File: 1728358887520.png (1.28 MB, 1794x1303, fanny_ver2.png)

No. 2043422
>>>/snow/2031615Adrien Perret, born Fanny Perret on 6/26/1997, also known online as Null/Laika Albarn/Polyglotplatypus, is a French artist and animator formerly Tumblr famous for getting entrenched in Homestuck fandom drama for drawing incestuous rape. These days, she's now infamous instead for LARPing as an Asian woman having an incestuous affair with her father in New Jersey while, in reality, being a fat, white French ex-pooner.
>Laika Albarn/deadspacedogHer Asian LARP account. Some genuinely believed she was living a hentai fantasist's dream in the mafia asscrack of America. Her comic, LIMERENCE, is framed as being biographical.
Archived Twitter: (Login only, but her fics are archived): hates having her paywalled work reposted, so enjoy these archive links of her comic LIMERERENCE:
>polyglotplatypus/ad_pgp/Adrien PerretHer "professional" username, most commonly associated with her name as Adrien Perret. Was once known for being waist deep in Homestuck drama, so that's included from the old OP.
Reddit: / Archived copy: / Tumblr: MSPFA: out post:
>Null_backdoorhoHer newest account where she draws a comic of her fetish OCs, the primary of which are a pair of highschool teachers in an
abusive BDSM relationship. According to Fanny, her family is aware of her art and is even supportive of it.
She tries to play tough, but being doxxed in the last thread made her flip out and DFE. She is, deep down, a very sensitive little bitch.
Further, while she tries to claim that her fetishes are strictly fictional, she is in the process of saving up for nullification surgery and has advocated for pedophiles to use her art to cope.
Thanks to a brave anon from the last thread for giving us a server scrape of her paywalled discord, where you can see her admit to saving massive amounts of actual FGM
victims and people putting live rats on their genitals:
Catbox full links: zipped links:
Twitter: Twitter: null_bis
Curiouscat: links tied to her IRL identity:
IMDB: magazine talking about a comic she worked on: old IMDB page from a short film she starred in made by her mother: No. 2043426
>>2043358Just like with Laika and her previous phases she'll crash out with Cy and Lynn soon. Given her track record she'll probably sink even further into performative degeneracy to stick it to the haydurrs lol. I'm putting my money on her next OCs being daddy-daughter incest or a self hating tranny like
>>2042539Remember, you can be as resentful and hateful as you want so long as you label it queer kink or get off on it ~to cope~
No. 2043428
File: 1728360169642.png (301.8 KB, 1172x574, yaoi au.png)

>>2043422thank you for the thread, nonna!
not milk, but i find it interesting and horrifically predictable a male lynn wouldn't undergo genital mutilation. just wouldn't be able to get hard again, teehee!
sorry for the repost, dropped my pic No. 2043601
File: 1728408759786.png (605.37 KB, 720x748, Screenshot_20240930-184641.png)

she had a homestuck tattoo on her shoulder.
No. 2043602
File: 1728408834796.png (1.56 MB, 1280x1658, tumblr_inline_pe2lqhu8FO1rx80f…)

>>2043601Aged like shit btw
No. 2043613
>>2043601Looked like shit brand new
>>2043602Looks even more like shit after a few years. Jfc, looks like she scribbled on herself with ballpoint pen kek.
No. 2043615
>>2043601The linework is so irregular it looks like a stick'n poke. It's tragic when artists, who should know better, don't spend their money into good tattoo artists. Then again, a good tattoo artist would have told her her design was shit and far too small, leading to severe bleed out in a couple years. And then again², Fanny is not a good artist herself, so is unlikely to go for quality work.
>>2043602It looks so small compared to the picture about, no wonder it aged like shit. The design is ugly but would have needed a lot more space to not deteriorate like this. At least the homestuck logo or whatever is almost unrecognizable.
No. 2043631
File: 1728413915935.jpg (320.69 KB, 800x787, Screenshot_20241008_155747.jpg)

>>2043601Is that her double chin? kekkk
No. 2043758
File: 1728438534190.png (67.54 KB, 588x399, dkfjnemdklfkvj.png)

Non-milk but does she know how algorithms work? Especially xitters shitty algorithm? You can get porn recommended to you without even ever interacting with it. Why are degen artists like this? She can just spoiler her shit it's not really that hard. This just comes off as stubborn
No. 2043810
File: 1728451421481.jpeg (246.65 KB, 1187x1200, IMG_9482.jpeg)

Fanny once drew a more “realistic” Cyrus and holy shit my sides. That is supposed to be a man who’s so darn charming and handsome that everyone in the story excuses him being a pedophile? No teenage girl would fall for this thing.
No. 2043816
>>2043796I think the most compelling evidence is:
“Laika” said her dad was a cartoonist/comic artist, Fanny’s dad actually was
>>2020765 >>2030715
Fanny’s idolization of her dead dad as a twue artist who truly understood her, just like Laika
>>2020763 >>2031007
She’s a decent art style mimic, which explains the different art styles between Laika and Null accounts
>>2020886But this drawing supposedly by Laika’s dad looks just like Null’s typical stuff
>>2021264Drawing fake dad and irldad dead in a bathtub
>>2030635Coincidental specs
>>2020821 No. 2043820
>>2043810intended reaction
>woww cy is an incredible artist on top of being a knowledgeable cultured ~high school teacher~, so classy and elitist ! and a rocket omg so quirkyactual reaction
>art school is a joke how did fanny graduate. recessed chin and tumor ears ?? No. 2043822
File: 1728453646477.png (61.45 KB, 409x360, Screenshot_2024-08-26_11.23.50…)

>>2043796I'm pretty sure Fanny confirmed she's Laika in picrel also see
>>2025061 in spite of apparently living in New Jersey, Laika's payments are processed in euros
No. 2043869
>>2043796How about the fact that purchases of Laika's book were processed in euros even for US buyers?
>>2043810Of course Cartman isn't just an ultra charismatic genius sexyman ethical rapist, he's also a skilled artist in-universe. Weird character to make into a Mary Sue.
No. 2044146
>>2043869Cringe, boring normies:
>my Mary Sue OC is a goth angel who turns the hot villain into her concubineEnlightened Fanny with an IQ almost reaching her BMI:
> my Mary Sue OC is a fat chinlet paedophile>>2043885I wonder if she's one of those people who went SO Tumblr-progressive that she went full circle and memed herself back into being racist.
No. 2044147
File: 1728515317851.png (856.16 KB, 1187x1200, lemon people racism.png)

>>2044146>I wonder if she's one of those people who went so tumblr-progressive she went full circle and memed herself back into being racist She draws asian people with yellow skin and you still wonder?
No. 2044454
File: 1728591720939.png (Spoiler Image,518.24 KB, 932x525, petitedelicateloli.png)

>>2044397But you're mistaken
nonnie. Fanny is not a hairy, greasy chop top with the eyes of a pig. She's a petite, short, babyfaced hafu legal loli. So tiny she has to hold her beer glass with two hands. People mistake her for a 16-year-old kindergartener all the time.
No. 2044474
>drew herself next to lola riding dildos, hasn’t done anything like this with any other character as far as Im awareShe drew "herself" meeting and fucking Cy. Proves your theory right lol. What is her obsession with asians? She isn't even a weeb or kweeb she just wants asians to find her fuckable. No wonder she tries to push herself off as being uwu tiny loli. She knows she'd drop the nb lesbian shit in a heartbeat if an asian scrote showed the tiniest inkling of interest in her.
>>2044472Fanny chinese footbinding fetish arc when?
No. 2044478
>>2044454Are dildos, but she has drawn lola with her whole intestines pulled out of her body once. Btw, you have to go to the hospital to fix that, right? It's a full on surgery to put your bowels inside your body again.
No. 2044616
File: 1728619256427.jpg (75.46 KB, 722x500, 64e517ff54d92.image.jpg)

>>2044397I feel like she made lola to have a sort of cheerleader effect character. Fanny loves to call herself a loli and of course she drew herself as super smol and skinny ass-riding a dildo next to her fattest (female) character kek
No. 2044875
File: 1728688142917.png (1.92 MB, 2031x1611, dry heaving.png)

what is it with tifs and disgusting fat men. i can guarantee you no highschoolers want to fuck a fat pedo pig like this, pedo cartman would get bullied by his students. I also hate how Lynn gropes his moobs. everything about this is repulsive.
>caption is "if he goes under 300 pounds she'll cry"
for the french nonnies itt 300 pounds is about 136kg. it gives an idea of the size of this hog.
i didn't know posting was down and thought this post was cursed and wouldn't send
No. 2044929
File: 1728700195352.jpg (Spoiler Image,381.03 KB, 2300x1900, lyandcinn.jpg)

>>2044875>>2044913If his dick is below average in size and he's over 130+ kg then there would nothing to fuck with under his fupa. The little girls he rapes would have to go excavating to find it under his gut.
>>2044917I'll never forgive Nemu for making it quirky and subversive to find fat ugly scrotes attractive. She was into hideous fatties because she was an insecure narc and wanted to keep her imaginary baby daddies all to herself. Now every other degenerate tif can't shut up about how hot they pretend to find these creatures.
No. 2044956
>>2044917>>2044913So many "gay" TIFs are convinced they must be men because they're attracted to "bears" or prefer bara over BL, unlike those basic cishet bitches who want muscular hunks or the fujoshis obsessed with twinks.
They don't even need to be trans, I've seen bi and straight women claim their attraction to fat hairy men is queer because of bear culture.
No. 2045130
File: 1728747218462.png (1.12 MB, 2246x1478, Screenshot 2024-10-12 at 17-30…)

>>2045124I didn't before now but now I can't unsee it kek. Didier Super if he was a landwhale.
Sidenote but I agree with the nonnies saying pedocartman has to be bigger than 320lbs/136kg, Fanny just doesn't know how much a 6'3" man is supposed to weight. Cartman has to be at least double that.
No. 2045135
>>2044917>>2044905Tinfoil but in some ways I think it's a manifestation of their fears/insecurities about men, they clearly want to be
overheard praising uggo males and it's at least partially because they don't want to incur the wrath of incels.
No. 2045189
>>2045130she never came in contact with a moid, who would have thought. her delusion about this common sense detail on top of the others makes me think she never ventured outside the internet into material reality.
it's wild to me how onlineness can make you fantasize about FGM when you admit you've never achieved climax before.
No. 2045227
>>2045194if a girl actually is somehow attracted fat ugly pedophiles, someone
does need to say something, because evidently that girl's mother did not
No. 2045655
File: 1728853449415.jpg (872.51 KB, 2368x1710, 20241013_221937.jpg)

new fanny art, it's so funny how she constantly touts her ocs as peak asian representation as if she didn't larp for years as an asian woman KEK
No. 2045659
File: 1728853995208.png (13.38 KB, 650x650, 1671829869888.png)

>>2045655She didnt even bother to draw the background she just slapped a gradient map onto a photo and spent the grand total of 2 seconds drawing her ocs over it. Art college graduate btw.
No. 2045660
>>2045655how pathetic would a human being need to be to want to kowtow to an autistic pedophile with sugar-addiction
he's written like he would be excited to show people his pokemon cards
No. 2045766
>>2045688A fat discord mod would get catfished by her tiny baby larp and Fanny doesn't like irl moidery, only the fantasy where she'd be the sole exception to their misogyny. Cy is a waddling idiosyncrasy. A fat, pretentious pedo teacher wouldn't be in a "happy" sex-filled marriage with his mentally broken sub wife while boning his entire female student body with zero consequences. He's a construct of her warped sexuality just like her imaginary dad and the skinny asian man. Apparently Fanny's ideal men are ugly, socially retarded hapas with mommy issues.
>>2045743I will say, I'm shocked she's not more of a fujo considering her yellow fever, fixation on assplay and the failed trooning. In another life I could see her trying to become a irl yaoi boy. Though I guess she avoided that fate by hating her own clit enough to want it gone. T would only make it bigger.
No. 2045789
>>2045655of course fat cartman hogs the grill thing all to himself
>>2045659it's sad she's that sloppy with her fetish art when it seems like that's the only thing she does
No. 2046284
>>2045766The fujo to TIF pipeline is well known, maybe she memed herself into believing it was uwu
problematic to draw anime men fucking and took the self-insertion further.
(fujosperging) No. 2046765
File: 1729059659289.jpg (383.04 KB, 1080x1290, 1000027795.jpg)

Her incest larp account is now locked
No. 2046984
File: 1729119743338.jpeg (356.42 KB, 1722x2962, ajshdg.jpeg)

She's been deliberately cagey knowing there are a few of us in there, quickly moving talk like this to dms.
>None come to mind in particular
kek when we've seen the logs of her admitting to her fgm folder.
No. 2047054
>>2046765Surprised it took her this long! Makes sense that she’d finally lock that shit up, I hear Shitter is preparing to remove the block feature and Fanny
definitely has her mother and sisters blocked on her larp account.
No. 2047993
File: 1729306974475.jpeg (453.59 KB, 726x764, IMG_2030.jpeg)

puking forever
No. 2051093
File: 1730089772208.png (14.39 MB, 4112x2160, 1.png)

>"True love is shamelessly horny-texting your kinky spouse while standing next to them (they do this on a near daily basis)"
No. 2051104
>>2051093I love how autistic and unsexy their sexting is, actually realistic to how an greasy fat daddydom moid would text
No. 2051119
>>2051093Do you think Fanny's been drawing Cy and Lynn all lovey dovey to beat the
toxic rapist allegations? Cy's head even looks slightly bigger kek
No. 2052235
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I swear to god his head gets smaller with every drawing.
No. 2052286
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>>2052235kek wtf are these proportions. how does her art just keep getting worse.
No. 2052521
File: 1730489139572.gif (1.51 MB, 634x469, ftfy.gif)

>>2052235I tried fixing it kekk
>>2052269Instead he looks like the tumblr sexy man dice guy from Cuphead
No. 2052606
>>2052521His head is nearly a circle and he has no neck, resizing his head only emphasizes this.
Also it's very telling that she still makes him fat in an "attractive" way for her. He has no fat rolls, no neck hump, and she draws him without a neck most of the time so that he doesn't have a wattle or triple chin. When she drew him "fit" she actually gave him a neck.
No. 2052876
>>2052235yeah, that's how legs work. kek
How do you grow up in a family of artists and inherit no natural nor nurtured talent? It's actually crazy…
No. 2053774
File: 1730852981875.jpg (222.5 KB, 1080x1885, 1000027858.jpg)

>>2046765Fanny took down all volumes of Limerence from her Laika gumroad.
No. 2054896
File: 1731191892712.jpeg (497.27 KB, 1179x1020, IMG_9655.jpeg)

The anon in pic is dumb too but
>How anyone can look at what I say, write & draw and think I support the Orange man is beyond me.
Maybe because most of your content is fawning over your fat pedo conservative OC who beats and rapes his wife?
No. 2054914
File: 1731196168231.png (6.81 MB, 1920x2400, i cant believe this fat pig ea…)

>>2054896one of her latest comic was picrel. null wants to be an edgy not-like-other-leftists but still wants to be a good qweeeer and spit on orange man bad.
No. 2054938
File: 1731203488238.png (668.34 KB, 546x648, 1731196168231.png)

>>2054914>yaoi handsdidn't she go to art school?
No. 2054974
>>2054896obvious bait from fanny, she knows who follows her. i think she doesn't have any truly held political beliefs (ie thinking about what's good for society and other people and not just herself). she just lives to attract any attention to herself by saying abrasive shit.
>>2054914she thinks pointing to her superficial nuance in comparison to braindead twitter americans makes her the picture of intellectual and emotional maturity, while talking about FGM and prolapsed anuses
No. 2055041
File: 1731234362355.jpg (181.94 KB, 1134x619, 1722304574982.jpg)

>>2054914>wholesome 100 chungus quirky republican bfI swear she treats her oc being a conservative like it's a silly character trait, as if it's like a character being really into tacos
No. 2055063
>>2054974It makes sense that she doesn’t have political beliefs based particularly in American society because she’s a French bitch, in France, but I can’t imagine her frog takes are any less shallow.
>>2055060KEK I thought the same thing!! It’s different for zoomers, but most Americans over the age of 30 will give you the nastiest look if you randomly ask about their voting habits.
No. 2055545
>>2055475i love how you gave him a wide ribcage to explain the bony hands
>>2054946 he's not fat he's just naturally deformed !!!
No. 2055642
File: 1731424510845.png (Spoiler Image,2.25 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2482.png)

What the fuck is this pose lmao? It's like she couldn't decide if he's laying down or standing up so she went with both. Also I haven't watched nge but isn't this character a child?
(reposted to spoiler)
No. 2056199
File: 1731545157200.png (331.6 KB, 787x536, died.png)

>>2055642The arm pose just reminds me of this KEK
No. 2058456
File: 1732057173888.jpeg (445.78 KB, 1722x2560, Screenshot_19-11-2024_22588_.j…)

She makes me want to a-log sooo bad.
No. 2058788
File: 1732139446451.jpeg (425.55 KB, 750x1112, IMG_2553.jpeg)

I wonder if she privated her Laika twitter so she could post shitty art in a similar style without having her incest larp brought up again?
No. 2058817
File: 1732143306496.png (46.14 KB, 186x210, Screenshot 2024-11-20 174724.p…)

>>2058788Whatever the reason, this art is WAAAY better than anything I have seen from her or Laika before. Not great, don't get me wrong, that bitch looks like a POM bottle, but the poorly-exaggerated proportions that serve as the shit on top of Fanny's more rendered slop look much better here with less effort. Except Lynn's fucking
face KEK why does she look like ENA?? Why does she look like she's painted on the wall in King Tut's tomb!?
No. 2058819
>>2058788Did Lola get lipo?
>>2058777I have a feeling that her next set of OCs are going to be into
piss No. 2059064
File: 1732216422427.png (175.41 KB, 671x368, LYNNA.png)

>>2058938Kek happy to help nona! I myself was stuck on "Mac Finder icon but woman??" for a while before ENA hit me like a static shock.
No. 2060288
File: 1732498287416.jpeg (Spoiler Image,538.03 KB, 750x1026, IMG_2645.jpeg)

this is fanny's best attempt at realism, I guess.
No. 2062344
File: 1732850701981.jpeg (Spoiler Image,236.87 KB, 583x476, Captura de pantalla_29-11-2024…)

i remember someone in the first thread saying fanny has an "ecchi anime" sense of humour and i couldn't agree more
No. 2062401
File: 1732860185353.webm (778.06 KB, 1144x888, RPReplay_Final1732859264 2.web…)

>>2062344I don’t know if it’s just me,but why does almost every other comic feel like this clip except it’s when Lynn surprises Cy with weird sex shit and Cy saying something lovey in a condescending way.
No. 2062434
>>2062418An artist
nonnie should draw them in the family guy art style kek
No. 2062631
File: 1732900981930.jpeg (Spoiler Image,914.38 KB, 1335x1358, IMG_1837.jpeg)

Unsurprisingly it’s been retweeting porn of Anya from mouthwashing being raped. By the character who rapes and impregnates her in the game for those who know nothing about mouth washing.
No. 2063104
>>2054896It’s so funny to me how “edgy” artists like it will be super “woke” about hating trump and respecting trans people n stuff. But then they turn around and Jack it to porn where a fat whale of a moid beats and rapes his Asian wife all while cheating on her with teenagers.
It’s even funnier when they try and state stuff how shaming people for their rape kinks is actually anti-woman or that being against incest is anti-queer.
(sage your shit) No. 2063223
File: 1733003632311.jpg (186.87 KB, 850x850, fanny.jpg)

>>2062434worst thing i've made with my hands
(fan art) No. 2063402
>>2063184it’s not shown at all in game, just mildly discussed. I could be wrong but I didn’t get any fetish vibes
No. 2063403
File: 1733036233523.jpg (450.31 KB, 1920x1502, GTNDVD1W0AAsQ-e.jpg)

>>2063223i love that you used her color palette, it's just missing the ugly gradient background. still perfect tho
>>2058819>Did Lola get lipo?that's isabelle, peetah's second gf. she’s an oc created by one of fanny’s friends.
No. 2063485
File: 1733062527976.jpg (1.05 MB, 1920x2400, 20241201_151108.jpg)

look at the latest piece our favorite trangressive porn artist cooked up.
a wife taking care of her tired husband and making him dinner. truly riveting stuff. so taboo. so dark. you couldn't find this counter-culture groundbreaking stuff on femdom.
No. 2063523
>>2063515Maybe she is into it? Her other oc, Joji, gets HRT boobs because his girlfriend likes them. Either that or she doesn't know how to draw fat dudes.
Maybe a bit or both
No. 2063543
File: 1733070872339.jpeg (392.98 KB, 623x643, IMG_2744.jpeg)

>>2063523She straight up can't draw fat people. Always giving them thin person necks instead of the multiple chins they would have irl, but I guess that's not sexy to her.
No. 2063548
>>2063485Have you noticed that this "married couple" talks like they've known each other for a week?
>You can tell me when you're sick, I won't think any less of you, what do you need to doI know it's a dysfunctional relationship and everything but this should still go without saying.
No. 2063632
File: 1733084501475.jpeg (Spoiler Image,728.78 KB, 698x748, IMG_2757.jpeg)

>>2063515speaking of massive mantitties…
No. 2063649
>>2063632this one has such Laika vibes idk how to explain it. specially the second panel
also hilarious cy's man boobs are bigger than lynn's. most charming and attractive man in this universe, everyone
No. 2064663
>>2063403>>2063485i can't not read these in my head with peter and lois griffin voices now
No. 2064740
File: 1733329835976.jpeg (119.11 KB, 591x723, twt.jpeg)

Sure, Jan.
No. 2064750
File: 1733331405771.jpeg (291.01 KB, 489x1099, IMG_6589.jpeg)

>>2064740so smol and tiny uguu
No. 2064767
File: 1733336052996.png (22.07 KB, 246x321, bro is.png)

>>2064750God, she's so nasty. How is a person so dishonest in every aspect of their lives? Not to mention she's a completely useless member of society - actually scratch that, she probably gets a tugboat so she's a net loss to the people of France - and a disappointment to her family. She's my most hated cow at the moment.
No. 2064790
File: 1733339894823.png (323.43 KB, 662x580, vumIVm6.png)

her troon fetish is getting worse
No. 2064994
File: 1733378907911.jpg (220.08 KB, 591x723, creature.jpg)

>>2064740>creatureat least shes honest
No. 2065206
File: 1733427318659.jpg (Spoiler Image,290.24 KB, 1280x800, W4Qcs1V.jpg)

>>2064994kek she looks like the boy who played young Oz in the Penguin show lol. Is there a fat mommy issue phenotype or something??
No. 2065331
>>2065258No shit she looks worse when competing with women, particularly her family. Laying off the testosterone is still the one thing where she's showcased any kind of common sense, if only on accident. Going by her retarded ass comics, her pickmeism eventually got stronger than her desire to larp as a man. The mental illness that caused her to troon never really went away though. She's deeply ashamed of being fat and ugly as a woman, and thinks she could've gotten away with putting zero effort into her appearance if she were a man, just like her ideal chad Machiavelli lardball male self Petah Cartman.
The irony is that she could've become passable if she had actually tried to control her weight and improve her looks, and not hook herself on tumblr to escape being the family's ugly ducking. She took T as a shortcut to being attractive because she's allergic to real work, and ended up becoming a frog-voiced sasquatch, cute lolidom forever out of reach. What's really made her so repulsive inside and out are her own selfish, lazy, thoughtless decisions.
(sage your shit) No. 2065349
>>2065334Yeah prob unpopular to say but I could see where she could have been cute/pretty if she’d just done some glow up work at a younger age
i also think her brows are nice, and her eyes if they weren’t sunken into fat kek WAY too far gone now
No. 2065465
>>2065349Many such cases nona… The kinda-ugly girl to troon pipeline is a blight on society. Most women realize they're not ugly in their 20s/30s, and that many of their disliked features are totally fine or easily changed. With a little patience, Fanny
could have changed her diet and learned how to dress herself, but she hates women SO MUCH that a lifestyle change was
not enough! No, she needed to
transition! But it didn't boost her self-esteem (like her degenerate troonsquad told her it would) so
never mind!
No. 2065908
File: 1733604228231.jpeg (Spoiler Image,109.26 KB, 924x748, 829F1A17-DC4C-49DC-ACAB-277B4B…)

Horrifying discovery. “Laika” had a baraag (aka twitter alternative for degenerate porn, esp lolishit). Here’s art she commissioned of her and her dad boning
No. 2065909
File: 1733604335237.jpeg (179.22 KB, 639x953, 4689A1FA-CD9A-4112-A985-100F0F…)

Art she made for a mutual who draws powerpuff girl porn
No. 2065937
File: 1733608857239.jpg (806.05 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-12-05-14-22-53…)

i've been looking through her media tab to see if i find anything worthwhile besides badly drawn porn and cringe "funny" comics and i came across this.
these two are OCs fanny used to have back on her tumblr days. dr walker and dr slaoui. they were the main characters from two stories (reverse sunrise and turn right after midnight) that to my knowledge she never actually fully wrote.
and idk it made me kind of sad. she managed to gather a small niche fandom for her OCs and she seemed really passionate about them. and now she is doing this
maybe in another timeline she could have become a mediocre artist with a cringy webtoon and that would be the end of it
No. 2065970
>>2065965Hey retard, ever bother reading what you're replying to? The deadspacedog baraag has been linked, but not archived. Of course if fanny decided to dfe that account it would only prove laika = null but anon brings up a good point, the baraag account has not been
archived in its current pre-dfe state. Anons checking the link would find nothing which, ot complaint but, is a problem for legacy /snow/ threads here on lc, I've found, in comparison to other cow forums.
No. 2066174
File: 1733676118663.png (164.86 KB, 1990x794, Screenshot 2024-12-08 at 17-35…)

>>2066054False. CP is illegal either way - it's pornography, you cannot argue about some artistic value. What could be argued is if it is or is not pornography. Picrel is the French law (idk where you can find an accurate english translation of it, but it does include drawn CP, it's the "representation"). The deleted post 2065910 (which was fucking disgusting) is very much illegal, in France at least. Fanny could get in huge trouble for commissioning it.
For french nonnies, the french wikipedia page about lolicon includes laws and case laws about the topic in France.
No. 2066180
>>2066178Drawn CP that Fanny commissioned from another artist, with the bits censored but still disgusting. Most likely of a young Laika and her father (so a young Fanny and Iusse). For once the janny did a good job deleting this, thank you janny. I hope the
nonny who took the screenshot immediately deleted it from her computer.
No. 2066209
File: 1733684425997.png (879.72 KB, 1359x1526, 1c65399996dbaf66.png)

>>2066180>>2066191I assumed it was these two
No. 2066229
File: 1733686546005.png (50.97 KB, 1872x232, Screenshot 2024-12-08 at 20-31…)

>>2066174Samefag but adding onto this for non-frog nonnies. From the wikipedia page "Legal status of fictional pornography depicting minors". I wonder if it's something Fanny is aware of.
>>2066209I think you're right, it did seem weird for her to have blond hair so young but I forgot about those ocs. Still CP, but not at least not off her self-insert and her dad, thank god.
No. 2066251
>>2066180I did delete it as soon as I posted it, then within an hour of posting I tried to delete the post but had closed my browser so the password was different. I reported it instead and I’m glad it’s gone. I’ve been completely sick to my stomach since and I wish I never saw it let alone posted it. I’m sorry to every
nonnie who saw it
No. 2066268
>>2066252You did good reporting it nona, thank you for your service (both in finding the account and its material, and reporting it after realizing it shouldn't be shared here). Sometimes you only realize how fucked up shit is after the fact unfortunately.
>>2066256It's good to have a reminder from time to time we don't just laugh at Fanny because she makes weird degenerate drawings, but because she IS a degenerate who needs to have her hard drive checked. It's been mentioned on-and-off itt, especially around the first discord leaks and her admission she was flicking the bean to
victims of FGM (who are oftentimes underage), but with time we move on and laugh about her microcephalic cartman art and we forget why she has a thread in the first place (or, well, how she has had three threads made about her in less than four months).
Her KF thread has been pretty inactive lately, unfortunately. I wonder if the autist moids over there could find other accounts where she posted/shared illegal material as such.
No. 2066270
>>2066256Same, like obviously she's disgusting and loves writing about incest and pedophilia, but I did not expect her to commission or share something
that vile. Definitely makes me feel like she has pictures of underage FGM
>>2066251I know you regret posting it and it is good that you reported it, but like that other
nonnie said it was a real eye opener showing how disgusting she is and how low she'll go for her degenerate shit.
No. 2067202
File: 1733938426262.png (820.45 KB, 948x497, 11.png)

fanny once again stuns with her spectacular dialogue writing skills
No. 2067360
File: 1733964222462.gif (896.96 KB, 165x292, IMG_4856.gif)

>>2067309>animal abuse>porn siteI dont even want to know
No. 2067363
>>2067309I'm sorry you went through that, anon.
I honestly, fully believe Fanny is a pedophile and zoophile, of the IRL kind. I hope she hasn't taken the leap to consuming real child pornography, but I have the feeling she gets off to the concept of real children being sexually abused by adults. There is no way someone would look at the loli shit she has been caught liking otherwise. It's all notably cruel to the child
(in one of them, posted last thread I think, Nico Robin looks like she's 12-13, is heavily pregnant, and is being held by an ugly bastard type male with his penis out with a depressed and humiliated look on her face) and we know that she gets off to IRL violence directed at women (her comments on FGM are clearly fetishizing the pain and cruelty). I don't think it's a leap to assume she gets off to the concept of real little girls being sexually assaulted.
No. 2067629
>>2067363Yeah, I remember when both jannies and anons wanted people to stop tinfoiling about her having child FGM pics amongst her collection, but it seems pretty relevant now that we have confirmation she's a full blown lolicon. There's no way her "metric ton" of pictures doesn't include children and rape
victims, how many adult FGM
victims would willingly flaunt their horrible traumatic wounds for porn? Most, if not all of it, has to be illegal.
No. 2067805
>>2067629Exactly, it was never a tinfoil and it's dumb that it took the lolicon drawing for some posters to see it. It was obvious. Most photos of FGM
victims are of children.
No. 2067885
>>2066256yes, that's what it did to me as well. it's way less funny now. to think you can meme yourself into being pure evil just by being attention-seeking and never offline is crazy.
>>2067309that is horrifying. did anyone report her to the authorities for the CSA drawing ?
No. 2067996
>>2067885If the CSA drawing you're talking about is 2065910/the deleted drawing that is on her deadspacedog baraag, I don't think it can be reported to (french) authorities. We have no solid, 100% proof that laika=fanny, after all.
>>2067889I find it hilarious (in a very grim way) she can't even write her "erm ackshually" character right.
No. 2068101
File: 1734152865722.png (Spoiler Image,6.16 MB, 1390x2958, barf.png)

Her uwu pedophile sympathizer comic of the week. Nothing hardcore, but I spoilered because of the weird slimy-looking drawings of Lynn as a child, just in case. Fanny is so disgusting, hard to stop from a-logging. Normalizing sexualizing children, it doesn't get lower than this.
No. 2068107
>>2068101>Got terabytes of CP on your phone? Here, fap to my child photos instead. It's a victimless crime. >wife-chan, i-i'm not used to you accepting me so muchJesus christ this bruja is ridiculous. It's like the dullest shoujo love confession, but with cp.
So if autopedos are fapping to self inserting as children "to cope", what excuse do wannabe chomo
victims have? That's what this is all about, right? Fanny is an autopedophile who wishes she was raped as a child and she's projecting it through these OCs. Even the most shameless Japanese lolicon would take one look at her shit and get secondhand embarrassed. I know some of you hate when Nemu gets brought up, but that she was downright quaint in comparison. Did Shadman not teach these degenerates not to fly too close to the sun?
No. 2068119
>>2068107If someone being raped as a child was their only sexual experience I can imagine that could mess someone up that they could only see themselves as children in sexual situations. It's still fucked up but I see why it would happen. Fanny is all over the place in her fantasies, I think it's the taboo and transgression itself that gets her off, and she loves pushing the envelope more and more. The commitment to the incest LARP and seeking out real photos of FGM is the most concerning, I tend to roll my eyes when people moralfag over drawings alone, but even I'm wary of this bitch because of the way she deliberately muddies the waters between fiction and reality.
Potentially tinfoiling but I wonder if Cy's CP arc is at all reflective of her having all those FGM
victim pictures.
No. 2068146
>>2068107I don't see Fanny as an autopedophile, more like just a pedophile.
>>2068119> I wonder if Cy's CP arc is at all reflective of her having all those FGM victim pictures.I'm thinking the exact same thing, she can say she's a sub and Cy is her husbando all she wants, but it's blatant he's her self insert and she wishes she had a clitless pedo enabling waifu like Lynn, who's morally righteous to be disgusted, but disgusting enough to indulge and accept her.
No. 2068249
>>2068107>>2068119>>2068146I'd agree more with the idea Fanny is an autopedophile. She likes being a
victim (and being seen as one), it's why she wants to be an uwu loli when she's a landwhale, and most of her kinks have something to do with being forced into doing something. It's also why she doesn't like the idea of genderbent Lynn getting his dick chopped off; she can't relate to it, it's not appealing to her. I don't think she's attracted to children, but to the idea of her being a child and helpless and abused by adults. The pedophilia is just a side dish to her main rape kink, the vessel to a role of victimhood. It's also why most of her OCs have an age gap between the dom (older in almost all cases but CyLynn) and the sub (younger). It's also why Laika only had father/daughter incest, be it as her LARP or her OCs. Then again, her projecting herself as the child
victim instead of the perpetrator doesn't make the pedophilia any better. She's still normalizing pedophilia, she's still flicking the bean to CP, she's still commissioning artists to produce what is considered CP in her country.
>>2068228Agreed. I'd love for her to try and get a real job in art or animation so people could pay closer attention to her. Unfortunately, she's just a nobody on the internet, I don't think even reporting her would lead to anything, especially now that she's out of school and most likely a NEET.
Is the french
nonny who had contacts with people from her school still here? While I don't encourage cowtipping obviously, I wonder if those people have ever heard her talk about such topics, if the topic of anti/proship ever came on the table for instance.
No. 2068348
>>2068249Tbh, I don't think autopedophilia and pedophilia are so exclusive from eachother in her case. She collects CP of mutilated little girls and tried to troon out.
She doesn't want to see dicks chopped off because she loves dick, worships it and thinks it's a terrible mistake that she doesn't have one attached to her "ugly" form (as opposed to either being a "pretty" blonde white or Asian woman, not just…herself).
She likes seeing other women being humiliated, and has talked about watching camgirls who suffered FGM, etc. I think her spite toward other women and girls is pretty clear, and it's as much of a general sadism/self-insert onto the "aspirational" male figure as it is a "I want to be small and helpless uwu" thing with her.
No. 2068404
>>2068348ayrt, and yeah, you're right. i'd fail to take into account her misogyny. considering this, it does make sense she would project into her pedo sadistic ocs as much as into her helpless ones (though perhaps not the oc symbolizing her own father). does anyone know where it's possible to find art about her ocs robin and natasha? robin is a
victim of fgm, and natasha is a freak who fetishes it, it might be a good reflection of fanny and i wonder if there's more patterns of her projected onto natasha.
No. 2068407
File: 1734227174458.png (1.78 MB, 1712x1870, IMG_3004.png)

>>2068404afaik she made up natasha very shortly before she got obsessed with cartman and lynn, so not much content was made of her. I think everything available is still on her baraag but you won't find much.
side note, I guess robin the black fgm
victim is a conservative? for some reason?
No. 2068506
File: 1734265849158.png (17.29 KB, 795x207, Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 14-33…)

>>2068407yeah, someone asked her about robin on her neospring. stolen from the other farms.
No. 2068570
>>2068529NTA. Regions of Africa infused with Islamic culture tend to remain egregious about it, and that does sometimes leak into the Christian communities, but Christians in Africa generally oppose FGM. There are also some African ethnic groups that historically practiced it as a secretive "rite of passage" for young women, but they've either abandoned it voluntarily, or have been outlawed and blocked from continuing. Those that still support it are very against westernization on all levels, and would never become "fundamentalist Christians". Egyptian Coptic Christians do still practice it, and aside from religion, the practice does have roots in Egyptian slave merchants mutilating their female slaves under the belief that it'd somehow block pregnancy.
That said, I don't think Fanny put much research into any of this. I think she just didn't want to risk being any more
problematic than she already is by sexualizing Muslim women, but she wanted all the other trappings, kek.
No. 2068596
File: 1734293372830.jpg (942.85 KB, 2031x2160, 20241215_210625.jpg)

her new stuff is just getting more and more boring. she barely even draws her weird porn anymore, it's all just shitty tumblr millenial humour. like idk what all the degenerates that follow her are getting out of stuff like this
No. 2068624
>>2068605I second this tinfoil if she has a folder of FGM
victims and goes on
motherless. there's probably actual CP in her stash if it's true
No. 2068647
>>2068624>there's probably actual CP in her stash if it's trueIt disturbs me to say that you're not wrong considering most of FGM occurs to
victims who're underaged.
No. 2068657
>>2068647I'm like fourthing this tinfoil, there is no way she doesn't have CP in her FGM stash. She's obviously not researching the
victims or anything, she has no way of knowing whether or not the women in her photos are adults or children, and she
does not care. Chilling.
>>2067996There may not be definitive proof that Laika = Fanny, but reporting it may cause authorities to investigate
the artist, and it's likely that Fanny left a paper trail when she paid for the commission. Not saying this to encourage cowtipping btw, but with how publicly retarded Fanny is, it would not be hard for people with access to more resources than Lolcow to connect the dots.
No. 2069057
File: 1734415330747.jpg (12.01 KB, 219x164, GW8mIlsakAAkN5Y.jpg)

>>2068810I genuinely don't understand why she portrays wife character so hurt, angry and scared while being cheated on and humiliated - her kinks are rape, cuckoldry and masochism so what's the problem? Like all check. The problem is age only? Kek, this is absolutely unbelievable - irl women like that who help their moids to groom other women to have sex with him (or even drugging women for rape) are certainly never care for age, lmao. Also curious how she wrote wife's "into cuckoldry (reluctantly)", this is so stupidly contradicts itself it makes me wonder how her understanding of "kinks" works
No. 2069217
File: 1734465040173.png (2.27 MB, 2500x2100, c408c920fc8d19e3.png)

Fanny has been mentioning new AUs of pedocartman and his enabler wife, saying they're substar exclusives for now. Does our discord mole know more about these?
No. 2069229
File: 1734466901044.jpg (918.11 KB, 1920x2400, 20241216_151732.jpg)

She's been so boring lately I'm surprised no one posted this old-ish drawing of Cartman straight up killing one of his victims and calling the doormat to help him out. If Fanny had been born a moid like she wished she'd %100 be a serial rapist.
No. 2069317
>>2069217I can't believe she decided the world needed a tutorial on how she makes her colours so nauseatingly eye burning, the dunning-kreuger effect is real. The "blood" on the middle one looks like a glob of shit, well done.
>>2069229Kek at the dead woman's boobs pointing straight upwards while lying on her back, killer anatomy skills fanny. Christ she spends so much time drawing but it's like she regresses more and more every time she posts.
No. 2069319
File: 1734481011344.jpeg (774.89 KB, 750x548, IMG_3021.jpeg)

aww poor sad old-ass pedophile, how tragique that he can't molest his students anymore
No. 2069814
>>2063104Late but it’s definitely not coincidence. I don’t know how to use the forums but a lot of these type people are very much American leftists most of the time unlike the right winged lolicon you see them beefing with a lot. From my experience (your choice to believe it or not doesn’t change the fact that I witnessed it) a lot of these people have some form of mental issues or low self esteem and make fat ass male oc’s sexy to other characters bc half of the time they are the fatass themselves.
These type of people are lowkey hypocrites some of the time, iirc I remember this one artist who was semifamous in these types of circles get runned off of social media bc of being critical of the gay community despite being apart of it themselves. So very much these people claim to be “super edgy and hardcore but not be a hecccin nazi” but are actually not.
Also from what I’ve heard some people in these circles aren’t aware that this artist is laika’s real stuff.
No. 2069941
File: 1734655042666.png (58.79 KB, 795x722, null_bis - Neospring.png)

>forcing her to get off to victim testimony
>new rape victim introduced to fannyverse as Gisele Pelicot's testimony makes national news in France, where Fanny lives/is from.
But sure, you don't condone this in real life and we're crazy "antis" for thinking your writing at all a reflection of your character and value system.
No. 2069942
File: 1734655308598.jpeg (1.08 MB, 600x3123, 1726492678198.jpeg)

>>>/snow/2034662>do you think the 70-something man who did this was inspired by my art?No, I actually think you took inspiration from him and I am passing judgement on you for that. Her ability to gaaslight her own fans who give her the slightest most gentle criticism like in picrel is astounding.
No. 2069944
>>2069941Which other rape
victim? The dead one? Sad that I even have to ask
(learn to sage) No. 2069960
File: 1734660995923.png (7.13 MB, 4032x3024, drugrapecomic.png)

I wasn't gonna mention it, but it's been bothering me way too much. The dates in the Discord don't check out. She made this months before the Pelicot case hit the media - same with her other fucked up drug content. Can we at least get basic common sense shit correct? It's not like she isn't constantly shilling her Substar using the fact that she holds things back on there geologic ages before she posts it.
No. 2070002
>>2069942>when confronted with real life sexual assault I've always given support to victimsI guess getting off to real life fgm
victims counts "giving support" now.
No. 2070013
>>2069988that comic was also made before the mazan rape case hit the news
>>2034053unpopular opinion (hopefully I don't come across like I'm wking her) but I don't think fanny was inspired by the mazan rape case in particular for her oc stories, a lot of them seem like general rape scenarios that happen to tons of people (like getting drugged, not getting justice etc.)
No. 2070040
>>2069942Awful high horse she’s got there for someone who literally jerks it to FGM
victims (likely children)
No. 2070043
>>2069960>>2070013Kinda agreed, but at the same time, Fanny did wait a long time to post these comics. In the wake of the Mazan case, she could have realized posting these now was distasteful, and waited some more. After all, Fanny has shown she is able to post things outside of rape fetish, as she's been doing lately. Obviously this thinking relies on Fanny having any care in the world for rape
victims, which she doesn't.
No. 2070052
>>2069960>>2070043I know Gloria and the whole Cartman verse were written before Pelicot hit the news but Fanny uploaded new comics at the time about the character Gloria which I found like nona said to be truly abhorrent timing. Also the recent neospring ask has in my opinion strong ties to the Pelicot case. Fanny doesn't exist in a vacuum, it would be local news especially as the trial just rounded up this week, and only a few days ago she's reminding anons that her characters schlick to similar testimony. I'm not taking for granted the line between fiction and reality here. You cannot convince me she is not inspired by real life events in the same way that she keeps real life fgm
victims as coom material
No. 2070053
File: 1734697672281.png (Spoiler Image,378.8 KB, 695x632, Screenshot 2024-12-20 122522.p…)

>>2069217discord mole here sorry for doublepost but to be honest yes I've seen some of this au stuff and its just so endlessly boring; it's like when you know a fandom is running out of material or working off of nothing like dan and phil on tumblr so they just start making up the most inconsequential unimaginative "aus" because they're too lazy to come up with new OCs. For example picrel, Cartman is there to pay for Lynn's medical expenses after leh incident or whatever. Some bad mouthwashing art too. Currently archiving what I have access to - there may be more at higher substar tiers - but truly there's nothing much to see she is so boring right now.
No. 2070085
File: 1734709727165.jpg (Spoiler Image,45.59 KB, 376x287, 1000023969.jpg)

>>2070053what the hell is going on with her legs here? were they amputated? what
No. 2075153
File: 1736298822790.png (Spoiler Image,217.42 KB, 982x505, someone please shoot me.png)

Courtesy of the other farms. Fanny has been making up a new AU she calls the Twins AU. In which Lynn and Guy!Lyyn are twins. Yeah it's incest, as you may have guessed by now. The only art she's produced of this thus far is picrel (which is fairly mild and does not picture incest, for those hesitant to open this spoiler). She has written five docs about this, archived here as well. NSFL. No. 2075156
File: 1736299601962.jpg (531.71 KB, 1079x1606, Screenshot_20250107_222557_X.j…)

>>2075153Yeah, she's posted about this on Xitter also
No. 2075205
>>2075156"cw: double prolapse"
Well that's enough of this board for today kek
No. 2075430
>>2075156the delusional fanntasy of having not one but two hideous men lusting after her at the same time.
>>2075408Nonna, she's not worth defending in any capacity. It's obvious that this is wank material for her, not trauma dumping or whatever excuse they're using nowadays.
>>2075417Yes, but she's tired of the fat jokes
No. 2075501
>>2075490Excuse you
nonnie, she's a lolicoded grown woman who looks like a flat chested 16 year old.
No. 2078536
File: 1737043818347.jpeg (1.74 MB, 1170x1437, IMG_6841.jpeg)

(relatively) new cartman and lynn comic thats another hard read (1/3)
No. 2078587
File: 1737052020746.jpg (26.73 KB, 620x348, i4qky.jpg)

>>2078538If the subject matter wasn't bad enough, her art is like the shit cherry on top. Dear lord looking at it is giving me hives.
No. 2079938
>>2078536the porn feels so uninspired now, like she is doing it out of obligation to keep her gooner fanbase
looking at her recent comics in these account and how limerence turned out, you can tell she is kind of basic.
if you take away all the edgy porn elements laika and lynn are just mentally ill losers with a quirky, codependent, autistic husband who adores her. it's literally the most vanilla fantasy ever
at the end of the day she just wants to be pretty and have a boyfriend who likes her, like any fat 14yo girl. she is just so consumed by porn she has to insert 456 fetishes in it
No. 2080180
File: 1737465032516.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.16 MB, 1170x1017, IMG_6887.jpeg)

Another comic about cy raping lynn in her sleep. It’s a collab with another artist which is why the style looks so different I guess.
No. 2081138
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>>2080464It's supposed to be the two of them when they're older, she has been drawing a lot of porn of him as a decrepit old man recently. This only part of the comic since the rest is just retarded run of the mill DDLG with sodomy.
No. 2081319
File: 1737682743215.jpeg (88.1 KB, 447x729, 93803C2D-B401-40E9-A5CD-9A22A6…)

>>2081138Fanny really doesn't give a fuck about them anymore does she. I also don't understand why she's making them borderline neon?
No. 2081326
>>2081138isn't this super similar to that one comic in her patreon where she drew Cy flirting with her in a bar and she has to hold the mug with two hands because she is so tiny and loli-coded.
maybe she'll start projecting on isabelle more since her whole thing is being all innocent and helpless??
No. 2081351
File: 1737689652573.jpeg (409.8 KB, 638x576, IMG_3510.jpeg)

>>2081326Ew, until your post I hadn't realized how child-like fanny's pedophile ass made the female character in this panel.
No. 2081364
File: 1737692859724.jpg (608.3 KB, 1079x1725, Screenshot_20250124_062635_X.j…)

She locked her account, can anyone following her check if she posted something?
No. 2081391
File: 1737700994675.png (401.71 KB, 1096x1374, Screenshot 2025-01-24 at 10.41…)

>>2081364Nothing I could find. These are only recent posts that I figure could feasibly have something to do with it. QRT is some shitty interracial porn joke. Sage for no milk
No. 2081411
File: 1737705898552.png (66.16 KB, 792x644, degenerates_fighting.png)

>>2081391looked up the account she qrted and it looks like he responded to her, he has 200k followers so chances are she locked her account to avoid receiving backlash
No. 2082097
File: 1737866837979.png (105 KB, 700x920, Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 20-37…)

>>2081391topkek at the replies
No. 2084924
File: 1738541678449.jpeg (Spoiler Image,161.01 KB, 750x1002, 0C6FDAD2-67E7-4A77-ADD1-74E94D…)

For the low low price of 150€ Fanny will draw your oc and Cartman boning
No. 2084961
>>2084924paying a whole ass 150 euros for laika's art is insane. even if it's a full body rendered piece her art is hardly even worth the change that i can find in between my couch cushions kek
also i know that she has at least a few supporters, but who the hell cares enough about her characters to waste their money on this shit?? crazy levels of delusion on her part
No. 2084982
>>2084961I've always thought the same, but you're greatly underestimating how much retards online are willing to pay for crappy art. It's pretty par for the course for even the shittiest most amateur Xitter "artist" to charge +100 USD/euros for some worthless doodle, and for their autist followers who've developed a parasocial relationship with them to pay it.
I've always wondered if this shitty "artist" entitlement traces back to furries, pretty difficult to see some coomer faggot making 10 grand off of drawing a big-balled fox farting and not get a big head about how much you deserve to charge for your art.
No. 2085109
>>2081391>>2081495I went to check because IIInfamous is a bit of a lolcow himself, and I hate to be on the moid's side but it was just some BBC x white woman coom parody of a stonetoss comic, without rape or underage shit kek. I want to understand the logic behind why these fiction =/= reality types tolerate pedophilia, men beating women etc. but draw the line at race fetishes.
>>2084924Retarded, I get ychs when they're from a talented artist but here you can just draw over the base because Fanny's style is so lazy and easy to replicate.
No. 2085143
File: 1738599891956.gif (729.86 KB, 498x373, jumpscare.gif)

>>2084924went on her account to see this and got jumpscared by her retweeting a woman with her entire pussy except the urethra stitched up clean
No. 2085290
File: 1738630590588.png (Spoiler Image,2.07 MB, 1472x1902, 1000029096.png)

her attempt at realism is hilarious it's just her regular style but with worse anatomy somehow. Art school graduate everynonnie
No. 2085366
>>2085109>I want to understand the logic behind why these fiction =/= reality types tolerate pedophilia, men beating women.It's a mix of white guilt and not seeing black and brown people as fuckable, relatable or "aesthetic."
When kinksters say "raceplay is wrong!" and their blog is nothing gifs of 90 lb 18 year old Slavic or Japanese girls being strangled and covered in bruises or "suave handsome gentleman" daddy doms, you can tell what their real problem is.
No. 2085467
>>2085366Just like how all female black and brown characters are headcanoned as lesbian or strong independent women who don't need no man too keep them out in their favorite two white guy or self insert ships. "
POC women are hypersexualized!" Sure kek
>>2085402Ironically enough, Fanny could probably hook her own irl Cy if she tried. He'd even be a pedo since she looks like an obese 13 year old boy with a glandular disorder.
No. 2085802
File: 1738785952585.jpeg (Spoiler Image,437.86 KB, 649x883, IMG_3650.jpeg)

150 fucking euros spent on this anatomical shitshow. Well done to Fanny on the grift honestly. Coombrains will pay for absolute slop, might as well get your bag.
No. 2085856
File: 1738795683060.jpg (Spoiler Image,275.71 KB, 1536x2048, GgUJNLTWsAAXpOR.jpg)

>>2085802in case anyone was curious what the face of someone who would waste their money on that shit looks like (spoiler for irl moid dick)
No. 2085869
File: 1738799119549.gif (414.25 KB, 220x165, spongebob-kids.gif)

>>2084924Who the fuck is wasting their money on this slop???
No. 2085988
>>2085856From the neck down he looks like a panic pete when you squeeze it.
>>2085984Yea she used her own art as a template and is charging 150£ to change the hair and skin tone to your liking.
>>2085290Unpopular opinion maybe but I find this easier to look at than her family guy shit. Maybe it’s because she used colors other than green and purple.
No. 2086073
File: 1738849041565.png (330.36 KB, 752x853, screenshot.png)

cow collision kek I was gonna say someone should update homie's thread but it looks like someone already did, I wonder how things will go from here
No. 2086287
nonnie that's one of my favourite books, but let's be honest here I don't think fanny reads.
No. 2086323
>>2085856holy fucking kek
>>2086073why does the brown hair guy look exactly like homie's self insert she used though this is weird