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No. 187661
Previous thread:
>>>>> recap:
Kiki is relatively quiet right now, which could mean she is not in Japan anymore, if she ever went back at all.
She didn't mention her wedding again and hardly talks about Taku anymore.
No. 187681
So, someone on pull found this vk that definitely seems like it belongs to her: wonder if she has any other social media we don't know about. Part of me feels like she probably has a weibo since I'm pretty sure Kota had one that got a ton of attention.
No. 187684
>>187681What was the evidence that it's 'definitely' her?
Don't want to use PULL.
No. 187690
>>187686There are so many fake and roleplaying accounts out there even just for Kiki that are in it purely for attention.
Who knows what's going on in that person's PMs anyway? Privately this person could be claiming 'oh I'm the real Kiki, you should believe me cos I link to my real accounts and fakes wouldn't do that hehe. I just don't link to my VK from my other sites cos I want to keep this for my personal stuff ^_^'
The real question is why anyone would pretend to be 2015 Kaka.
No. 187691
>>187675Well the guy has been a vegan for 18 years, and is also able to read ALL ingredients on food. Kiki just Google translated some words like "meat" and "egg" and winged the rest.
If he says it isn't vegan, then I believe him. Probably referring to a minor ingredient that Kiki doesn't even know what is
No. 187692
sorry i dont keep up on the kaka threads but lol at her fight with mira a while back: it going through her twitter.
No. 187695
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Taku looks like a dollar store version of Sakurai Sho
No. 187727
>>187714Yup. She ate that bean mochi once, which contained bean paste that is definitely not vegan
But it's Kaka, so she refused it (and probably deleted the photo already)
No. 187753
File: 1443767399272.webm (2.83 MB, 640x640, mmmkikikannibal-20150908-0001 …)
I think they broke up, Kiki's deleting Instagram posts again and it seems like she's erasing every post about Taku now. Her post count went from 504 to 498. I saved this video before it was deleted.
No. 187809
>>187727Not to get too off topic with my mochi autism, but red bean paste is actually usually vegan. It is made from boiled red beans and sugar. Occasionally it is made with honey instead of sugar, but if you're buying store-bought (which this most likely is, let's be real) it's probably just plain white or brown sugar. If it were made more jelly-like, it probably still wouldn't have gelatin, as agar is more common in Japan. Just saying. You would have to go out of your way to find nonvegan mochi premade because it is a simple recipe to begin with. Mochi is vegan for the most part unless as mentioned before, you consider processed sugar to be not vegan.
That said, I don't doubt she eats animal products unknowingly because she's an idiot and she definitely doesn't eat healthily, but just because some Japanese guy who isn't holding the packaging says it's not vegan doesn't mean it's true. Japanese people don't know the ingredients for every single thing sold in their country. They are no different than any other group of people in that regard. The piece of mochi she is holding clearly has a strawberry as filling and seems to be just regular mochi other than that. It COULD be made with honey, and it's unlikely, but it's not like some random guy from instagram would know that any better than us.
>>187757God, this. I don't doubt there's going to be something about how he "refused" to go vegan even though she claimed she was OK with him not being vegan. I don't understand how someone can be that preachy about animal rights and still be "OK" with their boyfriend eating meat.
I think she'll also have a lot to say about Japanese dating norms and Japanese people being emotionally closed off and it was unfitting for her empath soul.
No. 187819
>>187807Yep, giving sums of money in lieu of expressing emotion publically is a big part of Japanese culture.
There's hundreds of scenarios in which it's expected, such as a break up, you're expected to give 1 months rent as a gift to your landlord when you move in (key money), you give money to the parents of victims if a relative of yours has injured/killed them (and this is totally seperate from compensation, they regularly give their kids little envelopes of like, coming of age money, if you pick up a girl and take her to a hotel a lot of guys leave her money even if she wasn't a hooker.
It's a strange custom.
No. 187864
>>187863this is exactly what i've always thought
he could be a pushover too. and i feel like kaka could be manipulative. maybe she started saying he was her boyfriend and he just went along with it. kinda like how she told him to say he loves her in that first video and he just follows along..
No. 187880
>>187876Ha, she's so lame.
She could at least try to be subtle about sperging out over every negative comment, leave it a couple of days before deleting.
No. 187907
>>187837I'm pretty sure he can't wait for her to go home whenever he's there so he can smoke again
He probably does it at home too, and changes clothes + showers before meeting kiki
No. 187914
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Jesus fucking christ her kana is atrocious.
What was it she was saying a while back about "haters barely even being able to grasp plain form whilst she's busting out keigo~*".
God fucking damn Kirsten if you're going to lie about something at the very least learn. your. fucking. hiragana. holy shit are you kidding me. she is writing her い like a pair of perfectly mirrored brackets and don't even get me fucking started on her balance. this Kaka you cock, should be easy for you right.
No. 187919
I got bored and decided to Soundhound some of "her music" on Soundcloud and surprise, surprise, the song Kato is pretty much a direct rip of a lesser known artists work called Factor Risk and the name of the track of Flashback with some shitty effects added on top. I'll go file a DMCA now. More and this and her account will get closed permanently. She is scum without remorse.
No. 187921
>>187920>>187919We need to go report her iTunes for all the tracks she is directly infringing because she has made money off of the sales of her plagiarised albums.
It would not surprise me if every single one of her "pieces" is plagiarised.
No. 187924
Oh wow, surprise sur-fucking-prise, another stolen track! bitch is fucking evil.
No. 187926
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>>187924Keeks is gonna get fucked up they're an active artist on Soundcloud with 8705 followers and are signed to Digital Empire Records.
http://www.digitalempire-records.comWhen they see that she's been making money off of their shit they could very, very easily sue. At the least it will now be removed off Soundcloud, iTunes and Youtube.
I hope Apple bans her account.
No. 187928
>>187916Yeah, I was referring to the comments here, not the Japanese guy's.
>>187919Scum without remorse, scum without brains.
No. 187936
>>187753What if Kaka saw that Japanese guy who's a crazy vegan in Kota's thread and is now going for him? lol
>>187857Can anyone who follows her figure out what she's deleted? I feel like she probably deleted a bunch of Japan related stuff since she deleted all of Taku.
>>187914Ehh, it's not that big of a deal imo. I'm just surprised she at least knows hiragana. (I know it's really easy to learn hiragana, but this is Kaka we're talking about.)
It doesn't seem like she knows kanji though. I feel like she'd write the kanji for ai if she knew how to.
No. 187951
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I cannot believe she does this!!!
It is almost exactly the same! It's unbelievable!
No. 187955
>>187952Should've specified:
I cannot believe that she is stealing other people's music.
It's amazing that she has not been caught yet.
No. 187971
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Hey guys, I went a scrolled through Kaka's instagram to see if I could find anything off the top of my head that she deleted. She still has most of her Japan videos, but none of them feature Taco. However, she did forget to erase this caption from 12 weeks ago:
>New blog post on showing new pictures, preparing for going back to Japan and marriage ❤️
Also, she deleted her "in China!!" post after it was called out, lel. No new pictures on her instagram otherwise, though.
No. 187975
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>>187971She deleted this and the "You are mine" poster with the Chinese characters on it, however she still has a bunch of stuff that she "wrote" in Chinese on there.
What I did notice was that she deleted her picture of the meditation/tai chi or whatever in the woods. In fact, she deleted most of her pictures from her "Second time" in Japan. All that remains is the attached pic. Before that, she also deleted her Disneyland pics. So, no more mentions of Taco, but plenty of pics of Tokyo Tower outside of her love hotel/apaato.
Other than that, I can't really see much that she deleted; it was probably just anything outside of her "aesthetic". She still have 1 billion selfies of her on Dakota's bedsheets, and shooped pics of her "huge booty omg".
No. 188017
>>187999If you knew one iota about the language you'd already know how anal the formal Japanese teachers are when it comes to this.
If I wrote my moon like that in an exam I'd lose marks for sure.
Are you the kind of fucknugget that also believes you should get to be liberal with Kanji? Fucking kek I'd love to see your homework.
No. 188062
>>188001Oh ignore them anon.
I'm sick of the japanophiles either it being weebs or people who claim they're "Normal" and learning Japanese.
It makes me not fucking want to learn Japanese sometimes because of all that white aidoru weebs, drama and shit that goes on.
No. 188082
>>187661since i don't know japanese all i can see in the photo is taku's ugly face
don't be distracted by her bad japanese from his fug anons
it actually looks like the bottom photo could've been a better photo of them so idk why she chose to take a photo of only the top ones
No. 188188
>>187945This is a weird question/scenario maybe. Is it possible that Kiki's "songs" that she's plagiarizing are just a bunch of sample packs put together and the original artists are doing the same so they sound alike? The reason I'm asking is because one of her songs sounded a lot like the dubstep breakdown in Hyuna's Bubble Pop but that was the only part from the song that was similar. It would have to be a big coincidence probably, for her to end up with a song that sounds like other artists almost exactly but it's something I've been wondering.
How does she live with herself and not feel sick about this? She steals other people's work that she could get in actual legal trouble over, and then she gets compliments from her few stans on Twitter about it. But it's not even hers work. Why doesn't she want to be praised for her own efforts over stealing from people? There is no better feeling than working hard on something and being told others like it. How is she not barfing and shitting herself when people tell her how good her plagiarism is? I don't understand.
No. 188223
>>188188She probably doesn't even think about it.
I've never claimed someone else's music as my own, but I've done similar things and the thought of it being morally bad never crosses my mind. If it does, it's just a shrug - who cares. Whatever is the easiest way to achieve my end goal.
I imagine it's similar for Kiki, in this situation. Her end goal was fame/money, not recognition of talent (even if she liked the attention). It was faster and easier to copy or steal than do her own thing.
I can't imagine how you would do that and feel that guilty/sick/whatever over it. So I don't find it hard to fathom her doing it without remorse. Some people are just less sensitive about such things.
No. 188269
>>188188In that scenario, she (and the other people) still comes across rather uncreative. There's nothing original nor artistic of putting existing sample packs (that are made to sound decent together - regardless of order) together in an order and calling it song. Any monkey could do that! And I'd find it odd that any self-respecting musician would only use sample packs from one certain system and nothing else and don't attempt to add their own thing to it. But, then again, that's assuming Kiki respects herself and , by extension, her musical integrity as much as she claims to.
I think this scenario is pretty unlikely given the number of her songs that sound extremely similar to other songs - there is clear, conscious and consistent ripping-off on Kaka's part.
>>188223>>So I don't find it hard to fathom her doing it without remorse. Some people are just less sensitive about such things.The thing is, she claims to be an uber sensitive ~indigo child~ with love and compassion for all beings, so, you'd think if she were accused of ripping off another's work, she'd be devastated at the thought of passing off another's creativity and expression (an extension of their being) as her own and would be blowing up Twitter about it. But, her nonchalance (or rather radio silence) towards it is further giving herself away.
No. 188444
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If her and Taku have actually split, which seems incredibly likely at this point, I can legit see her heading for a proper mental breakdown.
Everything she tries ultimately fails after so short an amount of time because she doesn't understand the value of hard work; she thinks she can just lie and cheat her way to success with no repercussion.
Everything she touches turns to shit and dust because she is rotten inside.
No. 188456
>>188444she is the reason why karma is believably real
which is funny cause she preaches about karma all the time
definitely one of my favorite lolcows. the lols never end
No. 188467
>>188444Omfg, that picture is beautiful. It should become a banner when the breakup is confirmed.
I can also see her having a mental breakdown. I think she's so quiet right now because she's already having one and doesn't want to look stupid since she made the relationship look much more serious than it actually was.
When do you guys think she'll come back? I feel like she's gonna be quiet for a few months like last time she came home from Japan.
No. 188482
Keeks, come back and post more ~inspiring videos for us~, we all miss your posts desperately.
>>188444Yo, you better make a banner of this because it is beautiful.
No. 188486
>>188482>>188467I'll remake it to banner dimensions later in that case.
I really want Admin to do something for the site when it becomes confirmed that they've broken up, like when you load up /pt/ the sad Batman music begins playing and there are tears falling down the screen for a day or two.
No. 188558
>>188556The old ass one. Where she said something like "who wants to know about your favorite living doll" idk. I can't remember exact words. She basically said to ask questions about kota.
Anyone have the screenshot?
No. 188606
>>188600Holy fucking shit you need to calm the fuck down.
Is your healing crystal mother moon cycle or something?
No. 188642
>>188597I believe she said "your favourite model", but yeah.
Makes it even more ridiculous imo; I don't think ~Dakota Rose~ is anyone's favourite model (weeb living doll wannabes don't count). She's barely known.
No. 188645
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No. 188647
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Because you all were asking.
No. 188655
>>187661Lol, I am on my "moon cycle" as a matter of fact. But still, you were being petty and you know damn well you were and I clearly said "idk". Petty. I'm over it tho.
>>188610Not me, I haven't argued with anyone.
>>188617Lol that's also not me. That shit was fucking retarded and they're prob just trolling. Who tf would believe dakota is 30? That makes no sense. Plus, I love dako chan.
>>188647Thx bb. I needed to know what it said for sure. It was bothering me since petty-chan called me out lol.
No. 188696
>>188655Nobody cares you disgusting hamlord.
Get the fuck out.
No. 188731
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posting some aqua aura quartz for all of you. calm tf down and drink some jasmine tea.
No. 188737
>>188731thank u anon, I recieved ur soothing energies, my soul feels at peace now.
sending posi vibes to u all~♥
No. 188738
>>188696….im not even fat tho…wut. nobody cares that you dont care. So stfu cracker.
Also, who the hell is Rima? You guys are fucking crazy. Im literally just a random ass bitch. You hoes always tryna accuse people of being someone. Wtf.
"Hi anon". Bitch, bye.
(race comments only permitted in /b/ (6 hour ban)) No. 188748
>>188738"Hi Rima" wasn't literal. You're acting just like her.
How can someone be this retarded?
No. 188751
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ok guys bring it in.
No. 188835
>>188645I could
almost believe that was dakota at 11 but the pictures for 12 and 13.. no fucking chance.
No. 188841
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So I saw this in my FB feed today and reminded me of kaka
No. 188846
>>188767They probably meant the age that Kiki and Kota were claiming to be at the time.
>>188799Go away SJW chan.
No. 188866
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K well, another point regarding Dakota's age, this is a photo of Dakota uploaded in the year of 2008.
According to the year she claims she was born it would make her 13 in this photo.
According to the year on her police records and numerous interviews and highschool information, she would be 15.
Which do you think is more believable.
No. 188870
>>188866if only she knew she'd be crowned the kawaii princess in years to come at that moment lol
reckon she'd have became a living dolly sooner?
No. 188882
>>188841no wonder she is so grouchy
and delusional
honestly if she is as hardcore vegan as she says, and the only recipes she posts are, like, juice, it just proves she is malnourished
and/or white trash that eats out for every meal
(hence the constant whining about few vegan choices in tokyo)
No. 188892
>>188645I think the pictures are kinda selective. Because on Kota's 13 year old one, she could probably pass as 23, which probably isn't true at all. Especially since she looks young at 14. Something to take into consideration is that they were shooping when they were young + heavy make up is bound to make them look old. I'm pretty sure during their scene days they wanted to look older than they were.
If you compare the both of them by their corresponding ages (imagining Kota without any shoop), the difference isn't too much.
I personally don't think Kota's age is too far off, at most 3 years older than she says she is but I think it's a stretch.
No. 188934
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No. 189378
Can anyone who follows her tell us which pictures she deleted?
No. 189422
>>189378I follow her, and I made a note earlier
>>187975 that she had deleted all references to Taco and most of her pictures from her 'second' trip to Japan.
Unfortunately, it's still difficult to tell which posts in particular she has deleted, since I didn't memorize them or anything.
Her "meditation/tai chi" posts and all pictures/videos with taco in it were deleted. In fact, her only mention of having a boyfriend is 13weeks ago, when she posted "New blog post on showing new pictures, preparing for going back to Japan and marriage ❤️"
Otherwise, she only has her videos from her 'first' trip to japan. Almost nothing from her 'second' trip. Which honestly leads me to believe that she was in Florida this entire time, tbh, and only went to Japan once.
She's deleting a lot, though. It might just be a lot of older stuff. I'm not sure, it's hard to tell.
No. 189426
>>189422>"New blog post on showing new pictures, preparing for going back to Japan and marriage ❤️"I haven't been keeping up but she really made posts about getting married?
I thought it was just those tweets that could go either way.
No. 189469
>>189422I don't think she was there this time, but there actually was proof she was there the last time. She went to this meeting about Uniqlo and their sweatshops, there's a video of it somewhere on youtube and you can see her in it.
>>189432I think she's still gonna go for Japan even after that. She just won't let Kota be.
I bet you she's already made new accounts on language exchange sites and is already looking for someone to replace Taku right now as we speak.
No. 189482
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>>189479Sorry for posting again
I noticed she deleted pictures where her face looks really mature like this one here. I wonder if she's gonna start doing alien baby shoops.
No. 189490
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This is also gone. I have her instagram saved from the beginning til about the start of July.
No. 189492
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>>189491 Shit, forgot the pic.
No. 189496
>>189482I like this selfie. Shoulder length hair fits her better.
Alien babz shoop kaka would be top kek
No. 189499
>>189492I don't think I've ever seen this picture before.
>>189496I agree and like it as well.
>>189498Yeah, lol.
No. 189503
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I think she went to Japan two times.
First one was with Scott, she only promoted her music and was on some radio or something idk. Pic related, it's from that time.
The second time is when she went alone but met up with some sugar daddy/Taco, which I think was just some random gaijin hunter looking for easy pussy. Back then, Kiki posted some videos of her walking around Akihabara etc. Kota's blog post (japanese) confirmed she would go back to the US around february or march (basically when her tourist visa expires). She later deleted the post.
Kiki continued to pretend she was still in relationship with Taco, lied about him visiting her in US and then her going back to Japan with him. Her evidence became to vague to be believable and it's probably just old pictures from her second visit. The evidence being OP pic, where Kiki and Tako are wearing winter coats even though it's still pretty warm in Tokyo (she pretended it's a recent pic).
No. 189504
>>189500I guess because some vegan Japanese guy told her that it wasn't vegan and we brought attention to it in the last thread.
She deleted some other really random things though, I guess because they don't fit her aesthetic anymore.
>>189503This is what I think as well.
No. 189508
>>189503Yeah, she's only been twice. She ain't in Japan now. Be funny though if she made a new video where she's a little good girl tsuma.
I somehow cannot image kaka as a housewife.
No. 189513
>>189469In case anyone else was confused, Kiki has claimed to have gone to Japan 4 times total.
>The first time, there is proof via candids etc. She mainly name-dropped Dakota and talked about her music as the other anon said.
>The second time is when she was called out on stealing images from Google. She also claimed she went to China at this time. It is generally believed that she did not leave Florida during this time.
>The third time is when she went earlier this year. She went to a conference about sweatshops (for some reason…ironic considering most of her wardrobe is from Taobao) which is documented on video not posted by herself. It is suspected she was there to visit a sugar daddy. She also does have a lot of video footage and photos from this trip leading us to believe it was legit. Taku emerged onto her social media in March and then disappeared, despite her later claiming to have been dating him since the end of last year.
>The fourth time is when she went this summer to live with Taku. It's split in the beliefs whether or not she went there as her photos seem to be old and there aren't many. I personally think she did go there, but not as long as she has led us to believe, and Taku was not a part of it.>>189479Looking through these photos, it's interesting. I can kinda understand why she would delete
>>189482 and some of her other selfies as they don't fit her current physical image as a kawaii earth goddess, but a lot of the other ones do fit said image. I wonder if she's gonna break away from that now and do something else. For some reason I can't see her dropping the veganism/love and light shit. It would be too drastic at this point.
Hope she comes back soon.
No. 189579
>>189503god she's actually so fug lol
>>189513notice how a couple of those times there was actually proof and photos vs. the other times she "went"
No. 189607
>>189589I got that impression too.
Jesus Christ, if she just had the humility to admit to herself she only really cares about the shops, scenery and restaurants like most tourists, she could've had a lot more fun over there than she would have by forcing herself to attend an hour long meeting when she probably doesn't even understand much of what they're saying in the first place.
There's nothing wrong with going abroad to have fun rather than to pretend you're some kind of human rights activist. We all know she doesn't genuinely care about anyone except herself.
Get your shit together, Kiki.
No. 190076
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>>190064Idk if I'm
gagging to find out. Curious tho.
No. 190086
>>190082Naw, she'd have blasted that kind of news everywhere/tried to shotgun wedding him.
I do think they broke up, or something along those lines, though.
No. 190095
>>190086Put me $50 on he found her social media and was like
No. 190150
Though my favorite fantasy is still that Anon's theory that she was a side fuck, he was checkin' rings to wed his real girl, she found them and thought it was for her only to realize the ~truth~.
I mean, it's not plausible but I'd be so pleased.
No. 190179
File: 1444335079296.gif (494.1 KB, 300x230, The-Golden-Girls-Laughing-Thei…)

>>190171The deletion of all the Taco-Taco material kind of coincides with a break-up tho so my money's on this one.
No. 190212
>>190082if she was preggers… she'd probably have it just because its have japanese
she'd be keeping it secret and years later throwing it back to japan for a modelling contract cos "big aunty oba-san kotakoti goddessu has contracto and big connection ~"
No. 190216
>>190214Only except it'd be a hafu and living in Tokyo. God help the companies who would have to put up with its bitch of a mother.
It'd be like Venus and Margo.
No. 190217
>>190215But what could it possibly be? Her content stinks worse than farts.
Her pictures are crappy, she's hardly original, she doesn't have a "model look" and nor does kota except she fits the kawaii mould. Kaka's attitude sucks and she's a cunt.
She's nothing left to latch on to. She messed it up for herself when she was younger and she was old enough to know she was making a tit of herself on live cam. Serves her right, she doesn't deserve attention.
No. 190218
Taku + Dakota = Takota.
You know it to be true. It's destiny.
No. 190225
>>187661>>190150This was mine…
I know not likely but how good would the milk be?!
"Men leading a double life, haters lead a double life..they can't handle my shine, kira kira princess model from Mars sailormoon gif"
No. 190226
>>190225idk, if Taku has broken up with her I kind of get the feeling this might be it for Kirsten; permanently.
We all know this bitch is insecure as fuck, and there's only so much of a beating you can take after so long.
Perhaps the beast hath been slewn?
No. 190231
>>190212Nah. She's never been one of those "I wanna be Japanese!!!" girls. This is all a phase. She'll be over Japan by the time Kota has to pack up and leave if she isn't already over it, especially if Taku is out of the picture.
>>190215I think so too. Only thing is, she's gotta be out of ideas at this point. Maybe she's looking for a new song to steal that we won't instantly find to be plagiarized.
>>190227I don't think that video is unheard of in Japan amongst people who actually keep up with Kota. Kota isn't famous or anything but I've seen that video referenced on things like girlschannel if it wasn't actually already on girlschannel.
No. 190236
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>>187919Well, well, well!
Charlie Brown is still up though.
No. 190237
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>>190231Yeah, she's pretty much done everything. The only thing she hasn't done yet is write a book, but I think that would take way too much effort for her.
I still think she's gonna try going down the alien baby shoop route, she has already deleted pictures where she looks really mature and has already post some alien baby pictures before(pic related).
No. 190239
>>190237alien baby needs to die already
like, i seriously think "famous" people who still do alien baby do it ironically and to get lulz from the tons of copycats who wanna be famous but look like utter shite
No. 190261
>>190227They mention it in the thread, and countless other ones.
People are aware of it, mostly on Girls Channel.
No. 190267
>>190237She could always go back and try to capture the Tumblr aesthetic and become popular there. She didn't put a lot of effort into it before. There's always a new aesthetic for her to latch onto and try to fit in with for instant fame.
>>190236Anybody know the origin for the spoken part on Charlie Brown?
No. 190355
>anybody know the origin for the spoken part on Charlie Brown?They're her own samples, i.e. she recorded themselves.
I'm a Japanese student and whilst I can't remember exactly what she was saying in it (and I'm getting ready for uni now so don't have time to sit and listen to it), the Japanese she was speaking was absolute nonsense buzzwords.
No. 190420
>>187918tru story all men are easy, no matter what age you are. personal standards are the variable.
>>188444 Did you drop out of hs and learn how to make this in college before you were adult? It is beautiful. Ooh I see the actual banner size below. Nice, nice.
>>188645This is going by the magical unicorn ages they claim, right?
No way she was only 14 in skunk haired days. I really feel Kiki is my age/probably older, possibly 2 years older. Turning 25 next year. & Dakota is ~2 years behind her. So that bumps her up a few from what she's claiming.
If that's not the case, their parents are horrible for giving their daughters access to the internet, slutty clothing, & makeup at young ages. Someone had to drive them to the mall and CVS. I feel like they said their parents even took some of their 'creative scene' photo shoots? Still would gross me out being 1) their parents 2) underage
>>188755because they're really like +2-4 years each. and most people on these boards act like being over 20 is close to death (kids once you get closer to 30, if you didn't fuck up severely, you'll realize it's not bad)
In the Kaka 19 and Kota 16 I'm guessing they shared access to a nicer camera. Seems to be their best photo qualities and cleanest shops each. Definitely time period of best Kota shops. Then she wanted to cater to Japan, so shit got weird.
No. 190421
>>189490okay so this thought popped into my head last night,
remember when she was saying how she got some japanese food as a gift from her teacher and was complaining about how it wasn't vegan? i'm not sure if i'm recalling correctly but wasn't that strawberry mochi as well?
No. 190449
>>190421Yeah, it's not vegan. Sage because slowpoke. I don't know if it's from her teacher, though.
The white ones usually are, but coloured ones contain food colouring, which are tested on animals. Natural food colouring (e.g. betroot) is not that bright and I'm 100% certain that her mochi contained regular food colouring.
No. 190456
>>190449that's funny. i'm hoping someone can dig up the post about her complaining about her present she was given. i totally can't remember if i'm recalling it wrong.
i missed the part about it being the food coloring that isn't vegan i think.
what else is she consuming that isn't vegan? hahaha. so dumb.
No. 190485
File: 1444424216391.jpg (70.04 KB, 640x640, 1415915692746.jpg)

>>190456here you go anon
>>23551 No. 190489
File: 1444424409855.png (23.97 KB, 517x323, 1425290525357.png)

also found this gem from a older thread
>but being vegan in japan is the easiest thing ever guise~~~!!!
No. 190530
>>190489like restaurant food and snacks don't have high MSG in US lol. it's just as hard.
just cause it's ~asian food~
No. 190561
>>190493Also judging from the text above "type in 416", it means that Kiki actually went to the person's apartment and got lessons there, so it has to be a female.
I can't believe she actually said warui to her teacher, like seriously I know she is/was learning, but wow
I would not let that shit fly even if I were japanese
No. 191012
>>190569i remember that.
someone said quite simply "kiki someone gave you a gift, you could have just quietly accepted it."
but she went apeshit about "Why should i have to accept something that clearly goes against my beliefs!?!?! MY SOUL !??!??! is in animals!!!! and this food is destroying me!!!!"
No. 191014
>>190574Why the fuck is there someone in every goddamn cow's thread accusing them of being autistic
not every socially inept person in the world is autistic, there are other issues and disorders that cause problems too
No. 191041
Maybe anon wants the autistic diagnosis all to herself
No. 191044
>>191015Some of them do but some of them won't. & some Buddhists are just not allowed to eat meat during certain times of training and other times it ok.
There's also a story (probably untrue) that Buddha died because of meat poisoning
No. 191094
>>191015Nah, she didn't suggest she herself was a Buddhist. That was just her defense, that a Buddhist wouldn't eat it because it went against their beliefs so they shouldn't expect her to when it goes against hers too. The difference is even if it does go against someone's belief, most people would just accept it and then pass it on to someone who actually could enjoy the thing they're not able to. Except that won't happen with Kaka because she has no friends to share it with and she's not going to pass it off to anyone else, either.
But let's think about this for a second. Instead of getting all defensive over someone calling her out, and looking like a complete asstart she could've said exactly that. She could've said yes, I know it's not vegan, I'm just showing what I was given and I'm going to give it to my brother. Then she would have come off as a kind, generous person. Instead she's just an asshole, like always.
No. 191192
File: 1444573873974.jpg (91.6 KB, 951x541, sdadas.jpg)

>has had her account 4-5 years now
>has had her account 6 weeks
No. 191240
i was on skype to my japanese friend for a few hours today and i told him the story of kaka and kooter because we were on the topic of gaijin in japan who were popular aside from him saying kota's japanese was awful and boyish he found out about kaka too
he almost died when i told him kaka's bf was called snaggle-chan
snaggle-chan tho
No. 191280
>>191200I don't think you understood me. I'm not arguing she might be trying to imply she's a Buddhist now. If that's what she was getting at it isn't coming across very clearly because there are people out there who could read into it the same way. It looked like filtered text pictures to prove she's deep and she reads as if that is such a rarity anymore. In that one response she didn't declare she was Buddhist, either. It was a defense. If she's really trying to imply she is then she needs to do it better because it didn't read obvious enough. Her actions don't exactly align with Buddhism, so it's not hard to see how someone wouldn't think that about her.
>>191240It'll never not be funny that as soon as we called her bf Snaggle-chan she went on a rage to hide him.
No. 191297
File: 1444599682761.png (100.11 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-10-11-23-39-18…)

No. 191670
File: 1444719179465.png (175.21 KB, 855x456, Capture.PNG)

>>191669This pretty much confirms that Taku is out of the picture and she's hunting for new dick.
No. 191671
File: 1444719393462.png (451.79 KB, 1366x1235, screencapture-www-interpals-ne…)

>>191670Sorry for double posting, here's a better screenshot from pull.
No. 191683
>>191671>>191672jfc she's fucking thirsty for that japan visa
also lol at
>etherealmew No. 191685
File: 1444720731541.jpg (55.99 KB, 337x367, 1311626491256.jpg)

>kids: I can't wait to have them>religion: buddhist/taoistkaka pls
No. 191691
>>191685Well there goes the whole "she never
actually said she was Buddhist" argument.
And epic kek at how she has to tell everyone what a loving, caring empath she is.
No. 191700
>>191696But she took that profile picture after she had already met Taco.
Also, I don't think she admitted to them meeting on the website did she? I thought she said that they met at school or something iirc
No. 191702
>>191694Why would you doubt that?
She's skinny as fuck.
No. 191716
>>191671Is it just me who thinks she may be trying to go for white guys who are studying Japanese as well this time around? I think this because she's saying "let's study Japanese together" and doesn't say anything about language exchange. Though, I guess saying something along the lines of, "I help you learn English if you help me learn Japanese," in Japanese would be too hard for her.
>>191698At least she's being a little more realistic about it, I think she put her level much higher last time around.
I know last time she put Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, and I think some other languages in the "Speaks" section and then 2 languages in the "Learning" section.
>>191702I was just about to say the same thing.
If she were to lie about her weight, I feel like she'd make it a little higher since she wants people to think she's got curvy thighs and a bubble butt.
No. 191722
>>191698Dis bitch can't even form a proper sentence in Chinese. Level 1 my fucking ass.
>notice how she now admits she never went to China>graduate degreeAlso, is she really only 5'3"? Or is she fudging that as well?
I really love how her "marriage" picture is her profile pic on her fuckbuddy site. lmao.
No. 191726
File: 1444724441555.png (125.61 KB, 508x597, 1434512799820.png)

>>191722>Also, is she really only 5'3"? Or is she fudging that as well?I don't know but she said she was 5'5 on the last profile.
No. 191732
File: 1444725014726.png (7.76 KB, 1157x473, 1444719524055.png)

>>191672Kiki gonna start pokin' holes in condoms.
No. 191743
>>191741>>191739Thank you very much.
Never thought I'd actually say this, but good job PULL. Guess those guys are good for something, certainly beat us to the punch but we're too busy tearing each others eyes out over racism and perceived weight.
No. 191744
>>191737They probably just found her while browsing through users since she was online not too long ago.
>>191740I think she was just trying to make it harder for people to find her this time.
No. 191749
>>191691It wasn't an argument. If you're that same anon keep giving yourself asspats. On her IG she never outright said she was a Buddhist, she implied it. It's what Kaka does. She heavily implies things but never actually says them so that when she gets called out for fucking up she can backpedal and act like people misunderstood or assumed too much. Her Kirleios profile had her religion listed as none. She's claiming she's Buddhist now, congratulations. You're right on the internet!
>>191746She needs to use never seen images next time. Anyone could reverse image search her pics and find a lot of information about her.
No. 191750
>>191744I made a fake worldfriends account and didn't have to enter much info to find her.
- Female
- Japanese (language)
- 23-23 years old
Boom, she was on top
No. 191752
File: 1444727382086.gif (198.45 KB, 366x408, output_Zw6QXe.gif)

No. 191765
File: 1444728510118.gif (30.58 KB, 300x100, output_Exm24o.gif)

Ask and ye shall receive
No. 191766
I cannot for the life of me understand why she just doesn't come out and apologise.
Does she not realise that this witchhunt is being fuelled entirely by her dishonest actions and lies?
Kirsten doesn't appear to be the brightest spark but even she knows that plagiarism is wrong, not to mention the hundreds of illegitimate DMCA's she's sent out, amongst other things. I don't even recall her coming forward and apologising even once for her all the cruel things she said and done on Stickam, and back then she actually had an alibi, i.e. "I was a teenager, I said and did some dumb things, I was wrong and I want to move forward with my life now".
I know for a fact that I would become vastly more disinterested in her if she just came forward, apologised, owned her shit, explained why she did wrong and then slinked away.
Dakota did the same thing I'm pretty disinterested in her now and legitimately want her to succeed. I only check her thread to look at photos because even with all the editing I still think she's cute.
>>191765I'm screaming.
No. 191769
Kaka really needs to stop uploading her pictures on these language exchange sites if she doesn't want anyone finding them. She doesn't even need them because the Japanese guys on these sites couldn't care less about how you look as long as you're foreign and not a landwhale.
>>191766I remember on that lilkitten tumblr she did kind of admit to acting like an asshole on stickam but I think she deleted/edited it out of the post. Iirc, someone asked a question that had nothing to do with the scene days, then she went off on a tangent about haters, and she mentioned that she used to act ~negatively
No. 191770
>>191722>>191726I'm 160cm/5'3 myself and I've always thought she looks taller than me.
Maybe she just seems taller in pictures because of how thin she is. I dunno.
It's hard to say whether she lied about being 5'3 or about being 5'5, she could have lied about being shorter to seem ~kawaii uguu~ or taller to seem more ~moderu~
She lied either way though.
No. 191771
>>191769Fuck, I accidentally hit "New Reply"
anyway, she said she used to act negatively bc the haters were negative towards her or something like that.
No. 191780
>>191768Kota did apologise properly in her original post on her old blog, but Cathy or whoever has since gone back to it and edited it multiple times so that it's basically less of an apology and more of a poor cover up.
I wish we had a copy of the original because it's so wildly different to the one that's currently up.
No. 191803
>>191799To be honest anon, neither had an interest in Japan. Neither of them cared , Dakota only likes what Japan can give her meaning cute things and popularity. Kiki never cared hence why she wants to be involved with Japan now.
Many people have an interest in Japan, there is no "ew i like it better than u" which idiot otaku fuckers are doing these days. Dakota couldn't speak an ounce of Japanese in her first interview and probably only read Japanese on a note she had above her camera during that cat ear video before her debut in Japan which got her that interview (she's taken that video down but you could see her chin wiggle tons).
Dakota liked some anime and cute kawaii things before Japan though I believe. But she didn't know enough about the culture I'd say, just cute things like most otaku. Only now because she lives there and is in the public eye does she HAVE to make an effort with learning the language and getting involved with shit she probably doesn't find interesting. She looked bored to tears in that "Japan in motion" video around two years ago… but maybe it just wasn't her thing seeing sights and stuff.
Dakota is definitely in it for the pop culture as are many otaku and weebs thus foreigners. It's not a bad thing but I do not think neither kota or kaka were fully interested in Japan until Japan took interest in kota as a "rearu barbi dorru."
No. 191818
>>191815Not that anon but I went searching. Can't see her full profile cuz I'm not a member but The username.
No. 191823
>>191821"Wow you so beautiful, you are like barbie!"
"I remember you from myspace day"
"I am Japanese American but now I live back in Japan with family for work :)"
"Your Japanese so good! How you learn?"
"You have Skype?"
"Aw what happened to last boyfriend? You are so beautiful :("
"I love white women! White women is best I think so"
"Yes yes white women desired more than Japanese woman in Japan you know?"
"Reary? You could be model! I know company for model"
"Are you interested?"
No. 191827
File: 1444744410999.jpg (52.51 KB, 540x811, shutterstock_74421586.jpg)

>>191823Fucking lost it at "reary"
No. 191829
>>191827dont laugh guys
kaka needs some nipponese tlc
she's gettin a lil ronery ;^)
No. 191834
>>191677>>191672Yeah. Her Japanese really isn't as great as she thinks it is. She's definitely not "level 2 Japanese", especially with mistakes like よろしくお願いたしいました.
>StatusLet's study Japanese together? Let's enter video chat
>AboutNice to meet you, I'm Kiki. Yoroshiku onegaitashimashita. (wrong) Let's study Japanese together. I want to learn Japanese… Japanese culture is my interest. ( added an unneeded particle at the end ) Let's enter video chat together. I'm excited…
Favorite Games
>Final Fantasy! Let's play together?Interests
>The arts of healing, meditation, romance, science No. 191848
>to be honest anon, neither had an interest in Japan. Neither of them cared , Dakota only likes what Japan can give her meaning cute things and popularityThat's not true at all though. I was around during their Stickam days and am around the same age and Dakota was always legitimately into the whole weeb culture and owned a lot of anime plushies and Japanese-themed décor and items. Kirsten used to make fun of her all the time for it on cam.
It was also Dakota that played WoW and Final Fantasy VII (she was a legit geek, hence her learning to shoop at a young age and learning HTML), and Kirsten watched her play through FFVII and is now using her knowledge of watching Dakota play it as a ploy to pretend like she's this huge fan of the series when she's never even played a single one of the games herself.
I genuinely believe Dakota has always had an interest in Japanese sub-culture and fashion.
Kirsten on the other hand is a big, lying fake. She has no real interests of her own so she latches onto her sister.
No. 191901
>>191890Fair. Let's look at the evidence against it being legit.
>Height is different than last profile>Miami, Florida when she lives in Orlando (could be to make it harder to find)>No pics that haven't already been posted on social media>Graduate degree (I guess it's not beyond her to lie about something like that, though)>Made a short time before being found.The most glaring thing is the fact that it was found so quickly. It could be a coincidence, though. I feel like if someone were pretending to be her they would mention her music and modeling since it's such a joke.
No. 191904
>>191903You're right, though I wonder if she would have been humbled ever so slightly after living in Japan and realizing how bad she was at it.
No. 191911
>>191848I already said she was somewhat interested anon? But she wasn't REALLY that interested until Japan took notice of her and Bravo offered her that contract.
Before that she was aiming towards friggin' China and didn't even know Konnichiwa was Japanese hence the mocking Asian video where kaka had to actually correct kota's jap.
They like video games, kawaii and the usual otaku bs. But again neither of them really cared about Japan until Dakota gathered popularity and Japan wanted her.
No. 191912
>>191848>>191911Most people are interested in what Japan produces and what it can offer tbh. It's just that kota is one of many and was lucky enough to be a living doll which looked genuine enough to pass first before Peachymilk or whatever the fuck latched on to that bandwagon.
Kota is using Japan and likes what it gives. Kaka likes Japan because of kota's popularity and hopes it can give her the same special ass treatment.
No. 191913
>>191839It wasn't really an apology, it was just a quick post. She isn't going to make a video because that'd just draw in attention so the post was a safer option and less people probably saw it anyway. Half her Japanese fans have no idea she made a post about that I'll bet.
Like everything, it's brushed under the carpet.
No. 191914
>>191839But people will stick up for kota now because they believe she's "reformed and nice" now.
We barely even know her personality nowadays. At the end of the day, tbh who cares. She's boring.
We're all basically just in it for kaka and her lovely tasty milk ;D
No. 191937
>>191916Sure she can. She could just say she was blinded by love while he was taking her on a whirlwind romance through Japan and she ~didn't truly realise~ the abusive tendencies or cheating until something suddenly opened her eyes.
It can't be that hard to lie about because most of the time people walk on eggshells when a girl reveals that she was abused, and anyone who questions it is dragged for "victim shaming".
No. 191939
File: 1444763371392.jpg (27.17 KB, 500x375, 2Audrey_and_Brendon--large-msg…)

>>191920Haha if she was remotely smart, you'd think that after her myspace era she would know firsthand how true fanz of anyone don't delete pictures of their old relationships. Like fucking ever (pic related bc nostalgia/audrey pitching ended up so hilariously more successful comparatively speaking to kiki)
if she wasn't so dumb she would use it to create drama and not make her fan page look so obviously hers; and if she went to ALL the trouble to fabricate a relationship she should milk it so people can see she can still be in a relationship and be stable and mature enough to handle a break up.
all this proves is how much of a little brat she still is. she also can't even provide drama for the fans she so desperately wants. How does a former myspace queen not remember how the internet works, even if it was 10 years ago?
No. 191946
>>191834>>scienceCorrect me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember her ever expressing an interest in science specifically well…ever…except for astronomy, but that is one small aspect of science. Possibly throwing it in there as bait/to push a "Beauty + brains" type of idea?
>>191901>>Graduate degreeEither she's lying or she's confusing graduating with a degree (which could be possible with her considering how cagey she is about her "private life") with a graduate degree. Or it's a fake profile completely, like you said.
The fact that it was found so quickly, makes me think that it was her who posted it. I mean what are the chances of finding her profile under a name like that so soon after it being created? You'd have to be constantly googling combinations of words that she uses to come across those profiles. There's something fishy about that.
No. 191954
File: 1444764952021.png (506.36 KB, 458x750, tumblr_le7vsnp9671qecnmao1_500…)

Kiki should give up the kawaii thing. It doesn't work for everyone and it's a stupid weaboo thing anyways.
No. 191962
>>191672>>My Ideal Match>>100% honestTbh expecting someone to be 100% honest with you is unrealistic. It's fucking rich Kiki expecting that of others when she has her track record of glossing over the past to make sure she's the innocent victim in every story and scenario.
>>191960Damn, I never saw that! I really hope someone has screencaps! It sounds lulzy.
No. 191966
File: 1444766210592.png (168.61 KB, 500x750, kiki followers 1.png)

>>191964This was the comment she's replying to. This is what Kaka classifies as someone trying to ~rip her down and belittle her~
No. 191970
>>191964Thank you! I hadn't seen this. Jesus she's ridiculous.
Honestly I don't understand the relevance of shoving "science student" into her comment when it had nothing to do with science (it seems more like a sociological thing/social science which isn't science science). Like if you're an undergrad in any discipline, surely there is an aspect of research in it (be it finding critical articles/data for essays/projects and such) and, being a member of an institution with article database access, they'd all have access to the things Kiki talks about, no? It's not exclusive to science students. And it's hilarious, Kiki is trying to bolster her argument with this: she actually sounds like a teenager in this. It seems like she did max one science class in a general undergraduate degree and is trying to put across the idea that she is a Science major when she's not. If she were a science major, her internet "arguments" would actually have some resemblance of logic and reason in them. Anyway I digress.
>>191966That follower was actually trying to help. So much for Kiki the ~caring, compassionate empath~. I guess it all goes out the window if her ego is even slightly at stake.
No. 191974
>>191964thank you anon!
lol @
>I come back with empyrical research1- I doubt she knows what empyrical means
2- ctrl+c ctrl+v isn't research
>they deleted their account!!more like you blocked them
No. 191977
>>191966'Science student' thing aside, the person says 'not trying to be rude' TWICE and Kiki still takes it as someone trying to give her shit. Everything is an attack to her.
The overly-cautious tone of the comment also shows what a reputation Kiki has now. Everyone knows she's nuts and the few that dare to say anything other than a compliment to her feel they have to walk on eggshells (and even then they still get ranted at).
Kiki is so lacking in self-awareness that I bet she sometimes wonders why she doesn't have any friends.
No. 192039
>>191890>>191901My first thought was how do we know this isn't a troll? Also I was afraid to say anything because I know Kiki lurks on this thread and I couldn't put it past her to claim it's a fake account when it isn't.
Maybe she wouldn't because it draws attention to the fact her and snaggletooth broke up.
No. 192245
>>192242Da fuck is up with weebs and modelling
Is it to feel good? Is it for fame?
jfc, get a real job already
No. 192266
>>192251that's what I'm saying though you don't need to create what you already are if you're true to yourself you don't need to fake.people watched her live shows before because she was admittedly rude and crass with a don't give a f
* attitude and while that may not be her personally anymore that wasn't an act she did feel those things at that time it was real and that's why people watched her. fake personalities read like a billboard you cannot see them.
No. 192324
>>192245isnt not even just weebs though….
it's this fucking new generation man. Instagram accounts with 99% selfies… everything is me me me. its abhorrent and i am not looking forward to the future run by millennials.
No. 192357
>>192354it's even worse that she claims she's an empath. if you look up the qualities of an empath she is pretty much the opposite.
i wish she would drop the whole i'm a good empathetic spiritual person who does no wrong. because she's sooooo far from that and it makes her even more unlikable.
No. 192571
>>192531> kiki is bitchy> seems like the type to have an abortionimplying
> people that have abortions are bitchy ugh
No. 192596
>>192584>>192571be honest tho kaka would, she is defo the type and would boast about it on youtube with her feminist followers backing her up
No. 192718
well, we can all tell who here had an abortion
No. 192731
File: 1444883885873.png (8.73 KB, 284x84, 2015-…)

>>192726aaaaand forgot to delete this caption lol
No. 192745
File: 1444888264286.jpeg (136.95 KB, 640x1090, image.jpeg)

>>192736I think she might have possibly used apps like this to find him when she got there the last time. Unfortunately it goes by location so I can't search in Japan, but maybe some brave Tokyo anon could join up and browse?
No. 192746
>>192745LOL that app description:
>I want the bitches of matchmaking! Lol wow, yeah I can see kaka using this. No reviews but it's by a Japanese developer and seems to be aimed at Japanese and English speaking users only.
No. 192829
>>192813Fucking kek this is why I just silently observe her.
No. 192847
File: 1444933983267.png (32.07 KB, 591x259, kaka.png)

I literally just posted on her Insta that she won't get a spouse visa so what will she do now… then she posts this 5 mins later.
No. 192848
>>192847is she saying she got an entertainment visa?
also doesn't using a translator and it coming out in perfect english usually mean they used a translator in the first place? cause whenever i translate japanese with a translator it comes out as some word salad
No. 192850
>>192848Yeah. I highly doubt that actually happened, why would someone sponsor someone who's never performed live, made tracks for other people, etc? I know Kota was given an entertainment visa when she had no experience, but that was because she had hype around her, no one gives a single fuck about Kaka in Japan.
And not for this,it's super basic beginner Japanese here.
No. 192858
>>192856wouldn't they contact her/bother her either way? ask who the sponsor is and how?
she wants the attention.
No. 192867
>>192847Kyabajo Kiki.
Calling it now.
No. 192936
>>192847>entertainment visaWhy not, there'd be enough people willing to pay good money to see a reality TV/yt show about kaka being in glorious Japan, being a perfect empathy vegan Goddess Princess desu~
I know I would pay for that.
No. 192949
>>192847I'm sorry? Entertainment visa? Implying she does anything to 'entertain' anyone besides us farmers laughing at her chimping out on Twitter and running her own fan blogs.
I've never seen her 'entertain' in the normal sense. Twitching around spastically in a wolf hat in your room to stolen music is the closest she gets to the entertainment industry.
She's not even in Japan, we know this from her language app profile. (Did anyone find anything else on this?)
No. 192993
>>192977Judging by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kota would probably be on an entertainer visa. It looks to be one of the many subcategories of Japan's work visa. Keeks really wanted those indigo points she'd claim she's on an artist visa.
No. 193004
>>192977A normal work visa requires a BA or higher.
She has an entertaining visa, which is used for models, artists, etc.
No. 193134
>>193126Except kaka's just vegan for ethereal indigo elf points and wouldn't share with an open audience her ~~precious secret tips~~. As Vegan Revolution pointed out, veganism isn't an exclusive club for her to control.
Even if eventually goes that route, all she could feature are smoothies and vegan junk food. I doubt someone would take advice from a balding sickly looking 23 yr old.
No. 193141
>>193126Other than what all the other anons said, she's just way too lazy and wants immediate results. She has tried doing the vegan blogger thing twice before, but she quit because she didn't become famous immediately. That's also why she quit on being a musician, a beauty guru, and a vlogger.
>>193133I don't think she can either.
No. 193153
>>193126this… like she is clearly passionate (albeit to psychotic levels, but then again many bloggers have their neuroses…)
like if you are truly passionate about something, and if you are also rather fond of yourself, it should be pretty easy to consistently write blog posts documenting your super great magical life
No. 193165
>>193126she copied some of those recipes online. i've posted before at least one of them she even stole the photos from. i just searched the exact name she used for her recipe on pinterest and found it.
she is a plagiarist in everything she does
No. 193167
>>193165Yep, I remember the 'watermelon lime refresher' or whatever it was called, that one at least was copied from another blog. She stole the exact picture of the smoothie the original poster used and everything.
She can't even come up with something original that's as simple as a fucking smoothie recipe. Out of all the possible combinations of fruit+veggies+whatever, surely she could create
something that tastes good and is worthy of a shared recipe.
But nope, too lazy and uncreative for that. Gotta steal someone else's and take all the credit. Just like she does with everything else she 'creates'. She's so pathetic.
No. 193168
>>193167smoothie recipes are the easiest fucking thing and she can't even be original with that.
pick a few types of random fruit and more often than not it'll come out good. blend them. take a photo of it after you made it. done. if any other recipe is similar its a coincidence.
but when she straight up steals the other person's photo and name it's obvious. also it was like the easiest recipe ever with only a few ingredients. she can't get anymore unoriginal.
i don't see her ever going anywhere EVER with her "creativity". i don't see her going anywhere for anything in general.
No. 193176
>>193171You're the fruit-fearing anon from the fat thread, aren't you?
Come to shit up this one too with your tedious blather about how all fruit is ~candy~ and ~evil~?
No. 193197
File: 1445016490849.png (555.06 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-16-13-20-51…)

>>193177On another thread some anon was saying how fruit is bad for you. I forget which thread it was.
>>193183>>193186I see see the tweets but twitter on my phone is weird. Here is a screenshot in case she claims she never said she recieved an entertainment visa.
No. 193221
>>193212Here it is
>>191672Also I just noticed on her profile she also says she's looking for a travel companion(aka someone to take her places and pay for everything) lol
No. 193224
File: 1445020672260.gif (223.76 KB, 480x304, yess.gif)

>Taku's face when finding kiki's profile again
No. 193281
>>193271Yeah, I can. Not sure why others can't, to be honest. Like
>>193242 said, she's definitely the type of girl to jump into bed with whoever. She acts like she's all innocent because it's her image, but she's a kawaii poledancer talking about her booty and wearing bondage gear all the time. Though I guess she doesn't do pole anymore.
No. 193285
>>193283Oh, I highly doubt she did more than the basics before getting bored. She used to talk about how she went to the gym a lot and was not like other people her age because she liked to eat healthy and go to the gym. But we know she never leaves her house.
But she still played it up at the time because I guess she wanted to be a sexy angel or something.
No. 193463
>>193461But it doesn't include me :^) I'm still watching you, Kiki.
I'm amazed she's gone so long without updating her instagram. Maybe she's really having a mental breakdown.
No. 193485
>>193479She has to analyze people's profiles before allowing them to continue following her. She must have found something on your profile that was 'suspicious' or something that
triggers her alarms (whatever the fuck that may be, it's Kiki so it could be anything).
She's paranoid as fuck. I don't get why she doesn't keep her profiles on private and have a 'request to follow' thing. Then she would be able to check everyone that follows her or sees her shit so much easier. She can go about blocking certain people but her accounts are public so we (~the h8urz) can still see fucking everything.
No. 193492
>>193463I'm following her too and sometimes leave bullshit ass kissy comments. She's way too dumb to ever figure it out.
Try and find me, Kaka :)
No. 193548
>>193463>>193492you guys are going to
trigger her into making her instagram private again
No. 193574
>>193573it's amazing to me too lol it's so fun to watch.
and it seems like her paranoia just gets worse and worse
No. 193658
>>193657ikr… kota must stalk here in her spare time… im sure she does ; 3 ;
oi kota
stop blurring your photos and tell us more about your pathetic sister
No. 193688
>>193658I made a post awhile backing directed at her since I know she browses. I told her to ditch the ugly straight bangs and hair and go for more loose curls/volume.
AND BEHOLD: she has.
So Dakota, thank you for fixing your fucking hair, it looks much better.
No. 193755
>>193745we don't know 100% that they broke up. It probably happened, but that's not definite either.
It makes us look stupid if we automatically believe some account is hers when anyone could have made it. i'll wait for more proof.
No. 193761
>>193745yea exactly.
so anyone who reads this thread or pull could just make the account
No. 194186
>>194028I'm wondering as well. The only thing I noticed that she deleted was a comment on her interpals profile from a Japanese guy who wanted to chat with her. (he could possibly be the new Taku and she deleted it just so the "haters" won't find him)
>>194174Plus, she only said that to rub it in the face of the farmer who told her she wouldn't get a spouse visa. She probably thought that she'd be able to talk her parents or some idiot into paying for her to go again.
No. 194334
>>194028the stupid thing is, if she really were concerned about her privacy, wouldn't see be, well, more private?
she can still have all the language exchange accounts but she doesnt really need to upload all those pictures of herself.
i mean honestly damn even if you simply set the gender to female on those sites, without pics, people still talk to you.
No. 194393
File: 1445287987700.png (298.32 KB, 500x392, tumblr_lfg4yaeKk11qecnmao1_500…)

I wish she kept up this phase, i feel like even now it would be trendy and she could go off of it more then just the kawaii desu shit.
As much as I want kaka here in LA, she would be dime a dozen. Hundreds of thousands of girls are into health love light vegan and dress similar but not all kawaii just trendy. More like above^^
i would if kaka goes though deep feels of nostaglia, like going through her scene hay day photos for hours and what not. I bet she even misses stickydrama a little just a little
No. 194422
>>194393I genuinely like this and also her trashy bleach blonde phase. The ~kawaii angel~ look doesn't suit her in the slightest. But she'll never take 'haters' views into account.
Maybe now that her pretend relationship with Taku is over she'll latch on to a new trend and get a makeover? We can only hope.
No. 194429
File: 1445293379613.jpg (73.47 KB, 411x319, kikidune.jpg)

>>194393>I bet she even misses stickydrama a little just a littleI don't. She really seems to have no self-awareness.
As gross as it sounds the flattering pictures of any era were mostly taken by her MySpace Terry Richardson of a dad. When left to her own devices, she winds up looking like someone from Dune.
No. 194554
File: 1445326993509.png (162.91 KB, 646x459, Capture.PNG)

She privatized everything on her Interpals profile and added Korean to her languages.
No. 194556
>>194554Hahahah what a fucking liar.
Kaka, just knowing 'annyeonghaseyo', 'saranghae', 'kamsahamnida' and 'oppa' doesn't mean you speak level 1 Korean.
No. 194564
File: 1445334583938.jpg (6.53 KB, 275x226, nicetrykaka.jpg)

No. 194566
>>194564She is so fucking pathetic.
Poor dakota.
No. 194567
>>194564haha, after the video tour of kota's new apartment, it became obvious whose apartment it really is
kootz should just completely cut ties with her family
No. 194568
>>194564Are you sure Kiki actually posted this and claimed it as hers? Anyone have caps?
I'm pretty sure only Kota posted this. In the corner it even says "Dako's Living Room" in Japanese.
No. 194569
>>194564Urgh, that's embarrassing.
Poor Dakota. Imagine having a sister like that who you feel emotionally obligated to help out even though she seems intent on dragging you through the mud with her mindless actions.
No. 194607
>>194562i dont remember her posting the pic.
i do remember saying she was neighbors with a famous ex baseball player, until someone pointed out that "if you are so concerned with your privacy you shouldnt post things like that"
No. 194982
>>194561Yep, kaka nor venus could find fame in Japan. So now they're going to try and aim for Korea! It doesn't matter as long as they have cute and can be adored because they're white kek.
Isn't it harder to be loved and famous in Korea? Japan seems to be soft with kota. But Korea… after that kimochi thing, they booted kota and kota wanted nothing more to do with Korea.
Plus many girls have surgery to look like dolls so the doll shit isn't even new.
No. 194991
File: 1445459256713.png (38.9 KB, 122x144, everytime.png)

>>194982I was thinking the same. Also, imo Korea seems to be more nationalist (is that the term?) regarding idols and media, like, they prefer worship their own people rather than foreigners. They're not ashamed to openly criticize and ridicule them, unlike Japanese people.
Just imagine Kaka walking around Seoul all dressed up in white grandma nightgowns and bondage gear trying to get noticed.
No. 194995
File: 1445460333972.jpg (253.17 KB, 1208x1249, image.jpg)

>>194982I don't think koreas beauty standards are super high. As long as you're not super fat they will love you (if youre white). I think they have a chance as long as they don't say anything offensive.
This chick lived in Korea and she said she got told she was soooooo beautiful and would be asked if she was a model all the time.
No. 194996
>>194992It's not really a talent but she hast hat whole "rearu baabi" thing going on.
It's her "gimmick" and you need a gimmick to be able to survive as a personality in Japan.
No. 194999
File: 1445460524765.jpg (204.46 KB, 774x1090, image.jpg)

>>194997Face without all the ps
No. 195000
>>194997although her eyes look weird af her nose/face shape is really nice and probably up to korean standards
i can see why she would be liked there
No. 195001
>I don't think koreas beauty standards are super highhmmmmmmmmmm
>as long as you're not super fat they will love you (if youre white)HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
South Koreans are notorious above all the Asian peoples for being the ones with the highest standards, and, arguably, the better sense of fashion and style.
Also you're mistaken if you believe they're the same as the Japanese in that they'll pander to and worship you if you're white.
They're not like that at all and will shit talk the fuck out of you if you're not immaculate.
>This chick lived in Korea and she said she got told she was soooooo beautiful and would be asked if she was a model all the time.Well yeah, but not because she's white.
Look at her, she embodies pretty much all of the South Korean female aesthetic ideals.
Small, oval face, pale, dewy skin, long, dark, glossy hair, a slender bod, (seemingly) long legs and a sloped nose.
No. 195009
>>194999 She's spoopy but she's quite pretty.
>>195001Being considered pretty in Korea is as easy as 1, 2, double eyelids
No. 195013
>>194997nightmare fuel
and this girl often posts about her self-esteem issues.
i wont pick on her for that, but its sad really, if she thinks this is cute
No. 195036
>>195001Totally agree. A lot of anons have no idea what they're talking about.
>They're not like that at all and will shit talk the fuck out of you if you're not immaculateSweeping generalisation of course, but yeah. The huge difference is that Koreans will tell you to your face that you 'need' to lose weight, change your nose, etc. Often it's not even meant in a terribly rude way, it's just what happens.
>>195028Yeah, not much hope for women on TV still. Certainly not Kaka.
No. 195433
>>195155and when you do eat less, they go "whats wrong with you? are you sick?? eat more!!"
No. 195434
>>195125can you just imagine her (or any cow) when they are deleting stuff?
"yea that will totally fool everyone. this tweet NEVER exsited EVER!"
No. 195651
File: 1445589713270.png (89.53 KB, 302x195, Screen Shot 2015-07-14 at 12.0…)

>>195568I'll post as many as I can but it won't be all of them.
Hopefully some anons have caps or a few of the videos she deleted with him in them.
No. 195657
File: 1445589872770.jpg (7.32 KB, 245x275, lRIQrFI.jpg)

>>195568Really wish they'd add the feature to upload multiple pics in one post.
No. 195667
File: 1445591001414.jpg (29.31 KB, 583x588, j.JPG)

>>195568'n that's all I got.
No. 195674
File: 1445591625985.png (74.17 KB, 612x401, studying...right.png)

>>195653This one seems… different from the rest. I know Kiki posted it, saying it was Taku, but the hair types are not the same at all. (Unless this picture was of him when he was 16? But even then, it doesn't look like him.)
>pic is just some kiki nonsense while we wait for her to come back from having another mental breakdown No. 195676
>>195674Actually, I retract that. The nose and lips look almost 100% the same. Maybe I'm just imagining things.
Thanks for all he pictures, taco-anon.
No. 195684
File: 1445592611405.png (860.85 KB, 1617x1163, HOLY FUCK.png)

Name: Takuya
Age: 29
Birthday: 0331
Online alias: matsu0331
Job: Self-employed/Owner
High School diploma
She's a fucking liar.
No. 195692
File: 1445593020871.jpg (59.87 KB, 720x960, I FOUND HIS FACEBOOK TOO.jpg)

No. 195695
Good fucking job!
How did you do it?!
No. 195696
>>195691Amazing work, hats off to you dear sir!
I kinda feel bad for Taco, he seems like a decent person… and successful, running his own businesses. And then getting involved with Kaka. Nobody deserves that.
No. 195697
>>195695I'm honestly surprised no one found him before me, I just signed up to that website and searched "male, 23-29, tokyo, english language". He showed up on the first page!
>>195696And his facebook implies that he doesn't have many friends, and his only real friend is his brother (who is probably around the same age). I think they are running the business together (it's a cafe)
No. 195699
>>195692Wow, he looks so different here.
His eyes look a lot smaller.
Also shit, he's 29. Thought he was a lot younger.
No. 195700
File: 1445593800492.gif (494.77 KB, 450x257, 1421521325955.gif)

>>195684slow clapsAnon, you are the best. Truly.
>>195691That's really nice, I didn't know he helped out handicapped people? Honestly surprised that Kaka never mentioned that for Taco points.
>being with gfThis surely cannot mean Kaka, right? No way.
>>195698The cheating stuff! It's so weird.
No. 195703
>>195684Christ, he's only 50kg? That's insane.
>Drink: Usually too drunk to thinkAh yes, as evidenced by the vids of him being completely passed out after being hammered on a date with Kiki.
No. 195707
>>195703That's pretty standard BMI for a Japanese guy
He has no muscles but he isn't scrawny
No. 195726
>>195694This is the prime example of chuuni style
Everyone except 16 year old girls hate it
No. 195735
>>195733We don't know why they broke up but he seems like a decent guy
I feel bad for him, he just wanted someone to be with. But Kiki just wanted a ticket to Japan.
No. 195757
>>195755is it just me or is his account gone?
cause LOL if we got Kaka to contact her ex about them crazy stalkers!! I TOLD U TAKUCHAN, you're in danger! Also proves she monitors the thread hourly.
No. 195763
>>195761>>195760Thanks! I was on interpals, heh
Now its only a matter of time before kiki has a breakdown.
No. 195765
File: 1445608209009.png (103.01 KB, 607x571, themwhitegirls.png)

I think this guy has a fetish
No. 195770
File: 1445608872443.png (12.97 KB, 513x213, takuya.png)

Guess that dismisses the idea that he never considered he and Kiki to be dating.
No. 195786
>>195781It might be a sort of lost in translation thing
If I remember correctly kaka doesn't care if taku partakes in non vegan things so I doubt it'd bug her
No. 195790
>>195658she has such a bulbous head and her limp, dead hair is atrocious
i can't decide if her coontails hair is worse or this shit here. at least her hair had some semblance of volume and covered up that bulging forehead or her's
>>195726this. he's a 16 y/o weeaboo's wet dream. kiki needs to grow up, fix herself and then think about dating someone instead of searching for her bishi husbando visa ticket.
No. 195791
>>194995i would argue that korea's beauty standards are much higher. koreans place an even higher value on appearance than japanese, and they are not subtle about that. cosmetic surgery is hyper-normalized there; even encouraged.
anecdotally, i've experienced koreans being much cattier, much more vain, and much more blunt than japanese. koreans are also bigger on calling people out, internet sleuthing, and shaming people on the internet, which would obviously cause problems for these photoshop abusers. it really is a different culture as compared to japan. but what do these weebs care about so long they can be pretty white princesses uguuu in ~kawaii asialand~
with that being said, i would love for kiki to try and breaking into the korean net for fame. would be hilarious watching them tear her a new one
No. 195793
File: 1445614024008.jpg (153.39 KB, 564x582, 1419098985454.jpg)

well done!
>>195779couldn't agree more. it's not his fault, that kaka made him public.
No. 195827
>>195826Searched his full name on Facebook
Takuya Matsu = Takuya Matsumoto
No. 195832
>>195831i'm sure he gets a decent amount of messages right (idk how popular these sites are)
so i don't think it would be weird if someone just started chatting him up and asking questions like that
No. 195838
>>195831I think that's a good idea. Or maybe someone could mention something that relates to her (like veganism or something) and see if he opens up about her.
Has anyone actually messaged him yet?
No. 195857
>>195694Ah god, they're that type of gook.
Definitely gaijin pussy hunter type material this is.
No. 195870
>>195731>>195730where did you see that? i googled the username and looked in english and japanese results.
it might not be the same guy just because you search matsu0331
No. 195871
>>195730also its possible thats just his hometown. maybe he is a student or works in tokyo. just another possibility. how else would she meet him?
i think he is musician or something?
No. 195881
>>195879The one with the beanie is Taku. So, ew, you find him attractive?
He looks so much older than he is. And snaggletooth lol.
No. 195894
Posting relevant Taku links for the lazy:
FB: brother's FB: [don't post his brother's information]
His cafe's FB page: [removed]
His cafe's website: [removed]
Worldfriends profile:;jsessionid=49130BA7E2DF030A8ABD3E343F4D1B5A?action=profile&profileId=4990812&p=2&purl=/photolist.jhtml?action=listNewProfile&index=15(don't post information about his family members or employer) No. 195909
File: 1445633481880.jpg (40.23 KB, 400x300, mountain-witch.jpg)

Someone just be up front and ask him if he dated the mountain witch Kaka.
No. 195921
someone should also send him this, I'm surprised they haven't take down this parody. No. 195926
>>195925It's on a fake fb of mine. I just sent him
Old kiki/kristen leigh ostrenga (video link)
and I put down the other video and link him to kota's blog (kiki's little sister)
No. 195930
>>195926>>195924Thank you, based anon! Keep us posted for when he replies!
Meanwhile we need to gather more shot for this farmer to send to him, caps of the shit she posted about him, her talking about marrying him, going to a love hotel with him, drawing on his face in bed while he's drunk, etc. I'll go back in the old threads and grab some stuff, everyone else feel free to dump anything they have saved, including videos.
No. 195947
>>195946Damn, fuck if I know, I'm techtarded
Farmers, pls
No. 195948
>>195934don't forget the jack cash episode.
Damn, I'm really glad Taku scaped from her grubby claws.
Aside being an obvious gaijin pussy hunter, he seems to be a normal dude. Or at least, to have a more fulfilling life than Kaka.
No. 195950
>>195949I think gradually releasing information/gradually talking him up would of been the best approach, and only by one person.
This balls to the wall, 0-100 approach is kinda creepy, or at least might seem that way to the person. We're just so starved for milk that we end up taking the shit route. That or we're autistic.
No. 195965
>>195954That's why you send friend requests to ask his FB friends before you send the messages.
If you have connections it'll go straight to his inbox.
No. 195969
Honestly, I think he's pretty cute and has a nice body. That snaggle tooth isn't always apparent when his mouth is open, only when he smiles wide—and you can definitely fix that shit.
And damn, kiki's hairline is sooooo bad.
No. 195995
She really was desperate for visa. I mean I think it's cool he's a manager and stuff, he's got a nice caf don't get me wrong. But jesus christ… some people will fuck anything to get what they want.
Imagine those fuckers on your pussy? You'd be leaving Japan with a clit like swiss cheese.
But then again, you're not looking at the mantel piece when you're poking the fire are you ;p
No. 195998
File: 1445644227413.png (23.18 KB, 553x125, image.png)

>>195954>>195950>>195949I don't think this is creepy, as long as 10 anons don't jump on him all at once. It's not like we're asking him to tell us about Kiki (which I don't think we should) but it does seem like a good idea to let him know that the girl he met online is an unstable narcissistic psychopath who was using his nationality to get attention online at his expense, implying he spoke no English and acted like a goofy swagfag.
No. 195999
File: 1445644292800.jpeg (236.78 KB, 1366x870, image.jpeg)

Someone send him this one, it's my fave Kiki pic
No. 196003
Contacting him might seem wrong, but he deserves to know in case she comes crawling back
>>195926I hope you sent him a friend request too, because your message will end up in a spam folder if you're not friends, so he'll probably never see it
No. 196006
Taco vids here someone posts em to PULL…let em know the farm sends their regards.
No. 196017
>>196011I do too.
Like I get if you don't find him attractive, but he isn't fugly. I honestly think farmers just spew that shit to get on kiki's nerves since she lurks, and guess what, it worked.
No. 196043
>>196042Somebody make a new upload of the video on YouTube bit don't link it here and don't name it as anything that has to do with Kirsten and then send it to Taku.
It will be unfindable.
No. 196045
>>196043good idea.
I agree we should limit how many people send him stuff. He might get freaked out if too much is sent to him.
No. 196048
Knowing Kaka lurks these threads tickles me, especially because I feel like if she can read all this shit and not defend herself then she must know it's somewhat true. I know she's experienced with internet drama and thinks that the best way to combat it is just ignore it all and spam DMCA take-downs, but I don't think I would have the self control to do that if people were spewing total bs about me. Maybe it's just me, but I get furious and indignant as hell when people say untrue things about me…but I'm quiet when the criticism has some truth to it.
Kaka it's not too late to be a decent human being, just stop being so fucking fake, lazy, delusional, unpleasant, and unlikable…especially if you want ~fame~. Try to make amends for things in your past instead of covering them up, stop depending on your parents or trying to jump in on your sister's success, stop changing your identity every month. You're a really bad liar and incredibly transparent so just chill w/ it fam.
No. 196060
>>196055>>196055I know but it's 2015, YT should allow us to duplicate them or something. But yeah, let's all start uploading the videos fuck tons of times and make it harder for kaka ;D
Also DON'T use kaka's name in the title or tags. Always try using kooter's name and Japanese captions (alas gooks find the vid of them both) kaka is failing to learn Japanese so let's make it difficult kek
No. 196062
>>196059i thought that too tbh
"i wonder if he made her vegan pizza"
No. 196064
>>196030"hey just to let you know this person posted questionable videos of you" and stop any further contact would be the best approach imo
the butthurt is real
No. 196065
>>196048I do the exact same shit.
If somebody is running around telling untruths about me I cannot fucking control myself and ape out.
No. 196067
>>196048She knows it's true. That's why she's getting everything copyrighted. But people are ALWAYS going to upload videos of them both, regardless and she'll be constantly worrying about it till whenever she's forgotten into thin air.
It's her own fault.
Anon, she won't listen. It's too late for her, she had fame and abused it. Now it's all coming back on her, biting her right on the ass and her sister is doing well in life but even though kota is doing alright, people still think she's a liar and say shit about her too.
It's their own fault for dicking around on webcam. I know "buh kids make mistakes tho xo" but they were old enough to know "nigger", "rape lol", "disabled people tho", "fatties are just-", "asian people lol beaners", "she ugly", were obv hurtful. Plus other dramatic lulzy shit too they did.
Mostly kaka than kota tho.
Kaka is the worst.
S'yeah. Serves her right and I know snaggle-kun sees all her shit.
Then throws up and screams into an oblivion like Brian did in FG when he slept with a tranny.
No. 196071
File: 1445649724818.jpeg (43.4 KB, 832x448, image.jpeg)

Kiki claimed on YT that she had Taku's permission to post videos of him on her channel. Pic related
Once someone has established a conversation with him they should ask if he knew she was posting him all over the web, as if not show him this.
No. 196072
>>196048You type so much like I do and pretty much described me in this post that I'm not entirely convinced you're not me posting from an alternate reality…
You sound familiar though.
Were you a fellow seagull?
No. 196074
>>196063Oh gosh, I can only imagine such delicious milk. It will be a bountiful harvest this year.
inb4 kaka calls us creepy and obsessed when she literally made up fan fiction about her and snaggles kawaii adventures for months
No. 196075
>>196042"ダコタ・ローズ // ダコタと妹キキ人種差別
Video ID: TxChKFqgDS4
Claimed by Ostrenga on Oct 23, 2015"
No. 196077
>>196063Anon how new are you?
Kirsten has knowing about this place for over a year and even Tweeted about us.
No. 196079
>>196014That's why I also created a worldfriends account silly ;3 undercover as someone else
but im not giving much away now, not until i get anything back or info
kaka is lurking guys
No. 196087
>>196084posted a few, mostly desserts
they're still on her insta
No. 196089
we could be preventing her of her one way ticket to living the life of riley over in sushi land guys!!!!
this is kaka's chance u c! if we tell snaggle-face then it means he dumps her, like kicks her to the curb for good! no marriage, no visa, stuck at home, no dako-lol-no sorry i meant no modelling contract and NO FAME!!!!
No. 196094
>>196091Never know, could secretly still be in touch.
But still… kaka is trying it. They'll be some other poor helpless kowai-sou japanese guy in a year or two.
How long is kaka going to keep this going tho?
Fgs kaka just go in big brother, shag a rapper, go on a reality tv show (you're good at being a bitch and a total cunt so you'll fit in), get into porn, find yourself a sugar daddy. Do it the easy way kaka, or try to. That's what you're best at.
No. 196099
File: 1445651131921.jpg (6.94 KB, 184x274, images.jpg)

>>196091yeah probably kiki thought he'd let her laze around the house and spend Taku's entire paycheck in useless trinkets
No. 196103
I just logged in on the fake account I made, he's visited my profile and now it's says suspended?
No. 196114
>>196108>>196107>>196106>>196105>>196104>>196103Kaka gettin scuuuured
>>196109>>196112Shhh, do not start stuff, just investigate what happened to taco.
Maybe kaka had him assassinated?
No. 196118
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No. 196120
>>196108I'm betting she did just to cover her own ass.
>>196103>>196101How does WF work? Usually on most sites a suspended account means someone else reported it, and deleting it yourself just says deactivated.
Anon who messaged/added him on FB, are you still here? Has he added you or messaged you or anything that you can tell?
No. 196132
>>196120Not that anon, but his facebook was visible to me less than 30 minutes ago and now it's friends only.
This means he's online and doing stuff.
No. 196143
If anyone has copies of videos or other content they want hosted without being taken down, please join and provide a link.
Preferably under 500 MB in size.
No. 196157
>>196155true, i guess anyone who does go onto his account should make sure they don't have any real personal information on their account, i have no idea what kaka is capable of
>>196156try the direct link here
>>195894he made his profile private so that it cant be viewed by search
No. 196158
>>196156So he's suspended his account from public view. He either got freaked out by the stuff that was sent to him, someone sent him a message or link to here and he freaked out, or Kiki messaged him and told him something.
Oooooorrrrrr Kiki made the profile of him? A bit of a stretch I know but,I'm wouldn't put it passed her.
No. 196165
File: 1445655346739.jpg (64.79 KB, 750x815, image.jpg)

>>196162He's still there. Just gotta Google "matsu0331" and click while logged in
No. 196168
>>196165Anything different on his profile then? Or did he just leave it alone?
In other words caps?
No. 196172
>>196169We didnt spam him, sperglord, one person messaged him on WF and FB.
Kiki didn't make an account for him, she's too much of a jealous cunt to do that, and even if she did she would have it say he's married and make his bio all about how much he loves and worships his kawaii Kira Kira princess from Mars model musician wife. I doubt she has his password either because of she did she would have outright deleted it.
No. 196175
Sage my ass
No. 196177
File: 1445656735757.jpg (69.37 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg)

>>196173 This is all I get when I click his fb, so we have to search it
No. 196178
>>196177It's not deleted, just hidden or you're blocked.
Post a shy of exactly what you sent him? It might have been something you said.
No. 196186
File: 1445657335703.jpg (43.97 KB, 763x900, image.jpg)

There I logged in and it's the same this again
Happy? Holy shit you bitches need to calm
No. 196190

>>196177He's not listed as a relative on his brothers fb anymore either.
>>196188Since kakas online she probably messaged him and told him to set his stuff to private. I can't imagine how awkward a conversation that was.
No. 196191
>>196189Lol that wasn't me, I was the one who posted
>>196177It was directed at the lazy cunt tho
No. 196195
>>196192He must feel embarrassed, violated and understandably enraged.
Kiki must hate herself.
No. 196201
File: 1445658303310.jpg (152.66 KB, 729x1154, image.jpg)

Detective-anon here,
It looks the same as when I found him, the text is just placed differently on mobile
No. 196205
>>196201I'm also
>>196165 but didn't get to post screens until now, sorry anons
No. 196212
>>196201>>196205 It's okay, at least we know he's just set to private now.
So he probably got scared off or Kiki said something I take it.
No. 196216
File: 1445659041792.jpg (21.55 KB, 386x163, image.jpg)

>>196213Oh I can only imagine that she's on the bad end of a shit talking right now.
Btw, might only be me but the lolcow banner hasn't changed for me forever now, it's been this one for like an hour? Lol
No. 196223
>>196222Nobody spammed him ffs
Just a bunch of idiots saying "omg don't spam him" and then "omg stop spamming him" and then "omg shouldn't have spammed him.
Which is why I agree with everyone ask I for caps of the messages that
were sent to him, so we would know how much shit was actually sent to him.
Buuuut fucking kids these days can't organize and cooperate for jack shit and get mad when you ask them to do shit.
No. 196228
>>196227Well if that's the case we can't message him now
But I'm pretty sure someone would have messaged him, so if they could just post it already goddammit
No. 196237
File: 1445661085236.jpg (25.38 KB, 815x184, image.jpg)

Saw this on PULL
"I haddd to make an account when i saw this :D I've actually made a fake asian guy account on interpals before out of boredom (only to get suspended a few days later :c) and Kiki messaged me. I showed it to Kontrakoti and we decided to keep it a secret just to see what happens but for some reason Kiki stopped messaging me and deleted her account soon after~"
Pic related
April 2015?
Isn't that when she had just gotten back from fucking Taco?
What a slut, wow
Maybe that's why his profile says he hates cheating
No. 196238
So much quality milk in here today, omg
No. 196239
>>196235That sounds good
>>196236Maybe? Honestly never been there.
>>196237That can't be real, can it?
No. 196240
>>196237They were dating from Nov 2014, she talked about him way after April 2015
He probably just deleted his FB/etc because he wants nothing to do with her anymore. Poor guy.
No. 196242
>>196241So how long were they dating again? Almost a year-ish?
That's pretty thirsty man, she's just dick hopping in Hopes it'll get her away from her failure of a life
No. 196243
File: 1445661583474.png (265.91 KB, 1440x2560, image.png)

>>196237>>196240>>196241I found this in an old thread, so November 2014 sounds right for the timeline of her+Taku. Soooo yeah Kiki is a sloot, but we already knew that. She probably messaged every Japanese guy listed between 20-35 in Tokyo she could find.
No. 196246
>>196244Even worse if she was playing the field with him and others.
She probably knew he wasn't that serious about her
No. 196247
File: 1445661986492.jpg (140.25 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg)

Lol has anyone read the last post on her site?
I bet she's real tired of the Internet game now
No. 196255
>>196248>>196254>>196250So then it's possible that she was looking around on the dating site, found taco and a few others, was chatting and dating a few but taco was the most serious (ish?) about their relationship.
He seems like a lonely guy who just want's someone to enjoy his life with (albeit a gaijin chaser) so maybe he found out about kiki's other guys on the side and just dropped her, feeling betrayed?
Then someone messages him with the racist videos and him in his underwear and just lost it at her.
No. 196262
>>196232>>196234>>196235The voting part would make things complicated. As would actually ensuring all the content posted is relevant and useful.
There are 2 options:
1. Link a ZIP of images and videos, which I can extract and host at I can possibly add a gallery feature to this.
2. I was thinking of setting up a Wiki or something like it. I doubt many people would actually use it, though.
No. 196263
File: 1445663723777.jpeg (80.23 KB, 640x640, image.jpeg)

>>196243This all also fits the timeline from when she called her "Japanese teacher" a bad teacher for sending her a gift that wasn't vegan. It's around the same time she got with Taku in Japan, and the part where it says "be there at 12:23!" And then "ok, type in 416" implies she went to an apartment complex. But, she only started mentioning Taku after she got chewed out for this and deleted it, never mentioning it or a Japanese teacher again. So it was probably another guy she met on WorldFriends that she boned.
No. 196266
>>196006It's still there I believe
No. 196270
File: 1445664321693.png (12.66 KB, 577x134, image.png)

Oh Kiki, you have foretold your own fate.
No. 196279
File: 1445664854111.jpg (34.73 KB, 640x640, 10724591_1492640007657260_5529…)

>>196271I think the part about fapping hentais was her comment when she uploaded these. You can tell from the icon and text this must have been from that same account and around the same time.
No. 196280
>>196277Oh man, how could I forget the jellyhaterz
Those damn jellyhaterz, all jelly and translucent and full of jelly hate
No. 196291
File: 1445669755858.png (831 KB, 1440x2288, tmp_30849-taku255201928.png)

Oops meant to post the one with the time cropped out.
No. 196294
>>196291Is it saying he's Chinese, older and involved in a relationship?
So like, still dating Kiki or someone else?
No. 196296
>>196295So he's like, 9 years younger, living somewhere else (Malay?) and is involved.
And also Chinese?
No. 196304
>>196303I don't think that's gonna happen, I think that anon won't be posting anymore either, just lurking.
I think anon sent him a message that had a gruff, accusing tone and then both the videos of Kiki and him paired with that and a less than fluency in English made him think he was being attacked for dating Kiki. The anon probably said some shit like
>"hey, just to let you know the girl you've been dating is a crazy paranoid psychopath liar kthxbai" And now anon knows it and is hiding the evidence. It should have been handled better, but 75% of lolcow users suck ass at this stuff so it got shot to shit like this.
No. 196308
>>196301Little does he know his profile is being shared amongst a community of people that all have the direct links and don't need to search him.
I feel bad for him, though. I don't want him to feel unsafe or freaked out. He doesn't deserve that.
Kaka on the other hand…I hope she's shitting herself.
No. 196313
File: 1445675427460.jpg (143.9 KB, 935x600, smug.jpg)

i know this has nothing to do with the current kiki situation, but kota looks so smug here and i just love to think that she's aware of us finding out her sister's shenanigans
No. 196318
File: 1445677945713.png (579.31 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

wtf is going on with his new profile pic?
No. 196341
>>196327It's not even in Tokyo prefecture
No one sane lives where his cafe is
No. 196356
>>196353Then you should have came into this thread a little bit more early, then shouldn't you?
Now piss off.
I hate these "I can speak Japanese better dan u" cunts on the internet. Whether tumblr, here, youtube or even friggin' Takeshita dori with it's army of weebs. They annoy me.
No. 196357
File: 1445686903843.jpg (125.87 KB, 750x836, image.jpg)

Lol, which one of you did this?
At least there is no doubt now that she will see it. Let's pray this causes a meltdown of its own dimension.
No. 196358
>>196357Lol well it wasn't me. I've just woken up, it's 12.46pm in the UK so naw.
But kekin' at whoever did
No. 196365
>>196357OK…why are you guys trying to ruin Taku's reputation? This is really fucking stupid but at least it could have been done without plugging in his full name and business. Jesus Christ.
>>196355>>196356I honestly don't think that anon was humble bragging (completely, anyway). A softer approach would have been way fucking better than this. Now everything is on lockdown and we're not getting any milk.
No. 196369
>>196367Actually no anon, you're wrong. I only saw what was happening last minute but it does get pretty irritating when you've got the "I can speak this language better than all of you!" ass in the room.
Again, you should have stepped in when it was all happening. It's not our fault you're gutted and missed the commotion. Get over it.
No. 196370
>>196365lol this.
I'm not bragging, I just mentioned the N3 thing because saying I outright speaks Japanese would be untrue and imply I was completely fluent when I'm not.
Still, anything I did would have been a damn site better than the mess that has occurred in this thread.
I miss the /cgl/ days where everybody functioned as a single unit and cooperated in cultivating drama.
There are too many newfags on here who simply don't understand how to handle so delicate an operation.
No. 196372
>>196365So basically what's happening now, day after if that people are getting bitter about mentioning Taku's name, if it's not that then it's the "I wanted to message him first! Now look what's happened" or just making daft accounts with kaka's bald head.
He would have found out anyway somehow in all honesty, it's an open site and someone would have cocked it up as usual. Plus kaka can see so she would have alerted him.
If someone had found him before posting his profile, created an account or even used their own and messaged him just normally. Got to know him ect and milked deets out of him. THEN IT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER TBH.
But nope, people rush in and post shit.
No. 196374
>>196369I've been here since this entire thing started, and I didn't step in because that idiot announced that they were spamming him with links to vids and shit and I already knew it was too late.
Why are you so pissed that I'm a Japanese student? If you're so insecure about your own level in the language don't sperg and take it out on me, go fucking study you spaz lol
No. 196375
>>196330aka drinking his brains out at a 'non-gaijin allowed bar'
man i feel bad for the poor guy now.
No. 196376
So many goddamn amateurs on this board. Probably underage refugees from PULL who don't know how to cultivate this shit properly.
No. 196378
>>196374Oh here we go, people assuming shit like usual. I don't even study Japanese? It just annoys me that there is always one cunt who needs to brag about their speshul Japanese level on the internet. As if Mira isn't bad enough for doing this shit.
Well then, you should have DONE something at the time then. Don't moan about it now, it's done with and finished. Don't like what we have to say? Then leave. Simple as.
No. 196381
>>196378Nobody would get this mad over somebody causally mentioning that the speak some of the language for not reason. Nobody else in the thread is sperging out over it but you.
You're salty as hell over something kek
No. 196382
It happens all the time on here, other sites. Always some fucker who wants to brag about their language skills.
Like I said, you should have gone undercover and stepped in before hand. I'm just saying is all.
Now you're dragging this out and it's derailing the thread.
No. 196383
>>196372I mean, it's frustrating to see people (who are probably fucking underage) who think they're being funny shouting that they know his name and his business outside of lolcow when he really didn't do anything wrong except date a crazy bitch.
I get that one stupid twitter account is no big deal, but the "humor" in
>>196357 relies on talking about him/his name/his restaurant and then we have people like
>>196202 in this thread as well.
Just a bunch of amateurs.
>>196380I'm afraid you're right. We can't have nice things.
>>196382>>196381>>196378Shut the fuck up and stop derailing.
No. 196385
for those curious, these posts indicate what one anon sent him
>>195839>>195924>>195926>>195929>>195934someone wants anon to ask him about disney world
>>195932she does
>>195935sent on fb then went to spam him elsewhere
>>195941 No. 196396
File: 1445690653273.png (1.41 MB, 1139x4273, takuthread.png)

>>196389>>196390someone made a thread, not much interest though. OP even suggested the correct approach to chatting with him.
I think after all the failed PULL sites, they never recovered their numbers. And most pulltards came…here. And are still among us, which explains the newfaggotry, disorganization, weebishness and childish emotes :3 ^w^.
No. 196398
>>196241its technically not a dating website LOL
i met my husband on interpals lol
No. 196401
File: 1445692258503.jpg (29.91 KB, 500x359, 1421555884754.jpg)

This thread is a mess. Most embarrassing behavior. I expected more from you, lolcow.
And if the vapid emoticons are any indication, I think we have an underaged retard in our midst trying to fuck up this new development.
Let's just regroup, alright farmers? Establish a gameplan in order to harvest the most delicious milk. Not tear each other apart and cannibalize ourselves from the inside.
No. 196418
>>196410This is the problem that we need to fix. If the newcomers aren't lurking for a certain time and wait shit out they just jump on the first bit of shit that looks like it'll be "great milk" and spoil it for everyone.
That's why when shit like this happens, we need to be calm, plan shit out, cap everything in sight and execute a plan that won't fuck everything up.
Taku is freaking the fuck out over weird girls on the internet sending him shit and Kiki is silently laughing at us.
No. 196421
File: 1445698326839.jpg (55.04 KB, 320x240, milk.jpg)

ah the sweet milk only lasts so long
No. 196432
>>196410yup just finished reading what happened from last night and every time i come back to this thread it gets worse.
i wish the under 18 rule would be more strict but i don't know how we would be able to do that. i really do think it's the underage retards (probably from PULL)
i bet we could find the :3 emote anon that fucked everything up on PULL or tumblr somewhere…
No. 196441
>>196434>>196440The cancer is always a problem on chan boards, the way it's usually dealt with is being a "horrible internet hate machine" that sensitive newfags can't deal with for long.
If someone acts like a snowflake, weeb, or newfag, anons gang up on them, highlighting that their post was stupid and they're in the wrong place. This pressures the newfag to change their ways or feel bad and leave - the sensitive newfag feels attacked and doesn't want to hang out at that place with all those big meanies and bullies :(
But I think it's time for a new thread to discuss improvements, not on kiki's. Would that go on /b/ or /meta/?
No. 196443
>>196440We only have a few options, being we are not admin-same or the farmhands
We ignore the idiots at every post and try to tell them why/how to go about shit (which will get annoying)
Or we try to control and limit how much shit they can run free with, so using the chat more and archives so that we have shit planned/talked out (depending on the info)
No. 196446
>>196443>>196441agree to you guys
once a post is made to discuss post it here.
sad that it's becoming such a problem just because people are idiots lol
No. 196452
File: 1445702326198.jpg (2.11 MB, 1450x3698, muhfilters.jpg)

>>196446I'll make a thread. It'll take a bit because I'm going to add computer tips.
For now, something to lift our spirits…something for princess hagraven.
No. 196465
>>196451no, not really. she did post his picture all over the place, but she didn't post his full name and business all over the place.
it's considerably more difficult for the average person to search a photo (as evidenced by how we could never find him before now) than it is by searching his name or business. it's been exacerbated by unfunny underage pulltard anons.
No. 196467
>>196462no, 22.
but your unnecessary comment is exactly the type of stupidity that needs to stop so thanks for making an example. sorry i'm not an old grandpa that doesn't know what an emoticon is. but shit like :3 and xD are retarded
>>196465yeah the pulltards are making us seem worse than kiki is.
No. 196484
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>>196473Are you fucking kidding me? This is the shit right here that is wrong with you pulltards
I am amazed Kiki didn't delete fucking everything and go into hiding in Syria
No. 196488
>>196473This sounds too good to be true. I have a hard time believing this unless I see a picture.
Kiki responses to ass kissers and the "haters" but she never replies to direct comments about lolcow and the shit we pull.
No. 196584
File: 1445715790709.jpg (46.49 KB, 248x248, tumblr_n4mbzeqsDp1qeg4zco2_250…)

>>196473If this is true, why would you not think to screen cap it.
I mean I don't wanna be a bitch, but wouldn't you think that would be something important to cap?? Like you know kaka is just gonna delete it.