vegetables have shit in them because we use it as fertiliser.
One thing Kiki does that is definitely not vegan is use (eat?) cordyceps fungus, which is famous as the ant zombie fungus. It basically zombiefies insects and tricks them into becoming little suicide bombers that infect all the other insects with spores, rinse, repeat. 100% not vegan, part of the awful illegal wildlife collection trade, and it has 0 health benefits. Lots of websites say they grow it on a medium, but most actually just support the illegal wildlife trade. She's an absolute loon when it comes to food fads.
She also covers her food in yeast, and made a video talking about how people have candida infections in their mouths. She spat in a glass of water it was disgusting.
No. 405246
>>404169Anon, I wasn't even referring to her teeth when I mentioned the filters. The other anon was saying she looked significantly better in that video, and I simply stated it was probably due to beauty filters and a lower res camera.
>Gluten free pasta with basic (disgusting ) toppings Just like Tay ( minus the disgusting )
> Relatable period talk and pimple talkJust like Tay
I swear I'ma lose it if she starts preaching about "girl boss" shit. I know I'm probably reaching, but I feel like she still eye fucking Taylor's social media. just sayin.
No. 405254
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>>405234Hey anon! Thank you for the info! I was misinformed on the subject… by my peta-follower sister lol but thank you. Legit.
And good info too on the fungus thinges too! A pretty unethical ingredient, from what you explained, coming from someone who's "environmentally conscious" and only buys from "ethical" brands"? GOtta love that good old Kaka hypocrisy. If it was any other vegan youtuber I'd let it slide but her attitude about it is the worSt.
Image related: Instagram cringe for y'all No. 405263
>>405261Hey thanks
Could it be bc she changed the caption to that stupid "I'm back from outer space" crap bit? I'm virtually challenged
No. 405267
>>405261OMG NO
She actually deleted the video I sent here to that pic
Less cringe for us I guess, she was trying to speak like… a cutie?
No. 405278
>>405194I was thinking this, too. Even if they're not veneers she must be such a pain to work with on set, she goofs up the shit she says so often and has to turn it into some quirky joke.
Incredibly annoying and a timesuck, tbh.
Maybe this is why none of the acting shit she's released thus far has any voice lines? Kek
No. 405281
>>405267The shit she was saying in the second video slide was so cringe-y
"Slim face? Fuck no I don't need that my face is too slim…enlarge eyes? No no no set all to zero!"
^referencing the beauty cam filters, gotta make sure everyone knows she's too pure and natural for a phone app~*
I wonder how her sister feels hearing her say that when she's literally only known for abusing photoshop lol
No. 405302
>>405221actually "hard-core" vegans wouldnt even accept to drink the campari drink since it (i think the red color?) is originally made from lice.
I dont know if they still produce it that way, but if they do, vegans wouldnt drink it.
No. 405303
File: 1498968876878.png (231.08 KB, 540x916, Screenshot_2017-07-02-01-05-28…)

>>405281KEK that's her
So… this happened and I've got a pretty solid memory of Kiki circa 2012 preaching that true veganism does not eat honey nor wool. Shame I can't find it.
> my lifestyle is not for competition > I'm so cruelty free I only buy a pricey shit bc I'm too good for anything else that I don't judge ethical No. 405304
File: 1498968966470.png (55.4 KB, 540x431, Screenshot_2017-07-02-01-10-47…)

Also 2k13 Kiki would shit all over this video, apparently
No. 405306
>>405290It's Kiki for you. She'll probably see it and say "omg they literally think I'm like Sailor Venus they're so jealous"
>>405281When was that? Is it in the working link? Cuz if not, bummer. I missed that then
No. 405307
>>405303you dont need to find it.
true vegans wouldnt eat honey. You can do so called ethical bee keeping without farming the honey.
No. 405311
>>405306she deleted it already. solid proof she still has this site open and keeps hitting F5 24/7.
hi kaka! ~
No. 405313
File: 1498969472928.png (218.46 KB, 540x555, Screenshot_2017-07-02-01-23-13…)

>>405310> nitpicky Not that anon but you JUST said middle eastern use it in recipes, not fucking breakfast smoothies made from scratch with some random shit
>>405311Beat me to it! She's a joke in regards to promoting her channel.
No. 405314
>>405306She literally deleted it after it was up for 30 minutes, but that was pretty verbatim, she literally said "fuck no" as if she was hella opposed to any filtering
She always sounds like she's too good for everything, before I even found this website I used to follow her YouTube and twitter and think "wow what a good message said in such a condescending holier-than-thou manner"
It's such a turn off and such a shame to see that she hasn't grown out of it, I used to think she was an interesting Internet personality who was just very sheltered and defensive, and now in retrospect she was always clearly just whackadoo.
No. 405323
>>405314I completely agree with you there.
My doubt is
> She literally deleted it after it was up for 30 minutes, but that was pretty verbatim, she literally said "fuck no" as if she was hella opposed to any filteringDI'd she actually said the things
>>405281 anon referenced to? I'm so mad I lost that second video slide. FML.
No. 405397
>>404950lmfao yeah but she was the insufferable mean girl cunt who called everyone faggots, retards, and made fun of both physically handicapped people and anyone that wasn't rail thin, blonde, and white.
She's so tone deaf, this is pure gold and exactly why I stick around.
Bitch if you're reading this YOU are going to meet the people you tried to bully online in person and they will tell YOU to fuck off - not the other way around. Jeffree Star perhaps.
No. 405458
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>>405303It goes on and she basically makes a point for anon that said she should be a vegetarian already
No. 405460
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No. 405461
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No. 405463
>>405459She isn't really wrong, and I hate that she's making me agree with her.
>>405462Living overseas literally means living somewhere over the Atlanic Ocean, like Europe, Asia, Africa, etc. etc. I am sure she's trying to make it seem like she had a permanent residence in Japan, when we know she just went on Visas for reasons she made up.
No. 405484
>>405469How's that not a blatant lie? She was not overseas. She was in FL……… sperging all over the place in here. There's no way she could dance around that statement. She's lying within the very 1st minute of her YT comeback.
Also "following my true passion". Really? Cuz I thought that was music. Look at her old videos, she had two guitars in the background, a keyboard plus other shit to make electronic music. Plus her so called "degree" in audio engineering. And at fucking 24 she just leaves all that and be like "nah. I'm gonna be an actress".
>>405463I agree, and she does have a point BUT being vegan is all about not consuming animal products, wherever the source. Thats the literal meaning of veganism. In this realm then she can say she's a crueltyfree vegetarian - eats animal products from ethical sources.
Ok /rant over. This bitch, guys.
No. 405505
>>405475>>405144this was so spooky for me like whaaaaaaat she copied how Taylor speaks! This is crazy, why are more anons not freaking out about it?
"hello evribadi~~~" - sounds exactly like Taylor
She also goes high with her voice in the same places as Tay, has the same speaking mannerisms, and I think even the period pimple mention was copied from Taylor, because oh how many (…too many) times Tay talked about breaking out because of period, and that part in Kaka's vid was so unnatural and forced, it was clearly ripped off from Taylor to idk, sound more approachable, normal and quirky? No idea, but she even made THE SAME STUPID "FUNNY" FACE
I can't
No. 405522
>>405516Yes, that's ethical veganism! Which I totally understand. Main point is: theyre not consuming animal products for this reason. Definition still the same, motivation is the only thing that changes.
If by chance they find a cruelty free farm that produces dairy, eggs, honey, wool, silk, you name it and they start consuming from that farm… they'll be vegetarians by definition.
As for vegans that let it slide,I totallyour get it bc they're reasonable people who don't use it as a public persona characteristic.. but it's Kiki. The super self-righteous vegan elf queen. She has no ground to expect people to "let it slide".
No. 405528
>>405522go to 9:10 and 10:10 and see how she basically says ethical cruelty free farms squeeze themselves into legislation and are not all that cruelty free, and you can't visit every single farm to ensure that so that's why she went vegan etc
> inb4 "it's farm cows she's talking about not been farms"The logic still applies
> inb4 it's a 5 year old video Premise is still the same
My bet is she loosened her standards since 2012 bc I get it, it's hard, but won't admit it.
No. 405542
>>405459Aw I feel blessed because senpai noticed me.
>>405522I agree with this, I think she is only calling herself a vegan because she thinks she's better than everyone else. She's basically saying she would consume animal products if they were cruelty free, but that's what vegetarianism can be?
No. 405549
>>405505I'm about to go check taylors channel because if this is true this is going to make me view her in a whole new light of insane fuckery
Isn't that how it always works, though? When you obsess over someone that hard you naturally start to mimic some of their characteristics, it's the exposure that does it but I think for her taylor also is/has everything Kiki wants…which is weird cause the bitch ain't much to look at but w/e floats kiki's crazy boat
No. 405555
>>405256I bet she feels smugly superior to Taylor since she isn't really a vegan. I also wonder how upset she is that Taylor's thread here is on auto sage and nobody really cares to gossip about her anymore.
Jfc I missed Kiki so much
No. 405570
>>405552Actually these are actual staples from "what I eat in a day" type of videos. EVEN IF she failed massively in every other aspect of the "what I eat in a day" thematic like pointed out here
>>405148>>405555We all know she does
>>405566She does seem very uncomfortable and fake in front of the camera
It's like she's acting, though it's a really bad, obvious acting
… ;)
No. 405573
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So who here has truTV and can capture Kiki's 3 second appearance at the end of the month?
No. 405585
>>405136>I'm always on the go>I'm always doing somethingWe all know you only spend your time hawking over your social media and shitposting on lolcow kiki.
She'll start deleting her youtube comments soon enough as well.
No. 405595
>>405585> She'll start deleting her youtube comments soon enough as wellExcept the ones CLEARLY backing up her flawed logic and kissing up to her like
>>405458"Are you deciding what people are based on actual definitions of words? How self-righteous"
No. 405600
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>>405595LOL I took what Kiki and that ass-kissing girl were commenting to and the person is an ACTUAL apiarist who just stated facts in, 2 sentences.
Which incited Kiki's long-ass rant here:
>>405458Fucking morons.
No. 405606
>>405600I'd like kindly redirect all the fuckwads trying to troll Kiki in her comments to my previous post here:
>>405164This is the best Kiki milk since Spergchan, and I will not have my elven princess dodges go back into hiding in her etheral wood forest with the rest of the moogles
No. 405720
She's just using a typical calabasas-malibu-1k oaks kardashians accent. EVERYONE talks like that, here. I've heard it in my voice after I'm around friends. Not sure why Taylor talks that way, but the vloggers she likes probably live in Socal and that would be the most common unaccented english she hears.
>>405178You're shopping wrong. Rose water is $1 per ounce, but it goes on the face, not in smoothies. my food bill is about $60 (including postmates about once a week). You dont HAVE to eat such expensive stuff from erewhon or any rose water smoothies with pampered bee honey or canned adzuki beans or weird chickpea noodles or pecan milk matcha lattes, you can eat chipotle or grilled cheese and regular pantry items from target. its gotten REALLY trendy to waste hundreds on weird hippie fad foods no one can afford, and Lilou is showing you a really idiotic, miserable, expensive way to eat vegan.
No. 405721
>>405720> and Lilou is showing you a really idiotic, miserable, expensive way to eat vegan"But I want to show my followers and others you can be vegan and healthy >_<~"
Yeah, she's doing more harm than good.
No. 405723
>>405234So sorry for the OT
But does Cordyceps really have no health benefits??? I had been taking Reishi mushroom and may have just submitted to the placebo effect, I assume the mushrooms would work based on similar principles so now I'm really curious. Thank you environment anon
No. 405730
>>405458>>405600>LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT YOUR TRADE>>405720>Lilou is showing you a really idiotic, miserable, expensive way to eat vegan.this so much. Also enforcing the tumblr concept that veganism is only for the privileged.
But then again, kaka thinks that buying overpriced ~ethically sourced~ groceries that probably won't worth half of their tag price will show us the haturzzzz that veganism is only for the enlightened.
No. 405736
>>405730Yes the dude and his entire family work with bee creation, he stated a logic fact, and she went full sperg bc muh veganism
Also agreed she's a lot more into the aesthetic "I'm an enlightened being" kind of veganism than trying to show it can be accessible for everyone. She's doing it for the ass-kissing, 100%.
No. 405738
>>405723Nope, its just another snake oil. If it isnt recommended by nutritionist, its useless and untested on humans.
>>405721>>405730But she's right, you CAN be a generally healthy vegan, just not by buying alternative medicine scam shit. The only blue zone in the US, Loma Linda, is 99% vegan and they don't eat mushroom powders or anything. You can still eat like an omnivore, but fake meat and cheese is more pricey than veggies, beans, and carbs.
No. 405749
>>405744> she'd rather throw money at the situation to make herself appear enlightened, delete the comments that say otherwise and move onto the next thing rather than educating herself: it's all image and no substance with herFully agreed and even if she didn't have the time to contact her local beekeeper bc "I'm always on the go" she could just use an alternative. I'm flabbergasted at how many of the can stuff she shows have ORGANIC splattered over.
"ORGANIC Adzouki Beans" etc. Come on. Are you allergic to just… non-organic adzouki beans? Not special enough for you, Kaka?
No. 405778
>>405772That kind of dumb inconsistency is what gets on my nerves
Buy music equipment > change your mind > sell equipment > go to Japan because ??? > go to LA bc acting > pay 5k to act in a random thing and unpaid jobs > buy overpriced vegan food anyway > change many times a month bc ???
I'm legit
triggered by it. That's just being plain reckless about LIfe.
No. 405783
>>405778Samefagging but can you IMAGINA the PAIN IN THE Ass this girl is being to Bobby Trailer trash Asian pimp? Kiki, you better be waking up this guy with blow jobs and letting him in up your back door for putting up with your shit
/ok the last part was kind of a joke/
No. 405851
>>405566Exactly, there isn't any evidence of Taylor mocking people with physical disabilities, using racial slurs, or having Sperg-chan style freakouts. It's simply not in Taylor's nature - but it is in Kiki's.
No matter how she tries to push this empath fairy lovechild act she can't escape her true self. The histrionic, spiteful, vindictive Ostrenga will always be there. She exudes crazy. It's who she is.
To be honest LA is the perfect place for her. It's full of bitchy, self serving psy-vamps who think astrologically picked root vegetables and crystal chakra dildos will somehow make them better people. All the while ignoring the glaring character flaws staring them right in the face.
I actually can't think of anywhere else she'd fit in more.
No. 406004
>>405847Actually I do think she looks younger there - albeit, it's 5 years old. She's wearing much less dark makeup now.
I noticed something about her body though? She actually looked pretty healthy. Like, slim, but healthy and probably "heavier" than she is now.
Could be that her hatred for Taylor is slowly sucking her life energy
No. 406036
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Okay a bit off topic, but still relevant considering this girl made ridiculously hilarious videos mocking Kiki back in the day.
I don't know if they're still up, if so I'll link.
Anyone who was into MySpace and knew anything about being scene as a youngster will hopefully find them as funny as I do, especially since she was rightfully one of the first to make a mockery of kaka </3 rip
No. 406056
>>406041>>406036> she was rightfully one of the first to make a mockery of kaka </3 ripThis points out at least one person who's not all that sad about this girl's death… probably is claiming it's karma and shit
Awful, though. Suicide is an awful, horrible way to go.
No. 406080
>>406056Remember the time that girl Samantha died? Kiki was in her Stickam with Cathy backing her up in the background screaming that she thought it was a hoax. Even when someone linked her to a video from a local news report she insisted it was fake and that she didn't believe it. She never apologized for that. She was a real cunt about it.
I'm so sad to hear about Stevie though. I thought she was so funny and talented, and of course beautiful. She was too young to go. I'm heartbroken, honestly.
I remember there was beef with Kaka and Stevie but it was real stupid. It started because Stevie was on Stickam as her character Lil Loca and she was talking shit. Keeks didn't seem to get that it was a bit, took it personally and it started the whole thing from which SKL was born.
No. 406082
>>406080So basically it all started by Kiki being Kiki? Colour me shocked. And it's very much like her and her mother to simply deny the reality… as we've seen with the bee keeper that commented on her video (a much more harmless example but you get where I'm coming from)
TL;DR in 10 years she didn't change a single bit.
No. 406091
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Look at me I'm a pretentious cunt
No. 406096
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>>406091She's still pissed about the honey thing kek
No. 406102
>>406096> they told meKiki go back to your old videos
>>405528 of yourself saying there are many loopholes in legislation and farms can be pretty fucking cruel when they're not at all and that one must visit a farm to know so :)
>>406091HAHAHAHHAHA yes. Is Vogue an ethical company now, Kiki? Did you check their background? Bc I'm pretty sure they work with many makeup/fashion brands that support the cruelty industry.
No. 406106
>>406082Had she not egged it on or asked to not be talked about it wouldn't have escalated the way it did but that was the mature thing to do. Can't fault Stevie and Adam for seeing the hilarity of scene kids and their retarded relationship drama.
This is just speculation but in the past when Kiki would talk about cyberbullying and the law she mentioned a girl who lived in Orlando when she was a minor and had long videos talking about how much she hated her, wanting her address so she could go over to her house to beat her up, and threatening to beat her up in public. She said she and her parents took the videos to the police and nothing ever came of it. I think that person she was talking about was Stevie because why else would it matter that she was a minor? She kept bringing it up and most people who hated on her were about the same age at that time. Stevie was a little older promoting her comedy bits, which Kiki later tried to claim was what her Stickam was too. The Ostrengas are such trash.
No. 406116
>>406106There's also the probability that it's a lie bc it's Kiki and Cathy and to this day they love to feed on this whole "the haters want to beat me up" thing.
It's smthg we'll never know though bc all sides involved seem a lil psychotic
No. 406130
>>406091For some lemonade and some berries she probably spent close to around $20-$40 if not more.
The lemonades are $6.50 and the berries are anywhere around $10-$32 depending on where she got them and how much she got. And then you have to add taxes to it.
Hope thats all your eating for like the next week Kaka
No. 406153
>>406096Dude, she can't do anything right. She's even failing at being a vegan! If it has eyes or comes from a breathing being don't consume it! (I'm not even a vegan) for christ's sake.
Sage for losing my shit
No. 406161
>>406036Oh my god this is so sad, she was actually so talented and so beautiful. I thought she was way younger but it turns out she's 33.
Just to keep this on topic, friendly reminder how many times Kiki told people to go kill themselves. Stevie was everything Kiki wished she could be and more, her being brought up only proves once again by contrast how shitty Kiki is.
No. 406170
>>406155She did change the name to Lilou Vos, but there is no way she'd start over and abandon her whole 59k subscribers, and leaving the very few videos she got to 100k+ views
Just letting ya'll know after two days her new video hasn't even hit 4k views. Rip Kiki.
No. 406175
>>406170Back when she was posting weird "booty" vlogs or whatever (before going to Japan) they'd take a week to hit 5k
It's not like she'D blow up and go viral with this half-assed comeback.
No. 406298
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Hey quick check : does that message seem like a instagram dm or a twitter one? I'm asking this bc to me it looks like a twitter one and a well. .. shit doesn't adds up
No. 406299
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>>406298And Kaka posted it on her Twitter
No. 406305
>>406299Oh shot I dun fucked up. This is an actual Twitter DM. Still kinda wanna faCT check on this bc it looks so fake bit I'm insta-retarded and hate it.
>>406285> how do they fall for her"Fall". Taku fell apart and this guy's a con artists like her. Thats how they fall for her.
No. 406306
>>406299Not Twitter if she's using the Twitter app. Compare the look of this to the look of the DMs between Onision and Joy here
>>398746 so they're either from IG or a different app or maybe a private message on YT?
Or ya know, totally fake because Kaka lives in a world of fake stanning herself.
No. 406308
>>406306Yeah I saw the heart thing and it's an instagram dm thing.
Looks fake af.
No. 406309
File: 1499143275780.png (596.05 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-07-04-01-42-53…) u imagine how sad it must be if it was Kaka managing this account?
No. 406345
>>406299It can't be just me thinking this is tacky as fuck. And also makes it look like she legit gets zero praise, I feel like it was more to advertise how polite she can be in her responses when she's going to blast the sender's personal message all over social media.
>>406305But this guy is living with her and paying for her shit when she's seriously the most annoying person ever.
No. 406438
>>406345It is tacky, fake and a shout-out to lolcow (remember when she said about people "dm-ing bc eyelashes or wtv and we called BS on that? Yeah)
> But this guy is living with her and paying for her shit when she's seriously the most annoying person everWell why do you think it never lasts for long?
No. 406440
>>406361It gives insight into how they spend their day staring at themselves. When Kota wasn't looking at herself it was at an offscreen mirror, too.
>>406363We caught Kaka sending fake fan notes and asks to herself before.
No. 406468
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>>406299Just for shits and giggles, look at the account that "favorited" this tweet
> Kaka love and light kween showing message exchanged with enlightened peasant> post liked by an anti-Hilary profile No. 406629
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(Has this been posted yet?)
No. 406630
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>>406629Look at the comments and spot dak0lei yall
No. 406631
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No. 406635
>>405749>>405744It's so funny when you know the laws and legislation surrounding organic food. They can still be GM. They're also covered in pesticides that are in many cases worse than modern pesticides or GM pest control methods - like copper sulphate to control potato blight. It basically means nothing, it's just a way to price gauge idiots who think they're clever.
she's the definition of Dunning-Kruger effect. Misinformed idiot who thinks she knows everything.
No. 406641
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>>406635Pretty much Kiki right now, regarding this matter
No. 406685
>>406630Nothing special about the shitty puppet movies .. I have the 10th one only because it was in the 5$ bin at walmart, and it had 3 other movies included on the DVD.
Give it 6months-year before I see Kaka's greatest success in the 5$ bin too.
No. 406691
>>406678Nooo… it might scare them away. Let's just sit down and sshh…
>>406681The right braids reaaaaaally didn't help her there (but it IS a horror movie so what do i know I'm as much of an actor as kaka
No. 406692
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>>406641This quote is incredibly Kiki btw
No. 406711
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How to scare away all the boys around you: put on those earrings.
No. 406785
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Were pretty much made for each other lol
No. 406786
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Her laugh here ACTUALLY sounds genuine and not obnoxious. They're actually look very happy together (or in this snippets)
No. 406787
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>>406786Kiki with the horrible earrings
This guy with the moustache and the hat
No. 406792
>>406785>>406786wow thats creepy…….
she looks actually likeable in there….
No. 406797
>>406792Proof Bobby is dicking her down the RIGHT way.
I hope she doesn't bring this kind of likeable attitude to the n3xt videos tho. Gotta have that cringy milk.
No. 406972
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She's turning so boring. I miss the super high levels of cringe in her posts and the made-up compliments she gave herself on twitter 2010-2014
She went from straight up complimenting herself to a very obvious "oh somebody told me I"
No. 406975
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>>406973This underrated gem
No. 406981
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No. 406983
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No. 406985
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No. 406987
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No. 406988
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And ofc the self-victimization on the daily bc TOO PURE
I'm really, really miss it. Maybe she grew some self-awareness after being exposed here and realized how we all see thru those lies?
No. 406992
>>406981Shes still after modelling after 10 years? Ffs.
Kaka you are too short, face is glum as your sisters. Thin enough to model but she isnt run way tier
No. 407001
>>406992The BEST thing on these is that it's never her wanting to be. It's always the others. "Somebody told me" 24/7
>>406983>>406981>>406976 (THIS ONE IS JUST G O L D)
No. 407047
>>407010It's funny (convenient) bc she casually omitted the part where Tohmie is a fucking evil narcissistic psychopath who does horrible things.
My guess is she vaguely saw the plot and slided a "somebody told me X I'm clueless and don't know how Google works so can y'all tell me what it's about (and kiss my ass while you're at it)".
No. 407050
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If you squint really hard you can find some character resemblance
No. 407074
>>406972I miss that too!
>>406988>Maybe she grew some self-awareness after being exposed here and realized how we all see thru those lies?That's definitely the case since I'm pretty sure she deleted every cringey compliment tweet she's made.
I also think a lot of the comments on here/pull are the reason why she doesn't do it anymore. Back then I remember we would just make fun of her and make bitchy remarks about how cringey she is instead of trying to encourage the cringey delusional behavior.
>>407047Actually, iirc someone on old pull mentioned it for some reason in one of her threads and she took it as a compliment.
No. 407080
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>>407075Oh the glory.
>>407074> someone on old pull mentioned it for some reason in one of her threads and she took it as a complimentREALLY? Hahaha oh God the delusion was so real <3
> I'm pretty sure she deleted every cringey compliment tweet she's madeYup, most of them are gone bc I remember they were many. Like, at least once a day she'd make up one
> I also think a lot of the comments on here/pull are the reason why she doesn't do it anymore. Back then I remember we would just make fun of her and make bitchy remarks about how cringey she is instead of trying to encourage the cringey delusional behaviorAgreed but the real question for now and the future is HOW to encourage such cringy, delusional behavior. It's an art form truly hard to master.
Image related, since I'm going down the memory lane, the "pole dance hobby bandwagon" she jumped in - and ofc spent money and time on
No. 407081
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>>407080There used to be a video on YT from her clips (from the video she posted herself talking about it). It's taken down now :(
It was pretty cringy like, 10% skill, 90% vanity and 100% another hobby she gave up to go to Japan
No. 407099
>>407080>the real question for now and the future is HOW to encourage such cringy, delusional behavior.Yeah, I didn't think that one through. Like it's easy to encourage our queen's cringey, delusional behavior since she avoids these sites like the plague but Kiki would know something was up immediately if we tried that. I was thinking people could use twitter/ig to kiss her ass and give her similar compliments to the ones she made up for herself, but now that I've said this she's going to be paranoid about every compliment she receives.
If we were to figure out how to encourage it, I think she could easily go back to being just as cringey as she was back then. After seeing that she put that she could play 15-24 year old characters on her acting profile, it's clear to me that she's still delusional as ever but she's self aware enough to not broadcast it to the world.
No. 407115
>>407099> was thinking people could use twitter/ig to kiss her ass and give her similar compliments to the ones she made up for herself, but now that I've said this she's going to be paranoid about every compliment she receivesTHAT'S EXACTLY THE PRONLEM.
Can you… imagine the amount of LEGITIMATE fans who will be blocked for no reason whatsoever?
Maybe give it some time? Let's not encourage or discourage her in anyway. Lets not interact. She still has a small culty following who actually buy into her shit so yeah, let's just watch. They'll probably feed her delusion as they always do (and have done whenever she went on a tirade against the ~haters)
No. 407127
>>407001Everyone has that one friend who always claims this to humblebrag but never actually modeled. The only modelling kaka did was for her dad.
>>406972I hope more balletfags are having their jimmies rustled by this bc I am.
No. 407238
>>407140kiki pls
lordosis=/=bubble butt
No. 407271
File: 1499310228085.jpg (18.11 KB, 250x382, Lordosis.jpg)

>>407238Wow, she really does have lordosis.
>>344072 No. 407300
>>407143sarcasm anooon
>>407238It's weird cause she mentioned escoliosis tho, as seen in video (which I have and and back in the day whenever she said her spine curve was "reversing" bc of pole dance/yoga and shit I'd flip my shit bc an actual doctor told me this kind of shit doesn't happen. Your spine structure doesn't change you just feel less pain, you ignorant slut).
Scoliosis is more like, lordosis but with hunched shoulders.
No. 407301
>>407300Sage for rant "omg u guys I made this video cuz I want to know that having scoliosis is oh-kayyy"
No shit. A fuck ton of PPL have it
"I had to stay in bed all-day bc it hurt so bad"
Yeah well most people have a life to attend so they just pop some painkillers and deal with it, and get shit done.
/sorry, I can't believe I'm raging over a 5 year old video
No. 407306
That's my favourite material
No. 407342
File: 1499322136771.png (802.96 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-06-01-20-43…)

Got to drive while looking at my face
No. 407419
look at clock new video tomorrow right, keeks? Right.
But apparently she isn't the one driving? You can see from other videos the image is mirrored. It's probably Bobby.
No. 407425
File: 1499340376460.gif (1.45 MB, 400x301, anigif_enhanced-8713-141140198…)

New video in just one day, Lilou! Don't let me down!
No. 407449
>>406440It really is some recurrent shit with them. For like, ever.
QUICK somebody save it b4 it gets taken down
No. 407620
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>>407449I was amazed how long she kept that video up considering the AE is so damn obvious and over the top.
No. 407626
>>407620that video had nearly 600,000 views iirc and it was Kiki's most popular, because it was during the time where Dakota was at the height of her popularity.
>>406972>>406973>>406975>>406976>>406978>>406979Lol wow, she still has some of these up? There was a huge collection of them on PULL that were cringy af, but when I tried to look up 2 or 3 of them on her twitter a while back for the lolz, they were all deleted. I assumed she realized how ridiculous they looked when stacked together like that and went on a delete spree.
No. 407662
>>407655I don't understand how this is hypocrisy, but okay. I wasn't taking about her being provided for well, and being "happy" now and persuing her dream and living it up in LA either. All of what she shows us is just what she WANTS us to know and think her life is like. No one but keeks sees the full picture.
I'm talking about her constant need for internet validation and attention and the desperate straws she grasps at to get it. Her obvious obsession with proving herself to a ~hate site.~ I'm talking about her forced facade of being all organic cruelty free mother Earth moogle. The obviously fake confidence. Plastering what little praise she gets (real or fictional) online. The freakout that happens to be the single worst spergfest in lolcow history of her posting gore and OTT obsessive hatred for someone doing better than her less than a year ago.
These are not characteristics of a well adjusted, happy adult. It can be compared to child star syndrome. Her parents allowed her to whore herself out for attention and "fame"as a child, hell they even helped her do it.
If you don't see this, I don't know what to tell you, and it has nothing to do with my child. Just because I browse lolcow doesn't mean I'm going to whore her out when she hits puberty and fuck her up mentally for life.
No. 407671
>>407662Thing is - yes kaka and koot have experienced more than most but the thing is they're disliked.
Dakota never made it to be Nicole Fujita level of popular in Japan and not many Japanese even like her much. Most said she was rude and awkward. Hes 5 minutes are up.
Kiki might star in a few budget movies and use her Asian boyfriend as a prop for the kawaii trend going on. But it won't go any further - people know she's a cunt though? She wasn't liked back then and isn't now.
No one cares about them anymore - there are new girls people are interested in nowadays. Dakota and Kirsten will stay a thing of the past online. 2007 is over.
No. 407701
>>407694No worries buddy
That's… hella unsettling. My best guess is that, if you're a girl, she was expecting you to either compliment her or was thinking how jealous you were of her
Either way
Just know she keeps tabs on "haters" who criticize her on social media so yeah, just stay away from commenting on her sites
No. 407703
>>407701Thanks for the advice anon. Yea I plan on staying away from her social media. I doubt she would remember me. My guess is that she was trying to catch the eye of the photographer at the top of the entrance to the main shopping area.
Make sense she was looking that from another female. The guys she was with look like what the snow thread call Gaijin Hunters. All I am going to say it was just beyond fucking weird.
No. 407733
>>407694That's creepy as hell. I wouldn't put anything past Kaka, she's already proven on countless occasions that she's insane and will go to ridiculous lengths to get revenge on her ~haturz~
Suddenly the idea of her legitimately keeping tabs on every person who's ever left a comment on her social media, stalking their pages, printing out pictures of their faces, cutting out the eyes and sticking them on her wall doesn't seem so far fetched.
No. 407750
>>407658I feel really sorry for you anon.
>>407662>>407671this so much
No. 407781
>>407746KEKKK what garbage
I'm sure she was thirsting for that eliza role and got cast as a slutty psycho instead lol
Life imitates art, as they say
No. 407793
>>407703>My guess is that she was trying to catch the eye of the photographer at the top of the entrance to the main shopping area Well that'd go along with
>>406981Probably avidly looking to be "discovered" as a model
>>407746LOL ok now that's what I call GARBAGE. Not only Kaka's role but the whole thing. It sucks.
No. 407934
>>407925LOL Hitler was indeed a vegetarian for a while and the Ostrenga s always had this huge boner for having blue eyes and being blonde (no matter what anyone else in lolcow would say) so I think it's fitting.
Richard Spencer will replace Bobby Hatanaka pretty quick.
No. 407947
>>407826This so much. I don't think anyone envies them and if so, it's an Ostrenga giving themselves a backhanded compliment for accomplishing and experiencing absolutely nothing in life.
>>407849It sounds like she was standing around all dressed up with outdated soft gawth fashion in hopes someone would notice her but that phase in Tokyo is long gone.
No. 407953
File: 1499458834924.png (32.53 KB, 583x112, kikilie.png)

What is she trying to say in the last sentence?
No. 407958
>>407953Probably hey lolcow I am indeed uploading smthg today so check back in in a few hours?
Either way "experimenting" with new stuff just sounds like "I half assed this time and will do so in the future"
No. 407972
>>407958You can see the whole experimenting with regular youtubers is plain "this video is smthg new so thumbs up if you liked it"
That's it.
No dancing around the issue on social media like a kid procrastinating homework.
No. 408029
>>407934Kek the reason I always thought that was because it's usually unhinged crazy white girls who buy into all that stuff. And recently there's been a huge alt right/WN bandwagon that tons of lazy blonde bimbos keep jumping on to make easy money out of. We know she's been racist in the past. But in all honesty I don't think Kiki has the capability or willpower, reading about history would be far too demanding for her little pixie peabrain.
Who knows though, one her parents funds dry up, she could get desperate.
No. 408052
>>407934>this huge boner for having blue eyes and being blonde Ok sorry anon but wtf, where are you taking this from?
Being happy because you have red hair/blonde/black/curly doesn't make you racist, stop with that bait.
They were in their early teens when they made those stupid jokes, just look at their current life, friends and relationships, they clearly aren't racist.
No. 408057
>>408052I meant it because Kiki is clinging to saying she is blonde despite her hair clearly being too dark, as posted many times on lolcow
Learn how to read and to joke, anon
No. 408058
>>407953Just fucking post what YOU want, Kiki. It's like you're 100% relying on what your "fans" "want" you to post. So what's even the point then?
It must suck being this unoriginal.
No. 408173
>>408058Probably because she thinks it'll rake in the most money if she does what they want rather then what she wants. Lets face it, her acting career was dead before it even begun.
Maybe seeing her sister fail and become nearly non existent gave her confidence to become number one again.
No. 408264
>>407826>>407947Consider this too: neither of them have friends.
Kiki has never had a real friend in her life, I'm guessing. Just people she met and then scared off, kind of like her short-lived stints with boyfriends. She freaks people out and I'm sure she's never opened herself up emotionally to anyone. Not for real.
Dakota's a has-been gaijin in Japan, land of fake politeness. Doubt she's had many (if any) friends prior to leaving and likely doesn't have any right now. Her rude attitude and "manly" way of speaking is unpleasant to native Japanese.
All of their "friends" who talk to them on social media are fake accounts. Every story in which they mention a "friend" is fabricated on the "friend" part. Imagine not having ANY FRIENDS. Imagine what that'd do to your brain. Now imagine it on someone as insane or delusional as either Ostrenga.
No. 408270
>>408264Yeah usually I think friends are overrated but it's nice to have 1 or two people you can rely on to cry on their shoulders, they don't even need to be super close.
But they're likely to push people away. Remember the time this girl who went to Japan was about to meet Kaka and she had even had some art commissioned or whatever and in the laSt hour KK went full psycho and burnt that bridge?
Yeah. Imagine living this way.
I imagine the only friend Kiki would have at this point would be Bobby which is… meh. What about when you have a disagreement with your bf and you need a friend to gossip and have advice from? Who she can do that with? …Cathy?
Also the usual girl stuff. Shes trying to be a youtuber and has no-one to help her brainstorm video ideas (other than probably Bobby Cathy or Kota) hence why she's always such a whiny cunt looking for validation for her followers "w-would you guys watch that! ? W-would you? I-is that ok enough? Pls attention"
No. 408271
File: 1499525914574.png (67.99 KB, 540x461, Screenshot_2017-07-08-12-00-02…)

>>408268That vogue even thing isn't even a proper show tho
No. 408273
File: 1499526224541.png (50.96 KB, 540x299, Screenshot_2017-07-08-12-01-12…)

Now that I'm on it
Let's laugh
> Kiki
> wants the fashion industry to be more refined
No. 408275
File: 1499526306211.png (52.48 KB, 540x339, Screenshot_2017-07-08-12-02-47…)

>>408274For the anon who met Kiki on Japan lmao
Image related: not that funny but idk. Made me giggle.
No. 408311
File: 1499534867593.png (398.41 KB, 780x488, Screen Shot 2017-07-08 at 1.24…)

>>408309he looks so uncomfortable around her
No. 408313
>>408308she's talking about the non-Japanese women
like herself
No. 408329
>>408308She was talking about the gaijins like herself lol "I'm the only one allowed to be catty"
>>408309Maybe she is. That's why none her relationships last
> what have I done> the pussy wasn't worth it No. 408336
>>408303>>408309She actually looks less haggard in this video. Maybe she IS sucking the life out of him.
I'm mesmerized on how badly she screwed up with that outfit. How do you make a white/pastel outfit look bad. Why do you even think these earrings are anything but un-wearable?
No. 408352
>I wonder how annoying it is for her to wear those obnoxious earrings all the time and constantly get her hair stuck in them.>greeen light >look how much I know about surrounding areas of LA>Shooting fireworks is illegal? But why? n w n>Ten minutes of complete filler (I guess they were at an art museum and boy was that boring to watch)>Bobby mumbling>Let's eat at a VEGAN place>Look at my VEGAN app>Always eating sweets and junk >Scared Kaka at the 7/11 lol>More boring fillerWell there is some gold in there but LBR the video could have been 3 minutes long and done the same.
No. 408355
>>408311He looks so tired and done lmao
Imagine the shitstorm she will create if he tries to break it off with her.
No. 408364
LOL she filmed this in the same day as this
>>406786>>406785>>406787 abs still couldn't upload it on time. It took her room days to put this shit together and upload wtf
No. 408366
File: 1499539147488.png (53.61 KB, 540x300, Screenshot_2017-07-08-15-39-13…)

>next video will be on friday
>new videos every saturday
>new videos every two Saturdays
> new videos every month
> I'm quitting YT bc haters :(
No. 408368
>>408365LMAO what if someone comment that
It'll be the honey thing all over again
No. 408369
>>408365She can't stand being corrected on things like this either, there's always a
>actually I'm exempt from what you just said because of xyz.It would do her some good to just admit to being wrong, it's a lot easier than she thinks it is and people respect you far more than if you fight every time you're corrected.
No. 408378
>>408308Like other anons said, she's talking about other catty
foreign girls.
Another girl studying in Japan was trash talking her on twitter, and Sharla and her group trash talked Dakota when she arrived, so that's what she's talking about.
She's kinda right though.. really common situation
No. 408379
>>408378Please see
>>408314I acknowledged my mistake after the first anon pointed it out. No need to keep correcting guys.
No. 408384
>>408382Three times now.
>>408382For all your complaining about shitposting you're sure keen to do it yourself.
No. 408392
>>408378lol it was already pointed out. What's the matter with you.
> She was kinda right LOL how so. One girl did it on twitter and sharia did it with Dakota, not Kiki (so you're saying).
>>408379Ignore them. We have Ostrengas white knight here every now and then, it's common
No. 408396
>>408392>LOL how so. One girl did it on twitter and sharia did it with Dakota, not Kiki Many foreign girls living in Japan are catty and criticize everything other foreigns' japanese and things they do in Japan, this site is full of threads of catty gaijin, it's a fact not even
white knighting, not criticizing everything someone does or says doesn't make you a white knight but ok.
No. 408399
>>408303Her never ending thirst for Johnny Depp is creepy. Let it go, girl. He's a woman beater.
This video is just her trying to be cute and it's awkward and full of her making the weirdest retard noises. I guess good for her for actually going out and doing something though?
No. 408402
>>408396lol ok whatever. No need to get your panties on twist over a cow you don't even personally know. Go outside. Drink some herbal tea. Meditate. Also if this site is so awful why you in it?
Ps: ~ learn to Sage your Nippon shitposting
>>408399Idgi. He physically abused Amber Heard and she's still on that? You'd think she'd be more sensitive since she was raped and had abusive bf's in the teenage years
> not saying bc second part actually has to do with the cow we are talking about No. 408407
>>408303Holy fuck nuggets this was painful to watch.. I couldn't even skip thru it because there was no tangible bit to skip to… Holy fuck.
>>408311Oh this poor fucking wanker if this isn't just an act put on for the camera. Its like hanging out with a 12 year old that thinks "so random" is "edgy and cool" while dressed in what looks like grandmotherly attire …. Seriously my grandmother has the same pants.
No. 408419
>>408416> R U RETARDED SHE CLEARLY DID NOT GO TO SLEEP WITH MAKEUP ON REEEEEEEEEE>not a white knight >>408411But yeah it's a pretty common thing, bc these kind of people are too insecure to film themselves before sleep with washed face and no makeup so, there's that.
I am getting Taku vibes too but… I guess she learnt not to film her lovers while they're sleeping so maybe there's still hope for Bobby
No. 408423
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>>407826>>407947>>408264seriously? with all the a-logging that plagues their threads? over the years i've seen several old seagulls and pulltards who all turned out to be ugly nobodies with weeabo dreams of Japan and modeling.
it's not everybody, ok? so don't get personally offended by this and start rage typing, but there are jellies around and you would be blind to deny it. i remember this one anon who kept making posts about how she couldn't get over "kotakoti"
No. 408435
>>408432Don't discourage her!
You're doing a fine job Kiki, keep up the milk!
No. 408440
File: 1499549867056.png (22.61 KB, 540x134, Screenshot_2017-07-08-18-36-45…)

>>408436Same here. Keep uploading weekly Kiki. We love to hear the sound of your voice and to stare at your face just as much as you do
Also, image related:
>>408366A. Keep pressing that F5 non-stop
B. Good move. Better not promise anything than promise smthg and let your followers down (again)
No. 408493
>>408490Actually I don't think she's been less annoying. Just less brag-y?
And that's true. She seemed more chill with him. With Taku it came off as she was trying to show him off as a fucking trophy.
No. 408496
>>408493Taking in account what
>>408481 said,they really fit each other if he's that much opportunistic and fame-hungry enough to scrape whatever e-fame she has left
> Sage for samefagging No. 408497
>>408441I was waiting for someone to say this cause I wasn't sure if it was too annoying to bring up.
Tinfoil but maybe she waited until she could find her new Asian boyfriend to make vlogs with so she can be like Taylor.
He doesn't crack a smile in that whole video. I thought he was going to after she said someone said he looked like Johnny Depp or something (I don't know, cause I had the volume down a bit cause I can't stand her chirping on and on) and he
almost did but not quite.
No. 408511
>>408352>look how much I know about surrounding areas in LA. I hated this part. Lol
"So like you have to drive far to get them? WHEEEREE? LIKE, Riverside or something? The OC?"
Like she could have just asked the question. But no gotta sprinkle in some random counties to show you're a genuine socal native, lol.
I just really want Kiki to go back to Florida and be gator trash. Just get out Kiki no one likes you here
No. 408525
>>408511Apparently LA is the land of the self-righteous narcissistics, fame-hungry and vain (as people have said). I think she's right where she belongs yknow.
>>408523Yeah I mostly watch only Taylor vlogs so yeah you could say that but isn't that a very "staple YT vlog" thing? I only watch grav3yardgirl besides Taylor so I wouldn't know. Genuine question y'all.
No. 408543
>>408525I agree but she's not even the type of narcissist that would thrive here. Like look at the YouTubers who moved to LA and became successful. Jeffrey Star, a narcissist but a strong person who isn't afraid to bite back hard. Trisha Paytas. A narcissist who isn't embarrassed to do anything for view$. Gigi gorgeous already rich but smart enough to land a Getty (strength is her gold digging). Even Sheena was crafty enough to latch onto a beta with deep pockets. And then murder him.
Kiki is fucking soft as fuck! Anything you say she blocks you. She blocks everyone. She is such a weak person that she can't even use her narcissism as a strength. Everything
triggers her
No. 408553
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>>407068>>407303I'm sorry but I love this Kiki. I love the way she talks to herself and makes herself laugh hysterically, saying any bizarre thing or making any noise that pops in her mind, her weird voices and really bad jokes and skits. I wish she just stayed like this because she cracks me up. There's something to stupidly endearing about this Kiki to me.
No. 408558
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No. 408585
>>408584Sperg-chan much?
No. 408610
>>408590Wellllllll….I sort of wonder if it's because she is competing with her sister. It's been hinted many times that Dakota has a hidden Japanese boyfriend or husband. If she would tell anyone about her relationship, it would be her sister.
Kiki tried to become a model in Japan and get a Japanese husbando/boyfriend like Dakota. This included completely revamping her image and trying to learn Japanese. Likewise, trolling this site and other observations anons have made show that Kiki is possibly the sister version of frenemies with her sister.
It's pretty obvious that her moving to L.A. to do acting was because she was falling behind and wanted a similar life to Dakota. With the posts she's made about Taylor when she trolled the site, it could also be that Kiki is trying to vicariously live as Taylor (she can't get into Japan, but can get an asian boyfriendu and work in entertainment, albeit not as a professional model).
No. 408647
File: 1499608071694.png (24.84 KB, 540x119, Screenshot_2017-07-09-00-42-26…)

>>401819U know how PPL joke about white girls having "soy latte fancy Frappuccinos" and shit?
Kiki takes it to the next level.
No. 408648
>>408624> Cathy told Koots she looked like a white Asian girlOh
So that's where it all started
No. 408655
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>>408647BTW that's what it looks like
What's the point of having "activated charcoal" smoothie? What do you get out of it? Genuine question.
No. 408657
>>408588>>408584>>408531>>408423>>408421>>408416>>408396>>408378>>408242>>408052What's up with the Sperg-chans in this thread tho
no I don't think they're all the same person
no I don't think its Kiki/Ostrengas
No. 408667
File: 1499612273240.png (14.38 KB, 540x92, Screenshot_2017-07-09-11-58-31…)

LOL this kisara Viera shitlady bitch is a Kiki fan???
No. 408668
File: 1499612350379.png (10.17 KB, 540x91, Screenshot_2017-07-09-11-58-31…)

>>408667Of course Kisara, Kiki is fucking paranoid, maybe you're a lolcow anon for all she knows
No. 408687
>>408684LOL it doesn't even look like it has HEALTH benefits when ingested? Unless you're on overdose idk
I've seen beauty products with activated charcoal but that's a whole different story from actually ingesting the thing
No. 408690
>>408647>>408655>What's the point of having "activated charcoal" smoothie? What do you get out of it? Genuine question.Oh my god she's such a fucking idiot. Activated charcoal is used when you've poisoned yourself, it has a massive surface area so it absorbs things readily. she probably read that it soaks up "toxins" and took that to mean the woo definition of "toxin" - not actually poison like it means.
The way she just jumps onto every pseudo-scientific fad makes me so mad.
No. 408701
>>408690OK now I'm legitimately worried about her
> Side effects. When you take it by mouth, activated charcoal can cause:black stools, black tongue, vomiting or diarrhea, constipation. In more serious cases, it can cause gastrointestinal blockages.>Risks. Do not combine activated charcoal with drugs used for constipation. This can cause electrolyte imbalances and other problems.> Activated charcoal may also reduce absorption of certain nutrientsThis shit is 100% unnatural (see link above), is best used for poisoning overdose and even the research on it being good for cholesterol/hangovers is not certain (Again, link above) and not only it has pretty bad risks and side effects it might reduce absorption of nutrients.
Kiki, if you're not too busy having a major vomiting/diarrhea crisis of your life, listen:
Stop it. I know you're on this ride to prove us wrong and be the ultimate super food eater/toxin-free bitch in the hood but this shit is NOTa smoothie ingredient. Doesn't matter how much lavender and macadamia milk you blend it with.
No. 408704
File: 1499621686312.png (123.78 KB, 540x699, Screenshot_2017-07-09-14-35-28…)

>>408690> The way she just jumps onto every pseudo-scientific fad makes me so madHer followers ain't any better
> recipe??> "can u ingest it?" "yes def you can just do overdo it!" No. 408738
>>408704All that bad science, jesus.
I wonder what story Kiki will invent to defend this. After all, she never takes responsibility or backs down on anything. Can't lose to da haturz!
No. 408754
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Keekz eating habits reminds me of this.
No. 408791
>>408355He's probably only interested in Keek's nipple shirt that she mentioned.
Don't forget those gaudy earrings and granny pants. Wait, she's an easy lay for him.
No. 408794
>>408791I'm still trying to figure out how's that a nipples shirt at all? It was a… pretty tame mesh, crew neck top with a jacket on top?
> She's an easy layThat he's gotta paid her expensive grocery bills and put up with her 12-year-old maturity babbling and all vegan everything.
>>408789Can't wait for the recipe videos "guys it tastes so good and is full of good nutrients for your body, very cleansing and good for detoxing…"
No. 408823
>>408655Ah, good to see that she hasn't changed in all those years. She unprivated the recipe videos from her channel and I didn't know them so I clicked on one:
"I'll teach you how to make a vegan pudding that has omega 3 and 6, good fats for your body and it's great for your DNA and we need good DNA for good genes and less mutations."
I don't think she was joking when she said that. I feel a bit bad for her, falling for all these health trends… it has killed enough people because they tend to refuse medication when they're sick.
>>408817Yeah, I've had activated charcoal before. It just makes things black and fun-looking. It's been around for a while now, I'm not even in SoCal. A bit of charcoal isn't going to kill you, otherwise all these restaurants would be in trouble.
No. 408840
>>408823>good DNA and good genesUh, I'm sorry but if whatever you're eating is changing your DNA you should probably stop eating it because that is not a GOOD thing.
I hope she never has kids.
No. 408845
>>408823You watched the video. Do you think this girl can be allowed with making activated charcoal smoothies with no adult supervision?
Also its so fucking weird to me anyone would… even look at activated charcoal and think "this. I'm ingesting this thing that's 100% manufactured and has risks and potential side effects. It probably will taste DELICIOUS"
> I'll teach you how to make a vegan pudding that has omega 3 and 6, good fats for your body and it's great for your DNA and we need good DNA for good genes and less mutations~educate others on health
No. 408878
>>408754"cultured vegies"
This is perfect, anon. Goddessuu Leeloo would never eat anything uncultured, or with a normal spelling.
No. 408900
>>408874Cook you stupid bitch, nobody wants to turn on a recipe video just to see your cakey face and shitty slides for most of it.
Now, as for your shitty cooking:
>no-beef bouillon cubeBecause making a vegetable stock is too difficult?
Because you have something better to do during your day?
>sprays the liquid amino into the measuring spoon for two minutesHoly shit, just unscrew the cap and pour.
>using teriyaki sauce Again, you can't mince up garlic, ginger, and add soy sauce and sugar yourself?
>nutritional yeast, for no reason>boils the noodles forever>too lazy to chop the scallions and lemongrass, just shreds them inThen she's so uncreative that she can't think of any other vegan toppings like carrots, kombu, shiitake, corn, spinach, enoki, bean sprouts…there's just fucking nothing.
No. 408917
>>408898 in the Ramen making video?
>>408879 lol yeah that's Kiki for ya
>>408906 ok… you do sound pretty angry, but I agree with some points. That's a pretty bland, sad looking Ramen. It was mostly "muh face" 60% of the time. Did you see her last cooking video? She uses powdered garlic on the pasta ffs
No. 408919
>>408900>>408917While I do agree, this video is five years old and there's no point in talking too much about it I think. I'm more excited about her new video next week, although I'm happy that I get to see the old ones now.
>>408845Fair. She shouldn't be trusted with it, really.
>>408846It's relatively cheap but something you usually get in health food stores.
No. 408920
>>408904>>408905>>408912>>408914Now just wait for that call-out anon to show up and say that these posts are coming from hardcore Kiki fans. I think we all agree she's a walking turd but the nitpicking and reaching that goes on in her thread is crazy. It rivals any other thread on lolcow. Especially when there are so many valid reasons to laugh at her like her stupid drinks and pseudosciences she follows or her batshit obsession with Taylor.
>>408915Hers is supposed to be lazy too. It's supposed to be a step up from instant ramen, not actual ramen shop quality. She said she makes it quickly when she gets home from classes. She's using stupid ingredients and her broth sounds fucking disgusting.
No. 408952
>>408920>the nitpicking and reaching that goes on in her thread is crazy.Hahaha then anon gets super mad at anons criticizing her angry shit
>>408938So you were responding to yourself?
No. 408954
I am
>>408657 aka call out anon, who
>>408920 was referring to.
Th-that was it. How could I be "responding to myself"?
Side note: while I do agree that there's nitpicking on this thread, I also believe the anons I mentioned at
>>408657 were too eager to defend Kiki at anything
> u made a joke she is gonna be alt right? Fuck off shes dated guys with brown eyes and hair (I'm pretty sure one of them said smthg like that at a simple edgy joke)> THIS ANON IS REACHING THAT ANON IS REACHING ALL ANONS R REACHING (many anons)So yeah. There's that.
Eh, sage for derailing
No. 408958
>>408919> I'm more excited about her new video next weekSame here but I have a feeling it's gonna be super boring. She's gonna dodge all the "hard" questions, dance around many and focus most time on the boring ones. I have her other FAQ (3 videos long) for foundation so… :P
But hey hopefully I'll be wrong and then she'll actually be straightforward about things or remotely entertaining.
I'm on the fence. I think a bit like
>>408553 about this whole new thing Kiki is doing
No. 408961
>>408959Hey I was done at
>>408954Fuck that
No. 408969
File: 1499659708480.png (311.52 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-09-23-07-16…)

Watch these questions get answered
No. 408988
File: 1499662844117.jpg (21.32 KB, 428x500, sgkj.jpg)

>>408817Kind of like this stuff. I actually expected this stuff to have activated charcoal in it, but it doesn't.
No. 409000
>>408920I couldn't come back for three hours because mod thought I had to calm down over a tongue in cheek post with aggressive tones. Trust me, I wasn't actually mad.
Seriously, since when aren't we allowed to nitpick cow material?
People are shitting on Jill's magical girl meme in the Pixielocks thread.
People are shitting on Yumi's haul and cooking videos.
People are shitting over Moo's choice of getting vodka on a plane.
If this is a new rule it needs to be written. I was just having a little fun.
No. 409045
>>408904>>408905>>408912I For one am glad we have Michelin anon this board works great when experts chime in
Anyway. I really can't watch any of Kikis old videos. Or new ones. It is just too painful. So she definitely won't be getting adsense from me.
No. 409046
>>408874I agree this video is obnoxious, but she gets a pass from me only because it's a five year old video.
(Still cringey AF though)
I think it's more amusing that she says Top Ramen is vegan in the video, but doesn't use it (because she says that it's full of preservatives and such) and then one of the comments says "Top Ramen isn't vegan" and she's like, "OMG DID U EVEN WATCH MY VIDEO?"
Not, "My bad, I thought it was, you're right".
Not, "I didn't know that. Thanks for the info".
I think this is her major character flaw. It won't kill you to admit you're wrong once in a while.
No. 409057
File: 1499683808085.png (42.75 KB, 540x283, Screenshot_2017-07-10-07-41-20…)

>>409000> Seriously, since when aren't we allowed to nitpick cow material?People are shitting on Jill's magical girl meme in the Pixielocks thread.
People are shitting on Yumi's haul and cooking videos.
People are shitting over Moo's choice of getting vodka on a plane
LOL wtf lolcow
>>409046And that's actually 5 years old! Never change
>>409045100 agreed
Image related: I'm confuse. Is it one of those cheeky YT intros? Didn't she know how to do those herself?
I'm half happy bc hey! At least she isn't stealing work Lil Kitten style!
The other hAlf is just curious.
No. 409059
>>409057Love when Kiki tries to speak like a black girl. Or I'm sorry her "gangsta" voice. I'm just waiting for YouTube to get mad at her because she is a racist, uneducated hick deep down and is bound to do some cultural appropriation racist shit.
Assuming people still watch her
No. 409075
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>>408303>'I knew I had to continue to make videos in order to help you guys see that there's a better way without cruelty'kiki plz
No. 409084
>>409081You took the words out of my mouth (or my fingers)
> Even if you can't pinpoint what's up, you can tell something isn't right because she's so forced ALL the time.Pretty much that. I kiiind of like her stuff but this shit turns me off so hard and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one
> found some comfort in self-depreciating lighthearted humor rather than take compliments, maybe she wouldn't be so insufferableYes, most people seem to be into it (self depreciating humor) BUT it goes directly against her "love yourself" "love and light" "inspirational" persona.
No. 409086
>>409081I agree. I kind of want her to change and just have fun with her YouTube and everything and not try to appear like a narcissist/ someone that tries so hard all the time.
I think what's stopping her is that she can't let go of her past. She says it's because people will keep bringing up her name but I think it's more because everything is still connected to it and she's really holding on to the few followers that stuck around. Even making a video saying she changed, admitting mistakes she made in the past etc would help so much. Of course people will keep bringing it up when she never addresses anything.
No. 409104
>>409081>I wana see Kiki be honest.riiiight
haha Anon be honest, even if she passed a polygraph test (lie detector) in front of your eyes you'd be saying something like she practiced before taking it and that it's easy to pass, lol what's being
honest to you anyway? doing exactly what you say?
No. 409109
>>409104NAYRT but polygraph tests are complete bullshit. There is no way of proving that someone is telling the truth by analysing them.
And you're stupid for thinking every anon here has the same opinion. Contrary as it sounds, we're not a hivemind, lots of anons have very different opinions about the people posted here. Hence all the infighting. Sure, some anons would post what you've said, but that doesn't mean that anon would.
You probably want to calm your stanning down or you're gonna get
>hi kiki'dor banned for WKing.
No. 409113
>>409104LMAO lil sperg attacks again
>>409089No, I didn't mean the actual movement. I meant the cheesy, new age stuff she's into. A couple of my friends are like that and it's all "omg whatever I say will be absorbed by the universe anD thrown back at my life I must only say positive words" etc. IMO Kiki is more into this kind of thing
> I think what's stopping her is that she can't let go of her pastBc of the shit things she did? I don't think anyone would bring that up at this point. Even people who know the whole Sperg-chan deal. It could be bc she was bullied at 2007 and can't get past it since then? Idk some sort of blockage /arm-chair diagnosis
No. 409115
>>409104>>408667For some reason I want to believe Kisara Vera is lil spergie. Likes Kiki + probably knows of lolcows
I known it's dumb and unlikely but,let me have that y'all. Let me have that dream.
No. 409123
What. Sperg-chan was Kiki. She spammed the board with disgusting gore, said nasty vitriolic things about Taylor and whiteknighted herself.
Sperg chan is not someone who hates kiki?
No. 409153
>>409121Oh wow so criticizing anons' opinions and shit now makes you a troll here and jelly of Kiki (wtf isn't that a contradiction?) lol I love that you can't even decide if I was defending her or jelly of her.
SAGE for useles infight
No. 409165
Can we not cannibalize each other and focus on the task at hand:
Kiki clearly needs a graphic designer help
>>409057 and how many offers do y'all think she'll turn down bc she's suspicious it's one of us?
Plus: hey! If you're reading this and is a professional as such, take this opportunity as a further step in your career (farmer or not! A job is a job)
No. 409190
>>409177What!? Like,legitimately offer their designing services or just… between us?
I'm not familiar with such "draw anon" so I'm clueless
No. 409198
>>409190I'd love it if draw anon did a serious piece for her, since we'd all know a ~hater~ did it. But something between us would fucking hilarious too.
Peep at Momokun Cosplay's current thread picture, and thats draw anon's masterpiece. She is a national treasure,
No. 409213
>>409057why just don't ask help to dakota huh?
weren't you guys fancying yourselves as artists and designers and whatnot
No. 409222
>>409212Well this car trip was to go get tacos in a day when Danny Trejo would be there. Get connections Kaka! If Bobby is into cuckhold, that's even better for you two
>>409193I know right!
>>409198I just did! They really are something. Ok now I'm really hoping they can get this.
But part of me doubt it. I cam see Kiki taking note on the exact day and time of this comment
>>409057 and immediate, automatically turning down all the graphic designers that would come up after that.
No. 409228
>>408274That's rich. This comes from a girl who is judging others. Thanks for the share.
>>408275Of course it's different. No sizes vs another country are the same. I admit since the first time I went the people have gotten bigger but that's because of diet and changes with in society. If anything she is seriously very catty and disrespectful. Meh
>>408271Tokyo does many events and they pop up a lot. It's like a trap to keep people in that city.
Seriously thanks for the laugh.
Also, puppet master film looks like they kept it dark to cover the mistakes. Getting little traction outside of few articles and they aren't praising it.
No. 409230
>>409198Would it be OK to hint at draw anon in momokun thread? Like, "hey draw anon, the people from the neighbor thread are talking about your work. Our lolcow is looking for a Web designer"?
Would that be…
Anti-ethical within the realm of lolcow or smthg?
No. 409236
>>409233In my mind: more Kiki success = less emotionalnbreakdowns = more cringy milk
I'm all up for it. I want her to win a fucking Oscar this year.
No. 409295
>>409286>Im sorry when did lolcow become asslicking Stan chat?Uhhhh do you not know anything about the namesake of /pt/? It's okay to not obsessively hate on someone featured here and even hope that they find some level of success and happiness. It comes off as tryhardery, instability, and possibly jealousy, given what most of the people who've accidentally outed themselves as lolcow posters are like, when some anons are unable to accept ANY comment that isn't soaked in hatred. Keep the a-logging in KF and PULL.
>She deserves karma to hit her full force between the eyes not puppies and rainbows.Her entire miserable, failure-ridden life has been karma. If she dies the same person as she used to be then that's one thing, but if she can somehow overcome her problems and learn from her mistakes, then good for her. She deserves the fruits of her labor if so. It's not like she's violent or abusive like many of the cows here.
>>409293>>409294Did senpai notice us?
No. 409297
>>409295Samefagging, but to expand:
If your comments are coming off as Splergchan's were towards Taylor…that's really not a good look.
>>409296Aw, dang. I wonder if she's still visiting lolcow. Probably can't help herself.
No. 409415
>>409081you guys are so fucking weird. kiki only had a moment because she was the most hated girl on myspace because she was a spoiled cunt. not everyone is cut out to be a personality on social media - no one fucking wants her and she's never going to "make it", sudden change in humility or not.
stop it with these weird hopeful fanfics and enjoy her desperate reaches for notoriety LONG expired. she was replaced by her own sister who is spoiled milk ffs.
No. 409417
>>409295when has kiki ever been happy that didn't include her prostituting it online like she was better than everyone else
her fucking mother tweeted the dalai lama for money so she could go to california, these people are fucking idiots and don't understand the concept of "being happy", they need only care about status and appearances otherwise this clearly mentally ill woman would be in treatment not LA pursing an acting career at 25.
No. 409466
>>409415Erm…anon. You do realize these suggestions are made for more milk, right? It isn't some fantasy. All I'm seeing is suggestions that come about due to her failing desperation to get attention. It's like you aren't in on the joke.
No. 409523
>>405136> Heres my period zit> I'm getting my period in a week> posted July 1stDO any of you ever wake up at night and wonder…
Has Kikk gotten her period already?
No. 409551
>>409415>she's never going to "make it", sudden change in humility or not.And pixyteri's never gonna make it to Japan or become a kawaii idoru. Doesn't mean that we can't egg her on and watch her as she tries. Also, this
>>409523What's up with keeks and periods?
No. 409603
>>409595On the video where she mentions her sexual assault, she blames this kind of thing on her rape, and presents a statistics that a large number (I think 80%?) Of women who were sexually assaulted experience this kind of painful periods bc "everything inside just shuts in", according to her.
I'm no professional so I can't debunk nor back her up on that.
No. 409630
>>409603It's probably bullshit.
Kiki believes in a lot of new agey shit, so my guess this would be something along the lines of psychic trauma or that thing idiots believe about water retaining memories. It's good that she hasn't gone down that whole
>Periods are your body expelling toxins from meat/animal products and not actually naturalrabbit hole though
I'm honestly surprised she still has periods, with how skinny she is and the state of her skin and hair. Then again, she does eat a decent amount of fat according to her what I eat vids.
Or maybe she's spoopy and talks about them constantly because she doesn't actually have them kek.
No. 409637
>>409603>>409630Women who have been sexually assaulted are more likely to experience gynaecological symptoms like dysmenorrhea is the only science I've found relating to that statement. Where she got that 80% of women who have been sexually assaulted experience dysmenorrhea I have no idea, I'm not very experienced in searching pubmed though. I doubt there's a study saying that the cause would be that "everything inside just shuts in" anyway..
No. 409650
>>409637Yeah, I guess that this explanation was on her.
When I heard she saying 80% my brain kinda denied that data as truth bc it was so absurd lol
Thanks for the link anon!
>>409630Yeah other anon provided proof but she's pretty new agey so she probably thinks it's the body retaining trauma and she needs to heal etc etc etc.
Like, in her escoliosis video she mentioned the doc saYing "it couldve been caused by a trauma" so she linked the scoliosis to a car accident she had and said she was on a journey to revert "the curve"in her spine… despite it being fucking impossible without surgery /tangent2
Fucking hippies, man.
No. 409654
>>409648Hey! What do you know, one of the causes for vaginismus is sexual assault/abuse and other stuff like hostile home environment, invasive abuse etc That's unpleasant and sad
No. 409673
>>409665OMG literally purge yourself.
I happened to check on vaginismus out of curiosity and the cause of sexual assault (which she has been thru and is being mentioned) was there. And I pointed it out. And then I felt sad.
There is all.
Fucking cunt.
No. 409695
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>>409685Eh, she differs
> he physically attacked me as wellI'm not taking her side or trying to debunk her or anything. That's just a comment she made.
No. 409706
>>409695And I remember back when she made that video a "hater" comment popped up and her reply was posted on PULL (now it's gone), and I remember very clearly she stated there that Danny would rape her brutally, ask how it was and when she didn't respond bc she was crying, he'd angrily kick her out of the bed into the floor and go to sleep while she laid on the ground feeling so much pain. Plus other incidents.
The reason I remember it it's bc it was a very… shocking thing to read (and believe, yes). And very detailed. Maybe someone can find it? It was posted on her old site, which is now gone.
So if anyone can find it, it'd be a charm.
Personal opinion: there's not much we can say to prove or disprove that. I can only say the things she told IN THAT SPECIFIC COMMENT THAT'S NOW DELETED are… not very believable. And lying about something like this, about someone that isn't around is… a shitty behavior. But again it all might be true and I am doubting a girl who was a victim of atrocious abuse.
Please let's try our best to not derail the thread.
I'm saying this bc I've witnessed way too many Kiki threads being derailed bc of "hot topics" like this (Danny, the age thing etc). Let's stay on focus guys.
No. 409707
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>>409706She even added her superburn against the mean hater. JFC
No. 409715
>>409673Dude…take it down a notch.
What the fuck is even going on? You're cancer.
>>409695It is a pretty touchy subject. While I want to give her the benefit of the doubt in this situation, Kiki has made many outrageous claims. You can't blame us for being doubtful when she's spent so long lying about….literally everything.
No. 409781
>>409715> While I want to give her the benefit of the doubt in this situation, Kiki has made many outrageous claimsPretty much what I meant. We don't want to "doubt the victim" but at the same time there are things that simply don't fall together or are doubtful.
The comment she was responding to was a girl saying she experienced domestic violence and to Kiki immediately jump ship and be like "oh yeah I experienced that TOO". It's a bit… weird. It reads as if "no-one could have had more abuse than me, I'm the queen-victim"
No. 409790
>>409735I remember that too.
Two things that also make me doubt her rape story is:
1.) The fact that on her old tumblr, she actually wished rape on someone. Granted, the person was an animal abuser, but the way she said it seemed like she thought it was funny. She even edited that part out of the tumblr post years later after it was pointed out on here. (there's still a screenshot of the original post in one of her old threads)
2.) The fact that she made that hate site about him years after he died. I honestly don't know much about rape victims, but I feel like an actual victim of rape wouldn't want to ever think about their rapist ever again, let alone have tons of pictures of them saved on their computer to make a hate site about them.
No. 409791
>>409790> let alone have tons of pictures of them saved on their computer to make a hate site about themShit I can't think of anyone who would even have random pictures of their ex-bf on their computer. Specially when they're effing dead.
>>409784Yeah but at the same time,she really did cry "for the naive girl" she was before Danny on the video where she talks about her sexual assault so I'm not sure. She really did seem legitimately hurt and I felt sorry for her, even wept a bit at that part… but now I'm wondering if that was faked (far fetched but oh well) lol
No. 409814
>>409706I don't buy it. She didn't start claiming brutal rape until after he was dead, after the "the last person to mess with us ended up dead" comments, and after filing for bankruptcy to avoid being sued for his death. Like I said, if that really did happen, Scott/Cathy/Dakota would have noticed a change in her, they would have pressed charges,
something. Victims of brutal sexual assault don't gradually become more traumatized by it over time while acting like a cocky, arrogant bitch during the time the rape was supposedly happening.
I don't doubt he was probably too rough with her and she didn't like it, but hey. That's why 13-14 year olds shouldn't be having sexual with adults and hernparwnts should have never allowed it to happen.
No. 409820
>>409814That is because you have NO idea of how sexual Trauma works. when she was infatuated with that boy, she probably did not see it has rape, as she matured she realised how badly she got taken advantage off, hence her pain.
The only person at fault here is that sleazypedo that groomed and raped her
No. 409833
>>409814Fully agreed.
>>409820That doesn't make much sense in my head. So she was too infatuated to feel pain but once they break up "oh shit only now that's he's dead I realize I was brutally raped". I know sexual trauma can happen in various forms but this… doesn't make sense.
Like the other anon said, yeah it was trauma bc she was too young to know better and yes, he was a pedo creep, but she started stretching the narrative once he was dead.
No. 409837
>>409820P. sure her parents were at fault too, since they lied about her age
and let him move in with their underage daughter, and he didn't find out she was 14 until after he was there. Plus Cathy was collecting their used condoms as 'proof' of their relationship for the haterz. None of them started shittalking Danny and calling him a rapist, pedophile who 'groomed' her until they broke up, and even then Kiki didn't start calling him a rapist until much later when she dropped her MySpace persona and started being a ~love and light~ victim of literally everything. If anything, her parents are the pedos, since they were the ones going along with her lying about her age to Danny and letting an adult live in their 14 year old's bedroom.
No. 409841
File: 1499878771008.png (8.03 KB, 715x107, 1412366362143.png)

>>409706Oh-Kay not the deleted post that was mentioned, but here's a screenshow from her first thread here. Its a comment she did on things Danny (supposedly) pulled, right after she uploaded the video talking about sexual assault on her channel
No. 409892
>>409863I never said in this thread it wasnot sexual assault (tho there are people in this thread who may disagree) but my point here
>>409841>>409695>>409706Is that she stretched the thing into a very dramatic narrative, which is unnecessary.
Like "statutory rape sounds too light. I gotta be the victim of victims. Oh, that person commented she suffered domestic violence? Well, so did I. Can't lose that victim card. Also it was brutal, scene move rape where he'd climb into my window while I was asleep. Yeah. That's my story now that he's dead"
No. 409929
>>409927Yes, it actually does. It contradicts most of the things said about this whole thing - the hot stuff in the case is that he started living with Kiki's family.
tl;dr she indeed lied there for extra victim points. Not that any of it matters IMO. this comment is related to the video she made on sexual assault 2 years ago, after all. But its smthg to keep in mind whenever she tells a sob story. Ever.
No. 409947
>>409930> It also implies she was raped because he coerced her until she gave in when she didn't want toI think that's pretty much what Kiki herself says on her sexual assault video. That he'd smooth her, her parents and always pull the "if you love me,you'll do this" etc.
It baffles me how there was absolute no need for her to sprinkle it with false claims.
No. 410026
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No. 410201
File: 1499955726869.png (96.22 KB, 540x554, Screenshot_2017-07-13-11-20-29…)

>>410188Yes she did but now it depends on:
> whether he'll be able to put up with her shit> if she expects him to not charge anything bc famous (she comes off as entitled as that)Either way, even if by this guy manages to get around her attitude and work with her, she's intrinsically lazy with her videos so my bet is no. He could deliver his work to her TODAy and she would still take her long-ass time to put out anything new IMO
No. 410204
>>409654>>409665Vaginismus and period cramps have literally nothing to do with each other. Period cramps are from the uterus and hormonal changes, discarded tissue and so on.
Vaginismus is connected to the muscles in the vagina.
Vaginismus can have to do with sexual violence, but there are a lot women who just have it out of spite. a friend of mine has it and she never experienced any kind of sexual violence.
A connection between period cramps and sexual violence… let's just say: how many women have period cramps and how many experienced sexual violence?
You could just go ahead and say being brunette and having period cramps is connected and if you look deep enough or collect data long enough you could find a statistically valid connection.
tl;dr: I call bullshit.
No. 410207
>>409825fully agree on this one.
I dont really like all of this "rape or not" discussion… but she just doesnt make any sense at all.
No. 410232
>>410211It's still a dick move imo. I understand it but still a dick move.
>>410207>I dont really like all of this "rape or not" discussion… but she just doesnt make any sense at all
100% agreed
>>410204Nice input. Yeah, I think many anon are somewhat uneasy to call out her BS on this matter bc the statutory rape was real and a touchy subject anywhete
No. 410288
>>410188I used to be a drawfag in the ~~tumblr truth blog~~ days and if I still remembered the password to the email I used, I would totally contact her about this kek
Sage for blogspot and no1curr
No. 410324
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>>410288and now that kiki knows, she'll ditch your offer.
No. 410351
>>409081I agree too, I find kiki very pretty, she has a pretty face and a pretty body and the clothes style she wears fit her fine, thing is she's so annoying and has such a shitty personality it makes her look ugly and unappealing.
I always think of kiki and kota with this part of mean girls when regina george tells lindsay lohan one of her friends should be the most popular in school but she isn't because she's too slutty, same goes for this two, kiki should be the most popular because she make videos who are actually fun to watch and doesn't photoshop her entire body BUT she ruined everything being the crazy bitch she is, such a shame
No. 410356
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>>410351Oh boy here we go
No. 410383
>>410379Both she
and her parents lied about her being older specifically so she could have a sexual relationship with him. Her parents moved him into to their house and let him sleep in her room. It's only """rape""" because of the age difference being illegal.
If you want to be super technical, Kiki's parents are as much at fault as Danny for the alleged rape. Shouldn't they be facing charges for that, then? If it was soo traumatic for her and has effected her so much to this day, her parents should be held legally responsible for child endangerment, since they obviously knew they were having sex, and since Kiki was such a wittle helpless baby at the time who
clearly don't know any better.
No. 410386
>>410383This!!! I recall her parents lying about her age and letting him stay in their house. Cathy and Scott should have equal amount of blame. Who the fuck let's a 17/18 year old stay with their 14/15.
It's some bullshit Kiki lies about him staying at their house, saying he brutally raped her.
No. 410395
>>410383> It's only """rape""" because of the age difference being illegal. This. Thank you
>>410394>>410379> "little kid"> " what kind of person at that age is mentally sound enough to understand what's going on"She was 14, not 4.
No. 410410
>>410383>All that shit and lies by you Do you read what you say? You are way worse than any of her mistakes if you are going to make excuses for his acts and the fact that she was manipulated as A KID. Do you think she knew what was going on and that she was being manipulated? Do you think a kid her age having sex is normal and that it's not "rape" just because she said "yes" after that man manipulated her to do so?
So yes I agree, you are disgusting af.
No. 410437
>>410429It's important to avoid lies anon.
No. 410459
>>410417>>410437Please see
>>409706>>409841Not to mention
>>409685>>409833>>409814>>409867>>409892>>409930It's been said through the thread, fucking keep up anon.
No. 410471
>>410459You clearly don't know about the topic so stop talking as if you were fucking Elliot Stabler, you random internet bitch with a hate boner.
Stop discussing old drama, more than one anon are telling you how fucked up that is, so
fucking keep up anon.(whiteknighting) No. 410505
>>410395ok but really what kind of 18 year old wants to fuck a 7th or 8th grader. 14 might not be 4 but it's still a vulnerable age
>>410415ia you're not supposed to let your kids walk all over you but saving the condoms is really odd to me and her mom seems to live vicariously through her, but yeah basically just terrible ass parenting
No. 410524
>>410479Yeah, because a 13 yr old child and an 18 yr old man having sex is totally normal and consensual, she totally knew what she was doing, i mean are you fucking serious??
I dont really like Kiki but you are literally condoning pedophilia and grooming..
No. 410531
>>410524>>410505Get over yourselves 14 is not a vulnerable age if you had the avg upbringing every "normal" kid has had
Also I'd like to remind y'all that whIle Kiki was 14 Danny was 16. That's a 2 years difference between 2 teenagers. You have the nerve to call that pedophilia and grooming? The guy was a creep, no doubt about it but he wasn't a pedo.
He was as much of a "vulnerable kid" as she was, if you're gonna treat every single human being under the age of 18 as if they are kids who don't know any better
>>410479Pretty much that
Admin did mention not fighting with each other but fuck is it hard.
>>410528IMO it's because she's probably going thru what she is going to say, what she should say to come off a certain way, etc.
No. 410683
File: 1500042421982.jpg (276 KB, 500x819, IMG_7047.JPG)

>>410524Her parents were the only "groomers"-"pedophiles" imho. Who else takes pictures of their 13 year old looking like this and puts them online? Not to mention, when Dakota was 16 she was taking of pics of her with her fake cleavage popping out and her legs spread on beds and tagging her videos with "sexy doll" and other similar tags that pedos search for. The Ostrenga family has a long history of sexualizing their young teen girls.
>>410531>He was as much of a "vulnerable kid" as she was, if you're gonna treat every single human being under the age of 18 as if they are kids who don't know any better Thank you anon.
In some countries it wouldn't have even been illegal. And I'm not talking about Japan or shithole third world countries, there are plenty of places in Europe with low age of consent laws - In austria, Italy and Germany this would have been perfectly fine. By saying this shit is always fucked up no matter what you're basically saying everyone in those countries is either a paedo or was irreparably fucked up by having sex before the age of eighteen.
>>410694Nooo… she wouldn't be this stupid… not after the shit that went down. C'mon. She can't be that stupid. I refuse to believe she'd ever come back to sperg and defend herself on her threads here.
Besides you have a Q&A video to film Kiki! Chop chop.
No. 410716
>>410703>C'mon. She can't be that stupid.But she is. I remember even after we found her kirleios profile, she still kept putting pictures/info on her dating profiles that made it easy to find her/figure out it was her.
No. 410735
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I know it's an old vid, but this still made me laugh.
>you cornkernel ogre footed whale
(Also this recipe video is 7:29 and about 5:40 of it is Kiki's face as she lies in bed)
No. 410737
File: 1500056012269.png (36.55 KB, 540x158, Screenshot_2017-07-14-15-13-11…)

> It's a friday
> "can't film Q&A tomorrow bc of a sunburn so no Q&A this week"
No. 410738
File: 1500056082771.png (267.59 KB, 540x535, Screenshot_2017-07-14-15-12-54…)

>>410737Bitch it's not even THAT bad and you actually cute
You had the other days of the week to do that shit you incompetent moron
No. 410742
>>410738In b4 'hey Kaka' but damn she actually looks 3 or 4 years younger without that damn winged eyeliner. Still no fixing the fivehead though.
But yeah, once again she leaves everything to the last minute. She's not pretending to be making films any more and admitted she was just lounging around so this really is the shittiest of excuses.
No. 410747
>>410742> In b4 'hey Kaka' but damn she actually looks 3 or 4 years younger without that damn winged eyelinerShe actually does. Plus the "major"sunburn she mentions in the video helps.
>She's not pretending to be making films any more and admitted she was just lounging aroundExactly. Also damn just get somewhere with good lightning to conceal your sunburn aka a slightly blushed complexion in comparison with your "normal" self and you're good to go. Your own laziness is stopping you. Plus saying she went to the beach 2 days in a row instead of filming and deciding that instead she'll just scrape some random shit she filmed and upload is such a bad move.
I compare it with a Taylor's Q&A I watched (gonna get shit for it bur idc). Taylor basically comes back home after a day walking around the city puts on sweatpants and just answers the fucking questions. Then edits and uploads it in the very next day.
See, Kiki. That's why she has 500k subs in despite of the boring-ass content.
No. 410748
>>410742Yeah she actually looks good with little make up, her hair also doesn't look greasy and gross. Maybe its the color that the "sunburn" is giving to her face, doesn't make her look like a dead zombie
What is happening.
No. 410777
>>410748Idk why everyone is hyping her sunburn but lmao when you look so bad a sunburn helps?? I agree, the burn adds color/life in her face, I think it helps make her face also look less flat by showing dimension where the sun hit.
But why does a girl who follows Asian culture and grew up in Florida not know how to correctly apply fucking sunscreen
No. 410789
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>>410737She changed it
I have no idea what she means by boobster. Either way, just making up another excuse for her own laziness instead of admitting she was lounging instead of making content like
>>410742 mentioned
No. 410793
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The dak0lei account white knighting axis termination just screams Kiki running this account for self ass pats.
No. 410827
>>410789boobster=pet name for bobby I guess?
>>410793idk about you guys but all I see in that dakolei profile pic is kaka with a shortened forehead /tinfoil
No. 410849
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>>410830mte and the complaints that people are making aren't even about kaka's movie. they're about the look for the movie that's not in the axis arc because this is what they're going for? looks like michael jackson tbh. it has nothing to do with kaka or the movie she's in lmao. stop defending everything so hardcore kaka. not every criticism is a direct reflection on you and a little criticism is good now and then.
>after 30 years do they expect everything to stay the same?yes. it's called staying on brand, honey. dak0lei loves kaka, koots, is going vegan, and also is a big puppet master fan? smells like fish in here.
No. 410860
>>410852Not "confirmed" mostly like people thinking this and that
And now wth this specific mini rant? Yeah. Totes Kiki. Embarrassing.
No. 410864
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Imagine running a fan account to post these kind of shit about yourself.
It's cute she put the sentence in Spanish to not make it look like it was her running this page (jfc Kiki does "speak Spanish so, there's that)
No. 410870
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>>410789Why am I led to believe she has jackshit material to put up together for a video tomorrow so she pulls this out of her ass now?
>New video: I read some of your favourite poems! No. 410978
>>410864fucking lol
I'm glad someone else noticed this. Also in the grocery pic there are a lot of labels in spanish. Trying too hard huh?
At least this time she tried to emulate colloquial spanish/make it less google translate-ish, I give her that.
No. 411050
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>marimoon>famous brazilian cow>mfw a brazilian cow comments on Kiki's videoSage for autismo, but damn, cow collision is pretty common, I just wasn't expecting an international one.
>lowkey wish they could collab and see who's the most attention hungry vegan princess No. 411191
>>411136She's still more relevant than Kiki, though, getting sponsored to be a "travel blogger" of sorts. A collab between them would do wonders for keeks…
Speaking of which
Video ~today~ right? Yeah. Right.
No. 411209
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>>410870Oh my God
> Why am I led to believe she has jackshit material to put up together for a video tomorrow so she pulls this out of her ass now? I think thats actually right…?
No. 411282
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No. 411291
Makeup or not
Sevenhead or not
Long eyelashes or not
…Still can't upload a fucking video (lol sorry I can't get past that. It's the third time in a row she does this and this time it's even worse bc she's using a suburn as an excuse)
No. 411362
>>411334She is so….fucking strange. I only watched through because the footage made me nostalgic for my own japan trip a year ago, but damn I'm surprised she included clips of her looking so…witchy?? Why do her and Kota have such a semblance to witches? I guess it's the nose and sunken eyes.,,gives me the heebie jeebies…
But also yeah wtf is with the coco Rosie accent?? That's the only thing I can think of that sounds as try hard and stupid as she did lol
No. 411372
>>411371Yeah, they're pretty obvious even in that poor lighting.
I guess she's not hiding them in her videos any more since they were shown in that Daisy crapfest.
No. 411378
>>411334I respect that she "censored" Taku but it was probably more out of spite than anything. I think it's weird she used any footage with him in it.
I am curious what happened between her and Taku that ultimately led to the downfall of that relationship. Seemed like she was super set on marrying him.
No. 411381
>>411358I kinda want someone to ask her too.
I want to hear Kaka's story time while she be's all dramatic and extra about shit that either didn't happen or wasn't that big of a deal.
No. 411405
>>411378That footage choice was obviously to stir some curiosity from viewers who don't know the whole thing… and maybe some ass pats bc "omg u have long princess hair boohoo"
Part of me doubts she'd address it. It's like the yt stuff. "Should I come back to yt???" "Should I talk about my emotional time in Japan? "
She'll milk it until she has no choice left to get attention but to makeup some sobby story about her short stay Japan. It'll take a long while.
No. 411432
>>411371>>411372Tinfoil time, but maybe she cut in Japan? Maybe that's why Japan was ~emotional~? Maybe something to deal with Taku?
>>411191>>411136Yeah, she's a total has-been, but I still found it funny lmao
polite sage
No. 411465
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Yah the problem is the day of the week not your own incompetence to get shit done
No. 411466
>>411465How the fuck does the day matter? Prepare the video any day of the week (or even, shock horror, several videos), when you have time then release it
when you promised. Fucking excuse after excuse with this idiot.
No. 411476
>>411466Just wait for the Twitter poll on a fucking wednesday: "would you guys want me to upload on Thursday or Saturday? ><
No. 411489
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>>411378>>411486Whatever the truth is, if she does make a video I can see her saying the haturzz were one of the main causes of their break-up.
Pic related: sperg-chan on Taku
No. 411492
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>>411489Samefag but this is a better example
No. 411519
>>411502They're not fresh cuts though. They're scars, the same as in the Daisy short. I think they're from the breakup with Jake Wolf. She was streaming around that time with cuts on her arm.
The more and more I watch this girl she reminds me of Jenny Schecter.
No. 411530
>>411334The accent, the shitty old footage circa Taco, the prostitute lookin outfits, the attention whoring topkek
Wouldn't be surprised if this footage was meant to be used for a YT video back when she was claiming to get married to Taco. Just that now she repurposed it.
No. 411532
>>411519Jake wolf!
Ok old news but I watched that vlog a while ago and she mentions shitty ex-bf hitting oh her and it's "J (ex-bf)" and I think it is Jake Wolf. As far as I remember he was her last bf before she quit the MySpace scene fashion and oh boy was that a messy breakup
I also remember she tweeted she ended her jewelry store bc of a major breakup (again, jake).
No. 411533
>>411532Samefagging but I just want to apologize for posting such old news. A part of me really wants her to address her relationship with Jake and Taku too
Either way. Nvm. Go on. ignore the retro Kiki drama
No. 411581
>>411563Yeah but I sense a different vibe. Like, she was happy and optimistic (like "damn I'm sure gonna go viral like Dakota did!")
Also she wasn't so… emaciated.
No. 411665
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Where's the sunburn? Who's driving IF BObby left for Japan?
No. 411666
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>>411665Then she posted it
I rather believe it's from the very two intense days on the beach before Bobby left. Both that and the video in the car.
I,I really wanna believe. She can't be that stupid.
No. 411697
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TF you talking about you ain't no ginger
No. 411916
>>411724the gf sounds like a psychopath unwilling to admit "her man" is just a gross fucking creep. i know kiki probably just projected the whole thing but it's the dude's fault.
i know this is "wrong" but i just feel bad for her now. after her sperg episode, confirmed self harm all over her arms, emaciation, deluded filming of herself, and not being able to meet any self created deadlines her homeschooling is showing and a lot of obvious signs of unmedicated mental illness. it just sucks that she's hellbent on fraud naturopathy and being a perpetual victim because if she just
tried an anti-psychotic she'd probably feel and function a lot better.
sorry i just have some feelings about her situation because she doesn't seem to be hurting anyone anymore, just herself very publicly. LA is the last place for her i don't know what the fuck she's doing.
No. 411920
>>411916> i just have some feelings about her situation because she doesn't seem to be hurting anyone anymore, just herself very publiclySame. Idk I really wouldnot like to live a day in her shoes or live inside her head.
She's not being as cringy or braggy as before. Shes just being very embarrassing… and somewhat sad.
Idk. She slowly went from being my favourite lolcow to "I pity her".
No. 412072
>>411334jfc if this poetry reading is supposed to be demonstrative of her acting ability, it's no wonder they didn't give her any lines in Daisy. tbh she should have gone the clothes-horse route if she wanted to get into the entertainment industry. she doesn't have the personality to be a vlogger or the talent to be a professional actress.
also her poetry choices are really weird. the owl and the pussycat? that's a fucking kid's book, not 'poetry'.
No. 412073
>>412072The first choice for poetry made me roll my eyes to the back of my head - of course it was about being hated on and having ppl blaming shit on you while you're 100% innocent for everything.
The owl and the pussycat was there bc ~kittens in Japan omg~ footage. I'm amazed she didn't choose a Dr Seuss one
No. 412092
>>412073owl & the pussycat is strangely appropriate i guess since she seems to have an obsession with getting hitched asap.
don't worry, she'll butcher seuss soon.
also someone posted this article on fb earlier today and I couldn't help but think of Kiki
>They call themselves lightworkers, but are easily offended, and refuse to deal with the "negativity" in the world, only surrounding themselves with those who buy into the cult of positivityyou mean like blocking anyone who comments anything except glowing praise for you?
>And how pretentious is it to call yourself a lightworker? Are you trying to attract a mindless cult?now there's a thought.
i seriously miss the full-on-new-age-bullshit kiki with all her giant fucking magical rocks and all-white wardrobe and angel accessories. someone should ask her to talk about her ~spiritual beliefs~ next video.
No. 412119
>>412092This "lightworkers" Shit screams Kiki a lot. Apparently Cathy's into that too, what with her and Dakota and their brother being "indigo kids" or whatever
But tbh I think she won't go back to that bc she realised it won't attract attention from followers and she was the only person retarded enough to think those huge bracelets with stones on them looked ANY good
No. 412194
>>411334I actually didn't mind this video, though I didn't have the sound high enough to listen to the poetry… haha. I'm glad she isn't worrying too much now about presenting herself as perfectly as before, some of those shots were not forgiving of her face.
I don't know why she used so much footage of Taku, I guess maybe he was in 90% of what she filmed. I'm assuming he just used her, and that's why it was "emotional" for her, cause you know, white girl in Japan, plus I think they went around to a few hotels. Just my guess, though.
No. 413424
>>411973Yeah. It just adds up that was her. Plus the typing pattern is the same as Sperg-chan's aka Kiki
>>412344Yeah I wonder too? Apparently Taku even took her to meet his family which is a big deal in Japan
No. 413558
Video tomorrow amerite?
No. 413754
>>411973>>413424I feel like it was probably too long ago for them to confirm it. I remember we speculated about it being her when it was announced that she was sperg chan and a farmhand just said that they weren't ready to confirm or deny it and wanted to make sure it was definitely her before saying it's her.
But yeah, it's definitely her. No one on here would sperg out on someone directly giving us milk no matter how much they hated them/disagreed with them.
No. 414066
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>>413909Apparently it's coming. In the video she says she's still a bit sunburnt. Imma get the tinfoil hat and just say I think the sunburn wasn't for real at all. Never existed.
No. 414069
File: 1500591984294.png (425.87 KB, 931x595, Screen Shot 2017-07-21 at 00.0…)

Q & A up tonight, apparently. Who the fuck is still sunburnt after 6 days? (unless it's like a second degree burn, which this clearly wasn't)
Yet more excuses but she lacks the imagination to even come up with a new one.
No. 414079
she doesnt even look red
No. 414083
>>414079Dude what?
>>410737 anon you ok?
No. 414085
>>414079Oops it was this one
>>410738Anon seriously your tinfoil is REALLY stupid
No. 414094
>>414089No, wtf, it happens and that's not a
tiny amount of red, it depends a lot on your skin type and you don't know how long she was exposed to the sun even AFTER she went to the beach, I'm not going to lie for you sorry and seriously this is a really stupid thing to nitpick about.
No. 414113
>>414094Hey tinfoil anon here.
It's ok tho. Think whatever you want, but I wouldn't put it past her to fake smthg like this. Usually when you sunburn it leaves a weird mark, like sunglasses' or if you don't wear it, it burns kinda weirdly around the eyes. In her first "sunburn" instavideo none of it happened. It literally looked like overdone blush on her cheeks and a bit on the forehead.
> that's not a tiny amount of redIt is tho. In both instavideos she posted.
Either way. Whatever. I sense we'll have a bigger influx of milk from this Q&A. I sense drama, self-victimization and professional narcissism.
My expectations are sky high Kiki. Dun let us down.
No. 414159
>>414138It's not derailing bc this shit actually has to do with the referenced lolcow. Also most of us
>>414113>>414094>>414089>>414079saged the posts even when it was on topic
So farmlands are gonna start dictating what we can or cannot discuss about the cows? Like, if they're faking a sunburn (or not) bc they're an incompetent moron who can't post a Q&A video when it's promised?
No. 414210
>>414159There's no point in saying "tinfoil time" if you already decided that you're right and she's lying. There's no
discussion, just a tinfoil.
Sage for pointless.
No. 414222
>>414210Tinfoil hat is a recurring thing, specially when it's a theory. Plus I wasn't the only one making this assumption. Get over it.
>>414219>Why would she announce a schedule for her videos if she's not going to stick to it??? Not only that but she changed the schedule and has been hyping up the shit out of her followers for the comeback. Don't get your following expectations so high. Plus it seems to be recurrent of her to film shit two days before the schedule and she's basically setting herself up to failure. Lazy af.
About this Q&A, I scrolled thru the questions and yes, there were dumb questions like "what's your favourite crystal" but there was also a lot of people asking how she found out "acting was her passion", about Japan and if she was done with music, how she makes money and if it's hard getting jobs. Imagine the preparation she's doing to dance around the questions or trying to make up lies, not being contradictory, making herself sound hollier-than-thou… no wonder she postponed this one video for a week
No. 414356
>>414319> instavideo hyping followers to stay tuned for the q&a videa she postponed for mundane reasons > lolcow makes fun of her for being lazy and says she's probably going to dance around the questions and not answer them> Kiki baahletes instavideo as if nothing happened Either she really is that much of a letdown as youtuber or
We were right about this Q&A being all bull and she freaked out
LOL Kiki. I actually thought you were serious this time.
No. 414365
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No. 414368
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>>414366> Why did you leave JapanIdk what's worse for her to respond: this one or "what does it feel like having a famous sister"
No. 414374
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>>414372And this
Yeah just some questions she'd need to either dodge or try really hard to answer while simultaneously victimizing herself and making it look her acting career is going SWELL
No. 414542

>>414530Yeah this is just even more fucking unprofessional and I'm so mad she spent so much time "away from the internet" (sperging about girl she's insanely jealous of, not getting therapy, not treating her eating disorder) and didn't learn how to
respect your fucking fans, holy shit you should be so thankful those idiots still even exist you dumb bitch. If she just made a video apologizing about the schedule, that "work came up", and made a video answering real questions with real answers she may actually even gain fans. Look, everyone with a freelance job can fuck up - if you have a boss, yeah you can pass things in on a deadline but it may not be your best, so freelance
can allow you to extend a deadline slightly but only if you over-deliver. There has to be a damn good reason, or you're a slob and no one will put up with that very long. Her only excuse is mental illness, which we all know she has but won't admit, so she's fucked.
People have fans because they're vulnerable and relatable. This isn't Myspace, it's not about being ironically egotistical. Video related bc it's just funny, even these girls Kiki wishes she were at the time (Audrey Kitching and her puppet Zui) came out with hella content on time. Even though they were just photoshoots and, at the time, on-trend branding, they still went full force. Kiki could easily do a bunch of photoshoots to illustrate her brand, she's in LA, and maybe if she made some
girl friends they could help her with her style. With all the time she has to lurk I don't get it. Hell, she could just go to f21 or missguided and just buy everything white. I can't with her.
Kiki no one gives a fuck, and it's all your fault because you at one point had most of the internet looking at you and you failed to do even the bare minimum to keep them. You have to be honest and start to
actually work or fuck off.
Apologies for the rant, I work on my own schedule and you can't do shit like this so it's just a shitshow to watch. I probably get more angry just so I don't let myself get like that - do any other anon relate to that? Why do you stick around for this?
No. 414552
>>414542My exact thoughts. Damn. I can relate to that - and also bc
I was hyped up for that video, I can't even fathom what one of her actual retarded fans that sticked around would feel like. If she doesn't apologize her ass off I think even these poor bastards who are actual fans will give up on her
No. 414700
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>>414552>>414542>>414552wHY are people talking like she has actual fans? like at this point in history do any social media people get anything out of it other than sponsorship if they are lucky, or people spending a micro-second of the day scrolling past their photos like 'that's cute'. That's how sad these people are; they're striving for fleeting, half-hearted envy from people. No one actually authentically gives a fuck anymore about being part of the narcissistic rage machine that our social technology has become.
No. 414720
>>414700many people with a decent amount of following can be said to have fans. Specially if they're/have been a youtuber/blogger of sorts. The people that sent questions to Kiki probably were expecting some content from her, specially when she promised it'd be delivered at a certain day and time. Not necessarily fans but you know… viewers. People she supposedly wanted to "inspire" somehow.
> like at this point in history do any social media people get anything out of it other than sponsorship if they are lucky, or people spending a micro-second of the day scrolling past their photos like 'that's cute'>No one actually authentically gives a fuck anymore about being part of the narcissistic rage machine that our social technology has become.You actually sound pretty upset about it, are you ok? I don't wanna "hi kaka"you but that's smthg she'd actually say (JUST SAYING).
>>414663Not that anon but do you even KNOW in what website you are? ? HAVE YOU taken a look around???
No. 414748
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>>410789She changed it back btw
No. 415086
>>415081my exact thoughts. Your welcome for the excuse you couldn't come up, Kiki.
> Could've posted the night before to tell people that instead of leaving them waiting.If she was more considerate towards her viewers, maybe there would be more people caring.
But yeah, once again she promised "video up tonight" (yesterday) and delivered nothing.
No. 415155
>>415070Ok. So a heads up, she conveniently deleted the instagram post telling people to send her questions for the q&a, after anon posted some of the questions that were made.
I think the real reason it isn't up yet is bc she be hitting f5 on lolcow 24/7. That's the job that's taking all her time.
Color me surprised if she post some sobby story on how haters hijacked her Q&A and now she's quitting Yt again bc harassment.
No. 415177
File: 1500843068316.png (234.05 KB, 540x638, Screenshot_2017-07-23-17-50-01…)

>>415070Oh no anon now the fault is at the Internet speed. She's been trying to upload since Thursday.
No. 415178
>>415177How can she expect anyone to believe this (besides the one or two super gullible stans she has left)?
Even if it was by some chance legitimate she has lied so many times that no-one will believe her, yet her total delusion lives on.
No. 415179
>>415178Even worse is that shes digging her own grave bc:
- didn't mention it since thursday, instead just deleted the video where she promised the video to be up Thursday night
- came up with a work excuse on her stories yesterday and said it'd be up yesterday night
- changed the tune again
No. 415224
>>415220Yeah. There'll be a part two apparently.
The Taku question was the one she answered most "clearly" the other ones were all rambling
> how did you find acting was your passion? Are you done with music?She proceeds to ramble about always wanting to be an actress. Doesn't respond to the second part. Throws in some "people are hurting me bc they hurt I know that bc I act and I can put myself in their shoes I'm so compassionate" speech with watery eyes and shit.
> unrelated video game rambling> boring question about eating and music> final question, answers about not letting your traumas become your trigger, let go of the past blah blah (yeah sure you are)> "people send me emails saying they want to see more of me and not of museums so I'm doing videos showing my face more to bless your shitty lives"The 2nd part better be good Kiki. This was boring af.
Where ur major sunburn at?
No. 415226
>>415221Yeah I recognize the mirror in the background from her Lil kitten shoots but meh. Maybe she just brought them.
>>415222She forgot it's not adulting if it's bobby paying all the bills. It's just not living under mommy and daddy's roof (at the age of 24)
No. 415230
>>415220pretty sure she meant HER big secret.
i assumed Taku had no idea about her internet infamy and it must have been a nasty surprise if he possibly got contacted by a pulltard telling him all kinds of shit. I'm pretty sure they discussed doing that. Maybe he argued with her and she got really offended/emotional that he didn't understand the situation and that led to a bad breakup.
No. 415233
>>415229Nah it's normal. Me too, fam.
>>415230Yeah but you can't make it look like it was smthg withher right? Remember how someone called it she'd spin the situation in her favor to make Taku seem bad?
No. 415250
>>415225Which is interesting, considering one of her excuses for the lack of videos was that she had to keep moving because she was a speshul snowflake. A tiny part of me wanted to believe that she did have to move because it's such a fucking dumb, privileged excuse for not going through the horrendous stress and hours of work of uploading a goddamn Youtube video.
She never changes.
No. 415259
>>415251Oh yeah an opportunity to pay 5k to be in a f-rated horror movie never showed up. That's why she spent +5 years focusing on making a career on music.
If that was such a burning passion, she'd have focused on it from the beginning, in LA or not, that's my point.
I can't calm down bc it doesn't make any fucking sense No. 415276
>>415224>We've all been through things. Whether we choose to acknowledge that or accept that, you know, that's dependent on how aware and open and how compassionate you are. many fucking ridiculous statements in this video that I can't even mention them all. Claiming she ever lived alone in Japan or acting like a 20-something moving out is a big deal and she wants people's opinions on it or pretending she doesn't hold on to things because the 'past traumas' become
triggers. Girl, that's your whole life.
>heyaaa sup umumumummm I posted on the Instagramzz>hot diggity>bad Jenna Marbles impressionPlease join 2017 with the rest of us, Kiki.
No. 415280
>>415224God she's so fucking annoying with the way she answered the Taku question. She should've just left it alone or not mentioned it at all. I'm sick of the way every single breakup is predictably someone else's fault too. Growth is a person who can admit their faults in things as well. Dumb cunt.
>>415249Yeah it's really odd that someone who wanted to act at 4 and by her own claims was going to college at 14. That means she was in college for almost as long as she was in her primary education lmao ok Keeks. College would've given her more opportunities to network and connect with other theater kids besides those few plays on her resume. She didn't have to go to LA for this kind of work. She's a dumbass.
No. 415290
>>415276>Claiming she ever lived alone in Japan"The first time I lived in Japan I lived alone, the second time I was with this guy I dated"
bitch the first time your dad had to fly over with you and you didn't live there - it was a tourist visit
No. 415296
>>415224Sooo she took the Taku trauma "
trigger" out on Taylor ? I wonder if this is what crossed her mind while talking about holding in emotions..
Also that "pretty big secrete" was probably finding out they weren't actually dating, and having him asking her to leave. I thought she only stayed in Japan for a couple of weeks though ? Thus why she stole images off the net to post ?
>>415225Maybe, it lowkey looks like the room Kooter's did her really old clothing videos in.. Just from a different side/angle.
No. 415334
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>>415239She is very oblong but idk she's been looking… healthier/glowy? Not haggard like when she was in Japan/with Taku for example.
No. 415366
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"Dislikes? In my video? Could it be due to my boring content and lateness to upload when I said I'd and then lie my ass off? Nope. Must be 1-2 jealous haters with their fake accounts"
No. 415373
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>>415334GOOD LORD
I knew she reminded me of someone. Gisele Bundchen! The Brad's wife/model.
Yeah. I'm gonna get a lot of shit for that and many hi-Kiki's but that nose and lips does it for me
(You're welcome btw kiki)
No. 415379
>>415311>a few days because she wore 3 outfits and we have a picture or video of each thing she did which isn't much.. No, anon, she doesn't document everything she does, it's actually difficult to make an accurate timeline out of a few instagram posts that weren't even
real time, Keeks has this tendency to take pictures and videos just to post them weeks or days later, that material posted in different days could also be from one single day (first at morning, then at night).
I think she did stay with that guy for a couple of months and then something happened, not sure what, but I thought something similar to this anon
>>415230 ..idk maybe..?
>>415373Lol now I see it too.
No. 415461
>>415373I see it a little bit but gisele has actually proportionate features. but tbh i dont find her face that interesting, i think if kiki didnt have the 7-head she'd be better looking.
we can only dream i guess
No. 415465
>>415366>>415379I think it was more like a month. At the time we where documenting it, keeping an eye on the times she was posting etc and It was about a month until the content turned to stolen reposted I ages from google of china or whatever.
Obvs there's no way to really tell, but I don't think kaka has much money for an ellaborate wardrobe so her wearing 3 or so outfits over a month isn't such a reach.
No. 415475
>>415379Yea, I recall something like that happening. I'm pretty sure the person came here to gloat about it and posted screen shots of his worldfriends profile ?? ( can't remember if was what they found him on or w.e ). I also think either Kaka or that person ( don't remember which )said they showed up to his restaurant/ posted the location.
Knowing all that I really wouldn't blame the dude for breaking it off. Being both physically and cyber stalked over some foreign chick ain't worth it. Plus if he saw the nasty comments about his appearance and work, I'd be pretty pissed too. To top that all off she played it off like she was the only victim, and now seeing this video " He had a pretty huge secrete which ruined the relationship" .. Now she's blaming him ? and making it out to sound like everything was his fault ?
what a cunt.
No. 415478
>>415461I agree. But if you compare this video to older ones, she improved a bit - got some color, eye makeup doesn't look so heavy/ageing and eyebrows are somewhat acceptable.
She just won't get rid of that flat ass hair or the kindergarten clothes, but oh well. I see her taking notes from here.
No. 415483
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>>415224>I lived in Japan for a little bit>I was studying overseasgirl, you were on holiday for a couple of weeks
No. 415484
>>415475-samefag/to add on to this
If someone has the patiences to go back thru the Kiki threads you could easily find out the exact date she left, because if I recall Dakota outed Kiki by tweeting about it. After that Kaka just kept posting throw backs and stolen pictures.
No. 415499
>>415483I think the second time she did spend a while, bc she was doing a course of sorts at Temple University or whatever (at least is what I read here/PULL). But it was what? 3 months?
And yeah, the first time she did go on vacations (and trying to make it there, distributing her mix tapes or whatever, she even went on a radio?)
No. 415524
>>415519> Then the third time she went she played it off as if she was moving permanently because her abd taku had plans to marry> She was clearly becoming unhinged at this point imoThat's right. It was kinda at the same time (before?) she'd post multiple seconds-long videos of herself and Taku together (him dsncing shirtless etc) and then went on a delete spree/twitter meltdown bc people here said he was an uggo or whatever.
I remember people here doubted it bc it'd be… kind of outlandish/expensive to fly back and forth from Japan to FL and the back.
No. 415526
>>415500No Dakota was into modeling since ever. I think even Charms said smthg about it - that she had no backup plans in case she didn't become a model.
As for Kiki, she'll jump into anything that grabs attention. Though I remember their "kickstarter" video with Kiki bragging about how they brought their classroom acting to tears and they needed money to go to LA (note: that was before Kota moved to japan) to become actresses and in exchange of the money they'd make vlogs. But the video was 75% Kiki rambling and 25% Dakota being eyecandy.
No. 415529
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>>415526this is a still from said video. Can't find it anywhere tho.
No. 415590
>>415543That's we everyone on lolcow/pull keeps saying but she won't listen.
I have the vibe she has this weird obsession with long hair/elves so go figure. She got the eyebrow hint, maybe she'll take this one as well
No. 415657
>>415557What value would a native small business owner even see in a ditzy blonde from america besides a good fuck. She can't cook,clean,speak Japanese and has zero job experience and shit tons of baggage/drama. Real world men don't want to hear " I'm hoping to be an actor one day, and a DJ, and a model and sometimes I do Youtube.. Sometimes, but I never worked a job and just got off disability. " ( especially since she's failed at all of those or didn't even try )
>>415590Part of me really wishes she would cut her hair to that length, but part of me understands the emotional attachment to long hair. It takes super long to get it that long. That long hair is the only thing she has accomplished in life, the only thing she done successfully.
No. 415738
>>415664I think that obsession came before Taylor? I'm her old FAQ she did say she'd grow her hair down her butt and that was her "goal" or whatever.
>>415657> That long hair is the only thing she has accomplished in life, the only thing she done successfully Two funny points: 1) it's true 2) it's actually something your body naturally does, even after death
FFS, even Kota got rid of the stringy-thin long hair she had (yeah, she got extensions later but you get my point).
also it'd do her some good. Change is good and many women see "cutting their hair" as something to go with a Major life change
No. 415765
>>415746Yeah :3 I miss those times
>>415750That's true so… maybe that was his big secret? He was contacted by hate site people?
No. 415820
>>415808I feel like she's playing her viewers. She talked about it in a way that made them curious (and if you read the comments, they are), she's dropping hints since the poetry video about Japan and how emotional it was and she'll continue to do so. As soon as she figures out how to victimize herself, they'll be climbing over walls to know what went down so she'll drop one long, ranty videos about it and get many views and a massive pity party.
Or maybe I'm just giving her too much credit and she's not that smart
No. 415854
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Sage for old shitty kiki behaviour
No. 415862
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No. 415870
>>415848Yeah!worst milk draught ever
>>415853>>415854>>415862>>415865Oh my goodness thank you so much for that. I wonder if she'll bring the prospect of marriage up if she ever talk about what went down between her and Taku. I mean, the followers from that time are still around.
No. 416908
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>>415529>>415543>>415590Kiki should follow her own advice imo (yes this is from her sperg change posts)
No. 416911
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> > it'd still be long but not as long to cover your whole body like a blanket
Image related, really leads me to believe she's insanely jealous of taylor's hair or wants super long hair to be a special feature that's only hers.
Go figure.
> all sage for high shitposting
No. 416980
>>416970So logically speaking she is applying the same rule "I don't want Taylor to have that so I'll say what lolcowers suggest to me"?
>>416955Yeah it tends to be very stringy, similar to Kota's
No. 416981
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>>416970> elven goddess hairThat's so cringy. Where did she got that anyway? The elvens from LOTR (image related)
Notice these are 3 years old. Let go of that obsession Kaka.
No. 416982
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>>416981Daily cringe bc why not
> hair getting blonder bc elvens (dez/14)> hair is getting copper (oct/14)> doesn't need bleach bc sun makes muh hair blonder (aug/13) No. 416997
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>>416982I wonder if kiki still prays to
archangel saint francis No. 417004
> "Buddhist"> prays to Archangel Saint Francis> believes in elvens** I wouldn't be surprised if she did
No. 417006
>>416995The admins put it in auto sage several weeks ago. Not entirely sure why, it still gets updates.
Look for a pic of her balancing a white Yoko Fuchigami purse on her head. Kinda looks like she's cosplaying a nurse or something.
No. 417089
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So…. video will be up on Sunday night (At best)
No. 417090
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>>417089Erm enjoy some accidental kiki sideboob
No. 417117
>>417089She could've just answered the questions on her YT video…? There weren't many
I made up a little theory so feel free to call me a lunatic but
> Kiki takes 2 fucking long 2 upload the Q&A> anon says it's bc shes planning how she'll dance around some questions (like "what it's like having a famous sister")> some other anon say they recognize these people as people who go on image-boards (no idea how)> Instagram post where said questions were commented is taken down 1 day after> 1 week later> "hai guys Q&A part 2! Ask away"So yeah my hunch is that it's a way to dodge all those questions pointed out here i.e. pretend they never existed!
Reaching a bit, maybe she took note on what was discussed and went on a blocking spree.
Or maybe none of this matters and she can't simplify things.
No. 417120
>>417117I do think its because she needs time to figure out a way to spin the answers, or wait to see if there will be different questions asked.
She has to make it out to seem like she's the victim in every scenario. For instance, with the Taku questions. A simple "It didn't work out because I wanted to come back here to peruse my dream of acting and he had obligations back in Japan" would have sufficed. Instead she went into this weird ramble about how he had a super, deep, hurtful, traumatic, secret that he kept from her. Which also makes people really interested and want to know more.
No. 417214
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>>417144the way she went after taylor was one of her craziest things yet imo. stalking haters is one thing since you can rationalize it as fair revenge or whatever, but stalking some girl you're jealous of competing with your sister is batshit
No. 417229
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>>417214> Kiki, of all people,> talking about Taylor's "hook nose"It's specially hypocritical bc she wrote a full essay on her lilkitten website when a person mentioned a nose job.
Reading the shit she said about farmers (pic related) and Taylor really shows how much she was self-projecting
No. 417232
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>>417229Specially funny Sperg-Chan bc she went on a rage on her threads about anons saying she has a receding hairline, trying to prove she doesn't… while having awful fashion sense herself, too
No. 417307
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That comment. That's not cringy at all.
No. 417308
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No. 417309
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>>417308That's the scene she's apparently "working" on. #actress
No. 417318
>>417314Thought the same. I wonder if she's done talking about the projects she gets to be in, specially after the Daisy fiasco*
*aka lolcowers knew more about the short film story than Kiki herself
>>417312> she's not even using it properlyThat's the worst of it. It's already cringy when she types like that, but she can't even get how to use the language properly
No. 417403
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Kiki, go back to editing and working on your scene. Come on.
>>417386But is it acting when she's a psycho who only gets to play psychos?
No. 417422
>>417419>talking seriously about crystals and astrologyI don't understand how people are this retarded in 2017
>promises a load of new vidoesYou managed to get one simple video out on schedule, slow down and take it one step at a time.
>After being the person that was so fun to hate and pick on and harass… I created this Kiki Kannibal character to get me through the hardest timesSo you created this """character""" that constantly mocked and belittled other people? That puts you on the same level as the haturz back then and you actually went even lower with the sperg-chan insanity.
>acting like the truTV role is a big dealGirl, all the roles are minor besides the hosts.
>I'll let you know whenever things come out!Unless they're unflattering like Daisy, I guess.
>random unicorn babblingSo goddamn cringey
No. 417434
>>417422A vein popped in my head when she started talking about the "Kiki kannibal persona" thing among other things.
> "I always ask myself, if I was this person, would I like to hear that?"> "now instead of fighting back the haters I can understand their pain"I mean.. didn't happen too long ago
No. 417458
>>417419Initial thoughts in the first 5 minutes:
She isn't nearly as unpleasant when she's acting chill, not making crazy eyes at herself, or trying too hard. Good for her.
Color looks good on her. She looks much less sallow and sickly. Beachy suits Kiki.
And then she started her sob story on "healing." I would've accepted that had she acknowledged who she hurt and that she wasn't just a moving target. But no. She took no responsibility. Always wants to be the victim. No accountability whatsoever.
No. 417466
>>417458> She isn't nearly as unpleasant when she's acting chillTotally agreed
> color looks good on herThat and also the more laid back outfit. When she's with the clothing full of frills, lace mesh and all that shit it just doesn't look any good
I think even if she took responsibility for who she was on MySpace, we still have proof of Sperg-Chan so it'd be pointless.
Of course, it'd be a great tactic to pull on her followers "~omg ur so beautiful you have a beautiful soul that's so brave" etc while we'd be over here like…
>>417232>>417229>>417214>>416908 No. 417467
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>>417459I know, right?
Clearly it wasn't bc of her acting abilities
No. 417488
>>417314Was gonna say, I'm not an #actress and I know what a proper script looks like. This looks like someone who never even attended screenwriting 101, much less finished highschool…
>>417459Didn't Kota also claim that she "looks too young"?
Then claimed her photos were being banned for looking too young on instagram, as opposed to sheer botting activity.
I don't get her ongoing obsession with Japan though, why did she bring that up??
No. 417500
>>417469I mean she's an ~actress~
That's the only vibe I get from any of her videos, just turning on the waterworks or whatever and feeling like a manipulative genius/sociopath with zero feeling afterward.
No. 417521
>>417419I am hearing things or is she REALLY copying Taylor's speech patterns? When she says "Vogue's night out" i swear she said the canadian "out", like "oot"-ish.
But if she's really trying to copy Taylor, good, because she's way less annoying acting less spatic.
No. 417613
>>417419Notice how she didn't take any responsibility for the shit she pulled when she was younger. She said she was playing a character because she was in pain: the people she hurt back then wouldn't have known it was a character so that's complete BS. She's not that good of an actress to claim she was a character and was acting back then.
Also, she hasn't a clue about Astrology: sun sign doesn't really indicate career (10th house/MC does!) and rising sign is about what the world sees you as/your appearance not what you actually are (which would be your sun sign I.e. Personality). Even the fluffiest of shit she can't get right. And the thing is she could've googled to make sure but nah.
The video shows a lack of preparation in that a lot of questions she wouldn't answer because "I'll make a video on that" was the response to a lot of easy questions like what her favourite book is. It's a FAQ, Kiki, answer the questions asked! People didn't ask her that shit for her to not provide a satisfying answer for the time being e.g. She could've said "Some of my favourites include title by author, title by author and title by author, but I'll make a video going into detail about them and some of my other favourites soon" but that would've been interesting or helpful and not a complete waste of time which is what this video is.
No. 417614
>>417613> Even the fluffiest of shit she can't get rightFunny thing is that she went super overboard with the astrology question (yes! I love astrology so much but I can't get any of it right).
The book and makeup questions bugged me a lot. The first made me think she really is not a reader so she threw in anything to not make it seem she's uncultured or smthg like this without going on specifics about what self-help/cook books she has. The latter was a real turn-off. She knew people would ask her to show something, but instead she decided to leave people on the promise of a makeup video someday.
I wonder if it's all due to lack of preparation or she still has that mindset "I can't talk about my makeup on the things I enjoy bc haters"
No. 417634
>>417624Yeah she did promise the videos but as stated before
>>417419 almost every video of her comes with a "I'll do a video on
theme!" And she ends up not doing it.
> But that impromptu what's in my bag bit would've been the perfect time to show said make up that's in her bag instead of going off on a rant about trendy makeup looking like shit irl. Like she could've taken the opportunity to give examples of companies who are legit cruelty free Though too. She could've replaced the rant on popular stuff not being "cruelty free" and certain foundations "only looking good in the digital world" on some quick tips of what she considers "actually" Cruelty Free and what she uses instead with a "I'll do a proper video for it" bit
No. 417638
>>415366I'm pretty sure she's projecting and does this herself. There has been more dislikes than usually for example on Taylor's videos and I wouldn't be surprised if some of them were Kiki
Sage for tinfoil hatting
No. 417746
>>417739Samefag, it was pretty obvious she is still using non-cruelty free products. Rather than just be honest and admit it or say she doesn't know, she goes on some pointless rambling unrelated spiel to deflect the fact she's failing to live up to her own militant vegan standards.
I know I should be used to it by now, but every time she opens her crazy eyes wide and laughs that unhinged maniacal cackle, it still creeps me out. I feel like a therapist watching a mentally ill patient try (and fail, badly) to manipulate me.
No. 417770
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>>417748It was 30 mins of Q&A and she answered about 5 main questions tops. On her latest video many people questioned the name change, which she didn't directly address at all.
I like this 2nd videos laid back feeling but she's full of it still.
>>417746>>417739She is failing to meet her own cruelty free, vegan criteria.
Like, she puts these super high standards like the bunny sticker from Peta not being enough to make a brand cruelty free enough for her and yet consumes Vogue water (image related), which is a company that supports the fur and leather use in fashion and makes sure to mention she went to Vogue's Night Out at Tokyo. Reason? Aesthetic. Showing off.
In the end it's all for her ego.
Maybe she IS using "super organic synthetic free all natural" beauty products but the main reason for that is to fill her own ego.
She comes off as those super annoying vegans/activists that will lash out at fucking Lush for using sulfates on their shampoos or (fairly traded) eggs and honey in some products.
No. 417795
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>>417419Those crocodile tears tho.
No. 417808
>>417748>it feels like 15 minutes of someone looking you right in the eye and lying to your faceThis is exactly it. It's probably why she gets so many dislikes. Not the "1 or 2" haters she claims in
No. 417814
>>417795So she is throwing a pity party and knows it. Also it's astounding how she can lowkey humble brag while being Sperg-Chan. This is like performance art at this point.
>>417794It come off as bitchy or as if she's looking down on other people. Like hey, maybe people are into it. Maybe they have really bad skin/acne and are insecure. Who are you to say whether it looks good or not when you were into cakey face not long ago? (And I'm not even talking scene years)
No. 417892
>>417873There's a live stream at:'s tomorrow at 10:30/9:30c. I'd capture it but unfortunately that's an ungodly hour for me, if no-one else gets it I'll record the repeat at 2:30 and upload.
No. 417896
Q: "what inspires you?"
pause"Hm… what inspires me… uh, flowers! Nature! Uh…. The way people's eye light up when they… talk about their passions!"
It's like she went thru a mental file of all the corny-tumblr posts about inspiration that has ever been created and just started purging it
No. 417898
>>417892Yeah that's a very unfortunate hour for my time zone too
> if no-one else gets it I'll record the repeat at 2:30 and uploadHey thanks! That'd be really nice
No. 418294
>>418279Well, I hope she gets a lot of screen time and acting. It'll be the first time we'll see her acting (with lines… unlike Daisy)
It's funny that she is so quiet on twitter and instagram, I thought she'd be signaling to her followers to "tune in and see my work"!
No. 418393
>>418383but she said in the q&a she was going to be in the episode this week???
Did this bitch just got her own work "release" date wrong?
No. 418396
>>417419OMG she totally did
Timestamp 12:59 "either tomorrow or Tuesday"
And she said she'd be watching at the same time as the rest of us. Omg. Omg. Omg
Guys. Picture Kaka sitting in her couch out of sheer expectation to see herself on TV only to realize she not only got the date wrong, she misinformed everyone in last week's video WHICH SHE CANNOT TAKE DOWN like she'd do with a instavideo
I can't believe it
No. 418461
>>418396I have no idea what TruTV is about, but this seems like something she would do on purpose so we don't actually get to see her embarrassing footage.She'll come up with some lame excuse "Oh they changed the schedule, now I don't actually know the date, so annoying", so we'll miss the fresh milk when it actually airs.
Or her scenes were just cut lol
No. 418463
>>418461To be fair, the release dates for the episodes on IMDb are all messed up so she may have been going from that. The schedule on the actual truTV website confirms the Sexual Identity episode is 15th August.
I kinda hope the 'sexual identity' thing means she has to play an evil pedophile lesbian.
No. 418471
>>418463But that's the sloppy part. She was supposed to give an exact date so why not double check like
>>418383 did. That's the bare minimum you'd expect for someone who's on the show and wants others to know of their work.
>>418461> so we'll miss the fresh milk when it actually airsThat's when it backfires because now we know when it'll be up and it just shows how careless she is when it comes to her "dream since the age of 4"
That's so embarrassing for her. Imagine being an actual fan who turned on TruTV yesterday to see Kiki acting and found out she got it messed up. Gives off a very lazy, misinformed vibe doesn't it?
No. 418496
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>>418461or Kiki is getting information about her own acting career secondhand from lolcow
No. 418519
>>418502Honestly the least she can do is tell her audience (and do it today) and tell them the right date (since we already did that for her! You're welcome Kiki)
>>418510Yeah, I don't have an issue with needing your parents to help you out here and there but she could at least
tryWill people on lolcow make fun of how unflattering she looked on a livestream? Sure. How little she's making on Patreon (if she set up one)? Absolutely. Make fun of her if she decides to set up a shop at depop to sell her used shit? Ya bet!
But she really needs to get over what a group of people will say about that, she needs to show her audience she's trying and try to engage with them in order to grow instead of being worried about how many bytes will be said about her on her lolcow thread
No. 418594
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The only one doing a dumb pose
No. 418595
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No. 418626
>>418595she looks good in this one, despite the cakey face (I mean, you can see the foundation piling up and maybe the artist did get some of it on the eyebrows?). I wonder wtf she does to make herself look so haggard, like in OP pic
>>418594LMAO don't let that quirk die Kiki. It's not embarrassing at all.
>>418601In some old q&a she did say she was short (I think 5'5 or less?) but always wore heels
No. 418755
>>417896I don't think Kiki has a sincere bone in her body, I honestly think she is a sociopath who mirrors such corny tumblr empath bullshit and appropriates it for her fake ig personality.
Kind, empathetic people do not sit around all day looking at animal gore. They don't post hundreds of pictures of mutilated genitals to imageboards. They don't call people racial slurs.
Being vegan means nothing in terms of empathy either. Most vegans won't admit that they are doing it for the health benefits/have a form of orthorexia/enjoy feeling superior or snowflakey.
Most of the militant vegans and clean eaters I've met were most worried about getting cancer or chemtrails and food additive conspiracies, and that's the real reason they go militantly organic/vegan. Hiding behind a mask of 'ITS FOR THE ANIMALS' is a good way of making people think you are a nice person.
No. 418761
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>>418595Sorry but that lipstick colour completely clashes with her skintone and her sixhead, no joke, makes up almost half of the length of her face (goes without saying, I know).
Also wonder if she'll ever get that droopy beak fixed, not that she can afford it, unless mommy and daddy decide to fork out.
No. 418784
>>418755> Kind, empathetic people do not sit around all day looking at animal goreAll of this. She used to claim she's an empath but 75% of her tweets are related to animal abuse, with graphic videos of violence against animals and such (I get sharing a video once in a while for shock value but most of her RT's feature some sort of awful, gut sickening video). Plus her posting mutilated genitals to this image-board is a cherry on top. Maybe it's some deep down "desire" she has by watching this kind of thing.
>>418761Yeah I do think she must've done something to her beak, it's way less proéminent now (if you notice it when she shows her profile on camera). 5 years ago she had a legit squidward nose. Though I don't think it'd be rhinoplasty per se. Many aestheticians have means to "fix" this kind of thing now without surgery. And ofc her parents would've paid for it come on.
Birthday money is just a way to say "I get a higher allowance when it's my birthday"
No. 418908
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Keeks realises how bad those red dress headshots were too
No. 418917
>when your forehead literally eclipses your face Nice to see Kiki brought her own reflector panel sixhead to the photoshoot, how thoughtful of her.
The only reason these pictures look 'better' than the tragic red dress headshot is bc they've been soft focused to shit. At least her flaky, greasy, red dress snaps were true to life.
I wonder if she's secretly pissed bc her hair looks fully brown there, kek. And remember to fill in your damn brows before a shoot, Keeks.
No. 418936
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>>418595>>418908I really want kiki to taper her eyebrows and give them a curve. I kinda like how they're bushy, but i would also like to see some definition.
No. 418938
>>418908> restored my faith in head shot photographersGurl…
>>418917> I wonder if she's secretly pissed bc her hair looks fully brown there, kekSsssh anon it's the "copper highlights" showing… ;)
By this time I think it's more like a matter of honor to not do shit to her eyebrows (tho they do look less far apart nowadays) bc of us. Her makeup video with her current "minimal" style and organic products will be pestered with hints on eyebrows on fleek, how not good they look irl, how natural is better, how she gets compliments on them and her eyelashes etc
>>418936Anon in the bottom photo to the right she looks so much like Barbra Streisand??
No. 418942
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>>418938Really. (With some years added on, ofc let's not be that harsh on the girl.
No. 418945
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>>418942She was young once. Eyebrows are an important feature of our face, I think kiki's eyebrows could look better and still keep a natural look.
No. 418954
>>418936I agree, the current shape of her brows does nothing for her face. They might be 'natural' but they aren't good brows.
I think she's trying to go for that 70's California flower child look, but she comes off more as one of those no-shower dirty hippie youtubers instead.
I wouldn't be surprised if she's skipping deodorant, Keeks has always been grody in the hygiene department. Sometimes it's not good to go too far down that natural road, especially if you don't have the greatest skin/hair anyway. Kiki needs all the help she can get.
No. 418956
>>418954> Kiki needs all the help she can getAH but we know she will refuse it. She's in LA and has dad, mom and Bobby paying for her stuff plus whatever money she can make. as far as I can tell there are many good stylists in LA who could do some sort of ~transformation~ on her, feature on their ig, Guy Tang style yknow (except on a budget I guess lol)? But in her mind her pure natural self is the best thing one could ask for so…
shrug it's probably over compensation for spending her teen years under so much makeup, bright colors and hair dye
No. 418960
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>>418954> I think she's trying to go for that 70's California flower child look, but she comes off more as one of those no-shower dirty hippie youtubers insteadYeah using holistichabits for reference, that kind of style only works if you're… pretty much blessed on the department looks.
No. 419175
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No. 419179
>>419175Such bullshit. The schedule on the truTV website has been the same since the season started airing. It didn't suddenly change after you made a mistake.
People only thought it would air this week as it was a love and relationships episode and a 'Sexual Identity' segment could have easily fitted in that (as opposed to the pets, tattoos, gambling, etc episodes). It's just that no-one looked beyond that week's schedule.
Kiki sort yourself out rather than getting your info from lolcow. How come your fellow actors tagged each other in their shots from the episode but not you?
No. 419184
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>>419175Keeks, the 15th isn't in 3 weeks. Screenshot confirms, since you seem incapable of figuring it out yourself.
No. 419193
>>419179> The schedule on the truTV website has been the same since the season started airing. It didn't suddenly change after you made a mistake. Hahah that's pretty much my thoughts, she can't take responsibility for SHIT at the fucking age of 24
>>419184She is just that careless. She really needs to clean up her act, she can't seem to get one thing right.
No. 419337
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No. 419339
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>>419337The caption.
Sperg-Chan, never forget.
No. 419340
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No. 419348
>>419339>I understand myself, therefore, I can understand othersIn other words, she knows full well how manipulative she can be so she's projecting, and has probably developed the ability to spot these same tendencies in other people. Sociopaths recognize other sociopaths. They only target people who seem weak or gullible.
All that really conveys is that she assumes everyone else is just as conniving and duplicitous as she is, and is guarded because of it. Which says everything about her mindset, really.
No. 419349
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>>419339Cow clash featuring simoly_kenna. The self-absorbed flakes eventually come together.
>>419347That was a very weird sentence. You understand yourself but that doesnt mean you can fully well understand others - each person has their reasons, motivations and life paths. Your "bullying" story feature in the RS article doesn't speak for everyone, neither does your wishy-washy, hypocritical world views.
She really does think too high of herself doesn't she.
Tbh my favourite part is the very beginning
> made myself stronger as a person> great compassion> higher consciousnessExcept no: you can't face criticism without disregarding it as jealousy, if you had great compassion you wouldnt be spamming this board with graphic images and running your mouth against another girl or even saying shit about people here ("your mom's beat you, your dad's raped you…") and if you had any higher consciousness you would realize how incredibly hypocritical you are.