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No. 573602
Join us for the ongoing saga of 41-year-old horrorcow Raven (née Diana Dawn) Sparks and her 31-year-old husband #5 Josh Bradley in their Love That Was More Than Love Shack in rural South Carolina.
Raven originally achieved notoriety for her outrageous horror goth appearance and exhibitionism, her immature and aggressively defensive demeanor which alienates everyone in her life, and her relationship with husband #4 Logan who was 16-years-old and 19 years her junior when they became engaged and was a school friend of her son Dorian who is 8 months older. She has disowned her son after subjecting him to a childhood of neglect and many years of emotional abuse.
Each successive relationship is The One™ which will rescue her from her terrible life and give her a "fresh start." Several of her relationships began while she was still married to and, in some cases, financially supported by the previous husband. She has moved across several states and twice overseas to be with men whom she met online. Once she is established in a new relationship she is quick to denigrate the last with accusations of neglect and abuse despite having been the manipulator, an example of how she continually rewrites her personal history to feed her narcissism and validate her victimhood.
Her addiction to finding new love is closely rivaled by her addiction to acquiring new pets, toys, and clothes which she soon abandons in her hoard (or rehomes in the case of her pets) once their novelty has worn off.
As in real life, she exhibits her Jekyll/Hyde personality online: superficially sweet to her sycophantic followers and crassly vitriolic to anyone who dares to disagree with her. An overwhelming number of her Youtube videos are rants directed at people whom she perceives as having crossed her and at "the haters" on lolcow and Kiwi Farms.
Previous threads:
>>>/pt/12332>>>/pt/20741>>>/pt/321974>>>/pt/400701>>>/pt/415881>>>/pt/438380>>>/pt/447573>>>/pt/462983>>>/pt/471830>>>/pt/478795>>>/pt/491874>>>/pt/506118In the course of the last thread:
>The day after her mother's memorial service on April 15th, Raven posted a video entitled "Final update" in which she declares that she will be deactivating her Facebook account and leaving social media due to the haters. "One of us has got to stop, and the fuckin' people that stalk me are never gonna stop." She says that Josh has deactivated his account "out of respect for her.">She included several photos of them in their Jeep and of the road in Saluda on their drive to pick up the rental car but no photos of the rental car itself or of their trip to El Paso.>On her mother's memorial page, someone purporting to be Raven's sister posted a message to her saying, "Diana - Due to life, family, work responsibilities, we could not push these services out any further as we already extended a week. You were missed at the memorial and was asked about. The burial service is at 10:30an on Tuesday at Fort Bliss.">After reading here, Ash Sangre unfriended Raven and wrote about being used and betrayed by Raven throughout their friendship of ten years. She posted screenshots of Raven's private messages sent from her Ruby Woo Facebook account dating to October 2017 in which Raven exhibits her fixation with lolcow, alludes to engaging in online relationships with men in the US with the intent of using one to facilitate her return, boasts about Josh and their mobile home (including videos), discloses that she and Logan lied to the court about the date of their separation to hasten their divorce, and reveals that she was on benefits for over a year until she left New Zealand. (videos of their mobile home)
>In messages from her Raven Sparks account from April 2017, Raven says that she was suicidal because she just had her heart broken by a man in the US. "I was three weeks away from packing the clothes on my back and moving to be with him." She says that Logan "hasn't been loving towards me since around 2013" and that they were "about to split. No one knows. With lolcow, I have to pretend we're perfect.">Additionally, Ash disclosed Raven's admissions made in earlier messages from her Raven Bradley account (no screenshots): she cheated on Logan with many men in the US online and one in real life; she created a fake account as Josh to harass Claudia; she made disparaging remarks about Josh's family; she feigned her pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage caused by the car accident in December 2017 to guilt Josh; the accident resulted from Josh falling asleep at the wheel after working a 16-hour shift; Josh's mom was angry at Raven for repeatedly posting about the accident and blocked her; Raven had hoped for an insurance payout for her injuries until she realised Josh was solely at fault; she claimed that Josh lost his job with FedEx Ground when he failed a drug test after taking her oxycodone and that he verbally and physically abused her while taking her medication.>Just as Ash was releasing her screenshots, Raven deactivated several Facebook accounts, closed her Instagram and Twitter and several Youtube accounts. She deleted or made private most of the videos on her primary account including all of the videos featuring Logan except two videos announcing their break-up, but not before anons had downloaded and archived them.>Doja was discovered to be in the possession and care of Connie, the woman who transported him to Raven and Josh, and once again in need of a new home. She described Raven and Josh as "a short-term foster that didn't work out" while Autumn stated that he "went to a foster who is a shit person." When Ash implored people to not allow Raven to take in more pets and listed the reasons why, both Connie and Autumn replied that she did not know what she was talking about, and Autumn claimed that she "spoke to about 15 people. All who know her and have known her." The post was then deleted.>Autumn and Connie are raising $300 needed for his eye surgery and neutering.>On May 1st she posted a nearly 30-minute long goodbye video which she quickly deleted and replaced with a video twice as long. She vehemently denied many of Ash's claims. She ranted at length about the haters. She did not address whether Doja is still with them. She apologised profusely to her followers for her departure. "But there has to come a point where you have to rejoin the real world anyway, and I've spent the last ten years living online online online and not enjoying real life. And it's about time that I, I go outside and feel the sunlight and enjoy just living a real life. It's long overdue.">She included screenshots of her medical records from the car accident to substantiate her injuries. She included a screenshot of the summary of symptoms she reported during an appointment in 2008 as proof that she was diagnosed with agoraphobia.>She concluded her video by declaring, "You can't hurt me anymore. And that's, that's true winning right there. I win, you lose.">She followed through with her promise and deactivated and closed the majority of her known accounts, including their wedding site and wishlist.>On June 12th she posted a 50 second long video announcing that they had gone ahead with their nuptials, marrying on the 10th. The video comprised photos from their special day and of their marriage license and certificate.>They will have a wedding for family and friends in September.>On August 1st she posted a review of their skull themed wedding rings from Sapphire Studios: the 'Luna De Saturno' 0.15ct men's ring and 'Aphrodite' 1.85ct women's ring.>She appears to have a tattoo of Josh's signature in red on her left breast.>In the comments of both videos her followers say they miss her. She replies that she will be posting an update soon.>In September it was revealed in the Alt Cows #9 thread >>>/snow/676104 that Dorian and Isa had wed on June 11th. She now identifies as "Isaac". She and Dorian moved in with Logan, and she is now dating Logan. Recent photos showing her embracing each of them are captioned, "Date night." A thread for the three of them was launched >>>/snow/682714 but was locked due to "obvious vendetta posting".>Within two days of the thread being locked, Raven posted the promised update, "Alrighty then…!" which initiates this thread.Facebook:
* closed accounts
^ deactivated accounts (community) ^ (new primary account) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Ruby Woo (Lilitu) ^ ^ ^ (old primary account) * * * * * (community) ^ (community) (community) ^ (community) ^ (community) *
YouTube and Videos: (current) (current) * * (unlinked birthday 2014 video about being cyber-bullied by a fake website, now in the archives) * (10-part "My Story", some in the archives) * (her pets and Ryan's dogs) of leaked videos from
>>>/pt/400701 and others: Media: * * * * * *
Image Galleries:
http://starbl00d.deviantart.comhttp://starbl00d-stock.deviantart.comhttps://raven-revamped.deviantart.com * *
Other: (ranking of her Patreon account) (Amazon wishlist) (Amazon wishlist of household items)*/ (select all as most of the text is clear text) * * * * *
Commerce: * * Manning Bradley: ^ No. 573608
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>>573603The documentation.
No. 573610
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>>573603Yet another gazebo for yet another marriage.
No. 573615
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>>573603What happened to Doja?
Comments on this video have been deleted since.
No. 573618
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>>573616Her new look.
Is that Josh's signature in red on her left breast?
No. 573621
>>573620I know the transcript is coming, but interesting first thing of many to note in this hour-long recap of her absence: she never describes actually going to her mother's funeral, rather segues into all her bills and financial struggles. We know you didn't go, Gravy.
Warning ahead of time, once she gets into the animal stories part of the video, there is some awful content in there.
No. 573633
To no one's surprise, she painted Doja as a terrible dog (golden star to the anon who once said she would brag about his farts) and said he killed her kitten, so he had to go. That good ol' recycled story about the bad dog who hates kittens, right?
Meanwhile, if anyone cares, Doja got a forever home with the rescuer. She decided to keep him. He is living a very happy live in a house with a huge bed, lots of food, another dog and… a cat!
Pics here ( )
WB, Diana.
No. 573635
>>573620Crusty wig and dog blaming aside, it's good to know the fat lazy bitch got a job. (Unless she's lying about it)
See Cravey? You stayed offline and managed to get as job and buy a place. Good things happen when you don't sit online all day doing nothing but ranting.
I feel that something will happen though…too good to be true.
No. 573641
>>573636Oh yeah totally, it's like all those years of her saying that noone would hire her because of her tattoos and piercings (which is a self inflicted problem) and then shit gets dire and she suddenly gets a job. Credit where credit is due though. I can't imagine she'll keep the tattoo job though, she's too much of a psycho. Can you imagine if they start training up a younger female tattoo artist? I imagine Raven will suddenly have a lot to bitch about.
Hey maybe one day she'll outshine Vick as the best tattoo artist that ever tattooed, and they will fight online about it. Fingers crossed.
No. 573642
>>573635I wouldn't call snagging a disabled elderly man into a deal that he might well live to regret and will probably affect his future care, a good thing.
>>573633I don't know whether to believe this whole version. She might have let the kitten die herself (it was extremely young) then saw an opportunity to get rid of Doja. At any rate, she's lying about the door. And who sleeps so deeply through all of this in the day? Someone having a little opiate doze, possibly. She elaborates so much in a way only someone who is lying will do. At least Doja got freed.
No. 573643
>>573642I don't believe in that spiel at all, and now she has 3 cats and 2 dogs, one being a big one.
Remember the tale guys: this little piggy wandered off, this little piggy farted too much, this little piggy ate his sister, this little piggy bit the last one and that little piggy go rehome… oh look a new little piggy!
No. 573645
>>573620The detail she described the kittens death in made me cringe so hard, why did she keep dragging out the gorey detail?? The most I was hoping for was that at the end of her spiel she’d say something like “it really affected me, so I’ve decided to not take on the responsibility of any other lives until I get past this and have a stable life”.
Obviously hoping for too much but god damn it she had those other kittens already que’d up and ready to go!
Her little brown dog is so unbelievably cute, if it somehow… agh…if anything happens to it I will be incredibly upset. I just have an image of it getting crushed in my head now from all of her horror stories.
She really doesn’t deserve these animals.
Lol at the fact that she’s in Florida now though, truly where she belongs.
I hope soon she’ll talk about the Trinity shenanigans going on back in New Zealand. I hope she doesn’t check here and that nobody harasses her, raven milk is my favorite aside from the animal abuse.
No. 573648
>>573620Fuck. Stop getting pets you cunt.
>Sometimes pets don't fit well with a home >omg Doja is so lovely and I don't even like dogs>he has health issues but we love him>finds a kitten>doesn't allow dog to meet cat >doesn't safeproof cat's section>doja kills kitten>OMG DOJA IS FUCKING EVIL WE HAVE TO GET RID OF HIM>HE JUST FARTED SHIT AND ATE, WORST DOG EVER, HIS HEALTH PROBLEMS WERE TOO MUCH>We got a bunch of new animals yayyyy>Rinse and repeatBy the way I am
>>573635 and in no way am I redeeming Gravey, just saying it's great she got a job and even then, there's a part of me that thinks she's lying about the job.
If it does exist, it's probably some shack owned by bikers.
Either way, she's still a shit person.
No. 573652
>>573620She says she's not sure about coming back online but towards the end she starts the crap about 'everyone in public comes up and says I'm so fabulous and gorgeous and they loveeee my tattoos, everywhere I go people say I'm amazing' then she goes on to say that she goes to the beach in a bikini top now because she feels confident now and she's not even jelly of thin girls.
I sense her ego has risen again, and the cycle of posting regularly will commence.
Also suprised she didn't mention the logan/lg/dorian threesome.
That will probably surface in an angry video.
No. 573734
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>>573620Alrighty then…!
Published on Sep 10, 2018
Email: (zeroes, not oh's)
Paypal: (oh's, not zeroes)
Theme - Carnival Freaks by Myuu
I will fall and rise above
And in your hate I find love
'Cause I'm a survivor
I am a fighter
I will not hide my face
I will not fall from grace
I'll walk into the fire
All my life I was afraid to die
But now I come alive inside these flames
This is the very, very long awaited update video. I have been emailed and asked and asked when am I going to come up with the update video, when, and when am I gonna tell everybody what's happened. And I've held off because I haven't really been ready to talk about certain things, and in a way I'm still not, but there's just so much and so much and so much and so much that keeps happening that I want to just go ahead and make this. I've tried to make it a few times, but I didn't feel like I was quite ready, the videos were quite right, so I just deleted them. But hopefully this one will go up, and I can finally post it. Just a warning: it's gonna be very long because obviously it's been a while since I've been heard from, so be prepared to listen to a lot of blabbing.
First of all, the biggest news of all…it's kind of like a bundle…and that is that Josh and I have moved again. And without giving away our exact location, we are in the Jacksonville, Florida, -ish area. So we've moved a couple of hours away. Well, quite a few hours away. We've moved away from the area we were in, and we're still not in a big city, but we are in a…we're in a town that is about 30 minutes away from a pretty big town, 15 minutes away from a bigger town than we're in, and about an hour away from a really big city. So we are right in the middle of civilization. Well, we're not ourselves in a big city. We are very, very close to big cities, so we have access to a lot more than we did before. And aside from that, along with that, we have also bought our own house. And I'll explain more about that in a minute.
You might remember last time I was really online online is when my mom died, and we were struggling to get them to go to her funeral. We couldn't pay the power bill. We didn't have money for food. We were just struggling left and right. And Josh and I understood that that was just…it was no way to live, that was no life for us. We do deserve better than that. And it's just not…it's not fun to struggle that way. You never know what emergencies might arise, and we were not prepared for anything. Part of that is because I came here so suddenly. We didn't really have the time, either of us, to kind of get our lives together and get ready for this huge move that we've made by me coming over here and starting a new life here. And that was because when Logan and I had our talk in New Zealand. Whether in our heads we knew it was over, when we voiced it everything after that happened boom boom boom. We talked about it, realized, you know, the relationship was over etc etc. He wanted to move to his mom's. We had two weeks left at that house for me to figure out what I was gonna do. Josh and I discussed it. He wanted me to come here. I wanted to come here. And Logan went to his mom's, and I went to my ex to wait until I could, you know, get some more money together, Josh could get at least a little bit more organized, and then I could come over here.
Josh had been a bachelor for a while. He was just used to taking care of himself. He usually ate out, didn't really own anything, you know. He just lived very simply as most guys do when they're young bachelors or whatever. And when I got here, whatever money I had I used to buy the rest of the stuff that he wasn't able to get before I got here. Before I got here he moved out of the house he was in, and he got us a separate house, one that he liked better. He didn't like the place he was living in before. He had, he had been wanting to move out of there because he didn't like his landlords. Landlords kind of…it's really hard to find good landlords, especially around, you know, this area. They're all kind of…they've got that southern laid back-ness to them, but in saying that, to them it also means they don't need to fix anything or take care of anything or help you. They just want your money. And so if anything is wrong, good luck getting them to fix it. They won't really lift a finger to help. So he just didn't want anything to do with that guy and where he was living. He got a new place, got a new better paying job, and, you know, tried to get his life ready for me to come. And it was a lot to do on his side to go from living alone, taking care of yourself, to having to get your life ready to take care of somebody else now, somebody else coming to stay with you. And he did it.
So I got here. The first place we were in, it was, it was a nice place. I really liked that place. But it was…there was problems with it. The landlord lived right across the street, couldn't be bothered coming over to fix anything that they said was wrong with it. I will not even go into detail with exactly what was wrong with that place, but there was a lot. And we just we were really, really unhappy there. And since we couldn't get them to do anything about it, we decided to move. We moved into another place that was suggested to us. And we thought that that place would be good. This one, the landlord lived like…the landlord's son lived right next door to us, and that place was even worse than the first place. And I won't go into details about how bad that was, but it is almost one of the worst places I've ever lived in. It was just wrong on all levels, and they wouldn't fix anything. But they could tell us off if we had, like, a box that needed to go to the dump that was sitting outside the front or the back door. You need to throw that away! Like, we're going to the dump this week, you know what I mean. How can you see across the yards that we have something, but you can't walk over to fix this, you know, fix even the screen door or anything like that. And we knew we needed to get out of there. And we discussed it, and we were like, you know, a big change has to happen. We have got to get out of this area, and we don't want to rent anymore because we're paying all this money to these people who won't fix the places up, they won't do anything to help you. And, like, the first place we needed a new stove, and they wouldn't replace the stove, so we had to buy a new stove, and that should be under them, not under us. You know, things like that. Floors caving in and just problems that they refused to fix for the amount that you're paying to rent a place, so we decided we wanted to try to buy.
What we did was we found this old man that wanted to move away because he's disabled now. He can't walk, and he can't take care of the house himself, so he wanted to sell it. He asked for a very small deposit, like way smaller than a bank would have asked for. Still a couple thousand dollars, but, you know, manageable and a pretty average monthly rent payment or whatever. And we drove out. We looked at the place. We fell in love with it instantly. It felt like home, you know. Some places you walk into you and you know right away, this is my home. Like, you could just see yourself living there. And that's what this place was for us. And we, we had our heart set on it. We worked with him. We've saved, we saved, and we went to the bank, and we got some help from the bank, got all the money together, and we gave him the deposit, and he signed the papers. We will sign a contract and stuff. And I mean we don't own it yet, but we are, I guess, renting to own. But he's, like, 76 years old or something, and he can't walk. There's no way he could take care of this, so he's not coming back. This this is our place, and we're not ever gonna have to leave or move or worry about anything. And it is such an amazing feeling to know that you own your own place, that you're going to own your own place. We'll have this place paid off in six years. In six years it'll be completely ours.
And it is a trailer because, like, almost everything around here are trailers. And I don't really care. I like trailers. The last two trailers we lived in were pieces of shit, but this one is not. This one is really nice, and it's spacious. It's, uh, it's got two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a built in room on the porch, shed out back, and it's got lots of land, so we own land as well. It's got this lot and a lot behind it, so if we wanted to we could actually build onto the lot behind us and rent that out or whatever. But we've got plenty of space here. It's almost an acre of land. And it is really really really nice. It's really nice. We can paint it, we could decorate it, we could do whatever we want with it. We don't have to worry that they're gonna raise the rent or we're gonna have to move out. It's just so much freedom, and it is an unbelievable feeling. I cannot tell you how great it feels to know that we've taken this step. And in less than the time that I was stuck in New Zealand we will own the rights to this place and the land completely free and clear.
As for how we afforded that, we started looking for work, and Josh actually got a job. He got a pretty good paying job, and I also have a job. I'm, of all things, I am working in a tattoo studio, so that is, like, a perfect fit for me. And I'm so happy. We are busy all the time. We're working so much. We don't have hardly a chance to breathe. I mean, we come home and it's just like, I don't want to move, I don't want to do anything. So the house is still not completely done which is why I'm not gonna do a house tour as of yet because the house isn't where…we're not done fixing stuff up and painting or whatever we're gonna do at all yet. I want to have the house looking completely finished before I do a tour. So I don't know when that's gonna be, when we're gonna have any free time for that, but that's where it stands right now.
What else. We went to a theme park the other day, and I'm gonna put together a video that we…we actually had planned to go there while we were still living in, like, the last place we were in. We were gonna go for Josh's birthday, but we just never, we never got a chance to. We were just too busy trying to do all this stuff and try to make the right steps to better our lives and to have a better, easier life so we weren't struggling anymore. And we just put it off and put it off and put it off, and now it's close to my birthday. And it's the first…this is my 42nd birthday, and it's the first birthday with him physically because last year I was still in New Zealand. And so we went there for my birthday before they closed, like, for the winter or whatever. And that was pretty fun. It, it could have been better. I mean, it was, it was fun being with him, but the park itself…like, they cut the rides so short. They were, like, 30 seconds long. And it was so hot. We both felt sick right away and thought we were gonna have to leave early. I'll go into all that in that video. I'll leave that there.
Um, a couple more things. We also got a new car. We own that free and clear. We have a 2006…2005, 2006 black Ford Explorer, and it is beautiful. It's, it's all black. It's got black tinted windows. It's got black leather interior. It's got, like, climate control. And I have a video of it somewhere, so I'll see if I can add the video here. [pictures of each side of the truck] If not, just take my word for it. I'll put a picture in it at least.
As for our Jeep, we, we gave that to a friend of ours. We did what was done for us, and we passed it along to somebody who really needed it. We, we fixed about 75, 80 percent of the things that were wrong with it, and we gave it to her. And she had helped us out before, and we thought, you know, she really needed a vehicle, she really needed the freedom. And instead of trying to sell it we, we wanted to do the right thing, and we just gave it to her. And hopefully if she's ever in the same position where she doesn't need it anymore and she sees someone who needs it, maybe she'll pass it along, or maybe she'll just keep it until it just blows up, and then it's lived its life. Either way, it's, it's hers now. And we feel really good that we were able to do something to help somebody else.
No. 573737
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>>573734Um, ummm. I think the last thing I want to talk about is addressing the Doja stuff because people have asked about him, what has happened with him, and this has been really hard to talk about. I really haven't wanted to talk about it, but people deserve an explanation, so I will give it to you now. The last place we were in, as you know, we put our bed in the living room so that we could be with him because that place was built so stupidly, the hallways were so thin. As it was, the bedrooms were so small. Once our bed was in it you, like, couldn't walk, you couldn't even fit a dresser or anything in there, so there was no way that the dog would have fit in there with us. So in order for us not to leave him alone so much of the time, being old and new, we wanted to be around him, so we put our bed in the living room for him. And the bedroom that we were in, the door didn't close and clasp, so we always had it barricaded with boxes and stuff, and so it wouldn't open. You couldn't push it open or anything like that.
And one morning we were asleep and it was storming really bad outside, and we heard screaming and screaming and crying coming from outside, and Josh said, oh my god, it's a kitten. And I was like, why is there a kitten outside? And we went and saw mama had given birth underneath the trailer and abandoned the kittens. I swear I heard more than one, but by the time I actually broke the skirting off and was able to crawl under and look I only found one, so I don't know if she came back or if they died because I wasn't gonna crawl the length of the trailer. I couldn't hear anything after that. I just saw the one close to where the skirting was, and he was, he was so cold and shaking. He was tiny. He was the tiniest little thing. He felt right in the palm of my hand. He must have been only maybe two weeks old, if that. And I'll show you pictures of him. And he was so cute. His name…we named him Stormy because he had such a stormy start to his life, and it was stormy. It's so cliche. But he was adorable.
And Josh went out and got kitten replacement milk, and I got a bottle and I bottle fed him. And you know what, I…we put him first…the first day we had him with us in a cat litter tray. We put a hot water bottle in there for him and some blankets, and we just kept him right close to us. And then after that we put him in the back bedroom, closed the door cuz you could get into that back bedroom through the bathroom which door's always…the door's always closed tightly, or through the door that was barricaded. But we never opened that door, we always left it barricaded. And because it's a pain in the ass to keep closing it. And I don't like open doors in houses, so I like all doors closed.
We never showed Doja the kitten. We…he never looked up when he heard him meowing, he never woke up, looked interested. The only thing that dog did was eat, fart, and shit. He wanted to go outside and shit, piss and shit. He didn't really care about playing or looking around or anything, you know. He was supposedly blind. He didn't like to do anything. He just slept all the time, and he liked his treats, and that's about it. He'd just lay in the corner and fart, you know. He never took notice of the kitten. We never saw a reason to be like, look, here's the kitten, and introduce them at all, so they were kept separate the whole time. Doja never ever even looked like he knew the kitten was there. I took a nap one day…
Oh, and I want to tell you, too, it was so cute because Stormy, for whatever reason, when I would go in to feed him and stuff, I'd go in the room, [calls out] Stormy! And he'd meow, and he'd look up, and he'd be trembling, and he wobble over to me like, you know, he was screaming and crying and meowing, and he wanted to climb, clamber up on in my lap and just start purring. He was so happy. Like, he was recognizing us already and wanting to be around us and, you know, cuddling with us, and it was the sweetest thing. And he was gonna grow up to be the most beautiful, beautiful cat ever.
And anyway, I was taking a nap. I woke up, and I just felt like something was wrong. I woke up, and there was light streaming down the hallway. And there shouldn't have been light because, like I said, I keep all the doors closed. And my heart sunk, and I was like, oh no. And I walked down there, and the door was open. The door that was barricaded had been forced open. And it took a lot of force to force that door open. It wasn't like you could just go [pushes palm forward] and it opened. No, you had to push the boxes out of the way. Stormy didn't come out, and I was like, oh no, Stormy! Stormy! And he didn't come out. I looked everywhere. I looked behind the suitcases, behind boxes, everywhere. I looked in the bathroom even. He was nowhere. When I'd woken up Doja was asleep in his bed, so I, I didn't really think anything. Over by one of the suitcases which was across the room from his bed I saw a little pile of red crumbs and I thought, please let this be a dog biscuit or something, because there are red biscuits that we would give Doja, red and brown and yellow, you know, the, the chew biscuits. And I picked them up, and they weren't biscuits. They were his ribs, little chunks of his ribs and a little chunk of his skull with his teeth. And my heart sunk, and I just started crying and crying. And I called Josh and I was like, oh my god Doja broke into the room and ate the kitten!
The kitten obviously tried to get away because he was across the room, not in his bed. He tried to stumble away, and somehow this blind dog that didn't care about anything chased him down and gobbled him up. And this dog was supposedly raised around cats, loved cats, thought cats were his friends and all that stuff. And he still ate the kitten. And whether it's natural or not, I could not look at that dog again without picturing that poor little kitten being picked up and chomped up and and crushed to death. He didn't deserve that at all, and that would have been a horrible way to go. He was alive, and he was aware, and he was affectionate, and he, he wanted to live, you know? I mean, he was the happiest little survivor, you know. And I'll never forget going in there and finding that little pile of bones, and I just, I just couldn't do it, I couldn't do it anymore. I told Josh, he needs to, he needs to go, just I can't look at him ever again. It's just…it disgusted me, and it horrified me, it freaked me out, and it was depressing. And for the rest of the week Josh and I, we would just, you know, sit there and reminisce and think about the poor little kitten. And we'd hold each other, and we'd cry and just like, you know, he just didn't deserve that. And I can't even imagine, you know, how scared he would have been or, you know, what it would have been like for him to be trying desperately to get away from this dog, and this dog just picks you up because whether it was a fast death or not, which Josh tried to reassure me by telling me that, he still would have at least felt the first bite, you know, whether after that he was already dead, he would have felt the pain of that first bite or the first few chomps. And I will forever hate Doja for doing that regardless if it was a natural thing or not. I mean, I had the door barricaded. He had to force his way in there. And, you know, I feel guilty for taking a nap in the middle of the day, but, like, I had to feed the kitten every two hours, and I was exhausted, you know. I, I needed a nap. I needed to rest. And it just so happens he just got it in his head to go where he wasn't supposed to and, you know, he killed my kitten. And um, that's why Doja is gone.
I contacted the lady that dropped him off, and I explained what happened. I said, I just don't want him here. I can't look at him. I'll never be able to forget what I saw. And, like, in the back of my mind I, I feel like I heard a kitten screaming, and that's what woke me up. And it couldn't have been because when I woke up and I saw the light, I looked and Doja it was in his bed. So unless he ran and feigned sleep or I woke up later than I thought I did after hearing it, then I couldn't have heard it. But regardless, it was fucking awful. And um, that is the story of why Doja was rehomed. When we told her that she did say that well, with his surgeries and things he needs to go to the vet more often than we were able to take him because at the time, you know, I see no reason to get my license because Josh and I are usually always together now, you know. He can drop me off and pick me back up again and things like that, so it's not, it's just not necessary for me to have my license. He can take me where I need to go, and I like being with him. He likes being with me. I…you know, we prefer him driving me places anyway. And um, especially over there, there was no reason for it. And he needed the car to go to work, and with his hours the only time he was free to go the vet was on Saturdays. And there are vets that work there on Saturdays, and originally they said that was okay, but then later on they said, no, well actually he needs to go more than that. But that is not the reason we gave him up. It wasn't because he needed to go to the vet and we couldn't take him. I mean, that wouldn't, that wouldn't have been a reason to give him up, you know. You know when you get an animal they need to go to the vet. So none of us knew that he had any kind of, like, health problems or, like, he needed any urgent care when we got him. We, we were all oblivious to that. The chick who dropped him off to us, the lady at the dog rescue, none of us knew any of that. But we were prepared to deal with it, prepared to handle it, prepared to take care of him. But then he did that, and that was something that I never thought I'd have to live through, and I was not prepared for that, and I was not prepared to have to look at him again and think that he did that. And so, you know, he's probably off to a better home now. She seemed quite happy to take him back because I guess she didn't like that we could only take him to the vet once a week or something.
No. 573738
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>>573737On that topic, however, we do have pets now. We actually have quite a few pets now. They've been with us for a while. They've been with us since before we moved, actually. We have three kittens first of all, and these three kittens were…it was originally two. They're all sisters, but it was originally two. The two kittens we had already made plans to get before we got Doja, but we were just waiting for them to be old enough because the lady had contacted us and we were, and we were talking about stuff, and they were only like five weeks old. We got them when they were 12 weeks old so there was quite a long waiting period. And um, the only good thing I could see from Stormy's death, if that, is that we at least knew what Doja was capable of, because I would hate to think that we would have gotten these kittens, and he would have eaten them, you know, gobbled them up or something. Yeah, so in a way Stormy could have saved their lives, you know, in a round about way. It's still so fucked up.
But, um, anyway, so we got these two sisters. It was originally gonna be one because she looked a lot like one of Marmalade's kittens. And I was like, oh my god, I want that one, she looks like my Marmalade's baby! And then the lady said, well I've actually got another one that's got, like, a split face. And I was like, oh my god! And I saw her, and I fell in love with her. She's just got, like…she's a ta…she's a tortoiseshell, but she's got, like, half an orange face and then, like, half a tortoiseshell face, not a complete half and half but pretty close. And she's got, like, chunks of, like, orange cat in her, so she kind of looks like a mix of Marmalade. And she acts like Marmalade, and she's got Marmalade's eyes. Marmalade had the coolest, most unique eyes. I mean, I'm sure there's other cats with those eyes, but I've never owned a cat with this color eye. They're green in the middle, right around the pupil, and then it's, like, bright yellow on the outside, the green and the yellow. And this cat just so happens that exact same eye color. And she is my baby. She only comes up to me. She lets Josh kind of touch her, but she loves me. I call her name, she comes running. She sits on my lap, she licks me on my mouth, and she is my baby. She loves me to death.
There were five kittens in that litter. There's two boys and three girls. The third girl, she's a tortoiseshell as well, but she's got real weird markings. She almost looks like she's wearing, like, a dead skin mask or something. She's kind of scary looking. Like, she always looks angry, like she wants to rip your face off. And because she looks like that nobody wanted her. The lady who had them said that she was having a really hard time finding home for her because everybody was like, oh is that the only one you have left, I don't want her. And she was getting really worried and thought maybe she'd have to take her to, like, a shelter or something. And Josh was like, I don't want her to go into shelter, we'll take her, that's all right. And so a week later we picked her up. And because she's so, she's so ugly we named her Miss Pretty, you know, Josh wanted to make her feel better about herself. But she's his baby. She, she's always, she looks at him so lovingly, and she goes up to him, and she sleeps on him, and, you know, so Miss Pretty is his baby. My little Marmalade Two is my baby, and the, the one that originally we wanted, we named her Jelly. She is, uh, everybody's baby. Jelly is just she doesn't care about anything. She'll, she'll sit there, she'll sit on you, she likes to eat and eat, and she um, she's not scared of vacuum cleaners or anything. Like, she's just real brave. She's bravest, most outgoing one of them all. And these three, they are the most adorable babies. They love us so much. They are definitely a secure part of our family. They are here, and they are not going anywhere. They are so spoiled and so smart. We bought them, like, a big old cat tree. They get wet food every night. They're so smart that, um, we tell them bedtime, and they know they're gonna get wet food and it's time to go to bed, so they come up and they start screaming and meowing. And then they run to the bedroom and wait, and it's just the cutest thing. But they're good girls. They're, they're really good, smart cats, and we love them to death, you know. They're, they're our babies.
[pictures of the three cats]
No. 573745
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>>573738Aside from that we have also got two dogs. One is a two year old white Siberian Husky named Loki, and he is an indoor dog. He definitely did grow up around cats. We saw plenty of pictures. We did plenty of background checks on him just to be sure. I did not want another dog, period. But Josh, Josh loves dogs. He is a dog person, and he was always like, I miss having dogs. And I, I told him, I don't want another dog. But I thought that was really unfair on him because, like, well, I'm a cat person, he's a dog person. He still loves cats, but he also loves dogs, and it wasn't fair off me to completely take that option away from him. So I looked around. I found this one, and he fell in love with him. That's his buddy. That's his boy. He's, um, he's got white eyes. He's all white. He's a sweetheart. He's a, he's a big teddy bear. He's just gentle, and he loves everybody and everything. He is so sweet, and he is smart, and he's crate trained. He lets himself outside to go pee, comes back in when he's done, you know. He's a good boy. There's only one thing he really does wrong as, um, as all animals do. He likes to get into the other dog's food, and it's like, no that's not yours, get into the cat litter or whatever. But we have stuff sectioned off so that they can't go places they're not supposed to go.
Our last family, uh, family member is a tiny, tiny little Chihuahua Shitzu, and that's….she's everybody's baby, but she's my baby. And she's brown with a little white on her chest, and her name is Cocoa Pebbles, but we call her Pebbles. She's two months old now. We, we only just actually got her a couple weeks ago. Those people lied to us when we got her because they said she was at least seven weeks old which we thought was that's still too young. You shouldn't give an animal away or sell an animal any younger than eight weeks, but twelve weeks is optimal. They need that time with their parents. I can't stand seeing people trying to get rid of animals at seven weeks, but at least I know and Josh knows that that's not a good age. We know what to do, how to treat them, how to take care of them. And so we figured if we don't get her, and we were like, she's too young, somebody else will get her, and they might not know what to do or how to, how to take care of her, so we figured at least if she comes with us we can give her a good life. [unintelligible] But we do give them good lives, and so we got her. When we got her we took her to the vet for a check-up right away, got her wormed and defleaed and all that stuff. And it turns out she wasn't seven weeks, she was closer to the five weeks. She didn't even have her teeth yet. She had some of her top teeth, no bottom teeth had broken through. She could barely see. She barely walked. She weighed two pounds, so she literally, like, fit in the palm of your hand. Now she's grown. She's probably closer to three, maybe four pounds, but she's still, like, itty bitty. She's, like, the smallest little thing, and she is so smart. She learned her name within the first week. She was almost fully potty trained within four days, believe it or not. We put down puppy pads. She'd go over there and pee and poo. She has accidents still here and there when she is playing or she's in an area of the house that's far away from her, her bed and her usual puppy pad area. Then she might, like, poop on the floor or something like that. But we keep her kind of in a small section right now while she's learning and growing. And her little tail is always wagging like that, and she's like cutest little thing.
And Loki plays with Pebbles, and he is so gentle with her. Like, she sticks her whole head up in his mouth, and he, he doesn't clamp down of course. He just kind of [hand motions] and he nudges her with his nose, and he gets real down low on the ground with her. And sometimes when she's sitting there he'll put both paws next to her like this and kind of, like, protect her, you know. He'll hold her like this, and she cuddles up, you know, in his tail or in his arms, and they're so close.
[pictures of the dogs]
No. 573760
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>>573745When we went to the park we actually had to take them to a, um, like a puppy daycare because we live like five or six hours from the park now, and we were gone all day, and so they had to stay overnight. And um, we made sure they had all their vaccinations and their, you know, their, their vet checkups and everything like that. And we took them there, and we got them a kennel together, and everybody was in love with them. They're so cute, they're so beautiful, you can drop them off more often if you want. Everybody wanted to see them, and the girl even…because when it was time to pick them up I wasn't feeling good, and Josh went by himself to collect them, and the girl that was there was like, oh my god can you give your wife my phone number? And she gave him her number to give to me and all that and said, you can leave Pebbles here for a few more days cuz everybody loves her because she's so small and cute.
But that's our complete family now. The cats, they…they're still a little bit wary of Loki cuz, you know, but he doesn't chase them or anything, and we make sure they're never left unsupervised together because even though we know he's good around cats we would never risk anything like Stormy happening again, so they are always locked separately at night, and they're always watched and monitored. But the cats, you know, they kind of walk over to him, and he sniffs them and licks them, and they're, like, they tolerate it until he's right up in their face, and they kind of do their, hey I'm gonna hit you if you keep doing that.
And um, Pebbles, they've started to kind of jumping down with her, and they do this thing where they're trying to tease her like they, they want her to chase them. They get down and they look for her, and then they kind of prance around, and then when she runs after them they jump up and pretend they didn't want it. But then when they realize that she can't jump up and follow them they jump back down again. And so they've kind of starting to play with her because she's actually way smaller than they are at…she's probably about nine weeks now. At nine weeks she is still smaller than they were when we got them, so she is tiny. She's always gonna be tiny, though, because of her breed, but she is the cutest thing.
And they all get along so well. They're all so well behaved. And we have a big old family now, but we love it. We're, we're happy, and this is how it's gonna stay. I don't see any reason whatsoever that any of these animals would be rehomed. I mean, sometimes we animals and they're just, like, they're just bad or they're they're not a good fit, you know what I mean? Like, nothing's ever perfect, and I know I get judged for rehoming animals sometimes. But just sometimes if, if an animal is just doing something wrong constantly or they have been grown up or raised a certain way or let run free a certain way, it takes a lot of training to unbreak that, or sometimes it's just that's just how they are, and it causes you a lot of stress, it causes them a lot of stress, and overall it's just not a good environment. And I'm kind of a, like, not necessarily a perfectionist, but kind of a perfectionist. I like things a certain way, and I don't like my animals to, like, jump on counters or, you know, on tables and things like that. And if there's a cat like the white cat we used to have that is always on the counters and always doing stuff, and you're always having to, like, scold them or discipline them, they start to get scared of you, and it's just, it's just a bad environment, you know. They need to be with somebody who either has the patience or ability to train them out of that or doesn't give a shit and lets them just do their thing, and that is not us. And so yeah, a few times we've had to find better homes for the animals that just haven't meshed with us or we've been lied to, and it just hasn't, it hasn't worked out. Whenever I go to get an animal I ask a billion and one questions because I want to be sure that they're a good fit because I know I'm kind of a really picky owner, and I don't want to have to rehome an animal, so I'll sit there and I'll ask. I'll say, this is my concern, this is my concern, this is what I tolerate, this is what I won't tolerate. How is your animal, do they do this, do they do this, do they do this, do they do that? And I try to keep in contact. After we get an animal I send pictures and send updates, and if I have any questions I ask questions and try to get tips, advice, how did you discipline them, how did you stop this, did they ever do this, did they ever do that? If there's a problem will you take the animal back because that's the first thing you should do is see if the original owner wants their pet back. I go through all these steps, but most people just want to unload their pets so they lie and tell you what they think you want to hear, and then you're stuck with a mismatch. And while some people can deal with mismatches, that's one of my flaws. I can't. I try, and if it doesn't work, it doesn't work, and I send them off to somebody who can give them a better home than I can give them.
However, the babies that we have now, we've had them for four months, and they've, you know, they've had their little misbehaviors here and there, but overall they're our babies and they're here, you know. It's like, like, like I said about the house, when you walk in to certain homes you feel like, wow this is home, this is where I'm gonna stay, this is where I'm gonna be. It's the same with them. It's like, you know what, you're, you're home. You're not going anywhere. I could say with all certainty they're here to stay. I couldn't imagine our lives without them. Yeah, that was a long winded explanation of about almost generally nothing. Sorry, but it's been a long time since I've made a video.
Oh, when we went to Carowinds I actually bought sunglasses for the first time. I couldn't find anything that I really liked because I, I'm not used to being outside. Whereas people think I bleached my skin, in reality I just stay indoors a lot. I'm part white, you know, so I do have light skin. In my pictures I use certain filters and things to smooth out my skin, and it lightens my skin. In real life you can see the color. I'm actually tan. My nose is a bit sunburnt. I'm a bit sunburnt right here from being outside, a little bit here. But um, I'm actually quite brown. [points to her forearm, pic related] I'm tan now because I go outside now. I have a real life. I think my knuckles are actually a little bit sunburned, too. But um, yeah. I'm, I'm tan. That's what happens when I go outside. In New Zealand I was indoors almost exclusively for about ten years, so you can imagine my skin would be pretty light. It doesn't mean I lightened my skin. It just means I am white. I'm half white, and I didn't go outside.
Anyway, check out these sunglasses that I found. I don't wear sunglasses usually. I don't like them. I quite like these even though they're…I don't like big sunglasses. These are quite big in my opinion, but they're pretty cool. I don't really think I look right with shades on. I haven't actually worn sunglasses since Ozzfest back in, like, 2001. I found these at Walmart for two dollars. They were marked down from $10. They weren't even marked down. We scanned the tag and it said $2, but how cool are those? No, it's not bad for, like, two dollars. Like, I don't know how often I'll wear them, but those are pretty cool.
Makeup bag from um, this chick. [slowly tries to sound out her name] I'm not sure what her…how to pronounce her name. I don't know what it means, but she's pretty cool. She sells some stuff. She's like a scream queen type chick, horror chick, Instagram girl, whatever. But she's got this online shop where she sells some stuff. I'd seen this makeup bag that I thought was pretty cute, and it's got prints on both sides. It's pretty big. I took this to the park with me, too, so I keep my makeup separate. It would be cool if it glowed in the dark, but it doesn't, but that is still a badass thing.
I'm also gonna do a review soon about this lipstick that I'm wearing. It's this new brand that I found, and I've got two colors out of their five, but this color is my new favorite red. It's just beautiful. I got a red and I got a purple, so I'll probably do that review when I shut off the camera since I'm dressed. That's pretty cool. So I will have this video uploaded, the theme park video, and the lipstick video.
No. 573766
>>573641I seriously doubt she’s tattooing, I doubt she can even scribble. She’s likely working as a receptionist or booker or something like that.
From her description it sounds a lot like she’s in the Fernandina Beach/Jacksonville/St. Augustine trifecta. Given that she’s in a trailer, she’s probably a bit more inland, but it’s not impossible to find trailers closer to the water (either the intracoastal or the ocean) as northern Florida is dead cheap. She could also be just across the state line in Georgia, but the lack of state income tax in Florida makes it a boomtown for people looking to hang on to every last penny.
No. 573767
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>>573760I'm not…I don't know when I'm gonna come back or if I'm gonna come back fully. I would like to get back on Facebook here and there because there's stuff I want to share, you know. Like, I've got some cool pictures from the park. I'll add at least two pictures from the park here at the end of the video just to hold you over until I upload the other videos. But um, I don't know, you know. I, I'm happy being away from the drama. I'm happy staying offline. I actually…I don't even have time to do hardly anything anymore as it is, so I wouldn't even be able to make lots of videos. Every time I think I want to make a video and talk about this and this and that I just, I just don't have the time to do it, you know. Between work, the animals, getting the house sorted, there's just, there's just no time left in the day to sit around and be online. And I don't know. So I don't know if coming back is gonna happen or if it's not gonna happen. No idea. Videos might be sporadically here and there. Um, I don't know. It's just it's nice having a real life, you know. Like, a life outside of the internet where are you not so focused on other people, what other people are saying, what other people are doing.
The only time I even open my laptop anymore is when we're watching something. I've got movies and stuff downloaded on here. We hook it up to the TV because we actually have a TV now. We've got a 55 inch Philips…I think it's Philips…TV, and we hook the laptop up. We hook the laptop to the TV and watch movies, and that's the only time it's even open. Like, I don't even…I, I check my email from my phone, and that's it. I don't, I don't check anything else. I don't do anything else. And it's so weird, I don't even remember when the last time was I was really, like, online online. It just it feels like it's been so long, but I know realistically it probably hasn't. It was probably, like I said, I think it's only been about six months, but it feels like it's been years almost.
It's almost Christmastime. I'm definitely gonna have a Christmas video uploaded because we've got, like…we're gonna have a big Christmas this year, tons of stuff. I don't know if we're gonna see his family or not, but we are definitely gonna have a nice big Christmas. And I've already got, like, 25 presents for him or something like that. I've spoiled him this year.
We're looking for something to do on Halloween. We've got…you could probably see up there behind me…we've got two masks. We bought those from the Horror Dome. And that's a girly one for me, and that's the boy one for him. I've painted mine up and added more blood and bruising to it and stuff. And before the movie even was announced we had decided on these costumes. He is going to be a priest with that head, and I'm gonna be a nun with that head. And we had bought them, and then I saw the trailers for the movie The Nun. We actually went to go see that a couple days ago. It was alright. It was better than the new Annabelle movie. I quite liked it. It wasn't scary. It was a bit creepy. Jump scares. I like jump scares, though. And um,I don't know, it was alright. I, I'm not upset. I don't think it was a waste of time or anything. It was a decent movie. I would, I would watch it again. But I know people are gonna be dressing up as nuns probably for Halloween because that's what they do. Unfortunately I didn't, I didn't know, but the back of the mask is open, and there's no way to really hide that, and so because of that I needed something to put over, and I thought, well a nun's headpiece will cover it, so that's how I came up with that. And I thought, well shit, you know.
The last…I keep saying this is the last note…also is I'm going to be getting LASIK. I've gone into the clinic, and I've gotten my pre evaluation whatever done, and I am a candidate for it still. And I do have the money for it. Well, they, they, like, keep trying to talk me into financing, so we'll probably just go with the financing just because it's easier. But they, they just need because I'm diabetic I have to have three months of blood tests, and I still don't have a doctor, just haven't, haven't had time for any of this stuff. And here you need insurance. I know it's something I should have known, but when I was in America before I wasn't really sick. I had Medicaid for Dorian. I never really went to the doctor. I didn't have a family doctor of my own, and I never had to deal with insurance. And then I moved to New Zealand where things are completely different. I came back here, and I don't know anything about the health care system. I don't know anything about insurance. I'm completely new to all of it, and so I'm still trying to learn my way around things like that. And it turns out there's only, like, one time a year you can sign up for insurance which is really stupid, and I think that's coming up at the end of the year. So once I can sign up for insurance then I can find a doctor and get some blood tests done, take them in. If my blood hits that, if I can get my blood to the safe level, then I go in and get LASIK, and so finally this dream of most of my life will be realized, and I'll be able to see. Like, I can't even imagine what that would be like, to wake up and just open my eyes and I can see. I can take a shower, and I can look down, and I can see, you know. I won't have to scramble and look for glasses anymore. It just, it's just it would be the most amazing amazing amazing thing. And they said they're pretty sure they could get me to 20/20 or better even though I've got really bad eyesight, and that is amazing in itself as well.
So everything has just gone up. Since the last time I was really online, my life has just gone up and up and up and up, and everything has improved. There's not a single aspect of my life that has gone downhill. Everything has gotten better and better and better, and I just want it to keep going, you know. I want it to keep going and going this way, and it's just the most wonderful feeling, like, not to be depressed.
We, we bought a chest freezer, and it is full to the top of food. We've got a really big fridge, and that top is full of food. So we're not gonna starve. We're not gonna run out of food. The animals, they've got plenty of food. We've got a local vet. Um, we've got everything. Like…
And we got married. We, we didn't have the wedding we wanted because we didn't want to wait. It was…we were up and down on the dates, you know. Do it maybe on my birthday, maybe on this day, maybe on that day. And we just we'd lay in bed at night, and we'd hold each other and wish, god I wish we were married, I really wish we were married. We're like, you know, we have the money to do it, why don't we just, why don't we just do it? Our anniversary is coming up. We should just do it on our anniversary. And he had originally suggested…that was the first date he ever suggested to me, and so we we decided to go ahead and do it on our one-year anniversary. And we didn't have time. I might have mentioned this all in that video, I don't know. But we didn't have time to look for clothes cuz we had just made a kind of on the fly decision, and so we just went to Goodwill, and I picked out the only, the only dress they had there that fit, and he picked out some clothes. They're the only things there that fit. And we'd always planned maybe towards the end of the year or next year we'll have a proper wedding, like, where we can really dress up. I wanted to wear, like, a kind of a baby blue chiffon gown, and he was gonna wear, like, a black and blue suit, you know, stuff like that, so we're still debating doing that.
But what was important to us wasn't that we had the right clothes or the right audience or anything like that. The important thing to us was that we get married, that we're finally husband and wife, and so that is what we did, and we're happy with our decision, and he's my husband, and I don't see this marriage going anywhere. We're still as compatible as we were when, you know, when I first got here, even more so, you know. We, we like almost every single thing the same. He is so easy to get along with. He treats me like a queen. Like, he really does treat me good. He does anything for me, anything and everything, and I tried to do as much for him as possible. We're just we're happy. We're still affectionate. We're still always touchy and huggy and lovey. And I still look at him and think that he is gorgeous, especially when he lets his hair down. He is just beautiful. That boy loses so much hair, though. Like, his hair is everywhere. I'm like, how the hell you still have hair on your head when you lose so much hair? But he's got so much thick hair. And just he is everything to me, and I couldn't be happier and more content in my relationship, my life, anything right now. He's just made me feel so good about myself and so good about my life, and we have our little family, and we have our house. We have stability. We have money. We have our jobs. We have a good car. We have food. We have our bills paid up. I mean, what more could you really ask for, you know? I mean, I feel like I'm on top of the world, I honestly do.
And I don't want anything to change, so that's why I'm kind of hesitant to go back online because I'm very impressionable. But I might be around here and there. No promises. I really miss you guys. I miss all you cool people, the supporters, the people who have been here, the people who have sat through this almost hour-long update video. I did warn you it was gonna be long. I just felt like talking and catching up because it has been so long. Yeah, I just I do miss interacting sometimes, but I just don't miss the drama and everything I say and do being twisted around and turned around and, you know, me being made to feel like I'm doing something wrong with everything I do or I'm fat and I'm old and I'm ugly and I'm this and I'm that. Here I could walk around. He tells me I'm beautiful every single day and, you know, he's always, you look great, you look great. And I'm just like, no I don't. But he, he makes me feel beautiful and like I'm the only person in the world, and he gives me all his attention.
And then when we go out…I thought, you know, at the theme park, for sure I thought nobody's gonna pay attention to me because, I mean, that city's got almost a million people. You'd see so many people that look like me there, but I got so much attention. And everywhere we go still, every single time I go out, oh my god I love your hair, oh my god I love your tattoos, oh my god you look so cool, or just flat out, you're beautiful. And it's just, like, I still get really shy, but it makes me feel so good. Like, these people just come out of nowwhere and stop me, and it hasn't slowed down or stopped since I got here. It's actually gone up, and I don't get any negative comments or looks or scowls or anything like that. The people are so sweet.
Last time we went to Walmart there was this lady that came up to me, and she said that she saw me walk in. She searched the whole store for me until she found me, and she tracked me down just to tell me that I look gorgeous, you know. And I was just like, wow these people are so brave, too. Like, I would never have the balls to go up to somebody and be like, oh my god I love the way you look. Like, I just wouldn't be able to do it, so I really applaud their, their bravery and in approaching a stranger to offer a compliment because not everybody takes kindly to people coming up to them for whatever reason, and I do think that's very, very cool, very cool.
And yeah, I've been here almost a year. It'll be a year in about a month, and I'm still not used to it. I'm still not like, it's just America, I'm back in America, it's no big deal. To me it's still like, wow what's that, wow what's that, oh my god. And, you know, this is so cheap, and that's so cheap, and, and I…the newness has not worn off for me at all. Like, I still don't feel like this is home. I feel like a foreigner. I don't feel like I belong in New Zealand, but I don't feel like I belong in America, either. I just feel like a stranger in a strange place, you know, but it's kind of cool. I probably look like an idiot walking around like, what's that, what's that, oh my god they have this brand of cereal, they have so many flavors of cereal and so many flavors of drinks, and it's just there's so much variety here. I don't think I will ever get tired of it. And I thought, you know, probably when I'm here a year I'll already be used to everything, and it'll be like like I never left. But it hasn't hit that yet, and I don't know if it ever will. It just everything still feels so fresh and new and different, and things are always changing, and there's always new stuff coming out. And, you know, holiday decorations and actually holidays being celebrated and things like that.
And people walking around, they don't care how they look, and I'm like, well maybe I shouldn't care as much how I look if, you know, I feel a little fat or I've gained a little weight or, you know, I don't look perfect. Maybe I shouldn't care. Like, when we were at the theme park, you know, it was hot, and I had a bikini top and a…not a bikini bottom. It was, like, a attached skirt so it was still kind of decent. And um, I had my cover-up on. I actually took it off and just walked around in a bikini top, and I've never my life done that, not even when I was skinny. And I see these people walking around, like, way bigger than me, and they are, like, without a care in the world. And I know Josh loves me for however I look. He is so nonjudgmental. I just, I just did it, and I felt so free. Like, I don't know if I'll ever feel like that again, if I'll get the balls to do something like that again, but in that moment I felt so free just to be able to be myself and walk around and be comfortable without having to worry about how I looked or how other people might see me and know that I was loved for the way that I looked, and I didn't have to worry that there's other bikini girls walking around. There's fat girls, little girls, you know, girls with perfect bodies or whatever, but I didn't feel threatened or like, oh my god don't look at her, you know. It was just I was just happy and having a good time, and I'm not used to feeling like that. Woo blurry, stop. [refocuses camera] There you go. Um, I'm used to always having to worry that there's everybody better looking than me, and I just don't measure up, but not this time. This time I, I felt so comfortable in my own skin, and I hope I can feel like that again soon. But I have Josh to thank for that.
So I'm gonna shut the fuck up now and close this. I was trying to get it close to an hour just to round it off. I did want to share one more thing with you guys, something small. You might see this mirror behind me. This is this awesome bed that we got. It's a California king, but that is the headboard. I don't know how much you can see. [she pans the camera] So it goes from there all the way over to there. Ignore my coffee. And this actually opens up [she pulls open a mirror door, pic related] and it is…I don't want to break stuff, but that is storage. There are shelves all up and down on both sides of that, and it comes with a three drawer black nightstand, like, attached to it. It is, like, the coolest fucking bed ever. I'm so happy with it. I just want to share that. And it has a big black dresser on that side of the room, too.
But again, when I fix up the house I will do a tour and show you guys everything and introduce you to our babies. But they're all asleep right now because it is, like, 4 in the morning.
So I will catch up with you guys when I catch up with you. I'm so sorry, partially, that this is long. No other video should be this long. I will try my best to keep it down, but then again I'm never really around, so if you want to know everything at once that's been going on, you're gonna have to sit through shit like this. Either or, I don't know.
I hope you guys have been well, and I hope that you guys are doing really good like I'm doing really good. Um, like I said, I miss you guys, I do. I miss my supporters. I miss my friends. Keep in touch, you guys. I'm still around -ish. It might take me a while to get back to you. Whenever I have some downtime I check. It's not every day, but I try to check my email when I can. I don't check YouTube really because I don't really have any reason to. But you'll know when I'm back. I'll make a video, and I'll say, oh my Facebook's back on or something, but I don't know when that would be. Maybe at the end of the year. I'm not so sure if it will come back on. I don't even remember my login right now, um, it's been that long. I have to try to remember what my email was and stuff. But I will see you guys. I'll upload the other videos. I'll space them out a little bit so you guys have something to watch later. Take care everybody. I hope you have a great day, and I hope you're still awake after this. I'm just kidding. I will see you guys around. Take care, miss you, and see you. Josh says hi, probably. Bye!
[pictures of them at the theme park]
No. 573771
If she is in the JAX area, she’ll be thrilled to know that she can find a pillhead doctor who will prescribe anything she wants with ease, especially benzos. Get out there, get hunting, and get numbed out, Raven!
>>573770 Isn’t this Universal in Orlando?
No. 573773
>>573770It’s so sad. Look at this dummy. He’s a total redneck sped.
Do you think Raven’s grotty dangerhair wig is an attempt to copy Isa’s old look?
No. 573774
>>573650>>573766There are many tasks in a busy shop that can be taken care of by support staff. At times the shops I worked in, which also provided piercing, had two counter people working.
I have never known her to draw anything beyond juvenile eyeliner spiderwebs and spirals on her face.
>>573767The masks she mentions can be seen behind her head in the mirror.
No. 573781
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>>573773More Emily Boo inspired I guess
No. 573782
>>573779I’m not even sure that Doja killed the kitten. It’s not impossible for a blind dog to track something down by smell, but anyone who has an elderly dog who’s gone blind late in life will know exactly what I’m talking about when I say that would have been a real prolonged chase, as blind dogs are creatures of habit and even a sudden movement away from them can result in prolonged sniffing in order to find you which often takes a number of minutes. Doja’s eyes are basically calcified rocks in his head so it’s not like he can see at all.
The ghoulishness of the story and reveling in the gory details sounds, to me, like classic Raven storytelling. She always hated that dog and was looking for any reason to get rid of it. Why not make up yet another morbid, histrionic fantasy for all her billions of fans out there?
The rescuer and the woman who handled the drop off are also irresponsible idiots, however. Like attracts like, as always with Raven.
No. 573789
>>573787The dog was faking the whole time and he would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for that pesky kitten.
Hagraven doesn't know how dumb she sounds.
No. 573795
>>573781Wow. Just wow.
Can’t Raven, I don’t know, comb hers or something? Some dry shampoo? I couldn’t take my eyes off that wig and how bad it looked. Her opiate use has probably been a constant since the accident if she doesn’t even care about making herself look presentable. I was wondering about how she went from living in a fairly nice place in NZ to the absolute flophouses she lives in now, I’d be screaming in horror. Now I just think she’s stoned half the time. It’s so simple to stop giving a shit when you use, that comment about walking around in a bikini top and feeling great sounds like classic opiate disinhibition, too.
No. 573803
>>573795Take off thin tin foil hat, anon.
She has been a blatant exhibitionist since she was first online and throughout the years at every size. Her false modesty is ridiculous. She's playing coy about revealing her body in public to build up Josh's ego as dependent on his perception hers.
No. 573814
>>573779>If I ever met her, I'd be tempted to punch her in the face after what she said about DojaI feel you anon… it makes me so incredibly angry and sad that she goes through pets like they're socks.
She buys, abuses and then "looses" them or gives them away. Those poor pets build up relationships with each other and Josh and this fucking cunt then separates them.
She cares not even 1% about anyone but herself.
Fuck Josh, Dorian, Logan and all of your other husbands and pets you've ever had, right Raven! As long as you can buy useless plushies and Slim Jims your world is perfect!
Fuck. Diana in all honesty, die in a fire. You don't deserve breathing this world's air.
No. 573823
>>573814It angers me the way she talks about the dog, but I can't help but the feel kinda the same as her, is that weird? The part where she said she can't look at the dog the same that is. But I also never really owned a dog so I don't know how much I'd love him lol.
>>573795Her wig looks awful! You'd think now that she "works" she'd afford a good one since she is obviously using it all the time.
No. 573830
She's been wearing that wig at least since her video on August 1st. Unless it becomes a permanent fixture potentially being used to hide her own hair, I'd be more concerned about his hairline.
>And I still look at him and think that he is gorgeous, especially when he lets his hair down. He is just beautiful. That boy loses so much hair, though. Like, his hair is everywhere. I'm like, how the hell you still have hair on your head when you lose so much hair? But he's got so much thick hair.From her rant about health insurance we know that his job doesn't offer it or he doesn't qualify.
No mention of bringing her hoard over from New Zealand.
In before her paycheck starts going directly into more tattoos. That's her true corporeal addiction.
>>573612Josh in those Good Will pants. The way she tells it, they practically eloped like a quirky couple in an 80s romance movie. But it wasn't that last minute of an affair. They got their marriage license on May 24th. Two and a half weeks in the planning, and they couldn't invite his family?
Seeing his family during the holidays this year is a pessimistic maybe at best, despite having a reliable and comfortable vehicle to make the drive. His family was all she could talk about this time last year.
Her tone of voice when she said she spoiled him with presents this year was distasteful at best. Just, ewww. And Christmas is still a full three months away.
Loki is dog #3 she has picked out for Josh since January. This time, once she so graciously "relented" and allowed Josh to have a dog, she immediately got one for herself from an unscrupulous backyard breeder, eager to play rescuer.
These cats are #4, 5, and 6 since January.
In before she gets the ferret she said she wanted in a Q & A before she moved back.
No. 573840
>>573837Reminds me of Venus at starbucks looking wasted, skinny and barely able to smile.
sigh>>573830>Loki is dog #3 she has picked out for Josh since January. This time, once she so graciously "relented" and allowed Josh to have a dog, she immediately got one for herself from an unscrupulous backyard breeder, eager to play rescuer.She only let Josh that dog because it can be a fashion accessory. Josh is a piece of shit for letting her get rid of his dogs, but it's sad looking at pictures on how Josh bonds with them and they're gone. Josh even seemed to love Doja, the monster of all dogs.
No. 573856
>>573830>Two and a half weeks in the planning, and they couldn't invite his family?I doubt Raven would want all the people in Josh's life who hate her on their wedding.
Josh's mum hates her and you can bet your ass that she told everyone in the family what a bitch Raven is.
In the last thread Ash spilled a lot of tea about Raven talking all kinds of shit about Josh's family, maybe they know about about it now.
>>573840>it's sad looking at pictures on how Josh bonds with them and they're goneIkr. I don't understand what's going on in him. I think deep down he's a good guy and I'm sure that it hurts him and pisses him off that Gravy "looses" every pet she buys, but I don't understand why he stays with and even married her.
Can't be neither her personality nor looks; so who knows. Maybe she threatens him when he's trying to leave her and she afterwards makes him think their relationship is fine.
No. 574019
>>573618yuuuup that looks like Josh's signature on her left pancake.
>>573650She could be working the front desk, or doing general office work. Tattoo places probably have a bit of paperwork involved. Or she could just be fucking the owner.
>>573734>I have been emailed and asked and asked when am I going to come up with the update video, when, and when am I gonna tell everybody what's happened.surejan.gif
>>573737I really wanna hope this is just shit that never happened and she just wanted an excuse to get rid of both the dog and the kitten. I really don't want to think this would happen.
aaaaand of course she's just acquired more animals despite being shit at caring for animals.
No. 574033
She acts like Doja was so useless. 'He just shit, ate and farted'
Well all Raven does is whinge, lie and rant.
That dog was probably a lovely dog with senior moments. Even if he DID eat the kitten, it was completely Raven's fault. It's completely unrealistic to expect to be able to keep a newborn kitten in a tiny trailer with a big blind pitbull in the other room who may have never seen a cat in his life before.
She's an idiot. She obviously wasn't careful enough to keep them seperated. Not only that, how did she expect things to go after Stormy grew up? Was she going to forever keep Stormy in that tiny trailer room in order to keep them seperate?
Doja may as well killed Stormy as an adult cat and the outcome will have been the same.
My partner and I adopted an extremely old old cat from the cattery. We love him and he loves us and we originally wanted to get a dog as well, but we know Harold would HATE it and it would stress him out to even have a small dog around so we decided it would just be us and Harold.
Also Harold sometimes just misses his litter tray because he's old so a bit of pee dribbles down the front of his tray now and then. It's annoying to clean up, but he's old! That's what happens!
She went on about trying to appear an angel by taking on Doja and all the vet bills ect and NOW it was just too much?
A pet is for life you horrible woman.
She acts like pets are these things that you have to get perfect to fit you. No you dick, you train and help them and you ensure that they will be okay in a house with other animals OR you just don't get any other animals if yours doesn't get along with others. You don't risk it and see if they get along or try and seperate them with room barriers hoping they wont kill each other.
Every animal has a different personality, they arent like plushies to decorate your shack with.
I also find it baffling that she got rid of Doja after the kitten incident. She sided with the cat after having Doja for much longer.
Usually when a family has a dog/cat and they adopt another pet that hates it, they rehome the one that they've had for the shortest amount of time, with the exception of this horrible family I knew that had a cat and got a new puppy and they kept the puppy over the cat because the puppy and cat didn't get along.
Tldr- i hate people who rehome pets for the worst reasons. Gigi gorgeous is added to this list too, since the cunt gave her dog and puppies away but couldnt bare to part with the Louis vuitton dog carry bag.
No. 574034
>>573737Yeah there's no way Doja killed the kitten. The lady they got him from was pissed that she had to take him back and if he'd killed an animal, she would've understood.
Also Gravey's harping on "Supposedly he was blind.." the dog WAS blind. That's the whole reason you got him because he was "uwu special needs dogs." to brag about.
No. 574037
>>574034Yeah she acts like he was 'supposedly blind' and 'had been around cats'
He WAS blind and I'm pretty sure they said they were unsure if he'd ever been raised around cats.
I reckon she either sat on the kitten or fell asleep on it, or it simply escaped and she used it as an excuse to get rid of the dog.
I don't know why she got 2 dogs after. She's going to get rid of them once the novelty wears off. Notice how she's even saying that the place that dog sits them or whatever wants the dogs for longer. 'Please drop off pebbles more! We love her!' Sureeeee
No. 574040
>>574035Josh IS fucking useless. For such a 'dog lover' he is very compliant in giving away and letting her lose his pooches.
Such a beta loser.
I'd choose a farting, blind, (alleged) kitten-eating dog over Raven's mouldy vagina anyday!
Something else that angers me…this bitch complains no end that she's a cat person and fucking hates dogs but goes out and buys Josh a dog because 'it's not fair on him' but can't be satisfied in just buying him a dog. She has to have something new too, so SHE gets herself a dog as well.
She's incapable of just doing something nice for someone unless it benefits herself.
No. 574042
>>574036What is it with the name Loki? I swear another cow on here has a pet named Loki and I know 2 idiots irl who named their pets Loki.
I may be tripping but i swear she used that name on some other animal.
Loki is like the basic bitch name for pets I swear.
No. 574044
>>573774Well let's just hope that she's a book keeper or cleaner or someshit because I'm sure people don't want her sausage fingers or gothic moonface anywhere near their bodies for piercings or tattoos.
Also imagine that annoying voice being close up to your face.
I've always got the impression from looking at her face, that her breath stinks. Like I know people with mouth piercings are probably fine if they care for them, but I reckon Raven would have shit breath. Like the breath that the weird maths teacher has. A mixture of coffee and poo-ish halatosis. Although in her case, it's probably a mix of feces and slim jims.
She just looks unhygienic.
Also on another note, her ratty wig would look more realistic (and by realistic I mean similar to her own ratty bleached coloured hair) if she cut it a bit and cut a fringe into it. That hairline on the wig is laughable. She looks like a crazy person.
No. 574071
>>574040Dogs aside, she's not even a fucking cat lover like she claims.
The only cat she's ever remotely sounded like she cares about was Marmalade. The rest were awful because they pissed everywhere (her words) and she hated Mr Marshmallow because he was special needs.
Not to mention I don't think she's ever adopted an adult cat. It's ALWAYS kittens. And it always starts off the same. She adopts 2 or more. One is her 'baby' and the other kitten is whoever she's fucking's 'baby' and then they get given away as they become adults because they are terrible for whatever reason whether it's toilet training or whatnot.
Also Ash said in the last thread that Raven was fucking some guy and complained he wasn't into her because the house smelt like cat piss. And Raven blamed Logan for not keeping the litter tray clean.
So she doesn't even care for her cats properly.
Some 'cat lover' she is. She's obsessed with new animals and kittens because they are new. Once they prove to be more than a challenge, she will come up with any reason as to why they are awful and needed to go. It's never her fault.
Marmalade must have been the closest thing to a compliant plushie that she's ever owned because it's the only one she didn't whinge 24/7 about. Even then, look at how her life ended up.
Raven, stop getting pets. It never ends well. Even the pet you seemed to care about the most is dead. You don't need more fatalities honestly.
No. 574075
>8 videos later. A year has past.
>hey guys so we moved again because it turns out the old guy that sold us the trailer wanted more money, he was a dick anyway. I hated that place it sucked. ANYWAY me and Josh are in a waaaay better trailer now.
About the animals…Pebbles ran away and the big Dog Loki kept biting me so we had to rehome them.
Oh the kittens? Turns out I was really allergic to one of them and the other one just turned into a major dick and kept shitting everywhere so I sold them both.
Anyway things have been sooo great, recently we got 2 kittens! This one is ginger and she's MY baby. She looks just like marmalade. Then they were giving away her brother so I bought him too!
He's Josh's baby. We named him Loki.
I didn't want dogs after the whole fiasco but Josh insisted so I got him a new wonderful dog! Say hello to Loki! And then I got myself a little dog too, her name is Loki and she's myyyy baby.
Anyway, I love our little family of pets.
No. 574076
>>574033>>574037Doja was described by his former owners as being good with cats. But they were clearly neglectful of his basic care, and the state of him showed they were dishonest about his health.
>>574036You got that he's annoyed at her from photos?
>>574050After she moved in with Josh she dyed her hair darker blue in preparation for the wedding because it's his favorite color. Their theme was to be blue and black or blue and white.
Saying that he "doesn't like white girls" is not the same as saying he has yellow fever.
No. 574081
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>>574076here we go. anything else that needs 'correcting'?
No. 574084
>>574081Yeah I reckon! I get that anon
>>574076 probably doesn't like tinfoils and people posting shit if there's no milk, but seriously it's been ages, people wanna talk about train wreck Gravey. Don't get so snotty and defend her on every point geez.
No. 574087
>>574059>>574052>>574042After they decided that they were moving to the US or breaking up, she and Logan bought Loki and Dante to keep lonely Marmalade company but kept them for less than a month.
The timeline of her pets in New Zealand
>>>/pt/496916Her video introducing Loki and Dante is transcribed in that thread
>>>/pt/499397. She praises all of her new animals using the same superlatives.
No. 574099
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>>574046>>574052Found it, she did name the white stray Loki as well:
>Look at that beautiful boy. He looks like a wolf. And he's so nice. Like, he's so gentle, he's not mean, doesn't growl or bark, he's just gorgeous. I wish he would stay here full time. Kind of um, I started calling him Loki. >>>/pt/471431 No. 574111
>>574105Same. I wondered about her financial situation. It seems like she suddenly has money to blow again and I don't think it's all from her new job.
Tinfoil-she's lying to Josh about having a tattoo shop job and she's actually hooking
No. 574125
>>574116Big Boss beef flavor and Norcos for everyone! I love the idea of Raven continually nodding off, high from snorting counterfeit pandas, stirring only to groggily yank a smoked meat stick from the family-size box she keeps next to the bed for late night food emergencies.
Mega trash.
No. 574135
>>574111lol who would pay for that, though? raven would lose money as a hooker, she'd have to pay clients for pain and suffering caused.
it'll be Ryan. it's always Ryan.
No. 574204
>>574199It's even crazy thinking about her as a receptionist as well because she's rude as hell and always claims to be anti social/shy.
Either way, it's crazy to think anyone would hire her, not only has she not worked for years but also a lot of places I know google their employees.
No. 574248
>>574071Amen. She even said it herself:
> I mean, sometimes we animals and they're just, like, they're just bad or they're they're not a good fit, you know what I mean? Like, nothing's ever perfect, and I know I get judged for rehoming animals sometimes. But just sometimes if, if an animal is just doing something wrong constantly or they have been grown up or raised a certain way or let run free a certain way, it takes a lot of training to unbreak that, or sometimes it's just that's just how they are, and it causes you a lot of stress, it causes them a lot of stress, and overall it's just not a good environment. And I'm kind of a, like, not necessarily a perfectionist, but kind of a perfectionist. I like things a certain way, and I don't like my animals to, like, jump on counters or, you know, on tables and things like that. And if there's a cat like the white cat we used to have that is always on the counters and always doing stuff, and you're always having to, like, scold them or discipline them, they start to get scared of you, and it's just, it's just a bad environment, you know. and
> I know I'm kind of a really picky owner> If there's a problem will you take the animal back because that's the first thing you should do is see if the original owner wants their pet back.> I try, and if it doesn't work, it doesn't work, and I send them off to somebody who can give them a better home than I can give them.Raven is a shit pet owner. If they don't behave exactly how she likes then she gets rid of them. If she can't shove them off on someone else then an 'accident' happens.
Josh loved Doja to bits, that was HIS dog and he wouldn't have given him up… so Raven had to do something drastic to make him. Tinfoil as fuck but I'm willing to bet Raven either made up the story entirely or did something to that kitten just to get Doja out.
No. 574265
>>573734>The last two trailers we lived in were pieces of shit, but this one is not.She used to brag about her trailer being super huge and blabla (
>>506714 ), now it was a piece of shit.
Every new thing with her is better untill she finds the next one - pets, husband, trailers.
No. 574288
It’s good to remember she will exaggerate how good things are because she knows who is watching. She was the same with how good her and Logan were when they were fighting and had the porn thing, she fakes it for a bit.
Chances are what happened is they lost the place and moved back to his parents place with the money from the fundraiser. Josh took any job, they didn’t move hours away by choice and realized their car sucked and spent some of that money on Kijiji. It’s about 13 years ago but looks at least like it works. Then they used the rest of the free money to move where he can get a job. I wouldn’t be surprised if the plan was to cut costs with no internet for a bit and Raven knew she had to cover not being on for months so she acts like leaving was a choice not a need. But her vague job is probably new, at best she is an apprentice but I doubt it. Otherwise she is obsessed with looking good by saving animals, the small dog likely will go first.
>>574203It’s her bpd, she is obsessed with the idea of that one cat and will do anything to keep him, whether it is a child of marmalade or some similar looking cat. Really she doesn’t care about any of her pets as she did give up the marmalade child to Logan and all that, she will just find ankthef clone.
No. 574464
>>574438I’m hoping that is the case. But with her, one will never know. And I’ll bet that one of “His” new babies will eventually end up dead, missing or rehomed
Neither human nor animal can receive love from a man that she is with. She refuses to compete and will do whatever she sees necessary to keep complete control of affection. It’s frightening really. I feel for those animals, I truly do.
No. 574465
>>574463If you have milk or inside stories, use your trip. If just posting as Anon, then don't mention you know her because Anons will tear you apart here. It's the etiquette in the chans for the most part.
I mean, she used to torture animals and admitted it on camera, so I know she's capable of it. I'm just thinking this kitten is 100% made up. There'd be pictures of it if it existed. That's all there is to it.
No. 574478
>>574465Raven included several pictures of Stormy in the video. I posted one of them in
No. 574481
>>574418>>574199I'll bet you cash money she isn't working in any capacity. it's just another bullshit fantasy.
>>574288fuck oath. she lives in a completely made-up world. I can't believe anything she says without documented proof because she lies
constantly about fucking
everything>>574418did we ever get an answer why that happened? (meanwhile, the one millionth post about shoeonhead being 5'6" and not 5'4" is probably getting made as I type)
>>574463Ash, verify yourself and then namefag if you have anything to say. otherwise, just blend in.
>>574469 what is this situation you're talking about?? spill.
No. 574482
File: 1536790115864.png (586.98 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-09-12-15-05-30…)

>>573737>>574478Here are the rest of the pics of Stormy.
No. 574488
>>574481Someone tried to make Ash a subject in the last Alt Cow thread, and she responded using the trip code Admin gave her in the last Raven thread. See
No. 574490
>>574481Eh, last month I had a random Instagram account starting drama on my photos. It’s still in Altcows 8 I believe. I was threatened to be posted on here for a ridiculous reason. I had a feeling it was her since I’ve had a recent fb login attempt on an account I don’t use with an old email that she knows, anyways I had my friend do some digging and he found the email associated with the IGnaccount. It was her trying to drag me on here before he big comeback. She got called out with no response back.
The email is one she used on a Facebook page she deactivated though and linked to ig
She isn’t as smart as she thinks she is
He also found the name she’s been using since being back here and other emails she has
No. 574492
>>574482>>574483>>574485Well fuck, anon. Sorry I scanned a lot of that and didn't notice the actual pictures. Kitten existed and she might have killed it? Maybe…I certainly wouldn't put it past her. More likely, it died from being too young and a retard like Raven not being able to take it to the vet for appropriate care.
>>574490Farmhand said you can use your trip if you have anything good on Raven. Giving out new info on Raven would be good for the next thread (if there is one).
No. 574495
>>574491Her name on Facebook? Facebook doesn't require users use their legal names.
Their marriage license and certificate lists "Raven Sparks"
No. 574501
As I angrily sperg about how she lied about Doja.
>>573615 Obviously with this post and her snarky video about how no one knew where Doja was.
I feel better looking at Doja's new home and seeing this post: also made a remark about Doja's coat being beautiful once he got quality food. Raven just neglected the poor guy. She only lied because she hated Doja being the victim in the story. Of course Raven needs to stay up crying and holding Josh about her kitten's gruesome murder. But of course she thought it was funny anons didn't know about it when she posted her "cryptic" video comment about him.
No. 574504
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No. 574505
>>574497When she moved back I did a lot of digging into what was required to renew her passport and change her name with the SSA. The federal government accepts legal name changes issued in other countries.
Her last name legally reverted to "Sparks" after her second divorce.
>>574496Is she using those names on Facebook? Facebook doesn't require users use their legal names.
She has long appeared in public records under those names associated with addresses in El Paso.
No. 574518
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No. 574528
>when she went to sign up for aid after her crashShe was not eligible for Medicaid in SC. She may have been eligible for MIAP. See
But to apply she needed to get a state ID and establish residency in SC. To get an ID she needed a SS card. She needed a new SS card with her changed name. She admitted to putting off getting it done.
>also trying to get disability backShe was on SSA disability before she moved to NZ? She would not have qualified for either SSDI or SSI, and she would not qualify now.
No. 574553
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>>574105And a new 50" t.v.
>>574191I thought Doja had already been re homed prior to her dead kitten story too - according to thread #12, he left her "care" 4 months ago. At the time, she made no mention of any new pets nor the death of this supposedly beloved kitten. But she DID make plenty of videos screeching about other things. While it's possible she got the kitten/Doja ate it during this time period, given what a big mouth she has we all know it's highly unlikely she never mentioned it until now, especially since she was still active on the internet at the time. I call bullshit.
>>574199 >>574204
You anons are so kind. I assumed she is the janitor.
No. 574590
>>573620'little red crumbs' isn't what fresh bone looks like. blood-infused, cartilaginous, young bone bends. it splinters, in the case of long bones. it cracks, and sticks in the throat and digestive tract of a predator. If Raven isn't outright lying, she's admitting to forgetting about a juvenile kitten until it's mummified remains smell like Slim Jims, enticing a blind creature to take a (half-hearted, since she claims ribs and 'half a skull' remained) nibble and then retreat to it's bed in shame.
either way, hang this cunt. Hang her high.
No. 574598
>>574553When she """"rehomed""""" Doja, we found out in the rescuers facebook. Raven actually never said anything. She pretended to still have Doja, she even said 'we did not know if she still had him' in a video, but we already had the caps from facebook of him with the rescue, and her being called 'a shitty foster' for dumping him.
It took her all that time to come up with a sob story and all she could think of was recycling that old story of 'aggresive dog who hates my baby cats'.
No. 574607
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No. 574615
>>574576It looks like mods simply locked the thread.
I don't think they have ever checked the IP of any of the comments suspected to have been posted by Raven in her recent threads or in the Alt Cow threads.
No. 574616
>>574607I kinda think she's making this job up. I bet her mom left her some money, and she moved/furnished her place with that. In order to avoid answer questions about refunding people for the funeral trip she never took, she's pretending she got a job to finance everything.
My guess is in a few weeks she'll pop up with some excuse as to why she "quit".
No. 574640
>>574638The pics of the Ford Explorer
>>573735 were taken outside of their last trailer in SC.
No. 574661
>>574607So retarded she tries to justify her temporary homing of animals by likening it to 'foster care'
No you dumb bitch, foster carers foster animals temporarily.
Buying an animal and having it for a few weeks is nothing like being a foster home for an animal and no it doesn't help the animal from going to a pound.
If anything it hinders the animal because they get into a routine and learn bad habits from your ass, are stuck in a trailer with no room to exercise, then when you decide you don't want them, they are hastily sold to any tom dick or harry on Craigslist. Probably terrified from being moved home to home.
Stupid bitch trying to justify her bad behaviour.
No. 574708
>>574465>I'm just thinking this kitten is 100% made up. There'd be pictures of it if it existed. That's all there is to itShe posted pictures of Marmalade's run-over body, so why wouldn't she share pictures of Stormy's skull and bone pieces to show how cruel Doja was.
Keep in mind that she already got rid of Doja right before she left the internet, so her "dead kitten, evil Doja" story took place months ago.
I guess the cat died because it was too young, ran away or Diana sold it.
The trailer in which they lived at the time was all carpet, so if Doja actually killed the kitten there had to be blood on the carpet. And you know Raven would not clean it. So I wonder how she sold Josh that story.
Also, what did she do with the remains? Throw them in the trash, bury them behind the trailer?
You know she would have taken pictures of the cats grave or funeral (unlike her mother's because she gave a fuck about her) and shared them. Or whined about leaving Stormys grave behind after they moved.
I don't think this all happened while she was still on the internet without her speaking a single word about it.
>>574649I think she wanted Josh to no longer have contact with his family.
His mother probably told everyone what a bitch Diana is and they hated her all.
I doubt they got a credit from a bank. The bank needs to have any kind of security, like the house, car or whatever you buy.
She said they're just renting the place they're in and they don't have anything valuably.
She's probably hooking and squeezing every cent she can out of Ryan.
No. 574718
>>574590Yeah and if a dog that size fucked up a kitten that tiny, he'd probably leave nothing behind. Like he'd eat it. There wouldn't be bits of kitten left.
If anything it might leave bloodstains, but not actually bits of kitten.
I don't know. I could be wrong, but over the years I've owned and bred rottweilers and some bigger breeds of dogs and some of the pitbulls I have raised in the past are even slightly smaller than Doja, but trust me, you throw a large entire rabbit carcass at them, and they won't even leave a crumb or bone behind.
A rabbit carcass or even a chicken carcass has wayyyy more bones and is way bigger than a tiny kitten's body. I just think a big guy like Doja would have polished the kitten off completely, not left bits.
I could understand her story making sense if something like a border collie attacked the kitten, because they tend to play and snap at cats but anything like a pitbull or rottweiler and a body that tiny would be gone.
Like I said I could be wrong. Perhaps Doja was a fussy eater and I'm wrong.
No. 574723
>>574638Ah yes the perfect scheme! Move to Florida, kill some old guy who offered to rent them his trailer, hide the body, occupy the trailer, collect the social security cheques, etc.
>>574719They might if you don't feed them and they got desperate, idk. Gravy looks like she forgets to feed her animals, especially if she decides she doesn't like them. Also for such an experienced pet owner, you'd think she'd have tried to socialise the two if she thought they'd be living in the same home, in spite of Doja's lack of interest in anything and the kitten's tinyness.
Still, if this had actually happened, she'd have posted that sobfest when she actually got rid of the dog months ago, not now. Kitten probably came after dog was gone for a while already. Kitten probably got sold for $10 for Chipotle or some shit.
No. 574744
>>574719I don't know about that, I've heard of dogs eating even other dogs before, a normal cat probably not, but look at how small that kitten was in comparison to Doja.
Either way, I don't think he did eat the kitten, I was just saying if he did, he certainly wouldn't leave crumbs and shit like Raven said. I reckon she's full of shit.
Something liars do is add weird unnecessary details to their stories and she does that with literally everything including this kitten story.
No. 574773
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>>573620The new hoard. The makeup bag is on the bed on the right.
No. 575128
>>575111what's the point. without help from the admin, we won't be able to determine shit. I find it mildly intriguing too, but considering how things are around here now, I just put it down to shit modding by some clown. #killthemilk
(I got a warning the other day for something, and it was like Staff! Omg, you're alive! where have you been?!)
No. 575132
>>574775She looks like an ugly as fuck, cross-eyed cartoon villain.
>>575128What does your whining have to do with the Hagraven
No. 575223
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>>575196Excellent point, anon. So you think they've stayed in SC or if anything, moved north?
No. 575243
>>575189Nothing wrong with it. No one cares about anon getting a warning.
>>575184Agreed. It would have been better for them to explain how it was a vendetta or who was behind it. I still think that Isa is a little Hagraven in the making which is pretty funny because of all the insults the Hag slung at her. Was it like looking in a mirror, Hagraven?
No. 575556
>>575243obviously there is, since I was talking about
>>575263 and why people should give up on the idea of finding out which posts belong to fatso.
One thing we can agree on is that Isa is a mini-Raven.
>>575271florida seems like the one place she might fit in.
No. 576953
File: 1537331292840.png (269.69 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180919-002912.png)

Raven Jr has made an appearance over at kiwifarms
No. 576961
>>576924This is classic Raven.
Cheap food, monster plate 'will last for weeks because my stomach is sooo smol'.
Bragging about having so much toppings on pizza.
All birthday gifts could belong to a 9yo.
She must also be stinky cuz Josh felt the need to give her loads of body splashs and parfums, and she said a bottle would last her YEARS, so yeah, she did not get the clue.
She is already pissed with the dogs.
Still wearing that heinous wig, wander how fried her hair must be underneath it.
Has a lot of new tattoos on her legs and knees that are visible.
Her trailer is already filthy and filled with empty cans thrashed all around it.
No. 576962
>>576953Looks like Isa confused her farms. Come and post here again, make sure to tell us more about how stunning you are.
Poor Dorian, a cow for a mother and for a wife.
No. 576967
File: 1537335308989.png (2.42 MB, 1418x1481, totallyflorida2.PNG)

>>576924They're totally in florida and totally drove 30 minutes to red lobster. Except that red lobster that they're at is in Spartanburg, SC. Raven, you nutter.
No. 576974
>>576966Tacky af and she complains about almost every present and the food.
She tries to say that she isn't complaining and is still grateful, but there was quite a few complaints.
The food at red lobster was good but i couldn't eat it all
The pizza is good, but normally it's shit and they don't give me enough pepperoni
And then the presents-
This one had a box that was too hard to open without ripping
This one had a crumpled box
This one came broken
This one has an incorrect quote
This one smells like alcoholish but sweet
Then she goes on to say that she already owned britney spears midnight fantasy before Josh got her a new bottle
Complains about the lipbalm box and says if she'd seen it was crumpled instore, she wouldn't have bought it.
Complains about the expensive metal plated demonia boots that she's always wanted them, Josh gets them and she complains that she had to cut them to fit her meaty legs in them.
God! So many complaints!
No. 576975
>>576961I laughed about her supposedly having a full fridge of takeout leftovers that will last for weeeeeks. I don't know about anyone else but takeout last 2 days IF that in my fridge. If i forget about it after 2 days it goes in the bin. Unless you freeze it, I'm not sure how takeout lasts weeks in the fridge. Especially seafood like red lobster. If she isn't careful she'll get food poisoning.
Plus if you reheat takeout, it normally tastes like shit.
No. 576980
>>576967She's oh so private now but still gives away damning evidence of her location like all the time. What an idiot.
Also that present haul was literally what my edgelord friend would have got for her birthday back in highschool when we were 13.
Not even kidding. She has such a childish approach to presents.
Most adult couples have one major beautiful item that is the main present. She's always obsessed with being showered in lots of gifts. Always quantity over quality with her.
Also, if she replaced Josh with Logan, her bday present haul video would be almost exactly the same as a bday outing with Logan video.
It's always the same format.
Opens in car on way. Says she'll show the food when she gets there.
Gets there, shows food.
Present showing commences.
End of vlog.
Rinse repeat.
She never talks about anything interesting on the day.
No. 577004
File: 1537347837309.jpg (414.73 KB, 1074x1694, Screenshot_20180919-110151_Ope…)

Another comment from Isa. Now she's pretending she's someone who knows Dorian in rl.
She even misgenders herself.
No. 577007
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Few screen grabs from her IG incoming
No. 577008
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No. 577009
File: 1537348248656.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1125x1884, 8052E558-164A-4A42-80DE-B85304…)

The other pics were just 1 of her kissing him on the cheek at the amusement park, him getting a caricature done, and him standing with the truck
Pretty boring
No. 577204
>>576967So, from which godforsaken hole next to Spartanburg she crawled out of?
For giggles I'd like to bet COWpens.
No. 577252
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>>577102Instead of giving vague instructions, use an image. Then we can debunk you right away.
No. 577379
>>576924She sounds stoned. Seriously.
Transcript and screencaps coming forthwith.
No. 577398
>>577313Yeah, this. I get that she's telling a story behind the items, but it's a bit rude how she points out faults in everything. It's almost like she has nothing more to say about the item so she starts mentioning shit about how the box is damaged or something like that.
It's extremely rude and she's so unaware of how rude she comes across.
>>577279It's her mannerisms,voice and the nose. Honestly if she lost weight and got more colour to her skin, she'd not look as bad. Her head is really strange because it's moonish from the front but she also has a strong chin that is hidden under fat. I think the white makeup honestly makes her face wider and her nose wouldn't look as ugly and big if she again didn't coat it in that white greasepaint she calls makeup. The 'best' I've seen her (and i use that word lightly because she's gross) is the one where she's standing with Josh's family and he's pretending to choke her. Her skin didn't look so pasty and it almost looked like there was definition in her face.
I know a half chinese girl at my work who has similar features to Raven and she doesn't look too bad because she's not as fat, tanned and doesn't have the crazy tranny goth eyebrows. It could be also that her personality isn't that of a insufferable cunt, so perhaps that's why she doesn't appear as ugly.
No. 577402
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I wonder how Raven is feeling about the news that her ex-husband is fucking Dorians now-wife, that she hated so much. This is some weird shit.
No. 577417
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My 42nd birthday
Published on Sep 18, 2018
I will fall and rise above
And in your hate I find love
'Cause I'm a survivor
I am a fighter
I will not hide my face
I will not fall from grace
I'll walk into the fire
All my life I was afraid to die
But now I come alive inside these flames
[driving in their SUV]
All right. It is September 15th, and I made a video in the bathroom, but I don't know if it'll show up or work out cuz I haven't previewed it yet. But Josh and I are on the way to Red Lobster for my birthday. [pans to Josh driving] [in unison] Woo hoo! Woo hoo! We live about 30 to 40 minutes away from Red Lobster, so that's pretty cool. We have been there once before, and um, for my birthday I get to choose the meal. So I chose Red Lobster because I really enjoyed it, and I love seafood. And it is, uh, Saturday, and we're going Saturday because we have to work on Monday, [she pans to Josh] and we don't want to go at the end of a long day. We would rather go on a nice, quiet nothing going on kind of day. And um, so I guess I will record once we get there and show off our delicious, yummy food. I already know what I want which is, um, what I ordered last time which is…it's one of their feasts. It comes with, like, crab legs, lobster tail, and shrimp and, like, a side and all that stuff. It was amazing. I'll probably wait till I get home to eat the crab legs because I made a righteous mess last time. And I think…what are you gonna get? A steak? [cut] But yeah. And I will check back in when we get to Red Lobster. I hope it's not too busy, but it shouldn't be.
[cut to Red Lobster]
Here we are. Josh's salad and my salad and our free bread and his sugary tea and my water. [cut] So Josh got one of the feasts. Steamer? What's it called?
Josh: Seafarer's…
Raven: Seafarer's Feast. And it comes a pretty much everything mine does, except mine's bigger. [laughs] And broccoli. And there's rice under there.
Josh: Yours has…
Raven: And I got the Ultimate Feast…
Josh: Crab legs…
Raven: …because mine comes with crab legs, and I got a double order broccoli. I was eating the salad. The salad is really good. I'm not usually a salad person, but I wish I could have eaten all that, but then I wouldn't been able to eat any of this. This is way too much food for me, so I'll probably do what I did last time which is just pack it up, take it home, and eat it over the course of a few days because, yeah, my stomach's very small, and I can't fit a lot of food in. But um, from memory it was deee-licious. The salad is delicious, and we both looove our broccoli. So um, it's time to eat now. [pans to Josh who is eyeing his food and smoothing his hair back]
[cut to them driving in their SUV]
All right. Oh damn, look at that truck. That's a big old truck on wherever it is, way up there. Anyway, we just left Red Lobster. It is 7:30, 8:00. I am super full. I ate maybe a quarter to half of my salad, one biscuit, and my crab legs. I think I ate one piece of shrimp, too, but I didn't get to touch anything else. I am stuffed. Josh ate every single thing. [laughs] He always does that. He says, [she lowers her voice] why did I eat so much? God, I'm so full. I feel like a fatty. And then an hour later he'll be hungry and then be like, damn I should have saved my food. And I'll be sitting there with food for days.
I've got so much food in that fridge because we go out to eat and stuff, and I just can't finish it all in time, and I've got food backed up for weeks and weeks and weeks because I just can't eat it in time. But my eyes are still…like, I've still got a fat mind, I still want all the food, but I can't physically eat any of it, so I look at it, and it's, like, that would be good. I take two bites, and I'm done. But um, I cannot get over how delicious that salad was. It was amazing.
Josh: Yea, it was good.
Raven: Yeah. The crab legs were good. This time we got the nutcracker crab cracker thing. [looks at herself on her screen] Do I have food on my mouth, or is that shine? But um…yeah, it's just shine.
Josh: [unintelligible]
Raven: I usually have to crack it with my teeth. That's how I was raised. So my mom always did it when we made, like, Korean crab or whatever. We just we always eat it with our hands and put it in our mouth and just crack it that way. It's, it's just the way we were raised, the way we, we have always done it. But this time for the first time ever I got to use the crackers, and that was pretty cool because it made it so much easier to open the crab claws and stuff.
So um, now we are at Cutie.
Josh: I'll be right back. [he kisses her]
Raven: Josh is going to run inside and get his cancer. Love you. And uh, then we're gonna head off to Walmart. There're no movies in the theaters right now that I want to see. We saw The Nun a couple weeks ago. It was pretty good. Or a week ago or whatever. I really liked that. I still have really simple tastes. I still love my Walmart, so we're just gonna go to Walmart and look around at Halloween stuff and other stuff, and then we're gonna go home.
I mean, my birthday's technically not for two more days, but we're gonna, you know, we're kind of celebrating today, like I said. He's got me some presents. I'm not sure when I'm gonna open them. He hasn't given them to me yet. I don't know which one's birthday and which one's Christmas, but all in all I'm happy. It's a very simple birthday, but I'm with the man I love, my husband. I don't need the party. [cut] …my life. I, I'm happy exactly where I am. And here's to turning 42.
[cut to Raven sitting in their SUV]
September 17, 2018
All right. I think I mentioned the Sam's Club Pizza in one of my other parts of my video. We went and picked it up for my birthday instead of going out to eat. I mean, we are at Red Lobster picking up salad. Josh went in to pick up the salad. It's just amazing. But I want you to look at this. This is a cheapy old $8.99 pizza. We, we didn't ask for anything special. We said, half supreme, half pepperoni. And look at this. Look at how beautiful that is. I always run into problems with places not giving me enough pepperoni or enough cheese even when you order extras, and they charge so much. And this, I didn't ask for extra sauce, extra cheese, nothing, and this is how it comes. This is, like, the best pizza I have ever eaten, and I just wanted to share that. This pizza is amazing.
[cut to Raven seated in their living room showing her birthday card from her point of view. She is wearing big white faux fur monster slippers. In the background Pebbles is on the floor standing up against Josh's chair begging for food]
I want to show you guys what Josh gave me for my birthday yesterday. He gave him to me after midnight, so it's technically my birthday. I'm gonna start with the beautiful card he got me. He's like me. He picks out cards in five seconds, and it's always the perfect one. So it says, "To my wife, my best friend", and it's… [shows the front on the card] And then this is the inside. That is the sweetest thing. It's a beautiful card. I really loved it.
Let's see. I'll start with a disappointing one first. This would have been an awesome present. I do love it. He got me this Restyle necklace, but unfortunately it came broken. It's not his fault. They sent it like this. This um, this side right here is completely snapped off. They have the…this is the other side of the chain, but it doesn't even have the hook part on it, wherever it is, right here, so it's like this, but it needs a big hook and it's…that's snapped off, and it was nowhere in the package. But this is really cool. I really, really like that. I would have been wearing it today if I could have, but unfortunately it's broken, so we're trying to get a replacement for it.
Along with that he got me this other Restyle beautiful bat necklace. And uh, I didn't wear this today just because I wanted to put it in the video. There's white dog hair on everything. But this is really nice. That's…it's light, but it's nicely detailed. That is so cool.
He got me this galaxy bath bomb that I'm going to use. This is from some place called Soapy Shop, and this is what it looks like. It is…it smells like sweetly perfume. I can't really tell what it smells like. It, it's not fruit. It's not like cupcake or fruit or anything.
Josh:It smells like candy, it's some kind of candy.
Raven: Kind of candy-ish, but it's also kind of, like, perfumey, like, perfume, not, you know, musky in a way. I can't really describe it. It's like a sweet musk, but, um, it's, it's pretty heavy. I'm not really familiar with bath bombs as I don't normally buy them. I love them, but they usually cost so much. I can't justify spending for something that's gonna vanish and be gone in one use, so…but for special occasions this was really cool.
Um, he got me this badass heavy stone plaque. This is a quote from It, of course, Pennywise. The only thing with this is that this quote is wrong. It's supposed to say, "I'm, I'm everything you ever were afraid of", but it's not. They reversed it which, once you see it, you can't really unsee it. But as a whole…
Josh: That's an amateur mistake.
Raven: Yeah, as a whole I really love it. I love the lettering. The lettering is beautiful. And even though I complain about those two things, that doesn't mean I don't love them, because I do. It's just it's stuff that he and I both notice, so I'm just mentioning it. But I, I really do love the lettering. I wish I could write like that. I love that font. So we're gonna hang that up.
I gave him an early Christmas present. [she pans past Josh who has the entire pizza in its box in his lap] It's hanging up there, and it's…excuse his, his drinks, not mine. I got him a Tim Curry autograph up there, so we can hang it with that. That looks really bad. You've got two Monsters and your Coke Zero and your XL.
So aside from that he got me this Candy Crush Cloudy Cupcake body mist, and it smells uh, kind of alcoholy but sweet. I love love love sweet smelling stuff, so this goes with my collection of amazing sweet smelling stuff. He also got me this which is Britney Spears Dark Fantasy and Midnight Fantasy. I was originally in love with the regular Fantasy, and somebody had bought me a Midnight Fantasy in a smaller bottle, and I was like, oh my god, I love that more, so he got me this which is cool. This would probably last me a couple of years because I still have one from four years ago that's not empty yet because I used it so sparingly.
He got me these which are Demonia Swing Eight something. That's written on the box. But these are the ones with the metal plates. And I have had these on my watch list for years and years and years, ever since I got my first pair of Demonia boots back when my dad died in 2008. And I'd seen the ones with the metal, and I've wanted to get my hands on them, and I haven't been able to, so I finally got them. Now, these boots were made really stupidly, and we freaked out because it was past the window of return. But the tongue is sewn usually. There's a sew mark here somewhere where it was stitched together, and the tongue is sewn in such a way that it leaves a gap like this unless you have stick legs which I do not. And the only way to get the tongue to cover your whole leg is to cut it. I learned that from going onto Amazon and reading the comments on how to make these boots fit when you have big legs. And my legs aren't even that big. Their big, bigger than normal girls, but they're not big to the point where I should have had this much trouble. But they fit now, so I wore them out today, and it was great having boots on again. This is where they usually stitch, so you have all this right here that you can't use if you leave it stitched. You just snip it, and you can cover the whole thing which is cool. And I was nice and tall in them.
He got me this which was also something I had wanted, and I forgot all about. But this is a [Alien] bust head bank. Now, there's no hole for the coins. You have to open it on the bottom and put your money in there, but it's uh, it's very well made, well detailed. This is gonna be a nice piece to go with my Pop Funkos and stuff. And I really…I was really impressed by the way this looks. This is really cool.
Josh: I like it, too.
Raven: Well, I'm glad you like it.
And lastly he got me this doll that I have been wanting for also a long time. Not hugely long because she hasn't been out that long, but I've been wanting her since I saw her. It's Ever After High. This is what the box usually looks like. It's a big ol' box like this. It was actually hard to figure out how the hell to open it without tearing the box. It's just it's the same on the front and the back. It's just a big rounded box. It's a big rounded box like this. Yeah. And inside of it is the Raven Queen from Ever After High. And I have one or two Ever After High dolls, but they don't look like this. This is what it looks like in the front, and then you just take off this little cardboard, and it has the story…her story behind it. And this is what she looks like. She is gorrrgeous. She's so well made. I think she's absolutely beautiful. She's holding, like, the little candy apple skull, and her dress is all full of sequins and glitter and sparkles. She's just really nice. I love this doll so much. I can't wait to display her.
And uh, I actually have a couple of other things that he got me that he gave me early because we are really bad when it comes to presents. We, we say we're gonna hold them for Christmas or birthdays, but then wind up just opening them very, very early. So I'm probably gonna pause real quick and grab the other stuff he's given me early.
All right, so he also got me the Death Note complete collection. Now, it was pretty funny because we went to Barnes & Noble, and he actually bought me this because he forgot that he had already bought it for me and had it saved for Christmas. He says since there was two of them he just went ahead and gave it to me, so I have one that's open, and this one's for display because by that time again there was no turning turning it in.
Pebbles, stop that. She's getting into his food.
He bought me Pennywise Pop Funko. I want to collect the whole series is what I'm trying to do.
Josh: She will.
Raven: [laughs] And uh, he bought me the Castiel with wings which I had been trying to get. So um, I had been looking for this since I was in New Zealand. They sold out everywhere. It's so hard to find. And what sucks is that when we got it the box is all crunched up. It's crunched up there, it's crunched up here, it's all folded in, so he was really unhappy with that, so that's why he gave it to me early because the box is kind of bad, yeah. But I'm still happy that I got him. I've been after him for so long. I never thought I would get a hold of him.
He got me a cherry, a cherry vanilla…no, this is just a cherry spray, because I love cherry scents. And he also gave me this cherry vanilla spray. This is pretty cool. This is really sweet. Like, I've worn this, and I've gone to the store, and people are like, oh my god, you smell so good. Huh! It's supposed to be double strength, and this is because uh…Walmart used to sell a cherry vanilla perfume, and I didn't know they no longer sell it and that it's considered, like, a rare item now that's worth hundreds of dollars, and luckily I still have, like, two bottles. I could sell them for quite a bit, but I'm not going to because I love them so much.
He bought me this Monster High Luna Mothews. I have been after her for a while. I saw her at store in New Zealand once. I didn't buy her, and I never saw her again, never. But I've had my eye out for her, and he remembered, and he got her for me. He's sitting over there smiling, [lowers her voice] yeah, I did.
Josh: Yeah, I did.
And then he got me this which is even more of a wow because this is Serina Von Boo. I had wanted her ever since I saw a picture of her. I've never even seen her in stores. I've never seen her anywhere. She's actually the reason I started collecting Monster High Dolls because I saw her and I was like, holy cow, she looks awesome. And I just I really really really wanted one. And finally the first one I got…the first one I had my eye on is last one I got. So I'm super, super stoked to finally have her. I'm such a child.
I don't know why he gave me this one early, but he did. This Living Dead Doll, Umbral. She's, she looks pretty cool. She's all in black and just red eyes. I love Living Dead Dolls.
I can't wait for my stuff to come from New Zealand so he can see everything. It should be here in about two weeks, maybe three weeks, my stuff should be arriving, and we're gonna go through everything, and he can see my collections of everything and all my junk.
And then lastly he got me this [Living Dead Dolls Pennywise]. This was funny because I had this on my watch list everywhere, and I was like, I really want this, I really want this. And I think I said, you know what, it's like $30, $40, I'm just gonna buy it. And he's like, uhhhrrr. And so he had to give it to me early because if not, I would have ended up buying it for myself. But um, I don't often get to get Living Dead Dolls anymore. It's gone to Pop Funkos because they're cheaper. But this one is badass, and I really, really like the way he looks, and I'm glad I finally got him. With my stuff in New Zealand I know I've got the Pennywise…not the Pennywise…the Hellraiser one. I never got to see him in person cuz I'd already left for America before that one came in, so that'll be cool. I'll get to see what that one looks like.
And uh, that's my birthday. It…I've got the best present I've ever gotten for my birthday this year, and we're gonna have a strawberry shortcake for cake. We went to Red Lobster for dinner, and we're just watching movies and staying home. [she hiccups] Sorry.
Um, now for extra bullshit. I bought this from… [she wiggles her feet] I got my slippers! I bought this from a supermarket, and this smells like cinnamon so strongly. I've got one for the bathroom, and now this is the second one I've bought for the living room. It smells so good. It's just like, like, like a sprig of cinnamon, basically. And it's a, it's a pretty decent size. It's not huge. It was, like, $3.99. And um, it makes the whole house smell amazing. It's just saturated with scent. I've never bought anything that's, like, scented like that, so that's pretty cool.
I found these at Walmart, and they were only at one Walmart. I went to another one that was closer, and they didn't have it, so I had to go all the way back to the other one. And these are called Lip Bangs Lip Freak, the strongest buzzing lip balm in the whole world. And these are the four flavors that they have. I went back. The last time I didn't get this one, so I got this one today. So this is Coco Loco Mint, Sin-A-Mint, Berry Very Sinister, and Bubble Trouble. And this here claims that it will make your lips tingle with the strongest tingle you've ever felt. It says, "Just pucker up and smear this awesome bomb on your kisser. Within a minute your lips are going to freak out. We're talking about a crazy, vibrating buzz. It isn't like anything you've ever felt before. Beware: not for crybabies. Just consider yourself warned. Lip freak feels electric. Super powerful. 100% natural. Super moisturizing".
Okay. So, I've tried all of them except for this one because I didn't have it, but I smelled it, and it smells amazing. Ooh, you look [?] sexy. [laughs] The bubble one definitely smells the strongest. It smells so good. It's just pure bubble gum. The other ones, they all smell good. These are actually flavored. They have a strong flavor as well. And it's, it's usually you buy stuff, and it smells good, but doesn't taste like anything. These taste and they smell. They're about three dollars apiece. And as far as the buzzing, it buzzes like crazy. I've kissed Josh with it on, and it's made his lips buzz. You wipe it off, and it still buzzes. And it takes about 15 to 30 seconds, and your lips will start tingling. And it's not just a [she makes a quiet buzzing sound]. It's like [she makes a loud buzzing sound]. It's like you're getting electrocuted. It feels like when your foot falls asleep, and you have pins and needles all throughout, like millions of itty bitty pins and needles. That's what this feels like. It's a whole bunch of vibration all through your mouth, and it almost hurts. It's, like, almost uncomfortable. It vibrates so strongly. It doesn't just tingle. It literally does feel like you are being electrocuted. It's the strangest sensation ever. But…and because it tastes good you want to lick your lips, but then that vibration will be on your tongue. It's really weird. So I've got two of each of these now because I probably won't buy 'em again. I want one to use and one to keep back because they're hard to find. But it's, it's a nice thing to buy just to experience it. This is really, really crazy.
I just noticed this box is dented. I'm not happy about that. If I had seen that in the store, I wouldn't have bought it. Look, my box is dented. Dammit.
But anyway, um yeah, these I do recommend getting these at least once if you can find them because they smell amazing, they taste amazing, and they do make your lipstick vibrate. These are kind of like a light green color, pale white to light green. They do not color your lips at all. They're just…this just looks like normal chapstick that smells so good and makes your lips freak out for quite a while. My lips were vibrating for almost an hour even after wiping them off. So I, I don't know what's in it that makes your lips do that, but it is pretty cool that it works like it says.
And uh, that's about it. I might take a picture after I make the strawberry shortcakes just to share them, and I think that's it. Do you have anything you want to say? [she pans to Josh who is plating a game]
Josh: Just happy birthday and I love you. Again.
Raven: Aw, I love you, again, too.
Josh: Happy birthday.
Raven: Thank you.
[cut to her petting Pebbles]
Alright, that's it, and I guess I will catch up with everybody whenever I upload the Carowinds video and the other random nothing videos that we have. Right.
Josh: Bye!
Raven: Bye! Say bye, Pebbles!
[cut to pictures of Raven, Raven with Josh, their food at Red Lobster, and her strawberry shortcakes]
No. 577419
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Driving to Red Lobster.
"There's white dog hair on everything."
No. 577420
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The amazing salad.
No. 577424
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Stopping at Cutie.
Can anyone watching on a large monitor make out the freeway sign?
It's raining heavily.
Was it raining on the evening of the 15th in the Jacksonville, Florida, area?
"As Florence stays to our north, it wraps in drier and hot air. Expect plenty of hot sunshine this weekend! Thunderstorms increase later Sunday into Monday."
Published: 6:47 AM EDT September 15, 2018 No. 577425
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"He's like me. He picks out cards in five seconds, and it's always the perfect one."
No. 577426
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No. 577427
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"That is the sweetest thing. It's a beautiful card. I really loved it."
No. 577432
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Showing the broken Baphomet necklace while Josh pushes Pebbles away from begging for his food.
No. 577434
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"It's supposed to say, "I'm, I'm everything you ever were afraid of", but it's not. They reversed it which, once you see it, you can't really unsee it."
No. 577435
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The amazing pizza.
No. 577436
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Josh has a new comfy gaming chair.
No. 577439
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"That looks really bad. You've got two Monsters and your Coke Zero and your XL."
Tim Curry's autograph is to the left of Beetlejuice.
No. 577441
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The doll Raven wants to be.
No. 577445
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Seeing how many new tattoos she has on her legs, I can believe that she is working in a tattoo studio.
No. 577446
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She is wearing spiderweb pattern fake nails.
No. 577448
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"Do you have anything you want to say?"
"Just happy birthday and I love you. Again."
No. 577450
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"Aw, I love you, again, too."
Josh rolls his eyes.
No. 577451
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Loki and Pebbles and their entertainment center.
No. 577455
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The pictures at the end of the video. I declined capping the half dozen pics of their dinner. The salad was so amazing, she included two pics!
No. 577456
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No. 577457
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No. 577458
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No. 577461
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No. 577462
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"I'm such a child."
No. 577463
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No. 577464
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No. 577492
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Sapphire Studios ring review
Published on Aug 1, 2018
'Luna De Saturno' 0.15ct men's ring
'Aphrodite' 1.85ct women's ring
Hey, guys. I just wanted to make this video. I had actually already made it, but for some reason the camera that I was using wasn't working right, and the video didn't record at all, so this is actually in two parts. I've one part showing up close, and one part which was the intro unboxing. Intro unboxing didn't work, so I'm gonna redo it now. I don't really remember exactly what I said in my other video because I haven't watched it, so when I put them together, if there's a lot of repeats I apologize.
But um, Josh and I ordered our proper wedding rings from Sapphire Studios, and they came in yesterday. And we are super stoked because they are beautiful rings. And we had heard that they look so much better in person than they do online, and they already look really really really nice online. So um, just to cut it short, this is the unboxing not unboxing, and then I'll snippet it with the other clip.
It came in a bigger box than I thought it would. So this is the box that it comes in. And now I think I said in my other video that I had looked everywhere online for an unboxing slash up close review of these rings, and I couldn't find any, not of the, the brands that we got…the designs that we got, sorry. And so I really wanted to make one myself for people that might be curious as to what these rings actually look like in person.
So this is what the box looks like when you get it. It's a nice big magnetized box. Inside it looks like this, and it says that on the inside which is what is on their website. And it comes…the rings come wrapped in a nice black tissue paper. And inside you get these cute little bags, and in the bags you get your ring boxes. [pulls out a piece of cardboard] This is nothing, really, the bottom of the bag. The ring box looks like this, and inside is a proper ring box, so then it looks like this.
And this is what it looks like in person. I did show a close up of it which I'll add because it's got mine and Josh's. But on your finger it is really impressive, and it is really, really beautiful. It's big, but it's not big and ugly. It's just really, really nice. So this is what it looks like. It's very blingy. The skulls are actually great quality. They are not cheap and cheesy looking at all. In person they're understated and small. You've got all your diamonds around it. This is how high it juts out. It does stick out quite far, but it also is extremely shiny. It is a beautiful shiny shiny shiny ring, and I love it. I found myself, like, ahhh, just staring at it all throughout the day. It's really cool.
And his ring is also beautiful. It's not as blingy, of course, as a girl's ring, but it is really nice. And so I'm really happy with this ring. I couldn't find it, like I said, online, so there it is, and I'll add a snippet, and that's about it.
[cut to video of her showing their rings against a black background accompanied by music]
This is my ring on. I'm not gonna wear this one because it just…I don't…I mean, this is really beautiful, but it should have been flat because the way this design is means that this doesn't fit flat on your finger, and it's not actually comfortable. It doesn't fit up here or up here very well, so I'm just gonna leave it off, but that's alright because this is pretty enough on its own. And Josh… [Josh puts his hand in frame] This is what it looks like on his manly hand. Zoom out on the manly hand. [she laughs and strokes his hand] And um, that is also beautiful. I'm very happy.
Josh: Me, too.
Raven: These are, these were pretty expensive. Not bank breaking, but they were not cheap. And um, these are the ones we're gonna stick with forever. We were thinking about getting traditional rings, but the traditional ring design that they have looks a lot like the cheapy $10, $20 rings. And um, if we were gonna actually put substantial money into a ring this time, we wanted it to be, you know, different and able to be set apart from those cheaper rings, so that's what we did. And I think together they look very, very good.
No. 577496
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No. 577500
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No. 577502
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No. 577503
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No. 577504
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No. 577505
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No. 577506
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"I'm not gonna wear this one…"
No. 577508
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No. 577509
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No. 577510
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No. 577512
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No. 577519
>>577420>>577488Mmm, orange (French?) dressing with orange cheese.
>>577500She has replaced the Seal of Lucifer necklace she lost in the accident.
>>577463A different wig! I suspect even more that something tragic has befallen her hair.
No. 577527
File: 1537429730063.png (391.5 KB, 407x721, sign-2.PNG)

>>577424>>577449A better screencap and an image of the gas station and signs from KF.
No. 577530
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>>577497She could have saved Josh a few bucks by buying these facsimiles on Amazon.
No. 577543
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>>577535Their first two shacks were in Saluda. Autumn specified Saluda when she was looking for transportation for Doja to the second shack. The location of the second was confirmed by comparing her photos and Google street view.
There was speculation that they may have moved or were considering moving to Aiken because Josh made a post looking for work in Aiken which is 35 miles from Saluda. They were married in Aiken, too.
No. 577546
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>>577007Her new Instagram account name used to belong to someone else.
No. 577547
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>>577543And Spartanburg is 75 miles from Saluda.
>>576967>>577130>>577529On the 15th they went to Red Lobster, then QuikTrip, then Walmart.
On the 17th they went to Sam's Club and Red Lobster.
All of these locations are very close to one another.
Spartanburg confirmed.
No. 577549
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>>577103Exactly. Spartanburg is 76 miles from Carowinds, and Saluda is 96 miles from Carowinds.
No. 577550
>>577495>>577497The site uses identical pics for the silver and white gold rings, but the skulls and the parts with the smallest inlaid stones of her rings appear to be oxidized which means it is silver. This difference is something worth mentioning in a review.
I am impressed by the thickness of the men's band.
The real test is whether the rings lose stones with wear and age.
No. 577555
File: 1537442989158.png (361 KB, 797x1084, Screenshot_2018-09-20-04-00-55…)

>>577417Her dress is from Killstar. has been doing a lot of online shopping to fill her closets
>>574776 while waiting for her hoard to arrive from New Zealand. Didn't she estimate shipping it would cost $5K?
>It should be here in about two weeks, maybe three weeksSo we can look forward to five plastic Christmas trees this year!
No. 577559
>>577422I think Logan is not all there upstairs and that IS his smile.
I knew a dropkick who was going out with someone I knew's kid and he was not only a drop kick also, but he was a dead ringer for Logan. Made the exact same grimace in pictures. I think he thinks he looks hot squinting his eyes and grimacing. Like he's too 'cool' to smile. I can't explain what I mean, but fat ugly trashy girls do the same thing but they add a snapchat filter.
No. 577560
>>577485He has no spine. Plus noone dare tell Raven to fuck off. She'll accuse you of being abusive to the internet and release tmi about you onision style. OR she'll threaten to kill herself.
That's why she dates dudes like Logan and Josh and Ryan. So she can walk all over them. What sane boyfriend (even long distance) would allow a potential girlfriend to live with their ex in the meantime? She always gets someone that ensures she's allowed to do whatever she wants.
No. 577582
>>577530I love these cheap ass, paste rings, imma pick these up so ta for link anon.
Thrilled that Gravy is back, I’ve wanted so badly to fuck around with an old Fabio romance novel cover and stick her and Couchie in there. It’ll take some doing to get the heroine looking properly fat, but I think I’ve finally found a suitable base.
No. 577585
>>577565There’s frigging Sam’s Club and Red Lobster paired up everywhere, usually crammed in the same strip mall as the Olive Garden, the Ross, the Super Target, and the TJ Maxx. In the South it feels like you get a prepackaged deal when you open up a trash tier “town square” shopping and dining experience. I’ve honestly spotted the two together so many times. Usually the Sam’s Club is right across the street. Tacky Raven loves her tacky trash tier shit.
Diana is Floridian in spirit if not in person. You’d think they’d want to live as cheap as possible, that 0% state income tax does make such a difference for poor opiate abusers, oh well. Don’t say we never try to help you out, Raven!
No. 577638
>>577585Legit opiates and other controlled substances aren't so easy to get here in Florida unless Gravy turned Josh into a Luna's Lurch.
To be fair I don't think income tax or prescriptions are things she would consider before a move. She'd just want to know about the nearest Walmart and Dollar General.
No. 577679
>>577638They’re easy as fuck in north Florida, just look for doctors who don’t take any health insurance and ask for cash up front. It’s surprisingly simple to find. Yelp is a good place to start, tbh.
True about the income tax though, you’d need to have a job for that to make a noticeable difference.
No. 577685
>there are no fat clothes at Good WillHave you seen the average size of women in the southern US?
>>577627Torrid, maybe, but not Hot Topic.
>>577635And she has a second new wig
>>577636Was his tattoo supposed to be on his finger?
No. 577687
>>577566Remember that Gravy used to call Isa lesbian? Not only she is a transboy, but her ex-husband is now gay (?) and is fucking her loads.
That's gotta hurt, Raven.
No. 577700
>>577448if someone told me this guy was special needs, i would totally believe them.
>>573742umm, so this is the cat that was sooo ugly and scary no one wanted to adopt it, but saint gravy came along and saved it guyzz! what bullshit, she's an animal hoarder who blames the animals for everything. there's nothing wrong with the kitten, all calico cats have makings like that. poor kitten.
No. 577728
File: 1537490516559.png (71.88 KB, 798x355, Screenshot_2018-09-20-17-26-08…)

>>577495>>577550Parts of her rings are definitely oxidized, and his ring is not available in white gold.
And if she did opt for white gold, why did she not specify the karat? 14, 12, and 10k are offered.
No. 577731
File: 1537490774051.png (24.11 KB, 799x203, Screenshot_2018-09-20-17-22-42…)

>>573620She changed the title of this video to "The big update".
Archiving comments on this video since she frequently deletes or closes them.
Hi, Ryan! Did you have to pay the $5K to get Raven's haul out of your garage?
No. 577735
File: 1537490939197.png (30.08 KB, 800x207, Screenshot_2018-09-20-17-21-55…)

Are you going to let your followers know your new account name?
No. 577737
File: 1537491226987.png (95.95 KB, 800x435, Screenshot_2018-09-20-17-20-45…)

Psst, it's a wig.
>way outside of Florida and in the opposite direction of Florida
No. 577740
File: 1537491504430.png (95.12 KB, 800x578, Screenshot_2018-09-20-17-21-38…)

Her cagey lies are so transparent.
No. 577749
File: 1537491870617.png (35.8 KB, 800x188, Screenshot_2018-09-20-17-23-01…)

The woman who can't be arsed to put a bottom sheet on her mattress or throw out her hubby's empty drinks cans has laid carpet and tile?
No. 577779
File: 1537495391880.png (51.65 KB, 800x266, Screenshot_2018-09-20-19-01-04…)

No. 577784
File: 1537495645869.png (23.85 KB, 800x111, Screenshot_2018-09-20-19-01-04…)

Remember Kashmir / Cashmere, the Ragdoll cross kitten Josh gave her for New Years that they rehomed because their landlord forced them?
No. 577794
>>577402Logan looks ready to kill himself, and Dorian looks like he's trying not to break. Fuck I hate that little bitch.
>>577455lmfao he looks so special needs, omg
>>577779she's really going flatout on the bullshit, hey. she must've been doing a lot of daydreaming during her internet break.
No. 577799
File: 1537498172442.png (17.29 KB, 800x95, Screenshot_2018-09-20-19-46-07…)

This person calls her Diana, and their comment reads like it was written by an old family friend.
No. 577804
File: 1537498780546.png (198.8 KB, 799x715, Screenshot_2018-09-20-19-55-49…)

She has updated her profile and background pics on Patreon but still has only one lonely Patron.
No. 577805
File: 1537498897181.png (655.47 KB, 793x805, Screenshot_2018-09-20-19-56-19…)

>>577804The bulk of her paychecks appear to have gone to inking her legs.
No. 577806
File: 1537499004180.jpg (34.49 KB, 288x288, unnamed.jpg)

Her new Youtube profile pic with her burgeoning hoard in the background. Never change, Raven!
No. 577825
File: 1537504924165.jpg (29.55 KB, 348x348, deep fried.jpg)

>>577806how fucked must her real hair be if that wig is the public-facing option?
No. 577849
>>577838Assuming she upgraded.
But diamonds are bullshit anyway.
No. 577882
>>577825I would love to hear the explanation, she used to say her hair was always fried because NZ products were shit.
Now, what will be the excuse?
No. 577903
>>577402As much speculation as there was about Dorian having a crush on Logan before Raven got his claws into him, I'm leaning towards all of this being sane and consensual and not Raven 2.0 forcing it.
If she was as bad as Raven then Dorian would have left her like he left his goblin mother and Logan wouldn't go near her.
That and I still think it's interesting that all of this was quiet until someone came to post about them out of the blue and just as fast Isa (that is her name, isn't it?) came screeching… and then Raven came back to the internet.
My money's still on Raven doing her usual stalking, seeing the three of them together and then promptly losing her shit and plastering it everywhere.
No. 577921
>>577905Pretty much yeah. I mean someone here does have a boner for Logan but literally no one was bothering to keep up with them past Raven moving to the USA. The only person that would be that dedicated to stalking them would be Raven herself. Plus there's the whole plastering it in Alt-Cows of all places which is just strange, plus the caps coming with the same phone font Raven uses.
>>577914Yeah I mean none of us can say for sure but you don't turn into a narc overnight. If Isa was Raven 2.0 then we would've known ages ago when the two of them were still in the same area together.
no one knows for certain because we never found out the identity of the person who originally posted it but it's just too fishy to outright accept as gospel and immediately assume Logan and Dorian found themselves a Raven 2.0. Though even if they did that'd still piss Granny Raven off so it's a win/win either way.
No. 577922
>>577921She seems like a tumblr freak and not gonna lie, I personally would enjoy the milk from this weird poly threesome thing.
Only because it's Dorian, Logan and Isa.
If Isa and Dorian became poly with someone else, I'd give no shits, but the fact they are shacked up with Dorian's mother's ex fascinates me because of how fucking weird that seems to me.
But I'm not going to obsess over it because they seem a bit smarter than Gravey and don't exactly broadcast it everywhere, so there's not really any milk to be had.
I kind of feel bad for Dorian, but if he's truly happy, then good on him I suppose.
That said, I hope it pisses Raven off so much. I bet it does.
Also, fuck that anon who supposedly knew Logan and in real life.
They spent ages writing paragraphs of shit and personal stories but had barely any milky screenshots or evidence. Sounds like that liar who said Gravey was still in NZ with Logan and said they saw them together at the shopping centre.
No. 577944
>>577914Thank you, people saying oh, this is just a nice normal poly relationship—Logan used to beat Dorian up. Not a real good starting point. Raven was abusive to both of them. She treated both as children/lovers (is anyone going to sit here and say that Raven, with her absolute lack of boundaries and complete fucked-in-the-headless, has never once given Dorian mixed signals? She’s too bankrupt not to, ffs) and made them her little servants. Anyone who doubts this only needs to look at the way she acts with dumbshit Josh or any animal ever. One is a husband/baby substitute, the other is there to give her unconditional love until she gets tired of it and throws it in the trash.
Isa is for fuck sure Raven Jr. in that she is taking two dudes who have no actual business being in any kind of relationship with each other and forcing the issue so she can feel like she has control and power. It’s a very heady feeling when you have two separate dudes dickriding you and she’s young, but come on. Even if anons think that those of us who are coming down hard on this are concern trolling or whatever, you can’t deny the fact that the optics aren’t real good.
No. 577952
>>577903consensual, ok, but how the fuck do you get 'sane' out of this?
>>577914"probably just friends bonding" - what the fuck is going on around here? like, I get that we're all suss because of Gran and her socks, but really? you're even doubting the transtrender bullshit, but it's right there on 'Isaac's fb?
>>577921it got posted in altcows because there wasn't a raven thread. it got its own thread which got locked for some bullshit reason. seriously, what the fuck is with this discussion?
>>577946you're being wilfully ignorant, more like.
this whole clusterfuck is so weird. everyone was down with the Isa triangle milk, then word was it might be tainted, so now we have anons inventing fanciful stories about how it's not really like that?
I have no doubt Gran had a hand in stirring shit up, but "A truth told with bad intent / beats all the lies you can invent". Isa knows where we are, and would absolutely have heard about shit going on over here. So where's the posts telling us about it? Where's the 'hey guys, it's not like that' or whatever? Gran might be able to play the anon game, but she can't delete other people's comments.
No. 577991
File: 1537560866452.jpg (Spoiler Image,145.39 KB, 676x947, 89562654687894556894.jpg)

So while Raven was gone I discovered something I can't remember having been posted here before, they're old pictures but still fun to kek at.
Gonna do a picture dump of the ones I found.
I also found some comments, (attached, with the links in the cap to the specific vids) on porn videos, on porn websites, that she commented on.
And they're not about how much she HATES porn with a passion kek.
No. 578002
File: 1537561113866.jpg (74.94 KB, 649x731, 4864135165.JPG)

>>577991This was the website I found it I believe.
No. 578081
>>577898That account was created in 2013
>>577946The same week that their thread was launched, Isa had posted separate pics of herself with Dorian and Logan captioned "Date night".
I apologise for not capping, but I figured the anons who were clamoring for a thread had collected the milk before Isa, Dorian, and Logan made their accounts private.
No. 578106
File: 1537580740676.gif (627.08 KB, 536x600, r4.gif)

>>578002The site is defunct, but there are many more pics in the archive which has 15 captures from 2008 through 2011.*/ No. 578160
>>578095I feel like the 'maybe they're just bonding' etc was Isa trying to hose it down.
>>578112she needs something to go right in her life lol. let her do her little deceptions, not going to change her living in a series of shitty trailers with a finger-sniffing sped who lied about his entire life to get her over there. (and now trying to impress us with lies about moving states lmao)
No. 578213
I don't even give a fuck if Logan is in a relationship with them, but just the plain fact that he is on good terms and hanging with "her son who broke her heart for the last time" and his "boy looking slut gf" is milky enough!!
I am hoping for rant videos about it soon, when she's "back" ;)
No. 578417
>>578414It made a lot of sense to me that Dorian and Logan wouldn't be friends while Logan was with Raven. First of all, that's awkward as fuck. Second of all Raven has always hated her son and Logan was pretty brainwashed when they were together, so I'm sure that changed the dynamic between them as friends. They were friends before Raven (which is still so fucking gross that she married her teenage son's best friend), and then she took that away from them. It's great that they seem to have been able to move past that and repair their relationship somewhat.
Anyway, it's awesome to see them all happy and I hope they continue to do well free of Hagraven's clutches.
No. 578717
>>578620I posted the old pics, and I have read all of her threads. Not everyone has though.
Also I dont know where you get your delusions from, There is nothing
obvious going on here lmfao. And fyi, I agree with you, and idgaf about stopping discussions about Logan and Dorian. They've been posted about a plethora of times, and everyone was in agreement that it was fair game, so what on earth makes them "off-limits" now?
I'm not trying to stop anyone from talking about Isa either, I just dont really care or know much about her, as long as she brings the keks for someone it's all good.
I just couldn't remember specifically if all of those had been posted before, and I wanted to post before I forgot to do that again. So pardon my alzheimers.
And even if they all have, they're still hilarious. Stop being such a bore, I would have saged if I could.
No. 578823
>>578620> The fact that he is fucking Dorian’s wife is dramaI like to think that Logan is fucking both of them, and is a gay threesome, since Isa is now Isaac.
So much for Raven's stallion ex-husband.
No. 579717
File: 1537873516142.jpg (14.99 KB, 288x288, unnamed.jpg)

>>577806She has changed her Youtube profile pic again.
No. 579718
File: 1537873564098.png (201.24 KB, 799x712, Screenshot_2018-09-25-03-54-28…)

>>577804And she lost her lone patron.
No. 579720
File: 1537873891633.png (110.41 KB, 800x578, Screenshot_2018-09-25-03-57-33…)

Didn't she have an interaction with wicked one on Facebook last year?
No. 579751
>poly-phobialmao yeah anon, that's totally the issue everyone has with the relationship, and definitely not you feeling attacked. Good talk.
>>579718I know this was never going to go well, but managing to get it down to zero? Wew.
She sure showed us.
No. 580514
File: 1538078566188.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x1909, BCD824FF-DA87-49F9-8100-18A381…)

Fb is back baby
No. 580526
File: 1538081500436.png (253.1 KB, 893x813, nurse.png)

>>580514Do you guys remember when she said she did not work nor had special skills so no one would hire her?
Video 2017 in review
> I'm not very self-sufficient. I'm not gonna lie. I haven't worked in over ten years. (…) And it's not like I had any great major skills where they would have picked me over a local.All of a sudden now she is a certified nurse and has a degree in clinical psychology?
No. 580532
File: 1538081868851.png (576.82 KB, 846x836, columbia.png)

She may not have updated this yet - but she still lists Columbia as her current city.
No. 580538
File: 1538083191605.jpg (1.08 MB, 1080x1715, Screenshot_20180927-172126_Fac…)

An "explanation" for the Carowinds situation…
No. 580548
File: 1538086415890.png (560.9 KB, 344x771, kek.png)

>>5805435 minutes about the park - 15 minutes complaining about everything - 5 minutes about how many people stopped her to say they loved her and her hair (?) yw
Also, a LOT of fresh ink in her chubby legs
No. 580553
>>580548Looks like she’s totally covered in incoherent temporary tattoos. She definitely just picked random flash and had them slap it on.
I can’t believe she dressed like this at a fucking amusement park, around children.
No. 580556
>>580526That doesn't say she got a degree, just says she 'studied'. In other words, she tried a class or two and flunked out.
>>580540Some people could. This bitch would spend the entire interview complaining about everything, then make a video complaining about the people who (for some mysterious reason) didn't give her a job.
No. 580562
File: 1538090096562.jpg (559.61 KB, 809x1534, Screenshot_20180927-191641_Fac…)

It's Raven Bradley now…
No. 580569
>>580543Josh always looks like someone's eating his brains with fava beans.
>>580548Her cankles and feet make her feet look like hooves.
No. 580573
>I can’t believe she dressed like this at a fucking amusement park, around children.Actually, she removed her cover-up and stood only in her bikini top and attached skirt (>>573767)
What a vision must have been, those sad flappy pancakes.
No. 580619
>>580543Hold up if this bitch "lives in Florida" now why is her ass going to NC to go to Carowinds. Like you live in Florida we have eight huge amusement parks. and even with her cheap ass going on its gonna cost too much, which no its cheaper to get an annual pass for any of them.
So I'm calling bullshit on them being in FL. ALso how the fuck do you not pack ahead of time and take the proper theme park stuff(sunscreen,water,shoes ect.)
No. 580628
File: 1538103721197.jpg (15.21 KB, 348x348, 348s.jpg)

the only footage she took from the drive there was from chesnee sc. Nothing from florida. Raven, your lies are getting easier to see through in your old age.
No. 580704
File: 1538129903038.jpg (61.51 KB, 916x340, bradley.jpg)

>>580662After all of us saying that if that story were true she would have posted a picture of the bones… of course she did.
Guys, she loooves her new last name. You know, the 20th she has had. This time is the one!
No. 580705
>>580526What's the URL?
She listed "studied psychology" in previous profiles, but nursing is completely new.
>>580556The entry on the right states "graduated".
>>580562She changed her name on some of her accounts within days of getting engaged.
>>580548Does she have a tattoo of a "Pop Funko"?
No. 580709
>>580532So New Zealand never happened?
>>580538Could a kind anon dump the photos? Did she shoop her legs in the pic on the bottom left?
No. 580715
>>580572Try either ot/g, some threads are faster moving than others but you should find something that fits you.
[Imaginary sage to match gravy's wonderland of nope's]
No. 580725
>>580719You have thirty days to get a new state license upon moving to a state. Raven has a SC license because she’s in SC. We all know she didn’t move to Florida but thought she was fooling hayddurs by saying so. It’s especially funny since she dox herself regularly so why she thought anyone would believe she was in Florida is a mystery.
She would fit perfectly in Northern Florida though. Her and Josh are white trash on steroids. She’s going to end up on People of Wal-Mart one of these days.
No. 580736
>>580705no, it says she graduated the CNA. Below that it says that she left college, not graduated.
>>580707I hope Emily changes her hair up asap lmao
She really is getting so sloppy with the lying. Didn't even try with her mum's funeral, and now keeps giving away her location due to lack of effort and a compulsive need to prove something to us. And now she's pulling out 'kitten bones' photos to back up a story that took her months to dream up. Because of course she didn't think to mention what Doja had supposedly done sooner, despite being the same bitch who posted a photo of dead Marmalade as her first response to that. Feeling a bit let-down that she remains obsessed with us but makes such a poor effort in producing a fake life for us to (snort) be jealous of.
No. 580741
File: 1538143397371.jpg (Spoiler Image,839.83 KB, 810x1603, Screenshot_20180928-100419_Fac…)

The kitten's bones
No. 580749
>>580748I'd like to think it's to show the haters that she wasn't lying…but we all know she would have posted that shit regardless.
No. 580754
File: 1538146840439.png (1.26 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-09-28-23-00-30…)

>>580543The caricature artist slimmed down Gravey's face. Far too kind.
He captured her pig nose though.
No. 580803
>>580754Ofc they would waste money on garbage like amusement park vanity caricatures. I bet it will be tacked to the wall of the trailer too. If it’s tacky and appeals to vanity Raven can’t resist it.
I do wonder what Raven would look like now if she didn’t copy Emily Boo and was left entirely to her own devices. There’s a lot of cows with bad taste but Raven could be in fashion design books as a worst case scenario and a cascading series of terrible aesthetic choices.
No. 580816
File: 1538153713992.png (31.06 KB, 639x501, 486468464646.png)

>I was planning to stay gone but SO much happened!!
Sure, keep telling yourself that.
We knew you'd be back.
No. 580821
File: 1538154004768.jpg (149.54 KB, 540x960, 48464151469846513.jpg)

funny how this yard looks a lot like where they used to live.
No. 580822
File: 1538154052633.jpg (76.21 KB, 720x960, thewallsRthesame.jpg)

>>580821And how the walls look pretty much he same too.
hmm No. 580877
>>580827Come on anon, you
know the haaydurs wouldn't believe her outlandish stories without
She posted pictures of Marmalade AFTER she was ran over by a car, she posted pictures of her
aborted babies, and these unrecognizable tiny pieces of mystery bones is what gets you?
PS. If she had really gone to her mothers funeral you best believe there would be pictures posted of her mothers dead body.
No. 580915
>>580543Actually astounded at how much money they wasted on crap.
Over 80 bucks for a caricature. I'm not complaining at the price, just the fact that she wasted money on it especially after being sooo poor uwu.
A giftshop teddy bear that will add to her hoard of forgotten plushies.
She kept complaining about how hot it was, but I can only imagine how warm it would have been in that tacky wig. Why would you wear a long wig to a theme park anyway? I'd be worried if it fell off on a ride.
I totally agree with anons tinfoiling that she fucked her hair.
No. 580919
>>580915Yeah i think so too.
I think she tried to bleach it AGAIN, keep in mind that she doesn't bleach it just once when she first bleaches she goes like 2-4 times to get it as light as possible. And at the very least half her hair fell out since she has been bleaching the same half of her head over and over for years now.
You know it HAS to be really bad for her to wear that fucking wish $2 toupee on her DL photo.
No. 580920
>>580919Sorry for double posting but I keep imagining her with half a bald head, the one with hair left horribly damaged and not even all blonde. With some small dots of fried ramen left here and there on her bald side, and frantically screeching autistically about needing a wig every time she catches a glimpse of herself in a mirror kekek.
No. 580939
File: 1538164407779.gif (499.12 KB, 500x375, busy at the library.gif)

>>580816"we don't have a lot of free time anymore"
No. 580944
>>580827>>580748>>580749I'm not saying that that is okay to post in any sort of way with the story she served.
bone fragments that small from an "eaten kitten" would not be picked clean, and be that white from such a large dog "eating it".
They would have flesh and stuff still attached to them, there would be blood around it and on it and he would have most likely eaten the entire kitten if he had "ate it" and not left that behind, all rinsed off and neat.
Calling bullshit on her "proof".
No. 581015
>They got married June 10th 2018? This was issued March 2nd 2018.When she posts such glaring inconsistencies in her assertions of proof I wonder if she is trolling us because
how could she miss that?!. Her posts of documents like her DL
>>580704 and her marriage license
>>573608 are directed at the haters, but instead they invite more skepticism and "hate".
And notice that it is denoted DL#. This is a drivers license. In
>>573737 she claimed she did not get a drivers license.
>>580741The carpet is gray. The carpet in the bedrooms and hallway in the second shack was red, and the floor in the open kitchen and living room where this incident happened was faux tile pattern vinyl.
>>580754Raven burying Josh with sand couldn't be a more perfect metaphor for their relationship: her love bombing, her controlling, her hoarding of gifts between them.
>>580821>>580822They got their current pets before they moved.
The second shack did not have the narrow paneling and scalloped trim
>>580822 and
>>573743. The flooring in the newest pics is different.
Saluda is too far from Spartanburg for them to be there so often
>>580919After she moved to the US she dyed all of her hair a greenish blue. In January she dyed half of it black. In April all of it was greenish blue again. The next month in her goodbye video she had just dyed all of it black. In their wedding pics all of her hair is bright blue.
Her hair was in good condition (for her) at the beginning of March, the month her DL was issued, so why wear the wig for the photo? Does she have inner corner eyeliner wings in that photo? She did not wear her eyeliner like that until the new videos.
No. 581246
File: 1538203911614.png (866.52 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-09-28-22-33-14…)

>>580543Carowinds day out and review
Published on Sep 27, 2018
[Josh and Raven are standing next to their SUV. Josh looks tired and rubs his eyes. He avoids making eye contact with the camera and with Raven and doesn't smile at all. Raven claps her hand on his shoulder and rubs his upper arm while he remains tense]
…and Josh and I are heading out to, uh, go on a long ass road trip to Carowinds. We're going to go to this amusement park that we've been meaning to go to for a long time. And uh, it's our first, like, real big adventure together, I guess? [he unenthusiastically places his arm around her for a few seconds, bows his head, and nods] And um, he hasn't been there in a long time, and I've never been there, and I love carnivals, so this is going be amazing. [he withdraws from her and crosses his arms tightly across his chest] We're gonna drop our doggies off at doggy daycare, and um, then we are going to go to Carowinds and try and record as much as we can while we're there. [he pulls even further away from her and taps his fingers on the side of their SUV] I'm not sure how I'm gonna do it cuz I…back when I used to carnivals there was no phones or anything, but I'll record if there's something to record.
[They face each other and kiss, she smirks at the camera, then they part to get into their SUV]
Josh: [mumbles] Love you.
Raven: Love you.
[cut to scenes of them driving down the freeway where they pass Peachoid, a large round water tower painted to resemble a peach in Gaffney, SC]
[Cut to Raven's giddily exclaiming and gasping as Carowinds comes into view] Oh my god, I see roller coasters! But they're not open yet. It's so early.
[cut to them walking up to the entrance of the park, scanning the signs, and trying to determine which line they should stand in]
Raven: Tickets…
Josh: What was that? We don't need tickets…[unintelligible]
Raven: uh, season pass, closed…
Josh: You have it on your phone…
Raven: …concerts, yeah. [they join a line] It's so bright I can't see anything.
[cut to them walking inside the park looking at Halloween decorations. Cut to them on camera. They are both wet. Josh avoids eye contact with the camera and keeps his head turned away from her]
Raven: So we've been here at Carowinds for how many hours? Three hours?
Josh: Uh, five?
Raven: Five. Whoo! We had to buy some shoes. [the camera drops] Oops, I don't even know what I'm doing. We had to buy some shoes. And we only went on, like, three rides so far, but we were in the water park for a while which was a lot of fun. It was awesome to cool down cuz it's a very, very hot day today. [Josh wrings out his ponytail, throwing his elbow into Raven's face in the process. She kisses it, but he ignores her] And I'm about to film this crazy ass ride. Are you having fun?
Josh: [flatly and without looking at her] Yeah, I am.
Raven: I wasn't because it was super hot, but now that I'm cool it's a lot better.
[cut to sped-up footage of a ride and then of Raven and Josh being drawn in turn by a caricature artist. Josh is fidgeting intensely with his hair rubber band the entire time. Cut to views of the park filmed as they ascend and then descend in a glass elevator]
[cut to Raven sitting on their bed]
Carowinds is a massive amusement park in North Carolina…Charlotte, North Carolina. The tickets are quite expensive. It's best to buy your tickets and stuff online because you do save at least a little bit of money. Altogether for everything that we bought online it was about $200. In person it would have been a lot more than that. We bought our tickets, and it was like $52 each.
We bought the souvenir cup which you buy this cup. It's $11 online or, like, $14 in person, and you can drink free all day long. You can get refills every 15 minutes which is an excellent deal, especially when it's really hot. You go up, they scan the cup, and you get your drink. If you take your cup back whenever you go back to the park, then you just pay $1 each time, and that is still cheaper than having to buy a drink each time.
We also bought the dining package where you pay $30 per person, and you can eat for free every 90 minutes from most the restaurants there. That is an excellent deal because most the meals are really expensive, and they usually have it set up so that kind of two people can eat. Since I can't eat a lot we only needed one because I wouldn't have been able to finish a meal by myself. So he got some, and I just picked off his, and it was enough for me. The food there is pretty good. You get to try out all kinds of restaurants and things that you normally wouldn't be able to. It's one main dish and one side and, again, you get it free. They…you get a little wristband and they scan it, and you eat for free every 90 minutes. They probably bank on the fact that most people are waiting in line or riding, and they don't time it and go every minutes, so they don't actually serve everybody constantly. But we were trying to hit it, but we, we only ate three times while we were there.
Um, we were there on the last day that the water park was open. SCarowinds was being set up, but Scarowinds has not opened yet. We did get to see what it was gonna look like, and for the extra $40 it would have cost us to go if we went, like, next week when it was open, it just doesn't look worth it. The set pieces are kind of cool, but it doesn't really look like much. If you have the money I guess it would be fun, but it, it just doesn't really look worth all that extra money. We are, however, interested in going to the Winter Fest and the New Year's one, especially the New Year's one because if the rides are open it won't be as damn hot as it was when we went.
We did not like the fact that there is not a lot of shade for the rides. The lines, the lines aren't too long, and the wait's not too long because they cut the ride time down to, like, 30 seconds to a minute. The rides are so short. It was ridiculous. They are shorter than any ride I've ever been on, but it keeps the lines moving. It wasn't that packed, though, that they would have needed to just, you know, get it going like that. But the area where you wait in line for at least half the rides there's no cover, there's no fans, there's no mist sprinklers, there's nothing to keep you cool.
And when we first got there I thought that I was gonna have heat exhaustion. I'm not used to being out in the sun as it is. I'm used to being in New Zealand where it's cold and being indoors where there's air conditioning. And to go out into heat like that with no protection, I almost couldn't handle it. I felt dizzy and sick, and my heart started palpitating, and I thought I was going to pass out multiple times. It was just too hot, and they had no protection whatsoever, no water fountains or anything like that. There was one water fountain that I saw right next to the water park which it wasn't really needed there because you could have just gone into the water park. It's needed at the other end of the park where there is nothing. So that is a big complaint. They really do need to have something in place to stop people from overheating. It's just too hot for them to not have protection like that.
The ride times are a big complaint because, again, the ride times are far, far too short. I understand the need to have short ride times in a big park like that, but a little bit longer than 30 seconds, you know what I mean. I mean, 30 seconds to a minute, it's just that was just way, way too short. You don't even have time to enjoy the ride before it's over. We went on the Yo-Yo, the Scrambler, and you hear people all around saying, god that was, that was too short. Even if there's nobody in line, they still cut the ride down.
On the topic of rides, there were a few rides that were out of order which also sucked because you're waiting and waiting, there's no sign up or anything. You're standing in line, and they finally come out and say, oh, now we're not loading, there's something wrong with a ride. And that's the kind of scary thing. And you're paying all this money, and the rides aren't even working.
What else? It is very, very expensive, very, very expensive. Most things there are about $15 or more. We, we easily spent about two hundred dollars without even trying. I wore tennis shoes, and my shoes got saturated on the river rapids ride which was an awesome ride, by the way, and they were sloshing around. I was burning up. I just really needed my feet free, so we went and bought a pair sandals for me. Josh wanted a pair of sandals for the same reason that was uh…and he got a little deodorant. So that was $65 for those three items. I got a teddy bear and some fudge and a candy apple, and that was another $58.
We got, um, a caricature drawn of us with…they put in a frame to protect it. That was over $80. So money, money goes, you know, like that without even trying. Everything is outrageously expensive which I guess is to be expected. But I, I haven't really been in a carnival environment since I was in my early 20s, and the prices were a shocker to me. I was like, oh my god. I'm just glad that we went there with money cuz I all in all for the whole trip we spent around $500 or more, and we wouldn't have, we would have been able to do anything if we didn't have that money. But the caricature was really cool. That artist was extremely talented. I…but he was really cool, and he did a great job.
They don't have many games there, and the prizes were all…they're mostly Pokemon stuff. They didn't really have much as far as games. They have a lot of roller coasters. Not so great if you're not a roller coaster because the other rides there's not that much. It's easy to get lost there. The water park was a great addition. I don't know what we would have done if there was no water park. The Rapids…not the Rapids, the little lazy river where you can just kind of walk around, that was fun. We went there twice. I would have stayed in there for half the day if I could have, but I don't know if you're supposed to get out or if you're allowed to keep going around because people were complaining that people weren't getting out, so I didn't want to get in trouble for anything, so we just got out. And we went in the wave pool. That was fun, too. They have a lot of stuff to look at. They have a lot of things to do, a lot of different kinds of restaurants. The park is massive. Overall we did have a good time. It was a lot of fun. It was a great experience. It was a great day out. I just really wished that the ride times were slightly longer, the rides were all at least in working order, and, you know, they had some shelter for people waiting in line.
Another complaint is that we were up-sold a season pass for Fun Pics where you get your picture taken during different things. They stop by and they're like, you know, you guys want a picture? And people that work there will take a picture of you, and they'll give you a little card, and you take it and you scan it. Now those pictures are outrageously expensive. They're about $15 each just for a normal picture. We wanted to keep six pictures so that would have cost so much. They sold us a season pass, and they said that that gives us access to all of our pictures without the Carowinds watermark on it, full size, we could do whatever we want, bla bla bla bla bla. That was $25. We bought that, logged in online, and they all have the watermark. It turns out you can't get it without the watermark unless you buy your own picture, print it out, or you buy it on a cup or, or something like that which I think is very, very misleading. That is not what we were told. I didn't want to buy it and have the watermark, so the only thing I could do was open the preview and screenshot it so I could get it without the watermark. But the quality is not that great. It's still kind of fuzzy because they want you to pay for it. I just, I just really didn't like that they made me believe that I could pay $25 and I could own the rights to my own picture and I could download it without the watermark, without having to pay an additional fee. Like, they were very, very money-hungry, and that is not good. That is never good for a corporation, but I guess that's how things are nowadays.
It's a good family place to be. I mean, I didn't see, you know, there's no fighting, there's nobody rude. I got a lot of compliments, lots of people shouting across at me, oh my god you look so cool! Oh my god you're beautiful, I love your hair! And all that stuff, you know. It was a very fun experience. People will stop and talk to you, and you kind of meet people and chat while you're in line, you know, for rides and things like that, and you share these experiences with strangers, and that's always great. It would be a much better experience going there when it's colder so we are looking forward to finding out if the rides are open for the Winter Fest or slash New Year's, and if they are, we'll definitely be going back for that.
Aside from that, the little complaints I have are not worth not going, but definitely if you don't have a lot of money it's probably not going to be as fun because if there's little other things you want to buy or do, you're not gonna have the money to do it because they charge so much.
The fudge is excellent. It's handmade there in the store every morning, they said, using fresh milk, fresh dairy. We bought two pieces. They're like $8 each, and you buy two get one free, and they're big thick bars. They're really, really good. And the candy apple wasn't so great. The candy coating on the outside was soft, and the apple inside was bruised. I took a couple bites, and you can see the bruising, so that kind of sucked. That was like four bucks. Bought a pretzel. The pretzel was delicious. Everybody that gives you the drinks is very nice. You get to choose whatever drinks you want. Sometimes if you got water they didn't even scan it, they just let you get your free water. And the ice water is icy cold and delicious, and that just kind of keeps you going. I drank more water than I've drank in probably in a year at that place. Um, so their…I mean, and the food is good. The burrito cafe was pretty good. They gave me lots of cheese on it and a big old thing of chips and salsa. And the pizza place had two pieces of pizza, and I didn't need to order extras because you can't have it customized. You just kind of pick what you want and take it and scan it and you walk away with it, and uh, but it was good. The food there is really good. You would think that it would be kind of shoddy carnival fare, but it was actually pretty good. I was surprised. I was impressed.
And I loved the decorations for SCarowinds. SCarowinds is Carowind's Halloween celebration thing. They have Halloween themed things. You cannot go dressed up. They dress up. They have different things. They have the rides open. It's open till midnight, but it's only open for three hours so it's…the parks open till 5, it's shut down for two hours, and then you can come back for SCarowinds. You have to buy an extra ticket for SCarowinds, though, and that's open from like 7 to midnight or 8 to midnight, something like that. I think it's eight to twelve. And so you get to see the rides in the dark which would be a great experience and see the little, you know, the Halloween stuff going on. I kind of wish we got to experience it, but from what I saw walking around the park it just wasn't worth, um, it just wasn't worth staying for that or paying extra for that. But Christmas! The lights that I saw online and the videos, they look amazing. We definitely want to check out the winter stuff, but only if the rides are open because otherwise that would be a lot of money just to look at lights.
But uh, yeah. It is a fun place to go, but it's just really expensive. It can get aggravating waiting in line, waiting waiting waiting for the ride to be over like that. [snaps fingers] We went on probably less than ten rides the whole time we were there, and we were there from 10 to, 10 to 8, and we hardly got to get on any rides because the lines and waiting. And it gets so hot. You feel so sick. You just can't stand there in line all day burning up with no way to relieve yourself. It just really sucked. And the ride I wanted to go on the most was shut down so that was unfortunate. And then the Rapids, I wanted to go on the Rapids more because the Rapids was, like, the most fun, and they had, like, a two hour wait apparently which sucked, and we didn't want to wait in line for two hours, and the park was about to close, so that was unfortunate. The Rapids was really fun. Dosey Doe was amazing. We went on the carousel. The Scrambler. I love the Scrambler, love it. And Gold Rush which is a wooden roller coaster. That was fun. And the swings, it's called, I forgot, the Zephyr or something like that. That was fun. And that's all we went on. And the waterpark. But I'd do it again. It was still an experience. I loved being out there with him. And at least if we ever went when it was hot again I would know exactly what to do, what to wear, which would have to be next to nothing because it is too damn hot. Buy a hat or something. And in the winter I get to be fully dressed up and still have a good time which would be ideal.
I wish that they stayed open longer because nobody had any lights on as well. Carnivals are always so beautiful when everything's lit up, and it would have been great to have been able to experience that. But right when it was getting dark they closed, and it's only the start of September. I don't see why they would cut the hours so short already, but they are. I guess that's about it.
And the pictures that they take of you are actually really good. I don't like people taking my pictures because they're usually really unflattering, and I make the dumbest faces. And they stop you when you're walking, and they're like, you want us to take a picture? And you're unprepared for it, and you're just kind of, okay. And they say, are you a couple? And if you say yes they're like, give him a kiss. Then you turn, you give, give him a kiss or whatever, and they snap the picture. And there's every chance that those pictures will come out awful because they're, they're half paying attention. They're just kind of [mimics fast camera shutter sound] you know, they're just in and out and handing you the card, in and out and handing you the card. But the pictures are surprisingly good. They are really good at what they do there, I'll tell you that. They take these pictures, you see them, and you're like, man I kind of want to buy that. And that's exactly what they want so…but I was, I was really impressed with the photographers there, very, very happy. And if we go back I think even though I can't get my own pictures and I was kind of misled with the whole season pass thing, that is the best option. And I think if we go back again I'm going to seek out the season pass first, and then I'm gonna go around the park and try to get every single person I can to take our picture because I'm gonna want more than $25 for six pictures when we go around the park and get them to take lots and lots and lots of pictures. That'll be more worth the money in my opinion, so I think that's gonna be the plan next time.
And that's it for now. Thank you so much for listening to this. We had a great time. I wish that I could have recorded more. And have you ever been? Have you ever heard of it? Did you go before? Was it like this before if you've been there? Because he says it wasn't, and I would have loved to have experienced it back when it was cheaper, rides were longer, and there was more stuff to do. But I'm still happy enough with it. It reminds me of Western Playland. I can't stop but compare El Paso's Western Playland with North Carolina's Carowinds in my head, but um, I'm just glad that there is a carnival like that I got to go to. It's been so many years since I've gotten to go to one. I mean, I'm…I was a bit worried because I last went in my 20's and now I'm in my 40's, and I'm like, what if I get dizzy on the rides and I get sick or I get there and I'm just too old and I, I can't handle it? But I, I had a really good time, and it was a great, great experience to share with my husband, and I loved it.
So thank you so much for listening to this blabbering on again, and I will see you guys in next video.
[cut to the box of fudge]
This is the fudge that we got at Carowinds. They make it on site every morning. Sorry for my nail polish. I scraped it off so I could repaint my nails today. This is what we got. It was buy two get one free. They're pretty big bars. They're thick and really heavy. So we got one each and one to split. This is Josh's. It is mint chocolate. This is the one to split, and this is peanut butter chocolate. And this one is mine, and this is called tiger stripes or tiger blood or something like that, and it's basically Butterfinger. So, there was that.
[cut to a blue plush bear]
This is the bear that we bought, and um, my color's red, and Josh's is blue, but my secondary color is green because that's my favorite of my hair colors. And uh, this was a really pretty bear. It doesn't have the year on the foot, but we'll write it on the tag or something. This is quite soft, probably one of the cheapest things that they actually had there, but he is so adorable.
[cut to the caricature]
This is the caricature that we had drawn of us. It's a pretty good size, you can see from my hand. And you can choose your own body. You pick, you know, whatever bodies they have on the picture, and they just draw your head and your face, your hair and your head and your face. And I chose the beach scene because it was so hot. Other stuff were like playing sports or ice skating, so the beach fit more than anything else. And um, the guy…we recorded it, but he drew it in front of us, and he did a really good job. He did it so fast. And we had gone by and inquired about it, and they framed it for us and, and everything. And he said, if the girl with the blue hair comes back they're mine, I'm gonna draw them, nobody else draw them. So that was pretty cool, and we're really happy with it. We're gonna hang it up as soon as I go out there in the living room probably.
[cut to photos of them and of the park]
No. 581247
File: 1538204040529.png (803.8 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-09-28-22-53-13…)

Josh's body language during the first 20 seconds speaks volumes.
He attempts to smile at the camera.
No. 581248
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No. 581249
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No. 581250
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No. 581251
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No. 581253
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No. 581254
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He bows his head and nods.
No. 581255
File: 1538204554227.png (822.54 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-09-28-21-13-44…)

He withdraws from her and crosses his arms tightly across his chest.
No. 581256
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No. 581257
File: 1538204659866.png (801.69 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-09-28-22-03-22…)

He pulls even further away from her and taps his fingers on the side of their SUV.
No. 581258
File: 1538204766773.png (920.53 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-09-28-20-33-04…)

Josh is rocking a Beetlejuice backpack.
No. 581259
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After they visit the water park.
No. 581260
File: 1538204961130.png (899.05 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-09-28-21-34-55…)

Josh wrings out his ponytail, throwing his elbow into Raven's face in the process. She kisses it, but he ignores her.
No. 581261
File: 1538205055964.png (928.42 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-09-28-21-38-43…)

"Are you having fun?"
"Yeah, I am."
No. 581262
File: 1538205229193.png (1.03 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-09-28-20-39-08…)

Josh is fidgeting intensely with his hair rubber band the entire time.
No. 581264
File: 1538205445004.png (396.68 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-09-28-20-49-56…)

"And uh, this was a really pretty bear. Probably one of the cheapest things that they actually had there, but he is so adorable."
No. 581265
File: 1538205536106.png (545.02 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-09-28-20-51-44…)

Pics taken by Carowinds staff.
No. 581266
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No. 581268
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No. 581269
File: 1538205755057.png (575.93 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-09-28-20-52-27…)

A few of her pics. She included several sets of both of them posing in front of the same decor.
No. 581270
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No. 581271
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No. 581272
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No. 581274
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No. 581275
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No. 581276
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No. 581277
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No. 581283
File: 1538206698118.png (36.01 KB, 800x222, Screenshot_2018-09-28-16-52-22…)

Marmalade, the irreplaceable cat that was more than a cat, has been replaced.
No. 581291
>we live like five or six hours from the park nowThey left after sunrise and arrived before the park opened at 10am.
>We bought the souvenir cup…and you can drink free all day long. You can get refills every 15 minutes
>We also bought the dining package where you pay $30 per person, and you can eat for free every 90 minutesBought…free…words have no meaning.
No. 582180
File: 1538251556047.jpg (68.84 KB, 846x799, 468545341635.JPG)

>>580046>>580704>>581015>She did not wear her eyeliner like that until the new videos.She actually did, she wears them on and off through the years.. Its either these and less eyeshadow, or A TON of eyeshadow and no wings. (Below the eyes)
This ss is from a month after she moved to the US.
No. 582182
File: 1538251797909.jpg (65.19 KB, 468x960, houstonwehave1flapdown.jpg)

This picture looks like she lost one of her flaps in some freak accident and the other one is hanging on for dear life before it too gets lost.
Also the tattoo under her skull is new, imagine the poor artist that had to tattoo those saggy flabs.
No. 582192
>>580741She’s disgusting. Who does this? Only a sadist or a sociopath, guys.
Josh looks ugly, old, and dead inside. Logan 2.0 achieved.
No. 582279
>>582194I think that is part of it, but I can't escape the idea that it's also predatory. She could never have gotten her claws into Josh (or kept them in) if he wasn't legit retarded. Look how obvious and lazy her lies are. She needs guys who will buy into her bullshit long enough to develop that thousand yard stare.
Also, please anons, don't remind me Logan exists. Knowing he escaped Big Bertha and ended up with Raven Jr: Tumblr Edition just breaks my cold little heart.
No. 582296
>>582194that's less pedo and more the fact that she's such a mess that no one smart enough will date her.
she's not going for young guys, she's going for guys who won't see through her shit. josh looks old enough to be with her but acts like a sped most times.
No. 582301
File: 1538264082247.jpg (686.44 KB, 1000x669, VampireTeeth.jpg)

>>582182More melodramatic song lyrics?
Josh's signature on her left flap confirmed.
Is that a tattoo of plastic vampire fangs on her thigh? And is the tangled mess next to it supposed to be a thigh high fishnet stocking?
Her new artist is worse than Sonja. She is probably getting discount or free work from an apprentice at the shop.
No. 582309
>>581247His facial expressions, puffy eyes, and the way he rubbed his eyes made me wonder if he had been crying. She seemed tense as well. They were tense throughout the video. He didn't smile once.
>>581260After she kisses him on the elbow she leans in for a head to head snuggle and doesn't get it. He looks everywhere but at her throughout that clip.
>>581277Does this look like happy couple?
How can she post video and pics of him (and Logan, for that matter) looking so obviously miserable? Is she genuinely oblivious?
>>581262Watching the sped-up video of him fidget with that rubber band while blankly staring at nothing was tragically hysterical.
>>581270Did she post this pic in
>>580538? Someone should shop her face onto the ogre.
No. 582363
>>582340All aboard!
>>581274And funnily enough, that was the only park prop pic she didn't pose for.
No. 582381
>>582309"Is she genuinely oblivious?"
I really think she is. He's an accessory, not a person. And keep in mind, this is the same woman who thinks we're all going to die of envy when we see the trailer she is living in, the gumball machine ring, etc. I can imagine her looking at herself in the video / photos and barely even noticing him (and seeing herself as perfect)
No. 582442
>>582439I talked to Logan around the time she was leaving NZ and posted a few times about the situation w/ her (which got highly mixed up because she also posted impersonating me before, or some other anon…)
I was browsing lolcow to see the onion threads but noticed Raven had a new thread and saw the alt postings where she claimed to be me. Just thought I'd say something because it honestly caught me by surprise.
No. 582447
File: 1538288560882.png (44.17 KB, 581x333, Untitled.png)

>>582439And let's just say she didn't like me looking for information from him…I got accused of many things, although I never flirted with him. (I've never even talked to this bitch before but she makes a good first impression…)
No. 582525
So, let me see if I got it right.
>>582476 is the same poster as in
>>582475 is the same poster as in >>678246
(presumably Raven herself)
No. 582606
>>582476>>582525I'm not Raven, the thread on /snow/ has Raven literally saying she's Kit, and
>>582447 idiot replying to her.
>>>snow//700749>>>snow//678267She literally replied to raven saying "my online name is kit" so I don't know why she's trying to pretend she's someone else.
No. 582973
>>582849The girl is Julieann Hall, she is the girl in the "My heart isn't in it anymore…" thumbnail. She is also the "RL friend" who bought groceries so Raven and Josh did no starve in the first trailer.
Looks like when "money started to flow" Ravens way, she dumped her broken car on that chick and bailed out. So much for mUh ReAl LifE frIeNd
No. 583310
>>583308i think anon is trying to say that
>>582447 post is cringy because it seems like you're trying to hide you're identity, even though you outed graven using your name in the other thread.
No. 583312
File: 1538350391773.jpeg (216 KB, 548x960, A2F42652-C21E-4DCE-935F-277D61…)

Another pic of Raven with no bra
No. 583313
File: 1538350432768.jpeg (524.2 KB, 866x1280, D3185764-C323-457E-BFB3-067E8A…)

>>583312Added a corset but still no figure
No. 583315
File: 1538350519318.jpeg (404.66 KB, 731x1280, E06EC615-F190-4B24-96BC-694B9A…)

>>583313She pulled the shirt tighter behind her back to show off…idk
No. 583319
File: 1538350790976.jpeg (482.56 KB, 1242x1849, 4F6514C4-9374-4E4F-A1D4-F1245D…)

>>583315And finally the basic white girl drink. She is trying to imply it’s her first time getting some but Josh commented saying she is addicted so I bet she has been going at it for the few weeks it’s been available
No. 583340
>>583315Can't you tell anon? She's SKINNY now. She got THIN and she has to show us h8rz how pretty and
skinny and totes hot she is now that she can only eat 3 bites and then she's full.
No. 583349
>>583329I understand.
If I recall correctly, people were calling out 'your' the post in the alt thread as it had ravens signature font.
No. 583372
File: 1538356338275.png (861.07 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-03-31-11-51-41…)

>>582973Julie-ann sent Raven gifts in October 2015. Raven posted a video about it.
No. 583375
File: 1538357604609.jpg (9.52 MB, 5312x2988, 20180930_065128.jpg)

>>582849Obvious selfpost is obvious.
No. 583453
>>583312Damn, sad pancakes are sad. She looks saggier than ever. Age is catching up, Raven.
Also, that wig, she does not take it off. It must be putrid at this point. Whatever is left of her hair will def fall, LMAO I can't.
No. 583502
File: 1538405488307.jpg (1.26 MB, 2988x5312, 20180930_062634.jpg)

>Some friend she became with a girl in south carolina and since money came in play I bet she forgot about her friend , i saw the video she posted up about how she had real friend I bet she just used that girl like she does everyone else that gets in her path>Ive been snooping on the girls page and added her and she don't even know I am on there, there are pictures of her and raven up>Pictures of them I can see of [attached] No. 583504
File: 1538405567819.jpg (1.98 MB, 2988x5312, 20180930_062512.jpg)

>>583502and the third pic she posted is at
>>583375 No. 583620
File: 1538419274823.jpg (785.39 KB, 810x1756, Screenshot_20181001-144203_Fac…)

No. 583621
File: 1538419298049.jpg (718.24 KB, 810x1696, Screenshot_20181001-144228_Fac…)

No. 583701
>>583620Was this the caption she provided with the image posted in
Yes, DL's and ID's which are reissued with a change of name maintain the original issue and expiration dates.
>>580704 anon could have included the caption to prevent the speculation that ensued. Way to manipulate the information to create controversy, anon.
No. 583885
>>583837I wonder how Josh feels about maintaining such an obvious lie? Perhaps his expression
>>581248 at the moment she said, "long ass road trip" tells us all we need to know.
They got to the park "so early" before it opened at 10am, yet they "live like 5 or 6 hours" away. Does that video look like it was filmed at 5am?
No. 583909
>>583885Gonna tinfoil a little, I think the reason he looks so Logan 2.0 is because of all her lies, and her constant whining and bitching about insignificant shit. Also he doesnt
seem the type to want to lie about every little thing. (I could be wrong, but he just doesnt give off that impression at all. Especially since in the hospital after the accident Raven was blowing shit out of proportions and he was on the sidelines reeling it back in to what actually happened.)
I don't think he missed his interwebz friends at all. (
>>580816 )
I think Raven missed her cash cows, and having someone/a platform to rant and complain at, where everyone just gives her asspats and agrees that everything is terribad for her.
I think he started to get really tired of hearing her useless droning, and when she suggested to come back he just went along with it for a little more peace and quiet, which would be understandable.
After a certain amount of shitstorming we all would get sick of listening to toxic people like that.
And then this gave her an excellent opening to come up with this grand scheme of how they "moved far far away to a distand land of florida" where they "bought" a "house", and so she could come back with a marvelous story, on a white horse in shiny new tat.
Also I belive he is fully aware that she is lying about Doja so she won't come off as the horrid hag she is, andhas no choice but to go along with this ludicrous lie about how he "ate a kitten". And this may weigh heavily on his dog-loving heart because a perfectly nice old doggo was painted a horrific villain when it's untrue.
Furthermore, perhaps he wasnt prepared for this sort of behavior because he thought she wouldnt have a reason to be a negative cloud of toxcicity when she arrived in the US, because then she would have "everything she ever wanted".
To him, she painted life in NZ like a concentration camp, and it would be reasonable seen from his view that she was so negative there because she hated it.
But now he sees that the grandios dream of 'Murica was just not enough, and he's just not enough, and nothing is ever going to be enough and shes gonna bitch and moan about everything no matter what. And his patience is starting to run out because the complaining never ends.
Maybe he should have taken us more seriously when he came on his white horse to defaaand her honorrr! kek.
No. 584029
>>584000Hell, why did any of em marry her?
It's hard to say, I dunno if I believe the whole "oh shes
SO charismatic, you guys don't even know" and how shes a master manipulator.
She may be good at manipulation bc she has 42 years of service, but I doubt that she has level 10 charisma. Also we see right through all of her bs, so there is no reason why he wouldn't either if he just stopped and thought things over.
She does keep love bombing him, and maybe he rationalized all of this in his head somehow.
She for sure has a perfectly good excuse and explanation that may sound reasonable at the time for every fit of rage, for every pet gone missing, for every dollar she wastes etc, and also for bitching.
So that may be it, kinda like tunnel vision, every time he sees the end of the bitching she comes up with a good excuse/explanation and then the end moves ahead just out of reach, rinse and repeat.
Also let's not forget that she moved the wedding ahead suddenly, which is odd because she had this amazing perfect date she had saved away for TLTWGTL and she had
never gotten married on her bday before and was
never gonna do that, only for Josh because this is TRULY and REALLY
The One guise*
Perhaps she saw that he was getting sick of her shit and love-bombed extra hard, and then by some miracle of god was able to "seal the deal" and now he thinks he's absolutely stuck and just (for now) puts up with it bc she's his wife.
It's plausible.
Also may I add, he is so
not excused for going along with any of these animal schemes even if he
is dating Raven.
There is no excuse on this planet for just tossing away a pet when you get sick of it and getting a new one.
And there certainly is no excuse for not standing up to her with all this horseshit and putting your foot down to no more animals because it's just gonna keep happening. And if he refuses to get rid of one that she is bored of, she will just make up a fantastic story of what a horrible pet that one is and why they need to get rid of it. Or, they'll just suddently "go missing" again. Just man tf up and do it.
No. 584047
>>583909Fucking excellent summary, anon. I don't think any of that needs tinfoil. I'd cross out the 'maybe' about her behviour, and put definitely. He didn't even think she was going to come over in the first place, so he had very little time to prepare for the reality of her.
>>584000My theory: because he's trapped. She burned down what little of a life he had. Remember how his mom was Raven's bestie and they were so much alike and blah blah blah … that lasted all of, what, two weeks?
She isolated him (like she always does), wore him down with her endless droning (like she always does), then rushed him into a marriage (like she always does). He's not completely zombified yet, and I think it will be quite a show when he does finally snap, as I believe he will. But for now, he's entangled with her and can't see any way out.
No. 584113
>>584047Why thank you for the kind words.
And I am so in agreement about when he does snap it's going to be a glorious milkfest for us!
I hope it won't be too long, bc that milk is gonna be
good. Let's hope it will be a saga where he comes to the farms, and it's one of those spill-all kind of deals.. That would be a juicy milkshake to savour.
I also agree that for now he doesn't see a way out, but I do believe he has come to the point where he started to think twice about this whole thing and is slowly starting to
perhaps wonder if this is all really worth it.
Nope, it's not.He looks so tired of her shit already, even to the point where its obvious in videos when shes lying because of his reactions to what she says. And it's only been a year.
Wew, any bets on how long he's going to last? 5 years may be a stretch with this one when he already is at Logan-3-years-in level.
No. 584151
>>583909You’re over thinking this. It’s not like Josh is some catch ffs. Josh is a dumb redneck. Really dim. He was living on his mom sofa, working a few hours a week loading soil at a garden store and chain smoking - that was his life. Raven was some excitement in his very mundane life.
Ever see those guys that walk around with a python around their neck in public? That’s Josh and Raven is his python. He feels like some cool metal dude walking around with a totally crazy goth chick. He’s mentally 15 years old and so is she.
They are both white trash and have incredibly low standards of living, so that worked out well. When he’s in between jobs she pulls some scams to get a few bucks. Raven is old and barren so no pressure on Josh to support any kids. He can continue acting like a sixteen year old and Raven will coo and stroke his ego.
They really ended up being a decent match for each other. They are dumb, scummy idiots who never mentally went past the age of sixteen. This relationship might even last a few years unless Josh can find younger “cool chick” with incredibly low standards and very little upstairs.
No. 584232
>>584047His mom was her bestie when she was buying presents for her.
>>584064Forget Thanksgiving. She's already focused on Christmas.
Last year she blabbed on and on in at least three videos about how accepting of her his family was. And now:
>It's almost Christmastime. I'm definitely gonna have a Christmas video uploaded because we've got, like…we're gonna have a big Christmas this year, tons of stuff. I don't know if we're gonna see his family or not, but we are definitely gonna have a nice big Christmas. And I've already got, like, 25 presents for him or something like that. I've spoiled him this year.Priorities.>>584155Have you forgotten the car crash induced miscarriage that was more than a miscarriage of 2017?
Is Josh's Facebook page still plastered with her visage or some terrible terrible melding of their faces?
No. 584241
>>584151kek, when did I
ever say he was a catch?
I'm fully aware he's a dimwit.
You're reading things between the lines that I never put in there.
The only reason Raven was able to "win him over" is because he is at the perfect level of stupid for her, which makes him "moldable" and easy to manipulate.
I was simply trying to create some conversation, the thread was being equally as slow as couchie is.
>>584235>>584232The dead mom fund is for sure gone, Can I just ask, how in the fuck is she affording all this shit?
>A lot, of shitty new tattoos>25 (so far) Christmas presents for Couchie>A new hoard of hot topic clothes >A new hoard of…shit everywhere>A "new" car that looks to be in good condition>$500 wedding rings (that arent even worth the splurge, you can get them for like $7.99 on amazon)>That atrocious toupee >More fugly "jewelry">Pets>Shitty corsets>Overpriced coffee every day (Starbucks)>A new hoard of makeup she won't be using>A new couch (She has posted about her new couch, and finally having one kek)>ANOTHER new bed (She bought one in trailer #2 I believe? correct me if I am wrong)>Also random house furnishing, she talked about that too.>Eating out often>Easily blowing $500 at Carowinds, without a care so that means they had more money for the rest of the month until paycheck.I'm sure there's things I'm forgetting, Or that we don't even know about yet.
But seriosuly, where is all this money coming from? Is there a dead landlord fund? I refuse to believe they pay her that well at this janitorial clerk job she has.
And it's up to couchie on the new couch to pay rent and utilities, gas and car repairs because we all know she wont do that so there goes his paycheck.
No. 584253
>>584241Judging by the quality she is probably getting discount or free work from an apprentice at the shop.
>A new couch (She has posted about her new couch, and finally having one kek)Pics? Do share, especially if she made a nod towards us.
>ANOTHER new bed (She bought one in trailer #2 I believe? correct me if I am wrong)She had a four poster canopy bed and mattress set on her Amazon wishlist. Around the time Doja arrived they got a king size mattress set but not the one on her list. It never had sheets (just gross with multiple pets, Doja's skin condition, eating in bed, and Josh always wearing his work clothes in bed) because they had only queen size sheets from the air bed. They always seemed to have a surfeit of pillows, though, probably for her tailbone. By "new bed" she is probably referring to just the new bed frame and mirrored headboard and not a new mattress set as well.
No. 584263
File: 1538571025820.png (171.58 KB, 540x869, 42982631_459978957739209_78159…)

>>584253I can't for the life of me remember where i saw it, I think it was some reply to a comment somewhere, and I've looked but I can't find it again. It wasn't aimed at us, just her bragging in general that she has stuff now kek. But I did find some photos she posted that do indeed look like a couch, I'll drop them in a sec.
But while on the topic of her having money now, I did find this (pic attached) while looking for that couch comment.
I don't for a second believe all of this until I see proof, but still.
Repost bc wrong image. No. 584264
File: 1538572006176.png (962.98 KB, 1088x819, 43121755_304015880393828_31009…)

>>584263>>584253This does appear to be a couch, in the left photo it looks like the back of it, if this was her bed then that horrible mirror headboard would be there and not a wall, she keeps the pillows by that mirror monstrosity (and her new hoard).
In the right picture it clearly looks like a living room, and the cell phone is resting on the armrest of it. Same color and seemingly same fabric and ugly wall in the background too.
Sorry about not finding that comment, I forgot to ss it at the time kek.
No. 584265
File: 1538572263201.png (589.24 KB, 1123x960, 43007726_545095605949367_44287…)

They're gonna go back to Carowinds at new years, I thought she said in her review (when you boil all her droning and moaning down to a tee) that it was so expensive, and too many people that made too long lines for rides, and not really worth it? Because it sure sounded like that was the case.
No. 584268
>>584265slightly ot. but does anyone else find it so jarring to see her doing all this down-home 'murrican stuff looking like…that?
josh doesn't look out of place there because well look at him. but gravy's pics look so weird. like she's in front of a green screen and someone's adding inappropriate backgrounds.
No. 584270
>>584265What I find jarring is her allegedly spending almost $600 for two cats and another $500 for pet crap (which they don't actually need and could care less about) when she allegedly didn't have enough money to pay her damn bills.
So basically, she admits to paying almost $1,100 on pets.
I am with the other anon, I am really curious where her money is coming from. This is ridiculous from someone who poor-mouths at the drop of a hat. Is it possible that Ryan is still subsidizing her?
No. 584273
>>584270> Is it possible that Ryan is still subsidizing her?Yes. He is all over her facebook and youtube since she came back.
And she also said her NZ hoard is coming her way, I'm guessing since the whole Logan threesome drama, Ryan is the one paying for it.
No. 584274
>>584268I think it's 50% with the fact that most of us are used to Raven living in the far off land of New Zealand and now for some of us she's just an hour or two away and visiting the same tourist spots we all have.
The other 50% is we're not using to seeing Raven do anything. Even her pictures from NZ were of her in the house or in barren fields. The only ones I remember were when she went to the mall and that was odd enough. Seeing her going to theme parks and doing tourist stuff doesn't compute because Raven never does anything, she's too lazy for it.
No. 584278
File: 1538575080366.jpg (163.87 KB, 1123x566, 4684653135.JPG)

>>584270>>584273Damn I had forgot about that neanderthal, and he is like always, all over her social media.
It's more than likely that he's sending her money.
And more than likely that she's sending him nudes and whatnot for it.I just wonder if couchie knows? If he's okay with an ex-husband bankrolling their entire lives basically. I know most men wouldn't think that was okay.
There is just NO fucking way, she's making that much money at her job, I don't know what they pay you to be a clerk janitor in a scratchers hut, but it can't be more than minimum wage. Does anyone actually know what people with similar or the same jobs make?
No. 584285
>>584278Also that expression can be called:
"smug because I have successfully conned you out of all of your money"
or "I have a couch now, ha!"
or "My dead mom fund got me this shirt!"
No. 584291
File: 1538575570240.jpg (229.61 KB, 600x399, DSC5154.jpg)

>>584265Really surprised these two didn't stop for photos at South of the Border considering it's right up Gravey's alley in the way of tacky spots.
No. 584292
>>584288kek, that could actually be true. Like one of those weird small-town, redneck sort of deals, like "well you can get your paycheck, or your paycheck's worth in tattoos."
Can't wait to get a closer look at these shitty scratches, she said she would be doing a tattoo tour of all her new ones.
That'll be fun.
No. 584297
>>584295Mom’s life insurance sounds extremely plausible
If she won money off a scratcher, there’s no way she wouldn’t have bragged about it.
No. 584307
>>584295>>584297Yeah she for sure couldn't resist bragging about winning money.
No, something's off about this whole thing, she would have bragged about an inheritance too, she can't help herself. If she had inherited even a small amount such as $3000 she would have bragged to everyone and anyone willing to listen about how shes rich now.
Do they give out life insurance to someone who is old and decrepit, has had several strokes, and who needs to be in assisted living though? Because they don't in my country.
Don't forget that she was living in one of those homes where people take care of her, (which Raven mentioned a lot in both previous videos and the one where she announced her mothers death which has that recording, in it she speaks to a nurse first)
Her mom didn't have a house anymore, and hadn't had it for years apparently. And most of her belongings (furniture, clothing etc) were also not in the picture, most likely sold or her siblings kept them. (She also talked about this, in the same video where she had that recording of speaking to her mom.)
Sorry anons I just don't buy it, I find it hard to believe they gave an OLD woman living in assisted care, who had had multiple strokes, life insurance.
Also Raven spoke about how she only had a few of her belongings with her at this home, and how they were poor when she was growing up, and that her mother had a hard time financially when arriving in the US and the years leading up to and after having children. So I doubt there were any expensive jewelry or that sort of thing that could be sold off for over $1600. (Which is the confirmed amount of money she has wasted/splurged with, imagine what we dont know about.)
Feel free to prove me wrong about any of this, I don't know a lot about american insurance companies. It just to me coming from a different country sounds extremely weird. (inb4 you're from a poor country, am not.) Where I know for sure this country and surrounding ones would not give out insurance to someone like that.
No. 584309
>>584151I'd say you're underthinking it. That was Josh when fatso was still in NZ and for a few weeks when she arrived. Have you seen him after that? He hates her. He really loathes her.
>>584288but does he have her name on him yet … ? You know, because he loves her so much and all.
>>584307It's Ryan. It's always Ryan. Raven is mopping floors and Josh is kicking shit, but most of it is Ryan.
No. 584312
>>584309>but does he have her name on him yet … ?Oh, you mean that tattoo he was supposed to have had a year ago? mmMmmM don't think so. We would have known, the world would have known.
Did he cover his ex-wife tattoo though? That would be top priority for Graven.
No. 584317
>>584313> because of the like 5 other goths in Christchurch. who hated her guts. she does not belong in communities because of her 'me me me me me' attitude.
she uses everyone that comes near her, she is unable of having friends.
Just take a 'look' at all of her friends, even her SON, who ended up here (lastly Ash an Julianne).
No. 584389
>>584307Yeah anyone can get life insurance here, just the more problems you have the more you pay out the ass though.
In reality she's probably just cheating/whoring her self out to Ryan for money.
No. 584408
>>584311The inheritance thing doesn't make sense to me. She would have been bottom of the barrel in the will, especially since her so evil / abusive mother hated her so much (until she suddenly didn't)
>>584312Why yes, that tattoo he was supposed to get as a sign of his commitment to her in The Love That Was Blah Blah, is the one I am thinking of. I mean, she got hers basically instantly, and this is her One True Love, so I can't imagine what the hold up would be …
No. 584447
>>584264I was referring to her post specifically about the couch. The pic on the right has been posted twice already. More of it can be seen in these pics:
>>573750>>573751>>573752>>584265Did you read the transcript?
>We are, however, interested in going to the Winter Fest and the New Year's one, especially the New Year's one because if the rides are open it won't be as damn hot as it was when we went.
>It would be a much better experience going there when it's colder so we are looking forward to finding out if the rides are open for the Winter Fest or slash New Year's, and if they are, we'll definitely be going back for that.
>But Christmas! The lights that I saw online and the videos, they look amazing. We definitely want to check out the winter stuff, but only if the rides are open because otherwise that would be a lot of money just to look at lights.>>584270
>spending almost $600 for two cats and another $500 for pet crapWhere did she say this?
>>584273He posted one comment on Youtube
>>584288I'm still betting on a lot of the bad work being done by an apprentice. In a tightknit shop ellow artists and employees offer their skin for practice. This has been my experience when I worked in bodyart studios.
If they weren't done by an apprentice and by a pro, the pro sucks.
No. 584464
>>584447Yeah and as I said like twice I wasn't able to find that post again. I added the photos bc they are in relation to her having one, and not everyone is extremely detail-oriented and may not have noticed it.
Also it wasn't one of those "
ooo look at me haydurs I'm winning at life"-posts, it was more of a "just informing someone who asked"-post.
>spending almost $600 for two cats and another $500 for pet crap>Where did she say this?>>584263Right there, but she does say dogs, not cats.
No. 584467
File: 1538604615507.jpg (264 KB, 1600x894, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

>We are, however, interested in going to the Winter Fest and the New Year's oneRaven, since we know you lurk here, you're not getting anyone to believe you live in Florida if you're dropping $500+ and driving 8 hours to go to Carowinds for Christmas when you've got this in your backyard for a fraction of the price with those sweet Florida resident discounts.
No. 584470
>>584462I am well aware that she does. But if she kept the one from him, is she likely to have deleted the others? Anons need to cap them when they see them.
>>584464Thanks. I somehow scrolled past it. Notice she didn't mention vet checks, vaccines, and neutering for the three cats. But she did get them at 12 weeks old.
>>584467Right! And even during the regular season Disney has so many attractions and souveneirs that would appeal to her.
No. 584478
File: 1538606453603.jpeg (372.87 KB, 1242x1665, 8324A826-193D-4B43-8778-3F7D31…)

Insta post of her being “skinny” at 16
No. 584482
File: 1538606650024.png (778.12 KB, 1080x596, 1515119581359-1-1.png)

>>584312Josh's tattoo of his ex wife's name on his outer right wrist…
No. 584483
File: 1538606681840.png (285.02 KB, 934x505, Screenshot_2018-10-03-15-25-52…)

>>584482…has been covered with a top hat and sunglasses?
It's visible in one of their wedding pics, too
No. 584547
>>584483>has been coveredTold ya she would rush him to cover that over getting her name on him.
Meanwhile, I'm sure she still have all those Logans related tattoos.
No. 584581
File: 1538618470722.jpg (21.1 KB, 483x280, 1487583115195.jpg)

>>584547She said that she would be getting the portrait of Logan and the wedding heart tattoo covered but would be keeping the matching tattoos.
The heart tattoo is on the inside of her left upper arm below the unicorn and is visible in
>>573618 and
Logan's portrait is on the inside of her lower left leg. It looks like she has gotten it covered in
No. 584598
>>584470Being the goff granny she is if she lived in Florida she'd be going to the Halloween party every damn night just for the picspam and cred for pic ops with the villains.
Raven missing out on both Universal's Halloween scare zones and Disney's spooky decorations is the best proof anyone could have that she's not in Florida or anywhere close.
No. 584603
>>584581Why doesn't she just get some wrinkles drawn on the Logan tatt? They can turn it into Josh kek.
Both have/had long hair, both mentally slow.
No. 584607
>>584478Those dresses make it hard to tell, but from what I can see, she looked like a normal girl, not skinny or fat. Being part asian, you would think it would be difficult to put weight on. Maybe having a kid so young and eating bad stuff all the time wouldnt have helped.
Inb4 there are fat asians!
I know. I'm talking generally.
No. 584830
>>584478>I'd give almost anything to look like that again. Well Raven, you can't, but you certainly live vicariously through your child brides.
>>584484I'd kinda give anything for her to look like that again just so we wouldn't have to see this face when posting updates. Gross.
No. 584844
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>>584832When your head most likely looks like a rabid squirrels fur, that thing is the better option.
Trust me she scorched her head bad with bleach if she's resorting to constantly wearing a wig that bad.
No. 584847
>>584804Maybe it was an agreement? You know how spergy Raven is about tattoos and marriage ect, maybe she pestered him about getting her name and he was like nah, but she screeched 'but you got HER name' so he was like cool, I'll cover it then, so they met in the middle.
Butttt the other part of me knows that's probably not true and Josh the pushover is saving to get a huge portrait of Raven on his back Steveo style.
No. 584848
>>584847KEKEven the thought of this is amazing!
O sweet lord, make it come true..
No. 585030
I bet he got her signature on his left chest.
To correct my previous posts:
>>577810He already had the tattoos on the inside of his arm
>>584253They got the mattress set at the end of January
No. 585075
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>>585051I’m not entirely sure but I think he got her signature smack dab on his neck
No. 585090
>>584241It’s all cheap crap? I mean even the furniture is cheap crap, but bought second hand you’re talking $20.
Free tattoos, that’s why she “works” at the shop.
Her sad little engagement ring probably didn’t even cost $500 (which even if it did that’s super cheap by US standards for a e-ring) but we know it’s actually worth about $10.
The fact she did videos on the ring and Carol Winds makes me think she got some discount or comp to promote it on social media. Odd the few videos she made since her “return” center around things that cost money - ring, amusement park.
Stuff from Hot Topic is cheap as chips anyway but it’s amazing how much crap from there turns up at Goodwill. (Little industry secret, many stores unload unsold merchandise after its been on shelves xx months at Goodwill. Sometimes they go to TJ Max then Goodwill.
I suppose if she was in NZ that list might actually represent some real money, but what I’m seeing in videos could all be easily accumulated for well under $300 and she’s had seven months to accumulate this shit. The southern US is drowning in cheap crap. Raven is in heaven because, unlike in NZ, she can hoard shit to her hearts content for very little money.
I’ll never believe she pays money for pets either. She just lies, or were told “original owner paid XXX for kitty” Free cat toys and equipment is easy to get on CL and curbside on garbage day. (But most cat owners know not to bring in stuff that smells of other cats but Raven wouldn’t give a shit)
No. 585111
>>585107Lol. His mom’s name on his neck must chap Ravens ass something awful. Mom hates Raven. Josh won’t get her name tattooed on him, though I’m sure he might cave to pressure and get something tattooed to stop the incessant whining eventually.
I’m sure the tat shop he haunts has been waiting for him to come in for the “free” tattoo Raven has arranged for quite awhile
No. 585113
>>585090>>585109The FTC requires disclosure of endorsements. you really think a park as popular as Carowinds needs promotional reviews from Youtubers, let alone from a Youtuber with so few subscribers?
The same goes for Sapphire Studios. Furthermore, she wasn't active when she got the rings. Why would a company enter a promotional agreement with an inactive Youtuber? Also, she omitted important information about the rings such as the metals and about the company such as its website.
No. 585121
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>>585090>>585109She got the rings from that website, where they cost a fuckload of ill-spent money.
>>585090 Stop just assuming shit.
Pic attached, where she is holding the box from their shop, proves she did in fact get them there.
loves to shop at walmart and HotTopic, she even mentions this in multiple videos.
At least about walmart. She had no problem at all mentioning when she went to that warehouse outlet in NZ, so if she went to goodwill I think she would just say so.
I dont think she gets her stuff at goodwill, she wants stuff that's new, or "limited". New bed new sofa etc. She usually gets it off amazon which is not super cheap at all.
And she DOES pay money for pets as long as they LOOK, the right way, the right breed, color, etc, she will pay for aesthetically pleasing pets.
This has also been mentioned many times in the past.
She even mentions in a FB comment how one of her shirts were "custom made" by some random, who also just happens to have gone out of business so you can't get them anymore. This points to again, that she gladly will pay more just to be able to brag about stuff like that because it makes her feel important and better than other people, and like she has "special" items that noone else has.
>>585113She posted about the rings while being inactive because she just simply couldn't resist bragging about these "exclusive" rings she got. Indeed not because she was sponsored. She has had no problems at all in the past just telling everyone she was sponsored or got items for free, why would she bother lying about these rings if she could on top of bragging about these "awesome expensive rings", brag about getting them FOR FREE. That would just be a double win for her.
No. 585122
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>>585121>>585090SS of this:
>She even mentions in a FB comment how one of her shirts were "custom made" by some random, who also just happens to have gone out of business so you can't get them anymore. No. 585126
>>585122inb4 "u forgot the name in her comment haha"
Yeah, I did, this is your cue to laugh.
This is from her public page and can easily be found if you really wanted to know who the commenter is anyway.
No. 585135
>>585113Clarification to my comment. In a comment
>>577728 she says white gold, but she did not specify the karat of her ring, and Josh's ring is not available in gold.
And in her review she states that she and Josh bought them.
>These are, these were pretty expensive. Not bank breaking, but they were not cheap.
>And um, if we were gonna actually put substantial money into a ring this time, we wanted it to be, you know, different and able to be set apart from those cheaper rings, so that's what we did.And as
>>585121 said, she has always disclosed her sponsorships. They are a point of pride for her because they validate her popularity.
No. 585386
>inb4 "u forgot the name in her comment haha"
>forgets to crop out own icon.Gravy's custom, Ltd edt, superspesh, ultra rare, outrageously expensive basic black t shirt can be replicated for small change, you just go to a print shop and say "hey, I'd like the word "horror" printed on this in red drip font".
s'easy n cheap. Just like gravy herself really.
No. 585418
>>585414To throw off the h8rz, so we don't know where she is.
Also florida is like winning at life for trailer trash, and she is the epitome of trailer trash.
No. 585513
>>585351As if those stores don't exist elsewhere?
>>585414Look at the maps:
>>577543>>577547>>577549 No. 585533
>>585526Hostage Logan 2.0 now feat. impaired american redneck Joshua
She has such low standards.
No. 585563
So it is now August of 2018 and we have been together over a year. We've been married a few months now and I wanted to do a, kind of a one-year on. I'm about two months… less than two months away from my one year of being here with him, so this is a kind of good midway video to a year being with him in person, over a year being with him in a relationship, and um, a couple months being married, and uh, I'm going to talk about how things are a year onwards. I was going to make it with Josh but we're both going to record our part separately and then I'm going to put them together into one video.
So when I was in New Zealand, you know, I didn't have a lot of faith in relationships because of the way of my own has gone in the past, and I wasn't looking for a relationship, and then, you know, as you guys know me and Josh met and I took this humongous leap and gave up everything.
Had it out with Logan… not really had it out with him, but just, instead of us continuing to flow along in this life that we thought we were happy with, and we were lying to ourselves, lying to each other. I instigated it. We sat down, we had a conversation about how, how unhappy we really were and how things needed to change, and we let each other go, and that was hard, because it's hard to step out of your comfort zone into something new and different, and I was just at that point in my life where I felt like things had to change. Both of us did. We were stagnated. You could just tell things weren't going great, and when I met Josh, everything changed, and it was like, wow, things feel different. He… this is what I'm missing in my life, this is what I want in my life, and I was scared because I've met a lot of people online of course, and they start off one way, they pretend to be one way, and they end up screwing you over, lying, not being the person they say they are, and to move back home across the world, halfway across the world, somewhere I've never been, where I don't have a support system or anything like that. That was terrifying for me.
I want to do a comparison because what I did was such a major thing, and things are going so great, I, I do just want to share it with you. Um, you know, we were just talking about it in the car on the way home. We had gone out to do some stuff and I was like, man, you know, we've been together for over a year and I still look at you like the first day I saw you at the airport. He's like, "I do the same," and you know, I still, we still touch each other. We're very, very affectionate, we're very clingy and close and lovey, and we still treat each other each day as if it's the first day we, we got together and it is amazing.
This is what it's like being with a man instead of a boy, and there is no comparison being with someone who was actually an adult and who's been married before, and who who knows how to take care of a woman, basically. Um, he opens doors for me, he holds doors open for other people, he is a true gentleman. I get dressed up and I come out and he's just like, "Wow, you're beautiful, you look beautiful," and he tells me I'm beautiful like every single day. He looks at me with love in his eyes.
He does everything for me. He does… he, he complains a little bit on certain things, like if I'm like, my food is made wrong, can you go complain? Sometimes that gets old, but it does, because you got to go up there and then you risk them throwing attitude and all that, but he does it he can. Does it every time, every single time. And you know, I can just go up to him and hug him and hold him, and he always, he always touches me and holds me and, you know, he thinks about me during the day. He texts me all the time and he calls me and is just, he just, he always has a ready complement and he always has a ready hug.
He is so respectful and kind and it's just, to me, he is the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen in person or online, you know, he is like, I look at him and I'm just, wow, about every time he has his hair down and he's just, he is just such a handsome man. He really is, he is just breathtaking. He literally takes my breath away, you know, I see him walking around the room and, you know, it's just, his, his brow and his face and his eyes and his hair and his body, he's just, he is just so well put together, he's just gorgeous. He really is. I can't believe that, you know, I landed such a catch. He is just amazing, and I'm so proud to be with him and be seen with him and I just, I never knew love could be like this, this healthy and giving, and I'm exactly where I want to be in my life.
I never thought that I'd be this content or this happy or this in love, and I am, and I wouldn't change it for anything in the entire world. There is nobody in this entire world that I care about aside from him, you know, he is a, that's it, like, that's it. I mean, I care about my friends and stuff, that's on a different level, but he is just everything to me, like I don't even know what I would do without him. He is just, he has opened up my whole world and he's made it such a better place to be, you know.
Um, I never have to feel like I'm not good enough or I'm not pretty enough or whatever with him. I always feel like I'm some supermodel goddess around him. He just he accepts me for exactly who, who I am, what I am. My hair is sooo fucked up. Um, so he accepts me, flaws and all, and he doesn't see any of my flaws, and on that note, also, like, I am a really critical person. I was talking about this with him today as well. I'm a really critical person and I've always been, you know, like, there are certain things that I don't like about people that I'm with. Not that I would judge them for it, but I would notice and not like it, you know what I mean?
Like, it's hard to explain without sounding too bitchy, but everybody that knows me knows that I, like, I've said this before, I hate hate hate body hair, and on him I honestly don't mind. I don't make him shave it, I don't ask him to shave it, I run my fingers through his chest and, and I've got absolutely no issue with it. Like, I love him for who he is, even when he gets scruffy. The only time I ask him to shave it is if it pokes me, it hurts. Not because it doesn't look good, because I think he looks beautiful no matter what, and the petty dumb little things that I will pick on with other people, like, I don't like this, I don't like that, I'm not even fazed. Like, I love him just how he is.
I see, I see nothing wrong with him, and married life, like, this married life is, this is like, the best marriage I've ever had. I hate that I have to say that because I've been married before, but this is really it for me, and this is everything I have ever wanted, and my life with him is so good, we've gone through so much together. We're doing so good now, and we have each other, which is the most important, and life couldn't actually be better, and um, I, I wouldn't take back that decision or anything, like, I, it was the best thing I ever did, to decide to come here, and I will never forget that moment getting off the plane and walking over and seeing him there playing his game, and he just looked up at me and his eyes shone and he was just so beautiful, and he just held on to me. And I was like, I can't believe this is him, he looks like this, like, he was just so much hotter in person than I could have ever imagined, and, and ended up being such a sweetheart.
You know, things, we've gotten so comfortable with each other, that's really the only thing that's changed in a year, is uh, we've got more comfortable with each other, and even closer than we were before, if that's possible, but we have, and by all means, this, I've told him this before, this should not have worked, you know, two strangers meeting on Facebook. We met and he asked me to be his girlfriend, and 24 hours later, he proposed to me, and like a couple weeks later I moved out, and then three or four months later I made it here, and then exactly a year later we got married, and it shouldn't have gone like that, you know. Usually if you meet someone online, like I said, they, they lie, or they mislead you, they know who they say they're gonna be, or you find out you're not compatible. That's a big one, you know, you might find out you're not compatible at all. You're two totally different people, you don't want the same thing or whatever, especially since we didn't get to know each other before we made this, these decisions and moved.
Um, we were literally two strangers and we came here and we still had to find out about each other and everything, and, and somehow, it's just worked and worked and worked and worked, and this relationship is showing no signs of stopping. He is so loving and so respectful to me. I, I don't lack for anything, nothing at all. And um, it's just, it's, I'm having the best time I've ever had in my entire life at the moment. My life has never gone so good and I've never been happier. I can say in my entire 41 years, I have never felt like this, and you can believe what you want but this is the, the complete, honest truth, like, 'happy' doesn't even begin to cover how I feel and how content I am and how great things are.
He is better than I could have ever imagined. He was, he is more beautiful, he is more giving, he is more caring, he is more everything than I could have ever dreamed of, hoped for, or asked for, and I'm just happy that he's mine.
[ JOSH ]
Hey everybody, this is Josh and I wanted to give a video update, one year progression of um, mine and Raven's relationship, to let everyone know how well it's going, what we expected, how it turned out, what's going on, and um, first off I want to say that we do love each other very much. I grew, I grow more in love with her every day. We laugh, we make each other laugh all the time. I know she love my hair down so I figured I'd surprise her.
Um, I still remember the day that I saw her at the airport. I was so happy. That happy, that happiness has not died down at all. We're still in love, we still have a great time. We both now have a job, we both work really hard and we do enjoy it. We are, we are truly in love. We, it's great.
I still remember the, uh, I still remember the day that uh, I saw her at the airport for the first time. I was blown away. She said she was ugly and sweaty and tired, but she wasn't sweaty… or ugly. I know she was tired. I was tired too. Um, I had to go to work the next morning, I was at the airport, but I didn't mind, because I was picking her up.
She's been here for a few months now and it's been great. Been married for about three months. I'm glad I decided to take the next step with her. Best choice I ever made. She knows it, she knows how much I love her, I know how much she loves me, so there's that.
We have a lot in common. We have more in common than I thought we would. She's a great cook, she is a great wife, she's a great cook, she cleans, she's always worried about me, I'm always worried about her, but uh, she's always worried about me, no matter what it is. If I don't get enough sleep, sometimes I have to drive almost an hour for work. She's always checking up on me and I love that she does that.
We've moved a couple times since she's been here. It's just, we've had no control over some of 'em. We're here to stay, here. We're actually buying this place. We bought our Explorer, so we're starting our life together, and we couldn't be happier.
I love our marriage. I love our life together. I love how well we get along. It's one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life, my entire life. Each day that goes by, I'm more in love with her than the day before, always, and it's good to be in a relationship like that. It's great to be in a relationship like that. I love her company, she loves mine.
Our wedding picture, one of our wedding pictures hanging up in the living room. Christmas is coming up. Our first Christmas was great, but this one's gonna be much better. More gifts, more time together. I should get a day off, she should too. We finally got to spend each other's birthday in person here recently and it was great. She did a video showing the gifts I got her. She gave me some great gifts too. We couldn't be happier.
I'm glad that we decided to start our life with each other. Start a new life with each other. We get along great. We really do. It's the best relationship I've ever been in. Best one ever.
There's Pebbles. You so sweet. Hey, you're adorable, look look look. Alright. Yeah, Pebbles is a handful. I call her Pooples sometimes 'cause she use the bathroom a lot. We've got her um, trained not to want to go on the floor. We have pads for her, and she'll actually want to go outside now with Loki, which is great. She almost house-trained herself, she's really smart. Loki's really smart too, so are the cats. But Pebbles is really smart.
But yeah, I just wanted to uh, get on and give everybody an update. Raven had did hers a little while ago. I, I want to keep her happy. I think I'm doing a pretty good job in it. She's a great wife. I try to be a great husband. I go to work, I get up and go to work every day, 'cause I know bills have to be paid. So does she. I really didn't see me here a year ago, so happy with a woman that I love so much. I really didn't. I love her with all my heart. I really do. Always will. I feel like I always have.
And um, we're doing really, really good for ourselves. We really are. We always tell each other how much we love each other. I say 'I love you' every day, she says it every day too. I always tell her how beautiful she is. She knows she is. She thinks she's not, but I know she is. Things are great. We have a lot in common. We have a lot of music in common, a lot of food tastes, I guess you'd say, in common.
Yeah, that's one of the happiest days of my life right there. Wedding. It was fun. It was hot though. I was sweaty, I had my hair down, which was a mistake. I wanted to do it for her, and for the pictures. Most of our pictures, I have my hair down.
Yeah, that's about it. I just wanted to let everybody know how much I do love her, how happy we are, what's going on, and that's what's going on. Um, uh, we'll probably do another video maybe six months to a year from now like this, with an update or progression or whatever you want to call it. Um, Raven, when you see this, I want you to know that I love you very much. Love you with all my heart. I always will. I know you will too. Bye.
No. 585604
>>585601Three fucking trolleys? Who does that. It must have cost (Ryan or Logan) a BOMB in excess fees. Excess baggage can be pre-booked and prepaid too, but no that's too good for our Raven.
It's almost as if Raven sees having a lot of crap as somehow adding to her importance in the world.
No. 585605
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>>5855261 year + relationship thoughts from Josh and myself
Published on Oct 6, 2018
❤Moving here has changed my life forever. Here is a video I had made a few months ago, with some words from Josh in his own video snippet. I had to cut it a bit because he's never made a video by himself and didn't quite know what to say…But I think he did an awesome job❤
[the intro is of the word "LOVE" in rose petals which blow away to reveal pic related]
So, it is now August of 2018, and we have been together over a year. We've been married a few months now. And I wanted to do a kind of a "one year on". Um, I'm about two months, less than two months away from my one year of being here with him, so this is a kind of good midway video to a year being with him in person, over a year being with him in a relationship, and a couple months being married, and I'm going to talk about how things are a year onwards. I was going to make it with Josh, but we're both going to record our parts separately, and then I'm going to put them together into one video.
So when I was in New Zealand, you know, I didn't have a lot of faith in relationships because of the way of my own has gone in the past, and I wasn't looking for a relationship. And then, you know, as you guys know, me and Josh met, and I took this humongous leap and gave up everything, had it out with Logan…um, not really had it out with him, but just instead of us continuing to flow along in this life that we thought we were happy with, and we were lying to ourselves, lying to each other. I instigated it. We sat down, we had a conversation about how not…how unhappy we really were and how things needed to change, and we let each other go. And that was hard because it's hard to step out of your comfort zone into something new and different. And I was just at that point in my life where I felt like things had to change. Both of us did. We were stagnated. You could just tell things weren't going great.
And when I met Josh, everything changed, and it was like, wow things felt different, you know, this is what I'm missing in my life. This is what I want in my life. And I was scared because I've met a lot of people online, of course, and they start off one way, they pretend to be one way, and they end up screwing you over, lying, not being the person they say they are. And to move back home across the world, halfway across the world, somewhere I've never been where I don't have a support system or anything like that, that was terrifying for me. I want to do a comparison because what I did was such a major thing, and things are going so great. I, I do just want to share it with you.
You know, we were just talking about it in the car on the way home. We had gone out to do some stuff. And I was like, man, you know, we've been together for over a year, and I still look at you like the first day I saw you at the airport. And he's like, I do the same. And, you know, I still…we still touch each other. We're very, very affectionate. We're very clingy and close and lovey, and we still treat each other each day as if it's the first day we, we got together, and it is a amazing.
This is what it's like being with a man instead of a boy. There is no comparison being with someone who is actually an adult and who's been married before and who, who knows how to take care of a woman, basically. He opens doors for me. He holds doors open for other people. He is a true gentleman. I get dressed up and I come out and he's just like, wow, you are beautiful, you look beautiful. And he tells me I'm beautiful, like, every single day. He looks at me with love in his eyes. He does everything for me. He does…he, he complains a little bit on certain things, like if I'm like, my food's made wrong, can you go complain? Sometimes that gets old, but it does because you gotta go up there and then you risk them throwing attitude and all that, but he does it. He, he does it every time, every single time.
And, you know, I can just go up to him and hug him and hold him. And he always, he always touches me and holds me and, you know, he thinks about me during the day. He texts me all the time, and he calls me. And just, he just he always has a ready compliment, and he always has a ready hug. He is so respectful and kind.
And it's just to me he is the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen in person or online, you know. He is, like, phwoah! [she makes a hand motion] I look at him and I'm just, wow, every time he has his hair down. And he's just, he is just such a handsome man. He really is. He is just breathtaking. He literally takes my breath away. You know, I see him walking around the room and, you know, it's just his, his brow and his face and his eyes and his hair and his body. He's just, he is just so well put together. He is just gorgeous. He really is. I can't believe that, you know, I landed such a catch. He is just amazing. And I'm so proud to be with him and be seen with him.
And I just, I never knew love could be like this, this healthy and giving, and I'm exactly where I want to be in my life. I never thought that I'd be this content or this happy or this in love, and I am. And I wouldn't change it for anything in the entire world. There is nobody in this entire world that I care about aside from him, you know, he is a…that's it. Like, that's it. I mean, I care about my friends and stuff. That's on a different level. But he is just everything to me that I don't even know what I would do without him. He is just, he has opened up my whole world, and he's made it such a better place to be, you know. I never have to feel like I'm not good enough or I'm not pretty enough or whatever with him. I always feel like I'm some supermodel goddess around him. He just, he accepts me for exactly who, who I am, what I am…my hair is so fucked up…he accepts me flaws and all, and he doesn't see any of my flaws.
And on that note also, like, I am a really critical person. I was talking about this with him today as well. I'm a really critical person, and I've always been, you know, like, there are certain things that I don't like about people that I'm with. Not that I would judge them for it, but I would notice and not like it, you know what I mean? Like, it's hard to explain without sounding too bitchy, but everybody that knows me knows that I…and I've said this before…I hate hate hate body hair. And on him I honestly don't mind. I don't make him shave it. I don't ask him to shave it. I run my fingers through his chest, and, and I've got absolutely no issue with it. Like, I love him for who he is, even when he gets scruffy. [she strokes her chin] The only time I asked him to shave it is if it poke me and it hurts, not because it doesn't look good because I think he looks beautiful no matter what. And the petty dumb little things that I will pick on with other people, like, I don't like this, I don't like that. I'm not even fazed. Like, I love him just how he is. I see, I see nothing wrong with him.
And married life like this, married life is…this is, like, the best marriage I've ever had. I hate that I have to say that because I've been married before, but this is really it for me. And this is everything I have ever wanted. My life with him is so good. We've gone through so much together. We are doing so good now, and we have each other which is the most important, and life couldn't actually be better. And I wouldn't, I wouldn't take back that decision for anything. Like, I…it was the best thing I ever did, to decide to come here.
And I will never forget that moment getting off the plane and walking over and seeing him there playing his game, and he just looked up at me, and his eyes shone, and he was just so beautiful. And he just held on to me, and I was, I can't believe this is him and he looks like this. Like, he was just so much hotter in person than I could have ever imagined and, and ended up being such a sweetheart, you know.
Things…we've gotten so comfortable with each other. That's really the only thing that's changed in a year is we've gotten more comfortable with each other and even closer than we were before if that's possible, but we have. And by all means this…and I've told him this before…this should not have worked, you know, two strangers meeting on Facebook. We met, and he asked me to be his girlfriend, and 24 hours later he proposed to me, and, like, a couple weeks later I moved out, and then three or four months later I made it here, and then exactly a year later we got married, and it shouldn't have gone like that. You know, usually if you meet someone online, like I said they, they lie or they mislead you, they're not who they say they're gonna be or you find out you're not compatible. That's a big one, you know. You might find out you're not compatible at all, you're two totally different people, you don't want the same thing or whatever. Especially since we didn't get to know each other before we made this…these decisions and moved. We were literally two strangers and we came here, and we still had to find out about each other and everything, and, and somehow it's just worked and worked and worked and worked.
And this relationship is showing no signs of stopping. He is so loving and so respectful to me. I, I don't lack for anything, nothing at all. And um, it's just, it's…I'm having the best time I've ever had in my entire life at the moment. My life has never gone so good, and I've never been happier. I can say in my entire 41 years I have never felt like this. And you can believe what you want, but this is the, the complete honest truth. Like, happy doesn't even begin to cover how I feel and how content I am and how great things are. He is better than I could have ever imagined he was. He is more beautiful, he is more giving, he is more caring, he is more everything than I could have ever dreamed of, hoped for, or asked for, and I'm just happy that he is mine.
[cut to Josh sitting in his gaming chair]
Hey, everybody. This is Josh, and I wanted to give a video update of a one year progression of mine and Raven's relationship to let everyone know how well it's going, what we expected, how it turned out, what's going on. And uh, first off I want to say that we do love each other very much. I grow, I grow more in love with her every day. [cut] And we laugh, we make each other laugh all the time. [he takes out his ponytail and shakes his hair] …my hair down. I know she love my hair down so I figured I'd surprise her. Um, I still remember the day that I saw her at the airport. I was so happy. That happy, that happiness has not died down at all. We're still in love. We still have a great time. We both now have a job. We both work really hard, and we do enjoy it. [cut] We are, we are truly in love. We…it's great.
I remember the…I still remember the day that, uh, I saw her at the airport for the first time. I was blown away. She said she was ugly and sweaty and tired, but she wasn't sweaty or ugly. I know she was tired. I was tired, too. I had to go to work the next morning. I was at the airport, but I didn't mind because I was picking her up. We've been married for a few months now, and it's been great. [cut] …been made for about three months. I'm glad I decided to take the next step with her. Best choice I ever made. She knows it. She knows how much I love her. I know how much she loves me. So there's that.
We have a lot in common. We have more in common than I thought we would. She's a great cook. She is a great wife. She's a great cook. She cleans. She's always worried about me. I'm always worried about her. But she's always worried about me, no matter what it is. If I don't get enough sleep sometimes and I have to go to work, I have to drive almost an hour for work, she's always checking up on me, and I love that she does that.
We've moved a couple times since she's been here. It's just we've had no control over some of them. We're here to stay here. We're actually buying this place. We bought our Explorer. So we're starting our life together, and we couldn't be happier. [cut] I love our marriage. I love our life together. I love how well we get along. It's one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life, my entire life. Each day that goes by I'm more in love with her than the day before, always. And it's good to be in a relationship like that. It's great to be in a relationship like that. [cut, his hair is back in a ponytail] I love her company. She loves mine. [he pans the camera above his head] That's our wedding picture…one of our wedding pictures we hung up in our living room.
Christmas is coming up. Our first Christmas was great, but this one's gonna be much better. More gifts, more time together. I should get a day off. She should, too. We finally get to spend each other's birthday in person here recently, and it was great. She did a video showing the gifts I got her. She gave me some great gifts, too. We couldn't be happier. [unintelligible] I'm glad that we decided to start our life with each other, start a new life with each other. We get along great, we really do. It's the best relationship I've ever been in, the best one.
There's Pebbles. [he picks up Pebbles, she licks his face, he kisses her] Aw, you're so sweet. Adorable. Hey, look look look. [he kisses her and puts her down] Pebbles is a handful. I call her Pooples sometimes because she goes to the bathroom a lot. We've got her trained to not goin' on the floor. We have pads for her. And she actually wants to go outside now with Loki which is great. She almost house trained herself. She's really smart. Loki, he's really smart, too. So are the cats. Pebbles is really smart.
But yeah, I just wanted to get on and give everybody an update. Raven had did hers a little while ago. I want to keep her happy. I think I'm doing a pretty good job at that. She's a great wife. I try to be a great husband. I go to work, get up and go to work every day cuz I know bills have to be paid. So does she. I really didn't see me here a year ago so happy with a woman that I love so much, I really didn't. I love her with all my heart, I really do. I always will. I feel like I always have. And we're doing really, really good for ourselves. We really are. [he looks around the room] We always tell each other how much we love each other. I say I love you every day. She says if every day, too. I always tell her how beautiful she is. She knows she is even if she thinks she's not, but I know she is. Things are great. We have a lot in common. We have a lot of music in common, a lot of food tastes, I guess you'd say, in common. [he pans the camera up to their wedding photo again] Um, one of happiest days of my life right there. The wedding. It was fun. It was hot, though. I was sweaty. I had my hair down. That was a mistake. I wanted to do it for her and the pictures. Most of our pictures I have my hair down.
Yeah, that's about it. I just wanted to let everybody know how much I do love her, how happy we are, what's going on, and that's what's going on. We'll probably do another video maybe six months to a year from now like this with an update or progression or whatever you want to call it. Raven, when you see this I want you to know that I love you very much, love you with all my heart. I always will. And I know you will, too. [he waves] Bye!
No. 585607
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"And it's just to me he is the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen in person or online, you know. He is, like, phwoah!"
[she makes a hand motion]
No. 585608
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"That's our wedding picture…one of our wedding pictures we hung up in our living room."
No. 585611
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[he picks up Pebbles, she licks his face, he kisses her]
"Aw, you're so sweet. Adorable. Hey, look look look."
No. 585622
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>>585601A year ago today
Published on Oct 6, 2018
[she is wearing her favorite dress which was destroyed in their car accident]
Oh, god. It is, um, like, 3 in the morning…no, what time is it? I don't even know. It's 2:02am on the 6th, I think. Friday the 6th? Or the 5th. God, I suck at this. I don't even know. It's Friday the 6th… [cut]…2:00 in the morning. I am almost ready to fly out. It's surreal. Still it doesn't really feel real…
…it's happened so fast, my life has changed so fast. And now I'm gonna go, and this, this person that I've been with for, you know, months, I'm gonna physically be there with him. Like, I've gone through this before, but not like this. And it just doesn't feel real. It's gonna be so strange. I'm gonna be…I'm not nervous right now because I'm so tired, but I know that as I get off of the plane after my 16-hour flight and I get on the plane in Dallas headed to South Carolina I'm gonna be like, [gasps] oh my god oh my god oh my god. That's when it's gonna hit me cuz um…right now for him it's still, like, day after tomorrow before I get there, and for me it's today that I get there. Um, I leave and I arrive the day that I left even though it's a 30-something hour flight. It's um, 31 or 34 or something like that. Even though it's that long it's kind of still a day for me even though it's not a day. I don't know. It's, it's still confusing. Air travel is so confusing. But um, I just want to be on the 16-hour flight so I can just sleep. That's the big one. That's the scary one. The other ones are like three hours, three hours, and then a five hour wait time in between which I'm not looking forward to.
…I'm gonna be home. It's just, wow. I'm just, wow. I'm just, wow. I can't believe it. I still can't believe it. It feels like a dream. And I remember thinking last week, you know, it's gonna come so fast, and then I'm gonna wake up, and I'm gonna be getting on a plane, and I'm gonna be flying, and then I'm gonna be with him, and it's gonna come so fast. And each day it's just it's like I've skipped five days, skipped five days, skipped five days. It wasn't like one day, then one day, then one day, then one day. It's like, one day and then five days later the next day, you know what I mean? The days just went so fucking fast, and I can only hope this next leg goes fast, but I have a sneaky suspicion this next leg is gonna be very slow.
…probably leave in about thirty minutes or so, I would say. Go to the airport and try to get this next thing going. I'm not looking forward to the check-in, the wait. If I'm overweight, if my luggage is overweight I've got to rearrange shit, maybe even leave some more stuff out which I really don't want to do. I've left out, like, a whole suitcase worth already. I don't even know what's in there that's so fucking heavy, honestly, but there is obviously. I'm so not looking forward to that. Just sitting there waiting is much more preferable than the having to check-in deal with all the baggage and deal with money and then being on the plane flying, but it is what it is. And this starts the next leg of the next part of my life. It's just, it's just I wonder if this is ever gonna feel real. I wonder when it's gonna feel real. I know even sitting next to him it's still not gonna feel real. It's gonna be like, what? Josh? Is that you? I don't know. I'm stupid.
Um, but I'll, I'll video again at the airports. I might video on the way to the airport. I just kinda want to conserve my battery a bit, but I'll probably video a little bit on the way to the airport. I'll video goodbyes at the airport. And I'm not sure how much I'll video, like, on the plane and stuff because I don't like attention drawn to myself, believe it or not. So it's gonna be kind of scary, strange, embarrassing to be like, I'm on the plane, I'm about to start my flight, you know. I don't know, I don't feel comfortable doing that, but we'll see how it goes. And if I don't film lots, forgive me ahead of time. But I'm on no sleep, and I'm fucking scared. But I want to monitor all this because…or document it because this is, of course, the only time we're gonna get to do this, so I'll do my best. And I'll catch up with you guys in about an hour or so.
I am at the airport. [she pans over her luggage on trolleys] Trolley number one, trolley number two, trolley number three.
So we've made it through and checked my bags, and my extra baggage was $915 plus $45 to wrap three of them in plastic wrap so they don't pop open. My makeup is already coming off because I'm so fucking tired. Logan went to go get something to eat. And in about half an hour or so. I'm just going to kind of hang around. And then they're gonna give me a wheelchair because I can't make it to the airport by myself, and I've already fallen down inside the bathroom, stumbled, banged into the door. But I'm gonna say bye, and then I'm gonna be wheeled up, and then it's waiting to board the first plane. Fucking long day. Long day, long night. Can't wait till this is over.
[cut to Raven on the plane filming take off]
[cut to pics of Raven and Josh which have been posted previously]
No. 585623
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"Trolley number one…"
No. 585624
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"…trolley number two, trolley number three."
No. 585625
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No. 585653
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>>573620How did Raven know that Marmalade was pregnant?
Much like she knew that she herself was pregnant.
No. 585727
>>585720She doesn't need to use his account, she has him wrapped solidly around her finger.
Just read what he said/listen to it, and look at the other videos. Even when he doesnt appear to WANT to do something on his own he still does it.
No. 585730
>>585605I find it so weird how they make a huge point with this whole "we tell eachother EVERY DAY how much we love eachother!"
Why is this important? Why does this need to even be said? idgi.
No. 585836
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New fb post, a few images she posted are next
No. 585838
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>>585837The blanking out or lack of is her work not mine
No. 585891
“Too old for this” as she proceeds to get in a FB slap fight with ppl half her age over a Halloween costume.
The idea of Goth Grandma in her granny slippers cherishing the smell of her wal-mart wax warmer to ward off her old lady and trailer smell does crack me up. Sniffing soy pumpkin spice fumes, ahhhhhh, this is the life!
No. 586008
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>>585891Seeing the guy being picked on for his costume stirred up the traumatic memory of Halloween 2009 when she had only her library friends to defend her.
No. 586370
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>>586008I like how he picked the right flap, and not the left one. Gee, I wonder why…
Pic related, kek.
No. 586473
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>>586370Why does her flappers remind me of King Goobots eyeballs from Jimmy Neutron? Always sideways and droopy.
No. 586507
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Her hoard from NZ is about to arrive. How is that mountain of plushies and makeup gonna fit inside their current love shack?
No. 586538
>>586507By my estimate, that's around 70 to 80 sizeable boxes. Did she pack them herself while she was at Ryan's ostensibly saving money but buying even more stuff and soliciting presents from him and Logan the entire time?
Maybe they have two bedrooms, but the living room is pretty crowded already.
I have wonder if the NZ hoard includes the boxed hoard that was in storage she made several videos about a few years ago? It was comprised mostly of endless paperback books.
I hope she really does put up her collection of 5 cheap colored tinsel Christmas trees in celebration of reaching peak consumerist self indulgence.
>I can't wait for my stuff to come from New Zealand so he can see everything … and we're gonna go through everything, and he can see my collections of everything and all my junk.Yet it will never be enough!
No. 586625
>>586507For someone who moves around so much, she definitely got fucked over with those hoarder tendencies. I mean anyone with a mental disorder is at a disadvantage but it's funny to me that Raven is stuck with some that work against each other and will always lead to her to a live of poverty and debt.
Think of all the savings from that truck? If those things were money put away imagine the nice house, with a pretty kitchen (since Raven is an amazing cook according to Josh). She'd be shipping bedroom furniture, kitchen appliances, paintings, a few antiques, office furniture. Instead it's a hoard of funko pop figurines, plushes and diseased make up. I guess it's Raven delusion, but she's sure these things make people jealous. Like most of us don't think that's just yard sale garbage or good will donations. I do think she believes the things she has are enviable. Most adults here would like a beautiful house, with functional things and a few beautiful pieces of furniture and art. I love that she's so retarded and with some dumb hick that she'll never be enviable to any sound mind farmer and that we can always laugh at what a horrible person she is and the filth she has around her.
No. 586643
>>586507Lol what a moron. All those small boxes filled with old clothes, cheap Halloween crap and toys. The stuff wasn’t even worth a quarter of what it cost to ship and will arrive to make her gross trailer unlivable and impossible to clean. I can only imagine all the filth coming along with those items she has drug from dirty house to dirty house.
It’s a good thing Josh looks to have no standards when it comes to living conditions. They will barely have room to put all the boxes in their trailer, unpacking them will unleash the hoard and there is no putting that genie back in the bottle.
No. 586650
>>586507In an alternate reality not too distant from this one, Raven is the mother Luna Slater deserves.
I really hope that somehow, in some probably impossible way, Raven and / or Josh paid for this themselves. Imagine pissing away that kind of money on boxes full of literal junk.
I feel like this is going to be a bit milky re Josh. This feels like another situation where he won't be fully able to comprehend the awfulness until it happens. And having to sit there and listen to her drone on about 18 boxes worth of utter shite … I almost feel bad for the guy.
No. 586726
File: 1539120967369.jpg (Spoiler Image,164.94 KB, 774x1032, 1516306976174.jpg)

>>586507Ooo I hope she does an unboxing-of-my-hoard vid with couchie there so we can see his reaction as she pulls out plushies, funko pops and christmas trees!
>>586538Also let's all hope she does not do a take 2 on this shot, (and last years "year in review") with all of her 6 trees or whatever in the background, covered in tinsel and perhaps wearing her one bra that's about 17 years old now or some shit.
No. 587456
Is Josh's Facebook page still plastered with her visage or some terrible terrible melding of their faces?
>>583016Is this a completely new account, or did she reactivate one of her old accounts and rename it (twice) since returning?
Are any of Raven's accounts marked as deactivated now active again? Have any been permanently deleted?
No. 587469
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>>587467Setting the record straight, haters.
Transcript incoming.
No. 587475
>>587467Does she even have any other shirts at this point?
This one is the only one she wears, sadly without a bra so we can see her fucking flapwarts.
Spoiler: they point straight down, and it's gross.
Just wear a bra, we know you have that red one Gravy.
No. 587479
>>587475Yuckkk sick of seeing her sandbags.
I actually don't mind the no bra look. On smaller breasts it doesn't look too bad, but it just doesn't make sense how she slutshames people but then goes around flapjacks out at a theme park and has them visibly sagging under her tshirt in videos.
Not bashing saggy boobs, it just doesn't make sense with her 'i hate sluts I'm so modest' attitude.
No. 587482
>>587479I don't mind the no bra look either, it can look very good on so many people.
But some people with certain breast shapes and whatnot should just avoid that, her being one of them.
Its not a good look when you can see through the shirt a U with a nipple ON THE BOTTOM of it. You're fucking 42, put a fucking bra on. Or at least some nipple covers so we dont have to look at those sad, deflated, pointy, wonky flapjacks.
No. 587489
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>>587467Some quick questions answered
Published on Oct 11, 2018
Hey, guys. I just wanted to make this really, really quick video to answer a couple of questions that I've gotten more than one off. Uh, I was gonna make this, like, when I first first posted my big update video, but it just I just haven't really had a lot of time.
And now I've reactivated my Facebook account because I figured, well, I'd made some YouTube videos and my Instagram was back, I might as well just come back on Facebook, too, because I was popping up in other places.
One question: can I come visit you at work? Where do you work? Ah, that's a biggie. No, I cannot have visitors at work. The people or the company or whatever that I work for, they know about the stalking and hate sites and things like that. On a personal level they don't give a shit. They think it's quite hilarious and funny that people have so little time on their hands or they're so miserable that all they do is sit around and gossip. But on a professional level they cannot open their business to potential harassment, stalking, threats, you know, that kind of petty bullshit, and I completely understand.
And I fully, honestly don't mind because I'm trying to keep my personal personal life offline and away. You know, I can update, oh we got married, oh we moved, but that's not anything deeply personal. I mean, getting married is, is really personal, but everybody knew it was gonna happen anyway. But as far as other things like that, I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to give away, you know, locations and jobs and blah blah blah, you know. I just, I don't want to be like my life from A to B to C anymore, you know, that I'm past that point in my life now. Um, so I do respect their wishes. And even if I were to quit working there, if they were to get calls and people dropping by to come spy on me or who knows what, that's not good for business. So I've agreed not to give out any details, and so I haven't.
Will I do meet up? Probably not, for all kind of the same reasons. I'm really, really busy nowadays. I just don't have any time. Social media itself is not important to me. My friends and followers and longtime fans are. But there's an element of danger there. And if I had to get up and go out of my way, put myself in the mindset to be in public meeting people I don't know. And it's…that's really intimidating and really scary for me. I don't really see that happening because I'm not in the mindset of social, social, social, social anymore as I was. So maybe later on it might happen, but as far as right now goes I don't see that happening.
Have I been online since my disappearance? I have checked emails here and there, I have monitored my YouTube here and there, and that's it. I have not been online. I do not have any active profiles except for right now I have Facebook, Instagram, and my Youtube, and of course my email.
I do have a separate email address that is my main email address that is not the one that is listed. That one used to be my main, but I switched it up and I changed it before I actually went offline. So I've had a different email address, and that is the one I usually check. This one is for, like, social shit, and that's where I get my YouTube messages and stuff or alerts from. So I will pop in every so often and check that. If I had a notification somewhere, I check that.
But as far as a profiles go, my profiles have all been offline. I have been offline. I have not wanted to nor had the time to sit online. So if you've seen any profiles pop up or anybody popping up saying that they are me or they were me, that is a lie. Because I know that that happens every time I'm offline. People say, well she's actually online and she's been… No. Maybe before, I've been online. This time I have not been online at all.
I mean, we moved. We packed up, we left everything behind, we moved, we bought a house, we've been fixing up the house. We have our pets, we have jobs, we have…shit, we have a lot of going on now that I didn't have before. My life was quite empty before, and even though I had Josh, in my day-to-day life I had nothing else to do so I was online all the time. But now I've got my hands full. There isn't enough time in the day anymore, and so sitting online wasting time, I haven't had the, I haven't had the time to do that. I haven't even played my game. I had another Facebook profile with a Facebook game that I've played since they started, so in over three, four years now I've spent so much money on that game. And I even abandoned that. I haven't even popped in to check on that game.
Uh, what else. [cut] My video cut out on me, and I don't know why. Sorry about that.
Another question I answered on my Facebook, but I'll go ahead and quickly touch base on it here. And this actually made me quite upset. It's the only thing that's really upset me in a, in a while. And it didn't upset me because I thought I was being attacked. It upset me because to me it's very clear, and I don't understand why this person couldn't see that. It was one person, you'll know who you are if you see this, left me a comment saying basically it was my fault that Stormy died because I didn't introduce him to Doja. Actually, it was two people that said that. The other person was a lot ruder about it, and I just blocked and ignored because I do not have time for negativity anymore.
I'm not gonna be talking about any more negativity. I've said this. Like, if I had a dollar for every time I've said that I'd…I would be rich. But I honestly sincerely want to try. I want to try to cut it out. I've been trying to cut it out, but now I actually have a life. I have stuff to do to, to be able to cut it out better. I have stuff to be proud of, so I think I'll succeed this time. Fingers crossed.
Um, anywho, we are not to blame for that for the simple reason of we have a kitten that can't even shit on its own. The kitten could not eat, could not barely see, could hardly walk, could not defecate or urinate on its own. Why the hell would we take this kitten and be like, doggy, here's the kitten? No. Our focus was taking care of that kitten, making sure he survived. If he was at least old enough to kind of explore, walk around, definitely we would have made introductions. But he was, like, on the verge of death, you know.
You know, little animals like that, young animals, they could turn really quickly. All it takes is they don't eat one day, they're dead, you know. You have to make sure to get food in them. You have to make sure to take care of them. Our focus was taking care of him, getting him healthy, and getting him to a place where he could survive without our help. I mean, we were gonna keep him, obviously, but we wanted to get him healthy enough to survive, not just take him to introduce into a dog. We hadn't even had Doja that long to know for a fact how he'd react to something so small. It was way too dangerous for us, in our opinion, to have taken this kitten that we didn't know and introduce him to a dog that we didn't know and expect it to go well. He could have just been like, oh you're giving me a treat, gulp! You know what I mean? So no, we were waiting until Stormy was old enough, and then we were gonna introduce him.
They weren't even in the same part of the house. Stormy was way over in our bedroom, and Doja was way over in the living room. He never even went to that area of the house. He was never supposed to, anyway, and he never usually did. So I think that is a very hurtful and ignorant statement to blame us and say that we should have introduced this tiny helpless creature to this dog instead of focusing on getting him well.
We didn't even have Stormy for a week before Doja went and killed him, so it's not like we'd had him for months or anything. We had actually had him only a few days, and then Doja went in there and got to him, so Stormy wasn't even out of the woods yet, you know. He was still so new. And I'm not saying it was actually anybody's fault. Doja was probably just acting like a dog.
But do not blame us for not taking this helpless creature and shoving him in front of this dog. There's no way to introduce a blind animal to another animal that he can't see without putting him close enough for him to smell. He's close enough for him to smell, he's close enough for him to snap at.
Stormy was scared enough. He didn't know where the hell he was at of what the hell was going on. He was crying, crying. He was so scared. I'm not gonna scare him more by putting him in front of this massive 80 pound animal. No, you know. And if you think that that's wrong, then you've got issues. But I'm not gonna apologize for putting Stormy above an introduction. No. We introduced these animals right, and they're fine. They…they're fucking together all the time. So that's all I have to say, and I'm sorry for the seriousness in there.
Thank you guys for watching this. Take care, everybody. Bye.
[cut to a video of Stormy right after the found him]
So we woke up this morning and Josh heard meowing. I thought he was just hearing stuff, but he wasn't. He heard meowing and crying and screaming. It's raining and really cold outside right now. And there was this itty bitty kitten on the edge of the skirting board of the trailer kind of lost and abandoned. And so I picked him up and brought him in and trying to keep him warm. Josh is gonna bring me a bottle and some kitten supplement so I can feed him and hope that he lives.
He's the most adorable little thing. He's so young. You can tell. Look at that little face. And he was so miserable outside in the cold. I heard other meowing, but I can't find the other kittens. This one was separated by himself and freezing cold and just miserable, so I'm really glad that we were able to grab him and bring him in. No sign of the mama cat. No idea if she's gonna come back or if she's gotten run over or what, but I'm gonna keep an ear out for the, for the other babies and see if they need help or not. But fingers crossed he or she lives.
[cut to
>>573737 Josh lying on his back holding Stormy in one hand]
Is he asleep?
[Josh looks at Stormy and nods his head] Yeah. [unintelligible]…taking video.
No. 587491
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"I have stuff to be proud of, so I think I'll succeed this time. Fingers crossed."
No. 587492
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"We introduced these animals right, and they're fine."
No. 587493
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No. 587494
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No. 587495
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"Look at that little face."
No. 587497
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Her new intro.
Ryan likes it.
No. 587498
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No. 587573
>>587467She's such a fucking idiot.
>they know about me being stalked and think it's hilarious>they don't want to open their business to harassment tho>Besides…I'm happier offline! >Posts several videos showing possible landmarks of where she lives near>explains she works at a tattoo parlour>divulges that she's the receptionistShe literally does everything she says she doesn't.
No. 587591
>>585891I fucking laughed at that too.
She could have stopped at slippers and a good book, but then felt the need to mention the soy candles (weird) and then realised she needed to show the world she's taken and not bitter and single so she says Josh.
Notice how she types all the material items before a person?
Freudian slip.
No. 587705
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>>587467Connie, the woman who adopted Doja, is the bully!
No. 587708
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>>587467She was so popular on Myspace.
No. 587869
>>587705This person is right, but at the same time, almost EVERY video of Raven's is still whiny.
Even the ones where she is 'happy' normally are filled with complaints. Like opening presents, or talking about pets…there's always something negative.
Why would you be a fan of someone if they aren't attractive, exciting and just spends their time complaining? This fan is correct, but I don't think Raven's personality is fun or arty or creative, even if she cut out all the whinging.
No. 587871
>>587708I doubt she worked at Walmart.
Usually after working at a place you kind of come to hate it.
She's obsessed with Walmart which makes me think she made it up.
I work in a similar retail store and I can tell you now i hate going in there on my days off.
Also does walmart allow lots of tatts? She must have worked there as a kid…there's no walmart in NZ
No. 587890
>>587889Around spartanburg there's like 14 shops in the area.
Out of those 14, there's 3 thats really close to the Red Lobster.
The most likely one is one called "unknown name tattoo shop and it's LITTERALLY a tiny shack with no sign or anything kekeke. I would post caps, but I'm unable to at the moment.
The other 2 close shops are these: and Shanghai Tattoo Co.
No. 587899
>>587890Lucky Dice looks a bit off her brand, and Shanghai is a Hells Angels place. Look for places with bad reviews, lol.
She also might work out of town nearer to whatever trailer they live in. For example there's a place called Voodoo Tattoo and it pings my interest, I also turned up a piercing place with apparently shocking hygiene. Depends which direction out of she lives in.
No. 587909
>>587467Meetups? Who seriously would want to go to a meetup with Raven? Like…not to laugh at her?
If I lived in the area or country and I had absolutely NOTHING to do, I'd go for laughs. I'd meet her like normal and before I left I'd ask her how her library mates are going kek
No. 587913
>>587467Even with/without an introduction to Doja, she's still fucking stupid and irresponsible.
Don't nap in the middle of the fucking day and actually dog proof the room if you plan to raise the kitten in there.
The fact that this bitch tries to avoid ANY responsibility pisses me off so fucking much! It's always the animals fault or an accidenttt.
I understand that accidents happen. Once my friend's litter of puppies got into a small gap in the pool fence and 2 of the puppies drowned. This was after they had dogproofed the gate with barriers. They had raised litters before and this had never happened.
That's an example of an accident.
Something bad happening once.
Raven however loses pets in the woods somehow, sells them and gets rid of them willy nilly, allows a kitten to be eaten, allows a cat to get run over because she left it with an ex.
To just call another death of a pet an accident is so irresponsible and avoiding the blame. If I had been in the Doja/kitten situation and the cat got eaten, I would have kept Doja and been quite upset at the circumstances, but would have taken it as a sign not to get anymore pets in the future.
Same as if they died or ran away.
I'd need time to move on and it would probably hinder me from getting pets for a while.
But not Raven! She'll just buy them and replace them and buy them and replace them.
She's such a cunt.
No. 588461
>>588447All of their Instagram accounts were public when they were being discussed in Alt Cows. I posted a few caps, but I wasn't that interested.
Apologies for pinning the failure on you. Interesting that the anons who were so heated to talk about them didn't archive the milk nor start the thread. They couldn't even be bothered to include the milky captions of the caps they did post.
No. 588473
>>588204I'm more curious about the locking than the actual thread lol. Kind of glad about it, though. Seeing Logan with that thousand yard stare and Dorian looking like he was trying not to cry while 'Isaac' stood in the middle grinning like an oblivious idiot made me so damn sad. Following one Raven is enough. Having two of them would've been too much.
Speaking of, fatso done anything else exceptional lately?
No. 588536
>>588384If you saw all this milky shit, why didn't -you cap it?
What should have been checked were the IPs, because I'm almost positive that was Gravy posting about it in order to trollshield. Dorian/mini Raven/Logan are still interesting to me and I'm sure the milk will come eventually.
No. 588722
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>>588468Insta is isaac_sparks_nz now, but it’s private. Logan looks wildly different as a chav
No. 588760
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Kek, Ig update a
No. 588763
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Doesn’t look like others update with her Ig posts either, I’ll post the other two although they’re just selfies
No. 588764
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No. 588874
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No. 589023
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>>588874>>588974Don't know who/where this cap came from suddenly, but the video in the background up top is from earlier this year. So this cap was taken around May 6th, 2018.
No. 590515
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Apparently it's been a year since she came back.
No. 590516
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>>590515Kek, he must have gotten an earful for forgetting such a memorable date, and more importantly for not posting so everyone can see that THIS one is THE one.
No. 590517
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No. 590518
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More scratches, She also posted a pic of some tattoo ink earlier.
She can't even draw, (not that I'm aware of) what are the chances they even let her tattoo?
No. 590519
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The humble complaint, a special talent.
No. 590521
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A somewhat closer look to her other toupee.
Also slightly seen in her "couchie drives unsafely with pets to pick me up at work" post.
No. 590523
>>590519Also whoever called the weight catching up to her in the US, confirmed to be correct.
>>590520And what's going on in the 2nd one to the left in the bottom right?
Looks both like she pulled the dress out to create some shape, AND shooped it.
No. 590948
>>590520Idk why I’m surprised Raven thinks she looks so svelte but she has posted the most godawful photos of her fat, saggy body over the years so the bar is very low. I think the one benefit of Raven being dirt poor is it has cut into her trash eating. Slim Jim and Taco Bell are luxuries for the Bradley’s.
It’s amazing how blind Raven is to the fact that no one wants to see her droopy, flabby grandma titties and gunt. Not now, not then. Goth granny needs to keep her clothes on and photos private.
No. 591562
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>>590948She spent the day uploading pictures of her droopy flabs.
And this time she did in fact spend a long time doing her makeup and arranging what looks to be a dead yeti on her head. -Yet she has no time at all to be spending online.
No. 591570
>>591567She is ~SO~ busy you guise.
With work and all and the animals and stuff oh and Josh too.
No amount of spiders is gonna hide that nefarious wig. Please deprive it of it's miserable exsistence immediately.
No. 591693
>>573616Would sage if I could but… I just saw a Nibbles video about her engagment and she talks about buying a Sappire Studios ring.
It came in the wrong size so she went to a local jeweller to have it resized.
She found out the stones are not what they advertise! She paid for a white sapphire and got an 'swarovski' crystal.
The jeweller told her bluntly she got ripped off and that is pretty much just a piece of glass.
Expensive and shitty ring with fake stones, perfect for Diana.
No. 591912
>>591567She always used to boast about her sfx gore makeup being great, but it's always the same shit.
Crusty fake blood caked everywhere
Shit contacts
Crusty wig
Blank stare
No. 592134
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No. 592183
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No. 592236
>>592183Gravy please. Everyone has seen
your gross ass nudes. How about you go to a porn site if you wanna show of so badly.
No. 592237
>>592183>she's older>has over 4k followers>i showed it to Josh and it's nasty!>I reported it!!!She is clearly still hateful and jealous of other women. In her waterpark vlog, she goes on about not caring about other women's bodies anymore, even if they are skinnier or have better bodies because she's 'at peace with herself' and apparently doesn't get jealous'
Lol Bullshit.
Same old bitchy hag. Also, the fact she reported the photos and made a whole status about it is lame and insecure.
Get a life Raven, it's not like you are perfect yourself. How many nudes are out there of herself, yet she autistically screeches about anyone who acts thotty online.
She's obviously jealous of this woman because of her following. Don't know who she's talking about but she's either jealous of her looks and social media.
Also she calls us ageist and bullies but what was the point in her mentioning that this woman is old? Isn't that what she complains that we call her?
I just don't know why you'd screech about this shit online and ADMIT to reporting someone because of their nudes, doesn't she even realise how obvious it looks that she's petty and jelly? And why be so preachy when the entire internet is only a google away from her own grinchy nudes.
What a hypocritical cunt.
No. 592245
>>592237She’s just mad because an older woman has a bangin body whereas gravies noodz look like a 70 year old fragle. The woman probably popped up on the Raven run, Josh account. She’s so insecure it’s weird. She’d probably pay for the only nudes on the web to be hers.
Raven, your personality sucks so bad it affects any looks you had left. Stop showing your flap bags to everybody on the net before you comment on somebody else’s.
No. 592443
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No. 592534
>The woman probably popped up on the Raven run, Josh account.I'll bet it is this. It's all happening again, Gran. Better lockdown your man there and make him do a confession video about looking at other women.
>an albino gorilla wearing a wig. fucking dead.
No. 592586
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No. 592609
>>592586Lol, they were so fucking thirsty for that prize money.
Let’s hope their Nov rent depended on it.
No. 592613
>I had no fun because my ex kept yelling insults at girls :(Sure Gravy. You just wish Logan hated everything with a vagina except for you.
>>592586As always, wherever Raven is people stop her to tell her how pretty she is and if they can get pictures with her. Raven you're so famous, you should take a couple dollars for pictures to get that extra slimjim money!
I'm also sure that it's always all about Raven. Who gives a shit about Josh? (Sure as hell not women, and if they do he yells at them that he hates white women!1) Raven's the real star!
Slow it down Diana. It's probably more of a "look at that fat, ugly grandma! What's going on with that wig, her outfit and her make-up… lets take a picture with her or else nobody believes us"
No. 592632
>>592613IIRC Logan and her went to some club for Halloween, she whinged about how crap it was and Logan just walked around pointing at women and remarking “slut!” at them.
I think one of the women took exception and flung a drink at him or something and Raven did the whole indignant everyone-in-NZ-hates-me-and-this-place-is-shit routine. It was in one of her videos from long ago and I am going off memory.
No. 592647
>>592443>>592586Oh god, she's back to her old shitty ways. Why the fuck would you post this? She's so entitled that she should have won. Also, if you are so happy with Josh, then why the need to compare him with your exes with everything? What happened to her saying she's not going to be negative anymore? Lasted all of no videos.
Also,her fucking gay mask costume whatever wasn't that amazing at all. This is reminiscent of when she bitched about not being picked in that online contest and her library friends defended her.
Instead of the library friends, it was Josh and apparently randoms that said they should win. I bet noone said that. Her horror sfx makeup skills are turd.
No. 592648
>>592443Omg guys, I'm worried my costume is too ~hArD coRe and GoReY~ wOahhhh
Watch out Raven's costume is too spokyyy
No. 592659
>>592586>damn that sucks you deserve to winUm okay Ryan… were you there? Did you see the other contestants?
Also she must have been a cunt to the staff, why would someone who announced a competition, not know where it is and what time? Sounds like people registered for it at the start of the night, Gravey rocked up late and demanded to be in the competition and went around trying to annoy staff asking to enter.
No. 592672
>>592659They're just lazy idiots. They didn't pay attention and blamed everyone else. It's not the fucking staff's fault for not knowing where a stupid contest is. Bar tenders are working on drinks and tips. DJ is focused on the music and his electronics, etc. Sometimes those contents are done by some sponsor and the bar lets them hold it in their venue. Either way, I wish they would have entered and lost because she would have then been bitching about the poor price winners with actual creativity and talent.
And kek that "everyone wanted to take pictures with us!" Grandma doesn't understand it's the time of social media. People just love taking a billion pictures at social events. They take pictures of the toilet.
No. 592674
>>592672She acts like people stop to take photos of her like she's the queen.
Yeah if she'd entered and lost she'd rant about the sluts who won for no good reason.
No. 592856
>>592183>I LOST MY ACCOUNT BECAUSE MY STOMACH WAS SHOWINGin fairness, that's a p. gross stomach. plus she probs lost her account for other reasons anyway. and it's not like she's never ever posted photos with her tits out before lol.
>>592443>I haven't had a proper halloween in 15 years, my ex always behaved shittily while outWhich ex? There've been several in that period of time.
No. 592888
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>>592866It looked like a grungy bar, with a pool table and some other game machines (such as airhockey), didn't look very big in that clip, was very dark. They were in a dingy dark corner by themselves.
In the video 2 people come up to them, the first is a female in costume and she said something like "Can I take a picture of you?" and then she did and walked off.
Then josh started miming that he was "thoughtful, thinking"
hard about his life decision to marry her and you could hear Raven giggling like a teenager under her mask.
This continued for a while, with the same miming too, she keeps giggling, then they started miming kissing eachother, both with full-face masks on, and her kissing his cheek. (She grabbed stills of this happening in the video which are now posted to her FB, and one of them is pic attached.)
After a while of this nonsense a guy comes up to them, not in costume, and says "oh wOah duude you like, never see people that look aCtually sCary like yoU!! Like, can I take a picture of yall? bro, like the masks are awesome haha."
After that guy walks off they giggle and fuck around some more and it ends abruptly.
She did however post another video ( where they walk around a little and you can see that the bar is bigger than it first appears, lots of games and stuff like pool and table-curling if that's what it's called, and other things like that.
There's couches, and lots of people.
After some walking she grabs at him with her flabby hands and strokes him like a pet on top of the mask, giggles some more, pans around. Most of the people in this area aren't wearing costumes, they make their way through the crowd and he goes first, she grabs him by the cape or whatever he's wearing like a child holding onto a parent.
They walk past someone wearing a costume and someone says "Awesome, love it" and they keep walking. Someone else says "dauym" and they walk a little more and a girl goes "yall are sooOo scarey!" They walk past her too, and stop for a bit near a bar and Josh mimes that he's warm, he mumbles under the mask that he wants to take it off, and pulls it up, over his head.
He asks what she wants from the bar they got to, and she switches to front facing camera and gets him to pull the mask down again, they fiddle about a little and the clip abruptly ends.
No. 592894
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>>592892Eventually he pulls away from her weird petting thing.
No. 592898
>>592888topkek I just rewatched the first one and noticed this chick comes up and asks "are you guys from the movie the nun?" and Josh shakes his head and goes NO, and the girl says "Oh okay so just like, scary costumes?"
I bet Raven will have a rant about that in a future video.
No. 592908
>>592902So, which one are we?
Library friend?
Dare I ask, Raven herself?
No. 592909
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>>592903>>592905So that's how we summon her now?
No. 592914
>>592911So Josh then, or potentially a library friend.
Well, get your card renewed because it's gonna be a long ride if you're here to yell at us and WK, there's
so much to yell at us for.
Of course we're jealous, I mean who doesn't want all that she has? Flaps and everything.
Personally I must say I'm especially jealous about her many, many,
many plushies.
Could you also please be more specific about how the joke is on us?
No. 592919
>>592911>clearly a lot happier Makes an angry post about some random woman on facebook showing her breasts and instead of blocking her she says she will devote time every day to report her.
Says she's excited about a Halloween party and does nothing but whine about how abused she was by her exes
Goes to party and does nothing but write a few paragraphs about how shitty the bar was for not letting her win $500 bucks.
No. 592951
>>592902ahahahahahahahahahaha that is too perfect. Library cards for everyone!
>>592911ahahahahahahahahahaha even when she goes to a theme park she's bitching and whining all day but ~so happy~
>>592914It'll be Jawsh. She'll have been bitching and moaning about us, and he doesn't stick up for her like he said he would. Maybe I'm wrong, and it isn't him trying to make up for the tattoo of her name that he's been avoiding all this time …
>>592946of course it is, we debunked the florida myth ages ago. these povvo cunts are stuck in SC
No. 593028
>>592955This has been somewhat explained further upthread.
However I'm too lazy to scroll up and find it so, basically florida is mekka for trailer trash, if you make it to florida you made it big, you're set, life is perf. If you wanna know more you need to scroll up, that's as far as my memory goes.
No. 593092
>>592911I feel so honoured that senpai is noticing us.
>>592586How shitty must Josh feel that Raven's "so terrible abusive" ex husband comments right below him on her bitching about how she didn't win the contest with her spirit halloween mask.
>>592443Has NZ really got a "no halloween" stance or is ravey full of shit as usual? I imagine they're not as OTT about it as America is, but most english speaking countries seem to have some sort of halloween thing going on, even if it is lowkey.
No. 593096
>>593092Halloween has no cultural history outside of North America, uptake is very patchy and limited in places like NZ and Aus. Best to find a specific party to go to, as you won't be trick or treating or seeing decorations everywhere.
Sadly, Halloween themed lip balms are thin on the ground here in the Southern Hemisphere. Can't wait to see which flavours she buys this year!!
No. 593104
Lol she's never 'happy' whether it's a theme park or opening presents or going out, it's always bitching. I love how she constantly says she's happy with her life, then bitches about 10 plus things in her next video.
Also, Ausfag here.
Halloween is not banned in NZ or Aus, it's just not really much of a thing. We have halloween parties at nightclubs and it's slowly becoming a thing in more urban areas, but it's just not as prominent. They still sell halloween stuff in the shops here and there. She's definitely exaggerating when she says they are anti halloween.
She might have been right like over 10 years ago. The older generation would say that it's an american tradition, and my own parents and parents of friends said the same thing about it. Also, a lot of parents didn't like the idea of kids door knocking for candy.
These days, it's changed, and I regularly see kids trick or treating in the neighbourhood every year.
I inagine it's still non existent in country towns.
Trust that old bat to move to NZ and whinge that they BANNED halloween. She exaggerates everything. It's just an american holiday, why cry so much about it?
That's like moving to Australia and throwing a tantrum because they don't have thanksgiving. Like get a life. You cover yourself in shit spooky tattoos and dress like a halloween hooker like everyday, why do you need halloween so bad?
No. 593151
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>>593149ouch, good find. I was going further north toward spartanburg and couldn't find it.
No. 593173
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>>592946She did the work for us. It is Charlotte, NC
No. 593180
>>593173Wow. Let it go already.
>we felt robbed>everyone said we looked great! >not going to go there againThen don't go. Jesus what a whining bitch.
You can see someone else on the facebook page complained about the costume contest organisation but they didn't say shit like 'i felt robbed' and kept going on about how people said they looked great.
She is seriously so entitled.
I can only imagine the rant if she'd entered and lost.
No. 593184
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>>593149>>593151Good on ya anons, I had done some half-baked searching with no luck.
Interesting choices of destinations for someone who lives near Jacksonville FL /s
Queens Park Social looks like a jock place, they totally went there to try and get the money. No. 593188
File: 1540903448355.jpg (34.72 KB, 241x275, 46846465.jpg)

>>593184They probably live near that supermarket, I mean who drives for over an hour to go to a supermarket if they can choose to go to a closer one?
For shits and giggles, now that we have 3 or so locations, we can speculate that she most likely lives somewhere in between them. (At least between the red lobster and the supermarket.)
So now all we have to find is a scratchers shop somewhere in there, and she hasn't said where sir-mumbles-alot works yet, which means it's risky to say bc it will dox where they live.
No. 593189
>>593173Oh Gravy, why did you felt robbed?
Because you paid to enter a costume contest or because you thought you can grab that extra cash (because everyone told you looked great and you were sure a simple mask would win) but nobody told you where to register?
How selfish can you be.
You're fucking 80 years old and throwing a tantrum because you couldn't enter a contest and because of that you didn't get extra money (if you'd won)
Sit down Raven or you'll have another miscarriage from the stress
they are causing you.
No. 593213
>>593189I know right?
I understand being disappointed, but making a ranty status about it and then leaving a complaint on the facebook event page is pathethic.
She's extremely angry over a contest she wasn't even in.
Why would you let it ruin your night? Like if that had happened to most people that missed the opportunity, they'd be a bit annoyed, but say fuck it, get over it, have another drink and continue on with the party. Some would be a bit pissed but they'd say 'oh well, next year I will get here earlier and try and enter then'
Bitches about it on facebook, declaring that she is going STRAIGHT home and how it's all bullshit because she clearly deserved to win. Everyone said she looked great! Fuck them!
Forget staying the rest of the night and partying, even though you wasted money and time on the outfits and fuel to drive there. No, Raven has to chuck a tantrum and go straight home where can she can go off at the venue on facebook for daring to not letting her enter. How dare they!!!
Man. I do not know how Josh deals with such a negative person.
He would have had to drive her all that way to that event, she would have been able to drink or whatever because he's the designated driver.
Then he would have had to wear that horrible latex mask which was probably warm and sweaty in the venue. Then he would have had to stay sober while Raven drinks and entertain her and do the running around to find out where the contest was. Probably had to buy her drinks too because she's like Lainey and hates talking to people in public because she's so uwu shy.
Then finding out they missed the contest, Raven would have had her tantrum and demanded they go home straight away, and the bitch would have been ranting and screeching the long fucking drive home.
All that way back again ugh.
Then because she still hasn't stfu about it, you have to make sure you log on to facebook and agree with her that it's all bullshit and that your dear Raven deserved to win, whilst being reminded that her ex wants to fuck her, his defence also plastered on her facebook page.
Josh if you are reading this, you are a cuck.
Ryan is the ultimate cuck, but Josh is a close second.
Why do they let this hag run circles around them? I don't understand how someone can be that desperate.
No. 593216
>>593173>Charlotte, NCFucks sakes she needs to get out of the state. We've already got enough cows here.
Really surprised she's choosing to throw away her "totes living in Florida now!" story with all these sudden trips to NC. If she's going up to NC for a one-night costume party then odds are she and Hubby live close to the SC/NC border but she's never once shown South of the Border so she's definitely not anywhere East of Columbia or the I-20 route. That place is so tacky that if she lived near enough to justify the drive she would be their top customer.
No. 593232
>>593193>>593184>>593188Gravy is awfully known for posting years-old pictures as if they were new. That bi-lo pic may be from when they lived in Saluda.
All things considered, the only thing we can say for sure is that they are nowhere near FL.
No. 593244
>>593213Where did she say she went straight home after not being able to enter?
To me it seemed bc of all her live status updates and shit whilst she was there that she stayed a while after that.
By all means if I'm wrong, correct me.
>whilst being reminded that her ex wants to fuck her, his defence also plastered on her facebook page. Where be the caps?? Did Ryan really post to her FB about that other status not being true?
No. 593262
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>>593255I don’t know I’ve been looking. Found these too. She seems thirsty for that prize $$ and even pmd the event 2 weeks ago.
No. 593263
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No. 593276
>>593262>>593263This is autistic as fuck.
Who does this?
No. 593406
File: 1540956334194.png (799.54 KB, 800x860, Your-Weekend-Halloween-Coverst…)

>>593092Raven was interviewed by a Christchurch newspaper in 2009. I seem to recall the article having a photo of her, but all I could find now is a pdf of the inside pages. No. 593407
File: 1540956372807.png (616.66 KB, 800x720, Your-Weekend-Halloween-Coverst…)

No. 593475
>>593096Not true, Halloween was brought to North America from the British Isles which is why it is a thing there as well. It’s just not as massive in Australia and NZ, but it’s gaining traction. There’s no ban; she just expects entire nations to culturally change for her overnight, when there’s many existing places that celebrate Halloween how she wants.
>>593180This just takes me back to that online forum’s costume competition, her reaction to it all, and the friends at the library.
Ah, the library. Good times.
No. 593477
>>593476Oh yeah for sure, she’s just trying to sound oppressed, like she’s in some super religious country that bans Halloween, dancing, and women driving, rather than somewhere that just isn’t bothered.
I guarantee the wording of her quote in that article above was paraphrased to sound less whiny or unfairly critical of kiwis.
If she moved to Ireland where it is celebrated, she’d complain about the drinking culture there or something else. As it is I’m surprised she’s not
triggered by women’s sexy Halloween costumes in the US.
No. 593484
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>>593475Happy Halloween, anon!
Sadly only the first page is archived. No. 593500
>>593406So wait is she upset because she can't do trick-or-treat? Because she's like 80 and she could've still gone to clubs.
She seems like the bitter sort to turn away anyone over the age of 12 from her doorstep too.
>>593484queen frostine is my new personal hero.
No. 593610
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No. 593636
>>593262>>593263This is a level of cringe and greed that only Raven could produce.
triggered by them for sure. I can just imagine what she told hubby when they walked into Spirit Halloween to get costumes about the whole skimpy sexy line.
No. 594413
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>>594405She really missed out on cosplay culture. In what world do you just buy a mask and slop blood on it and get told that you're the best when people are out here sewing and sweating over their costumes? It's just another case of an old woman not understanding the world changing around her.
Jaush is looking mighty methy. Please ladies and gents, calm yourself.
No. 594435
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>>594433The back of her mask probably resembles her real hair.
No. 594544
>>594405If no one told me the backstory, I would think this was a retarded gentleman and his overbearing case worker. Do we know if he's of normal intelligence? He really looks special.
The level of secondhand embarrassment I get watching this makes me physically uncomfortable.
No. 594562
>our costumes cost close to $400 when you add in the masks and the clothes and everythingTheir masks cost $69.99 each. are three Halloween stores listed in Lexington. Spirit doesn't have a non-sexy nun costume and has no priest costumes.
World Costume has several of each, all under $30. No. 594565
>>594544Every other video, I agree, he looks special needs.ESPECIALLY in photos. The ones at Carrowinds looks the most retarded.
His mannerisms and facial expressions in this video in this particular make him look exhausted. The way he stares glumly into the distance makes him look like he's tired of her complaining.
When she complains about the contest, his face is literally like 'oh here we fucking go again'
She sucks the life out of everyone she fucks.
No. 594583
>>594413It’s funny because the “not Halloween” Halloweens she did with Logan and Ryan were more effort and work. The dumb bear thing she could have easily reused and made better, it at least was something she did stuff to make.
The one year she does a “real” Halloween she was too lazy and bought masks that they both hated to wear. Pathetic.
No. 594608
>>594537There's a Lexington in NC as well,just outside Winston Salem.
Something to keep in mind if they continue frequenting spots in NC
No. 594658
>>594405Josh is thinning at his hairline.
His mannerisms annoy me. His autistic nodding and shaking his head at everything she says.
Also, if she ditched the cheek piercings and either used blush or SOMETHING other than foundation on her face, she wouldn't look so moonfaced.
I can't tell if the cheek piercings are creating those weird dimples or if she actually has any kind of definition there.
Raven learn to contour your cheeks and schnoz, and you might look less gorilla and maybe you can upgrade to monkey.
Also not whiteknighting Raven, but when she doesn't complain, and jokes around I could see like a semblance of why people MIGHT watch her.
Like she annoyed me for the majority of that video but when she pretended to make the mask talk and was being silly, I almost..ALMOST forgot she was a cunt.
Immediately after she returned to complaining I was like oh yeah I remember this bitch married a child and has the personality of dogshit.
Also Josh hasss to be on drugs or is slow. He looks cooked.
No. 594710
>>594705Perhaps she's put it in storage closer to home until they have enough room in the shack.
I also find it weird she hasn't mentioned it
No. 594711
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Halloween 2018
Published on Nov 2, 2018
This is a late video I made with Josh about our Halloween this year (which we celebrated Sat the 27th). I think I've cut it all wonky trying to minimize the length as it was previously almost 50 minutes long, so I apologize for the messy editing
[They are sitting arm-in-arm. Raven lightly pokes him in the cheek with her other hand. Except when she is holding a mask they sit arm-in-arm or tighly clasping hands]
Raven: Okay, it is November 1st and this is our daylight Halloween video. We've tried to make it, we tried to make it once before. I tried to make it by myself before. It didn't work out so now we're trying for the last time.
Josh mumbles: The last time.
Raven: So we're gonna talk about our first Halloween together and my first real Halloween in many years. So um…
Josh: We got there, there was some social club thing. We were supposed to be able to enter our costume contest. And everybody that saw us said that we'd win. When it came time for it nobody knew where to go. The employees were telling us to go here, that employee was telling us to go back to the place and back and forth. A lot of people didn't get to enter.
[meowing in the background]
Raven: I think that's Jelly that wants to come in. That's her meow. She's been so clingy lately.
I was really excited this year because um, you know, we had matching costumes. We had actually decided on what we were gonna dress up as earlier in the year, months ago, and uh…
Josh: Before The Nun.
Raven: Before The Nun came out. And then The Nun came out and we were like, man. I knew people were gonna think that I was dressing up as a nun because of The Nun but that wasn't it at all. I didn't even know. We didn't know anything about the movie when we decided.
And the reason is this is the first year I've ever worn a mask. Usually I do my own makeup but this year…we were originally gonna go to a zombie walk before we moved away. And the zombie walk, we were like, well we'll buy some cool zombie masks. So we bought like the scariest zombie masks we could find. They were really plain. I put makeup on them. I shaded and colored and bloodied them up and I made them look fucking scary. And we were like, man. Then we moved. We were like, we're gonna go somewhere for Halloween.
And my mask is open in the back. It doesn't close all the way and so I needed something to put over the head to hide that. And so I figured well, a nun's habit, hat piece, head piece, whatever, cowl will cover that completely. So to me that was like a no-brainer. I thought of it instantly. We found this huge mega Halloween store that was pretty awesome. And he found his priest outfit. I found my nun outfit. It covered the back of the head and we were set.
And where we live it's pretty conservative. And so we've been told like we would kind of make waves if we tried to go out looking the way that we wanted to go out, and so we had to look for somewhere else. So once again we ended up going to Charlotte, North Carolina, which is quite a ways away for us. But it seems like everything cool is in Charlotte. Like I wish, I actually wish we had an opportunity to move there because everything is there.
So we ended up going all the way to Charlotte for this. They had the costume contest and it was $500 for first place and $200 for second place. We walked up and the people in front of us turned around and they were like, yeah those two are gonna win. And we were like [she smugly smiles and nods]. All night we were like, damn! We thought we were gonna win. And we should have won. Everybody stopped us. Like we probably got stopped for pictures more than anybody else there. And people wanted to take pictures of us, with us, and they said we were the scariest couple there. We were scary. You heard people, oh my god! And they were freaked out by us. And it was awesome. It was a great experience.
He had to lift his mask up because he couldn't breathe. I couldn't lift mine up as easily because I had the blood stuck to the neck piece stuck to everything else.
Josh: She had to step outside.
Raven: And we had to go outside a lot because I felt like I was gonna faint. My mask didn't even have nose holes in it so I had to make nose holes before we left.
Josh: That made no sense.
Raven: Yeah. It didn't have the mouth hole either so I had to cut the mouth. And um…
[cut to Josh handing her the masks]
So this is Josh's. If you if you go back to my unboxing video you'll see the difference between the masks of what I've done. So I added blood to his. So his is a full one. It is open back here but it's got hair that covers it, and his hair kind of blended in with it. It just looked like he had a rat tail or something. I call this the hillbilly, the hillbilly zombie. So his eye holes are down here which are pretty well made because they're kind of hidden. Especially the pictures you really can't see them. And he just looks like [she grimaces and growls]. So he had it up all night.
And mine. This was very plain when I got it. And as you can see in the back the whole back of it is open like this. And the sparse hair that's there doesn't cover it so I wanted this [she pulls down the habit] so you couldn't see the back of it. And you know, I had this here sticky blood that was stuck to the neck piece that was stuck to everything. I made a hole here for the mouth and I made holes so I can breathe but it still wasn't enough. This was very very hot. It comes with pigtails and it's got like the hair stuck to it.
But I thought it was a good idea to suffer with this because I was like, man $500 or at the very least $200, it's worth it. I've done worse for Halloween. I've ended up super gluing fangs to my teeth, super gluing spiders and other stuff to my skin, real stupid shit that you shouldn't do I've done in the name of Halloween and pictures and things like that. And I thought well, you know, I could suffer a little bit for this because we've got this one in the bag. Everybody said so. And compared to the other costumes that were there. There were fun stuff, cool stuff. It was great seeing everybody dressed up. But we were definitely the most over-the-top.
Josh: Yeah.
Raven: And then towards the end of the night someone came in that we knew was gonna beat us and that was someone dressed up as Edward Scissorhands. And he was like a short little dude. And he had the hair and he had the gloves and he had the outfit.
Josh: The skin tone.
Raven: The skin one, the scars, the 3D scars.
Josh: The hair, everything.
Raven: I mean, it was amazing. And Josh and I looked at each other and we were like…
Josh: Aw, shit.
Raven: [laughs] Well, second place is still good. [cut] It would have been not like an honor to lose to him [he kisses her shoulder] but it would have been completely fine to lose to him.
Josh: That would have been fine cuz he…
Raven: He deserves to win, he really did.
Josh: We shoulda got a picture.
Raven: Yeah he got…he came up to us and wanted a picture with us. We wanted pictures with everybody that wanted pictures with us. But in my mask you can't hear me talk. Nobody could hear anything. And I could barely see.
Josh: I didn't know until the third or fourth person wanted it. That'd been a good idea.
Raven: [muffles her mouth with her hand] We should take pictures with everyone. He's like, oh what?
Josh: Huh?
Raven: [louder] We should take…! Huh? And I was like, I'm trying type it on my phone and I'm trying to [mimes typing]. I couldn't see my phone. Everything was blurry because the screen I had darkened everything. And I finally got it out: We should look for those people and take pictures with everybody who wanted pictures with us. But by then it was too late. I wish we'd gotten pictures of him though cuz he looked really cool.
Josh: That was probably the best costume I've seen ever. It was on point.
Raven: Yeah, yeah it was it was done really well. I don't know who the hell did his costume but it was really really well well done.
The DJ announced the costume contest and it was so garbled over the intercom you couldn't make out what he was saying. And we went up to him and, you know, I couldn't do any talking. I could barely communicate. So he went up and he was like, where's the costume contest? And he said, up front. And we went up front. There was nobody there. So he went to the front desk, where's the costume contest? "I don't know, go ask somebody else." Okay. So we went to another desk, where's the costume contest? "I don't know, ask somebody else." Okay. So we went outside. Where's the costume contest? "I don't know, maybe ask inside." Go inside, go to the DJ booth, and they were drawing names. So they had a drawing somehow, somewhere that they didn't tell people or they weren't clear enough. They only had a handful of names and the costumes they called out were like like South Park or, you know, like…
Josh: Four girls dressed up like South Park characters. I'm like, what?
Raven: But they wouldn't have been dressed up very well because I don't remember seeing any South Park. It would have been like what, a t-shirt or something? Yeah. From the names that I heard it was none of the costumes that stood out to me at all. They were just random people.
Josh: They were mostly girls. That's all.
Raven: Yeah. And um, it just…Edward Scissorhands wasn't even up there. So it was like most people didn't even have a chance to enter. And we were like, what the hell?
The staff was so disorganized. They didn't even know where to tell us to go for the costume contest. They should be more organized like, okay the contest is gonna be at this time, these are the steps you have to take. They could have either had everybody come up in front…
Josh: Cut the music off for one.
Raven: Yeah, cut the music off, have everybody come to the front, wait, and announce, "Is everybody here?" and then do the judging. Or have flyers on the wall to tell people when and where and how to do it. A sign-in desk. Or have somebody go around and tap people and say, "You want to enter? You want to enter?" The ones that they think are good enough to narrow down, especially with a $500 prize at stake. They should have been a lot more organized but they weren't. And we just we walked out. We left. I finally was able to breathe. I felt like I was gonna fucking die. Many times I felt like I was gonna pass out and it was like, yeah we did feel really…we still feel robbed about it because if we lost to somebody else then we would have been fine with losing but don't…at least give us a chance to enter in the first place. And to have it so fucked that not even the staff knows what's going on, that's just not cool at all. And it's not a way to do things. And we're definitely not gonna go back there again.
Next year we already know what we're gonna do. We're gonna revisit one of my old costumes. We're gonna do another matching thing. Super excited about it. Now that I'm in America I have access to a lot more materials so I can make it look on point. I'm gonna be able to breathe and talk this time. And we're gonna look for a different place to go where they know what the fuck they are doing. And it'll be good. So I'm really excited.
It was fun. I just wish I could have breathed more but… It was my first Halloween. Like, I haven't had a Halloween, a Halloween Halloween, in America in about 15 years. And in New Zealand I went out twice when I first got there. I won one time, a bottle rum which I don't drink so I just kept it. The second time I scared people too much. They were really grossed out so I just ended up leaving because everybody would just like scowl at me like "Augh!" because you know I'm New Zealand. [Josh shakes his head] And then I went out when I did the half teddy bear thing. And that was like a total fail because the person I was with was like a child all night and was just bitching and complaining, "oh it's too many people, it's too loud, I don't like the music, why are all the girls dressed like sluts, I don't want to be here, let's go home" and so completely ruined the day and that was miserable. And I was like, I'm never gonna celebrate Halloween again, I'm never trying again because it's just such a failure, why even bother?
But luckily I'm out of that situation and now I can have my holidays back. [Josh nods] I got a Christmas, I got a birthday, I'm gonna have a Christmas this year, I got a Halloween. We're looking forward to next year.
And so I have a few clips from the place which I'll add in after this. I don't have much because all we did was kind of circle around and I couldn't really see. My vision was really narrow and I was trying to hold on to him, not bump into stuff, not trip over my own feet, try to breathe. And you know, it was just the same footage over and over again is what it would have been. So I just I don't have much. Um, yeah. Wish I had pictures. Next year for sure we'll definitely cuz I'll be able to talk so I'll be able to say, hey can we get a picture of you too? And we were taking pictures of ourselves and people were like, do you need us to take pictures of you? And so we actually got some people to take photos of us but they're blurry. A lot of them were blurry and unusable. The ones I took myself were better. But that was nice of them to offer.
And I mean like, so you have no idea how many people were like, you guys are gonna win first place, you guys deserve to win. And this one girl was brave enough to come up and give me a hug. She's like, you're gonna win first place, you deserve it. And then she gave me a big old hug. And I was like I keep forgetting that, you know, I didn't look like this. I, you know, I kinda, I look like this [she holds up her mask]. I'm like [she mumbles behind her mask] because that's all I could do. I couldn't say anything. So I'm just like [she mumbles behind her mask].
Josh: I would actually forget, too. We were taking pictures and I'd be smiling under my mask.
Raven: Yeah, me too. I just had to go like this [she gives a thumbs up] to everybody because I couldn't say anything. And I was looking at him whenever he had his mask up. Oh my god, he was so hot. [Josh shakes his head and rolls his eyes. Pic related] I was like, damn. Probably because it was, like, ugly to, like, handsome. And his mask was up and I was just like, aw you're so hot! I was like touching his face and I'm just, I love you so much! And I'm like forgetting that I'm not like looking like this, like his wife, you know. Oh my god, you're so hot! I'm like this monster being like [she holds up her mask and mumbles behind it and kisses him with it] and all. I was trying to kiss him and all this stuff and underneath I'm like giving him goo goo eyes. I completely forgot that he could not see me at all. So all he saw was this [mask] and not, you know, aw [she motions to her face].
Josh: It's easy to do. [he takes a hit from his Juul vape]
Raven: Yeah. And the pictures, too. Like whenever people take pictures you know I was there like [she smiles and gives a thumbs up] or whatever.
Josh: I was, too.
Raven: [laughs] Next year we'll be seen, though. It'll be pretty cool.
So that's the Halloween update for this year. We got zero trick-or-treaters which I don't know if it was good or bad because we didn't have any candy. I never have candy because I never have trick-or-treaters. But this is our first year in this area so I wasn't sure but we didn't get any trick-or-treaters.
I badly wanted to dress up in that costume again and stand outside or for us to go into town somewhere and just stand there and scare people. But he had to work and there's just like nobody in this actual area so we couldn't have done anything. But…
Josh: That's not we like it, though. It's quiet. All the people around here are nice.
Raven: Yeah. They always wave. [cut] Got anything else to say?
Josh: We had a good time. Hope next year will be better.
Raven: It will be.
Josh: Our costumes will definitely be better.
Raven: Yeah. Well I mean, these…
Josh: Probably not as scary. Holy shit. These are fucking terrifying. [he holds up his mask]
Raven: Yeah. They won't be scary but they'll be… [she holds up hers]
Josh: That woulda been cool if we coulda made our faces into those. [she kisses his mask with hers]Â We were doing that, too.
Raven: We were trying to kiss through our masks. God, we're stupid.
Josh: And there were people laughing.
Raven: And then when we were trying to take pictures kissing our…it was like I was like down here this far away cuz…like this. They're not matched up at all for some reason. These are from the Horror Dome and…
Josh: Pretty expensive.
Raven: All in all our costumes cost close to $400 when you add in the masks and the clothes and everything. Yeah, we spent a pretty penny this year but it was worth it for, you know, for the experience and for the reactions that we got. The reactions were better than I thought.
Josh: If we have a few of them in the same area we can…sometimes they have a scary contest. We could put those in the bag and just change or something.
Raven: Yeah. I did want to find another place to go to after this because I felt I just felt so fucking wronged.
Josh: It was like 1, 1am. I had to go work.
Raven: We'll figure it out. It was fun. I left blood all over the house. Blood on the sink, on the walls, on the door.
Josh: On the Explorer.
Raven: Yeah, all over the door in the truck and everything. Eh. That's the price you pay. I don't miss getting fucking bloody, though. I guess I'm getting too old for this shit cuz I used to not mind, you know. I'd just poor blood all over myself and it'd be no big deal. But now it's like, oh my god I have blood on my hands. I don't want to deal with washing that off. [laughs] But yeah, it was alright. I am proud of the way I bloodied up the masks though cuz they looked scary online [he kisses her hand] but then after you look at them awhile it's like, aw it's kinda dull. And after what I did to them now they're scary. Now they look really good. I mean, there's like so much definition in there now. And a blender here, it's all stuck, but she's got like holes in her head and I had done my bruising and things like that even though you can't see it.
[cut to Josh holding a Beetlejuice mask]
We found this where we…
Josh: Bad ass.
Raven: You guys might have seen this on the wall in the living room. But we found this at the place where we bought our costumes at.
Josh: You can turn it on.
Raven: Yeah, it…this was a sample so we actually got this for like…
Josh: It was like eight bucks, wasn't it?
Raven: It was less than $10. It was really cheap. It was the only one there. There you go. The eyes light up and blink.
Josh: I'll cut the light off for a second.
Raven: Aw, that looks cool as hell.
Josh: Let me see. Oh, wow.
Raven: The batteries are quite low I think.
Josh: Wow. That's cool.
Raven: But um, this is incredibly well made for the price. I mean, like it's got the hair and it's just a foam thing but we love this so much. This is so fucking cool. I saw it up there and I was like, oh my god is this for sale? I want it. It was the only one. I took it to the front and she's like, $7, $8. It was between $5 and $8.
Josh: I think it was eight. Eight sounds right.
Raven: Yeah. I was just like, okay! And that was pretty fucking cool. That was a steal.
Josh: We oughta go back then. That was in…that was all the way in Lexington though.
Raven: We'll figure it out.
Josh: It could be worth it.
Raven: I guess that's it. This is almost 30 minutes. That's longer than I thought it was gonna be.
Josh: It didn't cut off this time.
Raven: Yeah. Last time when we were making it we got like ten minutes in and the video just stopped and we were like…no, it was like 11 minutes and I was like, are you fucking serious? I don't want to redo it right now. Forget it. I don't want to do it. I had just finished talking.
I guess that's it. I've got two more videos to make by myself. And he's gonna go out there and take care of the animals. [Josh puckers his lips and they kiss] I love you. And that's it. [they wave in sync] God, we're gonna be one of those couples is gonna do and say everything the same.
Josh: [waves] Bye, guys!
Raven: [waves] Thanks for watching!
Josh: [shaking his head] Maybe.
Raven: [mockingly] Welcome to my channel! In today's episode…
Josh: Wait! [he jokingly motions between them] Aw!
Raven: [laughing] Shut up!
Josh: Bye.
Raven: Bye. I forgot which button to stop it.
[Cut to clips filmed at the bar. The South Park group compliments them at 26:20. The video concludes with several black and white pictures of their masks]
No. 594733
>>594405Josh's mask just looked like a generic horror mask. Definitely not winner material.
Also kinda nitpicky but I hate the way she goes on about making the nun costume BEFORE the movie. Who cares. If I was in the same position and random strangers came up to me and were asking if I was from the nun movie, I probably would have just nodded or agreed to get on with the conversation or be polite. Plus costumes from recent movies are a hit. Remember how many Harley Quinns were around a few halloweens back? She has to mention that sheeee came up with the idea. Nuns in horror have existed even before that shitty movie anyway. It's not like she invented it.
I bet they were the oldest people at that club. Literally everyone that went that goes onto facebook to find pics of the night will see her spergy complaint post.
So autistic.
No. 594874
File: 1541291002547.png (56.29 KB, 800x285, onesies.png)

>the Kenny was wearing a onesie.That explains the hate for onesies in this comment.
>>594733But she did invent the horror nun way back in 2009! /s I wonder if the costume she posted in the library friends contest was the costume people were so scared of and scowled at in NZ. And she is so into it she has a tattoo (which Josh said was his favorite when they first "met").
>Next year we already know what we're gonna do. We're gonna revisit one of my old costumes. We're gonna do another matching thing.The recurring theme of her relationships is recurring themes.
>I've got two more videos to make by myself.Hoard unboxing incoming?
>And he's gonna go out there and take care of the animals.Get to it, hillbilly zombie boy!
>I forgot which button to stop it.Does she have a new camera?
>>594658Yeah, his hair is thinning. Not that it is something to be ashamed of, but how will Raven react if he loses his hair?
No. 594929
>>594738They sure have. And before that, there was another one in 2005, before she 'created' her totally original idea. (ignoring all the obvious ones previously, ofc)
>>594903She'd be bitching loudly as they walked away, with Josh alternately agreeing and trying to shush her a bit.
No. 594930
>>594731I like how Raven was so sure her shitty bought mask and cheap costumes were, they were entitled to win. Even when she clearly had to compliment the Edward Sissorhands costume, she thought she could AT LEAST win second place. Give me a fucking break. You don't enter these contests to win, you do it because you loved creating an awesome costume and do the contest as a what the hell event. Even shitty costumes love entering so they can participate in some way with others. It's a fucking game. Raven acts like her employer forgot to pay her wages. Her autistic attention grabbing of the venue about coming early was pathetic.
I'm almost tempted to look at her video to see the South Park girls. I love South Park and even if the costumes are actually just regular pieces of plain clothes with a jackets, it's super adorable.
>>594731>Bitch you don't recognise them because you are probably too fucking old to have even watched South Park.Kek. The show is really fucking old too.
No. 594993
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No. 594995
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The look hand made
No. 595043
>>594993>>594995Their costumes were cute. Accurate but still casual. They could have even gone sluttier, because they all look fit and attractive, but they opted for costumes more like the characters, but left their hair and makeup girlyish for a night out.
Raven made it sound like they didn't make any effort and Josh made it sound like they only won because they were girls.
From a business standpoint, it makes sense to choose a large group of young friends because they are likely to return and spend money and bring friends and partners, whereas a one off person who is out of the age demographic reaps no benefit, especially because anons have suggested that it's usually a bar for students.
I'm not saying that's why they won, it's just an observation. It makes me laugh that Raven is so salty about losing a contest she didn't even enter to a bunch of probably teenagers or girls in their early 20s.
No. 595054
>>594874>says onesies are lame>has a video wearing a carebear onesie that couchie bought her edited to cringe music>has photos online with her wearing matching pikachu onesies with a 16 year oldI know she probably means 'I don't hate onesies but I just think people should TRY when it comes to halloween costumes!!!'
Not everyone is fucking autistic about being sooo spooooky like you Raven. Some people wear onesies because it's easier to have clubbing clothes underneath if you wanna switch out or go to other clubs. Some can't be fucked with fancy costumes and just want something silly to go out in. Some people just like onesies christ.
She's such a gatekeeper about halloween. Get a life, jesus.
No. 595058
>I just enjoyed seeing people dressing up and having fun, period!
>insults everyone wearing onesies and the winners of some random contest at a bar. Judges literally everyone's costumes except for one guy she deemed appropriate to win.She makes no sense.
Did you enjoy seeing people dress up or were you jelly and salty and hateful?
Because your video made you seem jelly and salty and hateful.
Noone likes a jelly hater Raven.
No. 595807
>>595427The packaging she's keeping it in just looks like cling wrap - it's not intended for display.
omfg I can't believe she can turn even soap into a waste of space and resources.
No. 595825
>>595800It's more like an unboxing than a review, but not even, because she didn't even take the plastic off.
All her 'reviews' are garbage anyway. She always rambles, never edits, just drones on and on, repeats stuff…it's like gothic foreverkailyn.
I can imagine some people would like to collect things and not damage them like candle, soap or whatever, but she has enough crap laying around, she could afford to use up a few items around her place. Like take a photo of the fucking soap if it's so important.
I have no idea why you would order something and not use it for it's purpose, especially if you are claiming to do a 'review'
No. 595984
>>595940Most poor people wouldn't buy and display novelty soaps though.
It's not the fact she's poor, more the fact she's stupid, trashy and wasteful and doesn't have priorities.
Like when she needed the rest of her money for her ticket but bought all those jstar lippies and got Logan to buy her a $200 bear. She has the means to an okay, maybe not rich but okay lifestyle, but instead of trying to save and spend it on necessities, she buys plastic crap and shit she will never open.
I've known poor people with nicer and cleaner houses than Raven.
Now that they are supposedly working, 2 adults with a no kid household should make an okay living. So what does she do? Buy a bunch of pets which need time and MONEY.
She's up there with Onion and Chris chan in terms of financial responsibility.
Chris is slightly forgivable because he's not all there. I mean, Raven isn't either, but she's an irresponsible cunt with an awful personality. Chris is impaired in my opinion. (Although I don't agree with what he does)
She also doesn't capitalize on things the right way. When she had a bigger following, she could have made some money doing youtube. Instead she filmed rants and vlogged stupid shit. Didn't make fun or interesting content. Instead of making better stuff for people to watch/pay for she just posts sob stories and shitty selfies asking for donations for whatever tragic thing that happened to her that TOTALLY wasn't her fault.
No. 595987
>>595940Being autistic about not wrecking a novelty soap/candle is whatever, but the fact she said she wasn't even going to use the samples!? Wtf? Why didn't she just buy a skull/coffin decoration knicknack thing if she just wanted to display it rather than buy actual soap.
Or put it in your drawers for a scent?
Displaying nice items is okay, but where the fuck is it going to go when her hoard of plushies and pop funkos and half a sea container of her rotting dolls and shit arrives?
There won't be a shelf left to display her ~aesthetic~ soap.
No. 596216
>>595427>mentions using scented oils to "boost" her wax melts.gosh that trailer's gotta smell like chris chan… just unwashed body masked with dollar store perfume, or dog pee and like 6 lavender glade plugins.
>>595827Who does this? Old ladies do this. As you said, grans do this. More proof that Raven is an old lady.
No. 596429
>>596387I don't think he has been in control of it for a while. agree with
>>596394 that it definitely sounds like her putting words in his mouth.
No. 596521
>>596429If she does control his account(s) I'm surprised she hasn't changed his user pic to one she has shooped 15 years off of.
What is his background pic? Has he updated his About Me?
No. 596810
>>596214It's not even intricately carved soap - it would just have been made in a mould.
Not even using the samples is just next-level wtf.
>>596381Sure, it's not like democracy in the US or anywhere for that matter is perfect, but isn't her family from the Phillipines or something? Does she know about the history there with dictator Marcos? Guess her mum is around anymore to school her on what a fake democracy is really like.
No. 596881
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>>596810Yes, it's a combination of two molds.
She says, "I wish I knew how to make soaps because I definitely would go into this."
She says this about every handmade item she buys. What's stopping her from trying her hand?
She says she's looking forward to using the sugar scrub because she has never tried one.
No. 596923
>>596780>>596510She's a fucking retard.
~sOmeoNe secreT ToLd mE thAt iTs aLl a liE~
Oh you mean Josh? It's obvious that she knows squat about politics and only doesn't vote because she's too lazy. She obviously parroting off shit she's heard from Josh and now shares his opinion on not voting because everything is rigged and a conspiracy, and she and Josh are sooooo woke, when in reality, it's just her being lazy and not really understanding it all.
Also I laughed when she went on about 'everyone I knew voted for this person and they didn't winnnn'
I think she was referring to that online competion where all her mates voted for her online and the board members were like wtf, because she sure as hell wouldn't get herself to a voting booth. She's too lazy.
No. 596928
>>596923Imagine being 40 and not understanding that because you and people you know have voted for an individual that people outside your social circle/bubble thinks and votes different. RIGGED!! Look at polling bitch.
It's funny because she writes a fucking badly worded, unorganized essay on why she didn't vote and why she's annoying by people encouraging voting while she could have just ignored it like everyone else who doesn't like to vote.
It's great that her welfare ass lives in such a redneck state. Poor fucks like her are too retarded to realize that their quality of life would dramatically increase with more social programs. Meanwhile she'll live without expanded Medicaid. Of course people who leech the system usually think they're the exception to type of drain on society that conservative politics portray. I feel bad for the people who do need honest help, but I can smile at Raven shooting herself in the foot in every way, including politics.
No. 596929
>>596928She's always had this attitude though, think about it.
Alll her library friends voted for her costume(rigged cough cough) and she got called out for it, so she sperged because
she should have won The halloween costume competition was bullshit, because EVERYONE said they should win and they didn't even get to enter.
she should wonEveryone she knows and herself voted for a certain politician and therefore
they should have wonIt's amazing how stroppy and toddler like a 40 something year old woman can become just because her reality doesn't go the way she wants.
What an absolute nutcase.
No. 596930
>>596929Surprising she still enters in these contests or tries to. I guess money is too tempting and she's so delusional she forgets voting is rigged, why try.
It's really sad that usually we talk about cows here being 30 or almost 30 and we have a 40+ woman who acts like or worse than some of the early 20 year old cows. In fact, I'd say that Raven is the shitlord cow of lolcow. She's definitely Queen of Manure, unlike Pixy, our Queen of Kawaii.
No. 596931
>>596923Lol she basically outed Josh, because everyone here knows that he's already talked about voting being rigged in the past.
She's all 'I promised not to say anything' and doesn't mention names because she's trying to make it sound cool because you aren't meant to talk about shit after the military. She's acting like he's the secret service or some shit. I doubt Josh knows anything about anything, nor do I think he cares.
Plus if it IS an offence to talk about that stuff after service, then good job Raven, again, everyone knows you are talking about Josh because you posted it online.
Also, a little OT, but was her father military? I think I recall her saying she was a military brat. Because if so, I have a theory that she goes after what she wants in her life.
Daddy issues- finds a dude who was also in the military, possibly to fill father void, this theory also applies to the old texan dude she was chatting up with his age.
Son issues- fucks a kid same age as her son to achieve a companionship that she doesn't have with her son.
Low self esteem- fucks Ryan because he's just an asskiss and it will inflate her ego a bit because all he does is compliment her.
No. 596932
>>596930It's also validation she wants. That shitty online competition where she sperged on that random board with her library buddies didn't even have a money prize if I recall correctly.
In Raven's eyes she deserves to win everything and have everyone's attention and validation.
No. 596934
>>596930Yeah although some cows are doomed to be cows forever, there are times where sometimes they mature out of it and quit being so cringy and move past that oversharing phase.
There's also moments where it's slightly forgivable behaviour because of their age.
For example I want to punch Dakota in her smug little alien fetus face sometimes, but I actually think some of the shit she did when she was 15 or younger is not really a big deal considering her age and the fact she was trying to imitate her older sister and other edgy people on the web.
Even though her shooping is laughable, but she's still young and it's like whatever. Honestly anyone in their early to mid 20's does stupid shit. She's still in that dumbass phase and I could see her marrying someone and disappearing off the web after her career ends.
Then you get cows like Vick and Onision that are just in their 30's and you are like okay you are insufferable but clearly immature or mentally impaired. It's like they are a bit stunted or not all there.
But THEN you get ultra cows like Raven where she's extremely emotionally stunted and incredibly stupid and there is honestly no redeeming feature and she will never mature or learn to get offline. (Vick will definitely end up like this too)
The first time I read the Raven thread I could not actually believe how immature she was acting.
Sometimes it's like you think she has learned to get an actual life and curb her internet attention addiction, but then she comes full circle again with bitchy rants and shitty behaviour. Onion does it too by pretending he has changed and then then regresses into a retard again.
There's no saving people like that and they will never change.
She's mentally 14 forever.
Also, Raven if you are reading this, that doesn't mean you are young or fun. It means you are a stunted immature mess with the emotional intelligence of a toddler.
No. 596941
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>>596931You aren’t restricted from talking about things after the military. That’s a crock of shit. The only time you are supposed to keep your mouth shut is when you have a security clearance and I highly doubt her caveman had one of those seeing that you have to speak intelligently to the FBI. And it’s an unwritten rule that you don’t talk about the people you personally hurt, as in killed. She’s trying to act like Josh had some super special job when in fact he was just a grunt. I was in the military too and there wasn’t ever any intel going around about elections being rigged and we had to be hush about it. If there was then somebody smarter than josh would have come forward in a smarter way than by telling gravy.
And look at this bitching about our government already. Raven you’ve only been back a minute over a year. You bitched to get back to the US and now you are bitching about the government. It’s starting all over again.
Pic related, much intelligence.
No. 596944
>>596941I laughed at that picture.
He was definitely never a supermodel, but it's INSANE how puffy and unkempt he's become.
He looks exhausted.
No. 596951
>>596941Ah okay, thanks for clearing that up. My uncle is in the navy and he never talks much about his job because he said something about confidentiality, but it makes sense it's to do with security clearance I suppose because of his rank.
(That wasn't meant to sound like a humblebrag)
I wondered about all this because they always say in the onion threads that his military videos are illegal or that he could be fined for talking about his service in videos. Or maybe they were talking about the fact he shouldn't be wearing his uniform in videos.
Ot, but military anon, can you confirm if this uniform wearing outside military/posting videos thing is illegal? I'd ask my uncle but he's kind of blunt and he'd either probably ask why I would ask that and I can't think of a reasoning except for 'oh because I hate watch some twit online who makes videos in his uniform' or he'd be like 'who do you know does that?'
Either way, I appreciate the info.
No. 596957
>>596947Yes it was, but this was around the time they claimed to be talking for 12 plus hours and never slept. She drains and ages her victims from across the waters. Ryan is wilting as we speak kek
Compare this pic to one of when he didn't even know Raven and the difference is still astounding.
Also, she acts like he looks like Thor or the dude from supernatural or Brad pitt with his long hair, but he reminds of an ugly mentally impaired version of Vincent from Pulp Fiction. He even talks the same, except without the witty dialogue. Greasy hair and all.
Not even kidding. Dye his hair black and he's a poor man's uglier Vincent Vega.
No. 596961
>>596951No it’s not illegal or anything. Your actually supposed to keep up your gear for 4-5 years after your discharge. Your utility uniform (camo) should only be worn while on duty (at least in the Marines). But your dress uniforms are often worn for formal gatherings. Not screwing around on camera though. It’s a respect thing. I was in the Marines so when Raven was showing off the ring Josh sent with all the typical marine slogans I was rolling my eyes so hard I thought I’d go blind. There is just a common curtesy between branches and a soldier should not be claiming Marine lingo as their own, just like I shouldn’t be called a soldier. If he wanted to claim it he should have earned it. So I wondered if it wasn’t his ring but one he got out of the pawn shop and sent to gravy like he probably did with any other girl he was with.
Sorry for rehashing old milk here and I should have commented about it back then.
No. 597006
>>596995Haha yeah, she always posts retarded stuff with her squeeze of the minute expecting praise like 'awww goals'
Instead she comes here, sees that everyone has noticed that Logan/couchy is miserable in said video, and then instead of ignoring it, makes a video (or ten) explaining why they look miserable but are supposedly not.
'He's tired' seems to be the top most used excuse.
Yeah bitch, he's tired of you.
No. 597024
>>596794Speaking of, she's been posting these before/after weight loss pics
>>590519 >>588760
But conveniently fails to mention the surgery and acts like she did it all herself through sheer willpower so people will give her asspats. Even in the red lobster video, she talks about how she "can't eat very much" but doesn't mention that it's because she was an uncontrolled fatass who conned the governemnt into giving her free weight loss surgery.
No. 597366
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LOL ok gravey
No. 597593
>>597366Should read the list of people who give a crap about her.
How sad to be in such a love that is more than love… yet still hee-hawing (with those saggy mournful breasts swaying with each gigantic wide nose flare )and spittle mouth braying about ex's who doth not give two shits about her.
Couchie McDummy Dum-Dum will wise up at some point (he is super dim witted) to come to the realization that every time she brings up an ex she is making is clear that he is a beta Cuck
Didn't Viki Queensof Fat Wrists post the same thing but awhile back? Peas in a pod.
No. 598019
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Raven has confirmed that she got the boxes. Says there is 103 boxes and it’s too much for a video?
Also new video of hair dying, which is cringe. She put bleach on her whole head when she just needed to do the roots and the black since half her hair is blue anyways. She also doesn’t wrap her hair when she bleaches, and bleach stops working when it’s dry.
No. 598030
>>598019Jesus it's taken up a whole room in the trailer. I feel sorry for the all the animals stuck in the one bedroom/living room left that probably has the litter tray and everything else cramped up. I'm sure the dogs sleep outside, but the room left over would really not suffice. Also, where does she expect to put it all after unpacking? The place is going to look like a hole.
Also what's the bet she doesn't unpack it for months and her hoard sits in that dusty room rotting.
I bet there's nothing like furniture or household goods…or anything of value. It's probably all just toys, plastic crap, ugly tacky shit she can't fit into anymore or just junk.
No. 598092
>>598047> I wonder if she’s bald nowI bet a whole box of slimjims she is.
>>598019FOR THE HOARD !!
No. 598166
>>598047>>598092Called this when she came back only wearing shitty wigs 24/7, and judging from the level of damaged that hair was in the video, if she tried to bleach it more (which she did for her wedding bc it wasn't that dark) and then again after that… It would have fallen off. 10/10 buzzcut, I guarantee it.
Also she keeps thinking she has to bleach to remove the old color and add new when its the same fucking color, I've noticed that Emily Boo also does this, she will bleach ALL of her hair to redye it the same color and I was just like bby no what is u doin, the damage…
And since Emily sent her the bleach for sure they had a good long talk about it and she got all the "tips and tricks" on how to dye it.
No. 598220
>>598019jesus fucking christ
I have a feeling Josh made the "oh shit" face again when he saw all this crap piling up.
No. 598232
>>598019>>598047>>598166The caption
>Comparison of some different bleaches, since no one sells Nordic Blonde here. I made this video many months ago but had never uploaded itThis was probably filmed in April. In January she dyed half of it black. In April all of it was greenish blue. The next month in her goodbye video she had just dyed all of it black. In their wedding pics from June all of her hair is bright blue.
After lightening and coloring her hair for decades she still has no understanding of lift levels and selecting the appropriate volume developer. And if the black color was a permanent dye, bleach is absolutely the wrong product to use to attempt to remove it, but we've seen her do this before with the bleach Emily sent her.
No. 598262
>>598019I really hate how she doesn't edit anything in her videos. The amount of time that it is just her touching her hair and saying 'but um' every two seconds makes up 90% of the video.
Also, she's not big enough but imagine her raging if someone like Brad Mondo reacted to her video.
No. 598396
>>598232Yeah basically the first bleaching did lift her natural virgin hair to a yellow which is pretty normal for her hair type. Removing the black dye should have been a process of using dye remover first or fading it to brown to make it easier. She also kept the bleach on for a long while, more than the amount given.
She also didn’t tone the yellow, so any blue would be greenish for that reason, and never tried to even out her hair colour by making the blue side a bit greener to compensate. Even without choosing the bleach better she just fried her hair to get a shitty mess.
No. 598777
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Another to add to the hoard and potentially kill
No. 598778
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No. 598779
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No. 598780
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Sound advice that she completely ignored, in the rest of the photos the baby is nestled up with the other cats already
She’s such a dimwit
No. 598783
>>598779anxiously awaiting a repeat of her gruesome 'vicious killer beast ate the baby' story, how about everyone else? raven, keep the kitten away from the big dogs, period. there's no way you'll move that fat ass fast enough to get in between them should problems arise. think of your hovel like a poorly funded animal shelter. even they put the kitties in a separate room from the dogs. for the exact same reason, which is that you have zero idea what will set off a bigger animal who may not be used to cats.
also, is that peeling linoleum and then raw wooden subflooring we're looking at here? yikes.
No. 599067
>>598019Good lord. My little bro and I just moved to a new apartment, and that looks like the boxes for both of us combined. That's with a lot of our ma's stuff as well because she just sold her house and lives next door to us. That includes obviously dishes, small furniture, electronics, etc. I just can't imagine how a single person has that much stuff, plus dragged SEVEN(!) suitcases with her thru the airport last year, plus in the past year that she's lived in the US has amassed tons more crap.
>>598777Hopefully in a few month's time she just gets tired of this kitten and sells it to get taco bell. Geez. She's got so many animals already.
No. 599360
>That includes obviously dishes, small furniture, electronics, etcAnd all Gravy has is plushies, expired make-up, dolls and toys, literal trash, all of her
uwu goff things and her 4685 christmas trees.
Poor Josh and the pets now live in a dumpster.
No. 600147
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Whoever called a cat dying is right on the money
No. 600180
>>600150This dumb fucking cunt makes me rage, HOW MANY TIMES Is THiS GOING TO HAPPEN
No. 600359
>>600258I thought the same
>i liked her more than marmalade I don't know about you guys, but I love all my pets equally.
I wish it was Raven that had been attacked by the neighbours dogs.
Also she just confirmed that her cats never go outside. Which would normally be okay because some people only have housecats, but in her case it's fucking cruel. One entire room is boxes and the poor cats have literally NO space.
Instead of wasting money on theme parks and soap you'll never use, why the fuck did this cunt not use the money to buy or build a cat run.
At least then her cats would be able to be outside safely and not cooped up in one room with a bunch of other animals and their shit tray.
She's unbelievably selfish and I cannot believe it. She'll waste money on a dog daycare but won't even fence her yard so her animals are safe. Hell, she could even buy pet trackers so next time they bolt she'll find them. But nah, it's easier to just buy more cats and have them cooped up in a tiny trailer and play victim when they escape and die horrible deaths.
I bet either Josh or herself accidentally let the cat out and now she's blaming the 'people here doing work on the house'
Let's face it, there was no maintenance people. Bitch would rather buy another soap before she spent money on the shack.
I am going to scream if she comes home with another kitten that she 'found' I swear to god.
No. 600365
>>600147I find it weird that Doja was evil for eating a kitten but for some reason she's okay with this one because it was the cat's fault for being in her neighbor's yard.
No cunt, it's your fault.
Tinfoiling but imagine if she let this one out to make room for that new one they supposedly found. Wouldn't suprise me.
No. 600432
>>600147>>600148>>600150>I I I I … everythings about meRaven get some petrocks, it's insane how many pets you've had (and how the most of them died)
Just leave these poor animals alone, they don't deserve to live with you.
No. 600499
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As long as she continues to see animals as objects, she's not going to stop hoarding them. Same with some (most) pet tubers, animals are just more crap like decorative soap narcs like Raven can show off.
You can love animals and have pets and still make mistakes with them, but you learn. If a kitten dies under a normal person's care, a normal person is fucking gutted and feels GUILT. Some may even choose not to get another kitten so they DON'T fuck up again.
Don't get me wrong, sometimes getting another pet immediately after losing one helps with the pain of loss. But Raven doesn't feel grief or guilt over cats, dogs, rabbits, or rats. And she's not going to learn and be a better pet mom.
The only way she'll stop getting new animals is if she dies. Fuck her, and fuck Josh, and her exes who let her keep pets. The amount of dead dogs, cats, rats and rabbits that died in Logan and Dorian's care is unforgivable. /rant
No. 600590
>>5994144 3 cats and 2 dogs.
>>600359But…but Marmalade was The Cat That Was More Than a Cat Forevermore!
And this one was literally named Marmalade Two.
While she is a consummate hoarder, she is atypical in that she picks a favorite from every column which she declares to be More Than. But they are always replaced. How can she be so self unaware and not exhausted by this cycle?
Will she be playing up being holiday homemaker for Thanksgiving again this year? And is Josh's loving and close family who accepted her as one of their own now completely out of the picture? After all her wailing over her regret for not having been able to see her mom before she died and how the car accident made her reevaluate what's important in life, you'd think spending time with them would be a priority. I doubt they will ever get around to having the big family wedding.
No. 600678
>>600150This freakin kills me. I have had 5 dogs in 20 years, 3 are currently alive and 2 of them are over the age 11. The other 2 have passed, one was 14 and the other at 11 from diabetes complications. Under no circumstance should you ever lose this many pets in a year ever! Whether they have died, ran away or given away. Raven is a dangerous menace to any animal that crosses her path. She is a rabid, dangerous, vicious pos. Josh isn’t any better either. Both are scum.
If she is in North Carolina as opposed to south then she fits in perfectly. They love animal abusers there and in my experience the laws are not in the animals favor, at all. So she will never be held accountable if one of her neighbors notices the revolving doggie door and reports her.
It is really hard not to a-log raven right now. She needs to keep her stubby, grubby fingers away from any and all animals.
No. 600717
>>600147>she tolerated Josh but it was me she really loved… this bitch. She's next level in her need to make everything about her.
>>600365>>600663With her history, I have no doubt they died. I just doubt the circumstances a LOT.
No. 600730
>>599360Yeah but wasn't she sooooooo upset that she couldn't bring her collection of bears she had bought every year since Dorian was born and had to bin those? Her christmas trees and every other plushie in the world tho. That shit's important.
I wouldn't be surprised if at some point she "misses" her son and pulls a Margo by finding something of his from childhood and saying "oh you have to actually talk to me if you want to get this thing back".
>>600147>the only cat i loved more than Marmalade!what the actual fuck?
also if you've got guys working in your house (which i doubt because that "house" she's got is a tip honestly) why did you not think to shut the animals in one room? At least the cats anyway. Dogs are a bit easier to keep track of. I thought she was THE MOST experienced EVER pet owner and would've thought of that…?
Not mad at these dogs, but mad at Doja? Making it any more obvious that you needed an excuse to get rid of Doja. Also more reasons to hate dogs I guess, except she doesn't this time since her flavour of the year loves dogs so much.
Show of hands tho who here has kept goldfish alive for longer than Raven has kept her pets, on average? Some of us may have even kept sea monkeys alive for longer. Honestly.
>>600663This is a rather optimistic view, but gosh i'm gonna hope you're right. I'd rather think she was pawning them off to buy more goff shit than they were dying horrible deaths because she's fucking negligent.
No. 600757
File: 1542502302514.gif (471.27 KB, 275x188, 1492864275532.gif)

I would love to be a fly on their wall when Josh sees her massive hoard (the 3+ christmas trees and other duplicates) and their poverty and inevitably puts two and two together and suggests a garage sale to her. Raven is gonna have a Chernobyl proportioned meltdown. HOW DARE HE???? This massive hoard is ALL I HAVE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. I HAVE NOTHING. I WAS HOMELESS. I COULDN'T AFFORD EVEN A LOUSY KEYCHAIN ALL MY LIFE.
Then as usual Cuck-O will drop the subject and try and smooth things over and never bring it up again and just let this sea hag bury them alive in rotting boxes and two thousand frumpy dolls and funky pops.
or scenario B, she'll relent because she's money hungry but overprice the shit she doesn't care about and no one will buy anything
kek put that shit on pay-per-view I'd watch
No. 600853
File: 1542520941604.png (497.26 KB, 563x513, Capture.PNG)

No. 600856
File: 1542521874892.png (35.86 KB, 769x222, marmalade 2.png)

Reminder of what she posted in the comments of her video in September.
Pumpkin will be enlisted to fulfill the role.
No. 600873
File: 1542525146830.png (72.03 KB, 800x349, license lie.png)

Her ID is denoted DL for Drivers License
No. 600879
File: 1542526537428.png (927.28 KB, 1280x800, more red lobster.png)

>>600872Josh drowning their jumbo tub of movie popcorn at a self serve butter dispenser and another Red Lobster feast.
Relationship goals!
No. 600887
>>600853rip sweet kitty. you and all the others deserved better.
>>600872she's obsessed with all you can eat popcorn. wow, the land of opportunity.
No. 600969
>>600872Lol the heavy breathing and telling Josh to 'shake it up' with the butter and popcorn while she films it. She sounds like a fatty even off camera.
Also she calls this video 'boring clips of some date nights but to be honest this was the most tolerable video because she barely spoke and it wasn't her rambling unedited for 20 minutes.
No. 600974
>>600733She's kind of like Onion in that way, uploading and oversharing tragic/private information with no self awareness. Then when people are grossed out or point out their wrong behaviour, they screech about being honest and showing flaws.
Admitting your flaws is great, but filming them or sharing them online is totally different.
She also thinks people need to know every little thing about her (even while going through a phase of pretending to be private) so she'll share everything from micarriages to dead pets. She's like a vlogger, but one that chooses to showcase all the terrible parts.
No. 601012
Are the archive anons still saving her videos?
>Boo_boo_kitty_fawkThis is someone else's account tho? Unless Raven deleted her account and this similarly tattooed woman happened to choose the same handle? When was Raven using it? Also it doesn't follow Raven's format of separating words with periods. She has never used underscores. This is why screenshots are needed.
No. 601026
File: 1542560802472.jpeg (Spoiler Image,150.78 KB, 421x960, B9D93471-E7A7-4D1C-AAB4-ADB999…)

New photos, she says this is from when the kitten was missing for a week.
No. 601031
File: 1542561064782.jpeg (Spoiler Image,171.8 KB, 519x960, 8618D05F-3CD6-41A0-9AFA-5C073E…)

>>601026also will be the last in a while
No. 601037
File: 1542561455487.jpg (238.48 KB, 750x1125, halloween-party-charlotte-nc.j…)

>>593262>>593263Was this on their event page? It looks like they deleted it. Raven was so pissed off about the costume contest I thought she may have left negative reviews, so I went looking. Maybe she went on a tirade and they had to delete it because she wouldn't shut up!
>>594729They went to Queen Park Social, not QC.
No. 601049
I can smell the mustiness from here. Whew, that wig!
>>601031Looks like she got the wedding inscription from Logan in the heart tattoo on her arm colored over.
She has filled her legs with so many alternatrash stamps like an over-eager 18 year old edgelord. Is that a "Pop Funko" Pennywise?!
>>601033Josh's signature on her left boob confirmed; I wonder if she made him ink it like she made Logan ink the heart inscription? Lyrics from "New Death Sensation" by Acid Bath on her right.
"Splashing blood upon my soul…"
Never change, Raven!
No. 601096
I am mystified by her lack of commentary on the Dorian-Isa-Logan triad despite even being baited
And the fact that the two weddings happened a day apart (tho nearly simultaneously when adjusting for the time zone difference) must have some significance rather than sheer coincidence.
No. 601134
>>601032>>601031>>601026>>601034She's so awkward at modelling. It's always the same resting bitchface stare looking up or sideways with her arms doing whatever.
Like everytime.
The one where she's looking down is like the only different facial pose that has been a change up.
Literally all the others are the same.
I notice she rarely if ever takes photos front on either because her moonface and ogre nose. She always has her head turned slightly to hide her faceshape with the retarded myspace 'I'm looking over there' face.
Also all her photos are trashy as fuck. Fishnets and tinsel like she's some hot Christmas stripper.
No. 601139
>>601032Her arms look so hammy in these pics. So not a good idea to lift your lunchlady arms up, Raven.
Also whenever she wears corsets or dresses with high boots it seems to draw attention to how short and dwarflike her figure is.
She's just so stumpy.
Boots, especially knee-highs make her look even stumpier.
She has no ankles.
Also, if that's not photoshopped tinsel, that's A LOT of tinsel to have. Like where is all of that going to be stored after christmas?
She's got enough there for a few trees!
No. 601216
>>601012I save videos as she releases them, I mean the present-day ones though.
>>601037Yeah she posted a YT video of the night anon, this is two weeks gone.
>>601139It's going to be christmas all year round, anon!
No. 601273
File: 1542591025621.jpeg (191.56 KB, 640x617, E1FFA0F4-380B-4798-85EF-9BCC39…)

>>601031This is the most obvious bad photoshop job she has done. Very lazy since she didn’t even try to make it even or match the others. Her breasts are 3 cups different and that left side is slimmed more to fake the curves. The sudden bigger black background in a sea of tinsel was a dead give away since it’s almost the same pose as
>>601032 in which she isn’t that curvy.
No. 601559
File: 1542641077220.jpg (141.19 KB, 636x960, 1512222616643.jpg)

>also will be the last in a whileAs in the last post she will be making?
She always plays this game with us when the thread nears its limit. "Will I stop posting?! Will I return?! I gotta keep the haters wondering so they will make a new thread!"
>>601546Of course she did. And look how far her tinsel hoard has grown from its humble beginnings
And last year she was forced to fake it! [pic related]
>>601490Nothing stopping us talking about her reaction here tho. There is no way she doesn't have an opinion, and it's hard to believe she has cultivated enough restraint to not put them on blast.
Wasn't there talk of the NZ police being informed about her harassing Isa?
No. 601564
File: 1542641309116.jpg (99.53 KB, 900x1280, 1512159680005.jpg)

>>601273Her boobs have always been two different sizes. It's more noticeable when she wears these ill fitting bustiers.
No. 601649
File: 1542650740437.png (1.18 MB, 800x1077, tinsel tits.png)

>These are probably going to be the last pictures of me for a while. Until it's time to show off her Christmas hoard of plushies and Pop Funkos from Private Piltdown.
No. 601654
File: 1542650981050.png (727.06 KB, 686x1178, captive kitties.png)

>Never again!
No. 601656
File: 1542651143812.png (713.15 KB, 800x1053, ryan vs josh.png)

Ryan is ever present in her comments and likes.
No. 601880
>>601559re Isa this is true but it would be harder for her to blend in and slam them here. She'd be too busy getting
triggered over her own shit. She was in that thread the minute it started.
>>601825>you own your damn houseuh what? also *trailer
No. 601920
File: 1542692003028.png (712.14 KB, 800x1060, baby gate.png)

>>601825>>601904They have two bedrooms and two bathrooms, but one of the bedrooms is stuffed with her hoard. Here's a baby gate blocking nothing. But no matter what it was totally not her fault! The people working on the shack let them out!
No. 601967
That's what I was saying earlier about her selfishness. Of course the cats want to get out. Most of the trailer is filled with boxes and shit and she is terrible with keeping the tray clean so they are basically cooped up with no room around their own toilet all day.
I'm so annoyed that the random person in her comments suggested a leash and harness and Raven immediately shut it down because it was too hard.
Yeah some cats don't like it, but you could at least attempt it. Especially because they are still young. And even it doesn't work, build or buy a fucking CAT RUN.
It infuriates me that this dumb troll will raise a bunch of money in the shortest amount of time from other people's pockets or will literally hook for cash in order to be with her love from overseas online (CJ and Josh), but nah buying a cat run is too hard.
She'll buy and hoard useless soaps, go out to themeparks and dinners, but won't buy something that will solve her problem and ensure safety for her pets. She never thinks longterm about anything and never thinks to change anything to solve the problem.
Instead she'll just board them up until one escapes and dies a horrible death and then magically 'find' one a week later that she saved somehow. And then she complains about the issue on camera and blames everything on circumstance. Rinse repeat.
I can imagine her future videos.
>Hey guys so after Marmalade 7 died because she got out somehow while I was napping and a swarm of wild dogs ate her and I was so sad because she was my favourite Marmalade so far. RIP Marmalade 7. Anyway, I wasn't going to get another cat, but the other night i heard a meowing and it was a lost kitten that we found in Josh's hair! It must of been there for days, it was so sick and weak but we saved it. We are naming him Loki and we got another kitten so he has a friend and this one I named Marmalade 8 because her left pupil looks EXACTLY like Marmalade. Sorry for ranting. I just don't understand why someone after supposedly getting a job would not immediately splurge on some sort of fencing/run or something. Especially given the fact your last few pets have had died from escaping. It's not like she doesn't have or isn't capable of getting the money. It seems when she wants hillbilly dick she'll move heaven and earth to find the cash, but would rather not save for fencing and justs expect her cats to not escape and die over and over again.
No. 601995
>>601983Ah yes, Marmalade and Loki.
Her go-to names. Fast forward 9 years and she's up to Marmade 40 and Loki 22.
>>601992>prostitute at a dying Christmas villageI fucking died anon
No. 602016

Jewelry unboxings
Published on Nov 19, 2018
Hey, guys. I have two quick unboxings to do. Josh and I are out at the moment. We are at a bank. Well, he just went into the bank and we're headed off to Home Depot to go get stuff for the house and do some other little errands. So I brought along these two things so I can share them with you while we're out.
First of all I'm gonna start with this ring that I bought from a store called the Irish Gem. I think that's what it's called. I only just discovered them because I was looking for a ring to replace whatever I had here. I used…I wear rings on almost every single finger and I lost this one somehow. And I keep ordering this one awesome looking spider ring from Wish, but Wish has turned shittier than they ever were. I've actually debated doing a video on them but it would just be me bitching for like 20 minutes so I haven't done it. They are just awful. Other people have had bad experiences, but I had had pretty good experiences with them until recently. I can't get anything sent to the house. And when something is sent to the house that's actually really, really shit, whereas before it was quite usable. Cheaply made, but you get what you pay for. It was still, you know, interesting to see what you got, you know, knockoff versions of stuff or whatnot. But anyway I gave up trying to order this ring from Wish.
And so I discovered this is this one. Now this is a black gunmetal mossinite? Mossin…I don't know what the fuck you call it…ring with skulls on it. Similar to my wedding ring, but quite different. Now I'm able to show you guys the difference between a cheap skull ring and a good skull ring. This was under $20. This is exactly what I wanted it for, just a little ring to wear on my finger. Nothing big, nothing flashy, nothing too extreme, and nothing expensive, so I don't mind that it's cheap.
I really don't…I'm the kind of person that likes cheap stuff. I love, love going to Goodwill. I love yard sales. I love Walmart. I was raised on second-hand clothes and dumpster diving, you know, my mom raised me that way, and I've just always preferred to buy a whole bunch of cheap things rather than one really expensive thing. So if I can get away with it I always buy the cheapest thing I can find.
Let me move on and show you. This ring is actually really beautiful even though it's not, you know, high high quality. I have this on the back of a sign because I tried to make this video before and I'm wearing pajamas, and because of the pajamas' pattern it wouldn't focus on the ring, so I'm gonna try this time.
So um, this is what the ring looks like. It is quite nice. It is actually really nice. I don't know how well it'll hold up. I know that this will come off pretty easily [she points to the finish], but like I said that's fine. It does its job. I might have to push that down [she points to the prongs]. It looks like that's…that might be standing up a little bit. It'll get caught on my clothes on one side so I'll end up pushing that down. But these are the skulls. See? They're kind of cartoony. Two skulls, two skulls and crossbones. And then holding up the gem are more skulls. [cut] Sorry about that. We're on to the next destination here in front of the Home Depot. Anyway, as I was saying…I don't really remember exactly what I was saying, but this, this ring here. Yeah, the skulls are not, they're not great quality. They're kind of cartoony looking. It's, you know, as you would expect. This is the quality of most of the other skull rings similar to my wedding ring that you will find on sites like Julia, Wish, every other Asian site out there. There are so many knockoffs of the ring that I actually got as my wedding ring. But this is what they usually do look like. They're just not very detailed, you know, not great quality skulls. Whereas my wedding ring, this is what it looks like. There is a great amount of detail. High shine in the stone. The skulls are hand-carved. And it just looks so, so good. This ring is absolutely beautiful. This other ring is pretty too, but it is exactly what I wanted. But you can see the difference instantly. So the other skull rings that are not from the site I bought it from do not look like this. They look like this. And I know that's not the same design, but this is what you can expect if you go to any other site besides the one I went to. I'm sure there are other sites that have really nice rings like this, but you have to be very, very careful. Look at the pictures clearly. So this is my first unboxing. Now let me put my rings on and I will open the second one.
All right, now this is from a site called Purgatory Playthings. You might have heard from them, you might not have. Everything that they send you from their site comes in a wooden coffin box like this, so that is really cool. It is a nice touch. I'm going to stain this and paint it and of course I'm gonna keep it. This is a necklace. I did open it because I was just so eager to see what it looked like. Ugh. I got the lid stuck again. Oh, I need two hands for this. One second. Okay, so I got this open now. This is the box. My necklace is inside. This is a beautiful necklace. I forgot what it's called. It's quite large. This is what it looks like in the bag. And this is what it looks like outside of the package. It actually looks a lot nicer than I thought from the pictures. In the pictures it looks a little lumpy and the background looked a little lumpy like it wouldn't be all that great, but it actually is. It's really lightweight. The teeth look real as hell, and I think it's just really striking and beautiful. The shipping was pretty quick. It came fairly fast. And I just really think that this looks amazing. And that's it. Josh is back in the car now. You always roll your eyes on camera.
Josh: I always roll my eyes off camera.
Raven: So yeah, so that's that. And um, I'll see you in the next video. Bye bye!
No. 602017
File: 1542717505737.png (569.52 KB, 1280x800, cheapo skull ring.png)

"This was under $20. This is exactly what I wanted it for, just a little ring to wear on my finger. Nothing big, nothing flashy, nothing too extreme, and nothing expensive, so I don't mind that it's cheap."
No. 602019
File: 1542717816121.png (552.05 KB, 1280x800, cheapo skull ring 2.png)

"There are so many knockoffs of the ring that I actually got as my wedding ring. But this is what they usually do look like. They're just not very detailed, you know, not great quality skulls. Whereas my wedding ring, this is what it looks like."
No. 602022
File: 1542717943001.png (783.54 KB, 1280x800, goffbags dentures.png)

"The teeth look real as hell, and I think it's just really striking and beautiful."
No. 602026
File: 1542718360650.png (786.66 KB, 1280x800, home depot.png)

Not like we need more proof, but I bet the sign on that truck does not say Florida.
No. 602073
File: 1542725918214.png (278.44 KB, 800x723, etsy.png)

>>602016She only bought a cheap skull ring in response to the haters on KF who called her out for plunking down hundreds on her silver (not even gold) wedding rings.
Who films unboxing videos while sitting in pajamas in their car in the parking lot of Home Depot?
>I'm the kind of person that likes cheap stuff. I've just always preferred to buy a whole bunch of cheap things rather than one really expensive thing. So if I can get away with it I always buy the cheapest thing I can find.You don't say!
The necklace was $35. No. 602115
File: 1542730597227.jpg (1.55 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20181120_181328182.jpg)

>>602026I wonder how's the Home Depot in Spartanb… I mean Florida.
No. 602168
>>602139>>602152Do you not see
>>602160And the Red Lobster, the QT, the freeway signs, the maps, the weather, the giant peach water tower…
No. 602306
>>602016This 'review' if that's what you can call it is dumb and she makes no sense half the time.
She starts off introducing the shop she's reviewing and says she
thinks it's called the Irish gem. Who doesn't know the shop they are reviewing?
She keeps going on about how one ring is better than the other and yeah one does look cheaper than the other, but a lot of the differences she mentions are just aesthetic differences. Like they both look like cheap crap, it's like comparing a fake croc shoe to a real one. Both shit, one is just overpriced.
She bitches about wish, their shipping and quality, but says at the same time they used to be good and cheap but 'you get what you pay for' Does she even understand that phrase? You get what you pay for means if it's cheap, it will be shit.
Also she goes on about liking cheap stuff and how cheap her taste is and mentions dumpster diving and goodwill stores. Yet she overpays for EVERYTHING eg- the logan bear, her ring, and does half baked 'reviews' on shit she doesn't even use, just collects. I've never seen her do a goodwill thrift haul or even show an item on screen that hasn't been ordered online.
Her terribly painted fat fingers
trigger me too. It would take all of two seconds to swab acetone around the edges and clean them up but she does a video that involves showing closeups of her hands and lazily just leaves nail polish all over her fingers.
$35 for an ugly shitty tooth necklace she'll probably wear once but too lazy to save it for something actually important.
No. 602325
>>602202The whole thing that annoys me about the tooth necklace is that she says that she's really impressed with the quality of the black background because it's not 'lumpy' (I'm assuming it's black enamel paint) but then goes on to say 'The background looked lumpy in the photos'
Especially 35 dollars! Why!? Because it comes in a wooden box shaped like a coffin?
She just rambles and says whatever pops into her head honestly.
This is like the Logan bear that she filmed from all the random angles after she got it and complained it looked ugly from certain angles. It's like she runs out of shit to say.
There's a difference in a review or unboxing, between commenting on the quality of something, and just rambling shit while focusing the camera on something random you bought.
>duhhh this ring no look like this ring because I paid double for it and this one has cartoony skulls duhhhh She doesn't explain anything clearly. I didn't know whether she meant masonite or mossanite or fucking marmite when she was talking about the ring because she herself didn't even know how to pronounce nor did she bother to look it up. Most people would have a script or plan what they are going to say in a video, she just fucking wings it everytime and never edits anything out and mentions stupid details like 'I'm filming this in the car in my pajamas outside a bank'
Even then, a regular YouTuber would make a joke about that, but she just mentions it casually like it's totally normal.
I find it baffling that people like her content. She just waffles on camera about crap she buys online. She repeats herself and never seems to know what to say.
Also…this is a nitpick and noone is going to care but I work in furniture restoration and it rustles my jimmies when customers ask me to 'stain and paint' their item. Or they want a stain and call it paint. Or the other way round.
I hope she means she's going to stain it and paint it with varnish because it makes no sense otherwise. Paint is opaque and stain is translucent so you can see the grain of the wood.
Sorry for this retarded nitpick, I just have to explain daily to people that paint is a solid finish while a stain changes the colour and you are able to see the grain of the wood through the stain.
I often have to explain this over several times a day.
Either way, she won't actually go and buy stain and varnish, I could totally see that plain coffin box just joining her ongoing nest of crap. She wouldn't actually dare to finish something or god forbid create something that doesn't take two seconds to buy offline or from walmart.
Same goes for that shitty necklace.
A more interesting video would be her going to a thrift shop and buying bits of old jewellery and then going into an art shop and buying modelling clay, glue and paint to make her own spooky teeth necklace/jewellery at home.
It would probably end up the same price as the one she ordered but it would make for an interesting video.
But nah fuck that, she can just order it offline for 35 bucks and make a poor excuse for a review while she sits in a car in her pjs. For someone who dresses alternative and claims to be into interesting arty things, she's an extremely uncreative person. And for someone who claims to be thrifty, she's extremely good at wasting money on trivial tacky shit.
No. 602428
>For someone who dresses alternative and claims to be into interesting arty things, she's an extremely uncreative person.Remember her Ravaged by Raven Facebook page? All she ever did was make fake blood and smear it on herself and her dolls and her make-up clients. Speaking of make-up, how many gorgeous color palettes have gone wasted in her hoard because she uses only the black and gray shades?
In the soap video she says, "I wish I knew how to make soaps because I definitely would go into this." Why doesn't she try it? Making soap and candles is not difficult.
No. 602628
>>602428Now there's a thought, and a wonderful insight into Raven's psyche.
She could make goth-y DIYs and sell them through her social media, and attract a following, and make enough money to pay the bills. She could make easy money doing coffin-shaped book shelves, those pentagram shelves that Killstar sells, jewelry, she could buy cheap Halloween masks and pimp them out with fake blood and make a profil. She could make that black soap so fucking easily; everything she needs is sold on Amazon: the skull molds, ingredients, fucking black glitter if you want to do some fancy body scrubs or w/e. Fuck it, she could hunt for vintage shit and spray it black, and make a killing. One goth youtuber bought an entire gothic-looking vanity table with built in shelves and drawers at a flea market for $40!
Alternative shit has always been overpriced because 95% of people who buy is are going through their alt phase and will absolutely pay $30 for a black t-shirt. She could take advantage of that, but she doesn't, and never will. Instead she's living the gothic life with a mindset of a teenager in their black phase, when she should be savvy enough by now to not fall for the newbie traps. She spends way too much money on her goth lifestlye because she's and always will be a poser.
She's an idiot, and she's lazy. And she can hate on successful goth youtubers like Adora Batbrat and Black Friday but it's because she's so hateful and jelly she can't see she could easily be just like them. What a twat.
No. 602659
>>602628step 1: commence hoard of jewellery fixings and old furniture
step 2: profit?
No. 603041
>>602797she could, but you know if she's going to venture into this she's gonna be buying stuff. because buying stuff is life.
I bet in lieu of thanksgiving dinner she was one of the trashy ppl beating down the doors of walmart at 5pm tonite. josh's family hates her, and can you imagine her playing homemaker for her own? best to just go shopping instead, as that's probably the only point of this season for her lol.
No. 603207
>>603041>buying stuff is lifeSo true. Raven's motto.
Tbh, I don't even mind when people buy shit and show it on camera, it's the way she does it.
Like, if your settings are a bit shit and everything seems 'raw' them you need to make up for it with creative content like anons have suggested. Or a more interesting personality.
And if you wanna be a boring shill/reviewer/unboxer, then make more of an effort in your aesthetics. Put down a nice backdrop, have an idea of what you are gonna say, paint your nails decently and edit any ums and mistakes.
The problem with Raven is she half asses her videos. She films them in messy rooms, drones and never edits anything. Tana Mongoloid started in a room with a dirty laptop but at least she was animated.
None of this would bother me if Raven was just a weird cringy woman who tried to make lame videos, but it's the fact she so entitled about it. She uploads shitty pictures and videos and expects nothing but fans and praise. She overshares and churns out absolute garbage and when people commnent something as simple as the item they want for a giveaway, (that she didn't even go through with) she screeches that they were being rude. She's a shitty person, but definitely a shitty 'content creator'
No. 604102
File: 1543181249258.jpeg (668.08 KB, 1242x2123, 36BF3FEE-5AD0-458E-857B-C7D70B…)

Another cat gone, thankfully it isn’t dead. I guess this means she stole the cat.
No. 604215
>>604110Because she's salty about how horribly and irresponsibly this other family has cared for the kitten so far. Because her negligent ass has never done worse.
Thank goodness that cat is away from her now and hopefully in a safer area. Hopefully the kid in question learned a lesson out of all this.
Or she's bullshitting and just sold the animal so she could get her next Red Lobster hit.
No. 604296
>>604288obviously gravy is the best pet owner, she clearly feels guilty having to give the cat back to the irresponsible owners and obviously abusive kids!
i swear, bitch goes through pets like a youtube pet hoarder.
No. 604382
>No more kitten cuddlesAre Jelly and Miss Pretty no longer good enough to satisfy your misplaced maternal urges?
Working on the next thread. We gotta be prepared for her obligatory tedious Year in Review video!
No. 604938
>>604912Keywords 'welfare' and 'leech', I think she's replying to you anon
>>596928Also shouts out to
>>603207 and
>>602325 and
>>602388 for trying to tell her how to be a better goff Youtuber.
No. 605077
New thread!
>>>/pt/605066Apologies for the delay. In a freakish coincidence there was a fire in my building just as I was downloading the OP pic last night!