File: 1595790583051.jpg (108.31 KB, 720x1280, fujobitch.jpg)

No. 1013078
Tobi is a shitty artist and a fujoshi in her mid 20's that acts like a whiny bitch and hides behind her BPD when people start calling her out for her shit hot takes. Criticized Shannon/Creepshow art when she's basically the lovechild of Shannon and Holly Brown. Also was a camwhore at one point. Annoying "UwU soft baby" personality when is actually loud and catty.
Got attention for her Creepshow Art video which would come back to bite her in the ass when people found out she was no better.
Started getting backlash when she said she was a Shane Dawson and Gabbie Hanna fan. Made a short screeching video talking about how drama channels were bad for calling people (mostly Shane) out when she is one of those drama channels. Recently getting alot of hate for dying on the hill of defending her love of Yaoi to the death.
YOUTUBE: thread) No. 1013124
File: 1595796102157.png (115.08 KB, 547x608, wtf.png)

This is literally the saddest and most hypocritical shit I've ever seen fucking hell.
No. 1013139
File: 1595798433113.jpeg (74.8 KB, 636x510, A0BF1A4C-C880-4799-AE5B-4C28AE…)

tobi's old art account on twitter, @adimaiart. drawing "hard bdsm" of a 16 year old character
No. 1013141
File: 1595798501530.jpeg (107.15 KB, 825x861, 632975A1-6B40-4500-8881-9AE7F3…)

more fetishizing of gay men despite tobi receiving tons of backlash for it
No. 1013143
File: 1595798696929.jpeg (107.94 KB, 820x536, 2DFD772C-100B-41CD-A4F5-1B093A…)

>>1013139tobi claiming the hashtags on the "hard bdsm" pic were not meant to be taken sexually (because bdsm doesn't equal sexual content, obvi /s)
No. 1013168
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>>1013161>she stans someone that has had pedophilic tendencies that involve real life children>has drawn someone underage with a hashtag that relates to a sexual kinkTeenage newfags, I swear. Either say what it is or don't say what it is. This ambiguity and ~potential pedophilia that I can't clarify for some reason but is so predatory~ is Tumblr-callout-post-tier.
No. 1013171
File: 1595800983247.jpeg (365.5 KB, 750x814, 19F8FCE2-2045-4FF6-8429-D432C8…)

>>1013168ok then here's tobi accusing someone of being a pedo while she herself drew underage characters like the person she's calling out. it's just hypocritical at this point
No. 1013173
>>1013168This. I don't even understand why she warranted her own thread outside of artist salt, she's just a catty Twitter nobody who drops edgy takes. Literal tumblrina tier vendetta drama with the "b-but she drew CEE PEE of a 16 year old anime character!" spergery.
>>1013170>this isn't about him>BUT IT IS BECAUSE SHES A PEDO FOR STANNINlmao
No. 1013283
File: 1595828304210.png (564.25 KB, 607x438, whynot.PNG)

I don't think Tobi is particularly interesting enough to deserve her own thread, but I do think she is incredibly obnoxious. One person will have a different opinion than her, and she'll make 20+ tweets about it, plus a Youtube video talking about it. She's incredibly hypocritical, constantly talks like an "uwu baby" despite pushing 25, and over reacts to everything. She can never be wrong, and if she is, she will never concede that fact. She cannot step away from the computer. She pushes blame on her BPD, never takes responsibility for herself, and always repeats the same behavior no matter how bad the last call out was. This behavior isn't anything new or unique, but it still grates on people nonetheless.
She embodies everything about the twitch camwhore personality type that only becomes more and more prevalent.
No. 1013404
File: 1595866094477.png (680.78 KB, 1300x1900, fromartistsalt19.png)

For context:
In her Kimba video, she:
>Babbles the first 5 minutes, completely off topic. She continues to do this at random intervals. The video is originally 14 minutes and could be cut down to 5.
>Calls out a specific commenter for “pulling out their keyboard and typing out a comment that I already know how is going to be worded"
>States The Lion King is a complete rip off of Kimba the White Lion many times
>States that her evidence that The Lion King is a rip off is two videos that YMS debunked directly in his video on Kimba
>When Disney says that TLK is based off of Hamlet, she states, “Really bitch????” as if TLK’s Hamlet inspiration isn’t obvious
>States that TLK is closer to Kimba the White Lion than Dinsey princess movies are to their original fairy tales
>Claims to have watched KWL movie at some point, yet doesn’t know that the comparison videos show clips from different Kimba series, movies, etc.
>States that Tezuka did NOT take TLK as a compliment, and that his company only stated that as a sign of defeat. As if she would know how the company or Tezuka feels more than the company who worked with him or the company itself.
>States that Tezuka’s company has “a stronger case to sue Disney than Disney has had to sue anything period to any lawsuit they’ve ever had for copyright”.
>Says that this is her first analytical video, and tells people to bear with her if it’s bad. Then she proceeds to have a complete meltdown on Twitter because people told her her her video was bad.
>When someone tells her politely on Twitter to check out YMS's video for more information, she refuses and says it's a waste of time. The person gives her a summary of his points, and she refuses to read or acknowledge them, doubling down that TLK is a rip off.
>Turns comments off on her video because people were telling her to check out YMS’s video on Kimba
>Changes her description, doubling down
>Claims to have received “death and rape threats” on her video, despite her never showing these comments. Nor can you find death and rape threats on videos that were actually covered in YMS’s video.
>Eventually deletes her Kimba video and all her Kimba Tweets. She makes no statement on how she was wrong.
No. 1013533
>>1013139There is no good way to view this.
She says that Shoto is 18+, but she hasn't drawn him to look older, nor has she put that Shoto is aged up in her post. She also denies that this picture is sexual [>>1013143]. However, if she's trying to defend herself by saying that he's an adult, then she clearly knows that it is sexual. Also, no one has stated that BDSM = porn. BDSM = sexual in nature. Sexualizing a 16 year old who is probably more than 8 years younger than you is weird, even if they are fictional.
More than that, Shoto is abused by his family in show. So if this picture is not BDSM, then is it supposed to be of him being abused. Saying, "Hit him harder" and tagging the post with "BDSM" is therefore making light of his abuse, and sexualizing it.
What has happened here is that she made a sexual drawing of a 16 year old anime boy, and instead of just owning it, she denied it and deflected, because her tik tac brain can't process that she could possibly be wrong or that different opinions than hers exist. However, she didn't realize that by denying it, she was implying something far worse.
No. 1013761
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>draws BDSM of Shoto Todoroki
>states that her BNHA picture isn't sexual or porn
>changes her mind and says what she drew was CP, but it's not as bad as benthelooney
>now is saying that what she drew isn't cp? and that defending a cp artist under any circumstance is disgusting?
Also if you don't want your porn account getting out there, why make a public tweet about it? Why would you even pretend that having a porn twitter, onlyfans, pornhub, etc. is private, anyway? The only information we get from it is your weird baby fetish and the fact you were born in 1994.
No. 1013807
File: 1595927685962.png (319.97 KB, 1080x1935, Screenshot_2020-07-28-04-02-47…)

>>1013761She's also sending people threatening dms from her porn acc and promptly blocking them. Regardless of what you think about the underage art, this is just so petty and childish. Literally no one is scared of or gives a shit about your teenage fanbase Tobi.
No. 1013816
>>1013807How stupid do you have to be to dm people from an account that you don't want getting out there, then proceed to get mad when someone "leaks" your account that you shouldn't of been using in the first place?
Also what a fucking bitch
>>1013808 This reeks of, "I got five whole views and now I'm better than everyone else, and when I make a video on you it will WRECK YOU!!11" like stfu and just make your video retard. if these people are actual pedos and making pedo art then stop wasting time dm-ing them and spamming twitter reeing.
No. 1013902
both of them are gross, but benthelooney's drawings look way more aged up than tobi's ever did. All the characters have huge breasts and hips that they don't have normally. by tobi's standards, if benthelooney just stated that the characters were 18+, then she wouldn't care.
>>1013881 and yes, she's referring to hentai of cartoon characters as cp instead of csam, prohibited images, etc.
No. 1013924
File: 1595954731910.png (124.94 KB, 591x326, 8888.PNG)

>>1013902He actually does. I think the main problem with his art is that the characters' faces remain drawn the same, so they still look like kids, despite having adult bodies. The fact that benthelooney is drawing the characters with huge boobs, hips, cocks, muscles, pubic hair, etc. is indicative that he's not attracted to minors, though. If he were, you'd see a lot more flat chests, less curves, no pubes, etc.
No. 1013933
File: 1595956555956.png (226.03 KB, 738x676, tobi.png)

Fucking christ she really is blaming them for "leaking" when she's the one that dm'ed them from that account in the first place. Why didn't you just dm them from your main???
No. 1013938
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Let me guess, the issues are her bpd and she can't handle listening to someone telling her that her idol she's watched for 10 years is a shit person?
No. 1014064
File: 1595973909361.png (250.28 KB, 1280x1440, jfc.png)

Well this is officially a shit show. She's mentioned on her channel multiple times that she's is/was a sex worker so it's not like this big secret. If she wouldn't have dm'ed the dude, she probably could have saved herself from this.
No. 1014129
File: 1595982010500.png (188.6 KB, 1680x830, 009584.png)

>I wouldn't of cared if someone found my account, if it hadn't been a friend.
So this a total vendetta, then? She doesn't actually care that her account was "leaked".
Also apparently they're calling this revenge porn? Even though revenge porn requires that the pornographic images to be private in the first place, not published on public websites.
No. 1014458
File: 1596052205197.png (64.2 KB, 623x564, pedo.PNG)

>>1013924this really bothers me.. drawing underage cartoon characters with huge tits and ass is not the same as being attracted to actual children. it can still be considered gross and immoral, but it is nowhere on the same level as being an actual pedophile.
idk, unless tobi has hard proof of bentheloony hitting on minors or liking prepubescent bodies, than her case seems pretty flat.
No. 1015032
File: 1596164647186.png (38.7 KB, 601x323, petcovid.PNG)

Imagine losing your pet to Covid and then having this dickcheese being insensitive about it.
No. 1015326
>>1015092>>1015232Went and found where they're mentioned on KF. (drawing properly aged up characters) (drawing characters as loli/actual kids)
also as
>>1014924 mentioned, he recently drew dipper on his twitter, and dipper was very clearly a child.
No. 1015358
>>1015330you don't need to put in any effort to have the winning side when your competition is drawing lolis. most people hate that.
I don't personally want ben to "win". ben seems pretty disgusting. but I don't want tobi to be seen as this "morally perfect uwu baby" because she's clearly a stupid cunt who pulls shit like this
>>1013404 and this
>>1015032Just because you're talking about disgusting people doesn't mean that you're a good person, but her audience is probably kids and stupid adults, so they won't get that.
No. 1016279
I'm pretty sure she deleted that one post in her community tab where these screen shots are taken from
>>1014064 because I can't find it and before it was deleted I think she also deleted Minty's comment. She's probably trying to hide shit because her post about making a video on Ben is still up.
No. 1016336
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>>1016279That's exactly what she's doing
No. 1020222
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>>1015032Well, this aged like milk. I do genuinely feel bad for her though.
No. 1020223
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>>1020222Same anon but, she probably won't make a video on the Yaoi bs or Ben.
No. 1020786
>>1020222>>1020223I understand putting off the yaoi video, because that's less important, and I understand that it's really hard when a pet dies, but isn't her whole point that Ben (and whoever else in the video) are pedos? Dangers to kids and society?
Being a pedophile isn't just the average petty drama. It's really important. And if it's important, why would she put off making a video on it? If she isn't well enough to do it, she could pass it on to a friend to do it.
It's just really weird to me. It would be like knowing that a Youtuber raped someone, but put off making a video to get the word out because your grandma died. Obviously the death is important, but wouldn't you feel morally/socially obligated to get the word out as quick as possible?
No. 1020811
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>I'm not like Creepshowart!!!
>I'm not different and I'm just like these bottom feeders uwu
No. 1020911
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>>1020811ffs, she reacts to the stupidest shit ever (pic related). why does she even bother? i swear you could bait this bitch with anything, and she'd take it.
>triggered over people that dislike how she draws faces>replying to people who obviously do not give af what she has to say>nonsensical, long ass replies giving information no one wanted or cared about>"it's just my styllee" uwu No. 1020923
File: 1597094434932.png (42.38 KB, 885x263, 394c3pk.png)

>creepshow’s “apology” video wasn’t really an apology>creepshow is shit and she doesn't edit or script>omg what’s wrong with you?! how could you even IMPLY that creepshow’s pictures are airbrushed or filtered in any way?!?!?!omfg this fucking retard. Tobi hates creepshow for daring to dislike her husbando Shane Dawson, but gets offended because people call creepshow out for airbrushing/filtering her selfies. Tobi, you’re so transparent. Everyone knows you’re only offended because you airbrush/filter the exact same.
No. 1020950
Don't know how the thread missed this video. It's decent. He calls Tobi out for her hypocrisy.
So far Tobi has not responded to this video or this one
>>1015453 No. 1020977
>>1020950She's said before that she's not going to respond to things because its "bAd FoR hEr BEE-PEE-DEEEEEE" when she just knows she probably wouldn't be able to provide any
valid counterpoints without throwing a massive bitchy temper tantrum.
No. 1021749
>>1020976You can still find porn of her under her other account name on Pornhub, Reddit, Google, etc. Her main thing seems to be humping teddy bears, step-sister porn, with an excessive amount of ahegao faces. One thing creeps me out, and that is sometimes she seems to be dressed childishly (small cutesy dress, kitty backpack, kitty ears, etc.), but that's just my opinion.
No. 1022062
File: 1597278437574.jpg (Spoiler Image,9.39 KB, 301x167, ew.jpg)

Pardon the bad image quality but, fucking hell am I sick of camwhores trying to recreate the ahegao face irl. It doesn't look good on Belle Delphine and it certainly doesn't look good on her.
Also her pornhub link for anyone curious: one of her videos (5 views kek): No. 1022103
File: 1597283789740.png (Spoiler Image,165.29 KB, 751x616, onlyfans.PNG)

>>1022062If you really want to go down that route, there's more on her Reddit. Her Reddit also has her new OnlyFans on it.
Reddit: refers to having a "BDSM switch" as a part of her BPD on her Twitter (so I guess this is just roleplay time instead of serious mental problems), and it's clear from her posts that this "BDSM switch" likes thinking of herself as an "uwu baby girl" doing sexual things for her "daddy".
No. 1022163
File: 1597296750396.png (Spoiler Image,372.33 KB, 950x330, vs.png)

>>1022120Tobi ahegao vs Belle Delphine ahegao.
I think both look stupid, but at least you could argue Belle looks like she's getting off. Tobi just looks like a cross-eyed pug coming to greet you after you've been at work all day.
No. 1022833
File: 1597414578266.png (381.32 KB, 599x2617, idontownelfears.png)

wtf is this? what are these two chucklefucks doing? fail trolling each other?
why would she respond to this? why even bother? and wtf is her response?
No. 1022925
>>1022833>>1022834I can't tell which person in this Twitter thread is more retarded.
Also, I honestly don't think Tobi made much money on OF. She constantly puts up hundreds of nudes for free, while barely ever promoting her OF. She seems to care more about attention/compliments, than actually making money.
No. 1022945
File: 1597430412323.png (Spoiler Image,579.15 KB, 610x412, fromreddit.PNG)

I went to check out her Reddit, and this was posted yesterday. It genuinely had me laughing. She looks like such a fucking moron.
How is this supposed to turn anyone on?
No. 1023006

Beginning to 36:10 is just her talking about her dog so nothing interesting. 36:10 and on is about video topics she was/is going to do.
>Straight up calls Benthelooney a pedophile and says he follows MAPs and his followers are MAPs (can anyone confirm this?)>" 'They're drawings so it doesn't matter' Sorry no, fuck you child porn is porn of children drawn or otherwise. Don't bring up the definition it doesn't matter">Talks about trent can literally calls him a beta cuck unironically.>Talks about her love of yaoi and tells people to get over the fact that she likes it.>Doesn't care about people's opinions right now because her dog diedCalled the fact that she was gonna use her dogs death as a way to not make videos on the topics she was talking about. So in conclusion she's just a whiny bitch who's just as obnoxious on camera talking as she is with her sprites. Don't know if she'll upload anything milky anymore but, this saga of dumbshit has ended. I do have to wonder if she'll respond to
>>1020950 eventually because it's getting alot of traction.
No. 1023030
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>>1023006So after her dog died, she has time to respond to ALL of this shit:
>>1020811 >>1020911 >>1022833 >>1022834 (and the pic)
But she can't be bothered to make a video exposing someone she thinks is an actual PEDOPHILE?
She can respond to every single stupid troll, fail troll, and people with different opinions. She has the mental capability to do that. But it's just too hard to expose people she believes are actual pedos on Twitter? How does that make any sense at all?
I agree with
>>1020786 . How does she not feel morally obligated to make a video on people she believes are pedophiles? Or hand it off to a friend?
I think she backed herself into a corner, making claims she couldn't be bothered to back up or defend, and when people started coming a knockin' for proof, she ran away like a pussy bitch. What good does it do to have strong opinions and get into arguments with people if you can't be assed to defend them when the time comes?
No. 1023197
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>>1023196she's already exhausting to be around
and the most interaction any of us have with her is checking her twitter once a week
No. 1024630
File: 1597707147382.png (676.08 KB, 1187x2182, longresponse.png)

>Hi, I'm Tobi, and I can make videos on random comments no one cares about, but when it comes to making videos to expose pedophiles, I just can't be bothered!
Also notice how she cuts out all her responses when she posts this comment on Twitter. She doesn't show how she goes on a rant as long as the other guy. Then she pretends, "oh, teehee, whut a fwunny wittle comment! I didn't even care! It was soooo funny!"
All she's trying to do is hide her cunt personality from her audience, and they're stupid for falling for it.
No. 1024749
>>1024630That dude literally never said anything about Tobi or anyone being a whore, but in Tobi's second message she's screeching "you don't understand anything!! you're just calling me a whore! it's not like I'm posting nudes willy nilly!!!" (even though that's exactly what she does on her Reddit)
This is some level 10 projecting.
No. 1024950
>>1024907stop arguing with past posters that (most likely) don't even look at the this thread. you're just going to get trolled.
also, tobi will most likely never see this thread. this thread's sole purpose is for people who want to shit talk an annoying cunt, not to teach her a lesson.
No. 1025003
>>1024950She's a narc, that posts photos of her butthole and hairy vagina for free to get any sort of attention (all while bragging to be a successful SW, that allegedly makes big money). She's bound to find the thread, cry about how people are slut shaming her, pwn the haters by saying how she's selling nudes for money (despite also sharing them for free on reddit), say something retarded and then blame it all on BPD.
I can't stand Shannon, but I kinda respect her putting minimal effort into her shitty videos, Tobi's videos are over edited, and I can imagine her being so proud and smug about, spending 5 days editing a single video, only for it to end up looking like shit. In the newest video, she expects people to understand what a Russian woman is saying… in Russian, while distorting the subtitles. She also makes fun of people using e-girl services, all while being one herself. Really odd.
No. 1025975
File: 1597894670111.png (864.08 KB, 1024x676, charms.png)

Ah yes, because your teenage fans will totally be able to buy something that has the word "dom" on it. Also concerning her knowledge on Resin; I'm not sure if she's just talking out of her ass and thinking she's 100% correct again or if she's just really misinformed. But resin you get in craft stores can be harmful to you just as much as the kind you get in hardware stores. Castin' Craft in particular is sold in Michaels and the fumes are so strong it'll mess with your head. This is her thinking that autism is a mental illness all over again.
No. 1025977
File: 1597895013049.png (302.65 KB, 769x864, oof.png)

And the bad takes just keep on coming kek.
No. 1025990
File: 1597897651883.png (920.82 KB, 1191x1827, resinshop.png)

It’s sus to me that she mentions her dog’s medical bills when selling resin keychains. That may very well be what the money is going towards, but it feels manipulative to mention it. It feels like she mentioned it just to help get her resin shop off the ground.
>>1025975 She sold out, so, guess somebody is buying. They’re clearly all just made to be things that represent her/she likes. I wish there was more creativity and style behind her resin designs.
>Also if you’re going to mention her opinions on not ventilating when using resin, screenshot and show the Twitter thread.>>1025977 I don’t really care about this.
No. 1025993
File: 1597899567085.png (273.52 KB, 1500x966, resin.png)

>>1025990I wouldn't put it past her to use her dog's death to push the resin shop honestly. Here's the ss of her talking about resin and alot of it is incorrect.
Gloves are mainly used because alot of resins can have harmful chemicals that can be corrosive when they come into contact with your skin. The artists dying statement does seem like a stretch but, it's not out of the question to apply the chemicals to long term health problems. Safety measures with resin don't depend on the amount but the type you're using like urethane vs epoxy. And Castin' Craft (a resin brand sold in Michaels aka a craft store Tobi you dumbass) literally says it can cause cancer on the packaging. She's trying to equate things like art resin across all types of resin and saying all the stuff you buy in craft stores is harmless. UV Resin, Art Resin, and others are pretty harmless but still should used with caution because you're working with chemicals and things like CC are absolutely
toxic and should be used with proper ventilation.
No. 1026248
File: 1597955566452.png (38.7 KB, 601x355, 298955.PNG)

Does this rub anyone else the wrong way? I know it varies greatly from person to person, but for me, it would take me at least a month before even considering to get a new pet. It's only been two weeks since her dog died. Anyone else have experience with this?
Also I thought pet shelters don't let you get a new pet if yours has recently passed?
>>1026205 sage posts without new information/drama/milk
No. 1026436
File: 1597977808897.png (480.79 KB, 1175x1280, betterowner.png)

Saged because this isn't as drama-y as other posts, and it's more nuanced. I'm sure most people would be upset if someone commented this on a similar video. But the way Tobi overreacts gets me every time. Once again, we can't see what her response was, and I highly doubt it's something calm and logical.
The person deleted their comment after getting a response from Tobi, only for Tobi to plaster them on Twitter so that any particularly rabid fans of hers can go after them. I know it's a shitty comment, but choosing to expose random people on the Internet to your fans over pretty petty things isn't what I'd call taking the high road.
It's also hypocritical since she said something I would consider far worse
>>1015032 No. 1026455
File: 1597979385194.png (86.59 KB, 853x515, hypocrite234.PNG)

>>1026436Very hypocritical
No. 1026515
>>1026455>>1026436I honestly agree with Tobi on this. Even though it does seem like the pot calling the kettle with her saying
>>1015032, the girl that posted that comment is honestly really shitty for saying that and I feel bad for Kai's video being lumped in with that comment. Though this does go to show that she is aware of Kai's video and surprisingly seems to think it's criticism and not hate which begs the question if whether of not she'll address it but, I can imagine her pulling the same shit she did with YMS where she disregarded him because a few people supposedly left her bad comments with his video mentioned.
No. 1031461
File: 1598900692535.png (1.17 MB, 736x5181, 333.png)

What’s happened this week:
1. Tobi has really been in uproar on Twitter about the Bella Thorne joining Onlyfans drama.
What I find funny is her sending out 35 tweets as of today (yes I counted), then choosing to make a video on it, then leaving immediately from the “sex worker community”.
She does this every time. She gets upset by something, spouts her very radicalized position (she’s never in the middle on any issue), makes a video about it, then shuts the door behind her as quick as she can so she doesn’t have to hear the moderates and opposite radicals.
Also, she acts as if she speaks for all sex workers.
2. She continues to not understand why people don’t like sakimichan, because sakimichan has “pretti wendering, so it can’t be bwad!”
3. She got mad at an rp account for using a gif and not crediting the artist, despite the artist’s name being in bold white on the top left corner of the gif
No. 1031593
File: 1598920974638.png (143.57 KB, 1339x358, onlyfanspayout.PNG)

>>1031532I doubt it. Now that she can, she puts several ads on all her new videos. She posted a screenshot of how much she made weekly from OnlyFans, and it's much less than minimum wage (a 9-5 minimum wage job pays around 290 per week at $7.25 an hour in her state). She also plugs her art and Etsy shop quite a bit.
I don't normally call people money hungry, but she's either that, or strapped for cash.
No. 1032236
File: 1599040796927.png (418.43 KB, 1403x1214, bpdcanthandleit2.png)

Comments from her new video about the Bella Thorne OnlyFans drama.
I'm very frustrated with her constantly mentioning her BPD. She flippantly states that she has a problem (BPD), but she does not go out of her way to fix it. She does not actively avoid things that can trigger BPD symptoms (such as drama). She does not avoid certain places on the Internet where she is likely to encounter people that can trigger BPD symptoms (Twitter). She doesn't limit her usage for any platform. She just goes, "lol, I have BPD. oh well I guesss XXDDDD"
It's not funny. It's a serious problem. She should know this. Most people who have a mental disorder don't understand that they have a problem, but Tobi is fully aware of her BPD and its symptoms, yet she does not try to control it at all.
She also flippantly mentions that she has an eating disorder (bottom right).
No. 1032576
>>1032545kek, wtf is this?
>namefag>cumbrainat least you saged
No. 1034597
File: 1599436484166.png (334.83 KB, 505x1605, Patreon.png)

>>1031593So Tobi opened a Patreon. This is pretty normal for Youtubers, but, I remembered what anon said about >she's either money hungry, or strapped for cash.
If she can make money from it, good for her, but she really just seems to be trying to milk every avenue possible.
No. 1034793
File: 1599493449832.png (216.62 KB, 1366x484, CSEM1.png)

>saying a csa survivor is a pedophile or a retard for not considering drawn csem to be actual csem
No. 1035045
File: 1599517908793.png (51.28 KB, 649x501, consent.PNG)

>>1034793The commenter's point was that you shouldn't use the term "porn" because "porn" typically implies consent, and you should instead use CSEM because children cannot consent.
Ffs they are so retarded.
No. 1035485
>>1035448kek. Imagine being so stupid that you couldn't even see that the original commenter wasn't defending kids being drawn sexually. All they did was ask Tobi to not refer to it as porn, but instead as CSEM. This isn't because the commenter thought that child cartoon characters in pornographic situations was good or okay. It was because they believe that the word porn implies consent, and children cannot consent; therefore, people should not use porn to refer to sexual content of children.
Please go to the doctor to get checked for autism because you're clearly retarded.
No. 1036105
>>1036083I think the comment makes sense on its own just fine. The comment could be expanded and rewritten to be better with better punctuation, but you know that Tobi would still have an autistic bitchfit on Twitter misunderstanding what they said, even if the comment was written flawlessly.
Tobi and her fans on Twitter said that "Child porn requires consent" was a
direct quote from the comment. They are so stupid that they couldn't even read that it doesn't say that "child porn requires consent". It says "It's not child porn. Porn requires consent." That is completely different.
If Tobi stopped to think for a minute, she'd realize that it doesn't make sense to assume that the person thought that drawing cartoon children sexually was okay. If that was the commenter's point, why would they want it to be called CSEM? Something that literally stands for child
sexually exploitative material.
This comment may not have been written perfectly, but Tobi reacts the same way, misinterpreting what people say, even when the comments are well worded.
No. 1037211

>Why do you feel overly compelled to defend these disgusting perverts?>I refuse to cater to people who think it’s okay to draw this shit>If you think that drawing children or children that are drawn in a sexual situations is okay (etc.) you’re fucking dumb, you’re a pedophile, you support pedophiles, you have no empathy and you don’t fucking care, or you’re fucking stupid straight up>I don’t give a fuck if you’re a goddamn survivor or not, that does not mean it’s okay for you to say that this shit, that there’s nothing fucking wrong with it. You are fucking dumb>i don’t give a shit x20>it’s not okay for you to think that’s it’s okay>You’re a fucking dumbass you’re stupid x30>There’s no place for you in my community, get the fuck out>If you defend pedos then you’re as bad as themThis would all be well and good…
If the comment was one of the many actual comments defending pedos.
>>1036105 Hit the nail on the head, anon. There were many people voicing different opinions in her comments, all with good wording, and she reacted the exact same to each of them. Nice to see people calling her dumb ass out, at least.
(I put in the last comment because it made me laugh. “You’re a dumbass idiot bitch cunt fuck! What?! How dare you call me a ghost!!!”)
No. 1037213
File: 1599877898377.png (867.2 KB, 841x5569, Comments.png)

>>1037211These are some comments from the video
No. 1037968
>>1037211This dumbass. Why didn't she use her conversations with MAPS on Twitter for this? Why did she have to go off and say "how dare you be okay with cartoon porn!!" on a random person that didn't even feel that way?
Better yet, why didn't she just make her video on BentheLoony, who according to her, is an actual pedophile? Why go for some a minnow when you can go for a bass?
No. 1038372
>>1037968She used her dog's death as a cover up for not making the Benthelooney vid because she knew she had little to no actual evidence on him.
Also I just realized the main reason she's licking Bella Thorne's ass on the OnlyFans shit is because she herself makes an abysmal amount off it so of course she won't be affected. She isn't relevant enough on there to be affected kek.
No. 1038909
File: 1600126678449.png (332.02 KB, 873x1959, Lyra Comments.png)

Some comments from Lyra’s video. The first is her pinned comment.
No. 1038910
File: 1600126772347.png (665.88 KB, 904x4418, Community Post Comments.png)

This is just some old community post replies. The first few are her defending Shane.
The next ones are people saying why they dislike Shane. I put these in here to show that she has been well informed of Shane’s actions for months now. Even though it’s been two months, she has decided to not do any research on it. If she has done research, she has still chosen to support Shane. This is important, because you can’t argue that she’s just “in the heat of the moment" or having a “BPD episode". She’s had a very long amount of time to calm down, cool off, and rationalize what people are saying and what she feels.
The very last one is her saying that she was “disappointed in Shane” and she doesn’t watch his content any more. If this is true, she has not made any statement recently that her view has changed. She has not replied to any Youtube, community post, or Twitter comment saying that she no longer likes or supports Shane. This is the only comment I could find stating anything like this.
No. 1038960
>>1038906>>1038909If she hasn't responded to Kai's video which has over 70k views at this point I doubt she'll respond to anything at this point. She has no issue responding to trolls, but she will very rarely respond to people that give her
valid critiques. While hearing her say
>>1038910 in that very last ss is the first time I've ever seen her actually make note of not wanting to support Shane any more it is so fucking annoying how she has to bring up her BPD at every chance possible.
No. 1038972
>>1038961If she does genuinely feel disappointed in Shane, but continues to defend him and say things like this
>>1037213 , would it be possible that she doesn't stan Shane any more, but she's just too stubborn to admit that she may have been wrong?
Or is it that her opinions just flip flop to whatever whenever, almost randomly?
No. 1039042
>>1038972I think she understands that her position is wrong, but she refuses to admit it, even to herself.
For example, remember this?
>>1013139 >>1013143As soon as she was called out, she changed her original position. First it's BDSM of Todoroki. Then it's "not sexual nor drawn to be sexual". Then her opinion is "he's supposed to be an adult." Then her opinion is "if you think it's kiddy porn, you retweeted it and distributed child pornography." All in the same breath. She has no consistency. She just throws shit at a wall.
She knows she was wrong, but she forgets what her original point was (on purpose subconsciously). She changes her point to be more reasonable after she's already said stupid shit. Then when people call her out for her original point, Tobi has mentally blocked what her original point was, and Tobi acts like they're ridiculous for calling her out for doing/saying stupid shit because she forgot she said stupid shit.
It's like she can't remember two sentences ago. It's like she can only remember the Tweet directly above her, and not the 50+ long thread.
No. 1042518
File: 1600674123400.png (808.76 KB, 603x3787, Todoroki Age Up.png)

>I didn't know he was a kid, but he's aged up
So yeah. She just confirmed that she drew him as his canonical age, then said that he was "aged up" later.
If she didn't know, fine. Why not just say that and take it down? Even if she lost access to her other account, why did her reason change? Her defense flops all over the place.
No. 1042555
>>1042518>I didn't know he was a childYeah I call bullshit or you're just that much of an actual dumbass. You'd think someone that preaches how drawing NSFW stuff of minors being so bad would actually look up the age of a character she's been requested to drawn in a
NSFW manor especially if you're unfamiliar with the show or characters.
No. 1042741
>>1042681No one has argued that she's a pedo, anon.
The point is that she's a hypocrite for being stanchly against any sexual drawing of a minor, then she drew a minor sexually. Then instead of just saying, "oops, my bad", and taking it down so her morals are consistent, she gives a various array of different reasons to excuse why she drew it.
We're talking about it because it's hypocritical. We're talking about it because she can't take criticism nor form a coherent argument to save her life.
No. 1042967
File: 1600750839920.png (459.37 KB, 729x862, zee.png)

Maybe this account isn't so bad after all kek.
No. 1043020
File: 1600761222808.png (184.1 KB, 597x455, reaction.PNG)

>>1042967Not much to say here besides Tobi is once again reacting to something that she really shouldn't even bother with. Just give it up, Tobi. It's not worth it.
Also I had no idea this character was part sheep. The only animal part they have is their ears, and those aren't exactly clear what they belong to.
No. 1043557
File: 1600843155530.png (59.87 KB, 541x603, hmm.PNG)

Tobi's decided to make a response video. To what specific claims against her, she doesn't say. She doesn't say she's responding to anyone specifically, but maybe she will talk about at least one of the videos on her.
It would suck if her video is just word salad, like her comment replies are. I wonder how closely she will stay with a script.
Maybe she'll drop the whole "listening to criticism is bad for my bpd" now. Or maybe she's just doing this because people keep pinging her on Twitter about what everyone has been saying for literal months.
No. 1043977
File: 1600895702782.png (58.64 KB, 649x477, apology and clarification.PNG)

>>1043557>>1043563I guess Tobi won’t be apologizing for the Todoroki thing? Or Shane? Or the trans chest thing, responding to troll comments needlessly, etc? Since those were the points mentioned in the video..
There are only two things in the video that could have been “cut up”. Either Tobi’s going to be defending herself against what Tobi said to Omnia about Shane (since Omnia showed a DM of what she said about it), or, Tobi’s responding to the “milky tiddies” thing, since screenshots of those comments were shown.
Since Tobi said dm’s, I’m pretty sure she’ll respond to her Omnia DM about Shane Dawson Which is just.. why?
All the DM shows is what Tobi already said publicly
>>1038910If she defends herself against their point that she responds to troll comments too much by trying to argue that the comments were
really bad or they deserved a response or something else that's going to be so stupid.
And I guess she’ll defend herself against their other points. This video is going to be a slog, isn’t it..?
No. 1044220
File: 1600921903540.png (639.81 KB, 1202x2629, omnia and tobi 1.png)

Well this is officially a shitshtorm.
Imgur link for those curious: I would agree that using private screenshots is wrong, but the Shane DM didn't show any private information.
Who would you tell super private information to within three days of speaking with them? It's not like they're close friends. If Tobi is just hashing all this information out so casually, is it really that important?
Also if it's such a private story, why tell it to a random person that you have only had this one conversation with?
No. 1044224
>>1043977I really have to wonder what the fuck her video is going to be about then.
>>1044220Why the fuck is Madlibbs getting involved in this like Tobi isn't an adult that can handle this on her own? And honestly Omnia really didn't do anything aside from provide more context because Tobi and Madlibbs claimed she "cut up ss". That original message about her vie3ws on Shane Dawson was fine on it's on and really didn't need more context. This is just going to end up as a screaming match on both sides in the end. Oh well, good milk atleast.
No. 1044229
File: 1600924297439.png (47.02 KB, 605x495, 09087.PNG)

>>1044220Right on cue, anon..
No. 1044248
File: 1600928957243.png (56.79 KB, 618x529, pedo 1.PNG)

This makes you wonder if
>>1042525 and
>>1042681 were Tobi, Madlibbs or one of Tobi’s friends. Tobi’s the only one spinning the narrative that drawing sexual Todoroki means that she’s a pedo.
No. 1044307
File: 1600941773626.jpg (Spoiler Image,167.71 KB, 1080x1110, level1000kek.jpg)

>>1044220Maddlibs is part of that "quirky not like other girls lookit how progressive I am for being a chick that likes big anime tiddy" artist clique that surrounds Tobi that also includes FuschiaButters, Miss Zizi, and Nessiemonster. Nessie and Zizi from what I've seen have never outwardly gotten involved in Tobi's bullshit aside from Nessie who just replied to Kai about Madlibb's upcoming video not being about Omnia and she and Zizi are fairly okay. Tobi got FuschiaButter to make a video on BentheLooney before they took it down because it was "too stressful" which was around the same time Tobi made her video about her dog dying so call it tinfoil, but I'm pretty sure Tobi told Fuschia to take it down to avoid potential issues for calling someone a pedo out of spite. VanillaToasty could also be classed with them too. They're the one that was also vehemently calling Ben a pedo before being exposed for liking shota art and going on private for like 2 months kek. Overall a bunch of catty mean girls.
No. 1044503
File: 1600968867819.png (459.22 KB, 603x3021, 66767.png)

It's the battle of the commentators that draw.
Tobi says her video will be out this afternoon or night, so, we'll see how it goes.
No. 1044517
File: 1600970254315.png (22.28 KB, 696x167, nawniicommentonifitsdrawn.png)

>>1044503I wonder if people are scoping Tobi now for her response video to make commentaries on.
No. 1044934
>>1044927That's sort of interesting.
Why do you think she switched porn handles?
No. 1044963
>>1042343Da fuck i didnt put this.
some one was posing as me or some shit dont give a fuck about her like that lol
only think i hate her for is the blackmail but thats it.
No. 1044966
>>1044953I made a summary of points in the video, and you beat me to it. Oh well. Just consider this a list with more specific things that Tobi said directly.
>Two friends of mine are going to be making a video later on Omnia’s video because “apparently there are several inconsistencies, and lies, and manipulated manipulated messages she has in her video”>This video is not for the people who want me to get on my knees and beg and cry and say how everything I’ve ever done in my life is wrong, and “ I’m so sorry :’( . Every single view I have is bad. Instead, I should just adopt all of your views.“ >This video is for my fans.>The video that was made against me was very sneakily made>It's scummy that they had a long conversation with me, acting nice to make me feel like they were on my side.>Good thing I gave my side in those DM's, or who knows what you would have tried to twist to make me look badShane Dawson:
>I don’t really agree with how I made that video on Shane/Tati/Drama channels. My BPD took control over me. But I still don’t support cancel culture. >Your prefrontal cortex doesn’t stop growing until you’re in your 20‘s. People change from when they’re younger. If you apologize and show change, holding someone’s past against them is dumb.>I do not support Shane’s past jokes. I don’t support his jokes towards children. I don’t support his racially charged/insensitive jokes. I support the person he is now. A changed person. When things happened with the Tati situation, I was disappointed. The person who was at most fault was Tati. Shane made an apology, and I believe it was sincere. Omnia:
>Omnia said I was the first one to message her, which is false. (Shows receipts)>Omnia was the first to bring up the Shane thing and ask for clarification >(Shows the rest of the screenshots which have already been posted)>Omnia didn’t show (Screenshot from the Imgur album). This is where I agreed with her. It's a lot easier to make people look bad when you don't have the full conversation.>There are A LOT OF SCUMMY CREATORS THAT ONLY CARE ABOUT NUMBERS>We ended on a good note.>She accused me of being a pedophile. She went on the Internet and basically said I was a pedophile so that would be attached to my name. You’re scummy. (21:00 minutes)>She said that my work and BentheLoony’s work was the same, but I’ve never drawn any underage characters with their dicks out fucking somebody else underage etc. etc. I’ve never drawn anything like that so nice fucking try.>I find it stupid, lazy, and very sneaky how you asked me about Shane, the yaoi thing, and my perspectives, but you never DM’d me about the Todoroki thing.>Omnia set up a vague point for mob groups and spiteful people to take and twist and infer that I draw child pornography. “But Tobi, people wouldn’t do that..” YES THEY FUCKING WOULD>Omnia basically almost slandered me>My DM’s were open. You had every chance to ask me about this. Why didn’t you ask me to clarify this?Todoroki:
>I didn’t understand how tagging posts works>He’s aged up. I know he's aged up. I looked him up, and he looked like an adult. I know that he’s an adult NOW, but I didn’t know that back them.>You tried to frame it as if I knew Todoroki was a kid when I drew him. That is bs and stupid.>I would love to delete it, but I can’t. I can’t get into the account.>The picture isn’t sexual. It’s a dark piece about abuse. I just used NSFW tags because I thoughts that’s how tagging worked.>I did not know Todoroki’s age. You insinuated that I drew him with the knowledge of his age. That is false.>The Todoroki’s point was a bad point. It was a stupid point. It was a lazy point.>I want a private apology because it’s not okay.Hiding Behind BPD
>There’s a difference between using BPD as an excuse and as an explanation >I didn’t get much Youtube attention at first. When I started getting more hate comments, I thought I would be ale to deal with it.>I wasn’t expecting that much attention from my Creepshowart video. I couldn’t deal with it. I had no coping skills for Internet medium.>People told me not to be on the platform because of my BPD. That’s stupid.>When you have a mood disorder, social media isn’t a bad place. You just have to learn how to navigate it.>I have taken some steps to avoid triggering BPD. I have blocked all beauty/commentary/drama channels. I have friends that come to me to tell me when I’m going too far.>Most improvement happens behind the screen. People haven’t seen me in my teen years vs now.
>I do not delete commentsAddendum about Twitter:
>Omnia is constantly trying to misrepresent me and take things out of context>Omnia updated her video description with a list of Tweets that me and Madlibbs have made. This is an example of her actively trying to misrepresent me, trying to skew the narrative, as well as put words into my mouth.>She came to false conclusions from my Tweets (shows Tweets and discusses what Omnia said)>I was not going to leak our DM’s. >Libby and friend are making a video combing through Omnia’s video and are going to show every time she lied or tried to spin a false narrative in order to “ruin me”>I feel manipulated and betrayed.>I didn’t do anything toxic. I’m proud of myself. I guess the video gives more perspective, but it doesn't really say anything that anyone wanted to hear. It's not a hilarious shitstorm, and it's not exposing Omnia as some master manipulator and showing things that would completely change our minds.
No. 1044975
File: 1601012439839.png (320.2 KB, 1204x1112, Kaicom.png)

Posting Kai's comment on her video here just in case it gets deleted.
No. 1044977
>>1044966>The picture isn’t sexual. It’s a dark piece about abuseSo
>>1013533 called it a month ago.
Tagging a picture about abuse with BDSM, "hit him harder", and other sexual things is pretty gross imo. Don't know if anyone else agrees or cares.
Tobi states that she didn't watch BHA, and just drew the character because someone requested it. Yet she knew the character was abused?
The hand of the character off screen is also not the skin color of either of Todoroki's parents, who are his abusers.
This is also a bit tinfoily and a stretch, but, the hand's color is the skin color of the icon she used for her old Twitter account. The icon she also drew.
No. 1044986
>>1044977>>1044978I agree with both. It really isn’t a good look, no matter how you slice it. I know neither Omnia nor Kai brought up either of these points about the Todoroki picture, but it would have been nice to Tobi do some self reflection outside of the reasons stated by them. You’d think she’d realize one of the two. Especially the second point, since she’s super sex positive.
It also doesn’t make sense when she says that she thought how tagging worked was that you put every single possible thing that could relate to the picture in the tags. She didn’t tag abuse, or dark, or dark art, or any tag that you would expect? She only tagged the anime/manga itself, fanart, and sexual tags. Like if you tagged every single thing possible relating to the picture, why didn’t you tag what the picture was actually about..?
The point about the dark-skinned hand is a bit interesting. I have never watched BNHA, but I've only seen fair-skinned characters from it (I assume they're all meant to be Japanese). If this is an AU, does anyone who watches the show know what character could be "abusing" Todoroki in Tobi's picture?
No. 1044989
>>1044953She made this whole video, mostly directed at Omnia/Kai's video(s) [I'm assuming], but she never put in audio clips of them talking about their points? Isn't that potentially very manipulative, since many of her fans may not have seen the videos and would just go on her word, and the people who have seen it might be a bit fuzzy on the exact details?
Like Tobi could
say Omnia and Kai said whatever. And Tobi even gets some very obvious things wrong.
Like her saying that Omnia called her a pedo, when Kai was the one who talked about Todoroki, and that wasn't even his point.
Tobi says that Omnia said that Tobi was the one who DM'd her first. Tobi then shows screenshots showing that Omnia was the first one to DM her. In reality, Omnia just said that, "about a month ago, Tobi reached out to me." Their first DM's were months before the DM's were Tobi started the new conversation. Omnia never said that Tobi was the one who DM'd first.
Like, by Tobi's on logic, Tobi is guilty of the same thing as Omnia. Twisting what she said to fit her narrative. But that's going to happen when you don't use direct quotes/clips to make sure what you're saying is legit.
No. 1045044
>>1044927Looked up the name "Kirifawn" out of curiosity and came across a bunch of videos of her hairy vag. This is way more hard than what's on her Reddit or even what I've seen from her OnlyFans.
Link: No. 1045233
File: 1601063833430.png (6.54 MB, 2615x1751, fgifhf.PNG)

Look so I found out the "hard bdsm" of a 16 year old character has been posted on one of her accounts used to promote her sex work. No. 1045234
File: 1601063879090.png (1.94 MB, 2395x1660, iuuidf.PNG)

No. 1045239
>>1044953I feel like she kind of missed the point about people saying she shouldn't be posting videos or be on Twitter. I haven't seen anybody say
exactly that, but I'm sure they exist. Most people I've seen have said that she should take a break in order to recoup herself, or limit her exposure to social medias. Both of those are
valid points, and I wish Tobi would have acted like those people existed, instead of acting like every single person was telling her to get off the Internet entirely.
I agree that she shouldn't have to get off the Internet just because she has BPD, but, does she have to make drama videos? She makes divisive drama videos, divisive replies, and divisive tweets. These things are the sort of things that attract
triggering responses. Hate comments, troll comments, parody pictures, rant video replies, really stupid people in general, etc.
Even people without disorders can become overwhelmed by this sort of thing. Even if you have great coping skills, you can still get overwhelmed by this sort of thing. If she can deal with it, then good on her. But I don't think I would put myself in that situation, because it seems like it would make me less healthy than I could be.
No. 1045256
>>1045233Last Instagram post was April 11, 2020. Her last post on her Adimaiart Twitter was on May 20, 2020. The Todoroki picture was posted to her Adlita_Mari Instagram and her Adimaiart Twitter on the same day: Nov. 7, 2019.
She never posted sexual stuff on her Adimaiart Twitter, because it was supposed to be a separate art Twitter for her. But she posted her art and sexual stuff on the same Instagram?
There is other art on her Instagram, but it's before all the sexual pics. The Instagram looks like it was a normal personal Instagram before it was turned into a porn Instagram. Even so, why post an art piece when you already have decided to transition your Instagram account, and you have two separate Twitter accounts for porn and art?
No. 1045273
File: 1601067250614.jpg (268.5 KB, 1080x1003, Screenshot_20200925-165146_You…)

No. 1045281
File: 1601068859532.png (224.82 KB, 600x2122, kaihunter.png)

>>1045271>>1045273Not sure what we're supposed to say about this. Sage posts that don't show new/especially milky information.
I don't know about you, but these kinds of Tweets/replies really annoy me. Worse than any ass-kissing could.
No. 1045413
>>1045281"Be careful not to pull a Pentagrin"
How the fuck is that even comparable. Pentagrin went after someone with ACTUAL malicious intent with evidence that was actually cropped and cut up and even after being presented the truth still ran with it because she had a vendetta. Tobi and Omnia didn't crop shit and when released the full dms Tobi threw a bitch fit. Also, if Ponder were to catch wind of this, which I don't doubt because she follows Nezzie, She would more than likely rip Tobi a new one. I doubt she would touch this though.
No. 1045419
File: 1601086295103.jpg (548.32 KB, 1080x2049, Screenshot_20200925-221005_Twi…)

So apparently Nezzie is not making a video. Howevee Madlibbs is with some other unknown person.
No. 1045770
File: 1601148866882.png (162.13 KB, 500x347, omniavtobi.png)

>>1045763Tobi's video seems to be doing worse overall. I wonder if length has something to do with it.
No. 1045815
>>1045770Length probably has something to do with it, but I'm pretty sure most of it is because the video itself is just useless. Alot of people seem to have watched it all the way through though. Also Tobi seems not to know that alot of people will judge a long video based on it's first 10-15 minutes. In the first 10 minutes she just made her views on the whole Shane Dawson situation much worse and by 15 minutes she was into her useless Pewdiepie part and going on to lie about how Omnia cut up dms. Her Creepshow video is 30 min long and within the first 10 minutes she explained who Shannon was and already had gotten into several
valid critiques of her. Her tone was much more even, her thoughts alot more organized, and the biggest thing: She actually showed clips to back up what she was saying. She purposefully didn't show any parts of Omnia and Kai's collab because alot of it was about performative activism and also she wouldn't have been able to dodge the trans comment. She may have some fans kissing her ass, but alot are actually still saying the video was shit.
No. 1045850
File: 1601155974194.png (91.87 KB, 904x623, apology.png)

So addressed the trans comment. No matter what you think about trans people she is still bringing up her fucking BPD in every "apology" she makes for fucks' sake.
No. 1045905
>>1045893>>1045850Posted on Twitter. This Tweet: are we supposed to take her seriously when she acts like she types with one hand? Was it not worth the effort to put it through a quick grammar/spelling checker?
No. 1045934
File: 1601161124789.png (13.89 KB, 757x134, pinned comment.PNG)

>>1045893>>1045909>>1045928Sage your posts.
>>1045763>>1045847>>1045929Post images of what you're talking about so others don't have to.
>>1045929She mentioned knowing of lolcow, but she referred to it as "like the burn book from Mean Girls", so you wouldn't think she'd take it too seriously.
No. 1045955
File: 1601161915570.png (107.76 KB, 848x525, Screenshot_6.png)

Her dislikes are catching up to her likes on her I don't even know what you'd call this sorry video. Not an apology or addressing criticism. Her piss poor defense while trying to shift anger onto Omnia video?
No. 1045956
File: 1601161982354.png (120.28 KB, 1080x735, Screenshot_2020-09-26-18-10-43…)

Anyone else notice she quietly took "Yaoi Addict" out of her bio? It might be for aesthetic purposes for halloween, but I don't see how that would make a difference kek.
No. 1045961
File: 1601162089245.png (63.27 KB, 819x593, bruh.png)

Preserving this response before she deletes it.
No. 1045983
>>1045961I'm not really convinced Tobi deletes comments. She's right that a lot of comments get hidden due to the spam filter. Also you can only see a couple comments when under "top" comments. You have to go to "newest" to see them all. Also if you're blocked/banned from a channel, no one will be able to see your comments.
I haven't really seen any solid evidence that Tobi deletes comments. The Hot Box stated in his video that she deleted his comment. He also said he got comments that said their comments were deleted. He doesn't show this by going to commentpicker or whatever, so it's a bit of heresay.
The comments might be deleted, or the comments could be filtered. I haven't
seen enough evidence to prove that Tobi does delete them.
But if Tobi wanted to clear her name real quick, she could find people's comments in her filter section that thought they got deleted to prove them wrong.
No. 1045994
>>1045983If you go back up the thread to these posts you can see these
>>1014064>>1016279 >>1016336
and I can confirm that I saw the post in real time and when I went to check back about 30 min later the comments were gone. I don't know if it's what you meant.
No. 1046019
>>1045983That's a good suggestion. It's hard to
prove that comments get deleted, so I understand why you're skeptical. But since comments have been shown to disappear, the onus of proof is on Tobi to show that they've been filtered out or the channels are blocked or whatever.
No. 1046047
File: 1601167488619.png (2.27 KB, 219x74, kek.png)

>>1045955>>1045770>>1045974Yeah she's fucked lol. This is the first time a Youtuber bigger than her has called her out and probably won't be the last. I'm surprised Shannon hasn't tried to hit back at her now that all of this has come out.
No. 1046231
>>1046203She actually plays audio from Tobi's Response to give better context unlike what Tobi did.
>Opens with her apologizing for the petty quote tweets concerning MadLibbs and Tobi>Says she wasn't just faking being nice and being nice and disagreeing aren't mutually exclusive>Reiterates the fact that she didn't say she messaged Tobi first. She only said she reached out a few months ago>The "she messaged me first" messaged were for unrelated Creepshow things back on June 28th>Says she told Tobi that she shouldn't feel like she owned her an explanation, but Tobi gave it anyways>Talks about the messages about Shane and says Tobi was contradicting herself by still defending him>Says she didn't need to include the DM of Tobi agreeing with her because it seemed likes she was distancing herself from Shane at the time until Omnia saw Tobi still defending him in her comments >Reiterates the fact that Tobi lied about supporting Shane publicly >She and Kai never called her a Pedophile and that by her own logic she's calling herself a pedophile>Says the Todoroki picture was not drawn "years ago" it was uploaded less than a year ago on Twitter and Instagram>She doesn't know who Benthelooney is and she was never comparing them>She never planned on making a video on Tobi until she found out she lied and that's why she didn't go back to dm Tobi about the Todoroki picture because she didn't trust her>Shane's apology was not hers' to accept>Mentions the fact that Tobi didn't talk to Atozy or Shannon before making videos on them so she shouldn't expect the same for herself>Tobi couldn't have aged up a character she didn't know the canonical age of>She tagged a bunch of NSFW tags instead of tagging it as "abuse" like she claims >No, you're not getting a private apology from either me or Kai>She released the dms because Tobi said she was lying and didn't claim that it was the entire dm conversation and that it was only the most relevant parts>If the private story was so important why did you tell it to someone on the second time you've ever talked to themREALLY INTERESTING POINTS:
>Tobi originally had another tweet under this one: That said "I also tell them in DMS they posted that I wanted to keep it private" That she deleted>Tobi deleted it because she lied about it and never once did she specify in the dms that she wanted the story to be kept private >She never indicated that the story shouldn't have been public at all in the original dms
>Warns MadLibbs and the other person to not make their videos KAI'S PART (starts at 50:22)
>Very obvious that Shane wasn't "really tanned" and was doing blackface>No one is trying to cancel you. We want accountability>The pre-frontal cortex shit isn't an excuse to still do stupid shit in your 20's>Only took accountability of her wording for the Pewdiepie comment and says the apologies weren't for her to accept>MadLibbs also participated in the false Pedophile accusations>You can't age up a character you don't know the age of and the contradiction of already knowing how Instagram tags worked>If the drawing wasn't sexual and supposed to depict abuse why did you caption it "Hit him harder" which she also omitted from her video>May not have replied to tweets but still liked and blocked people>Tells Nezzie there's no way to call the video shady if she didn't watch it>They don't want to talk about her anymore and just want her to take accountability and stop lying>Tobi didn't address any of her other controversiesSo they cleared up somethings that might have been interpreted wrongly and just explained their points more clearly along with dismantling all of Tobi's "callouts". What is really of note is the fact that she deleted that other tweet where she lied about saying she wanted the dms to be kept private. That's is really fucked.
No. 1046357
File: 1601213236228.png (32.56 KB, 713x354, Screenshot_10.png)

Everyone disliked that.
No. 1046482
File: 1601225430827.png (149.7 KB, 1080x1152, Screenshot_2020-09-27-11-50-38…)

>>1046357Everyone REALLY disliked that
No. 1046490
File: 1601225881312.png (179.95 KB, 1080x1141, Screenshot_2020-09-27-11-56-09…)

Might be tinfoily, but this seems like it's aimed at Tobi lol. The timing is just way too coincidental and with how she's been replying to Kai and Omnia, yeah Peaches is probably sone with her shit.
No. 1046507
File: 1601226961286.png (96.89 KB, 592x862, rough.png)

>>1046490Hopeless Peaches often replies to Kai/Omnia on Twitter and agrees with them, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was about Tobi.
I wonder how Tobi is holding up with almost everyone against her. They're brutal.
No. 1046980
>>10469736:20 - "Kai confirmed that only two screenshots of the DM's were shown, so that literally means there is context missing by your own admission"
Uh.. no? Just because she only showed two screenshots doesn't mean context was missing. She showed Tobi's relevant opinion. Tobi agreeing that she understands why people don't like Shane Dawson changes nothing. Omnia's and Tobi's discussions about everything else change nothing.
Showing more would not add anything. It would not change anything. Everyone would still feel the same.
No. 1046989
>>1046973Wonderful another Tobi/Creepshow/Madame clone. I made it to the end and alot of it really is white noise. The rest of the DMs wouldn't add any additional context, they still didn't outright called her a pedophile even if the implication was there and even said they didn't view her as one and it's not their fault if any says she is, Tobi shouldn't have told that story to someone she barely knew I don't care what anyone says. Overall just another catty art tuber that swears more than they actual make
valid points.
No. 1047034
>>1046973Fuck, this person's voice is annoying.
I think there are good criticisms that can be applied to Kai/Omnia. This video doesn't do a good job of it.
7:46: "Attempt to gain her power back. Okay. Sorry. That choice of wording doesn't sound right and is a big red flag to me. That's showing your true colors in the situation."
It was already explained in the last video by Omnia/Kai that Omnia felt threatened and slandered by Tobi when Tobi said she cut up DM's and said she called her a pedo. There is nothing strange about the wording. It doesn't imply that Omnia/Kai wanted to get back at Tobi or harm her. Harsh Opinions (HO) doesn't explain what colors this shows, only that "people don't say things like this".
11:35: "You never said directly, 'You are a pedophile.' You were very underhanded and still implied that. You literally said that she is no better than the people she complains about."
Again. No. If I said a rapist is just as bad as a murderer, does that mean I'm calling the rapist a murderer, or implying it? No. I'm saying their actions are just as bad. Not that they do those actions themselves. I never got the implication that Kai was calling Tobi a pedo from his original video. I don't think most people would think that Tobi is a pedo, as Todoroki is 16.
HO also glosses over the fact that Tobi called someone who was NOT a pedophile a pedophile, simply because they disagreed with her definition of child porn and CSEM. HO states that even implying that someone is a pedo can have serious repercussions, but HO glosses over how Tobi directly states that anyone who disagrees with her on her views on drawn CSEM are pedophiles.
16:00: "What gets me, is the fact that both of you said, 'Oh, if it was really private, why did you say it?"
HO's statement about how Tobi would expect private DM's to be private is fine, but she really misses Kai/Omnia's point. They ask why tell a stranger something that was deeply personal. Ho does state that people often share more private thoughts/feelings with strangers when they're trying to be friends, but that doesn't explain why Tobi would send something extremely private to a stranger their second convo. HO's argument only makes sense for the 'telling Omnia her opinions' part of the conversation, not the private story part. HO fails to find any fault with Tobi's behavior. Opening up too quickly is a fault, as is assuming that friendships are more than they are, etc. It shows a problem in understanding normal social behaviors, and it shouldn't be ignored.
HO also acts like it was weird that Omnia was acting friendly and kind to Tobi in DM's, when Omnia already explained that she had no intention of sharing the DM's until long after the conversation ended, and she felt lied to.
18:45: HO thinks that Kai was saying that it was unusual for Tobi to share her opinions in private. This is wrong. Kai thought it was strange for Tobi to share that "extremely private story"
19:00: HO goes on and on about how Omnia/Kai cut context and that they shouldn't have cut context from the beginning. HO does not show what context was cut or how it would change the point Omnia was making. She does not show how it would change public's opinion.
20:00: HO points out that Omnia/Kai were shit talking on Twitter, reacted to Tweets that weren't about them, and she said that they acted like they never did anything wrong.
Omnia and Kai have both taken responsibility for all of these claims, and apologized for them. They also deleted their Tweets on it. There's not much else they can do.
21:00: HO states that Kai is a hypocrite, because Tobi got her friends involved in her drama, and Kai was getting Omnia involved in.. his..? Despite Tobi directly targeting Omnia, and Kai defending her because it was a collab they did
together, so both were involved. MadLibbs was never directly involved.
23:00: HO repeats her point about Kai/Omnia jumping the gun after Kai says he jumped the gun and they had poor judgement in that situation.
24:00: Repeats her opinion that there's nothing wrong or weird with MadLibbs getting involved since Kai/Omnia brought this to a public platform. Calls him a hypocrite.
28:00: "You let your friends speak about this for you." HO calls Kai a hypocrite.
30:00: "Omnia agreed to let Tobi say what she said in DM's and didn't stop her at any time." HO thinks that Kai's point is that Omnia felt forced into hearing Tobi's opinion..?
31:50: "Omnia encouraged Tobi in the DM's to say her opinion then turned around later and questioned why the fuck she would do that."
Omnia did ask for Tobi's opinions. But, Tobi gave her private stories out of nowhere, and nowhere did Omnia ask, plead, or try to pry to find those.
32:00: "It's weird and overdramatic for Omnia to say that she released the DM's to gain her power back. What power did she lose??"
36:00: The only part of the newest video by Kai/Omnia that HO addresses, and it's a clip that's a few seconds long that was cut out. Kai publicly states in the comments why it was cut out (they got comments about it, took what people said as criticism, and cut it out), and HO acts like it's somehow shady or makes them look bad. How does realizing that you may come off poorly, and cutting out one aggressive part of your video make them look terrible? At worst, they look petty. That's it.
HO discusses this, and states that she doesn't believe them at all. She claims that it was planned because they uploaded it early, then changed it within an hour..?
HO goes on to say that the comment that Kai replied to saying that the part of the video was cut out only came after the part was already cut out, so they couldn't of taken it as criticism.
40:00: HO claims that the aggressive cut part of the video destroys both of their apologies, and that it proves that they stand by their tweets.
HO claims that Kai/Omnia are the ones who have "turned the situation into what it is now."
So yeah. She says both are to blame, but mostly focusses on Kai. She doesn't really provide detailed or well-explained evidence for her points, and many of her points are repeated through the video.
A really boring video to sit through.
No. 1047061
File: 1601280620040.png (45.51 KB, 598x333, Tobipromotion.PNG)

>>1047048Same anon.
Honestly I wish Youtube had a 3x feature, because 2 fucking times speed was not fast enough.
of course Tobi promoted this video.
No. 1047256
File: 1601308838044.png (34.99 KB, 1194x147, hoss.png)

>>1047231Well shit. I don't know if she's actually deleting comments, but if she is, she really is Tobi 2.0 UwU personality removed.
No. 1047340
>>1046973This video seems to be trying to say that both parties are to blame, and that both are as bad as each other.
Being unbiased and equal does not mean that you find both sides guilty.
Kai/Omnia did stupid shit. Most of it involves being petty or overly aggressive, and them just not explaining points thoroughly with enough evidence.
Tobi has so far: everything in the Kimba situation, including not doing proper research, turning off comments when people told her she was wrong, refusing to listen to people on Twitter, changing her video description, etc.; overreacted to a majority of things/reacted to every little troll; refusing to accept different opinions about yaoi on Twitter and lashing out about it; threatened to make a video on someone she knew in private DM's because they were supporting someone she didn't like; drawn a sexual picture of Todoroki and refuses to acknowledge it (again, why does it matter if Todoroki is aged up if it's not sexual? also, you can't age someone up if you don't know their age and draw them in canon); claimed everyone that has a different stance on drawn child porn as her is a pedophile; went after an innocent person in a video who just thought that drawn child porn should be called CSEM; got angry at someone on Twitter because they didn't write out the artist's name in their post of a gif they used, when their username was in bold, visible white on the gif; claims she has an eating disorder very flippantly; claims that she can't do certain things due to her BPD (like make follow up videos, etc.), then goes on to say that you can do anything with BPD as long as you have proper coping skills; rambles on in every video despite having a script; thinks the only reason people don't like Sakimichan is because "she draw sexah ladeh", and she only likes Sakimichan because "rendering so good uwu"; supports Shane Dawson in comments (acting pretty aggressively most of the time), but claims that it doesn't matter because she understands why people don't like him; didn't address the milky tiddies thing in her video. made a twitlonger about it full of misspellings. claims that her BPD lashed out (she can't seem to say that her BPD
is herself, she acts as if it's separate); claims that Kai/Omnia called her a pedo; claimed that Kai/Omnia were liars and cut up DM's (both of these fueling a fire that didn't need to exist).
There's probably more. I don't remember everything.
I understand that Harsh Opinion's video was dedicated to critiquing Kai's video. Why act unbiased then? Why act like the video was balanced? You're clearly not going to present both sides and judge them equally. You're focusing on one for the purposes of critiquing that one.
No. 1047396
File: 1601319529310.png (187.01 KB, 606x474, threatening.PNG)

It's just hypocritical coming from Tobi.
No. 1047604
>>1047396I don't care if someone else thinks it's wrong for Omnia to threaten making a video on MadLibbs, but Tobi can shove a sock in it. She did that with her own friend. "Stop supporting Ben or I'm gonna make a video on you" bs.
Stfu Tobi.
No. 1047990
>>1047920Newfags, I swear.
I think Minty explained the situation better than the other Youtubers covering Tobi, and Tobi herself.
Good points about Tobi being a hypocrite and being so mad
toxic she can't keep friends.
No. 1048017
File: 1601409425867.png (158.16 KB, 602x1353, npdbpd.png)

A misguided well-meaning individual who doesn’t understand mental disorders.
>Tobi acts nice in reply DM
>Quote Tweets it aggressively so all of her fans can go defend her
Also Tobi has as much right to talk on disorders as the next guy. NPD and BPD are different, but to act like they have no overlap is just stupid.
Tobi also goes on to speculate about the Tweeter’s friend’s symptoms. Having BPD doesn’t give you credence to speak about someone else’s BPD, if you think that speculating about mental disorders is disgusting. If Tobi thinks what the Tweeter’s friend did was disgusting, why do the same thing?
No. 1048576
>>1048565A majority of the new comments on this video are saying stuff like, "You're missing a lot of information.", "I love your videos but you're missing information.", "This video is biased. Go do research beforehand.", "Nawnii I love you but this is garbage.", "This video felt similar to Harsh Opinion's and was quite biased."
Etc. etc. etc.
>>1048475Decent video by Kai. I think he could have said more about what Harsh said, but he did fine.
No. 1048593
File: 1601494275558.png (32.1 KB, 849x242, omnianawnii.PNG)

>>1048565>>1048576Does anyone want to watch this? Why is it so hard for people outside of Kai, Omnia, and Tobi to know what's going on?
Yeah, none of them did a particularly good job at explaining the situations. But that's what research is for?
They're just adding to the misinformation and garbage fire that this is.
No. 1049046
File: 1601533487910.png (326.01 KB, 645x2506, nawniiharshopinions.png)

>>1048565Maybe Nawnii’s video is so tiresome because she got her points from Harsh Opinion’s video.
Also Tobi liking Tweets that defend her, say watch HO’s video, and acting like she apologized and her video totally wasn’t a shitfest.
No. 1049070
>>1049043>Why didn't you handle this in DM's?There are so many arguments to refute this.
>Tobi performs actions publicly and acts differently in DM's>Tobi's actions go beyond personal drama, including hot button issues, like racism, transphobia, if yaoi is fetishizing gay men, and if porn of fictional minors matters. These topics go beyond any personal beef Kei and Omnia could have with Tobi.>Why can't Kei and Omnia criticize Tobi for her public actions, but Nawnii can criticize Kei/Omnia for their public actions?>Why can Nawnii make a response video to Tobi (part 2, I assume), but Kai and Omnia need to "settle things in DM's" if they make response videos?>Why does Omnia or Kei have to go to Tobi to address this in DM's? Many people have been commenting these points/Tweeted her these points and Tobi rejected them. If Tobi refuses to accept the points publicly, what is going into the DM's going to change anything? >Seriously who the fuck hits people up in the DM's before making a video unless it's extremely small?Sorry, not everything can be settled in the DM's. Anyone who talks to Tobi in private chats either kisses her ass and never disagrees with her, or they are no longer friends with her.
It should tell you enough.
No. 1049079
File: 1601537238985.png (349.6 KB, 620x1775, nawniitweets.png)

>>1049046I don't know if I'd say that.
I do kind of feel bad for Nawnii, because I thinks she means well.
But making a video criticizing Kei or Omnia or Tobi at this point is really tiring. More people would probably have been willing to hear Nawnii's full side if her videos came out a lot sooner, but after 3 videos from Kei, 2 from Omnia, 1 reply from Tobi (and all her relevant videos), I'm pretty sure we're all sick of watching through this shit. I know I'm personally all worn down, and I don't give a fuck what some third-party has to say about what Kei and Omnia did, because in comparison to Tobi, it's always going to be petty and inconsequential. I hate that people act like "everyone is to blame!" and that what Kei/Omnia did is equal to what Tobi did. It just isn't.
Plus, Kei and Omnia have already addressed the criticism thrown to them, apologized directly, and deleted whatever people have had issues with. You can continue to criticize them for the same thing, but what is the point?
We continue to criticize Tobi because her video didn't apologize for shit and she dodged everything. She continues to try to dodge everything by promoting videos that criticize Kei and Omnia. Tobi pretends to be sweet and innocent and that Kei and Omnia are just so horrible for their petty actions.
I'm sick of seeing people focus on Kei/Omnia. Yeah, they did stupid stuff, but I just don't give a shit because I'm tired of seeing Tobi deflect from her criticism by shoving criticism of Kei/Omnia in front of her for the audiences to focus on instead.
For Nawnii: people don't think you're biased because you're nice. People think you're biased because you make points that have already been addressed, acted like Tobi apologized, and criticized Kei/Omnia for things they've already fessed up to and apologized for.
No. 1049152
File: 1601551558663.png (47.51 KB, 729x325, peaches.png)

>>1049149>>1049151Considering she said this I think it's fair to say Peaches is done with Tobi. That being said, I don't think she should get involved because so much misinformation is already being spread around thanks to people like Nawnii and Harsh and I really just wish this shit would die at this point. I fucking loathe Tobi, but this is turned into nothing more that a huge dick measuring contest of who's more morally right.
No. 1049372
>>1049179That's not really true.
Besides, I'm not sure this is her territory anyway.
No. 1049398
>>1049384Do newfags just not read the rules or something?
Sage your post. Put sage in the email field. Be anonymous. If you make a claim, provide screenshots of it.
No. 1052808
File: 1601975253987.png (46.93 KB, 779x466, zizi.png)

So another one of Tobi's yes men, Miss Zizi decided to do this childish shit. Here I thought she'd be the one to stay out of this. This is on Harsh Opinion's video.
No. 1053332
File: 1602027848810.png (15.21 KB, 604x124, Creepshow.png)

>>1053189Shannon commented on it kek
No. 1053548
File: 1602052567924.png (353.38 KB, 1207x1260, Tobi Likes and Milky Tiddies R…)

>>1052808Tobi liked the Tweet of Miss Zi Zi saying that the drama is stupid and the only part that involved her was this one comment.
I also have some Tweets of Tobi not really understanding the criticism about the milky tiddies thing. Or maybe she's trying to justify it and brush it off.
Like she says she's not transphobic because she wears a chest binder? But she doesn't do it because she's trans, she does it because it's more comfortable that way. So it doesn't really make sense why she would mention it?
No. 1053916
File: 1602101927489.png (96.43 KB, 1206x586, littlebitch.png)

>>1053548Lol she's backing down like a little bitch now.
>You could have asked me if I was friends with Tobi>We only talk every few monthsOh yeah it's not like you're both constantly corresponding with one another on Twitter or are part of the same discord group. Sure Miss higher ground morality.
No. 1054017
File: 1602115191798.png (1.68 MB, 1202x4163, Zi Zi's Likes.png)

>>1053916 “Why you mad bruh?! Its just a joke bruh!!”
Yeah. We know it was a joke. That doesn’t suddenly make everything okay. Is she like Tobi, and she thinks if people see the rest of the conversation, SUDDENLY everyone will have a different opinion? Because it changes nothing.
The point is that we didn’t think it was appropriate for her to pile on with her friends on Kei/Omnia, and that it’s just generally immature. I don’t like the fact that Kei responded to Zi Zi’s comment, but I dont think that makes Zi Zi’s original comment okay.
She also acts like, “You think Tobi and I are friends? Wtf??!” as if it’s unbelievable. Zi Zi follows both of Tobi’s Twitter accounts, and Zi Zi is part of that whole clique with Madlibbs, Nezziemonster, and Fuchsiabutter. You can find Zi Zi liking many Tweets from Madlibbs, Nezzie, Fuchsia, etc. You can find Zi Zi interacting with them. Tobi does the same thing.
It’s not unreasonable to assume that you are friends or acquaintances with someone you follow and interact with publicly.
You can also find Zi Zi often liking Tweets and interacting with MangaKamen, someone who was criticized for jumping onto Kei/Omnia along with Zi Zi.
There are honestly so many interactions/liked Tweets between all of them, it would take too long to compile them, and the collage would be unreadable.
No. 1054149
File: 1602138310010.png (702.6 KB, 599x3820, CreepsMcPasta.png)

There’s also this. Tobi following and actively defending CreepsMcPasta, someone who is currently being investigated for child pornography charges and is allegedly a pedo.
No one knows if CMP is a pedo or not. So jumping onto the “He’s 100% not a pedo!” wagon is just as bad as jumping onto the “He’s 100% a pedo!” wagon at this point.
Regardless of that, Tobi just looks like an absolute moron here. She argues over something that doesn’t really matter in terms of the larger pedo case, and in the end Tobi acts like she won some grand victory, despite the fact that nothing was proven. Then, based on that, she was going to make a video defending CreepsMcPasta.
No. 1054590
File: 1602190206068.png (89.46 KB, 538x981, Simp Comment.png)

>>1054196It's interesting that she has opinions on the Sakimichan video.
The Sakimichan video was bad, to be fair. Most of it was acting like people didn't like Sakimichan for the sole fact that "She draws BOOBIES!11!!1!"
People in the comments discussed that they didn't like Saki drawing underage characters, aging up underage characters, and Saki liking Tweets they considered racist. If Tobi wanted to argue those points, that would have been great, but she went with a strawman instead.
On a side note, I couldn't find Kai's response
>>1053548 to Zi Zi's comment. I guess he deleted it?
It's kind of annoying to me that Kai/Omnia criticized Tobi for reacting to every little thing, but you can find them replying to people that they shouldn't bother with. Zi Zi's comment looks bad on its own. The way Kai argues with her makes it looks like two kids who only keep arguing because they both want the last word. It reminds me of the petty Tweeting, and I don't like it.
That being said, Kai did delete it, so hopefully he's learned.
Zi Zi on the other hand has not deleted her comments and is only defending her actions on Twitter
>>1053548 . So she looks pretty bad.
No. 1054884
File: 1602228594840.png (94.66 KB, 389x1184, SimpOnKaisHarshOpinionsRespons…)

>>1054839You're right. My bad. Those comments were from Harsh Opinions' video. The comments in the Tweet are from Kai's video responding to Harsh Opinions.
Also, FuchsiaButter is here too.
No. 1055022
File: 1602254739595.png (507.42 KB, 1034x679, creepshow.png)

Translation: "People are comparing me or calling me worse because of my recent drama and I don't like it so I'm gonna take it down"
No. 1055229
File: 1602274952189.png (65.46 KB, 869x594, ZiZiContinue.PNG)

>>1054590Zi Zi keeps responding. This screenshot is from today, October 9.
Not only that, but Zi Zi made this comment
>>1054590 on the same day as she made this Tweet
>>1053548 , which means she actively engaged in more drama after making that Tweet.
And she is currently still actively engaging in it.
No. 1055480

Saged because not really milk. This has nothing to do with current drama. Story is from Tobi’s young teenhood, so skip this post if you don’t give af about that. Just some petty points.
>Starts the story by saying fuck Holly
>Tobi gets upset that the girl she was fucking (Holly) crushed on a guy (Neal) and was obsessed over him. Tobi says as a speculation that Holly was pretending to be straight, when she was most likely just… bi
>Tobi states that she knew that Neal wanted nothing to do with Holly. Later Tobi says that she doesn't understand why Holly wanted Neal because she loved Holly more than Neal.
>Acts like Holly would care that she started texting a new girl (Emily) online, acting like Holly would get upset at her if she found out and saying, “You can’t get mad at me for smooshing after this other girl when we’re not exclusive.” “You didn’t lock me down, I can do whatever I want.” Etc. Not realizing that’s hypocritical.
>Becomes obsessed with Emily after two weeks, constantly talks about her to her friends, constantly brags about her
>Intentionally brags about Emily in front of Holly to annoy her.
>After Tobi gets with Emily, Tobi stops talking to Holly and states she stopped having interest in her.
>Gets into a stupid teen argument with Holly. Holly states that Tobi can’t be dating Emily, because she was dating Emily. “Everyone laughs at Tobi.”
>Texts Emily going crazy because Emily never mentioned that she even knew Holly
>Emily states that Holly wanted Emily to talk to Tobi so she’d stop being so aggressive towards Holly. Tobi follows that up by saying, “When we were alone, Holly was the one who went after me.”
>Has Holly come get her in the woods, then fucks her that night.
>Tobi texts Emily. Holly’s phone buzzes. Tobi realizes it was Holly the whole time
You were the side ho, Tobi. Get over it.
Seriously though, this seems like the kind of thing a normal person would casually forget. Tobi was 14, now she’s 26, so it happened 12 years ago, yet she still seems angry about it. Like it’s just so awkward, because Tobi acts almost like a female incel over Holly. Phrases like “she was probably just trying to pretend to be straight”, “Neal didn’t care about her at all”, “Holly always went after me” just give off a bad teen vibe. Like I know this is a story from when she was a teenager, but she still sees the story through a teenage lens.
No. 1055851
File: 1602355033091.jpg (117.71 KB, 1154x784, sailor moon.jpg)

I'm surprised this hasn't been brung up before holy shit? It's way worse than the Todoroki picture because it's implying you can see Usagi's ass and vag. She is 14 and only ever gets as old as 16 in the manga/shows. I don't see any mention of her being aged up either.
No. 1055969
File: 1602366276089.png (393.92 KB, 1007x615, lookatthetags.png)

>>1055851Dude that's not all.
You can also see her drawing BDSM. The same kind of BDSM gettup she drew on Todoroki. So she is 100% lying when she says it isn't sexual or actually BDSM.
You can also see her tags. She did not spam every single tag possible, which is what she said she used to do.
No. 1056006
File: 1602371486045.png (5.06 MB, 880x10484, Webtoon.png)

I found a Webtoon created by Tobi. I know it’s hers because the socials on the Webtoon have art on her already known socials. Also, there is art of these characters on the Aelita Instagram. Some of the Webtoon pages have art from her Aelita Instagram. Etc.
In the comic, Tobi is an elf boy and is in a BL relationship with Marz. One part of the plot is that Tobi is jealous of Marz’s friend because they spend so much time together.
There’s probably more to it than that, but I don’t feel like wasting my time to read it right now.
The screenshots are: Images of the account, the socials at the bottom of the Webtoon’s pages, showing the same characters on Tumblr and Aelita Instagram, Deviantart that was linked on Webtoon. Then there are images from the comic, showing it is BL. Showing Tobi is jealous of Marz friend. Showing Tobi hurts Marz physically as a result of this.
No. 1056020
File: 1602372994688.png (427.18 KB, 890x2125, BPDPost.png)

>Been in therapy since late teens. Has medication for BPD
>Doesn’t know all the symptoms of BPD and how they effect her
Shitty therapist. Smh
Is it really a good time for a mental health PSA? She has to know this looks terrible on her. She has to know that it just makes her look like she’s trying to pass off her actions as being caused solely by her BPD.
She’s known that she’s had BPD and been to therapy for it for 6 to 10 years. Yeah it’s shitty to tell someone to just control it, but part of therapy for BPD is learning how to control it.
This is a terrible time to post this, especially if she means it in earnest. She’s so stupid, ffs.
No. 1057171
>>1056624"I want to clear up a couple LIES drama channels have been pushing"
1. The collab wasn't going to be with Nezzie
Everyone already knows this. It was an incorrect assumption people made due to Nezzimonster getting involved in the Twitter war. I don't even know if anyone said that Nezzie was making the video with Madlibbs in any of the videos. If it was, it was only one, and I can't even find it.
2. I didn't delete any Tweets in the spat with Omnia/Kai
Who said this? I don't know a single video that criticized Madlibbs for this?
The video is still coming out, but only by Madlibb's friend. Since we don't know who that person is, they could just drop the video entirely and we'd never know.
No. 1057211
>>1057171I already said they were gonna drop their videos and now that Madlibbs has I think the other person will too and we just won't know about it. Why would you even bother at this point? Only a few people are on riding Tobi's ass about this and are only using the DMs and the story leak as leeway because that's the only thing they can use. No one will dare touch the other things people have issues with because they know they can't defend that shit, but they'll screech about the DMs and the "private" story until their lungs give out. Someone going over the full DMs to try and disprove things would be useless at this point. What would they even talk about or try to spin that hasn't been disproven already?
"Omnia lied because she reached out first"
She never said Tobi reached out to her first and Omnia sent a completely unrelated DM in June.
"She was acting friendly to Tobi on purpose and then betrayed her and it's scummy"
She was being polite and cordial like a rational adult, that doesn't mean she was trying to gain Tobi's trust to backstab her later on or was even trying to be friends with her in the first place. Would people rather her send a DM to Tobi saying "Hey you're, disgusting and I'm making a video on you" and then immediately block Tobi like Tobi did to Trent?
"Omnia cut up DMs"
She showed the two most relevant ones to the situation. The rest of the DMs were either rendered invalid by Tobi's later actions or a bunch of other shit that didn't apply to the situation at all. This isn't like there was 1000s of messages. They only talked twice.
"Omnia cut out the part where Tobi said she was done defending Shane"
You mean the part were she later lied by still defending him a month later, thus making that DM invalid?
"Omnia could have went back to ask for clarification through DMs"
Tobi has already shown to lie in private convos why should anything she said be believed at this point?
"Omnia released a private story"
Which she immediately blurred out once it was brung to her attention and that Tobi shouldn't have told to a stranger in the first place.
There's nothing someone can say that'll defend her because everything has been talked about already. The only relevant video I see still coming out would be this one:
>>1054196. Anyone else would just be repeating what has already been said or just making it worse like Harsh Opinions and Nawnii and spreading misinformation. Anyone else thing it's weird that the supposed other person making a video is being kept such a secret? Just sounds really fucking sketch.
No. 1057454
File: 1602575652140.png (2.03 MB, 891x7564, CommentsSummary.png)

Tweets and comment thread from those Tweets:
>Tobi continuing to post comments she doesn’t like on Twitter in hopes people will go after them
>Constantly liking Tweets about BPD health. Retweeting/Tweeting about BPD and talking about how she’s putting in effort to get better.
I don’t even care if she’s genuine or not at this point. I just want her to stfu about it. ffs
Comment thread with Maia:
>Maia: I think you should address your main controversies. I think you're taking some good steps, but there are some fans that kinda feel like you're brushing things under the rug that you should reflect on.
>Tobi: I did. I told Omnia I agreed with her and said I don’t support Shane in my video. I gave a “non copy and pasted sounding apology”. I lashed out because of my BPD. I’m not using my disorder as an excuse. Stop assuming that just because people with BPD don’t say it publicly, they don’t feel ashamed. Educate yourself about BPD.
>Tobi (again): I know I’ll slip up eventually. I wish I just said “I’m sorry I had a BPD episode” to the people I fought with. But I was scared. Educate yourself on BPD. Don’t say, “You need to reflect” or “Do better.” or “You can’t keep doing this.”
>Maia: I understand your BPD causes you to lash out. You said Omnia was a pedo in a Tweet. Your decision to lie is what people are asking you to apologize for. It’s not impulsive or lashing out to leave a video up for weeks.
>Tobi: I never, EVER, said Omnia called me a pedo. I never said I would leak DM’s. I said they were cut up and cut out of context and nothing more (downplaying/minimalizing), and then she flipped out and leaked our DM’s (blaming/gaslighting: look at how bad Omnia is. she was totally over reacting). She leaked a private story. TOBI RELEASES THE STORY THAT WAS BLURRED IN THIS COMMENT. Omnia over reacted and posted the DM’s (blaming/gaslighting). Over sharing is a symptom of BPD. I did not try to attack Omnia. I did not @ her on Twitter or make the first video (blaming). She framed me like a pedophile (blaming/accusing). She told people I still supported Shane after I told her in DM’s I didn’t. I showed more context than she did. She went after my friend (blame).
Fuck I hate Tobi. She is so manipulative. And she’s too stupid to realize it. She’s too stupid to ever realize in her own mind the full picture of what she’s doing.
No. 1057557
>>1057454I really do hate this bitch. She still refuses to admit any wrong doing and is still spinning and is still spinning the narrative that Omnia somehow left out crucial information and framed her as something. Also, I fucking knew that story wasn't as sensitive as she is whining it is because now here she is fully saying it in a public comment section which I'm gonna screenshot in case she ever tries to bring it up again. And yes Tobi, you are still using your BPD as an excuse because if you weren't you wouldn't feel the need to bring it up everytime you post about something you're apologizing for. She still has this stupid
victim mentality and refuses to change from it.
No. 1057920
File: 1602621037643.png (480.79 KB, 603x2062, NawniiTwitandPost.png)

>>1057893These are Nawnii's posts about it.
I bet it would be confusing. All the people who actually know what's going on are upset that she didn't make a well-formulated video and don't want her involved. All of her hyper-fans just want her to continue making videos on it.
No. 1057930
File: 1602621956333.png (172.7 KB, 840x1290, OnlyJesp.png)

>>1054196OnlyJesp commented and explained what her video was going to be about.
The video seems like it's going to mostly be about VanillaToasty supporting Shadman.
The Tobi part is going to be about how Tobi liked and recommended a yaoi with POC slave rape.
No. 1057935
File: 1602622469368.png (30.1 KB, 603x261, TobiFollowsToasty.png)

>>1057931I don't know how much they associate, but Tobi does follow VanillaToasty.
And I'm pretty sure no one else in the FruitCakeClub does.
No. 1057949
File: 1602624098664.png (159.19 KB, 600x1753, FruitCakeClub.png)

>>1057931>>1057935I checked. Madlibbs does not follow Vanilla Toasty. Nezzimonster does not follow Vanilla Toasty. FuchsiaButter follows Vanilla Toasty. Miss Zi Zi follows Vanilla Toasty.
So Tobi, FuchsiaButter, and Miss Zi Zi follow Vanilla Toasty.
Vanilla Toasty is included on both Fruit Cake Club Twitters that are followed by several people mentioned before.
No. 1057972
File: 1602625400725.png (81.94 KB, 602x795, VanillaToastyFollows.png)

>>1057949Vanilla Toasty follows all three of them back (only those three), so it seems fair to say they are on friendly terms, at the very least.
>>1057958I don't care about any of these people either. But it's important to note how interwoven all of them are. It's not just Tobi that is following Vanilla, but many of her friends are, too.
No. 1058003
File: 1602627435736.png (1.52 MB, 2220x2000, 28586E55-2462-4692-967C-534860…)

An ex-friend of Tobi was talking to her the same day she drew that Todoroki drawing.
Doesn’t sound like an “abuse piece” to me.
No. 1058028
>>1058003Holy shit. Where was this?
And assuming that the screenshots are real, Tobi is such a scumbag for lying straight to everyone like that. It would prove how untrustworthy and manipulative is. Case closed.
No. 1061437
1. You're a boring troll that no one cares about
2. You're someone named Akumu who has been mentioned so infrequently in this thread that I don't even know who you are despite reading all of it.
Either way, stfu and go away. You're not even worth messing with.
No. 1061619
File: 1603109148733.png (330.54 KB, 1282x1775, jdskj.PNG)

So Hopeless Peaches is not addressing Thumin's video because of her "mental health." and is no pulling out of social media.
No. 1061620
File: 1603109194262.png (109.86 KB, 1205x940, jksd.PNG)

No. 1061970
For starters, if you're falling for the shit. The only ones who've stepped up stupidity with you all. A 4chan ripoff, doesn't scare me. Put your info in, but don't be running your mouth as trolls, its just feeding into this. If you all are good trolls at all, its pretty obvious, I really don't see how else it can be obvious. Step shit up. You guys could get your info way better. If I was a boring troll no one cared about, these spergs wouldn't lose their shit like they do. Also, no. I never did anything for Madame to notice me, I provided the evidence, and the logical facts about it. I also don't recall claiming myself to be an anime villain? Some of the craziest delusions. If you're gonna talk shit, at least, have some truth to it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1061980
File: 1603146309570.jpg (243.29 KB, 1905x1011, tobiart.jpg)

Ignore him. In the mean time lets talk about how wonky Tobi's art is. I didn't think someone could be on the same level of stiffness as Holly Brown and yet here we are.
No. 1062021
>>1062010Nah. It was made by someone in Artist Salt. People got fed up with hearing about Tobi over there, so someone asked how to make a thread and made one.
If you think Tobi was actively involved in Artist Salt as a casual participant, then okay. But it seems she only knows about Lolcow in passing because she has a thread.
No. 1062158
File: 1603161028575.png (758.77 KB, 602x1576, facialanatomy.png)

>>1061980She has clip studio. Maybe she uses the 3D models? If she doesn't trace them, maybe she tries to copy them too closely? That doesn't explain the wonky ass perspective, though.
I’m sure some people like this, but to me, it always bothers when she draws 3/4ths view faces. Sometimes she can draw them fine, but a lot of the times I feel like it just looks awkward. The last one looks the best, and it’s the most recent, so maybe she’s improving?
She also has a tendency to give her characters the most dopey-ass expressions. Her channel icon is an example. Her eyes stare blankly, and her mouth hangs open. Like what expression is that even supposed to be? She just looks stupid.
No. 1063160
File: 1603309851134.png (80.45 KB, 366x849, nezzie.png)

This is Nezzie's whole sperg about how she was "dragged in the Tobi situation" and how people are getting mad about who she's friends with. No one gives a shit that you're friends with Tobi. People are upset because you refuse to listen to the opposite side of things. It's so funny how all of Tobi's friends/people on her side are suddenly crying about their mental health once they're confronted with the fact that they might be wrong. At this point an entire thread for the FruitCakeClub should be made because all of them are hypocritical bitches that make commentary on people, but can't take it themselves and cry about their 50000 mental illnesses.
No. 1065802
>>1065529Jesp's video wasn't really about the drama with Kai and Omnia.
>Starts with the "It's still wrong if it's drawn" video>Goes over the comment at the beginning of the vid and how the comment wasn't defending drawn CP but just asking her to use the correct terminology.>Brings up more of Tobi being a hypocrite with her Todoroki drawing and also recommending underaged Yaoi to her underaged fans>Calling the CSA survivor a pedophile and stupid is really scummy>Moves onto the Sakimichan video>No one @'ed Sakimi because they didn't want her to be harassed and they censored her name because people might be triggered by the content she draws>Tobi censored the name of the OP at first but didn't again the second time they showed the tweet>OP Was critiquing how Sakimi's art has declined due to how fast she has to produce work and also her same face syndrome.>Goes over how the whole "Cal-Arts" style is not only stupid, but was coined by John K. A confirmed pedophile who was being petty about Disney artists.>Basically Tobi either missed the entire point of the tweet or twisted it in usual Tobi fashion.>Briefly talks about the Lumistarbun video and how hypocritical Tobi is considering her own actions.The VanillaToasty part starts are 44:00 in
>Toasty and Tobi both bitched at people for liking/drawing underaged porn while Toasty himself followed Shadman at one point.>Toasty and FuschiaButters used to have a NSFW discord where they let minors be admins and share porn of underaged characters.>Toasty had another NSFW channel and didn't remove someone because they were uncomfortable with the chat>Toasty is just a gross hypocrite that would fully show NSFW to minors even though they would ask him to stop>Toastys a piece of shit tl;drTobi comes back in at 1:06:10
>Tobi's dumbass comment on the whole trans thing and how stupid it was.>You can't age up characters you don't know the age of>Doubts it was "vent art">Tobi was in a kid's DM's being an asshat which resulted in the kid blocking Tobi. Tobi also started calling them a homophobe because they brung up the fact that they didn't like Yaoi.>Tobi just needs to work on a few things. No. 1066063
File: 1603414612489.png (105.6 KB, 614x874, Jesp Peaches.png)

>Peaches gets herself involved for no reason
>Peaches says Omnia/Kai are sus and their apologies are fake. Omnia and Kai leaked all of Tobi's personal information.
>People criticize Peaches for getting involved at all and for spreading misinformation
First.. how would Peaches know when anyone says that? I thought she was “gone from social media FULLY”.
Second, if Tobi is abusive to this extent, why would you not share what she’s done? If it’s personal, it’s personal, but Peaches goes around telling everyone that Tobi hurt her. Wouldn’t it benefit people to know how Tobi acted, so they can avoid falling into any traps that Tobi set for Peaches?
No. 1066168
File: 1603432359844.png (245.94 KB, 842x1400, Peaches Community Post Oct. 23…)

>>1066063Oh come on anon. Everyone knows that “getting off social media” is code for “I’m saying I’m having mental issues because of all the backlash, and I’m hoping saying this will make people leave me alone, but if it doesn’t I will see it and I will respond.”
Seriously though, if she’s really having mental trouble, she needs to commit to stepping away from social media. Stay off her Peaches accounts. Stay off Twitter in general. And she can’t have her friends fuck it up by telling her mean things people say or Tweet (if they are). She doesn’t have to disappear from the Internet, but maybe she should use Youtube logged out of her profile (possibly in Incognito), so she doesn’t get recommended videos on her, and so she doesn’t see how many comments she has on her bell.
There’s a whole world outside of artuber drama bullshit. Maybe see what that other world is like for a while.
No. 1066464
File: 1603480728242.png (445.24 KB, 825x2376, More Peaches Responses.png)

>I didn’t watch Thumin’s video>I was going to apologize, but then Thumin’s video came out, and now I can’t apologize without looking racist>I told Thumin people were calling me racist. But people are still doing that. (I guess Thumin was supposed to fix that??)Reality:
>People are just criticizing her for spreading misinformationDoes anyone know what mythical video Peaches is talking about?
No. 1066599
File: 1603491492049.jpeg (205.42 KB, 1125x758, 4F9E70D4-FCCF-4532-9AC6-9EB034…)

Am I reading into this or is Hopeless Peaches extremely overdramatic and annoying? She’s the type of person who posts on Twitter to get her fans to coddle her, worry about her, or pity her. She says she’s leaving social media, but comes back just to see if anyone is still talking about her. It’s super cringe.
No. 1066605
>>1066599Read the rules: has been mentioned many times:
>>1046257 >>1049398And yes, it is very annoying. She said she was leaving social media, only for her to not leave social media, so she can "leave" social media again.
Guarantee she will be back.
No. 1066836
File: 1603518202768.png (107.45 KB, 613x993, fuchsiabuttersrage.png)

And friends like you are why she’ll never get better.
No. 1066841
>>1066836I have BPD. I acted absolutely insane in my teenage years. I had some of the same problems that Tobi does.
In my opinion, the only way to get a Borderline to ever admit they’re wrong is to confront them. And you can’t back down. You have to know you’re right. You have to make good, logical arguments. Because with BPD, it’s very easy to nit pick every little thing and have all these manipulative behaviors to turn the focus off of yourself and onto others. Everything the BPD person says has to be shut down.
“But they called me-” No.
“They leaked my-” No.
“They lied-” No.
“I’m not supposed to say anything when they-” No.
“My BPD made me-” No.
“They flipped out-” No.
They will try to argue every single thing. They’re better than them. They have a right to be mad. They did blah blah blah wrong. It doesn’t matter.
Unless you make them confront the fact that it doesn’t matter what other people did, it doesn’t matter if you have a disorder, it doesn’t matter how you phrase it, you are wrong. You did something wrong. You are to blame. You alone. Not your switch. Not your BPD. You. Your BPD is you.
(nobody cares) No. 1066845
>>1066836What a disgusting thing to say. Blaming people for her mental issues? Do you tell people you’ll commit suicide if they leave, too?
Why are these people rock bottom retarded? What did Fuschia think was going to happen from Tweeting this? That two or three of their followers would agree? All it does it make Tobi look worse. A+ friend you got there. They care so much that the backlash is affecting your mental health, that they Tweet something that will get you more backlash and further hurt your mental health.
No. 1066915
File: 1603539243832.png (16.33 KB, 598x187, eheheh.PNG)

>>1066836It's pretty low to blame your health problems onto other people who literally have no responsibility over your mental issues.
It would make such a big difference if tobi just turned off the internet for once and focused on herself, but instead shes fixated on other people and other peoples opinions which she shouldnt.
Being someone with mental health issues, it's not hard to take care of yourself and better yourself, having to blame it on others won't change jackshit, and only worsen the thing you are trying to fix.
Im not so sure how tobi thinks this will change anything what shes dealing with, but im pretty sure pointing fingers at others and telling strangers on the internet that they are at fault that you're mentally unstable is just
toxic and unhealthy in general.
anyway, kinda ironic that she retweeted this, considering shes the complete opposite of that. You sure you're doing good tobi? are you really being nice?
No. 1066942
>>1066836Wasn't it on Fuchsia's discord server (now nuked) that Toasty's creepy shit started?
Also the people trying tell you to stop being friends with her are looking out for your reputation. No one's implying they "know her better than you" they're just telling you it looks bad. That just by association you look like you condone her behavior.
No. 1069055
File: 1603831371234.png (725.88 KB, 1159x1980, tiring 1.png)

It's just tiring at this point.
Going back to your old ways (as if she ever left) of replying to everyone who doesn't need a response is stupid. Tobi, stop acting stupid.
It's exhausting for everyone.
She just uses the same arguments, over and over again. I genuinely believe she is too stupid to understand the points people are trying to make against her.
No. 1069101
File: 1603834095915.png (2.08 MB, 876x6094, youtube tiring.png)

>>1069055>>1069057Fuck, there's more.
No. 1069779
File: 1603921636681.gif (727.21 KB, 500x281, giphy.gif)

>>1069176This has probably been the fastest I've seen a YouTube channel rise and fall.
No. 1069999
>>1069057>"I wasn't hostile"She's utterly delusional. wtf.
She thinks people who criticize her for the trans chest comments are just "spiteful" and have a "shit point"
Way to show how ingenuine your apology was.
No. 1074975
File: 1604525296568.png (218.33 KB, 857x1652, CommentsonJarVideo.png)

>>1074643I went to the comments before watching the video.
These comments do not bode well for the video at all. Mostly because they are saying, once again, points that neither Kai nor Omnia made.
Again, these stupid pedo allegations that no one made. It has been clarified. No one thinks Tobi is a pedophile.
Can you even find a single comment saying that? My prediction for this video is that they haven’t.
And Nawnii is here, saying she may make another video.
No. Fuck off. We were monitoring your comment section, and for fuck’s sake, all anyone was saying was that they were disappointed in you.
No. 1075041
File: 1604529603601.jpg (294.16 KB, 1080x1327, IMG_20201105_002918.jpg)

Mangakamen has made a statement post the JAR video.
No. 1075049
File: 1604530016605.jpg (108.15 KB, 1024x709, nessa_fanart___casual_swim_by_…)

>>1075041Hope his own stuff he's working on is his shitty art.
If you think the drama is so dumb why did you get involved?
No. 1075065
>>1075049His comment thread with Kai was referenced in Thumin's video, and apparently it made people go aggro on him. Too bad he decided to collaborate with JAR and Fuschiabutters, who both misconstructed the argument to shreds. Not only did they brush off the Todoroki image but aggressively ate out Omnia for releasing the DMs along with the quote-tweets even though they apologized long ago. This quote from JAR makes me cringe the most.
> Todoroki isn't a child. He's 16. Old enough to drive. The age of consent in most states, is 16. Now I understand a few of you might say "That's the whole [it's not a pedophilia, it's a femiphilia] argument". Fine, fine, I get that, but she didn't draw porn of him. I don't like the movie Cuties, but it isn't porn. Suggestive? Yes. Inappropriate? Yes. But it isn't porn. Also, she did it one time. Just once. Jesus christ, get over yourselves.Talk about purposefully ignoring context. No wonder his comment section is so spergy.
No. 1075187
File: 1604544022973.png (3.49 MB, 836x20401, HugeJarCommentsCompilation.png)

>>1074643Here are comments from Madlibbs, Kai Weiss, Nezzimonster, Omnia, Miss Zi Zi, Only Jesp, Mari Akutsu, and Lyra, in that order.
Madlibbs complaining that Omnia/Kai petty-Tweeted them.
Nezzimonster complaining they were involved when they involved themselves.
Miss Zi Zi just says “Simp”, again.
The rest are arguing points made in the video.
OnlyJesp said she was going to make a response video, and JAR said she might want to think that over.
Also it doesn’t matter if your video was in the works for a while, Manga. You’re talking about drama. Drama changes and evolves very quickly. If you can’t keep up with it, your video is worthless. You’ll be behind with old information and old criticism that has already been addressed.
No. 1075301
>Jar: It doesn’t matter that Tobi drew BDSM of Todoroki because it’s not porn and he’s 16, which is the age of consent in most states. Plus she only did it once>Tobi draws porn of a 14-year-old character>Jar: Sailor Moon is not a loli, so I don’t really careI don’t understand why Jar argues this. Is his point Tobi isn’t a pedo? Because no one is calling Tobi a pedo. The point only comes up to show that Tobi shouldn’t make blanket statements about people, especially being pedophiles. It also shows her being hypocritical.
Does Jar not realize that he’s a pedophile by Tobi’s logic? He’s defending people who draw underage characters. Tobi said anyone who does that is a stupid pedo.
(I'm not saying Jar is a pedo. I'm showing an example of why Tobi's black and white thinking is harmful. Not everyone that disagrees with her is a pedo, but that's what she said). No. 1075324
File: 1604562274893.png (1.47 MB, 1279x2955, B60140FA-7D35-4A4A-A80F-C2D604…)

This is JAR’s response to Omnia’s comment on his video. Omnia didn’t really say much but I fact-checked her on her claim that that “limp-wristed” and “weakness in argument” comments were made by Butters, so she’s not wrong. JAR is looking stupider and stupider the more this is drawn out.
No. 1075336
File: 1604564811520.png (551.69 KB, 873x3392, JarCommentsHighlighted.png)

>>1075324I didn’t believe that Jar actually said that. But I went to check, and he totally did.
(I highlighted three parts for the next point)He claims Omnia misrepresented what Harsh said, but Omnia literally quoted Harsh. Jar claims Harsh didn’t say that, then Jar says the “actual quote”, which is just what Omnia already posted.
Why does Jar think the first part of what Harsh said changes anything? It doesn’t suddenly flip the context.
And then Jar says that Omnia is crying wolf about people cutting context from her? The only part of Omnia’s comment that was about context was the part where she said that Madlibbs did subtweet her, so she believed other Tweets were subtweeting her as well.
An no, Jar, what Tobi was talking about wasn’t loli. She at no point said it was about loli. BentheLoony doesn’t even draw loli. Tobi said any minor. Tobi said you are a pedo or a pedo supporter if you defend someone who draws underage characters. She didn’t say you are a pedo supporter if you support people who draw loli.
At best, her wording is utter shit, and at worst, she literally thinks anyone who disagrees with her is a pedophile/pedophile supporter.
>Jar: Sailor Moon doesn’t count because she’s not a loliFfs this was never about lolis. If BentheLooney is our reference for what is child porn, Tobi was mad at people who drew fictional underage boys. Fictional boys who are, in canon, underage. Not lolis, which are super old but look young.
But Tobi did
not say “if you support people who draw children sexually, you’re a pedo supporter”
Tobi did
not say, “if you support people who draw lolis, you’re a pedo supporter”
said, “if you defend people who draw minors”. And Tobi got mad at literally
anyone in the comments who provided a different opinion from her. If Jar commented on her video, “16 year olds are legal in some states, so that’s okay. And it doesn’t really matter the characters’ age, as long as they aren’t a loli.” Tobi would have told him to fuck off.
>Jar: It doesn’t matter if you apologized. I’m still going to call you out for it.Why? What good does it do?
No. 1075347
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Let’s not forget this.
>Kai: Tobi, by your logic, you’re just as bad as the people you criticize
Commentary channels: Oh my gosh you’re calling her a pedo!!!!!!111!
>Tobi: You’re just as bad as pedophiles or worse if you disagree with me
Commentary channels: Silence
No. 1075353
>>1075065>>1075336JAR is just moving goalposts.
“Tobi didn’t draw porn of him, so it’s fine.”
>Tobi draws porn of a minor“Tobi didn’t draw a loli, so it’s fine.”
wtf..? I thought the problem was that it wasn’t porn? Now that it is porn, the problem is that it isn’t a loli?
No. 1075355
>>1075336> Tobi apologized, it wasn't very good, but she did. But it doesn't matter that you, Tobi or Kai apologized. You guys still did bad things I'm still going to call you out for it.Is he seriously equating taking responsibility for not blurring a single dm immediately and apologizing right there and then with a 40 minute video that started by threatening the people who critiqued her as well as sugarcoating all her actions? harassment is just as bad as a petty tweet now, gotcha. He's reaching so hard to put the two parties on a level playing field when it doesn't exist by forcing the "race card bad" and "pedo accusations bad" buzzwords onto Omnia and Kai.
I honestly still believe he was the worst person to collab with on mangakamen's front, but I understand why. JAR has a bigger channel, an impressionable audience who already have no knowledge of the drama and trust his content. I don't wanna allege anything but I feel as if the framing was purposefully done like this.
No. 1075363
JAR will morph any argument to suit his needs.
“Well, at least Tobi didn’t draw porn. Oh, she did? Well, at least Tobi didn’t draw loli.”
This was never even about loli. Tobi said, “If you think that drawing children or children that are drawn in sexual situations is okay or you do it, you are a pedophile, you support pedophiles, you don’t have empathy and you don’t fucking care, or you’re fucking stupid.” Where was loli mentioned? Where was age of consent mentioned?
Kai’s point was that Tobi’s blanket statements weren’t going to fly because they were extremely broad and lacked any nuance. However, just to suit JAR’s white-knight needs, there is nuance in her argument. There isn’t. That’s the fucking point. Jfc these commentators are dense.
No. 1075370
>>1075363He still needs to justify how disagreeing with calling drawn CP CSEM makes you a pedo by Tobi's logic lol, move those goalposts faster boy
Actually, I wonder if anyone brought up age of consent in the original "Its still bad if its drawn" video's comment section. If Tobi clapped back to that with her cookie cutter "waaah pedo", JAR's fucking circuits would snap.
(Reposted because I'm dumb and forgot posting rules)
No. 1075419
How can these people be so self-unaware? They act like people who think they’re biased are just ridiculous, rabid haters, who are stupid and don’t understand any of their points.
But like, JAR waved away the two drawings Tobi did of minors, and gave her the benefit of the doubt. Then he made a conspiracy theory that the reason Harsh Opinions and Nawnii got hate on their videos was because Omnia/Kai have a Discord chat, and Omnia/Kai sent their fans after them. He said this with no evidence.
JAR gives benefit of the doubt to Tobi, which is not given to Omnia and Kai. This was the same in Harsh’s and Nawnii’s videos. It’s not about approaching the matter calmly. It’s not about criticizing Kai, Omnia, Tobi, or whoever. It’s the fact that Omnia/Kai are not criticized with benefit of the doubt.
For example, in Harsh’s video, she assumes that Omnia purposely made that threat and removed it so only Madlibbs could see it. Even when presented with evidence otherwise, with Omnia/Kai explaining why they removed it, Harsh still made this theory against them. Yet Harsh gives Tobi the benefit of the doubt when Tobi says she didn’t know Todoroki’s age when she drew him.
No. 1075745
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>>1075684I've been lurking the comments and yeah, the name is "YourLocalSmutMaster LovelyDeathxx" (pretty cringe if you ask me). They've been responding to that broken clock Akumu, refusing to check Lyra's video for proof on the sailor moon image, as well as snapping at Omnia as she's responding to JAR with a "POINTS CONTINUATION" nobody saw coming. They said they're a part of the community yet I never heard of them or saw their comments on any video besides this one, so I'm betting on "misguided JAR fan who eats his garbage takes with a side dish of acid". Unrelated to thread.
No. 1075781
>>1075684>>1075745Yeah, we know about them. You can find them sperging at multiple people here
>>1075187Dude responds with college-length essays.
Their response to Lyra is laughable. Lyra tells him that Tobi drew underage porn of Sailor Moon, and he's like "Are you going to post proof of it?? No one is going to take your word of it."
Then Lyra tells him it's in her video at 10:14.
Then LovelyDeathxx complains that Lyra didn't post the link. Twice. He whines that he shouldn't have to go through her videos and the evidence should be "provided up front"
Lyra repeats that all he had to do was go to her channel, look at the Tobi video, at the timestamp. Deathxx acts like Lyra never said this, and that Lyra needs to post the link.
Dudes a fucking idiot.
No. 1076250
>>1076027He's on every single video about omnia and kai bitching about ppl criticism. Lol, he acts very
No. 1076620
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>>1076617JAR also commented on the video, saying he will make a second one. Looks like this matter won't end any time soon.
No. 1076850
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Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
No. 1077807
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I liked this comment from Prison Mate Luke's video. I didn't really think about it, but it's true. Tobi is against child porn, and age of consent laws do not apply to pornography.
>>1076617 and
>>1074643 , please put the link to the Youtube video in the "Youtube" line underneath "Choose File" next time you post a video. That makes the video embeded.
No. 1077832
File: 1604827021472.png (980.68 KB, 827x6970, JarReplies.png)

I collected a few comments from JAR.
JAR really doesn’t understand that saying that the Todoroki drawing isn’t child porn is defending Tobi. Like you’re defending what Tobi did. You’re saying it wasn’t wrong. You’re saying it’s not wrong because it isn’t porn, and it isn’t loli. OR, JAR is saying that Tobi is not a hypocrite because Todoroki is not a loli. Either way, that’s defending Tobi.
I guess by “Luke took things out of context” JAR assumes that Luke purposefully only chose parts of the video that were not admonishing Tobi to respond to. But I don’t think this was some grand manipulation tactic. It’s just Luke trying to pick out the relevant bits and respond to them. What would be the point in showing the entire video if he only wanted to argue a few specific things? Of course, I am assuming what JAR feels, but if JAR feels like Luke purposefully only chose parts of his video to manipulation his audience, JAR would be acting a bit paranoid.
It seems like JAR thinks that Luke was taking things out of context by responding to each person (Fuscia, Manga, JAR) separately. As in, treating each of their arguments as separate from each other. But Fuscia, JAR, and Manga don’t share the same opinion on a lot of the drama in the video, so I don’t see how it’s a problem. Manga doesn’t agree with Tobi drawing underage characters. JAR defended it and continues to defend it in comments. How does Manga not agreeing with Tobi change how JAR feels? They have almost the opposite opinion.
Also JAR didn’t know that Fuscia was close to Tobi. Like??? Have you been paying attention at all? Done any research?
JAR doesn’t bother responding to good, logical comments (like the response by jamieee). He just says watch the video and dips out. Why? What’s the point?
JAR also copies and pastes responses. I thought this was really funny the first time I saw it, but if I’m being genuine, I don’t know why he bothers.
No. 1078140
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This is why you shouldn't have included Fuchsia in the video JAR. She's a hypocritical Tobi clone that's so far up her ass she could probably see what Tobi had for dinner 2 days ago.
No. 1078176
>>1078140At no point did Kai or Omnia refer to a disorder they have as the reason they misbehaved or acted stupidly.
The only people who have argued for Kai and Omnia's mental health is Prison Mate Luke (latest video) and possibly Thumin.
And just because someone thinks that Tobi uses her BPD as a "scapegoat" doesn't mean they don't care about her mental health. That doesn't mean people want Tobi to fall into a deep depression or hurt herself. It just means people want her to give a solid apology without mentioning her BPD.
Fuchsia is so unbelievably stupid. Kai and Omnia aren't the reason the drama started. Tobi is. Tobi acted poorly, so people made videos on her. If Tobi hadn't acted poorly, there would be nothing to make videos about.
I'm not sure what kind of apology Fuchsia wants, but they clearly want more than Kai or Omnia can give. Fuchsia acts like they want Kai and Omnia to fix the fact that people don't like Tobi now, but that's not their fault.
No. 1078197
>>1078176Plus Omnia and Kai only mentioned it like, three times, mainly in passing. Meanwhile, Tobi brings up her BPD every single time she’s caught in even the slightest bit of controversy, going on and on about it as if it’s holding her hostage and making her lie and do awful shit against her will. There’s a stark difference between those two parties, and the fact that everyone defending Tobi thinks it’s just a black-and-white, “these things are equal to each other” issue proves how idiotic they are.
Not to mention, from the sounds of it, Omnia has Kai and her other friends to hold her accountable. Meanwhile, all of Tobi’s friends are yesmen who double- and triple- down on defending her even when it’s clear to the stupidest person that they’, and Tobi, are in the wrong.
No. 1078204
>>1078176Omnia and Kai just gave Tobi critique on what Tobi has done and Tobi is the one that decided to lie, spread misinformation, and continue to say they made false accusations against her. Tobi, Fuschia, Madlibss, and Nezzie can all go piss and shit in a corner while crying about how bad this situation had gotten because Tobi brought it all on herself by being a fucking twat in public and then crying
victim when she got called out on it. The entire art commentary community needs an overhaul like an anon mentioned above. The literal only way I can see this truly ending and shutting people up is if Ponder were to make a video and even then I'd be worried she'd be biased because she's friends with Nezzie. This whole drama is so retarded because commentators just can fathom that they might get called out on their shit.
No. 1078234
>>1077832>“Other than Butters, none of us think she’s just as bad”Too bad Butters is in the video, right? This comment criticized the video for thinking Omnia/Kai are just as bad as Tobi. Fuchsia is part of that video. JAR acts like people shouldn’t criticize him for defending the Todoroki drawing because MangaKamen said that he didn’t agree with Tobi drawing Todoroki that way. JAR acts like Manga’s points and his points are they same. But if FuchsiaButters makes super biased and stupid points in the same video, suddenly Butter’s points should be considered separate from his own?
JAR, you made a video with an extremely biased person, who admits that they are biased. Why? Butters admitting that they are biased does not solve that problem. A biased point, will, and always will be, biased.
No. 1078370
>>1078356Ponder is biased towards her friends, but I don't think it matters one way or another. I doubt she's ever going to touch this drama, and even if she did, it wouldn't suddenly stop people from having different opinions. If she takes our side, Jar, Manga, Nezzie, etc. are all still going to feel the same way. If she takes Jar, Nezzie, and Manga's side, there's going to be videos made against her, and the cycle repeats.
No. 1079717
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I love how JAR never responded to this kek.
No. 1080537
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Tobi.. Tobi
People who make Tweets about wanting/trying to kill themselves do want attention. They want to have it proven to them that people do care. But it’s never enough. Even if people are able to convince them not to do it the first time, the suicide-ee will continue to do this. Over and over. It’s an unhealthy pattern of behavior, and it shouldn’t be encouraged.
Stop acting like abnormal behaviors of mentally ill people are okay just because those people are mentally ill. Odd behaviors are indications that something is wrong.
No. 1080710
>>1080537I know peaches can't stand Tobi so I really have to wonder how she feels about this and what even happened between them. Also, yes Tobi, Peaches does want attention.
She knew what she was doing with that "Goodbye" tweet. Way to look like an ass and bait your followers into thinking you offed yourself. Posting shit like that is not only bad for your followers because it scares them into thinking you're about to be dead, but it continues a gross cycle of seeking attention in
toxic ways, getting it, and wanting more. Peaches has continually said she's going to "take a hiatus/break" and comes back a few days later. Wash, rinse, and repeat. The internet is bad to her mental health along with things in her personal life, but she doesn't take the initiative to actually distance herself for atleast a month or two.
No. 1080880
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I don’t understand why making videos is JAR’s standard. Just like the loli argument, no one argued that everyone is making videos on Kai/Omnia. They just said Kai/Omnia were being ganged up on.
Like, by his standards, no one is being ganged up on. But JAR’s not arguing his standard. He’s arguing with Thumin’s. Thumin set the standard that a bunch of creators with large followings leaving negative comments, making misinformed videos, subtweeting, etc. was dogpiling. You can’t change the standard that was set. You have to argue within it as to why you agree or disagree.
Saying, “The standard for dogpiling shouldn’t be making Tweets, subtweeting, leaving comments, etc. It should only be determined by who makes videos.”, doesn’t change the argument at all. It doesn’t add anything. Like great, you think the standard should be something else. How does that challenge Thumin’s point at all? How does that make it okay that large creators were jumping in to defend someone’s actions that were less than stellar?
No. 1080895
File: 1605193209975.png (77.2 KB, 796x508, MangaKamenComment.PNG)

This is stupid, too. Omnia and Kai being criticized for things they didn’t even do. Kai and Omnia never agued that Manga, Fuchsia, Nezzie, Madlibbs, JAR, Harsh, or even Tobi, was racist.
Thumin was the only creator that brought up Manga, and she never argued he was racist. Thumin’s exact words were, at (34:37 – 35:06) in her video,
>“Now, another creator, who happens to be friends with Hopeless Peaches, by the name of Manga Kamen, also involved himself in this drama by commenting and debating Kai in his comment section, as well as leaving various different nit-picky comments on other videos regarding this drama. Mind you, Manga Kamen is a very big channel with around fifty-six thousand subscribers.”
She mentions him a second time in her conclusion at (38:43 - ). Her words:
>”Seeing large creators like Hopeless Peaches, Mizz Zi Zi, and Manga Kamen, leaving passive aggressive comments on Kai’s significantly smaller channel for fairly criticizing Tobi, is truly perplexing. You do realize how intimidating it can get to have half of the art commentary creators ganging up against you as a small and up-and-coming creator?”
That is literally all she said about Manga. Her only point with bringing him up is that larger creators are ganging up on Kai and Omnia by doing things like leaving comments, making Tweets, subtweeting, liking Tweets, etc.
Manga is pinning blame on people for things they never did.
He’s also minimizing. “Do they deserve to be dragged through the mud just because they left one comment?”
Tell me one person who has only left one comment, because we have well documented here, everyone who is criticized for dogpiling on Kai and Omnia have continuously involved themselves with this situation. They continue to make Tweets, comments, and they like Tweets involving the situation. They promote videos that criticize Kai/Omnia.
Also, it’s just bullshit. This video wasn’t talking about how people got wrongly accused of being racist. Did the video show Nawnii being called racist and call out the people doing it? Did the video show Manga being called racist and call out the people doing it? No. It criticized Omnia and Kai. That’s it.
If the purpose of JAR and Co.’s video was to lambast the people who are taking what Omnia, Kai, Thumin, etc. say and twist it to fit whatever point they want, they didn’t do that at all!
No. 1081519
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so here's a funny, Nawnii unprivated her Tobi video [which was privated shortly after her "apology" got recieved poorly] thinking nobody would notice and turned off comments. Guess it'll make it easier for her to claim people were accusing her of "racism" if nobody can verify the comments by themselves. these people will do anything to not be a "coward"
No. 1081973
>>1081519Lol what a bitch move to turn of comments. Nawnii is so damn spineless. She apologized and privated the video, but when JAR mentioned her in his video she made a comment claiming she was being called racist and that's why she privated it and not because she was spreading misinformation, and then once again when Luke released his video she ran and deleted that comment. She and Peaches both need to grow and backbone and just stick to one narrative and not flip back and forth like a dying fish.
>>1081629I haven't actually seen any comments calling anyone racist either. They're sperging about Kai and Omnia using the race card when it could be said that everyone else is using the "people are calling me racist" card over a few people calling them out on their bullshit.
No. 1082198
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>>1082149>>1081973Agreed, I think I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out they were lying regarding these claims since Mangakamen's harassment [which people said was due to his comments on the Tobi situation] was already attributed to his GameGrumps video.
Besides, I've seen a couple of tweets from Spoctor saying he will be making a video about people who he has been in private contact with (attached above), and knowing he follows most of the commentary community channels involved… Might be too tinfoil-hat'y of me, but people are already speculating that it's regarding the JAR video on Tobi.
No. 1082202
>>1082149Actually, remembering that JAR called comments that used vocabulary limited to "sus", "not a good look" and "honestly disappointing" the 'worst hate comments' he has 'ever seen', I wouldn't put it past him to lambast anyone mentioning race as a "
victim cultist" calling him racist. For god's sake, man pretended quoting the same thing Omnia quoted but with a couple of extra prepositions means he exposed her for "misrepresentation".
No. 1082284
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>>1081973Actually in Nawnii's apology she stated she would only unlist the video and not private it, then went back on her word without telling anyone. I was talking about it with some folks and was gonna link it to them but hit the "this video was privated" wall, and then we all proceeded to take the piss out of her apology. People like parading her around as a sensitive uwu so soft person but she's quite two-faced and manipulative, making sadboy-tier tweets after posting an apology that practically said "I'm sorry my opinion offended you".
No. 1082286
>>1082198Yeah spoctor is making a video on Tobi. The initial tweet replies are a fucking dumpster fire holy SHIT (also mangakamen calls people racist, in today's news) nawnii literally tells spoctor "these are some dangerous waters", we really need a commentary community thread after this one hits post limit…
No. 1082483
>>1082198Oh man, if Spoctor makes a video on JAR's with his following being over 300k, this entire community is going to go up in flames and cannibalize one another. Spoctor is friends with JAR,
Kamen, and pretty much any other big name art commentary channel. I don't see why that message/comment would be aimed at Omnia/Tobi/Kai because to my knowledge he doesn't even know them. That message is probably why JAR is starting to backtrack on including Fuchsia, has gone pretty quiet, and why Kamen has started to remove his involvement altogether. Get Your popcorn ready boys. This video is probably gonna cause the most shit thus far.
No. 1082749
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>>1082741Sage your posts if you're not adding any new info on Tobi and post pictures of what you're talking about. Harsh's tone of voice makes her sound like a Tobi clone so I can only hope she'll actually apologize and address things unlike what Tobi did.
No. 1085252
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Tobi, why the fuck are you quoting an Anita tweet from 2019. What is the point of this aside from going "BAWWWW MY BROTHER THOUGH". Did you just want reason to bring him up lol.
No. 1085437
>>1085252Tobi also references a friend who apparently killed himself while quote-tweeting Hopeless Peaches above, who already went on multiple platforms to claim that her interactions with Tobi caused her mental health to decline (in video embedded around 11:55 Jesp talks about what Peaches feels about Tobi and Peaches gave her support to the video in comments). Not to defend Peaches here as she did fuck up majorly, but it takes a new type of self-absorbed to make someone else's mental health about you and your ancedotal experiences (and also act as if having one friend who literally offed themselves makes you an expert on how to properly help suicidal people).
Btw nobody posted this video yet so here
No. 1085732
>>1085703>I know two more videos are going to come outMe: Two?
>One from JustaRobotMe: Fair enough
>And one from TheNamesJunkieMe:
NoooNoooooooooooooooooooo No. 1085958
>>1085954If you’re asking what video he’s going to make about the Tobi situation, I don’t know.
If you’re asking why the negative reaction to him, every time I see a video from him it’s always terrible.
He constantly misunderstands/misrepresents the arguments people make. He likes to cut context and misinterpret things to make himself 100% right. He never sees anything with nuance. And if you use hyperbole, fuck, he won’t understand it at all.
He acts like there is always a clear "bad guy" and a "good guy" in every situation. That all arguments are either "right" or "wrong". Again, no nuance.
He could agree with my opinion 100% and still make a terrible video.
Plus, what on Earth could he say that hasn’t been said already?
I understand why JAR would make a video, because he wants to defend himself and clear misconceptions. But Junkie? He's just another bandwagoner that won't have anything new.
No. 1087659
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Okay, anyone else find this really fucking creepy? Peaches has said she had a falling out with Tobi and it was really bad, but for some reason Tobi still follows her/ Quote retweets shit about her or from her? Like what is she hoping, Peaches somehow starts talking to her again or she wants to look good? Fucking weird.
No. 1087713
>>1087659I don't find it creepy, necessarily, but if I were Peaches, I'd be pretty upset. I would wonder why someone who I had a falling out with kept bothering me. It would be very
weird. It's obsessive, like Tobi can't let it go.
I'm 99% sure it's a result of her Borderline. IF you ever hear someone talk about being in a relationship with a Borderline, they always mention how they will get into horrible fights, but then a few moments later or the next day it's like it didn't happen at all. Borderlines' minds just don't work the same way.
Just more proof that Tobi doesn't understand basic social behavior and cues, I guess, and that her therapist failed her.
No. 1087723
>>1087659>>1087713Fuck me.
She’s gone to therapy for borderline since she was a teenager, and she’s now 26. Yet none of her therapists thought it was important to mention the obsession part of the disorder? The part where you act crazy as fuck and need to learn how to act like a normal fucking person?
Or did she just ignore that part?
And she hasn’t realized by now that when you get into an argument with someone, they stay upset at you? Like I know arguments are different for borderline people, because they don’t stay upset. Their emotions change all the time. But it doesn’t take all but two braincells to realize the way you feel and act is outside of what is normal.
You need help, Tobi. Get a better therapist.
No. 1087779
>>1087760They do, but they don't.
If you do something that makes them upset, then they will remember everything you did in the past and hate you.
But they typically get over arguments very quickly. They will forget about all the hate they had for you. Until you do something that makes them upset again.
This can also work in reverse. They can hate you until you do something good, and then they will think you are perfect and can do no wrong.
They're in a constant roller coaster of love and hate. No inbetween.
No. 1088550
Alright, let’s watch this trashfire.
It’s 57 minutes longOh, damn it.
0:00 – 3:30: Apologizes for the title of his last video being bad, being late to the drama, including Butters in the video, the chaotic editing, and using the black Spongebob (it was an old inside joke that came across poorly).
3:31 – 13:15: Explains how he originally saw the drama. But he has changed his mind. Says he was misinformed. Didn’t know about Tobi calling Ben a pedo or what she said at the end of her dog video.
13:30 – 14:05: JAR says he’s okay with Luke and is fine with criticism.
14:06 – 14:40: JAR says he’s always late to drama. If he was early, he’d be called out for jumping on a bandwagon. So he’s doomed if he does or doesn’t.
14:41: Starts talking about Prison Mate Luke’s video
17:20 – 17:40: Argues that leaking DM’s is leaking DM’s. If he were in Omnia’s situation, he would of just asked Tobi to prove how she was taking her out of context, or ask Tobi for permission to leak the DM’s. Leaking DM’s isn’t illegal; it’s just kind of a dick move. JAR says he doesn’t think it’s super bad.
18:15 – 19:25: Harsh wasn’t just writing off Kai and Omnia. Kai doesn’t explain how he was taken out of context. Harsh doesn’t call Kai a simp, but he does call him a white night twice. While that’s sort of the same thing, her video is more than just “calling Kai a simp”.
19:40 – 20:08: A whole bunch of people didn’t gang up on Kai and Omnia. Only Harsh and Nawnii made videos, and the rest didn’t. The Tweets don’t really matter much, since they do 100x less than videos. Most people aren’t even going to see the Tweets. But if you keep this up, eventually your wish is going to come true.
20:42 – 21:00: Most people were calling Thumin out for being “racist” from the can of worms comment. It was poorly worded, but Kai made it sound way worse.
23:00 – 23:31: You (Luke) left out the part of Harsh’s video where she talks about the Shane Dawson situation. [shows clip where Harsh says, “I don’t even want to talk about the Shane Dawson thing because that was a train wreck]. Yes, Harsh said she didn’t want to talk about it, but that’s not her ignoring it.
25:30 – 25:55: Tobi apologized for the transphobic thing, though she went back on it. But Butters is okay with Tobi. If a black person’s opinion is more
valid than a white person’s on Shane’s apology, than a trans’ persons opinion should be more
valid than a cis person’s on what Tobi said about the trans stuff.
26:50 – 27:00: I don’t think Kai and Omnia are worse than Tobi. I just thought that they got away with a few things that not too many people were bringing up.
28:15 – 28:30: You’re right Luke. Butters shouldn’t of said that, and I kind of regret letting her in the video.
30:25 – 32:24: I should of worded my statement better. Oh, wait, it wasn’t my statement. It was Kamen’s. Luke cut out the part of the video where Kamen said how he thought Tobi could word herself better.
You edited that out to change what we said. Go fuck yourself.
I’m pretty sure Tobi’s logic was about people who drew loli and shota. I don’t think it’s her logic. Tobi shouldn’t be doing it, but I don’t see much of a problem with it.
{{Anon: We’ve been over this >>1079163 }}35:25 – 36:15 : Tobi drew it twice. Wow, so much more than one time. Sailor Moon is 16 now, not 14. If you did basic research you’d know that. I don’t see this as a big deal because these characters don’t look like kids to me. I care a lot more if someone draws shota or loli. A 900 year old loli is still a loli. A 16 year old with abs is 16, but the age of consent is still 16 in most states.
38:34 – 39:00: Luke cut context again. I (JAR) said, “This is legal stuff.” You disingenuous asshole.
{{I, anon, would just like to point out that the way JAR said it in his original video makes it sound like he’s saying that leaking DM’s is “legal stuff”, as in, it’s stuff that has to do with legality. And since Manga argued that it was illegal, why would Luke assume that JAR thought it was legal? At best, the wording is extremely confusing.}}40:28 – 41:00: This is the third time Luke cut context. [Shows a clip of Manga saying he talked to Kai and believes them a bit more, but it’s still shaky]. JAR says that they should have been more clear that Kai apologized.
{{Anon here. I feel like JAR misses the point here. The extra clip JAR shows doesn’t change anything. They still chose to bring up Omnia’s threatening clip, despite already knowing it had been apologized for. That was Luke’s point. They couldn’t let it go.}}41:40 – 41:50: JAR criticizes Luke for not showing the clips where JAR and Co. criticize Tobi. Says Luke twisted things.
45:00 – 45:18: “Uhm, Luke, honey, did you forget to edit this part out?” [shows clip of JAR saying it was too much of a conspiracy theory for him]. When I say it’s too much of a conspiracy, I’m saying I don’t think that’s true. I just brought it up because other people were bringing it up, and I don’t agree with it.
{{Anon: Who? Who brought it up? Why don’t you criticize them specifically? The way JAR presented it in the video, it seemed like JAR was the one who created the idea. If someone else was saying this, JAR should of directed his point towards them.}}46:00 – 47:00: Hopeless Peaches didn’t make a video. We talk about Tobi negatively. And Tweets barely get any attention. As for Madlibbs, she was pretty much dragged into the situation.
{{Anon: You know how I feel about this one. Madlibbs got herself involved by saying she was going to make a video with someone, then pussed out. She also Tweeted about it several times, and she’s made plenty of Youtube comments. She got herself involved. JAR, don’t be stupid.}}49:40: Kai is a professional
victim. Whether he’s using the race card or “a bunch of big channels are ganging up on me”
52:07 – 52:00: I understand I might be a little biased because Harsh and Nawnii are my friends. But I don’t think either of them were being biased towards Tobi because at least Harsh called Tobi out for a few of the things she did in her video.
53:30 – 54:10: JAR’s theory on how the drama got “out of hand”. Tobi did bad things. Kai/Omnia called her out. Tobi’s friends defended her. Some of those people were in the CC. This plus Omnia saying to not get involved, it made the CC defensive. They jumped in too soon. Since a lot of people hated Tobi, anyone who said anything bad about people who didn’t like Tobi would be labeled as a Tobi simp. Even people who weren’t involved, like Manga.
54:40: All I want Kai and Omnia to do is to word things better.
These are the main points JAR said. There’s probably some stuff I missed. I didn’t quote everything he said, so if there’s an argument you want to debate, go to that part of the video and watch for a few minutes before and after the point to get full context.
In my opinion, JAR acts as a collective when convenient, and he acts separate when it’s convenient.
I said 16 is the age of consent? Well Manga said it wasn’t okay for Tobi to draw it.
Fuchsia criticized Omnia and Kai for things they apologized for? That was Fuchsia, not me.
Manga said it’s not legal to share DM’s? But I said it was “legal stuff”.
JAR also seems to get hung up on semantics. He seems hung up on how the arguments are said, but not what they are saying.
I agree with JAR that people shouldn’t be called racist or pedophiles over criticizing Kai/Omnia, but JAR’s first video didn’t focus on that. And his second video didn’t do that much, either. JAR could of made a video on why people were calling people racist, talked to Kai/Omnia to get their view on it for the video, and stuff like that. But he didn’t. He just lashed out at Kai/Omnia for people taking things the wrong way and making points Kai/Omnia never said.
No. 1088712
>>1088550Blaming that Kai is a
victim is rich coming from a guy who can't handle "worst hate comments he has ever seen"
No. 1089151
>>1088993Tobi actually never said minors in her "It's Still Wrong If It's Drawn!" video. At 1:31, her words are,
"If you think that drawing children or children that are drawn in sexual situations is okay, or you do it, or you consume it, or you're like "it's technically not CP. It's okay, because it's like, drawn", you're fucking dumb. You are a pedophile, you support pedophiles, you have no empathy and you don't fucking care, or you're fucking stupid."
HOWEVER, she is still a hypocrite. Tobi drew two children sexually. One in a "sexual situation" (BDSM), and one in full blown porn with her pussy hanging out.
16 years of age is a child to Tobi. She confirms that she thinks that Todoroki is a child here
>>1079163 . That means, Tobi thinks 16 years of age is a child.
No. 1090550
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Tobi is officially only 300 subs away from dipping to the 30,000s. How low do you guys think it will actually go? Her video views are abysmal too.
No. 1091887
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>>1087659This is a little creepy, tbh.
No. 1092581
File: 1606455983968.png (179.11 KB, 878x1116, comment.png)

Looks like Tobi has been taking her toxic behavior to harass a whole new community in VR chat. This comment was on her latest VR chat video.
No. 1092648
File: 1606470811475.png (25.14 KB, 1124x147, tobicom.png)

>>1092581Not surprised she's doing this, I saw a few comments scattered throughout the drama talking about how they knew her in high school and how she was incredibly
toxic even then. I can't confirm if they were true, but I'll honestly believe it at this point. And this reply is probably an omen for the future of what's going to happen. Mark my words: She's more than likely going to turn on Nezzie, Madlibbs, and FuschiaButters one day and they're going to be looking like fucking idiots when it happens because all the warning signs were there.
No. 1092649
>>1092648I’m not sure if people saying they knew her in highschool are legit, but we do know for a fact that Tobi was
toxic as fuck in highschool
>>1055480 . From the look of these comments
>>1092581 , it seems that she literally hasn’t changed a single bit since she was 14.
And I agree. No one, not even ass-kissing losers who agree with Tobi 100%, are free from her wrath. Because she clearly isn't managing her BPD properly if so many people are coming out about these same, exact problems. And BPD people don't discriminate. They will switch on you and hate you, even if you are the biggest ass-kisser in the world. That's just how it is.
Unless Tobi kicks herself in the ass and betters herself, nothing is going to change, and she's just going to lose even more friends.
No. 1092656
>>1092649Agreed. Them enabling her bad behavior is what's eventually going to comeback and bite them in the ass. Fuschia is already
toxic in their own right so there's that too. I love how Nezzie compared Omnia to Madame when Tobi is basically the lovechild of Madame and Creepshow with how she's handled things exactly mirroring what Ash did. Both fucked up and did dumb shit and after getting called out owned up to nothing and tried to continue on as normal only to bleed subs, getting majorly disliked on every upload, and barely get views. Hope the camslut shit is profitable enough Tobi because it's gonna your main source of income pretty soon if it isn't already.
No. 1093561
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As.. a contestant?
It's not even remotely close to milk, yet I can't help but wonder how it'll turn out.
Will it be super cringey? Awkward? Or will it be really boring?
I dunno. Maybe it'll be a good opportunity to see how Tobi acts with other people when she's in a romantic competition.
If she's actually interested in the dude, it could turn out… a little crazy. But she could also just be doing it to boost her own stream, and it would turn out boring.
No. 1093579
>>1093561I wouldn’t normally say this, but, isn’t this kind of situation the thing BPD people should avoid..?
A competition that is rooted in rejection and judging if you’re better than other contestants?
Aren’t those BPD
triggers that can cause spiraling…..?
I’m not saying Tobi can’t handle it (it’s just a “reality” show, after all). I would assume Tobi doesn’t care about the competition or Quackity at all, and she is just going to have a bit of silly fun.
But, still, I don’t know if this is the best situation to put herself in.
No. 1093891
File: 1606602786529.png (1.8 MB, 1920x1080, stream.png)

>>1093561Omg I tuned in just time to see all the girls introduce themselves and Tobi's was so fucking bad kek. She keeps rolling her eyes and her introduction went something like:
>"Yeah hi I'm Tobi and I do digital art and shit and, yo don't interrupt me (at the dude hosting and she laughed it off as a joke), I may seem like a bitch, but I promise I'm not. I like cartoon Network Shows because apparently that's a fucking personality trait haha, also Quackity I have high standards so you better not fuck it up."All the rest of the girls looked so confused and low-key disgusted and even the host was taken back for a sec. She tried to be playful I guess, but her tone of voice made her just come off as really catty and bitchy. The contrast between her and the person after her (AngelicTV) is night and day. She keeps making little jokes like "How can I divorce you for all your money" so I don't even wanna know how the rest of this stream is gonna go. She doesn't seem to realize that her catty attitude surrounded by all these much nicer girls does not work. You might be able to get away with that with your own catty friends on your tiny Youtube Channel, but here you stick out like a sore thumb.
There's also another sex worker in there (The Mia Malkova chick she's a porn star) Who wasn't afraid to admit it, but Tobi's introduction was right after hers' and Tobi didn't mention her sex work at all KEK. I think she got intimidated.
Also, considering she's on this stream, and the comment right here
>>1092581 I think it's safe to say she 1. Is really desperate for a bf which is both sad and funny, and 2. She acts like a teenager around people she likes (obsesses over) instead of an adult.
No. 1093896
>>1093561>>1093579>>1093891Yikes. Tobi was the first one out. Quackity rated her in the bottom three, then she got the least amount of votes in chat.
I was kind of hoping to keep her on, because she was super awkward and cringey.
I don’t know if she actually cared about losing, but her defense was, “I’m the only girl here that acts like a bitch.” and I was just like… maybe don’t make that a personality trait..?
No. 1093900
File: 1606603316426.png (47.73 KB, 754x545, tobialex.png)

>>1093896I was just about the post that she's gone lol. Imagine being so fucking boring you're the first one out because even the chat didn't like your bitchiness. Also this comment from her twitter makes it seem like she has a princess complex. I don't see her being in a relationship with anyone with how
toxic she is.
No. 1093903
>>1093900Oh my gosh, that Tweet is what she told Quackity during her introduction, and it backfired hard.
When it was revealed Tobi was out, Tobi said she chose “love” and said she wanted Quackity because she thought he was energetic and they could bounce off each other really well.
Quackity actually kind of impressed me (I don’t know who he is at all) when he said something along the lines of, “You introduced yourself by saying not to bore you. I’ve shown you I’m here for the long haul. Who’s to say you won’t get bored of me in the future?”
No. 1093909
File: 1606604250582.png (317.91 KB, 1720x1440, Trending.png)

This might just might be some freak coincidence, but I think she's lowkey trending with Shane Dawson because she was first to be voted out??? Here are some of the tweets I found.
No. 1093914
>>1093903I agree with being “impressed”. Though to be fair, the red flags of Tobi are super obvious. Tobi’s introduction was all about
her needs, and Quackity not boring
her, and what he can do for
her. Any adult who goes dating knows that is a horrible way to introduce yourself and will turn off your partner to you. Most people are looking for someone who is willing to give a little, not someone who will never compromise. It’s a huge red flag, because to the other person this indicates that as soon as they find someone better or get bored of you, they’ll dip out.
Another reason the chat probably didn't like her was because she kept talking. Like, any opportunity to talk, she tried to fit herself in there. It was the other girls' turns, and Tobi clearly didn't know when the appropriate time to speak was.
Also, is it not weird to anyone else that a 26 year old woman was going after a 19 year old male? Tobi’s not a pedo or anything. I hold true to that. But I really don’t see the appeal of someone who would clearly not be in the same mental space as you and would be so much more immature.
Though Tobi does act like a teenager, so it makes sense she’d want to be with one.
>>1093909Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is about her. TOBI started trending when she got kicked off. I'm sure she'll blame the chat and still be obsessed with Quackity, even though she wouldn't of been able to been voted off at all if Quackity himself hadn't put her in the bottom three to begin with.
No. 1093936
File: 1606605906750.png (181.15 KB, 740x857, reply.png)

She has started to reply to tweets calling her out. And so it begins.
No. 1093940
File: 1606606325529.png (779.5 KB, 616x4585, SpiralBegins.png)

>>1093936I was about to post the same thing.
Oh, yeah, Tobi also went on in the stream about VR chat mutes and how she was a sub in bed, and it was super awkward. Like, the host laughed it off, but everyone else just kinda felt awkward by it.
Quackity didn’t even know what VR chat mutes were. So it just hung in the air.
Also, Tobi keeps acting a little too desperate. Like, “if you wanna reach out in DM’s.. you know”. In the words of a stupid musical I keep getting recommended on Youtube,
“Why hasn't it hit her?
He doesn't want to bang you.
Somebody hang you.”
No. 1093960
File: 1606607955043.png (735.12 KB, 592x4766, twitterblockalready.png)

Oh my gosh. Tobi is already blocking people. KEK
>>1093915 Yeah. Her going on the show has just exposed more people to her and her controversies. And she was the first one kicked off, to boot.
No. 1093992
>>1093983I was watching the chat. I never saw anyone bring up her controversies. Even if they did, the chat was going by too fast for it to matter.
No, I think people really just didn’t like Tobi herself.
>>1093940Everyone else when they’re nervous:
gets all shy and stutters and talks meeklyTobi when she’s nervous:
acts like a complete bitch, tells cringey jokes, and overshares personal information No. 1094065
File: 1606615295458.jpg (121.75 KB, 720x1560, qrt.jpg)

And to the surprise of absolutely no one Tobi is already acting like a teenage meangirl towards the other girls in the stream. I don't know what the fuck happened in the stream, but she deleted this tweet and reposted it without calling someone a bitch. This woman has such an unlikeable fucking personality it's no wonder she got voted off first.
No. 1094069
File: 1606615896003.png (63.6 KB, 743x708, minx.png)

>>1094065Minx just ratioed her kek, everyone get your popcorn because this is gonna be good.
No. 1094228
File: 1606628322284.jpeg (424.65 KB, 640x1090, EC78FE4A-E9CE-4050-B9A9-D89D8E…)

I honestly don’t know why she thought it would be a good idea to appear on that show it’s just bringing more attention to her shitty behaviour than anything, almost every positive tweet about her has people replying to It mentioning the fucked shit she’s done, she’s most certainly going to have a massive fit about this and play victim
No. 1094245
File: 1606628986419.jpeg (124.17 KB, 640x811, 4064EE40-72F6-4935-B45E-E15391…)

Saged for samefag but looks like she’s already playing the victim whilst promoting her video that barely addressed anything and made her look worse also sticking to the defence that has been proven as a lie and she herself has contradicted multiple times, she has no self awareness whatsoever she’ll most likely pull the BPD card with most if Twitter calling her out for her past shit and her behaviour on/after the show
No. 1094309
>>1094105I skipped around her stream. I’m pretty sure any time she walked up to someone new she mentioned being on LOH and being the first one off. Anything to make yourself feel better, I guess.
>13:36 - 13:51: Legitimately, me and Blushi live in the same state. We live in the same city. She lives 30 minutes away from me. We’re gonna fucking hang out. Well I don’t know if we’re gonna… she seemed down. We’re gonna DM after the show.Assuming she is closer to people than she really is. Assuming the relationship is more than it is.
>50:37 - 51:00: Someone tried to cancel me for drawing sexy Sailor Moon. Like three years ago, I drew a sexy Sailor Moon and people are like “that’s child porn”. And I’m like, uh, okay, I guess that every other NSFW artist who likes anime is a pedophile because they’ve all… You don’t think none of those bitches drew aged-up versions of their childhood crushes?Denying that she drew Sailor Moon without aging her up. Trying to shift blame off herself.
>15:40 - 15:43: Ofelia was eliminated. I don’t care.
>15:52 - 16:05: “He’s actually terrifying”. No he’s not. He’s a little bit of a beta. He’s definitely one of those people who tries to puff up his chest and act bigger than he is.
>26:58 - 27:18: Tobi walks up to two people in VR chat. The two people are in the middle of a conversation, and she tries to butt in. They ignore her completely and continue their conversation. Tobi walks away and says, “Boring…”Yes, Tobi. If people don’t immediately pay attention to you, they are boring. Of course.
>51:10 - 51:19: I’ll be real, Blushi’s kind of personality usually pisses me off, because I don’t like really cutesy, nice people.
>53:14 - 50:23: I love her. I’d lick the floor that bitch walks on. She’s so cute. So is Andi. I love Andi. I love her energy. She doesn’t make me bored as fuck.Tobi seems really judgmental of other people. Look at how she talks about them.
Like it’s obvious that Tobi would hate people who haven’t even done anything to her, just because they act differently than her.
Whenever she says something mean, she always follows it up with, “I didn’t mean it. I don’t know why I said that.” Like if you’re going to insult someone, at least commit.
>31:22 - 31:37: No, it’s because people are going to try to bring up past controversies that I’ve already addressed. And trying to link videos that are trying to call me pedophiles. People are legtiamately, actually, the videos are just like, “You’re a pedophile.”
>33:45 - 34:12: If you’re new, there’s going to be a lot of videos on me, talking this and that. That majority of all of it is old stuff that I’ve already addressed. And a lot of the people tried to twist things out of context to try to make me look like a pedophile, to make me look transphobic, or that I support Shane Dawson. Which, I’ve literally put in a video saying that I don’t, but people continue to spread that around.
>34:25 - 34:30: “Canceling sucks”, Yeah. It’s just a bunch of fucking 12-year-old bored people that have nothing better to do. Saying that all the videos on her called her a pedophile. Again.
She acts like no one has a good reason to be upset. She acts like she never did anything that would make people feel like she’s transphobic or supports Shane Dawson. She acts like it’s all just stuff that’s 100% made up with no reason as to its existence. It’s gaslighting.
>34:43 - 36:02: Rants about people going to her friends and telling them Tobi sucks
>2:00:30: “Fuck you bitch”. Awe, somebody wants attention. I’m living rent free up in your brain, aren’t I, sweety pie? laughs like a dolphin Here, I’m gonna help you out, and go ahead and kick you. (The person was joking)
>2:00:56: ”jk I love you.” Girl you can’t do stuff like that in the middle of a controversy. Can’t do stuff like that. You have to make sure you let me know that you’re joking, okay? […] You got to make sure you say jk afterwards.So it’s okay for Tobi to act bitchy towards other people as a joke, but when other people do it to her, she wants to ban them. I cannot believe how she doesn’t see that’s exactly how people see her when she acts bitchy to other people. They don’t see it as bantering. They barely know you.
Also, that’s really
toxic. People who say horrible shit and then say, “It’s just a joke!! Why you mad??” are the fucking worst. Tobi is the worst.
>2:03:17: I’m man, because they’re bitches. They’re fucking assholes/cunts. No, get fucked. I don’t care how many followers you have. You’re a stupid bitch ass cunt. How fucking dare you.She gets mad at people for playing up drama on a drama reality TV show. Only because it’s a person she “loves”.
Also Tobi is saying this despite NOT WATCHING THE SHOW. She says at the beginning of the stream that she isn’t watching the rest of it because of “ADD”. How does she know how anyone acts. She doesn’t! She’s just getting overly defensive of Blushi because she “wuvs her so much!!”
>2:14:00: Tobi goes to Twitter and shows off Tweets she made. And she goes to Blushi’s Twitter. Calls Minx a bitch again.She deletes the Tweet, but like.. She’s called all of them bitches and insulted them through the whole stream. What does one Tweet matter? Is she too stupid to understand that she’s been stupid and rude this entire stream?
No. 1094320
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>Minx is so my type
All she did was act like you, Tobi.
No. 1094377
File: 1606652278985.png (313.79 KB, 500x927, here she comes.png)

Sage for not being actual milk but I was bored.
No. 1094385
>>1094377I laughed at this. Which is more than I should of.
>>1094313I don’t know about Blushi. I watched her devolve on the stream. Everyone was just bantering and making jokes. Everyone was asked who they thought chose host, and most people chose Blushi. Blushi kept acting super confused and asked why everyone was attacking her.
Like, she seems sweet and all, but she also seems
really dumb.
Blushi was getting hurt and offended by people playing the game. No one insulted her. They just said, “hmmmm. I dunnoo! The person who chose host could be Blushi. She does talk about her Minecraft stream a lot.”
Like getting hurt and offended is exactly what Tobi would do over the same thing. Only Tobi wouldn’t cry over it. She’d get aggressive and start attacking people and lashing out.
Way too sensitive.
No. 1094415
File: 1606659046168.png (75.62 KB, 356x383, notsure.PNG)

>>1094407Blushi doesn't mention what state she lives in on her profiles. Maybe she mentions it in stream, I don't know. I only assume that Blushi told Tobi her address as a fellow creator.
We know Tobi lives in Indiana, so Tobi revealed the state Blushi lived in. Potentially the city, if we find that one day. It's not a huge dox or anything, but if I was Blushi, I'd be kind of upset that someone I trusted revealed information that I did not make public, and that I only gave because it was one creator to another.
I dunno how close they are, but it can be assumed that Tobi and Blushi have only spoken 1-3 times. Like slow your roll, Tobi. How do you even know if she has time to hang with her going to college and streaming?
And what if Blushi is the kind of person that is just too shy and weak to say no?
Also, don't you have any adult friends you want to hang out with? It seems like Tobi doesn't have anybody in her life. Especially since she played 200+ hours of VR chat in three weeks.
No. 1094664
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The jokes write themselves at this point. I'm fully convinced she cannot apologize without mentioning her BPD. Like she is physically incapable.
No. 1094746
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>>1094664That backfired on her.
No. 1094784
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Minx also has BPD oh this is just too good.
No. 1094785
File: 1606692093599.png (895.61 KB, 611x4140, minxretweetandlike.png)

>>1094759Yeah, Tobi screeching about Minx (the one most likely of all to fight back) was a stupid move.
Omnia made a Tweet that compiles a few highlights from Tobi's stream
Minx and Boze replied, Minx has been liking Tweets bashing Tobi, etc.
This is probably why she's been getting so ratio'd. I wonder if Tobi will start trending again.
I'm actually really interested to see how the other members of the cast react.
No. 1094810
File: 1606693431155.png (719.95 KB, 613x3840, CastOpinion.png)

>>1094785>>1094805Actually, a lot of people from the cast have reacted.
Boze made a “response” video (it’s a joke laughing at Tobi). liked a Tweet against Tobi. So she’s seen it too.
Kaceytron replied to Omnia’s Tweet. She’s against Tobi. Kacey thought Boze’s video was funny. Kacey has liked several Tweets against Tobi.
AndiMV (the person Tobi said she hoped would win and that she loved, second to Blushi) replied to Omnia’s Tweet.
Amity called Tobi unprofessional and ungrateful. Amity liked several Tweets against Tobi.
The rest of the cast haven’t made any Tweets in 8+ hours, so they’re probably busy.
Who wants to bet that Tobi is now going to see these woman as “backstabbing females”, like she said on the LOH stream?
No. 1094827
File: 1606694800588.png (10.31 KB, 563x119, unlisted.png)

Tobi unlisted her stream where she talked shit about the other girls. Unluckily for her you can still watch it thanks to this link
>>1094105 I'm gonna assume she'll private it soon so someone might want to archive it.
No. 1094833
File: 1606695416807.png (52.39 KB, 618x497, Andi Likes.PNG)

>14:00 - 14:12: Everyone still in that chat. Vote for Andi or Blushi.Guess that makes Andi liking this Tweet hurt an awful lot.
>55:11 - 55:40: [to her roommate] I got voted off first. It’s cool though, because I met some other girls who were really cool. I actually like them more than the person we were fighting for. And one of the girls actually lives in Indiana! And I can go hang out with her! She’s super cool. So Tobi did tell everyone that Blushi lived in Indiana. Great.
Tobi said on stream that JAR and her have been talking for a while. 56:22 - 56:30 >Roommate: Do you know who JAR is?>Tobi: JAR? Yeah? He made a video on… I know.>Roommate: I was surprised by that. >Tobi: No, I’ve been talking to him for a while. >Roommate: I was surprised he made a video at all.>Tobi: The situation is so fucking stupid. Like people are getting pissed by it. Tobi says Omnia “fucked up so bad”.
>56:35 - 56:45: It’s the fact that she fucked up so bad.. [looks at the audience] ….I can’t talk about it, I’m streaming. No. 1095047
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This lack of self awareness is honestly just getting super sad. She really does use BPD to justify being a toxic ass piece of garbage. She has no desire to be better or to treat people better. She sees herself as brave and woke when really she's just hurting people with BPD.
No. 1095069
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>>1095047What’s wrong, Tobi? Aren’t you going to reply to everyone who said this to you? Oh.. right.
I can understand why that one Twitter user thought Tobi had NPD instead of BPD. BPD is usually punctuated by extreme guilt. BPD people will do something overly aggressive, then they’ll feel extremely guilty. Tobi doesn’t seem to ever feel guilt. She only feels “embarrassed that she let her BPD get to her”.
It’s annoying. It makes BPD people look stupid. As if we can’t fix the shitty part of our personality. As if all of us act like total retards and don’t know how to compose ourselves, especially around people.
Tobi got mad, and she didn’t even watch the LOH stream. She just got word that Blushi was upset, and she freaked out. Tobi clearly lets her BPD control her, because she acts crazy and angry at even the smallest of things. If Tobi has been trying to change since she found out she had BPD (a minimum of six years ago), then these small things wouldn’t matter to her anymore. At the very least, she would understand to STOP STREAMING IF SHE WAS FEELING ANGRY. And she would not focus on what was making her angry, but calming down from the anger.
Tobi knew that her "BPD was raging", but instead of leaving stream to compose herself, she continued to focus on what was making her upset.
Tobi is stupid, and she doesn’t care.
No. 1095156
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>>1095148Yeah. It's apologies 101. You'd think Tobi would know this, being 26 years old, but I guess she hasn't given many apologies in her lifetime.
At the rate Tobi's losing subs, she could be down to 30k in four months. That depends on how many of her subscribers are active, how many see drama videos, how many even remember they're subscribed to her, people that subscribe to hate watch, etc. If someone makes a good, well-explained, and detailed video, Tobi's numbers could dwindle faster.
Though I'm not sure we should be watching her sub count, as she doesn't get 40k views. Her viewership is about 4-5% of her subscribers. Every video she does gets disliked bombed.
She's basically like Onision. Everyone hates her, but she has a handful of braindead fans that keep engaging with her for some reason.
No. 1095167
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Tobi deactivated her Twitter. Kek.
What's the matter, Tobi? Too many people calling you out on your bullshit? No. 1095185
>>1095167Tobi addressed why she deleted her Twitter at 1:40 here: also talks about her BPD a lot. I didn’t watch the whole stream. Here are a few highlights in the first ten minutes:
“Why did I delete my Twitter? Uh, because I almost tried to kill myself this weekend [drinks from mug].
Actually not kidding. Sooo.. it wasn’t worth it. Soo [laugh].
Yeah. Don’t worry. I’m okay. I’ve never ever.. I’ve always had extreme emotions of I just want everything to stop, but it never got into suicide territory. It just never was. A lot of people who have Borderline Personality Disorder can feel that way. But, it doesn’t go too into that thing.
Um, so, I started having thoughts about, I would always be like, but do I actually, want to end my life? And I would think about me going through with it, and I’m just like, ‘oh, no no no no no. like I don’t want things to stop. I want to know what happens tomorrow. Like what the fuck.
But this morning, no this weekend. I started being like, well I don’t really care any more. And that, scared me. And I was like FUCK NO. And.. there are other things that are going into it.
There are things that are happening in my personal life that are really weighing on me. Things that have happened in my past as a child that have been weighing on me. But Twitter is slowly becoming a stressor. Because I’m slightly addicted to checking it. Which isn’t safe for me. And it’s starting to become unsafe and very scary.”
“It got to a point where I didn’t really think I would care if I did it. THAT scared me. And Twitter is becoming the biggest stressor that I can cut out and still function. So, uh, I deleted it.
The people who I talk to, who are my friends, I have Discord for. If they don’t have me on Discord they’re obviously not my good friends.”
“I just had a rough weekend. I’ve had a rough two months. And I had a very scary moment this weekend. And I made a decision to delete my Twitter because [leans very closely to microphone]
I didn’t want to kill myself. [laughs] It was becoming the biggest stressor. There are many stressors, not just online, trust me. Half of it is and half of it is other stuff that I can’t control right now. But Twitter I can control. By deleting it.
I have something called Borderline Personality Disorder. And I would actually like to do a stream going over a lot of the videos talking about it. Because it’s really not talked about a lot, and the experience I went through recently really showed me a lot about it.
{Someone in chat says, “Streamer there are mood stabilizers for borderline out there [she doesn’t read the rest]}.
“I’ve heard about the stabilizers, but, sadly I cannot take them. Because they interact with another medicine that I take that serves a bigger purpose. And it’s for my ADD. Which makes me function, like work, like wake and attentive. And I’ve taken the mood stabilizers before and it just fucked with me really bad. But um, it’s not too bad though. Uhm, I just need to be better about stressors in my life.
But I’ll keep that in mind, though. Maybe if I get a doctor again. Because that was back when I was 13. So like, maybe there’s new stuff now.”
“It’s.. it’s hard. I think the hardest part, is like… It’s like, oh my god. People just like don’t understand…. Bro I didn’t know until like things like this happened with me. That like… I didn’t realize.. I didn’t really research BPD too much to realize how much it actually fucking affects my entire life. It causes.. it’s a directly line to my binging disorder. It’s a direct cause.. to… like… why I…… there’s a video that like talks about it. And it’s like a video that you can give to friends to tell them like things someone with BPD wants you to know as a friend. And one of them is ‘FICTIONALIZED ABANDONMENT.’ And real abandonment. And it’s like… it’s not real. I’ve done this with my two best friends that I’ve met online. And I’ve done it to them. And I’ve done it to so many people where you go….. It was just saying like random things people with BPD say when they’re scared somebody is going to leave them. And it’s like…. ‘Are you mad?’ And I’m just like, Oh my god I’ve done that!!! I’ve done that so many times! Every single person I’m always like, Are you mad at me? Are you mad at me? You haven’t talked to me in like two days, are you mad at me? That’s what I think. And they’re not.
So yes. Tobi has been diagnosed with BPD for 13 years, and 13 years later, she didn’t even know that BPD was DEFINED by having a fear of abandonment. Anyone saying her therapist failed her, there’s your proof.
No. 1095195
>“Why did I delete my Twitter? Uh, because I almost tried to kill myself this weekend [drinks from mug].Actually not kidding. Sooo.. it wasn’t worth it. Soo [laugh].
>And I made a decision to delete my Twitter because [leans very closely to microphone] I didn’t want to kill myself. [laughs] No. 1095350
>>1095292As long as he makes sure to show everything he's talking about on screen. He'd also have to be careful, since talking about someone else's mental health on Youtube is a mine field.
>>1095319Yeah. That's what she said. She may have been talking about a pychopharocologist specifically, because she was saying that they didn't have any medicine when she was 13 that wouldn't conflict with her ADD medicine.
It's unknown if she's ever actually had therapy, or for how long.
To be fair, Tobi also said at around 11 minutes that she's got no cash and she's having trouble with her job. So it's likely she couldn't afford therapy, even if she actively wanted it.
No. 1095406
>>1095185So we've moved onto YandereDev levels of "Stop or I'll kill myself". Classy. To be fair, she's alot more calm and subdued in this stream so it's quite possible she did try and off herself. She needs actual therapy if she's getting to this point.
>>1095350No one is surprised at that lol. Her Youtube gets abysmal views and I'm sure she isn't getting a constant flow of commissions. She only really has her Only Fans and I went back to her Bella Thorne Video around 10:20 because she shows her payouts week by week. Looking at the month of July, She only made $571 (don't know if that's net or gross since idk if OnlyFans already takes out taxes) which isn't even enough to cover rent in the most shadiest places in the country. Average rent in Indiana is around $902. Her Twitch career is now dead due to her own bitchiness and her name is tainted on there with alot of bigger creators now. She's gonna have to start looking for work elsewhere because her chances of making online with her personality? Non-existent.
No. 1095415
>>1095406She never mentioning how she tried to kill herself. She only mentions that she had a thought that she didn't care if she died or not, and it scared her. So I'm not sure if Tobi actually tried to commit suicide, or if she was exaggerating.
Tobi has a real life job, though I don’t know what it is. She mentioned having trouble with her in-person job specifically. We can assume that her online stuff is only for extra cash.
I assume she doesn’t make a lot of money if she feels like she needs to make money from the Internet to survive. I wonder what her level of education is, and I wonder if she has an education-specific profession, or if she just has high school/AA level work.
No. 1095904
>>1095625I’m not sure. It could be that they never had to say no, because her parents may never have been there.
It’s hard to say, because we know she has BPD, and we know she’s had it since she was a child. It’s unlikely that she was born with it, but it’s unknown what caused her to develop it.
Either way, I’m predisposed to believe people with BPD do not have a good home dynamic.
No. 1095951
>>1095185>>1095195It’s rough, because I want to have empathy and care about her health, but that’s the whole cycle, isn’t it?
They make you feel angry, and then they make you feel guilty. And then they do it all over again.
No. 1096007
>>1095997Tobi said and showed it in this stream
>>1094105 at 40:24. She said she only had VR chat for three weeks, but she had played it 243.1 hours.
For anyone who's curious, that's about 11.4 hours per day.
However, let's assume she made a mistake, and meant 4 weeks instead. At 4 weeks, Tobi would have a total of 672 hours. If she works 40-hour workweeks, she'd have 512 hours. If Tobi sleeps 8 hours a day, she'd have 288 hours of free time left. Tobi spent 240 of her 288 hours playing VR chat. That means Tobi spends 83% of her free time playing VR chat.
Now I don't think it's fair to say she should be spending her free time "fixing herself", as that's not something that can be practiced. It's not a skill, like piano. You practice controlling your mental disorders when situations arise that
trigger them.
HOWEVER, it's still A LOT of time dedicated to a video game.
No. 1096683
>>1096530It is technically possible to have 8 hour workdays for 3 weeks and still have enough time to play a game for 240 hours.
If Tobi had 40-hour workweeks (8 hours a day), and she only slept 6 hours every day, she would have enough time to play VR chat for 240 hours. Of course, she would have 258 hours free time, and that would mean she spent 93% of her free time playing VR chat.
However, if Tobi slept 8 hours a day with the 40 hour workweeks, she would literally not have enough time to play 240 hours. She would only have 216 total free hours not working or sleeping.
I assume that Tobi does have regular 40-hour workweeks. However, she would have to spend almost all of her free time playing VR chat to get those numbers. Plus she mentions having job/money troubles, but she went through the effort to buy VR chat, VR setup, and a new laptop.
So is she mooching despite her job?
No. 1096869
>>1096856Yeah. Anons have mentioned that she seems like she has no real friends before
>>1094415 .
How could we not think that? Tobi got so obsessed with Blushi and the idea that they were actually going to "hang out in person." It makes it seem like something that is a rarity to her.
And there is no way that she's been entertaining guests with 240+ hours in VR chat.
No. 1097026
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Last thing I expected to see when I looked up "Tobimajestic" on Twitter was that someone had drew porn of her.
No. 1097141
>>1096887Oh yeah, she definitely fits the bill (see
>>1055480 where Tobi claimed someone was just pretending to be straight because they didn't want to date her).
The way she was 'so attracted' to Minx, but turned on her the minute she hurt her waifu Blushi.
How she was 'interested' in Quackity and went on a dating show for him, but when she was rejected, he's a 'beta cuck' and 'puffs his chest out and acts all that' and 'I actually prefer the women on the show to Quackity'
No. 1097617
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>>1097443I don't think Tobi asked creators to help defend her. It seems a lot more likely that she was upset at certain comments/Tweets/videos, and she ranted to her friends about them. And then those friends went to go defend her honor.
You can see this in her bitchy stream.
>>1094833 marked it at 56 minutes, where Tobi starts ranting to her roommate about petty Internet drama as soon as he walks in, because she forgot she was streaming (literally what she said).
It is interesting that no one, not even Butters, defended Tobi on Twitter when she was getting comment after comment telling her to stop using her BPD as a shield. It's exactly the thing that they would have stepped in to defend her from, but they genuinely ghosted her Twitter.
I'm curious if their friendship rotted and they cut each other off already before it even happened.
>>1062158 I found a new face to add to your collection.
Also here is Hopeless Peaches' comment on Hot Box's video.
Keep flippin' Peaches.
Also wtf are you doing here? Why are you watching drama videos? Why are you further involving yourself in the drama by commenting? Wasn't your mental health so wrecked you "tried to commit suicide"? What are you thinking?
No. 1097863
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One of the comments on Luke's Peaches video. The Tobi Drama has seemed to have shook the hornets nest for Peaches,
No. 1097864
>>1097617If you look here
>>1066836 Butters defended her using her BPD when the Kai and Omnia situation was hot, but hasn't said shit about her using her BPD this time again. I thought atleast ONE of her friends would subtly comment on her deleting her twitter but I haven't seen them see anything lol. I agree with them defending her. I don't think Tobi outright asked them, but I do think she was probably feeding them twisted information behind the scenes and they just took it and ran with it. And peaches is just constantly trying to appeal to what ever the most popular side it in the moment so she can look like she's trying to get along with everyone.
No. 1097965
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These Tweets consist of the new Tweets Peaches has made responding to Luke’s video, the full threads shown in Luke’s video, Tweets in the past showing a constant rate of subscriber growth, Peaches frequently mentioning how she has been “slandered”, etc.
The Tweets are newer at the top, oldest at the bottom. Prison Mate Luke’s video where he said Hopeless Peaches was a baiter was on Nov. 6.
Also, notice how Peaches never refers to anyone by name? It’ almost like she doesn’t want to draw attention to them, so people can’t research what they were saying about her.
Also also notice how Peaches said the situation was over and resolved, yet continued to constantly Tweet about it and say she was slandered.
Interestingly enough, people have been commenting on Luke’s video about OnlyJesp’s ties to Hopeless Peaches. And Hopeless Peaches made this Tweet (it’s below the edgy Sanic one) supporting OnlyJesp and saying that OnlyJesp wrote the script before contacting her.
There’s also Peaches self-diagnosing herself with BPD.
No. 1097974
>>1097862>>1097965Peaches made a community post about this. I clicked on it to see the comments, and the page didn't exist.
She deleted it.
No. 1097977
>>1097974Anon, she also deleted her comment off of Hot Box's video
>>1097617It looks like she's going on a delete spree.
No. 1098079
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>>1097965>>1097974>>1097977Peaches deleted a lot of her newest Tweets that were found in the top anon's post.
No. 1098146
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No. 1098148
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No. 1098150
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No. 1098154
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No. 1098158
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No. 1098163
>>1098137>>1098146>>1098148>>1098150>>1098154>>1098158It seems we've had a small influx of new people, you being one of them. We've gone over this many many times in this thread, but I'll say it again for all the newfags.
Read the site rules: (put sage in the email field) when you don't have any milk/drama. Posts that are not saged add new information the the situation.
Other than that, do not put anything in the email field. Leave it blank.
Comment threads like the one posted here are better spliced together into one long picture (pictures can be clicked on to be enlarged. don't worry).
If you make a claim, always post images to prove it (unless it has been deleted and you can't).
As for the comments themselves, I don't know what you originally commented.
Being a suicide baiter is worse than being a racist or a transphobe?
I don’t know abut that, Peaches…
No. 1098335
>>1098307So far all of the 'others' we've talked about have been in relation to the Tobi drama specifically.
The Tobi drama keeps adding to itself in surprising ways.
But it's already been planned for a long time that the next thread will probably be a cc or acc thread.
Whoever makes it should probably link this thread as the original, even though this one is dedicated to Tobi.
No. 1098865
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Since this thread is going to be turned into a general cc/acc thread, I'll post this here.
Camilacuevaszuñiga / @Camilacuevaszu has made a call out post of Hopeless Peaches.
This is her Tweet: No. 1098906
I checked Tobi’s Twitch to see if there’s anything new.
Here’s the stream I skimmed: 24-25 minutes in this stream, Tobi tells this story: If Tobi leaves a plate beside the sink for ‘a day’, one of her roommates will pick the dish up and put it on her computer desk. Tobi says she hates passive aggression, and it made her so angry, that she threw all of the dishes away and replaced them all with paper plates.
At 26 minutes she says that this guy doesn’t even pay rent. I don’t know why she doesn’t kick him out, or talk to her other roommate about it.
At 31 minutes Tobi said she’s moving out of this place and she’s moving in with her dad for a few months so she can pay off her credit card debt. She also mentions that her parents have never made her pay rent, and that the only time her dad tried, Tobi told him no, and he didn’t try any more.
We learn her parents are divorced (obviously) at 33:30.
>>1095625 and
>>1095904 , think you were right about that homelife.
She seems a lot calmer in this stream. Maybe better. I know she acted like people were weak if they couldn’t handle Twitter, and she acted like to deal with BPD you should face things and not run away from them, but I think it’s much better to cut things like Twitter out when your disorder tends to lean on the obsessive side of things. You’re not weak for doing it.
I just wish she did it not in the wake of getting backlash for terrible actions.
No. 1100986
>>1097862Honestly? This video was super light on evidence.
You have Creepshow's word on what happened, but who the fuck can trust her?
Luke says Peaches mentioned him by name, but nowhere in her Tweets
>>1097965 does she mention him. Luke doesn't say she deleted the Tweets that mentioned him, and Luke doesn't show any Youtube screenshots that prove this, either.
Luke says Peaches was telling people that Luke was upset she didn't, but the comment he shows only kind of vaguely relates to his point.
Luke says Peaches was telling people that Luke wanted her to commit suicide, but he shows no screenshots of this.
Luke says that Peaches accused her of saying that she didn't have a mental illness, but again, the screenshot he shows only vaguely relates. Peaches says that she was not faking suicide, suicide baiting, or any mental illness at all. What Luke got out of it was a bit of a stretch.
Luke says Peaches called him a hypocrite, however she doesn't? Again, the screenshot kind of connects, but kind of doesn't.
Now I do agree with some points. Peaches saying "you have been following my every move", when all Luke did was see her comment on JAR's video, is manipulative. Peaches says she hasn't been involved with the situation, but Luke brought up the JAR comment to show that Peaches keeps involving herself. Peaches didn't listen to this, and instead said that "you brought me up in a video not even remotely about me." Acting like she didn't do the thing that was making people upset in the first place. People got upset at her for making comments and flip flopping. The JAR comment was another example of this. Peaches acts like it's completely unreasonable that anyone could be upset by this.
When Peaches said, "So you're upset I apologized and agreed with parts of your video?", that gave me really bad vibes. That is manipulation at its finest.
Peaches saying that "she doesn't want to have to make a video if she doesn't have to" is also manipulative and scummy.
No. 1101036
>>1100986lmao peaches alt needs to stfu.
All of the points and evidence you mentioned not being shown are easily findable or literally shown in Lukes video like her saying that luke was upset because she didnt die, thats shown literally in his video in 2 separate comments she made. Peaches mentioned luke many times on her community post too and unless she deleted them they should be easily findable. Anyone who has the ss please post but like damn the bias in ir post is sickening.
Its not just creepshow that peaches did all this to. Its avrona, Creepshow, Luke, Kai, Omnia, Lady Freya, Camila and even her OWN FANS on her discord!! I saw a dude called Niko call her out too so for u to sit here and dismiss shit aint it.
No. 1101037
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Nawniis comment on Prison Mate Luke video about peaches antics.
No. 1101048
>>1100986>>1101036I’m not Peaches. I’m just someone who doesn’t blindly believe what someone says, even if I don’t like the person (and believe me, I don’t like Peaches).
It’s not my job to present the evidence for the accusations made by Luke. That’s Luke’s job. And if you want to defend him, then you can’t say, “well Peaches did it”, and never show it.
“Luke was upset I didn’t die” was never was said. Peaches was upset that people were attacking her “because she didn’t die.” Is that still wrong? Yes. Is Peaches manipulative for saying it? Yes. But it’s not the same thing as, “Luke wanted me to die."
Luke should have made the point, “No one was attacking you because you didn’t die. People are upset that you publicly Tweeted out something so people would give you sympathy/pity.”
Again, Peaches is in the wrong for making these comments. But Peaches isn’t in the wrong for the reason that Luke gave.
You call me biased, but you’re making claims that you don’t even have evidence for. You hate Peaches so much you’d blindly agree with anything anyone says about her “just because they said so.”
And to be clear (again), I hate Peaches. I don’t watch her channel. I think she’s stupid and has an annoying voice. But I don’t care who is getting accusations thrown at them. The accusations have to be backed up by evidence.
We have evidence that Peaches is a bad person. Flipping on Camila for no reason and causing her to get so much hate
>>1098865 , threatening Luke with a video
>>1097862 , suicide baiting and using mental health as a get out of jail free card
>>1061619 >>1066599, and manipulative behavior (as I have described in this post and my original post).
All of these are solid points. But Peaches saying that Luke wished she died? Peaches mentioning Luke
by name? Nah nah. Evidence not given.
No. 1101091
>>1101074Yeah, my point was never, “Peaches didn’t talk trash about Luke.” I agree that Peaches did. My point is that Luke said something he couldn’t back up.
If I was being a contrarian like JAR or Harsh, I would discredit everything Luke said and act like Luke is some kind of monster for making mistakes that are lesser than Peaches’.
I think Peaches deserves to be called out. But I think Luke’s video is a mixed bag. There are good points in there. But he also makes a lot of claims that aren’t backed up.
Peaches denies accountability for her actions when she says things like, “people were just upset because I didn’t die.” or “So you're upset I apologized and agreed with parts of your video?" She’s purposefully misrepresenting Luke’s points to herself so she can feel right. Instead of Luke calling this out, Luke makes the point that Peaches said, “Luke wished I committed suicide." which is untrue.
Luke also makes the point that Peaches is constantly using her mental health as a shield.
We know that’s true because we have posted screenshots of it, but Luke doesn’t show anything for this. How do you think that looks to someone who isn’t familiar with Peaches, doesn’t browse lolcow, and is just watching this video because they are subscribed to Luke?
It doesn’t matter if the evidence is somewhere else. The reason the Tobi drama exploded was because the information about Tobi was in bits and pieces everywhere. People made videos that had a lot of flaws. People made videos assuming the audience already knew everything. Tobi deserved to be called out, but a lot of the videos on her weren’t well made. That’s what lead to CC people trying to step in, because they weren’t engaged with the drama. They just saw these so-so videos.
As is, Peaches has an easy out for her fans because Luke’s arguments are only half true.
No. 1101097
>>1101074To be a contrarian, anon would have to say an opinion that most people disagree with.
It seems most people on Artist Salt agree with them.
Most average lolcow users don’t give a shit about this petty drama. The only people who agree with you lurk on this specific thread, which was made to keep shitty people off the actual threads.
No. 1101849
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To step away from the dumb infighting because we're all dumb fags posting anonymously in a message board; Libby seems like she's still salty about Tobi kek.
No. 1101911
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>>1101849Yes, Butters, blame everyone attacking Peaches, and not Peaches herself for not leaving social media when she said she would. If Peaches genuinely stopped when she said she was going to stop
>>1061620 , then this would of never happened.
Also, maybe this is coming from a place of ignorance, since I am not trans,
but why does Fuchsia sexualize their female self every opportunity they get?
I’ve never seen any normal sprites for Fuchsia. It’s a girl in a bikini, or a girl with mummy bandages barely covering anything, etc. Fuchsia is constantly Tweeting about their boob obsession. It comes off as more of a fetish than anything. Like you don’t want to be a girl. You want to be this overly-sexualized huge-tittied girl.
I included the last Tweet because I have a feeling Butters no longer feels that way about Creepshow now that Creepshow has come out against Peaches.
No. 1101915
>>1101911>>1101849My dumb ass confused Madlibbs for Fuchsiabutters because their icons are extremely similar.
Fuck me.
Everything I said about Butters applies to Butters. The first paragraph is for Libby instead.
No. 1101942
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>>1101849>>1101911What is Madlibbs even getting at?
>"having a brand new spectacle every month isn't coincidental"Then what is it? Yeah, people are going out of their way to find drama and people who are acting nutty. But if those people didn't involve themselves in drama and act nutty, then there would be nothing to say on them.
No. 1101949
>>1101911>>1101940I don’t follow Butters and didn’t know she did this.
It’s such a weird thing to say.
I have never once, as a woman, referred to my breasts as “big milky titties”. I would also never Tweet about my breasts, especially not once or more a week. That’s just weird.
I guess that comes from not obsessing over them as sex objects and actually seeing them as a part of my body.
No. 1101953
>>1101942Oh, maybe the art community and especially the art commentary scene is just filled with a bunch of actual terrible people and you're just mad your bestie got her ass handed to her due to her own shit personality and attitude.
>>1101949The milk part makes it really seem like a fetish because it brings the whole lactation thing into play. I hate to say it, but Butters seems like a dude that just likes the idea of having huge tits.
No. 1101973
File: 1607312337144.png (1.25 MB, 612x3519, mommyandmilk.png)

>>1101953Not only the “milky” part, but the “mommy” part. What adult male refers to anyone as "mommy"? It all comes off as some weird degenerate fetish. It’s really creepy. If someone interacted like this with me, I’d be uncomfortable.
I’m just saying, I wouldn’t want to hang around someone who was obsessed with lactating mothers. Imagine a girl being obsessed with “swollen leaky daddies”. I just…. no..
>>1101963I agree. Nawnii seems exactly the same as all the others. The only difference is that Nawnii doesn’t throw rage parties on Twitter. For the most part.
Other than that, Nawnii flips back and forth the exact same, and she doesn’t understand criticism the exact same. She caters to whoever's voice she hears the loudest.
No. 1102119
>>1101953Honestly madlibbs disgusts me. This tweet seems to be about peaches and tobi. It doesn't matter if these ppl have hurt and send ppl to hospital. And she certainly doesn't seem to care when it's madame or someone else but when it's one of her buddies they are pure Angels Who Can't Do No Wrong.
She doesn't care that cuevas got to hospital or that Tobi blackmailed others. Nope, only THEIR mental healh matters. Not those they have wronged.
She's disgusting and i feel sick i supported her.
No. 1103064

People have posted this on the Creepshowart thread and Artist Salt 25, but most people there think it’s petty and worthless. This thread seems to care about this specific drama more, so I watched the video and here’s Creepshow’s side:
0:33 - I didn’t come out about this sooner because I thought I had did something to deserve it.
3:00 - Peaches was my real friend. Not just an Internet friend.
5:40 - Peaches took her “Draw Like Creepshowart” video down, then put them back up after Luke called her out.
6:30 - Peaches would always talk about a specific creator who she never named who apparently had a million subscribers, and she said that this creator was trying to destroy her. She would say how much she wished she had a platform like Creepshow’s so she could defend herself.
7:47 - I would ask Peaches who the creator was, and she would never tell me. She would just say they were someone I didn’t know and they were huge. Peaches would constantly talk about the hate she was getting, but never show me it.
8:20 - One time, I was so upset that Peaches was getting hate, I went to Twitter to name search her and find it. There was only kind comments. There was no hate. I couldn’t find anything negative. I went to her latest upload, and her upload before that, and her upload before that, and I couldn’t find any hate. I went to her Instagram, but I couldn’t find anything there either.
11:00 - I told Peaches I couldn’t find her hate. Peaches got upset and told me that they were all through DM’s, and she had never screenshotted them. Peaches told me that the fact that I even went to look for her hate proved that I didn’t believe her, and it proved that I thought she was lying to me, and I was a bad friend. {Anon: If this is true, this is manipulative as fuuckk}
12:10 - The supposed creator who was “trying to take her down” was Camila.
12:30 - 14:30 - Talks about how Peaches used Camila for clout by at first collaborating with her, then saying that this huge channel was taking advantage of her.
14:40 - Peaches did this to me. I offered Peaches a spot on my channel. She posted the video. The video flopped. I don’t know why it flopped. The video was fine. But it did. And it was fine. I didn’t care that the video didn’t do well. But Peaches always says I care about it a lot.
15:40 - After the video flopped, Peaches didn’t interact with me. She didn’t like any Tweets, she didn’t leave any comments, it was radio silence. I thought things were fine, and she was just busy. Later I asked her what was up, and Peaches said that I was furious at her because the video didn’t do well. Of course I wasn’t mad. I never said I was.
17:00 - I told Peaches I wasn’t mad. Peaches said that DaftPina had told her that the video she made for Creepshowart’s channel ruined Creepshow’s channel, and Creepshow was probably mad at her for doing that. She said that DaftPina had done a channel review for her, and he stated that I was probably very angry because she quote, destroyed my channel.
17:26 - This made me really not like DaftPina. But now I realize Daft probably didn’t say that, and he probably just said the video objectively didn’t do that well.
18:20 - I said in my PK video that I didn’t really care about PK’s Hazbin video, and I wanted to talk about PK showing his asshole to his minor fans. Peaches DM’s me and told me she took offense to those statements and thought it was very rude. I explained what I meant, and everything was fine.
19:00 - Then came my Jacklyn Hill video. I don’t stand by that video any more, but that’s not the point. Peaches didn’t like the video. That was fine. We had a normal back and forth in the DM’s. Peaches said she knew I meant no harm [19:56].
20:00 - Peaches soft blocked me then Tweeted how she was so emotional and needed a mental health break. She was shaking in anger because of a conversation she had with someone. It went from, “I understand your intentions. You meant no harm” to her shaking in anger over what I said and her getting physically sick over it.
22:00 - Before Peaches says these Tweets weren’t about me, several of our mutuals went to Peaches, and they asked who these Tweets were about, and Peaches said they were about me.
23:40 - Peaches would subTweet me, and when people confronted her on it, she played dumb.
24:00 - Peaches Tweeted about “not wanting to be called a Creepshowart clone”, but Peaches was the one who started the joke. She called herself 4Kidz Creepshow, and she called me Peaches after Dark. She went out of her way to copy my content. {Anon: Frankly, how Creephow talks about this, sounds like Peaches was skinwalking}
26:00 - Peaches was telling people that I brought her to tears over the Jacyln video. But as you saw from the screenshots, nothing remotely like that happened.
28:50 - Peaches told people (Tobi and 5 others) that me crying and being upset that people were afraid of me in my response video made me a bitch.
No. 1103079
This is Peaches response to Creepshow's video, and I assume the rest of the things said against her that have been posted here.
I didn't realize she made a video, so I'm gonna watch it and give a summary later.
No. 1103083
File: 1607455970654.png (642.88 KB, 900x4757, SomePeachesComments.png)

I also screencapped the top comments since Peaches likes to delete things. And thus far, all the creators we've talked about in this thread love to claim that they're getting "the worst hate comments they've ever seen!!!"
No. 1103169
>>1103064I'd refrain from posting anything Creepshow/ACC related in Artist Salt. They'd much rather sperg on about coomers and vendetta posting and they hate her too much to actually take a minute to look at what's being presented. Just save it for this thread and the upcoming ACC one.
>>1103083Kek, it will never fail to make me laugh that JAR thought comments like these were so terrible because he's so far up Harsh Opinion's and Nawnii's vags. I urge him to go look at Alinity/Pokimane's comment sections if he actually wants "Some of the worst hate comments he's ever seen"
No. 1103234
File: 1607467877345.png (61.51 KB, 826x537, peachies.png)

Oof D'Angelo Wallace commented on Peaches response video. Her video is not going over well. Seems like she took a page out of Tobi's play book only this time people are disliking it way faster then Tobi's. It's like everyone expected the heel turn from Tobi because she was pretty open with her terribleness and everyone got a slight peak at it at some point, but a lot of people were blindsided by Peaches.
No. 1103259
File: 1607469823870.png (135.35 KB, 828x1195, nawniiiiiiiii.png)

>>1103234As time goes on, I like Nawnii less and less.
Just fuck off Nawnii.
No. 1103276
>>1013078>>1103234dear god. It's convoluted because creepshow art and prison mate Luke made convoluted accusations. It all amounts to waaahh peaches hurt my feelings because we were kind of rude to each other and subtweeted each other and now we've been calling each other a bitch behind our backs. Disappointed that Wallace would actually take this seriously enough to call to Peaches to "apologize". There's nothing here that peaches did that Creepshow also did in return. If anything they both need to own up to hurting each other and get professional help.
Especially when there are no screenshots even showing Peaches saying any gossip. Just rumor. This is hideous lmao
No. 1103280
>>1103276I'd say a decent amount of anons agree about Creepshow. See
>>1100986 ,
>>1101048 , and
>>1101091 .
Creepshow is untrustworthy, and there isn't any proof to her claims.
However, there are claims that have actual proof (those with Omnia, Kai, and Camila). I assume Peaches will respond to those in her part 2 video, so we'll see how it goes.
No. 1103292
Don't feel like posting all the images because there's quite a few, but here's the link to the google doc she made: to mention Peaches all did shit to a Youtubers called Avrona that's been talked about since all this started. Like, I know everyone on Lolcow hates Shannon with a burning passion, but considering all of this I am willing to atleast hear her side of this and take it with a grain of salt.
No. 1103294
>>1103282>Peaches has a pattern of constantly crying about her mental health and then pulling a 180 a few days later and someone finally called her out on itShe did apologize for that very clearly in her video in cases where it's actually true that she cried about mental health then failed to log off. She also made it clear when Luke used bullshit examples, such as Luke claiming that fucking suicidal ideation is a fake for sympathy. When people have a mental breakdown like that they are allowed to put out a cry for help and get stable before engaging with the drama again. It doesn't absolve her from being accountable once she's stable again. And she never claimed it should render her above critisim. That's a motivation Luke projected onto Peaches long-term struggle with suicidal thoughts.
Luke was a twat with this half baked scheme and pea brained take on mental health discourse. The criticism goes both ways lol.
No. 1103315
>>1103290That still doesn't show them agreeing to anything. Just talking about a drawing / sketch idea. Proof means actual proof. Not a tumblr callout with two weak cut off caps and a long testimonial about mental illness. All of these kids have severe mental ilness.
That has none of the groundwork agreement showing or any of peaches or camillas words before and while the drawing / collab was happening and what would be done with it.
No. 1103317
>>1103315I can tell you're not from Artist Salt. At least they know how to sage their shit.
>>1103294I agree that Peaches apologized in her video, and I am interested to see where she goes from here.
However, Luke did not say that Peaches faked suicidal ideation for sympathy. Merely that she suicide baited. Suicide baiting does not have to be fake. You can be genuinely wanting to kill yourself, and still bait people to give you sympathy. It’s an unhealthy pattern, and it’s already been discussed here before
>>1080537The faking part of the discussion came from Peaches
>>1097965 . Luke’s point was that Peaches used her mental health as a get out of the jail free card and for sympathy. Not that it was fake.
For example, we are always criticizing Tobi for using her BPD as an excuse/get out of jail free card. That’s not us saying that she doesn’t have BPD. She obviously does.
>>1103305I agree with this. Watching Peaches constantly go back and forth from, “I’m fully gone from Twitter!”, to “My mental health can’t take this situation so I’m not going to respond to it”, to coming back to social media and involving herself in this stuff is ridiculous. I hope she’s learned from this situation now that she’s been called out for it, but only time can tell.
No. 1103325
>>1103305yea it's annoying but it's what happens. all these people have intense mental illnesses. coming under fire en masse is stressful. Without fail, when something like this happens, the person under fire will be
triggered and have an episode.
It doesn't make that manipulation. It's life. When they become stable they will still have to reckon with the criticism where it left off. It's typical twitter teen logic to still think that someone having an episode during a huge impolsion of accusations is manipulation.
No. 1103332
>>1103317>Luke did not say that Peaches faked suicidal ideation for sympathy. Merely that she suicide baited. Suicide baiting does not have to be fake. Semantics but suicide baiting means to try to
trigger someone into suicide or self harm.
Maybe it's just me but If you genuinely want to kill yourself because you feel overwhelmed, dogpiled and slandered /
triggered. Its more than ok to express that.
When it's a pattern, the solution isn't to make a video saying it
problematic and manipulative to be open about having an episode when you're fighting.
The solution is to make a video saying we don't have to give them accolades and a pat on the bum and say all is forgiven when a person has an episode during drama. All you're required to do is understand why they went offline and be ready to talk again when theyre stable. That's it.
Remember that peaches has a history of being gaslit and when she was open about being groomed her family blamed her for it. Those scars are probably
triggered by situations that involve multiple voices ganging up.
It also explains why she would say she's leaving twitter and jump back on to defend herself again. People who have been bullied by parents as children can't stand to know their name is being slandered and the truth (or their idea of the truth) isn't being heard.
That at most is just an explanation for why she is probably
triggered by being dogpiled and jumps from wanting to self harm to wanting to defend herself. Yea i get it's annooying, but to me it does make sense.
The criticism about that being unhealthy and unfair to her ctitics however is good. And she has apologized and pledged to do better with those hot and cold reactions. We can only wait and see
No. 1103339
>>1103324that's the only part that seems to hold up. She exaggerated about the signature being and issue or being under-credited on deviantart. But there are no screencaps showing if she ever asked camilla to fix her signature. No proof of agreements they made about how she would be credited.
Camilla could be telling the truth but objectively she hasn't shown hard proof. My issue is less with Camilla, who may be honest about much of this. Just that there is no clear evidence and for most people to make up their minds at this stage without proof is bizarre.
I'm waiting for more info.
No. 1103347
>If you genuinely want to kill yourself because you feel […] Its more than ok to express that. This is not something that you express on an online forum. If you are having genuine suicide ideation, what you need is not a bunch of your underage yesmen to give you blind support. People that don't know you and could never know you. If you need support, you go through your support system. Family, friends, relationship partners, therapists. Peaches has a boyfriend. Peaches has friends. Peaches has therapists. I agree that it's perfectly fine to express how you feel, but it should not be on an online forum, ESPECIALLY if you are in the middle of a mental health crisis.
>the solution isn't to make a video saying it problematic and manipulative to be open about having an episode when you're fightingThis isn't what Peaches did. Peaches wasn't open about her struggling. She posted that she was going to kill herself and then logged off. There's a difference between having a healthy and honest discussion about your mental health, and making unhealthy posts about it. Peaches clearly wasn't (and probably still isn't) ready to make healthy discussion about this.
Is calling that out in a video helpful? Probably not in this case. It leads to her getting dogpiled and ratiod, which can make her feel worse. But it could also make her search for help and support in places that are not the Internet, which would be good. So it could be good or bad.
The rest of this post is kind of armchairing. I don't know what causes her to do what she does. All I know is that it's unhealthy, and she should be told that it is such.
No. 1104024
>>1104018As has been stated before, this thread has been repurposed as a general ACC thread. The next thread that will be linked here will be labeled as such (ACC #2 or whatever). That thread was going to be created when this one reached max posts.
It's messy, but most people on lolcow think ACC drama is shit and petty anyway, so I doubt it matters if the threads don't have the neatest beginning.
No. 1104025
File: 1607553267409.png (207.06 KB, 738x688, jesp.png)

>>1103833Even though I think some sperging idiots from Artist Salt occasionally do pop in here to express their honestly overblown hate for Shannon, I don't think that's what all of this was. Considering how quiet it got after
>>1103343 brung it up, I think they're right and
>>1103339 >>1103332 is this person right here who made some of the videos in this thread. The insistence on "waiting for more info" and long winded post about mental health kinda tips it off. And even if it isn't, it's still fucking stupid to be defending Peaches so vehemently when she's the one that got herself into this dumb bullshit in the first place.
>>1104018Peaches isn't really all that milky enough to warrant her own thread imo. Tobi has pretty much dried up for the time being too so this thread has just become an Art Commentary Community thread in the meantime until this hits post limits and someone can officially make an official one. Unless someone wants to go ahead and do that now.
No. 1104044
>>1104025Yeah, as anon pointed out earlier
>>1103317 these posts aren’t saged. If these people were from Artist Salt, they would already know the rules (after 25 Artist Salts, they better).
Though to be fair, the Artist Salt thing is 95% just a joke. It’s not really meant to be taken that seriously. This thread originated from Artist Salt, so obviously some people in Artist Salt care about ACC drama.
The Jesp theory is an interesting one. These pro-Peaches anons showed up at random (aside from the original anon way up top), and they were clearly not regular lolcow users (not saged). I wonder if someone was talking about this thread in the DM’s and people came to argue.
>>1103332 and
>>1103294 , definitely saw Peaches video, because Peaches was the one who argued that “suicide baiting” means to
trigger someone into suicide, and Peaches was the one who argued that Luke said she was faking suicide. Peaches argued it for the first half of her response video, maybe more, even though no one said she was faking her mental health issues or her suicidal ideation.
(Also why is everyone saying that Peaches inspired Tobi to make her video on Creepshow? We all know that isn’t true. People were making videos on Creepshow before Tobi. Videos that Tobi used in her video. Tobi also made a video on Creepshow before her “famous” Creepshow video. Tobi had her eyes on Creepshow before even talking to Peaches.) No. 1104278
>>1104044I’m the anon who made the unsaged posts and argued in defense of peach. I’m a regular but I was stupid enough to think that my epic debunking saga here was worth going unsaged. Like it was some groundbreaking new shit. That was legitimately dumb in hindsight and I kind of took a break because I could see i sounded stupid. My bad.
I’m not big on art community YouTube though so i never heard of peaches until Creepshow tweeted about her. But I do follow the Creepshow cow board so yeah I think creepshows complaints on her are absolute garbage. Others have some legitimate grievances. Just that the anger of the fans supporting Luke’s points is out of proportion.
With the Camilla thing the anger would be justified if confirmed but I still think the proof is lacking. there is no caps of their actual agreement on sales and crediting to see if Camilla broke the agreement or if peaches lied.
No. 1104343
>>1104278Kek. That’s pretty funny, dude.
I wish Creepshow/Peaches had all the dm’s, so we could see the truth. It’s obvious that either Peaches or Creepshow (or both) is misremembering exact details. Going back through the dm’s could clear up so much confusion. I want to believe Creepshow, but she talks out of her ass so much, she’s ruined my ability to trust her without direct proof.
I’m hoping Peaches has dm’s with Camila and can show them off. I’m perfectly willing to hear Peaches’ side (in fact, I’m waiting for it before making my call on if anything is true or not), but if it’s just like her first part (fighting semantics and missing the point), then I’m afraid it’s not going to do much to convince me.
No. 1104346
Peaches’ video gave evidence for the last two points from this post
>>1100986 that Luke didn’t originally have proof for.
Peaches says Luke was claiming she faked her suicidal ideation/mental illness. [It’s one of her main arguments. But Luke said the exact opposite. (If Peaches wanted to address comments that were telling her this, she should of addressed them and not Luke)].
And Peaches calls Luke a hypocrite. Directly.
So I rescind them
No. 1104571
>>1104565Peaches deleted her old Twitter, so the DM’s are completely lost. Unless Peaches only deactivated her old Twitter, and she can somehow reactivate it, those DM’s are long gone.
>>1104557I think people have good reason to distrust Creepshow. She’s done a lot of shit, and she has been proven to stretch the truth and completely misremember events to suit her narrative.
And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people being hesitant to believe accusations made against Peaches. I think it’s a good thing that people want to be sure before judging her guilty.
>>1104224I think Kai’s video is good about laying out the current evidence. I’d recommend this video for anyone who only saw Luke’s video and is unsure.
My only gripe about the video is that at the end of the video he goes for the “Peaches is white so she can’t have an opinion on racism” argument, which is honestly just stupid. Everyone can experience racism and discrimination. The way Kai talks about it makes it sound like only black people can have racism against them, and only black people can have opinions on racism since it’s an issue that
only affects them. If Kai had said, “You shouldn’t tell other people what is racist. That is theirs to decide.” That would have been a better argument.
No. 1105250
>>1105177I think Peaches going around and telling strangers about her being abused and groomed so lackadaisically is pretty cringe.
There’s nothing to be ashamed of from having these things done to you, but talking about them so casually to strangers is off behavior. She has therapists, friends, and a boyfriend, so there is clearly no lack of people she can vent her feelings about these events with.
It’s like… instead of talking about your hobbies, and your interests, and your work, and other people’s hobbies, etc… you talk about your trauma instead. As if it’s something to bond over.
But telling someone your trauma isn’t really a way to bond (as Kai pointed out in his video). It’s only going to get you pity.
The whole thing really only adds to Luke’s sympathy baiting point.
No. 1105774
>>1105768I’ve wondered this a lot, too.
Tobi had BPD, and BPD is known to make you have arguments. But you typically only get into those arguments with people that you become close to and are no longer in the ‘obsessive love’ phase. That typically takes a few months.
How long were they even friends? One month? Two months
maybe? With Omnia
>>1103212 , as soon as they had one disagreement, Peaches was gone. And Peaches stopped talking to Kai over it, too, even though he had nothing to do with it.
I really cannot see Tobi being able to do that much to Peaches, because if Tobi blew up at Peaches or even had a simple disagreement with her, Peaches would leave immediately.
And Tobi doesn’t seem to be in her “switch hate” BPD state, were she hates someone who has ‘wronged’ her and talks about them a lot (like Omnia or her roommate or her crush’s crush when she was 13), so it really makes me think that Tobi didn’t even have time to get to that point.
No. 1106467

A friend of Peaches made this video. So that’s obviously not starting off on the right foot. He also goes on to make the same arguments Peaches did in her video, which is also not good.
>Luke: It turned into me being this awful person. Who was throwing around accusations that were ruining her career. Even if you went to her social or her Twitter, you could see she was gaining subs. Which is funny because you say I called you a liar for no reason, but there you are lying about the effect I had on your channel for no reason.>Scrittus: Okay, so, he’s claiming that she painted him as a horrible person, that made her lose a lot of subs, and then says if you look at her socials, she was gaining subs. >Except if you look at Nov. 7 and Nov. 8, literally days after he posted his video on the Tobi drama, on the 6th, Peaches lost subscribers. (says at 11:23 that Luke either did no research or purposefully omitted this FACT)This is so stupid it hurts. Losing 200 subscribers that she immediately gained back on Nov. 9 is not equivalent to “ruining her career”.
Luke is right in the fact that his video, overall, had no effect on her channel. Luke didn't argue that Peaches didn't lose any subscribers. He argued that he didn’t ruin her career. If anything, this just proves that Peaches greatly exaggerates negative things that happen to her.
In their DM’s, Peaches said, “Sending people to mass unsub and comment how I am a liar and a suicide baiter… because I didn’t go through with my attempt…. is very upsetting”
People didn’t mass unsub. 200 people is not mass unsubbing.
(Also I want to point out that Peaches says she doesn’t care about subscribers/numbers, yet she noticed this loss of subscribers: 100 subscriber loss for two days. This is such a drop in the bucket compared to her sub count, and would be hard to notice unless she was checking her numbers daily.)
>Scrittus: So basically, if someone is suicidal, we’re going to side with the guy who says she’s just doing it for attention?We’ve been over this. Attention seeking behavior in suicidal people is not uncommon. It’s an unhealthy pattern of behavior that shouldn’t be done or encouraged. It’s also inappropriate to make ‘goodbye’ style Tweets.
>Scrittus: Explaining your actions is not always supposed to be an excuse. What’s next? Are we going to tell someone with clinical depression that they’re just being lazy because they can’t get out of bed? Would you shame a grandmother with Alzheimer's because they forgot what they were talking about? Are you going to admonish someone with Tourette's just because they accidently swore? Or they have an annoying tick? No! Because they can’t help it!Peaches is not being criticized for being suicidal or having mental health issues. She’s being criticized for discussing them inappropriately and using them for sympathy/bait. Peaches can’t control the fact she’s depressed. But she can control the Tweets she makes and the Youtube comments she makes.
(She can also try to control her thinking patterns. For example, thinking that people are upset with her ‘because she didn’t die’ is wrong, and it’s an unhealthy mentality. Unhealthy mentalities often make your illness harder to cope with, and should be worked upon by the person who has them to try to improve their health.)
>Scrittus: The reason we don’t stigmatize mental illness is to prevent people like Luke claiming it’s not real.???
Excuse me?
When did Luke claim that Peaches didn’t have a mental illness?
This is an argument that Peaches made. That suicide baiting = faking mental illness. The fact that her friend is making the same exact argument, does not bode well for what she’s saying behind the scenes. That’s blatantly false.
>Scrittus: Tell me how Luke is in the right here. He’s the one who started this drama with his ignorant claims in the first place. Now all he’s done is double down on his claims and allow people to harass someone with genuine mental health problems. Guilt free. Did Peaches need to wake up in a hospital with a stomach full of pills for you to not jump on her and say she was not using it for attention? That’s what Peaches was talking about. Luke claimed that Peaches was a liar because she didn’t go through with hurting herself.No, he didn’t. He said she used her mental health problems as bait and for sympathy. She can’t use her mental health problems for sympathy if she doesn’t have them.
Luke never said that Peaches didn’t try to kill herself. Luke never said that Peaches doesn’t have mental health problems. Luke never said that Peaches was a liar over this Tweet.
What Peaches said would be bad, regardless of if she ended up in a hospital or died. For one, it shows her not going through a proper support system. For two, it encourages Peaches to use attention-seeking methods to bring herself out of depressive episodes (which is bad, because it will never be enough. Ultimately, it does not solve the problem).
>Scrittus: Peaches is only in the wrong if she was not actually suicidal. And she is.Scrittus says that Peaches made a mistake making that Tweet, then he says that she’d only be in the wrong if she wasn’t suicidal. While yes, it would be much much worse if Peaches was completely faking her mental health problems, what she did was still bad. How she thinks about things is still unhealthy. How she treats other people is still bad.
>Scrittus: She’s only in the wrong here, if she’s not trying to get help or therapy or medication. And she is.What?
>Scrittus: What has Peaches lied about? All of the evidence of Peaches lying has been her telling the truth. 100% the truth. Every single point Luke has made trying to paint Peaches as a liar has been factually and provably false. The part where Peaches said Luke came after her because she didn’t die.
Saying that she hadn’t been involved in the drama at all since her apology to Omnia (which Scrittus cut out)
The part where Peaches said Luke sent people to mass unsub from her
>Luke: She even called me a hypocrite for being upset that she lied about me. Unlike you, I don’t need to make up stuff to look better.>Scrittus: What is she making up about herself? Her crisis? Her condition?The lies, moron. Whether you agree that Peaches was intentionally trying to make Luke look bad or not, you cannot be so dense that you cannot make the connection between, “Peaches lied about me” and “Peaches made stuff up to make herself look better”. It is so obvious to anyone that Luke was not talking about Peaches’ mental health here that I quit.
That’s where I stop the video, because I have given this guy way too many chances to make good arguments.
Look, I agree with the fact that Luke’s video is fundamentally flawed. But when you make arguments like these, I can’t side with you. I can’t come to care about what you have to say.
I agree with
>>1100986 about the first half of the video being on shaky ground. And I agree that if Luke had made better arguments, then less people would be siding with Peaches.
But fuck, Scrittus’ video made bad arguments. A majority of them were emotional appeals and nothing more.
Plus, now that people have come out (like Camila and Omnia and Kai), Peaches has been caught lying. She has been caught doing different things.
Also, to give one note of credibility to Creepshow (even though I, too, find it hard to believe her entirely), Peaches did the same thing to Tobi. Creepshow claims that they were friends, they had a disagreement, and then Peaches went and talked trash about her despite acting friendly towards her.
What did Peaches do to Tobi? They were friends, they had a disagreement of some kind, and then Peaches went all around Youtube saying that Tobi had caused her great pain and Tobi did something absolutely horrible to her (Peaches was even going to make a video on it at one point). And then when Peaches got in trouble, she went to Tobi to try to get screenshots from Tobi as evidence in her response video, despite publicly admonishing Tobi the whole time.
Honestly, the fact that this is the mentality of one of Peaches’ friends, makes me feel worse about the situation. It makes me see Peaches more negatively.
No. 1106470
File: 1607868420384.png (19.85 KB, 869x111, peachesscritus_comment.png)

lmao of COURSE Peaches comments in to give her approval
(also the amount of people in the comments who get so easily swayed or "convinced" to be on Peaches's side now just because of this one video is hilarious)
No. 1106471
>>1106467>>1106470You got to be fucking kidding me.
Of course Peaches saw this video that only has 200 views. Of course it’s one of her friends. Of course she thinks it’s good just because it’s on her side, despite making shitty arguments.
There are good arguments to make against Luke’s video. This guy did not make them.
This is stupid ass.. Tobi shit.
No. 1106482
>>1106474At this point I'm just anticipating Peaches to literally do a Tobi and promote it on her community tab or twitter.
Wouldnt put it past me to assume she's (in Tobi's words) "heavily promoted" it in her discord server either
No. 1106554
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>>1106467This dude seems too emotional and too close to Peaches to make logical arguments.
Also it seems like there's going to be a new video with new evidence from Peaches' Discord. I'm interested in it and hope everything is shown in full.
No. 1107139
File: 1607949097626.png (1.72 MB, 486x3012, PeachesArt.png)

(not milk)
Well, since we’re talking about Peaches, might as well throw this in there.
People keep talking about how much they like Peaches’ art (for example, Hot Box saying she has talent as an artist), but I really don’t get it.
It’s an extremely generic westernized anime style. There’s not any unique lineart. There’s not any unique coloring. She’s doesn’t use interesting perspectives or complex compositions. A majority of her art is just pretty girls.
Everything in her art is just… okay. It’s passible art, but it’s not something I would say I like.
It’s like she wanted to go for that clean, manga/anime look, but couldn’t master the details of it, so she leaned into cartoonism.
No. 1107317

I’ve been mostly on the side of trash Peaches thus far, but am I the only one who thinks Omnia exaggerates a problem that isn’t really there?
Omnia’s whole first point is that Peaches lied about their DM conversation. Peaches said that Omnia said Peaches called her a victim blamer in a weird analogy. Omnia acts like this is an outright lie, but it’s not a conclusion that’s unreasonable to come to. Like Peaches took it in bad faith, but it’s not an outlandish conclusion. (screenshots in 2/2).
Omnia compared herself to a crying child. In that situation, the child would be a victim because the child could do nothing to defend itself. Then Omnia said Peaches was blaming the child for having their toy taken away. Thus, “victim blamer".
At 11:30, Omnia is like, “Where did I call her a victim blamer??” And I’m like.. You gave an analogy.. which analogies are typically up for interpretation.. Why are you acting like your interpretation of the analogy is the only one that exists?
It’s also just a bad analogy to begin with. Omnia isn’t a child having her toy taken away by a bully. A child’s only defense is to cry. Omnia’s an adult that had many avenues in which to defend herself. While I disagree with Peaches and think it’s fine that Omnia leaked the DM’s, there’s also nothing wrong with the perspective that Omnia shouldn’t of used those two DM’s in her first video in the first place, and should of just used easily accessible public information. There’s also nothing wrong with the perspective that Omnia could of waited for Tobi to show her proof in her video, and then make a response video debunking it.
There are multiple avenues to solve the problem. And having a different opinion on which is the best avenue to solve the problem isn’t some sin bomb.
Omnia tries to persuade Peaches to her side, Peaches isn’t interested, they end the convo. Then Omnia keeps pushing.
Omnia acts like just because she says, “Oh, your perspective is valid. I understand why you see it that way.” that means that’s how she was acting. But if she understood Peaches’ perspective and understood why she felt that way, she wouldn’t keep pushing Peaches to agree with her 100%. Omnia says she’s okay that Peaches doesn’t choose sides, but Omnia keeps pushing Peaches to take her side.
When Peaches agrees with Omnia, but doesn’t comment on her analogy (this is after Peaches ended the conversation), Omnia says, “I noticed the point flew right over her head.” (11:48). But just because she doesn’t comment on your analogy when she’s trying to end the conversation doesn’t mean she missed the point. Omnia acts like Peaches has to agree with her to “get the point”.
Peaches: “I’m literally just saying don’t leak DM’s.”
Omnia: “So don’t scream and cry in reaction essentially. I got it.”
Peaches: “Well no, ofc, not, you’re an adult. Not a toddler.”
This is obviously tongue in cheek. She’s making a joke to make the point that Omnia is not like a child that had her toy taken away, but an adult who has many options to solve her problems. This flies over Omnia’s head, and Omnia then goes on to explain the analogy, missing the fact that Peaches already understood her analogy and is done with the conversation and clearly won’t agree with her opinion.
Peaches asks why Omnia is being so defensive, and Omnia again acts like this is an unreasonable conclusion to come to. But Omnia keeps trying to defend her actions to Peaches, even after the conversation is over.
Also, it hurt me when I read:
Peaches: “I don’t understand why you’re making an argument again."
Omnia: “I’m not arguing. I’m making an analogy.”
I think that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard Omnia say. Oh my gosh.
At this point, it becomes obvious that Peaches has been trying to be nice and hold her tongue throughout the conversation because she starts bringing up problems she has with what Omnia did. Peaches’ feels like Omnia was inadvertently calling Tobi racist because she brought up her race in her video. Omnia acts like Peaches is “flipping her shit” and “it came out of nowhere”, when Omnia has continued to press someone who has been clearly trying to politely dip out of the conversation this entire time.
At 13:15, Omnia says, “I love how all these white women are telling me when to speak on race or not. The caucasity in the room is intense.”, But she completely misses the point. She doesn’t understand why Peaches is upset. Peaches is telling her that if she wasn’t calling Tobi racist, there was no point to bring up her race. If she wasn’t calling Tobi racist, why bring up her opinion on racism/racial insensitivity/whatever.
You can disagree or agree with Peaches’ points, but Peaches isn’t acting crazy or flipping her shit here. She’s discussing problems she has with the content of the DM’s and with Omnia’s video, which is related to the topic they were already talking about (leaking the DM’s).
Omnia then claims that Peaches went on an on, ignoring the fact that she herself also kept acting like she had to have the last word.
Peaches ends the conversation, and Omnia keeps it going.
Omnia then says she’s not trying to sway Peaches, which is complete bullshit. The entire point of making the analogy was to sway Peaches to her side. The whole point of Omnia continuing to say her opinion is to sway Peaches to her side. Why would Omnia make the analogy if she wasn’t try to sway Peaches at all?
At 14:20, Omnia says, “I’m deadass validating her opinion and saying if that’s what helps her sleep at night, then so be it.” , But that’s a contradiction. “Your opinion is valid.” means her opinion is valid. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.” means her opinion is invalid. Omnia acts like this in the DM’s too. Invalidating while saying she’s validating. I can understand why someone would get frustrated trying to deal with her.
At 14:58, Omnia says, “Can someone let me know if they saw me calling Tobi racist? Because I stared at those DM’s for a solid minute, and I can’t see it anywhere.”
It makes Omnia look really stupid that she can’t connect the dots that Peaches wasn’t talking about their DM’s, but what Omnia said in her video/in her DM’s with Tobi.
The video transitions from the DM’s to something else, so that’s where I’ll end my complaints (I did watch the whole thing, twice. I’m just ending my discussion here because I wanted to focus on her points about their DM’s)
Also, no, I’m not Peaches, and I’m not Peaches’ friend. I got all of this from context clues from the conversation itself. I take issue with the video because at worst, what Peaches said was petty. It’s all so trivial.
Honestly, this video just makes Omnia come off as really dumb. As if she can’t read basic social cues.
I’m also kind of upset, because Omnia continuously pressed Peaches to agree with her until Peaches blew up at her, then she gaslit her acting like Peaches was “flipping her shit” even though she wasn’t and she was clearly reacting to being pressed over and over again, and then Omnia makes a video so that the whole Internet can join with her against Peaches. It seems scummy and abusive and manipulative.
No. 1107376
>>1107351I guess if all you stare at is anime, a more westernized style would look unique.
I dislike her art because Peaches has amateurish/intermediate skills. She just doesn’t have
something yet.
I don’t think her art is beautiful or she has great artistic skills. A lot of people in Youtube comments always talk about how they love her art, and I just can’t see anything lovable about it.
No. 1107391
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>>1107317>>1107319I didn't expect Just Stop to comment. But now with this comment, it just shows how stupid and pointless this video was. This video didn't show
anything to prove that Peaches is a bad person. The first half was a mutual disagreement that doesn't fucking matter, and the second half is just the fact that Peaches edited Manga's (without JAR or Fuchsia being involved yet) original script early in the script making process. Wow. Groundbreaking evidence.
I will gladly say fuck Peaches any day, but FUCK this video man.
I felt bad that Peaches stopped talking to Omnia and thought Omnia was in the right, but after this? I think Omnia is just as in the wrong.
Also Nawnii is here, because of fucking course she is.
No. 1107427
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>>1107317I went to look for comments to see if anyone was voicing similar thoughts (they were), but I also found this (top).
I didn't realize that this is the groomer video thumbnail. That is kind of fucked when you think about it. Why would Omnia do that?
Like I think that Peaches is a sympathy baiter, but what she went through was still damaging, bad, and hurtful. There's tons of art of Peaches, and Omnia could of made her own. There was no reason to use the groomer thumbnail.
No. 1107457
The whole Peaches situation is really starting to get out of hand imo. I think this has blown up way more than the Tobi drama and there's like 3 times as many videos concerning Peaches than there were calling Tobi out. I think she's a real shady bitch, but in typical ACC fashion,things really are starting to get overblown and people are milking it.
>>1107427It might be because of how much Peaches lies that some people speculate that she may have lied about the groomer story entirely but idk.
No. 1107470
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We interrupt the Peaches drama to bring you this comment I found on Tobi's latest video that made me laugh kek.
No. 1107544
>>1107457If Peaches was lying about it, then of course that would be fucked up and she should be admonished for it.
But since there is no evidence for that, people are basically just calling someone who went through something terrible a liar. Which is a big reason that many people don’t come out about sexual abuse/grooming they suffered: they’re afraid to be called liars. I do understand that Peaches is an exaggerator and manipulative, but at this point, there is no evidence to suggest her story was faked.
And if Omnia used this thumbnail because she thinks that video is just Peaches pulling another pity me card, then that’s fucked up too. Many people don’t come out about abuse because of a fear of “just doing it for attention.”
Even if Peaches is the worst scumbag imaginable, we shouldn’t invalidate her experiences with a groomer or abuse or anything like that (unless there is proof of it being faked). It could make her feel like she should be ashamed or is to blame for things she isn’t, and it could put it in the minds of some viewers that go through this kind of thing that they shouldn’t come out due to the fear of being called a liar, etc.
I think Peaches does want attention, but that’s not a bad thing. Everyone wants attention. Peaches’ problem is that she doesn’t know how to get attention in healthy ways, so she resorts to talking about her trauma. It’s something she should work on when she gets to therapy.
No. 1107811
>>1107317Tbh Tobi is worse but I get the impression with Omnia, Peaches, Creepshow, Kai and everyone else, it's beginning to feel like drama in high school. Where any
valid point someone might have gets lost in bitchy and petty arguments.
wanna add in that I'm also getting really tired of the arguments over mental illness with this whole drama. And to be clear, I don't mean people "using" their mental illness to avoid criticism, I mean people claiming THATS what Peaches and Tobi are doing.
The thing about being understanding about mental illness is not "excusing" their behavior and the damage it did. It's simply acknowledging their behavior AND mental illness as a factor.
Peaches may not be "suicide baiting" when she openly discusses her depression and suicidal tendencies.
Tobi may not be "using her bpd" to hide from criticism. Her BPD(as well as her ADHD) may actually be a big factor in how she reacts to feeling attacked.
Unless they explicitly say so, there's no way to tell if they're telling the truth or not. But it doesn't take away from the shit they've done.
Like, ya'll CAN tell someone to acknowledge the damage they may have caused without invalidating their mental illness and calling them "disgusting". It's not that hard.
No. 1107827
>>1107139Art is subjective and people like what they like.
Tbh I think its too plain for my liking but the colors, shading, and lineart are sorta appealing to me. So I can see why people are into it
No. 1107838
>>1107811Yeah really. Like how is Peaches supposed to learn anything if people start making stupid and petty points against her and demanding that she adhere to them or she’s the worst person ever? She might care in the beginning, but noone is going to care forever. Everyone has a limit. She’s going to give up trying to please these overly picky nitwits because it’s impossible.
I wish people would just stick to the hard hitting points and leave it at that.
I have mixed feelings about the “excusing" point. With Tobi, she wouldn’t apologize. She would just tell you about her BPD and make excuses. And then when she did apologize, she would bring up her BPD. It came off poorly, and eventually Tobi started saying that BPD was an excuse, not just an explanation.
Also, if you give an explanation in an apology, most people don’t like that. It always comes off as justifying why you did the action that made that person upset, and many people don’t feel like certain actions are justifiable.
For example, if you’re late for work, you might tell your boss that you were stuck in traffic. You aren’t trying to excuse your actions, you’re explaining why you’re late. But you’re giving an explanation in the hopes that your boss will see you being late as justifiable and won’t punish you for it.
With Peaches, though, it’s not clear cut, because the allegations
regarded her mental health, so of course she had to address her mental health.
No. 1107879
File: 1608080119340.png (23.65 KB, 1229x110, 2020-12-15 (2).png)

>>1107838I'll give you that about Tobi, anon
I honestly think for her, regardless of her reasoning, she may need to step back from the internet entirely to focus on her mental health if it really does control her life that badly.
I suppose the thing that bothers me specifically is that now I'm seeing videos and comments that straight up say "Peaches is weaponizing her mental illness." Like this newer comment I found on ANOTHER Peaches video called "Hopeless Peaches Really Is Hopeless" When there's really nothing to suggest that. I guess to use your analogy, it sorta feels like going into work and explaining you were stuck in traffic. And in response your boss says "I think you just didn't want to come to work today." With no real proof.
It's excessive and unnecessary.
No. 1107893
>>1107879I agree that people are harping on about Peaches’ mental health when they don’t have sufficient evidence. It is completely unnecessary at this point.
That comment there is exactly what I was talking about in my last sentence. People have been accusing Peaches of faking her mental health, so of course she has to show evidence that she isn’t. But then when Peaches shows proof that she’s not faking it, people say she’s using her mental health as an excuse. It just doesn’t make any sense.
One mistake she made was saying that Luke was saying that she faked her mental illness. She shouldn’t of done that. She should of used a portion of her video to respond to comments that were saying she was faking it, and she shouldn’t of acted like that was a point Luke made.
But at this point it doesn’t even matter, because what she did has become so overblown and over-dramatic. Like Peaches did bad things. She doesn’t have to be evil to do bad things. She doesn’t even have to be a bad person to do bad things.
People on Youtube see things in black and white, ffs.
No. 1108703
>>1108236See here's the thing.
If you look at different creators' experiences with Peaches, you'll notice the main thing the stories have in common is that Peaches has lied about them or lied to them.
Creepshow's experience with how Peaches supposedly lied to her about Camila as well as lied ABOUT her to different creators following their falling out.
Omnia's experience with how Peaches constantly flipped sides while pretending to be the fence-sitter, and lied about her stance on the DM's leak and other trivial things throughout the Tobi drama.
Avrona with how Peaches pretty much exaggerated about him and painted him in an almost slanderous way in a storytime video. (Yes, Avrona also has problems in himself but that doesn't erase the fact the video's presentation was pretty shitty.)
Lady Freya with Peaches lying about her in her "green-eyed friend" video (which I can't seem to find, though I've seen the thumbnail for it and it's familiar to me).
Prison Mate Luke with how Peaches apparently stated that Luke was upset she "didn't go through" with her suicide attempt.
Kai with how Peaches claimed he "agreed" with Luke in the above claim.
With all that, I don't think it's unreasonable to see why people would start doubting Peaches on her groomer story.
Now, do I think it's right to claim she's lying and that people are now saying she's lying about being groomed? Of course not.
Do -I- personally think she's lying or telling the truth? Honestly who knows at this point. There's no way to know if she's lying vs telling the truth.
(But I will go off on a tangent and say that she shouldn't have mentioned her groomer on that one segment in her "addressing my allegations" video (i.e. "not even my groomer made me feel this way"). Lots of people expressed it in her comments but…bringing it up like that kinda comes off as a quick pity card and brings nothing to the original point of her statement.)
No. 1109004
File: 1608212431586.png (197.74 KB, 619x1577, PeachesTwitterEdited.png)

>>1108974Honestly? I used to care. I really did. But after Omnia came out with this
>>1107317 video, I just don’t. Because they’re all “mean girls”.
That’s all this drama is any more. Catty people who act like they’re in highschool fighting over the fact that they heard the other talks shit behind their back.
At this point all I care about is what Peaches has to say to Camila, because that is the only situation thus far that’s been more than just petty “mean girls” shit.
On to the Twitter thread.
People are riding Peaches’ ass for being involved with JAR’s video, and I’m just so sick of it.
It would be different if Peaches had edited several things throughout the script, but she edited one line at the very beginning of it. Considering Omnia had access to the WHOLE script, and this is the ONLY involvement she could find, the evidence is micron-level thin.
With Just Stop commenting
>>1107391 it just makes Omnia look like she was purposefully using misleading evidence to make Peaches look worse than she is. Which, just.. no? Just ride Peaches' ass for the wrongs she has done. Don't make up wrongs she hasn't done. It's unnecessary and wrong.
Also I just wanted to point this out from Omnia’s video:
>She wasn’t just commenting from the sidelines. She was directly participating in the making of a video. But not just any video. A video made by one of the biggest people to involve themselves in this drama thus far. I found this out with the help of TheNamesJunkie. Junkie is currently working on a video on the Tobi drama, and it’s… going to be a long one.. considering it’s the Tobi drama.25:25
>Junkie, along with his editor Phantom, was granted access to view JAR’s script.26:40
>With the help of Junkie and Phantom, it has come to my attention that Hopeless Peaches helped edit JAR’s video less than 24 hours after our last conversation. This is what I was saying about Junkie, waaaaayyyy back here
>>1085958 . To my knowledge, Junkie is on good terms with Manga. How do you think Junkie got access to Manga's script?
Junkie could of asked Manga to clarify why Peaches was involved, but he didn’t. He’d rather give Omnia misleading/manipulative evidence against Peaches.
Can’t trust this dude as far as you can throw him.
(And in the event that Junkie actually thought this evidence was hard hitting, the dude is as dumb as a bucket of bricks)
No. 1109014
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>>1109004I saw someone in the comments of Omnia's video saying that Peaches and Manga were saying that Omnia blatantly lied and etc. etc.
I didn't find that, but I did find this.
So I guess you have a point about Junkie.
No. 1109026
File: 1608214270081.png (190.17 KB, 605x1470, MangaApology.png)

>>1109014I think that commenter was probably talking about Manga's apology.
The more people that corroborate the story, the more it makes Omnia look like she jumped the gun. It just makes her video look more and more petty and dumb.
No. 1109105
File: 1608226137583.jpg (450.14 KB, 809x1572, Screenshot_20201216-134910_Twi…)

here u can see peaches LYING about omnias claims in her video
and u still wanna defend her?
No. 1109109
File: 1608226263698.jpg (451.81 KB, 809x1360, Screenshot_20201216-135745_Twi…)

In peaches original script she said that omnia is lying about her "writing and editing" a script when that was never the argument omnia made
No. 1109111
File: 1608226378975.jpg (546.57 KB, 810x1816, Screenshot_20201216-135257_Twi…)

Here u can see mangakamen get caught in a lie and BACKPEDAL
No. 1109113
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so like fuck mangakamen for yet again SPREADING LIES with peaches about omnia
this it the tobi thing all over again and you all are just deciding to ignore the real problem here which is that peaches is a 2faced liar who pretended she had no involvement when she was editing jars script behind the scenes
No. 1109120
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Also just stop having the nerve to call omnia "shady" for exposing peaches involvement in the drama is ridiculous
if anyone is shady is peaches for being involved in a take down videos scripting less than a day she had a disagreement with her so called friend.
like just stop can just stop, because he os acting pretty biased and its funny how you all are eating that shit up
just stop is FRIENDS with mangakamen and peaches so wtf did u expect him to do? ofcourse he will try and defend his friends by discrediting omnia and making it seem she had this malicious intent when the only ones with malicious intent have been PROVEN to be mangakamen, peaches, fuchsiabutters and Jar.
here u can see how disgusting peaches acting like she is some sort of victim when she is going behind her "friends" back to help take them down
No. 1109125
>>1109105>>1109109>>1109111>>1109113Look dude, Omnia said that Peaches was directly involved in the script making process and was editing the script. I really don’t see how that is different from the “writing and editing" claim Peaches made. They’re the same thing.
As for Peaches’ involvement, it is super misleading, because the only proof we have is that Peaches edited one single line in the script. Omnia made it seem like she was way more involved than she actually was.
Just Stop and Kamen say that Peaches wasn’t actually involved in the script making process. I don’t really have any reason to disbelieve them. Peaches sure. But Manga and Just Stop haven’t really done anything to tip me off.
Even if Peaches was involved in the whole video, I don’t see why it matters. Peaches and Omnia had a fight the day before and stopped talking. You could ague that it would be petty for Peaches to help work on a video against someone she previously called a friend, but honestly I don’t care.
It also wouldn’t prove that Peaches’ had involvement after she said she stopped having involvement, because Peaches’ said she stopped being involved in the drama on Oct. 18. She edited that part of the script on Sep. 29.
So this point is stupid and it doesn’t prove anything.
No. 1109131
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more replies on peaches slanderous tweets putting things in omnias mouth that shw never said..
No. 1109135
>>1109120It's really interesting seeing all of this blow up when about a month or two ago I came across HP and was surprised she DIDN'T have any callouts back then because her videos seemed so fake and
toxicPersonally I think that Omnia did a good job putting things into context in her newest video and the mountain of things coming out about Peaches also being
toxic alongside Tobi is….a lot
No. 1109136
>>1109131Manga isn’t putting anything in Omnia’s mouth in these Tweets.
The Tweets on the left are saying that Peaches wasn’t involved. The only mention of Omnia is Manga saying that Omnia didn’t provide enough evidence to state that Peaches was involved with making any of the points that were made in the video/Peaches had influence over the script, which is what being “directly involved with the script" means. Omnia claimed Peaches was directly involved, Manga is saying she isn’t.
The Tweets in the middle literally don’t mention anything about Omnia or anything she said.
The Tweets on the right are people unrelated to Manga, Omnia, or Peaches and don’t prove anything.
No. 1109157
>>1109125are you serious???
YES IT DOES MATTER that they are putting lies in omnias mouth when that she NEVER said that.
Its a LIE to say that omnia said that peaches "wrote" the script because the implications change majorly. Thats why it IS an important distinction that omnia specifically mentioned that peaches helped "edit" the script because that is the TRUTH and nothing but the truth
A lie and a truth should not be mixed and u saying they should tells me that ur either a hopeless stan or mk alt but whatever
No. 1109164
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>>1109136"Omnia claimed Peaches was directly involved, Manga is saying she isn’t."
You said it yourself right there.
"Omnia claimed Peaches was directly involved, Manga is saying she ISN'T."
I highlighted for you. That is the lie. Peaches WAS directly involved in the script by helping edit it(even if it was a few spellchecks). She was STILL involved and that is a FACT that u cant deny and the proof is the screenshot of her editing the script.
By saying she wasnt directly involved is being disingenuous and lying because she absolutely WAS.
Now it can be argued if it was a small role she played but still, the fact that she was involved wont go away.
No. 1109167
>>1109157I think you’re just an Omnia stan, anon.
Tell me. What does Peaches “directly participating in the making of a video” mean, then?
Because that sure as hell sounds to me like Omnia was saying that Peaches contributed to JAR’s video more than just editing one sentence for grammar.
No. 1109181
>>1109167If im omnia stan then you're a peaches stan because you're so hell bent on minimizing the impact a betrayal like that can have on a person.
"What does Peaches “directly participating in the making of a video” mean, then?"
It means that peaches was a 2faced snake, thats what it means.
It means that mangakamen, fuchsiabutters and justarobot are shady too for leaving that information secret. Thats what it means.
Dont forget that peaches was trying to desperately pretend to have no part in the tobi drama but here she was spell checking the worse video to come out of the whole thing.
Why did 4 creators have to work on such a script in the first place?
Why is peaches, mangakamen, fuchsiabutters and jar ganging up against 2 creators for calling tobi out??
Why was peaches involved in the first place when she was pretending to be omnias friend in the comments and use that to validate her claims about omnias apology?
This whole thing REEKS and the fact that so many creators were colluding together to produce an awful video is laughable.
What it means is that peaches is a snake who will throw her so called friends to the wolves the moment they have a disagreement.
No. 1109190
>>1109181>What it means is that peaches is a snake who will throw her so called friends to the wolves the moment they have a disagreement.Does it? Because according to Manga, Peaches convinced him not to make his original video on Omnia/Kai. That sure as hell sounds like something a friend would do.
And that was the only involvement Peaches had.
Manga worked on a script. Peaches edited the grammar for him (probably because Manga asked her to). But Peaches didn’t make any points against Omnia, nor did she say anything bad about Omnia in the script. Then that script was scrapped and JAR and Fuchsia made additions to make the script more their own.
So why the fuck does it matter that Peaches edited the grammar?
Yeah, Peaches edited the grammar for a video that made points against Omnia and Kai. But she didn’t contribute to any of the bad things said in the video. She wasn’t the one who made those stupid points against Kai and Omnia. All she did was assist a friend (Manga) by spellchecking the video.
Even if she
had made points in the original Manga video (the one before JAR and Fuchsia came on), why would that be a problem? Is she not allowed to have friends that criticize her other friends behavior? Do all of her friends have to all agree with each other in one big circle jerk about how they're right all the time?
No. 1109216
>>1109190Its shady that peaches was involved with that script AT ALL. Thats my point and that was the point omnia was trying to make. Its a
VALID point.
You cant deny that omnia has the right to be upset about peaches SHADY behaviour when it is that, shady.
Also u seem to bring up what mangakamen is saying as if he is a credible source but he is not a trust worthy person. He proved that by spreading misinformation in his video with Jar. He is peaches friend and will say ANYTHING to take the heat off her back the SAME way he did in the tobi situation.
So im sorry but whatever mangakamen has to say is LITERALLY irrelevant at this point.
No. 1109220
>>1109216If omnia was actually just mad about her being shady that’s fine. But that wouldn’t warrant this narrative that she is horrible or abhorrent. People being shady on YouTube is neither surprising nor heartbreaking. Omnia has been caught being shady. It’s fine.
Peaches in the past talked about shady behavior going around the yt art community. I never expected her to abstain from it in return. Especially when her stories open up about how not everyone is gonna like you and how she will sometimes gossip or vent with friends to blow off steam. Never got the impression she was this innocent flower.
No. 1109225
>>1109216Acting shady isn’t a crime, dude.
Take it like this. If I’m walking home at night, and some guy starts following me, that is shady. If that guy plans to kill me, then he is a bad guy. But if that guy isn’t actually following me and just happens to live where I live, then he’s just an innocent stranger.
Being shady doesn’t mean you’re bad. And if you automatically assume someone acting shady is bad, you might blame them or get mad at them when they aren’t actually doing anything wrong.
Could Peaches have been conspiring with JAR, Manga, and Fuchsia to cancel Omnia for DARING to disagree with her? Sure. She
could have.
But Peaches could’ve also just been editing the grammar of a script for a friend with no malicious intention at all.
We don’t have evidence that Peaches was doing anything malicious. All the evidence we have is her editing one line in a script.
That evidence doesn’t point to her trying to actively cancel Omnia or harm her. It just corroborates the story given by Manga.
So I lean on believing Manga’s side, not only because he’s the only one who actually knows how the script making process went down, but because his story makes logical sense, AND the only evidence we have agrees with it.
No. 1109288
>>1109280Yeah, I agree with most of this.
Though thinking about it, I think Junkie’s actions are more shady than Peaches’ or Omnia’s.
Junkie saw one, single, small piece of evidence that could potentially mean his friend Manga was being shady with Peaches, and Junkie ran straight to Omnia with it, not even bothering to ask his friend Manga anything about it. Like Junkie totally broke his friend’s trust and went behind his back the minute he thought there was dirt on him.
No. 1109342
>>1109288Honestly this whole thing with Junkie and Manga just convinces me more that this is a teenage slap fight with adults involved.
>>1109164Tbh I'm just popping in to read about MangaKamen "lying" and what I'm reading doesn't really look like him flat out lying. It looks like everybody arguing over semantics.
Basically what I'm getting is Manga got the impression that Omnia was overblowing Peaches involvement with the script.
And Manga is admitting that she was involved but her involvement was so little and unimportant that he basically writes her off. Even the google doc suggests that.
But everybody sucks at making their point clear and concise.
Seriously. Shit like this has been happening the entire drama. From people thinking Kai was calling Tobi a pedophile to that weird exchange that Omnia had with Peaches.
>>1107319Ya know, where it DOES look like she kinda was arguing AND also kinda calling Peaches a
victim blamer. But for some reason doesn't seem to understand that miscommunication.
Everybody in this drama sucks at talking and making their points.
This is embarrassing.
No. 1109364
>>1109350Look retard, I’ve had enough of your shit
Your points are stupid. Your evidence doesn’t corroborate the fact that Peaches did anything wrong. This entire drama is petty in the first place.
Peaches did wrong things, like what she did with Camila. That doesn’t mean that every single bad thing that people accuse her of is factual. And that doesn’t mean that people pointing out the obvious fact that some allegations are bullshit are defending Peaches.
If you’re going to whine and bitch about a stranger on the Internet acting petty, at least get what they actually did straight.
No. 1109414
>>1109364Lmaooo someones mad!! Are you sure you're not peaches alt??
"If you’re going to whine and bitch about a stranger on the Internet acting petty, at least get what they actually did straight."
LMAO WERE ON LOLCOW, thats the point of this site, to talk about drama. Like are u dumb?
Also i backed all my claims with proof, scroll up for the screenshots. You however have not provided any proof for anything and you've been busy only making excuses for everyone. Like the amount of reaching you've been doing is rediculous!!
Fact is peaches DID have a hand in editing jars script. Thats a fact. And it was wrong. Accept that or stfu.
No. 1109470
>>1109466Not really.
Other cows on Lolcow do actually crazy shit. Peaches has just been acting like a petty mean girl. She’s not really worth a thread.
Besides, we’ve been over this. This thread has been converted to an ACC thread (art commentary community) or CC thread. So anyone who does AC (like Peaches) will go here. Because inevitably the drama with Peaches will end and we’ll all move on to the next person, so might as well just keep it in one place.
No. 1109727
>>1109681Would she even be wrong at this point?
With retards like these
>>1109414 , how is she supposed to care about the criticism levied her way? Her critics believe what they want to believe. They don’t care about making good, logical points. And they don’t care if she improves. They just like feeling self-important and right.
No. 1110070
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>>1109364>>1109449For real.
I came here for drama, not Twittertards sperging out about their latest conspiracy theory.
I understand now why people on Artist Salt always shut down these kind of drama discussions. They bring out the worst kind of annoying morons from the woodwork.
No. 1110219
>>1109727 Honestly no. People are dog piling on her. I can't say I have sympathy for her because I don't but I do think it's a shame because the original point is quickly being lost.
I doubt anyone would like any video where she does give a decent apology because of how this blew up.
Don't mistake me for a Peaches simp I honestly hate her and how she portrays herself. I can just identify where this drama is spiraling in the wrong direction for anyone to actually learn from it.
At this rate it's gonna become a Tobi Drama situation where people ignore shit Peaches HAS done to point fingers at people who called her out. It's just gonna web out into a bigger mess then it already had. We're just gonna have to watch it burn it's self out and for people to get bored of it.
No. 1110229
>>1110219No I wouldn’t call you a Peaches simp. I myself really did not like Peaches at the start of this drama, and I was fervently against Scrittus’ response video, but I agree that Peaches is getting dogpiled at this point. There are plenty videos just repeating the same things over and over.
Like if anyone comes out with new information that is not just, “well.. it was a mutual disagreement/misunderstanding..”, then I’ll be willing to hear it. I have no desire
not to hate Peaches. I’ll gladly hate her, just like I did at the beginning of the drama.
But at this point I agree. The drama is spiraling into a stupid place that simply isn’t productive.
No. 1110775
>>1110419If my introduction to how people view Internet artists/artist youtubers was through this drama, I wouldn’t want to be an artist on the Internet either.
In the grand scheme of things, Peaches is getting lambasted for relatively small things. Acting petty. Being a jerk. Wanting attention. Exaggerating details of stories she tells.
As a kid, I’d see this drama and be like, fuck, if I ever do anything wrong, I’m gonna get canceled immediately. If I ever have a fall out with a friend and that friend goes public about it, I’m canceled. If I ever shit talk someone I don’t like and it comes out, I’m canceled. If I ever have a controversial opinion (which all opinions are), I’m canceled.
The ACC is closely tied with Twitter culture, where every misdemeanor is a felony worthy of the death sentence. It’s not exactly a place most people would want to join after seeing how easily people in it are cast out.
>>1110436I think this is part of her BPD (though I wouldn't know for sure). My guess is that when she gets angry, she's angry because her brain is telling her one version of events that it thinks is the facts. She could tell herself reasonable explanations all she wants, but her BPD basically makes her only able to think about the one possibility that makes her angriest.
Whatever the cause, I definitely don't think it's intentional manipulation/gaslighting. I think it's just her anger controlling her.
No. 1110794
>>1110775Oh I wouldn't wanna be a twitter or youtube artist either but so many comments I see aren't about not about not wanting to join the community but about not doing art in general.
>>1110436She did the same thing about people not liking Yaoi and told gay men how they should feel about it and basically invalidated all their
valid feelings about feeling fetishized by the genre. That was about the time I noticed Tobi and how awful she was.
No. 1112300
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So I found something weird.
Peaches deleted/deactivated her Twitter. No surprise there. It was inevitable with all the retards swarming her on there (there were people with good points too. But mostly retards).
But then I found this. Peaches reactivated her old Twitter account, which you can access via Youtube link on her Youtube page. The only Tweet she made was, “ok Ender Slayer” in response to someone on Dec. 10.
I don’t know why she responded to this Tweet. It seems to be, on all accounts, a stupid idea.
Three people found her response and replied. Two appear to be real, but the other is an obvious sock puppet account who joined in December 2020.
This sock puppet posted a Google Doc which said that they hoped Peaches killed herself, Peaches deserved to be tormented by her groomer, etc.
[it’s in 2/3. I highlighted the kys parts].This wouldn’t be too suspicious (I’ve seen trolls do way worse), but when I clicked on their profile to investigate them, they had made many Tweets with this Google Doc tagging people like Prison Mate Luke, Nawnii, Omnia, and Peaches herself.
[in 3/3]My question to you, is that do you think this is a set up by Peaches, or do you think it’s a lowest denominator troll?
If this is a troll, I think it’s disgusting. I don’t think it’s appropriate to tell Peaches, who is suicidal and depressed, to kill herself.
Peaches did say here
>>1110070 that there were people trying to impersonate her. And we have evidence of her having really rabid haters who are at the mental age of 9.
And it would make sense for troll to make a sock puppet to do this. It’s not uncommon.
HOWEVER, I am suspicious of it. Because this sock puppet troll goes out of their way to tag people like Luke and Omnia, this troll could also be Peaches trying to get Luke and Omnia to show a bit of support her way so their fans stop bothering her so much.
BUT, there is also a Twitter account who sees this sock puppet, and instead of telling them off, they redirect that person to Peaches’ “actual” Twitter. So Peaches’ haters could be this low.
[in 1/3] No. 1112332
>>1112300>>1112303>>1112307If this is Peaches, she really is one manipulative bitch.
But on the other hand, if she wanted to pull the whole, “I’m getting death threats and people are so horrible” card, why wouldn’t she set this up for her first video? Her first video was the one that argued people were saying her mental health was fake, so this ‘evidence’ would work better for that.
Peaches also can’t call this person out on Twitter to get herself sympathy points on Twitter, since Peaches deleted her Twitter.
Unless Peaches’ second video brings this up, I can’t see a reason why Peaches would do this.
On a side note, it’s kind of fucked up that they @’d so many people, and not one of those people told them they were horrible or reported them yet. Even if this account is Peaches’, it’s still not right..
No. 1112392
>>1112332She could have made it because she saw much more shit was brung up after her original video came out and wanted to gain more sympathy. She also could have easily faked that discord account and when it didn't get as much attention she could have tried to ramp it up. Like the person said here
>>1110070 it's really easy to do that yourself and I really don't trust anything she has to say at this point. As for Omnia, Luke, etc. not doing anything about that account and Google doc; They either haven't seen it because Twitter mentions can get very easily missed or they have brung it up in private. It's not like reporting people is made public unless they themselves sent out a post telling others to do so. Overall this is really fucking weird. I can't find any info on the doc outside of it being created Dec 16th and that acc also replying to people with the doc linked the same day. Peaches used her old account to reply to that person on Dec 10th. I can't really find a correlation outside of Peaches using her old account to be shady showing that she is atleast somewhat active.
No. 1112990
>>1112392You’re right that Peaches could have created an alt for Discord, but it seems like a bit of a stretch. Unlike faking being trolled, faking a Discord account that hasn’t done anything doesn’t give someone a lot of sympathy. Like if Peaches was going to make an alt on Discord to get pity, why would she have the Discord alt do nothing? Why wouldn’t she make it harass her or her fans?
I’m mixed on the idea of Peaches creating a Twitter sock puppet to post something like this. On one hand, the Google Doc is not attached to a real Twitter user. I do think many of Peaches’ haters are braindead enough to do something as stupid and unfunny as this, but the fact that they created a sock puppet means they know their actions would get backlash. If they knew they were going to get backlash, why would they send it to other people besides Peaches? Why not just send it to Peaches to stick it to her and be on their merry way?
On the other side of the argument, if this sock puppet is Peaches, why wouldn’t she tag her YT Twitter account, and not the account that has been deactivated for a long time? And if this is Peaches, why wouldn’t she mention this happening anywhere? She hasn’t said anything on Twitter, in a Youtube video, or on her Youtube community tab. If she wanted sympathy, she would have to draw attention to the fact that this sock puppet sent her this to get any. Her not saying anything isn’t going to get her sympathy.
You assume that these Youtubers would care when they saw these posts by the sock puppet. But to be honest, I don’t think that they’d care. It’s a no-name troll sock puppet. It’s obvious bait, so to them, why take it?
Sure it could hurt Peaches, but they don’t care about Peaches, and giving the sock puppet attention will only satisfy their desire to be noticed.
No. 1113175
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>>1113075Yeah, that’s what I was saying. Why send it to other people besides Peaches? Why not DM her or tag
her only?
The thing about the low-key endorsement is that it could go for both Peaches or a troll. A young kid or stupid adult could of done this to see what Youtubers would do. But Peaches could of done the same thing, especially if she wanted to use it for evidence for something. Like, “Look guys! This guy posted this horrible thing and none of these Youtubers did a thing!” (to be fair, she would have a point if she made this argument. But it’s hard to prove that they didn’t report the Tweets, and the method of getting evidence is low and would work against her. So if she were even halfway intelligent, she wouldn’t do this).
One thing is for sure, whoever did this definitely wanted to be seen and noticed. Even if Peaches had her DM’s turned off to non-mutuals, this guy went out of their way to tag 8+ different Youtubers.
And the strangest thing, is that some of these Youtubers have nothing to do with the Peaches drama. Youtubers like SilentManJoe, Daniel T. Gaming, StreamlineW, and MythicHorse haven’t even made Peaches videos. And they’re not in Peaches’ subscriptions, either.
This is tinfoil, but I wonder if this was just a backburner scheme. Like Peaches did this, but she didn’t do it for public sympathy. She did it to convince someone in Discord DM’s that her critics are bad people.
That is, of course, impossible to prove. But it’s an interesting theory.
To be fair, maybe we’re just over-analyzing some dickbag troll who wanted to be bitter and repellant.
Also it’s funny that no one called out this Tweet until the 21st, which is when this Twitter thread was posted here and called out. (hello lurkers)
No. 1113645
>>1113574That video was boring and not very good. Not because I like Luke (I agree with all the flaws people have pointed out in his videos in this thread), but because Just Stop doesn't go in depth with his arguments and one of his main points is just "you're boring…"
Luke made a response. I wonder if it will be boring, too.
No. 1113807
>>1113645Judging by the like-dislike ratio, I feel Luke's response wasn't very good.
I wonder if at one point it'll soon turn into Tobi's response levels of ratio….
No. 1113885
>>1113574>>1113645>>1113807I don’t really care what the dislike ratio is.
Just Stop’s Video:Just Stop’s video was bad. I didn’t have a problem with him calling out Luke, but Stop went over a lot of points that have been contested here.
I want to point out that Just Stop says that Tobi, “vaguely called someone a MAP” at 8:45. Which is bullshit. It wasn’t vague. She directly said it. This makes me feel like Just Stop hasn’t done as much research as he claims.
At 9:10, Just Stop claims that Luke said Nawnii and Harsh were “massive Tobi supporters, being friends of hers that justify her terrible actions.”
This is mostly true. You notice how Just Stop doesn’t actually show us evidence of this? He does this with almost everything in his video. He just
says something, but he never
shows what was actually said. It’s hypocritical.
You also notice how Just Stop doesn’t provide evidence for Nawnii and Harsh not defending Tobi? Again. Hypocritical.
The false part of that statement is that Harsh and Nawnii’s videos were biased and poorly made. They did defend/justify some of Tobi’s behaviors, and both of them admitted that later and rescinded their videos.
Just a Robot ‘cut context’ point. It’s been addressed here before
>>1088550 , but there wasn’t any important context cut from Luke’s video on JAR. Not only that, but everyone in JAR’s video made completely different points based on who was speaking. Many people contradicted each other, such as Manga saying Tobi was wrong for drawing Todoroki and Sailor Moon in NSFW, and JAR saying that the drawings of Todoroki and Sailor Moon were fine and he didn’t see a problem with them. Their arguments were opposites. So the only way to respond to the points was to treat each person as if they were making their own separate points.
I don’t know anything about Antoons or Pyrocynical, so I won’t respond to those points.
I don’t have a problem with Just Stop saying that Luke’s first video on Peaches’ was lacking evidence (it was), but Just Stop acted as if Peaches was acting with upmost professionalism and care in their DM’s, when she just wasn’t.
Just Stop acted like Peaches didn’t keep involving herself in this drama, when we have documented here that she did.
Just Stop acts like Peaches losing 100 subs was, “Luke’s video negatively affecting her channel”. This has been addressed here before
>>1106467 , but 100-200 sub loss is not what anyone would consider a “negative effect”, especially since the sub loss was regained immediately the next day. Luke’s video had no impact overall on Peaches’ channel. I really doubt that when Luke said he didn’t affect Peaches’ channel, that he was looking at tiny minute numbers. He (and most normal people) are looking at the overall impact. And his overall impact on Peaches was none.
I also think Just Stop’s argument of, “Peaches didn’t say you said she was faking her mental illness. She said you portrayed her as someone who was faking her mental illness.” is a bad argument. These are one in the same. They’re the same thing with different words. It doesn’t change anything. (Luke also shows in his video at 17:40 that Peaches directly told him that she thought Luke was accusing her of lying about her suicide and the severity of her illness).
Just Stop’s points about Luke ‘not standing out’ and ‘not adding anything’ are subjective. I would like it if Luke would do things like have interviews, but just because Luke reports on things without adding anything doesn’t mean his channel is bad. I would also argue that Luke does add things, specifically with the Tobi drama. He was the only one to respond to JAR, for a start. He was also the first one to make a video on Peaches.
Just Stop questions why Prison Mate Luke’s audience should choose to watch his videos if he’s not unique or funny. But people watch Luke’s videos anyway. Just Stop acts like Luke’s channel is in the gutter or that he’s going to fail in the future, but Luke’s channel is doing just fine. There’s nothing wrong with Luke’s content. The only thing that can be improved is Luke’s argument skills and evidence gathering.
The fact that these last two points were brought up so much bored me to death. It’s so subjective, and I just don’t care.
Luke’s Video:At 7:00, Luke makes the argument that the Manga clip is bad because Manga cut the context of Kai saying, “by your logic.” While I think this is an okay point, it doesn’t address Just Stop’s point on whether or not Luke cut context. I, anon, don’t think the extra context adds anything. But Luke’s argument here isn’t good.
Luke follows it by arguing that JAR’s video was riddled with inconsistencies and everyone was saying different things. I think this is a better argument as he should of stuck with this one alone.
Most of Luke’s points are ok. I can understand both sides and why he feels the way he does. It’s not that there aren’t points to make against him, it’s that it’s clearly more of a matter of opinion.
That makes me sound biased, but honestly I thought I was going to rail against Luke a lot harder than I ended up doing. I was about to go off on several of his points. After I gave some thought to them, though, I can say that I didn’t find an abundance to disagree with.
In the end, I have a few points I agree with from both videos. But overall, I think both videos are mediocre.
No. 1113975
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>>1113645Just Stop commented, but I really can’t bring myself to care.
I laugh a little, because this is literally nothing. This is two grown men having a cat fight over semantics and, “your content would be better if you were like me.”
I’m too tired for this..
No. 1114452
To bring you something different, some points about one of Tobi’s streams:
Tobi: “I may have heavily.. heavily flirted with one of our friends. But now that it’s the next day, I’m like, ‘oops.. I don’t feel that way.’
Tobi’s Friend: I remember the first time I hung out with you guys. I specifically remember being up in the sky and screaming with her (Tobi) at somebody.
Tobi: Oh yeah! Those fucking cunt whores that tried to go after Talon calling him Corpse Husband, and it was fucking
triggering me! [mutes] It made me want to fucking punt them through a wall. [unmutes]
(Anon: Remember how in >>1092581 , people were claiming that Tobi was a drama starter in VR Chat, but we didn’t have any evidence? Now we have Tobi directly saying that she screamed as someone for comparing her friend’s voice to Corpse Husband, which I would assume is a compliment since most people seem to like him…?)1:05:15
Tobi gets a call from her DadTobi’s Dad called to say happy birthday. He wants to make birthday plans with her, he got her a gift, and he got her dog a gift.
At 1:13:45, Tobi’s Dad days, “Yeah, but I had to pay for a tire last time you wanted to go visit your mother..”
Tobi: “Dad.. I’ve seen your bank account. I know how much your company makes.”
Dad: “It doesn’t matter.”
Tobi: [laughs] “It does matter. ‘Cause I also know you do that thing where you pretend ‘like uh, it’s so much money!’ and I’m like.. Dad..”
Dad: “Oh, no no no. I’m in debt.”
Tobi: “No you’re not. Right. Sure you are. Dad, I’m not one of your dumb kids. I’m not one of your morons, like the first two.”
At 1:17:00 Tobi says, “I’ve been dodging his calls for a while. I’ve been dodging both of my parents’ calls for a very long while now.”
Tobi says her Dad is neglectful, and she was surprised he even remembered her birthday.
Tobi is having a private conversation with a friend of hers named AZ. The conversation involves AZ having a mutual breakup with his girlfriend because they both have severe mental illnesses. A female in their party who is a stranger comes up and asks if they want to go to a private room to have their conversation. Tobi agrees, but you can hear her go, “Don’t talk. Don’t talk. Don’t talk. Don’t talk. Don’t talk.” to herself. Tobi then mutes, and says she wanted to kick the girl in the mouth. At 1:40:30 she tells AZ that the girl sounded “annoying as fuck”.
Tobi is mad at a girl (Fallen) that her friend (Sadboyz) is dating. Tobi is mad at her because Sadboys chose to hang out with Fallen in her party one night instead of Tobi
((There’s also this weird drama where apparently Fallen is married, but in an open relationship. Tobi says that Fallen is faking her open relationship so she can mess around with Sadboyz, but Tobi doesn’t have any evidence of this that she mentions)).
Tobi says, “Hey, where’s Fallen? I really feel like I just want to cause problems tonight. Where’s Fallen? I really want to go see if I can go and test me and Sad’s relationship.”
Tobi is then told that, “Fallen deleted VR chat because of you.”
(Anon: Fallen is probably an attention whore loser, but the point still remains that there is more to this story than we can gather from Tobi’s version alone, and Tobi’s main point of anger against Fallen stems from the fact that Sadboyz wanted to hang out with Fallen instead of her. Also, Tobi keeps trying to convince Sadboyz to stay away from Fallen. I know it sucks, but you have to let your friends make their own decisions when it comes to who they want to date. Just let them deal with it on their own.)1:52:00
Tobi says she wants to go up to Fallen, get into a fist fight, and make her “cry in her pants”. She says, “Is she in a room? Can I beat her ass?”
Then she says, AGAIN, “I wanna test my friendship with… I wanna see how far I can push Sad.”
Tobi is told, once again, that Fallen deleted VR Chat. Tobi immediately replies, “No she didn’t.”
At 1:52:50 she says, “No she didn’t. She just wants attention.”
(Anon: Tobi needs to let this go. She’s 27 now. It’s not going to do Tobi any good to go around picking fights with her male friends’ girlfriends.)1:57:10
The chat says, “It’s better to just leave people alone..”
Tobi says, “I know, but I want to start a fight.”
The chat keeps telling Tobi not to start a fight with Fallen.
At 1:58:08 Tobi says, “But I want to fucking… You guys never let me do anything FUN.”
(Anon: If your version of fun is getting into cat fights online with strangers, you must not have a very eventful life)1:59:20
Chat: “It does good to avoid situations where it might
trigger your bpd”
(like a child) I know!! But I want to beat her assss!!! [whines] I wanna beat her asss!
Tobi gets herself into a lot of petty, highschool-level drama. Tobi proves that she likes to start fights and act bitchy for fun, and she acts like a child when she can’t. Tobi also has a call with her dad during the stream at one point, where she tells her dad that he should pay for her stuff since he “makes a lot of money”.
(Also there was a clip of Tobi going off on one of her fans because the fan kept trying to cheer her up and make jokes, and Tobi told him he wasn’t allowed to make jokes and that he said the worst thing possible to her etc. etc. I think she deleted it, because I can’t find it.)
No. 1114534
>>1114452Imagine having this much of a horrible personality. I cannot genuinely fathom how someone could ever be friend with her and it just leads me to believe that her friends (Nezziemonster, Madlibbs, and FuchsiaButter) Are just as
toxic and bad as she is because I wouldn't be able to stand her for more than 10 minutes. She's in her 20's and still acts like a slightly older version of Birdie. She's
toxic and bitchy to random strangers and a spoiled brat to her parents. Also, her going on about "wanting to beat someone's ass" is hilarious because I guarantee if she ever got into a fist fight she would take one hit and start screeching and rolling around on the ground.
No. 1114711
>>1114704I don’t feel sad about it at all.
Tobi is 27. She was diagnosed with BPD at 13. She has not done a single thing until now to try to help herself get better. And even now, all she’s doing is watching Youtube videos on it.
Tobi constantly acknowledges in her stream that it’s her BPD ‘making her do it’. But she doesn’t care. She enjoys this type of behavior and isn’t interested in change.
She chose to be as bad as she is.
No. 1114735
>>1113975This might be a good time to mention that Just Stop isn't a "grown man", but 16/17.
Dunno how old Luke is, though.
No. 1114737
>>1114452God, why is she so obnoxiously aggressive all the time? Even people I know who have BPD (yes, I know different people have/deal with their symptoms different ways) aren't this hair-
trigger bitchy on seemingly such a regular basis.
No. 1114790
>>1114748Came from Tobi's mouth herself, anon.
She mentioned it in this previous stream:
>>1095185 No. 1114795
>>1114748>>1114790She also mentions in this stream:
>>1114452 that to manage her anger issues, she'd have to go to therapy for her BPD, which she hasn't done.
No. 1114803
>>1114748I don’t know where you’re from, but typically in the U.S. they don’t give children (or adults, for that matter) much therapy. They typically over-rely on medications. So it’s perfectly possible for Tobi to have gone to a psychiatrist, been diagnosed, been given medication for her diagnosis’s, and not actually receive any therapy. (And I say this as someone who has been a patient at a therapist, a psychologist, and a psychiatric hospital)
>>1114735Kek. Sorry. My bad.
This is a
literal teenage slap fight over semantics and “your content would be better if you were more like me"
No. 1115674
I’m back watching another Tobi stream again. I just watched a small bit of her newest ones. Not the full ones this time.
People have been wondering about Tobi’s homelife/familial relationships. Tobi gives a small bit of insight into it in the streams I watched.
I’m going to be honest, the information Tobi gives in her streams feels very personal, and not something you should share with strangers. But Tobi has made it public, so I’m just writing it down.
Stream 1: Tobi begins recounting her story. She went to visit her dad on Christmas Eve.
(22:15) Tobi says her parents never showed love towards each other.
(23:20) Tobi says her dad acted like a spoiled cunt and lost his shit when she mentioned her step-dad. Tobi says her dad neglected and ignored her mom for years. She says he constantly talked shit about her during their marriage.
Tobi doesn’t really seem to like her siblings much. She refers to her older brother as “sociopathic”, and she says, “she’s the only one who can see it, apparently”
25:45, Tobi says she’s mad at her younger brother. She’s mad at him and her older brother because they have “casted their mom out”. Her brothers "casted their mother out" because they feel like their mother "abandoned" them during the divorce. Tobi says this makes her angry.
During the very last second on the stream, she says, “THEY ARE 27-”
Then Tobi’s Internet cuts out.
Stream 2: Tobi: My Dad starts screaming at me, saying that I only love him because he gives me money. Which by the way, isn’t even true. So I don’t know where he’s pulling that out of.”
[Anon: Probably here: >>1114452 ](3:00) Tobi: So I told my Dad, you know what? You only love me because you’re obligated to.
(3:18) Tobi: Like, I’ve never heard my dad tell me that he loves me. Oooooo. And then when I told him that, he was like, ‘Yes I have’. And I was just like, [Tobi stares at the camera] Really Dad?
[Anon: I want to cut in here. This specific thing is a lie. I know that, because I watched the previous stream >>1114452 , where you can hear Tobi’s dad on the phone. He says, “Love you darling.” at the end of the call at 1:16:05. I’m not saying he does it often, but he has said it before.]I feel bad for Tobi because the situation seems unhealthy and bad, and I can’t say she’s right or wrong because I don’t know. All I can say is that her entire family seems unhealthy, and Tobi seems very judgmental against her family. Tobi seems very dismissive of any feelings her family members have if they disagree with her own. It seems like the rest of her family members may have conditions of their own, especially with how Tobi says her father blew up and argued with her so easily. But it’s hard to tell with the limited information.
No. 1115741

0:00 Is just him explaining what he'll be talking about the funny thing is when he talks about the 2 people that made videos on Kai and Omnia he mentions Nawnii but says Harsh doesn't want to be mentioned which is just hilarious because Harsh's name has been talked about so much it's not like he's keeping a big secret by not mentioning her.
3:10 He explains his video and how it went. He also mentions Kamen, but not Fuchsia which is again funny.
4:11- He apologizes for calling Omnia a stupid woman, and Kai a racist
5:15- He explains his "16 isn't a kid" comment by saying he meant 16 year olds aren't children, but teenagers (they're still children nonetheless but, alright). He still never brings up how Tobi never meant "lolis" like he claimed multiple times.
6:23- He apologized on Fuchsia's behalf for calling Omnia a dense skulled leech.
Overall he really didn't bring anything new to the table so useless.
6:56- Is where the Peaches part starts with the Camila situation and nothing other people haven't brung up.
10:40- He talks about Avrona and still doesn't bring up anything new
12:04- He talks about Creepshow and still doesn't bring up anything
He kind of brings up some new info after this
13:40 He got into a call with Peaches 2 days after his original video dropped and Peaches messaged him saying
>Can you please not make a response to Luke or Kai? I feel it's just gonna get worse
14:22- He says that message was the reason he actually didn't cover Peaches part in Luke's video when he made the follow-up video. He didn't want her to get any backlash so he didn't touch
on it.
14:51- JAR: What was her thank you for me not talking about Luke's part?
He shows Peaches comment to him which was basically:
Peaches Comment: Why did you cut off the part where Luke called me a suicide baiter? I don't blame you for him attacking me but I was still in that video. And because you didn't cover it so it comes off as you agreeing with him. (Last part is a direct fucking quote from her what the fuck.)
18:18- He tells Peaches she needs to stop assuming the worst in people.
18:55- He explains Peaches looking over the script of the original collab.
>Me and Peaches are not friends we've only spoken in voice once
>Peaches tried to talk him out of it and she mainly looked over the script for grammar
>MangaKamen was the one that gave Junkie the link to the script and he felt backstabbed by Junkie for it, but to be fair Junkie apologized in private.
>Wishes Omnia had mentioned that he apologized for most of the things she brung up.
21:50- Tells Peaches to apologize and brings up Just Stop's video.
23:40 and on is the part where he tries to clear up some misinformation, or so he claims.
>He doesn't think the black Spongebob is actual black face, but his editor apologizes for it anyways.
>His other editor who is black comes on and vouches for him.
>JAR says he can be culturally and racially insensitive.
>Says he's taking a break and won't upload until Jan 8th.
30:55-One of his editors (Josh?) comes in and says his opinions
>Didn't know who Tobi, Kai, Omnia, Peaches was before all of this
>He was concerned on how JAR's reputation would be affected and tried to convince him to not make a video
>Actually agrees with Kai and Omnia on JAR's video
>Says he was disappointed to the point where he didn't want to edit the videos
>Whines about cancel culture and tell people to give JAR time to grow
Overall pretty uneventful and more repeating the same shit. The only interesting thing is that Peaches was supposedly trying to get people to stop making videos, but when JAR brung up Luke's video she got mad he didn't mention her in it.
>Peaches "Leave me out of this!…Unless you can someone make me look good then mention me and if you don't you're agreeing with the person that talked bad about me"
No. 1115744
>>1115741I think it's an okay video. I wasn't exactly expecting anything groundbreaking from JAR. I was interested if he would have a different take on the situation, but he used the opportunity to apologize instead. Which I'm not going to lambast him for. I felt like he was trying his best to apologize for everything everyone has brought up, and honestly I care way more about Tobi continuing to make mistakes than JAR not making a flawless apology.
People have been calling him actually racist (Thumin's new video on the CC directly called him a racist. Like it wasn't implied. She directly said it), so it makes sense that he would want to talk about it.
I think his interaction with Peaches was interesting and does add overall to the evidence of Peaches being scummy.
No. 1117013
>>1115744I can't say I disagree with the JAR being racist looking at his content. He's kind of built himself on invalidating
POC and women.
No. 1117109
>>1117013I don’t know much about JAR or his content. All I know is that he started out and continues to be more of an anti-left/anti-sjw type channel. I wouldn’t consider him racist for the sole fact he disagrees with left-leaning ideas on racism or sexism.
If you do think he’s racist, I would ask you for some solid evidence of him explicitly discriminating against people because of their race. Because that is not a light accusation.
Like it's not petty drama any more. It's not us shitting on Tobi because she called someone a bitch on stream.
You're calling someone an actual racist.
No. 1117191
File: 1609241043570.png (333.13 KB, 727x866, Mariakustu.png)

You guys remember the Mari Akustu person that made the 2 hour long video on Tobi? This one
>>1073244 . Well she's being absolutely dragged on Twitter and on her Youtube for making a fucking 500+ page callout post on a 13 year old that was messing with her. Apparently the kid didn't like that she shipped certain characters and trolled her on multiple accounts Akumu style after being blocked and Mari went absolutely fucking ballistic. She borderline doxxed the kid, threatened to sue her, revealed her voice in clips, and other weird ass bullshit. It's fucking wild. There's too much to screenshot but I'll link it here: No. 1117199
>>1117191Okay, I looked into the pictures in the thread and maybe I missed some parts, but I don't think Mari herself made that callout post being mentioned.
Because in the same tweet with the images it shows the headlines of the 500-page Google doc and one of them specifically refers to Mari in third person when talking about her experiences with the kid.
And along the thread shows multiple instances of Mari's experiences being told from a third-person pov
I haven't seen the rest yet so maybe the whole back-and-forth thing with Mari and Kal might be true, but the part where Mari wrote that 500-page callout post isn't.
(Also I guess as a side-note I don't get why the 13-year-old and 20-year-olds bit needed to be emphasized? Maybe I'm looking wrong into thins and feel free to correct me, but it kinda rubs me the wrong way since it feels like it's basically suggesting the notion that because they're minors they can't be called out for their shit behavior.
Something I find ironic with Madlibbs and co being mostly adults and yet called out a minor (Akumu). And no, I'm not defending Akumu's shit behavior, but I just find it weird why the age thing needed to be brought to the table?)
No. 1117263
>>1117109>>1117115I mean what you wouldn't consider racist doesn't mean somebody won't think it is racist.
All the things you both mention all sounds pretty racist to me. I'm just not as quick to excuse casual racism as "anti-left". Even if he's on the spectrum just writing off this behavior is dangerous. It just spreads hate and justification for hate.
I'm not saying he's a super mega racist who agrees with the KKK or anything but he is at the least casually racist and blatantly sexist. You can be unknowingly racist through ignorance and it's not an end all be all you're a bad person. People have bad takes all the time they chance their minds on once they have more information.
No. 1117344
File: 1609262341161.png (166.21 KB, 875x1177, MariYoutubeCommunityTab.png)

>>1117191>>1117199According to Mari's Youtube community tab, she wrote the doc. So unless Mari was hacked, this was her.
>>1117263Sure. Everyone can believe what they want is racist. That is up to them. But if you're calling someone racist, it's important to know what the person actually did to get them that label.
Simply disagreeing with left-leaning opinion is not racist to a lot of people, and it is not worthy of the same level of callout as if JAR was actually purposefully discriminating against people due to their race.
When someone gets called out for being racist, people are not going to think, "Oh, he was just accidently being casually racist through ignorance." They're going to think the worst thing possible. That is why you have to be careful with this sort of thing.
No. 1117548
File: 1609278401377.png (2.08 MB, 632x5378, Mari Akustu 1.png)

>>1117191>>11173441/4For anyone wanting the doc, a user on reddit posted that you can get to it through the WayBackMachine:*0qa2cUtTQQhTyy-YI-4UuQ (I got access to it. Though some pages are blank, and it doesn’t seem to load properly. I think it might load, it just takes a reeeeaaallly long time, and the white spots are pictures that haven’t loaded in.)
The kid has been posting stuff about Mari on Twitter
(1/4). I went to check if Mari had an ArchiveofOurOwn page, and she does: of it are in
(2/4).The FUNNIEST part of this is what Mari considers “bullying”.
What I could load I found amusing
(3/4).tldr; of the doc
(4/4).Basically this drama involves a 13-year-old disliking any shipping between characters that are a minor and an adult, even when fully aged up. Apparently the kid calls anyone who has these ships pedos (which is bad tbf, but not worthy of a 500-page doc).
The kid is probably stupid and cringey, like all kids, and it was a waste of Mari’s time to make such a long document dedicated to someone who won’t even be the same person in a few years.
Mari also goes on at the end of the doc about how this kid wrecked her mental health, posting pictures of her antipsychotics, and how she could potentially sue if she wanted to and.. yeah.. It’s dumb.
No. 1117744
>>1117735Yeah it’s really dumb. On one hand, the kid shouldn’t be going around, telling people to kill themselves, and calling everyone pedophiles.
But like… really Mari? Wtf? How is that worth a 500-page doc? How is a 13-year-old doing this stuff even new to you? At
most it deserves a Twitter post. 500-pages just makes you look unhinged. Especially when you are so pressed over their Tweets that you have depressive hallucinations.
No. 1117787
File: 1609299163774.png (92.83 KB, 875x534, jespcomment.png)

>>1117744It should be noted that for some reason Mari privated/deleted her video on Tobi. At first I was confused because I can't see why the Tobi one correlates to her recent backlash (the Glitch Tech videos however I can definitely understand).
But after seeing Only Jesp's comment on Mari's latest community post (that comment ratio though), I think I can see why.
(I will say that I don't necessarily agree with some of the comments saying how it's "impossible" for Mari to be bullied because she's an adult and they're a kid.
Maybe "bullying" is the wrong word, but you can be an adult and DEFINITELY still be harassed by stupid kids who hide behind many alts and have nothing to do with their free time other than policing fandoms and throwing pedo accusations over drawings. I've literally seen this happen to a few artists in say, the JoJo fandom where dumb 14-year-olds lead a hate mob over them because of drawings.)
No. 1117819
File: 1609301520011.png (1.02 MB, 608x4386, OnlyJesp-FishLizard Hauling As…)

>>1117787Kek. OnlyJesp is trying to haul ass as far away from Mari as fast as possible.
On a side note, it’s annoying to see all these people on Twitter acting like the kid is some “poor, sweet, innocent 13-year-old uwu baby”
Like the kid is a little shit. A majority of kids are little shits.
And the ship isn’t pedophilia. It was a 15-year old and an 18-year old.
Potentially weird in real life, but it’s fiction, so who gives a shit?
The only reason the kid is right at all is because Mari is some kind of lunatic who has obsessively followed this random kid, wrote a HUGE doc on them, and apparently doxxed them (I’m not sure about the dox. People say it happened, I haven’t seen it, and I don’t know what specific information was doxxed).
No. 1117924
>>1117819Agreed. This is the reason why a lot of minors on the internet lately go around acting like spoiled twats and pulling out the "I'm a minor!" card everytime they get called out for their shit behavior.
Not to mention that this all started because some 13-year-old goes around throwing pedo accusations and making callouts over a fictional ship when they can't even be bothered to block the tag or the person in the first place.
I get that Mari had massive issues when she chose to make that post over the kid (like 500 pages worth of receipts, really?!) but the kid isn't innocent either and contrary to what those comments on Mari's community post say, I have doubts on the whole "you traumatized the poor kid" spiel they seem to be using as ammo to attempt to deplatform her.
Also that 3rd screenshot is kinda hilarious in hindsight because they vilified Mari for obsessing over a kid, and here the kid is retweeting a Twitter account dedicated to posting receipts of her.
No. 1118186
>>1117787 OnlyJesp: “You are the definition of predatory.”
I get that Mari acted like a total retard about this, acting
insane even, but how is she a predator? How is what she did relatively close to CSEM or CSEA? What Mari did was not even comparable, and it’s disgusting for OnlyJesp/FishLizard to say that.
>>1117819I’m really unsure about the “dox”. Whenever people blur out information from the document, it’s always the usernames of the kid. They never show that Mari showed any
actual personal information, such as real name, address, etc. They never show that Mari released any information that wasn’t public.
If all Mari did was publish their usernames/public information, that’s not a fucking dox.
And if it is a huge problem, then the people who have a problem with it should have a problem with the kid, because the kid went around, posting people’s usernames who made fanfictions they didn’t like, and called them pedophiles.
>>1118168I think Mari’s reaction to this situation is crazy. But this video is biased and bad.
Like it’s really not hard to call someone out for making a 500-page doc on some little twat they should’ve just blocked or memed on, but this person is going with the whole, “perfect angel child” route.
>“When have you ever used the term lemon?”…I didn’t know people didn’t know what lemon meant. That term has been used in fanfiction for an extremely long time.
But even if they didn’t know, the argument wasn’t that the kid should. The kid argued that the fanfic wasn’t labeled as NSFW, yet the fanfiction had the tag ‘lemon’. It’s not the author’s fault if someone stumbles upon their work and doesn’t know what one of the tags means.
This is like if someone came across a fanfiction with the tag “futa” and then got mad because there were girls with dicks.
>“Mari was trying to justify weird, gross, age-gap relationships”I really don’t think 15 and 18 are that bad. That’s a 10th grader and a 12th grader. Both in highschool. In real life I might be a bit wary, but these characters are fictional, so there is literally no worry about this ship/relationship.
And since Mari wasn’t arguing that it was okay in real life, just okay in these fictional settings, then I don’t see why it matters.
>”Mari called kid out for shipping themselves with Five. Kid is 13, and the character is 15. The issue is apparently the age-gap is disgusting and illegal. This is insane. Firstly, this is a two year age-gap. And secondly, it’s not wrong for kids to get crushes on fictional characters.”….
The point was the kid was disgusted by a ship between two characters that were 15 and 18, meanwhile they shipped themselves with someone who is 15. Mari’s point wasn’t that the kid was disgusting, but that the kid was a hypocrite.
(Which, by the way, kid’s ship would be creepy in real life, because the difference between a 13-year-old and a 15-year-old is huge. But it’s okay because it’s fiction.)
No. 1118303
File: 1609369684201.png (79.38 KB, 1366x643, MariDocumentScreenshot.png)

>>1118168>>1118186Yeah I’m not a fan of this video, either. When you admit that you didn’t read the full document, and you collaborated with Kal (“the kid”), to make the video, it’s so obvious that you’re not going to get the whole picture.
No one agrees with the document. But that doesn’t mean that Mari was trying to justify “weird age gap relationships”. At least not in real life, which is important. The way it’s said in this video makes it sound like Mari is cool with age gap relationships in real life, when Mari says in the document and in her videos that she isn’t.
People are also strawmanning Mari’s point that Kal should of blocked the tags they didn’t like instead of posting about it on Twitter and potentially sending the fanfiction writers hate. I have seen people on Twitter argue that Mari was, "just mad that Kal didn’t support her ship” and that Mari was, “saying Kal wasn’t allowed to be disgusted by the fanfiction.” Neither of these are true.
There are plenty of stupid arguments that Mari makes in the document. You don’t have to make up arguments to make her look bad. She already looks bad. I don’t know a single person that agrees with her.
It’s so obvious that people are taking the worst interpretations they want so they can have, once again, a good-guy bad-guy story. Because in the ACC/CC and on Twitter, that’s the only thing that appeals to the kiddies. Because kiddies don’t understand nuance.
No. 1118404
File: 1609378330387.png (132.38 KB, 874x581, OnlyJesp Fishlizard End of Vid…)

>>1118378Oh my gosh, her voice is soooooooo slooooowwwwwww.
The video was mentioned, but it was in a screenshot among all these
>>1117819Yeah, you basically summed up the last six posts here.
Once again, it’s interesting that none of these “friends” go to each other to talk out their problems. They just immediately publicly jump-ship in front of everyone so they don’t get dog-piled.
I guess the reason that OnlyJesp/Fishlizard dropped Mari and not Peaches was because she thought Mari was a criminal and/or a predator? But she doesn’t explain how? Like
>>1118186 said, that’s pretty gross of her to say.
No. 1118426
File: 1609379773648.png (437.4 KB, 626x1432, Kid - Val Twitter Posts.png)

But like…
Isn’t this targeted harassment…?
Isn’t this.. the same as what Mari did to you..? Or worse, since Mari obsessively said not to send hate all over her doc, and Val is explicitly sending hate to Mari?
No. 1118456
>>1118426Oh but anon, don't you know?
An adult can't EVER be harassed ("bullied") by a kid.
Nevermind if the kid uses alts to keep calling you out as a pedophile over fictional shit and showing your @ to several people to get them to report your account.
As an adult, you gotta be "the better person" and "should
know better"
No. 1118798
>>1118426"Rules for thee, not for me"
Brats like this need their internet access taken away.
No. 1119211
File: 1609457682364.png (1.95 MB, 631x11259, ValtoAddtotheFire.png)

>>1118426I collected these to add to your pile. They are Val Tweeting about Mari, Val retweeting about Mari, Val retweeting Tweets that say that Mari doesn’t deserve a platform and outing all possible accounts relating to her, and Val saying they “just want the situation to be over!”, meanwhile they milk it for all the attention they can get because they’re 13 and that’s all 13-year-olds care about.
Also I found this Tweet Val retweeted harassing a random Twitter person for the
sole fact that they identify as a bi-lesbian. Which is a term that typically means a person is bi but has a preference for women.
(2nd to last screenshot)The last Tweet is Val thirsting over a character that is 26. Val sure does have a problem with those age gap relationships, huh?
No. 1119341
>>1119326No one is defending Mari. Mari is 100% wrong for continuing to engage with Kal
(though Mari did block Kal. That is in the document. I think Kal continued to lob pedo accusations at Mari and the like, not sure the exact details, take it with a grain of salt). We’re just saying that Kal is an annoying brat and shouldn’t be getting all this “uwu perfect angel” press. We’re not saying that Kal is worse than any other annoying 13-year old, but currently CC channels and Twitter are running with the “Kal did absolutely nothing wrong" narrative. You can find Tweets heralding Kal as “better and smarter than other 13-year-olds" and it’s ridiculous. Kal is not an angel, but an annoying brat. That’s all anyone is saying here.
Everyone does stupid things when they’re a kid. That doesn’t mean they should be praised for calling people pedophiles falsely. People are currently siding with Kal that Mari is some kind of creep or pedo because she ships two fictional characters that are both in a normal age range.
Jesp seems illogical in everything she does. Even her Tobi video was hard to follow.
No. 1119723
>>1119513From what I remember, this video was more of a basic, “don’t make accusations without solid evidence.” type video. I remember Ponder saying that Dollieguts has stolen characters, etc. etc., but accusations made in this specific video are often poorly substantiated.
I don’t know much about the situation, so I can’t say if the video is good or bad. I’ll have to check the Kiwi thread, I guess. But so far, the like-ratio is good, the video has positive comments, and no CC members have said anything negative about it.
It doesn’t seem like a slip-up, but if it is, I doubt it’ll affect her at all.
No. 1119890
>>1119513(sage for blog)
It's funny that you mentioned this, because chimerama's video is how I found lolcow. Dollieguts is an interesting cow.
No. 1120051
>>1119723The Kiwi thread is such a fucking rabbit hole, Salem or whatever is honestly kind of a terrible person and it's disheartening to see Ponder straight up admit she didn't talk to any of their
victims. Omnia atleast contacted the other people. The stolen OC shit is so benign compared to everything else.
No. 1120269
>>1120051Well it's just..
This video wasn't really about Dollieguts. It was just about one specific video made on Dollieguts by one specific creator. So I don't really see why it matters.
No. 1120836
Don't know if anyone caught it but, Peaches unlisted her original response video. You can still watch it courtesy of this post
>>1103079 . I can't tell when she unlisted it, but I find it funny nonetheless kek. I have to wonder why she unlisted it. Too scared of the massive backlash? Having a moment of clarity where she realizes that all of it was a bunch of dodging and lies that no one actually fell for? Wonder if that second part will ever actually be made now. She hasn't said anything on that old Twitter or anywhere else from what I've seen.
No. 1121593
File: 1609739924883.png (635.14 KB, 275x1629, TobiMajestic Instagram Story.p…)

According to this video: Tobi posted this to her Instagram story (Tobi’s new Instagram:
If this is true, then we can expect a Hopeless Peaches video from Tobi soon.
It seems odd, though, because Tobi denied getting involved when Peaches asked her to be involved.
No. 1121680
>>1121593"Final commentary video"This is really telling of how Youtube has failed Tobi due to the backlash from her drama resulting to her moving on to Twitch now. But the fact her sort of sendoff video is about Peaches, who has expressed not wanting anything to do with her at all is kinda funny in all its irony.
Her talk of "this drama is dumb" and how people should "get their priorities straight" alongside while wanting to make a video on it to attempt to stick up for Peaches is literally how it went for JAR on his shit video and honestly I don't get why she even bothers considering her channel has already gone downhill as it is.
I will say it's interesting how Tobi claims that Shannon apparently lied about Peaches' involvement. So now we're getting two contrasting sides of the same situation.
Though given Tobi's habit of lying, this could also be another bs claim but who knows if Tobi will actually show receipts to back that up.
(Also, the whole slew of "whores" and "crack cocaine" all over her ig story sperging isn't gonna help her case when the video drops, since everyone will likely focus on her ad hominems than take anything she says seriously.)
No. 1121832
>>1121680Yes and no.
I think Tobi is giving up commentary moreso because she's
finally realized how much it negatively affects her BPD (she said it on stream). I have no idea why her final video will be on Peaches, though, as Peaches already asked Tobi to help her, and Tobi said no.
It's not interesting. Everyone that has been lurking here a long time knows that Peaches' involvement in Tobi's Creepshowart video was practically nothing (see the end of
>>1104044 )
What is interesting is that apparently Tobi told Creepshowart directly that Peaches was not involved, and Creepshow ran with the story anyway.
I'll listen to what Tobi has to say. As has been discussed here many times, many claims against Peaches are stupid and false. There are some good ones, and some bad ones.
I doubt anyone will care, though. Tobi will get disliked-bombed, and almost no one will watch the video fully, because people
want to hate Peaches. Even if Tobi does make good arguments, you'll just have a bunch of 9 and 14-year-old spergs in the comments saying things that don't even make any sense.
(also, just using an insult is not ad hominem)
No. 1122158
>>1121832I wouldn't say "many" of them were false.
While Shannon's was flimsy due to lack of screenshots and Luke's were shaky due to misrepresenting points here and there…
Camila, Avrona, Kai and Omnia had a lot of evidence to back up there claims (at least, aside from the one bit where Omnia claimed Peaches worked on the script for that JAR video since
that was rather flimsy).
Heck, even JAR brought something new with his screencaps, showing that Peaches just really
is as flip-floppy as Omnia has shown she was throughout the Tobi drama.
I'll see what Tobi has to say on her video when it drops, but I'll be taking it with a huge grain of salt considering how Tobi has been shown to lie about things as well and focus on trivial details that help her argument instead of focusing on the main points (a la her "Addressing my controversies" video).
are ad hominem if that's all you offer on a debate or a criticism, though. If your only solid point in reaction to people showing receipts against Peaches are calling them "clout-chasing whores" that literally destroys the weight of your argument and people are less likely to listen to anything you have to say.)
No. 1122185
>>1122158Eh. Semantics.
I do agree with Tobi that certain claims are overblown. Like Peaches is a shitty, wishy-
washy friend that goes with whoever has the most popular opinion. Okay. I just won't watch her. That's not something that's so bad that it's worth me going to her Twitter or channel and blasting her. It's not drama that interests me enough to watch her profiles to see what she'll do next.
So for certain things, I understand where Tobi is coming from.
Some things I don't think are overblown. For example, I think that Camila has the best case for Peaches being a scumbag. The rest, however, is mostly just personal drama that I don't put much weight in. Like it's bad behavior and it should be called out, I just don't think it's 20 videos and cancelation worthy.
We'll have to see what Tobi is actually talking about when the video drops, because there is no way to guess which arguments she will choose to argue against.
And of course I'll be taking it with salt. It's Tobi we're talking about.
(My point about ad hominem is that people like to say people are using it when referring to any insult, even if a logical argument follows the insult. And I expect people will do that if Tobi makes a video. In this Instagram post, yes, Tobi saying that everyone is just "clout chasing whores" in response to everyone's arguments is an ad hominem. Sorry for confusion.)
No. 1122410
>>1121593This is probably gonna be a JAR situation where she just makes things 100xs worse and judging by how she's talking about the CC; She's gonna do the exact same thing she did on the LOH stream. This is how I'm predicting this video is gonna go:
>She'll start with something about how commentary is bad for her BPD and how she's decided to no longer do it. If she has any sense she might bring up how she acted after the LOH stream and acknowledge her faults in that, but knowing Tobi that is asking for way too much and if she mentions it, will blame it on her BPD>If she's really stupid she'll bring up this thread again>Something along the lines of her calling CC some forms of "bitches", "cunts", "beta/alpha", "cuck" and whining about how they don't stick up for anyone like how no one did in her situation and when they did they got mobbed for it.>Her showing some type of weird shit pertaining to her Creepshow video that doesn't really prove her point>Bitching at Shannon>Bring up her BPD again and Peaches mental health>Repeat how stupid the situation is about 1000 times>Not bring up the issues Camilla had and if she does, use strawmans to try and justify it>More dumb bs about bandwagon hate or some other buzzword she'll use over and over>More BPD shit that has nothing to do with the situation at hand>End with her saying "Fuck you" to the CC, calling them middle school level insults, and rage quitting in the end with her plugging her Twitch.Either way it more than likely won't crack 10k at most unless the algorithm somehow pushes it. Bonus points if Madlibbs, Nezziemonster, or FuchsiaButters promote the video. It'll be mass disliked by any leftover people because of the past drama she's been in. This'll be the end for Tobi being a CC channel and she'll get alot less interesting after this so it's good this thread and the one that follows it will dedicated to the wider topic of the ACC. Her channel is dying and she knows it so she has to go out kicking and screaming like the child she is.
Everyone get your Bingo cards out to see how many I hit when her video comes out.
No. 1122927
File: 1609877700991.png (1.55 MB, 1128x1994, TobiMarz Instagram Stories 152…)

>>1121593I doubted the legitimacy of these screenshots, so I went to check Tobi's stories. Tobi does post stories like these, so I guess they're legit.
Also apparently she's getting in drama with a random 16-year old loser.
No. 1123441
File: 1609905607130.png (200.2 KB, 734x873, Junkie Twitter on Mari.png)

>>1123367According to your descriptions, this video has nothing of interest. Anyone who has been lurking here for a long time knows what happened. And non-lurkers have the Spoctor video to summarize. We already know the events of the Tobi situation. We already know Tobi fucked up. We already know Tobi doesn’t regret it (that much is obvious, especially with her streams). We already know leaking DM’s isn’t illegal. We already know that Tobi and JAR escalated things. We already know Fuchsia is biased and stupid af.
(Tangent/Mild Tinfoil? about Junkie)I do find it interesting that Junkie was the original collaboration partner. Now, this is a bit of a tangent, so bear with me.
Madlibbs’ originally wanted to make a video on Omnia/Kai because she was Tobi’s friend and she was biased. So I guess Junkie wanted to join Madlibbs because Junkie was Madlibbs’ friend, and therefore he was biased towards her. This went so far as for him to not believe Trent when he said he was blackmailed, despite evidence of the blackmailing being all over Twitter and CC videos.
According to your summary, Junkie couldn’t see Madlibbs’ bias on his own. His editor had to tell him they were wrong.
Alongside this, Junkie broke his friend’s trust here:
>>1109288And, just by Googleing his Twitter, I found this. Where apparently, Junkie made a rash Tweet about Mari Akustu before even knowing what actually happened. (For reference, the 13-year-old wasn’t called a pedo. The kid called Mari a pedo when she isn’t. You would think since Junkie does commentary, he would at least
try to check his facts before posting instead of just taking someone's word for it.)
Does anyone else feel that Junkie is a rash, emotional decision-maker? He just gives me bad vibes, and I don’t trust him.
No. 1135558
hey im mari. im taking a break from the internet because the drama had people send me death threats to my dms, youtube comments, and some personal emails of mine. i had to deactivate my accounts and hide my channel for my mental health esp since i saw hallucinations again. all i have left is to contact friends and family. i went back to my psychiatrist after not visiting her in 11 months earlier in january 2021. i had taken low doses of my medication last year thanks to family budget cuts brought upon thanks to the pandemic. i didnt have a job but looked for freelance work on twitter and on linkedin which had been fruitless. it is more fruitless now given that people are now after me for opening up what my bully did to me. even people are mad that im referring to the minor as my bully. i didnt doxx them as everyone claimed . their discord accounts and voice was what they posted on their public accounts and what they used to join known public discord accounts (one called hinobicord, the other glitchcord). i didn't give out her full name, her home address, her passwords or her emails because i really don't know what they are. i dont even know who hacked her esp since you need someone's email and password to access a discord account. and if you did, discord will send the user a verification email to certify that a login was from the owner of the account. i only knew kal's country because she had put the Dominican flag or put Dominican in her bio before. the same can be said with the name that starts with "d." she has put that in her bio and twitter name several times. same can be said with her voice. she had put a recording of her voice with the same app corpsehusband uses to upload his voice recordings to his twitter account on her regular twitter account, which is public. she also posted pics of her face on her twitter too. i did my best not to link them back since i really wanted people to avoid her. i guess this was an error in my part.
im going to learn and do better from this. i've only known about what's being talked about me because my friends are following the situation and kal can't seem to keep my name out of my mouth yet my friend said she labelled my name as a
trigger. my name is now a
trigger to me and i dont want to use my own name, mari, anymore because of this drama. kal has leaked my facebook and i had lost my connection to my real life friends thanks to that. a lot were worried since i had almost attempted to take my life before. i had almost attempted to do that again during this drama but luckily my mom was downstairs so i didn't continue at the attempt. i finally took exams to get an updated psychological profile of my current condition. during my last appointment, my psychiatrist has now updated my diagnosis from depression with psychotic features to schizoaffective disorder, which is a mental disorder that makes someone see hallucinations or delusions when they are in a state of mania or in a depressive state.
Source: really wanted to give out an apology video and response according to the public's wishes. hell, i even dmed kal on her discord just to apologize for her discord getting hacked since she kept blaming that doc for the hack and she wished me the worse. but my friends said that if i had hallucinated so much and almost committed suicide, i should prioritize myself first.
so thats what im doing now: putting myself first by getting better from my illness as my psychiatrist put it.
im learning from this. i had friends tell me that i had done something wrong and i admit that what i did was stupid. i didnt know it was at the time and i apologize for it. i am a grown ass woman who's had people avoid her all her life just for being weird. i was bullied and avoided just for speaking english fluently (something people saw as snooty in my country). so i dont know social cues that much. i often have to have people tell me what i did wrong to learn.
i heard that jesp and other youtubers made videos about me. im mentioning jesp here since she said she called me a friend yet it seemed that she had not read the doc, which i showed her some time before i made public, in dms. to prove it, i had read her doc about an abuser of hers when she came back from a break from the internet.
i feel backstabbed by EVERYONE i knew online. and mari is dead at this point. mari is dead but
i should get better from this.
thank you to those who took the time to hear my side and told me how to better myself. i will get better. have a good life, everyone. bye for now.
(Namefag, blogpost) No. 1135571
>>1135558Odd thing to post here, of all places. But I’ll humor this as legit for now.
No one here could find any proof of actual doxing, so I don’t think any of us thought you doxed Kal.
However, it is very strange and obsessive behavior to collect information on someone when it isn’t necessary. Posting Kal’s voice, all their profiles, their country, their face, etc. simply wasn’t necessary for your callout post. It comes off as creepy and weird when you add in all this information that doesn’t actually matter.
If you want to learn to be better, learn to let go and when to stop interacting. There are thousands of Internet-famous people who have little shits falsely accuse them of all sorts of things. Unless hundreds or thousands of people start believing lies about you, then it doesn’t matter. Kal shit-talking you with a bunch of their stupid kid friends shouldn’t of gotten to you.
If rumors about you
do get to the point where you need to address them, keep your addressing short, direct, and simple. Explain the situation, a rundown of your detractor’s points and why they believe what they believe, and your defense. And of course apologize if you have actually done something wrong.
Don’t do what you’re doing now. Don’t try to justify and explain your actions while simultaneously saying you’ll “learn to be better”. That doesn’t mean anything, and it comes off very poorly.
Be specific. Always say what you’re sorry for and what you’re going to change. If you’re not sorry for something specific, explain what that is and why.
I do think you’re incredibly stupid, but I don’t think you deserve death threats. Honestly, I don’t even think making a callout post on Kal was a bad thing. But you made it ridiculously long, and you didn’t explain things properly, and you added a bunch of information and points that didn’t matter.
You’re right everyone dropped you. Welcome to the full CC experience. You’re only everyone’s friend until they can use you in their next drama video.
Your only true chance of coming back is if someone is willing to hear your side and present it without being biased (Spoctor is typically the example people choose for this). You’ll still always be that retard that made a 500-page-doc on a random kid, but you won’t be a “doxer” or a “person that called a 13-year old a pedo” anymore.
Frankly, you seem way too delicate to be on the Internet currently. You seem extremely unhealthy, and you seem like you have no idea what normal social behavior is. You let things get to you way too much.
Come back when a random kid on Twitter shit-talking you doesn’t phase you any more.
No. 1136618
>>1136604I do wonder if the person behind that tweet is actually aware of/follows this thread, since a lot of their tweets share similar talking points that were mentioned here in regards to the Mari/Kal drama.
(In fact, they even mentioned the irony that is Jesp being a snake dropping Mari like a hot potato while still sticking by Hopeless Peaches who has had MULTIPLE cases with various people.)
I will say that's a bit of a smart move locking the thread, since they'll more than likely get ratio'd to hell for even trying to play devil's advocate with the unpopular opinion that isn't glorifying Kal as a "uwu poor
Then again, given op of that thread is underage, who knows if Twitter just might go easy of them.
No. 1136642
>>1136637I mean tbf Prison Mate Luke's credibility as of late as really been spiraling downward since Just Stop's video(s) on him and the recent scuffle he's getting into with HarleyTBS
(Now, I don't even know who Harley is aside from that one video they made during the Peaches drama but from looking at the comments on PML's video on them I can see the same situation from Mari's drama happening with Luke.
A bunch of people in the comments getting pissed at Luke for "exposing" Harley because they're "just a kid" (being 16) and are
actually defending Harley's supposed "clout-chasing")
I guess getting away with clout is okay as long as you're a kid, huh?
No. 1136878
>>1136832I'm with you up until you included this message
>>1136642this is a completely different anon separate from the other messages because
I was the same anon behind that message, lol
(Plus, in that list mine was the only one that was saged)
No. 1137709
I know the Peaches drama probably died out, but I came across this Google doc that was made to refute a lot of the arguments/videos against her. will say that while it's shown a bunch of new screenshots to add context towards the claims (particularly towards Shannon/Creepshow's side of the story), the doc was created by Peaches's friends, so there's likely
obvious bias, but take this as you will.)
No. 1137848
>>1137709The first point in this doc is about how Luke
implied and
suggested Peaches was faking her mental health problems.
I’m so sick of this stupid argument. There have been so many good criticisms of Luke’s video here in this thread, and yet morons are still pedaling this same, bad argument.
No, Luke did not imply or suggest Peaches’ faked her mental health problems. He said that she used them in order to gain sympathy. AKA Suicide/sympathy baiting.
A lot of idiots in the comments may argue that Peaches was faking her mental health stuff, but Luke did not argue that. Ffs, direct your arguments at the actual people who make them.
I don’t understand why her friends and Peaches herself try to defend this. You shouldn’t bring your problems to a public Internet forum. Not only because of your followers’ mental health, but because it isn’t good for your own mental health, either.
Stop trying to defend it. It was bad, it was unhealthy, and it isn’t okay to do. Even if Peaches did commit suicide, it still wouldn’t be okay to do.
Secondly, they bring up the subscriber loss point. We have been over this same point in this thread multiple times (
>>1113885 and
>>1106467 ). I’m sick of this point. It’s a bad point.
200 subs is not “mass unsubbing”. 200 subs is not an overall negative effect on Peaches’ channel. Anyone who argues Peaches was not
greatly exaggerating Luke’s effect on Peaches’ channel is blinded by their love for Peaches.
I’m not reading past this part because I don’t trust the authors. They are clearly biased in Peaches’ favor, and just in the first few pages they are already bending the evidence to suit their narrative.
If someone else reads it, tell me if there’s anything worthwhile, because I’m not bothering.
No. 1139713
>>1137709Given the doc's disclaimer literally starts off mentioning that it was "a
collaborative effort between friends of Peaches" which practically implies Peaches's friends got together to make this document (lol)
It makes me wonder if Jesp or Scrittus were among those friends who contributed to this doc.
Scrittus most especially since I remember seeing him in the comments on videos criticizing Peaches (and even on his own video defending her) going on about how "context was cut" and/or "there's more behind the scenes" in regards to the Peaches's situation on Omnia/Kai/Camila/etc.
(Plus, another reason why I feel like Scrittus likely contributed to this is because the doc uses the same "200 mass unsub" argument that he had on his video)
>>1106467I'd say maybe even Mangakamen probably contributed to the doc given he's also a friend of Peaches but that seems less likely compared to Jesp and
especially Scrittus.
No. 1142177
>>1142011Honestly it's good that Tobi doesn't even get the luxury of having people hate-watch her videos like with Madame.
Not only does it prevent her from getting that ad revenue out of it, but it really hammers home how much she
really fucked up and no one's having it.
No. 1142971
>>1142928Considering this is Jesp we're talking about here
you know, the one who stood by Peaches's side despite various claims against her, saying how "friends should help each other, not play hot potato" yet ironically did
that exact thing to Mari (whom they claimed was their friend up until that drama)
And the fact Hot Box has made videos dunking on Peaches,
I have some suspicion that Jesp's video on Hot Box might be anything like that one where they go after Luke and JAR with a slice of Peaches defense.
(If it
does actually become
that kind of video, I wonder if they'll bring up that Peaches defense doc, lol)
No. 1143006
>>1143002wait that actually happened? i only ever saw her horrible "addressing my allegations part 1" video when it dropped, kek
i didn't know there had been a video that she actually made towards the hot box
it must've been a complete spur of the moment upload since the closest i've ever seen on Peaches's slipup on her response video being mentioned in the comments was how the initial title was the video's date before she changed it to "addressing the creepshow allegations"
No. 1143438
>>1143006The video had some filename-type title from what I remember, like "response" or some shit like that. But in it she sounded pissed, she was talking about how she wanted videos like Hot Box's to stop and more
victim shit. She definitely took it down because she was getting too angry.
There was like double digit views when I showed up, and I've been searching for someone with it ever since.
No. 1143603
>>1143438She uploaded it and took it down already? Kek I wonder if she had a small moment of clarity and pussied out a few hours after uploading it.
Here's Peaches new Twitter too: No. 1143672
File: 1611782963791.png (825.79 KB, 1242x1848, happening.png)

>>1143603She says it's for "not getting overwhelmed" how much money does someone wanna bet she has all those commentary channels like Luke, Box, and Creepshow blocked?
No. 1145011
File: 1611902921459.png (43.87 KB, 865x323, serveradmin_comment.png)

>>1144694Alright, I've watched the video and it does bring up some fair points. I actually never heard of the Karen Klein(?) situation and finding out about it does bring to light how age REALLY shouldnt be an excuse for shit behavior just because "they're just a kid"
And the fact that a lot of the videos made on Mari sided with Kal mainly for the sole purpose of "poor kid being bullied" is honestly sad.
I dont really watch izzyzz and galaxy so this was a first but honestly not surprised with jesp and luke considering how jesp gets overly emotional on her videos and spiels on mental health and luke has recently been shown to be dubious with his research at best.
Also I came across this comment made on the video that seems to reaffirm that there have been a LOT of misinformation being spread on those Mari videos, given the person mentions being an admin on the server Kal and Mari were at (they never mentioned
which server, though Im assuming it was the Glitch Tech one that kept getting mentioned on the initial doc)
No. 1145877
File: 1612014746737.jpg (127.44 KB, 337x436, Lmao.jpg)

Sage for non milk but A friend of mine saw Tobi in VRChat drinking game world last night didn't interact
>>1135558If she's claiming here
>my psychiatrist has now updated my diagnosis from depression with psychotic features to schizoaffective disorder, which is a mental disorder that makes someone see hallucinations or delusions when they are in a state of mania or in a depressive state.And she's on medication for that + her BPD no wonder she feels like shit all the time, Drinking on antipsychotics and mood stabilizers can really fuck you up not to mention absolutely destroy your liver
No. 1146514
File: 1612065324496.png (599.87 KB, 593x3938, Kal Twitter Highlighted.png)

>>1145988This is an imageboard, newfag.
I decided to highlight some because it makes it more interesting to look at.
Blue – Kal going, “I’m not innocent”
Yellow – “I’m/you’re the
Pink – Whenever someone brings up that Kal is a minor
No. 1147267
File: 1612088848175.png (11.36 KB, 877x83, here comes the ratio.png)

>>1146514The only thing I'll give Kal on this is that she at least has
some self-awareness to see that she was in the wrong somewhere, though I still disagree with how she still doesn't see herself as "
toxic," considering she's led her followers to mass-report any of Mari's accounts and even constantly ridicule her work and talk about her (despite you know, listing her name as a "
The amount of people who completely missed the original point of this thread: immediately jumped to "you're going after the poor kid/defending Mari/condoning that callout doc on Kal" is really fucking stupid and shows how black/white their viewpoint in this whole situation is lmao
Op even said that Mari's doc was unnecessary and over-the-top.
Also, I went back to the video and…lol there goes the ratio now that Kal and his defenders took notice
No. 1151260
>>1151160She should've just left it alone. Why does she have to make a video on
Both she and Peaches (and/or Peaches' friend) seem like they can't drop a fucking grudge and get over themselves.
No. 1152580
Eyy. Tobi talked on stream about this a little bit. Tobi talks about the CC, cancel culture, Omnia, and Creepshow. We also get a few answers as to what happened between Tobi and Peaches. And yes, Tobi’s video is still being made. - Tobi: “I just got sent a DM.” [giggles] […] "I ran my mouth and got into controversies with this fucking, 19-year old, self-asserted… oh my god, this shit is so fucking wild. I love when 19-year olds think they have the whole world figured out. They literally sit there and go, ‘I have the whole world figured out. I know exactly, uh, that you‘re a bad person’ I’m like bitch, you don’t know right from wrong, good from evil. You’re a 19-year old college student. You don’t know shit about the world. Trust me babe. Come back to me in about five years when you’ve aged a little bit, and you’ve moved around a little bit, and you’ve almost had to live in your car a little bit, and you have to live with people you fucking hate a little bit. Then I’ll listen to your fucking opinion. Until then, don’t want to fucking hear it. […] Also the fact that these kids think the fact that talking calmly equals maturity, baffles me."
7:40 - Tobi: “I just got a DM. There’s this stupid fucking bitch - and here’s the thing. I feel like I’m a little more cockier, because I’m separated from the CC now because I officially have a new fanbase. It’s very very iddy biddy, but I would consider it significantly more higher in quality than the last fanbase I had […] In the beginning, it wasn’t bad, but then I did a video on Creepshow art, […] She’s basically an over glorified drama channel. No filter. And while I thought my video was tasteful, it somehow decided to bring in a whole fanbase of people who like to fucking jack-off to circle hating somebody. And I ended up collecting those fans. That didn’t bite me in the ass later. Because I’m not an ultra PC person. I’m just not. I never will be. Because you’re expecting every single person in the world to have your exact level of sensitivities on everything. […] This entitlement that ‘you need to believe what I believe, you sick bastard. and if you don‘t, I‘m gonna cancel you!’. I understand - debating is fine. But there’s these people who take it so far past that. And it’s like, ‘you need to be this way. If you’re not you’re a bad person.’ […] But the issue is when they turn around and they’re like, ‘if all of you don’t think this person is a bad person, you’re a bad person too.’ That’s what cancel culture is.”
10:30 - Tobi: “Half the shit this bitch [Creepshow] talks about is SO FUCKING DUMB. She makes things out to be way more than they are. And I have BPD, the fucking epicenter, the fucking disorder of ‘you’re over exaggerating.' […] This bitch, oh my fucking god, she pulls shit out of thin air. What she’s doing now, apparently, my friend [presumably Peaches] told me, is she is trying to make a video, or she made a video, or something like that, where she literally is saying this person that she hates [Hopeless Peaches] collaborated on a video with me that I made about her.”
11:45 - Tobi: “Despite my issues with that person - I fucking hate Shannon. She’s fucking nuts. - it started to bring in people who started calling her fat in the comment section. They called her fat, ugly, dumb bitch, her husband is going to leave her, they hope she gets cancer, like, WTF? Like holy shit. I fucking hate her. I think she’s a crazy, egocentric nutjob. But I will not allow people to go into a comment section of my video and call her things like ‘fat’. That is so fucking disgusting. What a stupid, low-quality person you are.”
13:44 - Tobi: “[Cancel culture] It’s beyond fucking dumb. There’s no purpose for it. Like there’s literally no purpose for it. People try to use, - I talk about this in my video - they try to use the excuse of, ‘We’re just holding people accountable for their actions.’ NO YOU, BITCH, NO YOU’RE NOT. Shut the fuck up. Oh my god. You’re gonna spoonfeed yourself that shit. Fuck you. No you’re not. You’re doing it for entertainment. Because you jack off every time. You’re like, ‘Yes! Yes! I fucking hate this person! I hate you so much oOifeoiwfwovjk.’ That’s literally what it is. You’re not holding people accountable. You’re just looking for things to shit and bitch about that don’t mean anything.”
17:29/18:33/20:00 - Tobi: “That’s another thing I want to talk about in my video, too. Is the fact that theesse fucckiing people […] When creators are getting exposed, and they have a bunch of public disdain against them, here’s the funny thing: In a lot of cases, I feel like things are blown out of proportion, and people take things way too personal, who are not personally involved. The thing that was done to backstab this person wasn’t done to them. It was done to the creator they know. But it’s not personally happening to you, so your level of anger is not appropriate. […] These fucking CC creators love to act like, ‘I just love to stand up for what’s right! I just want for the little guy to pppt.’ Shut the fuck up. You lying sack of dogshit. No you fucking don’t. You are such a pussy. […] If you’re going to get a lot of public pushback, you’re not going to fucking open your mouth. You know why? You’ll get a sub drop. And you don’t want that, so you keep your mouth shut. See this is another thing that I hate. I hate that these people act like, ‘I am the warhammer of this community. I will fight for sdjnllow’ Okay. Okay bitch let’s go. How hard can you fight when the public is against you? [etc.]”
22:30/23:00 - Tobi: “What makes me want to make my video on this, is my friend Peaches is getting hard cancelled for REASONS THAT- Bro. Like for me, I run my mouth, a little too hard sometimes. Sometimes I talk a little too much and say some stupid shit. But when I got cancelled, I’m like, okay, this shit’s not true, the narrative you’re spinning is false, however, I don’t.. You know. I had it coming. There’s plenty of shit these people could’ve used. Not that it was justified, at all, because the narratives they spun were completely not true. But I didn’t help by giving them plenty of things to twist. […] But my friend Peaches has like, nothing. The way she acts on her channel is very sweet and nice and not confrontational. That’s how she is in real life. I’ve known her for about a year now - well, except for that one period where we weren’t friends anymore, which was due to.. This fucking bitch. So Creepshowart tries to claim, 'Peaches made half her video with Tobi against me.’ And I’m like, when dafuk did I ever say dat shit?! […] And then me and Peaches weren’t friends for a while. And that was because, at that time, both of us had a mutual friend who we thought we could trust, and in fact, when we got into a spat, this individual was actually acting like the carrier pigeon between us. He was manipulating screenshots and context to things to pit us against each other on purpose. Because he was bored.”
26:24 - Tobi: “So the DM’s that I sent Creepshowart, […] saying all this stuff about Peaches, they were all lies. And I didn’t even know they were lies at the time. Because they were being fed to me by someone I thought I could trust.”
27:30 - Tobi: “The conversation between her [Peaches] and Omnia is fucking wild, my dude!”
30:10 - Tobi: “Bro, I don’t get this fucking frustrated until I start talking about the CC. It ignites something so
toxic in me. It’s so
toxic. […] And they try to convince themselves, ‘I’m making it for justice, and pptt.’ Shut the fuck up.” Stop using that as your barrier for, ‘I can do whatever I want, because I’m standing up for what’s right.’ No you’re not. You’re doing it because you’re bored and you want to feel like you have a purpose in life.”
33:40 - Tobi: “When these cancel channels, try to cancel you, they dig so deep. Dude they dug so deep. Because I've been on the Internet a long time. And I've gone through various accounts. Sometimes I forget the password, and I'm like fuck it! Start a new account. So I have several accounts I no longer have access to for years. And through all this scouring, none of them have tried to go through my Twitch logs. They took stuff from my Insta stories, which I barely post on Instagram, but they can't go through the trouble of coming to my Twitch? Where I talk shit about them extensively."
[Anon: Kek. You’re right Tobi. No one’s as autistically investigative as me].
56/58 - Random conflict with some random player.
1:01:08 - Tobi: “I really just wanna rip someone open. I feel like I’m having a shit day, and someone tried to start something with me, and it feels so good to yell at someone with no consequences.”
Friend: “Yeah that’s kinda
Tobi: “I call it stress relieving.”
1:04:19 - Tobi:
Tells friend about the conflict she just got into five seconds ago1:07:20 - Comment: “i just found your youtube and people dont really like you very much so i wanted to ask why cause i was kinda confused”
Tobi: “There’s a girl named Omnia, and she is a psycho bitch […] Number 1, it’s the commentary community, they’re fucking bored. Two, uhh, Omnia decided to take a bunch of things that were out of context and twist it to make me look like I drew child porn, when I never did. Uh, she also tried to frame that I was a racist by cutting up DM’s out of context and tried to persuade the idea of some stupid bullshit […] me supporting someone I no longer support, and I told her that in DM’s and she proceeded to say ‘fuck it’ to that. I have a video on my channel where I explain all of this, so I would really appreciate you looking at that one first because it was posted before all the other ones, and after that, people just kinda of piled on me because they’re bored. Because it’s easy. I was an easy target.”
1:09:30 - Comment: “k just asking cause people were on about milkies or something and i dont really know what that is”
Tobi: “Oh. Somebody tried to say that I was dysphorically.. causing trans people actual body dysmorphia because of- oh actually, you know what, let’s go look up the clip they’re trying to use. Because JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. They are so fucking dumb.”
1:12:20 - Tobi: “Then the girl got mad at me, and wanted me to apologize to her, wanted […] When I was suicidal, towards the end of this year, after all this stuff was happening, and I started Twitch streaming. One morning I got up, and I wanted to kill myself. I wanted to commit suicide. I wanted to not live anymore. And, I instead powered through that. I got onto my computer. I deleted my Twitter, at 6 o’clock, and I started streaming. And the girl - I should say the person, I don’t know the gender. The person who tried to push this narrative that I’m transphobic came into my chat and laughed at me. At me, trying to kill myself. They said ‘good, you should do it.’ So you come and tell me who is the real awful person in this situation. Because I’m pretty sure it’s the person who laughed in the face of the person who said they wanted to kill themselves.”
1:14:09 - Tobi: “I’ve been in the CC. I’ve been canceled by the CC. I’ve been uplifted by the CC. I’ve been on every side of the CC. Every single side is dogshit, there is no point to it, it’s just an excuse to make yourself feel superior artificially for a little bit, and that’s all it is. It’s a fucking waste of time to watch, and it’s a waste of time to make those videos.
Which is why I’m making one last video, talking about my issues with the CC.”
1:15:05 - Tobi: “Also, the funny thing is, because of Omnia being an actual sloppy bitch, and the person she worked for being an equally sloppy bitch, and just making a sloppy crap video, that was completely in her own view and her own narrative and spinning shit. I now have to clean up after her mess constantly. Because people are gonna look up that video, and other videos that were made off of that video, and I’m gonna be asked this till the end of fucking time. And I’m constantly going to clean up
her mess that
she made. CONSTANTLY. That shit pisses me off the most. That
I am responsible now, to clean up HER fucking mess. Because she did such a poor job, at making a video on me, it spread false narratives and lies, that I now have to constantly clean up after her. Like what I’m doing right now is a perfect example. Because of her, I have to constantly keep bringing this up. I constantly have to keep telling people because she spread all of these- god. aw, I fucking hate her. She has so much growing to do. She’s a 19 year old fucking college kid who thinks she has the entire world figured out.”
Comment: “Sue her
Tobi: “Sue her? For what? […] So she can make sixteen more videos about me?”
1:20:03 - Tobi: “Hey you know what’s really funny? When Omnia first made her video, I posted a response clearing things up three or four days later. Every video made after that, none of them linked my video talking about why everything Omnia said was twisted narratives. None of them linked my video in their descriptions. Really shows you what kind of narrative… They’re like, ‘I’m neutral’, and then they don’t link my video. And I’m like, ‘Yeah, you sound neutral as fuck, bitch.’”
Usually Tobi’s streams are annoying to listen to, but I found this one quite funny and entertaining at certain points. Her reactions, and diatribes, and how she goes on and on, eventually just become comedy because of how extreme she is.
I don’t disagree with Tobi on every single thing she says, and I too don’t like Creepshow or Omnia either. I just wish she wasn’t.. ya know.. Tobi.
No. 1152610
>>1152580Oh, also Tobi made an all female rp group because she wants more female friends. Apparently, she’ not happy with her current friend group. She’s ‘only been hanging out with men for the last year’ and she thinks a lot of the time they’re ‘so fucking dumb’ and ‘annoying’. She feels isolated and like she’s treated differently.
Then Tobi was talking to her female friend in stream, and her friend asks, “Hey have you met [other female friend]? She’s lovely.”
And Tobi immediately shuts her down and says, “I don’t know if I’ll like her."
And everyone kind of gave the impression of, "seriously?" But they asked why.
No. 1152804
>>1152610At this point I just feel like Tobi's friendships are doomed to fail if
this is how she attempts to make "friends."
(And I say "friends" loosely because all she's ever had throughout her drama were yes men who completely rode the coattails of her bullshit.)
And as for this:
>>1151160Funny enough, no sooner after Creepshow made that video did Peaches start releasing an apology. don't know why, but I find it funny how it's almost like she was practically pushed to make that apology after Creepshow made that video attempting to debunk the doc. Almost like her friends collabing to make it and sway the narrative didn't work out so she just had to up and apologize.
No. 1152995
>>1152580I don't see how anyone could listen to more than 5 minutes of her talking. I curse like a sailor, but she just sounds like a 10 year old that finally got internet connection for the first time. It's so funny to see her bitching on about Shannon, and still being so fucking braindead as to not know how she was in the wrong with the Omnia situation. You're not cleaning up the mess she made Tobi. You're stuck cleaning up the mess you could have cleaned up had you taken proper responsibility and made a decent video. Cry me a fucking river. I also love how she talks a big talk like she has the world's biggest balls but isn't brave enough to bring up the LOH situation. I hate the CC too but news flash: If you're constantly getting into shit from different communities, you're the problem.
>I’m separated from the CC now because I officially have a new fanbase. It’s very very iddy biddy, but I would consider it significantly more higher in quality than the last fanbase I had.Wow, what an absolute slap in the face to all of her subscribers. I hope you continue to bleed subs like a fucking menstrual cycle. You're irrelevant Tobi, cry harder to your twitch streams that can't even get 100 views and I'm sure someone will throw some pity your way. I sincerely hope her video on Peaches is nothing but a huge cluster fuck that either gets barely any attention or gets so much negative attention she completes her Madame transformation and her channel disappears soon after. It's so ironic Nezzie compared Omnia to Madame when Tobi is a much better fit. Both had terrible edgy "pick-me" personalities, both got into big dramas that resulted from their own wrong doings, both refused to take proper responsibility and started rapidly dropping in subs and getting majorly ratioed on every new video, and both tried to ignore everything and act like everything was fine.
Speaking of Nezzie though, her comment about her not being satisfied with her current friend group makes me suspicious if one of the anons before was right and she's slowly starting to turn on her friends or getting tired of them. She has such a terrible personality I don't see how anyone could be her friend without being equally as
toxic as she is. I know I would be pissed and hurt if I was one of her friends and saw she said she wasn't satisfied with me. Expect to see a falling out with her friend group soon? Stay tuned everyone.
Overall, please release the Peaches video Tobi. I am begging you to give me a good laugh at watching how hard you crash and burn going down screaming about how bad the CC is.
No. 1153577
>>1151160Honestly, even if Creepshow hadn't brought back this near-dead drama with that video, it was bound to be brought back again eventually considering HarleyTBS had mentioned making a video on the situation on his Twitter long before Shannon's video dropped.
Like you could say his video wouldn't have that big of an impact compared to the likes of if Spoctor or anyone bigger did it, but the kid's gained traction since his drama with Prison Mate Luke so chances are more people will tune in to it.
I kinda had hope his might have a more neutral take but after seeing the shit that went down recently with him, Peaches and Kai on Twitter, now I just feel like his video might end up like the bias dumpster fire Scrittus made, because he sure is showing a clear bias in defense of Peaches.
Speaking of Scrittus, it's funny how Peaches had a problem with Omnia using the thumbnail of her groomer video saying it's a "mockery" of her trauma yet had no problems when Scrittus literally parodied in on his defense video of her; makes me wonder if Peaches wouldn't have a problem if Omnia's video was a
defense of her instead.
(Also real rich Harley complains on one of the replies with someone else for using the "race card" yet he's literally used the age card throughout his subtweets of Kai)
By the way, that "apology" Peaches made
>>1152804is practically shit now, considering she's still lying her ass off in other servers."called me a bitch and mocked my grooming incident" my ass
Funny how Peaches didn't show proof nor mentioned
which video of Omnia's did she call her a bitch or mock the grooming situation.
Maybe the usage of the thumbnail was distasteful, but mocking?
Cry harder, Peaches.
The only saving grace your "apology" had was that apparently Camila forgave you, but who knows if it was just to get it over with since she just wanted to move on.
No. 1153803
>>1151160Honestly I'm losing a lot of interest in Peaches drama. Like yeah, she's bitchy and petty and stupid, but what can you do?
I feel like content creators are trying to force change. And you just.. can't. Peaches doesn't want to change. She feels like she is right and justified in her actions. So what more can you do?
>>1153577I don't think most of the times Peaches actually goes out of her way to lie. I think she just says events in her perception. Problem with that, is that perception can be very heavily warped. So her perspective on events and everyone else's perspective is different.
You also have to wonder how much of this information is second-hand. Is she watching the videos, or are her friends telling her what people say?
I also think most of the times Peaches is just saying how she feels instead of stating actual events. Like she feels her grooming was mocked because Omnia used her grooming thumbnail because, "it was the only sprite that could convey her disappointment in her". Like no, Omnia didn't directly mock Peaches' grooming, but how
is Peaches supposed to interpret that?
No. 1153839
File: 1612601926948.png (42.63 KB, 740x496, jesp.png)

Jespicius really is annoying. She keeps trying to play peace-maker like Peaches did throughout the Tobi situation and I keep seeing echoes of how she and Peaches are similar.
Both trying to play the voice of reason in dramas.
Both lamenting on about mental health to hell and back.
Both seeming to drop someone they considered friends (Peaches with Tobi and Jesp with Mari) at the drop of a hat.
Both inserting themselves into shit they don't need to get into.
Both generally being just really wishy-washy and two faced.
Aside from her, Peaches is just mentally unstable and a pathological liar at this point and seeing Jespicius and HarleyTBS trying so hard to push all of this on her mental state makes me want to suck on the end of a shotgun barrel.
>She tends to get upset and assume the worst of people because she feels broken. She says things that she doesn’t out of anger or the heat of the moment That doesn’t excuse anything.
>You're going at someone who was having a breakdown at the time because they vented about you. Be the adult in this situation & drop it.
Maybe, and consider this: She's just a shit person and everyone that keeps pulling the mental health card needs to shut the fuck up. And isn't Peaches also an adult? And who the fuck are you to say that Kai should get over it when she's still lying and talking bad about people after her "apology". I swear everyone that constantly whines about mental health is guaranteed to be a massive pain in the ass.
No. 1153891
>>1153813I dunno. There’s kind of a difference between someone using the grooming thumbnail to intentionally mock people who don’t have boundaries who intentionally turn serious things into drama (Scrittus’s video sucked, but that was his intention), and someone who is intentionally using the grooming thumbnail to “show her disappointment”.
Like there’s obviously a different context between these two events. Pretending that these events are the same just because on the surface level Scrittus and Omnia did the same thing isn’t addressing the actual argument or the morality of the situation. It’s the false equivalency fallacy.
I never said Peaches was affected by the usage of the thumbnail. I don’t think it will overall affect Peaches in any way. But just because it doesn’t hurt her doesn’t mean it’s a good or moral thing to do.
My original point was simply that I understand
why Peaches could’ve felt mocked by it, and I don’t immediately interpret her saying that “Omnia mocked my grooming" as a deliberate, flat-out lie. It seems more like a dramatization of her feelings. Which I think is annoying, bad, and potentially manipulative, but it’s not the same as lying.
No. 1153963
>>1153839As annoying as Jesp was throughout the Tobi, Peaches and Mari dramas (even though her video on Tobi was decent at
best), she's right about one thing: Peaches does tend to assume the worst of people. JAR and I think Spoctor both made mentions of it on their respective videos (JAR's video especially shows how quick Peaches is to jump the gun over assumptions.)
Heck, even Kai made note on his video on how Peaches just goes off making statements based on how she
thinks it comes off to her and states them flat out as they are instead of presenting them as opinion. Sure, she may not be lying since she's going off her warped viewpoint, but to the average outsider it
will come off as lying and is overall a dangerous mindset.
Jesp's "help" should at least encourage Peaches to seek a healthier environment because she sure as hell needs it.
As for Harley, he's starting to get annoying the more I read over his tweets throughout the situation. This whole shitstorm where he goes off on Kai because of "your ruining Peaches's mental health!!11!1!" gives the same vibes with FuchsiaButters throughout the Tobi drama.
Going overly aggressive and telling people to "drop it" or back off yet can't hold their friends to the same standard because it's ruining
their mental health.
In fact, Peaches practically acted like Tobi did where they stood in the sidelines supporting the whole thing.
Frankly, I'm not getting my hopes up when Harley eventually drops the video he claims to be preparing
>>1153577He's clearly showing how biased he is with telling Kai to "be the adult" and "drop it" while glossing over how Peaches is misrepresenting the very people she supposedly "apologized" to yet not holding Peaches to the same "be the adult" standard telling
her to "drop it."
And here I thought Luke was the one with a bias problem, something he and Just Stop criticized him for lmao
No. 1153982
>>1153839I don’t know how Jesp deals with Peaches. You know she’s had to correct Peaches behind the scenes at least five-thousand times after already explaining not to assume things. Fuck knows it’s going to take at
least a year before Peaches stops assuming and catastrophizing so much.
Tbf, this is an actual mental health struggle people with a lot of scars have to deal with. But Peaches should not be interacting with anyone on the Internet if her brain is this fucked. Most people only have this trouble with personal relationships, not the whole fucking Internet.
Also, if Jesp is going to play the role of therapist, she needs to learn not to apologize or make excuses for Peaches. It’s weird and comes off poorly.
>>1153963>Sure, she may not be lying since she's going off her warped viewpoint, but to the average outsider it will come off as lying and is overall a dangerous mindset.Yeah, I agree.
I think I come off as defending Peaches more than I want to, when in reality, I think how Peaches exaggerates, catastrophizes, and assumes things is just as bad as lying.
But I think a lot of the times (especially in the comments) people just automatically go, “you’re a liar!” And to Peaches, that is false, because she’s not intentionally lying. She’s just stupid and can’t separate the facts from her perspective. So the criticism never really sinks in. Because she’s being criticized for something that’s sort of true, but not exactly.
That’s the main reason I think making more videos is pointless, because I really don’t think anyone is going to sit down, sift through, and correct all of Peaches’ warped perceptions without assuming she’s being intentionally manipulative or malicious.
Also with how her perspective is, she probably wouldn’t listen to reason anyway.
No. 1154410
>>1153577I at least have a little more trust in Harley trying to be neutral because of how he handled the Prison Mate Luke situation very well, and even provided receipts.
That being said, I'm not sure it's entirely necessary after Spoctor's video.
No. 1154804
File: 1612699506128.png (1.63 MB, 606x5786, Peaches Twitter 1.png)

I agree. But tbf, Peaches is not making it easy to forget about it.
Like Peaches. Fuck off.
No. 1157327
File: 1612906607847.png (135.5 KB, 602x1228, haveifinallylostit.png)

I know we’re all done with Peaches, but I think I caught her in a lie.
Remember this?
>>1112300This Twitter profile (HopelessPeach_) was found because I went through the link on Peaches’ Youtube profile to get to her Twitter. It linked me to her old Twitter instead of her new one, thus I found these weird comments people had left.
You can even see Peaches’ old profile here on this thread
>>1046490 ,
>>1049152 ,
>>1061619 ,
>>1066599 . It’s the same one.
I feel insane because I’m sure that this was the profile linked on Peaches’ Youtube, but now Peaches is saying that it’s not related to her at all. Am I being gaslit, anons? Or am I really just delusional?
No. 1157555
>>1157327Yeah no, that actually was Peaches's account (or rather, her old Twitter handle) before she deactivated it following the height of her drama.
To me however, her phrasing of it on that tweet just seems….weird??
I'm not sure how Twitter works, but on Tumblr and Instagram if you deactivate/delete your blog, someone else can claim your old URL.
Assuming Twitter works that way, chances are when she deactivated that Twitter, someone claimed that URL, either to play pretend or was actually someone who genuinely didn't know the person previously associated with the handle they chose.
think what Peaches means with coincidence was maybe the person behind the "HopelessPeach_" handle originally intended to go by "HopelessPeaches" but since it was taken they decided to go with the former, thus completely ended up coinciding themselves with Peaches's former handle.
But the "idk if they chose to have my name" is weird because it comes off two ways for me.
Either she's feigning ignorance or confusion that the person picked a Twitter handle that's very close to hers,
or she's confused why someone would take her old handle.
Again, the phrasing is so weird to me and I literally had to reread that sentence more than once since it kept going different ways.
So honestly? I don't blame you since the way it was worded just seems…odd.
(But it
is pretty ironic seeing Peaches go "R slur" like oh no it's a bad thing when different users in her own server were shown to openly and freely say "retard"
There were screenshots of it on someone's video when the Peaches drama was going strong.)
No. 1157584
Gonna sage this because it's not entirely something new to the drama, but have any of you guys known about this "Sen" Youtuber? people say channels JAR and Luke kept going up a bandwagon, I'd say Sen takes it up a notch.
Ever since the Prison Mate Luke drama, this guy's pumped out several "Luke eats…" videos practically milking it to hell and back, and even streams were he just roasts Luke's content (funny how on one of them Just Stop, Mangakamen and even Hopeless Peaches herself are joining in on it…hmmm….)
And then recently when people are now making videos saying that the "Creepshow vs Peaches" drama is over, the guy pumps out video after video roasting Creepshow and her fans.
Considering who he aligns himself with, I wonder if this guy is one of Peaches's friends as well?
Personally, he just comes off as lowkey annoying and unnecessary with his videos piling up the drama.
Though if his "About" is anything to go by, he comes off as budget Akumu with the whole "your edgy antihero" spiel
No. 1157873
>>1157555That’s what I thought. That someone claimed Peaches’ old URL. I guess it just seemed odd, because on Twitter, you get a grace period. You can reactivate your account for 30 days before it’s permanently deleted. Peaches’ HopelessPeach_ account was still active on the 26th of October. And this account was created on the 10th of Novemeber. That’s 15 days.
So I guess other people can grab URL’s during deactivation?
>>1157584It’s really hard to listen to their streams. I put it on 2x speed and they’re still sooo slow. Peaches can’t spit it out and superfluously uses ‘like’ and ‘uhh’ and ‘uhm’. If there were no ‘likes’ or ‘uhh’ or 'uhm’ these stream highlights would be 20 minutes and not 30.
No. 1159246
>>1157584Yeah, I know about him. He occasionally makes some good points, but in so many of his videos, he acts like an edgelord talking himself up and saying shit like "I don't care that I have to look like that bad guy; I'm honest".
He's not friends with Peaches, apparently; he just heavily dislikes Luke and Creepshow because they use too much "emotional bait". I think he's sorta friends with MangaKamen, though.
No. 1163245
>>1152610I listened to another Tobi stream. This one was a lot less enjoyable. This one adds a lot more of Tobi talking about her all-female group and not drama. So I will add onto the original thing I typed up there.
Stream: “When you’re in a group of a lot of dudes, and you’re the only girl, especially if you don’t act like the typical ‘uwu girl’, you kinda become, like a little bit, the butt of all the jokes. You get, like.. You don’t get treated like everybody else. You just don’t.”
[Anon: ‘I’m not like other girls. That’s why I have problems socializing and fitting in.’ That’s all I hear from Tobi.]12:30 “When you’re not exactly 100% copy and pasted like all the other boys, you feel singled out.”
[Anon: Welcome to what it’s like being a guy.]13:25 “When the guys in the group are questioning it, it kinda makes me feel like, ‘maybe you shouldn’t, blah blah blah, this and this’. And I’m like, Why are you so fucking threatened by me making a group for women? Why does it bother you? I do not want to hear shit from you.”
[Anon: I doubt they’re threatened. They’re probably asking questions because they’re confused why you think they’re not good enough to be friends with you despite them inviting you into their friend group and interacting with you for a year+.]13:50 “Straight guys are the least, like, marginalized group in games. […] I don’t wanna fucking hear you talk about, or tell me how I should feel about being excluded, because literally get fucked.”
37:10 “I really like RP-ing, and I’m actually, surprisingably, really good at it! Like I’m really good at it!”
55:20 “Because Kate Beckinsale, ooo, dayum! SLUURRRPPP. Very delicious!!”
[Anon: I’m sure this bothers no one else, but fuck. I’m ace, so I always think when people describe others like food, it’s disgusting. And this is how Tobi always reacts to 'attractive people'. She can't talk about them normally.]1:49:00 “They were talking about concerns for the group. Raising concerns that my group would attract bad attention. […] I think they were scared I was going to attract man-haters, and making a clique-y group. And I was like, the whole Internet if full of men. Like you’re fine. Shut up.”
[Anon: I can’t tell you how annoying it is to hear Tobi repeatedly bash her random male friend to her different friend groups when all this guy did was express concern that Tobi’s all-female group may attract the wrong kind of people because part of the rp is hating men.] 1:51:00 Tobi’s friend: “I have a club for women. I have an entire Discord with 30+ women in it. Exclusively women. No men allowed.”
Tobi: “You never invited me.”
Tobi’s friend: “Yes I did. I invited you, and you never joined.”
Also Tobi’s bookmarks include Mumyoutou, Hybrid Child Yaoi, Rikugun Renai Shikan Gakkou, and Togainu no Chi Yaoi.
No. 1163507
>>1163245>When you’re in a group of a lot of dudes, and you’re the only girl, especially if you don’t act like the typical ‘uwu girl’, you kinda become, like a little bit, the butt of all the jokes. You get, like.. You don’t get treated like everybody else. You just don’t.Coming from a female that had mainly male friends growing up can I just say: No. You just have a shitty personality Tobi. Acting like the typical "UwU girl" (which is funny coming from her and how hard she tries to do that) will just make you far more annoying. If you're becoming the butt of jokes among your friends, that has nothing to do with you having tits, you're just the dumb friend that every friend group has.
>Also Tobi’s bookmarks include Mumyoutou, Hybrid Child Yaoi, Rikugun Renai Shikan Gakkou, and Togainu no Chi YaoiTypical fujoshit.
It's so funny that she can never realize that the real issue isn't her friend groups but her. It's everyone else's fault aside from hers.
No. 1163517
>>1163507In my experience (as a girl who has hung out with both all male and all female groups), males do have a tendency to poke at each other’s flaws more than females (though this isn’t always the case. Just a general trend). But the guys who did this, did it to everyone in the friend group. Whoever messed up that day would be poked fun at, and there would be running in-jokes relating to stupid things everyone had done.
I feel like Tobi could have one group of male friends like this, and she perceives them as treating her differently and always making fun of her. When in reality, they’re probably just the type of people to make fun of anyone who does something dumb, so Tobi isn’t being singled out. She just feels like she is because she’s insecure.
Either that, or it’s like you said, and she’s just bad at socializing and constantly does dumb things, thus she is always the ‘joke of the day’, so to say.
In both cases, Tobi has an inability to perceive her own faults and projects her insecurity onto others as if they are bad people causing it. Even when they haven't actually done anything wrong.
No. 1163746
>>1163712Embed the video.
>“Peaches and Tobi aren’t friends. They don’t get along.”. . .
That’s not what Tobi says. In her streams, she always refers to Peaches as a friend, and she says they rekindled after Luke’s video on Peaches.
No. 1165703
File: 1613775709768.png (424.25 KB, 653x1150, ScittusCreepshow.png)

Chill out Scrittus, ya edgy bastard.
(I think there are good points to be made in favor of Peaches and against Creepshow, but Scrittus is a grade A simp, and he is overly defendant of Peaches to the point of cringe)
No. 1166505
>>1165703Lol, scrittus, Peaches ain't gonna fuck you no matter how much you whiteknight for her.
This dude is so cringe
No. 1166691
>>1166615Probably Creepshow tbh. Edgelord commentators like Sen have already begun including her in the same vein as his multiple "Luke eats…" videos (hell, I'd be shocked if he didn't start doing a "roast stream" about her like he did with Luke (and who knows if Peaches and Kamen may join in on that as well if ever)).
Ever since these Peaches defense videos have begun surfacing, I've started seeing a handful of videos on Creepshow lately.
Don't get me wrong, Creepshow's second video on Peaches kinda rubbed me the wrong way because the entire thing was purely hearsay and she didn't provide anything to back it up other than what she'd already previously provided. (Though tbf she also mentioned that the screencaps were from deactivated accounts where they could no longer be attained but ehhh.)
People already started shifting opinion on Sen's videos, and now Scrittus starts swaying it even further.
Plus, this wouldn't be the first time Creepshow's been a hot topic for commentators to milk (cue her "strawberry milk is drawing child pron" video).
>>1165703(Speaking of Scrittus…MAN the comment section on that video is almost just as cringey as the guy himself.
Maybe it's just me, but I find it pretty hypocritical that these same people who criticized Omnia and Spoctor for the usage of Peaches's grooming video/thumbnail in their respective videos seem fine with Scrittus's video where he depicts Shannon as a monstrous caricature because "she's a snake" despite him saying how "we're not your enemies".
IDK, it just seems pretty disingenuous when you're trying to go for a "civil" approach to the person on your video yet try to demonize them with a caricature portraying them in a negative light lol
And some of the other comments seem to claim that Spoctor, whom was supposedly "neutral" to the whole situation, saw the screenshots and yet "still chose to follow the side that didn't have proof"
what lack of proof?? I get Creepshow and Luke, but are people just now dismissing Camila's, Kai's and Omnia's experiences?
Heck, Spoctor didn't even "pick a side." He criticized Peaches pretty fairly and even gave her the benefit of the doubt and tried to get her to improve.
I'm not gonna bother watching Scrittus's video because if he was simping hard for Peaches, everyone other simp for her has gone on full blast in the comments and I have a feeling it's gonna be so overly defensive of her like how his previous defense video went.)
No. 1166741
>>1166615I think Luke might be. He's already got plenty of videos on him, and he keeps making the same mistakes. In Jar's new video against Luke, Jar proves that, once again, Luke says that the screenshots on screen say something that they 100% don't. Like it's not even up to interpretation this time. They straight up don't.
>>1166691To be fair, there is a whole comment thread of people in the video criticizing Scrittus for him depicting Creepshow as a villain while saying they're not her enemy.
It's not the same as using the grooming thumbnail, though. Using the grooming thumbnail is bad because it's dramatizing a serious issue, and could be interpreted as mocking Peaches for that video, or even implying that the events were faked. (etc.)
It is stupid to go, "Oh, we're not you're enemies. We're just Peaches' friends." then proceed to depict Creepshow as their enemy. But it's not the same as trivializing a grooming
victim's story.
Other than the obvious stupidity of the fact Scrittus is saying they're not Creepshow's enemy while depicting her as their enemy, I don't think it's bad or gross. Depicting someone you dislike as an artistic caricature is really common, and I don't care about it. It's par for the course.
Scrittus's bits are pretty cringe. But there's a different, female speaker for most of the video, and she's actually not that bad. Some of her points aren't good, but others are.
No. 1167581
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>>1165703Hard agree.
I think this comment helps summarize the main problem with him.
No. 1167921
File: 1613986860747.jpg (23.76 KB, 691x530, 20210222_033753.jpg)

Has Tobi mentioned when her Peaches video will be out or is she just gonna pull a junkie and show up months late. I'm ready to use this image.
No. 1167933
>>1167581Man, talk about a grade A simp. This dude is overly defensive to the point that he's just twisting people's words now and going off assumptions. The op commenter only ever mentioned a small opinion and he completely goes apeshit.
>>1167921With how the Peaches drama is slowly dying out and the fact that it's…well, Tobi, I personally see her more comparatively to JAR than Junkie.
Junkie showed up late and kinda just regurgitated the same info in summaries.
JAR on the other hand showed up when the Tobi drama was already slowly dying and came with some bad takes.
And I wouldn't put it past me to expect some bad takes from Tobi should her video drop.
But hey, if her Peaches defense video gets Peaches herself commenting on it and showing her support then I'll be damned.
No. 1168077
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>>1163746Spoctor made a comment on this video.
I'm getting pretty tired of seeing OnlyJesp/FishLizard around.
>>1157873I don't remember if it's in the stream highlights here or not, but it was definitely in the full stream. Peaches and co. were mad because Peaches gave screenshots to one commentator, and apparently they told her that they have to stay neutral for PR. I wonder if that was Spoctor, JAR, or someone else.
No. 1168368
>>1168077Man what is it with Peaches's friends and the fact they get overly emotional and defensive over her? Even Scrittus had that thing going for him.
Makes me wonder the kind of company Peaches keeps tbh.
> "I'm just upset that people are treating Peaches like a monster"Says the one who dropped Mari like a hot potato and immediately threw predator accusations but go off Jesp.
No. 1168871
Harley’s video dropped.
>>1168077 It was Spoctor who was neutral “for PR” apparently.
tbh, the way that Peaches and her friends act in the stream over this is kinda gross. And unlike the original Spoctor situation, Peaches is not wholly innocent. She has done things wrong.
The way she acts so entitled for people to defend her is gross. You can clearly see how Peaches is not satisfied with Spoctor going, “Well, I agree and disagree with certain actions of yours.” Peaches and her friends rant about it in stream, and Peaches clearly showed this private conversation to all her friends. Now this private conversation is in this public call out video.
Like yeah, if Spoctor didn’t actually believe the points he said in his video, then that’s bad on him. But Peaches is not entitled to him defending her. He doesn’t have to step in to help you.
Same thing happened with Jar. Jar didn’t defend Peaches to the degree she wanted, so she got upset at him.
No. 1169162
>>1169115I mean, this is the same kid who was being a biased, hypocritical prick telling Kai to "drop it" throughout the Twitter feud
>>1153577 despite the fact Peaches was out here misrepresenting him, Omnia, Camila and others on a Discord chat despite her having supposedly "apologized" to them. So apparently Kai's not allowed to dispute Peaches falsely claiming things about them that never really happened?
(side-note, but the "be an adult" line from Harley is hilarious because of the fact that Peaches is literally also an adult and is actually older than Kai so…)
With all that, definitely not surprised the video came out somewhat biased and manipulative on presentation.
No. 1169312
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Anyone know what this could be referring to or what even happened? From what I can gather from the comments it looks like he and Omnia had some sort of falling out.
No. 1169318
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>>1169312Okay same anon and I had to go digging a bit since Kai deleted the original thread and holy shit? Like what the actual fuck happened.
No. 1169479
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>>1169312>>1169318This is all that remains.
If I was Kai, I'd call Omnia a crazy bitch and tell her to go fuck herself. There would be no making up from something like this.
1.) you've told all your friends about our private first fight. probably to shit talk me
2.) they say I'm
abusive and you take their side
3.) instead of cutting me off, you make it seem like everything is fine and come to meet up with me
4.) you leave me to die in a snowstorm
No. 1169512
File: 1614186507121.png (243.87 KB, 855x1761, fuckfishlizardonlyjesp.png)

>>1168077>>1169318>>1169479FUCK OFF FISHLIZARD.
(this is in Omnia's comment section)
Seriously, why does Fishlizard/OnlyJesp have to stick her nose in literally everything?
Your friend Omnia fucked up and is a fucking bitch. Kai didn't have a "meltdown". This is a perfectly normal thing to be mad about.
No. 1169900
>>1169512LOL Jesp and Peaches really do deserve each other. Both have dropped their respective friends and threw shade to them, and now they're both sticking their noses into everything and trying to play peacemaker.
Oh, and they both really LOVE going on about mental health, complaining the drama is "too much" for them, talk about taking a break, and still try to involve themselves regardless.
Like fuck off.
No. 1169984
>>1169983Well it’s probably not best to dox her
But if you’re legit, tell us some horror stories.
No. 1169992
>>1169984Obviously I wouldn't dox her, but she was pretty odd.
Basically when we first met, she wanted to hang out and play boarderlands on a shitty xbox she had, she also lived in this shady as shit apartment on the bottom floor with two other roommates; a married couple who were morbidly obese and some flea riddened pitbull mix she adopted three days prior to us meeting that wouldn't stop barking.
The place was a mess, pizza boxes, shitty halloween decorations everywhere, a lone, dirty black couch that had barely any spring to it thanks to her roommates.
Her bathoom was a nightmare, the lights didn't work so you had to leave the door open or light a tiny ass candle, there was mold growing on the tiles of the shower and the toilet looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in months.
I had no idea what to think at this point, I was just trying to be as nice as possible and get to know her better. After the boarderlands thing wasn't working out, she showed me her room next.
It was tiny, all things considered, I guess it worked it for her, but she had a shitty mac set up in the corner, with food trays and clothes all over, and her bed was a basically a futon matress on the floor with a few crappy felt balnkets and like two pillows. I felt pretty for her just seeing that, shit looked uncomfortable(and it was) to lay on. Soon we left to just drive around, get to know each other better, we stopped off at a park and there she told me a decent amount about her family. She talked about her father quite a bit, he helped her with car repairs, with him being a mechanic and would often help her financially if need be, she never mentioned her mother however, and only mentioned her siblings on a few occasions.
I should take a moment and go back to her room real quick as I'm writing this, right before we left she showed me these snippets of film, must've been from an old camera or whatever, that she supposedly found in an abonded home she expolored once. The snippets were of a dead fetus lying on the ground of a rotted wood floor with blood covering someones feet.
I've looked back at this moment years later several times and I still don't know what to make of it, but at the time I thought it was just some joke she was playing, but that set the tone for the rest of the week.
Okay back to the park, she started grabbing my hand and feeling me up in the deeper we wound up in the trees of this park trail. She wound up kissing me, then we decided to go out to dinner at an apple bees down the road, where she told me more about her extended family, that their ancestory is german(her last name is ridicously german) and engilsh as well.
Later after dinner she implied that she would like to do a road trip with me to some park that was apparently very scenic around that time of year, I can't remember the name, but it was easily a few hours from the area she was in.
We went back to her place and her roommates had left for the night, we sat on her couch and she showed me a bunch of korean boybands or some shit, I don't remember their names, though I know they're quite popular. After that, she went into her room and came out in a short ass mini-skirt, no panties and clearly removed her bra under shirt.
And yeah, we fucked, I know exactly how that seems and I hate saying this but it was most definitly cringe.
Aftwards I left for the night, I was in school and the time and I had to run home to finish and assignment.
So that was my first day with this Tobi, or kirifawn as she use to go by on chaturbate and whatever. I only found out a few days later that she did porn, and I guess she still does, so that is something else that made it even odder.
Let me know if you guys want to know more, because there is more fucked up shit about her.
No. 1169996
>>1169992Tobi: I have trouble making friends
Also Tobi: Shows people videos of dead fetuses to set the mood for fucking
Oh what the fuck
No. 1170000
>>1169992Extra details;
Her roommates were the epitome of weebs, their room was covered in anime posters and other items such as toys and plenty of sex items hanging around.
'Tobi' didn't have any sex toys, or much of anything related to anime, and didn't know much about anything aside from some kids cartoons, though I can't remember which.
Also, I meant film slides not film snippit, like the slides you put in an old photo projector.
She also made they really odd baby noises when she was trying to be cute or funny, sounded like one of babies from rug rats, it was surreal.
No. 1170005
>>1169992I'd like to know the rest of the story.
Because if there's still fucked up shit to tell after "showing a guy I'm into dead baby photos on the first date", then that must've been some week.
Though if you're that tired, you might want to sleep first.
No. 1170007
>>1170005Yeah I'm writing some stuff in a document to copy and paste, but I'm going to get some sleep.
And while nothing can top showing someone a slid of a dead fetus, there is more fucked up stuff about her. I'll be back later.
No. 1170605
>>1170542Keep posting anon, this is the funniest shit I've read all week. I know you don't want to dox her, but do you have any info on how she treated her dad? She seems to have a princess complex and is a spoiled little shit and like an anon said above with how much time she sinks into video games I'm not surprised her hygiene/cleanliness is horrid.
>>1170545We knew she was from the start but she just hid behind a veil of just liking boy love and nothing else. Fujoshits fetishize gay men no matter how much they try to deny it.
No. 1170681
>>1169992Okay, at first I was REALLY skeptical about the whole thing, especially since there's nothing concrete to back it up, but after giving it a more thorough reading back and forth from this one to the follow-up, I'm starting to be a bit more inclined to believe it, given that a lot of things seemed to add up.
The pitbull dog (she actually used to have one named Buddy (in fact, the name was even mentioned here in the follow-up >>1170542) before the dog died and Tobi decided to shamelessly use it as a shield for lobbing pedo accusations, but that's a whole other mess), the ornaments at her room (which can be seen at the background of her videos as well as some of her pictures), and then there's the fetishization of gay men.
I'll talk about the kirifawn thing on the second part because I discovered something pretty interesting, and I'd say that was another one of the reasons why I started being more convinced about the validity of this story.
No. 1170693
File: 1614305074282.png (Spoiler Image,903.35 KB, 1290x589, kirifawngallery.png)

>>1170681Now, going over the "kirifawn" chaturbate account that was mentioned near the end of this:
>>1169992So I decided to look over that username and came across an old deviantart account, (surprise, surprise) it links to the chaturbate account! gallery is what interested me. For instance, this art: old, seems somewhat on par with Tobi's usual "pastel-esque" coloring style, not to mention the character on the right seems oddly familiar for some reason? I feel like I've actually seen that from Tobi's posts before either from one of her old Insta's or her now-deleted Twitter.
A couple pictures on the gallery can't be viewed normally unless you have an account, since they're behind a "Mature" filter, but I feel like those stand out the most since, well…
…The pictures uncannily resemble Tobi.
(Put the image under spoiler since it's rather nsfw)
As for the chaturbate account itself, I feel like Tobi
might have deleted the account, since all it's done is redirect you to the front page (and MAN, is that site a massive camwhore den).
But if you tried to look up "kirifawn chaturbate" on Google Images, you can see collections of the old posts from that account, and I say this because majority of the first results are pictures that actually bear a close resemblance to Tobi as well in terms of facial features.
Up until this point, no one else has mentioned Tobi going by "kirifawn" and after what I've found out, I feel like the story might actually be legit.
No. 1170705
File: 1614305611480.png (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1239x647, TobiPORNWarningNUDE.PNG)

>>1170693Oh no, it's common knowledge that Tobi goes by KiriFawn. It's been mentioned in this thread before.
However, what I do find interesting, is that anon mentioned
1. Tobi's shitty macbook
2. Tobi slept on a shitty futon on the floor
For 1, Tobi has mentioned having a shitty macbook in her streams.
For 2, on Tobi's rec-tube Kirifawn account, you can clearly see her playing x-box while laying on a shitty futon on the floor. And yeah, she surrounded by shitty Halloween decorations.
No. 1170800
File: 1614314360540.png (Spoiler Image,1 MB, 1208x1754, CensoredTobiNudes.png)

>>1170705Went to go get better pics of Tobi’s trash floor mattress. (she gets a bed with a frame in later videos, but it's still not a good one)
(Tobi’s nips, pussy, and buttcrack are censored with black for those of us not interested in seeing full nudes of Tobi)
Tobi's environment in her vids appears poorly taken care of and grungy. It’s not well decorated. I’m not sure why she thought strewing fairy lights around with no forethought would make it look nice. It looks a mess.
No. 1170808
The Anon who dated her here, let me respond to a few things.
>do you have any info on how she treated her dad? She seems to have a princess complex and is a spoiled little shit and like an anon said above with how much time she sinks into video games I'm not surprised her hygiene/cleanliness is horrid.
I have an answer for all that, especially her hygiene, but regarding her father there isn't much to say about him other than he clearly let her do what she wanted growing up, and she's done things that any parent who was worth damn, would care about greatly. Like not knowing that your kid wasn't in bed and left the house at odd hours of the night, not knowing what your child was doing on the Internet, all of which I will be getting to, the last few days of my time with her revealed a lot. My assumption is that her father kept to himself and either didn't care about her or trusted her too much, but she obviously respects him a lot since she only ever spoke about him positively and never really mentioned her mother. That is really all I know about him, but she has a daddy fetish, I think anyway, that, or she assumes most guys like to think they're fucking their kid because every time we had sex she would moan 'oh daddy, fuck me daddy, please daddy, daddy daddy' and that was not to my request in any way, and it actually bothered me. I'm not into that stuff, but she wouldn't stop it, just tells me there's more there than I cared to know at the time.
Also, about the video games: I wasn't that into them at the time we met, so I never displayed any interest much outside of her wanting to play, which she knew I didn't care for them so we didn't play after the first day. I don't know how much she played them, she didn't really talk about them, I noticed she liked kingdom hearts, she had posters and other stuff as I recall, but she never talked about it.
Also, I see people talking about kirifawn and what not, keep in mind I also know of an old youtube account of hers that has a video of her room and her old myspace from when she was like 15 and her two facebook accounts. I have these links, I know how to find them, but again, I won't be doxxing her.
Some other details:
I'm remembering more as I write along, but there was one decoration in the apartment that her roommates had that really stood out, and it was this dirty looking plastic lion statue you'd see at party city or spirit Halloween. It would greet you when you walked into the shitty apartment.
She also had a weird thing with hard wooden floors, she would always look at houses or apartments that had them, I guess she thought they were nice and a sign of being upper class or something? She was also a bit of a small town/rural town girl, the area we're in is majority farmland, and she never liked that, definitely thought like she deserved better and tried to act like, like made it an effort to tell people she worked at a fashion mall(probably wasn't true, she for sure never left that apartment the entire week I knew her and never mentioned having to go in for a shift or what not), and she would like to roam around the rich side of town despite living in a shit hole apartment.
She very much so wanted to break out of what ever reputation she gained from where she grew up.
Also, her diet consisted of pizza rolls, chicken tenders, pumpkin cookies, I never saw her eat healthy.
No. 1170814
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I guess not, if I block out all the information.
Here's the YouTube screenshot.
No. 1170815
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Another one
No. 1170816
File: 1614316478658.jpeg (158.9 KB, 948x1089, FB2.jpeg)

another one
No. 1170876
Last two days:
Second to last day:
I picked her up from her place and went to an expensive part of town, we just walked around looking at the different shops, holding hands, laughing and what not; normal night out for anyone.
I asked her more about her childhood, she told me about her dad loved motorcycles, was great at what he did, got her a little dinky truck she drove around. You could tell she liked him a lot, but then she told me about her cam model days (which she was still pursuing at the time) and told me she started at a young age, going on sites like omegle and seeing things/doing things you’d think someone would notice around the house, but I guess that wasn’t the case, especially with having two brothers around. As for anyone that was a lot to hear in a few sentences, but I didn’t judge, and I just went along with it and told her it didn’t bother me.
I took her back to her place and we fucked around, then she told me about a Halloween party that her roommates were throwing on the 31st, she invited me by also calling me her boyfriend. The interaction went like this:
“I would love for my boyfriend to be there with me”
“Are you asking me to be your boyfriend?”
“Will you?”
And then I left for the night again, not wanting to sleep on a shitty futon.
Last day:
I was busy with school, so when I came by to hang out with her, I implied that I could not stay long and what not because of homework. So, we laid on that stupid futon on the floor and watched ‘How the Grinch stole Christmas’ with Jim carry, I guess we thought it would be funny, but it was painful to even keep your head up to look at the tv screen because you had to lay on your left side and keep your head propped up with your arm to get any decent visibility, very uncomfortable and I don’t see how she could do that all the time, let alone sleep on the damn thing.
Anyway, we stopped the movie mid-way through to talk a bit, she started looking at apartments with hard wood floors and what not, asking for my opinion. Her dog then rolled on in, we were playing with him for a bit, then she started talking to him in that baby voice and this:
“You know hopefully you’ll have a new dad we can find a place to move into together so mommy can have nice hardwood floors”
I have no idea why she wouldn’t just ask me this directly, and it also made it obvious that she wanted to be with me to get out of the situation she was in, which I don’t blame her, but moving in with someone who only knew for a week is a just a bad idea.
Anyway, she started talking about the future, I mentioned that I wanted kids at some point, she said she would never want kids, and said straight to my face that if she got pregnant, she would abort the baby herself and dump it in a trash can, all while laughing, thinking it was funny for some reason.
Obviously, I checked out mentally and already decided to not take this any further, then I guess we started having sex for some reason, I had no idea while, but for some reason she did not want me to fuck her vagina because she may have been on her period or just about to start it, but she knew I was horny and wanted to do something.
She then stuck her finger in her ass and gave it a whiff, and said “Nah, we can’t do that”.
What the hell.
So, I tried to have just normal sex with her, she was pushing the daddy shit again and her fucking dog was scraping at the door to get in and barking because she was moaning and screaming(we left the dog out because he gets defensive and for a pit mix I didn’t want to risk anything), it was the most distracting thing ever.
I do not even know what I was doing there, it was a twilight zone episode, and I was the fucker getting taught a lesson.
It all came to a sudden stop, buddy was laying on top of her and I just laid back down on that uncomfortable futon.
She then told me it was a good thing my dick was small because her last boyfriend was huge and hurt her pretty bad, which is always great to hear.
Then she told me when she was young, like around 12-13, she met up with this older man late at night and have sex with him at the end of the road in his truck, and that they did this for a while before he disappeared one day or something, I don’t recall what happened to him. She said it was wild and the best time of her life and she did this without her parents noticing.
So, I mean what does a guy do or say? “Yeah, sounds a wild time for sure, I wish I was fucked in the back of a truck by a stranger I met online for weeks on end”
I didn’t care anymore, I just got up and left. She seemed very upset about me leaving, she knew she said the wrong things and probably felt like she could’ve been open with me or something, I mean I did shrug off a still of a dead fetus, but wtf, who could listen to that?
The next day, I felt bad for some reason and shot her a text, she never responded, and that’s how it ended, and I wasn’t upset in any way.
That was my experience with Tobi/kirifawn, I look back on this not sure what to make of it, but it is not something I tell anyone I know, but I’ve wanted to type it out for a while.
>>1170808>Would you happen to know if she ever went to college, if she has a degree, or what kind of job she works/worked at the time? We know she’s a cam whore, but it’s been proven here that she does not make enough money camming to even remotely pay for her bills. (you don't have to say anything specific. generic degree title, her major, general job title like retail worker, etc.)Graduated HS, I think she may have pursued some art classes at college, but never finished. For a job, she worked a fashion mall, retail, and still did the cam stuff when I met her, as she mentioned briefly that she still made video for a customer doing certain things. When I met her, she couldn’t afford much, that’s why she had roommates, and a futon mattress on the floor. I think she really wanted to make money off art commissions one day, she has really improved in her art since we met, but I don’t know if she’s doing that right now or not. Also she moves around a lot, because her roommate situation changes often.
>>1170808>Now I'm more inclined to believe this is real not only because of the ss but the Lion statue which you can see in her RIP Buddy video still. And due to her living conditions I have to wonder if that at all contributed to her dog's death. Also good on all the other Anons that found her old dA and what not. I know Tobi lurks here so it would be hilarious if she were to bring any of this up.No, Buddy came from a bad place, but I can’t say for sure if she really contributed to his health problems, she did seem to care for him a lot, and he loved her.
If she does lurk here, Hey, it’s been a while and I don’t know if you remember me or anything, but I hope if you don’t try to dox me or anything.
No. 1170877
>>1170876"but she knew I was horny and wanted to do something.
She then stuck her finger in her ass and gave it a whiff, and said “Nah, we can’t do that”.
What the hell."
No. 1170879
>>1170876what in the unearthly fuck
this is the best shit I’ve read all year
thank you for sharing your experience anon. from her “humor” she definitely feels like she’s stuck in a certain time in her head.
No. 1170884
>>1170876>I think she really wanted to make money off art commissions one day, she has really improved in her art since we met, but I don’t know if she’s doing that right now or not.Well, she was. If you haven’t noticed, she kinda ruined her online career by being a dipshit. That’s what this whole thread was about, until recently.
Nowadays she works some 8 hour job. And when she’s not doing that, she sinks almost every hour into games like VR Chat. Some anon above already did the math on it.
Knowing all this, it’s actually kind of sad. Tobi really did have a chance to sell her art and customs and make profit on Youtube. Like she had 50k and was growing. But she ruined her chances by being extremely stubborn, arrogant, stupid, mean, rude, hypocritical, and petty.
No. 1170885
>>1170800>Tobi's environment in her vids appears poorly taken care of and grungy. It’s not well decorated. I’m not sure why she thought strewing fairy lights around with no forethought would make it look nice. It looks a mess.Yes, the apartment she stayed at was a total mess, I forgot to mention the kitchen was a fucking horror movie. dishes everywhere, pizza, trash, the trash can itself was over flowing, empty alcolhol bottles, it was a nightmare. She blamed the state of the kitchen on her roommates, who were massive in every way, I'm not sure how they move around, but they were nice to me at least.
With the fairy lights, that is for some reason a big thing of hers, she had a wooden fence thingy propped up at the front of her mattress that was always falling on you when you moved a muscle, it was also covered in the fairy lights. She seemed like she wanted to be a Bell Delphine type personality, but just lacked any charisma.
Also, apart from her sticking her finger in her ass, I forgot to mention that her hygiene was terrible at the time I don't think she bathed the whole week we were together, as her pink hair just looked more and more greasy at the days went on, on top of the smell of B.O., though I'm certain she brushed her teeth at least.
Also, her humor was that odd cringe morbid from the early 2010's, dead baby jokes, making fun of people or constantly talking about killing herself.
No. 1170887
>>1170884Sound like her street girl attitude kicking in, she really had it rough, but she came from a middle class family, they weren't hurting for money, but she clearly was the rebellious type.
Also, I'm surprised she could afford a PC, but I'm thinking she had some help from any boyfriends she may have had, or even family for that matter.
I'm surprised the amount of people here care, but I have no idea what the community she got herself into is about. I never expected to find this, and hear that she was moderately successful in some way.
I tried to watch one of her videos, I couldn't take it, nothing seemed genuine and its all forced. I know this isn't her, she just wants to draw, but all the added drama and commentary is just unnecessary. If you don't have the personality or mental fortitude to for making videos and conversing with people in a remotely positive way, why bother? It feels like she's riding the wave of the e-girl shit, and it just bit her in the ass more than she thought.
No. 1170888
>>1170884It's even sadder when you realize that even after all these years, she hasn't changed. Like, at
Heck, when she got called out for her shit behavior as recently as last year, she can be found ranting about it on a lot of her Twitch streams and did nothing but point fingers. She just…REALLY doesn't see anything wrong with what she did, and she still thinks that all the stuff that happened to her was because of everyone else. Never herself.
(It doesn't help that her friends have done nothing but enable her.)
>>1170885> Also, her humor was that odd cringe morbid from the early 2010's, dead baby jokes, making fun of people or constantly talking about killing herself.No wonder she stanned Shane Dawson so hard, kek.
No. 1170890
>>1170887Well I mean..
I wouldn’t exactly call falsely calling people pedophiles when you draw underage porn and dress up as a little girl to be fucked by your daddy a street attitude. Rebellious? Oh definitely.
As for her trying to ride the e-girl shit, you have no idea. Somewhere in this thread is a list of all of Tobi’s desperate endeavors to try to make money. She’s constantly talking about being strapped for cash. She had to move in back with her parents recently.
>>1170888That's what happens when it's always someone else's fault.
You take away your own power to improve your situation.
Maybe that's one reason why she hates her Dad so much.
No. 1170893
>>1170876>She then stuck her finger in her ass and gave it a whiff, and said “Nah, we can’t do that”That was the cherry on top of all of this. Thank you anon I had a good belly laugh at that. I figured her hygiene was terrible because of her constantly playing video games for hours on end and the thought of trying to fuck her unwashed ass makes me nauseous. It looks like she hadn't swept/mopped her floor in the ss
>>1170814 in literal months. She got her wish of hardwood floors though, you can see in her RIP Buddy vid her floors are wood.
Sounds like you atleast had some good moments so it wasn't all terrible.
No. 1171121
>>1170893No it wasn't all bad, but it was weird for what it was. I guess it made for an interesting story.
>>1170888She did what for shane dawson?
No. 1171124
>>1171051>>1171057We've all accepted to take this anon's story with a grain of salt. That's par for the course here. But at the end of the day, this is a gossip forum. And this is gossip. Don't act like you're above it when at the end of the day, we're all here for stupid, petty shit like this.
Besides, even if this was completely faked, you have to admit it is incredibly funny.
No. 1171245
>>1171242I never said it was milk.
Only that it was quite entertaining.
You must be really insecure if you consider this anon admitting he fucked Tobi to be bragging. Any normal person would consider that embarrassing or just a benign, moot point of the story.
No. 1171435
>>1171057>>1171393to be fair, I understand where op is coming from. there are a lot of scrotes who come onto lolcow and post that they know x cow and blah blah blah.
the difference is that they usually waffle on about, “oh, her vagina was fishy” or “yeah bruh the sex was so bad” or whatever, and it’s usually really cringe.
this anon, while they do talk about sex a lot, they focus on the fact that Tobi is just weird. Her whole house is a wrecked disaster, she showed him a photo of a dead fetus on their first date, she wanted to be gang banged by a bunch of gay men who were mostly only interested in each other, she shoved her finger in her butthole to see if it smelled bad, etc.
this is the stuff that’s so weird is makes it funny. if this anon came on here and just said, “haha, I had sex with Tobi and it was bad lololol” it’d be cringe and boring and no one would care.
No. 1171447
I don't want to seem like I'm trying too hard, if you don't believe me that's fine, you can say what you want.
But in regards to the sex, we did meet on tinder which is primarily for hook-ups, and we did have sex on the first date, she is also a cam whore and told me all about her sexual fantasies. This isn't something I would have mentioned if it didn't matter, but, she's very sexual by nature, that's who she is. I don't think she's ever had a normal relationship that did not completely rely on sex.
Now you can call me cringe or a shit poster or whatever, but I did try to have a relationship with her, I tried to get to know her, but like I already said; it didn't work out.
No. 1171500
>>1171474>He still became her boyfriend despite all thatWho cares? The focus is on Tobi. No one is acting like this guy is some saint who is so amazingly better than Tobi. He's just the means to get to the funny bits.
>And he does complain about how bad the sex wasNot really. The only thing he mentions bad about the sex is that Tobi had some weird daddy fetish. Which is, once again, just him pointing something out that's weird about Tobi. Not making fun of Tobi for having sex in general.
>He could have just said that he's an ex and summarized the parts that matter without coming back over and over to write more unsaged walls of texts about how disgusting and weird she was from the get-go but somehow he still wound up dating her.Yeah, he could've wrote one post instead of several. But do you really expect some newfag to understand the forum culture? Plus, I guarantee that even if he saged every post, you'd still be ranting at him and us.
Honestly, I think you care way too much. This guy gave us a laugh. He was kind of cringe. I don't think anyone thought he wasn't. But it was a funny story regardless.
No. 1171534
>>1171447Look whether it's true or not, I laughed my ass off. I think it's funny that tobi is probably some disgusting BPD fag that thinks bragging about being statutorily raped by some old pedo is cool. If true that's pretty depressing and hilarious.
Good job anon, I never KEK'D this hard. My condolences about having to fuck that thing, you must have been in a shitty place in your life to actually have done that.
No. 1172287
>>1172129Her Twitch streams delete themselves after a certain period of time, in my experience. I think they delete themselves after a month.
Tobi probably doesn't have any streams because she hasn't streamed for the whole month. Either that, or she set her streams to delete themselves immediately, and none of us have been able to see them.
No. 1173152
Yeah, you might be right about that. It appears like more people are making videos on Luke.
It's a little funny, because MangaKamen was really getting on people's (like Spoctor) asses for not defending Peaches enough, yet Kamen didn't make a video defending Peaches at all. He didn't defended her in a video until other people started making videos on Luke and defending Peaches. And even then, he's disguised his defense video as a Luke criticism video (which it is, in part).
No. 1173158
> It's a little funny, because MangaKamen was really getting on people's (like Spoctor) asses for not defending Peaches enoughHuh, I always thought the only ones making a big deal out of Spoctor "not defending Peaches enough" were Peaches herself (which is also backed up by how she went after JAR via his own Peaches video), and her two heavily ride-or-die friends being Jesp and Scrittus.
I didn't know that even Manga made a big fuss about it; honestly thought he was at
least better than that lol.
Maybe it was on one of Sen's "Luke roast streams" where Manga, Peaches and Harley join in because I sure as hell missed it.
(I do find it ironic at the beginning of JAR's video that one of his points against Luke was him making a video on 16-year-old Harley under the guise of how sus it is that he's making a video on a kid (with him showing a snippet of Harley making that argument) when back on the Tobi drama he initially defended Todoroki
not being a kid because he's 16.
Not saying this as a defense of Luke or anything, I just find that slightly amusing.)
No. 1175466
File: 1614803401873.png (100.5 KB, 748x868, ss1.png)

So looks like Fishlizard/OnlyJesp is finally getting her just desserts. The original post is deleted, but from the replies from people like Junkie and Vabzuycin it looks like she tried to call out Junkie or something kek. And thus the cannibalization continues.
Full thread: No. 1175467
File: 1614803553682.png (252.78 KB, 1542x1448, ss2.png)

Here's sceenshots of the people calling her out and the Chimi person is apparently an Ex-friend of hers she wrote an entire google doc about??? It's a big fucking mess. As finally someone calling her out on her Mari video.
Vabzuycin Full thread:'s Full Thread: No. 1175470
File: 1614803674810.png (475.57 KB, 1538x866, ss3.png)

And of fucking course she's acting really over dramatic with the edgy Dn and pfp. Funnily enough exactly what Mari did. She really is just a Peaches clone and it's no wonder she kept her around.
No. 1175524
File: 1614809204331.png (246.06 KB, 1366x651, whoeverthefuckoriginal.PNG)

>>1175466Someone archived her original Tweet that all of these people are responding to.
Lucky us..
No. 1180855 kamen made a video. It's abt John Swan but he talks about hopeless peaches. I mean i guess he has a point but he has this super weird boomer thing going on calling audience "mindless zombies" and a mob. Yes, insult those who basically gives you money. Also he goes on and on how ppl should question him and critisize him except when they actually try on twitter he gets weirdly angry and defensive on twitter and starts twitter tantrums.
This is why i hate commentary youtubers. They have this weird, greasy holier than thou attidute on them.
(necro) No. 1180948
>>1180855Feels like you're just making up reasons to not like him now.
He wasn't even specifically calling his own audience "mindless zombies"; he was just generalizing.
And I haven't seen him getting "weirdly angry and defensive" on Twitter, unless he's being lied about by Creepshow Art fans.
No. 1181446
>>1180855Personally I just find it funny and very typical of Manga to dwell on the D'Angelo comment on Peaches's first "apology" video (which was basically trash and I'm glad she took it down to make a more concise apology that ACTUALLY addresses her criticism) way more than he should've.
A lot of the recent videos that shifted to Peaches's favor focused more on debunking Luke's and Creepshow's claims since the videos themselves were what caused the drama.
Also idk, you can argue D'Angelo skimmed over the drama but if we're being honest here Peache's first apology video WAS genuinely bad so of course people are going to go with the idea that she only ever shifted blame instead of apologizing. And if your first video was nothing but missing the point, you really think anybody will actually consider hearing your side if you failed to address it properly the first time?
Sounds to me like Manga is just pretty bitter that a big number Youtuber criticized his friend, lol.
Literally nobody else cared about D'Angelo's comment or brought it up and like any other comment on that now-deleted/privated video it's completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things compared to the countless videos that were made in the drama
No. 1182586
File: 1615541757758.png (2.84 MB, 604x12682, Peaches Continously Tweets abo…)

I’m gonna add to your stockpile (dated newest to oldest).
I know we’re all sick of Peaches, but I do want to point out that 90% of Peaches’ Tweets since February have been about the drama she was in. Lots of people have criticized her for not letting it go or talking about it too much, but she really doesn’t take a hint.
This is excluding any Youtube comments or community posts anyone could find, which I’m sure you could find some (I didn’t include every Tweet, either).
In my opinion, it seems like Peaches and her friends think that the criticism she received was all BS. To be fair, a lot of the criticism was flawed. But that doesn’t mean none of their points had any merit. But Peaches always comes off very smug to me. It’s like she wouldn’t of taken any of her critics seriously, even if they made 100%
valid critiques of her behavior.
She also goes on about mental health and symptoms a lot. Like she’s made several Tweets about how editing videos gives her so much anxiety it apparently causes anxiety attacks? Does anyone know if this is a symptom of something?
Also, this will be irrelevant to most people, but I wanted to point out that Peaches made an account dedicating to lewding her persona. I think it’s weird and something an insecure person would do, honestly. But she deleted it within a week or two.
No. 1182590
File: 1615542011443.png (224.46 KB, 609x1732, Peaches Opinion on Fishlizard.…)

Also you can find Peaches defending(?) Fishlizard. Weirdly enough, she makes it about herself.
No. 1183116
>>1182586Watch as idiots like HarleyTBS attempt to validate her by saying how "she's allowed to vent about it" and anyone calling her out for constantly talking about the drama to "be the adult and leave her alone"
That's literally what got her into a Twitter spat with Kai the other day. Peaches shit-talks about them in the server despite supposedly having posted that Twitlonger apology, Kai calls her out, and apparently according to Harley it's
Kai's fault for not letting her vent out despite literally lying about the people she's apologized to in other servers, lol
Just shut the fuck up about the drama, Peaches. And yet you and your friends constantly whine about wanting everyone to leave it alone
No. 1183210
File: 1615605529315.png (38.58 KB, 1593x810, unknown (18).png)

(rewording this shit lmao)
anyone else noticed fishlizard/only jesp deleted her account after she got criticism for her mari video on her latest video
No. 1183213
>>1183210ehhh personally I feel like the Mari video was only a small factor compared to the actual clusterfuck she got into on Twitter with Junkie and many others.
after the twitter shitfest that went down with her, Junkie and some other users there her twitter handle went all down and gloomy(tm) and kept making tweets in the same "im gonna off myself" vein peaches did.
guess it didn't take long for her youtube to follow suit lmao
No. 1183216
File: 1615605982578.png (300.31 KB, 855x914, jesp_comments.png)

these were the comments lol
No. 1183224
File: 1615606853106.png (35.78 KB, 421x397, Screenshot 2021-03-12 9.40.26 …)

Unfortunately no, tho those comments were on her "taking responsibility and i'm sorry to you all" video before she nuked her account. the video was her apologizing about the luke and funeral shit. tho her account has been deleted, so take this with a grain of salt
No. 1183581
> Says she's never giving Mari an apology.…Despite literally having dumped her at the drop of a hat due to that one drama Mari had (yet hypocritically stood by Peaches despite everything else the latter dealt with) and called her a predator
> Doesn't want anything to do with the community anymore because people lied about her and she's hurt other people.The fact Jesp now disassociates from the community when it's suddenly about
Gotta love the lack of self-awareness with her hating how people supposedly lied about her, while she was literally out there slandering Mari.
These are the kind of company Peaches keeps, guys.
If you're not all tired yet from Peaches constantly spouting shit about her drama in her Twitter, she'll probably flood her tweets of this too and try to justify everything while still making it about herself and "oh no, mental health"
No. 1184003
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To add to Harley being blatantly dishonest as mentioned here:
>>1169115At this point I feel like the reason people are giving Harley way more credibility than he deserves is due to his drama involving Luke (and partly because of the "grown man Luke fighting 16-year-old Harley" narrative people pushed alongside that particular drama) and also because people like Just Stop shouted him out on his own spat with Luke. claim in this tweet is not only dishonest, but just pushes a false narrative in favor of Peaches. Peaches was already getting some support when people started calling bs on Luke and Creepshow, i dont see why Kai or Omnia have to be next. Are people just now immediately targetting literally anyone who made a Peaches video at this rate?
> "Both of you have been harassing her online for months."Omnia literally wasn't on Twitter at ALL for a few months (no tweets, no replies, nothing) and her Youtube activity remained stagnant, with the few videos made having nothing to do with Peaches at all.
Kai barely made any video past his subscriber milestone one, and after something he got into with Omnia (her
toxic roommate, specifically), he temporarily privated his channel and stopped making Tweets on Twitter at one point.
None of them ever mentioned Peaches, save for the one instance WAY back when Kai called Peaches out for once again lying about him and Omnia in a Discord chat (i.e. the twitter spat with him, Peaches and Harley)
> "Drop it."No Harley,
Peaches should drop it. The drama is literally 90% of what she's been tweeting about the entire time, but I guess since she's your friend it's "venting" and that's apparently "healthy" of her to do.
I get it's her experiences in her drama, but the more she keeps talking about it, the more she just wants to come off being the
victim for sympathy.
You can see it with how many people are now dragging Kai and Omnia for not "being the bigger person" or "dropping it" when Peaches herself has had that drama in her head rent-free.
Fuck off.
No. 1184009
>“I’m not going to apologize for you screwing around with a 13-year-old.”
>“You called Tobi predatory, but that directly applied to you.”…Excuse me?
Fishlizard.Zip / OnlyJesp , sweetie, Mari made a retardedly long doc on a terrible, shitty kid. She’s not a predator, and you acting like she is, is disgusting.
>>1184003I don't really blame Harley for being a moron, because he's 16. But you know Peaches is egging him on behind the scenes, and it makes her look like a real scumbag.
We'll let her live her life when she stops making Tweets about it, k kid?
No. 1184027
File: 1615687235370.png (1.13 MB, 598x3514, Peaches Final Fuck You.png)

>>1184003More Tweets about the drama, including about Omnia.
Peaches: I don’t want to reopen wounds, and thank you so much for taking it down!
Also Peaches: I’m gonna make a Twitlonger that basically says, “fuck you, I’m not forgiving you”, that will definitely cause drama between my fans and Omnia’s
No. 1184045
File: 1615688980603.png (1.01 MB, 598x9276, omniakai response.png)

>>1184027Here are the threads from Omnia and Kai, too.
Honestly sick of this. I wish all of them would just shut up.
No. 1184699
File: 1615766253815.png (93.38 KB, 599x822, Peaches Leaving Twitter.... Ag…)

>>1184027>>1184045Welp, Peaches is getting off Twitter.
I genuinely hope she stays gone for at
least 3 months this time. And I hope her friends aren't behind the scenes telling her all the stuff that happens on Youtube and Twitter, making her away-from-Internet life just as
toxic as if she was on the Internet herself.
No. 1184705
File: 1615767048507.png (246.05 KB, 602x1280, omniasayingshechangesitIMMEDIA…)

>>1184699Also Omnia is acting like she immediately changed the thumbnail, which we all know she didn't. She was informed on Youtube and Twitter about it for months.
Honestly it's just common sense not to use it in the first place, and she's acting stupid.
Her whole argument revolves around, "But.. but Scrittus though-"
How about having some human decency? How about instead of acting like a petty child, you actually care about the effects your thumbnail could have instead of going, "But why can someone else do it, but not me?"
Because Scrittus did it in a completely different context and with permission, that's why. As if it even mattered. If you agree that it was wrong for both of you to use it, why didn't you do the right thing on your own and use something different instead of digging in your heels to try to get some sort of arbitrary "win"? I swear Omnia is only acting like this because she can't stand the idea of being wrong, so she has to act with the "I'm not the only one to blame. We're both wrong." attitude.
No. 1184718
File: 1615770462153.png (1.04 MB, 830x6316, allchangethumbnailcomments.png)

>>1184705Not that anyone was doubting you, but I figured I’d go and collect the “this thumbnail is from the grooming video” comments. I included some from Comment Picker just to show that, yes, Omnia was getting comments telling her it was a fucked up thing to do the
day of her upload. I also included the Twitter thread that happened two days after her upload with HarleyTBS and others.
You can see dates from all over in her comment sections, from December, to January, to February, and they have increased now in March.
Omnia probably started giving in
because of the increase in “thumbnail” comments. Not because of any moral feelings she had.
No. 1184738
Speaking of the thumbnail discourse (which is one of the dumbest things people get worked up over imo; there are legit criticisims on some of the videos made on Peaches and while the implications behind the thumbnail is up to debate in the end of the day it's a picture that barely shows up throughout the main content of the video and the fact people are arguing over this is just sad lol): love how Jesp says she "won't be on Twitter" (which is even stated in her bio) yet is still up arguing with Kai and spewing more mental health shit.
If she and Peaches are really on a "break" off social media, they'd literally just…NOT engage in tweets at all, not even on likes either.
As shady as Omnia is for the thumbnail debacle, at least when she says she was gonna take a break from Twitter, she actually meant it.
How much do you bet Peaches and Jesp still engage on the drama behind the scenes despite their supposed "break"? lmao
No. 1184747
>>1184718I know people keep going on about how Scrittus's parody of the thumbnail was "okay" because he got Peaches's "permission" for it and all that, but I do raise one other channel.
Spoctor also used something from Peaches's grooming video in his thumbnail on Peaches. Yet I barely see anyone going up his throat on that.
It might not be the thumbnail specifically, but it
is one of the stills used in her grooming video, and the usage of anything from that video was always what people were arguing about.
This just makes me wonder if Omnia was always the easier target for everyone. Hell, during the Tobi drama people gave her more flack than they did with Kai (and Tobi on her dumpster fire of a response video kept targetting Omnia
specifically despite some of the points being ones Kai made (e.g. her hypocrisy on child pron))
I know it's been discussed here before whether Peaches was only okay with the thumbnail because the video was supporting her (Scrittus) vs criticizing her (Omnia), but the fact Spoctor used assets from that same grooming video for his thumbnail on a video that criticized her on a marginally more neutral light yet barely received any comments or tweets calling him out in the same multitude Omnia got really makes me wonder if
maybe there actually was a sort of double standard….
No. 1184769
>>1184747I guess my thought process is that it doesn't matter.
Peaches can have as many stupid double standards as she wants. We already know she's an annoying bitch. But that doesn't change the fact that using the thumbnail is a fucked up thing to do to begin with. And the fact that Omnia
was informed, yet refused to change it puts her in a really bad light.
I don't know if Spoctor got called out for this initially like Omnia was (he did get called out later now), but I think he should be called out.
The reason people are probably focusing on Omnia is because she
was informed, and she made a reply to it on why she wouldn't change. She's had many chances to change it, and she's made her opinion about it clear. Spoctor has only been informed now, he hasn't made a statement that we know of, so it's his first chance.
Obviously people are going to be more mad at Omnia, who makes Tweets questioning everyone about this and has stubbornly refused to change her thumbnail for the past few months, in comparison to Spoctor who has done none of those things thus far (and honestly, I don't see him putting up a lot of resistance to changing the thumbnail once he realizes people are upset about it).
No. 1184867
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>>1184738I clicked on the link only to realize that it was part of even MORE Kai threads. I agree with
>>1184045 . I understand if Kai / Omnia want to make a video on Harley, because the video Harley made was flawed, and him and Peaches do act annoying on Twitter. But at the same time, most of us are really sick of Peaches drama. Mostly because a lot of it is petty highschool stupid shit.
Also Kai acts like it's weird that people would get upset at him and Omnia for making another video about Peaches when 1.) most people are tired of Peaches drama, as I said. And 2.) Kai and Omnia made it seem like their video was going to be about the thumbnail, when everyone considered that such a small point against them and were more focused on Luke and Creepshow. It's like.. wow, okay, everyone had one small critique of you, and you blow it up into a big deal that needs a video?
I think why most people are getting "worked up" is because Kai and Omnia are getting worked up. Like it really wasn't THAT big of a deal. Yeah people were upset, but they weren't gonna spam them or make videos about it. Most people view it as Omnia and Kai overreacting to a reasonable criticism. Which, to be fair, they are.
I don't know what other points they'll bring up, but if the thumbnail point consists of more than 2 minutes of whatever video they're making, it really is too much.
As for F I S H L I Z A R D . Z I P / OnlyJesp, wow. She made this hyper dramatic video completely "breaking down", and yet here she is, arguing with people on Twitter just a day or two later. She really never learns to fuck off, does she? I can see why she and Peaches get along.
Hopefully Peaches will go away for a few months at the minimum. But I don't have high hopes considering her last "breaks".
No. 1185451
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>>1183573Happy to see not everyone is coddling her dramatic ass in the comments. I'm deadass convinced she's somehow convinced herself that Mari groomed and abused Kalmints and she's grasping onto the fact that she's a CSA survior to convince herself she's right. Kalmints is a sociopathic little brat that called someone a Pedophile over fucking fanfiction with 2 fictional characters being 16 and 18. Mari is a massive idiot for writing a 500 page callout but Kalmints isn't the innocent little child people keep trying to portray her as and she needed to be called out as well.
No. 1185456
File: 1615856290508.png (171.12 KB, 1232x761, Fishliz2.png)

>>1185451Same anon, but this comment perfectly summarizes what I think of Kalmints and Fishbitch's complete and utter
victim card of "It's broken me up so much that people want me to apologize for this". Of course people want you to apologize for calling someone a predator just like Kalmints called her a pedophile. Why is it so hard for you just to straight up say that you overstepped with that and got overly emotional? Why is it she and Peaches are so fucking emotionally manipulative? I am so tired.
No. 1185560
>>1185456Man this Kal kid just seems unhinged. I remember further back people talking about how obsessed she with with Mari and that comment made things just click. Like wow, this kid is legit scary and people just letting her do it and praising her for it. She's found her shield of "being a child" and really has rolled with it to be a little monster online and harass people with her out of, "I'm a kid so they're a predator."
No. 1185761
File: 1615905986341.jpg (629.12 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210316-103813_Twi…)

looool kal is big mad because someone made a doc criticizing her
the doc owner's thoughts were probably too long for a twitlonger or a threat btw
No. 1185775
>>1185761The use of tone indicators alone are already cringe lol
>>1185456> "It just broke me down how individuals want me to apologize for this"So basically…"Stop making me apologize because it'll make
me feel bad"
I mean, honestly Jesp shouldn't be apologizing to Mari if she doesn't want to, otherwise it's just gonna be rather forced and insincere anyway, with her only apologizing because she "had" to and not because she really did feel bad.
But at the same time this just reeks of hypocrisy. I'm glad Jesp is realizing what an idiot she was during the Mari drama but imagine still being so brain-dead that you STILL don't see how you were wrong with dropping your friend on the fly and calling her a predator over it.
Writing a 500-page callout doc isn't "predatory" if the content is anything but that. It was literally 500 pages of Mari being fucking unhinged to the point of showing a fuckton of screencaps and derailing her points when she should've just made them as concise a possible and leave it at that.
No. 1186316
>>1185775I remember Mari supposedly posted here talking about not shortly after this all mess she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. If that was her which apparently she'd talked to people about posting on lolcow so I'm inclined to believe it was then yeah she was unhinged while writing it. She was was undiagnosed with a mental illness that causes such behavior.
What's sad about it all is how relentless Kal the kids she wrote it on is being on this while she's trying to get help for her condition. Like looking into it Kal is borderline stalking her to out her no mater where she goes line to the point of actually doxxing her and sending people to harass her facebook and her family member's facebook. That kid is even having people report and harass her linkedin profile.
No. 1187177
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I went and found it since neither of you did.
I actually laughed. This has to be the WORST apology I have ever seen.
No. 1187181
File: 1616039936930.png (3.29 MB, 594x12282, Kal Rant March 15.png)

Also Kal has like some autistic obsession with Mari.
It's been shown here before that Kal Tweets about Mari and the doc situation A LOT, and that hasn't changed much, so it seems.
Like, Mari’s not a pedophile, and she’s not a murderer. She’s not out grooming children, either. So there is no reason for Kal to keep watch over her every move and expose every account that has the potential to be hers.
Kal literally got someone banned from a server for just drawing a generic chibi that was in the most basic anime chibi style. It was nothing like Mari’s previous artworks (that I’ve seen at least).
No. 1187238
>>1187222It’s not really tinfoil. We have never been shown Kal receiving any form of harassment as a result of Mari’s document. We’ve never seen anyone give any threats, or even a single insult. There’s just no evidence for it.
Everyone says Kal was super mentally damaged, but there’s no evidence that anything happened. At
most, maybe 3 or 5 people went and told Kal they suck or something. But that’s what Kal and his friends were doing to Mari anyway.
Everyone dogpiled on Mari pretty quickly from what I remember. Within a few days. I really doubt Kal got anything aside from a few “hey, u suck” messages within 2 days, considering Mari is not a big creator. And that’s if he even got anything at all.
Same for Kal being doxed or hacked on Discord. Kal wasn’t doxed (all information Mari gave was public), and I’ve never seen evidence of this hacking. Even if Kal was hacked, how does anyone know that has anything to do with Mari? What if Kal was just a stupid kid and clicked on a spam link?
The way Kal acts is so bitter and so cringe. He's just a really cringey kid desperate for attention.
No. 1187386
>>1187177This is literally on par with every other "influencer apology twitter thread" lmao. Missed opportunity it wasn't a twitlonger or noteapp
> "…i went too far on things because of the hurt she gave me, and i might have overreacted."Finally some self-awareness.
> "NEVER EVER hold me to the same standards as mari. i didnt doxx mari.""Didn't doxx Mari." I believe leaking someone's Facebook info with their
real name which they prefer to separate from their other socials is practically the closest you could ever get to doxxing but ok.
maybe it wouldn't count because who knows if Mari's facebook can be publicly accessed. But even then Mari separates her facebook from her youtube, unlike her other socials like twitter. People she knows IRL and even her family are connected to her facebook. It's personal info.
> "…you can still hold me accountable for mine, but mari’s actions do not amount to mine."Of course not, because your actions are far WORSE than Mari's at this point.
The worst Mari has done was write a 500-page callout doc, coming off unhinged and obsessive. The worst
you've done was throw pedo accusations and even when blocked, led a smear campaign not only by continuing to make fun of Mari, but also to mass-report any of her socials, had your friends keep tabs on her and even tried to get someone reported just because you
suspected they were Mari due to similar art styles and interests, as shown here:
>>1187181If anything, you're coming off to be just as unhinged as Mari was.
> "i want her to know that she needs to learn her lesson. get off the internet entirely and ACTUALLY work on bettering yourself"And she HAS. Every other Youtuber that covered the situation and rode along your sob story practically drove Mari off the internet at this point.
She's not gonna work on bettering herself if you and your equally retarded buddies are still hot on her heels over literally ANYTHING.
> "…i apologize for the uneeded things i did on my end due to the hurt and trauma mari put me through. but i will never apologize to mari directly"LOl
First Jesp and now Kal. That's
two people who try to "own up" to their shit but still make it a statement not to apologize to Mari. Not that it's necessary since neither of you will mean it even if you did anyway.
> "i had heard things from people on how i wasn’t the first kid she gaslit and many other things, and that sent me into a bit of panic."Sources, please. Your situation is literally the first anyone has ever heard from Mari.
> "i thought that “i should put it in my hands to make sure that mari never harms a kid again emotionally and psychologically.”What every Twitter "apology" thread needs: the melodramatics. This is just Jesp levels at this rate.
> "mari literally sacrificed mind and body, soul and heart to die on a hill and defend a problematic ship. she put me through hell and more over a SHIP between a minor and an adult."YOU put
her through hell over a ship. A
fictional ship. A 3-year age gap ship (15 and 18) is literally high school-trope romance as a close comparison.
> "i still talk about her to make sure no one forgets what she did, because i dont want this to reoccur."And
here's the justification. So you're bullshit excuse is that you don't want anyone to encounter a "Mari situation" so you gotta keep having her live in your head rent-free?
"So basically I'm sorry for the stuff I did but I still have to beat on a dead horse that is Mari."
No. 1187803
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Also I didn't realize Peaches had a vent account, which was posting after she said she was leaving Twitter.
The most interesting post is the one about the cc/cancel culture, which she seems upset that she is no longer getting Youtube revenue (which she has mentioned on her main Twitter before).
No. 1188775
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>>1187975If I wasn't so busy I might. But since Kai and Omnia are planning to discuss this new Peaches video in their video, I figure I'll wait for that one.
>>1184699>>1184738Both wrong. Turns out, when Peaches says she's "going on an indefinite hiatus" and "locking herself out of Twitter", it means she's going to leave for about three or four days before coming back, posting and reposting more than ever.
No. 1188873
>>1188775"Hiatus/Break from Twitter" is basically just "I'll be gone only for a few days" in Peaches (and Jesp) speak.
Heck, I'll be damned if either of them just come back after just
one day.
Personally, I think Peaches coming back from her supposed "break" is part due to how she's now more comfortable with how everyone is coming back to her side and how some of the people who made videos on her (JAR, Hot Box, etc.) have backed down from their respective videos.
Not that that's gonna stop Peaches. High chance she'll still pull a small pity me complex and
still tweet about her drama to garner more sympathy, even when her audience already more than likely shifted to her side. lol
No. 1188880
> Omnia & Kai Weiss have continued to defend a thumbnail that caused extreme trauma for Hopeless Peaches, today, I want to discuss that.I went to the video myself and I didnt even have to watch it yet and already this is petty asf
yeah it's shady that Omnia didnt back down and change it when people already told her to. But the fact you're dedicating a video from that one issue alone and the fact you even have JAR with you as if thats gonna add to your talking points just makes it video super unnecessary.
kai and omnia were getting shit on twitter for making a video, because people kept saying how they were "making a big deal out of the thumbnail issue"
But if you ask me, Harley's the one making a big deal out of it now.
Omnia changed the thumbnail a few days ago (albeit it looked like she was forced to, but whatever. she already did it.) and yet Harley's still gonna make a video over it.
And like someone mentioned here:
>>1184747It's funny no one is getting on Spoctor's case. The worst I've seen people get on his case was the whole "he saw the evidence yet still chose to stay neutral" bs that Peaches and her friends kept spouting about, and it's already been mentioned here that she's not entitled to having Spoctor defend her the way she wants.
No. 1188975
>>1188880I get the impression Peaches and Spoctor probably settled whatever bad blood they might've had in private, especially after Spoctor basically admitted in private DMs (which Harley leaked in his Peaches documentary video , IIRC) that the only reason he didn't defend her more in one of his videos was because of popular opinion or some bullshit like that.
Whereas Omnia basically refused to admit
any sort of wrongdoing whatsoever, and just had people like Kai, Thumin, and Creepshow play the race card on her behalf if she got any criticism she didn't like.
No. 1189334
>>1188875oh, it's definitely a petty reaction lol
For starters thats the same title Kai had on his Peaches video.
>>1188975Even if Spoctor and Peaches settled their beef, the thumbnail on his video is still there and unchanged. That's literally the entire argument used in the whole thumbnail drama: that anything from the grooming video used in a thumbnail on a video criticizing her is "downplaying her trauma" or whatever else. In fact, Peaches made a whole twitlonger dedicated to it.
So why does Spoctor suddenly get no callouts and a free pass about it? I can get Scrittus, because they're buddies or whatever and friends get double standards for all I care.
I feel like Peaches, Harley, Jesp and everyone else just want something to whine about. As it's been pointed out here before, im sure nobody would care if the video was meant to support her LMAO
No. 1191551
>>1191468Because brits gotta stick together, I guess lol
Sarcasm aside, I just find it hypocritical that he's expecting Kai to "be the adult" in the situation when 1. Kai has every right to call out Peaches talking shit about him and lying her ass off in Discord chats after she's supposedly apologized to them and 2. Peaches is ALSO an adult (heck she's older than Kai as well) so you can tell the double standard is very obvious
Like someone pointed out here I do feel like Harleys just given way more credibility than he even needs or deserves because of the Luke drama when Luke has been shown to be disingenuous.
That and the whole "Luke's an adult calling out a kid" narrative that we've seen mirrored in the Mari drama.
Kids arent immune to criticism and it's retarded that "they're just a kid" is even supposed to be a point brought up lol
As much as I still think Peaches is shady af, her fans are becoming even more annoying than her. A lot of them are practically shooting down kai and omnia for daring to make another peaches video and a lot of them are assuming that's "they're defending the thumbnail" when that's not even the point and the two have already said it's not even what their videos are gonna be mainly about.
Is it unnecessary to make another peaches video? Likely. But this just might be a retrospective to the drama than anything (like Omnia's reflection video on the Tobi drama) and the fact Peaches' simps are jumping on their throat with "you're defending the thumbnail" is retarded
No. 1191553
>>1191551I’m expecting this to eventually result in Harley’s own downfall eventually. Also I love how all the art commentary channels are supporting Peaches after talking all that shit against her. Goes to show how anyone of them can flip like a coin to either side.
Advice to anyone who wants to be an artuber and/or commentator, don’t become too close to any of these people and just focus on your own shit.
No. 1191833
>>1191468>I hate how Harley hides behind his "I'm 16 so you aren't allowed to come after me" excuseWhen has he ever done that?
>>1191731They just all have too much pride and enjoy playing the
No. 1191845
>>1191833>They just all have too much pride and enjoy playing the victim.You're right really lol It's the pride for sure but seriously, the thing that made me feel this way aside from still seeing Hopeless Peaches videos still popping up was the video Just A Robot recently dropped that was near an hour long. I watched half of it and he was just spouting off the same tired bullshit that had already been discussed and buried. He at least admitted that he was doing it for money but still I found it so dumb at the same time.
We get it, PrisonMateLuke is a liar and Peaches became a bandwagon but what more is there to freaking say. I guess I just find the situation boring and played out. It's simple enough to just not click the videos but I just find it morbidly fascinating how "drama" like this managed to stay around when it's already been close to a year since it started.
No. 1192490
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>>1191833Read above about Harley vs Kai, seems like he flimsy used this excuse.
Is it just me or will Harley end up being PrisonmateLuke.02 with the way he’s behaving so biased and ignoring how Peaches is deliberately egging on the situation? She’s a snake and will always be one, I don’t think she’s changed at all.
Also it’s hilarious how people are bitching at Omnia for using the thumbnail even though Spoctor did the same. It’s also weird how she gave permission to another to use it even though it’s supposedly too serious to use lol.
No. 1192570
>>1192490Just the fact he liked that comment. He's not even trying to be subtle about it lmaooo
Seriously what is it with people trying to bring up Harley's age being 16 as a means to grill Kai and Omnia for making a video on Harley as if minors shouldn't be criticized? As we've seen with the Mari situation, the fact everyone is gravitating toward the "kid" with the thought process that they get a free pass for acting like a little shit is retarded and just makes it look like people just want a feel good story with none of the nuances.
Luke lost his credibility
because he's been shown to lie and manipulate the narrative in his videos. Him having making videos on 16-year-olds (Just Stop and Harley) are the
least of the problems with Luke's content.
Not surprised Harley is on board with these people pushing the "Kai and Omnia just want beef with a 16 year old" narrative considering this is the same kid that did nothing but compare Kai to Prison Mate Luke when Kai called him out for falsely claiming he and Omnia were "harassing Peaches for months" (which funny enough Harley took that tweet down after he realized he was wrong and went off on assumptions LOL)
That comment just makes me laugh because they claim that they "need to step back and realize what was wrong" when I guarantee that they're the same people hounding the comments and Twitter replies roasting them from JAR's, Harley's and Peaches' videos.
It was stupid enough that everyone's running the narrative that Kai's/Omnia's next videos were about defending the thumbnail, and now they're running with the "they're calling out a kid" bs
Interesting how like with Peaches, Harley and their braindead fans seem to REALLY love going off assumptions….Hmm.
No. 1192768
>>1191845Oh yeah, Just A Robot is… honestly almost as bad as Prison Mate Luke himself when it comes to milking drama for his own gain. I can see why he gets on people's nerves.
>>1192570He likes a lot of comments that are vaguely in favour of him (as well as some of his own comments, strangely) on his YouTube videos, so I'm not sure he himself is entirely on board with his age being used as a defense, but… I digress.
No. 1192879
>>1192585Honestly I hope that Kai and Omnia don't do a video on it. What will it really accomplish aside from prolonging this point drama and there will be no end if it just goes through a response = response cycle.
>>1192768>Oh yeah, Just A Robot is… honestly almost as bad as Prison Mate Luke himself when it comes to milking drama for his own gain. I can see why he gets on people's nerves.Right. Like I said, at least he was honest about wanting to milk the drama for money (ad revenue) but even with that, it's still gross that he's trying to keep the drama going for monetary gain because his own content doesn't get the same amount of attention as his drama videos do. But even more, I just felt a little annoyed towards the end of the video where he's apologizing to Peaches and it's like dude, just stop.
I guess I just feel like Peaches is such a "woe is me" drama queen and I'm getting tired of people acting like she's some
victim when she was acting shady herself.
No. 1199261
As this thread reaches it's post limit, it's funny looking back through and seeing where all the original people who made videos on Tobi and the people involved are at now.
Tobi's channel tanked so hard a T-14 Armata would be jealous. Sealed her fate with the whole LOH drama and now she's being a hermit hiding in VRChat and trying to get a Twitch following. She's still seething at Omnia kek.
Madlibbs rage quited from Youtube whining about her mental health, but according to her community tab she's pulling a Peaches and coming back soon.
Fuchsia is still a bland and annoying Lily Pete clone.
NezzieMonster is still ridiculously boring.
Omnia and Kai appearantlty secretly dated for a while until they fell out but have now made up and are still going on about the whole Peaches situation???? Those two confuse me but whatever floats their boat I guess. Omnia is kinda bitchy and Kai seems to react to things way too easily.
Lyra up and privated all her videos on it, changed her channel name, and has moved on from everyone entirely (the smart move because the commentary community is toxic as fuck).
Nawnii is also a smart one that moved on from everyone entirely.
The Hot Box is trying to be Prison Mate Luke 2.0
Prison Mate Luke has shot down any credibility he had back when the Tobi drama was happening and is fighting with a fucking teenager.
Harsh Opinions is another smart one that actually took proper accountability and has moved on.
Thumin is dealing with a bunch of edge baiting race trolls on her art.
Mari Akustu shot herself in the foot when making a 500 page callout of a brat over fanfiction. Currently in hiding.
OnlyJesp also shot herself in the foot by being Peaches 2.0, calling Mari a predator, having a public mental break down, got mad because Junkie blocked her, almost doxxed someone, and burned bridges with pretty much any other commentator aside from Peaches.
Zizi is still boring and brung up the Mari situation as a gotcha for when Mari criticized her for her comments made on Kai.
JAR and Kamen are in a war with PrisonMateLuke over the Peaches shit and both are just as annoying as ever.
Minty, Spoctor, and Junkie are doing whatever the fuck and have moved on.
Overall if anything this thread just goes to show just how two-faced and toxic the ACC really is and it's funny to see so many people who got involved with the Tobi situation be outed as actual pieces of shit overtime.
No. 1210596
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Hey all, before this thread reaches it's limit I'd like to post about Jesp real quick. Turns out she's still at it again with the Mari situation.
By the way, I'm the guy who made the two videos on Kal.
No. 1210598
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>>1210596Second part of the screenshot that I found on her twitter.