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No. 127572
>>127554Fuck, and the Google+ one.
Tbh She should just drop the extra L's… Or the whole username
> No. 127578
>>127572Dropping the Kannibal shit would help her out sooo much. Too bad she STILL thinks people remember or give a fuck about her scene days. Cannibalism isn't kawaii, if she really gave a shit about being kawaii (which we know she doesn't) she would think up some cutesy pseudo-Japanese moniker she could plaster everywhere in kana/kanji.
I wonder if she understands that scene is like, the exact opposite of the kawaii living doll aesthetic? Obviously not.
No. 127604
>>127593Despite her wanting to move on, and crying about people still bullying her, she will never change her URLs because she KNOWS the only fans she have are those old naive fans who were there since her scene days.
She's so stupid. She claims people can't move on, and she obvious is suffering with her online presence. Yet she can't do what's best for herself, like either leaving the internet or changing her alias/starting over.
No. 127612
>X-posting from the old thread
I feel like the main reason Dakota got noticed in Japan is so the universe can shit on Kiki in the most scathing way.
I mean think about it- the better Dakota does, the more we know it pisses Kiki off. She's younger, not as skinny, her hair is thin as fuck, she's not considered as "pretty" as Kiki, yet she's doing a million times better than Kiki and is an actual model who gets to be on TV, meanwhile Kiki still lives with her parents in Florida and has to lie about a casual hookup being a serious relationship and Dakota couldn't care less.
Now, if anyone else had been In Dakota's place, Kiki would be talking mad shit all over the place, but since it's her sister she really can't say anything negative about Dakota without catching shit for it from the entire internet and probably her parents too, since Dakota is now their cash cow. I'm not saying Kiki hates her sister, but I guarantee she's insanely jealous, her "fat, ugly" little sister who used to hang out in her shadow now has everything she ever wanted handed to her, and she can't even keep an SO for longer than a few days.
It's like the greatest cosmic joke on Kiki ever.
No. 127619
>>127612This is very true, keep in mind kaka had everything handed to her while kooter had to work for it.
Kooter having to work for the attention, even if it meant fabricating her appearance and knowledge of Japanese until the bait was taken was all it took.
She's not all that smart but she is a great example of how someone with privilege can fake it till they make it.
No. 127625
>>127621And this is what I admire about Dakota. Bitch saw an opportunity and ran with it.
It must feel great to rub her success in Kirsten's face, even if she hasn't doing it directly.
No. 127632
>>127621>thinking she did this all herselfShoops and after effects aside, she had help in every way, including money.
The reason why the average teen is unable to do the same is that they're busy getting an education and their parents have higher expectations of how their time is spent.
No. 127640
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>>127632LOL what? Idek where to begin because this is one shitty ass excuse that makes no sense. The part about parents and expectations is completely irrelevant because Kotex turned out a success. She's living on her own with a modeling career in Japan and swimming in yen. That's a lot more than what the average teen will even accomplish in their life. This isn't even the reason the average teen can't do what she did. They can't do it because they don't have the internet experience, business/marketing experience, and photography/makeup/shoop knowledge that she has. I've seen wannabe living dolls, like one girl called "Andy Santana" that got some minor attention and attempted to cash in on it by copying everything Kotex did, including the 'business enquires for booking opportunities' thing, but failed because she didn't know what the fuck she was doing. Pic related is her.
No. 127668
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>>127612The whole thing feels like it should be horror manga series (or novel or film, but that ain't kawaii). Not too long from now, Kiki will
>A) make a deal with some sort of evil supernatural entity to bring Dakota down (I'm thinking voodoo or selling her soul to Mephistopheles)>B) start stalking Dakota full-time and tries to become her a la Single White Female, eventually killing her and trying to impersonate her, showing up to shoots and events wearing Dakota's scalp as a wigdepending on the genre
Remember when Kiki was comparing herself to Tomie?
No. 127669
>>127648Tbh I think the whole thing was planned out. It wouldn't surprise me back in 2009 when Kota was still growing her hair out, she and her mother sat down at the kitchen table at like 11pm while everyone was in bed or something. Talking over "how to become e-famous" and her mum like "K bby I'll help you."
My mum would do the same too, I guess Cath only 'wanted what was best' but if it's leading Kota somewhere then fair play.
No. 127670
>>127621Exactly, I don't blame her. Honestly, as if those two would go to college anyway. Kota saw this as a career option and thought "fuck it, I've nothing else going for me."
So kudos to her. But I think her barbie persona will only last another few years, if that. The doll thing is becoming overplayed.
Venus is stupid, it won't happen for her. It's too late.
No. 127671
>>127619It won't happen again though. I really do not think the doll thing will happen again. Now that it's been exposed. Well, Kota's way. It'll have to be something new.
Girls who want to be kawaii doll aidorus: You need to find a new path to become 'famous in Japan' and make it work your way. Don't use Tumblr though, everyone is milking that site. Use ANOTHER SITE!
No. 127673
>>127668I said this in the previous thread, there should be a manga about sisters who are obsessed with fame. It'd be more dramatic obviously.
Kiki ends up in a psychiatric unit lol
No. 127678
> greatest cosmic jokeyes!
No. 127685
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>>127673I kind of want to write something about PT, too. Their antics are downright fascinating to us so there has to be a good story in there somewhere, right?
>PT's true Nipponese father randomly shows up in the background in the form of a mysterious talking windchime, much like Chiyo's father in Azumanga Daioh No. 127701
>>127669No. I was there for the whole ride and it was not planned out. She began slowly shooping her pictures and buying from Liz Lisa a couple of months before she got any popularity at all. But during that time, she was only on twitter and only had 8,000 followers. She randomly made a tumblr as a "photo blog", and since tumblr has a reblog system, it spread out her pictures to more and more people and that's how her popularity started growing.
>>127670No again.. she told Charms in their AIM chats that her dream was to be a model. It's not that she thought "fuck it, I have nothing else going for me", this really was her #1 dream and goal in life. She said in the chats that if this didn't happen, her second choice was to be a fashion designer.
Seriously, I'm a little embarrassed about being an oldfag know-it-all but some of you guys and your theories/speculations are all wrong.
No. 127702
>>127668OH yes! Because men are killing themselves for her and women are driven to jealousy of her beauty. But it's all because someone told her to! Totes legit.
… I liked the second part. Now if Kiki ever go back to Japan I can see her renting a room next to Kota's and being all "The Roommate" style on her.
Story climax: Cathy calls Kota and asks "is Kiki taking her meds?"
Kota: "…what"
No. 127756
>narcissisticWell who are we talking about?? :D lmao
About Internet hobbies: agreed but these girls were straight up obsessed. Kiki spent the entire time on Stickam and barely did anything that did not revolve around her life online. I'm pretty sure after a while a decent parent would be like "honey… Time to put the keyboard down…"
No. 127773
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I'm on my mobile and i wanted to check the old kaka thread. It directs me to this pic. What's habbening?
No. 127782
WOW. Her Buzznet profile was linked yesterday in the previous Kaka thread - - and now the profile is suddenly private.
If that's not proof that the Ostrenga's lurk here then I don't know what is…
No. 127788
>>127782I wonder what was on it that she's ashamed about. I read through it a while back and while there were tons of cringeworthy posts on it, they were things I could see her saying today.
>>127786What video?
No. 127791
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>>127788all I remember is her buzznet had a couple of very unflattering videos of Dakota, like this one
No. 127797
>>127782Do you think this is what Kiki was trying to get in contact with Buzznet about?
Its just weird she would make it private now, that page has been around since 2009ish and linked all the time whenever people talk shit about Kiki.
This pretty much confirms to me that Kiki is just embarrassed of her old self is trying to expunge her everything to start new as Kiki-nyan.
No. 127858
>>127851Twitch. Streaming is the new cool thing to do.
Vine, tumblr, and Youtube have become so over saturated, its hard to gain any sort of following. Twitch is heading down the same road but its becoming the hot new thing.
No. 127865
>>127842I agree. I don't get why she just doesn't start using her middle name like Kota did.
She's already ruining the alias for herself because she's connecting it with her current alias. I'm pretty sure Jrcock made a few Japanese tweets talking shit about her and he tagged them as Kiki Nyan. (I know he really doesn't have any power over how people will see her, but it's not helping her get the fresh start she wants.)
No. 127881
>>127872To claim she is =\= to actUally be something, let alone good enough to stream stuff
Idk with the talent she has I think she's better off trying YT, Instagram and Twitter. Maybe she could pump up her domain, create a "Kirsten Leigh" but still have a hold of it so people won't use the domain name for other stuff (it's a well known name). Maybe redirect from one site to the other.
Lots of updates so people won't get bored… Outfit, veganism, "follow me around" (people love this shit), blogs, music, pole dancing, fitness, Japanese.. ANYTHING to keep 'em views coming.
Oh yeah. And realize google+ isn't happening.
No. 127897
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>>127895wow you weren't even kidding
No. 127910
I run a minor website: I still get sent products / paid to post by companies.
If I was Venus I would have saw what Kota was doing and being like, THIS is the way forward.
Back on topic. KAKA needs to get a grip. Manage to keep the URL so no one else can get it and go by something else that doesn't lead to making you look like a washed up trend hopper when they Googl you.
No. 127914
>>127897She isn't saying she should be named - only that the sexiest veg eats meat unlike her angelic Kira Kira self… Which is still pretty lulzy.
PETA makes sexist ads objectifying women, ridiculing fat people, using African slavery as a mean to get attention, once I saw a tweet of them on how eating dairy can cause autism (her brother??? Duh???) which sucks for autistic people I guess.
… But no, nothing like this is as bad as naming Miley Cyrus a sexy veg - she wears fur and took a picture of a pepperoni pizza without hash tagging it with "vegan"!!!
No. 127916
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>>127914For the lulz and just in case it gets deleted
For fairness: she later on added "she hashtaggs all her food vegan so why didn't she do it with the pepperoni pizza?" Which is a valid point.
No. 127926
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>>127578>>127668i feel like kiki would beat me up for wasting paper on this scheiße, but bibi vegeball and dabota the living robot make such a perfect comic. the new wedding dress pictures of kota make a perfect ending scenario
No. 127941
I love it when the Kaka thread becomes about Dakota.
>>127640>not sure if self postNo1curr about some nobody's fail story. I never heard of this person until now.
>>127714You haven't met any strict parents in your life, lucky you.
No. 127945
>>127916She's a fucking idiot.
Lets ignore PETA and its general shitiness for just a few moments and think, maybe Miley Cyrus wants to be vegan and into that lifestyle? Not everyone is sucking on their soymilk basil smoothies as soon as they pop out of their mom's hairy vagina. People decide these things later in life.
Also, lets be real, Miley Cyrus has probably done more for animal lives than Kiki ever has. All of Miley's animals are rescues and she actually takes VERY good care of them. Kiki just brags about how she's vegan. What a good animal rights activist.
No. 127950
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I am truly amazed that someone who claims to be a seasoned vegan / environmentalist / feminist is JUST NOW remarking that PETA is a bunch of fuckwits. I might be reading into things but I mentally finished this tweet with "so they could have chose me."
No. 127973
>>127926Nah she just sticks to animal rights (and fails at it), no knowledge on environment other than that.
AND THANK YOU FOR THAT OMG please make it happen. Do it!! Make it the piece of art it's meant to be
No. 128016
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Bitch just called herself "angel" and is using the hashtag "kikikannibal" in her photos. How desperate can you actually get!?
No. 128019
>>127865she actually did used to have her twitter name as kiki leigh or kirsten leigh or something.
But you know.. she changes it & tries something else if it doesn't catch on in 15 minutes.
No. 128020
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>>128016shes soo high fashion lol
sad af
No. 128570
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Lol where to begin.
No. 128735
>>128570At this point she has waited too long to distance herself from her kiki kannibal alias. If she ever does legit try, it'll never work.
I love the universe sometimes.
No. 128754
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>>128735I think she could, but she'd literally have to get off the internet for a while, get a new look, and make a new twitter/yt/website/etc. And considering the fact that no one really cares about her now as Kiki Kannibal, I highly doubt she'll get half as many followers/subscribers that she has now if she restarted everything.
Did any of you guys see this ig post? She just basically outed herself for lying about Taku being with her at Disney World since this pic was posted 6 days after the room service pic.
No. 128788
>>128773Some Japanese guys will do this, they know some white girls only go after Japanese guys to show them off to their friends, and they play along in exchange for sex and arm candy, they both use eachother for sex and an image.
Aaaand it's also entirely possible that Kiki bragged to him about being Dakota's sister and this guy wants to use her to get closer to Kooter.
No. 128819
>>128754Why anon he clearly spent about a week over in a super fancy hotel only to spend more time with her! And then flew another 24 hours back to Japan, and immediately found the Sailor Moon goods and contacted her straight away, enabling her enough time to screenshot it and post online
Bonus: time zones do not work on Kiki Kannibal universe
No. 128842
>>128814I doubt he's after kota. I just think he's either after a visa or to shag a white girl tbh. Taku-chan seems like one of those gaijin pussy hunters.
Yeah, Kota has a boyfriend called Kai apparently. No one knows what he looks like mind, I do actually believe she has a boyfriend. I actually do strangely enough. She keeps it private, I don't blame her. I would too. But her sister… LOL
No. 128843
>>128819I tried to go way back in the old Kiki threads and establish a timeline, but I just can't do it on my peice of shit tablet, just trying to load 3 tabs takes 20 fucking minutes.
So far all I have is that Kiki arrived in Japan January 2015, but was hinting at having a Japanese guy in her life before that (the "lover from another race" tweets).
No. 128859
>>128848We are way past the "Kota is a teen" kind of thing aren't we?
Also… 30's sound ok. It's not like he's +50.
No. 128863
>>128848Maybe? But I don't even think she was a teenager when she came to Japan. I honestly don't believe she's 19. 21/22 but not 19 and yeah, that is a little bit big of an age gap. But still people will argue and be like "well age dont matter guyyyzzz" whatever, everyone has their own opinions.
Personally, I don't care.
No. 128871
>>128859>>128863That wasn't the point, the point was that a guy In his 30's lied about his age to get with a girl he
thought was a teenager. And this happened a while ago, so when she was "16" or "17", when she probably didn't speak much Japanese yet. It all just seems so… predatory and creepy.
No. 128874
>>128871That is true, it is wrong if he did that. I don't know the full story, I'm only going off what you've told us. But yeah, it is wrong. I mean I don't believe she is 19 and she was 16 when she came to Japan. Still, if she WAS that young then, yeah I do think it is a cunt thing to do.
She could have thought he was younger, Japanese tend to look younger than they are (not all) I guess. I dunno… I bet he has money tho.
No. 128875
>>128873I've noticed that, Jap guys tend to get easily moody and pissed off lol
I bet he doesn't care really and when she does go back to Japan, he'll be up on her like a dog with ten dicks.
Satisfies them both I guess lol
No. 128878
>>128874Japanese guys can look pretty damn young. And they can't tell ages on foreigners very well either, which is why Dakota gets away with it so easily.
That aside, it's gross and creepy but still not surprising if the guy has money or social influence, considering the relationships Dakota has been exposed to in her life (Kiki&Danny, her manipulative, greedy white trash parents, etc.).
No. 128881
>>128878Well… kota doesn't really smother her relationship in our faces so that is why I don't care. Kiki on the other hand DOES and she's a train wreck anyway.
I wonder… when she said "I like older men" in on that show… Reckon she was just saying it as how it was or not? As in… inviting? I'm just curious to what your opinions are…
No. 128885
>>128881Idk, it's just weird to me how, even in her outspoken scene days, Dakota never mentioned dating or relationships or what kind of guys she likes. Then she gets to Japan, and a few years later she comes up with "I like older men (the word she used implied 'uncle types', it's hard to explain/translate)" and we have that story of her older boyfriend that happened before she started getting on TV/right around when she got to Japan. It all just seems really weird to me, I can't quite put my finger on it, but I guess the easiest way to say it would be, I guess Dakota has some daddy issues, and maybe some other self esteem issues caused by her sister being the favorite/using guys for her own benefit. It also just came back to me that Kiki lied about her age to date an older guy for personal gain too, hm.
No. 128886
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Completely OT but I did a thing while browsing her tag on tumblr.
2012 vid (her very first makeup tutorial!) vs the most recent selfie.
Don't wanna start the overplayed discussion in PS, whether she's attractive, how old she looks etc.
just, comparison
No. 128957
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>>128886top pic looks like a creepy lady from some horror movie. cant put my finger on which
No. 129036
>>128885I thought Dakota was saying this because a good chunk of her fanbase that sends money
directly to her are old men…
No. 129164
>>128957I just think it's the mad gray lightning effect. Saturation was low af.
I just think how it's funny to compare the same person with a couple of years of difference - sparkly eyes, perfect glowy skin, pink pouty lips, much fuller lashes..
Funny thing was she used to get way more views/attention than she does now
No. 129171
>>128843I made an old timeline a few threads ago
>>116665Here is an updated and more detailed timeline because I have nothing better to do:
>On January 1 (New Year's) she announced she was staying at a hotel claiming it was her new apartment in Tokyo. >She hung out with some guy for this month. Suspected to be either a sugar daddy or just Scott. his form can be seen in the reflection.>During this month she attended things like sumo wrestling and press conferences, furthering the theory she was with someone else.>January 27th, vaguely suggests she's studying evidence of the heart's cellular memory.>Around February 1st, she moved out of that apartment. Either that or she was just taking all her stuff with her for some reason.>February 4th, starts talking about how she's thinking about modeling.>February 4th, reposts someone's photo of matcha soup.>February 5th, she tweets the Rilakkuma videos.>February 5th, she tweets >>123630 implying she was sexually assaulted before February 5 by an Australian man, later confirmed in a video.>February 10th, piss taxi.>February 14th, posts a picture that was obviously taken by someone else but no mention of who. >February 15th, vague-posts about receiving Sailor Moon compacts for Valentine's day.>February 16th, reposts a photo from Kota's blog with a blinged out Sailor Moon thing.>March 8th, tweets about being asked if she's half-blood….hahahahahahhaha>March 9th, posts some weird yandere video on instagram, talks about having video footage to edit, despite later saying she never intended to post her videos and was just taking them for memories.>March 10th, posts >>123260 talking about how she's going to stop pleasing douchebags and whatnot, which is a weird thing to post and not then delete if you're going to later claim you're in a relationship.>March 11th, someone else assumes she's a model.>March 11th, tweets "Going from a small town in Florida to a huge city like Tokyo where I'm on my own for the first time ever in my life, I've grown a lot." Implying she's alone, so she's not staying with anyone. She may have been earlier but she's not now.>March 13th, she talked about a hot monk at "her local temple" because she's totes living in Japan now.>Around this time, she posted a video on instagram of some Japanese guy in her room with her. It was deleted. He was jewelry designer Taro Hanabusa/@fangophilia. NOT her bae.>March 13th, despite never mentioning him even indirectly before, started posting videos with her BAE, Tako-chan.>March 17th, posts the first video of him where she drew on his face.>March 17th, posts photo of herself with Taku, his younger brother, and his mom.>March 19th, posts video collage of Taku sleeping in his undies with Rilakkuma.>March 25th, makes a passive aggressive tweet about Kota in response to Kota revealing Kiki would be leaving at the end of the month on her blog which has now been edited. >>68174>March 31st, posts video of the sakura in bloom. >Kiki posted about cats and stuff and then dropped off the face of the earth around the time she was supposed to leave Japan.>May 31st, posts another video of her drawing on sleeping Taku's face – old video from Japan.>June 3rd, posts a sneaky-cam video of Taku singing along to rap music in the car while driving – old video from Japan.>June 7th, she she informs her twitter followers she is back in Florida. We knew that already though thanks to Kota.>June 8th, posted a video of she and Taku in bed including Taku in his underwears again – again, old video from Japan, probably taken around March 17th.>June 10th, posted a recipe video of some vegan shake – newer video from after Japan.>Around June 14th started talking about doing a boyfriend tag video, despite the fact that at this point we all know she hasn't seen or been with Taku in at least 3 months.>June 15th, posted video of she and Taku walking around Tokyo Tower under the cherry blossoms – old video from Japan BUT wearing a different outfit. Probably taken at the end of March.>Around June 17th, some anon tipped us off about her kirleios profiles. By the way anon, who are you and how did you get that tip? Over the next few days anons suspected they found Taku but it was generally agreed that wasn't him. Profiles went private.>June 17th, posted a vlog about her sexual assault, wherein she seemed objectively unshaken by the whole thing despite the situation having happened recently in the context of the video. This video was from February 5th confirmed against older videos and tweets.>In a response about the above video regarding what she was wearing, she said she was dressed that way to go out with her boyfriend later that night, February 5th. We know that she didn't start posting video of Taku til mid-March, and she had some kind of a falling out on March 10th, so…who?>June 20th, started vague-tweeting about wedding dresses and diamond rings. That was dropped.>June 21st, posted a photo on instagram of herself ordering room service in a Disney World Florida hotel, presumed to be taken by Taku because of the hashtag vacaywithbae>Over the next week, despite her boyfriend flying in from Tokyo to be with her, she takes no photos of them together, she takes no creepy photos of him at all, no video, just posts normally on twitter about copyright claims, PETA, and posting pics of herself.>June 22nd, posted a selfie of Taku on instagram with the [redacted] caption "My Ono." It was clearly taken by Taku himself. Could not be reverse image-searched thanks to the pink filter.>June 22nd, posted a selfie of herself drinking lemonade.>June 22nd, posted a new song.>June 22nd, posted a photo of she and Taku's Disney World pass bracelets with the names Kiki-nyan and Taku-nyan. So we can assume Taku is STILL in Florida at this point, June 22nd, or at least she is implying he is.>Or she just put Taku's name on the wristband since you can obviously make it say whatever since she put "-nyan" for both of them.>Over the next week she just is dropping various photos from a photoshoot but no other mention of Taku.>June 24th, uploads an old video, a room tour of her room with Taku, the Hyatt in Roppongi Hills. In the caption she says she hadn't intended on uploading these videos (lol) but confirms she will be returning to Japan soon.>Over the next few days she has been trying to contact Buzzfeed to remove old profiles.>June 26th, posts an over-filtered screenshot of a text from Taku showing off new Sailor Moon goods she had delivered to his house and him saying he loves her…even though he was just in Florida.So this would mean that Taku flew into Disney World for a weekend, then flew back out to Tokyo.
We cannot confirm he was actually in Florida, but we can assume that she did want us to think that he was just in Florida on June 22nd as she seemed happy to receive their wristbands, so it was not the famous latergramming that Keeks likes to do. That's at least 16 or 17 hours from Tokyo to Orlando, 16 hours back. Flying overnight, that still knocks out a few hours of the day, not to mention the time it takes in the airport and catching connecting flights. Flying overseas is no joke, you basically have to set aside a whole day just for travel.
He may have been there earlier than the 21st, because Kiki has a weird idea that it's unusual to post photos of things happening right when they're happening and would rather post unrelated photos and selfies he obviously took of himself and wait several months to post actual photo and video from stuff that happened before. I feel she will use the excuse, "I don't like to post these things that are personal online" or something like that, but she has no problem whoring him around for attention and views half-naked on video so what's a quick shot of them in front of the Magic Kingdom or something?
If he left very early on the 25th he MAYBE would have been able to get back home in time to take a photo of the package and then send it to her so she could edit and then post it. If he left on the 24th or 25th it's definitely possible that this is a legitimate text, but who the hell flies out to Florida from Tokyo to go to Disney World and be ignored by their girlfriend for 4 days before flying all the way back to the other side of the world?
It's possible but not plausible especially given there's no proof he was even there.
No. 129211
>>129210No, and I'm not sure that was intentional.
But she is definitely trying to get back into the vegan persona.
No. 129264
>>129242I agree, I don't think Taku was in Florida with her either. It doesn't really fit. I am almost believing that they have some sort of relationship but I doubt it's as serious as Keeks is letting on (wedding dresses? come on…) and I doubt it extended before March.
I feel like she could have pretended a little better that he was totes here. It's like she flooded her followers with new content so that they wouldn't ask questions.
No. 129271
>>129264He was definitely never in Florida with her. I wouldn't be surprised if Kaka thinks they're in a serious relationship tbh, she seemed to have thought her and Jack Cash were in a relationship just because he gave her attention.
>It's like she flooded her followers with new content so that they wouldn't ask questions.I think you're right about that. But she really failed with that since I questioned it even more because of that, like what kind of person spends the entire time on their computer/phone when the person they're in a serious ldr with comes to see them? The place she stayed at in Japan had plain white sheets, if I were her, I would've screencapped videos of them in bed together from Japan and crop them so you can only see the sheets and claimed that it was a picture at that Disney World hotel or in her bed.
No. 129275
>>129271>plain white sheetsYeah, exactly. She honestly didn't even have to go that far. She could have taken a photo of their feet walking on some kind of pavement and said it was at Disney. She posted literally nothing. All she even posted about the whole damn thing was the pic of herself ordering room service and the pic of the bracelets.
It's just weird for someone who has talked about the guy nonstop since the beginning of the month to take not even a sneaky cam picture of the back of his head. Just saying.
No. 129289
>>129288She went to LA and fucked him, drew all over his body "I LOVE KIKI" and posted a pic of it online (sound familiar?)…he later got mad about it and told her to take it down, and disappeared into the eternal void of Kannibal ex-boyfriends.
This was last time she went to Japan (can't remember if it was from when she actually went to Japan or the second time when she just said she was in Japan but probably wasn't actually there) and she was insinuating he was a guy she met in Japan. His ex girlfriend (his girlfriend at the time of fucking Kiki) came into one of the threads and told us he was actually in LA and had never gone to Japan and he was half Korean. lol.
This trip she acted like it was her first time in Japan despite supposedly having gone there two times prior. What's up with that? haha.
No. 129325
>>129312No problem :)
If you want to know more, I'd suggest skimming the previous threads or pull threads. If you weren't around during the first Japan trip/Jack Cash thing and want to know more, you should read the "Kiki in Japan" and "Kiki's Tweets/Instagram" threads.
Speaking of all this, I really think we should update her ed page. I'd be willing to help.
No. 129343
File: 1435613709960.png (283.92 KB, 473x617, tumblr_mzt2sizi1b1t9k994o1_500…)

I wonder how much of this has been tampered with.
No. 129351
File: 1435614735645.jpg (53.52 KB, 636x443, image.jpg)

>>129343Omg these photos were the bomb. Especially the ones with her hair down. Butttt I think you can say they edited her skin (wrinkles, lines, tone etc). Yeah. Bout that.
Picture wise:#1 "this is Kiki right?" #2 "Omg that insufferable weaboo girl again?" #1
nods #2 "ugh lets just create a roll with her name so we know when a client is gonna be a pain in the ass"
No. 129355
>>129302I believe not all of those were Jack Cah related. Once upon a long time (real long) she posted caps of her convos with a guy who she later on found, had a gf.
Peculiarities: his messages were very naughty such as "and then I can cum all over your face" but Kiki blurred out her answers to it
She contacted the guy's gf and when the gf was hostile to her, she posted the convo she had on FB with the girl, but forgot to blur out the girl's name. However, she'd blurred out the guy's name, face, number etc.
Then her and Kota made fun of the girl via Twitter.
So this all came off as very douchey of her (even if I agree with her approach).
And, as expected, it's all deleted now.
No. 129361
File: 1435616194201.jpg (37.23 KB, 225x400, image.jpg)

>>129288Here's the picture for reference
No. 129430
File: 1435625971709.png (123.53 KB, 644x471, Sushi.png)

So I admit I have too much time on my hands. I am bored as fuck so I decided to look at Sushi restaurants to see if any had a "Kiki" roll.It's most likely bullshit. I am looking at local reviews and I come across this. This is just a coincidence right? We think she was in Japan at the time.
No. 129433
>>129430Well we know the Kiki roll thing was bullshit from start butttttt… This, now… this is interesting.
When did exactly she got back?
Either way, her working at a sushi bar makes a lot more sense, money wise (she saved the money to go to Japan, afford her pricey clothing etc)
I'm trying so hard to not jump on conclusions here!
No. 129437
File: 1435626593009.png (59.1 KB, 1218x508, whitepages.png)

>>129433Yeah I am not trying to stir shit up or make up rumors. I thought it was interesting too.
Also I went to go look up the Ostrenga's address to look in the area and I came across this tidbit. There is someone else living with them?
No. 129438
>>129433I don’t know, I feel like Kiki would brag about something like that or talk about how she’s able to talk Japanese all the time with her super Japanese coworkers and eat endless vegan sushi~~ but who knows.
>>129437That's her brother isn't it?
No. 129443
File: 1435627141787.jpg (46.28 KB, 542x201, image.jpg)

>>129438She did imply she needed to speak Japanese for her job before lilkitten…even though it's not what she says on that YT video
But yeah. She'd be bragging about how all the guys hit on her, about petty Caucasian coworkers, sexual harassment, same old
No. 129487
File: 1435631233627.png (1.33 MB, 1261x639, lilkitten.png)

>>129484No we get something even better…..
http://www.lilkitten.comOh my God………
No. 129493
>>129487So thats what she was doing while she was in "Japan"
Also her aesthetic is terrible.
No. 129495
This is like someone's Geocities page in 2002.
No. 129496
File: 1435631603662.png (1006.73 KB, 1242x480, desperate.png)

She is milking this "relationship" hardcore.
Wtf is going to happen when they break up?
No. 129500
File: 1435632175621.png (47.71 KB, 303x78, lawl.png)

>>129487Where to begin.
The design is obnoxious to say the least.. There too many objects moving trying to grab my attention. The colors clash and don't really mix.
There is so much going on I am having a hard time loading and scrolling the website; however it might just be my computer
I saw this image at the bottom of the webpage which is hilarious. How long do you think it will be until someone finds some stolen work?
No. 129564
File: 1435641152665.png (810.71 KB, 2276x1105, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 12.1…)

can anybody properly waybackmachine this my dumbass mac keeps timing out
No. 129573
>>129430kek is that for bikkuri sushi in orlando?
If so that cows never worked there even though they hire a new waitress every other week.
No. 129590
File: 1435648871557.png (151.3 KB, 638x119, eyeroll emoji.png)

I love that she feels she's the authority on being nice to others and mental and physical health.
No. 129591
File: 1435649310511.png (118.93 KB, 605x338, tonight in tokyo.png)

I noticed something.
She has decided to reuse the name "Tonight in Tokyo" for the most recent EP – she already had an EP called that. It was the one with Opal Rain and some other found-to-be plagiarized songs on it.
Now Opal Rain is gone. I imagine there are other songs missing as well. has Dream Baby Dream been out for a year? Why is she pumping up the promotion of it suddenly? Or did she just replace an old song's post with DBD and change the title and image so it'll look like it's been there all along.
No. 129594
Her ask me page is the tumblr ask me page, connected to this tumblr: trying to go by lil kitten now I guess. That's a barely-legal porn star name, Keeks.
No. 129597
>>129487This is the most hideous website I've ever seen in my entire life. The foreverkailyn reddit (which is
supposed to be a tacky eyesore) is a billion times more aesthetically pleasing than this site.
I don't see the point in changing lilkitten into a blog, she already has a blog and she never even uses it. I guess she really is trying to drop the name Kannibal because literally this is just 2.0
>>129559Seriously. Even if a few people actually read this blog, I highly doubt anyone will share it with their friends. I know if someone was like, "check out this site called lilkitten," I would assume they were trying to get me to look at porn and ignore it.
>>129560I think it was actually the girl's username on all of her accounts, twitter, ig, pull, etc. And Kaka hates this girl because the girl corrected her and told her that Native Americans aren't Indians, lol.
>>129592I hate it as well. On the "media" page, you can also get a huge list of selfies to look at.
She should've just made this a picture/fashion/modeling blog. I mean, that's her ultimate goal in all of this, to be known for her looks. I don't get why she feels the need to pretend that she's got such a huge passion for veganism, health, music, etc, when it's really obvious all she cares about is getting her face out there.
No. 129609
>>129496If she was even half as decent a person as she claims to be this thread would disappear. WTF Kiki?! Get some psychological help!
She barely has a following.
Her previous name has so much shit attached to it that she's realized she can't keep it and achieve anything.
She knows people hate her real personality and puts on this fake new age earth mother shtick she's seen work for others.
So where the fuck is she getting the validation that allows her to keep right on being the same shitty person? I realize her parents are god awful but damn. It's years later and just like with PT there are even more questions than answers.
No. 129646
> So where the fuck is she getting the validationFrom her swollen-ass ego.
I'm disappointed. I was expecting an entertaining YT video. But this is ok too. OFC I hate the layout with all my heart but, she's tacky. So's Dakota. Not having taste… It's their thing. She'll probably slack off it like she's doing with YT videos (for the 100th time)
Hm, points up for giving credit to the designer? For once???
No. 129661
File: 1435673688341.png (766.65 KB, 1882x917, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 10.0…)

whoever did this, you have way too many feelings invested in this bitch my nigga.
No. 129664
>>129663Definitely one of the PULL regulars.
>>129496The first sentence was nice and normal, then it spiraled into sparkly-sparkly darkest places rise like a phoenix shooting star -blahblah. Just a bunch of pretty words thrown in there without barely getting the actual message across. this has been said for years, but keke, this writing style is called "purple proses", and it annoys everybody. even in fiction writing. it distracts the reader from what you're trying to say.
No. 129672
>>127490Nah it's KiraKiraOstrich. 99% sure.
>>129667Not only that! But her ~adventures overseas~ lol doing what? Visiting hotel rooms?
No. 129692
>>129678Seriously…the "media" section is just a bunch of selfies.
I believe she is definitely trying to become a model. And she's doing it exactly the same way that Kota did, except she's missing two key parts to Dakota's success:
>Kota completely rebranded herself as "Kotakoti/Dakota Rose" and distanced herself from her scene days.>She interacted with her fans and followers at least in the beginning. Furthermore, the kawaii schoolgirl living doll thing was new and exciting at the time, and Kiki's riding the wave of a trend that's on its last leg.
I believe her endgame is to go to Japan and get her spouse visa and be a model and designer like Kota, because I think she truly believes that anything Dakota can do she can do better and more easily. She might even succeed at getting some modeling gigs…but I really don't think she'll be even as modestly successful as Dakota is. Her look is too mature, and it doesn't suit any interesting fashion movements currently happening in Japan that would be of interest to her. Maybe something more aimed at gyaru-style. But really, mature-looking white girl models are a dime a dozen. All she has going for her is that she's tiny and Dakota Rose's sister.
If she changes her look for more edge, like a grown up version of her scene days, I think she could have some success. She needs to stop hopping onto trends as they're in the process of dying.
No. 129701
File: 1435680812876.png (642.51 KB, 639x633, Screen-Shot-2015-06-26-at-6.56…)

>>129692Just went to her media page and saw this. Maybe she isn't trying to distance herself as much as we thought, lmao.
No. 129708
File: 1435681183622.jpg (209.32 KB, 1024x882, dearkikicolumn2-edit-1024x882.…)

>>129704I didn't read any of them because second hand embarrassment. But here's one.
No. 129710
File: 1435681248727.png (960.74 KB, 1261x633, keeka.png)

>>129701Exactly. She will never drop the Kannibal monkier. It's the only reason she has any sort of fanbase. It makes he feel important to have had a Rolling Stone article written about her, to have "invented" hair stripes, to be such a "pioneer" for the scene movement.
>>129702>>129704It really is. She could have at least taken the time to like copy/paste/format them into text.
No. 129711
File: 1435681271062.png (919.71 KB, 1194x616, vomit.png)

also the layout of the page which is just terrible. She literally just uploaded screenshots of emails.
No. 129713
File: 1435681625983.jpg (13.74 KB, 250x375, tumblr_m6ypicpR0D1ray85eo9_250…)

>>129698>>129705Her scene name was SpookyKoti, just saying.
No. 129714
So hey guys, let's update Kiki's ED page!
It hasn't really been updated since she tried to be CocoRosie.
We of course need to include the recent Japanese boyfriend stuff but we can go all the way back to Jack Cash, her previous trip to Japan, her previous "trip" to Japan, her experiences all kinds of stuff. What else should we include? No. 129718
>>129692>>129693I agree with everything you've said.
I don't get why she didn't make lilkitten a modeling/fashion blog, at least the name suits that a little more. Although it still sounds really pornish. It's really obvious that the website is all about her getting her face out there and not about being healthy, happy, vegan, whatever.
>>129714Definitely the lilkitten drama as well. I thought it was really funny how she made this huge thing after it about how everyone bullies her and threatens her so she's staying off social media, but then comes back literally a week later, lol.
No. 129724
>>129496Are… are those hairclips the wings off of the Vivienne Westwood x Melissa wing platforms?
Because they sure as hell look like them/are about the same size.
No. 129731
File: 1435684090734.jpg (139.47 KB, 1365x705, h76g.JPG)

Imagine some random normal person, not knowing anything about Kiki's infamy, stumbling across her advice page and this is what greets them.
The first thought would probably be "what the fuck".
No. 129735
>>129731They would think "wow, she's really full of herself."
If she truly believed anything she preached she would realize how narcissistic she seems. Most bloggers who are attempting to convey the messages she is attempting to convey tend to focus on minimalism and nature. She opts for consumerism and drug visuals.
Earlier when she was talking about how "no one ever orders vegan sushi but me!" I was just kind of smirking to myself. She really thinks she's interesting and unique for something completely normal. I order vegan sushi. A bunch of people I know order vegan sushi. It's not uncommon to be vegan, Keeks.
No. 129739
>>129736> he could have just stopped talking to her all togetherhas there been any solid proof that he HAS been talking to her at all since then?
she showed an uber filtered partial LINE message once but its totally possibly that was from ages ago or from someone else entirely
No. 129741
>>129735its also not uncommon to simply dislike raw fish lol.
or because, you know, cucumber and avocado rolls are just damn tasty
No. 129747
>>129735I was just about to say that, you said that much better than I would've.
>Earlier when she was talking about how "no one ever orders vegan sushi but me!" I was just kind of smirking to myself. She really thinks she's interesting and unique for something completely normal. It really shows how sheltered she is when she goes on about this sort of stuff thinking it's interesting/unique.
I think that's another reason why she'll never become popular again. She has nothing interesting ever to say and the whole lifestyle/advice blogging thing she's trying to do isn't going to work out because she doesn't really have any life experience at all. From what I've skimmed of the advice she's given, it's all just cliche answers like, "do things that make you happy, love yourself talk to family/friends, blah, blah, blah."
No. 129752
>>129747Yeah, her advice is great for like…14 year olds. Which is where she still is, mentally.
>>129736>>129739I think there's also a language barrier that is causing a lot of miscommunication and confusion. There's an idea that Americans just say "I love you" any old time. And it's true, but there are certain inflections and contexts that make it clear whether you're genuinely saying "I truly feel romantic love for you and want to spend my life with you" and "HAHA, I love you, you're so funny!!" and "I really care about you! Friends forever!" etc. Whereas Japanese, and other languages, have different phrases for different situations. I am sure he's probably saying "I love you" and meaning to seem casual about it, but it's generally understood in male-female relationships whether casual or not, you never say "I love you" until you're IN love with someone, which is something that could be lost on someone who is not a native or fluent speaker. Could also be lost on someone who is, as we all say, really naive and inexperienced in love.
Of course, he did say "aishiteru," maybe he's just a manipulative dick (her type!), but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now.
No. 129755
>>129752or maybe he is saying aishiteru ironically because
1) its one of the most common phrases foreigners might happen to know, even though no one actually says it
2) because no one actually says it
No. 129757
> it's ok if you have no friends but a boyfriend, just make him get in touch with his female side to fulfill your needs in having a friend9 chances out of 10 if anyone followed this advice they'd end up bullied, friendless and Boyfriendless.
What the girl talked about was straight up harassment cruelty and Kiki just took that so lightly
No. 129760
>>129755I agree.
>>129757It's because her way of dealing with harassment is to just block people, and the only times she's really been harassed are for things that she, deep down, knew she was at fault for.
No. 129764
>>129754What do these basic bitches with their minimalistic blog designs know about ~originality~
Kira Kaka Princess of Mars is bringing tacky narcissistic aesthetics back! Along with unreadable and unloadable shittastic blog design featuring myspace glitters.
No. 129768
>>129764lmao you're so right. myspace is back.
again kiki is the original, bringing myspace back.
No. 129780
>>129743just signed up there.
it's entirely possible that she found taku through the site, especially since the website seems to be heavily focussed on bringing weebs and asians together.
No. 129850
>>129757the only reason she thinks this is ok is because that's exactly how she lives, hopping from dick to dick without bothering to make any long-lasting female friends. I have never seen her mention another female friend. Now that Dakota's gone, she probably doesn't have any.
To her, befriending other females is probably a daunting task. If they're not as pretty/skinny/whatever as she is, she'd consider them 'beneath' her and probably talk shit to them all the time calling them ugly and fat. Nobody wants to put up with that in a 'friendship'. If they're as 'kirakira' as she is, she probably views them as competition.
Privately, I think that's why Dakota and her never hang out or talk about seeing one another, even when she was in Japan. Dakota has real friends now; she's realized how toxic her sister's influence was, and no longer puts up with it out of desperation/admiration.
No. 129852
>>129850I agree. A lot of people think it's silly to think that Dakota and Kiki don't talk anymore but I have to disagree with that idea. I'm sure they talk sometimes or see each other when one is in the other's country, but they are obviously not as close as they used to be. We would know. I haven't seen a photo of them together since 2010.
I mainly believe it because I went through a similar thing. I used to be really close to my brother–inseparable–but he developed some weird superiority complex and started living in his own little world where he was the most talented musician etc. No one was as good. Eventually that wore down on me, I moved away, and we talk maybe once every few months about nothing in particular. Sorry to blog but my point is, it happens. Sometimes you're only hanging around with someone because they're there…even family.
Kiki definitely doesn't have any friends, or at least any close ones. She's good at tricking people into thinking she's a kind and caring individual so I'm sure she's not unpopular with others on a shallow level but once they get to know her for real they probably don't stick around longer. She needs to do some soul searching. Fairly certain the only reason she and Taku have lasted as long as they have (assuming they're even together) is because of a language barrier and the fact that they don't see each other much/at all.
No. 129865
>>129863She could've made the video about all her drawers but then, she would probably ran off video ideas. Typical.
The sad thing is, people asked for this video. There are people out there who think this kind of shit is, pretty…
>>129847She filmed a video on Numerology and she has them on during the video of you want to see if they indeed look as off putting (I was thrown off by the numerology video itself so…)
No. 129866
>>129863Just a bunch of kitsch crap
well to give her one compliment, her current hairstyle (with side bangs) is better than the previous one.
No. 129869
>>129863Her jewelry is so boring and cheap. It all looks the same and where in the
hell would you wear those giant gaudy rings?
No. 129879
>>129843Sorry, I didn't think about that. It could be more of a process. But she's stolen so much and deserves to be called out for it. At least three or four of her songs are from that Russian guy and possibly more. I only remember people calling her out for a few.
>>129869She has some that are kind of cute or look like they'd be fun to wear to a party, out to a club or a music performance, or for a night hanging out with friends but they definitely weren't in this video. Some of those look like she just grabbed a rock from behind someone's house, glued it to metal and called it a day. The saddest part is she puts these on in her room to sit around playing dress-up and make believe musician/DJ. That is barely an existence.
No. 129883
>>129850>>129852All of this.
>>129863I'm starting to feel like her style truly hasn't changed since the scene days.
No. 129955
File: 1435714402939.jpg (66.89 KB, 570x672, image.jpg)

>>129881Excuse YOU! She makes jewelry since she was 9, mind you (saying "hoe", no less). A prodigy designer for sure /s
Either way I believe these are not knock offs, there are these kind of jewelry sold on etsy by hippie self-important "artists" that make them with "raw crystals" so you ~can get in touch with nature~ blah blah and they're pricey.
No. 129982
File: 1435718466852.png (45.04 KB, 170x170, file_8_17.png)

>>129981$545 dollars for this piece of shit?? Wow, I have no words. Sooo beyond greed.
No. 129983
File: 1435718686485.png (40.18 KB, 191x301, ohshi.png)

I don't think this specefic piece was shown in her video but its almost the same exact style. Same stone, same casing, and it has the same… uhm… I can't think of the word. But the thing that the chain goes through lmao.
No. 130032
>>130018Honestly this was probably the most interesting music she's ever done.
Now its just shit.
No. 130042
>>129863This video was so… weird.
>>129974 mentioned, these are obviously items that she procured for sale at some point and never got rid of. All just very slightly different iterations of the same item. What gives?
No. 130128
File: 1435752644677.jpg (58.97 KB, 640x388, image.jpg)

That comment…
No. 130129
File: 1435752709576.jpg (62.75 KB, 640x881, image.jpg)

>>130128… And OFC it's an absolutely dead account who just took their time to comment on Kiki's voice is so "relaxed & elegant"
No. 130133
>>130128kaka's voice is the total opposite of ASMR's purpose
it would be a total cringe fest
No. 130219
>>129863>angel aura angel aura angel aurait's quartz, kiki. it's quartz that they made colorful in a lab. jfc.
also it's hilarious how the only commentary she has on the 'jewelry she's been collecting since she was 8' is 'this is a pendant. this is a ring. it's pretty big.' no duh, keekz.
my bet is she's trying to drum up interest in her 'style' so she can open up another web store…
No. 130255
>>130219Yeah. I've watched "shoes collection" video and usually people talk when thy bought it, why, how, maybe a funny story, how it feels to wear them etc. which makes the videos kind of lengthy. 10 mins or so.
Kiki is just not that interesting I guess
No. 130267
>>130219> made in a labprobably in china
probably by children
kiki why not take your activism to china
they'll love you
No. 130397
>>130255"So ya, here's my collection of titanium aura and angel aura. I bought them on taobao to resell but not one bought them from me. Some are larger than others."
She has nothing to say about the rings.
I feel like yeah she just only covered the one drawer so her fans will be like "show more!" That's potentially 3 more videos you guys!
No. 130502
File: 1435819054668.png (55.71 KB, 726x343, Screen Shot 2015-07-02 at 8.19…)

>>129594She asked a question to herself on and forgot to click on anon.
No. 130511
File: 1435820621311.jpg (9.4 KB, 300x158, tumblr_mmhbin6Zsf1sov64wo1_500…)

No. 130518
>>130502Haha omg, it's still up?!?
Stupid Kaka.
Also lol at the "how old are you" ask underneath… ttly not sent by kiki thx.
No. 130524
File: 1435821792948.gif (1.77 MB, 309x234, kiki.gif)

>>130502omfg I'm so embarrassed for her…
No. 130526
This shit is gild, I bet Kota be dying laughing if she sees this shit!
No. 130530
>>130527Either delete it and never mention it again or
"Sorry, I forgot to say that that question was emailed to me by a fan who I asked if I could post it here so I could share the answer with all of you kittens!! >^..^<"
No. 130545
>>130543I will go ahead and say I am the anon who told her to change her advice page.
Don't know about the others.
No. 130547
>>130545I didn't believe that one was her anyway, we all know she wouldn't send herself anything remotely negative that wasn't praising.
But the rest are so obvious, lowercase i to make it seem like it's not her. lolz so sad
No. 130597
>>130596complains about reblogging
aka the main feature of tumblr
No. 130601
File: 1435843599219.jpg (68.16 KB, 640x718, image.jpg)

>>130590Not only the fan blog did though! It's multiplying…
No. 130603
>>130593>>130601I reblogged it in case she tries to delete it.
>>130596>>130597If the Monstrengas try to get it taken down I am sure Tumblr would laugh n their face.
No. 130615
>>130502This reminds me of a tidbit from her old tumblr
>I’m doing a lot of things offline, the internet does not interest me much at all anymore, so I update my pages every so often. If my goal was to be popular on here, I very well could do that, it’s simple, but by doing that it would take too much of my time for other things I could be putting towards my real life goals. The internet RARELY creates real life success or friends. It’s a video she's become so desperate for it she's resorting to sitting on her ass sending herself asks on what to post next
No. 130619
>>130608>>130616I have 1,750 followers :^)
Buttttt my content is all dark landscapes, makeup and naked laydees. I'm gonna reblog it anyway kek
No. 130638
File: 1435852311865.png (150.19 KB, 696x382, Untitled.png)

>>130593Dude, have you seen that fanblog? It cant be serious! I somehow get the feeling this person is being sarcastic!
No. 130639
File: 1435852431065.png (203.79 KB, 704x348, Untitled2.png)

>>130638Another example lol (sorry for not combining them)
No. 130643
>>130642Pretty sure its this one she retweeted her so lets be nice :)
No. 130660
>>130641who wants to bet that Kiki made a fan blog for herself?
although tbh I'm starting to wonder if Kiki has just decided to become a massive troll. The evidence she leaves lying around is just too easy to find. And look how well stirring up controversy worked for Dakota.
Kiki's Guide to E-Fame and Success in Japan:
1. be a kirakira vegan angel princess western beauty
2. rack up page-views by leaving evidence of your asshattery lying around the web so people will eventually notice and start talking about you
3. reel in those sweet, sweet page-views
4. tout yourself as an e-celebrity when applying to overseas modelling agency, milk your fading looks and ex-scene-queen status for all it's worth
5. ????
No. 130689
(also kek I can't wait for Kirsten to get online and see what she's done).
No. 130691
>>130683you're not the first one, everybody else was just choosing not to point it out because no need to derail a perfectly good thread.
mentioning the s-word these days is kind of like summoning Candleja
No. 130713
>>130697I feel like she's been trolling us a bit lately.
Like with calling Taku ber bf/bae when it's pretty obvious they didn't spend that much time together, posting videos where it's incredibly obvious she's trying to be sneaky, talking about wedding dresses, claiming he's in Florida with her and then posting a text she got from him when her got her package in the mail a couple days later, etc.
I've heard that her and Kota would always try to make up drama for attention. (Although I'm not entirely sure because I started following them after Kota was already in Japan and wasn't really associating herself with Kaka anymore)
No. 130719
>>130552i'm not kiki jfc
i'm a brazilian sloth, check my ip if it bothers u so badly
just because i think kaka is stupid doesn't mean i won't point farmers being stupid either ffs
No. 130731
>>130729i guess u are actually right, it just boils my blood so much that everytime, everyone throws the "u r this lolcow" card just because.
anyway moving on
No. 130747
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Kaka, no on truly gives enough of a shit about you to go to your school and stalk you. Maybe in the scene days people did, but not now. Even the people who recognized you in that Japanese class didn't give enough of a shit about you to sneak pictures of you and it literally took over a year for anyone to even post about it.
She's most likely just saying this because we all know for a fact she never was in a university in Japan, maybe a language school, but not a university.
No. 130757
>>130753They're not random anons, its just her asking herself questions so that people can be like "omg! thats terrible! poor kiki~~"
Also, i understand not saying where you go to school, but why won't she say her major? Unless its some super unique major (lol) people wouldn't be able to find her just on that information.
But of course the real reason is because she isn't going to university, and therefore not majoring in anything.
No. 130764
>>130757yep thats the real reason
in a recent tweet didnt she said she uses japanese at her job? lol lol
No. 130766
>>130757Yeah, I found that ridiculous as well.
I guess it's because people would probably still be able to prove she never went to university there even with info like that. (It would probably be pretty easy since she can't speak Japanese at all and I'm sure there aren't many universities for people that don't speak any Japanese.)
>>130764I believe it was in the comments of one of her videos about learning Japanese or the Japan vlogs she posted after her first trip. And I think she said it because she thought her music career was going to take off there.
No. 130845
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>>129982same charge for Dakota's shitty digital drawings, google pasted backgrounds and all.
No. 131120
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wait there is a new video. she's just a fucking idiot and never took it off private
No. 131125
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she finally admitted she doesn't live in japan. but i wouldn't say that one visit to japan equals "often"
No. 131134
>>131073i find all the east asian cultures to be fascinating
chinese is also a very interesting language to learn and the written form is the basis for both japanese and korean
also longest living culture in the world wooooah
(sage for chingchongaboo ot)
No. 131198
>>131194lol omg.
"how to make watermelon lime juice:
put watermelon and lime in a juicer.
that's it!
btw I'm very vegan and conscious of the animals.
look at my website!"
No. 131362
>>131194Her lips look so strange to me, but I can't quite place why…
She looks kind of nuts in this video, as well, but thats nothing new.
No. 131366
>>131194she's so visibly off and trying so hard to be moogle mother kitten =^_^= lel
ladies, we're watching a post-breakdown nobody attempting to make it look like she's relevant and genuine in anything that comes out of her mouth
No. 131394
>>131194Looks like she's trying to hold her eyes open wide as possible, starts talking, keeps forgetting the eyes and snaps them open
No. 131397
I feel like a weeb learning nihongo but then I realize I like learning languages in general
Same for kaka obviously since she's soon darn fluent in all those languages
No. 131400
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I'm fine with this video but she should call it smthg like "juicing and 4th advice/vlog" or smthg like that.
Her lips do look fuller and… Idk the makeup looks good when the video's not in HD (You can notice how paler her face is than her neck (foundation malfunction) and the abnormally wide eyes). It went through my mind she'd look better with no makeup at all other than this; this headpiece is probably smthg she thought was flashy enough for Japan (she had it in some insta videos from there) and is trying to make it work now but, no.
Lastly: girl, use a tripod.
Picture related; BECAUSE YOU R A CREEPER
No. 131403
>>131194Who told her those ponytails were a good idea? I couldn't stop staring at how thin they were the entire time. They really age her as well.
The only positive thing I can say is that she didn't do the god awful thick eyeliner look that she was doing for a while.
>>131400Omfg, that woman. Is she really surprised that she was blocked? This is one thing I'm actually on Kaka's side with, I know she's harmless but I feel uncomfortable/creeped out just looking at her trying to interact with girls young enough to be her daughters.
No. 131425
>>131403HA! She got blocked aswell, the silly old cow! Oh my god, something I agree with Kiki on!
Everyone should know by now, you can't ever get close to kaka or kota.
No. 131428
>>131397There is nothing wrong with learning any language. I'm learning Japanese myself, but sometimes even I think to myself "im such a fuckin' weeb" but then I realize, I'm not?
It's just the dicks like kaka who make us feel weeby because so many weebs want to learn Japanese and proclaim they KNOW and are FLUENT in Japanese when they aren't, which make us feel a bit… yeah.
Just keep doin' what you're doing (:
No. 131429
>>131194I'm not a native English speaker so I can't really tell until it's heavy, but someone mentioned that she faked an accent here. Is she trying to sound foreign?
The only time I noticed she faked an accent was in a previous video where she ~magically~ had a Japanese-like accent, but I'm not sure I can tell in this new video.
No. 131431
>>131429Probably, it wouldn't surprise me.
I know before Dakota went off to Japan for the first time she sounded normal. Soon as she stepped foot on nippon soil, she automatically started putting on voices. Now she does it all the time… I guess it's just to fit in. But recently there was a video with kota on a bus with some black guy, Japanese man at her side and kota spoke in some English. I was SURPRISED to hear how gruff and deep her voice was… It sounded literally nothing like the voice she used to put on in her videos.
Don't be fooled by the ostrengas.
No. 131432
>>131194She's doing the kota eye make up thing again… the "look at my kawaii eyes" thing.
Gomen kaka-chan but don't have a baby face or kawaii features unlike ur barbie doll sister xoxoxo
No. 131435
>>131434Again, wouldn't surprise me. But kota must remember, it's she DOES do this. That she isn't Japanese, just like Mira. She's not Japanese, she isn't Asian. She works in an Asian country, lives there. May even get hitched or have a child to one. But kota or Mira will never be Japanese. It's just how it is, simple as that.
Japanese know that they're not Japanese too. What was that rom Wolverine lol, "You wouldn't understand, you're not Japanese."
Precisely the point.
No. 131550
>>131400The whole blocking thing seems to have really upset her because looking at her google+, this is the second comment about being blocked(the first comment wasn't really asking about being blocked though, it was her asking why she couldn't find her on ig) she left on Kaka's videos. And she tagged Kaka on one of her selfies asking about why she was blocked.
I kind of hope Kaka confronts her about why she was blocked. It'll probably be the only time I'd actually be cheering her on.
>>131418> I think she views herself not as a creepy old lady going through a crisis and trying to be them but as one of the teenage fangirls of Kiki/Kota/Venus etc.I think you're right. Sometimes it feels like she's trying to become friends with these girls.
>>131432I think we can all agree that this makeup looks a billion times better than when she was making her eyeliner cover her entire lids.
I do agree though, her makeup does make her harsh face look even harsher for this style she's trying to go for. It would work if she was going for an edgy look.
Jw, has she ever done a makeup look without a winged eyeliner?
No. 131598
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>>131194i have to disagree.
No. 131602
>>131598She's just not pretty
Have you guys seen the wellness warrior who was a path logical liar fuck it I'll just link it. I get serious kiki vibes from her
No. 131607
>>131598She looks so different in the middle video. More like her candids.
>>131602She is pretty, don't be salty.
No. 131613
>>131600>>131602>>131607i don't even mean the way she looks, or these specific caps.
i'm referring to her whole demeanor and mannerisms in these videos.
No. 131623
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>>131598THANK YOU FOR represents me lol
>>131550Yes she had more natural makeup in the Backstage profile pictures and she looked a lot better than this. Anyone have these?
Picture related: my eyes watered a bit thinking about the possibilities…
No. 131634
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>>131631FIY a lot of people were requesting ok!!! Like, all 3 of them counting the sock account /s
But LOL even Venus has tried it already
No. 131730
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She changed the title already lol
No. 131744
>>131738Bullshit! I just checked the videos and she changed the description of one of them where she said they met in a lingo app (the first video).
Where the hell she claimed that?
>>131731Two things she can't handle: critics and not being the center of attention :P
No. 131767
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That nose curve
No. 131772
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Shit girl do you even genuinely like to do things at all?
No. 131775
>>131767She's going full on kotalicious, milking the fuck out of that pale skin and those big blue eyes.
Oh god… Japan please don't give this bitch a modelling contract.
No. 131790
>>131775I wouldn't worry about it. She's been there twice to get fame already, tried to milk the fuck out of her sister's fame, and even was featured on a radio station there, and they still didn't want or care about her there.
And even if she was given a modeling contract, it wouldn't last long and she definitely wouldn't be getting any jobs. She's got everything going against her with this, her past, her shit personality(especially this. Her personality is the complete opposite of what is ideal in Japan), and the fact that she's just not cute.
No. 131794
>>131772I'm getting a '
flood me with comments asking so I can look like I'm popular' vibe. She knows she can't rely solely on sockpoppets this time, the internet is too big and people have wised up to tricks like that. Since Kaka is trying to recreate the circumstances that blessed Dakota, that's going to require a large YT following of real people.
No. 131809
>>131802Tumblr probably is, but she already has a /tag and the internet already which reveals her past. People would just look and already get the vibe that she's a sketchy character who's after something. At least kota was kinda fresh when she was active on tumblr. She didn't have as bad a past as kiki does.
That's why it's gonna be even harder for kiki and plus she's already coming up to 23, so she isn't exactly a fresh face kawaii little darling either. She'll have to milk a new fad to get any type of fame. Maybe she'll go after that asian nymphet thing with the eggs/milk and dumb weeb Japanese text tshirts.
No. 131829
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"Totes random anon gurl"
Kiki. U aren't even trying anymore.
No. 131832
ballet dancers body ok kiki ok youre skinny fat and you look gross
No. 131899
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she changed the title of her video back to what it was before lmao
No. 131903
>>131738She did say they met on a language app. Maybe she means they actually MET irl in Florida but then why didn't she mention him at all until she was suddenly in Japan and even then not until she'd been there over 2 months?
The only way I could see this being plausible is if he were an exchange student or something, but he doesn't look young enough at all imo. And as a student he would probably NOT have the budget to travel around with her and stay in these nice hotels.
No. 131936
>>131931she probably says that though she met him
online while she was in Florida. Technically, that wouldn't be a lie. I feel like it's wordplay on her part– she loves to do that.
No. 131984
>>131891It may make more sense for her to send it to Kota instead, but Kaka has the mentality of a 14 year old in the myspace days. I mean, Jack Cash, according to what we've heard/we were told, was upfront about not wanting to be with her, but she still wrote all over him and seemed to genuinely think they were ever in a relationship. I feel like Taku is just playing her like every other guy and she does genuinely believe they're in a relationship, in that one video they were already saying "I love you" and they most likely only hung out for a month.
>>131934I think so as well. When she was there, she had nothing but complaints about how people weren't nice to her and how all the food had msg/soy. And let's not forget her calling Tokyo a 'concrete jungle.' The first time she was going on about how she felt at home there, everyone was so nice to her, etc. She probably only felt that way because of her being on the radio there, people giving her attention for being Kota's sister, and because of her "bad experience"(aka people getting pissed off at her for drawing on them and posting pictures without their consent) with "awful people"(aka Jack Cash) in LA.
No. 132005
>>131996Not only that but PULL used to have a aster thread of Kiki's self-compliments in Twitter and I'm prettttttty sure one of them was "everyone thinks I have a dancer body"
She has become so lazy she's not even creating new self-compliments content
No. 132033
>>132031It was in the creepy video with Taku in bed but she changed it already
Bitch sneaky af
No. 132034
>>132031I definitely remember her saying that. I'm pretty sure it was in the description of one of her creepy videos of him. I think she changed the description or deleted the comment/post/tweet about it(if I am remembering it wrong), because I looked all over for where she said it when I saw that she was claiming she met him in Florida.
We really need to start taking screenshots of every little thing she says because you never know what stupid little thing she's going to lie about next.
No. 132035
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>>132034>>118866>>118871>>118875>She said suggested that they found each other doing language exchange in the video description, someone should try digging for him on language exchange sites because this is super fucking creepy and he needs to know.currently the description has removed all traces of that. i also looked through the comments and nothing.
No. 132060
What I just found out on PULL
"So in Kiki's video "Sexual Harassment in Japanese University l Tokyo l American transfer student l VLOG" the first thing she states is that she is in Minato-ku. This struck a cord with me because I have been looking into a certain university in Minato-ku, myself. The school is called Temple Univeristy, Japan campus, and it is the only foreign university in Minato-ku. So, it makes sense that she would be going there since it is the only university in the area with classes taught in English.
She also mentions a lot of people from other countries (Austrailia, China) being in her classes, and the school is known for having students from around the world.
And strangely, at 2:11 in the video Kiki goes, "Oh my temples!" out of nowhere. Why? Hmm…temples…Temple University, Japan Campus?
Now, about what Kiki is majoring or minoring in. Something else she said in the video is that she is taking Chinese class. Why would she want to take Chinese when she is already trying to learn Japanese? Well, in the major or minor of East Asian Studies, it is required that an asian language aside from Japanese be taken. So it is quite possible that she is majoring or minoring in East Asian studies. It would also make sense because having this kind of degree would allow her (being a foreigner without speaking native Japanese) to find a job in Japan one day easier. This is why so many foreigners who want to live in Japan get one
Lastly I would like to say that Temple University is very expensive, and so are plane tickets! Does Kiki or her family really have the money for her to be traveling back and forth for her boyfriend? She states that this is what's happening in her 'Ask Lil Kitten'. That would be thousands and thousands of dollars! She also states that she doesn't live in Japan and just visits often. I don't know if I would consider attending university in Japan to be "visiting often"…"
No. 132061
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>>132059agreed. you wouldn't take health advice from someone who looks like this, just like you wouldn't go to a salon where the hairdresser has fried brassy hair.
No. 132070
>>131809>that asian nymphet thing with the eggs/milkIt would be hilarious if she dropped her vegan persona just to jump on a new trend.
>>131905And she could use those tumblrs to keep up with what's actually popular with her target demographic now, rather than hopping on trends that are already starting to fade. It's not like she has anything better to do.
No. 132072
>>132060Well, this is all speculations… But a very certain speculation with a good foundation for sure!
And it all makes sense. OFC, except for the money part but we know Ostrengas are spoiled af - and, she has Kota. She has Taku as well. she's setting up more YT videos for views and a website with ads too. She's tryna get that money.
… Except she spent what, 3 months in Japan? Does universities with LEGIT programs actually have a program that's so short-lived?
No. 132078
>>132060>Lastly I would like to say that Temple University is very expensive, and so are plane tickets! Does Kiki or her family really have the money for her to be traveling back and forth for her boyfriend?We already know her parents don't mind going into debt financing their daughters' dreams, but if she really is in university she could easily get loans for however much she wanted. I knew a bunch of people who would pull out an extra 5k on top of living expenses and tuition for burando and shit. It's not smart but I wouldn't put it past Kiki to do something like that since she has such role models as her parents.
That said, Temple University is in Philadelphia among other things wrong with your theory. So no, I don't think she's going to Temple University. Pretty sure she just went to language school and called it university to seem smarter than she is. There are tons of them there and they have tons of foreigners in them. You can definitely go for only three months, too.
No. 132080
>>132078It's a fishy situation. She's definitely doing something on the side to even afford all of this.
Plus, the fuck does she want to work in Japan for anyway? What exactly would she do?
No. 132084
>>132072She's desperate as fuck for a let out.
Christ kiki, just go ahead and marry Taku-chan. Get hitched and be happy with your shit visa.
No. 132087
>>132080>She's definitely doing something on the side to even afford all of this. Nah. She has her parents to help her no doubt, she doesn't have to pay for rent etc because she lives with them, and I doubt she has to pay for food either (except maybe specialty foods).
Youtube ad revenue.
Spotify, itunes, etc revenue. Donations from fans through spotify etc.
Probably selling old stuff on ebay and similar, especially things from her shops that never sold. She has expensive stuff and expensive stuff still resells for a lot.
like idk man I make just above minimum wage and it would be super easy to save up money to go to Japan and language school and shit if all I had to worry about spending my money on was like MAYBE some extra food and stuff. I could easily save up several thousand dollars in a matter of months.
No. 132094
>>132087Same here, I work two jobs and online shop on the side. So yeah, it is pretty easy I guess.
Girl her age though… really should be either working or studying or doing something. Not being funny, but I find it pretty sad lol.
No. 132099
>>132080I know there's the tons of Internet ads she makes but she also spends big cash in clothes and silly shit. I still think her parents afford most of it, though. I'm just in awe on how much money she spends on herself (that hotel in Roppongi too, gotdamn)
And it doesn't matter what she'd even do in Japan anon! She probably would sit on her ass all day but she'd be doing it in glorious Nippon and I guess that's more than enough for Kiki.
No. 132100
>>132097True. She worked retail but guess mama Cathy (and Kiki herself) didn't want her in POSSIBLE DANGER by POTENTIAL RAPISTS and AWFUL work colleagues calling her
gasp "Kinky Kiki!" (Sexual harassment much) in the non-vegan, evil outter world
No. 132106
>>132102lol, how busy is she?
i think it makes more sense Kiki would have something shipped to Dakota than Taku if she could really only ship inside Japan.
You can easily order those things on amiami or similar though.
No. 132111
>>132106…what does that even mean? She's appearing on television, doing shoots and event appearances on a weekly basis, doing magazine shoots or interviews on a monthly basis and with the number of car selfies she's taking I get the sense that she probably does go-sees on the days she's not got something booked. Dakota's working nearly a full time job.
And I'm speculating here, but with the amount of nutso stalkers she's got I can't help but wonder whether she's so keen on going to the post office– a task that requires her to write down her personal information (address, full name, phone number, sister's address)– in person, in front of an employee who will very possibly recognize her as Kawaii Yumeijin Dako-chan. The defining character trait that distinguishes Kota from Kiki is her caution.
No. 132120
>>132111You guys really overblow her popularity lmao.
I'm saying, how busy is she that she can't allow her sister to have something shipped to her apartment/mailbox, which costs her nothing, then snap a picture of it and sent said photo to Kiki to let her know that the package arrived? Takes like 20 seconds of work for her.
More likely, if Dakota ordered the tablets, maybe Kiki also ordered some and had them both sent to Dakota.
Then Kiki manipulates the conversation to look like it's from Taku or takes the photo and again makes a fake convo with Taku.
>>128754 is ultra saturated so it's hard to tell but it looks like there is a huge gap between the two texts Taku supposedly sent even accounting for the speech bubbles so I'm leaning toward fake convo.
No. 132133
>>132124lmao, I know. I laugh so hard when people say shit like
>>132111 as if precious Dako-chan can't possibly live a normal life and do basic everyday things because she's JUST SO POPULAR AND STALKED BY EVERYONE.
No. 132150
>>132079I on the other hand would love to see what harebrained get-famous-quick scheme she comes up with next. She's like a cartoon character.
>>132080>What exactly would she do?Be a kawaii exotic kira kira crystal vegan princess model DJ health guru, of course.
No. 132155
>>132147This is all derailing, but either way she's not famous enough to not be able to mail some Sailor Moon crap to her sister.
>>132150>Be a kawaii exotic kira kira crystal vegan princess model DJ health guru, of course.Honestly I think she does plan on this. I think she basically plans on getting married, having kids, and being a DJ and self-styled model and health guru.
No. 132158
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full picture
No. 132184
>>128754>>132120It's definitely fake. The text isn't even lined up with the side of the pic. Not only that, there are no chat bubbles around he words, but the edges of the pic are rounded, which happens to pics when you send them via text or virtually every messenger.
I'd bet money that Dakota sent zkiki a pic of her cute new Sailor Moon swG, and Kiki stole it, added a fake convo in and filteed the fuck out of it to fit her story. We know Dakota likes Sailor Moon shit, Kiki couldn't care less about it but has stolen pics of Dakota's SM stuff and posted it as her own before. That's probably all this is.
No. 132193
>>132188Also: "I love you baby"
>>132173It's the forehead :P but that's about it. Kota makes her eyes wider and face brighter, Kiki just brightens the shit out of everything
No. 132194
>>132184Pfft, kiki could've easily ordered that sailor moon case off taobao tbh I bought a few of the new samantha vega sm bags myself its cheap enuff
ugh kiki
No. 132200
>>132173If kaka really wanted fame, she should hop on a plane to the UK when the next big brother season comes up just like John from Australia did in 2010 during that BB season. Make out like she's some Japanese talking stupid lulzy doll, fuck a ton of guys in the house, be a drama queen bitch and get the papers talking.
Easy fame there and done!
No. 132218
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Go to her tumblr. New lolzy/batshit/self absorbed cray stuff.
No. 132227
>>132218>What gave you that impression?Idk Kaka, maybe because you literally said so? It's not a rumor if more than one person can recall it. (Idek why anyone would start a rumor like that anyway, there's nothing wrong with meeting someone online.)
That video was uploaded like a month ago, does she really think people are going to forget about something that quickly?
No. 132232
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>>132158Kaka please fix your eyebrows
No. 132246
Would 10/10 watch this.
Would also probably help her with her "DJ / Model" career.. Student nights would lap up "ex bb housemate on the decks"
No. 132291
>>132287I FOUND AN ARCHIVED PAGE OF THE VIDEO. Apparently she changed the video description twice because I know for a fact the first description outright said that they met on a language exchange app, but this one just says, "We met by pursuing to learn each other's languages. We taught each other and then the rest is history."
No. 132304
>>132298I feel like I definitely saw it. But there's no definite proof she said that other than our memories and the comments in the last thread.
I feel like she really did say that because "language exchange app" is pretty specific. I think if it was just speculation or something, we would've just said she met him doing language exchange. idk
No. 132410
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Sure Kiki whatever you say
No. 132414
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No. 132426
>>132409>>132410Buhahahahaha nice cover Kaka.
>>132414>>132415Oh yes because she is so innocent and pure. We are just haters that spread rumor. Duh guy!
>>132423She is just trying to cover for her mistakes. It's very apparent she doesn't know how to make a website.
No. 132433
>>132422Not to mention all her profiles on language exchange sites went down pretty soon after. I think she changed the description so that people would stop looking for Tako.
>>132409>>132419>>132410I love how she is only just now saying this and editing the answer despite apparently knowing about it for days since she had the foresight to self-ask with her own account. Nice damage control.
>>132414>>132415Oh Keeka, when will you learn not to respond to the haters?
No. 132436
>>132426>Oh yes because she is so innocent and pure. We are just haters that spread rumor. Duh guy!Honestly she's so full of it. I get you wouldn't want anon a digging for ya man in language exchange apps but yknow.
shrug tell him to keep an eye out? Idk. Don't try to play as if everyone was stupid enough to believe that.
You go through her tumblr ask and there's another saying how she played with her hair because she was bullied and only broke out of it to be the ethereal au natural vegan desu Mars princess and got out of the negative mindset she was stuck in and now just wants to help people. Like, fuck off. Start off by lying better since you clearly can't keep yourself from it and try not playing the victim for once.
No. 132443
>>132436If she was being truthful with him she would explain to him what is going on and why strangers are searching for him.
She has been on the internet for how long now and she still can't handle the "haters" Really Kaka you are barely famous and barely get harassed. You couldn't handle real fame.
She doesn't know how not to play the victim card.
>>132415Lol forgive my ass, stop acting so innocent and desu. We know who you really are and how manipulative you are. You get caught in your lies then wonder why people don't like you.
You are one to talk telling the "haters" not to look at your website. Why stop reading the hate sites since it bothers you so much :^)
No. 132445
File: 1436067566636.gif (2.9 MB, 300x226, mj5kly.jpg.gif)

Bitch please, the people viewing your site out of "malicious intent" are like half your unique viewers.
You should be thanking us.
No. 132447
File: 1436067933890.png (43.44 KB, 751x493, ohkeeka.png)

She changed her reply a little. She also added tags to the ask. Only this ask though. None of the others.
No. 132556
>>132414How would she even meet him irl in Florida "learning each other's languages?" Did she go up to random Asian guys on the street and start speaking broken Japanese to them? Also where would she even meet him? I'm pretty sure she lives in an area that's predominantly elderly people, so I don't think he'd be there(I don't think he'd be in Florida at all to begin with tbh, the only people I know who actually want to go to Florida are old people and people visiting their older relatives). Plus on the rare occasions she does leave the house, it's most likely just to shop or go to some special snowflake vegan places. And if she actually is in school, I doubt she'd meet him there because his English is too bad to go to school here.
Also I'm gonna ask this again, why the fuck would anyone make up a rumor like that? There's literally nothing wrong with meeting someone online. If we were going to create some rumor of her, it wouldn't be some weak ass bullshit like this.
>>132433>I think she changed the description so that people would stop looking for Tako. I'm starting to think that too.
No. 132561
File: 1436092967392.jpg (223.89 KB, 2446x1010, Screen Shot 2015-07-05 at 6.38…)

>>132409lmao! holy shit she did this EXACT same thing a few years back on formspring, literally the same excuse after she was caught sending herself asks on there.
No. 132569
>>132556And of all places…Orlando is really only a tourist destination if you're interested in Disney/Universal/Harry Potter World etc. It's not some international hub. There's not really a city even like that in Florida, it's mainly Cuban immigrants, the elderly, and Mickey Mouse. Unless she met him at Epcot.
It was said earlier that the only way he would even possibly be in Orlando or Florida at all to learn English is if maybe he was an exchange student of some sort, but he looks too old to me. Florida is the other side of the country for most Asian travelers, hence why Asian immigrants tend to settle on the west coast/Hawaii. Why not just go to California? Lower cost on airfare and more to do there, plus they have their own Disneyland.
She probably met him online at the very least and beyond that who knows, but we really had no indication she had a boyfriend until mid March and the silhouette of the guy in the window from the alleged sugar daddy days doesn't really match Taku's bodytype imo. And what is a 20/30-something year old man doing going to sumo matches and English-only conferences?
I don't know why she won't just admit they met online. It's not shameful.
No. 132573
>>132569I agree with all of what you said.
Are there even any good/well known schools in Florida? I live on the east coast and there are tons of people coming from East Asia to my state because we have Johns Hopkins University, so I could get him being there if there was at least a good school or something.
I'm starting to agree with that anon earlier who said she's saying she met him in Florida because
she was there when she started talking to him online.
Also wasn't the alleged sugar daddy in that one video wearing a colorful(and by 'colorful' I just mean it's not black which is all we've ever seen him in) varsity jacket?
No. 132577
>>132573>Are there even any good/well known schools in Florida? Honestly…no, not really. Just state schools, University of Central Florida being the one in Orlando, with the others being in Tallahassee and Gainesville, which are North Florida and not really close to Central Florida.
There is Florida International University but it's in Miami which is a 3 and a half hour drive. They also don't have a Japanese campus, nearest one is in China, but they may have some exchange programs.
None of these are bad schools to my knowledge, they just aren't the kind of schools to go to just to learn English.
Florida just isn't the place to go if you want to learn English. Maybe Spanish.
No. 132594
>>132447LOL oh burn Kirsten! How long did it take you to come up with the last bit?
She probably still spent a while reading and rereading her answer before editing it.
No. 132618
>>132617Wow, it's so weird seeing kota looking like her old self and being… well kota.
Dunno, I kinda like her bitchatude. Most girls, well teen girls are like that anyway. So whatever.
Bet she never thought there in that video she'd be featured in Popteen and on Jap tv lol
No. 132620
File: 1436108560894.png (338.09 KB, 800x292, r_banner.png)

new PULL banner
caught kaka just perf and kota looks like chucky
No. 132633
>>132620That's honestly a really generous portrait of Mira
Also yeah Kiki doesn't really look like Kiki but w/e
No. 132646
File: 1436112208676.png (1.07 MB, 1866x1079, life_is_strange.png)

>>132620At first I thought Mira was Max from Life is Strange and it took me a second to realize who it was supposed to be.
They're all pretty good, imo. Venus is the only one I'm not so sure captures the person it's meant to portray.
No. 132658
>>132617>Is that an American thing?No.
It's more normal to take photos of stuff. Even then I've never really heard of people taking various photos of a hotel room unless it was really nice, and that hotel room was p nice imo. Even in that case it's mostly to show off to others, not to "document for personal memory."
No. 132754
>>132729>>132715Kek post REAL nice, ass-licking, ego-stroking asks with a TON of smileys on them so she can't resist ignoring them but at the same time will need to repost them as herself… and her needing to explain this over and over
Or watch her post them and be like "fixed my website ^_^"
No. 132757
>>132561tbh in this instance it looks like a legitimate excuse? she straight up said she went in an edited the dude's email out soooo
her recent excuse is bullshit tho
No. 132791
>>132410So… couple of questions:
a) has anyone else EVER had this issue?
b) if it was possible, why didn't she originally include the message about having to re-enter the ask that's in the edited version (>>132409)? Just to make it clear.
Such bullshit, Keeks.
No. 132810
>>132791pro webdevfag again.
what is submitted in an ask form then printed onto the blog will not have any affect on a tumblr layout unless it's like.. a massive image and your theme is not styled to display them nicely within a parent div tag. this is just. embarrassing she'd even make these claims lmfao, she must really think we're all idiots.
I know this because I used to develop tumblr themes for fun.
I mean the only emoticon that could have an effect on anything but absolutely doesn't in this case is like a :> face or something because these - <> - are used in html tags. again, it won't have an effect because there is no conflict between the inputted text and what displays on a layout.
No. 133008
File: 1436191877036.png (101.05 KB, 603x784, Capture.PNG)

No. 133012
>>133008i think we
triggered her.
No. 133060
>>132810Even so, the majority of websites have a special snippet of code to make sure to "clean up" whatever input of text goes in so code injection won't happen and I don't see why an emoticon would break everything, you'd have to be intentionally stupid.
>>133029It hurts my soul. Everything's bad
>Takes fucking forever to charge>Fucking huge pics of princess kaka with a terribad quality>Backgrounds not even seamless>Fucking huge geocity gifs of different styles>Moving header background WITH and added gif for the hell of it>Horrible script font that look pixellated>Media page bg is whiteI'll stop here otherwise I'm going to charge her for an audit.
No. 133095
File: 1436206582838.png (1.35 MB, 2000x2000, takoyaki21.png)

>>129171>>129487>June 29, redesigned and rebranded as a blog.I think we can assume she was also making her website during the week that Taku was allegedly in Florida, along with the assumption she was editing/posting photos and a song on Youtube.
No. 133122
She dodged the "do you work/how do you make money" like Jackie Chan in an action movie No ones going to stalk you at your work like once happened in 2007. Get over yourself.
No. 133165
>>133163she's close
but she can't see jesus' light from her dark spot in kota's shadow
No. 133170
She's written seven paragraphs about her nose.
>>133062I had the reverse happen - none of the images were loading for me at first but now they're working.
What a total mess.
No. 133204
>>133170I didn't think you were serious about that. Honestly, if it doesn't bother her so much, why is she writing a long rant about it? And if she loves her nose so much now, why does she still shoop/hide it and never show it from any other angles? The only time she's ever showed how her nose really looks is in that blackberry drink video. She even shooped her nose in her new default picture on twitter.
Also her rant is exactly like the one twitter rant about her forehead. She goes on about how you shouldn't follow beauty standards but then goes on about women who are considered beautiful with ___ feature.
Also Kaka,
no one is jealous of you. Honestly, I'm pretty sure everyone here, including myself, finds you pitiful.
No. 133210
>>133204>Also Kaka, no one is jealous of you. Honestly, I'm pretty sure everyone here, including myself, finds you pitiful.I use Kiki threads to make me feel good about being able to support myself, having friends and a social life, and an awesome boyfriend I can actually pose in pics with and show to people.
Kiki is the reason I moved out of FL tbh. I didn't want to end up sad and lonely and living with my parents for the est of my life like her, and now my life is great!
No. 133233
>>133169The only crazy thing about Kiki's situation here is how she
constantly blames others for her lack of success.
No. 133239
>>133236Honestly, Sticky probably did try to do all those things. He is a fucking psycho and was obsessed with her for a long while. He's the reason all the police reports are floating around. But other than that… nah. Sticky is one very extreme case.
>I have known people who have gone under the knife in hopes to feel better about themselves and they were left feeling worse than they did before going under.Confirm Kota getting a nose job
No. 133245
"Truther wrote:
Wish I could create a new topic about this but I do not know how to
So in Kiki's video "Sexual Harassment in Japanese University l Tokyo l American transfer student l VLOG" the first thing she states is that she is in Minato-ku. This struck a cord with me because I have been looking into a certain university in Minato-ku, myself. The school is called Temple Univeristy, Japan campus, and it is the only foreign university in Minato-ku. So, it makes sense that she would be going there since it is the only university in the area with classes taught in English.
She also mentions a lot of people from other countries (Austrailia, China) being in her classes, and the school is known for having students from around the world.
And strangely, at 2:11 in the video Kiki goes, "Oh my temples!" out of nowhere. Why? Hmm…temples…Temple University, Japan Campus?
Now, about what Kiki is majoring or minoring in. Something else she said in the video is that she is taking Chinese class. Why would she want to take Chinese when she is already trying to learn Japanese? Well, in the major or minor of East Asian Studies, it is required that an asian language aside from Japanese be taken. So it is quite possible that she is majoring or minoring in East Asian studies. It would also make sense because having this kind of degree would allow her (being a foreigner without speaking native Japanese) to find a job in Japan one day easier. This is why so many foreigners who want to live in Japan get one
Lastly I would like to say that Temple University is very expensive, and so are plane tickets! Does Kiki or her family really have the money for her to be traveling back and forth for her boyfriend? She states that this is what's happening in her 'Ask Lil Kitten'. That would be thousands and thousands of dollars! She also states that she doesn't live in Japan and just visits often. I don't know if I would consider attending university in Japan to be "visiting often"…
So, I don't post much on this site, but I figured that I would now because it's 5:30 AM here in Tokyo, and I'm slightly drunk.
I actually attend the Japan campus of Temple University, and I have never seen Kiki on campus at all. Now, Temple isn't a very large school, so we get to know and recongise most of the people who attend the school, and Kiki is not among them at all, that is, unless her face is worlds different than what she posts online, and I don't doubt that it would be.
And, it is actually Temple's policy that if you are not taking classes during any semester, even the summer semester, you have to return back to your home country because the student visa is not valid during that time.
However, she may attend the university, and our schedules just may never coincide with each other, but I have never seen her there, so that's just my two cents."
No. 133253
>>133122I'm pretty sure there is at least one anon posting here who live in Florida/sometimes go there who could easily stalk her if they wanted to. But do you see anyone here posting pictures of her house, trying to find her, or anything? No. No one really even stalks/harasses her online because in order to stalk/harass someone you actually have to try interacting with someone. I really don't think any of us here actually try tweeting her or anything, and from what I've seen, people here who do interact with her, are actually civil towards her. I've never seen anyone directly telling her to kill herself, calling her names, etc.
I highly doubt she was even harassed irl in the scene days. The shitty advice she gave to that girl who was actually being harassed makes it quite apparent she's never actually been through that in her entire life.
No. 133257
>>133239>Confirm Kota getting a nose jobDuuuude, that's probably right KEK
We all know Dakota is her only "friend", that actually makes sense.
No. 133258
>>133245>Something else she said in the video is that she is taking Chinese classCan confirm she knows 0% about Chinese, except for how to use google translate.
I do find this post interesting and kind of hilarious, though. I also feel like that if Kiki was actually attending university, she would have pictures at her school. I keep a very low social profile but I still have pictures of my campus on instagram. (also pictures with my boyfriend where we are wearing different outfits each time, but I digress…)
Why would Kiki suddenly start school in March? Thats when she got to Japan, right?
Kaka is nothing but a show. She lies about everything 100% of the time to pretend she is a better person than she really is. She pretends she is interesting, that she is cultured, sophisticated, educated, talented and beautiful. But she is nothing. Nothing but the washed up older sister of a low ranking model, desperately clinging on to the fame and notoriety of her obviously damaged youth.
No. 133285
>>133273you angry huh
I don't need police reports to know Kiki is an insufferable idiot. Sticky IS a fucking psycho. Grown ass man that was obsessed with scene teenagers. And by grown I mean 30 something when the trend was going on.
No. 133289
>>133236Kaka is probably just butthurt from when someone told her supplier for her lilkitten shop she was marking up prices and not giving credit where it was due. As well for the stolen artwork she had as the background on her website.
Also didn't a PULLtard try to report her fake corporation? I don't think it went anywhere though.
Oh yes we are the reason Kaka can't succeed in ripping people off and getting famous.
No. 133290
File: 1436219006323.gif (1.79 MB, 245x245, bitchwat.gif)

>>133288learn english please
No. 133357
>>133253I'm pretty sure none of us would wanna go out of our way to stalk someone irl. That's fucking creepy, anon. Get your shit together.
There is a huge difference between showing up at public events snowflakes participates at, and random stalking.
No. 133385
>>133356What is there to be jealous of though?
Plus Kiki keeps changing her personality or interests to match whatever is in at the moment, how can she love herself?
No. 133412
>>133291>manipulate yourself into liking your noseYou scary Kiki. Inb4 quack detox videos and juice cleanses.
I agree with the points she made, although sometimes a nose one simply doesn't like is the root.
No. 133463
File: 1436235346173.jpg (97.71 KB, 625x480, uhm.jpg)

So, her last ask had emoticons on it. Did she supposedly fix her problem, or what? I didn't really understand her issue in the first place.
No. 133520
File: 1436238309450.jpg (79.45 KB, 640x906, image.jpg)

>>133463lol this
She didn't even had a problem in the first place. Just got caught sending asks to herself
No. 133543
>>133520"HEY KITTENS! I fixed the glitch in my asks! Feel free to send me as many emoticons as you want now!! >^;;^<"
til she gets caught self-asking again.
>>133525She also tweeted about it. She's promoing her answers now.
No. 133595
I was bullied and sexually harassed for my strong features me me me me love yourself but love me more
No. 133734
>>133697I feel the same way about the picture. First it was ponytails and now it's tight braids, I don't get why she's insisting on wearing hairstyles that show how thin her hair is and age her.
I would love to see pictures of the waves the braids probably gave her or just curls/waves/volume in her hair in general. I think curly/wavy hair would be perfect on her, they fit the whole angelic look she wants to go for imo, they would add some volume to her hair, and they may even soften her look.
And Kaka, we all know your nose doesn't look like that. I wonder what she'd say if someone pointed out her hypocrisy. Is she gonna claim that the haters photoshop her nose in the candids or something?
No. 133738
>>133734She's going for an ethereal look so yeah I also believe smthg like wavy hair with rose petals/tiny flowers (if she MUST put flowers in her hair) on it, a lose braid, etc
She tweeted about her 4th July (VEGAN) bbq and French braids so I think she took these while the rest of the U.S. Was enjoying the holiday with their loved ones :)
Hipocrisy wise, she'd flip and say "yeah you probably has screen caps of it Bc you're spreading malicious rumors!!! Since 2007!!!"
No. 133770
>>133697Her top lip looks so wonky and odd, why do the Ostrengas insist on having no cupids bow these days?
>>133735guuuurlll NO
u know kaka only uses the finest spider legs
No. 133779
>>133760did she meitu?
i see the blur under the eyes and around the nose.
idk i am no photoshop wizard
No. 133790
>>133770I agree about the lip thing. Kaka's most likely doing it because Kota is because she has no identity of her own and if it works for Kota it must work for her too.
>>133779I can see the blur as well.
I know the photo is definitely shooped because her real nose looks pretty crooked. In that blackberry smoothie video her nose seemed to be pointing to her right (our left), if that makes sense.
Plus her lips really aren't that full.
No. 133800
>>133760Nah man. She edited the hell out of her nose. So much for !accepting yourself! !cleopatra had a big nose! Etc
>>133764She does, but you compare her "3 min makeup" to this or her Harassment in Japan video. Fakey fake. No wonder she stopped making makeup tutorials
>>133795Not only that, but her hair must be ass length by now and blunt cut. it's a pain to style it in any way
No. 133809
>>133795I guess she probably would look like that girl star(the one who thinks she can talk to video game characters with the thin, flat, curly hair) if she did do it.
I was just thinking because my hair is just as thin as hers but looks super thick because it's wavy, that she should style it that way.
>>133800>Nah man. She edited the hell out of her nose. So much for !accepting yourself! !cleopatra had a big nose! EtcSomeone should confront her about it, lol.
No. 133854
>>133800She should cut her hair. The longer, the heavier and harder to keep volume. It also ages people like fucking crazy. I don't normally find her any attractive, but I think she looked really nice with shoulder length hair.
Her hair now is just long, flat and really damaged looking.
No. 133855
>>133843I didn't notice it honestly.
This isn't the first time she's done this, though. Remember the one pic she put a red filter over and said her hair turned red in the sunlight or some bullshit like that?
I guess she decided to do it again because a couple days ago someone(or more likely she did) asked her what her hair color is and she said, "It's a dark ash blonde color with low light copper in it." (Kaka, your hair is fucking brown. Kota is the one with ash blonde hair.) Which I don't think is even possible because ash is the complete opposite of red.
No. 133864
>>133854She did suit shoulder length a lot actually. Seeing her in that picture with kota at her side with the wonky ps eyes.
Long hair does age her, reminds me of those weird hags with a ton of cats in small cottages by themselves.
Her hair is very flat and thin… Doubt there is much she can do about it though.
No. 133868
>>133855"Which I don't think is even possible because ash is the complete opposite of red."
Kiki washes her hair with fairies' pee didn't you know?
No. 133915
>>133869It looks as sharp as when she filmed the "booty and spider" video. So, she probably did the same thing right?
But fuck it's so much sharper. It's like, H O W
No. 133926
File: 1436304402986.jpg (181.06 KB, 1815x574, Untitled-1.jpg)

>>133843Yep she has definitely overlayed a red hue onto her hair, albeit sloppily.
In the last picture I took the sponge tool to the suspected areas (the Photoshop sponge tool desaturates targeted areas) and surprise, surprise, now it looks normal.
Wasn't it a while ago she was putting filters over her Instagram photos and claiming the sun had turned her into a redhead?
No. 133933
File: 1436305258364.png (8.59 KB, 820x237, Capture.PNG)

>>133926Yeah, I mentioned it earlier.
She also said this on tumblr recently.
No. 133986
>>133926Oh yeah! Thank you, anon :D
She was both saying (first) that her hair had gotten copper undertones and (then) that it just "kept getting blonder! Thank you elves!"
…. Is it that hard to admit you have ashy dark hair?
No. 134000
>>133961Me neither, this is what I'd expect from a tween girl in middle school trying to be special, not a 23 year old woman.
>>133972>YA HAIR IS BROWN.That's exactly how I reacted when I read it.
I don't get why she thinks she has dark ash blonde hair, it only looks that color when she takes a picture/video in the sunlight and adds a fuck ton of brightness to the picture/video. Kota is the one with that color, in fact, if you google "dark ash blonde hair" Kota's tumblr shoops come up.
No. 134020
File: 1436314519158.png (Spoiler Image,154.43 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-07-08-02-12-37…)

Mira has advised her well.
No. 134024
>>134020O lawd.
She realises that in marrying Taku she'd have to default on her American citizenship? She really isn't thinking this shit through is she? She stills believes Japan has the keys to the kingdom for her.
No. 134039
File: 1436315888377.jpg (281.97 KB, 960x960, SI_20150708_022945.jpg)

She really wants that spouse visa. Screen cap before its gone.
No. 134044
>>134034Calm down farmers!!! I feel we are about to enter a new era of the Kannibal.
1st she said on the blog that they're getting serious and will live together
2nd posted the word "marriage" on insta because attention
3rd followers are eating that shit up
Success achieved!
Either way I'm loving it. I'm loving it with all my heart. She said Taku is flying his ass to The U.S. and theN BACK to Japan. Like, he'll fly over just to pick her American ass up.
Please read the post I swear it's one of the best materials we've had in a while.
… And she's happy! Everybody wins, especially Kota because now they can hang out together allllllllll the time :)
No. 134046
File: 1436316261608.png (Spoiler Image,202.94 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-07-08-02-28-06…)

lel her twits about wedding dresses all make senc now. Run away taku…she'll break your heart and take the yen.
No. 134055
File: 1436316848783.jpg (329.76 KB, 960x960, SI_20150708_024713.jpg)

Im so happy for your kirsten. You've dated less than 6 months and you gonna get married already. Gurl you desprete for that spouse visa. I mean you would at least have something dakota doesnt have: a japanese husband. Always one step ahead kirsten. Thats ma gurrl.
No. 134061
>>129171, for at least 6 months.
No. 134062
>>134053You do know questioning her puts you into the jealous hate category doesn't it?!
>>134047Lol like what? Selfies? Looping tunes? Blogging about stuff that never happened and making juice? filing DMCA's? Such stuff! Much project Kaka
>>134058I want this botch to become a reality tv show star I don't even care
>>134060Calm down. Read the post. They're considering it because it got super serious in the 1 year (I'm being generous) or so they dated (mostly) in a LDR.
No. 134063
>>134058I know, fucking right?
>>134060I think they were just bracelets.
I have a hard time believing Taku is flying back and forth in between Japan and Florida.
This is so hard to believe I seriously wonder if she is making all of this shit up. I wish we could find Taku and ask him.
No. 134071
>>134065No I mean I wouldn't put it past Kaka to make up the whole thing. She saids she is living in Japan but in reality she is still in Florida stealing pictures off of Google.
Or she is telling the truth and it will back fire in her face like most things in her life.
>>134064Yes please.
No. 134074
>>134064We need a fucking countdown widget that tallies up the days until she gets married, and on her marriage day we need wedding bell MP3's playing on the sight with petal graphics falling across the screen.
Then, we can have a new timer widget that tallies up the days until their divorce :^)
No. 134087
>>134074this is irrefutable proof that Kiki's marriage has broken lolcow. The only thing we need is for PT to be the bridesmaid. THAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN, I WILL WRITE A FANFICTION ABOUT IT IF I HAVE TO
>>134079Ew no. I don't think anyone thinks of that. I, for instance, think they'll get married and she'll find fame in Japan at last! No joke. Or settle down, find happiness and have a baby… Who'll grow up to be the next new thing in world of e-celebs. Vegan at age 1, Instagram star at age 3. Vine celeb at age 5.
And she'll be like. 50/50 Kiki and Taku….
…. Excuse me I need to visit
No. 134102
>>134098Lol I'm sorry couldn't resist the joke. Maybe just getting lazy with it? Force of the habit because she interacts with people who do?
… Nippon appeal?
No. 134132
You can live in Japan and keep your American citizenship.
You can live with your spouse in Japan but have to renew the visa every 1, 3, or 5 years (it depends. And you must be living together and doing normal spouse things or it is deemed sketchy)
After 3 years of marriage you can get permanent residence (does not hinge on still being married.)
No. 134155
You guys are getting soo stressed about this Kaka marriage thing, lol. Look, even if we don't know shit about Taku, we know Kiki, and only so many things can happen:
-He only wants her for his token white gaijin and she marries him for a visa and keeps trying to be famous, either by modeling or being a ~housewife jvlogger~ like Mira
-He's marrying her hoping for an American visa, which she would pitch a huge fit about
-She's full of shit, going back on another tourist visa for 3 more months to sponge off Dakota and her parents just like the last two times she went to Japan with a mission.
Kiki can barely talk to this guy, even if they are considering marriage it's gonna be for a visa or arm candy. Plus, Kiki is a child and I juat cannot see her living with anyone but her parents. Even close friends can't always put up with living together, Ictjink once this Taku realizes she won't work or do anything he'll get sick of her. Unless he's loaded and can afford housekeepers and to buy her all her expensive shit she likes.
Even if she does end up marrying him and staying in Japan, it's still gonna go tits up because, come on, it's Kiki. She's just too developmentally and emotionally stunted to handle something like this.
No. 134202
>>134183She doesn't have the patience, or the ability to care about anyone else required to be a teacher. She can't even talk aout anything that isn't focused on herself for five minutes, there's no way she would teach. She would pull a Kota and pretend she forgot English.
>modelingI think her last trip to Japan made it clear for her that ship has sailed. She doesn't want to model, she wants to be a famous model, there's a difference. She wouldn't want to put in the work of going to little shoots for adverts or leaflets or whatever small fry shit they use random white girls off the street for, she wants magazines and TV spots.
No. 134217
Yeah, no matter which way I turn it, his 'picking her up' from the fucking united states is weird. That actually does smack of wealth, flights to and from japan aren't so cheap.
>>134209>If he were rich, he could have probably landed Kaka some kind of modeling job while she was thereWhat crevice of your ass did you pull this speculation from? Just because someone's wealthy doesn't mean they're well connected.
Anyway, here is my primary prediction: Kiki's not disciplined enough to learn Japanese. Even in its fucking country of origin. This whole situation is going to crash and burn within the year.
No. 134220
File: 1436331117575.jpg (161.86 KB, 937x899, braids-1-baby-breath-border-fo…)

posting full photos of this shit
No. 134221
File: 1436331135401.jpg (140.93 KB, 950x899, braids2-baby-breath-border-nar…)

No. 134226
File: 1436331337720.gif (5.86 MB, 801x463, 1.gif)

Wonder if she's still going to post a video?
No. 134233
>>134226You know she isn't, don't get your hopes up.
Methink she's going back on her parents'/sister's dime for another 3 months to look for another meal ticket while pretending she plans on getting married to a guy she can't even take a legit picture with or talk to.
No. 134235
>>134226She said in her blog she was updating her editing mac, so no video until later in the week.
She also said the reason she stopped updating while in Japan was because she had no room on her phone.
No. 134243
>She also said the reason she stopped updating while in Japan was because she had no room on her phone.She had a camcorder in the roppongi hotel video.
It's not like she couldn't buy an external hard drive at Akihabara.
No. 134253
>>134245Sorry Anon I should have worded it better.
We all know tech stores are easy to find in Tokyo, it's a stupid excuse to run out of space on your devices nowadays.
No. 134274
>>134248Not really. When you go as a tourist, you get a 90 days visa. As long as that one has expired, you're free to go back any time. So if she left before it expired, she'd have to wait until she could enter Japan again, even though it becomes disabled after she leaves.
>>134268He probably doesn't know he's getting married, lol
>>134187No you don't. Pretty much anyone can become an English teacher. She gets bonus for being white, American and female. Sadly, but that's how it is in many places.
Of course it would be hard to get a job at a proper school, but most schools are private and desperate for teachers. So unless she was doing University teaching (which would actually require a real professor degree), it's easy as fuck to get a teaching job in Japan.
There are toooons of random schools that would hire her, just for being white + American (and female). DOesn't matter what education she has, really.
No. 134292
>>134087>The only thing we need is for PT to be the bridesmaid. THAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN, I WILL WRITE A FANFICTION ABOUT IT IF I HAVE TOOmfg, that would be glorious. I just imagined pt and chrischan fighting over the bouquet.
>>134130I don't think so either. There may be a language barrier between them, but I don't think he will need to understand her in order to realize she's insane.
I wonder if she's going to be posting, lurking, etc, less frequently when/if she does actually go through with this, she definitely wouldn't want him finding out about her reputation online.
No. 134357
>>134248Not sure how it is in Japan, but when I got married to my US spouse, I had to wait around a year until the paperwork for immigration was ready in order to move to the US. So if its even close to this we wont be seeing a housewife blog for a while.
And..where the fuck does all this money come from! You'd think the Ostrengas are rich!
No. 134368
>>134357You can get married while in Japan (Even on a tourist visa), but you also need to register your marriage in your home country and bring the proof as a part of the visa application documents.
The marriage part is fast as fuck though, but the visa lart is long and dreadful.
No. 134389
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I admit I was worried when Kaka disappeared for so long earlier this year, I thought maybe she finally wised up and was leaving behind her quest for efame. But, no, I clearly overestimated her.
And now we're entering a new golden age.
No. 134425
>>134394its as low as $600 if you have multiple layovers.
considering a nonstop alone is 15 hours,
having more than one layover likely makes your whole trip over 24 hours and aint nobody got time for that.
No. 134426
>>134274You say American like it's a bonus.
These days Japanese educational boards prefers British (specifically English) teachers as they feel we enunciate our words better or some shit.
This is just what my native Japanese teachers told our classes at uni though.
No. 134428
>>134357A part of me thinks that aside from the money she makes online and from the past. I think she does managing online or something to gain that extra dolla tbh
There has gotta be something…
No. 134430
>>134053She was also practically invisible to her subjects except for artistic depictions of her. No shit they're going to try and make her look more beautiful if she's supposed to be a Godlike figure to them. Her appearance also varies wildly from depiction to depiction depending on who it was intended for. Sometimes she looks more Greek, sometimes she looks more Roman, sometimes more classically Egyptian/African, etc. Her depicted appearance seemed to change to suit the people she was trying to curry favour with at the time.
>sound familiar?>too bad for Kaka she doesn't also share her intelligence, charm or political savvy>>134058>>134073I would pay money to watch "Pixteriyaki and Kikikannibal take Tokyo!"
>only leaving apaato to walk around seedy neighbourhoods wearing ridiculous ~kawaii~ outfits and do creepy dances in back alleys>desperately trying to get that Japanese D and score a husbando>in Season 2 PT keeps trying to steal Kiki&Taco's kawaii kira kira haffu baby's vegan toys to use as sekushii photoshoot props>>134130To be honest I'm expecting Weenus&whatshisface 2.0, except Keekz might not manage to stay in Japan after the breakup.
No. 134431
>>134427Me too but bear in mind it depends what part of Britain you hail from.
If you come into the country busting out a full, thick Glasweigan/Scouse accent they'd probably slam the door in your face.
They fucking love received pronunciation. I speak this way but I don't understand why because I grew up outside Newcastle, then in Carlisle, then Nottingham, then Scotland for like 8 years, then Cumbria and finally Yorkshire.
It makes zero sense.
No. 134432
>>134426not discrediting you but the JET program (a somewhat sought after gateway to teaching in japan) statistics say it accepted ~2400 americans, ~366 UK citizens, and ~300 australians.
ive also heard from japanese friends that they dont care what accent they learn, as long as its consistent through their education. maybe part of the reason japanese struggle with english is all the different accents they might face
No. 134435
>>134429Oh no no I don't think Americans would have any problems. It's just that if you were doing face-to-face interviews (which is highly unlikely anyway) you'd probably lose out to a British person, but that's even assuming you're applying to the same position.
I think there are more Americans working there as teachers then there are British.
No. 134436
>>134210It's worrying. I mean, she'd be living over there and yes, she has Dakota but I'm sure kota has her own life now and I don't think she would want kaka hanging around her 24/7 because I sure wouldn't want that. Not when I have my OWN connections and made a life for myself, to have the idiot big sister fuck that up for me.
Kiki is going to definitely be another one of those 'white wimmin' housewives, living in Japan and having to figure shit out for herself without her parents help. Down to reading labels, signs, working this and that. Even if she has kids over there, she'll have to know more than basic Japanese to communicate with their preschool teachers and actually, well, LIVE!
I hope kaka realizes it's not all going to be roses, kawaii and famous kira kira when she's marrying this spineless worm. He won't be there all the time, he'll have to work to provide and shit. She'll have to get off her lazy ass and do something.
You know, it doesn't surprise me that kaka and mira are in contact you know. Mira giving the bitch tips and advice on how to come over / get youtube funds and bla bla, I bet you if this happens they'll start making videos together and kaka will be the new sharla.
Kaka will get preggers, have a hafu child and if she can't make it as a famous model then she'll just give that title to her child in hope that she can sponge off that instead.
It won't end pretty.
It didn't end well with Danny and it won't end will with Taku-chan-whatever the fuck his name is either.
No. 134440
>>134434No offence to Americans but every Jvlogger or living in Japan vlog I've seen is always an American. You get the odd Aussie here and there but apart from some other girl and AbroadInJapan I've YET to see any other Brits!
Most Brits are Kvloggers so I've noticed… Pfft
No. 134442
I'd just laugh and cheer kota on
No. 134447
>>134426Sorry, I meant American/British/Australian.
Americans do have less of a reputation in Japan as teachers (because of their problems, like hit-and-run kind of job situations), so I can see why they would prefer British people.
No. 134449
>>134432I know what the JET program is friend, my degree is in Japanese.
You forget that whilst Britain has an estimated population of 64.1 million (in 2013), America possesses an estimated 322.5 million which means there'll be a fuck tonne more applicants hailing from the states. Given this information those statistics you provided are actually pretty on point.
That being said though, it REALLY does not matter where you come from so long as you're able to enunciate the taught language in a clear and comprehensible manner.
My one and only beef with American English is that from being online I've noticed time and time again that a lot of American's have this habit of discounting or openly mocking the usage of archaic modal verbs that whilst no longer taught in American schools, are actually very much alive and well in British ones, i.e. ought, shall, shan't etc.
Sometimes I even catch myself using "wouldst" and "hath" and get accused of being a posh cunt for it when I grew up in a fucking council flat.
I-I just like books yo'.
No. 134450
>>134436Honestly, Japan can be boring as SHIT.
She will have a hard time making friends (even worse for her because she thinks everyone is a stalker), even worse when she can't speak Japanese. She won't ever feel at home, and Taku is all she will have. Dakota is way too busy and smart enough to not deal with Kiki's shit. Kaka probably imagines living in GLORIOUS NIPPON will be ~amazing~, but she's in for a surprise.
Either way, all hail Kiki's new Prime Time!
No. 134456
>>134449Hmmm… I know what you mean.
It's like I worry because I talk quite quickly and miss out parts of words? If that makes any sense…
or just slang "don't know you know" or "s'that?" and "ite'" but if I go to an interview or ever had presentations in class it was the Queen's English lmfao
Yeah… gotta stop with these habits, I will admit. I keep telling myself off…
No. 134461
>>134450I've heard a lot of foreigners have a hard time keeping close with their Japanese friends. Like, they have to plan their meet ups or just generally can't be close to them and sometimes block you out for no reason.
Most Japanese friends I have made, they kind of do their own thing and go their own way while not speaking that much about their personal lives. Kiki, who's a bit of a gob shite and loves to "me-me-me!" will find that hard because I doubt many Japanese females will honestly give a flying fuck and pretend they do to her face.
Exactly, everyday won't always be running-to-school-with-toast-in-mouth-then-turning-into-magical-girl!!! It's gonna be like anywhere else in the world and she'll get fed up to fuck after she's done everything.
That's if she leaves the house ofc
OH and plus all the expensive shipping she'll have to pay for her shit to come over ~ vegan and fancy magic herbs ~
Can she even speak Japanese tho?
No. 134465
>>134461No, she speaks Japanese like pt speaks Japanese. I don't think she even really used it her entire trip. She only speaks English with Taku, she'll say a few words in Japanese because it's kawaii but that's it. Like in that video of them laying in bed, they were talking about a movie or something in English, and she just randomly blurts out "omoshirokatta"(translation: it was interesting) like a weeb.
I agree with the anon earlier in the thread, I don't think she'll ever be able to learn the language. Look at pt, she's just like Kaka in a sense that they expect to be successful at everything they do without putting in any sort of effort. Pt has been studying Japanese for years and she's still at a beginner level.
No. 134476
seems like many have a different concept of friendships/relationships
people (friends, lovers) go weeks without messaging and they take it in stride.
husbands (with kids!) go get jobs on the other side of the country. and this is common
No. 134477
>>134449true true
to be honest i quite think many people envy the english accent
No. 134479
>>134450Will she think of Japanese/Asian people as stalkers, though? I got the impression Asians can do no wrong in her eyes and don't bully, stalk or harass her unlike those stinky white Australian skankwhores she had to share a space with in glorious Nippon. Then again, at best she's probably think of them as fans rather than friends.
Shit I'm so glad I didn't grow up with a paranoid stage mom.
>>134470I'm just picturing her showing up at his house like HAY BEBE WHERE MY DIAMOND RING AT and he'll have no idea why she's even back in the country
No. 134483
>>134477yeah, Dr.Who fags anyway
>>134432I have a Japanese friend who learned English from a Scot, and her accent is hilariously off. It's kind of cute/endearing though, but hard to understand the mixed accent at times.
>>134479Of course she will. She has already talked about be harassed by Japanese men in one of her first videos I think. You know, because no man can resist her sublime, angelic beauty.
No. 134485
wait, weren't we supposed to get a new video yesterday?
>>134479I think so as well, in that video she was basically going on about how all the kawaii sugoi Chinese people loved her and how all the Australians hated her.
I still don't think she'll make friends with any Japanese/Asian people. I feel like she thinks she's way too good for friends in general.
No. 134498
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>>134497Oh man gimmeaflake man is THE biggest shit stirrer, if he caught wind of her past whilst she was trying to make it big in Japan she would be permanently finished in that country.
I really hope she does try to align herself with Mira because he reputation is already trashed after the Rachel & Jun debacle.
>you're playing with the big boys now No. 134505
>>134498OH FUCK
Victor would rip her to shreds because yeah, 24 years in Japan, japanese waifu and hafu child and o yes god father of the jvlogging community of morons ofc
cos yes victor is gaijin king of japan (it makes me laugh how many people try licking his ass) ohhhh kaka would be… done.
Mira and kaka would just be a joke, I mean people WOULD start looking kaka up if those two began making videos. Plus kaka and mira, you know one of them would turn on the other after a short period of time. They're both seedy bitches and wanna be more japanese than the other…
Christ… it wouldn't end well.
No. 134519
>>134507She said her computer had to update or some shit.
I hope Taku knows that if he makes one wrong move he will be kill.
No. 134540
>>134526Well. It was quite obviously an excuse. She probably never had a video. She revealed this news around the time everyone was expecting a new video. She planned this whole thing.
She also worded her tweet in a way that said she is DEFINITELY GETTING MARRIED when the reality is she is just moving in with her short-term bf who will soon realize she is crazy.
No. 134556
>>134526Oh but you know anon she got just so many data from her projects she needs a lot more time to sort out her MacBook.
>>134540My favorite part is that she's not even trying to tell the truth to the people wishing her "congratulations" on Instagram.
(Except now, since it's being pointed out. Wait out for a "kittens! I'm not getting married! Not yet! =^_^=" tweet/Instagram caption)
No. 134559
she moved back to florida at the time that dakota said she would.
he came to visit her in florida like two weeks ago or something.
>>129171 No. 134570
>>134155> She's just too developmentally and emotionally stunted to handle something like this.definitely. she will find something to complain about and make herself the victim. but thats nothing new.
my prediction is its a repeat of her last trip. sporadic, pointless updates shedding no light on her "serious relationship"
disappear for a few months then, "PHEW its great to be back in hicksville amurica"
No. 134679
>>134666lol, I can't wait.
>>134673It was actually "USA, 日本, 中国, 台灣, 한국" (USA, Japan, China, Taiwan, South Korea)
I guess she changed it because she doesn't have to pretend to give a shit about those countries anymore.
No. 134694
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Kirsten Leigh: official judge of the sincerity of your veganism and positive tabloid reader queen
No. 134708
>>134694Honestly, I don't get why she cares so much.
She isn't the most perfect vegan either, in that vegan ramen video, she was saying top ramen is vegan, when all flavors but the oriental flavor have animal fat in it. Plus, she really doesn't do anything for animals, the only thing she does is preach about veganism and sign petitions online. You will never see her volunteering at shelters or anything.
No. 134778
>>134694monsanto: helping to advance agriculture in developing countries and feeding hungry people
kiki: sitting on her weeaboo ass trying desperately to become something other than a washed-up scene queen
No. 134786
>>134778Ariana Grande: tiny singer with ironic last name and donut licker plagued by demons from Hell
/sorry for derailing couldn't resist
No. 134787
>>134778Uh, Monsatno isn't
helping anybody.
Though, Kiki's retarded for even throwing that into her tweet, like it's somehow relevant to Grande being vegan. Her thought process is so strange.
No. 134799
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Aaaaaand she keeps going
No. 134809
>>134780Why does she hate them?
>>134799Part of me wants to make a twitter account and drag her so hard right now tbh, but I'm not really articulate enough to do it. It's really irritating for her to go on about how passionate she is about these things when she has never lifted a finger to actually do anything for the causes. Wow, you're a fucking vegan, you've signed a few petitions online, and gave shitty advice to people on the internet, you're sooooooo fucking passionate about helping animals, people, and the earth.
No. 134820
>> is up, is down
her youtube is fine, it's not possible to block someone there
No. 134825
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>>134809I think it may have started from a J-vloggers event or interview during Kobe Collection that Dakota was supposed to go to:, but Dakota refused because she was "tired".
Then when the interview of Dakota for MUTV appeared, Mimei commented on it, then Kiki attacked her there. Got the caps from PULL.
Here is what Kiki refers to as bullying:'s in the replies.
No. 134832
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>>134826Dakota was supposed to be interviewed by the Jvloggers. I bet she just said she was tired so she could avoid them.
No. 134875
>>134865He's most likely already heard her twisted view of things and would label us haters and victim shamers.
That is until she finally goes full psycho on him, and he starts checking out those stories. Then she'll wish she had actually learned Japanese and snagged a guy whose English is limited to "this is a pen".
No. 134940
>>134825Thanks for the explanation!
It's weird thinking that Kaka used to spend a lot of time defending Kota from "bullies." I wonder if she thought Kota was going to do something in return for her if she did this.
>>134923Yeah. I was actually going to mention something about it because she literally has 2 fan blogs and she's not even popular enough to have one. I think both of them are her tbh.
No. 134953
>>134942Not that anon, I don't think he really knows or understands but I'm sure she has tried to tell him about this stuff in messages. I feel like she is the type of person who immediately lays all their emotional baggage onto someone the second they start talking. She'd definitely tell him about this stuff when people were trying to find him.
And besides, what else does she really have going on in her life to talk about?
No. 134960
>>134953Regardless of if she told him or not, there is still a significant language barrier. Kirsten is no way able to form the complex sentences/ideas in Japanese to express these topics. It just wouldn't get that far.
>I don't think he really knows or understands but I'm sure she has tried to tell him about this stuff in messages. And how are you sure of that?
I understand what you mean however about Kiki and her inability to keep personal shit at bay– but, I just don't see him
at all understanding what has happened in her past without being able to communicate with her properly (or be able to read info from sites like lolcow).
It just seems unlikely.
No. 134991
>>134694>wetting donuts with your tonguewtf!? Does she mean licking?
Does she have a brain lesion?
No. 135013
>>135005not at first
but give it time after a few months
No. 135042
>>135034thats a big difference between kota and kiki right there.
kiki cannot make it big in japan because she is not willing to make any sacrifices.
kota realizes veganism can be pretty difficult in japan - she has been saying she a vegetarian on tv (just doesnt eat meat).
kiki on the other hand expects the world to cater to her and her beliefs - if you dont, you are wrong and demonified.
No. 135045
>>135034Someone should ask her about that.
I was thinking about it, but other than the obvious reasons it would be shitty for Kota if Kaka really does move to Japan, I'm sure she's really going to shove the whole veganism/animal rights thing down her throat. I feel like Kota only became a vegan because of dietary reasons but Kaka was the one who went on about how they're both vegans because they love animals and the earth. I don't think I've ever seen Kota talk about veganism/animal rights.
No. 135046
>>134825> Here is what Kiki refers to as bullyingLOL flan likes that tweet
who remembers flan…. she's still at it in tokyo btw
No. 135048
>>134923I think this is the only fan blog that might be hers* (…"purrfect"?). The kaps one is a 100% troll.
*however this is debatable since their layout isn't pure shit. But it'd be funny to imagine Kiki making gifs of herself and tagging "kawaii" on them
No. 135059
>>134916They'll get hitched eventually though. I hope they honestly don't because it will NOT end well but at the same time, it'll be hilarious to watch it crash and burn.
Plus wouldn't cath and dad get a little lonely without their ruckus daughter hanging around? Maybe they'll cater to their son a bit more and try getting him into something. Package his crippled ass off, fedex him over to nippon and try find him some desperate japanese girl wanting a white boyfriend.
This family will go to lengths, it wouldn't surprise me at all.
No. 135062
>>135060old cgl troll
bad-mouths dakota while being her copycat, trying to model in japan, etc
No. 135085
>>135060Basically this
>>135062, also used to selfpost all over /cgl/ back in the day so there were multiple threads devoted to her going on at the same time. Involved her boyfriend in her quest for e-fame and sockpuppeted like the best of 'em. Got into slapfights with She Who Must Not Be Named a lot where people actually took the other one's side because flan was just that insufferable. Then when the /cgl/ dramaban happened she created Maximum Faggotry, which was a site just like lolcow and staminarose. She was an annoying cunt there too so people doxxed her and all moved over to stamrose before that also imploded and we all moved here.
~the end~
She could actually be bffs with Kiki since they have so much in common, but they'd both think they're too good for the other one.
No. 135112
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Here's a Dako one.
No. 135139
>>135085and its funny, because on that gaijin in japan thread here, they're complaining "anyone can be a model"
looks like flan never made it lol
guess japan DOES have standards…
No. 135152
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same fagging because a tweet where Kiki gives you advice on how to not have thin hair and wrinkles
No. 135165
>>135163Wow, she seems like a fun girlfriend.
I bet he went straight back to it the second she left Japan.
No. 135249
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It's funny how she tweets about Catty non natives in japan right after we talked about the incident where she accused mimei off being a bully! Guess someone was getting new inspiration from lolcow.
No. 135262
>>135249Everyone's catty and horrible except her. She's always the victim in every situation.
Even when she goes off on people like in
>>134825 she's still an angel. All hail goddess Kira Kira, so gracious and kind.
No. 135271
>>135249what a stupid bitch
i'd be catty too if i knew some white bitch fetishised my country and nationality
No. 135276
>>135263I think she does too.
>>135274She may be right, but let's be real, she's most likely the same way.
No. 135283
>>135152Lol Kiki weren't you suppose to be uploading a second video this week?
See that's why you can't be productive
No. 135286
>>134825I can't read japanese, but based on the first English comments, maybe memei was making fun of her saying she's 16 when she's possibly not? And then they pointed out her photoshopping of course. All of that = bullying to Kiki.
Probably that's why Kiki brought up her ? Idk I don't understand japanese nor Twitter lol
No. 135291
>>135274Don't because you'll only upset the weebs who go Japan for animu and kawaii.
Kiki is no prize herself, she's shagging some jap for visa and hafu babies
I said this would happen in the last thread and someone was like "nah she isnt the type"
heh oh rly
No. 135318
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Not related to Kiki but ew
No. 135337
>>135318It is a parasitic fungus found on insects. Chinese use it as a Health supplement
Others use it as caramel flavoring in candy. No. 135407
File: 1436490763834.jpg (50.71 KB, 400x600, KeraKeraSP.jpg)

>>135406 ops dropped my pic
No. 135423
stop with these cringey south park shits.
No. 135425
>>135249No one really feels like that about Dakota though except jealous weebs who are not in Japan. Dakota has a job. Unlike Kiki.
I don't think anyone is like "how dare you come here" except weebs, more like "you're so fucking ridiculous and can't act your age for 5 minutes when in public, go back to florida."
No. 135498
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Kiki should be a pilitician she's such a pro at dodging the real question
No. 135509
>>135498Whats her tumblr?
She doesn't have it listed on her "website" and it's not in ops links.
No. 135585
>>135507I do t think so
The ask questioned her dropping making two videos a week and her reply regarded smthg completely different
She probably still tried to self-advertise though
No. 135743
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No. 135881
>>135743Curvy? Really Kaka?
I know you read this shit. Please explain how you fulfil 'curvy' in the slightest. Genuine question.
No. 135903
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>>135743I'm fucking hype as fuck for this.
>curvy No. 135920
>>135917honestly, idk where kiki met him but it certainly wasn't ~randomly in florida~ and if she met him on one of these sites where japanese men can find a gaijin bride or whatever he's a fucking autist who will probably never break up with her.
but eventually if he learns english he'll probably figure out she's crazy and annoying.
No. 135922
>>135917I think so as well, when she said she got him to quit smoking, I knew that it definitely wasn't going to last that long. I can't say exactly how long it will last, but it's definitely going to end before her tourist visa runs out.
I feel like he is pretty spineless because he doesn't seem into her at all, but he seems to put up with her. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even know about the whole marriage thing or her moving in with him.
When exactly is she supposed to be in Japan anyway? Part of me feels like she's already hinting at being there with the tweet about catty gaijin.
No. 135940
>>135938Fuckkk, how'd I miss that?
Anyway, he's probably lying to her. He's a grown ass man and already know the consequences.
No. 135954
>>135939You weren't kidding. Why did she feel this was interesting enough to post?
>>135940I think so as well.
No. 136020
>>135974Tbqh this was a breath of fresh air from all her videos stuck inside her room alone or laying down all the time
1. She is paranoid af covering the background (anything that showed smthg other than her face when she was talking).
2. This should've been titled "Scott's 4th July vlog" because he seems to be the one most interest in the food or how to make it. And I bet he isn't even vegan. You go Scott, vegan grill game strong
No. 136094
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>>135917where's the evidence that they are together right now btw? they clearly were, for like a day in tokyo, but it's not a relationship.
kind of reminds me of cows attempting to change the consensus, like in the berry or coffin threads.
No. 136111
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No. 136116
>>136111not that i believe taku actually wrote this but…
if my bf wrote me crap like this i would call him a fagget
No. 136122
>>136111Kaka loves showing off how she can totes speak Japanese, so I wonder why "Taku" never sends her messages in Japanese in these screencaps. Or why both of the screencaps she's posted of their conversations have a filter over them, his icon is always conveniently cut off, and she crops them so you can only really see what "he" is saying.
Also what the fuck does she mean by her moon cycle? Does she mean she's on her period? Why do we need to know this???
No. 136124
>>136122>why do we need to know thisbecause we have to know how sensitive and understanding and caring taku-chan is~~
If they’re so in love and getting married then why don’t they ever video chat? You know Kiki would be posting screenshots if they did.
No. 136136
>>135938She singled handedly showed him the light, guys
Before receiving kakas grace, he was blind to the 'smoking kills' written on cigarette packs everywhere
No. 136148
>>136111LOL so does anyone here actually believes that shit? After she clearly manipulated the convo about theSailor Moon stuff… This should be too easy
Also. It looks like she written it in Word and then vomited filters all over it to make it seem #legit
No. 136158
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>>136153ready for marriage
No. 136162
>>136111so much
so much
jfc what a pleb
No. 136191
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>>136158Which reminds me….
Isn't one of Dakota's nicknames in Japan "Tako-chan" (A wordplay from Dakota→Dako→Tako which means octopus)
No. 136229
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No. 136272
>>136223She doesn't, in fact it's even a possibility that he never smoked at all and she made it up to take credit for him not smoking.
It wouldn't be the weirdest or craziest thing she's fabricated, for sure. Not like the time she took a one night stand in Tokyo and turned him into her fiance while she was back in Florida so she could have another excuse to go to Tokyo on another tourist visa for 3 more months to do fuck all (again).
No. 136405
File: 1436660207372.jpg (Spoiler Image,112.7 KB, 640x824, image.jpg)

Shit going/that went down in the US:
> Donald Trump vs The Mexicans
> gay marriage in national territory
> anti-vaxxers/vaccines
> Hilary Clinton as president
> Charleston shooting
> etc
(Shit I'm not even adding the author from her article misrepresenting a rape story because it was long ago and a delicate case)
Causes Kiki stood up for
> Miley Cyrus being Peta's sexiest veggie
> Ariana Grande's donut-licking
> Bears' hunting in one state
Good job, Cathy!
No. 136421
File: 1436664489023.jpg (33.59 KB, 542x258, okay.JPG)

what would even bring this up, tho
did one of her few fans~ send a message wanting to meet up and kaka's paranoid ass went "hey, your name has an 'a' in it…just like how some usernames on that PULL site have the letter 'a' in them! you must be a stalker hater too!!!!!"
No. 136446
>>136421How would she know if someone associated with someone who has been on PULL or lolcow or whatever countless other places where people talk about her? I mean I get that some people use the same username on PULL as other places as well as posting their tumblr and pics (dumbasses) but she could easily just assume literally everyone has been on something anonymous like stamrose or lolcow.
Just another excuse for not having any friends or not making any new friends tbh. Easier for her to live in her little delusional world where her parents treat her like the angel she is and she has a perfect japu bf who wants to marry her after less than half a year.
I'm sure the person in question probably followed someone who had posted on PULL before or something, which covers SO MANY ASSOCIATED PEOPLE, but is not even friends with them. She acts like she never said anything mean about anyone or never sockpuppeted the hell out of these forums.
She's so stupid.
No. 136448
>>136442nvm found it, though still can't figure out who she's associating with that's so scandalous. tbh i think that's a bummer because the girl in quesiton actually seems to have a lot in common w/ kiki and would probably be a great friend for her to have.
>>136446I imagine Kiki's so cautious because of the whole Charms debacle with Kota. One little fallout and Charms turns around and tells the whole of /cgl/ about koti.
No. 136455
>>136448I mean, I guess, but I still feel like she's just using it as an excuse to not make any friends. I get that she's jaded but I think there are at least a few people she interacts with regularly on twitter that seem to genuinely like her and they seem to have a lot in common with. Not everyone is out to get her.
Makes me wonder how she expects us to believe she randomly met Taku in Florida. She assumes EVERYONE is out to get her and EVERY GUY is out to rape her. She totally met him on the internet and she totally had ulterior motives the whole time. I don't think she's capable of having friends or boyfriends without a hidden agenda. Every boyfriend before Taku has been to be able to say "look at who I'm dating."
But I don't think this was aimed at that girl, or really anyone in particular. I think she just wanted to play victim again. She likes to do that because I think she thinks it makes her seem famous, like when she talks about her crazy saboteurs who stalk her all the time.
ANYWAYS, new Taku vlog coming out Tuesday.
No. 136457
>>136448I'm glad you found her because I was debating whether or not I should post her twitter. I agree. I feel pretty bad for her, she's probably being stalked by Kaka right now because of her "affiliation" with a pull member. She seemed to be genuinely interested in her as a person and not just as a scene queen like everyone else I've seen try to hang out with her. Just about everyone I've seen who has talked about hanging out with her always brags about it, like the one girl who met up with her on her first trip.
>>136455I agree with all of this.
I do think it was aimed at the girl because she and Kaka did tweet at each other for a bit back and forth, but Kaka deleted all of her tweets to her.
No. 136468
>>136466wow, make it more obvious you've got the lolcow tab up 24/7, keekz
also, she just made a dakota affiliation thirst tweet
No. 136469
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No. 136471
>>136469>>136468She has been tweeting so much about Dakota lately since she's clearly trying to get popular in Japan. She rarely mentioned her before. Dakota rarely mentions her.
It's so transparent. Does she not realize that? She literally never tweets about Dakota much less about Dakota's work but suddenly she's all "MY SISTER and I…." and talking about this shit.
No. 136479
>>136469That is not the most flattering image of Kota I've seen, looks like a pageant baby's airbrushed portrait.
I wonder how Kota feels about Kiki's tweeting about her.
No. 136550
>>136549Just get adblock.
If you care about supporting some people with ads, you can have it turned off for specific websites and youtube channels.
No. 136691
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Lol she posted that exact pic on Dec 30th.. get some new content.
Every Test you take? Well duh if you take the same test over and over again…
No. 136725
>>136691"Does anyone feel that passion burning in their solar plexus"
Literally what
No. 136772
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>>136725It's called
heartburn Kaka
No. 136775
>>136773$5 says the video will contain one or more of the following:
- Kaka’s white outfit
- Kaka’s black outfit
- Roppongi
- Tokyo Tower
- Inside of the apartment/hotel
- Taku sleeping
- Vegan food
- Weird secret camera angle
No. 136879
File: 1436768026721.png (44.74 KB, 596x546, 1.png)

This bitch.
Always turning things around on other people and how they 'perceive themselves'
Have a nice day!
No. 136942
>>135149Okay, but smoking is not good for you. I think it was awesome that she got her boyfriend to quit. In real life, good relationships consist of change. What should not change is your over all personality. Helping her boyfriend not smoke was a positive change in his life, and (if this relationship lasts) will grant them many more years together.
My boyfriend used to drink nothing but soda. He gained weight and did not feel good about himself. I prompted him to drink more water, and I reminded him to not drink soda when he made attmpts. He's better off for it. It's a good change.
No. 136947
>>136879i kind of agree with the final tweet - although kiki will always, always turn things around on others, without any real self-reflection (which she is always preaching lel)
btu yea she tends to be pretty… conservative in her mind set.
No. 136959
File: 1436798344002.png (19.65 KB, 299x93, Screen Shot 2015-07-13 at 10.3…)

so she's talking about her period…
i thought she has nice peaceful periods now that she stopped eating soy or whatever was causing her to have violent painful heavy periods
No. 137062
>>137042Also known as "7th graders"
I also didn't get the hostility toward you. Farmers tend to get anxious waiting for a new 5-month old Kiki vlog, clearly
No. 137064
>>137053And Kiki playing with her hair. Then pouting. Then playing with hair and pretending to be speaking to Taku.
Bonus for obnoxious loudly laughter
No. 137078
>>137042not the anon who replied to you.
well, than instead of saying
>Clearly you don't hang out with any wiccans/pagansWhich,
clearly sounds stuck up, just explain what it is. No need to humblebrag than call "ur so hostile!" when someone makes fun of you for doing it. Of course most people don't hang out with wiccan/pagans. jfc what is a chan.
>>137053I'm stoked for the new video.
No. 137152
>>137121It was actually Kota's. Talk about respecting people's personal boundaries!
But yes, she can't shut up about the bad cramps she has and how it's all Danny's fault, etc.
… meanwhile women worldwide just suck up, take Advil and get off their arses to get stuff done.
No. 137159
>>137155Everyone has a gripe and a moan when they're on the blob tbh but most people have lives and stuff to do
kaka only has to worry about social media and #pray4taku
lol i remember when kota made a twitter post about her period in japanese
i heard they were grossed out or something
No. 137186
>>137181I thought it was mostly pull who was shocked and disgusted with it. I remember they went on about how taboo it is in Japan to talk about periods.
I'm not surprised people thought she was cool for it though, they thought her being a hikikomori was cute/quirky.
No. 137195
>>137191It "was" Kirsten's blood.
I don't know why this person
>>137152 thinks it was Dakota's. I was online on Twitter around the time she posted it.
No. 137205
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>>137195Because Kiki called her sister nasty there, this was Dakota's reply to it saying she is jelly because she doesn't even have her period yet.
No. 137258
>>137252Japanese hotel it looks like. Or apartment.
Her laugh is so annoying.
I love how she had to stop screaming to focus the camera on her face.
No. 137294
>>137290This video is so autistic, I'm actually offended. Like… What the actual fuck. Who posts something like that.
Yeh because you are gross, Kaka. Absolutely disgusting
(I'm also kind of offended by her use of that kamehameha sound clip. Fucking Kiki, always pretending she knows shit about anime.)
Thanks you kind anons for showing us this atrocity.
No. 137346
>>137303Both of them are unintelligible and hard to understand… So I gotta ask for science: is the face she's doing in the thumbnail (an "d he imitated) her "orgasm face"? Is that what it is?
Because that might be the weirdest shit ever.
Please someone enlighten me.
No. 137352
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he's got a snaggletooth and what looks like a dead tooth right next to it
No. 137375
>>137370If kaka gets preggers to her future otto god help what their kid will look like
long face, beak nose, snaggle tooth and slanted eyes
poor aunt kota
No. 137387
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she makes me sadder and sadder everyday
pic related will be kaka one day
No. 137395
>>137352Honestly, idk about everyone else, but seeing how ugly he actually is, I now have no trouble believing he's actually her bf. I could easily see this ugly motherfucker feeling he hit the jackpot with a pretty gaijin and he can barely understand her so she's probably not as annoying to him as she is to us. I doubt he has any luck with Japanese girls and she gets a visa for glorious Nippon out of this.
inb4 "she looks like an ostrich she's not pretty wah wah etc" please compare her to the average Floridian/average weeb looking for a visa.
No. 137400
>>137390I just noticed that. It's obvious she ain't even trying with YT when she posts shit like this.
Am I the only one who thinks he isn't bad looking?
No. 137403
>>137290I find it funny she's got someone else's vine in her video but you know copyright claim and maybe even have a twitter meltdown if someone used her videos/picture in their video.
>>137353>>137354plot twist taku is actually 3 different japanese guys
>>137395I feel the same way now.
>inb4 "she looks like an ostrich she's not pretty wah wah etc" please compare her to the average Floridian/average weeb looking for a visa.Plus, I'm sure that a lot of Japanese guys who go for gaijin girls actually like harsher features.
>>137400Ehhh, he's not ugly, but he's not really attractive.
No. 137419
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>>137352ah never noticed that tooth
but here we go
No. 137423
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>>137422It's me again, she put it private indeed
No. 137425
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lol, sure someone "sent it to you"
No. 137427
>>137423I kind of expected she'd do that because of the dislikes.
But honestly, there were the same amount of dislikes on this video that she normally gets on her other videos.
No. 137429
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Maybe you should, you know, stop feeding us with your endless dramatic entertainment?
(And perhaps stop playing the victim for 20+ years.)
Oh, and I'm sure your…. boyfriend… appreciates you putting his pics and videos online for thousands to see. It's not like Japanese value their privacy even more than your average culture or anything.
No. 137430
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>>137428Damn photo not sending!
But yes, the amount of likes/dislikes was pretty much the same. People didn't dig it.
No. 137436
no better than a toddler
No. 137450
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Poor Kiki Kardashian.
No. 137452
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>>137450Uh, when did we ever go to her house? LOL
No. 137457
>>137452I was just about to say that. Maybe people hunted her in the scene days, but when's the last time that happened?
Honestly if she had just stayed offline earlier this year we all would have just lost interest eventually. But we know the 'people hunt me offline too' is just an excuse for her continuing efame quest. She can't live without the attention.
No. 137458
>>137452"when I go offline people hunt me"
Why doesn't she just say "when I go offline people come to my house". Even when she's spewing bullshit she CAN'T HELP but tailor it to her
kira kira image like she's fucking bambi being chased by hunters or something looool.
No. 137462
>>137450>>137452>crazy people stalk me and post every address I go to>Every time I take a break online, people come to my house to find me>because the abusers go through a withdrawal and then try to actually find you in real life and send people after you.>People actually try to FIND ME and go on hunts.She really loves exaggerating shit to make herself out to be more of a victim.
Kaka, since you're reading, post actual proof people from this year or 2014 where people were trying to find you/stalk you.
There are literally people who have recognized you irl who didn't even give enough of a shit about you to even take pictures or post about it after it happened. No one really gives a shit about you Kaka. When you were gone for months, your thread was pretty much dead.
No. 137464
>>137457Whatever people did years ago has nothing to do with lolcow. I mean all we do is post her public tweets/videos and discuss them. Why does she have to be so dramatic, she really needs to stop living in the past. If she was truly stalked by someone and contacted the FBI, she wouldn't be dumb enough to use the same alias as 10 years ago, right?
Hm, I think this thread is on auto-sage now.
No. 137467
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>>137450Haha omg, is this bitch for real? No one is coming to her house. As far as I can tell, the only people who follow her life (just to laugh at her ridiculous lies) are us and PULL, and I've never seen anyone on there say anything about "finding" her or "hunting" her. She talks as though she's actually important or interesting.. But she's just a nobody who inflates her own delusional ego.
I know you're reading this, Kiki. No one cares about you that much. We just like laughing at your pathetic downfall. p.s. Your little sister is more famous than you will ever be.
No. 137468
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Bye Kiki, see you on Twitter in 2 weeks.
No. 137470
>>137468"My life is endangered"
More like you aren't actually getting married nor are you going to Japan amirite
No. 137472
>>137468>only when it turns into murderAhahahahahaha is she seriously trying to imply there's people who want to kill her?
Kiki, girl, if people have threatened your life then post some evidence. After all, if you document it publicly then it'd probably scare the scary haters off, right?
No. 137477
more like she knows it will be hard to maintain her fake life for these upcoming months while she's ~in Japan~…..
bye keekz see ya next month.
No. 137489
Thread is on auto sage.
New thread:
>>137479 No. 137491
People not liking your ugly boyfriend video = being stalked now? Ok Kiki.
>>137462I remember last time she had a meltdown about "stalkers" a few months ago when lil kitten went down the shitter, the only "evidence" she had was from some scene website from like 2009 lmao.
I think on some level she actually WANTS to be stalked, the amount of times she goes on these bizarre rants about all these mysterious stalkers that are apparently posting her address everywhere, yet no one has ever seen them apart from her. I think in her mind being stalked = still famous and relevant.
No. 137515
>>137419thanks anon, easier to see it's a rotten tooth in this lighting. kaka always seems to date dudes with bad hygiene. after her break with jake wolf, she said he had stank breath, and from the look on her face when they kissed, she was probably telling the truth for once, lmao.
she always seems to end up with smokers despite having always been preachy against smoking.
No. 137921
>>137450>pulling back a bit and not talking about my personal lifeactually no one forced you to do it kaka
>people come to my house to find me>most popular search is kk deadis this nigga serious